#I wanna post this today because I am so proud of it look at it!<3
ryuichirou · 2 months
Catching up! So today we’re mostly having replies related to all the stuff we posted recently.
Starting with the most important question.
Anonymous asked:
Wait, Idia got called a brocon? When?
He did! Grim called him a brocon in 5-13 right after we saw Ortho for the first time :3 (timestamp on 5:42 just in case)
Anonymous asked:
How does that smoke beer donut taste?
(this is about this drawing)
Very smoky! And like something Gidel isn’t supposed to eat…
Anonymous asked:
I wanna see some of your traditional art
Actually, Anon, you’re looking at it…
The majority of things that we post daily was originally drawn traditionally, and then coloured digitally. I really want to do more art that is 100% traditional, but never get a chance to for a bunch of reasons :(
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Anonymous asked:
I love your analysis holy cow! see its because of Book 5 that i cant stop seeing Vil and Rook as mom and dad. i love this ship mind you, (they are my comfort ship and it gives me life whenever you draw them you beautiful soul) but even if some didnt see them as a romantic couple--in my opinion they still have that VIBE you know? Like whenever they're there you just cant help but feel like BRO THEY WOULD BEAT UP YOUR BULLIES AND THEN GROUND YOU AND SEND YOU TO YOUR ROOM FOR FIGHTING IN THE FIRST PLACE LOL is it just a me feeling?
(this is related to this post)
Thank you for your kind words, Anon! I am very happy you enjoyed the analysis and that you like my RookVil art <3
Yeah, I think these two being very parental is pretty obvious and pretty intentional! All jokes aside, Pomefiore trio really feels like it was written in a way that they would read as a family. We don’t usually like this trope because characters playing house could get pretty boring, and a lot of family-related tropes don’t resonate with us at all. So I am surprised to this day that we love Pomefiore’s vibes so much. I’m guessing that it’s because of how unusual of a family they are, how Epel actually fights with Vil a lot, and how he grows from being a little brat to being a little brat that is eager to grow and excited to show his senpais his new cool magic tricks, while they tease him but still are very proud and excited for him. Like, they’re strict and would smack him (well, Vil would) but they also want him to grow. Woah, that sounds way too wholesome ew lol
Anyways! Even if we exclude Epel, and this is another thing I’ve talked about a lot, I genuinely feel like Rook and Vil were intentionally written as a couple that has been together for quite some time, at least coding-wise. There are just too many tropes and situations that they have that are usually used for couples… Alright I’ll stop myself or I’ll rant about them again even though I just did a couple of weeks ago.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
I just love baby Vil so much, makes me wonder what happened
(this is about this drawing)
Adults with shitty opinions + kids that can’t separate reality from fiction happened… truly, two of the worst things that could happen to a possible friendship between actors.
A couple of asks about this drawing:
Anonymous asked:
Oh oh! I saw! Che'nya art! We (smiley kitty fans) are starving! Thank you for the food! It is delicious! May we have another plate, please?
Poor smiley kitty fans! :( I am so sorry you’re starving! Please enjoy your food.
Unfortunately I don’t have any more smiley catfood for you…….. yet.
Anonymous asked:
*see Chenya *
*starts biting at the bars of my containment*
Better question for him..... What that tongue do??? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
What that tongue doesn’t do, Anon? Wink
Anonymous asked:
Question. How much of Riddle's body do you think Che'nya would lick to clean him?
In theory, he’d probably get bored pretty quickly, but I kind of want him to just keep licking… Riddle thought it would be over 15 minutes ago, but Che’nya’s still licking… The moment he would be done with his face, ears and head (cat saliva in Riddle’s hair…), Riddle would realise that Che’nya is determined to lick him all over. Time to call Trey…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Riddle gets licked my Chenya often in my lil delulu ass world
Sometimes Che’nya randomly appears, licks his cheek and disappears again.
Anonymous asked:
Bro I gotta know, what do the tweel's dick(s) look like on their merform? I was scrolling on ur bluesky and saw this one with jade and idia and something between idia's legs and I was like "is that his dick?" If so DAYUM! May that bussy rest in peace
Love your art and speedpaints btw💗
Thank you for enjoying my art and especially my speedpaints! I am very happy to hear that <3
Hehe I’m glad you liked that one! I had a lot of fun with that piece.
I feel like I draw merpeen differently every single time lol but I love the design we came up with for that Jade/Idia drawing, and in fact I do have a post in which I talk about how it probably works! There aren’t any pictures there, but there are some interesting thoughts…
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thedragonqueen1998 · 5 months
Today at work i got insanly inspired to write and once i got off work, i immidiently went on my phone to type it out. XD I just finished a 3 hour long writing ses(had a 15 minute food break in the middle). ^^ Probably just gonna forever gonna be a wip thing, but it was fun and i'm kinda proud of it. Despite it being rough in some parts, mostly because i wanted to rush to the 2nd half and i didn't wanna get stuck, i'm happy to share it. ^^
It's a kinda long, so i'm gonna add a Read more line to not fill your dash with text. Also, first time trying formatting out! XD
So, originally this post was just gonna be a "i actually wrote something! Look!" thing, just showing of some work i did, but after writing the reason why i wrote a line a certain way, it went into something very sad and kinda dark, so if you don't wanna read about death, a light mention of suicidal thought and grief... just stop after What even is my life.
Idk why i wrote it, but it took alot of effort and it feels... important to me, i guess. Part of processing and such. So, yeah. Read at your discretion. Thank you for your time. 💜
Ezio had many regrets in his long life. Not being there when his father and brothers were arrested. Of not being there more for his sister and mother. Of not trying to be together with Cristina. Not being able to save her. Or being able to save Uncle Mario and Monteriggioni. But biggest of all, not having spent more time with his family before the execution.
He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted. But unlike so many others, Ezio could take those regrets and change them. Thanks to Desmond.
When he walked into the Library, he thought he might get an answer or two in return for many more. He truly didn't expect that calling out Desmonds name while the Apple bathed the walls in gold would result in it being answered by the being himself.
The being looked like a man, clad in a white light, eminating from a strange device under his right arm. His face looked like an exact replica of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's face, though his build was closer to his. Broad shoulders hidden underneath a strange hooded white doublet and long legs wearing strange tight fitted pants made from a material he did not recognise. Even the scar was the same as his! Was Ezio made in the image of the one he was the Prophet for? Was Altaïr the herald? All questions Ezio wondered, but not knowing if Desmond was like Minerva or not, he dared not waste any questions if the beings patient was thin.
But first: "Are you Desmond?" He had to know, have it confirmed, even if the being appeared after the name was called.
"Ezio? Is this the Library? Am i seriously bleeding while dying!?" Desmond was looking around at the empty tomb, before his eyes returned upon Ezio.
"Yes, this is Altaïr's library. You are bleeding? I do not see any blood and you are dying!? Is there anything i can do to help you? Please, my lord. Tell me what i need to do to save you." Ezio was desperate to know his purpose and if all his life lead to this moment, where he could save Desmonds life, he would fulfill it.
"There's nothing you can do. I am dying semi willingly and even if this is some Animus infused death hallucination, it is nice having my last moments with you, even if your not really here. I am so sorry i couldn't answer any of your questions or try to save you from losing everything. You never deserved any of it. In the end it didn't really even matter. I am sorry you wasted your time chasing riddles and ghosts." He looked so grieve struck while saying it and the look Desmond had while gazing down onto Ezio could only be described as lovingly.
"What do you mean? Could you have saved my uncle!? My father and brothers!? Why didn't you if you do not think i deserved it! I have served the Brotherhood almost my entire life, sacrificed so much trying to find out what Minerva meant and now your telling me that it was all for nothing!? If you think i wasted my time then give it back!"
Desmonds eye's widen before softly smiling and saying: "Your right, you wasted your time and sacrificed too much for nothing. Let's change that."
Before Ezio knew it, the world went white and he knew nothing more.
When Ezio awoke, it was to a bed he hadn't seen in almost 40 years. His childhood bed and his room. He couldn't believe it. He was given a second chance. To live his life. To right wrongs. To save his family! To think going to the Library would result in this!
At the thought of the Library, Ezio suddenly remembered Sofia. To have forgotten her and even abandoned her without a second thought left Ezio feeling guilty. Would she wait outside the Library before realising he would never come back? Or because he is now in the past, a past where he intends to change the future, would she never meet him? Never exist? The thought of her hurt, but like so many others, Ezio knew that him being in her life would have risked hers. Even if she knew and accepted it, it is still better if she never got the chance to know him and inevitibly suffer because of it. Same with Cristina. Though he could now choose her, he knew that despite the many mistakes in his life, the Brotherhood was not one of them and his refusal to properly let her go killed her. Letting that life affect her once again was too cruel. It was for the better to just let her go.
Federico nudged him with his elbow. "Brother, what has you thinking so hard you look like you bit into something bitter?"
"Nothing much, just wondering what i should get." Ezio smiled and laughed. He was currently out with his family on a trip the market. The last time around, he had decided to sneak off to spend some time with a girl he didn't even remember the name of anymore instead of spending time with his loved ones, to his great shame and regret. This was the last thing his family had done together outside of dinners before the execution in 3 days. That he missed out on it was one of his biggest regrets, but Desmond let him change it.
That Ezio might never truly understand or know what or who Desmond is, how he watched him in the Vault or even what Minerva's people and the Pieces of Eden truly were will forever haunt him, but the trade to see his family again and to even be able to save them is a fair trade. He can go his life wondering these questions and maybe try to find them now that he will have more time, thanks to already knowing the Templars plans and who will be an enemy or ally.
He felt a finger poke him inbetween his eyebrows.
"There you go again Brother. Thinking too hard! Be careful or you might hurt yourself." Federico teased before yelping and then laughing when Ezio pushed him.
"Please don't start fighting now sons." Their father said before turning back to the stall owner to continue discussing what wares to buy and the prices.
"Sorry Father!" Ezio said before giving his brother a teasing look that promised this was not over.
Ezio remembered this day well enough. Not to remember the woman he decided to chase, but enough to know that when his family had been at the market a horse had run wild there and according to Claudia, nearly trampled her down in the confusion.
He was a bit sceptical to believe it was as close as she had made it out to be, but he knew horses much better now than he did before. After years of riding them to and from places in the chase for his targets, he knew that having one running towards you in a blind panic could scare anyone. Even though he knew to be wary of them and treat them with respecy during his original childhood, he didn't truly get how these gentle beings could be as scary as his sister had made the poor creature out to be.
According to his family, it had been a war horse, bloodied, running around in a blind panic, probably scared from a skirmish. Being chased by guards hadn't helped and eventually the guards got a good shot at it and put it down.
Ezio wanted to save his sister years of fearing horses, so he kept an eye and a ear out for any signs that the animal was on it's way.
There. A scream. Everyone stopped and looked around for the source. The source was still hidden by the crowds, but in the distance you could start seeing people moving away from something coming this way and the screams were getting closer.
Ezio breathed and slipped into his Second Sight, the Eagle Vision, as he now knew Altaïr had called it. Or more accuratly, Eagle Sense. With the years, his constant use and need for it had changed his Sight. It had become much stronger, letting him see farther, expanded his hearing, to let him hear his enemies heartbeat and even know what moves they were going to make. Even let him know where his enemies was going to go on a patrol route.
It truly was a gift and now he would use it to try and predict where the animal would go, as to lead his sister and family away from the danger. Then he saw it. The shine of something important. Something that glowed as strongly as the Apple of Eden had. The horse.
There was much about his Gift he could not explain. He had tried, but it is much like explaining sight to a blind person. Why things he didn't even know about could glow gold and lead him to the answer. Why allies glowed blue and enemies red, nor how he could tell friend from foe and now. His Sight told him, with the same intuition as telling friend from foe, that this horse was Desmond.
How is Desmond here? Why? Did he lie about dying? Or was certain death only a large chance that Desmond beat? Ezio supposed it did not matter. If he lets events play as they had before, Desmond would be struck down by an arrow within minutes. Oh, maybe Desmond had tried to prevent his father and brothers demise, but was struck down in the attempt? Though, why choose to do it as a rampaging horse? Either way, Desmond was clearly panicking, almost upon him now. If Ezio could not calm him down, his death was guaranteed.
But how? Ezio has just seconds now to plan a way to stop him before he is trampled down.
Then, he finally realises, that among the bright gold he shines, he also glowes blue. Such a deep colour which he has only seen in the greatest friends or closest family and he knows, Desmond would never harm him. The look of pure love on Desmonds face made more sense now.
So Ezio decides to not move and simple raise up his hands, as if to pet the horse.
Desmond was in pain. He knew that Juno lied about his death being quick and painless, but god, why did it have to hurt so much!? During his hallucination, it wasn't nearly so bad! And can't forget the weird nightmare he's having ontop of it. He's a goddamned horse on some battlefield. He was rearing up when the nightmare started, neighing as his rider was shot and killed by an arrow.
There's so much blood. The smell strikes fear in his heart. There's so much red. He slips into Eagle Vision and there's even more red. Not a spec of blue. A sword slides against the armor he is wearing and the screech of metal is too much. He bolts.
He needs to run. Away from the monsters with sharp sticks. Away from the smell of blood and death. Away from the shadows hiding hunters. They follow him. They chase him for a long time.
He is getting so tired.
He needs to get back to the barn. His owner would make everything alright. He would croon soft noises he did not understand, but the tone was soft and gentle. He would give him a treat while brushing him down after a hard days work.
He did ride him into scary battles he did not understand, but afterwards he would wash and groom him extra thoroughly, while feeding him the best apples, crooning more sounds in a happy tone. He would repeat one of the few sounds he understood, which meant "him" and "pay attention to me".
But he wasn't on his back anymore and he didn't hear his voice. Just the loud, scary noises of more men in the shiny hard thing. They had the pointy sticks too and tried to take the things dangling from his mouth. Only his owner can touch that! Only he is to be trusted with them.
Running is getting harder, there is large, straight hills in the way and the path is narrower with many strangers in it.
There is still so much red. He can still smell the blood, feel it clotting his fur. Too much red!
Suddenly there's blue in front of him. He knows blue means ally. Though why and how this person is blue confuses him. But he is Blue and running him over is not good, but why is he standing there!? Does he not see the red!? Smell it!? Does he not understand we need to run!?
That single word pierces the fog of fear and wild panic that has flooded Desmonds mind. Ezio is in front of him, hand already gripping the reigns while the other rests on his muzzle.
"There we go Desmond, everything is alright."
Desmond still feels phantom threads of fear, but with Ezio's calming blue glow and his voice saying gentle reassurances, it feels far away.
Now with his mind fully human and not driven by horse instincts or memories, the question becomes: How and why the fuck is he a horse in 15th century Italy with Ezio!?
What even is his life.
So, a couple parts i'm stupidly happy about is the "He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted." part. This, as you can probably tell was inspired by the famous quote "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it."
I believe Ezio didn't fully understand liberty until he tried to live a peaceful life with Sofia and realised he would always fear Templars taking revenge on his family and time, because the knowledge that he would never see his children grow up to adults had never been a concern before he met Sofia. He probably thought he wouldn't have a family at all.
But love. Love he would understand what he missed. He would understand it just days after he lost his father and brothers. Those moments you missed out on. Of opportunities to spend time that you squandered away. Time you will never get back, because in real life we don't have time travel.
And now i understand it. Before the end of the last year, i was like Ezio before the loss. Before i lost my grandparents only a few weeks apart.
Those opportunities to spend time was rare and thankfully i took most of them, but i still squandered it away by not actually spending time with them. I just visited and hid away in my room, wasting the time by sitting on the phone.
I will forever regret that because ny memory is shit and besides a few childhood ones, i have no memories of them. I still remember their voices, they were pretty distinct thankfully, but how long until i forget that.
It hurts and as someone who is afraid of death and it's finality, such a reminder that time and love is finite is soulcrushing. It is only recently that i have truly started to think of my grandparents and i guess try to process the fact they are gone forever.
When we first got the news that my grandpa had died, i was even more glued to my phone, not wanting to acknowledge what was happening. I also didn't wanna sleep and only got some when i passed out from exhaustion. We even went to the doctor to get time of work and some sleep medication i didn't dare end up taking.
I even had thoughts of just taking all the pills and just sleeping, to get away from the pain forever. But i'm thankfully too much of a coward, so it just stayed thoughts. I'm doing much better now and as i mentioned, i think i'm starting to process the fact that they are gone.
So, yeah. This post went in a direction i didn't expect. But it feels important and maybe in a few years i can look back at this post and see a snapshot of who i was and reflect on who i am now. So, here's to the future me and anyone else who needs to hear it:
I hope things are going well and if they're not... well, things get better. They always do. You're loved and even if your loved ones are gone, they live on in you. You will carry that love with you, for the rest of your life. 💜
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 5 months
Nisha, did you know I would step on some legos barefooted for you? Anyways can’t wait to read for another fandom I have never stepped foot in and would probably never engage with the canon in just because you decided that’s what to make, and I’ve decided to read it anyways. Home cooked meal. -Rotten Anon
The opening line of this message made literal cartoon anime hearts appear above my head, just so you know <3
Also you have inspired me to post a rundown of my WIPs because I am really excited about what I have been working on. And for two of these fandoms, I know you have said you know nothing about the canon, but for the third, I am not sure, so we'll see.
My Current WIPs April/May 2024
Heaven's Gate (for The Walking Dead) - Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader. Strangers to Lovers/Soulmates/Lovers Reunited. Angst, Fluff, Hurt and Comfort. Set during Season 1 to Season 5. 17k in counting (will be a oneshot). You can find a preview here. In this fic, you and Daryl get separated when the Governor attacks the prison, and though you both believe the other person is dead (or long gone) you find each other at the most unlikely time, in the most unlikely place.
I am super excited about this fic, and the themes of hope that I have woven into it. Because yes, I unironically love writing about hope and how the human spirit can persevere - which is something that my favourite moments in The Walking Dead show. This is first draft complete and just needs to be edited.
The Jaws of Life (for DC Titans) - Jason Todd x GN!Reader. Sequel to Emergency Contact. Lovers Reunited. Extreme Angst, Smut, Hurt and (some) Comfort. Set during Season 3. 21k in counting (will probably be a oneshot - if it needs to be split up, it will be put in two parts, but I hope I can get away with a oneshot). (I highly recommend that everyone go read the original in the meantime, because it is one of my best fics ever.) In this fic, you and Jason struggle with the new meaning of your relationship after what happened with Deathstroke - only for this tentative change to be harshly disrupted by the Joker. And you're still heavily mourning when a red hooded stranger breaks into your apartment one night, seeking medical care because apparently - you owe him one.
Everyone give Jaycen @nctzenkane a big fucking round of applause for this one, because he was randomly talking to me about Jason Todd today (we were having the 'some characters are only fuckable in costume' discussion) - and I got talking about how this version of Jason from Titans makes me so passionate to write about the character. And it is solely because of him that I opened up this fic and took a good look at it - I have been thinking about this fic for months, wanting to finish it because I know I am gonna be proud of it, but I kept hesitating because I thought I had a way bigger mountain to conquer with it. But the conversation I had with Jaycen really inspired me and I wrote 5k on the fic just today, and I realized that with this momentum, I could have the first draft done by the end of this month. So I am promising myself that this is gonna be done soon.
Speaking of which - when The Jaws of Life is first draft done, I wanna host a poll so you guys can decide which of those two ^^ fics goes through the editing process to be posted first. Both will be posted (hopefully) by the end of May, but I do wanna know which one you guys wanna see posted first. Which leads me to:
Nasty (for Stranger Things) - Sub!Eddie Munson x Dom!Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut/PWP. 3k (this is gonna be a shorter fic lmao). In this fic, you and Eddie have been dating for a while, but you don't like that all of his attempts to have sex with you have him taking on a (seemingly fake) dom persona. When you finally tell him that you prefer to be more dominant in bed, he isn't disgusted like you thought he might be - he loves it.
This is one I have been sitting on for a while, and right before it was ready to be posted - my brain lost interest in it like tiktok does micro trends. But I think this is gonna be really great to post while the poll for those other fics is cooking because it's short and sweet and for the past few days, whenever I have seen the cover for this in my drafts, I have gotten excited about it again. So I am excited to finish it and show it off to everyone!!
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ghostiiess · 2 years
[NSB HEADCANONS] - ryan being your boyfriend
pov: ryan nguyen (azngami) is your boyfriend!!
warning: none
type: wholesome
member: ryan nguyen (or known for azngami)
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at first, ryan would be like "hummmm.... no, thank you." BUT THIS WON'T LAST LONG, I PROMISE!
at first, when you started to hang out with the NSB members, you started to notice how ryan was quiet and silent compared to the others members
but then, when you guys started being friends.. oh dang it!
he wasn't too shy anymore
we can clearly see a difference, between the first video NSB did and in the latest video they posted, how ryan is less shy and omg, i'm so proud of him :( he really love his friends
now that you're boyfriends and girlfriends... he isn't shy anomyre (at least with you)
he created a close friendship with you
he love how he can be himself in front of you and you wouldn't judge
like... before, he wouldn't say if he was sad or angry to you because he would be scared that you'll judge him or tell the boys
he just don't want to worry your pretty little head <3
but now that you guys are dating, he tell you everything
sure, he's still a bit shy, but less than the first time you guys met
when you guys met for the first time, he was a bit cold and wasn't talking that much
the first time he saw you, he thought you were really pretty
and it kinda made him sad that he couldn't ask you out since he's scared of rejection and don't really know how to do it properly :(
but a couple of weeks later, when you asked him for his number, he tried his best to avoid the fact he was having a lot of butterflies in his belly
not a lot of people do that type of things to him, so when he saw you were serious, he was so happy
he's so into you <3
like.. sometimes he think about you and just zone out
the nsb members have to remember him to eat or something like that 😭
"oh yeah... hum.. i was in my thoughts"
"still thinking of y/n?" said oli laughing
"y-yeah.." he replied shyly
he won't say it to you, but you're constantly in his thoughts
all he do, he's doing it for you and the stars <3
you guys are super close, it's like the Ying and the Yang! you guys complete each other (LIKE HIS YING AND YANG TATTO OMG-🥺)
"hey... i brought us matching hoodies.. want to wear them with me?"
ryan love PDA. LITTERALLY!
he wouldn't make out with you in public (it's a good day to avoid traumatisation to kids!!) but he would hold your hands and kiss your cheeks if he feel like it
i mean, he will always holds your hands even if he isn't in public
while walking, while cooking, while talking.. HE JUST LOVE YOUR HANDS SO MUCH OKAY?
he would def have a plushie with you
"this is our kid, y/n. "
i feel ryan would be the type to hype you all the time
"you look good, y/n!"
"sheesh, babe! you're cute"
"looking great!"
stream on twitch with him
"oh yeah guys! this is my girlfriend y/n! everyone says hi to her! "
he would makde youtube videos with you
"this is a special video because today i'm with my girlfriend y/n!"
he would do everything for you to be proud of him
he just want your love and your hugs and your kisses and everything he can have
this man is territorial
you're his
and only his
if he saw a person trying to flirt with you, he'll hold your waist with his arms and he'll kiss your cheeks
"babe, i just saw something... wanna check it out with me?"
he wouldn't be scared to end the conversation with the other person (who was trying to flirt with you) just so you could be with him
"jealous? i am notttt!! i just wanted to.. show you the things i wanted! check this controller!"
if you don't believe me, check his tiktoks ("when we're dating, you're mine" or "dating me is easy... you just have to kiss me every 3 minutes...")
"you're so fucking pretty.."
he won't ever say it to you but he appreciate you so much
he appreciate the little things you do for him, like when you're giving him water when he's playing videos games or when you do him a massage because he played way too much and now his back is sore 😭
he would dye your hair if you want to
you would def dye his hair for sure! he trust enough to play with the color and to make it cool
"we should have matching hairs one day"
he would do everything he can to make you smile and make you happy
you'll be best friend with the nsb members and sometimes, ryan would be a bit *jealous* of them (even though he know his best friends would never do that to him)
"i know jp weren't flirting with you, but.. can we cuddle together? i missed my girlfriend"
LOT of cuddles and kisses
gaming with him <3
if you don't know how to play, he'll teach you
and he'll laugh at you if you start to be angry because you can't win
he would actually let you win on purpose just so he could see your smile and your excitment
he just want to see you smile and being happy
he think your smile is like a diamond
it's precious and super beautiful (IM CRYING-)
"you know babe... to me, you're like a precious stone. you're so hard to find but when we find you, we want to show you to others, to.. aah fuck, i forgot what i wanted to say, never mind"
"sorry, it was so fucking cheesy, i'm sorry" while laughing
lot of inside jokes
he already said in one of seb's car talk that he would love to have a date by flying light lanterns with his significant other. so i'm sure he would like to do that kind of thing with you :)
the boys would find you so cute together
darren would be a bit jealous because he wouldn't be able to hug his peanut anymore :') (but he actually love seeing you guys smiling and laughing)
the Stars are so happy for him to have find a partner like you
he would sing you to sleep (did anyone heard his voice?? IT'S SO RELAXING AND SO PEACEFUL! I swear-)
in conclusion, ryan would be a good boyfriend who would comfort and help you 24/7
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transmonstera · 1 year
In regards to your posts about ao3 and how vile it is in actuality, I wanna say thank you. I've not put much thought into the website I've been using but this has put things into perspective. I no longer want my work (work that I am proud of) on a website like that. Ao3 doesn't align with my values and I'm assuming many other people's who use the site.
Do you have any suggestions on a better site everyone can use?
(Side note: I absolutely adore your work!)
sure thing!
while there are no websites quite like ao3 in terms of filtering, curation, bookmarks, likes/comments etc there are a few alternatives out there!
Wattpad - I know people make fun of this one because it's where all the rpf for bands went back in the day but it is still operating and many people use it so you'll likely just switch viewers from ao3 to wattpad pretty seamlessly
Tumblr - you can always post directly on here! there is a character limit i believe of 4k so it's great for showing previews or even cutting up a small fic into parts 1, 2, 3, etc. a little clunky but it's an option if you only write short stuff! (Twitter threads can even be an option for this though again, a lil restrictive and works better for super short works!)
Google Docs + Linktree - if you have a linktree account you can always just link a view only (make sure people can't edit!) google doc of the fic! having the fics on a linktree still give people the ability to see all of your work in one place, and you can even see on linktree the click statistics for each fic! while it doesn't give the reader the ability to like/comment, you can always encourage those who do like it to leave a message on your tumblr!
Discord (or any groupchat tbh!) - similar to above you can always set up a discord server and post your fics view docs links there! it gives a curated experience and you can see the comments of people directly in the server
AO3 has seemingly made people believe that each and everyone one of their fan creations must be thrown out into the void where you hope everyone sees it and loves it. I think this has really stifled people's abilities to truly be creative in terms of making content of their favourite medias (and even with transitioning to making original work!) because you may subconsciously be adhering the current trends and whatnot of everyone else, even if you don't really like it yourself! I mean look at how common modern/high school aus still are today when I have yet to meet anyone who actually likes them. Look at how many books that have been published lately that painfully follow AO3 tag systems, where they don't even havea blurb anymore and instead just have "friends to lovers meet blah blah blah! read it now!". (Not to mention the quality of the books being published is fucking atrocious)
AO3 has ruined publishing and I am being entirely serious about that.
But back to where you wanna go with your fics now. Don't be afraid to restructure how you interact with your hobbies! It doesn't have to be so exposed and vulnerable to anyone and everyone having their say on it. I used to participate massively in fandom and I'll be honest, it made me miserable. I constantly felt like I couldn't keep up, that my ideas were wrong because another idea was more popular, and I really struggled. So I took about a hundred steps back and only interact with the media I like through my friends who also like it! And it's a lot better! You may not get hundreds and thousands of likes on fics from here on out if that's what you're used to, but I guarantee you'll have more meaningful interactions that you actually hold dear to you far more than any "a guest has left a kudos on your work" notification.
(Also just a pre-emptive thing of anyone who wants to defend AO3 on this post because "it's an integral part of fandom!" or "they need that much money because they run a site with no ads!", or you want to try and tell me that the fics on there are fine because it's fiction regardless of what the fics is (including literal fucking CSAM), just know you are completely unserious and I don't value a single thing you say. So don't even try it. How about you donate to a marginalised person's mutual aid for the first time in your life and you'll calm down.)
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youssefguedira · 6 months
self rec saturday
tagged by @ongreenergrasses (and @laviejaguardia a little while ago!!!)
rules: post one of your newer works, one you're really proud of, and an older work
for newer i'll go for my current major wip i.e. planet earth is blue (and there's nothing i can do):
“This is Joe, transmitting from Orbiter 3. It’s” – he checks the computer’s clock – “day 11,689 of the experiment. Uh, all medical checks came back normal, plants show no abnormal growth or change, soil levels all fine. Drank about three bottles of water. No technical faults to report.” There’s never much to say during these reports, but they’re the closest thing he gets to talking to someone else. “Earth looks particularly beautiful today. And I’m running out of paper.”
we've got space. we've got mystery. we've got joe going through it. what more could you want. i don't wanna say more because the mystery aspect IS the point but. it's a good time (or at least i'm having fun)
for one i'm really proud of, it's gotta be but i thought i could fly:
“How long was it for you?” he asks, not quite sure he wants to hear the answer. For a long time, Yusuf says nothing. Then, “Two years,” he says quietly. - Five ways in which Yusuf has changed, and one way he hasn't.
this one DOES come with the disclaimer that it's very much set in my legend of zelda au but i love it so so much. top 10 fics i wrote for me specifically. i like the first part in the series well enough but this one particularly is one of my favourites to reread which is saying a lot bc i dont always like rereading things. but i like this one a lot. shout out to carry me home, i'm not afraid for being ANOTHER videogame au with a longfic i work on periodically that i'm emotionally attached to
and for older, its like 2 now so ill put it here. libero, libero (nel corpo e lo spirito):
And so these are the three things he knows, when he cannot be sure of anything else:
the water is dark, and cold, and heavy.
this one took me forever to write (and took a lot out of me) and i have such a soft spot for this one even if i am terrified to reread it lmao. i do love parts of this very much
no pressure tagging @laviejaguardia (again!), @non-un-topo and @nicolodigenovas!
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Kenma hanging out with his 6 month old baby because her mom went to work (training is very rough now!!)
9:00 AM
“ Kenma!”
“ yes babe?”
He asks leaving the bedroom.
“ Are you really busy today?? I can’t leave karrie (THATS HER NAME OKAY) to kuro cause he said he’ll be having a meeting, and akaashi said his mental health is lower than the gas prices so he can’t take care of a child right now, but anyways can you take care of her??”
“ sure babe. I just have to go to some proposals and meetings and stream until 11pm.”
“Okay! I’ll be home around 6:30 be responsible kenma!”
“ Bye! say bye karrie.”
Your husband gets his daughter’s hand and makes a wave motion.
(Baby Karrie’s POV)
10:00 AM
You’re stuck in an uncomfortable baby seat in a car where the air freshener smells like cake.
You wail.
“ whats wrong sweetheart? C’mere”
your dad then lowers the air conditioning (he thinks it’s getting too cold and he unfortunately forgot to bought an extra blanket) (you threw up on the first one)
“ Okay we’re here. If anyone looks at you weirdly just wail at their faces.” He chuckles.
“ okay everyone, what’s up? What’s the new idea?”
 “ SEE? SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL” kuro adds.
 “ We’re getting a little bit off-topic here guys.”
Akaashi says.
“ Can we get mcdonalds?” Bokuto asks.
“ Can you all tell me why I’m here instead of making my wailing daughter go to bed??”
Bokuto asks.
Hinata adds.
“ first off, stop yelling you’re scaring my child, second, you guys are volleyball players not superman.”
“ anything else?”
Kenma asks, getting impatient yet his daughter was chewing on the blonde tips of his hair.
“ CAN WE DO AN AD?” Bokuto says.
You see your father touching the bride of his nose.
You kept on babbling random things until-
“ dada??”
“Yes- wait what?” 
“ Oh my GOD! SHE SAID HER FIRST WORD!” Bokuto screams.
“ I am so proud of that baby!” 
Kuro says.
Akaashi fell asleep on the table while hinata broke the water dispenser (its leaking on the floor) bokuto’s drawing on the whiteboard explain how having sparkly capes on uniforms would make their performance better (newsflash he most likely would trip on them)
12:00 PM
“ I’m getting hungry and those guys wasted OUR time when we could be playing games, wanna eat fruits and lunch??”
You pointed to the chips.
“ these?? I don’t think you can have these.. but heres a peice of orange.”
(Kenma’s Point of View)
“ We’re finally home, thank goodness, you tired sweetheart?”
You put your tired daughter on the crib, it’s nice seeing her be peaceful for a while. she looks like her beautiful mother.
As the computer opens, you post an announcement saying you’ll be streaming at 4PM ( hoping your daughter is awake by then)
2:00 PM
(Kenma’s POV)
As you prepare to stream (updating games, preparing snacks and water also 3 cans of energy drinks and somehow a bag of chips bigger than your daughter)
You get a phone call.
“ Hey honey!”
“ hey babe? Hows work?”
“ Yeah it’s good, its just that-“
You hear what’s probably sakusa and atsumu screaming at each other, kageyama and hinata not agreeing to a single thing, and bokuto on the corner who managed to squeeze himself there.
“ Y’know you could quit, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“ silly. I can’t! I like this job, these idiots are my friends, and so are yours too.”
“ I got to go babie! Bye!”
“Bye.” You say dropping the call.
3:00 PM
Just an hour left, you started the stream with a timer popping up (R THOSE RIGHT I SEE PEEPS ON TWITCH DOING THOSE)
Getting all the stuff you need on a small table next to your desk, You kinda feel lonely, your daughter is sleeping and your wife is hanging out with her friends.
“She’s better with me.”
“I miss her so much.”
4:00 PM
(kenma’s pov)
“ she’s not awake yet? That’s weird.”
You check on your daughter on the other room ( she’s still there don’t worry)
“ that’s rare.”
As the stream starts everyone and the chat goes loud.
“ hey guys. What’s up?”
After 30 minutes of being focused on a game, you check up on your daughter again.
“ She’s still asleep?? Is this even normal? She’s not crying as if we’re cooking her alive??? wow!”
He goes back to the room.
“ sorry to keep you guys waiting. Let’s continue this.”
stancats4: Why do you keep on leaving the room??
You see the question, you get a bit irritated by this question yet answer by:
“ Just busy taking care of someone special. That’s all” you smile.
The chat somehow goes wild with you smiling, this is how far they can get with you anyways.
5:00 PM
( Kenma’s POV)
 “ She’s still asleep?? Wow.” 
You’re looking at your peaceful daughter, who’s been sleeping for 4 hours now.
It’s getting lonely, you miss them both even if they’re near.
As the last game comes to an end, you ask the chat what to play next?
“ this is like the last chapter what else do you guys wanna play??”
matchalatte: you should play animal crossing!
You squint your eyes to see the suggestion
“ animal crossing?? Sure i guess.”
Moments after joining the game you hear a famillar sound.
Your daughter was crying from the other room.
You rushed there.
“ hey baby, had a great nap didn’t you?? Come here with me.”
( here’s where more chaos starts.)
“ Okay guys, let’s continue.”
“ No karrie- thats my CPU that heats up, you’ll get hurt. No- karrie!”
(He’s not mad dw)
“ what are you pointing to??”
She’s pointing to the can of energy drink.
“ You can’t have that, anyways eat this.”
You paused the game.
Your daughter ends up crying really loud.
“ What’s wrong?, this isn’t even expired.”
You taste the baby food (just checking if its still good ofc)
 “ what the- YUCK. If i was an 8 month old baby and they told me to eat this, I’d cry louder than you, let’s get you nicer food.”
He brings his laptop, and then goes to the kitchen.
“ Okay you like bananas right? Let’s mush them with honey”
after minutes of doing the work you spoon feed your daughter. 
“ Okay guys, might aswell end this. Bye for now.”
He ended it early because he thought his daughter was getting tired and scared of the webcam.
6:00 PM
As the blue sky slowly and slowly fades, you craddling your daughter, knowing this won’t last forever.
Yes she’ll always be your daughter you think, but will she always need you? Will she ever call one day and tell you how was her day? Will she ever remember you when she has a family of her own? 
This sounds like he’s overthinking yet, he just likes to think how he’s enjoying every moment because all of this, everything that surrounds him, will never last forever.
He hears the doorknob jingle a bit.
“I’m home!” (Y/N says)
“ how’s our sweet cherry??”
 “ she’s doing good, just good.”
Shout out to Venn for keeping the live action headcanons rolling 🥰
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jellyfish-vents · 1 year
Please Happily Ignore This.
[just an internet girl ranting about her unrequited love story]
When I decided to start this blog, I wanted to make it my personal blog, a safespace.
With all these new followers, guys I don't know what you expect, but I don't know anyone of you, and I would like this to still be my personal blog. And I am so overwhelmed right now I can't go anywhere else.
This girl, that I have been absolutely in love with, just told me that she's in love with another girl, and it's reciprocated.
I am just absolutely torn because, well, You Know Why.
She called me and I couldn't stop giggling because I just am that much in glee to just talk to her. It was literally an hour ago. And she brought it up with me because she felt obliged to do it and because she said I am the easiest person to talk about it.
I could hear my heart shatter. But I didn't let her know. At all. I hid it well. I am proud of it.
I was the one who helped her talk about her sexuality, being a demi-sapio sexual myself. I helped her discover all the beauty of loving someone, whoever you love. We talked about the hardships, the bullying in school, the fear of attachment, everything. But we also talked about how divine it would be to just let us fall for the beauty of it all without considering the societal standards. And the whole reason I could say all that to her was, because I could see all that beauty in her while I fell for her.
I planned dates with her, I thought of all the movies I wanna watch with her, all he songs I wanna share, all the places I wanna be with her at, all the things I wanna do, everything. It all happened in my head. I even thought of how I would confess my feelings to her, and how I would propose her if she reciprocated and was okay with it. All this before our mutual friend broke the news to me that she is going away for her post graduation.
I crumbled that day. All I remember is crying and texting her about it and telling her how glad I am for her, up until my hands were too shaky to hold the phone and my eyes too teary to read the texts. I cried, sobbed, I mourned.
I almost thought of confessing it to her, "She ought to know" I thought. Because we shared a great chemistry. It was so organic, I bet she felt it too. But I didn't. I didn't wanna hand her another baggage to take with her, all the while she was already freaking out about moving away. I decided not to say a word. And I was happy for her.
We shared a movie evening one day. It didn't feel like it was enough. All I wanted was to cup her face and look into her eyes, and just bask in her presence. But then she left. I hope she felt my love, even if she saw it as a friend.
And today she told me about her intense feelings. About how she's scared, and excited, but scared mostly because she doesn't wanna mess up, and because it's just all that new to her, homosexuality. I could hear the hesitation in her voice, but also the truth. She indeed is in love.
We talked about it for a while, about the complications of it all. I listened to it all like a good friend and said a few helpful words that I know she counted on.
We said goodnight, I cut the call, and broke down.
It's not that I'm jealous, or anything.
Infact, I told her I'm happy for her, and I mean it by every bone in my body.
I am very happy for her.
I am just sad for myself.
There's just sadness there.
September 18th 2023, 3:52am
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jimmys-zeppelin · 2 years
I’m just here to ask you to please bless us with some of your favorite 80s Jimmy pictures 😌
mads....10 is entirely too few. alas, here are ONLY ten. plus breakdowns on why I love them so I'll include a cut so I don't bother anyone 😊
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1. okay FIRST. chest hair. CHEST! HAIRRRRRR oh my fbdhdhshdhd. THEYRE GREY!!!! and um excuse me those Curls?? sweet cheeks over here ugh omg lemme squishhhhhh
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2. fuckn the cheeks on this man....and the squinty eyes I'm so 🥹🥹🥹 jimmy lemme kiss u. plus u can see a hint of a hint of his pretty green eyes so
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3. ciggie 😵‍💫 sweaty 😵‍💫 chubby 😵‍💫
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4. nothing to say abt this one other than !!!!
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5. RORY!! and the jacket half off HELLO? I'm in love. never can leave out the ciggie. it's a staple accessory ok? and the scarf !!!! oh my good god. I forget what the shirt says but I KNOW it's something about religion. I'm sure of it. sweet babes correct me in the replies if I'm wrong.
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6. okay ik he was going through it here but his smile 🥺 he just looks so happy to be there and I know he was so happy to be a part of ARMS in general. like one of his first post zep ventures alone I'm insanely proud of him. and the hands he's so SHY!!! I've rlly been wanting to write an arms era jimmy thing ugh. in love with this photo I wanna squish him. and like. ruffle his hair.
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7. this one I saw today 👁️👁️ 100% disrespectfully staring @ the package sorry. ik I've gotten a million and one asks about how big his ... basketballs are. BUT I AM INCLUDING THIS BECAUSE HE LOOKS SO CUTE. also the tie/scarf combo....jimmy. babe. pick one <3
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8. *fax machine noises* he looks so SOFT !!!! I've always loved this photo for so many reasons
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9. L E G S FOR DAYSSSSSSSSSS. plus the ciggie, can't forget the ciggie. I wanna give him a slap on his ass okay?
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10. and I mean. big finale. here we have the Sweat! the Tummy! the LOOSE CLOTHES (practically falling off)!!! and most importantly the curls. obsessed. thank u jimmy
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hazzascul · 2 years
This is my first post, and I may come of as strong, and straightforward but it's stuff which has been waiting a looooog time to get out.
So, I really wanted to address the situation or 1d, the reunion and Larry.
Sometimes, things are not as they seem.
And its so f*cking often that it seriously terrifies me. You never know what someone is going through or how your words may effect them.
This is in context of 1d,mainly Larry, mainly Harry.
Over the top, it looks so much like this is a perfect band, who are perfect frends in the real world, where they have all this fame and win all those awards. But do we ever think about how they feel? Personally, when I joined the fandom, I didn't. I desperately wanted them to get back together, because I felt like they owed it to us, coz they made a promise. But now, 3-4 years later, I'm not mad at them, I'm mad at me. Because it never occurred to me that maybe they didn't wanna do that!
Today, seeing who they are and how far all of them have come truly amazes me and makes me so proud.
Yeah, nobody's prefect, and perfect is boring. Your imperfections make you who you are.
Being as young as they were, especially Harry, I mean 16! F*cking h*ll, I'm 16! So I kind of understand his background, and his pov in what he did and why he did it. I feel like it's such a, crucial age to be growing up, I feel like everything that happens around me, influences and affects me. And him having all this fame and attention and everything, obviously it goes to your head, and changes who you are. I am a people pleaser, I don't like it when people are not satisfied with what I'm doing, and I'll do my best to please them, no matter how much time, effort and energy it takes.
I feel like Harry is kind of similar in that aspect. He was and is such a people pleaser and then suddenly one day he had a world to please! He had to impress people, and had this constant pressure of not fucking it up in front of thousands of people yk? And that's not f*cking easy! He makes it seem like it is.
I specifically hate management for what they did to hary and louis, obviously all the boys suffered, and maybe I'm biased cause I am a huge Larry girl, but still. It was so much like, there's 5 boys, who have no background, no identity, no idea of what it's like to be out in the world, no experience basically. And they took sm advantage of that. They shaped certain images of how the boys are and how they will or not do stuff according to how they want them to look like!
Harry was called a womanizer when he was 16! He was asked uncomfortable questions in interviews and even tho he laughed it off, it was very serious! He was constantly shown with women older than him, with huge ass age gaps, and we don't even know if those relationships are true, but it still paints a picture of him. They s*xualised him so much, to the point where it became normal to ask offending and personal questions casually in interviews.
You could Definitely see how the boys changed over the years, especially Larry. I'm a huge Larry, ngl, and they weren't allowed to show affection or be together or whatever, and louis had to maintain a fake relationship was so many years, I mean that relationship is faker than Kim k's ass, they had to do pr stunts, just to keep those rumors away about them being gay. I mean- Ofc how did they even have the audacity to shake hands or smile at each in public or sit next to each other?!
Its not wrong. Its who they are!
But I also feel like fandom did make a huge deal out of it, but that was natural, really.
Over the years, Harry most probably felt like he had to make people happy, and he probably made very irrational decisions. But everyone makes mistakes right? He was allowed too.
It's so many years after that now, and it still reflects in his actions and decisions. He is so much more private about stuff now, I don't think he was like that before, but now he is. And that's partly because he doesn't know what how people get affected or twist his words and make a big deal out of it.
After the pandemic tho, he finally looks happy, like he's finally figured out what he likes, and what he wants to do, and not care about what people think of his actions. Even tho all of their contracts are still on, and Modest! can still control them (honestly f*ck s*Mon cowbell, the parasite), it finally feels like they have all found themselves again. All of them look happy, although zayn and Liam are still struggling with stuff. Louis, Harry and Niall have come so far, have put out such good music and found themselves a safe place.
I right now seriously feel like being in 1d was like a traumatic past experience for them, from which they are finally moving on. Obviously, like all of the boys constantly say, all of us including them are glad that something so epic and unforgettable like 1d happened, but it is better left in the past.
I truly feel like forcing a reunion on them is gonna ruin things, because they have a past that they can't just forget about, they have to figure out so many things, and do so many things and achieve so much more because they deserve the world just like you do.
I know that all of us think that supporting them and encouraging Larry or the reunion and stuff is good and nice, but it can build up a lot of pressure guys. Seeing such a huge fanbase for Larry, people often question or directly consider or assume their s*xuality,which is neither fair nor nice.
Sometimes it's nice to back off and give them their space, and let them figure things out on their own, with their own time.
It can happen a lot sooner than you think and if it doesn't happen, don't be mad at them please, because they're doing what makes them happy, and you can't be selfish enough to take that away right?
They've come so far, and all of us are so proud and so happy for them, do we really wanna mess that up for them?
This is a very unpopular opinion guys, and I meant no offence to anyone, but s*Mon cowbell, he can die for all I care. Please don't mind the strong language.
Treat people and yourself with kindness, because you deserve it!
Don't be afraid to seek out to me!
All the love,
Kats ❤️
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aqvamoss · 8 months
I am doing so bad at having a weekend. I feel like I'm doing bad at having a weekend that I am actually writing a tumblr post, and I dont know if I've every actually written an original tumblr post. Its gonna be a misaligned rant. And I do this knowing my audience is 3 people. I mean fuck I have 16 followers and only recognize people from my hometown or have been through something with, so I know my audience. I am not doing okay. I'm crying typing it. It's just a bad weekend, I've had a great last month. I felt better than I had in the last 4 or more month before that. But I'm really struggling this weekend. I'm trying, I'm working on getting help, and I really dont wanna be drugged again. I just want to feel normal and produce something. I want to do more than take, but I cant do anything for myself. I only do it for other people so I can feel some worth or purpose. And even then I dont fix anything! I cant make anything permanent or stable or reliable or consistent and I can't make a home on rickety foundation! I feel I'm never gonna have somewhere to land or that feels safe or my own or be proud of. I can barely get out of bed somedays, like today. The best I can do is empty a dishwasher. I dont care if that's something, it's not enough. It gets me nowhere, it doesnt move myself forward. I feel like I'm rotting in place and cant find any reason to throw soap on the rot. That's more or less just to say I havent showered in like 5 days. I'm getting more lucid as I write it but I gotta press on with the feeling. I'm crying out all the overwhelming hormones, or at least that's what I tell everyone when I want them to be able to cry in front of me. "Its just your body purging the overflow, they've done studies and looked at tear chemical structures, this is the bodies flush mechanism." Idek if that's true, I say it but did I ever look into it? Did I make it up? I've felt like a lot of things I say lately I dont know where they came from. I've got holes in my brain. Hell maybe even real holes. Depression and genetic dementia, maybe it's getting me early. But all I've done this weekend is rot in my room, nag at myself about the things I should have done, could have done, had the time to do. Make myself a habitat worth holing myself up in. Only done things that minutely benefit the house, the fucking dregs I live with, where we're all suffering one way or another but I try my damnedest to make mine not affect them. This place isnt even safe. I cant feel home here, I can barely host here but it's a goddamn parade for any other fuck that wants to come through. I havent lived with this many people and felt this alone since I moved to grand rapids. I've lost the plot, all I can think about is I cant keep falling any further. I'm not moving up or even moving past things. I dont know where I'm going, where I'm supposed to go, or what's gonna be there if I get there. Is it worth going? Would any of YOU go out not know what the plan is? Just leave the house because you're told that's where things are going to happen? Okay where, with who, how long, and what happens, and WHY? I cant figure out why I'm doing anything other than it keeps me fed, it keeps the Bill's at bay, it keeps me from going crazy but makes me crazy in other ways. None of it feels right and I dont know what the right feeling is or how to feel it. It could shove itself down my throat and I wouldnt know any better because I'm broken and numb to good things. If I've felt anything today it's been the verge of a panic attack. It's been loneliness and exasperation. And the only thing I can do to make any moves forward is to go take a shower and hope to God that sets me back to zero.
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bysaber · 9 months
ummmm HIYAAAAA, is this SABER??? im jkkk , im so loving the new theme, im like vibing with it so hard you have no idea. the colours really compliment each other. im like so so so so sorry I haven't been in touch, I had so many ASSignments to do that my screen time became a mere hour and that was like catching up with my family. but lemme just say I just read/reread every single ficmas post today and mmmmh with a little cup of tea ( I kept going back for more bc your fics are so comfy to me) by my side it totally soothed me. and I just wanna say if anyones disappointed in you for dropping something that made you feel stressed and anxious , TRUST!!! , they can come fight me anytime of the day bc im DOWNNN. im so happy and honestly proud of the 15 days you accomplished because when I say that they were all beautifully written like , im NOT LYING and I could never, I have so many ideas in my head but honestly scared to even write a single paragraph and publish it bc I am my own biggest hater and critic. anyways I don't mean to put the spotlight on me but rather show you that im not just saying this for the sake of saying but I truly do mean it. Also Im not really accustomed to work without holiday since I haven't begun working yet but isn't Christmas like a worldwide holiday, and they still didn't give you a holiday???
also I just realised I never really introduced myself, i have like this thing where I never interact with my blog because it doesn't have much reblogs or works bc im like one of those kids who got introduced to the concept of the internet at like their late teen years so it took me a while to figure out how this app works or any app for that matter (yeah so like opposite of an iPad baby, we exist! ) so I think ppl might find me suspicious.. idk there's something wrong with the way I think haha.
but I totally would LOVVEEE to be mutuals with you, if you'd like the same.
this must be so much to read, sorry I went a lil overboard but yeah all in all, cant wait for all of your future upcoming pics which I know will blow my mind again and again and again. ( also I don't want this to seem like im putting pressure on you to release fics faster GOD NO, I just mean like I could wait an eternity if it means I could read your work!)
so wish you the ultimate best, saber, I hope everything is well in your life both personal and work and if not, I hope it all turns out to be fine and all in your favour. >>>>>3333
First of all, you don't need to apologize for disappearing! Life is a pain in the ass sometimes and we can't dive into our fantasy world (tumblr), I TOTALLY GET IT!!! But I hope everything worked out for you and that now you have time to enjoy some free time!!!
(more under the cut)
My old theme was getting on my NERVES, I wasn't satisfied (hehe) with it but I'm really happy with this one. And I brought the true Saber to life. I'm glad you liked it <3 it'll probably stick around.
IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT MY FICS MAKE YOU FEEL THIS WAY!!!!!! It's enough to make me want to keep writing because knowing one person appreciates what I write already makes everything worth it. I would LOVE to know who you are and become mutuals, and it's fine if your blog isn't filled with things.
At some point, I also was a "ghost" tumblr user.
Like, for years.
I guess I've been here since the SuperWhoLock era but only started interacting in the past three years -- then decided to create a new account and start again. I've been reading/writing fanfic as far as I can remember, but that was in my mother language and I had to gather so much courage to try it in english. But I'm happy I did. And I would love to hear your ideas and maybe see what you can write <3 it's never too late.
I'm with a few fics ideas including a series and I'm really looking forward to write them all, I hope you like them when the time comes!! And don't worry, I don't feel pressured at all <3
About my work!!! Yes, the holidays are worldwide as far as I'm concerned but since my job has a flexible working hours and it's remote, it sounds good but I actually never stop working. I work with advertising and we spend money to upload ads and even for every time someone clicks in our ads, so I have to check the data from time to time to make sure the incoming compensates the money we're spending. If not, I have to take it down and change the campaign 100% it's maddening
Ok now I feel like I TALKED TOO MUCH!!! I'm sorry. But thank you for your message and all the love you always give me, I have no words for you but I really really appreciate it every time you pop in my inbox <3 and please if you feel comfortable let's be moots.
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January 19, 2023 - 3:11 AM
Hello. After not posting for the longest time, I am back again. Not to rant, but to pray and talk to God. I am no saint & it's been really really bad. my relationship with the Lord right now is on the rocks and I've continued to badmouth him which im not proud of. by the start of the new year, i tried to be a good child - told myself i should be more optimistic and my greatest resolution for this year? to be a kind person coz i feel like thats the hardest thing to do as life tries to shoot me in the head with all these lifewrecking asshole shenanigans that i face on the daily. I was doing better. For a long time, I was trying not to curse - which I think has lessened but still at times I still cant help but find comfort at screaming bitching words in my head. For a while, thought I was doing good & progressing to becoming a better person with clean thoughts, full of hope, & faith. but then you know, life doesn't really go your way for the most part and unexpected things almost always happen - the good and the bad stuff. I don't vividly recall anymore how I got here but it got bad, like really bad. I was having episodes of mental break down every night and there's not a day that I don't cry. whats even worse is that i just spend every day on my phone trying to distract myself drom the merciless and negative thoughts lurking in my mind. I am still here with my family but it doesnt feel like it. Ive been gone long before. I dont even go out of my room and eat with them or watch tv. i dont. i just go out if i want to kidnap my niece who doesnt really want my kisses and cuddles. i dont even take care of myself as much as normal people do. and as much as i should. i dont take a bath and brush my teeth let alone look myself in the mirror in a day just because it feels exhausting for me. the normal routine a normal person does feels too heavy for me. thats how bad it has gotten. but yeah going back to trying to speak to the Lord - I just wanna say that i just hope my one and only dream that i sincerely desire and is deeply planted in my heart is still in line with what's meant for me. they say that it's meant for you if it gives you peace but thats not whats been going on. going back last year, the best thing happened to me - i got a job offer abroad which ive been dreaming for years!!! and whats even greater is that its an opp in London, of all the cities in the world, a door has opened for me in one of the brightest and richest places in the world. what a dream right? I was so grateful I couldnt ask for more and I was so happy to share the good news with my mom which made her also vv happy for sure. I prepared for the interview and had a whole long month of interviews. fast forward to processing the documents, i noticed my old phone was not in my possession anymore. as a memory hoarder myself, i found out that my mom gave my niece's nanny the permission to own that phone thats why she brought it back to her hometown. now all my pics & vids are lost which totally wrecked me. Thats how i got back to square one. became distant & angry with my mom & that nanny living in our house. up until now, havent gotten back the strong relationship with the Lord that I had built when he fulfilled my bigtime dream. But i was able to fully recover & heal from letting go of the memories I made with that phone - the nanny was gone but I wish her nothing but well although I mistreated her because of what happened. fast forward to today, i really dont know why things are happening the way they are now because i thought by now that fulfilled dream must have already come to fruition. i thought by now i was already living the london dream and going places. but still here i am waiting for what feels like so close yet so far. Lord, i really hope this is still meant for me. please let this be meant for me. ive shed billions of tears, got empty after being so empty, lost all my faith in every little thing & was so so so fed up. ive survived & still surviving the growing pains of this waiting game so please let there be light at the end of the tunnel.
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Music that makes you feel like gender™
Daily VGM #9: Dysphoria blues (to jam to)
This was a question that came at an honestly kinda funny timing. If you know, you know. Anyway.
I already talked about The Town Inside Me and how good of a song that is, and that song is ALL about gender, and who's on the inside. Though honestly it isn't one of the big ones for me, even though right on the tin it is just about gender and stuff.
Like.. I interpreted this more as music that makes me feel like who I really am, regardless of the topic of the song. Music that makes me feel like I can be loud and proud of myself.
I think Persona 3 FES's opening, Burn My Dread, hits that perfectly. I love jazzy and catchy music, along with hip-hop and in turn ((some)) rap a ton. Persona 3 does this a ton, and it makes me feel comfortable, shameless even. On top of that, Persona's whole schtick is being true to yourself, no matter what. Admitting to your flaws and recognizing them. Persona 3 Portable has a similarly great opening, with some visuals that.. Well, just look honestly. The game has nothing to do with gender at all, and in fact these two characters are just the choices of who you want to be the player, a guy or a girl. It's so cool though, the way you normally view the opening being from the boy's PoV, but if you flip your screen upside-down, you view it from the girl's PoV. Small aside, but Persona 3's entire plot and focus is on accepting that, death is inevitable. Accepting that death will one day come, and not dreading it, but living with that fact, and living your life to the fullest despite this, is the message of Persona 3. That's at least what I took from it.
Hell, Persona 4's opening is all ABOUT being true to yourself, and keeping out the stuff that's flooding your mind and fogging your perception not only yourself, but the rest of the world. The entire game is, too. Shadows of the worst parts of the main characters form, and they grow stronger the more they deny that is part of themselves. The only way they can rid of them, is to simply accept "yes, that is part of me." We're all flawed, we all have things that are wrong with us, and that's okay. Be true to who you are, and who you want to be, and you can one day reach that goal, and see your true self. I really love Snowflakes a lot, though. It makes me miss "the old times," but I don't know what old times in particular.
Welcome to the Persona post, I guess lol. I don't wanna talk about 5, since I honestly don't feel a ton of strong emotion from those songs. 3 and 4 just feel a lot.. Closer to my heart, I guess.
I'll end it off today with..
Xenoblade 1's Main Theme. I've.. Listened to this song, a lot. Just left the game's title screen on and watched it. A lot of the time when I want to reflect, do some introspection and all. I've cried to this music. I've laughed to this music. I've realized that I'm not happy as myself listening to this music. I associate it with so much of my life, because Xenoblade is a series that has completely changed my outlook on the world. 1 made me not fear the future any longer, but want to see it through, even if I don't know what's ahead of me, simply because I want to go on living. 2 helped me realize that my past doesn't define who I am now, that I can change and become a better person, that I can move on, without having to leave it all behind. 3.. I can't go into too much detail on yet. But 3 made me realize I'm stuck in a rut that I'll never escape if I don't do something about it. I need to break the cycle. Xenoblade's music makes me cry my eyes out, the story themes do so too, but the pure feeling of friendship between all the characters, how they all become a family that's shouting to protect each other, that feeling of unity. Togetherness.
I went a bit off the rails at the end but I hope it was a fun read.
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lunarpanda · 4 years
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ja-stuff · 3 years
Invalidating s/o's feelings/efforts
note: I should've posted this 2 days earlier but my stupid laptop broke down and the original draft vanished T_T ANDDD I hope you like this one too! slightly proofread~
word count: 3, 147
character: Haruchiyo Sanzu
tw: mentions of drugs, mention of the word killing, cursing, invalidating feelings, slight angst
genre: angst/fluff (comfort)
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It’s been two weeks since you last saw your boyfriend, Haruchiyo Sanzu. The other week he went on an out-of-town business trip together with Bonten, and this week you were so busy dealing with your grumpy supervisor and all other stuff at work. This made it so hard for the both of you to spend some quality time together, calls were impossible due to different time zones, and lately, you haven’t been spending much time at home. The both of you weren’t even able to communicate nor greet each other properly, ‘cause when you’re around he is out, when you’re about to work he’s asleep, and when you’re home he comes in late. So today, as it’s your day off, you decided to surprise your man with a candlelight dinner and watch a movie to chill, cuddle, and feel both of your warm touches on the couch after the hectic weeks.
During the afternoon, you started cooking the foods Sanzu had always liked, though your boyfriend wasn’t known to be a big eater, he sure does eat a lot when the foods are prepared by you. With a one-track thought that Sanzu will finish whatever you put on his plate, you prepared everything from the appetizers, main course, and the desserts deliciously and beautifully plated with all the effort you’ve got. After the dishes, you arranged the dining room into a more romantic scene. Placing a maroon-colored cloth over the tabletop, a candlestick with a dark red candle, a vase with your favorite flower in it, two wine glasses, and utensils and plates laid out in a formal fine-dining setting.
Feeling proud of what you did, you messaged Sanzu about his whereabouts and you only got an answer of, ‘30 more minutes to drive, love.’ You grinned, knowing that he’s a half-hour away, and you’re done with all your preparations. To complete this surprise, you went to your closet looking for clothes to wear. After a few scans, you chose the one that Sanzu bought for you three months ago, his first gift for you after moving in together in your shared penthouse. You glammed up yourself for Sanzu tonight, looking at yourself in the mirror being so sure that your boyfriend will shower you with compliments as it is his acts of love, you’re excited to hear the honey-like words coming out of his mouth and the sweet kisses right after each compliment coming at you like flowing stream.
A few minutes later, the front door of the house clicked and Sanzu made his way in. You ran downstairs to surprise him, but you were welcomed by his cold presence. This made you a little nervous but you shrugged it off and smiled. “Hey, Haru.” you greeted him.
“Where are you going?” he asked, eyeing you from head to toe, his eyes looking at you without any visible interest. “Oh uhm… I just wanted to surprise you. Like a house dinner date? and maybe watch a movie before we sleep? I think it’s a good idea to spend some time together after two weeks of being busy?” you were feeling concerned and a little disappointed about how Sanzu’s been treating you right now.
“Y/n I don’t have time for this. I am tired,” he said, drifting his gaze away from you while he removed his shoes and placed his keys in the key box. “I don’t wanna deal with any of this now,” he said, as he walked past you from a different direction, not even glancing at the visible setup of the dinner table you’ve set in the dining room.
“but I spent time making this.” You whispered to yourself, voice with a hint of annoyance. “And you didn’t even compliment me with my clothes.”
Sanzu was one hell of a hound when it comes to sniffing and hearing, and that’s a fact. So hearing your little whine of annoyance because of his actions, he snapped. He doesn’t like it when people are not being completely direct with him about their issues with him. So hearing those words from you and the way you said those words indirectly towards him, made him so frustrated.
“Hey, Y/n.” he voiced out. So you looked in his direction, eyes full of hope expecting Sanzu to agree to eat dinner with you.
“I never asked any of this, okay? I never asked for a fucking house date or watch a fucking movie before sleeping. I never asked you to cook for fuck’s sake. And your clothes? They’re— I don’t know. I don’t really like it. It looks... unattractive.” his voice sounded so neutral, his eyes growing darker as if it would devour you. You were taken aback by his words, especially with his last word. You have never once thought that Sanzu would say that word to you, yet here he is breaking a little of your confidence that you both build up so hard to make you fully embrace your flaws in the way he accepted and embraced all of you.
“But I’d appreciate it if you’ll eat some love,—“ putting your feelings aside, you tried to make your way in convincing him to eat, but you only got cut off.
“I won’t eat your food! I won’t eat any of them!” he started to shout at you “But Haru, I spent hours making this! I did all of this for you!”
“Do you really think that it’s only for me? c’mon you just did this for yourself. ‘Cause you always wanted to be leading this relationship, controlling me with whatever you only wanted. I never wanted this stupid date tonight. You’re deciding what you only wanted to do around me, what about what I wanted?” you were hurt by what he’s saying. You both know that it’s not true. This relationship isn’t controlled by either of you. You always asked him for permission first, and surprises like this weren’t resulting in you guys fighting. In the first place, Sanzu was very much more into doing surprises than you, aside from compliments, surprising you is his second act of love, and you’re just reciprocating the fun of experiencing surprises to him. You least expected that this would be his reaction to your first ever surprise for him, this is a terrible experience for you and you swore to yourself, you’ll not do this again.
“I don’t even want them. Just— I need space! fuck this!” he moved away when he realized he was too close to you. “I won’t eat it, okay? Eat by yourself, and do whatever you want with the leftovers, either you throw them or feed them to stray cats. I don’t care. Just give me space.” Then he walked away, going up the stairs to your bedroom.
“fine. You know, I’d always get it if you had just told me beforehand you were having a bad day. Guess I was just a nuisance to your high, Sanzu.” you say, volume enough for him to hear you clearly. He stopped for a second before scoffing and slamming the bedroom door.
You knew something was off by how he’s acting up. This little suspicion was confirmed when he walked past, smelling a substance that he promised he won’t be using anymore, but old habits die hard and that promises are meant to be broken. ‘I guess he still couldn’t keep his hands off ‘it’ away.’ you thought.
You’re well aware of the cons of dating a gangster, to put more thrill on that cons of being in the ‘momma I'm in love with a criminal’ type of relationship, your boyfriend’s a no joke as the second of Bonten and a dr*gl*rd at it. You were asked by most of your friends and even your parents about this, since dealing with someone who was under the influence of drugs, especially with one dealing with his withdrawal from it could be a little hard. Like right now, where he has purposely or accidentally consumed one substance that resulted in his nasty treatment of you will test your tolerance and wits in handling the situation. Still, the whole scene made you feel bad that he had broken one promise out of the three he made from you but you chose to stay calm and composed yourself trying to formulate questions to ask Sanzu when he’s not high anymore.
You walked to the kitchen and ate the meals you prepared, alone. Packing up the leftovers carefully in Tupperware and had it hidden in the refrigerator from the pantry. It’s not like you’re trying to hide foods from your boyfriend, it's just you don’t want to rile him up when he sees the ‘unwanted foods’ in the fridge. You wanted to avoid clashing with him, so you prepared the couch as your sleeping pod by using the couch blankets and throw pillows as your company for the night. After finding the most comfortable position to lay, you played a movie of your choice and drifted off to sleep in the first ten minutes of the movie.
“Fuck… I’m so hungry…” with a sleepy voice, Sanzu woke and felt his head spinning. “ugh… fucking headache.” he whispered, avoiding to startle ‘you’ who he thought was in bed with him.
“Love, do we still have some Advil?—“ he asked, patting your side of the bed, yet there was nothing. “Y/n” he called, sitting up while he rubbed his eyes. “babe are you in the bathroom?” he continued, but when he was left with no response, he stood up and walked to the bathroom, finding it empty, without you and even the Advil from the medicine box.
“Ugh, maybe they’re downstairs…”
Sanzu made his way downstairs, and the first thing that welcomed him was the sounds from the movie and you who’s sleeping peacefully on the couch. Sanzu smiled at your sleeping form wearing the clothes he knew he bought for you on the first day you lived together. He fished his phone out and took one… two… three and more photos of you sleeping at different angles, before turning the t.v. off and placing the blanket on you nicely.
“I’ll just wake you up after I eat.” Then he left after he kissed your forehead.
Stopping in front of the fridge, he opened it and first grabbed some water. He scanned for any ‘to-be-heated’ food placed in Tupperware yet he found none. He scanned the other fridge beside it but still none. This made him a little confused, he walked back to the living room and lightly shook you asking, “Love, you didn’t cook tonight? You should have told me, I could have gotten us take-outs. Did you eat?” his voice was so quiet yet it woke you up, “Should I order take out?” he asked, but your attitude to let out a scoff with his words, confused him even more.
“I already ate.” you simply answered, sitting up and gathering all the throw pillows to move to the other couch. “You did? Well, where’s mine? I’m so hungry, love.” he said with a little pout on his face. You tried your best not to give in with his little childish act right now. Sanzu’s always been good to touch those guilt in your heart, but this time you decided to push those guilt away. You’ve done nothing wrong, and you’re still upset with everything that had happened earlier.
“I threw it away. You said you don’t want any of it right? So I took your suggestion of throwing it away to the heart.” you said, laying on the couch again, turning your back from him. “W–what? You threw the food away?” he asked, questioning your action. “Yeah, luckily the stray cats appreciated all of it.” you said, emphasizing the words ‘appreciated’
“I am tired, Sanzu. I don’t want to make food for you. Order something or walk to the nearest convenience store out there. I’m sleeping. Hope you come down from your high soon.” you said, dismissing him immediately knowing the fact that the tone of his voice would want to make a request from you.
“Y/n… I– what?” he called but you ignored him.
Silence enveloped the room, leaving Sanzu dazed with your words and actions, he couldn’t get the hang of it, ‘did I do something?’ he asked himself and racked his head more with a few questions, then a wave of headaches hit him, giving him the answer that he was looking for. The flashbacks from earlier came into his mind, remembering the exact words he told you and how he dismissed you earlier, how he heard that you knew he had drugs– rather he got drugged at work.
“Fucking shit… babe! I swear I didn’t take any! I was not– no I was. Shit. Y/n? Are you awake?” he rushed to you and tapped your shoulder lightly, but you just shrugged it away. “Please baby, I’m sorry.” he said, his voice full of concern while his touch remained soft, “Please let me explain… I’m sorry.” his voice was shaking a little. “Y/n? Please?” you felt his head rest on your shoulder feeling his deep breaths against your neck.
The resolve you had earlier for not giving in so easily broke down, as much as you hated broken promises, you hate seeing Sanzu break himself for the things he does regret doing, ‘An explanation you say? Fine, I’ll hear it.’ you thought to yourself.
“Okay. Explain.” you sat up and patted the seat next to you, but Sanzu refused. He knelt before you holding both of your hands in his while he looked at you straight in the eyes with hurt and sorry.
“I– I didn’t take it…” he started, “I was with Ran and Rindou when it happened. You can ask them about it. You know, your cousins won't lie to you.” he looked at you with tears forming in his eyes. “We were asked by Mikey to deal with the small gang messing up with Bonten’s name. We hunted them down and found the warehouse where they had been staying. Not only was it their turf but it was also a factory where different substances are used. I hope y–you know that I am trying… I– I tried my best to withdraw because of you. I don’t know if you’ll b–believe me or not, but I fought a guy who threw some powder in my direction.” The tears from his eyes fell in sync, as his breathing started to get heavy. You know he’s trying his best to keep calm in this situation, as Sanzu knew that you were the type of person who disliked people who break promises.
“I swear… I didn’t take it. I was so mad that I—I went and killed… Y/n… I’m scared. Please don’t leave me. Give me a chance to change. I swear I won’t do it again. I did not take it. Believe me, a–accident Y/n… It was an accident…” your boyfriend’s now crying, looking sad and scared. “Believe in me Y/n, I’ll do better–”
“Haru, my love, You’re already doing great, and I believe you.” you cupped his cheek wiped his tears with your thumbs, and kissed his nose. “I believe in you, so you don’t have to be scared that I’d leave you because of that,” you assured him.
“But I broke one of my promises.” he looked at you with his glassy eyes,
“No, you didn’t. You said it, love, it was an accident.” you smiled at him, he looked down feeling guilty by remembering about the fight earlier.
“But you don’t deserve to be treated like that before.” he quietly said, his thumbs circling on the back of your hands.
“I understand that it was the effects of the substance. I know that you never meant anything about anything you said.”
“True! That’s true! I don’t mean any of it, believe me, Y/n.” you nodded, “I know and I know that when you’re sober you won’t say that even over our petty little arguments. I know you better now Haru. I just wanted time for myself earlier to sort things out, ‘cause even if we know you didn’t mean it, it still hurts being called unattractive when I am wearing the clothes you chose yourself, it made me self-doubt a little.” you said, “What did I tell you before? You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met in this life, Y/n. You’re even prettier than the moon!” this time Sanzu stood up and showed you his phone. “You’re so breathtaking that I could just die looking at your face!” you chuckled with how funny you think his exaggerations are. You know how Sanzu was before, hearing stories from your cousins about how he is cold, quiet, scary, ruthless, etc., but all of those impressions about him were nothing when you started going out with him. Sanzu's more like a puppy than a boyfriend, and that’s a fact you can only see.
“You’re so attractive! Look I even got it from different angles, and you even changed positions as if you knew you were being captured!” you chuckled about how he sounded like a bragging kid, with a tear-stained face, and glassy eyes that twinkled as if he didn’t cry earlier.
“Did you seriously take this?! Hun, this is too much!” you laughed, holding his phone and swiping the screens, even zooming in some funny ones where your mouth was open, and one where Sanzu took a selfie with your sleeping form.
“You’re so goofy in here, love!” you said, as you zoomed in his cross-eyed face with his tongue out, and a peace sign.
As you looked at his photo with so much love in your eyes, Sanzu felt a little better. Though he still blamed himself for the events before, he was sure that when you said you believed him, you really do. “Don’t leave me y/n,” he whispered, making you stare at the phone. You couldn’t explain how sincere and longing that voice was, but you knew that Sanzu’s really scared about the thought that you can easily walk away from him when you want to. “I love you.” with the same level of sincereness, he rested his forehead on your shoulder.
“And I appreciate every single thing you’ve done for me.” he pulled away and held your chin to make you look at him to kiss you. “Thank you, my angel.”
You felt Sanzu’s lips on yours trembling a little and feeling the shakiness of his breath. “I love you too, Haru.” cupping his face with your little hands as your thumbs caressed the scars on his mouth, you kissed him longer this time.
"I promise, I'll make it up to you tomorrow."
"As you should."
Thank you for reading! Hoped you liked it! Oh! Here are my master list ^^ stay hydrated and keep safe loves!
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