#I wanna say… another Office wiped out by N Corp
hwashitape · 4 months
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workshopping a Limbus OC……… idk!!
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peculiaridealist · 4 years
Trouble In Paradise (Literally)
Last hurrah y’all. Thank you for reading.<3
Chapter 5: Interview with the CEO
"Are you sure you wanna do this alone?" Maggie asked, concern lacing her voice.
"Yeah." Kara nodded. "I don't want her to feel attacked. And besides, this is also work stuff."
It had just been a few days since their realization of Lena having been brainwashed when Kara just received her first assignment since the time she had returned to CatCo. It seemed like luck was on her side when she found out that she was bound to have an interview with L-Corp's CEO, which also just so happened to be no other than Lena Luthor herself.
"Never mix work with personal life, Kara." Maggie reminded her.
"I know, Mags." Kara gave the shorter woman a reassuring smile and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm gonna go now. Don't wanna be late for my first assignment or else Snapper's gonna have my head."
"Oh, no. We can't have that, can we?" Maggie quipped and was followed with a chuckle which Kara joined in.
"No, we can't."
Letting go of the shorter woman, Kara fixed her bag and headed for the door.
"Bye, Mags! See you later and, please. No funny business with my sister, no sex on the couch, and most especially on our bed." Kara said in a playful manner and she heard Maggie saying "asshole" before she had finally closed the door with a laugh and left the house.
However, all the playfulness in her was immediately drained and was replaced with dread and worry when she arrived at the towering building of L-Corp. Just by thinking of Lena being at the very top of the building makes her want to just turn around and bail and make an excuse as to why she wasn't able to come even if she will have to face Snapper's wrath.
No, I am so not gonna chicken out. Don't be a coward, Kara. She scolded herself internally. Steeling her resolve, she finally stepped inside the building and, eventually, on its elevators up to the CEO's office.
"Oh, God. What am I even going to say to her?" She mused out loud as she heaved a sigh. All the scenarios of meeting Lena that she had practiced in her room had seemingly been forgotten when the familiar ding of the elevator was heard.
"Now or never." Kara mumbled as she stepped out and walked towards a desk which she just assumed to be Lena's secretary's desk.
"Good morning." The secretary greeted her. "How may I help you?"
"Y-yeah, hi. I'm here to interview Le- Uhh... I mean, Miss Luthor." Kara internally kicked herself for stammering this much, but can you blame her? She's nervous as hell.
"Do you have an appointment?" The secretary asked and she nodded.
"I- umm... Yes. I'm Kara Danvers." The blonde pushed her glasses up her nose. "I'm with CatCo."
"I see. Well, you're just in time, Miss Danvers." The secretary stood from her seat. "Please, follow me. Miss Luthor has been expecting you."
"Oh. Okay..." Kara breathed out and quietly followed the secretary inside Lena's office.
She barely had time to appreciate the simple yet very attractive and spacious office of the young CEO when the secretary had addressed the woman she had longed and, at the same time, dreaded to see.
"Miss Luthor, Miss Danvers is here for your interview with CatCo."
"Thank you, Jess. I'm ready whenever you are, Miss-" A shattered glass was heard as Lena dropped the one she was holding in shock as soon as she lifted her gaze up from her phone.
"Miss Luthor, are you alright?" The secretary, Jess, asked with full of concern.
"Y-yes. I'm fine." Lena stuttered as she draw in a deep breath. "Leave us, Jess. Just send someone after my interview with Miss Zo-"
"Danvers." Kara immediately interjected which came out as a soft squeak as she was trying hard to stop herself from shaking.
"Right." Lena nodded to Jess and Jess nodded back as she left the brunette's office.
"Let's get this over with." Lena dryly stated as she stood up and walked towards her office couch. "Sit."
Kara complied obediently and sat at the opposite side of the couch as soon as Lena had settled down. Just as she was instructed, she ran over the set of questions that was given to her and to her relief- sort of- Lena answered her questions with all honesty.
"Can I ask you something personal?" Kara dared to ask. "It's fine if you don't-"
"Ask." Lena interjected. "I have some questions of my own as well."
"Really?" Kara asked again with utter disbelief. Just like that?
"Was that your question?" Lena asked back with a perfectly shaped brow raised.
"Then stop wasting time and ask whatever it is that you want to ask." Lena snapped which made the blonde wince.
"O-okay." Kara uttered quietly and she cleared her throat. "What did they do to you the day that they shipped you back here? The facility..."
Lena's lips curled into a menacing smile. "Opening my eyes and letting me see through all your lies. That's what they did."
Kara's brow furrowed in confusion. "Lies? Lee, I never lied to you."
"Don't call me that, Kara." Lena berated the blonde. "My turn. You swore you would find me. Why did you break that promise?"
"They told me that you really had no intention of finding me. That you were to be released the next day after I left. You knew that I held on to that promise of yours."
"What?!" Kara exclaimed incredulously. "That's definitely not true, Lena. Remember what they do? They brainwash people and they did it to you as well."
Lena rolled her eyes. "Oh, cut the bullshit, Kara, and don't pull that stunt over me. They told that that's exactly what you're going to say."
"And you believed them? Look... the night after you left, we, Maggie and I, were bound to escape that goddamn island but they did something to me." Kara explained, hoping that Lena would hear her.
"And you expect me to believe that?" Lena laughed humorlessly as she shook her head. "You see, they also warned me that you will do this. The whole explaining thing and trying to make me believe everything you're saying and about to say. I just didn't expect that you would show up after a year."
"It took me that long because I was afraid!" Kara threw her hands up in exasperation. "And for the record? We got to escape that island two weeks after you left. They sedated me that long and I was bound to be shipped the next day after."
Kara saw how Lena clenched and unclench her jaw. She knows Lena was beyond angry at her and more than that, she could see the hurt evident on the brunette's enticing emerald eyes. "Alright, I'll humor you. If what you're saying is true, it still doesn't change the fact that you didn't find me."
"Again, I was afraid, okay?! And I was hurt..."
"You were hurt?" The young CEO scoffed. "That's rich coming from you."
"Says the one who was going around and kissing someone after a couple of weeks." Kara unintentionally spat out of bitterness. "Live on television, if I may add."
"Why should I wait for someone who wouldn't even love me back?!" This time, Lena stood as well as she was unable to keep her voice in a reasonable volume.
Kara took a few steps closer to the brunette. "Who says I wouldn't?"
"They did!" Lena moved slowly moved to the blonde as well.
"But I do!" Kara yelled as they were standing in front of each other.
"Don't lie! Stop lying!" Lena shoved Kara but the blonde didn't budge.
"For God's sake, Lena, I'm not lying!"
"Yes, you are!"
"I'm not!"
"Lena, please..." Kara pleaded. She didn't come here to have a shouting match with Lena.
"I never should've trusted you." Lena's voice dropped as well as it shook slightly and Kara could see her eyes getting watery. She's not a fan of hating stuffs but seeing Lena cry was something that she makes an exception and one that she really hates seeing. "It was wrong for me to trust you. You're nothing but someone who's full of lies and-"
Lena was cut off when Kara smashed her lips onto the brunette's. It was quite painful, given that her teeth somehow collided with her lips and it was hard for her because Lena was pushing her away but, like when she was getting shoved by the brunette, she didn't budge. She, instead, deepened the kiss and just a few seconds later, Lena gave in and kissed Kara hard.
Kara couldn't help but feel triumphant as she felt Lena's lips move in sync with hers. The blonde then parted her lips as she let out a gasp when Lena bit her lower lip and the brunette's tongue invaded hers. Though it did hurt, Kara didn't mind as long as Lena wasn't pushing her away.
This continued on for another good minute when the need of air was badly needed. Kara reluctantly pulled away as she gasped for breath and she saw how hard Lena was also panting.
"First, you break your promise and now you play with my feelings?" Lena whispered as she leaned her forehead against Kara's and it broke the blonde's heart to see Lena crying. "Just how cruel can you be?"
It was now Kara's turn to wipe Lena's tears and she then wrapped her arms around the brunette's waist tightly. "Lee, I'm not playing with your feelings. I never had and I never would."
"How can I possibly trust you?"
"I guess..." Kara unwrapped one of her arms and fished something out of her pocket. "... you just have to have faith."
Lena's eyes widened in surprise as she saw what Kara had just pulled out. "You... you kept that?"
"Of course." Kara laughed lightly, looking at the stone that Lena once gave her. "I promised, remember? Sorry if I was extremely late."
"But... they they told me-"
Kara's expression darkened as she cut Lena off. "They were all lies. I could never do that to you so please, believe me when I say that I..."
"You...?" Lena asked expectantly.
Kara took a deep breath before looking at Lena directly in her eyes. "I love you and I really, really missed you... like really missed you."
Lena sniffed and she managed to let out a small chuckle. "As much as I hate to admit it, even though they had made me believe the lies they told me, I never really stopped loving you... and I missed you, too. Wait... how come your last name became Danvers?"
"Because the Danvers were my adoptive family." Kara answered. "Besides, if I used my biological family's last name, would you have agreed for an interview with me?"
"Probably not." Lena mumbled sheepishly.
"Exactly. And why are you with that guy?" Kara asked with a frown, now that things have started to mellow down between them, jealousy was settling within her.
"Jack?" The corner of Lena's lips quirked up in the slightest bit when Kara nodded. "Oh, darling, it was all just for a show."
"It... was?"
"Mhm." Lena hummed. "It was just a front to get my mother off my back but in reality, Jack and I are just very good friends and we go way back in college."
"Oh..." Was just what Kara breathed out as she was at a loss for words. Was she just jealous for a year over nothing?
"You know, you never change."
"How so?"
"You still have that look whenever you're jealous of something or someone." Lena pointed out.
"I do not." Kara denied.
"And you're still in denial." Lena was now grinning and it made Kara's heart thump.
Kara rolled her eyes. "Shut up."
"Make me." Lena challenged her.
The blonde's eyes flashed with mischief as she smirked. "Gladly."
"Okay, so let me get this straight, though, ironically, no one in this room is." Maggie held out a hand to signal Kara to stop talking and the blonde closed her mouth obediently. "You interviewed Lena and it went well?"
Kara nodded. Maggie and Kara were currently lounging at the living room when the former asked for the complete details of the blonde's interview with the young CEO and the latter just finished retelling what really happened.
"Then you just have to go and be unprofessional which had you and her screaming in both anger and frustration?"
Kara nodded again.
"After that, you kissed and you made her realize that she had been brainwashed then she told you that her relationship was fake and you both fucked in her office?"
Kara's face turned red in an instant due to embarrassment as she started to stammer. "I wouldn't say that we... that w-we... uhh..."
"Fucked?" Maggie helpfully suggested which Kara grimaced but still nodded to.
"Yeah... That."
"Maggie!" Kara cut the shorter woman off. "For the love of God, stop talking about that anymore."
"Hey, you two." Alex greeted as she entered the house. "What did I miss?"
"Oh, nothing." Maggie tilted her head up as Alex walked towards her and planted a soft and sweet but quick kiss on her lips. "Just a little Karadventure to a certain CEO whose a brunette with green eyes."
"You met with Lena Luthor?" Kara could tell that Alex's interest were piqued when her older sister turned to her with that scrutinizing look.
Oh, God. I never should have let her and Maggie meet. She internally groaned but, of course, she didn't mean that. She was genuinely happy for the two and was glad that something good came out despite everything Maggie (and her) went through.
Realizing that she haven't answered her sister's question yet, she shook herself out of her thoughts as she cleared throat. "Yeah, I did. Snapper gave me the assignment of interviewing her."
"But she did more than just interview." Maggie whispered to Alex conspiratorially but it was loud enough to reach Kara's ears and make the blonde all flustered again. "And here she goes warning us to not do the deed on the couch while she's out there doing it on a desk."
"Maggie! We did not do it on the desk! Well, I mean, at first we did. Then we transferred on the couch!" Kara chastised the shorter woman which just made the latter laugh.
"Okay, that is way too much information." Alex uncomfortably said, her face slightly burning up. "I don't need the mental image of my younger sister doing that stuff."
Maggie shrugged nonchalantly and just grinned at the two.
"Oh, right, I forgot!" Kara exclaimed as she remembered something. "Lena and I are gonna grab dinner this weekend and she wanted you to come with me, Mags."
"Oh..." Maggie's smile slowly dropped and she slightly frowned. Kara didn't need to ask. She knew exactly why.
"Lena feels bad, Mags. She wants to apologize to you in person."
"You should go." Alex encouraged her girlfriend. "It's not like she's entirely at fault given that she, like what you two have said, was brainwashed."
"I know. It's just-" Maggie let out a sigh. "I mean, I was just hurt by the way she treated me. But, alright. I'll come with you. For old time's sake."
"And that is more than enough." Kara smiled softly at the shorter woman and she gave Maggie a side hug.
Days had gone by in a blur and the weekend did came. Kara and Maggie arrived at an Italian restaurant where Lena had agreed to meet and had told the blonde that she had already reserved a table for them. They just got in when a maitre d' approached them.
"Good evening, ma'am." He greeted them with a smile. "Do you have a reservation?"
"Uhh, hi." Kara greeted back awkwardly and nodded. "Yes... I think?"
"Under what name, ma'am?" The maitre d' politely asked again.
"It should be under the name of Lena Luthor?" Kara answered, quite unsure.
"Ah, yes. Please, follow me. Miss Luthor has been expecting you two." He turned on his heels and beckoned for them to follow him. They did so and it wasn't long when they saw the very familiar green eyed brunette, face scrunched up in concentration as she was typing furiously on her phone.
"Excuse me, Miss Luthor." The maitre d' called out to Lena's attention and the brunette looked up from her phone.
"Kara, hi." Lena immediately stood from her seat then made her way towards the blonde and pulled Kara for a hug.
"I'll be taking my leave, madames, and return with the menu." The maitre d' said as he dismissed himself and left the trio alone.
Lena's gaze then turned towards the shorter woman as soon as she had let go of the blonde and a flash of worry crossed her face.
"Hi, Maggie..." The brunette greeted timidly, voice just barely above whisper.
"Hi." The shorter woman greeted back in the same manner then an awkward silence settled between the three.
Kara's gaze flitted back and forth towards Maggie and Lena. She was quite unsure what to say at this situation. She wracked her brain up in hopes of trying to find a way to lighten things up. A joke perhaps?
Luckily, Lena saved her the trouble of trying to make a conversation when the brunette cleared her throat. "Shall we take a seat?"
"Of course!" Kara's voice had been a bit too high for her liking and she internally grimaced. The two seemed to have paid no mind for they just sat silently (again) on their selected seats and Kara shuffled on her feet as she followed to sit as well.
There was another stretch of silence again but it was only for a bit when Lena spoke again.
"Maggie, I'm really sorry about everything that I've said that day." Kara could feel the sincerity in Lena's voice. She knew that Lena loves Maggie just as much. It was just that goddamn facility that made her doubt things and everything about them.
Maggie pursed her lips as she mulled over what to say and Kara was starting to get slightly anxious as to what Maggie's response would be.
The shorter woman then heaved a deep sigh as she looked at the brunette. "You know, when you said that you wanted us to stay away from you had stung."
Kara could sense that there was a but coming and she thinks Lena does too for the brunette didn't speak even though she looked like there were still things that she had wanted to say.
"But what really hurt me the most was when you accused me of something that I'm not." Maggie continued. "First off, I wasn't using you to get information. Secondly, everything that I have shown you was genuine. And lastly, I'm not a liar. I don't think that I've lied to you, like, ever."
Lena wasn't able to look directly at Maggie so she just locked her gaze at the table as she quietly said, "I know..."
"Just..." Maggie paused for a second to take a calming breath then proceeded. "Just tell us what really happened. We, at least, deserve some sort of explanation, don't we?"
Lena immediately looked up. "Of course, you do. That's why I asked both of you here."
"I thought this was originally intended to be a date?" Maggie slightly cocked her head with her brows furrowed.
"I'm sorry, what?" Lena asked as well, mirroring Maggie's confusion.
"You and Kara?"
"Oh!" Lena exclaimed in realization. "No! No, of course not."
"Umm..." Kara voiced out, still unsure what to say.
Lena turned to her and gently grabbed her hand. "Not that I wouldn't want to date you, darling, because I assure you that I would."
"It's not- uhh... I'm- I-I mean..." Kara spluttered as she blushed furiously at this simple gesture and the maitre d', bless him, interrupted them, drawing the trio's attention.
"Excuse me, madames. Here's the menu."
Lena waved the offered menus off. "Actually, could you serve us the best dish that this place offers? As well as the best wine that you have."
The maitre d' nodded. "Absolutely. Drinks will be served right away, ma'am."
"Thank you."
He then turned his back again and dismissed himself.
"So..." Lena cleared her throat, causing for Maggie and Kara to look at her. "The night that I was destined to be brought back here was also the night that I finally snapped."
"What do you mean?" Maggie asked. Both her and Kara are getting even more confused by this.
"They had been feeding my insecurities and all since the very beginning. That was what my "therapy" was and it didn't really help when they've been saying a bunch of crap about you two. Saying that you two were just using me... Manipulating me. I didn't believe them at first but, as they did it again and again, I started to believe each and every lies that they have fed me." Lena confessed. "They didn't really return me to my family that night. Not right away, I mean. They did bring me back to my old house and they were there with me for a couple more weeks.
"There they continued to poison my mind and they, eventually and seemingly satisfied with their work, left but not before calling my mother." Lena spat the last word with venom and Kara was about to ask her about it when Maggie shot her a look so she just kept her mouth shut.
"I didn't stay with her, of course. After everything, I still didn't want to be anywhere near her so, I packed up, left, and returned to my own penthouse." Lena continued. "She just wanted to take control of my life again and wanted me to find a someone who would fit her taste and wouldn't stop pestering me about it and that's where Jack had entered the picture. He helped me get my mother off my back and when she did, we waited for a few days then called off our fake relationship. After everything, I still thought of the two of you. I swore I'd never lose hope but after half a year of waiting, I guess that hope just slowly turned into anger."
The wine Lena ordered arrived just in time she had finished retelling everything that had happened to her. She gave the server a small smile and thanked him before he proceeded to attend other customers.
"I'm sorry." Maggie uttered softly.
"It's fine." Lena waved her hand dismissively. "It wasn't your fault anyway."
"Partly our fault." Kara quietly interjected.
"True." Maggie agreed and Lena chuckled softly as she shook her head.
"Come on. Just let me feel bad about this."
"Suit yourself, Luthor." Maggie quipped, her lips were tugged at the corner as she gave the brunette a shrug and the three of them laughed.
"One last question though." The shorter woman gave Lena a quizzical look which made the brunette chuckle.
"Out with it, Sawyer."
"How did you snap out of your brainwashed state so quickly?"
A smile slowly formed on Lena's lips. "I may have thought just about everything. A year is quite a long time to be spent for thinking, you know. Kara just... enlightened some spots that I was unsure of."
"Fucking genius." Maggie mumbled which made her companions laugh.
"Oh, I have been wondering. What happened to you two when you escaped that place?" Lena asked as she took a sip of her wine.
"Well..." Kara glanced at Maggie as she chuckled nervously. "A lot has happened, really. Maggie finally got away from her parents and I... got in a slight problem with Mike and my aunt."
"By slight, she meant almost got dragged away from her foster family again and got her ass almost shipped back to the facility." Maggie elaborated which made Kara wince. "She's just sugarcoating her words."
"Maggie!" Kara exclaimed and she looked at Lena, whose expression had darkened, warily.
"You don't have to worry though. They're ought to stay away from Kara if they know what's best for them." Maggie reassured the brunette.
Lena arched her brow and looked at Kara as if she was silently asking the blonde what the shorter woman had meant and Kara, thank heavens that her density didn't act up, had immediately answered.
"Maggie may or may not have threatened to arrest them for invading my privacy, for harassment, and for abduction."
"You damn right I would." Maggie proudly stated. "You should've seen their faces."
"Priceless, I presume?" The brunette asked in amusement.
Maggie snorted. "You bet it was."
Lena was about to retort when a loud rumble was heard and both her and Maggie turned their heads towards a blushing Kara.
"Oops." Kara scratched her nape and chuckled, clearly embarrassed. "I guess all this talk and the waft of the delicious smelling food had made me hungry."
"Oh, darling. You're always hungry." Lena pointed out.
"Day in and day out." Maggie added and both her and Lena had bursted out laughing. Kara joined them in as well and they shifted into a much lighter topic as the night went on.
They went on with their lives normally and sure did they missed the "normal" life where they weren't running, hiding, or trying to escape from anything or anyone anymore. It might have just been months when they were held captive but it had already been a long time for the three.
Then next thing they've heard was that the facility had shut down due to a leak of information that contained every crooked ways that they did and have done. Residents were freed. Attendants were arrested, save from Winn, much to their relief, who turned out that he had already resigned a month prior from the facility fiasco and who also turned out to be the leak. Reign was nowhere to be found which gave an extreme discomfort to the three but Maggie pointed out that as long as the facility was no more, there was nothing that they should be worried about anymore.
"She would be stupid enough to create another facility while she had a bounty on her head." Maggie had said. Kara was aware that it was meant to be a joke but she knew that Maggie was also serious about it.
Everything went smoothly afterwards and before they knew it, it was already the most wonderful time of the year (according to a certain song and a certain blonde). Kara and Lena, both taking a break from their respective jobs, were taking a stroll in the local park when she shivered due to the cold breeze that blew past them.
"My hands are cold." Kara whined and Lena just silently held her hand, entwining their fingers as they continued to stroll at the park.
Kara was silent for a moment as she stared at their joined hands before she spoke again. "... And my lips are freezing."
Lena chuckled in amusement as she faced the blonde. "You know, if you wanted a kiss you could've just said so, you dork."
Kara gave the brunette a nonchalant shrug and a goofy smile which made Lena laugh.
"I love you." Kara murmured.
"Come here you." Lena pulled Kara in as she cupped one of the blonde's cheeks and before the brunette closed the gap between their lips, she softly uttered. "I love you, too."
Lena finally closed the gap and softly planted a kiss on Kara's lips. The blonde gave out a satisfied hum as she kissed Lena back.
Kara was contented with this. With everything she currently have. She was contented with her job, got her freedom and family back, gained the most loyal friends she thought she'd never have... and she had Lena. The one who never failed to make her feel giddy and nervous and loved and Kara couldn't ask for anything more.
Lena then pulled away and pecked Kara on the tip of her nose which made her blush and smile widely.
Yup. Kara was- and is- definitely and beyond contented.
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Guardians of the Galaxy: Part 12 (Peter Quill x Reader)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
A/N: Sup gang, here is the final part to my Guardians of the Galaxy series! Stay tuned because the story continues in my next series for Guardians of the Galaxy Volume Two. I’m super excited to write that one. Hope you guys like how I concluded this and are looking forward to what’s next!
Warnings: swearing, fluff, angsty argument, slow burn :)
Several days had passed since The Guardians of the Galaxy retreated from the scene of the battle. The civilians of Xandar and the Nova Corp began to clean up the planet, removing debris, dirt, and destroyed ships. It will take a long time to rebuild the planet Ronan tried to wipe out, but they will be able to do it. In exchange for your help in defeating Ronan and assisting in the city's reconstruction, the Nova Corp allowed you to stay with them for as long as you need. The first night was great because you got cleaned up, washing the trauma of the fight off of you and several doctors tended to all of your injuries. Life became pretty normal after settling in because you were able to buy new clothes and items that were never replaced after your ship was destroyed. You don't know how long you'll be at the Nova Corp for or where you'll go afterward, but it's good to have a stable home for now. It's especially good to be with Peter and the rest of the Guardians, even though you all miss Groot terribly. Rocket has even been carrying around a potted plant with one of Groot's remaining branches. He hasn't been himself lately but you can tell he is grateful to have the rest of his new friends by his side for support.
A few more days go by and the five of you are summoned to the Nova Corp main office. There, you meet Peter and Gamora who stand beside Corpsman Dey and Nova Prime looking at a hologram of a male figure. You enter the room intrigued by what's going on.
"How would you even know this?" Peter asks the Nova officers. Oh, they are examining Peter. The hologram of him seems irregular or different and you hope everything is okay.
"When we arrested you, we noticed an anomaly in your nervous system, so we had it checked out," Dey says.
"I'm not Terran?"
He's not Terran?
"You are half Terran," Nova Prime answers to your relief. "Your mother was of Earth...your father, well, he's something very ancient we've never seen here before."
"If you aren't completely Terran and you're something else that's unknown," you wonder. "Is that why you were able to hold the Infinity Stone?"
"That could be why he was able to hole the Stone or as long as he did," Gamora responds.
Suddenly, the elevator doors slide open, pulling you from your thoughts on what power Peter could possess. Drax and Rocket enter and Nova Prime immediately goes over to them and groups all of you together. "Your friends have arrived," she announces. "On behalf of the Nova Corp, we'd like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar. If you will follow Denarian Dey, he has something to show you."
"Thank you, Nova Prime," Peter discloses, following Dey.
You nod and express your gratitude as well. "Thank you so much, for everything you've done for us." You jog to catch up, walking behind Gamora and Drax.
"Your wife and child shall rest well knowing that you have avenged them," Gamora tells him.
"Yes, of course, Ronan was only a puppet. It's really Thanos I need to kill."
As Drax walks beyond the two of you, you both exchange glances of exasperation. Well, that will certainly be a new adventure. But, you are not turning down the idea of taking down Thanos.
On the balcony, the five of you stand before a beautiful ship. It replicates the Milano but it's clearly updated and has a shiny, new look. It is also much bigger and is able to home a group of people as opposed to one, lone Ravager.
"We tried to keep it as close to the original as possible. We salvaged as much as we could," Dey says.
"Wow." Peter stares at the Milano in awe. He is at a loss for words. "I...thank you."
"This is amazing!" you exclaim. "You guys really outdid yourself. Thank you so much."
Dey looks at all of the Guardians. "I have a family. They're alive because of you. Your criminal records have also been expunged. However, I have to warn you against breaking any laws in the future." The five of you nod to him in gratitude.
"Question," Rocket states. "What if I see something that I want to take, and it belongs to someone else?"
"You will be arrested."
"But what if I want it more than the person who has it?"
"It's still illegal."
"That doesn't follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand?" You snicker at the raccoon. Gamora takes him and pushes him along toward the ship, saving Dey from a bombardment of Rocket's jokes and questions. "What are you laughing at? What? I can't have a discussion with this gentleman?"
"What if someone does something irksome and I decide to remove his spine?" Drax asks seriously.
"That's...that's actually murder, it's one of the worst crimes of all. So...also illegal." Drax just shakes his head in response, knowing he will damn well kill someone if he has to. You follow him slowly, hoping Peter will catch up to you.
Behind you, he pats Dey on the back. "They'll be fine, Dey. I'm gonna keep an eye on em."
"Yeah, me."
With that, he saunters up to you. You turn to him and smile. "I guess I'm stuck here with you assholes then, huh?"
He chuckles, taking your arm and leading you into the Milano. "I owed you a ship, remember? Now you have one." He winks and then disappears into his quarters.
You do the same and go check out your new room. It's identical to everyone else's, but the closet is filled with the clothes that you gathered while staying at the Nova Corp. Your new fashion sense consists of tight spacesuits that Peter can gawk at you in. You also received new pajamas and underwear and everything you need to live a happy life here on the Milano as a Guardian of the Galaxy. Perhaps there are a few of Peter's shirts and boxers in your room, some that you may have stolen over the course of your stay at the Nova Corp. Peter knows very well where his missing clothes have gone and he knows just how to retrieve them back from you, but there would be another occasion for that.
You drag your hand along the wall and think about the memories you'll make. You make a mental note to yourself to find that illegal shop where you can buy items from Terra so you can replace your '80s movie posters and band posters that once covered the walls on your ship. You also may check and see if you can purchase Footloose, that way you and Peter can sit down and educate Gamora.
You leave your room and head toward the common area, passing Peter's quarters on the way. You linger slightly and spot him sitting on the bed, fidgeting with the present box from a couple days ago.
"Y/N?" he calls out to you.
You enter his room and lean against the doorframe. "Hmm?"
"Can I ask you somethin'?"
"Of course," you reply, making your way to his bed and taking a seat next to him.
"Do you ever think about going back?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, returnin' to Terra?"
"I've thought about it a few times after escaping from Thanos, but not really," you answer truthfully. "I was so young when I was taken, not really understanding Earth itself yet. Space is truly the only thing I've ever known. I also think it's because I know my family is there. I know they must miss me and assume the worst after I've been gone so long. I miss them too, so much. There are so many people I never got to see again. I'm sure my parents were worried sick after I was taken, thinking I was kidnapped or ran away...but after twenty-something years they probably think I'm dead and was just never found, you know? That's hard to go back to."
"But, if you miss them, and you know they miss you, why wouldn't you go back?"
You sigh, looking at the ground. "I'm afraid that they'd want me to stay."
"And you wouldn't wanna stay?"
"No, because I know that deep down I'd always miss exploring space. Plus, I have a new family now, one that I could never leave."
Peter takes your hand. "I don't want to go back either. But it's always been because I never wanted to live on Earth without my mother being there. I don't want to know what the world is like without her."
You graze his large, warm hand with your thumb, caressing it soothingly. "Peter..."
"Now it's because I never want to leave you," he confesses.
You rest your head on his shoulder and use your free hand to rub circles on his back. The two of you stare down at the box that Peter has been holding, turning it over and over in his hand. "What is that?" you ask.
"It's the last thing my mother gave to me after she died."
"You never opened it?"
"No, but I think I'm finally ready to open it."
You remove your hand from his and sit up. "Do you want me to go? I should probably leave you alone for this." He turns to you, his green eyes boring into yours.
You nod and resume your previous position to comfort him.
Peter tears at the old, wrapping paper and removes a letter. You don't read it but he looks over the words so thoughtfully and carefully so you know it must mean so much to him. You notice his eyes swell up with tears and you lean closer into him for support. In his hand rests a new mixtape titled "Awesome Mix Vol. 2″ which is most likely composed of more songs that have so much meaning to Peter.
"Your mother seems like a wonderful person," you state, trying to find the right words to cheer him up.
"She was...and she would've loved you."
"Really?" you ask gleefully.
He chuckles. "Yeah, because you're exactly like me."
You laugh too. "Peter..." you get serious now and stare into his eyes once again. "...she would be so proud of you."
He pulls you into a tight hug, breaking any space there was between you two. "Thank you, Y/N, thank you so much."
"Hey," you say, patting his back so he pulls away. "Do you want to listen to it?"
He grins brightly. "Hell yeah."
You both get up and head for the common area where Gamora, Drax, and Rocket are hanging out. You take the tape from Peter and pop it into the speaker of the ship. It was really cool of Nova Corp to include that, knowing it will be quite useful to you and Peter. Once he presses play, a familiar beat you recognize from one of your own tapes echoes throughout the ship. The first song on the tape is "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, a true classic. His mom really did have good taste.
"Listen, baby,
Ain't no mountain high,
Ain't no valley low,
Ain't no river wide enough baby,"
"I love this song!" you yell.
"Of course you do," Peter beams. He smirks at you, extending a hand. "May I have this dance?"
You take his hand and smirk right back. "Obviously," you scoff. He spins you around and then pulls you into him, the two of you swaying to the rhythm.
"If you need me, call me,
No matter where you are,
No matter how far,
Don't worry baby,
Just call my name,
I'll be there in a hurry,
You don't have to worry,"
"Get a room!" Rocket hollers, shaking his head in disgust. "Humies, man, always being weird." As he heads over to the flight deck, you can't help but notice him tapping his foot as he waltzes to his seat.
You and Peter ignore his remark and it doesn't take long for you both to begin singing loudly and very off-key, him taking the man's lyrics and you taking the woman's. It's fun, and you know you'll never need words to cheer Peter up if there is music that can easily do the job.
"Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough,
To keep me from getting to you babe,"
Gamora strides past the both of you, nodding her head and tapping her foot to the beat. You gasp. "Gamora likes it!"
"The melody is pleasant," she confesses, continuing to walk to the flight deck as well.
It brings you so much joy to finally see your sister happy and free from the strains of Thanos. As young kids, Gamora and Nebula felt like the only family you were ever going to have out in space. The three of you trained together for years, learning how to fight, dominate, and work hard to be powerful. It was exhausting. Thanos owned you and your sisters. Watching Gamora smile alongside you and your new family filled your heart with so much happiness. There will be so many pleasant memories to make in the days ahead.
"Remember the day I set you free,
I told you, you could always count on me, darling,
From that day on, I made a vow,
I'll be there when you want me,
Some way, somehow,"
You and Peter continue dancing to the music playfully. He presses himself really close to you. "I just remembered I saved your life the other day, along with the entire galaxy. So, I believe you owe me somethin'," he whispers in your ear seductively.
"You definitely did not just remember that."
"Well, you left me kissless after the battle against Ronan," he states. "But I recall you tellin' me to let you do whatever you wanna do to me. You called me Star-Lord. You begged."
You scoff, widening your eyes at the man. "I did no such thing!"
"Hey," Peter whispers. "A promise is a promise, sweetheart. I don't make the rules."
"I never promised anything."
Peter leans his head back with an annoyed groan. He usually lives for the flirty banter, but he's been craving your lips on his for so long that he is growing impatient. "Would you just shut up and kiss me already?"
"Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough,
To keep me from getting to you babe,"
As the music plays, your singing slows and you lean into him, staring at his lips. He prepares himself for a totally hot makeout session with you, placing his hands on your hips. But, you give him a peck on the cheek and pull away.
"Hey! What the hell?" he shouts.
"I owed you a kiss, remember?" you giggle. "Now you got one!"
You start to skip away from Peter but you feel a strong grip on your wrist, pulling you back to him. There is no space left between the two of you, your body flush against his. You're breathless. His eyes trace over every detail on your face until he finally lands on your lips. Instantly, he kisses you. It's rough, hungry, and very much needed. The kiss deepens as Peter manages to pull you closer to him, one hand trailing down your back and the other wrapping around your neck and grazing your jawline. After a few moments, his lips slowly and reluctantly retreat from yours. You lean in, eyes fluttering, needing more. Peter smirks with delight.
"I kinda meant somethin' like that."
"Oh no, darling,
No wind,
No rain,
Or winters cold can stop me, baby,
Nah nah baby,
Cause you are my goal,
If you're ever in trouble,
I'll be there on the double,
Just send for me, oh baby, ha,"
You stare into Peter's bright, green eyes, searching for the right words to express how you feel. He continues to stare at you with a soft, loving smile with his hand resting warmly on the side of your face. Ever since you met the legendary outlaw, you've been desperately attracted to him, your feelings growing deeper and deeper with every mere interaction. Whenever Peter defended you or swooped in to save your life, you felt yourself on the brink of falling in love. Yet, is that what you wanted? To be in love with a playboy? A man who most women knew to avoid?
"Peter," you mumble, the eye contact faltering as your heartbeat quickens. "We can't do this."
"Why not?" Peter asks gently, caressing your face sweetly. "You'd be lyin' if you said you didn't like me, sweetheart."
"You have a reputation," you sigh, pulling away from Peter as you push a hand through your hair. The possibility of Peter using you for sex or being caught with another woman would destroy you, and you decide that you're better off letting him go. "There have been too many women in the past. You've never been in a real relationship, Peter. You sleep with women and kick them to the curb the very next morning. I witnessed it with Bereet! I really care about you, but I also care about myself. I just...I can't get hurt."
Peter takes in your words seriously, walking toward you and encompassing your hand in his own. "I could never hurt you, Y/N. I really want to give this a try."
"We can't!"
"Are you afraid that I'll leave you and choose someone else or somethin'? Are you nervous I'll flirt with someone else? Huh? Or are you just scared of commitment?" Peter raises his voice. "Cause that's ridiculous, Y/N. Ever since we first met I've only been able to picture myself with you. I only want you and I will only ever want you...no one else."
You take a deep breath, unsure if you can trust him. "Peter..."
"At least let me prove myself to you," Peter mutters, placing both of his hands at your sides and searching for your gaze. You look up at him. "Give me some time to show you how badly I want this. I promise I can change."
"Fine," you agree, kindly smiling at him. He returns your grin with a flirtatious smirk, quickly back to his seductive antics. Silently, you wish to yourself that he changes his womanizing ways and commits himself to you. You vow to restrain yourself from giving in to him until he does. "For now...you had your kiss of gratitude to hold you over."
My love is alive,
Way down in my heart,
Although we are miles apart,
If you ever need a helping hand,
I'll be there on the double,
Just as fast as I can,"
You disperse from Peter and make your way over to the flight deck, taking a seat next to your friends. It's not long before Peter follows, standing behind your seat and leaning in close to your ear. "I thought I would at least get to pick where the kiss was..." You smack him playfully and he chuckles, taking his place at the pilot's seat.
Next to him, Rocket's plant suddenly grows into a small being. It opens it's eyes and yawns, swaying slightly back forth. Rocket looks down at it in awe, starting to tear up from joy. It resembles a little Groot, and you know the Guardians just regained an old member.
You pat Rocket on the head gently, comforting him. He looks up at you with glossy eyes and a kind smile. The raccoon was certainly an unlikely friend, but one you were very glad to have made. He'll never admit it, but you're his favorite on the team.
"Don't you know that there,
Ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough,
To keep me from getting to you babe."
"So, what should we do next?" Peter asks the crew. "Something good? Something bad? A bit of both?"
"We'll follow your lead...Star-Lord," you suggest, knowing that you are driving him crazy by calling him that.
A goofy grin creeps up to his lips. "Bit of both!"
With that, he takes off steering you in a random direction to god knows what destination. You don't know where things are going to go with Peter, but there isn't a doubt in your mind that you like him. He's a dorky goofball, but a super hot, dorky goofball that knows how to flirt and make you blush like a damn fool. Maybe he's a player....but maybe he can change for you. You don't know yet. All you know right now is that you have a family and a home.
You're a Guardian of the Galaxy, and that is pretty fucking cool.
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume Two: Part One: Here
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letheavenspeak · 7 years
Something Unspoken Part 2
You guys, Part 1 is my most popular post so I have to say than you so much for the feedback it means the world to me. I hope you guys like part 2 just as much, and let me know if I should make a third, and most likely final part!
Something Unspoken Part 2
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I have to wait a few days before I can see what Peter has planned for our date. The day after our little encounter we had to speak with the Nova Corps about another mission which takes about a week before we’re finished, and even after we take a few more to ourselves; our energy completely wiped from the consecutive fighting. I had to get involved at one point, fighting off a band of rouge officers that had been a larger group than expected meant Peter had to reluctantly hand me a gun in the middle of battle. I still remember the look on his face as he opened the secret door underneath the hull of the Milano as he came to fetch me.
“We need every person we can get out there. Can you do it?” I remember him asking.
Thankfully Tony had trained me to use firearms and Natasha in some hand to hand combat in case things went south, and although I wasn’t familiar with the blasters on the ship I swallowed my fear and joined my friends and was able to hold my own out in the field. At one point I noticed a gun pointed at Peter that he didn’t see and before the blast could even come close to him I jumped forward, taking the hit to my shoulder. The battle ended soon after that; Peter rage killing the last few remaining enemies while Drax easily carried me off to our ship. Peter was furious at me for what I had done. The rest of the team had joined us on the ship while Peter finished up outside, and as soon as he stormed into the medical room I had installed they had all cleared out. Rocket had let out a soft sigh and patted my head as he left, whispering a few words of encouragement that only I heard.
As I lie in my room now, my shoulder throbs slightly as I think of what Peter said to me.
“What the fuck Y/N? What in the world compelled you to do that?”
“What compelled me was trying to save your ungrateful ass, thank you very much!”
“I don’t need saving, Y/N, I need you to take care of yourself! I need you to do what’s best for you!”
“And what if keeping you alive is what’s best for me, huh?”
“You can get along fine without me and we both know it!”
I smile slightly as I remember how concerned Peter was for me. As frustrated as he can make me, remembering how worried he was always left a warm feeling in the bottom of my stomach.
“Peter you’re our captain! If we lost you who knows what we would do!”
“And you’re the only one who can fix us up! If- “
“Oh don’t, literally anyone can help you guys if you need!”
“But I don’t care about anyone else, I care about you!”
That line had shut us both up. Finally, Peter was starting to calm down as he realized that the shot had just barely grazed shoulder and the extent of my injury was a non-serious burn that had just left some blisters from the heat of the blast. I instructed Peter on how to dress the wound, the injury of course happening to my dominant arm. He worked in silence until he put the final bandage on the area, sitting down next to me and taking hold of my hand once he was done.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’m just too used to loosing people I care about, I don’t need you being added to the list too.”
I knew that his anger only came from a heartfelt place, and the emotion that was pouring from his eyes were all I needed to forgive him.
“I know; the same goes for you to me too. Besides, I wouldn’t risk missing out on that stellar date you have planned. I’m much too excited.”
He chuckled at that, swiping his thumb over my hand gently as he did so. “You’re gonna have to wait a little longer now, I need you in top shape before we can go out.”
He had held me to that for half a week, not even allowing me to say anything about the date before the blisters had reduced in swelling and faded into faint scars. Today was the day of the date, and still I had no idea as to where Peter and I were going and what we were going to do. All Peter told me was to dress in semi-formal attire and to wear comfortable shoes, as well as to get a good night’s rest the night before. As much as I tried, it was hard to keep down the excitement which had chased away any form of rest for the majority of the night. If some sleep had fallen upon me at some point, it wouldn’t be too long before I woke up again to check to see if it was time to get ready. After about 6 hours of trying to get rest I decide that I might as well go get something to eat before getting ready.
It was still early so I expected the rest of the crew to be asleep, but I walk into the kitchen to see Rocket lazily sitting on the counter munching on some fruit.
“Mornin’ N/N. Whatcha doing up so soon?” he asks as I open up the fridge to grab some milk to make cereal for breakfast.
“I’m not sure, too excited for the day I guess.”
Rocket gives me a knowing smirk, “Oh yeah, today’s the day Quill’s takin’ you out right?”
A slight blush rises to my cheeks as I nod, sitting beside him as I begin to eat.
“You sure you wanna lower yourself to his level? I mean you’re a pretty girl, you could get someone sooo much better,” he says, his tone joking. I laugh, nodding my head once again.
“Say what you like about Peter, but he’s always genuine with people, and there’s this feeling in my gut that tells me when he says he cares about me, he’s not lying.”
“Well kid, if you’re happy, then I’m happy for you. But, if he does even one thing to make you unhappy or uncomfortable, then I’ll blast him to pieces for ya.”
“Believe me Rocket, if he does anything like that you won’t have the chance before I can get my hands on your shit.”
I talk with Rocket some more before I leave to take a shower and prepare for the date. Peter messages me on our communications pad to let me know to be ready to go around lunch which gives me the perfect amount of time to do my hair and makeup the way I like. I decide to wear a knee length white dress that flows softly from the waist with a pair of worn-in flats. Normally I’m dressed in baggy clothing that has sort of stain or hole from working, so the change in attire is welcome, and as I finish styling my hair in a high ponytail with some loose strands framing my face I can’t help but admire how good I look.
I find Peter in the communal room ready to go. I chuckle as I hear him softly gasp as he sees me step into the room. The rest of the team lets out exaggerated oohs and ahs soon after, followed by Rocket letting out a wolf whistle.
“Y/N, boy do you clean up good,” Rocket says, making me chuckle.
“I am Groot.”
“Thank you boys. Peter, you look lovely. Are you ready to go?” I ask, excited as can be. Peter lets out a few grumbled noises and nods his head, extending his arm out to lead the way. At some point Rocket had landed the ship on the planet of Peter’s choosing, and before I can get the chance to see where it is, Peter wraps his hands around my eyes from behind.
“Keep them closed, I want you to be surprised.”
“How am I supposed to know where I’m going then?” I ask, laughing.
“Do you trust me?” Peter asks as he lets go and takes a hold of my hand, making sure that my eyes are still closed.
“I don’t know, that’s a loaded question Quill,” I tease. I hear him laugh beside me as we begin to depart. I can hear as the back entrance opens and a gust of wind blows the few pieces of hair I have down around my face. I feel Peter place something on my back and I jump slightly.
“Don’t worry, it’s just something that’ll help with the atmosphere here.”
There’s a few moments of silence and some walking before we stop and a feel a cool breeze wash over me.
“Are you ready?” I hear Peter ask from behind me.
“Peter I’ve been ready for longer than you realize.”
“Alright, open your eyes!”
As I do I’m hit with a warm light and am greeted by the sight of a bustling city below the tall cliff we currently stand on, and behind that more cliffs that seem to reach into the beautiful dark sky. The city almost glows with a warm orange colour that contrasts again the constant purple sky that is lit by a thousand large stars.
“Where are we Peter?” I asked, astonished by the view.
“It’s called Hala, a planet settled thousands of years ago by the Kree. Yondu used to take me here when I was younger for trading, and whenever we did I felt so sound. Being surrounded by the stars, it always was so beautiful. When I met you, I was reminded of this place. Being with you, it’s like being surrounded by all the stars again. The way your eyes sparkle when you talk of home, or how much you love something I’m taken back here.”
I can only help but stare up at Peter as he talks. His words are so kind, they make my cheeks flame up at the compliment.
“Are you trying to say I’m as beautiful as these stars or this view?” I ask, semi-joking.
“No, you’re much more beautiful, but this place is one of only a few that can even come close to being compared to your beauty.” He smiles down at me for a moment before looking back at the view in front of us.
There are no words that I can muster in reply; instead I gently tug on his shirt to get his attention. He looks back at me, a quizzical look on his face. Before he can say anything I take his face in my hands and bring his lips down to mine. My lips move against his gently, taking their time getting to know the shape and texture of his, and before I know it Peter’s arms are wrapped around me, bringing me as close to him as possible.
His lips are somewhat chapped but soft none the less and keep meeting mine for kiss after kiss. The moment is just too perfect; it seems as if time has stopped to allow us this one moment away from all the other crap we have to go through and for the first time I can see myself with Peter. Obviously he can have his moments, but at this second he’s so vulnerable and I’m able to glance at this unknown side of the infamous human.
My arms move to wrap around his neck as I pull myself up to reach his lips better. I never want this moment to end. The feeling of Peter’s hands moving softly against my back and of his soft hairs on the back of his neck, and how they prickle against my hands as I run them through his hair are engrained in my head and soon become one of my favourite memories.
The sort stubble on the top of his lip begins to tickle me, and I have to break away for air, giggling into his neck as we continue to embrace.
“That was…wow that was good.”
That only makes me giggle even more. “You’re telling me.”
“Have I mentioned yet how absolutely stunning you look right now?”
“No, but please by all means go ahead.” God, how does he make into such a giggly mess so easily?
“Well, and I don’t know if this was too obvious, but the second I saw you, you took my breath away in all honesty. I mean you’re beautiful all the time, but geez, right now you look more beautiful than ever.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself Star Lord. I didn’t think you could look so good.”
It was true. Peter had shaved, his side burns and mustache freshly cleaned up and trimmed, and he wore a tight fitting button up that perfectly showed off his hard earned muscles. He smiled at me gratefully as he leaned down once again to kiss me. The kiss seemed to last a life time yet ended much too quickly, and left me gasping for breath. A few moments of silence passed before he speaks again.
“Are you finally gonna admit to it now?” he asks after a moment.
“Admit to what?”
“This unspoken thing.”
“I don’t think you can call it unspoken any longer Peter,” I say as a I hid my face in his chest.
He chuckles, grabbing my face to make sure I can look him in the eyes.
“I knew I’d get you to admit it! It feels pretty good huh? Finally admitting how much you like me.”
“Hold on Star Boy I never said that!”
“You didn’t have to, your kiss said it all.”
I start laughing once again but it doesn’t last for long. Once again he brings me into another kiss that leaves me breathless. This one doesn’t last nearly long enough though, and I try to lean in for another, but Peter stops me.
“Can I ask you a serious question?” he asks, his voice suddenly a lot deeper. I nod my head as I step back to examine the entirety of his face as he speaks.
“Would you like to be my girlfriend?”
My heart almost pauses at the question.
“Yeah, yeah I’d love that,” I reply, my voice small and so quiet.
“Oh thank god,” he replies, going in for one of a million kisses that are soon to come.
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