#I wanted this done tonight so I'll just edit it tomorrow
You're one of my favorite fallout blogs right now. Are there any more Cooper headcanons you have rattling around?
Firstly, you deeply flatter me. 🩷 I really enjoy writing stuff for you guys. To answer your question: yes, I have about a million more Cooper headcanons, and I'm more than happy to share, so here's a little random grab-bag. Since you didn't specify NSFW headcanons, I'll put some SFW ones here and do the NSFWs in a follow-up.
I'm currently traveling to visit family and have a hard time writing or editing in the car, but I'm hoping to have at least one longer smut submission done some time tonight or tomorrow. Thank you all for reading!
General SFW Cooper Howard Headcanons
Prewar! Cooper Howard
- I feel like he and Barb met and married a little older than would've been traditional at the time, maybe late 30's? Their relationship has a maturity to it that I think really only comes from meeting when you're both more established and confident in yourselves. I feel like it may have taken them a while to have Janey, as well. I imagine they probably wanted more kids but ultimately struggled to have them (that man absolutely ADORES being a dad, so in my mind he'd want like four or five kids). People seem to generally see Coop as late 40's-50ish, and Janey is like 7, right? 43(ish), with Barb maybe around 40, is pretty old for a first child.
- This man also 100% had pretty boy tendencies (and I bet they're still in there somewhere, just buried real deep). I don't see him as necessarily fussy about it, but after so many years of appearance being a big part of how he makes his living, I imagine you'd catch him in the mirror about any time one appeared, "just to check real quick". Very particular about his clothes fitting right. Meticulous dental hygiene. Always smells amazing.
- He's a big "acts of service" person; his favorite way to show love, whether it be to his family and friends, Janey, or you, is to learn what your interests and hobbies are and to engage with them, to remember things about you and what you like. And, like most people who are big on acts of service, he prefers to be loved that way, in turn. As such, he's a big sucker for inside jokes.
The Ghoul
- His sassy little duster is 110% used to make him look big and scary. Walton Goggins is only 5'10, and it's not like he's beefy in build. He's obviously not unmuscular, by any means, but he's lean. I'd call him "trailer park wiry". You'd definitely be surprised at how much smaller he looks the first time you see him without the coat; he still cuts an imposing figure after cultivating it for so long, but he looks so much more svelte without it. The boots and hat also probably make him seem bigger.
- The man still remembers how to dance, like, really well. Line dancing, ballroom, even a little swing...he's quite eclectic. You will 100% have to nag about this a little if you want to actually see it in action, because he thinks you just wanna make fun of him for it, but if you can convince him you really do just wanna share this with him, he'll teach you. Finds he still really enjoys it if you can convince him to try.
- Doesn't have much by way of a sense of taste anymore, like most old men, and, like most old men, he has a penchant for sweets of any kind (that also isn't totally partially a remnant of how much junk he used to eat with Janey). Sweet and spicy he can still taste.
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rogersideup · 2 years
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The Senses of Steve
Series masterlist
Previous part: Smell
Summary: With no one around, and nothing but a head massage to occupy your mind, you finally felt like you knew where you belonged.
Word count: 14,580
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
Authors note: Hi besties! We’ve finally made it to the end :,) this chapter is currently un-edited because I wanted to push it out without you guys having to wait another day. I’ll be back to edit it and add proper content warnings tomorrow. Thank you for all your love and support on the series and dealing with the mistakes if you’re seeing this before the edit. I appreciate you all sm <3
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"Here!" Steve announced as he walked into the room and placed a glass of freshly made iced coffee onto your vanity from behind you. "Drink this, coffee usually relaxes you, right?"
Your hair was up in a high messy bun and your makeup was only halfway done. You definitely looked a little crazy, but you kept telling yourself to trust the process. At some point you'd look like the best version of yourself, but right now... "Thank you, Baby." You smiled, dropping your eyeshadow brush from your hand to pick up the coffee.
He was right, vanilla cold brew was one of the most comforting tastes in the world to you. You drank it every morning without fail, sometimes you'd go for a second cup mid-day as a pick me up. Through good days and bad, you could always count on a good cup of coffee to wrap your senses up in a big hug and comfort you through any chaos life threw your way. One sip in and your nerves were slightly calmed, not enough to stop overthinking everything about the night ahead.
"Your dress is almost done being ironed, I'll grab it since I have to go get my suit anyways." He told you with kind eyes looking into yours through the mirror. "How are you feeling?"
His big warm hands gripped your shoulders, rubbing and squeezing away at the muscles to try and ease the anxiety. Tonight was a big deal, all of the avengers were asked to partake in an after award ceremony for the bravest men and women in the military. As a team you would smile, shake hands, and thank those for the sacrifices they've made after they were awarded with titles of great honor. Some people work decades for titles like these.
That in itself wasn't the issue, if it was just that you would have no problem attending.
The problem was that a few avengers let it slip that you would be receiving your own award tonight. The highest award the nation had to offer for gallantry, the Medal of Honor, all because you ran into that building with that bomb.
Oh, and your mom was going to be there receiving her own award.
Said mom you haven't spoken to since eighteen years old. Doesn't know anything about your life Mom.
"I don't understand why I need an award for doing what I signed up for." You huffed. "Oh you did the bare minimum? Here's a shiny medal!" you mocked, finding any and all ways to not show up tonight.
"What you did was not the bare minimum." Steve giggled at your antics. "You deserve the award, and you deserve to accept it." He kissed your cheek. "Stop deprecating the value just because you don't want to go. This is a big deal, we're going to celebrate our brave girl accordingly."
"Steve?" You questioned, he leaned down to rest his chin on your shoulder to get a better view of his favorite face in the mirror.
"Do you remember the year 1941?" You asked rhetorically.
"No, not at all." He shook his head with a mischievous grin.
"Oh, so you don't remember when you stood up the United States Senator in a room full of reporters and 10 members of the Parliament by not accepting your Medal of Honor?"
"Doesn't ring a bell" Steve giggled.
"Huh" You contemplated his lie.
"What can I do to make this easier?"
"Promise me we can leave right after it's over?" You begged.
"Promise." He agreed.
"Yeah? And what if the senator comes up to you and is like 'oh! Captain Rogers! It's so nice to see you! Let's have a fourteen hour long conversation about the political climate of our country that's so boring our partners are going to want to gauge their eyeballs out!' Hmm? Then what?" You challenged, earning more laughter from Steve.
"I'd say, sorry Mister Senator. My beautiful girl just got her Medal of Honor and has very important business to attend, I hope you have a wonderful night." He assured you.
A groan full of nothing but pure dread slipped past your lips as you slumped forward letting your elbows hit the vanity and your head fall into your hands.
"Baby, it'll be fine." His serious voice came out.
"I don't want to see my Mom." You complained fully understanding that you probably sounded pathetic to him. "I don't want to see my Mom, I don't want you to have to see my Mom, I don't want to hear anything she has to say, I don't want to have to fake a smile for a crowd as she walks across the stage we're on, I don't want to shake her hand, I don't want pleasantries, professional courtesy, and small talk where she pretends to care about anything I've been up to just because I'm an avenger now."
"What are the chances this is going to go poorly?" He asked.
"90 percent" You mumbled.
"That's a 10 percent chance that it'll go well." He raised. "We've made miracles happen with less than that, yeah?"
"I think the only thing worse than seeing her again going poorly is it going well. I don't want that." You lifted your head. "I don't want anything to do with her."
"Okay." Steve nodded in understanding, pressing a series of gentle kisses to your shoulder. "Then take it for what it is, okay? One night. Just a couple hours where you have to coexist in a room with someone who's a stranger now. You shake her hand once, you smile for the photo. Then when the time is right, you accept your award from all of us, we shower your in all the love and pride we could possibly give you, then we sneak out have some fun at the private after party, and the two of us will go to bed peacefully and completely relieved that the night is over."
"You missed a huge part" You reminded him. "Socializing, mingling. We're always expected to mingle."
"And I'll be with you the whole night" He grinned. "If she approaches, I'll do whatever I can to get you away. I'll make sure nothing terrible happens."
"How do you feel about tonight?" You questioned, trying to check in on his mind.
"Fine. Not too keen on meeting someone who caused you so much pain but getting to celebrate you outweighs all of that."
"You're too sweet for your own good, you know that, Rogers?" Your eyes closed and your face scrunched up with delightful giggles as he purposefully placed feather light kisses in the crook of your neck to tickle you.
"Remember how you got your dress altered?" Steve asked.
"Uh huh?"
"Took all that pretty fabric off the bottom cause it was too long for you." He smiled, still looking at you in the mirror. "I had them turn some of the extra fabric into a pocket square for my suit so we can match. Doesn't that make you like... a million times more excited to go?"
"A milliondy-trilliondy times more excited." Your smile stretched from ear to ear.
"It's going to be so great. Everyone in the room will know that the prettiest, bravest girl at the event is all mine cause I get to carry a little piece of your dress in my pocket."
"You're so sweet, I'd be lost without you." His arms wrapped around you from behind, and squeezed you generously.
"I'm the lucky one" The smile in his voice was apparent. "I'm going to the store really quick with Bucky, when I get back I'll bring your dress."
"Thank you" You appreciated his warmth for the last few moments with a big deep breath, lifting your hand up behind you and placing it on his cheek. The little hairs growing along his jawline were longer than you've ever seen or felt them since meeting him, it made you smile knowing he was feeling far too lazy to shave.
"Don't worry, I'll get rid of this thing on my face before tonight." He read your mind.
"I wasn't worried." You opened your eyes to read his expression. "I think you pull it off nicely."
"You know how much I hate shaving" Steve pouted.
"So why not grow a beard?" You questioned with a tiny bit of skeptical confidence.
"I don't think people want Captain America to be anything but clean cut." He admitted.
"I think Steve should be whoever he wants to be, and Cap is just going to have to be okay with that." You smiled as he nudged his cheek further into your hand. "You're perfectly capable of saving the world with a handful of hair on your face."
"I'll take that into consideration, beautiful." Steve giggled and kissed your hair once more. "I'll be back soon."
"Okay, have fun with your boyfriend!"
"I will" He laughed. "I love you, you're going to be fine."
"I love you too."
Steve came back about an hour later with your dress when you were finally done with your makeup and just finishing up your hair with a final run through of hairspray to keep all your hard work in place.
The both of you get dressed together and you couldn't help but to be endlessly thankful for him in those moments. He was helpful from cracking jokes to ease your mind, making you laugh as he cursed his three piece suit for being so confusing and having too many buttons, down to helping you zip up your dress and insisting on buckling the straps of your heels.
When you were both fully dressed, perfumed, and styled to the public's standard you took one final look at each other. Your shaky hands reached to straighten out the dark teal colored satin pocket square made of your dress, and centered his tie one last time before his hands caught yours.
He kissed the back of each one and professed that you were the prettiest girl he's ever seen, and in true Steve fashion, admitted that you were, in fact, so pretty that you still made him nervous.
Your love was so sickeningly sweet that the only thoughts that filled your head as you walked down to the event was questions of how you got to be so lucky, and what you could've possibly done to earn the life you had. The life where you were an avenger, and your boyfriend was quite literally the superhero of your dreams.
The same superhero tale that was told to you as a kid, the very one you dreamed would sweep you off your feet and provide you with the love you desperately needed and craved when you laid awake at night as a teenager, wondering what you did to deserve a dead father and a mother who didn't love you.
You had him now. You felt proud that you didn't need him to complete you. That teenager angst of two half's coming together to make a whole had been thrown out the window and been replaced with something so much healthier, and safer. You and your knight and shining armor were two wholes that enjoyed the luxury of love and affection. You could only hope that your growth shined through your posture and glowed through your skin with a golden, glimmering sheen.
You grew exponentially faster and larger than life since the last time your mother saw you. All you wanted now was for her to see it with her own eyes, and drink in the harsh reality that you were whole without her. Though not by choice, you were whole without your father. You are whole without your superhero, but a little extra shiny and radiant with him by your side.
You stepped through the large double doors into the luxurious and lively event room, a nostalgic wave of emotion overtook. It felt like parent open house night in elementary school, that after school event where your parents come to see your classroom, meet your teachers, and see some physical proof of your hard work.
This time your artwork didn't hang on bulletin walls with your name signed at the bottom with glitter glue, you weren't reading your poetry to classmates and their parents, your teacher wasn't praising you for being a joy to have around and a good example for your peers.
You couldn't help but to wonder if she felt the same- if your mother had grown and changed in your years of not speaking. Perhaps she bloomed and blossomed the same way you did, the harsh reality of life turning you both into diamonds. Maybe she was whole without you too, maybe she found the half of herself she lost with the passing of your father. There was a chance she was golden and glimmering, shining brightly with radiant wisps.
Steve pulled you out of your thoughts by squeezing your hand with excitement as he recognized a handful of friendly faces he hadn't gotten a chance to see in a while. You shared that joy with him when you finally worked up the nerve to look around the room too and being met with a whole bunch of old colleagues, mentors, and commanding officers you were more than happy to introduce to Steve.
Most of them reunited with you through kind words, congratulations, and praises higher than you thought you deserved. You accepted them modestly, mostly because if you didn't Steve would fight you tooth and nail until you did, then invited them to the private after party in the private sector of the compound.
If you didn't invite people to your own after party, then Tony would be the one to fight you.
As more familiar faces approached to reconnect, you soon found yourself in a bubble of love. The smile on your face never dissipated and laughter began to slip out as if you had nothing to be worried about in the first place.
The room continued to fill and more people began to take their seats in time for the ceremony to start. The Avengers were expected on the stage the whole time to take pictures and congratulate those who received their medals, so before they started their work, she wanted to loosen up a bit and start the night off right.
Steve was having a conversation with a group of people you didn't recognize, so you made a brave choice. When the moment was right as to not interrupt anyone, you let go of his hand and placed it on his upper arm to grab his attention. He leaned over a bit to hear you more clearly in the crowded room. "I'm going to grab a drink really quick, I'll meet you on the stage okay?"
His eyes became concerned and he continued leaning down to speak quietly in your ear. "You want me to come with you?"
"It's okay, Honey, it'll be fast." You reassured him. "Can I get you anything?"
"I'll have what you're having" he grinned and sent you off with a quick kiss to the crown of your head.
"Okay, I'll see you up there" His actions brought a smile to your face as you walked up to the bartender.
You waited in line before placing an order for two drinks, and as you waited for them, a hand landed on the curve of your waist.
"I made a promise to stay with you all night, I can't break it." Steve reminded you.
"Well I'm feeling better than I thought I would so it's perfectly okay if you do." You let him pull you close into his side, his big hand was keeping you warm.
"Is she here yet?" He questioned.
"Haven't seen her" You shook your head.
"Right now I think I might be more nervous than you are, I keep looking for features of your face in every person I talk to wondering if it might be her."
"Well, I've always been told I look more like my dad anyways." The bartender handed her the two drinks, she grabbed them both with a polite thank you and handed one to Steve. "these should help."
"Do you think she knows we're together?" He asked, trying to further understand the situation at hand like he was plotting the best way to fight a battle.
"Look at us" You giggled with a slight snort between your first and second sip. "Matching bracelets, matching outfits, I think the whole world knows we're together."
"...and that article was published in tmz last week" he thought out loud. "I'm just trying to figure out if she would approach me."
"Maybe." You shrugged. "But her opinion of you means shit to me."
Steve took a long sip of his drink, silently praying he would experience a miracle and maybe feel even a slight buzz from the alcohol. "I've never met any of your family before, even if you don't care I still feel like I care."
"Steve" Your hand found its way to his chest. "Everyone you've met tonight, the team, literally the people we both live with and see every single day are more like my family than my mother is. You have met my family, and news flash, they all love you. Everyone loves you. I love you."
"So if she hates me?" He asked.
"You get to join the club! She hates me too" You smiled, Steve bit the inside of his cheeks to try and hold back a laugh at your statement before shaking his head. "You're so handsome."
"You're deflecting" he raised an eyebrow.
"No I'm not" you denied. "I'm simply distracted by your beauty."
"You know, I've been thinking about what you said earlier." Steve let you know.
"Oh no, I say a lot of things all day long."
"I think Cap is okay with trying a beard"
"But you just shaved like an hour ago" You pouted.
"Steve shaved what an hour ago?!" Natasha's voice rang from behind the two of you.
Steve scoffed like a disappointed dad at her innuendo. "My face."
"I'm trying to get him to grown a beard."
"You missed a spot" She reached up and poked his chin, naturally he looked down at where her finger was pointing and she took the chance to drag it up his face to annoy him like two children in the elementary school playground. "Ha-ha made you look" she taunted.
You let out another adorable half snort as you laughed at the banter.
"You're so lucky we're in a room full of people right now or I'd be chasing you around the compound." Steve stated.
"So scary" you lied and over exaggerated your words, throwing your hands up in defense to hype up Steve's words. "Natasha, I'd be scared if I were you."
"Yup. I'm terrified." She said flatly. "Anyways, I was told you needed to get your freshly shaved face up on that stage. You too, teal dress."
"Sure thing" Steve nodded, and offered you his arm to walk over together.
The two of you followed Natasha since the three of you needed to get to the same place anyways.
You took your spot between Steve and Sam, anxiously playing with the straw in your cocktail as you felt eyes on you from all over the room. Once the guest speaker started, you tried your hardest to keep your eyes down on your feet to avoid meeting the gazes. Sam caught on to your nervousness, and in attempts to ease your mind he subtly put his arm around you.
He grabbed Steve's wrist and booted his arm off of you, just to take the formerly occupied spot and pull you into his side. Steve looked over at him and quickly shot a questionable sad puppy dog face, and Sam used his free hand to motion for him to relax.
"See this woman in the front? Blonde hair black dress. I saw her trip over her own heel in the parking lot earlier." Sam whispered in your ear. "And the guy next to her, blue suit, tried to catch her but ended up falling on his butt."
You tried to contain the laughter as to not draw attention to yourselves, trying your hardest to uphold the Avengers respectful and professional reputation. To get him back, you gently nudged him with your elbow and stepped away from his hold.
Focusing on the speaker made time fly so fast, before you knew it they were presenting you with your medal. Since you weren't technically in the military anymore, and the avengers held a special place in the hearts of the nation, an exception was made and rules were changed so that the team were the ones to present the medal to you at this ceremony completely separate from the rest.
Tony was able to say some remarkably kind words about you before placing it around your neck, surrounded by the very team who you thought all deserved it more than you did. They were the ones who assisted you in that very moment, the only difference between them and you was being in the right place at the right time.
As it was placed around your neck, you had no choice but to look straight into the crowd of people who were clapping for you. Unexpectedly, someone stood from their seat.
It caused a ripple of everyone else following the lead, and before you knew it everyone was standing. You wish you could tell them to stay seated, you wish you could hand the medal right back to where it came from, but you were stuck.
Your eyes were now glued on the woman who stood first for you. Your own flesh and blood, aged a couple years, grey streaks littering the hair color you once knew, standing and clapping for you with a smile full of pride smeared across her face.
Maybe she did change, but your teenage defenses came flooding in and your felt yourself become small. You shrunk inwards, prepared to tiptoe quietly as to not mess up the smile on her face that was always so fast to disappear at the smallest of accidental disappointments. The chances of her getting better were slim, but the chances that she was smiling and clapping for you, her precious daughter, was all a show for her own peers in the section around her was larger than your life itself.
Steve sensed your drop in confidence the very moment it happened, and followed your gaze. When he saw her he didn't even need to ask for confirmation, because although you denied your similarities, he found a woman who shared your smile and nose.
Unsuspectingly, you started receiving hugs and congratulations from each avenger. When Steve left a quick kiss on your cheek and pulled you in for his turn, you took the chance while you had it.
"She's here." You told him quietly, pretending as though he was congratulating you again for the millionth time that day alone.
"I know, I see her." Steve let you know. "Are you okay?"
"Yep" you had to keep it short and sweet to stay inconspicuous.
You managed to hold it together regardless of your personal feelings. Steve was right, there was so much love and happiness to be spread around tonight surrounded by your colleagues that you managed to bite your tongue and swallow away the bitter taste her presence left in your mouth.
When it was her turn to shake hands and take pictures with the team, they all did you a solid by taking up all the available space surrounding her. You managed to get away with a disingenuous smile at the very end corner of the group photo you knew she was probably dying to post on social media to show off your success.
The same success she had no part in nurturing, no reason to be proud of.
Years of your professional life was spent perfecting a handshake that was firm enough to show confidence, and soft enough to come across as friendly. She got your absolute worst, a single shake with a flimsy grip.
Petty? Maybe. Immature? Possibly. But you made it through a night you were dreading for months, so you were just proud of yourself for getting through it.
The moment the event was over and your professional engagement was no longer required, all of the Avengers were ushered off the stage and into the back halls to go straight to the private after party.
As insisted, you were going to have a fun time and nobody was going to take any excuse as a valid reason to not let loose. The moment you made it into the room where the party was, Tony placed a shot in your hand, and you immediately took it.
The vodka shooting down your throat pulled your mind away from the icky feeling that lingered in your soul. Your medal was taken off your neck by staff you'd trust with your life and was placed in a safe locked box in your room.
Music started, heels came off, and more people arrived to fill all the empty and quiet places with nothing but love.
Bucky and Sam grabbed you mid conversation with your old commanding officer and you were flung over Sam's shoulder. More shots, so much dancing with whoever could get their hands on you.
Every once in a while you'd look around to find Steve, and he was always somewhere around the room being pulled in a million directions talking to someone new with a big smile on his face. He seemed to be having just as good of a time as you were.
A few hours and a few shots went by before you needed a break from the high energy on the dance floor, so you grabbed a water and sat at the bar next to a friend you were happy to catch up with.
You swore you chatted her up without a care in the world, fifteen minutes felt like three hours. She got up to go to the bathroom and you chugged down the rest of your water before another person approached you.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing at a place like this all by herself?" Steve spoke smoothly like he was in an old time movie.
"Well you see, I'm not one to frequent a place like this, but it was dark and stormy out. I needed a warm place to go." You went along with the joke, your eyes did glance out the window to make sure it was, in fact, dark and stormy out. It was probably getting late but you had no concept of the time at the moment.
"Well, did you find it?" He questioned.
"Find what?"
"A warm place to hideaway from the storm?"
"Well, I certainly found a handsome fella to occupy my time while I wait for it to pass. With a face like that I outta' come around here more often." You shamelessly flirted with your own boyfriend.
"You found just the right man, Miss. You know, a beautiful dame in a dress like that in this part of town is quite dangerous. I'm going to have to beat everyone away with a stick." He smirked.
"Yeah? What would I have done without you?" You bat your eyelashes.
"Who knows." He shrugged.
"And what would those people have done to me?"
"They wouldn't appreciate you the same way I do." He shook his head.
You stepped closer to him and he took the chance to put his hand on the small of your back to keep you close. Feeling quite possessive of your sweet soldier, you claimed him too with a hand on his chest as you leaned in to make it a little more provocative.
"So, what would you like to do to me?" You blinked slowly.
His mouth dropped and cheeks flushed as you started pushing his buttons in a room full of people closest to you.
"Seems like you're not such a nice girl after all." He shook his head, eyebrows still raised and cheeks stippled with shades of pink.
He looked so cute like that.
"Never said I was, Captain." You instigated once more, definitely a little too drunk for your own good.
"Okay that's it" Steve laughed. "You're in for it now."
"No I'm not." You denied in a fit of giggles as you started taking big backwards steps towards the exit.
"Where are you going?" He questioned, taking large playful steps towards you. "You can talk the talk but can't walk the walk?"
"Oh you wanna walk the walk right now? In front of all of these people?" You questioned, getting ready to run. "Never knew you were such a... voyeur."
"Baby, you're bad." Steve laughed as you turned around to face forward and squeaked out a drunken giggle, running barefoot through people trying to lose him.
He followed as fast as he could to the best of his abilities until he saw you run right out of the party ballroom into the more calm and quiet compound hallway.
With no people in his way now, he was able to pick up his speed and catch you from behind the second you let your guard down. His arms around your torso allowed him to pick you up and twirl you around causing another eruption of laughter.
He couldn't help but to laugh at your chaos and take on your contagious smile when he spun you around once more to face him.
"If I'm so bad then why'd you run after me?" You laughed, very gently play punching him.
He did a very good job at blocking your punches just as gently as you threw them at him.
"You're so bad" he repeated, shaking his head once again. "And when you walk around looking like this?! Truly a danger to my health and well-being"
"I feel like you brought this upon yourself." You threw the tiniest of punches to his shoulder, but his hand caught your wrist. "Who let you think that Captain America in a three piece suit was legal? Hmm? You're killing people, Stevie."
"You're so drunk" Steve laugh rang out.
"You're not drunk enough" You bantered.
"I tried to match you, but it's not working."
"Well obviously you're not trying hard enough!"
"Have you eaten anything in the past few hours?" He asked, poking your sides to instigate your childish laughter.
"You're so pretty, I'm going to eat you" You caught his arm the same way he caught yours a few seconds ago, and took a big ol' pretend bite right out of his bicep.
"Maybe you need more water" He rubbed the part of his covered arm that you pretended to bite, unable to wipe the stupid smile off his face.
"Bucky!" You exclaimed as Bucky walked out into the hall.
"Are you trying to eat him?" Bucky asked. "I came to rescue Steve from the cannibal in the hallway."
"You can't blame me, he looks and smells so yummy." You defended yourself, lifting Steves arm up to Bucky. "You want a taste?"
"I'm good." Bucky laughed, grabbing Steve's arm and placing it back down to his side.
"More for me" you shrugged.
"Sam and Nat wanted to know if you would take another shot with them?" Bucky asked what he actually intended to come all that way for.
"I don't know if that's such a great idea, big guy over here thinks I should be eating more food and drinking more water." You shook your head with a smile.
Bucky gasped and wrapped his arms around you from the side, cradling your head in his metal hand. "Steven! You're trying to sober her up? On her big night? You monster!"
"She tried to eat me!" He defended himself, hands up in defense, cheeks starting to feel sore.
"He sucks" Bucky rocked you back and forth. "Another shot?" He asked again.
"Will you hold my hair back while I puke?" You questioned right back.
Bucky released you and stepped away. "Sorry, not my job. Steve can help you out with that"
"I'm trying to prevent that" Steve defended the situation.
"I don't know who I'm supposed to trust anymore!" You said dramatically. "You both wouldn't hold my hair back for me, that's so mean"
"I didn't say that" Steve denied.
"Bucky, I don't think Steve would love me if I was a worm" You told the other soldier.
"I'm sorry, Doll. I would love you if you were a worm even if he didn't." Bucky played along.
"If you were a what?" Steve questioned, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"A worm, Steven." Bucky scoffed. "If she turned into a worm, would you still love her? Really, it's a simple question."
"Baby, if you turned into a worm I'd make you the worm house of your dreams and take care of you." Steve claimed your statement to be false.
"Ha! ...and Bucky wouldn't even hold my hair back."
"Which is exactly why you're my girl and not his." Steve proudly claimed you, following Bucky's actions and claiming you in his own arms after seeing you wrapped up with his best friend.
"Hey, give her back!" Bucky pouted.
"Nope, all mine" Steve denied as you laughed in his hold.
"I guess I should tell Sam and Nat no more sho-" Bucky started, but was cut off.
"Chameleon?" A fourth voice made you freeze in place, and the nickname you haven't been called since childhood made your once happy heart sink to the pit of your stomach.
You didn't want to look, you didn't want Steve to let you go, and you hoped that it was an odd coincidence from a stranger trying to pass through the halls.
Unfortunately, life doesn't always work that way. Steve slowly let you out of his arms, immediately fixing his tie and pressing down his suit jacket while standing tall.
Bucky cleared his throat, "Yeah, uh, I'm going to go find Sam and Natasha." He turned on his heels and walked right back into the event.
Steve didn't really know what to do in that moment, but you knew that you felt stone cold sober now and you wished you could go back to three minutes ago when you were having a blast annoying the soldiers.
"Captain Rogers, honor to meet you." Your mom appeared in front of you, reaching her hand out to shake his for a second time tonight.
For the first time ever, you saw Steve in a moment of being rendered speechless. He didn't know how to respond, if it was appropriate to congratulate her on success in the military, or if he should be yelling at her for being unauthorized in a high security building approaching a private event with no invitation.
He shook it, and opened his mouth hoping that something, literally anything would come out. Instead, she spoke once again.
"You two seem to be comfortable with each other!" She enthused. You knew where this was headed, and you immediately wanted to cry. "And my gosh, my little chameleon, you've become not so little anymore. I hardly recognized you, you've grown into yourself so well... an avenger? Wow."
"Is that so hard to believe?" You questioned, speaking your first words to her since 18 years old.
"Do you remember that photo of you that your dad took when you were 8 years old? The one where you were running around the back yard with a plastic Captain America shield?"
"Mom" You warned, already feeling embarrassed enough to want to fall through the floor.
"I still hear that tiny voice screaming loud enough for all the neighbors to hear that you were going to save the day. And here you are." She looked from you, to Steve, then back at you with judgmental eyes. "Yeah. It's a little hard to believe."
There was no super hero in the grand scheme of the entire multiverse that could come and save you from being belittled in front of Steve. You knew he couldn't cut in unless she was being downright disruptive, and he couldn't leave and live with himself for breaking a promise to you.
"And why is that?" You shrunk into yourself and glued your eyes to the floor, suddenly remembering your bare feet.
You were no longer glowing or radiant, you didn't feel quite as big as you did all those years away from her. You knew now what she saw, a drunken disappointment in the hallway, an imposter, a mess with no shoes taking advantage the only man who could fill the broken void of your childhood.
But you never thought of Steve that way, and certainly that's not why you fell in love with him. Standing in front of her and next to him, you had never felt so insecure.
Did you subconsciously fall into the lap of this relationship to heal parts of yourself that therapy couldn't? Was it weird or morally wrong to be romantically involved with Steve? Did you trap him with a sob story and make him feel too bad to leave?
Holy shit. Did you have do defend this behavior and your relationship in front of your mother?
Maybe it was time to retire this career and start a new one somewhere else. Something small and simple, maybe a barista in an independently owned coffee shop, or a florist spending your day with your nose deep in the flowers.
"I guess when you were a kid you were just so focused on yourself and so... heartless... it's hard to imagine you living a life revolved around selflessness and empathy." She spoke so casually you almost accepted those words as true.
You could hear Steve take in a big breath, he squirmed in place, visibly uncomfortable with the situation and upset by her words.
"Heartless" you repeated quietly. The room spun around you but you weren't sure if that was the anxiety or the alcohol. "Selfish. How? How are those the only two words you could think of to describe me when all I did with my life before adulthood was take care of you?"
"Take care of me?" She scoffed. "You know how hard I had to work every day to keep food in your mouth and a roof over your head?"
"That's the bare minimum you sign up to do when having a kid." You mumbled.
"After all these years I thought that maybe you would've changed your mind about me being some sort of villain."
"You've done nothing to change my mind. No apologies, no effort to mend our relationship..."
"Maybe it'll take you having your own kids to understand how hard it is to be a mother." She cut you off. "But seeing as you can't treat your own flesh and blood with respect, you aren't fit to be one yet."
"I think you've mistaken this event as an open house, and I think you're here way past your allotted time." You finally spoke up.
"And this continuing to be your behavior even under today's circumstances and in front of one of the most respected men in the world is disappointing." Her voice got louder to undermine the fact that yours did too. "Imagine explaining this to your 8 year old self. What would she think? I know your father would be disappointed at best."
"What exactly are you here for, ma'am?" Steve instantly snapped when she tried to weaponize his very existence using her dead father.
Your vocal cords were tied tightly into a knot, nothing could come out, you could barely breathe, and a single tear fell down your cheek. In attempts to not let her win, you wiped it away as quickly as you could.
"I wanted a chance to congratulate my daughter, but I'm not so sure she deserves that anymore." She spat venom at you. "You know, a flashy title and a medal around your neck means nothing without a family to love you."
"She does have a family that loves her, they're all in that room right now." Steve proudly wrapped his arm around you and pointed to the party. "There's a reason why you aren't allowed in there, so I suggest you leave. Especially because I'm sure your commanding officer would be disappointed to hear that you're continuing this dishonorable behavior in front of one of the most respected and remarkable women in the world."
You couldn't even help the sob that escaped the back of your throat before covering your mouth with your hand and hiding your face into his side. He could've used his own title and authority to scare her off, but instead he picked you up off the floor she held you down on and placed you on a pedestal above her head.
She tried to make you feel small, perhaps that's how she always saw you, but Steve always thought you were larger than life. His actions and words continued to prove that in every difficult situation.
He was always so soft and kind around you that you forgot that he even had such a stern and commanding bone in his body.
"She is my daughter." You mother stood her ground.
"You do not own her. Leave." Steve practically growled.
The silence was loud as she scoffed and walked off with a stomp in her feet, hands balled into fists.
Steve left you for a moment to tell the nearest security to escort her out and make sure she actually exited the premises this time, and by the time he got back and placed his hands on your shoulders to console you, he was nothing but soft again.
Your hands hid your face, too embarrassed to even speak to him at the moment. Overwhelmed, ashamed, consumed by anxiety on the brink of a panic attack, you couldn't step foot in that room again.
Not with tears streaking your mascara and the hem of your dress bunching against the floor due to your lack of heels.
Steve felt his heart squeezing in his chest when you couldn't even open your eyes to look at his face, he could only imagine you were feeling belittled and embarrassed. He would do anything to take that weight off your shoulders, make sure you knew that you had nothing to be ashamed of, but no words would break through the barrier you had to build in order to protect yourself.
You needed your own time and space to break that down, and you would. You were brave enough to do so. Just not right now, not when you desperately needed a bulletproof casing to keep all of the harsh words and criticism out of your mind.
"Baby" Steve's hands traveled from your shoulders up your neck and onto your own hands that hid your face. "You're okay, I love you. It's okay"
"I have to go" Your voice shook.
"That's okay" His thumbs ran along the backside of your hands. "I know you need some alone time, but would you like me to walk you home or are you going to be okay getting back on your own?"
"I'm fine." You inhaled deeply and rubbed your face once more before dropping your hands and crossing your arms over your chest tightly. "I'll be fine."
"Alright" Steve kissed the top of you head. "I'll come check on you in a bit."
It was hard for him to let you walk away by yourself when all he wanted to do was make sure you got home okay and tuck you in tightly under your blankets, but letting you go alone was what you needed in that moment so he forced himself to take that step back.
He walked back in that room and explained the situation to Tony and Bucky, and stayed a little while longer acquainting himself to all the important people in your life who loved you so deeply.
About an hour and a half later, it was well into the middle of the night and guests started leaving so he took the opportunity to sneak out and contemplate his next move on the walk back.
He didn't want to bother you or make you feel pressured into being around him if you still felt defensive, but the thought of you sleeping in a cold bed alone all night when you were already so sad made him want to cry a little bit.
He decided that the best thing to do was to change out of his formal wear and into some sweats before going into your room to check on you. Maybe some extra comfort would be beneficial to the both of you.
Unlocking his bedroom door and stepping through, he kicked off his shoes and ran a hand through his styled hair before noticing the lump under the covers of his bed. It made his heart beat a little faster before it melted into a puddle.
He changed into sweatpants and a hoodie as quickly as he could, as he brushed his teeth he took note of how you turned off the soundproofing to hear the rain putter against the roof and floor to ceiling windows.
Once he was ready to submit to the night, he walked over to the side of his bed you were sleeping on. Normally it was his side, but he could tell you planted yourself there for a reason, and who was he to disturb that?
He kneeled next to the bed, and only when he tucked your hair behind your ear did he notice that you were sound asleep.
All the makeup you worked so hard on was gone without a trace, your eyes were swollen and your nose was stained pink. Although you were sad, he couldn't help but to smile. He thought you looked just as beautiful this way.
Realizing he didn't want to wake you, he planted a feather light kiss to your head before walking back to the other side to slide in next to you.
Though he tried his hardest, you woke up to slowly being engulfed by your favorite strong arms, and pulled against your favorite warm body. You shuffled backwards a bit to meet the front of his body with the back of yours, one of your hands intertwined with one of his while the other held onto his forearm that was keeping you safe and secure. You brought the back of his hand to your mouth before kissing it and tucking it into your chest close to your heart.
"I'm sorry" you sleepily mumbled, feeling a pang of physical pain as he held you so tenderly.
"I'm not allowing you to apologize for something that's not your fault." Steve denied. "None of that has ever been your fault."
"You shouldn't have had to hear that, or see me like that. So, I'm sorry."
"You shouldn't be." Steve settled, his chin nuzzling into the top of your head. "I'm sorry you've been treated like that for so much of your life. You deserved so much better."
"I'm not allowing you to apologize for something that's not your fault" You repeated his words. "Thank you for sticking up for me, that's the first time anyone has ever spoken up to her."
"Anytime, Princess." He squeezed your hand. "I hope you know that you aren't the one your father would be disappointed in."
You nodded, feeling the tears rush back to your eyes. If you speak another word they would flood the gates and flow until you got yourself to sleep again.
"He would be proud, so so proud of you. I'm proud of you. Everyone in their right minds is proud of you, and the world owes you an un-payable debt."
"I didn't even do anything that special" Your voice accidentally jumped an octave higher in your losing battle against your tears.
"Yes you did, and I'll shout it from the rooftops until you understand." He squeezed you a little tighter. "I think the whole world of you. No matter what your role, daughter, avenger, friend, girlfriend, maybe even mom one day if you want to be, you hit the ball out of the park. You exceed all expectations, and if someone can't see that, that's on them. That's not on you. I'm the luckiest man in the universe to have the privilege of loving you."
"I love you so much" You told him, squeezing your eyes shut to try and stop the tears.
"I love you too." He calmly exhaled. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need a snack or some water?"
"I'm okay, I think I just need to sleep." You slowly flipped onto your other side to face him.
"Okay." He let you dig your face into his chest as he held you tightly in his arms to hide you away from the world that had hurt you tonight. "Wake me up if you need me, alright? Sweet dreams, sweet girl.
"Sleep tight." You mumbled into his chest.
He woke up pretty late the next morning given that everyone had been awake until 2am the previous night. The sun was shining aggressively bright through the large windows and hitting his eyes, he could hear birds chirping and the hustle and bustle of whatever was going on outside. You weren't with him in bed, but he could hear the sounds of cookware in the kitchen, the unusual whirl of the mixer being used.
He got up and stretched, not even bothered to fix his hair before dragging his feet all the way to the common area that was oddly empty except for you.
You could hear him coming, the shuffling socks on the hardwood was a dead giveaway. He stopped and looked around before blinking slowly at you in confusion.
"Where is everyone?" He questioned sleepily, sitting down on a stool at the island and letting his head and back slump forward onto his elbows.
"Deployed." You answered, measuring out powdered sugar to add to the butter and vanilla in the mixer.
"Yep" you popped the P dramatically. "Literally everyone but us two got put on emergency last night around 4. They must've heard what happened and decided to cut us some slack, we have the whole place to ourselves." You grinned with amusement.
Your dimpled cheeks were so refreshing to his worried and busy mind.
"Hmmm" he hummed, closing his eyes and letting his mind wander for a while.
After a few minutes, you placed a cup of coffee in front of him just how he liked it before rubbing his back and kissing the adorable blonde mess on top of his head. "Still sleepy?"
"I'm getting old, baby. I stay up late for one night and I feel like I have to sleep for two days to recover." He complained, perking up at the smell of coffee.
"Well, you can sleep all day if you want and nobody is here to make fun of you for it." You noted, stopping the mixer once your frosting was nice and smooth.
"Sounds so nice" Steve yawned after taking down some coffee and letting his head fall again.
As you put the frosting into a piping bag with a metal tip on it, you mind couldn't escape last night. You were trying your very hardest to disregard all the weird thoughts your mom planted into your head, especially the ones about your relationship with Steve.
You never questioned the dynamic before, no one has ever brought it up, but now you were clouded and fogged by worry.
A morning alone with him should feel domestic and happy, a small glimpse into what the future could hold if you chose that for yourselves.
Rain falling outside, both of you bundled up in your coziest clothes, your extra lazy boyfriend falling asleep slumped over the island with a hot cup of coffee, homemade cupcakes that were begging for some frosting.
People would kill for moments like these, and you couldn't even enjoy it through your racing heart and even faster mind. Your mom made you question your intentions with your sweet boy with one single glance, and now you couldn't help but to feel like he deserved better all over again.
You should've been brave and stood up for yourself. You should've told her how you really felt, aired out all your dirty laundry, screamed it from the top of your lungs, but instead you mumbled and muttered and cried.
Brave, mighty, strong, none of those words seemed to suit you. Maybe this really wasn't the job for you, and that feeling of uncertainty you had the first few weeks here was more of a gut feeling you weren't cut out for this.
You mindlessly piped frosting onto the cupcakes and got halfway through the dozen before Steve's head popped up in realization and pouted.
"You're baking?" He asked.
"Mhm" you nodded quietly, eyes fixed on the cupcake you were working on.
"Not feeling very talkative?"
"Just a little tired, that's all." You tried to convince him you were okay as to not inconvenience him any more than you already have.
He didn't do much in response to that, and it made your heart sink. You fully convinced yourself that he had given up on you.
You officially annoyed him and pushed jokes too far while you were drunk last night, you shouldn't have let Bucky hug you the way he did, maybe you should've found a different color dress that matched your complexion a little better.
"Oh my god!" You squeaked in surprise when you were lifted up and placed sat on the counter. "What the heck, man?!"
Piping bag still in hand, cupcakes pushed out of the way, Steve stood between your legs. You didn't even notice him get up or hear him coming.
"I love you, do you not understand that?" Steve questioned with all the seriousness in the world dropping from his tone.
"I'm confused" You cocked your head to the side.
He took the bag of frosting out of your hand and placed it on the counter. "You only bake when you're sad. I can tell your mind is running away from you, and you're shutting me out."
"I didn't mean to shut you out" you admitted sadly, your gut already telling you what's coming.
"You don't have to lie to me and say that you're tired instead of saying what's actually wrong. You know I can tell the difference."
"I'm sorry, I- it's just tha-" you scrambled to try and explain what what going on in your head. "I'm trying to process. That's all."
"You still won't even look at me." Steve told you, coming your hair through his fingers. "Why?"
You made it a point to look at his face, and all you saw was golden honey, the sweet angel who you've grown to love with all your heart.
You sighed and slumped.
"You can tell me the truth" he reminded you sweetly.
"My mom takes my self esteem and crushes it into tiny little pieces" You let the words leave your mouth. "Right now, I'm trying to convince myself that everything my brain is telling me is a lie and that I deserve to be here with you."
"Look at me" He grabbed hold of your chin between his thumb and pointer finger to direct your head back up. When you looked him in the eyes, he continued speaking. "I love you. All of you. Everything about you. If you need me to say that a billion times to believe it, I'll do it."
"Do you want a cupcake?" You offered, picking up a frosted one off the counter.
"I love you"
"There's no sprinkles yet but I can put some one really quick"
"I love you"
"It's vanilla cake with american buttercream" you started unwrapping it.
"I love you"
"I know you like cream cheese frosting but we were out of cream cheese so this was the best I could do."
"I love you"
"Steve" You complained.
"Hmm?" His hand rubbed your thigh while the other remained on your back.
"Will you please eat this cupcake before I lose my mind?" You pleated.
He took it from your hands and put it to your mouth prompting to take a bite first, and once you did he took one too.
"Oh my god" he thew his head back. "So fucking good. Another reason why I love you so much."
"I love you" You told him.
"I know you do" He set the other half of the cupcake down, taking note that he would definitely finish it later. "Quite honestly, I'm a little offended that you don't know that I love you. Means I'm not doing my job right."
"I know you do, you're doing your job very well." You told him, he pulled you forward so he could touch just a little more of you.
"But?" He raised an eyebrow.
"But... how I'm feeling right now is not your fault. You shouldn't feel a responsibility to fix it. I'll be okay, I just need some time."
"Can I have more frosting please?" Steve asked politely.
Too wrapped up in your own mind to verbally respond, you grabbed the piping bag next to you, and squeezed some onto his finger that he had held out and waiting.
He quickly smeared the frosting onto the tip of your nose before his cheeks turned pink and a laugh escaped.
"Oh you suck" You but the inside of your cheek to try and contain the smile you didn't want him to know you had. "Jokes on you, you didn't even get to eat anymore frosting. Let me help you out with that"
You squeezed the bag as hard as you could over his lips, he turned his head to try and get away but it ended up smearing all the way up the left side of his cheek.
His mouth hung open for a moment in surprise before swiping it off his face and into his mouth.
"Just as delicious when I eat it off my face" He stated, then boldly licked it off the tip of your nose. "And yours"
"You're crazy" You said while wiping your nose with the back of your hand with joy that seemed to be breaking through the thick barrier of sadness. "And still so handsome, even with frosting face"
"Yeah?" A lopsided smile poked through.
Steve grabbed the sides of your face before going in for a steady kiss, lengthy and impassioned. Just his lips alone were telling you everything you needed to know, like he was speaking to you through through physical touch. Just when you started to feel like you needed to catch your breath, he pulled away and let his forehead settle on yours.
"However you feel, however she makes you feel is not your fault." He whispered against your lips. "But what I'm never going to let her do is dictate the way you feel about yourself, and let her get into your head about the way I feel about you."
In a moment of lust and desperation to not have to process the hard emotions that came with the words he was speaking to you, you initiated another buttercream flavored kiss. Vanilla and sugar tasted oh so sweet on his tongue as his hands traveled down to your hips. Once again, the unfortunate human need to breath to survive got in the way of your plans to shut him up.
"I've never doubted your ability to keep up. You are your own toughest critic. I've never met anyone more capable of being here and being mine." He continued, planting a few quick pecks to your silky smooth lips. "I thank the universe for you every day, and I love you."
"Damn it, Steve." You dramatically flailed your arms before running your hands up his back. "How do you always know what to say and do to make any situation better? How are you this perfect?"
It started becoming a little hard to speak between kisses, and even though you were now glued to his front and latched onto him like a koala, you still couldn't seem to get close enough.
"I just thi-"
"Will you stop for a second and just keep kissing me?" You spoke against his lips. "I can't get enough of you."
"Yes ma'am" He nodded with shades of pink quickly stippling across his cheeks before following strict orders.
Passing time was a concept that completely dissipated as the two of you entangled yourself. Seconds, minutes, hours, none of it mattered. Not when your mouths tasted like cupcakes and your bodies were so warm to contrast the winter rain hitting the windows.
Your hands were never shy to roam and dance around his incredible body, you loved gliding your hands over all the smooth bumps and ridges of muscle. As you snuck your hands up the back of his hoodie, they found their rightful place on his shoulder blades. He physically shivered and you could feel goosebumps raise on his skin causing both of you to giggle into each others kiss.
"You know the good part of the whole team being gone is that we get to eat all the cupcakes by ourselves" Steve spoke again now that he found a natural break in the heat of the moment.
"I'm sure you'll have no issue accomplishing that" You agreed with him.
"And you know the other good part of the whole team being gone?"
"Hmm?" You questioned.
"I get to take my time with you." He kissed the very corner of you jaw right under your ear. "Savor every square inch of you" working his way down your neck, he made it to your collar bones. "You get to be as loud as you need, and I get to take you right here, right now."
His words got you worked up embarrassingly fast. The crimson headache flooded all of your logical reasoning, and every single part of your body was aching to get him closer, take him deeper, crawl into him. It was intoxicating.
"People eat on this counter, baby" You tried reasoning with him, though you were a little more than excited for what was about to come.
"I'll clean it" He pulled your sweater over your head just to be visibly annoyed by your tank top underneath. Attaching your mouths in a steamy kiss dialed up a thousand degrees, more worry filled your head.
"The cameras" You wined feeling like there were too many obstacles in the way. "What if someone hears us?"
He had never been this risky or adventurous before, it had your head spinning and your center throbbing with need. "Friday" Steve called out to the artificial intelligence controlling the building while working off his own sweatshirt.
"How may I assist you, Captain?" She responded just as he got it over his head and tossed it on the floor.
"Turn on private sector soundproofing, and turn off visual and audio recording" He had to practically pry you off of him as you started making advances on him, your hands wandered down the front of his stomach while you kissed his shoulders in attempts to get his pants off.
He caught your wrists in his hands and shook his head before attaching your lips together hungrily as Friday assisted in the necessary steps before the two of you could shed more layers.
"Request complete."
"This isn't about me, so don't even try it." He informed you, voice husky with arousal. "I want you to feel how loved you are, so all I want you to do is relax, feel good, and take it. Okay?"
"That seems a little unfa-" He cut you off by attaching your lips and grabbing the bottom of you tank top to pull over your head.
"Okay?" He asked again once you were in sweatpants and a bra. It was less of a question and more of a demand.
"Okay" You released a shaky breath and a semi-nervous nod.
No matter how many times you found yourself in this position with him, you never found yourself to be less nervous about it. He always made you feel comfortable, cared for and so so good, but he was just so incredibly beautiful and commanding.
It was like ravenous butterflies exploding out of your stomach, and flooding upwards into your racing heart, tingly lips, swarming in your brain. Just looking at his blown out pupils and fast breathing made you feel needy and restless until you got exactly what your body needed.
He pulled your body closer once more, kissing you as one hand unhooked the back of your bra and the other held the back of you head steady. You shrugged it off and he tossed it onto the floor.
Steve couldn't help the satisfaction as you began to take off your own pants for him, so quick to trust him and allow him to make you feel good that you did the work to get him exactly where you needed him as fast as you could. All while his hands massaged your boobs, nipples between his thumb and forefingers, and his lips sucked and nipped at the sensitive skin on your neck that always left you whimpering.
"You looked so beautiful last night" he stated as his hands made their way to your hips, they squeezed gently before they removed the last remaining piece of fabric from your body leaving you completely bare for him. "I thought, wow how could anything be more beautiful than my girl right now? Then I woke up and saw you, and somehow I'm having those same thoughts all over again."
He kissed slowly down your body while pulling you forward to the very edge of the counter, and just as his lips made it to your lower belly, he stood back up and kissed your lips. He used his own body to encourage you to lay back onto your elbows as his hands massaged you thighs, they squeezed and moved in appreciation, celebrating how strong and soft they were. A risky movement occasionally sent a finger too close to where you needed him, and when his mouth attached to you right nipple, you almost saw stars.
Steve pulled his favorite sound out of you, tiny whimpers traveled from your throat, into his ears and right to his dick. Pleasuring you was his greatest form of gratification, nothing made him harder more than knowing you felt good.
"Baby" You complained, obvious need dripping from your voice.
"What's wrong, honey?" He pouted at your whine, almost mocking you.
"You're such a tease"
"We've got all day" He devilishly grinned, more fingers grazing your center. "So much time"
You felt so needy, throbbing beyond comprehension you couldn't even help yourself. You needed something, anything. "Please" you begged.
"How would you like me to please you?" He asked, just the idea of getting to choose made you let out a little noise.
Steve knew that you were completely oblivious to the way your hips were subtly rocking back and forth to try any feel anything at all, your thighs squeezed together to try and create friction. He wasn't having that, so he spread your legs apart and stood between them again so you physically couldn't close them.
"Something, anything" Your head spun.
"I just love you so much that I want to kiss every inch of you." He justified his actions. Holding onto your wrist, he kissed all the way down your upper arm to the back of your hand. Grabbing the piping bag once more, he squeezed frosting onto your two dominant fingers before shoving them into his mouth to lick it off and letting them linger while he coated them the best he could. You were speechless and so turned on that you we're convinced the pressure in your pussy would make you explode if you didn’t do anything about it soon.
"I want you to love yourself as much as I love you" He popped your fingers out of his mouth and guided your hand downward, making you touch yourself. "And since you're feeling too desperate to let me warship you the way that I want, you're going to practice some self love."
You couldn't even control yourself as you ran your fingers through your folds before adding pressure and drawing little circles around your overly sensitive clit. Letting out a moan, you couldn't believe how good you felt. All of this behavior was so new to Steve, it was naughtier and dirtier than your very private and vanilla prince ever let on. The whole scenario added to your pleasure as your mind ran laps around how hot it was.
"There you go" he sighed, finally feeling like you could both have exactly what you wanted.
Usually you'd feel a little self conscious under anyone's watchful eye, let-alone someone who looked like Steve, but his eyes were telling you that he wanted to devour you whole.
More moans continued to slip out past your mouth as you pleasured yourself in front of him, and he massaged, nipped and sucked anywhere he could get access to.
"How does that feel, princess?" He questioned, kissing you before you even got the chance to answer. "You making yourself feel good?"
"Mhm" You moaned out something close to a response.
"You look so pretty like this" He spoke into the shell of your ear. "Is this what you do when we're away from each other?"
"Yeah" you squeaked. “Miss you too much when you’re gone”
"When you send me all those naughty pictures when you know damn well there's nothing I can do to help myself?" He teased. "It's even more beautiful in person- watching you get off and I'm not even doing anything to help."
"Steve, please" You moaned, his words carried you a lot further than you'd like to admit.
"Nuhuh. Nope" He denied. "I'm not even going to think about touching your pussy until you give yourself all the love you need. Make yourself cum, then I'll consider."
New mission in mind, you started working towards your goal. Slipping in two fingers, one after the other while continuing to play with your bud made that fire in your belly burn even brighter.
Steve could tell you were getting closer, all he could do was prey that you'd climax soon because he's never wanted to please someone more than in this moment. You just looked so helpless, but that was something you'd have to get through all on your own.
"Besides, I'm enjoying the show a little too much to put an end to it yet." He smiled.
Although he was putting on a front, he wasn't a complete asshole and he still wanted you to feel his love stemming through every moment your bare skin was under his hands, so he continued to play with your nipples to deliver as much gratification as he could without touching you where he vowed not to.
More moans flowed and each one was louder and more worked up than the next, that pressure kept building and that fire kept burning hotter and hotter but it never snapped.
Thoroughly frustrated, you babbled out what you think was along the lines of "ugh,baby, I can't. I can't- please"
"Yes you can" Steve reassured you. "Come on, sweetheart, make yourself cum."
You thrusted your fingers in and out of your hole a little faster, rubbed your clit a little harder, and felt all the more frustrated.
"You make such pretty sounds, my love." He cooed in your ear. "We've got so much time, why do you want to cum so fast? Hmm?"
"I want you to fuck me" You cried out.
"Wow, all this just for me?" He asked. "Can't even imagine how pretty you'll sound when I finally touch you."
The pressure built and built...
"I've never wanted to make love to you more than I do right here, right now. Cum for me, let me make you feel good honey." He whispered.
His lips met yours once more then...
You gasped and moaned a little louder than usual, Steve smiled against you.
"There she is!" He exclaimed proudly as you painted and tried to catch your breath. "How was that?"
"So dirty." You finally giggled, feeling a million pounds lighter with release. “I love it when you’re naughty like this.”
“You left me no choice” Steve tucked your hair behind your ear. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Oh, I feel great” You nodded with a tired attempt at a smile.
“Yeah? You wanna keep going?” He questioned searching for a genuine response. “This is all about you, my love.”
His genuine concern for your well-being during sex always made you want him even more.
“Please.” You nodded before reaching your hands around his neck and pulling his bare torso against you and attaching your lips. All you wanted in that moment was to feel his skin on yours.
“Need a break?” He offered.
“I love the way you say my name” He admitted, kissing your nose.
“Will you please just fuck me?”
“I will” He reassured you. “…eventually.”
You closed your eyes and accepted that you would get what you wanted with time.
“But for now, I have other plans.” He stood up to his full height, never allowing his hands to remain still against your skin. “Just relax”
“It’s a little hard to relax with you between my legs” You admitted.
“That sounds like a personal problem” he stated before sinking to his knees, and his hands finally making it to your pussy. His thumb very gently started working your clit again until he felt like you were ready to take his fingers. After sliding one in and curving it slightly upwards, your beautiful sounds came back to warm his soul. “Poor baby, you’re so wet.”
“Wonder how that happened” You sassed, eyes remaining closed to try and allow yourself to actually relax and concentrate on the sensation he was providing to your body.
With no warning, his thumb disappeared and was replaced by his mouth. His tongue explored for a few moments before his lips attached and started sucking and licking your bud.
It pulled a heavenly moan and you rocked your hips before falling back onto your elbows, your fingers lacing in his hair. Steve’s head popped up in a small moment of concern.
"Sorry, did I hurt you?” He asked, hands roaming the curves of your hips.
“God no- that felt so good” You shook your head, opening your eyes to look at him. “Keep going.”
“Okay, let me know if something hurts” He said, you knew he was always scared of not knowing his own strength accidentally hurting you. This conversation happened a minimum of once per every sexual interaction you two had.
"Darling... I'm not made of sugar" You reassured, caressing his head in your hands.
"You sure do taste like it" He retorted before attaching his mouth again.
His mouth was so warm creating a lovely contrast between the cold marble counter you laid on and his fingers made good work of that spongy spot inside your hole that he loved to call his best friend.
“Holy shit” You gasped, trying to bring back lost air from your lungs. “Oh fuck, yes, right there, keep going” you exclaimed as his mouth deliciously worked your clit in tandem with his fingers. That fire came back and burned bright with a vengeance.
You tried your hardest to keep your hips still, but the feeling was so overwhelming you couldn’t even control your movements.
Steve loved it when you started riding his face because he knew he was doing his job right. He was rewarded with your fluttering walls gripping onto his fingers, you dripped down his chin and coated his mouth deliciously.
“C-an you even breatmmmmm holy fuck” You cried out.
Quite honestly, he could’ve cum in his pants just from the noises you made alone. If he wasn’t so entranced by the taste of you on his tongue, and focused on making your mind think of nothing but him and his mouth he would’ve told you that he didn’t need to breathe, and that he could always catch his breath after he died of suffocation.
If that’s how he left this world, he would have gone a happy man.
“Right there, right there” You moaned out, completely unsure of how he even knew how to make you feel this good in the first place. “Just like that”
Since he was a smart man, he kept doing exactly what he was doing. His mouth continued licking and sucking as his fingers remained at the same pace.
As you panted and babbled out words and sounds that no longer made sense, he couldn’t help but to focus on the way you tightened around his fingers. You were so warm and wet his cock was twitching desperately in his pants, impatiently waiting for its own turn to please you.
Apparently, his mind ran so far away from him that he didn’t even notice the way you shuttered and bucked your hips right before your second orgasm crashed over you so hard that your legs shook and you couldn’t even squeak out a sound if you tried.
It pulled his mind right back to you, and he continued the motions with his tongue, licking up every last drop until your head lulled to the side and your body went limp.
You managed to produce a few pathetic whimpers as he continued going, it was becoming a little too sensitive to bare so grabbed his face and pulled him up. “Okay, okay, holy shit”
“Wanna taste?” He asked before hungrily attaching your lips.
It was intoxicating what he did to you. Your body felt limp and spent as if you could sleep for two weeks without a single care, yet when he attached his soggy face to yours and the taste of buttercream was replaced with your own essence, you found the energy to sit yourself up and kiss him until you were the one suffocating.
You reached for the band of his sweatpants, and he was two steps ahead of you trying to kick them off without having to remove his grip on your body.
Pulling them down for him, he was able to step out of them while keeping his mind and body focused on making out with you. You did the same with his boxers, and when his dick sprang free all you wanted was to take it into you hands.
It was his turn to gasp as you reached between your bodies to stroke him. He was hard as a rock, already twitching and leaking out in anticipation.
Just looking at it had you gushing all over again, completely unable to grasp how you could possibly be the one making him so pathetically hard without a single touch.
“Do you see what you do to me?” He questioned, taking himself into his own hand and pumping while you spread your legs in anticipation.
You nodded and gulped down a mouthful of drool, just wishing he would let you taste it but you knew that wouldn’t slide in this very moment. “Please, let me feel you.” Your arms found their way around his neck.
“You sure?” He checked in one last time just to make sure.
“Are you going to make me do it myself?” You asked desperately, only moments away from sticking it in for him.
“I’m all yours” He told you before stepping towards you one last time to close any distance, then slowly slid in the tip.
Watching your face warp with pleasure was the most beautiful sight and it gave him the butterflies every single time. As he kept slowly pushing his length into you, it felt better than a physical connection. It was always more than that.
It felt like intertwining your souls, becoming one being together. And when he was fully sheathed, he never failed to be incredibly loved by you. You gave him so much of yourself, so much of your body, so much of your trust that he felt a responsibility to do the only thing he could- make you feel just as loved in return.
No matter how hard he had to fight the urge to move, he always waited until you moved first. His eyes squeezed shut and his mouth parted as you gave him the physical green light to start rocking his hips.
He started slow until he could feel your body relax around him, then he thrusted faster. “There you go, you’re taking me so well Honey”
You felt absolutely ethereal, letting go of every single thought that wasn’t Steve in that very moment.
As he continued to thrust into you, he laid you back util you were fully laying on the counter with your legs crossed around his back. He leaned over you and cradled his hands under your head to hold you close and make sure you were comfortable.
He kissed you passionately, sweeter than sugar as your hand roamed his back and the other squeezed the back of his neck.
You moaned into each other’s mouths as he found that sweet spot inside of you once more, and your mind went completely numb. He detached your lips but kept his face close to maintain eye contact.
“You’re absolutely decadent, my sweet Angel” he panted, and although his thrusts were slower than his normal pace, it felt overwhelmingly good. He was conveying his message perfectly, this was nothing but making love. “Nobody could ever make me feel the way you do, you know that?”
He continued hitting your sweet spot over and over again, making your eyes squeeze shut and your waist curve up off the counter.
“Open your eyes, sweetie, let me see your face”
You listened to his words, and he smiled when he saw your eyes again. His face was full of pleasure, and the thought of him feeling just as good as you were made your walls squeeze tightly around him.
“Holy shit, baby.” His head dropped into the crook of your neck as he savored your warmth, but it quickly popped back up again to look at you. “I love you so fucking much”
“I love you too” You moaned, running your fingers through his messy hair.
His thrusts turned into deep, long strokes that had you seeing stars.
“Oh my god, oh my- jesus” you gasped, fluttering around him.
“You feel so fucking good” he cried out. “Only you. You are the only one who could ever make me feel like this. Do you understand how incredible you are?”
You whimpered some more, holding onto him for dear life, “Steve-“
“I know, baby.” He kissed you, and when he attached his lips to your mouth he felt you fluttering even more.
So, he kept kissing you and trying to hang onto the pressure building in his own stomach as his balls twitched with every thrust.
You two stayed like that for a while, holding each other in your arms, kissing until you couldn’t breath, basking in the pleasure of each others bodies while he tried to fuck the very concept of your own greatness into your hard head.
Nothing but the sounds of moans, breathing, and skin slapping filled the room while you opened your eyes and looked up at him again.
Your heart skipped a beat or two as the realization of what he’s been trying to tell you finally sank in. Tears filled your eyes as you really looked at his sweet face, and his love clouded all of your senses.
You looked deeply into his blue eyes that held nothing but admiration for you, they were turned slightly upwards, desperate to make sure you understood the gravity of his true feelings. He touched your body in all the right places to make you feel all the right things, but at the same time he touched your heart and connected your souls. You could hear verbal affirmation of your effects on him. Heavy breathing, heavenly moans, and constant declarations of love. He genuinely meant and believed in every single one of them. The smell of his fresh cologne and your bodies mingling filled your nose, with the occasional whiff of vanilla cupcakes. But you were okay with that, vanilla always reminded you of him. When you tasted the product of your sacred love on his lips, it all seemed to make sense. You loved him, and he loved you back.
It really was that pure. It really was that simple.
So when there was physical evidence that you finally understood his point, and you made love to him so decadently, the efforts of his love washed over you once again.
A big physical release, along with a big mental release of all the self doubt you had been harboring since the moment you met him in that hallway.
His love spilled into you as the euphoria set in your brain, and you held him as close as you could. Sitting up as his movements became still, your arms locked him in tight, and your face shoved into the crook of his neck.
He left little kisses on your shoulder as he pulled out. He could’ve been speaking words to you, but you didn’t hear them. All you cared about was soaking in this moment.
Especially when he picked you up in his strong arms and you wrapped around him like a koala. He brought you into his room and got the two of you snuggled up in his bed for maximum comfort.
He could always clean the two of you up later, and the clothes on the kitchen floor weren’t going to run away if he didn’t immediately retrieve them, but right now was a moment that needed to be savored.
The two of you caught your breath together amongst the soft blankets against your bare skin.
Your arms squeezed him nice and tight before your body went limp against him. Snuggled up to his side with your head on his shoulder, legs tangled, your hand on his chest and his hand playing with your hair.
You intertwined your free hands, they rested comfortably on his stomach and your eyes focused on the matching friendship bracelets that have seen better days.
With no one around, and nothing but a head massage to occupy your mind, you finally felt like you knew where you belonged.
It was a place where you didn’t have to change yourself as a defense mechanism like a chameleon.
You didn’t have to put yourself under so much pressure that you shifted into something completely different like carbon into a diamond.
You didn’t need to save the world and all the people in it to prove your worth.
You were already worthy.
You belonged with Steve.
“I love you” You told him sleepily and spent.
“I love you too” You mumbled back, kissing the top of your head.
He smiled knowing that this time, you genuinely believed him.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Choose Your Words Carefully ~ Ransom Drysdale
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Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x F! Reader
Words: 2.2k
Summary: After the events of All Grown Up, you are living with your choices and some of the Thrombeys are not happy…
Warnings: degradation (and not in a good way 😏, Smut, angst, Harlen being an absolute 👑 and Ransom being Ransom.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
AN: it would be recommended to read the first part to understand. You can read it here
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You never really regretted your decision. It was the right one for your career, for your life, for you desires.  Because every night, as promised, Ransom was there to take care of you, worship you, make you feel things you never did with Ben.  That night you called Ransom changed your life.  For the better.
Until you met Walt Thrombey.
When you left Ben and went to Ransom, Ransom introduced you to Harlen.  Harlen was so impressed with your skills, he hired you on the spot to be his editor.  Which of course, Walt took exception to. But you took it, not willing to give Walt the satisfaction of knowing how much he got to you. It seems you were accepted by the rest of the Thrombeys and Drysdales except for Joni, who hated competition, and Walt.
"YN! Why are these manuscripts still here?  I thought my father told you to edit and file." Walt was in your face about the stack of manuscripts that you had just received yesterday.
"Walt, since I'm not done editing, I can't file.  I'll have them done by the end of the week."
"That's simply not good enough Miss YLN.  You may be screwing my nephew, but Harlen makes the rules here."
"How does what I do with Ransom affect my job here?"
"Since he must be fucking you stupid, you may want to hold back so you can get your work done. You are just the flavor of the month after all."  Walt let out a cruel laugh as he walked away.
That one hurt.
You finished up the manuscript you were working on and closed up for the evening.  You kept the tears at bay while you drove.  Once you got to your apartment, you send a message to Ransom.
YN: I don't feel up to decorating tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
You changed into Ransom's white cable knit sweater and some knee-high socks.  Making a simple dinner and picking up a book, you made yourself as small as possible on the couch, not wanting to let your emotions get to you. Your phone rang and you saw it was Ransom calling. You debated letting it roll to voicemail but knew that would lead to consequences later. "Hello?"
Princess, what's the matter?
"Nothing.  I'm just tired."
Stop lying to me Princess.
"I had a bad day with Walt ok. I just want to relax and try to get rid of these feelings," you tell him as you try not to sob, a lone tear finally falling.
YN, what did he tell you?
"It doesn't matter Ransom.  I'll be fine.  I'm just not up to decorating for Christmas.  I'll call later ok?"
Princess, don't shut me out.
"I'm not.  I just need some time."  You hang up and curl back up, wanting to get lost in the book you are reading and not think about your boyfriend's family.
An hour later there is a knock at the door that draws you out of your imagination.  You get up and answer to find Random holding some bags and a tree.  "Ransom?"
"Look, I don't give a shit if you are up to it or not.  You are my Princess and I only want to see you happy.  So, we are going to put up these decorations, I'm going to have my way with you and you tell me what that motherfucker said to you." He puts down the bags.  "I care about you Princess." He kisses you deep and you moan at the intrusion.  "There she is, my Princess."
Ransom sets up the tree as you start to unbox all the decorations he bought.  "How did you get the tree here?"
"I tied it to the top of the Beamer. Hopefully I didn't scratch it."
You pour some scotch for Ransom and a hot chocolate for yourself as you decorate around the apartment.  You sit on the floor looking up at the tree when Ransom throws a blanket near the fireplace, along with a couple of pillows.  "Babe, what are you doing?"
"I'm cold and you are in my sweater so I'm going to lie down next to the fire.  Wanna join me?" His look of pure lust fills your eyes, and you crawl over to him and straddle him as he lays on his back. His fingers dance on your thighs, just below the hem of the sweater.  "Have I told you how much I love this look on you?"
"No, you haven't," you say with a hitch in your breath. He runs his hands from your knees and up to your ass, noticing that you aren't wearing shorts like he assumed, just your panties.
"You've been in your panties this whole time?"  You nod and bite your bottom lip. "Oh Princess, were you hoping that I would show up so I can see you like this?"  You nod again slowly.  "Good."  His hands run up north and feels that you haven't been wearing a bra either.  He groans and pulls on your nipple, earning him an arch of your back and a moan that goes down to his balls.
He pulls you down so he can kiss you deep, his tongue invading your mouth, showing his dominance.  Its what you love about him, that he isn't afraid to play you like a violin.  He flips you over, never letting go of the kiss, at the same time hitching a leg over his hip. You can feel his hard cock through his jeans, rubbing it against your cunt, making your moan even louder.
Ransom hooks your panties and starts to slide them down.  He slides down as well and kisses the inside of your legs, teasing you. "Ransom," you whine.
"Do you want me to stop?  Because whiny girls don't get rewards."  He smiled devilishly at you, knowing that you wanted him. He smacked your thigh and you yelped.
"No, I'm sorry."
"Good girl."  He went back to work, nipping and sucking on your skin until he finally lapped at your clit, hearing a porn worthy moan come from you.  "Is my princess happy now?  Hmm... does she like it when I do this to her?"  He began to suck and lick over your cunt and clit, making you squirm and squeal.
"Baby, please!"  You were trying to wait for permission, to relish in the passion you were feeling.
"What do you want princess?  You want to cum?  Want me to taste you?"  Ransom teased with two fingers before plunging them in and hearing you scream.  He pumped his fingers in faster, listening to the squelching from the amount of moisture in your pussy.  "Cum now princess!"
You released with another scream, and he worked you through your climax.  When you started to calm, he pulled his sweater off of your body, leaving you just in your socks and undressed himself.  "You are so beautiful princess. I'm still happy you came to me after the reunion."
"Didn't have a choice baby.  I couldn't leave your dick even if I tried."  You kissed him hard and nipped at his lip.
"Oh princess, this pussy is still the best in the world." He pushed in slowly, almost too slowly, leaving you needy and wanton.  He finally bottomed out and you just needed him to move.  You tilted your hips up and he started, slow at first until he was pounding in you.  He felt you tighten again.  "C'mon princess, I know you have one more in you, I've seen you give me five our first time."
"Ransom, I'm gonna... gonna..."
"Now YN!"
That did it.  You squeezed his cock so hard in your release that it prompted his, pouring everything into you.  You both were sweating, not just from the pleasure but the heat of the fire as well.  As your breathing slowed, Ransom ran his hand through your hair.  "Tell me what happened."
You explain what Walt had said earlier.  Ransom kept hold of his temper, making sure you didn't feel him tense with anger at what Walt was saying to his girl. He could feel your tension and he just wanted to make you feel better.
"Princess, I'll talk to him ok?  He shouldn't be saying those things to you.  He can eat shit for all I care."
"Don't Ransom.  It will just make it worse." You played with his chest hair as he pulled another blanket on you.  "Let's just stay here in this moment."  You went quiet as you laid on his chest.
"What is it princess?  I know you want to say something."
You sigh and steel yourself.  "I think I'm falling in love with you, Ransom."  You kept your head on his chest and hoped you weren't an idiot.
Ransom smiled.  "I thought you knew that I was already in love with you YN."  He kissed your head.  "I wouldn't have brought the tree if I wasn't."
You finally look at him.  "Really?"
He cupped your face.  "Really.  I love you princess. And I'll do anything to see you keep smiling."
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Ransom walked into the library, a determined look on his face.  "Grandpa, can I talk to you?"
"Ransom?  Is everything ok?"
"No, its not.  Did you know that Walt has been saying very insulting things to YN?  Making comments about the fact that she is with me?"
Harlen frowned.  This was news to him and disturbing news at that.  "I wasn't aware.  Is she ok?"
"She was crying in my arms last night.  She loves working for you but she is considering leaving."
"Well, we can't have that."  Harlen rose and looked out the window.  "Do you love her Ransom?"
"What does that have to do with anything?" Ransom took a defensive pose.
"In this, it matters a great deal."  Harlen smiled.  "You know that I love YN.  She has been the best editor I have ever had and will do anything to keep her.  But I need to know if you are willing to do anything as well."
Ransom could see the wheels turning in his granddad's head.  "Yes, I love her. She's everything to me."
"Good.  That's good.  Because I have an idea."
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A few days later, it was Christmas Eve and the family had gathered at the manor.  Ransom made sure to keep you away from Walt and Donna.  They were throwing smug looks at you, knowing you were an invader and probably be gone soon.  They assumed that Ransom would be done with you soon.  You sipped your champagne and made small talk with Linda and Meg.
Harlen approached the middle of the room.  "My dear family, it gives me joy to see you all here tonight, together.  But I have an announcement I would like to make."  The family stilled, wondering what the patriarch would say.  "As you know, I have shifted my focus on writing and left the day-to-day things to Walt and YN.  I've just spoken to our attorneys, and I have decided to stop leading Blood and Wine Publishing."
"Dad, what does that mean?" Walt asked with glee.  He assumed it would leave him in charge of the publishing house and he could finally get rid of you.  He glanced at you, but you remained stoic, your left arm around Ransom's waist.
"It means, son, that I am naming my successor as Editor-In-Chief."  He looked at his family. "I'm leaving the position to my granddaughter."
"What?" The collective question was screeched as eyes swiveled to Meg.  Med who had just started college and had a petrified look on her face.
"You're leaving the position to an 18-year-old?" Linda asked.
"No of course not," Harlen said.  "I'm leaving it to my other granddaughter and my grandson."
Richard laughed.  "You don't have another granddaughter."
"You're right, Richard, my mistake.  I will have another granddaughter in what, Ransom, five months?"
All eyes were on the two of you as you removed your arm from around Ransom's waist and flashed the diamond to the room.  You looked directly at Walt.  "We wanted a spring wedding and May seemed perfect."
"But... how... you slut!" Walt jumped up and Ransom placed himself between the two of you.
"Choose your words wisely Uncle.  Because she is your boss in just a few months."  Ransom gave him a sadistic smile.  "If she lets you keep your job."
Walt stopped with realization that his well being was now in your hands.  You stepped next to Ransom and took his hand. "Linda, Richard, I know this was not how I wanted to tell you about our engagement, but I couldn't be happier with your son.  He is my prince charming."
Ransom looks down at you and leaned over for a passionate kiss.  "Oh princess.  I love you."
"Love you too, my prince."  You smiled at the rest of the family. "I hope this is happy news."  And then you looked at Walt and smirked. "I mean, I guess I was fucked into marriage Walt.  Not so stupid now."
Ransom laughed. The kingdom was theirs and his princess would soon be his queen. Merry Fucking Christmas indeed.
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@patzammit @texmexdarling @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @slutforchrisjamalevans
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girlfox · 22 days
i'm working on editing my final design portfolio for school today and then i'm freeeeeeeeee!! omg i'm so excited to be able to be here even more & work on my rph again and aaa. ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
i'm also going out for dinner tonight because it's my anniversary tomorrow so i'll poof again for a bit but. i just wanted to share my HAPPINESS with being done with class for at least a little bit, until late summer / fall.
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munchmemes · 1 year
melanie martinez lyrics, portals edition
❛  my body has died but i'm still alive.  ❜
❛  your words mean nothin' so take 'em back.  ❜
❛  you're always on my mind, i cannot help it.  ❜
❛  i don't wanna be carrying the weight on my shoulders.  ❜
❛  death has come to me, kiss me on the cheek and gave me closure.  ❜
❛  i won't say goodbye, i'm right by your side.  ❜
❛  i'm back from the dead.  ❜
❛  i know it's morbid but we all die one day.  ❜
❛  there's rotten things left in me injected by society.  ❜
❛  i cannot bear my sorrow.  ❜
❛  i hate who i was before.  ❜
❛  i fear i won't live to see the day tomorrow.  ❜
❛  look at the mess i've done, there is nowhere to run.  ❜
❛  like a priest behind confession walls, i judge myself.  ❜
❛  my eyes are staring at me and they seem so damn unhappy.  ❜
❛  collect my fickle insecurities and turn them into beauty.  ❜
❛  yeah, you can look but you can't touch. i'm not just anybody.  ❜
❛  thought the cherry would be better than the pie, you're like that. that's your demise.  ❜
❛  it's obvious what you're after but i'm more than that.  ❜
❛  i saw that trick fall out your sleeve.  ❜
❛  you hum a tune i don't believe and it ain't working.  ❜
❛  crossing my heart, i'd rather die than be the needle in your eye.  ❜
❛  it could've been more, now we'll never know.  ❜
❛  i know how to make you go crazy every day.  ❜
❛  if you wanna run with the magic, lose sight of the gravity of home.  ❜
❛  i've been the boys and the girls and everyone in between.  ❜
❛  you are the light i've been searching for forever.  ❜
❛  my past grew mold around my heart.  ❜
❛  all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared. it's madness. ❜
❛  i'm not used to all this love, it's true. but you made me want to plan out my last days on earth.  ❜
❛  i was surprised to see heaven in your eyes.  ❜
❛  i never once was treated right.  ❜
❛  you're what i'm missing in my life.  ❜
❛  let's run into another dimension, you make me feel like i'm on drugs.  ❜
❛  i wish to not be perceived, i didn't ask for this dangerous visibility.  ❜
❛  i'm feeling too scared to sleep.  ❜
❛  i'm flexing like pricks with their stolen power.  ❜
❛  you're/they're feeding off our highs and lows. curious to see us struggle.  ❜
❛  the center may seem like a gift. once you arrive, it'll strip you of your life and you'll wish that you never did.  ❜
❛  how much blood can you draw with your claws from a flesh that's not yours?  ❜
❛  you used all your words for a quick game and blew it all before you won.  ❜
❛  they talk without thinking and they bark while they're shaking.  ❜
❛  i'll be silent 'til you cross the line.  ❜
❛  don't you battle with my larynx tonight.  ❜
❛  call all your guys in the dive bar, they'll give you the validation your daddy could never bestow you.  ❜
❛  i'm done doing backbends.  ❜
❛  you got me like a bad tattoo, always under skin even when it gets removed.  ❜
❛  i never got a chance to undo positions that you forced my way into.  ❜
❛  why you always act so serious?  ❜
❛  it's so scary how my aura got him howling at my moon cycle.  ❜
❛  i don't gotta act, i'm a theorist.  ❜
❛  i could win a fight on my period. matter of fact, right now, i could build a pyramid. you're messing with my cycle, that is dangerous.  ❜
❛  i won't lick your wounds today but i'll throw you in the ring, get you with my suffering.  ❜
❛  i'm not crazy, i'm not wild. you're just a stupid, little child.  ❜
❛  get your image off my back, i'll give you a heart attack.  ❜
❛  i will not suffer and cry under covers. i'm not your mother. ❜
❛  i won't be ashamed for loving you so honestly. ❜
❛  i used to miss your kiss. now i'm hop-skip jumpin' over narcissists. ❜
❛  i never knew what it meant to be content with you. ❜
❛  everything i expressed and professed, it never quite made it through. ❜
❛  they said it's all in my head whenever i spoke my truth. ❜
❛  no, i won't defend you to all my friends. this time, i refuse. ❜
❛  take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend. ❜
❛  i won't be mistreated, please call me conceited. ❜
❛  lovin' you was lethal, guess that makes me evil. ❜
❛  every time you tell a lie, i'm praying that you choke. ❜
❛  hope you never cope, hope you slip on soap. ❜
❛  not safe but i'm sound. ❜
❛  all of the planning yet i still feel unprepared. ❜
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fic-pickyourpoison · 3 months
Hi, I really love your fic, and I've wondered when the next chapter will be uploaded. Would it be this week or the next?
Thank you! I'm glad that you are enjoying PYP ^^
I've been thinking about this for a couple days. I'll be travelling in March so I won't have much time to write, so I've been telling myself that I need to post by then.
My struggle (as often is) is that there was a Certain Place (tm) I wanted to end this chapter on... but I've been adding more scenes and ideas I want to flesh out before this happens. There's a lot of stuff later on in the story that needs the foundations of these early days, sighs.
So, given the fact that I probably won't get to the point I want in this chapter, I plan on posting what I have some time tonight or tomorrow. As I am mostly done editing what I have written so far, I just need to find a good place to end the chapter--which I will focus on tonight.
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pudding-parade · 5 months
The Return of the Random Legacy!
So like last winter, I started a Random Legacy Challenge. Here's a link to the posts of it that I did at the time, in chronological order starting with the oldest. I've decided to continue posting about it in my loose, informal, not-really-a-story sort of way. More like a description of events, really. I have about 50 pics that I took back in February, and I'm trying to figure out what the hell I was trying to convey in them. LOL Some of them I can't figure out for the life of me, but I'm not going to worry about it too much. I think I can salvage the rest.
I played the save a bit last night, too, basically to check/fix it. It's a little bit wonky post-yeeting-Origin plus switching out my old decrapped store stuff for @blamseastore's files instead. I had to replace some things, but I think I've found it all, pretty much. ErrorTrap reports that the save is throwing a few errors here and there, which may or may not be related to the store stuff, but nothing too terrible. No crashing, at least.
So yeah. I'm going to post it again. We'll see how long my momentum lasts this time. LOL I'll probably reference back to some of the older posts here and there, in which case I'll link to the specific post in question, but mostly I'm going to just jump back in without too much explanation or context. If you really want/need more context…Well, the link to what I posted last year, basically, is right up at the top of this post. :)
I'm sitting here editing pics now. There may or may not be posts tonight. More likely not because my energy for the day is going to crap out soon. So, I'll probably dump crap into a queue and maybe have them start posting tomorrow or so, depending on what I get done.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Weekly Update - 05/18/2023
Hey all! I think I'm going to start doing weekly updates since I have a lot going on and a lot of fics in the works! I want you to know what I'm currently working on (WIPs) and I'll also toss some life updates in here as well. I'm also going to mention requests I have in the pipeline and when I'm expecting to complete them. Maybe your request is in there! (It probably is)
Going forward the updates will be on Sunday, I'm just doing this now because I have ADHD and it's on my mind today lol.
Since I've been really following the winds of inspiration lately, I want to keep doing that so I'm just putting this here so you know where the winds are blowing lmao.
I'll also mention if I think my current longfic is going to be delayed or anything here as well.
Gonna cut it up into sections to keep it consistent and easy:
Long/Chaptered Fic Updates
Currently I'm working on A Bit Dodgy, as many of you know. There will NOT be an update this Monday (05/22/2023). Though I will be working on it this week for @welcometostayingawake to edit and I'll have it to post by 05/29/2023 (that's the goal). If it's going to be pushed back again, I'll let you all know the Sunday before (05/28/2023).
Mini-series Update
Worth the Risk Part 3 should be out this week. That's the goal anyway. I have a good chunk of it done but there's still a lot to do. <- Still hoping to have this out this week but we will see (05/22/2023)
Uploading The Fractured Moon Part 2 (either tonight or tomorrow yay) Continuing to chip away at The Fractured Moon Part 3
There's a top secret fic series coming out HOPEFULLY this weekend, but it may be next weekend instead depending on how quickly I can get it finished. I'm losing my mind over it. (It's a 3 parter and all 3 parts are coming out at the same time teehee) <- Editing that today 05/22/2023. Hope to be done with it by tonight!
In June there's a writing challenge for Pride that @flightlessangelwings is putting on and I'm working on my fic for that so I'll be announcing more for that fic once I have the details better outlined!
Fool Me Twice should be getting a part 2 soon. I'm hoping I'll feel inspired to at least start it this week but maybe not. <- Taking this off the list for this week. Focusing on ABD and requests (05/22/2023).
Still considering doing 2 other parts for The OJ Problem but honestly, it's not that exciting to me rn. Since it's more of a Valentine's Day fic I might consider just doing those next year. <- Taking this off the list for this week. Focusing on ABD and requests (05/22/2023) will probably just put this on for next year for valentine's day.
I still have a sizeable amount of requests. REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED CURRENTLY. If your request is in blue, that means I'm going to try to work on it this week (05/21-05/27). If it's in pink, I'm going to try to work on it a different week. It's taking me a while to get into the headspace for some of them so thank you for your patience. Green means it's done I'm just working on editing now. They are posted in no real order, just working on them as I feel inspired to.
Blue Jones X f!Reader requested by @saraicus
There are 2 prompts in particular that I liked from the list you sent so I'll be doing them. - His eyeliner running down as he’s banging you against his desk - You’re a new patient and he just grows overprotective towards you. Doesn’t want you to meet other men and keeps you in solitary confinement for his jealousy sake.
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @ravenz-hope
Gamer reader and the boys getting angsty over her being too obsessed with the game (most relatable thing ever) <- Haven't had the time to set up the post but this will be coming out very soon. Need to finish editing as well (05/22/2023)
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @simpforbritgents
Asking for something like Feeling Flustered where the moon boys are doing guided phone sex.
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @mercuryrosesixx
Moon Boys w/ a f!Reader w/ nipple piercings. <- Started working on headcanons (05/22/2023).
Marc Spector X f!Reader by @blueflowerhat
Marc shower sex based on AI prompt.
Steven Grant X f!Reader by Anon -
Steven and Reader are both virgins. Marc is guiding/coaching Steven.
Doctor Marc Spector X Patient Reader by @burnincrown
Role Reversal (sort of) of Not a Doctor - Marc is the doc, reader is the patient and he takes advantage - Dark Fic
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by @campingwiththecharmings
This is the prompt that hit me like a Nathan-shaped mac truck! -> “if you don’t like my teasing why are you moaning”
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by Anon
Cam girl reader x Nathan - Nathan turns to a cam girl, he's been kinda stalking her. (Excited hehe)
That's it for right now. I'm a busy lady as usual but I like having a few different projects going at once! More coming soon! Thanks for always being so awesome and supportive. Love you all!
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iraprince · 1 year
hi ira! im p sure i remember u regulary scan ur traditional stuff n also times where u said u didnt do it for a while or smthg. do u have any tip on where tf to start w a big backlog...i didnt have acess to a good scanner or camera for a long time and now i do but i have so much shit i wanna scan in (both sketchbooks n loose papers) i have no idea where and how to start :')
[wheezing softly] yeah "regularly" is the goal, but hitting big backlogs every few weeks is more accurate to reality lmfao. but that means i have a lot of little things i've folded into my workflow to make it more doable!
that being said, i'm sure what works best will vary person to person, but the core rule that works best for me is: scan the backlog in batches, but digitally clean/edit/organize each batch in one sitting. picking up in the middle of where you left off in a physical stack is easy; picking up where you left off in a bunch of nebulous digital files is a fucking nightmare.
what i mean by that is, like, let's say i have a stack of 60 sheets of paper to scan in. maybe i don't have the time/energy/attention span to scan all 60; i start running out of steam at page 20 or something. in that case, that's fine, set the rest of the pages aside; but if i sit down to start cleaning/editing that folder of 20 scans, i should do them ALL NOW. if i don't think i can clean them all tonight, i'm going to wait and start tomorrow.
the reason i'm adamant about that is like, say i get through cleaning scans 1-6 out of 20, then i want to pick them up tomorrow.... frankly unless i remember to write myself a note (and i probably won't) i'm going to forget which one i was on. it's a pain to open a bunch of the scans trying to remember which one i did, i lose the "flow" that you can kind of get into when doing tedious stuff like this, etc... these are all tiny problems that i know ppl can come up w a million simple solutions for but the fact of the matter is for a task that is already kind of overwhelming + tedious that i'm already dreading, ANY AND ALL sources of friction are going to make it more likely that i'm just going to keep putting it off, and then it just Won't Get Done.
basically, discover anything that potentially throws you off or makes you lose your spot or just makes the whole thing more of a pain in the ass (i can't remember where i saved everything, the papers are disorganized and i can't remember what i've already scanned, etc) and ELIMINATE IT (throw everything into sub-folders of one big folder called "SCANS" even if it's ugly, gather ALL the stuff u need to scan into big piles in one place even if it's ugly and then move them elsewhere when scanned, etc). it's tempting to want to be like "i will get all my shit perfectly color-coded studyblr organized first and THEN i'll do my scans" but realistically that just means you're never ever going to do it. shit does not need to be organized. shit needs to be EASY!!!!!!
now some technical stuff, which is again super personalized to what works for me but maybe it'll give ideas!
i use a free scanning software called NAPS2 and it's a godsend. there's a batch scan setting where u can tell it how many pages u have to scan, then set how many seconds it waits between each scan (i.e. 10 seconds, just enough to take each finished page off and swap in the next one/flip to the next page of ur sketchbook) and then it'll just automatically keep scanning/waiting 10 secs for the next one/scanning until the stack is done, WITHOUT having to click "scan" every time. ymmv but for me this is really nice bc my scanner is on the opposite side of the room from my computer lmao (walking back and forth to hit "scan" every time is a friction point. ELIMINATE.)
NAPS2 also makes batch-saving things really easy with placeholders! for example, let's say i have 120 pages to scan and i want to save them to a folder. instead of having to save and name each one individually as i go (friction point. ELIMINATE.), when i'm done scanning i can batch save and name them "april 7 scan $(nnn)" and the program will automatically name each one "april 7 scan 001.png," "april 7 scan 002.png," etc etc all the way up to "april 7 scan 120.png." it saves me an incredible amount of time. (you can also do placeholders for current date/year/etc if that's useful to you, but i already tend to manually sort my files into monthly folders so the placeholder numbering is the only thing i've used personally.)
if you have one of those "all-in-one" home office printers that has a top-loading feeder you can use for stacks of loose pages instead of putting them directly on the scanner glass, that can also be a good way to get a high volume done without having to open and close the scanner/place each individual page on the glass/hit scan every time etc; but i would only advise that for casual scans where the quality/alignment doesn't matter much, bc there's a higher risk of jamming/wrinkling and sometimes a lot of the scans come out a bit crooked that way.
when you're digitally cleaning (this is clip studio specific but i'm assuming a lot of software operates similarly): once i've done whatever correction/adjustment layers i need to crisp up my scans, usually a tone curve + saturation adjustment in my case, i hold off on merging the adjustments down right away!!! you can copy those adjustment layers and then paste them on top of all the other scans you have to edit. i.e. copy the tone curve layer from scan 1.png, switch tabs into scan 2.png, ctrl+v. scan 3, ctrl+v. scan 4, ctrl+v. rinse and repeat and now look, you basically only had to do the tone curve once and then you can get the rest of the batch 90% done with one keyboard shortcut each. depending on each image you'll probably have to tweak them for them to look their best, but it's still way faster than navigating the menus and redoing your tone curve/level adjustments/etc from scratch every time (friction point. ELIMINATE.), especially if you're trying to fight your way through dozens of files.
uhhhh what else. well here's just a quick flowchart of my scan process in case it helps visualize! my philosophy is for everything to be in service of the end goal (get scans organized into patreon sketchbook compilations/set aside for later refinement/ready to upload, then i'm probably never going to look at them much again); i organize just enough to make that EASY, but i don't bother with any form of organization that i won't need to reference later. again, more steps just = more reasons the shit is not going to get done. ELIMINATE. STREAMLINE. WIN
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(there's also a folder by year but i forgot to stick that in and also who cares. i hope this makes, like, any sense at all)
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batrogers · 7 days
For the WIP game, "Far and Hyrule". They're my favorites!
I'm actually just polishing this off to post it soon! It's basically a medium-length fic of them commiserating about their lives that turns into giving Wind "The Talk", which got a little out of hand. I realized I am writing for an audience that may have not gotten a great Talk themselves, so I've tried to actually do it well...
But... filtered through how I write Far and Hyrule. It's been an interesting process trying to make it work LOL.
It's too late to do final pass edits tonight, but given it's a holiday tomorrow maybe I'll get it done then. It will probably wind up rated M on AO3 just because they do get moderately graphic (Far & Hyrule have *very* poor filters!) but here's a cleaner sample under the cut.
If you'd like to not think about Wind ever knowing anything about sex, ever, I suggest giving this one a pass.
[Wind's POV; Far's use of "Sister" hear means "girl around his age he lived with," not biological relation]
Far nodded, but Hyrule actually addressed him first, not Link.
“Do you really have a kid?”
“Yeah,” Far said. “I mean, I’m not positive if Talon’s mine or not, he’s the kid of one of my sisters who asked me to take him, but as he’s gotten older he definitely looks it.”
“How old?”
Link made a face; Far didn’t look that old but he guessed he was wrong—
“You’re not that much older than me, are you?” Hyrule asked
Abruptly Far’s eyes were on him again as he said, “Nah, I’m only twenty.”
Link stared back, unsure what exactly that was supposed to mean. He felt awkward as he watched Far glance back at Hyrule, almost pointedly, before he spoke again.
“How much do you actually know about sex?” Far asked. “Including the nasty jokes by other sailors.”
Link coughed. “You mean the stuff that makes Tetra punch them?”
“We can ignore that if you just want us to start from scratch,” Hyrule offered, and Link rapidly nodded. He did not want to repeat any of those jokes to these two. They wouldn’t be offended,no: he feared they might have critiques.
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fitrahgolden · 8 months
Lilies and Soap: 1 - Share in the View
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"You could consume this scene through me
And assess the same majesty
But you could never know the welfare, the glee
That being in the presence of your beauty throws at me"
"Share in the View" by Lilies and Soap.
Lyrics by A. E. Bridgerton and K. K. Sharma.
"Looking good, Lamb!" Anthony whistled obnoxiously at Kate, who was leaving the hair and makeup area of the small studio.
"Come off it. They barely did anything."
"Well, doesn't that make it even more of a compliment?" he asked as he put his arm around her shoulder.
"If you were being serious, I suppose it might."
"Oh, but I am."
Kate sighed, exasperated. "Fine. Thank you. So kind of you to say." She curtsied, making Anthony laugh.
A producer walked up to them and pointed toward the chairs set up in front of a few cameras. "Alright, guys. We're ready for you. If you'll just head over there, we can get started."
Kate nudged Anthony with her elbow as they walked over. "Nervous?"
Anthony waved dismissively. "Nah. We've done interviews before."
"First time on camera, though." Kate fiddled with her necklace. Anthony put his hand over hers to still her fingers.
"Then just don't mind the cameras, Lamb. It'll be fine."
Kate smiled up at him as a journalist approached them with an outstretched hand.
"Hi! I'm Etta, with MOJO Magazine. So nice to meet you, Anthony, Kate."
After everyone exchanged handshakes and were mic’d up, Anthony and Kate were directed to the elevated chairs situated opposite Etta. Anthony helped Kate up into hers.
“Thank you, Tony.”
“Oh,” Etta looked down at her notes as she settled into her chair. “Do you go by Tony?”
Anthony smirked. “Not generally, no.”
“So, just for friends, then?”
“No, it's, uh… Well," Anthony looked over to his bandmate. "It’s just for Kate.”
Etta cocked her head to the side with a smile. “Aw, that’s adorable.”
Anthony shrugged. “She's adorable, aren't you, Lamb?” he teased as he tugged on Kate’s hair.
Kate batted his hand away. “Arsehole,” she muttered.
“Alright, whenever you’re ready, Etta!” someone from behind the cameras called out.
Kate looked over to Anthony, who mouthed It’ll be fine.
"Well, I, for one, think we did great," Anthony said before taking a sip of his beer. He smiled at Kate, who was sitting on the stool next to him at the bar of the pub in which they were decompressing after the interview.
"Yeah, it seems that way. We'll see how it cuts together. Or maybe not. I don't know if I'm gonna watch it, if I’m being honest."
"Really? Are you worried about an unflattering edit? I don't think that's possible with you, Lamb."
Kate muttered, "Yeah, right," as she brought her drink to her mouth, missing Anthony’s face falling.
"Well, what have we got on for the rest of the day?"
"Mm, that depends. How many songs do we have to pick from for the next album?"
Anthony pretended to count on his fingers before answering, "I think the answer to that is always about half as many as Ben wants before we meet with Tom."
"Ha, yes. Well, you know what we're doing, then."
"Writing," they said in unison.
"Let's get on with it, then." Anthony drained the rest of his beer and stood up. "Don't hate me, but I'll need to cut out early. I'll write more on my own tomorrow, I promise."
Kate put money on the bar as she responded, "That's fine. What's going on tonight?"
"Um, do you remember that event coordinator from the Dartford show last month?"
Kate paused momentarily as she was slipping her purse into her back pocket before clearing her throat. "I do, yeah. I didn’t realise you’d– Well, good for you. Bit of a drive, though."
"Well, she's in London for a few days, actually."
"Ah, perfect. Convenient. Maybe she’ll give you something to write about, eh?" She was smiling, but seemed to be avoiding eye contact.
"It's not a big d–" Anthony started, but Kate was already weaving her way out of the pub, looking back over her shoulder.
"You coming?"
"We aren't cutting 'Pleasing Smile' again."
Tom, one of the producers for L&S's label, Lilac Music Group, sighed. "Kate, I’m sorry, but there was a reason it was cut from the first album."
"There's also a reason I put it back in for this one," she fired back. "It's…" Anthony was sitting beside her and Kate’s eyes flitted over to him for a brief moment. "It's important," she said quietly.
Anthony rapped his knuckles on the table before speaking up. "Yeah. I want to keep it, too."
Tom looked from Anthony to Benedict, who just raised his hands up. "You lot sort it out."
Tom rolled his eyes. "Fine. It stays in– for now."
Kate shook her head and pushed her hair behind her ears before crossing her arms and sitting back. She felt Anthony tap her foot with his.
"What does that leave…?” Tom looked down at his notes. “Um, we're all happy with keeping 'Nothing at All,' 'The Fog,' and 'Hyde Park,' right? And cutting 'A Way Out' and 'Breath For'?"
Kate and Anthony both nodded.
"Great." Tom stood. "I'll book some studio time and let's get going on recording this thing, shall we? A pleasure, as always, guys."
Anthony and Kate muttered "Thanks, Tom," while Benedict stood to shake his hand before Tom left the room.
“I hate cutting songs,” Kate lamented.
Anthony squeezed her shoulder. “Yeah, it sucks.”
“Thanks for backing me up,” Kate said as she leaned into his touch.
“Of course. I could tell how much you wanted it. Can’t wait to record it properly.”
Benedict put his jacket on and checked his watch. “You joining us for dinner, Kate? Mum’s been asking about you. The kids, as well.”
“Sure. That sounds nice, thanks.”
“Get ready for Greg and Hy to jump you as soon as you walk through the door,” Anthony laughed as the three of them made their way out of the conference room.
“I always am.”
“Thanks for dinner, Violet. I always love seeing you guys.”
“You’re not staying over?” Hyacinth asked with wide eyes.
Anthony scoffed, “Hy, she’s done that, like, twice.”
“Sorry, Petal.” Kate gave Anthony’s youngest sister a hug. “Tony and I have been good.”
“Yeah, super productive, right, Ben?” Anthony slapped Benedict’s back, and his brother rolled his eyes in response.
“So, that means we haven’t had to pull any all-nighters.” Kate shrugged apologetically at Hyacinth.
Hyacinth pouted before asking, “Well, can you stop being so productive so we can have a sleepover again?”
“No, they absolutely can not,” Benedict said sternly.
“Well, maybe, um…”
Gregory jumped in as his sister tried to come up with a response. “Oh! Come to Wales with us! We’re going on holiday!”
Hyacinth gasped dramatically, “Yes! We’re going to Pembrokeshire. It’ll be lovely. Please say you’ll come, Kate.”
Kate laughed. “I don’t think you guys can just invite people on your family holiday.”
“You’re not ‘people.’ You’re Kate.” Gregory said, simply.
“Aw, Greggy. You’re sweet, but–”
“He’s not wrong, Kate,” Violet said. “Of course you are welcome to join us. We love having you around.”
Kate raised her eyebrows. “Oh, um… Well, when are you going?”
“In two weeks!” Gregory and Hyacinth chirped together.
“I mean… Yeah, I could actually come, I think. But only if–”
Kate was bum rushed by the youngest Bridgertons and let herself be tackled to the floor. She eventually begged to tap out when she saw Anthony staring at them as he leaned back against the wall.
“OK, guys. Your brother is waiting to drive me home so he can get on with his night.”
Anthony straightened. “No, no. It’s no rush, Lamb.”
“No, I should go. Ed is waiting for me.”
“Oh. Are you sure?” Anthony asked, sounding just a little bit disappointed, Kate thought.
“Yeah, let’s go, if you’re still OK with driving me home.”
“Of course, come on.”
Anthony pulled up to the curb in front of Kate’s flat. He saw her rub her hands up and down her thighs before asking, “Oh, how did it go with… um, Ms. Dartford? Or is it Mrs. Bridgerton now?”
“Ha, hardly.” Anthony felt himself flush and hoped it was too dark in the car for Kate to notice. “No. It was fine. I don’t think she’ll be hitting me up next time she’s in town, though.”
Kate nodded and bit her lip. “Ah, well… Maybe the next one.”
Anthony shook his head, desperately wanting to change the subject. “So, Eddie’s sleeping over this weekend?”
“Yeah. I’m even letting her take me out with her friends tonight.”
“Oh? Where are you guys going?”
Kate shrugged. “I never ask. Some club, I’m guessing.”
“Ooh, look at you!”
“Shut up. She’s convinced that if we go to enough clubs, we’ll eventually hear an L&S song. Bless her.”
“That’s sweet. As if we make the kind of music one would ever hear in a club.”
“Right?” Kate laughed as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “Anyway, I think I should change beforehand, so I need to get going.”
“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing?” Anthony's eyes travelled down to Kate’s yellow blouse and ripped skinny jeans. “I think you look nice.”
Kate side-eyed him. “Well, Tony, for one, I’m wearing trainers.”
“Comfortable, sensible trainers,” Anthony reasoned with a smirk.
“Right. Anyway, Ed will thoroughly assess my outfit and make the appropriate changes. She’s deeply invested in my social life and is absolutely certain that I need to date.” Kate hooked her finger around the chain of her necklace and pulled.
Anthony looked over at her. “Hmm. Do you think you need to date?”
Kate’s expression changed as she shrugged, not answering. “Um, I do need to go. Thanks for the ride, as always.” Kate leaned over to give Anthony a kiss on the cheek and a half hug before she rushed out of the car.
Anthony stared after her as she jogged up the stairs to her front door, waving at her when she looked back. He waited a few minutes after she was inside with the door closed before he drove off, humming the melody from the demo version of “Pleasing Smile.”
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mcalhenwrites · 2 months
I am so excited to be going to the library tomorrow, even though I won't have much time to read except in-between a very busy schedule. (After Sunday, life will calm down, but until then, I'll have to get some reading done in-between things.) I've already read 49 books out of my goal of 90 for 2024. I also need to find time to work on Geckos, but that may have to wait until next week. I felt like writing tonight. I played some Coral Island to relax, then shut it down to write, but indecision on which story to work on got me. So I haven't written a damn thing. ;A;
Part of that is because I wanted to work on The Hostile Credence, and I know it's best not to open up that can of worms until after I'm done with Geckos. I also want to work on Seasons side stories and continue editing that, but that's demanding. Tonight, I would've fared better writing a new scene for a newer story, instead of something that might demand edits. Anyhow. I did lots of laundry, took care of dishes (I slacked yesterday due to being gone a significant chunk of the afternoon to eat out with roommate's family), made a casserole, and filled my new bag (the one I crocheted years ago is falling apart and is too small). All the while, I had a very wonderful helper named Millie. I love this cat with all my heart. She's so precious. Even when she's attacking my toes or being upset because HOW DARE I GO IN THE BATHROOM WITHOUT HER, I MUST NOT LOVE POOR MILLIE
I don't know if I've posted many photos of the cats here, so old and new. Barnaby (BB) has mostly latched onto my roommate, and he's also the most hyper animal I've met aside from my mom's dog. (I want them to meet and play together. Maybe there would be peace at last.) I do have cat toys on my amazon wishlist if anyone wants to help keep my sanity xD;
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Yes, she just. Lays like that. A lot. They tore up the carpet in a doorway shortly after we first got them, so we had to lay down vinyl mats. (We luckily found a long roll of it that fit all four doorways that had carpet that was cheaper than buying four individual mats, and we had enough left that I used some of it to wrap around my plants to protect them from attacks...)
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hey kit! can I request cc!ranboo #4 on the dialogue prompts and the gently playing with your hair from your list? (I couldn't remember the number)
thank you so much for the request, hope you're doing well!
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Ranboo had been at his computer for most of the day after getting back from Tommy's house, working on editing the footage he had so that he could post on YouTube.
Y/N understood, they'd known Ranboo was trying to keep his YouTube account updated despite all the livestreaming he'd busied himself with most of the time.
They looked stressed now, though- hunched close to the computer screen and squinting at some small detail in the background.
"Mhm. Yeah?" they asked without looking away.
"You haven't unpacked yet. Should I do it for you?"
They didn't seem to process or even hear the question.
"Um. I- my bag." Finally they looked away from the screen, grey eyes half-closed with how tired they were. "I've got it, just give.. gimme a second here."
They turned back to the computer once more, rubbing their face as they tried to stay awake.
You watched for another minute, and not long after, moved to hug them from behind.
"Do you want food? I know you're busy but maybe it'd help."
They leaned back carefully, patting your arm. "It can wait. I'll get that too, just gotta finish with all this. I'm almost done."
The two of you sat in silence for a moment until Ranboo heard you yawn slightly.
"You can sit in my lap until I'm done working," they said quietly.
You responded by walking around the chair until you were in front of them and letting them pull you close. They gently rocked the chair and started running their fingers through your hair, being careful not to pull on it.
It wasn't until both of you had nodded off and jerked awake several times that you decided it was time for bed.
"Okay, you're as good as asleep. What say we leave the rest for tomorrow? YouTube can wait one more day," you suggested, and they nodded.
"Alright, then. Let's go."
A couple mouse clicks later, he was scooping you up to carry you to bed. And if you fell asleep together and woke up a little late the next day, well.. YouTube could still wait.
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^have boxerboo
A/N: Sorry if this seems a little short, this is the second fic tonight. I'm pretty happy with it though (: I'm finally getting somewhere with this and I'm having a good time with these requests so feel free to send more in!! You guys are awesome and thank you so much for reading!!
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
This has been sitting unfinished for too long, so I'm just posting it as is. Not a sick fic this time, but just comfort for an injured J-hope. Mostly Suga because I love them together.
"Just one more run-through." J-hope tells the other members, his breath coming out ragged. It's been two years since they did ON live and he wanted everything to be perfect. Everyone was exhausted, but working long hours was nothing new to them. They were hitting the eight hour mark and all the members were exhausted.
"I don't think i can do one more Hobi-hyung. My body is in knots.." Jimin was laying on his back, trying to catch his breath.
"I'm so hungry.." Taehyung says, holding his growling stomach.
"I think we should call it a day. Ho-seok-ah.." Yoongi suggests. "You look dead on your feet.."
J-hope felt it, too. He was exhausted from going to practice and working on his solo album in between, but the timing of the dance break wasn't going as smoothly as he liked, so he shook his head, ignoring his body screaming for him to sit. "I'm fine to go one more time. Just the dance break, then we can go eat. Okay?"
The members trusted him, and everyone got into position,Taehyung pulling Jimin to his feet, the music starting again. Everyone gave it everything they had left, and when he watched the playthrough, he was finally pleased with the result, but guilt jabbed him when he saw the faces of his members on the screen. None of them were smiling and each member collapsed to the floor when the music ended.
"Good work, everyone. Thank you!" J-hope went to bow to the background dancers, but his knees buckled underneath him. Yoongi wrapped an arm around him to slow his fall, not quick enough to steady him. "Sh*t..." He curses under his breath when he lands on his knees, pain shooting up his legs, tears threatening to escape.
"Hobi-hyung!" Jimin rushes over to him. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be okay after a good rest.." j-hope lets Jimin and yoongi help him to his feet again, not looking up at them. His knees threatened to give out again, shaking underneath him. Yoongi doesn't let him go.
"I don't think you should join practice tomorrow.." Yoongi tells him.
"But we have a concert in two days.." J-hope knew Yoongi was right, though. (I can't even stand on my own right now. I didn't think it would hurt this much.. I'll have to ice it when I get home..)
"Your health is more important. If you don't rest you could end up having to sit on the sidelines instead of dancing with the others." Namjoon warns him gently, recalling when Jungkook had to sit out when he got injured.
"Okay. I'll just watch practice tomorrow.." j-hope says reluctantly.
"Let me carry you to the car Hobi-hyung. I don't want you to fall again." Jungkook looks at him with worry in his eyes.
"I can-" j-hope starts to argue, but Jin shushes him, J-hope instantly growing silent.
"You're not even standing on your own. Let kookie carry you. It'll make us all feel better." Jin speaks for everyone.
J-hope allows Jungkook to pull him onto his back. "Thanks, Jungkookie. I'm sorry, I know you're just as tired.."
"It's okay. I'll just go to bed early tonight. I know you were just thinking of Army. After a good rest I'll be fine. I'll take a shower and go right to bed. Don't worry about me." Jungkook wanted to do his best to try to ease the stress J-hope put himself under. "I'm just worried about you hyung..You're shaking."
J-hope had to admit he didn't feel like he could take another step without falling, but he wouldn't admit that to the others. (Just a good night sleep and some ice on this sore knee. I'll be better..)
"Where is Hobi-hyung?" Jungkook asked the room. It was the next day and everyone was already done stretching.
"I don't know. He usually isn't late for practice and when he is he calls ahead." Namjoon goes to his bag to get his phone, dialing J-hopes number, getting no response. "He didn't answer.." He tries calling again, eyes widening with worry.
"He's never late like this." Jungkook says checking his phone to see if J-hope answered his text.
"He wouldn't ignore us like this.." Jimin frowns when he tries calling getting the same result as Namjoon.
"I checked the news. There's no reported accidents on the route J-hope takes." Yoongi says, sighing in relief.
"Let's get a staff member to go to his place.." Jin suggests. "Maybe he left his phone in his jacket pocket in another room and can't hear us calling. He really pushed himself yesterday.."
"I can go to his place. My shoulder is bothering me." Yoongi over playing his pain, rubbing his shoulder.
(You just want to check up on Hobi..) Namjoon tries to hide his smile. "Okay, Yoongi-hyung. Call me when you find out anything. We'll start practice without you."
J-hope wakes up when he hears the buzzer to his apartment, but when he goes to move to see who it is, pain shoots up his leg, making him groan in pain. (Ah..my knee...) he examined it, the left one clearly swollen. He tried to bend it, but just moving it up the slightest made the pain worse. (I can't move it.. We're performing in a few days.. this can't be happening..) Hot tears of frustration roll down his cheeks. "Sh*t..."
His phone rings, causing him to jump, wincing. "Yoongi-hyung?" J-hope answers the phone, trying to keep his voice from shaking.
"Hobi, what's wrong?" Yoongi could tell right away something wasn't right even if when tried to hide it.
"I hurt my knee.." J-hope sobs. "I can't even move it without it hurting.. it's bad hyung.."
" I'm at your place now. Do you think you can let me in?"
"I don't know..i..I don't think I can walk on it.." J-hope tries standing, a little yelp coming out.
"Don't hurt yourself. I have the spare key somewhere.." Yoongi digs in his laptop bag, finding a Keychain that has six colorful keys on it. "I got it, don't worry, just stay where you are." Yoongi sticks the sky blue key into the letting himself in and going straight to J-hopes room.
"Hyung.." J-hope's lips quiver when he calls out to him.
Yoongi sits next to him, hugging him close. "It's okay. Accidents happen. We'll get the swelling down and get someone to examine you, okay?" Yoongi uses his thumb to wipe the tears from J-hope's cheeks.
"I should've listened whe..when you said enough.." J-hope sobs, crying into Yoongi's shoulder. "It's all m..my fault.."
"It doesn't matter now feeling sorry won't change what happened. What's done is done. We just have to do our best to fix it, okay? You gotta take deep breaths, Hoseok.. You're going to get yourself sick if you get yourself worked up.." Yoongi strokes J-hope's hair, trying to comfort him. "Hoba breathe."
"But our perfor..formance.." His whole body shakes has he cries, burying his face into Yoongi's shoulder, letting out little hiccuping gasps.
"Accidents happen. Army will understand. Army doesn't like it when we cry.." Yoongi shushes him, rubbing J-hope's back. He keeps holding him until he calms down, humming softly to him. "We need to ice it.. can you let me go? I promise I'll only be a minute.'
J-hope nods, letting go of Yoongi. "Okay Hyung.."
Yoongi goes into the kitchen, getting an ice pack from the freezer, wrapping it in a towel. He takes a water bottle from the fridge and then returns to J-hope. He silently gives him the water bottle, gently placing the ice pack on his daesung's injured knee.
J-hope flinches at first from the sudden chill, then relaxes, the pain getting numbed. "Thanks Hyung.."
Yoongi feels his phone vibrating in his pocket, checking it. "It's Namjoon.." He answers the video call.
"What's the update? Is Hope okay?" Namjoon speaks quickly from worry.
"He hurt his knee pretty badly, it's at least twice as big as the other one.. he won't be able to perform.." Yoongi's words make the tears flow from J-hopes' cheeks again, letting out a whimper, covering his mouth to try to hide it.
"Seriously?" Namjoon's eyes widen. "Hoba, don't beat yourself up about it, okay? Everyone's had to sit out performances before, it's not a big deal."
"But it is my fault.." J-hope covers his face, not wanting his dongsaengs to see him crying.
"Hyung, hyung it's okay, really. Accidents happen." Jungkook couldn't stand hearing his Hyung crying, his voice shaking as his own tears fall down his cheeks.
"I'm gon.going to the hosp..hospital to..to..get it checked out. I should still be able to sing, I..i can do the performance sitti..sitting.." J-hope tried to stay positive, but sobs make his speech hard to understand.
"I'm going to go with him to the hospital.." Yoongi hugs J-hope close again, laying his head on top of his. "I'll take care of him.."
"Okay, thanks, hyung. Keep us updated, okay Hoba. Not just physically but mentally, too. If you don't think you can go on stage, we can work around it. I don't want you pushing yourself.." Namjoon says in a serious tone. "I love you, bro. Take it easy.."
"I love you guys too.. I'll call you after I see the doctor. I'm still sorry.."
"Love you Hyung." The three youngest members speak in unison right before Namjoon hangs up.
"I'll call staff to come get us. Drink more water, I don't want you getting dehydrated, too.." Yoongi pushes the water bottle towards him. "It'll be okay. We're professionals. We can work around it. Just try to cheer up for me." Yoongi keeps J-hope close as he calls, arms tightly around his distressed member.
Yoongi went home with J-hope after the hospital, coming home with a pulled muscle in the back of his knee. "It's going to take a month at the soonest to heal.. We're about to start our tour.. We're about to do our tour and I can't even walk.." J-hope moves slowly on the crutches, Yoongi unlocking the door and leading him inside and onto the couch.
"Hoseok..it's okay. Things like this happen. I spent months off stage because of my injury. They said you should be able to sit on stage and sing. It's better than missing it all together
"I know, I'm happy..th..that i can still go..to..tour, but you need to redo so much to make up for me not being able to dance..." His voice trembled as he spoke, making his voice come out as a shaky stutter.
Yoongi pulled J-hope close to him. "Hoba.. accidents happen. I told you you need to stop thinking about it. You'll only make yourself upset."
"I'm sorry.." J-hope squeezes Yoongi close. "I just can't stop.."
"It's okay.. cry as much as you need." Yoongi rubs his back. "I'll help take care of you so you can focus on resting. When you calm down, you need to eat so you can keep your strength up.."
"Thank you hyung.." J-hope sniffles, face buried in Yoongi's chest. He tried to stop again,but his breath continued to come out as short gasps.
Yoongi rubbed the back of J-hope's neck until he stopped crying, humming softly to him, rocking him slowly.
J-hope eventually picks up his head, his face a mess from crying. Yoongi uses the sleeve of his jacket to wipe J-hope's tears. "I'm going to go find you a tissue. I like you, but I don't want any more of your snot on me."
Yoongi's words get a small smile out of J-hope, sniffling to try to breathe, his nose stuffed up from crying. "Okay hyung."
Yoongi gets a tissue box and a bottle of water from the fridge bringing them both back to J-hope, silently giving it to him then tries to wipe the snot from his jacket.
"Thanks, Yoongi-hyung. You could wear one of my hoodies. Im sorry.." J-hope turns away to blow his nose, his stomach growling.
Yoongi takes off the jacket, giving up on trying to clean it. "It's not a big deal i can wash it. I'll go start dinner." Yoongi takes the tissue he's holding by the corner, taking it with him to throw away. "Do you want anything special?"
"Could you make kimchi fried rice?" J-hope requests softly. "I have everything we need.."
"Of course." Yoongi goes in the kitchen to cook. "Hobi do you have any meat we can fry up to go with it?"
"I think I have pork belly..."
"Then I'll make you a good meal. You just take it easy, okay?" Yoongi starts dinner, trying to think of anything that could cheer J-hope up.
"Dinner is done." Yoongi brings the food to the living room table one by one. "Ah..the table is low.." Yoongi puts some of the kimchi fried rice in a bowl, giving it to J-hope then going back for the pork belly.
"Do you want some?" Yoongi sits on the floor by J-hope, blowing on the meat before holding it out to him.
J-hope eats it, finally giving J-hope a real smile."Mm..it's really good."
"Eat up. You need to eat a lot so you can get your strength back.." Yoongi scoops up some kimchi fried rice for himself, taking a bite.
"I'll eat well. Thanks, Hyung.." The boys eat in silence, just enjoying the good food. Yoongi stays attentive of J-hope, offering him bites of pork belly in between his own bites.
Yoongi turns on the TV, searching for a comedy.
"It's been a while since we've watched a movie together."
"Yoongi, I need to use the bathroom. Could you hand me the crutches?" J-hope asks after he finished eating, holding the dishes out for Yoongi to take.
"Do you need help?" Yoongi asks, taking the dishes and putting them on the table.
"I think I'll be okay.. I'll leave the bathroom door open in case I need to call for you.
Yoongi helps him to his feet, putting the crutches under his arms before letting him go. "You got it?"
"Yeah, I practiced at the hospital..I think I got the hang of it.." j-hope struggles the first few steps until he gets a rhythm, making his way to the bathroom. Yoongi watches him the whole time.
Yoongi runs into the bathroom when he hears a crash, relaxing when he sees it was just the crutch that fell. "You scared me.."
"Sorry hyung.. it fell.. I'm okay.." J-hope tries to reach it on his own but Yoongi stops him.
"Don't risk falling Hoba. I'll get it. I think you should use a wheelchair.." Yoongi gets it for him, putting it back under his arm.
"I know..using these are harder than i thought." J-hope yawns. "It's Still early and I slept in but I'm so tired.."
"You've been working hard lately. Between working on music and going to practice and your lessons on top of it. I don't blame you. Let's get you to bed." Yoongi follows behind J-hope, following him to the bedroom.
Yoongi helps him get his legs in the bed, propping up his injured leg with a pillow to try to elevate it.
"Ah, it hurts.." He grits his teeth, the movement making pain return.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yoongi panicked, stopping immediately. "I'll be back." He leaves to get an ice pack, returning quickly. He gently places the ice pack.
"It's okay, Yoongi-hyung. It was my fault, I moved wrong.." J-hope relaxes when the cold pack starts numbing the pain.
"I'll get you some medicine.." Yoongi doesn't believe him, still feeling guilt. He gets the medicine the doctor gave them, returning to the room. J-hope takes it gratefully.
"We'll have to work hard to get the swelling down before the concert.."
Yoongi pushes the wheelchair onto the stage, Jungkook and Namjoon lifting under his arms to hoist J-hope onto the stool they put on the stage for him. It was time for the sound check, and when fans saw him being rolled onto the stage they all started talking about it.
"Are you okay with it at this height? Do you need it lower?" Jungkook asks, fretting over the injured rapper.
"No, no it's okay." J-hope blinks rapidly to try to fight off the tears. "I'm sorry Army.. I can't give it my all today.." He speaks into the microphone, sniffling.
They cheer loudly for him, showering him with comforting words. "It's okay oppa!" "I love you!" "Just feel better soon!" "Don't worry about me worry about yourself!"
They eventually just break into a chant, screaming his name. The tears he was trying to hold back finally start falling.
"See Hoba? They are just worried about you. They don't mind if you can't give it your all." Yoongi smiles, taking his mic and yelling into it. "I love you, Hoba!" His cheeks turn pink as he does so, making J-hope laugh.
"I love you Hobi-hyung!" Jimin joins in, followed by the other members.
"Thank you.." J-hope sobs, Jimin and Jungkook hugging him from behind. "We need to get on with the practice. You guys get into position.."
"I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Yoongi squeezes J-hope's hand.
"Don't cry Hobi oppa!" They were in the middle of spring day, when they heard an army screaming.
The boys were in the middle of the performance, but Yoongi moves from his position to go over to J-hope, hugging him from behind. "Your part is next.. do you think you can do it?" Yoongi talks by his ear.
J-hope shakes his head, unable to stop the tears, wiping them away furiously.
When it was his turn Yoongi started rapping his part for him, wiggling his butt as he danced to try to make J-hope laugh.
J-hope manages a small giggle at his exaggerated movements, joining Yoongi on the last verse, his voice just barely staying stable.
The other members join in the fun, dropping the choreography and just focusing on cheering J-hope up.
"You guys are crazy..." J-hope giggles into the microphone, army cheering loudly. "Okay, let's go..!" When the dance break started J-hope moved with just his upper body, finally having fun on the stage the others joining in.
(Finally.. that's our sunshine..) Jungkook smiles, teasingly doing J-hope's dance break being cheered on by the other members. The members tried to keep the energy high, giving J-hope several reasons to laugh to try to keep the tears at bay.
"I'm sorry Ammi, I really wanted to give you my all, but I ended up getting injured..As dance leader, it's really embarrassing to not be able to dance on stage.." j-hope starts his speech, forcing himself not to cry again. "I was feeling awful for myself, but my brothers made it easier.."
"You've been doing good hyung." Taehyung hugs J-hope from behind. "Is anyone here disappointed in Hobi-hyung?"
The crowd screams no.
"We have a few more songs left to go. Try to hold on a little longer Hoba." Jin rubs J-hopes shoulders. "You really are doing great."
"Thanks hyung.." J-hope forces a smile.
"Let's stop all this sappy stuff. We have a show to do." Yoongi pushes Jin playfully, Jin pushing him back.
"I think we should do a group hug first." Jungkook says with a mischievous smile.
"Do we have to?" Yoongi makes a face, pretending to hate the idea more than he really does. Jungkook pulls him close to J-hope, all seven boys huddling around him, careful of his knee when they wrap around him.
"Hobi-hyung is crying again.." One of the mics picks up Jungkook's voice.
"It's okay.. I'm happy..they are happy tears..i'm just so thankful..i got the best brothers and the best Fandom I could ask for..." J-hope says his voice coming out as a whimper. "Next time we come here, I want to be at 100 percent."
Yoongi wipes J-hope's tears away, not letting go until he calmed down again. "You think you can hold out a little longer?"
J-hope nods. (With my team at my side, I know i can do it...)
(If you made it to the end, thank you very much. This almost got deleted because I wasn't happy with it, and no matter how much I edited it, it felt like it was getting worse. I purple you 💜)
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I had a bit of writer's fun tonight with a talented bunch of gals. It was all inspired by this lovely Benedict Bridgerton edit by the @bridgertontess
The game was to write a 500 word (most of us went over 😜) ficlet that told the story of what turned sweet Ben into Eeyore. The results were hilariously diverse. This was my attempt to explain his melancholy.
Thanks for playing ladies. I had a blast! @fayes-fics @eleanor-bradstreet @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @colettebronte
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He waited. He waited as long as he could and then stayed an hour longer. Even after the rain soaked through his clothes, chilling his bones - he stayed. He would always stay for you. The problem was that you always seemed to be leaving him.
Each time he had to say goodbye, it hurt a little deeper for a little while longer. But then, one day, he'd hear the knock at his door and find you on the other side. He never hesitated to let you right back in, even though the chances of you walking out again were easily foreshadowed.
He knew he should stop, but he couldn't help himself. That's what addicts do. They give in to the desires of their flesh. Not because they aren't strong enough to turn away, but because somewhere inside them, they don't want to stop. The suffocating lows can be justified by euphoric, blissful highs. Eventually, decisions can be rationalized. You were his vice, and he had no intention of quitting.
His culpability in his own pain made it even worse. He held no pity for himself. He deserved it all. He literally signed up for it. You had always been a bit of a free spirit. Untamed and wild behind the eyes. That's part of what drew him to you. But the same thing that brought you close was the thing that took you away.
You were terrified of the metaphorical cage from staying in one place for too long. He knew you were running from something, but that same fear always sent you seeking stability in his presence.
Inch by inch you would let him see new pieces of your soul, and he was humbled by it every single time. That's what he had found himself addicted to. The small hits of intimacy you would allow him before the inevitable retreat.
That's what was happening now. The wall you let him breach was a big one, and he saw it in your eyes the moment you realized he had seen too much. It was his fault. You begged him not to say it. You begged him not to love you. Your words rang in his ears on repeat.
"Don't Ben. Please don't say you love me." your voice broke in a plea.
"Why not? It's true. What's so wrong with that?" he asked.
"Because I might not say it back..." You couldn't meet his eyes.
"Might not? If you're not sure, that's okay. Love is a big thing. I don't want you to say it if you don't feel it. But are you saying you could feel it? I can wait. You know I can." He knew those were the wrong words the moment he heard himself saying them.
"Right... always waiting for me to grow up. Waiting for me to stop being so selfish. Aren't you tired of making excuses for me yet, Ben?!"
"That's not what I meant. Please... please don't do this. Stay with me. I'm not going to hurt you or try to change you."
"You already are changing me! I'm not ready for this. And I can't keep doing this to you. I have to go." His eyes widened with panic as you strode towards the door.
"Darling, please! Just think about it. For me, just say that you'll think about. We can meet tomorrow by the park to talk." He was prepared to grovel.
His hands cupped your face, holding you in his gaze. But when you couldn't answer him, his fingers fell away.
"I'll wait for you there. 3pm by the pond." He took a deep breath to steel his nerves. "But if you don't come... don't come back again."
That was the last thing he said before you walked through his door. And now he was sitting in the rain, regretting every word. What had he done?
What had he done?
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eventinelysplayground · 2 months
Running out of creative WIP Wednesday titles.
So have to get to re-reading/editing those two wips I finished last week that I wanted posted by now but life happens. Got into my head about one of them too which I hate because it makes me think my works are complete trash when they arent, also I have to be in a certain mood for smut and apparently just writing them drained it all from me. They are done though and will be out soon.
I'm working on one for Ikesen right now just slowly as I'm not as comfy writing fanfics there yet so I don't want to rush. I also have an idea for another short one for Ikesen as well as one for a content challenge that I want to try and do. Speaking of that challenge so many pet fics half written, I blame Lorei for saying go ham lol.
I have the requests started and I am super excited with them. I may change directions slightly with one though because now that I'm further along I think a different start will be better but I'll see I have more then enough time.
That's really all for now as my creative tank just seems on empty right now. Oh I do have a kid oc fanfic finished that I'll be putting up tonight/tomorrow that I did a bit ago. I mentioned it in one of these before with one of Nokto and Emma's daughters and Silvio's son. I have downloaded Ikevil but as of yet no opinion on it so not sure if I will do fanfics for it in the future first have to figure out if I like the game or not.
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