#I was eyeing the library sticker the whole time waiting for someone to mention it
Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader) Chapter 6 pt2
Here you have it peeps. Part 2 of chapter 6! I’m really enjoying writing this story and if anyone has watched the original Winx cartoon you’ll recognise some bits in this chapter. Also, wanted to let you know that if you've watched Fate: the winx saga, my fic is mostly based off that timeline, however, I won't be following it exactly if you’re wondering why certain events haven't happened already etc... 
Warnings: Swearing/bullying?
Word count: 2.3k
Oh god. You didn’t want to turn toward the voice, scared of what you were about to encounter. Saul visibly stiffened and not in the good way. If he was a cat the hair would be standing up on the back of his neck and he’d be poised to attack. His eyes looked at you quickly, it was a pleading look, one that you weren’t sure you like the look of. 
“I thought It was your handsome face I saw from over there, fancy seeing you here.” The girl was still walking towards the booth and hadn’t seen you yet, you were on the side with your back facing her so were shielded still, until she got closer. You turned your head and instantly were hit with a wave of unexplained anxiety. It was like for a moment you had gone straight back to being that small, un wanted shell of a girl Saul had found months ago cowering on the forrest floor. 
She was tall, slim, blonde and gorgeous, a lot of things you weren’t, you were total opposites. Where she wore a tight fitting figure hugging dress that showed off all her assets, and you meant ALL, you wore more of a muted outfit, sticking to your traditional fashion sense of white and black. Granted it was a date, you had made an effort to look nicer, no ripped skinny jeans this time, just normal black ones with platform Vans and a white sequinned top you’d borrowed from Stella, your leather biker jacket slung over the booth next to you. You noticed she was a lot older than you too, if you had to guess she was probably around 28, a lot closer to the age of your man sitting across from you. Her lips were a bold red, pearly white teeth shinning as she grinned at Saul.. until she noticed you sitting across from him. 
“Oh you have company?” She said it more like a question rather than a statement, like she was surprised he was here with anyone. The woman crossed her arms rather matter of factly and didn’t hesitate in looking you up and down, subtly not her forte. The grin she was giving you made you a little nervous, gone was the one she wore for Silva, now this one was different, something crazy behind the woman’s eyes, almost predatory. 
“And you are?” She looked straight at you, cocking her head, who the hell did she think she was. Saul was still quiet, you think shocked was the better word for it. Then he seemed to snap right out of it when he heard how you were being talked to. 
“Glamour, this is my girlfriend Y/N.” Her whole face changed from a wicked smile to a look of disgust. 
“You can’t be serious.” God if she was trying to make you feel any smaller she was surly succeeding. Now this, is what you called a Queen B, grade A Biatch! She would even give Stella a run for her money. “This, is what you left me for?” She shook her head in disgust and then even had the audacity to laugh. Sauls fists tightened, you slipped your foot back to his leg and moved it slightly, a reassuring touch.
“You know, I thought it was just a temporary thing, it’s only been two and a bit months after all, I thought it was just you getting stressed about going back to Alfea, but obviously you had ulterior motives.” What, wait, did she just say two and a bit months.. that means.. he was still dating this bitch when you had moved into Alfea and he was training you. In that moment you felt like an idiot. God, how could you have been so stupid, of course he would be going out with someone like her, she was perfect, everything a man could want, then there was you, a broken outcast who had no where to call home. What if you were just his charity case? The negatives thoughts came creeping in but you tried to push them down, you hadn’t felt this insecure in a long time. The booth seemed to crackle with energy, then you realised thin black clouds of fog hovering around you. Your powers were out of whack, it tended to happen when you were so emotional you couldn’t contain them. The woman looked a little rattled and Saul looked even more pissed. 
“Glamour, that was in the past, we weren’t anything but a fling, you didn’t mean anything to me and I didn’t mean anything to you, whereas, Y/N, means everything to me. Now if you don’t mind, me and my girl are trying to enjoy our date. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Obviously she wasn’t used to being talked to the way Saul had because she let out an almighty screech of annoyance and stormed off, her heels clacking away on the tiled floor. 
“When you get bored with your pet project and want a real woman you know where to find me.” Was her last comment before she made her dramatic exit. You let out the breath you’d been holding, unable to look Saul in the eyes, willing the tears of embarrassment to magically disappear from your face, that was one thing your magic wasn’t good for. 
“Darling look at me.” You clenched your jaw as Saul hooked a finger under your face, lifting your chin, your glossy eyes meeting his. “She was nothing to me, nothing I promise you.. As soon as I knew I had feelings for you I cut all ties baby please believe me, you’re the only one I want, the only one.” You wiped the stray tear from your face hurriedly, Sauls face falling into a frown, he stood and slid into the same booth as you wrapping you in his big arms. You felt yourself calm. You felt safe again and you could tell he was telling the truth. Insecurities was a thing you’d struggled with forever, so you weren’t that surprised that they had creeped in, if there was one thing you did know, it’s that you trusted Saul with every fibre of your being.
He was right, the coffee in Magix was a billion times better than the coffee on earth. Heck, it didn’t even compare, you left the little place feeling buzzed and full of yummy goodness. Saul grabbed your hand, incasing it in his, the softness of you skin contrasting with his calloused fingers. It felt right. 
“You ready to head home baby or do you want to check out a couple of shops first?” He had pulled you into his side, your head just meeting the top part of his chest, you snuggled into him, the warmth of his body radiating towards you. You should have been a little tired, it had been a fun filled morning, but the coffee was something you would need to adjust to, you were wide awake and felt like you could run a marathon. 
“I saw a book shop on the way to the ice rink that I wanted to check out, and a clothes store that looked like it was kind of my thing, do you think we could stay a bit longer?” You craned your neck to look up at him, his grey eyes peering back at you, his mouth turned up into a charming smile. 
“Sure sweetheart, do you remember how to get to the book store? While you’re there, there’s someone I need to talk to quickly about guard business..” He stroked his hand over your hair as you nodded your head, giving you a sweet peck on your forehead. “Just text me the name of the clothes shop you go to and i’ll meet you there okay? No wondering off..” He looked more serious at that part and you stood on your tiptoes to give him a reassuring kiss. 
“Sure thing Sir.” With a wink you turned around, Saul slapping your ass playfully before you were out of reach which earned a giggle from you, gosh, that man. 
It hadn’t taken long for you to retrace your steps to the wonderful looking bookshop you’d seen earlier that morning. The doors were heavy when you pushed them open and stepped into the most beautiful place you’d ever seen. You had always been a sucker for books, the nerd side of you squealed in delight. It was one of the things on earth that helped you escape reality, reading and imagining running away to different worlds, wether it was Wonderland, Forks or Hogwarts. What surprised you most about the shop was it was a lot bigger than you thought it would be, like stepping into a Tardis, reasonably sized on the outside, enormous on the inside. 
You stepped forward tentatively, taking in your surroundings and the book smell that seemed to linger in the air. A woman with half moon shaped glassed that were perched on the end of her nose was sitting at the front desk, to you it seemed more like a library, maybe it was a bit of both. She looked up when she heard your footsteps, greeting you with a kind, grandmotherly like smile.
“Hello dear, can I help you with anything today?” That’s when you proceeded to tell her it was your first time in Magix and she talked you through everything. In the end you were lead to a space in the middle of the books, a round circle shape carved out in the middle of the stalls with an alter in the middle. 
“This is the book alter, you ask the alter for the name of book you’re searching for, a subject or anything you can think of, and the shop will do the rest.” Of course it was magic too, you had to get used to the idea that everything would be now. A magic search browser, you could get used to that. The lady moved on, returning to her perch behind her desk. 
“Okay okay, lets try…” You were thinking about what to ask for when the dream you’d had that day in the hospital came back to you.
“Find me anything on the ‘Dragon Soul.” the mystical voice had mentioned in in your hazy state and you naturally wanted to know more about where you’d maybe come from and what your powers were. A couple of books floated forward, one was a fictional book that was about mystical creatures, not what you were looking for, the other was labeled, “A brief history of the realms.” That one didn’t have a price, it had a coloured sticker, which meant you could take it out for a certain amount of time, just like a library, the different colours represent the time you can take it for. You sighed thinking that was all the place had to offer, millions of books and only one worth your time? Then you heard it. The creaking and slamming of iron. The gates opposite you held the restricted area, only accessible for teachers and higher people of power. A few books were battering themselves against the bars, trying to make their way towards you. Just before a shocked voice rounded the corner, a couple of the smaller books managed to squeeze through the bars and fly into your awaiting arms. Books had started flying all about you, something wrong with the altar. You ducked behind it for cover, almost knocked out by a fairy dictionary thicker than a brick. 
“Stop!” You were relieved when the elderly librarian had arrived, making the books cease in mid air, the attack halted. “Sorry my dear, I don’t know what happened, the altar doesn’t normally behave like this.” She looked at you worriedly. Before she noticed you had the books under your top, you thanked her and made your way to the front doors, only checking out the book that had come to you first, while the other two remained hidden.  
Saul had done exactly what he said he’d do, you had text him as soon as you’d cleared the book store, luckily the ones you wanted to keep hidden managed to fit inside the small shoulder bag you’d brought along. It didn’t take long for your man to come walking around the corner, a spring in his step and smile on his face when his eyes set upon you standing at the boutique. 
“Did you find what you were looking for princess?” He pulled you into him, as if you’d been away for ages when it had only been 20 minutes. 
“Yup, the books went crazy in there and almost took me out but I got what I went for, I think.” With that you both walked into the boutique, you weren’t planning on buying anything really, just wanted to have a look about, it had been months since you’d had a look around stores, it was nice to have a bit of normalcy. While Saul sat in the designated boyfriend seat, it didn’t take long for something to catch your eye. A black lacy dress that would be perfect for your birthday next week. You’d also snuck over to the lingerie section, looking for something more on the risqué side, it was as much a treat for you as it would be for Saul, but he wasn’t to know that yet. You’d managed to try on and pay for your items before he’d realised anything. 
“That was quick what did you get?” He stood, stretching his arms above his head, his tight t-shirt rising slightly revealing the trail of hair from his belly button all the way down to…. your head shot up when you heard Saul clear his throat, he was smirking at you, one eyebrow raised. Cocky bastard. You playfully shoved him and rolled your eyes, making your way back into the street.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out Mr Silva.”
As always I hope you liked this chapter, if you did please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG AND FOLLOWWWW <3
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
To Wake Up To A Mailbox Filled With Letters Only From You
Iwaizumi Hajime x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 2,071
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It was driving him insane. The notes, envelopes, and pieces of paper started appearing at his desk on February 1st. They were tucked away in the cubby and made him incredibly nervous. Whoever was doing this to him was going to really, really make him lose it.
It was nice knowing that someone liked him. Even if he didnt know who it was, it was a good feeling. The only downside was that he had to keep this from you and Oikawa for as long as he possibly could. You two were Iwaizumi’s best friends yes of course, but this was too much.
If Oikawa found out he would stop at nothing to figure out who it was, the teasing would be brutal. If you found out? Iwaizumi didn't want you to think that he had feelings for anyone else, even if you werent dating he didn't want to put that idea into your head. Not only that but anytime romance or dating was brought up with you around he got nervous. Even watching Ryan Gosling movies with you was incredibly difficult. The conversation felt like walking on landmines when it came to yours or his love life.
The first day it was a purple foam heart the size of his palm. Covered in stickers, glitter glue, and in the center was a picture of him playing volleyball. It was from the stands, he could tell the photo had been zoomed in, but he was up in the air on the court. There was no message on the note other than some sharpie bubble letters that said “hottie”, he didn't really pay attention to it. He assumed it was Oikawa messing with him like usual. But when Oikawa made no mention of it he knew that it wasn't his friend.
That night at home he tucked the heart into his desk drawer. He lay in bed trying to imagine who would have made such a thing for him. Since it had been in those somehow taunting bubble letters he couldn't decipher it by handwriting. He did think the “hottie” thing was funny though. The list of people who could have left him the silly little message rattled in his mind.
He knew that he wanted it to be you. He wanted you to do something cheesy, cute, and cliche like that for him. For you to like him so much that it wouldn't bother you to do things like that. It would be your nature to give him gifts and say stupid things to him that made him laugh, that made his chest feel warm.
The next day he was surprised to see another note. He managed to slip it into the cover of his notebook without anyone seeing. It took everything in him not to peek at it during that first class. He knew for sure now that it wasn't Oikawa because they had walked to school together that morning.
It was during lunch that Iwaizumi took out the note to look at it. He had went out to grab drinks at the vending machine. Away from the prying eyes of his friends he opened the front of his notebook. This second card was much more traditional in style. Red construction paper, with white frilly lace on the edge, a mostly straight line of glitter glue outlining the heart.
This one had a picture of a bunny and text that read “some bunny loves you” , another picture of him had been doodled on so he had bunny ears and whiskers. This picture was not from volleyball and he couldn't remember where it had been taken. It was a little creepy but he cared more about who was sending these to him.
The following day he was looking forward to going to school. He wanted to see if he got another note. Even if he didnt know who was sending these, it did feel nice to know that someone could be interested in him. He had spent many valentines sharing the fruits of Oikawa's good looks. It was a good feeling to know that he could receive the same type of attention.
He did get a store bought card that day. It had a picture of a bumble bee and it read "bee my valentine and you won't get stung. A piece of candy had been taped inside the card. After that it was a cootie-catcher with all kinds of pick up lines buried in its folds. There were two more hand made cards that were covered in stickers, shiny tape, glitter and gel pen.
It was halfway to Valentine's day now. Iwaizumi woke up on the seventh of February wondering what type of card he would get. None of the other cards he had gotten helped him decipher who was sending these to him. It was once again at lunch that Iwaizumi snuck off to peak at what had been left to him. Today it had been a plain white envelope with a heart sticker sealing it shut.
Iwaizumi was expecting another bad pick up line but was instead met with an actual typed up letter. Whoever had written this actually, genuinely, liked Iwaizumi. He had this dumbfounded swirling feeling in his stomach. One of dread and excitement. Because he knew exactly what the letter was saying. The letter was true to the way he felt about you. And this letter wasnt from him to you. He didn't know who had written this.
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he had not seen Oikawa and Hanamaki run up behind him.
"What is this?"
Oikawa's voice had a mischievous ring to it and before Iwaizumi can properly respond the envelope had already been taken from him. His fingers ghosted the traces of the paper, trying to grab it back but missing it by inches. Hanamaki put his arms around his shoulders locking him into place. Iwaizumi was more desperate now as he tried hurling insults at Oikawa.
"Oh my god, oh my fucking god"
The look Oikawa had on his face was of pure joy. A smile spread over his face and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Who wrote it! Come on tell me who your new lover is"
Oikawa sung that last part. But now Hanamaki was interested in the letter and upon reading it he had the same reaction.
"I don't know who wrote it"
Hanamaki scoffed.
"What are you kidding?"
Iwaizumi looked at his friend confused. But Oikawa launched into a rapid fire question session with Iwaizumi.
"Wait you're telling me you have been getting these for a whole week now and you didn't say anything to me! Your dearest friend!"
Oikawa feigned injury at this, falling back into Iwaizumi as they walked.
"I didn't want to deal with it, plus I don't know who is writing these and maybe they don't want anyone else to know"
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You had been doing your best to not tip off Iwaizumi that it was you leaving him the notes. But you were rather disappointed at his lack of reaction. You didn't expect him to suddenly be walking around like a love sick fool but he appeared no different to you. You still walked home with him and Oikawa, you had eaten lunch a few times since, everything was the same.
It was after school and you were waiting outside the gym for Iwaizumi and Oikawa. On days they had practice you hung around in the library finishing up homework or browsed through the books. The door to the gymnausm swung open, you greeted Hanamaki but were halted by the extra devilish grin he had. You roll your eyes, pretending to be annoyed by his antics.
"What did you do now?"
You ask teasingly.
"Me? I haven't done anything"
He was faking innocence.
You say, raising an eyebrow.
"It's funny though, because, I think thats its you whos been up to no good"
You're taken aback not sure what he's getting at. He drops the sarcasm for a second letting out an exasperated sigh.
"I know about Iwaizumi"
You pull on his arm leading him further away from the gym.
"Did he tell you it was me? Does he know? He hasn't said anything-"
He cuts you off.
"Slow down, that idiot is way too dense to know you like him back"
Hanamaki covers his mouth at that, knowing it wasn't something he was supposed to reveal to you. But you lit up at his words.
"He likes me back? But you said he doesnt know whos writing the notes"
"That's because he liked you before you wrote him that letter...wait did you say notes? There's more than one?"
You felt your face heat up in embarrassment. So you explained what you had been doing. The notes for each day. The entire time you spoke Hanamaki had an expression that was somewhere between disbelief and bemusement. You were about to ask Hanamaki about Iwaizumi some more when said boy walked out from the gym.
You let go of Hanamakis wrist, not realizing you had been holding onto him for so long, to wave at your other two friends. They started to approach you but you waved them off.
“Go on ahead I’ll catch up!”
You turn to Hanamaki once again. More serious than before.
“How did you know it was me?”
“You help me out with essays all the time, that letter you wrote him sounds exactly like you”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
The next day Iwaizumi was not able to focus. He had received a bouquet of suckers and lollipops. Each adorned with sharpie and a terribly corny phrase like “99% Angel” or “Lover Boy”. Oikawa had of course taken one of these for himself. Saying that Iwaizumi owed him. They were walking home without you today, you said you had needed to help Hanamaki with some homework. But that was exactly what had been bothering Iwaizumi .
The night before when you and his friend had been out in the dusk alone. Your hand on his wrist. You looked flustered, and Iwaizumi could only recall a few other times you had been blushing so intensely. What had you been talking about with him? It was driving him crazy that he didn't know, that you were off with him now.
“Where are the rest of them?”
Oikawa asked, grabbing at Iwaizumi's bag. Iwaizumi pulled out another sucker from his coat pocket but Oikakwa was not satisfied.
“No, the rest of the valentines cards and letters, I wanna see them, you can't hide those from me forever”
Wide eyed Iwaizumi doesn't know what to do or say.
“Those are private property”
But Oikawa knows his friend well, and it was not long before his request was granted. Reluctant and embarrassed Iwaizumi allows Oikawa to shuffle through his desk drawer where he has stashed his paper treasure. Oikawa of course photographs everything. When he reaches for the one valentine with the bunny pun he stops.
“Isn't this photo from that movie night we had a couple months ago?”
“What? No way it was only me, you and…”
His words stayed caught as whispers in his mouth. Oikawa was right. It was hard to tell because the white wall behind Iwaizumi in the photo could have been so many places, but he did remember wearing that shirt. You took that photo. It was you.
“Hey, you know you have to make them a card now right?”
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You and Hanamaki had been trying to sort out some sort of a plan. You were originally going to confess to Iwaizumi face to face on Valentine's day. But you wanted to do it immediately now. You didn't want to drag anything out or confuse Iwaizumi by not telling him that it was you. There was only one more day until Valentine's day and you couldn't decide if it was worth the wait anymore.
The morning was brisk and a bit cold. You were shedding off your coat, opening your locker you saw an unfamiliar shade of pink. It was a paper heart. Similar to the ones you had made for Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi. You recognized his handwriting. It read;
I feel the same. Meet me after school tomorrow to talk. Can I call it a date if we get food? Check yes or no.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: Did I plan this out at all? No. Did I edit this at all? Also no. But this idea was rattling around in my brain and I needed to get it out. Its a little Jem and The Holograms with the whole “omg surprise its me the person you're in love with and also the person who flirts with you a lot and makes you confused” ALSO I LITERALLY HAD NO IDEA HOW TO END THIS ONE????? so sorry if its more muddled than usual
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
Ode to Glitter
➳ Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Fem!Reader ft. Kenma Kozume
➳ Synopsis:
“Why the rush, Chibi-chan?”
First, a glitter mess in your locker, with a stupid confession note. Second, a brief, yet soul-sucking conversation with the first year giant. Now, you had to talk to the Kuroo Tetsurou. You snarled. Why was the universe against you today?
“Not in the mood.” you muttered as you side-stepped, trying to walk around him. But, he only moved in front of you, leaning an arm against the nearby wall. Students looked at you oddly, whispering to their friends nearby. A few girls giggled as they saw Kuroo, an infuriating smirk plastered on his face. Some girls even glared at you, as if you wanted to talk to him.
“Really?” he wiggled his eyebrows, looking down at you, “I could change that.”
➳ Warning: Slight language, mentions of bullying, SLIGHT ANGST?
➳ Word Count: 3.7K
I was supposed to do a Daddy Universe fic, but here we are. I have no clue where this idea came from but, nerd Kuroo just hits different???? @boosyboo9206​ Hope you like bb! And @lizbotw you’re bed time story madam. I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY!!!!! <3
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You stared skeptically at the small note in your locker. You shut the metal door, waiting a few seconds before opening it again. But, it was still there, glitter and all. You cringed, thinking about the effort and time it would take to clean it. You closed the locker a second time, looking at the locker number. 284. Yes, this was your locker. Had the person put it in the wrong one? You hesitatingly picked up the note, by the corners. You held it away from your face, as glitter fell onto your shoes. You groaned. Oh how you hated glitter. You looked at the paper, half filled with purple glitter, and half decorated in an array of heart stickers.
You grimaced at the sight. You didn’t know what to feel. Hopeful? Of what. Grateful? Why? No. You really didn’t know what to feel, other than the underlying disgust of glitter. You chucked it back in your locker, not even bothering to open it. It wouldn’t be worth seeing the false words written. In the best case, it was put in her locker by accident. In the worst case, someone had dared them to give her a confession. Wouldn’t be the first time.
“Is that a confession, Y/N-senpai?“ You hid a small groan as you turned around looking up at your very tall junior.
“Lev.“ you deadpanned.
“Why do you have a confession?“
You rolled your eyes. You knew that he was blunt, saying whatever came to his mind. But, you just couldn’t help wishing be had a mute button.
“What are you doing on this side, don’t you have practice?“
He shrugged, placing his hands behind his head as he walked in front of you.
“Maybe.“ he confessed, a guilty look flashing in his green eyes, “But you can’t blame— “
“I didn’t ask for your life story, Habia.“
“But, you asked—”
“I asked if you had practice. Not a hundred page essay on your feelings.” you snapped. You barely felt guilty and venting your anger at him. Okay. Maybe a very small part of you, that could care, felt bad. But, you couldn’t help it. Lev was an annoyance on the best days. And now, in the morning, when she has a clown on her tail… You couldn’t deal with both. You didn’t look back, not even as Lev let out a worn-out sigh, walking back, away from you. 
You cracked your knuckles as you quickly glanced at your watch. 7:45. You glanced around the hallway, watching to see if anyone had noticed. Fortunately for you, no one seemed to even notice your presence. You smiled, a small smile, as you looked forward. You still had ten minutes before you had to see him. You grimaced at thought, speeding your pace. You did not want to see him in the morning. You had learned his schedule, just the parts that coincided with yours, and made it your priority to avoid him at all costs. A bump in with him was asking for a whole heap of trouble you did not need.
You turned, sharply at the corner. Swallowing slightly, as you glanced at your watch again. 7:50. Well, damn. If you didn’t go any faster, you might as well just wait for him to bump into you. Almost there. Almost—
“Crap,” you swore as you landed into someone’s chest.
“Why the rush, Chibi-chan?”
First, a glitter mess in your locker, with a stupid confession note. Second, a brief, yet soul-sucking conversation with the first year giant. Now, you had to talk to the Kuroo Tetsurou. You snarled. Why was the universe against you today?
“Not in the mood.” you muttered as you side-stepped, trying to walk around him. But, he only moved in front of you, leaning an arm against the nearby wall. Students looked at you oddly, whispering to their friends nearby. A few girls giggled as they saw Kuroo, an infuriating smirk plastered on his face. Some girls even glared at you, as if you wanted to talk to him. 
“Really?” he wiggled his eyebrows, looking down at you, “I could change that.”
You gave him a disgusted glare, eyeing him up and down.
“No thank you,” your smile was coating with toxins, seeping into the teeth you were showing.
“Are you sure, Chibi-chan?” he whispered, as he brought his head to your ear. You fought the urge to shiver, as his hot breath fanned over your head.
You rolled your eyes, pushing him away as you walked away. He smiled at your figure as you walked towards your class. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh. His smile flickered as the feeling of yet another rejection sits in. 
                                                   **✿❀ ❀✿**
You sat down, on the chair, tucking yourself in slightly as you flipped through your Chemistry textbook. It wasn’t that you were bad at chemistry. You just weren’t the best. The mere idea of atoms and ions were enough to make you flinch. Not to mention the sub-categories of cations and anions. You just didn’t see the reason for learning about things you couldn’t see, much less feel.
You sighed, leaning your head against your shoulder, stretching your strained neck. You heard the slight crack and moaned quietly at the feeling. 
“Still have to finish this.“ you murmured to yourself as you picked up a pen and a piece of paper. But, you were blank. You had the materials and you had time. But, you just didn’t understand. You peered at your work, as if it was written in a foreign language. Words went in your head and out. Nothing stuck and nothing made sense. You would much rather spend your time doing something that actually did make sense like Biology. That made sense. Hell, even Math made sense compared to this. You scratched your head with the rubber of your pencil.
It was quiet in the library, making you squirm. It was the library, you supposed, you just weren’t used to the quiet. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to concentrate. You just weren’t used to the quiet. People came in and out of the library, slamming doors and talking loudly. Some even had the audacity to blast out music. Most of the time the air was soaked with loud whispers of her gossiping peers, or the soundless signs of mockery. You weren’t used to the quiet. And you weren’t used to the idea of being left alone. 
You sighed, trying to fill the vacancy of the library. It was an odd, almost uncomfortable feeling. And you couldn’t help but think that it was the calm before the storm. You squirmed in your seat at the thought. 
“No, you need to focus“ you told yourself, attempting to calm yourself down. You took a deep breath, burying your face in the textbook. You were swallowing each word, slowly, taking a deep breath every time you didn’t understand.
Cation has a positive charge. Anion has a negative one.
“Cation is positive. Anion is negative.“ you repeated, closing your eyes, “Cation is positive. Anion is negative. Cation is negative and Anion is positive.“
You opened your eyes, your heart racing as you looked behind. You glared, almost hitting him in the face with your book. As you placed a hand on your chest and turned around. Your face was beet red and your heart was beating in a pace humanly impossible. You didn’t want him looking at you like that.
“Don’t do that.“ you hissed at Kuroo.
“I can’t help myself Chibi-chan,“ he chuckled as he smoothly pulled a chair next to yours. You glared at him, making an obvious gesture of moving away from him. You thought you had seen his smile flicker at that.
“You’re wrong by the way,“ he nodded towards your open textbook, “Cation’s are positive. Anion’s are negative.“
You frowned. Isn’t that what you said.
“I said — “
“Nope,“ he popped the ‘p’ childishly, “You said the opposite.“
“Oh.” You didn’t know what else to say. What could you say. Heat flared in you ears. You felt awkward, almost vulnerable, that he had caught you in the wrong.
“Do you need help?“ He looked so genuine when he asked, his usual irritating smirk was replaced with what seemed like a real smile.
“No.“ You wanted to say ‘yes’. To accept the assistance that Kuroo was providing. But, you couldn’t find it in your heart to say ‘yes’. You couldn’t accept this Kuroo. This person who cared. This person who...who wasn’t the person you had painted in your mind.
He looked at you, as if he could see the conflict. He nodded, pushing his chair away from you, standing up.
“You got a confession this morning.“ It wasn’t a question. You knew he knew. He was only trying to start a conversation.
“Yes.“ There was no point in lying. Not when you looked into those steadfast eyes. He burrowed his hands in his pocket, leaning back slightly as he looked at you.
“You should read it, you might enjoy it.“ The smile was forced. From both sides. 
“Sure.“ you said in a strained voice. There was no point in asking him how he knew what was written in it.
You sighed, glancing at the textbook and then at Kuroo.
You can’t have it all.
                                                  **✿❀ ❀✿**
“Do you have 11 protons? Cause your sodium fine.”
“You must be fluorine cause you are polarizing my bond?“
“Did they just call me salt?“ you screeched into the phone, gagging as specks of glitter fell on your bed, “I can’t believe they called me salt. Kenma are you even —”
“They said fluorine, Y/N, not sodium,“ he muttered, you could here the sounds of his joystick. The small clicking almost comforting to your heated brain. Sodium. Potassium. Fluorine. It didn’t matter. 
“So! This is— is, damage to my brain.“ You threw down the confession on the bed, huffing at it, “Who would send this.“
“Someone who likes chemistry,“ 
“Couldn’t be me,“ you retorted, as you looked at the glittery mess on your bed, “And why would they use glitter?“ You shivered at the word. Glitter will forever be the bane of your existence.
“I bet it was Kuroo,” you spat his name.
“What makes you think that,“ Kenma had ceased his game, a silence rung in your ear at the lack of noise.
“Glitter.” you deadpanned. Your disdain for the item wasn’t a hidden thing. You had made it obvious on several occasions. Scoffing softly at people who wore it, sprinkling it all over the hallway. Rolling your eyes at the offer to use it on a school project. You had even gone as far to sit away from people who had or used it. Glitter, to put it simply, was a pain in your butt.
“Glitter,“ If you didn’t know Kenma any better, you would have called him intrigued.
“Glitter, is the worst invention of man kind.” you emphasized, ignoring the long sigh of annoyance from the other side of the line, “So of course that over-sized, gigantic, huge—“
“Do you need a dictionary?“ he asked dryly, the clicking of his joystick resumed.
“To hit his head with?“ you snapped back. “Yes — ”
A loud, obnoxious thump of your made you twitch. What now. 
“I’ll call you back Kenma,“ you quickly cut the call, stomping down the steps and throwing the door open.
You snarled, your fingers curling into a tight fist. What joke was this. 
There was no one there. You looked down.
“What the...“
You didn’t know whether you wanted to see what it was. It was almost identical to the letter you had seen in your locker. Expect this time, the letter had been plastered with red glitter, a small outline remained on your front steps. 
You wanted to throw a fit right there. Glitter. Who in their right mind uses glitter. Even the word made you pissed.
“Just wait until I find out who you are.“ you threatened, precariously picking up the letter.
                                                 **✿❀ ❀✿**
“Hey baby,“ you read the letter out loud, “I got my ion you?“
“So?“ he didn’t look up from his game, his fingers moving smoothly over the phone.
“It’s creepy!“ you complained, leaning back against the bleachers.
You had joined Kenma on his walk to school, only to whine and complain about her quote-on-quote secret admirer. Although,you, wouldn’t call this person that.
Stalker. Weirdo. Were the words that came to your mind.
“But, Kenma!” you gestured rapidly with your hands “Isn’t this — I dunno odd?“
“That someone’s sending me this.“you rubbed your temples, “I mean, I get its a joke, but do they have to take it so far?“
“What if it’s not a joke?“ he paused his game looking up at you.
“It always is,“ you airily said, “Always.“
“And you’ve always have gotten confessions?”
“Not real ones,“ you confessed, “Just immature people doing immature things.“
You really didn’t want to talk about. It really was a hit to your ego. Your pride. Your self-esteem. That one joke, from years ago, still affected you. Hurt you.
It hurt. Even if, as those kids said, a ‘joke’. The only people that laughed at it was that one boy. Who had pointed at you, as tears streamed down your face, a crumpled pieced of paper in your hand, laughing.
They had laughed at you. And it hurt. They had laughed at your stupidity. And it hurt. Maybe that’s why it was such a far-fetched thing. Mutual pining. Love. You had made sure —forced yourself to not be stupid. Not be naive. Even if it made you the sore thumb of your grade. Even it made you lonely. Your heart wasn’t broken. Not like those girls who got rejected for joy.
“Chibi-chan are you here to watch me play?“
You snapped out of your thoughts, physically moving back. It was like a rubber band. Your head pounded.
“Tetsurou,“ you snarled, rubbing your forehead, “Can you say something before you creep up on me like that?“
“First name basis?“ he wiggled his eyebrows, barking a laugh at your outraged glare.
“Make yourself useful and turn into compost.“ you hissed, as you glanced at Kenma, “I’ve leaving now.“
“Okay,“ he mumbled too engrossed in his game to really care.
“Y/N!“ you heard Kuroo calling after you. Rolling your eyes, you flipped your hair over a shoulder looking at him.
“Uh—I just want to say—”
“Spit it out, Tetsurou,” you crossed your arms, tapping a foot annoyed.
“I want to stick to you like cyanoacrylate.” he blurted out, 
“What?” you glared at him. Was this a… chemistry joke.
“I want to stick to you like cyanoacrylate.” He repeated, slowly.
“I don’t get what's —cyanoacrylate.”
“It’s a—” he looked conflicted as he sought out the right words, “It’s a glue.”
“You want to stick to me,” you deadpanned, “like glue.”
He nodded fervently, looking at you with bright eyes.
You gave him a small, slowly walking over to him. You grabbed his tie, pulling him to your level.
“Look here, Mr. Kuroo, I have spent two days being spammed with these so called pick-up-lines. I have spent hours—hours— getting glitter off my bed, my hair and my clothes.” He gulped at your angry eyes, “I am going to walk back, to where I was before, and will give you a chance to recant that statement you made.”
“And I don’t want any ifs, ands, or buts.” you glared at him with a threatening gaze, “Understood?”
“No, Kuroo, I am not playing your games. I am sick and tired of this.” you snapped, letting go of his tie and pushing him back, “I am not your source of amusement. Or of entertainment. Go find some other stupid girl to play with. I am—”
“You must be fluorine cause you are polarizing my bond?“
The exact same line from your first confession.
“Do you have 11 protons? Cause your sodium fine.”
“What — “
“It’s not a joke, Y/N. I wrote those notes. And I really do — “
“No.“ you shook your head, “It was a joke. You were trying to make fun of me.“
“Y/N, no I swear! I — “
“No. You’re going to laugh at me in the end.“ your voice cracked as tears threatened to leave your eyes.
“Y/N — “
You backed away, rushing out of the gym doors. Your heart was beating. You cheeks were hot.
You wanted it to be true. But, you knew that it couldn’t. It would never be true.
You can’t have it all.
                                                **✿❀ ❀✿**
“You’re not going to say anything.“
You shrugged. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t want to think about it. You allowed silence to fill up the walk home, even Kenma hadn’t said anything till now.
“What is there to say.“ your voice was dry, from the tears you had wept in a closed stall.
“Sorry,“ Kenma offered, “You didn’t mean it.
“I did,“ you lied through your teeth.
“No.“ Kenma seemed so sure of it. You sighed.
“I want it to be true. But it’s not.“ you whispered the last part.
“Who said it wasn’t true.”
“Kuroo acts like that to everyone,“ you said sharply, mostly trying to convince yourself.
“No, he doesn’t.“
“Yes, he does. He treats all girls like that.“
“He—“ You hesitated. He really didn’t do it to anyone else, or at least from what you had seen. Sure, he had gotten many confession over the three years you had known him. But, from what you knew, he had rejected every single one. Never, not once, had you seen him flirt with a girl. Never, not once, had you seen him hurt one.
“He must do it to someone,“ you were desperate as you looked at Kenma.
“He looks like that, but really,“ he paused his game, looking you in the eye, “he isn’t.“
You didn’t need him to say it. You knew it. After all, that was why you had fallen for him. He was kind —even when those on him were judgmental. He was patient, where many were not. He was different, you wanted to believe that. He was different from those boys who had played a prank on you. He was different from the boy who had given you a fake love letter. He was different from the boys who had hurt you. And maybe, during your desperate moments of trying to believe the opposite...you had hurt him.
“Kenma,“ you said halting your pace, “where is he?“
“In the gym,“ Kenma responded as if he had expected that question, as if he had planned for this exact moment,
“I have to go,“ you said as you sprinted off in the other direction.
You can’t have it all. But you could try and keep it.
                                               **✿❀ ❀✿**
“Serve, set, spike.“ he muttered under his breath, as he threw a volleyball in the air. It spun, in a perfect rotation, before colliding with his bare palm. It stung. But, it didn’t hurt more than the sting in his heart.
He hadn’t cried yet. Not that he planned to. But, he wanted to. He wanted to scream and shout and wail. But, he couldn’t so he continued throwing the ball up and spiking it too the floor.
Serve. Set. Spike.
It was a mechanical movement, something that occurred on instinct.
Serve. Set. Spike.
He hadn’t expected a yes. He hadn’t really known what to expect. He had caught you multiple times staring at him. Had caught the seemingly longing glances that you had thrown his way. He had caught the slight spark of anger in your eye as other girls threw their affection. He had caught the almost defensive posture that you claimed when anyone talked about him.
But, he had also caught you inching farther from him, almost disgusted by his presence. He had caught the scowl that formed on your pretty lips at the mere mention of his name. He had caught the annoyed look as he passed by, throwing you a small smile.
But, he had taken his chances. Starting of with a letter. A letter of the best pick-up-lines he could think of in that moment. Maybe it was his handwriting, maybe you didn’t like that. Maybe it was the sentences themselves, maybe you didn't understand it. Maybe it was —
“Tetsurou Kuroo, how dare you.“
The ball fell on the floor making a satisfying sound. He turned, shocked, towards you.
“How. Dare. You“ you said between heavy pants.
“Y/N?“ he didn’t dare take any step closer.
“How dare you, not tell me how you feel.“
He felt pinned by your stare, and had it not been for the confusion and shock he would have thrown the glittery notes in your face.
“How dare you.”
“I told you!” he rose his hands in surrender.
“By using cringe, chemistry pick up lines.”
So it was the sentences after all.
“I didn’t understand any of those!”
“But, they’re science pick-up-lines,“ he said weakly.
“Chemistry pick up lines, Tetsurou.“you looked like you were about to strangle him, “Chemistry! I can’t even remember the difference between a cation and an anion”
“One’s positive and the other—“
“The point is, you didn’t make yourself clear.“ 
You walked up to him, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down, just like you had done before.
“And let me tell you Kuroo, the glitter didn’t help your case.“
Oh. Maybe it was the glitter.
“What, I’m trying to say is,“ he was half-amused by your incoherent blabber, “If you made it clear what you felt, I would have said yes.”
Oh. Maybe it was nothing.
“You would have said, yes?“ he looked down at you. At your blushing self.
“You said it now,“ he teased,halfheartedly.
“Come here you nerd,“ you pulled his shoulders roughly as you covered his lips with your own. His eyes fluttered close in an instant.
“Glitter,“ you mumbled on his lips.
“What,“ he was only half aware of what was happening.
“Next time, don’t use glitter.“
He wouldn’t. Next time.
He smirked, pulling you in by your waist, resuming the kiss.
You couldn’t have everything. But, you sure as hell could try.
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Doppelgänger (6/?)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
“He had a living shadow,” Sam was explaining as the trio made their way through the fairgrounds. “It was pretty cool, until the stupid thing managed to release the ghost snake and I had to spend another hour chasing it down. Though, it would have been a lot easier if I wasn’t alone.”
“Sorry Sam,” Danny said, leaning into her side. “Apparently, Dad put in a fingerprint scanner to lock the portal and wanted to show it off. I had to convince my dad to stop before he let the whole ghost zone out, not to mention try to figure out how to get you guys access.”
“How’d that go?” Tucker asked.
“Dad took forever to stop, but once he did it didn’t take long to add you guys. Jazz helped.”
“Really?” Sam said. “Why?”
Danny shrugged. “She’s been weirdly helpful since Spectra. She’s been helping keep mom and dad off my case and everything. Maybe she’s worried I’ll stop hanging out with her again?”
“Maybe.” Sam nudged Tucker. “So that’s why Danny couldn’t help. What’s your excuse for ditching me?”
“Mom asked her friend’s daughter to tutor me in history. I had to leave to meet her at the library then walk her home.”
“Did you flirt with her?” Danny asked.
“How bad was the turndown?” Sam added.
“You’re both terrible partners.”
Danny pulled away from Sam to cuddle up to Tucker, kissing his cheek. “You know we’re just teasing.”
Tucker wrapped his arm around Danny with a glare. “You’re too adorable for your own good.”
Danny’s nose scrunched up. “I’m not adorable.”
“You are. It’s not fair when you use it against us,” Sam said.
“I’m not adorable. And I don’t use it against you.”
“Not on purpose,” Sam agreed with a smirk. “You’re too oblivious for that.”
Danny rolled his eyes and pulled away. His eyes caught on where his sister was waiting for him by an art stall and he smiled. “Alright, I’ll catch up with you guys later. Jazz!”
“Hey Danny,” she greeted. She stared at a painting of a clown as he ran up to her. “What does this say to you?”
“It says My name’s Joe. Why? What does it say to you?”
“I’m serious,” she huffed.
“So am I.” He laughed and ducked away when she tried to mess with his hair. “Come on, I want to kick your butt at Ring Toss.”
“You’re on, little brother!”
Jazz ended up winning at Ring Toss, but Danny beat her at darts. The two were heading towards the Skee-Ball booth for a tiebreaker when screams sounded overhead. They looked up to see the roller coaster train had jumped the tracks. Danny spotted Sam and Tucker carrying the train’s passengers to safety, but the train was heading straight for the siblings.
Danny grabbed his sister. He was about to use his intangibility, secret or no, but then suddenly they were next to a booth and the train smashed to the ground ten yards away.
The siblings gaped at the crash, then turned to each other.
Danny started panicking, sure that he had just done… something to get them out of the way.
Jazz gave a shaky laugh. “Wow, that was crazy. I was sure it was headed for us for a second there. Guess fear really does mess with your head.”
“Y-yeah.” She didn’t notice! Danny didn’t know how she didn’t notice, but he wasn’t looking a gift horse in the mouth. “You okay?”
“Yeah. You?”
He nodded and looked back to the train as his ghost sense went off. What just happened?
That stupid shadow ghost is back! Sam said.
“Are you alright?” Danny and Jazz turned as a guy on a motorcycle came up to them. He smiled at Jazz and looked her over. “That looked close.”
“We’re okay,” Danny said, then frowned when the guy gave him a quick annoyed look before focusing back on Jazz.
“I think you dropped this.” The guy handed Jazz the stuffed owl Danny had won her -- Jazz had won a teddy bear covered in stars for Danny -- with a smile and wink. “The name’s Johnny.”
Danny blinked. Was he… flirting with Jazz?
“Thanks. I’m Jasmine. Jazz.”
Danny smirked and leaned towards her. “Should I give you two some privacy?”
She elbowed him.
“I’m glad you’re okay. You look cold though.” The guy pulled a scarf out of his jacket and held it out. “Here.”
Danny shivered and felt Jazz do the same. He looked around with a frown as she said, “I couldn’t.”
“It’s fine, take it.” He smiled as Jazz hesitated, then took it from him. “I bet you’ll look great in it, Kitten.”
“My name’s not Kitten,” Jazz said as she put it on. Then her smile widened. “But you can call me that, if you want.”
Wait, was Jazz flirting back?
Double gross.
“Ride home, kitten?”
Jazz gasped and moved to climb onto the bike.
Danny caught her arm. “What are you doing? You don’t even know this guy.”
She yanked her arm away with a glare. “Lay off. I can handle myself.”
“What about us-time?”
“I want to go home. I know you can get home on your own.”
“Bye, Danny,” she snapped, climbing onto the bike and putting on the helmet.
“Bye,” he said as the bike took off. “Wow, and I thought I was an idiot with my crushes… I shouldn’t follow her… She will definitely kick my butt if she finds out…”
Danny transformed and followed the bike invisibly.
Thankfully Johnny did take her home, if on a bit of a circuitous path. She seemed happy about it though so Danny couldn’t hold it against the guy.
He left them at the door and headed to the lab. He couldn’t go to his room without raising questions, so he figured he might as well clean up the lab then head into the zone and check on Cujo and the blobs.
He had just put away the last beaker when someone opened the door to the lab. He quickly changed back as Jazz and Johnny came down the stairs, his sister wearing a red leather jacket he’d never seen before.
“Danny? What are you doing down here?”
“Oh, uh, hey Jazz! Just, uh, doing my chores. Yeah. Nice jacket.”
She smiled and turned to her date. “Johnny gave it to me.”
Okay, a scarf was one thing, but a jacket? “Right. What are you doing down here?”
“Looking for some privacy. So scram,” Johnny said.
Danny was slightly surprised -- and hurt -- Jazz didn’t react to his rudeness, but pushed it down. Instead, he gave her an incredulous look. “You wanted a secret place to make out and you brought him here. To our parents' lab. Where they spend almost all their waking hours.”
Jazz frowned and looked around, confused.
“Don’t you have better things to do than bug us, kid?”
Danny ignored the older boy and set his hand on Jazz’s shoulder. “Seriously, do you want mom and dad to walk in on you? I thought you were smarter than that. Take him up to the Ops Center, at least.”
She pulled away from him, but his hand caught on the scarf, causing both to slip down her shoulder. Both began to glow green.
Before Danny could react, Johnny grabbed him and yanked him away. “You know what, punk? We’ve had just about enough of you.”
Sam had mentioned a biker ghost was controlling the shadow. Danny’s ghost sense had gone off just before Johnny had ridden up.
I’m an idiot, Danny thought. “You’re a ghost!”
“Scared?” Johnny chuckled, aura flaring up.
Danny closed his eyes to hide the flash of red as he reached into his Space Fold behind his back and pulled out the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick. He opened his eyes and smirked. “Dude, my parents are ghost hunters.”
Then he hit the ghost in the head with the ectoplasm saturated bat.
Johnny dropped him with a yelp, grabbing the side of his face. Then he shot Danny a deadly glare. “Shadow.”
The biker’s shadow lifted off the ground and growled at Danny.
A throat cleared and the three turned to see Jazz glaring at the ghosts, the Fenton Ghost Peeler wrapped around her. She aimed the gun at the shadow. “Hands off the little brother,” she said before blasting it.
It shrieked under the light, writhing as the darkness was peeled away to nothing.
“Oh, no! My Shadow! My Power!” Johnny shouted and froze when Jazz turned the gun on him.
“In you go, creep,” she said, gesturing to the portal with her head.
Smiling, Danny walked over and opened it, bat bouncing against his shoulder.
Johnny sent him a poisonous look. “This isn’t over, kid.”
Danny stuck his tongue out at him.
“And take your junk with you,” Jazz said, kicking the scarf and jacket.
Johnny grabbed them and left.
“Don’t come back soon,” Danny called as he closed the portal. He turned to Jazz as she disengaged the peeler. “That still looks weird.”
“Yeah.” She pulled him into a hug. “Thanks. Who knows what that ghost would have done to me if you hadn’t been here.”
“I just hit him with a bat. You’re the one that blasted the shadow.”
She pulled back to look at the bat. “I thought that was just an ordinary bat that mom slapped a sticker on. How’d it hurt him?”
“Oh, I, uh, soaked it in ectoplasm.” And by that, he meant he let a ghost dog slobber all over it and use it for fetch. “I’m just glad it was close enough for me to reach.”
“Sure.” She kissed the top of his head. “You’re the best little brother.”
“Ugh! Gross, Jazz!”
{Public Enemies, Part 1}
“I’m exhausted,” Danny moaned.
“What is going on in the zone? We’ve never needed all three of us out all night,” Sam said, leaning against Tucker.
“At least most of them are all low levels. They’re more annoying than anything,” he huffed. “I need a nap though.”
“- over to Principal Ishiyama, who's here to inform you of some exciting rules and restrictions,” the mayor was saying as the trio tuned back into the assembly.
“This is going to end badly,” Danny muttered.
“I swear if they make it harder for us to transform, I’m just going to leave them to the ghosts,” Tucker said and both his partners elbowed him. “Ow! I was just kidding!”
“Due to the continuing and escalating ghost threat,” the principal said as she came onstage, “here's the way we're going to limit your freedom: One, students are to have no contact with these spirits.”
“You heard her Sam, get off,” Tucker joked and tried to nudge the tired girl off his shoulder.
She jabbed him in the side, but otherwise didn’t move.
“Two, all students will be escorted directly to their homes after school. And three, by order of the Mayor's new security advisor, a nine o'clock curfew.”
“A curfew?” Sam hissed.
“An escort?” Tucker groaned.
“OK, who's the idiot security advisor that came up with those lame ideas?” Danny huffed and leaned into Tucker’s other side.
The door to the auditorium slammed open and Danny’s dad yelled into a megaphone, “Fear not, young ones! We're here to make sure this school is prepared for any ghost emergency!”
Danny whined and hid his face in Tucker’s neck.
“You must be cautious! At any time one of these ectoplasmic malefactors -- Hi, sweetie! -- could appear out of nowhere!”
Danny didn’t want to know if his mom had singled him out or Jazz. He really didn’t. “Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us?”
“Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us.”
The three sluggishly got up and slipped to the back of the auditorium, ignoring Danny’s parents as they went on and on about how terrible ghosts were.
Then their ghost senses went off.
“Oh no. You have got to be kidding me. Here? Now?” Danny asked as Sam grabbed both their arms and started dragging them towards the doors. The crowds were making it impossible to get out together, though. And then a werewolf ghost was grabbing them by their linked arms.
“Servi!” it growled before Danny’s mom blasted it away.
They tried to chase after the ghost when it fled, only to come face to face with Lancer as soon as they were out the door.
“Bridget Jones' diary, kids! Stop your screaming and get over there into the safe area!”
They all scowled, but allowed themselves to be shoved back towards their classmates.
“Our parents invited the A-listers over to be trainee ghost hunters,” the trio said as Danny met up with Sam and Tucker. He handed them each a thermos then they split up. “We’re surprised Paulina would risk her hair like that. We’re more surprised they’d want to spend time with our parents. They always make fun of them. We can’t wait to toss that blabbering hairball who started this back into the ghost zone. We don’t think it was blabber. We think it was Esperanto.”
Danny and Sam frowned as the information floated from Tucker to them.
“Do you think we could look up more of the language to figure out what he was saying? Or talk to our fellow nerds? We can try.”
The three ran towards the trees after the wolf ran past their lunch table. They froze when they saw Jazz hiding there.
“Danny, Sam, Tucker, hi. Are you hiding here?” Jazz pointed down, looking over the three. “I'll go hide over there.”
“That was weird,” Tucker said as she ran off.
“It is Jazz,” Sam pointed out.
“No time for that. Let’s go ghost.”
The three transformed and shot off towards the wolf.
“Walker,” they growled as Sam pointed at the ghost police following the wolf. Then they scattered to dodge a green blast. It shot past them and hit the guards, sucking them through a portal.
“Whoa! Portable ghost portal? Oh great. Can we get one of those? Too clunky.”
They continued the chase to see the remaining guard fire a gun that shot out ectoplasmic ropes to catch the wolf’s tail.
“He’s hurting him,” they said as the wolf was electrocuted. “We have to help. If Walker's goons are after him, he can't be all bad.”
Tucker flew past the goon, shutting down the gun with a wave of his hand and leaving his partners to fight him off as he intercepted the wolf. It glared at him and he held up his hands to show he wasn’t armed. “Friend. Uh, amiko?”
The wolf sniffed him then licked his cheek. “Ugh, why couldn’t the dog person deal with this. We’re the only one who can sort of understand him.”
“Alright nobody move!” Tucker turned to see Danny’s Dad standing in a bush, tangled Fenton Fisher in hand. The man frowned when he realized what was wrong and started tugging at the line. “As soon as I get this thing untangled, you two beasties are going down.”
“It’s okay, he’s not a threat,” they said quietly as Sam and Danny came closer, having run off Walker’s goon. “It’s our mom you have to worry about.”
Danny spotted his mom in a tree, targeting the wolf, and all four quickly fled. They landed on a nearby building.
The wolf glanced between the trio and growled something in Esperanto, but they could only pick up something along the lines of not and one.
“You mean us? Yes, we’re not one.” They all transformed.
“Guess it’s a little more obvious with animal instincts,” Danny said.
“We need to find somewhere you can stay,” Sam said.
“Tuck, think you can do something about that collar?” Danny asked.
The wolf growled and Tucker held up his hands. “It’s okay, no touching is needed.” His eyes turned purple. “Wow, this is kind of complex. Okay, I think I’ve… Yes!”
The collar fell to the ground.
“Mi libera!” the wolf barked, hands going to his neck.
“Of course you’re free. You -” The wolf ran off. “You're welcome!”
"Follow him,” Danny said, grabbing two thermoses out of the fold and tossing them to Sam and Tucker. “I need to go get the spare thermos I hid in my locker. Mom stole my other one. It’s probably going to be another long night.”
They nodded and transformed. Sam and Tucker followed the wolf as Danny went back to the school. He’d just grabbed the thermos when he heard voices.
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jungshookz · 5 years
hey, au idea (as if you don’t have enough jsjsjsj) - really studious reader(what a change for once lololol) and popular boi Jin. Jin obviously can work around the social ladder and circles but he sees reader who just dgaf about him and he’s a klutz in front of her. (but like he’s not a butthole, if that makes sense diskshe sorry I saw this is a drEAm)
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→ pairing: kim seokjin x reader 
→ genre: college!au, comEdy, everyone loves jin including mE 
→ wordcount: 1.2k
→ note: this was supposed to be a baby drabble but then it spiralled out of control because i! love! jin! also,.., could this be.,., the return of grumpy!y/n.,., i’M IN 
(gif isn’t mine!) 
jin is the type of person that everyone instantly falls in love with because not only is he handsome and kind,,.,. he’s also super intelligent and well-spoken and charming and gracious and caring and and all in all suPER super…. humble!
anyways he’s the kind of guy u wanna take home to ur mother but also the kind of guy u wanna take home to ur bedroom
he has everyone wrapped around his dainty pinky finger
he’s loved by evEryone
the jocks love him
the musical theatre kids love him
the punk kids love him
even the cafeteria ladies love him (“love that hairnet on you! it keeps your hair back so i can see those pretty eyes… oh, you’re giving me extra dumplings free of charge?”) 
so imagine his surprise when he’s suddenly unable to charm someone with a snap of his fingers,,. that someone being (1) y/n y/l/n
he doesn’t know what your problem is but every time he says hi to you you look at him weird and then move away from him and he’s like??? what’d i do
it’s almost like..,, you don’T care about him which is impossible because literally everyone cares about him (super, super humble.)
you know that whole thing about how people always want what they can’t have
it’s apparent that jin can’t have you which only makes him want you moRe
you with your creaseless blouses and your pleated skirts and your perfectly pulled back high ponytails 
even when you glare at him?? that little wrinkle in between your brows and the way your nose twitches slightly??? 
you’re.,, really cute 
usually he can take a hint when someone’s not interested in him and he’ll back off but come on 
no one’s nOT interested in him 
he enjoys the chase
it keeps him on his toes!! 
“hey, y/n! you wanna grab lunch with me?”
“i already ate.” you don’t even bother looking up at jin and he pokes his tongue into his cheek
this isn’t the first time you’ve shut him down
there is a whole liSt of times that you have shut the Jin Machine down
“you wanna study together for the history midterm?”
“not particularly. i study better alone.”
“i like the stickers on your laptop!”
“so do i.”
“y’know, i can get us into taehyung’s house party next weekend”
“i can get into the archives room of the library but u don’t see me bragging about it”
not to mention
every time jin is around you he somehow manages to make a fool out of himself and it makes absolutely no sense
like???? one time he literally tripped over noTHIng and fell flat on his face in front of you
another time he bumped into namjoon’s library cart and knocked the entire thing over
and namjoon is a very nice guy so he was very surprised when namjoon literally started yelling at him like %#%*&@#!!!!!!!
you have to admit
jin is very persistent
it’s kind of cute how much he tries
obviously you think he’s handsome
one would have to be crazy to look at his face and be like .,.,eh
you know the guy’s popular n stuff and you’re flattered that he’s interested
you’re not used to the attention and it makes u feel more confident which is nice 
but like 
you just don’t want to be distracted from your studies!!! 
maybe you’ll finally say yes to going out with him aFter finals blow over
but you’d never tell him that because it’s obvious his ego is bigger than the size of the galaxy
“whatcha up to?” you glance up when a certain someone’s shadow blocks the sunlight streaming in through the window
“what does it look like i’m up to?”
the library’s under renovation so you decided to hAul your ass to the cafeteria
it works out because it’s not that busy right now and also you can go up and raid the vending machines whenever you want
you’ve only been here for twenty minutes and you’re not surprised that jin was able to track you down 
you’re either at the library or the cafeteria
there is no in betwEEn 
“what are you studying?”
“chemistry.” you hum and flip to the next page of the book “organic chemistry if we’re being more specific.”
you gave a little more detail which is a good sign
see!!!! you’re opening up to him!!! finALLY
“you and i seem to have a lot of chemistry, if you catch my drift”
you take a bite out of your apple and look up at him in a vEry unimpressed manner
o god
he’s loSING YOU  
he clears his throat
“did you know that 20% of the human body is made up of carbon atoms-“ jin leans back against a table and moves to prop himself up on his hands but-
he freezes
and turns to look over his shoulder slowly
he just stuck his hand into a bowl of someone’s leftover tomato soup
“oH jesus-“ jin pulls his hand out of the bowl quickly and it clatters to the ground and soup spLatters everywhere including his brand new balenciagas
jin chuckles lightly before grabbing a napkin out of the dispenser and wiping his soUpy hand “let me clean that up really quick and get back to you- woAH“
as he turns, his foot gets caught on the leg of the chair and the next thing he knows he’s falling flAT on his face in lightning speed
oh,..,oH god,..,
jin lets out a groan and flops around onto his back so he’s staring up at the ceiling
suddenly your face appears above his
he died!
he died and went to heaven!!!!!!! 
he died in a tomato-soup stained shirt in the middle of his school’s cafeteria
what a way to go 
he died because he tripped over the leg of a chair like an idio-
“it’s 18.”
his brows furrow
“it’s 18%.” you stick your hand out for him “18% of the human body is made up of carbon atoms. and this nice white shirt of yours is now made up of 18% tomato soup.” you help him up and jin looks down at his shirt
god damnit
the stain is a lot bigger than he thought it was 
this is arMANI
you tuck your textbook away and pack up your pencils and jin’s heart droPs to his stomach
are you just going to leave him like this.,., as per usual.,.,.,
maybe this is a hint he’ll finally have to accept 
he lets out a sigh and turns to leave
luckily he has a spare button up in his locker noT just for fashion emergencies (like if certain lighting makes his clothes clash) but also regular emergencies like this soup disaster
“are you coming?”
wait what
“comi-“ jin’s voice cracks and he clears his throat “where are we going?”
“to the lab. i’m going to make a hydrogen peroxide cleaning solution for your shirt.”
“,,.you are?” his cheeks flush slightly when you turn and offer him the tiniest of smiles
usually he’S the one making people blush so this is a very foreign feeling
he reaches up to press a hand against his reddening cheek
he’s getting weAK
“uh-huh. oh, by the way.” you swing your backpack over your shoulder “watch out for that chair.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
drabble tag
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bugaboowritings · 5 years
Lying to Friends - (Stressed Marinette Fic)
Marinette is Ticking Time Bomb
With light ice angst 
I’m WRITING IT!! Here is Part One of the idea where “Ladybug” (the episode) was about a huge Godzilla-like Ladybug eating Paris (Ladyzilla AU or Ladybug Monster AU?). Or just a fic about Marinette lying to Alya, if you only read this part. 
 She tapped her pen twice as fast with each passing second. Drumming it against the polished desk cluttered with her chipped-edge textbooks and countless colored pens. Unconsciously moving the one in her petite fingers like a seesaw with her thumb. Bringing relief to her as its beat stayed constant. Much like a metronome, it combed her thoughts into neat lines. In a sequence, she could manage with. Fixing it from the jumble of nonsense that usually caused her to blank out as she stared off into the nothing. 
 Even when handing her pen off to Alya, Marinette thumped her foot up and down. Keeping the rhythm going. Comforting herself. Alleviating the wrinkles on her forehead while the sides of her throat made her feel nauseous. Getting hit by a sudden fever or tasting the reason why tuna sandwiches shouldn't be left in a schoolbag. Excusing herself from her seat. Turning the chair under her with a little too much force. Preparing to get a scolding by the librarian for that later as Marinette cringed at the thump it made. Alya, on the other hand, didn't bat an eye, her arm mindlessly waving bye as her eyes narrowed on the chemistry problem. Biting her top lip before uncapping another highlighter. 
Marinette stepped out of the library with a big huff. She picked the wrong day to be skipping out in her studying with her chem test creeping closer and closer. However, the deadline didn't jump-start panic into her system as it once did. She and Tikki had trouble figuring out if that was a bad thing or a good thing. Yet, there was an undeniable hunch blazing in the back of her mind that wouldn't let her study even if she tried. 
A sixth sense throbbing. 
Ladybug intuition, if you will. 
Something very bad was going to happen. As if, as if the world was on the verge of seeing something horrible. 
Tikki instructed Marinette to be on the lookout. Reminding her to pick her allies wisely if the battle up ahead demanded more heroes. Marinette visited Master Fu over tea to speak on the matter. Even mentioning it to Chat Noir on a late-night patrol. Before brushing off the comment she made as a simple thought. Chastening herself as she chewed her lip. The last thing she wanting was to make her partner worry for no reason but this sense of doom made her develop a case of insomnia she couldn't cure. 
Marinette was scared. 
Of what? She was unsure about. 
Maybe everything is getting to her. Like she was crashing from a high. 
No, Marinette was fine.
Other than the irrational panic, she's good. 
She had a schedule now so she won't be stressed too much about commission deadlines and due dates.  Slowly getting into the self-care routine thanks to Alya and Adrien. 
She's good. 
Though she knew that wasn't the whole truth. 
Lila picked at her nerves each and everyday. Making it seem like another battle lost when she gave Mari that dumb smirk and ARH! It was so infuriating! Watching her go around like the victim when she lit the match that led to the fire. Lila was worse than Chloe. Marinette even wanted to go far as comparing her to Hawkmoth. 
Marinette ground her teeth at that.
Hawkmoth has been a pain lately. 
Marinette punched a number in the school's vending machine. The same that had stickers on the sides and graffiti etched on the glass. Hoping a drink will clear her head. Searching her coin purse to get something for Alya too. Knowing too well that she couldn't drink it in the library. 
Shooting Alya a text to get down for a quick break. 
Marinette pulled back the can tab, the sizzle of the carbonated drink was music to her ears after swallowing the cafeteria's bitter "green" juice for lunch. Taking a sip as a pick-me-up from studying, waiting for the sugar to kick in her system. Leaning on to the cream-yellow bricks that made up the walls of the school. Noticing one of the bricks had someone's initials scratched on to it. 
"Girl, you don't even know how much I needed this." Alya popped open the can by Marinette's feet. Not asking if it was her's because of course, it was her's. Grinning when it saw it was her favorite flavor. Smiling a little wider when tasting how cold it was. Balancing out the sun while its rays warmed the air around them.  
"I thought we could use a bit of a breather." Marinette hummed. Tipping her head back as she took another sip. "It's not good being inside for too long."
"Yeah," Alya smirked, slurping her drink. "Sure that it wasn't because of the view."
Feeling the bubbles in her drink go up to her nose. Marinette coughed into her elbow. Almost dropping her can. 
"Ah- what?" 
Alya patted her back till Marinette quit coughing. Her brown locks swayed as her head nodded towards the locker rooms. There, as if on cue, the fencing team poured out. Laughing with their gym bags slung over their shoulders. 
Adrien smiled as one of his teammates patted his back. His sandy-golden curls were messy and all over the place. It was a charming look, really. Though he was probably sweaty from practice. The sunrays made his hair glitter as he laughed lightly at one of his teammates' jokes. Marinette could just stand there to watch. Maybe even try to grab his attention or call him out from the crowd. 
Then he looked at her. 
Marinette straightens up. Not caring that her pigtails were a little loose or the fact that her face screamed "fresh out from the grave" with the bags under her eyes. 
He gave her that soft smile he seems to offer only her. Or that's just what Marinette likes to think.  To imagine if somehow, someway, he thought she was special. 
Miraculous even. 
Marinette pumped out her own smile, not helping the red that appeared up to her ears. Waving goodbye a little too enthusiastically. Staring at him even when he turned around, making his way out the school's grand doors. Possibly out to where his bodyguard stood. Entering a slick black car that would take his home. Probably, reaching for his phone to text Nino about when they should hang out. Or probably just shut in a room to practice his piano. 
"No," Marinette confessed. Shaking her head swiftly. "No, you got it all wrong." 
"Mari," Alya cooed. Sporting a fox-like grin. Steaming up another scheme before Marinette stared her down. 
"Seriously. I have to much on my mind to try and chase boys." Marinette sipped. Noticing how her grip made a dent in the can. 
A hand fell on Marinette's shoulder, shaking her a bit before feeling Alya's hand skated into small circles. Knowing too well it was the same trick she did when her younger sisters were upset. 
"You wanna talk about it?" 
The two girls sat by the vending machine for a while. Marinette had dropped to the ground when Alya squatted next to her. Their nearly empty cans stood by them. Trembling when a breeze came in but the leftover juice in them kept them from flying away like another piece of trash in the wind. 
Marinette had a great view of the quad from where she sat. It was 4:15 and Ms. Bustier's breathing class was starting. Their meetings were once weekly only to switch it to daily sessions as Hawkmoth started acting up. Pulling out stronger akumas. Every time getting closer and closer on getting the miraculous. Every time he seemed to manage to set the city on fire before Marinette could call on her Ladybug Cure to extinguish it. 
People were fearing for their lives. 
Marinette felt the tension leaving the student's shoulders as Ms.Bustier told them to breathe.  
People were fearing for their lives. 
 Scared out of their minds to think that they could be one of Hawkmoth's "champions". A pawn in his game. Manipulated then tossed away when they failed.  
Marinette came to the conclusion that whoever hid behind the mask, behind the akumas, behind the destruction and terrorism that haunted France she would beat to a bloody pulp. 
It was already set in stone. 
Nothing could change her mind now. Not after days, weeks, months, years fighting against this villain, she has seen first-hand how it changed her community. 
Emotions were a weapon now. Feeling anxious or bothered or frustrated or disappointed or anything negative was seen as a weakness to the villain. A target on your back as you felt anything other than happiness. It drained people after a while. To think that people were afraid to express themselves in fear that a little black butterfly would come down and evilize them. The same healthy emotions that were the basis for any person was now a feared weapon.
Teens, the main targets for akumas, now had this fear on their back as anxiety, depression, and anxiousness ate them up. 
Nadja reported that Akuma-Safe Protocols were now implemented in every school or public area.
Alya posted safety guides to Akumas on her blog.  
The Mayor released messages to the press about how they had to work together with their heroes. To stop this dumpster fire that seems to grow each and everyday. 
And the person stopping from Paris burning down was Marinette Dupain-Cheng in a bug costume with a flirty cat by her side. 
Marinette gave a heavy sigh as Alya brushed her bangs back. Petting her like how a mother would comb her child's hair with their fingers. Waiting for Mari to say what was on her chest. 
 God, Marinette just wanted to tell her. To rant. To vent. To cry. All to stop the headaches she was getting or to release the pressure in her. To explain to Alya who she really is. The same hero Alya follows around was the girl that sat next to her in every class. How every time she lied was to go save Paris, not to ditch her. How the secret society that Alya figured out was the same one Marinette went to every Wednesday for tea. Really, she wanted to spill. To stop lying to her best friend in the whole wide world. To tell the truth. To break down this wall between them.
 But Marinette just bit her tongue.  
Alya could never know about this. 
"I'm just worried about this semester, you know." Marinette sighed. It wasn't what was bothering her, but it was something her parents brought up during dinner. Not to scare her, but because they were too interested in what she plans to do. 
"It's our last year here before we move on to bigger things." She groaned, getting up from the floor. 
"My dream of having my own fashion house and your's about being a reputable reporter.
"I'm scared that we're gonna grow apart." Marinette huffed. Tossing her can in the green bin. 
"Hey," Alya's eyes soften with her tone. "We're going to conquer the world together, remember. We, kind of, still need to be best friends for that to work out." She beamed. 
Her smile mirroring on to Mari's face. 
"I guess, you're right about that."
"I know I am!" Alya exclaimed. Throwing her arm around Marinette's shoulder.
 "Now that we are on the topic of working together, there is this one problem I can't seem to solve on the study guide-" 
"What! I need help with it!"
TBC -see you next week 
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wishxingwt · 5 years
𝑯𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 [이필릭스] 01
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「 Bae Jisu and Lee Felix used to be the best of friends. But one incident at the party, made Jisu change and hate Felix. Couple of years later, they run into each other again. Will Jisu stop hating Felix, or will be friends again or more than friends? 」
》 Warning: toxic/abusive relationships, sexual themes, cursing, mentions of a traumatizing event.
》 Genre: fluff and angst
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Bae Jisu walked into her job as a waitress at a small restaurant in Seoul. She looked down at her shoes, before going to greet her boss.
“I’m here unnie” Jisu said as she was too shy to look at her boss.
“You don’t need to be shy of me! I’m very friendly and you don’t have to call me unnie, call me Mae” she said.
Her boss, Kim Mae, she was born and raised in Paris. Her parents are from Seoul, but they decided to live in Paris and raise children there. When Mae graduated high school she came to Korea to start a business.
“Okay Mae” Jisu said as she walked towards her. Jisu helped Mae set up for opening. And when the restaurant opened, Jisu stick by Mae the whole time and went behind the counter and heard a group of laughters.
“They’re here!” Mae said excitedly.
“Who’s here?” Jisu asked.
“A group of college students that go to your school. They’re really funny and nice” she said as she grabbed Jisu’s hand and led her towards their table.
Felix and his friends just finished with their afterschool activities and was hungry for something to eat.
“Felix do you want to hang out this weekend?” Park Jihyun asked.
“Sure” Felix said with a smile and then Mae came over, with Jisu in tow.
“Hello Mae! Who’s she?” Chan asked as he pointed at Jisu. Felix eyes widened at the sight at Jisu’s, and hers did too.
“Oh this is my new employee that I was talking about. Jisu meet Felix,Jihyun,Chan, and Seungmin. But this is only half them though” she said as Jisu gave them a shy hello. “She’s just very shy.”
“Shy? Jisu is the most extroverted person I know!” Felix thought.
Felix and Jisu used to be best friends. They did everything together. When Felix’s family moved to Australia before he was born, their families kept in contact and Felix came to Korea when he was 4.
They spent everyday together and even went to Australia together during the summer. A few group of girls were jealous of their relationship, but that didn’t faze Jisu. She continued to be the funny person in public and even at home.
But after the incident everything changed for Jisu. She became more shy and even stopped contacting Felix after awhile. She managed to get a boyfriend, after they kept bumping into each other everywhere. So they decided to date.
“Jisu and I will be back with your orders” Mae said as she grabbed Jisu’s arm and walked behind the counter.
“Unnie what’s up with that Jihyun girl?” She asked as she played with her fingers.
“Oh Jihyun. She can be a total bitch when you meet her, but she’s so sweet when you get to know her” Mae said as she grabbed the plates from the shelves. “Now could you start helping me with the food?”
“Felix you seemed shock with that Jisu girl” Jihyun said as she eyed Felix carefully.
“She’s new so its kinda shocking that Mae hired another waitress, when she usually does this by herself” he said as she nodded.
“Well I don’t trust that Jisu girl” she said. “Nobody can’t be that shy, unless they like someone.”
“She’s actually that shy” Seungmin said.
“How do you know?” She asked.
“I have her for one class and she was shy when she transferred here. She also has a boyfriend” he said as Felix mood saddened.
“I never seen her around, how come you do Seungmin?” Felix asked.
“Your classes are in the mornings Felix, meanwhile mines and hers are in the afternoon. Maybe she can hang out with us since she’s our age too” Chan suggested and everyone nodded, except Jihyun.
Jisu then came by to give them their food, but before she walked away Seungmin stopped her. She turned around to meet his face.
“Your in my class right?” He asked as she nodded.
“Would you like to come hang out with us tomorrow?” He asked her.
“S-sure, what time?”
“We can meet around 3.”
She nodded and went back to her job. Soon the restaurant was closing and it started to rain.
“Do you want me to take you home?” Mae asked her.
“I’m fine. My boyfriend is going to pick me up soon” Jisu said with a smile.
“Alright, see you tomorrow Jisu.”
Jisu sat down at a bench near the restaurant. Five minutes passed and her boyfriend hasn’t came yet. Ten minutes passed and no sign of him, and the rain was only going to get stronger stronger. She grew tired and started to walk home in the rain. She mentally cursed herself for forgetting an umbrella, even though the rain was unpredictable.
She stepped foot inside their shared apartment, her boyfriend, Hyunbin, was sitting on the couch watching tv. His eyes dirverted towards her from the tv.
“Did you not answer your phone?” She asked.
“Oh, I thought those were social media notifications and not you” he said as he checked his phone. She didn’t answer and just walked inside the bathroom to take a shower.
The next day she walked to university with her boyfriend in hand. When they stepped foot on campus, Hyunbin’s friends, who were females, came and started mobbing him.
“Oppa! We missed you!” One of them said as they clung onto his arm.
“Well I’m here now” he said as he smiled at them.
“There selling freshly baked bread in the cafeteria! Wanna go get some Oppa?” Another one of them asked as he nodded again.
“Let’s go” he said as he walked away with them, leaving Jisu behind like usual.
She’s used to this, her boyfriend doesn’t care when he’s around his friends. But when she hangs out with boys, he gets all pissy and argue with her and slap her.
She never wanted a relationship like this! She always wanted a relationship with trust. Since they arrived on campus a little early, she went to the library to study.
As Jisu’s as studying, she saw blood drip on the table in front of her, luckily missing her book.
“Dammit!” She cursed silently as she pinched her nose and ran to the bathroom to clean up. When her nose stopped bleeding, she started wiping her face and saw a familiar face of girls walk in.
“Remember the incident Bae Jisu?” They asked as they smirked, getting behind her.
“O-o-of course I do” she stuttered as her fingers started to shake in nervousness.
“Look she’s shaking! How cute!” One of them cooed at her teasingly. She threw her napkin away and walked out the restroom as they started laughing at her.
She managed to finish her classes for the day, before heading home with her head down. The door came unlock and she flipped herself down on the bed and rolled over on her back.
“Why do I let them get into my head?” She asked herself as she tapped her head. “Maybe I can’t forget that event at all.”
It was soon Saturday and Jisu was talking to Seungmin through social media. She managed to cover all her bruises, but before she walked out the door, Hyunbin had something to say.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked as he turned towards her.
“I’m going out with friends” she managed to say at his intimidating state.
“You have friends?! What a shock! I’m surprised a girl like you have friend!” He said as he poked at her. “Your not going!”
“How come you get to go out with all your lady and guy friends, meanwhile I have to stay home all the time! You never let me go out with friends!” She yelled at him. “You’re the reason why most of my friendships fail!”
She instantly shut her mouth as she saw him get angry. Jisu managed to open the door and run out, dodging whatever he was going to do.
“Did you have to invite her Seungmin?!” Jihyun whined. “I’ve seen her around campus! All she does is keep her nose in a book and do her work!”
“No wonder your failing some of your classes!” Felix commented as Jihyun glared at him. Jisu made it to their meeting spot and walked towards them.
“Nice to see you Jisu.”
“Hi.” Was all she managed to mutter out, which the guys didn’t mind but Jihyun did.
They were at a park trail, which can lead them to the river, where they can eat ramen. Jisu stickers behind all of them and Seungmin noticed.
“Yah Jisu! Walk with me, I don’t bite!” He said as Jisu walked faster towards him.
“Yes you do” Minho said under his breath as everyone chuckled, including Jisu.
“So she smiles!” Seungmin said as he poked Jisu’s side, which alarmed her and she moved away. Everyone looked at her concerned as she did that.
“I-I don’t like it when people poke me” she muttered quietly.
“I don’t know that, I’m sorry” Seungmin said.
“I-it’s fine b-but don’t do it again” she said as she moved closer to him again and continued walking. Felix was watching Jisu in the corner of his eyes, she has changed ever since senior year. And it honestly concerned him.
“We’re supposed to meet Chan by the river right?” Felix asked Seungmin as he nodded.
“Felix why are you watching her?” Jihyun suddenly asked.
“I’m not Jihyun!” He said as he put his hands out.
“Alright” Jihyun said as she rolled her eyes, not believing him.
The five of them made it to the river and there was a blonde guy, that looked like Chan from the cafe.
“She actually came?! Well you’re going to have a lot of fun today” Chan said. “You can stick with Seungmin since he’s good at these type of games.”
Throughout the games, Felix has been trying to talk to Jisu, but she kept ignoring him. When all of them finished the games, Woojin and Seungmin went to go get the ramen. Jisu went towards the water to watch it and Felix walked towards her.
“The water is pretty huh?” He asked her as he smiled towards her. Jisu just took a couple of steps back from him.
“A-are you still mad at me for that incident? Jisu like I said I’m sorry...”he said as he trailed off.
“No you’re not Lee Felix!” She muttered which caused Felix by surprise.
“You only said that out of pity! You watched all that stuff happened to me and didn’t even think to help me!” She said starting to yell. “I waited for you to intervene but you just sat there and watched like a fucking cowards! I hate you! I HATE YOU LEE FELIX!” She yelled, screaming the last part and storming off away from him, which caused all the attention on them.
“Ji-ji-Jisu-ah! I’m sorry” he mumbled as he watched her storm off towards another part of the lake.
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Exam Cram
Exam Cram Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Prompt: This entire fic was based on one (1) nerdy gif of Namjoon. I’ll try to attach it to this fic, but no promises. (This is for u, Kristen <3) Note: Good luck on your exams! Also, I’m still looking for Betas for my fantasy novel, if anyone is interested!! (One of the characters is lowkey based on Yoongs) Warnings: cavity-inducing fluff Word Count: 778
Look at that frickin NERD. Wow i’m love him
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Namjoon had invited you to the library in the midst of the madness that was Exam Cram to study with him. Well, really, he had invited you there for a little more than the sole purpose of going over your Spanish notes together, but his second purpose was still up in the air, as he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to scrape the courage together or not.
The tall brunette had settled himself into a half-booth in the corner of the library, his notebook open and his pencil dancing across vocab flashcards. He had an iced coffee settled near his laptop, which was covered in stickers, and he sipped from it occasionally in order to stave off the nerves that ate at him the closer and closer the minute ticked.
Finally, he spotted you walking over to him, an iced chai in your hand before you settled into the chair across from him with a smile. “Hey, Namjoon!” Your greeting was warm and bubbly as you started to unpack your things.
“H-hey, (Y/N)!” Namjoon replied, nearly knocking over his drink when he jolted. This was it. It was now or never.
And yet, while you sat there working, the moment never came. Conversation weaved in and out and around while you talked about everything from class drama to how much you loved your Spanish professor to the kind of music Namjoon liked, and no matter what you talked about, Namjoon was reminded of just how much you clicked. He had to do it tonight. If he didn’t, he was sure he’d regret it all summer.
“Hey, so uh-”
“Do you want more tea?” You asked suddenly, shaking the ice in your empty cup. Namjoon’s was empty too, and if either of you were going to survive the cram, you were going to need more caffeine.  “Oh, I’m sorry, what were you going to say?”
“No, it’s nothing. Uh, sure. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” You winked and took his empty cup before walking off. Namjoon couldn’t help but watch as you went, a small smile gracing his plush lips. God, you had him so whipped.
You returned a couple of minutes later with two refilled cups and sat down at your spot, tucking one earbud into your ear and letting the other dangle. You bit your lip in concentration as you drew something on a notecard, glancing up at Namjoon, only to find him staring at you before his eyes flicked away. He coughed awkwardly, and you had to stifle the giggle that bubbled up in your throat. How was it possible for someone to be so adorable?
Once you finished, you carefully slid the doodle up into his laptop through the gap between his screen and his keyboard. It took him a few seconds to notice, but when he did, he chuckled nervously and looked up at you, holding up the cute doodle of himself, his adorkable glasses perched on his nose and his cheeks all blushy accompanied by a note that said “why are you so nervous???”
“Oh, you uh, caught that.” Namjoon reached up to scratch the back of his neck. He should have blamed it on the exams then and there, but he’d already blown that chance. Now it was weird and definitely not for exam reasons.
“Everything alright?” You tilted your head with concern.
“Yeah, it’s...well, no, actually.” He laughed at himself shaking his head. “God, I’m so stupid…”
“Namjoon, you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met.”
He took a second to think and collect his words. Well, here went nothing. “I like you,” he blurted, cheeks burning red. He finally dared to look up at you.
“I like you too.”
“I...I mean, like as more than friends…”
“I like like you too, Joon.” You reached across the table and took his hand, grazing his knuckles with your thumb. “I just...If I knew you’d liked me this whole time, I definitely wouldn’t have waited this whole semester to do this…”
“To do-?”
Namjoon was swiftly cut off by your lips as you pulled him forward by the collar of his shirt. The kiss left him breathless and red in the face, his glasses crooked and brown eyes wide. He smiled, scooching over in the booth and pulling the nearest table up against his to give you room to work beside him.
“So…” He started quietly, dumbstruck as you pulled his long arm around your shoulders and settled into his warmth, leaning up to kiss his dimpled cheek. “Are we...dating?”
“I’m willing to try long distance over the summer if you are.”
Namjoon grinned, kissing your forehead. “Definitely.”
Tag List: @iie-wakarimasen​, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Dream Girl
Summary: Minhyun couldn’t believe it when the girl of his dreams started to notice him. You warned him to be careful as there was more to Kim Sohee than what met the eye.
Pairing: Hwang Minhyun x reader
Genre: friends to lovers / university au / angst / fluff
Warnings: none
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Word count: 4041
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To Minhyun, Kim Sohee was what dreams were made of. She was graceful and kind, and helped everyone around her. She actually cared about her studies and showed a lot of initiative in class and group projects.
Oh, and she was absolutely beautiful.
Some days, Minhyun wondered if she was someone he had conjured up in a dream because she honestly seemed too good to be true. Yet, he knew he wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Most students seemed to be in adoration of Sohee and dubbed her as the campus fairy. And even though he knew there was stiff competition, Minhyun couldn’t help the crush that formed over her.
“You are far too quiet and shy for someone like her to notice you, Minhyun.”
He glanced at you with a slight pout, feeling embarrassed by you finding him staring at her. You had been his friend since high school and whilst he was thankful you had followed him to the same university, he wasn’t always so fond of your honesty. He knew firsthand that someone like Kim Sohee wouldn’t notice him.
But that didn’t mean he hadn’t noticed her. He sighed. “Let me dream.”
“Should I let you drool too?” you teased, opening up your notebook as you prepared for the upcoming lecture. You glanced in Sohee’s direction and then rolled your eyes. “I don’t get what the hype about her is. She’s clearly very calculating.”
“What?” he murmured, aghast that you could use such a term about the girl who was currently offering a pen to a neighbouring student. He shook his head at your statement. “Don’t be foolish.”
“I’m not, because then I’d be like you,” you remarked, shooting him a look. “Staring at her through rose coloured glasses like the rest of those fools. She’s got something about her that smells like deceit.”
“And you are coloured green with envy,” Minhyun bit back, disgruntled by your negativity yet again. You weren’t normally like this and he felt worried for you. He knew over the years you had suffered from comparing yourself to others. Now that you were openly speaking your mind about Sohee, he wondered if you felt inferior towards the student in question. He was also annoyed, how could you not see how genuine Sohee actually was?
You didn’t reply, your lips pressed into a thin line as you gripped at your pen. Minhyun didn’t know whether he was satisfied with your reaction or not. He was glad you had ceased your opinions about Sohee, but he didn’t like hurting your feelings in the process. You were right, he was a reserved kind of person, and the friends he did have he cared for greatly. Even though you were making him feel uncomfortable, he didn’t like that he had done the same thing back to you.
The lecture began and he was focused on taking down his notes and trying to ignore the hurt that radiated from beside him. Before he could rectify the issue when the lesson was over, you were up and out of your seat, stalking to the exit and disappearing into the sea of other students in the corridor.
Minhyun sighed and shouldered his bag, trying to figure when he would next catch up with you during the day. He then went to walk off, stopping when a student moved into his path. His palms instantly started sweating with Sohee standing in front of him smiling. “Oh, uh sorry, am I in your way?”
“No, I stopped here intentionally,” she said, still smiling up at him and proceeding to make his heart race. “It’s Minhyun, right?”
“Uh, y-yeah.”
“I really liked the answer you gave in class today. I was wondering if you’d have time later on to discuss the topic more in full. I’ll be in the library later this afternoon if that suits?”
Kim Sohee had noticed him. And was now asking to meet up? Minhyun tried desperately to rein in any boyish fantasies that this was more than just about studying. All the same, his head bopped up and down and Sohee giggled at his enthusiasm. Clearing his throat, Minhyun composed himself. “I can meet you later.”
“Great, I’m really looking forward to it,” she mentioned, placing a friendly hand on his lower arm before walking out of the classroom.
He would have to make it up to you another time instead.
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Minhyun felt as if he had stepped into a parallel universe. Not only had the study session gone well, Sohee had invited him out for coffee afterwards. There was an instant connection and although he was still awkward about being around her, she had laughed at some of the things he said and he had a really good time in her company. You were definitely wrong about Sohee being up to no good and he now had proof to refute your claims. He planned to tell you all about it when he met up with you in the lecture he shared with both you and Sohee, yet he was amazed to hear the latter student call out to him before he could raise his hand in greeting to you. Minhyun blinked at Sohee’s smiling face, soon mirroring the gesture back.
He barely saw the frown on your face at the interaction out of the corner of his eye.
“Minhyun, come sit with me, I saved you a seat.”
“Oh,” he started, looking up at you watching on intently before blushing and heading up the stairs. He stopped at Sohee’s aisle and avoided your gaze guiltily as he stepped into the row and sat down next to her instead.
He knew you would forgive him as soon as he told you everything later on.
“I really had a good time yesterday! We should hang out more, if you’re okay with that?” Sohee mentioned as soon as he pulled out his notebook and pencil tote. She peered at something inside the pen holder and then reached in to retrieve it. Minhyun cringed at the sticker set you had stuffed in there from the other night at the arcade. Sohee’s smile evaporated and she glanced up to you sitting alone and then back at Minhyun’s flushed face. “Oh, am I acting out of order?”
“Huh? No,” he mumbled, taking the photos and tossing them into his bag. “Y/N is just a friend I’ve had since high school. We were having fun the other night and took them. There’s no other meaning to them.”
“Really?” Sohee’s smiled returned and Minhyun started to feel at ease again. “Maybe you could take me there and we could do the photo booth together too.”
“Y-you’d want to do that with me?” he questioned and Sohee giggled, nodding shyly.
“Of course, it’s no secret that you’re handsome, Minhyun. Besides, I really liked our time together yesterday. I was kind of hoping we could keep meeting up out of class like we did. Would you like that?”
“Wow,” he breathed and then nodded shyly. “I’d like that.”
Class began and Minhyun couldn’t stop smiling. He was acutely aware of so many things about Sohee, like the way she swept her hair over her back so her neck was exposed and her fragrance wafted up to his nostrils, tantalising his senses. He honestly didn’t know what happened during class except what he was tuned into listening, watching and smelling beside him. He felt disorientated when he got to his feet and fare-welled Sohee.
He sobered up when he spotted you heading to the exit though, this time catching you before you could depart. “Hey.”
You stared up at him for a moment, scrutinising his expression and then you sighed heavily. “Wait here.”
“What for?” he asked but you didn’t give him any response, heading into the student centre across the hall and over to a photocopier. He watched you in confusion, taking the papers you handed to him when you were back at his side. Minhyun glanced down your notes from class copied on the paper for him and grinned. “How did you know I wasn’t very productive?”
“By the drool that was hanging from your mouth. I won’t do it again,” you warned testily but softened when he slung an arm around your shoulder in gratitude. You sighed. “Just don’t get too lost in your daydreams, Minhyun. She’s not as innocent as you think she is.”
“And how would you know?” he asked, disappointed that your good gesture was now tainted by your jealousy.
“I’m just looking out for your best interests but if you don’t want me to, fine. Good luck recovering when you crash down from this,” you informed him, shrugging off his arm and stalking away from him for the second time.
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Minhyun hadn’t seen much of you lately but he had seen a whole lot of Kim Sohee. For the next two weeks, every spare moment between classes was spent with her. At first, it was more study sessions and coffee dates, Minhyun losing some of his awkwardness with each outing. And quickly it moved into something else, a tension underlying the time spent together until Sohee leant over on the bus one afternoon and kissed him softly.
“Are you alright with me doing that?” she asked gently, smiling shyly up at him. No words formed, yet he managed to nod once, his cheeks flaring when she leant in to kiss him again. He had always imagined kissing to be done privately due to his reserved beliefs but with Sohee kissing him like that, Minhyun didn’t know how to stop her either. And so when she kissed him again on campus, he didn’t react awkwardly, kissing her back as well.
When she pulled away, Minhyun realised you had stopped nearby and seen the entire interaction. Sohee smiled and moved over to you. “Y/N! Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there. Ah, I’m embarrassed to have kissed your friend in front of you.”
You looked between Sohee and Minhyun and then shook your head. “What friend?”
“Aren’t you friends with-” Sohee didn’t get to finish her sentence since you walked off immediately. Minhyun was hurt by your response and wondered if he should go after you or not. Before he could follow you, Sohee grabbed onto his arm. “Are you okay? I thought you said you were friends. I think from her point of view though, she might have considered you more than that.”
“Y/N?” he said and shook his head. “No, we’ve always been friends. She’s probably upset I didn’t tell her about us first.”
“In your eyes you’re friends,” Sohee said, looking up at him with a small pout gracing her plump lips. “But take it from another girl; Y/N definitely likes you. Oh no, I feel like I’ve taken candy from a baby. You don’t think she’ll hate me, right?”
Minhyun didn’t answer, looking at your retreating back and wondering if Sohee was right about you. It made him confused, and when she slipped her hand into his, he blinked rapidly, still feeling distracted as she led him in the opposite direction, away from you.
When Minhyun tried to approach you the next day, you avoided him entirely, and the following day you purposely turned away from him when you noticed him waiting at your apartment building’s entrance. Your cold shoulder continued and to avoid the freezing atmosphere between you and him, Minhyun turned towards Sohee. She was warm and inviting and when she had asked him over to study at her place, he hadn’t hesitated in saying yes.
But now he was kind of nervous. And unable to knock on Sohee’s front door.
“Minhyun?” He spun to see the girl in question walking up to him with shopping bags in her hands, in which she shook gently. “I stepped out to get some food to cook tonight.”
“Oh, sorry am I early?”
“No, you’re right on time, we can cook together, what do you think?” she suggested and he nodded happily.
Once inside her apartment, Minhyun settled into the notions of preparing dinner. He found out pretty quickly that Sohee wasn’t the best in the kitchen and took over. It was interesting; he was so used to the playful way you would help him in the kitchen, arguing whenever he tried to take over the dish when your confidence waned. Sohee just stepped aside altogether, watching him as if he was part of the meal as well.
“I admittedly don’t use the kitchen often,” she confessed with a giggle and Minhyun smiled, nodding softly as he focused on preparing the food. He glanced at the multiple kitchen gadgets on the counter and frowned. It sure looked like she knew more than she had shown with all the equipment he had available to use.
“Do you share the apartment with someone?” he asked, wondering if there was someone else who used the tools. They were definitely not brand new.
Sohee shook her head. “Nope, it’s just me!”
“Oh,” he said, internalising the issue as he smiled. “You have a nice home.”
“I’ll give you a tour after we eat, how does that sound?”
He nodded happily. “Sure.”
After dinner, Sohee showed him around the apartment. It was small but nicely furnished and clean. He smiled when he thought of your home, you were entirely chaotic compared. Minhyun was forever nagging you to clean whenever he was over, and sometimes he couldn’t help but clear up some of the mindless piles that you made all around your apartment. At least Sohee was more akin to him with her cleanliness.
“And this is my bedroom,” Sohee announced, opening the door. She stepped inside and Minhyun hesitated in the doorway of her private domain. She gestured for him to step in. “The TV out in the living room doesn’t really work that well, so I thought we could snuggle up in here and watch a movie together?”
“Are you sure? It’s my first time coming over and-”
“I’m comfortable around you, Minhyun,” she stated and he stepped into the bedroom, sitting down on her bed awkwardly. Sohee pulled him gently towards her body as she laid down and snuggled into his side. It was a little overbearing to be this close so soon, but he tried to relax, his full attention on the movie now playing on the TV.
Twenty minutes later, Minhyun could tell Sohee’s attention wasn’t on the movie anymore. Her hand was slowly moving in circles on his chest and then her lips found the junction of his neck and shoulder, kissing soft kisses all up the side of his neck. He didn’t know what to do and just sort of laid there, trying to figure out what he could do or say.
“You’re so cute, you know that right?” she murmured into his skin and he blushed at the compliment. “Someone as deliciously handsome as yourself being so reserved seems so weird to me. Are you playing coy with me, Minhyun?”
“Coy? What, no I-”
She kissed him passionately then, blinding him with desires he didn’t expect to feel tonight. Sohee soon moved deftly over him and straddled his waist, her hips moving against him. Although his body was reacting, it was moving far too fast and he jerked his head back from her kiss.
“Don’t act up baby, I know you want this. I saw how you stared at me.”
She kissed his swollen lips again and then smiled seductively. “Shhh, don’t say anything else. Let me have it tonight. I know how innocent you are. I want to take it all. You’re such a turn on.”
“This isn’t a turn on for me,” he announced, sitting up and pushing her off. Sohee was back in an instant, her hands trying to undo his pants. He got out from under her attack and shook his head. “Y/N was right about you.”
“Right about what? That I’m the best thing to ever walk into your life? Minhyun, you should be begging me right now to take your virginity away from you. As soon as I learned you were one still, I knew I needed to have you.”
He gaped at her, now seeing the monster that hid behind the mask. He backed up towards the door and laughed hollowly. “No, thank you. That’s mine to give to who I want to and that definitely won’t be you.”
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Banging on the front door and pressing the doorbell repeatedly, Minhyun waited for you to appear in front of him. He had raced here as soon as he had left Sohee’s, hoping you wouldn’t hate him too much. He had so much to tell you, and on the way here, he had laughed multiple times at himself. He had been entirely stupid and blind to everything you had said.
There was only one thing he was glad Sohee had opened his eyes to and tonight he planned to ask you about it. Banging once more, you opened the door and then promptly went to shut it. He shoved his foot in before you could and whined when you connected the door against it.
“Oh my god, why did you do that?!” you cried as he hopped around on one foot, your eyes darting between his injury and his face repeatedly until you offered out you arm for him to take a hold of. Helping him inside and onto your sofa, you groaned. “You idiot.”
“I am.”
“Why would you do that when I was shutting the door as fast as I was?! Do you want a broken foot?”
“It wouldn’t be as bad if it meant you were looking after me,” he mentioned and you ceased in fussing over his foot you had propped in your lap after you had sat on the coffee table across from him.
You then turned back to his sock and gently pried it off his foot. “You have Sohee for that.”
“So you are jealous.”
“What does it matter?” you retorted, gently running your finger over the bruise that was already forming. He winced and you smiled at the reaction.
“Hey, that hurts!”
“Good.” You got up after placing his foot on a cushion on the sofa and then went into the adjoining kitchen area. After returning with some ice in a cloth, you placed it down firmly on his foot. “Better?”
“I can’t really tell just yet,” he grumbled and you smirked. After a minute, he sighed. “Can we talk?”
“I need to talk to you.”
“Did you have a lovers’ quarrel with Princess Perfect?” you wondered sourly and Minhyun reached over for your hand. You stared at him, your expression softening. “Are, are you okay?”
“Minus the foot, now I am.”
“I went to Sohee’s house tonight. It was funny, because the whole time I was there, I kept thinking of you. She had all these gadgets in the kitchen yet claimed she was a useless cook. All I could think about was how much fun we have when we cook together.”
“Fun?” you echoed and shook your head. “You’re a control freak in the kitchen! You take over so many times.”
“You laugh so much when we cook though, you always seem so happy sharing a meal with me,” Minhyun pointed out and you diverted your gaze, chewing on your lip lightly. “After dinner, she showed me around her apartment. I couldn’t help but notice how clean she was compared to you.”
“Not everyone is a tidy human, Min! I don’t know how many times we’ve discussed this.” You folded your arms over your chest in a huff.
Minhyun smiled at your antics before speaking again. “And then she took me into her bedroom.”
“Okay, stop there, I don’t need to-”
“To watch a movie,” he continued and you blushed at your hasty assumption. “Though, you’re right. Even I didn’t need what happened next. In fact, you were right about everything.”
“I was?” you asked softly, confusion etched into your gaze. “What happened?”
“Turns out she was preying on me because she somehow found out I was a virgin. She planned to take it away.”
You both sat in silence for a moment and then you finally looked at him again, sympathetic. “She didn’t, well I mean you seem-”
“I left before she could do anything. And I told her I wasn’t prepared to give her something that I had the right to decide to do when and with who I choose to.”
“Can I ask you something though?” Minhyun implored, leaning towards you a little. Whilst he knew the reason why he had been referring to you all night long before Sohee had tried to get into his pants, he wanted to confirm the suspicions he had about you before he said anything. “Do you just see me as your friend?”
“Of course, we’re friends. I mean, we haven’t really been lately because I was, well…”
“Was your jealousy over me not spending time with you or because you like me?” he asked when you trailed off and you snapped your gaze to his, unblinking. “Am I right in thinking you like me more than a friend?”
“Because I think I like you that way too. No, I know I do. I didn’t realise just how comfortable I was with you until Sohee showed me. Sure, I was wrapped up in some fantasy about the dream girl. But that’s all she was to me. You, well we have a lot of history together. You know me better than I know myself. And whilst we don’t match in a lot of ways, I like to think we are like puzzle pieces that fit together because of that. You’re messy, I’m clean. You speak your mind whilst I tend to hold back and internalise. You’re the dreamer usually and I’m the realist and-”
“Minhyun, you’re rambling.”
“I am, aren’t I?” he said with a laugh and you grinned, moving over from your seat on the table and next to him instead. He smiled down at you and reached to push your hair behind your ear. “So, do you like me?”
“Do I have to answer right now?”
He blinked. “Well, I uh-”
You cut him off then, kissing him softly. Unlike when Sohee had kissed him, when your lips met his there was a spark that ignited within him instantly. It felt so unbelievably right to have your lips on his, and he lifted his hand to your neck, anchoring himself to you and deepening the kiss.
When it ended you nodded in answer. “I like you, Minhyun.”
“Your lips kind of gave me that impression already,” he said dumbly and then gently pulled you into his lap. You didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his neck and lean into him. “I’m sorry I was blind to what you told me. I should have listened to you.”
“You should have, you’re right.” You reached up into his hair and tugged it a little. Minhyun gaped at you after whining. “I should have said no and told you to get out. You came here after being with someone else and in every book, the protagonist always forgives too easily. I promised myself I wouldn’t do that!”
“But it’s me,” he told you with a smile and then pointed to his foot. “Plus, you hurt me so it’s not like you’re not getting the karma back that you deserved to receive.”
“It is you,” you agreed, nodding slowly. “It’s you.”
“It’s me,” he repeated and leaned in to kiss you again. “And it’s always going to be you for me.”
“How are you so sure? You couldn’t tell Sohee was a witch until she basically had her hands down your pants!”
“Because I know you too well. Now that you have a hold of me, you won’t ever let go.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t prevent the smile that crossed your lips. “You’re right there.”
“And don’t worry, I have no intention of leaving you either. I found my dream girl. She was right in front of me all along.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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stars-and-rose · 5 years
|Heartpoint| Chapter Two
for SOME reason, Tumblr ate the original post. so, ah. Take 2
Fandom: Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides
Pairings: Logince, Prinxiety (Eventually), Logicality (Eventually) and Remceit (Eventually)
Summary: Roman seeks out Damien so he can figure out what is going on. Things get more confusing, and an x-factor is brought into the equation.
Word Count: 2,347
Trigger Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Fainting
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Chapter Two: Junior and Senior Battle it Out for Local Moping Spot with Unexpected results
Roman was really getting sick of this. His friends were all staring at him with varying levels of concern, fear, and disbelief. He could hear them talking, but the words weren't processing. All he could think about was the hearts and stars and the border-. Roman rubbed his eyes harshly, a futile attempt to make them go away. The rubbing stung his eyes a bit but it didn't matter- he just needed the weird images to Go Away. "ROMAN!" The brunet was brought back to reality when Remy grabbed his arms and brought them away from his eyes. "Kiddo, are you alright?" Patton asked, his voice shaking slightly. "Patton, hun, I don't think he's fucking alright." Remy snapped, caused the shorter boy to flinch. "Sorry, Pat. I didn't mean to lash out." "Roman, what occurred when I was in the café? I came out and you were just on the ground!" Logan's voice was cracking a bit, his usually stoic expression filled with concern.
That's when it hit Roman that he had really shaken his friends up. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what had happened. Something about a sticker, love and a boy with two different colored eyes- "The Goth boy!" Roman yelled, startling the other three. "Sorry, um, while you were in the café Lo, I was talking to this goth guy-" "Was this mysterious goth boy in the school uniform? Or was he trespassing?" Logan questioned. Just as Roman was about to respond, his vision flashed gold. Roman closed his eyes to shield them from the harsh light. When he opened them, he saw what he could only describe as a game menu in front of him.  In gold letters on the top of the icon were the words, WHAT WILL YOU DO? The first option underneath it read, in bold red lettering, LET YOUR FRIENDS KNOW YOU'RE HEALTHY, SANE AND SAFE! The second read, TRACK DOWN THAT GOTH BOY!!! "This is insane," Roman whispered to himself, staring at the game menu. He looked around- Remy, Patton, and Logan were all frozen in place. "Guess I have to choose an option." Roman read the first choice to himself. "Friends, healthy, safe…" Then, his eyes landed on the second option. "Yes! Find goth boy!" The green-eyed boy smashed his hand against the second option. His world flashed gold again, and he found himself inside the school's common center. "This… I just need to find that goth guy." So, Roman found himself running through the commons, eyes searching for the mysterious senior. After looking for him in the library, Roman walked down the steps leading outside and let out an aggravated scream. "GOTH GUY!" Someone let out a dramatic cough behind him, and Roman spun on his heels, coming face to face with the boy from earlier. "Ahah! "You called?" The boy grumbled, looking at his nails. "You! You! Goth boy, you did this to me- whatever it is!" "You know- and I mean you actually  do know- my name is Damien." Said boy sighed. Roman's thoughts cleared a bit. "Damien… Damien from Home Ec!" "Is that really all you know about me? We've had classes together for three years." Roman tried his hardest to remember something- he really did. But his frazzled brain only came up with the words, "You're a goth? So you shop at Hot Topic?" "You… are not wrong." "Listen, I'm not here to exchange Tumblr URLs or swap jean ripping tips! You did something to me and I need you to please stop doing the thing to me!" Roman threw his hands on his hips and glared down at the senior, who he had an inch or two on. "No can do," Damien replied, still inspecting his nails. "What?!" "I said No. Can. Do." "No, no, I heard you the first time- I just thought your answer was really stupid." Damien stopped looking at his nails and glanced at Roman with an exasperated sigh. "Why don't you relax for a moment, okay? Take a little chill pill there, pump the breaks." Roman closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes, then opened them and looked back at Damien, who was leaning against the staircase now. "Look, Roman, I like you. I really do. I've liked you since the day you almost burned down the Home Ec kitchen, then proceeded to say the sugar cookie recipe you'd been given was secretly for explosives." The junior crossed his arms. "There was way too much baking soda in that recipe." "If you want my advice? I'd take this gift you've been given and use it to your advantage." Damien said, drumming his fingers against the railing of the staircase. "What? What kind of gift is this- putting a border around everything I see and making my friends think I've lost my mind? If you really wanted to get me a gift, you could have got me Broadway tickets or something!" Roman raged. "I've given you the gift of insight. You now know where you stand with anyone you meet. Instantly, you'll be able to see the person's feelings for you." "You mean all the hearts and stars above peoples heads?" Roman questioned. Damien nodded. "The stars represent how friendly the person is towards you. The hearts…they represent more romantic urges." "Okay, that makes sense… in which I mean it makes literally no sense at all!" Damien scoffed, and Roman decided to ignore the senior. "Stars and Hearts…" It actually did make sense. Patton, who'd had four stars above his head, had been Roman's best friend since kindergarten. Remy and Logan both had three, which made sense as he'd only met them freshman year. But the hearts…. Roman's face heated up as he realized something. "Wait one second. Logan… he had four hearts… meaning…?" Damien looked at him. "You might be surprised about how people actually think of you." "That's none of my business! Everyone's allowed to feel romantic attraction to whoever they want! And if Logan does have feelings for me, who am I to be allowed to know that without his permission?" "You're blushing," Damien commented. That was true; Roman's cheeks were as red as the heart sticker. It wasn't as if Logan wasn't attractive- the nerd was kind of pretty, and smart, and surprisingly caring and sweet after he opened up to you- Right. Damien first, friend's crush later. He looked back at Damien and snapped, "That's none of your business!" "Roman, relax. As I said, you've been given a gift. What you do with it is up to you." Roman, instead of relaxing, threw his hands in the air. "What if I want to get rid of said gift?" "Well, that's just rude," Damien replied. "Damien, I'm serious!" The senior sighed and took a set towards Roman. "I'm kidding. My voice might not sound like it, but I am indeed kidding." Roman huffed at the statement. "If you really want to stop it, all you have to do is win the game." "Excuse me?" Roman was ten seconds from losing his mind. "Well, it looks like a video game, doesn't it?" There was something in those last two words, some sort of anger and hate that made Roman step back a bit. Damien continued on. "Magic has a tendency to take on the time in which it exists. If you want to stop playing, you have to beat the game." If Roman had been in his right mind, he would have questioned 'Magic'. But, luckily for Damien, the brunet was not in his right mind. "How do I beat the game, then?" "Win someone's heart. And you'll beat heart point." Roman looked at the floor. "Win someone's heart?" He looked back up, a question on his lips when he noticed the older boy wasn't there. He spun around to see Damien exiting the common center. Just before he walked out of sight, something hit Roman. Damien didn't have the hearts or stars above his head. As Roman pondered on the whole conversation he just had, someone shouted his name. He turned and saw Logan walking down the stairs towards him. "Roman, I've been searching all around campus for you-" For the second time that day, a menu interrupted Logan. The same gold letters were on the top, but there were new choices. The first read, STAY AND TALK TO LOGAN. The second one held the words, GO PROCESS YOUR EMOTIONS SOMEWHERE NOT HERE!!! "This again?" Roman grumbled, staring at his options. "He really does have a crush on me… I can't deal with this, I need a moment- Sorry Logan!" His hand reached out, hit the second option, and the gold light returned. This time when he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the school's roof, a light breeze running through his hair and the colors of the sunrise reflecting on his face. A soft sigh escaped Roman's mouth as he watched the sun sink behind the horizon. "This has possibly been the weirdest day ever." He mumbled to himself. "Hey, can you maybe go mope somewhere else?" Roman spun on his heels and became face-to-face with a boy leaning against the wall, who, if Roman wasn't on the verge of a meltdown, he would have found rather hot. Headphones were hanging around the boy's neck and his piercing blue eyes were accented by the black make-up surrounding them. "Huh?" "I kind of got a thing going on over here, um, the conflicted student gazing rooftop is over that way." The boy, who Roman guessed was a senior, flicked his hand to the left. Roman's eyes flickered to the wall above the boy, which was covered in a rainbow of graffiti. "Did you do this?" "Do what?" "Hmm, I don't know, maybe the assorted acts of vandalism behind you?" The boy glanced backward and snorted. "Nah, that's from the generations of emo kids before me. I just used this place to ditch class." Roman tilted his head. "How often do you ditch class if you have a designated ditching spot?" "My younger brother would say too much; I say just enough." "Ah, um cool? Something tells me I shouldn't be telling you that's cool.." Roman mumbled, getting another amused snort out of the emo-boy. "What about you? What brings you up here to mope?" The boy stepped away from the wall and came next to Roman. Roman noticed the blank hearts and stars above his head- it made sense, as Roman was pretty sure he'd never met the guy. "I'm not moping!" "You look like you're moping." The boy commented. Roman sighed, fidgeting with his uniform's loose tie. "I just learned my best friend has a crush on me. I wanted to think about it before I rush into a situation recklessly, which is what usually happens. So I came up here to process it." "While moping?" Roman wagged his finger at the boy. "I am not moping!" "Really? Your face looks like you had to watch Mufasa die, and every time you cried, you had to watch it again." Roman stared at him. "I didn't take you for a Disney fan." The emo flicked out his palms into jazz hands, "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." Roman laughed, and the boy groaned. "Don't develop a sense of humor now when you were tragically looking into the sunset ten seconds ago." Roman arched an eyebrow. "If you can come up here and be all brooding and angsty, so can I." "I'm not- I didn't come up here to be brooding and angsty." "Sure, sure, of course not, and I totally can't hear Green Day coming out of your headphones." The boy huffed. "That's not important- and I'm serious!" "Oh, I know, oh so very serious. It must be so hard to live with the weight of this cruel meaningless life on your shoulders!" Roman could feel the smile forming on his face as the other boy groaned. "I am stuck on a rooftop with a drama queen, someone save me." The boy grumbled, causing Roman to laugh again. The two stood there in silence for a moment. "I have a feeling I'm not getting my 'angst' spot back for the evening." Emo-boy used air quotes around the word, angst, and Roman had to snuff out his laughter so he could reply. "Nope. It's mine now." "Eh, alright then. Maybe I'll see you around." The boy started to walk away. "Hey, freshman." Roman crossed his arms. "I'm a junior, thank you very much." "What was your name?" "My name's Roman. Roman Harper." The boy let out a humming noise. "Roman… Roman, Roman, Roman… I think my brother hangs with you… wait a minute, I decided I don't care." Roman groaned."You are the worst! Go shove off and listen to My Chemical Romance or something, you emo nightmare." The boy laughed, "Emo nightmare? That's new. It's Virgil, actually. Virgil Garrett. See you later, Princey." "Princey?" Roman questioned. "You were gazing off into the sunset like some sort of forlorn Disney prince. I thought it fit."  With that last remark, Virgil walked away. Just before he faded from sight, a single red heart flickered to life above his head. Roman could only stare, long after Virgil had left the rooftop. "Did he… just gain a heart? Was that towards me… because of me? For me?" Roman leaned against the railing, staring into the reds and yellows of the sunset. "Damien said I can see how people perceive me.  I guess that can change through a single conversation." Even though the situation was still confusing and strange, Roman let out a laugh. "Ha! A boy decided that he liked me! Suck it, Vance! I can win anyone's heart, with stickers and anything on my face. I am an unstoppable force of love and I'm gotta get another date to prom no problem!" "Roman, is that you yelling from the rooftops?" The green-eyed boy looked up and saw Patton and Remy both staring up at him. "Well. Fuck."
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sea-changed · 5 years
vermiculated replied to your post: vermiculated replied to your post...
I can't believe I missed this until now! wow! Here I am, here you are, there are books and words between us. wonderful. thank you.
<3 <3 <3
I have to tell you that I read Olivia Waite's new ff and it has exactly this problem. It is as though both heroines are mealy-mouthed and forgettable so that the reader won't be offended by reading a book about women. Their only flaws are caring too much, wanting appropriate twenty-first century style recognition (ahistoricism doesn't bother me but as I was reading it, I thought, @sea-changed​ is going to be livid) and accidentally misunderstanding one another...
also attempted financial abuse. which I mention separately because it added a note of the glass armonica to the music of the spheres. how is ff so inadequate to our desires?
Oh no, this is terribly disappointing to hear; I’d been holding out some amount of hope for this one, though that was probably folly on my part. Why, in a subgenre written by and wholly about women, can the seemingly fairly standard “women are people” concept continually fail to gain ground? I’ll still read this, as it’s waiting for me on my phone and the upcoming semester promises to require mindless stress-reading, but I’ll be extremely irate about it. (I always think I can be magnanimous about ahistoricism in romance novels, which is obviously a lie, but it is good to be known like this.)
re: re: 34, I love the sweeping romantic sentiment because they manage to meet in the middle only when they both understand themselves to be ludicrously devoted. It didn't quite feel like a romance novel, you are correct -- there's a bit of neither fish nor fowl here? I personally feel that the natural second-half plot ought to have been shoring up how Richard and David love one another despite their respective troubled backstories rather than ...
...advancing the political thriller from "A Seditious Affair" and developing a coherent moral world. Which is what novels are oriented toward: why do people do what they do, despite everything? In romance, they do it because they love one another (or they're supposed to) whereas I think more complicated motives such as you discuss are much rarer.
oh, novels!, I say, like I live inside Tony Trollope's vision. I think the book tries to have it both ways and ends up being slightly frustrating for all readers. just write two books, Kimberly! Kimberly is what I call her when I am trying to hector her from afar. dear Kimberly, please have Susan stab Templeton. xo.
“Just write two books” is honestly what it comes down to: it feels like two books, and while I get that the political thriller part allowed David to be David to to requisite degree, after how gracefully it was cleaved to the romance plot in Seditious Affair it felt a bit tacked-on here. And while I’m certainly not opposed to moral ambiguity in my ships, the genre formula seems to require that said ambiguity, if there is any to begin with, be neatly swept under the rug; it’s really the sweeping I have the problem with rather than the ambiguity itself. (Because like, should Richard be fucking his valet? No! That’s a pretty open-and-shut one. Which certainly doesn’t mean I’m opposed to watching it happen, but I’d like fewer bows on my endings, I guess. Did you know Gentleman’s Position was the first book of the series I read, because I thought it had the most interesting-sounding summary? In hindsight this amuses to no end.)
(The accusation that there are similar moral issues and rug-sweeping in Seditious Affair, and that I am simply too starry-eyed over it to complain about them, is potentially quite valid, though because of said stars in said eyes I’m not the one to judge.)
(dear Kimberly, please have Susan stab Templeton --The only way I can see this going down with zero hair torn out of my head, quite honestly.)
re: re: 39, @mysharkwillgoon​ made the unkind (but accurate) observation that this series is always available at our county library because no one likes it. I recognize that I am utterly alone in how much I enjoy this, and am really pleased that you picked it up and felt the requisite feelings. I know you're not a Victorianist by practice or nature, so it's impressive that you returned to this weird book.
HA, I’ve made this same observation (likely about the same library!), which I’ll admit is satisfying to the part of me that thinks everyone should have my taste, though dissatisfying to the equally clamorous part of me that wants to read Seditious Affair for the sixteenth time and has to wait for it on hold. Weird romance seems to be my favorite kind, so I too am glad I returned to it. Not a Victorianist by practice or nature may have to go on my office wall.
A general query: can literary fiction be experimental enough to reach the logical end-point of the genre or are we still pretending that felicity in art is enough? Why must there be meaning in the world? Perhaps I judge the Booker too harshly: it is only a literary competition, it is not an immurement by orange sticker -- yet every book I have wanted to love from the longlist has given me the same depth of emotion that I feel on regarding ...
...a tray of wrapped zucchini at the grocery store: why are we engaging in such resource-intensive craft! (this is not strictly true. I delighted in A Little Life, it was nothing like plastic on vegetables at all.) To continue, is the worst thing that happened to literary fiction the application of irony? I am no supporter of the genuine, the real, the unmanufactured, yet ironic distance can hardly support so much.
It's not a prerequisite. and it looks like smugness more often than it comes off as wit. I read someone recently saying that the problem in Jude the Obscure is "done because we are too menny" which struck me -- a biased Hardy fan -- as missing the point about art: the place where it happens is an artificial one, but it has greater force for that. it's not a bug, it's a feature!
"somewhat poisonous nostalgia" sick burn, I like it.
Speaking of sick burns, “the same depth of emotion that I feel on regarding a tray of wrapped zucchini at the grocery store” has the devastating combination of being both pithy and accurate. I do find myself regularly mystified about what criteria are used to long-list books in general (the Booker being, I think, a particularly frequent and egregious example): it leaves me to wonder whether a) people who judge these things find being left cold and unmoved a virtue in fiction or b) they are led to feel things about writing I find cold and unmoving. (I tend toward the first, though the fact that people have seemingly genuine emotions about Madeline Miller novels would argue strongly for the second.)
The pitting of irony and emotion against one another is, I agree, one of the central failings of the literary genre: Both! Both are good! As you say, being in a constructed hothouse universe is not to be derided (though certainly poked at), and it does not (or at least should not) lessen the emotional validity of the created world. Have faith in your own creations, you dimwits.
I have been thinking all morning about your observation that none of these books are experimental enough: I thought the French were meant to be good at this. Do you think it has to do with our late uneasiness around teenage sexuality, and that writing a sufficently-complicated teenager such that he is entitled to his own sexual preference means that authors no longer sound unique, ...
... but rather like a series of psychology textbooks. Which can be a pleasure (what's UP, Megan Abbott) yet tends to make these books extremely ... putdownable. Thank you for this, there's really nothing better than having a person with exquisite taste on whom one can rely to read books first.
I do think that there is an essential trouble with alienation in YA novels: so many read as false and/or patronizing, because they’re being written to teenagers rather than about teenagers. (Sometimes this is rectified when adult lit writes about teenagers, but mostly it is not, and certainly not in this case. Here again is a case of irony vs. emotion; if you’re not going to give me emotion, you’ve got to be a whole lot better at irony--or in this case more specifically narrative commentary--than this.)
(On the subject of complicated teenagers having sex convincingly, I was recently a fan of Patrick Ness’s Release, which the author describes it as a cross between Mrs. Dalloway and Judy Blume’s Forever; a comment I’ll let stand on its own sizable feet.)
And there is truly nothing better than having someone to dump your own particular long-winded exegeses on, so thank you for that in return.
ps I read Astray and it was so frail! "disappointingly pedestrian" indeed. If I could write like Emma Donoghue, I guess I would labor under the curse that afflicts her plotting.
For being a book that contained so much that I love--an entire collection of extremely specific and well-researched historical settings!--it was so flat. I know Donoghue can write better sentences, I’m at a loss why she chose to not put any in this collection.
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Hey do you know any fics where stiles and allison are twins or siblings. any romantic paring works i just want stiles and allison sibling relationship THANKS!!
Anonymous said:so im really into this fic ‘the three little hunters’, do you know of any good fics with allison and stiles as siblings? preferably sterek
Here’s an update to our Allison and Stiles!Siblings tag! - Anastasia
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Heaven by PrincessaBitchessa
(1/1 I 1,122 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Based off of this post .
The Crown by thatdragonchic
(1/? I 1,360 I Not Rated I Stydia)
What does it mean… to be a monarch? To be a king? What his his place, what is his job? He sits, and he has to wonder, for in the end, Stiles always believed he had more time. He wished he just had more time.
Arrangements by KuteKittehs
(4/? I 1,775 I Teen I Sterek)
Allison Argent is chosen to bind the Argent family and Hale family together by mating with Derek Hale. She falls in love with childhood friend Scott McCall so her twin omega brother Stiles decides to take her place to see her happy.
However, Derek Hale hates omegas.
What’s my name again. by Katie_MichelleAMLFTL
(2/? I 1,939 I General I Scallison)
Allison and Stiles Argent are left alone when their father leaves them behind to go after the rogue wolf that killed his wife, back at home the twins are dealing with problems of their own when a witch passes through and curses Stiles, memories falling away and forgetting basic things Allison is left not knowing how to handle a brother that cant remember her. Her dad’s not picking up the phone and her brother cant remember how to hold a spoon, she remembers her dad once mentioning the hale family and their extensive family library, how they probably had books on magic that the hunters would never comprehend. Allison packs herself and her brother up, making the journey to beacon hills, unknown to them that the majority of the Hale family is gone, that the Alpha pack and a Darach are causing trouble and that the remaining Hales wont exactly be jumping to help any Argents.
What’s hidden under a good facade by YaoiDieHardFanGirl
(1/? I 2,455 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles, Allison and Isaac moves to Beacon Hills in hope of following their dreams and live a life away from the expectations, from their lineage as Argents
But, this place is Beacon Hills, NOTHING ever goes the way anyone wants it to here.
The Death of Me by damnfancyscotch
(1/? I 2,501 I Teen)
Stiles Stilinski and Laura Hale are best friends. Like, the best of Best Friends, capital letters and all.
She’s the peanut butter to his jelly, the cheese to his macaroni. No matter what, it’s always been LauraandStiles.
That’s why it’s so fucking cliche that Stiles is crushing on Laura’s younger brother.
But seriously, when did dorky little Der Bear get so goddamn hot?
“God, Laura’s gonna kill me,” Stiles groans, back arching when Derek sets his mouth on the junction of his neck and shoulder.
“Please don’t talk about my sister right now,” Derek growls as he tightens his hold on Stiles’ hip.
Between the Lines by thatdragonchic
(2/? I 3,110 I General I Stydia)
Deep love can be rooted in the strangest of places, even between two friends in a world of teas and ladies. Even after Stiles and Theo take their brides, there was always something there that lingered, something that was rarely sought. Very few saw through it, in fact they have even fooled themselves.=1890’s au
Scattered to the Winds by Ragga
(1/1 I 5,112 I Teen I Chris/Victoria)
Chris watched as Victoria seemingly coiled ever tighter, arms clutched around her stomach as if to protect something that no longer was there. He still remembered how less than two weeks ago they had been lying on this bed together, caressing the bump on her belly, whispering and giggling sweet-nothings to-
He heard the doorbell go.
Team Beta (Detective Duo) by graveltotempo
(2/2 I 5,413 I Not Rated I Erica/Boyd)
A single picture, and Erica and Boyd go down the detective route to find out more about Stiles and Allison’s true ancestry.
Catch Me If You Can by MadnessofVoid
(1/1 I 5,923 I Teen I Sterek)
Beacon Hills was the first city in California, in the world, that turned the whole soulmate thing into a celebration. There were banners, posters, bumper stickers – the works – every single year. There were even t-shirts being sold that said I Ran insert year And All I Got Was This Stupid Shirt for those that had been in The Run and failed to find their soulmate.
Derek was hoping that this year he wouldn’t get a fifth one.
Every year there is a run for humans and supernaturals alike to find their soulmate. Derek’s just never lucky in finding his.
It’s Strange (So Strange) by StupidGenius
(1/1 I 7,912 I Teen I Sterek)
“M’not a little baby.” Stiles huffs. His feet can’t touch the floor where he’s sitting, legs swinging back and forth. “I’m eight years old.”
“Yeah? Well I’m twelve. I’m a big kid now.” He flashes his eyes for emphasis. Stiles doesn’t look impressed.
“You’re not a big kid. Cousin Wednesday says you can’t be a big kid until you’re a teen. You’re not a teen.”
“I am too a big kid!”
Cold Blooded by SammyVen
(3/? I 10,588 I Not Rated I Sterek)
When various hunters start to be killed by an unknown supernatural creature, the Argents decide to call in reinforcements.
I’m Proud of Us. by MataSenpai
(2/? I 14,142 I Mature I Allison/Isaac I MCD)
'Allison is forced back into the Family Business when her father goes missing. Now it’s up to her and her brother to find him. Along the way, they save people, hunt a few monsters, and become a family again.’
The Presidents Son by Some1sprincess
(5/? I 20.323 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles was a normal teenage kid… okay that wasnt true, she was far from normal which is how she found herself taking a bullet for President Talia with the infamous Derek Hale near by.
Rescue Me by DarkAlpha67
(7/? I 20,263 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles had does as promised. With Beacon Hills behind him and his new life as hunter his only reality, Stiles has his future planned out. Hunting monsters with his sister, Allison, by his side and working toward reinstating the Argent name, Stiles thinks he’s put everything behind him, for good.
But Beacon Hills always has a way of drawing you back in.
A Breath of Life by bloodrednight25
(7/? I 24,871 I Explicit I Allison/Derek)
the Stilinski triplets are used to the supernatural world, with their mothers being the Slayers and what not, but for Stiles Stilinski it’s going to be a roller-coaster ride when he meets Stefan Salvatore who pulls him into his dark world; where Elena Gilbert become his best friend and ally.
The Three Little Hunters by damnfancyscotch
(19/? I 34,839 I Teen)
Allison is being groomed to take over the Argent Hunters.
Stiles, her twin brother, is all set to be her Right Hand.
Liam, the youngest, is going to be her Enforcer and training expert.
The three of them are going to be the most dangerous and efficient group of Hunters in the history of their family.
There’s just one little problem…
Their dad shouts, "Is anyone in this house not dating a werewolf?!”
Stiles raises his hand. “Technically, none of us are dating them, per say. We just sort of end up in the same places sometimes and then don’t leave.“ He pauses, then adds, "There may also be kissing but I’m not willing to give any concrete evidence of that.”
Against All Odds by silveritas
(16/16 I 37,236 I Teen I Sterek)
It is a universally acknowledged truth that a single alpha in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a mate.
The Things We Lost In The Fire by Rachel_twentyone
(6/14 I 72,491 I General I Sterek)
He wasted no more time and got under his bed, he crawled until he was all the way back against the wall. He covered his mouth with his hands, they were more steady now. But he couldn’t control his breathing, it would turn him in and Stiles really didn’t want that. His eyes were glassy of the tears that he refused to shed, it wasn’t the time to cry, just until all this was over. He heard someone entering the room, dragging their feet, slowly steps looking for him. Stiles squeezed his eyes and the tears that he was holding on slipped down his cheeks.
Someone was in front of the bed, he knew it but he didn’t dare open his eyes.
"Stiles” His mother whispered with calm soft voice, “Take my hand baby” Slowly Stiles opened his eyes to see, for his relief, that his mother was kneeled with his hand extended toward him waiting for Stiles to grabbed it.
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forgettableking · 7 years
Day Three - That Would be Enough
“What’s my purpose?”
I expected a whole hearted joke of a response after hitting send, but instead my phone buzzed softly in my hand as the ringtone started to chime. He was calling.  
It started a few weeks ago. This feeling. This constant searching for something. And I’d managed to shrug it off so far with ease, but tonight, the weight was too heavy to carry alone. I ended up submitting to the lowest form of support. Friends. People that you supposedly can rely on when you’re down. Or in my case, more like friend. I guess it’s suppose to be singular if you only have one of them, right? Someone you can count on for a stupid laugh to forget your problem for a few minutes before they get annoying and you stop replying for a few days. Yeah.
I let the phone vibrate a few more times as I was making my way up the stairs in my house, having just come home from a library trip, avoiding seeming desperate at all costs, and finally swiped to answer, pressing it to my ear, “Yeah?”
“Don’t yeah me, idiot, what’s with your text? What happened?” He sounded tired on the other end.
“Did I wake you?” I dodged the questions as I left a trail of flipped on light switches through the place.
“Who sleeps at 5 in the afternoon? Dude,” He groaned softly and I heard some things moving around from his side before the pop of a coke can, “The hell? What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing, you know, just chill-”
He cut off my obnoxious nature, “Dude.”
And at that I sighed dramatically, dropping my backpack near the entrance of my room, “I texted for a reason you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, you didn’t wanna hear my stupid voice, but you know what, I’m forcing myself to hear yours so you better start spilling.” His voiced sounded like it was accompanied by a smile, giving me a hard time, in a casual playful manner. Our usual default for these awkward phone conversations. I prefer texting or video chatting, so I either didn’t have to deal with guessing the mood or could see it on that ugly face of his.
I plopped on to my bed and fell back, facing my ceiling full of not-glowing-in-the-sunlight-glow-in-the-dark star stickers, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“Yeah, I don’t know.” I confirmed. Even though I knew.  
“Weeeeell,” He started, and I heard him sigh, he must have his hand pressed to his forehead, that’s what he does when I can see him, “Can you tell me what you did today? Maybe I can help you know.” He played along.  
“Weeeeell,” I copied him cheekily, “I went to the library.”
“And, I got some books.”
“About mythology.” I gave it away too quick. If he knows me, which he does, he gets it.
“Ah,” I heard him take a drink and swallow quite vividly before suckiing his teeth and continuing, “So that’s what happened. Lulu,” He paused, “Do you want to talk about Star?”
At the mention of her name I tensed up a little, I felt a little uneasy. I avoided her the past few days because I suddenly got too wrapped up in my feelings, feelings of which Star doesn’t and never will understand. She’s a Guide. They may resemble a human in some aspects. But I have to force myself to remember they’re not. They’re sent here for guidance and advice, they’re here to light a path and watch over someone with a destiny beyond human comprehension, not babysit a weeb like me.  
Star isn’t even my Guide, not everyone is so lucky to get one. Some of us don’t have a big destiny. Most of us don’t even get to have a purpose. The only reason I even know of Star is because she’s a freakin’ ditz that mistook me for who’s she’s really looking for. I’m one of those without a purpose. Just even unluckier because I’ve had to spend the beginning of my summer vacation trying to help someone else find theirs.
“Lulu?” He repeated and pulled me from my moments lapse.
I pursed my lips and pinched the bridge of my nose just above my non prescription aesthetic glasses, “Fiiiine, okay,” I caved, sitting up on the bed with a heavy exhale, “I know like, I’m doing this for the greater good of the universe and all that junk and like, stuff, but like, why me? You know? Couldn’t it be you? Or..someone else? Anyone else?”
“Is it really that stressful?”
“No, I mean..” I trailed off for a second and glanced to the side, “It’s not. It just. There’s no satisfaction in shaping a future that isn’t yours. Sure, Star is like super chill and cool to be around, and I don’t mind helping her, but while I’m helping her… the more I’m realizing… what about after? What do I do? Where does that leave me when Star finds her one and they go on their big adventure to save the universe? You know?”
“Uh, I don’t really know, but, I get it,” He assured me, “Listen, I know I’m not really a part of this like you are, and I don’t really care what my purpose is nor do I really believe in this big destiny crap, but, what I do know is that you have a purpose and that this is a part of it. And if that’s not enough for you then…” He just stopped and made my breath hitch, because I really thought he was being inspiring, and I was getting really wrapped in to it, “Freakin’ suck it up and get over it.”
My expression flat lined in annoyance, “Wow, motivation of the century.”
“Hey, it’s the truth,” He defended with what I could only imagine was a smug look on the other side, “Not everyone even gets to do what you’re doing. You may think it’s lame but imagine those of us who never experience a supernatural thing in our entire lives. To me, you sound kind of selfish.”
“Maybe I am..” I agreed quietly in defeat. I never thought of it that way. Was I? Was I really taking this opportunity for granted? I got to be a part of something bigger and all I could think about was how I wanted more. I thought all my life I was made for greatness. But now that greatness was telling me it wanted someone else…“I just want to know what happens after..”
“Duh, everything goes back to the way it was.”
“Yeah, with you there, and me here, hours away. Playing internet games and texting during class.  Does that sound like enough for you?”
His voice sounded hopeful, and even though I felt something missing from his pep talk I forced a small smile to myself and a nod, “Yeah.”
“Not convincing,” He chuckled, “Here, how about this. I’ll up the prize. You get through this. Get done with your big fantasy adventure or whatever. And when it’s all over instead of what I just said, I’ll be here, and you’ll be there, but we’ll be together.”
“What?” I furrowed my brows in confusion.
“Instead of playing video games and texting in class we can uh..send heart emojis and do naughty video chats.”
“What!?” I exclaimed, the heat that was settling in my cheeks now swarming over my entire face, “You pervert!”
“Hey, I’m giving you a heartfelt confession here and you’re just taking it the wrong way!”
“A confe-what?”
“I like you, Lulu.” He said with less humor to my surprise, “Maybe you don’t know what you wanna do after all of this. But I do. I found my purpose, if there even is such a thing, and it’s with you. I hope that’s enough now.”
“Are you punking me?” My face was red and my stomach felt full and empty all at once.
“No. After all of this. You’ll be there…and eventually I will be too, if that’s okay.”
He sounded so sure, but I stammered, knowing what I wanted to say, but not knowing what I felt at this exact moment, “I-uh-I-yeah, t-that sounds..good enough.”
When he hung up my heart was still pounding in my chest. Mocha had never talked to me like that before. Sure we back and forthed flirts and jabs, but if this was a joke it was low. I shut off my phone screen and sat it beside my pillow, where I rested my head as I curled up on my side. My head wasn’t clear after what just happened. Had we agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend after this mess was over? Why did he want to wait? Why did he think now of all times was a good one?
I sighed and closed my eyes, trying not to think about everything at once. I never questioned who I was and my purpose before Star showed up. I had believed in the myths since I was a little girl back when Mam and Pa would fill my head with the tales. I believed, like most others did. But no part of me believed hard enough that I would be caught in a destiny that isn’t mine.  
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janiklandre-blog · 7 years
Monday, March 13, 2017
9:25 a.m.  sun is shining, blizzard tonight predicted - back to nyc - computer room - in a hurry again - THE TEETH. The German writer Thomas Mann was known for paying much attention to the teeth of his characters - befote 1914 my mother went with her grandmother to the market in a town now in Poland and called Bielo Bialska - in the foor hills of the Carpathian mountains - her Jewish grandparents had a dry goods store there and my mother's descriptions of that scenario take up many pages in her German memoirs - written with my encouragement. A scene she describes is going to the market where the young girls - often 12, 13, were sitting hoping to be hired as domestics - the kind of domestic her maternal grandmother had been, who died before she was born. The prospective employers made the girls open their mouth and examined their teeth - an indicator of good health - as also the teeth of horses get examined. My mother's mother, the daughter of the dead domestic woman, didn't have a tooth in her mouth by 24 and had dentures. Both parents of my former husband Robert had dentures. My mother paid a lot of attention to her teeth and my teeth - and made me aware that teeth are an indicator of social class - missing teeth show a shortage of funds. Actors all have brilliant white teeth - some false. I have early memories of crowded waiting rooms of dentists for the poorer of the people in Prague and fillings at an esrly age. My parents took me to a clinic to have my overbite corrected - in those days I was made to wear a contraption at night. In Germany later a dentist unnecessarily extracted a tooth when I was 18 - they were paid a flat insurance rate and extraction was faster than treatment. When I arrived in America the college sent me to a dentist who was horrified by my poisonous fillings and replaced them all. Soon after I lost another tooth, had a bridge, that broke - and had my first top rate dentist when we came to Geneva in 1957, Dr.Ackerman, who built a bridge that lasted a long time. Arrived back in nyc in 1962 I asked Ruth Bader Ginsburg for her dentist - we had given hospoitality to her husband in Geneva. Through her I came to Dr.Seligman - who truly loved dentistry and even when my funds dwindled after Robert divorced me in 1967 he kept my teeth in good shape (Robert left him at the request of a new wife, ended up with a tooth extraction, no antibiotics and in the hospital with a heart infection - twice - all that bad dentists can do also to rich people - in Amherst my son had a neighbor, a beautiful Duch woman, whose dentist friend botched something and she was in so much permanent pain, she killed herself.) In America only the very richest get really good dental care - and they also have to be smart. The moment someone does open their mouth I am aware of their teeth - and what it tells about them. After Dr.Seligman retired I found my way to Dr.F.- he was the dentist of a friend of a friend, whom I never met, Shelby, who raved about him but since has left him. I came to him when he had  newly started his practice on West End Ave. - in the 1980's - at first my problems were still minor enough and I could pay him - even paid for a couple of friends to see him - he is one of the very few people who understands me - and as my problems grew and I could no longer afford his fees he continued to treat me - and then - seven yeasrs ago zI begsan taking a beta blocker to keep my bloodpressure under control - he suspected it was acidifying my saliva - dry mouth is a side effect it announces in a long list - - alas my not so good medical doctors (could write about them at length) - only said - your blood pressure is great, keep taking them, never seemed to hear what I was saying about my teeth - that begsn rotting, then falling out - until one day my sweet dentist came up with what he called a bridge, later a prosthesis - beautiful teeth - I called them my decoration teeth - I looked great at the weddings of my grandsons - do keep getting compliments about my looks - only - alas - still losing more teeth this bridge no longer has a support - in September my dentist said I needed dentures - a hard blow Still, he kept putting it off, I happy to still have something fixed in my mouth - only - they have begun falling out - a very sinking feeling - this time I went to him a week ago - he cemented them back in - but by Saturday when I was in a restaurant in Northampton with my family they one again fell out - already before feeling rattly - making me very nervous on top of being alwsays nervous - I have to have to hold on to them while I speak - can really only drink something through a straw - called again this morning at 9 a.m. - the same assistasnt has been there since he started his practice - he had briefly worked on Wall Street before going to dentistry - truly loving what he is doing - happy to help people. He was happiest going one time to the Dominican Republic, he took his assistant, she is Spanish speasking, other times to Nicaragua - if he could he would do that permanently - sadly reporting the terrible state of the teeth of the people - dangerous infections - no modern machinery - little time - for the most part he is very sad only to be able to help them with extractions So I am approaching the end of my time for this morning - my eyes on my watch - do plan to read what I wrote on Saturday in the Northampton Library - they bought stickers to put on the letters of the keyboard to make them easy reading for the old. Excellent computer, lovely librarian - hope I was not too indiscreet - luckily I do share a couple of fellow mothers, women my age, who struggle with their relationships with their children as I do - making me realize how wonderful my sons are. From their point of view of course it is I who causes the glitches - and yes - I was writing about the lonely old women - about my mother, so dissatisfied with me - and I blaming her for divorcing my sweet father who was a wonderful companion to her - she loved making money and did well - he had no knack for making money - and she scorned him on this account. He left a couple of days I left in 1951 - she was 49 - and all I heard from then on - the worst fate that can befall a woman is to be old and alone. I held on to Paco for dear life - began living alone in 1988, I was 56 - and yes, I too can now sing and write about the hardships - and indignities - of being an old woman alone. We are not meant to live alone - and these days - the first question doctors ask: are you living alone. It's getting harder and harder - if I had more money..... My sons were much happier with me as long as I came with a companion - I ask more of them than they can give - watch them struggle - feel guilty - and other old women write about this also. What I also mesnt to mention was that on Friday night we went to see "I am not your nigger" - a much praised movie - expensive, full of flashy stuff - next day I read in the Saturday nyt, a profile on a black man who is in Syria documenting with his video camera the horrors committed there - many by Americans - and that should be shown in the movie theaters - not old history that we know about - but what is happening right now - Yemen, Afghanistan - The other thing that came to my attention was the obituary of the man who wrote Bridges of Madison - in two weeks - a runaway best seller - he did have a Ph.D. in business - also, as I recall he showed the story to a friend who was in publishing - I often throught, I too could have written in two weeks a book about my encounter in New Hampshire with Stephen W. in 1988 - I 55, he 32 - his wife had just taken up with a British lover - and my Paco had set off in East Hampton in the search of the heiress who had eluded him since his arrival in America in 1945 - he found a few - but parents put a quick stop to the relationships. And so, there were Stephen an I consoling each other on a very memoriable trip from Los Angeles to Dearing, New Hampshire - an excellent novel - and the relationship continued in some fashion until 2007 when he broke off all relations with his former life - a novel I have written, some place in the external drive of my computer my grandson set up. The tale of poor Eastern European Jews coming to America in the late 19th century - the rise of his father to a high earning psychiatrist in Westport, Connecticut - I met one of his patients - for both his sons he bought farms - I stayed on both - the psychiatrist was a frustrated farmer, studied books on seeds, the best raspberries I've ever eaten - Israeli wisdom in the watering system - the psychiatrist abandoned his terribly depressed wife after a long marriage, she a cripple by then and took off with a patient - I have googled him - his older son lives in the booniest of boonies in a hollow in Appalachia - southern tip of Virginia - my friend I suspect living on Bank Street - but his family has no interest in finding him. Very, very sad, A saga. I have written the whole saga up. Ah well, the author of Bridges of Madison became a a millionaire - and I was berated last night by a friend for writing this here blog - she one of many people who feel exposing oneself and others to the public is - indecent    got to run   Marianne
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