#I was in a Mood yesterday so I drew this to make me feel better
gardenofhope · 1 year
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^.^ (x)
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sirdindjarin · 2 years
Shelter - Joel Miller x Reader (Part Two)
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Your easy emotions wreak havoc on Joel, and so do the people you two encounter... good thing you're there to help him.
In which our intrepid hero deals with some shit. And some 👉👌.
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RATING: Explicit. SEXUAL CONTENT: Consensual P in V, Choking Kink, Attempted Rape (not by Joel). VIOLENCE: Gore, Blood, Canon-Typical Violence, Death of an Animal (Deer Hunting).
TAGS: Joel Being Absolutely Whipped and Filthy-Mouthed, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Age Gap.
WC: 13k
As Joel steps through the doorway of the mom-and-pop furniture store, the glow of the gas lantern he’d found earlier is a beacon.
He rounds the edge of a gigantic, cheaply-made chest of drawers to see you asleep. The glow of the lantern casts amber light over your face. Your hair is strung across your cheek and Joel crushes a wild urge to crouch and brush it all away. He glances to the left and his heart stops for a moment when he realizes Ellie is sitting up, watching him.
“You found something,” she declares without hostility.
These girls’re too observant for me. Joel lets the silence hang for a moment before deciding how to reply. 
“I’m gonna talk to your sister in the mornin'.” 
“Yeah, I saw you talkin’ earlier,” she snickers, then levels him with a glare. “You better be careful. I’ve got no problem killing you myself.”
He doesn't grace that with a response.
“I notice everything. I like you, Joel, but I love my sister.” Ellie shrugs dramatically, “I’m just sayin’. I’m on her side if you pull some shit.”
“I’d expect nothin’ less, kid.” Joel’s voice strains as he lowers himself down onto the sleeping bag you’d laid out for him. He wishes you hadn’t. 
Ellie shifts her attention back to her book (a new one you’d found and given to her called Nancy Drew) while Joel shuffles down into his bed. 
Joel lets the faint lull of the ocean carry away his stress for the night. His eyes close but he feels the desire to look at you, just a couple of yards away. He denies the desire, squeezing his eyes tighter, and focuses instead on what he can hear. A page turns. The wind's howl over the building. The sound of your steady, peaceful breath traps his attention, and he soon drifts away.
“And how do you know it’s legitimate?” You press him.
Joel sets his hands on his hips. “I know my brother's writing.” 
You chew your lip. Like Joel, the day is much colder than yesterday. 
“That’s a long walk."
“That’s why I’m givin’ y’all the choice,” Joel explains. “Same deal as last time.” 
Your eyes twinkle as you ask, “Ah. You’re only trying to hold up your end of the deal?”
But Joel’s desperate to keep himself from falling for your charm like he had the previous evening. Instead of rejoining with a witty comment, he simply says: 
Taken slightly aback by his mood, you’re quiet. Then you turn to Ellie. “What do you want to do? If you’d rather stay here, look around this area more…” you trail off, waiting for her opinion.
Ellie’s eyes dart to Joel before answering. “I mean, I’ve never seen that far north. And we should make Joel keep his promises.” 
Joel can’t help but make a pfft noise at that. 
“Do you want us to come with you?” You ask him point-blank. It’s that simple for you.
And he can’t answer that. Yes, he did; and no, he didn’t. Yes, he wants the two of you to come with him. But no, he didn’t need the weakness of his growing attachment to both of you. It isn’t that simple for him, and he bristles when you try to make it so.
He raises and lowers his shoulders in a half-hearted motion. “If you come, you can always leave, but if you stay here for now, you’ll prob’ly never find it.” 
Your shoulders sag at the deflection, but you’re not surprised. It had been out of character for him to have gotten so close to you last night, so it should come as no surprise when he returns to his regular, shut-everyone-out attitude. 
“Okay. Good point. Ellie, if you’re not interested in staying here, that’s all I care about.” 
“It’s fucking nice here. It’s so cool. But I miss people. Decent, normal people.” Ellie cuts to the chase, and you ruffle the ends of her ponytail fondly. “All we got is Joel,” she digs at him with a sly look. 
“You’re somethin’ else, kid,” Joel scoffs. “Alright, we’ll set out tomorrow. Spend today gathering supplies.” 
“I’ll make a list,” you offer.
That evening, as you say your goodbye to the ocean, you stand on a jetty hugging yourself. It’s the hour of sunset, and you’ve never seen a more beautiful one. 
Sunbeams paint the clouds violet, gold, pink, and red. Some clouds in the distance are a heavy gray, pregnant with the storm that will come in the night. The sky behind is a deep blue. And, though none fall, you’re unembarrassed by the tears that well in your eyes. 
Your parents never saw the sea. You may never see it again after tomorrow morning. Loss in the face of such grandeur feels more poignant. 
Joel stands beside a sand dune, lost in thought once again. How do you maintain the capacity to feel so much and keep getting up every day? He’d spent the last eight years in a cloud of violence, alcohol, and occasionally something heavier. He couldn’t find it in him to care about himself half of the time, let alone a fucking sunset. 
Frustrated at his fascination with you, he turns his back to finish preparing for the long walk to come.
Over a week later, the three of you cross the western edge of the state. The slog through the lowlands had been made easier by the discovery of a working pickup truck two days earlier. It had to have been used by someone recently, though no one had been at the rural home when you’d boosted it. 
It was old, and the gas gauge perpetually stated it was on E, so Joel siphoned gas every two hours. Because of this, it was necessary to take the interstate or other, passable roads with vehicles laying around like miniature gas stations. 
The days spent walking had been hell. There had been no breeze, and the weather had been so mild as to have the three of you sweating under your clothes. You’d had to remove everything but your jeans and your dirty tank top. 
Joel hated that. He’d have fought the weather if he could.
He’d been outright rude to you several times. Cutting over you when you spoke, or intentionally asking Ellie a question that you should’ve been asked. Then, sometimes he would slip up. You caught him staring at you, your chest, or your hips. Each time he was caught, he’d withdraw sullenly until Ellie annoyed him with a terrible pun. 
He was also caring.
Separately, and more than once, you and Ellie had woken up with his jacket draped over your sleeping form. He answered some of Ellie’s prying questions (“What did you do for work?” “Now or before?” “Both, I guess.” “I was a contractor. After it all went to shit, I transported… contraband.”) without much fuss.
He often kept watch with Ellie, telling her the odd short, humorous story from his distant past. He never told her about his family, nor details on his life after the outbreak.
The first time you'd woken up to Joel's heavy, pleasantly musky jacket across your body, it was like he had cursed you. Your eyes trailed him the entire day as his powerful stride pushed him forward, the lazy confidence of his hand resting on his gun. You watched his throat and the hook of his nose as he took a drink of water, unbelievably parched yourself. 
Then he caught you. His eyes, unwilling to see what was flashing neon in your own, tore through you. He refused to give in, but daily he made it worse.
To the unending amusement of both of you, he even delivered the punchline to Ellie’s first joke of the day once. Unpredictable motherfucker, you frequently cursed at him in your mind. 
Today, the atmosphere in the cab is stiff - at least between you and Joel - and no one had spoken in over an hour. You knew Joel wouldn’t be the one to break the silence, and you’re unsurprised by the one who does.
“Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle?” Ellie asks.
At the odd question, you turn your body to look at her in the backseat, but she’s hidden behind her joke book. Oh, you realize. “Hmm, I don’t know. Why?”
“The answer is: ‘Because his wife died.’” Ellie lowers the book and frowns. “I don’t get it.” 
Joel chokingly laughs. It’s so unexpected that you and Ellie stare at him for several seconds.
“He comes in a bottle.” Joel chuckles again and looks at you pointedly. 
“Oh.” You cover your mouth and snicker. “Oh.” You sit back in your seat, your cheeks red.
“No, no! Don’t do that - what am I missing?” Ellie yells. She returns her eyes to the page as if the context will appear. Somehow, it does. 
“Oh, my god. I get it. I wasn’t expecting a dirty joke; that’s the first one in here.” She muses.
“Thank fuck,” you comment. 
The tension between you and Joel had been nearly unbearable, and the slips in his emotional unavailability were driving you insane. Avoiding thinking about… that… was the only way you’d survived being stuck in this enclosed space with him.
“There’s a whole section of them,” Ellie says with awe.
You whirl around to try and snatch the book from her, but she’s faster. She holds the book out of your reach, your seatbelt locking you in place.
“Ellie, give me that.” 
“Let her keep it,” Joel interjects. 
Ellie looks at the back of his head like he’d grown an extra one.
You ignore him. “Ellie, for fuck’s sake, at least skip the dirty jokes.” Your imploring eyes tell her what she needs to know: Don’t make this more awkward for me than it already is.
“Okay, okay, chill the hell out.” She rolls her eyes and sighs at you as only a teenager can. Then she motions at you, then Joel, then you again.
“I know,” you groan.
Joel’s an attractive driver. It’s an odd thing to think, but you can’t help it. He casually holds the wheel with his left hand while his right elbow braces on the center console. Occasionally his obscenely thick fingers stroke the scruff on his face. You wish he wouldn’t.
“Hey, we’re not far from that house with the chickens are we?” You observe as the rolling hills flow by.
“Think it’s about a half-hour that way,” Joel indicates out your window. His hand crosses into your personal space, flustering you. “I doubt the ones we left alive are alive anymore.” 
“Yeah - no, I was just wondering. That was good meat, though. What a waste.” It had been so long since you’d had chicken, you’d forgotten how delicious it was. 
The day you met him, Joel had killed a couple and cooked the meat that night and the next day. Unfortunately, you’d had no way to transport chicken - live or dead. It wasn’t lost on you, however, that Joel used the word “we” when he had been the one to kill, clean, and cook it. 
Ellie breaks the silence again. “Hey, Joel.”
He hums questioningly.
“What’s your last name?”
He responds with automatic promptness, “Miller.” 
Ellie contemplates. “Joel Miller. Sounds good, I like it.” 
Joel Miller. It does sound good. Everything about him is so attractive, I hate it, you complain petulantly. Why couldn’t he have been ugly?
As the truck crests the hill, a huge valley opens up through the windshield. A loud boom! shudders through the car. Joel clamps onto the steering wheel with both hands, keeping control of the vehicle until the power steering gives out. Fish-tailing onto the shoulder and down into the grassy ditch, the car comes to a jolting stop halfway down the mountain. 
“Ellie, y’okay?” Joel spits out the question faster than your mouth opens to ask the same thing. 
“Yeah. What the fuck, man?” It’s rhetorical.
Joel’s alarmed eyes rake you over, “You alright?”
“I’m good. What happened?” 
“Think the tire blew.” He slams his hand on the steering wheel, “Fuck.”
“Great.” You peek out the window and notice the sun’s position. “It’s going down. I don’t think we should stay in the car tonight.”
Joel grunts in agreement and ducks to look in the rearview mirror. “Those rocks should be safe.” 
In the blackness of the evening, the three of you lay in a triangle formation upon a large shelf of a limestone cliff. The cliff vaults up to your right, and down to the left. The view of the valley had been beautiful during sunset, but for once you had been too stressed to notice.
You lie on your sleeping bag, Ellie’s head at your foot. Joel lies with his head near yours. Concentrating on either fixing the car or abandoning it consumes you to a point that you don’t notice when Ellie starts snoring. Nor do you notice when Joel moves his bag closer to you.
“What're you thinkin' about?” 
“Joel- what the hell," startled from your spiral of anxiety, you jump. "Sorry. Just lost in thought.” 
“I can tell.”
Your head turns sharply, and you squint at him in the darkness, trying to determine what his goal was. “What’s that mean?” 
“You didn’t say anything about the view from up here. Just wonderin' what you’re worryin’ about.” 
Oh. He noticed that? You blush, thankful for the cover of night. 
“Oh. Well,” you fully roll over to face him. His head is propped on his hand, and his silhouette is all you can see. “I’m worried about walking so far. Or trying to find a tire. I’m pissed off about the pain in my arm. I’m worried about Ellie.” Your voice fades to a mutter, “I’m worried about- about you.” 
It’s quiet for a beat too long. “Why about me?”
“I -” you’re not sure how to say what you want, so you settle for the basics. “You’re unpredictable. I feel like one day we’ll wake up and you’ll be gone. And even though Ellie and I were on our own for so long before, it’s been…” you look for an appropriate word, “It’s been helpful having another adult I can count on.”
And here it was for Joel. He wasn’t stupid. You’re skirting around telling him that both you and Ellie have grown fond of him. He didn’t want that.
No, that isn’t true. The truth is he shouldn’t want it. 
Joel doesn’t answer. 
The natural sounds of the night replace your conversation. It’s so still, so quiet. You lay your head down and curl into a comfortable position facing the man. 
You hadn’t expected him to respond. He’d accidentally shown you cracks in his armor by parenting Ellie occasionally, helping with a task that should’ve been yours or Ellie’s alone like keeping watch or preparing dinner, and laughing.
For fuck’s sake, laughing with us - but still he kept the armor.
Sleep has taken you when Joel quickly pushes a lock of hair over your shoulder and states,
“‘m not goin' anywhere.”
The sound of rubber rolling on pavement is the background to Ellie’s unceasing chatter. The bright sunshine feeds her mood as though she survives on photosynthesis. She’d left her joke book at the campsite, but she jabbers on about nothing and everything. After trekking for an hour, you managed to find a tire that Joel agreed should fit the truck. If it could shorten your cross-country trip by even a day, it was worth the effort.
Joel hunches over the tire, rolling it back up the highway. His backpack and gun sway with his movements. The awkward angle and the added weight of his gear have his brow dripping sweat. 
“So, what if it’s really snowy up there? Will we get frostbite? What if we find a moose - do those still exist? Aren’t they like the size of a house?” Ellie’s exuberance couldn’t be stopped.
“Joel, please…” you murmur as you jog up alongside him. You slip your fingers under the strap of his rifle, trying to relieve him of at least one burden. Joel abruptly straightens at the contact, leveling you with a questioning look. Your lips twist into a reassuring smile. You curl your fingers tighter and tug the strap down his arm. 
“I’ll take the backpack, too.” You keep your voice gentle as though you’re trying not to spook him. He allows you to take the gun but jerks away when you reach for his backpack strap.
“No, it’s heavy. I don’t want you takin’ both.”
“I know it’s heavy, that’s why I’m trying to take it from you.” 
The gun is slipped from you as Ellie brushes your side. You’d been too focused on Joel to realize that she’d stopped thinking aloud.
“Now she can take the backpack, ya stubborn old man.” Ellie slings the rifle and stalks ahead. 
A bead of sweat falls from his temple; he’s defeated. With a groan, he shrugs off his pack and holds it up for you. 
“If it gets too heav-”
“Stop pretending to be a gentleman,” you reach for the bag. 
Your fingers close partially around Joel’s, rewarding you with the sultriness of his rough fingers. For an extended breath, Joel doesn’t let go; he squeezes it a little harder. Eventually, he unclasps his hand, allowing you to bear the weight.
A couple of miles later, the silver truck is visible among the trees. You quicken your step.
 Joel's gotta roll the tire up that hill.
“Can I help you carry it somehow? Rolling it up this isn’t gonna be fun,” you offer.
Joel simply shakes his head, breathing deeply in resignation. He lifts it, grunting, deciding to carry it the last length. You’re glad he denied your offer because, wow, why is that so hot? You stare after him for far too long.
At the top of the hill, a younger blonde man peeks in the truck's window. Ellie hands Joel's gun back to him, then, as you taught her, she circles into the trees out of sight. 
"Howdy," the man straightens and calls out to you and Joel. "Got any ammo?" 
Joel has his gun pointed at the man before he finishes speaking.
Deciding that Joel wasn't the best negotiator, you step ahead.
"Are you looking to trade or to steal?" You step cautiously closer and the blonde man gets a better look at you. 
"Well, shit, I would've put on my two-day old clothes instead of my week-old ones if I'd known I'd run into you."
"You know this guy?" Joel snaps at your back.
"No?" His tone confuses you. Then to the trader, "Whatcha looking for?"
"I need some nine-millimeter, preferably. Shouldn't be too much of an ask since they're the most common. I do have some food up for trade." He holds up a large, navy duffle bag.
It was obvious to you that this man was used to his good looks and charm winning him points. He was slightly older than you, and you couldn't lie, this guy must've done well for himself in the apocalypse. He looked healthy, attractive, and normal.
The man continues, "I'm Zach. You show me yours and I'll show you mine?" He grins, but it fades fast. "Just tell the attack dog to calm down." 
Attack dog? 
You turn to catch a look at Joel: he stands with his gun pointed casually and coldly in Zach's general direction. You've never seen such an intimidating, contemptuous look on his handsome face. A shiver runs through you. Your poorly-timed attraction to him heightens. A tumult of terrible things you want him to do to you crash through your mind.
"Are you okay?" You quietly ensure.
Joel gives a curt nod, never taking his eyes from the younger man.
You face the trader. "Sorry, we don't have any nine-millimeter. We don't have anything to trade, really." 
"Ah, that's fine. There's another group around this area. Maybe I'll try them." 
"A group?" You query, your voice rising in concern.
"Yeah, you ain't seen anyone, sweetheart? There's a whole community of farmers. Rumor is they have chickens."
"Oh," you stutter. "Wow, chickens." 
"Yeah. Supposed to be a lot of folks, so I guess that'll be my next try." 
Zach looks you up and down, a genuine smile gracing his clean-cut face.
"You sure you don't wanna take a day trip with me? Take you to see some chickens? I'm sure your dad won't mind?" The winsome younger man cocks his head at Joel as if asking permission.
In the span of a second, Joel is a brick wall in front of you. He raises his rifle, his scope trained on the man's chest.
"If you don't get the fuck outta here, I'll give you those bullets you're beggin' around for." 
The barely-restrained anger in his voice involuntarily has you leaning closer to him. He sounded like he was speaking to a deadly threat, and you instinctively crave his protection. Your heart races, wondering what spooked Joel. 
Zach throws up his hands, "Fuck, man. Okay. I can't hit on her? Sheezus." 
He starts back up over the hill, throwing worried looks every now and then, seemingly terrified that Joel will act on his inexplicably violent mood. 
When he's gone, Ellie comes popping out from behind a tree.
"Damn, Joel, you made that guy piss his pants," she approves.
"What happened?"
The intense belief in your eyes that Joel had been morally right in that situation almost bothers him. He'd threatened the kid because the kid threatened him. Joel can't put rational words to it, but you're his… responsibility. 
"Had a forty-five on him. Not a nine-millimeter," Joel lies. 
"Wow, you could tell that?" Ellie's face glows. "That's impressive as shit. Teach me the difference? And how to shoot?" 
Knowing damn well that Joel had never seen any weapon on the guy, you tell your excited younger sister, "He will, El, but first he's gotta change the tire and get us going again." 
Joel rubs his jaw, sure you saw through him. “Actually, might be good to go hunting here where the woods’re thicker. And I'd gotta go before dark.” 
"I'll go with you," you don't let him squirm away. "Ellie, you know the drill. Keep an extra eye out while that guy's around. I think he's-" You wanted to say harmless, but realized that would undermine Joel's actions.
"I think he's gone; but just in case," you hand her your rifle. 
Ellie looks from butt to barrel with awed respect. 
"So, what the hell was that about?" You interrogate Joel once the two of you are a fair distance into the woods. 
"Nothin'," is Joel's forthcoming reply.
"Joel, for the love of-" you grab his shoulder and spin him to face you. "What set you off?" 
Joel works his jaw, looking away from you, then meets your eyes with a faintly-playful tilt of his head. 
"He called me old." Joel's face is impassive.
You fight a smirk. "Are you being serious? Ellie calls you old all the time." 
"He was annoyin' me." 
"I annoy you."
"I know, you're doin' it right now." 
Sighing, you give up. "Fine, don't tell me."
"You upset I scared off a suitor?"
"A suitor? Damn, you are old." You push his arm in jest as you both continue marching through the woods. "He was too young for me." 
"He was older than you." 
"Too young." You say again. "Too happy. Too charming."
"Oh, he was charming, huh? That was workin' on you?" 
You catch his eye and smile like you have a secret, "No."
Joel knows you're goading him, and his chest aches with exhilaration. He'd point loads of guns at loads of people if you'd keep smiling at him like that.
You breathe out the word, “Deer,” and Joel sinks into a crouch, tugging you down with him. The two of you take cover behind a downed hemlock. His rifle rests on the treebark following the soft footsteps of a large animal. 
The way he pulled you down has you pressing into his side and you’re certain even the deer can hear your thumping heart. 
But neither of you move. You can feel the unyielding firmness of his body; it’s so incredibly comforting to you that it’s all you can think about. Joel Miller. 
He breathes in, and on the exhale he fires. The shot echoes through the woods, sending a handful of crows cawing into the air. Joel retracts his rifle and turns his head to you with a faux-humble smirk. 
He’s even closer than he was that night on the beach; your heart stops, then kicks into overdrive. With his hair mussed and his smile lopsided, he looks happy. 
Instantly realizing his mistake, but too weak to correct it, Joel risks another glance at your lips. He peers back up at your eyes and he’s dry-mouthed at how blown your pupils are. He watches with confliction as your face changes. You swallow a sudden lump in your throat and drop your eyes.
You pull away and whisper, “I can’t do this.” 
And you can’t. The constant heartache of Joel pushing and pulling at you was too much. Today, he’s open, but tomorrow he’d be withdrawn. It was selfish and it was idealistic, but you wanted all of him or nothing. Calling it a crush was trivializing your feelings. An injustice; you knew what you felt for him was stronger than that.
You stand and offer him your hand. If he couldn’t give you what you wanted, that's okay, because you’d love him anyway - as platonically as you could.
“Should we butcher it here? Or drag it? It’s gonna be a chore either way.” Your voice is forced cheer. 
Joel clears his throat, thrown for a loop. “Mm. Guess we’ll drag it.”
He takes your hand and you haul him up. He pauses to put his gun back on safety and sling it over his shoulder. As he does so, you stride toward the unlucky deer.
“I didn’t know lovebirds still existed.” You’re several yards from the deer when a man’s taunt drifts on the wind.
A greasy, stocky man in his late-thirties strolls out from behind another massive hemlock. He’s halfway between you and the deer carcass. Twigs snap behind you as Joel hastens to get to your side, but the man raises his handgun. 
He aims at your friend, but Joel only slows his pace. The man grunts with irritation and points the firearm at you. Joel’s footsteps stop. 
“Ooh, you’re easy to control, huh?” 
You picture your gun back at the campsite with Ellie as she kept watch. It’s hard to regret giving it to her, though. She had a weapon and so did you. As long as Joel was around, you’d be okay.
“What’d you want?” Joel grits out; he’s pissed.
“Buddy, I don’t like your tone. Neither do they,” and the dumpy man tilts his chin behind both of you.
Two more men crush leaves and branches below their feet as they materialize. One is older and armed with a small hunting rifle. The other is much younger than both his friends despite his beard; this man foregoes a weapon. Joel rotates to face the new problem, backing up as he does so, but the first man is wise to Joel’s play.
“Stop moving toward her.” 
Joel stops once more, his teeth clench so hard that his jaw pops. 
“We followed the deer. Been tracking it for a half-mile.”
“Then take it,” the inflection in Joel’s voice is flat, terrifying.
“A’right, a’right, don’t get your panties twisted,” the bearded man jeers. He then shares a meaningful look with the bulkier man near you. 
Standing between Joel and the heavyset man, you’ve angled yourself diagonally to see both men. Unfortunately, Joel is not the closest. The stocky man lunges forward and snatches your left arm, wrenching it behind your back painfully. You cry out in sheer agony as his thumb digs into your stitches.
“Don't fuckin' hurt her,” Joel whips out, seething. His mouth pulls into a horrified scowl, his hands raised in desperate surrender.
The man pulls up your flannel sleeve, saying, “Ah, see, I thought you were overreacting. I was so gentle.” His oily nose sniffs your hair, “Did this guy hurt you, baby?”
You twist away from his rancid breath on your neck. It occurs to you to lie, to try to get them to believe Joel was possessive for a reason other than whatever drove him. Basic ethics, most likely. 
If you lie, maybe they’d see you as less of a bargaining chip. Joel certainly wasn’t helping. He’s keeping his feelings forefront with that black look on his face.
With reluctance, you mutter, “Y-”
But it’s curtailed by your own scream as Joel stumbles to his knees. The two men stand above him - the butt of a rifle is pressed against the back of Joel’s head. His eyes find yours, and a trickle of blood drips down his forehead. Tears stream freely down your cheek. 
How could they? Joel is carefully and permanently on a pedestal in your mind. The peak of masculinity - both good and bad: protective, providing, impenetrable. Seeing him bleed, sagging on his knees was unthinkable. It was perverted, wrong. 
You headbutt the man in the nose, a painful crack against the top of your skull. Grabbing the barrel of his handgun, you wrench it loose and stumble away. The man swears and doubles over, hands over his face.
Gasping for breath, you aim the gun at its owner and order, "Make them back off."
"Bitch, I'm not their daddy. I don't control ‘em," the man sounds pained. 
The rifleman shoves the barrel of his gun into Joel's temple. "Put it down or I'll kill him." 
"Hey, listen. You owe me, now," the stocky man says. "If you set down the gun, turn yourself over, we'll leave him be." 
In your moment of hesitation, you lock eyes with the man you'd never expected, fear in his wet eyes. Then a freight train barrels into your side.
The gun's owner was quicker and quieter than his build should allow. It wasn't fair.
“Now, as feisty as you may think yourself, I’m not a fan of that.” 
Your cheek is roughly grabbed, squeezed, and you're forced to watch as the rifleman slams the butt of his weapon into Joel’s back. Joel sprawls onto the ground, the wind knocked from him. 
Weeping freely now, you beg, “Stop hurting him. Please, please don’t.”
“You gonna do what we ask?” 
Joel tries to speak, but he’s rewarded with another blow to the ribs. He groans and falls onto his uninjured side only to have the bearded man deliver a clumsy kick to his stomach.
“Yes, yes. I won't- won't fight if you’ll let him -” you break off at the look in Joel's eyes. “Please, let him go.” 
“Goddamn it,” he groans. 
Taking advantage of Joel’s attackers focusing on him, and the man holding you being unable to see your face, you mouth: Ellie. Take her. Go.
He growls your name and a curse which earns him another kick to the ribs. He coughs violently, then pushes himself up onto his knees, breathing heavily.
Still staring at you, he softly shakes his head ‘no’. A dead leaf falls from his hair; his brown, puppy eyes are devastated. It crushes your heart into the thousands of pieces you’d been so sure it was already in.
This doesn’t feel real. It’s as though you and Joel had slipped into a nightmare out here in the lonesome woods. None of this was real. None of it except your certainty. If you could save him, you would. You'd tried; and you'd try again. He could keep Ellie safer than you could. It’s simple for you - always had been. The decision wasn’t a decision at all. Love was a practice; a concrete, tangible thing; an action. Love sacrifices. 
“‘Course. I swear. He’s not exactly our type. Good news, boys, y’all know I hate a fighter.” The man wraps an arm around you and drags you backward. 
He’s deliberately slow enough to let you watch as Joel stands, pained. He punches the oncoming bearded man in the jaw and, using his momentum against him, drops the fucker to the ground. Joel then lunges for the rifleman, but the young, bearded man is up faster than he should’ve been. He snakes an arm around Joel’s throat. 
“Joel!” You wail, thrashing in the man’s arms. “You fucking swore, you fucking asshole.” But you know it had been a long shot. You don’t even get to see Joel’s face one last time before you’re dragged over a ridge.
Joel’s temples throb with his heartbeat. The near-deafness in his right ear isn’t new, but he feels more like a flash-bang grenade exploded in his face. It had been late afternoon when he’d taken you hunting, and the pale blue lighting he sees when his eyes blink open tells him it's just after sunset. 
He puffs out a cloud of the mulched forest floor between his dry lips and pushes his palms down to leverage himself off the ground. The temperature had dropped rapidly and the air stings his bruised lungs.
It’s then that he hears your cry. It’s muffled like someone has their hand over your mouth. He hears feet scrabbling in the leaves, and his body physically stiffens at the remembrance of where he is. 
Rage and panic napalm his mind. Those assholes must believe they’d killed him because no one in their right mind would leave Joel Miller alive; not when they had his… his.
He wanted to be mad at you. Wanted so desperately the chance to be mad at you. How could you believe them? Why would they have let him go once you stopped fighting? His heart races and he wonders if he's having a heart attack. He had been right in the beginning about you being too trusting. He had been right this whole time. 
He hides his fear of losing you behind blame, anger. But then his own guilt kicks him. You were doing exactly what you’d do for Ellie. For anyone you cared for. He should’ve been stronger. He should’ve saved you.
Joel casts a searching eye for a weapon, though the righteous rage inside him would be enough. There it is. He can’t quite believe it. One of these boys with a room-temperature IQ had left his .22 propped against a tree trunk near the lip of the earthy depression.
Ignoring the pain lancing through his body, Joel crouches and shakily snatches up the gun. He moves to the top of the small rise and peers around a tree. 
Sitting on your shins is the bearded man who knocked him out; the sandy-haired man’s grimy fingers are trying to shimmy your jeans down. The second man, the rifleman, whom Joel now notices is wearing a torn band shirt, is seated in the dirt above your head, pinning your arms. The third member of the goon squad, their leader, is straddling you, kissing your neck.
Joel refuses to look at your face because if he does he’ll go insane. Instead, he raises the .22 in a flash and fires a shot at at the music fan holding your arms. His orbital bone shatters, blood spurting everywhere.
Without pausing, Joel launches out from behind the tree and swings the .22 into the head of the man who took you from him. He swings the gun as if he’s winning the World Series with it. The resounding crack is so loud that Joel knows he’s killed the fucker instantly. That pisses him off more. A better death than the shitstain deserved. 
Two men are dead before they even know he’s coming. Joel turns on the last one who’s now crab-walking backward from your legs.
“Hey, hey, please,” the younger man holds up a hand in panicked surrender. “You killed my brother, you killed him! Ain’t that enough?”
“You’re right behind him,” Joel grits out. He tosses the gun aside.
“Please, no, listen. No, no,” the man begs.
You retract your knees, hugging them to your chest as you sit up. Your body is a tempest of fear, revulsion, relief, horror, disgust, gratitude, and anger. You’re not sure which one you feel strongest. You’d been hassled before, nearly every woman left in the world had been and the odds hadn’t been great pre-outbreak, anyway. But it’d never been that close. 
All you focus on now is Joel. Alive, and standing between you and all the world.
“Close your eyes.” 
He doesn’t tell you to run because you’re already in the safest place you could be. You don’t want to close your eyes. If you do, he might disappear. You can't give up a sense while drowning in fear. Take your eyes off the one buoy you had? You just can't do it.
The sounds you hear are worse than what you see. There’s the dull thudding sound of Joel’s fists connecting with your attacker’s face, the man’s primal screams suddenly stopping, and the squelching of blood. 
Joel kneeling over the man, his solid right arm rising and slamming down is all you see. It's all you want to see. You'd be lying if you said his violent defense of you wasn't thrilling, wasn't stirring something inside you.
It will haunt you for a while, but the relief of Joel being alive would ease all pain. And in truth, the would-be rapist deserved it. He deserved that side of Joel just as you deserve the other side of him. 
You finally close your eyes when Joel's swings slow. Tucking into yourself, you relive the last few minutes and begin to cry.
There’s a hand in your hair. You flinch and your arms go up to protect yourself when you feel a weight sink to the ground beside you. Opening your eyes, you’re unable to move in the sight of Joel’s frenzied face. Freckles of blood dot his skin, and his eyes are wild. His breathing is rapid as his hand combs through your hair. 
“You’re okay,” his deep voice is raw, “you’re okay.” 
He crushes you to him - his hand cradles the back of your skull while you bury your face in his chest. A pained groan rolls from his mouth but he doesn’t let go. His earthy, leather scent is grounding. 
You scramble to match his kneeling position to fit into him further; you push underneath his jacket, wrapping your arms around his torso, needing to feel him. He rests his cheek on top of your head.
“I thought they killed you,” you cry brokenly into his clothing, the inconsolable grief of losing him still pressing on you. 
“Never fuckin’ do that again,” it’s too soon for him to be mad, but he tries anyway. He pulls back just enough to take your face in both hands, “If you’re given that choice again, you do not choose me.” His troubled eyes dart between yours. 
You know you can’t retort, so you drop your gaze. You can’t promise you won’t take a bullet for him, because you would. Just like you would for Ellie. You slowly retract your arms from underneath his jacket, feeling awkward.
“I’ll try to think of something else first,” you answer him, your voice laden with too many emotions. 
You tilt your head up to see Joel’s beautiful face marred by a tortured expression. He’s so close that you can feel his breath on your cheeks. 
He wants you to be strong, yes. To fight. You are unapologetic joy and he can’t lose that. Joel would happily die if he knew you’d still smile at nature, at all your small reasons, at your sister. He can’t lose you, can't fail you.
In great contrast to the gentle way he holds your face, his jaw is clenched so hard that it looks painful. Concern creases your brow and your mouth opens a fraction to ask if he’s alright, but Joel’s lips are suddenly swallowing your question. 
He burns away the swirling mire in your mind. There’s nothing, no pain or fear. Nothing except for him. His kiss is desperate - a leaf clinging to summer. As your hand returns to caress his side underneath his jacket, you can feel his heart beating as fast as your own. 
A soft moan is forced from you when his hand fists in your hair. Your hands slide up his flannel-covered torso to cup his scruffy chin. 
You part your lips, and breathe, “Joel.” 
He moans into your mouth. 
Then you delve into him, deepening the kiss. His arms encircle you, one hand in your hair, the other squeezing your ass, keeping your body flush against his. He’s even warmer than you imagined. The night chill no match for him.
A bird tweets in the distant dusk. Then it’s as if he suddenly returns to earth: he leans back, putting distance between the two of you.
“’m sorry. That was… bad. This is -” he stops, looking around, and presses his swollen lips into a thin line. “Not right. Sorry. We’ll go find Ellie.” 
With that, he lets go of you completely, leaving you adrift. He stands and offers his hand to you. Confused, more muddled than you’ve ever been in your life, you accept the help silently. He drops your hand as soon as you’re upright. 
Holy shit. He kissed me, right? Or did I lean in first? His rejection stomps on the already-broken pieces of your heart. I knew he wouldn’t let me in.
Ellie hops off a rock and slams into you, nearly bowling you over. She tilts her head to look up at you, and you wipe away her tear stains.
“I could hear you yelling. I could hear it, but I promised.” She cries in horror, referring to what you had ingrained into her every day since the outbreak: if you two were separated, she stayed put. She never came if she heard trouble. Ever. No exigent circumstances. She’d hated that promise, fought you on it constantly, but fucking hell were you glad she listened. You refused to even entertain what might’ve happened had Ellie been there.
“We’re alright, Ellie. I’m so sorry.” You smile tiredly. “Everyone’s okay.” 
To your right, you see Joel out of the corner of your eye. Ellie leans over and grasps his sleeve, making sure he’s tangible. Joel’s mouth twitches in a tiny but reassuring smile.
“I’m fine, kid.”
“You guys look like shit,” she swipes at her tears.
Joel barks a laugh, the quick change in Ellie’s disposition precisely what was needed.
“I’d like nothing better than a hot shower,” you reply. You can still feel their grimy hands on your body. You shudder.
“Dunno ‘bout a hot shower, but I’m sure we could find a spring tomorrow.”
You sigh, “Guess that’ll have to do.” 
“Are you -” Joel stumbles over his thoughts, “Are you gonna be okay? To sleep, I mean?”
“Unlikely,” you give him an uneasy smile. “I’m happy to take the first watch.” 
“Alright,” he settles on the rock next to you.
You protest, irritated, “Please go rest. You've had a - a bad day, too.” You needed time to process everything and his presence was distracting.
“I’m not gonna rest if you’re keeping watch alone.”
You scoff. “I learned my lesson, okay?” 
Was he hellbent on making you mad at him tonight? After he saved your ass? For the third time. Oh, my god. I really am one big problem for him. 
Redness flushes your cheeks at the realization. You owe him so much yet all he does is drive you insane. Sorting out your feelings about everything was priority number one.
“That’s not what I m-”
“Well, what do you mean?”
“If you’d let me fuckin’ finish,” he makes a frustrated hand motion. “Got a hard enough time admitting it at all, an’ you want me to just come out with a poem or some shit?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I think we should eat those last two granola bars. Don’t you guys? They’ve been in my pack for, like, three weeks.” Ellie walks over and interrupts purposefully, tired of the argument.
“Well, they lasted eight years, so I don’t think a few days will affect them, but that’s fine with me.”
Ellie trots over to her backpack and breaks two bars in half. She returns and gives you one half and Joel another. Holding her own half from the second bar, she “clinks” her bar with yours. 
“Cheers,” she laughs before biting her piece. You smile and take a small bite of yours. Ellie wanders toward the sleeping bags, slowly picking apart her granola bar.
Under your breath, you tell Joel, “Please go get some sleep. I owe you and I’m fine.” 
He stamps the butt of his gun on the rock he’d been sitting on in acknowledgment, then mercifully leaves you to your daunting task.
It's still dark when your relief comes. He looks terrible. His knuckles are flaked with both his and another's blood, and his forehead still bears traces of the afternoon.
"There's a stream down there," you indicate to your right. Its babbling could be heard in the quiet air. 
"I'm fine," he grouses. 
"Joel…" you gently chide. 
Pulling a shirt from your pack, you walk off to the stream. You're back less than a minute later, and you point at the rock you'd been sitting on.
"Yes, ma'am," his voice is still monotone. 
You position yourself in front of him, his face level with yours. He closes his eyes as you carefully rub the damp cloth across his dirty, blood-streaked forehead. 
"It's been hours, why didn't you clean up?" 
Joel only shrugs in answer. 
"What's wrong?" You stop wiping. 
His eyelids open and the flickering campfire reflects in his glassy eyes. 
"Can you just keep doin' that?" He closes his eyes once more. You oblige.
He doesn't mean to, he doesn't even register that he's done it until it's too late. He flinches as his sore, bruised knuckles bend to fit his hands around your hips. You tenderly grasp one and begin to wipe it free of residue. 
Neither of you speaks, too lost in your own thoughts and in the moment. Joel feels so close and so distant. 
You’d sorted through your emotions over the near-assault with brashness. It was the end of the world. Dwelling on things you had survived was pointless. 
No, the problem was Joel. You thought you’d got him killed, then he was alive, then the kiss, then he rejected you. Guilt, grief, joy, embarrassment. 
You still weren't sure who initiated the kiss, and his defensive coldness led you to believe it had been you. In truth, you supposed you were just back at square one. Joel forever opening up then shutting down again. 
It only made you feel worse. Desperately you wanted to cling to him, have him tell you that he didn’t blame you. Have him make the world go away. But even if he did that now, it wouldn’t last. He wouldn’t let you fully inside. 
“Thank you,” Joel murmurs when you back away. 
“Like I said, I owe you.” Your voice gives away no inflection. 
Joel watches you walk over to where Ellie lay. You kiss her forehead, then cuddle in behind her. He sees you whisper something in her ear.
Joel understands. An easy reprieve from your own emotions was to care for another’s.
 The silver truck glimmers behind you. You regard it with sadness before trudging onward. The sun beads in your eyes as the westward walk continues. Looking down isn’t a reprieve as the sun reflects off the pure snow. The soft, rolling plains stretch out, but the horizon is jagged with the promise of greater hills or rock formations. There’s not a single car to be seen.
“It got us through, like, four fucking states in three days,” Ellie holds up a map of the Midwest you’d found at a state welcome center. 
“You mean I got us through four fuckin’ states in three days,” Joel boasts. 
 It had been too long since he’d filled the gas tank, but with the broken gauge, he’d been unable to predict exactly when the vehicle would give up the ghost. The answer was somewhere over the border of Nebraska. 
“Sure, Joel, you did it all on your own,” Ellie rolls her eyes. She kicks a chunk of snow. “I’m so happy you're here to do everything.”
Since the fight, you’d found it difficult to even look at the man next to you. You had bared yourself to him that day; shown him that you were willing to die for him, that you trusted him with Ellie, that your greatest fear had been his death; and then that fucking kiss. And here you both were: unable to look at each other. 
“At least one of you is,” Joel mutters, his breath clouding in the freezing air.
The man could find his way under your skin even if you were wearing a latex bodysuit. You bite your lip to prevent the automatic, angry retort. 
Thinks I’m dead weight. You think bitterly. Don't blame him too much. Almost got him killed. Probably thinks of me as a dumb kid. 
You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to quell the heartbreak. You understood his opinion: you’re weak because you care. You had given up on trying to show him that that was the only way you could live with yourself.
A cloud blows over the afternoon sun, illuminating the land in a new way. The horizon silhouettes a building in the distance, at least a mile out. You shield your eyes, then point.
“Shelter?” Your teeth chatter together with perfect timing and, from the corner of your eye, you see motion. Joel is unwinding the scarf he’d found. He drapes it around your neck. 
“Wrap it over your chin,” he instructs. 
You do so. It had been a new scarf from the same rest stop where you’d picked up the map. It smelled old, but it was warm. His warmth. You regret curling it over your mouth because on top of the old smell was Joel. At least he can’t see most of your face now.
Joel relished the way something of his - albeit his for less than a few days - looked on you. He’d take what he could get. You’d pried open his hardened heart and nestled inside. Joel had never met anyone like you. So capable and vulnerable and easy to be with. And fucking irritating. And stubborn. God, you piss him off. 
You’d been different since that night and Joel hadn’t the emotional intelligence to work out your problem. As far as he could reason, you were upset with him for not saving you sooner, or for kissing you at such a shit moment; or, he worried, kissing you at all. His fear that you see him as a father figure grows larger.
“You and I go in, Ellie covers the front?” You start planning. “Together or me in the back?” 
“Could be one of those state historical cabins, so there might be only one door anyway,” Joel theorizes.
“Good point,” you concede. 
You evaluate Ellie’s back as she walks in front, wondering if you could get away with a hushed conversation with Joel. The heaviness between the two of you was reaching a breaking point for you. You’re just one state away from Wyoming now, and you can’t let him leave without fixing whatever was happening. Luckily, the wind howls occasionally from the west, so your words are unlikely to carry to her ears. 
You drop back, slowing your pace. Joel notices and slows as well.
“Is it because I told them you hurt me? Because I kissed you? Or because I- because I almost got you killed? Is that why you're still so mad at me?” You pepper him suddenly.
Joel couldn’t be more surprised if you had stabbed him. 
“No, I know why y’ told ‘em I did that,” he answers. “An’ I know you thought trading yourself was the best option.” His voice drops an octave, “It wasn’t, but I get it.”
“You get it? You don't blame me? Then why are you being so mean to me?” You plead.
“What?” Joel's face turns to yours.
“You’re even colder than usual. You make these little digs at me, you don’t trust me to keep watch half the time anymore. You treat me like a child you’re disappointed in.” The irony smacks into you when you nearly whine that last sentence. 
Joel grabs your arm, stopping you and turning you to face him.
"I don’ do those things because I think you’re a child. And I thought you were the one who was mad-” he pauses, unsure how to organize his argument. Snowflakes catch in his gray hair. His dark eyes are stark against the white surroundings. “But I couldn’t feel less fatherly 'bout you if I tried.” 
“What - what the fuck does that mean?” You ask, baffled and failing to keep your pitch low. Ellie notices now that the two of you have stopped.
“Can you guys fight in the damn cabin up there?” She crosses her arms and tilts her head back dramatically. “Either kiss or kill each other, I’m so tired of this.” And with that, she spins around. 
When you reignite eye contact with Joel, he’s burning a hole through you with every emotion you’ve ever made him feel. There’s a moment when you think he’ll take Ellie’s advice, but then he sighs.
“Go on, girl,” he gestures ‘after you’.
“‘Girl’? You said you weren't infantilizing me.” You scoff.
“Infantilizing? Well, ain’t that a five-dollar word, where’d ya learn that?” he snarks in exasperation. God, you piss him off.  
Joel had been right, again. You were getting tired of that. An empty wooden box with a fireplace on the lower level, the cabin was at least a shelter from the snow flurrying down. It had plain, empty floors and a staircase with no railing but a trapdoor to separate the top floor from the bottom. That was handy in case a problem arose. 
There was a great debate about lighting the fire. All three of you took turns arguing both for and against it (Ellie: “But it’s fucking frozen in here,” Joel: “You wanna alert any dumbass in the area to our presence, darlin’, go ahead,”), but in the end, the frigid temperature had the final say. Ellie and Joel ventured back into the growing white swirl outside to look for wood in the tiny shed. 
While they were gone, you laid out the camping gear and set about making this house a home for the night. In the corner, you notice an old brochure for the place. 
Perfect. Kindling.
You dig through your pack to find your lighter when Ellie shoves open the heavy wooden door with two logs in her arms. She kicks the door closed, despite its weight.
“This was all I got, but I think Joel might’ve got more.” She announces, slamming the logs onto the hearth.
“Was he right behind you?” You ask, laughing preemptively.
“Oh, shit, yeah.” 
She runs to the door and jerks it back open. There’s Joel standing in the doorway with his arms full of wood. His leveled glare and signature frown send both you and Ellie into fits of laughter. 
“I’m sorry,” Ellie chuckles.
Joel’s long legs step over the threshold, and when he gets close enough to Ellie, he shakes his hair over her, showering her in melting snowflakes. 
Still laughing, Ellie blocks him with her hands and cries, “You dick!” 
Sitting cross-legged next to the hearth, you no longer need the fire, warmed by the scene playing out in front of you. No matter the type of relationship with Joel, you couldn’t care about the two of them any more than you do now. The smile on your face is so wide that you feel like you'll split. 
Joel approaches and sets the logs down far more gently than Ellie had next to the fireplace. You hold up the two logs Ellie had grabbed, and together with Joel, start the fire. 
After a dinner of canned veggies, Ellie sprawls out on the floor in her t-shirt and jeans. Joel sits with his back to the flames while you lean against the heated stones. 
“It’s hot down here,” Ellie complains.
Joel's face darkens with irritation.
“I’m allowed to be hot.”
“You’re the only reason we got the damn thing going,” he accuses. “You got too much energy. It’s got you all -” he makes a shaking motion with his hands.
“I do not,” Ellie yawns. “I’m actually exhausted.”
“That floor upstairs has a trapdoor. Might be cooler, El.” 
“Doesn’t heat rise or some shit?” Ellie asks.
“Yes, but this place is airtight and I’m betting it’s colder up there. I don’t care what you do, I’m just telling you.” 
“Okay, I’ll go look.” Ellie hops up in a fluid motion and bounds across the room and up the stairs. She’s gone for a few moments, and you picture her standing with her eyes closed acting like a human thermometer. 
She stomps down the creaky old steps, “It’s way cooler but not cold so I’m gonna sleep up there.” She starts to gather her sleeping bag, pillow, and her clothes. 
Your stomach lurches. Alone with Joel overnight? That’s… that’s never happened. 
“Do you want company, Ellie?” You ask, trying to take the coward’s way out.
“Uhh. Do you mind staying down here?” Ellie asks with a grimace. A teenager has to take every opportunity to be independent. 
“Course not. Just making sure you’re okay,” you reassure her, though you’re the one who’s not okay.
“Goodnight, then. Love you,” Ellie balances her stuff as she makes her way up the stairs. “‘Night, Joel!” Then the squeak, bam! of the trapdoor hinging shut.
“‘Night, Ellie,” comes his reply. 
“Let’s get this over with,” you sigh pessimistically.
“Wish I hadn’t kissed you,” Joel blurts out before you finish speaking. It was obvious he hadn’t planned this any more than you had. 
Subconsciously, you put a hand over your chest at the stabbing pain of his words. Though you suspected it, it was hard to hear it from those same lips.
Joel looks into the shadowy corner of the cabin. “Everything used to make you happy. Sunsets, mountains, clouds - hell, even I managed to make you laugh once or twice. But you've been so… so angry ever since - since I kissed you.” 
Okay, so I didn't start the kiss. One less thing to feel guilty for. 
“I wasn’t sure who moved first. Then you said it was ‘bad.’” Your voice curdles to a whisper in embarrassment.
Joel’s head jerks to you. The firelight glows on the right side of his tanned face, highlighting his patchy beard. “You thought I meant your kissin’ skill?” 
You don’t reply, a lump in your throat at the memory of all you felt that day and the sting of his rejection. 
What scared you most that day was not what nearly happened to you, but what had happened to him. In a way, you understood him much better now. Letting people in only got people hurt. That’s fine and dandy when you were the one getting hurt, but not when Joel had been near death because of your affection for him. 
“No, you meant getting close to me.” You can’t make eye contact with him, but his hand twitches closer to yours.
“No, I didn’t,” his voice is so rough it could catch on silk. "You an' Ellie are all I got. What I meant was that I shouldn’t have finally let you know that next to three dead bodies after you’d been -” he stops himself, looking away.
Those two sentences in his gruff, passionate voice pick up the pieces of your heart. 
It's your turn. “I haven’t been mad, I’ve been hurt. Confused. Taking a page out of your book and building a wall to protect myself.” 
Joel frowns, “From me?” 
“Yeah. I told you I’m not a good man. Tommy and I did bad shit to survive. But... I was worse.”
“Stop fucking comparing yourself to him,” you beg. “I don’t want your brother.” 
“An’ you want me?” Joel chuckles darkly. “Old enough to be your dad.”
“You said you didn’t view me like a kid.” 
“No,” his brown eyes find yours, giving you the same look he gave you out on the road and before he kissed you that horrible day. “No, when I think about you, it ain’t -” he hesitates. “It's what any man would think.” 
You slide closer to him, your hip bumping the rock hearth, and murmur, “I don’t want any man, either.” 
Delicately, you rest a hand on his jean-covered knee. Your mind had changed. If he would keep opening himself up to you over time like this, he was worth the risk. Worth the heartache.
He's warm even through the tough material. A summer's day at the lake, and you desperately want to go swimming. Joel's large, deep eyes memorize your face, and the fire blazing beside you pales in comparison. 
“I can't. What if I fail you again?” His mind jumps to how close you were to being hurt. The fear shocking his body. The sound of your cry. “I don’t know how to be close to anyone anymore. And I’m-” his voice strains, but he raises his hand to touch your face. 
You close your eyes, inadvertently parting your lips as well. His thumb trails and pulls on your bottom lip. 
“I’ve killed innocent people,” he confesses, staring at your inviting mouth. "I’m not who I should be." 
His eyes snap back to yours as you open them, “I… had a daughter.” 
Joel’s eyes are watery, but he refuses to blink and let them spill. It’s Joel’s hardest confession and he does it purposefully while his brain is distracted. He needed you to know why he wasn’t right for you. Why he was stopping this.
 “So have I. And…” You pour your heart into your words, “I’m so, so sorry, Joel. Nothing I can say will ease that pain. I- I can't even imagine it." You picture Ellie. You squeeze his knee where your hand still lay, "But I’ll help you carry it all, if you’ll let me."
“Goddamn it,” he growls. “You’re not lettin’ me have any room, are you? Always have to fuckin’ argue.” 
His calloused hands seize your face, crushing his lips to yours. You mewl in surprise and the hand on his leg flies to his cheek. He holds you together though you feel like falling apart. The kiss was never chaste, but then his tongue demands its way into your mouth and you reward him with a submissive moan. 
Joel feels his entire body ignite. His lips drag you to a state of arousal you'd only experienced in your dreams of him. His hands clutch the sides of your face, his thumbs caressing your cheekbones as he licks into you. Joel's heat soaks into you, pooling below your stomach. 
Not close enough for you, you throw your leg over him, straddling him. 
He groans deliciously as you settle on his lap. He runs his hands up and down your back, your sides, wanting to map your body.
You grip his hair, as soft as you always knew it would be, and refuse to let the man breathe. Your kiss is as incendiary as his, and both of you gasp around the other’s lips. You rock against him, feeling the hardness in his jeans. 
“Fuck,” his voice breaks along with any restraint he still had.
“Please,” you cry, plain need dripping from your voice. 
“Whatever y’want, baby,” he drunkenly promises into your skin, placing openmouthed kisses down your throat. “This gotta go, though,” he grumbles. He slides both hands up your shirt, removing it with a flourish. 
His undeniable desire for you goes straight to your soul: a desperate ache for him. He works your bra off and replaces it with his hardworking hands. You throw your head back in relief, but it’s still not enough. 
"Yes," you spur him on.
Returning to his perfect, indecently pouty mouth, your hands fumble with his belt. The clink of the belt buckle hitting the stone hearth underneath him is the most erotic sound you've yet heard. Without leaving your lips, Joel hooks your ankles around his waist and lowers you to his sleeping bag. 
He trails down your jaw. You hurriedly unbutton his flannel, wanting to feel his skin flush with yours. He lets you slide your jeans off, in fear you might remember the last time a man tried to remove them. 
But once they're gone, his hands skate along your hips and hook in your underwear. In a jumble of arms and material, Joel soon covers your nakedness with his own; his hard length throbbing against your hip.
“I can feel your heat, already,” he chokes, his voice gravelly. “Now, you gonna be quiet, or do I gotta cover this mouth of yours?” Joel’s thumb ghosts over your lips.  
“I’ll be quiet, Joel. Promise,” you widen your eyes in earnest. 
Joel groans, "Shit, woman." He ruts against you.
You lean to kiss his neck and jawline while your hands slide down in excitement to cup him, stroke him. You make a small, satisfied noise at the feel of him in your hands. He moans above you, dropping his head onto your shoulder, and you smirk.
“Are you gonna be quiet?” 
He grasps your wrist and pulls it away. “You keep doin’ that and this’ll be a short ride.”
Joel ruts against you again, this time across a spot he hadn’t before - and you jolt with the sensation. He does it again, mesmerized by the way you move. He lines up and teases you, the mere contact sending your eyes rolling. You dig your nails into his biceps.
“Joel, before- I just want t-” 
He stops you with a wet, filthy kiss. The throbbing between your legs has you rubbing against him for release. He erases your thoughts. Joel tilts his forehead to yours. 
“I know y’do.” 
As much as he fought it, worried about it, somewhere deep inside he knows exactly how you feel. He also knows he feels the same. 
Written across my fuckin’ forehead, isn’t it?
But, unlike him, you'd never taken a break from loving things. You hadn't spent years denying that you were even capable of it anymore. He could not say it. But he could show it.
Your anxiousness melts away when Joel pushes into you slowly, savoring your expression. Total arousal and concentration has his mouth gaping. You nip at his bottom lip and he chases your mouth.
He can’t believe he’s doing this. For such a short amount of foreplay, you’re gushing for him. He almost gave this up over fear of letting you in? This with a woman who loves him? God, he is a coward.
“Don’t deserve this,” it’s a throaty moan as the patch of hair between his hips scratches yours. He looks down at the place he’s joined with you. 
What a fuckin’ sight, Joel feels the spark at the base of his spine and almost comes right there.
“Oh, fuck,” you thread your fingers back through Joel’s hair.
Your breasts press into his hard chest as you arch to accommodate him. It doesn’t even hurt, you’ve been so thoroughly turned on by him. You just need Joel as deep as he can be in you, in all possible ways.
He drags himself out, then slowly eases back in. You whimper with the deviance of a man being inside you. Not just any man, either, as you’d told him moments ago. But Joel. Beautiful, emotionally fragile, powerful Joel who felt loyalty toward you, who protected you, who cared for you. 
He drops his mouth to bruise yours, overwhelmed by your reaction to him. His pace picks up until his fingers dig into your waist as you cling to him. You try to keep the need to be silent forefront, but it was so difficult with Joel possessing you, forcing noises to exist. He clasps a large hand over your mouth.
He closes in over you, muttering, “How bad I wanna hear those noises. Wish I could hear how much you like it.” His hand slides up over your breast, manhandling slightly. 
“I thought about your hands,” you adjust his fingers to admit in a whisper. "Thought about them all over me."
“Hm, did you?” His voice is thick with lust.
Before you can answer, he wraps his hand around your throat, and, watching your eyes, squeezes the sides carefully. Only enough to remind you how strong he is, what you do to him, and how utterly safe you are with him. He kisses you again, hard, and it's full of those promises. 
It’s then that the tense pleasure building in your core snaps into an electric fire in your muscles. Writhing underneath him, he feels it, too.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he slows his thrusts while your body squeezes him. 
“Oh, my god, Joel,” you cry as quietly as you can. You’ll never get off him after this. 
It's the first time you've sung his name, and Joel knows he is well and truly fucked. He releases his grip. You grasp his hand and kiss his knuckles slowly.
He arches your hips and shoves his balled-up jacket underneath you. Joel places his hand over your mouth and thrusts into you with barely-controlled force, grunting with primal intent.
Your cry is muffled and distorted as he pushes inside you over and over. He rubs against a spot that makes you arch into him and decides that's his favorite. His thumb rolls over your sensitive mound and, combined with his filthy words, you feel him building another wave of euphoria. 
All you know is his name, repeated over and over in your mind to remind you that Joel is the one making you feel this good. That knowledge alone shoves you back to the edge.
His lips are at your ear, and his accent is the strongest you’ve ever heard it, “Knew you’d feel like this. Always throwin’ yourself at me. Darin’ me to fuck you. Wantin' me to do it,” he can’t help himself: he tenderly bites and sucks at your neck just below your ear.
“Look so fuckin’ good underneath me,” he praises, his cadence clipped with exertion.
But Joel is tireless in his pursuit. Determined to show you how you make him feel. Determined to take what was already his. Hellbent on fucking you until it hurt to walk tomorrow. Shit, maybe he’d carry you. He felt free, wild. 
It’s the way he consumes your body with his hands, his lips, his tongue as he fucks you that has your mind reeling into another realm, or falls off a cliff, or wherever it is he sends you. Your body is as taut as a bowstring before it snaps the second time. The pleasure of Joel playing your body like a guitar fills your bones, your veins.
“Y’still with me?” Joel presses a kiss to your lips. You feel yourself clench a final time around nothing. He sits back.
Absently, you run a hand along your stomach and feel a substance. You raise your eyes to his, and he grins sheepishly. It’s such an intimate smile, it hurts. He takes a shirt and wipes your skin.
“Sorry 'bout the mess. Wanted to pull out in time to come on the shirt or somethin’ but…” 
He takes your hand, helping you sit up, and kisses your chin, cradling your face. You kiss him with fervor, and he breaks it to finish, “But you’re too damn much.” 
“I’m never just right, am I?” You joke. You count on your fingers: “Too happy, too talkative, too argumentative, and now just too much.”
He grabs and kisses your fingers, saying huskily, “’s the way you should be."
"Put your clothes on," you laugh and follow your own advice.
"Yes, ma'am," he picks up his jeans and pulls them on without buttoning them, and you think about ripping them off and going for round two. You can see the brunette curls poking out invitingly.
He puts his undershirt on, then drags your sleeping bag to his. He unzips both bags to lay flat. A bed and a blanket.
"C'mere," he relaxes on the makeshift bed, holding an arm out to you.
After everything, this was what was going to make you cry? The sight of him, hair a mess, glowing in the firelight, enveloping you into his arms?
All those years staring at sunsets. Wish I could've been staring at this.
Tears prick your eyes as you kneel with him. He tucks you under his waiting arm and lies down, fitting you against him. His breath plays with your hair, and his hand trails up and down your arm soothingly.
"I thought this would never happen," you sigh.
There’s a moment of thought before Joel says, "Ah, shit. You were seventeen when-"
"Oh," he realizes you're a virgin. Or had been up until twenty minutes ago. He feels uncertain. "You okay?"
You laugh, "Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?"
"Wasn't really romantic."
"You and a fireplace? That's way more romantic than I would've asked for. I'd have been happy with you and a backseat or you and a tree."
You feel Joel's chuckle roll through his chest. He viciously revels in your words. All you wanted was him.
"That wasn't what I meant, though. I meant that I thought you'd never - that you didn't feel anything like I did."
"Mm," he tenses. "Course I do."
Communication was not his strong suit, and in this moment, he does not want to fuck anything up.
"Better for me to show you."
"And I prefer that any time," you praise him.
"Fucking finally, holy shit."
Ellie stands above with folded arms and the smuggest smile you've ever seen.
"You guys must've been freezing down here because somehow you ended up all cuddled together and I know for sure you'd never do that willingly because you guys hate each other," she sarcastically monologs.
Your face feels like you held it above the now-dead fire.
Joel hasn't moved. Maybe he was pretending she couldn't see him.
In the night, the two of you must've rolled over, because you're curled around his back, arm slung over his side. Your nose had buried itself into the waves at the nape of his neck.
"Ellie?" You cover your eyes. "Shut the fuck up."
She just laughs.
"Now does this mean there will be more or less bickering? Because sometimes it's entertaining but sometimes, fucking hell, you guys really go at it."
Joel finally stirs, heaving a massive sigh. "You ain't gonna leave us alone, are you?"
Ellie wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. "Should I?"
Joel shoots her a glare.
Ellie makes eyes at you and you know she wants to barrage you with questions. You suppose it'll come sooner or later, and it's better if Joel's not there.
"Joel," you start, not sure what to suggest, but then he sits up.
"I'm headin' outside."
The door closes as he tugs his jacket on, and Ellie looks at you with poorly-contained excitement.
"What the fuck happened?"
"Shhh! Shit, Ellie, it's not a big deal." You haven't decided how much you're telling her.
Her glare could kill a horse. "Not a big deal? It's Joel. Mr. Antisocial. And you've been pining after him this whole damn time."
You shush her again, "He's going to fucking hear you."
"You think he doesn't know?" She asks incredulously; your affection for him was so obvious that she thought even Joel couldn’t have missed it.
You exhale sharply, "No, he definitely knows that now. I mean he doesn't know how long. It's embarrassing."
"So, he… knows now?"
You physically deflate. You'll have to tell her. She'll wheedle or smart it out of you eventually.
"We… worked it out."
Ellie starts laughing.
"You FUCKED HIM." She laughs harder at the new territory. It was funny, and kind of bizarre to have a man come into the picture after all of these years and change everything.
You can’t help but laugh resignedly, "Don't be so crass. You don’t need the details.”
“I don't want the damn details.” She looks nauseated at the thought. “I can’t believe I leave you alone for one night and you pounce on the poor man.”
“I didn’t pounce on him,” you retort, even though you literally did. “We talked about some shit that went down in the woods last week and… and some other things. It was a mature conversation. I hope the bickering will be much less.” Then you add, “But I wouldn’t count on that.”
“Just don’t forget I exist.” Ellie semi-jokingly requests.
“Ellie,” you stand and hug her tight. “Don’t even say that. It’d never happen.”
“I know. I guess if anyone had to be as wonderful as me, I’m glad it’s Joel.”
“It’s not a competition. I’m also happy to know you're not mad,” you chuckle.
"Mad? It's like I got a brother. A… much older brother." She makes a face at you. "More like a dad."
"You never heard of DILFs?"
"You're gross."
Continue ->
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thelovelywriteress · 3 months
➷ Penguins give pebbles as way of proposing
▶︎ɪᴛᴏɴᴀ x ғ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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╰┈➤ Well nothing hurts more in girlhoood then realising maybe you are just not perfect. (Name) feels like everything is disaster. Itona feels like you need a fact.
(Name) was obviously upset all day. Her usual, quirky personality was gone.
Her classmates tried to know her reason but she ask just them to not mind her mood. They all were worried but didn't tried to bother her much and rather discuss what can improve her mood.
"Maybe a gift would work," one boy suggested.
"Or just listening to her problems," another added.
A girl nearby overheard and chimed in, "Sometimes, just a few kind words from a good-looking guy can make any girl happy."
"Is there even a good-looking guy in our class?" a boy asked, sparking a series of murmurs.
Itona's name quickly surfaced. His sharp features and calm demeanor often drew attention, even if he seemed unaware of it. Despite his lack of emotional expression, he was generally considered attractive.
Later that day, as Itona walked through the park, he spotted (Name) sitting alone on the bench, looking more despondent than ever. Remembering the conversation from earlier, he decided to approach her, believing his presence might help.
"Why are you here, Itona?" she asked, her voice tinged with sadness.
He turned to her, his face as unreadable as ever. "I heard that a good-looking guy like me can make you feel better." If her mood wasn't so sour, she might have actually laugh at his words.
"I heard that words from a good-looking guy can improve a girl's mood," he explained matter-of-factly.
Kana gave him a strange look before turning away. "Well, it's not working."
(Name) turn her gaze towards her laps as sadness clouded her mind again. She is such rebellious and troubled girl, will someone ever truly like her She shouldn't let words from some stupid guys bother her but for some reason it just ruined her whole day.
"Did you know that penguins propose with a pebble?" Itona suddenly blurted. What is it with this boy today?
He is good looking guy, some words from him will help you right?
"Penguins. When they find a mate, they give them a pebble. It's supposed to be significant," He explain in somewhat detail.
(Name) sighed and in low tone said,"Only if someone would give me pebbles too." Though Itona find it strange,"Why would you want small stones?" Itona asked, genuinely confused."
(Name) sighed, not in the mood to explain the sentiment behind his own fact. "Whatever."
Itona paused, thinking. "Will you feel better if someone gives you a pebble?"
"I think I will," she replied, humoring him.
"That's strange," Itona commented as they watch your figure walking away.
NEXT DAY, (Name) was sitting in her desk. She wasn't fully feeling better but it was better than yesterday. Itona approach her, holding something in his face. He grabbed her hand open and put the thing in it.
It was some silly small pebbles.
"Feel better now," he said, his face as neutral as ever. And with this act of his he walk away.
(Name) was confused at first untill events of yesterday played in her mind. Her face flushed red; Itona does ask her if it will make us feel better but at same time he does remember na why penguins give these pebbles.
While (name) was still in her frustrated state, her blond classmate notice whole scene and approach her for some more context.
"It is nothing Nakamura." (Name) quickly replied, holding pebbles close to her chest,"Ah wasn't this how penguins propose?" Her red hair classmate didn't want this chance to tease to her,"Ooh~we got some strange proposal ceremony going on." Nakamura give you a smug smile as (Name) feel like her face will explode.
Even though (name) hate that these guys find to tease her about, she is happy to receive her own set of pebbles.
Yo my Itona fans, how do you do?
Honestly I think this was something Itona would do but at same time I write him little ooc.
...oh well! now where my guy with pebbles is?
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 2 Your Hired
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz!
Last Chapter Next Chapter Summary: SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe.  Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss SMG4 glares at his empty bank account,turn’s out a castle was more expensive than he thought. He sighs, getting up and walks to his kitchen noticing his food supply has started to get low. At this rate he either has to ask his friends for help or get a second job.  He takes out what he needs to make a basic sandwich and goes to the drawing board, he didn't want to bother his friends with this. After all they did so much already to get this castle built, he wanted to make sure his friends had somewhere to hang out and feel safe. 
He takes a bite of his sandwich looking over places hiring when his eyes land on the picture next to him. It was a group photo, in it was SMG3 pouting while the rest of them smiled. He drops the sandwich and picks up the photo “That's it! SMG3 can help!” Why didn't he think of that first? After all he enjoyed doing the job, it was nice for once just being in sync with Three without the world ending. He would have to make it casual so the other man wouldn't pick up why he suddenly needs the job. He walks around the room thinking, he looks at his reflection and smiles at it “Hey Three, you know yesterday was lots of fun, was wondering if you would like to make it a full time thing?” he facepalms. Those were poor choices of words. It sounded like he was trying to ask the man out, he began to walk again losing himself in his thoughts.  Then it hit him with the snap of his fingers he was at the cafe filled with confidence, he walked in surprise to see that Karen is now working here. “Oh hey Karen, can I talk to SMG3?” without looking at him she points to the back room, he thanks her before walking to the back. There he saw Three annoyed as he drew on a piece of paper “SMG3!” startled the man chucks the sketch book at Four. “Wha!? SMG4 what the hell are you doing here?” Four picks up the items that were thrown at him and hands it back to Three. 
“I was wondering…how the employee situation is going?” He gave himself a mental high five for bringing up the topic as casually as he could. SMG3 rolls his eyes then stands up from the couch “What's it to you scrub?” “Is it bad to check on a friendly rival?” he lets out an awkward smile that only earns him a glare from the other man. After a few moments of silence he responds “ugh If you must know I don't have a waiter, the one that should be here quit. Is that all? I'm busy unlike you.” SMG3 starts walking to the front, in a panic to not lose his chance at getting the job he grabs Three’s hand and pulls him. Surprised by the grab Three  loses balance, noticing this Four wraps his other arm around Three’s waist pulling him extremely close. Seeing how close they are, SMG3's face gets bright red while Four looks right into Three’s eyes. “I can be your waiter until you find a better one.”
SMG3 panics and pushes Four away “GET AWAY BAKA!” SMG4 frowns at the reaction, not realizing the reason for Three’s outburst. With a sigh thinking he was just rejected he starts to walk away, seeing the man walk away Three speaks up “That wasn't a rejection dumbass, you just startled me. You can work here, but I have you know while you work here you are my underling. Got that?” 
SMG4 lights up and shakes Three’s hand “You got it boss!” sure he wasn't a fan of being called underling but that's better than losing the castle. He gets told to come in later tonight leaving Four in a great mood as he leaves the cafe while SMG3 was busy trying to calm his rapid beating heart. Was Three the only one that noticed how close they were, was he over thinking about the distance? He sighs, throwing himself on the couch.
He looks over to his sketchbook, staring at the doodle, his eyes go wide turning to a fresh page then starts to draw. He pictured SMG4 wearing different designs till he finally hit the perfect one, looking proud of his work he took a picture and sent it to Four. It was strange how hard it was to come up with a design for a waiters uniform till he gave Four the job, picturing SMG4 in the uniform he put together made his heart skip a beat. He rolls his eyes getting up from the couch, he needs to stop thinking about the idiot and get back to work. He walks to the front, seeing how there weren't many people in at the moment he turns to Karen “So i finally came up with a uniform, when you can come in your best purple shirt and black jeans.” “Alright,” she casually lets out, distracted by something. Three turns to see Eggdog in a cute pink hat, he turns to Karen who had a soft smile watching the pup dance around in joy with the hat. SMG3 let his own smile slip out and started taking pictures excitedly “Aw who's a cute Eggdog! You are!” 
SMG4 made it home and did a dance in celebration, now that he had this job the castle was saved. He feels his phone vibrate, taking it out he gasps seeing the uniform. He never knew that SMG3 had an artistic side to him, he smiles looking at the drawing only to frown “Glow in the dark material?” everything about the uniform he loved but he was unsure having parts of the uniform glowing in the dark would work for a cafe. He put his phone away deciding he would bring the topic up with Three later.  Walking into his room he sees Beeg SMG4 stacking cards, he approaches his son with a smile “Hey Beeg are you up for a play date with Eggdog?” sure Beeg was used to being alone in the castle when he and the others got into wild adventures but this was different. 
He just didn't have the heart to just leave the little one alone while he worked, plus with Karen working at the cafe knowing how she is with kids he knows Beeg would be okay. Beeg turns to face his father “Eugh!” Four smiles at the response “Perfect! Now let's get you all cleaned up for it!” hearing the word clean put Beeg in a panic as he dash towards the door. Four hit a switch where the door sealed itself shut “Come on it won't be so bad, you can get any treat you want at the cafe!” A few hours passed, SMG3 blinked seeing Beeg walking in with an exhausted SMG4.  “Hey boss…im here,” Eggdog runs up to Beeg excited to have his friend over while Three walks up to Four with concern “The hell happen to you?” 
SMG4 sighs pointing to Beeg “I wanted to clean Beeg SMG4 before coming over, he can be a bit of a trouble maker.” Three crosses his arms “A bit? I remember the last time he took out a rocket launcher to avoid bath time.” Four glares at Three “And i remember someone not saving me from almost drowning in the tub.” SMG3 scoffs at the comment “It was Eggdog’s bath time, what happens to you isn't my problem.” 
Noticing that the topic wasnt work friendly, Three decides to change the subject. He takes out the sketch pad excitedly and shows the uniform “Now underling let's get to the topic at hand I'm sure you got my text, but starting tomorrow this will be your uniform from now on.” He smirks showing off the skates he got for Four, SMG4 takes the sketch in awe of the skates before he frowns. Seeing Four frown after being so excited surprised him, the man turned to him “Uh SMG3…don't you think glow in the dark stuff is i don't know kiddish?” 
SMG3 eye twitched hearing the comment “Kiddish? Are you kidding me, plenty of adults use things that glow, not to mention there are artists that use it as their style to tell a story! Can't believe I'm hearing this from a man that uses heelys!” Four blushes trying to hide his embarrassment by lowering his hat. 
Four mumbles out an apology in hopes that Three would calm down since his anger over the topic had turned some heads in the cafe. SMG3 turns noticing people looking and sighs, he walks to the back room where he waves Four over.  Three points to the rack of aprons, with a nod Four puts it on then removes his hat. SMG3 couldn’t stop himself from staring at Four without a hat, it felt off for Three. With his hair now tied up SMG4 then turns and smiles brightly at Three “Ready to work boss!” 
SMG3 watches as Four leaves the room before he takes out his notebook “Dear Diary, today i learned that SMG4 has a dangerous smile.” with him finishing his thoughts he puts his notebook away before joining the others in the front.  He takes Karen’s place and starts taking orders while also watching SMG4 work, something felt off the more he pictured the uniform on the man. Then a light bulb turns on in his head, making sure no more orders are needed to be taken. He goes on his phone looking for a hat, after so many years knowing the man seeing him without some kind of hat felt off. 
He sighs seeing all the selections for hats, none of them fit SMG4 at all. He looks up at the man who was currently handing someone a bomb package and starts to doodle him. He wasn't the best at drawing other people but that wasn't important for him at the moment, something in him just needed to draw the man. He starts to blush as he gets more into the drawing. His annoying blue eyes that Three swears can see through him, the dumb smile he has that is so bright SMG3 is sure it can light a room. As he finishes his drawing he mumbles to himself “He has such a stupid face..” 
“Who has a stupid face?” Meggy says as she walks up to Three, he screams, shutting the notebook and glares at her.  He must have lost himself since he didn't notice the group of people that just walked in “Uh er just an annoying customer, so what are you having?” Tari walks up looking at the list of drinks “Uh plutonium frappe sounds interesting!” SMG3 nods, writing it down then looks at Meggy “The usual?” she nods at him as she walks with Tari to get a table. SMG4 smiles seeing his friends and slides up to them “Hey guys!” 
Meggy giggles seeing Four “SMG3 needs help again? At this rate you might end up working here full time!” Four nods agreeing with his friend as he shows the drawing of his uniform “Actually you're looking at SMG3’s Coffee n Bombs full time waiter!” Tari’s eyes light up in excitement seeing the uniform. His two friends congratulated him, it made him feel extremely happy then his guilt hit him. He felt bad not telling them the real reason he is working, “Hey underling the drinks are ready!” Hearing Three he turns and gets back to work ignoring the guilt. With the shift done and the cafe closed, SMG3 watches as Four walks home carrying Beeg. Seeing that no one was around he slips on a baggy sweater and sneaks out. He was on a mission to head to the crafts store in town before they closed, looking at the doodle he did earlier of Four made him realize something. If you can't find what you're looking for then just make it yourself, he walks into the store looking around hoping there are no familiar faces around as he looks around. Pleased with his selection he bought his items and sneaked his way back home.  Eggdog runs up to him welcoming him home, he smiles softly picking the pup up “Hey now you should be sleeping, come on let's tuck you in.” He gently places Eggdog in his bed and gives the pup a small kiss on his head, seeing the pup fall asleep he removes his hat and throws it on his bed. Fixing his bun, he takes out the items he bought and sits at his desk with a sewing machine. “He’s gonna love this..no he will love this.” As everyone in the crew sleep soundly SMG3 stayed up late into the night crafting the perfect hat for his underling.
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definegodliness · 1 year
Short story (1282 words).
I was having breakfast at Bob's Intercontinental Swinging Club, as I tend to do, each Saturday morning. They've got great home-made sandwiches. Horrendous coffee, though.
I suspect Donna, Bob's wife, reheats the leftover coffee from the day before, to then add some fresh brew, that is so criminally strong it'll have a spoon standing upright in your mug, to mask the taste. Any taste.
Still, Bob's is the only place I know where you can still smoke indoors, so what do I care. I was just about to start my second sandwich, when I saw Bob waft through the streaks and plumes of nicotine blue, approaching my window side table.
"Hey, Bob."
He sat down at my table. Bob never has to ask. I offered him a cigarette, which he denied. And from his front-side pocket he fetched a small box of cigarellos. He lit one with a match, inhaled deeply, and, then, let out a big, tear-inducing column of a sigh. He was evidently feeling heavy, so I tried to lighten the mood:
"Damn, Biff — I call him Biff because Bob looks like Old Man Biff from the Back to the Future movies — what do they put in those; asphalt and conifer?"
This caused a faint smile, before he took another pensive draw.
"So, eh, how's business?", I leaned forward over the table, interested, and immediately drew back due to my elbows sticking to yesterday's beer.
"Not great, McFly, not great."
"Yeah, I noticed customer amounts dwindling. What is up with that?", I lifted my sandwich off the plate, "Can't be these, Donna still aces them."
"No, no. People still love those. And you can smoke indoors. The cafeteria's fine, but I just can't seem to get people excited for swinging anymore."
"Ludicrous. I can't think of anything more exciting."
I closed my eyes and thought of yesterday's Friday Swinging Night, letting a grin curl my mouth. I don't know if I spoke or whispered.
"It's just so… satisfying."
For sure, though, I then once more leaned forward over the table, overcoming its stickiness for the sake of importance. And, solemnly, I added:
"Come on, Biff, I'm sure it's just a temporary slump. I've been coming here for years and years. Swinging is timeless. I know it's different, now, then when Pops started in the 60's, but when you took over, the club went intercontinental. That's a great feat. Besides, I mean, I'm half this club's age, but you and Donna picked me up, and pulled me into swinging. I'm sure we can do this for the next generation."
"Frankly, Mark — wait, no McFly? — I think that's the problem."
"Guys, like you… you are the problem."
I spat out my coffee.
"Awful, isn't it?
"Yes", I muttered, wiping my mouth with my palm, to then swiftly and frantically brush the coffee grounds from my teeth with my index finger.
"But I am also shocked! How can you say such a thing? I'm your most loyal customer. AND your friend."
"You're also very conservative."
"That's not true. I was the first to laud you for omitting Family Swings. I am definitely not for everything staying the same."
"Yeah, but that's just because they made you queasy…"
I pulled an ugly face, thinking of Family Swings. Horrible occasions. I didn't need to say a thing. Bob was right.
And so he continued:
"… So don't act like you're all progressive. You always go for the same. Hey, the older they get, the more you love 'em."
"What can I say? I like mine vintage. They feel better. Move better."
I leaned backwards and crossed my arms.
"They make better noises, too. Heck, they make sound, Bob! Do you know how unsatisfying silence is?"
Bob frowned, and shook his head. Clearly unimpressed by my arguments. So I continued my passionate plea:
"I mean, come on, you know I'm loud. Don't you know how awkward I feels when I'm alone at that? I need them to be louder than me!"
Bob just took another draw of his cigarello and blew out a deep sigh of disappointment.
"They don't make noise, because you never play with them."
He put out his cigarello as a statement.
"Don't you remember how you were when you first came here? Like a kid in a candy store. You tried them all. Loved them all. Here you can't even remember how silent Jessica was, until you were all over her. Now, she's the loudest of them all."
"Yeah, that's why she feels mine. That's why I keep returning", I weaselled, unwisely.
"That is so against swinging culture."
"All right, all right. I take that back. I just like my 90's baby a lot. But you know I also love my 80's baby Stella, and Tiffany…
Bob interrupted me.
"That's exactly my point! You only go for the older ones. The one's that've been here for years!"
I, however, was already too far gone. Lost in recalling Fridays. Thinking about my favourites: 60's baby's, 50's, 40's, 30's… 20's! Listing all their names. Until I, in my excitement, named that one name who should not be named.
By me, that is.
"Huberta! Oh, Huberta. Sure, she's wobbly and creaks a little, but…"
Bob slammed the table.
"You know you're no longer allowed near Huberta!"
"Ah, come on. Why not? Still not?"
"You broke her."
"Nothing a little titanium couldn't fix..."
He threw his hands in the air, anguished at this statement.
"I'm not having this." Then, louder, and to the kitchen: "Donna! I'm not having this! Can't talk to the kid."
"Just tryyy it."
He grunted.
"All right, listen. I see you sneaking around Huberta while you know she's off limits. Off. Limits. And you know what? All those names you just listed. Off limits. All. Off. Limits."
Bob waved his finger at me, the jolly fellow had never scolded anyone like this. Let alone myself. It was only now I understood he was really, really pissed. So, I did the only thing I could do. I apologized. Shut my mouth. And listened.
And, luckily, after I said sorry, Bob calmed a bit.
"Look, it's always the same with you. I appreciate your patronage and dedication to the club, but you use those poor things up. You have at them, and at them, and at them, until you break them. I know it's all out of your limitless swinging enthusiasm, but you are giving the club a bad name. Really, you are, Mark. In fact, we've come known as: not safe."
I sat silently, guiltily, trying to stir the spoon in my coffee.
"Am I banned now?"
"Nah, McFly, I wouldn't ban you. But I'm begging ya, just try the new ones. Play with them. See, Hailey for instance, she's our newest addition; been here for over a week, and I've never seen you even look at her."
Bob stood up and patted my shoulder.
"Do me a favour, will ya? Just try her. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. You'll be coming back for more just like you did with Jessica."
"Hailey, eh?" I nodded.
And, so, I slumped to Bob's Intercontinental Swing Club's latest model, Hailey 2023. Silently muttering to myself. She was perfect. Far too perfect for me. But I hopped onto her, strapped myself to her — what a bullshit safety feature — and took a couple of steps backward. Shoes tipping over soft rubber tiles, another safety precaution. I rolled my eyes, thinking:
'It's a goddamn swing.'
I craved the element of danger the older models give me, and as I let Hailey 2023 launch me, steadily, and silently; back, and forth, smoothly, I uttered a reluctant:
30-8-2023, M.A. Tempels ©
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leasstories · 10 months
Lea’s advent calendar day 11- A Metal Gingerbread house
@writerthreads writing prompt for Christmas (2022), prompt 7:
[building a gingerbread house together]
Eddie x gn!reader
TW: Mention of Eddie's mom death.
WC: ≈950
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December 20th, 1985
Your parents went away for Christmas, so your boyfriend, Eddie spent the night at yours. Yesterday, they announced a snowstorm in Hawkins, which means Eddie won’t be able to go back to his trailer today. Not that it is a problem for the both of you, on the contrary. As Eddie is making breakfast for the both of you and you till lazily lay in bed, you think about whatever you and Eddie could be doing today. Going out is out of the question for obvious reasons. You are tempted to lay in bed and cuddle with Eddie all day, but then you think that it would be better to do an activity together. To create more memories as a couple. Memories that future you will laugh at. You have plenty of board games, but you want to do something more in the Christmas spirit. You’re racking your brain to find something to do when suddenly, an idea pops up. You abruptly get up from your bed and race down the stairs.
When Eddie sees you storming into the kitchen, he looks at you, concerned. “Hey baby… is everything okay?”
“Yes!” you answer out of breath. “I just found what activity we could do today!”
Eddie pours you a cup of coffee and turns the stove off, preparing two plates with toasts and eggs. “And what is it Sweetheart?” he asks while fixing your plate for you.
“We could make gingerbread houses!” you say excitedly.
Eddie looks at you like you drew a second head. If there is one thing to know is that Eddie doesn’t hate Christmas, but he doesn’t like it either. It reminds him too much of his late mom, it was her favorite holiday. “Do you even have the ingredients?” he asks, hoping you’d realize you don’t.
“Yes!” you answer enthusiastically. “I was planning on making one by myself but I thought it would be a best to do it together, as we are stuck here all day.”
“Baby…” Eddie says, you can see sadness in his eyes.
“What’s wrong Eds?” you ask, concerned.
“I never told you but as it is our first Christmas as a couple, I do have to tell you… I don’t really like Christmas…” Eddie confesses, ashamed. He knows you were so excited for this Christmas. He knows you were excited to spend Christmas with Eddie and his uncle Wayne. He knows you had planned the entire meal, and you were going to be the one cooking. He feels bad for not being as enthusiastic as you.
You delicately put your hand on his cheek and start stroking it to encourage him to keep going. Trying to hide a sob. But you heard it, you heard Eddie’s choked up sob and so you hug him.
“I understand” you say into his hair. “But what do you think about making new Christmas memories? Not to erase the ones with your mom, but to make the next Christmases easier.” You suggest.
When Eddie sees how he, according to him, ruined your mood, he leaves your arms and put your breakfast in front of you.
He turns around, facing the window to sniffle and wipe his tears, try to put on his best smile, even if it looks more like a grimace, and sits at the table as well. “Okay, let’s build Gingerbread houses” Eddie tells you.
“Eddie, I don’t want to push you to do it if you’re not ready…” You tell him.
“I am ready… I need to move on, mom died 13 years ago, it’s time for me to move on.” Eddie tells you, holding your hand.
After your breakfast you put every ingredient on the counter. Eddie and you start building the house together. Eddie struggles to put the roof, his tongue pokes out and he starts getting a bit frustrated. You take the right side of the roof from Eddie’s hands and put it on before kissing Eddie on the cheek. Eddie and you start decorating with the buttercream. Eddie puts one of his fingers in the buttercream and put a little bit on your nose. Then, his cheesy little self says.
“Sweetheart, I think you have something on your nose.”
“Asshole” you say with no meaning behind it. You put your fingers in the buttercream and put it all over Eddie’s cheeks.
You try to put buttercream on each other’s for a good five minutes. Then you put the gingerbread house on the fridge while Eddie takes a wet cloth and cleans up your face, after obviously licking the buttercream on your nose tip. He then places a gentle kiss on your lips. You take a clean wet cloth and cleans up his face, looking at him intensely.
While cleaning his face you blurt out. “I love you handsome.”
After you let the house 30 minutes in the fridge you start decorating the house and Eddie insists on making it “more metal” with dark chocolate tips, licorice… Your gingerbread house looks almost more like a Halloween house, but you let Eddie do whatever he wants. You know now that Christmas isn’t easy for him, that’s why, you do not pressure him and let him lead the gingerbread house decorations.
Then, you put the gingerbread house on the living room’s table and take a polaroid photo while Eddie takes pillows and covers from your room, you both lay on the couch, legs intertwined, and spend away afternoon cuddling on the couch. Later tonight, you’ll eat your gingerbread house and Eddie and his sweet tooth will keep thanking you for insisting.
“We made new memories baby, and this gingerbread house is so metal!”
You chuckle before taking a picture of Eddie eating the gingerbread house.
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stt4lk3r · 1 year
Undefined case - Sherlock x Reader
The off-key sound of the violin made the detective sigh as soon as he entered the room. I was sitting in his favorite armchair, "playing" the instrument. I had no idea how it worked, I just passed the bow across the strings without caring if it was right or wrong.
— Why are you home so early? —he asked.
— I didn't go to work today, —the high-pitched, uncoordinated melody stopped— I woke up with a headache.
Sherlock turned around and muttered "I guess so" as he hung his coat on the hook next to mine. I put the violin back where it belonged and went into the kitchen for a glass of water.
I don't usually miss work, but today was an exception. I woke up in a terrible mood that would get me fired as soon as I opened my mouth.
— You don't look ill, you look very well in fact.
The voice echoed through the kitchen, but I could feel that Sherlock was right behind me. And in a few seconds, that damn game of deduction was going to start. And I was sick of it.
— Listen here, ...
— You arrived before the rain yesterday, you probably don't have a cold —he touched my forehead with the back of his hand— you don't seem to have a fever either. Did you sleep uncovered last night?
I took a deep breath, grabbed the bottle from the fridge and took a long swig from it.
— Hey Y/N, you should have some hot tea instead of ice water.
— Sherlock, I'm not sick, I just woke up with a nasty headache.
I slammed the fridge door shut and went back to the sofa. I snuggled into the thin blanket and hugged the cushion. I've been sleeping on this sofa for the last two months, the time I've been living here.
Sherlock and I lived here together when I was at university, but as soon as I finished, I went back to my home country, leaving Holmes alone in 221B. I recently returned to help a friend in the newly opened coffee shop, and discovered that the room once occupied by me now belongs to Doctor Watson. It's fine for me to sleep on the sofa, it's spacious and I have peace.
Except when Sherlock is poking at something in the kitchen. Or insisting that I help him with a case. Or when he makes me drink tea, saying I'm sick.
— Y/n please, just one sip, it'll make you better. I promise it's not bitter.
I rolled my eyes.
— I thought the doctor here was Watson.
— All right, you can have it whenever you like.
He left the cup on the table, his pale fists showing. His fingers gently released the object.
For a moment I found myself fascinated by Sherlock's hands.
— Sherlock, —I called,—!please take my notepad and a pencil. —the detective looked at me questioningly— I'm going to write my last words before I die. —I said dismissively, sitting down.
— Don't joke about it. —he handed me the notebook.
I took the pencil in my hand, sketching a drawing of the detective's hands holding the cup. I made a point of drawing the ring he was wearing —a present from me, by the way— and detailing every little piece on the yellowed paper. I was so distracted that I didn't even notice Holmes behind me.
— You once told me that you only drew things you thought were pretty, —he leaned his elbows on the sofa next to me— do you think my hands are pretty?
— I don't like you anymore, and you're making fun of me, Holmes.— I turned my neck to face the man.
— I get it. —he held my face, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb— You woke up on one of those days when a dog growls at you in the street and you bark back. Your mood is always so unstable, I don't know how long it took me to notice.
— Well, well, and hasn't the great Sherlock Holmes solved yet another case —I scoffed.
— This is the hardest case I've ever taken on.
The detective placed a kiss on my forehead before heading off to his room.
What do you know?
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3308
the saga of drawings continues.
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i also did an experiment to see exactly how bad my eyesight is in my right eye and what precisely is fucked up. on the left is what i looked at, and on the right is what i saw:
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i looked at the centers and drew from there. it's easy to see that the vertical aspect is more or less unaffected except for a little bit of warping in the middle. the horizontal, however, is significantly shortened and is about even on both sides of the center, which is an odd occurrence. i feel like this may be a helpful marker to have as i continue to heal. it's been two months since surgery as of tomorrow. it's still a pain in the ass. i just want my vision to be better.
i have to do a few things tomorrow - i need to look at my insurance options again so i can see which will be accepted at mass eye. it's a whole ordeal.
but work is always fun. i love my coworkers and while i do have to get used to working with others, it's kind of nice to not be on my own. jack has determined he wants me and meredith to be co-leads for the global risk report, and it took me a minute but i eventually accepted that it would be better to work with someone than have it be solely on my shoulders. she's competent and kind and smart, but i think i'll still probably be doing all the editing lol
anyway, after work i went to dinner at olive garden with kristen and kendall which was really good and much needed because period comfort food is necessary. it's been a terrible day in terms of mood and how i feel. i had so little energy i couldn't make myself tuna. it was all i could do to cut up some ham and eat it with crackers like the world's saddest charcuterie board.
thankfully that helped. the salt makes a lot of difference.
anyway, my laptop decided yesterday that the new battery in it wasn't going to appear as attached. so i asked joel to look at it again today, and even though he was really busy he took a minute to try and fix it to no avail. i'm going to bring it to work tomorrow to see if i can get it fixed up. i'm hoping the answer is a yes.
i got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow. hopefully i can get it all done without problems.
time for sleeping.
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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#me looking at the future and wondering if the pandemic will be over before i'm 40 or if we'll all just be stuck in this regressed state unti
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Eggtober 23 A Cube of Egg Casserole (Featuring Bacon, Ham, and Tomato) Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Gouache Blender, and a new tool, the Pointillism Brush. 15 colors, 1 hour. This was a friend’s suggestion! I didn’t even know Egg Casserole was a thing, but now I want some! Basically a quiche with much less fuss. Speaking of Quiche, I do like my piece from yesterday a bit better today. Depresso Espresso makes things look worse than they are. But my mood improved a little today. I like the results on this much better too. I wanna bite into some nice, fluffy, spongy egg and get some yummy veggies (or, well, tomato is a fruit...) and meat and just... enjoy. Just a little eggy treat for me. As always, big thanks to @quezify for organizing Eggtober. And also for the very nice tags he leaves. Makes me feel better whether I’m in a bad mood or not. Big sweetheart energy. Huge positive force. Hard not to be in a better mood with all the nice things he says on my eggs and on other peoples’ eggs. 😊
76 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
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Eggtober 4 Eggs Benedict Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Dry Gouache Brush, Freckle brush for the pepper, and airbrush for the cayenne because it does good solid speckling. 16 colors. 1 hour. Tragic as it is when the egg arrives on your plate with the yolk already busted, I gotta admit that nothing beats the aesthetic of a yolk pouring out of a poached egg. I just prefer the satisfaction of biting into it myself and feeling the soft casing of cooked egg-white burst between my teeth and feel the warm fatty ooze of deliciously runny yolk engulf my tongue. Maybe that’s an overly erotic way to describe eating egg, but if any egg is like sex, it’s Eggs Benedict and I will die on that hill. Learning to draw the shiny surface of runny yolk and hollandaise sauce was a challenge and I think it needs a little polish, but it’s a warm up, and I’m sure to improve little by little with every egg. I was originally going to do a poached egg today and save Eggs Benedict for later, but someone drew a lovely poached egg the other day and I want to let them shine for a moment, especially since there are many ways to draw an egg, and if the base of this taught me anything, I should save a poached egg for a day where I have less time, because I got a very satisfying result drawing the egg on this one in just 10 minutes. (Not that I would mind posting the same sort of egg as someone else, I just like the challenge of drawing all different eggs and if I can let someone else shine for a day, then I will! It was a very lovely poached egg too!) But yeah, Eggs Benedict slaps and I think it’s the best way to have an egg, other than a poached egg in ramen, which is honestly a tie for me. Soft-boiled is traditional for ramen eggs, but nothing beats a poached egg to me, and whether it’s a topping for ramen or the star of this little breakfast treat, I’ll take a poached egg any day, any way. If you’ve never tried Eggs Benedict before, it’s well worth it! Honestly, thank you @quezify for organizing this little drawing challenge. Nothing like a daily warm up to get me in the mood for other drawing stuff I need to do, and eggs are just so nice to draw, and you can make them as easy or as challenging as you want for yourself and, no matter what, you still end up with a cute little bit of egg art at the end! I don’t know what it is about eggs, but I love them and I love art of them and they make me happy, so it’s lovely getting to see so many nice eggs from everyone, not just my favorite Egg Master.
93 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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Eggtober 11
Tonkotsu Ramen (Featuring Ramen Egg, Enoki Mushrooms, Kikurage/Wood Ear Mushrooms, Chashu Pork, and Green Onion Garnish.) Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, 20 colors, ~1 hour (I forgot to count, I got too into it.) Tonkotsu ramen has to be one of my favorite comfort foods, especially with all the good stuff you can put in it. I’m a sucker for mushrooms if you haven’t noticed. Love them almost as much as I love eggs. Strangely I’m a bit picky about pork, but chashu pork is always so tasty that I’ll just wolf it down. No picking around the fatty bits or picking it apart for fear of gristle. Just shove the little slabs of meat in my mouth and delight in all the flavor. Used the same technique as last time, which means a lot of the detail got covered. But it ALSO means less volleying between colors and a better end product in my opinion. Getting ahead and doing/posting this Eggtober item early today since I keep waking up late and getting to my egg art at midnight. So technically I did an egg, took a break, and then did another instead of going straight into other stuff. Honestly? A delightful way to spend my time. Once again, huge thanks to @quezify. Art is actually starting to be fun again. For the longest time I was so shy about it because none of my stuff measured up to my own expectations. But I’m honestly just... starting to love the process and the product again. The stress of it is just... melting off. I find myself EXCITED to draw a new egg every day. Best Inktober niche ever. All eggs. 😊
102 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
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Eggtober 13 Çilbir (Turkish Poached Eggs with Garlic Yogurt) Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush and Airbrush (for the paprika and chili flakes), 12 colors, 1 hour and 20 minutes. So when I was looking for egg references for my poached egg pieces, I stumbled across an absolutely dazzling dish that looked delectable. I’d never heard of it before. Now I really want to try it. Recipe (and the reference I loosely based this on) is linked in the title. Poached eggs, yogurt, paprika butter, dill, chili flakes, garlic... what’s not to like? (Catch me modifying the recipe though and just replacing the paprika with cayenne because I like it SPICY. Yes, I know there are spicy and smokey paprikas but shush. Cayenne is cheaper.) But yeah, I saw those dazzling eggs swimming in a buttery sauce on a plate of yogurt and just... had to draw it. I knew it was my destiny. You cannot put dill and yogurt on a plate with some eggs and some spicy sauce and not have me drooling. Took longer than usual because getting the translucency to carry through on that sauce WITHOUT just doing an adjustment layer and lowering the opacity was a challenge. A lot of the colors I used were for really subtle things and you can BARELY see the purple I used at the base of all that yogurt to build up the colors. Also, I think I’ve finally done one piece with every color of the rainbow as a background (The ROYGBIV Rainbow, that is.) The closest thing I had to yellow was a sort of beige-y color that I used as a background for my omelet. But now I have one that’s actually yellow. I think this was a perfect piece for it too. Contrast with the blue and purple in the yogurt shading and the bright reds in the paprika butter. Just the tiniest peek at the orange of the yolks ready to burst forth through those eggs. Big thanks as ever to @quezify who organized the best Inktober ever! Eggtober is the superior Inktober, fight me.
131 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Eggtober 2 Deviled Eggs.  I had more time today so I spent a little longer on this one. Clip Studio Paint, Gouache brush and a Freckle Brush pen for the paprika. 7 colors, 40 minutes. Last time @quezify accused me (affectionately) for coming in hard for their style by drawing a fried egg on green. And honestly, yeah. I can only hope to be as versatile and talented at egg drawings as the resident egg master. Fried eggs on a pretty green just look very nice. But I promised myself I would draw loads of different eggs, not just the fried eggs I love so much from quezify. And as much as I adore that shade of green, I also promise I won’t use it for EVERY piece, even though I love how it looks with the white of an egg and the yellow of a yolk. Again, this is a pretty new style experiment for me to not use lineart at all and paint like I would with straight paints. I’m not well-practiced in shading, not since I had to do it for art classes 10 years ago, but for a style of egg that demands shading to look good here with the piped in egg yolk mixture, I think I did well with the shading! Eggs are definitely a fun warm-up. A delicious feast for the eyes as well as the mouth.
135 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Maedhros x female reader smut please? She comes into his office while he works and sits on Mae’s lap (reader is short so no problems, Mae is SO tall he can just put his head on hers) all innocent and just casually kisses his neck and Mae moans and loses it. He starts fingering reader on his lap muttering how much he loves them and how well their doing for him. Just before reader comes he stops and just ends up carrying reader to their chambers to passionately make love. Lol this is specific. Ty.
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characters maedhros x reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n hi anon— am not too happy about this - just not in the mood to write smut after that long celegorm smut yesterday lol- but hope you like it!
warning smut, 18+ only, fingering, a little dirty talk
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Maedhros knew you were up to something the minute you walked into his office— there was a glint in your eyes.
He had 6 younger brothers— nothing got past him.
But when you sauntered your way into his office— calmly sat on his lap, demanding cuddles he thought nothing of it.
You sighed contently and relaxed into him - a little whisper of his name.
It filled him with pride.
“Nitya veri. . .” (little wife).
He whispered back— he adored calling you that, because of how much shorter you were compared to him.
After a small peck to your forehead— he easily rested his head on your head— then continued his work.
You carefully peeked up at him - through your eyelashes and placed a slow, seemingly innocent kiss on his neck— near his collarbone.
Mae tensed— his arm around your waist tightening a little and continued to work.
You lay another kiss— then another, dragging your lips down the length of his throat.
He tilts his head up— unknowingly— but it gave you better access.
You gave another kiss— this time an open mouthed kiss on that particular spot.
Your husband let out a moan— it came out like a growl at the end.
There wasn't time for you to react— when your husband lifted you and moved your legs so you were suddenly straddling him.
“I knew you were up to something, you little vixen. . .”
He murmured— when you still peeked up at him through your eyelashes, innocently.
"Was I. . . my lord?"
You started innocently— then ended in a seductive note, pushing your breasts against him chest.
“Oh, you!”
He grunted and quickly lifts your dress in a fast motion— you gasped at the suddenness.
Your husband took the opportunity to pull you in for a kiss— while cradling the back of your head and crashing your lips to his lips.
You shuddered and whimpered— when his large cold finger touched your sensitive skin in between your legs.
“No undergarments?— You’ve had this planned for a while, haven’t you?”
He pulled away to look at you— his voice low and dark.
You almost shut your legs there.
But when he stroked you and kissed the side of your face— you didn't.
“You're so good to me, pitya veri. . .”
You were about to reply his when he suddenly pushed one of his large fingers into you— the sudden intrusion made you squeak and almost scream.
“Oh, melda. . . I love you. You're doing good. . . you're doing so good. . .”
He whispered against your lips— his finger was slamming in and out of you.
You bit down your lip— all sounds needed to be kept in, there were guards stationed outside his study— they already heard your initial reaction.
But it was so hard to keep yourself quiet— when your husband slammed his finger in and out of you.
Maedhros trailed kisses down your jaw and neck— and you felt your eyes rolling back at the feel of his palm rubbing against your clit.
“That's it, veri. . . you're so good for me. . .”
Everything he did— it was driving you insane to a point you saw stars.
You bit down your lip—as your end drew to a close.
You could feel it building it up to its peak— and you braised yourself, holding Mae's robes for your dear life.
But the minute you were ready to reach that blissful high— your husband withdrew his hand.
You let out a scream in objection and looked up at him in near tears and betrayal— you no longer cared if his guards heard you or not.
You whined and tried to rub your knees together.
Maedhros only chuckled and pecked your pouting lips.
“Come, my love. . . not here. I want you bare on our bed. . .”
He whispered into your ear.
His hot breath— it sent shivers down your spine.
You blushed— almost choking on your own breath— but you made no objection.
With ease— Mae lifted you into his arms— your arms around his shoulders and legs around his strong torso— you almost squeaked reaching his height.
You hid your face in his chest in embarrassment when he exited his office— you couldn't face his guards again.
When they were out of sight— he leaned down and kissed your lips with ease.
Your husband kicked open your bedroom door— and without breaking the kiss, he also slammed it shut.
He placed you softly on the bed— and looked over you lovingly.
Eru, he was blessed to have you. . .
You grew impatient and took the dress off over your head.
Maedhros— for a second he forgot how to breathe, watching your reveal yourself to him.
First your bare legs, then your stomach and your bare chest . . . then your neck to your beautiful face. . .
“Are you sure you aren't a maia, my love. . .?”
You giggled— and kissed his nose.
“If I was. . . am not sure if your father would be too pleased to hear that.”
The pair of you chuckled— then your husband dove down to kiss you again.
Your hands wondered to his robes— you wanted them off him.
“I think you are wearing too much, vero. . .”(husband).
Maedhros moaned in agreement and helped you get rid of his robes.
Soon your tall Feanorian husband was bare above you— and he kissed you down worshipping your body.
“Mae. . .please. . .— no more. . .”
You whimpered— oh, how you needed to reach that high.
It seems your husband listened— because within the next minute Mae slid himself inside you.
You broke away from the kiss and arched your back— he was so big and full of grith because of his height, he stretched you out to the fullest.
No matter how many times— he was always a lot to take in— but oh didn't you enjoy taking him and have him pounding into you.
Maedhros groaned at the sight of him hitting your stomach.
“Look at you. . . stuffed. . . My good little wife. . .”
He lifted you and placed himself on the mattress— he wanted to see your face as he made love to you.
Maedhros started to roll his hips— a few gentle thrusts upwards, then sped it up a little.
He made you feel every inch of him— holding you tightly against him.
“Mae. . .”
You moaned— your hands on his chest and shoulders.
Your nails slightly scratching him— he loved the sensation it brought.
You were marking him— as much he was marking you.
He pushed himself in and out of you— coaxing a gentle love making, while he held you close.
“Oh— my sweet wife. . .look at you taking me so well. . .”
Maedhros watched the expressions on your face— how you were covered in total bliss and love, eyes shut and breasts bouncing above him— you looked ethereal to him.
You rolled your hips— matching his pace when you felt your end drawing near again.
"Oh— vero, am close. . ."
You whimpered— Maedhros sped up and losing it at the sight of him hitting your stomach— stuffing you fully.
He placed a hand over it.
“That's it, love. . . am right here”
He whispered— and thrusted into you faster.
His hands on your hips were bound to leave marks now.
You tried to hold yourself steady above him— but it was getting harder and harder to.
You let out a cry when you came.
That sweet pleasure built up— and you released yourself over him— coating him completely.
You collapsed on your husband's chest and he rode himself to his release— his arm around you.
You gasped when he came.
Maedhros let out groan and pulled you up— tucking you into him.
He pressed a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you. . . I love you so much. . ."
He murmured— coming off his high.
"I love you too, vero. . ."
You said and placed a kiss on his chest— right over his heart.
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silm taglist: @doodle-pops
tara's taglist: @spidergirla5 @mslizziesblog
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professorrw · 3 years
Don't Fake It
marvel masterlist
Pairing: female reader x Peter Quill
Request: peter starts getting frisky with the reader but shes tired and isn’t really in the mood. He would never pressure her or anything but she wants to make him happy and feels bad saying no, so she does it and fakes her orgasm just to get it over with. Later, he somehow finds out (or knew all along, you decide) that she faked it and of course his ego is bruised and he’s kinda annoyed, but also feels guilty she didn’t tell him how she felt. So the next night, she starts coming onto him and he makes damn sure she never fakes it again. Then after, she apologizes for faking it and it gets kinda fluffy because hes like “hey, its not good for me if you’re not having as much fun as I am. I have a right hand if i’m that desperate.”
Warnings: smut, 18+, fluff, faking an orgasm, protected sex, rough sex
A/N: Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Sleep was calling your name, digging its claws into you and dragging you into the dark depths of slumber. But there was something stopping it. That thing was Peter. He was wide awake and his sex drive was in full throttle. You weren’t feeling up to it though. The long day at work had taken a toll on you, and the only thing you wanted to do was go to sleep.
You loved Peter, everything about him. You didn’t want to deny him sex, especially when he was being so sweet about it. Your back was to him so he could cuddle you while you slept, but he started to kiss your shoulders and the part of your back that was exposed by your tank top.
“Mmm what is it baby?” you asked groggily.
“I want you,” he replied unashamedly. You could feel Quill shifting his weight behind you. He was peering over your shoulder, trying to look at you. He had missed you all day and you were finally home. What he didn’t know was that you were tired, and not in the mood.
“Oh really?” you mumbled.
“Mhm, I missed you today.” You couldn’t see him but by his sweet tone of voice you could tell that he was sticking his bottom lip out and giving you puppy dog eyes. You smiled and turned around, cupping his face in your hands.
"You know you're adorable right?" you teased.
He smiled, "I know, that's why you can't resist all of this." He wiggled his eyebrows, making you laugh. He was just too cute. You didn't want to tell him no.
When you stopped laughing he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss quickly elevated, his hand snaking up your tight shirt and pressing heat against your lower abdomen. While your eyes were closed, sleep called your name once more, but you ignored it.
Peter pulled back for a minute and reached over to the night stand. He grabbed a condom and pulled his boxers down and put it on, tossing the wrapper back onto the table. He switched positions and crawled on top of you. His face drew closer and he kissed you while he pulled down your sweat shorts.
He got the lube too and squirted some on his covered dick and rubbed the leftovers around near your entrance. With dick in hand he guided his length into you, easing it in as to not hurt you. He let out a long sigh when he got to moving. At least he was feeling good, you thought. Peter was making you feel good too, but you were so tired that if it weren't for the movement you would have fallen asleep.
The pleasure wasn't building like it usually did. You wanted to cum, you wanted to show Peter that he was doing a good job. But you weren't feeling it, and you knew you weren't going to cum. You didn't want to hurt Peter's feelings so as he reached his peak speed and his head lolled back you moaned extra loud, "I'm gonna cum!"
"Me too," he groaned back. His hips pounded into you and his balls slapped against you as he came in his condom. You kept on moaning a little, acting like you had actually cum too.
Peter slowed then pulled out. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and went to the bathroom to clean up. He went to take his condom off and realized there was no cum on the outside of it. You said you had cum, but there wasn't anything other than lube on there. Quill didn't want to assume you had faked it, but he didn't want to ask right away either.
He threw the condom away and went back to your bedroom. You were already out cold, and when Peter saw he sighed and crawled into bed, completely dejected. He was embarrassed that he couldn’t make you cum, and a little annoyed that you wouldn’t just tell him. But he let those thoughts drift away so he could fall asleep.
The next morning you woke up early for work again. Peter was still asleep so you didn’t wake him and instead went about your morning routine. Three minutes before you needed to leave you wrote a little note on the refrigerator for him, “I hope you slept well hunny, I’ve already left for work by the time you wake up but I just wanted to say I love you and I’ll see you later <3”
About an hour later Quill rolled out of bed and dragged himself into the kitchen. He wasn’t a morning person by any means. The coffee machine beeped and he pushed himself off of the counter to pour himself a cup. He set his mug down on the counter and went to the refrigerator to get milk and creamer. Your note, which he noticed just then, made him stop mid pull. He shut the refrigerator and took the note off so he could get a better look at it. A tired smile spread on his face.
Then he remembered last night. It was odd that there wasn’t anything on his condom, and you didn’t get up to clean yourself off right after he did. Now that he thought about it, you went straight to sleep. How unusual. He pushed the thought aside and decided he would bring it up later. It wasn’t making him mad, but he was a little wounded that you had faked it, or if you even did fake it.
Lucky for you, work was slow and you got off early. On the way home you picked up lunch for you and Peter. It was in a way an apology for your tiredness last night and faking your orgasm, whether he knew about it or not.
Keys jingling together you unlock the door and step in with takeout in hand. “Quill I’m home!” you shout.
He power walks out of the bedroom and just about tackles you into a bear hug. You giggle and kiss his stubbled cheek. “I missed you,” you say into his ear.
“I missed you moooore,” he replies. “How was work?”
“Better than yesterday, I’ll tell you that. Plus I got off early, so that’s even better. I get to spend more time with you.” You kiss his cheek again and he smiles before setting you back down. The food gets set on the kitchen counter and you pull out the chinese you got. You hand Peter his usual order and take out your own.
There’s only the quiet sound of eating for a few minutes before Peter says something. “Y/N I need to ask you something.”
You look over at him. He rarely calls you by your first name. That means he’s being serious. “What is it?”
He wants to ask about your orgasm but you’re right in the middle of eating and he doesn’t want to interrupt you. He can just ask later, he thinks to himself. He thinks of something else to ask and quickly thinks of, “Can you pass me some soy sauce?”
You quirk an eyebrow at him but hand him a few packs and go back to eating.
Later that night, a few hours later, you were laying in bed doing nothing in particular. Thoughts of last night were filling both your heads. Peter was set on trying to ask you about it, and you were set on trying to make up for it.
The both of you were sitting up in bed and you set your phone down on your bedside table and leaned over. You set a hand on Peter’s bare chest and he instantly stopped what he was doing. His eyes shot to yours, a sly smile on your face. He could tell exactly what it was you wanted.
“Peter,” you whispered against his lips. Your mouth was an inch away from his and your eyes were drifting between his and his lips. He parted his mouth and leaned forward, capturing you before you could make a move. You were trying to take the lead, but he wasn’t letting you.
He overpowered you, flipping you around and putting you on your knees. His bulge was against your ass and he was rubbing circles against it. The intensity he was showing was like nothing before. Whatever it was that was riling him up you needed to find out. It would have to wait until later though, because your panties being dragged down your thighs was the only thing you could think of.
A condom and lube had already been taken out of the drawer, and Peter was putting them on. The room was silent other than the rustling of sheets and your heart hammering in your chest. Then there was the squirting of the lube and you knew it was about to come. The cold goo was smeared on your folds and slightly inside of them by Quill’s rough fingers.
His tip, covered by a condom, was right at your entrance in a second, and in just one more, it was inside you. Your whole body was pushed forward with the force that Peter was thrusting. You were moaning and panting, and he was smiling between his own groans. His goal was to make sure you never had to fake an orgasm again. And with the way things were going you wouldn’t need to.
“Oh- Oh my god!” The way he was slamming into you was so quick and hard the pressure inside of you was building like a balloon being blown up.
His hands were holding you and keeping you from falling over. If they weren’t you would have smacked into the headboard. You couldn’t stay on your hands any longer, you dropped to your elbows, back making a beautiful arch for Quill.
The unbearable speed was tiring Quill out, but it was also making his orgasm come even quicker. He grabbed your shoulders, giving himself even more leverage to thrust with.
Your knees were trembling, jelly below you. But you wouldn’t have to hold that position for much longer. That balloon inside you popped like too much air had been blown into it. Your walls clenched around Peter’s cock, and the cum he was searching for yesterday covered his condom. He kept his pace, legs killing him and pelvis hitting your ass.
He let out a loud groan, and cum leaked and squirted from his tip. He let go of your shoulders, seeing a red handprint there. He pulled out of you, your cum dribbling out when he did. He smiled, satisfied that he had done what he set out to do.
Your lower half ached and you all but collapsed onto your pillows. You flipped over and saw Peter above you, buttcheeks against the heels of his feet and catching his breath. You laughed just a little and he opened his eyes.
“What?” he asked.
“That was something else,” you admitted with a smile.
“Good.” He crawled onto his stomach and laid next to you with his head on his arms. You scooted over closer to him, laying on your back with your hands set on your stomach.
“Y/N,” he sat up, “last night,” he started.
“I already know what you’re going to say. I’m sorry. I should have told you. I was just super tired last night and I didn’t want to deny you.” You looked down at your stomach but Peter turned your face back to his with his thumb.
“It’s okay, really. I’m sorry I didn’t catch that you weren’t in the mood. If you ever don’t want to do stuff just tell me okay? I won’t be upset. Besides, it’s not good for me if you aren’t having as much fun as I am. I have a right hand if I get that desperate.” He waved his right hand and grinned.
You giggled, “I promise I won’t do it again.”
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Omg hi so I read your babysitter fic and I was thinking what if bakuogus tired of reader being a brat with him so he brings Kiri over to help him out 🤤 srry im just being horny on anon rn
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“C’mon princess, move your ass before I move it for you.”
You huffed at the blonde, opening the car door, stepping outside and slamming it shut. Bakugou shot you a harsh glare, but you weren’t looking at him, instead crouching to tie your shoe.
He gave you a moment to do that, before the man got impatient, clicking his tongue, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Let’s go, it’s not like I have all fucking day.”
You knew for a fact that yes, he did have all day.
Your mom was away again, another business trip. She was working towards a promotion - a position that meant more hours, more work, more travel.
More time being spent with your stupid babysitter.
With your rapist.
He hadn’t touched you, not outright, since that day. Every time your mom suggested having him over for dinner, you conveniently found somewhere to be; out with friends, on a date, having a sleepover. Anything so that you didn’t have to look at Bakugou Katsuki’s stupid, smug little face.
But your mom had surprised you yesterday night, letting you know she’d be leaving in the morning, that Katsuki would be staying over again. There wasn’t any time for you to argue with her, to plead for her to stay, or to take you with her, or for you to stay at a friend’s house, anything but Katsuki.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to avoid him!” She had laughed, before wagging a finger at you. “Don’t be rude. He’s a nice man, and I trust him to keep you safe. He did last time!”
Yeah, and he also assaulted you last time, so maybe he wasn’t as nice of a guy as she thought.
He was taking you to the mall, not even really giving you a choice, just telling you to get dressed, that the two of you were going out.
Now here you were, trudging silently behind the older man, glaring at the ground.
“Bakubro! Over here!”
A loud shout drew your attention, Bakugou grinning as he started veering towards the shouter, a red-haired man waving enthusiastically. You followed behind him obediently, taking stock of this new man.
He was fucking huge, thick thighs bulging against his jeans, biceps straining against the fabric of his navy hoodie. This new guy was handsome too, a wide, sharp smile, soft red eyes, a clean-shaven face.
“’Sup Idiot? You tryin’ to attract the whole mall? Always so damn loud.” Even though he was complaining, it was clear that these two were friends as Bakugou let the other man pull him into a hug. They pounded each other on the back, before the redhead drew back, pushing past the blonde to give you his full attention. 
“Who’s this? Did you get a girlfriend? She looks a little young bro.”
“I’m not his girlfriend.” You spat, and the redhead held up his hands in surrender as Bakugou shouldered him to the side.
“It’s the little fucker that I’m looking after as a favor. You know I work security for that office complex?” The redhead nodded. “Yeah, one of the milfs gave me free range of her house as long as I watch her.”
Both men looked at you, and the redhead smiled brightly.
“Ah, well, I’m Kirishima! Nice to meet you, sorry you have to put up with such a grumpy fucke-”
“Hey, shaddup.” Bakugou elbowed him, but Kirishima was already extending a hand for you to shake, and you did so gladly. At least you weren’t the only one who thought Bakugou was a grumpy, stuck up mess.
“’Kay, now can we go? I’m starving’, wanna eat before we do anything else.”
Kirishima winked at you as he threw an arm around your shoulders, his other arm around Bakugou. “Food court? I think they have a pretty good selection here...”
Kirishima was much more tolerable than Bakugou.
He was funny, cracking jokes and making you almost spit out the soda he had bought you, slipping you five dollars behind Bakugou’s back for you to get a drink.
The redhead sat next to you while the three of you ate, including you in the conversation whenever Bakugou seemed to forget about your existence.
As the three of you walked from store-to-store, Kirishima listened to you ramble on about the latest game you’d bought, what you thought of your favorite snack brand trying to collaborate with a fashion company, all your opinions on the music playing faintly through the mall speakers.
It was fun when he grabbed your hand, tugging you away from Bakugou and along with the redhead as he ducked into a random store. It was some street-wear fashion place, and Kirishima wanted your thoughts on if a shirt was his color, or if he could pull off one of the hats that adorned the mannequin in the store window.
The two of you were busy laughing at how the hat couldn’t even press past his spiky hairstyle when you noticed Bakugou, glowering at you both from the outside of the store, lips pulled into the deepest frown.
Kirishima started laughing at the man’s expression, and you quickly followed suit, before Bakugou stalked inside, cuffing his friend on the ear.
What a spoil sport.
You couldn’t deny that by the end of the few hours you’d spent with Kirishima, you found yourself attracted to him. Not only in looks, but also in his goofy personality. You wouldn’t mind being friends with him.
It was easy to exchange numbers with the man, easy to let him lift your spirits.
And then it was time to leave, all three of you grouped at the entrance, saying bye, Bakugou and Kirishima giving each other another bro-hug.
You gave Kirishima a hug, leaning into his warm touch, enjoying his spicy cologne as you pressed your face against his broad chest. He eagerly returned the hug, until Bakugou was scoffing, pulling you out of his embrace.
“We’re in fucking public, you two, chill. Keep your pants on, sluts.”
Kirishima laughed, giving you a cheery wave as Bakugou gripped your hand until it hurt, dragging you out of the mall quickly.
“Why are you being such a brat? You were fuckin’ fine earlier.” The blonde man grumbled, glancing over at you from where he was making dinner.
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your water. “It’s not my fault you have a stick up your ass. All I said is I don’t like when you make food, tastes bad.”
Bakugou huffed, turning off the stove. “Are you fucking serious? You’re just trying to mess with me, aren’t’cha princess?”
“Could you stop calling me that? I’m not your princess.”
“You’re whatever I want you to be, princess.” Bakugou sneered, stomping towards you.
You quickly backpedalled, setting your glass of water down on the counter, stepping back. “I’m going to go set the table!” Was your way out, and Bakugou backed off as you threw open a cupboard, rummaging for plates and cups as he chuckled to himself.
“Yeah, you do that.” 
It wasn’t long before the table was set, Bakugou bringing the food to set it down onto the hotplate in the middle.
Even just a whiff of the food had your eyes watering, the spice through the roof.
“Seriously dude? You know you’re cooking for two people, why the fuck did you make it inedible?!?” 
The blonde man glared at you as he sat down, jaw working, mouth twisting. “You gonna be a bitch-baby about it? Should be fuckin’ grateful that I even made you dinner.”
“Thanks for dinner.” You mumbled, staring tiredly at the food Bakugou was heaping onto his plate. You didn’t feel like eating anymore, his outburst ruining your mood, reminding you of the time when he got angry because you wouldn’t go to bed, wouldn’t listen to him-
“Eat the damn food.” Katsuki snapped, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to the present.
You did as he asked, even though it burned your mouth. Dinner was quickly gulped down, followed by desperate swigs of water as you tried to chase away the spice. Bakugou huffing the entire time at your inability to handle the level of spice he preferred.
Afterwards, you gathered up the plates and washed them, conscious of Katsuki hovering in the background of the kitchen, watching you work while he tapped away on his phone.
When the last dish was washed, dried, and put away, you began rummaging in the cupboards, looking for something sweet, something to soothe your tastebuds.
“What’re you doin’, didn’t I just feed you?”
Bakugou’s harsh voice made you flinch, but you kept your back to him. “Was hoping there’d be dessert.”
A long, irritated sigh, then a hand gripped your shoulder, pulling you away from the kitchen cupboards. “Ain’t got any of that shit in the house princess, you don’t need it.”
“But-” Your plead was interrupted by Bakugou rolling his eyes, snorting.
“Why are you being such a whiny baby? Is this cause Kiri was spoilin’ you earlier?”
Jutting your chin out, you glared up into red eyes as you turned around seething. “Maybe I like being treated like a person and not a problem. I don’t even understand why he’s friends with you - you’re mean and crass and stup-”
“So you’re just acting out cause you want some extra attention or some shit? What a brat.” The blonde sneered, leaning back against the counter as he tapped away at his phone again.
“You want Kiri so bad, fine. I’ll have him get you some shitty grocery-store dessert. Then maybe you’ll stop acting like a bitch. Stuff some candy in that mouth, will that keep you quiet, huh?”
It was infuriating, being treated like a child. Ignored, talked down to, unable to assert yourself or make decisions. 
“Whatever.” You huffed, shaking your head as you walked out of the kitchen. “Anything’s better than having to sit here with you.”
The front door opening and the faint rustle of grocery bags caught your ear as you fumed on the couch, angrily questioning “why me?” as to your situation. But the noise meant your new friend was here, and he was much nicer than Bakugou.
Nice enough to have you smiling a bit as you rose to your feet, padding into the dining room as you beelined to the soft murmur of two manly voices.
“Heyyy! Long time no see!” The redhead was dressed in a loose tank top and basketball shorts, shoes discarded somewhere in the hall. 
You’d known he was muscular, but actually seeing his muscles without clothes in the way? You were stunned.
A bright blush encompassed your face when Bakugou snapped his fingers, narrowing his eyes at you. “Ay’, stupid! Focus! He got you a bunch of sweet shit. Rot your teeth out.” While gesturing to the two grocery bags resting on the dinner table.
“Hi Kirishima, thanks for the desserts-”
“Aw, it’s nothing. Bakubro wouldn’t tell me what kinda flavors you like so I kinda got a variety...”
Cupcakes and candy and various other sweet treats were nestled in the bags, and you grinned. “Dude, it’s all good. Wanna sit down and have some too?”
Bakugou snorted while Kiri smiled at you, nodding his head.  The dining chair creaked as his weight settled in it, the redhead pushing the grocery bags towards where you sat, encouraging you to pick anything you wanted.
The two men began to talk about this and that, mundane things about work, odd jobs, what their plans for the weekend were, boring stuff you easily tuned out as you indulged in sweet desserts.
Their attention turned to you when a whine slipped from your lips as frosting fell rom the cupcake you were eating and onto your shirt. Before you reached for a napkin, Kiri was leaning over, invading your space.
“You’re kinda messy, aren't you?” He breathed, a single finger swiping through the frosting on your shirt before the redhead sucked it into his mouth, looking at you through his eyelashes.
“Oh-u-uhm...” Was your elegant reply, tummy filled with butterflies at the fact that his finger had pressed against your skin through your shirt, right underneath your breast. 
He was so hot.
“Yeah, and a fuckin’ brat too. Little bitch can’t stop complaining about every little thing. Shut up the second I mentioned you were coming over.” Bakugou cackled, breaking the mood completely.
But Kirishima’s eyes were still on you as his now-clean finger slipped from his mouth. It was mesmerizing, watching the muscles in his arms shift and move as he leaned closer, slipping his hands underneath your shirt and raising the fabric so he could lick at the frosting still stuck on it.
Your breath stuttered, heat flaring suddenly in your tummy at the action.
And then Bakugou had to ruin it again. 
“You can fuck her if you want, I don’t mind. I told the old bird I would watch her kid for her. Didn’t say nothin’ about not getting her drunk on some cock.”
Eyes squeezing shut, you opened your mouth for some snappy reply, but Kirishima beat you to speaking.
“Yeah? Alright. You good with that baby?”
Wait, good with-?
Kirishima was looking up at you expectantly, fingers still clutched in your shirt, refusing to touch your skin. He was hot. This was hot. It’d be perfect if Bakugou wasn’t here.
“C’mon, just fuck her man, she’s been gaggin’ for your dick since she met you. Stop being a loser and man up.”
The redhead in front of you smiled, sharp teeth on display and gleaming. 
Then your shirt was being pulled over your head, hands gripping at your chest, thumbing over your nipples through your bra.
“W-wai-Kiri! Uhm, can’t we- uhm-”
Your voice was ignored, the redhead’s eyes glued to your chest as he pulled down your bra a bit, until he could palm each breast without anything in-between his warm hands and your soft skin.
“You’re so pretty...”
“She’s a whore.” Bakugou snarked.
Hands migrated to your waist, and you were easily lifted onto the table, Kirishima rising from his seat so he could push at your shoulders until they met the solid wood. Bakugou stayed seated, casually notching his hands behind his head and leaning back as he watched the show unfold before him.
Things were happening so fast, you didn’t know what to say, couldn’t move your hands to push away the broad redhead. This was so confusing. Yes, you wanted him, but you didn’t want Bakugou watching. You didn’t want to do this on the dining room table, didn’t like the quick turn the night had taken.
Your pants were being pulled down before you could organize your thoughts, before you could do much else aside from whimper and press your legs together.
“Hah, cute panties. You always wear stuff like this?” Kirishima asked, sliding a thumb underneath the elastic waistband only so he could snap it against your skin. You gasped at the little sting, unsure what to say, what to do.
“Most of her stuff is stupid girly shit like that, so yes.” 
You tried to throw a glare Bakugou’s way, but with the blonde somewhere behind you sitting at the table, you couldn’t turn your head far enough.
Especially not when you were distracted by Kirishima pushing down the waistband of his shorts. 
“I’m so glad I didn’t wear jeans.” He chuckled, holding his cock at the base as he sat back down again, scooting his chair up to edge of the table where your legs were splayed wide.
“Okay pretty, try and stay still for me. Make as much noise as you wanna, Bakugou and I don’t mind.” And then a warm mouth was pressed up against your cunt, licking at you over your panties, dragging the rough cotton against your most sensitive parts.
“Oh! o-oh, oh-oh-” Was all you could make your mouth manage as the redhead gripped your thighs in his giant hands, pushing them apart and allowing his massive shoulders to fit between them as he bent to lick at your pussy.
It felt... It felt so good, building up pressure in your stomach as your hole clenched around nothing.
Then Kiri did something awful, pulling your panties to the side and nosing into your folds with a pleased grunt. His skin was so warm, and you were so wet, and his nose started bumping against your clit as the man sloppily mouthed at you, and you couldn’t-couldn’t
“Stop-stop! ‘m gonna cum!” You wailed, legs twitching.
Immediately Kirishima drew back, soothing circles getting rubbed into your calves by thick fingers. “You don’t wanna cum in my mouth? Wanna cum on my cock instead? That’s cute.”
He stood up, and you barely got a glimpse of his dick bobbing against his stomach before he was leaning forward and catching your lips in a kiss. It almost scared you, sharp teeth poking menacingly against your lips, dragging across your skin as Kirishima moved his mouth against yours, but the redhead knew how to work with his teeth.
“Man, she really is a slut for you.” Bakugou piped up from behind you. He was a bit breathless, voice scratcher, but you couldn’t focus on that, not when Kirishima was pulling away with a groan, one of his hands fisting his cock.
The redhead gathered the spit in his mouth, leaned down, and let it drip onto your cunt, panties still pushed to the side. It was burning hot, adding to the fire in your tummy, blazing higher and higher.
Heavy breathing and labored panting filled the room as Kirishima edged closer to you, laying his cock flat against your entrance, playing with your panties as he did so until they pressed against his cock as it nestled between the lips of your cunt.
And then he started grinding.
Slow, delicious, absolutely heavenly.
You almost didn’t care about the disgusting little groans coming from Bakugou, the slick sounds of him fucking his fist, the creak of his chair behind you.
Your attention was more focused on the pleasurable little zings going up your spine as Kiri rubbed his cock through your folds, all slick and wet. You kept your legs spread wide for him, barely able to breathe at the heat that seemed to fill the space, fill your lungs and steal your voice.
Kiri leaned down to kiss you again, and your hands fisted into his tank top, the material sweaty as it clung to his chest. If you could focus, you’d be trying to pull it off him, see the beautiful skin underneath, the man’s gorgeous body.
But what he was doing with his hips felt so good, you couldn’t even think.
“Kiri-Kiri, gonna-ohmygod-gonna-!”
And you came, shuddering as his cock kept fucking back and forth through your folds, twitching against your clit, veins in his dick pulsing and dragging against your skin.
He wasn’t stopping.
“Unhh, I came, please, wait Kirishima-”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to cum on my cock baby? I’m barely getting warmed up.” A feral smile gleamed bright from his lips. “I don’t play like Bakugou, I like messy girls. Gonna get you so fucked out you can’t even speak, can’t even walk. Won’t give him any trouble then, right? You’ll be good? For us?”
The look in his eye told you that you weren’t going to get a choice.
“Fuck Kiri, turn her over when you fuck her cunt so I can use her mouth.” Bakugou’s voice cut in, and your mood soured even more.
But Kirishima was already agreeing, cock still thrusting against your cunt. 
You didn’t get to make decisions anymore.
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falcqns · 4 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x Mute!Reader
Summary: You meet Chris for the first time and he doesn’t know you’re mute. All hell breaks loose.
Warnings: angst, chris being an accidental asshole, fluff, sebastian stan being protective
A/N: I based this on a dream I had, as well as my experience with being a selective mute from 2017-2020, and how I communicated and who I spoke verbally to. Hope you enjoy!
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Sebastian was shocked when he met you in pre-production for the first post-endgame Marvel movie, and you didn’t speak, instead nodding and using hand gestures that he later deciphered to be sign language. He knew that you were fairly new to the industry, and so approached Joe Russo.
“Hey, Joe. I just had a question about the new girl, Y/N?” He asked, while watching you walk of with your PA next to you. “Sure, what’s up?” Joe responded.
Sebastian cleared his throat before continuing. “I tried talking to her a little bit, but she didn’t speak, instead she used sign language, and I just was wondering if you knew why? Just so I can be better prepared and know how to help her,”
Joe smiled at Sebastian’s request. Being the insanely caring person that Seb was, his question didn’t surprise him. “She’s a selective mute. She does talk, but it is only when she is acting, and she’s an amazing actor. She mentioned to me that she doesn’t speak verbally unless she is very close to the person and trusts them wholeheartedly, such as her family and best friends. Her PA is her best friend, and can help you communicate with her. But, other than that, just get to know her. She’ll probably open up to you.” Joe finished, before patting Seb on the back, and walking off to talk to some production people.
Sebastian looked in the direction that you had gone, and decided to talk to you. You may not communicate verbally with him, but he wanted to get to know you.
Over the next few weeks of pre-production, both Sebastian and Anthony got to know you, and both were insanely shocked when you performed your first scene with them. You delivered your lines like you had been talking all your life, and with the gravity of an experienced actor. They both congratulated you, and you signed “thank you” in response. If any one had any doubts about your skills as an actor before, they had fully dissipated.
When it had been announced that production would be moving to the UK, Seb approached you and Mackie with the idea of renting a place together. You had agreed instantly, glad that you wouldn’t be living on your own in a foreign country all alone, especially since Y/B/F/N couldn’t come along. Living with both boys was chaotic to say the least, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. They gave you the biggest bedroom in the house, and began learning sign language so you wouldn’t have to carry your ipad everywhere for your text-to-speech app.
A few weeks in, you began to speak verbally to both boys. They were shocked when you spoke to them for the first time, but were insanely happy. Seb was almost in tears, recalling that you only spoke to those who you trusted whole heartedly. He had become insanely protective of you, and treated you like a sister, which you absolutely loved.
Everything was going great. That was, until Chris Evans showed up.
He had just finished filming his latest project, and decided to come and visit his two closest friends that he hadn’t seen in a few months. Mackie had mentioned that he was coming, and would be staying in the spare bedroom, and you foolishly assumed that he would tell Chris about your mutism.
But Mackie being Mackie, he didn’t. And neither did Seb, who also thought Mackie had told him.
You hid in your room when Chris arrived, not ready to face him at that point. You ventured out just after dinner time, and grabbed a plate of food before retreating back into your safe haven with the cover of working on an assignment that you had told to Seb. They bought it, and you and Chris made eye contact and shared a wave before you disappeared from sight.
A few days later is when all hell broke loose.
Chris seemed to have a habit of searching you and Seb out. It started off with him walking into our bedroom while Seb was talking to you, and admiring how you’d decorated the place. Yo gave him a small shy smile, which he returned, although there was a hint of confusion written all over his face. Then, you were asking Sebastian for clarification on the Romanian lines that you were supposed to speak the next day, when Chris wandered in to the kitchen. He noticed how you instantly fell silent, and whispered a thank you to Sebastian before you scurried past him. How watched your back retreat, and sighed, but grabbed his the beer he came for before walking into the living room.
It was later that night that you had decided that you wanted to talk to Chris. You hadn’t known him very long, but you felt very safe around him, and everyone had told you how trustworthy he was. You had spent the last 30 minutes hyping yourself up in the mirror before walking out on a journey to find him. You heard his voice floating from the kitchen, and as you got closer, your heart instantly broke.
“I just don’t get what her problem is with me.” You heard Chris say. Another voice, Seb, responded.
“Chris, I don’t think she has a problem with you,”
Chris scoffed. “Yes she does. Why else would she not talk to me, and rush out of a room quicker than she entered when I walk in? She has a huge problem with me. I don’t know why she thinks that just because she got a part in a movie that she can walk around all high and mighty, but I’ve done nothing to her. She’s being a bitch,”
You heard Seb exclaim and start to defend you, but you didn’t stay to listen to what he said, instead running back to your room in tears, your confidence shattered. You grabbed your iPad and apple pencil, and began to draw, an activity that let you communicate your feelings. You wanted to show Chris that you didn’t hate him, and that you didn’t think more of yourself just because you got a part in a movie.
You finished it right before dinner, and kept it in your grip tightly when Mackie called you down for dinner. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you made your way down the stairs, but your face fell, and eyes welled up with tears when you saw Chris wasn’t there.
“Is Chris coming to dinner?” You asked Seb, and he shook his head no sadly.
“No. He’s not in the best mood, but dont worry, he’ll be fine.” He said, as he grabbed his plate.
“Oh, okay.” You said, your voice coming out shaky. You looked down at the ipad in your hands, before walking out the kitchen. Seb followed behind you. Just before you reached the stairs, he gripped your arm, causing you to turn around.
“What’s wrong?” He asked sincerely, and you couldn’t hold back the tears.
“I-I heard h-him talking about m-me earlier,” You whispered, and Seb cursed before pulling you into a hug.
“You heard him,” He said. You nodded before speaking again.
“I drew him a picture and I wanted to give it to him to show that what h-he said wasn’t t-true, and that I’m actually a huge fan of his,” You sobbed into his chest. Seb didn’t move, but waited for your tears to subside, before walking with you upstairs.
“He’ll come around. He had a rough night, although that doesn’t excuse his behaviour. I’ll talk to him, okay?”
You nodded, and curled up in bed. “Do you want me to bring you up some dinner?” Seb asked, and you nodded again, before telling him what you wanted.
He left the room, and came down the stairs. he plated the food that you wanted, and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.
“What happened?” Anthony asked from the dining room as Seb passed.
“She heard what Evans said, and she’s heartbroken. I’m bringing her dinner, and then I’m gonna talk some sense into that motherfucker.”
“Good, he needs it.” Anthony agreed, watching as Seb walked away.
Seb dropped the food off to you, before walking across the hall to Chris’s room. He answered after the first knock.
“What’s up?”
“First of all, you’re a grade A asshole, and second of all, you need to go apologize to Y/N.” Seb said, anger bubbling in his voice.
“Why? She hates me, I’ve done nothing to her to-“ Chris began before Seb interrupted him.
“SHE DOESN’T HATE YOU!” He exclaimed. “She’s selectively mute, that’s why she doesn’t speak to you! She’s a huge fan of you. She’s in her bedroom, right now, heartbroken, because she heard you talking about her.” Seb finished, his hand pointing at your bedroom door.
Chris felt his heart sink. “Why does she talk to you, but not me?”
Seb sighed. “She only talks to people she trusts a lot, and you met her yesterday. Of course she’s not gonna talk to you right away, and now I’m afraid she never will because you talked bad about her. She drew you a picture in hopes that you would understand that she didn’t hate you, but you broke her heart even more by not showing up at dinner. Now, go and fix it or will not hesitate to call your mother.” Seb finished, before walking away.
Chris sat back down on his bed in disbelief. He’d fucked up, and he didn’t know how to fix it. He thought back to Seb’s threat, before picking up his phone and calling his mom.
You had just finished another episode of Criminal Minds, when a knock came to your bedroom door. You dragged yourself out of bed, and opened the door to reveal Chris. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and kept them locked on the floor, in fear that he was going to yell at you, and repeat his earlier statements to your face.
“I’m sorry,” Chris breathed out. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
You slowly moved your eyes up to meet his, and he sucked in a breath when he saw your puffy eyes. “It’s ok.” You signed, and Chris shook his head no, before enveloping you into his arms.
He moved the two of your further into your bedroom, and shut the door behind him.
“It is NOT okay. In any way. I broke your fucking heart, Y/N. I have no excuse for what I said, and I want to make it up to you. Will you let me do that?” He asked, his face buried into the hair atop your head. You nodded and he pulled away from you. You grabbed your ipad, opened up your text to speech app, and typed in a sentence.
“Do you want to watch a movie with me?”
Chris nodded, and smiled, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “Of course. You pick.”
You led him over to the bed, and got in, and he climbed in the opposite side. You picked up the remote, and chose the movie “Swat: Under Siege”. Chris wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and pulled you close to him. You cuddled into his chest as the movies opening scene began to play.
About halfway through the movie, Chris tilted your chin up to look at him.
“I really am sorry. I hate that I said what I did. I just- Seb had told me all about you, and I had seen some of the leaked pictures from set, and all I wanted to do was impress you. When I thought you hated me, I couldn’t handle it, and I lashed out. I’m so so sorry about that.” He said, his thumb teaching over your cheekbone once more. “Also, Seb told me that you drew me a picture? Can I see it?” And you nodded.
You unlocked your ipad and opened the drawing app, clicking on the most recent one, before handing the device over to Chris.
His breath caught in his throat while he looked down at the picture you had drawn of him.
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“T-that is amazing,” He said, tears coming to his eyes at the picture that you worked so hard to make of him. “You’re even more amazing than I thought.” He finished. “Thank you,” You signed, before thinking of a question.
You grabbed your iPad once more, and typed into your app.
“Why did you want to impress me?” Chris smiled at the sound of the robotic voice coming from the device.
“I was drawn to you. I dont know what is was, but I couldn’t get you off my mind. I had searched and searched to find another tv or movie you had been in, but nothing came up, and I was so shocked that you got such a big part right off the bat. But I was also insanely excited to see you perform. And when Seb and Mackie told me I could come and stay for a while, I was ecstatic to be able to get to know you, and that’s when I realized that I liked you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his words. Did Chris Evans really just admit to having a crush on you?
“Now, I understand if you dont like me back, but I had to get that off my chest, especially since I just broke your heart.” Chris said, his eyes focused on the tv to not meet your gaze. You gave him a small smile, but grasped his chin into your hand, and drew his lips into a soft and tender kiss.
He let out a breathy moan, and pulled you closer. His lips travelled from your lips, and all over your face, amking you let out a giggle. He started laughing too, and pulled away. “I’m guessing this means that you like me too?” He asked, and you nodded immediately.
He smiled, and grasped your hand in his. “Well then, can I take you on a date?”
You took a deep breath, and opened your mouth. “Yes.”
Chris’s eyes immediately welled up with tears and he pulled you in for another kiss.
“You spoke to me,” He whispered when he pulled apart, a few tears rolling down his face.
You shrugged and gave him a smile.
“I trust you wholeheartedly.”
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
bar maid (b.w.)
prompt: a long night at the leaky cauldron and the late shift can only mean one thing: a boring night. but when a new face pops into the bar, the mood shifts drastically.
pairing: bill weasley x fem! reader
warnings: drinking, mentions of the war, language (literally once), sexual references
word count: 4.5k
taglist: @harrysweasleys​ @gcdric​ @lumos-barnes​ @whizboingies​ @lumosandnoxwriting​ @pxroxide-prinxcesss​ @c-t-h​ @another-lonely-heart-blog​ @starlightweasley​ @parseltongueswriting​ @shilohpug​ @peachypotter​ @vogueweasley​
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“Another round of ale, Albert?” you ask with a smile as you wipe down a section of the bar from its previous attendants. The damp dish towel wipes across the mahogany bar, leaving streaks that shine underneath the bar lighting, the faint smell of chemical lemon lingering in the air mixes with the overwhelming scent of lager and spirits. 
Albert flashes you a toothy grin and gives you a shrug. “Eh, why not. It’s a Friday, isn’t it?” Albert laughs before sliding you his brass mug down the length of the bar as you stealthily catch it in your hand. You fill the mug with amber ale, teeming with white foam, smelling of wheat. “You’re too good to me, (Y/N),” Albert tells you with a grin before taking a sip of his usual drink of choice. 
You were a bar maid at the Leaky Cauldron and Albert was one of your regulars. Now, you didn’t think that you would be a bar maid after graduating from Hogwarts and trying to become a professor, but the world had a funny way about it, didn’t it? Being a bar maid meant you got good tips and had the luxury of creating your own schedule, but it also meant when you worked, it was long hours of standing on your feet and serving cheap ale and lager to annoyed businessmen and exhausted workers from the hours of five o’clock to two o’clock in the morning. Work was grueling, but you tried to make as much fun of it as you could.
“It’s the least I can do, Al,” you sigh, flopping the dish towel over your shoulder as you lean over the bar. “Any juicy gossip for me today? I’ve been bored out of my skull since I clocked in and I still got another five hours ahead of me. I need some entertainment,” you groan, cracking your knuckles against the wood of the bar. The thought of another five hours dealing with more alcohol, more grumpy patrons, and another tired night made your head ache. 
Al takes a long sip from his mug, wiping the foam from his upper lip before speaking, “Not much gossip, I’m afraid.” You throw your head back and groan, taking an annoyed sip from your water. “Nothing interesting has happened, my dear,” he huffs in just as much annoyance as you. “We’re living in dark times, all news is usually disappointing, scary, or both. I’m looking for something hopeful just as much as you are,” Al confesses.
You tighten your ponytail and push your baby hairs away from your face, hands flopping on your shoulders as you slump over. Albert was right. The thought of a looming wizarding war over everyone’s heads was enough to keep everyone living in fear of when it would all come to a head and pop. At least working at the pub took your mind off of things, even if it was just for a few hours of the day.
“However,” Albert’s tone changes as you dart your eyes to him, curious. “I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the name Fleur Delacour? I heard through the grapevine that she has recently started working at Gringott’s. Desk job, but people were confused as to why should would come all the way to London for a silly desk job,” Albert explains before sipping from his ale again.
Your eyebrows furrow as the name does ring a bell. “The name sounds familiar. I certainly didn’t go to school with her or else I would know who she was. But the name is oddly recognizable...I’ll ask my younger sister when I speak to her next. She’s at Hogwarts now. I’m sure she’d know,” you tell Albert. “Anyone else take up a job? Familiar names or faces?” 
Al searches his memory for anything else. He presses his tongue to his cheek. “Yeah, there was someone else. William...I don’t remember the surname for life of me, but it was William something...” he trails off.
You think for a moment, trying to scan your brain for a William that you might know. But you drew blank. It had been so long since you saw anyone from your graduating class. You had spent most of your time in the pub or studying or applying for new professor jobs. But no one was looking to hire an under-experienced professor in these times, no matter how good your marks were at Hogwarts, regardless that you were top of your class in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions. The thought makes you infuriated because you knew you could teach this new generation of wizards better than anyone else.  
Shaking your head, “Well, whatever, if he was important, you would know his name.” Albert shrugs. “I need to go bring in some kegs from the back, I’ll be back in a second,” you tell him before go around the bar, walking to the back of the Leaky Cauldron, hearing snippets of conversations here and there, most people talking about the news or their families. It was sad; just two years ago people would be roaring with laughter, telling stories and jokes, recounting happy times. Now, everyone was so focused on how the world as you knew it may be crumbling around you. 
The cool fall air wraps around you as you push the door to bring the kegs from outside in as you pull your jumper over your hands to make some make-shift mittens. “Bloody hell,” you whisper to yourself as you see three kegs lined up outside for you to bring in. “Seriously, Tom?” you groan as you grab one keg and start dragging it. “I don’t get paid enough for this, I swear,” you grumble. 
“Need a hand?” a voice interrupts you as you drag the steel keg across the cobblestone. 
You look up and your eyes meet a pair that you haven’t seen in years. An instant smile rises on your lips as the all too familiar red hair is swept in the wind. “You’re kidding,” you laugh as you stand up straight, brushing off your jumper as he smiles widely at you with a chuckle. “Bill Weasley as I live and breathe?” you laugh as you run towards him, Bill engulfing you in a large hug. Your arms wrap around him tightly as he picks you up, your feet leaving the ground as you giggly madly as Bill sways you back and forth. 
It had been years since you had seen Bill Weasley. The two of you had attended Hogwarts together in the same year and became fast friends. You had always admired how Bill was so smart and confident in himself (borderline arrogant, but in the sexiest best way). Bill was a popular one at Hogwarts, but through it all, he always managed to make time for you since you liked staying out of the lime light. Bill was well-loved and revered at Hogwarts, so it was obvious that he became a prefect during your time. And that’s when you two started to drift apart. He became busy doing his things and you became busy with your own studies. After graduation, the two of you went your separate ways, but you always wondered where he had gone. 
Bill sets you down on your feet, his hands still on your hips as he smiled brightly down at you. He looked so mature now, longer red hair tied back in a ponytail, but he was still tall, thin, and undeniably handsome. The hunter green jacket he sported clung onto his tall figure, underneath a button down that was unbuttoned just enough so you could see the chest hairs that poked out from the loose material. Hanging from his ear lobe was a fang earring that wasn’t there before. Bill had changed, but in a way that caught your eye in a way that has never happened before. You gulped. 
“Godric, (Y/N), you haven’t changed one bit,” Bill laughs as he takes a good look at you as you mentally curse that you had been wearing something different than your old blue jumper and leggings with stained boots from the bar. “How long has it been? Seven years?” he speaks as you nod. “Bloody hell, it feels like yesterday we were at Hogwarts,” he recounts the memories fondly as your heart warms to the same memories.
You smile brightly, “Time flies, Weasley.” He chuckles. “We can talk more about it if you help me bring in these kegs and I’ll treat you to an ale on the house. Or are you more of a lager man?” you ask as you walk back over to the steel kegs that wait to be dragged into the pub. 
Bill chuckles as you grab one keg, starting to drag it into the pub. Without any hesitation or effort, Bill picks up the remaining two kegs in each of his hands, muscles flexing underneath his jacket as he shakes his head. You gulp and avert your eyes, trying not to focus on the way he so effortlessly carried the heavy steel kegs as you pushed yours in. “More of a whiskey kind of guy if you got any of that,” Bill tells you as you push the kegs towards the back of the bar, Bill places his two next to yours. “I didn’t know you were working at the Leaky Cauldron.”
Walking back to the bar with Bill by your side you speak, “Yeah. Been working here for a while now since there seems to be a hold on hiring newer, younger professors,” you roll your eyes as Bill laughs. Bill remembered how badly you wanted to be a professor and teach the younger generations of wizards and witches magic. It was your dream, but now it was on pause. “What about you? Why are you back in London? Last I heard of you, you were in Egypt!” you nudge his arm with your elbow.
He gives you a smile, happy that you had been keeping your tabs on him. “I was in Egypt for a long while. Loved it, really. But I came home to help my family out with the Order and such. I’m working at Gringott’s now at a desk job. Very exciting, I know,” he rolls his eyes as you giggle, making your way behind the bar.
A William working at Gringott’s. I should have known, you think to yourself. “Hey Albert,” you call over the man who sits just a mere stool away from Bill. “That new William who's working at Gringott’s now? It’s not just any bloke, he’s a Weasley,” you smile at Albert who looks over to Bill with a look of realization. “Bill, this is Albert, one of my regulars. Al, this is Bill Weasley, we went to Hogwarts together.”
Bill gives Albert a firm shake shake and warm smile. “Nice to meet you, sir,” Bill beams. “You’ve been in good company with this one, I’m sure,” Bill winks as Albert chuckles lowly.
“That I have been. She’s great company and serves an even better mug of ale,” Albert speaks as you smile sweetly at him, Bill laughing. “I would love to stay and chat longer, but I gotta get home to the family,” Albert tells you and Bill, putting on his coat before digging into his pockets and places and handful of coins on the table to pay for his drinks and tip you generously as he usually did. “I’ll see you on Monday, my dear,” Albert calls as he walks towards the door, you giving him a salute goodbye.
Bill speaks, “He seems like a good guy.” You nod as you take out a glass and start to pour him a generous glass of Fire Whiskey before placing it front of him. “How did you know I take it neat? What if I wanted it on the rocks?”
You give him a knowing look. “I know you, Bill. Last time I checked, you were drinking Fire Whiskey straight from the bottle at your graduation party,” you recall with a light chuckle as Bill groans at the memory. “You were off your rocker that night, I’m tellin’ you,” you start to laugh harder, remembering how Bill stood up on the dining room table of the Burrow, singing along to music that he blasted as everyone laughed and sang along with him. Graduation was such a happy time in your young adult life, you wished you could go back and relive it.
He rubs his face with one hand and speaks, “We were a mess that night, weren’t we?” 
“We? Don’t drag me into this, Weasley! I was perfectly happy having one drink, but it was you who made me drink bloody Daisyroot Draught! The smell now makes me sick,” you contort your face with disgust as Bill laughs. “I will admit though, I’ve missed you quite a bit,” you confess, playing with the edges of the dish rag in your hands as you look up at Bill.
Slowly, a smile finds its way onto Bill’s lips as your heart flutters gently as his eyes look into yours. He still had the same eyes that you adored so fondly as a child and teen. In his eyes contained all the memories of Hogwarts and late nights and sleepover at the Burrow. His eyes had laughter and joy in them that you so missed during times like this. You missed Bill Weasley. For more than one reason.
“I’ve missed you more than quite a bit,” Bill reveals as you allow heat to rise to your cheeks. “I missed having my partner in crime around. Sneaking into the kitchens and then getting caught by McGonagall,” he recalls.
You laugh, “Stop, and then she asked if she could join us!” The two of you are in hysterics at the memory of eating leftovers and sweets in the kitchens with Minerva McGonagall as third year students, chatting about school and life after Hogwarts. McGonagall had always taken a liking to the two of you. She always said that you two were peas in a pod.
Bill smiles and takes a sip from his whiskey before speaking, “How long are you working tonight? I’d be happy to stay with you until you clock out.”
Your eyes widen and you shake your head, “Oh no, I couldn’t ask you to do that. I’m the closer and we don’t close the bar down until two in the morning.”
With a cheeky smirk, Bill huffs, “Well, we’ve got a lot to catch up on and we got...” he looks at the clock on the wall, “four and a half hours to kill. So, start talking, (Y/N). We’ve got all night,” he speaks, dropping his left eye in a wink as you smile with a blush. 
For the next four hours, you and Bill caught up on everything. And by everything, you mean everything. His life after Hogwarts sounded much more interesting than what you had been doing to keep busy. Bill had been spending his time as a Curse-Breaker for Gringott’s, going on missions throughout Egypt, coming home to London here and there. You smiled as he recounted his stories with such passion and love in his eyes. It was evident that Bill loved what he was doing and he was sad that he couldn’t continue doing his job, now being stationed back in London at a boring desk job. Quite the downgrade from fighting and defeating mummies to working an office job.
Soon, people were filing out of the bar as closing time approached until it was just you and Bill in the pub. You had moved from standing behind the bar to sitting on a stool next to Bill, leaning on the bar as you listened to his deep baritone voice speak to you. 
Bill placed a hand on your knee, giving it a squeeze. “(Y/N)? Tell me something,” he speaks.
“Anything, Weasley,” you smile at him, sleepily.
Bill chuckles, “Why are you working as a bar maid when you could be going out and doing what you love? Teaching. You’ve always wanted to teach students magic and it doesn’t seem fair that you are parked behind a bar pouring ale and lager to lazy blokes.” You roll your eyes and shake your head. “I’m serious. What’s stopping you?”
You sigh and recount everything that has held you back from doing what you want. First off, no wizarding school in the United Kingdom was hiring any professor right now due to the climate of the wizarding world. The only other option was moving to America and maybe teaching there at Ilvermorny? Maybe Beauxbatons in France? But it wasn’t a guarantee that you could find a job with such little teaching experience under your belt. “Besides the hiring freeze? I have no experience teaching, Bill. Plus, I want to make money for myself right now so I can save it up and move into my own place rather than living in my small flat with a bunch of my mates. The only other jobs are abroad and I do not have that much money to make a move like that. Besides, my whole family is here. My friends. And you’ve just come back now and leaving just seems illogical,” you sigh, knowing that your dream would have to wait.
He shakes his head, “Excuses, excuses.” You shake your head and take a sip from the whiskey that you had poured yourself, the amber liquid warming up your chest and stomach. It tasted like graduation. “If I can teach a year at Hogwarts, then you certainly can. Besides, you were just as good, if not better, than me in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I’m sure they could use your help more than ever right now.”
Looking up at Bill, you see how tender and soft his gaze is on you. He really meant every word he spoke to you with genuine honesty. Looking at Bill now was like looking at someone who you had known forever. He really hadn’t changed one bit. He was witty and kind and smart and sweet. Your Bill. But at the same time, he was different. He had become so mature and ruthless and brave. It was a new Bill, a Bill you could get used to. 
You look down and see that his hand was still placed on your knee. Clearing your throat, you shift in your seat and Bill retracts his hand, digging it into the pocket of his jacket again as you take a sip of your whiskey. “Well,” you start, “I know I would be a better professor than you...I’m better at a lot of things than you,” you tease him as he rolls his eyes. 
“Oh yeah? Do I smell a challenge?” Bill laughs as you shrug. “Ah, ah, don’t start something you can’t finish, sweetheart,” he leans back in his chair, tongue pressed to his cheek as you gulp, the nickname making your palms sweat. “Go on,” he speaks, daring you to challenge him. “You chose.”
Trying to ignore the rapid increase in your heart rate, you swallow hard. “Fine,” you smile before reaching over to the other side of a bar, grabbing a jar filled with a red liquid and multiple bright red cherries. Twisting the cap open, you pluck out two maraschino cherries, one for you and one for Bill. “I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue faster than you can,” you smirk, flirtatiously biting the cherry of its stem as Bill’s eyes widen and he gulps, shifting in his seat.
He clears his throat, “Yeah? How much you wanna bet?” 
You think for a moment, trying to find a wager that would make this worth your while. “If I win, you pick up the tab from tonight,” you smile.
“I thought this was all on the house?” he scoffs with a smirk.
“Not if you lose,” you sing song, making him roll his eyes. “And Albert told me about a new worker at Gringott’s. Fleur Delacour? Yeah, you’ve gotta ask her out on a date,” you smirk. 
Bill’s eyes widen. “Fleur?!” he exclaims with a laugh. “She’s my co-worker! Plus, we’re just friends. Nothing’s there,” he reasons as you shake your head.
You laugh, “Well those are my terms if I win. Gotta get you out on the dating field, Weasley.” You tease him as he smirks, looking down at the whiskey glass in his hands. “And if you win?”
He thinks for a moment, swirling the whiskey around and around in his glass, pondering what his terms would be. Bill bites the cherry off the stem as you watch his lips move carefully, like you were in a trance of some kind. You quickly shake it off, trying to keep yourself from getting distracted by him. “If I win,” Bill huffs, “then first of all, the drinks are on the house. Second, you’ll have to stop by the Burrow because once Mum hears that you’re in London, she’ll have a cow,” he laughs as you giggle. Molly Weasley, what an angel. “And third of all,” he speaks, leaning forward on his elbows so he’s closer to your face as you inhale sharply, “I’ll ask whoever the fuck I want on a date.”
Your heart stops for a moment as your whole body tingles as the words all from his lips. You can’t take your eyes off of his you are frozen. Bill smirks at your reaction before slowly leaning back in his chair, biting down softly on his lower lip as you gulp. “O-Okay then,” you manage to make out, trying to reorient yourself as Bill chuckles. “Count of three?” you speak before placing the cherry stem in your mouth as Bill does his. “One...two...three.”
With that, the two of you start twisting your tongue around the cherry stem, trying to tie it before the other could. Your heart is racing a mile a minute and your stomach is doing flips as your mind is screaming what the hell is going on. The entire time Bill doesn’t take his eyes off of you, staring into yours. The act felt so inherently sexual that you could feel your palms sweat and a second heartbeat between your thighs grow. This was a terribly good idea. 
You can feel the cherry stem in your mouth finally slip into a knot as your eyes widen in victory, hand flying up to your mouth so you can show Bill the work you have done. As you hand reaches your lips, Bill’s fingers slyly pull his cherry stem out of his mouth just mere milliseconds before you. “I win,” he speaks.
“You cheated!” you instantly accuse him, pointing your finger at him.
Bill chuckles, “How did I cheat? I won fair and square and you know it, you sore loser.”
You shake your head, “I clearly won, you saw me! You had to have cheated, just so you could get free whiskey out of it!” Bill just shakes his head and grabs your chair, pulling you closer to him as you fail to notice as you keep rambling nervously. “Admit it, Bill, you just don’t like to admit that you’re not Hogwarts’ golden child anymore. You’ve out grown that title. Step aside for the new winner which is me, of course. You know I won, come on, Bill. I def-”
“(Y/N)?” he asks softly.
You realize that you are mere inches away from Bill now, his hands resting on either side of your stool. You inhale slowly and gulp, trying to calm yourself down to prepare for the inevitable. “Yes, Bill?” you respond just as softly.
“Shut up,” he whispers with a smile.
Without further hesitation, Bill leans forward and connects your lips together as you inhale deeply, kissing him back and wrapping your arms around his neck instantly. Bill’s hands slide around your sides before hoisting you onto the bar, him standing between your legs as he kisses you deeper. You wrap your legs around his torso, drawing him closer to you, needing to feel his body pressed against yours. His lips move against yours with deep desire that he had been saving for so long and finally, you both were getting what you wanted for so long. His mouth tasted of the whiskey as you took more and more of it, drunk off of his kiss. 
His hands held onto you tightly, not daring to let you go as you lightly moaned into his lips, making him smirk. Bill’s tongue was cool against yours as he massaged yours with his, snogging you right in the middle of the bar. Your mouths moved together, lusting after the other’s touch. You hands ran down his chest and his abs as he groaned gently into your mouth, making your stomach flutter as you smirked softly. Bill’s hand cupped your cheek before making its way to the back of your neck, pressing your lips harder against his. 
You wanted to take him in this pub just like this, but Bill pulls away before you can push off his jacket. The two of you are breathless from kissing, chest heaving up and down, a smile on both of your faces as you blush a wild crimson. “You win,” you surrender to Bill who chuckles.
“I always win, sweetheart,” he winks before kissing you again, this time short as you whine when he pulls away. “And since I won, that means that this whiskey,” he points to his glass, “is on the house, you’ll be joining the Weasley’s for Sunday dinner, and on Monday night, you’ll be taking the night off so I can take you out on a proper date rather than just snogging on the bar of the pub,” he speaks as you laugh.
You run your fingers through his hair, “You mean you do like snogging me on the bar?” you tease him.
Bill furrows his brows, “Hey, hey, slow your roll. Don’t put words in my mouth now.” You laugh, placing your hands on his shoulders. “There’s nothing I’d rather do than snog you in every location of his pub,” he winks as you roll your eyes. “But I reckon a girl like you should be taken out on a proper date by a bloke like me, eh?” 
Pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, you speak against them, “It’d be my honor.”
“Wicked,” he smirked, giving your sides a squeeze before hoisting you down from the bar. “How about you lock this place up and I’ll walk you back to your flat. Can’t have precious cargo like you roaming the streets alone,” he speaks with a gentle tap on your bum as you roll your eyes.
You shove his shoulder teasingly, “Hey, just because you came back from Egypt, Mr. Big Shot, doesn’t mean you make my decisions for me.” Bill chuckles as you smile, “But yeah, I’ll let you walk me home, Weasley.”
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stillebesat · 3 years
An Unconventional Defeat
Sanders Sides: Patton, Virgil Blurb: Patton knew that heroes started out young, far younger than villains ever did. But this young? Inspiration: From the Anon prompt: “I can take care of myself just fine.” with Virgil. Fic Type: Superhero!AU, Villain!Patton, Hero!Virgil Overall Fic Warnings: Near Death Experiences, Death Talk, Injuries, Hospitals Taglist in Reblogs:
He’s fourteen.
Patton stared down at the prone form of his nemesis, Onyx, in the darkened hospital room, mind racing.
He knew that heroes started out young, far younger than villains ever did. But this young?
Sure, that no good empathy that the heart twinged with seemed to chime all stronger for the children. For those naive fools who were still optimistic about life and wanted to believe that good would always win out in the end. That being good was the best way to live your life. That you could change the world for the better.
Patton had been a fool like that. Once.
He’d wanted to be a teacher. Once. Be an example to the rising generation. Once.
And then he’d had his eyes forcibly opened in college to just how cruel and heartless the world actually was. Goodness only got trampled. Squashed. Taken advantage of. Goodness only got used until it wasn’t useful anymore and then got dumped like so much trash. If one wanted to change the world permanently. One couldn’t do so by being good.
Kids though?
The poor fools didn’t realize that yet. That being good wasn’t well...good. For anyone. Hero work? Pointless. Especially with how active Patton was in the city.
Hero work didn’t put food on the table. Hero work didn’t pay the bills. It was a thankless never ending job.
A job that landed a fourteen year old in the hospital with head trauma, a broken leg, arm, fractured ribs, and multiple puncture wounds in the shoulders and abdomen that had only avoided killing the kid by sheer dumb luck.
A fourteen year old that Patton had been fighting for a good three years now, not that he’d known that until nine hours ago.
Onyx had always snarked at him in a deep distorted voice, had always been covered by an ever shifting melee of shadows that never showed just who was manipulating the darkness around him.
He growled under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck. Eleven. The kid had been freaking eleven when he’d first shown up to stop Patton from razing the police department to the ground.
No wonder Onyx had been so ferocious in defending the place. He’d still been of an age to see the cops as fellow heroes. The good guys. He hadn’t yet discovered their darker side. Just how much like school ground bullies most of them could be to the weak.
Patton clenched his hands, conscious of the frost coating his fingertips, of the room getting noticeably colder. “You’re an idiot.” He told the sleeping hero in a low voice, tensing as the shadows sluggishly stirred at the sound of his voice. “Ruining everything.”
He’d been trying to take down Onyx for ages. Perfecting the best way to use his ice bolts to freeze those shadows of his once and for all. It had been the best moment of his life seeing the hulking figure finally stagger when his ice had successfully pierced through the darkness and not fly out the other end. To know that they had stuck. To see those dark wisps vanish like so much smoke as the hero plummeted from the sky. To have a crater form from the impact that left a dust cloud floating in the air with no hint whatsoever of his shadows preparing to strike back.
It had been his greatest moment of triumph. The final defeat of his main nemesis.
An icy javelin had already formed in his hands, aimed for Onyx’s heart before Patton’s feet had even hit the ground.
But instead of the square jawed overly muscled hero he’d expected to finally see underneath that murky shadow disguise...he’d found a freaking child laying there, bleeding, broken, and unconscious.
One Virgil Hawkins. Fourteen years old. Orphan. Parents dead since he was nine. Grandmother dead since he was eleven though apparently no one else had realized that little tidbit yet besides Patton because he’d actually tried to find the woman last night after he’d rushed the boy to the hospital for emergency surgery only to discover the little urn with her name on it on the mantle of the fireplace in her home.
It was one thing to kill a Hero. And Patton...well he’d done in his fair share of heroes over the last decade. But killing a child? His heart might be cold. Frozen even. But as much as he itched to end Onyx the hero permanently...ending Virgil the child was an entirely different matter.
Not that anyone would know. Not that anyone would care if Virgil vanished the same evening Onyx died. He could freeze the kid’s heart here and now and not even the staff supposedly watching the boy would think much of it, injured as he was.
Patton frowned, breath misting in front of him as he held out an ice coated hand over the child, an icicle easily forming in his fist.
It would be so easy.
Who would care about the disappearance of a single boy? One who was practically a ghost in his civilian life. Certainly not the news. Certainly not the cops the kid had risked his life to defend. A kid only surviving as it were because he’d been clever enough to keep his grandma’s social security checks coming to the house as a source of income.
No one would notice if he just...vanished. Not even the school the kid attended would. Not when they couldn’t even tell him if he’d shown up yesterday for class.
No concerned teacher. No concerned counselor. No friends to worry about him suddenly vanishing. Not even the staff here in the hospital cared enough to keep more than a cursory eye on their John Doe as the police attempted to track down the boy’s nonexistent family.
Virgil had no one.
Patton let the icicle dissolve back into his skin, his hand lightly resting on the boy’s warm forehead, fingers lightly brushing the stitches there.
No one to pay the hospital bills. No one to look after him once he was released. No one to ensure that he had food, clothes and shelter. No one to stop him from being a fu-freaking idiot and going out to attack a villain old enough to be his Father.
Patton shuddered, pulling his hand back. Crofters forbid that. Teenagers were the worst. Onyx only proved that tenfold with how easily he’d wound up Patton in their fights. To have one living in his own home? With their constant mood swings, inability to do chores, and dependence on social media? Ha. No.
A groan from the bed drew him from his thoughts right as the shadows around the bed surged at him, latching onto his arm and jerking him forward with a startled yelp.
“Cold.” A hoarse voice whispered as pale fingers shakily rose from under the blanket, twisting to catch Patton’s wrist as the shadows pulled him within reach. Onyx’s eyelids fluttered as he placed Patton’s hand on his forehead. “Cold.”
Was he insane?! Patton growled, the temperature in the room dropping another ten degrees as he struggled against Onyx’s shadow grip. “Let. Go!”
The hero had the gall to smirk, dark eyes unfocused as he opened them fully, the shadows pulsing around them. “No way, Icy.” He whispered. “You cold. Feels good. You stay.”
WHAT?! He wasn’t an icepack! “I’ll freeze your burning head off! LET GO, you idiot!” He allowed a thin layer of ice to form under his hand to prove his point. It was bad enough that Onyx could match him throw for throw on a good day, it was worse knowing that a fu--freaking half-drugged teenager could still hold him with minimal effort.
Virgil closed his eyes, stupid smile growing wider. “Rubber. Glue. Back to you.”
Patton blinked. “Huh?” What was that supposed to mean?! This was why he hated teenagers. They didn’t make a lick of sense whenever they spoke.
“You’re the idiot here.” Virgil dropped his hand, the shadows releasing their grip. “Coming in uniform? To a hospital? To see me? For shame.”
Patton scoffed, taking a step back. He wasn’t some first year amateur to walk in the front door dressed like this. “Like I care if anyone sees me, kid.”
If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t afford to let anyone see him actually caring about anyone’s welfare, especially some ‘random’ kid found on the street after the big fight with Onyx, he would have blasted the front doors off their hinges and made a grand entrance instead of manipulating the ice of his clothes to resemble simple civilian attire before sauntering inside, no questions asked. After all, no one ever looked twice at some guy walking around in a black shirt and blue jeans, not even in a hospital.
Though. He flexed his fingers. It wasn’t like it was outside his wheelhouse to freeze people to death if they got in his way.
Onyx frowned, the shadows pulsing as he opened his eyes again, making eye contact. “No...you wouldn’t would you….why are you here--No.” The darkness gathered underneath him, carefully carefully pushing the kid upright in the hospital bed. He hissed, uninjured arm moving to wrap around his stomach. “Why am I here and not dead, Icy?”
Patton lifted his chin, glaring at the hero. “Did you want to be dead?” He asked, hefting a javelin of ice in his hand.
The teenager had the gall to roll his eyes, though Patton didn’t miss how the shadows surged around him in a protective shield. “Missed your chance, buddy. Don’t tell me your frozen heart actually thawed a little during our fight.”
“No.” Patton jabbed at the shadows, not at all surprised when they easily shattered his weapon with a quick twist.
So the kid wasn’t as out of it as his dilated eyes made it seem. Good to know.
“So I’m alive then….why?”
Why did it matter? “You’re fourteen.”
Virgil scoffed, slowly moving the arm that was in a cast so it too rested against his stomach. “So? You’ve killed kids before.”
Patton stiffened, ice flashing from his feet to cover the floor like a mini ice rink. Did the boy honestly not care about his own life?! “You shouldn’t have been fighting me in the first place, Onyx! You’re a kid. A Fu-FREAKING KID. Your biggest worry should be passing some stupid Math test! Making friends in school. Not squaring up against the worst villain the city has ever seen!” A villain that always, always killed his nemeses no matter what.
Virgil huffed, spreading his arms, the shadows twisting around them. “Last time I checked, this kid could wipe your ass into the dirt without breaking a sweat. I can take care of myself just fine, thank you very much.”
“But you shouldn’t HAVE to.” This wasn’t some stupid dystopian novel. No normal eleven year old should have such a stupidly high Chosen One complex.
“And who’s fault is it that I have to, Icemas?” Virgil’s eyes practically glittered like obsidian shards as the shadows lifted him off the bed, turning him to face Patton properly, the machines squeaking in protest as the various tubes connecting them to the hero shifted out of alignment. “No one else was stepping up. No one else would face you.”
“That’s the point!” Patton hissed, shooting a ray of ice to the door, crystals covering the window there and locking it in place so no one else would be able to investigate the alarms going off, before stepping forward to jab a finger at the boy’s chest, though he was careful to not actually touch the wounds there or send any ice bolts at him. “I’m showing everyone that being a hero is a useless archaic practice! No one should have to risk their life day in and day out for complete strangers who will never appreciate your sacrifice! If you had died tonight, Virgil, who would have cared?! The media? Ha.” He shook his head, gesturing to the blank TV screen in the corner as the shadows pulled back to quiver behind the young hero. “They’d mourn you for maybe a week tops before moving onto the next sensational story, the next stupid hero trying to make a difference. Maybe, maybe they will name some shiny new building after you, to remember you by, but then what? NOTHING. You’d be DEAD before you could ever drive and it would have all been for naught!”
Virgil frowned, shadows lowering him so he was sitting on the bed. “...You know my name?”
Patton stiffened. That’s what the kid was worried about? Him figuring out his civilian identity instead of nearly dying?! That was so messed up. “Someone had to try and track down your family, kid. The idiots here weren’t gonna do it.”
The hero had the gall to grin, though Patton didn’t miss how his fingers clenched the sheets. “Aww, well isn’t that sweet of you, Popsicle. How did that go?” He tilted his head to the iced over door where distant voices could be heard as the handle rattled. “Good old mom and dad waiting outside to see me? To check in on how their ickle Virgikins is doing?”
Teenagers. He hated them. “You know they aren’t. You have no one.”
Something flickered in the boy’s eyes. “Oh! Then let me guess.” He rested his chin on his uninjured hand. “You let the staff know I’m on my own? Do I get the oh so fun opportunity to experience our stellar A+ foster care system now?”
Patton rolled his eyes, shooting another bolt of ice at the door for good measure. “Please. They still think you’re a John Doe.” The lazy bums were waiting for him to wake up first. Hoping that Virgil would tell them who he was before trying to track down his identity or family.
“Excellent.” Virgil gave the door an appraising look. “Think they’ll believe amnesia?”
Patton blinked. “....Do you not feel the stitches holding your head together?” Or the baseball sized lump on the back of his skull from hitting the pavement?
The hero shrugged. “Honestly?” The shadows pulsed around him. “It’s all kinda fuzzy agony currently. Can’t differentiate what parts of me hurt and what doesn’t.”
How was this kid even awake?! Patton stepped forward, pushing the boy back down flat on the bed. “Then REST before you hurt yourself further, idiot.”
“Aw, love you too, Popsicles.”
“DON’T CALL ME THAT.” He would never be a fu-freaking Father to anyone.
“Or what?” Virgil relaxed against the pillows, even as his hand twisted to catch Patton’s wrist again. “You’ll kill me?”
If he wanted to do that the kid would be dead already. Patton jerked free, another ice spear forming in his hand, pointed to the boy’s throat. “No.”
“Aw. You scared to?”
“NO. I’m not killing a KID. Our fights are done with, Virgil. No more Onyx. He’s DEAD.”
The boy scoffed, pushing the spear to the side. “Last I checked, Icy,” The shadows surged over him in a swirling mass until the familiar shadowy form of Onyx stared back from the bed. “We’re the same person.” His voice echoed. “And I’m still alive and kicking.”
Ooooohoooho. Patton could feel his eye twitching as ice crept up the walls and window. If it were just Onyx he’d take great pleasure in killing the hero here and now. He itched to do so. But he couldn’t. Not with knowing that Virgil the child hid underneath the darkness. “I won’t fight you, kid.”
The shadows pulled back, revealing Virgil looking far paler than before, his face glittering with sweat. “Coward.”
“Idiot.” The kid needed to see a shrink. No normal fourteen year old would be this stubborn about wanting to constantly go up against him and face death by his hand!
“I know you are but what am I?”
The window shattered, sending frost covered glass glittering to the floor. “Hopefully grounded by the fool that ends up taking you in.” He got out through gritted teeth, ice particles shimmering in the air, ready to defend as the shadows around Onyx sprung up like a series of blackened tentacles writhing behind him.
He pitied whoever ended up with this troubled teen in their home…though...maybe he could arrange for the kid to be shipped across the country to live far far away from here. Getting out of this place could set him straight. Snap him out of this stupid hero phase he was in.
Virgil threw his head back, laughter ringing throughout the room as banging sounded from the door, the ice blockade cracking under the strain.
Judging by the way the ice was shearing off, someone with heat abilities had finally shown up.
Virgil shook his head, still grinning, though his eyes held no laughter as the shadow tentacles sharpened into jagged points, all aimed at Patton’s chest. “Oh that’s rich. Me, grounded? Like a normy would be able to stop me from coming after you the next time you decide to wreck the city.” He pushed himself up onto one elbow, jabbing his cast at Patton, the shadows quivering behind him like a pack of hunting dogs waiting to be unleashed as the temperature in the room dropped even further. “Face it, Popsicle. If you’re not gonna kill me then you’re stuck with me being your nemesis. If you want me to stop being the hero and keep me alive, then you have to stop being the villain. And we both know you’re not gonna do that. Your precious plan is too important to just give it up for my sake.”
And that was the crux of the matter wasn’t it? Patton snarled, raising his hands, the ice particles in the air morphing into a slew of arrows all directed towards the boy. He didn’t want to kill Virgil. But he couldn’t give up his plan. Give up being the villain. Not after a decade of fighting to get all those idealistic fools to see what a farce being a hero was. He was so close to winning. So close. “Fine.” He surged forward, grabbing the boy by the throat, ice arrows darting about to block the shadow tentacles of the kid’s from interfering. “You value my plan more than your pathetic life? Then you should--”
The door behind them shattered, sending a heat wave full of shrapnel blasting into the room.
Patton whirled, flinging a wall of ice towards the figures in the doorway in an attempt to block the worst of the heat from outright killing Virgil then and there. IDIOTS! Did they not care at all that an already injured kid was in the ro---
A half melted silver door knob burst through the resulting steam before Patton could react to it, clocking him between the eyes with enough force to knock him backwards, his world vanishing into cold, silent darkness as the hospital floor rushed up to meet him.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Burning The Midnight Oil (Javier Peña x gn!Reader)
Summary: Javier has been burning the candle at both ends. He just needs some rest. Luckily, you’ve got your husband covered.
W/C: 3.4K
Warnings: oh boy um. language, non sexual nudity, brief sexual jokes/innuendo, lots of talk of sleep deprivation bc that’s a plot point here, brief mentions of alcohol and guns (maybe once each), mostly talk of food/eating, eating meat/pork (Javier does, not reader) otherwise I’d say it’s fluffy for the most part
A/N: ☄️ anon, god bless your soul for this idea!! I really love it so I banged it out in one night and here we are!!
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You haven’t seen your husband in days. You know he’s exhausted, only ever showing up at home when you’re off at work. It’s a terrible situation, the only contact you’ve had with him being at odd hours over the phone.
The DEA has been all hands on deck this week, requiring their men to be there at all times unless they’re at home and sleeping; even then, they only get about six hours off at a time, many of them too wired to sleep. Javier only gets to come home every other day, usually during the middle of the day. He’s been staying up for a dangerous amount of time, in your opinion, leaving you just about ready to find the heads of the cartel and beat their asses yourself.
During the work week, you can’t complain. You have no right to. You knew when you and Javier had eloped and married that the man’s job was a baggage you’d be forced to carry as a couple. You normally didn’t mind, but when it goes into the weekend, that’s when you get mad. Not just that you don’t get your husband at home with you, but that he doesn’t get to be home. He deserves it. Javier hardly relaxes during the weekends, and essentially does not relax on weeknights until he’s fallen asleep with his head on your chest.
Saturday found you running errands, expecting Javier home by midday at the very latest. Returning home with a pep in your step and finding no Javier there, your mood and smile fell instantly. It’s Saturday; your husband should be home. They should be letting them go home, you thought angrily as you took your anger out by chopping the vegetables to go into your dinner. Surely Javier will be home by dinnertime.
Nothing. 6 P.M., 7 P.M., no Javier, just a dinner growing cold and your heart sinking. You knew Javier had got his break yesterday, and had been in the apartment while you worked, but a slightly rumpled bed was the only evidence he was even there.
At 8, you walk to the phone and dial the DEA office, specifically Javier’s extension.
Your husband picks up and his voice wrecks your heart. “Peña,” he mumbles, his voice crackly. It sounds like his morning grumble after a long night of sleep next to you.
“Javi,” you coo, heart breaking. “Baby, when are you coming home?”
Javier perches on the edge of his desk, phone tucked between his cheek and shoulder. “Fuck, cariño, I don’t know,” he admits, rubbing his face. “I just woke up, I got an hour nap in the break room office. We have to keep going. We’re so close, I can tell.”
You understand his desperation, but you know exactly what he looks like now, a stubble growing thanks to his time away from home, his eyes bloodshot and drooping. His hair is probably messy and his shirt is probably all wrinkly; you’re absolutely certain he’s holding a mug of the sludgy black coffee the office brews. He’s most definitely the picture of exhaustion, and even though you can’t see him, you know your husband. He is a wreck. “I can let Saturday slide, but you’re coming home tomorrow, I don’t care how long. I need to see you and you need to be taken care of.” “I’m doing just fine,” Javier shakes his head and you can hear a flick of a lighter as he’s most likely lighting a cigarette.
“You’re not, and don’t try to pull that card with me. I know you. You’re a disaster; I can tell from your voice. You haven’t eaten and you haven’t slept and you can’t deny it. I want you home as soon as you can tomorrow, you got it? Don’t you even fucking dare try it, Javier Fernando Peña.”
The full name: ouch. He sighs and exhales the cigarette smoke, then takes a sip of his coffee before answering you. “God, I fucking love you,” he chuckles softly. “Okay.”
Another sign of Javier’s exhaustion: how easily he gives in. Javier is a stubborn man, but over your years together he’s learned that you’re just as hard to budge. When both of you are set, neither of you can be moved. Your sarcasm and wit and willpower was what drew him to you in the first place; Javier could never have a compliant, submitting partner. He’d be a mess. He needs you to ground him, he knew and still knows it. It’s why you’re married now.
“I love you too, handsome. Call me before you come home, okay baby? I want to be awake for you,” you say, a soft smile on your face. Your voice is much warmer, less jagged and rough.
It’s the way you always get Javi, the thing that makes him melt the most: when you’re snapping one second and gentle the next. God, he fucking loves you. You understand him, you don’t question him when he comes home and doesn’t speak. You read him and then you hold him, and all of his fears dissipate with his calming breath. “Okay. I love you,” he repeats again, more earnest and purposeful. He wants you to know it; he worries you haven’t felt it in the past week. It’s also another sign of his exhaustion.
“I love you too, Javi,” you remind him as you chuckle and stand. “Don’t fall asleep on the job. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Javier groans and cracks his neck after hanging up, sliding the typewriter back to the beginning. Just a little longer, he tells himself, then he gets to come home to you.
The phone rings around 5 in the morning, waking you from a restless slumber. The sun is just starting to rise, making the sky lighter and colorful from its previous midnight blue. Knowing Javier would be calling, it was impossible for you to sleep fully, leaving you in a dozing state more similar to a daydream than to any form of REM.
“Hello?” You answer with a groggy voice, hoping it’s Javier. Who else could it be, at this hour on a Sunday morning?
“Hey, dulzura,” Javier sighs into the phone. “I’m packing up my shit now. We didn’t get Escobar, but we got one of his big guys late last night. They’re bringing in some Search Bloc guys and giving us tomorrow off.”
You nearly cry in relief at his words, making a noise between a sigh and a squeal,  heavy and happy. Javier laughs softly at your noise of relief, allowing himself to smile. His vision is hazy from the lack of sleep, but he’ll be cognizant enough after this last cup of coffee kicks in. “Get your ass home, Javi,” you tell him with a voice just as sleepy as his own. “You got an ETA for me?”
There’s a moment of silence as he looks at his watch. “5:45.”
Your eyes haven’t even opened yet, and you finally let them as you look at the clock. That’s soon, really soon, and it makes your heart speed up a little as your body forces you awake. “Great. I’ll see you then. Drive safe. If you’re too tired-”
“Steve will not be driving,” he cuts you off with a grumble. It makes you giggle a little, his adamance that Steve could never possibly do something better than him, more competently.
“Just reminding you. I’ll see you,” you tell him and hang up before he can make another sarcastic comment.
He’s glad you hang up so fast. He doesn’t have the brain power for a classic witty retort.
Javier goes to unlock the apartment door about half an hour later, but finds that his keys aren’t necessary: you’ve left the door unlocked for him.
He’d be ashamed to admit it to anyone but you, but it really does happen: Javier’s eyes water as he walks inside to the smell of cooking, the stream of soft light through the kitchen window, the sound of soft Sunday morning music drifting from the radio.
You’re at the oven, cooking, and turn when you hear a noise, grinning to see Javier. “Hey, handsome,” you squeal and rush over, wrapping your arms around him.
Javier buries his face in your hair, throwing his arms back around you. You smell fresh and clean, so soft in the fluffy robe he bought you for your birthday a few months ago now. You’re surprised to feel warm water drip from his eyes to your neck, and you pull away with a frown, cupping his face. “Are you okay, love?” You ask, wiping the tears from his eyes.
He nods. “So tired,” he admits and swallows hard. “So glad I’m home. So lucky I have you.”
You have a feeling he doesn’t have the energy to kiss you. Instead, you press your forehead to his and squeeze him tight in your arms. “Okay. I cooked breakfast. You need it. Why don’t you go take a shower?” You ask, breaking away and rubbing his arms.
He shakes his head. “My arms feel like lead. I don’t know if I can even wash my hair,” he admits, his voice a low rumble from his chest. “Just let me sleep, baby.”
“I’ll come with you, then,” you offer, already unbuttoning his shirt and working it off of him purely for comfort. You know your way around your husband’s body by now. You could unbutton his shirts blind; in fact, you have. “Come on, cariño,” you murmur and pull him along to the bathroom by the side of an unbuttoned shirt.
Once in the bathroom, Javier blinks and squints at the bright vanity lights, overwhelmed. You turn on the shower, the bathroom filling with warmth as the water heats and steam fills the air. Even in his tired state, Javier loves to undress you. He tugs the belt from your fuzzy robe, sliding it off your shoulders and tossing it on the counter. You then strip off your respective clothes, and you’re the first to step into the stream of the warm water.
Javi doesn’t have to say anything; you can tell his thoughts from your gaze. His eyes rake your body, taking in the sight of his most beloved person on the planet in all of your naked glory. He climbs in after you, and you grab a bar of soap and get to scrubbing, covering all of Javier’s body with the cucumber-scented suds. He leans his head back against the shower wall, loving your warm hands and the hot water. If he wasn’t standing, if his back wasn’t aching so hard, he’d fall asleep here and now. He’s never been more blissful.
You rinse his body then work his shampoo into his thick hair, your fingers scratching his scalp and massaging his head. “You’re the fucking best,” Javi mumbles sleepily. You just chuckle and work the soap into his hair, stripping it of the grime and cigarette smoke of the office, until he’s wiped clean, ready to start anew.
Later, you wash yourself and let Javier enjoy the hot stream of the water. He’s so zoned out you can’t even tell if he’s awake. You have to actually check. “Javi, baby?”
“Hm?” He mumbles
“Did you fall asleep on me?” You chuckle as you turn off the shower, which makes Javier frown at the loss of warmth.
“‘Course not,” he grumbles, taking the fluffy towel from you and wiping his face.
After the two of you have dressed in fresh clothes, you sit on the edge of your bed and wait for Javier to finish. He pulls a worn t-shirt over his head, then comes and sits next to you, kissing the side of your head. “You’re so good to me,” he mumbles into your temple.
He goes to flop back but you put an arm around him, catching him. “Excuse me, Agent. I made breakfast,” you chuckle and sneak a kiss from his lips, chuckling at the way his mustache is still a little damp. “When was the last time you ate?”
Javier stares off as he considers it. It takes a while for him to respond. You nod at that. “Exactly. Come on, I made breakfast just the way you like it.”
The food is still somewhat warm when you find your way to the kitchen. Javier loves the local cuisine, always has, but something about an American breakfast makes him weak at the knees. He sits at the kitchen counter and sighs as you hand him a plate of buttered toast. “There’s your appetizer,” you chuckle and head back to the stove. Half-cooked bacon, which you turned off when he came in, sits in a pan, and you turn it back on to finish. You crack a couple of eggs into another pan, making sure they sit just right so they’re the way Javi likes them: fried. You sprinkle them with salt and pepper, humming to the radio as you cook.
The sizzling bacon makes Javier’s stomach grumble. The toast isn’t even that warm anymore, but the carby goodness fills Javi’s mouth and suddenly he’s never felt so ravenous. The two pieces of buttered toast are devoured in a heartbeat.
Bringing him a mug, you pour some coffee and his favorite creamer in. “You’d better tip me later,” you tease him with a wink as you return to the stove, flipping the bacon and putting some onto a plate.
“I will tip you anything you want, I swear,” he murmurs before sipping at the ceramic mug, the warm coffee going down like it’s the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted, warming him from the inside out. The A/C blasts in the apartment, making his dripping hair feel even colder.
In yet another pan, you start pouring the premade pancake mix you’d prepared before he got home. “All of this and the sun is barely up,” He muses, wandering to the other side of the counter and stealing a strip of bacon.
“Quit,” you whine and smack his hand, making the bacon fall back onto the plate. “Your order isn’t ready yet, sir. Stop harassing the cook.” When his arms wrap around you, your defenses fall. “Go sit down,” you say weakly as he kisses your neck.
At least he obeys. Javier sits in his chair and watches you intently, downing his coffee in a short amount of time.
Finally, the feast all comes together, and you present it to Javier on a large plate: bacon, fried eggs, fruit (which you know he won’t eat, but it’s worth a shot), and heart-shaped pancakes. “I wanted to make a pistol, but I’m not super artistic,” you chuckle as you refer to the fluffy cakes on the plate.
Javier shakes his head but smiles. “Thank you, dulzura,” he manages out before he digs in, devouring the plate at a breakneck speed. You’re content to watch, standing across from him. You go to refill his coffee and come back to find the pancakes completely gone.
It doesn’t take much time at all before the plate is wiped clean, the entire thing in Javier’s stomach. Food has never been the biggest concern for him; he skips meals often for work, and you suspect he hasn’t done much more than snack here or there over the past week. His eyes droop even further now that he has a full stomach, and it warms your heart. You’ve got your husband cleaned and fed; now all you need is one last step before you have your beloved Javi back.
“Alright, handsome,” you smile as you drape your arms across his shoulders. “Nap time.”
He can’t deny that. He stands, letting your arms fall off his shoulders. He pulls you around to his front and wraps his arms around you; you know what comes next in this routine. Your feet slide on top of his and Javier walks the two of you to the bedroom, you backwards and being led by him. Javier is not an overly affectionate man: kisses and sex, primarily, hugs if one of you really needs it. This is his one little act he insists on, since you don’t let him carry you.
As you waddle along, you kiss along Javier’s jaw, giving him all of the affection he missed out on in the past week. When you finally enter your bedroom, you stop as you feel the backs of your calves against the bed. You know this routine all too well. It’s usually reserved for when Javier can’t get his hands off of you, when you desperately need him on top of you, surrounding you, kissing your neck. “Wait,” you murmur and step off of his feet, going to pull back the covers.
You return to the end of the bed, standing on top of his feet again. “There,” you say with a grin, and Javi has no choice but to grin back then kiss you. “Okay, continue.”
Then your routine resumes: you fall backwards onto the bed and Javier falls on top of you. You both grunt with the impact but you smile, wrapping one arm around Javi while the other grabs the sheets and blankets and pulls them over the both of you.
Javi’s cheek is nestled against your chest, listening to your heartbeat, his eyes already shut. “Real cute. Get off of me now,” you tease and nudge his side.
His body beneath yours is all he’s needed, all he’s dreamt about while half-consciously dreaming on the apartment couch. He can feel your chest rise and fall, his head going with it. “No,” he simply mutters, his face squished against the skin encasing your beating heart. “M’comftrble.”
You can’t deny him that, you chuckle, your hands reaching down to entangle your fingers in his dark brown hair, nearly black from the dampness it holds. “Fine,” you sigh, whispering the word to him. “I love you so much, Javi. Missed you. Missed my man.”
“Missed you too, dulzura,” Javi mumbles back, but it’s clear he’s almost already out.
“How long were you up, minus that nap, Javi?” You ask.
He thinks on it for a minute, and you think he might’ve fallen asleep until he responds. “36.”
“Hours?” you exclaim quietly, massaging his scalp. “Baby.”
“I know. Had’ta.”
“Well, you can sleep as long as you need to now, love,” you murmur and kiss his forehead. He makes a soft noise of disapproval. “Just a nap. Wake me in like an hour.”
“Okay,” you lie, knowing you’ll let him sleep as long as his body needs it. “Rest now, baby.”
Javier nods and you exhale deeply, holding his head to your chest. He’s back now, your husband, and you know he’s safe, know he’s healthy and well taken-care of: you did it yourself. His breathing slows. You can feel it against your chest, the way the steady rise and fall becomes slower and slower and you know you’ve won when you hear a soft snore, his parted lips smashed against your chest.
You stay like that for a while, Javier lying on top of you and resting. It’s a comfort to have him pressed against you, to feel your husband’s body and know that he’s here. It’s even better to know he’s resting well, deeply, from the way he slumbers against your body. You intermittently kiss his head, continuing to rub his head in hopes it’ll loosen the tension he’ll surely have when he wakes.
About an hour passes, and you find yourself drowsier and drowsier as the sun rises higher and higher in the sky. Scooting out from beneath Javier, you replace your chest with a pillow to support his face. Rolling him slightly to the side, you cuddle in behind him and spoon him, your arms around him.
The quiet Sunday morning is all too perfect. You drift off too, then wake up an hour or two later and proceed about your household chores. You burn some pretty candles, clean, listen to the radio.
Javier doesn’t wake until 10 P.M. that night, 15 hours after he fell asleep.
Some nap.
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