#I was just assigned to play the medicine cat and I did because I had no other friends
strawberri-draws · 2 years
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They have an extensive role play that is 400,000 words long and they never interact outside of it :)
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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I have a really intense head ache right now. I know it's because I'm very tired. I did a lot today and got really worn out but despite my best efforts I didn't actually take a nap and now I feel bad. I'll be okay but man. Ouch.
I also had trouble sleeping last night. I just wanted it to be morning. But I couldn't turn my brain off. I stayed up to say happy birthday to my brother at midnight. But then I couldn't fall asleep. I went and sat in the living room for a little while. And would play a puzzle game on my tablet. But would fall asleep around 230.
When o woke up at 830 I was pretty miserable. I tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening
I would just sort of lay there and scroll on my phone to slowly wake up. And that would work. And gave me enough energy to start getting stuff done.
I had done a pretty good job with getting everything away. So it was hard to decide where to start. I started slow. I stripped the bed and vacuumed. Made the bed nice. And then went to sort my large stuffed animals in the studio. I changed up their display. And the furby display a little. I put the couch squishmallows away and pulled out breadroll cat. Just a little change.
I would start in on the bathroom closet for the next few hours. This was very very overwhelming for me. I did not have fun for a while. The getting stuff out of the closet was hard. It's a very deep but very narrow closet and since it got sink water from the apartment above us it's kind of nasty.
So I got everything out. And I wiped things down. But I was hot and not entirely sure where to go.
I started cleaning the hammocks in the bathtub. This did not go great. They are disgusting. The soap bubbles were literally brown. I filled the tub twice before Will called James and said the apartment below us might be getting some water form the tub so I wouldn't do a third round. Well have to figure something else out I guess.
While the hammocks were soaking I started with piles. Hair stuff. Cleaning stuff. Soaps. First aid. Pharmacy. I would fill a whole trash bag. I found a lot ot expired stuff. I would have to take mini breaks to have a snack. I made some soda and munched on chips. James was teasing me for have apparently 6 bags of tortilla chips started. But I finished one today!! I don't have a problem!
I did a lot of combining. We had 4 first aid kits. Now we have two and one that is just bandaids. And I got all my hair stuff in my studio ottoman. Including hair dye and backup shampoo. I cleared out our medicine cabinet and filled a box with all fo James's things so they could decide where there things went. I tried to clean as I went. But around 1 I was exhausted and just couldn't climb on a ladder to put things away. I would assign the cleaning box, both the everyday and the backups, to James. As well as the extra towels box. They said they would when they got home and they did and I was thankful for the help, the teamwork.
I worked on the closet next. I put some stuff away I reorganized my hanging shelves. Since I wanted to keep all my shirts out. I also hung up a selection of sweaters in the studio with the jackets I'm keeping here. It will be nice to be able to see everything hanging up, which is my favorite way to store my clothes.
After I finished putting away some of the stuff I probably won't wear for a bit, I moved on to bags. I texted Annabelle a picture of the pile because I had told her about my bag collection. And it's bad. I did get rid of two but I still have so many. I chose a few to pull out and use the next week or so. I don't need to beat myself up. I'm not hurting anyone but I find so many ways to feel guilty.
I would also work on putting away shoes. I put all my "camp shoes" in one box and cleaned the shelf in the living room where I keep my daily rotation. I also moved my 4 pairs of heels into the closet with my snow boots. So much organizing.
I had so many little things in my bags, so I had to find places for that. But once that was done I would wash myself up before changing into a big Tshirt and laying down in the AC.
But I didn't sleep. I just watched videos. At least I was comfortable even if I couldn't sleep.
I got up and had a snack. Sat in the kitchen with sweetp. But soon returned to the AC
I would lay there for a long time. But before 4 I got dressed again and soon James was home. They found me on the couch. They would get the rest of the bathroom stuff put away. And I would paint my nails while they started sorting out nail polish collection. But soon enough it was time for us to go meet the Fulwilers for dinner.
We brought the figs I got for them. Anne seemed very excited. James and Tucker would actually find more on a fig tree in the alley so that was exciting. Though I was nervous about them hurting themselves.
And dinner was fun. Callie and Charlotte were there. Callie accidently knocked over a cup of soda and was very embarrassed but it was fine! No one was upset. We got it cleaned up and we had a nice dinner. My salad was a little weird but I enjoyed my sandwich. And James shared a little of the sauce from their Indian food with me.
I enjoyed hearing about their Ikea trip. And school and all that stuff. I was starting to not feel good. My head was starting to hurt real bad. But I tried very hard to still be present and engaged.
I was kind of glad when we were all done. Hugs all around. And then we walked back to the cars.
Anne and Tucker had saved some styrofoam for me for printmaking. So we took that. And then we went home.
My head was hurting a lot though and that was hard. I would lay down for a bit and tired to just rest. But eventually would go take an Epsom salt bath which helped my body andy head.
Now we are in bed and I am happy to hopefully fall asleep easier tonight. Tomorrow we have an IKEA adventure. I am looking forward to spending the day with my husband who I love so much.
I hope you all had a good day. And I want to made a special shout out to my brother who I love dearly and wish we talked more but I also just hope he knows how much I think about him. I am excited that you are 30!!
Goodnight everyone. Until next time!
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ronnie-azumane · 3 years
Haikyuu guys as stuff my dad did
This idea has been in my brain for a while, so I'm writing it out. Hope y'all enjoy :)
CW: idn, its pretty wholesome
Daichi answers your frantic phone call home expressing that you forgot your backpack and laptop for college when you went home over the weekend. Expressing that all of your notes are in the backpack, he decides to wake-up extra early Monday morning and make the 2 1/2 hour drive to your university, then drive all the way back to your hometown to go to work.
Sugawara came up with the best hiding spot for you while playing hide and seek at your 7th birthday party. He squeezed you in-between the back of the couch and the back couch cushions. Then, he sat in front of it to conceal the awkward lump it made in the couch. It took the others 30 minutes before giving up and telling you to come out.
Asahi asks you to style his hair for a zoom meeting he has later that day. After some deliberation, you both decide to do a mohawk style. He braces himself as you run off to get the brush, hairspray, hair gel, and hairdryer.
Nishinoya still wears the Annoying Orange shirt you got him when you were in 3rd grade. It's faded and has a giant picture of Annoying Orange on it, which faded from popularity in 2010, but he still wears it. In public.
Tanaka makes the dumbest jokes while in the audience of your colorguard/dance competitions. For example, he asked your mom if he should shout "Go get 'em George" to the group of girls performing to confuse everyone. Another favorite joke o his is to chant "the worm, the worm,, we worship the worm" while the previous team is carrying out their floor.
Ennoshida talks with you as you make one of the biggest changes in your life. Midway through your second semester at university, you determine that business is not for you, however, you do not have a backup plan. Talking with him, you end up changing your major to Geography, and now you love every second of it.
Kageyama drinks the milk out of you cereal. You hate the taste of milk by itself, but you don't want to eat dry cereal. To not waste milk, he drinks it after you finish eating your cereal.
Hinata fails miserably when your mom tells him to reapply the medical glue on your forehead. The day before, your sister threw a wooden block at you, causing a major tear in your head. Your mom took you to the emergency room, but they were busy and it was a school night, so they told her to just take some liquid band aid (which we called glue) and close the wound. Your mom told him to replace the glue, and he took ELMERS GLUE and placed it on the open wound. It hurt like a bitch.
Tsukishima takes you to go see the museum of natural history once a month. He knows you're the odd girl out of your class that would rather play with dinosaurs than dolls, so he takes you to see the dinosaur fossils. He also gets a discount because his place of work donated a significant amount of money and resources to one of the exhibits.
Yamaguchi helped set up your setup once you moved to zoom university. He attached your laptop to a monitor his job had extra, so now you feel like a badass whenever you use the two screens.
Oikawa out of nowhere invites all his high school friends over to stay the week at your house. A trip that probably should have been planned in weeks, even months, is planned in just a weekend. Everyone ends up sleeping on air mattresses and blankets on the floor due to your mom just finishing up replacing the floors in the house (she was not too happy with the sudden trip, but was welcoming anyway)
Iwaizumi makes you watch Godzilla with him whenever it's on TV. Some of his fondest memories include receiving Godzilla themed ornaments from his mom ever Christmas. He also unironically watches those cheesy fan-made Godzilla fights on YouTube for hours on end. Man just likes Godzilla.
Hanamaki and you wear funny hats to a volunteer cookout. The organizers told every one to wear a hat so that their hair didn't get in the food, but you two take it a step further. You wear a banana hat while he wears a hotdog hat.
Matsukawa taught you how to make all kinds of breakfast food at a young age. Whether it was a simple as a fried egg or as complex as French toast, he worked with you until the recipe came out perfect.
Kyotani scares the other parents off when it comes to the silent auction selling the class are projects. Now the shelf you and your kindergarten classmates fingerprinted flowers and bugs on sits proudly in your closet holding crafting supplies.
Ushijima scolds you for leaving the lights on. Most parents do that already, but he takes it to a new extreme. Your mom explains that he would never turn the lights on in his apartment when he was in college and would simply get his homework done before dark. Sometimes, if he had something to do, he would light a candle to finish something up.
Tendou recalls a story in which he stole a bus battery with his buddies to power an air conditioned tent at boy scout camp. He also recalls the year he and his friends tried to build a pool in the wilderness at the same count, only to get caught and reprimanded for it before filling it with water which totally had nothing to do with a camp counselor finding it and having a Vietnam flashback
Goshiki watches anime with you. He always acts like he is uninterested in whatever show is on, but he soon gets super into it and it will be the only thing he talks about for a week.
Kuroo sits at the table with you until 2am working on that math assignment you have been struggling with. You've definitely run out of tears to cry, and had to redo the assignment twice, but he is guiding you through the answers
Yaku isn't a fan of all the pets you and your mom have collected over the years. I mean, in his defense, at one point we had 8 cats an 3 dogs. However, he is also super cuddly with them, always giving them nose boops and belly rubs.
Kenma plays Xbox, Wii, and the ds with you. He doesn't find the bulk of the games you play with him entertaining, but he is willing to run through LEGO Star Wars with you. His personal favorite to play is Mario Kart and he doesn't let you win >:(
Lev is trying to convince the family to let him take the position in Alaska with higher pay. When mom raised the concern that the long winters wouldn't do well for your mental health, his counter argument was, "Yeah, and that sucks, but hear me out. We could have a pet Polar Bear." We didn't move to Alaska
Bokuto was definitely the most enthusiastic dad at the girl scout father daughter dance. He twirled you around in your pretty little JC Penney dress and made sure you two were the center of the dance floor. At one point, he lifted you above his head with each foot in a hand like a cheerleader. Truly terrifying.
Akaashi drives out to the 24-hour pharmacy to pick up some cold medicine when you couldn't sleep due to a stuffy nose. He also checks up on you every hour when you are coughing with some mysterious disease (due to the lack of tests and priority of the high-risk, I will never know if I had Covid when I got sick in late March)
Aone gives you the biggest hug after you get released from the graduation ceremony. He isn't the best with words, so this hug speaks so much to you.
Terushima has been taking you to Mardi Gras in New Orleans since you were a baby. He doesn't care that it's mostly an adult party, he believes that everyone in the family should enjoy a good ol' Mardi Gras
Atsumu carries you on his shoulders all the time when you're small. He just thinks it's the cutest thing.
Osamu makes sure to host a crawfish boil every year. Whether its the neighbors, family, both, or just the household, you can expect some good, spicy crawfish with corn and potatoes whenever he cooks.
Kita teaches you how to drive a stick shift. He's frustrated that you cant move three feet before stalling, but then realizes that the issue was that you were in third gear, not first. He is now impressed that you were even able to start moving at third gear.
Sakusa takes you along with him to work. His job is full of tough men, so when they see him with you in a little blue dress-up tutu and a plastic tiara on your head, their hearts just melt.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 20
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
His apartment smells stale and dusty. His thrice weekly trips here to feed his fish are always quick and procedural; he hasn’t stopped to take in the state of the place in a while. A thick layer of dust covers most surfaces, his mattress is bare and there is no toilet paper in the bathroom. He sighs, frustrated and annoyed as he roots around in the closet for a set of sheets to make up the bed. He showers, remembering that his shower head is way too low for his tall frame, and misses Scully’s more luxurious setup.
He also, of course, misses Scully. He understands why she’s upset; he should have called, but the degree of her anger confuses him. When the X files reopened, he talked to her about the need to travel, and the potential for cases to disrupt their personal life. She said she understood, and they’ve worked through several hiccups already. So while he knew she’d be disappointed that he missed Thanksgiving and maybe even irritated at his lack of communication, he’d never anticipated being thrown out of her apartment.
He crawls into his bed, cold and lonely. They just both need a good night's sleep and this will blow over tomorrow, he’s sure. When he’s more well-rested, he’ll be able to explain, to help her understand.
In the morning, he feels a bit more clear-headed, but still decidedly off-balance; he needs to make things right with Scully. He packs up his things, feeds the fish, and drives back over to her apartment. He opens the door and finds the place quiet, the lights out. Something seems off, but he doesn’t immediately recognize what it is.
“Priscilla,” he calls, realizing that the cat hadn’t come to greet him at the door like she typically does.
He walks through to the bedroom, the bathroom, but there’s no sign of either of them. Back in the living room, he sees that the litter box is gone and his heart sinks. He goes back to the bedroom and throws open closets and drawers, checks the medicine cabinet. Scully’s overnight bag is gone, as is her toothbrush and the toiletries she uses daily. His heart starts racing, panic setting in at the idea that she’s left him, and taken his cat with her. This is worse than he’d initially thought, a lot worse.
He goes to the hallway and picks up the phone to try her cell, but it’s off. He tries her mother, who hasn’t spoken to her today. He tries Missy, who doesn’t answer. Not knowing what else to do, he calls Valerie.
“Hi, Will, good to hear from you,” she says, and he can hear the gurgle of her infant daughter in the background. Thankfully, he’d thought to call her a couple weeks ago and offer congratulations on her new arrival, so this phone call today won’t seem totally selfish.
“Hey, Val, I hope you and the baby are doing well,” he says, “I’m sorry to drop this on you, but I’m somewhat in need of advice.”
“Yikes, what’d you do?” she asks knowingly, and he hears her speak in hushed tones to her boyfriend as he takes the baby.
“I fucked up, Val. She’s gone,” he chokes out, tears constricting his throat.
Sitting heavily on the couch, he tells her about the X files reopening, about missing Thanksgiving, about Scully’s irrationally explosive reaction. She listens quietly, asking a few clarifying questions.
“I feel totally blindsided, Val. You and I were together when I was assigned to the X files before, and I had cases like this that took me away at odd times, but it wasn’t an issue. I don’t understand why it’s one now. I’m not sure which one of us is out of line here.”
“Wow, okay, where to start,” Valerie begins. “First of all, I think you’re both out of line. You are an epically huge asshole, Will, no question there, but taking your cat and disappearing is a bit much.”
He feels a pang of defensiveness for her saying something unflattering about Scully, but he pushes it down.
“Something else that strikes me,” she continues, “is your questionably accurate recollection of what our relationship was like when you were assigned to the X files.”
“What do you mean?” he asks, sitting up.
“Maybe I did a better job of hiding it than I thought, but I fucking hated that assignment, Will. I was relieved when it was shut down, but you were so upset I didn’t think it would be helpful for me to tell you as much at the time.”
“You hated it? Why? I always felt like you were supportive,” he asks, questioning his entire understanding of their relationship.
“I tried to be, but it sucked always coming second. I understood why it was so important to you in terms of trying to find out what happened to Samantha so I dealt with it, but it was kind of like the X files was the other woman in your life. I knew that if it came down to it and you had to choose, you’d choose her. It was really painful. I honestly think if they hadn’t been shut down, we probably would have broken up a lot sooner.”
He runs his free hand over his face. “Then what do I do? Quit the X files after I worked so hard to get them back? I haven’t felt this satisfied with work in years, I don’t want to have to do that.”
“I don’t think you need to quit, you just need to learn how to prioritize things differently. She needs to know she comes first.”
“That’s not how it works, Val, you know that. When a lead comes across my desk, I have to run it down. I have to go out, investigate. I have to find answers.”
“No, Will,” she says with a sympathetic sigh, “You don’t have to do that. You choose to. And you choose to do it at her expense. That’s exactly why she’s so upset. Even if in your mind it feels like you don’t have a choice, you do. That might mean missing out sometimes, passing on a case or not finding the answers. But you can’t have it both ways. You can put the X files first and be alone, or you can put her first and sometimes miss an opportunity to investigate the files.”
“Is it really that simple?” he asks flatly.
“It really is,” she answers. “The truth is, Will, that you may love those files, but they’ll never love you back. You’ll find yourself a lonely old man if you don’t get your priorities straight.”
He slumps down on the couch with a defeated sigh.
“Thanks, Val. I’m really grateful that I can talk to you about this,” he says earnestly.
“Happy to be of service,” she says lightly. “Let me tell you something else, Will,” she adds, “you better work this shit out before you have kids with her, because it gets twenty times harder.”
He chuffs a laugh, but the thought of having kids with Scully simultaneously makes him feel elated and terrified, because he’s not sure if he’s already messed it up too badly for that to be an option anymore.
She’s curled up on her side in the middle of Missy’s bed, Priscilla tucked against her belly and purring loudly.
Missy spends most of her time at John’s these days, so she offered her apartment as a place for Dana to crash, or hide out, or whatever it is that she’s doing. She’s honestly not sure, she just knows that she needs to be away from Mulder. To get space, to give it, to punish him, maybe all of those things. She wants him to hurt like she did, to not know where she is or when she’ll be back. She hopes that he fears she might be gone for good, though she knows she’s not. Taking Priscilla was just logical; having no idea when Mulder might come home she couldn’t very well leave her there to fend for herself. Knowing that it will add salt to the wound does give her some sick satisfaction, though.
The house phone rings and she lets it go, given that it’s not her apartment. The answering machine kicks on and Missy speaks to her as the message plays, telling her to pick up.
“Hello?” she answers, catching it just before Missy hangs up.
“Hey, Mulder is on his way over there,” Missy says breathlessly.
“What? Why?” she asks, not sure if she’s ready to see him.
“He showed up here, he’s been looking all over for you. He asked me if I knew where you were and I said no, but I’m a shitty liar, Sis.”
“Okay, I guess I have to talk to him sometime,” she answers, a sick feeling churning in her gut.
“Call me after, okay? Good luck.”
She relocates to the living room, not wanting this conversation to take place on Missy’s bed, and waits. The longer she waits, the more on edge she feels. When the knock finally comes, Priscilla startles and runs into the bathroom.
She stokes her own anger as she walks to the door, straightening her posture. She is mad, indignant, furious, ready to go into battle. That is, until she opens the door and sees his crumpled expression, his hooded eyes contrite and devastated. All the anger pours out through her heels, replaced by grief and fear. She feels her chin pucker, her nose burning as emotion wells in her throat.
“Scully,” he croaks out, and she steps forward, opening her arms to him. He folds against her like a rag doll, this big, strong man suddenly like putty. They make their way to the couch and he curls into her lap like a child, crying softly with a tortured grimace. She pets his hair, not offering any words of reassurance, but letting him know she’s there. He sits up a little, wrapping his arms around her rib cage and tucking his face into her neck.
“I’m so sorry,” he says in a harsh whisper, and her heart aches. She wants to forgive him, but sorry is not enough.
“I can’t live this way, Mulder,” she says against his shoulder, and he pulls back to look at her, not sure what she means. “I grew up watching my mother wait for my father to come home,” she explains. “Each time he didn’t write when he said he would, or call on a scheduled day, every time there was something about a navy ship in the news. We waited up, praying that he was okay, and it was torture. I swore that I would never put myself or my children in that position, and it’s a promise I intend to keep.”
His gaze drops away from her face and he nods sadly. “I didn’t understand, Scully, how to have both the X files and a relationship. I thought I was doing what had to be done, but I see now that I wasn’t putting you first, and I’m sorry. I’m going to do things differently, I promise. Please, give me another chance to get it right.”
He lifts his eyes to meet hers and she can see that he really means it, that he really understands. She nods, and he kisses her desperately; her lips, her cheeks, her ears, her hair. He kisses down her neck as he clings to her, his hands touching her back, her arms, her thighs.
“I was so scared, Scully,” he squeaks out between kisses. “I love you so much, and I was so afraid I ruined everything.”
He kisses the tears from her cheeks, finding her lips again as she grips the back of his neck, pushing her tongue into his mouth hungrily, needing him so much closer. He shifts to put his back against the couch, pulling her into his lap and gripping her hips, arching his pelvis up into her.
She’s overwhelmed with arousal, and love, and desperation. He pushes the hem of her shirt up and over her head, finding her braless, and sucks a nipple between his lips. She whimpers, slipping her hand down to rub her palm roughly over the bulge in his jeans and eliciting a deep moan from his throat. She stands suddenly, pulling down her cotton pants and panties, and he follows suit, standing just long enough to push his jeans and boxers down to his knees, sitting again as she climbs astride him. She impales herself on his erection, crying out in relief as they move together, foreheads resting against each other and their eyes locked as she flexes her hips forward and back, pleasure taking away all the hurt and pain.
When she closes her eyes to focus on the sensations, he brings his mouth to her ear, teasing at the lobe with his tongue and whispering to her, his thumb appearing against her clit and sending shockwaves down her legs.
“I love you so much. You’re the most important thing in the world to me, okay? You’re the only thing that matters.” His affirmations flood her with dopamine and she comes hard around him, the feeling extending to the tips of her fingers and turning her joints to jelly. He clutches her to him, finding his own release as he continues to make grand declarations of forever.
As they come down, he peppers her with kisses in the same way he’d started, desperation replaced with contentment. He pulls back a little to look at her.
“Will you come home?” he asks hopefully, and she nods with a soft smile.
“Don’t ever tell Missy we had sex on her couch,” she says, and they both laugh.
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remusmainhoe · 3 years
sirius x reader
warning:smut, language.
not sure what it is, I wanna say friends, to lovers, but really I just got carried away. I hope you love it, I had fun writing it.
I was laying on the grass, near the black lake. The sun shined on the water, the warm breeze lifting the pages of my book, my mother had gotten me about medicine since she worked at st. Mungos, but I always preferred the greek mythology books my dad had left me. I saw him from a distance, sitting down on the grass, sheltered by the shade of a tree, his back relaxed against the bark. Two other girls near him were giggling at each other, stealing glances of him every now and then, their cheeks flushed with anticipation for his attention. Even from a distance, I could make out his face, unbothered by the girls, his dark, smooth hair dancing in front of his face every now and then. His eyes remained closed, his mouth carved into that faint grin he wore so much. James was next to him, his mouth moving, grasping the snitch before it got too close to freedom, and letting it go once more. Seeing how James ran a hand through his jet black hair, careful enough to leave it perfectly messy. Remus crouched down on the floor, eyes hungrily reading every word of the paper in front of him. A strand of his sandy brown hair on his face gone ignored, his hands grasping his quill, focused. Peter was watching James, as his hands clasp around the snitch for the 100th time.
I couldn’t help catching a glimpse of the boy, feeling like the other girls whose eyes also felt what I could only describe as a magnetic pull toward him. To me, he felt like a flame, you could appreciate it, and regard it as precious, but you know better than to get too close. I try to peel my eyes off him, staring back at the book in my lap. When my eyes tired of the words on the page that no longer meant anything, I looked up again only to find those piercing eyes staring back. The corner of his mouth lifting, flashing his teeth, his calculating eyes refusing to let me go. I tear away from him, refusing to give in. I stand up, picking up my things, and make my way back to the Gryffindor tower, rushing up the stairs to my dormitory. I laid in bed, refusing to acknowledge the way he made me feel. The butterflies that swarmed through my body, the warm feeling in my chest, because no one can have this much control over me. Falling asleep that night, his eyes being the last thought before I fall asleep, and my first thought when I wake up.
Waking up slowly, getting out of bed, taking the morning air deeply, letting it feel my lungs, and hoping it could erase that feeling he made me feel. The great hall filled with the first light of the day, my lids heavy as I sit down at the Gryffindor table. The table slowly filling up with students fueling up for the days' classes. I ate my breakfast in silence, lightly listening to the words the other girls were gossiping to me. When I felt those piercing eyes on me again, not wanting to believe my own senses, I ignored them. Lessons that day went by blandly and slowly, I plopped down on my chair in the astronomy tower at midnight. Opening my book to get ready for the lesson, I felt someone sit down next to me, I glanced quickly to see who it was.
“I hope this seat wasn’t being saved for someone else,” he says, clearly noticing the confusion on my face.
“Um, no, it's ok” I sputter out, he flashed another smile in response, in turn making those damn butterflies return, I fight the slight heat in my cheeks.
Before anything else can happen, the professor calls things into order, starting the lesson for the day. Any of the tiredness that I felt, fluttered away. the professor assigned us to fill a star chart of the different constellations with a partner.
“Well, what do you say, partner?” He said turning his body to my attention, certainty in his voice.
I had known him enough to know the charade he performed with other girls, making them stutter slightly, making their cheeks hurt with the smile he would cause. I was certainly not one to judge, for who could blame them? The way that he moved in a way that felt effortlessly yet still carried some precision, the way his words came out of his mouth like honey. The most frustrating thing that made it difficult to forgive him for the effect he had, was that he knew he was goddamn gorgeous, and he liked to see the effect he could have.
“I say, I'm tired, and I wanna get this over with,” I said, surprising myself.
His eyes flickered with something, his shitfaced grin refusing to leave. He turned to his telescope and started to get to work. His hand fidgeting with his quill, his other hand gracing the telescope. I turned my head back to my telescope, observing Perseus, Studying the made-up lines I imagined connecting the stars, picturing Perseus ‘the hero’ with his sword and shield. I started plotting the dots on the chart, his hand hovering on the paper before getting to work on another part of the sky. I then saw Canis Major, which wasn’t that hard to find due to the brightest star ‘Sirius’. Remembering the books I read on the stories and mythology of the stars. Picturing Laelaps the dog that always caught whatever it hunted. sent to hunt the Teumessian fox, a fox that could never be caught. Realizing that they were doomed to be the hunter and the hunted for eternity, Zeus turned them both to stone then placed them in the sky as the constellations Canis Major (Laelaps) and Canis Minor (the Teumessian fox). The irony, of course, is that they continue the chase in an eternal hunt, with Canis Minor rising in the winter skies about an hour before Canis Major, I couldn’t help but smile.
“Did you find a man on the moon or something?” Sirius’s voice pulling me back to the astronomy tower.
“You’re smiling at the stars” he pointed out, his eyes full of intrigue.
“Oh, it's nothing, I just like the constellations and the myths and stories they carry,” I explain focusing once more and filling out the star chart we were almost finished with.
“Like what?” He asked leaning closer as if it were a deep secret only he was to hear.
“Well… I like the pegasus,” I said drawing it on the star chart “The winged horse, in Greek mythology, used by Zeus to carry thunder and lightning,” I said not being able to hide an amused smile.
“ the stories become a bit tangled though, there are different stories about each of them…” I continued “like the birth of Orion, one story tells how his father was a poor shepherd called Hyrieus. Once, Zeus, Hermes, and Poseidon stopped by Hyrieus’ house. Hyrieus was so generous with his guests that he killed the only animal he had - an ox. Hyrieus was not aware that his guests were gods. The gods wanted to reward Hyrieus’ generosity by granting him a wish. Hyrieus’ biggest desire was to have a child. The gods told him to bury the hide of the bull he had sacrificed to them and to pee on it. After nine months, a boy was born in that place. The child became a very handsome and strong man. He became a very good hunter and threatened to kill all of the wild animals of the world, however, Gaia the mother of all animals was not pleased with his intention. Gaia set a giant scorpion on Orion, who soon realized that’s strength and sword were useless against the mighty Scorpio. Orion tried to escape, but was stung and placed in the stars along with the Scorpio set to chase him forever as a reminder from Gaia to protect the environment.” I stopped talking, realizing that who I had been ranting to. Instead of looking up to see a look of boredom, and annoyance that I was expecting to see, I was met with those eyes, laser-focused on me, his body slightly leaned in my direction.
“I told you, it's nothing, just random shit I think about” I dismiss it trying to not get sucked into his gaze.
“Is that we read so often outside near the lake?” He asked, not looking away from me.
“Among other things” I respond, before can think about it, I say “why do you care?”
He looked at me for a moment, “I don't” he said, and leaned back in his chair for a few minutes staring at the sky. Our star sheet laid out completed, and minutes to spare.
“But let's say I do,” he said leaning back toward me swiftly, his scent gracing my nose, my lungs filling lightly with cologne, leather, and cigarettes.
“Ok, humor me.” I say “what could Mr. popularity possibly have to care about? Apart from his hair”, I say, this time keeping eye contact.
“What do you have against my hair?” He said in the mocked offense.
“Nothing” I answer with slight sarcasm, slightly holding my hands up in defense.
I don't know what made me feel the need to not let him get to me. Hogwarts, although a big castle, I would always see how the girls would spoil him with love, and attention. I’ve read enough books, I don't want to be the “I'm not like other girls” bullshit, but I'm not gonna let him play his little game of cat and mouse.
He paused for a moment before speaking again, “well I just think that any book that can keep you from stealing glances at me, must be one hell of a book”
“Well, you think mighty big of yourself” I choke out a laugh, “you know, for a second there you had me,” I say without missing a beat.
“Is that so?” He countered.
Before I can say more, the lesson ends, I grab my things not trusting myself to say more. Getting to my dorm room, my head infected with him. His grin plastered on his face, with those eyes that see right through anyone. I'm not angry with what he said, it's what he made me feel that terrified me.
The next day, I sat at the Gryffindor table having breakfast, when I felt someone sit next to me. I turned and saw him sitting there, a bit further from his groupie.
“What are you doing over here,” I asked out of pure reflex.
“It is a free country” he responded as he served his breakfast.
“Yeah… sorry” he hadn’t done anything wrong, and it wasn’t my business, even if it was weird to see his hip separated from James. We ate in silence and headed to our first class, transfiguration, the moment I took my seat, he plopped down next to me.
“Ok, what’s your game here?” I ask him, frustrated that I even have to fight back a grin playing at the corner of my mouth. If he noticed, he didn’t say so.
“Nothing,” he said innocently. The class began, and we were assigned to transform bunnies into slippers. I managed to make some hoping slippers, with a tail at the back, Sirius chuckled at them.
“Don't judge them” I said, not even realizing I was smiling.
“I'm sorry,” he says, poorly hiding his amusement.
“Why don't you try it then” I challenge looking at his bunny.
“Ok, fine” he shrugged, with a swish of his wand, his bunny turned into a pair of slippers you would probably only find at a high-end store. “I could give you a lesson if you want” he teased.
“You know, one day you’re going to need slippers that jump,” I said catching my slippers, and transforming them back into the fluffy bunny.
The classes after that, he sat next to me, at first I thought he would come back to his senses and go back to his group, but after 2 weeks of laughing at his jokes in class, how he would pull a little prank, how he would know how to get me to start ranting about something, I didn’t think twice about it. He then started to sit with me in the library, and distract me from doing work. Later on, he and I would go out near the black lake where I once sat alone, I read to him the stories I held so deep to my heart. He would grasp every word of it.
It was inevitable, but after a while, I started to hang out with the others too. Remus and I would revise together, James would pull me into small pranks, and I would help Peter understand some of the charms he couldn’t do.
I tried not to think about the things I would feel when I saw Sirius. How I wanted to mess up his hair just a little bit because it was too perfect. How his laughter gave me a feeling of happiness that spread to my mouth that made me smile and laugh like an idiot. How I would think about the way that his muscles moved when he practiced quidditch with James, how his face looked chiseled by the gods.
I was back in the Gryffindor common room, trying to finish as much work as I could before I realized that the common room was empty, looking up at the clock to see the hands read 3:30 in the morning. I was about to gather my things to head to my dorm and call it a night when I heard the door to the common room open. Turning around, I didn’t see anyone there, yet the door started to close on its own, the fat lady fast asleep. Before I can even process it, I hear a thump near the fireplace, and all of the sudden see Sirius on the floor, a cloak next to him. Before I can even question it, I see the scarlet red that trails on his white shirt, I felt my eyes open wide as I rush to him, my legs forming a mind of their own.
He looks up at me, “y/n.. I-“ he's cut off with a hiss of pain escaping his mouth as the blood trails down.
“Take off your shirt so I can see”
“Isn’t that a bold request” he forces a teasing smile.
“Your a wanker” I say trying not to laugh, my heart still racing. “You know what I mean”
He lifts the white shirt, if it weren’t for the gash on his torso, I could have been easily distracted by the way that his muscles moved. The way that the low light of the fireplace reflected off his skin, the way that his skin glowed from a slight sheen of sweat.
“Stay here, ill be right back,” I say getting up, he grabbed my hand before I could move.
“You can't get any help,” he said, his voice laced with panic.
“It's ok, I have some bandages in my dorm,” I said. I rushed up to my trunk and grabbed what I needed, my mother always made sure I was prepared and was eager to teach me everything she could about her work. I rushed back to the common room, kneeling next to him. My fingers slightly shaking from the initial shock. The scratch was deep, so I started to work on some charms that my mother had taught me. Sirius was laying down on his elbows. After healing the wound as much as I could, I grabbed a small towel, drowning it in water, and brushing it lightly on his dark red blood now rusting slightly on him.
“How do you know all that?” He asked, I hadn’t noticed him looking at me.
“My mum” I answered wrapping him up in bandages. “How does it feel?” I asked
“Loads better” he answered.
“You better get some rest, take the bandage off tomorrow in the morning, if it hasn’t healed completely tell me,” I said, “did you lose a lot of blood?” I asked starting to examine him to see if he was paler than usual”
“I'm ok y/n, thank you,” he said, “aren’t you gonna ask me why I was butchered, or why I'm out at 3 in the morning?” He asked.
“If you want to tell me, id be glad to hear it, but it's non of my business” I answered honestly, he looked at me relieved, “thank you, it's not really my secret to tell”. He was sitting up a lot straighter.
“I get it,” I said sincerely.
“Why are you up so late?” He asked.
“I was just working a bit, got carried away. I was on my way to my dorm when you stumbled in” I smiled.
“Yeah, sorry bout that”
“It's nothing, my mum would probably thank you for giving some medical practice” I joke.
“Glad to help. It's hypnotizing seeing you so focused.” He said
I laid in my bed that night, feeling guilt for knowing that I got so close to the flame I promised myself I wouldn’t touch, yet also feeling a sense of relief that he was ok.
The next morning I sat in the morning, not being able to help myself, wanting to know how he was. He came downstairs, the look of surprise evident in his eyes at seeing me waiting for him.
“Y/n,” he said.
“Hey, sorry, I just wanted to know if you were ok”
“Yeah, It's healed” he answered making sure only I could hear him.
“That’s good… well I just… I just wanted to make sure”
“Thank you again,” he said, taking a step closer.
His eyes were piercing right through me, his hand hovering slightly over mine. I leaned up and kissed him, my hand over his jaw, my lips on his, my tongue tasting him like a drug I never knew I was sober from. His lips welcoming me, I snapped back into reality and pulled away, his eyes still close leaning in my direction.
“I'm sorry… I … sorry” was all I could spit out, I made my way back to my dorm feeling like a fool for thinking that a guy like Sirius would like me, that he regarded me any more different than the other girls that touched those same lips. I had been stupid, I had burned my house I worked so hard to protect, on that flame yet what scared me was that I would do it again. His hand grabbed my wrist. before I knew it, those lips met mine again, but this time they were prepared. He pulled apart just enough to speak.
“I want you y/n”
“You already have me”
I couldn’t even think about how stupid I was being, how cheesy this all was, because when his hands lingered on my waist as his lips enraptured me all thoughts and common sense went out the window. Up in his dormitory he closed the door, we both knew everyone would be in lessons. My hands tangled in his hair finally getting a chance to mess it up. His hands sliding my shirt off as he unclipped my bra, and I took his shirt off, and he pulled down my skirt, I slipped out of my shoes. For a moment he looked at me, revealed for him, exposed.
“My merlin you’re even more gorgeous than I thought,” he said breathlessly. I could feel myself blush, he started to massage my breasts, and I let out a moan. I unbuckled his belt and felt him hard for me. All this time I thought he was in control, yet he felt the same things I felt. I slipped a hand removing his trousers enough to relieve him a bit, he let out a low growl and I throbbed. He moved my panties, starting to draw circles on my clit making me unravel. I laid on his bed, pinned down beneath him, he stretched me out, and I let out a gasp of pleasure. His mouth began to play with my nipples, placing hickeys everywhere because I was his. I bit down a moan.
“Don't hold it back love, I wanna hear you scream” he said in my ear. His movements making the pleasure in my abdomen build-up, but I knew he would tell me when I could cum for him.
“Sirius” his name coming out of my lips like water.
“Cum for me darling”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
To Be Continued - Part 2
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Summary: As an author, you had created Brian Kang for your current trilogy series to represent the ultimate man that everyone would love, along with Charli Evers - your female protagonist. What you hadn’t expected was for him to find a way out of the story and begin shaping up your world instead
Pairing: Brian Kang x female writer (ft. Park Sungjin)
Genre: writer au / romance / fantasy
Warnings: fictional characters coming to life / a bit of angst here and there / Sungjin as a cop (or does that only affect me?) >_>
Word count: 2205
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue 
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Once you stopped laughing with your panic, you did what any other logically thinking person would do and rang the police. And you waited at your front door, not touching anything within your home in case you tampered the evidence further. You were already scolding yourself for eating the food prepared for you. What if it had been poisoned? You thankfully didn’t feel any worse off with your cold, if anything, you felt loads better.
Still, the anxiety ran high within you until the two officers finished checking everything over.
“It looks like the person who did this knows you intimately,” Constable Park said with a brief frown. “We’ll run the fingerprints we’ve managed to find through our system to see if they’re in it but I’m not sure what more help we can give you, Miss L/N.”
“Thank you, Constable, I appreciate your efforts all the same.”
“You said you’re a famous author, right?”
You grimaced. “I wouldn’t say famous.”
“I’ve heard of your name before,” Officer Yoon mentioned with a sheepish grin when you glanced at him in surprise. He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “My girlfriend reads your stories.”
“Ah. Please tell her I said thanks.”
“Could I actually get your autograph to give to her? I’d be in her best books for-”
“Dowoon!” Constable Park cut in sternly, causing the taller man to shrink back.
“I don’t mind,” you offered and headed back to your office for a pen and paper. You stopped when you noticed your favourite pen was missing. Surmising it had been moved during the police search; you reached for another pen and then wrote down a quick message for the young officer’s girlfriend before signing it.
You stopped again, staring at the message still displayed on your screen.
Your biggest fan.
Constable Park was back at your side again and you glanced up at him. “You mentioned just now about me being known and the message here…”
“Just make sure you keep the doors locked and maybe invite someone around to stay with you for the time being. As harmless as it’s all been, we do have more than one fingerprint detected today. Since you live alone and haven’t had anyone over in some time, we can confirm there was a second person in here last night. I know it’s easy to spend time being grateful to your avid followers but be careful with who you share your personal information with.”
A chill shuddered its way down your spine and you nodded hastily, taking the card the man held out. He smiled comfortingly. “If you have any other problems, Miss L/N, this is my direct line. Contact me right away, okay?”
“Thank you, Constable Park,” you replied weakly, reading the card and finding that his first name was Sungjin. You smiled when you looked back up at him. “I appreciate it.”
“Alright Dowoon, let’s head out and I’ll be in contact when we’ve checked the database,” Sungjin – Constable Park – stated and you nodded once more as you handed the autograph to his colleague. Dowoon grinned bashfully and thanked you all the way back to your front door, where you fare-welled the pair.
And promptly locked and latched the front door.
You had lived alone since your early twenties, too independent to work well with roommates. Whilst you had started out in a small, frigid apartment, you had cherished the space alone to create your fantasies into novels. You had only moved to your modest villa within the last year and adopted Binks, the only company you needed on a daily basis outside of your characters.
You weren’t recluse by any means, you just preferred your own company. Socialising was exhausting for your introverted ways, and even though you wanted to play it safe, you slumped down on the couch after the police left and groaned at how exhausting today had been so far.
“I’m sick, that’s adding to it,” you said out loud, and then caught yourself doing so, snapping back upright in your position. “I talk out loud to myself a lot, don’t I?”
Of course, your belongings didn’t reply. And Binks had gone into hiding when Sungjin and Dowoon were here, being afraid of men entirely.
Thinking over the care the stranger had given to even your cat, you decided they had to be female. It didn’t ease your mind any assigning a gender to this person. But it did help you feel as if you were getting somewhere with the mystery behind it.
“And once the police run all the necessary checks, hopefully, I’ll have more answers,” you announced, groaning when you had realised you spoke out loud again. “Oh, whatever! I don’t have to keep my thoughts locked up inside my head or spoken through my fingertips into a word document either! My house, my life!”
And with that, you got up and went back to your desk where you tried to seek out some normalcy for the rest of your day.
You checked emails before conversing with Lily who was animatedly retelling you of her reactions to the final part of the manuscript you sent her. You mentioned to her about what happened too. Lily, however, seemed to be more concerned about something you had written, after exclaiming over your safety. You watched the video screen where your editor, and probably the person who knew you the most aside from your mother, struggled with something.
You frowned. “What is it?”
“You didn’t put your usual The End at the final part for me.”
“Yes I did,” you corrected, leaning back in your chair. “You know me. I always put it at the end of every manuscript so you can’t nag me for more words. The End means I’m not adding to this story anymore!”
“You didn’t put it, Y/N,” she repeated, glancing up at you curiously through her laptop’s camera. “You put something else.”
“Look, I’ll prove it to you,” you announced with pure conviction, clicking on the word document icon on the taskbar and then stopped momentarily when you finally noticed that the story was still open. “That’s strange. I know I closed out of it last night.”
“Out of what?” she asked as you clicked on the tab and watched the document appear on the screen.
You immediately gasped. There, after the final scene of Charli and Brian, was no longer The End as Lily had announced. Instead, the words, To Be Continued had been placed there.
“I didn’t put that there,” you whispered and Lily laughed, unconvinced.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N! Who else would have?”
“I sent it to you right after I finished and I swear I had The End written there.”
“Maybe your writing muse changed it on you,” she teased but you didn’t join her in the amusement. She sensed your shock and blinked a couple of times before focusing back on you. “You really didn’t do it?”
“What if they changed the whole story?!” you shrieked as you jumped to the worst conclusion, scrolling up until you found the line that Brian had spoken to Charli about waiting for an eternity for her. You relaxed a little when everything appeared to be in order. “Maybe I’ll name the third book in this series, Eternity.”
“Wow, just like that, you calmed down,” Lily observed and then nodded. “I like that.”
“I don’t know. I’m just a little sensitive.”
“You were taking medicine last night for the cold, right?” You nodded at Lily’s question and the woman smiled knowingly. “Maybe you took too much at once and hallucinated a little. Or blacked out and can’t remember much.”
“I’m changing it back to The End,” you told her, typing it as you did so. Closing the document, you smiled brightly at the video call. “I’m not adding any further words to Captivated, you hear me? You work your editing magic and I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Yes, Boss!” she cheered, waving to end the call and you powered off your laptop then, making sure to shut the lid down as well.
After finding Binks, you scooped him up in your arms, checked all the doors a final time before heading off to bed for much-needed rest.
You were still a little sick, after all.
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You awoke to the sound of your phone ringing the following morning and blearily reached out to silence it. “Hello?”
“Miss L/N?” a deep voice asked and you sat up a little, blinking away your sleep. “This is Constable Park. We met yesterday regarding your intrusion issue?”
“Sungjin,” you immediately said and then gripped at your blankets at your first name slip-up. Clearly, you were still grappling with becoming alert enough for proper etiquette.
He chuckled lightly. “Yes, shall I call you Y/N?”
“If it makes the situation still work well, be my guest.”
“Well, I’m not sure how happy you’ll be to have me calling you by your name, Y/N, in a moment.”
“The results are in and there’s no fingerprint matching that in our database. Whilst that’s bad news for us to immediately act upon it, it doesn’t diminish the fact that someone had been there either.”
Despite being under your blankets, you ran cold, wrapping your spare arm around you to try and warm yourself back up. “I see. Does this mean you can’t do anything?”
“I’m afraid so. If you find anyone suspicious in your house or lurking around the outside, don’t hesitate to call me, okay?”
“Of course, thank you, Sungjin.”
“You’re the first person I’ve been called out to that’s called me by my first name, you know.”
“Do you find me rude for doing so?”
“It’s refreshing,” he admitted and you couldn’t help but smile at the thought of being something different for the man. You then bit at your lip, realising you were overreacting all because a man in uniform had stepped into your home.
Okay, so Sungjin was really handsome. And you were deprived of seeing such handsome outside of your stories. Whilst he was no Brian Kang, he would definitely make for a great love story counterpart in a new world. Perhaps he helped the main protagonist and became her protector. Or maybe –
“Y/N?” Sungjin said and you blinked rapidly out of your racing thoughts, coughing a little to cover your embarrassment. “You okay?”
“Sorry, I’m still recovering from this fever,” you admitted, fanning at your face for effect. “Did you say anything else?”
“Yeah, I just told you to keep safe, okay? I don’t need to be worrying about you needlessly, right?”
Oh, you were so going to get up right after this phone call and start typing out these ideas flashing through your mind. However, you gave a moment more to the police officer and confirmed you would call him at the first sign of trouble before ending the call.
Springing up from your bedding, you dashed into your office and perched on the edge of your chair as you opened your laptop and turned it on. You were relieved to find everything in your office in the right place as you opened a new word document and tapped furiously on your keyboard to get down all your ideas for your new police officer au story.
And when you were finally done, you leaned back in your chair and giggled. You weren’t always inspired by people who stepped into your world, but this was solid content you couldn’t ignore.
“Perhaps it’ll help me live out my Sungjin desires too,” you admitted sheepishly before glancing at your pen stand. You remembered about the missing pen and searched on top of your desk and then scooted your chair back to look on the floor. “Where did you go, favourite pen?”
Not finding it anywhere, you pouted right as your stomach grumbled. “Ah,” you said weakly, clutching your stomach in your hand. “I best feed myself and Binks. Hopefully, that pen will turn back up.”
Once you had eaten and quietened Binks’ demands for his morning affection, you got dressed and readied yourself for a trip out to the grocery store. Next, you had to write out a list of what you needed and went back into your office, sitting down at your desk and reaching for some paper.
Your attention turned to your laptop, where you found your favourite pen sitting upon it. “What the…”
And looking up at the screen, another message awaited you.
 Sorry, I didn’t realise I had taken it with me after writing you the notes.
 Glancing around yourself, you froze with the fear that rose within. You hadn’t heard anyone inside the house during this time. Yet, there was proof someone had come in again. You looked to the window, it was firmly shut. There was no way anyone could have gotten inside the house without walking passed you first.
You then started to shake.
Had they been in here all night long again?
Just as you went to get up and fetch your phone to ring Sungjin back, you noticed a second tab open on the document screen.
It was Captivated. And once again, the last words read, To Be Continued.
Part 3
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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ficsilike-reblogged · 4 years
Hummingbird Heart
A/N: My first fic on Tumblr. I hope you guys like it. Feedback is always welcome. 
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader (No Y/N)
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Summary: As the helicopter starts to crash and Catfish braces for the worst, his team is welcomed by a familiar face. And old feelings come rushing back.
Rating: T for Canon-Typical Violence Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love
Will was bleeding. One of the gearboxes just blew up and they were crashing. Plummeting straight down. Words were thrown around: to drop the load, that they needed to brace, that they were going in for a hard landing.
All of those things happened.
Everything about this (illegal) mission had gone completely off the rails since they crossed the border and Francisco was sure they’d have to deal with coca farmers that they dropped their money on. As they managed to hike the rugged landscape from the crash site, he was completely resigned to the fact that they were a) going to lose this money and b) going to have to shoot their way out of it.
The farmers were gathered around the dropped load but…none of them looked to be grabbing any of it.
“What is happening?” Benny muttered, gloved fingers curling around his gun.
“I don’t know,” Francisco replied.
Tom pushed forward, gun already drawn as Pope hurried to his side. But, as they neared the group of tired farmers, a distinctive laugh hit their ears. Stilted Spanish soon followed, promising “less trouble next week.”
The gun waivered in his hand as a woman stepped forward, designer sunglasses tucked into the neck of her rumpled, white button-up. She shook a few of the farmers’ hands as she continued to walk toward their small group. 
She hadn’t changed at all.
“Hummingbird?” Francisco asked, throat tight.
She smiled. “Hey, Frankie.”
“Don’t be a brat, Will. It’s just a little heat.” She was about to press the SUV’s glowing cigarette lighter to his stomach. Removing the bullet had taken a bit of maneuvering while Francisco drove down the winding and rocky back roads through the Andes. Pope was driving the second SUV with Benny and Tom and the money was split between the two. Well, most of it. What couldn’t fit in the cars was left with the farmers to keep the peace and to really sell whatever story she had sold to them.
“You’re having too much fun with this, Birdie.” He yelped as she pressed the heated coil to his skin and sealed off his wound.
Frankie barely heard her laugh over Will’s string of curses.
“How did you even know where we would be?” Will asked as he tried to catch his breath.
She carefully applied some antiseptic and gauze before tugging his shirt down. “Just because I haven’t seen you in person for almost three years doesn’t mean I don’t keep tabs on you.” She smiled and Francisco nearly lost control of the steering wheel.
Even when she wasn’t looking at him.
“And Pope might have me on speed dial.” She patted Will’s cheek as he scowled. “I said don’t be a brat.”
“You haven’t changed at all, Birdie.”
“That’s a lie. I’ve obviously become more devastatingly beautiful.”
Will swatted at her leg as she (finally) climbed off his lap and into her own seat, pulling off her latex gloves and dropping them on the floorboards. “You’ve gotten more annoying. Still the shittiest little sister I never asked for.”
“I am only five years younger than Benny.”
“Who is my younger brother. You’re making my point—how did you ever make it through the CIA field training?”
She reached over and flicked Will’s ear. “I was the perfect attaché for your ridiculous squad. I happen to remember saving your lives at least four times.”
She laughed as she heard Francisco’s interjection.
“Yeah, yeah,” Will grumbled. “You two always…” The words died as Will glanced at Fish in the rearview mirror and saw him already looking back at him.
Thankfully, she was busy rifling through her bag for something. She sat back as she found it—a small plastic bottle half-filled with large, white pills. She held it out toward Will. “These will take the edge off.”
Will warily accepted it, eyeing the pills with a frown. “Do I even want to know where you got these?”
“You know, I only messed up pain meds with allergy medicine once.”
“We were in the desert. Nothing grows there—what were you allergic to?”
“Take your pain pills, you big baby.”
Will muttered something along the lines of ‘I don’t even know where you get these pills’ before dry-swallowing one. And in about fifteen minutes, he was snoring. She clamored into the passenger’s seat with very little trouble and smiled at Francisco as she rolled her spine like a cat.
“I’ve missed you, Frankie.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Hummingbird.”
She smiled at the nickname again. “Why do you guys call me that?”
“You don’t remember? It was your first firefight after being assigned to our unit.”
The sand was stinging his eyes, even from beneath his night vision goggles. The ruins of the encampment were still giving both ally and enemy cover. The firefight had paused for a moment and Redfly was signaling for Ironhead and Fish to circle around when a sudden barrratt-barratt-barratt of gunfire had them scurrying, burrowing farther into their cover. Where had these men come from? How-
A sudden explosion sent a wave of sand into the night sky with a flash of light and it was quickly followed by another series of shots and then…nothing.
Fish looked at Redfly who was clutching his shoulder, obviously shot, but otherwise okay and Ironhead, who looked a little confused. Benny and Pope cautiously lifted their heads from their own hiding places.
“Um, I’m pretty sure everyone’s dead!” A feminine voice called out.
Fish turned his head and saw their very-new, very-green CIA attaché stand atop a pile of rocks with a large gun in her arms and a grenade pin still circling her trigger finger. She leapt down and walked to Fish’s side as he flipped the night vision goggles up onto his forehead. She grabbed his hand and placed it over her heart. “Feel my heartbeat! It’s so fast.”
“Yeah, like a hummingbird.”
And that smile she gave him made his heart clench, too.
“We still don’t know where you got that grenade.”
“It’s a secret.” She laughed.
The pair relived their ‘adventures’ in the desert for a little longer before a comfortable silence settled between them.
“I never wanted to lose contact with you guys after I got reassigned. I wanted you to know that.”
“I’m sure the agency keeps you busy-”
“But you were my boys. You made me living out in the desert, surrounded by men who thought I was out of my element and brass who wanted to kill my career, worth it. It was awful and wonderful all at the same time and you guys…you guys really, really helped me out of a bad spot.”
Fish frowned. “What do you mean?”
She sighed and looked out the window at the quickly passing scenery. “When I first got assigned, I’d been dealing with some stuff. It’s hard enough to be taken seriously in this field because I have a uterus. Bring the need for therapy to the table and you can kiss your career goodbye.” She laughed. “Being out in the desert with the guys, with you, it didn’t fix me. But it helped. You helped more than you could ever know.”
His fingers were warm as he reached out to her and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “You are our hummingbird.”
“You’re the only one who calls me that. Everyone else calls me Birdie.” She reciprocated his squeeze and didn’t let his hand go. “But I like it.”
“Come dance with us, Birdie!” Pope was either drunk on the high of a successful mission or the whiskey they pilfered from the brass’ tent. Or both. He and Benny were shaking their hips while Will and Tom were bobbing their heads (almost on beat) as music thumped from a dented speaker set up on a picnic table on the outskirts of the command camp.
She was still feeling the twisted metal of some strange sadness she couldn’t understand, seated deep in her gut. Her smile had grown irksome, painful on her desert-baked lips. But her boys…her boys always made her heart a little lighter. Their inability to keep a beat just added to her reprieve. She walked closer, seeing how poorly everyone but Pope was dancing, and let her worries wash away—just for a moment or two. They would return, as they always did, but she did her best to live in this simple moment.
Pope grabbed her hands as she neared him and he forced her into a strange, skipping sort of dance that had a laugh bubbling out of her throat as she tried to keep up.
A song turned into two and then three. One pop ballad into another.
But then the beat slowed and Pope stepped back as Tom handed him another glass of whiskey.
“Got one more in you?” Frankie asked as he stepped to her side. “One more dance, I mean?” He quickly added. He held out a hand to her with a small smile.
“Of course. Always, for you, Frankie.” She placed her hand in his and let him pull her close and they swayed to the music. For a song and then two.
And neither one of them noticed when the other men slunk away, leaving them alone in the starlight as soft music played.
The SUV rumbled, hitting a rock but continued forward.
He didn’t take his hand from hers.
Will continued to snore in his seat.
“I’ve missed you.”
“You’ve said that, Frankie.” She brought up their joined hands and pressed a kiss to his scarred and calloused fingers. “But, I’ll tell you again: I missed you, too.”
“You said you’ve kept tabs on us. Did you…”
“Know your license was revoked? Of course I know. And I might have leaned on someone to make sure it gets placed back in your very capable hands as soon as you are back stateside.” She watched him deflate and his fingers curled a little tighter against hers. “What is it?”
“You shouldn’t’ve done that, Hummingbird. I-“
“Have a vice. That’s why I’m also calling in a favor and getting you an invitation to one of those ritzy, rich people havens.” She smiled. “But only if you want.”
Frankie sighed. “You still think of everything.”
“Being four steps ahead is basically my job, Frankie. And if I remember correctly, it kept you and my boys alive.” She laughed but quickly stopped herself when Will groaned, still sleeping. 
“I do happen to recall Tom being shot more times since you were reassigned.” 
Frankie found her in her little tent the day after another “job well done” for some mission they would never be able to speak of. The satellite phone in her hand was creaking under her shaking grip. The shitty liquor in his hands was forgotten as he heard her sniffle. “Oh, Hummingbird. What is it?”
She sniffled again and turned toward him, tossing the phone onto her small bedroll. “I’m being reassigned. They want me back at Langley day after tomorrow.”
Their line of work was volatile in every sort of aspect—but he always thought she would be a constant. She had been for almost two years. And now, they were ripping her away like a used bandage. Words were bubbling up in his throat, nearly clogging his airway, and leadening his tongue. Too many words and not enough in equal measure.
But her tear-filled eyes swayed him to the side of quiet. He pulled her into his arms and tucked her head under his chin. She pushed her face into his chest and clung to his shirt as he rubbed his hands against her back, tracing her spine. He wasn’t sure how long he held her like that in the quiet of her tent. But she eventually pulled back and wiped at her eyes. “Sorry, Frankie.”
“Never apologize, Hummingbird.” His hands cradled her face and his thumbs gently brushed her tears away as they continued to slip from her eyes.
“You can’t tell anyone I’m blubbering like this. I have a reputation, you know.”
Frankie chuckled. “Your secret’s safe with me.” 
She reached up and held his hands against her face and closed her eyes as if she was trying to remember how they felt. “I think I’ll miss you the most.” She turned in his grip and pressed a kiss to his palm and he tried to ignore how he felt it in his marrow.
He could have kissed her then. Should have kissed her then. Should have kissed her like he’d wanted to for years.
But he didn’t.
And when he helped her load her small pack into the back of the massive plane, he waved as he stood beside the rest of ‘her boys’ and he tried to remember how she looked when she smiled, even if it was sad.
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want, Frankie.”
He sighed and finally pulled his hand away from hers, gripping the leather steering wheel in a tight grip. “No. No, I should. I’ve got the baby now I just…” He seemed to deflate, curl into himself as much as the SUV allowed. His lips pursed like he was thinking about not speaking and then- “My lady…she’s leaving me.”
“Oh, Frankie-”
“It’s been happening for a long time. Don’t—just don’t pity me or anything. I knew it was gonna happen. With all this,” he waved a hand around, “and then my license, and the baby. It was just too much for her. I don’t blame her.”
She pushed out a long breath and watched more the lush, green landscape slide right on by her window. “Why’d you take this job, Frankie?”
He was quiet for a moment. And then two. “When Redfly had first told me about this job, I thought I could get this money and really settle down. Make the wife happy. Give my little girl everything she deserves.” A rough hand wiped across his face and knocked his hat askew. “But the day got closer and she just quit. She didn’t want me. Didn’t want my baby. Wanted out.”
She pulled her lips tight against her teeth in a grimace. “That’s a shit hand. I don’t know what else to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
So, she didn’t. She didn’t say anything. But she reached across the console and touched one of his hands.
Pope kissed her all over her face when they parked at the port. She cursed at him in three different languages as she swatted at him. “Knock it off, Pope. Jesus.”
Tom stepped to her side with a sheepish smile. “Thank you. For saving us out there. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up when you did.”
“I’m sure everyone would have died.” She poked Tom in the gut. “But next time, maybe think about how much money your helicopter can hold before getting greedy, yeah?”
“No ‘next time’ for us. Last job, remember?” Will said with a little too much emphasis as he eyed Pope. A hand was still pressed over his stomach as if guarding his bullet wound.
(He would be fine. She was sure of it—it wasn’t the first time she’d had to stitch up a bullet wound in the ‘wild’ and she was getting pretty good at it, if she did say so herself.)
“Yeah. Last job.” Pope nodded with a surrendering smile, hands held up in defeat.
“But how did you even know where we were, Birdie?” Benny asked as he tossed a bag of cash into the small dingy, waiting to be sped out onto the ship waiting off the coast.  
“You act like I didn’t have trackers implanted under your skin when you were sleeping and then misuse government funds to monitor your every move. The audacity.”
It wasn’t an answer. Everyone knew that. They also knew they’d probably never get one. She was good at keeping secrets, despite how much she adored them. She hefted her own backpack, now filled with cash, onto her shoulders. Her cut was significantly smaller and it wouldn’t get any bigger despite how each of her boys had thrust a few stacks at her before they had started loading the boat.
“This is enough,” she said. “But I know where you all live if I need to rob you.”
Pope and Tom went out to the boat first. Followed by Will and most of the money.
The sound of rotating helicopter blades disrupted the peaceful crashing of waves against the sand and she turned to watch a military grade helicopter land a few hundred yards away. Benny waded out into the water to help the dingy come ashore, leaving Frankie and his Hummingbird alone for a few moments.
“You’re not coming with us?”
“Nope. You’re on your own now. And I was never here to begin with.” She held out her arms. “But, give me a hug before I disappear.”
He quickly did as he was told and tucked his face into her neck. Just for a moment. Breathed her in. “Don’t be a stranger.” It was meant to be a jab, a funny little comment about how she was known to be very good at disappearing, (behind her amiable personality, he was well aware she exceeded at her job) but it came out soft as he whispered it into her skin.
“I’ll find you again, Frankie. Always.” She pulled away and gently held his face in her hands before she turned and walked away. The helicopter took off and flew away as Benny walked to his side.
“C’mon, man. Let’s go home.”
The baby wouldn’t stop crying. Maybe her teeth were coming in. Maybe she needed to eat? Getting sick?
He stumbled down the dark hallway toward his daughter’s room and slipped in and scooped her into his grip and set her wailing form against his bare chest. “Hey, hey, baby. I’ve gotcha. Daddy’s here. Lemme know what you need, huh?” His roughened hand gently swirled circles into her back as her sobs turned into sniffles. “You just needed your daddy, yeah?”
She hiccupped, finally quiet after a few more moments.
But then there was a soft tapping. Tap tap tap. Right at his front door. And he barely heard it in the stillness of his house. Frankie looked down at his daughter, slipping between sleep and waking, and held in a sigh. He walked down the hall and toward the living room. The clock ticked, grabbing his attention. His frown deepened when he saw the time: 22:56. He peeked through the peephole and then quickly pulled the door open.
His hummingbird was leaned against his doorframe with a small smile on her lips and blood all over her clothes. “Hey, Frankie. Can I come in?”
Even with bandages criss-crossing over her abdomen, she insisted on holding the baby. “She’s beautiful, Frankie. Thank God she takes after you.” She nuzzled a soft kiss against the baby’s unruly dark hair and smiled as the baby cooed in her sleep, shifting closer to the woman’s touch.
“You gonna tell me what happened?” He asked as he threw away the last of the bloodied paper towels.
He scowled as he settled on the edge of the coffee table in front of her.
“I have it handled. Thank you for patching me up, by the way.”
“You said that. Four times.”
“And I’m sure you’ll hear it a few more times tonight.” She smiled as the baby hummed, happy in her dreams. “You’re a good man, Frankie.”
The smile that pushed at his lips couldn’t be stopped. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to his daughter’s cherubic cheek but startled, almost surprised, as he looked up to see her, his hummingbird, so close. He quickly sat back. “Maybe fatherhood scared me straight. And that fancy rehab kept giving me cucumber water.”
She laughed softly, careful not to jostle her precious carryon. “I’m glad it helped. But you were always a good man. Just a little rough around the edges.”  Reaching out, she grasped his hand and tugged, wordlessly inviting him to sit next to her. “I liked your rough edges because they were a part of you. But I’m happy you like yourself a little more now.” 
“And you?” He asked. “Do you like yourself better now?” 
“I’ve got a new therapist—lets me text her in the middle of the night, too. She’s nice to me. Calls me on my bullshit. It’s helped a lot.”
“Good, I’m happy for you.” Almost without thinking, his fingers found an errant trail of dried blood against her cheek and carefully wiped it away.
She chased the warmth he provided and pressed her cheek against his hand. And they sat like that for a few stretched, soft moments. In the quiet of his darkened living room. Years of unspoken something bleeding out in simple touches. 
“Am I still your hummingbird?” The question was quiet.
A/N: Want a second part? Something different? Please let me know what you think. xx
Part Two
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First of all i want to give a shout out to @ayumiko​ for letting me use her amazing gifs in my writing! I mean just look at them! Be sure to go check out her stuff <3 (the middle gif’s credit goes to @atticwraith)
Overlooked | Ikuya Kirishima x Reader
Anon asked: Hi! Can I request an Ikuya x reader? Maybe a reader who’s really outgoing and stuff, kind of like the total opposite of him. At first he’s kind of annoyed by them, but then he slowly warms up and actually misses them when they’re out sick from school. He goes and visits and things go from there! As a fic writer myself, I thank you so much for providing for fandoms! You’re doing amazing.
A/n: sorry if the ending is a bit tacky, I didn’t know exactly how to end it off
Genre: a bit angsty? fluff at the end
Word count: ~2k this ones a bit long
“Catch up with you guys later ok?” You waved your teammates goodbye as soon as you had spotted a familiar head of deep sea green hair.
“Hey Ikuya!” He turned around and was met with your big smile, nodding in response. You quickly made your way over to him before noticing a third party.
“Oh, hello to you too Hiyori.” Your smile was returned with a little wave of his own. Teeth clenched, because we know he’s internally screaming
“First name basis huh?” Hiyori asked tartly, however a smile still present on his features.
“No need to be so uptight! We’ve all been given a name for a reason, so we can be called by it! By the way we’ve all been acquainted long enough.” You nudged Hiyori slightly in return, glancing at Ikuya, who just cared about making it to class on time. “Which is why I’m constantly telling you two to also call me (f/n)!”
“Hmmm.” Hiyori gave you a closed eyed smile before picking up the pace to catch up with his friend. I’m telling’ ya, internal screaming.
“Hey you two! Wait up!”
Students shuffled into the classroom, you took your usual seat next to Ikuya. You were taking notes when something had caught your eye. “Woah! You’re a really good artist Ikuya!” You leaned in next to him, pointing at the little doodles on the edge of his paper. Instinctively, the boy grabbed his notebook, blocking it from your view.
“T-They’re nothing.” He stated simply and went back to writing, this time with a protective arm shielding his work.
“...you could just take the compliment you know..” you muttered looking away. You felt a tap on your shoulder, making your eyes light up, only to find that it was just another classmate asking for help. You sighed and leaned over behind Ikuya to try and explain the problem.
The bell rang not too soon after. You and Ikuya began gathering your things, fingers brushing slightly in the process. You had managed to stumble out a sorry, but found that the boy was already halfway out the door; oblivious to you, with a small dust of pink hinted on his cheeks.
The next few days were the same, school work, friends, volleyball (yes you play volleyball k? I was watching haikyuu. I couldn’t help it), more volleyball, and failed attempts at a conversation with Ikuya.
“Hey Ikuya! Check it out! There’s a new cafe that’s opened nearby, some friends and I are gonna go check it out, you wanna come?”
“No, sorry I’ve got plans.”
Each day made your heart sink even more, along with the pile of stress, schoolwork and volleyball weighing on your shoulders. Nevertheless, you put on the same bright smile, known to everyone around you, and kept on.
“(L/n)?” Your face lit up at the sound of the familiar voice to your right, “...my eraser rolled over, can you reach it?”
“Huh? Yeah sure!” You gave him a smile and bent down, holding your hand out slightly before something struck you.
Why? Why do I feel like I need his attention? Why am I so pathetic? The realization was like a stab, penetrating deeper and deeper.
“(L/n)?.....(l/n)?....are you okay?”
You broke out of your trance and reached for the eraser, “S-sorry.” You placed the eraser in Ikuya’s hand, who was now looking at you with slight concern. You were silent after that, paying mind to your own work, failing to notice the boy next to you glance at you with worry.
The rest of the day consisted of you dwelling in your own thoughts, ignoring the calls of your friends and teammates. Skipping practice, you went straight home and sprawled out on your bed. Picking up your nearby volleyball, spreading your fingers into a setting position, you began gently tossing the ball up and down with hundreds of thoughts beginning to cloud your brain. Ikuya was never one to hide his annoyance, you knew that. But maybe you did talk too much, and maybe some of your friendships were forced. Were you trying too hard? Were people, unlike Ikuya, hiding their annoyance? Your insecurities that you thought you had left long behind, came flooding back. You shut your eyes tightly, thinking that would make the thoughts go away, as you drifted off into a deep sleep.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm pounding at your head, and made your way to the bathroom. Leaning over the sink, you took a good look at yourself in the mirror. The thoughts of last night still swirling in your head, making it feel like it was going to explode. Suddenly you felt something rise at the back of your throat, as you scrambled towards the the toilet and let it all out. The throbbing sensation on your right side became more prominent, the lights around you making it worse.
A couple of hours later, you thought you had heard your phone ring. Quite a few times actually. Great to know people care about me, you thought sarcastically. You decided to stay home with all the lights off and the blinds tightly shut, every movement or thought pulsating your head further. You couldn’t remember exactly when, but you had eventually passed out on the couch, failing to hear the sound of your front door opening.
“(L/n)?....” Ikuya had suspected something was up with you these past couple of days. Although the facade you had built around you might have fooled another, you had been around to constantly bug, not that he really minded deep down, for Ikuya to realize you were acting different.
“(L/n)!” Ikuya panicked, his eyes adjusting to the dark space, to catch a glimpse of a limp silhouette passed out on the couch. He quickly came to your side, checking to make sure you were okay.
H-huh? You slowly began to wake to a hovering dark figure with amber eyes looking over you in concern. Ikuya?
Ikuya quickly backed away, face flushed and glad it was dark, once he had realized you were awake. You however, took a moment to just stare at him, headache or whatever forgotten.
Am I hallucinating? Why is Ikuya here?
“....you weren’t at school and your friends were saying how you weren’t answering any of their calls....you’ve been acting weird for the past couple of days....so I came to check on you...” Even in the dark, you could see the glimmer of his cat-like eyes.
Wait? He noticed?
“I also brought you the notes you all the notes and assignments you missed...your captain was pretty pissed off too...” He moved forward, hesitantly resting his hand on your forehead before moving to his bag to take out his notebook and some other papers. “You don’t feel all that warm...are you sure you’re not just skipping?”
Has he always been this talkative?
He stopped and turned expectantly, waiting for your reply. Before you could even think about opening your mouth, another surge of pain made its way, with you clenching the right side of your head in pain.
“M-migraine...” you managed to barely get out. Instantly, Ikuya was at your side, crouched down, back facing towards you.
“We should probably get you somewhere you can actually relax first.” He kept his pink-tinted face forward, waiting for you to climb onto his back, which you did without complaints. You warily pointed a finger in the direction of your bedroom, as he slowly made his way and rested you gently on the bed, before awkwardly standing off to the side. You pointed with your eyes, still in pain, to the edge of your mattress. After a few minutes of silence, you began to make sense of your situation.
“Why’d you come here Ikuya....?” You propped yourself against your pillows, head hung low to hide the blush creeping up your neck and cheeks.
Ikuya was silent for a bit before whispering ever so slightly, “You were more quiet than usual for the past week....I got worried....”
You were barely able to catch the last part as your eyes widened, before lowering back your gaze. “Shouldn’t you be relieved though? I’m not being annoying or a nuisance to you...”
Ikuya’s head shot up as he suddenly lunged towards you. “I don’t-,” before composing himself, “I don’t think you’re annoying...I actually like when you talk to me...” again, the last part barely above a whisper.
“Ikuya...” Another tinge pain shot up throughout the side of your head, as you let out a small whimper.
“D-do you need some medicine?! Where’s your cabinet?!” You let out a giggle, before it turned into full blown laughter, headache completely forgotten. Ikuya looked at you confused while you wiped the corners of your eyes. There was something about your disheveled, humorous state, that made Ikuya feel a complexity of emotions suddenly stir inside of him. Soon, and he had no idea why, he started to laugh along with you. You paused and took in his image, the feelings in your own heart becoming more evident.
“....here I was thinking you hated my guts...” you murmured softly, shaking your head, but then instantly regretting it. “But, I already took some medicine not too long ago.” You paused again, but this time more seriously. Despite the painful state you were currently in, you still couldn’t ignore the gut feeling in your stomach.
“Ikuya...you are aware right?” Ikuya was now also looking directly at you. “...aware how I feel about you...” He froze, wide-eyed and eyebrows raised. He could no longer deny the growing feeling in his heart either. He blushed and looked away,
“...I feel the same way about you too (f/n)...for a while now...”
He said it softly, but you were just able to catch the last part as your eyes were now bulging out of your sockets. He caught a glimpse of your expression before suddenly backing away, as if he had said something wrong.
“W-what is it! W-why are you looking at me like that.”
“That’s the first....first time you ever called me by my first name...”
And for a while now? Maybe you really were oblivious.
By the look on his face, he had just realized this as well, but crossed his arms anyways, avoiding eye contact.
“It is your name you know...of course I would call you by it...” Your body moved before you had time to process what you were doing, and soon your cool hands met warm, as Ikuya gently sat back down, face now red, but still avoiding your gaze. Just as you were about to say something, a familiar sensation danced it’s way back, as you squeezed your eyes shut, removing your hands from Ikuya’s to clutch onto your head.
“Here lie down...” you obeyed, bracing for the next wave of pain, only to be met with slender fingers running through your locks, massaging in place once they had found their destination. You relaxed under Ikuya’s touch, eyelids becoming heavy.
Ikuya smiled to himself, scooting closer and watching your brows slowly unknit, as you drifted off into a peaceful slumber. ~
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twilights-800-cats · 3 years
<< Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || From the Beginning || Patreon >>
Chapter 13
Stoneheart woke to a damp pelt and cold limbs, and it took him a long time to figure out where he was.
For a moment, he thought he was still on the journey, stuck on some rock in the mountains. That’s what it felt like, at least. The stones and hard earth beneath him had sucked all the warmth from his body during the night.  
His dreams had not helped, either. Once again, he’d found himself wandering that strange dark forest where he’d seen his mother, aimless and unsure. He thought many times that he could hear voices between the trees, cats crying out in pain... but he wasn’t sure who they were, or if they were real. He even thought he had scented Mistyfoot in the foggy woods, but when he had tried to follow her trail, he’d only gotten himself more lost.
Blinking sleep from his eyes, Stoneheart remembered where he was – Sunningrocks, on ThunderClan territory. Dawn was breaking over the boulders, and the sun was shining, but the air was still cold. Worst of all, the Twoleg monsters had revved up, and their smoke was rising above the trees.
He pushed himself up, feeling his limbs burn with soreness. Running around Twolegplace and then scrambling to evacuate his Clan within such a short time made him feel like he needed to sleep for a moon; but his stomach growled, and the ground beneath him did not look like an appealing nest.
Stoneheart opened his jaw in a yawn, but had to shut them almost instantly. The scents of ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and WindClan together was so cloying and strong, it made his throat feel like closing. He shivered. It won’t be for long, he thought, peering over the edge of the ditch. The three Clans were milling about, trying to go about as normal a day as they could. We’ll be leaving soon.
A wail rose from the rocks.
Stoneheart pricked his ears and readied himself to spring, but others were quicker. Warriors from all three Clans crowded around a tall boulder near the center of the camp that was currently the nursery. Stoneheart scrambled out of the elder’s ditch and pushed his way through the crowd as another wail bounced off of the stones.
Snowstep, ThunderClan’s deaf warrior, was padding sullenly out of the makeshift nursery. A kit dangled limply from his jaws, and Stoneheart felt sorrow well up in him – the kit was nothing but fur and bones, and very clearly dead.
“Not Hollykit, too,” whispered Sorreltail, her eyes round.
“StarClan, help us,” mumbled Dustpelt. Beside him, Cinderpelt raised her muzzle to the sky, as if beseeching their warrior ancestors.
A WindClan apprentice was hunkered down, her shoulder blades poking through her pelt. “W-We’re all gonna die!” she stammered, watching Snowstep silently walking towards the forest, his dead kit bumping against his chest.
The apprentice’s words made Stoneheart’s pelt prickle, and his stomach clenched. The last season of her life had been nothing but suffering – why wouldn’t she think that death was all that awaited her? Stoneheart’s mouth went dry, unsure of how to comfort the young cat.
“Thornpaw, don’t talk like that,” Crowpaw snapped, glowering at his Clanmate. “We’re going to be fine.”
“Crowpaw is right,” rasped Mousefur. The small ThunderClan warrior stepped forward, twitching her tail towards the WindClan apprentice. “Come hunting with me and Spiderpaw, youngster.”
Thornpaw rose to her paws, shaky; but she obeyed, following Mousefur and Spiderpaw as they headed into the forest. Smokewillow, Thornpaw’s mentor, followed a moment later, after Mudclaw turned and snapped at him to move.
Ferncloud’s next cry drew Brackenfur through the crowd. ThunderClan’s medicine cat leaned into the nursery and, after a moment, pulled his head back with a sigh. Silverstream came out with him, her tail-tip flicking anxiously.
“She’s so upset,” the silver tabby murmured. “I don’t know what to do.”
Brackenfur’s muzzle pulled into a frown. “Too many herbs will spoil what milk she has,” he said. “Is there any queen that can take Larchkit while she mourns?”
“Tallpoppy has milk,” Finchsong reported, slipping out of the nursery behind Silverstream. “But she’s got three kits of her own. If Larchkit is eating solid food, I think I can take him in with Willowkit and Rushkit.”
“Do it,” Silverstream meowed, without hesitation. She turned to Finchsong with grateful eyes. “It’s early, but I think Larchkit can handle it. Bramblefur and I will do our best to calm Ferncloud.”
“Playing with kits around his own age might be good for him, too, after losing his sister,” Brackenfur surmised. The medicine cat turned to the crowd, his face drawn with remorse as he announced: “StarClan has taken another from us this day. We will sit vigil for Hollykit tonight. Excuse me.”
Brackenfur left, limping through the crowd. Stoneheart craned his neck, peering around the boulders – the golden-brown medicine cat was heading for Tinystar, who was in conversation with Tallstar and Russetstar, but Sandstorm met the medicine cat and turned him away. The solemn look in the ginger she-cat's eyes told Stoneheart that they had already gotten the news.
“Everyone else, get back to your duties!” snapped Mudclaw. WindClan’s deputy stalked through the crowd, his tail lashing. His eyes pierced uncertain-looking warriors as he growled, “Don’t want to see another kit die? Hunt!”
“We need to leave,” muttered Poppyfoot as she drew Rainwhisker and Tornear close. “There’s not much time...”
Stoneheart could hear similar worried conversations going on all around him, their words bouncing off of the Sunningrocks like honey-drunk bees. Stoneheart sighed – he wished it hadn’t taken so many lives to come this far, but at least it seemed like everyone was on board.
He felt a pelt brush by, and turned to see his father by his side. Oakheart had a thin mouse in his jaws, half-eaten already, and he laid it down by Stoneheart’s paws.
“Eat,” he rasped. When Stoneheart hesitated, he added, “Don’t worry, I’ve had my share already.”
Stoneheart devoured the mouse as if it were the only food in the world – which didn’t feel too far off, with the forest as it was. He barely tasted it, and it hardly filled him, but it was something and that was far better than nothing. His stomach ached for the days during the journey, where he could eat his fill and still have leftovers.
“Poor Ferncloud,” Oakheart sighed as Stoneheart ate. “No mother deserves to watch her kits die.”
Stoneheart lifted his head, cleaning the mouse from his whiskers. “I wish there was something I could do.”
“Leave it to the queens,” Oakheart told him, flicking his tail. “Come, sit with me.”
Stoneheart shifted, feeling awkward. He was aware of Mudclaw barking orders not two fox-lengths away. “Shouldn’t I hunt?” he wondered.
Oakheart shook his head. “Believe me, the forest is full of hunters,” the older tabby mewed. “If there’s something, anything, they’ll find it.”
“What about border patrols?”
“What’s the point?” Oakheart wondered, his whiskers twitching with amusement. He gestured at the river with his tail. “That’s the only border that needs looking after, and who’s going to pick a fight with RiverClan right now?”
Stoneheart supposed his father was right. After quickly burying the bones of his meal, they padded over to an unoccupied boulder, and Stoneheart helped Oakheart up onto its smooth surface. Stoneheart scrambled up and laid beside him, pressing their pelts together tightly to get any sort of warmth out of each other.
“Oh, would you look at that...?” Oakheart sighed. His gaze went over the river, hardening as it did. “Speaking of RiverClan...”
Stoneheart saw a pelt flash on the other side of the river. It was Falcontail, RiverClan’s temporary deputy – Leopardstar followed, her eyes blazing and her dappled fur blazing in the sun. Stoneheart searched the reeds, wondering if Feathertail was coming, too, but his hopes were dashed. It was only Leopardstar and her son.
Leopardstar and Falcontail waded into the river, tails lashing. Neither looked particularly happy as Tinystar, Mudclaw,and Russetstar met them on the shore. Tallstar trembled on dry land, Sandstorm by his side. Mistyfoot, Crowpaw, and Nightpaw prowled over, ears pricked; but Shadepaw was kept behind by Brackenfur, much to her annoyance.
“I was just about to relax with you,” Oakheart complained. “Go on, see what it’s about.”
Stoneheart dipped his head to his father and slipped off of the rock, trotting up to his sister’s side. He wasn’t the only cat curious, either – any cat who hadn’t been assigned a patrol or nursing kits or dealing in medicine had their eyes turned towards the river, and more than one had the fur along their spine bristling warily.
“What is the meaning of this, Tinystar?” Leopardstar began, her lip curled. Water lapped at her belly as she stood in the center of the river. “First WindClan, now ShadowClan, too?”
Falcontail looked just as annoyed, and Stoneheart guessed his claws were unsheathed in the water. “If you think to invade, you’ll find enough resistance for ten Clans!”
Stoneheart peered closely at the RiverClan cats, and had to suppress a scoff. Falcontail was blustering – something must have happened in RiverClan territory. Not only was the water low, but the two RiverClan cats looked far skinnier than usual.
“Explain yourself!” Leopardstar demanded.
Tinystar drew himself up, wrapping his tail around his paws. “We pose no threat to you, Leopardstar. ShadowClan’s camp was destroyed yesterday – they had nowhere else to go.”
Russetstar lashed her tail. Stoneheart guessed she was annoyed at Tinystar talking for her, because she meowed curtly: “ShadowClan has no interest in RiverClan territory.”
“We were just discussing how best to leave for the lake, actually,” Tinystar added. “... and whether or not you were joining us.”
Leopardstar flattened her ears, and Falcontail hissed: “We’ve already told you – RiverClan is going nowhere!”
“Not without our missing,” Leopardstar said quickly, glancing at Falcontail. Her gaze was sharp on her son, but even sharper when it turned back to the gathered leaders. “Surely you’re not planning to leave them behind, either!”
“Of course not,” Russetstar huffed. She glanced back, locking eyes with Stoneheart behind her. “My warriors have learned where our missing cats are being kept. We’ll be mounting a rescue before leaving for the lake.”
“But regardless,” Mudclaw swept on, lashing his tail, “whether those cats come home or not, and with or without RiverClan – we're leaving the forest.”
“Good!” Falcontail grunted. His pale-yellow eyes flashed at the WindClan deputy.
“I don’t know what you think you’ll gain,” Mistyfoot meowed, stepping forward. Her tail-tip was flicking back and forth as she stared down at Falcontail. “Our lands will be useless to anyone but Twolegs, and from the looks of things, your land isn’t faring much better. Why be so stubborn and let RiverClan starve, when you could follow StarClan’s will to a better place with all of us?”
Falcontail bared his teeth. Whatever he was about to say, Leopardstar interrupted, splashing a step forward to meow, “If you’re sending cats after the missing, RiverClan will send a warrior with you... and if Tawnypelt comes back in one piece, leaving is something I would be willing to discuss.”
“Good,” Tinystar decided. His pale eyes brightened, and Russetstar and Mudclaw glanced at one another with a hint of relief. “Sandstorm will be leading the patrol – send your representative and the mission can proceed immediately.”
Stoneheart did not miss the spark of hope in Leopardstar’s eye as she gestured with her tail to Falcontail. “Falcontail will accompany you,” she meowed.
“That's it?” Mudclaw sneered.
“I’m more than enough,” Falcontail declared, his lips drawn in a snarl. His neck fur bristled as he stepped forward a pace. “I’m willing to show you right now, fox-breath!”
“Enough,” Russetstar snapped. She stood on all fours, glaring down at the deputies. “If Falcontail is going to help, he is welcome to come along; but if he’s going to be obstinate and sabotage the mission, he can leave well enough alone – RiverClan wasn’t willing to cooperate with us before, we can do this without you now.”
Stoneheart felt Mistyfoot wince beside him. “Too strong,” his sister murmured.
Crowpaw rolled his eyes. “ShadowClan!” he complained.
Stoneheart, though, saw that Leopardstar’s hackles fell. He twitched his whiskers with amusement – sometimes, being as direct as a ShadowClan cat was necessary. It gets more done, he thought proudly. That’s what I love about ShadowClan!
Falcontail and Leopardstar muttered to one another for a moment before Falcontail splashed his way across the river, coming up a tail-length away from the other Clan leaders and shaking his pelt. Instead of looking annoyed with the thought of having to listen to enemy leaders, he held his chin high, as if he were proud to be the only representative RiverClan needed for this mission.
“I will remain,” Leopardstar decided, pulling herself up onto the shore with her son, “but don’t think I will be discussing this lake business until Falcontail and Tawnypelt are returned!”
“Fair enough,” Tinystar mewed. Both Russetstar and Mudclaw looked annoyed, but said nothing. Stoneheart wondered just how much Tinystar was suppressing his temper towards RiverClan’s leader right now – it must be taking some great effort.
“When are we leaving?” Falcontail asked.
“Now,” Sandstorm declared, waving her tail. She nodded to Mistyfoot, who drew close to her deputy. “Fetch Wolftooth, Swiftfoot, and Onewhisker.”
Mistyfoot nodded and sprang away, her paws scattering stones as she headed deeper into Sunningrocks. Sandstorm turned her gaze to Stoneheart and Crowpaw, and she nodded to each of them. “You two are coming, too.”
“What about me?” Nightpaw asked, drawing forward, his eyes bright.
Sandstorm’s gaze darkened with sympathy. “I need the fastest cats, my son,” she said. “And those that have experience with the type of traps that Twolegs use. Moreover, I need cats that are accustomed to working together.”
Sandstorm laid her muzzle on Nightpaw’s head. “There will be so many chances for you to show us how brave you are,” she said. “For now, I want you to gather the available apprentices and help the medicine cats – we’ll need all the traveling herbs we can find in the forest for when we leave.”
Nightpaw opened his jaws to protest, but closed them. He purred into his mother’s pelt, and meowed, “Of course,” before he turned away, bounding up the slope.
Just as the black tom left, Mistyfoot reappeared, with Wolftooth, Onewhisker, and Swiftfoot behind her. Stoneheart was shocked at how thin Onewhisker was – but the skinny WindClan tom looked just as determined as Swiftfoot, whose eyes were blazing at the idea of rescuing his mates. Wolftooth, too, looked ready, his tail-tip twitching.
“Be careful,” Tinystar meowed. He drew forward, pressing his muzzle against Sandstorm’s. “Whatever you face, StarClan watches over you, my love.”
Sandstorm kept herself as close to Tinystar as possible for a long moment, and the she pulled away. “Let’s go,” Sandstorm meowed. “There’s no time to waste.” The pale ginger she-cat observed her gathered patrol, and nodded, satisfied. “To Snakerocks!”
Stoneheart followed Sandstorm up the slope and through Sunningrocks, feeling his heart lift. With Mistyfoot on one side and Crowpaw on the other, it felt almost like the journey again, even if some of his friends had to be left behind. As they pushed through the ferns and into the forest, breaking into a run, Stoneheart was able to push aside his fears.
I’m coming, Rowanclaw!
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dalamjisung · 4 years
in one year ❀ im jaebeom
word count: 2952
genre: fluff
pairing: reader x im jaebeom
description: a lot can happen in a year. this is what happened in yours.
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Common love isn't for you. You knew that even before Jaebeom, and you know that now, with Jaebeom. 
You two first met when you got hired as the new Marketing Assistant, taking on their upcoming tour as your first project. No once could deny the connection in between you two; the feelings were strong enough to be felt by everyone around you, be it good or bad. You smile as you remember meeting them for the first time. 
“Come and get it, GOT7!”
Everything was happening too fast; just two minutes ago you were walking through the entrance doors to meet your new boss, and now here you were, with the seven boys smiling at you. 
“We’re GOT7,” One of them continues with a small smile. “I’m GOT7’s leader, Im Jaebeom. I hope you’ll take care of us!”
They all bow in synchrony and you take a step back, suddenly intimidated. You were their new Marketing employee, meaning you were in charge from merchandise sales to album cover approvals. They had to captivate the fans hearts, and you had to captivate their wallets. It was suddenly too real– you had a job. A real job, in the real world. And those seven real boys’ future was in your hands. 
“H-Hi,” You bow back to them. “I’m Y/N… It’s an honor to work with you all. Let’s build something great, yeah?”
The cheer that follows makes you blush and recoil into yourself. With the corner of your eyes you see Jaebeom watching you closely, and you straighten your back. You wanted to make a good impression, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were in way above your head. 
“Hey,” Jaebeom comes closer. “We’ll help you the best we can. We’re a team now. Let’s build something great.”
Together, you created something much more than just great– you created something phenomenal. As you got your work done, you couldn’t help but grow closer to the boys– you were a true believer that since this is their tour and their career, they had the final word on every single project you took on. That made Jaebeom trust you like he trusted no one else; you respected his team, his family. In return, he respected you and your hard work. He’d often see you pulling all nighters as he left to the dorms and found you in the same spot, coffee cups next to you, when he got back in the morning. He knew GOT7 was in good hands, and after a while, you knew it too. 
You confidence grew as time passed. The tour sold out, and so did their limited merchandise line you pitched to the Creative Director. The fast pace in which your name started to grow within the company was like no other; you had it in you, true talent. It made Jaebeom proud when, during team dinners– a rule you created so that you could talk to them more freely,– you’d shyly mumble some praise someone told you or a promotion you had been nominated for. 
“That’s our girl!” Jackson screamed during dinner, raising his beer glass. “Climbing that corporate ladder one step at a time!”
You laugh in the endearing way you usually did– head throw and all,– and raised your glass, clinking it with theirs. Tonight marked six months since you’ve got assigned to GOT7, and as you were celebrating you guys’ anniversary, you told them about the meeting you had with JYP this afternoon.
“But noona,” Yugyeom whines, frowning. “Does that mean you’ll stop working with us?” “Don’t worry about that Yugy,” You chuckle, stretching your arm far enough to be able to hold his hand and give it a firm squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere. Being Marketing Director just means I’ll have the final say in all projects assigned to GOT7, which means you have the final say in all projects assigned to GOT7.”
The boys cheer once again, laughing and joking about overthrowing Park Jinyoung from the CEO throne and putting in their own Park Jinyoung. You laugh and, in a moment of weakness, you look at Jaebeom. He has a smile on his face– the kind of smile you give to a loved one, small and contained, but strong and concentrated,– and his eyes were looking down at his cup. He shook his head and when his eyes met yours, you offer him a smile, and a blush. It was no secret that your affection for the hardworking leader grew every day; it was the company’s joke that you two would end up together, just like in one of the fan’s fanfictions. You two always shook your head and denied all allegations, but you knew he felt it too– the pull. 
He raises his glass slightly; another toast, just for you. 
You nod in recognition, and, later that night, when you’ve drunk one beer too many, and he had to take you home, before he could leave, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to you.
Needless to say you were horrified once you woke up. You laugh, as memories of your past flood your brain. You could practically feel the weight of his arm around your waist as you jumped out of the bed with a shriek, making him tumble to the side and fall on his shoulder, groaning in pain. After that, you both awkwardly made breakfast and before you could say anything, Jaebeom was out of the door. The frustration that came with the next couple of weeks was something you were not ready for; Jaebeom ignored and avoided you with every chance he got. 
You shake your head, putting the lasts items in your bag as the memory of your first fight replayed in your mind.
“Im Jaebeom!” 
Your voice echoed in the empty dancing room, and the surprise was such that he even let out a scream, turning around with wide eyes and a hand over his heart. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You seethed, marching in the room after slamming the door shut.
“…rehearsing?” He mumbles, sounding more like a question than an answer. 
“Don’t play dumb with me now, mister,” You whisper, grabbing the front of his sweaty t-shirt and pulling him closer to you– close enough to touch your nose to his. “You’ve been avoiding me for a week, now! Are you insane? I have two projects to give back to JYP that I need your approval for, but I can’t get it, now, can I? Cause you won’t fucking talk to me! Okay, I get it! You think that night was a mistake, and I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry if I made you stay and sleep over and take care of me but goddammit, you could’ve just said no! Or left! It would’ve hurt less than what you’re doing right now, you fucking asshole. The worst part of it all is that I miss you– I still fucking miss you laughing at Jackson’s stupid jokes during lunch, or screaming at Bam for getting the choreography wrong. So honestly, get your act together, because if I have to listen to Yugyeom cry one more time because he thinks I’m going to leave because of this stupid fight, I’ll bash your face in. We’re professionals. Deal with it.”
And this time, you are the one that leave.
You made him taste his own medicine. You ignored Jaebeom in any setting outside of work for three days– and that’s all he could take before showing up to your apartment.
You open the door with a sigh, ready to just grab your pizza and wallow in your misery. You’ve just been rejected by the man you had steadily been nurturing feeling for, and sure, it was al partially your fault– you let yourself go, first, admiring his love for his members, and then, his love for your. You shone under his proud gaze when you’d tell him about another successful meeting; you basked under his smile as his hand found your head and patted you affectionately; and you grew under his laugh as you told him a joke that Jackson had just taught you minutes earlier. You slowly fell in love with Im Jaebeom and you knew about it; you knew about it from when it started to when it ended. 
But it couldn’t just end like that, could it? Not with you two. So obviously, he had to show up at your door. 
“What are you doing here?” You sigh, and you sound defeated. Your shoulders are fallen and your voice is tired, and you know he knows it too.
“I fucked up.”
“Yes, you did,” You look at him and you feel anxious, noticing the panic in his eyes. Jaebeom hardly ever showed his emotions, so for you to be able to catch that, something must’ve been wrong. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Forgiven,” You hate yourself for how easily you gave in, but you just couldn’t– you couldn’t not have him in your life. “Go home Jaebeom, it’s late.”
“Can I stay?”
This question carried much more than it sounded like it did, and you knew it. If you said no, then that would’ve been it– the last of you and Jaebeom. You’d have to work with him and see him and talk to him and laugh with him, but you’d never really be with him. This couldn’t happen.
His mouth is on yours before you can say anything else, and for the rest of the night, Jaebeom showed you how sorry he was. 
That night you learned what it was like to feel truly wanted; truly loved. Jaebeom apologized over and over again and you let him, forgiving him time and time again. He made you feel like the most precious diamond on Earth, rare and delicate and strong, and nothing could ever compare to that. For the next month, you got to observe your relationship blossom, and your love grow. You got to learn more about Jaebeom, and you even learned some new things about yourself.
The taxi drops you at the airport, an hour before your flight, and you rush through security, barely making it for boarding, but nothing could stop you know. This had been planned a month ago, and it’s been too long. Way too long. Today marked exactly two years since you’ve met GOT7… and exactly one year since Jaebeom asked you to be his girlfriend. 
“Babe?” You call out, entering the dark apartment. Jaebeom had texted you a couple of hours ago asking you to come over and you said that as soon as you were done with work you’d swing by. You hear fait meows coming from the main bedroom and you quietly make your way over, careful to not wake him up in case he was actually asleep.
“No, Cake, come on,” You hear angry mumbling and you chuckle as he talked to his cats. “Nora, tell your siblings to stay put! Y/N should be here anytime now and–“ You open the door upon hearing your name and the scene in front of you is precious. Jaebeom is kneeling on his mattress, next to a sunflower bouquet, trying to make his cats stand still around him. The all freeze at your presence, though, and you have to ask what’s going on before any of them could move.
“Uh…” Jaebeom lets go of Cake, who now lays on its back, waiting for her daily tummy pets she got from you. “Surprise?” 
“Surprise, indeed,” You laugh. “What’s going on?”
“W-Well,” Jaebeom stutters, and you know. You know what’s coming and you shake in excitement. You’ve been waiting months for this. “I– no, we wanted to know if you’d like to join us? I know I’m very busy, and that you are very busy, too, and that we have to try really hard to see each other, but I think we’ve been doing great so far, and we’re a small family of one man and five cats, and we’d love to add you to this little thing of ours… and I wanted to know if I could finally call my mom and tell her that I got a girlfriend. Or not; not call her and not have a girlfriend, completely up to you… yeah…”
Only Im Jaebeom could talk about his mom when asking someone to be his girlfriend and still be charming. “I’d love to join your little family,” You whisper, smiling wide and jumping on the bed, trying to avoid man and cats, and failing miserably as you fall on top of Jaebeom. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” He whispers and kisses you passionately. Just as things escalated, he pulled back, too abruptly for you to not whine about it. “But I meant it; I need to call my mom.”
“No,” You complain. “More kisses.”
“She’s been trying to set me up with these weird girls and–“
“Call your mom right this instant.” 
The flight lasts only an hour and your body buzzes as you pass through security, following the boys agent back to where they were. 
“He's gonna be over the moon when he finally sees you,” He laughs from the driver’s seat. “We’ve done a pretty good job of not telling his anything, even though Bambam almost ruined everything a few times.”
You laugh. “Are they in the hotel?”
“No,” The man shakes his head. “They are in the arena going through sound check. I already give the drive to the video crew, though, so as soon as you hear the song, just walk in.”
“Got it,” You smile nervously. “I hope he’s surprised.”
“Oh, believe me, he will be. They have been very discouraged these days; they are tired and a lot happened and I think this is just what they all need to remember.”
“Remember what?”
“Remember?” You ask, sniffling as you caressed Jaebeom’s face on your computer.
“Remember what, love?” He asks, voice tired from all the concerts they’ve been playing.
“Everything,” And you let your tears falls. “Remember everything, will you? All the nights we spent talking, and all the fights we’ve had. Don’t forget a single detail, Im Jaebeom! Don’t forget me, okay?”
“Baby,” He chuckles, and even though he is smiling, you know how hard this is on him; having you so far away, crying because he’s just not there. “Just two more months, yeah? And then I’ll be home, in your arms.”
“I miss you so fucking much,” You sob, and this is so unfair. You wished you could go with him, but JYP assigned you to ITZY’s debut album while GOT7 was touring the world. He said the girls could use your magical brain for a successful launch to their career. “I just want you.”
“And I want you too,” He says forcefully. “Miss you. Love you.”
“Love you.”
That was two weeks ago. JYP had been made aware of the problems GOT7 was facing. How tired they were while dancing; how discouraged they sounded while singing; how irritated they got while resting. It was a mess, and so, pulling out of your assignment, he gave you a week off of work, allowing you enough time to go visit Jaebeom and the boys. You were there to remind them why they were doing all of this; why they were there. You even made a video, with pictures and compilations of moments you’ve had together. To fit two years of friendship in a video had been hard, but to also fit one year of dating had been almost impossible. But you did it. For them, you’d always do it. 
“Okay, we’re here.”
Security guided you to the back of the arena, since when the video started, the boys would have their backs to the main entrance, thought the audience. And just as discussed, as soon as you heard the familiar tune of ‘Lullaby’ started, you tiptoed to closer to the stage, hearing their surprised gasps and laughter throughout their mics as pictures of you all in restaurants and parks passed through. 
There it was; your story with them. Your family. Pictures of you and Jinyoung on a bookstore, and of you and Yugyeom at the zoo. There were videos of the boys dancing at the arcade and videos of birthday songs. There were videos of you and Jaebeom’s cats and pictures of you and Coco. You weren’t sure if it was you or them, but you could definitely hear someone crying. 
Just as the video ended, you laughed, quietly and to yourself, trying not to ruin the surprise. There was a minute of silence before you smile and say, as softly as you could, “Hi, loves!”
They all turn together, and their synchronization doesn’t fail to spook you. 
“Noona!” Yugyeom shouts, running to you and hugging you. You felt tears falling on your shoulders and you chuckle. 
“Hi, you big baby,” You say, patting his hair.
You make your rounds, hugging each and every one of the boys, until you got to him. He was sitting down, hands over his face, shoulders shaking from the strength of his sobs. You kneel in front of him, pulling him by the wrists and his arms go around you instead, pulling you into his lap. 
“I love you so fucking much,” He sobs on your neck. “I missed you.” “I missed you too, Jaebeom,” You whisper, caressing his hair. “I love you too. I’m here; it’s okay. Everything will be okay.”
“It will now,” He says and kisses you, ignoring the loud cheering from the boys. “Happy one year, Y/N.”
“Best year of my life,” You smile. “Happy one year.”
hello!!!! I am sorry for the absence, but college demands a lot from me hahah I hope you like this nonetheless! I’m a few minutes lates, but happy valentine’s! Love you all! Let me know what you think in the comments :) it means the world ❤️
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doritopaw101 · 3 years
Arc1, book 3: Chapter 2
Silverstream sighed as the water lapped at his paws and belly. He felt the soft paws of Featherkit and Gillkit nudge his belly, their small whimpers made him smile. He moved his body a little making it easier for his kits to latch.
'Graystripe says Featherkit looks just like me. I wish I could see that for myself' Silverstream thought with sorrow. Mudfur did his best to save his eyesight, even trying some herb mixtures that he was taught by WindClan's old medicine cat Hawkheart, but nothing worked. Silverstream didn't care too much; there were worse fates.
"Um… Silverstream?" Silverstream turned his head to the sound. Although he couldn't see that well anymore, he recognized the voice as Dogpaw's, and could also smell Vixentail, Blackclaw, and Bluepaw with them.
"Yes, Dogpaw?"
"I brought you some carp," Dogpaw mewed. "I know it's your favorite."
"I made sure that it's not poisoned this time," Vixentail growled, while Dogpaw let out a little whimper of guilt. Personally, Silverstream didn't blame Dogpaw or Bluepaw for the fish, no matter what others thought. He knew the apprentices already had enough struggles, and he knew it was the Twolegs fault.
"Thanks, Dogpaw," Silverstream mewed, pawing at the ground to find where Dogpaw had put the fish. Feeling its wet, slimy form beneath his paws, he bent down and began to chew on it.
Blackclaw must've been watching him struggle to find the fish, because she murmured, "We don't need any more blind cats," under her breath. Vixentail murmured a quiet agreement, but Silverstream still heard them both. He was used to the blind comments by now. He knew the only reason they didn't say it to his face was because he was Stormstar's kin. At least my father still treats me the same.
Silverstream had always tried not to be too offended by Blackclaw's smart remarks. After all, she had always thought he was above everyone else. Being the son of Shimmerpelt and Piketooth, two very respected fisher and fighter respectively.
And as for Vixentail, she liked to follow the black tom's lead a little too much, in Silverstream's opinion.
He was glad Stonefur dumped Blackclaw in favor of Skyeyes. He didn't deserve to be Stonefur's mate.
"How's Featherkit and Gillkit?" Bluepaw asked, the kits in question mewling loudly as they still laid pressing against Silverstream's stomach.
"Loud as ever," Silverstream chuckled. "Hungry too, I think my milk is fine for now though Bluepaw"
"What's it like being blind?" Dogpaw
"Dogpaw!" Vixentail hissed, and the loud thwack of someone's paw hitting the back of the Dogpaw's head followed.
"It's fine," Silverstream said plainly. "Imagine not being able to see, but your other senses increased tenfold."
"That's cool!" Dogpaw mewed.
"No, it's not," Vixentail muttered.
"What's going on here?" Silverstream almost jumped at the sound of Voleclaw's voice. He hadn't even noticed the tom creep up on them. "Silverstream, are they bothering you?"
"Only Vixentail and Blackclaw."
"We need to take your kits," Blackclaw said. "Featherkit in fact"
Vixentail made a shocked sound but Silverstream couldn't tell if that was genuine or not.
Silverstream could recognize irritation in Voleclaw's voice now. "Why would you ever?"
"We need to make sure it healthy."
"That's Mudfur and Bluepaw's job, not yours, fish-face," Silverstream growled. "This is my kit, and you will not refer to her as it, you will refer to her as her name and that alone, Blackpaw."
Blackclaw hissed.
"Leave," Voleclaw snapped at the pair. "Don't you have patrols to do? I know Willowheart and I gave you somewhere more important to be, Blackclaw."
Blackclaw released another defiant hiss, but he was still obliged by Voleclaw's orders. Silverstream could hear him mutter angrily to himself as he stalked away with Vixentail following after him. Before the two disappeared, Vixentail called, "Come on, Dogpaw!"
"Dogpaw can stay. You two can swim away," Silverstream replied, curling his tail around Featherkit, Gillkit, Dogpaw, and Bluepaw.
Silverstream growled in frustration, water splashing everywhere. He missed another fish.
"Silver, I know you love fishing, but maybe-"
"Don't, Minnow. Just don't," he replied shortly. He knew what his sister would say, and that was sending him back to camp. But Silverstream didn't want to go back there again, not after what had happened with Blackclaw and Vixentail. He thought that by coming out here, he could prove herself to them again by relearning how to fish as a blind warrior, but it seemed impossible.
They felt like a dead weight in the clan, but he didn't want to feel this way anymore. Bluepaw encouraged him to help Mudfur gather herbs, but Silverstream wasn't sure if he should offer to be the old medicine cat's apprentice when his heart still yearned to be a warrior.
"You know that I'm not trying to be rude, but…" she trailed off.
Silverstream sighed. "You know I'm not really useful being blind now."
"I love you, Silver. You're my littermate."
"I know, and I love you too, Minnowpool. That's why I know you wouldn't say what you know is the truth."
Minnowpool's pelt brushed comfortingly against Silverstream's side, and he sighed. Would he ever get to be a warrior again, or was he doomed to be useless to the clan from now on?
Icefire flicked his tail back and forth, watching the clan as they moved around the camp. He had Mistlekit nuzzled in his tail while Snowkit was playing with Waspkit and Hornetkit. He had managed to assign patrols, with some of Leopardstorm's help. The pointed white tom had been helping him adjust and even helped watch the kits with him before he led a patrol to Sunningrocks.
Taking care of kits was still something he enjoyed doing, even with his deputy duties keeping him on his toes. He'd been taking a lot of care for Milk-kit, Snowkit, and Mistlekit. Mostly to give Nettlemist a break and honestly he didn't mind bonding with the kits and wanted to look out for Milk-kit and Snowkit because they don't exactly fit clan norms.
He saw Shrikepaw bring over a sparrow, her fur just as frazzled and spiky as his Fuzzypelt's had been. "Been hunting?"
"Yep, caught this one easily," Shrikepaw purred. "I caught two squirrels, too."
"Can you take it to the elders?"
"Yep," Shrikepaw mewed. "That was okay, right?"
"Of course, sweetie," Icefire replied, licking his kit's forehead. He chuckled when he felt Milk-kit try to latch, he was so telling her this when she was older. He felt Goldenflower lay beside him. "I'll watch them, go stretch your legs," she mewed. "Shrikepaw, you can help, if you want."
Icefire slowly got up and made his way around camp, deciding to pay a visit to the elders. As he approached the fallen oak where the elders made their den, voices drifted up from behind its bare branches.
"Darkstripe's kits will be born soon, and Cherrycloud and Thymeroot have finally named their kits," Speckletail mewed.
"New kits are always a good omen, sister," White-eye purred. "What are they called?"
"Badgerkit and Stork-kit"
"Starclan knows we could do with a good omen," Smallear muttered darkly.
"You're not still fretting about the ritual, are you?" Patchpelt croaked. Icefure could imagine the old black-and-white tom flicking his ears impatiently at Smallear.
"The what?" White-eye mewed loudly.
"The naming ceremony for the new clan deputy," Patchpelt exclaimed loudly. "You know, when Tiger-roar and Nightshade left a quarter moon ago."
Smallear snorted, and Icefire imagined him nodding at Patchpelt. "A young cat can't be trusted to make wise decisions on the clan's behalf."
Icefure could hear Speckletail tear at her moss bedding with her claws, trying to fluff it to her liking. "A young cat with kittypet heritage, at that," she pointed out hoarsely. Icefire's heart stung at her comment, but it hurt even more when he heard Smallear's next comment.
"I'd trust an experienced traitor over Icefire, especially when his ceremony didn't follow the proper ritual. ThunderClan is as good as dead, with Icefire as our deputy."
His tail drooped as he heard the elders murmur their mutual agreement. His spirit feeling hurt beyond repair, Icefire took a few paces backwards and headed for the fresh-kill pile, wanting nothing more than to sulk and release his hurt on a mouse or two.
Maybe the elders are right, Icefire thought sadly. What if I really am a bad deputy?
"We should attack Shadowclan," Seedspots growled. "They're getting too pushy lately."
Icefire struggled to contain his frustration as the meeting progressed. He had been in charge for the meeting of the elite warriors as Bluestar was still sulking in her den, but it was difficult to assert his authority as a leader without his leader here. Once again, he reminded himself of the elders' conversation a night before, and he couldn't help but feel a stab of despair yet again. He wished Bluestar was here.
"They haven't done anything to warrant an attack," Raveneye mewed, the strong wafts of lavender and marigold spreading throughout the room as they spoke.
"So? They are just biding their time and getting ready to strike in the night," the tortie replied. She pointed to the map of attack that she had drawn in the dirt a while ago. "We could attack here."
"We will not attack if they haven't done anything," Icefire mewed before releasing a sigh. "Why start a fight for no reason?" There was already a border scuffle this past moon, and it had been during the last patrol that Darkstripe was allowed to lead before Icefire had the nursery cats confine him to camp. He had been a little relieved at Darkstripe's confinement, because it meant less worrying about whether Darkstripe would slip out of camp and betray ThunderClan's secrets to Tiger-roar and Nightshade somehow. He still didn't know where they were and he knows they would try to kill him, mostly Nightshade. Didn't help that he remembered that they had Brokentail and Dewflare with them.
Icefire had been part of the reinforcements to the scuffle, and he ended up ripping into Whitethroat as the black tom nearly killed Cinderfreeze. Icefire felt enraged during that fight. Whitethroat wouldn't meet with him anymore like he used to, and it was making Icefire constantly worry, and it was getting in the way of his duties. With the new pressure of being the clan's deputy, and admittedly his own insecurities, he realized that he didn't need the added stress of Whitethroat on his mind. Whitethroat would keep shutting him out no matter what he tried, so he decided it was time to be rid of Whitethroat for good.
He was snapped out of his thoughts as Seedspots countered, "You don't want to show ThunderClan's strength? I know plenty of cats who want to slash some ShadowClan hide."
"What's wrong with peace?" Embereyes asked. "At least for the moment."
"If we don't show strength then the other clans will think-"
"Who cares what the other clans think?" Icefire scoffed. "I don't. They can mind their own business." Rising to his paws, he fanned the map away with a quick flick of his tail. "This meeting is over."
"Seriously?" Seedspots snapped. "Don't you have an ounce of bravery in you?"
Icefire ignored her, and decided that was the end of it.
If only it had been that simple, but then, nothing was simple anymore.
He was on a solo hunt at the Owl Tree when he heard the awful news. He was stalking a dove that was pecking at some seeds that Icefire left for it as bait to lure it from the tree. The bird was fat, looking very well-fed this season. It'd be enough to fill two warriors' bellies.
Licking his lips, he began to creep up on his prey, careful not to disturb the leaves with his tail. As he closed in on his kill, he bunched his muscles, preparing to leap and deal the final blow. However, the bird quickly took to the skies when it was startled by a rustle in the bushes not far from his hunting place. Hissing with frustration, Icebelly turned to curse whatever had scared away his catch, only to be cut off short when Brightpaw shot into the clearing, barreling into Icefire.
He wanted to snap at the apprentice for making him miss his catch, but there was a sense of urgency around the younger cat that kept Icefire silent. Brightpaw, out of breath, took a few moments to gain their breath back before quickly mewing, "Icefire, you have to come quick. Seedspots is taking a patrol to the ShadowClan border to fight!"
Icefire felt like he should feel a ripple of shock course through him, but there was nothing. It was just like Seedspots to do something so arrogant, even against his own deputy's orders. Anger engulfed Icefire, but it was mostly directed at himself. If he had been a better deputy he would have done more to prevent Seedspots from leading such a rash attack. "Show me the way, Brightpaw. We have to stop this!"
Brightpaw, though still out of breath, managed to find enough energy to quickly lead him towards the border where Seedspots' patrol had gone. He knew it had been too late when he heard the hissing and screeching of wrestling cats at the Thunderpath. He watched the chaos unfold around him, while Brightpaw stood rigid with fear beside him.
Seedspots' patrol was even bigger than he had imagined. It seemed like half of the clan was present at the fight. He could make out Dustpelt's brown and ginger tabby fur in the cluster, the tom delivering a deep bite wound on Wetfoot's shoulder. Only a mere fox-length away from him, Robinwing and Thornpaw were both tag-teaming on Hollyflower, who looked absolutely terrified by how outnumbered the ShadowClan patrol was.
Icefire charged into the clearing, trying to find Seedspots in the fray. He noticed that Sandstorm had been a part of the fight too, and she was struggling beneath Sharpfang, who had pinned her roughly into the dirt. Icefire launched himself at Sharpfang, throwing her away from his clanmate with sheathed claws.
Sandstorm sat up quickly, her sandy fur now dotted with brown specks of dirt, and her pelt was riddled with fresh wounds. "I could have handled myself, Icefire!" she snapped.
"That doesn't matter. You shouldn't be here!" Icefire snarled at her. "Nobody from ThunderClan should. Where is Seedspots?"
Sandstorm flicked her tail vaguely towards the direction of the Burnt Sycamore. Icefire's gaze turned towards it, spotting the cat in question. Seedspots seemed to be fighting with the leader of the ShadowClan patrol, Russetfur. The she-cat's russet-coloured fur was stained scarlet as Seedspots tore her apart.
"Seedspots! Stop this at once!" Icefire yowled with fury.
If Seedspots heard him, she didn't listen. She dug her teeth deep into Russetfur's fore-leg, bowling them over and exposing her belly. Too wounded from the battle, Russetfur seemed to be hunching over in submission. She looked more vulnerable and weak than a piece of fresh-kill; an easy kill.
Seedspots must've noticed it too, because her muscles bunched beneath her fur, and she pounced at Russetfur again with her claws extended. Seeing an opportunity to end this, Icefire dove into the quarrel on winged paws, nearly dodging Oakfur as Fogtail tripped him over with his long tail. Leaping into the air, Icefire's claws met Seedspots mid-leap, and he slammed his clanmate hard on the ground.
"What the fuck?" he snarled.
"What?" Seedspots said, her fury stopping in confusion at the word 'fuck'.
"What in the name of Starclan is wrong with you?" he snapped.
"What's wrong with you, kittypet?" Seedspots sneered.
"You piece of-" he began, but he cut off as he was shoved away from Seedspots by a blur of black fur. He was too pissed when he saw Seedspots avoid his orders yet again by rolling onto his paws and pouncing on Blazefang now, who was trying to help the injured Russetfur away from the battlefield.
Not giving a damn anymore about stopping the fight, Icefire wrestled his opponent. He had his attacker locked in his claws, and the both of them were standing on their hind-legs, throwing punches and raking each other's faces with unsheathed claws. He realized it was Whitethroat that he was fighting with, but he didn't care. He shoved forward, hissing, trying to go for Whitethroat's neck.
He recognized that it was Whitethroat that he was fighting with, but blinded by fury, he didn't care. He shoved forward, hissing, aiming for Whitethroat's neck. The black tom tried to trip him up with his tail, but Icefire had been trained by the best warriors in ThunderClan. He wasn't falling for that old trick.
Icefire latched onto Whitethroat's tail with his teeth, biting down hard. Whitethroat hissed with pain, and Icefire expected him to retreat back into his territory, but Whitethroat was stronger than he thought. His strength overpowered Icefire's own, and he quickly threw Icefire on his back, forcing him into a pin. The black tom bared his teeth in a snarl.
"Do it," Icefire growled. "Finish me already or get off and run."
"I could never kill you."
"You can't fool me," Icefire retorted, recalling how Whitethroat told him about the times he shredded fought with Badgerfang, his clanmates, and even his own kits. "I know for a fact that you have no problem spilling blood."
Hurt flashed in his eyes at Icefire's jibe, but it quickly turned to anger again. "You don't know anything about me," Whitethroat snapped.
"You didn't let me!" Icefire retorted. "You never let me in. You always shut me out, just like you do with everyone else. I don't know how your clan or your kin can tolerate you."
Whitethroat slammed a paw on Icefire's lower stomach, and in response, Icefire slashed the black tom's belly with his hind-paws. Icefire was about to kick Whitethroat away from him, but he felt the ground shake beneath him, and dread crept up on him.
"Monster!" Icefire yowled.
Every cat began diving for cover, all except Icefire. He scanned the clearing to make sure that every ThunderClan warrior had made it to cover before him, and he felt frozen with fear as he spotted Swiftpaw lying on the Thunderpath, not moving. The monster was barrelling towards him at a rapid speed.
Icefire wouldn't let the apprentice become roadkill. Thinking quickly, he leaped forwards as Fogtail tried to rush to Swiftpaw's aid at the same time, the car nearing closer with every second. Seeing the monster encroach on the apprentice made Icefire panic, and he made a regretful decision.
He kicked Fogtail away as they, too, rushed to Swiftpaw's aid. He launched himself onto the smelly path and grabbed Swiftpaw by the scruff, tossing him towards his mentor on ThunderClan's side of the path before Icefire quickly dove for cover along with him, but he had leaped for safety too late. The car had hit him, and everything went black.
Starclan, why!
Thymeroot was frustrated and worried beyond belief. She didn't think things could get more hectic, but of course she had to be wrong. She admired her work on the unconscious Icefire's leg and tail. It hadn't been in the way too much, she managed to pop in back in and stop the bleeding. He'd keep his tail, the fur just needed to grow back and he'd need help lifting it and walking. He already had a limp, it would be worse now.
"Good job, kid," Yellowfang rasped. "The foolish cat will need it."
"He did save Swiftpaw from being killed," Thymeroot pointed out.
"That he did," Yellowfang replied. She gazed at Icefire like a queen gazes at their own kit. "Trying to be a hero."
"Better than being the villain like Seedspots," Thymeroot growled.
"She's already having the tongue lashing she deserves."
"Was it you, Goldenflower, Raveneye, Frostbite or Bluestar?"
Yellowfang chuckled. "All of the above. Raveneye and Frostbite especially tore her down."
Thymeroot couldn't share her mentor's good-nature at the moment. "What's her punishment?"
"Two day exile, and when she returns, apprentice duties until further notice."
Thymeroot sighed. Seedspots definitely deserved more than what she received. This was no time for the clan to be starting petty battles with other clans. Thanks to her, they would not only have to worry about the cryptic imprint that Tiger-roar and Nightshade's exile left on the clan, and now had to watch out for ShadowClan's retaliation.
Worry wormed within her as she cast a side-long look towards Icefire's unconscious form. The clan seemed more vulnerable than ever before. With Bluestar still sulking in her den, Icefire had been the only leader that most of the clan would obey. This attack would leave him out of commission for a long while, far longer than Seedspots' exile would last, and who knew what she'd try to encourage the clan to do next when she returned?
If they return, Thymeroot thought grimly. Seedspots obviously did not respect Icefire's authority, just like Tiger-roar and Nightshade had. Could Seedspots be another traitor in their midst and inform Tiger-roar and Nightshade of ThunderClan's weaknesses? And who would be the first to retaliate on their clan; the newly-aggravated ShadowClan, their traitorous ex-clanmates, or both of them teamed up together?
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sleepyxcoffee · 3 years
@thewitchersecretsanta gift for @youkaineko !
Ultimately, this was all Master Varin’s fault.
It hadn’t, Vesemir explained, been mandatory for young witchers to hold a degree until 1990, when Master Varin had returned after spending six years obtaining a Bachelor’s in Chemistry whilst still doing all his… witchering. He had proclaimed the experience “eye opening” and “a good way to get to know humans” and some other bullshit Geralt didn’t fully understand.
Geralt had succeeded in evading the Trial of Uni, as he and Eskel had taken to calling it, for a grand total of two months after his Grasses, until Vesemir had all but scruffed him and dragged him to a computer with UCAS opened up. His only solace in the whole situation was that he and Eskel were applying to all the same universities.
Except then Eskel got a full scholarship to the University of St Andrews, which the trainers weren’t letting him pass up on, and Geralt… didn’t get a place at St Andrews.
Which was how Geralt had ended up at Edinburgh instead. It was still Scotland, at least, so it wasn’t that far from Kaer Morhen over on the Shetland Isles, or Eskel in St Andrews. It was a city, which was… less than desirable, but Geralt could work with that.
He could.
What he wasn’t so sure he could work with was the fucking disaster of a man he had ended up flatmates with. The others seemed alright - Shani and Priscilla gave Geralt his space, and didn’t bother him too much. They didn’t seem to mind that he was a witcher either.
Jaskier, on the other hand…
The best part was, Geralt hadn’t even met Jaskier in the flat. For the first half of his first semester, Room 4 in Flat 12 of College Wynd had remained blissfully unoccupied. Shani and Priscilla did their own thing - Shani was rarely in the flat anyway, being a medicine student with a ridiculously full schedule - and Priscilla spent most of her time doing her theatre society things. The girls were at least kind enough to not throw any parties in the flat, after the time Geralt had nearly murdered Priscilla with a glare for doing so.
No, Geralt met Jaskier outside the dean’s office, of all the possible places.
It was November, and Geralt had heard of some strange, possibly vampiric, activity occurring on the outskirts of Edinburgh, thanks to a contract for a witcher put up by the Metropolitan Police. Unfortunately, he was also the only fully trained Wolf witcher situated anywhere near Edinburgh, and he’d be damned if he let a passing Cat or Griffin or anyone hop in and take the kill. Remus had passed through last week, but he was all the way down in Yorkshire by the time the reports came in. The UK was large, and the Wolf School was only a hundred or so members strong. They didn’t have enough witchers to permanently station anyone in cities, their witchers instead roaming up and down the country.
Also unfortunately, Geralt had about five different assignments due the next week, but the police were getting antsy, nobody could find the stupid vampire, and nobody could even identify it. Geralt had wanted to just get up and leave to take the contract, but Vesemir insisted he had to go ask the dean for permission to miss his classes first, and also for an extension on his assignments, because Melitele knew Geralt might take a while.
So, much to his annoyance, Geralt had ended up sitting outside the dean’s office during one of his free periods, fidgeting and playing with his medallion and his hood pulled over his distinctly white hair, shadowing his cat-slitted eyes. Just because everyone knew he was a witcher didn’t mean he wanted to put himself on show.
Then a tall, slim man wearing a frankly ridiculous red raincoat over an even more ridiculous yellow crop top and absolutely horrifying high waisted jeans and incredibly impractical Ugg boots (it was Scotland, how were his boots not soaked through?) sat down next to Geralt.
“Hi,” he said cheerfully, in an obnoxiously posh accent. “I’m Jaskier.”
“Hmm.” Who named themselves Buttercup in another language?
Jaskier laughed. “Hmm. What an excellent name. I love how you just sit there and… brood.”
Geralt turned pointedly away from him.
“Come on, you can’t keep a man with…” Jaskier waved his hands wildly, “...a screwdriver in his pants waiting.”
That caught Geralt’s attention. “What?”
Jaskier rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Uh, yeah. Say, what are you here for?”
“Absence request,” Geralt said shortly.
“Right, those, yeah,” Jaskier laughed again and sank down in his seat. “I’m uh - well, I may or may not have stabbed my flatmate with a screwdriver while I was putting together this thing from IKEA?”
Geralt stared at him.
Jaskier’s arms flailed again, and he made an odd sound. “He’s okay - unfortunately - he just ended up bleeding a little and started screaming and our RA walked in, and, yeah, I’m here now.”
There was a moment of silence. Geralt… didn’t know what to say to that. He settled for sinking further into his chair.
“...so, uh. What do you need leave permission for?”
Jaskier made an interested sound. “Ooh, cool! I should get myself one of those. What’s your job?”
“Killing monsters.”
Geralt was saved from having to answer further when the dean opened his door. “Geralt Rivia!” he called. Geralt stood and pulled back his hood.
“Here,” he said gruffly.
Jaskier gasped and leapt to his feet. “Oh my god, I know you! White hair, yellow eyes - you’re that witcher! Jerald Rivia!” Geralt speed walked into the dean’s office. He gave Geralt a confused look, but stepped aside to let Geralt in anyway. “Jerald - hey, wait, that’s how you say your name, right - wait, don’t leave! Hang on! I’m sure you have a treasure trove of stories -”
The dean shut the door, and Geralt sighed in relief. “What was that all about?” the dean asked. Geralt shrugged. “Right. Well then, Geralt, what did you need to see me for?”
Once the dean had granted Geralt his leave with minimal fussing (scary witcher eyes worked wonders), Geralt brushed straight past Jaskier to return to his dorm room, despite Jaskier’s attempts to reach out to him. He had a vampire to track.
The vampire, as Geralt now knew two days later, was a katakan. And not just any katakan - an old, experienced katakan who had left Geralt sore, out of Black Blood, and highly toxic. The smarting in his leg told him Swallow or even White Raffard’s was probably called for, but the white hot throbbing of his veins told him White Honey was a much better idea.
Geralt groaned as he stumbled into the flat. Shani and Priscilla were, predictably, asleep - it was four in the morning, after all, but there was a third heartbeat coming from the kitchen. Instantly on high alert, Geralt kept one hand on his steel sword as he opened the kitchen door.
Dancing in front of the countertop was… Jaskier? What was the strange man from the dean’s office doing here? He was dressed in shorts and a loose T-shirt, and, humming, put a metal bowl in the microwave.
“Stop!” Geralt exclaimed. Jaskier yelped and dropped a fork - which had, God help him, been going into the bowl. “What are you doing?”
“Geralt! Is that any way to greet your new flatmate - sorry for getting your name wrong, by the way - hey, what are you doing -” Geralt shoved past Jaskier to yank the bowl out of the microwave and slam it onto the counter. It contained… what might have been mac and cheese. “What are you doing - you’re getting monster guts everywhere!”
“You can’t microwave metal,” Geralt snarled. “It’ll blow up.”
Jaskier blinked once. Twice. “Well. Ah. Thank you for letting me know - you’ve just saved our flat. A true hero. Say, what are you covered in?”
“Katakan.” Geralt stepped away from Jaskier and shrugged off his swords. Jaskier’s eyes trailed them curiously.
“Katakan. So, that���s, what, a type of necrophage?”
“Vampire. Their true form looks like a giant mutated bat but they can disguise themselves as humans, and their healing is slowest when the sun is highest. Violent. Nasty.”
“You don’t say,” Jaskier mumbled, eyeing Geralt thoughtfully. “And what about you? Why are your eyes all… black? Is that your witcher true form or something?”
Geralt… had nearly forgotten about that. He pulled out a White Honey from his belt pouch and chugged it. Immediately, the warmth spread through his veins, and he felt the toxins clear. “Witcher potions. Too much is toxic for even us.”
“Oh wow, your eyes are going back to gold.” Jaskier peered at him curiously, then made a face and leaned away. “You reek. You need a long hot shower. I refuse to live with that stench.”
Geralt’s thoughts came to a grinding halt. “You live here? Since when?”
Jaskier scratched his head awkwardly. “Since, well, yesterday. Because I stabbed Valdo Marx, who completely deserved it by the way. Unfortunately, he’s fine.”
...Geralt suddenly felt unreasonably worried for his safety.
He was pleased to learn, however, that the screwdriver stabbing asides, Jaskier proved to be a surprisingly good flatmate. Sure, he seemed to be completely nocturnal, but he was quiet enough at night and didn’t make a mess. He talked a lot, but after the first five times he tried to engage Geralt in conversation, he left Geralt pretty much alone. Having lived at Kaer Morhen, that was all Geralt could ask for. Jaskier even tried to arrange flat bonding sessions, which turned out surprisingly well and meant Geralt actually spoke to Priscilla and Shani, even though one session had resulted in Geralt needing to Aard the oven.
The story had Lambert and Eskel cackling when Geralt told it to them over the winter break. It was supper time, and the three were sitting together sawing at hard meat which was probably at least a year out of date with their dinner knives. Things never did go well when it was Gweld’s turn to cook. At least this time there were no magic mushrooms.
“How do you fuck up cookies that badly?” Lambert wheezed.
“You made bread explode once,” Eskel reminded him.
Lambert waved his hand dismissively. “Yeah, but that was on purpose.”
Just thinking of the incident made Geralt groan. That had been interesting to explain to Vesemir, and Rennes had been distinctly displeased. Poor Lambert had spent the rest of the week waking up an hour before dawn to run laps in the frigid Shetland air.
“Compared to you, my university’s been fine,” Eskel said. “I haven’t had to take any contracts. Monsters don’t seem to like St Andrews.”
“The Trial of Uni is really fucking stupid,” Lambert grumbled. “The world already knows we’re freaks. Why rub it in our faces?”
“I don’t think that’s the point,” Eskel replied evenly. “Geralt?”
Eskel sighed. “Talkative as always. But really, Lambert, it’s not as bad as some people -” at this, Eskel threw a pointed look halfway across the Great Hall at Clovis, who even more pointedly ignored him - “make it seem.”
“It’s no worse than Kaer Morhen,” Geralt agreed. “Up for a round of Gwent?”
Naturally, Geralt won his round against Lambert, and then his round against Eskel, and Clovis, and Gweld, and Aubry, and Remus. He then promptly lost fifty pounds to Vesemir, but he at least had a few new cards, which was enough to please him. Unfortunately, Gwent had fallen out of fashion with humans sometime in the last century (the joys of having ancient instructors), so Geralt would have to wait until he met another witcher to play another round.
He returned to Edinburgh in high spirits. Aubry had offered to drive him and Eskel back to university, seeing as he planned on working his way down to Wales anyway. The car ride was long, but Geralt entertained himself with even more Gwent and bugging Eskel. Eskel returned what he got, and more than once Aubry had to remind them to not start sparring in the backseat of his car.
“I’ve had her for twenty years,” Aubry complained. “I refuse to lose her to a pair of rowdy green witchers.”
Unsurprisingly, Geralt was the first to return to his flat. The term didn’t start for another week, but witchers could hardly afford to lounge around all winter, what with the amount of monsters in Great Britain. Geralt didn’t have his own car, and so he was dependent on older witchers driving him back to university, seeing as he didn’t want to walk nearly four hundred miles.
The benefit of returning to university early, however, was that he had time to take on a contract. Someone had called Kaer Morhen just before he arrived to report “strange supernatural activity” in an abandoned flat. Geralt allowed himself a night’s rest, then set out to the apartment with his two swords.
It turned out to be a noonwraith, and that on its own would have been simple enough; noonwraiths were annoying little buggers, but they were manageable. No, the problem was when Geralt belatedly realised there was an alp in the basement.
The ensuing fight was hard and bloody. In the end, Geralt came out on top, but not without a wide range of injuries which left him on the ground wheezing. Eventually, he mustered the strength to take some potions and stagger back home, but not before texting Vesemir to let him know the contract was done. The contract giver would transfer money to Kaer Morhen, and Vesemir would send him his share. All in all, it was a clean system.
Geralt managed to stagger back to his flat. It was nighttime, and not many students had returned, meaning the streets were still relatively quiet. Those who did see him gave him a wide berth, murmuring and pointing, but Geralt ignored it. He just wanted to get home. A hot bath sounded excellent - then he could treat his wounds.
Unfortunately, Geralt discovered upon his return that someone else had arrived. He cursed his luck as he closed the door behind him. There was a suitcase in the front hall, and the kitchen door was propped open by a chair. Geralt could hear a man humming. Jaskier. Great.
Perhaps he could sneak past without Jaskier noticing - 
“Hello? Who’s there?” Jaskier called, and Geralt winced.
“Just me,” he called back.
“Ah! Geralt! How was your - Melitele’s tits, what the fuck happened to you?” Jaskier exclaimed. He dropped the piece of toast he had been holding and rushed to Geralt, hovering next to him. “Do you need the hospital? Should I call 999? I’m calling 999 -”
“Jaskier,” Geralt said forcefully. “I’m a witcher. I’ll be fine.”
“You don’t look fine,” Jaskier said fretfully. “Are you sure you don’t want me to call 999?” His hand hovered over the phone in his pocket.
“I’m sure. They don’t know shit about witchers.” Geralt started limping to the bath.
“Wait. Let me help stitch you back up, at least. I’ve got a first aid certificate.”
“Dunno what good that is,” Geralt grumbled, but he grabbed the first aid kit off the wall and threw it at Jaskier anyway. He stepped into the bathroom and stripped off his clothes and armour - he could deal with that later. Geralt stood under the spray of hot water, wincing as it ran over his wounds.
He decided to forego the soap and shampoo, instead gently scrubbing himself down to get rid of the blood and dirt. The noonwraith had been in that house for a long time, and with folks too afraid to go inside, it had become unbearably dusty. When Geralt came out of the bathroom, dry and dressed, he found Jaskier had set up the first aid materials on the dining table with a chair pulled up next to it.
“Sit down, Geralt,” Jaskier said, and Geralt did just that.
Jaskier was a quick study, and Geralt soon became grateful for his help, even though he refused to admit it. Sometimes, Shani, who was a med student, had to help with treating Geralt’s wounds, although she often complained he was better off going to A&E. Geralt reiterated that there wasn’t much A&E could do for him - his potions were enough.
Every week or so, Geralt would sit in the kitchen reading through his course work while Jaskier helped stitch him back up. He was chatty as ever, but at least he got things done.
“Come with me to open mic night, Geralt, Essi and I are performing,” Jaskier would say (and Geralt did attend open mic night, lurking in the corner), or “have you seen Professor Rejk’s new tie? It’s hideous!” (and no, Geralt had not, but he made a special point of paying attention to Professor Rejk the next time he saw him).
It was an easy relationship, one akin to the bond Geralt shared with Eskel, and yet completely different. Jaskier chattered nonstop, but he didn’t make Geralt talk, and he knew when to leave a question alone. It was companionable and comfortable, and for Geralt that was enough.
In March, a bug started spreading across campus. Geralt’s classes shrank in size as students and professors alike ended up bedridden with a horrible cold. He thought nothing of it - he was a witcher, after all, and witchers were functionally immune to human diseases.
Poor Jaskier, unfortunately, was only human, and he did manage to get sick. It all started when Priscilla caught the bug from Essi (who had caught the bug from Valdo, who had caught the bug from a music professor). Jaskier spent his free time caring for his friend, and by the time the week was up, Priscilla was good as new, and Jaskier was sneezing nonstop.
“You look terrible,” Geralt told him one morning when he walked into the kitchen for breakfast. Jaskier lifted his head to sneeze at Geralt, then set it down back against his arms. Geralt wrinkled his nose. “Disgusting,” he said as he pulled the egg carton out of the fridge. “Want breakfast?”
“Yes please,” Jaskier said, sounding very congested. “I don’t want to go to class.”
“Then don’t,” Geralt said simply. He took the frying pan out of a cupboard and set it on the hob, switching it on.
“You know what, maybe that’s not a bad idea.” Jaskier eyed the eggs wistfully. “Can I have scrambled eggs?”
“Hmm.” Geralt retrieved a bowl from the drying rack and cracked in several eggs, then whisked them. He added milk and salt to the bowl, and oil to the frying pan. Jaskier watched with hungry eyes as he cooked the eggs.
“Best roommate ever,” Jaskier declared as Geralt placed a plate in front of him. Geralt hummed and served up his own eggs.
“Where are Shani and Priscilla?”
“Morning run,” Jaskier said between mouthfuls of egg. The two ate in companionable silence, broken only by Jaskier’s coughs and sniffles.
“Go back to bed,” Geralt said when they finished eating. He gathered their plates and filled the sink up.
“Will you bring me tea?” Jaskier asked teasingly.
“Hmm.” Geralt put on the kettle, and Jaskier laughed in delight.
“You will! I knew you were a big softie all along!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Geralt said, hiding his smile. “Go back to bed.”
“I’ll be waiting for my tea,” Jaskier said in a sing-song voice. “Best flatmate in the world, bringing his invalid friend tea.”
“You’ve got a cold, not the plague,” Geralt grumbled, scrubbing their plates clean.
“You never know! Anyway, are you heading to class?”
“Hmm. I’ve got a contract after.” Putting the frying pan in the sink to soak, Geralt dumped a teabag and an unholy amount of sugar into a mug. He poured in hot water and passed the mug to Jaskier, who took it gratefully.
“I’ll be here to stitch you up after,” Jaskier said lightly. “Anyway, off with you, or you’ll be late. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah. See you later.” And as Geralt walked out the front door, he couldn’t help but feel as though he had found a second home.
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sparky-is-spiders · 4 years
So. About that PoT and OotS Rewrite...
This is that PoT OotS rewrite I was talkin’ about earlier. Some stuff has changed.
I’ma start with Lionblaze, because I find the concept for his character to be the most interesting.
Lionblaze: From a young age, Lionblaze is kinda a prodigy. He’s an excellent fighter and hunter and everybody is convinced that he’s gonna be a great warrior, maybe even deputy. He IS the son of the current deputy and the grandson of the current leader, after all. When the Clan hears about the prophecy from Jayfeather, Lionblaze and everybody else is so certain that he’ll play a starring role in it. He hasn’t discovered his powers yet, the way Jayfeather and Hollyleaf have, but he’s convinced that they’ll reveal themselves. It’ll happen annny day now, he’s sure of it.
But he never gets any powers. Sure, he’s a skilled warrior, but it’s pretty obvious that that’s all he’ll ever be. He manages to hold out hope until he’s assigned Dovepaw as his apprentice. Dovepaw, who can read moods so easily. She appears in his dreams one day, and that’s when he realizes: he isn’t anything special, and he never was. He was always just another warrior, while Jayfeather and Hollyleaf keep moving on ahead. He becomes distant from his siblings and clanmates, and struggles to mentor the cat who took his place and the powers that were supposed to be his. This is when he’s recruited to the Dark Forest. Soon, he realizes what their plans are (more on those later), and he and Ivypaw team up to become spies and maybe sabatoge their plans before its too late. They tell their siblings everything they know, and the bridges that Lionblaze burned start to mend. He realizes that, even without powers, he’s still important, and he can still play a role in stopping the Dark Forest.
Jayfeather: Jayfeather is distant from everyone and always has been. He can sometimes be seen talking to cats that aren’t there, and he can predict some events with startling accuracy. Every time he sleeps, he hears thousands of different prophecies, and he can never tell if they’re important or not. But there’s one that he hears, over and over and over again. There shall be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. He doesn’t understand it, doesn’t know why he hears it so often. He’s still a kit at this point, and one day Squirrelflight (who’s visiting them in the nursury), hears him murmuring it in his sleep. She takes him to see Leafpool, who takes him to see Firestar. He is told in no uncertain terms that he will be a medicine cat. Firestar announces this prophecy to the whole clan, declaring his three grandkits to be the three in the prophecy. Some are skeptical, but between Hollykit’s supersenses and Jaykit’s strong connection to StarClan, they slowly become convinced.
As Jaykit becomes Jaypaw, life becomes even harder for him. The ghosts of old medicine cats are always whispering rebukes and advice and stories in his ears, and all he wants is for them to shut. Up. He has constant visions in his dreams of things that have happened, things that are happening, and things that will happen. When he first visits the Moonpool, the voices in his head become so loud that he flees. He hates going to the Moonpool, and dreads the night of the half moon. It never gets easier.
Jayfeather gets on fine with Lionblaze, but he’s much closer with his sister. Hollyleaf has similar problems to him because of her super senses, and the two often sneak out of camp to find the quietest parts of the forest. They then spend hours sitting beside one another, basking in the pleasent silence and stillness. Lionblaze joins them every now and then, but he often gets restless and leaves. This habit starts during their apprenticeships, but continues well into their adulthood.
As the Dark Forest battle approaches, Jayfeather gets more and more visions about it. He sees thousands of different outcomes. He watches his clanmates win and lose and live and die. At first he throws himself into his work to avoid thinking about it, but he doesn’t succeed. Eventually he just holes himself up in his den, rarely eating or drinking, and fighting himself to keep his eyes open. The instant they close, even just to blink, more images flash across his mind. When he hears about what Lionblaze and Ivypaw/pool are doing, he freaks out even more. Finally, he breaks down and tells them what he’s been seeing in his dreams. When the invasion finally happens, Jayfeather is able to guide the clans into making the best, least damaging and most effective choices.Warriors still die, sure, but it isn’t the massacre he saw happening so often in his dreams.
Hollyleaf (and also the entire plot, apparently): Hollykit has always been a nosy busybody. It doesn’t help that she can hear every conversation every cat has ever had within the clan territories. She is a firm believer in the Warrior Code, and she believes that her power was gifted to her by StarClan in order to make sure that everybody follows the code. She’s ambitious, with plans to become leader in order to enforce the code. The Dark Forest tries to recruit her, but she knows who Tigerstar and Thistleclaw are. She knows what they did. She refuses to compromise her morals for the sake of her ambitions. She’ll become leader without the help of murdery rulebreakers no. 1 and 2, thank you very much.
The prophecy just strengthens her convictions. She was chosen by StarClan! She and her siblings will save the clans from themselves. She can already see it! Hollystar, noble leader of ThunderClan, with Lionkit as her loyal deputy and Jayfeather as her noble medicine cat. She’s a little jealous of Lionblaze, popular golden boy. But that’s fine. They’ll see her worth in time. They’ll all see.
When she hears the truth of her parentage she has a breakdown. How can she uphold the Warrior Code if her very existance breaks it? She does not kill Ashfur, but she does flee into the night. She travels to the Tribe, joining their ranks and becoming a Prey-hunter. All is well for moons and moons and moons, until a certain gray apprentice is born and Yellowfang visits Hollyleaf in her dreams. Yellowfang essentially tells Hollyleaf to get her head out of her ass. The last member of the three is born, and it’s time for Hollyleaf to return home. She talks to Stoneteller about her dream, and Stoneteller tells her that the angry cat with poor dental hygene is right: Hollyleaf has been an admirable member of the Tribe, but her place is and always has been with her clanmates and her siblings. Hollyleaf says goodbye to Stormfur and Brook (who she was good friends with) and she leaves.
She fully intended to go back to ThunderClan, but then she hears something going on in WindClan. Dissent. Rebellion. And, worst of all, mentions of the dark forest and the cats training there.
Onestar is an ineffective leader, and cats are starting to take notice. They hate his stupid wars and assholish attitude. He never listens to any of them! And he puts his own pride before the needs of the Clan. The younger WindClan warriors and apprentices are convinced that Onestr is horrible. A pair of charismatic young tom by the name of Houndleap has promised to make them strong. Houndleap will help them rise up against Onestar and replace him with a real leader, like Breezepelt, who seems to hate Onestar the most.
The older warriors don’t like Onestar to much either, but the whispers of these young cats scare them. Surely they wouldn’t murder a leader? Even if he was a terrible one like Onestar. Isn’t it lucky that they have a cat like Snowtuft to rely on? One who shows them how to defend their leader, and which cats they can’t trust? So handy! Sure, he’s in the Dark Forest, but he just wants to help. And he can’t have been that evil, or they would’ve heard of him, they way they know Tigerstar and Brokenstar.
Hollyleaf hears these whispers and hushed conversations, and she knows what she has to do. She has to save WindClan and Onestar! And that’s how she finds herself in the WindClan camp, requesting an audience with Onestar.
She’s obviously not welcome in WindClan, but Onestar doesn’t care. She’s one of the ThunderClan prophecy cats! Firestar’s precious grandkit is in WindClan, offering to become a WindClan warrior. Onestar couldn’t resist this brilliant opportunity to one-up ThunderClan and Firestar. Hollyleaf is now Hollystorm, warrior of WindClan and right hand man of Onestar.
Her relationship with Crowfeather could generously be described as frosty. Her relationship with Nightcloud is a dumpster full of turds that is on fire. Her relationship with Breezepelt is a planet made of turds that’s flying into the sun. Her relationship with Heathertail is... complicated. They hate each other, except they seem to be the only two cats who want to help Onestar (I really ike ace!Hollyleaf/storm, but I also kinda like Hollyheather in this specific AU. They hat each other, but at the same time, they’re the only ones they can trust, and I love that dynamic. But I also like Heatherbreeze! AHHHHHH).
Hollystorm’s place in WindClan came with a few caveats, of course. First: she couldn’t talk to anyone from ThunderClan, ever. Second: She had to swear on her life to defend Onestar at all costs. And third: she would spy on the other clans. She hates spying, and she tries to be as unhelpful as possible, but it’s a careful balancing act, and sometimes she has to bite the bullet. She’s doing the right thing, she’s sure of it. But she’s equally sure that she’s doing it the wrong way. And she’s also sure that Onestar was a horrible choice as a leader!
During her time in WindClan, she bonds with Ashfoot. She respects the wise and intelligent deputy, who seems to hold on to her convictions even while dealing with Onestar. Hollystorm tells Ashfoot why she joined WindClan, and the deputy develops a huge amount of respect for her. This warrior had the ground ripped from beneath her paws. She left her home and her family, and when she decided to return, she realized that something was wrong, and she chose her principals and doing the right thing over her old friends and family. As both are certain that Onestar would be hugely offended by the idea that amybody would dare rebel against him OR that he would banish half of WindClan, they decide to team up and take matters into their own paws. They try to get the other warriors on their side. Roughly half of the older warriors and a few of the younger ones agree to stop seeing their Dark Forest friends. But many WindClanners are still visiting with Houndleap and Snowtuft. Hollystorm and Ashfur realize that, if they want to save WindClan, they’re gonna have to take matters into their own paws. It’s time to pay ThunderClan a visit.
Both Ashfoot and Hollystorm hate the idea of going behind Onestar’s back, but they need advice. Hollystorm has heard conversations had by her siblings, heard Firestar’s gathering announcements about the Dark Forest. ThunderClan knows something Hollystorm doesn’t, and she needs to learn what it is fast. Things are speeding up, the WindClan warriors are getting ready for another civil war...
They request an audience with Firestar in the middle of the night, and it is granted begrudgingly. Hollystorm tells them about the unrest in WindClan, and Firestar tells her everything he knows about the Dark Forest. Lionblaze, Ivypaw, and Dovewing join them and tell them all about what Tigerstar and Thistleclaw are doing. Hollystorm is horrified to hear about this. She always thought of Lionblaze as whiny, egotistical, and spoiled (even though she loved him). As awful as she feels, hearing about the ways in which he’s risking his life and reputation, she’s also so proud of him. Together, they realize that the Dark Forest is in every clan. How could they not be? Firestar decides to call an emergency gathering.
Before they leave the camp, Hollystorm demands to see Jayfeather. She was always so close to him, and the fact that he was not at the meeting concerns her. When she hears about how isolated he’s become, she is shocked and appaled and she races into the medicine den. They get into an arguement over, well, everything that’s happened to them. When they finally finish yelling at each other, Hollystorm takes a deep breath and apologizes. She relays the things she’s learned about the Dark Forest in WindClan, and Jayfeather tells finally breaks. He confesses to the others about the visions that haunt his mind day and night.
They leave before the sun rises so that they don’t get caught by Onestar. Ashfoot sends Hollystorm back to her den. Later that day Ashfoot tells Onestar that she met with Firestar, and that the ThunderClan leader has called for an emergency gathering. Onestar is furious. How dare his deputy betray him like this?!? She does her best to calm him down, tells him about the Dark Forest cats who are manipulating his warriors, and he makes his decision. Every WindClan warrior who he doesn’t trust is to be exiled. In other words, half the clan (including Ashfoot) is getting kicked out. Nobody is happy.
The exiled cats refuse to leave. They dedicate their lives to WindClan, and this asshole kicks them out because of what his deputy says??? No. No no no no no. Not happening. Several of the older warriors who are still meeting with Snowtuft are among the crowd being exiled, and they have had enough. They were going to defend Onestar, but maybe he doesn’t deserve that if he’s gonna make stupid decisions like this. It isn’t long until a fight breaks out.
Hollystorm and Ashfoot are conflicted. Onestar has truly hit rock bottom, but they hate the idea of fighting against him. They eventually choose to fight against him. They hate the idea of turning on a leader, but Onestar has proven to be undeserving of his place.
Onestar and his defenders lose. The young warriors choose Breezepelt as their leader. Breezepelt hates Hollystorm for her heritage, and he hates Ashfoot for being Onestar’s deputy. Both are exiled, along with Onestar’s remaining supporters. They go to the gathering island for the emergency gathering.
The three clans and the WindClan exiles (minus a few who are sticking wih Onestar) meet to discuss the Dark Forest issue. Hollystorm notes that many of the other clans are expiriencing unrest, including ThunderClan.
The other clan leaders are shocked by what happened in WindClan and afraid of what Breezepelt might do at Houndleap’s demand. Several members of the other Clans confess to being visited by Dark Forest cats. Hawkfrost and Mapleshade are in RiverClan, and Clawface and Brokenstar are in ShadowClan. The clans realize that the Dark Forest is using them and tearing them apart to weaken them so that when they strike, the clans will be fractured and weak.
The clans unite as one under the joint leadership of Blackstar, Firestar, and Mistystar, with promises to keep each other updated. Warriors are encouraged to stop meeting with the Dark Forest cats, and to report everything they know to their leaders.
The Dark Forest, realizing that the clans are prepared for them and no longer fractured, decide to change tactics. Hollystorm spies on WindClan, discovering that Breezestar has invited many rogues and loners into WindClan to replenish their ranks for the coming war. WindClan patrols routinely invade the territories of the other clans, stealing prey and attacking patrols. Hollystorm can hear them approaching, and Jayfeather can predict the most likely attacks, but cats still die.
Soon, the other clans decide that enough is enough. They decide to ambush WindClan under the cover of darkness on the night of the new moon. While they’re at it, they send out a group to search for Onestar. But when they enter the camp, they find it deserted. The WindClan medicine cat, Antpelt, warned of their approach, and the cats are all set for an ambush, so silent that not even Hollystorm can detect their presence. Jayfeather bursts into the camp and warns then to retreat just before the WindClan warriors leap out of the shadows.
The combined might of the clans is not enough to fight of WindClan, not with its new rogue army, not during a surprise attack. They suffer heavy losses and retreat.
Jayfeather warns them that the Dark Forest is liable to strike back any day. The clans are weakened, and they have many warriors at their command. The clans move to the ThunderClan camp. It’s small but easily defendable, and they set to work shoring up its defenses.
Hollystorm misses WindClan, she finds. She didn’t notice, but it grew on her. She suspects that, once this whole mess dies down, she may return. She’s given up completely on her dreams of leadership. ThunderClan doesn’t feel like home anymore, not the way WindClan’s moors did. And Onestar would probably never even take her back, nevermind appoint her as his deputy. But she’s still determined to be the best warrior she can be. Maybe she can’t be a leader, and maybe the clans don’t need to be saved from themselves, but they do need her to do the right thing. Not spying or accusing cats of breaking the code, but fighting the real threats, the real dangers. She needs to save the clans from the Dark Forest, to take WindClan back from Breezestar, and make sure that it doesn’t fall into the claws of Onestar. Because sometimes the code can be wrong, and sometimes a bad leader needs to go.
Before the battle, Jayfeather tells her not to protect him. If she tries, she will die. She promises not to, but plans to try anyway.
She’s able to warn the clans of the approach of WindClan and the Dark Forest. The ThunderClan camp becomes a bloodbath, and Hollystorm finds herself in the middle of it. She moves to the medicine den, defending the medicine cats, the injured, the elders, and the kits. She fights side-by-side with Lionblaze and Ivypool. When Hawkfrost confronts them, she kills him, but is seriously injured in the process. She is brought into the medicine den for healing. Jayfeather is furious that she didn’t listen to him and terrified that she might die. The voices of those ancient medicine cats whisper in his ear, but this time they help him focus. They guide him gently and he manages to save her.
Onestar and Breezestar fight it out too. Just when it looks like Breezestar is about to lose, several WindClan warriors pounce on Onestar. He is killed multiple times, and soon his soul departs to StarClan.
Firestar still has his dramatic confrontaion with Tigerstar, and he still kills him. However instead of being killed by a tree, Firestar dies of the wounds he recieved in the deadly battle.
When the battle is over, the leaders demand that Breezestar step down. At first, he wants to resist, but he then realizes that many of his clanmates have either swapped sides or abandoned him entirely. He and Nightcloud abandon the clans and do not return for some time. Ashfoot becomes the new leader of WindClan, and she reunites WindClan. She names Harespring her deputy.
Hollystorm decides to follow her. She will always love her brothers, and she has finally reconciled with Squirrelflight and Leafpool after the battle, but WindClan is her home now, and she would never feel comfortable anywhere else.
Coming up soon: Dovewing, Ivypool, and some extra stuff! (What happened to Ashfur, who mentored Hollyleaf and Lionblaze, more Ashfoot stuff, etc.)
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naly1109 · 4 years
Your Lovely Wicked Soul
Witch au, Reader X Bang Chan feat. Stray Kids (Narrator's POV)
Summary: Y/N is well known and beloved amongst the people of her home village. Being a powerful Witch, she helps the people using her Gifts to increase crops, heal the sick, and protect the townsfolk and other favors. When her Grandfather sends her away to save her from the misfortune of becoming the awful King’s bride, he sends her across worlds into the hands of a man bearing an uncanny resemblance to the tyrant King.
Dhornna= Familiar of a Witch that manifests from the Witches powers in the form of an animal. They speak only when they deem necessary.
“Take this twice daily to increase your vitamin intake. You’re with a child, so it's important that you stay healthy for the baby as well. I know it does not taste to your liking, but you cannot keep ‘forgetting’ to take it just because you don’t like it.” Y/N hands the mother-to-be the herbal mix with a stern look as she walks her to the exit of the small clinic that has doubled as her’s and her Grandfather’s home for the last nearly 21 years. On Y/N’s first birthday, her parents were killed by bandits while traveling to visit a neighboring village. Her Grandfather then took her in to raise her in her parents stead, training her to become the amazing Witch she is today.
“Thank you so much, Y/N! I feel so much more at ease knowing that you’re here to help me through these trying times.” The woman, named Gailee, responds with absolute relief. She is only two years older than Y/N, but she is already married and expecting her third child. She turns to put down Y/N’s Cat Dhornna, Nolai, and grabs the medicine pouch from her hands.
“I’m glad that you find comfort in my care this time around as well,” Y/N smiles, “I can’t wait to meet this little one! Something tells me you’ll be getting that little girl you’ve wanted.” Y/N giggles at the older woman’s reaction, her eyes going wide with glee and excitement. Being a Witch ment Y/N’s gender predictions were always correct, so the woman knows there is truth to the statement.
“REALLY!” Gailee exclaims. “Oh thank the stars! My little Ramson and Lornick are so rambunctious! I was worried I would be stuck with another boy just like them! Now I’ll have a little girl who will be soft with me!” Gaile embraces Y/N with appreciation, then turns to stroke Nolai’s head, and leaves.
Y/N sighs as she closes the door behind the pregnant woman. She turns and looks at her Cat Dhornna with a small smile and asks him, “Do you think I’ll be married soon, Nolai?” The Dhornna simply blinks at his master and gives a small, uninterested meow. Y/N shakes her head at the Cat, not surprised by his response, and heads to the kitchen to begin preparing for dinner. 
Y/N is grinding up some herbs for the chicken when she hears her Grandfather coming in from the back garden. “I’m here in the kitchen, Gaba!” she calls out.
“How was the appointment?” he asks with a conversational tone, walking into the kitchen sink to clean the dirt off his arms.
“Gailee is doing great, and her baby is healthy also, you can feel her kick in there!” Y/N says with a small smile on her face. Her Grandfather watches her happily as she goes on about how soon the village will see the joy of yet another baby this year. He absolutely adores his Granddaughter, for she is all he has left. He watches the light of the setting Sunstar from the window play with her eyes, her unusually colored eyes, the only visible indication of how powerful a Witch she really is.
“You do such a great job, Y/N. I’m sure your parents are beaming with pride amongst the stars at how wonderfully you’ve grown.” He steps forward to embrace her. Y/N never knew her parents, but according to her Grandfather, they were very powerful Witches as well, and held great standing amongst the Witch community. Witches are not common but are well known, and villages often rely on the help of a Witch’s Gifts for crops, medicine, protection, and other favors they may be inclined to request, although some Witches powers can go above and beyond those capabilities. “I have received a letter from the Royal Circle to inform us that someone from the Circle will be visiting us tomorrow at evetime. I think they are coming here to seek you out to be part of the Witch Society.” he finishes before stepping back and placing his hands on Y/N’s shoulders with a distraught look on his face.
The Witch Society is a group of the seven most influential and powerful Witches in the Kingdom, assigned by the King when he is crowned. The current King, unfortunately, is a tyrant who finds enjoyment in taking lands for himself and killing anyone who denies him anything he wants. Despite knowing this, many Witches still covet the positions of the Witch Society. Y/N is not one who is willing to follow the malicious King, for she knows that the King is demanding that the Witches of the Society use their Gifts to practice in the Dark Spells. The Dark Spells are a dangerous thing to practice, and each Spell casted from the Dark Spells shortens a Witch's lifespan, if it doesn’t kill them right then. Which is why King Talmas is looking for his fourth replacement since the start of his reign eight years ago.
Y/N shakes her head in denial, defiance in her features, “No! I will never work for that nasty tyrant who is unworthy of being called King!” Y/N’s Grandfather knows she hates the idea of working for a man willing to hurt his own subjects for his own personal gain, but he still convinces her to be cordial with their guest for tomorrow evening. Even so, he already has an idea for if things go as bad as he had foreseen for tomorrow.
The next morning, Y/N and her Grandfather wake with the rising Sunstar, and begin to prepare for the expected guest to arrive. While Y/N leaves to get what will be needed for dinner, her Grandfather stays behind to “tidy up the clutter of their home”. What he is really doing is preparing for what he knows is to come. Y/N’s 22nd birthday is in only 89 days, and on that day, a truth will be revealed to her that will put into motion a grand change to their world. He knows that she will be mad at him for a while, but she will come to forgive him when she understands the necessity of his actions. 
Y/N’s Grandfather, Lessio, is a rarity amongst his kind, a male Witch. Of the small population in the Kingdom of Trysolia, only six percent are Witch, and of that six percent, less than about one percent is male. And Lessio’s son, Alstar, was also a Witch. Alstar fell in love with Y/N’s mother, Ailynn, another Witch, who possessed vast power and knowledge of Spells. The pairing was rare due to the sheer number of female Witches to the small number of male Witches, and most, like Lessio, married regular human women in hopes to increase the chances of a son, even a non-Gifted one. Lessio was one of the lucky few. As a result of the pairing, Y/N was born to become one of the most powerful Witches in history, although she has yet to fully come into her powers, Lessio knows it’s only a matter of time. So he knew this day was coming. The day when members of the Royal Circle would seek her out. Lessio tried his best to postpone this inevitable event by moving Y/N to the small village called Old Stone Village, on the outskirts of the Kingdom, and raising her incognito. Being a Foreseer Witch, he knew what was to come, just like with his son and daughter-in-law. But this time he wasn’t going to be too late.
Y/N arrives back from town with what she needs for dinner, and a light lunch for her and her Grandfather, a little before noontime. She calls her Grandfather to come in from the back entrance to eat. After eating, they finish up the house work and Y/N goes out to meet her best friend since they were toddlers. Ember is a Witch as well, her mother is Witch and her father a human.
“Y/N!” Ember calls out when she sees her approaching the makeshift shelter they made using the trees when they were eight. Truthfully, Y/N did most of the hard work, much to Ember’s disdain.
“Ember!” Y/N runs up to her friend, Nolai running ahead to greet Ember’s Rabbit Dhornna, Makil. Y/N always loves spending time with her only friend growing up. Being the only Witch children in the village, they could understand each other how no one else could. So many memories made here in the trees they grew together. They had used their Gifts to intertwine the branches together well above their heads and around them, to shield from the Sun and harsh weather. Y/N hugs her friend and stands back with a smile. “I brought some of the herbal fruit tea blend your mother loves. I know your parents anniversary is in a few days, so your mother can make this for your father.” Y/N finishes with a bright look in her eyes, handing her the large jar of ground up, dried herbs and fruits she pulled from her Storage Cloak. The Autumn weather is cold so both girls have on cloaks and fur boots over their lady pants.
“Oh, Y/N,” she giggles, “you’re always so thoughtful! I’m so thankful to have you as my friend!” Ember pulls Y/N in for another hug. The girls then walk into the shelter to sit and converse comfortably, while their Dhornnas play together.
“How are you enjoying working with children?” Y/N asks her friend. Ember began working in the school to help nurture the minds of the children by making learning more entertaining for them using Spells. It was an idea presented by Ember at the community meet earlier this year to improve the learning rate of the children who seemed to be having trouble focusing. Many of the community members agreed instantly, but a plan needed to be established on how to use Spells to aid in the learning process for the children.
“It's going great! Now that we finally got our plan into motion, we are seeing great results!” She beams.
“Our plan?” Y/N’s brow raises questionably at her friend.
“Oh. Um... Erinnek and myself. He’s a brilliant man with revolutionary ideas. We’ve been working hard to get this idea in motion and we’re both really proud!” Ember finishes quickly with a slight blush on her cheeks.
“Uh-huh. And could the reason my best friend is getting flustered over mentioning this ‘Erinnek’ man be because she has developed somewhat of a liking for said man?” Y/N asks, her voice going up in octaves at the end to taunt her friend. Ember’s violet eyes go wide, and her face and neck flush scarlet at the mention of her possible feelings towards the older man she has been working closely with these last several weeks. Ember blushing was always Y/N's favorite Ember face, because it always highlighted the freckles on her face, lighter in color now due to the Autumn season. Y/N always envied Ember her freckles.
“I’ve told you! It's not like that! I simply have a deep respect for his intellectual outlook on matters!” Y/N can’t help but laugh out at her friend's reaction, making her friend chant a quick Spell to send a brief gust of wind just strong enough to ruffle up Y/N’s long, silky tresses.
“Hey!” Y/N laughs, wordlessly returning the gesture in kind. Y/N’s Gifts advanced beyond needing to use a chant to cast Spells a few years back. An astonishing feat which few Witches accomplish, and it gathered the attention of some of the Witches from the neighboring villages.
Ember laughs, and asks, “Is there anyone you like, Y/N?”
Y/N stops to consider her friend’s question. As she thinks about it, she realises that she has never really developed that sort of relationship with anyone of the opposite sex. She was always so busy helping with the sick and tending to the lands with the villagers and helping her Grandfather with any crazy, new Spells he wanted to try. And of course training. Y/N was already very powerful by any standards, but her Grandfather always told her that she has so much more potential than even he could imagine. She went along with it, even though she thought he lost his mind while trying to count the stars.
“No.” Y/N finally answers after a few moments of silence had passed while she pondered her answer. “I haven’t really interacted with anyone in that manner so I can’t say that I see myself with anyone in that sort of setting.”
Ember watches her friend and feels sad for her that her life has not been her own. “Well, I’m sure there is some handsome man out there waiting to capture your heart, Y/N. Look at you! You’re Stunning!” Ember arms gesture towards her friend in a wordless attempt to help her see her beauty. Y/N is tall for their kind, but still small by normal human standards. Her curvy body is slim and toned in all the right places from the multiple jobs she takes on, working her body in different ways. She has long, thick, flowy hair that reaches her hips and frames her form wonderfully. She has beautifully shaped lips, and delicately arched brows set above striking and unusually colored eyes. Ember sometimes envied Y/N for her eyes.
Y/N lets out a snort. She was always told that she is beautiful, that she looks exactly like her mother but with different eyes. “We’ll see how your theory plays out after tonight.” Y/N then turns to her friend with a serious face, “Gaba received a letter yesterday informing him that we are to be welcoming members of the Royal Circle. It does not state specifically who we are to be expecting or for what reason they come, simply that they will be here this eve.” Y/N finishes when she sees the questioning look on her friend's face.
Ember inhales and exhales audibly. She knows her best friend’s views on how the Royal Circle is currently operating. And Y/N would rather take her own life than to be forced to work for the awful and selfish King. “What are you going to do?” she asks, “You can’t decline him. Everyone knows what happens when he is denied what he wants.”
Y/N hangs her head, her heart feeling heavy. “I don’t know.” she states, sounding slightly defeated. “I know of all the things he has done, but I fear what will happen to Gaba if I run away. He is too old to go on the run and go into hiding.”
Ember hugs her friend in an attempt to comfort her, her heart reaching out to her best friend. She cannot imagine the turmoil Y/N is feeling at this moment, nor did she envy her in this instant, for she shares Y/N’s views on the corrupt Members and their King.
Ember finally releases Y/N and looks her in the eye, “I’m absolutely positive that your Gaba has something planned so you don’t have to live that awful fate.” she states reassuringly, stroking back some of Y/N’s hair. “Your Grandfather cherishes you too much to allow you to burden yourself with the weight of someone else’s malicious will.” Y/N looks up and smiles at her friend. Before she has the chance to respond to her encouraging words, the sound of a horn pierces the early evening air, indicating that the members of the Royal Circle have arrived in the village.
“Well that’s my sign telling me to head home before the Members arrive at my door.” Y/N stands and readjusts her cloak around her. Ember stands up to embrace her friend, then it dawns on Y/N. “This may be the last time I see you for a while,” She whispers to her friend. Both their hearts clench in pain at the idea and they tighten the embrace.
Ember is the first to reluctantly break the hug. With teary eyes, she looks at the greatest friend in the world and says, “I don’t think so. You’ve been stuck with me for almost 20 years, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.” She attempts to laugh but it comes out as a soft sob.
Y/N strokes her friend’s cheek and smiles warmly. “I’m absolutely sure about that as well. You’re my Star Mate.” With that, the girls say their farewells and head to their respective homes. Y/N runs all the way and makes it in time for the Members to arrive.
Y/N and her Grandfather both wait in their front lawn walkway while the carriage comes to a complete stop and is prepared for the members of the Royal Circle to exit. While it is being prepared, a man on a black stallion rides up to them and dismounts.
“Where shall we store our horses?” the man asks Lessio. Y/N’s Grandfather guides the man and a few others with horses to the small stalls that housed your horse and Grandfather’s Horse Dhornna, Maize, and helps them get their animals situated and returns in just in time for the Announcer to make the introductions.
“Announcing the King of Trysolia, His Royal Highness Talmas!” the man in royal red announces as the King descends the steps of the coach. Y/N eyes widen at the announcer's words.
‘What is the King doing here himself? Just for me?’ Y/N thinks to herself. It was almost never heard of for the King to leave his castle. It's unnerving for Y/N to see the King here himself, and it is her first time meeting him. He is young, only having been 15 when he ascended the throne, and undoubtedly, very handsome, with thick, curly locks of dark hair styled back to reveal a strong brow over piercing, brown eyes. He has a sharp, prominent nose and full lips with a perfect Cupid’s bow. Y/N may have fallen for him based on looks alone if she wasn’t already aware of his horrid personality.
The King steps away from the coach to allow three other persons to exit, three women. The man in red announces that they were Members of the Witches Society, Y/N forgets their names as soon as they are spoken. She is too focused on trying to keep her mind from wondering and thinking up worst-case scenarios.
After the Announcer finishes the introductions of each person in the coach, Y/N’s Grandfather steps forward to speak, “Welcome, Your Highness. This is quite the unexpected visit, to what do we owe the honor?” Y/N’s Grandfather speaks the question circling her head as well.
“Well, I heard that there was an extremely powerful Witch living on the outskirts of my kingdom and decided to have a look myself.” he says in an irritably attractive voice. He turns his head toward Y/N and looks her up and down. “And I’m glad I did. This little Witch is quite stunning.” he finishes with a dimpled smirk that Y/N would’ve found attractive if it were not for the words that accompanied it or the man who wore it. “I see the tales I’ve heard about your eyes are true. Although seeing them for myself, I’m still in disbelief at how strikingly beautiful they are to behold. You must be a very powerful Witch indeed to have eyes this rare in color.” His voice laced with something Y/N could not identify.
Y/N clears her throat to speak, “Thank you. I have dinner prepared for you and your party if you would like to eat. I made duck with potatoes, carrots, and onions with an autumn themed sauce.” She tries her hardest to hide the discomfort the King gives her with his leering eyes.
“I would be more than honored to eat your home cooked meal. We have been on the road now for three days to reach this village. I’m sure our stomachs will be appreciative.” The King states. Y/N nods and ushers the King and his entourage into her small home followed by her Grandfather.
Y/N’s Grandfather allows for the King to take his seat at the head of the table and takes the one on the other end. His party takes seats around the table, a guard on either side of the King, two of the females on one side and the other on the other side. Y/N is thankful that there is enough seating, with eight people to seat, one more person and someone would be stuck standing while eating. Y/N takes the duck and vegetables out to the table and goes back for the bread rolls and chilled tea she made earlier that day, then takes her seat on her Grandfather’s right. After dinner, the King requests that the business they came for be conducted in the sitting room. Everyone follows Y/N’s Grandfather out of the dining hall and into the sitting room. 
Once everyone is seated, one of the members of the Witch Society begins to explain their reasoning for their visit so far out from the comforts of the capitol. “We came here today to recruit Y/N into the Witch Society. We’ve heard many stories about what she has accomplished and, knowing her lineage, we know she would make a great addition to the Society in serving the King to better our Kingdom.”
“How would you know if I would be a great addition if you are not even certain of what Gifts I possess? For all you know, I could simply be able to communicate with animals or make plants grow.” Y/N states with purpose, her stubborn streak showing. “And in what ways, pray tell, are you and the King improving our kingdom? By denying the people the medicine that they need? By demanding they turn over all their crops and animals and leaving them starving through the winter?” Y/N finishes with heavy sarcasm lacing her tone and a fake smile on her face.
The King simply smiles at Y/N’s display at stubbornness, seeing it as a challenge he will gladly accept. “Y/N, I’m simply doing what I see fit to make sure my kingdom profits.” he states nonchalantly, like he is making a comment on the weather, then adds with more interest, “Plus, anyone could tell just by looking at the unusual color of your eyes that you’re no ordinary Witch, but one who possesses tremendous power. And I fully intend on having you as part of the Society,” King Talmas smirks upon seeing Y/N’s glare fully focus on him, “or as my wife.” he adds before she can respond, chuckling when her expression changes to one of complete shock.
“Your Highness, is that an offer?” one of the Members asks, a hint of disappointment in her tone.
“Oh, I never say what I don’t mean and always want what I say, especially on my birthday.” King Talmas says, his eyes never leaving Y/N’s face as she throws mental daggers at him. “The Kingdom doesn’t have a Queen, why shouldn’t it be a powerful Witch like Y/N? With a Witch like you by my side, I could expand my rule beyond the current borders with little resistance. And you could help me further by expanding my life span.” He finishes with a cocky tone.
“I do believe I will have to decline your offer. I have no interest in being a member of your corrupt Witch Society, nor do I desire to be married to a tyrant that plays with the well being of his people for his own personal gain. And lastly, I will not allow you to stay in my home and continue to speak to me as though I am an object to be used at your disposal. So I suggest you leave while I am asking kindly.” Y/N manages to maintain a steady tone despite her inner fury.
Everyone in the room is taken aback at Y/N tone towards the King. There are murmured responses from the other guest like “Is she stupid?” or “The audacity to deny the King in such a manner!”
The King narrows his eyes at Y/N, clenching his jaw and flexing it to show his distaste with her response. “Very well. I have no second thoughts on doing this the hard way. Forcing you should be easy enough. Take her.” the King demands of the guards.
Before they can complete their first step toward Y/N, her Grandfather casts a Spell to bring everyone in the room to a stand still to buy time to get his granddaughter out of there. “Hurry, Y/N! It won't take long for the Members to break the Spell and come after us!” He grabs her arm and leads her out the back door, Nolai following close behind. Lessio is one of the other few Witches of their time that is able to cast Spells without the use of a chant.
“Gaba? Where are we going?” Y/N questions when she sees her Grandfather leading them into the woods. The cold air makes their breaths visible in the waning light of the LunarEarth. Y/N is thankful she remembered to grab her Cloak before being led out the back door.
“Just trust me, Y/N. I’ve planned for this.” is all he responds. Y/N is slightly shocked at his response but doesn’t press further while he leads her through the woods. They walk for several minutes before coming to a clearing. The clearing seems to have an odd pattern at the center of it. “Take this book.” Lessio hands her a large book wrapped in elk skin. Y/N’s eyes widen when she realizes that it is his Grimoire. “Please stand in the center of the clearing, and grab your Dhornna.” Y/N places the Grimoire in her Storage Cloak and does as he asks. Picking up Nolai, she quickly walks to the center of the odd patterns. As she walks through, she attempts to make out the patterns she sees on the ground, but in all her studies, she’s never seen this combination.
Once at the center, she turns to face her Grandfather. As soon as she makes eye contact with his steel grey eyes, he puts up a barrier around her to keep her there. 
“What?!” Y/N exclaims, reaching her hand out towards the barrier, only to have it push her hand back. “What are you doing, Gaba? I’m scared!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N!” her Grandfather calls from the edge of the circular pattern, “I have to do this. This is the only way I can protect you and put you on the right path. I’ve always known you were destined for great and amazing things, but not here while that tyrant is after you. I hope you know I’ll always love you.”
Y/N eyes begin tearing up as realization dawns on her. He is sending her away. Away from her home, from her friends, from her life, and, worst of all, from him. Her only living kin. The one person she could always rely on. She fights back her tears and asks, “Where are you sending me to?”
Her Grandfather shakes his head, “I cannot say, only two people have travelled there before but didn’t live to tell of what was there. But I know I'm sending you to someone I know can help you.” Before Y/N could ask more questions, they heard the voices of the guards and Members approaching them. “We’re out of time! I’m going to begin the Spell!” Her Grandfather begins the Spell and light starts to come out of the patterns, which, unfortunately, helps lead the King and his entourage to find them.
“HERE THEY ARE!” One of the guards shouts. Soon the whole squad is surrounding them, followed by the Members and, lastly, the King.
“Thought you could get away did you, little Witch?” the King says with disdain in his voice. “You’re not being as obedient as I had originally hoped you’d be, but that's fine, I like a challenge.” King Talmas then instructs the head of the guard to command them to shoot down Y/N’s Grandfather.
Y/N sees the guards all raise their bows with arrows and aim them towards her Grandfather. “NO!” she exclaims, then wordlessly casts a protection barrier around her Grandfather, just in time to deflect the arrows already flying at him. “Gaba, let down the barrier! I’ll go with him!” Lessio ignores her and continues the Spell, even as arrows hit the barrier Y/N has up. “GABA! DON’T! HE’LL KILL YOU! I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!” Y/N shouts out, tears beginning to overflow freely. The pattern begins to glow brighter, indicating that the Spell has been initiated.
Lessio turns to his beloved Granddaughter to look at her one last time, giving her a smile filled with all the love and warmth he holds for her, “I will always love you, Y/N. I’m proud of who you have become. And I know you’ll change the world.” Y/N feels her barrier falter as the Spell begins to pull her away, giving out just before it can stop an arrow from hitting her Grandfather in the chest. The Spell finally pulls her through with great force, but not before she witnesses two more arrows hit her beloved Grandfather.
“NO! GABA!” Y/N yells just as everything goes black.
Only a brief moment passes before Y/N feels her body thrown down onto a hard surface, it gives out and collapses beneath her, causing her body to hit another surface just as hard. Y/N groans and sits up, rubbing her backside. She opens her eyes to be met with eight curious faces staring at her.
A/N: Hi! I really hope you all enjoyed this Prologue to my first fanfic! There is so much more to look forward to, so I hope you all stay until the end!
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Soulmate AU
Reposted because I accidentally deleted it. 
Title: Traveled the Universe Just to Meet You.
Tenth Doctor x Gender Neutral Reader, featuring Donna Noble
A/N: This fic took three weeks in total to write; the first 3,600 words took two days to write and the last 700 words took two of the three weeks. hahahaha…….why?
Also, I wanted to add more like include adventures and develop the readers and the Doctors relationship but it was already too long. Thinking about writing a part 2 but I also have a few other fics I wanna write soo…
Word count: 5070
Soulmate. Someone who understands, believes in, and inspires you. Someone once a stranger becomes a person you can’t imagine live without.
As children, a soulmate’s presence isn’t all there. A numbness resides in the Soullux, the organ that handles feeling one’s soulmate. In childhood, it isn’t mature enough to project one’s soulmate emotions. But, every so often a child would feel something like a light breeze on a hot summer day. The phenomenal sensation of stretching after waking up. The feeling one gets after cleaning out their room.
You were a bit different from other children. See, you were born with Lonely Soul syndrome, a disease that affects one out of 14,530,000 people. Now, this syndrome doesn’t mean you don’t have a soulmate. You were born with your Soullux fully formed, meaning you constantly felt your soulmate. Doctors gave it such a saddening name because of the effects. Children suffering from this often are forced to mature earlier, they struggle with emotions, and experience periods of desolation. Doctors recommend therapy and if needed, medicine.
You were five when you went to your first soul therapy session. Your family didn’t think you needed it, seeing as you were a typical child. Happy some days, moody others, but they promised you a present after the appointment, so you went.
The therapist’s room was bright. There were small toys on small shelves, posters with words you couldn’t quite read, but knew you’ve seen before. On the ground was a rug with houses and roads on it, you thought it was cool.
The therapist walks into the room and smiles at you, “Did you find a toy you like, Y/n?” She asks, she only just told you her name, yet you forgot it and didn’t want to make her feel sad, so you didn’t ask. Instead, you nod and point at the Lego box sitting on the rug.
You were building a house when she speaks again, “how are you, Y/N?”
“I’m sad.” The therapist said earlier that you could talk to her about anything that was on your mind, so you did.
“Do you know why?” She’s sitting on the rug with you. It’s odd, adults don’t sit on the ground and they certainly don’t play with Legos. You decide she wasn’t an adult, just a big kid.
You’re not sure what to say so you let your mouth run, “My soulmate,” you begin. With the blue house finished, you start to reach for the Lego people, “isn’t an animal.”
She doesn’t say anything, but she does hand you the last Lego person. With the perfect amount of people around the house, you start to work on a car. Cars have always been difficult for you to build.
“It sucks. I heard that some people have animals as their soulmates and I was hoping I would too. But I don’t.” You huffed.
“Why would you want an animal as a soulmate?”
Shocked with disbelief you dropped a Lego piece. Maybe she really was an adult? “Because animals are cool. At first, I wanted them to be a horse, ‘cause that would be awesome, but then I realized that if they were a cat or dog then I could cuddle with them every night.” Excitement washes over you. Yet, when reality hits, you feel like the car you stopped building, unfinished and misshaped.  
“Well, who says you can’t cuddle with your soulmate?”
“Pets have fur. That means they’re always warm and soft. People don’t have fur.”
“Y/n,” She says softly, you like the sound of her voice. It’s not wheezy like your neighbor, Ms. Henson’s nor is it high-pitched like your babysitter. “Do you like to cuddle with from your family members?”
“So, why do you think it’s different from your soulmate?”
Well, you think, my family always acts weird when I talk about them. You’re not sure why though, your soulmate feels like blowing dandelions and eating your favorite fruit. What could be so wrong about that? You don’t tell your therapist that though. “Maybe,” you start hesitantly, when she nods her head, you’re back to being excited, “maybe we could get a pet too? Then I could cuddle with both at the same time.”
“Maybe,” She agrees with you, “Y/n, that’s a lot of people at the blue house. Do you think we should build them another house?” Looking at the blue house you see the eight people surrounding it.
  It happened after dinner. At first, you didn’t know what it was, you only knew it was something coming from your soulmate. Lately, your soulmate has been like an ocean, waves of strong emotions crash down on you. It leaves you wanting to crawl into bed and stay there all day. Every time it happens you could hear your family whispering through the door. You knew it wasn’t normal, but you couldn’t control it.
  You head to your room and shut the door. Everyone always found out when you have an ‘episode’, but sometimes you could hide how long it went on. You expected it to be the same as the other times. This, however, was nothing like you ever experienced before.  
It starts with a spicy taste in your mouth. A ringing in your ears. Underneath your skin, something wants liberation. You try to hold it in, but it burns.  
  You blink and the next thing you know your bedroom is a wreck.
On the floor near your desk was a torn paper with a smiley face. Bending down you picked up the paper to see that it was your math test. You had practice from the moment you came home until dinnertime for it. You didn’t ace it, but it was the highest grade you got so far, and you were so proud you put a smiley face on it. It was ripped up into three pieces. Really, it wasn’t a big deal. You were only seven years old and you would have many other tests this year alone, let alone for the rest of your academic life. It isn’t a big deal. So, why were you kneeling on the ground with tears blurring your vision? Why were your hands wrapped around yourself, silent snivels escaping you? Why were you pressing your face to the floor in hopes that your family wouldn’t hear? If it wasn’t a big deal, why does it hurt so much?
Someone opens up your door and gasps. They hold you as you try to remember how to breathe.
(Afterward, they help you tape up your test and you wonder if taping your heart back together will be as easy.)
They hand you a broom along with trash bags and tell you to face the consequences of your actions.
Bed overturned, clothes ripped apart, posters and old homework assignments shredded up.
The burning sensation lessens to a simmer and you’re left all alone.
With a look, around the room you think, Anger. This is what anger looks like.
Months pass by, and you grew an inch. The sun brings heat and with it comes water balloon fights and laughter. With a group of classmates, you compare birthmarks and scars. With the sun shining down on you, you think, happiness is bright.
You had finished brushing your teeth and were pulling silly faces and grinning at the mirror. That’s when you felt it. This new emotion is bitter and cold.
The you in the mirror starts to glare at you, baring their teeth like a wild animal. They mouth words that feel like ice water. “Stop it,” you say, “go away.” You glare back and mirror you smiles. “You’re my reflection. If I leave, you’ll be nothing.”
Mirror you silently laughs at you and you punch them. “I hate you.” You shout. “I hate you. I hate you. I hate-” You punch at the mirror repeatedly and mirror you starts to bleed. The glass shatters. A piece of the mirror slightly larger than your hand sits in the sink with drops of blood resting on it and you smirk. Only then do you see your fists. Bruised and bleeding, your blood stains the bathroom floor. You close your eyes in hopes that you don’t see your reflection.
When someone comes to check on the noise and see you there, they carefully drag you out and scold you. They clean your fist and check for glass, then they bandaged your hands and sigh. As they clean up, you sit in your room.
(“why are you so broken?” Mirror you shouts. “Why can’t you be normal?”)
Staring at your bandaged fists, you think, hatred is a violent emotion.
Nearly a year passes by when the next wave hits. Unlike anger, this emotion does not burn you. Instead, it lingers in everything you do, every day, every moment. It waits. It makes you silent at the moments you want to speak, and it makes you cry when you want to laugh. It waits. You can’t explain it to anyone, they don’t understand. This emotion waits until you are truly alone when it strikes.
At eight years old, you learn a hard fact.
(If anger burns, happiness shines, hatred bruises, and love heals. Then sadness takes it all, swallows it whole, leaving you to wonder if anything was there in the first place.)
The increased therapy sessions and nervous glances from family members lets you know something is up. With a little snooping around, you find out what. Hurrying back to your room you lean against your door and stare at the pamphlet. “Why choose Soullux removal?” The pamphlet shows happy people doing everyday things. You read the pamphlet three times. Each time deepens the sick feeling you have.
Soullux removal.
Doctors found out that humans don’t need a Soullux to survive. “The organ is not like the Heart,” the pamphlet reads, “one could live a healthy and even happy life without a soulmate.” It goes on and on talking about how many famous and successful people have removed their Soullux so that they can “focus on more important things.”
Seconds later, you realize your family wants you to get the surgery.
No, you think. Never.
Angry you make your way to the living room and seeing as everyone is there, you erupt.
“No. It’s not right. I won’t do it. You can’t take them away from me.,” You shout. “I won’t do it. You all have your soulmates. If you want Soullux removal, get it yourselves!” By the end of your speech, you’re panting, your vision is blurry, sniffs do nothing to help with the snot dripping out of your nose.
“Soullux removal?” One of them says, “Y/n, we would never.”
You throw the pamphlet on the table. “Yeah, right.”
“That was in my room. Y/n, you know you not allowed in there.”
“And you not allowed to steal my soulmate from me, but that’s exactly what you were planning.”
“Y/n, you-”
“-Even though it was wrong of you to sneak into their room,” a different family member interrupts, “Y/n, it’s important for you to know we would never do that without talking to you.”
After all the emotions cooled down you all talked. They handed you a different pamphlet. This one talks about pills you could take to “lessen the intense feelings your broken soulmate forces on you.”
“Broken” soulmates are soulmates with such mental and/or physical “problems” that causes their soulmates to feel the pain of their disorder. These pills eventually block you from feeling your soulmate entirely.
As you read the pamphlet, you note all the times it says broken. Three.
Broken. Like that time, you accidentally dropped a bowl and it shattered. Broken. Like when your classmate broke their arm, and everyone wanted to sign it. Broken.
They think your soulmate is broken. They want you to abandon them.
You want to throw up.
No. You think, you can’t take them from me. I won’t abandon them so please don’t take them from me. Please. Please. Don’t. They’re not broken. Please don’t take them from me. I’ll do anything, please.
“Please,” you say, “Please. Don’t. Please.” And you repeat those words over and over.
At the age of thirteen, you give up on your soulmate. You tried, honestly. You read every book, watched every video, and even posted on all kinds of forums online in hopes of finding a way to help, but nothing was working. You were useless.
Really, it was your soulmates’ fault. No one could constantly be sad, angry, and full of self-hate, right?
It makes you wonder though. What was it about your soulmate that they only felt those three emotions? Was someone doing terrible things to them? Or were they terrible people?
You didn’t know. What you did know however was that you couldn’t help them. You wanted to continue listening to music on your bed thinking sad thoughts, but you needed to clean out your room. You’ve been putting it off for weeks. And that’s what you did, for about the first fifteen minutes, but then you found an old shoebox in your closet. You couldn’t leave it, could you?
In the shoebox were tiny trinkets and a stack of letters all addressed to someone you’ve never met.
You remember when you started going on little adventures after your soulmate started to feel down. You were only seven then.
The idea was you would go on fun adventures like those happy kids on TV. You figured that your soulmate had Lonely Soul syndrome too, then they would feel your happiness. If they couldn’t be happy themselves, you would share yours. Then you thought that if you saved tiny gifts and letters when you finally meet them you could give it to them. If they knew you cared for them, maybe, just maybe, a bit of their sadness would go away.
You didn’t think about the shoebox in months. You wonder what younger you would say if they knew you gave up on your soulmate just like everyone else.
You open one of the letters.
Dear Soul Mate,
Hello, it’s me.
I’m seven now, but my birtday is in a few weeks. You’ve been sad lately and I’m here to tell you that won’t do.
That won’t do.
See ya, Y/n.
That was all the letter read. No adventure no nothing. You shoved the letter back in the envelope and grab another one.
Dear Soul Mate,
My family thinks you’re broken. I don’t know if your family thinks that about you too, and maybe that’s why you are sad all the time. But you should know that I don’t think you are. I don’t think people can break. Sometimes it might feel like it though. Sometimes it might feel like shards of who you used to be are missing and no matter how many times you try to piece yourself together again you don’t fit. You might feel defeated and completely alone. But you are not an object. You are not glass that can be shattered. Broken means that you’ve given up, and you haven’t. You’re still, living, breathing, feeling. As long as you are still alive, you are still fighting. You’re not what people define you as, you’re just you and that’s all you need to be.
I wish I could promise that I would always be there for you, but I can’t. I wish I could tell you that I believe in you, but I’m not sure you care about what a stranger thinks. I can promise you that I’m telling the truth when I say that you are the strongest person I know. Everything you feel is whole and true. Your anger, your hate, and your sadness feels like it consumes you, but underneath it all, you have pure wonder, unconditional love, and constant kindness. You amaze me. Despite never meeting you, I know you. And I am proud to have you as my soulmate.
See ya soon, Y/n.”
You don’t remember writing that. You didn’t even know you could write like that. Honestly, you were expecting all the letters to be like the first one.
It was harder these days to feel the emotions younger you talked about. These days all your soulmate felt was sadness and hate.
Maybe writing one more letter couldn’t hurt, right? Beats cleaning your room.
Why the heck were you in the park? You have an essay that’s due soon and yet here you were sitting on a park bench.
A quick look around shows an average park. Trees, benches, grass, and a playground with a group of teenagers.
They had to be older than you by a good three years.The way they were standing was weird.Four of the five teens were facing the last one, a girl. You didn’t like the smug looks on their faces.
The girl was shouting. Her back rigid and arms crossed.“We’re soulmates.” She practically shouts. “What do you mean you don’t need me?”
You should leave.
“It means I would rather get that surgery everyone talks about than have you as a soulmate. Look at you, you’re worthless.” He says. You could see his hideous smirk from where you stood. His friends holding onto one another as they laugh.
Her shoulders shake and-
“Hey,” You don’t even register the fact that you’ve spoken until everyone’s looking at you. “Don’t you think this is a private conversation between the two of you, you know, in private?”
“Who the hell are you?” Of all things, you didn’t expect the girl to shout at you full force.
“I’m just your common citizen trying to run away from my responsibilities, so if you could quiet down that would be great.”
“Kid, why don’t you mind your own business?”  Jerk face asks.
By now you are standing face to face with Jerk face and his groupies. You turn to the girl who looks like she’s in complete shock. Her face is red and eyes puffy. “Normally I would. But I think you should leave.”
“Or what?”
“Run.” You tell her.
“What?” She whispers.
Jerk face is still smirking. You want nothing more than to punch him in the face, but you can’t. Instead, you kick him where it hurts and with the girl in tow you dash out of there.
After a while, you two reach a neighborhood. You didn’t recognize it, but it seemed like a good enough place to rest.
“Why did you do that?” The girl asks.
“I know, I should have punched him, but,” you hold up your dominant hand, “I need this hand to write my letters, they’re important.”
“Letters? how old are you?”
“I’m Fourteen.”
“And you write letters?”
That’s all it takes to set her off. She starts to laugh and can’t stop. Bent over, hugging herself, she laughs until she can’t breathe.
  You don’t mean to ruin the moment, but you do. “Your soulmate is a jerk.”
“His name is Lance.”
“Yeah, well, Lance is a jerk, and as your friend, I suggest slapping him the next time you see him.”
“Friend?” Her laugh turns a little hollower, “you don’t even know me.”
“Well then, let’s get to know each other. Name’s Y/n.”
She looks at you, stares as if trying to decide whether or not you’re screwing with her.
She nods then, “I’m Donna,” she says, “Donna Noble.”
You decided to walk Donna home. She’s quiet; a direct contradiction to earlier. You understood what it was like to have a lot on your mind, so you tried to stay quiet as well. It was Donna who ended the silence.
“I always thought that I would find my soulmate and we would fall in love. That I would get what my parents have. My mom always told me ‘your soulmate is exactly what you deserve and everything you’ll ever need.’” Tears fall from her eyes, but with a deep breath she continues, “He is exactly what I deserve. My one and only soulmate.” She laughs bitterly.
You wish you knew what to say. You wish you could pluck the right words out of the air and weave sentences so beautiful Donna would stop laughing and start smiling.
Over the years as you watched friends and family find their soulmates you learned that just because people can feel their soulmate doesn’t mean they truly understand them or their life experiences. That takes work and commitment. It is odd to think about however; knowing someone deeply, yet at the same time not at all.
“Maybe, soul- people,” you correct yourself after Donna flinches at the s word. Yeah, there were some days where that word burned you as well, “maybe, people aren’t supposed to fill a missing hole in you. Maybe they’re just the cherry on top.”
You reach her house and she points you towards her kitchen when you ask for a glass of water.
In the kitchen, are who you assume are Donna’s parents. Music and laughter fill the air and the two of them are eating. With such soft smiles and tender touches, you could tell they were deeply in love. It was as if they were the only ones in the room.
“Here.” Donna hands you a glass of water.
You were so captivated by her parents you didn’t notice Donna slip pass you. A glance at the two eating shows they haven’t even noticed two people in the room with them.
“Thank you, Donna.” You practically shout. Everyone looks at you oddly, but at least your plan works.
The day you turned thirty, your life took an odd turn.
Technically it started six months before that.
See, Donna started a temp job at the same place Lance the Jerk works. Apparently, as Lance claimed, he was a changed man. He said he wanted to start fresh with Donna. Donna was all for forgiving him. (“Y/n, he brings me coffee every day. Me. Coffee!”)
You felt there was something odd about the whole thing though.
It wasn’t the fact that the best friend rulebook states that you have to hate him for how he hurt your best friend.
It also wasn’t because he never once apologized to Donna. (Saying “I was only a kid at the time,” is not an apology.)
The problem is you didn’t think Lance was the right person for Donna, ironically enough. Donna is full of life, she’s loud, kind, and slightly ignorant, Donna is passionate. Lance is indifferent, he’s judgmental and arrogant.
Seeing the two of them together puts a sour taste in your mouth. Aside from a few subtle comments, you haven’t really talked to Donna about it. How could you tell her you thought her soulmate wasn’t right for her? Maybe you were reading too much into it? You hope Donna sees something in him that you are overlooking, you hope Lance has a better side of him that he shows Donna.
You wanted nothing more than for Donna to be happy. If it means holding your tongue around Lance, you would duct tape your mouth shut.
Donna tells you she wants to marry him, and you play the role of the excited best friend.
It happens on the day of your thirtieth birthday, two weeks before Donna’s wedding. Donna throws you a big surprise party, but halfway through she disappears. Nerys-why is she here? You don’t even know her, and Donna hates her- tells you that she vanished into golden dust, but you figured she was wasted. You ask around, but no one’s seen Donna.
Soon, the party is over, and you still don’t know where Donna is.
When you get home, you find Donna sitting in your kitchen, a cup of tea in her hands. Her hair is a mess, clothes tore and she was soaking wet. How in the world?
“Donna? I was looking everywhere for you. I almost punched like three people when they said you were-”
Donna rushes into your arms. She’s shaking, holding you as if you are the only thing in life that makes sense.
“Donna?” Sighing, you hug her back. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?”
After Donna is clean and in dry clothes she talks.
She tells you that Lance was lying. That he was in love? With a spider? And there was a doctor trying to help. The spiders died. Lance died. Thames flooded?  Or was it drained? Honestly, you couldn’t really make out much of what she was saying with her face buried in your shoulder, tears staining your clothes. All that matter was that your best friend needed you. You held her until her sobs turned to snores.
Donna spends the next year traveling, learning, and looking for trouble.
You spend the year working, paying bills, and wishing you could do the same as Donna.
When Donna calls you to excitedly tell you that she’s speaking Latin of all things, you decided enough was enough.
Three hours later, you meet up at a small café.
You see Donna the moment you walk in the café. She’s sitting at a table for four with a man beside her. Both of them seem to be having an interesting conversation because both of them can’t seem to stop laughing.
The sight brings a smile to your face.
When someone walks into the café, Donna glances up and meets your eye. She stands, waves her hands in the air, practically shouts your name.
Before the temptation to act like you don’t know her kicks in; you rush to her. The hug she pulls you in is unexpected but nice.
“Oh, I haven’t seen you in months!”
You don’t say anything. Instead, you run your eyes over Donna. Taking a step back you notice that the Donna before you is different from the one you saw a few days ago. There’s something about this Donna that makes her shine. Maybe a new haircut?
“Did you get a tan?” You notice it then; Donna definitely got a tan but… a quick look at the window shows you that it is still pouring out just like it has for the last week.
Donna laughs and drags you to the table. She introduces you to the man whose name is the Doctor and you say hello. It’s as he’s about to reply that you feel it. A wave of happiness hits you like a smack upside the head and spins your world around. Colors are brighter and what once was gloomy rain is now the water that brings life to mother nature. Too busy looking around you miss everything the man, the Doctor, was saying.
“Sorry about that.” You give a sheepish smile. The Doctor grins. With one hand ruffling his hair, he leans towards you from across the table.  
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Nothing, I think it’s just my soulmate.” The last bit of the sentence comes out as a question.
“Them again? Listen Y/n the second I meet this bloke, I tell you what, I’m gon- ”
  “Donna you are not going to assault my soulmate.” Donna ‘offers’ to slap your soulmate every time they feel something other than happiness. You can’t help your smile grow though; before Donna you never really had someone who was ready to fight anyone who hurts you.  
“What’s wrong with your soulmate?” The Doctor raises an eyebrow.  “I think your soulmate is perfectly fine. In fact, I’d go so far as to say this is one of the greatest days of their life.”
“And why is that?” You don’t notice that you are leaning towards him.
“Well,” he drags the word out, “I think he just met his soulmate.”
It takes a moment for your brain to process what he said. When you do, you jump from your seat spinning around to search for him. “What? Where is he?” Your heart is pounding.
From a distance, you hear Donna whisper an “Oh my God.”
“If my soulmate is here why doesn’t he come up to me?”
You turn to Donna after she calls your name, “your soulmate is right in front of you.”
Looking from Donna to the Doctor to Donna again you open your mouth and- “Donna,” you sigh, “you are not my soulmate.”
Slumping down into the chair, you rest your elbow on the table with your chin in your hand.“You guys really got me excited for nothing.” You pout. Your other hand plays with the teacup in the center of the table.
“Um, if your soulmate was right in front of you what would you want him to do?” The Doctor asks.
“Anything really. A simple ‘Hello’ and their name is good enough.”
“Hello. I’m the Doctor.”
“Yeah, I know. You’ve already introduced yourself.”
“You spend all this time waiting for your soulmate and now that he’s in front of you, you can’t see him? Y/n you are an idiot.”
“What are you talking about? The only people in front of me is you tw-ooh.” Looking at the Doctor, you don’t know how you feel. The best way to describe it would be dancing. It’s like back when you were a teenager listening to music in your room. The music turned on loud, your door closed, and you start to dance. Jumping around, singing, and having fun, the joy you feel from hearing your favorite song runs through your veins; nothing could ruin the moment. As you spin around, in the midst of singing your favorite verse, someone opens the door. The two of you stare at one another as you wait for them to decide if they want to embarrass you by walking away or join in on the dancing.
That is the best way you can describe how you feel.
That happiness with a side of embarrassment.
The Doctor and Donna spend the next few hours explaining who the Doctor is, what they do, and all the places they visited. They told you about the chaos, the fun, and the universe. If you were anybody else, you would have gone into shock and cancel the whole day. However, you are you and so the only thing you can do after discovering that aliens exist is laugh. Because your soulmate is an alien who travels all of time and space in a phone box and your best friend, Donna Noble-
“My best friend traveled across the universe and brought me back my soulmate.”
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hoefortomhoelland · 5 years
how abt a peter x f!reader and they go to rival schools. like peter goes to midtown school of science and tech but the reader is from midtown school of the arts and she’s a dancer? they get fluffy and CUTE 🖤🤧
vbnjdfnjdfism this is literally the cutest thing ever I want to cry. 
You sighed dramatically as you slammed the locker after grabbing your dance bag. Your friends were murmuring to each other about something irrelevant as you daydreamed, staring at the floor. 
“So, girls, I was thinking maybe we could head out for a late after-dance lunch? Just to treat ourselves after a long day, huh?” One of the girls in the group asked. You looked up sheepishly and looked up at the clock that hung on the wall in the hallway. 
Everyone agreed but you. 
“I would love too, but... I have to get home and practice. I think I need to focus on my solo a little more.” You tightened your grip on the strap of your bag. 
They giggled and looked out the window where you were glancing at occasionally, Christine eventually catching on to the group of boys in leather jackets who were smoking, standing out from the light pink crowd of ballerinas who just left the school. “Are you sure it has nothing to do with meeting your lover boy?” 
Your cheeks turned a bright pink before you laughed and shook your head as did the other girls. 
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Okay, well be safe, Y/N. You never know what those boys from the midtown tech get up to.” They waved goodbye to you and you smiled in return before heading the other direction towards the double doors. By the back of the school you hoped would stand Peter. 
You pushed the doors open, gasping as fresh air hit your face. Looking around for a second, you reached into your bag to grab your phone and message him until you felt a pair of arms grab you around the waist, making you squeal. 
“What the-” Turning around, there you saw Pete. The boy with the bouncy, brown curls, devious eyes and a leather jacket. A smirk was plastered on his face before turning into an adorable smile at the sight of you. 
“Peter! You actually waited for me!” You grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck. He laughed into your hair, squeezing your frame tightly like he was happy to see you. 
The reason as to why you guys had to meet secretly was because of the rivalry between the two sides of town you were both from. You were originated from the posh side, studied ballet and dance, was incredibly rich and went to an all girls school. However, in contrast to you, Peter went to a technology and science school but was a complete badass (whereas you were a softie) , went to an all boys school, but also rich. 
“So, what did you feel like doing today, angel?” He grinned at you as he took your soft hand in his. 
“Maybe we could go up the hill tonight, grab some dinner and catch up?” You replied. 
“Alright, dove.” 
“But you have to drop me back before nine! I need to practice my solo performance.” You winked as you spun in a circle on your tippy-toes. He took your hand in his and walked you to his car where some of his friends were also waiting, all of them smoking cigarettes and chatting. 
“Look what the cat dragged in. Well, more graciously with Y/N, clearly.” One of them said. Peter scoffed, punching his friend’s arm. 
“Hey, you guys!” You squeaked as it felt like forever since you had seen them. The group were so tall, towering over you with smirks. From a distance it looked like they were about to beat you up but it was the complete opposite as to what was really happening. 
“How about you give us a quick twirl, Y/N? What is it you call it? A piro... pi...” 
“A pirouette, dumbass.” Peter quickly corrected his friend. You blushed as you placed your bag on the ground. 
“I don’t have the appropriate shoes on, but I can try.” You held your breath and twirled delicately, your fingers pointed before landing with one foot behind the other. The group of boys hollered and cheered, making you grin widely. 
“Anyways,” you said as you picked up your bag “it was great seeing you guys but Peter and I are going on a date!” You smiled as did he. 
You both ate in silence on the bonnet of Peter’s car, your head on his shoulder as you admired the sunset. 
“How’s school?” You whispered to him. He placed his food down beside him and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. 
“Eh, it’s good. A lot of engineering at the moment and plenty of assignments at the moment. But I’m pulling through.” He replied as he stared at the lowering sun, the light glowing on both of your faces. 
“You’re smart, babe. You’ll get there.” 
There was silence again. 
“When we finish college, I wanna move away. W-with you of course.” He stuttered slightly. 
You pulled away from his shoulder and looked up at him with wide, glistening eyes. But not saying anything. 
“Maybe to London, or something. You can do your dancing career and I’ll continue studying science or medicine or engineering. Maybe I’ll become a doctor. And then I’ll propose to you with a giant ring like you deserve.” He smiled shyly at you before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“I’d like that.” You replied softly before leaning your head on his shoulder again, playing with the hem of your pink ballet skirt. 
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