#I was just gonna list the order in which I think they could be convinced to join
clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
SHANE MY BELOVED anyways gonna request based on an oc that i made/an ai chatbot chat that i did recently. selectively mute reader with shane, and how their relationship evolves? strangers to lovers probs. hcs or oneshot/drabble :3 -galaxy
I got 5 hearts with him as we speak so this is perfect timing <3
Settling into Stardew Valley was certainly going to be a challenge, especially with the new life you wanted to build here..and of course that entails meeting new people.
For most of your life, you've been selectively mute, only ever using your voice if you absolutely have to.
You never used it much at your previous office job, but it was still quite soulless and didn't make you feel good.
Even so, Lewis doesn't think you should stay a stranger and insists you introduce yourself to folks in Pelican Town.
You couldn't ignore the letters stuffed into your mailbox forever..so you finally headed into town.
While some villagers regarded you as "quiet", many of them chalked it up to you being new and welcomed you anyways.
Although Shane is indifferent and annoyed--as he is to most strangers.
You accidentally bumped into him, and he thinks you're rude for not saying "sorry".
Your brain sorta panics as you sign the words...but from the way he stares at you, you realize he doesn't understand what you're saying.
By the time you get out your notepad, he's long gone, mumbling about being late to his shift.
Since then, you try being polite and wave to him anytime you see him in the street or at the saloon..but he just wonders why you're bothering him.
One thing he kept noticing at the bar was that you always gave your order to Gus on your notepad, and he starts thinking there is a reason you can't talk and you weren't just being a dick specifically to him that day.
Still, he doesn't ask you. You're probably gonna stop trying to befriend him sooner or later. So why should he care?
One day, you approach Shane while he's working at JojaMart and asked him where a certain food ingredient was, pointing to your shopping list..and you see that irritable look in his eye again.
He had customers mixing up things on the shelves and snapping at him for things outside his control--and you caught him on a rather bad day.
He says nothing and just points further down the isle, but you just smile and mouth "thank you", signing the words before continuing on.
Poor guy goes red, convinced you blew a kiss at him just now...and it's all he could think about for the rest of his shift.
The very next day, you show up at Marnie's place with a fresh pizza, asking if Shane was home.
He gets flustered as HELL when he realizes you were at the mart buying ingredients to make one of his favorite foods...and he acted like a total jackass.
You left a note inside the container, which basically tells him you're selectively mute and realized your farm was just down the road from his aunt's ranch.
After reading it, he awkwardly apologizes and asks for a fresh start, to which you just smile and nod.
Jas, at this point, can see he's got a crush on you.
After that was cleared up, you two become friends and hangout together at the saloon often or share a beer on the dock.
You don't talk, but tbh Shane appreciates the silence between you two. He didn't have to force conversation, and neither did you.
Although that also enables him to vent to you about how downtrodden and repetitive his life feels, with you simply listening and accompanying him home.
It doesn't change the fact he felt like a burden to everyone, and one night you found him on the cliffside, his face covered in mud and tears, ready to give up on the world.
In his drunken haze, he forgot you were mute and wants you to tell him why he shouldn't do it..
"No wait..I..forgot you can't-"
"Shane..I'm here for you." Your voice comes out low, hoarse, and a little shaky, but he stopped sobbing the moment he heard it..and he stares up at you in shock.
"S-So..you do speak.." He mumbles. "You sound....like--like an angel...fuck..maybe they do exist. So you'll...be here for me no matter what? Even if I did something stupid...?"
You simply nod, and that makes him change his mind.
He just can't believe that out of all the people in this town, you chose to open up to him--some sad sack of shit who was about to jump off the cliff--and decide he should be the one to hear your voice first.
You actually wanted him around. And you never hated him despite all the times he was rude to you..
After he nearly vomits all over your shoes, you take him to the hospital, knowing he needed Harvey's intervention, and since then you've been supportive of his recovery journey.
He only remembers bits and pieces from that night..although the one thing he couldn't forget was hearing your voice.
It was probably so difficult for you to find it again, and he appreciates you talking him down, even if you had to close up and go totally silent for the next few days or so.
If you ever go into why you became selectively mute, Shane will do his absolute best to understand (and maybe get a little overprotective in the process if someone makes fun of you for it).
But if not, he'll still defend you regardless.
You teach him a few general phrases in sign language, which he tries to grasp and eventually gets the hang of.
At some point down the line..he asks you out on a festival date after much pressure from Jas and Marnie, and you were so excited you nearly yelled out "YES"-
But instead managed to nod happily, taking his hand and dragging him towards the celebration without a second thought.
Soon that little date turns into a genuine relationship, with Shane eventually moving onto your farm to help you care for the crops and animals, switching to alternatives to beer and promising to cut back on the hours he spends at the saloon.
Some days you'll be away mining, fishing, slaying monsters, or helping the Junimos rebuild the community center, but other times you'll stay inside and just cuddle with him, your pet, and the chickens.
He was muddling over why you chose him (a lot of self doubt still festers inside of him), and you spoke to him again--this time to his sober-self.
That was "because I love you".
And yes...he did cry.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Top 5 most hilarious, ridiculous BT theories? 😂
I'm gonna give you my favorites in no particular order.
Ryliver is sleeping together. Why did this make the list? Well, 3 weeks ago I had people in my inbox telling me that Oliver and Lou are in love and Oliver is only going along to protect him from the buddie crazies, and that's why they're hiding Lou. Now Oliver is sleeping with Ryan and they are forcing the network to do what they want and conspiring to get Lou out. So like, which one is it? Is he with Ryan or Lou? Is he protecting him or trying to force him out? Can they pick a struggle? Probably not.
The what if episode without Eddie that's just buddie highlights with Eddie removed. The way they think that putting Buck in the same situations he's been with Eddie with an explicit love interest and having Buck have the same reaction helps them is hysterical. That would literally just further the idea that Buck is in love with Eddie, because if he has these reactions with someone he's romantically involved, then he has romantic feelings for Eddie. It's a very simple parallel they don't seem to understand. They also seemed to have forgotten that Tommy left the 118 before Buck joined so even without Eddie, it would not lead to bt. Also got me thinking "so you agree that buddie is romantic?" I would laugh if Tommy got shot tho, but don't you dare break the sanctity of the shooting.
That leads us to the "Tim only wrote Eddie so that he could bring Tommy in during season 7 and have him replace him." Somehow they think that they would write Eddie in to give his personality to some random character 6 seasons later because somehow, Tommy has been in the show longer in their heads, even though Hen Begins is 9 episodes after Eddie was introduced (I think they think that the begins episodes being earlier in the timeline means something it does not), so the spot was always meant to be Tommy's, Eddie was just a placeholder for Buck to kinda fall for but then choose Tommy so they then they could remove Eddie seamlessly. Doesn't make sense at all. I like that they admit that Buck is "kinda" in love with Eddie. Just a reminder that Ryan didn't audition, was brought in as a lead, and Eddie was written for him.
The Tommy is getting a spinoff week was also fun. I was legit rolling around on the floor with how much I was laughing. They had potential names. Plots. Buck was going to leave the 118. They were sending posters to Tim. They had the whole thing locked and loaded. And they kept talking about it like it was a sure thing for whatever reason. Highly entertaining. Was convinced they were rage baiting me until the spies confirmed they were in fact talking about a spinoff as if it was a done deal.
And boring but the invisible string thing. They somehow missed the way that Eddie was the one who restarted Buck's heart. That and the way that multiple people are on record saying that Lou was a last minute decision. And that he was brought in for Eddie. But sure, they absolutely took the time to pretend the relationship has been planned since season 2 when they changed it from Eddie to Buck mid filming the cruise. Totally happened.
Honorable mentions: the Chris has 3 dads and Tommy is somehow the better parent and the only one who can connect with him, and the Tommy is going to admit he was interested in Eddie, Eddie is going to admit he is interested in Tommy, Buck because he just loves them both so much is just going to accept being 50th choice.
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rdng1230 · 11 months
10 things Easily fixable about That thing that happened: look, killing off Izzy Hands was always gonna hurt like a bitch. And it was a stupid decision, but what really made it worse was how many ways they could have made it better and specifically didn’t, so here’s a list in no particular order of general things that I think would’ve made things suck less, and a couple different story fix proposals. Maybe if I write it all out I can move on a little bit.
I know it was for budgetary reasons but it bothered me Ivan was killed off with one sentence and never mentioned again. I think what would have worked is if Ivan had been a little more fleshed out in s1, and then had him die on screen at the hands of a particularly dickish British naval officer in 2x01. Cut to episode 7 and said dickish Brit is Ricky’s number two. Izzy could have willingly and purposefully drawn the fire of officer asshole, as an acknowledgement of his failure to save Ivan and his past failures to be a proper protector of blackbeards crew, and to save the crew he’s now realized is his family that he is willing to die for. In addition I think that would’ve helped set up the British as being an actual formidable bad guy, because up to this point they were the most looney tunes ass villains on the high seas. Also it would’ve been an interesting symmetry to have the loyal pirate first mate vs. the loyal imperialist scumbag first mate. Think of the banter people.
I hate it when bad events in stories are predicated on having highly intelligent characters be complete idiots. You’re telling me Izzy fucking hands didn’t check noseless wonder for weapons? Fuck off. At least have a fellow soldier toss ricky a musket or something, or just have another soldier shoot him.
I think the main issue here is agency. Yes everyone consented to going into battle that way, but Izzy’s shooting was unceremonious, it wasn’t like he charged somebody or acted as bait, he just got hit by a stray bullet (It’s giving “your shirt” and I fucking hate it Iykyk)
Literally no one attempted medical intervention to help Izzy. Roach isn’t gonna stuff a rag in there? Jim isn’t gonna pass a knife to help rip Izzy’s clothes to visualize the wound? Fang and Frenchie aren’t gonna hold his hand? We’re not even gonna fucking try?!?!
if they had to center Ed’s issues with Izzy’s literal dying words, could we have at least have it be a big character moment for Ed to say “yes the crew is my family, but they’re yours too and I promise I’ll take care of them and make amends” like if DJ is so convinced of this father mentor thing (which seriously what the fuck is he even talking about) what’s more par for the course in this trope then the ole “you’re the man of the house now son you gotta take care of the family” routine
look, I know they got a short episode that they have to keep short. Cut a minute of time out of that breathtakingly awkward fishing sequence from the beginning and give Izzy’s death some breathing room. FFS the fallout from Karl’s and Lucius’s finger’s death had more reaction and more airtime than Izzy Hands (and more effect on the story)
Ricky fucking got away and no one talks about it. It would’ve been great if literally anyone had said “yeah we’re going after that guy” or “we may have won the battle but the British are always out there and one of these days we’ll meet again” just an acknowledgement that one guerilla battle at the republic of pirates was never gonna be the end of it.
this one hits close to home for me. I live on a boat, my mother is a licensed 100 ton ship captain. We’re seafarers goddamit and when we shake off this mortal coil we are buried (or cremated and scattered) at sea. Izzy Hands would not have wanted a land burial and he would’ve wanted to be buried at sea like the distinguished pirate he is, by the crew that became his family.
This segues into the burial at sea thing but maybe don’t bury him without his leg on, like just don’t do that. Don’t put his cravat and mothers ring where anybody could just come along and yank it off, Jesus.
I think frenchie being captain was a weird choice tbh. I love frenchie but he is a jester, a troubadour, a fae walking among us, the worlds handsomest grifter, but this dude does not want to be captain. However, if you had to make him captain I think it would’ve been nice to have had a scene post amputation where Izzy deliriously tells frenchie all these bits of advice about being first mate/captain and how Izzy had failed to be a good one in the past. I just loved the frenchie izzy bond in general and I would’ve loved another extra scene with them. This also would’ve lended itself well to frenchie being the one to outwardly grieve (the box opening up finally) during that minute of breathing room post death that I mentioned was needed earlier, maybe he would’ve reprised la vie en rose, or played a shanty/wake song that everyone could join in on.
I’m sure there are other things too that I’ve forgotten, but I think this covers most of it. Let me also say Izzy’s death was hardly the only issue I had with the finale, but that moment was the most egregiously and easily fixable (or at the very least mitigable) plot point. At the end of the day I think Izzy should’ve just not fucking died, but if they were gonna kill him, there were so many more respectful ways to do it.
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fanatic-writers · 1 year
Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter Four: Bad Ideas
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A/n: Thanks for hanging in there and being patient with me on this one guys! School has gotten crazy and this part feels a little all over the place to me at the end but I just wanted to get it out to y'all and do something fun for me. Hopefully part five will be out in the coming week!
Word Count: 3825
Pairing: (Eventual) Din Djarin x Mandalorian!Reader
Warnings: Canon levels of violence but it's very tame, unedited like everything cause I'm lazy lol, lil bit o' angst
Summary: Reader is the Armorer's daughter and is also a foundling. She and Din have known each other for a long time but he was never quite able to break his shell. When the Mandalorians help Din escape with the child she is ordered to go to his ship to help him care for the thing.
Tag List: @theclassicvinyldragon @yeeteth-the-raven @crowbird
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Things had been slow since your last conversation with Din, the same routine of stopping every so often for food and odd jobs. He usually made you stick with the ship and the kid, knowing he’d be safer there with you than out with him. On one rare occasion, you had convinced him that you should be the one to go out and gather supplies, that he needed rest, but that seemed to be a one-and-done situation.
“Come on,” You pleaded as Din packed up a small bag to take with him on his errands. “You always get to go out and I love our little green guy but if I don’t get off this ship I’m going to shoot something.” “You don’t even like using blasters,” Din commented, fixated on his satchel. You sighed “Din…” you paused, not having used his name since you were a kid. Part of you hoped it might awaken something in him, something that you could prod at until he got tired of your company and sent you out. It seemed to work well enough because a few moments later he was tossing the satchel to you. “If you’re not back-“ He started but you interrupted him. “I’ll be fine, I think sometimes you forget we have the same training.” You chuckled lightly, giving a small wave to the child before heading out. When you had come back there were blaster marks on your suit and you were out of breath. “Don’t ask just get us the hell out of here.” You commanded, putting Din into a small panic you couldn’t see as he took off. He heard you mumbling something to yourself about people accusing you of stealing, something you promised him you didn’t do a couple of nights later when he asked about it.
The sound and feeling of the Razor Crest docking brought you from your thoughts. You looked around the hull of the ship you had landed in and frowned. The place gave you a bad feeling. Sure you’d run into plenty of criminals and places like this on Navarro where the guild had control of most things and what they didn’t’ were other small groups of criminals, but this was a different scale and you didn’t have a child to worry about back then. “You’ll stay here with the kid. I’m going to lock the ship up so no one will bother you and I should be back in a day or so.” Din spoke as if sensing your concern. “And I can’t just fly the ship away and come pick you up why?” You asked. Clearly uncomfortable with the idea. Something about the whole place just made your mind scream at you to get out. “Because you can’t fly.” Din sighed; you opened your mouth to object because he technically was wrong. You, in theory, could fly, just not well and you weren’t really the best at landing. “Fine. But if someone gets in here, I’m taking off. I don’t care if the whole place blows up because of it.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
A cry from the bunk signaled that the child was awake and also not exactly happy about the situation. Din followed you down, watching as you picked the kid up and cradled him in your arms. “It’s alright buddy, we’re still here. Mando is gonna be gone for a couple days.” You explained to the child. “Which means you’re stuck with me and next time it's his turn to babysit I’m pumping you full of sweets.” Din shook his head at your comment, a small chuckle making its way through his emulator. “You think it's funny now but I’m serious.” You spoke as he opened the door to the ship, quickly slipping out of it before closing you and the kid inside once more. You kept near the bunk, preparing a snack for the growing child. Every knock and noise from the outside had you on edge and the kid could sense it. He looked up at you with wide eyes and a frown. All you could do was sigh and be thankful that he couldn’t see the fear on your face. You’d been to a lot of places with Din, hell the most recent ones ended in shoot-outs, but this was the first time you felt unsafe. This was the first time something felt off. “It’s going to be ok Bug.” You told the child, placing him on the bunk and handing him his food.
While the child ate you busied yourself organizing things around the ship. It wasn’t possible for it to get too messy but you didn’t want to risk going into the captain's quarters and being seen so this was your next best option for keeping busy. Your plan was to feed the kid and then make something for yourself, hoping the child would go back to sleep after being fed since he hadn’t slept that long in the first place. You were moving around the rations, looking for something that would make a half decent meal when you heard tapping at the door. It sounded like the thrumming of fingers and you recognized it instantly. When you were younger Din had made a habit of making his entrance known to you. That being said he didn’t always want everyone in the commune to know that he was at your door, especially your mother who seemed intimidating to the younger Din. So instead of knocking he’d thrum his fingers against the wall, a way of letting you know he was coming without making it obvious as to what his intentions were. Of course, the others picked up on it rather quickly but to a new audience it would just seem like some sort of tick. You quickly closed the door on the sleeping quarters, ordering the child to stay put before going back to your work in hopes you’d look inconspicuous enough to whoever would make up the ships new crew. You were surprised when a droid was the one that walked in, Din standing behind him. “Take him up to the cockpit.” He told you and you could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I thought-“ you paused looking between the droid and Mando “Change of plans.” He sighed and you eyed the crew that surrounded the table behind him
You made sure everything was in its place and the child was hidden away before the rest of the group stepped on board. The droid, who had left briefly, went back to its spot in the cockpit and you frowned. “There’s another one.” The bald man spoke up “Two Mandalorians, why were you keeping this one hidden away huh?” “Because she isn’t a part of the mission,” Mando spoke firmly, his entire attitude had changed from when he’d left. He was stiffer, almost puffing his chest out like he was putting on a show. “She?” The twi’lek spoke up next, getting right up close to you and inspecting your form. You stood your ground, eyes not breaking contact with her despite the fact that she wouldn’t see it through your helm. “Is this why you left us Mando?” “No.” He spoke before moving up to the cock pit. You opted to stay down with the rest of the crew, not wanting to risk them finding the child. That and you didn’t want to seem afraid of them. You knew if they could sense even an ounce of fear they wouldn’t leave you alone. You sat opposite of the man and the twi’lek as the Devonian man paced the ship. They didn’t exactly make good company and you felt that being too talkative would ruin any reputation you had with them. You didn’t know these people, you thought that they might have introduced themselves, but you hadn’t been paying much attention. What you did know was that you didn’t trust them and you wanted to be more than ready to defend yourself, the child, and Din should it come down to it.
The trio seemed rather bored and you hadn’t moved an inch since you sat down, the demon guy must’ve thought you had fallen asleep because he started to push buttons, trying to figure out what they were for. You turned to look at him, frowning when the armory opened up. You watched as he made his way over to the wall of weapons, standing from your spot. “I wouldn’t mess around with things that aren’t yours.” You spoke up finally “She thinks she can stop me.” He spoke in a gruff voice, the other two laughing. You made a move to step forward but the door shut before you could get too far and Din pushed past you to get to him. The bald man, you think he had called himself Mayfeld at some point, quickly did what he could to dissolve the tension between the two, at least enough to stop the brewing fight. It really went all downhill from there. “Why do we even need a Mandalorian anyway?” The demon asked resulting in a short conversation about your people. A conversation that left you on edge with the mention of the slaughter of those who live on Mandalore. When the talk shifted to the fact that the both of you couldn’t show your faces you grew even more tense and agitated with the people you were forced to call guests. “What about you sweetheart?” Mayfeld asked “You wanna show us those pretty little eyes you got hiding under there.” You clenched your jaw, staying quiet as you stared the man down. “That’s alright, we don’t gotta trust you. We just gotta trust him.” He turned his attention back to Din and you notice the Devonian take another step closer to the man beside you. “You ever seen his face?” Mayfeld asked the Twi’lek, Xi’an you’d learned now that you were paying attention “A lady never tells.” She smiled, looking between the two of you and you did your best to ignore the pit in your stomach. There was some mention that they may have been close before and you had tried not to let it get to you. You couldn’t imagine Din with someone like her, someone who didn’t seem to respect him or his creed. You noticed Mayfeld nod to the Devonian who approached and made it clear he was going to remove Din’s helm. You were about to punch the man in the face but Din beat you to it, grabbing him and tossing him back behind him. His fingers must’ve hit the command center to the sleeping quarters because in an instant the door was open and the child was staring at the scene before him.
If you thought your body was tense before that was nothing compared to how you felt now as you looked into the eyes of your little bug. You wanted to reach out and grab him, pull him into your arms, and keep him safe from the people on the ship but Mayfeld had other plans. He moved past you, talking about his failed attempts at previous pets. You knew that the kid was more than that to Din but it was safer not to correct him. Instead, you watched as he took the child into his arms, pretending to drop him. “Maybe it’s hers,” Mayfeld spoke up when the crew had all decided it didn’t make sense for Din to have a pet. “Or maybe they’re going to eat it.” The Devonian spoke once more. Before you had a chance to speak you were being thrown back into the wall and then onto the floor. You were thankful for your proximity to Mayfeld and the child as the kid slipped from his grasp. You were able to dive out and catch him before he could tumble to the floor. It had caused you to roll down the open space of the ship, almost right under Din. “You alright?” he spoke softly, letting his guard slip for a brief moment only you would see. You nodded, keeping the child close to your chest before looking down at him. “He’s good too.” You practically whispered before pushing yourself up once the ship had steadied.
You took the child back to the bed and closed the door, watching as Din got to work. You weren’t exactly fond of the way Xi’an and Mayfeld looked at him, or the way you could barely hear her whisper something. At least you’d be on the ship, you could be a sort of backup should Din need it. You paced around the ship, waiting as patiently as you could for his return.
He hated this job, he knew he shouldn’t have taken it and he knew he should’ve backed out when the Crest got involved. It was clear he was pretty much on his own, just a number and someone that was expendable to the rest of his crew. That was made even more clear when he had to take down the droids on the ship on his own. He was well aware that the other three were just standing there watching him when they could have been suppressing fire or doing literally anything to help. He just had to get this over with. Then he could get back to you and the kid and the three of you would never have to see these people again. When he saw the human on the ship Din realized once again that this was a mistake. He’d stopped doing jobs like these for a reason. There was nothing honorable about them. Maybe when he was younger and trying to build a reputation there was. Back then he had convinced himself he was doing something good at least. Now he knew the likelihood of the rest of his so called team ending an innocent life was high. What had he gotten himself into, what had he gotten you into? He worried that you’d think of him differently after this, that whatever semblance of a friendship you’d started to rebuild together would crumble to the ground when you saw how checkered his past was. He just had to keep them from killing the poor man in front of them who was just trying to do his job. “Hey, hey listen to me ok.” Din spoke up while Mayfeld and Xi’an bickered. He holstered his blaster and put his hands up, the looks from the others not going unnoticed. “What’s your name.” “D-Daven.” The man answered, his fear clearly written on his face. “We’re not here for you Daven. We’re here for a prisoner. If you cooperate we’ll let you go with your life.” He tried to reason with the young man although Mayfeld had other plans. Son Din did the only thing he could think to do, he pulled his blaster on Mayfeld. In the chaos that action caused Xi’an threw her blade across the room, killing Daven. “Would you both just shut up?” She rolled her eyes as she got up and retrieved the blade. No one seemed to care about the signal that was now sent out, letting the New Republic know what they were up to.
You heard the droid give the warning to the crew from the cockpit, a frown etched onto your face. You looked down at the connection between the ships and back at the closed door that the child was behind. They had twenty minutes. You’d give him 10. You really needed to establish some form of com link between the two of you for situations like these. Granted you hadn’t exactly found yourself in this exact situation before you found yourself craving a way to make sure Din was safe more often than not. You had heard Mayfeld say something about getting them off the ship right around the ten-minute mark and decided maybe it would just be best for you to stay put. Whatever the droid had found out didn’t exactly matter if it meant Din would be back soon. And then there was the word that someone had escaped. The light below you had turned red and you were far too focused on what that meant for Din to notice that the child had escaped the spot you’d left him. You dropped yourself down into the ship, blaster in hand before you slipped behind a corner, ready to strike at whoever came down your path. You nearly jumped out of your bones when you had been waiting for what felt like hours just for Din to put a hand on your shoulder “How did you-?” You asked, a hand flying to your chest as you tried to steady your breathing. “Saw you on the cameras.” He spoke softly, he looked you over for a moment before stepping in front of you, leading you back to the entry to the ship. You hadn’t rounded the corner just yet when you heard Mando speak up again. You spotted another twi’lek, he looked somewhat similar to Xi’an and as they spoke you slowly started to piece things together in your head. “Get back to the ship.” Mando spoke to you, “Now.” He finished when you showed signs of hesitation. You waited for a moment before slipping past the Qin and up to the ladder. It was then that you saw the droid staring into bunk. You didn’t hesitate, you just aimed and shot, hitting the thing in the back and through the chest. When it crumbled to the ground you moved to the child and scooped him up, setting him in your lap as you sat in the bunk and locked yourself in. You’d had enough of the day and at the moment all you wanted to know was that the child and Din were safe. Since the Mandalorian had seemed to be fine you settled for holding the child close and curling up in the bunk. It wasn’t the most comfortable with all your armor on but you made it work and the child didn’t seem to mind.
It wasn’t until he had dropped off Qin and entered hyperspace that Din let himself move down to the hull of the ship. It was rare that he left the area while flying but he had switched on autopilot and they would be safe for the time being. He moved down to the bunk and thrummed his fingers against the door before opening it. You were still curled up on your side but you looked in his direction when the door opened. “We won't have to worry about them again.” He spoke, staying still as you slowly rolled onto your back and sat up, moving deeper into the bunk so your back was against the wall. You stayed quiet but patted the spot in front of you before curling your legs into your chest to give him more space. “You just do stuff like that all the time?” You asked finally, your voice soft. Din moved to sit in front of you, sitting with crossed legs, his back leaning against the right wall of the bunk. “Not all the time. Left it behind for a reason.” “And you and the twi’lek?” You tried not to sound as disappointed about it as you were. “I was young and stupid.” Din sighed “It was just after everything happened with my mentor,” he admitted to you “I thought it would make things better. It didn’t” “So that was where you ran off to all those years ago.” You raised a brow head tilting to the side “Those were the kinds of people you left me for, left us for?” You tried not to sound hurt or angry but it was hard. It was hard knowing that back then Din would’ve rather had been with a group of people who didn’t care if he lived or died rather than you. “You thought I left you?” Din turned to look at you, he supposed he had now that he thought about it. “I didn’t want to but I couldn’t be there anymore. I had to get out, to do something.” You shook your head “So you ran around with a bunch of criminals? At least when you’re hunting bounties they’re usually bad people.” You huffed looking away from them. “And yeah, I did. You were eighteen and you just disappeared. You didn’t say goodbye and you never talked to me again aside from a brief hello when you came back.” At this point, you had given up on trying to conceal the bite in your tone. “I spent my time wondering where in the universe you were and you were out almost getting yourself killed for reasons that aren’t even worth it. Reasons that I’m not even sure follow our creed. And then you just showed back up again and pretended like I didn’t exist.” “I didn’t want to bother you,” Din mumbled but he knew it was useless, he knew how you got when you were worked up. It had just been a while since he was on the receiving end. “I’m not done, Din!” You huffed, uncurling yourself “I waited for you, I waited and waited and you did nothing, you said nothing. I could barely get a hello out of you. You’ve spoken to me more in the past couple of weeks than you have in 20 years Din.” You had gotten so worked up you didn’t even know what you were mad about at this point, you were just plain mad and Din was the closest thing to take it out on. You’d regret it later, you knew that, but you didn’t care. “And now you just want to pretend like nothing happened. You want to go play hero for people and pretend like you didn’t abandon me for years. Like the commune hasn’t looked on me in pity for the last 20 years because as far as they were concerned you pretty much left me at the kriffen altar.” You huffed out your last breath, feeling tears well in your eyes “You said we were friends once and you were wrong. We were so much more than that and you know it but you didn’t care.” Your head sunk to your knees and your body shook with the excess emotion. “Cyar’ika…” Din mumbled, hedging his bets and getting closer to you “Don’t- Don’t call me that and think that makes everything ok.” You huffed, not daring to look up at him because you knew you’d break if you did.
Din sighed, he pressed his helmet against yours for a brief moment before moving back to the pilot's seat. He knew an apology wouldn’t matter to you now, so he thought he’d just give you space until the time was right to tell you just how sorry he was.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay this is a follow up to this post because I’ve had more time to think about it and I have more to say after all.
Lesson 25 round two here we go! Sorry Asmo, you’re still not in this one, just know that you’re beautiful and I love you.
The truth is that I was just trying to find a way for what happened to be some kind of trick. And I like to hold out hope that it still is somehow, but I’m not going to speculate about it or try to prove that is somehow the case.
Instead, I want to talk about why I feel this way.
More than anything else, it feels extremely out of character for Barbatos to have such a minor reason for acting the way he has been this whole time.
If they were only setting up that whole thing in order for it to be a joke, they should have made his insults less intense or revealed it far earlier.
Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely think that Barbatos would be upset about finding he’s eighth on the list, especially after everything he’s done for Solomon. I am not at all saying that I think he didn’t have a reason to be upset or that it doesn’t make sense for his feelings to be hurt.
What doesn’t make sense is his reaction.
Barbatos has always been reserved. He never really shows strong emotions at all and in fact I think I’ve mentioned several times that this particular situation is the one exception. It stands out because it’s so unlike him. Which led me to believe that whatever his reason for being so angry was, it had to be something big.
In fact, I was so convinced that Solomon did something really terrible to Barbatos that I didn’t believe Sol when he said he couldn’t remember what it was. I was like there’s no way you don’t remember doing something so bad that it makes Barbatos act like this. That just can’t be true.
But if it really was just the list thing, then yeah. Of course Solomon doesn’t remember. He was like ??? Did I make a list?
Barbatos’s reaction is way too over the top for something so small.
I would have expected him to call Solomon out on it immediately, the moment he found the list. Because it also doesn’t seem like Barbatos to keep it a secret this whole time. Which is another reason I thought it was going to be something more dramatic.
Barbatos says some really mean things to Solomon and while it can be entertaining for a normally reserved character to do that, it also needs to have a legit reason. And this just didn’t cut it in my mind.
This reason makes Barbatos seem childish and petty which is not something he’s ever been before. (At least not that I can remember.)
So. Here’s where I get into the speculation about why this is the way they went.
Either we’re dealing with what I would consider bad writing and they legit just had the whole thing set up to make this joke OR something else is going on.
The something else could be anything at this point. I could get into theories about this being Barb from a different timeline for whom this isn’t out of character for some reason, Barb having a totally different reason but didn’t feel he could say it in front of MC, maybe I’ve been wrong all along and there aren’t two Sols but actually two Barbs (or at the very least someone masquerading as Barb).
But really, I could speculate all day and I don’t think I’ve ever been right about anything because this game is constantly throwing me for a loop.
So for now I will just say that I didn’t particularly like the big reveal here. It just felt wrong to me, for the reasons listed above. But I’m gonna roll with it now because it might not be anything more than what they’ve shown us. Which means I just gotta come to terms with it.
Personally, I much prefer when my girls aren’t fighting. Barbatos has some epic insults, but can’t he fling them at someone else? I like when Barbatos and Solomon are getting along and have their close friendship where they trust each other like in the OG. Bring it back to that!
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Sweet Things
Writing pointless huntlow fluff in preparation for For The Future, indulge me.
“Wow Willow, you really went all out with the florals!” Luz exclaimed as she opened the door for the plant witch and her impressive selection of dahlias in every possible color.
“Thanks!” Willow said brightly, setting them down to go prepare a vase. “They reminded me of your mom’s tablecloth I found in the hall closet so I thought it would be a fun addition to our special dinner for tonight!”
“It’ll be like an explosion of color!” Luz exclaimed, examining the colorful folded fabric Willow had placed on the counter. “We haven’t gotten to use that tablecloth in awhile, it’s got a huge rip on the side from when I tried to use it as a parachute.”
“Oh, I didn’t even notice,” said Willow, making a mental note to ask about that story later on. “Well, I bet Hunter could fix it.” She finished filling the case with water and called out to the next room. “Hey, hon?”
“Yes?” Came Hunter’s voice, quickly followed by him sticking his head in the doorway.
“Do you think you could fix the tear in the table cloth for me? I wanna make the table look fancy and it matches the flowers I made for the center piece perfectly.”
“Of course!” Hunter said brightly, walking over to take the fabric from the counter. He gathered some sewing supplies from the drawer in the kitchen and set up at the kitchen table as he accessed the work that needed to be done.
“Yay! Thanks so much,” said Willow with a smile, placing the flowers in the vase and admiring the presentation. “I’m gonna go finish up some things outside then I’ll be back to help set the table.”
As Hunter and Willow went to carry on with their tasks, Luz said at the counter wondering if she had misheard Willow. As Hunter focused on his repair work, Luz looked at him with confusion as though an explanation was in order. After a minute, he looked up to find her eye on him and offered her his own look of confusion. “What?”
“Willow just called you ‘hon.’” She stated as though he wasn’t aware.
“Yeah?” he said, not seeing her point. “It’s short for Hunter, like Hun-ter.”
“Are you sure it’s not short for ‘honey?”
“I mean, she calls me that sometimes too,” he said nonchalantly. “But, I guess that’s not technically short for Hunter since it’s the same amount of syllables.” 
“Hunter, Willow is not calling you honey because it’s short for Hunter.”
“I know, I just said it’s the same amount-.”
“No dude, I think she means honey likes actual honey.”
Well, maybe? I guess it’s probably because my hair is yellow which is the same color as honey.” Hunter reasoned. “I mean, her palisman is a bee so it makes sense she would know a decent amount about that.”
“Hmmm maybe,” said Luz, not convinced. “But I think it’s because she thinks you’re so sweet just like honey.” She reached out to pinch his cheek and used the baby voice she would speak to King with. “Aww, look at you! Willow’s widdle honey baby boy.”
“Stop that!” he said, turning his face away from her. “It’s probably just because she really likes bees-.”
“Or because she really likes yoooou.” said Luz, not convinced or willing to be wrong about this. “Alot of people call someone honey when they’re, ya know, more than friend.”
The tips of Hunter’s ears turned bright red at the suggestion.
“W-w-well that’s just silly!” He said, not sounding like he believed his own words. “I’ve never heard you and Amity call each other that!”
“No, but she calls me her batata which means sweet potato,” said Luz.
“Do... all terms of endearment have to be food related?”
“I mean, I guess not?” said Luz. “But honey is a pretty common one.”
“What are... other common ones?” Said Hunter clearing his throat, trying to seem like he was focused on his sewing and internally hyperventilating about how oblivious he possibly was.
“Whyyyy?” Asked Luz with a smirk that seemed to read his mind.
“No reason, just curious,” he lied, as there very much was a reason.
“I dunno like ‘sweetie’ I guess?” Luz racked her mind for a list of examples.
Hunter squeaked. Luz looked over and saw he had stabbed himself with a needle, as though something about what she said had distracted him.
She gave a little gasp. “Does she call you sweetie?” Luz asked, raising her eyebrow.
“She calls me a lot of things!” He said, sucking on the tip of the finger he has stabbed. “I mean, okay, she calls me flower names-.”
“What? Like what?!”
“She calls me daffodil, sometimes...” Hunter said quietly, the redness from his ears spreading to the rest of his face. “And like, sunflower I guess. But it’s not-.”
“Well you can’t deny that Willow loves flowers,” teased Luz with a smirk. ”Awww, are you her little flower?”
“Wellmaybeiamandyourejustjealous.” Hunter mumbled quickly and almost too quietly.
“What was that?” Luz joyfully inquired.
“Maybe I am and you’re just jealous,” repeated Hunter, not looking at her as he tried to focus on threading his needle. “I mean, you can’t expect me to believe that Willow doesn’t give nicknames to anyone else.”
“There’s a difference between a nickname and a term of endearment.”
That much Hunter did know. He knew what titles commanded respect and which ones were meant to ridicule. The only other nicknames he had received had been negative or ironic, two things Willow was definitely not towards him. He knew the nicknames she gave him came from a place of admiration, but he never dared to dream that it was such a... unique admiration. 
“So like, someone would use these terms for someone they... liked?” Hunter asked carefully. 
“More than just liked.” Luz said. “Like, liked-liked.”
“Sometimes like which times?” Hunter asked urgently. “Like, is it possible it’s just a coincidence and it’s just purely platonic because Willow just has a vast knowledge of plants that resemble my hair color?”
“I mean, some people use them that way, yeah,” said Luz trying to hide the delight she took in Hunter’s panicked expression. “But I’ve never heard Willow call anyone else ‘honey.’ In fact, I think that’s what her dads call each other. Ya know, her dads who are in looove.”
“So that could be... why.” Hunter said slowly, unable to deny that it made sense. Unable to deny that he was kind of glad that it did.
“Do you have any nicknames for her?” Luz asked, putting her hand under her chin as she took delight in watching Hunter process this new possibility.
“I mean, I call her Captain but that’s more her title than a nickname,” said a Hunter, searching his mind. “Should I have one for her?”
“I mean, if you want to, yeah,” said Luz. “It’s not like a requirement or anything but it could be a cute way to let her know that you like her too.”
“I’m not... very good nicknames,” admitted Hunter and Luz noted happily that he did not deny the implication that he liked Willow. “Most of the ones I've given have had more literal connotations and not in a nice way. And I’ve never really had a reason to use a term of endearment, what are some good ones?”
“My dude, you’ve come to the right place,” assured Luz, pulling out her phone where she kept a list in her notes for just such an occasion.
Hunter sat at the table looking down at his hands as he practiced what he wanted to say in his head. When Willow walked through the door he stood up, holding the folded tablecloth close to his chest as she reentered the kitchen, trying to seem relaxed.
“Oh, uh hi!” He said as though he had not been waiting for her to return. He held the result of his labor out to her. “I finished the tablecloth. Good as new.”
“Oh no, it’s even better!” She smiled, taking it from him to admire the skillful repair. She unfolded it and twirled around the kitchen with it like she had just been given a gown for the ball.  “Now it’s got that special Hunter touch, thanks so much buttercup!”
“Of course!” He said, taking the use of the word as a sign to test the waters. “Anytime... babe.”
Willow stopped spinning as her ears perked at the word and she quickly turned her head from admiring the craftsmanship to looking at him in slight disbelief. “What did you say?”
Hunter gulped. Maybe she really just hadn’t heard him?
“I said, uh, anytime babe.” He repeated quicker, leaning against the doorframe hoping it sounded more natural this time as he landed the sentiment with finger guns. He tried not to linger on the word so it wouldn’t seem like her was trying so hard but he did want her to notice so she would notice that he noticed that she-
“Oh, yeah,” Willow cleared her throat. “That’s uh, that’s what I thought you said.” Her voice seemed labored, as though she was trying to adjust her breathing. “Well, uh thanks again... uh Hunter.”
Just Hunter? No marigold? No honey? Not even dandelion? Titan, he had ruined everything! Why had he listened to Luz? Willow hadn’t been calling him those things because she liked him more than a friend! She was just being creative! 
“Of course, of course,” he said, now seeing it was his turn to steady his breathing. “Maybe we should uh, start setting up the table? Camila will be back with the take out soon.”
“Yeah, I wonder if we’ll need any sugar.” Willow pondered, still learning when sugar was needed and when salt was meant to be put out. 
“Any what?” Hunter asked as though she had not finished her thought.
Willow looked at him with a raised eyebrow before she understood what he thought he had heard her say. “Oh no, I meant actual sugar,  like for the table.” Willow clarified, a soft crimson dancing across the bridge of her nose as she realized he had a reason to be confused; she had called him that numerous times.
“Right, right yes of course,” said Hunter, embarrassed trying to look busy as he fetched the plates from the higher cabinet. “But um would you... like if we put sugar on the table? Like, would you say that you... like sugar?”
“Well yeah, I like sweet things,” she said as she gathered the forks and knives. She looked across the table at him, meticulously placing the plates an even distance from each other. Clover flew over and sat atop his head, resting peacefully like Hunter was the sweetest smelling flower she had ever come across. Hunter was so used to this action by now that it did not deter his focus and he subconsciously reached up and scratched her head with his finger and the palisman nuzzled against it affectionately. “You of all people should know that.”
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wolfdog-weatherman · 3 months
Oh PHIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL i am twirling into your inbox like a ballerina
thanks :]
Thank you so much for this this is EVERYTHING!!! to me
SO. Ultimately I do think the happy ending that we see is what really happened, but I still love to theorize and there are a lot of cool ones on the internet, so I’m gonna make a list of some of my faves. So buckle up!
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1. Probably one of the most popular internet theories is the “purgatory theory”, which proposes that Phil died early on in the movie/musical and the time loop is his personal purgatory that he must escape.
I think my favorite part about this theory is all the different ways people think that Phil could have died; such as freezing to death when he left the van to talk to the cop or from getting hit by the shovel when he’s in the gas station.
2. The theory that Ned Ryerson is causing the time loop in order to sell insurance to Phil is probably the funniest one to me, and it also has a surprising amount of canon backing?
The only day where Phil buys all of Ned’s insurance is also the day he breaks out of the loop, and the way Ned approaches Phil to tell him that they went to high school together is uncannily similar to how Phil convinces Nancy of the same thing. So it’s interesting to think the Ned learned this about Phil and then put him in a time loop solely to sell some insurance lolllol.
3. Probably my favorite theory ever is video game theory. Idk what to say I just think explaining the loop by proposing that Phil is just a video game protagonist and the time loop represents a save point is really cool!!
I also fucking love undertale and I could draw parallels between Phil and Flowey for hours but that’s another post. Additionally I enjoy the idea that when Phil dies over and over it’s just the player getting super pissed and ramming their character into every hazard in the game.
Also this isn’t really a theory but I like the idea that Phil commits all of the seven deadly sins before he gets out of the loop.
Wrath- Taking revenge on the people that bothered him before the loop, such as punching Ned in the face numerous times.
Sloth- Sitting around memorizing Jeopardy episodes.
Gluttony- Gorging himself on breakfast foods.
Envy- His envy for the popularity of the groundhog as well as possibly envy for his colleagues.
Greed- Robbing banks.
Lust- Seducing practically every woman in Punx. using his ability.
Pride- His greatest character flaw.
So yeah thanks for the awesome ask Eddie this is one of my fave ghd topics !!!! ♥️♥️
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future-boi · 10 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
Thanks to @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans for tagging me.
tbh this is just a song rec list LMAO [easier to open in a browser fyi]
1) Spell your name in songs
Y'all get two for the price of one cuz I couldn't decide if I wanted to go with all non-English songs or not.
The non-English songs are labeled with 🧋 in case you wanna avoid 🤪
Warning: Most of the songs in english have swear words so... just in case u got kids or ur strict parents around LMAO.
⚡️ F: Fighter Not a Lover
aro/ace people gonna love that shit ^ + no swear words
alt: fml u fucked me up
⚡️ U: URARA🧋
It translates to 'Oo-la-la', which I now realize is the magazine Biff was carrying around in the second movie... this was unintentional and the meaning of the song is very wholesome, trust me
alt: Upside Down
⚡️ T: this was a demo for this one song...
That one's like 50% f-bombs ^ i love it
alt: Toxic but its NOT Brittany, B*tch 💅
The most aggressive entry on this list
⚡️ U: Up Up and Away
The only f-bomb is in the second verse
alt: Unmei no Roulette Mawashite 🧋
'unmei' means 'destiny' so you know I had to include it
⚡️ R: Raining in Manila (half 🧋)
Couple of dudes just vibin' out in the studio, what's not to love?
^im convinced this is what suburbanites see in their nightmares
⚡️ E: Electricity (half 🧋)
alt: Extensyon
Both make up the most WHOLESOME entry in this
⚡️ -(hyphen): Hatid Sundo 🧋
Baby. Baby boi. Baby. vibes ^
alt: Hell to Sell
EVIL. vibes ^
🚫🧢 I have a problem with tonal whiplash. Did I cheat and use the hyphen to include the most wholesome and cute song right before pulling out the lowkey most scandalous song in the list? YES.
Just realized it doesn't work as well if you can't understand it, but trust me. I mean just listening to its vibes is enough 😩
⚡️ B: Balik Sa Umpisa 🧋
Any song that samples/remixes 'Stand By Me' is a W in my book.
alt: Bodybag
I'm just self-reporting at this point.
Ok the rest are very wholesome songs I swear
⚡️ O: Oretachi Rookies 🧋
alt: Oh, Imagine That
ok this one's tied for most wholesome in the list
⚡️ I: I/Me/Myself
gnc/nb people gonna love this shit ^
alt: I Really Like You
that was a struggle, R is the top pick to check out imo. E, O and I are the wholesome ones with no swear words if u care.
2) Why did you choose your URL?
Its based. ..off the song in the musical. I got back into the fandom because of the musical so I owe it that much. 'boi' sounds more gender-neutral than 'boy'
3) What is your middle name?
That's a secret!
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
5) Favorite color?
Purple. Lavender/Periwinkle specifically.
6) Song you love right now?
What? 🧋 The amount of crackhead energy, but genuine emotion... AND AESTHETIC. it was literally made for me LMAO Ken is so aggro but hes singing about not littering. like why is he so intimidating-- but i support the eco-friendly king. but fr the song is about waving ur flag with pride??? PRIDE???? and they look androgynous asf??? whats not to love
7) Top four fandoms? (Current Fandoms?)
Back to the Future
That's it
jk uhhh, Invincible
Thats it, dont wanna get into past fandoms rn
8) Tag nine people
mf u think i know 9 people??
im playin, lemme tag some cool people... not that u have to do this, i just wanted to bother u 🤪 but feel free to do it, i wanna hear other music 🥺🥺🥺
⚡️ @jowritesfanfiction my inspo, my density, ILY. Im never shy bout bothering u in my posts HAVE U GOTTEN THE RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST ME YET 🤪🤪😭😭😭 ive tagged this mf in every other post istg
⚡️ @moth-makay ur great frfr 😭😭 all the hugs. r u gonna post more art??? cuz u shouuuld 🥺
⚡️ @bttf-dork ur name and pfp give comfy vibes??? its very endearing. dunno how to describe it, but i like seeing u in my notifs 🥰 bUT UR ART DOHHH. immaculate. underrated.
⚡️ @pepsifox88 i hope u continue to cook ✨ everyone go and GIVE THEM SUPPORT, I AM NO LONGER ASKING
and to the rest of u, thank u for liking a bunch of my work, whenever i see long lists of likes like that, or if i see ur name often 'nuff, i always notice 😇, i never know how to say thank you!!
Didn't include everyone, but just know that i noticed you!!! 💝
watch me get reported for harassment by all these people 😂
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Okayyy get ready because the time has come and we are doing this (disclaimer: these are just my personal views and I'm not trying to convince anybody to agree with me, this is just me listing which characters I think are aroacespec and why)
Amnesia aroacespec headcanons in order of least to most controversial
#4 - Henri Clement
Henri being aromantic just makes sense to me. Romance doesn't ever come up in his story, it's all about him and his best friend! An incident with a barmaid is mentioned, though unspecified, so I just don't really know what that's about??? But also the Bunker was released just around the same time as the first-ever international aromantic day of visibility, sooo... Also I don't know if he's also ace, but personally I think he probably is, he's at least the one on this list who in my opinion is the closest to being fully aroace (like me :D)
#3 - Justine Florbelle
Now I know we've already jumped to a ridiculously controversial character here, so you know the last two are really gonna be a doozy haha, but ANYway, Justine obviously loves having people be attracted to her, but she herself never experiences any attraction to any of her Suitors. She just loves to feel loved and feel "beautiful," but she doesn't love any of them in return. I don't know about her being ace honestly, I considered sex positive ace for her but maybe she does feel the sexual attraction but not the romantic? Definitely romance favorable aro, but I'm interested in other people's opinions on the sexual attraction part of it. But last but not least, let's address the elephant in the room- Clarice. I personally believe that Justine and Clarice are in an alterous relationship. It's not necessarily romantic but it's not necessarily platonic, it just is what it is between them and what's important to them is that they love each other, not exactly what kind of love that is. That's my take
#2 - Alexander von Brennenburg
Ohhh yeah here's where I'm really gonna lose people, but I'm gonna be totally honest... I don't understand why everyone in the fandom sees Alexander as a slut??? I don't see that in him in the game at all, he's CLEARLY wholly devoted to his love (who I personally believe to be Temaku based on a note in Rebirth). Everything Alexander does, spending hundreds of years just to open this portal, is all just to be with his love again. So why would he be sleeping around and falling in love with Agrippa, Weyer, Daniel, or ANYone? I don't get the fandom interpretation of Alexander being a whore or polyamorous, I think in the game he's monogamous to a disturbing and unhealthy degree and it's part of what makes his character... who he is. So in my eyes, Alexander is demigay (I do understand the take that Alexander seduced Daniel to manipulate him without actually being in love with Daniel, but not Alexander falling in love with him for real)
Last but not least...
#1 - Daniel
Cue the screaming
Look. LOOK. Okay. Every single protagonist, even the two others I've mentioned here, have mention of sex and/or romance in their personal stories. Justine, obviously, Oswald, ALL THE TIME, Tasi, had a husband and children, Henri, incident with the barmaid, but Daniel.... nothing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. It never comes up, and to me that's because he's not ever.. thinking about it. It's not something that's on his mind because it's not something that he feels or desires. He just really likes archeology and history and his sister and that's all :)
That being said...
I do think Daniel is not 100% aroace. I see him more in the gray or demi area, but it's very very very rare for him. Case in point, I do think he had a bit of a crush on Alexander, but I think that was his first crush so he didn't recognize what those feelings were or why he was feeling them. I think Alexander could tell that Daniel had a crush on him though, and thought it was cute and funny but also used it to his advantage (though not by outright seducing him since Daniel didn't know he had a crush). So Daniel in my head is also demigay, or graygay, but most of the time is pretty much aroace
Plus honorable mention - Tihana!! I think it fits with what little we hear about her backstory
Those are my thoughts and feelings I've been sitting on for a year because I'm tired of people bashing aroace headcanons, but that's been happening less and less the last couple years and I've been going through a lot so I think I deserve to indulge myself a little
Also just a reminder that I'm not claiming these to be canon or trying to convince anybody to see things my way! This is just what I think and why :))
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pantoneyoongi · 2 years
neon signs | whenever you need me
title ; whenever you need me pairing ; campus crush!yoongi x campus crush!you 
notes ; 
this is part of the neon signs drabble series, where drabbles are released in random order (but listed chronologically in the masterlist!) 
series description ;
namjoon doesn’t think it can get any clearer outside of yoongi building a giant neon sign saying i have the absolute biggest crush on you but apparently, book smarts don’t exactly translate when it comes to you and your massive crush on min yoongi. 
(alternatively: namjoon and hoseok try for three years straight to get you and yoongi together.) 
word count ; 1.2k
tags ; baby angst in the form of a bad day, bye this one made me so soft, gonna go cry brb, pls go to masterlist for more / general tags 
it’s not that bad. it’s really not that bad. 
that’s what you try to convince yourself of, even as the tears well up in your eyes anyway as you stare out from inside the building. it’s raining outside, the cherry on top of your unreasonably bad day. 
you don’t know what went wrong today. maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. but you feel miserable and every little thing seems to be going wrong, a series of minor inconveniences that keep building up and up and up until you’re standing here in near tears just because it’s raining outside and you forgot your umbrella. 
i have a hood, you try to reason with yourself. i could make a run for it. except your dorm is on the other side of campus and even if you did make a run for it, there’s no doubt you would get soaked. 
your fingers clutch miserably at the test papers you have in your hands. your shitty score stares back at you and, frustrated, you yank your backpack off your shoulders to shove the offending papers into your bag. you’re biting back tears with everything you have because nothing that happened today feels like a good enough reason to start crying. sure, you slipped earlier and now your jeans have dirt stains on them. but your knees weren’t scraped. sure, you were almost late to class because for some reason the entrance you usually use was locked and you had to run all the way around to the other side of the building just to get in. but you made it on time. and sure, your test scores are in the dumpster, but your overall grade in this class is high enough to keep you from dropping too low. 
but it’s raining and you don’t have an umbrella and everything has gone wrong today and namjoon is still in class so he can’t come get you and tell you everything will be okay like he always does. 
he’s blowing up your phone now, even ignoring his professor - namjoon always pays attention in class - just to try and make you feel better. you’ve been complaining and whining to him all day, which isn’t necessarily a new thing, but namjoon knows you too well and knows something about today is different. today is pushing you to your limits. 
the buzzing of your phone switches from the short text vibrations to longer ones, and you pull your phone out of your pocket, frowning. namjoon wouldn’t call you from class. he knows you’d nag him for ditching class just to try and make you feel better. 
instead, you see yoongi’s contact lighting up your phone. the picture is one you took last semester, yoongi’s awkward, endearing, crooked smile on display as he let you take the photo. you tilt your head, confused as you pick up. “yoongi?” 
“hi,” he greets, voice low and soothing. “where are you?” 
“um,” you take a seat at the windowsill of your building. “i’m at wright. why?” 
“stay there. i’m coming.” 
he hangs up before you get a chance to question him further. your eyebrows knit together but you sigh and decide to listen to him, hugging your backpack and resting your chin on top of it as you wait for him. 
minutes later, yoongi bursts through the doors, shaking his umbrella off in the entryway, head twisting and turning to search for you. “oh-” you’ve barely gotten the word out before yoongi strides over to you, one hand hooking into the strap of your backpack to swing it over his own shoulders. you haven’t even stood yet, not quite processing what’s happening. “yoongi?” 
with your backpack adjusted on his shoulders and an umbrella in one hand, he offers out his free hand to gently pull you to your feet when you accept. his palm is warm against yours, and you’re not sure if he does it on purpose or not, but his thumb trails lightly over your knuckles before he lets go of your hand. 
“namjoon texted me,” he explains. his head tilts lower to meet your height, concern in his eyes. “said you were having a bad day.” 
your lower lip trembles and, before you can help it, the tears are back in your eyes. yoongi retreats a little, entire body stiff and slightly panicked. “i didn’t mean - he said you didn’t bring an umbrella -” 
you sniffle and yoongi is definitely panicking now, a sight you’re fairly certain you haven’t seen before, because it makes you choke out a laugh, seeing him so frantic. “you’re so nice to me, yoongi,” your voice comes out tiny and wobbly, and he pauses, gaze softening. he scratches the back of his neck. 
“namjoon and hoseok would’ve come to get you too, if they weren’t in class,” he shrugs, like it’s an easy thing for him to have crawled out of his warm bed just to come get you in the pouring rain. you know how much he loves his bed. he offers that half-smile of his, a yoongi specialty, before gently placing his hand on your lower back to guide you towards the door. the warmth of his palm spreads all over you, helped along by the way yoongi’s eyes fall to you, full of care and bordered with hints of worry. 
you try your best to smile back at him, hoping to push the worry out from his features, but it doesn’t work as well as you wish it would. his hand shifts away from your back, hovers hesitantly before he lowers his hand to ruffle your hair slightly. his touch is comforting, and you let yourself lean into it a little. it’s been too long a day for you to resist min yoongi’s attempts at making you feel better. 
as the two of you walk across campus, shielded by his umbrella, he nudges your shoulder slightly. “talk to me,” he murmurs, breaking the silence. you lower your head, embarrassed to look at him for being this upset over such little things. “hey,” he bumps your shoulder lightly again. “it’s just me.” 
your round eyes meet his earnest ones, promising you he’ll listen to even the most ridiculous of things you have to say. he offers a tiny smile, “i’m a very good listener,” he says, eyebrows lifting up. it makes you giggle a little, and his smile grows, before he stops the both of you. “i don’t always have advice, but i’m here for you,” he says sincerely. “whatever it is you wanna say, y/n. i’ll listen to you and try to be there for you, if you’ll let me.” 
you can tell he means it, the way he stares back resolutely, and he takes a half-step back out of surprise when you bury yourself into his chest, arms tight around his waist. he fumbles with his grip on the umbrella but quickly rights it again before you can get rained on, his other hand coming back to wrap around you. “thank you,” you mumble against his shirt. “it means a lot, yoongi.” 
he exhales slowly, cheek lowering to press against your head. “whenever you need me,” he promises. “i’ve got you.” 
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masterlist ; neon signs
taglist ; @thelilbutifulthings @bbsantc​ @chickentenderx​ @taegijns​ @princxssly82​ @manuosorioh​ @sugaluvmyg 
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ALSO. DAMN. speaking of worm being a fucked up story and knowing not everybody's gonna make it. i'm curious. do u have like... undersiders survival tier list? i wanna know who u think's gonna make it or who u think might not. when ur done having shrimp emotions over brian fridge etc of course :]]]
MAN. WELL. I DEFINITELY WOULD NOT HAVE HAD BRIAN DYING FIRST. GOD. hes not even dead yet (which is worse btw) but with the state hes in i may as well count him as such. i cannot see a world in which they convince bonesaw to fix him here. ugahuhh.
ANYWAY. this is not gonna be in list order bc im just thinking out loud as i type so here does. if im so real. lisa has had not one but TWO death scares already *and* her power is the least offensive so i thought for sure it was gonna be her.
im tempted to say taylor has final girl energy because she does and she could have plot armor considering most of the story is from her pov but with all of the interludes showing the story could VERY EASILY be told from someone else... i would not be fully surprised if taylor dies eventually and we switch main characters entirely. i would not be HAPPY about this per se but i wouldnt be totally surprised. taylor is so fast and loose with her own safety in regards to everything i could see her throwing herself into some situation and not being able to get herself out of it (very funny considering rn she is paralyzed at the hands of bonesaw in view of the brian fridge. aha. taylor you are in danger) HOWEVER i think if this is going to happen it wont be until wayyyyy later in the story and also itll either be some dramatic blaze of glory or just like. inconsequential and to save someone else .
torn on alec and rachel. if you wouldve asked me this like a week ago i wouldve said id expect alec to die second but i dont know why exactly? just vibes i guess. rachel is so hit or miss bc i definitely think shes strong enough to survive but also. again shes got the whole putting herself in stupid situations because of her anger thing which would easily get her killed if she was up against the wrong person. and i think in a meta sense killing her specifically would be SUCH a major shock. especially if its like. sudden or short or offscreen or something. someone who gets built up as super tough and indestructable getting offed in a second. idk. i can see it. ALSO LITERALLY THE FACT THAT AS OF RN THEYRE BOTH TARGETS OF THE S9 and from the way their test is supposed to work, only one person can make it out of there. which means AT LEAST one of them will have to die if they dont disrupt the test enough. (<< if this happens im expecting rachel to be the one that makes it. i dont think she wants to join the nine but i think shes more likely to go through with it than alec)
aisha.. i do not know enough about to say whether or not i think she'll survive much longer. she has done some STUPID SHIT and seems rlly reckless and doesnt care a whole lot for her own safety but also. need more info on her!!!!!!!!!!!
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seradyn · 1 year
Ruvik, Karl and the daemon bastard husband Ardyn 😂💙
Gonna go in the order you listed 😉
Was gonna add video clips of my favorite moments, but you can only do one per post, so the rest are gifs 😭😭
First impression: Woah, who is this guy, and why is he so powerful? Is he a demon? A vengeful spirit? I am very intrigued.
Impression now: Oh god he’s tragic. OH GOD HE’S TRAGIC.
Favorite moment: In the first Kidman DLC, The Assignment, Ruvik has some absolutely spectacular dialogue with her and Leslie at the very end, after cornering them in the church. It gives me chills every time and the delivery is perfect.
“We’re all their pawns, eventual victims.
They killed me! They ripped me apart, and took what they needed.
I will destroy what they wish to control.”
The elevator scene with Sebastian is also great, but man this one is just sublime in every way.
Idea for a story: I’ve been playing with the idea for a x Reader fic with him, one in which they essentially kill him with kindness. He hasn’t experienced kindness or affection since the accident, so I’m excited to explore his character dealing with someone who doesn’t immediately find him repulsive or isn’t intimidated by him. There will also be lots of bumbling on his end, cause even though he’s smart af, he doesn’t know the first thing about relationships 😂
Unpopular opinion: He deserves compassion, and hating him is extremely shortsighted. Yes, he did terrible things, no one is debating that, but choosing to ignore the broken pieces of his humanity left in the game is being deliberately obtuse. Not saying you shouldn’t or can’t hate him, but it shouldn’t be without acknowledging his trauma. And putting others down for not hating him is downright juvenile.
Favorite relationship: I’m all about that self ship, which is probably his best bet at getting any romance, based on being…well, a serial killer. Some of my friends have shown me Ruvik x Stefano though, and that relationship would be interesting to say the least 😆
Favorite head cannon: Touch starved af and craves affection. Although touch starved is basically cannon, I think he also deeply craves some kind of connection with someone. He lost everyone he cared about; his sister died in the fire, his parents locked him in a basement, his research partner betrayed him, which lead to his death (the one he’s discussing in the above quote). I head cannon he longs for someone he can trust, really trust, and anguishes over his loneliness.
Moving on…
Karl Heisenberg
First impression: I hadn’t played the game, but I’d seen pictures of him. For some reason I thought he was the main villain, and was working with Chris to make the main character help him (no fucking clue how I arrived here 🤣🤣). Thought he was some big, gruff man who didn’t talk much and smiled even less. Why does he look like Ardyn?
Impression now: LMAOOO THIS DUDE IS A MASSIVE TROLL AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT 😂😂😂 I could not have been more wrong about him (or the plot, still not sure how I got there). He’s funny and I love his smile, and how much of a tool he is. I must say, I did not expect his voice to sound the way it does, but I’m not complaining 🥰
Favorite moment: Why isn’t there more of him why isn’t there more WHY ISN’T THERE MORE??? Anyway, probably when he tries to convince Ethan to work with him.
“Neither did I! But here we are.
And I’m next in line, right? Kill me, move up the chain!
Well, fuck that!”
He’s so animated here, I love it 🥰
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Idea for a story: I’ve already mentioned I got something cookin in the old noggin, but I have more details on what I want to happen now, so I’ll be happy to share them! Surprise surprise, it’s x Reader, where they’re a botanist sent to survey the remote mountains of Romania. Collect data on the plants there for the university they work at, along with two colleagues who are cartographers, going to update outdated maps of the area. They get captured and typical RE shenanigans ensue, but I also want reader to be connected to Umbrella somehow, which I hope you can help me with. I want Miranda to know too, so she starts sending reader to all the Lords to see what happens. Little does she know reader starts to osmose some of all their powers, turning into something far more dangerous than she could’ve imagined.
That’s all I got for now, no more spoilers! Unless you want them 😉
Unpopular opinion: He has more respect for his partners than some of you seem to think. I’ve read plenty of stories where Karl is super hands on with his partner, slapping their ass and manhandling them all the time, sometimes hours after meeting them. Not my fuckin Heisenberg. He keeps his hands to himself, unless he has explicitly gotten permission to do any touching. Honestly wish some of y’all would tag your stories when you make him all grabby, it’s kinda triggering for me.
Favorite relationship: My first answer is going to be x Reader for all of these, I’m a sucker for the stuff. Although Karl x Ethan sounds endlessly amusing to me. Karl would be the puppy bouncing around everywhere while Ethan would brood in a corner 😂
Favorite head cannon: Extremely sensitive to trauma responses, and is good at comforting, due to the things Miranda did to him. He doesn’t want anyone he likes to know what that helplessness or fear feelings like.
Last, but the farthest thing from least…
Ardyn Izunia Lucis Caelum
First impression: I knew he was the villain before I started the game, but that’s all I knew. Thought he was funny as I actually got into the game, and why the hell is he everywhere??
Impression now: GREEK PLAY LEVEL TRAGIC HERO AND MY HEART ETERNALLY ACHES FOR HIM. Seriously, they did NOT need to fuck Ardyn up so much, there’s plenty of shit that happened to him that could make someone a villain by itself. But the gods and Squenix said ‘fuck this guy in particular’. I thought y’all called him ‘trash Jesus’ cause he looks like the guy, but NOOOOO there’s actually fucking parallels between the two. The healer, the betrayal, the crucifixion…not exactly subtle when you take the time to look. Aside from all that, I still love how funny he is, he always makes me laugh (when he’s not making me cry), and he’s super smart. Plus, I will always admire how he made it so he wins no matter what happens in the end. That takes some galaxy brain level planning.
Favorite moment: Imma let it speak for itself;
“You think ten years is a long time? It is nothing to me!
I have lived in darkness for AGES!”
God, the fucking level of emotion absolutely dripping from that last word kills me very time. Darin de Paul did excellently with Ardyn’s lines up until that point, but this one hits differently. The sheer anguish and sorrow you can hear in his voice is breathtaking. Made worse when you realize he’s being literal…he has spent actual ages locked in a dark cell. Words can’t properly give it credit.
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Idea for a story: yall chapter 11 of ADCT is gonna be like 10k+ words 😂😂 Not done yet and it’s already at 7k lol. Hope that makes up for the 6 month hiatus 😵‍💫 Aside from that though, I have another idea for a long fic, albeit a shorter one. Where reader gets washed up on Angelgard before Verstael, and is horrified to find Ardyn strung up on the island. After freeing him, they have to work together to try to survive, figuring out how to get food, water, and fight off hypothermia. Verstael eventually arrives, and takes both of them back to Niflehiem.
Unpopular opinion: Most handsome character in FFXV by a long shot. He’s in space.
Favorite relationship: Apart from x Reader, I’m boring for this one. Ardyn x Aera, they’re so sweet and cute together. Forever bitter Ardyn didn’t get to reunite with her at the end. I know some people dig Ardyn x Gilgamesh, but meh, it’s just not for me. Hope y’all who do like it have fun with it though 😁
Favorite head cannon: Absolute teddy bear with his SOs, fucking bastard troll man with everyone else. Dynamic is super fun and amusing to me, I love the thought of him being a bean one moment then turning around and roasting Ravus with political talk the next. Oh, I also love the thought that he has a massive sweet tooth. Since his hair didn’t grow at all during his time on Angelgard, I like to think his body is in some kind of stasis, that it can’t be changed, and Ardyn takes full advantage of that. He’s got at least three different types of cake in his fridge, and several pints of ice cream in the freezer. He also keeps candy bars in his desk.
Thank you so much for this ask, it was a ton of fun to write! 😁😁
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nothingunrealistic · 2 years
and what of 15 for kleinsen...
15. things you said with too many miles between us
“Nothing but hiking and yoga and kayaking and having to wear a dress shirt to eat inside.” The background of Jared’s end of the video call shifts from a rapidly receding doorway to a bedspread and pillows. “And I don’t even get my own room. It’s fucking ridiculous.”
“Hiking’s not so bad.”
“That’s just, like, your opinion, man. If I’m gonna be stuck in the Catskills with my parents for a week, the least they could do is get Patrick Swayze to show up.”
“Why Patrick Swayze?” Evan sits down at his desk and rifles through his memory. “I thought he died.”
“Because otherwise it’s not a Dirty Dancing homage. And yes.”
“It’s a what homage?”
“The movie. Dirty Dancing. ‘Nobody puts Baby in a corner’? ‘I’ve had the time of my life’?” Evan’s confusion must show on his face as clearly as frustration shows on Jared’s. “Do you watch anything other than nature documentaries?”
“I watch documentaries about other things.”
“Typical,” Jared mutters, as if he’s genuinely disappointed in Evan and not at all excited to add a new title to his mental list of Movies To Make Evan Watch When We Hang Out. (Well, he claims it’s a mental list. Evan suspects he has a spreadsheet.) “Are your finals done yet?”
“No. I still have two left.” And as he discovered last semester, finals for three college classes somehow require as much studying as eight high school finals. Especially when he’s studying by himself while Jared, whose semester ended a month ago, is on the other side of the state complaining about a vacation that’s rewarding him for making the dean’s list. That’s what Mom said Jared’s mom said it was for, anyway. Jared insists it’s because going away to college made his parents realize they missed having someone to order around.
“That sucks.”
“Yeah.” Evan shuffles through the papers on his desk one-handed. “Um. My mom looked up the place where you’re staying, and she said they had, you can throw tomahawks, as an activity.” He had the printouts about it just yesterday, where did they go? “That sounds cool.”
“Yeah, but they only have it twice a week, and we missed the Monday session, so Friday’s my last shot. And that’s if my mom doesn’t convince herself that I’m gonna cut my own head off throwing an axe.”
“Whichever. Besides, they have, like, safety precautions and training. But if we were here in the winter, she’d say we have to check out the ski trails. That shit isn’t supervised, and statistically…”
Connor hated skiing.
It pops into Evan’s head and stays lodged in there as Jared goes on about all the ways you can be horribly maimed while skiing. It reminds him that a year ago he was counting the days until graduation and wondering which of his classmates he’d ever see again, and a year and a half ago he was literally sick with dread waiting for either Jared or the Murphys to turn his world upside down by going public, and two years ago —
“…are you even listening to me right now?”
“No,” Evan says, then cringes. “I kind of zoned out. Sorry.”
“I kind of figured.”
“I was just thinking that, um.” That if a thousand things hadn’t happened just right, they wouldn’t be having this conversation. “I’m glad we’re friends again. Or still, or, however you think of it.”
“Uh, okay. Same here, I guess.” Jared rubs his eyes with the heel of his hand. For a while. They look pretty red.
“Jared, are you —”
“My contacts are probably expired,” Jared says quickly. “And the pollen here is insane. How am I supposed to see straight with a thousand trees jizzing in my eyes?”
“But accurate.”
“I mean, not exactly —”
“If I wanted a botany lesson, I’d go on the nature tour again. And I wouldn’t learn anything this time.”
(send me a ship and a prompt and i’ll write a mini fic)
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nocturnalazure · 1 year
2, 6, 9, 13, 17, 25!
I got waaay too many characters I would want to ask, so I made a list. You just pick who you'd want to answer it for! :)
Nathaniel, Laurie, Erik, Pippa, Eloise 
Thank you for the ask! :) I'm going to take the questions in order for each character you've listed and choose myself an additional character for the last one.
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Nathaniel is insecure about his physique, due to his father commenting on it when he was a teen (Theo's exact words were that he had "neglected his physical training"). His natural morphology is on the lanky side, like Ash and Laurie, but he pushed himself to the limit to get more muscular, just because of that comment at a time of his life when he was especially looking to get his father's approval.
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Laurie has very often found himself in the position of doing things that go against his personal values. He hates it, it eats him up from the inside, but the alternative can be fatal to him. So it isn't so much a matter of being "convinced" as a matter of survival to him. Those are the rules of his world.
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9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
After Laurie, it would make sense that I'd go for Erik next. ;D There are so many lyrics that make me think of those two...
So here's a little mashup for Erik.
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This is ten percent luck Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name
Don't need to sign, nothing divine's gonna save me I'm a machine, building a dream is what shaped me Breaking the door, waging a war, no escaping Watch me as I touch the sky
Deep inside me, I'm fading to black, I'm fading Took an oath by the blood on my hand, won't break it I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear Gonna make it I'm gonna make it
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
With Pippa, for sure. :) I'd love to help her at the shop and learn how to become a herbalist (if not a witch)! She lives my dream life: in a remote house, in the middle of nature, with simplicity. And with a werewolf to scare away the bad people. :D
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
I think the worst I've done to poor Eloise is giving her DID. Or maybe I gave her too much power because DID came as a consequence of her refusing to use it.
On a more specific level, I still regret killing her kitty when she was but a child. :( That was Eloise's first introduction to death...
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25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
I like that Risa chose the quiet life. Even if it sounds as if, by choosing Julian over Nathaniel, her life was boring and easy. Even if she made a couple of bad decisions and ended up sleeping with Nathaniel again. Even if she had to bear the weight of it all her life.
And even if she seemed to attract the supernatural and maybe that quiet life wasn't actually meant for her. In a way, she is Nathaniel's inverted image in that sense. He was in it deep but longing for peace, she had peace but was more involved than she thought. I still really like that cliché shooting of them as an angel and a demon.
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zipmode · 7 months
haven’t been able to stop looking at your little reblog !! the explosion !
2 questions:
1. if conviction was a companion what would his like high/neutral/negative approval dialogue, and his companion quest? (and romance if you want!)
2. in d&d, tieflings can have more than just horns and tails trait wise (like wings, hooves, forked tongue, six fingers), does vic have any more tiefling traits besides the horns and tail?
HEHEHE YAYYY QUESTIONS ^_^ this was really fun to think about since I'm used to considering them as a central point in a narrative instead of a secondary point... It's really interesting to contemplate what would be different about the whole situation if they weren't the one calling the shots...
This got really REALLY long so I'm putting it under a read more so as not to completely fill up people's dashes 👍
I was gonna write this in paragraph format but it was getting hard to keep track of so I'm turning it into a bullet list instead. LOL.
Conviction Approves Of:
defending and protecting kids. They resent how little grace they were given in their childhood, and try to give the patience and understanding they wish they had to any kids they run across. Gods forbid more children grow up to be like Conviction. The world does NOT need more Vics.
choosing to think practically instead of morally. They wouldn't enjoy it, but if they have to kill one innocent to save a hundred, they will.
refusing to side with/make deals with devils. ever. They think giving up your autonomy-to a devil of all entities- is one of the stupidest things a person could do (inversely, they feel the same way about devoting your life to a god, but they're less passionate and more passive-aggressive about that.)
being patient whenever their affliction messes with them. If seen as an in-game mechanic, they would get a condition (I think I called it 'Arcane Dissonance' when I first starting thinking abt em) That would occur every so often for a few turns. It would significantly increase their chances of getting a wild magic surge and give them disadvantage on attacks.
Conviction Disapproves Of:
most notions of lofty ideals. paladin type stuff. They've got crazy beef with paladins. finds such views of morality and 'goodness' to be lacking nuance and more often performative than not. (When they meet Wyll and find him to be entirely sincere in his heroics, they get a lot of complicated feelings. Mostly they avoid him for fear his overwhelmingly kind and trusting gaze may compel them to reveal their darkest secrets, which would be awkward for everybody involved.)
Killing for the sake of killing, letting your emotions get the better of you in that sense. If you kill someone before you've gotten as much use out of them as you can, no matter how much they suck, Vic will disapprove.
Badgering them about their past beyond what they're willing to reveal. They're like Shadowheart in that regard.
When they DO reveal their past, they would disapprove of trying to justify their actions. Unlike most of the other companions, the choices they made that ended up hurting a lot of people were done completely done of their own volition. They don't want people trying to tell them they didn't completely fuck up. They fucked up.
Companion Quest Stuff
I have no clue what their little questline would be called. The Shattered Sorcerer? An Honest Alchemist? The Secretive Shopkeep? Something like that. The steps to their questline would probably go something like this:
You meet Vic, maybe in the blighted village or the goblin camp, playing along with the whole 'true soul' thing and making potions and poisons for the goblins. You have to convince or kill the goblins in order to get them out of there and into your party. They introduce themself as an alchemist and shopkeep from baldur's gate, specializing in bespoke medicines for unusual ailments.
As you travel with them, it becomes increasingly clear that Vic knows how to make a lot more than just medicines. They could maybe act as a more direct way to learn about alchemy and recipes as opposed to the books scattered around the world.
Any time they talk about poisons, it really sounds like they're talking from personal experience. If you bring it up to them they'd probably defend themselves by saying that knowing what ails people is an important part of knowing how to cure them. something like that.
When you pick up the poisoner's robe, they probably make an off-hand comment on how they always preferred snakes over spiders as a symbol of poison. Maybe with an awkward chuckle at the end. Real subtle, pal.
If you got their approval up enough by late act one, they'd likely allude to having a less-than-legal side business of selling poisons. At this point, their Customer Service Mask would be slipping more and more frequently. The shopkeep that presented themselves and polite, enthusiastic and overly congenial-if not a bit awkward, would present themselves more and more as a bitter, cynical, and sometimes even menacing figure. The 'bitter' and 'menacing' is rarely ever directed at the player character, if at all. It's just that Vic mainly knows how to play two roles, and now that their secret's mostly out, they can use their skills in intimidation and deceit more openly now that it'll raise less eyebrows.
When act two rolls around and you get to moonrise towers, Vic finds some uncomfortably familiar poisons being made; more insidious concoctions of their own design that nobody else should have access to. They panic and reveal to the player that their 'little side business' was actually a pretty major operation that was instrumental in many a political assassination. Chances are if a noble died due to mysterious illness, it was an illness brewed up by Vic themself. They only ever wrote their recipes in one place, a journal they kept hidden. Vic, ever the casual supervillain, also used said journal to hypothesize how to best poison nobles, politicians, and if the need arised, entire cities. ............ they were THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS, OKAY? It's not like Vic was ever ACTUALLY going to do anything as terrible as that. Anyways, the point is that those recipes and schematics are in the hands of the Absolute, and they NEED to get them back.
Act three would involve Vic coming to terms with their past actions and tracking down their journal. At some point they probably want to stop by their shop to grab supplies, only to find it closed down by the flaming fist by order of Lord Gortash. Of course, if they found their book, they found it in their house, which means the absolute knew who the real identity of that ever infamous and ever secretive poisoner. uh oh!!!
Endings-wise, you could probably be an asshole and turn them in to the flaming fist, encourage them to burn their journal and start a new life where they get to focus more on healing instead of hurting, or convince them to fully commit to their life as a poisoner. The last two can also be thought of as whether or not they want to be able to live without having to put on a persona or not.
In their poisoner ending, Conviction probably ends up fully embracing their cynical and threatening side. Meeting up with them in the epilogue would involve them acting very businesslike and impersonal. Judging them for their actions at this point would probably have them rebuking that it's better that THEY have control over their market over someone else. They still have standards, after all. If they get the poisoner ending AND Astarion Ascended, it's implied that conviction uses their criminal connections to make his efforts to expand his control of Baldur's Gate as difficult as possible, absolutely resenting him for the choice he made. Even if it's a bit hypocritical. In a timeline where Shadowheart becomes Mother Superior, they probably still remain on decent terms and likely even have a working business relationship. Wyll probably resents Conviction a lot, and that weighs on Vic way more than they'd let on. (Costumes wise, because I love to think about that shit, their epilogue clothing would be expensive but practical, and in muted colors. likely not very comfortable looking.)
In their healer ending, they give up on the Shopkeep AND the Poisoner Personas and end up behaving a far more awkward but sincere way. They still end up rather flat-toned and cynical, but have a good sense of humor about things and are clearly more at peace with themselves than they've ever been, even if they're still trying to figure out WHO exactly they are. Post-game, Conviction completes their medical training (I think i covered why it was never finished pre-tadpole in another ask, but the long and short of it is their mentor who was supporting them through school died before they could finish) and specialize in investigating and treating arcane afflictions. This ending would involve them traveling around Faerûn, acting as a sort of Fantasy House MD. Despite their travelling, they'd probably have a decently sized house in Baldur's Gate that acts as their base of operations whenever they're not traveling. At some point they do a guest lecture over at Blackstaff and absolutely perpetuate the notion that Gale could still blow everybody up at any time. (Outfit wise, they're in comfortable but bright travel clothes, including lots of layers and accessories. Every single piece of jewelry they wear has some kind of enchantment on it.)
No matter the ending, their affliction has no cure. It always was and always will be something they merely have to live with. It really just comes down to the coping mechanisms they use to deal with the pain and chaos of it all.
Romance Stuff
LMAO. This guy is utterly clueless. I think you'd probably realize if they were into you before THEY realized they were into you, and you'd probably have to pass some kind of check in order to convince them you genuinely liked them back. This is a guy who has pretty much spent their entire life toiling away. Pre-tadpole, they didn't have any time for friends or romance, and the one or two times they went along with the idea of a one-night stand didn't exactly end well. (lots of anxieties involving the whole 'I might blow up or summon an imp or randomly teleport etc etc etc if I release my inhibitions too much'.) They've also probably never really LET themselves like anyone in a romantic sense before, because their life was complicated enough without putting another person into the mix. Their affections probably first present themselves as a lot of confused, intense staring at the player character. If you ask them about it they're like huh? wuh? Successfully romancing Conviction would probably involve a lot of just getting this motherfucker to relax for the first time in their life. They wouldn't ever initiate any PDA but definitely don't mind it. Voted Companion Most Likely to Get Flustered If You Held Their Hand.
AS FOR THE SECOND PART OF THIS ASK- I thought it'd be more fun to make a little thing about it :]
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Their weird extra stuff is extremely indulgent but I just can't help myself I love to make a guy thats strange and unusual!!!!
Anyways if you read this whole thing thanks for indulging me in my insane ramblings ^_^ YAYYY LALALALA.... frolicks....
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Just here to process per usual. I have my therapy intake on Thursday which will be helpful. There’s probably no order to any of this chaos. Highlighting the basics if anyone wants to read.
We found an apartment with no wait list. They can hold it until March 3rd. I start work March 3rd and M’s jobs opening got pushed back so he won’t be full time until the second week of March. We can’t afford to move in March 3. They need full month rent/admin fees/amenity fee. I think we could come up with the security deposit.
My dad offered to pay it if we pay it back. I should have said no. We have talked about it, M and I. Asking our parents for help. His mom said no. My dad would, but my mom had a complete freak out over it to the point that I wish I had just stopped the conversation. It lifted the rug for all the things we’ve swept away.
Allowing myself to break down a bit right now because I’ve been bottling so much of this. My dad said “you know I completely blame M for this” and a bunch of other comments about M and my ex husband. They hate him so much because he’s trans. And I overheard them talking in the other room “you know by helping her were helping him” and it fucking tears me apart to hear that shit. The very same parents who raised me to love EVERYONE, to not judge anyone, who essentially sculpted me into this compassionate and empathetic person are the same people who have so much hate and judgement in their hearts. They raised me with all these great Christian values but clearly weren’t listening to what they preached. They hate my husband because he’s trans, they hate him because my ex husband was an asshole. My dad said M promised him we’d never be in a situation like this, he’d never ask for money from them. I didn’t know M was a prophet and could tell what was in our future.
It was my idea to ask if we could move in with friends. My idea to apply to a job 2 hours away. My idea to break down the small stability we had. But it felt like we didn’t have a choice. We didn’t know M was gonna get fired. We didn’t know we weren’t gonna find jobs there. We didn’t know he was gonna get faked out by a job. We didn’t know things were gonna be worse.
We tried to talk to his mom about things. That it’s this apartment with no waitlist that needs all the money by March 3 or the other apartments with 3 month long waitlists. We HAVE to be out march 1 for his grandmother. And to stay would be convincing not only his mom, but his aunt who has his grandmother the other half of the week. She already has her own son and two daughter to deal with on top of the grandmother, so I don’t see that happening. I don’t know if theylll reconsider if they’re faced with the hard reality that we will 100% be living out of our car until at least June. Staying at my parents is a no go. All my dad has to say is that this is M’s fault.
We have no where to go. Maybe a shelter. Giving up our dog because of a three month wait list. Which makes me cry all over again. I’ve never bonded so much with a dog before. We lost her once and spent four days on the side of a highway searching for her. To just lose her now? Have her be put down because she’s so scared of people? She’s the most loving and gentle dog I’ve ever had. They’ll euthanize her. We have fucking jobs, we just don’t have anywhere to live.
There’s no more friends to ask either. The relationship with the friend we moved in with blew up. When we moved out, she officially separated from her wife and moved out. We offered to help her move, be a space to vent and process, be an escape from reality. She withdrew from everyone while we still lived there. She had met someone and it was 100% about them. We moved out and kept asking how she was with no answer. Learned from snap chat she had moved out, the new partner helped I guess because all the pics had their dog in it. M finally asked why she wasn’t responding anymkre and she said she was “doing her” and “didn’t have the space” to talk to anyone. And I respect that to an extent. You don’t just drop off the face of the earth when your friends are trying to help support you. She got pissed off and said how she wasn’t putting her emotional stuff on us when we were going through our things. She said she has bigger problems than us and “what issues do you even fuckig have? Not having a job?” So fuck her too. I’m glad my friends are emotionally supportive even when things aren’t good for them.
When I got divorced I left EVERYTHING behind. My life, my job, my friends, my bird. Yes I moved in with my parents and I appreciated their support, but we have a very strained relationship when it all boils down. I was STILL there for my friends and their problems even if they felt smaller than mine.
We left to get out of their way. She said “things happened faster than I wanted to once you left.” First off, they should have had the emotional awareness to tell us they were not stable enough to house us for that period of time. Maybe we shouldn’t have asked at all. I wish we hadn’t. We were both there through their explosive fights. Gave her space to breakdown so she wasn’t alone even though we were also triggered in other ways. We tried everything we could to move out asap after we learned how their relationship really was and we couldn’t get back up on our feet. Now we’re facing legitimate homelessness.
Yes, she lost her toxic wife and any change is stress. But she has a roof over her head, she has all her pets with her, she has a new partner, she still has her job. We. Had. Nothing. Just ourselves and melody and a temporary housing situation with his mother. And now we may be homeless despite having jobs because of stupid waiting lists.
I’m calling the church tmrw to see if they can help at all and around to social services I guess? But like, we have jobs and those jobs are gonna afford us a really nice apartment by mid March so I don’t even know if we’ll qualify for assistance or if that assistance will come fast enough for us to not be on a waitlist somewhere.
I don’t know. My mom doesn’t want to help us financially. His mom doesn’t/can’t help us physically or financially.
I just don’t know where to turn. And Uber is just barely paying our bills. Still haven’t missed one. But there’s no extra 2-3k laying around for us to get this apartment.
So. That’s what’s going on with me right now. Thanks for reading if you do.
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