#I was to lazy to draw it so I just found it on google and adjusted the colour
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Modern LWJ
🏳‍🌈 Happy Hanguang-June! 🏳‍🌈
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missjashin · 1 year
I want Steve to wear something like this just for funsies. And to torment Eddie obvs❤️
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wombywoo · 7 months
Ok! I've finally decided to put together a (somewhat) comprehensive tutorial on my latest art~
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Please enjoy this little step-by-step 💁‍♀️
First things first--references!
Now I'm not saying you have to go overboard, but I always find that this is a crucial starting point in any art piece I intend on making. Especially if you're a detail freak like me and want to make it as realistic as possible 🙃
As such, your web browser should look like this at any given point:
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Since this is a historical piece, it means hours upon hours of meaningless research just to see what color the socks are, but...again. that isn't, strictly, necessary 😅
Once I've compiled all my lovely ref pics, I usually dump them into a big-ass collage ⬇️
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(I will end up not using half of these, alas :'D)
Another reference search for background material, and getting to showcase our models of choice for this occasion~
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When picking a reference for an actor or model, the main thing I keep in mind (besides prettiness 🤭) is lighting and orientation. Because I already kinda know what pose I'm gonna go with for this piece, I can look for specific angles that might fit the criteria. I should mention that I am a reference hound, and my current COD actor ref folder looks like this:
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Also keep in mind, if you're using a ref that you need to flip, make sure you adjust accordingly. This especially applies to clothing, as certain things like pants zippers and belt buckles can be quite specific ☝️
Now that we've spent countless hours googling, it's time to start with a rough sketch:
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It doesn't have to be pretty, folks, just a basic guideline of where you want the figures to be.
The next step is to define it more, and I know this looks like that 'how to draw an owl' meme, but I promise--getting from the loose sketch above to below is not that difficult.
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Things to keep in mind are--don't go too in-depth with the details, because things are still subject to change at this point. In terms of making a suitable anatomically-correct sketch, I would suggest lots of studying. This doesn't even have to be things like figure drawing, I genuinely look at people around me for inspiration all the time. Familiarize yourself with the human form, and things like weight, proportions, posing will seem a little more feasible.
It's also important at this stage to consider your composition. Remember to flip the canvas frequently to make sure you're not leaning to one side too often. I'm sure something can be said for the spiral fibonacci stuff, which I don't really try to do on purpose, but I think keeping things like symmetry and balance in mind is a good start ✌️
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Next step is just blocking in the figures. Standard. No fuss 👍
Now onto the background!
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It's frankly hilarious how many people thought I was *hand-drawing* these maps and stuff 😂😂 I cannot even begin to comprehend how insanely difficult that would be. So yeah, we're just taking the lazy copy and paste way out 🤙
I almost always prepare my backgrounds first, and this is mostly to get a general color scheme off the bat. For collage work, it's really just a matter of trial and error, sticking this here, slapping this there, etc. I like to futz around with different overlay options until I've found a nice arrangement. Advice for this is just--go nuts 🤷‍♀️
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Next, I add a few color adjustments. I tend to make at least 2 colors pop in an art piece, and low and behold, they usually tend to be red and blue ❤️💙There's something about warm/cool vibes, idk man..
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Now we move on to coloring the figures. This is just a basic block and fill, not really defining any of the details yet.
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Next, we add some cursory values. Sloppy airbrush works fine, it'll look better soon I promise 🙏
And now--rendering!
I know a lot of beginner artists are intimidated by rendering, and I can totally understand why. It's just one of those things you have to commit to 💪
I've decided to show a brief process of rendering our dear Johnny's face here:
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Starting off, I usually rely on the trusty airbrush just to get some color values going. Note--I've kept my sketch layer on top, but feel free to turn it on and off as you work, so as to not be too bound to the sketch. For now, it's just a guideline.
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This next stage may look like a huge jump, but it's really just adding more to the foundation. I try to think of it like putting on make-up in a way~ Adding contours, accentuating highlights. This is also where I start adding in more saturation, especially around areas such as ears, nose and lips. Still a bit fuzzy at this point, but that's why we keep adding to it 💪
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A boy has appeared! See--now I've removed most of the line layer, and it holds up on its own. I'll admit that in order to achieve this realistic style, you'll need lots and lots of practice and skill, which shouldn't be discouraging! Just motivate yourself with the prospect of getting to look at pretty men for countless hours 🙆‍♀️
I'll probably do a more in-depth explanation about rendering at some point, but let's keep this rolling~
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Moving forward is just a process of adding to the figures bit by bit. I do lean towards filling in each section from top to bottom, but you can feel free to pop around to certain parts that appeal to you more. I almost always do the faces first though, because if they end up sucking, I feel less guilty about scrapping it 😂 But no--I think he's pretty enough to proceed 😚
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They're coming together now 🙆‍♀️ Another helpful tip--make sure you reuse color. By that, I mean--try to incorporate various colors throughout your piece, using the eyedropper tool to keep a consistent palette. I try to put in bits of red and blue where I can
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Here they are fully rendered! Notice I've made a few subtle changes from the sketch, like adjusting the belt buckles because I made a mistake 😬 Hence why you shouldn't put too much stock in your initial sketch~
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The next step is more of a stylistic choice, but I usually go over everything with an outline, typically in a bright color like green. Occasionally, I can just use my initial line layer, but for this, I've made a brand new, cleaner line 👍
And the final step is adjusting the color and adding some text:
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Tada!! It's done!
All in all, this took me the better part of a week, but I have a lot of free time, so yeah ✌️
I hope you appreciated that little walkthrough~ I know people have been asking me how I do my art, but the truth is--I usually have no clue how to explain myself 😅 So have this half-assed tutorial~
As a bonus, here is a cute (cursed) image of Johnny without his mustache:
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A baby, a literal infant child !!! who put this wee bairn on the front lines ??! 😭
Anyway! peace out ✌️
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I woke up this morning and saw I had a message in my inbox on AO3, presumably about by new fic, and was excited to see the feedback.
When I read what they wrote it was a small comment that said "stop using sudowrite".
Had no idea what that even means, so I had to look it up and found out it's some form of a writing AI.
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Absolutely fuming.
I want to make something abundantly clear right now:
I have not been hand writing and editing all of my own stories, hundreds of pages worth of personally hand written or hand typed content for the past 16 years, only to get accused of using any form of lazy ass writing AI now.
This is what I love to do. For fun.
I put in a lot of unpaid time, creativity and energy into my writing and editing. The only thing I ask for in return is participation from the fandoms I love, be it via thoughtful feedback or valid criticisms.
But this is neither of those things. This is just an outright, baseless lie against the art that I have worked so hard to make myself, and I won't be undermined or discredited.
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There's anger, and then there's whatever space I am occupying well past it right now.
It's infuriating to pour hours of my love, thought and creativity into original content only to have someone come out of nowhere and try to tell me I've been having an AI do it, especially 16 years deep.
Bitch please.
I also found out that app came out in 2020 . . . As I mentioned, I published my first K/S story in 2008 as Ruby JW on the K/S archives, and my first fanfic on fanfic.net was published in 2007 as luigi_is_stellar.
I invite anyone to peruse my decades-long collection of independent content that I have single-handedly accomplished well before such an app even existed, then come back to me and try to tell me that what I do here isn't authentic.
I don't usually get spicy, but when it comes to the art I spend hours writing and drawing independently with my own blood sweat and tears, yeah. I'm going to get spicy.
I do far too much unpaid work out of passion and love for this fandom to have such a serious accusation flung my way out of nowhere.
It's the first time in my 16 years of writing for this fandom that I've ever been accused of plagiarism, and you best trust and believe that I don't take that accusation lightly. I work too damn hard to let someone discredit the work I do personally in such a baseless manner.
Anyway, that was discouraging AF. I am boggled to learn that AI writing is even a thing, no less someone coming out of the woodwork to try to accuse me of using it 16 years into story publishing when I literally teach academic honesty and writing ethics in my line of paid work as an English professional.
Genuinely: Do you know who you're talking to?
A bit of background on me:
I come from a not-so-wealthy family who could not afford to pay to put me through school -- I paid for that all on my own. I had to earn my University English degree, one of four University degrees I hold on my own work and pay alone, without so much as a tutoring session or handout from home.
Not once would I have jeopardized everything I worked so hard and paid for out of my own pocket as a poor ass uni student working two jobs and doing night classes just to phone it in plagiarizing, not on one ounce of my work.
That was all me.
I've handwritten 3 MLA essays in under three hour exams BACK TO BACK, immediately followed by back-to-back Biology exams & a final lab where I ALSO had to write multiple essays and switch from MLA to APA mode within the span of 6 hours.
Those were all bound in handwritten yellow booklets well before we ever had Google Docs, Grammarly, formatting suggestions, or even regularly brought/had access to laptops in UNI. I did my work by hand.
I earned my degrees in English and Biology AT THE SAME TIME before I even turned 24. I earned a double major handwriting my own work papers like my life depended on it, and you actually think I'm about to phone it in now?
Step to me like that again, young blood. I ain't the one.😂
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Anyway, I digress.
Ya girl ain't here to fight BC y'all know I tend to be very easygoing, full of humour, and I love to joke around in the fandom. I'm pretty wide open to opposing opinions or even criticisms. But this is unfounded slander, and I won't be taking that on the chin.
When it comes to my work, I take that very seriously, and I don't play around. My late father once told me that "The work you do and the degrees you earn are yours and yours alone, they can never take that education from you." I live by that sentiment, and have done so by putting forth honest work.
Be it paid or unpaid work, it's my work. Periodt.
It is an unfathomably disheartening and insulting message to receive as someone who writes all their own stuff themselves, draws all their own fanart themselves, does their own photo edits themselves, edits their writing themselves, and has never even used so much as a single outside beta reader/editor for my work. Not once. The art, the writing, the editing -- It's all me.
Bottom line:
Say you do or don't like my work, that's cash money and we good, whether it's your cup of tea or not.
Butt know that it is my work.
I will not put all of this free time, effort and love into my work only to be accused of lazily ripping the content that I have spent hours writing and personally editing from somewhere else.
And on that note, consider my PSA rant ended.
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abyssalzones · 18 days
What's your comic writing process like? I'm starting to get into making my own comics and I really admire your work!!! Any advice?
Ah, intrepid traveler, you've done well to journey to this secluded mountaintop spire, in search of the answers you seek. I indeed can provide such forbidden comicmancy knowledge... at the cost of your mortal soul...
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coughs. anyway, I'm going to warn you immediately that what works for me does not work for everyone else, and in my experience the way I do things can prove very slow and discouraging for anyone who is more interested in the actual "drawing the damn comic" part of the process. I only do it this way because I enjoy weaving a narrative web that feels not only fully contained but re-readable, but my projects are often so long and my memory so shitty that I can't just keep all of it in my head! It would spill all over the place and make a really embarrassing mess of brain-juice. Not ideal.
but as for my own process, uhh... I suppose a comic would be fitting, right?
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a little choppy but you get the idea.
as for turning words into art, I've been experimenting with figuring out the best way to do that for a little while now. Originally what I was doing for something like Ad Astra Per Aspera was to take my "script" and sketch it out on paper very loosely, before transposing that onto my canvas and working from there:
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...but, I've found that can make it kind of difficult to space everything around on your standard page-size, and the thing I'm having the most problems with currently seems to be finding the sweet spot of panel-size proportions. So, I've taken to printing out standard thumbnail templates (you can just find these on google) and sketching very tiny panels in those, which seems to give me a slightly better sense of scale... (mild chapter 5 spoilers, sorry ad astra fans)
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but I have yet to totally pull through on this, so who knows, maybe I'll try something else in the future!
As for advice, this is probably most applicable to me, but as a disabled artist I have a very hard time managing my workload without literally working myself into injury. I don't think I talked about this publicly but when I was working on that ten year anniversary comic I was literally drawing every single day for 3 solid months. Sometimes, in my case, I really can't bring myself to stop once I've latched onto an idea, and sometimes I find the most rewarding thing I can do with my time is to draw- but I seriously cannot overstate: Do not fucking do this.
You will fuck up your wrist, your back, your neck, your eyes, and probably your mental health. It's a well-known fact that mangaka have a lower life expectancy than the average japanese person due to the intense workload imposed on them by deadlines and personal expectations. Comics are a very demanding artform, and even though I'm not on any sort of mandated schedule there are times where I've toiled away at something when I likely should have been exercising or taking vision-breaks. Therefore the best advice I can give you is to chill the hell out.
Namely, find parts of the process you can be lazy about, and embrace the laziness! You don't like digitally sketching? Don't do it! Skip it, or maybe find a way to traditionally sketch things out in advance like I do. Hate lineart? Don't fucking do it. You really don't feel like wasting your time writing 72k words of comic scripts? ...then, don't be like me. skip that part. I'm a flawed human being and what works for me might not work for you.
The second most important piece of advice I could give is to read comics. Of all kinds. The reason for this is pretty self explanatory: In order to figure out your own comic-making style, you should first pick out bits and pieces from the artist's buffet to add to your plate. Manga, graphic novels, american comics, european comics, weird niche little webcomics, funny papers, anything and everything. This advice rings true of pretty much any art form, but I find it to be essential to honing comic-making skills because so many things you feel will just come intuitively often don't. and that's okay! nobody is born knowing how to leave space for speech bubbles or shape their panels in a way that imitates stretches of time. The best way to figure out stuff like this, in my experience, is to study the "masters", and then after becoming well accustomed to the basics, figure out what rules you want to bend or break to create your own style.
I consider myself to be in equal parts a writer and an artist, which lends itself well to making narrative comics, but maybe you're a bit more of an artist and want to focus on panel-by-panel visual storytelling. Or, conversely, maybe your talents lean closer towards writing, and the art itself is more of a secondary skill. Regardless of your unique blend of talents you can and should make a comic, you should just also be aware of your strengths and try to hone in on those- there will always be opportunities to build up skills you lack, but focusing on what you do best will always lead you in the right direction.
Anyway, that being said, here are some recommendations in no particular order:
Monster, Naoki Urasawa (!!)
Bone, Jeff Smith
Witch Hat Atelier, Kamome Shirahama
The first IDW run of Transformers comics (namely More Than Meets the Eye and Lost Light)
Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi (!!)
Through the Woods, Emily Carroll (really any Emily Carroll comics)
Kill Six Billion Demons (webcomic) (!!)
Akira, Katsuhiro Otomo
The Third Person, Emma Grove
Tintin, Hergé (can be super racist please be wary)
Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
Calvin & Hobbes, Bill Watterson
Maus, Art Spiegelman
Cucumber Quest (webcomic)
Jellyfish Princess, Akiko Higashimura
Golden Kamuy, Satoru Noda (!!)
Note that I did not grow up with manga so I am seriously behind on a lot of extremely influential japanese comics such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, basically any of the original Shonen Jump comics, but they're widely considered building blocks of the genre so if you love the artform I think you should give them a try! Same goes for classic non-shonen manga genres like various Shoujo, Josei, Yuri, Gekiga, ETC.
same as above applies to a lot of classic DC and Marvel works, I unfortunately am just not a big fan of superhero comics... but I'm sure there's good stuff in there. a couple of my mutuals talk about booster gold and the blue beetle all the time so I'm assuming there has to be something worthwhile.
...and many, many, many more that I'm forgetting! I noticed as I made this list that, to my knowledge, hardly any of these are made by black or just non-japanese-mangaka BIPOC artists, which makes me sad about the gaps in my own comic collection. Therefore, anyone is welcome to add their own recommendations in the replies!
now go forth, and combine images with text!!!!!!!!!!!
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hyperfreaksating · 4 months
Gonna put your characters in a modernish au because an Au where Groar is a bit apprehensive because they are supposed to open for the rather notorious rockstar Buggy the Clown, who’s been known to be… difficult to work with, but they actually see their chance at getting somewhere trying to do this band thing more professionally, so they take the opportunity and… turns out that Buggy has mellowed out in the past years after his marriage to his bassist Red and the birth of their three kids.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still an asshole, but him sitting them all down to tell them just EXACTLY what he expects from them and how he WILL not tolerate tardiness and how he WILL just get someone else to open for him is just a tad diminished by three toddlers being present and him very obviously just wanting to cut to the chase so he can get back to spending the Sunday with his wife.
Law watches him down an, non alcoholic, beer and set it down on the table, while one of his kids is drawing and the other is just bouncing around the couch next to him. „If you fuckers break ANY of my equipment you can haul your asses back home.“ he states, glaring as intimidating at them as a man who’s just opened a new box of crayons for his son can glare at someone. „I don’t care how punk you think you’ll look smashing guitars or dropping mics, every single floorboard on this stage is worth more money than all of your instruments combined and I - Blaze be careful.“ He sends a chopped hand after his son who was just about to tumble off the couch, catching him by the ankle and dragging him back to safety. The kid giggles and squeals in delight and the clowns lips quirk upwards for a second. „… Well?“ „huh?“ „DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? GOD DID YOU SHIDIOTS NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING I SAID?“ „We’re clear!“ Osha interjects hastily. „Of course!“ Killer turns his head over his shoulder to Bepo, who they planned to bring along as a sort of buffer / intimidation tactic. Just tell the Mink to stand behind them with his arms crossed and he doesn’t even have to say anything. Should have been an easy job. To bad Bepo had immediately been confiscated by the daughter of the triplets and is now too busy cooing over her and flipping trough various kids picture books detailing the sea creatures of the grandline while she babbles happily.
They are saved from this mildly uncomfortable and confusing situation when Red herself finally comes in and Buggy shoos them out, rattling the rest of his rules (Don’t out flashy him, don’t touch his instruments, no rotisserie chicken parties, don’t look at his wife, don’t smile at her, don’t even breathe in her general direction etc.) before slamming the door behind them.
All in all this could have gone much worse.
First of all : THANK YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE THIS. OMG. I love every single part of it. Even if I had to google what a rotisserie chicken partie and everything I found was kinda sexual
But ALSO hold my beer because I actually had something like this (crossing Redbomb & G.R.O.A.R in a kindof modern punk AU) in mind for a while and your message was the kick in the ass I needed to work on it.
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In this AU Buggy is a former rockstar and a producer (fit wells with the "I'm lazy but I go and look for treasure"), he met Red as she was singing in a bar and begged her to join his label. Also in this AU life isn't a bitch and parents don't die (well, except Law biological parents) so Corazon is still alive an he comes to. every. single. G.R.O.A.R concert. and has their merch.
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robinswise · 11 months
okayyyy unpopular opinion that will more then likely turn into a rant!
I. Do. Not. Like. Eddie. Munson.
Just to get this out of the way, I don't hate Joseph Quinn at all, he's a great actor, but I hate Eddie.
Eddie is an asshole
Why couldn't he push the dnd campaign to a different day? Is there a reason? I don't think there was, I don't remember there being one and when I googled it, sure enough, there doesn't seem to be a reason.
Really couldn't his role have been given to pretty much any of the characters?
Jonathan would've made the most sense (to me) if he wasn't in Cali (in season 1 we know some people thought Jonathan might've k!lled Will, so they could've thought he did the same to Chrissy)
Even Steve.
Honestly, even Max could've been given the role
Also, I don't dislike most people who like Eddie, alot of them are just really obsessed (like a scary level of obsession)
I posted about them positively one time a while ago but no I do not ship them.
The context for that post was that I didn't hate Steddie - at the time I even vaguely liked them (or more specifically, I liked the way that certain people wrote them) but I didn't ship them, they just made the most sense for that specific idea and I didn't hate them at the time.
I was reading something that was part of a longer series of posts and the person had hinted that Stonathan would be in it but then suddenly Eddie appeared and Steddie was heavily implied - which normally wouldn't be an issue but they didn't tag it with Eddie or Steddie.
Anyways, Argyle is in my opinion the better character added in season 4.
Another thing, it didn't bother me initially but Eddie stans acting like Eddie and Dustin's friendship is so unique is really annoying to me-
Because- no- like sure, he's close with Eddie, but the friendship is not unique whatsoever, in terms of older brother like friends he had Steve, in terms of outcast nerds who like dnd he had the party, and in terms of friends with attitude problems he had Mike and Max
Also, was his death really all that shocking? It fit the st formula perfectly! Introduce a new character just to k!ll them off
Even in search 4 we got Chrissy Fred and Patrick
About his crazy fans - not all are like this, I've met some genuinely nice Eddie fans who've written genuinely good Steddie ficlets - but was sending death threats necessary? Because I just don't get why that whole thing happened.
I think Eddie coming back in any form other then a flashback or Vecna vision would just maks me upset tbh, like actually, what would be the point? They already pulled "look he's actually alive!" Trick with Hopper (and to an extent, Will) so doing it a third time (even for such a fan favorite) would just feel lazy to me
Also, in my opinion, Will would dislike Eddie, so many people say that Will would love him but to me, I feel like it would be very out of character for him to like Eddie (knowing that Will doesn't like extra attention - at least not from people who might judge and/or ridicule him - and Eddie actively draws it)
I feel like the fact we only got a reaction to Eddie's death from Dustin and Wayne is really telling as to how little importance he actually had, because even Mike who was friends with Eddie didn't know about his death - or at least his reaction wasn't important enough to show.
I found Eddie's guitar solo to be very pointless and even rather boring.
Also, there are people who ship Eddie with Billy?? Ew.
Even as someone who does not like Eddie at all I can confidently say that he deserves better and would probably not fall for that walking piece of dog shit (once again, I don't hate Dacre Montgomery I just hate Billy)
Anyways, in short, I don't mind Joseph Quinn or Eddie's fans, I know there's definitely worse characters in the show, and at the end of the day I'm just a nerd on the internet who's been fixated on the same subject for probably way to long so it's fine to have a different opinion then me
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eggs-bene · 4 months
So since I want to do more animations (specifically spider-man swinging), I wanted an easier way to do storyboards/layout without drawing perspective cause im lazy. SO i saw some ATSV boards that used google earth screenshots, however i couldnt figure out how he was getting the angle on it that he wanted? like, every time i opened google earth i felt like it was fighting me and i just couldnt figure it out (maybe im mentally an old man)
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You may ask, "why not just stretch out the cubes and make the city yourself??" Well. I'm lazy. but eventually i found a slightly different way of doing it, basically by importing 3D google earth data into blender.
and now thats even better than screenshots cause i could animate the camera! and i could have a better understanding of the layout cause im too dumb to keep that in my head! i can just grab a chunk of the earth and plunk it into blender! its ugly, but i could theoretically "trace" it with clean cubes for the close buildings and let the farther ones be as janky as they want.
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this also works for pretty much any part of the earth, so if i really wanted to I could pull in the grand canyon or mount everest or anything that has 3D data on it. i pulled a chunk of my neighborhood in which was kind've uncanny. its tempting to post a pic of that too but id rather not doxx myself, even if there would be about 3 polygons defining my house
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leidensygdom · 1 year
There is no wrong way to enjoy TTRPGs, as long as everyone at the table is having fun
I just saw a couple of people tagging some of my latest posts with concerns on how they are scared to DM TTRPGs because they can’t do battlemaps, so let me put a quick post together about this:
There is no wrong way to enjoy TTRPGs, as long as everyone at the table is having fun. Fun is the keyword here. Is everyone enjoying the game? Then you’re doing it right. Doesn’t matter how little or how much you want to have at your table. Doesn’t matter which system are you playing. As long as people are enjoying themselves, you’re doing it right.
This means a lot of things. Maybe your group loves playing by-the-book and never homebrews. That’s absolutely right. Or maybe your group has almost developed an entire system of their own after years of homebrewing. That’s also good- If everyone at the table like it and it is fair for everyone, you’re playing the game right!
Some people love super crunchy games filled with numbers and strategy and no RP. If everyone at the table enjoys that, then you’re doing it right. Maybe you like very deadly games and meatgrinders- If people at the table like that, it’s absolutely valid. Or maybe you just want to do RP and develop characters with none of the numbers. If that’s what your group wants, congrats! That’s also valid.
Some people love to painstakingly prepare every little detail and has 10 pages of notes for a session. It takes time, but it makes DMing easier for some. If it works for you, do it! Or maybe you like to go completely improv- If it suits your style and it works for the table, that’s also fantastic
Format-wise, you can play TTRPGs in many ways. Maybe you just want to go full theatre of mind- Absolutely valid. Maybe you don’t want to think about battlemaps but still need a way to make it work- I’ve seen people use emojis on discord to build a semblance of a battlemap. I’ve seen people use excel. People use google sheets. People use drawing software. If it works for your group, it’s good enough. Or maybe you play irl and want to go all in with painted minis and terrain, or the VTT equivalent of having fully animated maps full of spell effects and stuff. That’s also absolutely valid! Why wouldn’t it be?
There has been a lot of talking about the right TTRPGs to enjoy, and how to enjoy them, which has probably risen because of the OGL and people suddenly moving systems or finding new groups, or even people finding out animated spells are a thing. And of course, there’s some people willing to police how others have fun at their tables. Which- Let’s be entirely honest, if you see someone whine about “theatre of the mind sucks you’re just lazy” (or “you don’t need a fancy animated battlemap”, on the contrary) it’s better to just ignore the fuck out of them and move on. If it works for your table, go and enjoy exactly that. That’s what matters.
A lot of times people choose to play TTRPG one way or another to accommodate to their groups needs and their own, and trying to say what is “wrong” can easily fall into a weirdly ableist discourse. For example, I have a speech impediment: It’s gotten better over the years, but lengthy improv descriptions are a struggle. And so, I’d rather either prepare extensive descriptions in my notes, or draw a battlemap that puts my players into what I envision without a 5-minute narration that will burn my mental RAM. Someone with ADHD may need extensive notes to not go off the rails- Or maybe a dyslexic person can’t use notes too well and prefers to rely on improv. Aphantasia is a thing and some people can’t just imagine out of a text description, and they may prefer to see an animation instead of hearing someone describe it. The beauty of TTRPGs is that they’re wildly variable, and people have found endless ways to enjoy them- and adapt them to their needs.
So, for whoever needs to hear this, for whoever found some idiot on the internet telling you how to play your own home game: If your group is having fun the way you play the game, you’re doing it right. Don’t be scared to try out methods that work for you and your group, and adapt it to individual preferences, needs, and use whatever accommodations you need to make your life easier. Having fun is the objective, the way you get there is up to you.
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nanistar · 1 year
do you think we could get a sneak peak of saltburn's clan production? like the scripts or the sketches? (of pages already posted of course) i really like seeing how different people approach the comic making process
sure thing!
so i usually post the next 2 sketches on my patreon for the $1+ tiers on tuesday or wednesday, so they get an advanced little view of it before hand. so the ones here are all gonna be older pages.
my entire script and notes i keep in one long google doc. and i send myself feverish notes on discord to be copy/pasta'd into the doc later. i also have a rough estimation of my progress in the story and how much longer i have per chapters, since im trying to keep it to about 30-36 per chapter. i don;t want to spend longer than 2 years on this comic (though im not gonna speedrun it or anything if it ends up going long, im just hoping it stays shorter lol).
i don't script things line-by-line or like a stageplay. i tried doing it early on but i found i made too many deviations depending on how i placed panels and looking back at the script was really annoying.
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earliest script i have^
i tend to do dialogue on the fly when actually sketching out the pages, because i know what i'm looking for, so unless i have the specific dialogue that i want to remember to add, i don't write any of that down. although sometimes i get on a roll writing and dialogue flows, so i write it down and change it as needed. i have scenes in my head rather than pages, and i translate those notes later when i need to work on that scene. i very rarely get actual page ideas in my head, but i will say today's update with saltburn flying thru the air and recalling some memories i;ve had in my head for months, along with the one where salt sees the angel i had planned for a while. (i'd LOVE to be able to get a ton of pages sketched at once so i can not worry about it, but the nature of the way that i work is that i just can't think in that much detail far ahead of me. so i can only really do 2 at a time)
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^so it tends to look more like this, fast back and forth dialogue to get my point across that i will make fit their voices later on. also i don't use linebreaks or anything just because im lazy so my notes are a fuckin disaster
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my god.
as for the actual drawing of the pages, i literally just do it i dont know how to explain it. i sketch things as fast and loose as possible , i try not to have the same size boxes next to each other unless i'm showing the passage of time or a very minor detail change between panels. large panels for establishing shots. ect. sometimes if needed i will do a secondary sketch to figure stuff out, like i needed to do a bunch when working out the first few coyote drawings since ive never drawn dogs in action before. but usually i just whip it out
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this one is still my favorite, and despite looking much better than my normal sketches i did whip it out like normal (i just looked at refs for the other critters so it looks nicer lol)
additionally, i do every single page in the chapter on the same canvas because i love it when procreate crashes. i do all my panel boxes, and any "weird" shaped speech bubbles by hand. i only have one layer for flats, one for BGs, merge them together and do one overlay layer. if i need some extra definition i will add an additional shading layer but i dont like to. once im done with all the art i merge every layer together, send the page to myself on discord, and open it up on my 'puter and do the remaining text and normal speech bubbles in clip studio.
oh yeah people sometimes ask why i do 2 pages instead of one per update, or just do a bunch and upload it less often and the answer is because i don't want to be working on this comic for a very long time, and 2 pages gets me thru faster. if i spend too long working on a scene it starts getting boring for me and im more likely to cheese it which i dont like doing, but if i do two at once i can get stuff done faster. additionally, i cant just do a bunch and upload them all at once because i like the feedback, and it's better for readers to have consistent updates. i have the deadly autism/adhd combo, and my life is literally scheduled week by week and i have to stay consistent or i will die.
but yeah. my process is nightmarish and fast (despite spending like 4-8 hours per page) and loose and crazy but it works for me and keeps me engaged.
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savi-our · 9 months
Hello! Recently found your blog, and I want to say it's just gorgeous! I'm in love with your drawings and writing style 💜
I have a little request: how do guys react to how their s/o is angry and for the first time curses in a foreign (their native) language? Can one of them learn this language?
Can we go with UF and US skelebro, please?
Heya! Old ask again but i hope you still enjoy it!
UF Papyrus - Edge
-At first he misses it completely
-Since this is the first time you cursed and in a language he doesnt understand he doesn't really latch onto it much, rather focusing on whatever it is that is making you angry
-He does ask you about it later though - IF he remembers
-He asks you about your heritage and overall cultural things rather than the language itself, i see him being way more interested in your origins rather than some language
-Asks you about the food associated with your heritage and learns how to make some of your favorites, makes you participate because hes a sucker for some domestic couples cooking
-Overall focuses more on where you came from and his curiosity regarding the love of his life - the language is only secondary.
UF Sans - Red
-Looks at you strange, thought maybe misheard
-Straight up asks you about it
-Thinks its pretty cool that you know another language, its pretty useful after all.
-Most definitely asks you to teach him all of the worst swear words - from which he only remembers like 2 max and uses them far too frequently.
-Definitely starts hitting on you with an accent for the jokes.
-Imagine the worst, dirtiest pickup lines with the worst possible accent.
-Hes having a blast, even if you might not be - dont blame him, you know what you signed up for.
-Dirty talk is forever ruined for you now, im sorry for your loss 😔
US Papyrus - Stretch
-Quirks an eyebrow
-Asks you at a more appropriate time (when youre not angry) about it
-After you tell him he makes like some effort into learning the language, as in he tried Duolingo (sponsor me) for like 2 days and then was too lazy to even open it up.
-He likes it when you talk dirty to him in your own language though, he cant place what it is exactly but it gets his attention real quick.
-Also learns some curse words except he doesnt ask you but just googles them, you can hear him swear at his pc whenever hes gaming.
US Sans - Blue
-The only one to actually wanna learn the language, culture and everything else AND actually stick it through
-He doesnt like you cursing though so whenever you do he tuts at you
-You used to have a pass bc he didnt know what the words meant but thats no longer a thing, my condolences.
-Hes very excited about potentially having a "secret" form of communication though!
-Youll see him leave you notes around the house with sweet nothings in your native language, its very cute.
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activatingaggro · 6 months
what’s your typical process for these huge art pieces? your posing is so nice and weighty and casual w such lovely interaction and I struggle to imagine how to even begin putting that together. ur ball pieces this year are epic
Aw! That's very sweet of you, and I appreciate that they look nice to people outside of my niche, haha. :] I stopped posting fantroll art for a bit, because it seemed a touch silly to post them on tumblr when.. I haven't even updated profiles here in literally years! But I'm glad that it still has some appeal even without larger context, lol.
My process is pretty straightforward! Part of it is just - take pictures, get references, get up and do the shit that you're about to draw! I would share pictures for examples here, but they're all vastly unflattering and I'm pretty sure I would be rightfully slaughtered by my helpful volunteers if I did that. But basically, I take pictures for everything if I can't find a good reference, and I'll frequently set up my phone to record myself when I'm doing an action pose!
This is because a lot of the weightiness of a picture, for me, is just.. how a person adjusts their weight and holds their body while in motion! The art I make where I'm referencing myself is generally pretty obvious, for example, because I use a cane, and keep 90% of my weight on my right leg. But different heights, different weight, different fat and muscle distribution also all play a big part in how people hold themselves, and videos and photos are fantastic for actually seeing that. When it's something too complex to do myself, or to get some unfortunate volunteer to do it for me, I like looking at Youtube videos on slow motion.
So, for example: Riccin fights with a meteor hammer. There's a decent amount of footage of people using meteor hammers on Youtube!
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So, I put this on slow motion! 0.25 speed, find a shot that I like at 1:00. With something like this, there's not much point to trying to act it out IRL and film it to get new angles - we have a much easier, and more viable route, in just using fucking 3D posers. There's a lot of them out there today! A lot of people like using the one built into Clip Studio, but I just found a random one on google that's free called PoseMy.Art to demonstrate the basic idea.
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The goal for this is not to make an exact replica (because I am lazy and am not entirely sure how this poser works, lol). The goal is mostly to let you explore angles, and to get a better idea of what looks dynamic or interesting enough to work with! Because the main lure of these, for me, is to look at different angles, and then use those angles as a basis to make the pose more interesting. (Neon reds on the first are where I shrank/adjusted/moved the model to create a very lazy foreshortening!)
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But what about for more casual or chill poses?
The answer is mostly the same, except with added social shit in, in that - first off, I make my friends help me find poses. I have a channel in one of my discord servers that's just there for reference, and I'll ask, say, @rebatrolls if she can find me a good pose for so-and-so picture. "I want something cozy!" She will then go off into the mines of pinterest like my faithful canary ready to be strangled by cave gas or something, and emerge with pictures. Sometimes these are great pictures! Each individual entity in our godsforsaken world has their own individual preferences, which shows in the sort of pictures that they pick.
Sometimes it's helpful! sometimes it is not. An example: I asked for obnoxious cheesecake photos for Liable! Reba brought out boudoir photos. Cal brought out NSFW anime figurines. There are two weebs inside of all of us, and one of those weebs is marginally less terrible than the other. uwu
But references, finding pictures you like, and then recreating them and changing up the angle helps a lot! Because there's a lot of gorgeous, very casual, very affectionate photoshoots out there:
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And my last bit is just. Looking at all of these photoshoots and candids, and looking at my own personal preferences, as well as my friends'! I am a nosy fuck and I like to ask people, like: what gestures stand out to you? what things feel the most affectionate to you? when you're close to someone, what is your body language? when you want to be an asshole, what do you do?
That gives me an easy little mental library to build off of to add in intimacy when I'm making poses. I am a grade A lemur when it comes to being physically affectionate, so I rely on that a lot in my poses - people have looped arms, people just casually finding a way to make physical contact through an arm or a foot or leaning, there's a lot of people sprawling out on top of their friends / otherwise being in close contact, because I know how that looks, basically. All the little squidgy details, like "how do people curl their fingers when they're holding hands and their arms are looped together" are already in my brain from years of experience, haha.
And the good part of plumbing my friends' brains for their own references is - some people are very fond of, like, people resting their chins on their heads, and they can say exactly how arms usually rest in that pose. Someone might have grown up with bumping noses with people as a kiss, or kissing everyone's cheeks. Some people might say: oh, I've always had taller people walk between the sidewalk and I, or else they've always sat with their shoulders parallel to their friends knees from years of braiding hair, or or or --
It makes it useful to pull off the little affectionate details! I used to struggle more with just.. casual, fond poses between characters, until I realised: oh, wait, just draw it from life. Because even if you don't have friends that are comfortable sharing that sort of info, or else you don't personally pay attention to it much in your own life - because some people don't, and that's fine! - I've also just occasionally sat down at some busy locale, brought a notebook, and wrote down the gestures, and movements, and little actions of the couples, or families, or friends that wander by. It's all about building up a library, essentially, and once you have, you'll find you'll just start plugging it into pictures automatically.
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princemick · 1 year
hi kyle, please explain your process of making graphics! <3
hi anon! I definetely will, I'll walk you though how I get to a graphic like this:
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(warning, half of my process is just 'throw it at the wall, see what happens' so like, idk how easily explainable it is.)
first off, I get all my inspiration from pintrest, instagram graphics artist and random stuff I find. inspiration is everywhere and I always keep a notebook with me where I draw/write what I come up with.
all my photo's are from pinterest and google, I dont sell these, if you're going to please make sure the photo's you're using are free use.
all my fonts come from dafont.
the program I use is photoshop.
now, I'm going to break up my editing process into 7 parts.
colour blocking
hopefully it's clear enough
gather inspiration.
so I really like this and this edit I made before and they're pretty easy so I wanted to make a new one.
but normally if I wanna make an edit I scroll through my poster/edit inspo pintrest board which you can find here.
normally if I dont have such a clear way I want to go I'd make some sketches to see what works and how to get the idea out of my brain.
2. gather images.
I wanted to make a Danny one so its not to hard to find stuff as I have a specific search for this edit but I also have a growing archive of folders of drivers full of pictures ive found over time that I'd normally go through to find good stuff.
when you use google please remember to click on 'tools' and select 'size' and big otherwise you'll cry because of the bad quality
this is the picture I wanted to use for the danny edit.
I thought this would work well because it has depth and so will show the colour blocking well, it also has the flag and the shoe which is clearly recognizable.
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3. trow it into photoshop baybee.
this is going to be hard to explain but I basically jsut fuck around. most of the time I kind of know what I want to do and the way I want to go but one of the first steps is always to raserize the layer.
I also make sure to copy the original picture for later so you have the same picture twice
I do this so i can be lazy and go to quick actions and remove the background because then, I get this.
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without basically any work. (it's almost never perfect so after I let photoshop do it's work I fix up the parts that need it.)
this is what your layers should look like fter.
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that lil black and white thingy is really useful and if you select that and go over it w the erase tool it doesnt permenantly change anything.
next thing I do is smart sharpen to spice it up, here is the sharpening settings I use.
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a small problem with this picture is that it's to small for an A4 size (which is what I'm making it on) so I need to extend the background a little. which I do in the laziest way.
I select the most of the top of the picture I can and copy paste + extend it out. like this:
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then, for this edit, I'm gonna add a black and white filter to the background so everything behind daniel is in black and white with an adjustment layer. I do this to keep the focus on our subject and remove any and all focus from the bg.
I also add a guassian blur to the bg to once again, keep the focus on daniel.
this is the before and after of that.
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now, kinda boring right? yeaaah so now onto
4. colouring
first off CLIPPING MASK IS YOUR BESTIE!!!. if you right click on the adjustment layer and click on clipping mask it will ONLY grab the picture right below it, this way it wont affect everything else you've added to your edit.
anwyay. this is the fun part, and the only way I can explain it, is fuck around, see what you wanna do and what works.
I always add, levels, curves etc to just deepen the blacks and add some contrast. heres the before and after of that.
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for this edit I kind of wanna focus on the contrast of blue and orange, kinda like the seb one but a lil different so what I'm gonna do is add hue/saturation and remove the yellow and blue from the picture.
you use this adjustment layer by grabbing the little hand and selecting the colour you want to change.
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so I'm gonna play around and remove the blue and yellow from this picture. here's the before and after of that.
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now I'm going to add selective colour, i wanna up to an extreme the reds in the suit. this is kinda hard as you'll obviously grab his skin with that too so I'm gonna use that black little mask on this too, it already exists when you add an adjustment layer
it's that little white box, if you select that and ue the erase tool you can basically remove that adjustment layer in places you want to, this is what it looks like on my layers and on the picture.
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I want to upp the red even more then this so I'm gonna copy paste that layer two more times and THEN add a non erased selective colour and play around with the depth of the skintone until I'm happy with it.
now I'm almost happy with the colour, I want it to be a bit more blue so I'm gonna go to 'colour balance' and play around with that a little more.
this is the before and after of all that
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then I'm done with the colouring on the picture itself. I'm also gonna put all my adjustment layers into a folder to make my layers less busy
I'm also going to add noise to both the BG and front picture. it just gives a bit more texture and grain that I like
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5. typography!
now the stressful part lol.
I know what I'm gonna add so that makes it easy. the name of the race, place and year. this is hard to explain, I know where I'm gonna put everything because off the other edits so it's just about finding a good font.
for this I'm not gonna fuck around with shapes and text layers and adjustments etc. if you want me to explain that please ask away that's just a whole other 5k worded essay.
I know what kinda font I wanna use at first already these choices have to do with a few things which is basically one questions I ask myself:
is there a vibe that already exists around the race and/or win and how do I translate that into the font? (is it fancy, cool, magical, incredible, bold etc etc)
here's an example of how a font can change the vibe
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so the vibe I want to go with for this edit is fancy smansy n stuff so I'm thinking of flowly maybe 1930s vibes this is the font I ended up with
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I'm still gonna move the place around but the idea if there.
(I change and play around with my text a lot so, again, ask if you want me to go deeper into this)
6. colour blocking
now for this edit I'm going to add a box of colour, I do this if I want to add a bit of an oomph and contrast to it, I like what I have now but I want to add some contrast to make the colour and him pop even more.
this is petty easy I'm basically just going to add a colour box behind him, I'm gonna do blue as well, thats the opposite of red on the colour wheel AND its the other colour red bull is associated with, also colour theory and all that etc.
I'm also going to add gaussian blur and noise to add some texture and use and overlay. heres the diff in with and without that to show the use of it.
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at this point I'm also going to move the text around (as you can see) to make it fit better with the added box
7. texture
the moment where it starts feeling like its finished.
for this edit I kinda want to add some photo texture and more grain. here are the textures I used:
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I added these and put it on a screen overlay layer and added some adjustement layers to tweek the last few things.
you can find different textures on google, pinstrest and some awesome artists have texture packs you can pay for w just a few bucks. for these, again, if you're going to sell your work MAKE SURE ITS FREE FOR USE!!!
I add my watermark and maybe fix a few little things but thats all and then I'm done, I reccommend playing around and seeing what works for you.
enjoy and have fun <33
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chaoffee · 8 months
Since I’m feeling spontaneous, and weirdly comfortable on here, thought I’d share how my genshin sona looks like :D I’m still proud of the results of it 💅
Just random notes on it:
I did not mean for it to look so Venti inspired 💀
The colour palette was chosen from a random galaxy image I found on Google, so no, I did not have control over the colours it picked 💀
I did not look at venti once while I designed my sona’s look for the 7th time, I actually had multiple different references and the end result just came out that way
It’s not exactly all the details, but I’m lazy to add every single detail and a back profile lol
Info on the sona itself:
Bow / sword user
Of "unknown" origin
Resides in Mondstadt
Constellation ???
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Is this sona inspired by my actual persona? Absolutely. If I ever draw my persona and show it here, y’all will see the horns and tail goes everywhere 💀
Will I ever give lore on my genshin sona? …maybe, I’m nervous about sharing the design so idk about lore 💀
Fun fact: my genshin sona has had 7 redesigns. I’ve gone through three different visions too 💀 first it was cryo, than anemo, than hydro, and than back to anemo.
Another fun fact: my genshin sona likes bothering the Mondstadt bosses because why not. If Barbatos is going to sleep for who knows how long, I might as well go make "friends" with the other immortal beings 💀 Andrius is now forever stuck with me asking about the past and sitting there in that arena like a child waiting for story time.
Fun fact 3: outside of my activities bothering Dvalin and Andrius, I’d be part of the Adventurer’s guild cause why not :D
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how did you do the wooma art study? whats ur sketch process? im trying to learn how to do art studies next year and urs was rlly rlly rlly good so i wanna know ur process...
*slams through* DID SOMEONE SAY WOOMA ART?!
Ok ok tho like I literally haven't been near the front for like a month or so cause our systems been working on other things and me and the trauma parts related to our trauma tend to 'pause' when were not being actively set off or when we don't have mental capacity to deal with our Stuff but I like popped up like an excited little mole rat cause y e s (and this is not a problem or me being mad, very thankful if anything cause this shit is one of my few dopamine topics and i usually only front for negative shit so WIN)
But thank you on the compliment ^^ I'm the Wooma kiddo in the system cause Wooma's art gives me dopamine and comfort and I just really like it so it means a lot that you liked it.
Our system parts that do art actually have very different processes, but the only parts that do proper studies are Riku and I and even in that we have different approaches so they'll probably reblog and add on their process as well BUT AS FOR ME
A lot of art studies (the Wooma one included) starts with a lot of just looking at the art and multiple examples of it to find some tendencies and similarities. You can do this physically by like drawing notes over some of the art that they've done or just mentally take notes as you look through it. A really good thing Riku and I would talk about when they were helping me figure it out when I doubted art as a hobby was that its really important while doing this to make take note on the things you ESPECIALLY like and find really cool about it because those notes should be mentally starred as inspiration for how you might like to modify your own personal art style
But like a good place to start is to google the style you like or look through their media / portfolio and just spend a good time browsing it and interacting with the source art itself and try to pick apart the question of "How do they do this" which we tend to look at line thickness / quality / brush type, proportions, major shapes and how they represent things (eyes, noses, facial expressions and the individual ratios of them), etc.
I usually don't actually draw over / draw notes directly over since I just like to browse and take mental notes and reference as I go but for the point of this ask Ill do a bit of an example pulled from Wooma's Instagram (I got lazy since I don't usually actually physically do much of this type of studying and got bored)
Collect a number of references, I just pulled from instagram thumbnails; then pull out thing that seem unique / stand out to the style to look more closely at
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2) Lower the opacity and try to draw over the general base structural shapes and take notes on how things work together and the "steps" done to draw the basic structures
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3) Doing the above gives you a general idea on the "rules" that are principle to under lying a style. Cool thing is to then make the layer below invisible so all you have are your notes and you have some general good guide lines to reference for later
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Then after you did that you can try to do an emulation / try to do and study a specific one you like so like I did a few but one I think I still remember the specific image I studied from was this one [link]
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Which became this one
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And from here you just kinda plug the art that you are directly trying to emulate and breakdown free hand to the side / corner to regularly look at and reference how the original artist handled doing one thing and decide how you want to apply that to your own
Follow the notes and "rules" you found below and do it as well
Another note I like to add though is that you should never be afraid to go "I like that but I prefer to do it this way / apply my usual style" cause Wooma tends to use a more pencily thin solid / cleaner line but I just like the brush I used, I like the sketchy messiness and I also like coloring in the way i did which is not Wooma style, but just how I like to do things. The eyes are inspired and studied from wooma particular in size and general shape, but I prefered the more fluid and less clearly parallelogram shape and did that as well + my way of handling hair is not studied off of Wooma but rather inspired by the over exaggerated angular style / expressiveness of Wooma's overall art
They actually tend to do hair a lot more in a - for lack of better words - normal anime style but I was like noooo i like the angularness and "dramatized stylized" proportions and shapes so I was like ok im applying that to the hair even if you dont
Like I really like Wooma's art cause of how expressive it is due to how it breaks a lot of typical proportion rules and uses very sharp and dramatic shapes as a foundation sooo
Oh and regarding sketching, I don't sketch I just immediately draw and start with the foundation shapes and just add it directly over. I might erase a few lines that go over but I dont really have a sketching layer. Sketching would be a thing Riku or rather XIV would probably know how to explain better cause I just don't.
But ANYwAyS we have a movie to watch with fam and all soooooooo Ill have to give up the front but THANK you for the prompt to GO OFF cause it was nice to be back after a month or so to do something so fun and just info dump and sdlafkjlda
Love you anon. Riku will probably add their version of this when they get the down time and energy (if they get the downtime and energy, a lot of what I put here was partially advice they gave me)
Hope this was helpful!
-Lin (I am really ad at shifting over from Rin rip)
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writebackatya · 10 months
I saw your post and I'm working up the courage to come off anon. As someone who was bullied out of the Ducktales fandom a while ago for shipping a pretty tame ship it's hard to see these people constantly reblogged on my dash. Maybe no one checks kudos and reviews on Ao3 but I do because I have had such a bad experience in this fandom.
You were completely right about Shelly (boy some of the artists they still associate with...yikes...their Twitter is locked for a reason) They already got a pass (again is it the art, the guilt tripping?) and their Google doc defending themselves led me down a rabbit hole that I wish I had stayed out of. When I see who believed their bs defense and unblocked them it makes sense. Everyone single one of them is into some real pro shipper stuff while publicly saying they're against it. I also have been in Discords or chats with a couple of them so I have screen shots of them and some other big name fans drawing and saying terrible things.
It's kinda like when creators from your favorite show get publicity called out for bad behavior and everyone is shocked but the truth finally unravels. It always starts with one person and then the dominos fall as others feel more comfortable about opening up and there are more victims and villains in the story. I'm just really nervous about being the one to start the topple.
I just want to start off saying that I completely understand your wish to stay anonymous. These things are always tricky and being in the center or just being involved with it is never easy. I can speak from personal experience that whole Shelly situation had me nervous during it all
And when I got your message earlier, I just didn’t really know how to feel; especially at the fact I was called a hypocrite because I “cancelled some fans” and continued to interact with the people you mentioned in the previous message you sent me
I’m not naming any names because I am just not sure about the entire situation. I really don’t have time to look into things right now when I’ve been working doubles, dealing with some family stuff, and other things just piling up on me. But regardless, I’m still taking your words seriously
Back to the comment of me cancelling some fans. I only really “cancelled” one individual and that was Shelly. And if I’m being honest, anon, when I first got your message, I thought you could’ve possibly been them or one of their fans
But apparently not. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When I was doing my investigation of Shelly, I found that they did draw pedo art in the past but found nothing recent. But I found them interacting and being mutuals with people who did on their Twitter so that’s why I made that callout post asking all the younger members of the fandom to block Shelly who of course soon deactivated their tumblr
I did hear that they came back. And heard about their apology. Someone even told me that Shelly no longer associated with those pedo artists. And part of me wanted to give Shelly the benefit of the doubt and that they have changed. So I just tried my best to move on from it all
I never read the apology. Prior to the controversy I’ve only had a few interactions with Shelly and they weren’t really good ones. I decided to just ignore Shelly and not interact with them or give them any attention at all
I admit what I did was cowardly and kinda lazy but I really didn’t want to be involved with that again. I felt like all eyes were on me and I really didn’t want that to continue. Especially if I didn’t have any evidence of their current actions that would imply they haven’t changed
Now let’s talk about the individuals you called out in your previous message. Out of the three, I only really talk to one. One of them I have interacted with and even read some of their stories. The third. I honestly had no idea who they were until I looked them up and recognized their icon. So I might’ve interacted with them but I’m not 100% sure
Now in your message you told me that those individuals left kudos on fics that contained r*pe and dubcon. Well as soon as I got your message I reached out to the individual I was closest to for their side of the story
They admitted that they have left kudoses on those types of fics but the subject matter makes them uncomfortable. They mentioned the stories they read that contain those subjects they usually go past that part and go right to the comfort part of the story and I’m just going to assume that those stories would depict r*pe in a negative manner
This whole thing is still of a great concern to me. And clearly it is to you since you made the effort to look up these fics and see who is giving them kudos
And if you have any more info please reach out to me via the DMs so it’ll be easier to communicate. Like it or not, you are involved in this and kinda are the one who started the topple. Again, I promise I’ll keep your identity a secret
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