#I went a bit overboard too
cloned-eyes · 8 months
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@elfferret get your commander
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iwantmochisoup · 2 months
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hiii, thank you for your request! <3 i'm really sorry it took me so long, but i hope you like it!! :3c
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temeyes · 10 months
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got c/mm'ed by the lovely @chzva to illustrate her Pool Hustler!Gaz AU and oooH BOI I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HYPED TO DRAW A PIECE THAN THIS AHSAHSHAHS thank u so much, cheese!! i'm excited to read your fic for this!!
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fingersmudges · 11 days
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I have finished it.
Behold: God Games
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melverie · 10 months
Still mad that they didn't give the new side charas the same shading/line art as the other characters, so I gave it to Mephisto
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+ normal version for comparison
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Whether it's already the 1st or still the 31st for you, Happy New Year everyone!
I've updated the QSMP VOD Timestamp Archive to include a section for 2024 timestamps. It's wild to think I've done this for (nearly) a year.
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dumbkatsu · 1 year
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You ask and I deliver! I'm so happy everyone is enjoying the Mu Qing hc, so let's start:
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Mu Qing would notice the littlest things about you.
From how you style your hair, how you prepare your coffee/tea, what you put first in the bowl if it's the cereals or the milk to the little gestures you do when you're nervous.
He just loves your little mannerisms so much. He finds them endearing.
Even the way every week you organize your books in a different system
He would notice how you sometimes forget to take care of yourself properly so he would help.
If you are a very busy person in the morning and forget to eat breakfast he'd prepare it for you to take away with a sticky note saying: "Don't forget to eat dummy"
When you first introduced him to MBTI he was really confused.
And when you explained the concept to him he low-key thought it would be another zodiac thing.
Which made you really pissed
So you made him do the test.
(And during the test he was a bit bored ngl)
It gave him ISTJ
At first, he was confused but as he read his results he was starting to doubt his convictions and so he became interested in mbti's
Cue you sending him a shitton of mbti memes 24/7
And whenever he saw a meme roasting your mbti he would def sending you
You would def make him dress up as your mbti for Halloween
But he wouldn't mind
Because if it made you smile he would do anything for you
When it comes to communication in a relationship, he can get a bit shy and insecure, so there will be times when he won't say wants to say. But if you talk to him and show him that you can give him a safe space to express his feelings he will become more confident and it will show.
OH! I totally feel like mu qing is the type to avoid you when he realizes his feelings for you (pre-relationship)
If you were close friends before and this starts happening it can be very hurtful.
You try to corner him but to no avail, he just gives a half-assed excuse and weasels his way away from you again.
It takes Xie Lian, Feng Xin, and even a tiny roast from Hua Cheng to make him apologize and confess to you
"Mu Qing you should be honest about your feelings, it's clear that they like you too!"
"Yeah bro you need to go head in and do it, it's been too long and now that you decided to very obviously distance yourself they've kinda been upset these past few days"
"Only a pussy bitch boy wouldn't admit their feelings and just confess instead of causing mindless hurt to both parties, isn't that right Mu Qing?"
"San lang..."
Yes that was basically the last drop for Mu Qing and he decides to drive up to your place
(cliché warning: I'm about to be so corny on this one I hope you can forgive me)
It started pouring rain and Mu Qing cursed himself for not doing this sooner and just being a blatant coward.
When he reached your driveway he calls your phone
"Hey, why are you-"
"Come outside"
"Mu Qing it's raining"
"I don't care just come outside, I want to take you somewhere"
"Fine. Give me a minute"
You basically leave in your pajamas and go on a late-night drive with Mu Qing.
He obviously gives you the aux cord bcs he likes your taste in music
You guys drive for a bit until he stops at a place with a nice skyline
You guys stay silent until he turns the engine off.
Mu Qing sighs to himself as you look at him expectantly
"Look Y/n I'm sorry. I have been a first-class dick these past few days and I really didn't want to hurt you by doing it but...it's just that... " he stops.
The words he wants to say can't get out of his mouth it's stuck in his throat until he feels your hand on top of his giving him an encouraging nod
It's incredible how you make him feel like he can conquer the world without uttering a single word really.
"I have feelings for you y/n. I never felt like this before. I feel like I don't deserve to feel like this, I feel like I don't deserve you in my life because I can't treat you like you should be treated. You've been here for me through thick and thin and I would do anything for you. But I am honestly feeling very fucking scared for what it might happen next."
You stay quiet trying to process all of the information you were just told. It was a lot to take in. Until you broke the agonising silence.
"I like you too Mu qing. I always have" you said with a beaming smile
"And yes you were being a total asshat, I was so confused. I thought you were upset that I ate the last chocolate pudding in your fridge"
You two broke in silly laughter and when you opened your eyes you saw mu qing really close to your face.
He was looking at your eyes with such adoration that it was hard to maintain eye contact with those grey eyes.
He momentarily looked at your lips and his Adam's apple bobbed
He looks back at your eyes again moving closer. Your lips almost touching
"Can I k-kiss you?"
You guys can figure out the rest ;)
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rotisseries · 9 months
rori rotisseries reviews from respected critics
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fuctacles · 1 year
He's capable of charming god
For @steddiemicrofic September prompt "Charm", to which my brain screamed Hogwarts AU, sorry not sorry. T | WC 548 | CW Slytherin!Eddie | Hogwarts AU
“Yellow is capable of charming god.” - Vincent van Gogh, my insane little yellow lover whose quote I’ve found while looking for a title and it was oh so fitting
Steve had a crush.
It reached an all-time peak in his last year, when the Slytherin he was eyeing, who should be far away from his table, had befriended one of his fellow Hufflepuffs.
"Pathetic," Robin whispered as he flipped through his potions textbook without reading, eyes focused on Eddie and Chrissy, who was tying up his long dark hair with her Hufflepuff-colored scrunchie.
"Robin," he wheezed.
"I know, I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes. "Are you gonna grow out your hair now? Share hair accessories with Munson?"
Steve has been considering it. 
Robin slapped him on the arm.
"I know!" he hissed. 
The sight of Eddie wearing Chrissy's scrunchie was seared into his brain. The contrast of yellow to his dark hair and metalhead shtick buzzed behind his eyes and the idea of him in something of Steve's was growing into a fixation.
Whenever he passed him, hair flowing, Steve's hands twitched to braid them, to tie them with anything, his fucking tie if he had to. At some point, he even got a yellow handkerchief and started wearing it in his pants’ pocket just like Eddie did.
"I know," he sighed.
Capital ‘P’ pathetic.
But all the Robin-induced insults went forgotten when she waved a piece of parchment in his face one November afternoon.
"What is this," he frowned at her flatly. He stilled her wrist to read ‘Eddie Munson’ scrawled on the paper in the ugliest handwriting he'd ever seen.
"Your secret giftee!" she screeched loudly.
"Eddie signed up for Secret Santa and I, your best friend, pulled on some strings, made some exchanges, and voila!"
She was beaming with smug satisfaction, appropriately, but Steve's mind was already racing with possibilities..
"What am I supposed to give him?"
As Eddie opened the box and saw a plain black scrunchie, Steve rushed with explanations.
"I've charmed it so it responds to music. Your hair will change with what you’re listening to."
Eddie blinked at him, surprise evident.
"Like what?"
"Um, it gets flowy with ballads, and for metal, I know it’s your favorite, the hair gets big and puffy. Well, you know. And uh, it's based on a mood-based spell? So their tips get red with love songs and so on." 
Of course he had to mention love of all things, his heart now thudding as he watched Eddie tie his hair. With a scrunchie from Steve. He pulled a strand in front of his face and observed it lighten.
"Yellow means…?"
"Uh, happy," Steve admitted bashfully. At least he knew his gift was a success. Eddie's eyes observed him like a hawk.
"Does it have to be in my hair to work?" He questioned with a weird tilt to his tone. 
"Wearing it on your wrist will work too."
"What’s pink?"
"Affection." He knew the colors by heart after months of perfecting the charm. He had hair ties everywhere and he tested them all himself.
He tested them all himself.
One was currently sitting on his wrist and Eddie… Eddie was looking at his hair.
"And gold?"
They both watched as the tip of his ponytail started shining in the candlelights.
"Huh. I guess I am," Eddie grinned at him. And the pink of his dimpled cheeks needed no spellbook to read.
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novafire-is-thinking · 8 months
For headcanons: Skids
Headcanon A: realistic
Skids was the best prankster of the outliers. Think “elaborate senior pranks that result in only a fraction of the damage.”
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Once Skids remembers who Prowl is, everyone finds out he can do the best Prowl impression out of all of them. Voice, facial expressions, mannerisms—the whole deal.
Rewind nearly has a spark attack the first time he’s at Swerve’s and hears “Prowl” and Chromedome walk in behind him.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
After Shockwave was hauled off, Skids took part in the efforts to find him. He worked with Orion Pax, Chromedome, and even Prowl, once they convinced him of the depth of the Senate’s corruption.
They were an odd team that didn’t get along half the time, but they all had strong enough personal reasons to track down the Senator. Orion and Skids wanted Shockwave back, and Chromedome and Prowl wanted the truth about the Senate, which Shockwave would be able to provide.
They managed to find where Shockwave was being held, and Skids and a couple of other outliers were sent in to see if they could establish contact with him.
It was then that Ceiling Skids was born. Shockwave was delighted to hear his favorite student through the ceiling panels of his cell.
During their little reunion, Skids let Shockwave know that he, Orion, and a few others were working on a plan to get him out.
Knowing this would likely never work, Shockwave discouraged Skids from trying. He didn’t want Skids to put himself or any of the others (especially Orion) in danger for his sake when he knew his time was short. He assured Skids that he was just happy to know they were all okay.
Determined as ever to do something, Skids refused to listen. He kept coming back each night, relaying messages back and forth between Shockwave and both Orion and Prowl, with the latter demanding to know everything Shockwave knew about the corruption in the Senate.
This continued until, one night, Skids crawled to his usual place above Shockwave’s cell and was met with silence.
Hoping Shockwave was just asleep, Skids tried a few more times to get a response. Soon, reality sunk in:
Shockwave was gone.
Distraught, Skids returned to the others and broke the news. It was one of the hardest nights of his life.
What little hope he had left drove him to wait with Orion at the Ark-1 monument every day for the first few months, but he eventually gave up. War was coming, and Skids had work to do.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
As soon as Skids makes it to the Afterspark, he tracks down Quark and pleads for forgiveness. Quark already forgave him ages ago, and they become close friends.
The day Brainstorm’s spark finally gives out, Skids and Quark are there to greet him as he enters. There are more apologies, more tears, and SO much nerding out about the wonders of the Afterspark. 😂
Eventually, Nautica’s time runs out.
Skids is there to meet her, but she hardly recognizes him. She knows who he is, but treats him like a stranger.
Before this, Brainstorm explained to Skids what Nautica did, and although Skids thought he was prepared to see the effects for himself, he was sorely mistaken.
He’s devastated.
However, he’s determined to get to know Nautica again and rekindle what they once had.
Winning Someone Back After Memory Loss: Afterlife Edition.
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mspaint-turtles · 1 year
i think one of my fave things abt the tmnt fandom is theres so many ppl who have varying ideas abt the turtles' genders and theyre all so right. Agender? Absolutely. Nonbinary? Sure are. Transmasc? Yes. Transfemme? Of course. Cis? So cool. Queer or questioning? I see it. Genderfluid, bigender, demigender? So true bestie. I love it so much.
youre so incredibly correct for this ITS VERY FUN TO SEE PEOPLE WITH OTHER HCS AND IDEAS ABT THE TURTLES THAN MY OWN!! its great to see how people interpret them :3
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skayafair · 7 months
"Really? R E A L L Y ? "
Finally got to listen to the Q&A and there were a lot of times when it made me laugh out loud but "Elora would have half and half" about the ice cream question was the champion.
Elora is NOT amused! unlike me, sorry Elora
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Also listening to all the linguistic details was D E L I G H T F U L. I could listen to this for a few more hours at least.
Edit: That's what happens when I don't read the script 😅 Thanks for mentioning the name's spelling in the tags, I fixed it!
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risingsunresistance · 1 month
some of the day 1 changes to the alpha testing make it a kinda okayish update but i still think it's more negative than positive. sitting at hotm10 mining 60 im fine, but if i was just getting into mining i would be so overwhelmed
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nexo-nex · 7 months
ohh, would you maybe doodle Jeremiah with his lantern? Or maybe him reading something? ^^ no pressure though of course! <3
aaaa sorry for the wait ;__; im very slow w drawing , so i did both of them as a treat for the wait hehe (plus a mii jeremiah doodle so that the bottom of the image isnt blank <<) hope u like it ^_^
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
you and hyunjin writing love letters to each other
hyunjin love letters a very poetic. sometimes he cannot always articulate his thoughts verbally, so expressing himself through his writings comes more naturally. he is able to get into the flow of things and dive deep into his soul, writing his heart out on the page for you in an eloquent, elegant fashion. as a deep thinker and feeler, his writing is always genuine and pure:
y/n, my love,
i hope you don't find this too awkward or an inconvenience to read. but i wanted to tell you how utterly in love i am with you. you know all this, already, of course. my love for you is obvious, clear as day. but i feel that solidifying my love for you on this piece of paper, with this pen in my hand, my love for you becomes more tangible.
the sun seems brighter these days, now that i see you more often. i never thought my mood could magically lift from a dark place to one of light when i see someone's face. now, when i am reunited with you, each time without fail, you raise me from my negative wallowing.
you've supported me through my tough times. you've had an arm around me for as long as i can remember. how beautiful is that? i wish i was stronger for you, i'm sorry my love. but i always try harder to give back the love you show me. i hope you feel that, in some capacity, at least.
let's continue to love each other in our beautiful state of bliss and affection. there has never been two souls better for each other than ours. we are complete now. i believe that. thank you for accepting me.
love from,
your hyunne ~
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waterlogged-detective · 10 months
happles cloak is supposed to look like an old fancy schmancy apron btw lol
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