#I will not be normal about mp100 season 3
mickules · 2 years
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Or we'll give you a discount on your next visit; Guaranteed!
Well what a year that was. and rounding it out with the long awaited finale to the Mob Psycho 100 anime certainly was a much appreciated way to see it off.
Please let me ring in the new year by indulging in some some future musings of the Sprits and Such Consultation staff, past and present.
Serizawa got his high school diploma from night school with flying colours (his mother's very proud), but never graduated from working part time at Spirits and Such. Now that he has his compulsory education complete, he studies subjects he enjoys - discovering that he likes learning really, he just didn't like the kids at his middle school.
Mob, on the other hand, was never too academic but his passion for athletics continues to grow (along with his height, stopping just shy of Serizawa). After high school he goes on to be a non-sponsored semi-professional athlete, working all kinds of odd jobs in the off season. When things get a little too lean, he's always welcome back to the office on an adhoc basis.
Ritsu, ever the overachiever, pursues higher education. Studying to pass the bar (to Reigen's concern) at one of the top universities in the country. A university which Shou may or may not have manipulated into accepting him on as a veterinary student. Despite their different disciplines Shou regularly sneaks into Ritsu's lectures using those powers he 'won't use anymore'.
Teru has no qualms utilising his powers. In addition to his responsibilities as a middle school teacher and in demand private tutor, he runs special afterschool sessions for ESPer children. He aims to establish his own ESPer friendly school one day. He has attended every single one of Mob's competitions.
Tome continued to secretary throughout high school, wheedling her way onto more on location exorcisms. Documenting her many supernatural encounters blossomed into a thriving career as a paranormal investigator, debunking fake phenomena alongside Hoshida Origo as her cameraman and co-author. Her first book was sold exclusively through the 'Spirit's and Such' website.
Dimple becomes the only true full time employee at the office becoming the 'Spirit' to Reigen's 'and Such'. After his and Reigen's mutual possession Reigen developed an ability to call out to Dimple as a means of summoning him. Meaning even when Dimple is enjoying his time visiting Mob, he can get the obnoxious equivalent of a spectral phone call when Reigen encounters a real spook. Dimple delights in ignoring such calls until the very last minute.
Reigen finds out, after a truly mortifying display at the now annual 'Spirits and Such New Year's Hike and Afterparty', that he is missing the enzyme needed to break down alcohol.
Happy New Year
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arkarti · 2 years
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Inktober Day 05: Mob
Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 lets go!
Twitter: X
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kittycat-92 · 7 months
So I watched mp100 these are my reactions
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scribefindegil · 2 years
absolutely dying to hear ur thoughts on mob. literally any thoughts. i love him so much
He's so good!!!!! He's SO good! I haven't had my laptop for a week (& likely won't consistently for a While; Nate gets it while his is in the shop) so have Tragically been prevented from compulsively rewatching in preparation for S3 but I watched a couple eps again tonight and found myself half-chanting-half-wailing "soft! soft! soft!" the entire time so that gives u some sense of where my head is at (filled with love)
I love him!!! I love how he seems so perfectly passive and malleable until he isn't; once he's made his mind up about something he is absolutely not budging and there's nothing you can do about it. And I love that at first we see this stubbornness with comparatively "small" things like his commitment to the Body Improvement Club and then eventually the things he isn't budging on are like. his belief in The Fundamental Human Capacity For Change and The Transcendent Power of Community. & it's so hard and so scary to believe those things!! But he does, and the show says over and over again that he's right!
I love the milk thing! Not just for the jokes or bc i Also love milk, but because it's just so normal! He's just a middle school kid who's bad at math and wants to be better at sports to impress his crush and loves milk! And the introduction of this detail in the middle of the creepy ominous cult stuff is just. Very funny obviously, but also it tells you so much about Mob and also about the show as a whole--it's so so so good at the little grounding details that make everyone feel real and fleshed-out and like they fit into the world and at not letting those details get lost even in the most over-the-top psychic battle sequences.
I love watching him slowly learn to trust himself. I love every single one of his friendships and relationships so much. I love how much faith he has in the people around him, even (especially) when they have no faith in themselves. I love that he's kind.
I love him.
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months
Opps this post got forgotten! But if I don't post it today when will I!?
Okay so, I've been thinking for awhile on the question: why do I like terumob and why did it take over my brain? What is it about it...what caught my interest. As someone who was very NOT into ships when i first got into mp100, why did I crashland into this one?
This post has been in progress for like....weeks now? Nearly a month? 3 months? Yea.
Okay so. Here we go. THOUGHTS! On terumob and why the fuck I like it. Below the cut.
Like I mentioned, when I first finished Mob Psycho 100 in June of this year I wasn't into any ship. I was actually REALLY NOT into ships. I really liked gen. I wanted to explore the characters and I loved the complex relationships between everyone but I didn't want it to be overshadowed by romance. I purposely steered clear of any and all ship art.
But then I started to see some TeruMob fanart and I was like "Aw man, they are so cute and squishy." And I started to like them....just a lil bit. ONLY A LITTLE BIT.
BUT then I read more Teru-centric fics, read Teru analysis' and then I was like. Oh shit, Teru is 100% so into Mob it's like....this kid has it bad. He has a major crush. And even on the rewatch I am like WOW yep, confirmed in my brain, Teru has it bad. The subtext of his pinning is JUST so there for me. I didn't even have to look hard for it. I suddenly was very in on the Teru-one-sidded part of the ship.
But here's the thing, I'm not a big fan of ships like that... feels too unrequited. Hard for me to really like it. I need to have some level of something from both sides. Just how I am.
So that still leaves the question.
When and how does Shiego liking Teru work? Is there any subtext for that or am I just making it all up because I want the ship to work for me?
(which also is fine ya'll, no judgement if you ship two characters that barely interact, thats the fun of fandom stuff!)
I mean, all things considered, Shigeo likes Tsubomi. Scratch that, he REALLY likes Tsubomi. Shiego loves very strongly, like all his emotions. And he definitely likes Teru, they are good friends, so I kept thinking: where and how does that cross into a crush to me, for these characters?
Teru cares a lot, he adores Shigeo—Shigeo is kind, he is powerful, he is everything Teru wants to be. But are there places where I see this same level of intensity from Shigeo?
Annnnnnnnd then I got to their fight in season 3.
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Everything Shiego did to Teru was so pointed. So raw and angry. Like I said, I think Shigeo feels his feelings very strongly and, I don't know, just the fact that he PERSUED Teru to humiliate him EXACTLY in the same way again, tells me that their first meeting had an intense impact on him. We don't see a lot of his feelings on his meeting with Teru, besides the brief ??? in that episode. After meeting Teru, it's just...life goes on as normal for them. But deep down I don't think Shigeo ever really tackled his complex feelings about Teru and their first meeting.
So it all comes out, its all be stewing for AGES, and what comes out is mean. It's aggressive. It's almost sarcastic? It's what happens when we let things chew us up inside and comes out all twisted.
Teru evoked such a strong reaction from Shigeo, even if Shigeo didn't admit it or express it, that I can't help but think, after things have settled, after he has spent more time adjusting to his whole self...after they both take time to really examine themselves and grow....
....that Shigeo wouldn't develop stronger feelings for this boy who also turned his world upside down. Who made him feel such strong emotions, who changed his world too.
Teru was forever changed by meeting another esper his age.
I think Shiego was too.
And I think where I started to love them was after the finale, after Teru's acceptance of Shiego for who he was.
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I don't want to pigeonhole any of the espers into only being able to date other espers. But I also....yes, Shiego is a normal kid, but he is also Shiego.
Teru is a person who understands the strength it takes to keep that power, who has seen Shiego at all sides. His best and his worst.
But gosh this scene....
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Yeah this whole scene just.....just yea. OUGH.
But yeah I just feel like Teru's crush would only grow after that. He would see Shigeo as a person over an all powerful esper.
While I like to think Shigeo's would develop over time and them smack into him like a runaway freight train. Because Shigeo FEELS so strongly, for all his emotions. He feels sadness strongly, he feels love strongly, he feels anger strongly—he just feels everything SO strongly. That is why he is powerful, that is why he is who he is, that is why ??? became what it is.
Anyway. My thoughts have ended and that's all i got. Thanks for coming to my ted talk of rambling mess that has been in progress for months that I realized whelp with the anniversary of the end of S3 nearly here, mind as well post it.
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More questions >:]
1. You said kokomi stays with reigen half the time, do you mean she often stays at his place so she can avoid makoto?
2. What is mobs and kokomis relationship like? Like, are they friends or just acquaintances?
3. You said the story takes place before the mob psycho story, but will it get to it? I mean will we see things that happen like dimple appearing? Or will it all stay before the mp100 story? (Sorry I had no idea how to properly explain what I meant)
4. When in the saiki k story does the au take place?
1. You said Kokomi stays with Reigen half the time, do you mean she often stays at his place so she can avoid Makoto?
It absolutely does, you hit the nail on the head. After Reigen realizes what Makoto is like and the fact that she's financially dependent on him most of the time, he offers to let her stay at his place whenever she wants to avoid Makoto or just wants to get away from that house. This offer is immediately followed by a panicked explanation that Reigen also wouldn't be in the house because he'd never want to make her uncomfortable.
Kokomi ends up taking him up on that offer pretty soon and is at his house the next day. It's smaller than her own, and it's not what she's used to at all. She's tense the entire night and wakes up early.
She ends up wandering into the kitchen to find that Reigen also woke up early. He pours her a cup of tea, and they watched the shitty cartoons that were on at that hour.
After that, she's not really afraid of Reigen anymore.
2. What is Mobs and Kokomi's relationship like? Like, are they friends or just acquaintances?
They started as just acquaintances because Kokomi refused to let him really get close to her. They got closer as time passed and after the 'incident' where Reigen punched Makoto in the face, she let herself get close with him! As of episode 1 of Mob Psycho, she's a bit like an older sister to him. Often times she'll stay after her required hours at Spirits and Stuff to help him study.
They also text a bit out of work because Mob values her (and Reigens) opinion on a lot of teenage-related problems, and because texting him or Reigen helps her relax from the persona that she constantly puts on. (Though, I can not stress enough how suspicious Ritsu is of her)
As the story goes on, they get a lot closer, and they deal with some of the main themes of the AU, like 'What does Power Mean' or 'Is it possible to be normal?'
3. You said the story takes place before the mob psycho story, but will it get to it? I mean will we see things that happen like dimple appearing? Or will it all stay before the mp100 story? (Sorry I had no idea how to properly explain what I meant)
Oh, that's a perfect question because this AU was made to follow along with the Mob Psycho story! It will absolutely get to the main storyline of Mob Psycho, a lot of the stuff I previously mentioned except Reigen and Kokomi's platonic relationship happens in what I consider the past, of sorts.
4. When in the Saiki k story does the au take place?
Kokomi joins Spirits and Stuff a few days after episode 22 (Chapter 107 in the manga) and the main storyline takes place in season 2!
Edit: Okay so ignore this bit below. Turns out that I got confused about how the timeloop worked.
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lavendori · 2 years
mob psycho + ‘changed for good’
in this final arc of mob psycho, we are about to see the culmination of each character’s development upon meeting mob and getting to know him over the series. and actually, for all of season 3, everyone is getting their moment + closure, starting with dimple, then tome, then teru, and now suzuki fam + ritsu this week. each character gets a fitting conclusion that all ties back to how emotional connections in community, specifically with shigeo, change you for the better.
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ONE said mp100 began with the idea of “what would happen if a powerful esper was going through the woes of adolescence?” and BOY i have never seen anyone explore that theme as uniquely and hilariously as ONE has done. let’s take a look at the characters and where they were at in the beginning of the series.
like most good stories, we get to know mob out of order, with his past trauma with ritsu introduced slightly later in the early stages of the manga. instead we meet mob when he’s already working for reigen, at an age where puberty and psychosocial development starts to challenge shigeo and really shake his steely determination to keep a tight lid on ???%. here, we are immediately introduced to reigen, who’s obviously a fraud, dimple, who wants to be a god, & tsubomi, who seems to be the symbol of mob’s unattainable distant dream. this is the beginning of mob starting to lose control after a few years of trying to contain the storm inside him (yes, he and ritsu are TOTALLY like elsa and anna, but way more interesting).
for the first half of the series, as we mob continues to meet new people in this phase of his life, it becomes clear that everyone he encounters has an Opinion on how he should use his powers (except body improvement club lol, and tsubomi). some, like reigen and dimple (and to some milder extent, mezato and tome). reigen’s is obvious from the start: he’s been using mob to help him get more customers. dimple wants to use shigeo’s powers to become a god. tome wants to find aliens. mezato wants to make mob the god. teru, mogami, shou, & suzuki the older & co all had strong Opinions on how powers as strong as mob’s should be used, too.
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ritsu, as his lil bro, is a bit of a special case. he’s certainly always had Opinions on how those powers should be used, and he envied mob for it, developing an inferiority complex along the way. this is multiplied tenfold by the tension that stemmed from the traumatic event they shared. mob started withdrawing and trying to contain himself so he’ll never hurt ritsu again (elsa without locking herself up & speaking with no one lol) and ritsu Felt that. ritsu is an intuitive boy, he knows mob holds everything inside out of care and it’s hard to deal with because he can never be there for mob or interact with him like normal brothers who might occasionally have little fights. he definitely has a bit of a growth arc in s1, and today’s episode shows more of how that development has been actualized (more on that later.)
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in this entire final season, we see the culmination of where their development has led them now that they’ve all been impacted by mob. we see everyone recognize mob’s power for what it really is.
1) dimple gets his deepest ambition fulfilled and seizes his god moment but once he starts to grow more powerful, he realizes how important shigeo has become to him & that all along, he just wanted friends. he also recognizes mob’s powers more fully than before and acknowledges that it’s SO much to hold, and that being a god with that much is actually pretty costly!
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(spoiler alert but this is also what shou and his dad realize too!)
2) tome was serious about starting telepathy club to find supernatural beings but she also feared disappointment & felt bad for dragging others along. she convinced mob to stick around the telepathy club (sorta), dragged him out a couple times to find other espers, but given how her friends sometimes still don’t take her seriously, she had some underlying fears about wasting everyone’s time. in the end, for her, she got to have her exploration day and learned through that adventure that it was about the friends she made along the way— right before her wish to meet aliens actually came true.
3) teru started out as an arrogant prick whose confidence was built on his powers & he never really saw harm in using them to subdue others because he also enjoyed the social power/control it came with. mob exposed the insecurities beneath all that and pinpointed teru’s overcompensation due to his fear of being weaker than others. through that first battle, mob taught him that he’s no more special than anyone else, and to accept himself without powers. that was a huge growth arc of course, but during the middle of the series, he still saw himself as inferior and wanted to reach mob’s level and be worthy of calling him a rival. teru recognized his weakness in comparison to mob, but therefore it seemed like he kinda idolized mob for that sheer power (that “you’re amazing” line even when brainwashed :’) lol.) the reason he said “i win this time” after facing ???% & getting his ass kicked is bc he won philosophically. last time, mob’s moral ground of not hurting others & not relying on psychic powers for self-worth won by a landslide. for teru, acknowledging his commoner-ness was humiliating defeat. this time though, with the same hilarious conditions of fighting mob until he’s naked & bald, teru’s determination to not harm others stayed strong, even making sure to put barriers around the citizens. (funnily enough, he also adds the line that “it’s okay if people laugh at you” LMAO. rip teru always getting humiliated.) he thus truly recognizes mob’s commoner-ness too, in parallel with mob’s sheer power, & ends the series content that he can call mob his rival.
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4) RITSU and his inferiority complex. as mentioned before, ritsu always struggled with living under the shadow of his extremely powerful brother. he never felt like he could compete or even BE THERE to understand mob and his burdens. secretly, despite everything he said in his lil rebellious arc, he’s always wanted to be strong enough to shoulder the weight of that overwhelming power with mob. now that he’s gotten powers and has been using/practicing them, his big culmination of his arc gets realized when he is able to face, without fear, the ???% side of mob that has been repressed this whole time: “I was seeking psychic powers for the sake of this moment.” this moment being that he is now unafraid to compete with mob and listen to him, which means he finally has the capacity to use his power to help shoulder his brother’s emotions.
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5) REIGEN. now this one deserves its own post. even if mob has a lot of important people in his life as a character, as far as mob psycho 100 AS A SERIES goes, reigen is definitely the deuteragonist and the second most important development of this entire manga, so there is A LOT to say about his arc, as the whole story basically is about reigen’s and mob’s influence on each other. but. for now i will keep it brief.
why is reigen always the last line of defense for mob? after everyone got brainwashed, mob didn’t fully go Dark until reigen also got affected. at the end of fighting ritsu, ???% says that NOTHING can stop him, followed by a shot of reigen pulling up. when we think back to the beginning of mp100, the whole story of mob’s growth into adolescence starts with him being used by reigen. as much as reigen cares about his success + money, he finds himself deeply impacted by mob and his pure earnestness to be a good person. all along, reigen’s hated his real self, knowing he’s got a terrible character (and ironically, as reflected in his own fears, is kind of cockroach-like).
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when he finally sees everything mob’s been holding inside, how all that destruction is basically caused by HIS OWN LIES, it’s a huge wake up call that his treatment of mob has real consequences, and he needs to take responsibility for it. over the course of the series, we’ve seen him grow into caring for mob and putting his own selfish desires aside to spare mob from any further harm. but this lie, the first one he started their mentorship with, is the most dangerous one he needs to make right.
so he goes after mob, despite not having any powers. he lets himself get buffeted and pushed around by ???% (and ironically, since he doesn’t have psychic powers, ???% can’t absorb them from him lol).
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and the most beautiful thing after seeing how much reigen despises himself, is that he finally comes clean to mob and becomes utterly vulnerable at his wake.
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and at long last he tells mob that regardless of all of that, he has the freedom to accept himself. he doesn’t need reigen at all anymore.
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and although ???% came out due to his overwhelming desire to confess to tsubomi in the wake of shigeo going unconscious, the ultimate thing that he wanted was to be accepted - not by tsubomi, but by mob himself. reigen assumes responsibility and forcibly removes it from mob’s shoulders, allowing mob and ???% to be able to merge peacefully together.
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mangatxt · 1 year
it was either you or someone else who left a tag about android serizawa on a post i saw and i have not stopped thinking about him since he has been haunting my every waking second. if it wasn't you feel free to ignore this but if it was i Need to know about him
hey hal! hope you're doing well :D thanks for sending this. yup, that was me. oh boy, am i not Normal about him!
ALSO @crownorclover ain't Normal about him either. they have added so much time and thought to the AU too (hi rob bless u for putting up with me <3)
some backstory: android AU serizawa is actually part of an overall post-apocalyptic AU i had intended to complete for an AU Roulette 2023 prompt. unfortunately, i missed the deadline for that this month because i broke my tailbone. unlucky. but deadlines aside -- i'll still get back to it when i'm healed up enough to sit and write, because i NEED THESE THOUGHTS OUT OF MY HEAD IMMEDIATELY.
i wanted to write a post-apocalyptic AU with an iyashikei/healing/hurtcomfort type of feel. ecological collapse but lo-fi girl vibes. yokohama kaidashi kikou / yokohama shopping log is one of my favorite manga of all time and fits the bill exactly, so i was ecstatic to blend two of my favorite things ever.
for the uninitiated, that manga is written in episodic chapters and follows the day-to-day life of a humanoid android named alpha who is abandoned by her owner to run a seaside cafe in post-apocalyptic japan.
(i got excited so this got looooong. more + images under the cut!)
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in episodic chapters, alpha interacts with the small collective of people and androids around her, and the narrative follows how humanity adapts to the reality around them, bands together as an inter-generational community, and still lives meaningfully and intentionally -- even in the absence of hope.
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(also. i mean. you see the vision here.)
for the fic, i want to mix a good amount of YKK's overall vibe with MP100 canon. like YKK, the fic will be from the POV of serizawa, an advanced and immortal android running a cafe as the tides rise, the infrastructure crumbles, and the people around him continue to relentlessly age.
at the beginning of the fic, serizawa is on year ten of abandonment by his mysterious owner but still holds out hope that The President will return someday despite waning correspondence. in his daily life, he runs an aging rural seaside cafe that few visit (that is, aside from the insistent kurata tome, who would like serizawa's help finding merfolk and other ocean cryptids). he does not go out of his way to make connections with people whom he knows he will ultimately outlive. more than that, he deliberately isolates himself as much as possible to avoid it entirely and passively observes the world around him. he lives as efficiently as possible in a hazy, numb autopilot with no wasted motion and little room for function outside cafe responsibilities, even at the expense of coming off "uncanny" to potential patrons. he even falls into a cosmetic state of disrepair because he doesn't really see the point of his outer shell when it doesn't impede overall functionality. and while he doesn't know the purpose for his creation -- in general, he remains stubbornly committed to directives from an owner who never intended to return.
meanwhile, infrastructure failure displaces much of the human populace in seasoning city with catastrophic flooding and hazardous conditions. reigen -- injured and separated from mob, ritsu, and ekubo in the ensuing chaos, and completely wracked with guilt for his inability to change things -- follows rumors that the brothers survived on a boat to cuticle city and decides to risk the dangerous moped journey across the inhospitable terrain. he ends up literally crashing near the cafe -- where tome finds him and calls in serizawa for help. serizawa treats reigen's injuries, and, because reigen has nowhere else to go and can't continue his journey with a broken hand, allows reigen to stay at the cafe while he recuperates.
there's an inherent friction between the two of them in the early days of this arrangement. reigen's frustration and self-loathing for the present circumstances make him prickly; serizawa tries his utmost to keep his emotional and physical distance. they wrangle with a lot of human & android differences. initially, the more they learn of each other, the less they understand. serizawa calculates the chance of the kageyamas survival as near zero and thinks reigen is irrational for going as far as he does for a rumor -- wasting what little time he has. reigen scoffs at serizawa's misplaced eternal loyalty to an owner who has surely forgotten him entirely at the expense of enjoying his life.
as time passes and reigen works in the cafe, they start to gain an understanding and eventually, an appreciation for one another. reigen's appearance in the community brings in curious customers, which forces serizawa to open up to the idea that cherishing the small moments and departures from his programmed routine might make more meaning out of his immortal existence.
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anyway, that's the gist of it! i don't want to give away the ending, but a couple other things in there that i'll highlight -- moped sharing, weird fish, wire and sensor play, trans reigen and android gender????, gratuitous coffee-making descriptions, found family, fireflies, big shirt / small pants, and seri's usb ports are in his mouth :D
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thanks so much for asking about this! <3 it's so fun to talk about. i'm on the mend, so i'm hoping i feel well enough to make progress on this + finish the next sage advice chapter before i completely explode.
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Mob Psycho 100 for fandom! And Amy from Sonic for character~
omg hello thank u niru c:
obligatory link back to the original ask game
Mob Psycho 100
sorry that alot of these repeat and probably arent like insane thoughts, i was only big into mp100 when i was like 16 and finished the anime like a year ago 😭
Favorite character: Serizawa c: hes a 6w5 so legally i must enjoy him but also i just like him ... he has curly hair and is cool OH AND TOME !!!! shes fun :) i dont fully remember my interesting thoughts on her but i enjoy her and how she works for reigen post canon. i think her weird girl charms get to me
Least Favorite character: uhhhh probably mogami or shous dad... theyre both just annoying like whateverrr stop being a dumb adult stop beefing with 15 year olds losers...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 1.... serirei?? is that the ship name. serizawa and reigen. basically canon ? 2. mobteru again basically canon 3. . um . theres not much ships i really have with this show so idk if i can do 5 but i can at least do three bc i think tome and mezato is cute :) i briefly became obsessed w them for a bit after season 2 .... i think the ship of the two claw guys . the like sword one and the other guy is pretty cool...
Character I find most attractive: serizawa. who would have guessed.
Character I would marry: nobody everyone here has many red flags also theyre 90% children
Character I would be best friends with: if i was a teenager there is a non zero chance i genuinely would be besties with tome but also maybe slightly find her annoying. but also maybe i would become besties with mob. in normal life none of them bc i would never talk to children or the adults in the show
A random thought: i think reigen is one of the last tumblr sexymen before that term really became used as meaning: character im sick of seeing so much of... but also i could be wrong. also can everyone stop drawing serizawa with straight hair ... i know they do in the manga/anime but if he had curly hair before they cut and washed him then it wouldnt go away. thats not how hair works and i should know as ive lived with it for like years.
An unpopular opinion: mogami arc wasnt that good, stop using it as an excuse to be weird abt child characters plsss
My canon OTP: nothing is canon :/ so
Non-canon OTP: serirei as i said above ☝
Most badass character: mob :] hes cool and awesom... but also i do think
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk if its bc i dont remember much but i cant see shou and ritsu as much more than besties but also obvs im not at all a fan of the . weirdly large amount of reigen and mob stuff like whats wrong with you all im killing you . i also just dont care too too much about ships between teenage characters so many of the ships in the fandom are like yea thats alright, also can see them as just besties, u kno?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i didnt realize how little there was of serizawa in the manga or the anime .. i feel like he had more when i first read it ???? anyway he should be there more .
Favourite friendship: i think mob and reigen are fun as friends :) especially as they grow older, i think the dynamic would be fun. also teru and ritsu are fun when theyre together. worlds most dramatic 12 year olds.
amy will b under the cut
amy rose :)
How I feel about this character: I like her !!! i feel like shes not talked about much outside of ships which is a shame because i feel like if people came together on her character (this includes people writing canon) then there could be a compelling character here that wouldnt deny her roots or just stay the same sort of trope she used to be. I cant deny i do enjoy that they occassionally dip into her little interest in tarot :) its nice to see that trait remembered.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: sonic of course, shadow, blaze a bit?, metal sonic anddd... yea thats it
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i think her with silver or knuckles is always fun :) idk why i think its because they bounce off of each other well. equal levels of no braincells happening here at least with silver. and with knuckles i feel like they could have a fun brother sister dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: what is the popular opinion on her .... idk ill just use this as more of me talking about her character in general. i wish people would use her abandonment issues more, or at least like integrate that into her character since i think its a trait that shows up a bit in the little visual novel and in sonic frontiers and i think that makes sense as a trait for her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if she was ever playable again . I HAVENT played the sonic frontiers dlc but i think giving her a little spin off game ala the princess peach games would be fun. maybe then her team from sonic heros can be used again and i could like care about big and cream outside of them being sparingly used in canon .. and big not just being a joke ... also i just want more development for herrr im always begging for development or character in this series i know its for children but plsss also i wish they would like actually like .. fully deal with her whole thing with sonic... it feels like they wanna pretend her obsession just never happened and wasnt like the main thing with her character before they basically turned her into sally acorn.
My OTP: honestly ive really come around on amy x metal sonic :) i think mainly bc i cant see her with sonic at all (<- sonadow truther) and also i think it could be interesting if i thought about it more deeply
My OT3: amy x sonic x blaze i know i just said i cant see her with sonic but this is the exception, if i had to have an ot3 it would be this .. otherwise idk if i would have one.
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eshithepetty · 2 years
Can I ask for some mp100 fic rec in this trying time
Sure!!! I've needed an excuse to close some of these tabs anyways. Took a while to compile all of them, sorry, but here ya go ^^
• A Breach of Trust
This is a world in which Mob and Reigen’s paths have never crossed, in which 10-year-old Mob found psychic guidance in the form of the aging, retired tv personality Keiji Mogami, in which Reigen followed through on his plans to close the Spirits and Such Agency, in which a cruel twist of Mob’s powers forces him to confront how dangerous he really is.
10 year old Shigeo Kageyama has vanished, his trail instantly cold, and his case gathers dust in police archives as a kidnapping never solved. Four years pass before a chain of events causes his path to cross with that of the despondent, unfulfilled fake-psychic-turned-fake-investigator, Arataka Reigen. Reigen finds himself in over his head caring for an escaped victim of abuse who, for reasons unfathomable, has been taught to believe his very existence is a horrifically dangerous thing…
I'm sorry, I can't not include this one. It's like a whole different version of mp100 to me,,, just the way that the author explores and develops these characters, describes feelings, builds suspense and weaves everything together is incredible. If you haven't read it yet and are okay with dark and stressful topics, check it out!! Long and still ongoing u_u
• The Trolley Problem
In the aftermath of the Seasoning City Incident, tensions are high, and the future is uncertain.
As civil unrest grows and the question of what to do about Shigeo Kageyama is presented within the government, Mob simply tries to live life as normal.
However, things are rarely 'normal' for a kid with the power to rip the planet in two.
(Whether or not Shigeo presents a threat to the world at large remains unknown, but he's trying his best.)
A fic series that I haven't completely finished, but it's very, very good. My favorite depiction of Mob's handling of emotions post canon, hands down. I appreciate the way it's not so much that his issues are solved now, and more that he just has gained new ones to deal with. Feels very realistic that way. Love it <3
• a Nature so Foul
Mogami tries to prove a point.
He ends up awakening an eldritch terror.
God,,, god, this one... existential horror my beloved. The writing style and prose for this fic series is just, terrific. And the way it just handles this alternative to the mogami arc; the conflict between Mob and ???%... the emotions are described so well, it almost feels surreal in nature. A dark but amazing read ^^
• Signed Up For It
The spirit hauls itself out of the sink on knobby hands, clawing for purchase on smooth stainless steel. Black nails and stringy black hair, knotted like unspooled yarn and dripping with black viscera. It plops onto the tiled floor with the second worst sound Reigen’s heard today and gropes at Shigeo’s shoelaces.
“Oh, hello,” Shigeo says, looking down. “Do you need something?
Reigen learns what he signed up for and chooses to stay.
Wahhhh,,, this one is like blankets and hot choco on a snowy day. I love it so much,,, such a sweet exploration of Shige and Reigen's relationship, as well as Shigeo's relationship to spirits, and his relationships in general. Just a very lovely oneshot <3
• Temporary Accommodations
Due to a matter of circumstance and some near-death escapades, Mob's body gets kidnapped.
...Without Mob himself in it.
(In which the great Reigen Arataka's body becomes a sort of temporary accommodation for Mob's soul, and Reigen quickly finds out he's not really built for this sort of thing.)
A body sharing fic between Reigen and Mob. Angsty and a fun read,, I really like the way it presents Mob's powers and emotions especially, and it's great for those who like Reigen suffering, too :)
• Lens
Just when Shigeo thinks he can forget and move on, reality comes back to remind him.
The heart keeps score.
(Or, the one where Shigeo's injuries from Mogami's twisted world become scars on his physical body, and the people who love him don't let him walk alone.)
One of my favorite post-mogami arc fics. Was so happy to see it get it's final chapter recently ^_^
• Filling in the Blanks
Months after the incident with Keiji Mogami, Mob still refuses to talk about what happened inside the evil spirit's mindscape - and Reigen realizes that trying to get his soft-spoken student to talk may be an entirely improper approach.
Another post-mogami fic :) I really like how this one gradually unravels the truth to the spirits and such crew, felt cathartic,, A oneshot!
• Kegare
According to some people, Shigeo Kageyama is a walking time-bomb. And said people decide to do something about it.
In which Mob is kidnapped, detained, and isolated “for the greater good”. Of course, his friends and family have something to say about that. Now if only they could get to him before he starts to unravel.
A whole lotta hurt, followed by a whole lotta comfort.
This one is,,,, whoooof. Definitely skip if you are triggered by stuff like body horror and hallucinations and self harm and abuse. Also skip if you dislike depictions of mentally ill people committing violence, because even though I think it's understandable in this case, it still might not be something you want to read about. I like the way that it is structured however, switching between present and past pov, that way the misery doesn't become too overwhelming, and I appreciate that the healing seems to be going down a very gradual path so far. Still ongoing! And very angsty, but good 👍
• the perfect son
When Ritsu was nine years old, the monster in his closet took a very distinct shape.
It no longer looked like the demons described in folktales or the spirits his brother can see. It wasn’t a yokai or something Ritsu accidentally spotted while his parents watched a horror movie.
No, the monster looked nearly identical to his older brother, but with wild hair and white, unblinking eyes.
Ohghh,, this one's such a neat exploration of ageswap!Ritsu. I love it a lot. The depiction of his fear towards Shigeo and psychic powers in general is very good. A oneshot!
• A Little Blood Never Bothered Anyone
Reigen gets an unusual assignment from a high school gang leader named Kurata Tome. His task? To exorcise the urban legend known as Bloody Mary.
Mob is a ghost and Reigen accidentally adopts the first two of many kids.
An urban legends au! Love the character interactions in this one, especially between Reigen and Tome, and the way the worldbuilding is done seems very fascinating so far. Unfortunately not finished, but still a fun little read ;^^
• A Lullaby for Gods
Takenaka usually tries to avoid hospitals, but he makes an exception when one of the few people he calls a friend gets hit by a car.
A rare takemob fic!! This one's not shippy, really, just a nice hurt/comfort, and I love it for that. Very sweet,, and I think it depicts both of them well.
• Return. Continue.
After six months in Mogami's mind world that weren't even real anyway, Mob returns to his old life.
Everything is fine.
A fic series dealing with Mob, with Teru, and both of them together as a relationship!! Also not too explicitly shippy (though it definitely is written with terumob in mind), just a very, very interesting and nice exploration of both of their feelings and how they deal with issues. Really love the characterizaton in this one. Unfortunately not finished, but still a very worthwhile read <3
• Butterfly Effect
“Go, Mob, melt it!” screeches Reigen, and Mob extends his hand, already coated with the swirling blue discs of his aura. Only-
Only he can’t exorcise the spirit, because there isn’t one, and the boy is staring at him with wide blue eyes. His hand is glowing the same yellow as the basket.
(in which Teruki meets Mob much, much earlier.)
This one is very sweet. I love the way it portrays Mob and Teru's relationship, with their little stumbles and issues. Personally, I was particularly taken by Mob feeling insecure about boring people, the way it was presented here. It's such a little thing, but I so rarely see it in fics, even though it makes a lot of sense for him. Also a good read for fans of Reigen being a dad to Teru, lol. Finished ^^
• Through Hardships to the Stars
Shigeo and Ritsu have been on the run for most of their lives, and Claw has never failed to be right behind them. For as long as they can remember, running is all they've ever known. It's all they've ever done.
But then, they stumble into the life of Reigen Arataka, and maybe, just maybe, the time has finally come for them to stop running.
Been a long, long while since I've read this one, but I remember Really loving it, in all it's angst and comfort and Mob and Ritsu's dynamic, plus Reigen of course, so I'm definitely putting it here!! Unfinished, though. I think.
• And Then There Were Two
Snapshots of the Kageyama brothers' early childhood days as told by themselves and the people around them.
Also haven't read this one in forever, but it was such a sweet and amazing fic from what i remember. Hurray for the Kageyama parents actually getting spotlight!! Love the way their family was portrayed here,, anddd this one's finished <3
Okayyy, and that will be it for now. I might reblog and add on sometime in the future if I collect any more, but yeah! Hope any of this fits what you are looking for :)
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stuck-in-jelly · 5 months
@daychiie tagged me in “list five topics you can talk about for an hour without preparing any material” AND OH BOY THE EXCITEMENT I FELT IN MY BONES TYSM!!
1. The Dragon Prince, apparently i am a sleeper agent when it comes to this show cause i forgot it existed while i was waiting tor the new season then when i watched it i suddenly upgraded my art skills over night and woke up with all the books in my house please talk to me about the dragon prince i can be trusted to be normal
2. Of course MP100 god i miss it everyday and still reread the Reigen manga when im feeling down I’ve already talked about it so much but i still can go on (Reigen manga please get a anime adaption please i still believe in you)
3. Pokémon, i went from never having any interest in the Pokémon franchise to having 8 OCs, several pokemon games, plushes and figures, and beloved Pokemon in my Pokemon Home account who if they ever got lost in the digital world i WOULD cry
4. Myths, folktales, and cryptids in general dragons especially please let me talk about dragons can we talk about dragons i have 2 books on dragons and 4 on legends across the world please let me make a power point presentation on my favorites
5. Analog horror and found footage horror i am a sucker for analog horror but i am pretty picky about it i can talk for hours about what makes a good analog or found footage horror and the themes that are often found in them the first two that come to mind automatically is Skinamarink and The Oldest View
Tagging @limebitches but anyone can do this!
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animebw · 2 years
Short Reflection: Mob Psycho 100 Season 3
Mob Psycho 100 is one of the greatest anime of all time.
This is not up for debate. Though even if it was, I doubt many of you would disagree. Was it really only 3 years ago that the second season of this off-kilter little slice-of-life action comedy showed up and utterly blew everyone away? Only 3 years since ONE’s crudely drawn webcomic about an overpowered psychic boy just trying to live a normal life stepped out of One Punch Man’s shadow and rocketed to the top of everyone’s Best Of lists? Mob Psycho 100 is the kind of show that feels like it’s always been with us, one of those enduring staples of anime that defines everything good about this medium and remains a permanent nostalgic fixture point for new and old fans alike. From its utterly gobsmacking animation that forever raised the bar on how to portray superhuman action to its achingly human story of the things that make even the most extraordinary of us so wonderfully ordinary, this show is a triumph of empathetic storytelling and visual artistry on a level almost nothing else even comes close to. And while my opinion of the second season may have cooled slightly over time- I’m not the biggest fan of how ONE writes dialogue- it still stands as one of this medium’s crowning achievements.
So when I say that this third and final season feels like a step back, let me be clear: I am in no way saying Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 is a bad twelve episodes. Even if I were the most contrarian asshole imaginable, I couldn’t say that with a straight face. This is still Mob Psycho Goddamn 100. It’s still some of the most likable characters and some of the most spectacular animation ever put to screen. Even on its off days, this show runs circles around 90% of your average seasonal slop. But as this season wore on, knocking down the last few dominoes necessary to bring Mob’s story to a close for good, I kept waiting for the moment that would shoot this season into the stratosphere. Mob’s first fight with Teru in season 1, the astounding Mogami arc in season 2, every prior season of Mob has that one spectacular moment that kicks the story into an entirely new gear and never lets up for a second after. And as we approached the final episode, almost everything as wrapped up as it could possibly be, I realized... I was still waiting for that moment. As much as I enjoyed this last round with Mob and company, it never took off the way I know this show is capable of. It just coasted at 80% the whole way through, hitting plenty of killer pitches along the way but never pulling off a single grand slam. This is a good season of Mob, even a great season; it’s just not a spectacular one. And considering how damn high this show has raised the bar, the fact that it’s ending on such a comparatively lackluster note (again, I must stress the comparatively part of that statement) leaves me a little disappointed.
So why does one of the greatest anime of all time feel like it’s taken a step back for its victory lap? Well, after rolling it over in my head for a while, I think there are three big issues that keep season 3 from reaching MP100′s previous heights.
Reason #1: A lack of purpose
Let’s be honest, MP100 could have ended with season 2 and it would feel almost completely natural. Sure, there might be a couple loose plot ends here and there, but the actual story- Mob’s personal journey of self-acceptance and self-betterment, Reigen managing to overcome his worst impulses and treat Mob with the respect he deserves, the looming threat of Claw and the thematic challenge they pose to Mob’s humble worldview- was basically all wrapped up by the time season 2 ended. We’ve watched this bowl-haired, awkward middle schooler embrace what’s special about himself, work to overcome his flaws and become a truly well-rounded person, and defeat the literal manifestation of egotism and narcissism that stands in opposition to everything he believes about the inherent equality of people. His story is already about as complete as it could possibly be. Anything after that would just be icing on the cake. And sadly, that’s kind of how season 3 feels a lot of the time: icing. Very delicious icing, to be sure, but by now the cake’s already finished, and there’s only so much icing you can eat on its own before you start yearning for the solid food that used to be attached to it.
Which brings us neatly to:
Reason #2: Less interesting characters
This is related to reason #1: with all the important characters’ stories basically taken care of, most of season 3 is spent wrapping up the loose ends of the various remaining side characters who could still use some closure. Unfortunately, that means the focus is on the characters who, in my opinion, are among the less interesting parts of Mob Psycho as a whole. Like, I like Dimple well enough as a comic foil, but it’s been so long since he’s had any sort of serious pathos. And while I appreciate how the giant broccoli arc that takes up the season’s first half gives him a meaningful place in the narrative again, I just don’t have the built-in investment to care about him like I care about Mob, Ritsu, and Reigen. It’s a good way to close his arc, but he’s just nowhere near as compelling a character as Mob’s star players, so it doesn’t hit nearly as hard. And it’s completely blown out of the water by a two-episode wrap-up for the lazy telepathy club that Mob refused to join back at the start of the show. Now that’s what I call comedy.
Meanwhile, the final arc of the entire show brings the spotlight back around to Mob’s crush on his classmate Tsubomi, and... alright, full honesty, I was initially planning to write something here about how I really don’t care that much about Mob’s crush on Tsubomi and how it’s always been the least interesting part of this show, so spending the final arc focusing on it wasn’t my idea of a good time. But after seeing the way it actually played out? It actually works. I think ONE understands, on some level, that the actual question of whether or not they’re going to get together is far less interesting than how Mob’s feelings toward Tsubomi reflect his ongoing personal growth and struggle with his own inner turmoil. So instead of being about Mob trying to finally get the girl, this final arc uses those feelings as a lynchpin to finally make Mob confront the last hurdle on his stage to self-acceptance, all while inadvertently becoming a locus around which everyone else can bring closure to their own character arcs in turn by showing how much he’s improved their lives while he’s struggling with the last stage of his journey to improve and accept his own life. And it’s really fucking solid! Especially the final episode, my god does it bring it all home. The only issue is that this is the final goddamn arc of Mob Psycho 100, and it’s largely about the part of the show that’s always interested me the least. Even if it handles it about as well as it possibly could, there’s just no way for that not to feel underwhelming, especially compared to the astounding work of action spectacle that was season 2′s climactic showdown with Claw.
Reason #3: Weaker visuals
OKAY STOP AND LISTEN BEFORE YOU RIP MY THROAT OUT. Mob season 3 is a great-looking show. The way studio Bones brings ONE’s sketchy, janky drawing style to life is, was, and continues to be a singularly unique delight. Weaker, in this case, does not mean “bad” in any way, shape, or form. It’s just that, once again, I’m used to Mob being a spectacular-looking show, so anything less than 120% feels like a letdown. But weaker is weaker no matter how good it still is, and there’s just no getting around the fact that this is the least visually interesting season of Mob yet. Look back at any random episode from the previous two seasons, and you’ll find enough experimental animation, creative cinematography, and truly gonzo visual style in five minutes to outdo many full episodes of season 3. Far too much of the time, it relies on simple medium shots or panning shots when it’s not time for the action to break out. And even then, the action, excellent though it still is, has so few moments that match the sheer awe of the Teru fight, the Mogami fight, or either of the big Claw fights. Sadly, it seems losing Yuzuru Tachikawa, the director who pushed those first two seasons to such incredible heights, really did leave a dent in its visual identity. MP100 in the past felt like it worked to make every single moment of animation interesting and uniquely meaningful; now it only feels that way maybe 70% of the time.
And again: this is still a really good fucking season of anime. It’s still a ton of fun, the action kicks ass, and getting one last chance to bid these characters goodbye was definitely appreciated. The only reason I’m being so critical is because I know what this show is capable of. If MP100 had been at this level of quality from the beginning, it still would’ve been a high-tier shonen romp with enough heart and style to easily recommend to anyone. But I’m not used to MP100 settling for just being good. I’m used to MP100 shattering every conceivable barrier in its way as it rockets into the stratosphere. I’m used to MP100 going so far above and beyond that it redefines what’s even possible in animation. I’m used to this show being an absolute masterclass of spectacle and storytelling alike. So the fact it doesn’t get to be that one more time for its final outing turns what’s otherwise a perfectly delightful season 3 into a sorrowful reminder of glories past, weighed down by just how much better it used to be. Never before has a really good show felt so crushed under the burden of failing to rise to greatness.
But you know what? Fuck it. Just because it’s not as jaw-dropping and landmark-setting as previous seasons doesn’t mean Mob season 3 wasn’t a damn great ending to a damn great series. If nothing else, the OP drop in the final episode probably pushed my score up a full half-point all on its own. This may be a step down from what this show is capable of, but at the end of the day, there’s still more than enough heart, imagination, and sheer talent on display here to close Mob’s story out on a deeply affecting note. Mob Psycho 100 has already earned its eternal place in the anime pantheon; it’s earned the right to rest on its laurels for its farewell party. And I’m sure I’ll still be thinking fondly back on the whole beautiful journey long after the momentary disappointment fades from memory. So with all that said, I give MP100′s final season a score of:
So long, Shigeo. So long, Reigen. Here’s looking forward to whatever the future has in store.
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scribefindegil · 2 years
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[Image ID: A page from the Reigen manga. Panel 1: Reigen stands in a forest looking exhausted. He says, “At least I bought bug spray this time . . .” Panel 2: He sprays himself down. Panel 3: A closeup of his face. He’s dripping with sweat and his eyes are sunken. He says, “Preparations complete.” Panel 4: Reigen loosens his tie as he staggers towards the viewer. His face is sweaty and he has a haggard expression. He says, “All right then . . .” End ID.]
Okay listen it’s been a month since i read this and i CANNOT stop thinking about “At least I bought bug spray this time. . .” It’s just. It’s so Reigen.
This man is dying. He is being eaten alive by a curse that will kill him in less than 3 hours--probably closer to 2 by this point because this place is pretty far outside of Seasoning City. Since Serizawa couldn’t destroy the curse, he knows that Mob is the only person who could get rid of it--and he doesn’t think that he’ll get there in time, if he comes at all. Reigen’s last-ditch plan is to try to trudge into the most haunted forbidden evil woods he knows about in the hope that he can make the curse that’s killing him fight a different, worse curse, and if that doesn’t work at least he’ll die in a place far away from other people and the curse will be prevented from victimizing anyone else.
And what does he say when he arrives at the Evil Death Woods? “At least I brought bug spray.”
One of the things that makes Reigen’s character work is that he is Just Some Guy. A deeply bewildering, paradoxical guy who lies for a living, but still just a guy. Different characters in MP100 are trying to exist in slightly different genres, and for all his absurdity Reigen is the character who is the most grounded in the real world. He worries about his fire insurance during a psychic terrorist attack. He’s the one who goes “Hey, this is illegal?” and “Kids should not be dealing with this” and “You’re supposed to be adults, what is your PROBLEM?” when he’s introduced to the shonen-anime-villain Scars.
And he’s the sort of person who thinks, yeah, dying of a horrible curse in the woods would be bad, but you know what would be worse? That and bug bites. And he’s not . . . wrong, but it’s not something that anyone else in the series is going to think of. It’s such a normal worry in such an abnormal situation. It’s so grounded.
And it’s also . . . weirdly hopeful? I feel like a lot of people talk about this part of the manga like Reigen’s given up and is just marching to his death, but he really isn’t. Yes, he was willing to take on the curse to save Tome, and he’s well aware that he might die, but he’s still trying to get out of it with everything he’s got. He doesn’t have powers, but he’s really clever! He goes into a place with a time distortion effect in the hope that it will buy him more time! He manipulates the curse into turning around so that it gets attacked by the Mimic spirit but he doesn’t! If it had been a more even match between them like he’d hoped, he might have been able to get out of the woods even without Mob coming to save him.
He’s aware of the danger and how much the odds are stacked against him, but he hasn’t given up! And the bug spray feels indicative of this. He thinks he might succeed in getting rid of the curse. He thinks he might need to get out of the woods on his own. And if that happens, he’s going to be so happy about not getting covered in bug bites this time.
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saltspl4sh · 2 years
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I posted 3,938 times in 2022
That's 3,879 more posts than 2021!
542 posts created (14%)
3,396 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,140 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#favorite - 2,210 posts
#mob - 758 posts
#mp100 - 511 posts
#reigen - 461 posts
#teru - 302 posts
#serirei - 241 posts
#serizawa - 203 posts
#mob psycho 100 - 186 posts
#tome - 182 posts
#ritsu - 177 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#this has got to be the most unintentionally funny post ever. where you just say happy pride month and theres a normal picture of reigen 😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
3,007 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
mob: sniffle ..... hrgng .... dimple ... was a friend ... *sobbing noises*
the next episode preview: mob and co are looking for ALIENS ⁉️👽😲 and I'm DRIVING THEM THERE ⁉️😱‼️‼️ tune in next week 🌟💥😀
3,514 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
I keep seeing random parts of the fanbook get translated on twitter and it's so wild. keep in mind I don't have an actual source for any of this it's just what I'm seeing but. list of things that are apparently true
-reigens sister is a bank clerk and doesn't talk to him often
-reigens dad is a government official and thinks he's unemployed
-serizawas wage is 300 yen
-reigen lied about having a passionate romance with two women
-reigen and serizawa did actually go out for drinks
6,074 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
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I hope no one has done this yet
6,252 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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thank you among us
7,601 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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willowfoot · 2 years
I am so normal about the fact that MP100 season 3 is coming out tomorrow. I am so normal about it. Exceedingly normal even
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