#I will still try though. I promise I'll be very annoying <3
musical-chick-13 · 6 months
The GOOD news is that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is (somehow!!!) officially in the semifinals of the Best CW Show poll.
The bad news is that it is going up against LoT next, so rip to my favorite show, I'm proud of you for making it this far.
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bedsyandco · 8 months
clingy - t. zegras
summary: trevor tries to convince you to skip your morning workout and stay in bed with him
note: just me trying to get some of my writing juju back. Oh to have sleepy trevor trying to coax me back into bed. been in my trevor era lately. I hope you like it <3
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You sigh watching the coffee slowly pour into your cup. You desperately needed the caffeine after getting up this early. It was 7am on a Saturday and you wanted nothing more than to get back in bed and sleep in 'til noon, but you couldn't. You and Trevor were attending a friend's birthday lunch that would probably go until late afternoon, and if you didn't go to the gym now, you wouldn't have time to go at all.
Usually you wouldn't be opposed to just skipping a gym session, especially if you had plans but you had already skipped 2 days this week and you didn't want to skip another. A creak in the door made you turn your head towards the left where a very sleepy Trevor was shuffling his way over to you, yawning and hair sticking in every direction.
The sight made you giggle slightly and you turned your attention back to the coffee, noticing the cup was filled. You put the lid on your cup, just as your boyfriend's arms snake around your waist from behind, pulling you against him tightly and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry if I woke you up baby," you say, genuinely feeling bad, knowing the start of the season is always an adjustment and he needed his rest.
"come back to bed" he mumbles against your skin, his soft breaths and ends of his hair tickling you slightly.
"I can't. I have to go to the gym" you say, ignoring his hmm of protest, trying to grab your cup in front of you but Trevor was faster and snatched the cup, holding it above his head before you could take it.
You turn around glancing up at the cup that you couldn't reach and gave your boyfriend a deadpan stare. "Really? You're so immature Trev." you say slightly annoyed and he grins. You are so hot when you are mad.
"Babe, you have the hottest body I've ever seen. You don't need to go to the gym." he says, voice slightly groggy since he hasn't been up that long. He was still holding the cup above his head even though you hadn't made an attempt to grab it.
"It's not about how I look. It's about being active. Sometimes I barely get my 10k steps in a day, not all of us play a sport for a living, remember?" you ask but he's not really paying attention, taking a sip of your coffee and immediately scrunching his nose up. He knows you don't take any sugar, but he still drinks it every time, thinking it's gonna taste differently.
"There's other ways you can be active. So many other ways. Come back to bed and I'll show you." he says putting the cup on the counter, hands falling to your hips and pulling you closer to him.
"You're insufferable." you protest, voice fading a little when he starts laying little kisses on your collarbone.
"Come on. I'll make it worth it. I promise you'll burn more calories with me than you will in the gym and you'll have so much more fun doing it." he whispers, his hands sliding down to grab your ass.
You bite your lip, thinking about it for a second before pulling his head down to meet yours in a kiss. He picks you up as you wrap your legs around his waist, carrying you back to bed. It's not like you weren't active at all, right?
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moumouton4 · 8 months
Jealousy, Possession || Izuku Midoriya x reader
A/n : Prompt 27 of the Smutember 2023 ( Okay so this is not as smutty as I would have wanted, but I'm still very sick and I have a LOT of things to do as the mid-terms are coming my way. I hope you'll like it nevertheless. And if you want something with a similar plot, like a jealousy or a possessive character I'll do my best to write it, and make up for this one. As I said it took me a while to write I don't even remeber the beginning 😭 )
The list of prompts is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : no mention of gender for reader, mention erection nothing graphic, sex implied, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1515
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No one ever thought he, the kind and caring Izuku could be like that. I mean it was far from the personality everyone attributed to him to have. And since you were the type to be touchy-feely, people guessed it was fine to act the way they wanted with you ( within the boundaries of respect and consent of course )
But with time some people, the one who were closer to you noticed slight changes in his behavior. It started as nothing, like quick glances your way when your friends of the Baku Squad would talk to you, to slowly inching closer to where you guys were standing just to know what you’re talking about and also to be sure no one would get to close
It would have seemed impossible to anyone to think that Izuku was this jealous and possessive of you but it was so easy to be when you spent almost all your day with Bakugo, the one who never fails, the one who can do everything better than him. And let’s not forget Denki, he is just so funny, more than Izuku knew he could ever be. And Eijiro and Sero.
But then again something switched in him when he was seeing Eijiro’s arm around your shoulders, or Denki giving you a piggy-back ride. Even he knew that Katsuki was standing or sitting always closer to you than from anyone else and seriously it made the green haired boy’s blood boil in his veins. Seriously, at some point he just wanted to whisk you away from them and keep you to himself, for fear of you to realize how lame he was compared to them.
One day Sero patted you back in a comforting manner after you got a bad grade and Izuku literally growled lowly as he saw you both getting physically closer. he knew that it was utterly friendly but he couldn’t help it, his hand that had flown to his mouth stayed there as he tried to look away. But after a moment he just couldn’t help it and walked to you. At first he yawned, giving you puppy dog eyes, telling you he was tired - it was 3 pm - and that he wanted you to go take a nap “Excuse me… erm can we like erm step aside ? I feel really tired and I could use a nap” saying this he really hoped you would follow him and at the same time get farther away from Sero, who was quite the charmer when he intended to.
Though you didn’t get this and told him “Oh well go ahead and get some rest. I’ll come check on you later”
He didn’t want you to come later. He wanted you to come now. So he tried again “Y/n don’t you want to come with me now. It’ll be easier for me to rest if I have you close-”
“I promise I won’t be long” you cut him.
“Ughh…” he huffed as he started to get annoyed, his jealousy getting the best of him “You know what” he said sitting down next to you on the couch “I’ll start resting here”
These kinds of feelings were so new for him and he didn’t know how he could handle them without getting no one hurt in the process. His cheeks were lightly rosy due to his feelings and the shyness he had to suppress to speak out loud in front of your friend. He tried so hard to close his eyes and actually do as if he was really tired and trying to rest but he just couldn’t. Not when he was so close to you, not when you were laughing so hard at his jokes and not when Bakugo was making his way down the corridor towards you.
The blond haired boy didn’t do anything different in comparison to what he would have done any other day. He walked in his typical way, exhaled dramatically the way he always does and gave you and Sero a quick nod to greet you. But it seemed to be enough for Izuku to suddenly stand up and get a hold of your arm.
He really tried to stay calm, breathing slowly, reminding himself that you choose him and him only. But somehow he couldn’t help but think that if you wanted to leave him for a better man you would. Looking into his eyes you could see through his green orbs the fire that burned behind. He gently tugged at your arm / shirt, he needed to go now. He knew it wasn’t right of him to ask you this because you too deserved to spend time with your friends. But currently he couldn’t think of anything else than having you just for himself.
You quickly understood ( I mean it was about time 😂 ) that now was the moment for him to leave this place before his jealousy gets overboard but it was without counting on Katsuki’s temper “Why are you leaving so soon dumbass ? It’s Friday afternoon”
“YEAH !” screamed Denki who was just arriving with Eijiro and Mina “We’re going to celebrate the week-end with some drinks and good music”
As you were about to gently make your way out of this discussion, Izuku who was at your side still holding onto you pulled you against him as he said “Thank you but no” and with that he walked off, dragging you with him in the process. Needless to say that everyone - even you - were flabbergasted to have attended such a situation. And maybe even more stunned by the fact that it was Izuku they had just seen acting on a jealous impulse.
“Am I the only one who saw that or- OUCH ! Don’t hit me like this”
“Shut up Dunce Face ! I already don’t like this-”
“Come on Bakugo you can’t be even impermeable to the power of love-”
“Don’t cut me off when I’m speaking Shitty Hair !” the blond roared, he had known you for years and he didn't like how Izuku whisked you out of the room, even if it was easy to see that you weren’t really struggling against it. It was also very strange and unhabitual for him to see Midoriya act so… dominant with someone else. He knew he had to address the matter with you in a way or another but he had to find a clever way to do it. The redhead at his right did his best to help him understand that it was in human nature to feel self-conscious sometimes and that it could create jealousy. Something Izuku, like everyone, could be a subject too.
Meanwhile, Izuku was fuming from the inside as he walked you both to his dorm. He was so angry at himself for having let his feelings get the best of him though he just couldn’t help but feeling extremely possessive of you at the moment. As you sat down on his bed he sat next to you and cuddled up against your side as you both lied down. He nuzzled against the side of your neck, taking a deep breath in of your parfum. It helped him calm down, but he still felt very clingy “Mine” he muttered “Only mine”
His cheeks were still growing very red as his brain registered the words that just escaped his mouth. But it wasn’t the only thing that made the heat run through his body. He felt very warm inside, he felt like he needed to assert what he had just said. He wanted to make you his, fully, in every possible way. And you could actually feel his needs throbbing against you and you knew you too were going to need him soon.
When you looked up at him, you found that he was already looking at you with intensity, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. Unable to muster the words you just leaned in, selling your shared passion and promise for what was to come with a long kiss - that was pretty much awaited on your boyfriend’s side.
Let’s say that from there, even if he wasn’t one to talk a lot, he was one to act and so he did, all night, as he filled you with everything you needed to make your eyes roll in the back of your head, but also with every ounce of his love for you. Making you his over and over again until his brain couldn't trick him into thinking otherwise anymore.
Your body arched and writhed relentlessly under his assaults. He didn’t relent at any point wanting to prove himself to you over and over again. He was the one making you feel like this, not Denki, not Sero and not Bakugo.
Denki almost came back in the evening to ask you guys to come and enjoy the little party they decided to throw that night. Fortunately Eijiro prevented him from walking on your entangled and sweaty limbs as Izuku mated you. Denki would have been choked for life and Izuku would have never left his dorm anymore.
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ughgoaway · 6 months
Potential conflicts for the I love you blurb/fic
1. Annie gets injured at school. Proper injured and has to be taken to hospital. Matty loses it completely, snapping at everything and everyone, including reader. He snaps at her and reader starts to cry (she feels like absolute shit and Matty is clearly not helping) and goes to hide in the bathroom. Once Matty is told that Annie will be alright, he goes and tries to talk to reader, but she's still shaken and doesn't wanna talk to him. He tries to apologise, and in his apology, he says that he loves her.
2. Reader starts hanging out with an old friend of her, maybe a high-school friend or something like that. Matty gets jealous but doesn't say anything at first. Then Annie tells him how reader brought her friend to class and he thought them about whatever it is that he does (maybe he's a firefighter or something that kids think is cool). Matty, like the little shit that he is, instead of communicating his discomfort, he starts distancing himself from reader. When she, tired and confused by his antics, approaches him to ask for an explanation, things get heated, and they start going at each other. When Matty suggests that she's cheating on him, she says something like: Are you stupid? Why would I cheat on you if I love you?
both of these are very, very good. I love them!!! I wanna give my thoughts on both, but I only have the energy for one rn, so here that is! and when I come back and add more, I'll reblog this lol <3
(no proofreading, just vibes)
okay, I'm gonna alter the first one a lil' and maybe make it sadder... apologies, but I promise it ends nice <3
I can see Annie falling off a swing at school and breaking her arm. matty gets the phone call and drops EVERYTHING.
he gets to school and the nurses office and sees you sat with Annie and she's sniffling and holding her arm, her eyes red from crying.
matty runs in, and as soon as Annie sees him, she days, "Daddy?" and then bursts into tears, matty actually feels his heart splinter into 1000 pieces and comes rushing over and holding her, shushing her and stroking her head as it rests against his chest.
"What happened?" he says it kind of angrily, but you brush it off just assuming he's stressed.
"Oh, don't worry too much," you can see matty is annoyed at your words, but you still shake it off and contuine. "Annie was just swinging a little too high and fell off the swing. the nurse says her arm might be broken, so you need to take a little trip to a&e. you'll be okay though, won't you Annie?" As you ask you stretch your arm to stroke her head, but matty jerks her away from you, and you shoot your head up to look at him questioningly.
mattys jaw ticks before he sighs and starts angrily whispering, and if Annie wasn't there, you're sure he'd be shouting. "she'll be okay? where were you? aren't you meant to be watching her? " he hissed.
you're a little taken aback and say, "Well, I was on the playground, but I can't be everywhere all at once, you know that"
matty immediately jumps down your throat and says, "It's your job to keep her safe, and look what's happened? just- go away. I'm taking her to a&e now." he sighs angrily and scoffs at the tears brewing in your eyes and walks off.
as soon as the door clicks shut, you start sobbing, sitting down on the chair with your head in your hands. I'm talking like full snot bubbles aggressive crying.
hurting Annie is your worst fucking nightmare, and you felt guilty enough before matty came in here acting like a dick. you try to be mad at him but you can't help but just blame yourself.
it was your fault she fell. it was your fault she's hurt. you're to blame.
cut to hours later, Annie has a new cast and a lollypop in her mouth and quite honestly couldn't be happier. she got to choose the colour (stereotypical pink but she loves it) and all the staff signed it. she got a sticker and her favourite flavour of Lolly, as well as lots of fuss from everyone, so she's pretty chuffed.
she's looking forward to going to school tomorrow and getting everyone to sign her cast and ask lots of questions, "Did it hurt really bad???"No, but that's because my daddy says I'm really brave, so it would probably hurt you"
(she was crying for a good 45 mins from the pain, but he lets her live in delusion)
and once Annie is asleep in bed and matty is sat on the sofa left with only his own thoughts, he realises he was a fucking dick.
he says, "fuck" out loud and hangs his head down, he wants nothing more than to call you but he knows he should wait until he sees you in person. you haven't moved in yet, but you've been together a while so he could just go over to your place and beg for an apology but he can't bring himself to do it.
him and annie show up early to school. He leaves Annie in the library, showing all the librarians her cast and recounting her story. he sneaks off to your room to apologise.
he walks in, you look up and roll your eyes before going back to your work. overnight, you had gone from guilty to pissed off.
matty knew how much you love Annie, and yet he still treated you like you had personally thrown her off the swing.
"Look, I deserve that, I know. I was a dick yesterday, and I'm so sorry. " matty sighs as he walks over and leans on your desk beside you on your chair. you spin around with your arms cross and nod for him to contuine.
"Please forgive me, baby. I'm so sorry. seeing Annie hurt just broke my heart, and"
"And it didn't break mine? God matty you're such a fucking dick. you know I love her."
he waited for you to scream and shout more, just take it out on him, but you stay silent and stare.
matty was stressing out at your silence, so he did what he did best when stressed. He rambled.
"Please, you have to accept my apology. I've been killing myself the whole night. the way I spoke to you was just- awful. inexcusable. I know you love her, I love her too. and I love you so much. but the whole situation got on top of me and-" matty stopped when he felt your hand on his arm, and he finally had the guts to look you in your eyes and he once again saw them brimming with tears.
before he could stutter another apology, you stand up and hug him. Whilst he's confused, he just wraps his arms around you and hugs you.
he feels you mumble against him but can't quite make it out, "what was that, sweetheart?"
you pull back and give him a teary but happy smile and say, "I forgive you. and I love you too"
it's only then that matty realises what he said, and the look on his face has you giggling immediately. you bring your hands up and rest them on his cheeks.
"Love you," you say, making his eyes look at yours.
you see them soften before he says, "Love you too."
more blurbs from this au here :)
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crazystargirl · 1 year
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jealous? i don't get jealous! ♥
pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt.3
pairing ♥: spider soccoro x reader, spider soccoro x human!reader, jealous!spider soccoro x reader
word count ♥: 0.6k!
author's note ♥: i'm so sorry this took so long to write, but here is part 2! i took a bit of a hiatus but im back, i'll still be a bit inactive but i promise i'm writing, and currently working on some requests!
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When you guys reached the girls, Tuk ran up and gave you both bug hugs.
"Y/n/n!!! I missed you so much!"
"So did I Tuk, hey Kiri!!"
When you got out of Tuk's death grip, you made your way to Kiri and gave her a hug. Spider watched as he gave a hug to Tuk. You came back to him and started to drag him to go greet Neytiri and Jake. 
"Y/n/n…do I have to go greet Neytiri?"
"You skxawng!!! Of course you fucking do, for Eywas sake! Honestly Spider I thought you had more manners than this"
Spider looked down at the ground, embarrassed. You notice this and lift his head up, even though you're shorter, to have him look into your eyes.
"Spider…I was joking, but I'm also serious about greeting Neytiri and Jake."
"I know y/n and I'm sorry for trying to avoid it"
Spider gives you a hug and kisses you on the head, you guys stay like that for a bit until you hear a voice.
"Love birdssssss"
You guys hear Tuk purposely drag out the word and pull away, embarrassed. You take Spider’s hand and start to take him to greet Jake and Neytiri. When you guys reach them, you exchange your hellos and you can't help but notice not only Spider is stiff but Neytiri is too. Jake seems to notice this and shrugs at you.  
You four stood there in an awkward silence until Tuk comes running up to Neytiri
"Mommmmmm!!! My feet are hurting and Lo’ak keeps annoying me!"
"Lo’ak! Stop bothering your sister and don't worry Tuk, we're leaving soon" Jake says, looking in the direction of the other Sully kids
"Alright since we’re obviously not hiking up there i think how are we gonna get up there?" you asked confused
All at once everyone opened their mouths to speak which caused a jumbled conversation and a very confused you
Neteyam leaned over while everyone was talking and told you that they'd be riding the ikran to get up there.
"Wait if we're riding ikran whose going with who? I know all of yall except Tuk have your own so who will me and Spider be riding with?"
"I can take y/n!" Lo’ak said from out of nowhere
"Alright if you’re taking y/n then Neteyam take Spider…alright yeah let's grab our stuff and go" Jake said looking around 
After everyone got their stuff loaded onto the ikrans, you mounted it with the help of Jake since there was no way you'd be able to get on it without some help
"Alright let's hope we can get there before sunset at least"
After not even 5 minutes of flying, you got bored. Lo’ak was fidgeting not making any conversation so unless you were going to yell to talk to Spider, there wasn't anything to do.
"You ok? You're awfully quiet and your fidgeting." you asked Lo’ak after anothef 5 minutes had passed
"Huh? Oh uh yeah I'm fine…just thinking"
"You mind me asking about what?
"Uh ummm"
"HEY Y/N/N!" You both whipped your heads around to see Neteyam and Spider 
"What's upp?" you yelled back since it was hard to hear each other over the wind
"You just seem a bit tense! You good?"
"Yeah and so do you spider boy!"
You and Neteyam laugh as Spider sticks his tongue out but of course it hits the exopack
"Ewww spider! You just licked the exopack" you yell, bursting into laughter at his disgusted face
Neteyam watched as you laughed and saw Lo’ak and Spider looking at you with the same kind of happiness.
Oh my Eywa, you were caught in a love triangle and you didn't even know it!
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series taglist ♥: @ok-boke, @spiderscrrowife
regular taglist ♥: @xyzstar, @ourloveisgod23, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @bhk1234uwu, @nonniesworld, @athenalive, @lanaslittletwinkie (if your name is crossed out, it's bc it didn't let me tag you)
©crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT copy or repost my work without my permission
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kairiscorner · 8 months
no but hear me out: middle blocker kento nanami ... (he gives tsukki vibes but is a lot more like osamu miya tbh)
middle blocker: kento nanami, number 7.
(you have his other jersey that's number 3 ~)
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he honestly did not think of signing up for the volleyball team, he was just randomly approached by this couple of annoying, pesky guys; one had white, spiky hair, and the other had dark, longer hair in a bun—he will never forget, nor forgive, them for taking him away from his beloved idle time when he can rest from the day's hustling and bustling and making him practice throwing and hitting volleyballs around all because he was 'tall and scary enough' to be a middle blocker.
he'd always grumble when haibara would drag him to volley practice, he never really understood why he was always so enthusiastic about it when gojo would always bench him and have the guy watch from the sidelines.
though, that was before the team got their manager–some kid in nanami's class, who... was honestly kinda pretty. well, forget kinda, they were... extremely pretty. nanami hadn't noticed them until they were introduced to the team by coach yaga as the new manager, and, wow, did nanami forget how to breathe for a few moments as you scanned the boys' faces in front of you.
nanami still didn't have the right motivation to come to practice after school, but that's where you came in–you'd always, for some reason, sweet talk him into coming to practice.
you were very patient with him in trying to persuade him to come, praising him for his innate talent at blocking and saving, and telling him the truth: that he's the most serious member out of all of them, and for that, you find him really helpful to the team, and very interesting as a person.
"c'mon, nanamin... i'll miss having you around." you say with a sweet, soft voice as you smile up at him, making him look away from you with a stoic look on his face. "you say that every time you try to get me to come." "that's because it's the truth, nanamin–you're important to the team, you're very important to me, too." you tell him with a gentle look on your face as you sat next to him, making nanami lose all composure and sigh, feeling incredibly flustered but trying his best to keep it under wraps. "...fine, but just this once."
it didn't end at 'just that once'.
as nanami started regularly attending practice and gradually working with his teammates more frequently, you wanted to reward nanami for his improvement and change in attitude about practices–and so, you decided to bake him personally some delicious bread that you handcrafted and made for him specifically.
you wanted to make sure that he knew these came from you, so you made them as cute as possible–in your mind, nanami would know that this bread came from you, because you're always told by everyone in the team that you're just the cutest little thing, and maybe nanami would associate the cuteness of the bread with your cuteness.
"nanamin! i've got something for you." you told him all excitedly as you practically ran up to nanami, clutching something behind your back and grinning widely. nanami stopped drinking water and gently wiped at his sweat, then looking at you all confused. "what is it?" he asked you with a soft voice, to which you responded by handing him the hand wrapped bear-shaped bread that you made for him personally.
"for all your efforts recently. i know you like bread a lot, so i decided to try and make you some. it wasn't the easiest thing i've ever done, but definitely the most rewarding–because... i really hope you'll like them, nanamin." you told him with a shy smile, with nanami getting a bit flustered and blushing as he heard your words–he didn't even realize he was until when he stuttered out his thanks to you, and you pointing out how red he looked, making him blush deeper.
"is it because of the heat? i'll get you some cold water, nanamin, don't worry!" you promised him, and before nanami could even tell you he didn't need it, that he was red for a different reason, you took off already like the good manager you were and put your players' health and well-being first. nanami sighed as he looked at the bread you gave him, and smiled slightly at the sight of one bear bun's ear was crooked. "they're too kind, really... but i like them this way." nanami said to himself as a whisper as he waited for you to come back, for you two to eat the bear buns together.
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daceydeath · 2 years
Working Proposal (Part 4)
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Pairing: Han x reader, Felix x reader Word Count: 3.9k Genre: Smut Warnings: 18+, minors dni, swearing, unprotected sex (don't be stupid), threesome, cum play, oral sex (f receiving)
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
Walking back into the JYP offices the following day was as chaotic as you imagined, your desk was covered notes from the reception desk of people to return calls to, your co workers were all asking if you were well since you had only missed 3 days of work in 3 years but you could hardly explain that you has spent the day in bed with one of the most handsome idols in the industry fucking you senseless for hours, so you smiled and thanked people for their concern. Making your way down to the dance studio you knew you probably would be very early for the morning meeting but you could at least use the studio to hide from any further questions. Opening the door you found yourself alone the kids and managers must be working on something else, or had not yet arrived. Opening your emails you began firing off things that needed to be dealt with immediately regarding the scandal or the legal department, then you began returning calls assuring brands that they did not need to cut ties or do re-shoots until you and the police knew more about the perpetrators.
"You're in early baby" Chan chuckled bringing your gaze from your work to him and making you realize that he wasn't alone both Han and Changbin were with him and you knew the others would not be far behind.
"Morning" you beamed "I needed to get some work done without trying to explain where I was yesterday, I can hardly tell the truth" you giggled turning back to your emails again.
"I guess that is true" Changbin laughed as Minho and Felix arrived.
"How are you doing Han? Are you feeling alright?" You asked switching off your screen to give him your full attention as you waited for the last three members and staff to arrive.
"I'm not great" he admitted quietly.
"If you need anything you only have to ask, I will fix this though I promise" you sighed pouting slightly at his sad eyes.
"Morning" some of the staff greeted as you stood to speak to them patting Han's shoulder as you passed "Have you seen the latest from legal?"
"Yes I've already asked that the police press charges and that we start defamation proceedings immediately" you nodded as two of the managers entered the room.
"What happens if they are just kids though?" one asked looking to you "Surely you're not planning on having them arrested"
"I don't care if they are children they still need to be held accountable for their actions, the whole media circus will probably scare them straight but they still need to go through the motions" you sighed feeling like it wasn't likely that it was a young teen, they tended to do stupid things and less malicious things "I feel it's more likely to be an anti to be honest or a sasaeng" you sighed annoyed at the whole thing.
"Is this the first large scale scandal you've dealt with?" Another asked looking slightly worried.
"No, I've dealt with sasaeng fans before and stalkers I just get protective of the artists I work with, that is my job after all" you smiled politely before going back to your seat to collect your things before the meeting started. You sat quietly typing away more emails and team notes making sure that all of Chan's suggestions were being acknowledged and hopefully met, then waited for the staff to head off to their respective roles or tasks for the day.
"What are your movements today?" Felix asked sweetly after the others had gone.
"I've got emails upon emails, then a side of emails and possibly lunch then I'll have to stop hiding and go back to my desk to look at the next lot of brand deal things your doing" you grinned noting how soft and cute he looked with no make up and his hair still slightly fluffy.
"Are you going to be hiding here?" Seungmin narrowed his eyes at you playfully.
"Not if I am going to be in your way, I'm sure there is a broom closet or stairwell I can hide in too" you chuckled you couldn't help that they made you feel relaxed around them they were just so down to earth when they interacted with you.
"No you would never be in the way" Jeongin squeaked looking very much the maknae in his over sized hoodie with the hood up.
"No stay here we can still practice with you here it's not a problem" Felix added wide eyed.
"Don't panic if you don't care that I'm here I will stay" you grinned shaking your head at them and going back to the things you were working on. They began their choreography run through practicing each song together and they sepeartley if needed but you barely noticed with the work you were already caught up in, the only time you noticed was each time you phone vibrated you would quietly exit the room to not disturb them, take the call, then walk back in to find them not practicing but quietly talking amongst themselves which quickly stopped as soon as they spotted you in the doorway.
"You know how sus you all look each time I come and go from the room right?" you asked dryly knowing that they probably did but would never admit it "I thought you would be better actors by now".
"What would you say to breaking for lunch and joining us for some food?" Changbin smiled softly looking every bit the cutie you knew he was.
"What are you thinking?" you replied smiling in return.
"Well we aren't sure" Minho started his teasing tone already in full swing
"Oh really, because if one of you says me I will walk straight back out that door" you continued smiling sweetly at him leaving some of them wide eyes and the others snickering.
"Your'e no fun" Minho pouted playfully.
"No I suppose I'm not" you rolled your eyes going back to your emails.
"Are you alright? You can tell us if any of us have over stepped any marks" Chan's voice was warm but serious as he observed you carefully.
"Yes and no, I would rather not deal with any extra activities while I'm at work, if that is alright with you. A few of the team have pretty loose lips for people in this business" you met his eyes trying to assure him you were not upset or hurt just wary.
"Someone has said something to you?" Changbin instantly snapped from sweet to protective and Chan's face turned annoyed as you sighed.
"Yes, the events of the music video shoot did not go unnoticed apparently" you tried to mask the tension in your voice but couldn't.
"Shit" Changbin groaned looking guilty.
"Fuck" Chan whispered rubbing his hand over his face. "do you want to stop this then, I meant it when I said that we would stop whenever you wanted, we would never punish you for it especially since it would be our fault" he looked frustrated and guilty which made you feel saddened that you were placing more on his shoulders.
"Who?" Minho asked obviously also aware of what had gone on.
"What happened at the music video? Is this about that argument Bin and Minho had? Jeongin asked confusion written on his face.
"After that happened um...."Changbin started to explain his ears turning pink.
"We had sex in the artist rooms" You giggle watching how red Changbin turned. "I know you're a gentleman and I very much appreciate that but we are going to have to be honest with each other right now" you shrugged.
"And someone knows about you and Changbin?" Hyunjin smirked.
"and Chan" you added quietly "He was there too".
"Sorry someone knows about Chan, Changbin and you" he amended making Chan's ears also go slightly pink.
"I don't get why you're embarrassed, I agreed to everything that happens between us and I assume you guys talk about it so none of you interrupts another" you quirked an eyebrow at them all. "Plus you have already had arrangements before me why is this embarrassing?"
"I thought you said you had only had vanilla before you signed up" Han laughed at his members expenses easily.
"I had, that was my first time with more than one other person" you admitted sheepishly.
"So you signed up, met with Chan and then fell into a threesome?" Han's eyes widened comically.
"No comment" you sighed as your phone rang again and you turned to leave the room again.
"We are getting lunch though right?" Changbin asked as you shut the door nodding at him. By the time you got off the call Felix was bouncing on his toes next to the door waiting for you to finish up.
"Did you want to come grab the food with me?" he grinned "it has just arrived at the desk".
"Of course Felix" you grinned following him to the lifts to help carry what you knew was going to be a monstrous amount of food, the kids could really east when they were allowed to. so you were unsurprised that there were two large boxes and a couple of bags waiting for collection.
"Did you want me to take the boxes and you grab the bags?" He asked sweetly.
"How about a box each and we can share the bags?" you smiled again, being with Felix made it very easy to spend the whole time smiling he was, as the others always said, real life sunshine. He spent most of his time trying to make his members lives easier and they adored him in return. "What on earth did you guys order anyway?"
"Chan Hyung has got some pho, there is a heap of meat and rice, I got some chicken, um I think we have kimchi friend rice and I forgot what Seungminnie and Innie got" he explained making sure you got into the lift safely.
"It might have been easier to tell me what you guys didn't order" you chuckled as he continued to make sure you didn't trip as you walked and opened the studio door for you.
"Yessss" Changbin cheered as you followed Felix into the studio arms laden with food.
"Here let me" Chan insisted taking the box from your arms and placing it on the floor for you while you untangled the bags hanging from your arms.
"Sit with me?" Han whined softly looking at you cutely.
"How could I resist that face" you cooed taking a seat on the floor beside him only for Felix to fling himself to your other side squeezing in between you and Hyunjin making the older one pout. "Now, now children if you can't play nice I will go back to my desk" you faux scolded raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah sharing is caring" Seungmin smirked cheekily making you get flustered all over again.
"You're so cute when your flustered kitten" Minho cooed from across the floor from you.
"She's so cute full stop" Hyunjin grinned "Especially when she makes that faces she makes when she...."
"Hyunjin stop" you mumbled feeling your skin heating up further as you looked at your lap making them all stop and look at you worried.
"I'm sorry princess" Hyunjin apologized immediately looking at you with puppy eyes "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I would never want that" he reached behind Felix to stroke your arm and when you allowed it take you hand and kiss your knuckles.
"It's alright Hyunjin, forget it" you smiled slightly as the others continued to quietly watch you "I am just not used to all the attention".
"Aww don't be sad" Felix soothed wrapping this arms around you and leaning his head on your shoulder "You can't be sad when there is a present for you".
"Why is there a present? Felix what have you done?" you narrowed your eyes at the fluffy hair on your shoulder.
"It wasn't just me, its Han too" Felix beamed his eyes creasing into cute little half moons.
"Yeah, this is for you" Han smiled softly sliding a white gift bag towards you.
"It this explodes when I open it I will scream you know that right?" you giggled poking the bag with one finger not sure what to expect.
"It's not a bomb!" Han whined comically placing it into your lap as Felix unwound his arms from your frame.
"Hmm" you hummed untying the ribbons at the top of the bag and peering in you saw a cloth bag that was obviously keeping the gift safe pulling it out you saw the distinctive logo printed on the soft fabric "What have you two done?" you gasped as your eyes went wide.
"I saw you talking to Yeji last week and I overheard you talking about how much you liked it..." Felix trailed off.
"So you bought me a designer bag???" you yelped as your fingers grazed the soft leather back inside.
"Well yeah you should have all the nicest stuff, I mean you work so hard for us so why not?" Han shrugged as you pulled it out to trace your fingers along the metal logo on the front.
"You really shouldn't have boys, really this is far too much" you blinked as tears sprung to your eyes over how touched you were by the sweet, albeit over the top, gesture.
"Aww so cute" they all cooed at you as you looked up at the ceiling to stop the tears properly forming.
"I did tell you that you were likely to be spoiled by us" Chan grinned looking thrilled with how happy you looked. You shook you head still shocked at the whole thing. You leaned over to Han and pulling him into a soft kiss before letting him go and repeating the gesture with Felix both boys glowing pink after you let them go.
"If that is the reaction we get after you like something you're going to get presents every day" Jeongin grinned already planning to buy you everything you had ever had your heart set on.
Your phone rang again before you could respond to the threat of ridiculous spending and you stood back up to take the calls while the boys continued to eat. You could see it was the legal department so once again you ventured out into the hallway so that you could have both privacy and also protect them from any bad news should there be any, taking in the information you were given you agreed to go with one of the lawyers to the police station to go over the evidence that had been gathered. Hurrying back into the studio you collected all of your things quickly packing your work bag and taking the gift bag Felix held out in his fingers before pecking his cheek and rushing to your meeting.
Hours later you got a text from Chan asking you to meet back at the company figuring it was going to be for other activities you dropped in at your apartment to change and freshen yourself up and change into something more attractive. You assumed it would be Chan you were meeting or maybe him and Changbin but you weren't expecting you walk into Chan's studio to find Han and Felix spinning slowly on office chairs while scrolling through their phones.
"Evening" you smiled walking in casually and plopping yourself down on the couch.
"Hi" Han squeaked seeming shyer than his usual self
"Hello" Felix added already blushing faintly, they had obviously asked Chan to invite you to the studio but you had a feeling it was slightly different to normal for them.
"What can I do for you both?" you whispered as seductively as you could without giggling. Han got to his feet quickly pulling you up and connecting his lips to yours in a hurried but still soft kiss, holding you to him by your waist and Felix slowly made his way behind you his hands stroking your hips as he moved your hair to kiss the side of your neck.
"Can we just see where this goes?" Han breathed against your lips making you smile against his lips and nod. You remembered that Felix didn't probably want to have sex but that didn't mean you couldn't give him some form of pleasure whether it be from your mouth, your hands or your performance as you let Han do whatever he wanted to with your body. Both their hands wandered around your body and under your clothes, Felix undid your pants for Han and dragged them down your legs until they were bunched at your ankles.
"Do you always wear such pretty things or was this for us?" Felix panted into your ear you could feel from the way he was pressed against your back he was already getting hard.
"For you, Felix only for you" you whimpered as Han began massaging and kneading your breasts under your shirt.
"Better get this off huh?" Han whispered pulling the fabric of your shirt up your stomach and Felix wrapped his arms around you again cupping your heat and making you gasp.
"Such a pretty girl for us" Han cooed taking in your lacy lilac lingerie.
"So perfect and pretty" Felix echoed dragging the pads of his fingers but up your body and making you shiver.
"Do you want to go first Lix?" Han asked over your shoulder meeting Felix's eyes.
"Sure Hannie" Felix whispered deeply spinning you in his arms so he could take his time kissing you. Felix kissed you exactly as you expected staring out sweet and tentative and quickly becoming sensual as you responded to him, whining as you allowed his tongue to enter your mouth to dance with yours his hands squeezing your hips and holding you as close to him as he could.
"So fucking hot pretty girl" Han murmured as you heard him step back from you and sit back down on one of the chairs. Felix maneuvered you back so your legs bumped the soft pads of the couch.
"Please sit jagi" Felix whispered against your lips before gently guiding you to sit falling to his knees between your open legs "Can I taste you? Please" he looked up at you with big doe eyes.
"Yes Felix, please" you whimpered lifting your hips as he dragged you forward and slipped your underwear down your legs before throwing them to Han who pressed them to his face breathing deeply. Felix grinned as he kissed his way from your knee all the way to the top of your thigh enjoying how you twitched under his lips. You groaned as he slid two fingers through your already wet slit collecting your essence and bringing it to his lips to taste you.
"She taste good man?" Han grunted freeing himself from his shorts to lazily tug on his own cock.
"So fucking sweet, Hannie" Felix groaned repeating the way he slipped his fingers through your folds but instead offering them to Han who took them into his mouth instantly groaning around the other mans digits.
"Fuck" you whispered entranced by the scene before you until Felix turned back to you and instead dragged his tongue through your wet lips making your head drop against the back of the chair "Felix" you moaned grabbing his hair and carding it through your fingers.
Felix licked and slurped teasingly as he went from circling your clit with the tip of his tongue to delving it inside you and stroking your walls gently with it, the whole time moaning and whimpering into you.
"Fuck Felix, Fuck" you mewled trying not to grind his face into you as you rapidly chased your impending orgasm.
"Fuck his face pretty girl, show him how much you like it" Han smirked still slowly stroking himself as he waited for his turn.
"Oh god, Felix" you cried as you let yourself go coming hard against his lips, he slowed his pace as you rode out the aftershocks eventually pulling away from you and wiping his face on the back of his hand.
"So perfect jagi" he mumbled against your lips as he gave you one last lingering kiss, while Han moved himself from the chair to the spot beside you on the couch.
"Felix is good with his mouth isn't he pretty girl?" He teased softly moving you gently to help you straddle his hips "Think you will be able to ride me?" he chuckled taking in your fucked out expression.
"Sure Hannie" you purred as he lined himself up with your entrance and waited for you to sink down his length.
"So tight pretty girl" he muttered into the skin of your neck as you lazily rocked your hips against his enjoying the stretch of your walls around his cock. "Can you take a little more?" he groaned holding your hips and thrusting up into you slightly making you gasp.
You laid your palms on his clothed chest giving yourself more leverage and began moving your hips faster making him tighten is grip on your hips and start thrusting up into you harder and faster as you clenched around him.
"Fuck pretty, I won't last long if you keep squeezing me" he ground out making you lean in to kiss him again, your tongues tangled together and you both increased your speed, the sound of his hips slapping up into you making Felix groan from the other chair.
"Han please" you mewled as he his thrusts began to lose rhythm as he got closer to his release.
"Want to cum on you, can I?" he moaned loudly and you nodded frantically making him pull out of you suddenly and flip you onto your back before he began jerking himself off over you. Felix quickly joined Han looming over you cock in hand as they reached their peaks almost together Han first thick ropes of cum spraying over your cunt with Felix following just after covering your stomach in his seed. Panting slightly Felix quickly left the room after tucking himself back into his sweats and Han leaned down to kiss you again.
"You are amazing pretty girl" He mumbled against you lips between soft gentle kisses.
"You really are jagi" Felix smiled appearing at your side with a damp cloth and a bottle of water "Do you want me to help you clean up?"
"Thank you Felix" you sighed watching him as he slowly and gently wiped you clean as Han collected the clothes that had been discarded.
"Here pretty girl lets get you dressed" Han grinned helping you to your feet.
"Please tell me you aren't going to buy me something each time you want to spend time with me" You giggled watching them both take turns to help you put something on or give you a sip of water.
"Maybe not every time" Felix smirked before his face broke into breathtaking grin.
A/N: As always I adore all of you who spend your precious time reading something I wrote, any comments, reblogs or like are appreciated xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishatumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @septemberkisses, @stay-bi,
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stedelovemail · 8 months
just unleashed a lot of General S2 Thoughts on twitter but i'll crosspost them here too. a lot of it is me agreeing with things that have already been said. ineloquent love-fueled criticism in here
i am still on my initial first 3 episodes reaction that everything is too fast; it's unfortunate that there are only 8 episodes this time and they're trying to put so much into them at the cost of good pacing and satisfying arcs because this show deserves better than that. i/we all know it COULD be better and that's exactly what we want for it, but alas: max.
i'd probably have stronger reactions if they had more time to flesh out everything they're trying to do – if i had more time to process everything they're trying to do 😭 there still is a lot i'm enjoying, though. the main relationship of course; most of everything w/ the crew, especially when they aren't separated! bc i'm kind of sad about the swede being apart from everyone, and now buttons too.
and archie: she's definitely likeable but we still really don't know much about her, let alone enough to really feel the connection between her and jim…? meanwhile olu and zheng are indeed a "well they're cute!" situation but i don't understand why they're doing it after how big of A Thing jim and olu were in s1. they were the secondary protagonists. now they have less screentime and importance it seems. and who do we have getting more of that instead… oh boy.
i really wish they didn't embrace the fandom white guy favoritism bc izzy's arc is just. insane. mindboggling. completely different character here, plucked straight from woobie fanon to replace his canon self. they want us to fill in the gaps re: development we didn't actually see, but i can't. it was so annoying watching the fandom push oluwande and jim aside to claim that izzy was the third most important/main character, and now they might as well have just done that. it was annoying to see the fandom apply ed's traits and development to izzy in order to sympathize with him, and now they've kinda done that too.
zero acknowledgment (as of right now) of shit he did and now i have to just remember the silk dressing gown dialogue while izzy comes up to ed wearing another robe in bed with stede and congratulates them on having sex?? being in drag after he was the most femphobic motherfucker throughout s1? getting to sing (and ruin that whole scene) to an admiring crew after the whole 'give us another song eddie!" thing that was torn away from ed in s1e10? i'm so over this. i wish he had just gotten worse bc who's this man being so kind and open and giving RELATIONSHIP ADVICE out of nowhere, he's gone from tolerable to completely unbearable for me which sucks with how much screentime he has now. like, go away already.
anyway there's still the finale to hopefully fix some things. i'm not overly worried about ed and stede since it's already obvious they're gonna reunite, but i am a lil worried about how the VERY end will be. david promised something satisfying though, so….. agh…..
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flimflamfandom · 10 months
Carrying Someone Home
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Ivy fell onto Calvin, and groaned. "I promise I can keep going, I just...need coffee or...something..."
"You've been at it since 9. It's..." Calvin neglected to tell her what time it was. "It's a weekend, at least." He said.
"You've been at it too..."
"Sure, but I was asleep till 3."
"Why!?" She looked at him, bleary eyed. "You...gotta get up on...time..." She slumped in his arms, full of alcohol and empty of stamina, she just went limp on him. He sighed.
"Ah, dear..."
Calvin slipped her into a chair, and thought a moment. "Hmm...I'm not that strong..." He bit his lip. "And I can't just...drape her over my shoulder."
"Calvin!" It was Rocky, covered in red lipstick, almost the same shade as its owner. "How're you doing? Isn't this great?"
"Aye, it's...eh...Ivy's passed out."
"Aww, really now?"
"Yes." He sat on the table, and looked out into the crowd - business had picked up as of late, and while he was happy to see it, Ivy got even more energetic around crowds, and...well. It was only a matter of time before this happened.
"I dunno what to do with her."
"Remember when we tried to make the place into a hotel? The rooms we finished are still there! Just take her to one'a those! That's where I'M staying!" Calvin looked at Rocky's face. He also thought about just how thin those walls were....
"I think I'll try and get her home."
"Sure thing, ol' chum! I gotta get back to it!"
"See you around." As Rocky walked off back towards the crowd, Calvin looked up the stairs. He could probably get her there, at least.
"Alright, love, hold tight..." He picked her up into a bridal carry, and began to shuffle his way up the stairs, muttering swears in the Gaelic and huffing as he did so. When he got up,. he was winded, and barely noticed Horatio.
"Evening, Mr. McMurray." Horatio smiled gently and waved. "Miz Pepper a bit under the weather?"
"Aye, she...she, eh...she just passed out on me. She's breathin' an'all, though, but-"
"mmmhfh...." She stirred, and looked up. "...Freck?"
"Ah, ehm...hi there love." He kissed her forehead and sat her down on a couch in the newly done lobby. She nestled up to him.
"Let's sleep here..."
"We can't sleep on a couch on front of people, Ivy," he chuckled, "it'd hardly look professional."
"Theydunnoyou...workhere..." She grumbled, and leaned on him. "Can we neck a little at least?"
"Horatio's right there."
"Awwwwwwwww, you'renofuuuuun...letlooseall..." She paused, and yawned, "letloose..." She kissed him, sloppily, and very tiredly, and while he returned it for a moment, he did eventually push her off, holding her cheek in his hand.
"You really need sleep, love."
"I need somethin, that's fer sure..." She groggily motioned towards him, and then...
passed out on top of him.
Calvin, struggling a bit to catch his breath, and coughing from the cold night air, knocked on the window. Over shuffled a woman in a bathrobe and wearing an expression of slight annoyance.
It was Ivy's Other room mate, Olivia. The one who hated her gangster antics. She looked...displeased.
"What the hell!?"
"She was...she's awful tired, and I don't want her stayin' the night-"
"Oh come ON, Cecil or...casper, or...what's your name again?"
"Calvin. You gotta stop her from doing this sort of thing!"
"Why?" He asked. "It's something she really enjoys-"
"It's dangerous! YOU'RE dangerous!"
""If it's so dangerous how come I brought her back here?" He asked, annoyed. "Please, my arms are so tired, I carried her from downtown and-"
"Fine." Olivia rolled her eyes. And just as she did...
"ugh..." Ivy woke up, and shivered. "Cal...what'rewedoinhere?"
"It's your dorm."
"I don't waaaaaaanna stay at my dorm, Olivia's gonna be meeeeean..." She giggled, and batted at him.
"Olivia's right there."
"Was she mean?"
"...a little."
She chuckled. "hehe...typical. Love her though..." She huffed. "Lemme go to your new place."
"The apartment?"
"...a bit scandalous, aye?"
"Whaddyouknowabout...scan...ssssc...." She vomited, all over the ground. Olivia crossed her arms.
"...so your apartment sounds nice."
"Apartment it is." He said, as Ivy passed out, yet again.
Calvin woke up, and rolled off the couch, grunting and cracking a few joints. It was early now, about 8 o'clock. He fought on his slacks, and went into the bedroom. His apartment was small, and paid for by both his lackadaisy money and his writing money for the Post-Dispatch.
He walked in, and saw her, nestled into the covers. She'd somehow managed to get out of the dress form the night before, but was still in those pearls. He smiled, gently, and blushed, his ears drooping and his eyes softening. She was on her side and facing the window. He made sure she was still breathing, and kissed her ear, whispering "is breá liom tú, a ghra mo croi." and began to walk out.
"You're not in bed." A raspy, tired voice said.
"...I slept on the couch."
"You can sleep in the same bed as me, freckle..." She turned over, her fur matted, her eyes tired still. "You've done worse."
Calvin knelt by the side of the bed. "I'm sorry, love, I just...don't want you to think I'm takin' advantage of-"
"You walked me across town once, and then walked me the OTHER way across town." She said. "If anything, I'm taking advantage of YOU...i never walk you anywhere! I just pitched ya in Mitzi's office that one time."
"Come. To. Bed."
"...alright." He got in with her, and rubbed her side, kissing her gently. "I love you, Ivy."
"I love you too, Freckle...even when I'm blackout drunk." She cooed, as she settled in, and got a bit more sleep.
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onewmin · 9 months
the perfume on the shelf. pt. 11 | bangchan
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Pairings: Bang Chan x Fem!reader, Kim Yugyeom x Fem!reader
Summary: Falling in love with your best friend was never a part of the plan. So you end it up. But does he want to put a stop to it, too?
Warnings: AU, mentions of verbal and physical abuse, descriptions of a toxic relationship, mentions of s*icidal thoughts, profanity, descritpion of a fire, the reader loves her cat very much, another day of the reader and Chan being annoying (the latter especially), jealousy, the reader is going through major changes (good for her), another bunch of Taylor Swift references, the reader has yet another traumatic experience; typos
In the parts with the cat it's very much self-inserted. Shout out to my cat and all other kitties and doggies <3
'Dal' stands for 'moon' :)
Word count: 5411
Author’s note: welp, there's a lot to read lol. Idk why this whole work lacks happy moments so much, I'm trying my best to make it more positive, but in the end... We get this lol. Still, hope you enjoy another part! I'll try posting part 12 in a couple of weeks, but, as my summer vacation is over, I'll have a lot of work to do, so I cannot promise you an exact date. Again, thank you fro reading and supporting 'the perfume on the shelf' and enjoy the ride! (put ya seatbelts on)
Disclaimer: the names and appearances of real people are used for inspiration and writing purposes only. I do not claim anything, everything belongs to its owners.
Part 10 | Part 12
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Another day to cry in the bathroom of your therapist’s office. 
Wiping your red cheeks, you took a deep breath in, trying to calm this sudden outburst of pain down. Talking about your unsuccessful attempt to go back together with Chan resurfaced in something deep, something that has affected you too much to even be able to handle it on your own. Your fear of rejection has finally become real - and instead of feeling calm after so many years of being scared of it, you found yourself utterly broken. 
As long as you could remember yourself, this fear of being rejected has pressured you into staying out of the picture, of never saying what you truly feel. You were shaking at the thought of confessing to Yugyeom, when you were a teenager; your breath was hitched in your throat when you decided to join that writing club at university; the idea of asking anybody out made you sick to your stomach. And finally, all the mess with Chan was partially launched by your inability to ask direct questions, to come clean eventually. However, your initial choice was to live a lie, to let yourself have dust thrown into your eyes, to rather have smoke and mirrors than an honest relationship. What does this say about you? 
“I don’t know”, you muttered, looking at the reflection in the mirror. “I don’t know”, you repeated, sniffing and exhaling once again. When you were nineteen, everything seemed so easy. When you were nineteen, you seemed to know everything. 
“What would nineteen-year old you say about this whole situation?” Your therapist’s question was left unanswered, rather as introspection for the next two weeks. What would she say, really? That’s a walk in the park for her.
“Dump his ass”, the advice you used to give all of your girlfriends popped up in your head. “Find a new hobby, work more, go out more - do anything to forget him. He’s not worth your tears and time”. Easier said than done. 
You sighed once again, before collecting your lip gloss back into your purse. It’s time to go home and prepare for going out; even though you try following your own advice, the thought of Chan is a lingering memory, a signature left right on your forever restless brain. 
Running up the stairs on your subway station, you checked your messages to find Yugyeom and Eunjoo discussing art in the chat. Two weeks ago, after the airport incident, when Yugyeom was dropping you off at your apartment complex (the conversation with your parents about your early departure from the countryside was guided by Gyeom perfectly), Eunjoo caught the sight of the two of you while she was waiting for her best friend on the bench. For some reason she decided it would be a great idea to start going on ‘double dates’ - although, you could barely call them dates at all. She was unsure about her relationship with Minho, so she needed you to check up on him. You didn’t want to be the third wheel, so… So she invited Yugyeom. And now the four of you had a group chat. Was it a nightmare? Absolutely. You found out what nerds Gyeom and Eunjoo were; discussing everything - even rocket science, are you kidding me? - while you and Minho intervened in their intellectual conversations with memes and ridiculous videos to watch. For instance, when you sent a Tarot reading video, just for shits and giggles, just to send a follow up message, “This woman said I’m gonna have a billionaire husband in a couple of months” - only to get bashed by two absolute smartasses for your silly little hobby, as they threw in their pieces of mind on how Tarot is a scam, and it doesn’t work, and people like that woman are a fraud - et cetera, et cetera, blah-blah-blah. Minho, on the other hand, was pretty supportive (and a pain in the ass for Eunjoo and Yugyeom) when he sent in ten more videos of that same creator, chiming in with his comments about toxicity. Yeah, this chat was a shit show; however, it was bringing you too much joy to hate it.
In your apartment your cat greeted you with irritated meows and sweet purrs when you took her in your arms as if she was a baby. “Mama’s sorry, Gaeul”, you said, kissing her in between ears, “but I promise I’ll be back sooner than later. Just a couple of hours, okay?” She started gently biting your hand as you tried to scratch her tummy. “And you get to be the boss of the house. Not just for a few hours”, you kissed her nose and she put her paw on your cheek, “but forever, Gaeul”. She jumped from your arms as soon as you heard a loud stomp and a screeching curse - ugh, your neighbours were fighting again. How could a family that looks picture perfect hate each other so much? Well, you knew the answer to the question, but still, it never failed to arise every time you heard these two fight.
“You’re a piece of shit, Hajoon!” You sighed as you heard the man’s voice. “A piece of shit wife and mother!” This was the unfortunate reality-TV-turned-real-life program you had to listen to; the walls were rather thin not to hear them constantly fight over stupidest things in front of their little girls. When you saw the two of them ride their bikes and laugh, you always wondered, how they managed not to lose their innocence yet - with parents like theirs, who trapped themselves in a toxic marriage, the innocence of a child being saved was a miracle. 
The drama continued as the woman cried out harsher curses, accusing her husband of cheating. Is that the life that awaits everyone in a marriage? Is that the life you’re going to have too? That’s what your parents have; constant fights, verbal abuse, toxic apologies with flowers and luxury candy, and no words uttered. No resolution of those conflicts, no rethinking of the life choices they’d made to get to this point of no return. Nothing. And this family, a family so similar to yours, was the same. Only the girls were lucky to have each other and not to be alone. However, calling the kids ‘lucky’ for lulling each other when their parents scream all types of insults, calling the children they created with ‘so much love and affection’, as the mother posted on her stories, ‘mistakes’ when they were in another room - calling them ‘lucky’ was a direct insult. 
Accompanied by curses coming from a wall away from your living room, Gaeul was circling around you the whole time you were collecting your things. When you looked at the wrist watch, it was already ten minutes past the time you should have left the house. “Shit”, you mumbled, rapidly taking the bag in your hands and giving Gaeul a couple of more scratches, while she was meowing and standing in front of the door. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours, sweetie”. 
You were supposed to be drinking as the four of you were going for some type of party one of Minho’s friends was throwing - so taking the car wasn’t an option; you didn’t know much about Changbin, but you were willing to get out of your shell and meet new people. “Maybe you’ll finally find a boyfriend there”, your mom told you over the phone, “you’ll be thirty soon - not really soon, though - and your father and I are waiting for grandkids. Your cousin is already a mother”. Ugh, yeah, whatever. Some nonsense that your mother confidently states is out of this world sometimes. 
Running up to a bus stop, you conveniently saw your bus pull up; jumping in it, you paid for the ticket and sat down on one of the many empty places, staring out of the window. As the music took you to another dimension, your thoughts flew by, pictures of your mother nagging you about the prospect of marriage, Chan putting his arm over Micha’s shoulder, Gyeom stuffing his mouth with a sandwich in one bite, Eunjoo and Minho holding hands ran in your mind with a uncontrollably rapid speed. You were thinking about Chan less each day, the images of him being replaced by your friends, new people you met and surprising revelations you made about this world and, first of all, yourself. 
Every bus ride that lasted more than twenty minutes - just like this one - got you hooked on rethinking and reflecting on every little thing that had ever happened to you. Sometimes it would be sappy, rainy autumn day like memories: Chan holding your hand while driving, bringing it to his lips to leave a small kiss on your knuckles every time the car stopped at the red light; you and him lying in bed, face to face, heart to heart, having those rare sincere conversations, filled with laughs and kisses. Whereas sometimes you’d lose yourself to cheerful moments, those July bright yellow afternoon days memories, with Yugyeom watching you chase after his golden retriever Dal; with you watching some happy kids fly kites while on a picnic with Eunjoo; with you writing your earliest stories in your old diary, sitting behind the desk in you sunlit childhood bedroom. The happiest that you were, in all of those memories you couldn’t even find the ghost of Chan; as if he had never existed in the most joyful moments of your life. As if - no, no ‘if’s’ - he had only brought you pain, and tears, and gut wrenching disgust towards your own self, towards the little girl, singing along the radio songs in her parents’ car, towards the fifteen year old girl, who wrote her stories on her old laptop and squealed after getting her first likes on the web, towards the woman you’d become. The woman who made stupid mistakes one after another, noticing but not seeing the pattern she had with every lover of hers, not seeing Chan being the same guy like the rest of them in her history. The woman you’d become, the woman you’re still thriving to be - she doesn’t deserve the slander you put her through. 
There might have been happiness during him - his jokes, warm hugs, car rides to his parents’ country house, him playing with Gaeul, his voice, his soft curls, his late love confessions. But there would certainly be more happiness after him, after this whole mess you yourself created. No acid rains burning your cheeks anymore, no scratching yourself so much you start bleeding anymore, no gray colors during the brightest sunny summer mornings. Is this what the phase of acceptance looks like? Is this where you stop blaming Chan for the pain he caused you? Nah, you’re not there yet. But close. Definitely close. 
Receiving another text in the group chat, your thoughts suddenly led you to the anxious search for your ID in the handbag of yours. “Shit, shit, shit”, you muttered under your breath, when you realized it was nowhere to be found. Did you lose it on your way to the bus stop? Or did you lose it here? Oh no. You rolled your eyes at the clear memory of seeing it on the kitchen counter before you rushed out of the apartment. How could you be so irresponsible? You’d never forgotten your ID, ever in your life, even taking it to the convenience store at 7AM to get a snack on your day off. And now, when you clearly needed it to get in the club, you’d left it at home? Super responsible, girl, just awesome. 
Having jumped off the bus at the nearest stop, you caught yourself feeling absolutely shameless about the fact of being late. After you moved almost to the outskirts of the city, not being on time has become your signature mark. Now you were texting your friends, explaining the whole situation, while getting in an Uber - just to shorten the forty minutes you’d already spent on the bus to twenty-five. And as the car started off, your friends couldn’t leave you alone. 
“Gyeom, I’m sorry”. The first words you said to him after picking up, annoyance recognizable in your voice. Yeah, you were the one being late, but Mr. Punctuality didn’t have to remind you about it as well. 
“I’m actually late too”, he let out a breathy chuckle. What? Kim Yugyeom coming late? 
“What happened?”
“Nothing”, he sighed, “I just spent too much time on the phone with my dad”. You hummed in response. “I can pick you up, by the way”, Yugyeom added. 
“You don’t have to”. 
“Ah, it’s not like I’m goin’ to be on time anyway”. The yippy notes in his voice made you reflect the smile he was probably wearing on his face. “So it’s not a problem, really”.
“Thanks, Gyeom”. 
“I’ll be at your place in, uh, around ten minutes”. As you ended the conversation, you heard the siren sounds in the distance. It wasn’t an unordinary occasion: the song of the sirens was playing almost an unstoppable tune every minute of the day, as the ambulances were rushing through the busy streets, or the firemen were driving to stop the fires. It was not unusual for a city like Seoul; however, the closer you were getting to your apartment complex, the more the clump of fear inside your chest grew. 
The first thing you saw when the car turned to your building was the blinding light of the fire truck. Then it was the group of firemen. After it was the crowd, surrounding the fire engine. The last thing was the smoke coming out of the apartment on the fifth floor. From the apartment right next to yours. 
Jumping off the car, you rushed through the crowd, forcibly pushing apart the nosy neighbors and bystanders, only to be stopped by a firefighter. You couldn’t think of anything else, of other people, of the party you were late to, of the things in your apartment - the only image in your head was of Gaeul. How scared she must be, how she’s probably sitting in the corner of your room, far away from the strange and dangerous smell. The clouded vision of yours, the tears in your eyes were invisible to you. The only thing you needed was to get your baby out of there. 
“Miss, you cannot go in there”, the voice of the firemen echoed in your ears. 
“My cat’s in there”, you mumbled, but he heard you, “I need to get her out. It’s an apartment right next to that that’s burning”. 
“We’ll get her out, no need to worry”. The calm notes in his voice had awoken some primal rage in you - how could he even say that? You couldn’t not worry, for fuck’s sake! 
You quickly disappeared in the crowd so that the firefighter wouldn't recognise you if something was about to happen. There was an emergency exit, but they were probably evacuating people through it, right? What should you do to get in? 
As the thoughts were rapidly running through your head, you saw smoke coming from another window. Your window now. Your heart sank; everything around started spinning slowly and you grabbed your chest in order to calm yourself down - at least, a little bit, at least, before you took Gaeul in your arms. 
Fuck it. You hastened your steps through the crowd, away from the main entrance, in hopes to get lost amidst those being evacuated, in hopes to get through the emergency exit without being caught. In the inner yard of your building your restless, teary eyes noticed one fireman guarding the entrance; and over there, on the bench was your neighbour from the fourth floor, a fourteen year old, holding her brown dog close to her heart. 
“Hello?” She picked up her phone, the shaky voice of hers bringing more blood to your already jolting heart. How smart it was to exchange numbers with her all those months ago.
“Could you distract that firefighter for me, please?” You uttered, while looking at her. She turned her head and found your eyes. “My cat’s still in there. I can’t… I can’t wait till they save her. Please”. The girl nodded and quickly rose up to her feet, probably coming up with an idea of taking the fireman’s attention. 
She ran up to the man, still holding the dog in her arms, and started rambling something loudly, the hysteric condition of hers being the direct result of this horrible evening. “What was she up to?” You thought to yourself as you moved from a tree to a tree as fast as you could. “Was she walking her dog when the fire started? Was she at home?” 
How convenient it was to have a bunch of trees to grow in the inner yard of the apartment building. “I should thank the managing lady after it”, you watched as the firefighter turned his back to the entrance - now. The adrenaline in your stomach felt like a fuel to the fire of anxiety and fear; as you leapt up the stairs, two, three steps missed, your heart was pumping somewhere in your throat, bringing the inevitable, horrible thoughts to your brain. You brushed them off before you reached your floor, running in the corridor, which was filled with smoke, with an empty head. The door to your apartment was being broken down as you ran up to it, right on time - maybe, the first time you were not late in the last couple of years. The firefighters weren’t pleased a resident was out in the dangerous area, but you quickly opened the door - having promised you’d let them in without getting inside yourself - breaking the recently made promise immediately when the lock was open, dropping the keys to the ground. If the building management had fixed the electronic locks on time, maybe the whole building wouldn’t have to use keys; maybe, the fire issue would have been resolved earlier, had the firemen had an easier access to the apartments. 
Gray. Choking color gray - that's what your apartment was. You could get suffocated in here just for breathing in the smoke, but was it even a priority? You would die but get Gaeul out of this place.
“Gaeul!” Your voice came out quaking, eyes getting watery with every step you took. “Gaeul, baby!” Almost flying into your bedroom, you noticed her scratching the window in hopeless attempts to get out. “Baby, you’re safe”, you whispered, swooping her in your arms. She let out a weak meow as you covered her chubby face with a palm of your hand. The firefighter was quick to escort you from the apartment, having thrown a blanket from the couch over your shoulders. You wrapped Gaeul in it when you got to the hall; she was meowing as you ran down the stairs, telling you how scared she was. “I know, honey, I know”, you kept on repeating, “you’re safe now”. 
The fresh air hit both of your faces abruptly, making you gasp and cough. Holding Gaeul as close to your heart as it was possible - perhaps, if you squeezed her tighter, she would be inserted in your heart directly - you sat down on the grass next to the girl with a dog sleeping on her lap. 
“Is she okay?” You nodded, leaving a kiss between Gaeul’s brown ears. She started purring, exuding that velvety purring of hers that signaled of her finally feeling safe. After finding her in a pouring rain, as her dirty little paws left marks on your white hoodie and her squeaky voice notified you she wasn’t pleased with being carried by some stranger, after washing her up and taking her to the vet, after making sure she felt comfortable in every corner of any of the places where you lived, after teaching her to use the litter box, after buying her the most expensive and delicious food she liked, after having her sleep in between your legs every night since the first one she spent with you, after building up your whole life around her when you needed someone to give your unconditional love to, after having no suicidal thoughts the moment she took a step in your apartment, after having her as the only living creature who loved you unlimitedly - how could you sit and wait till they save her? How could you leave her little figure in the hands of fate? 
“Mr. Choi set his apartment on fire”, the girl said while petting her dog. “That’s entirely his fault”. 
“Tell me about it”, you mumbled. 
“Why didn't the police do anything when they were called on them last week?” She questioned. “He literally threatened to burn the house down”. You shrugged your shoulders. No one really did anything when he threatened to jump off the window, no one took his threats seriously when he promised to burn the apartment if his wife got on his nerves again. Yeah, like it’s a reasonable excuse for a possible homicide. What a scumbag. 
“He ran away though”. She sighed. “But they’ll find him in no time, I guess. Mrs. Choi said he broke his wrist trying to hit her, so he won’t be far away”. You nodded absentmindedly, eyes still focused on Gaeul. She already seemed peaceful, only her yellowish eyes still being completely overtaken by the dilated pupils. She was lying on your legs, covered by that blanket. “Isn’t it your phone buzzing?”
Oh, that was the annoying feeling in the pocket of your jeans. “Hello”. You responded in a monotonous voice. 
“Where are you?” Yugyeom sounded panicked. “I’ve been calling you for the past ten minutes! Are you okay? Where are you?” He repeated. After muttering a few words you hung up, putting the phone on the grass. The autumn nights started to get chilly; but you were willing to stay seated on the cold ground as long as it took for Gaeul to fully calm down. 
In mere seconds Yugyeom appeared in the inner yard, dashing to you. “Are you okay?” He observed you carefully, and then the gaze of his fell to Gaeul, curled up on your lap. “Are you okay, sweetling?”
“She ran into the building to save her cat”, your neighbor proudly proclaimed. Yugyeom gave a look - not the ‘Are you crazy?’ or ‘You’re insane’ one, but the look, striking as… Worry? Pain? Hurt? Love? 
“I think the two of you need some warming up”. His soft voice impinged upon your indifference to everything but Gaeul; it seemed as if the part of you that was scared started to heal as soon as he helped you get on your feet. For the first time in the last half an hour you shivered under the cool wind, and Yugyeom took his zipper hoodie off to put it on your shoulders. 
“You’re wearing a T-shirt”. You stated, looking at him. He gave you a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I like the cold. I’m like Johnny Storm, y’know that”. You let out a breathy laugh - the first one after pulling up to the building. Your cat was already napping in your arms - the safest place for her, as it turned out - so you and Yugyeom slowly moved to his car. 
The windows of your neighbors had ruined the whole front of the building - now the gaze of any person would fall on black frames around them. “I wonder if my landlady is here”. You said, when getting on the passenger seat. 
“D’you want me to find her?”
“Gyeom, no”, you answered in a soft voice, ‘you’ve already done enough”. His brows knitted as he looked at you with utter confusion written all over his face. 
“I didn’t do anything except for panicking and calling Minho and Eunjoo”, he noted, “and not like it’s hard to help you. Especially now”. 
You gave in rather quickly. “Alright”. 
“Give me her number, so I-”
“Just take my phone”, you shoved the device in his hands, “she doesn’t pick up if she doesn’t know the number”. He nodded before getting out of the car. 
And as you were petting your sleepy cat, you felt the tears being finally let go from your eyes. Gaeul woke up when the salty drops fell on her side and, after staring at you for a couple seconds, started to licking herself up. You laughed through the choking tears and caressed her head and back, thinking how much your life had changed since the moment she magically appeared in it. It became… Brighter, funnier, sweeter. Even when she would wake you up at three AM ‘cause she was hungry; or when she would try to eat the yarn whenever you crocheted; or when she would sit on the kitchen counter while you were cooking. The thought of losing her made your heart hurt even more than it already was. 
“We’ll be fine, right, baby?” You murmured when she started snoring quietly; you turned your head to look out of the window and noticed Gyeom in the distance, still talking with someone over the phone. A strange feeling of being absolutely safe around him had arisen in your chest the moment you saw his worried face tonight; maybe you shouldn’t push him away too hard - he’s one of the few people you can trust, after all. 
Gyeom was right; he cannot certainly save you like he used to when you were kids. You can come up with a rescue plan yourself, like today, when you couldn’t wait for anyone else to save the most loved part of you. Anyone but you. Gyeom cannot save you; but he can give you  the sense of comfort after you help yourself get back to life. 
“Gaeul”, you muttered, “how long it’s been since we called him ‘Gyeom’?” A short version of his name, and he hated being called that. But when it came to you, his first love? He blushed whenever you said ‘Gyeom’. And why did you start calling him that again? Maybe that’s a sign, you thought to yourself, leaning your head back, maybe I do need him around.
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“So you mean to tell me”, Jisung was talking with his mouth full, “that you and Micha are not together? What’s the point of bringing her here then?”
Chan let out a deep sigh. It was only a matter of time when Han found out. “We are together. But we just don’t like labeling it as a ‘relationship’ Just give us some more time”. 
“ Are you kiddin’ me? It’s been two weeks, Chan!” He gnashed his teeth. “Every media outlet is calling me to confirm whether the two of you are together. What am I supposed to tell them?”
“That it’s none of their business”. 
“It doesn't work anymore. Is she your girlfriend or not?”
“She is, technically”, Chris leaned in his chair, “we’re in an open relationship”. Jisung set his palms down flat on the table, the heavy breathing of his sending shivers down Chan’s spine. He loved riling his friend up, but sometimes he seemed to forget Han was also his manager. A scary one at times. 
“I swear to God”, Jisung hissed, “I’m gonna kill you and replace you with another dude. No one will see a difference”. Chris chuckled and went back to his dinner, leaving Han’s question unanswered. 
Him and Micha had a lot of history; but when he showed up at her door, drunk to the bone, she was more than shocked. He kept on complaining, crying about you, cursing you, proclaiming his love for you. Micha was impressed only by him being that emotional - nothing like that ever happened when they were together. A couple of days later one thing led to another and… Some time after that she was already packing her bags to go to Melbourne with him. Was it a smart, calculated decision? Absolutely not. But Chan, for whatever reason, promised to support her financially before she’d find a job there; alright, to be honest? He wanted to hurt you. To hurt you the same way your reconciliation with Yugyeom made him feel. Chan wanted to see you suffer as much as he did, to see you try to beg for him to come back to you. Spoiler alert: you never did. 
Except for the airport incident. He almost caught the slightest glimpse of you, almost canceled his entire flight, almost called off all the business he had in Australia. If only he could delve into your features one more time, he would’ve put everyone aside. ‘Cause if you were there and he saw you, he wouldn’t need anything else. But he didn’t see you, so it was all settled as it was supposed to be. 
Han was grumbling something under his breath while Chan was scrolling down the latest news; some of his friends had a comeback coming up, the other was starring in a new drama, the third proposed to his girlfriend… Everyone seemed to have their life put together but him. When he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, Micha’s head resting on his arm, Chan would only think about a life he gave away. He could’ve been lying in his bed now, with his head snuggled into your neck, inhaling that sweet scent of yours right into his system. He could’ve been waking up to your leg lapped across his. He could’ve been with the woman he’s in love with, not the one he pretends to love. Micha doesn’t deserve this; but something tells him that she knows - just pretends not to notice. 
‘Hey, doesn’t this house seem familiar to you?” Han shoved his phone right into Chan’s face; when his eyes could finally focus, he recognised the building immediately. “They report it’s been a fire, they’re still locating it”, Jisung continued, “and the guy who started it wanted to kill his family. What a piece of shit”. 
The only thing Chan could see was smoke coming out from the apartment scarily close to yours. He was unable to forget the window of yours, the window he would always look up to just to see your smiley face. “Can I borrow your phone?”
Jisung swallowed his food, looking confused. “What for?”
“I need to call her”. Han rolled his eyes but obliged, lending the phone to his friend. Chan practically jumped from his seat, running from the second floor of the restaurant they were in to the street. Chan was aware of you blocking him everywhere; so he hoped you’d pick up if Han called. What was that logic? Why would you even pick up?
If the fire was still being located, how big is it? Were you home when it started? Were you not? Is Gaeul okay? 
Long beeps only fueled his anxiety. Pick up, pick up, pick up. Please. 
“Hello?” The voice on the other side of the phone wasn’t the silky one Chan was hoping to hear. 
Chan asked for your name. Was it a cop? A firefighter? A doctor? “She’s okay, she wasn’t home when the fire broke out”.
“Who am I talkin’ to?”
“Kim Yugyeom. I’m a friend. You?”
Another tingling in his chest, every little blood cell of his running to his head, fueling his rage and pain, mixing them altogether. So, Yugyeom is there? After all of your claims he meant nothing to you? 
“Hello?” Yugyeom asked once again. “Say your name at least, so that she’d know whom to call back”.
“Don’t you see the name on the screen?” Chan’s words came out harsher than he planned. “Sorry, whatever. Don’t tell her anything”. Chris hung up the phone and let out an exasperated sigh. Rubbing his face with his hands, Chan couldn’t even comprehend what he was feeling. Why was the mere thought of you and Yugyeom in the same space bringing him the worst pain of it all? It was jealousy. It was all the love he couldn’t properly give you resulting in that horrendous feeling of envy. The feeling that Yugyeom might give this love to you. The love that you deserve. 
How long will he continue pining over you? Maybe he should just start paying more attention to his actual girlfriend rather than the dream woman of his?
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@heylookwhoitis @amaranth-writing @itstorimf @tenshimara @whyyougottadothatbro
The story's masterlist <3
41 notes · View notes
maleyanderecafe · 1 year
Hey! You might like the game Dead Wishes. The main concept is that all the love interests are yanderes (some debatable, imo, but all interesting). It's about 50/50 male vs. female love interests. I want to say it's about $10 on Steam, and it has a LOT of content.
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Phew, yeah sorry for taking so long to get to this ask, it is a lot longer than I expected. I actually did know about Dead Wishes way back when I first started this blog, but I only really knew briefly about Mateo's route. I honestly thought that the game would be a lot darker than it was (which I mean, don't get me wrong- it CAN be), but it was nice and fun to play. There is about 1-2 male yanderes, and 2-3 female yanderes depending on interpretation. It is well worth the 10 dollars though- there is indeed a LOT of content. It is also pretty r18 despite not having any actual sex scenes or anything as it can get gory or talk about more sensitive topics. You can find more information about this and other games at @violetstudiogames. This is going to be VERY long, so bare with me.
Starting out, I'll give a brief summary of each non-yandere route including some of my brief opinions on it. We will save the yandere (or yanderesque) routes for last since I have more to say on it. The main character's default name is Dante, so we will use that name when discussing relationships. I'll go in order from how me and Cherry played it, skipping the yandere routes until the end. Generally the idea is that the more innocent the character looks, the more terrible their route is and the more problematic they look the more sweet their route is (not always true, but it is to a certain extent)
The game starts out with Dante moving into a new apartment. They are really behind on rent and the landlady is trying to come in and get them to pay her.
Clement's route starts with Dante getting help from the landlady in finding a job. Dante ends up working with Clement at his restaurant. While Clement is generally very angry when people do stupid things in his restaurant (so like Gordan Ramsy), though he is for the most part kind towards Dante because he has an interest in them. Dante and Clement eventually get close to each other. We learn about Dante's past and how they moved away because they accidentally killed their parents in a car accident, and still feel survivor's guilt for it. The two get into a relationship after some cute moments.
Clement's route is very cute all things considered and is the most fluffiest route out of all of them. The route is pretty solid, but I think that Dante's personality in this route was a tad annoying. Not the worse one, but just a bit annoying. If you came into this game not knowing about all of the warnings about how dark it is, Clement's route will very easily fool you into thinking it is a sweet game when it really is not. He's a caring person though and he just wants Dante to be happy. Very sweet.
Festus's route starts with Dante promising to pay the landlady and attempting to steal from a nearby church (and failing). Festus gives them a place to stay in the church and Dante ends up helping out at the church. Dante finds out pretty fast that Anise is sort of corrupting Festus with sexual desires, which is causing his duties as a priest to become worse. Festus persists that it is his own desires that lead him to Anise, but it's also obvious that Anise is enabling them and taking advantage of him. Dante is able to help Festus break of from Anise and continue to lead his life as a priest the way that he wants to.
I actually did like Festus's route. I thought it would be a bit more dark, but it is for the most part rather wholesome the way that Dante tries to help Festus throughout it and that he's not just a sly and promiscuous person, but someone who cares deeply about the community. Dante in this one is probably one of the better main characters (in my opinion) because they are able to help Festus the way that he was able to help them (plus I think that them trying to steal from a broke church is funny). Unfortunately, despite how good the route is, it is relatively forgettable compared to other routes.
Nanako's route starts with Dante going to work for them thanks to the land lady. We are greeted by Nanako and her sister Kazue. Initially Nanako doesn't really have anything for Dante to do, but as Kazue gets clingy towards Dante, Nanako tasks us to take care of Kazue. As Dante takes care of Kazue, we see that her mental state is degrading, becoming very capricious at times. Eventually, Nanako introduce us to her friend Eira, who has been stalking a man named Mateo for her. Mateo seems to have done something to Kazue, which is why her mental state has deteriorated so heavily. Eventually following Mateo leads us to a back alley, where Nanako is able to kill Mateo once and for all.
Nanako's route is where the dark parts of the story become more obvious, with the start of Mateo and his master coming into play. Really Nanako's route feels more like a Kazue route feat Nanako, since it seems mostly platonic but more importantly that she's not really in the route. It's not really a bad route, it's just not really "Nanako's" route, if you know what I mean.
Lucian's route starts with Dante being kicked out of their apartment and them living on the streets. Lucian ends up picking them up and giving them a place to stay at his escort business. They end up working as a receptionist with Lucian flirting every now and then with them. Eventually though, while getting close to Lucian, Dante reads a diary on the side of his bed depicting scenes of being molested, raped, witnessing murder as a child and being abused by his parents. Lucian catches them and is understandably enraged by this, which leads Dante into feeling incredibly distraught. The two are able to make up because of Dante's gift, and Lucian ends up trying to force them even despite their pleas. This leaves Lucian upset that Dante has rejected his advances, which lingers until they make up. Dante is kidnapped by Sergio and his gang to his location, with Sergio trying to warn them about Lucian. Dante refuses to believe him and Lucian comes to rescue him, leading to the two of them shooting him. All seems well afterwards with Lucian being together with Dante.
Lucian in his route is mostly pretty nice to Dante given that you get his good route, but boy does Lucian do pretty bad things in other routes. In his own route, getting a neutral or bad ending will have Lucian turn Dante into an escort against their will, either by manipulating them or telling them that he's spent too much resources on them and makes them work it off in this way. He definitely has one of the worst backstories in the game, but this of course doesn't justify his behavior. He and Sergio were a couple, but Lucian seems to not care or think about Sergio at all, which is especially telling since he sleeps with a lot of other people (and in Ophelia's route, used to "break them in", and even attempts to rape Ophelia as well) and it doesn't even seem like he and Sergio have been broken up for that long. He is written to be the playboy done straight, which definitely is done well since it elicits pretty strong reactions (which for me is disgust, mostly, but I've never liked playboys in the first place). Dante in this version is written to be the doe eye innocent character like a lot of otome girl protagonists, which works on his route since he really needs to have a main character who is that naive for it to be pulled off.
Sergio's route starts with the land lady calling the repo men after Dante refuses to talk to her, leading to Mateo coming in and taking their stuff. Given that Dante pretty much has nothing, Mateo just kidnaps them and brings them to Sergio. Sergio is annoyed, but takes a liking to Dante and gives them a job as a black jack dealer and a place to stay. During this time, Mateo pesters Dante and Sergio tries to flirt with them, leading to Mateo getting beat up by Sergio after letting a customer get away with a ton of money. Mateo ends up trying to get Dante to escape with him, but they refuse. Sergio is pissed that Mateo left suddenly, and gets Dante to stay in his room for the time being. Sergio ends up confessing accidentally (and very cutely) to Dante, who continues to tease him. Eventually getting closer to Sergio, he tells Dante about his history with Lucian, how they were together, but Lucian suddenly broke up with him (due to the fact that he was afraid of his status and him being afraid of them being extremely homophobic to him) and stealing half of his company. This entire time he knows he has to take down Lucian for this, but he is still too shaken up by the break up and still cares for him. With Dante's reassurance, Lucian is able to kidnap Ophelia and Allegra, confining them to the dungeon (which is actually very well furnished with a shower). Dante is tasks to take care of them and gets Sergio to collaborate with Ophelia to get rid of Lucian (since she hates his guts). This leads to an attack on his lounge, but when Sergio and Lucian are seen face to face, Sergio can't shoot him, leading to his right hand lady Eira doing it for him.
Sergio is really cute, but that's no surprise because that's coming from me. Despite his position as mafia boss, he is surprisingly easy to tease and actually pretty kind all things considered. He's in a pretty stressful situation given that Lucian has stolen half of his business and he needs to keep his business afloat. He is also probably the most sensitive of the guys in this game, still attached to Lucian despite all of the horrible things he's done to him/other people. He's trying very hard to keep up the façade, despite the fact that I think he mostly treats everyone pretty well all things considered (Mateo is an exception, but it's kind of understandable given Mateo's personality). Also, canonically is submissive and breedable according to the wikia, which would never lie to me. I think Dante in this route is very bratty, but it works with this route because of Sergio's cute reactions, otherwise, I probably would have been more annoyed at Dante's behavior. He also has one of the worst endings (in my opinion) given that in the bad ending, Sergio misses his shot, causing her and Eira to be shot fatally. Dante is then raped by Lucian in front of Sergio's dying body and eventually sold off as an escort afterwards, thus showing that Lucian is still worst boy and that Sergio has every right to kill him as best boy. That's just my opinion, but man Sergio is adorable, is all I'm saying.
Ophelias route branches off of Lucian's after Dante asks to work with her instead. Initially, Ophelia seems to just be very mean spirited and direct person, spitting on Dante after not understanding how important skincare and fashion is. Initially, Dante doesn't see the big deal of it, but slowly sees just how much work Ophelia does and just how good she is as it, touching up all of the escorts. Ophelia is blunt and mean, sure, but she never lies and is in the end trying to help people, despite how it may come out. Dante slowly learns about all the work she has to do and admires her drive for it. Ophelia starts to let Dante in, telling them just how much work she does for Lucian's lounge and how much she despises him, only working for him as a paycheck. Eventually, Ophelia ends up snapping at Lucian after he tries to force Dante into an escort position, leading to Ophelia stabbing his eye and peeling his face off of his corpse. Ophelia explains to Dante that he was trying to hurt them and that she was only protecting them, adding that Lucian would often sleep with his escorts to "break them in" and even tried to rape Ophelia. After this, Ophelia ends up taking over the business thanks to Sergio and Eira, and the two work together.
Ophelia being one of the poster children for this series has a pretty fun route, all things considered, though I can definitely see people trying to label her as a yandere. She initially does seem like one considering her good ending, killing Lucian to protect Dante, but in her bad ending, its revealed she does this quite frequently to people who don't listen to her and even skins Dante for this very reason. She is much more of a yangire, and I can see why people might have more split opinions on her route. I actually did like her route quite a bit, partially because I just like cute looking characters and because she is very competent at what she does with her advice, while said in a callous way, very useful and generally trying to help people, and if you get in her way, she will kill you. Plus her friendship/love for Allegra is very cute and the two compliment each other very well.
Eira's route starts with Dante going to the bank trying to get a job from Vincent only to be turned down. They are then scouted by Eira and brought to Sergio, where they work as a bartender. Dante gets more and more curious and worried about Eira as she seems to be sneaking around and Dante keeps trying to butt in so that Eira will tell them what's going on. Eira brings Dante to her house where she's renovating and they have some cute moments together, until Eira brings them to meet Nanako. They stalk around in Mateo's turf for a while, before Eira has to go and help Sergio dispatch Lucian. During this time Dante talks to some of the children in Mateo's turf and brings that information back to Eira. Eira returns wounded after being shot, and soon after tending them, the two go out to get rid of Mateo. The two get sucked into the blackhole where Mateo's master lives, leading to a weird scene where Eira and Dante are together.
I really like Eira, but her route is very confusing. I understand it's suppose to sort of tie in with the true ending of Mateo's master, but it sacrifices Eira's route for it, which is not great (at least in her happy ending). I felt really bad though in her normal ending, as instead we get Sergio to help, but before Mateo dies, he outs that Eira has been using Sergio to get to Mateo. Given that, Sergio has no choice but to shoot her, despite how heartbroken he is, leading either Dante to sacrifice themselves or Eira to die. Personally, I wasn't a fan of Dante in this route because while I understand the general idea was to get Dante to push about what Eira is hiding so that she doesn't have to carry the burden herself, it is written in a way that makes Dante seem very annoying, especially since Eira herself states that she doesn't want Dante to get hurt and that Dante doesn't have any way or training to defend themselves. There are cute moments between them, but the ending of the happy ending is jarring and unsatisfying. Probably the worst of all routes just because of that.
Alright, now let's talk about the yandere/ yanderesque characters. The three characters I consider as certain yanderes are Vincent, Kazue and Allegra (in her bad ending) and the ones that can be more debatable are Anise and Mateo.
Allegra's route starts with Dante attempting to steal from her bouquet only to be caught and reprehended by her. Dante ends up crying and telling Allegra about their situation, to which Allegra gives them a job working at the bouquet alongside her. Things go mostly smoothly, though Dante has to learn to work with Allegra's temper when she gets pissed off, until someone attempts to rob the bouquet. Allegra is able to knock him out, but after pissing her off, she ends up killing him, causing Dante to panic. Allegra tries to calm them down, telling them they can sell the body off to Mateo so that the evidence won't be found. Allegra ends up teaching Dante about designing clothing, but also both have to do a favor for Mateo. This results in the two luring a deaf girl named Eden into the alleyway for Mateo's master to leave, which leaves a bad taste in Dante's mouth. With the help of Ophelia, the two are able to escape Mateo's debt and work together in the bouquet together.
In her bad ending, Dante is scared out of their wits of Allegra, despite how hard Allegra is at trying to keep her temper and be nice to them. In the end, Dante seems to be so scared or uncomfortable with Allegra that they reject a matching outfits she designed for them. This leads to Allegra knocking out Dante and Allegra confronting them about how they're still afraid of her. Allegra takes her clothes cutter promising that she will take care of Dante until they learn to no longer fear them and cuts off their legs and arms.
Allegra's yandere ending is pretty cool since a lot of times yanderes use fear as a way to get with their lover (especially male yanderes, in which it often turns them on) but with her, it's the opposite-trying to get Dante to NOT be afraid of her (albeit by cutting off their arms and legs). I think it's a pretty good subversion of that trope and although we only see her do this in her bad ending, it was still pretty cool to see. Her route as a whole is very nice and I think Dante's personality paired very well with it. Despite being dangerous, she still maintains a sweet side and just wants to be loved.
Vincent's route (which is the main one we care about on a male yandere blog) starts out with Dante going to the bank to get a job. Unlike in Eira's route, Vincent is very understanding of Dante's position and proceeds to pay off their rent as long as they work in the bank to pay it off. Dante is very grateful for this and starts to work at the bank, but feels extreme pressure due to the fact that they feel like they're slipping behind despite instruction. This leads to Vincent inviting them over to his house to talk about this, only for Vincent to drug them. Upon waking up, Dante is chained to the bed, while Vincent explains that they are now his wife (yes, wife- doesn't matter what Dante's actual gender is, Vincent will call them his wife). Vincent states his very strong rules about how Dante will be his wife- waking up early to choose his clothes, cooking meals for him and saying goodbye and welcome home when he comes back. Failing to do so will cause Dante to be punished. We see this on the first day when Dante fails to wake up and cook breakfast for Vincent, with Vincent forcing them to strip and walk around naked for the rest of the day. Vincent implies he's put cameras around the apartment, so they can't put on their clothes or risk getting punished. While trying to make food for Vincent's dinner, Dante gets burned and leaves the food to accidentally burn. When Vincent comes home and finds out, he punishes Dante by forcibly placing their arm over an open stove, causing them to be severely burned. As the days go by, Dante gets better at becoming a housewife and despite some hiccups (like chewing loudly), Vincent comes to be more soft and accommodating, even happy when Dante calls Vincent using an old phone that is used for emergencies. While cleaning one day, Dante ends up passing out due to the bleach fumes, leading to an extremely worried Vincent. He reveals that he wanted to have a family for so long, but was always lonely-happy that Dante is now with them to make the perfect family. Vincent ends up adopting two children from the streets after trying to make a baby with Dante (again, doesn't matter gender, baby's gotta be made) whom are also chained to complete Vincent's perfect family. Dante gets punished by Vincent a couple of times for failing to be a good wife, but ultimately Dante gets used to it. Eventually, Vincent lets Dante go out with him to the flower shop. In the end, Dante is fully stockholm sydrome and takes care of Vincent, and the they all stay together as a happy family.
If Dante does try to run away, Vincent will catch them, leading to him killing the two children in front of Dante before killing them, stating that it's their fault that they (and the children) died and that they destroyed his perfect family.
In the bad ending, Vincent is tired that Dante is not the perfect wife and kills them with a knife. Dante is killed, but finally feels free of their shackles.
Vincent runs a pretty fun idea of enforcing traditional values with a yandere twist of confinement and stockholm syndrome. He loves Dante, but wants them to follow his set of rules to be his perfect life, whether they want to or not. I was pretty surprised that Dante was pretty lax in this route, not really attempting to run away but instead succumbing to the stockholm syndrome in the end. As a yandere, he enacts punishments to mold Dante into the perfect housewife, but also worries about them when they are hurt by accident, and is extremely happy when they don't leave him, as he is a lonely person who just wants to have his happy family. He even tells the landlady that the two are dating and that Dante will move in when he pays Dante's rent. There's something both familiar and unique about this situations that Vincent has when it comes to yandere media, which is in my opinion very nice and still adds to the wariness of horror while having a loving aspect to him. It's interesting that the traits for Vincent's route to activate to include submissiveness since he does believe that it is part of his lover to be a wife, and that wives are subserviently in this way. Personally I feel like Vincent and Kazue are kind of an OTP not really because they would have a good relationship (god would they not have a stable relationship) but rather because their traits and personalities compliment each other to a T, with Vincent wanting a loving a supportive wife and Kazue wanting to be useful and being extremely good at housework. They would manipulate each other to hell and back and are too strong of a yandere couple. Also, Cherry really liked him and I liked his route, but I would be turned into fried chicken really fast because boy am I not good at housework. Also, this entire route I was trying to mimic Markplier's voice (because that's kind of what Vincent sounds like sometimes) and I think it's really funny that Vincent kinda just kidnapped two kids off of the streets to be in his family. I understand why, it's just the image of it is hilarious. Stockholm syndrome go brr.
Kazue's route is an extension of Nanako's route, where Dante pays attention more to Kazue. Initially it is very sweet, with the two teasing each other and while Kazue does have her fits of capricious crying, is mostly very kind to Dante...and starts to cling very hard to them. While the two like each other, Kazue gets very jealous whenever they are near Nanako, even if it's just to do certain tasks for Kazue. Kazue also gets very obsessive, sniffing Dante's clothing and using their bathwater. She talks about missing her departed husband Daichi dearly, and wishing that she were more useful despite her broken body- happy that Dante is very similar to how kind Daichi is. Kazue is able to convince Dante to move in with them, and then convinces them to go out and meet Kazue's friend, which is Mateo's master. After passing out and being brought back, they try to tell Nanako what's happened, but can't find her anywhere. Dante continues to tell themselves that Kazue is a sweet person and that she isn't capable of doing horrible things, even though at some point Kazue ends up sexually assaulting Dante and continues to manipulate them into believing that they're being cruel by not doing what she says. Eventually, Dante finds Nanako's corpse in her bedroom, and despite Kazue nonchalantly stating that she was the on who killed her, Dante starts to get attached to Kazue and is fully manipulated at this point. The two are finally married in front of Mateo's master.
In the normal ending, Dante isn't fully manipulated and tries to convince her that she will find someone even better to get married to. Kazue can't accept this and ends up bounding Dante to the bed until they realize they are Kazue's true love.
In the bad ending, Dante pushes her away, leading her to kill Dante. Dante is able to see Kazue keep their dead body, delusionally holding them and taking care of their and Nanako's corpses.
Kazue's route is what I would expect a female route to be like- which is to say less on the physically violent side and more on the manipulative side. I'm not saying that female yanderes can't be violent, but I think that this type of yandere is more found in female yandere routes rather than male ones. That being said, I do kind of wish that there were male yanderes that feign weakness and get the MC to depend on them through emotional manipulation (I call these yanderes "Damsel yanderes" for feigning weakness to get their lover to be with them.) Still though, Kazue's route is very twisted because while Kazue is seemingly weak, she does do a quite a lot of horrible things such as committing sororicide, emotional manipulation, rape or sexual assault and just killing, yet it doesn't feel as scary as Vincent's route. I suppose it's the difference of thrown into lava or being slowly boiled alive- one is more immediately dangerous, while the other seems fine until it's too late, which in many cases, is sometimes even more terrifying. Eventually the two become one, and I can see Kazue as a bunch of types of yanderes from delusional, to a replacement type (Dante replacing Daichi), to manipulative and it works very well without it feeling like it's just tacked on. Still pretty horror esque, though in the way that something is creeping up behind you that you don't see. Again, Kazue and Vincent OTP, causing chaos everywhere they go.
Finally the two yanderes that are more debatable... I can see an argument for both ways.
Mateo's route starts through Sergio's- by running away with Mateo to avoid Sergio's wrath. Mateo drags them off to the alleyways where there are children living in boxes. Mateo is very volatile, one second being cutesy and nice while the other spitting out obscenities' and choking Dante to sleep. Dante helps the children the next day find boxes to make new houses but when Mateo returns, he ends up chaining himself to Dante. After not eating nor sleeping well for a while, (and having Mateo nearly killing Dante when peeing on a plant), Mateo and Dante go out to get food for the children, which involve killing Clement and feeding him to the children. He also gets other bodies to feed his master, the giant hole in the alleyway. Dante refuses to cannibalize and tries to get Eira to help them (silently) while the two are chained up. Mateo continues to be volatile, choking Dante, screaming at a child for bringing dead animals all as Dante grows weaker and weaker with little food or water. Eira tries to kill Mateo and free Dante, but ends up shooting Dante in the leg by accident and presumably being fed to Mateo's master. To stop the bleeding, Mateo cuts off both of Dante's legs in a gruesome fashion, and Dante snaps, angering Mateo. Mateo throws Dante into the trash, where Dante slowly grows insane, refusing to eat their own leg which Mateo throws into with them all as they suffer from the pain in the remains of their legs. Eventually, Dante starts to befriend the maggots living in their chopped off leg. Completely mindbroken, they eat cannibalize whatever flesh Mateo throws into the bin and is eventually rescued by Mateo. Completely mindbroken, Dante happily agrees with Mateo about his point of view and even tries to resew their other leg off, only to have Mateo cut off their hand instead, something which Dante accepts happily. Mateo brings Dante to Kazue's place and ends up killing both of them. Mateo and Dante live... happily until Mateo mentions that his master wants to eat Dante, but he doesn't want them to go. Unwilling to let them be eaten the two seemingly run away together.
In his normal ending, Mateo ends up leaving forever (presumably eaten by his master) while Dante waits happily forever for his return.
In the bad ending, Mateo brings Dante to be eaten (though with great distraughtness) and he eventually gets eaten as well by his master.
Mateo's route is the darkest route with the two creators trying to up themselves in every time. It has rape jokes, cannibalism, cutting off body parts, mindbreak, and basically you really feel for poor Dante in this route. Now the question comes down to the thought of Mateo actually does love Dante in this route or is just incredibly insane and does not do this out of love but out of insanity. You can make a case for both, since Mateo does end up mindbreaking Dante to understanding his point of view. Mateo views humans as lumps of flesh and undeserving since they caused problems for the world, and sees anything that harms the innocent (namely animals as plants) as atrocities, thus has no qualms with killing people or doing horrible things to them like stitching and sewing body parts on weird places. Does breaking Dante's will and personality to understand all of this make him a yandere? Personally, I think it does through the impetration that all of this is Mateo's twisted way of showing love in the sense that he wants Dante to understand his love. I think of it as an extreme Vincent, where Vincent does love Dante but also punishes them to make them follow their rules, to come to an understanding of their place as a housewife. Similarly, Mateo does love Dante (he presents them as his lover to Kazue, has a wedding of sorts in his epilogue in front of his master, constantly keeps them alive despite him having every opportunity and reason to kill them and in the endings is always reluctant to have Dante die by his masters hands, which to him is the most important thing) but is trying to make Dante understand his point of view with his extreme hatred of humans even if it comes to mindbreaking them. If this is actually what Mateo believes as showing love, then I can see him as a yandere since he does love them to this much of an extreme, especially if its through the eyes of a delusional yandere. Understandably, I can see why people don't see him as one, since all of his actions pretty much cause harm to Dante, it's not what you would standardly think of love and is closer to sadism, and he does mindbreak them making you wonder if they cared about Dante in the first place. It's understandable, so that's why I think it can be either or depending on the interpretation of "love".
Anise's route is the final route, starting off with meeting her in the church. Dante then cycles through all of the characters, berating them for leaving them, either their relationship or getting them killed amongst other things. We finally see Anise in her pure form, seeing that she is the master that Mateo so greatly worships. She reveals that everyone is already dead, living in a sort of Dante's Inferno, all wandering around her web until they are filled with so much suffering that Anise eats them. Anise is some sort of god like being, unable to die and consumed by boredom. All the characters are brought because of their strong desire and wishes (get it, dead wishes?) and slowly get more corrupted the longer they are there. Anise and Dante then kind of go off into a morality questionaire, where they can either leave or stay with Anise. Staying with Anise affirms that the two of them are the same, while leaving showcases Dante's strong conviction and Anise waiting for them to come back.
The thing with Anise's route is about the mortality of doing bad or good things and that if our actions in the game make us similar to her, sadistic and cruel or make us different. Honestly, I can understand the concept, but there isn't really any indication that we are jumping from route to route in the game and that we are messing up the relationships we've already made, and for all I knew, I was simply starting a new timeline every time. Personally, I feel like it falls short because not only were we completely unaware we were essentially leaving people behind constantly, but also because Anise goes on and on about how selfish we are, yet in most of the routes, Dante is kind of just reacting to certain things as opposed to purposefully doing bad things. To me there is a difference between choosing to purposefully kill someone (for any reason) and going along with someone killing's because of self defense. While they are both bad, one of them does imply a level of choice while the other restrains it. For instance, in Allegra's route, Dante has the choice to call the police after the man is killed, but it will always lead to Dante being killed by Allegra. There is also a difference between knowing and purposefully ending a route to cut off someone's happiness and moving onto the next one and being unaware that you are doing so, since there then is an actual knowledge of consequence to your actions. Finally, despite all of the bad things we've done of jumping from route to route, Anise makes it feel like it's all Dante's fault and that they've destroyed the happy endings of all of the characters while doing so, when honestly, it shouldn't be up to Dante to determine whether or not they are happy. Yes, it does suck that Dante left them, but regardless of their situation, people are responsible for their own happiness and shouldn't blame it on others. Anise is fascinated by Dante throughout the routes as they see them as like her, callous in the fates of others and using them all as toys when in reality we were most likely oblivious to the suffering we caused.
Anise pretty desperately wants someone like her, to understand what she's like and thus grows obsessed with Dante when she believes they are similar. Despite the fact that she seems to despise the idea of love, she's also strangely fascinated by it when it comes to Dante being similar? The best I can see her as a yandere is kind of an extreme narcissist that projects onto Dante in that they are similar because she's just that lonely, but I can't really say that she is (in my opinion) since she seems to despise love and doesn't hold anything remotely close to love (romantically, platonically or otherwise), only fascination. It's kind of like projecting onto an ant and being fascinated by it because you both are hard workers- it's not really love, just an interest. Still, I suppose if Anise did actually feel love at some point, I could see it as one, but considering again how much Anise despises love... eh...
Also, sidenote, I wish I could get a job as fast as Dante does, cuz this person gets jobs left and right without even trying. I get that they're in a limbo of sorts, but please... I wish I could very easily get a job by attempting to rob someone or something like that.
Anyways, Dead Wishes overall is a very well made game from the voice acting, to the routes, to the UI and soundtrack. All of it is well worth $10s and has a good mix of characters to keep everything interesting and well thought out. I got to play their other games because I heard there was another yandere in one of their other games, so you know how it is. If you are interested, please give it a try- it does not disappoint.
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slytherinbangchan · 11 months
Inked Dreams (NCT Dream Tattoo Artist!Au) (M)
Chap 4 out of 6 -> Second arc: Tattoo apprentice Park Jisung x tattoo artist female reader.
>>Inked Dream's Chap 1 here
Summary: A NCT Dream Tattooist!Au where the Dreamies are college's heartthrobs and most likely will steal your heart whenever you less expect it. 
Cute, "shy" but very hot, flirty Jisung. A deadly combo, I promise.
This chap is steamy
Inked Dreams Masterlist~ Blog's Masterlist~
[2nd Arc: Seven Days. ("A Week" 없어.)🐹 Chap 3.]
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Your phone buzzes startling you out of your sleep, and you automatically hit the snooze button on the screen before checking the time and huffing about it. Ah really... Waking up shouldn't be this annoying, even your head hurts, but guess going out for drinks on a Monday night wasn't the brighest idea either.
It's okay though, you forget about your headache as soon as you see Jisung sleeping next to you. He's not facing you right now but your heart can't help but flutter anyway.
His phone suddenly starts buzzing too, but you just wait for him to wake up and turn it off cause, judging from how the bed is vibrating right now, you'd say he fell asleep over it. “Jisung-ah~” You call him then chuckle as you try to make him roll over. “Oh god, you're heavy.” You say and he finally opens his eyes slightly, looking at you for a second before reaching for his phone under the covers to turn the alarm off. “Morning.” You say as he stretches and he looks at you again. His eyes still half closed cause of the light. He looks so puffy and soft right now. You tilt your head at him since he's not saying anything and he just points at his mouth with his index finger, making you chuckle. You lean over him anyway, and he smiles before you meet his lips. “Morning.” He finally says in a very husky voice before pecking your lips again.
Seonhui is already awake too but trying very hard not to fall asleep over her breakfast when you get to the living room. Jisung laughs as soon as he sees her and sits by her side to poke her cheeks. She scoffs and tries to push him away but she just doesn't have the energy today. It all feels kinda like a dream. Guess you need more sleep. “Are you going to class?” Jisung asks and Seonhui sighs. “Yeah, Sarang is driving me when she comes out the shower. You can come with us.” She says and Jisung nods. “Well, I should go too. Can you tell Sarang I said thanks? I'll thank her properly next time I see her.” You tell them and they nod. “See you later then?” You ask. “Of course. Don't make us work a lot today though unnie.” Seonhui pouts and you chuckle. “I'll be nice.” You tell her then look at Jisung who is tilting his head and poking his cheek. You scoff as you smile but walk towards him to peck his cheek. “Ugh, unnie... You really chose this idiot over Renjun oppa?” Seonhui asks, making you laugh and Jisung playfully pushes her. “I'm just saying... She's too hot for you, honestly.” She continues. Jisung clicks his tongue and you scoff. “I don't know... I think Jisungie is pretty hot too.” You say, guiding his chin with your finger to peck his lips and Seonhui rolls her eyes, making you chuckle again. “Anyway, see you later, yeah?” You ask Jisung and he nods. “Mhm~” He says before you peck his lips one last time.
“Oh? What are you doing here so early?” You ask Renjun as you enter the shop. “Noona~ I'm leaving in a minute. I was just showing my friends around. Haechannie is going to use my station to tattoo his girlfriend.” He explains pointing at them. “Oh, nice. Can't wait to see how it comes out.” You tell them, then your eyes move to the third person standing next to the couple. “Hey, are you a tattoo artist too? I feel like I've seen you before.” You say and he nods as he smiles. “Yeah and yes, we've probably met before. I'm Chenle.” He says, shaking your hand lightly. “Oh! You're Chenle! I've heard a lot about you these days.” You chuckle and he does too. “Yeah, I've been hearing about sunbae too for a while.” He says and your heart flutters for a moment. Has Jisung been talking about you? It could have been Renjun too though, even Jaemin. “Yeah, Jisung really talks a lot about the apprenticeship.” Renjun says, answering your internal question and throwing a look at Chenle who just scoffs as he smiles. “Ah, yeah, sure... The apprenticeship... That's what he talks about.” He says and you scoff too. “Well, I'm gonna take a shower before my first appointment arrives, I'm not sure if you'll still be here when I'm done.” You tell Renjun. “Hmm, probably not. But I'll be back later, hopefully before Haechannie is done with the tattoo.”
You take that shower and put on the change of clothes you keep at the shop, then you sit at your station and work on some designs as you wait for your client. Renjun has left as he said he would and Haechan has already started with the tattoo. You can't help but looking at them from time to time.
At first they're all joking around but after a bit they calm down and it's just Haechan working on his girl's tattoo while Chenle scrolls down on his phone, humming to some song. “Are you seriously falling asleep right now?” Haechan asks his girlfriend and she chuckles softly. “Maybe.” She says, making the guys chuckle too, but you get it. Getting tattoos can be relaxing too. Probably Haechan is very good at it so it's not hurting more than it should, also she must really trust him and that's why she feels comfy enough to fall asleep.
They're still at it after more than four hours. So you go take a look after your last client. “Hey, how are you hanging in there?” You ask her. Chenle is holding her hand now, soothingly caressing her fingers with his thumb. “Well, it's starting to really hurt.” She says and you chuckle. “Yeah, it was about time it did, girl.” You say, making the others chuckle too. “You're a tough cookie, huh?” You ask and she giggles too, then the shop's door opens and finally Renjun and Jisung appear. “Oh, nice. You're still working on it. I wanted to watch.” Renjun says as he walks over. Your eyes are on Jisung now though. He shyly smiles as he sees you and ruffles his hair before coming closer. “Hey.” You softly say. “Hi.” He answers before leaning over to peck your lips and hug you, and the guys start teasing him about the skinship immediately, making him blush.
“Your friends are nice, they sound fun too.” You tell him as you stroke his hair while you both sit waiting for Seonhui, and he smiles. “Would you come to one of our parties then? I've been meaning to ask you.” He says. “Oh? Sure. Wouldn't that ruin your heartbreaker image though?” You tease and he laughs. “You're still thinking about that?” He asks and you chuckle too. “Kinda, yeah. I'm really curious about it since Junnie mentioned it to me, and you didn't really denied it when I brought it up.” You answer and he scoffs as he smiles softly while holding your hand. “I'm not that much of a heartbreaker, noona. At least not intentionally.” He says, leaning over to get a kiss, and you smile. “Well, we'll see about that.” You tell him and he rolls his eyes and smiles before pecking your lips.
“Wow, Haechannie. You sure you hadn't tattooed anyone for almost a year before this?” His girlfriend asks as she checks herself in the mirror and he shyly giggles. “Mhm, I promise.” He answers. “He's always been naturally talented like that.” Renjun proudly says, and finally curiosity wins over you and you stop working on your client for a second to take a quick look without leaving your station. Damn, he really is talented. He won't have any problem finding clients whenever he decides to start working.
The guys finally leave the shop after six long hours but you still have a couple more clients for the day. Jisung sits by your side to watch you work on your next client while Seonhui works on a design and, ah... Honestly you're so tired... You can feel Jisung's warmth coming from his body and it's making you extra sleepy. “Sung-ah...” You call him and he immediately sits up. “Yes?” He answers. “I'm sorry but, could you get me a coffee?” You ask him and he nods. “Thank you.” You say, then watch him leave as your heart flutters for him before your eyes meet Renjun's and he raises his eyebrows at you, making you blush. Damn, why does he always have to catch you looking at Jisung like that?
“Here, noona... I'm sorry, there was a long line at the coffee shop.” Jisung softly says as he hands you the coffee, stroking your back with his free hand in a caring way. “It's okay, at least I'm done now with that client.” You say then take a sip. “There's only one more, right?” He asks as he sweetely caress your cheek and you nod. “I'll get everything ready so you just rest in the meantime.” He says and you chuckle softly at how cute he is. “Mhm, thank you Jisung-ah. You're the best.” You tell him and he blushes lightly before you peck his lips.
The next couple of hours go by a bit faster thankfully, and soon you're leaving the shop with Jisung. “Are you hungry?” You ask him and he nods. “Let's grab some street food then before taking the bus.”
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You eat on your way to the bus stop and while you wait for it, so there's not much talking going on but Jisung won't let your hand go. “So sleepy.” You tell him as you lean on him while standing in the bus and he hugs you with his free arm without saying anything, just resting his head over yours as you squeeze him softly in a hug. “Come home with me.” You say and he strokes your hair and pecks your nose. “Mhm.” He smiles as he looks at you lovingly and you tip-toe to peck his lips.
You show him around your house then tell him he can shower first while you look for something for him to wear. “These are Jaemin's but hopefully they'll fit you even though you're taller.” You tell him and his hand peeks behind the shower curtains to show you a thumbs up. You chuckle softly as you leave to the living room and wait for him.
Ah... He's too cute.
“Woah, you look nice in those.” You tell him as he walks out the bathroom and he shyly smiles as he ruffles his wet hair. “I didn't know you were close to Jaemin hyung though, noona.” He says as he sits next to you and you grab the towel on his shoulders to help him dry his hair. “Mhm, kinda. He stayed here for a bit back when I was still at college.” You explain. “Oh... I didn't know the guys back then.” He says as you distractedly move to straddle him so you can reach for his hair better. “Yeah, it was a while ago. I guess you could give the clothes back to him after this. It's about time but I always forget.” You chuckle and he does too. “Yeah, don't worry, I will.”
There's a bit of a silence as you keep drying his hair so you stop and cup his face. “What?” You ask and he blushes lightly. “Nothing... I... Did you sleep with him?” He asks, and you scoff as you smile. “No.” You answer, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “Would you care if I did though?” You ask and he shakes his head. “I was just curious.” He says, and you smile before pecking his lips. “Mhm.” You say then comb his hair with your fingers. “I think it's dry enough now.” You tell him before trying to get down his lap, but he stops you, grasping on your hips. “Jisung...” You chuckle, but he just kisses you, biting softly on your lower lip after, making your heart flutter. “Don't go.” He says, pecking your lips again down to your neck as he pulls you closer.
“Jisung...” You call him again and he moves, manhandling you to a new position where you're lying on your back but he remains between your legs. Your heart is racing as you slightly feel the weight of his body over yours. You meet his lips again as he pulls up your shirt, then he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck to your tits. You tug on his hair as he softly bites on them. His hand sneakily climbing up your back as good as he can to unclasp your bra. You gasp a bit surprised as he manages to do it, and he smiles against your skin at your reaction. “Hey, I can be good at some stuff.” He says before pecking your cheek and nibbling on your neck and you chuckle softly. “Yeah, I never doubted that.” You tell him, then cup his face to kiss him but he licks your cheek instead, making you giggle. “What are you doing?” You ask, but he just kisses his way down your boobs again as he smirks.
“J-Jisung... You can't use your tongue...” You tell him. “Mhm, understood.” He says, but he keeps licking and biting on your nips anyway. It's not like you have the will to stop him right now though. “Noona... Your heart is beating so fast.” He says while resting his head on your chest as you play with his hair. “Do you think I can make it beat faster?” He asks and you chuckle. “Yes, I'm pretty sure you can, you little devil.” You say, pushing him so he sits up again. “I'd rather you do it when we can actually kiss for real, though.” You tell him as you go back to straddle him, feeling his boner against your heat now. You bite your lower lip as you think about it for a moment and Jisung chuckles. “You were saying?” He teasingly asks and you blush. “I- Shut up... Let's watch a movie.” You say and he bites back a smile. “Sure.” He says. You purse your lips. “I mean it.” You tell him, making him chuckle. “I know... I just want to be with you, noona. Whatever you want to do is okay.” He says, managing to make you feel soft now. “Mhm.” You say before pecking his lips, and he squeezes you softly in a hug.
“I'll just play a random movie.” You inform him as he sits against the headboard in bed and you lie back between his legs. “Your hair smells like Renjun hyung's, noona.” He chuckles and you do too. “Yeah? I used the only shampoo bottle that was at the shop. It smells good though, right?” You ask. “Mhm~ Like flowers or something.” He says and you chuckle. “Yeah, I think it's jasmine.” You say. “Mhm.” He pecks the top of your head and then your cheek before breathing in your scent as he backhugs you. “I- Jisung...” You call him. He's blushing already even if you can't see him. “Did you just get hard again?” You ask as you chuckle, looking up to see his face. “It's cause I smell like Renjun?” You jokingly ask and he hides his face behind his hands. “Oh my god, of course not.” He shyly says, pulling another chuckle from you. You turn around to try and see his face behind his hands. “I'm just kidding, dummy.” You say, softly pulling from his hands and he just lets you do it. He's still blushing hard though. He fans his face with his hand as he looks up making you chuckle again. “So cute.” You say, sweetely caressing his cheek and he pouts. “I'm sorry for teasing you.” You apologize but he keeps pouting. “No, you're not.” He says and you giggle. “No, I'm not.” You admit. “You look so cute when you get all flustered, Jisung-ah. It makes my heart flutter.” You tell him before meeting his lips and he pulls you closer in a hug.
“Noona...” He calls while you nibble on his neck. “Mhm?” You distractedly answer. “I know what you said earlier but... I was wondering...” He stops so you leave his neck alone to look at him, but that only makes him blush again, so you smile softly and cup his face with your hands and peck his lips. “What is it?” You ask and he purses his lips before talking. “I... Could you... Ride me? Please?” He simply asks, making your heart skip a beat as you blush too.
He bites on his labret nervously as he awaits for your answer in the long second you take to react, but you just chuckle softly and peck his lips again. “Mhm, I'd love to do that.”
Chap 3🐹....Chap5🐹
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aesteraceae · 1 year
Spring Nights
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Pairing: Chan x nb!Reader
Summary: Chan needs a love potion and only you can get him one, but things don't quite go as planned.
Notes: This fic is a gift for Bee, @inkedtae !! Happy (very late I'm so sorry) holidays! This was for the clownracha secret santa fic exchange!! I apologize for this being a little late, complications happened but it's here now and I hope you love it <3 also this is the first time I've ever made a banner for a fic so that's fun!! :D
Tags under the cut!!
Tags: Nonbinary reader, truth serums, magic au, love potions, arranged marriages, references to homophobia, royal au, pining, rough sex, biting, hickeys, oral sex, reader has a dick, slight dom/sub, nipple play, vibrators, grinding, face fucking, teasing, cum swallowing
Taglist: @sunnyville36 @snow-pegasus @toastyseungmo @sstarryoong and @wooyussy
Ps: If you recognize the magic system I used here I love you so much (hint, it's from a queer book!)
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It is 3 o'clock at night, and there is someone at your door.
The rage that you feel as you drag yourself out of bed to answer it could burn a small forest, especially because your familiar, Felix, doesn't even flinch at the insistent knocking. His ears flick slightly, showing you that he's awake, he just doesn't care.
"Ungrateful brat," you mutter, yawning as you float down to the first level of your tower. You're met with the clicking of glass jars and knickknacks, as if they were greeting your arrival.
Your shop was small, but business was steady and you'd never had any issues with money. The kingdom at the bottom of the hill often requested your services, rerouting rivers or ensuring a plentiful harvest. In return, you got a portion of their crops and minerals, and of course money, though you had far less use for that.
It was a nice relationship, but it was not one that opened the opportunity for people to come visit you in the wee hours of the night.
"We are closed," You hiss, opening the door, only to stop dead in your tracks.
The man at your doorway is not just any farmer who's come to proposition you for fertilizer as you'd expected.
No, the man at your doorway is Prince Chan, heir to the throne of the kingdom you depended on.
Prince Chan, who you have very very quietly pined over for more than a year now.
And you are in nothing but sweatpants, scowling.
"I know, I'm so sorry! I just- this is really urgent, and I didn't know who else to go to!"
You straighten up, trying not to look so messy. A small part of you is still protesting that he's in your home at 3 am and you had every right to not be put together, but still. Chan was a prince, and he wasn't a pompous asshole, so you decide to show him some respect.
"I- Yes, of course. What do you need, your majesty?"
Felix finally shows himself, padding down to brush against your ankles, and then against Chan's mud stained boots. His fur shimmers as he does so, carefully repelling any filth that might have transferred over. You quickly scoop him up, both to keep him from running out and to preserve some of your modesty.
"Oh, you have a cat? He's so pretty!"
Felix purrs, leaning into his hand when Chan reaches out to pet him, which has absolutely no right being that cute.
"Yes, his name is Felix. He's my familiar, but back on the topic of why you're here?"
Chan nods, snapping out of the trance the kitten had placed him in.
"Right! Um, I need a love potion."
You deserve a Nobel Peace prize for not slamming the door in his face.
"What." You can't even hide the venom in your voice, and Felix leaps out of your arms.
Chan waves his hands around, trying to placate you, but it only serves to be more annoying.
"I promise it's not what you think! I know it's weird, but it really is urgent!"
"In what world is a love potion so urgent that you had to get here at 3 am?"
Chan sighs, desperate.
"I swear, I'll explain everything. I'll pay you double, triple the normal cost, just please help!"
You take a minute to actually look at Chan, his messy wet curls, soaked coat, and shaking form. Had he climbed the mountain without any sort of umbrella?
You grab his wrist and drag him inside, slamming the door behind him.
"Fuck, okay. Just sit still for a second, I'll get you a dry spell and I'll change. Play with Felix or something."
You take the stairs back up to your room, resisting the urge to scream as you throw on a sweater and pants. You don't do anything nice with your hair, just put it in a bun to keep it out of the way. You take your wand from it's case and allow yourself one quiet scream.
You're back downstairs in less than 2 minutes, and find Chan marvelling at how Felix's fur refuses to get wet or dirty.
"Oh, hey! This is amazing, is it a spell?" He's got this wide, dopey grin on his face, and you can't help but smile.
"Not my spell. My mentor gave him to me, and it's his magic."
Chan hums, standing up slowly, as if he could keep from dripping water everywhere if he didn't move very much. There's already a puddle at his feet, though, so you're not sure why he bothers.
"Rain rain go away!"
A burst of energy flows from your wand over to Chan, swirling around him. In just a second all the water has been wicked from him, leaving him and the floor perfectly dry.
"There. Come on, I take spell requests in the back room."
Chan blinks at you, and doesn't move.
You point to the gauzy curtain separating your workrooms from the main entrance, but Chan still doesn't move.
Did you break him?
"Uh. Your highness? Prince Chan?"
"Are your spells all... nursery rhymes?"
You remember Minho's voice, low and patient as he taught you the basics of magic. "Words have power, my darling. The words we say carry magic in themselves, and words that many people have said carry even more."
You grab his wrist again so he walks while you explain.
"Some of them are. Phrases a lot of people say carry magic, like nursery rhymes for example."
"That's so cool! Wait, does that mean I can do it too?"
You push the curtain away and begin moving around the room, gathering basic ingredients you'll need for the potion.
"Unless you're a mage yourself, no. Can we get back on topic, please?"
"Right, of course."
You sigh, thankful to be back in familiar territory, even if the darkness outside creates a different atmosphere than you're used to. The room is lit only by candles, which creates a cozy feeling in the daytime, but now... Well.
"What do you need this potion for anyway?"
Chan shrinks into himself, refusing to meet your gaze.
"It's my mother. She wants me to get married, and she gave me 2 days to find someone I wanted to be with before she arranged a marriage with the princess of Phoenix Drop, but I hate her. She's evil, and I just know that if I marry her she'll ruin this kingdom! So I have to find someone."
You look over your shoulder to glare at him, "You're a prince. The prince. How on earth are you having trouble getting a wife? You hardly need a love potion for it."
Chan sits down on one of your cushions, squeezing himself into a ball.
"I don't want a wife." He whispers, like admitting to a crime, and you soften.
He straightens up, steeling his expression. "So, I need a love potion. I need to make myself fall in love with a woman, not make them fall in love with me."
Well. There's only so much you can do, when you hear something like that. However, trapping a man who's proved to be nothing but kind (if a little tactless) into a loveless marriage is not one of them.
"Love potions aren't miracles. That's not what they do. I'm sorry, but even if I gave you the best potion I could make, it wouldn't last. Not on you, anyway."
Watching Chan deflate like a popped balloon hurts a bit too much, so you turn back to your worktable.
He's silent for a long time, and you're just about to start consoling him when he raises his head, tightens his jaw, and balls his fists up.
"Make it anyway. I don't care if it's temporary, I just have to keep my kingdom safe."
You watch him, then. There's something deeply sad behind his eyes, like tears long since hidden away, and you have the strangest impulse to hug him.
But that would be absurd. It could get you thrown out of the kingdom, you're sure of it. So instead, you sigh and continue the potion.
"As you wish. It shouldn't take me long, just have a seat and wait."
Chan does just that, halfheartedly throwing a string around for Felix to chase, and you carefully ignore the feeling of eyes on your back, following your every move.
The potion bubbles on the stove, glowing a deep red, and you curse under your breath.
"Ah, your highness? Can you hand me that vial of lemongrass on the table?"
The potion can't be left alone even for a moment at this stage, and Felix didn't seem eager to move from his spot underneath the table.
"Oh, of course!" To his credit, Chan is quick.
He hands you the vial with shaking hands, though, and you look at him as you pour it in.
"Are you alright? If you're cold I can set up the fireplace."
Chan shakes his head and places his hands behind his back, as if he wasn't trembling from head to toe.
"No, I'm fine. I'm not cold."
You just stare at him, unblinking, and he cracks in record time.
"Okay, fine. I'm not cold, but- I just- you didn't react. Not really."
"React to what?"
You turn back to the pot, cutting the heat and reaching up for a glass bottle.
"I just told you I'm gay! And I'm the prince! That doesn't... I don't know, warrant any reaction?"
You sigh, opening the bottle. "I'm not homophobic, if that's what you're worried about. I don't care all that much. Hell, I wouldn't have much room to talk anyway."
Chan recoils so quickly you think you splashed him with the potion, but it's all safely in it's bottle.
"You're- wh- I mean, that's great!"
You can't help but laugh, leaning against the counter to face him properly.
"Yes Chan, I'm gay. Sort of. Gender doesn't matter to me, not even for myself. Now, how are we proceeding with this information?"
"I can't do anything with it."
There's something... Off in how he says it. Something soft, almost hopeful.
"What do you mean?"
Chan's ears go red, and his eyes fix on a point over your shoulder.
"I can't. It wouldn't be- I can't. Forget I said anything."
You were only joking, but now Chan seemed melancholy, and you couldn't stand for that.
"The potion's ready. Split it with the person you choose, and it will work. For whoever you pick it will likely be permanent, but for you... Expect a few years, tops."
You hand the bottle to him, reaching for a cork to seal it, and Chan shrieks.
You jump back as Chan drops the bottle, holding his hand, and watch in horror as the glass and all it's contents splash across the floor and all over him.
"Oh- Oh my god! Your highness, I'm so sorry! The bottle shouldn't have been hot, I- I really didn't mean to, gods I'm-"
You reach for your wand, hands shaking, wracked with guilt and fear, but stop dead in your tracks when Chan rips off his shirt.
It catches a candle you set on the counter and burns up into nothing but ash.
Your mouth moves on autopilot to clean up the potion while you put the pieces together.
The lemongrass should have cooled the potion down immediately, leaving it perfectly handleable, if a little warm.
It certainly shouldn't have been hot enough to make Chan shout like that, or drop the entire container.
"Chan? Are you... Okay?"
"Yes. I want you to buy me a new shirt."
He blinks, as if startled by his own words, and you resign yourself to being exiled the moment this is all over.
You step forward and examine the vial Chan handed you, and sure enough the label says basil, not lemongrass.
"I... I think I made you a truth serum."
You rarely ever make them, and you've never made such a large batch. And Chan has all of it affecting him.
Chan grimaces and looks down at his hands, shifting from foot to foot.
"That's bad."
You both stare at the glass still scattered on the floor, perfectly still, until Felix jumps onto the counter and hisses.
It breaks the awkward moment and you can't be more grateful for it, scooping him up and letting him ride on your shoulders as you sweep up the glass.
"You shouldn't be unsupervised like this. I've never made a truth serum that potent, and though it shouldn't have any bad effects it could still get you in trouble."
"I don't want to leave. I want to stay with you."
You nearly drop the broom, faltering a little at his bluntness. You really should be expecting it, but it still makes your heart pound.
"Well, that makes this very easy, then. Um... I'll make tea. Go have a seat, please." It's mostly just a way to get him and his fucking skin out of your sight for a minute so you don't burn up just like his shirt.
"Yes sir." The way he says it is almost teasing. Almost. It's just serious enough to make you gape at him as he walks through the curtain, pointedly not sitting down.
He traces his hands along all the furniture and knickknacks, reading every potion label, inspecting every orb. He's surprisingly delicate, likely used to treating things with care, so you don't make him stop. If he stays entertained like that, there's less chance of him spilling a secret of the castle. At least then you wouldn't be executed by morning.
You carry the tea tray into the main room, setting it on the coffee table and settling down on a cushion.
"Prince Chan, come get your tea."
He smiles at you, wide and sparkling, and you have to turn back to your tea so he doesn't see you blushing.
"Your ears turned really red. Mine do that too, when I'm embarrassed. Mother calls me "dumbo" because of it."
It's jarring, hearing such personal things in such a casual tone. It almost felt like you were good friends having tea, not virtual strangers who are both going to be in deep trouble when morning comes.
"Come get your tea, your highness. And- if you can, refrain from speaking."
"No," he says, sitting right next to you, pulling his teacup with him. Your shoulders touch, and his skin is so soft. You almost choke on the tentative sip you'd taken, and it doesn't go unnoticed. "I like talking to you, it's nice."
"It's- I enjoy it too, but you're just here for a potion, which I'll remake properly once you work this out of your system."
Chan hums, and then, like the cat currently curled up at your feet, nuzzles his face into your neck.
This has to be some sort of fever dream, right? The prince, next in line to be king, is nuzzling against your neck and pressing kisses there.
The king who also happens to be gay, and shirtless, and under a truth serum.
You shoot up so fast you almost trip, rushing up the stairs with an excuse of finding him a shirt.
It's not really a lie, you do dig through your closet and find him a shirt, though it lies discarded on your bed as you scream into a pillow.
Just a few hours ago you were sleeping peacefully, dreaming about the ingredients you were going to buy with your last payout, and now you're hiding from a very very hot man who you may or may not have been ogling for the past year.
A fever dream. That's really the only explanation.
"Why are you screaming?"
You don't acknowledge him, just scream a little louder. If you're loud enough, maybe he'll go away.
He must have royal attendants, you're sure someone else will be willing to babysit him until he gets back to normal.
You freeze. It's not that you don't want to move, or that his voice has stunned you still, it's the fact that Chan has climbed on top of you and pinned your hands to the bed.
So. You're face down on the bed, head shoved into a pillow, with a gay shirtless prince straddling your back.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up..."
"You're not sleeping. Now tell me why you were yelling!"
Chan's voice, despite his position, isn't very steady. He seems actually worried, and though you'd go about verifying someone's wellbeing very differently, you can't really blame him right now.
"You are why I'm yelling, dumbass. Think about this position for maybe 5 seconds and you'll want to scream too!"
And he does.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
"I don't want to scream. I want to make you scream."
Because you're nothing if not obedient, you scream again.
His hands tighten a little on your wrists and his mouth is so close to your neck you can feel his breath, shaking and hot.
"I've liked you for so fucking long. I mostly came here because I wanted to flirt, and if I came any other time I'd have to be escorted," he leans in closer, somehow, lips brushing against your ear, "I wanted to be alone with you, like this. I wanted to hold you like this, or have you do it to me, I'm not really picky."
You shout again, but it's more like a whine. He takes away this luxury, though, by pulling away and turning you onto your back.
He barely gives you a moment to breathe, though, because now he's straddling your hips and you're pressed right against his ass and—
"Yes or no. I'm not going to take advantage of you, of this, but I am a little grateful for the opportunity. So tell me, do you want this?"
He leans in close again, an action you're gonna need to make him stop doing for the sake of your own heart, and whispers, "Do you want me? Because fuck, I want you."
And, well. What really is there to say to that?
"Yes. Chan, yes."
He shifts his head and grips your jaw tight as he kisses you, primal and deep and intense.
Fire sparks between your lips, your saliva working as gasoline and burning up every inch of trepidation about this, about eachother.
"Fuck, too many fucking clothes. I liked the sweats better."
You can only manage a breathy laugh because he's grinding down as he kisses you, dragging your shirt up your chest and off your arms.
"I want to bite you. Can I? Please?"
It's all you can do to force your head to nod before he attacks you like a man starved, biting and sucking and licking everywhere, your chest, your neck, even your shoulders and arms. He leaves hickeys right between the veins on your wrist and it's embarrassing how good it feels but you can't feel any emotion other than raw need as he touches you, skin like a branding iron.
"Chan- ah, fuck- pants, something, come on."
He laughs, long and dark, biting your chest particularly hard, and you thrash a little in the sheets. Mercifully, he does slide down your pants and toss them over to the side, eyeing you like a wolf stalking a gazelle.
"Chan." You're not really sure why you say it, but the words leave your mouth anyway and his head snaps up, tilting in a way that could almost be cute if his eyes weren't so dark. It just seems condescending now, and you shrink back a little.
"Nothing, sorry. Just- I don't... I don't exactly do this a lot."
Instead of softening, Chan's mouth splits open in a wide, predatory grin, and he ducks his head down.
A dream could never feel this vivid, this intense, this perfect.
Chan's tongue is thick and hot and draws sweet little lines up and down your cock, teasing, but it feels so nice you can't even complain.
"Bang Chan! Oh- Jesus!"
He finally, finally opens his mouth wide and takes you, all of you in one smooth stroke, and it's so good your hands move on their own, pulling at his hair as you arch your back.
"This is- please, please, wait a second, fuck-"
"If you want me to stop because you're going to cum, you've got another thing coming."
That draws a long keen from your lips and you can't even control it as your mouth opens around a scream, silent at first and then very loud as he reaches a hand up to cup your balls as well.
There's white on his lips when he pulls off, but you're too blissed out to notice much else.
Chan is a blur of colors and shapes and sounds as he climbs back up your body, kissing your cheeks and neck while you try and drag yourself back into the land of the living.
"You're fucking insane, you know that?"
"I had a hunch."
You barely manage a laugh, but that's enough for Chan. "Are you feeling okay? That looked like it took a lot out of you."
You swat his arm, and shut your eyes because your brain seems caught up on how many freckles are in the area.
"I'm peachy. In tip top shape. Over the moon."
"Do you have sex spells?"
It's so random you almost don't answer him, but then you think about it some, and an idea roots itself in your head.
"Yes. Lots of spells can be made into sexual stuff, but there are some specifically for that."
"Like what?"
Hesitantly, you reach for your spare wand on the dresser and tap Chan's shoulder, whispering "sensitive" over the area.
"What was that?"
You smack him with the wand, just a light tap, and he collapses, entire arm buckling with the pain.
You can't help but giggle, quickly reversing the spell. "So yeah, sensitivity's a common one. I can turn anything into a sex toy if I want, I can restrain you, I can make lube, all kinds of stuff. Depends on what you're into, really."
"I'm into whatever you want me to be." You snort, and then pause, because that couldn't have been a joke.
"Oh yeah?"
He nods, eyes suddenly very serious. You sit up to look at him better, but he doesn't move from his spot against the bed, underneath you. You straddle his hips on a whim, reversing your positions from earlier, looking down into his eyes.
"Do whatever you want, I mean it. At least try. I'll tell you if I don't like it."
It's dizzying, having so many options and the opportunity to pursue all of them, but it only takes you a few moments to formulate a plan. First, you cast sensitive on his entire chest and watch him squirm for a moment, the cool air suddenly feeling like too much against his flushed skin.
"Good vibes." you whisper to your wand, and smile as it lights up with energy, gently vibrating in your hand. It's completely silent, so Chan is taken by surprise when you press it against his chest. You drag long lines across his skin, watching him writhe and shake against the touch, not quite stimulating but enough to make his cock throb against you, still trapped in it's cloth confines.
"You're so cute when you squirm." You comment, tracing circles around one of his nipples. that sends him a step over the edge, and he starts to whine.
"Please, just- dont tease, I can't take it!"
"Oh, come on. You can take a little vibration, can't you? This is nothing, really. I can barely feel it."
"You aren't the one with a sensitivity spell on!" Chan's face is so red his anger is more cute than intimidating, and you reach over to pinch a nipple as a small punishment.
"Shh, you're fine. I know how it feels, you'll survive. Just relax and enjoy, okay?"
He shakes his head but doesn't say anything else, which could also be because you make the sensitivity spell spread down to his hips. He lets out a ragged breath, anticipation making him squirm.
"Tell me what you want me to do right now."
You didn't have to listen, but it would be nice to have a little guidance.
"I want you to grind down on me. You're so hot, and so close and-"
You do as he says, pressing your hips down onto his and moaning at the friction. Chan shoves his face into a pillow, ears almost glowing red.
"Like that?"
He nods, but doesn't show his face again. You tisk, reaching over to grip his jaw between your thumb and middle finger. You're not gentle as you turn his head back to face you, but his eyes roll back all the same.
"I asked a question, I expect a verbal answer."
He swallows hard, and you follow the movement of his Adam's apple with your nail just to watch him shudder.
"Y-yeah. Like that, please. Again."
You hum, pretending to consider the idea. You shift your weight from one knee to the other, just barely pressing down, and his whines sound like music.
"Do you deserve it?"
This seems to stump him. He opens his mouth, starts a sentence, but it dies on his tongue.
His eyebrows bunch up with frustration, such a cute and innocent expression for his current position.
"The- the serum. I don't think I can answer that."
You raise an eyebrow, but it does make sense. He's not allowed to lie, but he doesn't know what would make him deserving of it, so he can't tell the truth.
"Hm. I think you do. You've been good, besides not answering me."
His eyes light up, and you almost feel bad for climbing off of him.
His entire body slumps, and he scrambles up to try and chase you, even though you've only moved to sit beside him.
Still, you soothe him down with a firm hand on his chest and smile, letting him calm down.
"You said..."
He sounds so lost, so shocked, that you almost feel bad. As a consolation, you get to work.
Removing his pants and briefs isn't an issue - Chan is eager to raise his hips so you have better access.
And truly, no matter how much you pretend to be put together, all it takes is the sight of his dick to have you scrambling.
Chan is big.
His cock is long and thick, curving up towards his navel and twitching, as if beckoning you closer. The tip is red and glistening with precum already, and your head moves on its own to lick it up.
Chan's entire body jolts, thighs tensing by your shoulders.
"Isn't this better than just grinding?"
Chan nods frantically before remembering your previous rule and stammering out a "Yes, so much better."
You take your time at first, tongue dragging up from his balls up to the tip, licking up the bead of precum the movement draws up. He's tangy and almost sweet, not at all bitter like you'd imagined.
The acknowledgement, even internally, that you've imagined how Chan tastes floors you, so you suck his tip into your mouth as a distraction.
Chan doesn't seem to have any words left as he devolves into whines and whimpers, hips pushing up into your mouth as best he can.
You try your best to keep his hips pinned down, but having his cock in your mouth is almost intoxicating.
He smells like heat and chestnuts and sex, and this feeling almost rivals some of the aphrodisiac potions you've made. Before you even realize it, your mouth falls open around him and he begins thrusting inside, one hand gripping the back of your head tightly.
You're not sure how he managed to start fucking your face without you even noticing, but you are absolutely not complaining.
Chan's pace is intense, careful, but far from gentle. The tip of his cock presses against your throat with every thrust, brushing against the roof of your mouth, and somehow you're moaning more than he is.
That's not to say that Chan wasn't moaning. On the contrary, Chan hadn't stopped making noise since the moment you wrapped your lips around him.
Muffled curses, choked off moans, and high pitched whines tumble out of his mouth like ashes across your skin, and it's all you can do to grip his thighs while he works himself up to the edge.
"Shit, shit. You're so beautiful. Fuck, so hot-" You can't help but moan at the praise, and the extra vibration pushes him over the edge.
He presses in deep and lets out a shout so loud it blocks out any other noise in the room, for a moment.
You swallow around him, but don't pull off. His cock feels nice in your mouth, filling it nicely even as he begins to soften.
He has to pull you off by the hair, because his insistent tapping on your shoulder doesn't make you move an inch.
You pout when he finally gets you off, eyes still looking at his cock with longing.
"You taste very good, in case you didn't know."
Chan laughs, embarrassed and spent, one hand over his face and the other on his chest.
"I do know. I've- I've tasted myself before."
That image is too much. Way, way, way too much.
"Oh." You whisper, letting out a shaky laugh, deciding to shove that piece of information into the back of your mind.
You rest your head on one of his thighs and look up at him, smiling warmly. "You're very pretty."
Chan somehow blushes harder, peering down at you from between his fingers.
"So are you." There's something pained in his eyes, even past the blissful haze.
"What's wrong?"
He shakes his head, looking away, and you climb back up his body to lie next to him.
"C'mon. It's good that the truth serum's wearing off, but I want to know."
"I don't want this to end. But we can't. We can't do this again."
His voice cracks on the last word, but you're not sure how to reassure him. Chan was right, of course. He was the prince, he came here to fall in love with someone else. Doing any of this was a horrible idea, and the reality of that hits you like a truck.
"Ah. I... I understand." He looks at you, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
"No, its- I'm not rejecting you! That's not what this is, I- I swear, if I had a choice I'd- I'd court you properly, and we could actually be together."
You think about that, for a moment.
An idea springs up in your head, small, but quickly growing as you indulge it.
"What if... What if we could?"
Chan sits up, eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about? We can't."
You crawl off of the bed, rummaging through a drawer for a spell book. Chan watches you, baffled, but you don't pay him any mind as you flip through the worn pages.
"Aha! Look!" He gets up to read over your shoulder, but it's all written in scrawling lettering, most of it in Latin. "Don't read, just- This spell can disguise someone's appearance for an indefinite amount of time. If I change my appearance to look more like a girl, you could just marry me."
Chan blinks. Blinks again. Then he giggles, which turns into a laugh, and within seconds he's cackling and tugging you into his arms.
"You are amazing." He says, and you can't help but laugh too, squeezing him tight.
· · ────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The next morning, glamored to look as feminine as your magic will allow and in your nicest dress, Chan presents you to his family.
He keeps a hand on you the entire time, on your back or your hip or your arm, and though his parents are hesitant, even they can't deny the way you look at eachother.
"Do you prefer summer or spring weddings?" His mother asks you, and your heart threatens to burst out of your chest.
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Okay friends of the MDZS/The Untamed fandom
If you've seen my previous post about making lotus root and pork rib soup, you know the journey I've been on. If you'd like to try making the soup yourself, a link to the recipe is toward the end of the OG post. That one got a little long with all the additions and extra advice from friends, but since I've made it again I'm reporting the results. Why I feel the need to do so is beyond me but this is the only genuine cooking I do and I deserve to be proud of every attempt, so if this annoys you, imagine these faces:
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I will give a disclaimer that I had meant to make this soup a week and a half earlier but the mental illness was too strong, so yesterday I forced myself to push through the mental illness anyway so I wouldn't waste too many ingredients (we still wasted some 😔). So, alas, this soup had no ginger and half as much lotus root as desired, plus I forgot to read how much seaweed I was actually supposed to use (way less than what I used), and completely omitted the chopped scallion even though I had it ready because I just. Forgot to actually add it.
We carry on.
In all of my past versions of this soup, I didn't include the rehydrated seaweed. I was advised to give it a go this time and ...well. 😅
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That bowl is a good 9 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. And I took that photo AFTER adding a liberal amount of seaweed to the pot. Yes, I rehydrated the whole package. I didn't think about anything other than, "I'm finally adding the final step to this recipe I've been following!" and entirely missed that it only calls for 1 cup. [Hold on. Googling how long rehydrated seaweed be stored right now. OMG YOU CAN FREEZE IT THANK HEAVEN.]
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This is me scooping out all the fuckin seaweed that entirely took over the soup 😅😅😅😅😅😅
Remember how I said there was half as much lotus root? Yeah, this is seaweed soup with a hint of pork now. Good luck finding any slices of lotus root.
I had also assumed that this seaweed would be salted (the packaging was NOT in English, but honestly I can't blame the label for this). I had certainly added what I thought was already a generous amount of salt but let's remind ourselves that I am barely a cook by any means. This girl doesn't know shit about how much salt should go into 12 quarts of water to add enough taste. I did go heavy on the goji berries though.
This resulted in the broth being mainly pork and goji berry water :/ if I'd had the motivation to go out and buy fresh ginger and remembered the scallion I'm sure it would've been better (and more salt obviously), but hopefully I'll be in better spirits next time I make an attempt. I learned a lot from this one.
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The one thing I am proud of though?
Look at how clear that broth is. The oily bubbles are from the meat, and I also apologize I don't know if it's my phone's camera or my photography skills, but if it doesn't look clear to you I promise it does irl! I didn't use any of the cooking wine or soaking the meat with the ginger like @of-sevenseas suggested, but just by following the process in the recipe and making extra sure I washed the meat well this time, it seemed to work out!
Lessons learned:
Making soup while having a bad mental illness day is not a failed endeavor, but watch out.
Don't do this without ginger. What are you doing. That soup is wet stuff in hot water.
Read the recipe including measurements. Cooking is, of course, more improvisational than baking, but there's a reason we follow guidelines. Especially when we're rookies, still.
Next time we're gonna try the cooking wine and ginger thing with the meat. It sounds like an adventure.
Celebrate your wins!!!! I did have a success in this attempt!
I also did very well keeping the cat away from this whole 7 hour process, which is the greatest success of all.
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(Obligatory kitty pic, since I mentioned her. Meet Lucy everyone. She's hiding under my blankets from the loud scary generator outside my window.)
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zeldaelmo · 7 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by my wonderful friend @bahbahhh.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
My goal for 2023 was to hit the 500,000 and I'm positive I'll reach it.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda, all games apart from Zelda I, II, and Minish Cap (because I haven't played them so far)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
How to name a royal child
Stolen Kisses
Strangers in the Night
It's in his Kiss
Flour, water, salt, yeast, love
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Uh... in theory, I do. I love getting comments but I often feel stupid saying ten times 'thank you' in a row, so I end up answering mostly when I have something to say.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be Lonely at the Top. I don't really write angsty endings, but this one is hurt/no comfort as it tackles Link visiting the Light Dragon who doesn't even react to him.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm...I'm not too fond of the fanfic version of the perfect happy ending, namely, proposal, sappy wedding, and omg, twins!, mainly because I love the nuance life teaches us. What a happy ending for a fic and a character is, is so often much more different than the fairy tale version.
That being said, I'd still go with Strangers in the Night, just because the two worked so damn hard for their happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hate is a big word, but I get negative comments and sometimes they are even personal, yes. Most people are lacking reading competence and/or don't understand how stories work. I mostly ignore those. Sometimes I complain on discord if it's very annoying. If someone insults me, I block.
I don't think that has to do so much with me, though. I have 1,346 comment threads on my stories. Of course, there are some idiots among them, that's life.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, occasionally. I think ten of 77 fics are explicit. Look, the thing is, I'm a story teller. So if the smut doesn't add to the story, I don't tell it. Rule of thumb is, that I keep it to a T-rating if possible to make the story accessible to most people. I only go for explicit stuff if I want to deliver some part of the character development/plot with the intimacy (or the lack of lol) that the smut offers.
Does that get me the most Kudos? No. But I'm not here for that or I wouldn't bother writing for 30 years old games. I'm here to tell a good story and have fun. :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No. If you've read so far, I can tell you a secret as a reward: I find crossovers pointless. Ooops.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of! But I'd love to! Big fan of accessibility!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I've seen a few writing collabs end in fandom drama or otherwise go awry, so I decided that I only collab with artists. I might try with something short one day, but nothing novel-length.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Take a guess.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ah, so I have a half-written novel in my drafts. A story about writer!Zelda and fanartist!Link who are also princess and beloathed bodyguard. I'm very determined to go back to that one after I finished The Promise, but I'm a little scared. The story is complicated and my thoughts are chaotic. I already asked @mistresslrigtar to help me work it out next year, so I hope we'll manage.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and showing what's going on in the character's head who's not the POV character.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with simplicity sometimes, mainly because of the language barrier. I write something that's horribly complicated and I just know there must be a better way to put it, but I can't figure it out. Grammar is hard, lads.
I also have a weird relationship with descriptions. I love having characters interact with their environment but I loath big chunks of description. I plan to work on this during my traditional holiday self-study break.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
This is a weirdly specific question, but ok.
If you don't happen to write a book that's supposed to teach beginners the other language, then don't. You might end up othering the person who's speaking and that's something you don't want to dabble with lightly.
I already talked about accessibility: You will exclude people from your writing and you don't want that just to sound cool. If you must for plot reasons, make otherwise sure everyone is on board. Slightly different case if you actively hide something from your readers (and other characters), but that's probably not the most common case.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I refuse to answer this. 77 fics are too much to choose from. I love most of them.
tagging: @mistresslrigtar, @airplanned, @jenseits-der-sterne, @silentprincess17, @deiliamedlini, @skyyknights
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
Erendor/Samara because I’m interested 👀
And Marion/Oritel purely for self-indulgence 😇
Lmao sticking to canon is going to be a challenge considering how little screen time they have. And I mean both couples here.
Erendor x Samara:
1) I'm going to go with an educated guess here and say that they probably had an arranged marriage considering their stance on Sky's engagement to Diaspro and the fact that arranged marriages are totally still a thing as we've seen. I like that about them because they're clearly not head-over-heels in love but they seem very compatible (both in 2x14 and later in s5). Arranged marriage is one of my fave tropes and I think all iterations are interesting. Usually, though, my ships fall into the "hate at first sight that grows into begrudging love later" but they are a more middle-ground version. They're not bursting at the seams with love but aren't also particularly uncomfortable with each other which works very well for them as characters, I think. That would tie perfectly into their insistence on the marriage between Sky and Diaspro because they've grown to feel content in their marriage (so Sky should too) while at the same time they don't understand his passionate feelings for Bloom (because their situation is different).
2) Honestly, I've kind of grown to find how horrible they are funny. Like, Brandon and Bloom (in particular) don't deserve the dismissal and downright resentment that they get from Erendor and Samara but their intolerance and entitlement can also be quite funny. Especially since they've both had a couple more graceful moments which just means that they choose to completely suck about 98% of the time. Those better moments in particular are what makes them work as awful people for me because it feels like it was a deliberate choice made for their characterization. I am aware that it most definitely was not. Their characters specifically are literally just what works for the plot but the show of positive traits makes them feel more nuanced. It feels like there's something that could be explored with their characters instead of them just being hostile to Bloom simply to amp up the drama with Sky's arranged marriage. With good writing you can actually make them feel like complex people.
3) I LOVE the implication in Magical Adventure that Erendor just felt so guilty for betraying his alliance with Domino and the consequences this would have for the relationship between him and Samara. In 2x14 she's actually the one who's more antagonistic towards Bloom so I don't imagine she is fond of anyone from the Domino family. Having Erendor walking around like he's a ghost himself just because of his broken promise to Oritel would have probably annoyed her heavily to say the least. But then on the other hand, there's the fact that Samara is pretty much the only sane person in s5 (which was certainly A Choice) and she's the one who's more understanding of Sky and Bloom's relationship. It doesn't lead to tension between her and Erendor but I love the idea that it could. That is to say, their good character traits seem to be in total disharmony which leads to the funniest fucking implication that the only way they can remain compatible is to be on their worst behavior, always. Which, in turn, supports the idea that they are in love because, as I already pointed out, they are totally awful at least 98% of the time.
Did you expect all three points to come together in an essay-like meta because I did not?
Marion x Oritel:
I'll try to be short here because I put too many brain cells into the previous ship.
1) Love that Marion is the one with the Dragon Fire while Oritel is barely implied to have any magic. Extremely sexy of them. (Also, when the maids referred to them as "Your Majesty" and "Your Highness" in SotLK, they were talking to Marion first and she's who they referred to as "Your Majesty" because Oritel is just a consort even if they call him a king; you can't change my mind.)
2) Having a baby during a magical war? Iconic. On a serious note, though, I'm 100 000% certain that that was extremely hard on them both from an emotional and tactical point of view. It adds a lot of depth to their characters (or would if they had fucking bothered to give them any attention whatsoever) to know that they weathered the stress and dangers during the pregnancy only to then sacrifice themselves to save the Magic Dimension. Like I said, iconic.
3) Okay, this actually pretty directly goes against canon (5x12) but who can tell me that they aren't totally in sync in battle and practically know what the other one is thinking? Just try to convince me that that's not the case. They are totally battle mates and a power couple and their teamwork is pretty much unmatched. They are absolutely NOT each other's weak spot; in fact, the only way to defeat them is to separate them because their love for each other just gives them too much power.
Would you look at that? I can actually keep things short!
send me a ship and I’ll tell you three things I like about it
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