#I wish I listened more when you asked me to play a singe player game so you could watch
moviestarmartini · 8 months
Since you are open to writing about Brahim 🤭imagine Jude being a third wheel and always hanging out with you and Brahim, like the guy is never at his house 😭😭
three, that's the magic number! - brahim diaz x reader x platonic!jude bellingham
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warnings: none, pure fluff. headcanon/bulleted format.
now playing... the magic number by de la soul
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you’d heard of Jude but came to meet him in a dinner Brahim had organized with him and Arda. 
you’d noticed the way Jude stared in awe at the two of you whenever you interacted, even if it was just Brahim taking short glances, his face softer than ever. 
it started off with Brahim asking if you could pick up Jude on the way to training, not wanting the younger man to take a taxi there again 
the way the three of you could start a conversation and flow felt nice, singing along to some songs that Brahim had queued.
Jude often asked what the songs said, or what a word either of you said meant. you found endearing how he was really trying with spanish
Jude then started getting dropped off at your shared place to be driven to training by you two— getting all pouty when Brahim was the one driving, not you.  
“Is this what abandonment feels like?” He would joke, but still wished you the best on your way out to work. 
then it was the fact Brahim took it upon himself to teach the englishman the do’s-and-don’ts of Madrid. 
you took Jude everywhere, all your favorite spots, doing your best to avoid large crowds to not draw attention to yourselves. 
“You’re in luck, she’s the best tour guide ever.” Brahim bragged about you to Jude, as he did to anyone who would listen.  
he was just so so proud of every you know and done, he can’t help himself. 
you knew a lot about the historic places you saw even when just passing by car, telling Jude every detail and fun fact you had in store in that brain of yours.
he listened attentively, also noticing the way Brahim would look at you with the tiniest smile behind his lips.  
“See? I’ve got myself the smartest cookie. Eres la más inteligente de todo España, mi habibati.” Brahim would coo after you were done explaining, reaching to cup your face and stroke your cheekbone with his thumb as you nodded slowly, cheeks flushed. 
soon, however, candid pictures of you hanging out were released to the public. 
the reactions varied from people adoring the pair you and Brahim made and how tall Jude was compared to the two of you but always followed behind as if he was your child. 
by that point he’d already taken your flat as his favorite hang out spot, more often than not you found Jude playing FIFA or board games with Brahim after coming home from work.
“Get a room.” Jude would complain at your cuddling and kissing, Brahim brushing the spiky facial hair against the length of your neck only to hear the giggles that made his chest swell 
“Jude, you’re the one who’s in our room.” you deadpanned with a yawn, the two men bursting down in laughter. 
but at the end of the day, he felt like another member of your family— just like abi Arda did, but that’s a story for another day. 
and you were so glad Brahim could reintegrate back into the team flawlessly. 
at one of the games you sat in the VIP balcony at the bernabeú with a good chunk of the players— all out on injuries, including Jude, who went straight to you as he noticed you walk in. 
you two commented on the game as if that was your actual job, feeling every second and emotion. 
you also noticed how Jude looked at you every time you celebrated Brahim doing things right— it could only be described as admiration.
 Jude had to leave when the game was itching its end, having to stand with the other injured players, leaving you with Denise.  
you introduced yourself quickly, and you noticed how she perked up. 
“Lovely to meet you, but can you give me my son back? Or do I need to pull out some adoption papers for you two?” she laughed, soon telling you how much he talked about both you and Brahim, and the relationship you shared. 
you couldn't help but laugh, "Really? I think I have a pen in my purse, hold on–" you joked, but feeling proud... why? because everyone could clearly see how much you loved Brahim.
and they could also see, clear as day, how much he loved you too.
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clowningaroundmars · 6 months
prowlerbyte hcs
ok..... yall got me. you did. i ship prowlerbyte now 😅 and i'd like to throw out some Thoughts about them bc damnit if this ship doesn't have some Flavor to it that i'd like to share with you all 🤌
both margo and miles g here are from earth 42 tho bc i think miles g has been thru Enough and he deserves someone in his corner in his own universe, besides his family members
LOTS of words under the cut ↓
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♡ weirdgirl nerd x edgyboy nerd 100%… you just KNOW IT. miles is absolutely a geek either for comics or anime and he only opens up to his closest friends to let them see that side of him, no one else. margo brings that side out of him often when they meet up (but miles is still p reserved if anyone else is with them)
♡ margo is a fantastic singer and hums mind-blowing runs as easily as she breathes and miles absolutely loves it. when she's depressed, she sings a lot less so whenever she DOES sing that's how he knows she's in a good mood. he loves having her over bc he gets to pull out uncle aaron's old secondhand record player and place rnb and 90's hiphop vinyls on it, playing soulful music that she hums to as they parallel-play or do homework together
♡ when margo first convinced miles to let her do his hair, he was hella worried that his mom would disapprove and chastise him once she saw but she was surprisingly very supportive of it, although a bit hesitant. eventually she was grateful she didnt have to braid her son's hair as often (being a single parent is exhausting enough lol)
♡ rio42 ofc had the same reaction to margo as rio1610 when she 1st met gwen, but when margo eventually started showing up more and more to hang out with the morales fam (and aaron too lol), she grew on rio. they both keep a close eye on miles and try to keep him going towards the right path
♡ in their universe they both go to visions and even have a class together, and they are both very very academically competitive. rio doesn't need to stay on miles' ass about his grades bc margo is right there taunting him with an A+ on a test every single time
♡ they actually ACTUALLY study together in the library or in miles' room during study sessions. neither of them can afford to fall off wrt their grades and they both have big dreams they wanna achieve: margo wants to become a hardlight technician and apply for oscorp (much to miles' chagrin), and miles wants to continue his engineering and robotics career so he can provide for his whole family
♡ margo's parents constantly fighting means she is often over at miles' house more than he is at hers. it actually took her an embarrassingly long amount of time to finally invite him over because she never wanted her parents to know he even existed, let alone actually meet him at all. miles was at first kinda offended she didn't want him to meet her parents even after they got together but when he heard them arguing in the background during a call one day, he finally Understood
♡ after he found out about her crappy home life (and also secretly told rio), she was welcome to stay more often at his place. she has a blanket, a few clothes and several diff books and console games lying around in his room
♡ it honestly also took them both a ridiculously long time to finally start dating. everyone around them shipped them but they remained friends for a long time bc miles was just too closed off and scared to let anyone into his private life like that. also i hc they are both on the ace spectrum but don't realize it until later (listen i see purple characters and i HAVE to wave the ace wand on them ok 😭)
♡ margo is sometimes frustrated at miles for being so secretive and hiding his emotions behind walls, as goofy and dorky as he can be. she wishes he would just come out and be more honest about his feelings but understands that after his dad's passing, its harder for him to communicate his emotions
♡ she was the one who asked him out first, actually. he was beating around the bush way too much and so she finally put her foot down and initiated the relationship
♡ in public or with strangers they are: sunshine x sunshine protector. in private or with family n friends they are: "EXCUSE ME! miles asked for no pickles ☝️" esp since margo is the extrovert and he's the introvert.
♡ miles is actually p jealous and protective of margo and she finds that hilarious.
"i don't need any protecting, babe. i am a certified badass," margo says, flipping her box braids.
miles laughs, winding boxing wraps around his hands and standing in front of his giant punching bag. he looks over at his girlfriend sitting on a bean bag, with her adorable kitten t-shirt and fluffy sweater and grins even wider. "yeah… aight, sure thing."
margo scoffs, noticing his line of sight and looking very offended. "i may look cute and unassuming but that's exactly what i want our enemies to think! it gives me an advantage!"
miles hums, nodding. "mhm. advantage to do what, exactly?"
margo throws an empty soda can at him, which miles easily dodges as he laughs harder.
♡ it's funny, bc on the outside they seem like the stereotypical traditional straight relationship with a macho boy and sweetheart girl. but in reality they're both sarcastic snippy geeks who can both throw down in any verbal argument. and miles adores his gf, he's completely whipped for her. lets her paint his nails and everything, and if anyone tries to make fun of him for it, he doubles down and threatens to fight them over it
♡ they are THAT couple that wears lowkey matching outfits every once in a while. they actually enjoy shopping together which was a relief for both of them bc miles LIVES just to go sneaker shopping and margo absolutely loves trying new things on in the dressing room. theyre also both fashionistas in their own ways and love to accessorize. they swap accessories a lot
♡ whenever they hit up a bookstore, they are the first to head right on over to the manga section. right afterwards, they make a beeline over to the science fiction section and compare their purchases together after leaving
♡ miles is absolutely the "idc what my girl wears bc i know how to fight" boyfriend. margo doesn't go out in revealing outfits or anything, but looking a little TOO adorable in a dystopian city can sometimes paint a target on your back and so miles makes sure she's with him at all times if she wants to put her braids up into heart buns or wear a dress outside
♡ any hardware or mechanical problem that margo has, she takes it straight to miles. miles takes any software or coding issues he has to margo. if those software issues have anything to do with his prowler gear, however… he tries to isolate the issue and explain in vague terms what the problem is to avoid telling his gf he's actually the prowler
♡ no, he has not revealed to margo that he is the prowler yet. he's terrified to see her face when she inevitably finds out anyways, just KNOWING it would doom their relationship to a breakup if she ever figured it out. he does everything in his power to keep her from finding out his secret, even if it means disappointing her when he misses out on dates they set together
♡ they are both total champions at whatever multiplayer video game they get hooked onto. their personal faves are mmorpgs and battle royale games, but they are UNBELIEVABLY competitive when it comes to party games and even board games. they absolutely wipe the floor if they get to team up together
♡ tbqh they're the EXACT level of nerdy that they would consider playing video games in their separate homes as a date. "mmorpg and chill babe?" miles texts margo sometimes as a joking way to ask her on an online date. every minute they spend on voicechat as they kick digital ass together counts as quality time for sure
♡ even tho she's kind of embarrassed about it, margo has an absolutely huge plushie and figurine collection. she was worried miles would judge her SUPER HARD for her lowkey (highkey) special interest in anime figures when he 1st came over to her room, but immediately felt relieved when miles practically flew up to a rare figure she got secondhand from a japanese seller online and started ooohing and aaahing about it
♡ he actually tries to put aside whatever he earns prowling around the city for his mom first. then whatever's left over goes right to margo. he likes taking her out shopping and letting her pick out two or three things and seeing her beam like a sunrise before giving him a kiss on the cheek
♡ miles tries to hide his prowling behind the excuse of getting a job with his uncle at the family auto shop. every time he has a job to do or needs to leave suddenly, he blames it on "an emergency/new car job at the garage". margo eventually starts hating the word "garage"
♡ get either of these 2 to start talking abt their special interest, and it will be like Infodump City in there in 2 secs flat. they listen to each other's infodumping with hearts in their eyes, ESPECIALLY miles. margo goes "hey can i just rant to you about my new interest rq" and he goes "yes ma'am 🥰"
♡ everyone thinks margo is the one who cooks and cleans but hell no. miles is a neat freak whose room is the total opposite of margo's and he spends a lot of time alone at home when his mom is working a double shift and his uncle is out trying to secure another job for them. he knows how to cook like a damn chef by the time he's 16 (and also rio42 is not a toxic boymom. she will not raise any lazy needy son, her boy WILL know how to do laundry, cook meals and wash the damn dishes!)
♡ margo on the other hand tries to avoid the kitchen as often as possible and gets panic attacks when having to clean anywhere else but her own room bc of bad memories of having to sweep up broken glass after hearing her parents have violent fights that left the apartment in tatters. she never got to learn how to cook bc they never taught her, either
♡ margo is actually p traumatized from her parents' constant hateful fighting that she tries to squash down or hide behind a confident mask. but sometimes it pops up in ugly ways like when miles accidentally slams a cupboard door too loudly or a sarcastic comment sounds a little too bitter. her knee-jerk reaction is to always distance herself from miles a bit as a coping mechanism, which they had to work through
♡ miles' own grief and loss traumatized him beyond belief too ofc. after his dad's passing, his anxiety grows and he becomes more withdrawn, easily tired, and forgetful. it becomes worse after he becomes the prowler, bc dipping into the NYC underworld every so often gives p much anyone a healthy dose of paranoia. plus it takes some time away from his gf on top of all of that.
♡ if they're ever at parties or get-togethers at all, its always margo initiating conversations and meeting with people, making introductions and chatting happily. she always happens to have a quiet, chill miles-shaped shadow with her the whole time
♡ if margo was going to date miles, he told her one time, she was GOING to learn how to dance bachata and salsa. throw in a lil reggaeton in there as they get older and rio becomes a TINY bit more chill with seeing them on the dancefloor. they actually become much better at dancing together as they practice at family reunions and birthday parties
♡ miles carries around plush keychains and other trinkets that remind him of margo. he's a total sap when it comes to her, even if he tries to hide just how much he loves her sometimes. his phone's lockscreen is something dark or aesthetic like a city skyline or whatever but then when he unlocks it, margo is always his wallpaper
♡ aaron likes margo, he really does. he worries that miles doesn't have enough friends but he's happy that his nephew has a gf that is genuinely good for him. they all have a great time together whenever they do get downtime to chill together, like playing cards or helping aaron clean the garage
♡ that being said, aaron loves to pretend to sabotage their relationship as a running joke and watch miles get all riled up about it. it is hilarious to him, never gets old.
they're giving the garage connected to the autoshop its bimonthly deep clean just ahead of the yearly inspection.
it's a sunday, the only day of the week that the shop is closed for business and miles is on corner duty once they get down to the concrete floor. he's tasked with using the short hard brush attached to a long wooden handle to scrub the dust and grime out of the neglected corners. margo is scrubbing the middle with a much bigger sturdier widebroom, and aaron--being the tallest ofc-- has the duster on an extendable handle, swiping through the metal rafters and high shelves.
he notices miles struggling a bit with a mysterious stain in one corner, repeatedly attacking it before finally crouching down to shove the brush even harder against the floor with his hands.
aaron casually sneaks backwards and catches margo's attention with a smirk and a point of his chin. she swings her gaze around to her slightly frustrated boyfriend crouched down into a corner and starts giggling.
aaron grins as he suddenly says, "so yeah, thats why i got miles here on corner duty, usually. y'know being a little guy and all, he can do all that that someone as tall as me can't really do anymore yanno what i'm sayin? he's real good in those small spaces. that's why i'm up here, dustin' these rafters."
scandalized, miles springs back up with a "hey!!" and a withering glare shot their way. margo bursts out laughing.
♡ miles is the little spoon and margo is the big spoon, fight me abt it. his fave cuddling position is actually when his arms are wrapped around her and her cheek is laid against his head. otherwise, he loves his weighted blanket, and margo loves her warm mattress ♡ when they're home alone and on the couch watching movies, his back is usually to her side as he half-lays on her, using her arm as a pillow
♡ margo is def not a sports kind of girl but she tries for her bf. he and aaron are very much into basketball which she tries to keep up with just to join in on their convos. she always attends miles' boxing matches tho, ofc. she actually likes watching boxing matches in general! aaron gives her some old tapes of his own matches when he was younger and that's how margo gets into televised mma fights and ufc. she's always cheering for miles the loudest in the audience
♡ miles actually uses margo sometimes in his workouts. the proudest day of his life was when he was able to have margo laying on his back as he did pushups, and he made it to 10 before tiring himself out. she's the one holding his feet down as he does sit-ups and ab crunches. she tries to join in on his workouts too, and gets p good with the speedbag relatively quickly!
♡ miles-- being the paranoid guy he is-- happens to be the one to teach margo all of the effective self-defense moves. she thinks he's always exaggerating the danger out on the streets but she can't lie sometimes; whenever she's out past sunset with her keys in between her knuckles, she's just a TINY bit glad that miles taught her how to escape a rear chokehold
♡ margo is the soc media girl who is embarassingly online and posts about anything and everything of her life. new website coded? met a stray cat on her way over to miles'? bought a new manga? invented a cool gadget? they always show up in her followers soc media feed. she tries to get miles to pose for pics with her but he's mostly content to just be the guy behind the camera tbh. his own soc media account is pretty boring and bare since he rarely ever posts. he's got other things on his mind, errands to run
♡ the one and only time margo has ever seen miles cry was right after his dad died. the whole neighborhood got the news and she ran straight over to miles' apartment the minute she could. they climbed into his bed (the only time rio didn't reprimand them for it) and he just sobbed his heart out while they held each other for a real long time. she brought over homework and notes when he stayed home from school to recuperate
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and finally another rockstar!eddie because I am a hoe for this au..... list 2. prompt 31?? 🥺🥺
regan's 1k follower celebration
anything for you babe <3 this one might be a little familiar, wink wink
(same as the last one, this is from the rockstar!eddie x groupie!reader au i'm working on, a full fic will be coming soon)
pairing: rockstar!eddie x groupie!reader
prompt: doing a pinky swear
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this is the manip that inspired this blurb, but i cannot for the life of me find the original creator, if you know pls tell me so i can credit them!!!
You had been wandering around the city, searching for a sub shop – Eddie was craving a cheesesteak and was determined to get one – when you spotted the small record store. You had jokingly pointed it out to the disguised rockstar, who’s sunglasses only do so much to hide him – even tied up out of his face, his hair is a dead giveaway. You hadn’t expected his face to light up, and suddenly you were being pulled into the tiny shop.
You amble around the store, fingers skimming the cardboard of the various albums. Eddie predictably heads straight for the rock and metal sections, happily mumbling to himself as he picks through the records. It’s times like these, when the two of you are off on your own adventures, away from the crowds and the parties and the craziness of tour life, that you find yourself slipping into those fantasies that you usually try not to dwell on. Fantasies of a life away from tour buses and screaming girls and non-stop drinking and drugs. You and Eddie just exploring a city, finding hidden treasures. Finding a quiet spot in a park and Eddie strumming his acoustic, singing a song he wrote about you. 
But that won’t ever happen. You’ll continue to play this game until eventually your heart will give out, and you’ll go back to your old life while Eddie continues to see the world and live his dreams.
For now, you try to focus on the sight of him before you, sunglasses now hanging loosely in his t-shirt collar, allowing the smallest peek at the curls that adorn his chest. His eyes sparkle as he thumbs through the records. You let out a sigh as you meander over to him.
Eddie notices you approaching and shoots you that killer smile.
“Find anything good?” he asks.
“Lots of stuff,” you lie, you’ve barely paid attention to the selection. “But I don’t think anyone on the tour has a record player lying around, so it’s not like I could listen to anything here.”
Eddie hums, his eyes falling back to the section he was looking at before.
“I wish we could,” he says. “I don’t mind cassettes, but there’s just something about vinyl that just…sounds better.” He stops for a moment as his fingers fall onto a record.
You take a step closer and Eddie meets you halfway, the leather covering his bicep pressing into your shoulder as he holds a record up for you to see.
“This one right here,” he says as he admires the album. “This record changed my life.”
Your eyes trace over the album artwork, the purples and pinks, reds and oranges. An angel sits in a fiery hellscape, his large wings looming over his figure.
“Ever heard it before?”
You shake your head.
“Well, we have to change that,” Eddie declares as he spins on his heels and heads to the register. You practically have to jog to catch up to him.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“What does it look like?” he counters, fishing his wallet out of his back pocket. “I’m buying you the record.”
You feel heat in your cheeks and you try to ignore the fluttering in your stomach. Sure he’s bought you food and drinks plenty of times. But this…this you’ll treasure more than anything.
“But –” you try to argue as the cashier wraps the album in some paper.
“And you have to promise me,” he interrupts. “The second you’re anywhere near a record player, you put this baby on.”
You’ll do anything he says, so you nod feverishly.
“I promise.”
He turns to you, holding up his ring clad hand and sticking his pinky out.
“Pinky swear me,” he demands, a teasing smirk on his lips. You can’t help but giggle, but knowing Eddie like you do, you know he’s serious.
You loop your pinky around his and he squeezes it tight.
“I swear, I will listen to it as soon as I possibly can,” you say, unable to hide the delight in your voice.
He uses your joined hands to pull you closer to him.
“And then as soon as you’re done, you come find me and tell me what you thought of it,” he adds. You’re overwhelmed being this close to him, but you manage to nod once more.
“I will.”
He lets you go, a pleased grin on his face as he hands you the packaged gift and heads towards the front door.
“Come on, I’m still hungry!” he calls over his shoulder. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, pull the record close to your chest, and follow after the chaotic rockstar.
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mockiery · 2 years
Runs to your inbox! Jumps in! Hi! (gives you a lil Steven wave)
Could you tell us one of your favorite Soft Moon Knight Hours headcanons for Marc?
(runs away to play "fetch" with a jackal, Nandor v Toby style)
heheheheheh soft marc hc you say? my friend you know how to cater to my needs.
I'm also lumping this in with an anon ask that tumblr ate about something that the three of them all like to do together, because its on my mind. But.
Music. As people, Marc, Steven, and Jake are pretty different, and while I think they'd have a good time supporting the other's pursuing their interests and listening (Steven infodumping on a trip to a museum, Marc at a baseball game or talking Star Wars or Space ((take that hc from my cold, dead hands)), Jake explaining the inner workings of a car, erc), music is one of those things that's so intrinsically human, it beings us together.
I've talked some about Jake and music and within the replies of @bammtoris 's art about their music taste, but.
As far as what they can play? Steven, I feel, would dabble with piano primarily, maybe even a ukulele he has ukulele boy vibes, fight me . Jake, as I've talked about, is a good guitar player, and I think he'll play a piano if you put one in front of him too. Marc knows a little piano and guitar from his youth. Just chords, really, but I think if given the chance, he'd play some guitar from time to time. But.
But where Marc shines? Singing. Something in the way how, when no one is around, it's one of the few ways he can just. Let out what he's been holding in.
His singing? It's soft, it's full, it's emotional. It builds in intensity as he goes. He can only really do some simple chords on guitar/piano, but his voice? His voice more than makes up for it; it's the centerpiece.
He wouldn't know that though. For him, it's a release, something he keeps to himself. He'd rather do anything else but sing, perform, anything like that for other people.
The first time Layla hears him sing it isn't intentional. He's singing to himself, alone, and is so deeply into it that despite his constant head-on-a-swivel disposition, he doesn't hear her get home/come up to their place. And she hears him, really hears him. cough cough being seen who? cough And she waits outside the door, not wanting to startle him, because he's clearly not aware of her and she knows not to sneak up on him. But also. She just wants to listen. And if she's honest with herself, this might be the most emotionally vulnerable he's ever sounded. It almost feels wrong listening.
But a while later, she tries to work it into conversation, really wishing to hear it again, hear him again, this time with his permission. And he pushes the idea away and she let's him. She let's it go. But it sits with him. And sits with him. And he practices.
He picks a song and he practices and practices it, for her. And he surprises her on their anniversary.
When she cries, he freaks out, putting the guitar down and rushing to her, apologizing and apologizing, but she takes his hands and then his face in hers and tells him to Shut up, no, that was beautiful. Thank you. I love you.
I love you.
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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jaemsun00 · 3 years
Nct mark + 00 line when you give them an unexpected blowjob.
This is mature, do not interact if it make you uncomfortable. Exhibitionism acts.
It was almost midnight and Mark was still stuck at the company room at the desk, writing whatever words came to his mind. You sat a fair bit away on your own chair, spinning around tiredly. He has told you, you should go home and go to sleep but you refused to leave him alone.
“This is so fucking annoying” you heard him swear, before ripping the paper out of the book, scrunching it up and failing to chuck it in the bin right beside his feet.
Just as you were about to say something a very interesting idea came to your mind. Mark has admitted that he has been feeling very uninspired to write any of his lyrics lately. Maybe he needed something to get the inspiration back.
Slowly walking towards him, you planned it out. It was going to be simple and Mark would not dare to say no to what your thinking.
Mark snapped his head when your hand touched his shoulder softly. “Let’s do something” you smile weirdly at him and he did eyes you. “I would love to but I have to finish this by tomorrow” he motioned to his book.
“I can help you” Mark tried not to let out a laugh when you said that. It’s no secret that your not talented in that area. “To get inspiration I mean” you scoff seeing how he was hiding his laughter. “Oh yeah? How you gonna do that?”
He was oblivious to your plan which made it seem even better. Mark was taken back when you spun his chair around and slowly dropped to your knees in between his legs. “Like this” you smile up at him, seeing how he gulped when you two made eye contact. he lifted his hips for you to slip his pants down and get right to work.
“It’s very pretty” you smile at the painting Renjun has been working on the past two hours. You’ve barely been awake two minutes and he was forcing you to see all the drawings he has worked on lately. “You reckon?” He took the paper back and admired it himself.
“Mmm. Now can we go to beddd” you whine, hands resting on his desk as he shook his head. Ever since you’ve woken up with no boyfriend beside you, you’ve been whining to him about it. “Go by yourself” scoffing, you stood tall over his sitting figure.
“Renjun” he hummed as a response making you a bit more mad. But why not play with him a bit. “Renjun” you try again in a more sing song voice. Your boyfriend still ignored you. Thankfully the desk he was working on was easy to get underneath, yeah you hit your head once but who cares.
Renjun was a bit weirded out with you crawling under the table, but he wasn’t expecting your hand rubbing at him through his pants. “Baby?” He groaned out, pushing his chair back to see you smiling up at him. “Your just gonna-“ “okay I’m going to bed.” You say getting up, but Renjun was faster to grab onto your wrist. “You can’t leave. You’ve started something” “if you come to bed then I’ll finish it” your smile was so cunningly that Renjun couldn’t say no and followed you back to bed.
It was funny, seeing how normal Jeno was trying to be while talking through the headset with Haechan. But you continued your task, bopping your head up and down on his length. “Go le- fuck left” your boyfriend tried to hide his moan. Haechan must of said something back because Jeno told him to shut up.
“I kicked my toe” he lied through his clenched teeth, just as you planned you took him in your mouth fully, gagging a bit. That just made Jeno want to cry out. You’ve never done this, never have you thought you would be doing this. But here you are, on your knees and giving your boyfriend a blow job under his desk.
“Okay I’m gonna- I’m gonna go” he stuttered before quickly taking his headset off and placing it on the keyboard. His head dropped down to see you doing your task. “Fuck you look so pretty” he smiled, hands running through your messy hair, making a make shift ponytail as his hips bucked into your face. Taking you by surprise.
The only reason why you were waiting under your boyfriend desk was because of the stuff you over heard him and some of his mates talking about. How he would love to get head under the desk while he played a game on his computer.
“I’ve got food” you heard his voice before the door opened, Hacehan saw the empty bed and sighed. Thinking maybe you went home already with how long he was taking. Just as he was about to take his phone out, he saw you shift in your spot under the table.
“What are you doing?” You crawl out of the small spot, facing Haechan who looked so confused right now. “Well I was- I was going to surprise you with... with-“ you felt so stupid having to explain it. Hacehan had no clue what was going on in your mind.
“With? Scaring me?” You shake your head, god how you wished someone would come in and save you from the embarrassment your about to face. “I was going to suck you off while you played the game” you mumble but Haechan heard it all. Quickly smiling at your words.
“Oh really?” You could hear the teasing smirk he wore but you couldn’t let him see how red your cheeks have turned since admitting that. “Well what’s stopping you? Get back under” he waved his hands towards the desk and started walking towards it. “Your? Uh” you let out a nervous laugh.
“Don’t say your getting shy now, come on you said you wanted to” he smiled so innocently at you as he sat on his gaming chair, leaving a space for you to crawl back under. “The food will go cold” “who cares. I don’t want blue balls”
“What are you doing?” Jaemin laughed as your wondering hands made their way to his thighs. He was just peacefully laying on the bed, laptop propped up beside him as he watched some sort of drama. “Nothing” you lie before your hand starts going further up to his cock, rubbing lightly before he grabbed at your wrist.
“You have work soon” he warned as if that was going to stop you. You nod, trying to move your hand again. “Your going to be late if you start it up” he looked down at his pants which were loose around his waist. “And? It will be fine”
Jaemin wanted it tell you no, you had a job to do and last time you went in late your boss threatened your job. But as soon as you started peeling his pants off, the words in his mouth disappeared. But your mouth, your mouth was now full with him. Eyes never left his own as you licked his tip.
“Your- fuck that feels good” he moaned out, hands running through your hair and playing with it as you worked on him. Jaemin felt himself grow hard and big in your mouth and gosh it felt too good not to lift his hips to get more friction.
He has spoken to you about this before, how it would be amazing if you gave him head as he played a game. Being bored all day you decided today was the best time to do it. What you didn’t expect was YangYang to have his mic on.
So he would just have to be quite. You usually sat on the floor studying as he played his games. So he thought nothing of it as you moved closer to his legs. The shorts he wore giving away how he wasn’t wearing any boxers right now. He had no plans so it didn’t surprise you.
“Nah nah I work fair and square your just a bad player” you have no idea who he was insulting, nor did you care. Yangyang stopped moving when he felt you prying his shorts off. It was hard as he didn’t lift his hips, giving up on trying you just pull his member out.
“One second” YangYang spoke, muting himself before staring down at you. “What are you doing baby?” He laughed as you started moving your hand up his shaft. “Nothing much” you shrug as if you weren’t making him harder in your hands. “Turn the mic back on”
Yangyang widened his eyes at you, slowly shaking his head. “I don’t think the boys want to hear that” “just do it” your eyes tell him he should listen. So he does, clicking the mute off and getting back to his arguing members.
You licked the underside did his length before shoving him whole in your mouth. Yangyang stuttered his words as he tried to focus on playing. But it was rather hard when you were blowing him right now. “Holy fuck” he let out loudly, his members thinking maybe he died in the game.
“Please” he begged but you ignored him again, laying on his lap as he tried to push you off. “Your my personal pillow so no. I’m not moving” you whine back at him, moving your head on his lap as he just sighed, letting you win this time.
The movie he watched continued playing as you turned your head, meeting his crotch and a smirk grew on your face. Shotaro clearly didn’t know your thoughts even when you moved to your side, so your face was met right where his dick rested.
“Are you hungry?” He asked innocently, pulling out his phone so he could order. “I’m very hungry” you say sensually but your boyfriend was oblivious to it.
“What do you want? Chicken? Or-“ “you” you spit out making him laugh awkwardly. “Yeah well I’m not edible so-“ you scoff at him, hands running down his stomach, feeling how he shivered every time your hand got closer.
“Right here? Sungchan will be back soon and I’m sure he-“ “it’s fine baby we just need to be fast” Shotaro didn’t know why his dick was growing at your words. Does he want to get caught? While he was in his thoughts you were pulling him out of his briefs. Already getting started with your hand.
“We can always go into your room?” The boy shook his head, lifting his hips so he could push his pants down to his ankles. “Just let’s be fast” you smiled at his words. You always get what you want either way or another. “I’m sure we will be very fast”
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yakumtsaki · 3 years
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Welcome, dear readers, to part 1 of the finale to the BackupKingdom2 saga! We’re in our final ambition now, let’s check how Liz’s post-divorce-bloodbath is going..
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Oh yes, excellent. Our path to death-achievement-glory has been paved with so many executions that wherever I look I see npcs crying..
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..comforting each other..
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..and in Agnes' case, coming straight to Liz to.. ask for mercy for the populace I guess?? Bruh. I can't believe we even brought down AGNES, truly this is the saddest kingdom on earth. Amazing job, Liz, you've definitely earned your place in the tyrant hall of fame!
Now a lesser player would be like "oh, maybe we should chill a little on the insane tyrant thing, finish the Pirate/Noble arc cause we've been dragging this war out so the pirates/guildsmen would keep spawning and it should have ended like 20 quests ago" and true, we could just end it, we ran a very effective operation around here, shoutout to MVPs Donius and Bellinda and their 'seductive' legendary traits:
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They bedded them and Liz beheaded them, the power of teamwork! So one could say that we should consider raising kingdom morale now because everyone is so depressed but I think, if anything, now is the time to ramp it up and go for some of the other morally questionable achievements! Like Machiavelli said, you should commit all your atrocities at once! What do you think, Liz? Ready to get atrocious?
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Aw I’m sorry Liz, but I’m sure you the upcoming suffering of your subjects will cheer you up!
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-Ok motherfuckers, by order of the Crown aka ME -you hear that Rae?? ME, NOT YOU. God I want to execute you so bad, fucking ingrate, do you remember what rags you were wearing when I hired you??  
Let’s get this back on track, Liz.
-Right, so by order of the Crown, Magus Olivia and Spymaster Spainot are given COMPLETE LEGAL IMMUNITY to do whatever the fuck they want in the interest of earning achievements, so don’t you people come crying to me cause I don’t give one tiny chinchilla crap about your health and livelihoods. If you need me for something actually important, I'll be at the gates, executing anyone who doesn't like my fiddle playing.
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-Oh man, this folksy peasant hat isn’t protecting my ears enough.
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-Death marker? I hardly know 'er!
So the Constable npc has this little Billy Elliot subplot going, I'm pretty sure he has the 'drunkard' fatal flaw because he was always at the tavern so I had Bellinda try to hire him to perform in one of her plays just to see what would happen and it actually worked, and now he moonlights as an actor! It's cute but it also takes forever for him to come arrest people.
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-No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, when someone dies😢
In the background you can see that Bellinda just got a pregnancy bump, it’s her lovechild with Donius, I for real can’t keep these two apart. Anyway, the time has come..
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..to unleash Magus Olivia onto the populace.
-You know what, I'd rather not, this book is finally getting good and I'm sick of cursing peasants, it doesn't even drop their mood that much..
Oh no, Olivia my beloved, we're not cursing them, we're going for the 'Well Done' achievement!
-Won't I be executed??
You have immunity! You can do whatever you want!! And, AND, once you complete it, because I know it's tiring, I'll give you a magic skeletal parrot as a gift!! Edward got all the materials for it while treasure-hunting, you'd think I'd let him keep it but that's not the kind of shop I'm running here.
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-This is my face of pure, childlike happiness!
Good lord, it’s terrifying, please don’t look at me like that.
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-Alright, time to roll down my sleeves so they look more sinister and do this thing.
You can do it, Olivia!
-Of course I can, save your reassurance for the flops that need it.
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-I.. cast.. INFERNO!
I mean really, those are the words, "I cast inferno"? Can't you say something with more evil magical flair?
-Not when I have to cast it 80 fucking times I can't.
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Oh how the tables have turned, usually it's the witch that gets burned, huhu! Did you hear that, Olivia? Did you like my joke??
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-Oh, it's beautiful!
Well it wasn't one of my best-
-Not you, you needy moron, the sight of burning flesh! I can't wait to do this 79 more times!
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Alright, so everyone in the tavern has been turned into a chicken nugget, time to get some rest and check in with Spainot!
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-Amazing news, Rodolfo, I just got royal permission to unlawfully lock up and interrogate whoever I want for the achievements!!!
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-Darling, no offense, but aren't you a bit too shit at your job for that? -WHAT????
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-And then he says the only reason he hasn't dumped me is he doesn't wanna be a rando npc while Batshit Liz is on an execution spree, can you believe this bullshit? How can anyone be so hurtful??
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-How about you give me some marital advice, are you even listening?! Ugh.
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That's right, while Olivia is inferno-ing the peasants, I've sicced Spainot on the nobility, specifically all those foreign diplomats that are always hanging in the reception hall, lagging up the place. We're going for the 100 interrogations achievement and we’ve installed a nice spiky torture chair right in the middle of the hall to save time! Now this is how we keep every stratum of society terrified enough to not realize that the person in charge is.. uh.. well you know:
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-I AM!!!!!
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After a couple days and several locations I feel we’re pretty close to 80 infernos!
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I’d say we’ve burned a good 50-60% of the population at this point, everywhere I look I see singed townies-
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-so we take this little barbecue to the palace because we’ve ran out of peasants and it’s time to start burning the foreign dignitaries. And it’s a good thing we do, because Olivia meets Nyrexis the Dragon!!!! 
Nyrexis is the human form of the dragon from a hilar quest where there’s a dragon in the kingdom and you can either befriend it or slay it, I had Bellinda befriend it:
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So if you complete the befriend route of the quest, the human form of the dragon appears in town and is in love with whoever did the quest, in this case Bellinda. I am of course not about to waste Dragonfu on Bellinda’s basic ass, plus I feel Olivia is kind of a dragon with all the people she’s been burning so they have a lot in common! 
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We dazzle Dragonfu with a coin trick! True magic at work.
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Good God, all of Olivia’s ‘happy’ expressions are terrifying, just don’t smile ever again, you’re too evil for it, you’re gonna scare the dragon away!
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Or not!!!!
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 AWWWWW 🐲❤️🔮
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You know what, fuck it, let’s lock it down, when it’s right it’s right!
-Burn stuff with me forever?? -I WILL!!!!
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-We are gathered here today, under threat of fiery death, to join two unholy abominations in holy matrimony. Yes, the irony is not lost on me. 
AW CONGRATS GUYS <3333 The wizard tower is so small and family un-friendly and Olivia is so unmaternal but come on, like I’m not gonna have her reproduce with a fucking dragon.
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Back to Spainot, we’ve hit a slight bump, mainly that this Snordwich lord is proving fucking impossible to torture. 
-Um.. Are you enjoying this??? -Sure am, bad boy, but why don’t we take this somewhere more private already?
Wtf, stop sexually harassing the innocent person who’s torturing you! Does no one around here have any sense of humanity anymore??
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-Come on, Spainot, throw some flesh-eating rodents at him! -I’M BUILDING UP TO IT, RAE, GAWD. No one likes a back-seat torturer!
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-HA, who’s the loser now, Rodolfo? Rodolfo?? RODOLFO
Ya Spai I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure he left while you were interrogating, I haven’t seen him in like 3 days.
-WHAT. So Olivia completes one achievement and gets a dragon wife and a magic skeletal bird and I complete three and get dumped?!
Well what do you want from me, I don’t make the rules!
Can we move on, please? And Olivia had a very rough go of it-
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-she got burned in some rando quest and looked positively karma-stricken after, inferno-ing left and right while sporting this look! She deserves a magic bird!
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Congrats on your success and 4 kids, Olivia! 
-I love this skeleton bird more than I thought it possible to ever love something.
-Gee, thanks mom. 
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We had leftover bones so here, Spainot, you get a magic bird too.
-A bone parrot is little comfort when you’ve lost the only bone that matters! Why Rodolfo, whyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
Oh I don’t know, probably because you challenged him to duels 3 times a day?
-No, that can’t be it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you look like a man who has nothing to live for?
-Yea, I certainly don’t.
So you wouldn’t mind like, jumping into the pit multiple times so you can get the parts we need for the hardest achievement in game aka Legendary Doomsword?
-Rodolfo had one of those too, it was legendary and now that it’s gone I’m doomed!!!
Ok ya ENOUGH metaphors about Rodolfo’s absent penis, although they really are writing themselves. We’ll get him back! If you survive all the pit jumping that is. Join us next time for part 2: Legendary Doomsword!
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keijikunn · 4 years
Pairing: Kozume Kenma x fem!reader Tags: time skip!kenma, a fluffy mess to be honest, dad!kenma being a soft mess for his princess Summary: Kodzuken usually doesn’t stream on his birthday, but this year is an exception as player two and player three joined him Word count: ~1.2k
Author’s note: happy birthday to Kenma (and myself lol)!! Here’s my piece to celebrate his birthday with a self-indulgent idea since I’m a sucker for dad!haikyuu
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Kenma's schedule as a streamer changed as the years passed by: when you first started dating, he would take one day off to spend with you; after you got engaged and, eventually, married, you'd play with him every once in a while. Now, his streams during weekends starts after nine pm and his birthday is a stream-free day. 
All of these changed because of your daughter, the sweet and energetic Mai. The young girl, at the age of 4, was a daddy's girl - and it was safe to say Kenma was wrapped around her little finger. In order to spend a quality time with you two, Kenma changed his schedule, and he couldn't be happier.
However, this year was an exception. His community was surprised when he announced a special stream on October 16th, featuring player 2 and player 3. It was no mystery that said players were you and Mai, Kenma always referred to your little family like that. 
"Hi chat, is everything working well?" he waved at his camera, the headphone resting around his neck. On the screen he could see what he was streaming, the two gamer chairs were perfectly on frame and the little decoration you and Mai did for the background appeared nicely. "Today is a special stream, not only it's my birthday, but also my wife and my daughter will join us" 
The comment section went wild at the news, Mai was loved by the community as much as Kenma was. Maybe it was her cuteness or how talkative she was, always talking with the "cat" (as she says, her pronunciation is getting there), showing them different draws she’s made in the past days. 
"Papa!!" Mai opened the door of his studio, running in his direction. Kenma quickly turned his chair to hold her on his lap, receiving a kiss on his cheek. “Is the cat here, already?”
“Yes, love, say hi to them” the girl proceeded to wave at the camera, rambling about how excited she was to play with her dad. Mai was a natural in front of cameras, in no time she was telling the viewers about her tea party with mommy. “And baby player four was enjoying it as well!” 
As if you were summoned by the kid, you entered the studio holding three bottles of water. Firstly your huge baby bump came into view, then you crouched slightly so your face would appear on the screen. Mai started to call her little sister player four after hearing Kenma saying it, her eyes sparkling with the realization that “daddy is player one, mommy is player two, Mai is player three and baby sis is player four!!” 
“Hi, chat” you waved, taking a seat next to your husband and daughter. Scanning quickly the comment section, different messages caught your attention, as well as the donates and subs. “Player four is fine, I’ve reached my due date, right now is just matter of her will to come”
“Because of that, today will be the last stream for a while guys” Kenma added, adjusting Mai on his lap, wrapping his left arm around her waist as he used the other hand to use the computer. “I’ll stay low until the baby’s born and me and Y/N settle a decent schedule with her”
“Daddy, can we play the island game, please?” Mai pleaded handing him the specific controller she had seen her daddy using to play the said game. “We have to show cat our new house!” 
“Of course, darling,” he agreed, kissing her head. “Guess we’re playing Animal Crossing then. Y/N will read the subs and read your comments, so send questions to us” 
After an hour, Mai got bored of the game she suggested and claimed she wanted to see “mommy winning over daddy on the pink game” - also known as Fall Guys. She picked after Kenma and tried to narrate what the players were doing, whining whenever a character fell and getting mad when you or Ken didn’t make it to the next round. 
“Cat, can you see that I decorated papa’s room? Mama helped me!” Mai kept blabbering in between yours or Kenma’s comments and answers of questions. “Mama, can we eat the cake? Cat, me, mama and papa baked a cake! Though I like apple pie more, but the lady who makes apple pie don’t do them when papa’s working” 
“Should we take a break from games, then? We can eat the cake while answering questions” Kenma suggested putting Mai on the floor, his hand travelled immediately to rub your stomach - a habit he had picked on during your first pregnancy. “Mai, can you help mommy with the cake?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed, holding onto your hand so you two could go to the kitchen. “Don’t start another game, papa!”
Kenma laughed lightly at the order he just received, the chat laughing at Mai cuteness. 
“She learns fast, once she heard Y/N telling me to stop playing to eat and now Mai says it every time she passes by” he commented with a smile on his features. “If I’m anxious to player four’s birth? Of course! I’ve never realized how much I wanted kids of my own until Y/N got pregnant. ‘Kodzuken, do you want a son to play video games with?’ Nah, my daughters will play with me, Mai-chan already does- though she likes Animal Crossing and Mario Kart, even if she spends most of the time bumping into walls”
You could listen to Kenma talking to his viewers with an excited tone, the one he reserved only when he’s talking about your family (and maybe Hinata, you knew for a fact your husband had a soft spot for him). It was true, though, you two didn’t imagine having kids judging by Kenma’s personality and his schedule as a streamer. However, when the news of your first child on their way arrived everything changed for you, especially seeing Kozume so emotional and happy. 
“Cat!! Look, it’s papa’s birthday cake” Mai exclaimed bursting into the room with you trailing behind holding it. “I decorated it, isn’t it pretty?”
“Yes, love, you did a great job” Kenma praised her, making room on his table so you could put the plate. There were a few candles ready to be lit - much to Mai’s exhilaration - with a mess of red and yellow toppings. 
“Shall we sing happy birthday to papa, Mai-chan?” you asked lighting up the candles, your daughter clapping her hands slightly out of the rhythm. You exchanged looks with Kenma, his eyes were filled with joy and love - which made your heart flutter. “Don’t forget to make a wish, babe” 
He closed his eyes quickly, thinking about what he wanted, but Kenma concluded he had everything he wanted. He works with what he loves, he has a stable income and on top of everything, he has you and his little family of players. Sneaking his hand to hold yours above your baby bump, Kenma opened his eyes and blew the candles. 
As Mai started to babble again about the cake and decoration, Kenma leaned towards you to kiss quickly on your cheek - being aware of the audience watching him. The chat went wild with the sudden display of affection, showering you with love and positivity. 
“Thank you so much for everything”
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chanluster · 4 years
playing the game | {m} ; slight {f}
oneshot | 4k words
“Because the only way to catch your boyfriend’s attention is to play a game of your own.”
s u m m a r y >> all you wanted was some nice, alone time with your time with your boyfriend, only to have the prick playing rounds of call of duty with his friends. so, you concoct a plan, starting a game which he could not help but take part in, and thoroughly enjoy the consequences.
w a r n i n g s >> teasing, making out, (kinda) dirty talk, handjob, aggressiveness, unprotected sex (stay safe homies!) hyunjin and felix try to be massive cock blockers, aftercare (kind of lmao)
a / n >> this is made thanks to ali’s request and my ass getting horny over minho’s orange hair dear god he’s so hot - anyway, i hope you enjoy, homies!
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No response. Once again, the said-boy chose to dismiss his name on your tongue.
Crossing your arms, you watched your boyfriend sit cross-legged before the TV, eyes trained on the match before him as his back barely touched the bed behind him. The sound of the joysticks clicking harmonised with the bullets firing in the screen, the first person player ducking behind shelter. Various junk food surrounded his settling, crisps and chocolates scattered to be eaten between breaks. 
A roll of eyes escaped you. 
Minho looked like an animal. His orange hair was disheveled from all the hand raking, bulky headphones covering his ears. His black jumper had its sleeves rolled up, meaning only business, and sweatpants of the same colour hugged his thighs a little too nicely, his phone sitting atop his knee as it buzzed with every text from his friends.
It was ridiculous. Crazy how he had not changed his position for the past four hours. There had to be a time when he paused, but the moment did not arrive to assist you.
“Minho!” You exclaimed. Once again, no response.
Like you said. Ridiculous.
It was a lazy weekend evening, and you had hoped to spend this rare opportunity to relish each other’s company, possibly become wrapped up in your own little games with him. Unfortunately for you, the piece of shit was too engulfed with ‘the boys’ to even notice you standing at the doorway, calling his name countless times. 
His complete ignorance made you incredibly annoyed. It didn’t help much that you were feeling a little aroused moments before — it was the reason you arrived in his room, expecting to have your insides rearranged, but your boyfriend was already doing that, but to another player by rifling him bloody.
“Yes, yes, yes! Wait, there’s a man to your right! Hyunjin, to your fucking right!”
A hard scoff left your lips, stepping into his room, an expanse of mint-coloured walls and books everywhere, evidence of his hard work. His bed was made perfectly, you noticed with a swelling heart, knowing he had probably cleaned it for your arrival. 
You walked over to where he sat, staring at his player stalking forward, reaching for ammo in a nearby storage box. A string of curses caught your ears, listening to Hyunjin scream in frustration as he’s killed off.
Settling yourself down beside him, you looked to him. “Minho,” you got out.
His eyes were still glued to the screen when he said, “Hey, baby.” Suddenly, he cursed, pressing on the buttons aggressively. “Felix, stop shooting in the fucking leg!”
The more he opened his mouth, the more you wished to smack his annoyingly beautiful face, but an idea, a drastic, incredibly insane idea entered your mind. 
Your lips curved into a smirk, going unnoticed.
“Minho?” You asked, sweetening your voice as you snuggled closer to your boyfriend. 
“Hmm?” The clicking grew louder as the boy began to grin, killing off the first of the last three left in the opposing team. “Aww, fuck yeah!” He brought the headphone mic to his lips, malice smeared upon them. “I’m gonna be in the final, pricks!”
You ignored the incessant complaining of his friends, turning to face him. “Minho, can I please cuddle?” You asked, eyes wide. 
Hands pressing on the volume button, he lowered the sound of his annoying teammates, glancing at you with a soft smile. “Course,” he said, holding his controller in one hand as he stretched his arms out, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck, completely attached to him like a koala, legs on either side of him. The boy then locked the hug with his hands, using the controller once more as he started the final part of his match. “Alright, dickheads, let’s win this game. Save for Hyunjin, fucking loser.”
You smiled against his jumper, grip on his neck tightening. 
You better hope you win.
Raising your head just lightly, you spare one last look at your boyfriend before you closed your eyes, and planted your lips upon his neck.
And began your own game of the night. 
You felt Minho still, ever so slightly, beneath your touch. 
However, he became preoccupied with the game, as you heard prompting within his headphones from his friends. You furrowed your eyebrows in annoyance, but quickly reigned in your irritancy as you slowly opened your mouth, teeth skimming over his skin to test the waters.
Minho, who was about to tell Hyunjin to fuck off for the nth time, paused, and a small hiss escaped him when you carefully sucked onto his supple skin, so slow, so gradual, knowing the boy you were trying to ruin was using every ounce of his patience not to groan into the mic.
His friends would instantly know if he let a moan escape. Call of Duty isn’t exactly a sexy game.
You slithered out your tongue, and lapped it over the raw creation upon his neck, earning a bated exhale from your victim, who could only stare at the TV screen to not lose his game. Or his sanity.
Tutting, you planted his lips, repeating the sensuous action with a new sense of determination.
Poor, poor Minho. Should have focused on the game I’m playing.
Your hands, which were vacant upon his neck, began assisting your plan, one finding comfort within his fire-like locks, and the other, the more important, the more fatal, sliding down.
And down. And down.
It stopped right to the base of his sweatpants, fingers tracing the treasure hidden a few layers beneath. The moment your hands touched the rough outline Minho yelped, dropping his phone onto the carpeted floor. His clumsy thumbs directed his player right in no man's land, exposing him to the opponents fire range.
Chuckling onto his skin, you painted another hickey onto him, ravishing one side of his throat as Minho whined softly at your efforts, restlessly working on the controller to get back to safety. You heard the confused voices of his friends in the loud headphones, asking him what that “weird ass sound” came from. The flustered boy muted his mic and paused the game, seconds ticking till the shoot down would continue on its own.
You were about to mould him another bruise when Minho’s hand on the mic gripped onto your chin, yanking you from his neck and making you face him. The moment your eyes locked, you gasped.
If you thought Minho looked like an animal before, the opinion had changed. The boy now looked like an aroused demon, staring at you in a way which had your core singing at the warnings. Curving your lips, you challenged him with your gaze, daring him to end the game entirely and spend the night the way you wished so ardently.
Perhaps he wanted to as well, because he whispered, iron in his voice, “Do not tempt me,____.”
You scoffed at his warning, distinctly remembering the hand that was planted upon his crotch, fingers still roaming. “And what if I do?” you taunted, smirk still playing on your lips.
Minho was ready to risk it all when the game signalled its continuance, and immediately his focus shifted to the screen and the bullets firing at his player. 
“Minho, you son of a bitch, turn the mic on!” Complaining voiced into his headphones, and the son of a bitch obliged, turning his mic on once more, leaving you look more or less like a fool. 
You gritted your teeth. Dear God, I’m going to make him pay!
The hand which casually rested on his semi-hard crotch, with a new objective, wrapped around the outline, fingers grazing its form with your nail. With a smug quirk of your lips you found it twitching slightly against the fabric.
A strained grunt emitted from his mouth, and he gripped his controller hard enough to snap. “You’re not going to make me lose,___.”
“Bro, the fuck? You’re playing games with your girl—?”
“You better not, Minho,” you whispered, using your free hand to grab a headphone side, craning it back to give access to his ear.
Your words had the man nearly mewling right into the mic.
“Or else you’ll lose my hands on your cock.”
Minho jerked at the threat, causing the controller to slip from his hands. The object thudded on the floor, upturned upon the carpet among the sugary mess of his snacks. 
“___,” he guttered, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood erect, much like the cock that thrummed within the pads of your fingers soon. “Don’t fucking play with me.”
“Let me get that remote control for you, babe,” you only offered, losing your hand from his crotch, earning a small whine from your boyfriend. You stretched, grabbing the controller, and turned once more to him.
You placed the object in his hold, cupping his hands and stroking the slender fingers which held the sole object of his victory. Victory not only in the battlefield, but in his bedroom, claiming it through the ravishing of your body underneath him.
“Minho? Earth to the motherfucker who’s gonna lose the game—”
“Shut up, Hyunjin,” the boy snapped, and grumbling was heard before his friend was silenced, chuckling emitting from Felix through the headphones. 
Eyes taking you prisoner, Minho grabbed onto the controller with an iron will, continuing the game. 
“Go on,___,” he taunted, a small smirk sharpening his mouth. “We’ll see who wins the game.”
Your answering grin was enough to have his cock twitching.
Your hands, now vacant, found home straight there, the fabric risen slightly. With your fingers wrapping around the covered shaft, you trailed your hand down, and up, and then down, creating friction within his layers. 
With a sucked in breath his cock shot upwards, angrily outlining itself against his sweatpants. His focus wavered on the screen, barely able to avoid death as he hid behind a vandalised building. 
“You’re going to kill me,” he rasped out, you surprised to find his breathing already a little ragged. Malicious pride flooded your features, and you only kissed the corner of his mouth in response, earning a hiss from his truly. 
“Don’t lose focus, babe,” you murmured, planting another open mouthed kiss upon his cheek. “Or else you’ll lose.”
“Minho, what the fuck is happening?” Hyunjin’s irritated voice crowed into the mic, but the boy, with a single hand, ripped the headphones from his ears, tossing them across. “Minho?!”
“Shut the fuck up, prick!” He shouted, desperation laced in his tone as he frantically tried to kill his opponents. 
You, on the other hand, closed yourself further in, your other hand cupping his jaw while the more important travelled to the band of his sweatpants, sliding inside.
You ignored his string of further curses, melting at the heated member which stood furiously erect at your actions. 
“Already so affected by me, babe?” You cooed, index finger tracing the thicker skin, the length of him, the idea of this raging cock driven inside of you. 
“If you don’t shut your mouth,___, I swear to God—”
“Or what, Minho?” You pressed your lips upon the corners of his jaw. “You’ll shut me up with your cock?”
When you journeyed to the top of his member you feel the warm pre-cum, starting to stain his sweatpants. You wrapped your fingers around him, beginning your first action to his downfall.
The moment your hands descended down his shaft he let out a rather loud moan, aggravated and fuelled with pleasure. You repeated the action, up and down, slowly, careful not to pick up the pace, not to have your boyfriend already cumming into your hands. You refused to let him have the satisfaction.
“Jesus, fuck—” he breathed out, and perhaps you threw him the bone of your gradual rapidity of your ascending and descending upon his cock, his incessant groaning gradually getting louder. “___, I’m going to—”
“Minho,” you started, pausing your task. The boy complained, but you held strong, caressing his ear with your lips. “You better win the game first. Eyes on the screen.”
Lee Minho, who never listened to anyone or anything, shocked you when he almost broke the controller trying to find the last man standing on the battlefield. “I don’t see your hand working, babe,” he provoked, and you giggled at his over-enthusiasm laced in his torment, and obliged when you began your faster pace of moving your hand, already making the boy pant over your skill. 
Your mouth, in the meantime, occupied itself with peppering kisses upon his face, avoiding his lips because you knew he’d melt right into your touch. Even then he leaned in more to your kisses, causing him to avoid death countless times within the game.
“You better be prepared when I win the game,___,” he declared in a husky rasp. “I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
Although that had your core tightening in pleasure, you smirked. “I’d like to see you try,” you countered back, increasing your speed and having Minho practically eating off your hand. You gave kudos to his self control, but you had a small feeling it was on a tight leash.
And every tight leash is more likely to snap.
The boy, shaking hands fumbling on his controller, advanced on his enemy, weapon out and ready to obliterate his final objective.
It was then you smacked his lips against his, enveloping him in a kiss which completely threw him off guard. 
You heard the sound of bullets firing in the TV screen, and a thud! of a body hitting against the concrete floors of the destination.
Minho pulled away from the kiss, eyes wide with shock as he observed the results.
His player, slumped in shame behind the winner, proudly standing with his prized gun and camo gear adorned. 
You looked back at the results board showing up on the screen, and see the lack of your boyfriend’s name on the top of the leaderboard.
“Tsk, tsk, babe,” you mocked, the most smug little smile upon your lips. You slithered your hand out of his sweatpants, both hands now upon his thighs. “Looks like you lost the game.”
His eyes locked with yours, and something was shifting, but you dismissed it, chuckling as you heaved up, dusting yourself off as if you hadn’t just given your boyfriend ultimate blue balls.
You turned on your heel, about to leave the room when Minho’s satanic mumble froze you entirely. 
“I still have one more game to finish,___.”
You whirled back, and you yelped to see the boy standing not two inches before you, gaze so predatory you felt your legs weaken at the mere sight.
“You didn’t,” you started, but the more you stared the more your words began to fade. Jesus in his sweet little stable, you really did think you were going to fall. “You...you didn’t win, Minho.”
With a harsh scoff the boy gathered you up in his arms, a startled noise escaping you when he carried you bride-style, and practically threw you on that crisp, clean bed he had prepared all those hours ago.
“Sure, I didn’t win the last one,” he drawled, and you were about to leak with the way he prowled towards you. He secured his position atop you, legs on either side of you, and leaned in till your face was a hair’s width from yours.
“But I’m not losing in your game.”
You nearly moaned straight away when he imprisoned you with his kiss, capturing your lips and moving them perfectly with his. Your hands instantly found refuge in his hair, his locks which tickled your face as he kissed you crazy.
His own fingers travelled to your waist, creeping inside your top, each touch of his skin against yours like fire licking against the expanse. God, it was like you had dropped yourself in the underworld, and his hands were raging waves of fire, threatening to decimate you. The worst part was you welcomed this destruction. 
He broke the kiss, gasping for air before attacking the rest of your face with his lips, fingers still spreading heat while the other hand began its descent down your jeans, palming his desired destination. 
A loud moan shamelessly emitted from your mouth, and Minho smirked with the same lack of shame you possessed, ravishing your throat the same way you did not so long ago. His teeth painted love bites down his trail, and you ravaged his hair, tugging at his shirt in pleading to take it off.
“I’m already winning, huh?” He whispered, ragged voice so incredibly hot you grabbed the hem of his shirt and peeled the useless piece of clothing off him, tossing it to the floor. 
“Just shut up and kiss me,” you got out, and with wicked laughter he made you wait, tugging at your own shirt to even the odds. You took it off, joining Minho’s clothing, and were back upon each other’s mouths, opening up enough for Minho to slide his tongue inside you. 
Your bare chests collided as you raised yourself a little higher, hands on the band of his sweats as you yanked them down. Minho abandoned his sweatpants upon the floor, and did the same of you, mouth watering at the sight of your red lace, a little present you hoped he would see earlier. His blatant staring had you flushing the colour of your underwear, and he caught you, grinning wildly at your flustered nature.
“Awww,” he cooed, throwing your jeans in the pile. “Now you’re getting shy?” He hooked a finger under your lace, slowly, too fucking slowly dragging the material down. “Where was this blush when you were playing with my cock?”
“Minho!” You whined, digging your nails in his skin. “Damn it, just fuck me!”
Cruel laughter rang around the bedroom. “Oh, so when you’re needy, I just obey you? Just like that?” His lust-blown eyes regarded your slick cunt, and pride engulfed him, knowing your arousal was completely his doing. 
“Please,” you let yourself beg, because at this point, your desire had conquered your common decency — the need for your boyfriend to pound you till morning had overtaken the need to slap the conceited smirk off his face. “Please, Minho—”
The pleading had him bruising your mouth with his, as he too pried off his underwear, cock still throbbing from the teasing you left unfinished. The recent memory of you sliding your hand up and down his shaft still drove him to near insanity, and by God if he did not drive the bloody thing inside you he truly would become deranged. 
Pulling apart, Minho presses his forehead against yours as he guided his head to your entrance, gleaming with arousal and a promise of one hell of a fucking night. “Say the words,” he demanded, and this time you gritted your teeth. Stubborn till the end, I see. 
“Fuck you.”
Your response was a shit-eating grin, as he slowly retracted his member. “Wrong,” he jeered.
“Minho—!” You exclaimed hysterically, reminding yourself that you’re going to kill him when all of this is over. As of now, you were silently hoping he would kill you with his cock.
“Beg for it,___,” he ordered as he grazed his head against you, and you cursed yourself for being so pig-headed, for depriving yourself this opportunity. 
“Please!” Your breathing turned short, clinging onto the boy for dear life. “Please, just fuck me already—”
With the magic words, Minho clasped his lips upon yours as he drove his cock straight into you.
Your pleasured scream nearly brought down the roof, but he drowned it out with his lips, stubborn as they moved so amazingly, almost in sync to each thrust he sent your way, each time he slid his cock in and out, in and out till you were certain you were going to see stars. Although you had fucked Minho many times before, today, your mewling was louder, your grip on his shoulders a little tighter and your heart more inclined to burst in your rib cage. 
Your consistent beseeching was music to his ears, and you felt your peak nearer and nearer, whimpering the warnings to Minho that you were going to die, and you would gladly accept this demise if it promised such unadulterated pleasure. The boy hastily nodded, sweat-slick locks sticking to his face, burying his face in your neck as he held you close.
“Minho, please, I-I’m going to—Ah!” You yelped with the sheer force of his thrusts, rolling your eyes back subconsciously as your grip nearly slipped on his back. You did not care that your peak would probably snap you in half. You did not care about anything but Minho’s cock, showing you the constellations of the universe. 
When your orgasm finally caught up on you it threatened to break you — your moans were bellowed across the room, were so obscenely loud but had little in you to care when Minho held onto you every minute of it, the last grip of stability in your fucked out vision. The one man who brought you down from your myriad of fantasies, washing all over you. 
The boy’s own cock sought relief, barrelling his release inside you, some escaping from your cunt and staining the sweat-slick sheets. The symphony of panted breaths harmonised with the heightened groaning of your voice, and at last Minho pulled out, slumping beside you on the bed. 
You tried to calm your breathing, ragged and almost painful with its irregularity moments before. His breaths were laboured too, one hand upon his rising and setting chest. A strange sense of calm washed over you, and was confirmed further when, with a small gasp, you felt the sheets being pulled over you. 
Turning, you faced the tired, yet happy face of Minho’s, lazily smiling as he closed his eyes, leaning against the divan. You returned his smile, snuggling up to him, planting your head against his chest.
His voice reverberated against your cheek as he said, “Looks like I won, baby.”
You looked up, shooting him a fatigued, yet incredulous look which had him huffing out a laugh. “You’re insufferable.” You mumbled, and were about to leave his presence when he wrapped his arms around you, refusing to let you go.
”And you’re exquisite,” he responded, propping his chin atop your head, stroking your arm with a soothing hand. 
Heart fluttering, you wrapped his your arms around him, breathing him in, relishing in his presence, secretly thanking the stars above that he’s real and he’s beside you, moments after fucking you. 
You were about to say something sweet when a familiar voice screeched into existence. 
Both of you jumped at the exclamation, eyes widening when you both caught sight of Minho’s headphones in the corner of the room.
When the two of you locked eyes, disbelief crossed your features.
“Babe,” you began, stare widening, “Did you... not...mute your mic…?”
Your question was answered, but not by your boyfriend. 
“Minho, if you were gonna rail ___ then you could have muted the goddamn mic—”
“Oh fuck,” Minho got out, and you cupped your mouth with your hands in shock, watching the boy run towards his mic, despite being stark naked. He picked up his headphones, saying, “Guys, I’m so sorry, holy shit—”
“I hate you, Minho!” You screeched, all the blood in your body rushing to your cheeks. You could only pull the sheets over yourself, hoping the bed could swallow you up forever. 
Guilty laughter escaped from the boy, and you didn’t even perk your head over to flip him off. 
You could hear the grin in his next words, and although you wanted nothing more than to strangle his dumb ass, it still made you blush even harder, letting yourself smile at his response. 
“I love you, too!”
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felassan · 4 years
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The rest of this post (quotes from the article) is under a cut due to length. [source]
(There are discussions of colonialism under the cut / in the article.)
After speaking to various devs who worked on MEA I’ve learned quite a bit about what happened here. First of all, there were several more species designed for this galaxy. One writer lists having proposed “five or six” new alien types, while another states that the ones BioWare opted for in the end were specifically chosen for being in “cosplay-safe” territory. Another dev mentions that an entire system was constructed just to facilitate communication between species who were indigenous to Andromeda and those who had arrived from the Milky Way. The “species who were indigenous to Andromeda” part is important, given that there were also different ideas for how to handle first contact - making the Pathfinder a violent colonist who shoots first and asks questions later wasn’t something that was set in stone from the get-go.
“I think it was a project that couldn't have possibly lived up to expectations,” Neil Pollner tells me. Pollner was a senior writer on Mass Effect 3 before going on to write parts of Andromeda. “Not just the high bar of the original trilogy, but the logical expectations anyone would have of Mass Effect going to a whole new galaxy. Because the scope of [the first] Mass Effect was so incredibly massive, there was an inherent promise that you'd be getting a massive new experience with a ton of new things in [what was supposed to be the first] Mass Effect Andromeda - new species, new lore, an entire new galaxy at your fingertips, etc.
“But we were only given the budget for two new species, plus the Remnant. Not to mention that we couldn't even include all the Milky Way species. And we weren't going to be able to let you travel throughout the galaxy. This meant that we had to develop the story around some pretty glaring inorganic limitations. So, not only did you get something that felt (and was) much smaller than what you got before, almost everyone playing the game probably had something that they really liked about Mass Effect that just wasn't there.”
Pollner goes on to explain something I mentioned above - that there’s an inherent disconnect between making your character an explorer in a game where the vast majority of gameplay involves killing. “Ryder the explorer should have a challenging and dynamic first contact experience,” he explains. “Instead, you're almost immediately killing kett. So, some very basic pillars just weren't lining up.”
When I ask about the fact that several species had apparently been cut from the game - something I had already learned in previous interviews - Pollner assures me that I had “no idea” of what was dropped in the early days of Andromeda. He also lamented the iconic narrative and branching complexity of earlier BioWare games, stating that he wishes the team had been able to maintain the same level of variation, options, and consequences as the revered RPGs the studio was known for.
“The other BioWare Montreal writers and I were dreaming up and developing things for Andromeda months ahead of Edmonton officially starting the project - i.e. before the budget and scope had been decided/communicated,” Pollner says. “We just knew that we were going to Andromeda, with almost nothing else established, including even when in the timeline it would happen. And we set out to brainstorm and grow ideas that could organically serve that general premise. “That first contact expectation I mentioned? We'd developed ideas for how the player would navigate that. We were working on a process for the Milky Way species to learn how to even communicate with the new alien species. We were developing several additional species for the new galaxy, as well as several different storylines for why the expedition had been undertaken. Most of that pre-development work ended up not being used.”
“I proposed five or six new alien species when Andromeda was in its infancy, and I still think they had a ton of potential,” Hepler says. “[Ex-BioWare writer] Jo Berry came up with a few, too, they were awesome.
“However, I'm pretty sure those ideas are still property of BioWare, so even though I'm 100% certain they won't be used, I can't talk about them without getting some kind of permission.”
Given that Pollner had his own ideas for new species, and that Hepler had “five or six” on top of a “few” more from Berry, it’s reasonable to conclude that concepting was done for up to ten additional species that never made it into Andromeda.
“I remember some early concepts that were pretty out there,” Dorian Kieken tells me. Kieken was a design director at BioWare Montreal for Mass Effect 2 and 3 before being promoted to franchise design director at the beginning of Andromeda’s development. “One of the strengths of the original Mass Effect trilogy is that you can actually cosplay most of the alien characters - except the Hanar, although I wouldn't underestimate the creativity of some cosplayers. The intention in Mass Effect Andromeda was to introduce new races that would still be in the realm of cosplay, which is probably why more crazy concepts were abandoned.”
I was surprised that this was even a consideration, so I followed up. Kieken assures me that after Andromeda’s two new races had been decided on, their evolution of their design gradually went into more “cosplay-safe territory,” with the team consciously steering away from “jellyfish” types of aliens. “In the early development of the game, we explored a lot of new species. I'm not sure why we settled on the specific number that were in the final game, but my guess would be a mix of production reasons and having a reasonable amount of races to deal with knowing we were already bringing quite a few from the Milky Way as well.”
As Pollner mentioned earlier, the team only had the budget for two new species plus the Remnant. On top of that, they weren’t able to bring all of the Milky Way species, which corroborates Kieken’s recollection of why so many species were cut.
Given the context of these conversations - species being cut from Andromeda, first contact being muddled with militance, and even cosplay potential governing alien design - I also ask why, in the devs’ eyes, Andromeda was poorly received in relation to the original trilogy.
“I think it’s more story-related than setting-related,” Kieken says. “Andromeda has strong core gameplay that improved a lot over the trilogy, but the story didn't feel as strong. I didn't connect with the new character cast as much as I did with the original trilogy.
“It's also not a fair comparison as the trilogy is three games, so you have a lot more exposition and time to bond with the characters. That being said, I seem to recall a stronger rollercoaster of emotions in the original trilogy, which I think led to more memorable moments. From the tension of almost blowing up Wrex with your shotgun or gathering everyone on a suicide run, to the lightness of listening to Mordin sing ‘I'm the very model of a scientist Salarian’ or shooting cans with Garrus in the Presidium.”
Pollner also explains why Andromeda was perceived so differently from the original trilogy, citing differences in the amount of time the team were given to make the game, but also noting that the core issue was more systemic in nature.
“I think the thesis statement for why is that the Mass Effect trilogy was an incredibly demanding endeavor,” Pollner says. “The checks that were written for it, the complexity of the experience was insanely massive. The team worked their asses off non-stop for so many years, on back-to-back-to-back games. The prospect of doing the same thing again was not only exhausting to imagine, but totally impractical. Some of the ‘lessons’ learned from the original trilogy are ones that are important for game development but result in the player experience being less. When you're talking about triple-A development, the original trilogy is actually the anomaly, not Andromeda.
“Because I moved on from BioWare after my work on Andromeda was complete, I have no idea what, if any, future plans there might be. At the time of my departure, there were none.”
It’s worth noting that Pollner is clear about Andromeda being better than a lot of people give it credit for. While some of the concerns people had have now been verified by people who worked on the project - that there could have been more species and that the core premise of Ryder the explorer becoming Ryder the killer is inherently flawed - the team still worked hard on delivering an ambitious game within the constraints of what they were given.
“I find the game to actually be pretty darn fun, and once the technical flaws were ironed out, and the initial reactive disappointment faded, the game does stand on its own,” Pollner says. “There's some really good stuff in there.”
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sukipershipper · 4 years
Can you spill some of ur bugsnax hcs?
I assume you mean with the characters, in which case, Yes of course!  Bear with me though that all of these are going to take place Post-Snaktooth Island. I might do some headcanons on what happened on the island but for now take these.
(SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE END OF THE GAME, I also apologize for it being so freaking long...I actually did not intend on that)
They all lived in a small but very prosperous town, said town doesn’t have a name cause Mun isn’t creative enough to make one yet
After being elected Mayor, Filbo had learned to become more assertive with others. His role as Mayor of the small town involves him doing a few small tasks, like cleaning up the streets or helping with lessons at the schools
Other times however he is brought into meetings to plan celebrations, opening new buildings and ways they can develop the community.
His meeting council includes Floofty, who is always helping him out in terms of his decisions.
His office has all of the trinkets and maps from Liz’s adventures, as well as pictures of everything they did on Snaktooth and all the pictures she and Eggabelle have of each other.
Filbo constantly sends out letters in bottles to Snaktooth in the hopes that Liz and Egg will find it and write back. He is still waiting on a response from them
When he gets bored, he often just draws in a spare journal he has. He does this in meetings or when he’s at a lunch with the others
He had a statue of Liz and Egg made and placed in the center of the town to help remember them and what they stood for
Wambus and Triffany live in a small country home just outside the town next to the beach and a small grotto. 
The place has a large amount of land for Wambus to start a farm with all sorts of sauces. The beach they live next to has a big cave with all sorts of secrets that Triffany is willing to discover.
Reconnecting with their kids has been a challenge, seeing as they left quite abruptly. The kids did eventually start coming around though.
Wambus is a very good cook, lots of people headcanon it and I headcanon it too. The man can make a mean roast. Only reason he never did it on Snaktooth was because the food was already walking around so he had no need to.
Triffany may look like a stick but she’s actually quite strong. On the same levels as Wambus and Chandlo? Maybe not. But she has punted several people before.
She is also very unconventional in her methods, resulting in lots of Scars and broken bones. Wambus had tried bandaging her up before but after failing 15 times he just called Floofty.
Speaking of Floofty, the couple have a very good relationship with the scientist. Floofty often helps Triffany with collecting samples or attempting to help Wambus with growing crops, though those attempts often result in Wambus yelling and Triffany trying to calm her husband down.
Floofty now teaches at the towns school, they’re a very talented professor and many of the students they teach have delighted in their work. Though other teachers find the methods very...unconventional.
Though Floofty is still quite cold hearted to most of the grumpus’ they have learned to be more cheerful towards certain Grumps. One of which being Snorpy and the other being their students.
Many students ask how Floofty lost their leg, to which they reply: That information is irrelevant, but if you truly wish to know then speak with the Mayor
When Not teaching they’re usually helping Snorpy out with anything involving the Grumpinati. Though they aren’t really of much help considering their methods
They definitely are considered a cannibal, Floofty was once seen carrying an arm (no one knows if that was theirs) and took a little nibble of it...then spat it out and complained that it was too salt
They are always helping Filbo out in terms of his mayoral duties.
Gramble and Wiggle share a small little two story home in the town. The house is decorated with all sorts of flowers and different patterns on the fence
While Wiggle is always busy touring, playing music, Gramble became the local veterinarian for the town. His experience with the Snax actually prepared him for the animals. 
He also has a small little puppy, ten times better than any of the Snax he had
Gramble still does keep pictures of Sprout around his room, as much as he hated knowing he harbored a parasite in his home, he still missed the little guy. (I am fully convinced the one at the end though was Sprout)
He and Wiggle began dating right after they settled into the house together, believing that it was much needed change for the both of them.
Gramble knits sweaters for Wiggle since she goes out touring so much, he also knits plush versions of the Snax he kept back on Snaktooth. It was the biggest mistake he made, cause now he envisions them staring at him and wanting to murder him
Wiggle always tries to help him when it comes to his nightmares. Playing white noise or ASMR videos so he can go to sleep
Her songs are very well received and she has quite a lot of publicity. Do The Wiggle is still one of her best selling numbers, but she has some love for her other pieces too.
She is always asked to sing at events by Filbo, and of course she never says no. One of her favorite things to do is get one of the kids to come up and sing Do The Wiggle with her since it’s one of the best songs in their opinion
She has a ring box tucked away in her dresser, she’s waiting for the right moment to pull it out on Gramble and propose
Cromdo is doing much better in life, opening up a successful karaoke bar and gets quite a lot of business from some of the guys in town. 
He also showed the less serious side of himself a lot more, and once he let down such a defensive guard he was able to get further in life, albeit he still has a long way to go
He and Beffica still don’t get along, but they’re on better terms than they were back on Snaktooth 
He hasn’t completely dropped his ways though, he’s still a big old Scumbag (and we love him for it). Often he tries to make a profit off something miniscule like an old bottlecap. 
Though Cromdo is still a scumbag, he helped Filbo and Buddy set up Filbo’s campaign to get him elected
Cromdo still tries stealing Triffany’s stuff and Wambus fucking yeets him all the way into town. How he has no broken bones from that is still a mystery to everyone.
Beffica is now a photographer for the local newspaper, probably not a good choice in many of the Grumps opinions
She is however much better than she was on Snaktooth, and does have a small friend group outside of the Snaktooth Island group
Her old friend group has tried getting in touch with her but she’s very reluctant to talk to them again
Many of the older grumpus’ have basically adopted her because she’s still very shaky after everything, they didn’t expect her to be so shaky but life is surprising.
Her favorite person to go to though is Triffany, for the pure fact that she and Triffany just talk about guys and it’s the best chat ever
She and Filbo are on much better terms, and she may or may not have some feelings hidden for the new Mayor but we will never truly know
She and her ‘Bestie’ go out for Boba tea all the time, a truly fun experience for the both of them
Chandlo takes Snorpy out on morning runs all the time, he’s proud that his bro is taking baby steps into letting the outside world embrace them
Oh, Snorpy is also He/They now, I honestly feel like it fits them
Snorpy and Chandlo moved to a small little apartment complex for now. The home is very quaint and the two have little designated areas for all the stuff they have.
They also had to make room for Floofty as the sibling insisted on staying with their brother for...reasons
Chandlo goes to library a lot to learn new techniques to help Snorpy, but he also secretly reads up on articles about the Grumpinati in the hopes to help Snorpy destroy them one day
He and Floofty have made a strong pact over the fact that Snorpy must be protected at all costs, no exceptions
Snorpy is a lot more open about what he does now, often asking for advice from Chandlo about his inventions and whatnot.
Neither of them are good cooks, they both try but both almost always burn the complex down so they just ask Floofty to do it
Snorpy actually bruises very easily, he is a literal tomato. So he doesn’t always participate in many physical activities but he does try his best
When Snorpy does bruise, Chandlo goes into full panic mode as he doesn’t know how to tend to wounds. No one ever told him that you can put ice to make it go down quicker
They are married, they have all the paperwork signed and the rings to prove it
She does still go by the name Shelda as people aren’t quite used to calling her Shellsy Woolbag
She actually took up dating when she encountered an old friend of hers, such friend does not have a name because as stated before, Mun is not creative
Shelda has a lot of books and meditation CD’s in her shelves, she also has a Tape Player so when she goes out on walks she can listen to some of the best audiobook readings
She and Floofty get a long a little better, sometimes Floofty will give her insight as to what the world is to THEM and Shelda shares a funny story in return, one that does manage to make Floofty laugh surprisingly.
People don’t often see her get out much, possibly because she’s always busy writing up her experiences and whatnot
She is Buddy’s comfort and the one that they room with currently, she is actually very good company believe it or not
She and Buddy also love writing little stories together as practice for her next book, and they also exchange drawings and doodles they’ve done over the course of the day.
And that’s pretty much it! 
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dearest-kibble · 4 years
How they meet their Darling (Yandere haikyuu!!)
Ushijima and Kageyama
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Kageyama is a man who doesn’t pay attention. To anything really.
Anything but Volleyball, that is.
It’s not until you are sitting next to him in class that he even knows you exist.
You give him a simple poke, and he jerks up, looks at you, and goes to lean back down. 
“Aren’t you the setter for the volleyball team?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I just heard he didn’t pay attention, guess they were right.” You laugh to yourself, roll your eyes and go back to looking at your notes as the teacher drones on. 
Kageyama puts his head back in his arms. 
That was weird.
And the next day, when he’s strategizing for practice in his notebook.
“So what's the rest of the team like?”
“Annoying, why?”
“Just trying to start a conversation.” You sigh, and turn back to your own notebook.
“Ask me when I’m not thinking about volleyball.” 
“Ok.” The conversation ends until Kageyama can stop thinking about volleyball. 
You’ll find him when he does. 
You don’t find him.
Maybe it’s because, contrary to popular belief, Kageyama is in fact, surprisingly, not more emotional or expressive than a brick wall. 
But he’s stopped thinking about volleyball. For a few moments in class. While he’s looking at a tree, or when he sleeps.
Dreams that once were about setting the perfect spike, turn to you sitting in the bleachers, watching him set that damned spike.
That tree he’s looking at? You’re sitting under it, telling him that his form is almost perfect.
And in class?
He almost wants you to ask about how to set. How even you, could become a better volleyball player. 
It gets bad. To the point where you and volleyball are synonymous. He can’t have one without thinking about the other.
He has a problem with you.
Or more, that he doesn’t understand why you aren’t at his games or aren’t under that tree talking about his posture. 
And maybe? It’s a little bit a problem with why you’re always on his mind.
He doesn’t get why he feels warmth sitting near you. 
You aren’t the rush he feels when he’s playing a match.
Yet his heart still beats faster.
He’ll ask you about it. He catches you after school, but he won’t be late for practice, you’ll come with him. 
He finds you by that tree.
“Why do I feel warm when I’m near you?”
“Cause I’m really hot?” It’s a deadpan answer for a deadpan question. “I don’t know, why do you feel warm when I’m near you?”
“You should watch my games.” Your eyes widen and blink twice. 
“You wanted to know what the team was like right?” 
“Sure, I guess,”
“Then come on.”
You sit in on a practice three v three.
It’s pretty intense, Hinata is playing against him, he’s setting some shots to be hit by Tanaka, Noya is rolling his thunder, all in all? A close game.
But Kageyama always comes out on top.
If it wasn’t for his pride, then maybe it was to impress you.
The you, who was now talking to a very excited Nishinoya.
The short Libero had apparently caught your eye with his flashy-as-all-hell style of playing.
But what was the point of you being here if you weren’t going to watch him?
In all his dreams and thoughts, you were watching him.
His chest aches when you don’t pay attention to him.
Kageyama just doesn’t feel complete.
He hears his knuckles crack before he feels it.
“Hey. Come with me.” He glares down at Nishinoya who just smirks right back at him.
You have the audacity to laugh.
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming,” you send a smile to Noya as you try to keep pace with Kageyama’s long legs. “We’ll continue our conversation later, yeah?”
“Yeah!” Nishinoya barely even gets through the word befor Kageyama slams the door to the gym.
No one is around, it’s just the two of you.
Kageyama’s ache goes away and his shoulders realesed tension that wouldn’t be good if they played another match.
“What were you doing in there?!” He’s aware he’s loud, but when isn’t he? This is normal. The only abnormal thing here is you and the way his heart beats around you.
“I was talking to Noya, got a problem with that?”
What didn’t he have a problem with? You were on a nickname basis with Nishinoya, you didn’t look at him at all during the game. And he still didn’t know why he felt so warm around you.
“Why didn’t you look at me?”
“I didn’t know I had to look at his majesty, the king.”
Well shit. It feels to natural for Kageyama to do this, like he’s setting for Hinata and they pull of their quick attack.
He punches you. A little above your gut. He watches as you stumble back and clutch your chest. The way you breath to get air makes him feel a little colder inside. That’s not right.
“What. The. Fuck!” You take a breath after yelling at the top of your lungs. “Kageyama, what the fuck, why’d you hit me?” You take a few more breaths and another step back.
Why are you yelling at him again? Because he tried to let you know that you should look at him? Not Nishinoya?
Looking at him would improve his game. Telling him he was almost perfect would improve his game. Yelling, looking at others and cussing? Oh the cussing would not improve his game. He’s fairly certain that is someone were to cuss loudly as part of a chant, they’d be kicked out of the gym.
And he can’t have that now. You have to watch him.
For the whole game.
“Talk to me asshole! I might be willing to let it slide i-” his arm moves on it’s own, fingers wrap harshly around skin.
You’re relatively light as it so turns out.
“Don’t cuss, it’ll be a shit ton to deal with in games.” Your hands pull at his wrist desperately.
Your eyes are pleading with him and he feels a jolt up his spine as he watches you struggle, mouth open, nostrils flaring.
“And don’t look at anyone else. Got it?” You take a few more gasps. He’s not being to harsh is he? He’s being firm, and that’s good when your talking to people. You nod furiously in response to his demands.
He releases you from his grasp and you immediately drop onto the sidewalk, one of your hands goes to rub at your neck while the other is splayed on the ground. You take shallow breaths as Kageyama just watches.
Eventually you sit up, and the hand on the ground cups the part of your stomach he hit.
“When-” You take a deeper breath the time, exhaling through your mouth. You’re looking at the sky. “When is your next game?”
“February 18th. I’d like you to be there.” He tries to offer a smile, the kind his Sister told him weren’t creepy.
“Ok,” you nod quickly. For a small second, Kageyama’s eyes meet yours.
He feels warmer than he normally did with you, and he can hear his heartbeat.
“Please uhhh,” He can feel the blush on his cheeks. “Call me Ka-Kageyama.”
“Kageyama?” Your eyes aren’t so wide as you look at his shoes.
He nods and leaves for the rest of practice, you don’t follow, but that’s alright. You’ll find him.
You do find him.
And the next day when he doesn’t see a bruise around your neck, he feels a little bad.
You would’ve looked cute with a dark purple handprint on your neck.
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You should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa.
Really, you should’ve.
Being an assistant manager to Kurasuno was just going to drive you insane. When he first saw you, you were in the thick of some team discussion.
They were taking a break in between the sets, and Kurasuno was still bickering over how they were to play the game.
You were trying to act as a voice of reason, talking over the others in a calm manner and asking your team to “please take turns speaking”
In true Crow-like fashion, they continue to caw loudly until their coach yells for their attention.
He thinks you’re cute, how you thank the coach with your embarrassed, red cheeks.
But he has a game to finish and win. And then he can see how cute you are when you comfort Kurasuno.
Shiratorizawa wins easy, between Ushijima and the orange haired kid? Ushijima would clearly come out on top.
Ushijima watches as you look with such empathy in your eyes.
You look like you’re about to hug each of the Team. And then, you do.
He’s right, you really are cuter after he beats the crows.
It’s fucking adorable how you furrow your brow and bite your lip as you comfort someone who’s crying.
He wishes he could hear the tender shush you give the person, and though he hasn’t heard your voice he can picture you so clearly with a child in your arms and singing lullabies. He’s standing in the doorway and you smile up at him.
He smiles back.
And your hugging the Kurasuno boys like he’d want to hold you, so tender and delicate when you catch his smile.
You give an affirmative nod and smile before you hug a teammate.
It almost like he’s being pushed forwards to walk over towards you.
You manage to pat the next boy on his shaved head before you give a little wave, say some words and walk over to Ushijima.
You meet in the middle of the  gym.
“I figured I should talk to you away from the team, I’m sure they’d have a-a reaction, to your being there.” You shoot a worried glance behind you towards the boys who have a similar expression on their faces.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
The two of you stand in silence, both of your teams are trying to ignore you.
“So-” You begin to speak before Ushijima rests a large hand on your shoulder.
“You’re cute.” He doesn’t give compliments he doesn’t mean. You are the cutest damn thing he’s ever seen.
“I-oh! Thank you!”
Your teams are a mixed bag of staring at the two of you, and the ceiling.
“Was that all?” You speak up first, and aren’t unkind with your intonation.
“Yes,” Ushijima looks down at you, and once again, gives a small smile.
“My team is eager to play against you next time, good luck,” You have a smile brighter than the sun. “Shiratorizawa is gonna need it!” A laugh that carries lighter than the wind too.
Ushijima just nods again and has to tear his eyes away from your lips.
The team is completely silent before he returns.
Goshiki is starry eyed as Ushijima stands there listening to Tendou’s ramblings and the rest of the team just watches that shit go down.
Soon after, the Kurasuno team starts packing up to leave.
“I’ll run back.”
“Is it because you want to talk to that person?” Semi sounds exhausted.
“More or less.”
Ushijima tunes the white noise from his team yes out for a second, before he hears a sharp “Dissmissed!” From Coach Washijo.
He immediately turns around to try and look for you.
The only people left in the gym are Kurasuno’s setter and the kid with Orange hair. You’ve gone somewhere else.
“Where’s your assistant manager?”
“Oh they’re talking to someone!” Orange hair. “They told you we’d beat you next time, and we will!”
“You won’t.” And Ushijima walks out of the doors of Kurasuno’s gym.
He sets a light jog, maybe once he’d find you he’d ask you on a date?
Or maybe, he’s ask you to be his partner. Regardless, he should sure you get home safely.
He finds you with little difficulty, you’re barely off campus and smiling at your phone as you wait to cross an intersection.
You jump at the sudden intrusion of his voice, and take out an earbud he didn’t notice you had in.
“Oh, hi!” You flash him your third smile of the day. He can feel his heart swell in his chest. “Are you running home?”
“Have a nice run!” And the intersection clears for you to put your earbud back in, and continue on your route home.
He takes a breath, waits a second and jogs at a slower pace behind you.
“So, why are you going this way, isn’t Shiratorizawa the other direction?”
“Yes.” You look at him with wide eyes. “I get more exersize this way.”
“Oh! I get it, like when Asahi goes on his runs and decides to take detours through trees!”
“Who’s Asahi?”
“He’s our Ace, the tall guy with the bun.”
“Enjoy your run, you’re gonna need it for the next time you play against us!” Your wind chime laughter echoes in his ears as you wave him a goodbye.
You’re taking a left.
Ushijima takes a left.
You either hear his footsteps or see his shadow, because you turn around.
Your lips aren’t being bitten, your brow isn’t furrowed but you look like you did during the match.
You look worried.
“Listen, I know you probably didn’t pick up on it and you seem really nice, but I’m not really looking for a relationship right now. Please, stop following me.”
“Ok.” It isn’t a setback. Ushijima will be with you eventually. It must’ve been those rowdy crows. They’re incompetent and altogether too used to roughhousing. Of course you wouldn’t want a relationship when those were the kind of people you were around, it made all volleyball players seem immature.
Ushijima is not immature.
“O-oh!” You smile again, almost like you took off a mask you had been wearing. “Normally that goes a lot less smoothly. Thanks for understanding!”
“Can I walk you back to your home?”
“As friends right?”
“As friends.” The words taste bitter on his tongue but it’s a necessary step. Like getting manure before you plant your crops.
“Thank you again for understanding!”
It’s an easy enough walk, about two blocks away.
Too quickly are you at the door to your home.
Too soon do you thank Ushijima for understanding your situation and close the door behind you.
Too slowly does Ushijima notice the man walking towards your door.
Tall with a bun.
Kurasuno’s Ace.
Whatever his name was.
“Oh uh, hey!” He sounds a little meek.
“I walked them home.”
“Uhh thanks man,” The Ace scratches his neck as he walks by Ushijima. “Have a nice day I guess,” The man emits an awkward laugh, and knocks quickly on your door.
It opens, and your eyes are the sun and moon to him.
You hug the man in front of you, quickly drawing him inside the house with what Ushijima thought was an “I missed you,”
You lied.
Well, Ushijima could live with that, but maybe when he married you, you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house.
If you lied to him now, at the beginning of your relationship, how comfortable would you be lying to him when married?
And Kurasuno’s Ace.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t beaten him before.
It would be just like last time.
Kurasuno wouldn’t win.
A/N Ok, I've been absent for about two days, sorry about that I hope this is a good tide over till I get my first batch of requests done! I don’t have a time period for when they’re done, but I hope soon! Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
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Music for the Soul
Summary: Soulmate AU where the song your soulmate is thinking of gets stuck in your head. 
This fic is inspired by and gifted to @yellowpaintpots.
Notes:  canonical, this is S2 E6 and a little beyond but it’s not exactly like the show obviously.
Kurt Hummel was used to not fitting in. At McKinley High, he was often an odd man out. He did partner projects alone, he held his tongue around bullies and had no one to complain to, and most days, he had an entire lunch table to himself. No one sat with the kid in weird, homemade clothes unless there was no other choice. 
What kept him going was music. He had one earbud in as he walked down the halls. Choosing from playlists his mother used to listen to, Broadway soundtracks sung by people still performing on stage today, and to the thrill of his father, rock classics. If Burt Hummel had passed anything onto his son, it was his music tastes and the fantastical idea of soulmates. 
The image of a white knight coming to save him by serenade was one that haunted him before he fell asleep. A boy, which little eleven-year-old Kurt held close to his heart, picked out by the universe meant just for him. Even when he started to find the fantasy a little too cheesy, it kept Kurt going until he found the glee club.
No one could touch him or change him because there was someone out there who would love him exactly the way he was. 
The New Directions were a hot mess when they started, of course. The 5 of them weren’t winning any competitions when they first found themselves in the choir room but they were five misfits who finally had friends. People who understood the passion of music and an adult who shared that same passion and would hopefully guide them to their dream futures. 
Just months later, they became a mixture of a dozen sophomores and freshmen with a Sectionals win under their belt all ready to face the Dalton Academy Warblers in a few weeks. With Regionals looming over them, glee had become much messier than usual. With plenty of in-fighting about solos and song choices, the choir room was always a jumbled, loud mess. That is until Mr. Schue came up with the idea for a school musical. It was taking their minds off of Regionals for the time being.
Kurt was all too happy to be auditioning for a role instead of sitting in the back row wishing he had a shot at a solo. His voice was too unique for Ohio. But someday, he knew, it would get him to Broadway. He held that thought close to his heart while tuning out Rachel’s insistence bickering.  
Yesterday, Mr. Schue had decided their school musical was going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Kurt loved cult classics as much as the next person but he wasn’t sure how Mr. Schue had gotten this approved by Figgins. It seemed too risqué for high schoolers. 
He only hoped whoever his soulmate was enjoying the soundtrack he had stuck in his head this week. 
Kurt planned on auditioning for Riff Raff. Already putting mental outfits from his closet to wear. The wound of Mr. Schue assuming he’d play Frank N. Furter based solely on the fact that he was gay was still fresh but his audition was going to blow everyone away. 
He had chosen “Dammit Janet” for his audition despite it being a Brad and Janet duet. Quinn, who was hoping for Magenta, was going to be his partner. They had joked about the main roles already being off the table before auditions; it was clear Mr. Schue had chosen Finn and Rachel for the leads. It was hard to be upset when Quinn had instantly offered to do a joint audition with him. Their voices went so well together and Kurt liked spending time with her. 
Ever since Kurt and Mercedes had their stint as Cheerios, they had gotten closer. The three of them even had a weekend sleepover this past Saturday. Mercedes had dumped the Cheerios but Kurt stayed on and Quinn had just gotten back on the squad after her dismissal last year. Coach Sue had them sing during practice last week and Quinn was waiting for him after their showers with the suggestion of a double audition song. 
They had been having rehearsals in the auditorium during their shared free period and twice after glee club on days when it wasn’t already reserved. As the day came closer, Quinn offered her house to practice in since her parents were rarely home and so Finn wouldn’t become Rachel's spy. Though, Kurt assured her Finn was much too engrossed in video games to bother with their rehearsals. 
Since they increased their run-throughs, Kurt’s had one song in his head all morning. In case the lyrics weren’t already ingrained into his head, he had his own little concert in his head. Just after lunch, that changed. A mere 3 hours until his audition after school his soulmate’s music had taken root. As much as Kurt was willing to bow down to the queens of pop, what he wouldn’t give for 5 minutes of something other than Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream”. This bubble gum pop song had gone from ‘oh, that’s a good song to scream in the car’ to ‘if I hear it one more time, I’ll rip my ears off’ fairly quickly. 
It hadn’t helped that his brain went from one song on repeat to another. 
As he sits in geometry, he tries to hear Mr. Finnegan’s explanation of arcs but his brain has other plans. 
Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans. 
Kurt knows it’s just a song but the image is so clear in his head. 
Smooth, soft skin. Obviously, someone who used lotions regularly, Kurt expected nothing less from his soulmate. Neatly trimmed fingernails so they wouldn’t catch on Kurt’s pants when fingers trailed up to cup his knee. The grip would be teasingly light. He never let his fantasies get too far. Especially outside the privacy of his bedroom. In all honesty, even when he was alone in his bed at night envisioning the same kind of scenario, Kurt didn’t really know what came next. He wasn’t even sure what kissing really entailed. 
What if his soulmate is ready for...certain things...Kurt’s not even to verbalize yet. What if he’s imagining their first meeting very differently then Kurt, who’s hopeful they’ll have coffee or a meal together before they do anything besides maybe hand-holding. The touch of the fingertips is as sexy as it gets, unless you ask Katy Perry it seems. 
He spends the rest of math wondering what the boy with Katy Perry in his head must look like. Kurt wonders if his soulmate wears bright colors like his idol or maybe Katy is a secret shame that he’ll only share with Kurt. 
Blaine liked fitting in. He enjoyed the uniform for many reasons. One, he thought the blazer looked stylish. It was also nice knowing what you had to wear every day, one less thing to worry about people judging you for. Plenty of people at his old school picked on him for his bow ties but at Dalton, everyone had neckwear. The standard blue and red striped tie. He liked how neat it was; there was a certain way to wear said uniform. 
Everyone was the same here. No typical hierarchy of jocks and cheerleaders. Only the Warblers stood out simply because everyone knew them. 
How could you forget a group of boys singing acapella at all hours of the day?
 Blaine might joke that they’re teenage rockstars but really they are just a group of talented guys who liked to sing. 
The Warblers were the first real friends he ever had. 
When he was still attending public school he held tightly to the idea of his soulmate since it seemed hopeless to wish for friendship. Not when he was being harassed for a sexuality he wasn’t sure of yet and being pushed to the ground in the parking lot for it. 
But a soulmate was a guarantee. Everyone had one. By the time Blaine reached eighth grade, he knew. All of those middle school bullies had used words Blaine didn’t quite understand until that moment. 
He was surrounded in the parking lot after school having missed his bus because someone had stuck gum in his curls during last period. That was the day Blaine started to seriously consider investing in some gel. Maybe that would prevent some bullying. Anyway, he was surrounded, being literally kicked around by a group of soccer players and friends. 
Other students had gathered to watch the so-called fight but Blaine thought their chants would only grab the attention of a teacher or so he hoped. No one came quickly. He had enough injuries by the end for his mom to insist on a trip to the ER. A big black eye and sprained his wrist along with plenty of bruising on his limbs. 
But he honestly didn’t remember getting hurt beyond the initial pushing to the ground. When the bullying got bad like this he pulled out those daydreams. This time around it wasn’t this blurry image of hand holding, there was a boy. Blaine hadn’t seen his face but his voice was soft and comforting, inviting Blaine in. There was an outstretched hand just out of reach for Blaine to take. Blaine knew then. His soulmate was a boy. 
When everything was over and he was being released by the doctor, all he knew was there was some boy built perfectly for Blaine just waiting to be found. Waiting for him. 
He hadn’t even been upset by his injuries because he was sitting with these thoughts of ‘how do I come out to my parents?’ 
Instead of deciding that day, he kept those daydreams close to his heart for the next year and a half. Until the issue of high school came out and Blaine didn’t want to go back to public school. To his surprise, both of his parents took it well. They were more concerned for his safety than his sexuality. Together, they decided on Dalton. A private school with a zero tolerance policy for bullies. That was that. 
He still had his doubts at Dalton. Was he really good enough to be a lead soloist let alone go onto Broadway someday? Could he make it out of Ohio? In those moments, Blaine still came back to his soulmate. Someone, no matter what came, Blaine would have by his side. 
When he imagined his soulmate, Blaine could never truly figure out what he’d look like. All he saw was that outstretched hand. Usually, people could draw up a picture in their heads based on the music they heard. 
For Blaine, the genre of music didn’t help. His soulmate was clearly someone with mixed taste. 
Today’s selection was...a musical. Blaine wasn’t familiar with the characters Brad and Janet but he had looked it up at lunch. Some kind of cult classic people went to see in the weeks leading up to Halloween. It was October so it made sense for the soundtrack to be stuck in his soulmate’s head. Blaine wondered if he had gone to see it, wondered who he saw it with. 
The Warblers thought he was crazy. Imagining that his soulmate was off with some other person. It was rare to date seriously before meeting a soulmate but Blaine always told them the same story of his parents. Both of them had been in very serious relationships before they met. Hell, his mother had been engaged. Neither of them thought they’d meet their soulmate, which was also fairly rare but had happened.  
When they met, they didn’t drop everything to be together. The wedding was put on hold but his father hadn’t broken up with his girlfriend right away. His parents wanted to be together only if they agreed with the universe’s choice. 
Blaine knew his dad had been wary of his mother’s music taste. Pam had been deep into her metal phrase in her early twenties. His dad, Robert, was not a fan. He loved classical music. Forever dooming Pam to hum music without lyrics meanwhile Robert was cursed with “nonsense yelling” as he called it. Lucky, both of their music tastes had shifted over the years to have more overlap. Though, Blaine and Cooper had been subjected to dinners with a mixtape of Def Leppard and Bach. 
They got together in the end, which was the important part, but what if they hadn’t chosen each other? What if Blaine’s soulmate was deeply in love with someone else and he’d spend the rest of his days loveless and alone?
When he voiced these thoughts aloud, his friends usually told him what a downer he could be, which tended to shake those fears away. If his parents, different as they were, still fell in love it would happen to him too. It was just a matter of when. 
The next day at lunch, Mercedes was fretting over her soulmate. 
“What if he’s super young, Kurt?” 
“What makes you think that?” He asked, stabbing his salad. 
“He’s got The Backyardigans theme song in his head again,” she sighed. “He got to be like 7. I’m just not comfortable with that.” 
“It’s an age gap for sure,” Kurt agreed, but he’s fairly sure Sam Evans was singing that song after PE today, “or maybe he just has younger siblings. Don’t let your only-childness cloud your judgment.”
She hummed in agreement and pushed her tater tots around. 
It was sort of a hard way to figure out your soulmate unless they were obvious about what music they had playing in their heads.
Some people, like Mr. Schue, we’re pretty obvious. He had been singing in the auditorium when Ms. Pillsbury found him. It was a pretty clear-cut match. As far as Mercedes was concerned, Kurt is sure she’ll overhear Sam’s humming soon enough. 
He doesn’t want to spoil anything for his best friend nor does he want to be wrong. Soulmate meetings only come once in a lifetime. 
Well, the first soulmate meeting that is. 
There are plenty of people, like his dad, who lose a soulmate too soon and are gifted another one later in life. Kurt was so happy when he introduced Burt and Carole at parent-teacher conferences. They had just been listening to the Wicked soundtrack in the car ride over and Carole Hudson did not strike Kurt as the type of person who knew “I’m Not That Girl” by heart. 
“Are you nervous about auditions?” Mercedes asked. “The list goes up today after glee.” 
“Not at all like,” he shrugged, “I think Quinn and I did well.” 
“Oh no, Kurt, we crushed it,” Quinn said, sitting down with her lunch. 
He smiled at her. Quinn went on to compliment Mercedes on her audition, having heard part of it from outside the audition. She would’ve been inside with Kurt to watch but Coach Sue wanted to meet with her head Cheerio about their upcoming competition. From what Quinn had told them via text, Sue was going all out at practice today. 
“She doesn’t want us to be late,” Quinn said. “That list better be up right away.” 
“We should change before glee,” Kurt suggested. 
“Good idea.” 
Once Quinn had sat down the rest of the New Directions filed in. With interlocking pinkies, Santana and Brittany wandered over taking the last two seats available. 
“Cheerios practice is gonna be hell, hope you’re up for the challenge Hummel,” Santana said. 
He shot her a short glare. 
“Kurt always understands the assignment, Santana,” Quinn quipped back. 
Brittany nodded in agreement smiling at Kurt from across the table. She gave him a small wave half hidden by her lunch tray. In return, Kurt waved back just as shyly. 
They had an interesting friendship. Kurt had kissed Brittany before. He was sure it hadn’t phrased Brittany as it had him. After all, she had kissed almost every boy in school. Some kind of record, he thought. 
They sort of dated for like a week when Kurt was trying to convince himself he was straight. When he firmly realized he was kidding no one, not even himself, they broke up. Since then, he and Brittany had remained close. They were both Cheerios and in the glee club, it made sense. 
He was happy to have Brittany in his life, even if that meant Santana by extension came with her. Santana was fine outside of the public eye. If the Unholy Trinity incited Kurt to their sleepovers, Santana was a different person. She put up a front at McKinley, extremely similar to the one Kurt attempted when he dated Brittany. 
Few are privy to why she did this, Quinn and Kurt knew and he was fairly certain Mercedes did as well. She was very perceptive that way. Brittany was Santana’s soulmate. It explained so much about their relationship. Always in sync, completing each other perfectly, a literal better half.
Honestly, it gave Kurt so much hope that everyone’s soulmate was like that. A missing puzzle piece. 
He really hoped his soulmate listened to more than just Teenage Dream because the lyrics were slowly creeping into his everyday language. 
Usually, Kurt found himself hyper-focused in glee club. He got an energy boost just from walking into the choir room. Like a light switch turning on. His focus wasn’t always on whatever lecture Mr. Schue was pursuing, sometimes he watched his fellow glee clubbers (catching himself up on drama just by sideways glances), or mentally mapping out his next performance. 
Today, Kurt wasn’t able to do any of those things. With the soundtrack of Teenage Dream (again) in his head, all he was thinking about was the center of a bulletin board with the cast list for The Rocky Horror Show on it. How far down the list was Riff Raff? How many names came before his?
Someone was snapping in front of his face. Kurt shook himself from his daydream to find Mercedes.
“Boy, wake up!” She said, “cast list is about to go up.” 
Either glee club had gotten shorter or Mr. Schue was putting it up early. 
Blaine didn’t really understand why the Warblers were concerned. Doing an improv performance was not new to them. In fact, Blaine had done three already this school year and he was only a freshman. 
The first one he did had been way back in September, he hadn’t even been an official Warbler yet. Warbler Tradition said: all potential freshman recruits were required to perform again after their auditions with the whole group. It was a solid way to see if they fit in well with the other established Warblers. Blaine fondly remembers vibing along with the older Warblers and fellow potentials to a medley of Pink songs. None of the freshmen had solos but it was still a fun time. 
At the time it seemed like all of Dalton fit into the choir room and surrounding hallways but in reality it was the entire freshman class. Improv performances weren’t something any middle schooler had seen before but the upperclassmen of Dalton knew the Warblers had plenty of improvs to come for the rest of the school year. The first one was special. Just for the newbies. 
Three days after that performance, Blaine had gotten word that he was to be a new Warbler and two months after that he was granted his first solo. Now, he was slowly becoming their go-to soloist for almost every performance for an audience. Blaine had become a vital part of all rehearsals for the most part. He was honored by their commitment to him honestly and he loved to sing however, a week and half of preparations was a tad excessive. Still, he walked his way to rehearsal positive that the council would have at least five points to discuss before they actually started singing. 
He walked into the choir room shaking his shake fondly and smiling at the Warblers already present. 
The council were always first to arrive. Together. Then it was a mixed bag of who followed. Usually Trent was there, punctual as always, and Blaine took the seat between Trent and Jeff. 
The room was mostly full already. 
Nick came in shortly after Blaine and sat across from him immediately asking if there had been a pop quiz in Stanton’s class earlier and was rather relieved to find out Jeremy was a filthy liar, who liked to start trouble. Before Jeremy could get on Blaine’s case about being overly sincere, the meeting began. 
Wes banged his gavel and welcomed everyone before gesturing for David to read off last meeting’s notes. Once the talking portion of the meeting was over, they pushed the furniture aside to make room. 
A week later Kurt was happy to have one musical under his belt but thankful the performance run had been short. If you thought the New Directions were dramatic during competition weeks, it was nothing compared to their musical rehearsals. 
Now, Mr. Schue was having the brilliant idea to host a boys vs girls competition. Of course, Kurt hadn’t wanted to work with the boys. They were sure to exclude his musical talents and he doubted he could get them to agree to any of his costume suggestions. 
This was hardly a challenge. It was bland and they had done it already. 
Kurt was sitting in the back of the choir room pouting. Yes, pouting. Full on arms crossed, head down, and bottom lip puffed out. Until, Mr. Schue had an actual brilliant idea, Kurt’s suggestion of course, to spice things up. 
The boys did not appreciate Kurt’s six hours of work putting two posters together. Even with the assignment to bring more feminine qualities into their performance, the boys ignored his input. So, when Puckerman suggested Kurt spy on the Warblers, he was thankful for a reason to leave. He packed up his projects and headed home to change.
When Mr. Schue found out who their competition was, Rachel and Kurt did some googling. He had seen the all-boys school uniform and was fairly sure he could replicate it with clothes he already had. 
He pulled some looks from his closet. Once satisfied he looked up directions to Westerville. 
Dalton was huge. It looked like a museum. How on earth was Kurt going to find their choir room? He hoped there were signs inside or a map. 
As he walked down a spiral staircase much too pretty to be in a school, he decided to just ask for directions. He was going to get lost if he kept walking without help. 
When the boy he stopped turned around, all Kurt could think was ‘I’d love to put my hands all over you.’ Which was a ridiculous thought to have because he didn’t know this boy and where had that even come from? Oh right, Teenage Dream was still playing in his head. Thanks, Katy. 
If only his soulmate knew he was using this song to fantasize about running off into the sunset with another boy. 
Blaine loved being in the spotlight. Wes would say it was because he didn’t get that kind of attention from his parents but that simply wasn’t true. Well, unless Cooper was around; he always pulled focus when it came to their parents. Older sibling privilege, he assumed. 
But he was running late. He stayed behind in class to ask a question which turned into his teacher rambling. Didn’t he know the Warblers had a performance today in the senior commons and Blaine was their lead singer? 
He was checking the time when someone stopped him on the stairs. 
A beautiful boy. Unlike anyone Blaine had ever seen before. He almost missed his name because he was caught up in memorizing his face. 
There was something said about being new, which Blaine doubted since he wasn’t in uniform, and Blaine mentioned a shortcut he knew of. 
It wasn’t really a shortcut. More like the long way to the Senior Commons but less crowded. Everyone was making their way to the Warblers and Blaine wanted as much time alone with Kurt as he could get. 
He wanted Kurt’s full attention. It was no wonder he instantly wanted to show off. Teenage Dream fit his vocals perfectly and Kurt was an excellent audience. In fact, Blaine was set on serenading him. 
He had no way of knowing that exact song had been playing all day long in Kurt Hummel’s mind. 
Afterward, Blaine lost himself in a group hug from the Warblers but Kurt’s beaming smile caught his eye. He pulled Wes and David aside, confirming his own suspicions that Kurt was spying on them first before convincing them to invite Kurt for coffee. 
The four boys sat at a table. Kurt seemed very nervous now. Blaine wasn’t sure if it was because he had been caught or something else was going on. In the end, Blaine thought it best for just him and Kurt to have a conversation. Not at all because he wanted alone time with him. 
This clearly wasn’t the time or place for romance. 
Once they were alone the whole tale seemed to flow out of Kurt: the name calling, locker shoving, his biggest bully. Blaine could relate. 
Sometimes he felt phantom pains in his right leg from Sadie Hawkins. At first, Kurt scoffed when Blaine began sympathizing. If he were Kurt, he might not believe himself. 
Private schoolboy bullied? Blaine sure didn’t look like someone who lacked friends. It was fairly common knowledge that Dalton had a zero tolerance policy for harassment. So, he explained. As brief as he could about his own experience with public school bullies. 
Kurt and he seemed to have more in common than a love for music. 
He doesn't have any plans to see Kurt again though Blaine has plenty of ideas on how they could get together. Coffee at the Lima Bean. Old musicals were playing at the revival theater. Maybe another high school was putting on a play this weekend. All Blaine needed was a good enough message to ask Kurt out. He drafted plenty but none sent. 
After school, Blaine knew Kurt might need an extra push. He was pretty sure classes at McKinley were done for the day. 
He sent a single word. Less second-guessing that way. 
Then, he walked to the library to start writing an essay on Lord of the Flies for English. 
However, he found himself unable to concentrate. Usually after a performance, Blaine had the song stuck in his head for at least a day or two afterward. In addition to humming in the weeks of rehearsals, of course. Instead, Blaine found himself thinking about Start Me Up by the Rolling Stones and oddly Livin’ On a Prayer. Both songs he thought better suited his father or Cooper’s tastes. It was a mashup of the two songs like his soulmate was hearing them simultaneously. 
When he started thinking about his soulmate, there was a clear picture of someone. It didn’t take long for Blaine to bring up those blue eyes and the soft complexion of Kurt Hummel. Which was crazy thinking. He had no idea if Kurt was his soulmate. 
Soulmates tended to be around the same age but just because Kurt was also in high school meant nothing. By that logic anyone at Dalton could be his soulmate too. 
During his brief time with Kurt this week, Blaine heard no music from his mouth. In fact, Blaine had done all the singing. Even with half his brain saying he was nuts to think Kurt was his forever, Blaine couldn’t let the thought go. 
Blaine’s text comes in in the midst of the girls’ performance. A wonderful mashup and excellent costumes. Tina had texted Kurt about the leather jacket idea early this week. He was very proud of how they managed to pull the looks together in such a short time. It was impressive. 
Altogether, Kurt was feeling great. The boys had their rehearsal, apparently their performance was turning into an apology. Kurt wasn’t sure what they had done to Coach Beiste but apparently, she was quitting. He and Blaine were texting periodically now. No one knew it but Kurt was surely developing a huge crush on the Warbler boy. 
Then, he confronted Karofsky. He didn’t want to feel the same regret Blaine did—no one messes with the Hummels. 
It seemed like mere hours but in reality, it was days, Kurt was enrolled at Dalton and saying goodbye to the New Directions. 
He was full on having a Vanessa leaving Troy moment here. Kurt Hummel has got to go his own way. 
God was he nervous to start at a new school. In the middle of the school year too. Being the new kid was going to be hard but not as difficult as staying at McKinley would be. 
When Kurt was greeted by Blaine’s smile outside the office on his first day, it made Kurt relax. At least he already had a friend here. 
It isn’t until they’re walking down the hall together—Blaine insisted on escorting Kurt to his first class—that Kurt noticed Blaine was humming.
“Is that High School Musical?” Kurt asked. 
“Oh, um, technically it’s the sequel.” 
“What about us…” Blaine sang, “what about everything we’ve been through?” 
“What about trust…you know I’ve never wanted to hurt you?” 
Blaine chucked. “Cheesy but true. Such a good movie.” 
“We should watch it sometime,” Kurt suggested. 
Instantly, he wanted to take it back. He’s been told he can come on too strong. Especially around cute boys. 
“I’d love too!” Blaine said. “I have it on DVD.” 
Kurt doesn’t see Blaine again until their one shared class of the day right before lunch. He sits across the room from Blaine during history but next to him at the Warbler’s lunch table. 
Most of the group has the same lunch so Kurt is introduced to them before his audition later this afternoon. 
“Nervous?” Wes asked, “you shouldn’t be.” 
“Yeah, from what Blaine's told us you're a great singer,” Trent added. 
“He’s barely heard me sing,” Kurt replied, poking Blaine’s arm. 
He only sang one line of a song to the other boy today. 
“Well…” Blaine rubs his neck abashedly. “I might’ve watched some New Directions videos on YouTube.” 
“Oh, I forgot Rachel uploaded those.” Kurt tunes to the other Warblers then, “I hope I don’t disappoint.” 
After lunch, Blaine walks Kurt to class again. “Between you and me, you’re a shoo-in.” 
“Really?” The Warblers were such an esteemed group. Not at all like the disorganized New Directions. They had also been a glee club for far longer. 
Blaine has had High School Musical songs in his head all day. Whoever his soulmate is, at least he’s got good taste in Disney Channel original movies. Then as the Warblers were preparing for Kurt’s audition, the song switched. An Evita song. 
His soulmate sure did love musicals. Blaine was rather happy about that. He could already picture them sitting on the couch cuddled under a fluffy blanket with any number of classic musicals laid out before them. Arguing over if it was too soon to rewatch Moulin Rouge and whose turn it was to make popcorn. 
They’d be in a big city apartment. Somewhere where no one cared if they were gay. All anyone wanted to know was how they discovered they were soulmates. Their origin story. 
From that point, the daydream grew fuzzy. Blaine couldn’t come up with that meet-cute story. It hadn’t happened yet and nothing his brain could come up with would ever match up with his future reality. 
He shook his head, bringing himself back to the choir room. 
The room was buzzing with excitement. It wasn’t every day the Warblers auditioned someone mid-semester. Of course, Kurt had special circumstances but the group was notorious for never breaking tradition. 
Blaine tried to focus but it was difficult without Kurt at his side. Lately, he had been distracted whenever Kurt wasn’t around. All Blaine could hear, despite the loud room, was the song in his head. 
I had to let it happen
I had to change
Then, Kurt walked in and music started to play. For a split second, Blaine thought he was imagining the words from “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” coming from Kurt’s lips. Surely he hadn’t chosen the same song as Blaine’s soulmate had in their head. He knew it couldn’t be his imagination when Trent leaned over and whispered to Blaine how much he loved this song. 
Like lightning striking a tree, Blaine had a realization. Kurt Hummel was his soulmate. 
Oh god, what was he going to do? 
His skin was burning as if it was burned away like bark. He drooped in his seat desperate for water to put himself out with. To put a stop to the tingling sensation bubbling up under his skin. 
All he wanted to do was reach out and touch Kurt. Some part of his brain was able to override that thought. He couldn’t ruin this audition for him. There was plenty of time to spend with Kurt after this, Blaine had all the time in the world to talk with his soulmate.
Never did he think he would find his soulmate this soon. Gosh, they were only teenagers. They had so much life to live together. This was rare, special, to find your soulmate so quickly in life. Blaine would cherish it, he’d be thankful for this gift for rest of his days. 
But how in the hell was he going to tell Kurt? It had to be romantic. Blaine always thought it would be when he finally came face to face with his soulmate, his one true love. There was so much work to be done and so little time to do it. Now that Blaine knew, he didn’t want to spend another day without Kurt knowing too. 
He used to dream about running dramatically in slow motion towards each other and embracing just as it started to rain, which of course led to a fabulous first kiss in the sudden storm. But Blaine knew how unlikely that would be. 
He’d just have to build a new fantasy, which he thought would be easy to do if Kurt was his so-called Prince Charming. Whatever happened was going to outweigh everything his imagination had come up with thus far. 
First and foremost, he’d had to sit through a discussion of this audition, which he was barely able to pay attention to. All he wanted to do was walk up to Kurt, cup his face, and kiss him. After Kurt was finished, the council dismissed him. Blaine knew he’d find Kurt just outside the choir room because they had plans afterward but now he had no idea how he was going to sit through coffee with Kurt and not tell him. 
“He’s very good,” Trent said, nudging Blaine. 
He nodded in agreement. It seems most of the group concurred, Kurt was a good fit for them. 
Kurt Hummel was the perfect fit for Blaine too. Even if he didn’t know it yet. 
Kurt didn’t consider himself to be a good reader of social cues especially when his own emotions were involved. See, Finn Hudson and Sam Evans. Crushes on straight boys never ended well. With Blaine, he swore things would be different. 
They were friends, classmates, and hopefully, soon they’d be fellow Warblers. Kurt was not going to mess this up. Even if Blaine was really cute and friendly and super kind and understanding. There was so much to love about Blaine, Kurt found it hard to find something he didn’t like. 
He had found focusing on his dislikes of a person kept his feelings at bay. Like how messy Finn could be really shut down any romance fantasy Kurt had drawn up. Except, Blaine didn’t dye his hair like Sam, he was completely organized (Kurt had seen his dorm room; spotless), he was modest and genuine. 
It made sense that everyone at Dalton wanted some of his attention. Blaine embodied Kurt’s idea of a gentleman and then some. 
After his audition, Kurt sat outside the choir room waiting for his results. The council would discuss with the full group, release them, and regroup tomorrow with a vote. Kurt was waiting for Blaine to be dismissed because Blaine had promised to buy him a cup of coffee. 
Some of the Warblers who were leaving had some pretty nice things to say about Kurt’s performance. Just general praise which soothes some of his initial nerves. Mostly, he just wanted Blaine to walk out with a big smile on his face. That boy couldn’t keep a secret. Kurt would know if he was in or not just by looking at his face. 
Kurt was joined on his bench by a boy who introduced himself as Duncan. 
“I was super nervous after my audition. I just got in at the beginning of this year so I know what you’re going through.” 
Kurt felt his shoulders drop in relief. As much as Blaine tried to assure him the audition would be perfect, Kurt felt like he couldn’t relate much as the star of the glee club. Back at McKinley, Kurt rarely had center stage. Here, Blaine always had everyone’s attention. 
“That’s actually great to hear,” Kurt said, with a slight chuckle. 
“Seriously, Kurt, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I’m a little concerned they’ll kick me out just to have your voice,” Duncan teased. 
They keep talking about what it’s like to be a new Warbler since Duncan is positive Kurt will be getting good news shortly. He offers up some pointers to get on the council’s good side. 
“I loved your song choice by the way, so weird because Evita had been in my head all day.” 
It feels like someone’s dropped an ice cube down his back. He sits up quickly. 
Oh, Kurt thought, is this it? 
“You did?” He must’ve heard wrong. There’s just no way. 
“Yeah, I love that musical,” Duncan confirmed. 
Could it be this easy? He wondered. 
“We should hang out again soon,” Duncan told him, “I’d love to get to know you. Newbie Warblers gotta stick together.” 
Kurt gives Duncan his number before the other boy wanders off. Before Kurt can get too deep into any fantasies of his soulmate, wondering if that soulmate has just left him or not, Blaine comes out from the choir room. 
“Hey you,” Blaine greeted with a big smile. 
“Are you allowed to give me any inclination?” 
He shook his head but was still smiling wide which made Kurt feel like good news was in his near future like Duncan had said. Kurt was telling Blaine how long he had practiced the song over the weekend with Rachel and Duncan reassurances when Blaine blurted, “Duncan Samuels?” 
“Yeah, we just met.” 
Should he tell Blaine about them being soulmates or wait until he was sure? 
But Blaine just nodded. Something was clearly bothering his friend. For now, Kurt was going to let it go because he was sure Blaine would come to him if he wanted to talk. He didn’t want to force it out of Blaine. 
Kurt couldn’t even get Finn to talk to him during their warm milk chats at night. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to pull the information out of Blaine if he tried.
“Anyway,” Kurt said, continuing his previous line of thought, “Rachel has this whole stage setup in her dads’ basement.” 
“I don’t find that hard to believe based on everything you’ve told me about her.” 
After that comment, their coffee date is back on track, Kurt doesn’t bring up his potential soulmate meeting. 
Duncan Samuels was his lifelong nemesis. As far as Blaine was considered his life began when he figured out Kurt was his soulmate and if Duncan was going to interfere with that they were now enemies. Since their coffee date yesterday, Blaine hasn’t heard a word about Duncan but he also had yet to see Kurt today. They only had one class together after lunch, which Blaine was on his way to now. 
Kurt saved him a seat and delivered the news. 
“Duncan and I are going for coffee today.” 
Those words were devastating. 
In normal circumstances, Blaine would’ve asked Kurt why he wasn’t going to rehearsal but of course Kurt wasn’t a Warbler…yet. Blaine knew the Warblers were going to announce Kurt’s membership at the end of day, which meant this was the last rehearsal Kurt wouldn’t attend. 
So instead of a calmly said, normal statement, Blaine spent the next minute freaking out. 
Duncan was the worst! He was going to steal Kurt away from him before Blaine ever got the chance. Well okay, the rational side of him thought, Kurt isn’t being stolen he’s going willingly. 
“That’s nice,” he finally said. 
There was no way for Blaine to stop Kurt and honestly no reason to try since Duncan posed no threat to Kurt. He didn’t need a protector. Blaine knew they were soulmates and he’d find a way to tell Kurt later on. At the end of it all, Kurt was his soulmate. He just knew it. 
“Are you free when I get out of rehearsal?” 
“For you?” Kurt asked, “of course, I’ll probably still be in the cafe.” 
“I’ll come find you,” Blaine told him. 
Still, all throughout Warbler rehearsal, Blaine’s attention was elsewhere. He needed to get out of here and meet up with Kurt. Wes knew it too because he pulled him aside at one point while David ushered the guys into a new arrangement.
“What’s up with you?” He asked, “I need you focused for competition.” 
“I will be,” he vowed. 
“You didn’t answer my question.” 
Blaine looked back at the other boys but they were already harmonizing. 
“It’s Kurt.” 
Wes smiled. “Don’t worry about him. He’s in, I can’t believe we have a countertenor on our team now. We’re going to wipe the floor at regionals.” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Wesley. McKinley already knows what a talent Kurt is, he won’t be a surprise to them,” Blaine reminded him. 
“Ah, but they didn’t utilize his talent,” Wes said, “it’ll shock them to see Kurt in the spotlight.” 
Wes patted Blaine’s back and guided him back to the group to finish up rehearsal. 
Blaine couldn’t help but check his phone again before he tuned back into rehearsal. He knew Kurt was getting coffee and that’s why he wasn’t answering his phone. 
One of the best things about Kurt was when you were with him everything else was put aside. Blaine was sure if things got really serious, Kurt would shut his phone off entirely to prove a point. Right now, it was annoying as hell. Blaine needed to see a reassuring text that Kurt wasn’t running off into the sunset with Duncan Samuels. 
What if his phone was turned off because the two of them were standing at the altar? Everyone turns their phones off in church. 
He really really needed to talk to him. Blaine didn’t want to be the type of soulmate that holds onto that information too long. It’s like he’s lying to himself not being with Kurt. 
Once rehearsal was finally over, Blaine rushed over to the on-campus cafe where he knew Kurt would be. He had to be there. 
When Blaine pushed his way through the door, he saw Kurt was sitting alone nursing what looked to be a cup of tea. When Blaine approached him he could tell it was Chamomile. 
“Can I sit?” 
Kurt nodded but didn’t say a word as Blaine hung his bag across the back of the chair and removed his blazer. 
He expected a question about the Warblers, perhaps an inquiry about his status to become one but nothing came. Kurt wasn’t even drinking his tea. 
“What’s wrong? Did Duncan say something to upset you?”
“I’m fine, Blaine,” Kurt said, “Duncan didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me as usual.” 
Blaine didn’t understand. 
“Am I that unlovable?” 
Kurt was the most kind, sincere person he knew and Blaine had only met him a few weeks ago. He was most certainly lovable considering Blaine fell for him in just under 3 weeks 
“I can’t really blame him,” Kurt continued, “it’s not his fault we aren’t soulmates.” 
“You thought he was your soulmate?” 
Maybe telling Kurt wouldn’t be too difficult after all. 
“It’s just he made this comment yesterday that made me think…but of course I got too ahead of myself again and really I should know by now,” Kurt mumbled the last bit, “nothing ever goes to plan.” 
“You can say that again.” 
This cafe wasn’t a romantic candlelit dinner. He didn’t have rose petals to scatter around. There was no champagne to toast. But he had the most important thing. 
Blaine reached across the table to grab Kurt’s hand. “Think of a song.” 
“Just do it,” Blaine said. 
Kurt’s face was scrunched up in a “I’m confused but I’ll trust you” kind of way. 
As soon as the song hit him, Blaine opened his mouth to sing, “this could be the start of something new…it feels so right to be here with you.”
“How did you—?” 
Blaine smiled at him. “Pick another song.” 
“Your cares and troubles are gone. They'll be no more from now on.”
His mouth opens slightly. 
“Your turn,” Blaine said, “ I want you to sing what comes to mind.” 
Wasn’t the best way to prove they were soulmates to test each other? 
Blaine wanted Kurt to have his own moment of realization even if he engineered it. He didn’t want their “how-did-you-know” story to be him informing Kurt about their connection. Instead, he wanted to tell people about listening to Kurt’s Warbler audition and thinking how odd it was to know the song he was going to sing before it began. Kurt’s story would start with a laugh because he imagined someone other than Blaine as his soulmate the very same day. 
And wasn’t that just so silly of him? 
Rather than have Kurt just sing to him, Blaine harmonized with him. This was the proof. He’d sing everything Kurt could come up with and vice versa. 
“But baby, can't you see there's nothing else for me to do? I'm hopelessly devoted to you.”
“Blaine,” Kurt said. “We’re….”
He nodded. 
Before Blaine even realized it, Kurt was out of his seat leaning towards him, they’re kissing. Kurt’s fingers are curved around his chin and his other hand is tickling the curls at the back of his neck. The tiny wisps of hair that always escape the gel by the late afternoon. 
Blaine would happily keep his curls loose if it meant Kurt would keep his hands in his hair always. Especially, if it meant they’d never stop kissing. 
Eventually, Kurt has to pull away. They’re still close enough to feel each other’s breath. 
“Soulmates,” Blaine whispered. 
It had been quiet while they kissed like everything else in the world just stopped. All the sounds of Dalton came rushing back all at once. The students in the halls, coffee orders being called out, and the shuffling of chairs as people came and went. 
“When did you know?” Kurt asked, sitting down again. 
Blaine pulled his seat around so they were closer and Kurt immediately reached for his hand. 
3 months later. 
Blaine hadn’t been upset to lose to McKinley at Regionals. How could he have been when he got to sing with his soulmate in front of a crowd? Their duet was so in sync and the crowd could tell. He doesn’t think he ever received such a loud applause. 
Blaine had wanted to just be in that moment forever—staring into Kurt’s eyes hearing the words in his head just before they were said aloud, gripping his hand before pushing him into the spotlight to soak up the audience’s love. 
No, Blaine was happy about Regionals. The Warblers had worked hard on the set; their second place trophy sat on the right corner of the council’s table at meetings now. What Blaine was concerned about was Kurt’s leaving. 
His dorm room was empty now, the last suitcase zipped up. Blaine was sitting on his boyfriend’s mattress taking in the last moment that Kurt was a Dalton student. 
“I’ll miss you too, you know, a lot,” Kurt said from the doorway. 
“I know,” Blaine replied, “it’s just sad.” 
Kurt took a seat next to him on the bed. 
“I’ll sing to you.” 
Blaine smiled. “Promise?” 
“Everyday.” Kurt kissed his cheek. 
They were going to be okay. 
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karasimpno · 4 years
{Day 16} Till There Was You | Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
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Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Gn!Barista!Reader
Genre: coffee shop AU!! the MSBY jackals are in town and a certain wing spiker has his eye on YOU
WC: 1.8k
Warnings: none!:) fluff!
⍋⋆*❅。. 25 days of fic-mas mlist .。❅*⋆⍋
There was love all around but I never heard it singing. No I never heard it at all -  till there was you. —Till There Was You; The Music Man (music and lyrics by Meredith Wilson)
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“Hey, hey, hey!” the ace called out, walking up to the booth you were tucked into at the coffee shop where you worked.
“You’re late!” you teased him with a smirk as he came to stand by your table.
“You’re right,” he said, grinning wickedly, taking your hand and pulling you out of the booth. “I should have asked you out sooner.” He pulled you to your feet, all energy and eagerness, but stopped you short, his face inches from yours. You held your breath, captured in the moment. Bokuto, seemingly exercising all of his self-restraint, slowly leaned in and planted the softest kiss to the side of your cheekbone. The feeling of his lips on your skin shot a tingle through your cheek and you felt heat rise to your face. Slightly flustered, you pivoted.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed then, if it was so obvious I’d say yes!” you teased, resisting the urge to entwine fingers with the pro volleyball player who had come in to visit your coffee shop every day for the past week.
The MSBY Black Jackals were in town for a training camp and extended tournament—you had learned that on the second day an impressive group of four men came into the small, poorly-lit coffee shop. This week your boring barista job had been spiced up by the orders of a tall, masked man with thick, dark curls (a small black coffee); a much shorter man with tangerine-orange hair who was almost half the size of the first (large decaf iced green tea, one sugar); a sharp-looking, clearly athletic man with two-toned hair (medium americano); and the broad-shouldered, golden-eyed sweetheart in front of you. He was by the far the biggest talker of the group even at 6:30am—you caught his attention immediately; he had looked a little dumbstruck, locking eyes with you when he first entered the desolated coffee shop, then quickly shaking his head and zooming over to you at the register with an enthusiastic hi! His friends had trailed in groggily behind him and it wasn’t until they caught up with him that he realized he actually didn’t drink coffee, and that he was only here to be with his friends. Blushing, he had stepped to the side to let them order, leaning against the display case (which you had to clean later) and elbowing the fake blond when his order came across as snippy in his morning attitude. But his eyes never left your face the whole time. You had wondered if he knew he was being so obvious, but he was really cute so...you didn’t mind. Something about the way his hair stood up stock-straight made his bone structure pop and you caught yourself sneaking glances more than once.
You hadn’t talked much to the athletic strangers that first day, not expecting the same group to return the following morning.
“Welcome back!” you had greeted as they walked in, feeling unusually cheery despite the dour expressions of the two tallest gentlemen, clearly not morning people.
That was the day that Bokuto finally introduced himself. He struck up a conversation with you, telling you about what he and his teammates were doing in town and asking you a little about yourself.
That same afternoon, you were quietly delighted when he returned by himself to buy a deli sandwich, explaining that he was on a lunch break from the training camp being hosted in the gymnasium across the street. The coffee shop was dead as ever and his bright smile had lit up the place. With a charming near-bashfulness, the owlish athlete admitted that he had also swung by because secretly had wanted to see you again too. His earnestness was so alluringly wholesome.
The next morning, he had come in alone, informing you with a grin that he had offered to grab drinks for the rest of his friends.
“That’s awfully kind of you, seeing as you never order anything for yourself,” you had said, side-eyeing him with a playful smirk as you made the first drink. “I wonder what could have—”
“When do you get off work today?” he blurted, too eager for his own good. You cleared your throat, fighting back a smile.
“I get off at noon today—”
“Oh shoot, we’re still in practice then!” Bokuto’s face had turned on a dime, his eyebrows drawing together and a shadow crossing his features. You had to resist the urge to reach across the counter to console the customer you’d met only a few days prior.
“—but Friday I’m completely off...” you continued. Bokuto lit back up and beamed at you again.
“Oh! Friday we just have a morning game then we’re supposed to rest!” his golden irises almost seemed to sparkle. “Do you wanna...maybe walk around downtown together after the game? I saw there’s this really cool river walk past the stadium—maybe I can buy you coffee?” he asked, full of enthusiastic energy. “You’re just...so cool! And I wanna spend more time with you!”
Your answer was an easy one, and it made him smile all the bigger at you, which warmed your heart. He was really such a sweet guy, and you did enjoy talking to him. It was a whirlwind, but every morning when he came in to order the same three drinks, his bright smile made your day, and you found yourself smiling a little more too throughout your shift, the empty coffee shop not seeming so dismal anymore. The three days leading up to your day off only built your anticipation to spend more time with him.
You had thought about going to see his game on your day off, but you decided you didn’t want to see him in action because it might make you unnecessarily nervous for the date. And so you waited at the coffee shop as you had agreed.
But then he had to go and just about knock you off your feet with that sweet, surprising little kiss to your temple, and you were flustered and nervous and....
“I’m sure you pick up baristas in every city you go to, you jetsetter,” you teased in response.
“Oh...oh no, Y/n, you don’t think I’m being insincere, do you?” he asked anxiously. His genuine concern startled you.
“Oh! Oh no, no, not at all! Sorry, I was just teasing,” you assured him, nudging him with your elbow, and you could practically see the relief in his golden eyes. He was so sweet.
“No,” he continued. “I don’t really... I dunno, I find it hard to approach people sometimes,” he admitted as the two of you walked out of the coffee shop where you had met.
“You??” you asked, bewildered that someone so outgoing could struggle approaching anyone.
“Yeah, I mean no, like don’t get me wrong, most people—I love being around and they make me really happy, but....When it comes to people like you I just...” he trailed off, looking away as you shot him a sidelong glance, sinking onto a bench along the river walk. “What about you?” he asked, energetically taking the seat beside you, his focus razor-sharp as ever. “You don’t seem to have many people to talk to at the coffee shop—I mean, I’ve never seen anyone in there and you always work alone. But... I don’t know, don’t you wish you had more people to see?”
You considered the question for a moment.
“Honestly... I kind of hate my job. It’s just pouring coffee and mixing drinks and.... Usually I actually prefer it when no one comes in. That way I can at least do things I want to do, like read, or work on my book but...I—” you trailed off, gazing toward the churning river alongside the path.
“What?” Bokuto asked.
“No, it’s just I...” you pinched your lips together with your teeth, feeling the familiar heat rise to your face again. Your heart beat just a little bit faster knowing those golden irises were on your face. “I used to feel that way, dreading when customers would come in, but it’s like.... Ever since you’ve showed up I don’t really...I don’t mind so much. In fact I actually kind of like it?”
“Oh yeah?” the corner of his mouth quirked up and he puffed out his chest a little. “Is it because you’re looking forward to seeing me?” he asked, half-teasing and half-genuine. He boldly grabbed your hand, resting your joined hands on his thigh and idly playing with your fingers, his eyes still on your face. Your heart skipped a beat and you couldn’t hold back the smile on your face.
“I mean,” you smiled bigger, “that’s part of it, for sure, but.... It’s more than that. It’s like...I appreciate the time more. It’s like you make me look at things a different way. Like—like for example, when you were pointing out how well-painted the birds and flowers in the mural over the sugar stand were—I had hardly even looked at it before! I’ve worked here for over a year and I had never even noticed something so obvious. And beautiful. Or on Wednesday, when you came in during lunch, and you did that goofy dance to the song on the radio—you made me laugh and actually enjoy the dumb station they make us play for once.” Bokuto was still listening intently, his thumb grazing over your knuckles. “It’s like, you just make me see things a different way, because of how you see them.” His eyes lit up in a way you hadn’t seen before. “I know, I’m being corny—”
“No,” he interrupted, his expression intense. You searched his eyes and felt yourself relax again, happy to be with the dork who had pursued you all week.
“You just sort of change my outlook. And I really like that about you,” you admitted, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. You two shared a moment of comfortable silence. Bokuto couldn’t believe that he’d made someone as wonderful as you...happier. Just because of him.
“Will you come to my game tomorrow?” he asked.
“Oh, I uh—” you hadn’t thought about it. You had nothing against it, now that you two had officially spent time together outside of the coffee shop, you just hadn’t thought about it.
“I—I love spending time with you and I just...I wanna know if you being at a game might be like me being at your coffee shop. You make me wanna play my best for you!”
You smiled. How could you say no to that face?
So you didn’t.
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A/n: I was so worried about this one y’all!! It’s such a beautiful song for my beautiful baby boy. Give it a listen here! I was really inspired by the dialogue in the musical about the protagonist being someone who moves around a lot and instead of that being a shady thing, it’s an opportunity for wider perspectives! Anyway I just love Bokuto and would love to sing this with him....enjoy!!
taglist: @izagraceee @musicgetsmeoutofbed @azo-musxas @tsumurai @ghostlydiamond135 @animeboysimppp @starshaped-raindrops @harokat
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hobeymakar · 4 years
Something Better | N. MacKinnon
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Words: 2,608
A/N: Since I’m sad about the Avs losing Game 7, I figured the only way to not fall into a depressive state is to write something cute to turn the failed breaking of the 2nd round curse (it’s been almost 20 years) to something positive :) In this, COVID-19 is still going on and yes, the playoffs did go on as it did this year
Warnings: swearing and alcohol use
You wake up and feel a wave of nausea run through you. You run straight to the bathroom and manage to make it to the toilet before emptying the contents of your stomach out. After the nausea goes down, you brush your teeth and wash your face before heading to the kitchen to take your prenatals and make some breakfast. Yesterday, officially started your 10th week of pregnancy and you can’t believe how quickly your pregnancy is flying by. It seems like just yesterday you found out you were pregnant alone, while Nate was playing his exhibition game with the Avs in Edmonton.
You didn’t want Nate to find out about your unexpected pregnancy while in the bubble, so you tried to keep it as secretive as possible. The only people beside your family that knew were Mel and Gabe Landeskog and Erik Johnson, because EJ apparently finds out everything like he’s some FBI detective or whatever. Luckily, EJ and the Landeskogs can keep their mouths shut and vowed to not tell Nate. You wanted to tell him in person, not over FaceTime.
You finish your breakfast and clean up the kitchen, before heading back to the room to get dressed for the airport. You shower and wash your hair before changing into one of Nate’s old Halifax Mooseheads shirts, leggings, and Adidas sneakers. You need to buy some maternity clothing soon since you’re almost done with your first trimester and your bump is starting to actually show. You blowdry your hair and put on minimal makeup before grabbing your things and leaving the house. You get into the car and drive off towards the airport. 
After a while, you arrive at the airport and make your way towards the arrivals terminal and greet all the Avs WAGs. The ones who are moms can tell right away that you’re pregnant but vow not to say anything to anyone, until you’re ready. After what feels like forever, but it’s only half an hour, you see the players starting to come out. The second you see Nate you run straight into his arms, throwing caution to the wind. It’s the longest you’ve been without your husband since you two started dating in 2014.
“Y/N!” he smiles, holding you in his arms tightly.
“I missed you so much, baby!” you cry out, a couple tears of joy starting to slip from your eyes.
“I missed you even more, baby!” he replies, kissing your forehead.
You stay in each other’s arms for a few more moments before he gently places you back on the ground again. He takes your hand in his and you guys leave the terminal together and head back to the car. You both get into the car and finally take off your masks.
“How was the flight?” you ask, as you start the car.
“Long and depressing, but I’m glad I get to come home to you again,” he smiles, kissing your hand.
You put the car into drive and leave the airport, while he puts on WHATS POPPIN (Remix) by Jack Harlow, Tory Lanez, DaBaby, and Lil Wayne. You know Nate is back when only rap music is being played in the car again. After a while, you make it back to the house and Nate goes straight to the room to unpack, while you take the time to go to your office and call Mel.
Mel answers on the third ring and you can hear Linnea crying in the background.
“Hey Mel is this a bad time?” you ask, not wanting to take her away from her motherly duties.
“No, not at all. Linnea’s just cranky because Gabe accidentally dropped his gear and woke her up from her nap,” she explains.
“God, he better get her back to sleep then,” you reply, shaking your head.
“Oh he is! He’s in the nursery right now, trying to get her to go back to sleep,” she explains.
“Good! Serves him right for ruining her nap schedule,” you tease. “Anyway, are we still on for Nate’s belated birthday party surprise?”
“Yes, we are! I’ve been in contact with the other girls and the guys and we should all be there for 6. So, you should tell him you’re taking him out for dinner and then when you come back from dinner, everything will be set up! He won’t suspect anything,” she explains.
“Alright, awesome. Thanks Mel,” you smile, glad your surprise party for Nate is gonna go off as planned.
What you don't know is that Nate is outside your door and heard you mention the birthday party surprise. He leaves the hallway quickly so that you don't know that he was listening to you talk with Mel. You get off the phone with Mel and exit the room, glad to see that Nate is nowhere near your office. You find him in the living room, getting his laptop set up.
"Hey babe, are you hungry?" you ask.
"No, I ate on the flight. I'm gonna zoom with my parents and sister if you wanna come join," he offers.
"Of course!" you smile.
You love talking with the MacKinnon family. They all love you and are so glad that you turned Nate into a man. Nate starts the zoom call and you're instantly greeted with the faces of Graham, Kathy, and Sarah. 
"Hi, Y/N! How are you?" Kathy greets, a giant smile on her face.
"I'm great, Mrs. MacKinnon, now that your son is back home. How are you?" you ask.
"Y/N darling, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Kathy? We're family now, sweetheart. I'm doing well. I'm so happy to see you again," she replies.
"It must really suck to have my brother back home, eh?" Sarah teases.
"I won't get peace and quiet anymore, that's for sure," you tease back, causing Nate to groan beside you.
"I don't appreciate this spousal abuse!" he whines.
"This is why you're my favorite sister-in-law, Y/N!" Sarah giggles, having way too much.
"She's your only sister-in-law, Sarah!" Graham informs her.
"I know that, Dad! She's still my favorite!" Sarah shushes him.
Yeah, you definitely love the MacKinnons. You all catch up on what's going on with the MacKinnons informing you and Nate on what's going on back in Cole Harbour. You also inform them what's going on in Denver without of course telling them about your pregnancy. Although with the looks Kathy is giving you, she must already suspect it. Moms tend to have a pregnancy radar like that. After a while, the MacKinnons have to go and the Zoom call ends.
You and Nate take advantage of a lil nap time, since the pregnancy makes you take naps more frequently.
"Babe, get ready. I'm taking you out to dinner," you inform him.
"Why can't we just have dinner here?" he pleads.
"Because we haven't had a date night since the pandemic happened and I want to go out," you explain.
"Whatever m'lady wants, m'lady gets," he teases in a stupid accent.
"You're insufferable," you groan, shaking your head in disbelief.
You two get ready to go to dinner and you had already set up a reservation at a nice steakhouse for 6pm. You arrive at the steakhouse downtown at 5:40pm and valet park it. You make your way inside and wait for your table to be ready, before being escorted by the hostess to your table. You both sit down at the table and look at the menus.
"Hi my name is Alex and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you both started with some drinks?" the waiter asks.
"Can we get a bottle of your best red sauvignon, please?" Nate asks.
"And I'll just have this water," you add.
"No problem," Alex smiles.
He pours you a glass of water from the water pitcher as Nate gives you a look of confusion. Alex then leaves to get the bottle of wine.
"You're not gonna have any wine?" he asks.
"No, not tonight, babe. Not really in the mood for it," you lie.
"Okay," he replies, not totally buying the lie.
Alex comes back with the bottle of wine and you both place your orders. You check your phone and see that Mel texted you saying that everyone is at the house setting up for the surprise party. You two pass the time talking and Nate brings up heading back to the offseason house in Cole Harbour and you tell him you're unsure if you wanna go back since it's basically the end of summer anyway and the offseason is so short this year.
"So you wanna stay in Denver then?" he asks.
"I just don't know if it'll be worth it to only be there a month or two," you reply, when in reality you wanna stay here for your entire pregnancy.
Your food eventually arrives and the both of you dig in. You quickly realize how much you miss date nights with Nate and how much you just missed being with Nate in general. Dealing with the majority of your first trimester alone was definitely challenging and something you thought you would never have to deal with. 
After a while, you finish eating and the waiters bring a piece of cake for Nate and start singing happy birthday, while you record it on your phone.
"Happy belated birthday, baby!" you cheer, after the waiters finish singing.
Nate blows out the candle and everyone claps. The waiters all walk away and Nate throws you a look.
"Really?" he asks in annoyance, shaking his head.
"Stop being a baby! You really thought I wasn't gonna make up for missing your birthday?" you ask.
He starts eating his cake, anyway and you eat half of it. You finish eating the cake and you pay the check, much to Nate's dismay.
"Babe, I can pay for things too. I run my own million dollar business," you glare at him.
"Sorry," he replies, raising his hands up in defense.
You leave the restaurant and check your phone, seeing that Mel texted you that the house is all set up and everyone is there.
You decide to drive, much to Nate's dismay, but you sternly remind him that he had a whole bottle of wine. You arrive at the house and park in the driveway. You walk up to the front door and go in first, seeing the house completely dark. Nate follows in and turns on the lights.
Everyone shouts surprise and Nate acts like he didn't know about it ahead of time. Gabe cues the music and everyone goes up to him and wishes him a happy birthday.
"Thank you baby," he smiles, kissing you.
"You're welcome," you smile back.
All the kids are running around and the girls and guys are chatting about offseason plans. After a while, Mel brings out a cake and everyone starts singing happy birthday. After singing, they take pictures of Nate with the cake, before pictures of different groups with Nate and the cake. After all the pictures are taken, Mel cuts the cake and serves a piece to everyone, even some of the kids. After the entire cake is cut and everyone has finished eating their pieces, you go to your office and take out a bag with Nate’s gifts in it, nervous to see what his reaction will be. You bring it out of the office and bring out to the open area where everybody is. Mel notices this and cues for everyone to be quiet and shuts the music down.
“What’s going on?” Nate asks in confusion, not understanding what’s going on.
“I got some special birthday gifts for you, but you need to close your eyes when you pull them out!” you smile, handing him the gift bag.
Nate shoots you a look of hesitation before opening the bag and taking out the paper. He pulls out the first item and hands it to you, before taking out a 2nd and 3rd item and handing them both to you. You arrange them nicely, so that he can see them clearly when he opens his eyes.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now,” you inform him, biting your lip nervously.
He opens his eyes and is immediately hit with a baby Avs jersey with his number on it that says Daddy in the back, as well as little Avs booties and your first ultrasound photo. His brows furrow in confusion at first before he puts two and two together and his mouth drops at the sudden realization that you’re pregnant.
“You’re pregnant? I’m gonna be a dad?” he asks hopefully.
“Yes, babe! I’m 10 weeks pregnant and I’m due in early April!” you smile, placing a hand down on your little bump.
“I love you so much!” he cries out, before kissing you and lifting you into his arms.
Everyone cheers and yells out their congratulations, with the WAGs already talking about planning the gender reveal party and the baby shower. Nate doesn’t keep his hands off your bump for the rest of the night and doesn’t shut up about how he can’t wait to meet the baby. The team, because they’re all competitive gambling bastards, place a wager on whether or not it’s a boy or girl, and secretly you want a mini Nate running around, even though you know he would be an amazing girl dad.
After a while, it gets late and everyone cleans up before heading home. Once everyone is gone, you guys shower and get ready for bed.
“When’s the next appointment, babe?” he asks you, as you crawl into bed to cuddle him.
“In two weeks for the first trimester screen. You’re gonna be able to hear our baby’s heartbeat for the first time,” you inform him.
“I can’t believe you were going through this all alone,” he sighs, feeling guilty that he was playing in the Edmonton bubble.
“I had Mel here with me and she was pretty awesome helping me out after every freakout and breakdown I had since finding out I’m pregnant,” you assure him.
“How long have you known?” he asks, the “without telling me” implied.
“I found out 5 days after you left. I had missed my period and was feeling like shit, so I bought a few tests and they all came out positive. So I freaked out and figured I’d wait til I saw you again in person to tell you,” you explain.
“I hate that I wasn’t here for you these last 6 weeks, but I’ll be by your side for the rest of this pregnancy, baby,” he assures you, kissing your forehead. “When do we get to find out the gender?”
“In 10 weeks during the mid-pregnancy ultrasound. It’s a 3D ultrasound that will show us every detail of the baby,” you explain to him, in between yawns.
He crawls down under the sheets and brings his face up to your little bump.
“Hey little one, I know you don’t know me yet, but I’m your daddy! I can’t wait to meet you little guy or girl! Your mommy and I make me so happy. I know I haven’t been here because I was busy trying to win the Stanley Cup, but I’m glad I didn’t. You’re already a million times better than winning the Cup,” he explains, leaving kisses on your bump.
You quickly wipe the tears from your eyes so he doesn’t see how emotional that made you. He’s right however. Finally starting a family is way better than winning the Stanley Cup. 
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generallybarzy · 4 years
our song
5 times you heard “your song” + 1 time he played it for you
summary: There's a song you hear every now and then- a song that makes you think of love, of the love of your life- and you swear this song always seems to come on at just the right time. Lightly based on this song (here’s an acoustic version). Yes, I turned this into a 5+1 because I couldn’t decide on an ending.  @downdonnie​​ because you were super excited to read this and @thirteenisles​​ and @lovebarzy​ thank you for helping me!!!! ♥️ word count: ~5.7k  :)
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You couldn’t believe he could do this to you.
Here you were, an hour into what should have been your 2-month anniversary date, sitting at a table in a restaurant all alone in your prettiest dress with an almost empty glass of wine, and the mother fucker hasn’t even shown up yet. You couldn’t believe you went all out with your outfit and makeup and hair, just to be stood up. You probably should have seen it from the beginning. He seemed nice, he was fun to be around, but when did he really put in an effort to be with you? When did he ever choose you over hanging out with his friends?
“Ma’am?” A waitress approached, looking sympathetic, and speaking to you softly. “If you don’t order soon, we’re going to need this table for other patrons.”
You tried to compose yourself, wiping the tears from your eyes and realizing that you were sitting all alone in the middle of a crowded restaurant of couples, nursing a glass of wine, and looking miserable. You could feel their eyes on you- couples eating, couples dancing, even the people at the bar. This was humiliating. “Sorry. I know, I’ll go now.” You were in the middle of standing up and grabbing your purse, trying to cover up your sadness, when another voice sounded from behind the waitress.
“Sorry I’m late, baby.” 
Looking up, you met eyes with a handsome brunette in a dark blue jacket. He smiled nervously, revealing a pretty, gleaming white smile, as he sat down in the seat across the table with a pleading look in his eyes, asking you silently to play along. No matter how handsome this man was, there was just one thing wrong.
He was a stranger. This guy wasn’t your boyfriend.
The waitress left, giving you two some time to look over the menu, and you raised an eyebrow at the man now sitting in front of you. “Umm, hi?”
“I hope you don’t mind.” He shrugged, looking hopeful. “I saw you sitting alone. I know how it feels to be stood up, it’s embarrassing. Rather have people think I’m the dick boyfriend who was late than have them looking at you with pity, right? Want some company?” 
“I mean...” You were tempted. Your boyfriend- now ex, you suppose- was an hour late, you were really hungry, and this guy did seem good-intentioned. And good looking. “I guess I can’t let the reservation go to waste. I’m (y/n).” He smiled again.
“Mat.” It suited him. “Guess we should order some food then.” 
Turns out he wasn’t just good-looking. He was charming, funny, cool, and a hell of a lot better than your ex. He genuinely listened to you when you talked, he smiled and laughed and commented here and there. He didn’t try to flirt with you, but he was effortlessly charming nonetheless. You couldn’t think of a single conversation with your ex that had gone this well. Maybe it was just hopeful thinking, but you wished that this was really the man you were going out with.
“You said earlier you know how it feels to stood up?” He nodded across the table. “No way.”
“Yep.” He popped the ‘p’, taking a final sip of wine. “It sucks.” 
““Who would stand you up? You’re so…” Could you tell him he was practically the perfect man? Would that be too weird? You just met, after all. “You’re like this.”
“Yeah?” He smirked. “Like what?”
You swallowed your words and shrugged at him with a smile- he already understood what you meant. “This was a good night, Mat.” You were standing up and struggling to face the inevitable end to your amazing night when you heard a feel-good song come on from the dance floor. It was a favorite of yours, romantic but bouncy and upbeat. “Wait, I love this song!” 
“Oh, really? Wanna dance then? The floor’s right there.” Normally you didn’t dance, but there was something about the way he was smiling at you, and the way his hand was in yours, warm and big, his thumb rubbing circles on it, that gave you more confidence than normal.
“Let’s do it.”
So you danced with him, smiley and giggly, and singing along to the lyrics that he was only now learning. His hand was on your waist, both gentle and heavy as you swayed your hips and jumped into the dancing group of people. You hugged him and spun in circles with him, feeling much happier than you’d ever felt in your last relationship, or in any relationship you could think of. “This is a great song!” Mat confessed halfway through. You laced your fingers in his and lifted his arm to spin yourself into his chest, singing the lyrics up at him with soft eyes.
It may have been flirty, but you really, really liked Mat.
“Does this count as our first date?” You asked, cheeks red and heart racing when it was over, walking hand in hand to the door.
Mat hummed, pleased with the outcome of the night, and please with the girl at his side. “The first of many, hopefully.”
Mat was amazing, you learned that the first night you met him, but it was only reinforced after officially starting to date him. Each date with him was only further proof that he might possibly be the best boyfriend in existence. It had only been two weeks now and nothing had happened beyond hugs and hand-holding, but you learned he was a hockey player and jokingly asked for skating lessons, he was over the moon.
And that’s what led you to tonight. 
“You excited?” Mat was smiling like a little kid, practically bouncing on his feet. 
“To fall on my ass? Yeah, sure.” 
He arched his head back and laughed. “I won’t let you fall. Trust me.” 
“I’m gonna hold you to that.” He helped you out onto the ice, already laughing a bit at how you stumbled in your skates. You gripped the wall and refused to move from it as Mat easily looped around in a few circles in front of you. “I am excited, though. This is something you do all the time. I like seeing you in your zone. You’re great at this.”
“Um, excuse you,” he laughed, sliding to the wall next to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. “I was pretty great at mini-golf the other day, too.” 
“Mat, don’t forget I was the winner of that game.”
“Only ‘cause I went easy on you.” You both laughed at that, knowing it wasn’t true. “Alright, fine. But when we play a 1-on-1 hockey game I won’t go easy on you.” 
“Woah, woah. Slow down, maybe I should know how to skate first.”
“We can do that.” He pulled you away from the wall and took your hands in his. “Follow me, I’ll help.” He skated backward, keeping his eyes on you as you struggled to find your balance. The first few minutes were almost humiliating, you had a vice grip on his arms the whole time, but he was patient with you. Eventually, you loosened up, starting to understand the right way to move your feet, and Mat smiled. “Look at you! You’re skating!” You laughed at his enthusiasm and sang along with him to the music playing softly overhead, feeling happy and safe in his hands. In the middle of your burst of confidence, he let go of your hands to see how you would fare on your own, and at his movement, you stumbled and lost your footing. 
“Mat, don’t just let go of me like that!”
“Sorry, babe.” His arm found it’s place fitted perfectly around your waist, and he pulled you against him with a smile. “You think you can do a little bit on your own?”
You really weren’t sure you could, but the confident look in his pretty hazel eyes when he gazed down at you was making you feel brave. “I can try.” 
“Alright.” He let go of you and skated across the width of the ice with ease. It was always amazing seeing how easily and elegantly he skated as if it was second nature by now. “Try to come over here.” You made your way slowly and steadily, cursing Mat for not letting you use the wall for support. Your eyes were focused on your skates, on the way you were moving, and you only looked up when you heard Mat’s voice. “You’re doing great, (y/n)!”
“You think so? I’m kinda slow.”
“You’re still good for the first time. Take your time.” 
You were about to respond to him as you crossed the center of the ice, but you felt yourself loose control of your footing and immediately panicked, arms flailing out to the side. “Shit!” Mat was quick to come to your rescue, but he wasn’t quick enough and arrived next to you the moment your hands and knees hit the ice, already reaching down to help you up. “Shit. You okay, baby?” He helped you to your feet, steadying you and holding you against him safely. 
“Ouch.” You brushed the ice off of your knees and curled your arms around his waist. “I’m okay. Not so great at skating yet.”
“You sure you’re okay?” You nodded and laughed at his worry. “Next time we come out, I’ll have to put you in some safety gear. Don’t want you to get hurt.” You felt warm and safe in his embrace, gazing up into his eyes when the song changed overhead. 
“Oh my god, Mat! Listen, it’s that song!” 
His eyebrows raised as he listened, a small smile curling onto his lips as he realized what it was. “Oh, the song we danced to on our first date?” 
“You know,” she swayed side to side on the ice with her arms around his sides. “Every time I hear this song, it makes me think of you. It makes me happy.” Mat was silent after your confession, a different smile on his face, a new smile. One that was hesitant and nervous.
And then, for the first time, he was kissing you. Right in the center of the ice, his arms wrapped around the small of your back and tucking you securely against him, he was dipping down with pink cheeks to kiss you- soft and gentle and waiting for your move.
And you kissed him back.
Simple dates turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and the longer your relationship with Mathew lasted, the more you loved him. He easily invited you into his life, although understandably a bit hesitant because of his hockey career. He was quick to invite you to games, and it wasn’t long before he proudly brought you to team events and even to personal hangouts with his friends and their own wives and girlfriends. 
It all seemed to be going so fast, but you weren’t scared like the other times your past relationships had moved fast. No, you were excited. And you couldn’t be happier with how everything was playing out. You were planning on flying out to Vancouver with him to meet his family during the offseason, and he was coming home with you to meet your family. Most exciting, though, was that you had given your landlord the 3-month notice that you were going to be moving out, and you were planning on moving into Mat’s apartment. 
It all felt unreal. 
You were coming up on ten months with him, which you never would have thought would happen considering the circumstances of your first date, when your birthday rolled around. And of course, as he always loved to spoil you, he wanted to give you everything you wanted for your special day.   
After a day of fun out in the city with Mat, he surprised you with the final gift of the day. As much as he loved when you came with him to hang with his friends, he knew he needed to step up and meet all yours as well, and he knew you missed being with them all the time. So, he had invited all your personal friends out to an upscale bar in the city, telling you all to dress nice and get all pretty. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” 
“You say that every night.” 
“It’s true every night.” He had an arm tight around your waist as he held the door open for you. You were glad the restaurant wasn’t too uptight and classy, it had dim lighting and music overhead, a bar, and even a dance floor in the back, and you were sure you’d never be able to afford to eat here if it weren’t for Mat. With his hand on the small of your back, he led you to your booth where all your friends cheered as they saw you. 
“Girl, you gotta kiss your man for me! This place is amazing!” One of your friends says.
“You’ve got the best boyfriend!” 
“I know.” 
The night dragged on in a blur of cheers and eating and drinking, at the rate you were going, you weren’t sure you’d even be able to remember tomorrow, but there were enough videos on your friends Instagram stories that would remind you. Late in the night, Mat kissed your forehead. “I’m gonna go order us some more drinks, okay?” But it didn't seem like you really heard.
Mat was happy you were enjoying the night with your friends, but, as much as he hated admitting it, he was a little selfish, and wanted some time alone with you. He knew just what would get your attention. So, on a mission, he made his way through the atmosphere, through the crowd of dancing people, and all the way up to the DJ. 
"Do you take requests?" Before he could say no, Mat slid some money from his pocket. “It’s my baby’s birthday, and all her friends are here, they’re all dressed up… I want to play our song. Please?”
The man smiled and shook his head at the hopeless romantic in front of him. “Alright, man, give me a minute.”
By the time he got back to your table, the song had started, the first few chords playing overhead and pulling you out of the trance your friends had you in. He watched with a smile on his face as you glanced up in thought, and his heart swelled when he realized that, just like every time you heard this song, you were thinking of him.
“Can I steal the birthday girl away?” You glanced up to where he stood a few feet away and smiled. You smiled because this song always came on at just the right time; because it always made you feel a certain way; and because this song was your little secret. None of your friends understood why the two of you suddenly stopped and found each other’s eyes.
“Anytime, Maty.” You followed him to the dance floor, lacing your fingers together behind his neck and tugging him down into you for a kiss.  “I love you.” 
“I love you.”
Your hands intertwined, your bodies swayed to the beat close together under the colorful lights of the dancefloor. He sang along to the lyrics with you- he had heard it so often now that he knew them by heart- and twirled you around and dipped you low, making you laugh and squeal before dipping your hands under his dark bomber jacket and around his waist. 
“You know, Mat, if you wanted my attention this bad, you could have just asked.” 
“Maybe,” He smiled and kissed your hairline “But this is a lot more romantic.”
Everyone has bad days, and Mat wasn’t going to try and tell you you weren’t allowed to feel under the weather, but he hated seeing you so upset, and it was your vacation, and he didn’t want you feeling so down over something so small. It was warm, sunny, and summery out, just having hit the best part of summer. On top of that, you looked beautiful, he told you repeatedly this morning, begging you to come out into the ocean-side town with him for a walk to the beach. 
Usually, you loved the summer. But you were tired after your long flight, your feet hurt from walking around town for so long, you had gotten lost multiple times already, and now you had to pee. But Mat was too busy trying to get to a certain small restaurant without asking any of the locals for directions, and it didn’t help that the map of town didn’t make any fucking sense. “Mat, I just wanna go home.” 
“Really? But it’s so nice out?”
“I don’t think so.” 
“Don’t you want to eat first? I promise this restaurant will be worth it.” 
“I doubt it.” You felt bad about how whiny you were being. Mat always just radiated sunshine and cheerfulness, and he didn’t deserve all the bitterness you were giving off. You were bringing him down, and you felt bad, but it was all coming without your control. 
“Alright, baby. Sorry.” He reached down to hold your hand, but you didn’t wrap your fingers through his like you usually do, so he stopped. It made his heart hurt, how bad your day was going. “Okay.” He took the town map from your hands and nudged you over to a small building. “Alright, go to the bathroom first. Then we’ll head back to the hotel.”
Mat felt bad, bad you were having such a shitty day, and guilty that he didn’t try to help, and might have even made it worse. He knew you weren’t intentionally trying to ruin his day, he couldn’t blame you for it. Maybe he shouldn’t have tried to push you to come out in the first place. It was his fault the two of you had gotten lost so much, anyway. 
Maybe he was being a shitty boyfriend today.
He was leaning against the wall of a building, waiting for you to come out and stewing over his thoughts when he heard pretty guitar music float through the air. 
And then he had an idea.
If there was anything that was going to make your day better, even a little bit, this was gonna be it. He made his way over to the street musician, hoping that this would work out for him. “Excuse me?” he caught their attention, halting the music. “Could you help me make my girl’s day better?” He slipped out a few bills and bent down to add them to his jar. At the man’s quick acceptance, he smiled. “Thanks. So there’s this song…”
He was lucky and thankful that this man was more than willing to help, and even more lucky that he already knew how to play this song on guitar. And when he played the first few chords to prove it, Mat let out a sigh of disbelief. “Wow. Oh my god, thank you so, so much.” He was proud of himself, he couldn’t believe he actually pulled this together for you.
He saw you come back out of the bathroom, looking just as tired and stressed as earlier and signaled to the guitar player. “Hey, baby.” 
“Can we go home now?”
“Not quite.” before you even had time to groan some more, he put his hands on your shoulders and focused your attention on the music. “Listen. Recognize it?”
And recognize it you did. The first song you ever danced with him to, the song that played when you first kissed him, the song that continuously reminded you of him. That reminded you of the man that loved you endlessly, even when you complained and whined through what should have been a perfect day. How could you not recognize it? How could you not smile at it? “It’s our song, Mat.”
“Yeah, it is.” 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, finally falling against him and showing him some love and affection for the first time all day, and Mat let out a sigh of relief at the contact. He melted into your touch, holding you and swaying side to side to the soft strums of the guitar, ignoring the gazes of the strangers around you adoring “this lovely young couple”.
“I’m sorry I was such a bitch today.” 
“No, you weren’t. I’m sorry for dragging you out here when you didn’t want to come.” 
“It’s okay.” 
He smiled, so happy to finally have you back in his arms at the end of a bad day. “I’ll make it up to you tonight, yeah? Pour out some wine, have a bubble bath, cuddles, the whole nine yards. Anything to make you feel better.” He leaned down to press his lips to your cheek. “Love you.”
“Love you, Mat.”
Maybe it was too soon. Maybe he was being too hopeful. Maybe you didn’t feel the same way. Maybe this wasn’t the right time. He couldn’t stop overthinking. Was this enough for you? Or would you want more? 
His fingers flipped the little box in his hands open, closed, open, closed.
Yeah. This is what I want. This is what she wants.
He had changed outfits three times now- he couldn’t decide between casual or dressed up, but seeing as when he was planning on doing, he threw on the same suit he’d been wearing when you met. You had gone out with some friends earlier in the day while he was at practice, and now he was waiting, waiting in agony for you to get back. He had turned out the lights and scattered fairy lights all over the living room, and had the music ready to play with the press of a button. Everything was perfect.
He tossed his head back onto the back of the couch, dragging a hand through his hair. He already had everything set up, he couldn’t take it all down now. This was it. He was doing it.
It was so silent that he could hear your footsteps coming down the hall outside your shared apartment, and he snapped the box shut, jumped to his feet, and stood in the middle of the room so he would be the first thing you saw when you opened the door. He caught one final glimpse of himself in the mirror by the door and ran a hand through his hair again, fluffing it up some, trying to shake off his nerves as he heard the doorknob turn.
“Hey, babe.” 
“Mat…” You stopped, frozen in the doorway, and glanced around at your transformed apartment. The only light in the apartment was the soft glow of candles that were lining the room. Mat, in the blue suit you loved so much, was standing in the middle of the room, a single rose in his hand, and a pile of pillows behind him. “Holy shit, what is this?”
“Do you like it?” 
“Do I like-? Oh my god, Mat, I love this. But why?” 
“I don’t know. I’ve been away a lot recently, so I felt like having a date night.” 
“So you got all dressed up and did all this just for a date night?” You couldn’t help but smile at the fact that he actually did all this just for you, and you knew he was pleased with what he had pulled together. He always tried to one-up himself when it came to date ideas. “We could’ve just had a movie night. Or gone out.” 
“Maybe,” he shrugged, a pleased smile on his face. “But this is more romantic.”  Finally closing the door behind you, you fell into Mat’s waiting arms. He sighed and tucked his arms around your waist. Suddenly, you became hyperaware of how you were dressed compared to Mat’s suit. You’d been out with friends for a casual outing, so you only had on leggings and an oversized t-shirt you stole from Mat.
“Ugh, I gotta change into something nicer.” 
“Nah, you look beautiful.” 
“You say that no matter what I wear.” 
“It’s true no matter what you wear.” He released you from his arms and looked down at you, at his beautiful girlfriend that loved him so, so much. “Remember that one date we had? When we built a pillow fort and hid under it and watched Netflix on my laptop?” Oh, did you remember? Of course, you did- that was the first date where Mat had said: “I love you.” 
“How could I forget?”
“Well…” He extended his arm behind him, motioning to the pile of pillows and blankets. “I was thinking we could, well, have dinner and then recreate that.” 
“Only if you change back into sweats after dinner.”
He laughed. After all the overthinking he did on what to wear, of course, you wanted him comfy. “We can arrange that.”
You cooked dinner together after your suggestion at takeout was knocked down by Mat. He wanted to cook for you, he insisted, and it all actually came together nicely. You ate together at the little table where Mat had lit some candles and poured out glasses of wine. Then, the fun began. Mat changed into sweatpants and a hoodie- which, honestly, you loved more than the suit- and the two of you got to work on your pillow fortress. “Wow, almost as good as the first one.” You laid together, giggly and worn out, cuddled up under the blankets with Netflix opening up on his laptop. 
“Not better?” Mat smiled from beside you, dragging a thumb across your cheek.
“I don’t think anything could be better than that time.” 
“You sure?” Fuck, fuck, if he did this tonight, there was no turning back- by tomorrow he’d either be closer to you than ever before or all alone. “I can think of something that would make it a lot better.” 
“Oh yeah? What?”
He pulled out his phone after a shaky breath and hit one button. Music flooded your ears, playing from speakers that he had set up around the apartment. Of course, those first few chords gave it away- it was your song. Before you could say anything of even lean over to kiss him, Mat was scooting away from you and rolling onto his knees. He struggled a bit to find a good position, the blankets overhead stopping him from sitting up straight. “This isn’t exactly how I thought this would go, but I think it’s pretty good. I overthought a lot about this, but I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“What are you talking about?”
He ran his fingers over the velvet of the box in his pocket, trying to ground his thoughts.
“I love you, (y/n), and I-” He fumbled, his fingers slipped, and before he could even pull out the velvet box, it was tumbling out of his pocket and onto the floor. He scrambled to cover it, but your gasp let him know you saw. 
“Oh my god, Mat!” 
“Shit, no, pretend you didn’t see that.” He would never forget the grin on your face, the happy tears in your eyes, the ways your cheeks got all pink. He stumbled and laughed a bit through his next words. There wasn’t any reason to hesitate now. “I wasn’t expecting to feel this way about anybody, ever, but then you came along... I guess you already know what’s coming so, will you marry me?” He flicked open the little box with a laugh, all previous worries lost as he waited for your move. 
And, of course, you said yes.
+ The time he played it for you
The engagement was a dream, so you couldn’t imagine how great marriage would be. 
Whenever you see engagements and wedding planning in movies or TV shows, the couples seem so stressed and frustrated and nervous leading up to the wedding. But, being engaged to Mat wasn’t stressful, it wasn’t making you nervous leading up to the wedding. In fact, you were more happy and sure of your decision to marry him. You would never be able to understand how people could get cold feet on their wedding day because you felt nothing but excitement. 
Sure, planning was stressful sometimes, but Mat made sure neither of you had to worry about the cost, he wanted everything to be taken care of for you. He made sure to pull you away from the work and remind you that it didn’t matter what the wedding was like, because either way, he was marrying you. 
He was right. In the end, it didn’t matter how big or fancy the wedding was. All you wanted was to be called Mrs. Barzal.
The wedding date couldn’t come fast enough, and when you finally found yourself walking down the aisle towards him you could barely contain your excitement. He looked so handsome, in a fancy, new suit and his hair all fluffy just like you loved. You nearly ran down the aisle, wanting nothing more than to be standing in front of him, calling him your husband. 
“Hi.” Mat giggled the moment you were in front of him.
“You’re so pretty today.” 
“So are you Maty.” 
Both you and Mat, people commented later, were bouncing on your feet and giggling all the way up until it was time to say your vows. You spoke in quiet, hushed voices, so only you and Mat could hear the words being exchanged, your vows were yours, they were personal, not for anyone else to hear. The people in the audience must have been wondering what you said to him that had him tearing up and laughing.
But that was between you and Mat.
He laughed through the “I do.” no hesitance in his voice at all, as if it was the most obvious decision of all time. He was shaky in excitement when you took each other’s hands to slip on the rings, almost dropping them. “Shit.” He mumbled and squeezed your hands with a smile, and he only heard the words “you may-” before he was swooping down to pull you into a kiss. 
Mat Barzal was your husband. 
He kissed you and kissed you, dipping you low until the cheers had mostly turned into “Ohhh!”s and his friends whooped and cheered “Ooh, Barzy!!” He broke the kiss with a smile. 
“We did it.”
“Yeah, we did.”
You headed inside, hand in hand with your husband, and with all your friends and family following you. The night flew past in a blur of congratulations from friends and family and pictures taken and drinks and food and toasts made. Honestly, you didn’t know what happened the rest of the night, because all you could focus on was the fact that you had married him. It felt like a dream come true, and after the whole night was done and everyone was leaving, you and Mat, with your shoes and his jacket thrown aside in the midst of the party, found your way outside with each other.
“Hey, hubby.”
“Hey, wifey.”
You sat in comfortable silence with each other, just holding and kissing and being alone together for the first time and coming down from the high of the night. You were married. 
“I can’t believe this, Mat.”
“I know…” He rubbed his thumb over the ring on your finger giggling as you did the same to his. Then he stopped and stood up as if he just remembered something. “Hold on, wait right here, please. Just a second. I have something for you.” He rushed off, only to return a minute later with a guitar in his hand. 
“Ooh. Mat. What are you doing?” You knew how he had been learning guitar for a few months, working at it every day. “Are you gonna play something?” 
“Yeah, if I’m any good.” 
“You’re probably amazing.”
“Okay, I meant to do this when I proposed, but I wasn’t any good at it, so it wouldn’t have been very cute or romantic.” He sat down beside you, taking a shaky breath and plucking the strings of the guitar. “Alrighty, here it is I guess.” 
Immediately, you recognized the familiar chords of that song that was always there whenever you needed it, the song that always came on at just the right time, that had been there since your very first moments with Mat. He was shaky, nervous, and smiling shyly at you. One of your favorite things about Mat was how amazing he could be at so many things, and he still had enough humility to hope that he was good enough for you. 
“It’s our song.”
“You know, we always hear this at just the right time. On our first date, the first time we kissed whenever I felt sad or needed you, when you proposed… It always makes me feel happy and calm… It makes me think of you.” 
“It makes me think of you.” His fingers slipped a bit and hit a sour note. “Shit, oops.” 
“You’re amazing, baby.” 
“I’m trying.” He paused where the lyrics should come in, glancing up at you. “I guess I should sing it too. Will you sing with me, Mrs. Barzal?” Mrs. Barzal. You laughed because it was so strange to be called that, because it made you feel giddy, the idea of spending the rest of your life with You laughed because it was something you did with Mat so often, but this was the first time you were singing together as husband and wife. 
“Any time, Mat.”
 So, in the aftermath of a long, exciting day, newly married to the love of your life, the man of your dreams, you cuddled up with your husband under the stars and sang along to your song.
You knew you loved him for years, but now you had a ring to prove it, you shared his name, you were here to share the rest of your life with him. You were Mrs. Barzal.
And if this wasn’t the best way to start the rest of your life with him, you didn’t know what was. 
“Play that song The one that makes me go all night long The one that makes me think of you That's all you gotta do.”
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