#I wish this was paranoia
basingstokemercury · 4 months
yeah at this point those cute cowboys are basically the only thing keeping me sane I don't think that's an exaggeration
spent hours of multiple days just crying and hanging on to the hope of finding time for this watch
just uh a small distraction from the fact that with the way things are going I and my family could well be killed in the next few months
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
So Dev got shot because Dale was hunting for fairies? Thaaaat's certainly not going to make things complicated between him and Peri nope not at all 😬
Surprisingly he doesn't hold it against Peri or fairies as a whole. It would sort of like being mad a money, like, yeah that was his dads motivation at the time but money didn't make him do that. He chose to do that. It was just another of his dads many money making ventures.
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On one hand he finds it a little comforting that the thing he got shot over wasn't a totally fictional creature, on the other hand it reaffirms that his dad was putting him in real danger from the start.
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schneiderenjoyer · 7 months
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My depiction of Vertin is very normal.
Based on this comic
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canisalbus · 8 months
sorry im emotonal and going off of the other asks sent about machete and just i need to stress how beautiful it is to me that machete sees himself so undeserving of love and affection and feeling as if vasco's too good for him but despite all that he is so incredibly devoted to vasco and loving towards him (in his own way) but is so incredibly clear to anyone with eyes that just how in love he is with vasco. like it's not done out of a "oh god please never realize that you're too good for me here here let me overdo it with the affection" its done with the "i love you, and will always love you, no matter what happens to us or separates us, and i will give it to you as long as i am able, and if you ever leave, i won't be okay, but will still love you, and want you happy". like he doesn't use his own feelings of being undeserving taint his love or the way he loves for vasco, and it's so, so beautiful
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Imagine being such close besties with someone that your entire world knows about it. Just. Sirius Black and James Potter being so close that literally nobody questions that Sirius was the Potters’ Secret Keeper, even when he immediately went after Peter in a very public way, instead of laying low like any sane person would do after they were just revealed a traitor and their precious Lord died (although, they did think Sirius went mad, so it makes sense in a way). But of everyone in the Order, no one once questioned the Potters making Sirius their Secret Keeper, despite his prejudiced family, despite the Prank, despite any number of ways in which Sirius wasn’t perfect. Everyone in the Wizarding World still saw Sirius and James, and thought, “yeah, there’s no way it was anyone else, even if the betrayal makes their friendship seem so much less deep”. There was no reason for Remus to question it because he watched James and Sirius be the best of friends for a decade, he knew Sirius was Harry’s godfather, he knew James would have trusted no one more, that Lily loved Sirius and thought the world of him. There really was no other choice for the Potters, to anyone.
Which makes Peter being Secret Keeper that much more awful because it was such a genius move! Sirius was actually so smart to try this twist, to suggest making Peter the Secret Keeper. He knew everyone knew how close him and James were, how close he’d always been to the Potter family, he knew they’d come after him and Sirius would’ve DIED rather than betray his friends, his godson. He would’ve died to protect Peter too, so that nobody would know who the Secret Keeper really was. There was no reason to suspect Peter when there was Sirius Black, known Death Eater hater and unendingly loyal to his friends, RIGHT THERE. If Sirius really HAD died, he would’ve gone out thinking his friends would still be safe bc once Voldemort discovered he wasn’t the Secret Keeper, it would’ve jumped to Remus or even an older Light member like Moody or Dumbledore. Sirius damned himself knowingly, before ever finding out that Peter had gotten the Potters killed.
Sometimes I think about how Sirius managed to convince James and Lily to use Peter instead of him. They both must’ve known that Sirius would be killed immediately once it was determined that he didn’t know the Secret, so Sirius must have used Harry against them, said that they needed to do ANYTHING to keep their little boy safe, even if it meant Sirius offering himself up as a target, a sacrifice for their safety. Sirius must have thought he was so smart, because he found a way to keep his friends and godson safe, even though he wasn’t the Secret Keeper, and he didn’t put them at risk by trusting “potential spy: Remus Lupin”. He must have argued with James and Lily for ages about it, convincing them that it was the right decision, some misdirection to keep them safer for longer, another line of defense between their little Harry and the monster who wanted to destroy him.
It’s already wild to me that Sirius even held enough power/voice in this discussion to even suggest Peter as Secret Keeper. Like, the level of trust James and Lily must’ve had in him, to entrust their lives AND their son’s in Sirius’ plan? Nobody can ever say that Sirius wasn’t loved and trusted to the ends of the earth by James and Lily. They wanted HIM because there was nobody they trusted more, even with how reckless Sirius is shown to be, even years later. Trying to imagine Sirius in Azkaban all those years, knowing he basically handed his best friends over to Voldemort with that plan? Hell on earth, literally. He speaks on it maybe once to Harry in the entirety of the series, and it’s so clear that he is completely derisive about the plan. He despises the fact that it was his plan that got his best friends killed, that caused Harry to lose his parents. He blames himself (and Peter), but he had over a decade to sit in prison and think about the what ifs of that plan, to remember that it was his idea that killed James and Lily.
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brain--rott · 6 months
*gripping the bathroom sink, repeating to myself*
it's not your fault. you're not unlovable. your friends don't hate you. no one's mad at you
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thestarlightforge · 10 months
I’d never seen this photo before today.
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They changed a lot about the material from Twelve, some of which I didn’t take issue with. But this is one thing I wish they would have kept.
With all the delicate interweaving about trust—how important it is to Lucy Gray, how Sejanus trusts Coryo too, how he slowly betrays the both of them—this was an important moment. In the book, it leads into a longer scene of them with the Covey, which they cut, so it’s a different transition—they used it here to simultaneously illustrate A) the threat of the other Peacekeepers to their relationship, and B) the rhetorical power of the woods/lake/nature to alleviate those pressures. But with the book version, after they’ve kissed and sat together for several hours and are heading back, Coryo offers to carry Lucy Gray’s guitar for her. He has a moment of internal monologue where he wonders if she trusts him enough to touch it.
And she does, without skipping a beat.
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vialae · 9 months
Usually when I imagine durgetash being soft and cuddling, it’s usually w durge resting on gortash. However if it was the other way around, idk if gortash would be able to deal with it.
The little tyrant has forced himself to be in control for years. He is the one that held others with a false smile and promise. In his climb to the top, Gortash quickly learned that there is not a single scrap of sincerity in the Upper-City. They are all pieces that can be played off one another for his own gain. All it takes is an evening or two, just smiling and holding another.
He is good at making people believe he is genuine. He’s done it for a long time.
So much so that he perhaps forgot what proper affection was actually like.
But when Durge comes along, it’s all so different.
He finally gets solid arms wrapped around him, a warm chest to rest his tired face on. And for once, it feels genuine. No payment or deal is expected afterwards. Gortash doesn’t know how to relax into it, though. A part of him definitely wants to, but it’s a part that has been easily ignored for so long. The drive to succeed far outweighs any base human desire.
His eyes remain wide open as he is just taking in the feeling of being held by someone he genuinely cares for. They are currently looking after him; Gortash has someone he can properly rely on.
The thought probably scares him briefly. With arms dealing and politics, you probably get burnt a lot when genuinely trusting people. With a childhood like his, there was nobody for him to even try to trust.
To be held genuinely feels so foreign, and Gortash isn’t sure if he likes it. He is always anticipating something to happen.
But with the warmth and security which comes from it, he falls asleep faster than he ever has before.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Thank you all for continuing to support this silly little blog of mine
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c4i-r0 · 1 year
okay so I haven't opened tumblr for like a solid couple months so I just wanted to say:
johnathon ohnn.
the spot.
thank you and have a good day.
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humblemediagenius · 8 months
The need to share my OCs with everyone vs the fear that people won't be FUCKING NORMAL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 months
I am changing my username from @this-jew-is-in-your-walls to a secret little thing (don't want people to steal it lol) in 84 HOURS
first time ever changing @ so idk how old links and like reblogs and shit work here, so like if you suddenly can't find my blog that's why idk
credit to @transmascpetewentz for coming up with it, thanks man you're very funny and correct
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(for my regular pinned post look up #pinned post on my blog)
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dailyjermasparkle · 9 months
you don't exist
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love-me-satoru · 2 months
really need new internet friends who would love to trauma dump with me.
i also really feel like i need to talk to someone to get clean and i don’t know if ill actually follow through
or might just end it all.
my birthday is literally this saturday. But i don’t even feel like i deserve any sort of happiness since i keep lying about my recovery.
Also i haven’t eaten a meal since friday. lost 7 pounds since then. i’ve always wanted to lose weight. i just didn’t expect it to be a very dangerous way.
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local-diavolo-anon · 7 months
oough i'm weak
"A Choker of Lace and a Deal in Parchment Paper"
Words 17,270
Chapters 1/1 (completed, one shot) Warnings for blood, canon typical violence, paranoia and anxiety attacks!
ships: Charlie/Alastor; Charlie/Vaggie
it's for registered users only because the longer i can go without my shit getting used by generative moderls for training the better ._.
This is the fic i mentioned previously in that one post about Alastor! I promised @rainbowpiss34 and @murmurmurena that i would have tagged them in this so here there is! also @wellcolormepurple said she was interested so i hope you don't mind me tagging you as well lol
also if anyone is interested in what the oc in the fic looks like, have an illustration i made for it! (i might repost it later if i ever post more of them)
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impzone · 2 months
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