#I wish we had more corvids
God I fucking love birds
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aihoshiino · 7 months
A character I wish got more attention was the crow girl. Like we saw she got a role in the movie and that’s it nothing else. Haven’t seen her be cryptic or anything.
I wanna know what your thoughts are on this, especially since she supposed to play as the twins!!
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I'm super curious about her! I think it's kind of weird that her inclusion in the movie ended up being so Nothing when it was presented as such a big deal but I guess we'll see more of her if we ever get to the scenes of baby AQRB. Though wtf does it even imply about her existence in the world that they were able to hire her.
As a feature of the story, I don't necessarily disagree with the fandom consensus that she's mostly an exposition dispenser but tbh I don't mind it THAT much. There's been some capital I Implications from hour zero that AQRB's reincarnation was no accident or coincidence so I think having a supernatural character who is in the loop end up guiding them along in certain directions for unknown purposes is pretty interesting. I also think there's some really juicy thematic Vibes in the idea of there being a dubiously antagonistic force who, rather than lying, manipulates and beats the twins around with painful truths they don't want to acknowledge.
As a CHARACTER... I definitely think she suffers a lot from Akasaka's reliance on mystery box storytelling. She was definitely just introduced to be spooky and weird and to imply greater secrets about her existence but none of that has really resolved into anything meaningful or even that engaging about her, because she's just held together with exposition glue and mystery tape. Not that I dislike her or anything! It's just a case of like, wow the guy writing you really isn't sure what to do with you lol
In fact, I have a secret suspicion that Akasaka changed his mind on who and what she was supposed to be partway through the manga?? Like, the corvid associations and general spookiness had pretty much everyone I know going "so she's Yatagarasu? OK" from basically hour zero only for him to hit us with the Tsukuyomi steel chair out of nowhere!!! I don't think she was even associated with the moon imagery wise at all until the heavy handed mention of it just prior to her name getting dropped so I really do think Akasaka just. Initially wrote her as Yatagarasu and then changed his mind HAHA
On an unrelated note, I've been playing Okami again and one of the plot coupons in that game is a sword named Tsukuyomi and every time it got name dropped I went
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
In the scenario where the meteor didn't happen and non avian dinosaurs continued to live and evolve could it be possible for something human or ape like to evolve directly from the dinosaurs themselves?
Course then it wouldn't be mammalian and I know the intelligence of the raptors were likely exaggerated in the movies but I've kind of fantasized of sapien like raptors/dinosaurs that evolved either in place or along side humans if they hadn't gone extinct.
given crows are currently the second most "intelligent" (ie, similar to human intelligence) animals after humans, I dare say it could have happened. They just probably would have come from birds, which were the smartest dinosaurs then, too. Provided we can know their intelligence, which is a big if. Basically, we usually determine "intelligence" (cannot stress this enough: from an anthropocentric point of view; and intelligence might not even be a real thing anyway) from brain to body size ratios, BUT that's assuming the brain inside remains consistent. A paper in the mid-2010s showcased that bird brains are literally more densely compacted than mammalian ones - something like 60% more neurons per brain area than mammals. This is why birds are able to pack so much into their heads, and can have high "intelligence" even when they have somewhat smaller heads. This may have applied to nonavian dinosaurs, and may even explain why many of them had such small heads. But, since we don't have a nonavian brain, we can't know.
So, yeah. a sapient dinosaur is on the way, and it's called corvids. But even if not, it's possible.
side note, why isn't there a video game where you're a crow in a crow society after the collapse of humanity, trying to build it up (it could be a stardew clone, Idc)? Like, where is this?
*singsong voice* eeeevery day, crows are getting smarter! their stone age is during our down-fall! Wish we could be alive to see their bronze age!
Caw caw! Caw caw! Caw caw!
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
I recently listened to the HTP playlist again and realised just how long you’ve had this thing planned out? If I remember correctly it was made around the time that part 1 was released and only now can you really start to see how well the songs line up. Some lines that caught my attention were
“Who’s that knocking at your door, you’ve got lots to answer for”
and “Never know who walks through the door, is it someone that you’ve met before?” Which are now SO PAINFULLY ACCURATE for when Bravo turns up at the Ranch. “Now you’ve got no one you can trust, think it’s wrong, your soul unjust, point your finger and deny”
Is again a great Bravo line and perfectly encapsulates his thoughts after being sent to Hels.
I know the Bravo playlist was made later on but Sharks by Imagine Dragons was so spot on for him
“You think you’re better than them, better than them. You think they’re really your friends, really your friends. But when it comes to the end, to the end, you’re just the same as them, same as them.” Crying screaming throwing up. I can imagine a sick animation during the bridge, “My blood is pumping I can see the end is right in front of me, Don’t take it from me I could be everything, everything!” the moment where Atlas screws over the whole operation and Bravo has had ENOUGH. Same with Snakes, “Wish I could knock your skull in, but I’m rising above it” I just- ajdybsfajcikdn!
You’ve written such an insanely complex character and then managed to create a playlist that summarises him better than words can? You’re so insane for this /pos
However this does make me concerned for future chapters. What lyrics have we glossed over that are also going to be perfect foreshadowing? I am sooo hyped for the next edition, meanwhile I will be rereading the entire thing. Thanks for the delicious angst Aqua!
CORVID. HOLY SHIT. if only u could see the way this made me pump my fist in the air.
bdubs voice: YOU ARE CORRECT. while i’ve definitely added new things as inspiration comes and made some changes here and there for logistical purposes (or for extra angst), the main plot of ‘from eden’ was planned before i even wrote the first chapter. the confrontation scene between bravo and tango+jimmy was one of the first things mel and i talked about when we were developing the au in summer of last year, which is why i was SO pumped to finally release it and thrilled by the positive response.
it’s been maddening to keep future plot points under wraps, but that also makes it fun when ppl theorize- whether they’re wrong or right (i’ve seen a little of both thus far). and mannnn it’s amazing to finally reach those long-foreshadowed moments and see the reactions. there should be at least a couple more of those kind of moments in the last few chapters ✌️
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laikaflash · 11 months
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Watchers are Malfested animals who act as minions for Soul Edge, gathering information or fragments according to the cursed blade's will. Cervantes had a small shark, while Nightmare preferred his black hawk. Tira controls an entire murder of crows, and gathers information from multiple regions at once while awaiting her opportunity to usurp the cursed blade. (Note from New Legends of Project Soul, page 66.)
The top picture is of Nightmare's hawk, which can be seen in the intros of Soul Calibur II and Soul Calibur III. The other is one of Tira's birds from SC5. I have a few ideas that I've been meaning to touch on.
The hawk (species indeterminate) calls to mind falconry as a nobles' sport, but I'm more focused on possible symbolism from the bird itself. Of course, this being Nightmare's bird, I mean "noble" strictly in terms of rank since he's at least nominally a knight. It's all too easy to surmise that it represents the brutal side of power that Soul Edge itself entails.
With this in mind, Tira's affinity for corvids works well with her debut in following Nightmare's trail of death, as scavengers do. Even if Tira is no slouch in murderousness herself...
Side note: even official material varies on whether they're crows or ravens. New Legends of Project Soul says they're the former. This one profile I cropped the second image from says they're the latter. I'm not entirely sure that it's a translation issue because if it's the former, that's a big crow! (I mean, a lot of people get them confused, myself included.)
As far as I know, Cervantes' shark is only mentioned in the excerpt above. It's one of those things I wish we could see in action. Somewhere in my mind is a scene of young Siegfried reaching that deserted port in Valencia. It's deathly quiet all around, and only a triangular fin cuts through the water. But Soul Edge is right there and how hard could it be to steal from a dead pirate?
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catsafarithewriter · 1 year
Day 1: Musicals/Music
A/N: Day 1 of the bday bash, let's give it up for day 1 of the bday bash! This was a very late addition to my line up, and was fueled entirely by the image of Baron performing Be Our Guest from Disney's Beauty and the Beast (with Toto as the voice of reason). So this is a BatB AU, but one where Baron is a cursed bystander, not the Beast, and is set at the Be Our Guest part of the plot. Enjoy!
It had been nearly five years since the curse had struck, and Toto Morrigan had almost become fond of his corvid form in the intervening time.
This was just as well, since the chances of the curse being broken was dwindling by the day, thanks to the feline-shaped spanner in the works which was Baron. Toto hadn't known much about Baron Humbert von Gikkingen pre-curse, except that he had been a minor noble with a unintentionally charming smile and an affinity for light magic.
Unfortunately, the curse hadn't dimmed either. (Although Toto himself had stopped being distracted by That Damn Smile about two minutes into regularly having to deal with Baron's shenanigans, it still tended to catch the unwary by butterfly-accompanied surprise.)
"I'm surprised by you, Toto," the aforementioned noble said, in the kind of tone that made it quite clear 'surprised' was gentleman speak for 'disappointed'. The look would have been a smit more impressive had he not been a foot-tall cat in a morning suit. "Here we have Haru, a young woman in need of a meal, and you are hesitant to help?"
"It's not the meal part I object to," Toto said. "Rather it's the execution of it I worry for." He shuffled his wings in an attempt to disperse his frustration. "Need I remind you that if any of us wish to be human again, then we need this young woman to fall madly in love with Prince Lune?"
"It'll be somewhat difficult for her to fall madly in love with anyone if she starves to death first."
"One missed meal is not going to starve her;  could we please skip the dramatics?"
"Hunger rarely makes one amenable to romantic advances."
"Fine. Fine." Toto scowled as much as his beak would allow. It was one of the few privileges of humanity he regularly missed. That, and opposable thumbs. "But for all our sakes, keep it low-key, please–"
"Of course." Baron grinned. "But what's a meal without a little music?" And he swung into the dining room with a tap of his cane before Toto could stop him. Toto glimpsed a flash of Baron's light magic just as the door fell shut between them.
Distantly, he heard music rising up, and wondered how far in advance Baron had prepared this nonsense.
Deciding that he'd probably at least see what the damage was, he slipped into the room just as a trio of feline acrobatics (he was fairly certain they had originally been a couple of stable lads and the head groom) flip in time to the music, the light show shimmering through a glass stained window and bathing the room in mesmerising, geometric colours. Their guest looked suitably starry-eyed.
Unfortunately, it was aimed solely at Baron. 
Heavy padded paws, which Toto had come to know well since the curse, stepped up behind him. "You do realise we need her to fall for the prince, right?" Muta grunted.
Toto dignified that with an unintelligible grumble.
"Right. Good to know." There was a dubious pause. "Did ya think to tell him that?"
"I tried," Toto said.
"I think he was too excited to perform his light show in front of a new audience." Toto watched as a mime appeared, a sphinx cat who had been responsible for the palace's paperwork until everyone in said palace had been transformed into various beasts. "Just how long has he been organising all this?"
"All of ten minutes, I think."
Toto looked back at his companion, and it was then he discovered Muta was wearing a magician's cape. "Oh no, not you too."
"I would've thought you'd have more sense than to get tied up in all of this."
Muta snorted. "Well, that's a filthy lie. We both know your expectations for me are way lower than that."
Despite everything, Toto gave a quickly-curtailed caw. "True, but still – how is any of this going to help Prince Lune break the spell?"
Muta shrugged. "Maybe this ain't about breaking the spell. It's been a weird five years–"
"Four and eleven months," Toto amended, because that extra month meant all the differnce when it came to the curse's deadline.
"Fine. Four and eleven months, and folk need to blow off some steam. Show off. Have some fun. You do know what fun is, birdbrain?"
"I'm fairly certain my sense of humour was taken with the curse," Toto said dryly, but he felt a ghost of a smile his beak wouldn't allow.
"Oh, so you did have one? I'm shocked." Muta straightened as Baron motioned to him with a subtle gesture of the head. "Eh, that's my cue. Don't forget to clap at the end," he said, and winked as he swept forward to take centre stage.
Begrudgingly, Toto stuck around to witness the rest of the show, and he began to realise it was perhaps more impromptu than he'd initially believed. The song played by the two-bit orchestra (instruments and players rusty, but passable) was, now Toto put his ear to it, simply a traditional waltz sped up, with Baron apparently possessing some very impressive ad-libbing skills when it came to lyrics. Each performer was given their time to shine, and fared better than Toto would have expected in fitting their respective skill to the music. (Even if Muta's surprisingly adept sleight-of-paw left Toto wondering if he'd ever applied it to pickpocketing.)
And when the music finally wound down and Baron left the scene with a final flare of light and a bow, Haru was smiling for the first time since she'd arrived at the cursed palace.
Baron found Toto with an ease which implied he'd been aware of the crow's presence for a while. "There, you see?" Baron said. He looked far too pleased with himself. "No problems. I don't think Lune even noticed, and our guest is finally looking more at home here. There's hope for breaking the curse yet."
It was times like this which Toto missed having the ability to shake someone by the shoulders. He thought of the charming grin Baron had thrown Haru's way and her ensuing flushed cheeks, and then he decided such thoughts weren't conductive to things like his blood pressure or Baron's life expectancy.
It was just as well that Toto liked his avian form, he thought, because it didn't look like Haru was going to be breaking the curse any time soon.
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King Midas’ Speculated Involvement in Fall
These are all the possibilities I can think of. If anyone has other ideas, feel free to contribute! Skip to the bold text if you're not interested in the less Midas-related parts.
A young King Midas was promised to feature in Fall, and the Schools turn gold and glow with a magical aura in the Fall trailer, so I assume that must be his influence. I doubt whether the Schools turning to gold should be taken literally though, considering the dark sea on the cover of Rise was just part of another setting, and the Schools didn’t actually rise out of the sea. However, in the main series, every time the Schools were altered (it happened thrice) the covers were accurate to their current state.
Soman once said (on Twitter, probably?) that there were loads of Easter eggs in the Fall cover reveal video. So far, there’s the popular imposter theory/eye color swap, and the shattered sky. I don’t think I see much else that could be important.
The brothers also have winged shoulder-ornaments and some kind of sternum-jewelry, which I could see as being vaguely Storian-shaped, like in a “you can’t shake off the yoke of fate” way.
I am considering the possibility of wizard wishes and someone’s Celestium being involved because no natural sky looks mirrored like that. The shattered sky or glass could represent Rhian and Rafal’s relationship falling apart, if it is symbolic. And, if Celestiums represent a wizards psyche, that wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, especially if one of the brothers goes “psycho.” I also wonder if Soman’s been taunting us, and that one of the brothers could die from being struck by lightning.
Anyway, here my predictions for Midas’ role:
1. The parent of a student or alumnus. Seems unlikely given that he’s young.
2. Rhian’s love interest. Possible. Also, maybe, Rhian really does love shiny, attractive things, hence the glass castle he had built. I headcanon that he has magpie/corvid tendencies, and could be lured in by gold. This could function like a “Faithful John” arc with Rafal as John to keep his brother grounded. Midas would be cast in the role of the golden princess.
When we think about it: Who’s easily overwhelmed by splendor and drawn in easily, and who’s not? Who’s the gullible, vulnerable one? Will Rhian trade Rafal for Midas? I doubt it because I think Rhian’s learned his lesson twice, but who knows.
3. The brothers appeal to Midas for support, to save their schools. I’d love to see Rafal forced to grovel before a king, but it's more likely he’d threaten Midas with death? This sounds like that dialogue snippet Soman released, about kingdom’s leaders being difficult to deal with.
4. Midas captures both brothers. There’s a chance he’s a villain.
5. Midas kills one of the brothers or turns one to gold. I bet it could be Rafal. He’ll probably suffer physically a lot in this book. Plus, incapacitating the most powerful (and capable) character makes for a dire situation and high stakes. (Sure, Rhian is of equal power but he’s less willing to harm people.) If this happens, it would alienate Rhian, and I bet it would be hilarious to watch him panic at first. He’d be frantic, desperate to do anything. And, desperation could be a good corruption motive for Rhian to become more Evil.
6. Midas wants to capture Rhian specifically. Maybe, to admire him, keep him as a pet, because he’s golden and alive. This would be presuming Midas’ whole court and all his loved-ones have already been turned to gold. (I think he had a daughter in the original story). There might even be foreshadowing in Rise because Rhian was often described as golden. It could be meant to lead up to this. And, it could be fun to read as well as creepy.
7. Midas could produce gold to bargain with Hook or with the possibly Evil Pan. In exchange for their students, to get them back? To make a trade with another Woods leader? To settle other outlying expenses?
8. Alternatively, Midas approaches the brothers. He’d think they can undo his curse, his golden touch. Since they are known as the powerful, immortal twin sorcerers far and wide through all the Woods, we could assume. So, Midas has traveled all this way, and Rafal recognizes he has a bargaining chip here. Midas is desperate. Rafal probably gets Midas to exchange lifting the curse for support or something useful (the monkey's paw? Thereby sealing his and Rhian’s fate as tragic without realizing it.) Then, he and Rhian can get back at Hook, and recover their lost students. But, it may be a Pyrrhic Victory.
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For Saiyuki asks :) 12, 13, 22, 29, 40, 55, 68, 69, 74, 75
12)   Favorite episode in the TV Series
I have many favourite episodes but one I love the most is Where the Gods Are, Gensoumaden Saiyuki ep. 3
I love how Sanzo Ikkou showed the hypocrisy you can find among religious practitioners starting from their reluctant attitude at letting them stay at the temple and the only reason they are allowed is because of Sanzo's title to their absolute unwillingness to defend themselves if their lives are in serious danger. Sanzo's words were so cathartic to hear because they helped the young Yo to realize that only living and fighting to live allows you to move on.
13) Favorite song (sung by a character or in the animated adaptions)
Late Show and Sanbutsushin (I leave here the audio in case you don't remember it), I love the raw power that this song gives me and the really Buddhist-like vibe the second one has. It really seems I am exploring Tushita Heaven or one of four continents I am about to be reborn during the Bardo of Rebirth.
22)   Which character do you think is most like you?
Hakkai is the character has the most traits that characterize me. His intelligent nature and well-mannered attitudes combined with a soft-spoken demeanor are quite relatable to me. He likes to read and learn, and just like me he is full of strange, possibly useless information XD
Unlike him I still can't fully control my rage when it takes over my mind though but just like him my darker side comes out when fueled by a deep feeling of hurt and rage. I am for the most part calm and gentle but if you really pisses me off I can turn into the youkai version of Hakkai.
29)   An alternate universe you’d like to see
I would like to see their roles completely swapped XD so Sanzo Ikkou the main antagonists who try to prevent Kougaiji Ikkou to recover the sutras or alternatively Saiyuki characters in a dystopia.
40) Your favorite character became a mythical beast. What would they be?
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Yes XD the Sanzuwu. The draw was made by me with Krita and I love drawing corvids
55) Was there a character you used to love but no longer do?
None because my feeling haven't changed over the years.
68) Who, in your opinion, has the most tragic backstory?
Jeez, this is not an easy question because all main four protagonists had a really heavy past and I find difficult to "rank" suffering of such scale because to me they are all equally heavy. Sanzo risked to be raped by some bastard and disgusting bandits and saw his master and father-like figure dying before his eyes, Goku had his memories erased after losing in a very traumatic way the only people who really cared about him and liked him for who he was, Gojyo lived in an abusive family, constantly hit by his stepmother to see her killed by Dokugakuji to whom he had bonded deeply (I don't want to know how he will react in Saiyuki Reload Blast after he will discover what happened to him). Hakkai's story touches deeply delicate topics that still get me thrills every time I recall it. I don't wish anyone an inch of what they all had to go through...
69) Who would be best at pleasing their lover?
I think Hakkai due to his responsible and caring nature. He would be a really great partner with a healthy mind suitable for family life. I hope Gojyo can develop more mature habits in terms of stable relationships because he has the potential to be a great partner due to his compassionate nature (especially towards children) despite it gets buried by his vain nature sometimes.
74) What is the funniest moment in the series?
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I would have loved seeing it animated for Urasai XD (at least that bastard had the decency to not put that abomination on Lirin). Damn, I feel bad for them T_T
Another funny moment I like is from the manga (too bad it didn't got animated but at least we have the audio):
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Another funny moment I still remember with joy is the 10th episode of Saiyuki Gensoumaden "False Saviors" when Sanzo Ikkou meet their first cosplayers XD (impostors who pretend to be the real Sanzo Ikkou) XD XD XD I know it's a filler episode but it's still funny to me. There are other funny moments especially in Saiyuki Reload Blast anime but I can't remember them all.
75) Who is your favorite minor character?
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the youkai girl that kissed Goku. I loved how their interaction evolved when Goku stayed at that youkai village after others and he departed from Sanzo. In this moment Goku finally faced the complex reality of human-youkai relations and how they were tainted even before the Minus Wave incident. In this moment Goku could mature and grow as person thanks to what he witnessed in the village and interaction with this unfortunate girl who lost everything because of prejudice. I just hope she will be fine.
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Violet: Chapter 15, Lazarus
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Chapter 15: Lazarus
Violetta awoke to the last face she wanted to see hovering over her. Dr. Garrett was speaking, but his words only reached her slowly and laboriously. After a few moments sitting on the floor and a series of diagnostic questions, she finally felt clearer, more lucid.
“Well, Violet, you're quite lucky the hospital is nearby. I'm fairly certain that what you're suffering is simply a devil of a migraine but I'd like you come down to the office. I can find you some medication and check more carefully.”
All she could do in her fuzzy state was nod. His tone was surprisingly empathetic. Maybe the imp did have a bedside manner after all. She realized that someone was behind her, propping her back up as she sat on the hard floor. Turning gingerly, she was surprised to be met with the kindly face of George Spencer, Garrett's colleague and long-suffering companion; the only man kind enough to endure and enjoy Luke Garrett's company in the long term.
“George!,” she said with relief. “God, it's so good to see you! It's been awhile. Sorry for the...um...circumstances.”
Dr. Spencer chuckled. “Lovely to see you as well, Ms. Vespero. Let's get you seen to, shall we?”
Tucking an arm around her waist, he helped her to her feet. Now upright but unsteady, her eyes scanned the room. Will was standing off to the side, arms crossed and a finger nervously stroking his lips, eyebrows peaked in concern. He was aching to hold her, take care of her, dote on her, but he had to save face and keep their secret in front of the other men.  
She nodded to him, saying, “Thank you for your help, Reverend Ransome.”
He exhaled heavily, as if he hadn't been able to breathe this whole time, waiting to see if she was alright. “You gave us quite a scare, Miss Vespero.”
Garrett piped up, saying dismissively, “You can go now, Will. I'm afraid the Lord won't be of as much use as a good headache powder.”
Ransome's jaw clenched with the effort of swallowing a retort. He smiled pleasantly, saying, “I wish you a speedy recovery, Miss Vespero. Thank you for your help, gentlemen.”
Spencer gave him a sunny and gregarious farewell while Garrett didn't even bother to acknowledge him further. Violetta smiled so kindly as she said, “Thank you, again, Reverend. I'm in your debt.”
God, how he wanted to hold her, kiss her, dote on her hand and food until she felt better. It was torture to watch Spencer gently help her into her coat and steady her instead. As soon as he took his leave, storming down the hall, he couldn't help worrying about her in Garrett's unaffectionate and opportunistic hands.
At least George is a good and gentle man. He'll see that she's safe, Will considered.
To his horror, the vicar also felt a pang of adolescent jealousy at the warm way she had smiled and greeted Spencer. He scolded himself for the childishness of it. George was a good friend to all of them for some time and he was only doing his job, after all. Will walked a bit faster, as if he could physically outpace the green-eyed reptile of envy. His feet crunched swiftly through the crust of snow, and his agitated breath blew smoky clouds into the London chill. He wasn't ready to go back to his claustrophobic dormitory room, instead finding a park to stride through, pondering on his feet as he always did in Essex.
When his legs finally ached more than his rumination, he rested on a bench to watch the corvids; careening black silhouettes slicing through the thick cottony air. Their shiny black feathers brought a grin to the corners of his lips, reminding him of Violetta's raven hair; thinking of his fingers sliding through it as she lay naked with him. Flushed with afterglow and bare in his arms, she was alight with intellectual excitement as she told him everything she had learned about crows and ravens.
Did you know they're incredibly intelligent? They can solve puzzles. They have a language. They even mourn their dead, and teach others to avoid danger, she rambled with wonder reflecting in the deep wells of her eyes.
He found her almost unbearably darling when she was so excited by learning. Violetta loved to watch the crows, but envied their freedom. Will sighed heavily, bowing his head, wishing he could grant her that freedom but, with his position in society, he knew he never could. He felt his stomach drop as he realized that George Spencer could give her that, should he want to; a handsome rich bachelor, a doctor with impeccable kindness and conscience, and probably liberal enough to grant her whatever life she could want as his wife. The reverend took inventory of himself. What future could I, a brooding old widower with a bare-bones academic life offer such an extraordinary woman?, Will asked himself.  A dread colder than the icy air struck him, as he tried to calm himself, taking a deep breath.
You're getting ahead of yourself. It's no good dwelling on the unknown. She loves you. You love her. The rest is in the Lord's hands.
With that, Will bowed his head to pray to the God he still very much believed in, but thought of very differently these days. God is love. Will held onto that. God is love and he is bigger than any human rules or constructs. And so the vicar prayed to his loving God for his love...that her cage of pain and frustration would open to a wider world.  This was the deity after all, who had given him his strong and lovely Stella; Stella who gave him his children, Stella who forgave him with open arms when he confessed to unfaithfulness with Cora (an fevered episode of broken self-control which he immediately regretted).
His wife had simply smiled her knowing smile and said without a hint of malice, You're a good man, Will Ransome. I know how you've tried. Love is a strange thing. Loving others in different ways, I know, doesn't mean you love me any less. I forgive you, wholeheartedly. Will remembered how he'd held her tight then, choking with tears; how that moment had broken the spell of his tangled toxic love for Cora. The clarity of that moment; the full realization of how blessed he was that his Stella was so full of grace never left him. Will committed the rest of their married life to an even stronger devotion to her, caring diligently for her right up until the end. As he sat in the park, he thanked his God of love and forgiveness for the extraordinary and patient women in his life. Now, with a slightly quieter mind, Will wondered slowly back to home.
At the hospital, Violet tapped her foot anxiously as she sat in the shared office of Dr. Garrett and Dr. Spencer. She didn't like the idea of most people being near her body, and she was especially afraid of Dr. Garrett finding some evidence of Will written there. She had to admit that, perhaps, she hadn't given Luke enough credit, since he had thus far behaved professionally. Sitting patiently, she waited while he tapped different areas of her head neck and sinuses to determine where the pain was at its worst.
“OUCH!...there, dammit. Stop,” she hissed at Luke as he pressed lightly on her right temple.
“Alright,” he said chuckling a bit wickedly like a boy poking a frog with a stick to see it hop.
He then looked directly into her eyes, face mere inches from his as he directed her to move her eyes around following his finger then pulled the lids up and down, examining inside. She held her breath, violently uncomfortable until he took his prodding hands away from her.
“Alright...last thing,” Garrett pronounced, moving his hands without warning to the high neck of her dress, beginning to undo it.
She slapped them away. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”
Luke huffed, impatient and annoyed that the favor of his treatment was taking longer than it ought to just because of her icy modesty. “I need to check your pulse, and it would be prudent to also check your lungs, for which...I need to open this. Fainting and headaches can be an early symptom of respiratory illness. Unlikely in this case, but I don't want the Ambroses upset that I didn't check everything for their little Italian princess,” he ended with an agitated sneer. She suddenly didn't feel that she had underestimated Luke, as his habits reared their familiar ugly heads.
“I'd prefer Dr. Spencer to do that part, then,” she said quite decisively.
Garrett rolled his eyes. “I'm a doctor, Violet. Believe me...I don't care what you look like under there.”
She spoke more slowly and clearly with a sharp edge. “I said, I would like Dr. Spencer to examine me. And I would like some privacy, please.”
“Very well...princess,” Luke huffed.
George settled himself in the chair which Luke had vacated with a grumble. Dr. Spencer waited patiently for the door to shut, careful to give Violetta the privacy she asked for. “Don't mind him, Vi. May I?” he said moving to her collar, with a calm expression.
She looked around, flushing a little with embarrassment, lowering her voice. “George, you will keep  the details of my body as confidential information, will you not? Even with Dr. Garret.”
“Of course, Vi. I'm a doctor and I'm your friend. I won't judge. You know that. Have I ever broken your confidence about anything?”
She shook her head, hesitating only a moment before sliding her dress down her arms, holding her slip against herself in the chilly air. There were bruises and teeth marks, but Spencer, true to his word, simply went about his work; taking her pulse, listening to her lungs with the metal device against her skin while she inhale and exhaled, and marking the numbers in the log. He gave her a calming expression and said, “That's all I need. You can dress again. Your lungs are perfectly fine, but your heart rate is quick. Have you been eating enough? Sleeping properly?”
She grimaced a little and said, “Probably...probably not. I'm rather stressed.”
George raised an eyebrow in concern, but not judgment.“If there's some other reason you can think of that you might be having these symptoms,” he said, gesturing subtly to where the marks were hiding under her clothes, “let me know. I swear my confidentiality and there are ways to remedy the situation, but it's better to do so sooner rather than later. Understand my meaning?”
“Oh...OH...” Violetta said, finally understanding his implication. “No no...I'm not doing anything that could cause such a problem...not unless the immaculate conception is factual.” She tried to smile and chuckle at her own joke.
Unbeknownst to either of them, Luke had been observing and listening to the entire conversation up to that point, and would have very much liked to hear more if not for a case in the surgery demanding his immediate consultation. He stormed off irritated by the interruption, scheming within himself, and snipping at the staff who could only wonder at his suddenly foul mood and shrug in confusion to one another.
Dr. Garrett had become very curious, indeed, and there was nothing more dangerous than that. He wondered how easy it would be to vivisect her now, expose the secrets of her flesh, lay her bare and vulnerable to his ends and he smirked, beady eyes glinting as he strode. The social ammunition he had to blackmail her with was priceless. She had a lover, and a woman at that, from the sound of it. Her family would be infuriated by a tryst with a young suitor, but they could always compel such a man to marry her problems away...but a woman. This could ruin her.
Unaware of their secret bystander or his exit, George and Violet continued their conversation as she sipped and winced at a foggy glass of water which Dr. Spencer assured her would relieve the sharpest of the pain very soon. He fetched her a packet of headache power and tincture from his cabinet, then stood for a moment, seeming to consider something, and took another bag from a drawer.
With an amicable grin, he said, “This is some headache powder and tincture. If you experience migraines again, take either at the first signs of symptoms.” He chuckled, “I'm sorry to say, it tastes just as awful as what you're drinking now, but it works like a charm. And please, also take better care of yourself...eat enough, sleep enough, and try to reduce your stress as a preventative measure.”
She nodded, ready to thank him and be on her way when he held her hand to keep her sitting down. “I want to show you something else which may be of use to you.” He removed the contents of the other bag, showing her a small flexible concave disk, and a tube of some kind of ointment. She looked at it puzzled, as he held up a paper with instructions. He explained with a small embarrassed stutter and blush, “This is a new and very effective method against any...potential problems...like the one we discussed. I...I know it seems a bit confusing, but the instructions are very clear and...well...I'll leave them with the kit here. Please take it with you, just in case. Hide it in the bag with the other medicine and no one will be the wiser. Garrett doesn't even know I keep these in stock for many of our lady patients.”
Violet's eyebrows raised with dawning understanding of the enormous favor her dear friend had just done for her. She said, squeezing his hand and meeting his eyes sincerely, “Thank you, George. How did you get to be so very kind?”
He smiled at her compliment, saying, “I suppose I just feel that the world has enough unkindness. The least I can do is remedy that, especially for a friend.”
She rose, gathering her things, then turned to say, “And please...”
He held up a hand, “I know...I won't breathe a word.”
A/N: The medical contraception I'm referencing here wasn't actually widely available until several decades after this story takes place, but let pretend for the sake of letting our main characters get it on, that it's available and perfectly effective (Haha). I'm sure some of the other medical stuff I've described is wildly inaccurate, but again, I humbly ask for your suspension of disbelief for the sake of the story, the smut, or both.  
Taglist: @coldnique @muddyorbs @goblingirlsarah @acidcasualties @jennyggggrrr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @icytrickster17 @pati52 @marcotheflychair @ladyofthestayingpower @gigglingtigger @alexakeyloveloki @letsg00000honey @bitchyexpertprincess @lokisgoodgirl @sweetsigyn @lovelysizzlingbluebird @talklokitome @dragonmurray @peaches1958
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Ten first lines tag
Yeah I know that I have some older tags and asks but I decided to abolish all order. Viva la revolution or smth
Tagged by @sam-glade here! Their lines are amazing, check them out!
Rules: share the first lines of your last ten stories. If you haven't written ten stories, share as many first sentences as you have.
So there's gona be a lot of weird titles, I'm sorry. I'll put a one-sentence description for all of them, don't worry
1. Godly Spring Rolls
a young Buddhist helps an angel so the latter don't become a demon
On a Zakościelna* street there was no church. Instead, there was a Chinese restaurant, to which Berna loved going to, especially on Friday evenings, when she didn't need to remember about anything any more.
*Zakościelna means Behind a Church
2. Mirage of Spring
I hope you know this one
The night was one of those cold and dry. I left the Pavilion of Practice as the last one, even master Su had went to eat a supper long time ago.
3. Pawns of her Majesty
some elvish nobles argue, a little thief is caught in this mess
So it was raining so bad that if I went out of a lake I wouldn't be more wet. What's more, it wasn't even dark: from between the clouds the rays of forenoon were shooting, tainting the sky with a rainbow.
An elf sitting in the reeds lifted his head. From the opposite shore his sister was waving at him.
4. And May the Moon Shine Over Your Ways
an elvish looser teenager accidentally discovers necromancy
"Tiv? Tiv!"
5. Dai Pandeng and Qiu Niaomao
a short story about sides from Mirage of Spring
Half the names on the list had already been crossed off. He still had some mixed feelings about that whole operation. Qiu Niaomao promised that he would take care of any possible accusations, which no-one came with, but to be fair, Du Pondeng didn't believe him even for a moment.
6. Felicien
Victorian femboy lives his horror-romance dream
The hour 4 post meridiem was approaching and an evening sun was hurting his eyes. Like a tiny halo it was floating over a roof of a grand mansion, for seeing which the young gentleman wasn't ready.
7. One Time on a Rainy Day
tdp modern!Runaan x Ethari ff that I'm to scared to share lmfao
He hit the front door with his face, irritating his eye with a peephole. "Good gods," he growled.
„But I did it!” He couldn't tell if a smile on his prophet's face was genuine or not.
8. The Patron and his Prophet
when your Prophet is chaotic evil and you have to ask your beloathed friend for help
The Patron shook his head. „That's not--”
„You led those people to a room full of  f i r e, and that's not what we wished for.”
9. A Typical Day in a Cracow Cafe
slavic demons decide to have a brawl in a random ass cafe
The back of a bookstore cafe was presenting a sight much less appealing than what was available for the customers. Junks, which were piling up here from over a decade, were forming mountain ranges, not less tangled and tough than the rocks and much less stable.
And that's all folks! See you around~
10. Eros is an Idiot
Eros and Anteros spread havoc in the Underworld
"Brother, brother, please, can we turn back?" a golden-haired boy whined. He hung down his butterfly wings. He was tired. And scared.
passing it to: @rains-inky-mind @uraniumwriting @aether-wasteland-s @lyutenw @unhinged-corvid hope you'll like it <3
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lady-morta · 2 years
Open Starter
“Okay, so, let’s go over this one more time,” Morta said with a sigh, turning on her heel and slowly walking back towards the large, circular window overlooking the city street below. “We agree upon the creation of three score new ferrymen, the creation of nine more way points, the implementation of a three strike warning system before termination, and three weeks of excused leave. There, did I miss anything?
There was a loud squawk, causing Morta to turn around abruptly. She looked over the countless sets of eyes looking back at her, and scowled as the one squawk turned into a dozen. Soon, feathers were ruffling and she threw her head back to stare at the rafters before shaking it and rolling her eyes. Things used to be so much simpler when she didn’t have to rely on her servants to help her do her job. Alas…without her scythe, this was where she was at. 
“You are constructs. You do need family leave! You can’t reproduce!”
The squawking continued. Soon, it was a cacophony of sound. Though her ferrymen took on the form of corvids, they were quite sentient. For the most part, they only spoke to her--but that didn’t mean that a few of the other deities couldn’t communicate with them if they so wished. With the amount of noise they were making, Morta couldn’t imagine a reason any of the other deities would want to commune with her ferrymen.
 Morta raised her hand, releasing a crackle of icy energy. Silence fell through the room--the secondary attic of one of the few remaining cathedrals within Vievecor--though the birds remained unsettled. “Fine. In the event that one of you manages to reproduce, you can have family leave. Six weeks. And no, adoption does not count! I will not have you going out and stealing pigeon eggs in order to get an extended vacation until they’re out of the nest.”
Another squawk from the background. 
“I don’t care if you’re indignant--don’t pretend there isn’t at least one of you here thinking about it. I’m looking at you Odjir. Now, are we done? We’ve been cooped up here--no pun intended--for far too long and I have a party to get to.”
One by one, the birds took off, passing through the walls and ceilings with ease to return to their patrol of the city. Soon, it was just Morta left…with Odjir. He hopped towards her, gave what Morta was certain was a hmph with his head, and then took off, flying awfully close to her face as he passed through the circular window. Morta scowled and muttered a few choice words before stomping towards the door. 
Quickly descending the rickety old stairs to the upper level of the cathedral, she waved her hand, unlocking the wooden door from the other side. She threw it open, startling an aging priest who was far too in shock to say anything as she made a U-turn, her heels clicking loudly on the stone stairs. Morta breathed a sigh of relief as she crossed the entryway in only a few steps and pushed the large double doors open…
Only to freeze in her tracks. It was so cold. And…and was that snow? Surely not, it was too early in the year for that, what with Halloween only being just around the corner and--
Was that…a holiday song? 
Morta crossed her thing-sweater- covered arms, haphazardly rubbing. It wasn’t as if the cold really bothered her, but it was quick a shock in her weakened state. Morta followed the music down one block towards the heart of the city, slumping her shoulders more and more as the city center came into view. 
There was an ice-skating rink set up. Families were linked arm in arm, gliding around as holiday music echoed from speakers and colored lights twinkled from the manicured trees. She had missed the Halloween Celebration hadn’t she? She should have known. The veil had been so terribly thin while she gathered with her ferrymen and time tended to move differently when engulfed in such energy. While she had expected a few days to have passed her by, it seemed that had been wishful thinking. What more had she missed. 
With a sigh, Morta dropped down on an empty bench. “Fantastic…”
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kendrixtermina · 7 months
(blood-drenched sunset)
the corvids pick at the past of the clinging remainders,
sticking by the bone,
making space for the sun to bleach it.
Making space for the tides of crimson,
to rise above ruins,
staining them a little more each year.
Making room for scattered travellers to wonder
after the long-forgotten purposes of the rock and the concrete,
the silent thoughts behind the markings and constructions.
Leaving unguarded the steep and winding stariways,
worn smooth by the steps of ages,
for the stargazers’s rings of arches and monoliths,
buried borever in northern moss-grown trees, dark and barren
the slippery earth is trodden.
The leafless brown branches anre swaying in the wind.
The wind-rounded walls
keep extending to the horizon, into eternity,
just a bit of stained water gathered besides it,
just enough there to see one’s reflection,
just enough there to wish that one had kept walking.
Through sediment layers of many dull ages,
cold war concrete stairs over medieval crumblings,
cuneiform engraving that I don’t know how to read,
but I expect that I should be concurring with the sentiment. What other can there be?
Flower fields and spheres,
and the heaviest, most solitary of dark moons
gleaming above, in the half-lights of sleep,
half-reality of half-remembered dreamscapes,
imbued with meanings or narratives only in hindsight.
Monumets visited by stragglers,
who cannot even imagine their builders,
the thoughts that in the context they were born from must be really quite mudane,
Cold, cold skies.
Black of nocturne that is the only truth there is,
no matter what disparate lies are shown in the colorful skies of alien worlds.
As if they, too weren’t just wandering.
As if there was anything, in all this empty room, to be found.
But for the silent, eroding graves and bleeding spheres that we already knew about,
crying out in the instant of eclipse, only letting us hear what is always crying out.
90% of all the stars that will ever be born have already shone.
We have not yet made it to the very first black dwarf,
but it is only a matter of physics taking in course.
As is my death by the alchemy,
that could never archieve its tragi, far-off dream of prolonging our lives.
Such stuff, as dreams are made of, even those rocks they thought eternal
and fought wars for.
Things overgrown with thorns, with the abstract blood of planets.
With the scholars’ books and collections that will ever go to dust
with no one left to read them,
no means to relate the ancient data from incompatible device
Dusty walls and telescope mirrors.
It’s not that I don’t care it’s that there’s nothing there to care for.
Inhaling the stars,
I bounce myself off into motion that will go on wellnigh forever,
barely friction’d by a manimality of scattered atoms.
Which is to say that my heavy boots are crushing the thistles.
I am aware, so very painfully aware.
0 notes
Leo & Marcel's Christmas Adventure
Here we are again with our favorite Corvid and Rodentia, on an adventure. But let us hope they bundled up for this one, it is quite nippy out.  
Back in the countryside, it is a beautiful day, a little cold but beautiful Christmas eve. Snow covering the ground, the shrieks and laughter of the children as they play in the snow, the adults congregated together enjoying some hot tea, all is well within the human aspect but let us check on the animals.  
We travel across the yard and into the cornfield and we settle upon quite a shocking sight. Leo, the clumsy mouse, has himself in quite a predicament.  
We can hear Marcel laughing behind him having just come upon the sight of the tiny mouse face down in the snow, “Leo! What have you done now, you silly mouse?”  
Leo had not heard his found brother from all the snow covering his head, mumbling, “Stupid lights, stupid snow, clumsy me!”  
Marcel listened to Leo as he continued to rant and eventually taking pity on the tiny field mouse, he hopped on over and dragged him out of the snow. “Now!” said Marcel, “Would you like to tell me what lead up to this, my tiny brother?”  
Leo sighed and mumbled something under his breath, Marcel barely hearing a word of what was said. Marcel sighed, “Speak up, Leo.”  
Leo groaned, “Fine! I may have been on top of my house trying to fix the lights, I did not realize that there was still a part of them lying on the ground and when I climbed down the ladder and stepped back, I tripped on said lights.”  
Marcel behind him chuckling softly said, “Why didn’t you wait for me, you silly mouse? I was on my way.”  
Leo sighed, “I was in a hurry to get it done because I wanted to show you the lights up close. You’ve have never seen the lights of Morelock up close and I wanted them to be ready for when you arrived.”  
Marcel, once again moved by the kindness of his found brother, smiled, “Let me help you hang this last strand and then I will bask in the beauty I have seen from a distance for all these years, yes?”  
Leo smiled, “Always the helper, aren't you?”  
Marcel lest out a bashful chuckle, “That I am, Leo. Now, what do you say, hm?”  
Leo grinned, “Alright, let's go then you slow bird.”  
As Leo and Marcel worked to hang the last strand of Leos lights, they did not notice someone watching them from afar. Marion, the old and worn mouse, watched fondly as the two darlings of Morelock worked together, smiling softly Marion muttered to herself, “Thank you, God. Thank you for allowing these two gentle souls to find each other.”  
“Marion! Quit being such a nosey old woman and come help your withered husband!” Shouted Thomas  
Marion whipped around and glared at Thomas, “You keep that up, old fart and you'll earn my foot up your bum!”  
Thomas went inside with his head hung low and muttered, “Nosey bat.”  
Marion heard what he said but decided to give him a chance to correct himself, “What was that, my dear husband?”  
Thomas winced knowing he had been caught, “Nothing, my dear!”  
Marion smirked and hummed to herself, “You still got it, old girl.”   
Watching through her window at the two darlings of Morelock work together, she became thoughtful, and Thomas noticed the look and ached to know what had been causing his wife pain for the last month.  
Carefully approaching his wife and laying a hand upon her shoulder, “What's bothering you, my love?”  
Marion sighed and nodded out of the window and towards the two boys hard at work. Thomas peered at them but still could see nothing wrong except for two boys having fun, he looked to Marion once more and asked, “What about them, my darling?”  
Marion with sad eyes turned to look at her husband, “Both of those boys have lost their families, they have no one except each other and while they have each other I so wish that neither had to know the pain of not having their families during the holiday season.”  
Thomas hummed in agreement and had an idea, “Send the boys out while all of us of Morelock prepare something! Send them to get the tree that you know who forgot while the rest of us prepare the feast.”  
Marion, shocked that her husband had working brain cells lit up like...well, like a Christmas tree, “Yes! That is what we d-” she halted in the middle of the sentence and sighed, “We forgot one detail, Thomas.”  
Thomas puzzled as ever asked, “What's that?”  
Marion looked at him, “Leo has not come to a feast in two years, you buffoon!”  
His brain finally sparked once again, “Oh, right. Well, we must trick them then! While we prepare the feast, they get the tree and once they bring back the tree, we just send them on random errands! We send them around to everyone collecting different items and once done, we send them home for the night!”  
Marion, once again shocked, looked at her husband, “What about getting them to THE BLOODY FEAST?”  
Thomas thought for a second, let us be real, a good few minutes and said, “We just ask them to do one more errand.”  
Marion, confused by her husband as always, “What KIND of errand do we send them on when its CHRISTMAS DAY, YOU LOVEABLE MORON?”  
Thomas once again having to think, “Berries! We send them to get some berries saying we forgot.”  
Marion looked at him and then back to the boys who were currently rolling around in the snow, she smiled, “Well, let us get started! We have an exceptionally long day ahead.”  
So, with that Marion and Thomas parted ways to tell the town's gossip queens to spread the word of what is to be done, and once they finished, they met back up in front of their home. Thomas hobbled over, “I am done with Primrose. Are you done with Vera?”  
Marion thought of saying something smart but decided to be nice to her husband, “Yes, I am done. Vera was in a talking mood as usual, so I had to make a quick escape when she got distracted.”  
Thomas snickered, “A new boy toy pass by the old bitty?”  
Marion cackled, “Yes, actually. She is going to corner the poor man under a mistletoe.”  
Thomas shivered but not because of the cold, “Godspeed to the man!”  
The old couple shared a laugh and walked over to Leo and Marcel; Marion smiled at the scene in front of her and looked at her husband who was smiling just as big. Marion looked back at the boys and shouted, “Boys, come here for a minute! Two old mice would like to have a word with you.”  
Marcel shouted out, “Yes, Madam!”  
Leo and Marcel scrambled over to greet the elderly couple and Leo said, “Hello Marion, Thomas! To what do we owe the pleasure?”  
Marion smiled softly, “As you know, Alice forgot the tree and we have all just been too busy to really remedy that issue. We were wondering if you two could get the tree for us?”  
Marcel squawked, “Us?”  
Thomas laughed softly, “Yes, the both of you.”  
Leo looked perplexed and was about to ask as to why the couple wanted them to do it but Marcel, being the helper he is, spoke up before Leo could ask, “Of course we’ll do it!”  
Marion grinned at them, “Thank you, boys!”  
And with that Marion and Thomas walked off and as they walked away Thomas mumbled to Marion under his breath, “I’m shocked that worked!”  
Marion was just as shocked, “Yes, luckily Marcel spoke before Leo asked his question.”  
As the older couple made their way back home, Leo turned to Marcel, “Why us? Why does Marion want US to do it?”  
Marcel shrugged his wings, “I don’t know, but let us get going, it may not be far but it's still cold out.”  
And with that they set off towards the trees, and of course Leo, being as clumsy as he is, trips and faceplants in the snow once again.  
Marcel lets out a squawk of laughter, “You just may be the clumsiest mouse in the world! HA!”  
Leo gets up with a laugh, “I won't deny that it's impossible too.”  
They walk deeper within the trees and start looking, “The tree must be perfect, Leo. I mean it, do not play about, and get distracted.” Marcel spoke about 5yrds out from where Leo stood gawking at all the trees.  
Leo finally snapped out of it, “Of course, you are right. No playing is to be had, they trust us to pick out a tree and perfect it must be.”  
They looked and looked, and while they looked Primrose and Vera had already told everyone in Morelock.  
Primrose and Vera had smiles upon their faces as they greeted each other, “Ello, Vera.” “Morning, Primrose!” and with that they walked into the building that is used to hold the annual feast.  
As soon as they walked in, it was CHAOS. They surveyed the area and looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. Vera let out a sharp whistle as Primrose yelled, “ENOUGH! We are to do this in a calm and orderly fashion so it can be done by morning! Now, when I say your name, you say here, and Vera will direct you to your stations. Understood?”  
A chorus of yeses were heard throughout the building, due to fear of the two elderly women. And so it began, the long day of preparing the decorations and the two boys' favorite foods for the day ahead. Vera shooed off Alice back to her house to wait for the boys because once they bought the tree back, they are to be sent to the market to get some ingredients for Alices famous fruit cake.  
Back in the woods Leo and Marcel were having a time finding the right tree, Leo was getting anxious, and Marcel was growing tired. Marcel looked to Leo and said, “I have an idea! You wait below and check the smell of the tree while I check the limbs.”  
Leo looked confused, “What will that accomplish?”  
Marcel chirped softly, “The stronger the smell and stronger the limbs, the healthier the tree is! It will last longer and hold the decorations much better.”  
It finally clicked for Leo and that is what was done, they went around multiple trees checking their worth. It took them an hour, but it was worth it. They picked out the most beautiful tree anyone has ever seen. They set to work chopping it down and dragging it back to town and once they got the tree to its destination, they were greeted by Vera getting a tad handsy with Gregory, one of the younger local farmers.  
Marcel snickered, “Getting a bit rough with Greg, are we now Miss. Vera?”  
Vera jumped and Greg made a quick escape, “Shoot! Oh well, it’s a pleasant view from behind as well. What can I do for you-Oh! The tree! Oh, and it is incredibly beautiful, boys. Well done! Now, why don’t you boys run off to the market for Alice and pick up some ingredients she needs for her fruit cake. Here is the list, now run along!”  
The two boys looked at each other but didn’t say a single word and walked off in the direction of the market. It continued like that all day, running here and there not a single break was had except to eat and drink but they even did that as they walked.  
Once all was said and done by the end of the day the two were exhausted and in need of a good night's sleep. They said their goodbyes and goodnights to everyone, and Marcel walked Leo to his home as usual.  
Once they got to the door Marcel looked at Leo, “What was that all about?”  
Leo, just as confused, said, “I don’t know but it was definitely strange!”  
Marcel let out a tired laugh, “Yes, I suppose it was. Well, I'll bid you a goodnight, brother. I hope you have a good sleep and wonderful dreams.”  
Leo smiled, “You as well, my feathered brother.”  
They went their separate ways for the night, both excited for the morning. They didn’t know it, but they had both gotten each other a gift. Leo made Marcel a new stick to hunt with and Marcel made Leo a bowl for nicknacks, and with their minds and bodies worn out they drift off to sleep in their beds.  
Christmas Morning  
Both boys were extremely excited to get together and give each other the gifts they made. As Marcel landed in front of Leos home, he saw Leo already making his way out. They both had something colorful with them and neither knew what exactly to say to one another, so they said nothing as they silently exchanged gifts.  
Leo opened his present first and said with teary eyes and a shaky voice, “Is this-Marcel, you remembered! Thank you!”  
Marcel opened his next, he gasped in awe, “Leo, you made me a stick to hunt with! And I can even bend it like I want! Thank you!’  
With that the two boys gave tearful laughs and hearty hugs and settled down in Leo's yard. Marcel spoke up, “So, what are we going to do-” just as Marcel was about to finish his sentence, Marion came over.  
Huffing and puffing a bit Marion spoke up, “Boys, I hate to bother you, but we forgot the berries yesterday. Do you think you could get them?”  
Leo, knowing what a staple the berries were readily agreed, “Yes, Miss. Marion. Of course, we will get them!”  
Marion smiled softly with a twinkle in her eyes, “Thank you, boys and please, be careful!”  
They watched her scurry off back into her home and Marcel spoke smugly, “Now look who's ready to help.”  
Leo rolled his eyes playfully as they started walking, “The berries are a staple in the feast, Marcel. You can’t go along without the berries.”  
Marcel made a slight noise in understanding, and they continued in silence and stopping here and there to toss snow at one another and just simply be in the moment and enjoy one another's company. They finally got to the berries and set to work picking them, it took a bit to get all they needed and took back off towards town.  
Back in Morelock, we see Thomas, Marion, Vera, and Primrose putting the finishing touches on everything. Everyone was gathered around the table waiting for the two special guests. Vera was lighting the last candle when she heard bouts of laughter coming from outside that could only belong to the two special guests.  
Vera scrambled and quietly hissed, “Shush! They are here, get settled and ready.”  
As the boys grew closer, they smelled something, well many somethings, delicious. They recognized the smells well, for it was all their favorite foods. They carefully approached the door and Leo pushed it open and they were met with a loud yell of, “Surprise!”  
Leo and Marcel stopped, Marcel spoke up in a shaky voice, “What's this for?”  
Marion approached the gentle bird and playful mouse and said, “I have seen you, Leo, become a brave man in the face of everything but ever since that day you have been closed off and shut away. I wish you to join us once again in the festivities and you, Marcel. Oh sweet, gentle boy, you have gained friends in us but in the process lost family and we wish for you to know that WE are your family now. What do you say boys, care to join us?”  
Leo and Marcel glanced at each other and came to a silent realization that while they were never alone as long as they had each other they could open another space for more family in their hearts and lives. They looked back at everyone and then to Marion and said, “Yes!” and so with that everyone cheered.  
Thomas being the withered old mouse he is spoke, “Alright, enough or I'm going to cry or get a cavity one. Let’s eat!”  
Marion looked about ready to smack him once but said nothing in the spirit of Christmas and grabbed the boys and joined in. Overall, she would say it was a success. Everyone loved the food and beverages, especially Vera. By the end of the night that woman had poor Greg cornered and was gyrating her old hips the best she could on the poor man. She was DRUNK! Thomas took one look at poor Greg and muttered, “May god have mercy on you.” and raised his glass in a silent gesture and downed the rest of the wine that was in there.  
Leo and Marcels thoughts were like Marions, it was a success and a fun day. They had food and wine and most importantly, they had fun. Leo rediscovered the joys of the feast once again and Marcel discovered more family, not blood but still family. By the end of the night, they took it upon themselves to carry Vera home and they could hear a drunk echo of Primrose calling out, “Night, Vera!” and Vera slurred back, “Goodnight, Primerose!”  
Primrose halted and muttered to herself, “Primrose? Who is Primrose?” she thought for a moment, and it dawned on her, “OH! It’s me.” and she stumbled home cackling.  
Leo and Marcel got Vera to settle in her home and met up with Marion and Thomas on the way back to Leo’s home. Leo spoke, “Thank you for today. Thank you for all you did for us.” and Marcel readily backed up his brother, “Yes, thank you. I haven’t had a true family in a while and so for all of you, I am eternally grateful.”  
The older couple smiled, and Marion said, “You boys deserve family and fun, I am glad we could give it to you. Goodnight, my boys. Sleep well.” and with Thomas echoing his wife's statement they went home.  
Leo and Marcel smiled and went on their way as well and once arriving at Leos home, they bid each other a goodnight and good dreams.  
In their separate homes Thomas and Marion, Vera, Primrose, Leo, and Marcel settled down for the night,  
Marcel muttered to the stars, “Thank you for giving me my family. Goodnight all and goodnight to you, dear brother. Sleep well.”  
Leo hummed and snuggled down, “Thank you for showing me the joys of the holidays once again and for giving me my family. Goodnight all and goodnight, dear brother. Sleep well.”  
Vera muttering in her sleep, “Take it off. Show me what you got, Greg!”  
Primrose with not a single thought in her head is already fast asleep dreading the hangover she is expecting in the morning.  
Marion and Thomas, under their covers and all warm. Marion turns to Thomas, “We did good, didn’t we?” and Thomas said, “Yes, my love. Yes, we did. Goodnight, my dear.” Marion smiled gently at her husband and placed a kiss on his cheek, “Goodnight, my darling fool.”  
And with that everyone went to bed, all settled, nice, and warm. We take a look at the humans, and they seem to have had a good day as well. The children are settled in bed with their toys and the adults finally getting the peace they deserve from this hectic but good day. Everyone seems to be happy and calm, and so we leave them be for the night and settle in ourselves. But do not worry, there is more to come. Goodnight and sleep well. 
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corvid-corvette-coven · 11 months
emails between my and my school psychiatrist, Kat (the beloved <3) || VENT!! || long post but i vented to prove my point to her aswell
Corvid-Corvette-Coven <[email protected]>
To: Kat (the beloved <3)
Wed 25/10/2023 9:22pm
Subject: <this field has been intentionally left blank>
we had a meeting scheduled for today right? Cos i wont be at school today It's gonna be a bad day for classes for me and I honestly just pussied out of it its more likely i have an underlying buildup of anxiety thats doing that but yeah
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literally me /\
Kat (the beloved <3) <[email protected]>
To: corvid-corvette-coven
Fri 27/10 2023 11:21am
Subject: Re. <this field has been intentionally left blank>
Hi, How are you feeling today? I hope you are at school. Cause you know the longer you avoid anxious triggers, the more difficult they may become to face…just saying….
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With Gratitude, Kat (the beloved<3 | Psychologist  School Jesus School 100 School Street | PO Box 8008 | TOWN NSW 8008 ABN 17 690 720 860 P +61 6 9420 1080p E [email protected] W http://www.school.nsw.edu.au
Corvid-Corvette-Coven <[email protected]>
To: Kat (the beloved <3)
Fri 27/10 2023 12:24pm
Subject: This email took an hour to write lol (can you tell I used to do public speaking and debating)
I'm feeling good today, I've taken my meds (which is why this email is so long and detailed), and I plan to get work done. ('good' really means normal, and for me n o r m a l means I'm still carrying my constant emotional baggage but it's not necessarily bumming me out right now)
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COUNTER ARGUMENT!!! The longer you stay in situations that stress you out the further that will continue to build, and really I am de-stressing to avoid burnout. THINGS THAT STRESS ME OUT (non exhaustive list) -Dysphoria from my friends  (appearance and social gender envy from Ara Ara)  (emotional, appearance, and social gender envy from Brisket)  (emotional, appearance, and social gender envy from Paella) -General emotional uncertainty and inability to connect with my friends as deeply as I wish I could -Particularly painful classes as a result of disruptive students  History, Christian Studies, (English + Math sometimes) (I've gotten over the initial misery I had with english) -Not having classes with ANY friends beyond my electives not only considering they can have classes together which allows them to have more developed friendships, but also the classes I do have with someone I know (that isn't an elective) I have with Shakira who is far from my first option and who I'm only really 'friends' with because of proximity and the fact she isn't too bad (even if a bit irritating, rude, and fickle) (the only nice thing about having Shakira there is she creates a barrier between me, and To Slo/ biggus (despite the fact they only sit near because she's there)) I tend to avoid recognising this in particular because it evokes the part of my thought process that thinks the state of reality now is what it will always be like (hopelessness) -Dysphoria in those classes not only from the perceived disconnect between my behaviour and the girls but from a general assumed association with the boys (the disruptive students) -The fact that dysphoria makes alot of good things more bitter than sweet for me, which can be disheartening for my friends And also that I'm so consistently upset and emotionally devastated that they have given up on trying to comfort me despite that being what I need so much in those situations -That fucking bald spot -Dysphoria from being apart of the boys sporting class and smelling horrific with sweat (even if I wear more than enough deodorant any smell is far too much) -Even food tech (one of the good classes) take some serious emotional manoeuvring to enjoy since I have to  not stress out Ara Ara too much and adapt to what she wants to do. Being funny whilst not interruptive and not a too masculine way to avoid the emotional distress of potentially not being someone she enjoys being around (and avoid more dysphoria) ALL OF THAT brings more dysphoria when its cross compared with her relationships with Brisket and Paella and MORE dysphoria comes when I see the relationship she has with Mrs F, how she's able to talk to her and joke with her and everything -The general emotional uncertainty that I feel Ara Ara and I have, it feels like they are more and less unhappy with me every other week and I can't decipher which of the thousands of possible reasons that could be, or if its real at all and I'm just entirely incorrect about that. Exams are really an afterthought because they stress my brain out too much to think about the effect they'll have (same with my future (both the good and bad possibilities)) I think it might be a defence or coping mechanism but instead of reconciling and working with that stress I somehow have both an oblivious and aggressively optimistic outlook with a glass half full sort've way. "In less than a week and a half it'll be over" is generally what I try to remember. Not thinking about it much is bad for me because I can't seize every chance I could to study; thinking about THAT too hard will stress me out so I'm trying to just think about studying more instead of how I'm studying less that I should.
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It's not something I can always feel buildup consciously, even if I'm feeling good in the morning I know when a day is going to be bad for me, so anxiety is the hypothesis. (I can also tell what days I'm going to be the most prone to dysphoria) that was most of the points I can remember at this time, though I know there's more stresses and arguments I could make but that summarises my current state fairly accurately.  that being said, I am at home today and my excuse is it's actually better to have the whole day to study (even if I just spent the first few hours rotting)
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Prompt: You wake up in bed to find a masked figure armed with a knife stood next to you. After a moment, they speak; "Hello. I won't waste your time, so I'll make things simple for you. Just say the name of a person you hate, and I will make sure that they're dead by the end of the month, no charge." Prompt Source: user Paper_Shotgun; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
I blinked. Magic? Magic, I decided, considering the gauntlet this stranger would have had to get past: two dogs, four familiars, one surprisingly sharp-clawed coward cat, plus the combat-trained Dojo protégé in the living room, at least two ghost cats, my Garden, the Neighbors most Gentle who got a share of all my garden's produce, the Corvid Flock headed by the paired cawthers-in-law, my mother in law-Ent, my demon-dragon child, and finally my Demon Prince other husband just to reach my narcoleptic bedside. Probably dream casting, given the lack of wounds and blood.
"Watch out for the dragon," was what I said first, as I scootched up in bed to rest against my pillows.
"What? Is the dragon whom you hate most?"
"No, but he tends to visit our child and spice in dreams. He's very powerful, and doesn't much like strangers in his family's dreamscapes."
"I don't hate any individual people deeply enough to desire their deaths, I'm afraid," I interrupted, watching the face under the mask and feeling gratified when confusion shifted to fear. Ah. This assassin owed my family something.
"I hate things. I rail against institutional racism; I despise capitalistic greed, I hate the need that some people have to trample down everyone around them to sit on top instead of working together to build something greater and help their neighbors. I hate to be micromanaged- I sometimes hate that my brain chemicals won't let me do the things I want to do. But generally, I do not hate people. So I cannot simply name a person, you see. It would be a lie."
The stranger shifted from foot to foot, looking anxious now. Perhaps it was the wingbeats in the distance making them nervy.
"Very well then," they blurted, quickly, "name one thing you wish to see eliminated from the world within a year. No charge."
Oh, that was easy. Of all the things I despised, one held highest sway. "Poverty; manufactured, abject, without recourse- every variety."
"It will be done within 365 days," they said, eyes glowing and voice dripping with relief.
"I look forward to seeing your work," I replied.
"I woke up feeling ridiculously tired," I complained over breakfast, pouting at my bagel.
"Well the cats yowled for almost twenty minutes and set off the dogs, and Nightmare visited last night. Maybe your sleep was broken," Hyde said from next to me. "It woke up Night Shift."
"I heard the snarling!" the living room confirmed chirpily. Our spice must be knee-deep in killing a boss or something to be that cheerful this early.
"And I wouldn't remember because fuckin' narcolepsy," I grumbled. "Maybe. In the meantime what did I hear on the news?"
"Oh they're FINALLY overhauling the welfare and food stamp system- you know how we always said someone should make the lawmakers live on their own welfare budget and then say if it's enough? Someone snuck that into law and they just realized it after the bill was ratified, it starts today!"
"Oh my god this is gonna be hilarious AND we'll be able to afford groceries again! Cuz you know the lawmakers ain't gonna like it when they realize you can't buy toilet paper or band aids on food stamps!"
"I know right? Death to capitalism's manufactured poverty!"
"Death to poverty! Hey that sounds familiar, maybe that's what I dreamed of?"
I laughed that silly thought off and dug into breakfast feeling somehow much more energized.
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the-madwomen · 2 years
Sleep schedule is still jacked up. No idea how to fix it in all honesty. Should have known working on fixing my interdimensional traveling device late at night would affect me like this, but here we are.
Oh, speaking of that. I've got the blasted thing fixed up, for the most part. The problem is that I don't have a fuel source for it. I don't even know what it was, originally. I made the whole thing as a project for a theater production class in high school, finding the fuel source in there for reasons I still don't understand. It's not like I put in the fuel and then instantly my hunk of wood, plastic, and paper mache was a working device, of course.
After I passed the project, I took it home and, slowly but surely, improved it. Used some tools at my father's when he had me for custody, when the old man having me do his handy work for him and having us watch movies you shouldn't watch with your father. Once my mother and step-father moved, taking me with them, I began going out and buying my own supplies, which extended when I finally moved out unexpectedly while they were in holiday. Eventually I managed to haphazard together enough wiring and tools to make it into an actual device.
I was very proud of myself, even before I knew what it was capable of.
I mused to myself that it may have been a way to go across alternate realities, which was a lucky guess though logically what else could it have been?, but in truth I didn't think it would amount to much. It was just a personal project I was working on for no reason other than the feeling that... I was working on something.
I have executive dysfunction. Not officially diagnosed, but I know I have ADHD and the inability to work on things I'm passionate about a lot of the time, so there's that. It does affect my more artistic endeavors mostly, but it also keeps me from doing normal adult things like job hunting and whatnot. It's dreadful, but better than what I thought it was before I knew it existed... Depression.
So it was nice that I had something that I was just able to do. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I didn't think there was any importance to it, and therefore the dysfunction didn't settle in as harshly. Though I will admit, it was still hard to muster up the energy some days. And it could be risky. Let's just say my hair wasn't always pure white, though I did manage to rock the look. But then, one day, I decided to pull the trigger after a bit more work. And...
It worked.
I was amazed. At the device, at that mysterious fuel, and... At myself. I managed to create this. Sure, not without some help from the internet in how to engineer such a thing, not the use of supplies provided by my school, my emotionally abusive parents, some hardware stores an hour's walk away from my mother's house, and the many, many underpaid workers who actually made those supplies... But for what I was able to make out of the lemons handed to me by both my skill and by chance, I made some damned fine lemonade.
I didn't quite comprehend what had happened at first. It wasn't until a bird, specifically a three-eyed corvid whom I dubbed Clementine, flew out of the portal my device produced did I understand what was happening. I hardly even stopped to wonder if it was safe to go through. Sure, Clementine was fine when they went through it, but for all I knew the portal could have formed 100 meters in the air, or that the air in that universe would have killed me. Nevertheless, I took the risk. I am glad I did. I do wish I had taken longer to take it, but I was more desperate and less caring of myself back then. Ah well, turned out for the best.
I have many memories of my travels. I witnessed horrors that would drive sane people mad, meaning I was grateful to have always been crazy. I witnessed wondrous things that... Honestly would have done the same. I made good friends, horrible enemies, and even a frenemy or two. I've lost some good people and... a bird along the way, but that's what happens in an adventurous life, I suppose. That's what I tell myself at least. I have been able to overthrow governments, though never on my own. I have invented a few wondrous items, and got many more marvelous creations by brilliant lunatics like myself. It was marvelous, as if I were sailing the ocean.
... Then I had to ruin all that.
I came back to this dimension because... Well I missed my friends I had made here, specifically my found family on Discord. Not to mention the internet constantly changing on you can get annoying. I managed to come back to this universe earlier than I had left, if that makes any sense. My plan was simple enough. Make sure I could always be connected to this universe's internet no matter what dimension I went to, gather up what friends were willing to leave this satire of a world behind and never set foot in it again, interacting with it only through that world's wide web. Then I had to do something stupid.
I put the device in the same pocket as my phone, breaking both in the process.
Anywhere from months to decades of exploring, all put to an end due to my own incompetence. I'm just glad it was here and not a more unfamiliar world. At the very least, I was able to connect my origin dimension's internet back to my home dimension, so I'm still able to talk with them long distance. Now it's about 3/4 of a year, and I've readjusted to the conditions of capitalism, which is never a good thing to have to get used to. To tell the truth, I had almost managed to forget what rent even was before being stranded on this deserted island of a universe.
Now I almost have a way out. Almost. I just need to find out what that fuel was. I hope to the gods it was something from this world! I had my (non-romantic since I'm aro) partner, who wishes to stay anonymous for now, send out a distress signal to other travelers for me, though there's no telling when help is going to arrive, or if they even need to. I hope they come soon. It's terribly lonely
Thank you for reading this far. It's probably not that exciting to hear a mad woman's ramblings, so thank you.
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