#online friends specifically. like all you have to do is look up the areas that the birds live in and then find the overlapping areas
God I fucking love birds
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jasperxkuromi · 3 months
Play ideas for chronically ill, disabled, or otherwise bed bound/low energy littles
Hi all! I am chronically ill. I am not comfortable sharing my specific diagnosis, but I am more than okay with talking about disability in general. Everything below is based on my own personal experiences and activities I like to do while stuck in bed. Everyone's body and experiences are different. I may list some things that just aren't an option for you, and that's okay. You are more than welcome to add on to this post with activities you do too!
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🐛 Open the curtains and cloud watch! I like to look for clouds that remind me of animals or characters and day dream a story about them. If the weather is nice, consider opening your window a little bit and letting some fresh air into your room.
🐦 Bird watch! I have a bird feeder outside my window that I painted myself from a kid's kit. There are also bird feeders that have suction cups that can be stuck right on your window. You can also make your own seed ornaments. You could pick yourself up a kids book or two on learning to identify birds.
🌷 Get a window planter. You may need someone's help to set one up, but once they are in place they are fairly easy to care for. I like pansies and marigolds because they remind me of childhood, and they are low maintenance and do well in containers.
📖 Audiobooks are great for middles who want to read chapter books. If you have a library card you can borrow tons of audiobook, ebooks, and comics through hoopla and Libby for free. There are some audiobooks for younger kiddo books, but honestly I think YouTube is better for that.
🖼️ Scrapbooks and journals! Being penpals with another little is also an option, but I do recommend using basic internet safety and common sense. (I don't think you should do this if you are under 18). You could always scan/take pictures of your letter and send it digitally to your penpal instead.
🛏️ If you spend a lot of time in bed, and have the money to do so, I really recommend getting items to make your time in bed more comfortable. Extra pillows, or even a reading pillow can be helpful. Lap desks or bed tables can give you space to color or set up play scenes with small toys.
🌟 You can also decorate the area around your bed to make it more child like! Fairy lights, glow in the dark stars, bed canopies, posters, and the like.
🪑 I have a floor chair I use for times I am playing outside of my bed. Being close to the floor helps me feel small, but not having back support hurts after a short while. I have an adjustable one that I can lay flat on the floor as a sleeping mat. Very helpful for the times when I need a quick nap after playtime.
🎨 Check the seasonal and kids sections at dollar stores and Five Below. I usually find fun craft kits that can keep me occupied for a bit for really cheap.
🧶 Do your own crafts! I like the knit and crochet. Some people can do them in bed, but I find it difficult to find a comfortable way to do that. However making friendship bracelets in bed works out pretty well. They make great gifts, even for non little friends. Or you could make matching ones for you and your CG or favorite plushie!
🪀 Make your own sensory bin! You can find tons of tutorials and ideas online. Bonus is you can get most of the items you would use at the dollar store. There are tons of other DIY sensory toys you can make as well if you look around. Glitter/shaker bottles are pretty popular too.
🐇 Cuddle with your stuffed animals. Tell them stories. Play pretend. Read to them. They will appreciate all of it.
🎮 If you have an old 3DS stuffed away in a drawer somewhere, pull it back out. 3DS are fairly easy to install homebrew and there are toooons of kiddo friendly games you could get (check 3ds.hacks.guide for this, do not follow tutorials on YouTube or random websites as they very well could be outdated)
💊 Decorate your medicine organizers with stickers. If you use mobility aids you can decorate them as well! Fake flowers are great for decorating mobility aids and there are tons of ideas you can find online.
🍼 I have stomach problems that makes it hard for me to eat enough. I often drink Ensure to make sure I am getting enough calories/nutrients. I get the strawberry flavor and sometimes put it in my sippy cup and pretend it is strawberry milk 😋
😴 If you need rest, rest! You deserve to get as much sleep as your body needs. Babies and toddlers take naps all the time! Trying to just exist with chronic health issues is difficult enough. You don't need to push yourself.
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
hey about that ask and post about how trans lesbians dont have any real in to the community to start figuring out their identies i think your missing a bit of the point because yes trans gay men dont have an automatic connection either and mlm and fandom spaces are pretty bad about 'cishet women' consuming alot of mlm content or relating to mlm ships and characters but while theyre there they are kinda (probably in a harmful way) learning about queer identites at least hearing the words to look up and research on their own but thats a different thing to trans lesbians not even having a space to get that close to queer people if at all without being kept out of conversation about queer identies and so never or much more rarely having space to find out about trans lesbians or given space to relate to wlw or queerness
of course most trans men in either of these spaces are celebrated for coming out unless they find groups of transmen in fandom even but i dont think that makes these experiences all that similar i think we should appreciate these as diffrent experiences without lessing eithers impact
I mean. there are closeted trans lesbians who have an awareness of queer identities through their friends or through online communities from the perspective of an ally. This is not the same as being able to identify oneself with queerness and feeling that you are accepted as an insider in those spaces, but that feeling isn't necessarily handed to closeted gay trans guys being read as heterosexual cis women either. And still, it's not as if there aren't any "straight" "cis" "men" who have queer friends or engage in communities frequently by queer people.
And I feel that having this conversation on Tumblr biases us, seeing as this is The Website for "straight" "cis" "women" who get really into MLM shipping. What about gay trans men who aren't chronically online in that way? Who live their lives as "normal" straight cis women, and whose only exposure to transmasculinity is the vague concept of "butch lesbian becomes masculine straight man"? Outside of Tumblr culture, I do not see gay trans men being given much visibility, with the "ex-lesbian" narrative still having a strong grasp over how most trans men are perceived.
I just feel like this argument is working off a very specific and local-to-Tumblr idea of the experiences of a gay trans man. Like, there are (in my experience), more gay trans men active in Queer Tumblr than gay cis men, and the same is not true for cis lesbians vs trans(fem) lesbians. But if you go to the vast majority of areas, where gay cis men dominate, gay trans men are not always being given space or visibility.
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Pillow Talk
Pairing: Evan (Buck) Buckley x Reader
Word count: 2.6k
Notes: So like is anyone else wanting the iPhone 16? Like I do but also my 14 pro max is still a bit better than the base model. Maybe I’ll look into it more idk
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Plus size requests are absolutely always okay and also most of my girlies are plus sized in mind
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Buck had been rambling on and on about his day as he laid in bed watching you get ready for a girl's night with Hen and Athena. He was picking at the little fuzzies from the blanket while talking about how Eddie had heard from his cousin that her best friend was secretly sleeping with her other friend’s boyfriend and that she didn’t know yet. 
“And like Eddie said that she needed to tell the other friend and personally I agree because-“
He stops as you toss aside the 6th dress you tried on. Normally you were good in two or three, he looked over at the pile of shoes on the floor and at the even bigger pile of discarded outfits. 
“Baby?” He looks up, his head propped on his elbow
“Hm?” You stand in the mirror holding a shirt in front of you and immediately frowning at it before tossing it aside. He watches you go through the pile again and hold up more outfits becoming increasingly upset. 
“Hey…hey what’s going on?” He says softly, as he sits up and comes to the edge of the bed, and reaches for you. You shake your head as he tries to pull you onto his leg and he stops as you push his arms away. 
“Whoa, shit okay” he puts his hands up in defense “Not cuddle time I understand, backing off” 
You throw the shirt down and pull at the roots of your hair a bit and he stands up, smoothing his hands over your arms and taking your hands. 
“We don’t pull remember? We express our feelings. We breathe through it-“ He nuzzles his nose against yours and you sigh, smiling a little “And we talk about it” he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you tightly against him while rubbing your back. 
“Alright, out with it” 
You sigh and hold onto his shirt, rolling your eyes as you look up at him, placing your chin on his chest. 
“You’re gonna be mad at me” 
“No I'm not,” he says quickly, cupping your face in his hands “I promise I will process what you say first and react accordingly. Now spill” he kisses your forehead and you pull away a little, looking into the mirror. 
“I’m not… I’m- it’s just one of those days… one of those days when I look at the internet and know that I don’t look like those girls. Like- why do I have to be… bigger? You know? Why can’t I go shopping at a store not online! And literally, why does the plus size section have to be in a totally tiny different area you know??” 
“Why would I be mad at you for that?” He tilts his head and you bite your lip a little at his cuteness 
“Because… I know you don’t like it when I’m hard on myself like this” 
“I mean of course I don’t like it… but we all have our insecurities baby girl and some days they get the best of us. You think I love this scar every day of my life?” He points to his head and you walk back over to him, gently kissing it
“No?” You ask and he puts his hands on your hips
“Exactly… sometimes I just need help to be reminded that it’s part of what makes me so damn fine” 
You giggle and shake your head, running your fingers through his hair 
“My insecurities feel kind of overwhelming right now… I don’t- I don’t know if I want to go anymore”
“Do I need to play the song” Buck lets go and walks away from you, ignoring your little tears for a moment and you snort, wiping at your eyes 
“Don’t you fucking dare” 
“She has a point” He grabs his phone and starts scrolling as he connects to his speakers. Honestly, he’s hoping this is what you need right now, he just wants to make you happy again.
“I will literally-“
“I seem to remember the last time you felt this way? I specifically said I was going to do this”
He turns on his “baddie” playlist that he’d specifically made for these moments and turns his lights down low. He grabs your waist, yanking you against his chest, and slides his hands over your plush curves. 
“This isn’t a club!” You laugh as he grinds into you, moving your bodies to the beat and feeling you up 
“You remember the first thing Eddie said when I met you?” 
You roll your eyes and smile as you start to dance a little with him and he grins widely. Your hips move against his, more grinding than dancing really and he groans softly, keeping his hands on your body, grabbing and touching whatever he can like he can’t get enough of you, like he can’t breathe without you in his arms. 
“Come on sweet thing, talk to Daddy” 
You elbow him when he says that, your cheeks flushing “So you’re the girl Buck’s in love with” you say softly and he kisses your neck, inhaling the sweet perfume, his touch starting to become overwhelming in very, very good ways. 
“Mhm.. “in love” with” he whispers in your ear 
“That has nothing to do with this” You lean into his touch as his hands trail up your body and squeeze your breasts.
“And what did I say the first night I was drunk and I showed up at your door?”
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met in my entire life” he turns you both so you’re looking in the mirror and he smirks.
“There’s no fucking way I’m repeating that” 
“Oh come on! I meant it!”
“Buck!!” You squeal and he turns you around in his arms, smushing you against his chest and he holds your ass in his hands
“I believe I said something like- I want to be smothered by your thighs and-” he starts giggling as he thinks about it. 
“Don’t-“ you beat on his chest in an attempt to get him to shut the fuck up. 
“Suck on-“ He’s trying so hard to get it out, as he wheezes and holds onto your hips “Your gorgeous mommy milkers”
“No god fuck no!” You cringe as you shove him back on the bed and he falls easily, laughing his ass off. He rolls over and laughs into the pillows like a hyena and you get on the bed and start slapping him. 
“Why would you say that?!?!”
“Why did I say that?!!!” He rolls onto his back with the pillow over his face, kicking his legs and you grab your own pillow and start beating him with it 
“I’m never going to let you forget that” You yank the pillow from his face and he grins up at you.
“And I hope you never do 'cause it’s embarrassing as shit but fuck did I mean it” he reaches out and grabs your tits again, squeezing them and you shove him away.
“Quit it you pervert!”
“Hey! I’m just trying to objectify you here” He laughs as he sits up “Trying to remind you how fucking hot you are. Even if it is in a silly way” He nuzzles your nose again and you smile a little 
“It might have worked a teeny tiny itty bit” you mumble and he cups your cheek with his hand, kissing you softly. 
“Would telling you you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of loving in my entire life help? Or that I think you’re absolutely flawless the way you are? And that Meghan Trainor was literally so right I do like a little more booty to hold at night. Especially when it’s your booty” 
You kiss him back, pulling him down by his shirt as you fall back into the bed. He eases open your legs and settles between them, his hand pulling your thigh up and around his waist as he kisses you. 
“Thank you for loving me at times that I can’t love myself,” you tell him and he smiles, kissing your forehead. 
“Thank you for being with me even after I said mommy milkers” 
You groan and he laughs as he cups your breasts together and buries his face in them 
“So warm and big and perfect” he moans and your mouth drops open 
“Say my name just like that baby” his lips move against your breasts with each word as he kisses them, leaving behind light little bite marks. His lips wrap around your nipple and he sucks, grinding against you gently as his eyes roll back. 
“Maybe I haven’t been worshiping your body enough lately” He pulls away for a moment and you look up at him as he pulls off his shirt and tosses it to the side. 
“I’m pretty sure you ate me out for two hours straight the other day” You remind him and he scoffs. 
“That’s weak. You know I only stopped because Eddie came over” He sets you up on the pillows, making sure he has the perfect view of your pretty face he loves so much. He tears your panties off and tosses them into the bin before lying on his stomach and burying his nose against your clit. He inhales slowly, nudging at it and your head falls back, sighing in satisfaction. 
“Oh I’m going to take my fucking time” he murmurs, grinding his hips a little into the mattress and moaning into your clit, the vibrations shoot straight to your core and you sigh deliriously as you sink into the blankets and grab his hair, pulling his face into your pussy 
“Right there baby” You mutter breathlessly “Right fuckin there”
The taste of you sends deep shivers down his spine, and he can't help but groan in appreciation. His own arousal growing, the desire for you consuming him. He gets off on your sweet little pants and sharp intakes of breath when he does something right 
"You're so beautiful," He whispers, his breath hot against your skin. "You're all I can think about. I’m obsessed with you”
His hands found your hips, gripping them firmly as his tongue explores you deeper, tasting your sweetness. He can feel the way your body arches into his, your fingers tangling into his hair more, urging him on.
"Oh god Buck" you moan, your voice a mixture of pleasure and desperation and it nearly sends him over the edge as he slides his fingers inside you.
His lips and tongue work you in tandem, teasing your clit, dipping into your wetness, savoring every moan and whimper you let out. He wants you to know just how much he craves you, how you set his body on fire, and how he needed you just as much as you needed him. 
He knew just how to push your buttons, how to make your body quiver and shake. He wanted to remind you of your worth, of how much you meant to him, and how he couldn't imagine his life without you. He groans deeply, slurping your pussy messily and lapping at your clit, and fully enjoying how loud you’re getting. He should have opened the windows, he thinks. So 4B could hear what a goddess you are.
He can feel your body trembling beneath him, your breathing becoming more erratic. He knows he’s getting you close, and he desperately wants to hear you scream his name as you come all over his face. 
"That's it, sweet angel. Let go for me. Let me hear you." His fingers and tongue work in perfect harmony, driving you over the edge.
Finally, you arch your back, your body convulsing as you reach your peak and scream out his name. He holds you tightly through it, his mouth still working your clit as you ride out your orgasm, grinding against his mouth and practically drowning him. He pulls back with a wide grin on his face and watches the way your body shudders after. He lays his head on your thigh, nuzzling it softly and teasing your clit with your thumb, his chin soaked with your juices.
“Love the way your body shakes…. I haven’t even gotten to the main event”
“I- I have to get ready” you pant softly, shaking your head as Buck wipes his face and goes to ease his boxers down his thighs 
“Oh? But I thought you didn’t want to go anymore, I thought you wanted to stay at home with Daddy Buck” 
“Please stop calling yourself that” You giggle and he swats your thigh, getting on his knees 
“You have the audacity to be saying that. When I seem to remember two nights ago when I was absolutely putting you through the damn mattress you were crying “Daddy please slow down” He says in a high-pitched voice “Oh fuck daddy please” 
“Wasn’t that the same night you were saying you’d be mommy’s good boy if I let you cum?” you tilt your head and he looks at you for a moment, biting his lip
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Oh? Really?” You sit up “You don’t remember being in a vibrating cock ring and literally on your knees begging me to let you cum?” You reach for the bedside table where you keep it and he puts his hands out in front of him 
“Okay, okay shit okay I remember… hey we’ve kind of lost the narrative here young lady. I’m supposed to be making you feel good” He goes to ease you back down but you stop him, blushing a little 
“You know what really made me feel good?” You ask quietly, your cheeks flushing a bit. Your hand goes back to that drawer.
He watches you intently, internally battling with himself to just give in to you because he knows what made you feel good and he also knows that maybe it didn’t feel so bad for him and that he fucking loves begging you. He loves whining and whimpering for you and watching the way it melts you when he’s so submissive. Nothing gets you off more than a strong man on his knees and nothing gets him off more than how wet you get and the sounds of him thrusting in and out. 
But he seriously hates that stupid thing, because it constantly stops him from turning you into his sweet little cream pie. 
“On one condition” He stops your hand for a second and you smirk 
“You let me cum sooner than you did last time! By at least 10 minutes!” 
“Deal!” You grab your phone from the nightstand and call Hen, apologizing because you won’t make it tonight. She tells you to take it easy on Buck this time and bursts out laughing as you splutter in response. 
Damn, 24 hour shifts. 
You hang up and Buck gets on the bed, lying on his back and folding his hands across his torso while crossing his ankles. 
“I’m yours to do with as you please, pretty baby” 
You grab the cock ring from the drawer and smile, prepping it and turning to him. 
“You know how much I love you right?” 
He reaches up and holds your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb over your cheek soothingly. 
“And you know how much I love you? How much I crave your very being” He mumbles, looking up at you like you’re his entire world, and you are, you know you are 
“You’re beautiful baby, and I hope you remember that” 
You smile and take his cock in your hand, stroking it slowly to get it nice and hard for you, it doesn’t take long and he blushes sheepishly 
“I know baby boy” You whisper as you bend forward and kiss him, he whimpers a little when he feels the cool silicone slide down around him 
“I know” 
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valtsv · 9 months
hi hello! i recall you talking about how you used to have an unhealthy dependence on attention you got from the internet a while ago, and was wondering if you had any tips on how to help with that? i recently found myself sorta relying too much on the affirmation i get from Numbers Going Up and i wanna nip it in the bud before it becomes a Thing. thank you! ^^
i found that the best way to curb the addiction was to wean myself off it bit by bit. start with something small and achievable, like setting a time limit for how long you spend online in one sitting (set a timer to help you if necessary), or setting aside specific free periods in the day when you can check your notifications or whatever, then gradually limit it further until you've reached a point you're comfortable with. you'll find that the more you stick to the goals you've set for yourself, the more it'll start to feel like a reward and substitute for the affirmation you get from number go up (and you'll start to pay more attention to how you spend your limited time and what are the best ways to do so).
place your phone or laptop or whatever device you use for social media out of sight while doing other activities, so that you have to make the conscious effort to seek them out (and thus consider whether you really want to do it) (if i'm trying to concentrate on something, for example, i'll put my phone in a drawer or in my bag/pocket, and make sure i can't hear or see any notification messages). if you feel you can, turn off or temporarily mute your notifications - that works wonders for me.
use the free time you've created for yourself to seek out things you've always wanted to do but never felt like you had the time for. read the book you've been putting off, write something, draw something, get into that crafting hobby, or go for a walk and feed some birds at the pond, go out and challenge yourself to take a photo of something eyecatching to share with your friends, go to a cafe, meet up with a friend, try out that recipe you saved because you thought it sounded nice, look into social groups, events and clubs that cater to your interests/hobbies in your local area - even make use of the time you'd normally spend on social media to do something else online, like wikipedia deep diving, watching a show, or replying to that person you forgot to get back to.
above all, don't beat yourself up along the way. take each day as it comes and each relapse as motivation to keep pushing forwards and make it a little longer between the next one. don't blame yourself for what you can't change (the past) but try to focus on what you can (the future).
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pandorasworkshop · 1 year
🌕The Bedrooms of the Moon Signs🌕
Okay so the moon rules the fourth house which is the house of comfort, mother and the home. So looking at people's moon signs is a great way to grasp what their bedroom may look like or what they feel comfortable in. Disclaimer: aspects other fourth house placements and what house ur moon is can affect this.
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Moon in Aries: neat and organized or veryyy chaotic, they may have a little corner of their room dedicated to an interest of theirs. Some friends have dumbbells in their rooms as well. Whatever house their moon is in may show be more prominent in their room. Do you guys know those pretty minimal rooms on Pinterest (not the beige) thats what this placement reminds me of and also very chaotic rooms where there are collage walls.
Moon in Taurus: they payyy attention to the little things, they know what they like a value being comfortable, some of my friends with this placement spend a little more on their rooms to make sure everything is up to their standards. Usually have nice bedsheets too. Think nice fabrics. Most likely to have a mini fridge in their room. Their rooms always have a luxurious undertone even if that's not their aesthetic.
Moon in Gemini: techy room three friends of mine have an Alexa in their room and two have a record player. May spend money on gadgets for their room. Naomi Campbell has this placement and her house is literally the shape of an eye. Most likely to focus on lighting in their rooms (led, sunlight lamps, fairy lights). Lot of kpop fans with this placement. Could have multiple journals or sketchbooks all around their room. Tall windows.
Moon in cancer: they like being cozy, literally every single person I know with this placement has a veil hanging from above their bed. Ambient lighting and the starlight projectors. Appealing to all the senses to feel comfortable is important to them. May use candles, diffusers, or incense. Stashes food in their room. Weighted blankets. If they aren't doing well their rooms show their emotions. Most likely to have stuffed animals on their bed.
Moon in Leo: whatever hobbies they have you WILL absolutely know once you step foot in their room. One friend of mine with this placement is a guitarist has seven guitars/banjos/bass hanging on her walls plus pedals and amps all her posters are of bands. Another friend is an artist she paints and likes to bejewel stuff those shiny rhinestones are EVERYWHERE and her walls are painted with her art. Another friend is a nail tech/makeup artist all the tables In her room are filled with supplies and makeup. Look in the cabinet oh more nails. I feel like these placements pets love to hangout in their rooms as well.
Moon in Virgo: their rooms tend to be very organized. Many influencers online who tend to do those organized videos tend to have this placement. Most likely to have one of those carts that wheel around and are a container. Two friends with this placement both have veryyy coordinated bookshelves. Bullet journal and they may have lots of pretty pens. Anything they buy for their room is always useful. Tend to be plant parents as well and a friend and my cousin with this placement both have a yoga mat surrounded by plants. HIDDEN CABINETS. You can tell where they are mentally through their rooms. Really polished rooms even without trying.
Moon in Libra: may have had to host people a lot in their rooms so their rooms have multiple chairs. Their room either looks straight out of a catalog or there is clothes thrown EVERYWHERE. May have a specific area in their room they get ready in. May have framed photos of their loved ones or Polaroids. If they get flowers from somebody they may incorporate them into their room decor by putting them in a vase or drying them. Libra is ruled by Venus so their rooms always like pretty and almost refreshing.
Moon in Scorpio: every single person I know with this placement is metal/goth 😭 really living up to the stereotype. But Scorpio rules the 8th house and 8th house is about secrets, occult and obsession. Many of my friends with this moon placement when they have it they reallyyy lean into their aesthetic. All five of my friends have their walls covered with things and a typically goth aesthetic they really lean into. Something though I feel like is not talked about with Scorpio is their lighter side. Scorpios sister sign is Taurus and Taurus is very light. Both of these signs can embody one another. A girl on tiktok has a Scorpio moon and Venus and her room is very coquette but her walls are still covered with all sorts of things and she really leans into her style.
Moon in Sagittarius: might have a lot of funny things in their room or just plain out strange things. A friend with this placement has road signs all over his room, a random urinal(don't ask me how he got it idk), life size Bigfoot cutout, and a singular poster of the movie white chicks. Another friend with this placement is really well traveled and she has all the cool souvenirs from all over the world and collects them, she also has a few of those educational posters that are pretty.
Moon in Capricorn: antique but not antique in the way Pisces can be. Lots of nice wood furniture, maybe a bit of a masculine undertone with neutral colors. Moody style and coloring. Capricorn is the sister sign to cancer so their rooms are also very cozy. Whimsigoth or academic. Neutral colors or colors that are darker in shades. Knit blankets remind me of this placement. Leather reminds me of this placement as well. Think of retro made new.
Moon in aquarius: do you guys know those blue/white futuristic technological themed rooms people have on tiktok. That's what this placement reminds me of. People I know with this placement tend to have nice ass pc set ups. You may like to sleep in the cold so they can be extra warm in their blankets. Rooms may be more minimal. Nice wallpaper with celebrities who have this placement.
Moon in Pisces: Antiques but in that almost magical way. Women on tiktok with this placement have these beautiful gold gilded mirrors. My friend has this gorgeous antique wardrobe. Most likely to thrift their decor. Florals remind me of this placement. If this person is really religious or really spiritual then you'll know when you go into their room. One of my friends is Christian and her room is filled with beautiful antique crosses. Another friend is Hindu and she has a nice altar in her room. If this person is a smoker they might have decor that relates to that. Witch friend has a lot of themed decor like moon shelves and a whole bookshelf dedicated to her craft. Pisces rules twelfth house which rules religion, substances, and spirituality. Pisces is also the oldest sign.
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Hiii I’m so sorry to bother you!, hope your day goes well <3 I just want to ask, how can I improve in maths? I’m preparing myself for the sat and I have trouble with understanding it. Any tips would be very much appreciated, thanku !! ♡
Become a Math Whiz: Acing Math Class & the SAT 📈✏️📚👩‍🏫
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ty for the ask & the kind words! you are never a bother, i'm happy to help 🥰 i can def give some tips as someone who went from struggling w/ math to being good at it. and i’ve taken the SAT so i know that experience as well! i hope this helps 💗
take accountability
it’s very easy to try to shift blame & avoid taking responsibility for your grades/ performance. i used to think things like “the teacher is just bad!” or “i’m just not a math person!” but this mindset is just deflecting. some things are out of your control, like what teacher you have or preferring other subjects, but you have to step up & work hard to create your own success! remembering this will help you stay motivated and disciplined.
find your learning style
i talked about this in a previous post too, but there are different styles of learning - visual, auditory, hands-on, & reading/writing - and not all of them work for everyone. if you spend a ton of time studying and don’t see improvement or results, that’s a big sign that you’re studying wrong. a method that works for your friend or that your teacher uses might not actually be effective for you. so do some research into learning styles and study methods, and find implement strategies that work for you.
never fall behind
okay, easier said than done. but one of the biggest reasons i used to struggle is math is that i would get stuck on a concept, never fully master it, and then i’d stay behind. in math, a lot of topics build on each other. if you get stuck on a topic, it’s crucial that you figure it out asap or your confusion will snowball. you can’t build a solid structure on top of a wobbly foundation. the moment you encounter a problem area, study it until you’ve completely understood.
practice makes perfect
i try to steer clear of recommending specific study methods b/c everyone has different learning styles. but math is so dependent on problem solving & applications that you really have to master this skill in order to succeed. beyond just reviewing your notes & reading over concepts, you need to practice applying topics by solving problems. do the homework questions & do them for accuracy, even if it’s just graded for completion. find extra problems in the textbook, workbook, online, etc. redo questions from class or the hw that confused you until you can do them correctly without your notes. drill it until you can solve them AND understand how the steps work!
ask for help
i am clearly a big proponent of asking for help. in school, your teachers are gonna be one of the best resources you have. for one, they’re teachers for a reason, so even if you think they’re not too great at explaining stuff, they know the concepts. and besides that, your teachers the ones who are creating units, assigning your work, writing & grading your tests... they should be your go-to for questions. visit them during office hours or email to set up a meeting where you can discuss concepts. ask for extra practice problems, ask them to look over your work & let you know how it looks, talk through your work with them. aside from teachers, you can get help from a tutor, a classmate, whoever you can turn to. but pls don’t suffer alone! succeeding with help is still succeeding.
use the internet
so maybe your teacher truly sucks at explaining. maybe you don’t have classmates to help and can’t afford a tutor. or maybe you just wanna supplement your learning another way. i really really recommend utilizing free learning tools online!! khan academy is an obvious one for videos, practice problems, and more. you can also find tons of youtube videos explaining math topics. sometimes it helps to hear things explained another way. i also google “[math concept] practice problems” if i want extra questions to work through.
bonus: tips for SAT math
the SAT is a bit different b/c the math concepts aren’t actually too advanced. it’s all multiple choice so you don’t get to rely on partial points for showing your work. the SAT is testing your strategy & speed as much as it’s actually testing you on math concepts, so here are my best tips for that specifically:
use khan academy’s SAT prep tool - it’s free (!!!!!) and it links to your collegeboard account. it uses prior years’ SAT content so it’s very similar to the test itself. it helps you pace yourself, pinpoint your problem areas, learn & apply concepts, & track your progress. here's a screenshot from when i used it, as you can see my scores improved and i was able to ultimately get a superscore of 1450!
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take practice tests - this helps you get familiar with the time constraint. khan academy has plenty!!
do a ton of SAT math practice questions - ideally, find a ton of questions used in prior SAT tests and just crank them out. the test's concepts are quite repetitive so if you just focus on the topics they usually test, you can master them
learn test-taking strategies - the SAT is multiple choice and has a tricky time constraint, so however you can save time will help. become good at using the process of elimination & other multiple choice test methods. you can find these sorts of tips online!
i hope this helps! know that you are completely capable of improving at math. i went from thinking i suck at it & doing poorly in math class to acing my calc courses & studying to enter a math-focused field. utilize your resources and figure out your best study style asap, and you WILL see improvements!
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doctordeathawaits · 3 months
do you mayhaps have any transstalked tips?
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Being aware of your surroundings . When going outside , always look around you and note specific things , how many people ? How many exits ? If something were to happen , where is the quickest get away ? Go a step further and keep a small book , every time you sit down in a new area ( like the bus / train , classrooms , cafes ) you write down the important details you see . Visualizing someone else being there at all times can help , writing down that there is a reoccurring person . Rereading these logs and seeing the pattern of a person seemingly always there can help .
Be weary of what you post online . What if that person is following you on everything ? every little thing about you . When posting a picture , be weary of every person that likes . Be suspicious of EVERYBODY .
Be cautious when going out with people . Classmate asked you to go grab a drink ? While you can go , quite suspicious of them isn't it ? . . Friend wants to go shopping ? Sure , but what are the possibilities that they just want to see what you like ? Question everybody , while you can enjoy things , never let your guard down .
Visualization ; when walking around , you can have an ear bud in one ear and on a low volume play footstep sounds to visualized that you're being followed . Have the feeling of ' protecting your home ' , so when going to sleep , you can close the blinds so no one can look , always be paranoid about locking doors , ect . When in class or at work , you can have an ear bud in one ear and at a low volume play random camera shudders . Here's a youtube link .
For euphoria ; there are fake message apps where you can set up messages to come in at specific times . You can customize it so it looks like an anon number , messaging you things about you or ' worrying ' messages . If willing for a couple of cents / dollars , you can get a fake insta / fb bot that comments on your photos , on some sites you can customize these accounts .
Lastly , remember to have loved and trusted ones during and after your transition < 3 Happy transitioning and stay safe < 3
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landinrris · 10 days
Football AU snippet in which Carlos asks about Lando's willingness to participate in a friends and family football match for charity. (Very much inspired by Lando's PlayStation match)
Lando’s busy unloading a few vases from the kiln when he hears the back door to his studio unit open. He slides one of the vases onto a shelf and glances down at his watch to see that it’s around 5:30. Probably Carlos then.
He finishes unloading the vases onto the nearby shelf before he picks up a couple and walks back out into his main workshop area. Sure enough, Carlos is there in a pair of joggers and a hoodie sitting on the stool in front of Lando’s painting and glazing workbench. He’s busy inspecting the centerpiece bowl Lando had been painting intricate designs on earlier.
“What’re you doing here?” Lando asks, walking the two vases in his hands over to the table where Carlos is. He places them down to the side before making his way to Carlos and sitting on his leg. He loops his arms around Carlos’ shoulders and leans forward to kiss him.
Carlos grins against his lips and winds his arms around Lando’s waist to tug him closer. He smells like the shampoo and soap from the club's shower stalls and not at all like he’d been working out all afternoon.
“I figured you were still here, and I wanted to see what you were up to.”
“Mmm, just finishing up unloading some things, and then I was gonna head home. But now that you’re here, guess I don’t have to take the tube.”
“That is the only reason?”
Lando scratches absentmindedly at the nape of Carlos’ neck and smiles back. “Yeah, the only reason, clearly.”
Carlos pinches Lando’s ass, and Lando very resolutely does not react to it.
“This piece is beautiful. Is it for anyone specifically?” Carlos asks, nodding towards the bowl. Lando’s done pieces like this in the past, but not this specific kind of ornate pattern.
He’d wanted to try something new, something that inspired him about the way Carlos had been playing these last few months at his new team. He thinks the swirling red and black lines get at that magical way Carlos moves across the field-- that he captured it pretty well. He doesn’t tell Carlos as much now, not yet sure what he wants to do with the piece once it’s finished.
“Haven’t decided yet. I’m glad you like it though. Maybe I’ll keep it for us.”
Carlos squeezes his arms tighter and presses another kiss to Lando’s lips. Lando melts into it, never one to not take Carlos’ kisses when offered. It’s not quite late enough that Lando’s confident they’re truly alone or else he might let himself escalate things.
“There was something else I wanted to ask you,” Carlos eventually says, his thumb moving back and forth beneath Lando’s hoodie and against his skin.
Lando pulls his head back to a more respectable distance so that he can look at Carlos for whatever he needs to say. “What’s up?”
“The team is having a family and friends friendly match in two weeks for charity. I think I mentioned it last week briefly.”
Lando nods. Carlos had mentioned it in passing in the context of Lando donating a few pieces. They'd decided on a few mugs and vases for the online charity auction.
“They were trying to get a headcount of who planned to have a family member or friend to sign up. They are beginning to draw up the rosters. I told them that I would have to ask, but you might be interested?”
Lando chokes on a laugh. “Me? When have I ever been known to play football more than to help you train every so often?”
“Exactly. You will know more than half of the people who will come to play. And there will be a coaching session before any matches are played. Think of the children, Lando. You will do so much for them.”
“Am I not already doing enough?” Lando teases. He rolls the idea around in his mind and thinks about being the one on the field looking up to see Carlos in the stands. What it might feel like. To get a taste of what Carlos experiences every week. The thought admittedly thrills him.
“And who exactly are they getting to play?”
“They are putting together a mixed team. Some of the guys’ girlfriends and wives have agreed to play. A few of their friends. I convinced Teto to come play, and you would be a person as well.”
“Be your wag representative?”
“I do not think you are a wife or a girlfriend the last time I checked.”
“Oh sorry, sorry, your hab representative then.”
“Yes, much better. I cannot make any promises you will be on the same team as Teto though.”
Lando can’t help but groan. He might be allegedly better than half of the people coming to play, but he’ll not be better than Teto of all people. “Play the marginalized card.”
“Lando, I cannot do that.” He drops his face down onto Lando’s shoulder and huffs out a laugh. Lando holds him close and lets the giggles consume him as well, ever the one to feed off of Carlos’.
“Fine, fine, I’ll do it. Let you be the one cheering me on for once. Just tell Teto to go easy on me if we’re not on the same team.”
Carlos lifts his face from Lando’s shoulder and looks at him with a serious expression. “Of course. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be the one watching. I know you will be brilliant.”
Lando swallows and scratches a hand around Carlos’ neck and up to his cheek. He searches for something to say, but nothing comes to his mind. Nothing to do the swirling thoughts and emotions in his mind justice. All he can figure to do is smile and swipe his thumb back and forth over Carlos’ cheek.
Eventually, Lando sighs. “This is gonna be some kind of roleplay kink for you, isn’t it?”
The laugh Carlos barks out is perfect. “Oh, do not think this hasn’t crossed my mind, don’t worry. Maybe after the match though. We need you in peak condition.”
Lando scoffs. “Figures. Okay, let me finish unloading the kiln and then we can go? Maybe we can do something that’s not one of your meal preps for dinner.”
Carlos clenches his hands against Lando’s hips and back and smiles. “Sounds perfect.”
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sanest-bsd-delegate · 11 months
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Headcanon: How I imagine you and the boys meeting after being online friends Genre: Crack A/N: Still questioning why i tried writing this... Warning? Bad grammer and 0 proofread →Masterlist
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You both pretty much met on twitter when you were concerning who was behind the chuuya hate acc 🤩 I mean who can hate chuuya?
you probably were a new member in the mafia for not knowing about THE Dazai oSaMU
or you were a member of Detective agency dense enough to know that they both were infact enemies and not enemies soon to be lovers 🤩🤩😔🏳️‍🌈
OR You were a freelancer fresh college passout student who was wasting their time online getting blocked by 12 year old kids 🤩😋that was until you accidentally befriend him
successfully had 6th month friendaversy. 🤩🤩
when you both exchanged your place of residence you were shocked to know there are actually useless people in Japan apart from you
OR You were just concerned to know that he used to stay up late at night to talk to you while you message him in between work hours. 🤩🤩Dazai is such a romantic mood NGL
AHHHH Its the day of THE friends meeting.
You lowkey regret befriending him.
He probably sends you discord kitten memes and his hand pics for no reason. [BUT CSN WE TALK ABOUT HIS HANDS-!!?]
Mf once tried to video call you when you specifically told him NOT to.
He was blocked for a whole week before someone named 'iaminlovewithdeathtoes' spammed you.
🤡honestly you realised you both never shared your name, so pretty much to arrived at the meetup place, thinking of ways how to say 'chuuyahater6fttall' and knowing him, he prob would have you come over the agency cause bitch is lazy asf.
Dingdong you arrive at Yokohama or pretty much at the agency 🤩🤗except you were shitting in your pants cause what the actual fuck. So the person you talked with, who encouraged all kind of illegal stuff and told you to shoplift and send a pic was actually a detective??? Nah dawg you wished he was a lowkey an accountant cause which detective will have so much time to be online and chat?
boi you were wrong. And to have cherry on the top, you bumped into a brown coat bearing man who looked like he was high on nuts. But damn he looked hot
did you say "sir please scream me without the s 🥺" to yourself? Did he hear it? probably
🤩boom your headphones got disconnected for a moment and the whole agency went silent as the lyrics of "good lookin" started to play.
The man infront of you laughs before kidnapping you and dragging you out of the agency, a queue of screams and shouts for the man to comeback and you desperately trying to switch off your phone. (🤩🤗The lyrics were blasting through the area)
honestly you didn't mind as long as he turns out to be those Wattpad overprotective mafia bosses 🤩🤩🤗🌟 so you can have ur Y/N moment
'Help I am getting kidnapped by brown coat man and am left all alone' you typed, as the three dots indicated that chuuyahater typing before he replied, 'I am the man'
The way you audibly screeched as your turn back and your hand automatically made a way to his face to give him a slap. (🤩You heard laughing in the background, it was chuuya fyi)
"Aww belladonna, I thought you loved me" "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU KIDNAP ME AND MAKE ME STAND ON TOP OF A HIGHASS BUILDING" "But you agreed to do it once we meet!"
Oh he was serious when he said that 🤡
You ran away as fast as you can away from him, as you typed
'you are a bitch you know that?' 'And you are really beautiful you know that?'
😍🤩 you were greatful to get away from him, except he was knocking at you door (hotel door if u came from other part of the world) at 3am playing THAT part of the song "redbone by childish gambino" (iykwim) outside your door
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you both honestly never befriended.
You accidentally messaged him asking him to deliver you a pizza
🤩and when he replied with 'wrong number' you lost your shit. 'The fuck you mean wrong number you son of a-' 'Dont have one?'
Sigma maybe anxious in real life but online? Pretty sure he is a full on sassy sarcastic not so sweet Sigma (respectfully)
You both might have had a very professional verbal conversation over phone that day.
He and you might have bonded yet again when you, my dear reader accidentally send him a meme you were suppose to send someone else (guess who) and Sigma lost his shit.
Why was na unknown number, with memory of a snail sending him 20 pictures of a fisheye doll at 3am in the morning?
'Are you okay-?' He probably asked, 'Do I look sane?' you probably answered.
😭 but lowkey thinks that you both exchanged your insta Ids or smthg.
😡😡He didn't even acknowledge your following and never followed you back. 😔 rip your follower count
You would rant to him and he will listen 100%
Pretty sure you never tired to meet up. It was your ass being dragged by one of your friends to accompany them to a flying casino and get bankrupt.
Prob msged him saying how edible the manager of the place you went looked😭😭 (you didn't tell him u went to a casino so)
He replies with 'go get your man and stop telling me details about his hands'
And so you did, pretty much used your luck and became the star of Casino😡😡
Society validation? Nah 👎 but Casino manager acknowledge? Yah 👍
Now the thing is, Sigma probably got really indulged on how you managed to beat records that he spent time doing a background check rather then opening his phone and seeing your 99+ texts.
You on the other hand? Went wild. Your online friend wasn't responding!!!?? 😡😡 and you were telling him the tea how the manager put his hand on your shoulder acknowledging you.
Little did you know, you were so blinded texting 'the casino manager' You failed to realise you bumped into him.
phone drop, heart stop screen crack, gave you a heart attack.
worst part? The 'Manager' picked up your phone, looking down at the chat only to see his pfp and his contact named "Pizzah Guz" and your half written text of 'Where are you, I miss talking to| '
You were whereas unsure whether to feel embarrass or cry. You see his face only to realise the amount of shock you gave to the manager.
😭😭Pretty sure it took some time for him to cool down.
BUT I THINK he totally appears in front of your room, with a pizza guy costume and a box full of pizza, messaging you 'Open your door'
You were a little freaked out by his message. I mean Imagine texting a random guy and the only thing you know about him is that he is not a pizza guy and he tells you to open your door?
You open your door to see the manager in a pizza delivery guy uniform, a pizza in his hands while he holds his phone together, before he hands it over to you, before your phone notification tings, your online friend sends an image capturing 'Pizza delivery'
You fainted on the spot of pure embarrassment and realisation when you realise you were texting the manager while simping on him and describing details.
Or you just take the pizza and close the door, switch off and throw your phone on the bed and eat the pizza while the realisation hits.
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You both probably met on discord while bullying middle schools for their pfp choices 😭
10/10 had bombing conversation 👁️👄👁️ that is until you realise he was serious about it.
You be joking about how you will learn hacking to hack him and that moment all your dms get 'Join the rat cult' Picture.
😭😭please idts you met physically…like the possibility of fyodor arriving at your doorstep while you are half asleep eating a pizza and watching TV is insane.
Imagine you peep through the peephole and see fisheye fyodor 🤩🤩 10/10 scared
Online friend? Nah man he is your offline terrorist. That was until his wholeass body blewup and the only thing that was left was his arm from which he used to type to your responses from.
10/10 Power of Love and friendship
I feel like whenever you both VC, your silly self will try to use the soundboard and he probably vibe to it.
You both accidently made a cult.
Fyodor NGL prob just stalked you out of boredom.
Nikolai probably be backreading your chats and the next day you have a new coworker named "Fyolaya"
Honestly there is a possibility that fyodor has zero interest in meetup and then bam Nikolai scopes you in the middle of your work and drop you on fyodor's lap🤩
Imagine the tension when you, a average worker in the society lands on the lap of one of THE Doa members
Y/N x hot mafia boss who kidnaps Y/N accidentally cause Y/N met his man au? Terrorist edition?
You living a Wattpad life? Possibilly
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A/N: Look i am sane
TAGLIST: @averagehisoilluenjoyer, @high-on-dazai @ruru-kiss Join or remove your user here.
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modelbus · 1 year
Heyy! Could you do Wilbur x artist!reader dating hcs because a musician and an artist? I feel like Y/N like Wilbur makes so much art of him to the point she actually probably made one of their lovejoy posters!! And Wil would teach Y/N guitar and Y/N teach Wil how to draw and its so SDHDSGJ
I'm an artist and I think this would be cute! Hope you can answer this ask <3
- 🍄anon :D
I’m not an artist myself, but my two artist friends came in clutch here!
Pairing: Cc!Wilbur x Gn!Artist!Reader
Adored Artist
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Idle drawings of Wilbur completely fill your sketchbook. Him playing guitar. Him sitting there. A specific doodle of him with a large forehead— for the joke.
The two of you tend to sit together without talking. You drawing, him creating Melodies and lyrics.
Getting showered in compliments.
He talked about decorating his guitar once, and you drew nothing but guitar designs for the next week.
His callouses and your graphite-stains are jokingly called “battle wounds” together.
When Wilbur buys you art supplies as gifts, he is painfully meticulous in making sure the supplies are good and ones you like.
Him peering over your shoulder to see what you’re working on, always delighted when it’s something related to him. Whether that be a simple guitar sketch for practice, or actually him.
And 100% yes he’d be yoinking your drawings to use for Lovejoy or merch reasons.
“Hey Love, remember that drawing you did the other night?” He asked, leaning against the couch where you’re curled up with a sketch pad. “You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, Wil.” You had laughed, finishing part of the sketch and looking up at him. He laughs too, leaning down to kiss you. “The one with the Lovejoy mascots. And our skull.” He had elaborated for you. Your eyes had lit up, flipping to the page for him. “Yes! That one. I was thinking, maybe it’d be cool to use as a design for merch?”
You couldn’t believe it, that he actually wanted to use your drawings. But, when you realized he was serious, you jumped at the chance.
(He insisted on paying you for it, too, even though you assured him you were perfectly happy giving him the designs. For two weeks you played a game where you passed the money back and forth until you gave up and just accepted it)
He doesn’t shut up about you or your talents ever. Met someone new? He’s pulling out his phone to share your art. Saw someone online talking about art? He’s tagging you to say you’re the best artist ever.
Teaching each other <333
Wilbur had made a small comment, and you jumped on it.
”I wish I could draw like that. You’re so talented, you’re incredible.” “I can teach you.” “What?”
Did not go well at all.
“Imagine that the light is here, okay? So you have to shade where shadows would be, making it darker there.” You explained patiently, gently tapping the areas you’re talking about.
“Shadows. Darker. Shading.” Wilbur repeated, looking up at you. You were leaning on him, your head on his shoulder to see his drawing. A very… admirable attempt at you.
“Go for it.” You encouraged, and he blinked.
“…Were you listening?”
“Of course I was, love.” But the way he had leaned in to kiss you—to distract you—certainly said otherwise.
Since you “made” him draw, he convinced you to learn how to play guitar.
You protested (secretly loving the idea of learning from him) but in the end he got you to agree.
Sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around you to help you form the chord shapes. It’s cozy, and you’re absolutely failing.
“This is a G—“ “My fingers don’t do that, Wil!”
In the end, it turns into him playing a song for you. But only after you manage to make that G chord, finger pain be damned.
He loves putting up your art on the walls. Taped.
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thetaekookcloset · 2 months
Checking In ~! (And Signing Off)
Hello, everyone!
I logged in for a few minutes today just to check in on some other blogs, and I knew some people would probably see that I've been online so I wanted to say a quick hello and thank you to everyone who's been looking for me, thinking of me, and sending in sweet comments saying that you've missed the blog -- thanks so much for thinking of me!
I thought I'd give you a few rapid-fire answers to some questions I've seen since logging on and that have been floating around, starting with why I've been gone. The honest answer is that I never intended to run this blog forever, which is why I worked so hard to make sure it was well-organized, so that it could remain as a resource even after I moved on from it. I've had a lot going on in my life for the past couple of years, including buying a house with my partner and making a new best friend (you know who you are lol love youuuu), not to mention keeping up with all the members' solo projects! For the most part, I felt that I said what I had to say, and so I've been putting my fandom energy into other areas.
That said, there have of course been developments since I've been gone, so let me address some of them briefly.
Several people seemed to want to know how I feel about Taennie these days. I feel the same as I did before. I would be pretty damn surprised if anything legitimate were to ever come out about Tae and Jennie being involved. Everything that links them together is flimsy and circumstantial at best, whereas Jennie's links to G-Dragon have remained consistent and compelling, and regardless of Taehyung's relationship with Jungkook, I feel pretty confident that he is, shall we say, not especially interested in women in that way.
As for the developments in Jikook's relationship, and more specifically in the common Jikooker narratives lately, I feel the same as I always have. I think Jungkook and Jimin are clearly good friends who are very comfortable with each other. I'm glad they have each other close by for their military service as forced conscription must be hard on anyone and those two in particular seemed less than enthusiastic about the experience. I do not, however, believe that it would be safe for them to enlist together to potentially stay in close quarters if they were in a romantic relationship, nor do I think they would be put together by the company for content like a whole duo show, complete with photobook and merchandise, if they were in a relationship.
Taekook, on the other hand, proved again and again throughout 2023 that they were seeing each other often, keeping up with one another's lives and work, and remaining as close as they always have been, as there is and always has been ample evidence to prove. A few of my favorite moments: Tae saying that Jungkook would sing him "To Find You" from Sing Street, a song about being destined to find someone despite not believing in fate, and pulling up Jungkook's cover to listen to, while Jungkook was away; Jungkook mentioning Tae unprompted, like sharing his memory of going snowboarding with Tae and his friends when asked to talk about why he chose "Ditto" for his Spotify interview and mentioning that he loves the song "Golden Hour" during a live; Tae playing "For Us" and doing a little boxing move when JK happened to be in California; Jungkook asking Taehyung "Where have you been?" when he showed up late to Inkigayo -- I could go on honestly, probably forever, so I'll make myself stop here.
That's part of the thing with this blog. I could go on and on, and I have so much that I love and want to do and say, so many other directions I want to spread that energy, so I don't plan to stick around. But I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has missed me; I genuinely didn't anticipate that, and it means a lot. I hope you're all doing well, and finding spaces for yourselves in this wild fandom we share.
TL;DR -- I'm sure the question anyone would most want me to answer is just this: Do I still believe in Taekook?
Yeah, I do. More than ever before really. I think their relationship speaks for itself, more than I ever could, for anyone willing to listen.
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omg-snakes · 5 months
Do you know if there are ways to know if a snake from a pet shop has been properly taken care of or not? Asking since i've been visiting some and i saw one with a boa that had some kind of sinking or deformity on his tail, so i'm kinda wary now.
Hello, friend! I'm sorry to tell you that there is not.
I've worked in multiple areas of the pet industry and I've met the full gamut of types of shop owners, and while I don't consider all of them wicked people, some certainly are. Even the best of them have a bottom line to consider. This means that they won't divulge where their animals are coming from so that you can look into a breeder before making a choice, and they're likely buying animals from backyard breeders or bulk importers. This also means that it's unlikely that the animals they're selling will have established health histories.
Having worked at one of if not The biggest reptile chain in Northern California, I saw some horrors that scarred me for life. Among the lesser sins that took place there:
Folks who bred reptiles but didn't have incubators set up could bring their eggs in for incubation services, the price of which was half of the clutch, and the store owner would then sell the resulting babies as "born on-site," which was technically true! But we didn't know the parentage or health potential of any of these animals. We didn't sell incubators in the store for this specific reason.
Surrenders came in regularly from owners who didn't have the time or resources to care for their pets any longer. They went on the sales floor with a price tag the second the previous owner walked out the door. No veterinary care, no health evaluation, no observation period, nothing. If they looked okay they were priced at regular retail price and we were explicitly told to never admit that they had been surrendered. 100% profit.
Any animal that was injured or sickly, no matter where it came from or how it got injured, was tagged as a "surrender" that we would claim was dropped off by a bad former owner and we'd had them cleared by a vet so that we could rehome them. This was a lie. None of them ever got veterinary care, ever.
Enclosures were cleaned regularly but were never properly sterilized between animals. We sold veterinary-grade cleaner in the store but we were not allowed to use it because it was too expensive. We used diluted Lysol!
Again, this is a large reptile chain with multiple stores and mostly positive online reviews* and I wouldn't trust them with a pet rock, let alone anything breathing.
You're much better off getting a snake from a reputable breeder, or at least someone who can answer reasonable questions about feeding, parentage, genetics, any possible health issues, etc.
*the owner actually reported negative reviews and would have employees write good ones while I was there.
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desceros · 5 months
Hey, if this is too personal totally feel free to disregard this! But I've seen you mention having adhd more than once, and I know a super common symptom is executive dysfunction. The professionals I see aren't sure if I have adhd specifically, but they agree that I definitely have major executive dysfunction issues. Like... it feels like an actual, physical wall between me and the things I need to do, and even want to do. This wall feels... impossible to scale. I think that's just executive dysfunction in general, though, and isn't really unique to me. I just wanted to know if you have any tips that help you do the things you want to do or need to do even when it feels impossible? I've tried so many of the tips I see online, I've done quite a bit of research into the mental illnesses I do have and even the ones I likely have, and... I don't know. I still just feel stuck. Sorry if my thoughts are disorganized or hard to follow, I'm sorta really going through it right now. I'm fine, just... stressing myself out. Any tips you feel comfortable giving would be so, so appreciated. And thank you for taking the time to read this!
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yes indeed, i am hashtag officially diagnosed with what i like to affectionately call my dumb bitch disease (not that anyone else is allowed to use that term for it.... well. maybe my very close friends. but yeah. gotta laugh at the awful things so you don't cry, right?)
so the thing with adhd (well. any kind of mental health issue) is that it's all a spectrum. every human person on this planet is somewhere on the euclidean axis of how many neurodivergencies they have. some people have no recognizable symptoms in any of the recognized areas we have. some people may have mild issues with things, and it's a bit fuzzy if they "have adhd or not." when you talk to a professional, there's a particular line of demarcation that happens when someone is looking to diagnose you with something.
do these symptoms interfere with your day to day life? are they severe enough to rise to the level of DISORDER?
it's completely possible for you to struggle with executive function and not have adhd. you may have something else, as executive function disorder is not exclusively in the domain of adhd, or it might just be that those particular neurons are cranky in your brain. what you're doing here—recognizing symptoms and looking for ways to address them—is really good, and basically what adhd therapy does, anyway.
all that being said, honk shoo honk shoo, let's get into a What The Fuck Are You Talking About for people who want more information on the subject, and some advice i have for you. i'll start generally, then talk a little bit about the writing thing specifically since it's a bit of a special beast for me.
what you are describing does indeed sound like issues with executive function to me.
first, for those new to the idea, executive function is the fancy term for the "executive" of your brain. the guy in a fancy suit who makes shit happen. when you walk by a dirty plate, you have the thought "oh i should put that in the dishwasher." executive function is the gap between the thought "oh i should x" and doing x.
a lot of the problems that neurodivergent people have, especially those with adhd, is that this function is impaired. some days, it's just fucking impossible to move that plate.
and it's not consistently, or predictably. some days, you will be perfectly able to do the thing. yesterday you put the plate in the dishwasher. today you put the plate in the dishwasher. tomorrow you will put the plate in the dishwasher. but tuesday comes, and you walk by the dirty plate, think "oh i should put that in the dishwasher," and then you stand there and stare at it without moving it. and you're like, c'mon. it's easy. you did it yesterday. all it takes is moving your hand. picking up the plate. walking into the kitchen. putting it inside the dishwasher. isn't that so easy? why can't you do it? why isn't your hand moving? are you lazy? are you stupid? this is infuriating! you literally just did this yesterday! you've done it a hundred times! what the fuck is wrong with you?! and then wednesday comes. now you have two dirty plates. now the task is twice as hard. maybe you can do it. maybe you can't. it's a harder task now. now you have three plates. now you're guilty because you have all these dirty plates, and it's a mountainous task now, and your roommate is giving you stink eyes for leaving dirty plates out, and you're a fucking adult who should be able to take care of some dirty plates, and you want to, you WANT to take care of the plates, but every time you THINK about them you flop into a cold sweat—
this is executive dysfunction. it's one of the more insidious side effects of adhd in my experience. that said, there are a lot of little tricks i've gotten from therapy specific to addressing this problem, so i'll give you a list here.
DO I HAVE TIME? this is best used for small, quick tasks like our plate example. you walk by the dirty plate and think "i should put this in the dishwasher." do you have time, right now, to do it? will it interfere with the thing you were doing? for example, if you're on the way out the door because your ride is honking, the answer is no. if you're on the way to get another glass of water while kicking back and watching some youtube, the answer is yes. if you have the time, do it now. now let's say you bring the plate into the kitchen and open the dishwasher. it's clean. you haven't emptied it yet. now the task has changed. but that's okay; do you have the time to empty the dishwasher right now? maybe you only get an hour a week to kick back and watch the youtube, and it's a special time that you need in order to recharge. the answer becomes no. well the plate is in the kitchen now instead of your room. victory.
COIN FLIP GAME. this one i actually got from the anti-planner by dani donovan, which i can Not recommend highly enough. there is a task you have to do, and you want to do it, but you're having a problem getting started. or maybe you have to do it but it feels icky, but you do really need to do it. the important thing for this trick is that it is not time sensitive; if you don't do it right now, it's okay. so you flip a coin. heads, you do it. tails, you get to wait until you have the thought that you need to do it again. if you get tails, then you are allowed, guilt-free, not to do the thing. if you get heads, sorry champ but you're doing the thing. gamifying it in this manner kind of... cheats your brain into approaching things differently, which can help you get around that brick wall.
TASK INITIATION. sometimes, it's not that the task itself is the problem; it's because you're having problem with what's called "task initiation." getting Started doing the thing is really fucking hard. if this is your issue, you can try and approach it a different way, usually by going "backwards" down the order of operations. so say for example, laundry. i have a lot of trouble with laundry. if i think to myself "i need to do my laundry," i have difficulty with the task initiation there. so what i do instead of "starting" at the shoving clothes into the washing machine part, i'll go into my room and make sure i've picked up all the dirty clothes and sorted them out. check my bathroom for towels and washcloths. sort them away. now i'm standing in front of my dirty laundry, and i'm "doing laundry," so it's easier to pick up one of the organizer bags and take it into the laundry room. i went backwards down the line and found a place in the task list where i could begin without the hassle, then i basically tricked myself into continuing past the point where i was having trouble.
BREAK UP THE TASK. this one is good if you feel like you're looking at a mountain and it's so overwhelming you just. don't do the thing. you'll hear it a lot: "just break it up into smaller tasks!" but. what the fuck does that actually mean? what does it look like? it's going to depend on You, but let's look at our plate example. so we just walked by the plate and we know we need to put it into the dishwasher. well. let me start by looking at the plate. can i do that? can i pick it up? let's say the answer is no. well, why? maybe i'm so stressed from work that this is just one too many things on my, haha, plate right now. okay. maybe don't worry about this right now, then. or maybe i'm having trouble because i know that the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, so it's not really as simple as "put the plate in the dishwasher." so, bring the plate into the kitchen. put it on the counter. maybe that's enough for now. or maybe i can open the dishwasher. look inside. it's full, and i don't really have the energy to unload it right now. ...or maybe i do, but i'm just looking at this huge thing that feels too big. maybe i can put away one plate. okay. that wasn't so bad. maybe i can put away all the plates. plates are easy. my trick is i take all the clean dishes OUT of the dishwasher and put them on my kitchen island without worrying about putting them away yet. then i load the dirty things into the dishwasher. well now i turn around and i have all the clean dishes pilled up nicely here. momentum really is everything. one task leads to two leads to five leads to done.
TASK BUNDLING. this is useful if you're trying to be more consistent about something and you already have something else you do consistently. for example, i have dogs. every night around six pm, i feed them supper. now, historically, i've had problems with remembering to eat/feeling like cooking when i wasn't hungry/being hungry but having trouble cooking. i don't need to tell you how unhealthy that is, hahaha. so what i did is i bundled my supper together with their supper. they will eat every night. they will Not forget to remind me that they want to eat. i make their supper every day. so i make their supper, feed it to them, and bam! i'm in the kitchen. preparing food already. so it's really easy for me to keep going and prepare My food. let's say you want to drink more water. every time you open tumblr, bundle together the task of checking to make sure you have a glass of water with you, and take a sip. let's say you want to take a vitamin. keep the bottle by your toothbrush. and get weird with it! don't let social norms hold you back. i have a toothbrush in my shower. i have medicine on the bookshelf next to where i play video games. these aren't the "usual" places for things, but they Work for ME. find the places that work for you, and bundle things together. you'll be a lot more likely to do them if they're tied to something else.
BODY DOUBLING. this one is HUGE. i've actually infected my neurotypical friends in discord with this one, it's so powerful, hehehe. basically, you externalize the executive function. there are a couple of ways to do this. if you want to do something, ask someone to be in the room with you. they don't have to be doing the same thing, or anything, really. but having another Person there (another BODY, if you will) will make it so you can do the thing. you can also do this over discord. for example, my friends and i will open up a voice chat, and we'll be doing things. i'll be writing, khaya will be drawing, yorsh will be writing or drawing, keisha will be writing or drawing... and because we're all there together, we're super productive! it smashes through that brick wall a bit. there is a whole genre of youtube videos i LOVE that target this thing. find "study with me" type videos where you have someone doing homework or something, maybe they have rain, or lofi music, or just the ambient noises of a coffee shop; whatever you find most helpful. i actually body double with a little fox timer i have on my desk. i turn him on for an hour, and since he's "working," it's really easy for me to be like "ok i gotta work too." silly? yes. does it work? yes!
BULLET JOURNAL/APPS. i don't mean the pinterest pretty things where you end up spending way too much time on making a pretty spread. i mean the actual basic bullet journal that the original creator developed because he has adhd and needed something to keep his shit straight. i did this for a while, and i found it somewhat useful? eventually i found more success with the app TickTick, which is so good for me keeping my tasks straight and accounted for, i pay for the premium bc fuck yeah. if you're the kind of person motivated by streaks (think, like, doing something because you don't want to break a streak. i am very much this person.) then i've gotten a lot of good mileage out of the Today app. i don't use it much anymore, but it's very good if that's a motivating thing for you.
WEAPONIZE ANNOYANCE. i do this one a lot. i have certain things that annoy me a lot. like, being wasteful with water really annoys me. so that means i don't like to wash laundry more than once. which means, if i put something in the washing machine, i WILL move it into the dryer. so if i can put my laundry into the washing machine and get it started, i have defeated the demon of moving it into the dryer by weaponizing my own irritation against myself. same thing with gritty bathroom floors. my cat's litterbox is in my bathroom. i Really hate stepping out of the shower and feeling litter under my feet. so i'm pretty meticulous about keeping the bathroom floor clean, even though sometimes i have a moment of executive dysfunction about vacuuming every day, because whenever i hit that brick wall i think. ok. well. we can look at this brick wall that's here. now think about the sensation of stepping out onto cat litter out of the shower. aofjalsfjadlskfjslakfjsalkfj. and that's enough for me to reach for the vacuum. so you can use your preferences against your weaknesses, especially if they're things that you're Very particular about.
RECONTEXTUALIZE. my therapist will sometimes stop me and say "you are should-ing all over yourself." and this is when i'm saying things like "i should x" or "i should y." i should be able to put away this plate in the dishwasher. i did it yesterday! i should be able to do it today! the moment you catch yourself thinking these things, stop. think about it differently. instead of "i should be able to put this plate away," think "i want to be able to put this plate away." now you can say. well. why do i want to put the plate away? because it's dirty, and dirty dishes will attract bugs. i don't want bugs. i want my room to be clean and smell nice. i want to enjoy being in here. now, instead of a chore that needs to be done, you can think about it as a positive thing you're doing. sometimes this is enough to get around that wall.
now. you've asked me about writing specifically, which is. kind of a special beast for me. you said it seems like i have a compulsion to do it—and it really does kind of feel that way. if i go too long without writing, i feel uncomfortable. antsy. like i'm not doing what i need to be doing in order to be Me. as such, it's usually not that difficult for me to convince myself to write. if i start seeing a brick wall about it, i can go "...but... think about the COOL SHIT that's about to happen in symphony!!" and i'll go "OH YEAH" and break right the fuck through that brick wall kool-aid style.
that said. i do experience executive dysfunction with my writing. there are days when i want to write, i have the scene in my head, i have the time, i'm in my special writing place, and i sit down and—and i can't do it. i can't write. i keep clicking into tumblr. i close tumblr on my computer then pick up my phone. i watch youtube videos. it's like no matter what i do, i can Not focus on writing. even though i am screaming and rattling at the cages because i want to!!! i want to write!!! i want to do nothing MORE than write!!!!
often, one of the tricks above will work for me since i've learned how to use them over the years, and i have practice tricking myself. i find particular success with the body doubling in particular for writing. but some days, it just. Doesn't Happen. and here is the ultimate truth that i will bestow upon you:
it's okay if you don't do the thing.
so you don't pick up that plate today, and tomorrow you have two. so you don't do your laundry, so you have to do it tomorrow. so you miss a meal. you go a day without writing. it's okay. as long as you're safe and healthy, it's okay. tomorrow is another day for you to try and do the thing.
stressing out about how much you want to do the thing is counterproductive. you're just going to make yourself ill doing that, and then you'll be less capable of doing things. just... chill. relax. breathe. do what you can. try the tips i gave, look for some more and see if those work, and if they don't... all right. it just isn't meant to happen today. no big deal. do something else today. maybe you don't pick up that plate... but you do fold that laundry that was giving you a brick wall a few days ago. maybe you don't write that fic today... but you do read that book you've been putting off, and now you have a new favorite author you want to pick apart and study. life is short, and precious. don't should on yourself.
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just-a-strange-boy · 1 year
better strangers - part 1
part 2 * part 3 * part 4
When you signed up for that anon hook-up service, you hadn't quite expected to meet such a handsome stranger.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x ftm!reader
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), one night stand, sex with a stranger, oral sex (male receiving), penetrative sex, Stephen being sinfully hot
A/N: told you this was coming... sorry about the ending, I'm evil. Stay tuned for the second part though ;)
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You had been so convinced it would be easy.
Being here and waiting was however anything but. Even during check-in down by the bar, you had already begun second guessing your initial decision to do this, a fair amount of worries – which you maybe should have thought about before coming here – coming up and tormenting you just now.
What if you wouldn't like it after all? What if you couldn't go through with it? What if the stranger wouldn't be as open-minded as you needed them to be? What if he wasn't appealing, not great at this or just not nice? What if he was a creep?
It had been a silly idea.
You'd only been on the lookout for some fun when you signed up to that online platform.
Having heard about it from a friend, who had been very enthusiastic about the matching process and the anonymity it offered, you had decided to give into your own curiousity and checked the website in question.
Even just at first sight, it seemed to be a legit and serious platform, professional, rather progressive as well, LGBTQ+ friendly, allowing to pick from plenty of options when it came to preferences, guaranteeing a high success rate in getting your needs met to a T.
It was the guarantee you needed the most, because you were growing a little desperate, ever since breaking up with your boyfriend. You were disastrously horny, hadn't been fucked in a long while and wanted to look for a fun time to fulfill your sexual needs.
Unfortunately, you weren't forward or extroverted enough to put yourself out there on full display in a club. A regular dating app was out of question too. Well, sure – you could have chosen to check one of them out and perhaps still succeeded after a reasonable amount of time, but you didn't want to bother with the long process of messaging back and forth with people, until you'd find a potential match looking for the same as you did: one time thing, without strings attached.
The online platform your friend had suggested, made it so much easier. The name said it all.
One Night Strangers.
Signing up had been simple.
There was no need to put pictures or an actual name – since that was the point of remaining strangers. The online page just asked for a couple of details important for the matching process, such as age and gender, sexual orientation, usage of contraception or prep (absolutely mandatory), preferences and kinks, and a couple more boxes to click for additional information to ensure the most comfortable encounter.
You also had to choose which days of the week and which time of day would work best.
Checking the terms of agreement before finalizing the sign up (after all you wanted to be safe and make sure you hadn't misunderstood anything about the process), you had stumbled across the fact that the platform would determine the specifics of the encounter as soon as they had found a match. No need to even talk to the stranger. Perfect.
All you had to do, was to accept the match made and pay an estimated sum in advance that would cover the cost for the place you'd meet at. Encounters would apparently take place at a location partnered with the platform, where every participant would go through a discreet check-in shortly beforehand, meaning this was as anonymous as could get while also being as safe as possible.
Being fine with all of this, you had agreed and the platform had done what it apparently did best, matching you with someone in the New York area almost immediately: M37. That's all you knew. Well, besides the fact that your preferences seemed to align. And the where and when.
Friday, between 8-10pm, Lotus Laurea Bar, Room 12.
You hadn't harvested many doubts then, excited about the fast matching process and the fact you were meeting up with a person you didn't even know for the only purpose of getting laid.
It had been a silly idea, but you hadn't been averse to it by any means.
So of course, you had clicked the button to accept the match, paid the money, by no means a large sum, and found yourself at the Lotus Laurea Bar by Friday, shortly before eight.
The bar in question was a small, independent business with a handful of rooms and an adjoined LGBTQ+ nightclub. It wasn't a shifty or suspicious place at all, which was definitely a relief.
The check-in had been as easy and discreet as promised. The staff member had exactly known what you were here for as soon as you'd shown them the invoice on your phone.
They had been very respectful and considerate too, assuring you there was no need to worry about anything, while you'd been asked to sign a form of consent, confirming that you were of legal age and doing this out of your own will – a safety precaution you thought was fair, for legality alone.
Then they had simply slipped you the room key and told you that the stranger you'd been matched with was not here yet but would come up to the assorted room and knock as soon as he arrived.
So you headed up to the designated room 12 and made yourself ready for some dreadful waiting.
The accommodation was actually quite nice, especially considering you had paid so little for it. The room was small, sure, didn't have any windows, but smelled fresh. Everything was clean and neat, looked comfortable and you were convinced you could try relaxing for a moment here, though the loud music from the club downstairs ruined the quietness.
The ambient light however was lovely, a dark blue hue filling out the room.
The bed was somewhat medium-sized – more than enough for one person, a little small for two people sleeping comfortably in it – but since you didn't think you'd get tempted to cuddle with a stranger after sex anyways, it suited the cause well enough. On the nightstand there was everything provided that might be necessary – lube as well as condoms.
There was a bathroom included too, which you used right away, trying to fight your own nervousness as you took another shower after already having thoroughly cleaned yourself at home.
But that was the thrill of fucking a stranger, wasn't it? Not knowing what you'd be in for. Not knowing what to expect. It was just normal to experience a bit of nerves, right?
You certainly had plenty of them.
Because what if the stranger changed their mind and wouldn't come? Were you just meant to wait until ten, go home with money wasted and still underfucked? What if you would change your mind last second and flee in a rush, before M37 could even get here? Was the promised guarantee really that high? Would it be good and worth it?
Perhaps hooking up at the club downstairs after getting plastered with a few drinks would have been a lot easier to handle. They'd still all be strangers to you. But you would have had to approach them and that definitely wasn't your thing.
Besides that, you had gone through all the effort already, having showered and cleaned yourself literally everywhere. The idea was still tempting, if a little frightening.
Though in the end, you were probably just worrying for nothing. What's the worst that could happen? If you didn't like the sex, you could just say so. You could say No. Certainly the stranger would understand, after agreeing to the same terms and signing the same form of consent as you had. If you didn't like the overall experience, you would never have to do it ever again afterward.
A sudden knock to the door sent your heart rate sky-rocketing.
You waited, swallowing down your nervousness, your heart almost springing out of your chest at the sudden awareness and realization that this was totally gonna happen now.
For the flicker of a moment you were afraid of getting seriously panicky, but it was more so the rush of excitement and anticipation than the threat of a breakdown – so you tried the very best to get your shit together and took a deep breath. Brace yourself. You were going to do this.
“Come in”, you replied timidly to the knock, unsure whether you should have gotten up to greet the stranger at the door instead of sitting here on the bed. Wearing nothing but the towel from showering earlier on, part of you had also wondered whether to just get on hands and knees, waiting in the most useful position to get fucked, no need for any foreplay and introductions and such.
You figured it didn't really matter though and remained right there, expectant and curious and awfully nervous.
The door opened and the stranger stepped inside.
The ambient light was a little too dark to make out how he actually looked from the distance, but M37 seemed to be exactly that (a man, in his thirties) and more. Lean. Long legs. Dressed in a damn suit.
He carefully closed the door behind him and moved further towards the bed, and therefore also towards you.
There was an immediate unexpected tension in the air between the two of you, hard to deny. It wasn't awkward by any means. If anything, it was incredibly hot, the way he was slowly stepping in your direction, his full attention on you already, not a single word spoken because there was no need.
The stranger was enticing, pulling you in with his mere presence, dominating the scene and grasping all of your attention – you could feel your heart hammer even more, finding it hard to breath for a moment, and were eager to catch a good look at him when most of the distance had already been crossed.
With the stranger now closer to the source of light, you could make out how truly handsome he was. Definitely a lucky match. He was more than you had hoped for. Downright hot as fuck. There was something peculiar about his face, all sharp angles, from his smooth jawline to his high cheekbones, curved and full lips that were very tempting, his intense eyes, pupils blown wide with lust as he stared back down at you.
It suddenly made you feel very small sitting on this bed before him.
You weren't sure whether to talk to him, didn't know whether you should ask questions about how you wanted to do this or what the man was going to prefer to do first. Was it fair to ask how to start? Perhaps he would set the tone? It would be more than fine if he told you what to do.
As you looked him over, you wondered whether the stranger had any experience with anonymous hook-ups like this. Maybe he had. He didn't seem as nervous as you, carrying himself so self-confident, unashamed, coming to stand before you, eyes mustering you for a long moment, before he moved again.
Bringing his hands up to cup your face in them – large, warm hands – and letting the tension reach enormous heights, he eventually bent down to your level and leaned in real close.
His hot breath was lingering against your lips for a moment and he was just waiting, knowing it might rile you up and put you on edge, all while he hadn't even really done anything.
As he pressed his lips to yours, whatever barrier might have been between you (and in your head for that matter) just broke.
Since you had most certainly ticked the box for “kissing” in the sign-up process, it hadn't been entirely unexpected – and weren't you just glad you had!
Even though the stranger's lips were soft, he wasn't primarily gentle, kissing you hungrily, demanding you submit to him, claiming your mouth, tongues entwining, teeth clashing, and you found yourself getting aroused by the sudden attention.
Trying to waste as little time as possible, you slung your arms around the man's broad frame, pulling him forward and onto you, shuffling to get settled on the bed with him. Apparently that didn't need any words either. It was as if your bodies already knew what to do, slotting perfectly together.
The stranger was very careful not to crush you, holding his own weight without struggle, as he continued licking into your mouth, and to no surprise began grinding against you not long after, his sizable bulge brushing your thigh that was barely covered by a bit of towel, shooting another surge of raw arousal through your body.
Okay, maybe this had been a good idea after all. Because wasn't he just great? The platform had assigned you the perfect stranger. Handsome, a good kisser, hungry to devour all of you.
You were already dying to get fucked by him, who so passionately kept your mouth occupied, swallowing your little moans and whimpers right away, feasting on them, letting them urge him on.
Easing your grip around him, your hands moved along the collar of the man's dress shirt and you began busying yourself with opening the buttons one by one, hoping he would get the drift immediately. You needed to get him out of his clothes! And since you already were only in a towel, it was fair that you got to see him as well.
Upon breaking away, as the stranger peeled himself out of his shirt, you used to perfect opportunity of checking him out, making out a sculpted and trained torso. Of course, he looked handsome under his clothes as well!
Seemingly taking good care of himself, you wouldn't have been surprised if he had an entire row of people waiting, trying to get with him, looking like that.
So why do it like this, was the question that arose, taking the sight in, as the stranger stood back up, toeing his shoes and peeling his socks off.
Middle-aged and attractive, clearly confident enough and open to anything, he could have gotten laid anywhere. Perhaps he was in it for the thrill, liking the anonymity.
There was something oddly exciting about having sex with a stranger, you couldn't deny it, so maybe he was just in it for the general experience, like you.
Figuring that the stranger's reasoning was technically none of your concern – he was here to fuck after all, just like you, anything else didn't matter, and it was nothing personal either – you shuffled back up as well, coming to sit on the edge of the bed again as he stood before you.
You looked up at the stranger then and checking that he had his eyes fixated on you, you reached forward, your hands landing on the fine leather belt, of course only accidentally brushing the bulge he was sporting, giving him more than just a suggestive look.
The man took in a deep breath, but hummed in agreement, patiently waiting as you went to unbuckle his belt and mercifully free him from the restraint of his fine trousers, leaving his prominent erection covered by only his underwear.
God, the fact he was able to keep up par to your eye-contact, while clearly achingly aroused, told you more than you could have figured out by questioning him. He was able to keep himself restrained, looked as stoic and composed as before. He was prepared for this and feeding off the moment, his lips parting ever so slightly as you squeezed his hardening cock through the remaining fabric, continuing to keep your gazes locked as you leaned forward to bring your mouth to his clothed erection.
As composed as he was, you could hear the man's breath stuttering then, running your lips along the hard outline of his cock, and you couldn't help but to grin at his reaction. You didn't want to tease him for too long though, pulling the waistband of his underwear down, the throbbing erection springing free, practically begging to be sucked off – and you wanted. His cock looked delicious. You needed to taste him.
There still weren't any words necessary between the two of you and obviously, you currently would have rather liked to keep your mouth busy otherwise anyways, grabbing the base of the stranger's cock firmly as you placed small licks around the cockhead, lapping up the precome oozing from his tip, eyes still locked together.
“You want me to fuck your mouth, pretty boy?”, he asked. Damn.
Now you were the one to feel your own breath hitch in the back of your throat now, stopping your advances as you heard the man speak altogether, for the first time, his voice low and smooth, his words filthy and promising. He sounded so fucking hot, you could have probably drowned in the low grumble.
“Yes”, you responded in a whisper, mouth returning to his cock, tongue swirling around the tip once more, before wrapping you lips around him again, taking in as much of him as you could, struggling to breathe in deep through your nose, trying not to lose eye contact with him.
Pulling back, you pressed your tongue up to the underside of his throbbing member, savoring the taste of the man, feeling your own lust coiling tightly in your core. He was intoxicating.
The stranger didn't speak another word, his large hands coming to gently hold onto your head at first, before his grip tightened possessively, urging your mouth off his cock, pulling your head back hard by grabbing a fistful of your hair – and then, he guided your head forward again, easing himself into your mouth once more, careful at first and for another few times, eyes never leaving the sight.
You welcomed him in each time, opening wide, ready to be used as the stranger sank his cock deep into your mouth, all the way to the back of your throat, where you felt your own body protesting, muscles tightening, gagging around him, before releasing you again, pulling back out. Your gag reflex wasn't as shy as you would have needed it to be right now, but even that didn't seem to irritate the stranger, tightly holding onto your head as he thrust into you mouth again, not quite as deep, aware of your response.
Like the good little slut you were, you gladly accepted his advances, sucking on him hard, moving your tongue along the throbbing flesh, and the stranger fucked your mouth exactly like he had promised, using you just like you had wanted him to, leaving little opportunity to catch your breath. He groaned loudly when you tried to take him deeper down your throat again.
The thrusts slowed eventually, allowing you to regain more control of the situation – you were as relentless as he was, insistent on serving him well, reaching up to gently caress his balls, your other hand wrapping around the base of his cock again, sucking him hard into your mouth yet another time.
“I'd love to come down your throat, but if you want me to fuck you, you need to stop”, the stranger spoke up again, holding your head still for a moment, his eyes piercing deep into your soul.
“Can't go twice?”, you wondered, having pulled back from his cock altogether.
“We don't have all night”, the stranger shrugged it off and almost tenderly, he gave you a little shove, urging you to shift further back on the bed, while stepping out of his own pants before joining you there.
You weren't protesting, making yourself comfortable as you lay back into the pillows. The towel around your waist had come apart in the meanwhile and you mindlessly shoved it down to the floor – it was just a nuisance at this point – unashamed to present yourself to the other man, knowing there was no way to save your dignity anyways.
You knew the stranger's eyes were raking over you, watching you in the soft light, naked and wanting and spreading your legs for him – and he seemed entirely unperturbed about it.
“I'm sure your holes can please me just as well”, he mused then, crawling towards you on the bed, his throbbing hardness, wet with spit, brushing your thighs as he covered you with his weight, unashamed to bring your mouths together again.
And you had no doubt he would please you just as well, pressing your hips upwards into him, begging for more, aching for it just as much. You didn't want to wait any longer, couldn't, wanted to have this hard and throbbing cock inside of you, let him fuck you all the way to next Sunday.
“Patience”, the stranger scolded you, shifting a little again to reach for one of the condom wrappers provided on the bedside table, preparing himself with swift movements, and not wasting any more time, returning to your body and eager to give you what you both wanted.
You sucked in a deep breath with absolute anticipation as the stranger aligned his cock with your entrance, rubbing his hardness over your wet folds, smacking it against your small nub you were proud to call your own cock. He was teasing you, obviously, because he could, all while his eyes never broke your gaze.
Patience got a whole new meaning as the stranger continued to toy with you, the tip of his cock barely pushing into you, just nudging your hole like a promise that was seemingly never going to come true at this rate – and you were absolutely about to complain, though didn't have to after the stranger gave into your wordless pleas, hands gripping your hips hard, burying himself fully into your tight heat.
You groaned at the sudden intrusion. Blowing him had gotten you so needy and wet that you had been able to take him in without any issue, the large cock was stretching you out so nicely and you were more than happy to keep the stranger in place between your legs, reaching out to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in to reconnect your mouths as the man started to move inside of you.
Honestly, either way would have been perfectly fine with you. He could have fucked you roughly and quickly, destroying you with sharp thrusts – or he could have taken you slowly and deeply, painfully teasing you and dragging out your encounter.
It would be good. It would be perfect.
The stranger made sure to keep switching the rhythm and pace, playing with your patience because he could, taking his own pleasure but also making sure that you would have a good time. Even though you were nothing to each other, he handled you with so much care, fucking you with a passion, precise thrusts that sent hot flashes up your spine and sparks of arousal through your entire body.
Your mouths mingled together, seemingly melting into one another, bodies entwined, sharing each others breath and pleasure like you had done this many a times before.
Your feverish kissing broke after a while, both of you sweaty messes, groaning and moaning into each others mouths, chasing your ecstasy and enjoying your lust-driven high together.
Holding onto the stranger with a tight grip, your arms and legs kept him in place – you certainly weren't going to let him go now – as you got railed into the mattress, driven closer and closer to the edge of pleasure.
“Fuck, I'm so close”, you moaned, brain turned into putty, intoxicated by the stranger and every thought gone, except one - you wanted him to go on. “Please. Don't stop now.”
Your soft whimpers and pleas seemed to only encourage him, the rhythm changing, slow and deep, cock filling you out to the brim, both of you breathing hard, gazes drawn to each other, neither of you capable of looking away.
“You're gonna come on my cock like a good slut, hm?”, the stranger groaned, drawing out the last thrusts painfully slow, eager to sent the two of you over the edge.
A hard shudder surged through your body, a sudden ease to all the tension building, your core throbbing, your walls clenching around the stranger, who was continuing to move inside of you, fucking you all the way through both of your orgasms.
You had felt him tense up, his body trembling as he too had tripped over the edge, and only then did your eye contact break. He closed his eyes, enjoying the overwhelming feelings all the way through his orgasm – and so did you.
Tired out, breathing hard, entirely overrun by the intensity of your orgasms, you had come to lay side by side.
You felt awfully empty without the stranger's cock inside of you and maybe, just maybe, if your stamina allowed for it and you dared to ask for it, you'd let him fuck you another time – if he wanted to stay around, of course.
You couldn't really ask just yet. Even after catching your breath, the words seemingly got stuck in your throat. Looking back over at him, you marveled at the handsome stranger, eyes still closed, little huffs escaping his parted lips, his toned chest heaving and sinking again, cock now nestled flaccid and satiated against his thigh, condom filled with his semen.
Some little part of you wondered. Who was he? What was his name? What did he do in his every day life? What else was there to him, besides the fact that he was an exceptionally good lay? Why was he pursuing a one night stand like this?
It took a moment until the man regained his previous composure and began to stir again, sitting up on the bed. He turned towards you, addressing you so casually, like he hadn't just pounded you into the mattress. “That was fun. Really needed this”, he spoke, his voice calm, not an ounce of the raw filthiness from earlier left, “Never been with a trans man before, but my, my... I got lucky to get someone as gorgeous as you.”
“You're quite the handsome stranger yourself”, you replied with a grin, positively flattered by his compliment.
The man smiled back at you before he got up from the bed. “Mind if I have a quick shower?”, he asked politely, circling the bed to where he had lost his clothes, picking them up from the floor.
“No, you...uh... can take your time... I'd... uh... you could stay around for a second round though, if you wanted to?”, you spoke shyly, finally daring to make the request.
The stranger seemed to consider your suggestion for a moment, then plucked a phone out from the pile of clothing, apparently checking the time. “Shit, it's late already”, he cussed, giving you an apologetic look, “Sorry, I can't. Technically I wouldn't be opposed to another round, but... I really need to get going.”
“Oh, okay”, you shrugged, obviously a little disappointed, but you weren't going to throw a fit about it, pulling the rumpled blanket over your form instead, not because you needed to hide any of your nakedness in front of the stranger, but even more so because you were getting a little cold without his body warmth and the heat of sex.
“Thanks for the fuck though”, you made sure to let him know, an awkward smile rising up to your lips.
The stranger shot you another smile too, before turning into the bathroom and taking, as announced, a very quick shower, returning to the room mere minutes later, all dressed up again, prim and proper.
Part of you had expected him to just say his goodbyes and leave, perhaps even not say anything to you at all since you were nothing to one another, but then he walked over to the bed again, leaned down to you and pressed a soft but unexpected kiss to your lips.
“How did you put it? Thanks for the fuck”, the stranger chuckled, “Goodbye, handsome. Was nice meeting you.”
Thus, you parted like you had met – as strangers, knowing nothing about each other except the way you looked, the way you felt, the way you liked to fuck, under the clear impression you would never get to meet each other ever again.
And then your sister introduced Stephen Strange to you – her colleague from the hospital, the man she was dating and the stranger who had fucked you.
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AITA for convincing a friend to run for an officer position in a club just so someone else didn’t win?
So, this happened a few months ago but it’s been gnawing at my brain and I want to know if I did the right thing. I asked some online friends for advice beforehand and there’s a chance they’ll see this- if you do, please don’t expose my blog, thanks.
Context: I (16F) am a member of my school’s Science Olympiad team, and held an officer position the past school year (my sophomore year/10th grade) and ran again for next year (my junior year/11th grade). I am using everyone’s ages at the time this happened to the best of my knowledge and memory. This takes place in a United States high school, and our Olympiad team is tied to a junior high school Olympiad team from the junior high on our campus, which we do all of our meetings with.
A group of my friends (17F, 16F, 16F, 15F) went out for the 4 out of the remaining 5 high school officer positions, and odds looked pretty good we’d win all of our races, thus having 5 out of 6 high school officer positions total. Usually it wouldn’t really matter who won anything, it would just be nice if we were all officers together. The only issue is that there are two other people on our team who are friends with each other (17F and 15F), but have a history of bullying and toxic behavior including towards people on the team. They ran for literally every single position, as you are allowed to run for multiple, and we were concerned they would use them to abuse power.
As I said before, it seemed likely we would win the positions we wanted, but this would leave secretary open, as the only two people running for secretary were one of my friends who I already mentioned, who was more likely to win president, and one of the girls I had mentioned we didn’t want winning anything in case of an abuse of power, so there wasn’t even a chance of a “third party” winning. The only reason we knew for sure who was running for what before the election started is my officer position (which was officially still held until the results of the election were released) enabled me to look at the sign up form, which I created.
My best friend told me she and another friend had worked out a plot to keep secretary out of this girl’s hands. She wanted me to ask a younger friend of mine (13NB, uses he/they for clarification) who was one of the eighth graders on the junior high school team to run, since he is going to be a freshman on the high school team this upcoming school year, and anyone with a year’s experience at any level who will be at least a freshman is allowed to run for a high school officer position.
I said I didn’t want to ask them, and I had multiple reasons why.
First, I already convinced him to do the high school team in the first place when he wanted to stick to the junior high one for another year (9th graders can be in either the junior high or high school competing divisions in Science Olympiad even though most schools in my area classify 9th grade as high school). Nobody asked me to do that, they’re just a smart kid and I thought it would be a waste of potential for them not to. Because of this I wanted him to choose to go for on officer position or not for himself at least. Second, I feel bad using a kid as a pawn in a drama he’s not involved in, even though it’s for a good reason. Everyone else involved in this was already in high school at the time. Third, they don’t even know about the stuff the girl we wanted him to run against has done, because she is nice to them specifically and they are friends. If he figured out we were plotting for him to beat her I think that would damage his trust in me and my friendship with him.
Here’s where I think I might have been an asshole. I gave in and asked them anyway, because my friends all seemed convinced this was the best course of action and I didn’t want them getting mad at me, and I still strongly felt this girl getting elected would be bad for the team I’ve worked so hard to support and for the other team members’ (mostly people I am friends with and care about) mental and emotional well being.
My friend did run, they took my suggestion to run for secretary and signed up to run for that specific position. The girl we didn’t want winning somehow beat them by two votes, so I guess it didn’t matter anyway.
In case this influences anyone’s opinion, I will tell you that we were probably right that this girl should not have been an officer. I was hoping she would mature in an officer position, but she didn’t. She’s still been saying nasty shit behind people’s backs (so has the other girl we didn’t want to win, though she didn’t win anything as we correctly predicted our wins in the other five positions). She’s been half-assing all her officer responsibilities and complaining about them constantly even though she signed up for this, and I have already been forced to do some things that were supposed to be her job.
I know it doesn’t matter now anyway, but I still kind of feel bad for using a (at the time, he’s 14 now) 13 year old as a pawn in a plot especially one that’s a good friend that I care about. Was I the asshole for doing that?
What are these acronyms?
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