#I wonder what the next fast pass ep is gonna show us
hozaloza · 4 months
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(Quotes is misspelled btw)
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topazpearl · 6 months
So remember my big sbg theory doc? forget that existed, heres the new one
Discusses up to Ep 61. Fast-pass spoiler FREE
Content discussions about death, mental illness, sui.cide; yknow. Heavy Thriller webtoon stuff (tm)
[Hamilton chorus voice] NUMBER ONE: Giant freakin phantompedes and how to escape them
-I was right about the football field lights to try to kill them idea yippee
-HOEWVERR, theres so many attacking the school rn and its freaking collapsing?? I literally dont know how they’re gonna get outta this
-Unless (unless) my Phantom Ashlyn theory is relevant, ashlyn can talk to them and tells them to go away and they… do! idk lol it's stupid but maybe ash has enough girl boss energy to convince them. or theyre so shocked by a human talking to them theyre like "dang ok". Could still happen! 
NUMBER TWO: Phantom Transformation Theory
So it’s Basically confirmed: 
If you die in the PD, you start to turn into a Phantom.
Of course we wont know for sure until we actually SEE it but like, Aiden’s creepy af smile and basically coming back to life in ashlyn’s arms after DYING it’s like, basically confirmed. 
Ash wonders why Aiden snapped out of his seizure so fast compared to Tyler. Severity of injuries could definitely be a factor (tho like, im assuming Aiden got freaking blunt force trauma brain damage which, to me, is just as bad as being impaled). Another factor could be that Tyler died only about 30 minutes into the Time, while Aiden died almost right when it ended. And… we saw how fast Aiden started to “turn”. Red technically never shows us Tyler during those hours after he died. He very well… may have completely phantomized, but when he woke up in the real world, the transformation reverted. I'm very scared abt what Aiden’s gonna be like next night.
SUB THEORY: The Power of Human Connection and Phantom Reversal
Remember how Jasmine (the gang tour girl) asked if it was alright that all the kids got sucked in w/ ashlyn? This implies that 
1. They usually expect 1 person/their target to get sucked into the PD
2. The origami gang has never dealt with a group being sucked in at once
- I believe (and the evil gang doesnt know this) that the kids being together is an integral part of their future survival. Tyler snapped back to consciousness in the hospital after Taylor had her PISSED moment. This moment was similar to Logan’s freakout, in that it tugged the phantom world to the real world, for a second. I think these intense emotions (taylor’s specifically out of anger and worry for her twin), pulled tyler’s “soul” out of the PD and into the RD. 
- Now, you may ask, “what abt if a random person got into the PD and died and went into a seizure/coma? Why couldnt their loved ones “bring” them back?” thats a good Q idk. Perhaps the kids all being in the PD together is what creates this flow, a two-way street, between the two dimensions. 
- Anyway also while Ashlyn and co didnt didnt get into an angry freakout moment when Aiden died, but we all know Ash and Aiden got something developing/going on thats special ♥, and thats what tugged Aiden back (its cliche but its the power of love there i said it). 
- Also NOT saying that the other kids’ concern over their friends doesn’t matter or count (Ben and Aiden are Fam too), but like, i’m wondering if it needs to be a REALLY INTENSE love (familial/romantic/whatever) in order to basically bring someone back from the dead. idk
-interestingly, ty WAS essentially in a coma-like state, like how the spy said, which supports that it’s expected that ppl die in the PD eventually, and go into comas. I’m wondering if those who normally get sucked into the PD and die, theyre dealing with it by themselves, have no one to “pull them back” like taylor and/or ashlyn did, and they stay in a coma. 
-rlly hope the boys arent like “possessed” or smn. Maybe the soul is like, tainted? Those big black eyes man… (ALSO THAT PREVIEW IMAGE WITH LOGAN AND THE BIG BLACK EYES??? WHAT??)
-going off the dead PD ppl turn into phantoms theory>> If a phantom is killed, their connected person in the RD who was in a coma dies fr permanently
NUMBER THREE: Ashlyn and the Phantoms (cool new band name) 
we know the kids are getting influenced by the PD, making phantom noises (further supports phantoms were people theory) but with Ashlyn's "really strong" connection to the PD, she's in special danger. If one can turn into a phantom without dying, it's gonna be her. Ryan the spy said that "the girl" – assumingly ashlyn– should be "especially" at risk of danger. This could be bc she was the one who interacted with the rift, or bc she already has a higher level of phantom influence on her. 
-when ashlyn told the phantom to let go, and her friends to calm down, both times she spoke with a black speech bubble WITH PHANTOM NOISE LINES NEAR IT. this is different than characters who have also spoken with black bubbles (aiden, logan, taylor). obviously these have been with threats/malice, but they didn't have the red lines. These times ashlyn has spoken, the phantom acknowledged her voice, and her friends' spell-like violence trance was broken. Theory: ashlyn not only can hear phantoms, but she can speak their language sort of
-when ashlyn was born, a phantom like touched her in a blessing/cursing sense which is part of the reason why she can hear phantoms and her strong PD connection. possibly even possession???? 
-tldr i want ashlyn to enter her monster girl era 
The evil gang seems confused why the kids have lasted so long. maybe Ashlyn's PD connection goes both ways. she provides a strong anchor to the RD. Maybe the PD is USUALLY all desolate with the pillars that we saw in the finale (maybe it's even an afterlife of sorts?), but Ashlyn makes a huge radius (~30 miles! (assuming kids were driving at least 60mph for 30 minutes)) of the PD around where she wakes up mirror the real world, creating a safer space for her and the kids. meanwhile a normal person that gets sucked into the PD gets thrown into a desolate hell world different from the RD (also maybe stuck there permanently), causing them to die much quicker. 
-maybe this influence is even part of the reason why RD tyler is awake (And aiden)
-Ashlyn's influence extends to jamming the recording devices like some kind of weird phantom static.
-Broke: Ashlyn's parents wanted her to learn self defense and have a knife bc they're in the military. Woke: they want her to be able to protect herself after the phantom scare when she was a baby
-Also THANK GOD she’s finally acting on her intuition. Sm times she’s been like “this feels bad!” and doesnt do anything. Almost makes me wonder if it’s a supernatural intuition based on phantom stuff. Like shes WAY OFF from the hospital and the drama and is like “HMM! Smn going on” 
NUMBER FOUR: Origami gang and Co INC. 
-The gangs symbol is an origami crane (orizuru). the crane in East Asia has longevity as one of its symbolisms, with some myths saying it flies souls up to paradise. there's the popular myth that if you fold 1000 cranes you get a wish.
Heres where the evil twist comes in. The gang boss believes that if he traps 1000 people in the PD as like, a sacrifice, then he'll get a wish and he'll ask for eternal life or whatever. this gang is a cult and he's tricked everyone saying that they'll also get a long life but really it's probably only gonna be him 🤫 So they go around to different haunted places in America and pick ppl they sense can open these shadow rifts and get sucked in. the phantoms may be ppl they trapped in the past and they've turned into phantoms
-Ryan, the guy who's spying on the kids, maybe is ALSO "Mr. thomas". he just puts on a wig and is a good actor lol. this is the reason why he asks about "Mr. Thomas's" fate. What goes against this is that Ryan seems to know all about the PD mechanisms, which doesn't fit Mr. Thomas being confused abt ashlyns hair. Unless he wasn't expecting it
– or "Mr thomas" could just be Ryan's friend or brother or smn. A low ranked guy in the gang that got stuck with roping Ashlyn into Savannah, but doesn't know the truth/details about the PD. 
-the gang mentions that "both sides" are trying to track them. either the government and a supernatural hunting group, or even some force in the PD like some Alpha Phantom like the devil who's like "Where's my dead people quota hello?" or better yet "you're messing with MY domain and I'm gonna Get You". 
-This is based solely on the Boss' appearance and smiling countenance: the gang Boss is Aiden's uncle, his dad's brother, his weird, estranged brother who's also evil probably. I'm really hung on this idea don't mind me 
-you have to be able to make a paper origami crane from memory to be an official gang member /hj 
NUMBER FIVE: Gen story/Character arcs and futures
-ready for a “power of love and friendship” aesop. these kids are gonna be so Bonded now after these traumatic experiences
-i had come up with an elaborate “death order” but thats now completely jossed now so im ignoring that
- SO NOW that all the parents know, and like, have seen all the phantoms and everything and BTW WILL PROBABLY GET SUCKED INTO THE PD AT SOME POINT because they felt the shift like the kids did, they help the kids get to Savannah yippee!! a cool Big family squad force they all hop on a working school bus or smn and drive there. PLs
- the families getting sucked in would be HUGE cause they arent prepared. Logan’s grandparents and Lily are top targets 😭
So the kids are gonna get kidnapped. that's definitely gonna be a thing, either mid S2 or ending. up in the air whether the kidnapping is successful or not. (assuming the gang would be smart enough to get rid of the kids’ phones when they get them)
-actually I'm placing my bets now S2 finale will be them getting kidnapped and it just cuts off there for another awful cliffhanger.
-since it seems Mr thomas will be involved, he'll ask the kids to stay after school to talk abt their failing grades or smn, and then maybe they're hit with knockout gas??
OR the gang has been spying on them so they pick a time the kids all separated and jump them. 
-maybe this is when aiden knowing where ashlyns dance studio is is actually plot relevant!!?? like he (and Ben probably cuz they're always together) are able to escape their attackers and Aiden goes to help ashlyn cuz he wants to make sure she's OK. and she's either fine cuz she's a girl boss and can kick butt, or he saves her oo la la 
–lol imagine kidnapping is successful, gang tells kids why they were kidnapped, (if Evil Boss Uncle theory is true this helps facilitate this) but Ashlyn "goes off" on Aiden yelling and "attacking" him and stuff saying he's part of the gang, he planned it all along etc, but it's all a ruse to have the gang think she'll cause another energy spike (and Aiden gets this and plays along) so assuming the kids are locked up, the gang opens their cell to stop ashlyn, and that's when they escape lol
so like, i THOUGHT ashlyn/aiden was gonna be a slow burn but HAHAHA. i mean not as freaking slow obviously as like Miraculous love square lol, but like slow for thriller standards? But things are gonna be heating up between these two 😏 watch ashlyn be ~conflicted~ and ~in denial~~. And meanwhile poor aiden is a confused boy who doesnt know what ash wants like “b u told me to give u space and now here u are grasping my hand like ur life depends on it” 
Sorry back to character arcs:
Ashlyn: Learn to trust and connect with people, make friends, lean on others. Could be nice if she accepts and admits the kids are her friends by the end of S2, leaving the next season for Aiden/Ashlyn dev specifically? More development about her connection with the PD, which could put friendship to the test. [already getting this with her dad and Aiden so this is great]
Also she has the freaking GUILT like i expected! Watch her think tay hates her for like a week before tay is like “no?? I hate the ppl who did this to us instead” and then they hug it out 👍
Taylor: Willing to bet money the twins are unhealthily codependent on each other. She is on the edge bro. Unhinged feral. Is probably gonna be more angry in general despite it being a bad idea, like the top has been blown off. Bottled up emotions~! 
Still thinking she’ll get close to Ben too (whether anything romantic develops on top of it is debatable, but I can see it. theyve already got a cute little closeness going on)..
Tyler: Get this boy some ~THERAPY~ help he’s so depressed and angry. Learn to have hope again (like ben 😭). He has so much negativity inside him, i dont think that’ll help with whatever is going on with him rn like, hes probably in the THICK of the PD influence. He’s kinda like ash, needs to learn to rely on others.
Logan: Seems to be overcoming his fragility well if the arcade scene is any indication. Still has self-worth issues to overcome due to his parents' abandonment. Maybe we'll learn more about that in S2. That could be a rumor and the real reason he lives with his grandparents is that his parents died but idk why that'd be hidden unless their death was suspicious (like, drug ring?? His gpa got the GOODS APPARENTLY). 
Ben: Still needs to find a new passion for life, i suspect playing musical instruments like the guitar will be the answer (thank you tyler). Tho maybe learning to love his altered voice could happen? (tons of dudes have a rough/husky singing voice that ppl love) But this is probably unlikely.  
Aiden: Good Lord like, Aiden being (most likely) suic.idal in the past (and possibly even still NOW?) has floored me. I figured his loneliness and suspected parental neglect was bad but IT’S BAD. Dude wants to feel alive and not depressed… frick. AIDEN ARE YOU going to therapy??? Do your parents KNOW??? Is that why your parents finally settled down?? Guh. this on top of probably untreated ADHD.
–I’m assuming now Aiden started dying his hair to try to get any fragment of serotonin. 
– Kinda wondering if he grew up in a "toxic positivity" mentality home, where his parents are like "we're so privileged we shouldn't complain" ?
– im actually THIS close to beating Aiden’s parents with a stick.
NUMBER SIX: Miscellaneous predictions, wants, musings & hypotheticals.
-guessing now that the twin’s dad had cancer or smn
-hey uh what about the photo Logan took of the phantom back at the sorrel-weed house?? surely he still has it? can he show the parents?? will they be able to see it?
-Logan saw the whole Aidlyn hug from the roof from his snipper position, change my mind.
-Another “death” will happen in S2, possibly even two deaths. (GOD I WAS RIGHT)
-Mr thomas switches sides and helps the kids, gives them info
-Ryan (the spy) switches sides and helps the kids
-the tour lady Jasmine and the Boss are a hot evil couple 
also kinda want them to have a Rourke & Helga dynamic where he throws her under the bus at the last moment and she's Bissed 
-I want the boss to die by his own evil plan. 
–i doubt a redemption arc will happen but I'd be down for it if done well.
-*grabs your shoulders until they bleed* listen. Aiden saved ashlyn, now I need her to save him. I need this. 
-Taylor and Ashlyn girl time please!!!
-Logan and Aiden becoming closer would also give me joy. big Freckle and Rocky energy. 
-this doesn't have to happen but I think it'd be really funny if Aiden somehow gets the IDEA that Logan has a crush on Ashlyn when Logan doesn't, causing a stupid silly short jealousy arc.
-actually I really need a "can skydive from 10,000 ft but can't confess to the girl he likes" Aiden Clark 
-I've got a bad feeling smn will happen to Ashlyn's parents, specifically her dad
-if any of the gang/cult members hurt the kids or their fam fr irl im gonna >8) lose it
-the Origami gang fails to kidnap the kids and they accidentally create a huge "energy spike", making phantoms appear everywhere in town.
-if the kids DO get kidnapped successfully, I want Ashlyn to be an awesome girlboss and use her knife shoes to help them escape.
-if my puppy fic became Canon that'd be swaggie actually.
-let Ashlyn have a dog 2023
-pov you're in Georgia in the fall and a hurricane hits, knocking out solar power for a few days. what then? :)
-when all this garbage is over and they hopefully all live in the end, I want them to have a fun stargazing party led by Logan cause they can finally enjoy the night (And maybe aidlyn have their first Kiss?? 🙈)
-If there ISNT a "group goes to see Ashlyn in a ballet performance" scene then I'm WRITING IT MYSELF 
-At the end of all things, Aiden and Ashlyn will become a couple, or at least have reciprocal romantic feelings. This is not just my shipper heart talking. I feel it in my brain, in my soul. 
-So we know one or both of Aiden’s parents are writers. If anyone knows if that trophy Aiden’s dad is holding in that photo is a real award, hmu
-a kid going into an angry protective phantom mode to protect another(s) 😳 (aidlyn on the brain but it could be anyone)
-if I had a nickel for every time I've imagined Aiden dying in Ashlyn's arms, I'd have many nickels (IT BASICALLY HAPPENED! GREAT! 👍😭)
-what if having a good singing voice ran in Ben's family? haha jkjk…unless??? but they don't sing like ever cuz they don't want Ben to feel bad 
-man what if an sbg kid “died” by a phantom pushing them down a set of stairs.. 
-Rlly hope that Aiden's parents don't get scared seeing phantoms in their house and hearing other families having phantoms in THEIR houses and thinking the whole town is haunted, and they consider moving which they don't wanna do bc Aiden finally has friends but what else can they do!? angst. 
-John 15:13 for Ashlyn with the others except it's not permanent (I'm not saying ash is a Jesus figure tho WHWKEJEJDJ)
-I rlly wanna see ashlyn laugh
-Taylor actually using her mechanic skills. like maybe the jeep gets damaged [HAPPENED] and she fixes it. I dont want that jeep gone bro its already iconic (update: it’s probably gone bro.. sad)
-might be nice for Logan to have a reflection moment where even though all this horrible stuff is happening some good came out of it like he's not a slave to bullies anymore 
-I want to see Ben happy. well actually I want them all happy pls
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Hey Clyde, did you check out Wonder Egg Priority at all? The first ep is super promising, but the series as a whole is one of those real fascinating disasters from a story and a production standpoint that might be up your alley as a thing to pick apart haha.
I’d warn that it’s also reeeeal offensive and this generally gets worse as it goes though.
Hi, Phoenix! How are you and Cube doing?
Okay, I hadn't watched Wonder Egg Priority when I received your ask this morning. Now I have. In a fit of intense curiosity I settled down for a rare binge session and tore through all twelve episodes + OVA in a single sitting. It is now nearly 3:00am as I write this because I, oh so clearly, make fantastic life choices.
A question for you: what did I just watch?
The rest is going under a read more partly for spoilers, but more-so because WEP—and the summary I'm about to give, because I feel like I need to try and explain this to tumblr's faceless void for my own, dwindling sanity—comes with about every trigger warning under the sun. Seriously, if you are triggered by anything that we might think of as a "standard" trigger (meaning, not unique to you and your own experiences), best to proceed with caution.
Right! What the ever loving fuck happened in this show? Well, let's work through this chronologically. Two genius, frat boy brothers (I get their names mixed up so I'm not even gonna bother) are locked in their apartment and closely monitored because of Super Secret Science Research. Even though, I think, they're the ones who created this company. Not important! What is important is that they're bored enough to create an AI for funsies, thinking of her as their daughter and letting her name herself Frill. Frill is the perfect, cutesy, also genius child who has a habit of popping her lips — which the camera focuses on in an incredibly creepy fashion. One day Brother #1 (the hot one) falls in love with a random woman we know nothing about and Frill gets jealous.
"Jealous in a general sense?" you ask, thinking this show is in any way normal. "Like, just of her Dad giving attention to someone else?"
"No," I respond, patting your hand. "Jealous because she's in love with him." Which, beyond the subject matter itself, comes completely out of nowhere. Frill has a line about what you'd do if some woman stole your husband away. I, fool that I was, briefly considered that these two guys were lovers, not brothers. Oh no. They're brothers. Frill just considers Dad #1 to be her "husband."
So, in true evil AI fashion, she murders the wife, leaving only her newly born child behind. Who is a daughter.
Uh oh.
Dad #1 locks Frill in a coffin-esque hole in the basement and goes on with his life. Things are great! Until years later when the daughter reveals that she has fallen in love with her uncle (Dad #2 to Frill). She knows (somehow??) that both her dad and her uncle loved her mom, so if the loser uncle will just wait a few years he can marry her instead! He brushes her off, but the next day she’s found dead of an apparent suicide.
Realizing that this was somehow Frill’s doing, he marches down to the basement and confronts the murderous child they’ve had locked up for years. She’s now surrounded by screens in, again, true creep AI fashion. How did she get all this while she was locked up? Oh, just the three bug girls she created as friends prior to killing the wife. They’re devoted slaves, I guess. So the uncle says enough of this insanity and seemingly sets Frill on fire.
OH and Frill’s subtitled dialogue also puts “uncle” in quotation marks, implying that the daughter was always Dad #2’s??
Anyway, both brothers are now super obsessed with death and claim that they think Frill has had a hand in lots of girls’ suicides, even now after her own death. This is brought into question later when it’s revealed that they might have just concocted this scheme to try and bring back their daughter. I’m really not sure. Regardless, they use hand-wavey science to create eggs that I guess contain the souls of young girls who have committed suicide, then they sucker in other young girls who have lost people to suicide to try and rescue their loved ones in a dream world, saving others along the way. A tomboyish girl, Momoe, lost a classmate who admitted to loving her, but who Momoe rejected. Rika, a former junior idol, used and rejected an overweight fan only to learn later that she’d starved herself to death. Neiru, the 14yo president of some science company (yup) was attacked by her sister before she jumped off a bridge. Finally Ai, our protagonist, is a victim of bullying who managed to make friends with a single girl, Koito, who then jumped from their school building for unknown reasons. They’re all given the chance to bring these individuals back to life, provided they protect other victims of suicide by defeating the monstrous traumas that drove them to that act in the first place.
And you know what? That concept was great. However, the execution ranges from “Okay, that was pretty good for an anime. Kudos there” to “That’s the most offensive thing I’ve seen in my life.” Needless to say, unpacking all the battles they fight would take a lot more than this already absurd summary. Basically, if you can think of something horrible to happen to young girls (and one trans guy whose existence in that egg undermines the whole message of the episode), there’s an attempt to tackle it here.
During all this the four girls become friends and Ai works through her suspicions about Mr. Sawaki, a teacher at her school. What’s going on with Mr. Sawaki? Uh… everything! He’s somehow connected to Koito’s death, he’s dating Ai’s mom, and Ai apparently loves him too because her friends say so, even though this is never actually addressed and she barely interacts with him. It’s all quite the complication.
In time though the girls complete their “mission” of bringing their loved ones back to life. Rika and Momoe manage it first, only to find that Frill’s bug-girl lackeys have arrived to kill them. Why? Because that’s what Frill does, I guess. Momoe’s crocodile familiar (cute animals the girls were gifted to help them fight) takes a killing blow for her and the bug-lady then proceeds to carve up his corpse and force feed it to Momoe. Fantastic!! Building off of that, the next bug-lady who Rika encounters kills her turtle too, following in the footsteps of her bug-sister by, presumably, forcing her to eat parts of its head. Ai refuses to sacrifice her familiar to stay alive, but luckily the suicide she was protecting turns out to be herself from a parallel universe (that's a thing now!) and she takes the killing blow herself, which is done by pulling out the eye she’s sensitive about (she has heterochromia.) So parallel Ai passes on (again?) and the three girls don’t work through this trauma at all, instead becoming more traumatized through the realization that the loved ones they brought back no longer remember them. They’re alive, but the relationship they all had with them is dead.
It’s about this point that the main storyline wraps up and I’m relieved that there’s an OVA to finish things off. Surely they can somehow bring this all together in 45 minutes.
…25 minutes of that OVA is recap.
So with only about 20 minutes left, we learn that Neiru, the only one to not complete her mission yet, has mysteriously gone missing. It turns out she was an AI/clone/something all along, made to replace her sister and, presumably, that’s what caused the whole stabbing-suicide incident. She successfully brings her sister back, but stays behind in the dream world because Frill promises her she can become human. How is Frill here when she’s dead? How will Neiru become human? Isn’t Frill the “temptation of death” or whatever? There are no answers. A flashback finally reveals that Koito was having a relationship with a teacher at another school, he committed suicide, she transferred, she tried the same thing with Mr. Sawaki, he kept refusing her advances, and finally while threatening suicide to get his attention, she accidentally fell.
(So why was she in the suicide egg if it was an accident??)
Except, all this information comes through Mr. Sawaki himself, there’s a whole subplot about whether he’s really a villain, or if Ai is just making him into one, and this show might as well be titled How Much Pedophilia Can We Put into One Anime? So make of that what you will.
A dead character randomly shows up, but it's fine because she's actually just a version from a parallel world. How did she get here? Why is she here? Lol, it's cute that you think these are answered.
Rika, the character who cuts and almost committed suicide halfway through the show, breaks down saying how much she misses her dead loved ones, right after her friends refused to let her go on another mission that would surely end in her death and… that’s it. That’s all we get about her.
Momoe too, though she’s hopefully just vibing somewhere with that longed-for boyfriend.
Ai transfers schools and then one day randomly remembers that she loves Neiru and rushes back to start cracking eggs again because that will? Somehow?? Let her see Neiru???
When I say there are too many unanswered questions to possibly list here I really, really mean it.
Finally, in a personal attack on me, the protagonist with a name that is literally AI is not in any way an artificial intelligence.
And that’s it! Congratulations, you now “understand” WEP. And see, the funny thing is that the off-the-rails, bat-shit crazy aspects kind of catch you off guard? Yeah, the first episode is fantastic. In fact, I think I got through about six episodes thinking that this was a solid, if at times really messed up anime, but I was willing to shrug off a lot of stuff due solely to the amount of sensitive material they were attempting to cover (which is always quite difficult to do). Probably the only reason I was able to binge so fast was because the first half of the series was so engaging. The characters are charming. The animation is GORGEOUS. There's actually a ton of good here that is also worth yelling about. But then the plot comes in like a freight train and I was left staring dumbfounded at my screen as more and more insanity kept happening. Having watched the "explanations" I am now more confused about the show I just saw.
Phoenix, if you’ve bothered to read this rambling, 3:00am rant: thank you. I think? Idk if I should actually be thanking you or cursing you for tuning me into this, but it was definitely an experience, that’s for sure lol.
I'm off to bed now RIP the chance of having normal dreams ✌️
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Man vs. Sewer
“Alrighttttt, here’s the next one (as requested by @dabibliophile)!!! Man vs. Sewer is a great episode, but it low-key caught me off-guard the first time I watched it... Like Raph genuinely lost it, and it wasn’t played off as a joke or anything which is how it’s often is in cartoons. I know rottmnt has its fair share of plot-related episodes, but tbh when I first watched Rise, I was seeing it more as a fun tmnt show, but this episode was what made me realize how good this series actually was... 
anywayssss, let’s go
-Donnie’s apparently the designated texter of the group
-”Sweet, sweet Angelo”
-Donnie’s boardshorts, and how Leo just looks done with him while Mikey looks on in awe... Mikey is so precious I love him
-”I’m not a useful member of society”  
-Leo’s genuine concern for Raph
-Dr. Delicate Touch
-”Where did you get that?” “Uh... borrowed it? from Splinter?” “Splinter. Who only owns robes and a shady past, let you-” 
-the fact that they consider Splinter to have a shady past, and apparently make jokes abt it with each other 
-Donnie is trying so hard to look angry, but he can’t help but smile when Mikey pulls on his tube
-”What? no, where do you think we are?”
-look at the teetlez in tubes. they cute. so smol.
Tumblr media
-sports pass
-Raph saying that Lace Face has been in the family longer than Donnie leads me to believe that Baron Draxum gave smol Raph a football when he was in the lab even though I know that’s not true cuz it would’ve been exploded too. But still
-”OUR FOOTBALL” *Leo slightly glares at him* “OH AND RAPH”
-”Then why doesn’t he has Splinter’s rugged good looks like we do?”
-Leo is Very Concerned abt Raph... idk, it’s really sweet, but his word choices can be worrying: “You know how savage Raph is when he’s alone. He’ll totally lose it if we don’t find him fast- clocks ticking.”
-Particularly the “you know how savage” and “clocks ticking” parts. They know this about him. They know it doesn’t take long. And it’s not played for laughs.
-How Raph starts taking deep breaths and his eyes look glossed over like he’s trying to avoid crying
-He didn’t even notice how much damage he did to the room...
-”Don’t lose it Raph! please...”
-And while this is exaggerated, as someone who frequently has panic attacks, can I just say that this episode display’s the progress of what it feels like very well? You can feel it coming, and try all the deep breathing you want, but with every moment you feel more lost... idk I just really like this ep, ok??
-”He’s one of those turtle-jerks we hate y’know for... reasons I can’t remember... leTS EaT hiM!”
-”YES! well, actually, full disclosure, I dunno”
-”Today’s vibes were supposed to be chill, so I went ahead and filled my battleshell with refreshment.” “Just one, Donald?”
-”Then give us ice, for our horribly mangled bodies”
-*sounds of ice machine* “it melted.”
-”Raph was here.” “Leeeet’s not jump to conclusions Leon-” *points to graffiti stating ‘Raph was here’*
-Raph automatically called them ‘sewer monsters’... just an observation
-”I’M nOt as tOuGH aS i PReteND tO BE”
-”Someone could get really hurt on this... LET’S SEE HOW FAR IT SWINGS”
-This screenshot is cursed
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-”Once again, I’d love to help bail us out with my undeniable and prestigious genius, but-”
-”That’s Donnie’s tire! I mean- Raph’s tube!”
-”Well Leo, since you sell the fewest action figures, why don’t you go ahead and jump first”
-”Leo, chill, we can’t freak out, nobody freak out, stOP FREAKING OUT DONNIE”
-Ok, but I do think Mikey somewhat relies on Raph to keep him calm and safe, after all, Raph is the mother hen and the most protective- especially of Mikey. It makes sense that Mikey is having a hard time too, and I think a lot of his flippant concern is just him trying to ignore that he doesn’t currently have one of the most stable people in his life, and they’re the ones trying to save Raph... it’s probably taking a lot out of all of them
-Mikey tried to cling onto Donnie while falling
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-”MAKE A HUMAN SHIELD AROUND MEEEEE” Leo. you’re a turtle. you’re all turtles.
-”100% not Raph, staking my life on it, shorts” “RAPH. ALOOOOONE” “it might be Raph, but who’s to say anymore?”
-Raph may be savage, but he’s still got requirements for his taste, so he puts lemon on the crabs. But then again, he put it directly in their eyes???? was that supposed to be torture???
-”Are you barbequing villains?”
-Raph’s comment about having ‘no brothers’ makes me wonder if he remembers his years as a turtle somewhere deep inside and the time he would’ve spent alone... idk man...
-”No one’s gonna shout the answer at me and make all my problems disappear!”
-They aren’t scared of him after... They just immediately go to hug him... it’s very important
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tl;dr this episode is really sweet, but surprisingly serious. It has its fun moments, but a lot of it feels like its hinting at more to come, and even if it isn’t, it’s still a really interesting look into Raph as a character
(also sorry this was a bit longer and slightly more serious than the others, it’s just a really great ep- check out @davids-cartoon-corkboard​ he has some really great theories on it!!)
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mirrorfalls · 3 years
Lego Liveblogs ST: TOS, part 15 (of who-the-hell-knows-how-many?)
Fun Fact: Court Martial was designed as a bottle episode that could be filmed for the low low price of one set. Funner fact: It failed spectacularly at this, so now we’ve got a two-part clip show to pad out the cost. So say hi to The Menagerie, everybody!
Broadly speaking, I have fond-ish memories of the Trek-that-never-was pilot we’re getting all the clips from - here’s hoping they won’t all get dashed to pieces by the next hour and change.
* Ahh, Starbase Eleven. Feels like we were here just last week. * Ho-ly jeez. ** I know some people probably think “Dalek” Pike looks hilarious, but it wouldn’t surprise me if his original actor refused to reprise solely because of how goddamn horrifying his fate is. * Ooh, Starfleet Noir! Didn’t expect you back so soon but I ain’t complaining. ** Aaaand we’re rehashing the whole “He said/the computer said” plot now. Well, at least the last episode taught everyone to deem the things just a little less infallible. * Today we learned: Spock’s the original rule-breaking Starfleet cowboy. ** Wonder if he walked all the way into that room with tapes in hand, hoping nobody would notice. * I love Uhura’s “WTH is going on here” face. * “The simple fact that he's a Vulcan means he's incapable of telling a lie.” and other fairy tales Kirk and McCoy tell themselves because they’re too terrified to think about what damage Spock could wreak on the ship otherwise! ** Case in point: this. * Spock, I sure hope you have a good reason for tricking Bones aboard, because if anyone’s gonna defy your one-man show it’s him. * Wait, how did he fake Kirk’s voice anyway? Was he taking lessons from the big guy in What Are Little Girls Made Of? * Anyway, I’m sure Kirk will do the sensible thing and wait for another Enterprise-class starship to become available before chas-ahahahahaha no. ** “You had no right to come along.” “Yeah, well, you had no right to drive a superior officer out past the point of no return!” * An attack of conscience, Mr. Spock? ** Of course not! He’s just letting Kirk onboard now that nobody can stop the Enterprise from reaching the death planet! * Welp, that’s enough action and intrigue for one ep. On with the clip show! * “How the hell did you get exterior footage of the Enterprise in the first place?” “Tell you next episode.” * Good ol’ Pike, in his prime. Still the coldblooded sonuvabitch I remember from Pilot Numero Uno. ** So, my overall retrospective thoughts on The Cage: it’s an interesting enough slice of what Roddenberry wanted Trek to be, with plenty of memorably grisly bits, but as a character piece it took us way too fast into Pike’s nadir when we had no idea what he’s like normally. Worse, Pike’s entire character now revolves around this one planet, which shuts off a lot of character and story potential. ** That said - for all Pike’s being a Grim, Grittier Captain than Kirk could ever hope to, there’s something delightful and almost precious about how he and his team (Spock included!) just light up at the singing flowers of Talos. They’re not just explorers - they’re a kid’s ideal of explorers. ** On a completely unrelated note: I know it’s a bog-standard Grey design, but I can’t stop thinking of the Hey Arnold! Halloween special whenever I see these aliens. * Alas, Spock’s efforts have come to nothing! The Commodore remains unconvinced, Starfleet High Command’s about to pass down the death penalty, and even Kirk seems to have lost faith in his buddy! How can our heroes possibly get out of this one? Stay tuned.
Well, as a Starfleet procedural, this feels a hell of a lot more plausible than Court Martial, but that’s not really much of a compliment. No, where it really shines is in having the guts to actually put Spock’s character on the firing line; there’s no frame-up here, no cleverly-forged evidence, he’s done the unthinkable and it’s wholly up to us to decide whether his reason behind it all is good enough. Difficult in any circumstance, and made much more so by the reminder that Spock didn’t spring from the Earth as Kirk’s BFF, but as his own person, with his own secrets and loyalties that even Kirk doesn’t get to override.
Next: What other secrets lurk, beneath the soils of Talos...?
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rickybowxn · 4 years
let’s talk about ricky bowen again
dude ep5 and ep6 has crushed me. the way that they are alluding to ricky’s mental health these two episodes is so incredibly loud in the most subtle ways. and not to mention so damn relatable. 
ricky bowen is crying for help and comfort rn and it’s so sad and incredibly heartbreaking to watch. 
episode 5 mostly set up the emotion derivative and complexity for all of ricky’s actions in episode 6 to be as angsty and as wonderful as they were so i’m just gonna be pretty straight to the point with this first half of the post. let’s take a closer look and start with episode 5:
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watching this sucked. he’s growing up, and bottling up all of these feelings to be strong for his dad. i love that they establish ricky’s response to conflict and trials: as someone who wants to be there for everyone else, even though it’s pretty sad to watch. he passively states what’s going in his life but never really talks about it, throughout the next few scenes, we realise that he deals with his conflict by being there for everyone else and well... not dealing with his conflict. he literally grows up and as fucked up as it is, becomes the parent. it made my stomach twist and it was written really well. my poor baby boi.
in his next two scenes with gina, we see exactly what was established with his dad:
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in the first gif, he states his conflict in passing and then flips it to gina to talk about what’s going on with her. i’ve said again and again that he’s rlly bad with explicit verbal communication and this is a great example of how he’s good at being a support system for literally everyone, but has such a hard time being kind to himself. he uses ‘it’s a whole thing’ as a fast and sure way to dismiss his issue as not worth talking about and instantly wants to make gina the focus. the writers really did well with establishing that.
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this gina and ricky interaction was great. not only did it establish rina’s chemistry, it also gave us the setup to ricky’s actions in the next episode - this play is what’s keeping him afloat rn. the people, the lines, the rehearsals are effectively helping him stay grounded and not lose his mind. it’s rlly heartbreaking to see how much he’s actually hurting, especially because he explicitly doesn’t show it throughout this episode or the next.
(i plan to do a rina arc post as well, and i’ll save most of my thoughts on them for that, but while we’re here, the last two scenes we broke down really established this strong and substantial connection between the characters really well. the writers pushed past the ‘we’re both outsiders’ arc and really gave ricky and gina substance and common ground for a solid dynamic. their motives and actions are very similar, and that’s why they have such a good foundation for gina’s understanding of, and being there for ricky in ep6, as well as where-ever the writers decide to take them - i personally prefer friendship but i know that some of y’all are rina shippers and that’s also very much on the table and i’m rlly okay with either! as much as i want rini to be endgame, they have established such wonderful characters with such amazing arcs and i want all of them to be explored and the writers are doing good work with it rn).
and now let’s look at episode 6, where they drive that stake into our hearts further. this is ricky’s reaction to carlos breaking the ms. jenn news to everyone:
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you can see him unwind. you can see his world fall apart bit by bit as the realisation hits. the established safe haven he has, doubling down as a distraction for everything going on in his life right now, is being torn from under his feet. it was personally one of the hardest and heartbreaking things to see this ep, it’s just constant angst with him oof. 
but then, in the most ricky bowen fashion ever, he jumps right back to wanting to fight and keep trying, he stays despite everyone else leaving (starting with nini, and i’lll mention why that’s important in just a second). he puts aside all the anxiety he has if the play (at that point, most probably bound to end) falls apart and commits to fighting for it, clinging desperately to it:
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and now as for everyone leaving, the writers used it as such a good way to establish how significantly important the play is for especially ricky, carlos and gina - the three people who stayed. as a side-note, carlos’s attachment to the play is established and developed later in the episode with the string of dialogue in big red’s basement, so i’m not gonna elaborate, it was way more explicit than ricky’s arc that led to the climatic monologue(ish) he delivered towards the end of that same scene.
for nini, the play is the path to her developing her self-confidence and maturity so she embraces it to grow (and she’s slowly rediscovering herself just generally), not to run away from the rest of her life, unlike ricky and gina:
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like nini, the rest of the cast uses the play as an opportunity rather than a distraction, and that’s what sets ricky and gina apart from them. this made it easier from them to walk away and wallow in the possibility of the show ending (also that look ricky gave nini walking way *my heart shattered*). ricky (and gina) is established to clearly not have that same luxury. this scene sets up ricky and gina having the play as this tether that’s keeping them at bay from things that they should be dealing with (we don’t know about gina’s issues yet and i’m very ready and excited to cry about that angst by the way), so their instinct is to stay and try and fight for the play/keep practising. 
the next scene explicates why this play means the most to ricky, and as with everything about his arc rn, it’s heart-wrenching:
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he’s in complete denial of the only thing keeping him together rn falling apart. it is sad, heart-breaking and gut-wrenching. this angst is delivered with such fucking excellence by joshua bassett that i kinda wanna punch him lmao
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and here’s where it hits home. gina realises the reality that they might not come back to the show and is ready to face it (instituted by her even asking the question in the first place), but ricky’s denial contrast that so heavily this scene. that denial is what establishes the play meaning the most to ricky. just by watching the scene, you can tell how he’s unravelling, trying not to let himself be overwhelmed by the possibility of it. it’s so fucking angsty ugh.
(another side note, as i said before, i’m probably gonna make another entire post about the gina/ricky arc but i had to mention this. after this exchange, her supporting him and taking his mind off of all of this by asking him to do something he loves and perform the acoustic version of ‘when there was me and you’, grounding ricky for a bit, was one of my most favourite things to watch this entire episode, even being primarily a rini shipper - they rlly sold them i can see their growing popularity as completely justified, they were hella cute this ep).
now this moment is where i felt like sobbing and reaching into the screen to hug him:
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he finally opens up about it. why he’s so desperate to keep this play alive and why saving ms. jenn’s job is so incredibly important to him. and i loved that nini helped him say the words he needed to say. the look of relief when he was assured that he didn’t have to do any of this alone, just with nini finishing that sentence for him - that nini, gina, big red and everyone else was going to be there for him, and hear him out - fuck, it was beautiful!! it also encouraged him to take charge and chant ‘what team?’, he was ready to fight and everyone readying with him was so magnetic to see. it was also clearly therapeutic to him bc during, and after the final number, he looks genuinely happy, and we see him fully smiling/laughing more than the last 5eps combined. 
he finally gets a win and it may not solve all his problems, but being one of the motivating factors in saving ms. jenn’s job through his vulnerability in this scene really gives him a leg up and i loved watching it. i hope they don’t dismiss everything he still has to continue to have to deal with (making this an all problem solving cure as sometimes disney does) but that aside, i’m so glad they had subtle continuity in furthering his character’s development these last two episodes even though he wasn’t a primary focus. it was subtle, nuanced and genuinely so complex and enjoyable to watch.
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daggerzine · 3 years
Stephen Smith of The Morning Line opens up.
I believe that Bay Area musician Stephen Smith began sending me stuff to listen to/review with his band The Morning Line a few years ago. I really like the band’s brand of melodic rock/pop and was curious to know more. I then realized it was the same Stephen Smith who had been in Boston faves Salem 66 many years before. I then wondered what other bands he had been in that I had maybe checked out (or own records by) so I tossed him some questions that he was more than happy to answer. Read on and give the band a listen, they really deserve your time.
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Where did you grow up? Was it the Boston area?
North Shore of Chicago until about 14, then high school in the Boston suburbs. I stayed in and around Boston, with stints in New York, L.A., and North Carolina, until I was 25. I was into music as a kid in Chicago, but too young to really be going to shows or anything. Boston was where I really had my musical coming of age. There was a surprising amount of stuff happening in the Suburbs. I saw Husker Du in Concord. The Dead Kennedys in Waltham. And Boston was only about 45 minutes away by train. I remember going into the city and buying records at Newbury Comics, with Aimee Mann behind the register.
What was the first instrument you picked up?
Why I started playing french horn at 11 or 12, I don’t know. It didn’t last. I started playing guitar pretty quickly after that. My first electric was a Stratocaster. I was probably 12 years old. 1979? It was used, so I’m guessing it was an early 70’s one. Got stolen at CBGB while I was loading in in the mid-80’s. Thieves work fast! Let me know if you’ve seen it.
What was the first record you remember buying? As a kid nay band knock your socks off?
My memory is embarrassing, but I recall three early purchases. Singles of ELO’s “Turn to Stone,” and Gary Numan’s “Cars,” and a Beatles comp called “Rock ‘n’ Roll Music.”
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The most recent album from 2019. 
What bands were you introduction to punk/new wave/alternative music?
I remember very distinctly tuning into WLYN (later WFNX) and hearing Gun Club’s “Sex Beat”, and Bush Tetras’ “Cowboys in Africa,” and being amazed. I’ll tell you what, though, high school girlfriends were absolutely key to my musical education. Gang of Four? X? Learned about them through my first girlfriend. The Replacements? Through my second. I’m the great beneficiary of other people being better informed than me. Through these same people, I became aware of what was going on locally, and was turned on pretty early to stuff like Christmas, Volcano Suns, the Proletariat.
Was Expando Brain your first band? If not what?
As a fifteen-year-old, I had a couple bands with friends playing covers (I remember Gang of Four’s “Essence Rare,” X’s “Riding with Mary,” “Brand New Cadillac”). But Expando Brain was the first “real” band. I think I was 16 when we started that. Being that age and getting to play shows (like that CBGB one where I lost the guitar), make a record, and be ever-so-slightly enjoyed by some people, was a thrill. I suppose obviously.
Tell me about your time in Salem 66? Howe did you initially meet those ladies?
I don’t remember how we got together! I’m going to guess it was David Savoy’s doing. David managed Expando Brain for a while. He later managed Husker Du, before passing in early 1987. I think he got me together with them. I was 18-19 at the time. They were all 5-10 years older, so we wouldn’t have been traveling in the same circles.
It was absolutely thrilling for me. They were a great, interesting, band. They had “made it,” in my youthful eyes. Signed to Homestead Records? Come on. Gerard had rejected Expando Brain. So I was gonna be on my favorite label (well, maybe SST aside)! I was only in the band for nine months (I think I was a pretty relentless pain in the ass), but so much happened in that time. I think it was all in 1986. We did a tour through the south, so I saw places I’d never seen. We did another tour as a part of our travel to make “Frequency & Urgency,” so I got to see California, an unknown place that loomed so large in my imagination. We stopped in Needles, on the CA/AZ border, and I skated the pool of the motel we stayed at (very poorly). We made the record with Ethan James, who had recorded one of my favorite records of all time (“Double Nickels on the Dime”). I got my first tattoo while we were in L.A. making the record. It was just a dream for a 19-year-old who wanted to be a musician. In some minor way, I *was*.
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Waiting for the pizza delivery. 
Was God’s Eye next? If so how did that band begin (and end)?
Yes and no. After getting booted from Salem 66, I went to school. Spent a year at Vassar College. There, I started the first version of God’s Eye with my brother, Tim, who would drive out to Poughkeepsie from Boston now and then to rehearse, and with Ivor Hanson, another Vassar student, who had earlier been in Faith and Embrace (and has gone on to lots of other things, musical and otherwise). I was just writing riffs then, nothing very substantial, and that came to an end at the end of the school year. At the same time, I answered an ad in the Village Voice. A band in North Carolina, apparently signed to a major, was looking for a guitar player. I noodled some notes onto a tape, took a picture, and sent it. I got an audition, then the gig. The band was called the Right Profile and, at the time, they were signed to Arista. ….but no record ever came out. Sort of a roots/American thing before that was a thing. Maybe Petty-ish? I hate to pigeonhole. So I moved to North Carolina. The band was led by a guy named Jeffrey Dean Foster, who is still making great music today. The drummer was Jon Wurster, a name I’m sure you know. For about nine months – again - I played with them. I was the wrong guy for the job though. I didn’t really have the kind of sideman chops they needed. Can’t remember if I jumped or was pushed. Maybe some combination. As an old man, it’s been nice reconnecting with them through the miracle of social media. A year or two after that, I restarted God’s Eye with my brother. In candor, it wasn’t very good. I had decided I needed to sing in a lower register, and it was really just bellowing. Despite that, we had remarkable success. We were managed by Boston dynamo Joyce Linehan, who would later go on to work at Sub Pop, work with Joe Pernice, and work as chief of staff to the Mayor of Boston. She got us much further than we (I) deserved. We made an album, an ep, and a single for Domino in England. The album also came out on Rough Trade in Germany. We got to play some dates in London. Nothing ever came out in the U.S. We had some interest, but it never materialized.
Anything in between that band and your move to the west coast?
Near the end of God’s Eye, I also played a bit with Green Magnet School. They needed a bassist, and I pitched in. Chris Pearson, one of the guitar players in the band, returned the favor, adding a second guitar for God’s Eye. I was lucky to be able to record a single with GMS, the Sub Pop double-single with Six Finger Satellite.
When did you make your movie to the Bay Area and what prompted that?
Frustration with music prompted it. I remember having breakfast with an exec from Stone Roses’ label. Silvertone, if I recall correctly. He sounded so into it! He was gonna put out the God’s Eye record in the U.S.! But it didn’t happen. I decided I needed to have more control over my life, so I bore down, finished college, and moved across the country to San Francisco, sight unseen, to go to law school.
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The latest single from earlier this year. 
Were you in any bands before the Morning Line in San Francisco?
In law school I met a fellow student, Jason Hammon, who was in the midst of a pretty successful rock career. He was in Dance Hall Crashers. We stayed friends and, in 2000 or so, we started a band called My Fellow Astronauts, with his brother Gavin (another DHCrasher) and my friend Scout (Scout Shannon & the Willing Deceivers). We played some shows, recorded some demos, but nothing ever came of it.
Tell us about the beginnings of The Morning Line?
It’s 2004 or so. My friend Marco Baroz (Lucy & the Long Haul) played bass, David Knupp played guitar, and somehow we found David Shollenbarger. Maybe craigslist or something? David had played for awhile with Agent Orange. We were in our late 30’s, and knew not to take it too seriously. But we made some demos, and an album in 2007 (“Stay My Satellite”). We were and are very fortunate to have a friend named Peter Craft, who has a great studio called Boxer Lodge, and great skills. We got to spend a year working on the album, and get it just the way we wanted. We self-released, but got a few reviews and a few fan letters, and that’s all I could hope for. Eventually, the lack of success that comes with being in a band of forty-somethings took its toll, and the band was pretty much dissolved in 2008. But Peter (also a terrific drummer) and I kept making demos. I wrote some stuff I liked in about 2015, so we started recording again using The Morning Line name. “Stephen Smith” is too generic to get the job done.
“Smoke,” from 2017, is a collection of things we did over a few years. “North,” from 2019, was a focused, intentional album project, all recorded with Peter, David Knupp, and Brian Mello (the Bellyachers). That’s the band today. I write the songs and sing, but it really wouldn’t sound like it does without them, especially Brian (I don’t think Peter or David will be offended by that).
I know you just released a Morning Line single. What’s next for the band?
Not sure! I’m still riding the high of getting a couple songs done with all of us in quarantine! We’re talking about putting out a collection of odds and ends: demos, the songs from this new single, some remixes. But I’m not sure. We’ll be putting out a couple of those old outtakes as a Big Stir digital single in June. An album of all new material is probably in the future, but I’d guess at least 18 months out. We’re . . . deliberate.
Prior to COVD was the band actively playing locals shows and or doing any touring?
Not really. We play from time to time, but it’s mostly a recording project at this point. You’d be surprised how little interest there is in watching an obscure group of fifty-somethings peddle their wares.
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A man, his dog and a weird-ass mountain (ok, hill). 
Who are some of your favorite current bands, local or otherwise?
I’ve been oddly incurious about new music the past few years. I just looked at the Outside Lands schedule and was like, “scarypoolparty? What?” I know that’s inconceivable to you. I tend to get excited by friends’ new products. People I’ve mentioned here, like Brian Mello and Scout Shannon, have had things out over the past year or two. My friend Russell Tillitt has something coming out. Jeff Shelton’s Well Wishers. Just off the top of my head. Bigger name stuff? I like the new Besnard Lakes record. The most recent Sleaford Mods. I’d be happy to hear the new Wrens record, which I suspect may never come.
What are your top 10 desert island discs?
You know how hard this is. Every day a different answer, right? Here goes:
Neil Young – Live Rust The Clash – London Calling Wrens – Meadowlands X – Los Angeles Gang of Four – Entertainment Replacements – Let it Be Jesus Lizard – Goat Jam – Sound Affects Teenage Fanclub – Catholic Education Wipers – Over The Edge
Those and a hundred others.
Final words? Closing comments? Words of wisdom?
Thanks for giving me the chance to think about this stuff. It’s fun to do a little reminiscing. As you know, there’s a deep bench of older indie-rock folks out there, still at it, and doing it pretty well. Thanks for giving us some attention.
 BONUS QUESTION: Red Sox or Giants?
60/40 Giants. It's nice to have a team in each league.
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notquitecanon · 4 years
Lauren Reynolds/ Marvel (Reader Insert) Pt. 5
TW: death, combat, guns, knives, fighting, blood, graphic description of violence and injury angst, arguing (if that counts)
This is Criminal Minds Season 6, Ep. 18, so if you haven’t gotten that far and don’t want it spoiled, maybe just move along, come back and read once you’ve finished season six. 
Gonna be honest, I took Seaver out of this. I love her character, but she just kind of got in the way.  Otherwise, most of this is the same as the episode, except where I either modified dialogue or switched around characters! 
I wanted to use this chapter to show some relationships between the team, but I don’t think I did a very good job of it. Also you lowkey a badasss. 
Part one    Part Two   Part Three  Part 4
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It took another hour's drive to get to Quantico. Anderson seemed to feel your unease, so he didn’t even attempt to make small talk, only driving faster. You were grateful for that. You were grateful for Steve, trying to cheer you up. But the anxiety was back, climbing up your throat like bile. You chewed on your thumbnail as you watched the scenery go by, wondering what would wait for you at the BAU. 
As soon as you were brought into the building, you caught a beautifully familiar face. Sighing in relief, you rushed forward into a hug, “JJ.”
“They called in all their cards, huh?” She breathed, returning the embrace. You detached as you were ushered into an elevator. 
“Any idea what this is about?” You asked, her lips pressed into a line. That wasn’t a good sign. The elevator dinged and opened up. 
“We’re about to find out.” She muttered, giving your hand a squeeze as the two of you strided out of the elevator. The two of you walked into the BAU like you owned the place, she was wearing her Pentagon ID and your SHIELD badge was clipped delicately to your belt. Hotch was explaining the situation. 
“I’ve reached out to two experts on the matter who can also shed light on Prentiss’ past.” He informed them, pinning what looked like Prentiss’ key card to the idea board. Reid’s head cocked to the side. 
When Hotch nodded to you and JJ, every head swiveled to you. JJ held her head high, trying to hide her anxiety, while you just smiled at your team. 
“Let’s get to work.” 
Within 45 minutes, you and JJ had completely redone the ideas board. With her Pentagon connections and your SHIELD intel more and more blanks were being filled. Even with the advancement, every minute passed was another minute Prentiss was in danger. 
“My contact only knew her history word of mouth.  She assumed Lauren Reynold’s identity when undercover for Interpol. With them they profiled terrorists.” JJ explained, then you piped up. 
“Interpol worked closely with SHIELD operatives for that. She was a part of a special task force called JTF-12.” You added, that information had actually come directly from Clint- who apparently worked several missions against the IRA and had a personal grudge with Ian Doyle. He offered to come in, but you told him to stay with his family. 
“They were assembled after 9-11. CIA, SHIELD, and other Western Agencies assembled the best and brightest. As you may have heard, all sorts of people were recruited post 9/11. These were the same agencies that recruited Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, and tried to recruit Tony Stark.” You continued. 
“Terrorists and Serial Killers profile different.” Derek pointed out. The roundtable nodded. 
“How does Ian Doyle fit into this?” Spencer asked, eyebrows knitted fiercely together.  You made a mental note to check in about his headaches later, but for the moment you just answered his question. 
“Doyle was her task forces last target.” You filled him in, flipping the mission file onto your tablet. JJ nodded. 
“And now the JTF is on his hit list. He’s already hit Jeremy Wolf, Sean McAlister, and Tsia Mosely.” She explained, motioning through photos. “And the team leader, Clyde Easter hasn’t checked in since Tsia’s murder and is currently presumed dead.” 
“Did JTF make the arrest?” Hotch asked, and you answered. 
“No, the host countries handled that so the team could move onto the next case. And so names wouldn’t be on paper.” You informed. Hotch’s face screwed up in confusion. 
“If all they did was deliver a profile, how does Doyle even know about them?” He asked. JJ and you shared a look, but you bit the bullet. 
“Due to the shady nature of terrorist cells, international agencies will use infiltration tactics. Which is why Emily was considered a US spy.” You explained, catching Derek’s disapproving scoff. You knew he liked things straight forward. Spencer, however, continued with another question. 
“Who was undercover on Doyle?” 
This time it was JJ who delivered the bad news, “Emily. She made contact with him in Boston to get intel on Valhalla. She was posing as another weapon’s dealer.”
JJ then passed out printed out photos of a younger Emily, cutting flowers, wearing a linen pants suit. Derek looked at the photos, “She looks mighty comfortable.”
Hotch redirected the phrasing, “How close did she get to Doyle as her cover?”
Once again it was your turn to give bad news, sucking in a deep breath, “Well, his profile included an in-depth background of all his romantic relationships. Emily... was his type.” 
You paused to look at the rest of the table. Morgan’s face flashed with contempt. Spencer’s frown deepened as his eyes flitted back to the photos. Garcia was looking around for an explanation while Rossi and Hotch shared a look. Now they understood just how personal this was for Doyle. 
And that put Emily in so much more danger.
After the meeting, Hotch assigned tasks. You had watched Derek storm off towards the garage, Rossi following calmly behind him to go through Prentiss’ apartment. Garcia retreated back to her computer room with JJ as they worked on finding any sort of paper trail. 
You were left with Reid, you and he were reviewing the SHIELD case files that were relevant to the case. For the longest it was silent, the two of you working in harmony for Prentiss’ sake. You paused from your scrolling, looking up to the genius. His eyes were moving almost inhumanely fast as he mouth the words he was reading, one hand scribbling down notes as he went. 
“How have your headaches been?” You asked quietly. His head popped up, eyes wide, so you quickly placated him, “No one’s around. I just figured that all the screens, puzzles, and people are probably not great. Reading on screens for the past 30 minutes straight probably hasn’t helped either.”
His eyes softened, going back to the tablet, “The Doctor said it’s psychosomatic. But I think he’s wrong.” 
You nodded, waiting to see if he would add anything to the matter, he did, continuing to say, “They died down a little bit, but it does seem to correlate with stress.” 
You smiled softly, “Have you told the team, yet?” 
He shook his head, smile pulling into a guilty line.  “Just you and Emily, the others would just worry and baby me.” 
You just nodded, going back to your files. It was probably for the best that Derek had been sent to Prentiss’ apartment with Rossi- just the idea of her seduction had made him angry. The explicit details would enrage him. Speaking of the pair, your head turned as the pair rushed through the bullpen to Hotch’s office. 
“Guess that means they found something.” You muttered, watching the door slam behind Derek. With a sigh, you flicked to the next page for fresh content. It was a file report of their first meeting. You’d gone through this countless times so you popped your head up to rest your eyes, settling on the idea board across the room. Then it clicked. 
“If we’re profiling Doyle like a normal unsub, and Emily as his object of desire/rage... It’d make sense for them to go back to the place it all started. That’s Boston.” You thought aloud, eyes meeting Spencer’s. You watched him process before he nodded, eyes lighting up with understanding. 
“We need to tell Hotch.” 
“Boston. She went to Boston.” You blurted swinging the door open. All three men gaped at you, Derek was holding Emily’s passport and Rossi’s was dangling a gold necklace from his fingers. Hotch paused before looking to you, with Spencer lurking just behind you. 
“What’s your evidence?” He asked, jaw and eyebrow set. You took a deep breath. 
“Well she’s not running away,” You started, pointing at the passport in Derek’s hand, “And she’s chasing Doyle, who’s chasing her. Like any other unsub/victim combo. They’re going to end up where it all began. That’s Boston.” 
Hotch nodded, gesturing for the rest of you to follow him. JJ and Garcia flanked the group, Garcia rambling her findings as the team sped towards the exit.  “Sir, one of Clyde Easter’s covers was flagged by TSA on a flight to Boston.”
“Have him detained as soon as he steps off. We need to go. Garcia, you're coming with us.” Hotch’s orders were clear and concise, and the team was quick to carry them out. 
On the jet to Boston, you listened to Garcia leave voice messages on all of Emily’s old numbers. Her voice was quiet and small,  you could hear the tears she was holding back as she plead with the voice mail, “Hey, Em, it's me, Penelope. Hotch told me to go through all your numbers, and I found this old listing. You probably don’t even use this anymore, but if you do, if it is you and you’re out there... Come home, please.” 
You could hear her throat tighten, so you placed a comforting hand on her knee. Her other hand laced with yours in solidarity as she continued, “God, Emily, what did you think? That we would just let you walk out of our lives? I’m so furious at you right now! Then I think about how scared you must be, how you’re in some dark place all alone. But you’re not alone, ok? You are NOT alone.
We are in that dark place with you. We are waving flashlights and calling your name. So if you can see us, come home. If you can’t, then... then you stay alive. ‘Cause we’re coming. We’re coming.” 
She clicked off, pressing the cell to her lips as a safeguard to keep her tears at bay. You squeezed her hand before getting up. Stopping at the coffee bar by the bathroom, you checked your own phone- naively hoping that maybe Emily had reached out. No such luck, as of 10:13. Three hours had felt like three days.  You did have three other texts from your SHIELD friends. 
Clint: Be careful with Doyle, he’s more dangerous than he looks. 
Natasha: Clint told me you're going after Ian Doyle. Be careful.
You laughed dryly, so much for secrets. Texting them appeasements, you were touched by their concern. 
Steve:  Just checking in, any word on your friend. 
You: Nothing good yet. Following a lead to Boston. 
Three little dots showed you that he was typing, but you beat him to it. 
You: If that text is going to say ‘be careful’, don’t even send it. 
The three dots disappeared, before reappearing and turning into:
Steve: Yes ma’am. I’m sure everything will work out.    
Twenty minutes later, your tablet pinged: an alert from SHIELD. You had already combined Boston PD with all your relevant tags. You handed your tablet off to Hotch as you voiced your findings, “Hey guys, I got a firefight in east Boston. Automatic weapons, sounds like our guys.”  
“ANnnnnd, I got video footage.” Garcia chimed, tapping away at her computer. She gasped, hands flying to her mouth. 
“Baby girl, what is it?” Derek pressed with concern. You scooted in closer to her to see, soon your understood her dread. 
“It’s, It’s, Emily. She’s here. Oh god, she’s walking into a trap.”  Penelope gasped. Her eyes were watering, but Hotch kept his cool. 
“Garcia, put in on the big screen.” He ordered sternly, but somehow still kindly. The blonde hacker nodded fervently, wiping her eyes from under those red glasses. 
“Right, Right, I can do that.” She said, mostly to herself as she followed through.  Soon the video was on the jets display. All the team members were silent the first time the video played through. The air in the cabin seemed thick with tension. Derek and Hotch visibly tensed, as if ready for a fight.  Next to you, Rossi’s expression hardened, the only readable emotion was disdain. Spencer looked as if he was cringing and couldn’t stop. Beside him,  JJ simply clenched her jaw and forced herself to watch- just as she had done when Spencer was taken hostage all those years ago, Emily had been knew then.  
You watched as Prentiss sprayed the car with bullets, shattering a window before throwing a flash grenade in the SUV.  Then she squatted down to cover her ears, but as soon as the boom was over, she was on the move again.  Stalking around the SUV, that’s when the camera angle switched. Now showing the passenger side, you watched as Emily seemed to negotiate. Then from out of nowhere, a man appeared and shot Emily twice. 
This caused a scream to erupt out of Penelope while everyone else either gasped or winced. Derek, ever the protector, attempted to comfort her with a warm arm around her shoulder, but it didn’t seem to help until the man (who you presumed to be Doyle) revealed her bulletproof vest. There was a collective sigh of relief when Emily seemed to stir. 
Just as quickly as Emily attacked, Doyle shoved her into another van that quickly sped off. Garcia took the screen off the monitor and tapped at her computer a little longer. 
“I can follow them two more blocks, but then they vanish.” She admitted, still furiously typing and apologizing for losing her cool.
When she finally gave up, she moved into the group displaying her screen. The video feed was backed up and ready to play again. The group looked at the paused screen, three men around the black range rover. 
You broke the silence, “They knew she was coming. Doyle was already lying in wait before Emily even got out of her car.” 
“From the first angle, it looks like Doyle got into the SUV. But from this angle, you can see that he didn’t,” Garcia agreed, switching the camera and playing the feed again, “Which I wish Boston PD warned us about before I started watching it. Sorry again for the screaming.” 
Derek watched the silenced video in shock, “She threw a flash-bang grenade into a car. She’s lucky the three people inside didn’t die. Is anybody else bothered by that?”
You stopped to think for a second, thinking of if it did bother you. You realized it didn’t, maybe it would have before SHIELD, but now that seemed like a normal course of action. That said a lot about the effect Natasha and Clint, hell even day to day life with SHIELD had on you. Before you could stop yourself, you lifted your eyes to him, “Three targets.”
Rossi clarified your statement, but didn’t seem to disagree,  “Well, three bad guys.”
Derek scoffed at the word change but Hotch spoke up before Morgan could air his complaints, “Illegal as it is, I think Prentiss knows she has to be as ruthless as Doyle.” 
“That’s how you survive.” You muttered, watching as the video played on a loop, not able to take your eyes off it, “It’s how spies survive.” 
“Don’t eve-” Derek started, but Spencer interrupted with something constructive. 
“He’s come to the US to wage a public vendetta. He even hired a group of mercenaries to remain loyal to him. He has nothing to lose, so she has to act the same way.” He defended Emily. Derek sighed in frustration, turning to look out a window. 
“So how did Doyle know she was waiting for him?” Rossi asked, floating ideas around. You answered with another question. 
“Well, we’ve already discussed the probability of a mole. So who knew the Emily left the BAU?” You posed the question. JJ continued your line of thought.
“The same guy who’s been feeding Doyle the contractors and agents? So someone who has known Prentiss from the beginning.” She nodded, glancing around the jet. “Our best suspect was just arrested with a suitcase full of cash.”
Classic rat, selling secrets. A flash of anger went through you before you suppressed it. 
“How do we get Easter to talk? He won’t cooperate willingly.” Spencer asked. The group fell silent, and despite the fact you wouldn’t show it, you couldn’t help the hostility in your voice. 
“There are lines I can cross that you guys aren’t allowed to. SHIELD has looser rules on interrogation.” You offered angrily, glaring at the footage of Clyde Easter on the monitor. Hotch narrowed his eyes as if he was trying to read you but didn’t agree or disagree with your implications. Derek watched you with shock. 
“It won’t come to that. I’ll interrogate him, the rest of you focus on Doyle’s location.” He decided. The rest of the team nodded before Penelope piped up. 
“I hate to be the one to ask this, but,” She paused for a deep breath, “How long does Emily have?” 
Hotch tried to hide his own stress, but some seeped through, “Her best chance is also the most troubling. Doyle saved her for last because he views her as his stressor. This means he’ll take his time.” 
It was a bittersweet hope, but hope nonetheless.  
When the jet landed, it was all a flurry of activity. A race against the clock to save a victim, that was a story you told to often. But this time, you had the feeling of impending dread in your stomach. This wasn’t a random stranger. This was Emily. 
The same Emily that force-fed you water on wilder nights, who had the sweetest cat named Sergio, who saved your ass more time than you cared to count. Emily who set you up on blind dates and drank wine with you when they ended up terrible. Emily who noticed your crush on Spencer and kept it a secret for an entire year until you had gotten over it and moved on- she was the only person who ever knew, and would likely take it to the grave. Emily who always had your back, both in the field and in life. Like the rest of the BAU, she was family, and it was hard when your family was in danger. 
Even though everything seemed to be moving at lightspeed, it somehow seemed not to be moving at all. In fact, you wondered if time had stopped until Rossi dragged in a scrawny man in an atrocious suit yelling obscenities. 
“Who’s that?” You asked as Rossi handed him over to the police. He wiped his hands in discuss as he answered. Hotch approached in interest. 
“Jack Fahey. Irish Mob. He called Easter’s cell phone 12 times in six hours.”  Rossi explained. You and Hotch nodded, seeing the thin connection. 
“Any connection with Doyle?” Hotch questioned. 
“Boston PD says he’s low level. But the Irish mob has long-standing ties to the IRA.” Rossi confirmed. Your jaw hardened. 
“I’ll put some feelers out. Maybe find a few more ties.” You sighed, pulling out your tablet to search through files. Keywords: Doyle + Fahey / IRA. The search was running through millions of files so you set it down while it loaded. 
“You two see if you can get anything out of him.”  Hotch nodded, turning back to Garcia as you and Rossi shared a look. 
You, Rossi, and Spencer stood in the doorway of Fahey’s interrogation room. Anyone could see that his skin was already crawling in discomfort, and having three sets of eyes on him would irk him further. 
“Alright, Jack, why were you blowing up Doyle’s phone?” You asked, making your tone as condescending as possible. His fingers drummed against the table impatiently. 
“Any of y’all got a smoke? Bean pole? FBI Barbie?” He sneered, licking his lips. You scoffed, letting his insults roll off you like water. 
“What do you think?” Rossi asked. You purposefully turned your back on Fahey, knowing the lack of attention from the only female would drive him up the wall. 
“Male ego narcissist masking deep-seated insecurity.” Spencer shrugged, looking between you and Rossi. 
“Loudmouth, overcompensating.” You feigned a giggle, “You know what that means.”
You looked over your shoulder giving him the “mean girl” once over. He started to object. But Rossi continued as if he wasn’t talking. 
“So if we puncture his self-image, this hood rat will talk.” He nodded. Apparently, being called hood rat was more of an insult than a little dick.
“Hey, hey, hey. I ain’t no hood rat. You take that back.” He demanded. You just smiled sweetly. 
“So admit to being... lacking in other areas?” You asked as you took the seat across from him. Spencer stood behind you and Rossi sat beside you. 
“I ain’t neither. I’m more than adequate and I ain’t a hood rat.” He growled, leaning back in the metal chair.  Rossi scoffed as you just smirked. 
“You look like one. Smell like one too.” Rossi paused to take a deep breath, “Smell that?” 
You and Spencer shared a look, dramatically sniffing the air before answering in unison, “Hoodrat.” 
“I am not! Take it back!” Fahey whined. This strategy was working quickly, and you hoped Hotch was having the same luck. Rossi stood, sauntering around the table and leaning down to eye level with the Irish mobster.  
Condescendingly, he asked, “Jack, do you know what a hood rat it?” 
Then he looked back to the two of you, “See what I mean, he’s just gonna have to learn the hard way.” 
Fahey held up his hands in surrender, “All right, all right, Clyde? he was going to pay my medical bills. This ear, it ain’t growing back.” 
“What happened to it?” Spencer asked from behind you. You nodded as if to say that was your same question. 
“This bitch teammate of his shot it. Said it was a warning.” Fahey growled. Seemingly not noticing the three of you share a look.  “Thought she could take on this IRA big shot named Doyle. So I told these- AHHH.” 
He was cut off by Rossi shooting out of his chair and grabbing the edge of his injured ear, he immediately went limp in his hold to avoid further damage. You inwardly cringed at how greasy his skin and hair looked but ignored it and his pathetic cries. 
“Where is Prentiss?” You growled, watching his eyes dart from you to your teammates as if they were going to stop Rossi. He kept stuttering words, using the word “who” like a lifeline. Spencer leaned across the table. 
“Lauren Reynolds, where is Lauren. Reynolds.?” He demanded. Rossi let go and sat back down, offering him a reprieve to answer. Almost sickeningly, his face lit up.
“Ohhh.” He drawled, his voice made your skin crawl in the worst ways as he cheekily smiled between the three of you, “Friend of yours, is she?” 
“You tell us where she is right now or I swear to god I’ll send you to a prison where they’ll teach you what a hood rat is.” Rossi threatened. Fahey only smiled, thinking he had the power back in his corner. 
“And by the time you do, she’ll be in pieces. So, uhhh. My price just went up.” He grinned. Spencer and Rossi only shared a look while you glared at the grunt in front of you. 
“Dr. Reid, do you have a pen on you?” You asked sweetly, eyes never leaving Fahey who looked more confused.  Spencer produced a fancy pen out of his cardigan, placing it in your waiting hand. “Thank you, will you boys wait outside. I just want to chat with Mr. Fahey here.”
Your voice was so sugar-sweet, that it bordered on malice. With another shared look, the two men left the room and turned off the camera that was recording the interrogation. You waited a few moments, staring at Fahey until he squirmed. He chuckled nervously, 
“Want ole Fahey to show you a good time? I mean I know your partners are still watching, but if it doesn’t bother you, it-” You cut him off with a harsh growl. 
“Shut up.” It was a stark difference from both your condescending and sweet tones. Jack even flinched as he registered your anger. In one swift motion, you were by his side, pressing the butt of the pen into the skin between in ribs and his side, right where the bend of his arm would touch. His entire body immediately seized up.
“I learned this fun little trick from a friend of mine that worked for the KGB in Russia. They made the IRA look like you, like a bunch hoodrats. You wanna know what’s happening? I’m pushing against your brachial artery. If I don’t ease up within the next forty-five seconds, you will start to bleed internally. If I even slip, I’ll puncture your skin and you will bleed out quietly in this chair. You will die a very slow, cold, and painful death, do you understand me?” You hissed in his ear. 
“The Feds don’t allow this! I got rights! They’ll see the video and you’ll go to jail.” Jack struggled, you chuckled bitterly next to his ear. 
“I’m not FBI, and the camera stopped rolling the moment they put a pen in my hand. And given your predicament do you think any of the actual FBI is gonna help?” You asked, pressing down ever so slightly. 
“Ok! Ok! I’ll talk!” He gushed, jerking away from you as you let go completely. You threw the pen on the table, as he continued, “On one condition. The government pays my medical bills.”
You raised an eyebrow, picking the pen up again. His eyes widened backing away, but Rossi entered before you could continue. He looked from you to Fahey.
“We’ll discuss it. (Y/L/N), with me.” 
You nodded, following him out. Once the door was shut, you turned to the older profiler, indignation clear in your voice “Rossi, what gives, he was about to give me everything!” 
Rossi nodded over his shoulder at Derek who was watching you in disgust in anger. You knew Derek disapproved of off the table methods, but this was Prentiss! 
“(Y/N), you almost killed him! That’s not how we do things. I don’t know how they do things at SHIELD or at Interpol, but in the FBI we try to beat the bad guys without stooping to their level- the KGB, really (Y/L/N)? We’re the good guys, or have you forgotten that?” He growled, voice bordering on patronizing as he followed you and Rossi out of the observation room. You gave it right back, emotions were running high and your frustration from Fahey, from Doyle, hell all the way from the last time Fury yelled at you- it was all boiling over. 
“First of all, I had it completely under control, he wouldn’t have died. Second of all, I can name ten interrogations off the top of my head when you turned off the camera or when Hotch had to pry you off an unsub, so I don’t even want to hear it.” You snapped before stopping dead in your tracks to turn sharply to him, voice rising with every syllable and hands gesturing wildly, “And lastly, Derek, I don’t know if you got the memo, but one of our best friends is being held hostage by one of the cruelest arms dealers in the books. This isn’t little leagues anymore, so I’m sorry if you’re too good to get your hands dirty, but I’m getting really tired of this holier than thou attitude towards Prentiss and me. I don’t care what beef you have with her right now. If you’re not prepared to give everything to this case, to get her back alive, then why are you even here?” 
Your eyes were alight with anger, and Derek’s eyes were wide with shock. He’d seen you angry at unsubs, even seen you pop off at Hotch before. But he’d never been on the receiving end, nor had he ever seen this kind of fury. Reid watched on, almost afraid to get between then two of you. Finally, Rossi decided to put a stop to it. He placed a hand on your shoulder, sharing a look that said, ‘Stop before you say something you regret.’ You nodded and let him lead you away from Derek. 
Once out of Morgan’s earshot, Rossi rubbed your back a bit- he was always more fatherly than he liked to claim. “You alright?” 
It was a two worded question, but you knew the implications. You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself, before shaking your head, “Sorry, I know now’s not the time for infighting. I just got so, so...” 
“I know it’s hard to keep your head on straight, but the important thing is that you didn’t say anything you couldn’t take back.” He nodded before motioning you along, “Now, let’s get back to what really matters. He’s either afraid of you or in love with you- I can’t tell, that gives us a little bit of leverage. What else did you notice?” 
You chuckled a bit at his joke, letting go of the anger as you answered. “Withdrawals. He needs a cigarette.” 
“Let’s use that.”
“You know when a cigarette is best?” Fahey asked after a long drag of a cheap cigarette. Grey smoke swirled around him like fog on a lake. Derek was worried about me killing him? Lung Cancer will get him long before I do. You and Rossi simply rose an eyebrow, waiting in the cold air on the roof for Fahey to say anything useful.  “After sex with me.”
After that thrilling conclusion, you simply rose an eyebrow as Fahey licked his lips while looking at you up and down. He continued on to say, “The Fluorescents didn’t do you any justice, sweetheart, neither did the stabby stabby, but a fiery woman is attractive and I can be very forgiving.” 
Rossi stepped between you two, pretending to scare him off but really protecting him from you. Growling a harsh,  “Mind your manners.”
Fahey backed off, protectively covering his injured ear, “All right, whoa, whoa.”
Rossi continued own, glaring at the worm, “You’re already extorting us for Prentiss’ location.”
“It would be a real shame if you, I don’t know, ‘slipped’ on an ice patch and fell.” You singsonged, as you looked to the sky. Fear flashed over Fahey’s face before he smiled cheekily.
“If you keep being mean, I’m gonna fall in love with you.” He grinned. You simply rose a single eyebrow as Rossi put himself between the two of you.
“Listen pal, I don’t know how much longer I can hold her off, and up here she can a lot worse than poke you with a pen.” Rossi shrugged, stepping out from between you two. You just smiled sweetly, flipping the pen through your fingers.  “So out of curiosity, what’s it like working for Doyle?” 
“Eh. He’s not so tough.” Jack shrugged taking another long drag, so long that the cigarette burned down to his fingers. You offered another one and Rossi held up a light. You skimmed the rest of the rooftops, anything so you didn’t have to look at Fahey as he gushed about his ‘involvement’ with Doyle. 
“Wow, you’re really the man, huh?” You asked clearly not paying attention, looking at the building adjacent. Something about its silhouette just wasn’t quite right. But Fahey distracted you with another lewd comment. 
“I could show you how much of a man I really am...” He stopped when Rossi stepped closer forcing him to back off, allowing you to narrow in your eyes on the discrepancy. You’re eyes widened in realization a moment too late. 
The whistle of a bullet followed by a warm spray of blood punctuated his last disgusted comment. A sharp pain grazed your shoulder as you shouted, “Sniper, GET DOWN!” 
Rossi didn’t give you time to argue as he covered you with his body, pulling you to the ground. Two more rounds shredded through Fahey, making his body convulse before it hit the ground. Rossi covered you like you were his own child, holding your head against his chest until he deemed it safe. By the time you were able to get a good look at the sniper- no snipers, there were two- there was just a flash of silver off one building and the other retreating out of your firing range. 
Even with the warm blood dripping down your face, you didn’t think about your own life. Without Fahey, you might never find Emily. 
An hour later, the clock had struck midnight and your phone had been long neglected, forgotten on some desk as soon as you had arrived. After getting first aid (and arguing against going to the hospital), your shoulder had been wrapped where the bullet grazed you. You were dabbing blood off your shirt sitting on the bench outside the police station’s bullpen, mentally kicking yourself for wearing white. Hotch slipped in, watching you do so. 
“That’s not going to come out. How’s your shoulder?” He stated, sympathetically. You nodded with a shrug. 
“Could be better. I don’t know what else to do to other than twiddle my thumbs.” You sighed, resting your elbows on your knees. Aaron stood across from you. 
“(Y/N), we have a problem.” Hotch stated, your eyebrows furrowed, waiting for the rest of what he had to say, “Without Fahey, there’s not much left.”
“Hotch, unless you have a point, this is the worst pep talk, ever.” You sighed. Hotch didn’t even crack a smile, he never did on cases. 
“We all want to save Prentiss so bad, that we can’t see this case straight.” He admitted. Again you nodded. 
“Ok, what do we do?” You asked. You were at a loss, exhausted, upset, dirty, and you honestly didn’t know what Hotch was getting at. 
“None of us can give an unbiased profile. So we bring in someone who can.” Hotch nodded to you, handing your cell phone over to you. Suddenly it dawned on you what he meant. You had a call to make. 
Hotch left you alone to make a call, he didn’t know any of your SHIELD friends but he said he trusted your judgment. Clint was the first that came to your mind, but he’d told you everything he knew about Doyle, so he wouldn’t be much help, and he was biased. Natasha would have been a good contact, but she was on a mission. Your thumb hovered over Steve’s contact before finally pressing the call button. It took a ring and a half for him to answer, unsurprising he was up at this hour. 
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong, what happened?”  You smiled at the concern in his voice. 
“Hey, Steve, I’m fine, well mostly, but I could use a fresh pair of eyes- or well ears.” You started, waiting for his response to your not-quite question. 
“Alright, what’s going on?” Steve asked and you smiled at his willingness to help. With a deep breath, you launched into the entire story, only sparing the bullet grazing incident. Knowing Steve, he’d sprint to Boston just to force you into a hospital. 
“Steve, you don’t know any of them, tell me, what sounds off?” You asked the soldier who had been patiently listening to you ramble. 
“Keep in mind, I don’t understand much about this profiling science, so it might not be very helpful, but...” He started, but trailed off. 
“Anything is helpful, we’re at a wall and the clock’s ticking.” You sighed, eyes closing as you leaned your head against the wall. 
“How does their affair change your profile? Does that truly affect it that much?” He asked, and while he had a point, you took the moment to relish the blush you knew was on his cheeks. Regardless, you’d already explored that point. 
“What else?” You pressed, wishing you could see his behavior. The other end was silent. “Steve, I’m sorry to put in this position but I can’t even see it straight anymore, please think!” 
“Why is he targetting families?” The Captain rushed out. And your eyes widened. 
“Steve, keep going.” You whispered, rushing into the bullpen and grabbing a dry erase marker. You jotted down, ‘families?’ as you listened to his search for the right words. 
“You said Prentiss is Doyle’s stressor, that he believes she wronged him. So why go after everyone else. The child in DC, it doesn’t fit with the rest of the story.” He rambled. You basically copied him word for word. 
“Rogers, I can’t thank you enough. If this whole SHIELD thing doesn’t work out, remind me to get you an interview at the FBI.” You smiled, praising him over the phone. You heard the rest of the team already chatting over ‘your’ discovery. 
“Anytime, (Y/N),  just be careful.” He conceded. You nodded as if he could see you. 
“I’ll try my best.”
With Steve’s added push and a little help from Clyde, the team was back in action. You labeled him as a family annihilator and deduced he had a hidden child. From that, Garcia cross-referenced Irish Immigrants with Doyle’s employees. That’s where she found the pictures. 
A series of photos. A middle-aged brunette woman and a small blonde child. In the first few they were both crying to the camera, silver duct tape silencing them. In the next couple, there was a hand brandishing a handgun. And in the last three, the photos showed them limp, blood trailing down from the bullet wounds. The photographs were sickening, gruesome in every way. Aside from the obvious, something was wrong. You clicked through them, trying to decipher what your gut was telling you. Spencer watched over your shoulder, seemingly sensing the same thing. 
“(Y/N), look at the hand.” He muttered, and you complied gasping as you understood. Garcia looked at the pair of you in confusion before Derek voiced their question. 
“It’s a hand in black clothes.” He shrugged. Spencer shook his head, reaching over you to point at his epiphany. 
“No, look at the nails.” You clarified, examining the jagged and short edges Spencer was pointing at. Garcia gasped. 
“Oh, oh my god.” Was all she managed, subconsciously scooting her rolling chair away from the computer. First assumptions- worst assumptions- ran through your head at Mach speed, but you still couldn’t shake the feeling that you were missing something. 
Regardless of the implication or whatever your instinct was trying to tell you, you spoke, “Garcia reference search warehouses, secluded or abandoned, with their own perimeters, cross that with any Interpol activity. .” 
She simply nodded, clearing away the gruesome photos from her screen. You did the same with your mind, I’ll find out the truth from Prentiss when we save her. We’ll sort this out.
“Got it. 1518 Adams Street.” 
Garcia’s words from earlier that night rang through your head, Emily, I think of how scared you must be, in some dark lonely place. But, Emily, we’re waving flashlights and calling your name. We’re coming, just stay alive. 
“Agent Prentiss is the only friendly in the building. Rescuing her is out primary objective.” Hotch ordered as you all geared up. Safety’s clicked off, ammo clicked into chambers, velcro ripped on and off as vests were strapped on- it had been a long time since you wore FBI labels you thought as you tightened the straps- and there was a collective sense of determination and nervous energy in the air. 
“Our only advantage here is stealth. Once they know we’re on-site, there’s nothing to stop them from killing her.” Derek- always in charge of strikes- informed. “So we keep it quiet until we get to her.” 
Everyone nodded in agreement as the briefing disbanded. To your shock, Derek approached you. The look he gave you wasn’t friendly, but wasn’t hostile either, so you decided to hear him out. 
“Like you said, this isn’t little league,” He began, watching you clip extra ammo clips to your belt, “I’m sure the strike team is great, but as it stands you have a better grip on this than me. I want you in there with me when we go in.”
You simply nodded, holstering your gun. Derek had an automatic weapon slung on his shoulder, while you just opted for extra handguns, giving you three loaded guns on your person. One in your hip holster with a silencer attached, one in the waistband on your pants, and an ankle holster hidden by your pants. Taking some of Natasha’s advice to heart, you also slid a tactical knife into your vest- just in case. 
Derek wasn’t done though, “I don’t know this world, and frankly I’m not comfortable with it. But I can sort my issues out with Prentiss when we get her back. And I need someone I trust in there watching my six.”
The statement seemed mundane, but you knew the meaning behind it, someone I trust. That was as close to an apology as you were getting, but you offered him a genuine smile- you’d take it. Just like old times, you wrapped your arms around him, and he returned the hug. Like a brother to me. 
“We good?” He asked as you let go. You nodded, raising an eyebrow as if nothing ever happened. 
“Let’s get this son of a bitch.” 
Entering the warehouse was nervewracking, as everything relied on stealth. A silenced sniper took out the two guards at the gate, allowing your’s and Derek’s group to enter. Every guard and goon was taken down by a silent bullet, a quick and quiet end to their life. You kept your wits about you. Every step was a step closer to Prentiss. You thought was you stepped quickly behind Derek, eyes sweeping crook and cranny.  
As more and more thugs appeared, the group fanned out. It was a sad fact that anyone who saw you had to be killed or incapacitated- no one could spook Doyle. Not when you were this close. 
You waited for Hotch to send the signal. Winding through hallways, gun at the ready, you waited. Every ounce of anger and frustration you tunneled into fine-tuned senses as you followed Derek. The two of you stuck together, the rest of the team was checking other buildings. As you entered the first large room, you heard it. A struggle, Prentiss’ yells and a man’s grunting as you heard the fight. At the same time, the group of enemies noticed the two of you- your first count said nine. Then it happened, the power went down. That was the signal for all hell to break loose.
“DEREK GO!” You shouted, as two rushed towards you. You shot at one blindly, hitting him in the leg. The other didn’t have a gun so he tried to grab you. You delivered a roundhouse kick to his face, hooking the bend of your knee around the back of his neck and pulling him to the ground. The butt of your gun whipped across his face before you finally pull a bullet in him. Derek gaped at you for a moment, before snapping back to reality. 7 enemies, one injured
“I’m not leaving you!” He yelled back, fighting off another. BAM. Six and one injured. 
“Derek, you have to trust me. I got this.” You growled eyes adjusting to the dark as a particularly large man hulking up to you, “Emily needs you. She’s fighting, but she needs you.”
Derek hesitated, but finally growled as he complied, sprinting towards the sound of Emily’s struggle as you emptied the rest of your clip into the giant approaching you. He was easily seven foot and padded with extra layers of flesh and maybe a vest, he grunted at the shots but he didn’t slow down.  Part of you regretted sending Derek away as your eyes the other five approaching you. 
Make Natasha proud. You thought as you vaguely heard Derek demand back up for you over the comms. Lightning fast, you dropped the empty clip before replacing it with a new one. This time you emptied it into his chest and forehead. Almost inhuman, he kept walking for a minute before finally collapsing in on himself. Five, one injured. You locked eyes with every other man in the room, a moment of calm before they all rushed at you. 
A tall, lean man with blonde hair was the closest to you, so you pitched the empty gun at his face like an MLB pitcher. It hit his nose with a satisfying crunch, causing him to stop to hold onto his bleeding face. Four, two injured. 
The next was almost of a caricature of an Irish stereotype: short, red-headed but balding, square jaw, and bulky with muscle. He had a jagged scar running from his eyes to his neck. He was too close, you didn’t have time to grab another gun. You realized that too late, a solid fist connected with your ribs. The pain was immediate, but just as Nat had trained you, so was your reaction. Her voice echoed in your head as you dropped to the ground and swept his feet out from under him. ‘Your enemies won’t wait from you to recover, neither will I’
 After a swift kick to his redhead, you turned to your left swinging your leg up and around to look around the next nearest enemy, a stocky bald man. Using your leverage, you pulled yourself up and twisted, grabbing your ankle gun at the same time. This sent the bald man to the ground, disorienting him long enough for you to put two shots into his head. Three, two injured. 
In your distraction, the redhead had recovered, sneaking behind you wrapping his strong arms around you, pinning your arms to your stomach. “Drop the gun, bitch.”
You didn’t, so he squeezed you hard enough that you swore you felt the already throbbing ribs crack- or maybe it was your elbow- forcing the gun out of your hand. The blonde, face now dripping blood, approached. 
“Hold her steady for me, Mckellan.” He smirked after kicking your knees, forcing them to buckle before balling his hand into a fist. The grip on you tightened and you braced yourself for a hit. Even with the preparation, it didn’t ebb the pain. You had been punched before, but not like this. You felt the curve of his knuckles whip your head to the side, right where your eye met your cheek, you watched as your earpiece clattered to the floor. The blond kicked it out of your sight. The force dizzied you, but you didn’t get a reprieve. ‘Mckellan’ dropped one arm to take hold of your hair, jerking your head up just in time for the blonde to hail another fist onto your face. This time landing on your jaw, allowing you to taste the blood in your and feel it trickle down your face. 
They laughed expecting you to be done, as your head hung for a second. You defiantly lifted your eyes to the blonde’s, spitting out a mouthful of blood and hoping he could see the murderous glint to your eye. He did, and you saw the fear in his as he registered too late. With all your strength, you threw your head back- twice. The first time you hit your captor's nose, you felt it crumple. The second time was his chin, you felt the force cause him to bite down. Hope you didn’t want your tongue, you sick fuck, you thought as his hold loosened. 
With a little more freedom, you jumped up and arched your back, wrapping your legs around the blonde's neck. With all your might, you threw your body to the ground, twisted your hips, and bent your knees. You felt all your muscles strain but were rewarded with a sharp snap as the man went limp. One short breath before you lunged for your gun, kneeling and aiming it at Mckellan who had just spit out his bloody, severed tongue. Your lip curled in disgust as you pulled the trigger. Standing up, you kept your count, Two left, two injured.
Before you could even find your next target, someone launched onto your back. The sudden weight disoriented you as grubby fingers pulled at your face and hair, causing you to once again drop your gun. His grubby fingers prodded at your face and his heels dug into soft flesh to hang on. Base instinct took over, their weight causing you to blindly stumble backward until you hit a wall. Feeling the contact, you grunted in anger pulling back before ramming your attacker against the wall again. The short man shouted curses at you but didn’t let go. With a primal growl, you did it again, harder this time. Checking him into the brick wall with as much force as possible. This time he dropped, and you instantly whirled around kicking him in the stomach as he scrambled to his knees. You took the leverage, your fingers knotted into his greasy black hair, to maximize force you brought your knee up at the same time you brought his head down. You didn’t know whether he was dead or unconscious, but it didn’t matter as he crumpled to the floor- he wasn’t getting up anytime soon. 
 For a moment, you leaned against the wall forgetting there was still another attacker. You were panting and sweating, fatigue set in as you lost your momentum. The ache in your head blossomed, reminding you of the hits you had taken, your shoulders were sore from Mckellan’s hold, your knees from the blonde’s kick, not to mention the two blooming bruises and busted lip on your face, (you wouldn’t be surprised if your nose was broken), the koala attack and the hockey style defense you put on had your entire bottle rattle, and that was just on top of normal body fatigue. I could really use a super-soldier right about now you thought. 
Of course, your moment of rest was no longer than fifteen seconds. Just enough time for someone to tackle you from the side. You shrieked in shock and pain as you hit the ground on your already injured ribs, your attacker's weight adding to the hit. Your head smacked against the concrete, and you saw stars and you tried to escape as he tried to wrap his hands around your throat. 
It took a moment for you to regain your wits, but when you did, you rolled. Your attacker fell away, or at least his weight shifted enough for you to scramble away. You saw your gun a few feet away, so you scrambled towards in on your hands and knees. Seeing your plan, the bearded man grabbed your ankle and hauled you back to him. In anger, you twisted around, your other foot stomping into his face. You knew you wouldn’t make it to your firearm, so instead, you leaned up and tackled him back to the ground. The two of you rolled a good distance before you ended up with the upper hand. This time with you on top, you delivered one well-executed punch to the face before slipping the knife out of it’s hiding spot. With a growl, you brought down the knife, but he caught the handle as the tip pierced the skin above his heart. For a moment there was a power struggle, he was no longer fighting for Doyle, he was fighting for his life. 
But you were fighting for Emily. A rush of determination lit a fire in you. You reared back, balling up your fist and hitting the butt of the knife like a hammer. It plunged the blade in an inch. Sensing how close you were to winning, he flailed underneath you, trying to hold off the blade with his remaining strength. With one last growl and hit delivered to the knife handle, the last of Doyle’s men slacked against the bloody floor.
 After all the struggle, he was dead rather quietly. Besides the injured one, that should be all of them. You heard the click of a gun safety sliding off.
“You’re too late bitch, Doyle’s alread-” BAM smoke rose out of the hole between his eyes as he fell over.
His (him being the first man you shot in the leg) gloating distracted him before he even had a chance to aim at you. The moment you heard the click, you’d slipped your hidden firearm out. With a groan of pain, you rose to your feet. Everyone in the room either dead or wallowing in pain as Swat flooded in. Slowly, you moved to pick up you earpiece, entire body protesting movement.
“-A MEDIC IN HERE. PRENTISS IS DOWN.” You tuned into the last bit of Derek’s pleading. Like you had been electrically shocked, you were recharged, tearing towards Derek’s location. It was three hallways over, and as you came in, your heart broke.
Emily was on the floor, a bloodied piece of wood sticking out of her abdomen. Derek was beside her, holding her hand. He noticed you, eye raking over your body. You knew you probably looked like hell, but he didn’t comment. There were other priorities and your health didn’t make the list at the moment. 
“Go after Doyle, he can’t have gotten far!” He ordered, you nodded, taking one last look at Prentiss- her eyes lolling around- before you sprinted out the back door. You could hear a commotion up ahead so you followed the noise, reloading your gun as you went. Turning a corner, you could see Doyle across the train tracks about to get into a car, staring straight at you- smiling. 
“IAN DOYLE, SHIELD, PUT YOU’RE HANDS IN THE AIR AND GET ON YOUR KNEES.” You thundered, anger tearing shreds in your already sore throat. Into your comm, you asked, “I have a shot, do I take it?” 
Hotch picked up as a train whistled its approach, “Yes, take the shot.”
Right as your finger twitched against the trigger, your comm hissed in your ear causing you to flinch- but not take your eyes off Doyle who was now grinning like the Chesire Cat. 
“Belay that order. Agent, you do not take that shot.” A new voice took over your comms. 
“Who is this? On whose orders?” You heard Hotch demand. Your eyes remained on Doyle, who curiously hadn’t moved. Anxiously, you gripped your gun tighter keeping your target in firing range. The train was getting closer, making it harder to hear, the spotlight lighting up the night. 
“Order comes from the World Security Council.” The voice shot back. You growled although no one could hear it. You were taking the shot, you had already decided. You didn’t care if you spent the rest of your life in federal prison. Doyle deserved it. Hotch was still arguing with the new voice as your entire body tensed. 
Time moved in slow motion, you were losing your window. Running forward, you squeezed the trigger, bullet ricocheting off metal. But you were too late, the train cut in front of you like a knife. 
“Guys, I’ve lost my visual. Does anyone have sights on Doyle!” You shouted into the comms. Trying in vain to see past the train. Slamming your earpiece into the ground, you screamed a slew of curses at the top of your lungs- your anger, desperation, and anguish being lost in the noise of the locomotive. Minutes later, the end of the train flew by you. Revealing what you already knew, Doyle was gone without a trace.
Another hiss of curses fell out of your lips as you turned on your heel and sprinted back to Emily and Derek. Arriving just in time to see the EMT’s put her on a stretcher, you hunched over to catch your breath. Though you still had plenty of anger, your adrenaline was fading fast, no longer masking any of the pain you were in. You hissed as you limped behind Derek, trying to catch up to Emily’s stretcher. 
“How’s she?” You asked, not arguing when he slung one of your arms of your shoulder to help you. His jaw hardened. 
“She’s been through hell. Lots of blood loss. Maybe some internal bleeding.” He shook his head, leading you back through the warehouse. Back through the room that held your handiwork.  Derek saw this too.
“You look terrible. I shouldn’t have left you.” He remarked, watching as an agent pulled a sheet over the guy with a knife in his chest. You shook your head.
“If you stayed with me, Emily would be leaving in a body bag. She’s got a chance because you scared Doyle off. I’m the one who let him get away- I should have taken the damn shot.” You reprimanded but ended in a low snarl, one arm going up to cradle your ribs that were now throbbing. Normally, there would have been a handful of jokes and a few innuendos in there. Derek would have teased you and questioned you on where you learned to do all that. You would have teased him about being able to kick his ass. But now, there was only resignation. The case was over, but Emily’s fight wasn’t finished. 
When you finally saw the light of the ambulance, Hotch rushed to you. Eyeing you up and down. “We’re going to meet Emily at the hospital, should I call another Ambulance?”
You shook your head as Rossi appeared- the ambulance was pulling off with sirens piercing the night air, “Minor wounds. Nothing to worry about.”
Both older men looked unconvinced but didn’t press the matter, allowing Derek to help you into the back of an SUV. You sank into the seat beside Spencer, who was wringing his hands with worry. He gave you a once over before beginning to ramble about minor injuries and the statistics on death’s in the US. For once you didn’t have the energy to listen or pretend to listen, you just stared at him blankly until it tapered off, ending with his handing you a handkerchief. You took it gratefully, lacing your hand through his as a comfort and dabbing the cloth to your face as the SUV pulled into the road.  
The radio clock read 3 AM, and the night showed no signs of an end. 
Garcia and JJ met the rest of the team at a hospital, where the whole lot of you were ushered into a waiting room. Garcia fussed over you a little, which you knew was because she was so worried about Emily, but couldn’t do anything so you allowed it. Several nurses tried to drag you to the ER for treatment, but you refused every offer until JJ came up behind you. 
“Emily will be in surgery for the next few hours, go get patched up. I’ll come to get you if anything happens.” She told you, it was quiet and gentle, like the warm hand on your shoulder- a stark contrast to everything else that night. You hesitated, looking back to your team and then to the doors that lead to Prentiss. Sensing your hesitation, her blue eyes locking with yours, “Prentiss would be the first person to drag you into an ambulance.”
With a defeated sigh, you nodded, letting a short Hispanic night nurse lead to the ER. She, along with a gaggle of other nurses and one doctor’s approval, went to work. They cleaned out the numerous cuts and scratches along your face and arms, diagnosed you with a mild concussion, wrapped your knee (advising you to buy a brace if you wanted it to heal right), and told you that you fractured two ribs. You refused X-rays, knowing that they’d take to long. So with their work done, most of the nurses went to their next patient. 
The one that brought you stayed behind and despite your silence- Claire Temple her name read with a smiley face beside it, was incredibly kind. She handed you two wet hand towels, “You’ll feel better with all that blood off you. Be careful where the skin split though.”
Tiredly, you sponged off the blood- which did make you feel a little less gross- and was careful around the bandages. Claire stood behind you, deft hands working through your hair- pulling out glass, twigs, and god knows what else- before twisting your hair into a loose braid. With a kind smile, she offered you a bottle of water and two large white pills. 
“Thank you for your kindness, but I need to be-” You started to protest. She dropped them in your hand regardless. 
“Honey, those are max strength ibuprofen. You’ll be perfectly alert, as long as you can stay awake.” She smiled- you were exhausted, the clock on the wall read 4:02 AM- stepping to the side. “Go wait with your friends, your other friend should be coming out fo surgery soon.”
Her kindness was something you really needed at that moment, a reminder that not everything was terrible, so you mustered the sweetest smile you could, “Thank you, I really needed that.” 
“I know, now go.”
The waiting room was bleak. Hotch and Spencer took turns pacings. In the time you had been back, Spencer had gone through three cups of coffee. Garcia was beside Derek- who hadn’t moved, only holding his head in his hands- nervously tapping her pen against her notebook. JJ was in and out, making a thousand different calls. Rossi stared into thin air as he was lost in thought. 
You had only been in there for forty-five minutes, but as you sat a few seats away from everyone else, mentally beating yourself up- I could have taken that shot. I shouldn’t have even asked permission- your anxiety was already bubbling over.
When JJ entered the room without a phone in her hands, you knew something wasn’t right- as did everyone else in the room. A single pull of her lip confirmed everyone's fears. Some tried to remain stoic- Hotch’s jaw hardened, Derek hung his head- others immediately broke- Garcia gaped, denial written across her face, Spencer was shaking his head like he was being lied to.   
“She never made it off the table.” JJ tried to keep a smooth tone, eyes meeting the floor. Your heart shattered, Emily was gone. Doyle actually killed her- you didn’t save her. Your eyes were hot with tears, and before you knew it your feet were carrying you out of the waiting room, out of the ER, out of the hospital. 
Your throat was constricting, tears blurring your eyes as you slid to a stop. You didn’t go that far outside, but the distance felt like miles. It said a lot, that you ran outside- the rest of the team is inside, together. You thought, choking on a sob, you thought bitterly, God, how fitting. I left, just like I left them. 
Your thoughts kept devolving, breathing becoming erratic as it became sobs became harder to hold in, I left, maybe if I stayed I could have noticed something was up with her, brought it up sooner, figured Doyle out sooner. We shouldn’t have waited for SWAT we could have been there twenty minutes earlier. I shouldn’t have listened to Morgan, I should have stayed with them and helped stem the bleeding. I shouldn’t have asked permission to take the shot. I shouldn’t have listened. I should have taken the shot. It wouldn’t have brought Emily back but at least her killer wouldn’t be running free. I should have taken the shot.
You dropped to your knees against the cold pavement, allowing yourself to cry as you looked to the sky for some sort of answer. All you found was a hospital helicopter heading east. You sat outside, in the middle of March in Boston, in a short-sleeve not even noticing your shivering until a warm hand was on your shoulder. You looked behind you to see Hotch, who shrugged off his coat and put it on your shoulders. He helped you up, his ever so serious eyes looked at you- and as always you felt obligated to give him an answer. 
“I should have taken the shot.” You croaked, now acutely away of how cold, hungry, sore, and exhausted you were. Hotch shook his head. 
“You had orders not to.” He corrected, stoic as ever. That was good, the team needed a rock in all this. But at that moment, you didn’t see that. 
“He got away.” You choked, wiping at the near-frozen tear trails on your face. For the first and only time in your life, Hotch pulled you into a hug. It was stiff and cold, and honestly reminded you of every ache and pain, but the sentiment was nice. 
“We’ll catch him again. Let’s go home.”
I was excited for this, but then it turned out,,, bad
taglist: @irishfaulk97 @viarogers @toboldlyscream @benji-booxx @sophiiev @thebadassbitchqueen
234 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years
after that one ep of unhhhh (Trixya) - Tallulah
Basically just Katya pining and really piss poor communication
I can’t get them out of my head, and for some reason this is the way it is in my head. this is like super duper rpf so proceed with caution and it really just got away from me and idk what to do about pronouns/names in and out of drag so i just kinda went with it but um yeah
It’s only 30 minutes into filming and Katya has officially lost all control over his thoughts. He keeps having to beg out, claiming to need a cigarette, so he can fucking calm down. He stands outside, hyper aware that Trixie is sitting down there, in full drag annoyed at him, but he’s desperate for a break, for some air that doesn’t fucking smell sickly sweet with her perfume. Katya has been looking at his face under all that makeup for what feels like eternity. It’s always so hot while filming, and he can’t keep her thoughts under control.
The lines are usually clear when they start out of drag – save for the few times Katya couldn’t control herself anymore, but when they are in drag sometimes Katya can get away with more. It’s almost like they both know it can’t go too far, not with all those people watching, and the cameras recording it for posterity. Kayta will ask for a kiss just to see him blush and laugh to himself. If he’s lucky it turns into something more when the camera’s turn off. Trixie has to know that he’s only half joking, and every time Katya pushes, it hangs between them heavy and swollen with unspoken feelings.
Katya remembers every time they’ve kissed with perfect clarity. She doesn’t think that Trixie can, but he has a secret mental dossier. A handful of times for the cameras, hamming it up for the crowds to scream, and to watch the fans lose their minds later online.
It only happened few times without the excuse of the crowds. A night or two when she just couldn’t look at him anymore. His body shining in the light, and his ass just hanging of the back of him, right there like that. It’s different without cameras or the crowd to hold them accountable. It shifts something else and Katya knows that Trixie has to feel the difference. But they never talk about it.
The worst part is that they get along so well. Sometimes, Katya feels like they’re teetering on the edge of something, and she can’t figure out how to stop it. He feels like if a strong wind hits him too hard hes going to collapse and expose everything, and Trixie will know.
Brian was there for him, with steadfast loyalty and the grace and respect to treat Katya and Brian like a person, even when he hurt Trixie. Even when they weren’t talking. Katya knows that he was worried, they watched the movie together. They didn’t speak the whole time, and afterwards he felt all that guilt all over again. But Katya knows that Trixie doesn’t hold him accountable. And that’s how Katya knows that it will never happen. Not for real. Trixie is living out his dreams and Katya is just trying to stay alive. He wants him to succeed so badly, and wants him to be happy, but Katya needs him, and he has already put Trixie through so much, but he just cant help but want him.
They’re so close to being done filming for the day, when it comes out. It’s been such a long day, and Katya feels suddenly melancholy, and he just needs to feel it once more.
“Can I have a kiss for the new year, mama?”
“You’re gonna get red lipstick on me, and you know I hate that” Trixie replies, and it’s true. Katya knows that, he knows because he uses it to pretend that it’s all a game. When he’s Katya and desperate for somewhere to put his attraction, he’ll go in for kisses when he knows Trixie will push him away, because of the lipstick smeared across her mouth.
“Just a small one? We’re almost done”
Katya can see Trixie blush even under all the makeup and he watches as she laughs sort of incredulously. Trixie starts to answer,
“I don’t know what the worst part of kissing you is, your beard, your dry mouth, your smoker breath or your attitude” but she is already leaning in, and Katya is ready to meet her, but she chickens out at the last minute, putting a piece of popcorn in her mouth, and Trixie is pulling away and rolling her eyes.
“I KNEW you were gonna try to put food in my mouth, I knew it!” Trixie screams laughing at her.
“I’m just tapping at the door of your love” Katya returns, a shade too honest. She leans in again, promising she wont do it again.
Their lips meet, only for a second, but for that second they are Brian and Brian and Katya tries not to get lost in it, and then Trixie is pulling away and laughing and making some comment to try to bring the thread of conversation back to the topic at hand.
And then they’re done and in the dressing room together, and Katya is watching her undress and he can’t help it. He knows that Trixie isn’t going to fuck her, Trixie wont do anything while they’re still in drag, but Trixie is rapidly morphing into Brian, taking off her eyelashes, and moaning as she removes her two foot tall wig, and unlaces her corset.
The transformation is almost disconcerting, watching her go from this bubblegum fantasy into a oaky smoky man. She watches him come back into himself. He’s always certain about the lines, and transforming from one version of himself to another. For Katya the lines of gender are always so blurry. She never fully feels like she transforms out of Katya and back into Brian, and never feels like she fully stops being Brian – no matter how much she wishes she could.
But for Trixie, it is so clear. It’s clear in the way he moves when he puts on the lashes and the wig, and the things he says. Hes always honest and straightforward, but he’s braver when he’s Trixie. There’s something so intoxicating about his completely delusional confidence, and frank openness. Trixie is completely shameless, and Brian is more timid.
He’s standing in front of the mirror wiping his face and she is just frozen, stuck in her head and suffocating with the want coursing through her veins. Katya won’t admit it, but she is rushing to remove her makeup by the time he’s done, hoping that she can ride the wave of energy that she started while filming.
And suddenly she is saying it, as she finishes the last of the makeup removal.
“Mama, I want a real kiss”
He pauses what he is doing and turns around. Their eyes meet and it hangs there for a drawn out moment. Katya’s heart is beating so fast, and he holds eye contact.
“You are so fucking horny these days” Brian looks at him, and Katya can’t help it.
“Please” it comes out so desperate, and Katya is almost embarrassed, but he wants Trixie so bad. Katya walks towards him and stands close. Unsure of what to do with his hands, Katya grabs the hem of his shirt, and lets the plea hang between them. It feels like an endless moment, stretching like taffy between them until -
It’s Trixie that surges forward and closes the gap between them, dropping the makeup wipe on the floor as he grips him. Katya sinks into him, opening for him entirely as they kiss. Katya was careful to clean out his mouth on the way back from his last smoke break, and it was worth it. Katya feels alive, hours of energy built up finally being released as he kisses Trixie against the mirror. After a few moments, Trixie pulls away.
Katya makes a noise of protest and Trixie looks at him.
“Don’t make me always be the one who has to- It’s not fair, I can’t-” He breaks off.
“Just a little more” Katya pleads, unwilling to let it go now that he has a taste, now that he knows what he tastes like after a day of filming. There’s a pink stain around his mouth from the lipstick, and Katya knows that he’s gross and sweaty from being in the basement all day, but he need this.
“We shouldn’t - we can’t – the show - it’s- ” Katya surges forward and swallows his protests. Katya can feel his dick against her hip. Katya is so desperate slipping his tongue into Trixie’s mouth and giving himself over to him completely. He is so warm and his skin is smooth, marred slightly from being pinched all day. Katya smoothes a hand under his shirt and over his back, feeling the creases from the corset. He groans into his mouth, and it’s a sound Katya needs. Then Katya’s reaching down and slipping under his pants, through his briefs and grabbing a handful of his ass. He tastes like man, and Katya is craving it, desperate.
Katya’s about to break the kiss, and sink down to take him into his mouth, when he pulls away again, and she thinks for a breath that he’s about to make it into a joke, and the moment will be gone, but instead he slips a hand beneath her clothes groping at her. Katya gasps into his mouth, and kisses him again, unable to get enough, mind wiped blank by his mouth.
Katya leans in again and Trixie pulls away. Katya hears himself making a pleading noise before he can stop himself.
What just happens hangs between them. It’s not awkward, but something hangs in the air. It doesn’t feel resolved, but Katya feels almost sated. He wants more, but the moment has passed – and he doesn’t know how to get it back.
“I can’t believe you – we -”, He says pulling away, and turning to finish packing his bag. Katya can feel him shutting down, closing Katya off in the set of his shoulders.
“I can’t keep doing it, I – it hurts -”, he breaks off, voice wet, “You can’t keep asking me to be self control for both of us”.
Katya sinks down to the chair next to the mirror, watching him as he puts the last of his stuff into his bag. He makes her feel so desperate, ripped wide open and exposed. He looks at Katya as he leaves, a look in his eye, that Katya can’t quite read. Suddenly Katya wants to be covered. Trixie makes him feel completely exposed and transparent. Katya wonders, not for the first time, how he doesn’t know. And then he’s gone and Katya is all alone in the room, desperate for a cigarette, head spinning.
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And Awaken in a New One
Kim broke out of her trance when the car door slammed shut. She blinked and knew they had passed into the otherworld already. On the surface, it almost looked the same as the world they hailed from. But it had changed.
The blue covering the canvas of the sky around the horizon rippled gently, like a heavenly pond into which stones had been cast. The Hidden Deserts That Had No Name reflected bright light from everywhere and nowhere, with no sun to be seen, wherever she looked. The mountains in the distance refused to stand still and moved—ever so slightly, like the ebb and flow of an ocean lapping lazily at the shoreline of a beach.
The clouds drifting through the air coiled and began moving in the direction of where their car was parked. Like snakes, those clouds crawled towards them.
Although they moved slowly, their steady creeping told Kim to limit her time here.
The car slumped forward a tiny bit when the weight of Javi sitting on its hood depressed it. He was the one who had slammed the door shut and now he lit up a cigarette with a stainless steel lighter, flicking the little silvery thing shut in a fluid and practiced motion right when a puff of white smoke arose from his face.
Strange bushes topped the sands. Unlike the ones native to the Nevada desert from where they had crossed over into here, these plants featured purple color and shivered out of sync with the warm breeze sweeping over these rocky plains.
Javi took a drag from his cigarette, puffed it out with haste and pointed at the clouds. The car’s windows muffled his words, “Only a matter o’ time till those—whatever those are—till those things get to us.”
Kim got out of the car as well. Letting her gaze sweep across the sky above them made her dizzy and almost a bit sick to her stomach. The watery nature of the above offered no solid point to focus on and the unsteady mountains, too, refused to help.
The only thing that looked the same from their last visit: the old black tour bus of the band once known as The Lost Number, standing lonesome in the middle of this desert, caked in sand and beached like a steel whale. Like one of those anchors that existed in different timelines and dimensions, all tenuously connected by such rare universal constants.
She sat herself onto the hood next to Javi and plucked the cigarette from his fingers, then took a long drag from it. The words escaped her lungs like the smoke—scratchy and labored—when she said, “How long have you been a smoker?”
In the previous world, Javi had never smoked. One of many small details that had shifted, ever so slightly, when she returned from the House of Change—when the world was reborn.
“I started when I was, uh, like, eleven, I think?” he said with a shrugging twitch of his left shoulder.
“You not worried about cancer?” she asked while handing him back the cigarette and studying every inch of his face.
The messy black hair on his head and a burly stubble lining his sharp jaw framed a face as handsome as ever—that much had not changed. Plenty of reality’s details had stayed the same, at least on the surface. The eerie light of this otherworld sparkled in his dark eyes as he studied Kim with a curiosity to match her own.
His shoulder twitched again, accompanied by a tilt of his head as he replied, “Lotta things can kill me, and statistically speaking, I think one o’ these hunka-junks is gonna do me in first.”
Javi thrust out a thumb to the sports car they were sitting on. Although dirt and dried mud clung to its every surface, the fast vehicle standing still underneath them looked way too fancy for their budget.
“Look, not to be a pain in the—” he started, the thought trailing off. “You might wanna—”
His sentences kept dying halfway out of his mouth. She knew what he was getting at, his eyes darted up, towards sky, to underline that.
The clouds kept creeping. Ever closer. Like snakes in the water, homing in on them. On prey.
She nodded to him and peeled her eyes off of the living clouds, meeting his gaze again. Lingering there for a longing amount of time.
Kim wondered if she should ever tell him about all the things she noticed that had changed with the world. So many subtleties, so many curious details—so fascinating. And the more often she slept and the more she dreamt, the more the last world felt like a distant, fading memory. Javi would understand, she thought. But what was the point?
She wished none of the previous world back. Precious to some, meaningless to her. Some of the key differences to this one were all that mattered to her.
She pushed herself off the hood of the car and started walking towards the stranded tour bus. Mystified by how it had been taking less years to decay in this secret desert than would be natural.
“You want me to, uh?” he started muttering behind her.
“No, s'all good,” she breathed.
The closer she strayed towards the bleached black body of bus, the more her chest tightened.
It represented a cornerstone—or a pillar—the things that held the fabric of reality together despite any transitions from one world to the next. A bridge through space and time and likely the only reason that an invisible pocket of void connected our reborn world to this one, here. Now. And never.
Gunshot holes still pockmarked the walls of the bus, having been torn from the inside out. Other holes had been punched into it by long, dagger-like claws of an unspeakable creature.
The memory of Michael’s screams echoed in her mind. She stuffed back down whatever guilt that brought bubbling up, shoving it into the cellar of repressed memories and slamming the door shut.
Something else—something physical—slammed shut behind her, prompting her to pause and look back. Javi had removed a beaten up backpack from the trunk, sagging from his one hand, the cigarette in the other. He had started dragging his heel over the ground, drawing a crude circle into the sand around his car. The first step in crafting a ritual ward to keep otherworldly entities like ghosts and demons at bay.
He stopped for a second, looked up at her, and waggled his eyebrows with a twitch about the corners of his lips. As if to politely remind her to hurry things up.
She flashed a smile back at him and returned her attention to the abandoned tour bus. Only with delay did she notice how she had sucked in a good amount of air and was now holding her breath. Her whole body had tensed up.
Kim produced the revolver whose weight had been burning an imaginary hole into her leather jacket’s pocket, and gripped it tightly. She pulled the ajar door fully open and ascended the small stairs, entering the bowels of the steel husk. The door did not want to stand still and swayed in the wind, emitting high-pitched squeaks as its hinges creaked.
She raised her weapon and pointed it wherever she looked, wary of any threat that might be lurking in here.
But nothing awaited. Nothing hungry, and nothing alive, at the very least.
It all looked the same. A painful reminder of a recent past and distant memories alike.
Time had chewed up the dark red leather on the seats everywhere. Heaps of trash still littered the bus’ interior, matching the cliche of a rock star’s devastated hotel room.
Nails still pinned newspaper clippings to one wall, though some of them had fallen out and joined the junk on the floor. Reports of two men who had mysteriously gone missing—a Brent Carver and a Rick Sutton—members of the defunct indie rock band named “The Lost Number.” According to the jumble of clippings, only one band member had not vanished without a trace: Kevin Spilner.
Yet he only existed in the past now, and as far as Kim was concerned, would stay there.
His mugshot, painfully familiar to her, still clung to one of the cut-out articles despite the ink’s slow process of fading. She did not like looking into the mirror and seeing that face anymore.
Although the rebirth of the world rendered memories of the previous one blurrier and fuzzier with the passage of time, flashes of that past life haunted her, flashing through her mind like the flashes atop old analog cameras.
How Brent and Rick disappeared out here in the desert, how no bodies were ever found, and how the police eventually released Kevin into the wild where he started a new life. And eventually found Kim.
The plastic of a broken CD case crunched underneath Kim’s shoe as she stepped over a pile of crumpled cans and walked deeper into the hopeless bus.
Nobody and nothing worthwhile here. As if she had been holding her breath all this time, she exhaled a deep sigh and lowered her gun, though her muscles refrained from relaxing. The tension remained.
She lifted her shoe and inspected the jewel case that had splintered underneath her step: an autographed copy of the EP, Sexy Vampire in the Basement by The Lost Number. The stylized photo of the three band members adorning its artwork, dressed like douchebags, replete with their faux hawk hairdos that had been the fashion du jour of any grunge band at the time.
It took her a second to realize the sharp sting of pain that began throbbing from her left palm. Inspecting it showed only that she had dug her fingernails deep into it from the sheer tension gripping her all the while. She sighed again.
Looked up. Followed the rest of the line of articles plastering the wall. The rest of Kevin’s career trajectory.
Either the rebirth of the world had changed nothing of it, or this pocket dimension had preserved this glimpse into a different age and existence. The flamboyant, cross-dressing bass player of the critically panned rock band had transformed into a successful stage magician on the Strip over the years that followed, drawing a small cult following. A snippet from a Rolling Stone interview book-ended the assortment of notes.
In red color, years ago, Kevin had spray-painted over the tail end of this creepy collage:
Kim sighed again and let her gaze sweep over the sad past, just one more time. The pile of discarded cans of beans and bacon and empty lighter fluid, the ridiculous number of empty cigarette boxes stacked up on the table.
What a pathetic mess.
Struggling to grasp how long she had lived here, hiding out in this pocket space—it disgusted her. She had hid from the world for too long, in a place where mundane folk never wandered, where only demons and ghosts and rejects found comfort in dwelling.
She swallowed the lump of nothingness that had gotten itself stuck in her throat and had one last thing she wanted to look at.
The thing sitting in the back of the safe, sitting in the back of the tour bus. It was what she had come for.
Blood and gore had been sprayed and splattered along the narrow, almost claustrophobic walls leading ever deeper inside, long dried and flaking off. A strange substance, black like pitch and now with the consistency of caked, cracked mud now covered the area. Kim’s mind reeled with the imagination of how a creature native to this world had dissolved into goo there.
To get to that safe, to get to that thing she sought, she would have to walk this narrow corridor. Through the refuse and the haunting clues of past violence.
The only reason to brave this wretched place.
After taking the first steps, registering the taste of grit on her tongue, and finding that her knuckles had whitened as a result of how tightly she gripped the gun in her hand, she realized how fast her heart was racing. Pounding away.
Crunching and thumping noises behind her caused her to spin around and point the gun—at Javi, who stumbled up the stairs into the bus. She lowered her gun but the tension only grew, for panic marred his pretty face.
And terror made his voice tremble in an unsettling contrast to the words he said next, “Okay, time’s up. We got a problem, baby girl.”
Through gritted teeth, she asked, “What?”
Her gun rose, following suit as he raised the sawed-off shotgun in his hands, backing away from the entrance as if to back away from an invisible threat, twitching at every sound of the breeze pouring in through the bullet holes in the body of the bus.
The wind picked up and shook the world around them, like an earthquake. A chorus of whispers engulfed them. But not like wind should. Gibbering and incomprehensible but clearly words. Alien.
She stepped forward, some of the cans and plastic trash clattered and rustled underfoot as Javi and Kim ducked closer to one another, guns pointing away from each other, backing up until their backs touched.
“Ritual ward ain’t workin’ no more,” he said, voice still shaking. Before she could answer that, he added, “And no, I didn’t make no mistake. Somethin’s wrong.”
Something big moved, obscuring the otherworld’s diffuse light and making it flicker as the body of a huge serpent-like shape coiled around the bus, suffocating the light. It howled. Then whispered again.
“No, I don’t think it was you,” Kim breathed. “Shit, I shoulda known bett—"
The bus shook violently and the steel groaned. Screeched in pain. The metal twisted, bent. The walls slumped inwards, gripped and deformed by tremendous force. And that deafening howl resounded again, carrying with it a chorus of furious whispers, only intervals in the rising storm of howls and screeches.
“Let’s hope bullets work,” Javi shouted over the cacophony.
The muzzle flare made Kim see stars for a second, accompanied by black spots in her field of vision. Making the presence of the thick white clouds wrapping and coiling around the bus all the more menacing. And a sharp ringing in her ears followed the thunderclap of Javi’s shot. And then the next.
The howling turned to screeching, fluid and somehow alive, unlike the metal being rent apart.
She squinted and took a shot at something that appeared more solid than the rest, and the unnatural howls that followed suggested that bullets might be working after all.
Bright light flooded the inside of the bus, spreading to the tune of more metal being peeled back like an onion’s skins. The hungry cloud ripped away the entire ceiling and a roiling mass of living white smoke loomed over them.
Javi’s next shot made it recoil. It moved like a dragon with dozens of short limbs, more like a centipede. Its form defied definition. Kim could almost make out something resembling a neck. That neck ended in something resembling a hungry maw, consisting of thousands of teeth that were not teeth, struggling to take shape and just flowing like water and solidifying and back and forth.
She shot into the center of whatever this thing was and it screeched again, dispersing just like any cloud should but reshaping at the edges of the torn metal ceiling and taking cover from their shots. Looming, like a predator waiting for the right moment to pounce.
The string of profanities Javi eked out behind her only underlined his panicked attempts at reloading his gun and fumbling with the ammunition. But the world had grown strangely quieter, through a screen of the deafened ringing in her ears from the many loud shots. Gun smoke stung as it filled Kim’s nostrils.
Her pistol punched another hole through the side of the bus as she took a potshot at the hungry cloud. The angry howls that followed were only a prelude to the thing grabbing and shaking the whole bus with violent force. The world nearly spun around as the bus nearly toppled over.
Two more blind shots made it stop and another hungry cloud darted across the hole in the ceiling, coiling around the bus and crisscrossing with the first one. The bus rumbled and shook, falling back into its upright position, making her stomach churn.
They had no eyes but Kim felt watched. Felt the hatred radiating from these things like heat.
A raging inferno.
The blue water of the sky began to swirl like a vortex, like a whirlpool was beginning to form in it. But she had no time to ponder it, for tendrils of the hungry cloud formed claws, prying at the hole and trying to force its way deeper inside. The maw closed in.
She took another shot that caused it to recoil, backing away and then flowing back outside. She continued pulling the trigger, but the weapon just clicked away with empty chambers.
Click, click, click, click.
Another deafening shot from Javi’s shotgun behind her maintained the numbing screen of ringing in her ears. More angry howls. The presence of the clouds disrupted the flow of air, and a violent gust of wind heralded a sudden change.
The giant forces shaking and crushing and tearing up the old tour bus let go of it. Distanced themselves.
Even at a growing range, Kim could feel the flaming despise emanating from these unnatural entities. Although they possessed no facial features, she sensed one of them catching a glimpse of her as something distantly resembling a head flowed past the hole in the ceiling, joining the other cloud-dragons.
Even as the distance between the bus and the hungry clouds grew, the adrenaline still pumped. Kim’s heart continued pounding like a drum, underscored by that painful ringing in her ears. She continued to point her empty gun at the intangible things while the unspeakable entities backed farther and farther away from the bus, melting into wisps of other clouds adrift in the rippling skies.
Where they recovered. Re-channeled. Readied themselves for their next assault.
With a trembling hand, she pawed around in her other jacket pocket for spare bullets but found none.
“You got what you came for?” Javi asked. His voice quaked.
They had both ducked down and cowered, glued to the old demolished furnishings inside the bus. Things that offered comfort in the illusion of providing cover, but provided none against entities that moved like mist and possessed the power of giants.
“No,” Kim breathed.
“Then fuckin’ get it. They might be coming back,” he said.
She glared at him.
He grimaced and said, “Sorry.”
Staying low and moving while staying crouched, she sidled along the length of the corridor into the back of the bus. Javi stayed behind, keeping his gun trained on one of the gaping holes that the fog-things had ripped open in the chassis of this steel carcass.
Kim paused when something metal clanked. A shard of scrap metal had fallen down and Javi’s gaze met hers. He shook his head and she turned, continuing on.
The pounding of that drum that was the heart of fury and adrenaline, it calmed. Slowly. Although it felt longer than it was, a minute had passed since the retreat of the roiling cloud-monsters.
She dared to stand up straight and look around in the room with the ratty bunk beds. For a moment, she expected to see Michael sitting there. But all she saw was her own shadow, her silhouette cast into a humanoid shape where she had seen him sitting last. A reminder of the demon that had taken him—taken him over, ascended as the Glass King. A wide smile, too wide to look natural, baring bright white, clean teeth. Underlining a set of piercing steel blue eyes, and that flash of silver in them.
That evil. That ambition.
None of it here, now. Nobody was here. Nobody but Javi waiting near the exit, and nobody else but Kim.
She turned and her eyes came to rest on the small black safe set into the wall. Still intact.
The door of the safe stood open. First and foremost, dust and grit filled its insides. That, and a small mirror standing at the back wall, inside the safe.
Kim stared at herself, lost in the sinuous vision. Not vanity enthralled her, but fascination over every curve of her own face, so unexpected and yet so true to what she had imagined. So right.
So her.
Most of all, she felt content. So content that everything was a million miles away. The memories of demons and Michael, the cloud creatures, the weight of the revolver in her hand, the perils of the House of Change, the oblivion that swallowed people whole in the otherworlds, the laws of magick, the constant paradox, the dreams that blended with reality, even Javi—they all faded away. Peeled back like layers of reality unfurling like flower petals, like a rose blossoming and blooming in a time lapse.
All that remained—all that remained was this mirror.
She reached inside the safe and took it. First, Kevin had seen it here, mystified by its meaning and terrified by what it might represent. Michael had left it here, to see through it from beyond any veil, and to control his potential thrall. Now, Kim took it. She would make it her own.
Held up close, she looked into her own eyes, the rest of her appearance and this bright otherworld around her all cropped out by the angle.
Infinity churned in those black holes, framed by vibrant colors, scintillating with fire and metal in the color of her irises. Life, vibrant, and yearning.
Her fingers curled around the small reflective object as she closed her eyes and breathed. The adrenaline, the rushing of blood in her ears all distant and subdued.
Content, finally.
Kim shoved the mirror into her jacket’s pocket and left.
Nervousness still marked Javi’s face when he looked up at her from his hiding spot. His brow shot up into a high arch of confusion. Kim knew how serene she must have looked now, felt the thrum of this powerful calm from the core of her body and emanating outwards like a bright aura.
“Done. Let’s go,” she breathed at him.
He stumbled a bit as he got to his feet and took the lead. Paused at the bottom of the stairs leaving the old tour bus, pointing his gun from one side to the other and then poking it outside. The fright of the cloud-creatures still haunted him and showed itself in his every abrupt motion, but Kim followed behind him in a trance of almost unnatural tranquil.
With nothing in sight, he began making his hasty return to the sports car outside, kicking up dust as he jogged up to it.
Kim followed and only now registered the heavy pull of the emptied gun in her hand. She stared at it and remembered all the times she had used it in the past, savoring the idea of tossing it. Then she changed her mind and shoved it into the other pocket of her leather jacket.
Javi swung his weight to plop back down into the driver’s seat, causing the small lithe vehicle to bounce a few inches under the sudden impact of his weight.
Kim clicked her tongue and smiled through her speaking, “Let me.”
Javi peeled his eyes off the sky where the cloud monsters dwelt. Stared at her in disbelief, realizing how she had stopped paying attention to those potential threats. Kim took twice the time to walk towards the car, not speeding up her pace at all.
He shook his head and climbed back out of the driver’s seat. Tossed the keys to her which she caught with precision that surprised even herself. They took their seats in the car, slammed the doors shut, and within seconds, the engine’s motor roared back to life.
Wheels kicked up dirt as the Dodge spun on the spot and circled around, then sped off towards the cracked and pothole-riddle strip of forgotten asphalt. Metal screeched and sparks flew as the vehicle scraped over tarred grounds and found proper traction on the broken road.
All the while, Javi kept rubbernecking around, peering out of the windows to see if he could spot the things nearing. Kim just kept her focus on the road in front of them. Unconcerned of what lurked in the bright sunless sky.
A gust of wind carried a tempest of sand, engulfing the car. When it passed, the Dodge was driving down a different road. It looked almost the same, but it was more intact than the otherworld’s imitation of one.
This was the natural world they came from.
The sun set to their right. A yellow fireball in the sky, scorching hot and a reminder of them having returned to our world. Or what our world had become.
The car thundered past a weathered sign by the roadside.
“Any ideas why the ritual ward didn’t work? Was it those things?” Javi asked after a long bout of silence and a subsequent deep sigh that conveyed a sense of relief.
After all, those cloud-beasts could only exist in that otherworld, or by taking possession of a body from our world.
“Got a hunch,” she replied. Nothing else. That calm drowned out the desire to over-explain.
She could feel his gaze resting on her but she did not meet it, keeping her eyes on the road still. Only shooting a glance at the speedometer. Needle climbing, going fast. The hum and vibration of the vehicle felt good and she savored the pressure of the sheer velocity.
Without looking at him, she could sense the gears churning behind his forehead.
“Got a feeling that all of the old magick doesn’t work anymore. I remember reading some old book. Like, all the old spells from the late medieval period? This one monk said they stopped working at some point. A later occultist wrote some babble about magick only working because you believe in it despite the paradox of it not existing, evidenced by all the old rituals that never worked. But I think that guy had no clue.”
Javi scratched the stubble on his chin, sounding like sandpaper on wood.
“And you think that’s what happened in the House o’ Change? Because o’ what you did in there?” he asked, the pitch of his voice rising with each question. “Does that mean you're—”
“Yes,” she said, interrupting him.
“What if someone else makes it to the Heart of the House? If they birth the next world, does that mean you—”
“No,” she said. The smile solidified on her face, yet softened. Like molten steel. “Nobody can change me—nobody change my metal soul. Nobody.”
Her words trailed off with her thoughts. The road to Vegas would be long and something sinister still awaited them there: the Glass King and his flock.
Kim swallowed the lump in her throat, pushing that thought back down. She felt something more powerful that trumped it.
Then she added, “I will now always be me, no matter what becomes of this world, or the next, or any that follow.”
Silence draped itself over them again, filled only with the constant sounds of the engine and the tires rolling down the road at high speed.
Kim removed her hand from the stick and held it out to Javi. An open, empty palm. Yet, invisible to the naked eye, she held her heart out on display for him.
He looked into the hollow of her palm, then let his gaze wander up the length of her arm till their eyes met again. Just before she could feel uncomfortable about it, he seized her hand.
She smiled again.
—Submitted by Wratts
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ogdenismymainbish · 7 years
My thoughts as I watch the season premiere - MAJOR SPOILERS
Jackson’s burial was beautifully filmed, the music was amazing, I might have teared up a bit…
« We are not honoring those who dishonor the constabulary » omg someone kill that fucking asshole please
Alright I wanna support Miss Marsh (i always support a woman in charge) but if she’s evil she can gtfo
I wonder how much time has passed since the season finale?? Couple hours? A day? Several days?? It’s a bit confusing since it started with the funeral idk
Aw poor Higgins is having visions of Crabtree it breaks my heart they’re the best bros
Nina is a good actress with Graham, such a cool character I hope her potential is not wasted in the episodes to come
Why do they need a confession from Murdoch though? Can’t they just hang him if the judges think he’s guilty? Maybe the bad guys know the judges trust Murdoch, after all he’s brought a lot of criminals behind bars, they must know him… let’s pretend that’s why they need a confession.
Also they still have Julia but how come other constables and station houses are not investigating her disappearance? Do the bad guys have that much power over Toronto? Isn’t her wealthy family doing everything they can to find her? Are we supposed to forget she has a family at all?
God I love Watts he’s so cute and witty though slightly socially awkward
Yayyy we’re about to see Julia 😍😍😍 oh never mind she kicked this guy’s ass and left 😂😂😂 I guess I’ll wait a little bit more to see her pretty face ugh
I can’t imagine Higgins’ ptsd after the shooting.. poor little cinammon roll. He looks so grown up (I know he’s an adult but he doesn’t seem like it most of the time, which is why I love him)
« Make this city great again » haha nice, I love the parallel between two gigantic assholes (two bad one of them is actually real…)
Juliaaaaa 😍😍😍 with a mustache but still pretty how does she do that, this woman is out of this world I swear
Lmaooo kissing Julia with the mustache, did you like that Murdoch? 😏😏😏😏
Oooh Nina has a knife, but I doubt she’ll kill the guy… I don’t know, I kinda hope she will tho
Why does Murdoch have some kind of poison/potion on the alcohol shelf??
That flashback with Julia pretending she can’t breathe… what’s the point of untying her wrists? How is this going to help her breathing? I just don’t get it. She’s badass tho so I still love that scene
Yasss Brackenreid!! And Crabtree!!! And the epic music haha I’m loving it
Oh Hodge!! So cool to bring him back
Damn Bracks is fast, Davis didn’t have time to shoot! Bracks’s a fucking ninja you guys!! He’s badass I love him let’s rename the show Brackenreid Ninja Moves
Wait Watts was at the church during the shooting?? What was he doing there? How did he know?
Miss James!!! Aaaah finally!!!
Aah the good old myth according to which you should take a bullet out, when it could actually make things way worse in real life :)) also she’s a surgeon now? Wow doctors at that time were superheroes
Miss Marsh has read about Murdoch’s faith? Where?? (Yes I’m being an asshole and looking at every detail, I must have watched to many CinemaSins videos on YouTube)
Awww Julia and Rebecca hugging! I want them to be bffs
Lmao Julia looking at the corpse still dressed as a man 😂 I have a really hard time taking her seriously hahaha
« I should get out of this » I mean yah that would be nice especially if you’re planning on having reunion sex with your husband, unless he’s into it… he seems to like it 😏
I’m wondering about the Queen’s Hotel… can just anyone get in and up to the rooms??? There’s like no security at all for such a high standard hotel
Watts is the best
Miss Marsh wtf bringing Williams to Murdoch?? Isn’t it a bad idea there’s Julia and Bracks there?!!!
Oh i guess they don’t give a fuck now lol
Lmaoooo are George and Murdoch going to kiss?
Wait so they have Williams but what about the other guy?…. ooooh fuck they need to get Graham
Damn Murdoch is fast to get a close shave and a bath
Nina is gonna be the one to get the ultimate proof of Graham’s guilt isn’t she
Wait not really but she was a key element good I like her
« Affidavit » I guess I just learned a new word today lol thanks Murmurrr
« I too have friends, much better ones » he sounds like an annoying thirteen year old 😂😂😂
Ooooh is that a new outfit for Julia!!! I like it she looks super nice👌👌👌👌👌
Lmaooo Crabtree and Higgins are the best I love them! And god gracious 20$ is an awful lot of money in 1904, I wonder why Henry needed it
Thank god Bracks is here to honor Jackson’s memory
Yayyyy Watts is here to stay!!!
Murdoch is so cute smiling and all!
« To Jackson » 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Alright overall this was really good. I’m still pissed that they decided to do that for the ending of season 10 tho. This episode, the season premiere, this should have been the season 10 finale. It made no sense to make us wait, we all forgot about the story, and the whole « who lives who dies » was actually annoying on such a long period of time.
It was a good episode though, I liked it. The plot was good and structured, they all had a role to play.
I wonder if Miss Marsh will return? I hope she will, at least for the next episode. Otherwise it would seem like they just created a character in order to solve the mystery, as if they didn’t know how to do it any other way and thought « oh well let’s just add this woman she’ll help us along the plot but we’ll just ditch her afterwards because she was just a tool. »
They obviously did not answer all the questions I had back when the season finale was broadcasted, but I was expecting that. And as you can see last night’s episode brought up some more unanswered questions.. oh well I guess it doesn’t really matter.
It was a good story tho, I enjoyed it! Did the show need two episodes like this? No. Were they my favorite episodes? No. But it was good, i loved how every character was useful and needed to solve the story. It was a smart ep.
18 notes · View notes
drink-n-watch · 4 years
You know if the God of Highschool is going to keep throwing new characters at me and expect me to care about them, they are going to have to slow down a touch and let us get to know each other a bit. You know, share some precious moments. Smell roses, talk about our feelings and hopes for the future. Maybe we can just spend an evening chatting over a cup of coffee. No string attached. Taking it easy and all that.
You can’t just wham bam me like that straight into a fight and then peace out without so much as a look back. I’m a dedicated flower. I need to be wooed…
I know I said last week that I really didn’t think Q was dead but I still expected that they would keep us n suspense a tad longer. What was the point of making us think he was a goner if you’re going to undo it in the first 2 minutes of the next episode? I say that but I sympathize. I have to buy presents no more than a few days in advance or hide them from myself or else I end up giving them to the person ahead of their birthday… I would totally fake kill a character and revive them in the next scene.
But just because I’m an impatient doofus doesn’t mean everyone else has to be! This brings me back to my opening paragraph as well. Readers have been commenting on my God of Highschool posts for a few weeks now that the pacing is out of whack in the series and I have to agree. More precisely, I think the show is impatient. It’s not giving us the time to get to know any of the characters. We barely know the main cast. It’s not letting the plot elements simmer. It seems deadset on moving on from one fight and antagonist to the next as fast as possible and I wonder why that is.
Sometimes that can be a sign that the writers think their audience won’t have the attention span for too much development. Like if they happen to be very young for example. But it can also be a sign that the deeper context and development simply doesn’t exist. You know how sometimes a plot or character is just a loose collection of cool ideas with nothing to really held it together.
and there are some really cool elements. I liked that Jin was out of the match before it even started. That took me by surprise and it made me smile. Of course, when I thought about it, I realized he was the only one of the three that had nothing to prove this week and by Sports! anime rules, one of them had to lose a team match. You can’t just have a full sweep victory. That’s no fun!
Also, the new Nox members seemed entertaining. I always loves me an angel-like character and a girl with an elaborate Woldwoood cross-filed with evil teddy bears that shoot energy balls from their mouths! Just writing that sentence was fun! But it went by too frantically and was part of an already crowded sequence so I couldn’t properly enjoy the moment. I still enjoyed it though. C’mon, evil teddybear energy cross weapon. That’s gonna make for some great cosplay.
In theory, I’m more interested in the Nox confrontation than the actual God of Hiighschoool competition at this point. But I also don’t really care that much about it. Like I don’t really care about Nox or even know who they are and I’m not sure if I want them to succeed or not. I’m also not sure what it would change in the grand scheme of things. This is starting to sound like a me problem.
You know what, I guess my personal issue here is that I don’t have anyone I’m rooting for. I can get passed a contrived or not fully thought out narrative. I can accept underdeveloped or even mildly annoying characters. I could easily watch this show as a mindless distraction to enjoy the pretty colours and fight animation and leave it at that if I just had some mild investment in who won those fights.
And it’s not like I don’t care because they are all great so I’ll be happy no matter who wins. It’s that I just don’t feel the stakes. Yeah, I wanted that nice guy to have his dream and go back to high school. But he still can right? It’s not like he’s barred from all high schools now. And I wanted not Mira to… I dunno gain self-confidence was it? She already has though. And it’s cool that Dae won but also what would have happened if he didn’t? He doesn’t need the money now. Mira got a bit of publicity, I bet she could get her dojo going no matter what happens from now on.
I don’t know if I’m getting my point across. I guess I’m just not feeling the stakes and for me, that’s important in a series that revolves so much around winning fights from week t week. It seems we finally got another clear antagonist to root against though. I suppose that’s something. I liked his hair. I don’t see how they’re going to work him in since it seems part of the tournament is 3 vs 3 and another part is still one on one.
II feel bad for Q. Loosing 6 months’ pay has got to hurt!
The God of Highschool ep. 7 – Never Give Up… You know if the God of Highschool is going to keep throwing new characters at me and expect me to care about them, they are going to have to slow down a touch and let us get to know each other a bit.
0 notes
allalrightagain · 7 years
SPN Liveblog Notes
I’ll post a couple of highlights in a more rebloggable format for my own ego in just a sec, but here’s everything
… wow that was a particularly informative previously on…
we even see Sam drinking demon blood?? we’re really reaching back there
alright dude’s an asshole and he’s only been on screen for 2 secs
oh good he is evil
not really thrilled with her dying in the cold open but
Jack can’t tell who’s outside the door?
Sam is trying so hard
awwww he’s gonna watch the video
what the fuck I’m so emotional about that damn video
“what’s it been a decade?” uh yeah like 12 seasons
hmm dean you’re nervous about people you love doing their job and getting killed, wonder why that is
ooohhhhh shit she’s gonna see through everything this is gonna be great
I love that jody’s still impressed by new weird things
uhh Sam seems like a great idea to train Jack but I have a bad feeling about this
ah of course there’s family in-fighting because of the job
yeah that’s kind of what I was expecting, Sam’s not really as good at emotions as he pretends to be
aww but Jack doesn’t get that he can take a break
nooo Missouri!! I’m upset
um Ronsen and Patience are fucking adorable friends
neither of them look high school age but
wow that’s a hell of a nightmare/vision
dude you know that wasn’t a dream and that’s shitty
oh Missouri you knew that was just gonna be another loss to him and yet
You go girl, you turn down boys who can’t pass chem
I’m gonna be so upset if both those girls don’t survive this ep
(obv I know Patience has to cause wayward daughters, but)
Yeah you go Patience!
Jody’s already so ready to adopt her
he’s reading the drama of the gifted child and poorly stalking him??
ugh sam is not at all cut out for this cause he’s approaching it all the wrong ways
he really should have led with that line of thinking
hmm sounds like James and Dean could have a lot to talk about
… there’s something wonky about the timing there…. (missouri 10 years ago vs patience etc)
honestly none of the four of them thought that could happen? really?
Dean didn’t even go through the house to double check it was safe?
(ugh side note there has not been a single ad for Riverdale that has not made me want to watch the show less)
But Missouri never gave Sam and Dean that tool?
Actually scratch that John probably didn’t want that
Didn’t we know a psychic guy in a mental ward from a couple seasons ago??
that map was way too spread out to get that good of an answer that fast
ohhhh it’s a vision
thank fucking god
also that’s impressive name recall
ohhhh noooo he used the f word
holy shit this scene needs like a year of unpacking
oh shit oh shit oh shit
god damn next episode is well set up
and I’m so stoked for wayward sisters/daughters
I love that Starring Misha Collins at the end
0 notes
7O3X 1 | Saiyuki Reload Blast 1 | Konbini Kareshi 1 | Knight’s & Magic 1 | Chronos Ruler 1 | 18if 1 | Boku no Hero Academia 27 | Vatican Kiseki Chousakan 1 | Katsugeki 2 | Hina Logi 2 - 3
Still need votes for this.
7O3X 1
As you can kinda tell from these notes, I love random trivia, so this was a hype show ever since I found out about it. Then again, I never thought a quiz anime would exist in the first place prior to the announcement of this.
Okay, question 1 – why exactly did some Japanese staff member saddle this show with a name that doesn’t match the Japanese title at all? So long as you know O is a correct answer, you’re fine…
I love how they’ve styled the credits to be like a Q and A. That really works in the show’s favour.
Headband girl’s name is Mari Fukami, right? How does she pose her legs like that?!
For some reason, I like Shiki’s name in the Western order more…
Interesting how Kuroda stands out more than Shiki, knowing anime tropes.
I’m not entirely up to snuff on Japan’s nuclear stuff, but the Descartes saying is fairly well known and I got it. The thing about quiz shows is that you have to want to play along, which I’m not getting just yet, but this is just the setup stage so I’ll keep going. Sahara…The Metamorphosis (I love transformation fiction, so to get a question about Metamorphosis so early on basically means you’ve won me over, LOL)…I think the deeper this goes, the more cliché it may seem, but I like it. Especially because I remember  helping out at the library a lot (plus free pizza as a result…haha).
The books Shiki passes by include “The World of Literature You Don’t Know” and a parody of that Arukeyo Otome thing by Masaaki Yuasa that was released recently (which is based on a novel). Specifically, the name of the 7O3X version of the book is “The Morning is Short, Walk On Girl” (to use the sentence pattern of the original).
Ah, now Shiki’s a kiddo that gets me! I’ve never been too sociable to people and before I got too deep with the internet, it was just me and books, and as a result I specialised in everything English (bar writing, which I was average at). However, by the time I was 13, I lost my skills in English to essays. My love of anime made its resurgence around then so I suspect if I were still a book nerd, I wouldn’t be where I am today…
Okay, I think someone on the ‘net warned me about the panty shot. It’s a good thing Shiki is clearly uncomfortable with it…yeah. Moving on.
That club with the skirts really is disturbing, but I couldn’t help laughing like the brunette in front of Shiki.
Gakuto really made a great first impression. It wowed me. Unfortunately, the quiz show he referenced doesn’t exist, according to Google-sensei…”High School Quiz Show” apparently does, though.
I think there are specialised makers of those buzzers, Shiki. Or you could order them online or something, your call.
Please stop with the panty shot references…but sticking “April” in English really doesn’t make this question work out for me. So, to answer in Japanese, it would be shigatsu.
There are 50 stars on the American flag, right?…Yep. It wasn’t a trick question – buzzing in too fast can be a liability, so make sure you listen to the entire question before you answer!
I’d actually guess Gakuto is going to ask for “the nation with the most people”…Darnit! Oh well, I knew that one before the other guy buzzed in. Interesting how there’s Vatican Miracle Examiner this season though.
I suck at anticipating questions, but I’m good at answering like Shiki. “Et tu, Brute?” is said by Julius Caesar.
The guy to Mari’s left just seems to be fooling around. I’d know that sort of guy anywhere…*frowning face*
I don’t know about this “I fell in love” one…By the way, the text is here. That reveals the author is Dazai and Das Gemeine actually starts with “Back then, each day was the end of my life.” “I fell in love” comes after that.
Kaijou High School? Is this foreshadowing for a later opponent? Like, say, Mikuriya Chisato?
Stop it with the panty shot reference! Argh!
Wait, there’s a silhouette there in one of the circles. The long hair and colour of the circle indicates it’s most likely a girl, but probably one the staff want to keep secret…Interesting.
I’m kind of ambivalent, as this was one of 4 major hype shows for me. The number of panty shot references means they may refer to the event again in subsequent episodes, and fanservice has killed shows for me in the past. However, I’m slowly getting the hang of this quiz bowl stuff, even if I can’t always get in before the answer, and I know the emphasis is on quizzes, so I’ll give it another ep.
Saiyuki Reload Blast 1
Apparently, you don’t need to know much to get into Saiyuki so *shrugs* I’m gonna try it.
I think a more literal version of this ep title is “Sudden Storm”. “Squall” implies power as much as immediacy…
This reeks of DN Angel (late 90s/early 2000s) style, and I like it! Plus I’ve heard of the dragon/Jeep from other people who’ve talked about the series (notably there was an article on CR that convinced me to watch this and it mentioned the dragon), so…that was actually no biggie. Camera blood spatter is a bit questionable, though…
I have weird tastes in humour, as you might know from Kado. Therefore, when the woman appeared at the window, I laughed myself silly…
Shangri-la is China, so it’s natural that west China is different to east China. Kind of like how western America and eastern America are different…
I dunno why Gojyo is a water sprite, but that “diarrhoea sprite” thing is funny.
Gahh! That blonde (Sanzo) is too hot for me! No wonder people put characters on dakimakura, this guy looks right at home on one.
Well, I dunno what I just got myself into, but that was some good stuff! Next ep, please! (Plus, Granrodeo and Luck Life, the same duo of artists on Bungou Stray Dogs. That’s gotta be a good sign, right?)
Oh great, I left the ep running and it turns out there’s an after credits segment. Tsukigakirei’s after credits extras didn’t quite work for me, but since I laughed so much at the main show, this shouldn’t hurt, right?
G-Guh! The dragon can write calligraphy?! With its feet?! At least the joke works in Japanese and English…
That baldness joke works for me, considering I know Sanzo’s a priest…welp, if you get a lil’ background knowledge, it seems like you can conquer almost anything Saiyuki, and who knows what places it’ll take me in the future, eh?
Konbini Kareshi 1
I’m here for the VA talent, if nothing else. Nishiyama’s (Atsushi of Boueibu) getting a lot of side roles lately, which is great!
That running sequence took a good minute and a half, which is the same length as the OP. I almost noped out of there because that kind of thing is only compelling for about 10 seconds for me.
There’s something that’s a hybrid of Sagrada Reset, Denpa Kyoushi and Tsukigakirei here…which means it’ll probably get a low to medium rating, if anything. I can normally peg what sort of rating a show will get by its first episode,because shows tend to be consistent about what they do.
Interesting to note they don’t use shigatsu here.
The picture book is “The Mermaid Prince” (<- update: “The Merfolk Prince” is a better translation, so my bad). It was pretty obvious by the swimming sequence in the OP that at least one of these guys is a swimmer, or at least a PE nut (as some of the other things on his table suggest).<br>
I’ve never seen a younger brother be a morning person and the one to wake up a sibling. It’s always an imouto or a mother…
Wasn’t this straight romance, and not Hitorijime My Hero romance? Towa really has that bromance thing going on for him, the way Suna and Takeo (Ore Monogatari) do.
CS I think is a reference to BS Japan, one of the TV stations that shows Boueibu. Update: It’s actually highly likely to be CS-TBS, which shows the show. By the by, Nishiyama is Miki.
The red keion announcement vaguely pisses me off simply because I know that’s the light music club. I’ve seen small snippets of K-On, and while it wasn’t enough to warrant marking episodes off, catchy songs aren’t enough to keep me coming back.
This first meeting seems a little hamfisted for some reason I can’t put my finger on. However, it’s great Miki’s getting a lot of lines right here, although it’s still a side role…
The background scenery is beautiful in this show…
Here we go again…(basically, I have a very low opinion of this show, just as I suspected I would have).
I’ve got the volume on to evaluate Nishiyama, but the high-pitched teasing voice Towa just used is not natural at all. It would’ve worked better in his normal voice.
I get why the girls are fangirling over books, but I didn’t get who Michael Ende was until “The Neverending Story” came up, haha.
Glasses girl (Mami, right?) is reading something called “Glasses Man”, haha.
There’s a lot of voiceover here, as if the anime staff don’t quite care about their show enough to animate lip flaps.
As soon as she stepped on his foot and he didn’t give chase, that’s when I realised I didn’t quite care about these people. The pacing in this show, during critical moments, is just too awkward, that’s why…
Well, that was subpar. It has an opportunity to get better next ep, but I don’t care to stick around enough. However, there’s an interesting thing in the ED – there’s credits for scripting “Merfolk Prince”, meaning that may show up in a later ep. This ED sounds Coldplay-turned-Japanese, which is cool.
Knight’s & Magic 1
If you didn’t notice already, I’ve become so complacent with the premieres, this is my biggest season so far. If I finish watching every first ep I intend to watch as of the count I did for this commentary, I’d have 17 documented (7 more than on my hype list) because I have time, plus I’m relying on ANN to find me the good stuff this time.
What’s with that apostrophe in the title? As someone who likes their grammar to be correct, I just don’t like it.
I get the appeal of programming as an IT nerd, but it’s an acquired taste, plus it doesn’t have much payoff when you get frustrated at problems within your own code because it’s all a bunch of words and punctuation anyway.
Oh, it’s that effect where you-letterboxing! That’s what I was thinking of! (Reminds me of Erased.) Also, the ambient light is nice here, but the angled letterboxing is just plain weird.
CGI…bugs? That’s a pretty bad choice for monsters, IMHO.
ANN people have commented Erni’s past went too fast and I agree. Also, it’s just cliché after cliché with this show, ain’t it? Including the need to kabedon a girl.
Why does red eyed girl look like Atsushi of Bungou Stray Dogs? Plus, the wear on the mechas is nice.
Not every man – or every woman or other kind of person – dreams of robots, y’know?
“Trandorkis.” That’s the worst name I’ve ever heard in a while, and not just because it has “dork” in it, mind you.
Well, the look is shiny, bright and appealing and I can see this having a niche appeal to those who like giant robots. However, the backstory was too fast and Erni is way too OP for this world, so I’m dropping it.
Chronos Ruler 1
I’m familiar with only the first one or two chapters of the source material, so I was surprised this got adapted to anime…considering it’s a Taiwanese creator on a Jump manga though, it was kinda inevitable these days with all the Chinese coproductions.
That was a pretty interesting intro, even if it seemed like I’d watched the PV instead.
The battle there was good but a lil’ rotoscopy…hmph.
The colour scheme’s a lil’ dark…it’s a bit worrying, because Chronos Ruler normally has some pretty bright colours. I don’t want this to come off as a completely edgelord work like Big Order. I don’t seem to recall this dog though…
I’m pretty sure I don’t remember the forced humour spot, either, though it’s not as bad as, say, Bungou, where the director is known for his distinctive style of humour. Then again, my memory on this stuff is kinda vague.
This thing is starting to show cracks in its façade. Some of the movements are stiff and the CGI, while integreated well, doesn’t quite work with the 2D (although that’s shown up since the battle with the Horologue). “Cabalet” really adds to the cracks.
Every time Kiri speaks, I think of Kunikida (Bungou), so Victo is Dazai.
Adding the music to the show really adds another crack. There is absolutely no singing going on in this one singing scene.
Cue bad time puns. Puns are one of my specialties, y’know, so I don’t mind ‘em. Why else would I run LOL Yeah Shinichi, eh?
Victo, you remind me so much of +Anima’s Senri…and that’s just beautiful. Not many shows remind me of that. To anyone reading this, if you can get your hands on the old Tokyopop releases, +Anima is a gorgeous series, so go read it!
If Victo’s cards can fire at Mach 10, then he can’t beat Koro-sensei, LOL. (Ouch.)
Kids, don’t wear your hats inside. That’s an etiquette thing you should never forget, okay?
That was…strangely a much better premiere than I expected a Chinese part-production to be like! It’s better than the bunch of premieres I’ve tackled already and since good premieres are scarce, I’m taking it!
Update: Here’s another sign that doesn’t bode well for this show – it’s got the same director as Chaos Dragon (Masato Matsune), which I dropped after 2 eps. Chaos Dragon is known to be the epitome of road apples around the internet…
18if 1
18if was initially the only thing guaranteed to be out of Amazon’s greedy hands, so it’s great to see something so visually exciting ifnally be here for me. I know it’s based on a mobile game, which tend to be bad, but…c’mon, I’m struggling to find a good lineup here with what’s basically the death of Kaito x Ansa (it debuted on the 12th, but still hasn’t come CR’s way). Katsugeki’s good though, so at least that’s a lock for the commentary…
Quick –is this thing meant to be fully English? Or is this just Funimation being annoying?
Oh no, what a horrible first impression! Someone who speaks from their *erhem* and a chicken, aka cock…*muffles laughter* How dirty of me to even suggest it, but…well, it’s what we’re working with here.
The more I watch, the more confused I get.
Couldn’t Haruto have run towards the door? Or is this one of those non-lucid dreams?
This 16 frame simultaneous animation doesn’t quite work for me, but it’s an interesting hallmark of this anime.
Katsumi’s a Looney Toons Cat, sort of kind of…
The production values are mostly quite good, but unfortunately Haruto looks eyesearingly bad and I still can’t quite grasp the narrative thread of this show…
I just realised I completely didn’t care about Haruto getting his arm chopped off, not only because this is a dream world where anything can happen, but because heck, that arm drop wasn’t dramatic in the least.
“Anything can happen in this world”, eh? Including headphones being sliced off with a head, it seems.
Wait, so Yuko’s from his school? Haruto, please don’t encourage Yuko to skip school, as cool as that is.
Okay, I can see this becoming a harem crossed with The Royal Tutor…which would pretty much make this the Monogatari series. Unfortunately, because I still can’t quite detect what’s happened narrative-wise and the production values aren’t as great as they seem at first glance, I’m dropping this.
Boku no Hero Academia 27
Finally, we get out of that pool of mediocrity to get to the good stuff. Let’s go!
This new amazarashi OP is…great! Absolutely great match for this show…but as a musical choice for me, it’s kinda dull.
This old man is great humour-wise, but man, he’s basically Speed of Sound Sonic as an old geezer, LOL. The vibes between “little bro” and “big bro” are just too much.
Gran Torino really is a great old guy, basically Yoda, LOL (I had to make the comparison because even though I’ve never seen Star Wars, Horikoshi’s a fan). He can see weakness just from watching Deku on TV, which is what every great mentor should be able to do, right?
What makes movement flexible? Belief in one’s own strength and no fear for repercussions (not quite in the way Deku’s doing right now, but rather going all out all the time without having a subconscious fear drag you down). Also of course exercise and youth works in your favour.
Deku likes katsudon, LOL. No wonder he’s basically Yuri Katsuki’s little bro as well as Saitama’s, hahaha.
Best Jeanist is basically Aoyama gone pro (I’ll say ouch for Bakugou in advance).
Oh! Uwabami! I know she came from Oumagadoki Zoo, so it’s nice to see her animated!
Gahaha, Gran Torino is such a Mr Miyagi (even though I’ve never seen the original Karate Kid).
“Omazan”, LOL! This ep just keeps getting better and better!
Gahaha, I just made a comparison of Yuri Katsuki to Deku, and suddenly here come the food metaphors. This show became superhero!YOI with better comedy, and that’s just even more fantabulous than before.
This fairy tale AU, I dig it. Unfortunately, Mercy (@mercysorrows) spoilt prince!Shouto for me, but yes, this AU is just as great as the ep itself. Kaminari looks great in this, although I’m disappointed I couldn’t see Tokoyami. What a great twist at the end though, for it to be 1-A’s festival album…is that foreshadowing for a later arc, perhaps? (The All Might fire is both a fitting and a sad analogy, because All Might’s force is literally Deku’s sword and shield and All Might’s presence is what makes Deku a hero, yet it suggests Toshinori’s time as a buff man is limited…*feels all sad inside*)
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan 1
This one actually seems like it has some promise, and because I was a Detective Conan fan a few years back I’m a sucker for any new seasonal mystery series. By the way, let’s just call this “The Vatican Anime” and leave it at that, okay?
“This story is a work of fiction…” – The Vatican’s real, though, right? By the way, “succor” is, according to Google-sensei, “assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.”
The shaky camera doesn’t quite do it for me…There was similar stuff for Chronos Ruler, only that time they overdid their spinning.
I thought the door was an elevator, that’s how deceiving that doorbell was. Sheesh though, Hiraga looks like the dude from 91 Days when he’s tired (which is not a compliment!).
The Game of Angels and Demons seems to be reversi or something, Google doesn’t give me anything good on it.
*points at undressed Hiraga* Unnecessary, but wowee. Me likey.
“I’m the one who came up with the game.” – Oh, that explains why I had no proper hits on it…*sighs*
Biometrics? I thought we were in the 91 Days era, or at least another period in the past. Turns out we’re in the present (or somewhere very close to it).
Comparison to Youkai Apato here – both shows take care to state the obvious, but well…they’ve all got a good dose of (at least somewhat good looking) bishies, so I can live with that.
Okay, wait…they show Mexico on the map, but Google just keeps getting me hits for New Mexico (slightly off from the shown section of America) when I look for “aliens America 1945”, and Roswell was 1947 so uh…this really is a work of fiction, after all.
The most widespread religion where I am is Christianity, so it was optional for me to take RE back in the day. I’m not too familiar with Catholics (although there should be some if I bother to look for them), but…this smacks so much of my old RE classes yet doesn’t give me the same nostalgia as the recent Saiyuki did. Maybe it’s the cracks of subparness and the stating the obvious that are doing this.
This Jacob guy looks brainwashed. More than the other procession of priests we’ve just been introduced to, at least.
Bad CGI…then again, I keep these gripes because even Chronos Ruler does better than this and because Kado is its precedent.
“…follow the way like a little child would.”
So the show finally shows some promise! Why did it only start pulling out its big guns now? Probably lazy writing…
I know the AB negative blood is rare, but couldn’t there be someone else with that blood type around the Church? It’s not impossible, y’know?
Can someone verify the correctness of the Italian in this email?
I think we met Johannes already, so…it seems like this show has a propensity to introduce the viewer to a person twice over. That works when things are like Detective Conan (one story spread over 3 eps) but doesn’t work for 1 ep.
I get a sense of feeling of blasphemy from you guys (Hiraga and Nicolas) too, although I’ve pointed out my reasoning.
It’s a good thing it seems like the staff went out to the Vatican to get something that looks realistic, eh?
Wait, is Lauren a man?! Oh my…Also, from my version of the video (from Hidive/Sentai) I get the feeling the next ep preview got blended into the ED. Or was that just time constraints?
Wait, there’s a Horror Bunko? If I knew a Horror Bunko existed, why haven’t they started adapting stuff from it until now? I think people have been complaining about the lack of good horror works in anime…(Oh, I could probably answer my own question there – horror isn’t that popular in Japan itself. It’s popular in the West though…)
All in all, it’s not quite as Scooby-Doo as some people have pegged it to be, but not inspiring enough to continue.
Katsugeki 2
I’m pretty scarce on choice, so I’m doing what was previously never ever done before – I’m picking up one of my worst rankers (Hina Logi) to have a second look at. Mind you, we’ve had an overall stinker of a season so far.
(insert “Come at me, bro!” joke for Tonbokiri)
Huh, interesting – I’ve used female pronouns for the saniwa due to the female VA, but now that I properly listen to them, they do seem more like a dude. Does that mean that Touken Ranbu is specifically trying to go for a larger audience than just fangirls? Of course, for the fangirls, there’s Hanamaru, but Katsugeki’s way better.
Okay, Mutsu. 6 bullets is overkill, calm your gun-totin’ farm. Mutsu’s much like the typical anime protag and while he’s an alright sword, I never have been able to understand the appeal behind him. Maybe he’s for the people who like muscular bishies…? Tonbokiri and Yamabushi probably do that better than him…
LOL, these two. However, just comparing their stats, Kane-san edges over Mutsu a bit for everything aside from range…and that’s only because most swords have a short range.
When you talk about Tonbokiri, you often hear the legend, so it’s no surprise to hear it here. I’m just not good with sorting these swords chronologically though, so…Tonbikiri comes from the age of Nobunaga no Shinobi, huh? Interesting.
The reason Mutsu carries a gun is because Ryoma Sakamoto was around during the dying days of the age of swords.
It’s kinda hard to hear what Mutsu’s saying from the way he talks, but the hot pot is specifically a nabe.
Noting that Tonbokiri’s ben out about 50 times, this saniwa really is a rookie and this era is probably the second or third map. Yagen isn’t too rare though, so he’s probably the biggest veteran here in regards to this saniwa. However, Mutsu’s number means that this saniwa’s starter wasn’t him…who was it, then?
Mutsu’s statement about daifuku is a pun on the fact “daifuku” means “great luck” as well as being a name for this mochi-like item.
Mutsu, weren’t you going to eat…?
What even is a Historical Restraining Force? Is that the group the saniwa is part of?…My bad, they just explained it.
One of the things that make Touken Ranbu so great is the propensity of it to go from battle action to serious drama or poignant melancholy at the drop of a hat.
This ED…was an odd choice, but has a nice singer. I realised the shots of people I don’t recognise show the swords when they were…y’know, swords. I still love the style of the next ep preview though (it’s even got the same BGM as the game!) and as expected, the citadel at the end of the ED is gorgeous.
Hina Logi 2
Good anime are scarce this season and magical girl shows that can be put through the commentary are scarcer, so…here we are.
“Rice Balls Over Flowers” is hana yori dango. Plus, hina means chick and since chicks are cute, I guess that’s where the aesthetic of the show comes from.
Someone likes the Osomatsu-san ED aesthetic, it seems.
How can you walk and not notice those breasts??? That’s exactly why I didn’t want to pick up this show again.
A qipao is a type of Chinese dress, the sort that normally has a slit up the leg and a skirt that doesn’t quite go to the knees.
Interesting, they’ve incorporated the panda hair accessories into the Trance.
For some reason, the production values here are quite nice, meaning either luck and Logic sells well in Japan or Bushiroad put a lot of their funding behind this…it’s probably a case of both.
She wants to stay with Nina, but unless she was either bored or maltreated at her home castle (which I don’t think was the case) I don’t really get Lion’s motivations…
Well, it actually was a rice ball (onigiri)! Geez, these puns…
Nina needing a logical answer is of course appropriate for a show based off Luck and Logic, LOL.
I seem to remember this Veronica lady from the original, which is funny, because I don’t remember Nina and Luck and Logic was very forgettable…
*tries to sneak away* Gratuitous boob shot? On a high schooler? Yeah, nah.
“small little town” – Small and little are the same thing though…
Trying to entice the lolicons with this ED is not good, y’know.
There really seems to be something hinted about Kagura-sensei, y’know?
I’ve termed this season “the race to the bottom”, but it was interesting to actually pull out a low ranker and give it a second chance. While I’m still not into Hina Logi as a whole and I gave it a 30 first time around, it’s probably better than that stinker Konbini Kareshi.
Hina Logi 3
*shakes head* Only in anime would someone ride a rocket like this. Only in anime.
I can’t see what Lion’s pointing to…
I am screaming profanities at my screen and shaking my head. Only in anime would a plotline like this happen. Only in anime!
I kinda understand Lion’s plight, since my dad used to go to my school to help out every now and again or have parent teacher interviews. Of course, that was when I was much younger, so…yeah. I think the staff are trying to get more younger girls involved in this by bringing in a “sexy dad”, but my tastes don’t skew that way.
Oh, now I understand Lion, but I still don’t get Mahiro, Yayoi, Karin or Karen.
Doesn’t spasibo mean “thank you” in Russian?…Yep. So Liones (country) is based on Russia, then.
Oh gosh, it’s one of those “There are two trains” questions…they bore me to death so much (and I can never solve them!) that as much as I like solving anime board questions, I’ll pass on this one.
The subber at CR decided to put their sub out of the way at the expense of being able to read the question. However, not being able to read the sub of the dialogue is a major problem! So I have absolutely no idea what the teacher was saying during the time she had that math problem up! (Also, that Foreigner question would depend on if you defeated the monster on impact or took extra time to properly defeat it.)
When there’s that screen with the four visuals on it, there’s a girl with a horned hoodie. I recognise her from the original series, but I don’t remember her name.
Here’s something on ezhiki, although there also appears to be a cookie variant.
Little kids always want their own independence, to the point where running away is one of those things most kids do, but then they come back. I don’t think I ever ran away from home, though. I was always too busy with studies and piano to run away…
I know these eyecatch-style screens are meant to be funny, but still…I never laugh at them…isn’t that sad for a show that wants to be a funny slice of life/fantasy…thing?
Last time I saw a bear in anime, it was Armed Girls Machiavellism…
Why would you ever need a bear repelling machine???
Who’s Belle?…Oh yeah, Belle is the squirrel.
Dasvidanya = goodbye. I’ve learnt more Russian because of anime than I ever would have without it (I read the entirety of Crime and Punishment thanks to that gorgeous Fyodor in Bungou Stray Dogs, y’know).
0 notes
In the weeks and days leading up to the first annual Country Wild Music Festival mother nature was threatening to deliver a cool wet Saturday for the event’s grand debut, at the very last minute she had a change of heart and delivered warm temperatures and plenty of sun, Cold Creek County and friends took care of the rest.
Brandon James
Brandon James – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
The first annual event kicked off with Whitby based singer songwriter Brandon James. I’ve always believed the two most difficult slots at any music festival are the first and the last. The first artist to take to the stage has to start the party, they need to grab the audience’s attention and start the energy building process. Brandon wasted no time doing just that. Watch for Brandon’s debut EP coming very soon and if you hear of his name on a festival or venue lineup near you this summer go and show your support. Check Brandon out online at www.brandonjamesofficial.com
Marc Ekins
Marc Ekins – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Following Brandon was Lindsay native Marc Ekins, Marc easily kept the party going with his Rock infused Country Music. Marc is no stranger to the stage he has opened for great Canadian artists such as Great Big Sea, The Road Hammers, Aaron Pritchett, Chris Cummings, Julian Austin, Amy Skye just to name a few. His high energy and eclectic mix of music, (rock, country, blues, folk, celtic and swing) makes for a show that covers a large demographic of music fans. He had no problems keeping the crowd dancing on Saturday in Cobourg. Check Marc out online https://www.facebook.com/Marc.Ekins.Fanpage/
The perfect weather was a blessing for many of these earlier artists, far too often people don’t come out to festivals for artists whose names they don’t recognize. But beautiful sunshine and 20 degree weather mixed with cold beer and great music many ventured down to Victoria Park early.
Sweetgrass Band
SweetGrass Band – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
The day rolled on with Alderville, Ontario’s Sweetgrass Band. What’s a country music festival without a more traditional country band? Sweetgrass Band easily delivered tradition but in a more modern way. They are definitely bluegrass but with a more modern twist that appeals to the younger generation of country fans that prefer the newer country sound. https://www.sweetgrasser.com/
Colin Amey
Colin Amey – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
The next artist to take to the stage probably has more experience as a recording artist than anyone on Saturday’s lineup. Having released his first single,  pop power ballad “Gonna Last Forever”,  in 1988 Colin Amey had been bitten by the musical bug. Two singles off of Colin’s second album, title track ‘What My Heart Don’t Know’ and ‘If I Didn’t Call It Love’, received enough radio recognition that it garnered two Canadian Country Music Association award nominations (Independent Male Artist and Rising Star).  It may have been Saturday in Cobourg but Colin took the crowd for a “Sunday Drive” that they won’t soon forget. Something tells me that we haven’t heard the last of Colin Amey. www.colinameymusic.com
Kansas Stone
Kansas Stone – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
The party was just getting started at Victoria Park in Cobourg but Brian Vain and Matt Davey, aka Kansas Stone, were set to turn the dial up a few notches when they took to the stage. Although I was familiar with Kansas Stone leading into this event through our past coverage of the duo it was my first time being able to catch them live. The first thing that struck me was their smooth harmonies, very reminiscent of another country group Florida Georgia Line but almost better. Kansas Stone draws their music from many different influences and I think that’s one of the unique things about this duo. Their music includes themes from rock, pop, blues as well as modern and classic country all fused into one sound. From drinking songs like “Whiskey and Wine” and “Drink On” to their tribute to the late great Randy Allman with an incredible rendition of “Soul Shine”. I can’t wait to catch Kansas Stone again, I’m hooked and you will be too! www.kansasstone.ca
Sacha – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
There’s a lot of buzz surrounding the next artist that hit the stage, Sacha. There’s just something about this talented young artist that makes you stop and listen. She has an incredible amount of energy and explodes the minute she hits the stage. I don’t know if you can put her style of country into a category, or even if you should. Johnny Cash had a huge hit with his single “Folsom Prison Blues” and it’s a song that gets covered a lot by many different artists but when Sacha performed it the energy level peaked at a whole new level. You just couldn’t help but tap you feet. Her performance of Little Big Town’s “Happy People” can easily be used to sum her up as an artist…she’s happy. She clearly loves what she’s doing and loves engaging with her fans which was also clear when she did her meet and greet after her set. Without a doubt Sacha is another artist that I must see again!  www.iamsacha.com
Sawmill Road
Sawmill Road – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
I said at the beginning of this review that the two hardest slots are the first and last….in this one unique case I was wrong. The absolutely hardest slot to fill is the one after Sacha. It’s tough to follow an act with that much energy and vibe. Sawmill Road was the act that had to face that challenge.  Remember way back in 1995 John Michael Montgomery had a single called “Sold (Grundy County Auction)“? The song had a chorus that you pretty much had to sing like an auctioneer that would get you tongue tied so fast you’d miss an entire verse by the time you got you mouth to cooperate again and that’s only if you didn’t pass out from holding your breath for too long first. Well Sawmill Road not only attempted this song, they nailed this song. I have seen many attempts over the years and only a few times has I seen an attempt not end in disaster. This was one of them. These guys know how to bring the party and successfully managed to keep up the energy level that Sacha set before them. Like them on Facebook and if you’re invited to an event and they’re on the bill definitely go and check them out!
Runaway Angel
Runaway Angel – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Three of the most wonderful, humble and talented women I have ever had the pleasure of supporting over the last few years, Runaway Angel, took to the stage next. Cadence Grace, Ann Chaplin and Stacey Zegers have each had major successes in their own right as solo female artists, but never imagined that together their collective talents would catapult them to an entirely new level as Runaway Angel. These girls shine when they hit the stage and delivered songs that had the audience singing along all afternoon from their own single “My Someday” to Lauren Alaina’s hit “Road Less Travelled” leading up to a new single “Worst Song in the World” the worst part of the show was when it had to end, but then we got to go and visit with the trio for a few minutes which is never a bad thing. The trio are getting set to embark on their first ever, definitely not their last, European tour and we’re cooking up something special with them so be sure to stay tuned…and if you’re reading this from Europe definitely go and check them out!!! You won’t be sorry! For a full list of dates click here or visit them online and sign up for their mailing list at www.runawayangelmusic.com.
Gentleman Husbands
Gentlemen Husbands – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
As the sun set the lights came on and local boys Gentleman Husbands took to the stage. Although I had heard the name Gentleman Husbands in the past I have not had a chance to see them perform and honestly didn’t know much about their music. Signed to Universal Music in 2013 the group of friends from the Cobourg area crafted a sound and songs about life and love in small towns. The songs lend a strong sense of place and give a universal narrative that hits home, while both nodding at tradition and taking the listener to uncharted territory. The group brought a powerful sound to the stage that felt more suited to a rock show than a country show but in the end I like music festivals that keep the borders between genres on the softer side. No doubt the Gentleman Husbands have a strong local following because the crowd grew to it’s largest size as they were about to start their set. To find out more about the Gentleman Husbands visit  www.facebook.com/gentlemenhusbands
Cold Creek County
Jordan & Ches of Cold Creek County – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
The headliner of the night needs little introduction to our audience or the crowd, as they got their start in neighbouring Brighton, Ontario, although their new lead singer is still relatively unfamiliar. Hailing from just outside Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Ches Anthony has worked as a session musician, producer, songwriter and singer for the last number of years before joining Cold Creek County as their new front man this spring. I had the pleasure of meeting Ches in Ottawa during JUNO Week and chatted again with him on Saturday, he fits in perfectly with the rest of the guys of Cold Creek County and spent plenty of time out in the crowd getting to know his new fanbase.
Jordan & Justin of Cold Creek County – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Something tells me that with Ches Anthony on board Cold Creek County is going to continue building on their success from the last few years. Interestingly enough, aside from a short performance at last year’s CMAO Awards in Markham, Saturday was my first time seeing Cold Creek County live in concert.  The highlight of their performance, for me, was when they performed a cover of “Take it To The Limit” by the Eagles, it showed the group’s versatility and the crowd loved it! Cold Creek County has been nominated for a JUNO Award, won CMAO Group of The Year, Rising Star of the Year and Fans Choice Awards in 2016 and have 4 nominations for next weekend’s CMAO Awards in London. If you’ve never seen Cold Creek County live go and see them, you’ll have plenty of opportunities this summer so don’t miss out! For full tour dates visit  www.coldcreekcounty.com
That’s a wrap from Cobourg and the Country Wild Festival. Congrats to the organizers for a fantastic first event, we look forward to being part of the sophomore event in 2018. Make sure you bookmark www.countrywild.ca so you don’t miss out on any of the news, naturally we’ll have full coverage right here leading up to the event as well.
More photos
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Kansas Stone – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Jordan & Ches of Cold Creek County – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Sacha – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Runaway Angel – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Runaway Angel – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Colin Amey – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Kansas Stone – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Gentlemen Husbands – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Jordan of Cold Creek County – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Kansas Stone – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Jordan & Justin of Cold Creek County – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Sacha – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Brandon James – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Gentlemen Husbands – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Sacha – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Marc Ekins – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Brandon James – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Sawmill Road – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Sawmill Road – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Runaway Angel – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Ches Anthony of Cold Creek County – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Doug of Cold Creek County – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
SweetGrass Band – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Gentlemen Husbands – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Kansas Stone – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Marc Ekins – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
SweetGrass Band – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Gentlemen Husbands – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Colin Amey – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
Runaway Angel – Country Wild – Photo by: Kayla Winkworth
  Sun and Crowds descend on Cobourg for Country Wild Music Festival In the weeks and days leading up to the first annual Country Wild Music Festival mother nature was threatening to deliver a cool wet Saturday for the event's grand debut, at the very last minute she had a change of heart and delivered warm temperatures and plenty of sun, Cold Creek County and friends took care of the rest.
0 notes
drink-n-watch · 4 years
You know how very episode of Tower of God starts off with a repeat of the last few seconds of the previous episode so that the audience can get situated again? Well when my screen showed Anak struggling to free her whip from the ranker’s grip, I suddenly got excited! Like way more excited than I thought I would be.
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten into a show that leans into pure action like this. I’m not saying there’s nothing else but Tower of God is a fast paced plot driven high action narrative and I just realized that I was missing that! And surprisingly, I think the weekly watching may work in it’s favour. It heightens expectation and makes the excitement last even longer.
Unfortunately, as it it so action driven, particularly this week, it means I didn’t take many notes at all. On the other hand,  had a tough time narrowing my screencaps down to an unreasonable number so there’s plenty of those! Yay!
I guess I can always recap the episode. Khum and Bam have been split into opposing groups and they are playing a game of capture the leader with a ranker. Meanwhile Rak, having passed his exam, is just enjoying the show with a light snack. We were all Rak this week….
Khun’s team, of which he has self appointed himself leader and come up with an attack strategy, is up first. And they are struggling. Except not really because it all went to plan. From what I could tell, most people didn’t seem to know what the lan actually was beyond their specific role. I mean pretty almost no one knew the full plan but most people didn’t even seem to know half of it. And I’m thinking that’s on purpose. Giving people too much information can confuse them. Maybe even make it harder for them to perform their specific part since they are thinking about the big picture. Sort of a reverse missing the forest for the trees… Admiring the forest and smaking head first into a tree? I get why Khun would stick to need to know info. But it’s tricky…
Kuhn’s plan was brilliant. Well thought out and he had taken every variable into consideration. That magic replication bag Kuhn carries around gives hm quite and advantage but it’s more than that. He’s a capable fighter and an indomitable spirit and most of all, Khun is the smartest guy in the room. You know what the problem is with being the smartest guy in the room. Eventually you aren’t. And then what will Khun be?
One nice little touch was seeing how both Bam and Rak were cheering their former teammate from their respective sidelines. Bam even though he was on the opposing team. But of course, that’s Bam for you. You wouldn’t expect anything else of him. Uncomplicated “goodness” personified. I wonder if they will ever add any nuance to his character. I don’t mind the blunt personification. I think Tower of God is the type of story that can really work with trite characters. (The used trite in the episode…) With the universe, action and motivations all being so complicated, not to mention the Khun of it all, simple characters are a welcomed foil.
What was more surprising, at least to me, was Rak’s steadfast and unquestioning faith in Khun’s abilities. Sure Rak and Khun bicker but it’s obvious they both understand and respect the other’s strength. However, Rak never even considered the option that Khun could get outplayed. It was a simple fact for him that Khun is the smartest guy in the room. Either Rak is more observant and aware than I had given him credit for. The are playing him as a dumb oaf and I suspect that’s probably not quite right. Or he really believes in Khun. Go figure.
Eventually for Khun’s plan to have come together as it did, it means he figured out the secret to the team assignments. How? I’m not sure. However, if it is truy based on the scout’s friends form then that makes the scout position way more important than it seems. I guess it’s a nice way to show how bond, be they of actual friendship or just convenience, are crucial to making it to the top of the tower. In which case, my poor little Ho just raised yet another flag at the end of this episode. He obviously failed to learn that lesson and it will likely cost him dearly.
I don’t know why I decided to turn Ho into a sacrificial lamb. I mean I do know, he’s kind of a stereotype. And although Tower of God has a lot of odd and interesting elements, it does stick pretty to tropes in a fairly straightforward way, at least so far.
Not every story needs to be a subversion, some have to be classics after all.
I just wrote all this and next week Tower of God will have Ho find a wealth of determination and strength within his heart that saves the day and ves him a free pass to the top or something and I’m gonna have to just swallow every single one of my words and pretend not be embarrassed at all.
In the closing act of the episode, it was Bam’s team’s turn.. Or should I sa Endrosi’s team since she nominated herself both leader and “it”. Endrosi and Khun seem to get along and moreover they think a lot alike. Still, for everything to succeed, it means that team B has to play their part as well. Especially as it seems Quant will prove difficult to control.
Endrosi is already scheming something. That much is clear. Bam probably doesn’t know anything about it. I mean even if she told him he probably doesn’t know. Just the type of guy Bam is. I figure he’s going to do some quick bitter growing up when either Khun betrays him (temporarily and cause he had no choice, they’ll make up eventually) or Rachel betrays him (more permanently cause the audience isn’t attached to her as much). I’m just going hog wild with the assumptions. But cmon, the betrayal of the trusting and magnanimous protagonist by someone they hold dear is a right of passage for a character that naive. I’m going to have to eat so many words…
At the end of episode 8 this is where I stand. Khun is too smart for his own good and I don’t think he’s had enough of a humility lesson yet. Maybe that sister of hs will make an appearance. I’m really worried for Ho and Bam will probably be ok for another season. Cause there will be another season right? There’s only 4 episodes to go and we’ve barely scratched the surface here!
Tower of God Ep.8 – Blue Turtle Soup You know how very episode of Tower of God starts off with a repeat of the last few seconds of the previous episode so that the audience can get situated again?
0 notes