#I would like to draw sth back sometime!
darlingcloudie-9 · 5 months
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based on a comment left on this post!
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
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idk wanted to draw werehog and tails together. also Hi its been like 50 years since ive last posted art hasnt it
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ghostyclay · 4 months
(Whenever i export animations, procreate sometimes messes up the colors a bit? It looks fine on my ipad, but the animation is desaturated on my phone, so here's what it should look like:)
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Anyways, i thought it would be funny to draw Joel summoning Effo, inspired by Grian & Scar summoning mumbo during season 8. It turned out even sillier than i thought it would and i absolutely love it wkdhwjd
(explanation of the animation + sketch of the tail below!)
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Also wanted to show off the sketch since it shows off the movement a lot better! I did end up changing a LOT (and even ended up adding some frames where i did lineart w/o a sketch inbetween... Oop-) but u can still kind of see the drag and offset?
So basically: since the tail isn't a stiff object like... A table or sth, it has multiple 'joints' (<-don't remember the proper term for it). Now, if u animated the tail just moving back and forth it would look v v stiff and wierd, since irl the tip of the tail would be "dragged along" with the bottom (<-aka the ACTUAL joint that the movement originates from). To create a more organic and realistic movement, you need to slightly delay the other parts of the tail. I usually use those lil circles to sketch this out at first, since its a lot easier to do without having to worry about shape and perspective and such.
(in theory i know wayyy too much about animation, but in practice im still struggling to do it bc i don't have much experience animating ekfhakdj- i do know the theory p well, which is why im hoping his lil explanation might help someone! Let me know if u guys want me to include some art theory lessons more often :D)
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sothisart · 1 month
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Remus couldn't sleep. His injuries from the night before still hurt, apparently Madame Pince's potion started to wear off. He was used to it though. He'd had it worse most of his life. Hogwarts hospital wing actually gave him a big relief with all the treatment he was getting every full moon after starting school.
A quiet voice interrupted Remus' thoughts.
"Are you sleeping? Can I hop in for a moment?"
Sirius's big eyes were looking at him with this inexplicable expression, like a little puppy asking for permission to sleep in his bed.
"Sure...," he answered though he was not sure how that would work, he had never had anyone visiting his bed at night. Well, except for being cuddled by his mum on nights like this.
Sirius climbed up, settled himself next to him and whispered.
"Does it still hurt..."
"Yeah, but it's better than it has usually been," Remus whispered back.
Sirius was silent for a moment. Then he lifted his gaze and looked straight into Remus's eyes.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could help. I...."
Remus didn't know what to say to that, Sirius had discovered his secret just a couple of weeks before, and Remus still wasn't used to talking about it so openly.
"I just want to say... you're my best friend and you'll never be alone with it." Sirius said, his eyes shining in the darkness, his arm slipping around Remus's back to held him close.
#wolfstar #wolfstarfanart #wolfstar 
Remus was lying on his back, trying not to think about the events of previous several days. He still couldn’t suppress the haunting memory of Sirius’s cursed body after he’d escaped the Black mansion for, hopefully, the last time. Remus was trying to relax his muscles and, maybe, fall asleep like he hoped Sirius managed to do. Sirius was now safe, only that mattered.
“Moony… can I…” he heard soft whispering.
“Pads, are you ok? You should be resting…”
“I know, I will. Just I…” Sirius said but didn’t finish.
Remus shifted to the side of the bed, grabbing his hand and pulling him in. He knew sending Sirius back would only make him feel worse, and he wanted Sirius to feel better after what he’d been through.
Maybe Sirius couldn’t sleep either.
Maybe he’d had a bad dream.
Maybe he was scared even though nothing bad could happen. At least for now.
“You’re safe here, Sirius,” Remus whispered before you could stop himself. He didn’t know if that’s something you say to your friend, even the best one, but Sirius only shifted closer and wrapped his arms around Remus’s back to held him tight, and whispered:
“I know.”
Remus sometimes still needed to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He’d shared the bed with Sirius so many times over the years. It wasn’t even slightly suspicious to any of their friends who were used to them frequently waking up together in one four poster. Platonically of course. Only the way Sirius was pressing his mouth to Remus’s neck was not a platonic as they were thinking.
(I’m not sure I’ll write sth for other years, they are quite clear from the pictures anyway 😅, I had like 5 examples of more pictures to this story, but somebody stop me cause it would never end)
Also, huge admiration again to MsAlexWP and her @languagelessonswolfstar - I loved the idea of them sleeping together from the very first year at Hogwarts, the idea original to Language Lessons! It inspired me to draw this series.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 4 months
Thinking Affections again, and idk if this counts as a prompt or not, but in itwall you mentioned how cPhil constantly touches cDreams hair to calm him down and is just sth he likes so just that being a their thing they do when cuddling or sth is just phil petting and massaging his head
anything can be a prompt if i brainrot hard enough
/dsmp /rp
Dream wasn't sleeping well.
Sleep was always a fickle, delicate thing with him. There were plenty of nights where his exhaustion would take over and he would sleep soundly, especially early on during his time at the cottage, but there were also long periods where he'd barely sleep at all. He would wake from nightmares and seizures, or he'd simply tremble on his mattress for hours and hours, unable to slow his heartrate from its anxious pace. Em helped him to feel safe those nights, but even she couldn't keep his fears at bay completely. For as loving as the dog was, she couldn't stop someone from coming in the night to drag him back into the hell he escaped from. The hell he planned to return to someday. He laughed, sometimes, at the odd predicament he created for himself.
He procrastinated sleep by reading in the living room.
Techno gave him some shitty novel about an underground culture of elves. It was entertaining enough. He sat on the floor with a dog on his lap, leaning against the couch, and pulled his hair from his face. He had to tilt the book forward so the dim light of the fireplace could illuminate the page.
He heard Philza sit on the couch behind him.
The old man hummed thoughtfully before threading his fingers through Dream's long hair, pushing it behind his ears. "Might be less annoying if I braid it," he offered.
"I'm gonna take it out before bed," Dream replied, "but go ahead."
"It's my pleasure, mate." Phil's voice edged close to a whisper. He began carefully selecting some strands of hair from Dream's hairline and drawing them back, letting his fingertips trail along the boy's scalp. Dream shivered at the touch, feeling his skin erupt into goosebumps. "You should be sleeping," Phil continued.
The offer to braid his hair was a trick from the start; Phil wasn't doing anything that seemed close to a hairstyle. Instead, he rubbed and massaged along Dream's head, sometimes scratching with his fingertips. The book slowly dropped to his lap as he couldn't focus on the words anymore. His eyes fluttered closed.
"In... In the prison," Dream started, "Quackity liked to grab my hair. He'd grab it, like, in the front, and slam my head on the ground."
Phil's fingers trailed softly along the back of his skull. "Dream..."
"Sam hated when he did that. My skull would crack, and it would bleed a lot."
Phil could surely feel the bumps and valleys along his skin. They were hard to miss. He would feel rough scars and some patches of flaky, dry skin. Maybe some sharp lines where a crack healed. Dream's hair has been a source of frustration and humiliation for a long time; he hated that Quackity could feel the thick mats, the tangles, the spots of blood he couldn't wash out.
He felt Phil plant a kiss on the top of his head.
"Join me on the couch?"
Dream would spend the night there, on the couch, lying on top of Philza with his head on the old man's chest, sighing at the sensation of his head being massaged until he fell asleep.
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ganondoodle · 6 months
Hello 👋
Swallowing my nerves at last to send you an ask! I was just wondering, what inspires your designs? Are their inspirations in stuff like movies or games? Or just things you come up with yourself?
i .. honestly its kinda hard to tell, sometimes i just randomly think of something, like some detail, or color combination and try to incorporate that into a design somehow; it can come from anywhere, like the color scheme of a pithaya/dragonfruit is something i have been wanting to make a design with for ages but havent come up with anything good in all those years ;O;
im a very easily fascinated by color, espeically in nature, like sometimes i just stop and stare at something like i froze in time bc i just woooooooooooooah color! i probably look like a weirdo doing that though
its really hard to pinpoint anything specifically, the most is probably .. other artists? i guess? which always makes me nervous bc my memory is shit in most areas of life and i worry myself to pieces whether i unintentionally "stole" an idea and just dont remember and think it was my own, it goes further that sometimes i see something that makes me want to draw a similar concept but dont bc i dont want to 'steal' even if that couldnt be further from my intention (have been accused of that before ..)
that said for my ocs specifically .. most are rather old and have just kinda evolved out of their awkward first iterations (shargons first iteration was a hauro-howl- copy that was really just some human covered in feathers .. another oc was once a hellboy copy but in green- havent drawn nor redeisgn them in ages lol), the biggest inspirations for them is a mix of animals, bonus if you dont see them often- im a big shark, whale and sea creatures in general nerd so i tend to take from them as a priority but always trying to be less directly animal and mostly just .. features that work together
Eadrya is one of the newer OCs- i started to write but then looked at my folders and oh they are from 2017 .., i even made a design timeline for them how much they, and my art, have changed back in 2020, so thats also way outdated now lol (they apparently started as a whale .. thing? its like a pokemon evolution lol)
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this is them now (i like this sketch still, though shargons design is now also outdated lmao)
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this ones from early 2023 so also outdated now but you get the point
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for demons i try to be a bit more wild on shapes and colors while still adhering to the rules of how they work (humanoid form, demon form, animalistic, one element each and more or less made to fit that, 4 arms is very common, look to be bost scary and wild but also something that would make you stop in tracks and stare in awe and fear if you crossed paths)
often times designs just kinda .. happen, i have maybe the idea ok i wanna make something with a white and red pattern also moose or those big horned cows are cool and kinda scary so maybe sth akin to that (though this one is technically a redesign too- its also pretty much entirely different)
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for non demons but still non human i go for a much more restrained design, mainly inspired directly by an animal and giving the color scheme a good spin, plus adding unconventional body shapes, like ki'ita is also a good example, her old idea was just orca anthro pirate and just by making the white green instead in her most recent redesign already adds that little spin to it
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that can have its pitfalls though, as i often fall into the big arm small head small legs scheme over and over xD
alot of it is trial and error, deciding on the colors can take me hours bc im always searching for my little rule of having one contrast color that shows up in very few places to draw attention to it (like with Eadrya its those bright yellow eyes and thingy at their tail)
and that is all about myy own ocs, when its fandom stuff it works kinda similar though, either in the connections i wanna draw or just thinking it further- like how deities in destiny work also just kinda .. happened like an ever derailing train
like for demise i was at first really just im gonna give him horns bc horns are cool and he got those on the starting mural in the game- so how his hair work? well maybe it isnt hair actually and just unbound energy, im making him a deity too and fit hylias design to his so, yeah, then so how does it work, ok he gotta have a skeleton still, but what if his entire actual body is made up of pure magical energy with its core in the ribcage? with the core in the ribcage >:3c and the scales you see are just like cooled down lava as an armor bc his thing is fire and earth !! the normal blood? is a thin layer of skin imiated from mortals to keep the scales together and flexible so if he ACTUALLY gets hurt hed bleed magic that looks more like lava and any normal blood you see is just the armor- so why does he have a skeleton still instead of being just energy? maybe its gotta be bound to something OH and what if all of the deities started as mortals like a mirror to the trio later on and the gods cannot have direct influence to the worlds so they needed a right hand that is neither god nor mortal but both by killing a mortal by whatever their element will be (demise burned, hylia drowned etc) and their skeleton and spirit is kept but put into a body of magic- OH what if their spirit core is like almost piloting their bodies like a mech in a way bc if youd look close youd see that every strand of magic is actual a hand of their spirit so it makes it more weird and other bc hed be able to reach out with thousands of burning claws of all shapes and sizes like the beheaded forest god at the end of mononoke- SO if hed lose and arm or something all those strands would untangle and rearrange his bones back together-OH MY GOD the whole armor idea works so well for ghirahims dark armor so what if demise had two swords once and lost one and since has forged an armor similar to his own for ghirahim out fo fear of losing him t---
and that all is a process that happens over several weeks and months not rarely while i am drawing something mindlessly and suddendly *have a thought* and omg that makes so much sense-
so "what" inspires my designs? an ever derailing train of thought about making cool thick monsters that arent the evil thing to get rid of for once? cool color schemes? idk it just kinda happens??
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pressplay-if · 1 month
im on my knees begging u for zima's nsfw alphabet🥹🥹🥹🥹(also hope you're having a lovely day! love the IF so far!)
Alright alright haha. I've had a bunch of ppl begging for Zima's version now; don't worry, I hear y'all, I was just busy.
To preface: Zima would act very different with the MC as opposed to any other partner, so all these answers basically only apply to MC. With others, Zima is way less affected. Also, this is the longest of the RO alphabets, because Zima and MC's relationship is by far the most variable out of all of them.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Depends. If it's a hatefuck, Zima is just gonna zip up, f!Zima maybe lingering for a second to redo her makeup, but won't say a word. They'll be too overwhelmed to talk. They're seething, but they're also really disappointed in themself and just plain scared. So no, there'll be no cuddling, no pillow talk, nothing.
If the hookup happens after a truce has been achieved between Zima and MC, they won't be as angry, but still really overwhelmed and sad. I don't want to go into what Zima would be like in an actual relationship too much bc there's so much that needs to happen in the story for them to get to that point that it'd make this answer highly spoilery.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Zima fluctuates between feeling incredibly sexy and absolutely hating everything about themselves. Sometimes, f!Zima loves her slight abs, other times she's downright scared they make her look like a man. Sometimes, she adores her large ass, other times, she thinks it makes her look fat. M!Zima loves his muscles and towering over people, but it only takes one bad memory to resurface and suddenly, he hates how heavy he is and wishes he was more toned and graceful. It's a constant up and down.
In a partner, Zima likes just about anything. It's always different things that draw them to someone. Fun fact: They actually like bigger stomachs, butts, etc., even though they're deadly afraid of having one themselves. They love smackable parts xD of course, it's not a requirement. Zima always finds sth else to be drawn to. To them, any person can be hot.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It's a big shrug. Zima thinks cumming is overrated.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
No secret of their own, but here's a plot point that kind of fits and might be cool to know: as the band's rise goes on, Zima turns into a sex symbol. They openly enjoy this.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
They are the most experienced out of all the ROs!! DEFINITELY knows what they're doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything that has the other person lying down and Zima above them. Zima likes being in control, and watching the other person react to whatever they're doing. This might be different with the MC if it's a hatefuck. Zima might turn MC over to face away from them in that case.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not humorous whatsoever. They're serious to the point of seeming methodical.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
F!Zima waxes her legs and bikini zone, like, religiously. She prefers this over shaving because the wax makes it so the hairs come back soft and not stubbly, and she has a high threshold for pain.
M!Zima has a lot of soft body hair which he rather likes, but he does shave his chest sometimes, because he sometimes goes onstage shirtless and oiled up to show off his muscles, and the oil makes the chest hair look all weird.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
messyyyy.... so messyyyy. It's too complicated to really describe; you'll have to wait and see how it is in the game.
BUT with a partner that's not the MC, Zima's pretty detached.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
They masturbate a lot, and they love using toys on themself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
They like being in charge, and they like having the other person beg. Also they love using toys on the other person.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
A bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Could be anything! With the MC tho, it's mainly strong emotions. When they harmonize or sing into the same mic, Zima could melt right into a puddle. When they fight and tension is rising, there's a part in the back of Zima's mind that makes them want to tear their own clothes off right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pretend like everything's alright and this is healthy.
[Okay guys I accidentally clicked "post" way too soon so Imma post the other letters separately. Sorry ;-;]
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skzxlevanter · 1 year
hi!! loved your skz reactions to a shy and quiet s/o, could you maybe do the opposite? maybe an s/o that’s a bit loud, outgoing and may come of strong and straightforward? thank you so much for your hard work <3
skz with an outgoing s/o
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
uhhh i absolutely love the idea!!! also i really appreciate the feedback<33 i hope you enjoy this drabble too!!
fluff, mentions of fighting (nothing deep tho), other than that just more fluff
bang chan
he‘s your supporter to a 100% no matter what, be prepared for constantly seeing his grinny dad-like smile
he loves listening to you when you talk, especially when it’s something you’re ambitious about, he‘ll have stars in his eyes and will ask you more questions about it because he just loves how happy and excited you get
when it comes to being straight forward, he can be a bit taken back sometimes, but mostly appreciates it since he loves honesty and communicating openly
he‘s the type to just let you be who you are, sometimes matching your loud energy and sometimes just watching you be because he simply loves you no matter what >_<
lee minho
okay don’t get me wrong but at first he‘d be flabbergasted
like usually people tend to shy away from him since he can come across as timid and scary, but you just didn’t care at all, which confused him a little
it might even scared him away a bit because he didn’t quite know to approach you at first, scared that you‘ll laugh at him or sth TT
but once things are figured out and you found your way together, he deep down loves it, even when he teasingly rolls his eyes at you or exaggeratedly imitates you, he absolutely loves the fact that you just express yourself no matter what and don’t change for anyone
seo changbin
he LOVES it. from the start, no questions asked. just accepts the fact and completely loves you for it
your attitudes would probably match very well, both outgoing and loud, knowing what you want, and coming off as strong, which can also end up in small bickering / fights because both of you refuse to change your mind about something but always making up afterwards <3
he would absolutely admire you, reassuring you to go on speaking even if you think that you are talking too much, there’s no such thing for him, the only thing he cares about is that you can be the best version of yourself
has a BIG soft spot for you, immediately defends you if someone can’t handle your character, is just super protective of you in general, no matter how tough/ strong you come across
hwang hyunjin
hyunjin was always more of a laid back person, living quiet, delicate things like going to art galleries, drawing,…..and then he met you, the complete opposite of that. but he’d never ever would wish for something different
he still loved the same things, but silent hours at his house turned into lively, loud talking sessions that would mostly end up in karaoke and he loved it even more
your confidence can sometimes scare him a bit, him secretly wishing he’d be a bit more like you, but he tries to ‘learn’ from you and do his best to work on himself and since tou can learn a lot from him too, you grow together <33
he couldn’t imagine you not being there, already missing your presence when he has a tight schedule and isn’t able to see you very often, he just loves you so much :(
han jisung
he might be an introvert, but he can also be VERY loud, so there would be absolutely no problems, just A LOT of chaos when the two of you are together
well that is when you’re already dating, before that it was probably a bit rocky…at first tou seemed super tough to him, making him extremely nervous and a bit scared to talk to you, only to later find out that your the most heartfelt person ever <3
he takes his time to get comfortable around tou, but once the awkward phase is over, he is matching your energy so well it seems like he’s a different person fjsisjej
the high amount of energy will mostly result in super cute date ideas ans spontaneous adventures like deciding to drive to the beach and just go swimming even tho it’s like midnight, days like this just showing how much live he holds for you
lee felix
he’d also be super nervous,,,especially if you approached him first, he’’d get all flustered and blushy at your confident appearance, but said nervousness quickly vanishing when he talks to you more
he’d remember all the little things you tell him, bringing small related gifts with him the next time the two of you meet up and would live to hear more of you
even as boyfriend he would be super attentive, remembering the smallest details no matter how much you tell him, he’s listening with big doe eyes and he’s totally whipped for you
he also loves play fighting with you, tending to get a bit more loud and chaotic too, causing the room to fill up with laughter and playful screams while your neighbors probably think about writing a noise complaint
kim seungmin
okay let’s be honest here, there’s be a big chance that he found you annoying the first time he met you
i mean he is just trying to live his life peacefully without any major disturbances, and just loves to protect his private space a bit like a grandpa or sth djdjhd
but what actually surprised himself is that he actually found it adorable. he loves how your eyes spark up when you talk about something you love, the way you have to stop yourself from getting too overly excited, he just loves it and it makes his heart ache <\3
even when you do all the talking, he shows you how mich he lives tou through little gestures like bringing you flowers, always holding your hand, remembering little habits you have and just overall
yang jeongin
i can see a little bit of an enemies to lovers here- you both being a bit stubborn and coming off as confident and strong, but the two of you will eventually team up and find your way together <3
he’ll be so sweet, always having a big grin on his face, loves to imitate you and make fun of you to teasingly provoke you, lowkey liking it when you get a bit upset and start talking even faster and more out of frustration
there will be not a second without bickering, but he also knows exactly how to push your buttons and therefore knows exactly when something is up or bothering you and he makes sure to let you know that you can share anything with him <33
like the others he loves you a 100% no matter what and just loves you the way you are
i’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes but it’s pretty late and i’m tired so i’ll check for them tomorrow
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cringelordofchaos · 5 months
my tagging systems (??)
Ok I felt as if I should explain how I tag my posts here and how I'll tag them from now on.
For trigger warnings, I simply tag #tw [trigger] and sometimes #[trigger] and/or #[trigger] tw. For example: #tw slur, #slur, #slur tw
For fandom posts, when reblogging, I simply tag the acronyms (EXAMPLE: for Sonic The Hedgehog I tag #STH), there may be exceptions then and there (for Jackson's diary for example, I just tag #jacksons diary, and #jd). I tag all webcomics with #webtoon, even if they're not from or on webtoon,
Anything related to neurodivegence is tagged as #nd.
Any post I make related to music, is tagged with #music.
For Sonic, I'll just tag the characters by their single names (like for knuckles the echidna I'll just tag #knuckles). For any duos (platonic, familial, romantic, doesn't matter), I'll tag "Character A & Character B "(example: #sonic & shadow), character a will be the character that was released before character b. sometimes I might tag character a & character b & character c. For teams I'll try and tag them too with "team [__]". EXAMPLE: #team chaotix. For ships in a specific romantic context, I'll tag "character a x character b" (example: #espio x silver), the same rules apply for the other duo tag system. If the characters in question came out at the same time, I'll tag either with both "character a &/x character b" and "character b &/x character a", or whoever's name comes first in alphabetical order, I'll put them first. (Example: #shadow & maria AND #maria & shadow, OR ONLY #maria & shadow) . This is all very new though so I'll have to go back and edit quite a few tags
general tags I use are #ehlp (for posts that invoke a sense of laughter in me), #mecoded (for posts I can relate to), #others art (by art it can be any form of artistic expression, it'll mostly be digital drawings though), #my art and #toki drawz (Ii haven't implemented the latter tag to all my art posts as of yet, though ), #toki rambles (I often forget to tag that though), #gay screenshot collection (for "evidence" of fictional homosexuality or general queerness, doesn't even have to be in screenshots), #asks (might make a new ask tag in the future ..? Y'know. A cooler one??), #writing advice & #drawing advice (self-explanatory), #intro post for anything related to introducing myself, and probably more I forgot.
Any of my posts that made it to be absolute top are tagged as #my top posts .
#into the rosyverse, #tmf religious lore, #freakblr color/colour war, #🐀🥚 or just general #freakblr (it's chaotic as it is and I love it) are all full of incoherent shit related to freakblr I love.
#ultra chaos knuckles is a tag for a super form I made up that is created by the use of the master emerald OR uncontrolled chaos emeralds/chaos energy (haven't decided yet). I don't think knuckles would like to use this form at all but I already explained all of that in that tag.
#ghost!Sunny AU is full of incoherent rambles about an OMORI au similiar to OMARI, but the focus is still on SUNNY and how he experiences his perspective of the story. (I intentionally made the description vague cuz I don't want to reveal any spoilers)
#carla and silvia involves occasional posts about my OCS, Carla and Silvia that I barely every talked about on the internet, but trust me there's so much to say about them.
#serbposting for, well, serbposting!
#animalsss, is for guess fucking what. and #>:] is a tag for evil purposes only. mhm.
When I talk about a social media or it's userbase, I usually tag the social media in question.
#house design inspo also exists though I never use it. or was it #home design inspo
I think that's all for now, I might've forgotten some shit
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spoks-illogical-art · 5 months
Choose a few ocs and tell me how'd they react to their PC bluescreening mid-work and after updating the wallpaper is different.
Ttly didn't happen to me
what the something slightly similar happened to me too recently? lmaoo
bonus hcs for what would be their wallpapers normally
Vincent - work computer - solid color default wallpaper - if it changed he would not have much of a reaction lmao he would just silently change it back sorry majestic dolphins jumping out of water with god rays all around em its solid blue color city; home computer - a picture of him, Mattie, Lai, Drew and Chester - he knows where all his files are so he would just find it again and change it back no problem
Mattie - work computer - one of the default ones with a sunset or something, she would get slightly annoyed if it changed but maybe another default one would also be nice she can get used to em; home computer - a screenshot from The Y-Files, she would get annoyed fr cuz she would have no idea where did she get that wallpaper from but then she would just find it in a folder where it shouldn't be lol
Laionel - now I realized that I should actually curse him with the existence of the family computer concept but I won't do it I'm not that evil lol, he would have several wallpapers with his favorite animals like foxes and penguins and dinosaurs, If they changed he would have a small problem to find them all again and would get a little bit sad but he's smart he can figure it out ^^
Drew - probably some joke wallpaper maybe a meme collage I can't think of an exact example rn, he would curse the dreaded machine and scramble to find it back, probably accept defeat as he wouldn't be able to find it again, and choose another one he wanted to use anyway
Chester - a picture of a meadow behind his house at sunrise that he took, if it changed he would get really sad, would leave it as the new one for a week before trying to change it back, the picture would probably be in the first folder he would check
Tim and Ryland - both would have the same picture of them together, if it changed for any of them the other could just send it again or be like hey we should take a new one anyway haha
Howard (if he had a computer) - a crude drawing in ms paint of him shooting a laser at Beta8 that's exploding, if it changed he would just snap his fingers and bring it back into existence or actually make a new even more crude one with Tim on fire or sth
Nekor(he's actually at Chester's computer who doesn't know that he has two wallpapers) - a bad quality png of a kefir bottle. that's it. If it changed he would panic and wait for Chess to bring back his one, and then set the kefir one back again.
bonus 2 part of one of my wallpapers i made pierro genshin impact hold weed and theres tiny rhys blands on scaras head
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ok but fr my laptop has trouble with connecting to wifi sometimes because avast is being stupid and i have to restart it to let avast update then and I had to do it recently and when it was booting up again instead of the default cave one on the screensaver there was a rhino??? and it was only then its back to the cave again now idk what was up with that lol
thank u sztefa u are my savior ^^
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guess who's alive? exactly, me!! :D *slumps down and never gets up* (sorry in advance this will be quite the long ask >_<)
i get the feeling of fried brain, my session just finished ;-; #neveragain (wish i could say it for real tho) it's not a problem if you can't add much ahah, really, so don't worry :3
i feel you, my rbf isn't of any help but luckily those who receive my love know it and about the rest i don't care °v° and as i said (i think) as long as you're genuine i don't think that's a problem, honestly is what matters ^u^
yeah i noticed the game and noticed only now i forgot to ask you a question but now head is empty so whatever 🫠 if you say so then brb gonna go buy pencils for xiao and you so you can fill each other's skin with drawings and writings eheh~
me too honestly, i just need to relax, eat good food and sleep for hours trapping the indigo menace in a cuddling hug >:3 for movies i'm down bad for pixar but indie and artsy sounds good too 👀 and slow dancing at night is just something sooo cute and sosksiskdjsjskwj i'm down bad pt2
we can agree that villainous fictional men >>>>>>>>> goody two-shoes hero, but morally grey characters deserve a mention of honor, a whole hall just for them @^@
childe you cocky little menace with that shit-eating grin 🤺 i love this type of grin it sends me on cloud nine but also actives my fighting spirit lmao
i loved every word and the implicit mention of scara's partner and childe's being colleagues, what a chaos putting those two in the same room because of their lovers (saw the other asks, died of laughter)
it had me going 👀 when reader went "one coffee for the mystery man" LIKE MAN THE AUDACITY i would have prayed the universe to swallow me especially after ginger's reply folsdoodsj so good really
also, a curiosity: since you mentioned yanqing (my son <3) does this mean that gi and hsr men will interact more often, being in the same universe? tbh knowing some characters either they will get along well or a big fight would start the moment they see each other pfft-
anyway, i think that i covered everything so that's all! as always, take care, drink water and coffee, eat healthy and sleep well at night, you can do this! and good luck with uni :3
bye bye~
— ❄️
hii great to see you back and good job on surviving!! i’ll put the answer under a cut for brevity’s sake haha
well i hope i sound and look genuine bc sometimes i feel like i don’t and if i try to sound more excited, people would probably think i’m faking it; but yeah my friends probably know by now how i act so i think i should be good :>
don’t force yourself to participate if you can’t come up with something, i promise i still have enough material to go through (me, typing a novel for a moot’s entry /aff); whenever i doodle on my arm i normally just use ball point pens or eyeliners but i also saw people using like actual colours for painting/body paint and i really want to try that; having someone drag a brush and paint over your back must be such a funny feeling <3
i’m not watching a lot of films right now, so i can’t say what my favourite genre is but i do love a good animation (i still need to see the new spiderman aaahhh); speaking of going to the cinema: there’s sth so special about going there during daytime and coming back out when it’s dark outside; imagine walking home after the film with your fave, he gives you his jacket against the chill of the evening and you laugh and joke as you discuss the film you just saw until he gently grabs your hand and starts twirling you around under the light of a street lamp… *sigh* what a dream (frantically scribbles into my notes for the modern au hshsh)
i just think villains and morally grey characters just are much more fun to explore; would i want hazbin hotel’s alastor to be real or would i like him if i met him? no because he is/was a serial killer, but in fiction? fascinating, intriguing, fun to explore; fiction just gives us the means to explore these morally not so cool actions and mindsets without most of the consequences, and i love that (also it really is sexy if a bad guy drops everything for their love; who wouldn’t want to be their partner’s priority; also also, villains with their own set of moral code, like ‘sure i’ll burn down a city but hit a woman? i would never’)
childe activates my fighting spirit in general, like come over here and let’s bicker, you gorgeous idiot, and maybe i’ll kiss you afterwards <3 and also yes that grin… it might be here bc of the writer’s bias…
i just had to make them colleagues!! please just imagine them gossiping about their bfs after work or during the double date the readers are just talking the night away whereas childe and scara just have this icy atmosphere around them, but the second their partners look over they melt bc they’re just so in love dorks, all of them
and omg yes, thank you for mentioning it, i’ve been dying for someone to point it out: it’s official, it’s a genshin/honkai shared au!! it’ll be mostly genshin with some hsr characters but yes!! they’re sharing the same universe, they will be interacting (now we wait for someone to mention the company vizion is signed under… i wonder who works there… /silly)
thank you, make sure to take care of yourself as well!! <3
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komakomacora · 2 years
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I posted 686 times in 2022
That's 686 more posts than 2021!
253 posts created (37%)
433 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 318 of my posts in 2022
#ko posting - 215 posts
#sonic - 113 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 76 posts
#sonic frontiers - 39 posts
#sth - 27 posts
#ko reposting - 20 posts
#sonic angst - 18 posts
#sonic fanart - 17 posts
#not ko art - 15 posts
#sonic frontiers spoilers - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#she came back later and watched a bit more and i commented that the character has her hair too
My Top Posts in 2022:
Some edits from this week
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See the full post
51 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Nothing lore related, nothing story related but this is huge! It's just one line of dialogue. If you do however wish to not be spoiled and wait, please scroll!
This is the first time a sonic game has mentioned a character OUTSIDE the mainline games!
Tangle the Lemur from the IDW comics was mentioned in a one off line said by Sonic as he says 'I bet Tangle would love climbing around these ruins.'
Video source is @Nikku_ZS on Twitter.com!
Like can you recall a SINGLE TIME they had said something mentioning an outside character?? Not even Sally gets a mention dude! I'm fucking loving this. This implies that the IDW comics are indeed canon to the games
63 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
This is how the end of Sonic Prime will be
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95 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
Sonic artstyle red flags:
-Thick thighs and slimmer torso yet larger chest area, especially in masc characters
-really really thin characters
-they only draw JUST sonadow with the above artstyle as a cishet woman. We all know who I'm talking about
-Less cartoonish more anime centric style
-They give them necks
-heavily humanistic looking bodies (emphasis on correct anatomy and muscles)
-they draw 'adult SonAmy' in every other piece (DEPENDS THO. SOMETIMES ITS REALLY SWEET LIKE OMG)
-suggestive posing on any character, ever
-draws the child coded characters in a 'mature,' way
-makes them human but makes sonic, knuckles, shadow, and blaze all white.
That's all, but like 9/10 chance most of these people are prosh*ppers aka proshitters, or yaoi/MLM/wlw fetishists and it's really annoying.
144 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay so /ij
Edit: I do not like or support boyfriends
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100 likes and I voice dub the entire boyfriends comic
Edit 2: we hit 100, I will upload the video when I can thank you all, I'm such a micro celebrity now
149 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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psychelis-new · 2 years
This reminds me of something and thought I share my experience. If you remember, I chose my pile using a dice almost all the time. I first know about pick-a-card from Youtube in early 2019. Every time I pick a pile, it doesn't resonate with me and feel forced. This made me not trusting my intuition. Around early 2020, I made a "PAC draw box." It consists of numbers folded in papers. How it works is pretty much like a lucky draw box. There was this one pac about who is my fs. When I drew, I got pile 2. Fast forward, September 2021, I finally got my first paycheck and went to buy dice (it comes in a package of 7 types of dice: 4 sides, 6 sides, etc). So, I tried the 6-side-dice on the same video.
I got pile 2. I was stunned.
I threw the dice again after the first throw and got pile 2 again.
That means no matter what method I use, the past and the present still align (energy wise). Which also means I'm still walking the same path. That explains why I got the same result.
But let say I finally changed something in my present, and that change isn't aligned with my past anymore. My dice will roll & stop at a different number.
Can this be used as an example of "reading based on present energy" and "reading is timeless"?
-Nari 🌻
I have a bad case of not trusting my intuition 🙃
Please don't make me as I am very stubborn 😝
Okay, let's start from the first steps (IDC I'm more stubborn than you LOL):
1-the piles you took out of your intuition, didn't resonate cause they really didn't resonate (told you about stuff that isn't part of your life and you were like "uh nope, that's not me" all the time) or because they told you things you didin't want to hear/didn't align with your mind? Sometimes we get triggered, for different reasons: not just by the message itself but seen that you're not confident/trust yourself, you may only fear the message is not for you and therefore while reading, in the back of your mind, doubts keep rushing in even unconsciously and it may make you close off to the message (maybe the fact that you relied on "fate" through dices, relieved you from the stress of a choice and having to trust yourself, and made you accept the reading whatever it was about... it would be cool to check if your intuition would align with the dices, but ofc, the insecurity may pop in anyway at this point). 2-where you always grounded and stable while you where picking piles? I mean did you fear the result of the pile or you were tranquil "anyting goes, just tell me sth" -mood? I think you tend to stress a bit cause you really don't trust you first impulse, and therefore your intuition may go nuts anyway...
Tbh these things are important and to be kept in mind when evaluating if a pile is really not for us and why. It doesn't necessarily have to be your intuition wrong. Not to mention, if you force yourself to pick a pile when there is no message to a little one for you, it's hard for your intuition to decide a pile no matter what (and it will be wrong anyway). Trust yourself if you hear a "no" or a topic/reader doesn't call you.
Now, moving onto your specific question. All the readings are timeless because you can take them anytime in your life. They relate to how you feel, what are you working on, what you need, what you want in a specific moment of your life you happen to find them and take them (you can take now an old reading you didn't want to take a few years ago for any reason or because you found it now: it's all okay: present energy = the present moment in your life when you take a reading, today, tomorrow, in 3 years: it's always present energy for you: present today, present tomorrow, present in 3 years). If you keep having the same goal, the same problems, or you're searching for the same things and blablabla, it's likely that the pile will generally be the same cause you are staying in the same situation (your choice). BUT let's suppose it's a pac reading about healing and you took it a couple of times in around 5 months and always got pile 2; let's also suppose that after a trigger or a breakthrough in your real life, you start working on yourself and heal something that was mentioned in that pile 2 (e.g.). Let's now suppose that after a couple of months or more of work, you end up seeing that pac reading in your dashboard so you take it again: you may pick pile 1, and have a different message cause you healed what was mentioned in pile 2 and maybe now you need to focus on something else (according on the message of that pile 1 ofc). This is what I mean by you can use pacs to see where you are with your life and how it may be going.
The reading topic in your example is fs, therefore something in your future and something that doesn't strictly depend on solely you. (This said, it was present fo ryou the early 2020, and it was present for you September 2021. It is present today if you take it today, no matter what pile you get. The pile's choice depends on your actions, choices, things inside of you and how your present energy -in 2020, 2021, today- align with the energy read by the reader when they did the reading). If you changed something in your present life, and didn't align anymore with your future fs, you MAY get a different number, yes. BUT if you change something that has nothing to do with your future fs and how you two will get together or anything, you may even get the same number you always got anyway. Not every little change in your life will change your future that much. Plus, as said, if the reading is about your fs, it's not only on you: there's you and what you want in your person (it can change while healing/growing/after having different experiences/knowing yourself) ofc but there's also them and how they grow and change, heal, make experiences... if you two are still aligned, you may always get the same pile anyway. If you two are still aligned you may get a different pile but still recognize it's the same person cause of specific words/mentions/signs you can read in the pile. Or you can just change the type of person you want to have in your life and therefore get a different result cause of this (again, it depends on the specific topic of the reading too).
Does this help?
0 notes
freuleinanna · 2 years
It's always trauma o'clock somewhere! Especially for these kids who had to come home and lie about why they returned from the camp a day later. They hardly had a chance to unpack the recent trauma, but I think this is how the HQ massacre affected their lives afterwards.
Jacob, as many others, chose a half-truth and told his parents that some jerk broke the car to stay with his girlfriend. He omitted the part where that jerk was him. Couldn't bear that guilt.
He was a decent swimmer and wanted to maybe take it professionally, but the next time he found himself at the pool, he completely froze at the signal. He never dived in that day. He stared at the blue-tiled water, and he saw the chains and the overblown body.
He found Emma on Instagram and, for a while, he was checking it obsessively, hoping she'd talk about what happened or mention it in some way, any way. He wanted to stop being so alone in knowing the truth and living with it. Emma never did that.
Emma, actually, fell silent for almost 2 months after her return. She'd speak the bare minimum, but never an actual conversation, never a joke. The happy, bubbly girl simply wasn't there. Her parents even took her to a teen therapist with little to no result.
Emma had stopped streaming for a while, although she still kept her Insta. One time she almost posted a selfie from that day, before the nightfall. Almost.
Some time later, she set up a really non-Emma-esque live stream. She was sitting in silence, looking at the sunset, the comment section was overflowing, and sometimes Emma would pick a question to answer from there. Many thought she was doing some sort of spiritual cleanse. She only spoke without a prompt for the first time when she saw Abi joining the stream.
For Abi, it was nightmares. That simple, that efficient. Dark forests, mist, dangerous beasts lurking around. What else to screw with the sleep of a sweet, tender person?
Movies on the background didn't help. Music didn't help. Drawing made everything worse, because in every shape, form, and shadow, beasts were lurking. Whenever she'd pick up a pencil to sketch, she left monsters on the paper. Wherever she looked, she saw monsters. Monsters always looked just a little bit like Nick.
It went on until the night she looked Emma up on Insta and, by pure coincidence, got to her live stream.
Nick blocked most of it out. There wasn't much to remember, but some memories still bled through.
He became the snack guy, the guy who always had something to chew on. It was a small quirk nobody was really paying attention to, but its trail led back to the only thing he did remember: hunger.
Whenever he emailed, Abi never replied.
Ryan, on the contrary, was replying to and receiving a LOT of emails. He was the one to send all the evidence to the Bizarre Yet Bonafide studio, and he also kept in touch with a few other Hacketteers, including Kaitlyn and Dylan.
Another thing he did is meticulously go through all his favorite media (TV & films mostly) and unbooked/deleted everything that dealt with guns being shot or vivid descriptions of wild animals (or their victims). This took him several hard days, but he finally felt safer when he did it.
He only watched something new if Dylan watched it first and gave him an okay.
Dylan, as opposed to Ryan, consumed horror content like his life depended on it. At some point, he even had a special notepad with details of how to defeat or protect yourself from all supernatural dangers and their mother. He kept this notepad on him at all times and often re-read it.
Getting used to not having a hand was slightly easier than he expected. What wasn't easy? That one time when his dad asked him to bring him sth to work. His father, a crane conductor on a construction site, did not expect his grown son to have a full-blown panic attack over a pb&j.
On the other hand (his joke, not mine), he got really close with Ryan and Kat, and they were planning a getaway together.
Kaitlyn was the one to propose the getaway. Despite the general total mindfuck, she managed to keep a cool head on the night of, and, surprisingly, it didn't cost her a hand and a leg (her joke, not mine!)
Thus, she became a healer. Reaching out, making sure. Helping. She didn't make it her sacred goal to help all others, but she tried, and that's what counts.
She kept tabs on Jacob especially. She knew he'd never ask for help. He didn't have to ask. That's what best friends are for.
Max never met any of those people, except Emma. That one time he bit his lip and nearly puked because he thought he remembered the taste of blood.
He topped his steak-cooking up to inventing the well-well-well-done steak without any possibility of there being blood.
Mostly, he just wasn't sure if he knew his own nature anymore. As the whole night was blocked in his mind, he could only trust Laura. And he did. The fact that she looked at him even more lovingly than before told him that if she trusts him, if she loves him, than it's okay.
Laura did trust him and loved him. But she also ran a gazillion of drills per week and kept at least two take-and-run bags in the house, and one in a special place. Clothes, flashlights, crackers, compass, you name it. She was an amateur that last time. Now she was ready for anything.
She took up running as well. She continued with vet studies. Even years after, the first thought that sprung to her mind if someone was butten by an animal was: CUT THE FUCKING LIMB.
Max kept her grounded with his laugh and his honest, sincere warmth. She could have gone really cold inside if it wasn't for him.
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trashcanfills · 2 years
Ok yea so I actually do have dreams where I was doomfist s/o in a variety of situations. I dont know if its funny or ridiculous but the dynamic tends to be that we do have a thing for each other, but I usually end up rejecting/not bother with doomfist much because I cannot stand his incredibly extreme actions following his belief on “only through conflict do we evolve”. Meanwhile uhhh he still attempts to pursue me or occasionally pop up to say he’s still interested because he hasn’t given up on me being his partner.
Boy oh boy as u can see that dynamic can easily be played with a lot. Theres one where we are still in contact kiiinda as friends even though we have broken up, except he’s still determined to get me back by being his usual self around me. Imagine reader being his s/o in that dynamic whereby overwatch wants to find impt info on doomfist and they send agents to find it through reader, since they know reader is like an important friend to doomfist right? Oh wait turns out it’s his ex and he’s been trying to woo them back. Lolololol
Orrrr there was one where reader is an overwatch agent/sponsor but it’s not well known since the organisation is just starting up and is still illegal. Doomfist and reader meet a few times and reader goes hm maybe I should get more info abt him and play double agent, EXCEPT OH NO THEY GROW GENUINE FEELINGS FOR THE MAN AND ITS RECIPROCATED. Reader is conflicted with themselves, realises they cannot continue on the relationship and stop but doomfist is determined to get reader on his side, even after realising reader sides with overwatch.
Aaaand this one technically is cus of self-ship and a good doomfist x reader one shot lol but basically doomfist and s/o meet up before his accident and when he was in a competitive martial artist. Somehow they meet thanks to s/o friend who is a fan of doomfist, and sparks fly. They eventually get married, but doomfist lost his arm in the Omnic crisis, which started his path to darkness. S/o tries to support him throughout until he gets inspired to do things again but because its now criminal activities, the moment s/o realises the extent of them (because s/o is like oh yea sometimes the law does suck and ppl do their own form of justice is ok so long as its morally acceptable to me. Except doomfist has killed innocents. Which s/o draws the fucking line), s/o and doomfist start arguing abt it.
It does cause a rift in the relationship because s/o starts to see df is not the man they love anymore, and df being unhappy because s/o doesnt accept his philosophy. S/o becomes hesitant to leave because they have mixed feelings and also fear doomfist would do sth to them if they actually leave. Then doomfist gets captured and jailed, and s/o managed to walk out of their shared home, file for divorce on grounds that her husband was a criminal, and later go into hiding because shes worried that he might escape because he is that smart and determined, and does her best to cover her tracks. At some point she manages to find Overwatch and joins them, just as doomfist escapes his cell.
Yea as u can see they are all budding ideas, but I might be able to write a story out. We need more doomfist stories ngl.
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softpatts · 4 years
꒦꒷ִֶָ· . the obey me characters preferred nicknames (as well as their reactions because i cant stay on topic)
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warnings: none !!
fandom: Obey Me!
ᜊʕ っ◞ ˕ ◟c ʔ.. ♡︎ 𝑛𝑜��𝑒𝑠: ayee im,, not dead ^^; im soso sorry for not posting- havent had much motivation to write latley,, as you can probably tell !! so again,, sorry !! but have these,, kinda shitty headcanons ~ !! <3
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- hes really old fashioned with pet names
- will automatically call you "Darling",, no i dont take criticism
- as the relationship progresses hell call you more,, such as sweetheart,, doll,, mine,, pos s i b l y babydoll though im a bit iffy on that one
- hes just a sucker for nicknames like those,, the old sappy ones,, and god the way he says it fits perfectly,, just the slight accent he puts into it is,, mWAH
- as for him,, he doesnt have any preffered nicknames,, but something about the way his name sounds coming out of your mouth
- god he loves it so much
- though besides his name his favorite would probably be darling/my love
- it seems so intimate and he loves how hes the only one you call that,, nobody else
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- weve seen what this man calles MC,, his human,, he likes most nicknames as long as theres "my" in front of it
- though the ones he called you most are stupid,, idiot,, dummy,, you can see the pattern
- while that i s how he expresses his love,, if he sees its bothering you even the slightest bit hell stop right away
- hes pretty rough with affection,, but he wILL call you doll,, no doubt about it
- and the way it soUN D S AAA it sounds so pretty and god its just,, wow
- when it comes to calling HIM nicknames,, he loves being called baby (or baby boy,, but hell never admit to that one)
- no matter how long you two have been together hell get extremely blushy n flustered whenever you call him that,, hell tell you to shut up,, spoiler alert he doesnt want you to
- please keep calling him that he loves it akdhsk
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- hes extremely akward with it at first,, and youll probably have to bring it up first
- i feel like hell call you his "irl waifu" alot,, or hell call you his "henry"
- though in the private of his or your room,, hell call you really sappy names like princess,, baby,, or anything with "my" in front of it,, though he only really calls you baby when youre teasing him
- hell stretch out the "y" n say it in a really whiny voice aA
- the first time he called you princess was one night,, after staying up for days on end,, he finally crashed,, he was close to passing out while leaning against you
- though before he fell asleep you heard him whisper a soft "night princess" AND OH MY GOD AKDHSK
- switching to him now,, he loves it when you call him handsome,, or your prince
- every time itll make his heart soar and hell turn into a fumbling blushy mess,, like mammon he wILL call you stupid,, and tell you to shut up
- theres been many occasions where hes accidentally called you a really cheesy cutsey nickname in front of mammon,, and god he never lets it go
- hell tease levi endlessly,, mocking him in a wierd voice that you assume was supposed to be levis..?
- but no matter how much he gets teased for it,, he loves being called pet names
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-hell definitely call you kitty,,, doesn’t matter where,, in the bedroom,, in front of his brothers,, even in the presence of Lord Diavolo himself
- he thinks it fits !! seeing as he likes cats,,, and likes you even more,, what better than to call you his kitty??
- I feel like he’s also the type of person to call you baby,, but in a really deep n fancy voice,, fancy?? I think that’s right AKDHSK
- but he loves your reactions,, no matter if it’s getting extremely flustered,, or you doing it right back to him !!
- the first time Lucifer heard him call you kitty,, mans spit out his drink- he was,, surprised to say the least??
- after that it just pissed him off,, so aye another reason to keep calling you his kitty !!
- he enjoys any nicknames,, though if you call him master- WOOH lemme just say this man will go feral aA he loves it,, he’ll get flustered if it’s in a public setting though- he’s all for calling you embarrassing nicknames but when you flip it around all of a sudden he’s against it 😞
- (just saying,, thats a lie- he loves it when you call him that in public akdhdk he likes people knowing he’s yours as much as you’re his !!
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-he calls you baby,, precious,, cutie,, all tho s e akdhsk 
- hell do it in a real,y high pitched,, almost baby voice n it’s sweet at first,, but gets annoying when he wONT SHUT UP
- if he knows it annoys you,, no he won’t stop,, he’ll do the opposite in fact,, he’ll do it even more !!
- if you start getting “angry” he’ll drape himself over you n try to kiss you while saying “you know you love meeee” drawing out the e
- when he does that the others swear he drunk,, actually drunk?? no,, love drunk?? yes,, yes very much
- he loves you,, and he’s not gonna stop showing you exactly how much he loves you !!
- now that’s what he calls you,, but ypu calling hIM nicknames ><
- he lOVES LO V E S it when you call him things like "pretty boy" "cutie" "handsome"
- they just make his heart flutter,,, and though he may get those all the time,, them coming from you just makes it an absolute gift
- hell often retort back with one of your nicknames
- "what are ya doing handsome??"
- "nothing really cutie~ i was planning on going to this new salon that opened up though,, would you like to come?"
- something about you calling him nicknames just,, mwah !!
- he also loves when you call his personality pretty,, or compliment his personality/traits,, hes used to compliments about his physical body,, but hi m and what he can actually do makes his heart flutter,, and hed actually get somewhat flustered !!
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- He definitley calls you sth food related,, his creampuff,, dumpling,, honey,, sweetheart,, just really sweet n nice nicknames,,, he loves the way it sounds when he talks to you
- the first time he called you that was in the kitchen,, he had heard satan talking about these things that were common in relationships called "pet names"
- so you walked into the kitchen one night n it was the first thing that came to his mine
- "hey there creampuff,,"
- wh a t
- you had to do a double take,, but,, after a few seconds you answered
- "is something wrong??" please he thought he made you uncomfy,, or satan was wrong,,,
- "no !! i just,,, wansnt expecting that from you"
- hell call you nicknames ALOT
- first thing in the morning,, randomly in the hallway,, just anytime hes able to hell call you nicknames,, its gone to the point where hell rarley call you by your actual name
- he loves it when you call him "my man",, "baby",, "sweetheart",, but his favorite would have to be "my love"
- nicknames with "my" in them make his heart flutter
- the first time you called him a nickname he froze up and got all blushy
- he didnt at all exepect that,, and you sounded so casual??? what???
- he pulled you over you him,, wrapped his arms around you,, and rested his head on top of yours
- he didnt let go for,, quite a while
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- belphie isnt actually one for nicknames,,, he doesnt think it makes any sense,, why should he call you anything other than your name??
- though if you ask,, or it comes up at all that you want him to call you something,, hell do it without hesitation- aksjak
- he calls you sleepyhead. No i dont take criticism- it doesnt matter if you nap as much as him or not hes calling you sleepyhead
- i feel like he also might call you his light,, or his sunshine,, just because of how he met you,,, n how at some points you seem like the only good thing in his life at that moment,,,
- "i love you, my light,, more than i could ever tell you."
- as for you calling him nicknames,, he could really care less,, as long as its from you he loves it
- one of his favorites is "my moon" you just,, came up with it one day,, and he stuck with it,, and its gotten to the point where hell barley answer to his own name,, which can get him in a bit of trouble
- "belphie !! get yer ass up and help me with this !!"
- "belphie."
- "hm? Oh were you saying something?"
- "yes i called your name like a hundred times or somethin !!"
- sometimes he just doesnt answer you when you call him by his name,, and hell wait and stare at you until you until you call him by his nickname
𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑠 🏷️:
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