#I wrote this at 2 am and could not sleep until I finished it
drottni · 2 years
LBFAD The Extended Reunion Scene we didn't get:
(how I imagine it)
Dongfang Qincang pulls away from the kiss to look down at her, his Xiao Lanhua. 500 years they have waited for this and he can see the desperation in her eyes as she clutches at him a bit tighter. Holding her face in his hands he wipes away the streams of tears running down her face with his thumb. "Xiao Lanhua, don't cry. I am here." She nods her head vigorously but shuts her eyes tight, afraid to open them lest he be a dream. He pulls her into his chest and discreetly wipes the errant tear escaping his eyes. No more tears, he wants to say to her and pulls back slightly, but stops. Her body is shaking with muffled sobs as she buries her face in his chest and grips his robe so tightly he fears for her circulation. He pulls her closer once more, stroking her hair. After a while, he picks her up and carries her to the bench, settling her snuggly beside him. 
"Xiao Lanhua," he says gently. Finally she takes a deep breath and looks up at him. He once again wipes furiously at her tears, holding back his own with strain. "Damutou" she whispers, her voice raw and weak. He is nearly undone from the pain in her voice and takes a hold of her hands to steady his. She looks down at their entwined hands and he wonders if she's seeing the same image; the last time they said goodbye and he left her alone, with empty outstretched hands.
"Forgive me Xiao Lanhua" he says, still staring at their hands. When she doesn't reply he looks up, anxiously, to meet her eyes. Her eyes are so filled with tears he can see nothing else. "Damutou, don't look at me like that" she says as she rubs a gentle hand across his furrowed brows. "I have spent the past 500 years haunted by this look on your face. Of all those days when you had looked at me so anxiously and I--" she breaks off on a sob and looks away, her head bent. He grabs the hand still resting on his face and pulls it to his lips. "Xiao Lanhua, look at me". She shakes her head. "I--I hurt you so--so much Damutou" she cries out, gasping for air. His heart is aching so much he feels it like a physical pain. When she clutches at her own chest he  grips her shoulders and pulls her upright. This is too much. It is unbearable. Her pain, her agonized sobs, too reminiscent of the ones he heard over and over again for the past 500 years from the moment he had said goodbye. Those cries that had echoed in his ears for eternity. Damutou don't leave me. Come back don't leave me. They have to stop. Both of them can't bear more. Taking a shaky breath he takes her chin in his hands to raise her eyes to his. 
"Xiao Lanhua, you ordered me to come back and now I am here. Did you not prepare any welcome for me?" he says with a small hesitant smile. She stares into his eyes where he hopes she sees his silent plea. When she takes deep calming breaths and nods slowly, he grips her hands and pulls her up with him, tentatively allowing his smile to widen a bit. "Well then, where are my flower cakes? I hope you made them in all the flavors I like. I have been hungry for 500 years you know." Her hands in his tighten and her eyes get glassy again. He gives her hand a squeeze and pulls her gently to the main hall. "Come Xiao Lanhua, there are flower cakes to eat and sunsets to watch." He smiles even wider at her, hoping it is enough to wipe the sadness away. A sinkhole is opening inside of him, and all he can see are her anguished eyes. Those eyes that used to look up at him with so much sunshine that he thought he would never need to see another sunrise so long as he had her. How can he ever forgive himself for taking that light away? He pushes these thoughts aside and turns to her.
Later, as they watch the sunset and she is calmer he pulls her even closer to his side to give her a kiss on the head. "There isn't a single thing in this life or any other that you need to ask forgiveness for Xiao Lanhua." She stiffens then slowly straightens to look at him solemnly for a long time. For a few beats he is afraid he has made her cry again, but she blinks away her tears and puts a hand on his heart, piercing him with her intense gaze.
"And you as well, Damutou." He feels a stinging behind his eyes and something warm slip down his cheek. Before he realizes, she reaches out to gently wipe the tears. "No more tears" she says, looking up at him with wide determined eyes. He gives her a small nod, before pulling her into him. His hand stroking her hair, he closes his eyes, and breathes in deeply.
They make no promises this time, no pleas to never leave. There is no need. It is as sure as the ground beneath them, the sun setting behind them, and the hearts beating in synchrony between them. They are home.
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heartsforhavik · 8 months
yandere! re2 leon kennedy x reader
✰ warnings: stalking, sub leon, slightly nsfw but not smut, leon is a creepy masochist, kidnapping, no use of y/n or name, gender neutral reader, not proofread bc it's 2 am for me rn
✰ summary: you were never very close to leon, but you harbored some feelings for him. but your entire view on him changes when you get invited to his place and you find out how he truly feels about you...
✰ a/n: remember when i used to be a havik account? good times. also i still *only* take reqs for mk1 characters. ik i wrote genshin and now i'm writing resident evil, but i am not entirely comfortable with taking reqs for them yet soooo here's me just dipping my toes into the waters of those fandoms. still sticking to mk1 tho. for now. also it's been a hot minute since i played re2 so if it's ooc i apologize.
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leon thought you looked so pretty in your sleep. you looked completely peaceful and unbothered. your bedsheets covered your entire body except for your ethereal face, which he could stare at all day. the moon provided a dim glow through your window, giving leon a clear view of your entire bedroom while you slept. sure it may be creepy or a bit stalker-ish of leon to watch you sleep, but he couldn't help it! you were just so irresistible. if only you knew how much he loved you, and how he was capable of protecting and providing for you. he has the potential to be the best boyfriend to you. but you didn't even know him that well, and he was fully aware of that fact. so that's why he suddenly got an idea while he watched you sleep that night. it was a brilliant idea. he could invite you to his place and gain your trust! leon didn't want to waste any time, so he would immediately ask you first thing in the morning.
when you woke up that morning, you got a call from leon a few minutes after you got out of bed.
"i know it's a bit early in the morning, i hope you weren't sleeping... if so, i'm really sorry. i mean, i didn't know when to call you because i didn't want to bother you but at the same time i just really wanted to ask you something." leon rambled.
"no worries, leon. you could never bother me. besides, i just got out of bed. this was so perfectly timed, it's almost as if you memorized my sleep schedule." you joked.
"oh, yeah, that's crazy. imagine that," leon chuckled nervously. "um, anyway, i was just thinking... would you like to come over to my place later? i just thought that we know each other a little bit, but i'd like to get to know you more, since i think you're pretty cool and stuff, so, uh, yeah..." he trailed off, waiting for an answer.
upon hearing his proposal, you lit up in excitement. you always thought he was cute and wanted to get to know him, but you were too nervous to make the first move. this was a great opportunity.
leon was nervously fiddling with his fingers as he waited for your response. the longer you took to respond, the more his anxiety grew. he could feel the sweat forming on his skin and his chest tighten. what if you weren't interested in him in that way? was he being too forward? were you too busy?
you took a deep breath before you finally responded, mustering up the courage to say something. "i'll visit in a couple hours. i'll see you then, leon." you responded quickly, hanging up the phone and getting ready to see him.
leon's heart almost jumped out of his chest when you finally responded. he dropped his phone and immediately got to work, cleaning his place and hiding the pictures of you sleeping and your old clothes in a box under his couch.
he worked very hard to tidy everything up, wanting it to be perfect for you. only the best for you.
when he finished cleaning, he sat on the floor in front of his door like a puppy waiting for its owner. he patiently waited for you to knock on the door and come in, even though it would be a couple more hours until you arrived.
after a few hours of leon not moving a single inch, you finally arrived. as soon as your knuckles grazed the door to knock, leon swung it open with superhuman speed.
"thanks for coming! i hope the weather wasn't too harsh on you." leon greeted, stepping aside to let you in. he didn't actually know if the weather was harsh or not, he just said the first thing that came to his mind to start a conversation with you.
"thanks... and uh, the weather isn't bad at all. it's just a bit windy." you responded, awkwardly standing by the door.
leon was trying his hardest to act calm, but his heart was racing and he could feel his palms getting sweatier and sweatier. you were standing right next to him! and you were alone together! he could've just died right then and there. instead of watching you through your window, you're right in front of him! instead of breaking into your house and stealing and sniffing your clothes, he can just smell you right by him! he was in heaven.
for a couple hours, you both spent time together by watching movies and chatting, getting to know each other more and more. leon even ordered dinner for you both, and somehow he got your favorite food, and he claimed it was just intuition. it didn't even feel like hours had passed, since you were both enjoying yourselves.
"so, uh, do you like this movie?" leon awkwardly spoke up, as you both sat on the couch in front of his tv. you simply smiled and nodded, too tired to respond. it was a random film that you weren't familiar with, and you watched it in silence next to him. you were both clearly tired after that long day, but leon didn't want you to leave just yet. so he started awkwardly starting new conversations or asking you questions, hoping to keep your attention on him. he loved the amount of attention you already gave him that day, and he was still giddy that you agreed to visit him in the first place. all he needs to stay happy is for you to look at him. but you were literally sitting on his couch and spending time with him, and it just made him so overwhelmed with joy. it gave him hope that you could work as a couple someday, and you would never know about his unorthodox antics to get to this point.
or at least that's what he thought.
at some point, leon excused himself to the restroom and left you boredly swinging your legs back and forth on the couch. but you felt your leg kick something hard underneath the couch. when you decided to investigate, you found a hidden box. curious as to why it was hidden, you decided to open it and look inside.
big mistake.
you found some old clothes and underwear that you thought you lost, pieces of your hair, various pictures of you sleeping, a few grocery lists and paperwork that you thought you threw away, and even pages ripped out of leon's journal describing his dark fantasies of you. some of it had some mysterious white stains on it. it was disgusting, and it made you sick to look through it. you thought leon was just a cute sweetheart, but it turned out he was a stalker and a creep. you were so shocked, that you didn't know what to do. should you run? call someone? but it was unsafe, because he clearly knew your address and a lot of your personal information. you had no idea what to do, so you stayed frozen in shock.
when leon returned, he saw the horrified look on your face and saw the box in your hands. his heart dropped. you knew his secret.
"shit. oh my god, uh, it's not what you think. i swear, i just, uh, fuck..." leon stammered, dropping down to his knees in shame.
"what the fuck is this? how long have you been stalking me, you fucking creep?" you yelled, standing over his shaking form.
"haah.. i... uh.." leon seemed to be breathing weirdly, and you weren't sure if it was out of anxiety or pleasure.
"and this," you picked up one of the pages from his journal and waved it in front of his face. "what the fuck is this? you are so fucked up... are you in love with me or something? or is it just some weird ass sexual obsession?"
"i.. i do love you! of course i do! this isn't how i wanted you to find out, but i really do love you! please don't take it the wrong way. i don't want to hurt you, i just want to be with you. i want to feel you and- and spend every waking moment of my life with you.. please don't hate me." leon begged, grasping onto your leg pathetically.
"you're sick in the head. and you're nothing but a pathetic stalker." you scoffed. all the trust and affection you had for him went out the window after you opened that box. there was no way he can get your trust back. hell, you were willing to cut contact with him and move to another country at that point.
"fuck... okay, maybe i am.. but, uh... shit." leon struggled to get his words out, as he felt aroused by your degradation. he never thought it would feel so good to have you yell at him. he could barely even speak, it just felt euphoric for you to scold him for his actions. you expected him to panic, but he seemed to have mixed feelings about the situation. he was still horrified that you discovered his dirty secret, but he had stars in his eyes the more you screamed at him.
"oh my god... you're a masochistic freak, huh? you like it when i yell at you? god, you're so fucked up." you spat, grabbing his collar and lifting him up to your level.
leon whimpered at the sudden contact, not responding to your degredation and simply squirming at your touch.
you sighed. "are you going to explain yourself? or are you just going to keep babbling nonsense?"
after getting no response, you dropped him and started to grab your things and leave.
"i.. i love you so much!" leon blurted out. "please don't leave! i promise, i can make it up to you! i'll do whatever you want! i can uh... i can provide for you! you won't have to lift a single finger for the rest of your life! and uh... i can cook and clean! sort of. i'll learn how to take care of you. i'll show you that i can be a good boyfriend if you let me! please, just love me! i did all these things for you and i promise i will stop if you want me to! please, don't leave."
leon stood in front of the door and desperately held you in place, not wanting to let you leave.
if you chose to stay, leon would be overjoyed. he would keep his promise and make it up to you, spending the rest of his life protecting you from harm and doing anything to keep you happy. your well-being is his number one priority, he'd make himself look like a fool if it meant getting a smile out of you. just let him love you. you don't need to give him anything in return!
if you chose to leave, leon would be a sobbing, sulking mess for about an hour or two before he decided on what to do. he still had all of your information. he knew pretty much everything about you. he would probably do something to force you into being with him, such as faking your death and kidnapping you. you have nobody else now. you have to be with leon now. he is the only one that still loves you and will keep you happy. even if you're mad at him now, he has hope that someday you will warm up to him and be willing to have a relationship with him. he'll wait patiently for that day to come.
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kulapti · 1 year
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Aug 2023, bookbinding of The Silent Isle Imbowers by Tharkuun.
I’m sooo so so pleased to finally share this! I have been actively working on this for many months and waited until Tharkuun received her copy before posting so the final result would be a surprise.
-----------About this bookbinding under the cut
This binding has been one of the more elaborate pieces I have attempted so far. This has been my first binding where I (1) made three copies of a piece at once, (2) used a modified a historical illustration, (3) collaborated directly with another artist on the decorative elements, (4) finished matching art for the cover and title page, and (5) layered paint and heat-transfer vinyl for the covers. These are also (6) the first non-tiny books I have made with this style of hinge and cover attachment.
Pretty much immediately after I first read this story I felt I had to make myself a copy of this. I had a strong mental image of a vintage-looking cover for a fairy tale, with a deceptively simple design of flowers on the cover, probably with fancy metallic accents, the kind of thing you’d find in an interesting used bookstore with no summary, no text on the back, no dust jacket, just the flowers and maybe a title. I’m going to make a separate post about making this cover design a reality because oh man has it been a journey lol! I designed and drew the digital art for the cover (digital because of the cut and application method), as well as the corresponding title page illustration (pencil and dip pen, scanned, title added digitally).
When I asked Tharkuun about it she was excited to suggest I get in touch with quillingwords, who generously agreed to collaborate with me! Among her talents quilling writes calligraphy, and hand wrote both the book title and chapter headers for me to incorporate into my plans. Check OUT those chapter headers! So fancy! A font could never!! Quilling has also been very encouraging and let me yell about this project in dms for months so the final result could be a surprise for Tharkuun. Thank u so much quillingwords, your calligraphy adds invaluable amounts of swag to this project.
I was going to do some kinda neat font for the chapter headers, but quilling’s work is too cool for that and I decided to use a modified piece of a historical illustration instead. The illustration also happens to be cool as heck: I was browsing the Artstor database (an academic quality resource available for free via Jstor, my beloved) and found E. N. Neureuther's 1836 gorgeous etching for etching of the fairy tale Briar Rose, an illustration made for a printing of a Brothers Grimm recorded German fairy tale with Sleeping Beauty elements. Much to my delight this illustration not only matches the general look I wanted but is actually relevant to the story, itself a Sleeping Beauty spinoff.
Slightly less stylistically consistent are the endpapers, which are prints of two different paintings by Arnold Böcklin: Isle of the Dead (1883) in the front and Isle of Life (1888). The first painting had occurred to me as an excellent visual to go with the story, and Tharkuun and I discussed this and agreed that pairing it with the related later, more optimistic piece was too thematically appropriate to resist.
I had fun and learned a lot making these books and I am very pleased with the result!!
Materials: Archival bookboard, cardstock, cotton cheesecloth mull, archival PVA glue, linen thread coated in beeswax, paper cord, red cotton embroidery floss. Blue cotton backed with archival paper, acrylic paint, machine cut black and gold heat-transfer vinyl. Laser printed text and illustrations. Metallic scrapbooking paper.
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inferencesarchives · 11 months
Hello! Could you do Pure Vanilla Cookie x Fem! Ancient reader, whose kingdom is like a spiritual kingdom and The Reader Is just very stressed?? Like, very little time to eat, sleep, ect. How could PV maybe comfort her?? Have a nice day!!
`•- Time for Yourself
pure vanilla cookie x fem reader
summary: pure vanilla notices you haven't been acting like yourself lately. how does he help you feel better?
warnings: physical touch, pure vanilla is kind of a worry wart, also im not super proud of the writing on this one so im sorry if it's not as good as my other stuff :((
a/n: is it bad that when i went to the store today and saw pure vanilla extract on the shelf i thought of pure vanilla cookie
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Pure Vanilla Cookie has noticed the lack of letters you've been sending him recently.
Of course, he knows that ruling a kingdom is no simple ordeal, and, of course, there's no way you would be able to send him a letter every day. However, despite that, you've always made sure to send him letters frequently and inform him of every nifty little thing going on in your life.
That is, up until roughly three and a half weeks ago.
You used to send him letters every four or five days to keep him updated on everything going on in your kingdom, and he always wrote back when he received your letters. However, when he responded to a letter you sent about three and a half weeks ago, you hadn't written anything back to him.
He found this behavior very strange, as you were always enthusiastic about being able to talk with him whenever you got the chance. Pure Vanilla Cookie was, frankly, getting rather worried about you and how you were doing. So, he decided to take a trip over to your kingdom to see for himself what was wrong.
When he finally arrived, Pure Vanilla Cookie was quick to stride towards your castle, making haste towards your office, where you spent most of your time. Gently knocking on the door, he quietly entered the room, as to not disturb you too much. He immediately notices your eyebags, the empty coffee mugs littered around your desk, and the way you don't even glance at him when he enters the room, thinking it was just some servant needing to ask a quick question or something of the like. Needless to say, when he spoke up, you immediately turned and stared at him in surprise.
"My Dear, has everything been okay lately?" He gently asks. "Ah! Pure Vanilla Cookie? What are you doing here?" You respond, shocked. You had no idea he was coming, you had no time to prepare, you didn't want him to see you like this.
"Are you alright?" He slowly walks toward you before draping his cloak over your shoulders, "You haven't responded to my letter for weeks, and you look awfully tired. How long have you been sitting here working today?" He looks at you with worry swirling in his eyes.
As you sit there failing to answer his question, he gently places a hand on your head and caresses your hair, sighing, "You need to remember to take care of yourself, you know. You can hardly handle this much work in the state that you're in. Why don't you rest for a bit?"
You look at him with tired eyes, attempting to provide a counter-argument, "I know, I know, but-" "No buts. You're going to go lay in bed and read a nice book to help you de-stress. I'll also fetch you some tea. Then, perhaps you can take a nap. You'll feel a lot better when you wake up," He suddenly picked you up, carrying you back to your bedroom before you can even say anything. Perhaps he was right though, as you were indeed doing a lot better the next morning. Perhaps self-care really is important after all.
a/n: not me writing a fic about self-care at 2 am when i haven't slept and i am in fact not taking care of myself lmao uhhhhhh i promise ill get some sleep once i finish up the rest of the requests i swear i pinky promise i swear
thanks for reading, and remember to take care of yourself! don't be like me lmao
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fruityhoon · 1 year
eat with me
soft yandere!hee x gn!reader
warnings/note: mentions of food, eating, hee’s a sweet boi here, fluff, slightly paranoid hee, NOT proofread (i wrote all of this half asleep so bare w me)
it was way past midnight and you couldn’t sleep, all you had was some leftover sandwich from the fridge for dinner so what better way was there than to eat?
only one problem..
you had to sneak past heeseung in order to be able to do that.
sure he was sweet and would do anything for you, but heeseung wasn’t the type to let his guard down and let you out of his sight especially past midnight, he’d always make sure you fell asleep first before he could catch some sleep. and if you were hungry, he’d make something light for you so your stomach wouldn’t be rumbling all night.
but tonight was a little different, he came back home exhausted, immediately taking a shower and laid next to you resulting in him falling asleep before you which was something he never did
and right now you took the opportunity and slowly climbed out of bed while making sure heeseung doesn’t feel your absence next to him
you went downstairs and headed into the kitchen, taking a look inside the fridge you noticed there wasn’t really anything for you to eat which lead you looking through the cabinets and voila!
instant noodles.
heeseung never really lets you get your hands on them as he quote on quote said, “it’s unhealthy and you should be eating proper meals instead”
‘why does he have a lot of them in the cabinet here then?’ you thought to yourself
taking 2 packs of the noodles, you dont know how but you managed to not make much noise and made yourself a nice bowl of shin ramyeon
he lazily opened his eyes, trying to find your warmth to then which he realised you werent there next to him.
immediately sitting up, heeseung grabbed his phone on the nightstand and opened an app to see if there were any notifications of the doors or windows being opened or even unlocked but there werent any
‘fuck fuck fuck where are they?’
the man got out of bed despite his hair being all over the place, wondering where you were while trying to keep himself calm
he was being paranoid, thinking you snuck out and ran away, cursing at himself for letting his guard down this one time until he heard faint noises coming from the kitchen
he walked over slowly and a sigh of relief came from him as he saw you in the kitchen about to eat your noodles
you were about to engulf your food when a pair of arms hugged you from the back, you flinched and let out a small yelp, almost knocking over your food
pulling away and turning around, you were met with a pair of bambi eyes looking straight at you before he hugged you again , resting his face in the crook of your neck
“dont do that to me again, you scared me” he lowly whispered in your ear as he hugged you even tighter, you could hear the fear in his voice
feeling bad you slowly pulled away and caressed his head and looked at your food
“im sorry.. i was really hungry but you looked really tired and exhausted before you slept so i didnt wanna wake you up” you looked down at your foot, feeling guilty that you made him feel scared
“i dont care how tired i look if you need anything just tell me okay? i’ll always be there no matter how exhausted i am and i need you to know that” you nodded as he cupped both of your cheeks before leaving a small peck on your forehead
“c’mere” you pulled him to the seat next you as you quickly got up to grab something, leaving the man confused
you came back to your seat as you handed him a pair of utensils and placed a glass of water on the table
“eat with me” you nudged the bowl slightly to his side, the man raising an eyebrow as a response
“you didnt eat anything today hee, its not like i can finish this anways, share with me okay?” you said as you gave him a soft smile
“baby its o-“
“if you dont share with me i’ll be really upset” you cut him off as you emphasised on the ‘really’, knowing he’d give in to you since you knew the last thing he wants is for you to be upset with him
and you were right. he spent too long waiting for you, now that he finally had you with him he wanted to treat you well and give you all he had. he was always listening to you, complying to your needs while always being cautious of course
but you didnt mind, although he was really overprotective he still made you feel loved and you felt safe with him and thats all that matters to you
“okay okay we’ll share” he let out a small giggle as he ruffled your hair and the both of you shared the bowl of ramen which was probably already soggy at this point
“your not mad.. right?” you spoke out as the both of you finished the food
“baby of course not, what makes you think that?” he looked at you as he frowned
“i don’t know i just thought you’d be mad” you got up and took the dishes to go wash them but he stopped you
“im not mad y/n, i just got a little scared that’s all” he took the dishes from your hands and walked over to the sink
you hugged him from behind as you mumbled out a quiet ‘sorry’ , resting ur cheeks on his back
“it’s okay, you wanna cuddle on the couch?” he dried his hands and turned to look at you to which you nodded
the both of you sat on the couch cuddling, your head on his chest and him leaning on your head, one of his hand gently caressing your back
cuddling sessions on the couch were always nice and it wasn’t until a few weeks ago the both of you started doing it
“please don’t leave me y/n, i don’t know what i’d do without you” he softly whispered out of nowhere, but you know it was just him overthinking
“i’ll be here, always” you responded as he smiled and started humming lullabies, something he’d do to make you sleepy
you fiddled with his other hand, slowly falling asleep to the melody you were hearing
and soon enough you fell asleep, heeseung noticed and kissed your forehead, dozing off not long after.
author’s note: im not really the type to write fluff but i just wrote down whatever came to mind honestly, let me know what yall think :D
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hannyoontify · 1 year
my love language is tteokbokki - yoon jeonghan
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member | yoon jeonghan x reader
genre | pure fluff, comfort??, established relationship!au, high school!au
word count | 1.9k
synopsis | just like you were there for him, jeonghan is there for you when you need it most–through tteokbokki
warnings | a hefty amount of food mentions (mostly tteokbokki), reader is stressed and overworks and doubts themself??
notes | absolutely completely wholly 100% self indulgent and i am not ashamed. also it's pissing me off that jeonghan's hair color in the photo doesn't match the description in the writing but whatever it's 2:30 am
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You rubbed your tired eyes with a stifled yawn. They were sore and probably blood-shot from staring at your computer screen for almost the entire day and on top of that, you could also feel your fingers cramping.
You were going through a few wrist exercises when you heard your room door open.
"Mom, I promise I'll eat dinner after I finish this-" You turned around, expecting the familiar sight of your mother, dressed in an apron and rosy cheeked, telling you to come downstairs for dinner.
But in her place, was your boyfriend. He tilted his head in a childish manner, reminding you of a young pup with a small smile.
"Jeonghan," You said breathlessly.
"Hey cutie. Do I still have to wait until you're done or...?" Jeonghan asked with a boyish grin.
You shook your head violently and patted the bed next to your desk, signaling him to sit down. He set down a plastic package and you could smell tteokbokki wafting out from the bag. You reached inside to see what it was, and as you expected, it was rose tteokbokki with extra cheese. He knew you so well.
You always ate rose tteokbokki whenever you were stressed or overwhelmed with schoolwork. You had an insanely low spice tolerance so even regular tteokbokki had you fighting for your life, let alone buldak ramyeon. So you resorted to rose tteokbokki, which was more friendly for you.
Before Jeonghan could finish situating himself on your bed, you launched yourself into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in tightly, your cheek pressed against his.
"Thank you," you mumbled into his neck. The two of you wriggled around in your small bed until you were in a more comfortable position. Jeonghan was lying on his side, propping his head up with one arm and the other splayed across your torso. You were lying on your back, pressed flush against your boyfriend as your hands roamed across his shoulders, face, and hair. He had cut it recently, changing back to shorter, black hair from his previous long, almost bob-cut like black hair. You were a little distressed at first at the change, but you liked him in whatever hairstyle he had. Even when he had shoulder length hair back in freshman year.
"Anything for my darling," Jeonghan pressed a kiss on your forehead and you pretended to frown.
"Cheesy much," you mumbled, finding comfort in his warmth. You nuzzled up closer to him, pressing your nose into his neck and you breathed in his familiar smell.
"Mm.. but you like it."
You didn't bother responding because it was true. The combination of Jeonghan's soothing touches, his warmth, and his sweet smelling cologne slowly lulled you to sleep. Once you realized this, you shook yourself awake and sat up, surprising Jeonghan in the process.
"I need to finish this personal statement," you groaned as you clambered out of bed and sat yourself down at your desk.
"Can't you write it later? I wrote all of my personal statements a week before they were due and I got into a good college,” Jeonghan whined dramatically.
"Sorry pooks but I didn't have a life altering injury like lateral epicondylitis like you did so I don't have much to write about,” you said, almost sarcastically. You only ever called him pooks as a joke, almost like a warning that you were going to get upset soon.
Jeonghan didn't respond and let you work. He knew how stressed you were this semester, with work and school on top of working on college applications, essays, and scholarships. Luckily, he had to do all of this last year, and with your help (and kisses), he was able to graduate high school with his sanity intact.
He thought it was his turn to take care of you, so he sat himself up on your bed and watched you work. You were wearing your blue light glasses and you squinted at your computer screen as your fingers flew across the keyboard. He watched the way you buried your bottom lip under your teeth when you were stuck, and the way you would slowly begin to hunch over more and more before you would correct your posture. He knew your biggest fear was getting scoliosis at the ripe age of 17.
You felt yourself being pulled into a trance when you found a newfound boost of motivation. Your brain was moving too fast for your fingers. Leaving the typos up to grammarly, you continued to type with newfound rigor. When you felt something warm and sweet smelling tap against your lips, you opened your mouth automatically, without breaking concentration.
The rice cake Jeonghan just fed you was still warm. The sauce was soft and creamy, with a tinge of sweetness that balanced out the spiciness. You licked your lips for any remnant sauce and opened your mouth again to Jeonghan's direction, your eyes never leaving the screen and your fingers never stopping.
Jeonghan scoffed at the sight but who was he to say no? With gentle, loving eyes, he fed you another rice cake, this time wrapped in eomuk.
That was how you ate dinner that night. Jeonghan would silently offer tteokbokki and you would accept the food. Not once did you break eye contact with your computer throughout this entire exchange. You didn't speak either, just an occasional 'oh my god this is so good' and 'mmm'. After you were done eating, Jeonghan held a water cup to your lips, letting you have a few sips before taking the cup away again. He knew that the only liquid you had probably consumed that day was caffeine.
Once he was done cleaning up, he shuffled around your bedroom, picking up miscellaneous trash and clothing he found on your floor. Jeonghan tried his best to be quiet so as to not disturb you. He knew how hard you tried to be quiet when he was working on college applications. He also knew how much effort you put into taking care of him when he was applying to colleges.
Trying his best to replicate what you did for him, Jeonghan cleaned up your room, turned on your air humidifier with a few drops of lemon essential oil. He put away all of your older coffee mugs and energy drink cans (and while he was at it, he made sure to comfort your parents, who were a bit concerned for your well-being, something you also did for him a year ago).
Once he cleaned up everything, he re-made your bed, fluffing your pillows and spraying your pillows with a sleep spray he borrowed from Seungkwan so you could sleep peacefully after you were done.
Feeling satisfied with his work, Jeonghan pulled up a spare chair next to you and alternated between watching YouTube videos and watching you work. He took this as a chance to admire your features. The way your nose bridge sloped down and your bright eyes that reflected the light of your computer screen. Your pretty lips that were pushed into a pout as you focused on your writing. He admired the way you mumbled under your breath when you proofread a paragraph and the way you took an occasional break to stretch out your wrist and neck. He made it a point to always press his lips against yours during these breaks, a gentle reminder to you that he was there if you needed anything or just for silent moral support.
Once the clock hit 10 pm, Jeonghan softly nudged your arm. "Angel? It's bedtime."
"One more sentence," you mumbled. Your fingers seemed to move faster than before, if that was even possible, until you dramatically threw yourself back with your arms in the air. "Done!"
Jeonghan chuckled and kissed your forehead. "I'm so proud of you, love. Go wash up, and join me for bed."
Your brain was too tired to even process what he just said, you simply trailed to the bathroom with half-lidded eyes. Jeonghan chuckled and turned off the lights before climbing into your bed and making himself comfortable under your duvet. It felt much more comfortable now that he had re-made the bed.
You returned, dressed in a matching pajama set that Jeonghan also had. It wasn’t meant for couples, but you thought the design was so cute that the two of you needed to get it. You practically jumped into bed and cuddled up against your boyfriend, your nose buried into the crook of his neck and your arms wrapped around his torso.
“Tired?” Jeonghan asked. You could only muster a tired grunt and he smiled. The two of you laid in silence, the only thing that you could hear was the low buzzing of your humidifier and the low thumping of Jeonghan’s heart.
Your eyes soon adjusted to the darkness of your room and you could make out the silhouette of your boyfriend’s beautiful facial features. You stared, your eyes silently tracing the slope of his nose and his pretty lips.
“Hannie,” You called out in a low voice.
“I’m scared.”
Jeonghan shifted in place to face you. “Why are you scared, angel?”
“What if I’m not good enough? What if I didn’t do enough community service? What if I didn’t do enough extracurriculars? What if my most tragic stories aren't tragic enough and my recoveries aren’t recovery-y enough? God, the college admissions system is so fucked up,” You whispered. “Making us relive our most traumatic moments only to get rejected.”
Jeonghan chuckled and rubbed a soothing hand against your back. “Angel, you are so much more than your extracurriculars or your community service hours or your trauma. You’re right, the college admissions system is fucked up, but if the admissions office can’t see what a great person you are through your essays, then it’s their loss. You’re a great writer who can evoke so many emotions from the reader. Remember your essay on family and its importance in ‘The Odyssey’ in your sophomore year? It made your English teacher cry, remember?”
You smiled at the memory.
You’re not lacking in any way, my angel. You’re doing great and will continue to do great. You’re going to do great things in the future, love. I can see it.”
Jeonghan squeezed your hand tightly. You could almost feel all of his love being poured out through that single action.
And I’ll be here for every single step of the way. Your failures and successes, I’ll be there for it all. I’ll be there to celebrate with you and I’ll be there to cry with you and give you a shoulder to cry on.”
You sniffed and wiped away a stray tear. “Thank you, Hannie.”
Jeonghan looked down at you when he heard you sniffle. “Oh no, angel. Are you crying? I didn’t mean to make you cry, I’m so sorry.”
He pulled you in tightly for a hug and you smiled into the fabric of his hoodie.
“It’s okay. They’re not sad tears.” Despite your words, more tears sprang out of your eyes and soaked Jeonghan’s hoodie. This was long overdue, you thought to yourself. Jeonghan pulled away from the hug and wiped your tears away with his sleeves.
“I’m so proud of you, [Name]. You’re doing so well. You know I’m always here, right?” You nodded, tears still spilling from your eyes. “My sweet, sweet [Name]. How tired you must be right now… It’s okay, let it all out. I’m here.”
Jeonghan continued to rub your back with small soothing noises, alternating with an occasional sweet nothing he whispered into your ear until you fell asleep.
He looked down to see your mouth open slightly ajar and eyes fluttered shut. Jeonghan slowly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake you up. He tucked you into bed, sliding your favorite stuffed animal into your arms in his stead (which he wasn’t happy about but he had to go home). He smoothed your hair out of your forehead and pressed a soft kiss to your skin. “Good night, my love. Sleep well. I love you.”
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reblogs and feedback is always appreciated ^-^
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dawnoftime22 · 1 year
| N.R
Warnings: None
Summary: You had a mild headache and tried to take a nap alone, but Natasha got home before you knew it and took care of you instead.
Word Count: 570
Category: Fluff
A/N from past me: I wrote this right before I took a nap for my own headache and ended up falling asleep. aand then... finished it when I woke up at 2 am. yes. 2. :')
| Started on 26/10/2022, 8:49 PM |
| Finished on 27/10/2022, 4:36 AM |
“You're my medicine.”
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
Your legs were kept closely to your body, and your fingers held the bridge of your nose.
You had your eyes closed. A small headache creeping onto you. So, you thought to take a break from everything and your phone to rest a bit.
A blue light could be seen bouncing off the blank tv screen, coming from the window that showed the view of the sky as the sun said goodbye, and the moon came around.
It would be a perfect time for a nap, and closing your eyes helped.
You were so close to falling asleep and running away from the headache.
But...the front door of the house's lock clicked, and it opened.
Keys could be heard jingling and the door had shut. Quiet footsteps soon came closer to where you are.
You opened your eyes and blinked, before taking your arm off your head, and then looked to your side.
The redhead nearly passed the couch and didn't notice your presence until you shuffled around slightly and made noise.
Her eyebrows were raised for a split second before her gaze on you softened. "Sorry. Did I wake you up?"
The way you ran your fingers and knuckles over a specific spot near the bridge of your nose to ease the ache in your head, made her think about it more. You nodded before letting the backside of your hand fall down and sit lazily on your cheek, looking back at her. Which she thought seemed adorable.
Technically she didn't wake you up. You didn't go to sleep just yet, but you were about to, so in your blank white noise but headache bothering mind, you just thought it was the same thing.
She knew you rarely took naps though. Even you admitted it. "If I do take a nap in the middle of the day, then there is something seriously wrong with me." Was something you had said in the past. And even if you did, most times its of the same situation.
"Do you have a headache, детка? (baby)" It stayed silent as your mind processed the sentence and you thought about telling her. But well, what's the point in not, anyway?
And so, with a basically pleading face that you can't resist doing because of the pain, you nod again. Being too tired to talk.
As soon as you moved your arms away from your body, she had moved to lay down on the couch with you, enveloping you gently in an embrace. You gratefully accepted it.
She places a soft kiss on your forehead before lowering down and touching it with hers. You sighed softly at the slightest of relief, even if it was a little. It was as if she was giving her peace of mind and sharing her calmness with you.
The redhead pulls back slightly, just to look into your eyes. Ones that were half closed, but she could still see the beauty in them, as you could see hers in her soft gaze.
You then hid your head in the crook of her head, taking in the warmth.
"Better?" She whispered, loud enough for you to hear, and breaking the silence only slightly.
"Mhm," all you did was hum quietly.
You didn't need medicine. Not right now. It's not that severe, but from the way your headache had faded away just a bit more, she was your medicine.
All you needed was her.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
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french-unknown · 10 months
Can you please write something about a reader who wants to get self-improved?
What I am trying to say is, the reader is kinda of lazy and all they do is sleep, eat, and read. Neglecting studies and being unproductive.
But they want to change. They tried so many times, but they became their previous self again after 2 or 3 days.
Can you please write something like Law, Shanks, Mihawk, and Ace to help them to become their best self?
Like you know motivational and inspiring thing...
I don't know if you can understand this. English is not my mother language. So it's so hard to explain. Sorry about that.
Thank you so much for writing.
With lots of love...❤️❤️❤️
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: law, shanks, mihawk, ace 𝐂/𝐖: fluff 𝐀/𝐍: Hi! Thank you very much for appreciating what I wrote and don't worry about your request, I understood. I hope you will like it and have a nice day! (。◝‿◜。) 𝐖/𝐂: 1.2k +
| m a s t e r l i s t |
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✧ You had been locked in your room for several weeks and you didn't want to come out. You didn't want to see people. You didn't want to listen to them. You didn't want to talk to them.
✧ You just wanted to spend your days alone in your blankets reading quietly with Law visiting in the evening to sleep.
✧ Everyone outside, even your friends, bored you: their conversations didn't interest you and their reactions annoyed you. Besides, you didn't see what you could talk to them about and, even when you tried, you were cut off. this invisibilization irritated you so much that you ended up not saying a word, plunging yourself even deeper into your boredom, and no longer coming.
✧ You had tried several times to come back to them but your interactions turned on you more and more until the arrival of the Straw Hats who had finished isolating you for good.
Their captain who shouted everywhere and ruined your peace. Their swordsman who turned on his heel in the middle of your sentence when you tried to talk to him. Or their navigator who had cut you off to call out to Shachi who was passing behind you with his winnings from his bets with the crew.
✧ You hadn't left your room since.
✧ Law didn't see your isolation in a good light so, given that you were only reading and your reading stock was dwindling, he mentioned the very well-stocked library of the Straw Hats. Innocently, of course.
✧ He arranged for the Straw Hats to start a party before you could get out. Not wanting to get stuck in the hubbub on your way back to your room, you decided to stay reading in the Sunny Library until the crowd dispersed. Law sent Robin to the library to read her book.
✧ You came home the next morning to talk to Law about the archaeologist who was nice and whose invitation you thought you would accept to meet up to read together. He just calmy replied: “Cool” even though he was very satisfied inside to see you regaining confidence in socialization.
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✧ You didn't have the motivation to do anything to advance your goals. You always pushed everything aside with an "I'll do it later" to continue reading until you found yourself in the evening and said to yourself "It's too late to start, I'll do it tomorrow".
✧ It was like this every day.
✧ One morning, Shanks came into your room humming after you went back. He approached you under your suspicious gaze and took your book from your hands before going to the window and casually throwing your book into the water over his shoulder.
You could have ripped him alive just for that.
✧ However, he took out an old crumpled sheet of paper from his pocket with a quill already inked on it and wrote your objective in large letters at the top of the page. Then he spent the rest of the morning with you on the bed figuring out all the steps to take before reaching your goal. He embellished the page with little drawings here and there to make it more “cool”.
✧ He called himself "the Emperor of the to-do list" throughout.
✧ The next day, you did one of the tasks on the list because it didn't take much time / effort and you could do it from your bed. You simply checked it off and, when Shanks came back in the evening, you showed him.
✧ Every time you checked a box, he showered you with a shower of congratulations as well as special drinking parties to celebrate your accomplishment.
✧ The whole crew also ended up getting involved and they all encouraged you in their own way.
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✧ He was genuinely starting to worry about you: you didn't want to go out anymore and it had been weeks since you had seen the light of day.
No matter what he does, you always return to your bed after stocking up on food in the middle of the night in the castle kitchen. You stay all day under your covers. You would refuse his invitations every time he offered to accompany him outside the castle or during his missions outside Kuraigana. You always justified that you were more comfortable in your bed and that you didn't see the point in going out.
✧ He ironically thought that he was the one called a vampire.
✧ Finally, he got fed up. He waited for you in the kitchen during the night and started talking to you for a long time. You find his behavior quite strange but you keep talking, hoping that he will make fewer remarks to you later about the fact that you always stay locked in your bedroom.
However, when you opened the door to your room to finally snuggle into your soft pillows and blankets, you noticed that your bed was gone. Your bed was missing. You tried all the rooms in the castle but all the beds had disappeared. As well as all the pillows and blankets. There were none left in the entire castle.
✧ He then guided you towards Hitsugibune where his usual seat had been replaced by your blankets and pillows. You were shocked while he gave you the choice between staying on the island and sleeping on the cold stone floor or boarding with him and sleeping in comfortable bedding.
After toying with the idea of sleeping on the cold castle floor just to annoy him, you finally agree to go on his boat.
✧ After a few weeks of traveling, you realize that getting out of bed was the best solution because your days were no longer an endless blur. They no longer paraded at full speed without your having the slightest memory of them.
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✧ You wanted to start sport but you couldn't stay regular.
✧ You could tell yourself all the benefits it would give you (post-session well-being with endorphins, being more active in everyday life, more energy etc.) but you couldn't do it. Even motivational phrases like “the hardest part is to begin!” only made you feel even more depressed when you found yourself hopelessly in sportswear in your bed.
✧ You motivated yourself to do a week then you missed a session because you had aches. And another because you were tired. Then another one because you were lazy and, at rhis point, it wouldn't make a difference.
And you always ended up stopping.
✧ But Ace wanted to help you so he offered to accompany him on his next mission. You never refused to spend more time with him so you agreed.
✧ However, this trip as a couple was very different from the previous ones where you made all your trips at sea with his striker and those on land with the island's transport.
✧ This time, you did everything by yourself.
You paddled on the Grand Line while Ace helped you while telling you about his fights with Sea Kings. You hiked from one town to another while arguing with your idiot lover who had forgotten to take money for transportation. You climbed mountains hand in hand with him as you chatted happily.
✧ Finally, you got a taste for these privileged private moments with your boyfriend. They provided you with enough physical exercises to satisfy you without constraining you and you no longer felt the duty to do these sessions alone.
Congratulations, you found my 3rd Easter Egg Here a ʚ 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫 ɞ as a token of my admiration
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @lys-ada @xomingyu @dozcan123 @kai-wifey
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loud-sturniolos · 8 months
“You don’t hate me.”
Summary: Matt has always hated Y/N, but on Y/Ns birthday with drunken courage she proves Matts hatred for her is all fake.
Warnings: Fluff, kissing, drinking, enemies to lovers(??), swearing, very cliché, possibly angst?, I think thats it.
A/N: I have never wrote fluff or anything like this before, I also wrote this between 5-8AM with no sleep. I read a lot of romance stuff, so uh, it’s probably pretty cliché 😗
“You picked a dance with the devil, and you lucked out.”
Nicolas Sturniolo.
Y/N’s best friend.
Nick and Y/N met in photography club in high school, they were the only 2 in the club, it just made sense that they became best friends.
Nick had 2 brothers, they were triplets. Chris, and Matt.
Fucking Matthew Sturniolo
Ever since Matt and Y/N met, Matt absolutely hated Y/N. He never openly said it, but he definitely showed it. Always giving her dirty looks when she entered a room, making snide little comments, knowing she could hear.
”Was she in a car crash?” Matt asked Chris, gesturing towards Y/Ns purple eye shadow she had wore to a small get together, a childish giggle escaping his lips as he sees Y/N shoot a glare at him from across the room.
It was currently Y/Ns birthday, Y/N was in Nicks room, who was helping her get ready, when Matt suddenly barged in. “Jesus Christ, Matt,” Nick exclaimed, clearly annoyed by his brother walking in unannounced. “Fucking knock next time.” He added, shooting a glare at Matt before quickly going back to helping Y/N with her make up.
Y/N was sat on the edge of Nicks bed, already in her birthday outfit, Nick knelt in front of her as he tried to do her eyeliner.
“Y/N! Stop. Fucking. Moving.” Nick scolded, wiping the 5th failed attempt of eyeliner off Y/Ns eyelid. “Sorry, sorry!” Y/N replied with an excited giggle “I’m just excited.”
Matthew walked closer to the pair, looking down at Y/Ns outfit with a blank look. The girl looked up at him, rolling her eyes “What do you want Matt?” She scoffed, not wanting the boy she hated to ruin her perfect night. “You’re not wearing that.” Matt replied bluntly, as if he could control what she wore. “You don’t have a say in what I wear, Matthew.” she grumbled, standing up as Nick finally finished with her make up look, she started to make her way to Nicks bathroom to check it looked perfect, until Matt grabbed her arm.
“I said, you’re not wearing that, Y/N.” Matt repeated in a much more stern tone, keeping his tight grip on her arm. Y/N glared, but gave in, “Fine, I’ll throw on a jacket.”
The girl grabbed one of her best friends jackets from his closet, quickly putting it on and fixing her hair, then bolting towards the bottom of the stairs where her shoes were neatly placed.
Sitting on the second step, she quickly tugged on her shoes, as she started tying the laces she felt a presence behind her. A hand grabbed her shoulder, and her head immediately whipped around, a sigh of relief leaving her lips as she sees it’s just Chris.
“Hey, Chris, sorry. Am I in your way?” She said softly, quickly shuffling to the side of the stairs so Chris could get past her. Chris gave a warm smile, “Yeah, thanks, Y/N. Love your fit, by the way.” Y/N offered a polite smile in return, going back to tying up her shoe laces.
Just as she got to her second shoe, Matt appeared in front of her, she jumped slightly, her hand flying to her chest. “Fuck me, Matt. What?” She hissed, her head dipping back down as she goes to tie her shoe lace on her left shoe, only for her hands to be brushed away by Matt. “Let me.” He said, his tone blunt despite the polite gesture. Matt quickly tied up the laces, also going back and redoing the right one for her. Y/N stared in shock, and a bit of awe, a soft blush creeping across her cheeks which she shook off as Matt stood up and walked away casually.
At The Restaurant
Everybody took their seats at the table, Y/N next too Nick, Matt across from Y/N, next to Chris.
The waiter brought out the menus, “Anything I can help you with tonight?” He asked politely, walking away after the 4 of them shook their heads ‘no’. Everybody quickly ordered their starters, and a drink. They had ordered 2 garlic breads for them all to share, one plain, one cheese. Y/N had ordered a raspberry lemonade, Chris a Pepsi, Matt and Nick a classic lemonade each.
The starters and drinks quickly came, as the waiter walked off, Matt stood up, brushing his hands down his thighs quickly. “I’ll be right back.” he said, kicking Y/Ns ankle under the table with a smirk before walking off to find the bathrooms. Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her raspberry lemonade through the crappy paper straw “I hate him, he’s such a dick for no reason!” She exclaimed. Chris looked at her with an amused smirk, “That’s just how he is with you. Are you not used to it by now?” “Well- no..” Nick chimed in, “You should be used to it by now, Y/N.”
The restaurant was good, but Y/N wanted to end her birthday partying with random strangers, which is why she was currently drunk in the middle of a clubs dance floor with Matt staring at her from across the room.
Matt finished his can of coke, throwing it into the trash can he made his way over to Y/N, seeing how she was so drunk she could barely stand. As Matt got close, Y/N stumbled over her own feet, and Matts arms instinctively wrapped around her waist to hold her up.
“What are you doing?” Y/N slurred, even though her vision was blurred she could still tell it was Matt by his cologne. “I’m gonna dance with you.” Matt replied, innocently putting his lips right next to the shorter girls ear so she could hear him over the blaring music, his hot breath against her neck. Unbeknownst to Matt, the girl wrapped in his arms had blushed bright red from how close the 2 were.
After about 10 minutes of Matt and Y/N dancing, Matt started leading Y/N outside to his car, his arm firmly around her waist, leaning her against his body so she could stand up.
“You get in, I’ll text Chris and Nick to get out here so we can go home.” Matt said, helping Y/N into the passenger seat then going round the car and getting into the drivers seat. Matt pulled out his phone, dialling Nicks number. The quiet hum of the ringing phone filled the car, along with muffled music from the club as Matt rolled down the window slightly for some fresh air.
Matt glanced at Y/N, noticing her gaze already on him. “What?” He asked in a slightly amused tone. Y/N let out a drunk giggle, “You don’t really hate me, Matt.” She said drunkenly, Matt scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Yes, I do.” he said, though he was clearly lying.
Y/N, wanting to prove herself right, leaned forward and connected her lips to Matts in a soft kiss, “You dont hate me.” she mumbles against his lips after not being pushed away, then pulling away as if nothing happened.
“Y/N- I-“ The now nervous boy stuttered out, a blush spreading across his pale cheeks, but before he could say anything he was cut off by Nick’s voice through the phone, “Hey, what’s up?”
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cifer-ulqui · 6 months
Ulquiorra Drabbles 2
(Ulquiorra, Reader, Grimmjow)(Second one is Angst and less overtly romantic)(I wrote these in Portuguese originally to practice learning the language. They're completely self-indulgent and ooc)(part one)
“I need a place to stay.” Ulquiorra clicks his tongue. His eyelashes are so long. They touch his cheek when he closes his eyes. “It's getting late. Kurosaki said I should come here.”
Ichigo must think he’s hilarious.
“Yeah?” I sigh. I can’t say no to him. “Come in.” He follows after me and I shake my head at the situation.
“Do you want tea?” I gesture for him to sit at the table. He complies, sitting stiffly.
“I don't need--”
“Do you want tea?” I ask more firmly. Why is he so difficult? Maybe that’s part of his charm. I look over my shoulder. He’s as attractive as he is stubborn.
“... Yes.” His brow is furrowed, like I asked for something annoying.
I suppress a comment about him being a brat and return to put the kettle on the stove. “Do you have a preference for the flavor?” I know he’ll say it’s unimportant. It’s useless, There’s no reason.
“Is there a difference? Tea is tea.” There it is.
“There’s hundreds of different flavors. How do I know which you’ve tried before?” I turn away from the stove to look at him.
“Just normal tea.”
“Black tea? Green tea?
His eyes are the only sign of bewilderment on his face, but his voice sounds confused. “Tea…?”
I look at him for a moment. “I’ll make tea, and if you don’t like it, I’ll make something else.” I shrug my shoulders.
Ulquiorra shakes his head. “That’s unnecessary. I’ll drink whatever you make.”
I repress a laugh, wondering if I could make him regret those words. Hot sauce, salt, extra tea bags… the kettle begins to whistle. I take the kettle off the stove and open the cabinet that holds my tea. I take down a citrus blend, with orange, lemon, and apple. I pour the water into a teapot.
The steam fills the air and soon the smell of citrus fruits lingers in the room. We remain in silence until the tea finishes steeping. I walk over, carrying the hot teacups. I place them on the table and sit down and he picks up his cup. He looks for a moment before taking a sip.
I drink my tea, watching his face. He shows nothing, but takes a few sips in the silence.
“I should thank you for allowing me into your home. Your hospitality suits you.”
We drink tea in silence and I allow the irritation to seep from me. “You can sleep on the couch, I'll grab a blanket for you.”
“This is all unnecessary, I'll just remain sitting here.”
I sigh, a long-suffering sigh, wondering why I'm stuck with this impassive idiot. “I'll grab a blanket, just in case you change your mind.”
He rolls his eyes, but doesn't argue.
He's so impossible.
“Do you like the tea?”
“It's tea.” Ulquiorra takes another sip. I think about calling Kurosaki, maybe he can meet me somewhere quiet. Just to talk. With my hands. Ulquiorra’s head tilts as he looks at his teacup and then the teapot.
Kurosaki is lucky I like this bat.
--- ---
The Rain Falls
The sky is gray. The rain falls.
Mist rises from the ground. I sigh, looking at the dismal rain. The air is filled with petrichor, cloying and dense. It clings to my skin.
It’s not fair.
My heart hurts, and I step out into the rain. Water drips down my face, soaking into my clothes. He’s gone. I’ll never see him again. If I am lucky, the rain will drown me.
I cared for him. The fourth espada, Ulquiorra Cifer. The one who I argued with, who taunted me and told me my life was meaningless. The man I sat atop Las Noches with in the freezing wind and vast desert stretched before us. We watched the moon together.
The only rain in Hueco Mundo is unnatural, from the spirit energy of other hollows. The black rain of Murcielago elicited a far different feeling, one of awe and foreboding. This is just….
He’s dead. Nothing but dust and the lingering emptiness. Maybe this is his heart that I feel.
I suppress a shiver. This rain seeps the warmth from my bones.
“Do you have an umbrella?” A rough voice breaks me from the reminiscence. I turn my head, seeing Grimmjow. His hair is quickly drenched by the rain, stickling to his face. He doesn't wear his usual grin, as if the melancholy of a storm is contagious.
I turn back to look at the sky.
He and a few other arrancar survived. He seems content to allow Haribel to rule, and I suddenly feel lost, without direction. What will happen to us now? What is our purpose?
Maybe there really is no purpose. Maybe Ulquiorra was right.
“Tch,” Grimmjow huffs. “Idiot. Let’s go.” He grabs the shopping bags from my hand. His hand is firm, but gentle around my shoulders as he guides me through the streets. He squeezes.
“Gonna catch a cold,” he grumbles, as if it would be something for him to suffer. His eyes catch mine as we near Urahara’s shop. They’re a cold blue.
His worry soothes something in my chest. Maybe we’re closer to humans than I thought, if even Grimmjow is capable of something like caring. I wonder if this somber hope ever permeated into Ulquiorra’s thoughts. I wonder if anything grew meaning to him in his last moments.
Grimmjow opens the door, ushering me through and grabbing a towel that he begins drying me off with. “Idiot.”
The rain falls.
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
The other woman. (part 2)
Previous: part one 
Next: part three, part four- Izuku’s end
Heya, I am doing part two, no idea how it’ll go, but uhm, yeah. 
Warnings: suggestive content-but nothing really happens, cheating, lots of angst for izuku, hate-love, you slowly fall out of love with Deku, Izuku feels guilty and shit, timelaps, suicide thoughts, you feel a little guilty, but not too much, LONG CHAPTER 
summary: As Izuku thinks about how he should tell you and admit how he cheated on you, you are finishing your last preps to completely break him. Now, all he can do is think about where you might’ve headed off to. 
Also: Did I write this all with a resting bitch face?
Word count: 4k words
Have fun reading!
{...Last time : }
You gently pushed him away from you, his heart breaking at the sight of you avoiding body contact with him. you looked at him with a sad and dissapointed expression and looked away, going to sleep in the guest room. Now that the young man was alone, he thought about your behavior.
You and him didn’t really spend time together, the last time being him and you fucking last night. Before that, you were busy looking for evidences of a new case you could work on alone since you got your promotion.
He thought about you real hard then. You were always there for him. Always. You always stood up late at night to greet him. You oftentimes came to his office and brought him lunch, which then ended in a hot make-out session or even a quickie in his office.
You often talked about kids, how many you’ve wanted, how you speculated on what they’d look like, what they’d become afterwards. 
You weren’t a person of words, but of action. you kissed him at least a hundred times more than he did, you held him oh so delicately whenever you could. you were always gentle, soft, comforting for him. I mean, you could be rough when he wanted to, but you preferred a soft and calm relationship. 
He didn’t deserve you. 
In the guest room, you took a look at your phone. This time, the unknown person wrote a message. 
‘Why are you still hanging onto that cheating bastard?‘
You smirked. You didn’t really know who that person was, and if you’d sent the wrong text, then they could do whatever they wanted with it. So, you played dumb.
‘I think you are mistaking him with somebody else. He would never do something like that! I know my husband better than anyone else!!‘
The person didn’t take long to send something back. A voicemail? Let’s check if it’s a man or a woman...
“Well sweetie...guess I’ll have to show you myself...meet me at musutafu train station. Next saturday. 4 o’clock. Dress up for me, pretty. A’ight?“, the stranger said, having a voice changer and you couldn’t tell the gender. 
Then, the messenger went offline.
You didn’t have time to ask who they were or why they wanted to stop your relationship with Izuku so bad. But, you were quickly pulled out of your thoughts when Izuku knocked on your door. You had to think of something to answer.
“D-darling...?“ He was met with the sound of whimpers and crying. Izuku felt like killing himself. 
The next few weeks, you felt like shit, but it was because of your pregnancy. luckily, it was summer, then fall, and then winter, so you could put on more and more sweaters or large shirts to hide your growing stomach. 
You went to the doctors regularly to get some meds, and when they asked you if Deku knew-you shook your head no with a mischievous smile that they only interpreted as a surprise. 
Izuku didn’t feel any better. He looked like he hadn’t slept in months, his hair was messier than usual. He had a days-old beard, and if he wouldn’t have cheated on you, you’d latch onto him and fuck him until next week. 
The guilt of cheating on you was plaguing his mind so much that he even forgot to eat. He forgot to take care of himself. When he roamed around the city, he didn’t tell the villains to make a better person out of themselves with a smile on his face like he normally would. 
He used them as a punching bag and beat them up with a monotone expression. He felt like really committing suicide. 
The idea became more and more interesting as he noticed more and more things in his every day life that he didn’t think of before. Once he even drank a little bleach, but he vomitted out his entire dinner that he had with you. 
The dinner was a complete disaster.
In that dinner, he tried to try it again, tried to talk with you. He noticed that you were covering up more and more. you also looked a little more chubby to him. You didn’t really eat anything, only looked to the side with your arms crossed.
Also, he couldn’t touch you how he liked anymore.
You didn’t let Izuku touch you because he cheated (but he didn’t know that you knew) on you and also because if he would’ve touched your tummy, he would’ve guessed that you were pregnant right away. Who knows? He might even be relieved that you wanted to hide that surprise from him. 
But you didn’t let him come closer to you than arms length. And he was only allowed to hold your arms and hands or your head and face. Not more. 
Izuku thought of that distance as your dissapointment towards him. He knew that you didn’t want to make love with him. But he didn’t know for how long. and honestly? It was snapping every single heart string of his. 
Maybe he’d get a broken heart syndrome and die already. But his prayers went ignored as time went by. 
He felt numb.
Then he went numb. But you didn’t really care. It was his fault, after all. 
The brown haired woman, Uraraka, has tried to contact him more than a few times everyday, but he blocked her. Izuku felt like a traitor-which he was-but he felt much more than that. 
You didn’t deserve such an ungrateful bastard like him. He felt like a whore. He took you for granted. He was fucking another woman behind your back. He was kissing another woman. In another bed. 
When you should be in Uraraka’s place. When you should be the one he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. When you should be the one he’d meet at the end of the day. Not her. 
Uraraka was the other woman. 
But she was a woman who didn’t care if her target was taken or not. She didn’t care that you and Izuku were theoretically inseperable. She tested that theory. 
She found out that the theory was wrong. Or only temporary.
She broke a perfect relationship with a devillish smirk. 
Uraraka is a bitch.
You met up with some music and model agencies. You gave the music agency some of your music for when you were younger. Songs about love. Breakup. First date. Arguments. Everything. Nothing. 
They accepted your music. You even gave out your most recent song, but you wanted to sing that one. It was about cheating. About you, Izuku, and the other woman. And you even mentioned your two months old baby in your tummy in it. You’d sing it after your son, daughter or baby would come to the world, not sooner. 
if some other person, no matter if man or woman, would sing it, and Izuku would hear the lyrics, then he’d know that it was your song. You loved mistery, but also being simple and obvious. He knew that. so, you’d sing that song and the whole world would know about your and Izuku’s relationship being over before it could actually really blossom. 
The head of the music agency was thrilled about your plan and loved it. She even organised a concert for you to sing on. Live. And Izuku would be your guest of honour.
In the model agency, you gave the people some of your old modeling photos. Now you’d be a model for pregnant ladies. They also accepted. But, you insisted on cutting of your face in every pic, but only digitally. When you’d give birth to your child, then could they publish your photos. and Izuku would see how much he’s fucked up.
The case was finished. It seemed like the burglar was actually a group of middle school kids that had fusing quirks which they used to form into a thief and steal important or expensive stuff. 
After that case, you got another one. You had to find a mysterious person who likes to stalk people. It could be your internet friend who sent you the videos of Izuku and the other woman. 
Today was saturday. Time to meet the stranger. You contacted one of your close friends for safety reasons and made your way to the station. Your stomach got heavy with each week passing by. Now, your stomach was a little bigger than a basketball, but you could cover it up perfectly with one of Izuku’s hoodies. 
Yes, you still used them. Only to let him think that you still wanted this...whatever it was the two of you had. Now, you passed half of the path you had to take when Izuku called you. 
“Hey sweetie, where are you going?“
“I’m up here.“, he whispered and you looked up. You saw him standing on a low rooftop, gazing down at you with a smile only a real lover could have. Too bad he wasn’t your lover anymore.
But, you noticed his growing beard and hair, his eyes having big, dark circles under his eyes. He also looked like he could eat something. He should eat...
You smiled. “Aren’t you coming down? I don’t feel that safe right now.”, and just after you’ve finished that sentence, he jumped and landed on his feet next to you. He tried to be subtle, but you pretty much aknowledged the pained wince his left eye had when his feet met the ground.
You smiled again. “Thanks.”
You put your mobile away, and took his hand, swinging it around a little. That made Izuku uncomfortable, and you knew that. “N-no problem...where are you going anyways?”, he asked, giving you a curious look. 
No need to lie, right? “Well, there’s this person who began texting me, and I thought they’d be a nice friend, so I’d agreed to meet up with them.”
Izuku looked at you for a few seconds before squeezing your hand. “would you like me to come with you?” 
Don’t you have other bitches to look at?
“Don’t you have patrol?”, you asked instead, biting your tongue internally. He shrugged, looking at you with a sly smirk. “I can always come a little late.”
‘I can always come a little late.‘, my ass! He probably said that to that other bitch he’s fucking!
You looked at him with a resting bitch face before you looked straight ahead. Your phone began ringing as you went. You stopped in your tracks and took your phone out. 
The unknown number. You wrote ‘MY BESTO FRENDO!! <3’ in the contact list so that your poor excuse of a husband wouldn’t suspect a thing. “Oh, ‘my besto friendo?’ Isn’t that from Jujutsu Kai-” “Heyyy~! Where are you?”
Oh. O-okay..
Izuku visibly deflated when you interrupted him by picking up the phone and went ahead and pulled your hand away from him. He felt shitty. 
“huh? over there? Ah, I see you, you can stop waving now, hahaha...yeah, okay, I’ll come now! Bye!“, you said after you ended the call. You then looked at the man whom you’d swore to never leave. But you would. In less than a year. 
“You can go now, Izuku. I can take care of myself.“ “I can still accompany you-“ “There are your fans, I don’t want them to come closer than they already are. Bye Izu.“
And without smiling at him, giving him a kiss, touching his shoulder, or cheek, you turned around and went into a nice caffee. Izuku lookes after you with a look of longing. He missed you. 
With a sigh, he turned towards his eager fans who questioned him about everything that had happened between you two. With each question that involved you - which was every single one the six kids asked him about - he felt more and more like crying, screaming, or throwing himself into a nearby river. 
“I-I’m sorry kids, it was nice talking to you...!“, he croaked out before he took off and dissapeared. 
“Huh, so, you’re the one sending me those videos.“, you mustered the handsome but tired looking male in front of you. 
He had nice purple hair, eyebags of tiredness, and a sexy smile. 
“Shinsou Hitoshi.“ “Aren’t you an underground hero?“
He looked at you with surprise evident on his face. “How...?”
“You think I don’t know about people like you? I am a detective in that area. I know everybody here. And now tell me; Why did you send me these videos?“
He furrowed his brows. “Do I really need an explanation? You are living together with your CHEATING husband, isn’t that enough?” 
You smiled coquettishly at him. “No, why do you think that this is going to change anything?”, you scoffed, ”Do you think I want to leave him?”
He hesitantly nodded, which made you giggle sweetly. “Dear Underground hero, I am not planning on divorcing my husband. He may have had come slip ups there and there, but don’t we all do mistakes sometimes?”
“I...shouldn’t you be hurt by his actions? How can you still be so...carefree?“, he murmured, sizing you up. To him, you looked like a completely normal citizen, but he still questioned your relationship with Izuku.
“Say...are you happy in your relationship?“
If you were taken aback, you didn’t show it. You were a mistress when it came to faking your emotions around other people now. You sighed. 
“I wish I was...I am still a little mad at him for spending some nights with another woman, but he promised that he’d never do it again.”, and you had a sad expression on your face, but it was real in this fake relationship.
Shinsou nodded, giving you the illusion of the conversation dying down. But, you were wrong. Deku just had to break your heart more, didn’t he?
“I’m sorry for...putting my nose into your business, but Izuku’s been meeting up with the same woman over and over again until it suddenly stopped.”
You stopped breathing for a second. You don’t have to tell me that, you idiot-
“And I really want to know why-like, don’t get me wrong or something! I am questioning your...husband’s...moves right now.“
“Please, Shinsou. Leave it. Okay? I’ll try and talk to Izuku about it, all right?“, you only answered with a bittersweet smile.
He didn’t look like he’d believe you and you wouldn’t even believe it yourself, but here you were, lying to people who only want the best for you.
“I-just...ugh. Let me tell you, that I will be there for you when you need help, all right? Also, it’d be the best if you’d leave him already.“
You sighed for the last time before standing up, thanking him for the nice time, and walking home, with thinking about how you should approach your nearly final step.
“Phew. Onto the next step.“ 
Carefully, you put out some wine glasses with some bottles of beer and other drunk-making potions for your plan for tonight. Since it was sunday, and you had free for today, it was the perfect chance of taking it into action. 
You had prepared some nice dinner, candles and other romantic stuff and with your quirk, making plants, you let plenty of flowers bloom from the walls of your shared house.
“I’m home...“, you heard your “husband’s“ tired voice. He was later than usual and he looked like he’d need a bath-right now. Luckily, you let in a nice warm bath for him with plucked pectorals from some flowers an put them on the nice-with bath bombs and soothing bathing salts filled- bathwater. 
Now, as Izuku was stripping down to his underwear, you prepared the most important part: The divorce. You needed his signature, after all. 
You then put on his oversized hoodie-an all might themed one, of course- and went over to him, ignoring the stomach ache your growing child gave you. “Hey, Izu.”, you smiled softly at him, spoiling him with your tender, fake love.
He looked at you surprised. “O-oh, hey...”
You giggled. Okay, something’s wrong here. Why were you all happy and shit right now? With him? Even though it was nice to hear your happiness, Midoriya felt like something was completely wrong.
“C’mon, I made dinner, and the bath is also not waiting for you.“, you ushered him into the bathroom, which was lit up by the numerous candles and gave him a nice vibe. He stepped into the bathroom and groaned. His muscles relaxed after what felt like forever and he felt like taking a nap. That was what he was really missing. 
Meanwhile, your core still responded to his touch and you cursed your body for still aching after the cheater who was having a good time in the bathtub.
Your hand on his scalp brought him out of his dreamland and he sighed. Still, things were nagging him. “Hey...are we...are we good?”, he asked cautiously, testing the waters with you. 
Your smile faded. “I wish we were, Izuku...it’s actually my fault that I neglected you, you know? You’re so busy, with saving everybody...and helping people when they need help...”, you trailed off, talking about all the times you longed for his touch, his voice, his warmth, him. 
And with each word falling from your lips, he felt like drowning himself into the bathtub. “I just...I wished we could...you know...try again?”, you asked, a hopefull glimmer in your eyes. 
Who was he to deny you. 
Who was he to even think about answering that question. 
Who did he think he was for even looking you in the face after all the time he has spent countless times in other women’s places, blowing their backs over and over again?
“Yes. Let’s do it.“, he instead answered, a determined expression on his face and you smiled seductively at him. “Okay, Izu. But I am hungry, so we’ll eat first, okay?“
“Ya wan’ me dodo *hiccup* wha?“, he only asked, his mind far too gone, but he tried to seem like he’d know what you were talking about. 
You held the divorce papers in front of him, smiling devilishly down at him. “It’s so that I can get more money, sweetie...”, you whispered, grinning happily when he signed off without another care. 
“averythin’ for’ya, swee...anythin’“, he called, his red face making him drowsy and soon, he fell asleep. 
He didn’t even see you taking your clothes and leaving. He didn’t see you putting your wedding- and engaged ring into their respective boxes and placing them on the dinner table, where everything was left the way it was after you two ate and drank. You onlay drank water but he mistook it for whitewine and said cheers before drinking full-on. 
He thought about having to become confident before rearranging your gut again, but he never got to do that; with you talking about how you solved the case, your friends having kids, you solving another case and him having to get better at saving people again. 
He never got to touch further up your arm than intertwining your and his fingers and gazing into each other lovingly. He never saw you again after he signed the paper. But what was it again?
It was morning as he threw up all the bile from yesterday, even your delicious food, and the expensive liquors. He felt miserable, and when he called for you, you didn’t answer. 
As he kept calling your name, he noticed that something was wrong, again. All your belongings were gone. Your clothes, lewelry, but only the ones that you personally owned-not the ones he bought for you. Your shoes, also only from your own credit card, were gone, and so was your entire presence. 
Sure, there were still the parfumes and other belongings of yours that Izuku purchased for you, but you? You were nowhere to be seen. Izuku got scared that something might’ve happened to you. 
He searched for his phone and found it on the uncleaned dining table. There were two boxes, dangerously equal to the ones where he had his engage and wedding rings in, and to his horror, the rings were inside the boxes. 
Underneath was an envelope. He opened it and read a letter which you wrote for him. 
“Dear Izuku Midoriya. 
Dear Izu, Zuku, Mido, Midori, sweetheart, love, handsome, sweetie, darling. 
Dear Deku, 
As you might have noticed, I have vanished. Am I going to tell you where? Out of your life! Now, you can fuck as many women as you want. 
Izuku flinched as if he heard you say those words. Your words, and you found out he cheated on you. How long?
He looked down again, and continued. 
“But, you’ll surely try and stalk me or investigate where I have gotten off to. Well, spare it. You’ll never find me. 
I do have some questions though. 
Why did you cheat on me? 
Was I not enough? Not sexy enough for you? Not pretty enough for you? Not tidy enough for you? 
Too lazy? Too brat-ish? Too much attitude? Not enough confidence? Not enough attention? Not the best looking woman? Not the best cook? Not the best lover?
Tell me. why did you cheat. and why did you stop? Exactly after the night when you fucked me? 
Did a lightbulb go on over your head and you thought, ‘wait, I’ve adtually got a spouse, I don’t need a side chick!’?
Whatever your answer might be, it’s over. 
that...paper you signed yesterday. It was our devorce. and we are leaving. who do I mean by “we”?
Well, me and my son of five months.
I hope that he’ll never see you and become like you, Izuku Midoriya. I’ll raise him as a real man. 
Until never, 
Not your lover anymore.”
You were pregnant? A son? And you didn’t tell him, he also doesn’t know where you are. 
I mean, sure, he broke you, but you broke him back, you guys are even...right?
As tears ran down his eyes and his sobs echoed in the now empty and cold appartment, void of your nice and warm presence, the pro hero unlocked his phone, only to be bombarded with news and questions from all sides. 
Japan news! - Deku’s bride divorced with child, what happened to our sweetest...tip to read more
Kacchan - the fuck did you do?! Your girl left you while pregnant?! Did you cheat on her...tip to read more
Uraraka - Are you okay? should I come come over? We can talk about it if you want...tip to read more
+ Notifications - tip to read more
His phone trembled when he listened to Katsuki screaming his ear off, the news reporting about how you modeled for numerous model companies and released tons of relatable and heart wrenching songs, with an invitation to her freshly divorced ex- Izuku to be a gust at her upcoming concert. 
then, he listened to Uraraka’s voice. calming, soothing, comforting. 
He blackmailed Uraraka, blocked her, and then tossed his phone away, thinking about where you might be. 
It was cold at this hour, but Izuku didn’t want to fakk asleep after two o’clock. You heaved your luggage down the last stairs of the house you’ve lived in  for the past few years. 
Now, you were ready to leave it all behind. 
Shinsou, your chauffeur, packed all the suitcases into the car and let you sit in the passenger seat. Only then he noticed your noticable bulge. 
“You-you’re pregnant?!”, he yelled, eyeing you with owlish eyes. You winced from his loud voice and shushed him. 
“I fucked him a few months ago and now I’ve got the baby. Now drive me away from this shitty place. Please.“
After some while, you felt Shinsou trying to say something  and you sighed before urging him to tell you what’s been on his mind as he drove you into your new house-but...could you even call it a house? 
It was...so much more than that. (I’ll explain it later.)
“Well, i think that after you two had sex did he stop meeting that other woman. what was her name again? Uraa- Uraka-“
“Uraraka Ochaco. And you’re the person who’s fitting perfectly in my case. Please, Shinsou, for the love of god. Register yourself and tell your underground-hero friends to to the same or my job will only consist of tracking down my own collegues. You guys are taking that whole “underground-hero” thing way too seriously.“
“A-ah..shit, sorry.“
[to be continued...]
was it angsty enough? Because I am still bad at it I think 
please comment on my posts so that I can improve my writing and make better stories in the future...PLEASE!
Taglist:  black-bhabie-2000
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shidousprincess · 6 months
If you do this request tysm, stay safe and healthy ▄█▀█●
Anon requested Ness so I shall deliver (I hope) I might do some steamy if yall want a next chapter I’m sorry it took 3 days I just couldn’t come up with a plot and my period has been kicking my ass so I’ve done nothing but sleep and read others stories but today a idea flew to my brain and so I wrote it 💜 I’m still trying to tweak my work as I go any tips are appreciated
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Hope you all enjoy! Much love my sunflowers stay safe and healthy aswell !!!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated 🫶🏻
‼️Request are open btw{on my knees begging yall for requests🧎‍♀️}‼️
Photographerxmodel type Au
Y/n,ness,and Kaiser all childhood best friends ,after high school ended they all went their separate ways but kept in contact until y/n went abroad to study photography and ness and Kaiser went to go apply to be models for and expensive brand
6 years later y/n was setting at a cafe in Shibuya drinking her favorite drink thinking of where she could apply for a photography job.lost in thought she didn't notice her 2 childhood best friends enter the cafe until Kaiser noticed a familiar face that looked like y/n his childhood best friend he walked up to them  "hello might I ask your name? "They were snatched out of thought and they quickly said “Y/n. Kaiser ! I haven’t seen you in years is ness still with you ?” as soon as Ness heard her speak he ran over to see her  not even worrying about his spot in line . "Y/n we've missed you so much!"they both said in unison not having seen each other in 6 years they all decided to catch up on what each other was doing..."so y/n what have you been doing since we haven't seen each other in sooooo long".Ness asked. “Well I have been studying abroad in photography and I finally finished about 2 weeks ago so I decided to come back to Japan to see if I could find a decent photography job and so far I haven't had any hits  what about you two?”... Kaiser spoke up "me and Ness became models for Louis Vuitton and we have been looking for a photographer and looks like we stumbled upon you at the perfect time
You can come by the company tomorrow and apply to be our photographer I'm 100% sure they will accept you" Kaiser says with a smile “
You thought for a few seconds and decided you would.
So you all 3 began to chat some more about how everyone was doing and what has been happening
“I really enjoyed seeing you both and getting to talk and catch up but it's really late and I need to make it back to my apartment so I think I'll leave first” then they both got up with you “we need to go aswell ... goodbye y/n" they both said in unison .. “wait a second y/n “Kaiser said you spun around to see what he needed he ran up to you with a piece of paper with the company's address. “This is the address you need to come to tomorrow” he said then walked back to where Ness was . “Bye guys I had tons of fun today thanks for the job opportunity aswell” . You then turned back around and headed for your apartment.
~The next day ~
You arrived at the address Kaiser gave you and walked in you asked the lady at the front desk if she could take you to where the manager is
She gladly obliged and took you to where she was .. “thank you “you said and bowed then you knocked. “Come in” says the manager. You walked in and took a seat and she soon asked “you must be the girl Kaiser told me about yesterday”.. “ yes I am he must have told you about me wanting to be he and Ness’s photographer?” You questioned. “Yes you are correct and I would love for you to become their photographer” . “So when do I start” . “Next week Monday morning at  9am” .. “ ok will do thank you for the job” then you got up bowed and left.
~5 months later~
Ness’s pov
It's been 5 months since y/n started being our photographer and my crush on her has never left even after high school and I’m not sure if they feel the same here lately Kaiser has been around her a lot more and he takes her out places in his spare time and just leaves me hanging and it kinda pisses me off that he keeps hogging her and today I decided to take y/n on a date ..
for the past 2 months Kaiser has been spending a lot of time with me and he also had taken me out plenty of times. And I've noticed how Ness’s behavior has changed around Kaiser and i. it breaks my heart to see my high school crush sulk.. I haven't been talking to him because I'm always with Kaiser so I decided today I would ask if he would like to go to the park where we could talk and I can confess to him.
An hour later we were done with the photoshoot and Kaiser as always tried to get me to come with him to a restaurant but I declined and he just looked at me dumbfounded as I walked over to Ness .
“Hey Ness?” I tapped on his back to get his attention.
“Hey y/n can I help you with anything?” He asked
I gathered up all the courage I had and asked “would you like to go out to the park with me ?”
Ness stood in shock that you were the first to ask him out on a date to the park .
“It's ok if you don't want to you said in a panicked tone. Ness jumped out of his trance “no no I would love to go out with you” he said with a sweet smile ...
You had noticed over the past 5 months how he would always be staring at you or trying to make conversation with you but Kaiser would always but in and cut him off you had thought if he felt the same way you did....
~At the park~
Neither of you talked the whole way there when you both sat down on the swings Ness broke the foreboding silence “so what did you need y/n ? “You stood up and said..”Ness I have wanted to ask you this ever since the end of high school but didn’t have the courage or confidence .. I love you Ness” ..
Ness froze not believing what he had just heard he came back to his senses when you were crying because you thought he didn't like you back he then jumped up and picked you up and spun you around and brought you into a loving kiss he then broke the kiss after a few minutes to catch y'all's breath” I have always loved you y/n and always will” he then kissed you again you then broke down in happy tears and so did ness “soooo are we a thing now ?”he asked you lightly hit him on the arm “yes of course” you smiled.. Ness smiled and pulled you in for a hug
The end
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o2studies · 1 month
༻`` 🦎 Monday — 12 Aug 24
_, Academic Weapon Challenge Day 11 ˎˊ-
It's bad that I can barely remember what happened yesterday...
|| Sleep: about 7 hrs
|| Routine: drank a glass of water, I think I snoozed the alarm only once? If at all that day
|| Deep focus: /
|| Body: /
|| Mind: I read more of Gone Girl and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Day 3 clean
Day 0 (I figured out something that might help)
Floor time ☑️ // 🍊
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༻`` 🦎 Tuesday — 13 Aug 24
_, Academic Weapon Challenge Day 12 ˎˊ-
|| Sleep: .... about 6 hours (I talked with a friend until 2 am 😵‍💫)
|| Routine: I awoke before my alarm but still changed the time it'd ring at but woke up a bit before it did, I had a glass of water and that's it.
|| Deep focus: /
|| Body: /
|| Mind: Wrote out some sudoku puzzles and read once again more of Gone Girl and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. I could try and finish then today/early morning tomorrow but it might honestly be better for me to try and get some sleep...
Side note: I watched the Perseids meteor shower for a bit and it was so so beautiful!! I forgot just how amazing that meteor shower is... 🌠🌌🌃
Day 4 clean
Day 0 (So close today!)
Floor time ✅️ // 🍊
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*Also I will not post in the next week so see you all then!*
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personasintro · 1 year
Hi Mimi. Can I ask you for advice.
I have a friend who is mad at me because I’m not calling her back 24/7, and because I can’t hang out all the time and have to cancel due to the fact that I work and they sometimes, even if I have plans, call me in.
I couldn’t attend her boyfriend’s surprise birthday dinner, who she’ve only been dating for like 4 months and I’ve only met twice, because they wanted to go out late at night and I was working the day before, during, and the day after. However that particular day I got to finish my shift early because it was raining so my boss told me to just go home. On my way home another friend called me, who I haven’t seen in four month because we live 1h and 45min away from each other. My birthday is in two weeks but she’s going on vacation soon, she asked if we could meet up in the city and have dinner, this is like 4-5pm, because she wanted to celebrate me by buying me dinner. I said okey. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. We meet up, have dinner, order some drinks, and I post a video of us. The other friend, not even 5 minutes later, sends me a loooong message about what a bad friend I am without even knowing anything. I didn’t answer her right away and decided to wait until I was home. I got home at like 8:30, and the dinner was around 9-10isch so even if I didn’t go out with my friend I couldn’t go and celebrate her boyfriend because I needed to sleep.
She really went off on me, said a lot of things, and made me feel so shitty for nothing. So I wrote back and told her, we’re not kids, I didn’t do anything wrong, I explained briefly why I went out with my friend, and I also told her it’s my life and nobody can get mad at me for my choices, even if I was free that day it still shouldn’t be a problem because I don’t have an obligation to anybody. I also told her that I think it’s wrong that she decided to message me when she saw I was out, she could have waited and brought it up the next day instead of basically trying to ruin my night. I also texted her “don’t worry about this now, go and have fun, enjoy, let’s talk face 2 face when we get the chance” She then texted me back saying “I am celebrating his birthday all weekend, we can talk another day, I don’t have time to deal with this now”. I wrote back “sure”. My first thought, before I calmed myself down, was “so you have time to ruin my night, and start this whole thing, but you don’t have time to finish it?”.
Am I the asshole? Hahaha this sounds like a reddit post, I wanted to write it there but I don’t want to take a risk of her seeing it. Your account, your stories and you are also my comfort zone. I just feel safe here, which is why I am sorry for the rant and headache you have now. I just don’t like to talk about other people with other people, which is why I’m not asking for advice from my friends. But at the same time I’m desperate because I feel like I have done everything for her but just because I have work and have to prioritize myself I’m suddenly a bad friend for not attending her bfs dinner who I’ve only met twice. I mean it’s not like I missed her wedding day. It’s not like I was talking shit about her or told everyone her secrets for her to call me awful names and paint me as the bad guy. It’s not like the plan hanged on me, and I said no, and everybody stayed home but then I went out anyways. They still went out and had fun, so why should it be a problem if I was there or not.
I just want to add that this friendship is solely about me being there for her, I’m basically her therapist. I’ve never ever had demands on her or how she should treat me. I’m so drama free like this is my only drama in life atm in the past 6 years. I’m so easy going. You know that last year on my birthday she didn’t wish me a happy bday, and last year I asked her 6 times if she wanted to go on a vacation and she said no, but then she posts on snap that she’s going on a “random trip” with a girl she met 6 month ago at a gym who she doesn’t even talk to anymore because she feels that the girl was to clingy. I didn’t say anything because I thought it’s okey I’m not gonna ruin her day, vacation or whatever for something so silly, it’s HER life. I’m always there for her, even if I’m busy I always try to show her that she is not neglected by maybe sending her a song, or meme, or even going as far as telling her that I’m gonna be busy and that she can call me if it’s an emergency otherwise I won’t be so active. I always have her back, she calls me 4 in the morning and I pick up without blinking twice. My parents treat her as a second daughter, I’m always there for her as much as I can, and I just have to add that last month, I didn’t sleep for 36h and had a 10h shift the day after, but I still went out with her because she needed a friend due to having a bad day. I neglected my mental health for her. And our convos are 90% about her, 7% about random stuff, and 3% about me, and I STILL DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT because idgaf. Im honestly so unbothered I really don’t care, but right now I care because I feel that the text she sent me, and the way she wanted to paint me, and the words she used even though I’ve never ever had anything negative about her coming out of my mouth…I just feel like this is so unfair and I don’t know what to do. Should I end the friendship? Or maybe talk to her and try to make her understand? Im just so lost and this is honestly so sad because we’ve been friend for 12 years if not more. I don’t want it to end over something so silly…
Much love💜
Again I’m sorry for ranting, if you have advice I want to thank you for them. And I also want to thank you before hand for taking the time to read this. I admire u and ur stories!
I just have to add: she’s not a bad person, her good qualities overshadows the bad ones, which is why we’re still friends.
This message was sent a while back and I am sorry for responding only now. Maybe you were able to figure it out on your own or things happened after this. But all I can recommend for you to do is to talk to your friend, if you haven’t already. If I were you, I’d try to communicate and make her see where I am coming from as well and then… there’s nothing much you can do from there. You’ll see how she takes it and whether she’s able to see your side or not. Regardless of everything, she shouldn’t take you for granted and cut you some slack.
Like you said, you don’t want your friendship to end over something silly but maybe it’s not something silly at all. In the end, you don’t want friends who makes you feel guilty and take you for granted all the time. Just the fact your entire friendship seems to be focusing on her rather than on both of you says a lot. You shouldn’t be treated that way and you do deserve someone who equally cares about you as a person :)
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oddvanilla · 3 months
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embarrasingly this is all from this week. 💀
your dinner :3?
I just finished watching a video talking about how bad caffeine is. Not for just teens. Like everyone
Because the original caffeine is some white bitter powder that can EASILY be mistaken for cocaine,, and soon caffeine producing companies had to pick roasted coffee beans to not cause suspicions by healthcare organisations that caffeine is drugs or something,, although it DOES work as drugs
And the average adult could only drink 4 cups of coffee a day, or around 2 energy drinks— while a teen can consume HALF that amount (2 cups of coffee and half an energy drink can) so uhm...this REALLY isn't healthy for you because
1) caffeine can stay in your blood system for a REALLY long time. If you drink a huge sized latte at 2 pm, (almost the same amount as caffeine and sugar in an energy drink like monster or red bull), the caffeine will stay in your blood system until 2 AM. and it won't be completely gone, maybe around ~45 mgs will stay there.
2) although caffeine was portrayed as a drink for people who are most productive, the side effects are CRAZY. If you consume energy drinks regularly you're increasing your risk of getting diabetes and/or a heart attack. You're regularly consuming large amounts of sugar and I'm sure you can't burn off those calories quickly, which will eventually... surprise surprise....get you diabetes☹️
3) another horrible side effect is lack of sleep. Yes caffeine will make you wake up for longer, but it will also wake you up in the morning early. Which isn't good as it might interrupt one of the most important and essential stages of your sleep: deep sleep. Aka, a stage where you actually get the rest and restoration. Once you skip that stage, yes you got 7 hours of sleep but you STILL feel tired. So if you sometimes sleep for long hours and feel like you're tired, then you should reduce or even stop your consumption for caffeine. Especially if you consume it a few hours before your sleep time.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
BobaDin A/B/O Teaser
Read part 1 of the full fic here!!!
Summary: Boba and Din met before his fall into the Sarlacc pit, after Din was stranded during his heat with no suppressants. They parted ways after, both of them content to pretend it never happened, except that's not possible for Din. Boba tracks Din down, only to find he's in for a surprise when he meets the omega Mandalorian once more.
Pairing: Alpha Boba Fett x omega Din Djarin
Warnings: A/B/O universe, implied mpreg, Boba's kind of a softie in this part at least, very AU post Mando season 2, fluff and cuteness but also kind of sad, named child character cause plot.
A/N: I posted this a few months ago but took it down after it kinda flopped. There's been some renewed interest in it today so I've decided to repost it. There's a post on my page regarding the universe this exists in and some background. I was in a mindset when I wrote this and I am very sorry. Also kind of cuts off awkwardly at the end cause I just...stopped writing at that point.
@rosechi and those anons from earlier made me do it.
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He holds her close, closer than he ever has. All the times he had left her, all the times he had been forced to leave on hunts was nothing compared to the last few days. She had been taken from him by someone who wouldn’t think twice about hurting her. He had been careless leaving two children alone like that. He had been thankful at first that she hadn’t just been killed. Perhaps Gideon had thought it would only hurt him more if he took both of them. 
He had done what he promised he’d do. He had rescued both of them, and he had gotten Grogu back to his kind. Still, there is an ache in his chest, a hole forming as Grogu gets further and further away. As much as he wants to curl into himself, let his instincts take over, he has a pup to support. A distressed pup who had just lost a member of her aliit. 
He sinks into one of the seats, holding her tight against his chest. He lets his helmet drop to the floor, uncaring if the other two in the ship come down and see him. He’s projecting his scent a bit, trying to calm his pup. It’s a bit dangerous with an alpha close by, but he can’t care. His pup needs him. 
“Shh.” He shushes her, pressing her face against his neck. 
“I m-miss him.” She cries, clinging to his cloak. 
“I know.” He says. “Remember what we talked about? Grogu had to go back to his kind. To his own aliit.” 
“But he’s our aliit.” 
“Only for a little while, remember? Until we found where he belonged.” 
She continues to cry and he can do nothing but let her. It pains him to scent her distress, but she needs to let it out. The best he could do is offer her comfort. 
She cries herself to sleep, still clinging to him. He leans his head back, trying to process the last couple days. It felt like a fever dream. He had been so scared, so desperate to get them back, to make sure they were safe. He’s exhausted. 
Boba climbs down the ladder a while later. Din had put his helmet back on, needing to feel secure. Needing to feel safe. The alpha sinks into the seat next to him, removing his helmet with a sigh. 
“How is she?” He asks, glancing sideways at the pair. 
“Upset.” Din answers. 
Boba hums. “Losing a family member is never easy.” He looks at Din. “How are you?” 
“I’ll manage.” He answers shortly. 
Boba stares at him for a long moment. “What will you do now?” 
Din sighs. He had been trying not to think about that. What is going to happen now? He’d finished what he had been tasked with. Did he go back to hunting? It would be hard with Vira. He didn’t want to start leaving her for long periods again. Not after spending so much time with her. His instincts screamed at the idea of being parted with her again. Did he try to track down a covert? Take his place among Mandalorians once more? “I don’t know.” He finally answers honestly. “I haven’t thought that far ahead.” 
“Join us.” Boba says. “We’re going back to Tatooine. I’m going to take over Jabba’s palace, become Daimyo. Come with us. Let me spend some time with the pup I didn’t know existed.” 
Right. This was his pup as well. He’s not sure how he could forget. She looked just like him. Perhaps because it was a bit unreal still.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Boba asks after a moment of silence.
“I tried looking for you after she was born. Everyone I found said you were dead.” 
Boba leans back in his seat once again. “I almost was. I never thought...” He shakes his head. “If I had known, I wouldn’t have-” 
“It’s alright. I’m not sure I would have made it had you not been there.” Din adjusts his hold on Vira, easing her into a more comfortable position. “I wouldn’t trade her for anything.” 
Boba stares at her, able to see her face from the new position. A small smirk forms on his face, a quiet chuckle leaving him. “Those Fett genes are strong.” 
Din can’t help but smile under his helmet. “There’s no doubting it.” 
Boba smiles. “I’m serious.” He lets his eyes flit to Din’s helmet. “Come with us. Let me take care of you. Both of you.” 
Din leans his head back against the seat. Boba’s words strike something deep in him, all his repressed instincts flooding to the surface. He had been on his own for so long. Forcing himself on suppressants, holding every alpha he came across at arm’s length. He did it for himself, and he did it for Vira. 
Was this his chance to take a load off his shoulders? To share in carrying that weight of his instincts and his pup? Fett had proven himself loyal and trustworthy over and over again. Vira was his pup. He could take her if he wanted, and force them apart. Din knows he won’t. Boba knows how much family means to Mandalorians. Boba was offering them a place of belonging, a home. He would care for his pup, and Din as the bearer of his pup. 
Din doesn’t realize he’s crying, quiet gasps crackling through his modulator. Boba is crouched beside him, hand on the back of his neck. It’s not a cruel touch, it’s not a scruff like some alphas would do to control an omega. It’s comforting. Grounding. 
“Let me help you.” He says softly, thumb stroking the column of his throat. The touch is jarring, after so long without any touch at all. 
“I owe you so much already.” Din gasps out, the tears not stopping. 
“You don’t owe me anything.” Boba says. “I would have helped you even if she wasn’t my pup. If you think you need to repay me, do it by coming with us.” 
Din closes his eyes, letting himself just feel. He hadn’t been this close to an alpha in six years. He never thought he’d see Boba again, much less be working with him. He knows the restraint it must have taken for Boba not to march onto the cruiser and take out Moff Gideon himself to get his pup back. The pup he hadn’t known existed until just a couple days ago. He knew Din was the one who had to do it, was the one who had to protect his aliit. 
Boba could be aliit too. 
It would be so easy to let him in, to give over to instinct. He had been carrying the weight for so long. How nice it would be to let go for once. 
He wakes in a bunk. For a moment he forgets where he is, what had happened. He’s back on the Crest, tucked into his bunk, the place that had been his home for years. But the Crest was destroyed. He had been on Boba’s ship, heading wherever after he had rescued his ade. 
He doesn’t remember falling asleep, or even moving to the bunk. Boba’s scent floats around him, muted a bit by his helmet. He resists the urge to take off his helmet, bury himself in the scent. Instead he turns on his side, the blanket that had been tossed over him falling to the floor. Something feels off as he lays there in the silence. 
He sits up so fast his helmet hits the top bunk, but he ignores the vibrations rattling his head. He hits the button on the wall, light flooding the small space as he steps out, eyes searching the ship for his pup. 
He doesn’t have to look long, finding Fennec standing in front of one of the viewports holding her. She’s staring out at the blue of hyperspace, eyes open wide and mouth agape. Din breathes a quiet sigh of relief, approaching the beta and his pup. 
Vira turns to him, a big smile on her face. “Look, buir!” She points out the viewport. 
He turns to look, eyes trailing over the giant creatures. “Purgil.” He says. 
She stares at them in awe, Fennec eyeing him. “Don’t work yourself up.” She says. “She was getting squirmy. You need the rest.” 
“I didn’t take you for the nurturing type.” He says. 
The beta gives him a look. “I’m not.” But the way she looks down at Vira says otherwise. 
“Will you be okay for a few more minutes?” He asks. 
“I suppose.” Fennec says, motioning for him to go ahead. 
Din climbs up the ladder to the cockpit, quietly sinking into the passenger seat. He stares out at the blue of hyperspace for a moment, watching it flash by. 
“We’ll be dropping out of hyperspace near Tatooine shortly.” Boba says, his gaze facing forward as well. 
“If I come with you, what exactly do you expect?” Din asks, trying to put his thoughts into words. He feels vulnerable in the presence of the alpha, even though Fett was nothing but relaxed. 
“I’ll need your help.” Boba says honestly. “Taking Jabba’s seat will be easy. Getting Mos Espa to agree will be the hardest. There will be a lot of pushback, I expect, not just from the families. The Hutts will have their own opinions. I need muscle, someone to back me up.” 
“It sounds dangerous.” Din muses. 
“It will be, at least at first.” Boba agrees. “I wouldn’t blame you for saying no.” 
“And Vira? I can’t afford to put her in more danger.” 
Boba turns to face him, and though Din can’t see the look on his face, he can feel the change in the alpha. “I may not know her, but I promise I will give my life to protect her.” 
“And me?” Din says quietly, his brain starting to buzz under the intensity of the alpha. “What do you expect from me?” 
“Nothing.” Boba says, turning back around. “It would be your decision. If you want suppressants, I’ll be sure we have extra. You’re always welcome at my side, even if it’s nothing more than as an ally.” 
Fett had been right. Taking Jabba’s palace had been easy. Despite Din’s insistence, Boba had forced him to stay on the ship with Vira as he and Fennec went in and cleaned house. Din is quietly grateful for the moment of rest. He feels weary, a type of weary he hasn’t felt in a long time. He could have forced himself to do it, but he can feel the exhaustion deep in his bones as he sits on the floor of the ship. 
It’s the same weary he had felt when he had been stuck without his suppressants. The same weary he’d felt after he’d had Vira. The same weary he’d struggled with after he decided to leave her in the care of the covert and returned to bounty hunting. 
He needs an alpha. 
His omega yearns for an alpha. 
He has an alpha. 
Boba had been forward in his implications. He would take that position, if Din wanted it. It wasn’t that Din didn’t trust Boba. He owed a lot to the alpha. Boba had been the one that found him stranded without suppressants, half dead after being thrown into his first heat in years. Boba had cared for him, fought against every instinct telling him to sink his teeth into Din’s shoulder, and got him on a ship back to civilization. 
He had also, inadvertently, given Din a pup. 
Vira had been born not long after the fall of the Empire. Din had waited a year and a half before he began his search, traveling all the places the bounty hunter frequented. He heard the same thing over and over, that Boba was dead. Fell into a sarlacc pit on the very planet they were on currently. Din had given up his search not long after he started. 
He knew he’d likely raise Vira by himself. If he had found Boba, he’s not sure what the bounty hunter’s reaction would have been. He could have taken Vira for himself, raised his pup as he had the right to do. Din had wrestled with that idea, but had ultimately decided to seek out the alpha, if nothing more than to just tell him he has a pup. He deserved to know. It was why he didn’t hide the truth from him on Tython. 
He could have lied. He could have easily claimed Vira as someone else’s. 
No, he couldn’t have, he thinks as he stares at the pup seated on the floor between his legs, pushing Grogu’s ball back and forth. He runs a hand over the unruly, thick curls that were messily pulled back into a bun. She looks up at him with those deep, dark eyes. She’s practically a carbon copy of Boba. 
A clone. 
She grins up at him, cheeks dimpling. That was his, or at least he thinks so. He’s never actually seen Boba smile. 
Despite the grin, she looks tired. He knows she has to be, just looking at her. Fennec had been right, calling her squirmy. She’d always been wild, always been on the move. He’d constantly heard it when he returned to the covert. She’s smart, but she can’t sit still. 
Normally she would have been all over the ship, exploring, getting into things. A chord of fear runs through him for a moment, something he hadn’t thought of in the whirlwind since they’d been taken. He knew the Empire needed Grogu for some sort of experiment they were doing. 
What if they did something to her? 
There wasn’t anything they could possibly need from her. Unless they tested something on her? He wouldn’t put it past Gideon to try and make him pay for taking Grogu not once, but twice. 
He can’t fight it, the building anxiety deep in his stomach. He feels like he’s spiraling out of control, like a ship about to crash. Vira’s smile falls as she senses the distress welling in her bearer. 
Din jumps as a hand lands on his shoulder. His fists close around the fabric of his pants, trying to steady himself. Boba is kneeling next to him, a hand on his shoulder. 
“Easy.” Boba soothes him, gently squeezing his shoulder. “What’s got you all worked up?” 
“What...what if Gideon did something to her?” He asks, looking down at Vira who is watching them cautiously. 
“We can’t know for sure that he didn’t.” Boba says, turning to look at Vira. “How do you feel, ad’ika?” 
She shrugs. “Okay. Sleepy.” She rubs her eyes. 
“See,” Boba says, helping him stand. “She’s fine. You need rest. Both of you do.” 
Din leans down, lifting Vira into his arms. Boba was probably right. They couldn’t know if Gideon did something to her. If it was anything of consequence, they’d have to wait and see if anything happens. He doesn’t want anything to happen. The thought of something happening to her because of his own recklessness has his stomach churning. He feels like he could be sick. 
“Come on.” Boba leads him forward with a hand on his back. “We’ve cleared out the upper rooms. Most of it was empty. Seems like most of them fled when Jabba died. Fortuna managed to keep a skeleton crew. We’ve cleared out most of them.” 
“I should be helping.” Din says, trying to distract himself from the panic building within him. 
“You can help by resting.” Boba says, leading him up the steps. “Like I said, this is the easy part. I need you at your best when the real fight begins.” 
Despite his exhaustion, Din lays awake in bed. The sheets are clean, having been brought up by a droid, along with a clean change of clothes for Vira. She had fussed through a bath and dinner before Din let her sleep. The new clothes were a bit big, but they worked. He’d need to pick up some supplies soon. Everything he’d owned had been destroyed. 
Din had taken a bath himself after Vira finally fell asleep. He was used to going long periods without being properly cleaned, but it felt nice to wash off the last few days. The worry still lingered, but in a way he felt like he could force it all down, forget the horrors that had gone through his mind. 
His helmet sits on the ground behind him. He hadn’t been able to relax enough to take all his armor off. What if they had missed something? He can’t take that risk. Not right now. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to put the helmet back on. Not yet. 
He scoots closer to Vira, letting the soft scent of pup invade his senses. He hadn’t done it often, not since he left her with the covert. He presses his nose into her hair, letting the gentle scent flow through him. It’s the best scent in the world, or at least he thinks so. The scent of a pup before they begin developing traits, before they present. So soothing it could loosen even the most steeled beta. 
The scent calms the raging storm inside him. There’s nothing off about it, no change to it. It’s purely her, just as he remembered it being.
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