#I wrote this on my phone when I was hiding in bathrooms and laying in bed late so I’m sorry for typos and spelling/grammar errors
bontenbastard · 2 years
He took his time going to her place. He knew Alyssa usually spent most of the day with her parents, Shuji and Sev, but he was so ready for her. It had only been six hours since he’d seen her last. They were getting more reckless he knew, but there was so way in hell he’d miss a holiday with her. He smiled at the memory of last night with Alyssa in her little Santa costume, punishing him for being on the naughty list. His back was all scratched up and every brush of his shirt against the cuts had him grinning instead of wincing, the reminder of how fucking hot last night was. Well, last night and this morning.
This morning, she’d woken him up with her ass grinding back against his hard cock and a teasing, “Oh did I wake you? Merry Christmas.” He’d fucked her slow and sleepily from behind, his hand on her throat how they both liked, until they were cumming in unison. Both of them had then fallen back asleep with him still inside her for a few more hours of sleep. When they’d had to get up later, he’d washed every inch of her in the shower, including washing her hair for her while she was on her knees, and then he’d kissed her breathless. She had to go visit her parents and unlike years past, he couldn’t go. He’d kissed her goodbye with a promise to be back as soon as she returned home. He’d left shortly after to go retrieve her Christmas gifts.
While she was with her family, he made his way to his mother’s house. He couldn’t see her, couldn’t face her after months of avoiding her calls and trying so hard to keep her safe. He left the envelope full of money on her doormat before ringing the bell and bolting. He watched as she opened the door to retrieve it. The only thing on the envelope was, “Merry Christmas Mom, I love you.” No name, no way to identify him. But he nearly cried when his mother shed a few tears and hugged the envelope to her chest the way she would have hugged him if only he could see her.
After that, he’d gone to his place and cooked. He made all of Alyssa’s favorite foods and placed them into a picnic basket, alongside two bottles of her favorite wine. A little bird had told him she’d always wanted to go on a picnic and while it was too cold to do one outside, he would set up a picnic in her living room for their late Christmas dinner. He grabbed the necklace he’d bought her as well and tucked that into his pocket. The necklace was their astrology sun signs overlapping, a little Taurus atop a Scorpio symbol. He’d ordered it custom at a boutique jewelry store a few weeks ago. It had come back perfectly and he was excited to give it to her, though he was more excited about her big gift.
When he got the notification on his tracking app he used to follow her movements that she was leaving her parents house, he grinned. Time to put his Christmas plans into motion and spend the rest of the night with his girl. He drove over to her house, picnic basket and gift box in the passenger seat. He pulled in her driveway and parked, hopping out and sitting on the hood of the car. He sent her a single message: “Hey kitten, look outside your window.” and he waited.
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He saw her peak out the upstairs window before she came shooting out of the front door 20 seconds later. She was still in her outfit from her parents house and she looked so beautiful that his smirk softened a bit. She stared at him and he just grinned that Cheshire smile right back at her. She hadn’t spoken yet and he figured she was a bit confused so he explained.
“Merry Christmas kitten,” he stated, cheekily leaning back on the car. “I got you a Tesla.”
Months ago, he’d sent her the hottest porn he’d seen in a while where the young woman was riding a man while they were on hands free autopilot in a Tesla. Ever since then, he couldn’t let the idea of getting her one out of his head. She’d sucked his dick many a time they were in his car, but he wanted her to ride him while the car drove. There was something so undeniably hot about it and it got him hard thinking of all the people who could catch them amidst the act as they passed the car on the road. It just spoke to his exhibitionist side and knew it would for Alyssa as well.
She looked at him in surprise, but he didn’t give her much of a chance to talk. He was sliding off the hood of the car and wrapping her in his arms, dipping her back and kissing her passionately. He pulled away enough to whisper ‘Merry Christmas again Kitten’, before he intertwined his fingers with hers and stood her back on her feet. He leaned over to kiss her nose.
“We can play with your new toy later babe,” he stated in regards to her new car, “This was the first, and biggest, of my Christmas surprises for you.” Her cheeks blushed a bit pink and he leaned down for another quick kiss. “Let’s go in, you don’t have a jacket on.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and guided her into her house, his other hand carrying the picnic basket. Once they were inside, he held up the basket.
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“Are you ready for a Christmas picnic?” he asked with a smile. She nodded enthusiastically, a smile on her face. He opened the basket in her living room, pulling out a soft red blanket and spreading it over the floor. He pulled out the bottle of her favorite wine, two glasses, and a wine opener. She sat on the blanket and he handed her the glasses and wine before starting to pull out several boxes of food. He placed them on the blanket around them and started to uncover them. A charcuterie board with different meat, cheese, fruit, even apple with Tajin on it, her new favorite snack he had noticed. The main course a portobello mushroom chicken with vegetables. And for dessert, a strawberry shortcake from the bakery she loved, plus some chocolate covered strawberries he planned to have a little fun with.
He settled on the floor next to Alyssa before grabbing her hips and pulling her to sit on his lap. She reached for the bottle of wine and instead of pouring into a glass, she tilted his chin back and poured the wine into his mouth. As soon as she pulled the bottle away, his lips were on hers and he was sharing the wine with her straight from his mouth. When he pulled back, he licked a drip of wine from her chin back up to her lips. 
He reached around her for the boxes of food and handed one to her, holding his own. They ate together, him holding her upon his lap and refusing to let go of her. She would feed him bites and he would teasingly try to bite her instead. He almost had her choking on her food one time because he’d lost interest in his food and was instead devouring her neck and leaving marks all over it. It was cute and he’d patted her back, laughing at the pout on her face. It was nice to just be together like this. Alone, enjoying each others company, and getting to bask in their love on Christmas. 
Once they’d finished eating dinner, he’d put everything aside and lay a pillow on his lap, guiding her to lean back and rest her head there. He’d run his fingers through her hair, they’d talked, and he’d leaned down to kiss her any time his lips felt lonely--which was often. His fingers brushed over her cheek as she traced the tattoos on his chest. 
“Do you want your other present now?” he asked her softly. He’d given her the car, the picnic, but he still had the necklace. 
“There’s more?!” Alyssa squealed out and he laughed and poked her nose. 
“Just one more baby,” he told her. From his pocket he pulled a small box and handed it to her. He watched as she opened it and smiled at the overlapping Taurus and Scorpio symbols. Then her smile turned to confusion as she looked at the chain. There was no clasp. He grinned. “I hope you like the necklace because I have no intentions for you to take it off.” He pulled a little soldering iron. “Are you okay with this baby? I won’t put it on you if you say no.”
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Instead of speaking, Alyssa sat up and moved her hair to the side, offering her back to him. He took the chain from her and placed the necklace around her neck. Slipping a ring through the two ends of the chain and pinching it tight between his fingers, he turns on the small soldering iron. He placed the tip in the gap in the ring, linking the two ends together permanently. He pressed a gentle kiss to the spot beneath her neck where the soldered chain lay. The necklace wouldn’t come off her now unless she broke the chain. A nice reminder always of him, even when he couldn’t be around.
Sitting up on her knees, she leaned in to kiss him. His arms wrapped around her waist and he returned her kiss with all the fire of a thousand suns. His love for her consumed him and only she was able to ground him and bring him back to reality. Their kiss turned to more as her dress was pulled over her head, his jacket was discarded to some corner of the room, and he lay her out on the red soft blanket. The glow of the Christmas decorations the only light in the room illuminating her body for him. 
As he hovered over her, kissing every inch of exposed skin he could reach, he thanked whatever powers existed that this mission hadn’t taken them from one another. He’d come to realize lately in their sneaking around that any time with her was worth it. He couldn’t stay away, not with how much was going on and how little time they had together anyway. As he stripped the remaining clothing items off her body and settled himself between her thighs where he intended to stay for the next twelve hours, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of hope that next year, things would be different. She’d have a ring on her finger, they’d have a house together, and perhaps, they’d even have a little one cooking inside her, as they spent Christmas with her family, his mother, and then curled up by the fire like this. But that was a whole year away and right now, all he wanted to focus on was the feel of her warm body under his and how good it felt to be inside her.
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addthespaghetti · 10 months
The Holiday Blues
shorter than what i normally write because i wrote this quickly to help cope with my dislike for the holiday season.
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warnings: family drama, sickeningly sweet fluff, angst (kinda), and flirting
650+ words
The holiday season is hard for you. Having to visit family that you know doesn't support your sexuality, but they act like they do. Not being able to bring your girlfriend to Thanksgiving or Christmas, unlike your brothers, because you know it will cause tension between you and your father. Being forced to listen to your ignorant father talk about politics and complain about the way your life turned out. But at least you have Emily.
Emily Prentiss, your incredible girlfriend, is the only reason you get through the holiday season. She has been there to help you through every moment, even if it was only over the phone. She has helped you when you cry over an argument with your father and holds you when you need someone to ground you.
Emily is the most significant person in your life, and you have had to get used to many things, like her job. While Emily's job is demanding, and her traveling all the time took some time to get used to, you have never had an issue with it. She loves it. Her team is her family, and they are slowly becoming your family, and you couldn't have asked for a better situation.
Whether it's Penelope forcing you on shopping trips to buy new decorations for you and Emily's shared apartment or Dave teaching you how to cook Italian food because you wanted to surprise Emily. The BAU team is the best family you could have asked for.
It had been a long couple of days of staying at your parents' house because of Thanksgiving. You couldn't wait to walk into your and Emily's shared apartment and finally be able to hug your girlfriend after the screaming match you had with your father.
As soon as you opened the door to your apartment, you dropped your luggage and ran up to Emily. You immediately pull Emily into a bone-crushing hug, inhaling the signature lavender scent of your girlfriend.
"I never want to let go of you again." You say against Emily's neck. Still refusing to let go of your tight hold around her waist.
Emily responds, amused by your reaction to being home, "How will I catch serial killers if you are permanently attached to my waist?"
"You're the Unit Chief. Can't you figure it out?" You look up at your girlfriend, tiredness evident in your voice.
"I don't think my bosses will be okay with it, but I will see what I can do," Emily smirks at you, obviously joking.
You roll your eyes, trying to suppress your grin as you pick up your luggage to bring it to you and Emily's shared bedroom. Emily follows you as you drop your luggage on the floor and walk into the closet to grab clothes to get changed.
Emily continues to follow you as you walk out of the closet with your clothes in your hand.
"You just going to continue to follow me and watch me while I change?" You question Emily as you start changing.
Emily looks you up and down before answering without blinking, "Yeah, pretty much."
You felt yourself blush. Embarrassed, you tried to hide your face as you continued to change, but Emily kept her word. She watched you finish changing and followed you as you went into the bathroom.
After you finally finish getting ready to relax. It took you longer than it typically would because Emily kept following you and pulling you into her embrace. You finally sat on the couch and turned on Divorce Court, your favorite show, but if anyone asks, you would never admit to watching.
Emily sat down next to you, pulling you into her arms. You lay your head against Emily's shoulder, scooting closer so you would be entirely in her embrace. Emily kisses the top of your head as you sink further into her.
"I love you," Emily says against your head.
"I love you too," You say softly.
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luvsturniolo · 10 months
hey love :) idk if this makes sense at all but i think it'd be so cute if you wrote something about chris where the reader and him have been friends for only a year, but it's been a year of them obsessing over each other with out the other even knowing, and then maybe the reader is over at the triplets's house and she's really anxious cos she's worried chris doesn't feel the same way, and chris notices so he asks her what's wrong and she kinda like vents it all out while hugging him and he keeps running his hand through her hair and when she stops her rant of how much she loves him, he just kisses her as his response !!!!!!! like that's so chris :,)
ー ★ !! reciprocate
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pairing : chris x fem!reader
synopsis : after a year of being best friends , your feelings for chris have been changing. it’s not hard to recognize this feeling in your chest to be love. the only question in your mind is this : does he feels the same?
a/n : i jumped when i saw ur user like literally ilysm what ?? also i apologize for how long this took its literally been months
wc : 2.09k
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you aren't the type to be insecure in your relationships. but something about chris made you feel like you weren't enough.
he's just so insanely perfect in your eyes that you can't fathom the fact that he'd ever like you back. so you've decided to bury your feelings for him — since you deemed them as unrealistic anyway.
it's been an entire year of teasing and flirting with a guy that probably only sees you as a friend. but you can't help it! chris always talks to you in a flirty manner, how are you expected to just ignore his antics and hide your feelings!?
today marks one year of you guys being friends.
it's only been twelve months, but you honestly feel like you've known him for an eternity — which might sound dramatic, but it's true. chris has this aroma to him that makes you feel so safe and secure. he listens to you when you speak ; he laughs with you when you're joking ; he gives you space if you need it. he's just so perfect at reading your emotions and understanding how you feel that it's a shock you haven't been friends for a decade.
"do you think matt could pick me up?" you ask chris over the phone, flopping backward so you're laying flat on your back. "i want to hang out at your house. mine is boring."
chris laughs at you, "don't you have a car? i'd gladly make him drive to you, but what's stopping you from already being over here?"
you think back on earlier today when you were pulled over by a cop. your depth perception may have been a bit off. and you may have accidently hit a pedestrian and gotten your license revoked for a few months.
"it's in the shop." you lie with an innocent smile. "getting new tires."
chris holds his phone close to his face, staring at you through the screen. after only a few seconds of analyzing your face, he decides that you're definitely not telling the truth.
"yeah, sure." he agrees sarcastically. "i totally believe that."
"you should!" you tell him. "because it's completely true!"
the sound of a door opening and closing is heard through the tiny speakers of your phone. chris's head snaps in the direction of someone entering his bedroom. his face suddenly falls with annoyance before he says, "what do you want nick?"
"just wanna talk to you," nick yawns, stretching himself out to lay on top of his brother. chris groans and shoves him off of his bed, but nick just laughs.
"oh my god! did you say nick's here!?" you exclaim, sitting up in your own bed and clutching your phone tightly in your hands with excitement. "tell nick to come here, i want to talk to him!"
chris looks down at you — well, his phone — and sighs before glancing back over at nick. he mutters something about you betraying him before shoving his screen in nick's face and pouting. "y/n wants to talk to you."
nick snatches the phone out of chris's hands and rushes out of his room, leaving the door open just to be annoying. then, nick runs into the bathroom an locks the door behind them. he holds the phone close to his face before whisper-shouting his next question. "why aren't you here yet!? i thought you said you were going to confess your feelings to chris today!"
"hey!" you defend yourself. "hear me out before yelling at me!"
"i'm listening..." he urges you to continue, putting his ear in the camera to give you a visual that he is in fact listening.
"i was planning to come over today, i swear! but i got my license revoked last night, so i don't have a car." you explain. "i was going to ask matt to pick me up, but then chris started asking questions about why i couldnt drive myself. then you barged in."
"why don't you just tell chris that you got it revoked?" nick says, sitting down on the closed seat of the toilet.
"because that's embarrassing." you say as though it's obvious. "i'll tell him tomorrow, but today needs to be perfect! i don't want him to be thinking about my patheticness while i confess."
nick shrugs, "i guess that makes sense."
"okay now go tell matt to come pick me up!" you order. "i'm sick of being at home. my cat won't play with me anymore because she's getting too old."
nick nods, flushing the toilet and running the sink even though he didn't use the bathroom — simply to put on a show for anyone who might have their ear pressed to teh door (cough chris cough). he then opens the door and comes face to face with chris standing in the hallway. he's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.
"why'd you pretend to flush and shit?" chris asks him. "you literally have y/n on the phone. i know you didn't piss."
nick rolls his eyes before handing the phone back to his brother. you watch as they argue about something completely random and offtopic before chris walks back into his bedroom and plops back down on his bed.
"sorry he stole you like that." he apologizes as he reaches over to open his blind and let some sunlight pour in. "what'd you guys talk about?"
"my tires." you lie.
again, chris immediately knows that you're not being honest. despite being able to see right through you, he doesn't want to pry. so he just nods and changes the topic.
"is that a new shirt?" he asks with a laugh. "i’ve never seen it before."
you look down at what you’re wearing and immediately whip your head back up to glare at him. you’re wearing his shirt. “you let told me to take it!”
“i’m just kidding.” he says. “it looks way better on you, pretty girl.”
your face flushes red and you set your phone down so the camera is facing the ceiling. you hold your cheeks in your hands and stare at the blankets on your bed.
chris always does shit like this, and you don’t know how to feel. part of you loves it because of how it makes you get all giddy. but another part of you hates it because you struggle to read what it means. is he just joking, or does it mean something more?
“matt’s on his way!” you hear nick’s voice shout across the room. he seemingly poked his head through the crack of chris’s door.
“on his way where?” chris asks.
“oh, he’s just picking up y/n so she can come over and tell you something important.” nick says easily.
you rush to pick your phone back up so you can yell at him. “NICOLAS!” you shout.
the screen is still pointed at chris’s face, but you can hear nick’s giggle before he runs out of the room and shuts the door.
half an hour later, you and matt arrive at the sturniolos’ house. you guys walk through the door with a big bag of mcdonald’s. you guys impulsively decided to get some food on the way home, and made sure to get chris and nick something as well.
“aww!” nick says, taking the bag out of your hand with a wide grin plastered across his face. “you got me food!?”
“share with chris.” matt tells him. “it’s not all for you.”
“yeah.” chris agrees, walking out of his room and chasing after nick to take the bag from him. “give me some, you greedy little shit!”
nick runs away from chris, taking the food with him as he locks himself in the bathroom and his laughs can be heard through the closed door.
chris groans, rolling his eyes before turning around and directing his attention toward the more important subject — you.
he pulls you into a hug, "i haven’t seen you in forever!"
you wrap your arms around him, hugging him back before speaking against his ear. “i know, it’s been ages.”
“it’s been half a day.” matt corrects you, pushing past his brother to walk into the kitchen and set his car keys onto the counter. “i’m going back to sleep. you guys are too fucking dramatic to handle.”
then, matt leaves the kitchen and walks down the hall to his bedroom. you hear the door close behind him, knowing you and chris are now officially alone together for the first time all day.
well, all day is pretty exaggerated seeing as you to have only been reunited for a few minutes. also, you guys have been on facetime since you woke up this morning.
“so!” chris says, pulling out of the hug. “what was nick talking about earlier. you need to tell me something important?”
your heart drops.
“oh, that can wait!” you say, trying to laugh it off. “let’s watch a movie or something. ooh! we could make, uh, pizza or cookies or some shit. that'd be fun right? you guys have pizza, don't you? well. never mind, everyone has pizza, haha." you walk into the kitchen and begin to dig through their freezer. "honestly, cookies would be more fun to make than some pizza. they taste better too. wait no, that's controversial. how about-"
your anxious ranting is cut off when chris places a hand on your shoulder. you stop digging through the freezer and turn around to face him with a frown.
"calm down, y/n." he tells you softly. he lets his hand drop from your shoulder and land on your hand. he grabs it and gently pulls you into the living room. he sits down on the couch with you, still holding your hand in his. "slow down a bit. we can talk about it at whatever pace you want."
"i'm gonna rant again." you warn him.
he chuckles, "that's fine by me. i love your ranting."
you suck in a deep breath before you begin. "i know we've only known each other for a year, but i really fucking like you. you're kind, attractive, and literally fucking perfect. you make me feel happy whenever i'm around you as if you're purposely trying to make me feel comfortable. and if you are, it's working by the way." you keep your eyes pinned to the couch cushion, not wanting to make eye contact with him. "i've been keeping my feelings to myself because i don't want to ruin what we have. but i realize now that even if i try to ignore my feelings, they're still going to explode eventually — and probably not in a healthy way. i don't want to hurt you by accidentally lashing out, so i decided it'd be best to tell you the truth."
you tear your eyes from thr cushion and raise them to face chris. he isn't answering you, but he definitely heard everything you said. his eyes are flicking across the room, processing all the shit you just dumped on him.
his silence stresses you out even more. what if you said the wrong thing? what if he hates you now? what if this ruins you guys's friendship before you can even try to form a romantic relationship? what if this is the lashing out you feared would happen? oh shit. you didn't even consider that.
"fuck," you mutter, "i'm sorry. i should go. this was a mistake. just forget everything i just said."
you begin to stand up, but chris grabs your hand before you can walk away. you turn and look at him but his eyes are already pinned to yours.
"how could i ever forget that?" he asks.
you don't answer.
"my dream girl just confessed that she likes me." he says before pulling on your hand, causing you to fall on top of him. he catches you and holds you in a hug. he runs a hand through your hair, caressing it gently. "i never even thought it would be fucking possible for you to ever like me back."
your eyes widen. "what? so you don't hate me?"
your feel his chest shake with a laugh. he then moves his hands to your shoulers before pushing you back to look at your face. without another word, chris presses your lips together.
the kiss is passionate, but unfortunately short-lived. within the few seconds it lasts, everything you struggled to tell him wth your rants was silently understood.
"i could never hate you." he whispers against your lips before connecting them back together.
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @slaysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo
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bad268 · 1 year
Breaking News (Part 3)
(Max Verstappen X Reader, Charles Leclerc X Ex! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 1
Requested: Nope (I had an idea, Mr. Krabs)
Chapter warnings: cheating mentioned, sex references, song referenced belongs to Natiale Jane.
Pronouns: They/them
W.C. 1672
Chapter Summary: "Seven" is released during the race week, and Y/n sees Charles for the first time since their split.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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(^Came from 2 pics on Pinterest)
<- Previous Part
It’s been months since I last saw Charles. It was not really a concern for me anymore. He can do whatever he wants, and I can do whatever I want. And what I want is to attend the race in Austin.
It was Wednesday, and we just flew in a couple of hours ago. We settled into our hotel room before Max went into the bathroom to shower before we went to dinner. Once I was dressed in a semi-fancy outfit, I decided to sit on our bed and wait for him to finish up. I had started scrolling through countless comments on my newest single, “Seven,” when Max came out of the restroom. He was wearing a black button-up and jeans, but at least it wasn’t Red Bull merch. 
“What are you looking at?” He asked, coming up to look at the comments from over my shoulder. “Is that the new song?”
“Yeah,” I chuckled lightly, leaning back into him. “They’re loving it so far.”
“Well, of course, they are,” he retorted, standing up and pushing me to lay on my back as he leaned over me. He placed a couple of small kisses around my face before placing a final one on my nose. “You wrote it. Why wouldn't they love it?”
“It was just really different from my normal songs, I don’t know,” I sighed, setting my phone to the side as I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the ends of his damp hair. “It’s also the second single for the album.”
“You haven’t even finished the album yet,” He shook his head with a laugh. “They’re your fans, liefde (love). They’ll love anything from you.”
“Doesn’t make the release any less daunting, schat (darling),” I whispered, pulling him down to kiss him. We moved in sync before ultimately needing to pull apart for air. “You ready to go?”
“Of course,” He said, lifting himself up before holding his hand out for me to stand beside him. “What kind of food are you feeling?”
Thursday is media day, so Max was off doing his own thing. It works because I had a virtual interview anyway, so I was able to hide out in Red Bull hospitality to do the interview in peace. 
“Y/n L/n, your newest song, ‘Seven,’ is smashing the charts,” They started off, “Tell us about the story behind it.”
“Honestly, I think everyone knows the story behind it,” I chuckled. “I wanted to try something new, so I continued the fuel from my last relationship to make this song. I’ve never really done something like this, but I really liked it, and I think the fans do too.”
“They certainly do!” The interviewer reassured. “The story, the beat, everything is just so catchy! It’s an amazing song! What was your favorite part about writing this song?”
“The lyrics were really fun, and I got a little help from my new boyfriend for the melody,” I admitted. The interviewer’s eyes widened as they let out a gasp, and I just smiled wider. “He was actually the one that came up with the chorus beat.”
“Did he write any of the lyrics?” They asked quickly.
“No, he left that to me. He just listened to every draft,” I laughed as I remembered something. “About a month ago, I woke him up at like two in the morning on a race day because I had a dream about the lyrics. He loved it so much, it’s now the chorus. He also was not very happy that I woke him up that day. He had to be on track at like five, and I woke him up just before his alarm.”
“That is gold,” They laughed as well. “We have some fan questions if you don’t mind. One person asks what is your favorite lyric from the song?”
“Not a lyric, but the laugh before the first chorus,” I answered after a second of thinking about it. “While recording the gap between the first verse and chorus was missing something. I tested with more lyrics, but ultimately, the laugh sounded the best.”
“The laugh does make it better,” The interviewer agreed. “Next question, has your ex or his girlfriend reached out, regarding the songs you’ve released recently?”
“No, but there was an article that announced their relationship right after I released ‘Ava’ and she stole lyrics from a fan cover as her original caption,” I remembered. “I was tagged in a fan cover of ‘Ava’ where they portrayed Ava. It was actually amazing, and I loved it! They did an amazing job, and one of the verses was ‘if he’s your man, why’s he still in my bed.’ I, personally, find it funny, but everyone likes to paint it like there’s bad blood between us,” I explained, going off on a short tangent. “Sorry, but to answer the main question, no, they have not said anything to me specifically.”
“Do you wish they did? I mean, these two very popular songs of yours are centered around them, so do you wish that they acknowledged them?”
“They did, technically,” I replied. “The fact that they announced their relationship right after I released the song and used a fan cover of my song to jab at me kinda validates that they know about it. Plus, it’s funny that his teammate loved both songs. He’s told me that he blasts them in their garage all the time.”
“Well, that’s all the time we have today,” They wrapped up, satisfied with the answer. “Thank you for your time, and we’ll look forward to the full album.”
“Thank you,” I replied with a smile as I left the call. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair, laying my head back and closing my eyes to rebuild my social battery. 
“What album?” A voice asked from across the room. It was a voice I have not heard for month, causing me to immediately shoot my head up. 
“What do you mean, ‘what album?’ I’m a songwriter, Charles,” I snapped. “Did you forget that’s my job?”
“No, just,” He took a breath, trying to recollect his thoughts. He hesitates for a second as if he didn’t want to say what he was thinking before just spilling, “Is the whole album about the breakup? Are you that caught up on it?”
“I don’t know yet,” I admitted, moving to stand up and approach him. “I haven't written it yet. Might be, the fans seem to love this era. So what if it is? What are you gonna say?”
“This is defamation,” He seethed, coming up to stand chest-to-chest with me. “I could sue you for both songs.”
“I don’t name you in either of them,” I scoffed. “Ava is a basic name. I could mean anyone named Ava, not just your girlfriend. Even in interviews, I won’t answer questions if they mention your names, and my answers are always vague. You have no grounds to sue me for my success. You just want to rain on my parade. I’m climbing in popularity, and you’re not. Admit it.”
“You’re only getting popular because you’re fucking Max,” Charles replied bluntly. Behind him, I could see a door opening, but I couldn't see who it was.
“Oh, please. If anything, I get hate for fucking Max,” I laughed. “At least I’m getting satisfied. With the way you’re acting, I’d say it's been at least a month since you got laid.”
“You’re one to talk,” He tried to start before I cut him off.
“Not like it’s any of my business what you do with your girlfriend,” I said with a sly smile. “On a side note, what are you doing in here? Ferraris aren’t allowed in Red Bull hospitality, last time I checked.”
“Yeah, Charles, you should head back to your own hospitality,” Christian pressed as he was the one to walk through the door with Carlos, Max, and Daniel, who was holding Max back.
“You’ll hear from my lawyer,” Charles spat toward me before turning and walking out the doors. I just rolled my eyes and bit my tongue before I made the situation worse.
“Did I hear an album?” Carlos asks sheepishly.
“I will send a signed copy to my biggest fan once I get it written,” I teased him as Christian and Daniel ushered him out to follow his teammate. Carlos shouted back a thanks before taking off. I shook my head with a small laugh as I walked up to Max who had calmed down since Charles left. “Thank you for mentally killing a man in my honor.”
“Always,” he joked back, “I’d do anything for you. Was he serious about suing?”
“I don’t know, but it’s just going to waste his money cause I worked with my publicist to make sure they couldn’t sue for defamation,” I reassured him, cupping his cheeks and leaning our heads together as he placed his hands at my waist. “Y’know, in case you didn’t know, I love you.”
“I have loved you since we were 18,” He whispered back. My eyes widened as I took in his words.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” I gasped out.
“It was before we both thought the same things,” he chuckled. “Your music was taking off, and I was still a rookie. I remember you said that you wanted to wait until you were in a stable place in your career before you started a relationship.”
“I was like 12 when I said that!” I laughed, shocked that he actually remembered that. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I always knew I would end up with you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He jokingly took offense as he tightened his hold around my waist.
“I told all of my friends and family I would date you at some point,” I admitted lowly. He immediately began beaming at my confession. “No one believed me, but now…oh, if they saw us now.”
Next Part ->
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jazziwritesthings · 9 months
Letters - Lee Know
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The is purely fictional.
Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: None I think? Friends to lovers
A/N: Part 2 maybe? Idk
Arriving back to the dorms after being on tour felt amazing. Minho couldn’t wait to finally sleep in his own bed again. But before he could do anything he knew he had to see you. It seemed they were right when they said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Sure you texted and video called as much as you could but between the timezones and your job it wasn’t often and for Minho, it wasn’t enough. He still hasn’t admitted it, but he was head over heels for you. So before he did he sent you a text asking you to come to the dorms. He tossed his phone onto his bed and walked to the bathroom to grab a shower. 
By the time he came out of the bathroom you were laying on his bed. Looking up as you had heard the door open you saw a shirtless Minho standing there looking exhausted. There was no warning before you were getting up and wrapping your arms around his waist. He didn’t say anything as he wrapped his arms around her back and laid his cheek against the crown of your head. 
“I missed you.” You muttered with your head resting on his chest. 
“What’s in the box?” He asked, slowly detangling his arms from you. 
“ Oh yeah!” Quickly letting go and turning to grab the box you handed it to him. He quirked his eyebrow at you, giving you a questioning look. 
“It’s cheesy but I wrote you a letter everyday that you were gone.” 
He reached into the box and pulled out one of the folded pieces of paper and began to open it.
“No!” You startled him with a yell. Shaking your head, you took the paper from him and put it back in the box, “ You can’t read them in front of me.” 
He nodded his head, “ Why?” 
Shaking your head you moved the box to the floor as you made yourself comfortable in his bed, “ Because some of it is corny and I don’t want you to make fun of me to my face.” 
He let out a laugh as he pulled on a t-shirt, “ I would never do such a thing.” He turned off the light as you reached for his pillow and threw it at him, missing completely, “ Bullshit!” 
The night was spent talking and cuddling before you both fell into a deep sleep.
His sleep was disturbed as he heard voices. “He doesn't like skinship really, but when it comes to her, he doesn’t care.” 
“Shh. You’ll wake them.”
Minho groaned before he whispered, “ You already have, what do you want?”
He opened his eyes to see Seungmin and Jeongin standing in his doorway. 
“Are you possessed or something?” 
He let out a breathy laugh while shaking his head, “ I wish it was that simple. She uh, she wrote me a letter every day I was gone.” He looked up to gauge the younger members' expressions. Both were unreadable. Minho took in a breath and checked you over to make sure you were still sound asleep, “ I’m so in love with her that I don’t know what to do.” He looked over at the kids as Seungmin said, “ Finally. It’s about time you realized that. Now are you gonna tell her or continue to suffer?” The face he gave the younger members told them that they needed to leave so they did, quietly closing the door behind them. 
You began to stir awake. “ Good morning.” He said as you stretched your limbs before settling back against the pillow, “ It’s nice that your voice is the first thing I heard today.” Shooting him a tired smile. You saw the deep shade of red taking its place on his neck and his ears before he tried to hide under the blanket. 
“ Are you- Are you hiding under the blanket because you’re blushing?” You asked as you tried to pull the blanket from his face. “ No. Nope. Totally not blushing.” He was quick with his movements and got up and left the room in a matter of seconds, leaving you alone on his bed laughing loudly at your flustered friend. 
Finally leaving his room you walked into the living area and saw Seugnmin on the couch. You made your way over to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, “ What's up Seungminnie?” He placed his hand on your arm before forcing you to let him go as he pulled you on to the couch. You let out a bit of a yell as you tumbled forwards, over the back of the couch, landing ungracefully next to Seungmin. The thudding of footsteps could be heard before Minho was in the living area, looking panicked. “What happened?” Once he saw you were okay he sort of relaxed. “ Oh you know, Seungmin just tried to kill me.”
“I did not!” 
“You did too! Pulling me over the couch!”
“You landed on the couch, you're fine.” 
This bickering kept going back and forth. You’d known Minho since elementary school and since Seungmin was his first friend at JYP he automatically became your friend too, resulting in a sibling-like relationship. As far as you were concerned Seugnmin was your little brother.
After hours and hours of conversation, food and games it was getting late, “ I should really get home guys, I have work in the morning.” You stated as you slowly got up from the couch and walked to the door. “ I’ll walk you!” 
You and Minho began the walk in comfortable silence. A few blocks from the dorms Minho spotted the convenience store you both frequent, “ Hey.” He nudged you and nodded his head towards the shop, silently asking. You looked up and met his eyes, your own sparkling, “You thinking what I'm thinking?” He nodded his head and both spoke at the same time,
 “ Ice Cream.” 
After getting your ice creams you began to walk again, only making it to the bench in front of your building. You watched as he sat down and patted the space next to him. You sat down next to him and gave him a questioning look. 
“ I have something I really need to say. So I need you to be quiet for a bit, okay?” 
Nodding your head you reached for his hand as this topic seemed to have him nervous. 
“ I know this is going to change everything but I can’t keep it to myself anymore. If you don’t want to see me or speak to me or be my friend anymore I will understand, okay? But I fell in love with you, and I'm sorry but I can’t do shit about it.” 
He pulled his hands from yours as he stood with his back to you, not able to look you in the eyes as you broke his heart. You stood and gently grabbed his hand in yours again,
 “I’ve loved you since you threw that rock at me in 1st grade.”
He whipped around to look at you, checking your face for any sign of a lie. When he didn’t see anything other than love and adoration in your eyes he quickly closed the space between you. Tenderly cupping your face in his hands he closed the gap between your lips. Kissing you so sweetly and softly. 
He gently broke the connection between your lips pulling his head back a bit, “Wait, don’t pull away, not yet.” He let out a soft chuckle at your whine. You slowly opened your eyes and they met his sparkling brown ones as he rested his forehead on yours. 
“Well, isn’t this interesting.” He spoke softly, only for your ears. You let out a laugh as you pulled away a bit, “I will actually hit you Minho.” You warned. He smiled as he gently connected your lips again, “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this.” 
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camjsad0 · 3 months
Birthday wish ‧₊˚✩彡
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- Ryan ross x reader oneshot !! got bored and js wrote this lol. this is my first oneshot so expect to see a few mistakes sorry😞💪💔
- Fluff <3
- WC: 741
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It was 6:30pm on a tuesday, just a few days after ryan’s birthday. I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about random stuff while listening to my favorite band. This was usually what i did everyday.
My thoughts were quickly cut off when i felt my phone vibrate.
I lazily grabbed my phone and saw that ryan had sent me a text. I instantly checked what the message said.
“Hey, can i come over??”
I nervously typed on my phone and sent him back a text,
“yeah sure, what time r u coming over?”
“ill be there in 10 mins :)” he replied.
I sent him a like and got off my bed, making my way to the vanity.
I didn’t know why i was so nervous, it was normal for ryan to come over. However, i never really cared about what i looked like. But for some reason i’ve been developing feelings for ryan—— although i keep trying to be indenial about it because i knew that telling him how i felt can result into having my long-time friendship with ryan ruined. I knew for a fact that ryan viewed me only as his friend, nothing else.
I pushed away my thoughts and quickly started to brush my hair, put a decent amount of lipstick; just making myself look like i totally haven’t been rotting in my bed for days.
A few minutes have passed, and i heard a knock at my door. My mom probably had already let him in, I opened the door to see ryan’s surprised look on his face. “What got you all dressed up?” in a teasing manner. “I went out earlier.” clearly i was lying, unfortunately ryan picked up from my weird tone and replied “You’re totally dressing up for me, aren’t you?” smirking as the words flew off his mouth. “Oh shut up” trying to hide my flushed face, quickly turning around and making my way to my bed as i sat down on it.
“Wanna watch a movie?” looking up at him as i asked. “Yeah sure, how about this one?” he said as he picked up a CD from the small shelf. He comfortably sat down on my bed as i set it up and hurriedly sat down beside him.
30 minutes in, and i sensed that ryan was getting bored of the movie, and honestly so did i, it was just your typical horror movie. He yawned and placed his head on your shoulder. You awkwardly sat there until you finally felt comfortable enough to lean your head on top of his.
“You’ve been acting weird lately, what’s wrong?” he randomly blurted out. I didn’t know how to reply and froze for a few minutes before i finally replied, “It’s nothing.” I stuttered out before getting up and rushing to my bathroom. My heart beating fast, as if it was about to fly out of my chest.
Why were you feeling this way towards ryan? Your bestfriend for years?
You stood there for a few minutes and realized that you had probably left ryan startled. You hesitantly pushed the door knob open.
Ryan was holding your journal in his hands, casually flipping through the pages. Reading it with a smile on his face, I don’t even think he noticed you.
You almost fled there to snatch your journal back, although you knew that ryan had probably already read enough to know how you felt towards him.
“Why did you never tell me how you felt?”
“I’m sorry, but i knew that you only viewed me as your friend-“ you were cut off. “Why would you assume that? What if i liked you too?” He admitted. I couldn’t believe what i just heard. I never even noticed that he had feelings for me too. “What do you mean?”
“God, you’re so oblivious (y/n). I’ve liked you for years. But you were always busy being with some guy that didn’t even treat you right. It crushed me to see you being treated that way. I never had the chance to tell you how i felt-“ you immediately cut him off by placing a soft kiss on his lips. Leaving a faint pink kiss mark on his lips, making you giggle. He leaned forward to kiss you again, this time being more passionate. He pulled off and reached a hand to your cheek.
“I guess my birthday wish came true.”
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Belong To Us
A/N: So I wrote this a while back but never posted it with the combination of JDM characters, Ray Lasalle and Ike Evans. Along with the fact this has bisexual men and it’s a threesome piece. But please enjoy this
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Warnings: M/M/F threesome, bisexual men, smut, teasing, daddy kink
The daytime was full of busy bodies and responsibilities. The sun was bright in rhe sky and beaming down with the heat. Very dull and repetitive but at night was when the fun really happened. You awaited the touch of both your Daddies, Ray and Ike. The men whom formed a polyamorous relationship with you. At first the thought was strange but having those two all over you and each other made you enjoy it immensely. With them being busy throughout their days, you were left alone at either Ike’s or Ray’s. Tonight it was Ray’s penthouse.
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You smiled at your phone and slipped on the leopard print robe Ray gifted you. Not to mention the emerald colored lingerie set that Ike picked out. You sat in the king sized bed as the sound of the door opening made your ears perk up.
“Y/N? You here Babygirl?” Ike was here first and you rushed out to hug him. Your arms went into his suit jacket and felt the warmth of his body. He was quick to plant a kiss on top of your head.
“Someone’s happy to see me.” Ike teased and brought you to kiss his lips.
“You look beautiful in this, I wonder what’s hiding underneath this.” His fingers teased the tied bow and you pulled away before he could undo it.
“Nope. Let’s be fair and wait for Ray. Remember how mad he was last we didn’t wait?”
Ike shook his head and went into the bathroom to undress. You followed behind him and brung the robe that matched your own. Ray decided to get a matching set for each person, cute. As Ike stripped away his clothes you heard the door again.
“Fuck, today was hetic. I really need my lovers to get me out of this funk.” You both giggle and Ike brought the robe over his shoulders. You see Ray tossed off his jacket on the kitchen counter.
“There’s lover number one. Now where is number two little lady?”
He commented as a hand put on your waist to pull you into his body. Ike was going to leave the bedroom but saw Ray leading you back in.
“Why am I number two mister? Am I just a piece of meat?”
“C’mon now, you know I love you both the same.” Ray kissed Ike and leaned to kiss you too. Your fingers began unbuttoning his white dress shirt and he smirked down at you. His hands stopped your own and you pouted.
“Ike, baby. I recall our girl was texting me about having us on her mind all day.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Y/N, why don’t you show us how much you want us.”
“Go on, be our good girl.”
Ike winked and you knew exactly what to do. You undid your robe and allowed to fall to your feet. Their eyes were predatory as they focused on your body moving on the bed. The lingerie that was on your body went well enough to compliment your skin and how the lace lined your curves. It had Ray rushing his motions to get off his clothes. You display yourself by standing your weight on your knees. Ray approached the edge of the bed and you get closer by wrapping your arms on his neck. His lips were already on yours and he groaned with how Ike was reaching to caress his crotch. You gently moved his shirt off his shoulders and touched over his tattooed body.
“You need Daddy’s help with this?” Ike purred into Ray’s ear. His fingers undoing the confines of his pants and running his palm down his shaft.
“Fuck.” Ray mumbled against your lips and you started kissing his neck. He groaned as you were both pampering his body. You felt his hands on your hips and urging you to lay down. His body laid over you and your hands touched his skin. He gave a firm tug on your thighs so your legs wrapped onto his waist. As you both got distracted by one another Ike had his hands on Ray’s ass.
“I’m feeling a little neglected back here.”
“Should’ve acted faster.” Ike reached forward and tugged Ray’s hair causing him growl.
“You two play nice.”
You beckoned as you pull Ray back into a kiss. Ike took control by pulling down Ray’s pants and underwear in one pull. His fingers touching his bare bum and giving a nice smack. He let out a whimper and leaned up from growing impatient. You giggled as he was trying to get off your panties. They were tossed on the ground and you took it further by taking off the bra. Ray couldn’t help himself when him wanting a taste of your body. You moan as his lips were all over your chest. Your hips koved up to try and feel his cock. He moaned against your skin along with feeling Ike leaning down to kiss his back.
Ike’s hands rested on his hips and let his tongue run along the back of his neck.
“I think we should really get this started.” Ike said while leaning up and reached into the nightstand for some lubricant. Ray felt him nudge his legs apart while you were guiding Ray’s cock to your entrance. He groaned when feeling your sweet juices on his tip. Ray took back control by pinning your wrists above your head and thrusting into you.
“Fuck! I really needed this.” He bit his lip and felt Ike’s lubed cock teasing him ass. He whimpered at his touch while the grip of Ike’s fingers on his hip. You held on his torso and moaned as he stroked into you. The sight of him enjoying Ike’s attention was so hot. Ike finally pushed into Ray and suddenly he had to stop. Ray’s fingers squeezed your skin and the other hand gripped the comforter.
“Shit! Fuck!” Ray cursed and Ike leaned over while pulling his hair. Ike bit his earlobe and whispered into his whisper.
“Quit tensing up baby. It won’t feel as good, try and relax.”
Your hands held Ray’s face and caressed his beard. He let out a shaky breath and continued by slowly thrust into you.
“Good boy.” Ike praised while speeding up his hip movements. It encouraged Ray to go faster inside you, you felt your body arch up into his thrusts that made him go crazy.
“Ray! Just like that, it feels so good.”
You cry out and tighten the grip of your thighs on his waist. His eyes squeezed shut while Ike held a hand on his shoulder and the other on his hip to pull him back into his hips. Ike licked his lips watching you experience Ray and feeling him on his dick was making him grow closer to his release. Ray couldn’t help the way his movements grew sloppy along with Ike going harder inside him. You were already coming once Ray groaned out your name and how his cock was buried inside you. You quivered at the feeling of his cum was loading into you.
But Ike wasn’t done as he was still thrusting in Ray and he whimpered. You helped Ray by guiding him out of your pussy but he had an idea. You pushed further on the bed and Ray put your legs on his shoulders. You whined as he started to lick your opening. His moans vibrated against that made your thighs squeeze his head.
Ike moaned loudly as he got closer and gave Ray a few smacks on his ass. It made him pull away from you to wince and you sat up to pull him into sloppy kiss. Ray rested his head in the crook of your neck and held your body as he came around Ike.
“Fuck, baby!” Ike rasped out as he pulled out of Ray to release onto his lower back. The heavy sound of your breathing filled the room and you watched Ike step away to light a cigarette. Ray was still on top of you and nuzzling his head into your neck.
“I needed that shit. You both felt amazing.” Ray said with a smirk and stood from your body. You sat up and watched your men indulge in simple pleasure of a smoke and some liquor. While you slid underneath the covers of the bed and patiently waited for them to join. Ray went on one side to spoon you while Ike went on the other to pull you into his arms.
For a few minutes it was nice and cuddly until Ray was sucking on your skin. Ike pulled you to slowly makeout with him. Both of them groping at your body and you had you pull away from them.
“We just finished. Haven’t you had enough?”
“You know we can’t get enough.” They both reply and kept going, this was going to be a long night.
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nomnomnomvore · 11 months
Scream (And huff)
So I've finally given in and wrote crimes against nature (and Miguel's ass). All thanks to those Ghostface pics.
I would like to apologize to the ATSV fandom and wish y'all a happy Halloween. Stay safe and I hope you enjoy this mess.
(WARNING: Fart stuff ahead. If you're into it, feel free to keep reading. If not, stay away.)
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You let out a small groan as you started to return back to yourself, trying to recall the events that happened before you lost consciousness. You were getting ready for a Halloween movie marathon before you got a call from a stranger asking you odd things: Your name, if you were alone, if you had a boyfriend. Again, weird, but as the call continued, you swore you heard the sound of a small, bubbly explosion before a toxic, putrid smell filled your nose.
And that’s when you passed out, only to find yourself here laying on the couch, with your view becoming clearer as the seconds passed slowly. However, that didn’t explain why you suddenly felt something heavy on your chest.
“I see you’re finally awake.”
You could hear Miguel’s serious yet oddly teasing voice flowing into your ears as your eyes widened at the sudden sight of his ass close to your face. Sure, it was mostly covered in dark clothing due to the black cloak he was wearing, but even that wasn’t doing a good job at hiding how large his behind truly was.
And neither how bad it stank due to his musk. You were sure that, if your view was clearer, you could’ve seen the stench fuming out of his asscrack.
“I was a bit worried that tiny sample of my gas I gave you earlier would’ve been too much for that weak nose of yours, but then again, I wouldn’t be here to begin with if that was the case.” Miguel snarked, making you gulp loudly at his words. The smell of his ass seemed to become more sickening now that you knew it wasn’t pure musk. The sudden groans and gurgles coming from the man’s stomach only made your terror rise up. It sounded like a demon growling from the depths of Hell.
And through all the noise, and your mind still stuck in a foggy daze, you could see a mischievous red glint in Miguel’s eyes as he wiggled his fat butt a bit.
“Even with all the signs I’ve left around this place like the rooms smelling awful, and your bathroom being a bit…Well, messier than usual, you must still be confused, right?” He chuckled softly. “Whether the case is, I think you already figured out what’s going to happen.”
You could feel your hair being blown back as if you were using the world’s hottest, loudest and stinkiest hair dryer as Miguel released a strong, bassy and rumbling fart towards you. In less than a second, you felt your eyes and nose being fried thanks to the stench of rotten meat and unfiltered sewer as you gagged in disgust and fear, trying to break yourself free and escape. Once that fart came to an end after a few seconds, Miguel sighed softly as he fanned the smell of his gas towards you.
“Mm, hope you enjoyed that one. Oh what’s that? You’re trying to escape?” He said calmly as he watched you squirm like a worm before you took notice that your wrists were tied against each other with the phone cord you had in your hands a while ago before your nose was suddenly assaulted by Miguel’s foul gas filling your room, causing you to fall unconscious. You panted heavily as you looked up at his bright, crimson eyes. “Yeah, good luck trying to break yourself free. I made sure to tie that phone cord around your hands tight enough so that you won’t try anything funny. But hey, on the bright side, that means you’ll get to huff up more of what I have in store for you~”
This time, Miguel let out two farts that, while were somewhat shorter, did not shy away from the smell at all. In fact, they seemed to stink even worse, having a foul stench of rotten eggs that made your eyes water as you coughed without control. Even with the toxic green fog filling your view, you could see Miguel’s cloak lifting up with each explosive stinker he let out, giving you a pleasant view of his plumpy behind. To be frank, the weight of his ass alone was probably enough to leave you immobilized under him.
“Ahhh…Ay dios, do you have any idea how tough it is to hold all of these farts in? Almost makes me feel like a balloon about to pop.” He sighed deeply while patting his tummy, inching his ass closer to your face to the point your nose was wedged perfectly between his buttcheeks. You whimpered as your eyes rolled back, still in denial at how bad the smell was now that it was up close and personal. The spot between his cheeks felt so gross and swampy. “Good thing I called you tonight. I would’ve filled the whole neighborhood with my farts if I didn’t found you, so you better sniff it all up~”
Now that Miguel was literally using your face as a makeshift cushion, and your hands were completely tied up, you were entirely helpless as he kept torturing you with his noxious gas. It didn’t matter the sound or length of it, none of his farts were pleasant as they overwhelmed each one of your senses. You could taste the nasty flavor of rotten spicy food in your tongue, your eyes were steaming thanks to the intense heat and your nose felt runny as it was in pure agony with each rumbly toot Miguel let out. His ass even seemed to vibrate each time he let loose.
“Nnn…Ugh, fuchi. You need to do a better job back there, it stinks~” Miguel taunted as he rubbed his ass all over your face, making sure his stench would never leave you and your nose. A frown appeared on his face as he saw you try to pull yourself away before he used a hand to push you deeper into his crack despite your whines that were drowned by the sounds of his noisy belly.
…And his swampy, juicy farts.
“Mmmnn, oof, that one felt a bit wet at the end…Really hope I didn’t stain anything.” He moaned as he playfully stuck out his tongue, teasingly fanning a hand in front of his face even if the stench of his disgusting gas was barely affecting him. “Hm, I think I heard you asking for more, didn’t you?”
Your eyes suddenly widened as you tried to shake your head. Your protests only muffled since your face was still wedged between the man’s killer asscheeks. Chuckling softly, Miguel simply lifted the back of his coat and placed your head under it before pushing you back into his crack, and with a loud grunt…
He unleashed the nastiest fart of the evening. The stench completely shutting you down as you were reduced from panicked pleas to low whines and tired moans. You could feel Miguel’s asscheeks clapping against your face, like you were being hit repeatedly by a pair of stinky pillows that were stuffed to the brim with skunk fur. The smell of this fart was akin to a whole dumpster filled to the brim with used diapers and roadkill being set on fire, and then the charred remains were thrown away into a filthy sewer full of rancid waste. Even then, however, it was a miracle how that fart wasn’t enough to kill you. Sure, your nose was experiencing what was probably the closest thing Hell would smell like, but at least you didn’t go deaf by the sounds or became a goopy puddle due to the stench and intense heat.
Regardless if you were still kicking or not, by the time the 15 seconds of Miguel’s fart bomb  finally came to an end, you were completely numb and motionless. Your eyes were red and on the brink of shutting down, your hair was a total mess, and your face was covered in sweat; having an odd mix of color between green and red. Green because you were absolutely nauseous by the ungodly stench of Miguel’s nasty musk and yucky farts, and red because…
Because…You prefer to not think about it. Less so in your current situation.
Much to your relief, however, Miguel lifted up his cloak; finally freeing you from the hellish dutch oven he created.
Although, that didn’t stop him from releasing another eggy stench bomb all over you. Your eyes rolled back into your head before Miguel finally got off from your body. Despite the fact you were an inch from falling unconscious, you couldn’t take your sight away from his large, jiggly ass. His black robes were still doing a bit of a poor job in hiding his cheeks as he took a whiff of the putrid stench filling the air, only for him to cough as he waved a hand in front of his nose.
“Dios, que hedor. I think something I ate definitely didn’t sit well with me, because I'm sure I broke a record with that.” Miguel chuckled. “But sadly, that’s all I had in me. Too bad, really. I was starting to have fun…Oh well, guess that means your nose will be spared for tonight, but you can’t fool me. I can tell you loved this~”
You were too exhausted to respond to Miguel's cheeky comment as you watched him stretch a bit, getting ready to finally leave you be. He even untied your wrists, figuring that since you were in such a weak state, you wouldn’t even attempt to fight him. Regardless, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief at the fact this seemed to come to an end.
But then, your eyes widened in pure horror as you watched Miguel clutching his stomach, which was gurgling and rumbling ominously like an active volcano ready to explode. 
“On second thought, it seems I still have one more left in here. Make sure to enjoy it. I know I will~” Miguel said with a smirk before bending over slightly to show off more of his plumpy ass. The sounds of his belly blurbing were deafening as he grunted while clenching his fists. “HhHNGH!”
You didn’t even have time to let out a sound before you were blasted by that massive nuke of a fart that shook the entire foundations of the house and even knocked down a few stuff from the furniture. The paint from the walls even started to peel off due to the ungodly stench that your brain couldn’t comprehend, because no words in the human vocabulary would be enough to describe the hellish miasma Miguel was releasing, making one last dent to your already feeble sense of smell while he stuck out his tongue in a teasing way; clearly enjoying the sensation of relief that fart was giving him.
After only 30 seconds, which for you felt like hours, the gas finally stopped flowing out from his backside as you started to lose consciousness while lying limp on the couch. The whole room was filled to the brim with a noxious, brown, rancid fog that wouldn’t look too out of place in a horror movie, and as you watched Miguel put on his white, screaming mask and leave the scene (alongside his nasty, fat butt), you could hear him say some last words before you passed out.
“Feliz Halloween~ See you next year~”
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩-Too Late-✩
A/N: Sorry, this is so short lol also I was trying to make it sadder.
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x fem!reader
Warnings: Cussing, and Angst
Miguel lay on his bed, bored out of his mind. Not knowing what else to do he decided to listen to his fans and start a live since they have been on his ass about the lack of content lately. He walked to his bathroom to brush his hair and put it in a low ponytail, He then put on a hat. Before he set his phone up he decided to post something on his story about going live. He scrolled through Instagram for a little before he found his way onto tiktok, He was looking at your account, Admiring your beauty. "How can she be that gorgeous." He thought.
A notification popped up on his phone screen immediately grabbing his attention, "masonthamesofficial has posted on their story!" He clicked the notification and watched the video. "Hey y/n/n!" Mason yelled as he ran up to you, "What Mason?" You asked not noticing the camera in his hand. "I have a present for you," He giggled, You cocked a brow. "What is it?" Before you could blink you were being soaked by water guns from both sides. Madeleine and Brooke could be heard laughing as well as Mason who was stepping back to film the scene- also trying not to get wet- "Fuck you, Mason-" Miguel busted out laughing as the video ended, swiping up on the story and sending laughing emoji's (let's be honest he speaks emoji) He then sent the video to his sister Alondra who he knew would get a kick out of- since you and she are besties -Mason had replied with skull emoji's and said that Miguel should come up to visit.
"Do I have six toes?" He laughed and shook his head, "No I do not have six toes." He continued to look threw all the questions his fans sent him, Most of them being about him and y/n. Miguel didn't know how to work shit on live so it was a mess, "Oh, Mason joined!" He smiled. He accidentally clicked on a question, "What? oh," He began to read the comment out loud "Miguel and y/n-" he stopped and smiled at the question, he deleted it and moved on. "y/n is beside me," Mason wrote, Miguel's face flushed red as he tried to hide his smile "what is my favorite drink? Dr. Pepper." he scrolled down a few more before getting a notification saying mason wanted to join the live. He felt nervous as y/n was with Mason, "Maybe she went home." he thought as he clicked on the accept button, Mason popped up on the screen standing on a counter with sunglasses on and a hairbrush in his hand.
"Uhh, you good bro?" Miguel asked laughing, Mason just stood there and everybody was sending laughing and skull emoji's in the comments. All of a sudden 'My milkshake' starts playing and Mason starts singing and dancing on the counter. Miguel was in tears at this point just laughing, "what the fuck is wrong with my friend" He thought. "Mason where is my hairbrush!!" Miguel froze as he heard your voice on the other side of the screen. Mason stopped and looked at you, You stood there looking breathtaking as always. "Gimme my shit back bro!" you yelled as you tried to grab the brush, "No!" Mason laughed as he held the brush above his head. "Fine, I'll be back, but I won't be unarmed." you ran off into Brooke's room out of breath. "Jeuse you good?" she asked, you shook your head no. "Mason took my hairbrush and I need it back." she got up and ran to the kitchen where she saw Mason singing into y/n's hairbrush in front of the phone.
She grabbed the Nerf gun and shot him, y/n grabbed her hairbrush that fell to the ground. "Ugh y/n what do you even need it for, you're hair is fine." He groaned as he got up, "I'm going on a date, I need to do my hair." Everybody's face dropped. Including Miguels, He felt sick and sad, angry at himself for not asking you out sooner. He quickly ended the live and threw his phone on his bed. The smile on her face when she said it, He should be making her smile like that, Not somebody else. Mason knew how much Miguel liked y/n and he was trying to get them together. He looked at his phone and saw that the live ended, He looked down and sighed. "I'm happy for you y/n/n" You smiled and walked away. He just knew Miguel was blaming himself for this right now. But Miguel knew he was too late.
#list: @istgpleaseshutup @bonezisdeded @weehelers @brokenphonewires @deadghosy @shreksmilk
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juliagirlfail · 4 days
I Will Float On- A "personal essay" I wrote for english.
    I’ve struggled with mental health my whole life. Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, anorexia, gender dysphoria, and body dysmorphia. I don’t think I’ll ever outrun it, there are some things a person can never truly let go, but I believe I’ve learned to keep pace with it. This is a telling of a time long past, when things were nearing their worst, when my disorders had lapped me.
     It’s the same terror nearly every night. A visceral reliving of all the worst moments of my life fused into an amalgam of warped affection and undesired pleasures. I awake with uncontrollable tremors. I can’t breathe. My body is on fire. There is an unimaginable pressure behind my eyes, and all I can hear is a dissonant song composed of the beating of my heart and the ringing of my ears. 
     “If I don’t extinguish myself my heart is going to explode” is the only thought on my mind.
     I drag my living corpse out of the coffin called a bed and stumble through the door. My body is a mech of flesh, and I am a spirit trapped inside, pulling at frayed strings. I find my way through the darkness into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me, strip myself of my outer clothing, and lay on the cool linoleum flooring. It’s all I can do to cool the fire I feel in my stomach and across my skin into something manageable. 
     A half hour passes before I find any relief, and find the strength to stand. I will my shaking hand to the knob of the sink and begin filling the basin with cold water. The eyes of my vessel glance up, only for the briefest moment, and lock eyes with a creature too horrible to put to words. A choir of a hundred thousand screaming voices assaults my mind. I rip my eyes away from the beast as I slam my head downwards into the now-filled sink. I hold myself under until my body forces life on me. The fire has been extinguished, and the orchestra, choir and all, silenced.
     I am alive, if nothing else I know at least that much.
     I am alive.
     I am alive.
     And then it’s seven in the morning, I’ve slept a total of two-and-a-half hours, and I need to get ready for school. I stand in my lightless room, lined wall to wall with objects representing my most beloved concepts. In attempting to create a space of safety, I have created a comparatively terrifying world. I have turned the entirety of Earth into an alien planet. I put on a pair of identical black jeans, and slide my wallet, phone, and earbuds into the pockets. I equip a concert T, an attempt to prove to myself I have something to live for, to remind myself that there are times I am thankful for my breath. I wear the same jacket I wear every day, to obscure my form and hide my still-bleeding arms from the night before. The crowning jewel of my decor is a necklace with the icon of the band Modest Mouse. It’s a hot-air balloon, with an anchor where the basket belongs.  
     It means two things, to me. It represents stasis, the balloon prevents the anchor from piercing the seas and the anchor keeps the balloon leveled, never rising above where it is, never daring to taste the heavens. It reminds me to stay grounded, and to do everything I can to float on when it gets heavy. 
     I will float on.
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How do taxes work again? (Naughty or Nice #2: Sexting) 
I know I said that this one was gonna be a sweet story about decorating for Christmas with Loki, but I got a little far ahead of myself and wrote this story the other night. I can't get it out of my head and I've reread it about 50 times now and each time it gives me butterflies. This one is shorter than the last few stories have been.
Summary: After the Blip, the reader is living in a newly restored pharmacy in Midtown Manhattan and Loki is working with Valkyrie in New Asgard. For Christmas, the reader bought Loki a cell phone to communicate better while being far from each other. After a few weeks, Loki gets quite a few surprising messages from the reader early one morning.
Warnings: Sexting, descriptions of masturbation (M&F)
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Bing, Bing.
I picked up this block-shaped object that (Y/N) had told me was a 'cell phone'. It was a new gift for Winter Solstice a few weeks ago but I still hadn't quite gotten the hang of it yet, she said it was for us to communicate more easily while she was in New York and I was in New Asgard. I picked it up from my cherry oak wood desk and read the message she had sent me. It was early here, but practically the middle of the night where she was. She must have been lonely.
'Hi, love. I miss you a lot right now, you've been on my mind all day.' I smiled reading her sweet message.
'I miss you too, darling. I'm sorry I can't be there with you right now.' I sent back, putting it back down on my desk, face up with the message still open. I picked up some tax documents, something that was becoming very trivial to me.
I picked back up the phone.
'What are you doing right now? I'm sure you're probably very busy.' Even though these simple words were on this little screen, still she was adorable. It was like I could hear her saying these things to me, right now.
'Indeed, I still don't quite understand this concept of "taxes"' I sent back with a smile. My thoughts lingering to her laying in bed with her familiar, cuddled up under the sheets. It was still quite cold in New York, and since the Blip, her services were needed there more than ever before. Her powers were growing by the day, and she had become one of the most powerful witches in the world.
'Well, I had quite a long day, so many people came through the shop today, it was quite draining.' She replied.
'Oh no, I'm sorry. Do you need anything?' I asked, feeling bad for her.
'No, I'm fine, really. I was just considering taking a hot bath, like the ones you used to run for me in Asgard.'
"Fuck," Then my mind was flooded with those images of us together. The way we would bathe together, how soft her skin felt against mine as I ran my hands over her body. How warm our bodies would get when we were close, and the steamy kisses that followed.
'You know I'd do it for you right now if I could,' I sent back, trying to hide my embarrassment at what I was thinking.
'I know, that's alright, lover.'
Then she sent a photo of herself, standing in front of the bathroom mirror. I saw her reflection looking into the camera, smiling. She was wearing her usual silk robe and had her hair up in a ponytail. She looked absolutely beautiful, and a little tired.
'Oh, there's my sweet angel.' I typed it out hitting send.
Immediately another message came through,
'I was just thinking about the last time you were here. How you had me bent over this counter, fucking me hard. You made me cum so hard that night.'
My mouth fell open as she sent another photo through, this time she was naked and had her back to the mirror yet it was arched slightly. Her head was turned to the side to look over at the phone in her hand, her perfect jaw and shoulders lined up. Her ass rested barely against the marbled countertop. I couldn't believe she had just sent this to me.
'Indeed, I remember that night well also. I love watching you cum around me, knowing I am the one making you feel that good.' I responded immediately, unable to wait any longer.
I opened the photo and zoomed in on her body, the display on the screen making it look extra sexy. I could see every detail of her back and ass. How I wished I could be there with her right now.
'I wish I was under your desk right now, with my lips wrapped around your cock. I know this must be driving you insane.' She sent back.
The blood rushed to my dick and I dropped one hand to my pants to adjust the zipper's position before they became too tight against it.
'You always drive me crazy, darling. I can't help myself when you're like this.' I replied.
'I bet you're hard right now. So naughty, you're supposed to be working my King, am I distracting you?'
Then another picture, this time she was laying on the bed, her bottom lip between her teeth, and her free hand pinching the nipple of her left breast. Her eyes looked right at the camera as if she could see me through it.
'Gods, you're killing me. I want you so bad right now.' I typed back.
She didn't respond for a moment, and then I saw her next message, 'My cunt is begging for you to fill it, Loki.'
That sent me over the edge, and I was quickly pushing my chair back from the desk and crossing the room to lock the door. The last thing I wanted was for Valkyrie to walk in and see the depraved action I was about to perform.
I returned to my chair, picking my phone up from the desk, and this time, there was a video. I loosened the button and zipper of my dress pants, and pulled my cock from my briefs, before hitting play on the video.
She had propped up the phone on her bedside table, and I could see the way her body was laying diagonally across her bed. With a pillow behind her head and her legs bent at the knees, showing off her pussy to the camera.
"This is for you, my love." She said.
Her fingers reached down and parted her folds, exposing her glistening pink cunt to the lens. My mouth watered at the sight.
"Are you going to watch me?" She asked out loud, knowing I absolutely could not take my eyes away from this sight.
Her fingers dipped into her wet slit, and I watched as she slowly started rubbing her clit.
"Yes, baby. I'm watching you." I said out loud, my fist tight around my cock.
I watched as (Y/N)'s eyes closed and her fingers sped up their movements inside her. I could tell she was getting close to climax.
"I've been thinking about you all day, how badly I want you, need you," She said, her voice thick with lust.
Then she began to moan, and her hips bucked into the air. I knew she was close to cumming, and I was dying to see it.
My hand worked quickly the only thought running through my mind was this wicked video that I knew would haunt my already torturous waking dreams of her.
'Fuck, fuck, fuck!' She cried out, her body jerking and shaking, her back arching off the bed, but her fingers continued to work against her clit. Her moans rang in my ears, and I felt myself building toward an orgasm of my own.
'Oh, Gods, Loki! Fuck yes, oh!' She screamed.
And then she exploded, and so did I. I shot my load into my hand, attempting to save my shirt from becoming soiled, and I collapsed back into my chair.
I heard her laugh, and then I saw her face appear on the screen. She was still lying on the bed, her hair a mess, and her eyes sparkling with mischief as the video ended.
I caught my breath and took a second to clean myself up before I buckled my pants back on, and adjusted my attire. Smoothing my hair back I heard my phone ringing, I picked it up, accepted the call, and held it to my ear.
"So, how was your first experience with sexting, love?" I heard (Y/N)'s sultry voice and the sound of water running in the background.
My breathing was still heavy, "Fuck, darling. I could have made a mess all over my office."
I heard her laugh, sweet and melodic, "Next time you're here I'll have to show you what FaceTime is, I'd love to see you spill yourself all over that gorgeous desk of yours."
I groaned, and she laughed again, "Now, don't you go ruining my fantasy, I'm sure you'll do much more than just that."
I chuckled, "I’m sure I will."
"Miss you, Loki," The sweet break in her voice had my heart pounding in my chest.
"I miss you more, love. I promise to make it up to you soon, okay?"
I heard her make one of my favorite noises, a half laugh, and a half huff, "I'll hold you to it."
"You better get back to your bath, I don't want to hear about how it overfilled again because you got distracted," I said in a more serious tone.
"Yes sir," She responded sweetly.
"My queen, I love you, thank you for earlier, get some good rest and I promise I'll be back out there to see you as soon as I can sneak away," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
There was a pause, and then I heard her say, "I love you too, Loki. Have a wonderful day, my king."
I hung up the phone and stood from my chair, walking to the door. I opened it and stepped out into the hallway, "Val, I think you need to explain how taxes work to me again!"
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also i have adhd so every time somone interacts I get dopamine related to this fic and that’s definitely helped writing
have a tidbit I just wrote because I’m having a weird brain day so it’s Sad Girl Writing (it’s just a chemical imbalance everything is fine I’m honestly getting a lot done for being what I call a numb brain day)
His clock ticks on the wall as the rising sun imprints the shadow of his blinds on the far wall. From bed, Hux can pretend he’s stuck in a world out of time, that seconds falling away are just beats on a metronome, not the passage of his finite life on Earth but just rests in a song he’ll start playing when his part begins. Fingers twitch phantom notes, a combination of concertos he played, when he still had the time. There’s a keyboard sitting in the corner of his room, dust coating the plastic. It never had the right feel, so Hux stopped playing it. Hux took the day off to focus on his school work, gave his shift to Finn, but his alarm goes off anyway, phone ringing in the room. He’s been up for a few hours, laying just like this and staring into the middle distance. It feels like he should get out of bed, feels like he should climb into the shower and start his day, but his limbs are heavy and his mattress magnetic. How easy it would be, Hux knows, to hide under his blankets from the light of the day. He could curl into his sheets and disappear from the world, leave his phone across the room and let hours pass in a haze, only the beating of his heart and the breathing of his lungs to prove he’s even alive. How nice, he thinks, to just stay in place, pretend he is a statue and wonder if he’d be art, or simply decor. Still, he needs to silence his alarm, so he claws his way from the comforter and stands, trudges the few feet to his dresser and unlocks his phone. Since he’s already standing, Hux makes his way to the bathroom, eases the weight in his bladder and splashes water over his face. It’s not a full clean, but it pulls him out of this feeling a little bit, allows him to make his way down the kitchen and pull granola from his cabinets, pouring himself a bowl to eat dry because finding milk is too much effort. Ben bought him this, he knows. It’s an idle thought, something he sits with as he shovels toasted oats and almonds through his lips and chews. Everything tastes like dirt, but Hux knows that’s his mood, and not the food, so he keeps eating, lets himself get lost in the repetitive motion. Idly, Hux wonders how Ben is. Is he yelling at someone? Is he fine? Is the restaurant busy, or is today just a slow and lazy Wednesday morning? Out of the corner of his eye, the light for his answering machine blinks, reminding him that one saved message is in the cordless phone’s small data bank. It’s a relic, something Ben had made fun of his for bothering to have, but Hux is grateful for it, even now, even as it serves only to haunt him. Selfish, Ben had called him. Heartless. Too busy trying to leave the restaurant behind to think about all the things it had done for him. Hux doesn’t want to leave. He’s been dreading his last day, dreading saying goodbye to all his friends. But if his presence is killing Ben that much, Hux will go. In a trance, Hux sets his bowl down, going over to the answering machine and hitting play. The saved message is the only thing left to play, so Ben’s voice fills the room. “I hope your happy,” Ben’s voice slurs, just like it had the first time he’d heard it. There’s a rage in it, one Hux hasn’t heard in months. It feels ironic, for them to be back right where they started. He took the long way around, just to end up standing in the same place, nothing gained and everything lost. “All this fucking time you spent with me, and you couldn’t do one stupid thing for me. Couldn’t meet my fucking parents. I just wanted them to be happy for me, you selfish, heartless asshole. Do you know how hard it is, to see your face every day? How much it hurts to try and act like I don’t fucking know you? Like you’re just a stranger? Fuck, I can’t fucking believe you, you piece of shit, I hope you-“ And the voice mail cuts off, and it’s a moment before Hux realizes he’s crying. Tears run from his eyes to his cheek, dripping onto his thighs as he sits on the floor in front of the answering machine. He has a week left of torturing Ben, of torturing himself, and then they’ll both be free. Hux will be worse for the loss, but it’s a feeling he’s growing used to. So is the heaviness in his heart as his quiet crying turns to violent, wracking sobs.
(I had to cut out a spoiler but it was like a sentence don’t worry)
((I love making hux sad bc I get to use my own internal dialogue it’s a mess up there))
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
Restless Devotion
Lee Seokmin (DK) x Fem!Reader 
Summary - You’re home alone… at least you think you are. You can’t shake the feeling that someone’s watching you. 
Genre - Yandere
Warnings - Stalker, sexual content, implied violence, obsession, swearing, yandere themes. 
Word Count - 1.6k
A/N - This is part of the Don’t Be Scared Seventeen Halloween Collab. It is so late! 😭 I’m sorry @jeonronwoo​ ! (Pretty sure that this collab was cancelled or abandoned which is fine - I actually wrote this last September but never edited it - stupid ADHD brain haha) 
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   There’s a faint tap against the window.
   It’s not the first time you’ve heard the gentle scraping sound while you sit on your bed, scrolling on your laptop. The last few nights have all been the same but when you look outside all you see is the display garden a few steps from your window.
   Someone could be hiding out there, past the delicate garden, out in the maple trees. It’s true, but no matter how long you stare into the dark spaces between the flora, you’ve yet to see anyone or anything moving around. A soft breeze flickers against the open curtain and the material dances for a few moments before falling back into an unsettling stillness.
   It’s not just a branch like your roommate suggested earlier in the week, how could it be? The branches are too far away. It’s physically impossible.
   They also suggested it was a rock from a passing car hitting the wall, which you admit is the more likely of the two, but still unlikely. The rock would have to fly past all the trees and just happen to make its way between them to land close to your window. And to do so more than once? Perhaps it had been just a bug or some kind of animal.
   Goosebumps crawl across your skin as you look outside once more. No, you’re not alone.
   You are being watched.
   There’s no logic behind it. It’s only a feeling, but you know it’s true.
   The ping of your phone sounds off as you peek through the middle of the lace separating the solid purple drapes on either side of it. Maybe it’s time to invest in some blackout curtains, or some thick horizontal blinds.
   There’s no one outside – no one you can see, anyway.
   Letting out a deep sigh, you walk back to the bed and dive headfirst against the bedspread, your body rigid and unmoving until another ping of your phone demands your attention.
   It’s your roommate. They’re out of town visiting their family and have something new to complain about no doubt. Tossing your phone onto your pillow, you continue to scroll through social media, responding to some of your friends before your phone pings once more.
   “Alright, alright. What do you want?” Looking at her message, you pull the phone closer to your face. “What the fuck?”
   This can’t be real.
   Needing to see it on a larger screen, you search up the username your roommate sent you. The account pops right up. It’s real. But who would do this?
   “What is this?”
   Typing furiously, you ask questions that she doesn’t know the answers to. A friend of hers you had met a few times happened across the account and thought it was suspicious and forwarded it. They don’t know who the owner of the account is. They don’t know if it’s just a joke. They don’t know anything useful at all.
   This can’t be real.
   It’s an instagram account claiming to be your official fansite with a bunch of your pictures. Nothing but your pictures. One hundred and twenty nine of them.
   Pictures you haven’t seen before. Pictures of you in your bedroom sitting on your bed, looking at your laptop or laying down while staring at your phone. Pictures of you outside talking to friends or buying groceries. And, perhaps the most disturbing of all, pictures of you wearing a towel while you brush your teeth in the bathroom. The angles make it obvious these were taken from your window but the bathroom is on the second floor.
   ”The love of my life.”
   ”You went to the aquarium today.”
   ”Should I help with your flat tire?”
   Pushing the laptop away, you jump off the bed. Pulling the suitcase out from under your bed, you unzip it before flinging open your dresser. Scraping together as many items as you can, you toss them on your bed. A soft rap at the window throws you off guard, your head snapping up as you look back in the direction of the sound.
   Ignoring what you hope is indeed just a bug, your heartbeat throbs in your ears as you look back at the laptop. The account boasts about being your biggest fan, that you’re the love of their life and this is their way to worship you, that you deserve to be treated like a queen.
   It’s too much. Tears well in your eyes as a wave of shivers take control of your shoulders.
   There’s more.
   Although there aren’t many likes, the comments somehow outweigh them. Each comment is worse than the last. Creepy messages fill the space under your photos, wishing they could touch you and asking for more content. They want to see you closer. They want to see you with less clothing. They want to see you cry. They want to see you moan.
   Scrolling through each photo, you look with utter disbelief at the captions and comments, tears streaming down your face.
   Returning your focus back to packing, you shove the clothes into the case, mindless of what you grabbed and what you even need. You click your tongue as a wave of cold sweat covers your arms and face. The pictures. The older ones were of you in your backyard, in your car and out and about. The more photos this freak posted, the closer they were until–
   You turn the laptop towards you and shudder.
   The last photo.
   The last picture of you is from inside the house, the mesh of the window no longer visible.
   It’s of you sleeping.
   As if someone was hovering above you while you slept.
   Taking a deep breath, you stumble to the door, your fingers shaking as you try several times to lock it. Sweat lubricates your palms, making it difficult to turn the knob. Once you hear the familiar click, you turn your back and slide down, landing roughly on your arse. Slumped up against the door, your shoulders hunched, you take a few deep breaths before your breathing finally starts to slow and you’re able to sooth your raging heart closer to that of a normal rhythm.
   “It’s okay. You’re okay,” you hum as you begin to rub your forearms back and forth, the continuous movement lulling you into a sense of security. There’s nothing to fear. You’re fine. You are safe here. There’s no one here.
   As if on queue the soft tap at your window causes you to jump.
   There’s someone outside.
   Pushing yourself up, you turn towards the glass and whimper. This can’t be happening. With a rapid glance around the room, your eyes lock on the five pound dumbbell lying on the ground by your closet. Edging across the wall, you slink to the floor and raise the weight in front of you in a protective stance as you inch closer to the window.
   Halfway there a creaking sound comes from the floor above, stopping you dead in your tracks. Head heavy, you look at the ceiling before turning back to the window with a gasp.
   There’s no one outside.
   No one’s outside but, through the reflection of the window, you see the closet door opening behind you.
   He’s already inside the house.
   Steadying yourself, you take a deep breath before turning on your heel and swinging the dumbbell at the stranger in your room. He just smiles and sidesteps your attack. His reactions are faster than yours and before you can lift the weight again, his arms have circled your body and forced it out of your hand. It crashes to the ground with a mighty thud.
   “You fucking creep,” you screech, slaming the heel of your foot into his shin before you run towards the door. Turning the knob a few times, you curse under your breath. You had locked it just a few minutes ago, the action backfiring. As you push against the lock to open the door, he pulls you back by your hair, lifting you up in the air and hurling you onto the bed. Pain radiates from your scalp as you scramble up to the headboard, holding out your hands. “What do you want? Please don’t hurt me.”
   “Oh baby, I don’t want to hurt you. I want to love you.” The light catches his features, shadows enunciating every curve and dip. His face is all angles, and his kinked and fluffy hair dusting his eyes keeps them from full view. He looks as deranged as his words.
   “How can you love me? We don’t even know each other,” you say, a gurgled bubble clogging your throat on the last word, turning your voice into something unrecognisable. “Please just let me go.”
   “I’m never gonna let you go.”
   He slinks down onto the bed and slides towards you, his face covered with a grin that stretches across his slender face. He catches one of your feet as you kick out against him. Lifting your leg up, he presses his lips against your ankle. Flinching, you pull back but his fingers bite into your skin, making you cry out.
   “No one will ever love you as much as I do. This world doesn’t deserve you.” He’s looking at you from the same level now and you can see his eyes. They’re dark, like the rest of his features, with a glimmer of hope and lust on full display. He’s looking at you like a cat who found a saucer of milk.
   “Please, don’t.” Your voice is a whisper. His eyes are intent on yours as his tongue caresses your calf, leaving a trail of kisses up to your thigh. “Just stop.”
   “I’m going to love you with every inch of my being,” he whispers, slithering up your body, a smile still adorning his face. “And I’ll never stop. Not until your dying breath.”
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the-dawn-star · 3 years
Klaus Mikaelson x Gilbert!Reader x Elijah MIkaelson (place to stay part.12)
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I knew I was being shitty, but I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t text them back, and God did it make it easier for me to hate myself just more and more. Laying on my bed head covered with blankets and phone squeezed on my hand. The messages on the screen made my heart break.
‘Where did you disappear?’
‘Is everything okay?’
‘Y/N, answer me,’
All from Rebekah, and all just more painful to read than the last one.
‘I’m fine, I just started to feel sick, sorry that I diched you.’
I wrote back to the vampire throwing my phone outside of my little personal bubble. I didn’t want to know what she would response. I didn’t want to know why she had said the things that she had. I just wanted to fall into deep sleep for the rest of the day. I didn’t want to know what Elijah or Klaus were thinking, or what Rebekah was saying to them.
I had gotten panic attacks before, but this time I wasn’t so sure about the culprit of it. After the accident I was hiding in school bathrooms more than I should have. I cried almost every day at school, but slowly I had gotten better. But still time to time, when the night was dark, I could feel the panic raise in me.
When I was little and I got myself hurt, mom would say that crying was natural, and that I should just ‘cry it out’, but it became harder when the tears came out every single day multiple times a day. Mom always told how Elena was the silent easy baby and how I was the next to Satan with my crying. And no matter how much Elena cried when we were kids, I was always the sensitive one of the family. I guess that was why I barely cried after mom and dad died, I didn’t want them to see me crying like I always did.
I closed my eyes, trying to breathe normally, letting my body to fall asleep.
The car was under water once again. And I was in it like always, but still, I couldn’t move. I couldn’t move from my spot, where I had been during the real-life accident. I turned my head to Elenas side, where she was being pulled away by Stefan.
I tried to reach my hand to touch her but she was just out of my reach. The moment she was out of the car all the warmth I had felt was gone, and I was in the freezing water again.
I turned my gaze back to my parents but this time the front was empty. I was alone in the car that I had almost died before, but this time I didn’t have the dying company of my parents. I wanted to cry. I closed my eyes, ready to not open them ever again.
My eyes opened slowly full of sleep. I groaned throwing the blankets of off, me and seeing that the sky behind the window was covered in stars. I was sweating buckets and I turned to my back. My breathe was way too fast for just sleeping, but I couldn’t calm down.
My face was dry from the tears and my brain was not truly conscious. The full moon on the sky was the only light source to my room. There Tyler and bunch of other werewolves were running around with no remorse for the possible bodies that might have discovered tomorrow morning. Could I be the body to be discovered if I would walk outside right now?
After a minute of complete silence, I decided to get up, catching my phone from the floor. I had a text from Rebekah.
‘Okay, call me if you need anything,’
I knew that she had wanted to say more, but had stopped herself before sending a next text to me. I let out a deep sigh and walked out of my messy room. The whole house was dark and my head was pounding. I knew already where Elena was but still, I texted her.
‘Where are you’
I wanted to collapse on the floor, falling down the stairs all the way down to the first floor. But I knew better, I knew how much I would be in trouble after falling down the stairs. Damon would make jokes how I couldn’t even walk myself, while Elena would be covering her smile. And I wouldn’t want to walk with crouches for God knows how long.
I took the first step down, holding to the railing as tight as I could, only letting go when both of my feet were planted on the floor again. I had to sigh again and I walked on autopilot to the kichen opening the fridge. It was empty, only showing me light and few bottles of condiments.
“I can’t do this...,” I whispered closing the fridge. I looked at the wall that a clock was ticking. It was half an hour before midnight, so I couldn’t order pizza or something. Was it a bad idea to go to the store, right now? Absolutely.
So, of course I left to the store. I knew that my doing was going to end up killing me. But I needed some air that wasn’t from the AC. The freezing air felt so good against my cheeks, cooling down my melting body. I had lived in the same place my whole life; I knew what stores were open at what time and who the owners were. And the closest store open 24/7 was only 30-minute walk away.
And 40 minutes later I reached the store with dirty white lights. I grabbed a basket and started to do my normal route around the store. I went through a list in my head.
Bread, pasta, chicken, tea, Coca-Cola, apples, bell pepper, spinach, peanuts...
But I didn’t get to the end of my list and my eyes widened in unbelieving sight.  Elijah was standing few meters away looking through a bunch of grapes. Even in the middle of the night he was wearing a suit like he was in his way to an important meeting. He seemed to be pleased with the grapes placing them into his own basket before turning his head and our eyes meeting. He gave me a small smile and my heart started to flutter.
I knew that I couldn’t run away, but fuck did I want to. But still, I walked to him leaving more than enough space between us. “Y/N...,”
“Hi...,” I couldn’t say anything else. I mean what should you say to a man like that.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” Elijah asked smile on his face. I look stupid, do I. So stupid that he laughs at my face.
“I was hungry..., and we didn’t have any food...,”
He gave me a slight nod but didn’t response, so I took that as a sign to continue. “So, what are you doing here?” I asked trying to change the focus of off me. The smile on his face made me want to kiss him all over again.
“The same as you,” A part of me didn’t care if he lied to me or not, but still it felt bad if he felt like he needed to lie to me. I wanted him to be truthful with me, when it felt like no one else was.
His eyes were so gentle when looking at me. I opened my mouth ready to say something, anything really but no words were ready to come out. I look like an idiot...
“Are you okay, Rebekah told you leaving today,” Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m going to kill Rebekah for telling Elijah, my breakdown.
“Yeah..., I just felt ill,” I mumbled, pulling my eyes away from him. The shame was too much already, but him pointing it out made it just million times worse. I closed my eyes trying to hold myself back from breaking down again. But again, I was pulled away from my thoughts but this time I was thankful for it. Elijahs hand cupped my cheek and I had to open my eyes just to make sure that it was real.
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
I didn’t know what to say. His eyes, as gentle as they were, were getting all the answers of off me, even without using his inhumanly powers. But I pulled back the need to be honest with him. I couldn’t tell him about the breakdown that I had because his family. He didn’t deserve to feel like my bad feeling was his to fix.
“I’m just hungry...,” I answered putting a smile on my face, no matter how fake it might have been. I couldn’t say much more, but I needed to keep things under my control. His smile turned into the sad one that I had seen once or twice before. I bit my lip, pulling away from his touch. I couldn’t let this happen. Anything else than this.
“Y/N..., I know that I don’t have the right to ask, but please don’t pull yourself away from the people who care about you,” I hadn’t expected that. Not the words that sounded more like pleas.
“And are you one of those people... those people who care about me?” I asked, but there was the same pleading tone as him. I wanted him to say yes, so fucking much. He let out a sigh that was full of sadness that made my heart break.
“I don’t know..., do you want me to be one of those people?”
I couldn’t stop myself. “Yes!” I regrated it, the moment when the word got out, way too loudly in a public place. But it didn’t seem to bother Elijah, his smile was just growing. I really fucked up, didn’t I. I’m a fucking idiot. I didn’t know what else could I say. It had been the only thing that I wanted to say.
“I’m happily one of those people, Y/N,” His smile wasn’t the sad one anymore, it was the one that made my heart flutter. I tried to form a sentence but no full words came out, just half sounds without no meaning. “You are adorable, Y/N. Let’s get you some food,” And before I could say anything he came to my side intertwining our arms. There was nothing that you could say, walking arms linked with Elijah flustered like he had just confessed his love to me.
“So, what are you planning to buy?” Elijah asked making sure that he was walking in a pace that I could keep up with.
At the end, we ended up with two full baskets of food and laughter leaving between my lips. Even after us walking around, still our arms were intertwined together and I actually felt happy. The store was practically empty and all I could see was one employee on the register.
“Are we ready, or do you need something else?” Elijah asked smiling and small layer of blush could be seen this close by. I wasn’t sure if the blush was something that was just natural with him, or maybe, hopefully, it was caused by me.
“No, that’s all...,” I said not sure if I could ever pull my gaze from him.
On the register was no line and I started to empty my basket to the line. The girl at the register was maybe my age but I couldn’t tell if she went to my school. If she did, she must have been a senior. “Hi...,” The girl said, clearly bored on her own work.
“Hi...,” You answered, not wanting to look at her. She felt so judgmental, maybe she really went to my school and I had done something to her. Two plastic bags full of food and too much money later I was done, and turned back to Elijah, whose turn was to pay now. I just didn’t want to leave him without saying a word.
“Good evening, how are you,” The girl started when she realized that Elijah was much more attractive than she thought. “Good evening, I'm just fine. You?” Elijah was always so polite even if he didn’t need to.
The girl's smile was so big, when Elijah answered. “Just tired,” Her voice was so excited to answer to Elijah. She was flirting with him but still, he paid no mind to it. Elijah acted like she was just acting like this every day.
“Yes, it is quite late,” Elijah said, small smile on his face. But it didn’t have the warmth that I had gotten used to. It was the one that most people had on their faces when they were doing small talk, but still somehow Elijah made it seem more real. Elijah opened his wallet and for a second you could see a stack of bills that were looking like hundreds. But still, I knew that it was just a tiny part of his wealth, all the wealth that I couldn’t even imagine.
I had to turn my body away from the sight. I couldn’t help than feel the tiniest of bit of jealousy in me, and fuck did I hate it. But like a force I had to look back, it was a glance, but I saw enough. The girl was writing something on a piece of paper, as fast as she could. But Elijah didn’t seem to realize that, his warm eyes were glued to me like he couldn’t give a shit about the register girl. His smile was so kind, like the girl behind the register didn’t exist.
This is not what was supposed to happen on my nightly store trip. I was just going go to the store, get back hone and make some food for myself before crashing on to my bed.
The girl put Elijahs receipt to his back, smile not moving away from her lips. I could see her fingers lingering on Elijahs skin more than necessary, the skin than had been so warm against mine. A part of me hoped that she didn’t feel the same warmth, no matter if she deserved it or not.
My head shot up, my eyes meeting Elijahs. He was standing next to me, hand placed on my shoulder and distress on his face.
“What?” I asked.
“I asked if you were ready,”
“Oh... Yeah, I'm done,”
Elijahs car was the only one on the parking lot and the cold air made me hate the fact that I didn’t have a car or even a license. “Y/N, are you coming?”
I lost myself to my thoughts, missing what was happening in the real life. Elijah had walked closer to his car, but now was facing me. “I thought that I was going to walk back to home,” I whispered knowing that my words didn’t really matter to the vampire.
“Y/N, have you learned anything by now,” Elijah always seemed to expect that I knew what was going on, even when in reality, I had no idea. It made me feel stupid, but a part of me liked the fact that my expectations were exceeded. I didn’t need to be okay with the bare minimum, even if I had gotten so used to it.
I didn’t say anything, I just walked behind him a small smile on my face.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Hi dear
I'm a big fan of your writing, especially the way you write Sy. Love it. If you are still taking prompts, I have one.
How would Henry and his characters react to having an Erectile dysfunction?
I think that topic is not being discussed enough.
Thanks for the ask Anon. I was having trouble with this ask so I discussed it with @henryobsessed and we worked on it together. To be fair, she did most of it! If you haven’t read any of her work I suggest you visit her blog and take a look at her Masterlist . She is a great friend and has a wonderful perspective and a unique style. I love her!
@henryobsessed here I have to interject and have my say too, I loved this request, it was so much fun finding creative ways to discuss a delicate subject. And for the record I may have done more characters but @sillyrabbit81 wrote more words per character HAHAHA. You are a wonderful Friend and Cavill sister you inspire and push me to be myself and I cannot be more grateful. That being said have fun reading guys 😊
Summary: Situations in which Henry and his characters suffer erectile dysfunctions
Word Count: approx 3k
Warnings: smut, masturbation (m), oral sex (m and f receiving), anal play, p in v sex, bad medical advice, incorrect use of prescription medication, bodily fluids, period sex, drunk sex, Dom/sub relationship, descriptions of violence and death,
Erectile Dysfunction Headcanon
Henry Cavill
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Henry had been filming for months and now he was headed home for a week’s break. You sat there waiting in the tinted people mover, as Henry was ushered to the car. Lights blinded you as the door opened, he climbed in, and smiling a weary grin, he pulled you into a big bear hug. He missed you so much.
That night, he fell into your arms in a passionate embrace. You had both craved each other, missing one another’s touch. As the night progressed, you noticed things were different. For the first forty minutes you were ecstatic, he had bought you to orgasm three times. Your body was super sensitive, but every time he seemed to be close himself, the phone would ring, indicating someone needed him. You had switched it off after an hour, having enough, and wanting his undivided attention.
Henry had managed to stay hard, but after an hour and a half, it was beginning to be painful for you, and he seemed no closer. Eventually, he flopped beside you, drained from the physical exertion.
“I don’t know what’s wrong. It’s like I’m right there, but I can’t let go.”
You brought him into your arms, and caressing his back said, “Don’t worry love. It will be ok. Just give yourself a day, and maybe we can shut your phone off. I think the stress it is causing you might be a big part of the problem.”
He huffed at the thought. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe.” He sighed and soon you heard soft snores spilling from his lips.
Walter Marshall
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It had been a long day, scratch that a long month. Walter had been working day and night to catch a serial killer. That night as he came home, he couldn’t forget the latest victim. What they had found had turned his stomach. In all the years he had been on the force, nothing could have prepared him for what they found that night.
Arriving home he collapsed on the bed, he was so physically exhausted, and for once sleep immediately consumed him. He woke nearly twelve hours later to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee. He groaned; he had forgotten it was his two-year anniversary with you. Walking into the bathroom he washed his face, staring at the blood shot eyes reflected back at him.
“Come on man, get it together. You promised her,” Walter tried to fire himself up. It was no use, he was spent. Sighing, he walked into the kitchen wrapped his arms around you and breathed in the soft floral scent in your hair. For the first time in days, he felt a spark within himself, and although the horrific images still played on his mind, he felt a slight peace. He kissed your head, relieved, something could still reach him, something was still good. “Happy anniversary, love,” he growled.
After a wonderful breakfast, Walter sat on the couch with you and the two of you cuddled while watching a movie. His eyes kept sliding shut, his exhaustion made worse by his full belly. His fatigue became even more apparent when after reaching your hand beneath the blanket, you could not bring his flaccid muscle to attention.
Normally this situation would turn heated quickly, you had a way with your tongue that often had him begging for more. But Walter couldn’t get rid of the images in his mind, the battered and dismembered bodies, and the fact they were no closer to catching the killer weighed most heavily on his thoughts.
After half an hour of you trying to arouse him, Walter said in a resigned voice, “Sorry love, I don’t think I can.” With eyes that spoke of immense pain he looked at you and asked, “Could we please just cuddle? I think I need that more than anything right now.” In that moment he knew you were the one for him. He had expected huffing or crying because you thought you weren’t good enough or you asking him to please you. Instead, you had adjusted your position, so he was tucked into your body, holding him close while your hand stroked his curls.
A calm filled his soul as you whispered, “I am here for whatever you need my love. Rest now.”
Captain Syverson
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You were just about to turn the light off and go to sleep when you heard the front door open with a crash and heard a rough curse. You grin, Sy was home and wasn’t sober. You knew what that meant, rough, wild, primal fucking. You quickly turn the light off and hide under the covers, well acquainted with the game, you knew how to play your part.
“Where are ya, woman?” Sy’s voice boomed at your bedroom door. “Don’t think you can hide from me. I’m hungry!”
You peek out from under the blanket, Sy had turned the light on again and was quickly undressing. You lick your lips, watching your big furry ox as he dropped his jeans, and his cock was revealed already on its way to being hard. Turning suddenly, he saw you, and you yelped covering your face again. “I see you woman, don’t play shy!” You giggle nervously, excited, your core already dampening with arousal.
Sy pulls the covers back and smirks as he sees you’re already naked waiting for him, “You’re a cheeky little thing ain’tcha?” You bite your lip, opening your legs slightly, inviting him in. Grabbing your ankles, he pulls you down the bed and gets on his knees. A low growl emanates from his throat before he dives between your legs feasting on you with an eagerness that brings you swiftly to your peak.
Licking at his lips and sucking on his glistening whiskers, he stands up pumping his cock getting it ready. Your brows pull together, puzzled, he’s always hard when he eats you out. You don’t have time to dwell on it because he’s soon ready. Sy flips you onto your knees before he enters and begins his assault on your core.
Something is wrong though, you can feel him falling out of you. Did he cum already? Sy mumbles curses, pulling out and you turn around and see him fisting himself again as he slips his fingers inside you. In a few moments he is hard again, removing his fingers and replacing it with his cock. You sigh, relieved, as he builds his rhythm, and you hear him start to groan. But soon, it happens again, and try as he might he just can’t stay hard.
“Fuck,” Sy growls. You turn around and see the look on his face, a mix of frustration and embarrassment that melts your heart. “I think I drank too much Sugar,” he says, running his hand over his short hair. “Fuck. This hasn’t happened… Fuck!”
“Hey!” you say sharply to get his attention.
“What?” Sy replies just as sharply, but he doesn’t look at you.
“It’s fine, Baby,” you assure him. You see him jut his jaw and you reach up and cup his cheeks, making him look at you. “It’s ok. You’re just a little too drunk,” you smile and give him a soft kiss. “It happens.”
“Not to me it don’t.”
“It’s not forever,” you say. “Come on, let’s go to sleep. I’m sure it’ll be back normal in the morning.” You kiss him again and pull his head down to whisper in his ear, “maybe you could wake me up like you did last week.” You pull back and smirk raising your eyebrows.
Sy grins, still a little sheepish, but there was a hint of mischief in his eyes again, “You’re a good thing, Sugar.” He kisses your forehead and says, “I love you.”
Geralt of Rivia
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Geralt had never in his life had this happen before. The bar maid who had eagerly agreed to keep his bed warm on this cold winter’s night, gaped in confusion.
How could it be? She thought, All the myths about Witcher’s said they were virile and could last most of the night. She had been consumed with the thought ever since The White Wolf had arrived in the area and was quick to accept his offer to take her to his bed. She was bitterly disappointed and pouted at Geralt. Her sweet, plump lips alone should have been enough to make his cock stand, but tonight it lay unmoving, and useless.
That blasted sorcerer, it must have been him who had cast a curse on Geralt. It could be the only explanation for his inadequate showing. Looking at the poor wench beside him, Geralt pitied her. She had been most eager to satisfy his needs tonight, giving a valiant effort to arouse him. No matter, he had other ways to enjoy bringing her to the height of pleasure. Granted he didn’t normally concern himself with their needs as his own normally coincided with theirs. But tonight, his fingers, and tongue would be adequate until he broke the curse and returned to give her what she truly deserved.
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The party had been epic, the drinks flowed, pot was smoked in abundance and Mike had managed to capture the attentions of a wonderful long legged blonde beauty. She helped him back to her apartment and his heart rate raised as she slowly stripped him, leaving him in all his naked glory. Laying on the bed he watched as she did a strip tease for him, her perky breasts bouncing as she jiggled her ample peach in his face.
But something was wrong, the situation was right, she was right but… he held his hand out to the two or was it three beauties before him. One took his hand as he guided her to sit in his lap. He caressed her as they kissed, his tongue violating her mouth with as much enthusiasm as his inebriated self could manage. Even with her grinding against him nothing happened.
“Shit” he swore.
The girl frowned and her lips seemed to move in twisted patterns which stilled again before she snickered. An evil cackle reverberated in her throat and her face twisted into that of a demented creature. “Can’t get it up, boy?” she taunted as she continued to laugh. She collected his clothes and managed to push him out of her bedroom and into the night. Standing in the cold with only his briefs covering his body, he stumbled as he began his walk of shame home.
August Walker
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August Walker was hands down, far and away, the greatest lover you have ever had. He was the only man who had ever been able to keep up with you, your average session lasting for four hours. He was able to cum and get hard again faster than any guy you had ever been with too.
But being with August meant following The Rules. There were many Rules, rules which governed how you would dress when you saw him, how you were groomed, how you were to address him and when you could contact him. There were punishments too, but you had been a good girl, never broken any of his rules, so you never gave the punishments a thought.
One of the many Rules was absolutely no snooping. He said it was for your protection as much for his privacy. You didn’t know exactly how August made his money, but you assumed it had to be from some sort of illegal activity. So, you obeyed this rule as you did the others until one evening after a marathon session, you realised you got your period. You were shocked August hadn’t said anything, clearly he had continued to fuck you while you were bleeding. You started opening his bathroom cupboards searching for a tampon or pad or something, hoping you wouldn’t have to stuff your panties with toilet paper until you got home.
You opened the cupboard behind the mirror and were surprised to see a pill bottle with little blue tablets. You recognised them and after checking the label and confirming it you were speechless. August used Viagra? But, it didn’t seem possible that he would need it, his stamina was out of this world… unless…
“What do you think you are doing Petal?” August said from the doorway, a box of tampons and a towel was in his hands.
Quickly recovering your senses, you grabbed the box and towel out of his hands and kissed his cheek saying, “Looking for those. Thank you, August.”
Quicker than you thought possible you were bent over the counter, cheek pushed into the stone benchtop. “You found my pills,” August said coldly. Leaning his body over yours, his weight pushed down on you, holding you in place as he kicked your legs apart. You muffled a cry as you felt him hard again against your ass. “I don’t need them, for most women, Petal. But for particularly slutty, insatiable, cock hungry brats such as yourself, it’s a necessary assistance.”
“I didn’t mean to pry,” you murmured, hoping he would take pity on you. Tears welled in your eyes as his finger pressed against your ass, forcing your tight muscles apart and you cried as he entered you. “I’m sorry, August.”
“My dear sweet, Pet,” August grunted as he violated you with a second finger. “If you aren’t sorry now, you will be.”
Napoleon Solo
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Napoleon had been watching the siren from a distance all night. Her lithe body commanded all around to her attention. After she finished singing her call to the night goddess, he made his move. Two drinks in hand he set his sights and went in for the kill.
The two danced, drank and now were in her apartment, laid out on her bed he was happily pleasing her, mouth buried between her delicious thighs. His tongue flicked expertly over her button bringing her to climax, exciting his body, he climbed forward and for the first time that night claimed her lips. They kissed passionately until something changed, his mind grew foggy, and his cock deflated.
“Aww, is the great Casanova having trouble?” she laughed her sweet siren song changing to a bitter retort. His confused eyes tried to fix on hers as she began to distort, her last words filling his gut with fear. “Don’t worry love. I’ll take good care of you Napoleon Solo.”
Clark Kent
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Clark was in college and his new friend Tommy was egging him on to take Crystal out for a date. He couldn’t understand why the cheerleader wanted to take him out. He wasn’t anything special as far as she knew, but she had been flirting with him all week.
Dinner was nice and Clark was surprised when Crystal suggested they return to her share house for dessert. Nervous as he was around her, he was pleased when after ice cream he had allowed her to talk him into a make out session in her room. They had only been in the room a few moments when he had felt strange. They had been kissing, it was enjoyable, but his stomach had begun to feel off and he felt unusually tired and weak.
The more they kissed the more frustrated he was to realise he wasn’t getting a rise out of his little friend. He noticed a pendant hanging on the wall near her bed, the green stone glowed eerily at him giving him a bad vibe. After a few more moments he politely excused himself, saying he must have eaten something off. Clarke murmured apologies and gave promises that he would call her and he left. Strangely, by the time he left her house he felt better, as if he had never felt ill at all. He was only a little upset that he had ruined his chances with Crystal, something about that pendant made him hope he would never see it again.
Charles Brandon
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Charles sat in the apothecary rooms, wondering what he had gotten himself in for. The King had recommended him when Charles confided in his friend of his problem.
“So young man, why are you here?” the old man asked, his face kind but stern.
“Well, I’ve been having trouble, when I pee it burns and well, I can get an erection, but it deflates quickly and sometimes I cannot get one at all. I’m also having abdominal pain.”
The old man chuckled. After examining the affected area, he turned to his wall of potions. Pulling together some salves, and powdered herbs he turned to address the Charles. “Here, rub this on the affected area twice a day, and drink this tea three times a day.” The apothecary paused and said with a grin, “And finally, give the ladies from court a rest for a bit, you will regain your vigour again.”
Shame and chagrin filled Charles as he pulled his coverings back over his privates. Taking the medicines, he snuck out of the room trusting that no one saw him, and hoping against all hope, that this would work.
Sherlock Holmes
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Sherlock sits back in satisfaction, marvelling at his new invention. Based on some literature he read from the America’s he perfected the design and made it fit himself perfectly.
Having commissioned the glass tube and rubber attachments, the contraption worked by winding a small handle, creating the necessary suction to create a vacuum, pooling enough blood into his cock to make it erect. By placing a rubber ring at the base of his shaft, he found he was able to maintain an erection for approximately thirty minutes. He could even bring himself to orgasm by his own hand.
It really was a delightful invention. Now, he just had to find that little vixen of a maid and see if it worked with her too. Perhaps he should try and use her mouth first.
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“Here boy. I know who and what you are. Do you know who I am?… Liar. You’re a faggot liar. Yes you do. You have been drooling over me for weeks now. Follow me. I got us a room at the motel next door….
“The regulars here at the diner don’t care that I prefer fucking faggots like you over broads. I just don’t broadcast it like you do. I’ve seen you talking to some of the boys I have fucked. You know I have a big dick and that I pile drive boy cunt.
“I’ve seen you in the parking lot. You watch the guys like me going into the bookstore across the lot. You want to follow them in, but the bookstore won’t let you. They know you’re underage. Until today. Now you are legal to fuck. Yeah, I know your 18th birthday is today. I know a lot of things about you. I know you cruise the bookstore, and the bathroom the bar shares with the diner. I know you are finishing up at high school.
“Here’s our room. I fuck the owner and he let’s me use a secluded empty room whenever I need. So, you can scream when I tear up your cunt. Having a big dick has many many many advantages. I need to let off some steam from a long day on the farm. Get naked, I’m gonna get the ropes out. My reputation is well known that I am a twisted fucker. Hell my conquests told you the such, and yet you came with me here.
“Always remember this, I am always in control of everything. Right now, that includes you. Naked. And then get on your knees and face me. See, it’s natural for you to follow orders. And where’s your phone?… Hand it to me…. Continue stripping. Well,… You’re kinda scrawny. You’ve never worked a hard day at anything, and it shows. Damn your pecker is tiny. That’s the way I like it. My cock is fucking huge, and you need to realize your place is on your knees in front of real men. You will never be a real man. You do know that, right?…
“You know what I want you to do. I want you to beg me to fuck you. I want you to beg me to brutalize your cunt. And while you are begging me and degrading and humiliating yourself, I will be jacking off to you. Having a big dick requires a little extra tugging to get hard. I know you wouldn’t know anything about that. You are too focused on your cunt. And call it a cunt a number of times, especially when you are fingering it. I want you to tell me that you need for me to rape you. Your goal is to degrade yourself. Tell me how much of a faggot you are. And focus on your tiny clit there. Tell me how you envy any real man with a real sized dick. And the thing I need for you to beg me to rape you—not have sex, not make love—rape. Use that word often.
“Here look up at me, at your phone. Thanks for letting me use your face to unlock it. I will be recording this on your phone. I want you to have a record of how low you are. I want you to watch this every morning as you are about to jack off at home. Speaking of jacking off, I should take my cock out for you. Damn, even totally limp, it’s way bigger than yours hard.
“You have three minutes to fully degrade yourself. Go!…
“…That’s time. Ok. See how big you got me? The full nine and a half inch dick, ready to rape the hell out of you. Crawl over here and blow me, but first put on this blindfold. I don’t want you to see anything. Good, now show me how good you are as a faggot cocksucker. Throat me to the nut. Put as much spit on it as you can. That’s pretty much the lube I will be using to tear your cunt up. Maybe if you are good, I will use some spit on the cunt. Take your time, but throat me. Get into it faggot. I’m gonna chill here… Open that fucking throat… Gag on that monster….
“You really are pathetic. Get your ass on the bed, face down. Need to tie you down. What? Now you want out? Aww hell the fuck no. I said on the fucking bed. Ok. You really want this to be a rape don’t you? Look I know my way around ropes and tying up livestock. I do work in a farm, and I am a part of the local rodeo. Calling out for help ain’t going to help.
“And, I sent myself a copy of that video where you are begging me to rape you and to show you no mercy. Nobody will believe you. Just a few more seconds, and there! You ain’t going nowhere now. You are going to be in that position for some time. Your cunt is on display, ready to be mounted.
“But first, I’m going to fuckin’ welt you up. I got my son’s belt here; mine doesn’t move through the air as nicely as his, and besides I’m still wearing mine. You don’t even deserve me stripping for you. When it comes to whipping, I don’t stop to let you recover.
“Being your birthday, It’s eighteen strokes in a row. Start your fucking screaming now. One, two, three,… louder fucker, you deserve every one of these strokes… Eight, nine, ten,… I can already see the welts forming. Oh yeah, bright red cheeks get me leaking. When I hit number twenty-five, I’m going right to the root whether or not you are ready. And it’s not going to take me very long to nut in you. Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, and… eighteen.
“Quit your crying faggot. Here, bite down on my son’s belt. You really have me leaking here. And… all the way in. Fuck yes! This cunt hasn’t been fucked much, has it? Stop your screaming, I asked you a fucking question. You get fucked much?… No?… Wait, that was a cherry pop? Oh fuck yeah. I’m close to giving you some cream to go on your cherry pie. Oh yeah. Fuck. Take it bitch. Feel my load fill you up. Faggot.
“That’s what you have to look forward to for the next few days. Oh man, fuck. I’m gonna lay here for a while. Watch your head, my cigar is only an inch or two from your cheek. I don’t want to brand you,… well at least not yet. Let go of the belt. Holy shit. You really did bite down hard. I can’t wait to give this back to him and tell him how the teethmarks came about.
“Oh yeah, he knows I’m gay. He doesn’t care. He’s totally straight, and I mean totally straight. Now just lay there; you ain’t going anywhere. But I want you to hear this. Yeah, I kept my sex life away from him until one day when he walked in on me fisting his math teacher, Mr. Gunter.
“Oh yeah, he goes to the same high school as you. He too is ready to graduate. You know him, oh yes you do. You’ve been texting him all year, ever since he transferred to your school. You were not very nice to him. In fact, you and a few of your friends beat him up. And what reason did you have for giving him a black eye?… Don’t remember? You called him a faggot. You told your friends that he hit on you in gym class. Talk about projecting.
“When he came home suspended for fighting and with a black eye, I wanted details. He gave me your name and showed me your pic in the yearbook. And wouldn’t you know, I recognized you from your attempted bookstore runs. A week later you start hanging around the diner. You couldn’t get into the bar area, but you sat every Friday afternoon in that same spot in my line of vision, pretending to read that book while groping yourself. So subtle.
“I had your background run by a this cop I regularly fuck. He told me a shitload about you. He’s the one that informed the bookstore across the street that you were underage. There’s a boy—a year older than you—that I fuck who is a Facebook friend of yours showed me your wall. I got to go through every word you wrote while he was giving me head. And unlike you, he knows how to deep throat. Again, having a big dick has its advantages.
“And about that time, you and my son were suspended, you posted a viral video of a bullied kid getting revenge on the bully by sleeping with the bully’s mom. And your comment was something like, ‘Best served cold.’
“Funny thing is, I’m out. While I don’t broadcast it in this tiny town, but I don’t hide it. My son and ex-wife know. The ranch I work at knows. Hell, the main reason how I got the job was that I fucked the owner and told him that I was looking for a job. The guys at the bar all know. So how were you going to humiliate my son? He probably would say, ‘He fucked you? You ain’t the first, you won’t be the last.’ or something like that.
“So, what’s happening next for you? Certainly not humiliating my son. No, for you, I have plans. I’m gonna fuck you again. I’ll leave you tied up. The motel is going to get full later on tonight, mostly truckers. I’ve let the motel owner and the guy that works the bookstore that you are here ready for all horny truckers.
“Tomorrow, I’m going to pass you over to this biker club one of my friends is a member of. He already set up something really nasty for you. The gang already knows what a piece of shit you are. They can’t wait to get their hands on you, and I can’t wait to hear all about it. By the end of the weekend, your cunt will be destroyed. I will give you two black eyes to make up for the one you gave my boy. Most likely your hair will be removed. You are going to be beaten. Hell, my cop buddy is a former boxer. He’s going to string you up and use you as a punching bag.
“And in the end,… I will decide if you keep your balls. Wow. That’s the first time you have flinched while lying under me. Aw, shut up. I work with livestock every day. I know how to castrate a bull. I haven’t decided about you. Just keep that in mind throughout the weekend. You complain or resist, your balls will be in jeopardy.
“You probably won’t see much of me. But I will you. I have it arranged to have it all filmed for me. I expect to see a cum hungry faggot whore knowing his place of being used by real men. Your balls will depend on it. For me, I’m going to be with my son doing dad things.
“And I don’t plan on letting him in to the fact that you are a faggot whore lookin to get raped seeing, he already knows. How do I know? I text him, while you were trying to give me head. I wrote, from your phone, ‘I have to get this off my chest. I am a faggot whore. I can’t live in the closet anymore. Please share this video.’
“Then I sent him your video. While you are going to be in a living hell for the next four days, you won’t be able to stop him or anyone from finding out. This is how I want it. As I said before, I am always in control of everything. Oh, and happy birthday.”
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