#I’d like to draw the rest of them with Pokémon too
medi-bee · 1 year
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Warmup doodles that turned into more
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bluejay-flies · 9 months
This is probably going to come as a surprise to a lot of you, but I’ve decided to try half writing half drawing the next part. ( I was inspired by @loupy-mongoose do do this!)
Drawing everything has taken a serious toll on me, I enjoy it but I find myself getting burnt out after each part is finished. So we’ll just see how this goes! I might love it, I might hate it, we’ll just have to see.
The small Mewtwo and the strange human sat and stared at the other in shock. Iris’s eyes flicked from the bright green ones of the human in front of her and the darker green of it’s Pokémon companion’s. Her body felt frozen, and she struggled to inhale the frosty air as her mind raced with a thousand thoughts. “O-oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there!”
The stranger fumbled it’s words, mouth still agape at the strange Pokemon lying in front of it. Iris was still frozen on the ground, throat tight and chest heaving.
Her words kept coming out half formed, and her chest convulsed in an attempt to get the oxygen she so desperately needed. A wave of terror crashed over her, sending her spiraling. She didn’t know what was happening- why was her body reacting like this? Her chest hurt, and despite the chilly weather her skin dripped with sweat.
The human was staring, staring right at her and she knew it was going to kill her, trap her, steal her away and never let her go. For a moment the world disappeared, and she was back in that room, that polished, cold room surrounded by white robed figures…
All of the fear, pain, and panic swirled together, condensing into a tight ball of terror in her chest that filled her body with only one need, a desperate need-
To escape
A scream burst out of her as the energy swirling within seemed to erupt out of her chest. With a final push of power, she teleported.
Iris opened her eyes.
She was surrounded by white, crystal leaves.
Her feet rested on a slick brown surface coated in ice, and she reflexively grabbed for something to hold onto. Her hands found the trunk and she clung to it.
She was in a tree, not too high above the ground but high enough to make her feel dizzy. She shut her eyes tight, taking a moment to let herself feel the relief of escape.
“…are you ok up there?”
She froze.
The voice came again.
“I’m sorry if I scared you. I just haven’t ever seen a Pokémon like you before, s-so I was a little startled.”
Crap. Crap crap crap.
She had teleported a mere 10 feet away, and was up in the high boughs of a tree easily in sight of the human.
“G-go away!”
“D-don’t h-hurt me!”
Iris choked out the words, voice and body shaking violently as she clung onto the trunk for support.
The human carefully stood up and brushed the snow off of its pants. It picked up it’s Pokémon and brushed the snow off of them, too.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I’d feel terrible if I did! Do you need help getting down?”
Iris hesitated.
She was still scared and shaking, but…
She was also a little curious. Sure, humans were bad, but she’d never actually talked with one before. The only stories she knew were what Aunt Mimi told her, and her memories were very fuzzy.
Auntie said humans were dangerous… but this one seemed different somehow. Less… scary.
Besides, it had promised not to hurt her. And promises were important to humans. At least, she thought so.
“N-no, I can get down ok…”
The human’s eyes widened.
“So you CAN talk… I thought I was imagining it before!”
Slipping and sliding, the little Mewtwo half climbed, half fell down the tree, landing with a thump on the snowy white ground. The two surveyed each other, taking a moment to assess the situation. Iris clenched her teeth to stop them from chattering, hands stiff by her side to keep them still. Calm. DOWN.
She took a couple of deep breaths before returning the human’s gaze.
The human was rather short, about half the height of her Dad (she felt a pang of sorrow at that, but it had a thicker build with broader shoulders and waist.
Suddenly the human moved, walking closer with eyes wide with wonder. Iris jumped back, fur puffed up in surprise and fear. The human didn't seem to notice as it continued it’s thorough examination of her.
"If you don’t mind, can I ask what you are? You're like no Pokémon I’ve ever seen, and I've seen a bunch before!”
“U-uhm, I don’t… really feel ok with that…”
Iris stammered out hee response, still wary of this new presence. As curious as she was, she wasn’t about to give the human any reason to hurt her.
“That’s ok! You don’t need to answer if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.”
The human stuck out it’s hand in some strange gesture Iris didn’t know.
“I’m Rose! Nice to meet you.”
Iris stared at the hand for a moment before taking another cautious step back.
“Uh… Iris. Nice to… meet you too?”
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Hope you guys enjoyed the change of pace!
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Hey what are pechrunt’s generals? You mentioned them in my previous ask and are they chained humans/pokemon? What about okidogi, fezandipiti, and munkidori?
And with an out of context image, What does toxic revolutions Kieran look like?
Ok, to answer your question, short answer: they’re chained Pokémon
Long answer: They are a specific set of chained Pokémon who work under Pecharunt’s military division and are basically the strongest among the rest of the other units. While I said that they’re over 20 of them, in actuality, only 5 are generals and the rest are lieutenants under each general, said lieutenants have their own troops. Now, the military division has 5 factions, one with their own general as a leader. The troops are both possessed and toxic chained humans and Pokémon. If a certain number of troops are strong and experienced enough, they break off into a task force. Mainly to deal with situations that are out of hand and if the lieutenants or generals aren’t available or to save time. They’re way too many task forces to count but if you want to know, then I shall deliver. I really want to draw them out, but I can’t draw well and I’ve no money for commissions, but I have the concepts in my head :,). Also the lousy 3 aren’t part of it.
Speaking of the Lousy 3, after stuff that happened in the Teal Mask, Pecharunt found them and send all back to his headquarters. Considering how underpowered they all are compared to the rest of his troops, he decided to do a brutal training regime to help them increase in power level and to focus on their strengths and overcoming weaknesses. Pecharunt can just strengthen the power of the toxins, but he feels like it’s not going to help the 3 learn about putting in effort. So, here are the training regimes:
Okidogi: Practice endurance and number of punches he can do in a minute. As well as working on how fast his reflexes are.
Munkidori: Practice being able to see multiple outcomes at once so his abilities are not too rigid in thinking. Plays chess with Pecharunt to exercise his thinking skills, solves puzzles and riddles (and sometimes ARGs) that are given to him by Pecharunt for the same reason.
Fezandipiti: Practice aerial maneuvers, as well as endurance in how long he can stay airborne. Also trains in how far he can release his pheromones, to cover a wider range.
As for Kieran, I’d say he starts out normal. Until he meets Pecharunt, where he does get his desire granted via shaking Pecharunt’s hand (or in this case, a toxic chain that is like a hand). When a desire is granted, a sigil will be shown on his wrist which is the symbol of the toxic chain ⛓️‍💥 . Think of it like the sigils from The Owl House. His design in The Indigo Disk is virtually the same as his original counterpart but also having the symbol on his left wrist.
Throughout the story that I have for the AU, he slowly and subtly becomes more and more animalistic without him knowing, not full-on becoming a Pokémon or a hybrid, just some traits. Having sharper teeth, keener sense, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced agility, enhanced intelligence and so on. However, competitive Pokémon, this is desire that he wanted to Pecharunt grant and since Pecharunt is a man of his word, he agrees to the deal with no backstabbing. He does sort of become a puppet for Pecharunt during the story of the Indigo Disk and the third story. He only has a drastic design change once we hit the arc where Pecharunt truly makes his appearance and presence as an antagonist. Since, he’s been here the entire time, just waiting for the right time to strike.
But no spoilers as of now (and also, I don’t have to anything to think for his design so I kinda winged it, but I also am working on my main fic “Battlin’ on a Friday Night on AO3. And studies).
I hope this answers your question and sorry for taking so long. But for now, see you next time!
Also the AU name is ‘Shackled Revelations’ not ‘Toxic Revolutions’ btw
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Okay so Pokémon Legends Z-A!  What the fuck!  Wow!
One big concern I want to get out of the way first: apparently the game is going to take place entirely within Lumiose City.  And I mean, Lumiose is the biggest city in Pokémon, but what about the whole rest of Kalos?  Also how will we encounter Pokémon?  Surely they’re not all city-dwellers.  I have to wonder if this was a miscommunication, but I guess we’ll see.
Anyway: YES!!  Not only are we getting a new Legends game (PLA was immediately one of my favorite games in the series), but it’s set in the woefully under-utilized Kalos region!  Kalos is a well of untapped potential, and this has the chance to be a very striking way to finally draw it out.  They knew exactly what they were doing when they let that Z linger on-screen.  AND, not only THAT, but the franchise is taking 24 off and saving this game for NEXT YEAR!  Thank God, this is great news for GameFreak’s employees, and if Pokémon of all things sets this precedent it could have a HUGE impact on the industry.
As for why it’s “Z-A”…who knows?  I’m sure at least part of it is the creators wanting to come up with a more unique name, which is fair.  The hyphen makes it seem like a range covering the entire alphabet, which could signify something all-encompassing, and reversing it to go from end to beginning likely plays into the cycle of life and death represented by Xerneas and Yveltal (in this case, death must occur for new life to take its place, or something along those lines).
I’m glad (and amused) that they specifically showed Furfrou in the teaser, as it’s currently one of the last few Pokémon yet to be available in a mainline Switch game.  After this, I believe it’s just Patrat/Watchog and the Elemental Monkeys?  Maybe they’ll toss them all in to finish rounding things out.
Part of me does wonder if the prevalence of Unown in the Presents could be significant…but probably not.  As the world’s biggest Unown fan I adored their sidequest in PLA, but Unown haven’t appeared in Kalos previously and it would make more sense to revisit Zygarde Cells for this sort of quest.
And Mega Evolution!  Honestly it feels a bit weird to say it’s “back” when it’s remained prevalent in everything but the mainline games, but I’ll get over it, I’m still thrilled!  Mega Evolutions in a Legends game!  I have to imagine we’ll get some additional information on it; there’s a good chance the game will feature Kalos’s first discovery of Mega Evolution, too.  On the chance of getting new Megas…I don’t want to get my hopes up, but it would make a lot of sense!  Though I definitely still want new regional forms too.  Maybe I’m being greedy.  But speaking of forms, if the do give new forms to Xerneas and Yveltal, I hope they look better than Dialga and Palkia’s Origin Formes, those still bother me.
I’m personally hoping this one won’t be an isekai.  PLA did end up utilizing it well enough, but I’d still prefer to stay as grounded in this particular time period as possible.  Something about giving you a magic smartphone in ye olde past just feels…I dunno, patronizing?  But since Arceus probably won’t be involved this time and I don’t see any of the XYZ trio opening time portals, I think there’s a good chance of avoiding the isekai angle.  One related thing that brings to my attention is space-time distortions; they’d probably be a poor fit here on a thematic level, so I hope they’re able to come up with a good stand-in.  Maybe Mega energy suddenly flares up in a region and affects the Pokémon?  Will we encounter wild Megas?  Wait, Alphas are still a thing, right…?
Come to think of it, how will the Pokédex be handled?  I really liked the approach of creating the region’s first Dex; perhaps it could be an element of this “redevelopment” process?  I hope so.  Anyway I could list things I want to see for hours but I think this is sufficient to communicate what sort of headspace I’m in regarding this announcement.  Hon hon hon baguette Prism Tower, everyone!
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purplelescent · 5 months
A Pair of Jokers
Pokemon Fan-Fiction: Grimsley/Reader
Summary: Now that you’ve lost a game of cards to your childhood best friend, Grimsley, you owe him a favor. Although you don’t know if you can survive the onslaught of his flirtatious teasing while spending the day with him. You’ve had sincere, secret feelings for him for years. Perhaps, it’s time to clear the air and let him know how you really feel.
Why do I always agree to play cards with him? The man's a world-class gambler and-
Look how pleased he is with himself. Dinner's always so nice until we get to playing cards. Sporadically, we get together to catch up every few weeks. This used to be a friend group thing, but lately, it's just been us.
Secretly, it felt kinda' romantic. It's not like I've had a crush on him or anything. For like… years…
I'd never admit it.
Drawing my next card, excitement hummed through my body. I had it! Victory! When we reveal our hands, I'd beat him. We bet something special tonight, a favor. We also wagered that the loser pays for dinner too, but that's clearly not as important.
When I played my hand, four of a kind, the odds were in my favor. His shock looked so genuine.
Then he revealed his hand, a straight flush of hearts.
My body’s hum of excitement turned sour and fizzled away. He flashed a coy smile, propping his chin on the back of his hand.
"How perfect." Grimsley purred.
"Yeah. Yeah…" I grumbled, trying not to blush at the tone of his voice.
"I apologize. I promise I'm not gloating. Just musing over the cards you dealt me. I’d almost think you rigged the deck. Are you trying to tell me something?”
Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I caught a faint trace of his cologne from across the table. The scent held a soft, but powerful vibe, reminding me of a summer sunset on the ocean. My heart began pounding fast as I looked into his bright blue eyes.
“We should have played voltorb flip.” I grumble.
“That’s only a one-player game.”
“You wound me.” He chuckled as he leaned forward.
Leaning away, I rested my head against the back of the chair. The ceiling was the perfect blank slate to calm my emotions down. Sure. I'm acting like a sore loser, but better than letting him find out how he's making my heart race. Now that I've lost, I realized how screwed I am. That's what I get for being confident.
If he wanted his prize he'd have to bring it up. I started to wish I hadn't agreed to our little wager. He'd choose something embarrassing for me. Now that was a safe bet.
Grimsley and I have known each other since elementary school before we even got our pokémon. I remember when his family moved into the apartments we lived in. Everyone thought they were reclusive freaks at first.
"Getta' load of those snobs." My brother mumbled in my ear.
"I heard they was rich. They pissed it away and now they're like everybody else." Jackson said, or was it Mike? One of my brother's douchebag friends said it. That much I remember.
They introduced themselves to the boys and invited them to come play. Not out of a sense of goodwill though. The new kids were the entertainment. Grimsley and his older brother slowly joined the neighborhood pack of boys, but it was always clear they were the odd ones out.
I remember the day when he fully became one of the guys though. The boys were playing truth or dare, which means they were doing stupid things to one-up each other. I didn't think much of it even when they started betting money and candy. One of the neighbor girls, I can’t remember who she was either, and I were playing catch with a stolen dodgeball from school.
"Um… excuse me."
I squealed and fumbled to catch the ball. It made a harsh “poink” as it hit me in the chest. Turing to look at him, Grimsley cheeks glowed rosy red. I must have thought he was sunburned at the time.
"Du-de! What the heck!"
He smiled a little. His blue eyes betrayed his nervousness though. In a flash, he pecked my lips with his and ran back to the group of boys who were laughing and jeering.
"Told you he'd do it! Here's the one-fifty!" One of them sneered dropping the coins on the ground.
My heart was going to burst out of my chest. I felt like I was burning up. My heart fluttered and broke in an instant. That was my first kiss- stolen and sold for less than a bottle of potion. At that age, I don't think I was even thinking about romance yet.
I whipped around seething.
"Grimsley!" I screeched.
When I remember this part, it's always in slow motion. I knew I'd get in trouble, but in my nine-year-old mind, I had no choice! This was what he deserved.
He turned to look at me as he stood up. I threw the dodgeball. It slammed him square in the face. It bounced off with the same “poink” noise it made when it hit me. Coins scattered and clinked on the ground. I stormed off before he could pull himself off the ground.
So apparently, taking a dodgeball to the face made you “one of the boys”. I had inadvertently improved his social status in the neighborhood.
Lucky little bastard.
He's been toying with me ever since. I can’t even begin to tell you when or why my feelings started for him. Yet, after that, he never left me alone.
Grimsley made it his hobby to embarrass me any chance he got. He always tries to fluster me with pickup lines and innuendos. I learned to block it out by the time we became adults. Each time he'd flash a big, cat-like grin before pulling the "Joking!" card and have a good chuckle. Then I’d chastise him with a little slap.
To him, it was just friendly banter. To me it was torture.
In a pleasant way, but since none of it is real then it all circles around to make me feel worse afterwards. If he knew I really did have a massive one-sided crush, he’d probably be weirded out. So, whenever he starts up, I just go along with it. Then I move on as if I wasn't still entertaining the romantic ideas he provoked within me. I’ll get over him, someday.
Grimsley softly called my name, "Are you falling asleep?"
"No. I'm waiting."
"For?" he asked, his voice litling playfully.
I finally ended my staring contest with the ceiling to glare at him.
Look at his shit-eating grin.
If I wasn’t on the hook, I’d think it was cute. When gambling, he becomes unreadable, like a perfectly still pond. He has a few tells I try to look for; a slight twitch of the left eye, sweat around the side of his cheeks, his grin tugging slightly to left when he's sure victory will be his... But he's practiced to perfection at hiding them. Yet outside of the game, when he has nothing to hide, he's quite animated.
Dramatic is a better description, in my opinion.
He wanted me to bring it up. He'd leave me dangling on this hook all night if he had to. Just like a purrloin toying with his prey.
Steeling myself for the inevitable, I asked, "What do you want?”
The winner could ask the loser to do anything within reason. The second he presented the idea, I could only visualize one thing. I was going to make him clean my apartment.
Could you imagine?
Grimsley, member of the elite four and professional gambler, scrubbing a toilet, taking out the trash, and folding socks. It was too good to pass up. It’d make a great post for my socials. I wasn't even going to make him wear an embarrassing costume! I wasn't a total savage when it came to dares. Even if a cat-eared maid dress would suit him.
I mean, it's not like I would have had him clean a dump either. Work ramped up with a new project leaving me precious little personal time for the past three weeks. It was sleep and eat only! I couldn’t even bear to look at the vacuum, I was so tired.
That being said, what could he even want to make me do? I had been waaaay too blinded by my fantasy. How could I think I’d win? Like, how could I forget I haven't beaten him since… How long has it been? Was it since I was in college?
I must have had too much to drink.
I needed to mentally prepare for the worst. So, maybe… he'd make me wear a really stupid outfit and post pictures of it? Make me participate in a Pokémon Musical? Take a bite right into an extra ripe tamato berry?
Oh no!
What if he made me hug an extra mucus-y cubchoo? Ew! No! He wouldn't!
I drank from my water glass to clear my nerves.
"Tomorrow, I want to take you-" Grimsley paused.
I nearly choke on my water. He wants to take me, like what?! On a date?! My cheeks were alight with heat.
No way!
He's about to pull his signature bait and switch. I feel it. He always tries to get a rise out of me. And damn if he didn't succeed every time. Scraping the last bit of courage inside me, I looked him in the eye. Grimsley wore a smug, satisfied grin.
Ugh. Damn it.
His eyes narrowed like a cat Pokémon ready for the kill-
"-To watch my match tomorrow at the league!"
Bingo! Just as I suspected! No way was he ever going to ask me on a date. I know him a little too well.
Although… How surprisingly tame of all the things he could ask for. I must’ve missed missing something. He's never gone out of his way to invite me to a match before. If he'd ask, I'd gladly say yes. I'm sure he knows it. As the prize for a bet… it's kind of a non-prize.
How un-Grimsley of him.
I shouldn't complain. It's nowhere near as bad as the stuff I thought up. Before and after his comment.
He stood from the table abruptly; clearly riding the high of his victory.
"Fantastic! Do you still have that blue dress you wore to my brother's wedding?"
"Uh. Why?"
Now that sounds fishy.
"Because… we like to put on a grand presentation for our challenger. I don't want you to feel underdressed. Although! If you're uncomfortable, then you don't need to!"
Oh. I suppose I’m being paranoid.
"I mean, okay. I have it."
I reached for the bill on the table to pay for tonight's dinner. I was not looking forward to this. He always gets the pricey stuff. My consolation was the bill would still cost less than if I had bet our usual prize money on our card game. My fingers barely grazed the paper when he swiped it off the table.
"Hey. I'm supp-"
"Oh, and make sure to wear comfortable shoes. I remember how much you complained about those heels you wore with the dress last time. Or? Do you want me to carry you again?" He grinned as he recalled an embarrassing moment for me.
“Oh, stop it. You only helped me to my hotel room.” I grumbled.
I threw away the offending heels after the wedding. Even if they gave me the chance to be carried like a princess. That night was a bit of a blur, but I do remember being embarrassingly obnoxious when he carried me. I couldn’t bear to look him in the eye the next morning.
He started to walk to the front of the restaurant while he talked.
"After I trounce the little upstart we can go for lunch!"
I scrambled to grab my purse. Fumbling for some cash to leave as a tip, I noticed a neatly set of folded bills tucked under the salt and pepper shakers.
Man, when he's ready to go, he's got it all covered.
I chased after him, politely saying goodnight to the staff as I passed.
"Grim, the tab-" Did he forget I'm supposed to pay?
"Relax! Don't worry about bringing any cash. I'm not going to wring you for a meal."
"But right now-"
He had already handed over the receipt and his card to the cashier by the time I caught up to him.
I gave up.
When he remembers he'll send me a text at, like, three in the morning asking me to send it via Poképay.
Waiting by the front steps of the league made me feel a little bittersweet. The faint breeze brought a refreshing cool to the morning. Every kid dreamed of coming here, standing before the Elite Four, and battling your way to the top. I dreamed that too. But I'm not here by my own strength.
I couldn't cut it. I told everyone I lost interest in battling, but the truth of it is my best isn't good enough to be the best.
The guard asked me regarding my badges, assuming I was the challenger.
"Oh no. I'm here to watch Grimsley's match today." I muttered, focusing more on some imaginary spot on my dress rather than looking him in the eye.
"I see. In that case, we have a visitor's waiting room where the matches are live broadcast. If you go back toward the PMC, you'll turn-"
My name was called out from the other side of the entrance.
Oh. Grim wasn't kidding about dressing up.
I hadn't seen this outfit before. He's truly a classy card shark. He wore a white shirt and tie, but the whole ensemble was ornate. His suspenders connected with a dark navy blue high collar that had a long scarf flowing from the back.
Despite the ornate golden decorations glittering in the sun and black straps on his forearms, Grimsley made it look so casual.
He smirked when we made eye contact.
Aw… come on man! He knows he’s cool!
And I couldn’t help, but smile in return.
"This is my guest. She has special permission to watch from ringside." He said, almost purring.
The guard gave a curt nod. He stepped back and gestured to invite me in. It was only one step forward, but I faltered at the threshold. I didn't belong on the other side. I wasn't powerful. My pokémon weren't fighters. They were, to put it delicately, fat, little, spoiled couch gremlins.
A strong arm, wrapped around my shoulders. Grimsley pulled me along and up the stairs with impatient energy.
"Come along! I want to show you my new arena before the challenger arrives!" He gushed with enthusiasm. "We recently completed remodeling everything."
Our hurried steps echoed across the ancient stones as we approached his arena. He gently directed me to the entrance, holding his hand out to gesture me forward.
"Ladies first." He said with a polite gentleman's tone.
The whole room drowned in darkness, which was to be expected of Grimsley's type specialty. A loud swoosh of igniting flames caught me off guard. I spun to ask Grimsley a question, but the door had closed and he wasn't with me.
"Grim?" My voice felt small in the dark room only lit by torch light.
Only the hammering thud of my heart responded.
The moment passed and nothing happened. Turning, I decided I would go ahead and wait for him. The red carpet led me to the stairs. Imposing, curved red claws barred my path. With a flourishing snap, the claws released the pathway. My body instinctively jerked back.
I reminded myself this is only a very elaborate set. The mechanism should let me pass and not impale me. Ideally. I decided I should go ahead, I took a confident step forward, but my gut was in control of my legs. So, that step was about as confident as a wimpod.
Still, I pressed forward. My gut twisted and the hairs on the back of my neck bristled. I dashed up the stairs two at a time, mentally thanking Grim for telling me to wear comfortable shoes. My cheeks burned with embarrassment.
It's all for show. Why am I scared? No! How stupid!
I'm not scared of the dark!
I… I just…
Shut up!
The claws snapped shut at the top of the stairs. I jumped squealing forward only to be caught in an embrace in the darkness. A second later the lights from a chandelier above flickered to life.
Grimsley held me flush to himself. Violent ping-ponging beats of my heart hammered in my chest. Surely, he could feel it too given how close we were. His hand felt like it belonged on the small of my back. Once again, he looks so terribly pleased with himself. He clicked his tongue playfully. His cologne flooded my senses again. I had to catch my breath, but his damn cologne made me pleasantly light-headed.
"Aw, were you frightened?" His blue eyes glowed with mischief. He dipped his face closer to mine. "Nothing's going to hurt you, but I'll protect you anyway if you want.”
Warm tingles and shivers trailed from the top of my head and chased down the length of my spine.
Then it clicked.
This was a setup. He didn't want a ringside audience. He wanted an excuse to toy with me today! I pushed free from his grasp.
Come on brain time to get a grip!
"Oh so brave of you! How'd you even get here before me?" The beating of my heart refused to slow down. But I was satisfied I pulled out a little sass.
"A magician never reveals his secrets."
"Warp pad then?"
"So, what do you think of my domain?" He said, ignoring my obviously correct guess. He swept his hand in a grand flourish.
To an extent, it was a bizarre blend between gaudy and elegant. The green floor reminded me of the felt covers on a poker table. Golden chains suspended the platform in the air. Grimsley sauntered to a luxurious black sofa sitting on the edge of the battlefield. I followed him over while admiring the glittering chandelier.
"It's very you," I said.
"Then what do you think of me?" He said.
"Fishing for compliments?" I teased as I sat down next to him. "Well then, it's pretty cool. Quite bright for a dark-type specialist. Kinda’ unexpected."
He slid over on the sofa. I could sense another round of teasing coming. Before he could lean in to say only Arceus knows what, I pulled out my phone with the Poképay app at the ready. He tilted his head. Distraction technique successful!
"You were so wound up last night you paid for dinner." I deflected.
"Well… yeah. That's how restaurants work." He chuckled.
"Doofus. I'm talking about the bet. I was supposed to pay, remember? How much was the tab?"
Grimsley froze as if someone hit pause. His charming smile seemed thinner than usual.
"I'm… afraid I don't recall."
"You?" I scoff. "You can't remember how much money you spent? Mister "when on his Pokémon journey two years late to earn extra money before leaving home"? Mister "mental math who could do my calculus homework for me without a calculator"? You don't know how much dinner was?"
The second I saw it, a faint bead of sweat on his forehead, the lights extinguished. We plunged into darkness again. I couldn’t suppress my surprised gasp. I never was good with surprises. Only the faint light of my cell phone illuminated the couch.
A loud click resonated to indicate someone had arrived. The challenger no doubt. Grimsley's hand brushed my cheek and I gasped. My phone’s screen timed out, extinguishing the last faint light we had as Grimsley leaned forward. His lips were so close to my ear that it tickled.
"Looks like I'm first. Just sit and look pretty for me for now." He whispered in a low voice. Another rush of tingles burst inside me.
Are you trying to kill me?
The sound of the torches at the entrance flared to life giving a dim glow to the room. He stood from the sofa, his scarf swirling dramatically as he walked to his place on the field. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. If this keeps up I'm going to have a heart attack. I only could hope the challenger wouldn’t notice how much I must be blushing when all the lights came on. My face, ears, and neck are burning. He was going hard today. It was different. Grimsley turned to look at me over his shoulder.
Even in the dim light, I could see his cat-like grin. He really just wanted an excuse to toy with me today.
How bored are you?!
The claws on the stairs unfolded and shortly after a girl with double buns came bounding up the steps. The claws snapped shut behind her. The torches and chandelier came to life. The girl didn't so much as flinch. Damn. How embarrassing that a ten-year-old has more stones than a grown adult… I wanted to curl up behind the couch.
“What will be determined here is which of us can absorb the opponent's light and shine... But who will decide that? It shall be I, Grimsley of the Elite Four, and I will fulfill my duty to be your opponent." He said,” But first, I have a special visitor today. You don’t mind having a ring-side audience do you?”
The girl leans to the side a little to get a better look at me. She must not have realized I was sitting here. I waved trying to appear casual. She cupped her chin, pointing her finger in a thumb like a checkmark and humming to herself.
“Oh, yeah! That's totes fine. I don’t mind your girlfriend watching!”
Grimsley shot a coy grin over his shoulder at me.
“Th-thank you! We're… actually friends. Not dating.”
“Ooooh! Sorry! ‘Bout that!” she laughed. The girl rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.
His expression flattened in an instant as he turned to face his challenge. No doubt ready to get to business.
Another fierce explosion shook the arena. The hot gust of rushing air flipped the hem of my dress a little more than I anticipated. I yelped, snatching it back to keep from revealing too much. When I looked up, I caught Grimsley's look over his shoulder. His eyes flitted over me from top to bottom. Then he sharply turned away back to the match.
As the debris settled, his bisharp, Philomina, lay defeated.
His shoulders slumped slightly. He slapped his forehead and dragged his hand down his face.
Thanks, kid! That's the expression I wanted to see last night. Even seeing it from behind was delightful.
It's a little mean to smile at the expense of your friend, but he's such a sore loser. Watching him squirm with frustration while trying to be a self-controlled gentleman was always funny.
Grimsley returned his pokémon. A loud joyful cry rang out. The challenger jump-hugged her huge darmanitan, celebrating their victory. He took their joyful moment to recenter himself. With polite applause, he began to speak to them with his usual grace and charm.
"See, victory shines like a bright light. And right now, you and your Pokémon are shining brilliantly." Grimsley gestured to the warp pad.
With a wave goodbye, she ran on ahead to her next fight. Grimsley stood still watching patiently until the last light of the warp pad vanished. A soft quiet calm fell over the room. I didn't know if I should compliment how well he did or console him on the loss. Grim flopped on the couch, drained of any of his usual grace.
"Maaaan…." He groaned. He was squeezing the bridge of his nose.
"It was very close," I finally said.
"A loss is a loss." He sighed and he started to rub his neck. "But what the heck are they feeding kids these days? If she defeats everyone else, she'll be the third champion under the age of fourteen in a row. Crazy, man."
"Yeah, it's all over the place like Kanto and Hoenn too. They’re calling it a generation of child champions."
We sat in a lull of silence while Grim shook off his defeat. He looked at the green floors where the remnants of debris and scars from attacks littered the arena floor. His hand paused on the back of his neck.
“Okay,” he breathed out in a whisper.
Grimsley stood up from the couch. We locked eyes briefly. Whatever words he had locked and loaded didn’t come. He just smiled before turning on his heel and pacing in front of the couch.
“Grim? What’s up?”
This behavior was new to me. He finally stopped in front of me. A scarlet blush covered his face from ear to ear. I recalled that little boy he used to be from years ago, cheeks burning red right before stealing my first kiss. Was he still embarrassed about losing? I should have consoled him after all.
“Hey, it’s okay. You and your team were amazing. I certainly couldn’t handle such an intense battle like that. I’m very impressed.” I said.
Grimsley tilted his head as though he didn’t hear me. Before I could say anything else, he laughed. His charming laugh echoed around the hall.
“That’s not-” he sighed. “You’re so sweet. That’s not what I’m thinking about.”
“Then what’s wrong?” I asked, ripping the bandage off.
“At the end of the battle, when you cried out, I thought you had gotten hurt. That some debris had hit you. I could never forgive myself if you were hurt on my account.”
So, that's it. He was worried about me! I hopped off the couch to hug him. This time our embrace lacked the sensual nature of the first one we had shared before the match. Grimsley kept his arms wrapped around my shoulders. He sighed relieved. I still felt warm bubbles in my chest.
Shh! Stupid crush. Can you see we are having a very healthy platonic moment between friends?
“I love you,” Grimsley whispered.
I sharply inhaled. Platonically, right?
“Love like?”
“I love you. I want to be with you.”
I like Grimsley. I do. Really. Really. Really do. But if he dares to tease me now when we were having an honest moment... I can’t let him wind up my feelings like this again. I’ve had way too much for one day. If I hear him say he's only joking again I’ll lose it.
“Hey. I… I can’t do this right now.” I said, pulling from the hug.
Grimsley immediately took his hand off of me, wide eyes.
“I’m sorry!” He said. His blue eyes were piercing, but soft. “I didn’t mean-”
Of course, he didn’t mean it. That’s how this goes.
We stood frozen staring into each other’s eyes. I don’t think I have ever seen this expression of his. Gone was his devilish smile, and the cat-like glint of his eyes. To me, he looked like he was going to be sick. I took his hand and focused my attention on it. I couldn’t say what I needed to say if I kept looking at this- worrying expression on his face.
“Listen, you always do this flirting thing, and I get you find it funny, but-” I paused. “I don’t.”
Do I admit how I feel? We are friends. Surely, he’d understand. It might upset him to know my feelings aren’t the same, but if he knew how much I liked him, then he’d stop. Then I could finally get over this one-sided crush already.
“Like, it’s fine now and again, but all at once like this is… I… feel so overwhelmed and I know you don’t mean any of it. I know you’re not trying to overwhelm me and you don’t like me this way. You’re just… playing.”
My voice began to pitch up. This is the worst. I didn’t want to cry.
“I get that it’s a joke, always just a joke, but- Arceus. I actually- do. I mean, I love-”
The rest of the words were crushed by the tightening of my throat. I shut my mouth. This was a stupid thing to say. I should have brushed it off and played along like always.
Grimsley swore under his breath as he fumbled in his pocket before pulling out a handkerchief. He dabbed the fountain of tears in the corners of my eyes, careful to press too hard. He called my name in such a soft tone as if he feared he’d startle me.
“It’s not a joke! It’s never been a joke!” Grimsley said. “I thought you didn’t have feelings for me. So, I… pretended I was joking because I didn’t want to upset you. But I kept trying because… I couldn’t let my feelings go. I hoped you’d take it seriously one day.”
He squeezed my hand. I couldn’t process it all. This… this is real?
“You’re hurt because of me after all.” He muttered.
“That’s a terrible approach to courting a lady, you know,” I said, taking the handkerchief from his hand to wipe away more of my tears myself.
“I’m so sorry.”
“This whole time… you really liked me?”
Grimsley nodded, “And you liked me?”
I nodded in return. The tears still wouldn’t turn off, yet I couldn’t stop from smiling. The whole time we could have enjoyed being together! Instead, we wasted years dancing around each other's feelings. I couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling up. We're grown adults now! And we could even have an honest conversation? It was so absurd! Grimsley couldn’t keep the smile from growing on his face, perhaps having the same thoughts I was. The tears finally stopped.
“I always thought I’d be the king to your queen, but it seems the truth of it is we’re the pair of jokers.”
“That fits,” I said. “We’re so stupid.”
“Well, now that we’re on the same page, may I, at long last, take you on a date?” He said.
A date. This felt too good to be true. I felt a surge of confidence knowing Grimsley’s true feelings. And I knew then I had to do something to make up for all these years of cowardice.
“Yes, but-” I said in a lilting voice.
“But?” His eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“I remember you took something from me. I need it back.”
Grimsley’s lips parted ready to answer, but it was clear he was racking his brain to figure out what I meant. My heart started up a ping-pong rematch as I took a step closer.
“I… don’t know what I’ve tak-” Before the poor man could finish his sentence, I grabbed him by the collar to pull him down to meet my lips.
It was quick. Just like it was this first time, a feathery, peak on the lips. When we pulled back, his face was once again rosy red. I’m sure my face was too.
“You stole my first kiss. I had to take it back, you know.”
Moving past the surprise, once again I saw that well-known cat-like grin appear. His piercing blue eyes sparked alight with mischief. Grimsley slipped his hand onto the small of my back. He pulled me in close and pressed his forehead to my own.
“Well, such a kiss can’t be returned,” he said, his voice low and sultry. “But allow me to repay you with interest. I insist.”
Grimsley pressed his lips to mine with softness. I let my hands slip away from his collar to instead rest on his shoulders. His thumb rubbed small, gentle circles on my lower back, as his other hand came up to cup my cheek. Once more, a pleasant lightheadedness overtook me from the calming scent of his cologne.
As we pulled apart, Grimsley sighed with happiness. I couldn’t help chuckling once more.
“My, look how pleased you are with yourself.” I tease as I stand on my tip toes inviting another kiss of many more to come.
Bonus: Grimsley's POV - Just before you arrive
"Grimsley!" Shauntel gasped, scandalized.
"Please. It's too early in the morning for this." I stretched with a yawn.
Curse the trainer that scheduled to come in first thing. It's not unusual for me to be so tired in the morning like this, but today it's not because I was up all night at the poker tables. No. I couldn't sleep at all thinking about my date… or well almost date.
"Yes, Shauntel. I have to agree. It's much too early." Caitlin said, shuffling into our break room.
"You remember the girl- his childhood sweetheart? The one he was finally going to ask out."
Caitlin gave a sleepy nod. Her tea cup and the kettle floated around her as she used her telekinetic ability to pour the water.
"Now hold on- we were never sweethearts before-"
"He still didn't ask her on a date! Look at him! All dressed up and nowhere to go!"
Caitlin mumbled a sad oh noise before she mentally picked up a spoon to stir her drink. She doesn't care. Despite her girlishness, she doesn't give two cents about romance or relationship gossip.
"I'm going out with her for lunch after the challenger battle." I huff. Shauntel glared at me like gum on the bottom of her shoe. "Aaaaand we were alone for dinner last night."
"He beat her at poker and forced her to come sit around as his cheerleader."
"Slander!" Of all the indecent ways to describe it! She was too creative sometimes. But it certainly shone a spotlight on my failed plans. No matter how she or I put it, it wasn’t the romantic afternoon I intended to have.
"How inelegant." Caitlin shook her head, disapproving as always.
"I was going to ask her, but I-"
"Was too afraid she'd shoot you down if you bore your sincere desires and you'd lose your dear friend to awkward, unrequited love."
The psychic girl's words cut me to the quick. I glared at Caitlin. She took a seat at her favorite spot and sipped her tea, refusing to look at me.
"I thought we all agreed you wouldn't read our minds without consent," I said.
"I didn't have to read your mind. It's all over your face."
But Shauntel nodded in firm agreement with her. I'm outnumbered. I know when to fold.
"If she doesn't have feelings for you then why even continue to pursue her? You'd think having dinner alone together for, oh, 6 months? You’d think it would have resulted in more romantic feelings by now."
And the brutal death blow.
Caitlin may talk about grace and elegance, but the girl was savage.
Before I could respond, the doors thankfully burst open with our much too energetic Champion and Marshal. The poor guy looked like he was going to collapse. Sweat dripped off his forehead in rivers. And yet, Iris looked barely misted. I wondered how many miles they ran today. Not that I would ask for fear Iris would interpret this to mean I want to join them.
Since Adler's defeat as champion, he took to traveling. Marshal ended up latching on to Iris as his new mentor. A grown man calling a fourteen-year-old his master would be funny if she wasn't so ridiculously powerful.
"Oookay! I'm going to get cleaned up and ready to face our new challenger!" She declared. "Are you all ready?"
We all mumbled an affirmative response. Except Marshal who gave a hearty, headache-inducing, "Yes ma'am!"
"Wake up sleepy heads! It's time to rumble!!" She yelled with a growl as she ran past us to her personal locker room.
"Iris, ah, a moment." She skidded to a halt and jogged back to me. "I have a friend coming. I know it's usually only the combatants, but you wouldn't mind if she watched my battle today?"
"As long as the challenger doesn't mind, it's fine by me." She said, Iris tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. She straightened up in an instant, "Oh! Is it your girlfriend the girls told me about? That's so-"
"Exaggerated." I huffed. Shauntel and Caitlyn turned away from my firey glare.
Cowards! Look at me when you heckle!
"But he's pining with desperate hope." Caitlin chimes in, looking me in the eye as she speaks.
Not reading our minds my ass.
She just smirks.
Taking the opportunity, I excused myself to get ready. I hoped I'd go first, honestly. I wanted to get this over as quick as possible so I could spend time with her.
I only fell in love with her by chance. Right time and place as they say.
I hated other people. I hate this town, this apartment, this group of "friends". All of it.
When the pack of neighborhood boys approached us, I knew they had been talking about us behind our backs. Clarence, my older brother who was too soft and naive, appreciated the "friendship". He couldn't figure out they were making fun of us at every turn.
I tolerated it with a smile. After all, if others know your true feelings, they can use it to their advantage. They'll have power over you. My childhood "friends" must have thought I was some plucky kid, a simple sucker. It was better that way.
We made stupid bets and dares. They must have thought it was funny what I was willing to do for money, but I had a plan for my pokémon journey, I was going to be prepared. I would never come back, just like my sister, Marinette.
I hate thinking back on the stupid things we used to bet. That kiss I stole is a bittersweet memory. In my young mind, I foolishly believed she was overreacting to such a nothing act. I only chose her over her friend because everyone knew how timid she was- or so I thought.
I hated her. Even if her assault had the unintended consequence of making me look tough to the other kids. I hated her so much.
And I cringe remembering how selfish I was. That should have been the end of any friendship. Forget love or romance.
Occasionally, when I felt spiteful, I'd tease her with some veiled romantic comment to watch her squirm. I always made sure I was out of her range before she realized I was joking at her expense. Seeing her range of emotion was amusing. She's incredibly expressive. I told myself it was funny. I couldn't find any reason I would keep doing it otherwise.
My twelfth birthday approached and the guys wanted to play poker to celebrate. They congratulated me for finally getting the balls to go on my Pokémon journey. Truth was, I had only waited so long to pull together a little more cash. As the night drew on, I was becoming more and more of an unwanted guest at my own party.
“You’re a cheating little shit!”
I was beating Jackson even though he was the one cheating. I had caught his scraggy slipping him cards out of its loose skin. I didn’t say anything. It made the game more interesting.
“I’m not. It’s only luck. I can quit.” I folded my hand together, returning it to the bottom of the deck.
My accuser looked like he was going to crack his teeth from how hard he was clenching his jaw. I ignored him as I tucked my cards back into the deck. I was content to just watch at this point.
After tomorrow, I wouldn't have to deal with any of these losers again. The night dragged on and we were all asleep only when the sky began to pale with the coming of the morning sun.
This was my mistake.
I didn't wake until two in the afternoon, still groggy from last night. No one was there. A soft clattering from my nightstand was the only sound in my room. Purrloin's pokeball was missing. Hopping out of bed, I knelt on the floor. The pokeball clattered and wiggled wildly under the nightstand. Poor Purry must have been so confused being unable to let herself out. I supposed I knocked her ball off the table and didn't notice. The tight space must have triggered the emergency locks that prevent pokémon from coming out in spaces too small to fit them.
The ball burst open the second I had it free from the confined space. She hissed and spit in a wild tantrum. Her tail lashed with violent abandon It was best to leave her be, unless I wanted to end up her scratching post.
I shuffled out to greet my mother who let me know my "friends" all went home. She asked if I was sure I still wanted to head out today since it was so late. She recommended I start here with the Castelia gym, but Purry and I would be severely disadvantaged. And Nimbasa is only an afternoon's walk. I'd arrive just as the city started to light up for the night.
Purry latched onto my leg. She waved one little arm with distress and led me back to my backpack. Nothing seemed out of place. I rummaged through my supplies yet nothing caught my attention.
My wallet slapped me in the face as she threw it at me, "Purry!"
It struck me. They all left before I woke up. Tearing the wallet open, it was empty.
Even though I had a savings account with more, I wanted to save it for emergencies. And as my anger boiled over, the indignity of being robbed couldn't go unchecked!
"Bye Mother! I love you! I'll call later. I'll tell Clarence to call too if I see him. Bye!" I cried out as I dashed out the door. I don't think I had ever gotten dressed so fast before.
Purry and I split up, I knew she'd find them faster. I began checking all the usual hangouts; the lousy bodega, the arcade, Casteliacone…
A sharp chirp caught my attention over a crowd from an alley. Purry led me through a corridor of trash cans and back doors until I could hear the voices of my "friends".
Before I could turn the corner, I could hear her. She blocked their way.
"What kind of friend steals! Take it back!"
"Piss off runt. No one asked you."
I glanced around the corner to see them. She stood on the other side, blocking their path. Her brother pushed through the group yelling at her to move.
"No! This isn't okay!" She cried.
"You're just mad about it because he is your booooooyfriend~'' One of the boys mocked. Another one made sloppy kissing noises.
"Sh-shut up. He is not! Don't be gross!" She squeaked.
"We didn't go out with a wad of cash. That spoiled brat can figure it out!"
"That’s his money! He should get to use it! It's not his fault you went unprepared and couldn't cut it!"
He threw her against a trash can. He threw his own sister.
I don't remember what I said. A strange, aching fire sparked through me. My arms and legs hurt from shaking. I moved and spoke on autopilot. I challenged them all to a fight.
Purry wasn't as high-level as the other pokémon they used. However, she weaved around them like a graceful dancer, letting their clumsy partners beat each other. She only struck when a critical hit could be certain. I was lucky to have such a battle genius of a pokémon for a first partner. Despite the abysmal odds, victory was certain.
A heavy thud of the last pokémon Timburr signaled the end of my first battle.
"Give me my money." I snarled.
They threw the cash on the ground before running off. Turning, I looked at her. She flinched and shrunk back into the trash. Of all the emotions I had provoked in this girl, I finally felt guilt. I hated that look. That fear in her eyes.
"You…" I fumbled with what to say. The adrenaline was wearing off. I didn't understand why she did that. Of all the rare times she was brave and she chose to stand up for me. I offered my hand to help her.
"Thank you." I finally managed to say. I gently beckoned her. Her expression melted as she took my hand.
Money secured and one trip to the Pokémon Center later. I was ready to leave. But I waited while Nurse Joy patched her up. She had scratched her arm when she fell in the trash. Thinking about it made my blood boil. I'd never hurt Marinette or Clarence like that! I offered to walk her home, but she walked with me until we reached the gates to Route 4. She seemed nervous.
"Are you sure you want to go now? It's almost dark." She said.
"Yeah. There are more interesting pokémon at night." I grinned.
She smiled at me. Suddenly, another warmth took hold of me. I couldn’t contain the smile spreading on my face. I liked her smile.
"I know we aren't, like, actual friends. But be safe, okay?"
And that's how it started.
How I found myself coming home to see her as often as possible. I know my mother was relieved another child hadn’t left forever. It took a while for me to realize that I had developed a crush. It was only when Mother asked me in my teens if we were dating that it hit me how I felt about her. Over the past years, I keep going back trying to coax her into loving me.
Caitlin was right.
We've known each other for so long. Never once has she expressed romantic interest. Oh sure, I could fluster her to no end with flirtatious teasing. Her teasing never held return any flirty vibes. In fact, as soon as she realizes what I'm doing she begins to give me the blankest stare. I always backpedaled or played it off as a joke, anything to keep it within "Just friends" territory. Then she sighs relieved, answering my suspicions. I know I should have given up, but when a little time passed, I'd get greedy. Then I'd try again to test the waters and see if her heart had changed. I've never wanted to push for a romance if she wasn't interested.
For all the heart-pounding gambles I'm willing to take, I’m unable to bring myself to risk what I have with her. Some of my gambling buddies would laugh at me if they ever knew. The stakes were too high and I say that having risked life and limb, literally.
But today is the day. I'll sweep her off her feet.
Her friendship warmed me like the sun all these years. She was my one safe spot. She’s where I felt at peace without feeling as though I was missing out on some worthwhile thrill. But I know now I need her and if there's any hope of having her by my side, then I'll have to risk everything we have. And if she turns me down, well...
Perhaps then I'd be able to move past this unrequited love.
But she's worth it.
I stopped by the front, guarded by a league staff member who kept all, but elite trainers out. She was waiting for me.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. She wore that cute dress like I asked. It wasn't extravagant or too formal. However, the flutter of the delicate fabric made her look like an angel.
I recalled the night of my brother's wedding when we danced together.
Her eyes sparkled under the fairy lights and her face was a beautiful blushed color. When the night was over, she cursed wearing those awful heels. They left nasty cuts on the back of her heels. She teetered unsteadily from indulging in a little too much alcohol, wincing from pain. Before I could stop myself, I had scooped her up in my arms to carry her. She giggled the entire way.
At the threshold of her hotel room, she leaned against the door frame with a wide, unabashed smile.
"Thank you my darling prince charming," she whispered, still giggly.
Oh. That had been so unfair and painful! In the most pleasant of ways. If she were sober, if she had meant it, those words would have sent me over the moon.
"Go to bed silly," was all I could respond with at the time.
I called her name as a breeze picked up, the wisps of wind playing with her hair like a lover. They flowed around framing her face like a painting. Her beautiful eyes focused on me. Is she blushing?
Man! How am I supposed to stay cool when she looks at me like that?
Then she smiled that smile I loved.
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qwardivior · 3 days
About me!!
So I realized that I haven’t made an intro for this account, so I’m making one now!
HEY! If you’re on this blog you probably like Demon Slayer, Pokemon, or both! If you do then welcome!
My name is Qwardivior (or you can call me Quinzé, I don’t mind) and I just draw my favorites over and over again. I do have other social media but I’m most active on Instagram and here :).
Since I’m a wuss I don’t tend to talk to my mutuals (or anyone really) but I really want to, so I’m perfectly fine with being tagged in posts you think I’d like (just no spamming please). I’m also okay with messaging (ESPECIALLY if you want to rant about your kny related AUs, I love aus with all of my heart) but please keep it appropriate. I don’t take things too seriously and I ADORE rarepairs, however I’m not okay with proshipping.
I also write fics from time to time on AO3 but shhhh….
I post a lot of fandom stuff about the following (‼️ indicates where I’m most active):
Demon Slayer (‼️‼️)
Pokémon (‼️‼️)
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun (‼️)
Alien Stage
And several more, I’m just not active enough in those to mention them.
My main thing is that I like to make a lot of AUs and whenever I make art of them I have a chance to post them here.
AU Tags (will be updated as they increase):
Demon Busters— #demon busters!
Ask Box:
My ask box and doodle requests generally tend to stay open and I look through them wherever I’m stumped on what to draw or my artblock sets in. You can ask about anything (especially where it concerns my aus), but one thing I do ask is that you keep it appropriate, which means no nsfw and no spam. You can also request doodles through dms if you don’t want to put it in the ask box!
Yea that’s pretty much all I have to say and I think the rest is pretty self explanatory. I just wanna have fun and tweak out about Demon Slayer.
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pizzalordmarv · 4 months
Hey, welcome to my blog! I thought I’d make an introduction to let others get to know me better. It’s a little long, so I apologize for that. Anyways, on with the intro…
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞? 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭?
Well, my real name is Tuesday—my mother thought it was a nice name, I suppose. But online I usually go by the name of Eddie, which has a much more interesting reason behind it. Long ago I used to be into Warrior Cats, and like other fans I had made my own OCs—one being Eddieheart, named after my real cat Eddie. I went by the username “Eddieheart” early on when I was still in the fandom, and soon went on to go by “Eddie” as I slowly faded out from reading the books. Since then, I’ve been called Eddie, a name I have my annoying little pet cat to thank for.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨 𝐛𝐲? 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐚𝐬?
Currently I go by she/her pronouns, but I’m unsure on my gender. I believe I’m a demigirl but that is prone to change in the future. Whatever happens, I’ll probably keep updating this.
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦?
I come from Nova Scotia, which is in that one cold place called Canada. The nature is really lovely around here, there’s these red things called lobsters too.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨?
I’m huge on music, but I’ll go over my favourite bands in a little bit. I can sing and play a bit of guitar and piano—both by ear, sheet music is too complicated for me to understand. I love vinyl records and collecting them, I have way too many of them at this point. I also love drawing (especially cats), reading, writing, and some video games (like Kirby and Pokémon). I also like nature and bugs, I don’t know a lot about plants but I do think they’re pretty cool.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐓𝐕 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬?
My favourite movie is definitely Dune (1984)—firstly because Sting is in it, and secondly because it’s what got me into reading the novel, which became one of my favourite books. My favourite shows are the Trailer Park Boys and SpongeBob. And for books, Dune (as I had mentioned) and Pet Sematary.
𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬?
Of course! I have what seems to be a million cats at home. I think Eddie is the one who likes me most.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬?
There’s a lot of bands I listen to, but the one that’s been staying on top for a long while has been The Police. They’ve been my favourite band for ages, likely because of how much I love Sting—though funnily enough I never got into his solo career. I listen to a lot of 70s and 80s classic rock, especially the stuff from my homeland of Canada. Bands and singers such as Rush, April Wine, Loverboy, Trooper, Kim Mitchell, Triumph, Prism, Platinum Blonde, and The Guess Who are definitely my favourites. Non-Canadian bands I enjoy include The Beatles, Men At Work, and Boston. I’m also getting into the Alan Parsons Project.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧?
I use a lot of Discord, my username is @pizzalordmarv on there if you’d like to talk to me any. Don’t be afraid to message me, I love to talk—especially about the music I like. I also use Discogs and Pinterest!
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
I don’t have internet at home and can only access things like Discord and Tumblr during the weekends (and occasionally weekdays) while I’m visiting family, which is why there may be gaps in my activity on here. I also may or may not be neurodivergent, so that might explain the way I behave and think and stuff.
𝐀𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐝?
Nope, I think I just wasted enough of your time. So, farewell, and have a nice rest of your day or night!
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jmars-fanart · 4 months
2024 Exciting Update in Everything
It’s been a month! omg… When you start to be in a flow in doing everything, time flies and you wouldn’t even notice. I was like in a time machine again.
I remember it was the golden week, and when I was back to work, there were tons of task waiting to be done. And then my arm hurt and I didn’t know why. Luckily I had gotten my current work all done, so I decided to take some rest for my arm while I was to improve my productivity system and update everything for my art pages.
And it’s a month that has passed. I feel better with my arm now! And with the improved system, I feel like I can start to get more things done!
I've updated my Kofi goal and revamped my commission board and page! Prices unchanged and there will be a supporter discount and discount offer for Pokémon SV characters requests this summer! No new types added yet, but I’m exploring chibi style, sketch collage, and character design—
Especially character design, it’s the comms type I’ve always wanted to do! Just like concept designs I did for my original characters! I think I will open this type someday after I've posted and shared some art of my original characters! Stay tuned if you like my style for the concept designs or are interested in this comms type! I’ll make a pinned blog about my comms and things later!
Speaking of OCs, I’m planning more original content on my art pages, sharing what I’ve drawn for them and making new pieces about them. I’ve been talking about it but now I feel it’s time. Really excited and can’t wait for you to meet them! I didn’t really draw them all so this will go with some concept design process update, it must be fun to share!
Also, I decide to open a new blog for my original work! Actually, that was what I was doing with this blog at the beginning, though it ends up becoming a fanart-focused blog now. I will make this blog remain fanart-focused, sharing mine and rebloging others', and my fanfics will also be shared here.
Then I have to mention my King Mettaton story. I haven't given it up despite translation challenges and everything. I’m starting to think maybe I should share the fic even if it’s still untranslated. The translation softwares can help readers nowadays. After all, if I don't start sharing the story, no one will ever read and know the story. I finally got over my perfectionism I guess… I’ll urge myself that translating at least one sentence a day and call it still a progress, so someday I will eventually complete the fanfic translation. I will stick with the plan that sharing the story on Tumblr. But maybe also on Ao3? I’ve heard that is the site where most people share their fanfics, perhaps I could open an account there for my KMTT story and other fanfics too.
Lastly, I’m launching my Patreon! Some supportors suggested it, and I think it’s a good timing to make another fresh start for my artist journey, after I’ve made this far. Updates on Patreon will sync with Kofi, so you can support me on your preferred platform. I'm exploring more content and offer too!
Life gets busy, but connecting with you all and sharing art bring me joy! I just can’t imagine a life without all of these, so even though I’d be busy sometimes, I will always manage to come back no matter what happened! I’ll keep up the pace and be more active on here!
Stay tuned and thank you all for your support! 💖✨ As always, I'll give a shoutout to people who have financially supported me ☕️ You have my eternal gratitude for being part of my journey!
🌻 BridgeWowDah
🌻 Shell
🌻 Quinlynn Hayner
🌻 kazzyrus
🌻 v
🌻 Sophtopus
🌻 Ko‑fi Supporter
🌻 Timothy
🌻 MagicPenguin
🌻 Michelle
🌻 Dimitri
🌻 Amber "Blackjack" B.
If any other new ideas for the plan for my pages, I will keep updating this post!
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silvereestars · 1 year
My Interests!
Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m in/was into! (WARNING: Very long post ahead! If you want to see what fandoms I’m w/o the reading, just look at the tags!)
EDIT: NEVERMIND, THE TAG LIMIT FOILED ME /GEN /LH I am SO sorry, but the last few fandoms got cut out from the tag list! You’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to see them-
Crowned: These fandoms are VERY near and dear to my heart- and I’m ALWAYS willing to talk about them!
The Legend of Zelda: This is the fandom that introduced me to the internet back in 2019 (I’m a late bloomer, I know- XDDD), and kickstarted me making theories and analyses!
Friday Night Funkin: Hate it or love it, you can’t deny there are some amazing individuals out there! And for you modders out there, this game is actually heavily moddable- and one mod in particular was what caused FNF to blow up in the first place! This is actually the fandom I’m hyper fixating on right now-
Favorites: While they aren’t as important to me as the “crowned” ones, they still managed to hold my attention for a month or so- and that’s something to admire, considering how hyper my brain is!
Animator Vs Animation: This is the fandom that introduced me to Tumblr and AO3 back in the late summer of 2021- don’t worry, @ann-aha, you’re not alone! XDDD
Oh, and I can’t talk about “AvA” without mentioning the rest of the stick figure community! Shout out to Henry Stickmin, Rock Hard Gladiators/Hyun’s Dojo, Hyun, and Gildedguy! :D
Genshin Impact: Contrary to popular opinion, this game isn’t just for “nerds” or people who can afford to splurge thousands of dollars- I managed to complete the current (back then!) storyline as a free-to-player! While I’m not in the fandom anymore, at least give this one a chance?
Undertale: Ah yes, the funny skeleton man fandom /j /lh But seriously, this fandom isn’t all “Sans Fangirls”- just search up animations and artwork! Or, better yet- search up a full play through of the game (I recommend this order for newcomers- Neutral, Pacifist, Genocide) and let the story and gameplay do the talking! ^^
Just Shapes and Beats: Exactly what it says on the tin. Pro tip- once you’ve seen the full story mode, go check out KofiKrumble!
Minecraft: Of course I’d be into this fandom at some point, everyone will! I’m not into DreamSMP (please don’t kill me I’m just not interested in stuff like server-wide wars), but I AM fond of Hermitcraft and Empires!
Normal: I don’t really think about these fandoms too often, but they deserve a mention! 
Harry Potter
Voltron: Legendary Defender
My Hero Academia
The Owl House (hey, while this fandom isn’t one of my favorites, you bet I watched the finale and cried the whole time!)
Doki Doki Literature Club (somewhat- in my master post, I mentioned I hate horror, so I avoid gameplay and stick to tvtropes/summaries- sorry- ^^;)
Kipo & The Age of Wonderbeasts
How To Train Your Dragon
Marvel (The Avengers!)
Trollhunters (and the rest of the Tales of Arcadia! I LOVED that series- except for Rise of The Titans. We don’t talk about Rise of The Titans. /gen /lh)
Carmen Sandiego
“The Big Three”: These were the fandoms I was into as a little kid, and inspired me to start making fan fiction & headcanons!
Kung Fu Panda: Oh my god, I loved this series- and a 4th movie’s coming in 2024!
Big Hero Six: This is the OG- the first fandom I EVER got into! :D
Wakfu: Yugo accidentally inspired an OC (no info- yet! Not unless I learn how to draw!), so it’d be a crime to not include this fandom!
Well, I think that’s all- for now! If you want to learn about favorite characters, theories, head canons and the like- just ask! :D
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lovepmd · 1 year
I’m in the mood to wax nostalgic.
So like, this commercial for Explorers of Sky: https://youtu.be/0AGMgFPRxiQ?si=Cwa7klXbgUkJLLvI
It was my first ever exposure to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
I really, really wanted the game, but my mom bought the game for my older brother and I remember her sounding annoyed when she said “Fine, you two get the same game,” which discouraged me from getting it. (Now, as an adult, I get it. Don’t want to pay full price twice for the same product.)
My first experience actually playing PMD was with the demo dungeons you could get from Explorers of Sky with DS download play. I… wasn’t very good at it. See, I thought that I could close the message log by pressing A. I didn’t look at the controls on the top screen, so I just sat there mashing A, spamming the regular attack and getting beaten up by Snorlax. I even wrote about the experience like it was an excerpt from a book, with a drawing meant to be an illustration that had… more Snorlax than I actually encountered.
Another memory I have was absorbing bits and pieces of the story from what my older brother told me and drawing completely different conclusions. For example, when he told me “Grovyle is stealing Time Gears!” I got this idea in my head somehow that Grovyle was stealing them on behalf of some mysterious employer, and they were going to use them to take over the world. I even drew up a wanted poster for Grovyle of him holding a glowing, shapeless blob because I didn’t know what the Time Gears looked like. (I hadn’t even internalized “Time Gears” and called them “time things.” Which… yeah, I’d call what I drew a “thing.”) Man, if I still had them…
Being eight years old was a wild time.
Eventually, I think I was somewhere around ten or eleven, I discovered Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, and it became the first PMD game I actually played and finished. (Since I don’t know if I should count Sky as the first PMD game I played since I only played that demo.)
And the rest is history.
Oh, and the story about Explorers of Sky does have a happy ending: My older brother decided years down the line that he didn’t want it anymore and gave it to me for free! Thank God, because hunting down a physical copy nowadays is… a terrifying prospect. My first time playing EoS, he was around to hear me blab about things he already knew.
i don't think i've seen that/a commercial before for the series, not that i remember at least
that sounds like something i would do lol, just come to my own conclusions from the bits and pieces i heard
that is adorable though!
bit of my own here; while i did play some super smash bros and yoshi story and some other n64 games, blue rescue team was different cuz i played it 100% on my own, without my brother beating the game first or my brother playing along with me
i even tried to get him to help with me with it cuz it was too hard for my small brain to handle, but he didn't want to, and then i managed to eventually beat it
it was years and YEARS later that i even learned about all the post game stuff and the whole thing with gengar
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waywardstation · 3 years
Ingo-keshi Doll
Akari makes a special handmade gift for Ingo.
I made a post earlier about writings I had made, but this one slipped my mind until I opened my notes app to work on another fic.
It’s very short, but it’s finished, so I thought I would post it! It’s very simple, it involves Ingo, Akari, and Pokeshi dolls!
I also really like the thing everyone’s doing where they say they bring their Pokémon out to show to Ingo in their games, so I added a little of that too!
OR read it on AO3 here!
“Ingo, look!”
The warden turned towards Akari as she ran towards him across Jubilife’s training grounds.
By her excitement and her words, Ingo assumed Akari was coming to show him another Pokémon she caught.
The young girl had been doing that a lot lately, bringing a variety of different Pokémon to introduce to him, for different reasons.
Sometimes, she would bring him an extra round Spheal, or an excitable Cherrim, because “it’s so cute!!!”
Other times, she would bring out a rather large specimen of Shellos, or Goomy.
“Look at this one!” She would say. “They were the alpha of a group I found!”
And rarely, Akari would return to show him Pokémon he had not recalled seeing in the region before, like a Cranidos or a Porygon.
“They came from those Distortions!” she would explain.
But each time, Ingo congratulated her on her accomplishments, inspecting the Pokémon she would present as she would go on and on about them.
Akari enjoyed the praise she got whenever she showed Ingo a Pokémon she had caught that she was particularly proud of, and Ingo enjoyed the fact that he was the person that she wanted to share her accomplishments with. He started really looking forward to her visits to see what new Pokémon she had to show.
“Hello Miss Akari!” The warden greeted her as she reached him. He noted she had a hand behind her back, which was new. Curious…
“What new Pokemon do you have to show me today?”
“It’s not a Pokémon this time!” The young girl giggled, her smile even wider than usual. She seemed unusually excited.
Ingo’s curiosity only deepened.
Akari finally revealed what she had been hiding behind her back, holding it up for Ingo to see.
It was…a tiny wooden figure?
“I made it!” The girl explained. “It’s a Pokeshi doll! Anvin at the Craftworks shop showed me how to make them!”
Ingo gently took the figure and examined it, turning it around in his hands.
There were no sharp edges, everything had been smoothed nicely. The coats of paint were nice and even too.
Akari really had been making a lot of Pokeshi dolls to make one of such high quality.
That, or she was artistically gifted, which judging by the drawings he’d seen her add to her Pokédex, he wouldn’t doubt.
It had a coat that was painted black and red…was that his coat?
And that was his hat! It even had the emblem on it correctly detailed.
Akari had really made a pokeshi doll of him?
“They’re really fun to make, so I’ve been making a lot of them for people!” Akari told the warden as he admired her handiwork. “So I thought I’d make one for you too!”
Turning the figure back over, Ingo noticed the details in its face. The hair, the goatee…even the lines under his eyes(he wouldn’t have minded if she left that detail out though-). she got everything right!
Instead of an off-putting frown that he had partly expected though, the figure had been given a small smile.
Ingo’s heart filled with warmth, and his own neutral frown grew into a smile, mirroring the figure.
In all his time in Hisui, no one had ever given him anything as personal as this handmade gift.
“Bravo Miss Akari!” The warden exclaimed as he held the figure up. “Your handiwork is flawless! This figure looks just like me!”
“It’s like your little twin!” Akari clapped her hands, ecstatic at Ingo’s reaction to his gift.
The word “twin” tugged on Ingo’s brain unexpectedly, and his posture tightened, but soon the gratitude in the moment came back as the tug loosened its grip, fading back into obscurity with the rest of his lost memories.
“Thank you for this gift, Miss Akari,” Ingo spoke, shifting his focus from the figure to the young girl. “This is very special to me, and I will keep it safe!”
By the expression on Akari’s face, Ingo judged over the coming days, she would be making more Pokeshi dolls for him.
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ask-rp-devra · 4 years
A few more days passed, the whole island was preparing to lose two staff members for a short while so ther was a handful of new Pokemon squads on patrols, and a lot of handing over of work to Professor Grey and Pari who were happy to stay behind for the time being. Seeing as the trip to the Crown Tundra area in Galar was looming, peach had put in special permission to bring along Valka, her age and subsequently monstrous skill made her usually unable to travel, trained to a fine point, putting her in a gym battle or a league seemed very unfair, but the locals seemed to think she’d fit the bill, Professor Magnolia had mentioned the abundance of legendary Pokemon in the area, so it would seem wise to take along a Pokemon that was able to hold its own.
With bags packed and bodies in seats the woman and her apprentice began the trip back to Galar, not only to collect more data on the new areas, but also to gather Devra’s team mates up to bring back to the island. The flight back was fine, Peach slept, drooling a bit, legs tucked up in the plane seat, her single Pokemon stashed for the journey, it felt uncomfortable having Valka in her pokeball, it didn’t happen often.
Devra had spent most of her free time packing for the trip, and the rest of it bonding with the two Pokémon she’d be bringing to the tundra. She had to make sure Aliza and her newest Pokémon Coal were strong enough to hold up in the tundra. Fiona helped her load with training her daughter, trusting her human to take care of Aliza but also wanting to make sure she’d be okay too. Now that they were on the plane Devra sat in the window seat, watching the clouds go buy. As they got closer to landing she gently nudged Peach. “Professor? We’re almost there.” She then looked out again, excited to see her mom again, as well as all of her other Pokémon.
Peach grunted, awoke with a jolt, and looked around, dazed and somewhat still very asleep, looking rather disheveled. Drool sticking hair to her face, squinty tired eyes, and a miserable headache. Water and pills as she waited to get the green light to get off the plane, and finally see her partner again, the ball sat in her pocket, in her hand, waiting patiently.
by the time they had disembarked, got their luggage and had caught a flying taxi towards Devra’s home, they had been able to finally take in the scenery, and enjoy the view as they made their way back to postwick, a quiet little town full of wooloo keepers and families.
“you must be happy to get home, see the family, you’re old Pokemon.”
Devra had given the corviknight a warm hello when they were picked up, being familiar with his taxi team. “I’m super excited. I told mom we were coming the other day. I think she’s going to have tea and cake waiting for us. I think you’ll be happy for the tea. She says my Pokémon have all been keeping an eye out for me. I have a feeling there’s going to be a mob when I get of the taxi.” She laughed as she saw her house come into view, here eyes bright and happy.
The pair thanked the taxi driver, and his delightful Pokemon, watching them fly off, leaving them outside a quaint little home, the front door swinging open in haste, a woman stepping out, presumably Devra’s mother? Peach smiled a bit, trying to come off as pleasant, and let Dev take the lead here. In her pocket she could feel the pokeball shake, Val trying to get out.
“not yet bud, let’s just get settled, not long now.” She murmured very quietly, not drawing any attention to herself.
Devra glanced over at Peach, her own poke balls in hand. “You can let her out now Peach. Most of my guys know to be polite around new visitors.” She let out Coal and Aliza, the young ponyta snorting as she was finally able to stretch out. Devra quickly explained things to them before a loud cry was heard from the side of the house. “Oh boy...give me a second.” She got up and quickly put some space between the little group and the hoard of Pokémon coming at her. She soon disappeared in a mass of excited cries, her laugher still being heard.
This was...expected. Peach had caught Devra chatting on her phone across videos to a lot of these Pokemon, all shapes and sizes, so she took a perch on the fence out of the way, and let the mob rush over and get their affection out of their systems. The poor girl within the crowd was far from unhappy about it all, they seemed like relatively well behaved Pokemon. While the ruckus went on, she release her darling fire type, who shook her whole body thoroughly, hating the feel of pokeballs, sending little embers out of her fine fur, before seeing the group, and scaling a tree to be as far out of the way as possible. Peach looked up to her, a small almost unnoticeable grin on her face. “you’re probably right to get some distance, never been one for socialising hey buddy.” She grumbled, folded her legs up under her and sat like a loaf in the tree.
As Devra made her rounds through the mob, four figures bounded over to the grumpy woman. Two of them were applin, both rolling around at her feet. Then a smaller than normal dreepy floating slightly behind the excited little ponyta that stood happily in front of peach.
The quad of new and quite familiar Pokemon approached, Peach for once had no snacks in her pockets, fresh from the airport with its restrictions, she rummaged to no avail.
“ah sorry guys, I normally have snacks on me, I’ll have to go shopping sometime soon.” Instead holding her hand out to see if they wanted to sniff. The applin had her attention in particular, her trip to Galar was cut short due to a medical emergency back at the labs, so she never had a chance to catch any or observe them. “you’re all certainly very strong looking aren’t you.” The ponyta reminded her of home, in a weird way, growing up with the species just being around, she became use to them from an early age, though this youngster was Galarian and very different in appearance.
Devra looked over at peach and grinned, seeing her with four particular Pokémon. She managed to make her way over to the little group, her Gardevoir holding onto her harm as she went. “Looks like you met your surprise.”
“my what?” She was a little dense at times, head empty. By this point they’d gotten a bit closer to her, she had been able to pet them all a little, besides the Dreepy who was a little more shy from the looks of it. Val stayed high up and observed quietly, she was use to sharing her human, this was not new to her.
“Your surprise! You were so excited when you saw the Pokedex entries for applin, and curious about Dreepy. So I thought I’d get you a gift for all the help you’ve given me. The ponyta is kind of a bonus. The dreepy has gotten kind of attached to him, so I don’t think it would be smart to split them up.” She laughed as she was hugged buy the gallede as well, the two obviously fond of their human.
“wow, that’s really thoughtful of you, you know you didn’t have to do all this right? But thank you regardless.” Peach didn’t think she’d be getting a few team mates so fast, some may have to go home for now, they’d be too young for battling in the Crown Tundra just yet. “‘what do you all think then? You want to see if we get along? Don’t have to stick with me if you gave it a try and don’t enjoy it, but it’d be nice to get to know you all a lot more for sure.” She directed her questions to the Pokemon before her, not focusing on the little ghost type too much to not freak them out. It would certainly be nice to have the company, and there was no other fox pokemon so Val wasn’t bothered by their presence at all. With so many around it really felt a bit more like home.
Devra laughed as the applin bounced happily. “Oh don’t you worry. They’ve been super excited to meet you. I’ve been telling all about you and what you do for Pokémon. The dreepy has been excited too, but he’s just a little shy.”
“oh! So you all knew me before I even knew you, well that explains why you all came over so quickly.” The woman laughed a bit, noticing Val descend from the tree behind them, sitting bout a meter back from the others, there was a shimmer you could almost not notice around her, she was putting up a barrier to give herself some space, but seemed rather calm and not at all in discomfort around these new faces. Peach shifted to the side a bit, gesturing to her beloved partner. “well then everyone, meet Valka, she’s...well, family. hopefully you’ll all get along and learn a lot from each other. If you’re worried or want some advice, please ask me or Val and we’ll try to help.” Her attention shifted to the Dreepy who was still hiding a bit behind the Ponyta.
“‘Ah, and don’t worry little guy-“ her eyes glanced about secretively, trying to be a little less scary with her expressions, softening as she whispered a little to him. “‘you and me can be shy together, I’m not great with big crowds or lots of eyes on me either. If you ever think it’s too much for you, you can hide behind me and I’ll scare off whoever’s bothering ya, I’ll be the brave one when you can’t.” She did laugh, this wasn’t the first shy Pokemon she’d had to handle, and they had a lot of love to give normally, just took time to get them comfortable. Her attention now off of him, she let Val so her usual thing, advance to the group, sit in her lap, and discuss with the others, get ting to know them a bit. One applin seemed happy to crawl up onto the professors shoulder, the other wiggling up next to her leg where she sat.
“‘honestly Dev they’re all darlings, I’m sure we’ll all get along great in time.”
She grinned happily as she watched Peach with the little group. “I’m really glad it worked out. I was a little nervous that they still might be too shy. Well, besides the dreepy. Oh!” She dug in her bag and pulled out an odd looking apple. “I almost forgot this! It’s a Sweet Apple. You can use it to evolve one of the applin into an appleton.” There was a happy rumble from behind her as her own Appleton stepped forward. “There’s another apple called a Tart apple that can get you a flapple like mine too. But I haven’t been able to find one yet.”
The mention of the specific fruits found in Galar caught the professors attention, also noticing the big rounded Pokemon approach upon seeing it. The Appleton was actually surprisingly small for a dragon type, shin height, and possibly the cutest looking thing peach had seen in a while. She accepted the fruit thankfully and had to look it over, sniffing it, and all too tempted to take a bite to figure out what it’d be best suited to, from the name, it’d be a really good eating apple, the tart one however would be a cooking sort no doubt.
“ill have to keep my eye out, I must have missed this all last time I was here, good thing you kept your eyes peeled for this.” She let everyone of the new youngsters around her have a chance at looking over the apple too, even Val took a sniff. It was always good to let them see as much of the world as possible, and all the items it contained.
“Maybe one of the pair will like the chance to evolve one day, they’ve probably had time while staying here to meet your pair of Pokemon who chose to evolve, so who knows.” She looked to the two Applin who she had become very fond of quite quickly, they had surprisingly big personalities for such small species, giving each other grief at any given opportunity, like bickering siblings. “they’ll figure it out when they are ready.”
She smiled as she glanced back at the house, waving to her mom as she came to meet them now that the chaos had settled down. “My moms name is Olivia by the way. Not sure if I told you that.”
“you did not.” She said matter of factly, and stood to greet the woman who looked very happy to see her daughter. The woman herself had a fair bit of resemblance to Devra, they shared a few mannerisms too peach noticed while offering a smile and a handshake, which did slightly throw Olivia, she had intended to go for a hug, but saw the social queue and changed it up.
“it’s really nice to meet you, you’re daughters been a real asset out in Johto, you should come and visit her some time perhaps, see what she gets up to.”
Olivia smiles warmly at Peach as she shook hands with her. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you as well Professor. Devra has told me so much about you and the island. I’ll have to make a trip out some time. I’ve been meaning to take a holiday for some time now.” She then turned to her daughter and gave her a massive hug, inviting both of them inside for a rest before they continued their trip.
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
A Little Curiousity
Idol: Heejin (Loona)
Prompt: Guys! Can u do smth like a AU with Heejin where the reader and Heejin are POKEMON TRAINERS!!(im rly hyped about the new pokemon games!!!) Where her pokemon got lost in the woods and the reader helps her find her pokemon and decide to continue their path to the Pokemon League together!
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I just finished playing Pokémon Shield on my Switch and I’m still super excited about it since it was so fun, so I thought I’d try my hand at this prompt! Please forgive me if my writing isn’t the greatest, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
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Heejin wouldn’t normally consider herself a slow or inattentive person. After all, being a trainer had heightened her senses and made her pay more attention to her surroundings. But she had been in the middle of setting up her tent when it happened, too distracted with her full hands to react fast enough. She hadn’t even noticed Star, her Raboot, curiously approaching the tree as she focused on getting her tent up before the approaching clouds could open their floodgates.
She hadn’t noticed until the sky lit up with lightening, the ground shook with the force of the thunder, and he let out a loud squeak just as something hit the grass. At the squeak, she had turned just in time to see him dash off into the woods after a very large, very startled Skwovet, leaving her and the rest of her team to stare after him.
“Star! Stop!” She’d called after him, but it was too late. By the time she had jumped to her feet, he was gone and the skies opened, pouring a heavy rain down onto the campsite. She had only taken a moment to corral her team into the tent and tell them to stay before she ran after him, but he was already long gone.
Now she was soaked through and gasping for air, her new boots covered in thick mud as she stopped to catch her breath under a huge oak.
“Stupid Skwovet, how did it just jump out of nowhere like that?” Heejin huffed and stomped her foot as she looked around, squinting through the rain. “Star! Come here!” A distant roar answered her call and she shivered, clutching the Pokeball at her side that contained her Mubray Champion, the only companion she’d thought to bring with her in her haste. God, this was so stupid. She was going to catch a cold wandering around out here. Thankfully she’d left her backpack with her clothes at the tent so she could change when she got back.
She went to take a step forward, then froze. Her tent. Where was it again? A bit frantic, she looked around, but all the trees just looked the same, especially under the heavy rain. Gulping, she glanced back at her footprints. Would she be able to follow them back?
Half of her wanted to run back the way she’d come, but she knew that she couldn’t leave Star out there alone. Groaning, she wiped at her face with the back of her hand, swearing to herself that she was going to get a leash the next time they were in town. There was no way she was going to let this happen again. She was miserable as she started forward again, cursing everything. Stupid rain, stupid Skwovet, stupid curious Raboots, stupid woods-.
“Hey, are you okay?” The voice that came from deeper inside the woods made her jump and stop in her tracks again, her head swiveling around to try and find where it came from. “I heard you out here in the rain so I came to see if everything was alright. You’re totally soaked!”
She found herself looking to her right and watching as you stepped out of the darkness, an umbrella over your head and your eyes wide and concerned. For a moment, she was apprehensive, until she noticed that the belt around your waist was full of Pokeballs and you had a Pumpkeboo trailing after you, peeking at her from over your shoulder. Somehow, you seemed a bit familiar as well, but she couldn’t tell why. Not through the rain and the darkness that lingered in the woods at all hours of the day.
A quick glance down at herself had her feeling embarrassed and she let out a soft laugh, pushing her wet hair away from her face. “Well, I don’t know. My Raboot ran off into the woods while I was setting up camp and now I can’t find him in the downpour.”
Your frown was sympathetic as you stepped forward, close enough to cover her with your umbrella. Now that she wasn’t moving, she realized how cold she was, making her shiver again. Your frown only deepened. “You aren’t going to be able to find anything in this downpour. Why don’t you come over to my camp? It’s right back through these trees here. I’ll give you some of our curry and you can warm up by the fire while we try to figure out how to find that Raboot of yours.”
For a moment, she hesitated, before realizing that you were right. She could barely see anything and Star wasn’t going to come out from wherever he was hiding until the rain ended. “You’re right. Thank you,” she said, a grateful smile stretching over her lips as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. “I owe you one. My name is Heejin, by the way.”
You smiled in return as you started to guide her back the way you came. “I’m (Y/N), and don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do for a fellow trainer. You’re trying to get your gym badges, aren’t you?”
With a raise of her eyebrows, she asked you how you knew, drawing a laugh from your lips.
“I’m a trainer too and I’ve seen you at the past few gyms. You always challenge right before me, so I’ve seen you fight a few times. You’re really good!”
“Oh, thank you.” Her face burnt a bit at the praise, but she was thankful for the warmth so she didn’t turn away. Instead, she studied your face, before her eyebrows raised in recognition. “That’s why you looked a bit familiar to me! I’ve definitely seen you at the gyms before. Although I guess I’ve never seen you fight,” she said sheepishly, making you laugh again.
“That’s okay, like I said, I’ve been after you, so I wasn’t expecting you to stick around and watch every round. Not while there’s still so many of us challengers. It’s nice to officially meet you though.”
“Same to you, although I wish we’d met under slightly less.... Wet conditions.”
“True. Oh, we’re here!” The trees disappeared suddenly, giving way to a small clearing just big enough for a campsite, where your other Pokémon ran over to great you. You had your tent set up and your curry cooking, and she felt her stomach grumble. It had been a long day, and even though she’d given her team berries to tide them over until dinner earlier, she hadn’t eaten in a while.
“Come over here and warm up,” you told her, guiding her under your makeshift shelter by the fire before closing your umbrella and going about filling up a plate. With a happy sigh, she leaned closer to the fire and smiled at your Vulpix as it wandered closer, sharing its warmth. As she let Champion the Mudbray out to run around with your team, you approached her with the plate. “Here, have some of this.”
The curry was spicy, and she let out a hum as she swallowed her first bite. “That’s delicious!”
“Thank you,” you said, a smile stretching over your face as you sat down and let the Vulpix climb into your lap and snuggle close. “I’m glad you like it. Most of my experience is in cooking for Pokémon, so I’m always a little worried that it might not be edible for humans.”
It was her turn to laugh before she took another bite, already feeling warmer. Before she knew it, she had already finished the plate and she felt warm inside and out, most likely thanks to the extra heat Vulpix had added to the fire. The rain had let up as well, and there was a bit of sun peeking through the clouds as the downpour turned into a tiny drizzle.
“I can’t thank you enough,” she said earnestly, “I feel a bit guilty for taking up your time,” but you waved a hand, dismissing her guilt.
“Don’t worry about it, Heejin. I’m glad I was able to help.” You looked out at the woods. “Now that you aren’t going to freeze to death and it’s no longer raining, we should start looking for your Raboot.”
Her stomach dropped and she sighed, placing her plate down and standing up. “I feel terrible for leaving him out there in the rain.”
“It’s not your fault, you couldn’t find him,” you soothed, putting Vulpix down and standing up as well. “I’m sure he was able to find shelter in plenty of time. Pokémon are animals, after all. They’re good at surviving the elements.”
“That’s true. But I still want to find him as quickly as possible.”
“Then let me help.” You whistled, getting the attention of the Pokémon. “Come on guys, let’s go find Heejin’s Raboot!” Turning back to her, you raised your eyebrows. “Does he have a name?”
“Yes, his name is Star. You don’t have to do this, you know. I don’t want to be a bother.”
“But I want to.”
Something in her heart fluttered at your words and she felt her cheeks flushing. “Oh. Well then, thank you again (Y/N). His name is Star. Hopefully he’ll come out now that’s it’s not raining as much anymore.”
The ground was still muddy, but the trickle of sunlight made it easier to say and, without the drumming of the rain, it was easier to hear all the different sounds of the forest. With Champion trotting behind her and you by her side, Heejin made her way back into the woods, calling for Star. She had to admit that having you by her side made her feel a lot better: the various sounds from other wild Pokémon didn’t scare her as much anymore. No matter what was out there, surely the two of you would be able to take it. It gave her more bravery to search, and search she did, looking anywhere she thought Star might hide.
“Star, come here! It’s not raining anymore, you can come out now!” Crouching down, she peered into another den, only to quickly back away at the sight of a sleeping Bunnelby and sigh. “Where is he? Maybe he went back to camp?” She stood and dusted off her still-damp pants, about to suggest that the two of you try to find your way back to her camp before you let out a gasp.
“Heejin, I think I found him!” At your call, she spun around to see you peering up into a short berry tree, your eyes wide. “Hey little guy, how did you get up there?”
Heejin broke into a run, clearing the short distance in no time with her heartbeat spiking in her chest. Sure enough, when she looked up she saw Star shivering and clutching at the branch he sat on, his little ears wet from the rain and his eyes quivering. “Star! Oh my god, you scared me!”
The little Raboot sniffed and glanced away, trying to look cool, but she could see him shaking. With a relieved smile, she reached up to pull him down and clutched him close to her chest. “Don’t ever do that again! I know you’re getting bigger, but what if you had run into a big wild Pokémon? Poor baby, you’re soaked through.” She quickly unzipped her coat to wrap it around him before zipping it back up, and he snuggled closer to her chest, obviously exhausted. With an affectionate, yet long-suffering sigh, she pet his little head. “I’ll cook your favorite curry when we get back, okay? It’ll warm you right back up.”
When she looked up, you were looking at her with a similar affection twinkling in your eyes, your hands in your pockets.
“Thank you so much again for finding him,” she said, shaking her head. “I should have known he’d be up in a tree looking for food.”
“How did he even get up there?” You looked back up at the branch he’d been sitting on, looking a bit incredulous. “I’ve never heard of Raboots climbing trees, that’s for sure. I just happened to look up and see a flash of red and white.”
She laughed, still softly petting his head. “He’s too adventurous for his own good. Add that to his endless energy, his speed and constant growing, and his huge appetite, and you get a Raboot with no problem getting into trees. He doesn’t climb as much as he runs and jumps.”
“Oh, that makes more sense.” Your smile returned and she felt her heart flip as your eyes met hers, the spark of affection still lingering. “I’m glad you found him. I can’t imagine how scary it is to loose a Pokémon.”
“I acted annoyed, but I was really scared,” she admitted. “I don’t know what I’d do without this little guy. He was my first Pokémon ever.”
“I can tell how close you guys are. It’s cute.” You grinned and her cheeks warmed again as she watched the sun slip in through the leaves to light up your face. It was like the universe was asking her to fall for you or something.
“I-I... Thank you?” She let out a nervous giggle, then perked up at the familiar sound of her Liepard’s call. It was somewhere close by, which meant that her camp wasn’t far away! “Champion, can you lead the way back?” He gave her a little nod of his head before she turned to smile brightly at you. “My camp is close by, why don’t I give you some potions as a thank you?”
“Oh, you don’t have to!” Your eyes widened as you waved your hands. “I just wanted to help, I didn’t want anything in return!”
“Still, I want to do something to return your kindness. I’m really glad I ran into you out here.”
Your face immediately softened at her words and you fell into step beside her, a small smile on your lips. “You know, I always wanted to approach you at the gyms, but I was too nervous.”
“Really?” Her mouth dropped open. “Why?”
“You seemed to be so good, so confident, so, um, pretty,” you blushed as you spoke, looking down at your shoes. “I was intimidated by you, honestly. But now I see that I should have approached you sooner.”
“I can’t see myself be intimidating,” she said, still shocked, before her lips turned up into a hopeful smile. “Want to make our way to the next gym together? It would be nice to have some company on the journey, and I want to get to know you better.”
You visibly perked up at her suggestion, just as Champion broke through the woods into her camp, returning to the happy calls of her team. The sun was bright as the two of you stepped into the clearing, and your eyes sparkled in the light as you beamed at her, making her heart skip more than just one beat.
“I’d love that!” You exclaimed, and her smile stretched to match yours, all of the fear, and cold from earlier being replaced by an excitement that lit a fire in her chest, different from the competitive determination she’d felt at the beginning of her journey.
“Great! This is going to be so much fun, I just know it.”
As she placed a sleeping Star into her tent and covered him with a blanket, listening to you coo at her other Pokémon, she couldn’t feel the annoyance she’d felt earlier, forgetting her promises to scold him when she found him. Instead, she pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before sitting back to admire you, full of anticipation for the future.
“I never thought I’d say this, Star,” she said in a whisper as she stood up to head back out to you, head already spinning with plans of what she wanted to do with you. “But I’m so glad that you’re the curious type. I’ll cook you something nice to thank you for this when you wake up. I have a feeling that this is going to be big!”
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skytroops · 2 years
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he doin sum gay gazing
Despite getting top surgery, it took a long time for Skye to gather the courage to be shirtless around others. There were times he would take his shirt off while working at home, but he avoided being seen. As much as he wanted to be just like all the other guys around him, he knew that his scars would make it obvious that he was trans and he. . .doesn’t want people to know. Not when there’s people like Megan out there.
It isn’t until he starts HRT and starts seeing gender-affirming changes in himself (and the burning jealousy he feels whenever he’s around kiawe and prof kukui) when he feels brave enough to try being shirtless. His first step, he decides, would be showing Ash as he is the only other person in Alola he trusts with such a vulnerable task.
He’s embarrassed when he tells Ash what he wants to do, but admits that he feels weird about doing it in a place someone may walk in on them. Ash doesn’t get the implication of undressing in private with your partner usually meant (of course he doesn’t,,), but he’s more than happy to be a supportive boyfriend and offers to take Skye to the island he and Pikachu went to once.
They head to the island the next day and after some awkward stalling involving getting Ash to go first, Skye takes his shirt off. He immediately wants to run and hide but he manages to keep steady, even when he sees Ash stare at him for a little too long.
On Ash’s side of things, he’s surprised to finally see the results of the top surgery. He remembers Skye being in the hospital and the weeks of recovery when they had only just started dating. He notices Skye becoming increasingly uncomfortable, so he tries to distract Skye by leading him to the meadow in the middle of the island to show him all of the Pokemon that live there.
It takes some time, but the initial fear fades as Ash shows him around and gets introduced to the Pokémon Ash had befriended. He starts to have fun and feels like a giant weight is being lifted from his shoulders. Like he’s finally able to be a guy without worrying about how others perceive him. Like he was him.
Skye rides his gender high long into the afternoon, even when they take a rest at the beach after taking a swim. This is when Ash finally takes a moment to take in Skye’s uncharacteristic giddiness. He thinks about the hospital again, about the needles, about all the things Skye had to go through to get where he is right then. And he looks at Skye again, practically feeling the happiness radiating off of him. Joy looks good on him. Ash wishes he could be this happy forever.
Slowly been doing my watercolour project throughout May. Still not finished, but almost there! I was gonna post them in order, but gave up on it pffMaybe I'll post one a day so that I don't spam and get content out during Pride Month, as almost every watercolour is about the gheys lol
I've been trying to draw this scene for a while, but the perspective and Skye's posing always didn't turn out the way I wanted it. It still didn't in this version, but fuck it it's done and traditional art be wonky.I decided that I'd try practicing the OG Sugimori style around halfway through the project, so expect a lot of them to look like this.
I've drawn Skye suffering due to his gender dysphoria many times, so it's good to draw him experiencing gender euphoria and being happy about his identity.
ya just need good trans vibes sometimes
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dwollsadventures · 4 years
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An idea for a redesign of The Crown Tundra's three main legendary pokémon: Calyrex, Glastrier, and Spectrier. While I think the idea of fusing two legendary pokémon together to get a whole (*cough* Kyurem *cough*) is cool, the application with these three seems a little off. As other people online had noted, the two steeds look a little too plain; not fantastical enough to really sell them as pokémon by themselves. And the fusion aspect also does not work well. Calyrex's color scheme is just too different from the others to really blend together in a visually pleasing way. As well as it just sitting on them like a rider being a kind of lazy way to work with it... Which is where this comes in. The main goal was to combine them in a way that retained their original designs while also smoothly transitioning from one to the other. The original idea actually came from a leak before the expansion's release. All that was noted was that there were two horses: black and white. With Calyrex, it made it sound as though there was a chess theme involved. A king and two knights. There wasn't, but I think incorporating that makes for a better overall design. Calyrex's new design isn't all that different. By removing its arms and legs, it makes him look like a chess piece, a knight as well as a king. How they fuse with the horses was an idea from my childhood: where was the rest of the horse? Because chess knights are just the head of a horse, where's its body? Thus we get the two steeds being headless horses. Normally Calyrex acts as the head and makes the decisions, but when separated they're wild and unruly. They're literally brainless monsters. When fusing, Calyrex's bottom bit slots into the horses' necks, fusing them together with only a single seamline. In addition, I thought it best to change the rider's color scheme to match the steed it's on. Other things connect the two pokémon: Calyrex's cape melds into the mane of the horse and its crown antler-things fuse together, making either a crown of ice or spectral smoke. Or bones. I didn't really have time for the other. If I were behind the marketing, I'd call the complete fusions Calyrex "White Knight" and "Black Knight". Perhaps the execution was a bit off for this is as well... I'm not good at completely on-model drawing like Pokémon tends to do. If you're a better artist than me and want to draw these, please tag me! Not because I want credit, I just want to see this idea fully realized.
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lunathewafflelord · 4 years
The Pokémon Game That Changed My Life
I’ve been wanting to make a post about how Pokémon BW helped me deal with a tough time for a while now, and I figured that since I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about the game that it’d be a good a time as any.
I’d like to warn that this story talks about child abuse and PTSD. This is something that actually happened to me, and I’d appreciate it if people didn’t make jokes in the comments about what happened.
With that being said, let’s get started~
Something that many people here know is that I have autism, but what a lot of people DON’T know is I am an abuse victim as a result of it. Growing up I was always forced into “autism programs” which were meant to “help” kids with autism, but instead they were practically tortured for misbehaving, yet they come up with poor excuses defending why what the teachers did was right. Because of these horrid experiences, I developed extreme PTSD and anxiety disorder, and I had trouble trusting people.
Sound familiar?
Well, on Scratch’s Pokémon Topic there was a person who absolutely LOVED Pokemon Black and White. I had been wanting to get another Pokémon game, so I decided “okay sure, I’ll get that one next” because she really liked it and I thought it’d be fun to check it out.
If only I knew at that time what would happen.
So one day after “school” we stopped by a nearby GameStop and I bought the game. After I transferred the Pokémon from the existing save file to Pokémon Bank, I reset the game and started playing. It was an amazing experience, and I was looking forward to meeting this “N” character said person was so into.
After finally encountering him, I thought what he was saying was weird. I kept on playing, and slowly understood more and more.
Eventually, I realized that N was an abuse victim just like me, for similar reasons too. We were both hurt for being “different”, and developed social anxieties. We were both closed off from the rest of the world, with our only friends being pets/Pokémon, and we were never able to experience things other kids were able to do just because we were “different”. I posted this on my unovamemes sideblog, but I theorize N has autism just like I do, which adds to my connection.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but this game was helping me cope with my PTSD. I would think of the characters and they’d bring me comfort. Over time, rather than drawing ponies a lot like I used to I began drawing N and Reshiram all the time. I have so many detailed drawings of N, but most of them haven’t been shared publicly yet. It wasn’t until last month that I realized why I was doing this.
It occurred to me that N was helping me cope with my PTSD and anxiety. I would think to myself “N went through this, and so can I” or “what would N do in this situation?” I began seeing things in a different way, and became more self aware.
I even had dreams of me being in the Pokémon world, and being friends with N and other characters from the games. But mostly N. Sometimes I’d have lucid dreams, which for those who don’t know are dreams where you’re aware that you’re dreaming so you can control what happens in some way. In these lucid dreams, I was able to control myself but the characters were out of my control, so it was like I was really in the game’s universe with them.
All of these dreams made me so happy, and thinking of what goes on in them makes me smile. Sure, there’s some *weird* moments like N and Colress kissing after I reunited them (no, I don’t ship this.), but then there’s also really cool moments, like having Pokémon battles together or solving mysteries.
So, over time, I sort of considered N to be like an older brother to me, someone I’d seek help from when having a bad day. After reaching the end of the first game after THREE YEARS, N’s farewell nearly brought a tear to my eye (though I was mostly in shock that I finally beat Dennis, I had been struggling with that fight for such a long time). The one who I had considered a friend throughout my entire journey, even if we weren’t always on the same side, was leaving for two years because he had been hurt so much. I knew that he’d be okay because I knew some of the sequel’s storyline, but it was still so sad. I was scared for him. What if he got hurt again?
Then, he said the famous “dream your dream” speech.
I’ve had the same goal in life ever since I was a small child: being a professional animator. I’ve always wanted to share my stories with the world in the form of animated cartoons. What N said really spoke to me, as if he was telling me that I could live my true goal in life. I knew it was just some prewritten dialogue being spoken by a fictional character, however it really spoke to me.
I never knew one game would change my life so much.
Thank you, Game Freak, for helping me deal with such horrible things.
I’ve slowly been recovering now that I’m in a better school, however the pandemic has been making things harder as I have to do school from home. But N and the rest of the characters from the game have been there for me, as well as my friends on Scratch who would laugh at my N lettuce hair jokes. All of you were there supporting me when I needed it the most.
Even though the game was challenging at times (Elesa, the Elite Four, the fricking annoying (redacted bad word) Ghetsis), it brought such a feeling of satisfaction when I was finally able to beat them.
If you ever deal with something as horrible as I did, don’t do things alone. Seek help. Even if it is a fictional character, they might be able to help you get through it, just like N helped me with my anxieties.
There’s much more I’d like to add, but this post is long enough as is. But I hope that my story inspires you, or at least makes you understand how much this game helped me.
Signing off
-Luna M.
(Also, please message me if you ever want to talk about Pokémon! I need more people to talk about it with)
(Oh, and N’s farewell was stuck in my head while writing this. That song is beautiful but I sort of ruined it for me by using it in a memorial video for my cat. Now whenever I hear it I think of my cat’s death. 14 YEAR OLD ME WHY DID YOU DO THAT. Well, my N figure helped me feel better about losing her so there’s that)
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