#I’ll post a picture later depending on how far I get :)
tacit-semantics · 10 months
Practicing mammen stitch and dropping stitches like FLIES baby increase the decrease. Etcetera.
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intothedysphoria · 5 months
Depending on your point of view, coming across Billie Hargrove’s Instagram account was either the best or the worst thing to ever happen in Stevie’s life.
Stevie didn’t even know that butches could have long hair but this one did. Granted in a douchey eighties mullet type of way. She also had a very pronounced six pack which she was not attempting to hide in any of her photos. Crystal blue eyes. A winning smile. Shit.
Billy, they/she, basketball stan and cringe Judith Butler supporter- 60% girl, 40% something else-meanest lesbian ever
Over the course of about three weeks, Stevie had looked over that profile at least six times a day. They were mesmeric and Stevie found herself wanting to be consumed. She’d never felt this way about a boy before. Not even Tommy Hagan who she’d dated for over a year before they split. And Billy was in fucking L.A. Nothing was ever going to happen between them.
Still, she found herself sliding into their DMs just before going to get her hair done. Nothing too I’ll-stab-you-and-keep-your-body-in-the-basement but like casual. Maybe a little flirty. They didn’t seem like they had a girlfriend.
What she ended up messaging was “hi Billie! You don’t know me but I love your jeans where did you get them from ☺️”
Smooth Stevie. Very smooth.
She couldn’t even talk to her hairdresser during her hair appointment because she was so embarrassed by what she’d done. A small part of her genuinely considered setting her phone on fire until she checked it again after her highlights were in.
Incredibly surprisingly to Stevie, Billie responded and not even that, responded very positively indeed.
It was all Hey pretty girl and smirking emojis and I got my jeans from this underground thrift store or whatever and Stevie didn’t exactly take any of the information in because she was so incredibly flustered.
If she flattered herself, Stevie knew she was pretty. She knew she had big eyes and glossy hair and full lips which usually led to a line of guys queuing up for a shot. Billie wasn’t like any of those frat guys she was used to or the pretentious hipsters she’d dated later on in college. If there was chasing that was going to be done, Stevie was going to have to do it herself.
A gratifying squirm started in her gut the next day, when she realised that Billy had followed her back. Stevie may have been far too chickenshit to actually message her back but still. Progress was progress.
They danced around talking for a bit. Billie always liked her stories but there was never actually any flirting. Just a palpable tension. Something waiting to begin.
Stevie was not a patient woman. So she decided to push it forward a little.
Posting a thirst trap wasn’t something Stevie had done since she was bored during lockdown but how hard could it be? It had to be like riding a bike or some shit. So she just uploaded a couple of pictures, no overthinking it.
After deleting about thirty different messages from guys, all of whom were being creeps in different ways, Stevie finally got to the message she hoped she’d get from Billie. For all the anxiety leading up to it, the actual content was remarkably short.
Cute 💖😙
Robin picked up after the third ring. Judging by the time of her voice, Stevie had definitely woken her up from a nap. Whoops.
“What the fuck is it dingus?” Ouch.
Stevie tried to answer without sounding like an absolute moron.
“Robin how do you know if a lesbian is flirting with you?”
The long silence indicated to Stevie that she’d absolutely sounded like a moron.
“What did she say dingus?”
Stevie told her then she hung up. Which seemed harsh.
Billie messaged again the following day. Again it was brief.
Sorry if I misread. I’ll leave you alone now.
Stevie had never scrambled to reply to a message as fast in her life. Begging Billie not to leave, she wasn’t very good at this type of flirting but she wanted to try.
Billie seemed a lot less bummed after that. And much flirtier. They’d explained about their ocd, the constant fear of being creepy or a bad person stopping her from messaging Stevie more. But now that they were talking they could try. If Stevie wanted.
Stevie did want. She wanted very much.
And when finally visited Billy one person about five months later and they were doing dumb first date stuff, being in love, she thought that was a pretty good story to tell their grandkids about how they’d met.
Embarrassing. But good.
@shieldofiron @dragonflylady77 @oopsiedaisiesbaby @thatgirlwithasquid @robthegoodfellow
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My Big Theories (so far at least :p)
hey there lovely theorists! It’s your favorite alphanumerical speculator (or maybe there’s some other guy named Fivesy doing it better than me idk) here with my main theories about the @ask-kankri ask blog!! Now before we get started, pretty much every trigger warning that comes with the aforementioned blog comes with this post as well, so be wary of such topics and read their pinned post! :) now on to my theories!
Whoops, My Fingers Slipped While I Was Holding An Orbitoclast, And Now My Kismesis Is Lobotomized And Going To Be My Wife Now (Theory 1)
my first theory, Cronus straight up lobotomized Kankri. In the posts about Cronus and Kankri’s wedding, Kankri looks dazed and confused(see figure one), and even gets a nosebleed later on. (See figure two.)
figure one:
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figure two:
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later on, we can see that Kankri started acting strange seemingly out of absolutely no where, with Mewlin saying “Last time i saw him, he couldn’t walk in his own! Days befurr (before) he was marching arnyaound (around) like nobody’s business!”. Speaking of this post, especially this ask, the asker compares Cronus and Kankri’s relationship with Kurloz and Mewlin. This is something i find intriguing and will explore in another post. I believe the reason for Kankri’s strange, out of it behavior is due to the lobotomy. Lets fast forward a bit, to the ask about Cronus’s wand. This is Cronus’s wand.
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This is an orbitoclast. (Tool used for transorbital lobotomies)
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hmmm. Not identical, but close enough to raise reasonable suspicion. (Notably the orbitoclast is thinner and supposedly longer.) Cronus says he uses this to “get rid of Kankri’s headaches”. He also notes it comes with side effects. (Pictures below this.)
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look at the wand a bit closer, here I’ll zoom in for you.
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UHM. CRONUS..? The mysterious substance on the wand appears to be blood. Oof. Poor Kanny. Continuing on with our theory, on the ask asking what Cronus does with this wand, we get this image.
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Let’s zoom and enhance on that book right there, shall we?
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A bit more.
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Peeerfeeectttt. this is the homestuck wiki page about Jujus, the magic item with magical properties that depend on the Juju (i thiiiink.) let’s focus on the Lollipop juju for now. We can see Kankri and Aradia (or as Kankri calls her “the lotus girl”, but we’ll talk about this title later in this post) talking about this specific Juju. We also see Meenah saying that she is going to kill Cronus, and that Aradia knows how to fix Kankri.
“so then Foursy, what’s your point!” Meenah is going to fail to assasinate Cronus. Cronus knows about the plan. Kankri will possibly be fixed. (See image below)
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No eye swirlies? Looking suspiciously aware? Dressing more baggy? Hmmmm. Anyways, for now that’s my theory. I’ll expand on this later and reveal my second theory a few days after whenever the next ask comes out so I’ll have more lore to base it on.
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
Prostheses in Media - Historical standpoint
So I let the request I received about misconceptions in media for a few weeks because I wanted to answer the question adequately. My ultimate goal is to write information respectfully and ethically. I am nervous posting this and I hope I do it justice. However, I will listen to the community, especially about modern-day prostheses. I defer to them. This took days to complete. Please like and reblog if you liked it. It’s the only feedback I get and encourages writers like me to continue.
Some of the information is a little graphic, but I tried to stay away from that as much as possible. Spoilers for Agent Carter, Game of Thrones, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Boardwalk Empire. I’m so sorry for the wonky photo sizes, but tumblr keeps fighting my edits. Historically, people/shows underestimate how wildly different prosthetics can be. Some can be very cumbersome, but some are quite advanced in comparison to other fields of medicine at their time. The first plastic limbs were designed around the 1940s and, in some countries, far later than the 40′s leading some people to use wooden prostheses. It depended on economic status and the resources medical professionals could access. However, we also have evidence of very advanced Egyptian prosthetics and Medieval metal prosthetics, so I think some of these prosthetics were cumbersome but still relatively advanced. I'm not sure if Tumblr will flag me if I post the picture, but it's in the link.
As far as historical characters, that's difficult to analyze because I feel prostheses are featured more prominently in fantasy or sci-fi worlds where you can't measure that to real-life standards. I am sure some old movies and books demonstrate these issues I am unaware of. Fictionally, I felt Agent Carter did a great job depicting disability. Daniel Sousa has a prosthetic and walks with a crutch. The other agents at the SSR agency completely underestimate him, exclude him, make extremely ableist comments, and sometimes even get physical, such as pushing/crowding him out of the way. Sousa has some amazing comments about this in the early episodes of season 1, where he talks about how everyone cheers the soldiers returning home for a few days and then essentially ignores those who did not return the "same" way, whether that is physically like Sousa or mentally struggling like Jack Thompson. 
One quote:  "They weren't clapping for me. They were clapping for this and this. Clapping because I make them feel guilty, and they want to feel good. You think because I'm wearing a suit and I got a clean shave, we're different? We're not. We're both people nobody cares about.” Sousa is below Yes, I suck at sizing pictures. I’ll edit it once I can fix my resizing. :/ Don’t worry, you’ve read the longest part. The rest is pics with tidbits.
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Picture above from 1947 of WWII vets looking at various prostheses. From the “Every Body” Smithsonian exhibit. Very cool site!
I think people don't know that there are actually tons of different types of prosthetics. I have read of early breast reconstruction surgery, but academically, there are a lot of arguments about whether rebuilding breast tissue is a prosthetic or plastic surgery. Plastic surgery has an early connection with prosthetics. For example, right around World War I, facial prosthetics were considered a massive breakthrough. It literally transformed people's lives. I don't know how much I can say without Tumblr flagging me because it is so incredibly graphic. 
WWI was especially brutal because many new technologies were invented, allowing for more powerful weapons, tanks, and chemical agents like mustard gas. Think about what these weapons can do if it strikes someone's face. 
 The doctor who created much of the practices was Sir Harold Gillies, but American artist Anna Coleman Ladd played a prominent role in the creation of many of these pieces; some are actually rather beautiful in a macabre way. However, every single country had talented individuals that made key contributions. If you look up pictures before, during, and after the surgery, they are extremely graphic, so be warned. However these transformations are amazing, but the pure emotional pain, the physical horrors of war, and the transformation to something resembling "normalcy" is difficult to watch, but these people’s histories shouldn’t be forgotten.
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Boardwalk Empire also depicted facial prosthetics' role through Richard Harrow's character, whose picture is above. The show features a WWI veteran with a facial prosthesis similar to the one I described. I've heard praise for it, but I realize that isn't a historical fact. I've heard of other period dramas having characters with a prosthesis, but I haven't watched them. 
Since limbs are the most common prostheses - 
Anakin and Luke Skywalker's prosthetics are entirely scientific-fantasy realm, as well as Jaime Lannister's from Game of Thrones. However, a German knight named Götz von Berlichingen had a relatively advanced arm. There is a picture below of Gotz's prosthetic. 
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Jaime Lannister’s prosthetic above:
I think another one of the most famous examples is Bucky Barnes. People generally know that his arm is highly unrealistic, so I’m not entirely sure how helpful I can be here. I can mention WWII prosthetics a bit though. Here are two links: 1. These are people who have prosthetics and / or work with prosthetics in a medical setting.
2. The Science of Marvel by Sebastian Alvarado has several bits about Bucky’s arm and its connection with the rest of his body.Falcon and the Winter Soldier explored this a bit and because of a chain of events, Bucky discovered a fail safe in his arm was placed by those who helped rebuild his arm. A lot of people are heavily debating whether this is an example of discrimination/ abelism or not. 3. Here is a video of some prosthetic experts and users looking at Bucky’s arm.
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This picture is from the 1940s. This type of arm is still used today. Sometimes it’s function-based, but historically, sometimes, the type of prosthetic was based on your socio-economic status. 
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World War I prosthetics seem to appear more closely to an arm, but WWII prostheses seem to focus more on functionality.  I post a pic here for the comparison.  (PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ME HERE. This is something that’s confused me for ages because the academic books and journals I’ve read contradict each other.) The picture below appears to be the type of arm Bucky would have had more likely than the picture that I show earlier. Ironically, despite the “better tech”, WWII veterans staged a protest over the quality of veteran health care, especially those with prostheses. Makes me wonder what Sousa and Bucky would have done. Would they have participated?
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The fetishization of prostheses can also be a huge problem. There is fan fiction on which people in the prosthetic community have a wide berth of opinions. Since I don't have a prosthetic myself, I don't feel like it would be right of me to speak up on the subject except to say that there is zero denying that fetishization occurs. Finally, many people need to remember that not just soldiers/ veterans and action heroes have prosthetics. Some people are born with differently formed limbs. Another thing is not everyone feels shame over their body. I posted examples below of people who have different opinions. Regardless, the media could better reflect diverse stories. Disability research can be tricky as a lot relies on medical records, which can be tricky to get . The most crucial thing for historians is ethics and following protocols so finding records require more effort. There are also diaries, letters, and memoirs, but that can also be difficult to come across, meaning we don't have as many narratives from the people with the prosthetic themselves. However, there are new letters found and memoirs written all the time.
Finally to learn more:
I would recommend A Disability History of the United States (REVISIONING HISTORY) by Kim E. Nielsen, which you can find in libraries and other sources that have PDFs.....It’s a little more accessible, but another wonderful book is 
Paying with Their Bodies: American War and the Problem of the Disabled Veteran by John M Kinder. It’s a more graphic read and more academic in tone, but I still recommend it.
Here’s a good mini-documentary about some of the latest advancements in prosthetics.
Here’s an article about the future of prosthetics.
I don’t usually post a source like ABC News, but they have an interesting WWII catalog type of graph and a great example of modern pieces.
I hope you all found this interesting. I was very nervous to post this. Please let me know (politely) if anything should be corrected. I’m here to listen to the community. As a disabled person, I think it’s crucial to listen to others in the community, even if our stories and experiences differ.
Feel free to send more questions to me! My specialties are the history of medicine and the history of human sexuality, but I also like to research other aspects of history, so feel free to ask!
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s-sunnydays · 10 months
things left unsaid in artist’s depiction
i dont know if anyone checks this blog since i havent posted, but i guess i could share the things i never got to share since i discontinued artist’s depiction!
also, warning: there are trigger warnings!
iris was the one who reloaded the SAVE file and had gone insane since the mc had died in the fire. she was the one who also caused the accident, but she didn’t mean to; it was supposed to keep the mc from leaving since the machine was really close to being fixed and such.
faye had died at around six to nine years old because she’d gotten too sick and the mc couldn’t afford to enough money to keep her alive or to buy her any sort of medicine.
victor and sierra did run away because they were chased by debtors and all of that since they always messed with the wrong people in their lives. though, they don’t care about that as much, they didn’t want the others to get involved. i didn’t think much about how they died, but i would say that they ended up dying far away and no one knew since the mc couldn’t contact them – lost all contact with them.
sans never liked iris and iris never liked sans, they both just liked the idea of being in a relationship. and, sans gradually learns that iris liked mc the most – the best. even if she treated them horribly
there weren’t any sort of coherent thoughts about how the ending would go, but i assumed that there would be a polyamorous relationship with the mc and the skelebros aus where they could visit the original timeline any time they wanted since the machine and the tear was fixed.
iris’ feelings were never reciprocated
iris was mc’s childhood friend, and learned everything from them – how their life worked, how they had three siblings (never knew about oliver).
the mother ended up dying without oliver knowing – she died from overdosing on medication.
oliver vaguely remembers faye, but doesn’t know about the rest of the siblings. mc never told him until later, where he finds a picture of the other three – he asks why he looks related to victor and sierra and why faye looks so similar to the mc
the mc’s past is eventually revealed by iris or someone else, but other than that, it was basically mutual agreement to tell
the reason why oliver was taken away in the first timeskip was because the mistreatment that the mc had received ended up putting them past their breaking point. and then they started acting like a terrible brother, so they had to let him go – they had to take him to some other place; somewhere where he would be safe.
i have the next chapter, though it is unfinished.
You suppose that since Iris pays you to work for her, you’ve been going to your job a lot less — within schedule, at least. Not many days are assigned to you.
“Hey, [Name],” Iris coos from her spot in front of you, sitting at the counter. “Do you wanna go shopping with me and the boys? I’m sure you’ll need something there. It’d the mall, after all! Who wouldn’t want to, like, you know — go shopping with me? I’ll pay for whatever you want.” She sings like a witch—or a siren, depending on the person—and you make a face inwardly.
At first, you would’ve said no. Just a simple no and everything would’ve been fine.
You suppose that no is also not in your vocabulary most of the time.
”…Let me ask my brother,” you mutter in response, pulling out your phone begrudgingly. You send him a message, waiting for his response.
If he says yes, you can only hope that the others don’t start causing problems with him around. You don’t mind the hate, the stares, the faces — just as long he can’t see them; hear them; you’re okay with it. As long as he can’t witness it, it’s fine. That’s all that mattered to you.
Iris looks excited for some reason, but you don’t question it entirely.
You stare at the group of skeletons with a squint of your eyes, wondering where more came from. You should’ve known that the trip to the mall was basically restocking for the rest of the alternates stuck here — though you’re not sure if any of them really need anything. They seem to be more well off than you.
“Malls’re so big!” Your brother whispers to you, stunned by the size of the shopping mall you’re in. You have to agree. “What kind’a stores do they have in here?”
You have to agree with him.
To say that malls are huge is an understatement, you think they’re bigger than most mansions you’ve seen. Then again, you probably just don’t know what malls are like because your mother always told you that they were too expensive and a scam. You always did like sticking to every word she said to you, but that’s in the past. You could care less nowadays.
”I dunno,” you answer honestly. Your eyes scan your surroundings, squinting them when you realize just how large the building is. “Never gone to ‘em either, bro.”
“You haven’t taken your brother to the mall before?” Iris asks loudly, eyes wide with surprise. She glances between you and your brother curiously, obviously shocked — but you don’t even know how she heard you two whispering. It’s not like the others care enough to try and overhear, so why was she trying to be nosy?
Some of the skeletons turn to you, some glance at you, and the rest ignores you (out of pity, you don’t know).
”No,” your brother answers, confused. “We only go to the small ones ‘cause [Name] doesn’t like big stores.”
Well now.
Iris turns to you, frowning at you — you have to say, you don’t know why she’s looking at you like that because it’s not her business — and tells you, “You haven’t taken sweet little Oliver to a mall, [Name]? Shame on you! Malls are great, they have everything you’d need!”
You don’t know how to tell her off without calling her a spoiled brat.
”He already said why I don’t take him to big stores,” you point out, somewhat embarrassed that she had to call you out in front of everyone. “And, uh, malls are expensive… and, y’know, big — he’d get lost.”
“Are you saying you don’t trust your—“
You give her a look of irritation, and for once, the skeletons with you don’t seem too upset about it. Probably because they understand your situation or probably just—the conversation isn’t necessary.
“Are we done?” You don’t care if you interrupt her or get on Sans’ nerves because of it. “If we’re done, I can take Oliver shopping then. See you later, just call me when y—“
And Iris just loves thinking it’s her turn for everything. “We can hang out like old times! You know, when we were in high school together and stuff. Plus,” she shoots you a wink, “we have a lot to catch up on — we haven’t been, like, talking to each other at all! Come on, Sans, let’s go.” You don’t say anything when you see the flickering of his pinpricks or the not-so-subtle glances to your brother from the girl.
You stare at her, narrowing your eyes.
”It can’t be that bad,” your brother tries to soothe your vexation. “‘S okay! Maybe Red ‘n Edge can come with!”
Iris’ face twitches.
Sans’ smile falters. “since when were you buddies with ‘em, kid?”
Red grins widely, almost as if taunting the poor guy. “what’s wrong with bein’ friends wit’ a guy like me? i can come with, i got nothin’ to do anyways… maybe the, uh, boss can come with if he oh so wishes.”
“CAN IT, S—RED,” Edge catches himself and corrects himself. He ignores the looks given and clears his throat. “I SHALL GIFT THE HUMANS WITH MY PRESENCE, SINCE THEY ARE SO DESPERATE TO HANG OUT WITH ME. AND, I AM CURIOUS TO SEE WHAT SORT OF… STORES ARE IN THIS SPECIFIC MALL!”
Your brother shoots you a smile.
You squint your eyes.
Rus puts a hand on your shoulder and nudges Mutt. “‘ey, maybe we can finally get that thing wallet owed me. dunno what it is, but it’s gotta be somethin’.”
“…whatever you say, rus,” Mutt mutters and shrugs his shoulders compliantly. He looks like he just wants to sleep, and you can’t say you blame him. It’s not like you want to be here either, it was obvious that most of the monsters here didn’t want to be here either. You’re sure there’s some other meaning behind it.
”I don’t owe you anything, Rus.”
”sure thing, wallet.”
”They’re not your wallet!”
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Manual to Blender navigation/object manipulation
This post was supposed to be a manual on how to use Connor’s rig, but I started a bit too far from blender basics and it has gotten so long and I haven’t even gotten to the part where I’m actually talking about the rig, so I decided to split it into parts and this first one is just about blender in general.
( It doesn’t make sense for this post to have this screenshot of Connor at the beginning of it anymore, but HUH, l’ll just keep it as a reminder of what’s the end goal *paste a meme template with a bunch of connor pictures and the words “Do it For Him” * the next sentence below was written before I realised it's not going to to be about this rig anymore)
I’m not sure how far away I should start it, but the moment you open it, it should lok something like this:
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For those who never used blender before, you should be first familiar with basic intarface/navigation, but in case you’re not really comfortable, here’s a quick(oh BOY no it’s not so quick anymore) sum on
1. How to navigate around blender
You can use those icons to navigate, but ideally you should be using an actual mouse and shortcuts. USE SHORTCUTS AND MOUSE, you’ll get used to it quickly:
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The gizmo with XYZ to rotate around the scene. (shortcut: Middle mouse button + drag)
Hand icon to pan around without rotating (shortcut: Shift + Middle mouse button + drag)
magnifying glass to Zoom in and out (shortcut: mouse scroll wheel)
Okay, move around and get accustomed to it 
2. Different modes (Object/Edit/Pose)
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There are different modes in blender for different purposes, but for working with rig you’ll be generally working switching between Pose and Object modes.
You can change them in the upper left corner of working area or by using Ctrl + Tab to switch between the three. One thing to note: what you see in mode menu depends on what object is currently selected. If you select a mesh, the menu will look differently and will feature a bunch of other modes like sculpt and different paint modes, but no Pose mode:
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To see the Pose Mode listed you must select the armature object (the rig itself), here it is named Main_Rig and here it is selected as orange
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After selecting it (check that you only select it and nothing else)
Oh, by the way
3. How to (de)select things in blender
It’s simple,
To select things you click on them with left mouse button
To select multiple things things you either click and drag left mouse button (LMB) with a box select or click on individual objects while holding Shift, or you can combine the two 
If you want to select everything (that is visible and not hided atm), press A.
If you want to deselect everything click on empty space on your scene or press Alt + A (or just click A two times quickly)
To deselect only some objects you could use Alt + Z to undo your last action (Ctrl + Shift + Z to redo it again) in case it was the last object you selected or you can use Ctrl + Left Click and drag to box select objects you want to remove from selection.
It is also handy to know how to invert selection aka select everything BUT a bunch of objects (Ctrl + I)
Maybe I’ll add more things to this list later, but you should be good to go with what is already listed.
Okay, back to the rig, select it and go to Pose Mode. Or wait, first, real quick about Object Mode
4. Object mode
Here you select objects and move/rotate/sclale(ooops! Careful here! Usually you don’t want to scale them in Object Mode and should use Edit mode instead, maybe later on I’ll explain why. In short - it can mess up the way things work)
4.1 Okay, Let’s move it
To move things around you select them first and then (Here I’ll deliberately ignore the existance of gizmos bc you should be using shortcuts, just believe me) you press G to move it freely around as it is following your mouse, click to fix it in new place or left click to reset the way it was before you decided to move it. Additionally, after pressing pressing G once you can follow it with X, Y or Z (you don’t need to press them at the same time, just one after another) to move it only along the way of one of those axis. This place here need a little further explanation about
4.1.2? The difference between Local vs Global transformation orientation  
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They can be changed in upper middle part of the working area. Basically Global orientation means that if you move an object and will try to move them along some specific axis (X/Y/Z) they’ll move accordingly right-left/forwards-backwards/up or down, aligned with those you see in a gizmo in upper-right corner of the screen. But it’s not the only way you can move things. In case you have an object that is slightly rotated you may want to move them along it’s local position in space. This is actually a time where gizmos can help visually understand what I mean
Here I rotated a cube slightly from it’s original rotation, and if I use Global Orientation and will try to move it along one of the axis, it will move in one of those directions as shown by arrows in the first picture. As you can see, they are aligned with visual representation of those global axis (here X and Y) you can see as Red and Green lines
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If I switch into Local orientation, you can see that now arrows are aligned not with the world’s Up-Down/Left-Right/etc but with what’s Up-Down/Left-Right RELATIVE TO THE OBJECT ITSELF. (Which btw is something you can change)
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Okay, enough about moving things, now about rotating
4.2 Rotating things
To rotate them you press R to rotate it around. Double-Click R to rotate it freely around all axis or, just like it was with moving things only around certain axis you can also rotate them around certain axis (with R -> X(or Y or Z, or Shift+X/Y/Z to rotate around all axis but this one)). Same with Global/Local orientations, just imagine that those arrows in pictures above are a representation of around what line in space an object will rotate from it’s pivot point (represented by this orange dot. It can be moved around and shit, but maybe I’ll talk about it later). 
I could also mention that there are also different rotation modes like Euler/Quaternion and such a thing like Gimbal Lock, but those are some shit you encounter when you rig things and they start to spin not the way you want them to, driving you crazy about why isn’t this fucking shi-...nvm, moving on
4.3 Scaling shit
Press S to scale things. Just like before press S then X(Y or Z) to only scale them in one axis, or Shift+(axis of your choice here) to exclude it from the list of axis you want to scale it along. Here I should talk a bit about situations where you’re scaling a bunch of things at once and want to scale it relative to a specific point in space or use individual pivot points for each of the selected objects. You can change it here:  
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I’m getting lazy, so I won’t be explaning it in details here, but just be aware that this menu exists. It is actually useful for rotating things as well, but I more often use it for scaling, so I forgot to mention it in rotating section
Okay, I think we’re done manipulating things, and we haven’t even got to the part when I talk about the rig I was supposed to be writing about on the first place SHIT I should have started explaining those concepts within pose mode right away, but huh, those concepts for manipulating things are interchangeable for moving bones or rig controllers, so no time were wasted here, it’s all the same, if you know how to manipulate object in object mode you’ll use the same exact shortcuts and do it the same way, it this sense blender is really consistent with it shortcut-usage and G is always for moving, R for rotating and and S for scaling, whether you are scaling objects, bones, controllers or graph handles or distance between keyframes or...list is long enough, you got my point.
Okay, I think it’s enough for the first part and I’m scared that this website will glitch and erase all my work and it’s a bit too much to loose at this point. Hopefully in second part I get to the part where I’m talking about the rig but it’s possible I’ll get too excited talking about rigging concepts of Fk/Ik in general
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AAAAANNND here are the OCs I’ve been drawing all week every single day! Posting this early without the third character cuz I got tired and impatient. I’ll probably add him in later though, so don’t worry bout him just yet :)
(Also, yes these are fnaf ocs because I'm not original...)
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Soooo this is Loup Doop, Otherwise known as Loop de Doop/ Loop to kids. (She doesn’t like her name much, but it’s what the company branded her as and she can’t exactly change it.) I have a few bullet points about her: *pulls out list and clears throat*:
She’s 6”7, a tall one!
Her hands are not attached to her body, they’re more 3d holograms you can feel (don’t ask me how it works, I dunno either). it does take some conscious effort to have them out, so she doesn’t usually unless she’s with someone or needs to convey something. If you grab her hands, though, she can feel it and it does have a similar effect as pulling a real connected hand: if you’re strong enough, you can drag her along with it. (And yes, she has four fingers and they're never properly drawn, I'm sorry I can't draw real hands...)
She doesn’t have a voicebox. She communicates with sounds and simple pictures (you’ll see what I mean if/when I post comics of her).
She used to belong to a different company before being sold into Fazbear in some merger between the companies. (which comes in later, hehe…)
She was originally built with an outgoing, extroverted personality, but it developed into something more meek and quiet.
Her lil orange cheek things get bigger or smaller depending on her emotions.
She doesn’t usually hang out with the main star animatronics because they treat her badly. She prefers chillin with the mapbots, staffbots and wet floor bots, or the DJ if she has the chance. Because of her affiliation with the staffbots, it leads a lot of members of staff and guests to believe she is one, and they treat her as such often.
She is a bit of a people pleaser, and feels there's something wrong with her when she gets told off for not 'wiping the floors and doing her @$#% job'.
She cannot curse, by the way, it carries into her speech pictures as signs, sorta like the smurf comics. She doesn't like cursing much anyways, so it's not something that usually happens.
When kids come up to her on occasion (because she is sort of a performer), she'll ask them for their autograph on a picture with them, then print two. One for the kid, and one for her personal collection. She remembers every kid she's ever talked to before.
Her charging port is in the 2nd lil ball on the left side of her head.
The balls aren't anything special, just some soft, styrofoam-like material for kids to enjoy.
She doesn't interact with other animatronics, as said before, but is occasionally forced to by Bloo (see his description below) and puts up with it. On that note:
- She doesn't like Monty or Roxanne very much, but she does interact with Monty the most. Although most wouldn't call 'grabbing your younger brother to keep him away from the big scary bot he sees as an idol' an interaction.
- She's never actually met Freddy before, but she hears that he's nice from the Wet Floor bots. She personally doesn't want to meet him, either, assuming he's just like Monty and Roxy but worse because he's the face of the company.
She's seen Chica around, but...Chica means well, but she treats Loup Doop more like a kid than like an equal.
- She loves the DJ. They're best buddies in her eyes. They'll do remixes together, she'll ride on his back, babysit the minis, anything.
-She...doesn't really know what to think of the Daycare Attendant. The yellow one seems okay, just a bit too loud for her liking. The dark one, on the other hand...she's heard the stories from the STAFFbots and decides to steer clear of him if she can.
-Unfortunately, she can't stay as far away as she'd like cuz her brother in bolts has to look up to the strangest role models.
She actually meets them before Bloo does.
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Thiiiiis is Bloo! He's a slightly newer model from the same company that Loup Doop is from, also from before the merger.
He's Loup Doop's lil brother.
He's around 3''4, depending on the shape of his droplets. The body itself is maybe 2''10.
He's mentally about 8 years old.
He's...not really sure what his job is. Neither does staff, so they just let him do whatever. He's pretty sure he was just supposed to be a sign to encourage kids to stay hydrated, but he tries not to think about it too much.
He doesn't have a voicebox, either, so he also communicates through pictures.
The droplets on his head move without conscious effort, but he can move'em around if he wants to as well.
His left hand has a bubble shooter, his right is his charging port or USB drive.
His left hand can also serve as a tazer, but Loup Doop won't tell him why he ccan't see his own blueprints, so he doesn't know about that.
No incident has ever happened where he finds out thus far.
He's very social, loves messing around with kids even though he isn't an actual featured attraction. He does push out a ton of bubbles for kids 'like him' to pop and play with.
He reaally wants to play with other kids, but he doesn't see much of them too often.
He likes being in the spotlight.
He, like Loup Doop, hangs out with the STAFFbots and Wet Floor bots. Unlike her, however, he doesn't mind hanging out with the other animatronics.
- He thinks Chica's great, he doesn't mind being treated like a kid. They paint nails together and play with dolls sometimes.
- He doesn't talk to Roxy much, only when he's with Chica.
- He thinks Monty is super cool, despite his sister's discouragement. He snuck into Monty's room to try on his glasses once and got caught. Turns out Monty didn't really mind, he liked having another fan. He tries to teach Bloo to play bass when he's not busy.
-Bloo hasn't seen Freddy much, either. He's watched all the performances, though, so he's pretty informed. He thinks that Loup Doup's a bit too cynical towards Freddy. He's sure Freddy's just as nice as everyone else.
- His relationship with the DJ is sort of like how kids talk to their friend's parents. He'll say hi, give all the pleasantries...and then immediately go off to mess around with the minis once he's finished talking.
He loves engaging in harmless pranks, so anyone else who does is a solid bud in his book.
He's the reason Loup Doop ever sets foot in the Daycare at all. He loves Sun and Moon, thinks they're very cool. He collects candy wrappers, keeps old worn plushies he finds in storage, drew the poster to hang in his 'room'...
-He doesn't get to see Sun much, mainly cuz Sun's busy with the kids and he can't be in there with them for fear of Management raising complaint. If he goes in real quick before closing, though, he might be able to pop in and say hi. Maybe a quick game of checkers if he's lucky.
- He sees Moon much more often because he catches him on his night patrols. Moon doesn't mind the company, apparently, because he actually engages with the kid when he talks to him. It's been a while since he was able to take care of kids...
Bloo likes cheerleading.
He wishes he could eat. He wants to try the cupcakes and cookies at Chica's bakery, she talks them up and he wants to know for himself. She's not really supposed to eat, either, but he's good at keeping secrets.
Aaaand I think that's all for now! I'll update this if I come up with more, but here's that.
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Hey! Hi! Hello! I’m the MaladaptiveWriter12 and welcome to my Dreamscape! I’m Sleepy and this is my new and improved blog! You can also find me in another dream, my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12! ( ´ ω ` )ノ゙
For starters, this dreamscape is 18+! Please be respectful of this! If you are under the age, and or uncomfortable with this, do not interact. On the same note, a lot of this blog’s happenings will be SFW, but I will be posting quite a bit of NSFW works and such. I will add tags and warnings on those posts to make viewing easier, just in case there are some topics anyone would like to avoid.
Now to go over some rules! Some of these rules are subject to change, but I’ll go over that later. As for now, here are some of my blog rules.
I allow constructive criticism, but I will not accept hate!
I’m all ears if you have any input on my works, weather it be my writing style, something you’d like to see, etc. And you don’t have to like my work, and you don’t have to tell me if and or that you don't like it, that's okay. But if I’ve gotten something wrong, or if you’ve found something I’ve written to be offending, please tell me. Of course, I’m not purposely trying to offend anyone, and I’ll try to avoid that, but we all are human, and we make mistakes. That being said, I will not tolerate deliberate hate towards me, my work, other commenters, fans, followers, etc. You get the picture. If I find it, you will be removed.  \\٩(๑`^´๑)۶//
And another rule, do not take my work and claim it as your own, and or repost it on a different platform!
I know I shouldn’t have to say this, but I think we all know how people are nowadays when it comes to art. Do not repost my work! As a writer, I’ve spent too long and too hard on my works for someone to take claim and all credit for something they didn’t do. As I wrote above, I’m cross posting my works on Ao3, under the same username, TheMaladaptiveWriter12, so if you see my works being reposted on any platform other than these two, and or under a different name, please notify me as soon as possible.     (*_ _)人
On the topic of reposting, reblogs are allowed!
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Welcome to Rem, the phase of sleep where most dreams occur!
Twisted Wonderland Dreamscapes 
Twisted Wonderland OC (Mirai Yuhara) Dreamscapes
Twisted Wonderland AU Dreamscapes
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You figured out you were dreaming, didn’t you? Well that’s the point of Lucid Dreaming, and the best part is, you can do whatever you want!
So depending how far I get with this, especially since my following right now isn’t much, I may or may not open requests. 
If it ever happens, my requests will only be works between my Twist OC and a select few of Twist characters.
And if that goes to plan, and depending how confident I am with my writing, then and only then will I open up requests outside of my OC. (With rules, of course!)
So the same is happening here. I don’t know how far I will get with this, and I don’t think there’s a point in opening asks if my blog isn’t even being seen.
But if that ever happens, my asks will have rules and mostly will be an “ask me anything” type ask box. Ask me or my Twist OC about anything, how we are doing, thoughts about the game, Twisted Wonderland if anyone needs specifics, stuff like that. 
And if you have something that could be a “request,” but just want a short answer, feel free to drop it as an ask!
 See rules here  __φ(◎◎ヘ)
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Did you think you were awake? Felt so real, didn’t it? False awakening will do that to you. But that’s okay, you’re almost awake, just a little further.
Behind the Scenes
This will be where I ramble about the makings of my works. Thought processes, references, stuff like that. This way I can give more insight on my works, to share my thoughts on a more intellectual level, if that makes sense. σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
Updated on 10/8/2023
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koraki-grimoire · 3 years
Witchcraft in Hellenismos
Disclaimer: This post is non-exhaustive, and though I'll try to equally spread my focus, it will inevitably lean towards the kinds of magik I personally practice.
Often, in modern pagan circles, people are under the impression that Ancient Hellenismos either didn't have or despised witchcraft. This is largely from three causes. The first is simply misreading, or failing to come across witchcraft in the Hellenism they research. Second is only reading about or adhering to branches that didn't like witchcraft (usually due to it being perceived as hubristic) and therefore assuming that's the most popular opinion. Finally, sometimes people apply their assumptions based on Christian and Germanic culture to Hellenismos, and assume it carries the same attitudes.
In actuality, the view of witchcraft was historically more neutral. Witches weren't typically seen as hags, but maidens, respectable men, priests, and more. It should also be noted that, frankly, "witch" is a slightly tonally incorrect translation usually applied to the word "pharmakis."
For historical attitudes towards witches, we can read works surrounding mainly Medea and Kirke, as well as Hekate if we go past pharmakeia.
But pharmakeia and nekromankia (necromancy) are far from the only forms of witchcraft or magik--which in Ancient Greek would be "mageia" or "goeteia" depending on time and place, but will simply be called "magik" here.
So, with that very long introduction, let's get into types of magik.
Pharmakeia - Herbal Sorcery, Witchcraft
Pharmakeia is perhaps the most recognizable form of magik in historical Hellenismos. As mentioned, it was associated with the heroine Medea, as well as the goddess/nymph/hero (it's complicated) Kirke. This was magik performed using the aid of herbs, and both historically and now blends magik and science. It includes brewing poisons, casting curses, potionmaking, transmutation, and more. Kirke, famously, used pharmakeia to transform men into swine, whereas Medea tended towards poisoning, but both had variety in their craft.
Generally, when pharmakeia is translated, it's done very broadly compared to other kinds of magik. For example, pharmakeia is usually translated, especially in the Odyssey, to "witchcraft" or "sorcery." Pharmakis--the word for a practitioner of pharmakeia--is usually translated to "witch." This often leads to misconceptions of witchcraft in Hellenismos being specifically oriented around herbs and transmutation, when that's only a small piece of the picture.
Nekromankia/Nekromanteia - Necromancy
Nekromankia is far more famous now in its Anglicized pop-culture form, but it was most certainly present in Hellenismos. It's important to clarify that in Ancient Hellas, nekromankia was magik pertaining to the dead, not things such as zombies and raising the dead. In Hellenismos, the maintenance of good relationships between the dead and the living is of great importance. There were plenty of festivals devoted to placating and celebrating the dead--not to mention the monthly Attic holiday Hekate's Deipnon, devoted to honoring Hekate, goddess of nekromankia. So, unsurprisingly, there were witches who gravitated towards this as a craft.
Multiple Hellenic deities were associated with nekromankia, the most notable of which being Hekate, but also Persephone. Though, of course, any khthonic deity--especially khthonic theoi who also had non-khthonic aspects--were relevant, such as Haides or Hermes. A practitioner of nekromankia would be referred to as a nekromanteías.
Manteia - Divination, Oracles
It should be noted that manteia is heavily contested as being a form of witchcraft or even magik in Hellenismos, but it certainly meets the qualifications. The main reason this debate exists is controversy around magik in Hellenismos in general, since as most Hellenists know manteia is so central to so much of our religion, and those who dislike magik are insulted by it being considered that. Additionally, the definition of magik is constantly in flux--it's debated in modern magik circles, and it's even harder to apply a definition we can hardly agree on to an ancient culture with its own independent definitions.
Manteia is, most simply, the power to give prophecies, divination, and the use of oracles. It's the power of the Pythia (Delphic Oracle), it's in the Olympian Alphabet Oracle, it's every single seer and prophecy and divinatory method known to us.
Someone who practices manteia is called a mantis (usually translated as "soothsayer" or "diviner") or a khresmologos ("oracle"), depending on station.
Heliomanteia - Solar Magik
Heliomanteia is hard to find detailed historical information on, but most simply, it's magikal invocation of the sun. This is generally done by attempting to harness the power of the sun, or by requesting the aid of solar deities (namely, Helios).
Interestingly, Helios had many associations with witchcraft and warding off evil. It could be assumed that, due to the qualities attributed to Helios, heliomanteia would be best used to reveal truth, ward off evil, harness the power of fire, promote life, and similar.
Presumably, a practitioner of heliomanteia is a heliomantis.
Goeteia - Magik, Charms
Goeteia (in modern times "goetia") is a term for magik that fell out of style for general magik around the 5th century BC in favor of mageia. It, additionally, was shoehorned into a dichotomy of theurgy (divine, "professional," and virtuous magik) and goeteia (low, malicious, and fraudulent magik). This was largely due to political and social overhaul. The name became associated with fraudulent and harmful magik, and talk of goeteia in Ancient Hellas is a major source most anti-witch Hellenists use.
The goes (practitioner of goetia) was maligned, seen as hubristic and either trying to go against the power of the gods or intending to scam others. Plato famously portrayed them as malicious frauds, and he was not alone. Since the term "goes" is generally translated as "witch," it's not a leap to figure out why this lead to a lot of anti-witch Hellenists.
However, before this (and technically after), "goeteia" simply meant magic, charms, and similar. As a unique practice, and not simply an umbrella term for witchcraft, it can be considered channeling, a relative of nekromankia, or baneful magik, depending how much one leans into the later definition.
Theourgía - Deity Work, Divine Magik
Theourgia (in modern times "theurgy") quite literally translates to "deity work" or "god(s) working." It is ritual, sometimes magik, done with the intent of invoking one or more of the theoi. This was the ritual magik often performed by priests. In fact, it could be considered the mainstream magik of Ancient Hellas--assuming, of course, that one considers it magik.
It's not only historic magik that was central to the religion, but sets historical precedent for the controversial phrase "deity work." The existence of theurgy as the "higher form" of magik in Ancient Hellas is singlehandedly enough evidence to prove the phrase is not and would not be considered inherently hubristic. It should be noted that this form isn't inherently superior, but if you asked Plato, he would disagree.
There are certainly more forms of mageia in Ancient Hellas--For example, I skipped over amulets (periapta), which were almost incontestably the most common magik in a lot of Ancient Hellas, since they could technically fit under some other crafts and because they're the easiest to research on your own. It's a similar case with potions, too.
One important takeaway is the hard line between magik, religion, and science is a fairly recent invention. Pharmakeia could act as medicine, not just sorcery. Many potions were also medication. Frankly, the more women were involved, the more practical it tended to be, with 'spells' often being genuine aids to childbirth and/or birth control. This didn't make them any less magikal, and the magik doesn't make it less real.
And I hope I made it very, very clear, but witchcraft has always been in Hellenismos, and isn't inherently hubristic. That is a myth, and is rooted often in historical (and modern) classism, misogyny, xenophobia, or similar. Always consider your source's incentive to stigmatize before discounting all Hellenic witches.
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shotorozu · 3 years
hello!! i saw that your requests were open and wanted to ask if you could do single dad! atsumu suna and sakusa falling in love with reader, like it's sort of a meet cute (or not) but the reader falls for them and the kid and happiness lskfjsdfk have a great day!!
single dad! falling for reader
character(s) : miya atsumu, suna rintarou, sakusa kiyoomi (haikyuu!!)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, timeskip au! (because,, single dads.)
headcanon type : fluff, crack and angst if you squint (x reader)
warning(s) : mentions of the character’s ex wives, the ex-wives being jerks for multiple different reasons and ways (so,, be warned. for negligence, not very detailed hitting, and cheating, but not on reader)
note(s) : me, writing for haikyuu?? wow, a surprise! also, it’s been a while since i’ve written for haikyuu so if i don’t get the characterization correctly— ESPECIALLY FOR SAKUSA, i’m sorry in advance.
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miya atsumu
at first, his marriage was happy. miya atsumu— successful in his 20s, basically set for life, and with a head strong wife that gave him a wonderful daughter
he was elated when his son, genji came into this world. he wouldn’t swap him out for anyone else. and it was all good, really
until he started spotting marks on genji’s delicate skin, and he even found a large bruise on his shoulder when he was changing his shirt! he almost passed away seeing that
genji would also have a sudden fear of being alone in the house— even when his mother would stay behind to take care of him
but why though? genji’s only 4! what could’ve happened to him? he doesn’t recall hiring any babysitters.
he finally found the answer one day, when he found out that his head strong, intense wife— has been physical with him!
basically, all the love for his wife flew out the window, and he filed for a divorce— and of course, he won custody
and he assumed that his love life would stop at that— and it didn’t sound terrible. all that mattered was that his son was safe, and happy again
but this is where you come in
you work at a toy store, a small business toy store really, that sold the highest of quality only
and atsumu took genji to either replace, or fix the toy he broke a few days back. the place was recommended to him by shoyo— who also had a kid of his own
you’re just two years younger than him, eyes full of determination and care, practically the complete opposite of his ex-wife.
you put up a good conversation with him, while you fixed the toy— the two of you talking about the mutual friends, and that ‘this place should be a lot more popular.’
and also, his son did happen to take a liking to you. he seemed joyous in your presence— compared to how he was with his ex-wife
and from that moment on, the two of you would only become closer— especially when a bunch of his son’s toys started breaking magically
before atsumu knew it, he harbored something for you— the absolute angel you were to the both of them
“‘m sorry for the inconvenience,” the faux blond scratches the back of his next “didn’t know genji here was a ‘lil clumsy weasel,”
you laugh, and genji’s just staring at you with amusement, “it’s fine, genji could break his entire toy box— and i’d still fix it anyway.”
so this was the nerve wracking part, “to make up for it, would you like some coffee later? i could treat ‘ya.”
“is this yer way of askin’ Y/N—”
“shut yer mouth for a sec— uhm,” he looks at you, sheepishly
you laugh, “miya, i wouldn’t mind honestly. but i’d assume you’re busy as it is.”
“not at all!” atsumu replies, “i’ll just, drop off genji first. say yer thanks to Y/N,” atsumu looks at genji, encouraging him to say his thanks
“,,thanks for fixing my toys, Y/N.”
“no problem, genji.” you smile at the two of them when they move to leave the store, fixed toys in hand— as they wave at you before parting
“oh, Y/N?” atsumu calls out,
“call me atsumu— from now on.” his cheeks are tinted pink, and he can feel genji’s eyes on him.
“oh, uhm. yeah! i’ll see you later, atsumu.”
so yeah— the two of you went out for some coffee, and before he even knew it, he was in love.
it might take him a few months to realize it though
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suna rintarou
i can’t imagine him having kids for some reason 💀 but if he were to have any, he’d definitely have a daughter
rintarou himself, didn’t think he would have kids at at all, really. but the moment he was able to meet asuka— his lovely little daughter
he was hooked. he seemed a little awkward at first, not very used to caring for a child. but he was actually decent at his job
he’d sneak into his daughter’s room to hold her when she was upset— even when his wife was too knocked out to realize it, and he’d show her picture books
since she liked them a lot, even when she can’t coherently read a straight paragraph yet.
it started to concern him when he realized how little his wife was involved in the development of their daughter.
she started acting different, a little bit after she didn’t have to breastfeed asuka
and then, that’s when it happened.
“i literally can’t believe you,” he speaks when he’s packing his things, “we have a child together.”
his soon to be ex wife is on the floor, begging him to stay— but he doesn’t care. “look, the idea of you cheating wasn’t very surprising. i don’t care anymore, really. but the fact that you’ve been neglecting asuka for your selfish needs is low. i hope you’re ashamed of yourself.”
his words are so much different that his lenient, calm self. which only solidifies reality
so he leaves with asuka, not caring about the sobs that left his soon to be ex wife’s mouth.
and even though he was still angry at his wife for not being there, he’d never let it show to asuka
he’d still show her picture books, he’d still sit down and watch miraculous ladybug with her— even when she doesn’t understand it all completely
and speaking of picture books— he decided that he needed to buy more for her
so he took her to the bookstore, and he didn’t really know what he was doing. he bought all those previous books when asuka was still a newborn
now it’s a little fuzzy on what he should be looking for. colors, right? he needs a picture book that has plenty of colors.
and that’s where you come in. you’re youthful, despite looking not that far off his age, you’re humming to yourself as you fix the bookshelves
“uhm,” he calls out for your help, and you look at him in recognition “need any help? what are you looking for?”
there’s a helpful glint in your eyes, and it reminded him of what should’ve been in his ex wife’s eyes. “my daughter, likes picture books. and,, i don’t know what i’m doing.”
she’s basically a replica of him, same eye color, and same hair color. but her eyes are much more rounded, youthful.
“cute kid,” you smile when she coos at you, “the children books are this way, follow me!” you exclaim, moving to navigate your way to the children’s book isle
so it seems to be that you really know what you’re doing. most people would’ve recommended picture books with a lot of words, or just no words at all
but you’ve found the books that made asuka exclaim in happiness.
and although it’s not very obvious that rintarou’s caring to his child— he is, and you could tell. despite looking lost, and sometimes bored when you’re explaining the books.
so every 2 weeks, the father would return with his daughter, after he got back from volleyball— and you’d help them pick out on certain books.
rintarou assumed he’d never take a liking in anyone again, but,, here he is. and he doesn’t know how you’ll react to that.
but it’s worth a try— he’d try and get your number when he’d see you again
the next time you see him, the middle blocker’s alone. and he tells you that he needs more picture books for asuka, since she’s staying over at his volleyball friend’s house for a day
“yes?” you turn your head, meeting his stare. he looks well,, himself. like how he first sought out for your help a few weeks back
“,, could i get your number? y’know, just in case asuka wanted worded books in the future. you’ve helped a lot, so,,”
you smile, “is this your way of hitting on me?”
he didn’t think it was that obvious, “what?— i mean,” he fumbles to reason out, feeling a bit more awkward. because yes, he’s asking you out but,, he has the power to make things more laxed, y’know?
truthfully, you don’t know much about him. you know a lot about his daughter, sure! but you don’t know anything about her biological mother, or what happened, or why she’s not taking asuka to the bookstore
but you chose not to ask, out of respect. he’d tell you some other day. “i’m just teasing,” you smile, moving to get a small piece of paper— writing your digits on the paper, and placing it in his pocket
“i’d like to see you again,” you smile, “say hi to asuka for me.”
the middle blocker left the store in content, absolutely sure that asuka would love to see you again even when she can’t form proper sentences.
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sakusa kiyoomi
didn’t think he’d be fit to be a father— but here he is
though he seems cold, he does take responsibility, and he does love and care for his child, seina
it’s not like he’ll be posting pictures of his child everywhere— i mean, even if he had a different personality, he still wouldn’t be posting his kid everywhere
but he does cherish seina, like his life depended on it. he’d still silently watch her cross out word puzzles in a messy matter, he’d silently listen to her talk about her favorite pastries
he loves her!
so that’s why it made him mad, when even after 4 years of seina being born, her mother made little to no effort in spending time with her
doesn’t matter if it was a simple gesture like tucking her in, or showing up to a birthday— she just,, never did.
it was almost as if she was ignoring seina, which causes some distraught on the child’s behalf— which passed on the negative feeling to him
like,, seina wasn’t an unbearable kid. sure, she acted up here and there, that’s an issue kiyoomi has been trying to fix on his own
but it was nothing too concerning, and it was containable. but his wife treated her like she was absolutely unbearable
and it was super strange because, she’d act normal around him, but would barely acknowledge her own daughter’s existence
so what did kiyoomi do? he confronted her, of course.
and no— his wife wasn’t cheating, and nothing tragic happened that would’ve caused her to be this way
she was just,, lazy
“so.. you gave birth and stopped caring for her? is that it?” furious was an understatement, considering that his wife forgot to make her daughter breakfast
which caused her to sneak out of the house, and ask for some breakfast from some nice neighbors.
“look, if you want nothing to do with her, just say that. i’m taking seina, and leaving.” so yeah now he’s a single father.
to say he didn’t love her was too quick, a part of him didn’t love the fact that his wife loved him, but didn’t show any sign of affection towards her daughter.
he knew it was going to fade away anyway. his feelings for his unofficial ex wife.
and i don’t think he’d plan on seeing new people, since now these days— people just like the idea of being with him
which meant that most people would’ve been scared away, or turned off if they really sat down in a conversation with him
besides the point, kiyoomi was taking his daughter to the bakery again— as she was craving new pastries, and wanted to go to the new bakery that just opened near by
and kiyoomi was like “why not ig” and took her there— but then, this is where he’d meet you for the first time
you were one of the bakers, and it’s not like he was going to pay attention to you— until you did something even HE couldn’t do
“papa, whyyyy” the whining sounding painful in his ears, as his daughter clung to the display of pastries “can’t we get moreeee??”
“seina,” he sighs, “no, we can’t.”
“papa, you’re no fair!” her bottom lip trembles, and he could almost FEEL the judgmental stares of the other customers in the bakery
and this is where you come in, “is something the matter?”
“papa won’t.. get me more!” she stares at the selection of pastries, “i’ve been so nice but.. it’s no fair!” her eyes tear up
“don’t cry,” you bend down to blot her tears away with a tissue, “y’know, he probably has a reason, but you’re in luck— actually!” you maneuver behind the counter
you come out from behind, presenting a fresh batch of pastries— that were just right to his daughter’s liking, to the point that it shut her up entirely
“they’re on the house, today’s our opening day, so it’s the bakery’s treat!”you state in a warming matter, grabbing a paper bag to place the pastries in
kiyoomi stares at you, observing you quietly— you could feel his cold stare, even though he’s wearing a medical face mask, that covers about half of his face
you blink, not knowing what is going through his head, and you gesture to his daughter to take them
you clearly don’t know who he is— and that gives kiyoomi some sort of relief, compared to the other customers that are murmuring to each other “sakusa kiyoomi’s here with his daughter! is this what he does in his free time?”
kiyoomi takes the paper bag, giving some sort of non verbal acknowledgement, before he takes his daughter’s hand and leaves
“bye, kind person!” seina calls out to you, which catches you off guard— this causes your coworkers to coo at the girl’s words
“didn’t know sakusa’s daughter was so cute!”
and you’d assume that your interactions with the quiet stranger and his daughter would end at that, but no! life is full of surprises.
the tall masked father comes in again, a little bit before closing time— you were absolutely beat, your back feeling as if boulders were glued to the back, and your feet burning from all of the rush
“oh, what could i do for you?”
he stays quiet, but a small presence sticks behind him, and peers up to you. the face is familiar to you, so you wave “hi there! it’s nice to see you again.”
“i wanna say thanks.” her rounded eyes practically shimmer when they lay themselves on the pastries again, but she shakes her head “for the pastries! they’re very tasty.”
“i’m glad you like them, what was your favorite part of the pastry?”
“the filling! twas yummy!” she gives a toothy grin, “tell me, where ‘dya learn to bake like that?”
kiyoomi stares at the scene unfolding before him. it was.. new. unfamiliar— he hasn’t seen his daughter act like this with anyone else— besides him and his team mates. so, he simply watched.
seina babbled and babbled, much to the your amusement— and the other staff members. you listened to her with your full attention, your interest never wavering in the slightest
it’s a bit later, kiyoomi holds a tired seina in his arms— you expect him to leave the bakery, his daughter’s wishes been fulfilled, and he wouldn’t have a reason to stick around
but then he presents to you a large stack of cash “for the pastries. my,, daughter really liked them.”
your eyes widen, “sir! i told you, the pastries were on the house!” you shake your head, “either way, i can’t take this! it’s too much for some pastries!”
“no, seina insists. in fact, she’s entirely why i’m here.” his tone stays consistent, but even with the mask— you could tell that he’s smiling. “she’s well,, everything. if she’s set on something, then she’ll do everything to achieve her goal.”
you smile at the statement, “thanks for bringing her here sir..?”
kiyoomi hesitates to tell you his name for a moment, an unfamiliar, yet familiar pound in his chest rises— he chooses to not figure it out right now, considering that it would be too soon to pursue a romantic relationship.
but, if his daughter brought him here, then it must be for a reason. “kiyoomi.”
“right,” you smile, “thanks for coming here, kiyoomi. you can give me a call, if seina wants any more pastries.” you write your number on a piece of paper, and hand it to him
he doesn’t reply, but he does take the piece of paper anyway— keeping it in his pocket
and for once, he thinks that he doesn’t hate having to go to the bakery weekly., because there’ll be a warm presence there to greet him— and of course, seina.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own hq!! and it’s characters. haikyuu!! belongs to furudate haruichi, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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rainworldslugcats · 3 years
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well, ive doodled a couple of slugcats recently that i wanted to turn into full drawings, but i felt that leaving them as only slightly differently colored variations would be a tad boring, and i ain’t have this many oc’s either.
SO instead, you can send in your own slugcat oc’s and i will draw them!
reblog this post with an image of your own sluggy and the number next to the pose you want (plus any extra info to take into account) and i will add you to the list!
i will upload every finished slugcat here separately (with a transparent background) and once everythings done i’ll upload the whole collage to the RW discord, if you want to be pinged for that drop your discord username along with the request.
here are a couple of rules however:
1. only a single slugcat per person, unless there isn’t enough interest
2. if your designs body strays too far from the bases it might get rejected, extra frills, slight changes to ears or tail and such are fine, but major changes that would require an overhaul to most of the base are not.
3. please check if someone else has already claimed that spot before you, if you ask for the same one i might skip over your request.
4. i will only be taking picture references, i will not draw a slugcat from a text description.
for the first time around, i will only take one request per base and only draw 7 slugcats total, but depending on how this goes i might open these bases again later with a more freeform approach!
i don’t have any exact promises for when all of them will be finished, we’ll just have to sit tight and see!
i hope you’ll like em!
all drawings have now been filled out! you can find the finished pieces here
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
Ok, a day later than I’d planned, but I couldn’t decide how to ask, so I’ll keep it broad. For the CZ snippets you’ve been writing… I would love to know more about Anakin’s relationship with his dragon blood. Some ideas include: Is he still connected to any of his relatives, and is he on good terms with them? Has he always known he was part dragon, or was there a certain age where he found out? Or, on a slightly different note - do he and Obi-Wan ever talk again after the events of the fic? What would that even look like? Any or none of the above, just… I was wondering about Anakin, if you are so inclined. And also let me say again that CZ is truly incredible!!! I’m continually blown away by your worldbuilding and depth of characterization.
OOOOOOOOOOH. Well, the answers to the first two are pretty brief, but Anakin found out when he was around 10. Shmi had no idea that his father had dragon blood, so it was a surprise to everyone! He's on decent terms with Owen and Beru (or was, before...everything that happened).
AND I have done a little snippet post-fic. It is...not super happy. Implied canonical pregnancy trauma, as a warning.
Obi-Wan happened to be out for lunch with Bant when the emergency call came in.
It had been a few weeks since he’d made it back to Coruscant, and, in that time, she’d found an excellent new seafood place, happy to share something that aligned with both of their dietary needs.
Cody had gone out with a half-dozen of his brothers, reconnecting over the joys of minigolf, which they’d discovered a few months back. Cody had promptly developed a ridiculously competitive streak, scowling when he returned from the last game with a total of 25 strokes for the entire 18 holes of the course.
He’d just sent Obi-Wan a picture of the course - Rex and Bly centered in the frame, comparing clubs - when Bant took a call from the Temple. He felt her bearing change before he even heard the tone of her voice when she asked, “What? How far out are they? What’s her blood pressure? What? No, I’m coming in, I’ll be there in--”
She paused then, looking over at Obi-Wan, who was already standing, waving over their server, and paying for their drinks. She asked, “How quickly can you get me back to the Temple?”
“That depends, do you--”
“Obi-Wan,” she said, looking at him with her fathomless eyes, “As long as we make it in one piece…”
He slid his wallet back into his pocket and said, “Ten minutes. Twelve on the outside.”
“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” she said, hanging up, and Obi-Wan didn’t bother asking what was going on, not in that moment, just hustled her out of the restaurant and out onto his bike.
He got her there in nine minutes.
Obi-Wan didn’t intend to follow Bant through the halls to the Healer’s Wing. The injured deserved their privacy, after all, it wasn’t his business who was being air-lifted into the Temple for immediate medical care.
Bant grabbed his arm, though, as she swung off the bike, and only stared at him for a moment, and he asked, keeping his voice quiet because she looked ready to bolt, “Bant?”
“Would you come with me?” she asked, and he felt a tremble in her hand.
“Of course,” he said, the hair on the back of his neck rising. “But, I don’t--”
“They’re bringing Skywalker along,” she blurted, the scales around her eyes going pale in a fear response. The attack on the Temple had been--more than a year ago, but it had left scars on them all, and--
“What?” Obi-Wan asked, everything inside him going very still, his blood rushing in his ears.
“Apparently, he’s--he wouldn’t let them take her, otherwise, and she’s in a terrible condition and--Obi-Wan. You could always beat him. I’d feel better, if--”
“Whatever you need,” he told her, because he would have gone, anyway, Force, Anakin was going to be in the Temple. “But who are you talking about?”
“I’ll explain on the way,” Bant said, some of the tension relaxing ouf of her shoulders. “Come on.”
She was, apparently, Ambassador Amidala. She was apparently pregnant, and the shock of that almost drew Obi-Wan to a stop in the hall. “It’s not--” he started, his gut twisting, and Bant nodded at him, still hurrying along.
“Apparently it is,” she said. “This hasn’t happened in decades, Obi-Wan. I have no idea how…” She strangled off, and he squeezed her hand.
“You’ll do what you can,” he told her, and then there were shouting voices ahead of them, yelling about things like blood pressure and pulse rate, and Bant pulled away from him, running forward.
They turned a corner just as another set of medics came down that ramp that led to the roof, a stretched between them, a woman on it, writhing visibly against the straps holding her onto the stretcher.
Padmé. She was making a terrible sound, wounded and low, and Bant snapped, “This way, bring her this way, now.”
Obi-Wan ignored all that, because behind the medics, hurrying along, flanked by two of the troopers, was--
Obi-Wan had not seen him. Not since that terrible night at the end of the Convergence. It had been decided he’d never return to the Temple, but--
Now he was there, striding forward as though he intended to follow the healers, his eyes wild and his expression haggard. Obi-Wan stepped into his path, hand falling automatically to the handle of his sword, and said, “That’s far enough.”
“Get out of my way,” Anakin snapped, making to charge forward, and Obi-Wan shifted into a defensive posture, his sword whispering as he drew it, remembering smoke in the air and blood and screams and--
“I said,” he repeated, voice calm and coming from somewhere far away, “that’s far enough.”
“You don’t understand!” Anakin seethed, but jerked to a stop. He wore no weapon. His right arm ended in a prosthetic. The troopers both stopped close to him, frowning. One - Wooley - drew out his phone and called someone, taking a half-step away. “Padmé needs me!”
“I think,” Obi-Wan said, heart beating too fast in his chest, “that you’ve done quite enough to Padmé.”
Anakin’s expression grew stormier. “This isn’t my fault,” he snapped, and Obi-Wan flinched at a scream from inside the healer’s halls.
Obi-Wan boggled at him for a moment, and then said, “Anakin, you know we can’t have children.”
Anakin glared at him, left hand flexing by his hand, a trickle of smoke coming out of his nose. “I’m not a Jedi anymore,” he spat. “Remember?”
“You still went through the Ordination,” Obi-Wan said, hoping that keeping him talking would calm him down, allow the Healers to do their work. Wooley said something into his phone, watching Obi-Wan, and from down the hall, Obi-Wan could hear more people approaching, not leaving him to handle this alone. “You can’t safely have children. Your DNA--”
“There’s no proof of that,” Anakin said, “I checked. No one has even tried for like a hundred years, they just listen to the Order’s rules--”
Obi-Wan barked out a laugh, nothing amused in it, and Anakin stopped talking, just boggling at him. “How many dead pregnant people do you need as proof?” he asked, another scream punctuating the question. “The Order has rules for a reason, Anakin.”
Anakin jerked forward, and Wooley and Crys caught him back by the arms, holding him before he made it a step. Obi-Wan looked at him, heart still racing, tasting bile in the back of his mouth, and asked, horrors unfolding through his faults. “Oh, gods, did you--make her--”
“No!” Anakin said, trying to recoil back. “How could you even think that?”
“Well,” Obi-Wan said, as - finally - Mace and Depa came out of the hall, Barriss a few steps behind them. “You tried your control with me.”
“We’ll handle this,” Mace said, putting a hand on Obi-Wan’s back, tone very gentle. “It’s alright, Obi-Wan. You don’t have to stay here.”
“Bant wanted me here,” he said, aware of prickling heat and sweat down his back.
“Understandable,” Mace told him, easing in front of Obi-Wan, anyway. “But we’re here now. It’s alright.”
“Right,” Obi-Wan said, feeling…full of adrenaline. He took a step back and then another, listening to Anakin argue with Mace. He walked away, sword still in hand, ears buzzing, remembering Anakin that night, standing before him, blocking his way and swinging a sword and--
“Obi-Wan!” Cody shouted, and Obi-Wan jerked his head up. He had not realized that he’d made it to the main hall. Cody came through the door at a run, only slowing when he reached Obi-Wan, reaching out to grab both his arms, looking him over. “Are you alright? Where is he?”
“I’m fine,” Obi-Wan said, only becoming aware, then, that his hand - his free hand - had started to shake. He curled it up into a fist. “What happened to your game?”
Cody stared at him for a moment like he’d spoken some other language, and then curled an arm around his shoulder, tugging him down the hall, further from the Healer’s Halls. “Wooley called me,” he said. “Come on. Let’s go to the gardens.”
“Alright,” Obi-Wan said, because that sounded reasonable. He drew in a breath and let it out, and added, “You didn’t have to come back.”
Cody made a little sound, pained, and did not dignify the comment with a reply.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 14}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby’s blogs! >>@snelbz​
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Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
Cassian was up far before Nesta, but that was to be expected.
He had worn her out, after all.
In all honesty, though, she had worn him out, too. And he sure as hell wasn’t complaining.
It had taken him a while to fall asleep the night before, to fully digest everything that had happened between the two of them. He didn’t regret it, not for a second, but it was…strange. Nesta Archeron was the last woman he thought he’d find himself in such a situation with.
It had been a pleasant surprise, to say the least. Even when he had finally fallen asleep, it was all he dreamt about.
His hands on her body.
The little sounds that fell from her lips.
The feeling of his mouth against hers.
The feeling of being inside of her.
Dressing, he crept downstairs, not wanting to wake her, and made a pot of coffee. Sitting at the kitchen table, he ran a hand through his messy hair.
Cassian had no idea what was going to come this morning. Was she going to pretend it never happened? Was she going to be mad or say that it was a mistake?
He sure as hell hadn’t thought it was a mistake. He’d loved every minute of the night they’d shared, but he knew that a line had been crossed between them.
He was going to let her decide what would come next.
It wasn’t two minutes after Cassian pulled a pan of crispy bacon out of the oven, he heard a door open at the top of the stairs. He smirked, but felt a sense of dread as footsteps slowly descended towards the kitchen.
Nesta appeared, dressed in long-sleeved flannel pajamas. She stopped in the doorway and cleared her throat.
“I made breakfast,” Cassian said, gesturing to the display on the countertop.
“Thanks,” Nesta said, scratching the back of her head.
“Care to join me at the table?” he asked.
Nesta hesitated, then nodded. “Sure. Thanks.”
Cassian said nothing more as he made her a plate, then himself one, and carried them to the table. He was already popping a piece of bacon into his mouth when Nesta sat.
“So,” Cassian began. “How are you?”
“Good,” Nesta answered, a little too quickly. “You?”
“Good,” Cassian said, nodding.
Silence ensued.
They ate quietly. Cassian glanced at Nesta from time to time. Nesta did the same. Eventually, Cassian dropped his fork on his plate and ran a hand through his hair.
“Alright, this is ridiculous,” he said.
Nesta raised a brow. “What is?”
“This awkwardness,” Cassian said, laughing quietly. “I mean, we fucked, right?”
Nesta nearly choked on a piece of bacon. “We….”
“Had sex,” Cassian finished. “We did, and you know what? It was good. But when we went to bed, it was awkward. And this morning? Still awkward. Why is it awkward?”
“Because we had drunk sex,” she said, laughing, despite herself. “We got drunk and we hooked up, like horny teenagers and…” She shook her head, and looked up at him. And she burst out laughing.
“And we’re adults,” he said, laughing along with her. “We made that choice. I liked that choice. I’d make that choice again.”
Nesta’s laughter quieted. “I know. I don’t either, but…”
Cassian took a drink of his coffee, smirking. “Was it not the best sex of your life?”
Nesta began blushing, and she bit her lip as she moved the eggs around her plate. “I plead the fifth.”
“That’s a cop-out answer,” Cassian said, his mouth full.
Nesta laughed. “So what?”
Cassian’s grin said plenty. “Fair enough. I mean, it was a one time thing, right?”
“Right,” Nesta said, without any hesitation. “So, there’s no need to feel awkward, right?”
“Right,” Cassian agreed. “We were letting off some steam, some stress, and now we’re fine.”
“Exactly,” Nesta said, scooping up a mouthful of eggs.
That silence resumed.
A few minutes later, Nesta said, “It was pretty good, though.”
Cassian chuckled. “Oh, I know.”
She kicked his shin beneath the table.
His grin widened.
“What do you have going on today?” Cassian asked, at last.
“Work,” Nesta answered, simply. “You’ll pick Nyx up?”
“I will,” he promised.
“Great,” she said, taking a drink of her coffee. She glanced at the clock and jumped to her feet. “Shit, I need to go get ready.”
“Go,” he chuckled, shooing her off. “I’ll handle the kitchen.”
She glanced around at the room, which was still a wreck from the night before. Her bikini top was looped over one of the drawer pulls and she blushed.
She couldn’t believe it.
She had sex with Cassian, her sworn enemy for years.
And the most surprising thing of all? She had liked it.
A lot.
He hadn’t been lying when he said it would be the best sex of her life. There was no comparison, whatsoever.
Even waking up after a fantastic night of sleep, Nesta still felt amazing. She was relaxed, albeit a bit sore. Nearly giddy.
And all because of Cassian.
Since the accident, Nesta hadn’t spent nearly as much time at the restaurant as she usually did. And not nearly as often as she liked. Her staff had absolutely understood that she needed to get accustomed to her new life and how things worked, but as she hurried between the dining room and the kitchen, she couldn’t help but feel like she was in a bit over her head.
Granted, her mind kept trailing back to the activities she’d had the night before, which flustered her to no end every time she thought about them. She was staring at an open laptop in front of her, the PDF of the new menu staring back, when she heard a throat clearing from the doorway of her office.
She glanced up and found Helion standing there. He was her general manager and made sure everything ran smoothly when she wasn’t there, and he was a blessing in her life.
“What’s up?”
He looked around before slipping into the chair across the desk from her. “You going to tell me what’s got you spacing out so badly today that you mixed fresh salmon into the chicken salad base?”
Nesta cringed, but tried not to show it. “I wanted to try a new recipe. If it bombs, it bombs.”
Helion lifted a brow, not believing her lie for a second.
“What?” Nesta asked.
“Did the walk of shame this morning, did you?” He asked, a familiar mischievous glint in his eye.
Nesta hesitated. “Is it still a walk of shame if you never leave your house?”
Helion’s brows furrowed but then the dots connected. His mouth fell open as his eyes widened. “You fucked the hot uncle?”
Nesta groaned, her face falling into her hands.
Helion had no sympathy. He asked, “Is he the one that’s sitting at the bar asking for you?”
Nesta’s hands fell and she met Helion’s eye.
Helion shrugged. “Didn’t think I just came back here to chat, did you?”
“I…” Nesta was up before she could even think through what she might say to him, rounding her desk and hurrying towards the front of the restaurant.
She wasn’t sure if Cassian’s mid-day appearance was a good thing or not. On one hand, he may have stopped by with Nyx after picking him up from Elain’s. On the other, what if something was wrong? What if Nyx had had a bad night or something had happened? Her steps slowed and she paused before she left the kitchens, taking a deep breath.
Nothing was wrong. She wouldn’t accept any other answer. Tucking her loose hair behind an ear, she pushed through the door.
But she didn’t find Cassian sitting at the bar.
It was Balthazar, whose brown eyes she met and her smile faltered, but only a little. She had it back in place before he had time to notice.
“Figured out how I recognized you,” he said, as she approached from the other side of the bar.
“I see that,” she laughed, softly.
“Turns out I come here often,” he continued, his smile growing. “Turns out, so do you.”
“I would say I make an appearance here from time to time,” she agreed. “So, stop in for lunch?”
“I had the day off,” he explained, shrugging. “Errand day.”
She was just now noticing the designer sweatpants and hoodie he wore. His sneakers alone probably cost a couple hundred dollars.
Apparently the rumors were true…
Doctors made good money.
“And this was on your list?” Nesta asked.
Bal chuckled. “Well, last night I got to thinking that I’ve seen you here once or twice. It just clicked. So, I googled the restaurant, and, believe it or not, the owner’s picture is on the website.”
“Huh,” Nesta chimed. “Funny.”
“Mhmm,” Balthazar crooned. “I thought so. So, I thought I’d come visit and, yeah, maybe stay for lunch.”
“Well, lucky for you, the lunch special of the day is the prime dip, and I must say that it’s absolutely delicious,” Nesta said.
He closed the menu on the bar top in front of him. “Sounds perfect.”
“Give me just a minute to get that for you, and I’ll be right back. Can I get you something to drink?” She asked, sliding the menu below the bar.
“Drink drink or just to drink?” He asked and his smile did strange things to her stomach.
“Oh, I don’t have a liquor license,” she said, scrunching her nose. Too many hoops to jump through, but she would have loved to serve wine with her food. The pairings she would come up with were tempting. “Water, your everyday sodas, and homemade fruit teas.”
“Fruit tea, huh?” He tapped a contemplative finger against his chin.
She couldn’t have stopped the grin if she tried. “Has that piqued your interest?”
“Depends on what flavors you have,” he said, folding his arms across the bar. “I’m very choosy about my fruit tea.”
She laughed, quietly. “Mango, raspberry, strawberry, and passion fruit.”
“Passion fruit,” he repeated. “I like the sound of that.”
“Okay,” Nesta said, quietly with a little smile she couldn’t stop, and hurried back to the kitchen.
Helion was waiting for her behind the swinging door, grinning from ear to ear.
“Not him,” Nesta said, sweeping past him.
“Still handsome!” Helion called after her.
Nesta ignored him, not wanting to give him too much information on her current man-drama, even though she could tell he was far too invested in her private life.
After putting his order in, Nesta was heading back into her office and shutting herself inside, if only to shut out Helion.
When she had rounded the corner and saw it wasn’t Cassian, there was the tiniest bit of disappointment that she had to quickly push away. Then again, it also meant that everything had apparently gone okay with Nyx, which Nesta was happy about.
She and Cassian had been a one time thing.
Yes, they had called a truce, but it didn’t mean anything more than them being civil with one another. It meant co-parenting. Maybe even one day becoming something that resembled friends…but nothing more.
She tried to focus on the proof of the menu she was editing, tried to pay attention to the descriptions she typed out and the pictures she selected as focal points. But after she ended up choosing the wrong picture three times in a row, she closed her laptop and sighed, letting her face fall into her hands. She was distracted and she genuinely couldn’t tell if it was due to the man sitting out at the bar or if it was thanks to the one at home.
Balthazar’s order was up, and Nesta was delighted to find that someone, most likely Helion, had brought him his tea. When she set his plate down in front of him, his tongue swept across his bottom lip, and Nesta couldn’t help but notice.
“This looks amazing,” he said.
“And your tea?” Nesta asked.
“Pretty good,” he grinned.
Damn his smile. Every time he smiled, Nesta couldn’t help but smile back.
“Well, it was great seeing you,” Nesta said, and she meant it. “I should get back to work, though, I’m pretty booked.”
“Of course,” he said, understandingly. “I get it. I did want to ask you, though, if you were free on Saturday night?”
It was only a few nights away, and at first, Nesta hesitated, but then she thought it was ridiculous that she was hesitating, so she said, “Yeah, I’m free.”
“Good,” Bal said, cocking his head to the side. “How about that date, then?”
“I’ll have to check with Cassian,” she said, and when his eyebrows raised, she added hastily, “To make sure he doesn’t already have plans. It’s- We alternate who gets weekends off, and I made a deal with him last weekend.”
Balthazar nodded, and he took another sip of his tea. “Well, then you just let me know if Saturday will work and if not, we’ll figure out another day.”
She smiled and nodded. “Okay.” Nesta turned and was almost back to the door leading to the kitchen when she turned and said, “Lunch is on me today, by the way.”
His own smile was dazzling when he said, “My compliments to the chef.”
With a shy wave, though Nesta wasn’t sure she had a timid bone in her body, she was through the door and headed back to her office. Helion was on her heels a second later, trailing her through the doorway.
“One minute, you’re banging the hot uncle and the next, a Greek god asks you out on a date?” He said, his brows flicking up. “You apparently have fate on speed dial and I need you to give me her number.”
“Shut up,” she groaned, collapsing into her chair. “Don’t you have orders to help cook?”
He hummed quietly as he left her to her thoughts, but did as she said, finding his way back onto the grill line.
Nesta glanced over at the clock. Only two in the afternoon. It was going to be a long day.
Nyx blew a raspberry, landing a spray of sweet potato directly on Cassian’s face. His body stilled, but when Nyx started giggling, Cassian’s body quickly relaxed.
“Very funny,” he said, ruffling Nyx’s hair as he stood and went to the sink. After tearing a paper-towel off the roll, he held it under the faucet and wiped off his face.
The front door opened and closed.
“Hello?” Nesta called.
“Kitchen!” Cassian replied. “Nyx is making a mess!”
Nesta was in the kitchen in no time, hurrying to Nyx and kissing his chubby cheeks. “Hi, my love. I missed you. Yes, I did.”
Nyx babbled incoherently in response.
“How was your day?” Cassian asked, wiping off the last bit of potato from his eyebrow.
“Long,” she admitted. “Right before I was about to leave, a shipment of fresh ingredients came in that I needed to get stocked and inventoried.” She dumped a few of the strawberry-banana puffs into her hand and popped one of them into her mouth. “If I have to count another head of lettuce today, my head might explode.”
“Well, fortunately,” Cassian chuckled. “There are no heads of lettuce here for you to count.”
“Have you eaten yet?” She asked, heading for the fridge. “I’m starving.”
“There’s pizza on the way,” he said, attempting to get another spoonful of sweet potatoes into Nyx’s mouth. “I wasn’t sure when you’d be home, or if you’d feel like cooking.”
“You’re a blessing,” she sighed, and sat down at the kitchen table. She watched as Nyx continued to spray food into his face and chuckled quietly. “You want me to take over?”
“Nah,” he said, leaving the splattered sweet potato where it stuck to his face. “No need for both of us to get covered.”
“How gallant of you,” Nesta chuckled, opening the fridge and pulling out a can of Coca-Cola. She rarely did caffeine, but after the day she had, it was necessary. “I, um, did have a question for you.”
Cassian looked over his shoulder, brow raised.
Nesta couldn’t help but smile at the specks of sweet potato that covered his face.
“I was wondering if I could go out Saturday night,” Nesta said. “I mean, I know last weekend I went out, and I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness-.”
“With the doctor?” Cassian interrupted. His tone wasn’t hard, but it did seem uncertain, or another emotion that Nesta couldn’t quite place.
“Yeah,” Nesta began, cracking open her can. “He came by the restaurant today and asked me to dinner on Saturday night. I told him I’d have to talk to you about it first, since I said I’d have Nyx.”
“I see,” Cassian said, turning back to Nyx.
“If it’s an issue, if you have plans, I don’t mind telling him no-.”
“You should go,” Cassian said, shrugging. “I have no plans. I can stay here.”
She blinked, watching him. “You’re sure?”
“You sound like you don’t want me to be sure,” he said, glancing at her over his shoulder. “Are you looking for a reason to say no?”
“No,” she replied, quickly. “It’s just… After last night-.”
“We hooked up,” he shrugged. “We blew off some steam, in a very physical way. But that was that, and, like we said this morning, it was a one time thing, yeah?” She nodded. “Alright, then if you want to say yes, say yes. I can watch Nyx.”
She hesitated for a second, but her smile grew. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he repeated, and gave her a smile of his own. “Go relax for a bit, I’ll let you know when the pizza is here.”
She nodded and was about to head up the stairs, but she turned around, wiping the smeared baby food off his face and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks, Cass.”
He mumbled something and waved her off, and she grabbed her phone from her purse before she hurried up to her room.
After changing out of her work clothes and into something far more comfier, she fell back on her bed and unlocked her phone.
Balthazar’s messages were soon pulled up, and Nesta was sending him a text.
Saturday sounds great. Pick me up at 7?
She didn’t wait for his response before tossing her phone aside and going through her nightly routine. She figured she would eat and call it a day.
She was beat.
After washing her face and pulling up her hair, Nesta walked back into her room just as her phone lit up on top of her comforter.
I won’t be a second late.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
B D J O V for Donnie, Karl and Alcina? (yes I am in love, no I dont have regrets uwu)
My 3 loves? Well why not! And pls enjoy the ficlet styles I’m going to opt for when doing dirty secrets! This is a little long so is going under the cut.
🩸🍷Alcina Dimitrescu🩸🍷
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and on the other)
A bit of an odd one here but she loves backs, like your actual back. The line of your spine, if you have those back dimples, ufff. She loves the shape of it if you’re on the more curvier side, she loves the skin, and your rolls, and any stretch marks. Just picture that elegant hand of hers ghosting over your back, nails maybe even claws.
On herself, well Alcina is aware of her assets and she’s very aware of her chest, both she’s quite proud of but she’s really proud of her figure over all.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There was a pretty seamstress in the village who always was brought up to the castle to help with her dresses. She was a pretty thing in Alcina’s eyes, very much her type. When your making or fixing or measuring a tailor made outfit for a 9ft+ woman well it gets tricky and a little more handsy than usual. Alcina didn’t mind, the seamstress didn’t either. It was interesting following simple commands even if they were asked upon her with nothing but grace and poise.
So as Alcina sat for the 40th time to have something around her neck marked to be fixed, she had to stand between her legs to best approach and see the mistake. Only sitting did she have the best chance at seeing her at a more eye to eye level (well as best as it could be).
She isn’t dumb, she knows curiosity, want and lust like the back of her hand. Sees the nervous swallow of the seamstress whenever hands glide across her chest. The whispered ‘pardon my lady’ when she rests a palm on Alcina’s throat and takes a needle to the neckline with all the gentleness she can muster. Of course it’s the moment to prick her finger, the quiet hiss and scent is enough to alert Alcina and without waiting for her to fuss she takes that bleeding digit and kisses it, tastes the bead of blood, all while looking straight at her. When she still sees lust there, oh does she pull her closer.
One of her maids walks in about twenty minutes later, an array of materials in her arms so she doesn’t quite catch how the Lady of the castle smooths her dress and tries not to laugh, chest heaving a little and legs closing a tad. The maid greets her with her usual honorifics before leaving the requested materials, she notices the seamstress isn’t there and arches a brow at the room. “Lavatory” is all Alcina says before the maid makes a question. She nods but feels something isn’t right with the current picture but still leaves.
Once gone.
The seamstress crawls out from under Alcina’s skirt, mouth shiny, hair disheveled and nice set of teeth marks at her bosom.
It becomes a frequent thing after that.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
It’s not to say she needs to because she sincerely feels she has anybody at her beck and call who is willing ready and able. But on the rare occasion she indulges in some self care, it’s mostly in her luxurious tub. Feeling the warm water, her hair clean and smelling of that weeks chosen fragrance, well it gets her thinking and thinking leads desiring and if there isn’t anybody she’ll handle it. Slow, she loves drawing out her own pleasure, loves to feel that rise but stops before it’s too close. She’ll do that, edge herself a little bit more before biting down on her lip to muffle a more particular louder cry.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Both. She lives for giving it and she loves to receive it. She is just, wow, so incredibly good at it, she’s goes about it in such erotic and passionate way and if you’re not looking like you are being possessed by the devil then she up’s her game to make sure that happens. You can squeeze her head with your thighs all you want, she’s built different lol she can handle it. Don’t yank to much on her hair though, claw at her all you want but easy on the do.
She’s had a few inexperienced lovers which she has to guide when they want to go down on her. She’s very particular of what and how she likes it, but she’s patient enough to teach you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
I’ll do you one better, https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRSKhUoh/
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and on the other)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) shout out to @imthegreenfairy88 for helping me out with this one.
The first few times he indulged in this he was very adamant in keeping it to himself and to himself only (with time and reassurance he chills out) but the first time he tried doing ‘back door’ stuff on himself he was very surprised about how good it fucking felt and every so often he indulged in it. There’s an occasion where he ends up in bed with some tourist, gun to his head he doesn’t remember their name but he sure fucking remember the blow job and fingering combo that they gave him that had him seeing fucking stars. He tensed up at first was about to say something but they crooked their fingers just right and swallowed his cock at the same time and words were out the window along with thoughts.
He was so far gone that it didn’t cross his mind that when he begged for another finger, he gave himself away and if their eyes weren’t indication of how delighted they had been, feeling two more additional fingers really proved the point.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I mean I’m saying yea, he has to get creative with it sometimes so as to not get bored, but he picks up a few things he enjoys (he is creative after all) he’s definitely ruined his fair share of pillows, loves rutting into them. He has beat off probably in any section of the factory but shower is better for clean up. He for sure has done it outside of the factory, probably relaxing on a chair and if the weather is nice enough, it’s not like anybody is gonna suddenly drop by. He likes a tight closed fist when he’s close but enjoys a teasing touch to start things off, really enjoys grabbing his balls when he does it. Very messy messy boy when he cums.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
This man blows you like his life depends on it. VERY sloppy but it’s really hot, it’s how eager he is about it and how willing he is to suffocate and or choke on it. He’s told you to sit on his face multiple times at multiple moments of the day. He loves the taste of you, loves feeling suffocated by your thighs. You know what they about big noses too 🥴🥴
As for receiving he likes to dish out what he takes. So expect some rough mouth fucking, he will make you gag, he will make you all teary eyed cause he enjoys it. He’s fine with it without to be honest, he much prefers to be balls deep in you but if you enjoy doing it then expect hip thrusting.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not super loud, but he isn’t mute. He groans and moans but he’s also a talker so expect a lot dirty talk. His voice drops in a way when he’s fucking you that it makes your toes curl. He’s all breathy pants when he’s close. Lots and lots of cuss words.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and on the other)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes the taste of his own cum.
He denies it, really denies it, just says it’s his way of cleaning you up after a nice romp but he really has a way of proving the opposite. Donnie has ‘finished’ on you in every way shape or form. On your stomach, back, face etc you name and each time he has cleaned you up he’s either wiped it up and sucked on his fingers or he’s just full blown licked it off of you.
And there is something so disgustingly erotic about that you haven’t or don’t want to call him out on it. You’ve gone down on his multiple times and he very eager to kiss you after your done. One time you purposefully left some on your chin and lips to see if he’d clean it up first but nah, kissed the heck out of you. His favorite is cumin in you and then going down on you. The first time he did that, it was enough to make your toes curl till they cracked and just as you were about to say something he was yanking another orgasm from you. The combined taste of his and yours release? Fuck now that was his favorite.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Does it and does it often. He’s not prudish about it, it’s free oxytocin and for a guy who’s convinced he’s never gonna get a shot at being with somebody physically, might as well practice some self love.
Loves visual stimulation but he’s really into audio stimuli. Likes those audios where he feels he’s there with the person or the ones where they give instructions. Donnie is really into edging and if he’s got the time and privacy he can literally edge himself for a couple of hours. Has at times managed hands free orgasms. Has made cock sleeves or basically fleshlights (ah ingenuity), can have his moments where he’s super slow and teasing about it, light strokes and all that. Can also have moments where he basically fucks his fist to the point of making some pretty obscene wet noises. If listening to audios or watching videos he really loves trying to cum at the same time as the person in the vid or audio. Has a bottle of lotion right on the desk but that shit is so cluttered with stuff that nobody has picked up on it and honestly it’s kinda funny.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Oh my lord is he OBSESSED with giving oral. It’s such a big turn on for him. He just loves how intimate it is, he loves how he’s giving you pleasure in such an intimate position. LOVES over stimulating with his mouth, loves feeling thighs trying to break his head, happy to die down the suffocated in his favorite place, loves feeling a hand at the back of his head and pushing him in further.
He’s not crazy about receiving cause he knows his size is a challenge but he’s not opposed to it, he much rather get a hand job from you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Loud and not afraid about it. He enjoys the fuck out of it and is going to be vocal about it unless it’s adamant to be quiet because people are around. His churrs are really nice, deep but not as baritone as say Raph’s, but they feel and sound so good.
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littlemarvelfics · 3 years
Get Lost
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Pairing: Bucky and Reader 
Word Count: 1.2k 
Warnings: none
A/N: Maybe I’m back? I’m still not sure but I had to participate in @syntheticavenger​‘s  writing challenge. I love love all of your work and tbh reading your work has really gotten me back into writing. I knew if I kept looking at this, I would never post it so any mistakes are all mine. Y’all can follow @littlemarvelfics-notifs​ to be updated when I write something new. I’m definitely open to any and all requests! 
How It Started
Looking up from your phone, you glanced up and down the busy city street. Your new apartment building should be right in front of you. Instead, all you saw was an empty lot. You tried to get the attention of someone passing by but you didn’t have any luck. You groaned and threw your head back. 
“It is not humanly possible for one person to have this many things go wrong in one day!” you shouted to the sky, unconcerned with any looks you were getting. 
“Excuse me, miss?” a voice questioned. 
Your head snapped back down and you came face to face with a pair of stunning blue eyes and a kind smile.
“You look like you could use some help,” he continued. 
“I could,” you mumbled, eyeing the stranger suspiciously. “Everyone else has ignored my pleas for help. What are you up to?” 
The stranger looked down and chuckled before meeting your eye again. 
“Maybe I’m from a different time,” he responded simply with a shrug of his shoulder. “I’m Bucky.” 
You responded with your name and shook his outstretched hand. 
“What seems to be the problem?” 
“Everything,” you replied. “The airline lost my luggage so I have a single pair of clean underwear and a toothbrush to my name until they find it. I spent 30 minutes trying to find a taxi, when I finally got one, I gave them my new address. They dropped me here. In front of a lot. But considering I don’t have any belongings, maybe the lot will be fine!” 
“Alright, one thing at a time. The airline has your information and they’ll get you your bags. I don’t know how much help I’ll be with the underwear but I can point you in the direction of a store. What’s the address of your place?” 
You rattled off your address, hoping it wasn’t too far from where you were.  
“You’re in luck,” Bucky said with a smile. “That’s my building and you’re only two blocks away. I can walk you there if you’d like.” 
“That would be incredible,” you sighed, your shoulders sagging with relief. 
Bucky started off in the direction of the building and you followed next to him closely. The two of you fell into an easy conversation, making quick work of the two blocks you had to travel. As Bucky neared the building and slower, you couldn’t help but be disappointed. He was incredibly charming and cute, a longer walk with him would’ve been perfect. 
Pausing to point out a shop across the street where you could get the necessities until your bags came. He then held open the front door of the building for you, smiling as you brushed against him. You stopped in the lobby and turned to face him. 
“I think I’ve got it from here. Thank you so much for your help Bucky.” 
“No problem doll, I’m in apartment 302 if you need anything.” 
“302,” you repeated. “What are the chances that’s in the vicinity of apartment 303?” 
“Right next door,” he said with a smile. “You probably have plans for your first night in the city-” 
“No plans!” you interrupted quickly.. 
“Then maybe you’d wanna order a pizza? Watch a movie or something.” 
“That sounds amazing actually,” you replied with a smile. 
“Great! I’ve got a few errands to run but you can come over around 7?” 
“I’ll see you then,” you said, turning to go up the stairs. 
After making it successfully into your apartment, you leaned against the closed door and smiled. You might not have any furniture or clothes but maybe you didn’t have the worst luck afterall. 
How It’s Going
Bucky groaned as he reached out to your side of the bed, the chill of the morning air hitting him when his arm met an empty bed. Opening his eyes, he glanced around the hotel room, hoping to see you on the balcony or hear you in the shower but it was silent and you were nowhere to be found. Bucky flipped to his side and found a folded sheet of paper addressed to him in your handwriting. Grabbing it, he read the quickly scrawled out message. 
“Left for breakfast, be back soon.” 
Bucky let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. 
“This isn’t going to end well,” he mumbled to himself. 
It had been two, almost three years since he met you on the street in Brooklyn and the first thing Bucky learned about you-- the circumstance of your first meeting wasn’t unusual. Your terrible sense of direction paired with your refusal to depend on technology made you chronically late and lost. You were even late to Bucky’s proposal when a closed street had you turned around for 45 minutes. On the day of your wedding, he made Wanda follow you closely to make sure you wouldn’t get lost on your way to the ceremony-- even if you had been to the chapel multiple times. 
Bucky picked up his phone and made sure he didn’t have any missed calls before pulling himself out of bed and heading to the balcony. The eiffel tower loomed in the distance, the sun shining down on the city. Two days into your honeymoon and he never wanted to leave. He was pulled from his thoughts when his phone started ringing, your picture flashing on the screen. He accepted the call but before he could say anything, you started talking. 
“This is not my fault.” 
“Uh huh,” Bucky replied sceptically. “Who’s fault is it?” 
“Did you know that everything is in French here?” you questioned. 
“In Paris, France? Yes, the thought had crossed my mind.” 
“You can make fun of me later, just come help me!” 
“Use your phone!” Bucky said, chuckling. 
“But it would be so much more romantic if my husband came to save me,” you countered. 
“Alright Mrs. Barnes, do you see a street sign or a store around?” 
You rattled off a few places you could see, including the hotel you thought was yours but upon further inspection, you realized it wasn’t even close. 
Bucky switched you over to speaker phone and looked up the hotel you were standing in front of. He sighed when he realized where you were. 
“Down the street, Y/N, you are quite literally down the street,” he said with a sigh. 
“Then it should be easy for you to find me!” you said cheerfully. “Bye!” 
Bucky hung up the phone and quickly threw on his jeans, boots and a henley that still smelled like you from the night before when you wore it to bed. He jogged down to the lobby and made his way down the busy street, slowing when he spotted you leaning against a building, paper bag in your hand. 
“Mrs. Barnes!” he called out, knowing he would never get tired of referring to you with his last name. 
Your head whipped up, grinning when you spotted Bucky. 
“Hello husband,” you chirped, greeting him with a kiss. “I bought you a croissant.” 
“You could have woken me up, you know,” he said, slinging his arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the hotel. 
“Ah, but this is so much more fun! What better way to celebrate our marriage than to recreate the moment we first met!” 
Bucky stopped and turned to look at you. 
“Hold on, did you know the hotel was right down the street?” 
“Maybe, maybe not,” you mused. 
“Got dressed for nothin’”, he mumbled, continuing the walk. 
“And after a croissant, we can have fun getting undressed again,” you replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Bucky smiled, kissing your head. He knew he would find you anytime you got lost.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
intelligence & issues (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- chapter eighteen
Helloooo I almost posted this yesterday as a thank you gift and then I totally got caught up in schoolwork. Gotta love finals season am I right
Anywho, thank y’all so much for 1.7k followers <3 Here’s a long ass chapter that’s a good ol’ mix of fluff and angst xx.
Chapter Warnings: waking-up-together kinda fluff, no sexytimes but there are some ~suggestive~ comments of course, ANGST at the end (i’m so sorry), the end of this case is very near on the horizon
Previous chapter || Fic Masterlist
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Aaron wakes you when his first alarm goes off at 5a.m. It’s way too fucking early in your opinion, but you know he wants you to have time to go back to Emily and JJ’s room to get ready for the day.
Still, being woken by a kiss on your forehead is something you can see yourself getting used to. Not to mention using his chest as a pillow all night.
You tilt your head to capture his lips in a sweet kiss, not caring that the both of you probably have disgusting morning breath right now.
He pulls away first, nudging your nose with his before he rests his forehead on yours, looking deep into your eyes. “Good morning, sweet girl.”
You can’t help the smile that splits your lips. “Good morning.” You close your eyes in your flustered state, burying your face down into his chest. “I don’t want to leave.”
“I want you to stay,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “But we’ve got a job to do.”
“I know,” you sigh, opening your eyes to bring yourself back to reality. Then, you hook your arms around his neck, starting to grin. “Same thing tonight?”
He smirks, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Depends on how much of a good girl you are today.”
“Ooh, a challenge,” you tease. “I dunno…I’m feeling pretty bratty this morning.”
You feel his arm tighten around your shoulders, drawing you closer to him in warning.
“I’m just teasing,” you murmur, propping your chin on his chest, giving him your best eyes.
But he isn’t fazed. “I know. I’m keeping track.”
So, naturally, you pout. “Fine.”
“Strike two.”
“I have a feeling this isn’t like baseball. Three strikes and I’m out?”
“Are you trying to find out?”
“Mm, maybe?” You grin, but, as always, the FBI Agent part of your brain comes back to life. “If we didn’t have to be downstairs soon, I’d say yes. But I probably should go get dressed.”
“Understood,” Aaron replies, a small grin on his lips too. “I suppose even as your boss, I can’t keep you here.”
“As my boss, we’re technically not even supposed to be in the same bed together,” you remind him with a snort, but seriousness comes over him. “What?”
“We still need to talk,” he says quietly. “Really talk about this, but right now I just want you to know...I don’t regret this. I want this. No matter the consequences.”
“Me too,” you whisper, fingernails gently scratching the base of his skull, your weak attempt at comfort. “Do you think there’ll be consequences?”
He sighs, and you rise and fall with his chest. “I don’t know.” He pauses. “If Strauss finds out somehow, maybe. I don’t know if keeping it from her until she inevitably finds out is better than telling her ourselves, but…”
“We’ll figure it out,” you assure him with a small smile. “But you wanna do this?”
Instead of answering you verbally, he pulls you closer for a soothing kiss, coaxing all your worries away.
“I want to do this,” he says, knowing you need to hear the words from his voice.
“Okay,” you murmur, taking a deep breath. “What do we do about the team?”
His eyebrows furrow. “What about them?”
You give him a tired look. “Come on. They know.”
“What?” He blurts, sitting up a little, taking you with him. “Rossi knows.”
“And Emily and JJ and Garcia,” you chuckle. “I didn’t even tell them. Emily saw us at dinner one night. JJ figured it out from the phone call a few days ago. Garcia just...knows.”
“What about Morgan and Reid?”
“Are you kidding me? Morgan knows. Have you seen how he irritates the shit out of me every day?”
“Exactly,” Aaron says. “He does it every day.”
“Have you noticed how he’s been doing it especially when you’re around?” You raise an eyebrow. “Come on, you’re our supervisor! I thought you were a better profiler than that!”
“We have a rule not to profile each other,” he says sternly, obviously a little butthurt that he didn’t see that everyone else knew.
“A rule that none of us stick to, by the way,” you laugh. “We just don’t voice it. But we do. Trust me.”
“I didn’t think you’d figured that out yet,” he admits.
“Eh,” you shrug. “It wasn’t hard. I caught myself profiling everyone. I figured I couldn’t be the only one who does it by accident.”
Aaron only smiles. He’s amazed by you every single day. Sometimes he wonders if you even know how intelligent you are. If you even know the full scope of your mind. Maybe you don’t, maybe no one does.
“But anyway,” you swerve back on track. “I feel like it should be unspoken, but just...no PDA, you know? It’s fine that they know because honestly I think they knew before we knew, but let’s not make it a big deal.”
“Agreed,” he nods. “We still need to be professional.”
“Exactly,” you breathe, glad to be on the same page.
His second alarm goes off, the one for 5:30, and you groan, dropping your forehead to his chest.
“Why does it have to be so early?” You mutter, your lips brushing against his skin as you speak. It sends a hot wave through him, one that causes him to promptly shift your body off of him. “What are you doing?”
“You need to go get dressed,” he says. “And if you stay here wrapped around me any longer, I won’t be able to let you leave.”
You grin. “Point taken.”
You roll off the mattress, fully aware that he’s looking at your ass, and at your entire body, marveling at the way you look in his shirt.
“Oh,” you say, doing a dramatic turn, watching his eyes very quickly move back to your face. “Do you have any boxers? I probably shouldn’t walk down the hall in just a shirt.”
He’s scrambling for a pair of his boxer briefs, the thought of anyone else seeing you just like this making his blood boil frighteningly fast.
“Thanks,” you smirk when he hands them to you. And you put them on in front of him, partly for a show and partly because the look he was giving you demanded it. “I’ll see you in an hour or so?”
He nods. “Try not to spend too much time gossiping.”
“Oh, please,” you shake your head. “They’re getting all the details.”
You’re out the door before he can even catch you, and you just know you’re going to get it later.
Emily and JJ are on you as soon as you open the door, both of them dressed and ready, arms folded over their chests like Moms whose daughter stayed out too late last night.
In a way, that’s completely accurate.
“And where have you been?” JJ asks, fully entering her Mom persona.
“Uhm, a friend’s house?” You play along, trying to inch your way to the bathroom.
But Emily knows your move, and stands in front of the bathroom door. “Is this friend named Aaron?”
And the façade falls, because they both cheer, pulling you into a hug.
“Finally!” Emily screams.
“Finally, what?” You laugh. “The night before I was also in his room.”
“Oh, we know,” JJ assures you.
“Finally, you admit it,” Emily clarifies. “So...details?”
“So...we have to be downstairs soon and I need to get dressed,” you walk past them to your bag. After grabbing your clothes, you turn back around to find them still staring at you. “What?”
“You’re in his shirt,” JJ says, still smiling.
“And boxers,” you laugh, pulling the hem of his t-shirt up a little. “Guys, don’t make this a big thing.” You pause, heading toward the bathroom. “He was a little upset that I knew everyone knew, and he didn’t.”
“How did he not?” Emily scoffs. “He can be so dense.”
You shake your head, shutting the bathroom door to get dressed.
When you emerge from the bathroom, now dressed and looking more presentable, Emily and JJ are finally getting ready, too. They still watch you like a pair of hawks stalking prey, though. You just hope they won’t make any comments later.
That’s wishful thinking and you know it. But hopefully the comments will be held in at least until you’re all on the jet, heading back to Virginia.
When you walk out of the elevator with Emily and JJ, you find Hotch standing with Rossi, the former looking much more grave than you left him. And he’s on the phone.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath, picking up the pace. You glance at Hotch, silently asking, and he nods. “There’s another body,” you fill in Emily and JJ, ignoring the strange look that Rossi gives you.
Once Hotch hangs up, he looks immediately at you. “There’s two bodies. Male and female.”
“What?” Emily blurts. “In the same location?”
He nods. “Same house.”
About this time, Morgan and Reid step out of the elevator, jogging over when they see the team’s faces.
“What’s going on?” Morgan asks.
“Two bodies this time, same house, male and female,” you explain briefly.
Hotch jumps in. “JJ: you, Reid, and Y/N head over to the precinct and get Garcia on the phone. Get her to find everything she can on these new victims.”
You nod, glad he’s not sending you to see anymore bloodied bodies. Just the thought has a chill running down your spine.
You don’t want to admit it, but it’s hard not to picture Trevor’s face. It’s hard not to feel the thrill of the possibility of revenge. But you know that’s only the irrational part of your brain. You know you wouldn’t really act on those thoughts.
But they’re still there.
Back at the precinct, you’re dialing Garcia and stirring a cup of shitty coffee. When she picks up, she sounds about as frizzed as you feel.
“Good morning, my angel sent from Heaven,” she sings, sounding far too bright for seven in the morning. “What can I do you for?”
“Good morning,” you chuckle. “We’ve got two new victims.”
“Mm, I know,” she groans, and you begin to hear typing. “Morgan texted me their names, I was waiting for your call.”
“Yep, we just need you to work your magic, that’s all.”
“That I can do,” she replies, no doubt through a smile. “Speaking of magic…”
You already know where this is heading. “Seriously? Who told you?”
“JJ and Emily texted me,” Garcia admits. “But you know I was going to weasel it out of you eventually, anyway!”
“Yes, I know,” you roll your eyes, tossing the coffee stirrer and empty cream and sugar packets in the trash. “Listen, how about this: Once this case is over, we’ll all have a girl’s night at my place with a bunch of junk food and wine, and I’ll give all the details -- whatever they might be at that point.”
You can’t let yourself believe that you’ll still be together because who knows what could happen. Anything could happen. The universe has a bad habit of getting in the way of your love life.
“You know the way to my heart,” Garcia sighs dreamily. “It’s a date. Speaking of dates, it looks like our two victims were married.”
“Married?” You nearly yell. Talk about a plot twist. “And the guy brought our unsub home for a one-night stand?”
“Looks that way so far,” Garcia says with a grimace. “Caroline Merritt, 35, was the CEO of her own company and traveled a lot. It looks like she changed flights yesterday and landed around eleven p.m. She checked her car out of the airport parking lot at eleven forty-five.”
“Great, so she might’ve walked in on our unsub.” You rub your forehead from the stress. “What about the other victim?”
“Jasper Rhodes was 34 and a part-time worker at the local Walmart,” Garcia lists off. “They had been married for three years, but Caroline never changed her last name.”
“Don’t exactly blame her,” you remark. “Alright, which one had allegations?”
“I’m about to burst your bubble, babycakes. Neither of them.”
“Really,” Garcia echoes, just as solemn. “Caroline has a squeaky clean record, aside from one speeding ticket when she was seventeen for going forty-five in a school zone. Jasper also has a clean slate for a record, but he does have one DUI from when he was twenty-two. Nothing else since.”
“It’s been twelve years, so for all we know, he could be sober for a decade now,” you mutter. “Okay. Do they have any connection at all to our other victims? Please say yes.”
“Cross referencing as we speak,” Garcia says, typing furiously. “Almost done… Negative,” she sighs. “I’m sorry, babe.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you shake your head. “Thank you for being such a wizard, as always.”
“It’s my specialty,” she quips. “So...do I get some details about you and Hotch now?”
“Goodbye Garcia…” You chuckle, ending the call before she can ask anything else.
You walk back into the conference room, shaking your head sadly at JJ who looks up with hopeful eyes.
“Garcia found virtually nothing. Caroline got a speeding ticket at seventeen, and Jasper a DUI at twenty-two. Nothing since. And no connection to any of our other victims,” you relay the information, ending it with a sip of your coffee.
“This unsub is good,” JJ says, exasperated. “How is she always three steps ahead of us?”
“She’s not, really,” Reid says, and you can feel something else coming on. “It’s like she knows we’re closing in on her, so she’s going after those who have no reported allegations. She’s not as far ahead as we think, but maybe that’s what she wants us to think.”
“Reid, dude, you’re sounding like a fortune cookie right now,” you laugh. “I get where you’re going with this. But unless they find some DNA at the crime scene, we’re back to square one again.”
“Maybe…” He trails away, getting up to look at the map.
Something is going on in his head, but you’re not sure what. He’ll tell you when he’s finished with it, you’re sure.
In your pocket, your phone starts buzzing. Thinking it’s Garcia, you pull it out and answer without looking, but Garcia’s voice isn’t what you hear on the other end.
“I’m heading back to the precinct,” Hotch says.
“O...kay,” you furrow your eyebrows, mouthing, ‘Hotch’ to JJ. “Why just you?”
“I need to show you something,” he says slowly, like he’s struggling to get the words out. “The unsub left a note.”
“What does it say?” You ask, wondering why it’s like pulling teeth to get him to speak.
“It’s addressed to you,” he finally says, and all the blood drains from your body. “It’s in an envelope and sealed. Your… Your name is on the front.”
You’re not sure what to make of that at all.
“Okay,” you say, your brain unable to really process it. “Okay, we’ll look at it when you get here.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Aaron,” you whisper, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Don’t say that to me. You’re scaring me.” You pause. “What are you sorry for?”
“For this note,” he replies, voice quiet. “For this unsub targeting you, and now for scaring you.”
“What does the note say?”
“I don’t know,” he says. “I didn’t open it.”
“Okay. Just...hurry, I guess.”
“I’m turning into the parking lot now.”
“Okay, see you in a sec,” you murmur, ending the call.
You look up from the phone to find both JJ and Reid staring at you, concern swimming deeply in their eyes. You don’t even have the energy to offer them a reassuring smile. Nothing about this is comfortable for you.
Why would the unsub leave a note addressed to you?
Hotch walks through the precinct doors a few moments later, a man on a mission as he walks directly to the conference room. You’re explaining to JJ and Reid about the note when he walks in, and you fall silent upon seeing him.
He hates that he even called you to warn you, but he had to do something. His mind was racing on the drive. He had to hear your voice, and he knew you were bound to ask why he was coming back on his own, what’s so urgent, so he knew he’d have to tell you.
But the fear in your eyes right now is something he never wants to see again. Ever.
“Where is it?” You say, your voice wavering.
Slowly, Hotch pulls the envelope out of his jacket pocket. It’s in a plastic bag, which is standard protocol for evidence, and you begin searching for a pair of gloves.
You find a pair and start to slip them on, grimacing at the way your hands shake, and using your peripheral vision to see that Aaron is watching you closely.
Once you’re gloved up, he hands you the plastic bag. It feels much heavier than it should.
Carefully, you pull out the envelope, swallowing down the nausea you’re feeling. As Hotch said, your name -- Agent Y/N L/N -- is scrawled on the front in messy handwriting. Fortunately, Reid can examine that, and this letter if it’s handwritten.
You break the seal on the envelope, flinching slightly, and ignoring that you did. But Aaron saw it.
You pull out the note and half of you cries in relief because it is handwritten, and the other half of you feels sheer terror because your business card is taped to the top left hand corner.
“Shit,” you cuss, closing your eyes.
“What?” Aaron asks, taking a step closer, lowering his head to meet your eye level.
“My business card,” you say, opening your eyes again, hating the way things look blurry for a moment. JJ and Reid are just fuzzy figures at the table when you look around the room. “It could’ve been anyone at the meetings. I handed my card to as many that would take it. There’s no way I’ll remember everyone, or even half of them, I mean, I ran out of cards, I had to go stand by Morgan because--”
“Okay, okay, slow down,” Aaron stops you, putting both hands on your arms. “Look at me, please.”
Slowly, the world comes back into focus and you meet his brown eyes, finding your peace there like you have so many other times before. You focus on the weight of his hands on your arms, grounding you, bringing you back.
“I know it’s difficult,” he says. “But you need to breathe.”
You nod, sucking in a deep breath a little too abruptly, not even realizing you had been taking shallow breaths in the first place.
“Good girl,” he whispers, so low that he’s almost mouthing it, careful not to let JJ or Reid hear. And it’s not sexual or sensual this time. It’s comforting. “Can you read the rest of it?”
You nod. “I can help you end your suffering. I can help you avenge. I can help you heal. It doesn’t have to be this way.” You pause, looking up from the note, looking between Hotch, JJ, and Reid. “What does that even mean?”
“Did you talk about your experience during the meetings?” Reid asks.
“A little bit, but I barely scratched the surface of it,” you admit. “And I didn’t mention any names. I might hate him, but...I’d never send a serial killer after him.”
“I know,” Hotch says. “We’re not accusing you of that,” he adds gently. “It’s clear our unsub feels a connection to you now. Something you said must’ve resonated deeply with her.”
“But all I said was that he was my fiancé and that I didn’t report him, so that still gets us nowhere. She’s still a ghost.”
“She’s not a ghost,” he says sternly. “We will find her. You’ve already seen her once.”
“Yeah, but I don’t remember seeing her, Hotch.”
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is she’s reaching out. Which means we’re close.”
“Not close enough,” you protest, tossing the letter back on the plastic bag on the table. “I need to take a walk.” You move toward the door, and he’s following you, so you add quietly, “Alone, please.”
Hotch nods, and watches you go, more worried than he’s ever been in his life.
When Rossi, Emily, and Morgan return to the police precinct, they spot you sitting alone on a bench outside the front doors.
“I got this,” Morgan says, hopping out of the car and heading to you, gesturing for Rossi and Emily to head inside. They share a look and nod, disappearing into the precinct to leave Morgan alone with you.
You don’t even look up from your hands when you see Morgan coming over from your peripheral vision.
“What’s up, kiddo?” He asks, standing in front of you.
“I’m really not in the mood right now, Derek.”
“Too bad,” he shrugs, sitting next to you on the bench, stretching his arm out behind you. “What’s going on? You know I’m just gonna keep buggin’ you until you tell me.”
You snort. “I know.”
“So…” He pauses. “Tell me. It’ll save us both a whole lotta time. And it’ll save you a whole lotta stress, sittin’ there with all that in your head.”
You know he’s right. And you know he’s the only one who really gets it.
So, you tell him what’s wrong.
“The unsub left that note just for me. My card was taped to it, Morgan.”
“What do you mean and? It means I laid eyes on her, maybe talked to her, handed her my fucking card, and I still didn’t know it was her.”
“We’re not superhuman, Y/N. We only see what they show us. She probably put on a mask while talking to you.”
“Well now she’s still out there--”
“Listen to me. I ran out of cards too, remember? We started using yours. I easily could’ve given her your card. Hell, I was there with you, I probably looked at her a dozen times, too. Are you gonna yell at me for not recognizing her?”
“Then stop doing it to yourself, you hear me?”
“I just… She feels a connection to me. What does that say about me?”
“That you’re a relatable person,” Derek offers, causing you to glare at him. “Hey,” he raises a hand in surrender. “I’m just being logical. It doesn’t say anything about you. Because a serial killer’s view of you is not who you are. You are who you are.”
“Thanks for the fortune cookie.”
“Don’t get that tone with me, kid,” he replies tiredly. “You know you’re not really mad at me, so don’t take it out on me, okay?”
“I know, I’m sorry,” you rub your forehead. “I’m just…”
“It’s not your fault, Y/N.”
“I know that.”
“I know you know that, but you still need to hear it,” he says. “And I’ll always be here to tell you, got that?”
You look over at him with a small smile. “Got it.”
He smiles too, glad to see you’re feeling better. He shoves your shoulder lightly, playfully. “Come on. Let’s get back in there.”
“Yeah,” you nod, standing up.
He walks ahead, but you stay still, wondering if you should even ask what you’re about to ask. But Derek notices your hesitation and turns back around, studying you.
“Spit it out,” he says, knowing there’s something.
“The unsub is trying to talk to me,” you say, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly. “So...what if we set up a trap.”
“What?” Morgan deadpans, raising his eyebrows, turning his body to completely face you.
“What if we--”
“Use you as bait?” Morgan finishes, incredulity coating his words.
You nod. “I wasn’t going to word it like that, but--”
He scoffs, looking more and more pissed off as the seconds go on. “Hell no. Are you outta your damn mind?”
“No, I’m not. I’m--”
“No,” he stops you, holding up his hand, pointing at you. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence. Don’t go there. We will find this unsub, and we will do it without you sacrificing yourself.”
“I wouldn’t be sacrificing myself!” You protest. “You guys would be there. You’d have my back.”
“We can’t predict everything this unsub will do, Y/N, you know that,” Morgan fires back. “And I’ll be damned if I let you throw yourself into danger like this. It’s not happening. You hear me?”
SIghing, you nod. “I hear you.”
“Have you even told Hotch about this?”
“Good. Don’t,” Morgan replies. “You’ll just get a lecture and you and I both know you don’t need that right now.”
“I know.”
He pauses, shaking his head. He steps forward, wrapping you in a hug, eyes closing when he feels you burying your face in his neck. “I love you, kid,” he whispers. “And I know it’s hard, but you got this, we got this. And it’s gonna be okay. Okay?”
“Okay,” you nod into his neck, taking a deep breath. “Yeah.”
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