#I’m a fan of weird kids as a former weird kid
nat-without-a-g · 5 months
Lowkey/genuinely hoping that when Will Campos says Milton Grammar is a “weird” kid, it’s gonna turn out he’s just undiagnosed neurodivergent and not... Dangerous. He’s not apart of anything more nefarious or spying on people, he just can’t tell when a conversation is over.
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I’m tempted to write a sit com style of Limited Life.
It follows the Clockers, a family of a single mom, Cleo Clocker, and her two sons (who we think are adopted) Scar and Bdubs Clocker (who we also swear that those aren’t their real names).
The local biker gang, Bad Boys, Grian, Joel, and Jimmy (who we aren’t sure are related but people speculate Jimmy and Grian are. And that Joel has a wife we don’t see)
The neighbors, Pearl and BigB (of which we think Pearl is Grian’s sister but isn’t confirmed. And is dating BigB to piss off her brother.) who are very nosey and tend to get involved in the family drama because of this.
Their absent dad, Etho Slab (Formerly Clocker), as he causes problems in the families life trying to ‘reconnect’ with his sons. And running a bar with his old college buddies Tango, Skizz, and Impulse. (We think they are in a poly or something. But none of them are straight.)
And the two resort owners, Scott and Martin, well ‘resort’ is an Airbnb they rent out and make great money with. (We think they are in a relationship (?), but Scott acts weird around Jimmy, and Martyn seems to have some weird trauma around Cleo. We aren’t sure why, but something happened.)l
Noted Plot points.
- Grian and Scar used to be a couple when teens, and Grian cheated on Scar with BigB.
- BigB was under the assumption that Scar was into this, and has tried to get Grian to do a threesome.
- Pearl is ‘dating’ BigB because both want to make Grian jealous. (It’s working)
- Scar still has feelings for Grian but also hates his guts. Several times through the series they have hate sex.
- Bdubs has some ‘dad’ trauma. And constantly looking for Etho’s approval.
- Etho only ever liked Bdubs and doesn’t like his eldest son Scar. He thinks Cleo had an affair. (Fans speculate that Scar is adopted)
- Fans speculate Joel has a secret wife that he hides form the Bad Boys and her name is Lizzie. They think she’s Pearl’s best friend or former girlfriend before she got with Joel.
- Gem is Cleo’s girlfriend in this, but people seem to think she’s Cleo’s sister which is confusing as to why.
- Renchanting is a closed down shop after Ren broke up with Martyn and left for a different city.
- The place takes place on a costal town a few miles away from a city. So Beach shenanigans (And Scar in a tight swimsu-)
- Jimmy is always having doubts of being a Bad Boy and seems to have a crush on Tango. (Fans love the angst for this shit).
- Bdubs and Scar have a great brotherly relationship even if they don’t see eye to eye.
- Tango, Impulse, and Skizz all keep trying to get Etho to ‘man up’ and actually be there for his kids. (Or at least Bdubs, Scar is doing fine on his own it seems). While also being bad influences on him for ways he can get Cleo to not hate him.
- they also own a tie shop business on the side of their bar. And no one knows why.
- Fans speculate the family is in a gang or mafia, but aren’t sure what. There is little evidence but it is scary how this little bit shows a darker picture.
- fans also speculate both Scar and Bdubs aren’t Cleo’s or Etho’s kids due to the stupid always changing their ages. Hence the mafia theory.
- both Scar and Bdubs are whores, and so is everyone else. I don’t make the rules.
This is about all I got for now. But if I come up with more ideas, I’ll let you know.
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kaz-oooo · 7 months
Seen some people talking about Lovejoy and Wilbur Soot’s music and feeling very upset about letting go of those songs since they brought a lot of comfort and joy.
I’m not gonna tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. I think it’s ultimately up to you to decide if you want to continue listening to Wilbur’s music or not. What I am gonna do is list some alternative artists that I either think have similar vibes or I know Wilbur / Lovejoy had cited as inspirations so you guys can find some new tunes without stepping too far out of you comfort zone.
(Also feel free to tag on and add your own suggestions as well, the more the merrier)
Arctic Monkeys — when Wilbur started the band he claimed he wanted to be like the Arctic Monkeys one day. I’ve also described a lot of their later music as being very similar to Arctic Monkeys, so if you like Wake Up and It’s over and Normal People Things then you’d love them
Los Campansino’s — Wilbur has stated before that this is his favourite band so.. very likely big inspiration for his music. Lovejoy did a cover of Knee Deep at ATP, their version is a bit more chill than the original. I’m a big Los Campansino’s fan honestly, but for stuff Lovejoy related I’ve say the albums “Sick Scenes” and “Romance Is Boring” would have the most appeal.
Wet Leg — just a good band that I think has a similar vibe, especially with themes and funky tunes. Also I’ve seen Wilbur list them in his personal playlists before so he enjoys them as well
Good Kid — not a personal favourite of mine, but their songs have similar vibes and they toured with Lovejoy as well so Lovejoy enjoy their music.
James Marriot — (editing Kaz here.. not gonna change the phrasing of this part but I’ve been told James Marriott has unfollowed Wilbur on Twitter) friend of Wilbur’s (do with that information as you will) excellent musician and would heartily recommend his music if you haven’t listened already. Also worked very closely with the band before, especially in the early days so I wouldn’t doubt they’ve influenced each others music quite a bit
100gecs and other hyperpop artists — admittedly not a genre I listen to a lot, but if you liked Dropshipped Cat Shirt, especially the ending, then you’ll vibe with this genre a lot.
Jack Stauber — Wilbur’s been a longtime fan of his music, it’s a bit weird and silly on a surface level but nice and miserable as well. If you like MSR I’d recommend.
Crywank — helped Wilbur with producing MSR, plus I think Wilbur took some heavy inspiration from them as well. If you like miserable music you’ll love Crywank. (Also Lovejoy did a cover of privately owned, so if you liked that go check out the original)
More Los Campansino’s — ok.. I’m repeating bands now, but I’m recommending different albums this time! “We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed” “Hello Sadness” and “No Blues”
Peach Pit — again, not a favourite of mine but they have nice chill vibes and the songs I’ve listened to are just as miserable as these albums.
Beabadoobee — once again, not someone I listen to a lot, but definitely got the same chill acoustic music as YCGMA especially, Lovejoy had done a cover of The Perfect Pair so if you liked that, and you like these albums you’d like beabadoobee.
E-girl Trilogy / comedy music
Bo Burnham — another favourite artist of Wilbur’s, someone else he’s cited as an inspiration and top tier comedy tunes! If you like Wilbur’s sadder music as well you’d definitely enjoy Inside. Otherwise his older music is great and very fun!
Lemon Demon — probably not an inspiration for Wilbur’s comedy music, but he’s definitely listened to it, it’s very fun and silly, also Ranboo highly recommends (as do I)
Other recommendations
Modern Baseball — found this band through Wilbur’s recommendations, they’re very fun and cool. Very Midwest emo, a genre that I think inspired MSR.
The Front Bottoms.. but with a warning — so I’m not super familiar with the story, but from memory a former member abused a fan, they aren’t apart of the band anymore but the current members handled the situation very poorly. This was another favourite band of Wilbur’s and I get why, very emotional and angsty. I find their lyrics hit a bit harder than Modern Baseball’s but they make very similar music.
AJJ — kinda similar to Crywank, another band I found through Wilbur’s recommendation.
Radiohead / the smiths / the cure / the strokes / just 70’s and 80’s alt rock bands — Wilbur definitely enjoys this music and took inspiration here and they’re all very cool and fun. I’m not super familiar with these bands but I know a lot from this time have good old controversies so be mindful of that, but yeahhh good music!
I don’t know how but the found me — alt/indie rock band with very fun tunes! Sits alongside Wilbur’s comedy music and Lovejoy in my playlists a lot of the times so.. if you like those two you’d probably like this band :) also Dallon Weekes deserves all the love in the world, all his former bandmates (Brendon Urie and Ryan Seaman) keep fucking him over.
Cavetown — not sadboy acoustic like YCGMA but very chill and good acoustic tunes nonetheless. Also a bit similar to Beabadoobee so if you like that you’ll like this :) oh also, i know a lot of people liked Lovejoy cos they gave off a lot of aromantic vibes, Cavetown is openly Aro / Ace so.. lots of aro vibes in his music :D
Yotam Perel — Wilbur used his music in the background of his streams, typically the album "Nice Snakes" but he used "A Long List of Short Songs" as well. It's great background music honestly, some songs have entered my top 100 playlists on spotify, but yeah, if you liked the funky tunes in the back of the geoguessr streams, this is what he played
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furrytalebeard · 7 months
Mike and pops
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Right where did we leave off. Well my former athletic brother was a bumbling adult baby and my dad who was a rough basketball coach was now my boyfriend. My dad also switched careers somewhere along the reality shifts to being a professor, probably to help with the fact my brother now has low intelligence and no athletic skills.
At first it was weird having a now sort of nerdy father but what was more weird was after switching his expectations for me to love, he was completely infatuated with me. It was great before this my brother got all the love, of course he still got attention being a pants pooper but my father swooned over me. I’d started calling him Travis, his first name as we were more like boyfriends now if anything.
Travis walked into the room and saw me and smiled, opening his arms for a hug. "If it isn’t my beautiful boyfriend and son Mike. He said as I shyly hugged him, feeling his large round belly. It was still awkward being doted on so much, something I wasn’t used to. One thing I noticed ever since my dad switched to being a professor is that he hardly had time to workout and he was only getting larger. Before this he had sort of a muscle gut, and would workout with Joel. Now when he wasn’t teaching he was changing diapers or giving private lessons. I wanted to make a switch, see if I could speedrun his own gains. I switched out the traits of fat, with muscular I watched as his suit began to become loose as his muscles bulged out.
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For a moment he was stunned before he grabbed me and pulled me into another much more forceful hug. "Sorry son just really felt like squeezing you, hehe" he said as I got a face full of his hard abs. In an instant I regretted my decision, his fat belly felt much nicer and now it was like hugging a body builder over my fat attractive dad. The problem was I couldn’t easily override changes I’d just made so I’d have to swap out other traits to get the desired results. I figured reality might shift in my favor if I made my dad a bit lazier. So I switched out his traits of hard working, with laziness. Instantly my father’s weight began to return to match this change in traits, even his sense of style began to vanish. I watched as my father went from stunned to letting out a huge fart then patting his big belly. "Gyhahaha that was a big one. Imma go sit my feet up honey, why don’t you go check on your brother."
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I hadn’t noticed it but as I walked to check on Joel the light in my amulet began to dim. Joel had really begun to embrace his role as my "little" brother . He was playing games, of course the only games he could play were those meant for young kids. I could tell he needed a change from the way his onesie sagged in the back and the faint smell but I didn’t feel like it so I let him sit in it.
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“I’m tryna play games! Don’t bother me go let dad kiss you or something!” He took his pacifier out to say and pouted.
“Whatever little bro.” I said annoyed. I went back to find my dad with his feet up on the coffee table watching tv with a beer in hand.
"there you are son URRP." my dad said motioning for me to come give him a hug and a kiss. "Come give me some sugar then get started on dinner, pops is hungry"
I kissed him then groaned as he burped in my face, I got back his belly but I wasn’t a fan of his lazy attitude. I’d need to make another change. I looked to my amulet and noticed its regular glow had dimmed, when I tried to make a change nothing happened. Drat, I’d have to wait for it to recharge meaning my dad was stuck like this.
For the next couple of days my dad would get home from work and toss of his work clothes in exchange for an unwashed wife beater. He’d then kick up on the couch and drink beer, leaving me to cook in clean. I also had to take over the responsibilities of taking care of Joel which was smelly and unfun. At the end of the day my dad would get into our bed and fart up a storm, laughing and saying it was part of being old. The only solace I had was that when he wasn’t being a lazy slob he was great in bed if you know what I mean. Basically things were sorta a mess but I could tell the amulet was slowly regaining power, so I left it in my drawer to gain continue charging.
end note:
hope you guys enjoyed the sequel to my last story if you guys are enjoying it leave a comment, let me know if you have any story ideas. What would you like to see next, maybe a part 3?
should Mike continue to use the amulet or maybe his dad Travis will find it. Or perhaps even Joel could find it and get his revenge? Lemme know!!!
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freeuselandonorris · 10 months
omfg your vore fic is life changing. hell yeah to stigmatized weird af kinks ❤️ since you’re so good at character kink psychology, i’ll throw another one in the ring for fun - thoughts on inflation? i’ve never seen it in f1 except one fic that had it i’m pretty sure unintentionally lmao
also congrats on accidentally solving an f1 dilemma: if the drivers vore each other, there are more seats left open for young drivers to join 😅
oh anon!! first, THANK YOU and i’m so glad you liked the vore fic — i was honestly shocked at what a great reception got, but i’m really fucking delighted that people like it. hell yeah INDEED to the stigmatised kink rep! and lmaoooo maybe oscar should let the FIA know about that one too, it would sure solve a lot of problems 🤔
now, inflation! this one was WAY out of my comfort zone and i have done a lot of interesting reading today instead of doing my job! there are so many facets to it and you didn’t specify a preference, so i went with liquid inflation as this scenario came to me pretty naturally — i honestly have no idea if i’ve hit the sweet spot (ahem) with this as i was so unfamiliar with it, but i definitely awoke something in myself writing it lmao. i hope you enjoy :)
sort of one-sided landoscar, but in the context of an established relationship. cw for liquid inflation (eta because i wrote this in a rush: to clarify, it’s fantasy-based, not actual inflation), curve worship, fantasised helplessness (although all fully consensual).
Oscar’s not built like any other driver Lando’s seen.
He’s strong, obviously. Stronger than Lando is, that’s for sure. But he’s also — shaped. He’s got an arse some of the underwear models of Lando’s acquaintance (or, well, former acquaintance) would be jealous of. Little waist, but his belly pushes out against the fabric of his fireproofs. The soft mounds of his tits, firm muscle covered in a light layer of flesh that Lando likes to squeeze. 
Oscar’s shy about his body too, in a way Lando finds slightly odd given how they’re all used to being manhandled and grabbed by their physios, engineers, sometimes the fans when the security in the paddock is lacking. Keeps himself covered up in shorts and T-shirts until the very last minute, even when they’re fucking. Averts his eyes from his own body, preferring instead to focus on Lando’s. 
It’s not that Oscar hates his body or anything, as far as Lando can tell; he’s just used to seeing it only as an object of function, not something to be desired. Even though Lando thinks he’s gorgeous, could spend hours worshipping every soft and furred camber of his strong thighs and broad chest. 
Lando doesn’t know how to tell him that, express how much he loves Oscar’s curves. He tries to show it instead, spends snatched hours between free practice sessions mapping out Oscar’s body with his hands and tongue. 
He daydreams about it sometimes, the words he’d use to explain it. That there isn’t enough of Oscar to contain all of the desire Lando wants to stuff him with. That he wants more of Oscar to worship. 
It’s something he’s always known about himself, ever since he was a kid. But it’s never been as intense as it is around Oscar. Pale, soft Oscar, all hair and solid heft, his blurred edges and the sweet flush of his skin.
Probably Oscar wouldn’t mind it if Lando admitted it to him. He’s never minded anything else. But this one feels risky, somehow — a raw and vulnerable thing to express. 
Still, he wants Oscar to know, somewhere underneath it all; he must do, because he slips up, sometimes. Just in small ways. 
It had been bad in Qatar. Lando had been half-delirious anyway, staggered back into the garage after media to see Oscar propped up against the central island in the garage, hungrily sucking water from the long straw of his drinks bottle. Eyes closed in bliss, throat working as he swallowed, swallowed, swallowed. 
His racesuit hung limp from his hips. Above it, Oscar’s swollen belly curved from the fabric, full and distended. Feverish, Lando told himself he could see the stretch of it, the skin taut and bouncy as a drumskin beneath his sweat-soaked fireproofs. His hands had twitched with the effort of not reaching out to check.
“Thirsty?” he’d said, smiling, trying to make a joke of it. Trying to keep his eyes on Oscar’s face and failing, drawn to the curve of his stomach like it was exerting its own gravitational pull. “Careful, you can fuck yourself up if you drink too much water.”
Oscar had slow-blinked at him, like a cat trying to make friends, left the mouthpiece of the straw resting on his bottom lip when he answered. “Kim put electrolytes in it.”
Lando had nodded, swallowed. His own mouth watered in sympathy. 
“Keep going, then,” he’d said, and Oscar had smiled, sucked the straw back into his plush mouth and continued to drink.
The memory still does it for Lando, even now, months later. 
He could have taken Oscar back to his room, their bodies still salty and aching. Let him curl up on his side on top of the cool sheets of Lando’s bed, let Lando fill his bottle to the brim with cool water and stir in electrolyte powder. Kneel at the side of the bed and feed the nozzle back into his mouth, stroke the damp hair back from his temples, let it curl around his fingers as Oscar sucks and sucks. 
His stomach would stretch, round and tight as a ball, one smooth convex curve from ribs to hips. The inward dip of his waist hidden, overwritten by the surge of flesh. 
He’d let Lando crawl onto the bed behind him, spoon Oscar’s growing body, one arm tucked beneath his armpit to hold the straw in place. Lando would slip a hand beneath his T-shirt, peeling the fabric back so he could rub soothing circles over the bulging skin. Undo his straining jeans, the zipper sliding down of its own accord from the pressure. Say something like that’s it, Osc, you’re doing so so well. Oscar would press back against him, shuddering, body lax and lush. Moaning when Lando’s hand skims his swollen nipples, cock slipping between the fat globes of his arse. Oscar’s got a nice fat cock too, a plump handful. He’d press it up against Oscar’s belly, tend to him as he lay helpless and swollen, suckling trance-like at the straw still held between his lips. 
Here, let me help you with this, Lando would say to the shell of Oscar’s ear, squeezing his cock. It’ll take the pressure off. His big belly pressing Lando’s hand into the bed, barely able to rock his hips into the answering push of Lando’s hand.
He’d come like that, spilling over himself, letting Lando push his soaked fingers into his mouth and swallowing that down too. Part his lips and say more, please, eyes blank and lidded with pleasure. Lie patient and limpid while Lando scrambled off the bed and round, taking out his own cock and pushing it against Oscar’s hungry, suckling tongue, filling him impossibly more.
That’s what tips him over, spilling into the clutch of his own palm: the thought of Oscar swallowing down everything he has to give. His come the final straw, stretching the skin almost to breaking point. Oscar’s eyes closing in bliss, sleepy and sated, unable to move.
Lando keeps his eyes closed for a long time once the aftershocks have subsided, unwilling to let go of the fantasy. Finally opens his eyes, staring at the unfamiliar hotel ceiling. Outside, the dull thump of bass from the party yachts berthed along Yas Marina filters through.
He sighs, struggles to sit up, goes to wash his hands. The room is all meagre angles, cold metal and sharp, mean corners. He curls his hands into fists, feeling the emptiness inside them.
Back in the bedroom, he sits down on the edge of the bed with his phone, tabbing to his message history with Oscar. 
How would u feel if i told u about something u might find gross, he sends before he can chicken out. 
Oscar replies almost immediately, like he knows Lando’s waiting, nervous.  About yourself? Literally nothing could surprise me anymore.
Promise u won’t get mad or tell me im a freak? Lando sends back.
Try me, Oscar replies. Then, immediately after: Well, not unless you want me to, anyway. 
Lando smiles, chewing his bottom lip. Come to my room after debrief and i’ll tell u in person.
Oscar heart-reacts the message. He definitely knows Lando needs reassurance; usually he uses the thumbs-up. Lando pockets his phone, stretches the kinks from his back and goes out to the balcony, letting the last vestiges of sun warm his skin. That’s the funny thing about Oscar. Whatever love Lando has to give him, however strange its shape, he’ll always find a way to make it fit.
ps even though this ends on a slightly ambiguous note due to its one-sidedness, it does of course take place in my landoscar kink shared universe and so, in case anyone is worried, oscar did indeed react with a shrug and "okay, cool" and fire up "i have an inflation kink, AMA" on reddit :)
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Do you think a Dracula MBS AU would work? If so, in what way? Hope you are doing well!!!
Sophie, I love this question!! It’s actually something I have thought of, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to make into a post on its own. And I’m doing well, hope you are too :DDDD
Yes, Dracula MBS AU could be a thing, but I would definitely need to make a few tweaks. Us Dracula book fans aren’t a huge fan of “tweaks” for…certain reasons (*side eyes adaptations*), but this one would still be faithful to the spirit of the book. :)
Note: Heavy spoilers for Dracula, and the Mysterious Benedict Society. Also, I’m basing this AU on the MBS books, not the series (Curtain is not really redeemable in this one, though he is the gremlin man you know and enjoy!). As a disclaimer, all of the MBS characters that are kids are adults in this AU — in their 20s to be precise. Everyone else retains their original ages (except for the one who is playing Dracula, of course).
Jonathan Harker -> Reynie Muldoon
You know I had to start off with my one of my favorite blorbos and honestly, this just works. These two characters are a lot alike, more than you might assume. Both are considered “average” by others, and are constantly underestimated, which they shake off in different ways (Reynie with his abilities, Jonathan through the power of Tumblr’s book club). They have a kind heart and love helping others. They are meticulous and can be bold when needed, sometimes using clever words to talk themselves out of a situation (Jonathan several times in Dracula’s castle, Reynie when Curtain catches him looking at the Executive’s list). Jonathan and Reynie are also leadership material, though you probably wouldn’t think it by looking at them.
Mina Murray -> Kate Wetherall
Yeah, so those who know I ship these Reynie and Kate may have expected this one. I can’t help it! Still, I think these two work as well. Mina is very much an extrovert and will talk to everyone she meets, just like Kate. Mina may not carry a bucket, but she does carry her journals and writing around with her! Kate and Mina are both silly at times, adding their own personal flair to situations. I would see Kate embodying Mina’s bolder side and being excited about journalism for the chance to meet people. She is fine with studying and typing (especially to help/bond with Reynie), but it’s not her favorite thing, if that makes sense. Or, alternatively, she could have more of Mina’s affinity for typing and thoroughly love it! Up to you. Those who have read Dracula all the way through also know that Mina and Kate are also alike in their need to be *in the action*, not sidelined. And they’re absolutely correct.
Dracula -> Ledroptha Curtain
Yeah, this one is pretty obvious. Both are cackling villains, both like their cat-and-mouse games: it just fits! Plus, if you compare Curtain’s weird lecture/manipulative speeches to Reynie in the first book to Dracula’s speeches to Jonathan…it’s almost uncanny how similar they are!!! Dracula and Curtain honestly use a lot of the same tactics to draw their victims in (making them feel special/isolated, puffing his own ego, etc.).
Renfield -> Crawlings
I’ll be honest, Crawlings is my favorite Ten Man and I can just see him as Renfield. He’s soooooo weird and I love him for it!!! Bro has one eyebrow and was constantly being quirky. Can I see this man eating a fly and being locked in an asylum in 1800s England? Yes, yes I can. Plus, his name is Crawlings and he follows Curtain. ‘Nuff said.
Van Helsing -> Nicholas Benedict
You probably also saw this one coming after I paired Dracula with Curtain. This Dracula AU fits a lot better than one first assumes and here is another example. Van Helsing in the novel is very much a quirky professor, befuddling his former student (Seward) with his metaphors and laughing far too much to be in the horror novel Dracula, let’s be honest. In the same way, Nicholas Benedict is a jovial, unassuming man, who one wouldn’t think to be a genius instrumental to saving the world, yet he’s in the very name of the book series! In the same way, Van Helsing has garnered a name for himself that has far outlived his first appearance in the novel: as much as Dracula lives on in the public sphere, Van Helsing is right beside him. I think this fits Nicholas to a tee. Plus, Nicholas and Van Helsing are capable of great seriousness and emotional depth when the situation calls for it.
Aaaaaaand this is where things get switched around. I’m going to list the characters first, then describe how exactly their arcs would be changed, but I want to make it clear that this Suitor Squad would not be a Suitor Squad anymore in my AU. I do not ship these characters!!!!! Just want to make that clear upfront.
Lucy Westerna -> Constance Contraire
This one is a bit of a stretch personality-wise, but it’s the clearest fit in terms of leading/supporting characters. Lucy is obviously a very sweet person and Constance is…well…the society says it best: “Constance is Constance”. However, in RoA, we do get a glimpse of a sweeter Constance and I do believe this is how Constance will be once she matures: still her feisty self, just able to let her empathetic side show more. And really, that’s who Lucy is. She has a defiant and bold streak within her: this is just held back by the confines of Victorian society (though not in the way adaptations want to portray her — I just mean she could be more sassy if she wanted to). Whether Constance adapts more of Lucy’s bubbly and sweet personality or retains her sassy and grumpy self is up to you. Either way, her and Kate (Mina) would definitely still be best friends and have a similar relationship they have in MBS, perhaps with a dash of maturity (LOL). Lucy/Constance is also the youngest, clocking in at 19, to everyone else’s mid- to late- 20s.
Quincey Morris -> Milligan
You can probably see why I emphasized the importance of not shipping these characters. So yes, Milligan now takes the role of an American cowboy and I think he would adopt this role with gusto! Of course, in this AU he’s never lost his memories so he is his cheerful self. He is a lot like Quincey in being perpetually cheerful, compassionate and a good friend to the rest of the Crew of Light (plus, earnestly cheering them up when needed and kicking Dracula/Curtain’s butt — both of these characters excel at their job). Quincey is known as the oathmaker of Dracula, always keeping the promises he makes. Readers of MBS know that Milligan also takes his promises seriously, so much so that his last promise became his very name (how his name is still Milligan when he didn’t lose his memories doesn’t make sense, but…you know…uh….*magic*). Is he Kate’s father in this AU? Perhaps. 😏 I once commented to @nobodysdaydreams that these two would be father/daughter in every universe, so I think even if they’re not biologically related, they would certainly fit that dynamic and adopt each other as such.
Jack Seward -> George “Sticky” Washington
Seward is definitely on the darker side of what Sticky is capable of, but I don’t think this is out of the realm of possibilities for Sticky. I honestly think he could’ve become something like this, had he not been exposed to Mr. Benedict and his friends at a young age. Not that Sticky is “bad” or “evil” in this AU — Jack isn’t either!!!!!! I would just say he has bad coping mechanisms and needs therapy for depression…so just hand that over to Sticky without the strongest support system and I think these two meld together well.
Arthur Holmwood -> SQ Pedalian
For all my SQ lovers, this one’s for you!!! SQ and Arthur are both sweet guys who really shouldn’t be in traumatic situations, but, unfortunately, are. Fun to be around and a beacon of light to those they meet, SQ and Arthur always try to make the best of a bad situation! I think SQ would fit right into Arthur’s role, though it won’t be easy for him as the book goes along…
Three Vampire Sisters -> Martina, Jillson and Jackson
I believe it makes sense for Curtain’s most trusted executives to also be in his castle as his vampires in this AU. Oh, and Jackson’s here too — for the vibes. :D yes, they do try to “seduce” Reynie. Yes, it is weird (though, as a reminder, minus the vampire thing they’re similar in age — Reynie is in his 20s and the vampire siblings got turned into vampires around the same age). No, I don’t want to dwell on it.
Mr. Hawkins - Miss. Perumal
While it wouldn’t make any sense for Jonathan/Reynie’s boss to be a woman in this time period, I am making Mr. Hawkins Miss Perumal anyway because I do not care. Jonathan basically calls Mr. Hawkins his adopted father and that is what Miss. Perumal is to Reynie. Whether you want to make Miss Perumal a guy or just make Victorian England less sexist in this AU is up to you (I’m rooting for the latter).
Captain of the Demeter -> Captain Noland
I think this one explains itself. Noble captain of The Shortcut becomes the noble (and, unfortunately, doomed) captain of the Demeter. 🫡🫡
First Mate of the Demeter -> McCracken
My choice here might seem strange — and it is — but I honestly think this first mate that gets more and more desperate is better filled by McCracken the Ten Man than anyone else. I truly believe if something supernatural happened to him, he would not believe it and would scoff at anyone who did — until it was too late. Then, he would try to fight the monster (as the First Mate does), and if he had no option left…flee. That’s my interpretation of McCracken’s true character anyways — just give him less weapons and less self-confidence. Plus, I wanted McCracken to be a part of this and had no good place for him (lol). 🤷‍♀️
Second Mate of the Demeter -> Canonball
The bravest “mate” on the crew, I chose Canonball as Second Mate instead of First Mate because he would be exactly the type of man to volunteer to keep watch and let everyone else get some sleep; unfortunately, that kind of selflessness is not rewarded by Dracula. :( RIP Canonball in this AU, you will be missed. 🫡
Mrs. Westerna -> Number Two
I’m envisioning a different kind of relationship than mother/daughter for Lucy/Constance and Mrs. Westerna/Number Two. I’ll explain it more when we get to my “changes”, but suffice it to say, Mrs. Westerna/Number Two is an aunt or mentor figure to Lucy/Constance rather than a biological mother. I picked Number Two for this role because she has Mrs. Westerna’s strict adherence to rules down and an anxious streak, though to a lesser extent of course. These qualities would be dialed up to 11 for the AU.
“Correspondent” -> Rhonda Kazembe
According to a number of posts I’ve seen on here (though I haven’t been able to find anything when I looked it up — doesn’t mean it’s not true, just means my research skills needs work!), Stoker originally envisioned a woman reporter who ended up working with the Crew of Light to take down Dracula. Whether due to time constraints or too many characters to keep track of, he dialed this character back to a “Correspondent” (gender unidentified) who reports on the Demeter’s landing, and what has become of the ship. While we don’t get much from this Correspondent, they show a lot of personality in just two entries: boasting about their running abilities and reporting about villagers wanting to be friends with a dog. I would definitely select Rhonda for this role because, while she may seem quiet and ordinary, she hides a ton of inner personality! I think I would give this Rhonda a little bit of her energy from the show because her actress just did such a good job of embodying her character and giving her an even more distinct personality that I think would go great with the Correspondent. Other than that, I do think she would work with the Crew of Light in this one, as Stoker originally intended, though how much and in what capacity, I’m not sure of.
Mr. Swales -> Risker
I was honestly thinking of picking one of the Ten Men for this one, but I think “kooky old man who you can’t tell what he’s saying half the time” fits Risker perfectly. 😂😂
Now that we have all the chess pieces into place (yes, that was an MBS reference), how do they move around the chessboard? Most Dracula fans by now will probably be shouting at me “But Nova, if there’s no Suitor Squad, how will you fulfill Lucy’s arc?” Well you see, there’s one relationship we need to consider here: that of Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict and Lucy/Constance.
So for those who may not know (on both sides of the fandom), Van Helsing considers Lucy to be his daughter in a sense. In MBS, Mr. Benedict ends up adopting Constance, though this is not an easy process, as her papers are lost to time. I intend to merge these two story arcs.
So to start, Lucy/Constance would be an orphan, not being born from a wealthy family like in the original book. She would meet Jonathan/Reynie and Mina/Kate and they would all be childhood friends, as in the original book, though perhaps Lucy/Constance understands the other two on a deeper level — as they all three know what it’s like to be orphans and to want for friendship and parents.
Somewhere along the way, Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict meets Lucy/Constance (she’s in her teens at this point) and he starts to see her as the daughter he wants to have. Unfortunately in Victorian England, there’s no legal adoption process. So basically, Lucy/Constance can only have the feeling of having a father, no papers to prove it. And just like in the MBS series, this causes her to feel frustrated and insecure (though with a bit more maturely, since she’s older lol). Another issue is that she rarely sees Van Helsing/ Mr. Benedict since he’s working on research in Germany. He doesn’t want to take her with him, since he presumes she should be out living her life and learning how to be a lady (more out of a desire for her to fit in with other girls and make friends than him sticking to the confines of society). Which is why he’s entrusted her with Mrs. Westerna/Number Two, providing her a permanent place to live. We can also work something in there about Milligan/Quincey (a family friend of his) adopting Mina/Kate along the way or them being father/daughter (you could swap Mina and Lucy’s roles here). I personally like the former option, but the latter works as well!
Living with Mrs. Westerna/Number Two is nice, but not what Lucy/Constance wants. She only wants to be with her father :(. At this point, she’s an adult and can make her own choices, so she asks her father if she can go on a trip with him. Surprisingly, he says yes!
Rather than the three iconic proposals here, I envision Lucy/Constance telling her three family friends (because Van Helsing has a LOT of those) about her impending trip instead, which they all take in different ways. Seward/Sticky does not take this well. Van Helsing is kind of a father figure to him as well and having him be away has been difficult for him to handle. Now, hearing that he’s going to “lose” someone he considers to be his sister as well is just too overwhelming for him to hear. He accepts it, but doesn’t like it. Milligan/Quincey is excited for her, but sad to see her go. He feels a “loss” as well, since he considers Lucy/Constance to be his daughter, though he’s never said it. Arthur/SQ is the only one truly excited for her, giving her travel tips, as he’s traveled himself and wants her to have only the best experience. It may not be as dramatic or exciting as proposals, but I do think this works with hitting similar emotions from the three men (grief, bittersweet, and joy).
Then we come to the sad part of our story. Lucy/Constance begins experiencing symptoms of a vampire bite and while Sticky/Seward tries to care for her himself, his last resort is to call in Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict (which he doesn’t want to do, because he doesn’t want him to see her like this and it feels too much like the end…). When Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict arrives, he understands very clearly what is going on, and it pains him to see his daughter in this condition. However, for her sake, he keeps to his jovial self (and he retains his narcolepsy, so you can play a lot with him trying not to give in to this emotional turmoil).
At first, it seems like things are working in their favor: they put up garlic and it seems to keep the evil bat away. Unfortunately, Mrs. Westerna/Number Two doesn’t get the memo and takes the garlic down, leaving poor Lucy/Constance exposed. That’s when the bad turns to the worse.
If you want maximum angst here, you can go with the canon ending…which is that Lucy/Constance dies. And if you thought Van Helsing’s reaction to Lucy’s death was bad (which is a full on mental breakdown, by the way), this is oh-so much worse. Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict is inconsolable. He won’t talk to anyone. He keeps waking up and passing out for a full day, he is SO full of emotion. He mourns that he was never able to take her on a trip or able to legally adopt her. Not to mention, Dracula/Curtain took Mrs. Westerna/Number Two from him too, so he’s mourning THAT death as well. So yeah, needless to say, he’s not in a good place. And he’s determined to avenge the people he’s lost at any price. Also, he would have to be the one to stake Lucy/Constance when she eventually turns into the Bloofer Lady (which he would be in denial about at first, though he would see all the signs). Because I need this to be more heartbreaking, apparently. By the end of this AU, him and Jonathan/Reynie are very much silently sharpening a knife, waiting for their moment to strike at Dracula/Curtain (who looks eerily similar to Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict, that’s strange…).
Since MBS is included in this, though, I don’t know if this would be what happens. I kind of believe Lucy/Constance would make it through in this AU. So either Mrs. Westerna/Number Two actually listens to Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict (which is likely, let’s be honest) or they’re able to save her in some other way. Bottom line: Lucy/Constance makes it, and she’s infinitely grateful! Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict vows to take her on a trip very soon and makes her a little adoption certificate thing. It’s not real, but to them it is! On the inside, however, Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict is very angry at Dracula/Curtain for almost killing his daughter and that’s not something he takes lightly…
So yeah, those are my ideas for a Dracula MBS AU. Hope you like it! :D
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi! Why do so many BLs have one character meet the other when they were a child and love them since then…. I’m watching History 5 and the second couple has this trope with the older one loving the child but loads of them have a child ‘loving’ the older guy for years (Minato, second couple in History 4, lovely writer)
Is this a common trope in non-BL Asian dramas? Maybe I’m missing some cultural aspect but it makes me feel a bit weird… I’m fine when they both meet as children but when one’s a child and one’s an adult it feels off to me!
We Met As Kids, Therefore I Love You
Yes, it's a super common trope in ALL Asian romances.
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There's a human cross-cultural claim-to-care around having met someone "first" giving one person priority to another's affection and in their life.
For example, think about how many fans (of say a Kpop group or band or actor) will claim to be "better" or morally superior to other fans of that same talent, because they have have liked that group/person "since the beginning" or "before they were famous." How about those who claim superiority because they read the book before the TV series became popular?
To have loved something FIRST is often allied with being better at loving it, there is a value judgement to longevity of association. (This is also true around disliking someone/something first.)
There isn't a name for this logical fallacy, although there should be. I would say something like appeal to tradition argumentum ad antiquitatem (which is a red herring fallacy). So appeal to time, argumentum ad tempus?
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(The 8th Sense is doing some VERY interesting things to philosophically battle this concept right NOW, actually.)
Narratively speaking, if you have only a short amount of time to unfold the story (for example We Best Love) this trope gives writers a quick way to justify pining and affection (usually from the seme character). So backstory can be cribbed for character development. That character is already in love, so we don't have to show him falling in love, only one character is in play for that.
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In longer narratives (like Word of Honor, Lovely Writer) this is a secret that gets to be slowly uncovered and explored as a plot point. If you have them meet as children, or when one is a child then it justifies one character not remembering the other (because peoples appearances change from childhood to adulthood).
I think the popularity in Asian dramas in particular has to do with collectivist cultures and family obligation/intimacy priority. To have known (or met) someone as a kid adds a level of intimate connection that justifies any affection that much more than meeting later in life.
There's a very funny scene in Kdrama (noona romance) Thumping Spike (recommended) that directly mocks this trope. Near the end the main couple openly together and they are in the car with the (former) love triangle dude. He lost, even though he's the one with the childhood crush. He directly combats this concept by saying (basically): If longevity guaranteed romance, I should be married to the grandma who runs my local convenience store.
Another well known Kdrama that combats this trope is Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (recommended) which goes out of its way to have the love triangle character who would normally lose the girl, actual win her this time. (So the one who loses is the moot crush from childhood.)
In BL, I tracked this one for a while:
Also here are a few BLs that DO NOT use this trope:
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ordinorultor-if · 5 months
So I decided a while ago to do some facts about me when the demo dropped. Even though the demo’s been pushed back to Friday, I wanted to share some stuff about myself anyways!
So! You guys can call me JB, and today is my 21st birthday (shoutout to that one anon whose birthday is also today). I’m a cis man, and while I’m questioning my sexuality, I’m fairly certain I’m bisexual. I’m a practicing Roman Catholic, but I’m not an asshole about it - be who you wanna be, love who you wanna love, and believe in what you believe in, as long as you’re not an asshole I’m cool with you.
I was born in Chicago and lived there for a while, but me and my mom moved to Wisconsin shortly after my father passed away. Up here we basically live on a farm. We have a garden and lots of animals - two dogs and a whole flock of chickens, and we used to have horses and ducks too. I also used to have a bearded dragon (named George, because of St. George and the Dragon), but I took terrible care of the poor guy and he got sick and passed away.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist really bad. To some extent I still do, but I’ve always loved story telling, so a few years ago I realized I wanted to be a creative writer instead. While I’m currently on break from university, while I was attending I had an English Major with a Creative Writing Focus. I never declared a minor, and I was intending on a Chemistry Minor, but I might decide on an Engineering Minor when I return.
Besides reading/playing IFs, I’m into video games, TTRPGs (which is actually how I got into Interactive Fiction), firearms, history, religion and mythology, and general culture stuff. Seeing some of that, I think you could see how I ended up with the ideas for this game lol. Some of my favorite games include Crusader Kings 3 (which is how I came up with the idea for this game, playing a custom character in the Duchy of Aquitaine), Hearts of Iron IV, Skyrim, Fallout 4 (I haven’t seen the show yet, please don’t spoil it ~_~), and Cyberpunk 2077.
As mentioned above, I got into Interactive Fiction because of my love of TTRPGs. I think I’ve mentioned this story before, but I’m into Vampire: the Masquerade, and shortly after V:tM - Night Road released, I bought and played it. Around this time last year I looked into Choice of Games because of it, and the rest is history.
Also, since I couldn’t fit it in anywhere else, some genres and writing/trope stuff I like:
Childhood friends to lovers (all time favorite romance trope)
Peggy Sue fix-it fics (after all, I’m writing one over on AO3 lmao)
The former friends reconciling while facing impossible odds
Blending genres, like with sci-fan or gothic western
Related to the above: when fantasy settings have sci-fi lore/origins, and vice versa (FE3H my beloved)
Tarot motifs (again, FE3H my beloved)
Eldritch/cosmic horror
Gothic settings
Dragons that are really weird (FEA my beloved. And again, FE3H my beloved)
Anyways, that’s really all I can think of. Also, a reminder: Warlock is the best class in D&D 5E /s
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kittzuxp · 1 year
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Intro post!!!
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About me
Hi hello, you can call me kittzu/kittz/dream/drem or dremzyzz. I use They/she/it/he or autoí/auth/autó/autós prounouns!! Also i am greek🇬🇷🇬🇷
I am a minor‼️‼️ DONT BE WEIRD.
My fav colors are black, red and lavender :3
My fav animals are cats, frogs and bats :33
Yk what. I. Am. Done with gender. Genderfluid, lesbian and aspec (probably aceflux, aegosexual and demiromantic) . If u don’t like it FUCK OFF WHAT R U DOING HERE
I can be pretty shy sometimes but always open to making new friends!! (・・;)
Dnis/ do not interacts: z00s,p3d0s, homophobes, transphobes, n3cr0s, TERFS, MAPS, racists, xenophobes, anti-therians, anti-furries, radqueers, proshippers, 'superstarights' etc and any hate groups in general.
Also @/guess-who-69 sorry
4 more info click here
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Fandoms & interests
I like reading (warriors) and drawing, but also browsing the tube. Oh and comics can't forget about those (currently reading homestuck)
I am in a loooot of fandoms but not really active in them cuz… most of them are dead..
BUT!! I have a couple of things that are currently rotting my brain (fandoms I'm hyperfixating on + active fandoms)
Brain rot real
Stardew Valley [foams at the mouth my brain is rotting]
Twomp/ the world of mr plant
Mob psycho 100
Homestuck [NEW!]
Ghost eyes
Sally face
The song of achilles
Ouk an lavois para tou mi ehontos (if you know this one lets get married/j)
Lacey games
Clan gen (warriors fan game by @/officialclangen)
Diary of a wimpy kid [doawk fanfics: Dysfunctional perspective, Rodrick's secret on the loader diper subreddit]
Unfamiliar (comic by lavendertowne pls go read it)
Webtoons(/tapas) [Jackson's diary, Castle swimmer, Your wings and mine <- go read these they're awesome]
Ramshackle [The webtoon & yt series]
God troubles me!
An extremely goofy movie
The Boiled One Phenomenon (PHEN-228 is my pookie ❤❤)
Salad fingers
Minecraft (the game)
Helluva boss
South park
Deltarune & undertale
The amazing digital circus‼️
Fionna and cake
Stranger things ☹️☹️ (I'm trying to not to associate the actors with the characters as to not ruin the show 4 me. I will be boycotting s5 tho)
Sonic prime
Sr pelo’s content in general [spooky month and the mokey series]
Saiki k
Good omens
YuB (a youtuber, please go sub to him he’a so silly)
Love, Sam (indie horror game)
Former yandere simulator fan. After the shit with yandev happen i don’t support any of his content anymore.
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Socials & tags
My discord is: forknifeistrash#1419
My wattpad: apersonyoudontknow7
My Ao3: Kittzuxp_the_pidgeon
My Artfight >ω<
Sideblogs: @lovrclan-gen @ask-lovechild-au-twomp
I don’t use it very often, but i’m also on the twompcord and clan gen server. I’m not active on the servers tho..
Tags i’ll use:
Kittzu's headcannons = pretty self explaintory, headcanon I made
Kittzu's Mr plant plushie = he's here!!!!
kittzu's argos plushie = i am legally forced to put this tag under the mr plant one.
kittzuxp = reblogs and posts (fast reblogs do not count)
Kittzu’s enderman plush (i have an enderman plush, if you want any related content, i’m sorry for advertising i just love ‘em so much)
Kittzu's creeper plush (i also have a creeper plush!!!)
Kittzu doodles = any of my art
Kittzu answers asks = do I need to explain?
storytime with kittzu = me sharing my memories and expiriences with the world. I want to leave a mark that i was here and that my existance is not forgotten. Philosophical much?
kittzu's ocs = working on a masterpost abt my ocs but there's this tag too
And then just general tags of any fandom i want the post to be abt
(I might tag your username if i don’t mention you in a post, so beware)
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[🔼by @/oxceen]
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februaryschopin · 4 months
(audience booing track) okay hear me out before you guys throw your tomatoes at me because i killed off a previous chara i had just HEAR ME OUT… as always i’m 9688385 dms behind but trust me i will get back to you all one like at a time :-) it’s me anwar (not hadid) + thank u! yapping below on a particular visitor from allara!
liam fanning-ngoc, 25 / general (footnotes wip if i ever get to it lmao)
ENTER the life of a former weird boy (still is actually) from the allara server and more specifically from boston, massachusetts, usa where finding a wasian of irish and hoa vietnamese chinese descent is as easy as 1-2-3. his parents had a meet-cute back in their college days so whenever liam tells people how his white dad and asian mother met he’s always met with dreaded questions alluding to his dad going out of his way to find an asian wife (you know what i’m talking about don’t play with me) and liam’s like “yo dude what are u talking about lmao my dad met my mom on accident in boston college’s dining hall”. SO the now berklee college of music professor marries his long time girlfriend, a vietnamese chinese immigrant woman from terra who’s a musical therapist for children
all was technically well until some unaddressed hiccups concerning their marriage tho? as in cultural differences and backlash on the mother’s end who refuses to fully assimilate to allaran/american society which didn’t translate too well for the white side of his family that are “pseudo true” americans as far as having more than 4+ grandparents who were born in allara. so plenty of misunderstanding stemming from xenophobia and liam’s dad is a deadbeat emotionally especially bringing up the fact that liam is very visibly mixed looking and not at all white passing (more on that with his first cousin on the fanning side of the family *side eyes emoji*) which made him the butt of the joke for shitty “stinky lunches” and anti-viet/sinophobic sentiment while growing up overweight and as a continual afterthought
his dad is an amazing lover, a wonderful husband, a love bomber to infinity which is probably what convinced his mother!! BUT.. the downside like we mentioned above is having an emotionally neglectful/deadbeat dad who simply filed an app to terrascape for a kid by the expectations of his wife (lowkey to shut her up hahahahshafjgj ah shit) and the same shitty tired ass excuse of being “married to his work/career” comes into question. bro can’t name any of the 2 childhood friends liam grew up with, but his mother can. after a certain age his father ends up not knowing a damn thing about his kid and i think. at the end of the day. it’s because he’s unable to fathom his son’s biracial identity and refuses to help confront his son’s difficulties.. with such? especially considering that his wife raises liam with a strong arm because she REFUSES to have a useless whitewashed child that embarrasses her so.
this is the part where liam’s dad starts to hate his wife who is a person outside of being an object of his desires which is fucked as we all know and spoiler alert: he doesn’t have the fucking balls to break up/divorce her because men love making their problems everyone else’s so :-) but do keep in mind that liam’s mom isn’t emotionally avail either, very much the “here’s some fruit i cut for you” immigrant mother after she emotionally abuses you because she always thinks what’s best for her is what’s best for You so no she’s a mother who never apologizes but will. cut up some damn fruit or cook his fave northern viet dishes for him and it’s probably why liam was a fat lil boy
he’s def that weird kid you shared an honors class with that people just left alone after making shitty jokes about? but you feel kinda bad for him despite not knowing much about him? liam grew up on making friends from rpg games, forums, aside from the 2 buddies he’s known all his life. he was a band kid and was fairly good at playing the upright bass, but didn’t have aspirations to pursue music the same manner his parents did. instead he’s working on his 20th-21st century comic book/manga collection and can flawlessly imitate the voice of bruce lee speaking in english (and LOVED play fighting with his loser friends after binge watching 1970s hong kong martial arts movies).
tho eventually he stops feeling bad for himself (which honestly partial to blame is america’s amazing job at emasculating asian men which is totally a conditioned culprit!!!) and ends up losing the weight upon sophomore year of college, gains an interest in fitness and attempts to finding a personal style which honestly still he’s not really fashion conscious. painfully looks like a frat boy and is used to the allegations but the fuck ass loser in him hasn’t left, but he realizes how people treat him in the last recent years due to being relatively conventionally handsome(?) and only hot people get to be weird and have niche interests apparently
AND ALAS it’s been three years since he graduated from umass boston with a vietnam + ireland flag sash draped around his neck lookin like a goof but reppin hard for both sides lmfao and rn he lives in the megabuildings with a roommate (plot? anyone?)! a bachelor’s in communications + marketing with a minor in digital arts. since he was a kid he used to mess around on a hand-me-down terra-esque-photoshop-based-software and since then i’m afraid we having the coming of herb lubalin except in the year 3024. bro was making his family homemade birthday card graphics, eventually websites and now is working on prototype designs for apps, etc. he works for the gaming company that has launched the ever so successful iron fist which has been his latest project atm and man is he psyched, so much that he was offered to position in their physical office in terra’s server so long as he migrates with the proper visitation/work documents AND YEAAAH i’ll quit yapping here bg-wise but i can happily :-) expand if needed be. i fucking love expanding..
truthfully and i know i always say this but he’s definitely leaning towards the ambivert side of people, give him a topic that he’s well informed on/interested or if you guys have a common interest then BOOM. it’s all over, i fear that you have a yapper in him. but that aside genuinely quite friendly aaaaaaand keenly leans into his intuition too a lot of the time? naturally curious about people and things so believe me when i say he just Has to fuck around and find out or else it’ll kill him to not? want to do that? very trustworthy, almost just as reliable, enjoys being someone’s rock or pillar to lean on because he didn’t have that as much growing up so it’s really the least that he can do. half a strategic planner, half a “fuck it we ball get up everyone today’s the day”, one hundred percent hypocritical and conflicting and very much a social/emotional chameleon. despite being a yapper also do trust me when i say that his yapping is purposeful (the aquarius mercury is doing so much heavy lifting in his chart). uh also is pro-terra bc bro is not tryna die out he just would like to enjoy his time in this simulated reality so!! idk man people hate him for his boyish whimsical nature but that’s neither here or there
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 9 months
this is kinda weird, but with stuff like Skibidi Toilet (a web animation that's really popular among the kids these days, about toilets with heads in a war against people with technology for heads), where do characters like TV-woman (woman with TV for a head) and Speaker-woman fit into the headless-woman art? On one hand, they are headless women when viewed in isolation, but on the other hand, everyone else in the Skibidi Toilet world, that isn't one of the evil heads-in-a-toilet, also have their heads replaced with technology. (e.g. Camera-men are men with cameras for heads.) Is it different when headless women are in animation because now they are actual characters with thoughts and actions they can take, instead of a passive static object? On another note, I've always found blocking/changing the head of a character as a way to make them anonymous or deidentifying them into an everyperson, or like with Skibidi Toilet does, a method of making someone seem otherworldly. Like she can see you, but you can't see her face and you don't get to know her. But looking through your headless woman tag, gee, seeing all the butchered and sexualised women together like that makes it feel so creepy. I have to confess, I am a former fan of object-head women because I liked the fact that they seemed mysterious and you didn't know what these strange women might be thinking. But now it's like that same factor, that you don't know what thoughts they might be having, if they're even capable of thinking at all, that's putting me off! Also, do you think the Onceler in the original depiction by Doctor Seuss or in the 1971 TV special gets to (mostly, because his eyes are seen once through his boarded up windows, but otherwise his head and face are always hidden) count as a headless man? I don't know where I'm going with this, but the 2012 Onceler that got popular on tumblr was given an actual face, and an explosion in popularity too. i think people started identifying with him even more, despite being given a face instead of being a faceless everyman.
… I’m not gonna lie anon, I don’t really understand what any of this means, but thank you so much for sending it in! I’ll pop it into the tag for other women to consider and respond to xx
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kyberrebel · 3 months
Things that went through my mind during The Acolyte episode 4
I guess Kelnacca got sick of wearing clothes during his exile. Typical Wookiee.
Osha is just going to leave without saying goodbye to Sol?? That seems a bit messed up to me.
If Kelnacca dies, I am going to riot. 
I think it’s kind of weird for Mae to bring Qimir on her mission to kill Kelnacca. It just doesn’t seem like it’s his thing. But I’m not really complaining, since I do like his character.
It could just be another member of his species but if it is him THAT IS SO COOL! (I just checked and he doesn’t have a canon birth year so who knows.)
I really don’t think that not informing the High Council about Mae is a good idea. I understand not wanting the Senate to get involved, but c’mon, guys. 
Maybe I’m just biased, though, because I’m thinking about if it may be a Sith that’s training Mae. The Jedi don’t know about the Sith eventually returning at this point in time, so maybe they’re just less worried. 
So Mae is actually going to try to kill a JEDI WOOKIE without a weapon??? That’s literally the hardest of her targets to kill without a weapon. Can she use the Force to kill him, or does the Force count as a weapon.
“I can’t believe my sister is Jedi scum.” I mean, she’s technically not. 
Oh good, Sol caught Osha before she could leave.
I know I said it before a few episodes ago, but I’m saying it again since we’re getting these cameos. I would die of happiness if we got a Yaddle cameo.
Yord is growing on me a lot. He’s beginning to be one of my favorite characters in the show.
I am really not vibing with these giant bug things. They may be showing up in my nightmares tonight.
“My loyalties to Osha.” Mae, I hate to tell you this, but she kind of hates you right now.
Damn, Mae, you could knock before barging into Kenacca’s home.
I was kind of guessing he wouldn’t survive the show, since my prediction has been only Sol surviving out of the Jedi Mae needed to kill, but damn seeing him dead still sucks.
I was not expecting to see Mae’s master again so quickly. 
His helmet kind of looks like something someone from the Knights of Ren would wear. I know it’s probably not yet, since they probably haven’t been founded yet, but it’s giving the same vibe.
Seeing all the Jedi with their lightsabers out is giving me CHILLS.
I really am not a fan of how short that episode was. I mean, I enjoyed it. It was nice to get back to the main story after last episode being a flashback. But it was just so short, I think it could have used another ten minutes.
I also wonder if we are going to get the story wrapped up this season. The show isn’t marketed as a limited series, but I hope we don’t have to wait for another season to get the full arc. We're halfway through the season. There's only four episodes left, who knows how quickly things will happen.
But anyway, it was a fun episode. I loved seeing Kelnacca again (RIP), I loved seeing all the Jedi fight together (even if it was for two seconds), and I am enjoying how badly I’m predicting what’s going to happen next. It keeps things interesting.
Right now, I'm predicting Qimir to be Mae's (former) master. Could he have killed Kelnacca without Mae noticing he was gone for that long? Who knows. But that's my prediction.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 5 months
for the ask game: beehive limo, poo cocktail supreme, the quiet game, the brand, vomitron, anaconda ball pit, the leech healer, butt chug, the switcheroo, and sweatsuit cocktail !!!
Thank you so much for sending me this ask! <3
Sorry it took me so long to answer this! I’m dealing with a pretty awful respiratory illness and I’ve been sleeping a lot XD
Beehive limo: Who do you think is the most underrated duo?
I think it’s really hard to pick just one here tbh! I love the friendship all the guys have with each other (and that’s really why I loves Jackass so much in the first place), so choosing one is like picking my favorite child!
Poo cocktail supreme: Do you have any unpopular opinions on Jackass?
I feel that I’m going to get some hate for this, but I did not care for 3D as much as some other fans did! Number Two is and always has been my favorite, and while it was the most successful film, I feel that some of the stunts are kind of forgettable
The quiet game: Do you have a favorite quote that came from Jackass? If so, what is it?
That’s so hard!! I would have to say either Steve telling Chris to “assume the goddamn position!” In the Argentina episode of Wildboyz or Johnny’s reaction to Bam’s ass in the Brand (“It is pretty...”)
The brand: What is your favorite bit that Bam was in?
I do really adore his performance in the Brand, but there was something cathartic about seeing him kinda get his comeuppance in the Wind Tunnel after so many years pranking people (though I will admit, I did feel a wee bit bad for him once he started crying :( )
Vomitaron: Name the stunt/bit that made you the most squeamish.
I think I’m one of the only Jackass fans who can sit through the Papercuts stunt, but there’s something about the Fart Mask (of all stunts, I know) that just nauseates me!
Anaconda ball pit: What stunt/bit is your favorite that includes an animal?
Funny enough, it probably would be Anaconda Ball Pit! Either that or Roller Buffalo (purely because of Johnny’s incredible dance moves XD)
The leech healer: Which stunt are you most likely to participate in? Or the one you'd like to have participated in the most (you will get hurt/deal with the consequences)? And oppositely, which stunt would you try if you could do it despite/without getting hurt?
If it counts, I would pick to participate the whole musical ending stunt of Number Two :D I’m a former theater kid, and if it means anything I did once, on a boring weekend, learn all of the choreography for Knoxville’s little cowboy number! Conversely, If I didn’t have to worry about getting hurt, I would pick either Firehose Rodeo or Duck Hunt because they just seem really fun!
Butt chug: What is something you've found difficulty in loving about Jackass?
So much Jackass media is difficult to find! But besides accessibility, Me and many other Jackass fans have the same complaint of the fandom being really small!
The switcheroo: Which Jackass member do you think you could beat in a fight? Why?
That’s a tricky one! My first idea was Bam because I think I could dodge his limp punches and we’re around the same height, but he definitely has muscle on me. Steve is more comparable to my physique, but something about him makes me think he can actually fight (which I obviously can’t XD)
Sweatsuit cocktail: Have you picked up any mannerisms from any of the members? If so, who and what did you pick up on?
I have! Besides incorporating Bam’s weird little slang words into my daily vocabulary, I’ve found myself slipping into his, what I affectionately call, Philly trash accent every now and then lol! Thankfully nobody around me has noticed yet
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im gonna rant abt how much i hate the ghost eyes fandom (as a former fan) bc im just kinda mad rn
so uhh yeah major TW for s3lf h4rm, romanticizing mental illness, su1c1de, sadomasochism, infantilization, and rlly just anything related to that
(also sorry if this looks weird idk how to separate stuff on tumblr)
also DO NOT harass the creator or anyone mentioned here, you’re no better than them if you do that
ok so i read ghost eyes like 2 years ago but i stopped reading about the point where they were on that field trip. i still think it’s a nice comic and i’m sure the author is a cool person, also the art style is awesome. but the fandom is so fucking gross that i’m surprised more people haven’t talked about it. 
for some backstory on this, i used have REALLY bad depression and was cutting myself regularly (i’m much better now, i have medication, therapy, and i’m almost a year clean) i also stopped reading due to the comic severely damaging my mental health and i’m very glad i did. i was younger and immature and thought i could handle such content. this led to me becoming extremely obsessed with the comic to an unhealthy level, and getting severely attached to one of the characters (rudy) because i could relate to him at that time. i seriously thought that i WAS him sometimes.
i understand now that i should NOT have ignored the label and what i did was definitely wrong and if the creator is reading this i deeply apologize. i’m in a much better place now and i’m just glad that i was able to get the help i needed.
ok now to the angry part
if you don’t know what ghost eyes is, it’s a webcomic about a severely traumatized boy attending school for the first time and meeting a bunch of other severely traumatized kids. this comic has a crap ton of triggering/sensitive/disturbing topics (which is not a bad thing as long as you do it right) and like i said before, the creator has kindly put a warning before the comic starts stating that you SHOULD NOT romanticize/idolize/sexualize/kin any of the characters, do not read unless you can handle such topics, and so forth. now i know i should have definitely put the comic down before and not gotten obsessed over it, but i knew damn well enough that it was messed up to romanticize/sexualize any of the characters/things that happened in the book.
there are several scenes in which a character is self harming or harming someone else, and the comments will say shit like “nooo my poor bean” “awww baby don’t do that” or my personal favorite “protect the smol bean.” first of all, the characters are like 16-17, second of all, i cannot even tell you how fucked up it is that people see someone ruining their lives and putting themselves in danger and think it’s “cute” or “anxiety smol bean uwu” THERES LITERALLY A SCENE WHERE SOMEONE IS GETTING STABBED AND PPL ARE DRAWING THIS MF IN A MAID DRESS.
another reason i despise these fans is that they see an abusive relationship and start making ships/kinning them. as someone who has gone through pretty much everything rudy has gone through, i cant tell you how irritating it is to see people shipping him with his abuser or calling him a “cutie patootie masochist boi uwu” cause lemme tell you what-it doesnt feel good to have to put your health in danger and ruin your relationships with others just so you can get off somehow. ITS NOT FUN. the whole point of rudy’s character is to not romanticize someones fucked up mental health.
i could spend hours talking about this group of immature brats, but i’m tired and it’s a school night and i have a test tomorrow. i might add on if i feel like i need to but overall i really hope those immature fans grow up and realize their mistakes like i did, or get the help they need.
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lemonthepotato · 10 months
Crows And Prejudice: An Unscientific Study On The Mob Mentality Effect.
If this was an essay, I would open this up with:
“Herd mentality (also mob or pack mentality) describes how people can be influenced by the majority. Social psychologists study the related topics of group intelligence, crowd wisdom, groupthink, and deindividuation.”
But this isn’t an essay. It’s a personal anecdote. In 2015, I discovered, or perhaps earlier, a song by… let’s call her Leilani Ortinez. I’m not kidding; Ortinez is a real surname. How many ‘nez’ surnames are there? Ortinez, Gonzales- the other ones. Anyway, Leilani had one album at the time, and one EP. I was young, so listened to them. When the music video for… Shush… let’s call the song Shush, came out, I was uncomfortable even as a 10 year old. Those music videos were weird.
Anyway, in 2017, she got accused of SA by a former friend. The internet, in all its glory, treated the allegations like an inconvenience more than a serious issue. They were waiting for someone to debunk the allegations so they could support their musical overlord. And someone delivered. That someone?
The Crow.
The Crow uploaded a video called ‘Why I No Longer Believe [The Victim].” At the time, I didn’t think anything of it. In 2018 and 2019, I remained impartial.
But then, that same person uploaded a 2 hour video further ‘debunking’ things, I watched it, and even though I was a young/mid teen (I’m an adult now) I didn’t like the video. It had little evidence in it, but I didn’t have the verbal skills to express why I didn’t like the video.
I became more skeptical, went through the evidence and concluded the internet mistreated a victim of SA. I listened to her music, which was released the same year. In fact, while I rarely listen to her music nowadays, it’s pretty decent. Unfortunately, the internet didn’t beat to my drum, but its own.
The fans rejoiced…
They continued to slander the victim to the point where she had to leave the internet. Mind you, the reason why this victim is doubted is because she didn’t react in the way a ‘perfect victim’ would. I suppose I should explain a ‘perfect victim’ is.
The ideal victim:
There are five criteria that make up the ‘ideal victim’ in psychology. The victim must be weak or in a position of complete powerlessness. If the victim had any slither of control over the situation, then they ‘weren’t doing enough to get out of it.’ The victim must be an upstanding citizen, someone respectable. The victim is somewhere that they can’t be blamed for being. The offender is big and bad; what you’d expect an offender to be like. The offender was unknown and had no personal relationship to her.
When people violate these sacred rules, they are considered fake victims. Liars, cheats, fakes. It doesn’t matter if it’s true, what matters is that you are perfect. Did you report it to the police, even though 2.2% of cases end in charges? Did you report it to the police, even if less than 5% of assault cases are reported and those that do aren’t taken seriously? Did you report it to the police, even if you are freshly traumatised?
Did you say no to the act? Did you say no once or twice? Did you say no enough? Did you say it too lowly, did you forget to say it? Were you quiet, were you frozen?
Were you actually there, even though the accused admitted you were?
Is the perpetrator someone we’d expect? A man?
Is the perpetrator a stranger?
Did you get dates mixed up, even though trauma does that?
Did you contradict yourself even once? Even once on accident?
Did you remain friends with the perpetrator because you didn’t realise what had happened to you yet, did you?
We put so many unrealistic expectations on victims, and it’s insane how people blindly watched a 2 hour hit piece and accepted it. I am so glad that all these years later, one YouTuber had the guts to actually call this person out on their shit, Brad Taste In Music.
Oh, and it’s pretty obvious who Leilani Ortinez is by now. Let’s face it, people only defend her because she’s famous, and because they want to enjoy her music guilt free, if they even have guilt. Which judging from the very kind attitude that her fans have, I’m assuming is true. You know, how the harassed the victim off the internet?
Oh, by the way. The victim never said they lied. That’s misinformation that The Crow AND their fans proceeded to spread.
Anyway, much like the post I made about Scott Cawthon, I have no interest in debating this topic with angry, resentful 13 year old girls who haven’t developed critical thinking yet. Then again, a lot of adults haven’t either. Nothing has been proven. It’s very rare to be able to ‘prove’ these situations either way.
I might go through the 2 hour video myself and debunk the debunking, but frankly, from what I remember and have seen… it’s disgusting.
Note: Post is getting some notes recently, here’s part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/lemonthepotato/735806499392258048/debunking-the-crows-amazing-defence-video-how-i
Another Edit: I’ve never even read Pride And Prejudice. I don’t remember why I made the title of this post that. Yeah.
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strawberrywinter4 · 10 months
Hi there:)
You don't know me and I'm sorry for bothering you but a fellow fan showed me your text about how Sherlock saved you and just yesterday I wrote a similar text here on Tumbler because that's exactly what Sherlock and John did for me.
I'm dealing with mental health issues since I was 14 years old and now I'm 43 and had suicidal thoughts every day of the week for 15 years.
My first thought of the day was: " Oh crap I didn't die during my sleep".
I was filled with anxiety and depression and I was close to finally giving up when I stumbled across Sherlock without actually looking for it.
Within days my world turned upside down and changed almost everything.
After almost three years of Sherlock/ Johnlock I run my own Sherlock group, found unbelievably kind friends and because of another fellow fan I'm one of the most euphoric fanfiction readers.
I was a former librarian before I fell too ill to work anymore and I know great work when I see it:))
I recently also discovered Podfics and feeling like a kid at Christmas all over again.
It is like I was invited to live at 221b myself with the boys and a fandom that welcomed me like no one else ever did.
It calms me down and let me built up my own beautiful Mind Palace.
I reduced medication and I still have anxiety and very dark periods of depression but no suicide thought ever since!
I got the happiness back when I met Sherlock and his world.
I understand you so well and your words touched me and I thank you for your honesty and wishing you all the best in the world and many more Sherlocked moments.
And if you feel like answering ( not necessary of course!)
please don't hesitate to make this public.
I don't hide my issues and most certainly not my love for Sherlock and John.
It finally pays off that all my classmates thought I'm weird.
I like weird:D
Best wishes
Oh my goodness! You are the sweetest. Thank you so much for telling me this <3
I am so sorry you went through such a dark period of time but I’m so happy that it has gotten better. The fact that Sherlock has helped you as well warms my heart. 221B is something that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, so I definitely understand where you’re coming from when you say it’s like you were invited into the fandom once you stumbled upon it. It’s truly a safe haven.
I love how active you are in the Sherlock fandom. It’s awesome! Keep it up, I love talking to people who love this fandom as much as I do.
It truly is amazing because it feels like the Sherlock fandom as a whole is a family and I’m so excited to be apart of it.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I greatly appreciate it and just remember that you are valid!
Please don’t hesitate to slip into my asks again. I love answering and I love to hear about what others have to say. It is not a bother at all. <3
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