#I’m bad at comic panels 😭
weirdonumber33 · 10 months
This is a comic idk if I’ll make more
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Click to read all of the comic👇
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danothan · 1 year
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okay FINE i’ll read the batman side of knight terrors too.
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thief-of-eggs · 1 year
i’m so insanely emotional rn, and seeing that kon spilt his coffee actually made me cry
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starkwlkr · 2 months
happy life, happy wife | hugh jackman
an: “you attract what you fear” GUYS IM SO SCARED OF A 55 YEAR OLD AUSTRALIAN 😭 definitely thinking about making marvel actress!reader x hugh an actual series… i have ideas
marvel actress!reader
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Deadpool & Wolverine Press tour - Hot Ones
Hugh felt like he was going to die. Each wing was getting hotter and hotter, but immediately when he heard his wife’s name he forgot all about the spice.
“Hugh, your wife is part of the Avengers, how does it feel having your wife be part of such a huge franchise? Have you two talked about a potential team up with the X-men and the Avengers?” Sean asked.
“My wife . . . Oh god, I think I’m crying-”
“I can’t tell if you’re legitimately dying or completely in love with your wife.” Ryan told Hugh.
“Wait . . I am completely in love with my wife and I would legitimately die for her.” Hugh gasped as he rearranged Ryan’s words.
“Is that in the contract she made you sign when you married her? ‘I vow to die for you’. My contract said I had to give all my money to my kids and wife.” Ryan said.
“No, she’s amazing, um, if I start talking about her I think I might go on for hours,” he laughed. “Our kids do want to see their parents fighting the bad guys together. We would love to team up, maybe it could happen.” Hugh smiled.
“The entire movie would be them making out and her beating the shit out of you. I’d pay to see that.” Ryan added.
Comic Con 2024
Like RDJ, your last Marvel movie had been Avengers: Endgame. After being in ten mcu films, it was time to say goodbye to your character.
But that was in 2019.
At this years comic con, you were back. The cast of Deadpool & Wolverine had taken the stage and showed their appreciation for the fans. After their panel, it was time to announce Marvel’s upcoming projects. Kevin Feige announced the Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts, Captain America 4, and finally the new Avengers movies, which everyone was extremely excited about.
After showing the title card for the upcoming Avengers film, Kevin turned to the audience.
“Something people have been asking, as of late, is who the heck is going to direct these two movies?” The audience clapped.
From the side of the stage, you were nervous. What if the fans didn’t like the idea of you directing the next two Avengers films? Your worrying caused Hugh to come to your rescue.
“Hey, they loved you as an Avenger, they will love you even more.” Hugh kissed your forehead. “If anyone says anything about this decision, they have me to deal with.”
You laughed at his words. “I really love you so much.”
“Love you too, bub.” Hugh was about to kiss you when Ryan cut in.
“I really love us too. I convinced half of the people here that we’re a throuple.” He said in the most serious tone ever.
Kevin announced you as the director. Your doubt of the fans not liking the announcement was proven wrong when you walked the stairs to the stage and stood next to Kevin. They cheered when they saw you were back.
As you said a few words, thanking Marvel, Kevin and the fans, you were being recorded by Hugh, who was being recorded by Ryan.
“That’s my wife!” Hugh cheered from backstage, holding his phone in his hand.
“She’s Marvel Jesus now, holy shit!”
WIRED autocomplete interview
“Is Hugh Jackman married?”
“Yes, to me, Y/n, probably to half the population,” Ryan answered. “He’s Australia’s biggest slut.”
“All the times, I proposed.” Hugh laughed. “But yes, I am married and I love my wife very much. She’s stuck with me forever.” He lifted his hand to show off the wedding band.
“Funny, because she texted me right now. Her and Blake are in the courthouse getting married. So Deadpool three was actually made so our wives could divorce us and marry each other.”
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acid-ixx · 3 months
Dear author,
I love your batfam series SO MUCH. I like the way you describe the feelings, how you use the words, how the depression of Y/N was shown, and the thinking of Batfam when they realize that Y/N had been heavily neglectful. Every time I read this series again, I still feel the hurtful of it and it actually makes me cry a lot T.T. And I love that feeling. And the series makes me want to draw, even though I’m not good at drawing.
The first panel, I draw Y/N in my thoughts ( sorry if you feel uncomfortable) and Conner. This one is inspired from a manga called “ Veil”.
The second one, I draw some scenes from chapter 3 (I tried to draw the ways Y/N calmed themselves down, but I couldn’t 😭).
From your series, I’ve thought about ABO au, where Y/N is a beta, they can’t be marked ; so the yanderes ( romantic one) are more yandere, because they know that Y/N never belong to anyone.
Last thing to say, I VERY VERY VERY LOVE your batfam series and this is one of the greatest fics of Batfam I’ve ever read. I also very admire your hardworking and your inspiration about this series. But I hope that you also stay healthy because I saw that you’re very productive ( how you can write so fast but still focus on the details TvT). No words can reveal the love in my heart to your series.
Sorry if I either bother you or my bad grammar ( English not my native language, this is also the first time I do this ). Thank you so much because spending your time reading this piece of mine. I just want to express my feelings and thoughts about your fic. Hope you have a good day!!!<333333
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— masterlist !
a/n: the topic of a/b/o is written under this post. anyways, this comic panel is so absolutely brilliant and breathtaking omg... i love all the thoughts u have compiled here and i'm so sorry I wasn't able to reply to this quick enough 😭 but i appreciate this sm !! "even tho im not good at drawing" YET U SENT ME THIS !! i absolutely love everything about this don't say ur not good at drawing bec u are 😡
so like i said, don't be sorry if u draw the reader as female bec i portrayed them as gn so anyone can interpret them as any gender and it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all as long as i'm the one not being misgendered. anyways, veil is actually one of my fave mangas and if u ask me, i could say your relationship with conner is pretty much akin to that of veil's! which means conner is very touchy-feely with you and is uncaring of their status as a wayne and would rather... have you take his last name very soon, if you know what i mean hehe.
the second scene is absolutely heartbreaking even for me, especially the panel where your mom tries to comfort you by telling you it's all alright made my heart ache real badly because that's probably the last time you have experienced; the love of a parent that's soon taken away from you. your mom's last words would be reassurance, one that both comforts and disturbs you as the memory repeats itself over and over in you head like a broken record </3
and the abo au, for me personally (tho i never have written for it) is just going to threaten more angst with your family because not even your pack is willing to take you in and care for you. despite your hopes due to being a beta unlike your family who are comprised of strong alphas and resilient omegas, you are merely average in their eyes probably, average enough to be forgotten and discarded by a pack you had thought would take you in for you must be a misfit just like them.
yet despite the pain you had to endure for feeling unloved as a beta, it would also deepen your potential with conner as your love interest because although you could never be claimed by any past sweethearts, conner would always, and i mean always make a show that he loves you in a deeper, more symbolical way. he may not be able to mark you as your alpha, but a ring and an always protective hold on your waist paired with his scent and pheromones engraved into every piece of your clothing is enough to tell everyone to "fuck off, this one's mine."
and tysm for loving my fanfic 😭 even tho i have written it impulsively, look where it got now !! yes i am very productive but this is a mere product of my attention span and hyperfixations towards the dc storyline and no my health is very bad but trust me it's not from writing, it's more from me just being very ill every single day but im trying to take care of myself <33
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vickychendraws · 4 months
may i ask what brushes you use? how big do you make your canvas be? (is it different when you make illustrations vs comics) is there any particular thought process in how you panel your comics because the way you do it is so great! i imagine it really encourages one to be very loose with their drawings, more expressive
Here’s a link to the brush pack I have. The brush I use is the one you can see around the S, Y, and K in the image, tho I adjusted it to make it less diffuse.
I typically work on a 2100x2100px or a 2400x2400px (300dpi) canvas (7-8” square).
Lol I’m about to disappoint everyone with my process bc it’s still an incoherent mess. I’ll include some initial sketches from the latest comic and the dress up one as an example, but I really just scribble things out after coming up with the premise. Then, I rely heavily on the lasso tool to rearrange things 😭
In the interest of answering this more seriously, personally, the actual drawing process helps a lot with the writing and paneling. I’ve kinda discovered that I’m not the sort who can methodically plan every step along the way or even pre-write all of the dialogue. After working out the scenario I want to tackle, I just go into sketching with a loose idea of point A to B. (This isn’t to say I haven’t left things on the cutting room floor after the fact bc I have definitely deleted bad pages)
I really need to see how I’ve drawn the expressions and work out the poses while I write dialogue and design the panels. For example, none of my punchlines are ever thought up in advance lol. They usually come up while I’m drawing someone (usually Chilchuck).
But yes! Be loose with your drawings! As the great Glen Keane says “don’t think technically, draw emotionally.” (Cutting this part short bc I started rambling lol)
Hope that answers your questions! :) Thanks so much for reading my goofy comics and sending in an ask!
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starleska · 9 months
Have you ever read the Twelve and Toymaker comic? It gives a few more interesting looks into how the Toymaker thinks that aren’t touched on in the novelisation. Most interestingly (and the main focus of the comic) is that the Toymaker is terrified of the universe outside of the Toyroom — which seems to be defined by its walls, in the novelisation the Toymaker puts particular emphasis on the walls with the candy-striped wallpaper lined with dolls — because it has no walls and because he doesn’t (didn’t? He does in the Giggle) have much control of it.
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(‘‘The Toyroom is growing old, Doctor. So ancient that it no longer functions, as either prison or playground. The barriers between the Toyroom and the wider universe are growing thin, and it is this that has allowed you to wrest control of the toys, as my power wanes. Soon, there will be no Toyroom and I shall be loose in a wild, unforgiving universe, a cosmos with no walls. I can hardly conceive of such infinite horror.’’)
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(‘‘You’ve given a madman access to the entire universe! With that sort of power, think what he’ll do!’’ ‘‘That’s just it, Clara, he doesn’t want the universe. Didn’t you hear him? He’s terrified of it. He can’t bear the thought of losing his control. He needs his safety net.’’)
And that he doesn’t tend to accept help unless he thinks he’s won it.
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(‘‘So you’re just giving him the TARDIS?’’ ‘‘Don’t be ridiculous. I’m building a new Toyroom!’’ ‘‘Inside the TARDIS!’’ ‘‘Precisely! I had to let him think he’d won. He’d never accept my help otherwise.’’)
And THESE PANELS lives in my head
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(‘‘I had to help him, Clara. Can you understand?’’ ‘‘Let me see... a lonely God, drifting through space and time in his magical toy box? Yeah, I think I understand, Doctor, all too well.’’)
The EU tends to give the Toymaker more than his actual TV appearances (mmmm his rambles about being alone in the void and the cold in the novelisation). I need to dissect him and study him in detail so bad
hello love!!! oh my goodness thank you for sending this my way, because i haven't read this comic yet but the sections you've sent me have absolutely broken my heart 💔 what an interesting look into the Toymaker's psyche…it makes perfect sense. when you're a trauma survivor of any kind, especially if you grew up in a traumatic environment, the control you're able to have over that environment (no matter how minimal) is often all that keeps you together…you have to find comfort in that there and whatever small safe space you can carve out for yourself to survive. this has given me a lot to think about, because i wrote the Toymaker with what i think was the canonisation given when he spoke to the Sixth Doctor; that the Toymaker created his Toyroom after a very long time of aimlessly using his powers, when he didn't have a concept of gameplay. there seems to be some contention about whether or not the Toymaker is the creator of the majority of older games in the universe/the concept of games (The Giggle seems to allude to that?), or if he was inspired by other beings who created the games first. i like to think it's a bit of both; that he is the originator of many early games and gameplay rules, but it was the barriers between the voidspace (and his Toyroom) which let in the ideas from other beings 👀 the idea that the Toyroom is the Toymaker's island of safety against a universe which fundamentally doesn't make sense to him is so distressing 😭💖 i think a lot of us who've gone through difficult things can relate to that experience…of having your safe place slowly eroded as circumstances change and you grow older. but it makes sense!!! if he had no one, and the only thing he could cling to were the rules of his games (seemingly the only thing which brings him joy), the inherent chaos of the universe would be terrifying to him. no matter how much he tries to make it so, the universe just isn't a game with rules that can allow him to win: it's random, and brutal. is it any wonder that he has such tantrums when he loses, or when he perceives someone to be cheating? it isn't just that he's upset about losing or bad sportsmanship...it's the literal fabric of his entire worldview being torn apart. oh lord the bit about him not accepting help unless he thinks he's won it…how familiar does that sound to those of us who were traumatised early on? needing to 'earn' things like affection, shelter, food, etc. by working twice as hard, because we feel we don't deserve it inherently...the fact that the Doctor shows the Toymaker such compassion even though the Toymaker is such a dangerous, destructive entity is a real credit to their character. i really appreciate The Giggle replicating that and showing how the Doctor empathises with the Toymaker's terror by offering to play with him...i wish we'd had more time to explore the 'vastness that will never cease'. i don't think that good or bad mean nothing to the Toymaker...i think he's petrified of it. suddenly we understand why he's so boastful about his abilities, like an arrogant child...he's asserting himself against the universe as the only safety he's ever known crumbles. god. my heart hurts - that image of him sitting with the dolls of himself and the Doctor is killing me. i am going to go and read this comic and cry now, thank you so much 😭💖 yes please do!!!! your insight into the Toymaker is fantastic and i'd love to see more character studies of him 😭💖
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0zzysaurus · 2 months
Compilation of fun Wreck-Gar/Junkion things you definitely haven’t seen before
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First, some more fun extracts from Collect and Save by Tim Waggoner from the 2004 Transformers Legends short story anthology.
Couple of reused ‘TV talk’ quotes that are used here are also in the season 3 G1 episode The Big Broadcast of 2006 as well as the 1986 movie, but it’s mostly original spitballing from my favourite guy. Salvage here is a Recyclon who — with his crew — are trying to recycle the planet of Junk into Energon for their evil masters.
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Here we have some fun panels from Transformers Versus GI Joe 2015, and yes, that’s correct. From 2015. Don’t ask me why it looks so shit for this late in the game. At least he looks super cool (especially his bike mode!!!) in these handful of panels. Honestly, this entire comic needs its own post because its crazy. The art is horrendous but the writing is really funny. I’ve opted to leave out the panel of Wreck doing drugs but you can go and find it if you want 😭
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Also from TF vs GI Joe, this is apparently what Rodimus and Wreck-Gar are getting up to now that the war is over. Rarepair content can be found anywhere if you know how to find it. NEVER claim to understand my struggle if you haven’t had to dig this hard.
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Speaking of digging hard, a sticker book… from 1986… That’s how deep I’m willing to dig for even a SCRAP of content. And don’t worry, I know they missed out the “ba weep” in the universal greeting, Kup forgot to say it too on his panel but I opted for a different panel of Kup for this post. Another quote from Wreck here that is also reused from TBB2006 except now he’s using it for Hot Rod instead of for his girlfriend — so that counts as wreckrod content to me ^^
That’s all I got for now, I’ll go hunting for the other books he shows up in at a later time that I’ve already read for more silly appearances of the best guy, but when I tell you I’ve exhausted all avenues, I truly have. I guess… I guess now I just have to wait for… someone to write fanfiction….
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Ooooo you wanna write wreckrod fanfic for me soooooo bad…..
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batbabydamian · 8 months
🦇🐥 Batman and Robin (2023) #5 rambling and a conspiracy theory lol
tbh this is the most exciting issue for me since…the first one 💀 i’m going to talk about the story and art separately because Nikola Cizmesija’s one of my favorite action focused comic artists so this issue’s a treat 😭
Alfred used to mediate during a lot of Bruce and Damian’s early relationship, so it’s refreshing to see Bruce take more initiative involving himself in Damian’s life even if it’s for a case lol
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a couple instances of Alfred’s fatherly support on behalf of Bruce and Damian from Batman and Robin (2011) #2, 4, 39 and Teen Titans (2016) #1
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Damian seems to take Bruce's involvement more as a sign he’s not reliable rather than Bruce finally just. being around to help him. which is fair 😭
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this is complementary to Cizmesija’s art, but i love this half of the page so bad 😭 the negative space and the shaded foreground with Damian mid-run gives this feeling of time kinda stopping for us to really feel the impact of Damian’s entrance AND the effect it has on Bruce, like!! that wide eyed expression in the below panel!! 😭
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Bruce’s quiet “you can do it, son” to A FULL BODY CHEER OF “GO, DAMIAN!” Bruce witnessing Damian be great outside of Robin, and on top of that it’s just another mundane moment that Bruce has wanted with Damian 😭
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this is such a goofy bully line sdfgh though the whole “broken” bit might be a callback to Batman and Robin (2011) #1, in that Bruce is really trying to do his job as a father here or i'm likely reading way too into it
SO the “shocking ending” of Zach being Zsasz’s kid was definitely a surprise but then got me wondering what is up with Williamson doing reveals of new kids for villains lol otherwise, the hints in the issue were neat!
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the tally marks!! at least tallying blocks is pretty innocent compared to kills 😭
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and Damian would recognize how Zsasz moves, since he’s personally fought him before in Streets of Gotham (2009)!! very much not in a sport, but uh maybe it was to Zsasz
the art!! first a shoutout to the colorist Rex Lokus for giving Damian his green eyes and maybe melanin (it didn’t look consistent throughout so i say maybe)!! 😭 also a Talia by Cizmesija!! even though this panel calls her a “not great” teacher…💀
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SUCH A FUN PAGE 😭 i’ve been into montage scenes lately lol and i love how quickly Cizmesija establishes Damian’s routine - Tues, Wed, and Fri are the funniest for me!! Damian grumpily getting lectured by his teacher in the foreground while his classmate’s still visibly steaming from the hit he took LOL, DAMIAN’S BUG EYED STARE WITH HIS SUNGLASSES UP, and then Damian looming. stealthily. in a tree. while some kid is blatantly pointing him out HAHA 😭
Cizmesija’s use of motion lines and effects when conveying movement is so cool!! the shonen manga vibes jumps out!! the smoke/dust trails following the movements; the limbs and soccer ball having a sort of blur effect with the motion lines. V COOL.
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which leads to my favorite part of Cizmesija’s work - HIS IMPACT SHOTS!!
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more motion lines and effects!! the splatter effects!! the arcs!! the jolting impacts!! GRRAAHH!! the setup to that impact shot of Zach's block is so great, and then following with Damian's reaction!! i almost wish that "???" wasn't there, just because that expression of stunned silence already feels so loud!!
last thoughts about Cizmesija's art is that i'm really hoping for a showdown between Damian and Zach next issue because i need to see a Damian fight scene in Nikola Cizmesija-fashion 😭 we get a taste of it with Orca and soccer but i NEED MORE LOL for now, dropping the moment when Damian overpowers Zsasz, in Batman: Streets of Gotham #11 since it was such an epic moment
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okay SLAPPING MY CONSPIRACY BOARD!! so on another note Principal Stone being Shush is starting to feel like a red herring and Ms. Heather Hall could actually be Shush. Shush’s main point about Damian as his instructor was emphasizing how much potential he has, but the “wrong” influence could affect that
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Stone and Hall have made the same observation about Damian’s potential, but the difference is how they address that - one wants Bruce to be more involved while the other wants Bruce to back off
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Stone acknowledged Damian can take care of himself but still wants Bruce to step up in Damian’s life; Hall says it’s okay to be a helicopter parent BUT implies giving Damian space (which we already know Bruce has given so much of after Alfred’s death to the point of neglect 😭)
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Hall even suggests moving Damian on to college, which would estrange Damian further. also idk how Damian kicking his teammates/bullies asses at soccer is really “making friends” lol
and of all the subjects she’s teaching, it’s AP Biology - according to the current case Batman and Robin are working on, which is centered around DNA-sequencing, it makes Hall the perfect accomplice to Langstrom
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this is where my brain started reaching because i laughed at first at how specific that comparison is, but then it just made me think of how Shush’s first introduction was sniping Bruce LOL anyway, Bruce’s reaction is me 😭
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one more Cizmesija appreciation panel - the lil running effects behind Damian :)
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
I have to ask you, considering my own pro jedi views, why do people think the sith are even better
If the Jedi are miserable without a romantic relationship
Then the sith are downright husks of their former selves
They regularly kill their loved ones in blind anger after all
And don’t get me started on darth marr and malgus they are outliers of the sith empire
Even the malgus was like “ better kill my wife because I would be seen weak if I’m shown to love her and cannot protect her.”, like that’s more toxic
You cannot tell me that the sith are better people if they managed to make an outlier of their order and empire think that
I'm gonna be 100% honest with you, I was half asleep when I read this yesterday and I thought you asked me "why do you think the Sith are better?" and I was so confused. Then I woke up a little more, re-read this, made breakfast, and then promptly forgot about responding 😭
so yeah, sorry for the hold up lmao
To be honest, I think people think this because the Sith are the opposite of the Jedi---so, when people hate the Jedi and make up shit about how they "aren't allowed to have emotions" or whatever, they view the Sith as good and emotionally healthy and happy just because they're the opposite of the Jedi and not really because of anything we're actually shown about the Sith.
They make up a fake version of the Jedi in their heads, using terrible takes and bad-faith arguments and fanon headcanons, then hear "the Sith are opposite of the Jedi" and proceed to make up a fake version of the Sith in their heads, using straight-up delusion and more fanon headcanons, to be "the REAL good guys" in this ridiculous daydream ooc roleplay bullshit they have going on.
I think it's fucking insane, though, considering that literally nothing in canon shows us that---in fact, it's exactly the opposite.
Literally every Sith we're shown, save for like...maybe Palpatine, is fucking miserable. They're hateful and angry and generally have had their lives completely fucked up---they're not happy in the slightest, let alone happier than the Jedi.
And you're absolutely right, Sith are husks of themselves, because that's what the Dark Side does---it twists you and brings out your worst traits and enables your worst impulses until you're nothing but a cold hateful shell of your former self. That's the whole point.
You're also very right about the whole Malgus thing because, if even the Sith outliers are killing their loved ones, I have my doubts about the Sith being happier and/or "being allowed to love while the repressed, cold Jedi are forced to not love anyone" (which is like...the main argument I've seen about this).
I don't have the comic panel on hand, but there's even a comic where some Sith lord (I think it might've been Palpatine) says that there's no place for love/empathy/etc. in a Sith.
Meanwhile we get quote upon quote about how the Jedi are "weak" because of their compassion, how they care for the innocent, how the Jedi will literally put themselves at risk just to help people because that's who the Jedi are, etc. etc.
So yeah, I have no idea where this whole narrative of "the Sith are better than the Jedi/allowed to love while the Jedi aren't/they're happier than the Jedi/etc." has gotten so popular---it's literally all nonsensical bullshit and everyone who genuinely believes this is just fucking delusional at this point.
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starsomens · 7 months
my concrete jungle comic issue 4 arrived today finally! (Side note: I feel like the comics aren't really talked about in the fandom, like they deserve, more be the artistry!, they're so fun)
anyway like midway through issue 4 there's a panel of a naked mermaid/siren woman and the panel next to it is just folio, Noah and jolly staring and it's SO FUNNY I CANT. (If I could send pics by anon I would)
but what gets me about it, is like they would've had meetings about the comic, right? Like to plan the story, the character design, research, creative influences, initial sketches, feedback, amendments, thumbnails, test prints, more amendments etc
so like I’m imagining them sitting down at a very important meeting like:
Bad Omens: okay so for this panel we’re thinking, mermaid tiddies
Executive at Sumerian comics: so, are we sure that's necessary, I think it would be better if we used this spa-
Noah: no, boobs
GIRLFNSOFKSID I hope you’re enjoying the comics btw! I’m thinking of buying them I just physically have no book room anymore 😭😭😭
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lookatmysillies · 1 month
i humbly gift you some cinnabar doodles . . i hope you can accept . . ( and minor info hehehaha )
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( close - ups ! )
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yeagh . . i hope you like them ! let me know your thoughts on them if you’d like to !
( by the way, just a small note that the pin in the last panel of the extremely short comic, is the pin that sonii ( or someone else if you don’t think she would do that ) gifted to cinna !
it does hold some symbolic meaning, but ill just say that it actually isnt referring to the encounter she once had with one of her siblings, and is actually hinting at another ( pretty bad ) future event since her dying the hyunwoo way isn’t canon anymore . she’ll be dying a different way that has to do with arcaro mwhahaha )
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DROPPING THIS IN MY INBOX!! Cinna breaks my heart, look at all the bandages :( I’m curious to see how her story plays out even though it’ll inevitably ruin me
You probably already guessed this based on the writing I posted, but I think the pin is 100% something Sonii would give Cinna. Sonii and Cas had a very complicated relationship, but Sonii was incredibly fond of him, so it makes perfect sense to me that this fondness would carry over to his children. The thing about Sonii is that she shows her pet humans acts of kindness, making her seem like the ideal guardian, but she’s also capable of stunningly apathetic cruelty, like breeding them, selling them off to guardians like Arcaro who only want to use them for experiments… in the end, the profit Sonii can gain matters more to her than the pet.
One small detail that I find really sad about Cinna is that she didn’t even get a branding of her name, just her ID. That’s such a dehumanizing detail. I’m eating the angst up
Thanks again for sending this in, your art style is beautiful and I love that you drew her in red. My poor daughter 😭
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
There was so much Wars content in this new update, and I loved that!! But I’m fucking autistic and didn’t understand some of the dialogue so now I have to read it again and hope for the best 😭😭😭
Anyway, have some memes
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I FEEL BAD FOR LAUGHING BUT YOU’RE SO ME, i reread things like 10+ times and I break the updates apart panel by panel so i can make sure I do actually understand what is being said and I didn’t misread it or not understand the tone 😭
my silly ass is so hyperfixated on this damn comic ive gotten like nothing done at work and my shift ends in 2 hours 🧍‍♂️
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cherriiramen · 1 year
you don't have to respond to this ask as it's not Marvel's official site and is considered bad but most people use it but you can read comics for free on 'readcomicsonline.com' or something similar
I've Marvel unlimited and I'm currently waiting for immortal Thor #3. Their dynamics is super cute in it too.
Loki is like "Do you trust me as your sibling who loves you"
And when Thor gives him 'wtf is this question, ofc I do'
Then Loki says "do you trust me as your enemy" and Thor Looks conflicted for a second as he remembers all the past where loki has betrayed him but his heart says yes, and he doesn't even hesitate when he responds with "Yes Loki I trust you even as an enemy" and fucking mcu separated them for a mid show and replaced Thor in his life
I remember seeing it when I was scrolling through the Thorki tag and the quote “yes Loki, I trust you even as my enemy” was really cute to me, but I wondered what the context was!
I also just checked and the comic you speak of is the one that holds my favourite design of Loki (he’s so AGHH he’s so freaking pretty, and that little tooth gap of his skiwmwke 😭)
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Oh and as well as that I’ve heard multiple times that mcu ruined their relationship and scenes together or something similar and ngl I’m starting to see what they mean..
Thank you a lot for the website btw!! I appreciate the help as a newbie 🥺💖
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bimboothefool · 4 months
Hello! Firstly, I'd like to give thanks for getting me back into FNF. A good friend shared that wip Yourself/Silly Billy x reader comic you're working over Discord, and it intrigued me enough to look into it. Not only did I end up returning to the FNF fandom but also got a very big brainrot on Yourself/Silly Billy. Thanks for that.
Also speaking of that wip comic, I absolutely LOVE how it's coming along so far!
That first page is just so sweet, and honestly even more so now that I know more about Yourself there. Poor guy is clearly so happy and relieved to be reunited with a loved one there, even though said loved one (in this case Reader) isn't the same version he knows.
Then freaking Boyfriend calls out and that bit we get to see of Yourself's reaction regarding that- I couldn't help but let out a little laugh. It feels almost like he got caught up in the moment there and only just came back to reality there when BF called out there.
Speaking of BF, it's a good thing he showed up when he did. Not that I'm worried about what would happen to Reader with Yourself there, but man I can't help but feel he saved Reader from a more shocking reveal there. Better that it happens right now than later on am I right lmao.
And speaking of the reveal there, I LOOOOVE how you have done the reveal with Yourself on the second page. Poor Reader just very fearfully glancing down to the BF in their arms and god- I love that panel with Yourself there but god damn does it give me the chills. Like, in a good way here if that makes any sense.
THAT BIT YOU SHARED ON THE THIRD PAGE THO ASJKASJK GOD I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT SO MUCH. It's just a small thing, yes, but that panel with Yourself holding Reader there- god it makes me feel so many emotions there. The fact that he's an alternate Boyfriend? God. I just feel myself getting a little misty-eyed here.
I do feel a little bad for Reader though. While we know that Yourself has no malice intentions for them and simply just want to be with them again, Reader DOESN'T know that. As far as Reader is aware, they encountered what appears to be some sort of doppelganger of Boyfriend, and for whatever reason he seems to be really interested in them.
Can't wait to see their reaction when they learn who Yourself is there. Hopefully it'll involve giving the poor guy some much comfort there cuz seriously he has been through a lot. 😭
Anyhow, this is getting long enough as it is so I shall end this with another thank you and wishing you luck on the rest of that comic and your other works! Also hope we'll be seeing more Yourself/Silly Billy x Reader and Boyfriend x Reader content in the future too! :D
You’re welcome I’m happy you’re back into the fnf fandom and have brainrot because of my silly comic wip!!
Awww thanks Anon, I’m really happy you like the comic so far!! I’m reworking the comic’s ending, given originally there was gonna be a Boyfriend & Yourself/Silly Billy Ending (separate). But after really thinking about it, I thought a single ending is better and overall I think you and anyone reading the comic deserve a better ending!
Your analysis is really interesting and it was such a joy to read!! As of now I’m reworking some bits and pieces of the comic so that the new ending can feel seamless. I won’t spoil the comic ending as that would be well spoilers. lololol
You’re welcome Anon and thank you so so so much for the message!! :D It was very heartwarming to read and yes I’m hoping I can deliver some more Boyfriend x Reader & Yourself/Silly Billy x Reader content!! People like you are such a good driving force and help me move forward with making my content!! Much love and hope you’re having an amazing day!!🩷💕
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galaxynajma · 7 months
17 and 19 for the ask game? <3
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art:
Hmm that’s hard to think about
I think I wanna see more stuff about Sae’s and Rin’s parents from the fandom see everyone’s opinions and takes on them
Because like literally where are they??
This is the only panel they ever showed up and after that they were just never mentioned again
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Where were they here?? 😭😭
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Omg fucking be there for your two teenage sons
And also sending off your son who’s barely out of middle school to Spain sounds like a bad idea .. like I’ll get it if he was 17 or 18 but he wasn’t…
Anyways what I’m getting at is I need someone to write a fanfic all about the Itoshi brothers parents or like a comic about it
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...: look if Naoya wasn’t a huge misogynist then I would actually kinda like him
Does he deserve to get beaten up and killed twice and did I love seeing it happen? Yes but I can still somewhat like the guy
Also I really like his volume cover which kinda makes me mad because his ass does not deserve that
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