#I’m building a family 😌
nico-di-genova · 1 year
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“Tech giant, ENCOM has recently come under new management.
As the saying goes: out with the old and in with the new. Sam Flynn isn’t the only new addition to the company. Meet three ENCOM employees who are pushing big tech forward into the digitized future.”
“New Kids on the…Grid?”
- Wired Magazine
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WIBTA if I ask the people in the apartment below me to quiet down? (😌 to recognize it)
I (25F) live alone on the third (top) floor of a large apartment building in a residential area of a small city. The people in the apartment below me have 4 people (three adults and a 2-4? year old child) living in a two bedroom apartments. The walls aren’t super thick (for example, i can hear vacuum cleaners regularly). The family below me regularly blasts music (as I’m typing this i can hear the Moana soundtrack playing. Clearly enough for me to sing along), throws basketballs and other toys, lets their child sprint around the apartment etc. It literally will shake the walls of my apartment for approximately an hour a night or so. This doesn’t get into the times where their child screams while being forced to take a bath, etc. I have sensory issues, and, as you can imagine, sometimes have difficulty sleeping or relaxing from this. We have never interacted before but they moved in a few weeks after me so I saw them moving in which is how I know the family make up. WIBTA for knocking on their door and asking them to quiet down?
Reasons I might be the asshole: I understand that living is noisy, and I’m not trying to police what they do, especially in their own home. Additionally, i do have a vibrator i use about 30 mins most nights (sometimes longer) and tho i try to be quiet with positioning and modes and reactions and all, i don’t know for certain that they can’t hear me. I know if someone asked me to quiet down while I was masturbating I would die of embarrassment, and am worried that we’ve kind of come to silent agreement that we don’t ask the other person to quiet down, and don’t want to ruin that bc i don’t want to stop using my vibrator lmao.
(You’re Welcome from Moana has been playing for approximately 30 mins on repeat. I don’t want to be an asshole but dear lord I don’t want to listen to this song this many times in a row.)
What are these acronyms?
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vilentia · 1 year
okay i have another request. you know that one scene where daryl and beth are in the house with the moonshine? i was thinking something where the reader left the prison with them because she wouldn’t leave daryl and when there’re playing never have i ever. the reader is sitting next to daryl and when he gets annoyed with the thing beth said and flipped out reader tries to calm him down. then when they go outside and he starts screaming at both of them about never seeing their friends again, that’s when daryl starts crying then reader hugs him saying stuff like “it’s not your fault” and “i’m sorry” he he’s holding on to her for dear life and beth backs away to give them some space.
sorry it’s so long 😅 make any changes you need if you’re not comfortable with something 😌
Solace Amidst Chaos
Daryl Dixon x reader
I finally got around to writing something about this. I've wanted to do this for so long, but every time I started, I had writer's block. I hope you like it.
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You find yourself sitting next to Daryl in the dimly lit house, its walls whispering stories of a life once lived. The faint scent of dampness lingers in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of the moonshine they had discovered. Outside, the night is shrouded in darkness, a constant reminder of the world overrun by relentless walkers. Despite the eerie ambiance, you couldn't bear to leave Daryl's side, even in the midst of the chaos they've been through.
As the game of "Never Have I Ever" unfolds, the tension between Daryl and Beth gradually rises like an approaching storm. Each statement carries an underlying weight, an unspoken reminder of the losses they've endured. You watch as their gazes lock, filled with unspoken emotions and the weight of shared trauma. It's in that moment you sense Daryl's rising anger, like a fire building within him.
Beth looks at Daryl, her eyes filled with hurt, her voice trembling slightly. "Never have I ever lost two boyfriends and not shed a tear."
Daryl's face contorts with annoyance, his brow furrowing as he tries to keep his emotions in check. The harsh words slip past his lips, tinged with bitterness and pain. "Too close, huh? You know all about that. You lost two boyfriends, you can't even shed a tear. Your whole family's gone, all you can do is just go out looking for hooch like some dumb college bitch."
Beth's expression shifts from hurt to anger, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She clenches her fists, her voice trembling with indignation. "Screw you. You don't get it."
The room falls into a heavy silence as the weight of their losses hangs in the air, suffocating the space around them. Daryl's frustration becomes palpable, his voice growing louder with each word.
"No, you don't get it! Everyone we know is dead!" Daryl's voice echoes through the house, his anger reverberating in the emptiness around them.
Feeling the tension escalating, you instinctively reach out, your touch grounding and steady as you place a firm but gentle hand on Daryl's arm. The warmth of your presence radiates, a lifeline in the midst of the emotional maelstrom. "Daryl, calm down," you say firmly, your voice filled with determination. "I understand you're angry and hurt, but this won't help anyone."
Daryl's gaze shifts, his eyes meeting yours, searching for solace and understanding amidst the turmoil within him. His frustration gives way to a mix of vulnerability and exhaustion. "You don't understand," he mutters, his voice strained. "I can't stand the thought of never seeing our friends again. Maybe if I had done something different..."
Your heart breaks for Daryl as you step closer, enveloping him in a comforting embrace. The weight of his anguish is palpable, and you offer him a safe haven, a sanctuary amidst the chaos. "Daryl, listen to me," you say, your voice filled with empathy. "You did everything you could. None of this is your fault. We're all grappling with loss, and it's natural to feel angry and guilty. But we can't let it consume us. We have to keep fighting, for ourselves and for those we've lost."
Daryl's body initially tenses, his grip tight on your shoulders, but gradually, you feel him begin to relax, his anger subsiding. He leans into your embrace, allowing himself to be vulnerable, finding solace in your presence. You run your fingers through his hair, gently soothing him, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and exhaustion.
You hold him tighter, offering him reassurance and comfort. "It's not your fault, Daryl," you assure him, your voice a soft balm against his pain. "You're strong, and we'll get through this together. Lean on me when you need to. I'm here for you."
Daryl's grip on you tightens, as if he's holding on for dear life. Tears stream down his cheeks, and you gently wipe them away with your thumb, offering a tender and understanding gaze. "You don't have to face this alone," you whisper, your voice filled with love and compassion. "I'm right here with you, and I'll always be."
Beth, sensing the depth of the moment, takes a step back, giving you and Daryl the space you need. She understands the significance of your connection and respects the intimacy of the moment. The three of you may be bound by survival, but in this moment, it's just you and Daryl, finding solace and comfort in each other's arms.
In the tearful embrace, you offer Daryl a haven amidst the turmoil, assuring him that he's not alone. Together, you'll navigate the trials of this harsh world, finding strength in each other and cherishing the moments of vulnerability that deepen your bond.
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xhfics · 2 months
bee you spoiled me with such genius thought for preppy!jiseok and to return the favour i’m coming in with preppy!jungsu - cause i’m sure that’s what the ppl need 😌
what about preppy!jungsu who’s a casual friend of yours cause you go to the same elite university and you share a few classes, but what really bonds you is that you secretly meet after lectures cause you do each other’s assignments. he sucks at this one class that you’re good at, and you need higher grades at a class that happens to be his strong suit. so you made the deal to help each other out by doing each other’s work, but… when will you have a little fun? jungsu thinks that for once you should loosen up and think about something else instead of studying…
i’m thinking slightly suggestive and lots of playful flirting? 👀 love you 🫶🏼
He sits right behind you in Astronomy class, which he sucks at. And you sit beside him in Creative Writing, which you suck at.
It didn't take long before the two of you noticed the other's potential in the class you weren't good at; so the deal was done quickly.
Every Wednesday evening, you met up at the library. It was located in the center of the private university the two of you attended. It was the 'real deal'; uniforms, old buildings and dormitories and all.
"Why did you take Creative Writing if you hate it so much?" Jungsu asks, handing your assignment that he just finished back to you.
You shrug as you take the papers from him. "It sounded easy enough for the extra credit. Why did you take Astronomy?"
Jungsu loosens his uniform tie and smirks at you. "Because you're in it."
You scoff but flash him a smile. It's not the first time he's said something like this. You don't mind it though, you just wonder if he really means it.
As you take a good look at him, you can't help but think that he looks really handsome. His honey blonde hair compliments his tan skin. He's got the sleeves of his blouse rolled up and you recognize the silver bracelet he often wears. It has a charm of your favorite planet on it, but you doubt he even knows which one it is.
It's getting late, but the weather is crazy hot. You unbutton the first two buttons of your white blouse and fan your face, as you reach your other hand for your ice coffee.
Jungsu takes in everything; his eyes glance over your chest, he sees your bra peeking through the small opening of your blouse. He looks at your lips wrapped around the paper straw as you drink your beverage.
He gulps when you cross your legs and your uniform skirt hikes up your thighs.
"Eyes up here, Jungsu." You say as you see him fixated on your lower regions. You can't help but unbuttoning another button when he slowly looks up. The uniform top barely covering your bra anymore.
"You did that on purpose." He says, shamelessly looking at your hands smoothening the fabric of the blouse by your breast.
"What if I did?" You reply, slowly bending towards the table to grab your drink again. Your half open blouse now gives him a full view.
Jungsu scans his surroundings. The library is pretty much empty, the two of you sit in the far back and he weighs his options. He's one of the richest students of this school, and your family has a lot of connections here too. No one will care.
"I think we should take a break from studying and blow off some steam." He then says, patting his lap as an invitation for you to sit there.
You finish your coffee and get up to throw the cup in the bin. When you walk back, you notice the painfully obvious boner he has and you don't hesitate to take place on Jungsu's lap.
He looks down at your cleavage, seeing more of it than he's ever seen. His hands are on under your plaid skirt and on your ass, softly gripping onto your panties.
You look at his lips, how he's biting the lower one. His gaze is focused on your body, but you desperately need to kiss him.
Placing your hand under his chin, you lift it and press a firm kiss on his lips.
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pinkandpurple360 · 2 months
Thank you, I think you just nailed what it is about Stolas that bothers me.
Like, you said how Asmodeus encourages Fizz to build a support system outside of him. He calls up Blitzo despite literally talking shit about him the episode before, just because he trusts Fizz’s forgiveness and knows he needs support, both physically and emotionally, that only Blitz can provide. And he doesn’t seem to mind that Fizz has interests outside of just their relationship, like performing (unless it’s Mammon). Not to say that Ozzie or the relationship is flawless (none are), but at Oz seems to genuinely just want Fizz to be happy. If by some bizarre twist Fizz broke up with Ozzie, I think the big guy would be sad, but ultimately would rather see the guy who taught him love be happy without him than be unhappy with him.
…Meanwhile, Stolas acts like Blitz solely exists to be his taboo imp lover. Stolas has never shown any interest in Blitz’s actual work, his hobbies, his family, his friends, his past, anything. He literally dirty talks to him while he is literally getting shot at. He doesn’t ever actually listen to him, and if the recent alleged Full Moon plot leaks are anything to go by, he’s never going to. This isn’t even getting into the coercion. Even if that wasn’t a factor, I feel like if Blitz were to move on (which let’s be real, he’s trying to) Stolas would mope and blame Blitz for all of his problems, and believe he is entitled to Blitz’s affection. That’s why I’ll never be able to get behind the ship no matter how much it’s stuffed in our face. It’s built on not only literal SA and class exploitation, but an incredibly unhealthy idealization and victim complex.
Oh wait, did I say would? This is literally canon.
Exactly because I know Asmodeus is very protective but who wouldn’t be? After seeing mammons behaviour I completely understand. And giving fizz someone else to provide safety was an act of kindness, uh, even though fizz wasn’t too happy about it🤭 he seems to notice how important Blitzø is to fizz more than fizz does..might be a bit of a shock to come later…I just love how he doesn’t force fizz to be with him, he’d always give him that choice.
EXACTLY anon. The coercion is a massive problem, but this ship is so incompatible that it’s still deeply flawed without that factor. “They’re both bad at communicating!” Is something shippers say to imply they’re clumsy in love and so similar to each other..when..no..poor communication is why relationships fail, why they end up abusive, and why they shouldn’t continue.
Stolas never cares that it’s a bad time, he uses blitzø as his security in LooLoo land despite not even needing it. To fuel a fetish of being saved by him, which in western energy nearly got him killed. When he learned Loona had to get a vaccination, he didn’t give a damn. He wanted IMP to drop everything and come to his aid, when he didn’t even feel in danger until the phone call ended. “I believe he has me bound by blessed ropes, limiting my ability to free myself I’m afraid. 😏 so I think you should come save me 😌”
While explaining about the blessed rope, and not having his grimoire in the human world, he’s smiling in both scenes. Think about it, his supposed weakness plot devices give him an opportunity to manipulate the situation again, to spend time with Blitzø against his will. In seeing stars he used violent intimidation tactics to get the three to bend to his will and do him favours. You can see the dark character he truly is with this pattern of behaviour.
There’s a lot of talk that Stella is mad about the cheating with an imp, but consider that seconds before he sees Blitzø at the party, Stella pisses him off by talking about how bad their sex life was. He then decides to jump in bed with said imp, which is even what he refers to him as. “Sir, we caught this nasty imp” “come with me, imp.” That’s a race play fetish right there.
Also yeah holy crap. Blitzø says he’s being used as a sex toy and stolas….cries? then kicks him out of his house? What a little bitch… “I will make amends” no you won’t liar 💀 then Blitzø will apologise to him and fawn over him like he used to for Fizzarolli? I feel sick..
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 20- found family
I played with so many ideas for this one but settled for Rusl adopting Link. Idk I hc that he adopted Link officially during the temple of time (that’s mentioned in one of my love at twilight fics) and I also headcanon that he discovered his ability to turn into a wolf before the temple. This would probably make more sense with context but hey I’m really good at writing fics without any bdksbsksbsk. Also! I love the idea that the resistance members go with Link into the temples. So Auru goes to the arbiter’s ground and Gerudo desert, Ashei goes to Snowpeak and the Snowpeak ruins, you get the idea. So naturally Rusl goes to the temple of time with Link, also with recent events it actually made sense 😌idk how I feel about this one it’s ok I guess
Warnings: mentions of an injury. This is more wholesome honestly
Rusl was at war with himself. When he returned to Ordon, he had hoped to investigate deeper in the woods, curious about a temple that was rumored to be there. But what he didn’t expect to happen was shooting Link in the leg and discovering his otherworldly ability to transform into a wolf. It was a mess, Rusl’s guilt for hurting the boy that he took under his wing was sheer agony, and the strange imp friend that traveled with Link didn’t make it any better. Link had reassured Rusl over and over again, but he couldn’t forgive himself, not with the way Link limped around, acting as if nothing was wrong.
Link had asked Rusl about the forest and the strange temple hidden within it, and despite the fact that Rusl didn’t want to be near him to avoid hurting him again, he couldn’t let Link investigate the forest alone. He knew that Midna was with him, but he admittedly didn’t trust her with his injury, and Link didn’t know how to take a break even when he was in pain, so he grabbed his beloved golden cuccoo and followed Link into the woods.
Rusl tried to keep his distance from Link, only keeping a protective eye on him, but with how creepy the woods were and how easy it was to get lost, he decided to stick to Link’s side, despite his own mind yelling at him for doing so. Link didn’t seem to mind, he was concentrated on catching a strange child playing a weird tune. As soon as Link saw him, he shot the kid with his bow and arrow, and a new passageway would open. It shocked Rusl, but the child didn’t seem to be injured from it, so he brushed it off and followed Link. Eventually, the child went away and opened a way through the lost woods. What followed next was a whirlwind of events, Link plunged his master sword through a pedestal beyond stone statues, shadow beasts ambushed them, they traveled through time, Link plunged his sword through a pedestal again, stairs appeared, and strange bird-like creatures rushed up the stairs, leaving Rusl baffled.
Link only chuckled awkwardly and entered the temple, and Rusl quickly followed, keeping a close eye on Link. Link seemed rather upbeat, he and Midna were chatting about random things, but he limped along the halls and doors, every limp feeling like a dagger through Rusl’s heart.
The three observed a statue, which stood alone beside a door frame. Rusl frowned, it looked like there would be another statue mirroring the other one, but a spot where it would be was empty. Midna and Link picked up on this as well, and Midna suggested that he turned into a wolf so that he could double check. Rusl didn’t know how being a wolf could confirm that, but he decided not to question it.
Midna held a strange crystal and put it up to Link’s forehead, and he was surrounded by shadows, being replaced with a wolf. Rusl watched with nausea building up inside him. He hadn’t seen his wolf form since he shot him with an arrow, but it was surreal seeing it again, and he had to tell himself that it was Link. It’s ok… that’s your boy… it’s ok…
“You ok, Rusl?”
Rusl looked at Midna who was perched on top of Link. She was smirking at him while Link sniffed the empty area.
“I’m fine, just… feeling a little sick.”
Midna hummed. “Yeah, guess going through time like that is jarring isn’t it?”
Midna gave a more genuine smile as Link perked his ears. She looked closer at the empty spot and cheered. “I knew it! A statue was once here! Looks like we’ll need to get it if we want to get through this door.”
Link turned back into a Hylian and winced as he put weight on his leg. Rusl watched him worriedly as he leaned against the wall.
“Link? Are you ok?” He asked, and Link waved it off.
“‘M fine. Transforming with an injury just hurts a lot is all.”
Rusl pursed his lips and looked down. He remembered when he turned into a Hylian before his very eyes with his blasted arrow protruding from his leg. The screams he made still haunted him.
The three traveled through the temple, Rusl being unusually quiet. He kept his distance from Link and Midna, and a couple of times, they got separated due to a door suddenly shutting and locking Rusl out. He was more careful after that.
Eventually, Link grew quiet as well, and he stuck back with Rusl as Midna rambled about the creepy spiders. Rusl felt him glancing at him a couple of times, and when Midna floated away, he turned to the swordsman.
“Rusl… I… is everything alright?” He asked, wringing his hands anxiously.
Rusl stared at him. There was no reason to lie, Link wasn’t a child, but he could feel the relationship was more tense than before. He didn’t know how to bring his feelings up.
“If—if you feel bad about what happened, it’s ok,” Link mumbled. “You didn’t know that was me, and I scared you…”
Rusl shook his head. “It’s not ok, Link. I could’ve killed you. I was— I was trying to kill you! I could never forgive myself if I was the reason that you died and—- spirits above Link it’s not ok!”
“How many times am I gonna have to tell you that it’s ok,” Link said softly.
“How can this be ok? Link I shot you! You’re still limping and you’re pretending everything is fine! I just— I can’t get over this! None of this is ok!”
Link looked down ashamed, and Rusl kicked himself. He didn’t want Link to feel like he was being reprimanded, he did nothing wrong. He sucked in a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Link, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you. You– you’re like a son to me and I want you to feel safe around me but I ruined that for you, and I don’t want you to feel obligated to stay by me and Uli because I’m upset over this whole situation.” Rusl let out a huff of frustration and looked up at Link, who’s eyes were widened in shock.
“What did you say?”
Rusl stopped and looked at Link confused. “I– I said that-that you’re…” Rusl’s voice trailed off and his eyes widened in realization. Why did he have to bring this up now? He sighed, figuring there was no reason to back track now. “Link, I– I see you as a son. Ever since you came into mine and Uli’s life I’ve felt a sense of responsibility towards you. You felt like a blessing from the goddesses to me. I mean the others feel the same way, Colin adores you and Uli adores you and… I know with recent events you wouldn’t feel the same way but… goddesses we love you like family, Link.”
Tears started welling up in Link’s eyes as he stared at Rusl in shock. Rusl gasped and took a step back, not expecting that reaction.
“I-I’m sorry Link, I didn’t– I didn’t mean to upset you I–”
“You really think that?”
Link’s voice was soft and it wavered as his hands clung to each other. He looked like he was scared to move, but the way he shifted his feet made it look like he wanted to. Rusl sighed.
“Of course I do. I’ve always thought it. That’s why I wanted to teach you sword fighting and why Uli invited you to our dinners and… why we want you to be there when our daughter is born,” Rusl turned away. “Link, me and Uli want you to be apart of our family. Of course it’s all about how you feel, I don’t want to put any pressure on you but–”
Rusl was interrupted as Link ran to him, wrapping his arms around his neck.
“I always wanted to be a part of a family,” Link cried, burying his face in Rusl’s neck. Rusl quickly wrapped his arms around his boy despite wanting to keep his distance. They stood there for a moment as Link cried, with Rusl shedding a few tears as well. Midna finally came back and watched the two with a smirk, her head tilted in a teasing manner.
“Oh, so glad you two could make up. Now come on, we got a statue to find!” Midna started tugging at Link’s shirt and he quickly wiped his tears away, stepping back from Rusl. Midna’s smirk softened a bit and she wiped away a lingering tear before floating near a door, watching them from a distance. Link’s face turned a little red and he scratched the back of his head.
“Um… is it… is it ok if I call you ‘pa’ now?” He asked, looking away bashfully. Rusl only chuckled and gave him one more side hug.
“You can call me whatever you’d like, my son.”
Link beamed and rested his head on his shoulder before jogging to where Midna was, despite Rusl cringing at his injured leg. He couldn’t help but laugh at Midna’s scolding, figuring that she could be trusted with Link’s injury. She did punch him in the face in order to protect Link. Rusl felt much better about the injury though. Knowing that Link didn’t at least hate him was relieving, but the fact that Link still cared deeply for him and the rest of the family was truly heartwarming. Though, the memory of Link’s fear filled eyes, his fear of being perceived as a monster, his screams of pain, Rusl never wanted to see him like that ever again. He vowed to himself that Link would feel safe around him, and that he’d never hurt him in anyway, whether it be unwilling or willing.
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lipglossanon · 8 months
I’m just thinking of dark Step-dad Leon’s wife (your mom) cracking. He was supposed to be /her/ happy ending after the divorce. Yea, she might’ve moved to quickly, but he was so handsome and fucked her right and treated her well, so who cares? But then you came back from your fathers and things started to slip. Suddenly she’s traveling for work more and Leon isn’t calling her as often as he did before you came around, he isn’t fucking her as much or as passionately, he is encouraging “family” time over alone time with her, he’s sending you more looks and love than he is her, and she is pissed that her own daughter is taking her happily ever after away from her. The bitterness builds and builds until one day she gets drunk, and starts to fight with you. She is belligerent, cursing at you, and swaying while you look so surprised and scared and then the unthinkable happens: she hits you. Dark step-dad Leon had been letting her scream because he wanted the last of that relationship dead so you would stop feeling guilty for giving into him (he was going to do something to get back at her for insuring what is his) but laying on hand on you? Leon, composed Leon, sees red. Let’s hope he has enough wherewithal to send you out of the room before he paints it the same shade. The way he fucks you that night is both desperate and gentle, he’s so upset that he let you get physically hurt and he is trying to deal with feeling guilt for the first time in… a long time by fucking you until you feel better again
🐶 anon!!! 🤩 🤩
I hope you’re doing well!! I’ve missed seeing you (but totally get how Life™️ happens 😝).
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Yessss 👏 👏
She’s so mad at you (and Leon) but just represses it until finally it comes to a head after she’s been drinking. She snaps and just goes off on you.
And you’re just so shocked that you’re sitting there like 😳 what?? And she’s just shouting and cussing and you get up to leave and she’s yanking you back cause she’s not finished and don’t you walk away from me young lady, not while you live under my roof, young lady
And you’re just like “I’ll pack my stuff then. I don’t have to put up with this.”
And she slaps you
It’s dead quiet after that until Leon appears out of nowhere and tells you to go to your room.
You have no idea what happens next but after a while Leon comes up to your room and brings you out into the master saying your mom got an Uber/taxi to a hotel to cool off (maybe she did, maybe she didn’t 👀 🤭)
And he’s soft for once. Dotes on you, tells you it’ll never happen again; puts your collar on you, calling you his pretty girl. Definitely fucks you dumb so you forget all about what happened 😌
🐶 anon!! 😘 😘 thank you for the brain rot 😌
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You're honestly so close to getting me into nico/jack it isn't even funny anymore 😂
Anyway, if you're willing, give me the final push there and/or your fave fic (if you're reading any). I know I am tempting fate here but... Yolo. 😌 I accept it.
Come, friend, to the dark side. no, seriously, though, they make me ridiculously happy. Like, we don't have to do anything as a fandom because they already do the gay and the loving for us.
I must confess I haven't been reading much lately because work and life have been complicated enough to keep me from doing much more than reblogging a few things here and there. BUT my past self used to read, so I have a few treats for you, <3
1386 fic rec list
Melt the ice, by theaa
So, like—was he just not supposed to notice, or—?
So, so, so good!
Caveat Emptor, by Kerfluffle
Two months of advance preparation—memorizing detailed building blueprints, stalking specialists on LinkedIn, reading The $12 Million Stuffed Shark—and Nico gets fucked over by his turtleneck. Or, Nico lands himself in hot water after a recon mission goes awry.
Delightful and sweet.
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, by Kerfluffle
Unlike some supernatural disasters, theirs starts ordinary—with a harmless bar bet.
Fluffy, horny and funny. Great characterization.
kiss me on the mouth (set me free), by coastalhighway
Headlights as bright as Jack’s should be illegal, probably. Nico locks the door behind him - three twists, one two three - and counts his steps to the car. He gets to twenty-seven and opens the door, and Jack smiles at him, sharp as a razor’s edge. He smells like smoke. “You good, baby?” he says, and Nico wonders if he tastes like smoke, too. Smoke and lies and broken mirrors, a nasally voice whispers in his ear, breath hot on his cheek. You broke the mirror, soothsayer, sweet-talker. Liar, liar. Nico sits down in the passenger seat. “Drive.” Jack doesn’t bother asking questions. He drives.
Gorgeous. Jack calling Nico "baby" has me !!!
deep into that darkness, by countthestars
Quinn’s whole thing is talking to the dead, but Jack’s gift is dealing with the living.
Amazing. Quinn needs a nap and jack is a brat. I love him a lot.
Double Play, by dilangley
This is minor league baseball, long days in little towns no one’s ever heard of playing games no one will remember once the lights go out.
This one blew my mind and broke my heart simultaneously even though I know nothing about baseball.
sense of expectation, by greenteam
“No, no, hear me out on this…” Jack’s mind is running a million miles a minute as he tries to compile his thoughts into something even vaguely coherent. “I don’t have to go out and find someone new to be in family photos who I know I’m gonna turn around and dump the next week. And you get a free invite to the Hollywood wedding of the century.” Nico looks pensive as he lounges back on the sheets. “I think Ellen would give me an invite anyway.” Jack facewashes him for that. (or: 5 +1 plus ones)
won’t believe half the things i see inside my head, by rafting
Jack can’t perfectly shift into anyone anyway; he has to concentrate and base his shifts on what he’s seen, what he knows of someone else’s face and body. So he’s never a perfect copy, often missing freckles or getting the hair or eye shades slightly off. He can’t shift his own dick into someone else’s if he’s never seen it, which is what most guys want to know. He thinks he’s got Nico’s face down pretty well. He’s spent enough time looking at it by now. or, the USNTDP is a program designed to help mutant hockey players control their powers, and Jack’s a shapeshifter who is starting to suspect Nico can read his mind.
Very interesting concept.
take the wheel, by greenteam
Nico rakes a hand through his hair. “I just worry. That’s my job. You drive, I worry.” “I thought your job was to fix,” Jack says instead of doing something stupid like kissing Nico.
Just !!!
The tag is thriving, though, so I've probably only scratched the surface. I need to get go back and start reading again. One day soon.
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cosmiclion · 8 days
When I came up with the whole Viktor-and-Yurio-are-brothers AU at first I considered that Viktor having such a close relative would negate the “neglecting life and love” part of his character. He has a baby brother he’s supposed to love and care about, while that’s only one type of love surely that means that love isn’t an entirely alien concept to him right?
But then I thought. From the “neglecting life and love for 20 years” line we can infer that Viktor has been part of the figure skating world since before he was 10. Yurio was born when he was 12 so by then he was most likely already fully dedicated to the sport and had very little free time, probably didn’t even live with his family or at the very least spent long periods away (I’m not well versed in figure skating or competitive sports in general but I imagine they’re very demanding) so he must have missed many important moments in Yurio’s early childhood, probably couldn’t even be there for his birth and got to meet him later.
And by the time lil Yurio starts following his steps they’re both too busy with each one’s obligations, even when the parents are out of their lives and Yurio stays at Viktor’s place (when he’s not with his grandpa) the times where both are free at the same time are probably scarce, not to mention that they aren't even in the same categories due to the age gap. Yurio is growing up and reaching that complicated age, there's a lot of bickering but Viktor knows Yurio's attitude is just a teens being teens thing so he just lets him be and treats him according to his age, but he might also lament the fact that the time for childlike play and bonding is long gone.
Meanwhile Yurio has to deal with his own issues. He's becoming a teenager and all the changes, both physical and emotional, that come with it can be overwhelming. Not to mention the fact that, while he still admires Viktor, he might also resent all the external pressure and expectations that inevitably come with being the Russian hero's younger brother. Add to that the family situation that no one wants to talk about and the result is... a lot.
Enter Yuuri. Viktor is smitten and suddenly decides to leave everything behind and follow him across the globe. What I imagine for this AU is that Yurio is staying with Nikolai at that moment and Viktor doesn’t even think of calling him to let him know he’ll be on the other side of the world for a few months and Yurio finds out through social media. I think them being family would make it more significant that he’s so pissed that Viktor chose Yuuri over him and wants to drag his ass back to Russia so bad. The very person he’s admired for as long as he remembers, who inspired him to pursue the same career and whom he secretly strives to impress (no matter how much he won't shut up about how annoying or embarrassing he is), has thrown everything aside for some pathetic loser who got shitfaced and humped him at a party and doesn’t even seem to remember the promise he made to him. And to add insult to injury that same pathetic loser beats him at the Onsen on Ice and he has to go back to Russia and keep training alone.
So I love the idea that over time Yuuri not only manages to earn Yurio's respect but also to help the two brothers bond and get closer, and it's not like I'm not building all this using canon as a base judging from all the official illustrations where Yurio gets dragged along every time the ice husbands are doing something fun and he seems to be enjoying himself 😌
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etherealforever234 · 1 year
So I did a part 1 but I didn’t include all the ones I wanted since it got too long jsskkskskskdksnxk sooooooo here’s a part 2 of all the fics which absolutely PLAGUE my mind and you NEED to check these out and show them your love!! I have said this before I’ll say it again telling writers you like their writing with just a simple reblog or a good comment MATTERS so much more than you know. So I better see you guys showering writers with love on their fics! While I did make this for myself because I’m building a little ✨collection✨ I hope this helps anyone who’s looking for more fics to read!!!
(Minors this is your cue to not be anywhere around here if I see you interacting I’ll tell yo mama!)
Recs under the cut <3
Amuse and romance me like you do by @heartthrobinsfics - I have re-read this whole fic from start to finish so many times dkksckkxmfkdkckdkf the slow burn was really slow burning and ACCURACY in characterisation Family Video Steve has alllllll my heart
Single thread part 1 part 2 part 3 by @headkiss - Spiderman AU Steve I love you so much it hurts! The slow burn is so fkskfkskfkskdkskxkdkdkkdkckfkfskdkxkfk! And he’s just so 🥺 ahhhhh OBSESSED with this whole Universe! (18+)
Rules are meant to be broken by @funnylittlelad - I read this whole series on AO3 and my GOD this deserves so much more love!!!! The complicated relationships with parents the angst is so delicious I am in LOVE with this.
This blurb by @stevebabey - The way I have NEVER felt more represented as I was here. Being a #losergf is a tough job but someone’s gotta do it
If you loved me, why’d you leave me part 1 part 2 by @1986harrington - I have to say reading the first part actually made me wanna lie down in the rain for like a couple of hours because the ANGST🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 and the SMUT in the second part lordtttt (18+)
how could i say goodbye? by @hawkinsquarry - The way this fic made me WEEP. I love it when people make Steve actually process any of his trauma but him being needy after the events of S4 was so ON POINT. Fuck this hurt. So good!
Beyond part 1 by @abibliophobiaa - The way I start SHAKINH AND SCREAMING AND CRUONH AND YHEOWINH UP when I start thinking about this series sjkdxkdkxkfk fake marriage AU will always have a place near and dear in my heart and with Steve??? DEAD.
Chateau, Careless whispers part 1 part 2 by @kurtie4life96 - Sugar Daddy Steve can be something so incredibly personal to #girlies (me) OBSESSED with thiskdkskfmdkdkdk the smut made the wires in my brain unwire (18+)
Burning by @lis-likes-fics - ABSOLUTELY INSANE actually. CRAZY. MIND DESTROYING. NERVES IMPLODING. KILLED ME. The plot with porn can be so personal to me FUCKING GOD. (18+)
Pray for the night by @upsidedownwithsteve - Call me a whore but I LOOOOOOVE me some “we almost died so let’s fuck each other’s brains out because we’re alive and we want to feel something” 😌😇 (18+)
Pride and Prejudice and Peanut Butter Sundaes by @starryeyedstories - The enemies to lovers of it all kskskskskskdks THE TWIST OF P&P WITH STEVE HARRINGTON REST ASSURE THIS IS CLOSE TO MY HEARTTTTT! This is so freaking goodkskskskskskskx
Meet me at the chateau by @theemporium - I think about this fic so much and it's been MONTHS but I will make it a pOINT to re-read it because this is just absolute perfection ugh sjkskdkskdkksdkjsdjkddk! (18+)
Puppy by @lovebugism - Sub!Steve you’ll always be famous! This made me so dizzy gAWD. Can't believe this isn't my life. So unfair. Looooooooooooove this! (18+)
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luzswonderland · 1 year
Thoughts on “Watching and Dreaming” Part 2
I cannot stress how much I value Eda and Raine’s relationship ❤️
Raine whistling Eda’s Requiem while they were trapped was so sweet🥹
I’m happy that Raine was able to join in on the final battle. It really does show that Raine is officially apart of the Clawthorne unit😊
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The callback to Azura’s quote in the first episode really did it for me. I teared up🥹
“Don’t you want to make peace, Luz?”
Oh please, what a loser lmao 🙄
I love how Luz just stands there in silence and let’s nature take it’s course. She realizes that this is not her fight anymore
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Sweet justice is served 🙌🏾👏🏾 😊😭
“Well, we ain’t!”
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“That was extremely satisfying.”
You could say that again lol
And it’s finally over 😌
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The Hunter, Darius and Eberwolf moment ❤️
I’m glad the other coven heads were put in their place lol. Was kind of worried about that before the finale.
Lol at the one coven head trying to touch the throne anyway tho
This is bliss 😌🥰
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I was waiting for this moment for so long OMG! 😭🤗😩
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I’m glad the Collector found their way 🥹
I’m going to miss Luz doing magic through drawing glyphs. It made her unique in the Boiling Isles. At least she has Stringbean now to help her do magic though
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the epilogue at the end. They could have just ended the series with Luz overlooking the Boiling Isles, but they gave us more😭
Luz enrolling in a magic university 👏🏾
Look! All the adventures we did and didn’t get to see
I’m really curious about the Hooty one with Luz and Amity lmao
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“Luz, you saw them last week.” 😐
Loved that she maintained the balance of her life on Earth and the Boiling Isles
Things I loved in the montage ❤️:
The Nocedas buying the abandoned sack
Hunter making Palsimen
This Moment 😊
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Flapjack’s gravestone🥹
Lilith’s haircut
Amity’s entire new character design
Success in eliminating coven branding
Gus’ hairstyle 👏🏾
From former criminal of the Isles to headmaster of an educational institution. You love to see it😄
The chaos that Luz, King and Eda will cause now lol
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Also, Vee’s family was saved 🙌🏾
King’s necklace too❤️🥹
Luz spending her past four birthdays rebuilding the Isles demonstrates so much about her character. She never slowed down in the past four years.
The attempt at the Quinceanera was sweet? 
Gotta appreciate the effort at least😅
King doing glyph magic opens up a new range of possibilities
Potentially for a spin-off?!!
The four year time skip is such a breath of fresh air😤
The world building for this show is so good!
My favorite shot in the episode 🥹
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I love how the series ends with Luz thanking Eda and King for being there for her when things were confusing in her life. She found them at a time where she needed the most support and I love that for her. Not a lot of shows come full circle like this.
Love the collective “BYYYEEE!!!” at the end 😄🥹
It has been a pleasure doing these “Thoughts” on episodes over the past few years, I hope to one day I get a chance to do these again for The Owl House 😊🤗 BYYYYEEEE!!!!👋🏾👋🏾
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youremyheaven · 2 days
i think i am a sensualist? or a lady? i think they both kinda go together but im not too sure 😭😭
ALSO WAIT ive never watched claire nakti properly but thats so interesting?? i ALWAYSSS assumed moon women would have more of that soft curvy build whereas venusians would be more of whatever was desirable in this era (like i get that right now having a model build is most desirable on social media which would be more saturnian/mercurial in my opinion) but i thought Venusians would be more of that + a bit more of a sweeter energy
omg also in western astrology, i’m a cancer rising so the curves and being more hourglass made sense to me ++ the motherly nature, the way i view the world and everything resonated more with a cancer rising, so in vedic astrology ive always found it so hard to relate to the ardra rising because i am chatty but to suddenly no moon nakshatras or anything cancer made me a little off and i only ever felt better with my moon venus and saturn placements (maybe ardra is soft though? or motherly? i dont know 😓😓) and i ended up being like “you know, half my naks are deer yonis so ill just attribute all that to the deer energy”
i had such a hard time figuring out my kibbe type because being southeast asian means im naturally below what is considered average… but so is everyone else around me 😐😒. and i used to be fleshier as a child but slimmed down a bit so trying to pinpoint the romantic part was confusing because all the romantic examples seemed to be more round and full? if thats the word. + kibbe is kinda hard to type yourself with because personally i think we are all a little warped in our perceptions of ourselves (also what do you think tyla is? i think shes very gamine, but has some romantic undertones that also show up in her form and we don’t know her height so 🤨🤨) i also used to think i looked bulky and therefore couldnt be a romantic but after a few comparisons and pictures taken of me i realise theres no way i could ever be classified as frame dominant or bulky, for that matter. being seasian definitely made the process a bit more tedious
no but you’re so right about acting different around people because i have friends i feel softer and calmer with and friends i feel so noisy with and then some where i feel like im the more juvenile one yet more mature and its so good that you have friends who get you and are willing to explain things to you like a baby omg i have some guy friends like that and i feel so much better when they do that at times too (sometimes male tendencies to mansplain are useful)
but yay its so nice to talk to you i feel like im actually learning so much everytime i come on your blog (and now im probably going to binge watch claire nakti vids since i have the time)
also hehe jupiter dk and anuradha placements and i just saw this vid —> https://youtu.be/0xvgMCUOm6Y?si=2-wbp9OEOYGcJJJk
ill be giggling to myself tonight (i say this but im terrified of being powerless to a man and to marry into a richer family because of social life differences and childhood and experience differences, even though i feel like deep down im actually going to end up with an insanely wealthy man— subconscious manifestation? maybe too much chart analysis? or just insanity?
Idk how many of you guys know how to calculate your final archetype, so there's like 7 main archetypes, right? Like The Mother, Maiden, Sage etc and so on and if The Lover is your dominant archetype (over 70%) then whatever comes second will join together with The Lover to form your seductive archetype.
Ex: The Lover (70%) is the highest and The Maiden is second highest. Then you're an Ingenue (seduction archetype)
The most curvy types are Moon, Venus and Jupiter influenced women
Moon is curvy because Moon is extreme Yin
Venus is the height of Yin energy, so 😌they tend to be very fleshy and curvy 😌🥰
Jupiter is the largest planet and has a tendency to expand whatever it touches, so it also makes you very curvy
Saturn rules the bones so it gives you a thin, lanky kinda build
Mercury makes one small and petite
Sun influence usually makes one short tbh,, but not for men. It's the most yang, so it gives you a very thin body and fast metabolism.
Martian women are more bulky imo. They're curvy but I don't often see them have a "soft" kind of build??? Theyre more frame dominant
Rahu gives average height but makes you thin-ish and Ketu influence gives you a loooong torso and very trim but looong looking body?? (Ketu is the body of the demon after all). I follow a Ketuvian model on IG and I feel like her physique is sooo stereotypically Ketuvian, she's only like 5'6 max but look at how long she looks??? (I don't mean tall, I'm talking about how long limbed she looks, like long arms, long torso, long legs etc) and also she has no curves or anything which is also on brand for Ketu
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Also girlie Venus is the most yin/feminine planet along with Moon 😭😭😭 it only makes sense if it gives you a traditionally feminine aka curvy or voluptuous body 🤭like Aphrodite wasn't a skinny model??? Look at the Renaissance paintings girlieee
Mother energy is not very Rahu like 😬but nor do I think it's very Venusian 😶‍🌫️ Venusians are hospitable and socially gracious and do everything to make others feel comfortable and good. Maybe it's a combination of that energy, of wanting to make sure everybody's okay and all is well?? Combined with your Saturn influence?? Saturn influence on women can go in different ways but it also does make one traditionally feminine which means being very motherly
Take Salma Hayek for example. I think she's so maternal and sweet. She's Purvaphalguni Sun, UBP Moon and Magha Rising
I think her charisma and sweetness is her Venus + UBP influence. Don't get me wrong, Saturnian women can be very harsh and not in the slightest bit charming (Kendall Jenner is also UBP Moon) but evolved Saturnians are so mom coded (Saturn is all about responsibility after all) even Miranda Kerr who is sooo sweet and charming is Ashwini Sun, Punarvasu Moon and Pushya Rising and in her case, I think her Punarvasu influence also plays a big role bc they're very sweet and motherly as well. Even Miley Cyrus, who is Anuradha Sun, Vishaka Moon can be very maternal and sweet. She has like 20 animals and do y'all remember how she was with Ariana at that Manchester concert?? 🥺 She was so sweet and considerate and I've seen her be that way with manyyy people even if it's not something people associate with her 😤
Race/ethnicity and Kibbe is such a needed conversation 😤😤 and I'm not going to blame Kibbe because he wrote the book in the early 80s and he did cite manyy Black women as examples as well but he had no idea it was going to become this big of a deal many decades later and that the examples he used would be some official verified list which is analysed and scrutinized to death ☠️ BUT THAT SAID, I think race/ethnicity etc warps our perception of ourselves (duh) and also obviously affects our appearance. What would be considered curvy in LA would just be average in India. Also we throw words like "curvy" to describe anybody who isn't like Bella Hadid thin 😭😭 when the truth is, you've gotta have curves to be curvy 😶‍🌫️ and that many individuals are just frame dominant and of a bigger build which is underrepresented in the media so they try to dress for curve and end up feeling lost 😔
Tyla looks tinyyyy, I think she's a very stereotypical Soft Gamine. Gamine + Romantic influence = Soft Gamine. She also has a more pear shaped body which is kind of THE Gamine build bc their lower bodies are fleshier than their upper bodies ✨
I love it when men tell me things bc 😍 I'm actually clueless and so are my female friends (we're the stereotype 😔) like don't get me wrong, I'm hella emotionally intelligent but am I always making practical, logistical sense? No I'm not 😌 which is why men who only ever know how to get things done ™ are so great to have as friends like yassss 😍tell me how this works 😍 I once called a friend to ask him which side of an envelope I must stick the stamp on and not only did he give me very precise instructions, he also told me how to post the letter 😎bc he assumed i wouldn't know (he was right)
I also loveeee older women or any women mothering me 🥰 I was lowkey my professors' favourite and yk what it's like when many middle aged women have a soft spot for you??? 😩,, it's so nice, although they do fr be acting like moms and tryna interfere sometimes but I guess it comes with the territory and you gotta take the good with the bad 🥲
I'm glad you're learning new things through this blog 😌 that makes me so happy 🥺
ALSO LMAOOO yeahhh that video is truly something else 😭😂😂 imagine if all you had to say about a nak is that they'll marry rich??? Claire popped off 🤭🤪
GIRL BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You think you'll marry rich??? Then you will 😌😎
I feel like people don't get this but being delusional is KEY to achieving what you want. The people who succeed in life are the ones who are truly crazy enough to think they can. The difference between the average person and a successful person is the level of delusion 😌
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pianostrings · 11 days
Rebel Moon: The Scargiver Novelization!!
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Contains spoilers for Rebel Moon Part II: The Scargiver under the cut:
Opens with Noble being revived. Cassius is informed of a list of approved "bio-enhancements" that will change his "biology on a molecular level". Cassius ponders whether he has chosen the right person to throw his lot behind (spoiler alert: he has not).
Kora and Gunnar's sex scene is expanded on 😌
(This is also super nit-picky but the tense in the sex scene changes from past to present and it really bothers me haha)
Flashbacks to Kora's time at court. Word of Balisarius's butchery as a general reaches the king and the king chews him out with Kora present. Rather than punishing him, the King makes him a senator instead.
Balisarius invites Kora to his villa, which is apparently filled with only pictures of himself in various suits of armor in battle (this is so on brand, I’m crying). He calls her Kora, which I thought was odd, since she was re-named Arthelais? Not sure whether this is a typo or not.
Kora watches Balisarius perform his first speech as a senator. It's a passionate anti-immigration speech ❤️ goes over really well with everyone except the King and Queen. Kora is initially concerned about his use of wording: "darkness" from "the outer worlds" but then she thinks, hey it's cool! I'm not from one of those ugly places anymore.
In the palace gardens, Balisarius reveals he will be Regent Militarium one day and Kora will replace the princess. She is much concerned. She and Issa have a cute smiling moment, which is sweet, because I’m sure nothing bad will happen to her.
Something bad happens to her. Kora has no clue the assassination is taking place until everyone is being stabbed. Princess Issa gets a moment to sass Balisarius but Kora does, unfortunately, still shoot her.
THE KALI ARE EXPLAINED. At the core of every dreadnought, an ancient female humanoid is kept in a half-conscious state, bodies hardwired to the ship to drain them of their energy. They are fed the organic matter of conquered worlds, which is what is shovelled into the furnaces (not magical space coal).
Cassius recalls how Noble's first campaign out of the Academy was disastrous and that he would never have come back from it if he wasn’t from a military family from Moa.
LIVE REACTION FROM DEN as Kora and Gunnar take the walk of shame together. He is CRESTALLEN, friends. Tarak and Titus giggle like schoolboys at Kora and Gunnar's appearance (why was this not left in the film? Incredible team building stuff).
Tarak has the audacity to claim bundling grain is "women's work". Oh you precious royal boy. He has a love interest, Hervor, and she is a MILF. Good for them both.
Eljun is Nemesis's biggest fanboy as the kids argue over which of the rebels is the strongest. Eljun is confident in Nemesis. This is so sweet. I’m sure nothing bad will happen to her either!
Kora likes Gunnar more than any of the lovers she'd taken on other campaigns because he makes her laugh. Oh. 🥹
Aris speaks to Cassius via transmission. Aris quotes a concerning motivational line he attributes to Cassius: "every child screaming... every mother crying..." ⁉️ Cassius tells him that line originates from Balisarius, actually (of course it fucking does.)
In the background, Noble has clued on that Aris has betrayed them and wishes he killed him along with his sisters. They wait for information from the Hawkshaws.
At dinner, Milius and Hagen have a sweet moment where they talk about their own past, in a similar village.
The team have their backstories moment. There’s a tad more detail in Titus and Milius’s backstories
Noble has a flashback after his failed campaign, which is upseting because 1) Cassius wasn't with him and 2) his father, Dominic, is pissed. He is sent to the Vori, a gangster planet, where he remains as a guest, shadowing the warlord, Gregor. He passes a test where he kills a Motherworld noble and is given the tattoo near his eye. He also meets the twins for the first time. Deep lore here. Deep deep lore.
Tarak hooks up with Hervor the MILF. This r-rated cut is just going to be everyone going at eachother.
Jimmy kills the Hawkshaws, just as they're about to tell Cassius about Kora's dropship.
We get some backstory about the Hawkshaws. They are the Anuran species and their home planet is Anura. When the Imperium attacked their world, they put up a good fight and the Admiral in charge of the invasion offered an alliance, by offering their skills to the Imperium.
Kora gets to sass Noble a bit before the battle
R.I.P. Den. Gone too soon. Noble’s bio-enhancements come in handy during this fight.
There's so much swearing during the battle—Milius tells a soldier to 'fuck right off, motherfucker—it’s poetry and I really hope this is all in the R version.
The Kali speaks to Kora!!! It forgives her, like Issa, because it knows one day she will "wake [her] sisters and their wrath will be [the Kali's] vengeance. Yesss queens 👏🏼 it’s giving inter-galactic feminism
Kora kills the gunnery crew and redirects the turrets to the conning tower where Noble and Cassius are. Noble legs it for the elevator and abandons the crew. Cassius is right behind him but Noble 😮 shoots him in the face.
Nemesis gifts her daughter's pendant to Eljun as she dies. Her death is a "final act of love and comfort." 😢
Aris joins in the battle and kills a guard, avenging his family.
Kora blows up the engines and beheads Noble. No further resurrections for Ed Skrein, it appears.
Gunnar and Kora 🥹
"[Kora] looked back up to the burning fields of Veldt and the rising smoke. The cost of rebellion is always loss. The legacy is freedom and dignity."
The team assemble! Devra apologies to Kora for arriving late and says that her “brother was right” (assuming this is a throwback to Darrian wanting to take the rebellion more public)
A young Veldtian girl sings a ballad at the funeral pyre
The last scene is of Balisarius being dressed. We finally get the "I do love this part" line from the trailer. He is told of the destruction of The King's Gaze and surmises it was Kora's doing. Hundreds of thousands of Imperium soldiers chant his name as he prepares to hunt her down.
Additional Notes:
Ok more thoughts now I’ve had time to reflect on the text:
- I can see why this novelization release was pushed back. I don’t know what the deadline was like for the author but it felt very rushed and the writing is… not great… at times. The romance was, in particular, pretty cringe.
- Aris and Devra Bloodaxe felt very sidelined here. I thought Aris would at least have an unpacking his past moment with someone? Devra just turns up and we don’t learn anything about where she’s been or the Base One she returns to at the end of part 1? I also thought we might get more Darrian (or how the Bloodaxes operate) through Milius’s flashbacks.
- I don’t love the characterisation of any of the villains. Balisarius comes across cartoonishly evil and it’s hard to pinpoint any kind of affection Kora has for him in her flashbacks, other than maybe loyalty through self-preservation. Noble veers a little too close into bumbling idiot territory. Cassius’s POVis baffling and he spends way too much time worrying about Noble trying to challenge Balisarius, which doesn’t seem remotely believable
- I kind of thought Milius and Tarak were going to end up together? Or that they at least had some kind of friendship, but they seem to barely interact. In fact, it feels like we see the least of Milius out of the rebels
- Hagen and Kora should have had more moments TBH. Feel like she needed that positive comparative father figure
- The ending makes it sound like Kora is completely done with Veldt and she’s ready to move on now that there’s nothing there for her. I guess this works if the team are now off on a quest across the galaxy to save the princess but it also seems a bit… blunt
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
Since you've woven almost all the Realm of Magic pre-mades into your story, I'm just wondering if the Charm household fits into your world at all? Was curious what kind of lore/headcanon you might have for them, if any, since the rest of your magical world-building is so rich! I'd love to see makeovers of them in your style! (Apologies if they've shown up and i've just missed it.)
Hi ✨ I actually haven’t done any lore or character development or even makeovers for them at all. In fact, I’m embarrassed to say that I hardly notice the Charm family at all prior to Fallen Angel and after (my save is so consumed by my own sims I’d be surprised if they were homeless in San Myshuno as we speak) 😅 lol when I was sure I was going to write and begin posting a ROM story, the first pre-made I made over was Simeon then L. Faba and Morgyn and that was going to be it until I noticed Grace and Tomax . That’s when I had a vision for a FWB situation based on the fact that they’re roomies in game 🤭
I think there’s some pretty decent lore already established in game for that household I would have prob explored if I didn’t already create this entire universe 😌 like I’m pretty sure canonically Darrel Charm has beef with Tomax which if I were to create a head canon from my own story, I’d say maybe they were childhood friends growing in the slums of the Lower Realm and Darrel, like most Lower Realm civilians, hates how the people of the Upper Realm treats them and when Tomax sold out and became a Sage they fell out over it. Or maybe they were rivals looking for a chance to escape poverty by becoming a Sage but Tomax was just a little bit better and got the opportunity of a life time and now they are life long enemies because of it.
(Now that I think about it….why do I want to write this in my story now? 🤔 lmao )
But yeah, I actually really like the idea of making over The Charm family anyway, even if I don’t have any plans to include them in my story other than maybe as a background character. ✨
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So there’s this like thing I heard that apparently arsonists after they burn down sum go and jerk off nearby…………… lalo is an arsonist…… you see where I’m going with this???
i see where you are going and i am following you there 😌 (it's hell. we are going to hell.)
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"Te ve dentro, te lleva lo que necesites, y te reduce la chingada madre a cenizas. Y te nunca deja evidencia. ¿Entendido? (You go in, you take what you need, and you burn the motherfucker to the ground. And you never leave evidence. Understood?)”
“Sí, tío. Entendido. (Yes, Uncle. Understood.)”
Salamanca family traditions were not like most. Other familes taught the next generation to cook, to sew, to build, to make joy for the people around them. Others were taught to create. Salamancas were taught to destroy.
The first time Lalo went on a run with his Tío Hector, he was 12, and hormones were tearing his brain asunder. He had followed his uncle on their way out of the massacre, stepping over bodies whose faces he hadn't bothered to remember. They were inconsequential, anyway. Roadblocks, his uncle had called them. When they made it outside, Hector had handed him two open bottles of liquor, both stuffed with rags, and a lighter. He was told to go back inside, light the rags, throw the bottles, and run like hell. And he did. He did exactly what he was told, except he made one crucial mistake.
A gorgeous family heirloom ring, one that quite frankly had no business being on a 12-year-old's finger, had fallen off when he threw the bottles.
He had left evidence behind.
No matter how many times Hector chastised him, be it verbally or with whatever tool he could get his hands on, Lalo never learned his lesson. After a burn, he'd always leave a trace. Somehow, he'd always make his mark, be it accidentally or otherwise.
His latest hit was nothing special, well, nothing more than usual. Every burn was special to him. Ever since that first one when he was a kid, they did something for him. It could've just been conditioning due to puberty, where you have such a hairpin trigger that anything peculiar runs the risk of implementing itself in your sexual identity forever. But no, it wasn’t that simple. It was indescribable. Maybe it was the heat, the scent of smoke, the light of the flames, whatever it was, it was hot.
And not just in the way that fire tends to be.
Lalo usually struck at night for the anonymity. He was less likely to be noticed when everyone else was asleep. When he finished his conquest of a rival restaurant, he tossed a molotov and ran outside, just like Tío had taught him. He booked it across the street to a dark alley and squeezed himself between tightly packed buildings. As the heat rose on the other side of the road, the heat rose in him as well. He peered out to see if anyone was coming. Nope, no one. He was alone. Perfect. He leaned back against the brick wall and unbuckled his pants.
His cock throbbed in his hand as he watched his work in action. It was better than any porn he could’ve imagined. Hell, it might have been better than sex. Now, if he could do this with a partner, oh god, that’d be the day. Fucking in an alley as you both burned the world to rubble? That would be something else. But for now, he could enjoy a private show. He bit his lip, grunting and hyperventilating through his nose. Beams fell down from the ceiling. The neighbors started to wake up. He heard the distant screams of panicked neighbors, no louder or more important than his own racing heartbeat. His knees started to buckle. His eyes never left the burning restaurant, some poor family’s livelihood crumbling to ash.
Finally, the show reached its climax. The ceiling caved in on itself, and the beautiful sight had brought Lalo to his own climax. He groaned in ecstasy as he splattered his cum against the side of the building. He took a moment to breathe, to compose himself, and in a flash, he was gone. Again, he had made his mark.
And again, he had left evidence behind.
Old habits die hard.
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captaincrewe · 7 months
drumline quotes:
- these are our drugs, not your drugs
- family bathroom trip! “No wonder your family abandoned you??!”
- I’m going to steal your balls
- *sits on lap* this is kinda nice actually
- your blanket smells like drugs
- *waterfall noises* I just love waterfalls don’t you? “I’m about to piss myself, no I do not”
- papa Sloan!! Come back here before your blood clot kills you!!!
- *sings jingle bell rock at an outrageous volume*
- *snap* do you really think the band director NEEDS his glasses?
- Sorry we don’t have a quint player guys.. she just had to go get pregnant 🤷 so ya know whatever
- Are you actually playing Pokémon? At a time like this?!??!
- two gingers on one drumline is too much… Lucas you gotta go
- Bd: what are you doing?
“ Uhhh… Drugs 😌”
- if you don’t give me skittles I will skin your cat
- *building a blanket fort on the bus*
Now we have somewhere to hold our cult meeting guys 😀
ps these were all said from the same 3-hour long bus ride + was our last game of the season
said blanket fort:
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