#I’m doing a good deed lol
sunny1927 · 9 months
I think my Epic Mickey and Undertale fans will enjoy this… (btw I don’t know much of the game so I apologise if I got something wrong in this)💚💛🍫✨
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nikkento-writes · 2 months
Babysitter - Part 2
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Pairing: dad!Toji x babysitter!reader
Word Count: ~3.8k
cw: age gap (reader is 21, Toji is in his 30s), explicit language, cheating, pregnancy, smut – PIV sex (doggy style)
Summary: You deal with the aftermath of your summer babysitting job turned adulterous summer scandal.
Author’s Notes: Thanks for all the kind words and support on Part 1 of this! I hope you enjoy part 2, and who knows, maybe I'll write a part 3 one day lol. Thanks for reading! Divider credit to @/fic-dumpster.
Taglist: @scorpiosugar @diegojeanne @f4irygard3n @cvixmei @soniiyi - more tags in the comments
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You blink away the tears in your eyes, holding the pregnancy test, hoping that somehow, you’ll blink away the second line indicating that you are indeed pregnant.
“No way.” Chiyo waits for you outside the stall, the apprehension in her voice apparent.
“Yes. I’m…” There’s a lump in your throat you have to swallow before you finish your sentence. “Pregnant.”
Your best friend’s silence on the other side only makes you panic more, but you don’t blame her. What can she really say to make any of this better? To stop your world from turning upside down?
She whispers your name quietly, at a complete loss for words. Then, she clears her throat, sounding as if she’s fighting tears herself. “I’m going to buy you a melon pan. Just…wait for me here, okay?” It’s the only consolation she can offer you in this moment, huddled in a public restroom of a convenience store; you appreciate the effort, nonetheless. You wait for her to leave, completely alone now. As soon as she’s gone, you sob into your hands.
It's not that you oppose being a mother. You’ve always imagined handing a positive pregnancy test to the love of your life with the biggest smile on your face, excited to raise a family together. Ideally, this would have happened sometime in the future, once you’ve established yourself as a full-fledged adult. Not like this: twenty-one years-old, less than a year until graduation without the slightest clue what you’re doing with your life. Worst of all, the father isn’t your husband, a boyfriend, even a friend. It’s Toji Fushiguro, the dad of the little boy you babysat over the summer, the husband of the kind woman who hired you. You still haven’t forgiven yourself for your adultery, the guilt eating away at you since the start of that lecherous summer fling. And now, you have this pee-on-a-stick to remind you how incredibly reckless you were to get involved with him in the first place. How undeniably irresponsible you were to have unprotected sex with a married man. Sure, it was the best sex you’ll probably ever have in your life. But was it worth it?
You wrap the pregnancy test in toilet paper, tossing it in the trash bin. Knowing that no good will come out of sulking in the 7-11 bathroom any longer, you finally exit the stall, washing your hands clean at the sink. Your phone vibrates in your back pocket as you stare at your reflection in the mirror, fixated on your belly, wondering what it will look like round and full of life. It buzzes again, snapping you out of your trance. When you check to see who’s messaging, you almost drop your phone out of shock.
Somehow, someway, the universe has it out for you. Because in the most perfectly disastrous timing ever, Mrs. Fushiguro decides to contact you.
A week later, you’re sitting on the train, heading to the Fushiguro household. Your stomach is in knots, both from anxiety and from the morning sickness. Sweat beads on your forehead, skin sticky against your clothing in this hot weather. The closer you approach your destined stop, the more and more nervous you get, almost convinced to call the whole thing off.
Believe it or not, Mrs. Fushiguro did not contact you to confront you about the dirty deeds you did with her husband. Instead, she messaged you in dire need of a babysitter once again. She spares you the details, asking if you could meet her in person to better explain herself. And for whatever reason, you agree.
You haven’t come up with a solid plan yet on what you want to do about your little predicament. So far, the only people that know are Chiyo and your parents, who, after the initial shock of it all, have been surprisingly supportive. They advised you to take the rest of the term off, which you were able to get arranged quickly through your school. This gives you several weeks to decide what you need to do. With one issue resolved, it leaves you with the next, and the most pressing: whether or not you should tell the father. The last thing you want is to break apart the Fushiguro family. You’re fully prepared to raise this baby as a single mother, which, with the help of your parents and best friend, seems doable. Besides, you’re not even sure if you want Toji to be involved considering his complete lack of interest in his other child, Megumi. Despite that, you believe that as the father, he has the right to know. Can you gather the courage to actually tell him?
Still lost in your train of thought, you hop off to walk to the house. When you arrive, you spot Mrs. Fushiguro already outside, leaning against her car in the driveway with little Megumi in her arms. They both smile upon seeing you, warming your heart. You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for whatever is to come. 
“Hello Mrs. Fushiguro,” you greet her, bowing politely, too shy to meet her gaze. “How are you?”
“Doing really well. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” She lets her son down, who steps towards you until he’s hugging your knee, cooing. “I wanted to talk to you in person about my complicated situation.”
“Is everything alright?” you ask, unable to resist kneeling down to meet Megumi at eye level, making funny faces at him.
She giggles. “Oh, everything is great! The divorce finally went through and I’m living with my new boyfriend now, who’s been the absolute best, especially with Megumi.”
You make a shocked expression, mouth agape, exaggerated for the kid’s entertainment, though you’re pretty much stunned yourself. “Divorce…?”
“Yeah! Toji and I have been separated for a long time now. I’m sorry I didn’t mention that over the summer. You’re still so young after all, no need to rope you into adult things.”
You almost bust out laughing at the irony, but you hold your tongue, continuing to listen to her.
She sighs, flipping her long, beautiful hair behind her shoulders. “That being said, I still care about the guy. I mean, he is the father of my child. Without me or Megumi there on a regular basis, the whole house has gone to shit. It seems like he’s actually taking this divorce pretty hard. So, I want to hire you as a babysitter for my ex-husband. Just for a little while until he can get back up on his feet.”
Another shocked face, which makes Megumi laugh while dread sinks into your chest. “Babysitter…?”
“Babysitter, housekeeper, whatever you want to call it. You did such a wonderful job with him over the summer, even while you were taking care of Megumi! I don’t know what you were feeding him. Whatever it was, he was definitely a little bit nicer when you were around.”
Lewd flashbacks replay in your mind of Toji eating you out sloppily, slurping up all your pussy juices in every room of the house. You focus on the ground, too ashamed to look at her. “Mrs. Fushiguro, I don’t know if I can do this.”
She squats to your level, reaching for your hand, holding it gently in hers. “I know this is a lot of ask. You’re the only one I can rely on for this. Please.”
A sense of déjà vu hits you. There’s desperation in her tone and it tugs at your heartstrings the same way it did when you first met her a few months ago. It doesn’t help that Megumi is now squeezing the index finger of your other hand, eyes full of curious wonder, grip surprisingly strong for such a young child. Would she be pleading with you like this if she knew the truth about you, Toji, and the baby? Even though they were separated during this whole ordeal, it doesn’t make what you did any better; you still decided to do it regardless of their marital status.
Maybe you can use this opportunity as a way to atone.  
You finally look at her, giving the most convincing smile you can muster, trying your best to ignore the wave of nausea washing over you. “Okay. I’ll do it.”
Mrs. Fushiguro asks you to start at noon the following day, giving her enough time to notify her ex about your temporary employment. When you use the set of keys she gave you to open the front door, you step inside cautiously, not sure what to expect. You’ve been dreading this impromptu reunion all night, wondering if you could even face him.
It’s a mess inside, heaps of dirty laundry scattered all over the furniture, fast food wrappers and empty ramen bowls littered on the kitchen counter. There’s a stench lingering in the stale air in here and you almost think the worse, but Mrs. Fushiguro had warned you about this. Seeing it in person is more heartbreaking than disgusting. Toji really is taking this divorce hard. It wouldn’t be right to burden him with more life-changing news, right?
You begin by gathering all the trash into garbage bags, flattening any cardboard to recycle. By the looks of it, he’s been living off junk food and protein bars for the past month. The refrigerator is near empty, aside from a questionable take-out container in the very back, which you end up dumping along with everything else. You make it your next task to get groceries after you load the washing machine.
When you return from the store, Toji remains absent. Nerves prevent you from leaning against the bedroom door to listen for any signs of him in there. His ex-wife mentioned that he goes out to gamble at the horse races whenever he’s short on cash, so it’s likely he’s there. Still, you’re anticipating his return, mentally preparing yourself for how you’ll behave around him. Given your current circumstances, you are serious about turning over a new leaf. No more funny business with him. Absolutely not.
It’s near dinnertime now and you’ve miraculously accomplished tidying the house and doing his laundry all within a few hours. You even managed to cook soup for dinner, full of hearty beef and fresh vegetables, something to provide nutrients compared to the processed food he’s been consuming lately. You’re stirring the pot when you hear keys jingle from outside the front door. He comes in, clad in a tight-fitting black shirt that accentuates his muscles and grey sweatpants that don't leave much to the imagination. A plastic bag is slung behind his shoulder, clearly from a convenience store. Despite his concerning diet, his physique is still impressive as ever. Just one glance at him has you fluttering below your belly, replaying the erotic memories you share together. You turn to face him, standing up straight, feigning confidence while you fret internally. He looks at you, brow raised slightly, a small smirk forming on his lips.
“Hello sir,” you greet him, bowing politely. Acting as if he’s a total stranger and not the man who rocked your entire world over the summer, now with evidence to prove it.
He sets the bag on the counter, revealing a couple of ramen packets inside. “What’s with the formalities?” he asks, grinning. “If I remember correctly, you were screaming my name nonstop the last time you were here.”
Heat rushes into your cheeks instantly, not surprised by his vulgarity, though still embarrassed. You clear your throat, trying to stay strong. “I’m here to work. Nothing else.”
He walks towards you, his stature casting a daunting shadow as he steps closer and closer, towering over you. His voice is low, borderline threatening to a point that has you trembling. “So you don’t want me to fuck you anymore?”
You swallow hard, composure wavering. “That’s right.”  Even you don’t fully believe it when it comes out of your own mouth, how can you expect him to?
There’s a strange look in his eyes, almost like he’s disappointed by your response. He turns his back to you, mumbling something about taking a shower. You watch him enter his bedroom, hearing him clear as day before he shuts the door with a dull thud. “I guess you don’t want me either.”
A week into being Toji’s live-in housekeeper, the two of you figure out a routine together that involves minimal interaction. You wake up in the morning to cook breakfast, eating it quickly and leaving the rest for him while you go out. You use this time to go for a walk, meet with Chiyo or your parents, do some grocery shopping, or just sit at the nearby park, enjoying the sun with your baby, who grows little-by-little each day.
Toji is usually gone the whole afternoon, either working out or gambling, so you’re able to do chores back at the house, like cleaning his room. He doesn’t return until dinnertime when tension seems to be at its highest. A big reason for that is because he’s made it a habit to eat right after his shower, shirtless and with his legs crossed on the floor, displaying a perfectly visible outline of his manhood. It’s distracting, to say the least. Chiyo mentioned the other day how you can have an increased libido during the first trimester. That’s definitely proving itself now.
Aside from the half-nakedness, something else surprises you about him. The two of you mostly avoid conversation with each other, eating in silence at the dining table while sneaking furtive glances whenever you get a chance. But he never fails to mutter, “Thank you for the meal,” before washing the dishes at the sink, retreating back into his room when he’s done. It’s the tiniest act of consideration that makes you wonder what’s going on in his head.
Tonight you sit across from each other as usual. You just finished eating the chicken katsu you made for dinner, along with a couple of side dishes you prepped earlier in the week. His abs look especially spectacular today and you find it harder than usual to stop peeking at them.
“You’re gonna burn a hole through me with the way you’re staring,” he says, chewing his last bite.
Shit, caught red-handed. You quickly look down at your empty bowl, mumbling an apology. “Sorry. I just…I can tell your hard work is paying off.”
“Yours too. The house has never been cleaner. And the food has never been better.” He’s looking directly at you, a genuine smile on his face. “Thank you.”
It’s no good. Your hormones are raging, sexual desire courses through you, all from that stupidly handsome grin and a silly little compliment. How did you ever think you could resist him?
You stand up, grabbing everything from the table. “I’ll do the dishes,” you offer, walking them to the sink, trying to calm down.
It’s no use, though. He sees right through you.
He gives you only a minute alone before he follows you, caging you between his big arms, your back to him, his mouth hot on your ear. “Let me help you.”
You let out a frustrated huff, already unraveling from his proximity. The smallest jut of your hips and there it is, his erection pressed to your ass, throbbing and even more massive than you remember it. “Toji, we can’t,” you whine, not making any attempt to separate yourself from him.
He slides his hands around your hips, pulling you in closer, rubbing his rock-hard cock against you. “I know you want it. I know you want me.”
And he’s right. You do. You want him with you, around you, inside of you. In all the ways he’s had you before, in new ways he’s never had but you’ve fantasized about. There’s no denying it anymore. You want him. You want him so fucking bad.
He takes you right there at the kitchen sink, bent over with your grip tight on the edge of the counter, pounding away at your wet, needy cunt. Neither of you bother to remove your clothes completely, Toji’s sweatpants shrugged down his thighs just enough, yours pooled around your ankles, soaked panties at your knees. “Fuck, Toji!” you moan, sticking your ass out to meet his thrusts.
His fingers find your clit, rubbing slippery circles around it. “Say it,” he grunts, increasing the pace.
Drools leaks out from the sides of your lips, too fucked out to process what’s he’s asking you. “What?”
“Say you want me,” he demands, massaging your swollen bud so deep, you feel it all the way down to your fucking toes.
“I want you. I want you, Toji!” you respond breathlessly, squeezing him tight with your orgasm.
“Fuck, I missed you. Missed my good girl.” He continues to fuck you, slowly now, relishing every second of being inside you. “Always so fucking creamy for me, fuck.” He pulls you up to embrace you from behind, fingers still pleasuring you, his other hand at your chin to face you towards him. The two of you kiss passionately, lips smacking, tongues swirling. So sloppy and wanton that it puts you on the verge of another orgasm, completely succumbed to pleasure.
You sleep with him in his bedroom after several more orgasms and a big one of his own, wrapped comfortably in his arms, with his cock and creampie inside you the rest of the night. For the first time in a while, you’re oddly at peace.
Your reckless decision making has led you into another troublesome scenario. Fortunately, you haven’t had any morning sickness the entire first week of your employment at the Fushiguro household. Unfortunately, it decides to come back today. There’s no way you’ll be able to make it to the bathroom near your room, so you have no choice but to hop out of Toji’s bed and run into his, clutching onto the porcelain bowl until it’s all out. You rinse your mouth off at the sink, hoping Toji didn’t hear any of it. But you know all too well by now that luck is never on your side.
He’s sitting up against the headboard, watching you come out of the bathroom. “Did you just puke in there?” There’s a hint of concern in his normally blunt tone.
You nod, bending down to retrieve your underwear and pants off the floor, avoiding his gaze.
“Are you sick?” he asks, the worry even more obvious now.
Shaking your head, you respond, “No, I just…I’m feeling a little nauseous, that’s all.” You walk towards the door, still not willing to look at him. “There should be leftovers in the fridge, so help yourself to breakfast. I’m going to lay down.”
He calls out your name. “Wait – ”
You ignore him, closing the door shut behind you, letting the tears fall down your cheeks as you retreat into your own bedroom, muffling your sobs into a pillow. After your wild romp last night, this bout of morning sickness has swiftly brought you back to reality. You’re still harboring the secret growing in your womb from the man who gave it to you to begin with.
There’s a firm knock on your door, startling you. “Hey, it’s me.”
In this split-second, you decide to stop with the lies and finally tell the truth. You open the door, Toji standing in front of you fully clothed in his usual attire, a serious expression on his face. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”
Eyes still puffy from crying, you take a deep breath. “I’m pregnant. And you’re the father.”
His mouth parts the slightest bit, no words coming out of it. The silence seems to linger on forever. You fill it by rambling all the thoughts that have been swimming in your head the last couple of weeks. “Before you start freaking out or anything, I’m telling you so that you know. I don’t expect you to be involved. I’m perfectly willing to raise this child on my own. And besides, I won’t be completely alone. I have my family to help me, my friends too. I’ll be totally fine. This baby is going to be well taken care of, I’ll make sure of it. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just didn’t know how. But I feel better already because this has been stressing me out. It’s all going to work out okay? I think. I hope.”
After the long spiel, he stares down at the floor, jaw tight, mouth opening and closing, unsure how to respond. Eventually, he says, “I have to go.”
When he leaves the house, you crawl into your bed, bawling until there are no tears left for you to cry.
You wake up in the late afternoon to an enticing aroma wafting from the kitchen. It’s been hours since you’ve been in bed, moping about how poorly everything went with Toji. His reaction left you devastated. While you always expected to do this alone, hearing his negative response to it hurts more than you anticipated it to.
Curious, you make your way into the kitchen, shocked to find Toji standing over the stove, stirring a pot, the soothing scent of soup surrounding you. “What’s going on?” you ask, noticing a plethora of fresh vegetables laid out on the counter, along with a big bottle of prenatal vitamins and various snacks.
He turns the heat off, covering the pot with a lid. “I’m cooking,” he answers, facing you with a grin on his face. “Bone broth is a good source of calcium. And you need to keep eating lots of veggies so our baby is strong, like me. No more of this instant ramen shit.”
“I thought you were upset,” you say, stepping closer to him.  
“I know. I’m sorry I left like that. I was shocked at first, I’ll admit it. But I started to get excited." He takes your hands in his. "I have a lot of regrets in my life, but being a father isn’t one of them. Being a bad father is. I want to change. I need to change. For Megumi. For our new little one. For you.”
Strangely enough, you believe in his heartfelt declaration. You smile at him, letting him go to stand in front of the stove, taking a whiff of the comforting aroma of the hot soup he made for you, happy tears welling in your eyes. He hugs you gently from behind, nuzzling his nose to you. “I’m going to do it right this time, okay? I know I can do it with you.”
As Toji caresses your belly, kissing you softly along the neck, you feel the weight that’s been heavy on your shoulders ease up. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
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manikas-whims · 19 days
Skincare with the LADS Men
inspired by THIS recent text with Xavier where he said we left our pack of face masks in his fridge 🥺
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🐦‍⬛ He maintains good skincare and overall hygiene. He's the type who's like “if i’m going out to commit some illegal deeds or kill an enemy, might as well look good doing it. His healing ability helps maintain a better skin as well.
🐦‍⬛ When you find out, you're kind of surprised that he's so well-maintained. And he takes offense that you'd have such low opinion of him just because of his profession. He scoffs. “Your assumptions wound me, kitten. Even the leader of Onichynus cares a little for his appearances.”
🐦‍⬛ Luke and Keiran later on giggle and reveal to you how their boss makes an extra effort to look better whenever you are coming to see him.
❄️ There's a difference between hygiene and skincare. So just because he's a doctor, doesn't necessarily mean he's good at taking care of himself. Yeah he might take a bath and always put on clean suits but he doesn't really bother much with skincare itself.
❄️ It's not that he cannot do it but he simply doesn't have the time for it due to his packed schedule at the hospital. Almost twice or thrice when you surprise-visit him during his late night shifts, you've found him shaving his stubble at his office’s washroom lol. There are some faint cuts on his jaw and you fuss over them much to his delight.
❄️ His skin and body suffer mostly due to his eating habits. More often than not you've caught him sneaking way more macarons than good for his teeth. Not to mention, he doesn't eat proper meals due to his work.
❄️ “It’s not what it looks like. I'm a doctor. Obviously I know how to manage my health.” He laughs sheepishly because it's not often that he's on the receiving end of scolding, especially from you. You end up having to pay regular visits and watch over him for a while, bringing in full meals as is needed for him.
🌊 Thanks to him working at odd hours, eating at odd times, passing out on the couch every now and then that it's expected he'd be careless but he does in fact take proper care of his skin. And it's better than yours. (well ofc his Lemurian genes are partly to thank but he's a fish out of water so he does need to take care).
🌊 He knows his skin is amazing and he'll make a show of it in front of you. Not to make you jealous but because he wants you to praise him for it, call him pretty and handsome. “Come onnn!!” He drawls out. “Admit that I’m way prettier than those idols you're a fan of.”
🌊 Definitely enjoys doing skincare routines with you. Will indulge in manicures and pedicures if you ask, chatting with you all the while. Even recommends certain products that would benefit your skin. And offers to do your facial and massage.
⭐ Canonically isn't concerned with skincare. Even MC is shocked at the fact that his skin is doing so good despite any proper care. Probably the type who uses those “5 in 1” products 😭. Or grabs just any product without much care for the actual ingredients involved. How his skin and hair are doing alright? You have no idea..
⭐ You offer to do his skincare and he agrees because that just means he gets to spend more time with you. Enjoys the sensation of your hands on his face. Melts into a puddle if you wash his hair. You also try fixing some of his eating habits because alternating between cup noodles and meat ain't it. And though it takes a while, you figure out his skin type and help him get his own products.
⭐ You both develop a habit of putting on sheet masks while watching late night movies or playing video games. Sometimes you two just end up lazying around and talking about mundane stuff.
⭐ But even if you set up a whole routine for him, if he stays over at your place, then he's definitely using your shampoo. And if you ask him why, then he smiles innocently and answers, “Oh..it’s not that I am particularly biased to the product. It’s just that I like it when I smell like you.”
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hysteria-things · 8 months
helloo!! if you don't mind(and if you have time), can you please make a matt smut inspired by the song She's so Nice by Pink Guy ??
It can be a chris smut too if you want !!
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this man quite literally made me go BARK BARK BARK
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: EDIT: i forgot to put one so i’m just gonna say doing the deed with matt sturniolo
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY SMUT SMUT, big tits reader, cheating (don’t do that!), marking, titty fucking, mouth fucking, hair gripping, p in v, degradation, choking, stomach bulge, ROUGHHH
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 705
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: request for @skadltmf and anon! these two felt right to combine :)
i hope i did okay??? ngl this one was hard to do LOL
as somebody with big tatas this made me giggle and kick my feet a lot🤭 (my back hurts all the time)
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hickeys ran from your neck down to the top of your breasts, the things matt worships the most about you.
you think having double d’s are the worst, but he is by far mesmerized by them.
you squirm and whine underneath his grip as he sucks one last mark into your skin. he lifts his head to admire your naked body, roaming his hands along your curves. he approaches your breasts and starts to squeeze them.
you whine again. “matt.”
“what?” he asks, finally releasing his hard dick from his underwear. you feel his knees on the bed as he hovers over you. “what do you want?”
you lift yourself onto your elbows and look at him through hooded eyes. “i—” you pause when matt starts to stroke himself while throwing his head back with a moan.
you don’t have time to blink when he aligns himself to your tits and starts thrusting into them. his hands push them together to make them squeeze around him.
your mouth hangs open as you watch himself use your chest to get off. “i fucking love these tits, man.” he groans.
the arousal between your legs starts to drip onto the sheets below you because of how pathetically wet you are. he grunts as he goes faster, but pulls away before he can release.
he grips your hair which makes you whimper. he lifts your head slightly so you can look into his eyes. his tip grazes against your lips. “open your mouth.”
you don’t have a chance to open all the way when he’s already pushing himself slowly inside. matt lets out a sigh of relief when he feels the warmth consuming his dick.
the grip on your hair stays when he starts to rut his hips forward. your eyes start to water when he reaches the back of your throat, the gulping and gagging sounds cause him to let out a breathy laugh. “look at you; choking on another man’s cock. such a fucking slut.”
you moan around him, his fist on your hair tightening. he starts to bob your head to match his rhythm, drool dribbling down your chin.
“shit.” he breathes, taking himself out of your mouth and smearing his cum all over your tits.
“matt.” you repeat in the same whiny tone as before. “he’s going to be here soon.”
“good.” he grips your throat, pushing his still-hard erection into your dripping hole. “he can walk in and see how much of a whore his girlfriend is, yeah?”
he starts pounding into you immediately, causing you to cry out. your mascara starts to run down your face.
it feels like you don’t have time to breathe by how each thrust knocks the air out of your lungs. “p-please, go harder.”
he releases his hand from your neck and grabs the back of your knees, pushing them further apart so he can go deeper. “your boyfriend has no idea what he’s missing out on. fuck, you’re so tight.”
you’re clenching so hard around his cock that he can’t even pull out all the way. instead, it makes him push further into your pussy.
your eyes cross, the bulge in your abdomen showing as clear as day. “feel how deep i am inside your tummy? you were made to be fucked by me. such a good slut for me.”
“cum—” you blab, your tongue starting to stick out. “gonna cum for you.”
matt’s eyes are fixated on the way your tits bounce aggressively at how hard he’s railing into you. he grabs your throat again. “look at me.”
your eyes flutter to his, and he grins. “there you go.” he says as you feel him paint your walls white.
you twitch, seeing stars as your face scrunches with pleasure when your orgasm hits you like a train. “cumming… cumming…”
“i know baby, i know,” he says, now doing tiny thrusts to make sure you take it all.
he slowly pulls out of you, wincing at the sudden emptiness. he sits up, looking at your painted white tits and pussy that’s leaking both his and your release. he smiles proudly.
“i should leave you like this so your boyfriend knows what a real orgasm looks like.”
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss
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satorusugurugurl · 5 months
My Wedding Date is an Escort!
Summary: When invited to your best friend's wedding, you panic. One of the groomsmen, Toji Fushiguro, is your ex-fiancè. Not wanting to deal with probing questions and the embarrassment of being single, your friend Haibara recommends using an Escort! Taking a leap of faith, you book one my, the hottest one. Gojo Satoru is hot, sweet, and funny! The package deal! Men and Women pay thousands to go on a date with him (even more, which he doesn't do often). So when your request comes in, the desperation and pleading tone of your voice. Gojo’s heartthrobs, even more so when you tell him you don't want to have sex.
Pairing: Escort!Gojo x FAB Reader
Word Count: 5,818
Warning: dirty talk, language, making out, wedding duties (lol), oral sex, smutty smut
A/N: Our final part 🥹💚 wow what a journey! There will be an epilogue for our sweet beans next week! Along with the start of the Best Friend!Suguru series.I'm so sorry for the late post, I was so sick yesterday and sleepy from my medication! But better late than never! ! If you want to be included in the tag list, YOU MUST HAVE AGE LISTED! Thank you!!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Eight
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For two days, two days, you and Satoru spent most of the time in your room. Wrapped up in your sheets, him on top of you, you on top of him. You only separated for the rehearsal dinner and getting your nails done. But the second you were back in his arms, he made up for the lost time like you had been gone for years. His lips were on yours in slow, gentle kisses that became passionate.
Those same kisses would end on the futon, which probably had seen more action in the last forty-eight hours than since the inn opened. Satoru bent you in all different positions, twisting you like a pretzel, stretching you in ways you didn't even know was possible. He made it his goal to make up for the year and a half that you didn’t sleep with anyone. Gojo Satoru turned you into a mess- a withering mess.
“Oooh holy shit.” you cried out, gripping the blanket, “fuuuuck oooh fuck Satoru.”
“Yeah~? Does that feel good~?”
“S-So good~!”
“Mhmm~ good.”
Fingers moved gently, expertly making your back arch, jaw opening in a soft cry of pleasure. Satoru bit his lip, his fingers increasing the pressure against you. Cerulean eyes narrowed, focusing on your face, watching how your eyes rolled back and your face flushed.
“T-Toru~Toru.” Toes curled as you cried softly, eyes watering.
“Oooh yeah~ you gonna cum~?”
Blinking, you lift an eyebrow, watching Satoru wiggle his at you. His fingers are massaging into your sore feet, kneading away knots and easing the aching muscles. Both of you were fully clothed, sitting on the back porch overlooking the gardens. Anyone around would have assumed you both were doing the deed from how loud you were being.
“Oh my god, was I being that loud?”
“What~? No!” You relaxed a little, your feet still in his lap. Thumbs worked at a particularly sore spot, making you whine again. “I’m pretty sure Suguru heard that whine, and he's in Tokyo.”
“Ya’ know what—”
You try pulling your feet away, only to have Satoru yank them back into his lap, inadvertently pulling you closer to him. “Stop, I'm just teasing. Let me do this.” his fingers continue working, moving gently over your feet. “You were in the kitchen all morning, making a three-tier wedding cake. Then those ‘friends’ of yours make you wear heels to take pictures. And you have to wear heels for the wedding tomorrow?” Satoru shook his head, white tufts of hair swaying.
“I offered to bake the cake, the benefit of having a baker as a friend.” His thumbs hit a sore spot, making you jolt. “But the heels are torture.”
“They seem like it.”
A soft, comfortable silence filled with chirping crickets and a distant wind chime grew between you. You just sat there while Satoru rubbed at your sore feet under the blanket of glittering stars. You had one more day together here in Kyoto, then a train ride back home, and you would be back to reality. A reality that had changed drastically over the last week.
When you both retired to your room, you lay in bed staring at the ceiling in thought. You had gone from a woman who was quiet, shy, and hell-bent on not needing anyone to this giggly, joyful woman who couldn’t be any happier. Satoru had peeled away at the layers of scar tissue you had hidden yourself in. He brought a certain confidence out in you. Being with him was as easy as breathing; even when you returned home to your mundane lives, you had faith you both would continue to strive forward. To keep your relationship going strong.
Strong as the urge to stay in bed with him all day despite your fellow bridesmaids pounding on your door the next morning. Satoru grumbled in horny frustration; his cock was pressed firmly over your barely clothed core. You pulled your lips away from his neck, pushing your hair back, groaning at the sudden interruption.
“I have to go, Toru.” You pulled off of him, giggling as he threw his head back. “Hey~ don’t be like that; we’ll pick up where we left off tonight.”
“Wedding sex is the best kind of sex. Especially when you’re on a sugar rush.”
You looked over your shoulder at him, grinning ear to ear. “That sounds enticing.” Satoru sat up on his elbows, licking his lips.
“Oh, it’s gonna happen tonight,” Satoru promised with a shake of his head. “I promise you that.”
Another knock at the door, “If you don’t come out! We’re coming in! Regardless of how indecent you two are!” A series of knocks sounded from the other side of the door by several different hands from the sound of it.
”I better go before they knock down the door.” With a pout, you leaned down, kissing Satoru goodbye before heading out. “I’ll see you later!” just before you shut the door to the room, you pouted as Satoru watched, sticking his bottom lip out. “It’s just three hours, babe!”
Three hours flew by before you knew it. The excitement of getting ready for the wedding and seeing your best friend practically buzzing in anticipation fueled everyone's energy. While you were bouncing up and down eagerly waiting to see Satoru in a tailored suit. Just imagining him had you grinning as you stared out the bridal suite window, looking towards the garden decorated for the joyous event.
“So, when are you and Satoru getting married?”
”Eh!?” All of your friends surrounded you, devilish smiles gracing their faces. “I-I—we are not getting married!” At least not yet. “We’ve barely started going out.” Literally. “There’s no indication that we're even considering that!”
“Oh, please!”
“Says the girl that’s been locked in her room with said boyfriend for the last two days!”
Your face burned like a fresh sunburn. “S-So! That does not mean that we’re getting married anytime soon!” All of your friends booed in protest. “Will the whole lot of you stop? Seriously, I don’t want you guys scaring off Satoru!” The bride stepped forward in her gown and all of her glory. “Finally, Mina, will you please talk some sense into them!?” Your best friend looked amongst the other girls, all dressed in a beautiful sky blue. For a moment, you thought she might take your side. But the second a smirk at the corner of her mouth, you knew she didn’t have your back.
“I was going to ask you the same question! The man would’ve fucked you against the wall at the bar no one stopped him!”
“Oh my God!”
“I’m serious! I think I’ll hand you the bouquet when I toss it!”
“Please don’t.”
“Oh, I think I will!”
“We are not getting married—not yet!”
Satoru sat off to the side, right next to your parents, as the wedding started. He watched with wide and sparkling eyes as you walked down the aisle with a groomsman. Your hair was styled beautifully, and the flowing sky-blue dress looked stunning on your figure and complimented your skin tone. His mouth felt suddenly dry as you looked at him, giving him a gentle, sweet smile. Cupid himself must have shot him through the heart at that moment because fuck, he was falling so hard for you.
“Ma’am—“ he learned next to your mother's ear, “just so you know, the next wedding we host here will be ours.”
Her reaction didn’t even seem to faze him. All he cared about was standing near the front of an outdoor arch decor with flowers of different colors—a gentle breeze brushed by you, making your hair and the dress flow. Even when the bride made her grand entrance, everyone turned to see her walking down the aisle towards her future husband. Satoru had his eyes locked on you.
You could feel his eyes, and that burning sensation had your focus transfixed on him. Was it wrong to be looking at your wedding date instead of the bride-to-be? The chances of that were very likely. But how could you not stare back? When his eyes burned holes into your very soul and left your heart racing like you had just run a marathon. It was impossible to pay attention to anyone else.
He was so handsome. Satoru was wearing a white button-down shirt with a blue tie that matched your dress. His navy blue jacket and pants were tailored to his body perfectly. You could tell by its appearance that it was expensive. It was probably more expensive than your best friend's wedding dress. You wanted to rip it off of him and let him take you right there in the garden.
Yes, he was extremely good-looking. But it wasn’t his clothes or his appearance or the fact that he had money that made you so attracted to him at that moment. The way he looked at you, eyes trailing over your body, with a soft grin, told you everything you needed to know. Satoru truly cared for you. This wasn’t just about sex, and it wasn’t the magic of the wedding to be. Chemistry, connection, and attraction were one hundred percent genuine.
After exchanging vows and rings, hundreds of pictures were taken with everyone. You were finally free from your wedding duties. The first thing you did as soon as you broke away from the rest of the group was run to Satoru’s side. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you tight to his chest. Lips pressed against the temple of your head, and you could’ve sworn he let out a little sigh of happiness to have you back in his arms.
“You look so fucking beautiful.” He cupped a strand of hair behind your ear before gently reaching down, gripping your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Is it wrong for me to say you’re even more beautiful than the bride?”
“Satoru!” you playfully punched at his shoulder, “I am not.”
“Oh, you are; that’s a god-given fact, sweetheart.” His thumbs brushed ever so lovingly over your cheek. “But there’s just one thing I would change about the outfit.”
“You and me both.” You winced, moving your arm away from the scratchy sequins top. “This material is an absolute nightmare for my underarms. I’m serious. You’ll probably have to put lotion on them for me later.”
“Oh.” Satoru deadpans. “ I wasn’t talking about the material.”
You hum in thought, looking over the dress for any flaws he may have noticed. “Oh?” When you didn’t find anything else wrong with the dress in your eyes, you tilted your head, looking up at Satoru. “Well, what would you change about it then?” His hand gently pulled your face closer to his own; he leaned down, the fresh smell of minty lemonade coaxing your nostrils.
“I’d change the color.”
“Wait, what?”
Your date says nothing for a beat of silence. “So anyways! Let’s grab our seats; I’ll get you one of the cocktails!”
He rambles on while you’re still stuck on how he would change the color of your dress. Surely, he meant he would do a different shade or maybe red instead of blue; there’s no possible way that he was talking about it to white. Yeah, he didn’t mean that at all! Your friends just put the stupid notion in your head that you guys are going to get married next. You didn’t even know what the two of you were yet. You hadn’t put a label on your relationship.
What you did know was that Satoru wanted to make your relationship work. So you knew for sure that you weren’t just another fuck buddy or client. This went deeper than that. What you both had was real, which was a lot more than other couples had. So who knew, maybe your friends were right? Perhaps Satoru had thought that white would make your dress look one million times better.
These were questions and answers for another day. You weren’t going to rush into things. Both of you wanted to take your time and get to know one another.
And you learned a lot of things about him as the party began. Like how he despised the taste of alcohol, he had mentioned it in passing when he walked you to the bachelorette party. But when he accidentally took a sip of a cocktail unintentionally, not knowing it had alcohol in it, the man sputtered and choked. His hands grabbed a cola from the bartender, chugging it like water. You learned that he was a pretty good dancer. He bumped and ground with you on the dance floor while the music blared. You learned how gentle his hands were as he slowly danced with you to one of the many love songs the DJ played.
He was so tentative to you. He’d always make sure you had a drink of some kind. He insisted that you drink plenty of water to avoid getting drunk. He even went to the room and grabbed your sandals when your high heels bothered you. God, he was everything and then some. If you hadn’t called for each other, he truly would have made this wedding a lot of fun for you. There was no doubt that he was worth every penny you were willing to spend to have a good time.
The party has toned down almost entirely, a few stragglers drunkenly laughing and drinking while others chat while eating the vanilla and raspberry compote cake you had made. Your best friend and her husband are one of two couples on the floor dancing to a slow song. The other was Satoru and the flower girl who had been smitten with his white hair and blue eyes. She was convinced he was Prince charming and begged him to dance with her. Satoru jumped at the opportunity. Gently placing her little feet on top of his shoes as he danced with her to the slow beat of the music.
Your gaze was locked on him as you nursed a cup of coffee between your hands. He was so perfect in every way, shape, and form. Satoru had made this one of the best nights of your entire life. God, you don’t think you’ve ever had so much fun at a wedding before. It was all thanks to him that you were having one of the most memorable nights of your life.
Those deep, happy thoughts are cut short when a tiny, chubby hand gently smacks your cheek. The sudden contact has you jumping, nearly spilling the hot coffee over your hands as you turn to see who has smacked you. You’re met with beautiful, big navy-colored eyes—dark tufts of hair spill over the head as the baby gently smacks your cheek again.
“Please don’t hit me, I have my kid.” a familiar voice speaks, “and don’t yell, please.”
You scoff, cocking an eyebrow up at Toji as he sits down in the chair next to you. “Are you seriously using your kid as a human shield?” Your ex shakes his head before looking over his shoulder, searching for someone.
“I cannot confirm nor deny that.” He cradles the babbling baby in his lap. “But if my wife is around, I will deny every word.”
“So you are using your child as a human shield.”
“Well, it’s working, isn’t it?”
“What do you want, Toji?”
He cradles his son in one arm, reaching into his suit jacket with his free hand. Toji pulls out a manila envelope and places it in front of you. Gingerly, taking it off the table, you open it and find the money you had left in the kitchen the other day. The money he almost ruined your relationship with Satoru over and the money you’d spent on him
He exhales deeply through his nose before clearing his throat. “What I did was wrong.” His son babbles, chubby little hands pulling the sleeve of his jacket. “I just wanted to apologize for everything that happened. I broke your heart, not once but twice. You, of all people, don’t deserve to be treated like that.” You cock an eyebrow. “And no, I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I just wanted to say that I was sorry. For breaking off our engagement the way that I did. For almost sabotaging your relationship with that brat over there.” His head jerks in Satoru’s direction.
“Yeah, you almost fucked that up for me.”
“Well, luckily, you guys worked it out.”
“Yeah, we did.” For the first time all week, you don’t feel the slightest bit of dread being near Toji. Maybe it was because you slapped the shit out of him, or perhaps it was because you felt as though your last confrontation was able to heal your wounds. “He’s a great guy.”
“Great for an escort.”
“Former escort.” You correct him with a smug smile. “Satoru sent in his resignation letter on Thursday after we talked.”
Toji’s eyes went wide before they softened with a gentle gaze that you hadn’t seen since high school. “Well shit, I guess I had him pegged wrong.” Taking another sip of your coffee, you giggle before resting your chin on your fist.
“I thought you said you were the greatest PI.”
“Nah, I’m one of the best.” Toni leans back, and in this light, you can see the slight discoloration on his face from both you and Satoru’s hits the other day. “I’m far from being the greatest. I wasn’t for you, but—“ he pressed his lips against his son’s head. “I’m trying to be a better person for this brat and my wife.”
“You always were an asshole.” Your point-blank statement had him wincing. “But if you hadn’t been an asshole, I wouldn’t have become the person I am today. So thanks for being a dick.”
Toji tilts his head, chuckling. “You’re welcome, I guess.” A squealing babble has both you and Toji glancing down at his son. He gently gums at his father’s jacket, drooling over the fabric. Toji sighs and gently lifts the baby to stare at him. When he does, those navy blue eyes glance towards his chest that's straining against the fabric. His son smacks his lips in hunger. “Fuck, I gotta find my wife; the little shits hungry again. And I’d rather not have him gnawing at my pecs.” He stands and pauses before turning his child to face you.
The tiny human gurgles at you, tilting his head. “Uhm, Toji, I can’t feed him.” Your ex rolls his eyes so hard you can almost hear it.
“Yeah, I fuckin’ know, I just—“ he sighs, “this is my son, Fushiguro Megumi.” You can’t help but smile at his name; a blessing.
“Well, hello there, Megumi.” You gently pet his hair back. “It’s nice to meet you; whatever you do, don’t turn out to be like your father.”
Toji barks out a sharp laugh, nodding his head. “Yeah, that’s for sure.” Megumi laughs loudly, smacking his hands against your face.
“Toji!” Both of you turn to see a woman with dark hair waving at him.
“That’s the wife, we’re leaving.” He cradles Megumi into his side ever so gently. “I’m sorry again for all the shit I put you through in the past and well in the last week.”
“Well, all that shit led me to someone pretty great.” Your eyes drift back to Satoru, who's walking the little girl back to her parents. “All those years of putting up with you gave me some good karma.”
“For putting up with me, you deserve the world.” He scoffs hurriedly to join his wife. “Later.”
You wave goodbye to him, returning to your cup just as Satoru joins you. Two plates with cake in his hands. “Was that Toji!?” His ocean eyes meet yours, searching for any sign or tears of frustration. “The hell did he want?” He shoves the sweet cake into his mouth before offering you a bite, which you eagerly take.
“Mhm, he just wanted to give me the money he owed me.”
“What you should have given him was a knuckle sandwich.” Your soft giggle has butterflies swarming inside his stomach.
“I already gave him one, so I’ll gladly take the money this time.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He takes another bite of cake. “It would be a shame for you to bruise those knuckles again.”
You press your body against him, relishing in the warmth. “You know I don’t even care anymore. I got hurt in the past. I wallowed in my self-pity for over a year. But things are starting to look up for me now.” He hummed, turning to press a kiss against your forehead. “All thanks to my—“You hesitate, not sure if you want to be the one to put a label on your relationship.
“Boyfriend.” Satoru finishes for you, making your hearts swell with joy.
“Yes, my boyfriend.”
Satoru takes one last bite of his cake before wiping the mixture of whipped cream and buttercream off with his thumb. “Mmm, I love hearing you say that. It sounds so damn pretty rolling off your tongue.” You grinned, gently gripping his hand on your own, squeezing it as you stood.
“Wanna see what else I can do with my tongue~?”
Without hesitation, your boyfriend stands up from the table, following you down the hall. “Oooh? Is the sugar kicking in?” Satoru quickly takes the lead from you, dragging you down the hall and towards the guest rooms.
“It’s not just the sugar.” You correct him. “It’s you.”
The second you step into the room, and the door is slammed shut, Satoru’s on you, cupping your face, kissing you deeply with a guttural moan. You return the kiss, tasting the sweet, tangy remains of the cake on his tongue that worked its way into your mouth. You’re moaning, pushing his jacket off, letting it fall to the ground as you start working on the buttons of his shirt.
While you do that, Satoru runs his hands down your back, searching for a zipper or buttons, only to discover an intricate series of strings. He breaks the kiss, looking down at the saliva connecting your lips before he forces you to turn around so he can start working on the corset holding you hostage. His fingers struggle with the silky strings; he’s far too excited to sit down and take the necessary time to care for this.
“Hey, sweetheart, this isn’t a rental, is it?”
”No, I wish it was; I seriously haye the sequins, Toru.” You huff out, feeling his hands gently grip both sides of the back of the dress.
”So you wouldn’t be heartbroken if anything were to happen to it?”
”No, I guess I woul—“ RIIIP!! “Oh fuck!” You tumble as Satoru uses all of his strength to rip down the back of the dress—the thin fabric pools around your feet before Satoru turns you back to face him. The second you do, he drops to his knees in front of you and kisses down your bare chest, all the way to your lace panties. “S-Satoru~”
“Mmm, I wanna show you what I can do with my tongue.” He states flatly before tugging your panties down. “I get to eat two sweet treats tonight. Your amazing cake and your delicious pussy.”
His tongue instantly slides over your clit, making you grip his hair for support in fear that you are going to buckle over. Your hand grips the soft strands of hair, winning the softest of groans from him. While your fingers run through his hair, only make him move his tongue faster, with the sole purpose of making you cum.
Unfortunately for you, even if you were willing to hold off, Satoru is just too good at what he does. He teases your clit, going between gentle flicks, suckling on it, and writing his name against it with the tip of his tongue. His antics and techniques leave you nearly falling over, wishing you were on the futon. There was something about towering over him, though, bucking your pussy against his willing mouth that gave you a certain sense of empowerment.
You could see why men would like a woman on their knees. It was fun holding all of the power to make Satoru do what you wanted, to keep his face in place with you humping his tongue. You could have cum from just thinking of riding his face like this. Doing it though, fuck, it was so hot.
Satoru thought so, too; his jaw opened wide as he flattened his tongue, allowing you to use his mouth as you saw fit. His hand gently reached around, grabbing the fat of your ass, encouraging you to move and grind faster against him, wanting for you to cum. His squeezing you had your head falling forward, strands of your kiss-messy hair falling as you came hard, rolling your hips in time with the waves crashing over you. Satoru hummed happily, lapping up the juices you kindly offered him.
“Fuck, oooh fuck Satoru.” Your knees were buckling as he gently peppered hisses down your inner thighs. “I don’t think I can walk after that.”
”Hm? Oh, don’t worry about that.” He lifted you gently, placing you down on the futon. “I have a perfect place for you to sit.” You watched in awe as your boyfriend stripped out of his clothes and slipped on a condom before standing completely naked in front of you. “Now, what do you say,” Satoru laid down, grabbing your hips and pulling you to straddle him. “We pick up where we left off this morning before your friends rudely interrupted us.”
”Mmm, I love the sound of that.” Sitting back ever so slightly, you gently grabbed his cock, easing the thick throbbing tip inside of you. “Ah~ fuck I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how thick you are.” You cry out as you slowly begin to slide yourself down his shaft with a whimper.
”And I’ll never get over how tight and warm you are.” Large hands gently grip your hip, holding you as you sit down on him, his cock fully buried inside of you. “God, I can’t wait to feel how wet you are one of these days.” He hisses through his teeth as you slowly begin to rock back and forth on him. “Y-You fuck, sweetie, you feel so fucking good!”
“Yeah, so do you, Toru; I feel you getting bigger inside me.”
“And I can feel you clamping down.”
Knowing that he could feel just how good you were feeling was the only entice you needed to pick up your pace, your gentle rocks becoming a bit faster and harder as you gently began bouncing up and down on him. Your sudden increase in speed had Satoru choking on a raspy whine, his head tilting back as you placed your hands on his chest, steadying yourself. This position was one of your favorites. You were able to watch Satoru’s face contort with pleasure while his cock hit all the right places deep inside of you.
Satoru also loved this position because he got to see how relaxed you were, how he was able to grope your perfect tits, his thumbs brushing gently over your sensitive nipples. But his favorite thing about this position was being able to touch you. Not just your breasts, as great as those were. Running his large palms down your hips and over the top of your thighs, feeling your muscles twitch made happy, satisfied grunts leave his mouth. But it was when you interlace your fingers with his that got his heart pounding.
Your hips were moving faster, harder against him. Your smaller fingers held on to his for support, squeezing them gently as your tiny whines turned into desperate moans as your fucked yourself on him.
”Toru, oooh fuck~”
”Yeah, you close?” His fingers gave yours a gentle squeeze. “You gonna cum? Make me cum with you? I feel it coming back, god, I feel it; you’re going to make me cum so fucking hard.”
”Y-Yeah wanna make you cum, cum with me, Satoru, please I need it, need it so fucking bad.”
Satoru groaned, nodding his head as you slammed yourself up and down on him, his hips bucking up to meet you, fucking the tip of his cock directly into your cervix. You both are moaning so loud you know people will be calling the front desk to file a complaint, but you could care less about all of that. All that mattered right now was you and Satoru.
“Ooooh fuck me.” You cry out, releasing your boa constrictor grip on his hands, digging them into the bedding as you fall forward onto his chest. Your hips bounce up and down faster and harder, skin slapping against skin as your ass slams down. “Satoru, I’m gonna—“
”M-Me too, baby, holy fuck me too!” Satoru’s hands grip the sides of your hips, forcing you to move faster, which seems almost impossible. “Fuck, oooh fuck, fuck shit!” He’s gritting his teeth as you cry out into the side of his neck. “Oh, holy fuckin shit, baby! I’m cumming! Cumming inside you!”
With one final slam, both of your bodies go rigid as the orgasms hit you at the same time. Your pulsating walls have Satoru’s cock throbbing eagerly deep inside of you, filling the condom. Leaving both of you shaking, sweaty messes. Satoru recovers first, his hands gently caressing your sides as you lay all your weight on top of him. While you gently press open-mouthed kisses over his collarbone.
It isn’t until your muscles are protesting the position that you’re in that you finally move. Satoru helps you push off of him gently, laying you down next to his side. His fingers brush some of your hair back before he leans in, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips. You kiss him back burying yourself into his chest as his hands gently move up and down your back.
“So, how was our first date?” The gentle tone of Satoru’s voice has you happily humming.
“One of the best dates I ever had in my entire life.”
“Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one.” His hand continued to rub up and down your back gently. “I can’t wait to go on another and another, and god, I just want to go on countless dates with you.” He waits for you to respond, to say anything. When you don’t say a word, he peers down, finding you sleepily snuggled against him. Your hard work from the last few days has finally caught up to you. “Get some sleep.” He whispered, disposing of the condom before pulling the sheet over your body as he shut his eyes, too, following you into a deep sleep.
The next day was a blur at the inn. From packing your bags, checking out, and bidding farewell to your parents before you at Satoru took the train back to Tokyo. Where you both leaned against each other, still tired from the last week and the wedding from the night before. You only fully regain consciousness when the train pulls up to your stop. You grab your bags in silence as you slowly leave the train.
It didn’t feel real that the week was finally over. That tonight would be the first night you would be alone in a week. Part of you dreaded the night you were about to spend alone in your apartment. But you didn’t want to be clingy and ask Satoru to stay the night.
While your relationship had been entirely out of order, you didn’t want to ruin it right when it began. There would be another time for Satoru to spend the night with you. You are almost certain he would love to go home to his apartment and unwind.
So you stopped in front of the coffee shop where you met each other for the first time. Turning around, you adjusted the backpack on your shoulder, winning a slightly confused look from your new boyfriend. Swallowing hard, you hugged him tight before pulling back.
“Thank you again for everything.” You wet your bottom lip with your tongue. “I can’t thank you enough. Text me later. Maybe we could meet up for coffee or dinner sometime this week. Go on our second date.”
Satoru said nothing for a moment as you fiddled with the handle of your suitcase. “Hey.” He finally broke the silence, his hand gently grabbing yours. “Would now be too soon to take you on our second date?” Light shimmered in your eyes as Satoru put his sunglasses on. “I know this great spot for brunch.” You felt your heart swell as he rubbed at his slightly slushed neck. “I just—I don’t want to say goodbye yet.” Round sunglasses slid down the bridge of his nose, revealing his breathtaking eyes. “But if you’re too tired or busy, later this week would be fine, I gue—” You reach up, pressing your index finger gently over his lips, silencing him.
“Brunch sounds great.”
“Great!” Satoru beams gently, interlocking your hands as you make your way up to the surface. “You’re going to love it.” You gently squeezed his hand as you stepped into the bustling streets of Tokyo. A week ago, you never would have thought the man you had hired to be your wedding date would be taking you out on your second date, hopefully leading to many more.
Tag List! (AGE MUST BE IN BIO!!)
@arminloverlol @jamzywiththejam28 @gojoful @maskedpacific @ahseyy @kash77 @sadmonke @ari-maccha @sugurubabe @hyori2 @bluechocolatemint @itsinherited @dellappatca @therealestpussyeater @dead-at-tokyo @nvrgojover @drakenswifeyy @nealeart @yunho-leeknow @fire-child-kira @faeryminnyx @tqd4455 @harmonyflora @volkins181-blog @noukstmblr @lovley212 @stinkinstuffie @desihopelessromantic @witchbybirth @sonicsolos @lilbiguy @supsiii @rentheannihilator @bloopsstuff @pepepepepopopopo @pandoness @sw33cadav3r @rixo-19 19 @meguvmii @sxnkuna @mmeerraa @lemonintrovert01 @bunny-lily @kibananya @kamastar39 @rjreins @lzaj19 @tiredflame132 @manyno @oliiper @rengokushair @simp-plague @matchalatte06 @haesify @majanggeum @solarrexplosion @tbzzluvr @username23345 @demonboyssss @sakui1 @strychnynegirl
Forever Tag:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart
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honeybeedrabble · 6 months
Casanova (Cheating!Sasuke x AFAB!Reader) - iii
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CW: MINIMAL EDITING !!! mean!sasuke x AFAB!reader, reader pregnancy, homewrecker!reader, deadbeat dad activities, cheating, piv (unprotected), creampie, spitting/spit play, oral (f receiving) degradation (loser, whore), zero after care, breeder!sasuke, generally scummy behavior, lmk if i missed anything. short chapter lol
18+ MDNI !!!!!!!!!!
Sasuke knew he hated himself, like seriously- hated himself. He hated himself because everytime he came home he was reminded that he destroyed the family he loved so much just because he wanted to fuck you. Sure, the first time was an accident, if anything he helped you the first time! At least that’s what he told himself to be able to sleep at night. But the second time? The second time was pure lust, nothing but dirty lust that had taken over him and made him want to fuck you.
What didn’t help was how he heard people talk about you. How they would gossip about how nice your newly found motherhood was, and how it was sweet you’d decided to have your own little family. He hated that whenever people would ask who the father was you’d dodge the question, a flustered blush overwhelming your face as you clutched your chest.
But probably what Sasuke hated most of all was how the days went by and your belly got bigger, he got hard at just the sight of you. Your skin was always glowing, your breasts bigger, and of course your stomach bigger. He would think about how hot it was that he had gotten you pregnant, showing off how you were his, regardless as to how nobody knew it. In fact, the ignorance of how it was him got him unbelievably horny.
Whenever he would fuck his wife, he would put a hand flat on her stomach, feel the way his cock would bulge underneath, and imagine it was you while caressing where your child would’ve been. Sakura had no idea of course, she was just happy to get dicked down after a strange dry spell. Sasuke silently refused to fuck her, out of shame and pity mostly, but after getting hot and bothered by just the sight of you for weeks mixed with the feeling of sexual frustration he had to let himself go.
After the deed was done, his post but clarity kicked in like no tomorrow.
What am I going to do? How fucked am I?
He thought as he looked to his side and watched as his wife would catch her breath, post orgasm. He shook his head, pulling the covers up to his chest to cover himself up. Sakura rolled over, putting a hand to his covered chest.
“We haven’t done that in quite a while, huh?” she softly laughed, still breathing in and out.
“Yeah,” he smiled, looking away quickly. Sakura furrowed her brow.
“Are you okay?” She asked, sitting up and closer to him.
“Um, yeah… why?”
“It’s just… you’ve been so distant lately, and that’s saying something.” She nudged him and Sasuke made a halfhearted laugh. “You’ve been like this for weeks… if I didn’t know any better I’d assume something…” Sasuke tensed up.
“Assume what?” He bit back, jaw clenched. Sakura was taken aback.
“All I’m saying is ever since that genjutsu user got away you’ve been acting strange. You don’t feel bad about her getting away, do you?” Sakura asked, tone softer.
“She didn’t get away…” Sasuke muttered.
“Oh, um… Her. Yeah, that’s what it is.” Sasuke replied, rolling over and facing away from Sakura. She giggled.
“Oh Sasuke, you’ve always been so hard on yourself.”
“For good reason…” He sighed, once again the feelings of shame and guilt returned.
“There you go again. Why don’t we just change the subject, hmm?” Sakura asked. Sasuke wanted to vomit when she said your name.
“W-what about her?” he felt the bile building up in his throat.
“Well you know how she’s pregnant right?”
“Yes, yes, of course I know she’s pregnant! What about her?”
“Well she’s coming into the hospital tomorrow for an ultrasound! When I found out I just knew I had to be her doctor so I’m going to be giving her her screening!” Sakura chirped happily.
Without a word Sasuke got out of bed, not facing her the whole time.
“Sorry, I just realized I have to go to the bathroom,” he said, walking out the door.
“Oh okay, we’ll can you bring me a glass of water when you come back?” Sakura called as he was already walking down the hall.
“Yup.” He responded. He locked himself in the bathroom and turned the fan on, then vomited into the toilet before tangling his fingers into his hair and silently crying as his heart beat out his chest.
You had no idea of course, so nobody could imagine the slurry of emotions erupting inside of you when Sakura walked into the room, clipboard in hand for your check up. You laid back on the examination bed, heart beating out of your chest as she made conversation with you about your baby.
“You can tell me, c’mon! Who’s the father,” she asked, pouring jelly on your belly and spreading it around.
“I can’t…” you frowned.
“Why not?” She asked, turning to the screen and flipping it on.
“It’s cause,” you felt sweat bead on your forehead, you felt sick and had no idea how to tell her this was her husbands child. “It’s cause I had a sperm donor.”
Sakura spun around in the seat and looked at you.
“No kidding! So you’ve really wanted to be a mom that badly?” She asked, moving the small device around on your stomach.
“Um… Yeah I guess so,” you mustered a laugh.
“Didn’t they tell you who the donor was? Y’know if I check your appointment date I can see who’s they gave you-“
“Oh no that’s fine! I didn’t have a preference…” You lied as you both shifted your attention to the screen. “Just wanted it to be healthy…”
Soon enough the fetus was on screen and Sakura gasped with delight.
“Well it seems healthy to me!”
“Um, do you know it’s gender yet?” You asked, shamefully curious.
“Well it’s too early to tell, that’s also why it’s so small.” She pressed a little harder against you, and shifted it around. She pointed at the top of the oblong shape. “There’s the head.”
You smiled as you looked at it, then your face dropped. You felt tears roll down your face and soon enough you were crying. Sakura turned her head to see you.
“I’m sorry…” you cried, wiping your face.
“No no! It’s okay, plenty of mothers cry when they get their ultrasound done it’s completely fine! It’s also all those hormones don’t worry.” She sat closer to you and gave you a small hug, running her hand up and down your back.
You wished she had punched you, kicked you, or even yelled at you, maybe then you wouldn’t feel so bad about being her husbands mistress and baby mother. But instead she was coddling you and telling you it would be alright, which it certainly would not be. Eventually you stopped crying and Sakura grabbed her clipboard and started writing down on it. She tore a piece of paper out and handed it to you.
“It’s a list of some prenatal vitamins, they’ll make you feel better especially when you start to get further into your first trimester.” She was too sweet, and you were so shitty.
That night after dinner you heard a knock at your door and when you saw who it was you wished you slammed it immediately.
“Can I come in?” Sasuke asked, looking around nervously.
“Get the fuck in here.” You muttered. He shut the door behind him and locked it. You crossed your arms angrily.
“You know it’s already fucked up as it is that I have to raise your child alone, and now i’m reminded that your wife literally exists. You know she gave my ultrasound?” Sasuke cringed. “Yeah. Didn’t think about giving me a heads up?”
“I can explain-“
“Oh! So you did know?”
“What the fuck…” you cried, sobbing into your hands and turning away from him.
“So emotional…”
“Fuck you, loser.”
“If i didn’t know your hormones were out of control right now I’d remind you that out of the both of us the real loser might be the one carrying the married man’s child.” Sasuke snapped. You growled low, then with an open palm struck him across the face. He winced, a soft grunt escaping his lips.
“I should kill this damn fetus that you find so fascinating. I hate it. I hate you. Everyday i’m reminded there’s something disgusting growing inside of me that you put there, it makes me sick.” You cried again, ugly sobs ripping their way out through your lungs to bounce around the walls of your home.
“It’s not my fault you were acting like such a whore that day.” Sasuke frowned, his hand running over the red skin on his face.
“If you had killed that genjutsu user we wouldn’t be here right now.”
“You got in the way.” You scoffed.
“Always so pretentious, aren’t you?”
“It’s the truth. I could’ve handled it but no, you just needed to show off.”
“Show off? You’re one to talk. You’re practically showing off to the whole village how you got me knocked up everywhere I go.” Your brows furrowed. Sasuke was silent.
He knew you were right. Maybe he knew it was the pot calling the kettle black, but he was backed into a corner. Something about the word ‘loser’ struck a nerve with him. A deadbeat dad with a distant wife- no fault of anyone else but him. Did he somehow think starting a family with you would be some sort of do-over? something to rid him of his guilt?
When he looked at his wife he saw a beautiful woman, strong and accomplished. But how can you have any room for attraction to someone you have so much guilt for. Guilt for his old days of vengeance and hate, guilt for his job that kept him away from home for years.
But you? You were a fresh face. Beaming with optimism and a subtle hint of indifference that he knew he could change. You had something Sasuke couldn’t quite identify, simply being around you now felt dangerous. Sure, it could be, but it was more than the thrill of danger. You were his whim, his drug, the fever he couldn’t sweat out and being inside of you was the only place he wanted to be every hour of everyday. Maybe you have animosity for him now but could this family save you? more importantly- could it save Sasuke?
You took a deep breath in, shakily letting it go.
“You need to leave…” You were about to walk for the door when a possessive hand grasped your wrist. You froze.
“You don’t understand, I need you.” His voice was almost a whisper, the low growl that it almost produced set a shiver up your spine.
“I…” you started, face flush from his sudden shift. “Please, I can’t deal with you right now. You’re just too confusing.”
Sasuke gripped you brash and pinned you against the nearest wall, mounted frames ratted when you made contact. You gasped, your free hand coming to rest at your belly.
“Sasuke! You can’t just do that! It’s not good for the baby, knock it off,” your face burned hot. Sasuke raised a brow, a small smirk pricking up.
“Oh? So you do care about the well being of our baby, huh?” Bastard. He had you.
He leaned down partially, teasing you with a warm breath against your lips. You fought yourself to not close the gap, your mind racing and your face flaming. Soon enough you gave into your impulses and kissed him passionately.
You both let out an exhale, his soft lips making yours wet with his saliva. He opened his mouth to lick your sweet lips, tracing how plush they were only for his tongue to slip past them and feel along your own. His tongue ran along the smooth underside of yours, then swirled back up to trace your rougher taste buds, leaving his own flavor behind.
He grunted when you tangled your fingers in his hair, digging deep towards his roots and gently yanking when he pressed a growing erection into your swollen core. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck and he carried you to your bedroom, where he laid you down onto the mattress as soon as you both arrived.
Sasuke ripped off your pajama pants then ducked down to the valleys of your flesh, kissing in between your thighs to suck deep hickeys into. You moaned and writhed under his chin, then he made haste to your sensitive pussy, licking hard against your clit. You let out a harsh and untamed cry of pleasure, it almost sounded like you were in pain. But the way you bucked your hips into his mouth and dig deeper into his scalp proved otherwise.
You didn’t realize your body was craving Sasuke for so long until mere seconds later you were cumming on his tongue, hoarse moans and soft whimpers escaped your lips without warning as your juices filled his mouth. Sasuke palmed himself when you flooded into him, he swallowed every drop you could’ve given him and when you were done with your orgasm he didn’t stop devouring you until you were shaking like a leaf.
Sasuke roughly grabbed one of your tits as he stood up, looking down at you through narrowed eyes, you quivered under his gaze.
“Off.” He commanded. You took off your tank top and threw it across the room. Sasuke swooped down to caress your tits in his hand and mouth, biting harshly on your sensitive nipples. You clenched around nothing when he did so, thighs clamping shut around his torso.
He quickly came off of you and he undid his pants, you watched as the waistband of his pants and boxers fell to the floor, his large cock standing straight up against his chiseled abdomen.
There were no words spoken between the two of you. No promises of love, no claims of possession, no gifts exchanged or fancy jewelry to court with, no battles won to impress with, and no acts of tenderness. Only one single thing was present and that was the absolute orgasmic pleasure that came from being impaled be Sasukes cock over and over and over again. He got off watching you bounce from underneath him, your tits giggling every time he bottomed out and his balls smacked against your ass.
Sasuke bit his lip to stutter his moans when you started shaking again. Your climax looked almost like a seizure, more whimpers and cries were let out as you shook, only to be met with more tremors the longer he fucked you, continuing to deliver what practically seemed like pleasure epilepsies.
“F-Fuck! Sasuke, you’re so good…” you mewled, toes curling when he hit that good spot deep inside of you.
His hips didn’t slow their violent pace, his thumb traced along your clit, rubbing tight circles against it with he pad of his finger.
“Yeah…” he grunted, pace getting rougher. “You like this dick, huh? You like it so much you got pregnant from it, little whore.” He smirked, teasing you with long, deep strokes that slowed down to an agonizing pace.
You breathed heavily, heart pounding so loud and fast you were scared you might have a heart attack.
“Fuck- yeah…” you blubbered, hips twisting when you felt him bottom out.
“You’re gonna raise my fucking baby, aren’t you?” Sasuke murmured, his pace intensified and yet again you were crying out again.
“Y-yeah,” you whimpered, legs shaking as Sasuke obliterated your leaky pussy.
“That’s right… you’d do anything for this uchiha dick, wouldn’t you?” He asked with a smirk as he jackhammered you raw with his thick rod.
You neared your orgasm, cunt clenching tight and making Sasuke grunt as he continued to rail you. You nodded, eyes rolling back as your eye brows furrowed. Your mouth fell open and Sasuke took this opportunity to spit into it, you shocked yourself when you swallowed it. Sasuke had a feeling you would but watching you do it made him go crazy and his pace inside of you was excruciating.
“Say you want our baby, say you’re keeping it,” Precum was spilling out of you, it was fully mixed in with your arousal and your ass was drenched from your fluids dripping down.
“I want our baby, Sasuke- I… I’m keeping it I promise…” your face burned, your body surprised you would utter such words to the man who ruined you.
It didn’t matter for much longer since you came hard on his cock, appendages flying all around him to get him even closer to you. He complied and pressed himself deeper into you, almost as if he were fusing into you. his cock twitched when he filled you up with hot cum and you loved hearing his soft moans. you wrapped your legs around him to keep him right inside of you and if it wasn’t for the fact it was sasuke who had led you to this misfortunate spot, you wouldn’t be upset by the state you’re in now.
Eventually Sasuke got off of you and clothed himself. His pants covering his sex, almost as if in a way he was ashamed of where it had got him. Hiding it away from the mess he had made.
“I’ve got to go, I’ve already overstayed my welcome.” Sasuke sighed, he turned around and looked back over his shoulder at you. “Goodnight.”
You were still naked and drenched in sweat and sperm, juices leaking down your legs. It was like he injected you with his own venomous guilt for living, having desire, having your own craving for freedom through your sex. That freedom was gone now, only one of you had to deal with this fuck up. Now this venom was killing you. It was as if the most pleasurable knife was jabbed inside of you and you were bleeding out your emotions.
The sheets were all messed up besides you and as you watched him go you were glad he didn’t offer to tuck you in. A good man would’ve offered, a better would’ve tucked you in without even asking. In a way, it was confirmation he was a shitty lover and maybe even a worse partner. It made you feel better he wouldn’t do such an intimate thing for the fling like this when he has a wife and child at home.
Still shaken, you managed to sit upright, angry and defeated. You knew your body and mouth betrayed you of the freedom you wanted so badly. They reinforced his belief that you wanted to keep this anchor of a weight that was Sasuke Uchihas child. You were furious your body betrayed you and led you down a path of self destruction. You felt cheated, then felt worse when you realized that the only person who should really feel that way was Sakura.
AN: i have been LAGGING !!! i am so sorry gang i'm trying to be better with posting like how i used to but somethings been up idk what is is or when it'll be over but i think i just gotta womp womp my way through it. anyways i'm sorry if i forgot to add you to the tag list just leave a comment and i'll add you to the next part.
tag list: @just-your-emo-sensei @princess-saki1 @mandy-yeager @emmaaas-posts
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hazelfoureyes · 6 months
Ok I need a Lucifer x Reader fic based on Griftwood by ghost pretty please ( just listen if you haven’t heard it you’ll understand)
Listen, I went the opposite direction I think you wanted? Lol gonna work on brevity and get more snack sized smut out on weekdays and entrees on he weekends
[Warnings/Promises: snack sized, Lucifer x GN!AngelReader, lil smut smut, Fuck Sera, Luci corrupts absolutely, all hail dat dick, sacrilegious as fuck]
🫸🏼minors DNI🫷🏼
Lucifer avoided the heavenly embassy for obvious reasons. The vast halls, the empty and useless pews, it was, in a word, 
“Creepy,” He hissed. 
He was surprised to find the reception desk manned. Very rarely did heaven actually send anyone down to hell. Oh, wait.
You were stunned already to see Lucifer, so when he poked your nose you let out a tiny squeal.
“Oh shit! You’re real!” Lucifer took a step back, “Sorry about that! Not used to an … actual person.” He gave a little bow, “Forgive me?”
The fact is no one wanted to go to hell for desk duty, so the job was actually a punishment reserved for the most misbehaved. You had to intentionally set fire to Sera’s robes to get that severe of a scolding. She was reluctant, but it had been threatened (promised) to you last time you (intentionally) caused trouble. Rumors were abuzz about Lucifer, and you just had to see for yourself what the Great Big Boss of Hell was like.
Rosey cheeks, bright sharp smile. He didn’t look as scary as you had imagined. You expected a seven foot eight inch tall behemoth with fire pouring from his mouth and blood stained horns.
The devil, the real one, looked quite sweet.
A tiny existential crisis washed over you. Maybe there was a reason they didn’t want people down here. Why they made it sound oh-so-terrible.
“You still in there?” He leaned over the counter, tapping at your forehead. Your hands flew up, capturing his finger and bringing it down.
He froze, a little shocked you would touch him. Your smile went crooked, cheeks blushed. 
“Uhhh you good?” He pointed with his free hand to where you still gripped his finger. You nodded, a hum of confirmation. The blush rose up until you were fully red in the face.
The realization struck Lucifer like heavenly lightning, “Oooh, I see what’s going on here.” A wicked smirk taking you by surprise. “Did you want to meet me, little one?”
You broke out into a sweat, “Yes.”
Lie! Why didn’t you lie?!
He leaned over the counter, “Did you do something bad to get sent here?” Was there fire behind his eyes?
Uneven breaths, “… yes.”
Lucifer’s knee came up and over as he crawled onto the desk, “Should the King of Hell reward you for such bad deeds?” His eyes had gone red now, your hand still on his finger.
Your knees began to shake, “Y-yes.”
His face was inches from yours when your legs gave out, both of you falling to the floor.
Horns tall, yellow pupils dilated as he straddled you. “I think you’ll find I’m a generous ruler.”
It made sense. As Lucifer bent you over the reception desk and fucked you from behind, you could completely understand why they made this job posting sound horrid. Heaven would be empty if every winner could freely interact with Lucifer. You’d damn humanity too, if that was the cost. His hips snapped against your ass with divine determination, sweet praises on his forked tongue. 
The sounds of your gasps and his skin on yours echoed through the pristine white and gold halls. Like a pastor giving his sermon, he made the most delicious promises as you bent at the altar. 
Could heaven hear you? Your chants of “God, Oh God,” shifting to, “Lucifer! Luci—fer”, when one of his hands came down, fingers stroking your heat?
“What do you pray for, my curious Angel?” He growled, a flame you couldn’t see licking past his lips. “I’ll grant you anything”
Your cheek was sliding across the marble, small line of drool smearing on your face. Claws raked down your back, the stimulation making you shake.
Your fingers reached for his thighs, failing to take purchase. Lucifer took both of your wrists in one hand and held them at the small of your back for leverage. Your legs bent up, toes curling as you came around his sweetly punishing cock.
Taking a few deep breaths, you rolled your hips back against him, “More.”
Lucifer laughed and lifted one foot onto the desk to add more force behind his thrusts, “Say please.”
am I too horny? No. No, the cardiologist is wrong.
╭──────༺♡̶༻──────╮ Masterlist ╰──────༺♡̶༻──────╯
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list): @cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , fizzled-phoenix , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @fjorjestertealeaf , @pansexual-opera-house , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @roxxie-wolf , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @phobophobular , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @surusurusuru , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum , @ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 , @watereddownmilk , @raynerrold , @crazii-saber-wolf , @valkyrie-expeditions , @bontensbabygirl , @sillyb0nez , @oo0lady-mad0oo , @jazzmasternot
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daisynik7 · 1 year
the scowl nanami had in the trailer reminded me of the safeword audio, it’s definitely his reaction when finds out you’ve been touching yourself without his permission 😩
Anon, you are SO RIGHT, and for that, I wrote a little something. In case anyone is curious, THIS is the audio anon is referring to (reddit link, 18+). It is SO GOOD. It actually gets so tender and sweet at the end, but I did not recreate that for this little piece LOL. Anyways, ily anon for your brilliant brain. I love the idea of getting caught in the act, I am SO here for it. Also, I’m going feral over mean!Nanami. This is barely edited or proofread. This is a result of my carnal desires for him taking over my fingers without a care in the world. I’m throwing feminism out the window temporarily for this, sorry ancestors. MDNI banner by @/cafekitsune.
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You’re well into your third climax of the night, the vibrator buzzing on the lowest setting on your swollen clit, the exquisite sensations resonating down to the tips of your toes. You’re so sensitive now, basically mush puddled in the sheets, skin damp with sweat, arousal smeared over your loins. There’s nothing playing in the background; no porn, no nsfw audios, not even a dirty picture displayed on your phone screen. All that you have to get you off is the memory of Nanami railing you into the mattress, the same one you’re currently drenched in your slick, pumping his cock in and out of your wet cunt. That’s all you need to get your pussy throbbing, skin prickling, belly fluttering. 
He's not home yet, still out on a mission with Gojo, doing what he does best: protecting people. Is it unfair that he has to work this hard, risking his life, while you’re twisting in the bedsheets, squirming with pleasure from a handheld toy? Maybe not. But what’s the harm in a little mindless release? What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?
Your eyes are shut tight as you descend from your high, vibrator shut off and teetering loosely in your hand, satiated and spent from tonight’s activities. You could fall asleep this instant, but there’s so much to clean up, all the evidence of your naughty deed that you don’t want your husband to discover without explanation. As you’re about to rise up out of bed, you hear the familiar jangle of keys unlocking the front door. Startled, and still a slippery mess, you quickly wipe off the toy, shoving it beneath the pillow. It’s not quick enough because just as you look up, Nanami is already standing at the doorframe of your bedroom, scowling. 
Like a bit from a comedy movie, you twiddle your fingers innocently, completely naked and exposed on the bed. “Hi honey,” you greet, slowly pulling the covers over your body. You smile at him, acting like he hasn’t already caught you in the act. He doesn’t respond, expression serious. Dangerous.
Heat rushes into your cheeks, increasingly nervous by his lack of reaction. “Kento, sweetie. What’s wrong?”
He crosses his arms over his chest, sauntering towards you. “You tell me,” he mutters, sitting at the edge of the bed, studying you carefully. 
You swallow loudly, mouth coated in your saliva. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Oh?” It sounds like he’s teasing you. Toying with you. You shudder with anticipation as he reaches over, hand slipping under the pillow, retrieving your vibrator. He waves it at you. “What’s this, then?”
Another noisy gulp before you answer, “My vibrator.”
His eyes narrow, his free hand tugging the blanket off you slowly, inspecting your body from your face, chest, then between your legs, squeezed together, hiding your arousal. “What were you doing while I was away?” he asks, resting his hands on your knees, spreading you apart. “Were you being a bad girl?” 
There’s no need for a verbal answer, because as soon as his eyes fixate on your aching pussy, he already knows. “So, you have been a bad girl. Look at you, all wet and swollen already.” He clicks his tongue disapprovingly as you hide your embarrassed face behind your hand, barely peeking at him between your fingers. “You didn’t even have the decency to clean up.”
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, limbs trembling, yearning for him to touch you. 
“Oh, you’re sorry?” he repeats, mocking you. “You fuck yourself while I’m working and all you can say is sorry?”
“I – ”, you choke on your own spit, rendering you speechless. 
“It seems that you forgot, so let me remind you one last time: This is my pussy. Not yours. Mine. You don’t get to play with it without my permission.” He sighs, hands sliding languidly down your thighs, prodding at the tender skin. “Such a dirty girl. What am I going to do with you?”
You moan, longing to feel his fingers, his cock, anything inside you. “Baby, please.”
He licks his lips, hungry eyes focused on your sopping cunt. “I guess it’s my job to clean up this mess.” He leans forward, tongue lapping at your sensitive bud, swirling circles around it, puckering his lips to suck. “Such a slutty pussy. So sloppy and wet for me.”
You squirm above him, pleasure stimulating your every nerve. “Fuck!” you cry out, lost in the ecstasy. 
His low chuckle vibrates against your clit, pinched between his lips. “How many times did you come from this toy? Once? Twice?”
You grip his hair between your fingers, shoving his face deeper. “Three times!” you stutter.
“And you’re still so fucking horny for me, huh?” He slides his tongue up and down your folds, collecting your slick on his tongue, drinking you up. “I’m going to have to do better than that toy then for you to learn your lesson.”
The need to be used and manhandled by him overtakes you. It doesn’t matter how much you touched yourself earlier. All you can think about is how much you need to be touched by him. How badly you need his cock inside you. How insanely desperate you are for his cum to fill you up. 
So you take it. Every lick, every suck, his fingers inside you, curled and hitting that sweet spot that only he can reach. His cock bullying you into submission, body weak and pliant from overstimulation, yielding to his every thrust like his own personal cock sleeve. All the while, he moans into your ear, constantly muttering the same reminder to you. 
“This is my pussy. All fucking mine.”
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cupcakeslushie · 2 months
I dont usually send asks, mostly cause im shy and don’t know what to say lol, but I wanted to share my appreciation for your Kendratello AU, cause it’s helped me recognize a toxic relationship in my own life.
I’ve never been a victim to SA or anything of the likes, so I can’t say I’ve been EXACTLY in Donnie’s place, but something that unsettled me early on when reading your AU was how…NICE Kendra would seem when alone with Donnie.
In a lot of media, especially in the media I saw growing up, the manipulative antagonist almost always had very obvious tells that show they’re evil when interacting with the victim. Maybe they’re talking about committing a very clearly villainous deed, keep the protagonist prisoner, something like that. But Kendra didn’t. Well, not always.
Kendra destroyed Donnie from the foundation up, and then rebuilt him back up to be who she wanted him to be, would punish him but then spin the situation around to be his own fault, but the rest of the time she would seem kind.
Only recently have I realized that someone very close to me has been toxic for most of our lives, and the reason it took me this long to realize it was because they would treat me kindly only until it became in their own interest to act otherwise. But I would take it, because I loved them and didn’t want to hurt their feelings, and I assumed that since they loved me, they wouldn’t ACTUALLY (emotionally) hurt me.
Spoiler alert: they did.
I’m not going to get much more into it, but your AU’s been very comforting to me ever since this happened, because it’s helping me come to terms with the fact that what happened wasn’t my fault just because our relationship seemed nice most of the time.
Your depiction of Kendra manipulating Donnie so realistically, and Donnie slowly but surely realizing that Kendra was hurting him is so powerful, and I thank you for that.
I’m so happy for you Anon 💚💚
It’s good to see these patterns, and depending on how toxic the relationship is, to speak up for yourself, or cut the person out, if they are unwilling to change.
Kindness is often a tool used by manipulators. But the biggest thing to ask yourself is exactly what you saw. Is this person only nice to me when they need something from me? And if so, then this isn’t real kindness. Good for you for knowing your worth!!
sa related ask and discussions of very toxic relationships…
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Personal experience rambling below. Toxic friendship and sa mention.
I’ll only be discussing this once, here, in this post. So I’m afraid if I get anyone asking for further info, I’m not going to reply /lh
I’m very sorry for what you’ve gone through. I hope you can find what you need to heal. Everyone’s traumas are so different, so please if you can, and haven’t already, speak to a professional that will give you help catered to you.
But I do want to immediately answer your question and say, yes, I have healed, for the most part. It took a lot of work and self-reflection that I didn’t want to do, because it was scary. But when I finally talked to someone, and realized I needed to take action in order to heal, that was when the process started.
For years, I thought my only options were to suffer in silence, and that what happened to me was my own fault, because towards the end, I was consenting. But I didn’t understand how my mindset and self worth had become so twisted.
My person (let’s call him J) was one of my best friends growing up. But as he got older, and more interested in…mature things, he changed. J would only ever agree to hang out together unless I offered to give him something to make it worth his while. Eventually I started to think these acts were all I was good for, as that’s all that made him happy to be around me. Pretty soon, J didn’t even have to push the ideas onto me. He only had to act uninterested or busy, and I would sit there and beg to do whatever he wanted.
The idea of rejection grew to be so painful and terrifying as he was one of only two friends that I had (the other being his sister. So if I lost one, I was so scared to lose the other). And I’d recently lost one of my closest childhood friends. Which he often used her cutting contact with us in his manipulations as well.
(It wasn’t until years later that she contacted me through Facebook and revealed that it was J that made her feel too uncomfortable, and as she already lived two hours away from us, and only visited once a year, it was just easier for her to cut off contact. I don’t blame her now, but without that knowledge, the thought that it was something I did, only helped J manipulate me.)
As I grew older, and I got better friends, I started to learn just how much I’d been pushed into only ever doing what he wanted, and how one sided of a relationship it was. He moved away, and that distance I was so scared of became a reality. But it was the best thing to ever happen. I still wonder what would’ve happened if he’d stayed in town. If we might’ve gotten married or if I would’ve finally stood up for myself. But all that matters is he is gone. There is always the danger of him coming home and me seeing him—we were neighbors, so his parents and mine still live right next door. Holidays can be kind of a high stress time lol.
That cafe comic is actually probably the most therapeutic piece out of the whole Kendratello AU I’ve done, as it’s always been a fear of mine that I could just turn around and he’d be in town visiting lol. Sending Kendra through that portal was highly cathartic. But even if that were to happen now, I have my coping skills, and I’m in a much better headspace. I think I would be able to handle myself.
I’m still a people pleaser, I don’t think that’s ever going to go away, even with all the work I’ve done. The biggest thing is, I know I’m worth more now. I can see real kindness, and catch the fake stuff much better by looking for those same toxic signs. The real friendships I’ve made have shown me what connection is truly like. It’s not a one-sided negotiation every time you get together. And if it is, then it’s probably not a healthy give and take. I’ve healed, but it is a constant effort.
Every new person sets off some kind of anxiety in the back of my head, but I don’t let that fear control how our relationship will develop. I’ve got the final say in what happens and what I get out of it.
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dinogoofymutated · 2 months
I’m CRAVING for Warren/Angel content and I’d love to see how would smeggs like with him😏
Sometimes I like to imagine him instinctively letting his wings spread as he yk… ✨cums✨ 😋
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NSFW! Angel/AFAB!Reader I was in the mood to write a golden retriever of a man so Warren it is! After seeing that Cypher panel I'm reverting back into my thing for blondes and warren is like, the #1 blonde in my book, so obviously I had to write for him lol. Sorry that's it's a lil rushed. I'm really sleepy. TWS: NSFW under the cut! Cream pie, mentions of public sex, Warren please marry me.
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Originally I really wanted to say that Warren is the definition of a classy lover, but then I remembered the whole "sky sex" thing and IMMEDIATELY changed my mind. Like sure, maybe he's matured and changed over the years, but to be honest? I think he's just waiting for the opportunity to let his freaky side out.
In the bedroom Warren is a switch, maybe a bit sub-leaning, but a switch nonetheless! He can be so sweet and loving at times, and then sometimes he's kinda bratty and very much a tease. He loves you so much, and he wants to see it for himself. He loves it when you chase after his lips and hands, pleading with him to touch you and kiss you in the way you've become so accustomed to. But then again, he's also a big fan of when you have him sprawled out on his back, wings stretching wide as you ride him for all he's worth.
Overall, He's just really smitten with you.
When it comes to his favorite places to do the deed, he's no stranger to semi-public sex. The sky is the limit with him (is it really?) but he'll admit, he does enjoy having you all to himself. He likes the intimacy of having you in private, and is quite the romantic. We're talking rose petals and everything.
And man, is he a sight when he cums.
"Fuck- so good. You feel so good. Always do." Warren gasps above you. All you can do is whimper in response, arms wrapped around his lower back as he pushes into you again and again, a deep and steady pace.
His moans are angelic, whines and wimpers going straight to your pussy as slick pools in abundance with every thrust of his hips. You gasp his name in a way you know drives him crazy, and he can't help but catch you in a kiss, hips snapping against your own a tad bit more rough this time. His wings twitch and strain, the limbs not quite knowing how to function with the overwhelming pleasure you give to him.
There's a thin trail of spit between your lips when he pulls back with an even louder moan, hips stuttering as he drives into your core. His cock hits you just right, pressing into that pleasurable, spongy spot inside you. Warren curses as your moans get a little louder, both of you desperately trying to reach that white-hot pleasure.
You know he's close when he lifts away from you just enough to snake his hand down towards your clit, touching you in a way he knows drives you crazy. His thrusts become frantic as he reaches his end, fluffy wings stretching out to their full span above him as spots greet your vision. He looks ethereal above you, blond hair sticking to his forehead as his face scrunches up- chasing after that high that so, so close for the both of you.
You cum just shortly before he does, legs wrapping around his waist so tightly he struggles to move, grinding into you as each rope of cum warms your insides. His groans turn into high-pitched whines, Warren biting his lip in an attempt to keep himself quiet. He tucks his head into the crook of you neck, grinding deeply inside of you twice more before he tries to relax, slowly slumping against you as he begins to relax, panting for breath.
"You're so pretty, Warren." You say after he has a moment to come down from his high. He smiles at you without opening his eyes as you run a hand through his pretty hair, scooting upward to nuzzle into you, speaking into your ear.
"I'm sure I'd look prettier in between your thighs, love."
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
a thousand islands
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synopsis: y/n and Neteyam get caught doing the deed and she gets bullied by Ao'nung and his friends. based on this request.
author's note: sorry this request took me so long to write. I hope you like it! proofread once. aged-up neteyam
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, nsfw, smut, kissing, boobs, p in v, eating out, squirting, being watched, ao'nung and his friends are a bit mean in this lol
word count: ~3.9k ... this is kinda long, sorry
“OH GOD!” you yelled out as your mate pushed himself into you without any warning.
Neteyam had just managed to persuade you to go with him to one of the secluded islands of the reefs. He had been needy for weeks already, but the both of you had been so busy learning the ways of the Metkayina that you two barely had any private time to yourselves.
Sleeping and cooking was usually the private time but Tuk and Lo’ak were often in your marui as they liked to watch and taste the food as you cooked. Even though Neteyam often tried to kick them out, you always insisted that it was good manners to treat the guests in your huts kindly. This left sleeping as the only private time, but as you and the sully’s improved in your skills, the lessons got easier and shorter, leaving for more free time available for all of you, including ao’nung and the others doing the teaching.
This also led to you guys having more energy to do other things throughout the day and being able to explore more of the islands by yourselves, without worrying of being late to your lessons or not being able to pay attention the next day.
Neteyam and you had found a nice, tiny island with a small stream running through it, lots of trees for shade and cover, and it was close to the Three Brothers Rocks. Perfectly distant and not close to the village for anyone to be nosy.
Or so you guys thought.
“Baby, c’mon, I haven’t been able to touch you like this for weeks. I swear I’ll make you feel so good. Just give me a chance, princess.” Neteyam cooed into your ear as you looked at him, brows raised and arms crossed, trying to decide if this really was a good spot.
“Nete, I’m just not sure if this is it.” You managed out as he trailed his long fingers against your thighs, making you shutter.
“Look around, who could possibly be here? We didn’t see any ilu’s tied up waiting for anyone. And plus, you didn’t see anyone follow us, right?” He cocked his head to the side, waiting for a response.
“No… but”
“Shh” he cut you off as he placed his finger on your lips. “Then just relax, your nerves are too high, probably from all the stress lately. Let me help you out, okay?” He reassured you as you mouthed a low ‘okay’ and allowed him to continue.
“What a moron” signed one of the boys and laughed.
“Let’s go,” waved ao’nung as he and his friends left behind Lo’ak to hunt on his own. They swam away quietly, trying not to make any noise, and snickered as they reached the surface of the water.
“Did you see him pointing that thing back and forth like a moron?”
“What did he think that was going to do-magically catch the fish for him?”
“Forest boy has a lot of learning to do.” Ao’nung smirked. “Let’s go hang out at that island we always go to, the one with the stream.”
“The one by the Three Brothers Rocks?” questioned one.
“Which other one do we always go to that’s close by and has the stream running through it, genius?” answered the other.
“Shut up and get on your Ilu’s before Lo’ak hears us.” Ao’nung warned. The group hurried on and made their way to the small but luscious island.
“Beat you. You owe me two fish!”
“No, I made it here first! You owe me three.” Exclaimed the other
“My ilu is already tied and you two are arguing about who made it first? You guys owe me five,” replied ao’nung.
“Well, I rode my ilu better than him. I have more... more skills! He almost bumped into the rocks!”
“Shh, be quiet,” motioned ao’nung as he gave a stern face. “Look, two ilus tied up on that side, over there,” he pointed.
“Who could possibly be here?”
“Maybe one of the men from the clan, hunting.”
“Alright, be quiet. Let’s try not to make too much noise or we’ll get heard. If it’s one of the hunters from the clan, then we’ll get in trouble for going past the reefs by ourselves.”
Ao’nung and his friends quietly made it past a few trees, being careful as not to step on anything loud or make some noise. Everything seemed calm and quiet until they approached closer to the center of the island.
“What the-“ Ao’nung gave a confused look to his friends as he put his fingers to his lips and shushed the group.
“Is someone getting slapped in the face?” questioned one of the boys.
“No, you idiot. Whoever it is, they’re-”
“OH GOD!” The sound of your voice cut through the air.
“banging.” completed ao’nung.
“WHAT?!” The two other boys said in unison.
“Who do you think it is?”
“Maybe one of the newcomers?”
“Ahhhh, NETE! !” Your voice rang through their ears again.
“Let’s take a closer look, I think I have a clue,” motioned Ao’nung, and the three walked closer to the sound of your voice.
Neteyam had you on all fours and shaft deep inside your pussy. His grip on the dimples of your back as he repeatedly slammed into you.
“You feel so good, princess” he let out a groan.
“And you fuck me so well!” You moaned out, mouth agape, as his fucking had turned you to mush. You turned around to look at him as he railed your little hole with enough force to knock you over. His hips moved quickly, arms flexing with his movements, and his abs glistened with sweat as he did his best in your shared workout.
The sight further deepened your arousal and made you weak in the knees.
“Ne…Ne…Neteyam” you let out.
“Yes love?” He held up your face to look at you as he continued to push inside of you. Your breath quickened as your legs grew weaker, soon unable to hold you up in your position for much longer.
“I’m… Im getting tired.”
Neteyam immediately pulled out of you, making you whimper at the loss of warmth. “Are you okay? Shit, was I too rough, love?” He immediately pulled you up and turned you around to face him completely.
“No, no. You weren’t!” You reassured him as you breathed in and out, trying to catch your breath. “It’s just that my legs are tired from being in this position. Can we try another?”
“I’m sorry, baby. We’ll try something else. Something easier for you, okay?” He gave you a quick peck on the lips.
You nodded in agreement as Neteyam laid you down on your back.
Now hovering above you, Neteyam slid into you again, making you moan out in pleasure.
"Mmm," you let out as he made eye contact with you. Soon quickening up his pace again, he leaned into you with his face in the crook of your neck as he bucked his hips into yours repeatedly. Neteyam trailed your neck with long kisses all the way down to your collarbone and reaching to your breasts.
He took one in his hand and gave it a light squeeze before giving it a quick kiss. Eyes closed, he gave your nipple a suck and trailed his tongue all around it. He flicked his tongue over it a couple of times before moving on to your other breast and giving it the same treatment.
His mouth moved back up to your face, and he kissed your lips as his fingers reached down to your womanhood, giving it a rub as you let out a yelp in surprise.
Neteyam pounded into you and worked you with his fingers, eager to make you come.
"NGHHH...NETEYAM!" you yelled out as you threw your head back.
"He continued flicking your nub as his cock pounded the inside of your walls, making your legs shake as you felt your high approaching.
"Fuck. Fuck Fuck!" was all you managed out as your mind started to cloud with the sensations in your lower half.
Neteyam continued his fucking and pushed your legs up, reaching a new angle that made you scream.
"OH FUCK! YES! YES! YESSSS! NETEYAM NETEYAM NETEYAMMM!" His name rolled off your tongue like a chant, and it was music to his ears.
"Shit, I want to hear you, baby! Who's fucking you like this, WHO?" He grabbed your face and turned it to look at him. "WHO?"
"YOU BABY! ONLY YOU! GOD, I'M ALMOST THERE!" You breathed out as your hips moved up to match his pace, desperate to get more.
Neteyam rutted into you, making you hit your orgasm.
"ah ha haa" he moaned out as you whined in pleasure, his dick still thrusting inside of you. Your legs were shaking as you grabbed his back, lightly marking it with small crescent shapes.
Suddenly, he grabbed on to your waist and flipped you over in the middle of your high. His hand on your head as he pushed your face to the ground and his other snaked around your waist as he lifted up your hips, bringing your ass all the way up and your knees to the floor. You were practically bent almost in half, with your pretty round ass waving in the air.
Neteyam laid down and brought his face to your pussy.
"Neteyam, what are you-" you were cut off as he grabbed your hips and began eating you out from behind, making you moan even louder as he overstimulated your clit.
"AHHHHH, NETEYAM. OH FUCK," you managed out as he worked his tongue into you. He moved it up and down, back and forth, as he ate out the juices flowing from your hole.
"mmmm. so good." he groaned into your pussy, vibrations making you roll your eyes as your orgasm came back at a harder strength.
"Babe, I'm gonna come!" you whined out as you grabbed anything you could.
Neteyam's mouth quickened on your pussy as he moved his head up and down and beneath you. He spread your legs wider to fit his head in and get a better angle.
"ah ahh ahhh" you moaned out as your hight finally washed over you, making your mouth drop open as your whined and let out all possible obscenities and your legs shook as he continued licking you despite the shaking of your body.
"too..much!" you groaned
"nu uh" he continued his attack on your pussy. "You taste too good for me to stop, sweetheart."
He continued eating you out and used his hand to help cover any spots his mouth was missing.
"NETEYAM I'M GONNA... move your face!" You warned but he flipped you over back to the ground and hooked his arms around your thighs as he continued digging his face in between your legs. You tried to move him, but he wouldn't budge.
A new sensation washed over you as you lifted your legs up and felt like you were gonna burst. "Nete MOVE!" He stayed in front of your pussy as you squirted all over his face. Neteyam's nose, chin, and mouth all covered in your liquids as you squirted all over him.
He wiped his face with the back of his hands and cleaned it up with his tongue as he licked his fingers, getting a better taste of you.
"See, not so bad. I told you this was a perfect spot." Neteyam smirked.
"Holy shit..." let out Ao'nung in a whisper at what he and his two friends just witnessed.
"What on Pandora..." said another.
"I didn't know they were mates." The other raised his brows in surprise.
Ao'nung let out a chuckle at the sight.
"Oh, baby, you fuck me so well!" One of the boys mocked in a high pitch voice.
"You taste so good, sweetheart~" Ao’nung joined in on the mockery.
"I didn't know forest na'vis were capable of such things, especially with their looks..." another chimed in.
One of the boys stepped on a branch, and it broke.
"Fuck, someone saw! I told you this wasn't a good spot!" You yelled at Neteyam, giving him an 'I told you so' look.
"Shit" Ao'nung spat out. He held out his hand as a warning for the others to stay still and shut up.
One of their thick tails hit the tree branch again as it swished back and forth on the floor.
"Oh fuck. which one of you idiots?" Ao'nung turned his head in anger.
"Who's there?" questioned Neteyam as he stood up, holding you behind him.
"Show yourself!" He demanded once again.
Ao'nung motioned for the others to get up from their hiding spot.
"Alright, alright." Ao'nung held his hands up to show guilt. "You guys were being loud as hell, how did you not expect us to check out what the noise was?" he cocked his head to the side in question.
"You were spying on us?" Your eyes widened in shock. "You fucking peeping toms! Perverts!" You yelled out.
"Peeping what?" whispered one of the Ao'nung's friends.
"I told you, we were just checking out the commotion!" Ao'nung approached you and Neteyam as you took a step back.
Ao'nung grabbed your hand by force and opened it. "Hah, another four fingered freak. You're not even a real na'vi." he laughed.
You ripped your hand out of his, and Neteyam pushed him back. "Don't touch her." he warned.
"You're getting busy and trying to make babies with a freak!" one of the boys laughed out. Your ears dropped at the insult.
"Oh Nete, you fuck me so well! More, MORE!" fake moaned the other.
"I don't sound like that!" You let out in anger.
"Oh, baby, you look so good! Muah muah muah," the other puckered his lips and made kissing noises.
The three metkayina boys broke out in laughter as you stood there in shock, embarrassed that they had witnessed everything.
"Alright you three, enough with the jokes!" Neteyam approached Ao'nung and pushed him back again.
Ao'nung put his hand up in signal for the other boys to stop.
"So, I thought you two were like siblings or something" Ao'nung cocked his eyebrows.
"Ew, gross!! The fuck?" your face contoured in disgust.
"Of course not!" Neteyam shook his head in disbelief.
"So... what's with the four fingers and thumb on her hands?" questioned one of the boys
"Why don't you just say five fingers? The thumb is on your hand too, you know?" You rolled your eyes.
"Whatever, five fingers. How come you have five if you're not related to the supposed Toruk Makto." interrogated Ao'nung.
"It's not supposed! He was Toruk Makto, and your ass would have been under rule of the sky people if it weren't for him!" Neteyam corrected.
"Okay. Okay. He was Toruk Makto." sighed Ao'nung as the other boys bowed their heads and let out small "thank yous" as they hailed their arms in mockery. You simply rolled your eyes at the sight and gave Neteyam a pat on the back, a sign as to not pay any mind to their foolishness.
"So, answer the question." Ao'nung pried as he grabbed your hands again to look at them. "Look at these hands. I mean, look at them, this is not normal!" Exclaimed ao'nung as he studied your hands from all angles, twisting your wrists in the process as to get a better view of your fingers.
"Ow!" you yelped as you snatched your hands away and massaged the pain in your wrists.
"She was of the sky people. She came with a second group of scientists, uhh, na'vi examiners, studiers, that meant no harm and came to mend human-na'vi relations after the war against the RDA." Neteyam explained.
"Against the are-dee what?" asked one of the boys.
"R-D-A. The group of sky people that waged the war against us. Y/n came with a second group, not part of the RDA. The sky people made this body for her to use while doing research. She eventually learned the Na'vi ways and became part of our clan. After a while, she permanently moved to this body and became Na'vi, just like my father." Neteyam gave you a small but comforting smile.
"So, this is just some random body you got?" One of the boys poked your shoulders, back, and ribs, checking if your skin felt the same as his.
"Well, yes. Sorta... This body was made with a mix of Na'vi information and the information from my human body, so my face looks like a combination of both, but leaning more to the Na'vi side. Hence the ears, tails, and fangs but five fingers and five toes." you exclaimed.
"And you two are mated?" Ao'nung scrunched his eyebrows.
"Yes, and?" Neteyam tilted his head, not knowing what Ao'nung was getting at.
"You mated with a sky woman? Out of all of the na'vi women on this planet, you got out of your way and chose HER?" Ao'nung pointed at you in disbelief.
"And what is wrong with that?" Neteyam demanded.
"She is of demon-blood! You chose to mate with a demon! That's what's wrong!" Ao'nung raised his voice in accusation, making your head drop as your tail tucked in between your legs.
"She is na'vi!" Neteyam rebutted.
"A na'vi with the blood of demons inside of her!" let out another.
"Jake was Toruk Makto, I wouldn't blame your mom for choosing him." The three boys got closer and almost surrounded you and Neteyam as one let out a hiss. You stepped backwards, tripping on the stump of a tree, causing you to fall back.
Ao'nung continued, "But y/n? What is she supposed to be? Good for nothing." He laughed as you looked down at the stump that was now next to you, too embarrassed to show the tears forming in your eyes.
"ENOUGH!" Neteyam hissed out at Ao'nung and his friends while he lifted you up from your arm and checked your back to make sure you were okay.
"Aww, look at her, she's crying like a little baby. Maybe she can use her little baby tail to wipe her tears."
"Ha, maybe that forest tail isn't so useless after all!"
Your hands trembled in shame and anger. You wanted to prove just how useful you were. You were filled with the desire to draw out your bow and show just how much of a mighty warrior and huntress you had become in the forest.
But you stayed still, knowing that you had to remain defenseless. It would be bad for Jake and the Sullys if you pulled out a weapon against the chief's son.
A tear ran down your face in bitterness, and you huffed as you stormed your way from the group.
"Y/n, wait!" Neteyam called out.
"Later, you and I will settle this on our own!" Neteyam pushed Ao'nung away as he trailed after you.
"There goes little miss demon blood and her lover. " The boys snickered at the sight.
You hurried your way to your ilu, not waiting for Neteyam as you made Tsaheylu and quickly got on.
"Y/n, slow down! It's just me!" Neteyam ran after you.
Without even turning around, you held your breath as you dived into the water with your ilu, the poor creature swimming as fast as it could.
You got to yours and Neteyam's shared marui almost out of breath. You sat down and quickly got to cooking as you tried to distract your mind from the words exchanged earlier.
"My love, you know what Ao'nung said is not true." The flap of your tent opened, and Neteyam walked in.
You simply ignored him, and continued chopping the vegetables for later, fearing that if you opened your mouth to say anything, a sob would escape your lips.
Chop. Chop. Chop. You continued on with your preparations.
"Look at me!" He grabbed your arm. "I chose you to be my mate, you! None of what they said about you being demon-blood is true." You were now facing Neteyam.
"It is! Why, out of all women, me? A demon-blood.." Tears rolled down your cheeks as you stopped to look at him.
"No, no ma’ tanhì, don't cry." Neteyam held up your face and wiped your tears. "You are beautiful, you have no demon blood in you. How could you? Sky people are not demons. YOU are not a demon! How could my little flower be a demon, huh?" Neteyam gave your head a pat and your forehead a small kiss.
You simply sighed in response, knowing that your outburst was silly and Neteyam would never doubt picking you.
"I just- I wish I could-" your hands balled up into fists.
"My little mighty warrior, my pretty huntress. Don't think I missed that look in your face when you wanted to draw your bow on Ao'nung." He let out a smirk as you gasped.
"How did you-" You were cut off with a kiss on your lips.
"I know my woman." Neteyam chuckled.
"My pretty woman, even with your five fingers and five odd looking toes.” You gave him a light slap on his chest.
“Hey! You can laugh all you want about my five fingers, but Lo’ak, Kiri, Jake, and I already outnumber you, Tuk, and Neytiri.” You let out a giggle.
Neteyam simply shook his head and laughed. "I guess so... we'll just have to see when we have kids."
"You want children… with me?!" You turned your head to look at him in shock.
"Of course! Who else would I want to be the mother of my children" Neteyam gave you a smile.
"I don't know, maybe some other-"
"You, just you. I would always pick you, even if I searched a thousand islands." Neteyam leaned in to give you a kiss, and you accepted.
"I will handle Ao'nung and his stupid antics. Don't pay any mind to him." Neteyam patted your back as you got back to preparing dinner.
"Just don't get into another fight, you know how mad Jake was when you and Lo'ak-" you were cut off
"Yea, yea, yea. We'll see about that." Neteyam rolled his eyes.
"I'm serious." you stopped your cooking to point at him. He simply chuckled and wrapped his arm around you, getting ready to give you another kiss.
"Mmm! That looks yummy, y/n! Can I taste?" Tuktirey interrupted as she suddenly entered your marui.
"Here." You tossed her a piece of fruit as Neteyam huffed out at the interruption , knowing that Lo'ak would also be joining in soon.
"Hey Tuk, have you seen Lo'ak? He's usually the one who brings you with him to eat my food." You slightly giggled at Neteyam's face as he gave you a 'really?' look.
"Umm, I think he said he was going swimming or something with Ao'nung today." Tuktirey paid no mind as she continued stealing little pieces of fruit and vegetables from your bowls.
"AO'NUNG?" you and Neteyam both let out at the same time.
Neteyam unwrapped his arm around you and gave a quick peck on your cheek, "Sorry babe, I gotta go check on something." He got up and hurried out of the tent before you even got the chance to ask him where he was going.
A few minutes later, you heard arguing coming from outside of your shared marui.
“You left him where?!” the voice of Neteyam rang through your ears. You peered out of the tent and saw him grabbing Ao’nung from his braid and dragging him towards Jake and Kiri.
“Tell him what you told me!”
Oh god.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
sorry this took so long for me to post, life has been kicking me in the ass lately
Hope you enjoyed!
Reblogs / any interaction/feedback is much appreciated!
as always do not steal my work and pls don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used: 22DAE0 and 21B5FF
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fatkish · 6 months
I found this post you made and idk how old it is but it was about writing stories to heal inner child to give readers someone who stepped up for them as a kid since they didn’t have someone… idk if ur still taking requests for that, but if you are, any chance you could write smthing related to saving a kid from sex trafficking? Specifically where it was perpetuated by the parents if that makes sense?? Idk. I want Aizawa to come get me outta there lol(I’m okay now). Maybe he was undercover or smthing for a bigger operation and came in contact with.. that. Thanks for reading my whole request ^^;;
Aizawa x SA Victim Child Reader
TRIGGER WARNING: please be aware that the following content contains allusions to rape, the sexual exploitation and abuse of minors as well as unwanted sexual advances. Please be warned
Aizawa goes undercover disguised as a potential buyer for an illegal quirk boosting drug that the reader’s parents are selling and finds readers parents offering reader to buyers as well.
Reader is 12 and still hasn’t developed a quirk yet. They are a late bloomer and their parents decided that their kid needed to ‘help out the family’ since they haven’t developed a quirk
Reader is forced to take lessons on ‘dancing’ in order to entertain the clients. The reader’s parents have made them believe that they are not worth saving and that heroes will treat them like a villain because what they’re doing is wrong and because their parents are ‘evil’
Aizawa was back in his underground days and came upon the house acting as a corrupt hero. He had found an actual corrupt hero who used the drugs and knew about the kid. Aizawa followed the hero and was talking to the parents when they offered the reader to him.
Aizawa, not believing this, actually went to the room and paid the parents before going in alone.
The reader’s parents don’t really care how long people are along with the reader, as long as they pay them good money. The father’s quirk allows him to distort electrical circuits and signals rendering any device that investigators might use to capture evidence of their deeds, to be useless.
Once alone with the reader, Aizawa was revolted by the way the reader was sexualized by their own parents. He talked to the reader and it took some convincing but he eventually gave the reader a phone that they could use to gather evidence from the inside.
After Aizawa left, because there wasn’t anything he could do at that exact moment that wouldn’t make things worse for the reader, he informed the police as well as the other heroes he was working with about the situation and within the next three days, they had all the information they needed in order to get a search warrant and arrest the parents
Aizawa was the one who was in charge of the kid. It was during the raid that the reader’s quirk finally manifested.
Their quirk allows them to build up and store massive amounts of electrical energy and basically turn their body into electrical energy as well as manipulate it. The reader can travel through electrical circuits like landline phones and computers. They can create a force field of electrical energy that fries anything within it as well as control electricity and shape it.
The reader was being ‘used’ by a rather violent man who was being far rougher than anyone had ever been before. It was during all the stress and anxiety that the reader finally had enough. When Aizawa busted the door down he saw the man had been electrocuted to death and had electrical burns all over him.
Aizawa realizes the severity of the situation and instead of using his quirk he decided to have the reader try to control their ability themselves. Aizawa gently removed his goggles and slowly approached the hyperventilating child. He gently talked to them, speaking in a soft voice, he told them that it was over. That their parents have been arrested and that they will never have to deal with this kind of treatment ever again.
The reader obviously wasn’t comfortable with touching others and Aizawa understood that. Aizawa had given the reader the space they needed and made sure to always be within the reader’s sight and also made sure that anyone who had to be near the reader, followed the reader’s directions.
If they didn’t want to be touched, Aizawa made sure they wouldn’t be. If the reader was uncomfortable, Aizawa made sure that whatever was causing it was dealt with. For the first time ever, the reader actually saw and believed that someone was willing to protect them and after a few months the reader was finally comfortable with sleeping in the same room as Aizawa.
The doctors and nurses were worried about the reader since they refused to be touched and would use their quirk to defend themselves. It was only after Aizawa was able to gain the reader’s trust that the doctors had Aizawa be their proxy and do the tests needed. With every test that Aizawa had to do, he would explain in detail what he would be doing, why he was doing it and made sure that the reader felt comfortable and safe, making sure that they understood that they had to give consent before anything would be done.
Eventually a therapist and counselor where provided to the reader to help them deal with the trauma from their experiences. The reader wouldn’t really talk to anyone besides Aizawa
Seeing this the courts as well as the reader’s doctors suggested that Aizawa become the reader’s legal guardian
Aizawa adopted the reader and had Hizashi introduce himself to the reader. After that, the two of them decided to take the reader shopping since this was more of Hizashi’s area of expertise rather than Aizawa’s. They bought clothes for the reader, toys, books, electronics, snacks, toiletries, bedding, furniture, etc.
Once they got to Aizawa’s house, they helped the reader get everything inside and showed the reader their own rood with an attached bathroom. The reader even had a lock on their door that they could control from their side. Aizawa even helped the reader instal one of those chain locks on their door
It took a lot of time but eventually the reader began to trust Hizashi too. Eventually one day the reader had fallen asleep on the couch next to Aizawa. Aizawa was so touched and smiled softly. He made himself, as well as the reader, a promise, he would do whatever it took to keep them safe and make sure that they were happy and felt loved and cared for
(I hope this helps you and that you enjoyed this. I hope that your inner child finds some peace with this and that this helps them heal.)
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coryosmin · 8 months
sejanus nsfw alphabet
mdni | nsfw content
nsfw alphabet for sejanus! tw: sex, nsfw content, gender neutral reader, daddy kink, other nsfw content lol
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A = Aftercare
Sejanus is so good at aftercare. After you guys do the deed, he would be so kind and caring. He would shower you with praises and affection, giving you kisses and the love you deserve. He would cuddle you, and make sure you’re doing alright. And if you start to crave something to eat, he already has a tray of snacks ready for you because he is just that amazing. He loves you and just wants you to know you’re loved.
B = Body Part
His favorite body part on himself are his hands. They’re always warm and he always knows he can comfort you by putting his hand on you somehow. On you, his favorite body part is are waist. He loves just being able to grab you, hug you, pull you close to him. Your waist will always be his favorite.
C = Cum
First of all, this man cums a lot. Like I’m talking rope after rope after rope, OKAY. Secondly, he loves to cum on your chest and your ass a lot. He loves seeing you painted in his seed.
D = Dirty Secret
I feel like he has a secret daddy kink that he doesn’t want to admit because it makes him feel a bit dirty.
E = Experience
I don’t think Sejanus is experienced at all but he pays attention in sex ed courses. He knows where to touch you to make you feel the most pleasure and he will always ask you questions until he got to know your body better. Eventually, though, he will be the most perfect at sex.
F = Favorite Position
I feel like Sejanus’ favorite position would be reverse cowgirl or he would love to spoon you. Anything to just feel you pressed up against him. However, he’s also very much into taking you doggy style and gripping your neck.
G = Goofy
I think Sejanus wouldn’t be too goofy but if you guys are doing just soft, lazy sex, he would probably do some goofy things simply because he wanted to. like you guys would be lazily fucking and he would rub his nose against yours and then give you a goofy smile. it would definitely be cute. but more often than not, it’s not super goofy. .
H = Hair
I feel like sejanus would definitely have a trail. He would definitely be a bit hairy down there but it wasn’t like a gross hairiness. It was well maintained.
I = Intimacy
HE LOVES BEING INTIMATE! Being able to give you the passion and intimacy that you need is one of his biggest turn ons. He wants everything to be good for not only himself but for you too. He would give praises, whisper sweet words while he pounds into you. He just wants you to enjoy yourself with him.
J = Jack Off
I feel like Sejanus is the type to jerk off a lot. He would rather be with you but he’s also very hormonal and would need release before sleeping at night. Especially with the stress of school, his father, and the world around him, I feel like he would use it as a way to stop stressing for a while.
K = Kink
PRAISE KINK! He has such a praise kink. He will praise you constantly and if you praise him, he turns to mush. He’s such a switch. Praise is huge for him because he constantly feels like he’s not doing enough for others. So to hear he’s doing good or to say you’re doing good really helps with his self-esteem.
L = Location
He prefers the comfort of his bedroom or your bedroom. However, he would definitely do you in the janitor's closet at the academy and then pretend nothing happened.
M = Motivation
YOUR THIGHS. When you bite your lip shyly, when you tell him you love him, when you’re just cuddling and he feels you moving against him, literally just you in general. He loves you. He’s so down to fuck you at any time.
N = No
He would never want to cause you pain in any way, shape, or form. So slapping, hitting, etc. is a no-no. The most he would do is grip your neck and lightly smack your ass.
O = Oral
HE LOVES WHEN YOU GIVE HIM ORAL. But he is also such a giver too!! He loves going down on you whenever he wants to. He’s definitely the type to get pussy drunk or cock drunk, wanting to make you cum as much as possible. So when you’re both giving each other oral, he absolutely adores it.
P = Pace
It definitely depends on the mood. I think if it’s more intimate, he’ll go slow but hard. And if you both just need release and are desperate for one another, he will POUND YOU FAST. But no matter what, he will make you cum!!
Q = Quickie
Yes. God he loves quickies. Of course he prefers to take his time with you but if you’re both so desperate for one another, he would be more than happy to take you whenever you wanted him to. Janitor's closet? yes. Abandoned classroom? Sure. The bathroom at a party? Yes. As long as you both get the release you both need, he’s down.
R = Risk
I feel like Sejanus would try not to be a risk taker but he secretly fucking loves it. He secretly loves the idea of you moaning so loudly for him while people hear you. Especially if it’s a party with your classmates. Fucking you while everyone else is in the other room. You’d hold your moans in as best as you could but how can you when Sej is making you feel so good? Then your classmates find out that you’re getting dicked down by a district boy. It turns him on a lot.
S = Stamina
I feel like Sejanus has a lot of stamina. He may cum relatively fast but he’s like ready to fuck you after like five minutes of just going down on you. I feel like he could last for like 3 rounds.
T = Toys
He’s okay with them! Whatever brings you the most pleasure. And he’d probably try them with you. Especially if it’s a vibrator. He would definitely have you use a wand against the both of you and you both would cum embarrassingly fast.
U = Unfair
I don’t think Sejanus would be too unfair. I think it definitely would be rare. Like if something happened that really affected his mood, he’d be unfair but it’s rare when that happens.
V = Volume
He grunts. He definitely grunts. And if you tug his hair, he whimpers. He’s such a switch. He will give soft moans, whisper praises into your ear. He’s just so precious
W = Wild Card
You would accidentally call him daddy in bed and he would cum so hard immediately. It was a wild night.
X = X-Ray
I feel like Sejanus is definitely average but quite girthy. He stretches you out so good.
Y = Yearning
Always. He’s almost always down to do something. But he’s always respectful about it.
I don’t think he’s quick to fall asleep. He’s huge on aftercare so I don’t think he’d be able to sleep until you’re feeling okay and are taken care of.
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Miles cheating fic pt.2
Request: Ok here’s my request and it’s not smut so don’t worry lol.
What if like Yn tried sneaking into Mike’s room with some good news or smth and she catches him doing the deed with another girl so she decides to leave and then he’s blowing up her phone but she cuts him off. Idk just angst angst and more angst lol
A/n: AHHHH ENJOY Y’ALL. I wanted to make this story a bit different so lmk if you like it❤️
Warnings: cheating, toxicity, mentions of alcohol and knives, Miles being annoying, lmk if I missed one
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“no” you said simply, running to the kitchen to grab a knife to get Thomas down and to defend yourself against Miles
“Listen, I’m so sorry and I know that doesn’t change anything” he started
“no it doesn’t. Listen, I’m giving you three minutes to get the hell out of my home. What is wrong with you, seriously? Have you been stalking me?” you asked rhetorically because you knew Miles had been
Miles would stalk you all the time, mostly for safety and to make sure you were happy but ever since the breakup, he had been stalking you to see where you would be and to see when he could quietly slip into your life again. When he realized you were 1000% done with him and had a new boyfriend, he realized it was now or never and he was already out on patrol. You had been packing stuff up and getting ready to leave and Miles would quietly watch you through your window and sometimes, when you weren’t home, he would come into your apartment and walk around taking in the very essence of you that he missed so dearly.
You had consumed Miles’ thoughts and dreams and he knew he couldn’t just let you leave without saying goodbye, right? Even though he got into your dream school and had every intention of going so he could stalk you more and make sure you were still safe(and available). 
“Hermosa, I love you way more than this guy and I mean, he couldn’t even fight back so what does that tell you about him?” Miles chuckled dryly 
“I DON’T CARE! GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE” you shouted, waving your knife at Miles as he walked over to you
“Call them, I’d love to say hi to my dad. And stalking is a bit of a stretch, more like watching you from afar” he said
“that’s stalking cabròn”you said
“I never thought you’d call me that. I gotta say, it hurts” he said, putting a hand on his chest
“What do you want?” you asked, already knowing
“you, mami. I miss you so much and I haven’t been the same since you” Miles confessed
“Where’s your blanca? I thought you were happier with her” you said, tears in your eyes and Miles was hovering above your face
“She wasn’t you and she’ll never be you, y/n. I love you and only you and if I could go back in time and fix it, I would in a heartbeat.” he said
“hm. Well I’ve moved on and I have a boyfriend and I got into (your dream school) so I guess we won’t see each other anyways” you said
“Oh wow! This is a wonderful time to mention that I got in there too!” he smiled brightly, disregarding the boyfriend thing
You wanted to sob right there. Miles was a bit of a better student than you and he could get into your dream school without even trying and that’s what pissed you off. You had to struggle while Miles got off Scott free and still got to be Spider-Man. On top of that, the feeling that you would never get rid of Miles, no matter how much you tried ate away at you in that moment.
“You’re lying” you said, knowing it was true
Miles pulled out the letter and smirked at you
“see you there mami. And as for your cabron, that isn’t going away for another 6 hours, that’s your formula” Miles said, walking past you to your window
You had designed some web fluid for Miles and you weren’t shocked he was still using it, I mean you are a fantastic engineer when it comes to Spider-Man stuff.
You walked over to Thomas and he made a joke:
“I should’ve just went home” you both chuckled
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You had hugged your parents goodbye as they left you alone in your dorm. You had dreamed of this moment since you were eleven and now that it was happening, it brought tears to your eyes. You met your roommate and went to greet some of your classmates. 
When Monday came, you sat next to a cool girl and made conversation:
“I love your bag, Marc Jacobs?” you asked
“yeah, your shoes are so cute.” she said
“Thanks. I’m Y/n” you said, holding out your hand
“I’m Mia” she said shaking your hand
You two spoke a bit more before someone interrupted your conversation:
“Is this seat taken?” you immediately recognized the voice and placed it as Miles’
“oh no!” Mia spoke
He put his books down and gave you a smug look. You scoffed and class had started. 
The class was relatively easy since it was one most people were required to take, its just nothing was ever easy when Miles was there. He kept proposing study dates or just hangouts and you always declined but he asked in front of your new friends this time so you couldn’t just say no without them thinking something was wrong. So, you accepted and offered for your other friends to come which they happily accepted. Miles let out a bit of a sigh and gave you an expressionless look but you could tell he wasn’t thrilled
Eventually, he became apart of your group because he was nerdy and cute so people really liked him. He kept trying to get you alone with you to talk but you never allowed it, instead you surrounded yourself with people and made sure to lock your windows. Whenever your roommate questioned it, you would say:
“I don’t want any spiders to get in” 
She would always agree and y’all would go back to doing what you were previously doing
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Y’all got invited to a party and you all met up at your dorm. Most of y’all crowding around your sink and doing your makeup while the guys sat on your bed and read some of your books and looked at their phones.
When you emerged from the bathroom in your dress and makeup, Miles gave you a slacked jawed look and his eyes lit up. You walked over to him in your heels and closed his mouth for him before walking out the door
The rest of the girls got ready and y’all left your dorm and took some alcohol with incase it wasn’t good at the party
All eyes appeared on you when you walked in, your girls leading you to the dancefloor where they danced on you and you danced back. You felt a sense of Euphoria and ecstasy as you swayed to the music with a red solo cup in your hand as you smiled. Most of your group split up and it was just you and Mia dancing together. You went to fill your cup when you saw Miles already there
“hey, y/n” he said
“oh hey” you smiled, being friendly and a bit jaded
“you enjoying this?” giving you a “really?” look
“mmm yeah. Well I gotta go, I hear my song” you said, rushing back to the dance floor and twerking on your friend
Miles had a bit of a somber expression until a girl started talking to him and asked him to dance with her. At first, he was gonna reject but he saw how happy you were and he decided to try to make you jealous.
She twerked on Miles and he didn’t know what to do at first until he got in his groove. He still watched you intently until the girl came up and grabbed him before turning around and trying to kiss him. She kissed him and he reciprocated, pretending it was you. 
You saw this from across the room and you decided to have some fun. You walked over to them and whispered in the girl’s ear:
“careful, he might cheat on you” 
Miles decided he had enough and grabbed you by the arm, dragging you outside, you remembered how strong he was and you knew this was gonna leave a bruise
“just tryna make sure she dodges a bullet” you smirked, almost laughing
“Are you drunk?” he asked
“no, im just done with your shit” you said before trying to walk away but he cursed at you
“Ven aqui, mami” 
“I’m not your mami, i’m not your hermosa, i’m not yours, miles.” you said, sternly
“Haven’t I apologized enough? Can we just kiss or fuck and make up? I’m sorry, I still love you and I’m willing to do anything to fix us” he pleaded, sensing your sudden sobriety
“There is no more us Miles. I told you from jump that cheating was the one thing I couldn’t forgive. Let me go before someone sees us.” you said
He let you go as you strutted back in the party and went back to dancing, knowing you weren’t going back.
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gffa · 2 months
I made the mistake, after episode 7 of the acolyte, to look through the tags (I’ve given up on Reddit for sw discourse lol) and there are so many bad takes out there. It’s like people watched a different episode. I’m glad there are some good meta takes from people like you, or I’d be lost! I think nuance is dead in fandom and people just can’t see things as more than “Jedi Bad!” When there’s so much more nuance than that. Were the Jedi perfect? No! Of course not. That would be so boring. If all Jedi were always perfect, SW would be dull. It’s because they aren’t perfect that they are so compelling. That they try to do the right thing, even if it doesn’t always work out.
A quote that came to mind by Teddy Roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Anyways, thanks for your continued good meta and cultivating a nice pro-Jedi space!
Hi! I hear you, it can be tough going into the tags sometimes (and I've given up on both Reddit and Twitter for any kind of discussion, I just do not have the time/energy for that when sometimes I still have to fight for my life on Tumblr) but I will say that the best remedy I have for that is to start posting the content you want to see! It's so satisfying to write down your thoughts just to have fun in your own space, I don't need other people nearly so much because I'm having a great time just making myself laugh or cry over my faves or nerding out over worldbuilding. It's a bonus that I've collected a bunch of really great people around me, both ones I vibe with and ones who are chill when our vibes don't match and we disagree on stuff. I've been having an absolute joy of a time after episode 7 of The Acolyte because I've seen some great posts, I've had some hilarious conversations, etc. And part of that is just. Letting go of a lot of fandom. I'm a lot more relaxed about the Star Wars media I consume because it's not Lucas' Star Wars, I can take or leave it as I will and, most importantly, I don't need the Jedi to be perfect to be good. So much of my need for the Jedi to be perfect once upon a time came from that any little mistake they made, ones that were completely reasonable, ones that were simply just "didn't solve everyone's problems instantly", ones that were present in other characters who were allowed to just be instead of being raked over the coals for it, and how fandom would use those as a bludgeon against the Jedi. And that wasn't fun! So, instead, yeah, the Jedi are flawed, because any character ever is allowed to be flawed. The most cinnamon roll character ever is flawed and that's okay. Luke Skywalker is flawed. Padme Amidala is flawed. Bail Organa is flawed. Yoda is flawed. Obi-Wan Kenobi is flawed. Mace Windu is flawed. Ahsoka Tano is flawed. Leia Organa is flawed. Han Solo is flawed. Lando Calrissian is flawed. Ezra Bridger is flawed. Kanan Jarrus is flawed. Hera Syndulla is flawed. And on and on and on. If those characters can have flaws and be seen as good, well, then that's how I'm going to proceed with my Jedi faves, too. Oh, Mace wasn't bending over backwards to smile and be soft when he was having the worst day ever? That's what you're bringing me to show that he was bad actually? Babe, please, Luke started out as whiny and annoying and he's amazing, so Mace is amazing, too. The Jedi were in a no-win situation, not fighting would mean people would die, fighting meant compromising themselves, they had to make a choice, there was no third way out, there was no secret magical answer in Star Wars, so they did what they could to the best of their ability. And it's not on them to fix everything in the galaxy, they're peace-keepers who were drafted into a war, they're not the whole of the government, they're not there to be social service agents, that's not who they are or what they're equipped for. And yet they still tried to help whenever they could. Everyone fucks up sometimes and that's okay, it doesn't suddenly mean they're the real villain all along, because otherwise they would have to be literally be perfect to be "good" and that's just bad writing imo. Ultimately, just take a break from scrolling through the tags if you can and join me in writing your own stuff, it's hard at first to get the words to come out the way you want them to, but with some time and energy put into it, I've found it to be so much more rewarding. <3
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
OKAY OKAY I LOVED IT MY TURN NOW, let's discuss law!!!!
let's discuss......... having sex with nerdy law 👹👹👹👹 let us hear you
Cee’s Note: oh you kno I gotchu babes 😉
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• Let’s Discuss….Sex with Nerd!Law • (18+)
CW: explicit content ahead
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Whewwwwww ok y’all already kno I’ve been obsessed with nerd!law for the past week now
Law would be so nervous and awkward about it lol
Not because he doesn’t want to do it, but because he has never gone that far with anyone so he will be a bit anxious
Law is not very experienced with sex, but he is interested to learn how to pleasure you and wants to be able to perform good in the bedroom
Mans will literally do so much research about sex and the female anatomy 😭
He once got caught reading a sex erotica by Bepo and he nearly shambled Bepo off the boat shdjdjd
But when y’all finally decide to do deed, he will try to test a few things he discovered in his research
He will first start to lick and suck on your nipples, because he learned some women experience pleasure when their nipples are stimulated
He will be very attentive to what works and what doesn’t
Everytime you gasp or moan at something he does, he makes a mental note in his head to do it again
When he goes down on you, he learned about the clitoris and how to properly stimulate it so he will pay that little ball so much attention
Although he tries to practice what he learned, he will try to experiment and test out different things to see how your body will respond to him
Ok let’s be real, this man has read all about safe sex and the importance of protection so he will be wearing a condom for y’alls first time
When he finally enters inside your pussy, it takes so much self restraint for him to not cum right then and there
He was unprepared for how much pleasure he would feel from your walls clenching around him so tight and warm
No amount of reading and research could accurately describe what he was feeling and it was making his head spin
He snaps out of it when he hears your whines for him to move, you practically begging him to fuck you
Law will experiment with his hips, remembering there’s a specific spot deep inside you that pleasures women during sex
Once his tip grazes your g spot, you throw your head back and let out a high pitched moan that causes Law’s head to snap up at the lewd sound
“Bingo” now that he had discovered your sweet spot, he wastes no time pounding into you nice and hard in that angle, making sure he hits it every single time
He lets out low grunts with each thrust but once your pussy starts fluttering around him, he’s letting out guttural moans from the overwhelming pleasure
He doesn’t know how long he can last, from your pornographic moans to the feeling of your fluttering pussy as he bottoms out, kissing your cervix with each thrust
He feels himself about to cum, he starts rubbing circles on your clit, trying to bring you closer to your high
He feels your legs shake as you gush all around him, screaming his name as you ride out your orgasm
The sight of you falling apart beneath him was enough to send him over the edge, spilling into the condom as he continues rocking inside you.
His head falls between your neck as he lets out deep moans, coming down from his high
Post sex is so funny shdjdk
he will ask you for feedback if he did good and if you enjoyed yourself
When you reassure him that he did amazing, he will start rambling about some things he researched
He starts blabbering about the science behind sex and the anatomy of the bodies 😭
Let him ramble tho he’s so adorable when he’s being all factual and shit
He’s such a nerd but he’s your nerd 😉
Cee’s Note: ok so I may have gotten a bit carried away shsdj I’m sorry I fucking love his nerdy ass so much ughhh
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