#I’m going to buy some ensure to get more calories
cabbybaby · 1 year
sigh x 2
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Hello there! My name is Kitty and this is my Mental health account. TW when I say mental health that doesn’t mean I want to recover. I’m mostly gonna talk about different aspects of my mental health and how I deal with it.
I recently got out of hospital for anorexia and here are the rules the hospital put on me this time
1. Every 2 weeks get weighted and blood pressure/heart rate checked
2. If needed will get hospitalized but more focused on weight restoration since I’ve done treatment multiple times
3. Staff at shelter I stay at won’t do meal support but can sit and play game or watch show with me.
all responsibilities is on me to eat and use coping strategies I’ve learned over the years ( I can have an alternative eating time if feeling overwhelmed with eating around other peers but staff will be a safe person to eat with since even tho we’re not doing meal support staff at least know what not to say but can’t talk about ED struggles with staff since their not trained.
4. Staff are to try and talk to me more about my interests and favorited colours to make my life more then just mental health. ( I actually love this rule since I feel as I’m always talking about mental health constantly and feel as it’s my personality)
5. When hospitalized I will have chance to eat food and if I eat 50% of the calories I’m the meal, I will get level 2 and if not I’m level 1. Also nurse sits with me and 15 minutes for snacks and 30 minutes for food if not finished in time NG of ensure and ensure has 1.50% more calories then the food.
Leaving hospital it was sept 5th 2023 I was 93 pounds
I am now 88.4 pounds on September 7th 2023 (my birthday!!!)
I have been diagnosed with both anorexia nervosa, and autism since the age of 14. Was suspected of having BPD at 14 but was officially diagnosed at 15
I haven’t set my Fitbit up yet since I don’t have the funds atm to pay for the plan but I got a check tonight so I’m going to be able to use it tomorrow and then I’m going to go out and start buying some foods :)
I might eat saterday depending on what staff is working and my mood plus my weight.
Hope you have a fantastic day 💕
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aamirfitness-blog · 20 days
Aamir Fitness - The Ultimate Guide to Meal Prep on a Budget
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Tired of repetitive lunches and expensive takeout options? I’m Aamir Fitness, your online fitness coach, and I’m here to provide the Ultimate Guide to Meal Prepping on a Budget. This guide will help you create healthy, delicious meals in advance, without breaking the bank. Let’s take control of your health and your time! 
Getting Started
Essential Tools
As your online fitness coach, I recommend investing in a few key kitchen tools can simplify your meal prep process:
Containers: Reusable containers in many sizes for storing meals.
Cutting Boards and Knives: Essential for chopping vegetables and meats.
Slow Cooker or Instant Pot: Great for batch cooking.
Sheet Pans and Baking Dishes: For roasting and baking.
Measure cups and spoons: For accurate ingredient measurements.
Basic Ingredients
Stock your cupboard and fridge with these versatile, budget-friendly staples:
Grains: Rice, pasta, and oats.
Proteins: Beans, lentils, eggs, chicken, and canned tuna.
Vegetables: Carrots, onions, bell peppers, spinach, and frozen mixed vegetables.
Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, and frozen berries.
Dairy/Alternatives: Milk, yogurt, and cheese.
Cupboard Essentials: Olive oil, spices, canned tomatoes, and broth.
Budget-Friendly Meal Prep Strategies
Meal Prep Tips
As your online fitness coach, I’m here to share essential meal prep tips that can make your life easier. Whether it’s simplifying your planning, reusing ingredients, prepping ahead, or keeping your kitchen well-stocked, ensuring you stay on track even when life gets unpredictable.
1.Simplify Your Planning:
If managing three meals a day feels overwhelming, then start by planning just dinners for the week. Additionally, cook enough to ensure you have leftovers for lunches throughout the week. Moreover, maintain a variety of snacks and easy breakfast options until you find breakfast recipes you enjoy and are comfortable with.
2. Reuse Ingredients:
To cut down on food waste, use the same ingredients in multiple recipes. For instance, use carrots in different dishes rather than letting them go to waste. Instead, substitute ingredients you prefer, like red peppers instead of eggplant, to make the recipes work for you. Furthermore, buy versatile, fresh ingredients that can be used in various meals.
3.Prep Ingredients in Advance:
If you know you’ll be making quinoa bowls or other dishes later in the week, then prepare some ingredients ahead of time. For example, cook grains or proteins like chicken in advance to make meal preparation quicker and easier during the workweek.
4. Stock Your Cupboard and Spice Drawer:
Always keep your pantry and spice rack well-stocked. Having a variety of spices and staples like butter, olive oil, onions, garlic, crushed tomatoes, coconut milk, pickles, hot sauce, mustard, and vinegars on hand makes cooking more convenient and less stressful.
5. Maintain a Well-Stocked Freezer:
Keep a good supply of frozen meat, such as turkey sausages, ground beef, shrimp, scallops, and boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Buying in bulk when meat is on sale and having a variety of options readily available can help you avoid eating out and save money over time.
6. Be Kind to Yourself:
Life can be unpredictable, and it’s okay if things don’t always go as planned. Your meal plan is a tool to help you stay organised, not a strict schedule. Some days you might not feel like cooking, and that’s fine. Being prepared will help you get back on track the next day.
As your online fitness coach, I provide personalised nutrition plans with calories, macros and nutrients worked out accurately to suit your lifestyle preferences and choices. 
Frequently Asked Questions 
How long can I store prepared meals?
Most cooked meals can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days and in the freezer for up to 3 months. Always label and date your containers to keep track. 
Can I meal prep with limited kitchen space?
Absolutely! Focus on simple recipes and use space-saving storage solutions like stackable containers and multi-purpose tools.
How do I keep meals from getting boring?
Incorporate a variety of ingredients, spices, and cooking methods. Additionally, rotate different recipes weekly and try new cuisines to keep things interesting.
What are some budget-friendly protein options?
Beans, lentils, eggs, and canned fish like tuna or sardines are affordable and nutritious protein sources. Furthermore, buying chicken or turkey in bulk can also be cost-effective.
Is meal prepping time-consuming?
Initial prep might take a few hours, but it saves time during the week. With practice, you’ll become more efficient, reducing your prep time significantly.
Meal prepping on a budget doesn’t have to be daunting.By planning ahead, shopping wisely, and efficient cooking techniques, you can enjoy healthy, delicious meals without breaking the bank. 
Pairing Meal Prep with an Online Fitness Coach
By following this Ultimate Guide to Meal Prepping on a Budget, you can transform your approach to meals, saving both time and money while ensuring you enjoy nutritious and delicious food. 
Remember, meal prepping is a journey that gets easier with practice, and the benefits to your health and wallet are well worth the effort. 
As your online fitness coach, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s make meal prepping an enjoyable and sustainable part of your lifestyle. Happy prepping, and here’s to a healthier, more organised you.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Why Use Buttermilk in Recipes: Benefits and Culinary Uses
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Hi there, I'm here to talk about why buttermilk is such an important ingredient in recipes. It's something that you may not have considered before, but once you learn the benefits of using it, you'll want to incorporate it into your cooking right away! Buttermilk has so many uses and can add a unique flavor to dishes like pancakes, biscuits, cakes and more. Not only does it give food a creamy texture, but it also helps tenderize ingredients while adding moisture. Plus, its tangy taste makes for some really delicious results! So let's dive deeper into all the great reasons why we should be using this wonderful product in our recipes. What Is Buttermilk? I'm sure many of us have heard of buttermilk before, but what is it exactly? Buttermilk is a dairy product that is cultured and fermented. It has a thick texture with an acidic taste due to its acidity levels. The fat content in buttermilk can vary from 0-4% depending on the type you buy. Buttermilk was originally created as a way to use the fatty liquid leftover after churning butter out of cream. Nowadays it's made more often by adding lactic acid bacteria to skimmed or low-fat milk, which then ferments and produces that signature sour flavor and creamy consistency. It's used most commonly in baking recipes like pancakes, muffins, biscuits, scones and cakes because of how it reacts with other ingredients such as baking soda or powder - creating bubbles so baked goods become light and fluffy when cooked! Benefits Of Using Buttermilk I left off talking about buttermilk and what it is. Now, let's cover the benefits of using this popular baking ingredient in recipes. First and foremost, buttermilk adds an incredibly smooth texture to baked goods that can't be achieved without its presence. And on top of that, it even helps make sure your cakes stay super moist by adding a bit more moisture than other dairy products would. This means you get the best of both worlds - light and airy cakes with just enough moisture to keep them from drying out too quickly. Another great thing about buttermilk is that if you're looking for dairy free options there are plenty available! There are lots of vegan-friendly brands out there which use plant based milks like almond or coconut milk instead of cows' milk as their base ingredients. Additionally, most store bought versions have reduced fat content compared to regular cow's milk so you don't need to worry about consuming extra calories when baking with it either. Buttermilk really does add something special to any recipe; its tartness gives baked goods an amazing flavour while also providing a unique texture that keeps treats soft and fluffy for days after they've been made. If you've ever wanted to try making perfect homemade biscuits or fluffy pancakes then I highly recommend giving buttermilk a go - you won't regret it! How To Store Buttermilk I usually store buttermilk in my fridge since it has a relatively short shelf life. It can last up to two weeks, if kept cold and unopened, or even longer when frozen. Be sure to check the expiration date on your container before using it in any recipes. When stored correctly, buttermilk will keep its flavor profiles intact. I like that it adds a subtle tangy taste to dishes without overpowering them; it's an essential ingredient for making delicious pancakes, biscuits and muffins! Plus, you can also use it as a marinade for meats - adding some zest without too much acidity. Overall, storing buttermilk is easy and helps ensure the best results with all of your recipes. Keep it refrigerated for the most flavorful results and make sure you always check the expiration date before cooking with it! Substitutions For Buttermilk I'm sure many of us have experienced the dilemma of realizing that we don't actually have buttermilk when a recipe calls for it. So what are our options? Thankfully, there are several dairy free substitutes and non-dairy options that can be used as an alternative to buttermilk in recipes. One easy substitution is to mix one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice or white vinegar with enough regular milk to make one cup. Let this mixture sit for about 10 minutes before using it in your recipe so that it has time to thicken and curdle. Another option is to use cultured yogurt such as Greek yogurt instead of buttermilk; simply thin out the yogurt until it reaches the desired consistency with some water if necessary. You could also create a vegan version by combining either almond or soy milk with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice—following the same instructions above—or by mixing plain unsweetened vegan yoghurt with water. Ultimately, these alternatives may not provide exactly the same texture or flavor profile you would get from actual buttermilk, however they do give you plenty of other great options should find yourself without any on hand! Recipes Featuring Buttermilk I'm a huge fan of buttermilk for its versatility and unique flavor. It's one of my favorite ingredients to use in baking and cooking because it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, adding depth to any recipe. Not only that, but there are also plenty of dairy free options available so everyone can enjoy the deliciousness that is buttermilk! One of my go-to recipes featuring buttermilk is a classic Southern-style fried chicken. This dish requires marinating the chicken overnight in buttermilk before it goes into the fryer, resulting in juicy flavorful pieces every time. Buttermilk adds an incredible amount of tanginess to this dish without being overpowering or too acidic. Another great example of how I like to use buttermilk comes from baked goods such as pancakes and muffins. The natural acidity helps activate the leaveners which will give you light fluffy results with a slight tangy aftertaste - perfect for breakfast or brunch! And if you're looking for something more savory than sweet, try incorporating it into your sauces or dressings; just whisk together some mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt and pepper with some buttermilk until it reaches your desired consistency and voila - a tasty accompaniment to all sorts of meals! Buttermilk is truly an amazing ingredient that should not be overlooked when experimenting in the kitchen; its creamy texture coupled with its signature taste makes it easy to create exciting new dishes every time. So get creative and have fun testing out different ways you can incorporate it into your own recipes! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Shelf Life Of Buttermilk? When it comes to substituting buttermilk, store-bought is the way to go. But how long does it last? The shelf life of store-bought buttermilk depends on when you opened the carton and if you've stored it in a refrigerator or not. It usually has an expiration date that's around 10 days after opening, so be sure to check before using! If stored in the fridge, unopened buttermilk can typically last up to two weeks beyond its expiration date. How Do I Know If My Buttermilk Has Gone Bad? Storing buttermilk correctly is key to knowing whether it has gone bad or not. To ensure the best shelf life and taste, keep your buttermilk in an airtight container in the refrigerator at all times. If you notice a sour smell or thick consistency, then it’s time to throw out what's left of the carton. You can also compare its taste with fresh buttermilk; if there's much of a difference, don't risk it! Is It Possible To Make Buttermilk At Home? Yes, it's totally possible to make buttermilk at home! All you need is some milk and either lemon juice or white vinegar. Simply combine a cup of the milk with one tablespoon of your chosen acidic ingredient - this will curdle the milk and give it that characteristic tangy flavor that buttermilk has. If you want to kick things up a notch, try adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice or ginger for even more flavor. How Do I Use Buttermilk In Baking? Using buttermilk in baking is a great way to add flavor and texture to your recipes! Not only does it have nutritional benefits such as being low fat, but it can also substitute for other ingredients like yogurt or sour cream. If you don't have buttermilk on hand, there are plenty of alternatives that work just as well like adding vinegar or lemon juice to milk. With its unique tangy taste, adding buttermilk to your baked goods will make them stand out from the rest! Is There A Difference Between Regular Milk And Buttermilk? Yes, there is a difference between regular milk and buttermilk! Buttermilk has more health benefits than regular milk. It's higher in calcium and vitamins A and D. Also, when baking, substituting buttermilk for regular milk gives baked goods a unique tangy flavor that can't be achieved with other milks. So if you're looking to add more nutrition or enhance the flavor of your recipes, give buttermilk a try! Conclusion In conclusion, buttermilk is a great addition to many recipes. It adds extra flavor and texture that regular milk just can't provide. Not only that, but it also extends the shelf life of baked goods because it has natural preservatives in it. The best way to know if your buttermilk is still good is by checking its expiration date or giving it a quick sniff – if it smells sour, you should discard it. If you're out of store-bought buttermilk, don't worry! You can easily make some at home with a few simple ingredients from your pantry. With all this information in mind, I'm sure you'll be able to make fantastic dishes with delicious results using buttermilk. Read the full article
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waysoftheearth · 2 years
Cold weather advice
-19 degrees F last night!!! The yurt stays warmer than outside with the woodstove out for overnight. But at these temperatures it was only 22 inside this morning. Some wonder why you'd choose to live this way, but you are always learning and experiencing something interesting. I've learned many strategies for the cold, and because my temperature is not regulated like in a house, my body is more adaptable. No, it has not been comfortable this morning, but I am very much in tune with the reality of life here. When it’s cold inside, layering clothing is critical. More important that your pants and shirts though is your head. Wearing a warm hat is critical to maintaining body heat. I actually wear two hats and sometimes stuff the layer between to ensure I’m not losing heat through the top of my head. When I sleep, in addition to the hat, I drape a wool blanket over my head and shoulders to keep the heat in. Using blankets on laps and shoulders can also make the room more comfortable. Layering socks helps keep the feet warmer too. The extremities are the first to lose heat and sometimes the best thing you can do to warm them up is to move- even if you can’t go anywhere, just walking around, dancing or jumping helps move the warmer blood to the extremities. These are just a few tips. For great information on winter preparedness, I recommend Tom Brown Jr.’s book, Field Guide to City and Suburban Survival. It has great information for dealing with winter emergencies.
This also prompts me to share a reminder about emergency foods from getting snowed in a few years ago. I was talking with a friend yesterday and we discussed emergency foods. Not only is it critical to have emergency food and water on hand, but in cold weather, what you have is also critically important. My friend has mostly dried foods- legumes, rice, quinoa... but she doesn't have fats. When your body is working hard to stay warm, the fats are essential. So make sure you have oils, peanut/or other nut butters, ghee, butter or any kind of fat. And those things that many don't choose for daily living like power type bars with sugars and fats are also good. Sugars can provide quick energy for your body so having honey or other real sugar items can be important too. The dried foods are great and having dried or canned veggies is good for nutrition, but add the fats to whatever you prepare. Also, take care with the soups you have for emergency food. Many are quite low calorie. Buy the creamed soups or others with higher fat to have on hand and things like canned chili are good for the same reason. So think strategically when you buy emergency foods!
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kireilixie · 3 years
i. Bittersweet Vanilla | Bang Chan x Reader
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° 𐐪𐑂 synopsis: Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Right person, wrong time?” You and Chan would have made such a perfect couple had your destinies and dreams not gotten in the way. With no assurance of what you each truly felt for one another you both struggle to keep each other grounded among the different obstacles you face.
° 𐐪𐑂 genre: idolverse, angst, childhood friends, pro swimmer! reader
° 𐐪𐑂 warning(s): mentions of abuse, trauma, insomnia, anxiety attacks, depression, death of a family member
° 𐐪𐑂 8k words
° 𐐪𐑂 author's note: Hello! I am extremely sorry that this was published late, but unfortunately, my other priorities in life came up so I had to push back the release and editing. As you know, bittersweet vanilla is a fic I released a year or so ago. This is a fic I hold dear to my heart, and I was a bit disappointed with how I had written it, especially with the multiple plot holes and gaps. This led me to rewrite and expound on the development of both reader and Chan, this fic will hold the same plot as the previous fic but will be much more detailed compared to the original one. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy and show this fic some love!
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Such a simple yet comforting flavor
A few blocks from school, two from your swimming club and one from the street you lived on, was an ice cream parlor. Winter’s Star was a place of comfort for both you and Chan, albeit not being that popular for its remote location. It had begun a small tradition and routine for you both.
Ice cream after swim training had become a norm for you both, despite the strict healthy diet your father had established for your growth as a swimmer. You would both intentionally opt not to take the bus and walk to the parlor as to walk off the calorie intake you’d get from the dessert as to get your father off your case.
Every time you’d visit, Chan would dash in, beaming over the glass in excitement at the variety of flavors, selecting a different flavor for every visit, a stark difference to your simple preference of classic vanilla.
And every visit, Chan would tilt his head and pout in confusion, asking why you’d get that every single visit. And each time you’d reply, “I’m paying, and I like it that’s why.” rolling your eyes as he sighs at your boring nature.
Though one evening, after practice had ended a bit later than usual, you can see him deadpan at the sight of the creamy white of your vanilla ice cream. And though he doesn’t ask, you decide to explain, “I’d simply not want to risk trying something new, and honestly I just like sticking with what I’m comfortable with.” You shrug, popping a spoon of the comforting flavor into your mouth.
Chan doesn’t ponder much at your explanation nor does he reply that day, too exhausted to think of one.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
This routine of yours had begun the summer before middle school. Moving a lot at a young age, Chan had found it difficult to get settled into the new atmosphere, with his distinct features, he barely fit in. Therefore he found himself once again in the corner of his new school’s swim club unsure of how to apply and whom to approach.
His eyes wandered around, observing the different children doing laps and warming up. Swimming was a sport he and his father enjoyed, and it had made his father extremely happy that he had taken enough interest in it to compete in the said sport.
“Oi, newbie, what are you doing here?” The smaller boy flinched at the loud voice, turning towards the source. He sighs, here we go again, the nine-year-old boy thought.
“I c-came t-to a-apply for the swim club.” The boy managed to softly stutter out, eyes downcast, feeling intimidated by the difference in height.
“And at your puny size, ya think ya can swim fast-”
“Oi, why don’t ya shut up Jacob? A big dumb bully like yourself can’t beat me and here you are trying to scare the newbie, being all talk. Why don’t you stop wasting your time picking on new people and spend it practicing and trying to improve your times.” Chan widened his eyes as he turned to the female voice that had interrupted the confrontation.
He was shocked to see a girl around his age, twirling her goggles around her fingers as she approached Jacob, as she had called him, and his crew that currently surrounded the smaller boy.
Jacob, quite flustered with the unknown girl’s statement, attempted to come up with a good comeback but failed to do so as he muttered, “Why’re you butting in L/n, don’t you usually mind your business?” Eyes avoiding yours in the process.
“And so, what if I decide to butt in? Does your ego inflate at hounding the new kid? If it isn’t going to make you swim faster, I suggest you get your butt moving.” The smaller girl scoffed, raising her eyebrow at them, daring them to cross her.” I suggest you all get moving before I call the coach and tell him you’re slacking, wouldn’t want to swim extra laps now?”
Before Chan could even blink, they’re all dashing off into their respective sides of the pool. The transferee chuckled at that, in awe at the confidence the girl carried. She introduced herself, (Y/N) (L/N) he had learned that day, specialized in free, though claimed to be preparing herself for Individual medley.
Chan introduces himself as well, mentioning that he specialized in butterfly. At the revelation, her eyes glowed in excitement as she tugged the smaller boy towards her father.
“Dad! He swims butterfly! He can complete the relay!” Chan observed, fascinated by the complete 180 in her vibe, wherein the confidence and intimidation she had carried earlier, now dissipating to something more suited for a fellow nine-year-old.
She bounces in excitement, tugging at the end of her father’s shirt, to garner his attention. “We can finally have a relay!”
Finishing his conversation on the phone, her father turned towards the pair, raising an eyebrow at her daughter’s excitement. Bending down to their height the older man asked for Chan’s name, to which he replied a soft ‘Christopher Bang’ at this the older man’s eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re that boy that broke the record for the 50 m freestyle swim! Your dad called me earlier to inform me that you had transferred here and wanted to join, fill this up, and (Y/n) here can show you your lockers and the shower rooms to change.”
“Really! What’s your time?! Ugh, I hope it’s not faster than mine.” You had frowned at him, enthusiasm and competitiveness lighting her e/c hues at the revelation of a broken record in her specialty. “Come on, you change, then we race. Loser has to buy ice cream.”
You raced five times and lost all five. It had frustrated you though at the same time had triggered a new type of excitement at the knowledge of someone who would no longer shy away from your competitiveness.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Since your first meeting, Chan had indeed become a huge influence and development in your already hectic life. It had shifted your dynamics and attitude towards the sport you had dedicated your life to since you could walk.
Before meeting Chan, you had little to no drive when it came to training and warmups, accustomed to the fact that no one could come close to you in your age range and category. Though now, with the Korean-Australian around, not only did it shift your energy towards the sport, but something had shifted in your relationship with your father along the road.
Your father was a loving man, dedicated to his daughter and bedridden wife, he had been applauded far and wide for raising such a talented daughter dedicated to a sport he too had once dedicated himself to.
It may have seemed that way to the public. However, during the early stages of your childhood, your mother had been in and out of the hospital, something that your five-year-old self couldn’t have understood nor questioned. Living comfortably with the income your father had as a coach and your mother’s family inheritance, your father had opted to hand you over to nannies and private chauffeurs to ensure that you were busy and occupied.
Among the multiple extracurriculars your father had enrolled you in, you had been six when your interest in swimming had peaked. At the discovery of your interest, it had only been then when your father had decided to become more attentive and present in your childhood.
In awe of how quickly you picked up the technique and the different styles, your father had enthusiastically enrolled you into more classes and going further as to fix your diet around the sport, proudly declaring he would raise an Olympian in his stead.
At the age of seven, he had entered you into your first tournament, there you had gotten gold, and honestly, that didn’t matter. What mattered was the warm embrace your father had given you.
Shortly after the tournament, you had arrived home, surprised to see that there had been more staff present as well as unfamiliar people dressed in pajama-looking attire and some donning a white coat.
Soon your nanny leads you into a room faintly smelling like medicine and cleaning materials, it made your nose sting. Though what caught your eye was the bedridden figure connected to multiple machines next to her, sunken eyes, and ghastly figure, you had not been able to recognize your mother.
Having little to no memories of the woman that had given birth to you, made you blink back tears as she called you, voice frail and raspy “Y/n? Is that you? My how big you’ve grown.”
You had slept in her room that night, the soft beeping of monitors and machines lulling you to sleep as you dreamed of picnics and beach trips had faith decided not to be so cruel.
It was then when you promised yourself to bring your mom more medals if it meant spending more time with her. Each tournament you’d finish, you would run in, carefully avoiding wires and the nurses, beaming in excitement about the race and how good you did.
“Are you happy?” She had said to you one day.
“Of course! I just wish you could come to see me swim.” You smile, understanding bits and pieces of her condition, you had never been that good in science.
“Do you have friends in school? Spend time with them, instead of here with me.” The statement confused you, remembering how your father had ensured that you were picked up from and to, preventing you from having playdates, with the statement that they would be mere distractions to your training.
“No not really, but I like being here with-”
“Y/n, you should be living your childhood alright, can you promise me that, love?” She raises her hand to your cheek, caressing it softly.
“Okay, I will, mom.”
A few days after that conversation, you had met Chan, a boy who would, later, be your north star.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Chan was never careless, especially when it came to things like equipment and his stuff in general, he was always so thorough when it came to packing, so it was rare to see him coming back to school to get something he had forgotten.
What he also hadn’t expected was to see you here as well, fully knowing that your father had a private pool in his residence used not only to train you but as well his private students.
“You had been getting too comfortable, look at your weight, look at your times.” Chan hears your father’s voice from the locker rooms, the Korean Australian hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but with how loud your father’s voice echoed it was hard not to do so. “Do you think your mother would be proud?”
“She said, I should make friends-”
“YOUR MOTHER IS SICK.” Chan flinches at your father’s loud voice as it echoes.
“She’s sick, just because she says something it doesn’t mean you should follow through.” Your father’s voice softens this time, exhaustion peeking through.
“Friends? You’d be distracted and before you even know it. You’d be toppled off that little podium of yours.” He pauses, scoffing. “Don’t make me regret allowing you to hang out with the Bang boy. Beat his times, don’t get too comfortable just cause you’re topping your bracket.”
Chan doesn’t realize he’s been holding his breath till he hears both your footsteps as you exit the hall. What he’s heard has left him baffled, you weren’t exactly talkative when it came to your family affairs, you never seemed to be so bothered either.
The Korean-Australian remembers faintly the rumors that followed your persona. All about your reluctance when it came to making friends, never taking into consideration that perhaps your father had played a part in your icy exterior and reputation.
No wonder most of the kids in your academy had been so shocked to see you interact and talk with the transferee, knowing that you had never been the type to prefer company.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
It wasn’t like you to be so careless either, you were quite attentive when it came to maintaining your grades and health as an athlete.
So, the D on your most recent math test, as well as the onset symptoms of cold was something that had made your blood run cold. Your school followed a strict protocol that required athletes to maintain a good record, which included having Bs and upon all tests.
Anything less than that would mean a week of suspension when it came to training as well as being supplied a set of reviewers to “catch up”, which you were required to finish and submit by the end of the suspension.
Not only that but surprisingly, your father was quite sensitive when it came to your physical welfare, a result of your mother’s condition, honestly. Which meant that the man would not let you near any body of water until you would be in perfect health.
Dread seemed to settle into your system as you hand him your slip, which would signify your suspension. “You were coughing earlier, take time off, I’ll call the nutritionist to change your diet. I’ll call the tutor-”
“You’re getting a tutor?” Chan beams behind your father, “I can help you, I’m in advanced remember?”
Times like these the Korean- Australian baffled you with his audacity, as he continued to grow out of his shyness, and despite your dad having explicitly stated that he had preferred you not to spend any time with your fellow swimmer, he still respected the Korean Australian’s talent and dedication to the sport.
“You’re in advanced math classes Chris?” Chan nods at this in hopes that the coach would consider his offer. “Your times have gotten better, you could take a few days off, with her.”
You’re both in the locker rooms packing your bags when you whisper, “How’d you do that?”
“What do you mean?” Chan hums, amused by your intrigued form.
“My dad, your coach, the F/n L/n, agreed with your suggestion. How did you do that?” You’re poking at his sides, determined to make him spill.
“Secret~” He pokes his tongue out, running out of the training hall.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
You had your chauffeur, drop you off in the Bang Residence, surprised to learn that you lived a street down. You’re warmly welcomed by Chan’s parents greeting and smiling at them through your mask.
“Looks like you didn’t my help nor a tutor, Y/n” Chan smiles seeing that you’re almost through seven worksheets, the swimmer knew you were smart and could keep up with your grades. Though for you to be this careless, he knew that something might’ve been bothering you.
“Come on, let’s go.” You’re shocked as he pulls you up to stand, making you drop your pen and papers, the boy barely gives you any room to argue before he’s pushing you out of the doorway.
“But- my work”
“Could be done within the week remember? Not in one go.”
Before you could even argue, you’re flabbergasted to find yourself seated on a bus, on the way to some location that Chan would not tell you anything about. “We could’ve taken the car, Chan.”
“And where’s the fun in that?” He grins dimple popping out.
“Just remember we have to be back at seven before my driver arrives-”
“Yada-yada, we’ll be fine now let’s have some fun, my style, and my treat!” Chan gestures to the mall you’ve arrived at, giggling at your stunned expression.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Honestly, you’ve never ridden a bus, nor have you been to a mall, or arcade. These are all things you’ve seen in films and movies, living such a secluded life, your father would bust a vein to find out that you were here.
Though there’s a first for everything. It’s also been a while since you’ve had this much fun, laughing, and giggling at every little thing. You’re thankful to have released a little bit of stress, even for just a moment.
Chan even manages to win you a small whale plushie from the arcade. Though you probably think he could’ve saved by just buying you one from the shop across. It amazes you to see teenagers and kids just your age, littered across the mall, you had never thought to come to a place like this.
“Thanks for today.” You nudge him with your elbow, the plushie safely tucked underneath your armpit, digging into the vanilla ice cream you had gotten on the way home.
“Sure, but you’re treating me next time.” You halt, raising an eyebrow at the older boy.
“What do you mean next time?”
“Y/nnnnnn..” He drags your name in a whine. “Fun things are supposed to be done again, you can’t just live your life just swimming and going to school. We’re kids! We’re supposed to have fun and live life and make memories! That’s what life’s supposed to be! Alright?”
You should be living your childhood. Your mother’s voice pierces through your head, at Chan’s words, had this been what she meant?
“Hey. are you crying? Ya! Don’t cry” You hear Chan say something inaudible perhaps in Korean, as he frets over your crying figure, you see him pat himself down, hearing a small “aha!” before he’s reaching over to dry your tears with a handkerchief.
Softly patting down your cheeks, he sighs. “You don’t have to tell me, what’s wrong, but I’m right here, and I will always be.” He’s pulling you into a hug, you feel your body stiffen from the contact, surprised at the display of intimacy.
You don’t question why, but it feels warm and safe. Just like a cup of vanilla ice cream after a nice swim on the beach.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
“Hey, wake up, we’re here” a soft nudge pushes at your side, you hum in response, finding the boy’s shoulder comfortable.
Chan sighs, smiling at how comfortable you were with your head on his shoulder, cooing at your initiation of intimacy. It had taken you a few years before you were comfortable with any form of affection at all, putting two and two together to realize it must’ve had something to do with your family.
The young swimmer was well aware he was never obliged to fix you nor your situation despite his young age, but seeing you glow and smile at the different yet simple aspects of life that had been prohibited by your situation made him feel warm.
Ever since your first hug, albeit its awkwardness, you had become more receptive to little bits of physical affection and verbal affirmation. Chan smiling as recalled the first time you had initiated a hug, mindlessly throwing your arms around your best friend after he had gotten you a present for your birthday. Needless to say, you had become quite flustered at the realization of your actions.
Over the past few years, your father’s complaints about your friendship with Chan had lessened, seeing your continuous development in terms of grades and dedication. And despite being friends, the competitive fire within you had never ceased, holding on to that desire to beat Chan’s record.
The sun has set. You realize as you open your eyes, blinking out remnants of your drowsiness as you yawn. You’re raising your head from Chan’s shoulder when you realize his hand was extremely close to your face.
You’re jolting up in embarrassment before muttering, “Have I been drooling?” Quickly patting and wiping your lips for saliva.
“Uh, maybe, but it’s f-”
“Don’t you dare say it’s fine Christopher! Augh! This is embarrassing you should’ve woken me up!” You’re storming out of the car, cheeks warm in your flustered form.
Chan chuckles, how cute.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Ever since hearing of your newly found friend, your mother had continuously asked for you to bring Chan over. And since their meeting, your mother had continuously asked for the return of your polite and talented friend.
It amused you how your mother stated he was like an angel with his voice and good nature, well she wasn’t entirely wrong. Your mother had never shared anything about her life before her sickness, you knew that she had been an only child like you, and from the number of books and records on the shelf in her room, as well as the violin and record player on the side, her interests must’ve been aligned with those.
So when Chan had asked, “What’s your mother like?” You didn’t really know how you could respond to the question and before you know it the line of liking music and books had been stumbling out of your mouth.
Chan’s eyes had lit up at the mention of music, proceeding to ask which artist, what genre. Though with observant eyes, Chan could see your aura dim, he decides to drop the topic, he asks you about the latest Pokemon game. That had been the first time, you’d taken note of Chan’s interest in music.
Though it still surprises you when the day he meets your mother, he arrives with a fresh fruit basket and a ukulele.
He had smiled at your mother that day before he began strumming a soft melody you didn’t recognize. It takes him a while before he states that he had made the melody on his own, struggling to find the lyrics to suit them.
You remember your mother’s words; “It should come from here, whatever you do in life, ensure that your heart will beat for it.” She had said.
Your mother at times was an enigma, speaking in poetry that you struggled to decipher. Some days, you were envious when you’d see her with Chan, seemingly sharing a secret they wouldn’t let you in on. Chan would always seem to understand the puzzling lines she’d say.
It’s another afternoon to which your mother had invited Chan over, you’re both stepping into her room when you find her immersed in one of her classics, a thick leather bounded book, you’d be too terrified to try and read, without busting a vein.
She doesn’t look up, when she hears you two enter, she never does, and you know better than to disturb her amidst her reading. Though you admit that there’s this aura about your mother when she’s immersed in a book, it’s as if she takes a step into the world she’s reading about, escaping whatever pain she currently faces in reality.
It’s only until you set the peeled apples on the table next to her when she looks up. “How has your day been, love? Your father hasn’t been overworking you too much?” She sets the book and her glasses on her bedside table.
“I’m fine mum, Chan brought you some apples, and look they’re cut like bunnies.” She smiles as you offer a slice into her mouth, carefully biting onto it.
“That’s good to hear, Chan dear, my you’ve grown look how tall you’ve grown since I last saw you.” Your mother reaches to ruffle his curls.
“Mom you saw him last week-”
“Have I? really auntie!” You roll your eyes at the overly enthusiastic reply at the mention of his height.
A knock halts your conversation, the door opens to reveal your father’s secretary, she calls your name, stating that your father had called you into his office. You take one last look at Chan and your mother, letting them know that you’d be right back.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Perhaps it’s the thick atmosphere of your father’s office, but at the sight of the envelope with its infamous school colors, it’s as if all the oxygen in the room had been sucked out.
Your father passes you the envelope, “Everything’s been settled, we can get you a flat there, or perhaps you’d like to live in their dorms. You start next semester, you can move after your graduation.-”
“Does mom know?”
“She does.”
“When had this been sent in?”
“Just last week, you really don’t need to worry about anything dear, be sure you graduate and get a good result on next week’s tournament.” Right graduation.
With all the exams you had recently finished as well as training it had completely slipped your mind that you were entering high school in two months.
You faintly recall a conversation you and Chan had after finding out about his interest in music. “(Y/n), What are you going to be when you grow up?” He had asked you during one of your trips to the ice cream parlor, digging into his salted caramel ice cream.
The question caught you off guard. What did you want to do? Eyes downcast you began to finding interest in the vanilla ice cream, as you picked at it. “I’ll probably continue swimming, that’s what my dad wants.”
“Yeah, that's what your dad wants, but what do you want? Like I want to do something with music! I want to use it as a platform to spread messages, to help people find comfort in music the way I do.” He had looked so bright, so gleeful, like a star so far and out of reach.
“Oh, that’s amazing Chris. Though I don’t know what I want to do.” How you wish you were just as passionate as Chan, wishing you could break through your comfort zone to chase after the one thing you loved the most.
“Then I’ll help you find something, something you’ll come to love the way I do with music.”Maybe at that time, I had found something to love, maybe I just didn’t know it yet. “But if you love swimming, then you’ll be the greatest swimmer in the world, you’ll be an Olympic medalist!” He raises his ice cream cup as a toast, you clink yours with him, smiling at how happy he looked.
Chan was your north star, no matter which direction the universe spun, he remained unwavering, shining bright and leading you to home, him, your comfort.
Dazed, you don’t realize you’ve been standing in front of your mother’s room until Chan opens the door, he yelps in shock at the sight of your deadpanned eyes.
He says something in Korean, clutching his heart at the unintentional scare. “You scared me, why are you standing there like some zombie.”
“Oops, sorry just a bit occupied.” Quickly hiding the envelope behind your back, something his eyes don’t miss. “Let’s go, dinner’s ready.”
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
After dinner you decide to take a walk to have some ice cream at the familiar parlor you frequented ever since becoming friends and after you had lost to him the first time you met.
Sitting down you both order, asking for your usual vanilla-flavored ice cream, Chan picks the mint chocolate chip, a special for the week. He’s silent all of a sudden, fixing you with a serious gaze as he takes in a deep breath. It made you uneasy suddenly as if whatever he would say next would change your fate.
And it did.
“Y/n remember when I said I wanted to make music?” He asks, fiddling with the spoon, nervous which was a rare sight for the charismatic boy.
You hum in response allowing him to continue. “Well, my parents and I made a deal, they would allow me to live in South Korea as a trainee, as long as I got into a good company. And well I got in, you’re now looking at the latest Australian trainee of JYP Entertainment. I'm leaving after the tournament next week!” He points to himself with his thumb, smiling and giddy to hear your response.
Korea as in Korea within Asia? That's 6828 kilometers away!
“(Y/n), are you alright? You’re not saying anything, there is something wrong.” Without noticing you had turned your head down, allowing your hair to create a curtain between you two. He reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ears and is surprised to be met by your tear-stained cheeks. “You’re crying.” He says, unsure of what to say and what made you upset. “Are you not happy I got in?”
“No, I'm happy! You’re finally getting what you dreamed of! You’re going to be amazing Chris. I’m crying because of how happy I am for you.” I’m going to be all alone. You’re going to be living 6828 kilometers away, in a foreign country when we barely turned 14. I’m going to be all alone. I want to be happy for you but why does this hurt so much? I’m going to be all alone.
You might as well tell him. “I’m moving, I got into Griffith so I’m moving into the dorms as well.”
“That’s huge! That place is a breeding ground for Olympians! That’s amazing! We’re both chasing after our dreams, after all. Congratulations Y/n.” It honestly didn’t feel like something to be happy of.
All will be alright, with time. We’ll be alright.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
The next following day came faster than expected you both tried to pretend he wasn’t leaving in the next few days, you tried to pretend that you’d still be able to see one another in the next few years and maybe the next few days. A sense of normalcy in the upcoming days of uncertainty. Neither of you had any idea what fate had in store for you both and you could only hope.
And soon enough the day of the tournament finally rolls around. You’re buzzing with excitement as you entered the building. Chan, on the other hand, was nervous at this being his last swim meet, he hoped to make this as memorable as possible. And though you never say it, Chan knew that deep down you loved swimming, no matter how much you tried to make it out that you only did it for your dad.
He sees you glow the moment you step into the pool, he knew you’re meant for this, to be up there with the pro athletes he too had admired. And as much as it hurt him to leave you, he’s stunned and in awe of how much stronger you’ve become.
He loved the confidence that you had as you walked into the competition hall, ignoring the curious gazes, and turning heads at the mention of your name. You have been destined to reign the competitive world of swimming, and he knew he wasn’t as good as you were to reign alongside you. He had accepted that a long time ago.
He walks with you to the locker room to prepare and change, trailing a few steps after you. Observing the looks of both younger and older swimmers in awe at the sight of you, your reputation in the sport was indeed something to uphold.
You turn to him gripping your gym bag tightly, which he had offered to carry but had been rejected along the lines of saying that you were a woman that could carry your belongings or something like that. “Well, I’ll see you later, wish me luck.” You raise your fist to him, initiating your signature good luck handshake before every competition. The handshake brought you a lot of reassurance and strength, taking away any worries you’d have.
You grin at him one last time, turning at your heels to enter the room, but before you take another step, he pulls you in for a hug, squeezing you tightly, your hands awkward by your sides, unsure of whether to hug him back. “You don’t need luck, go wreck them.”
You scoff at his words, finally deciding to wrap your arms around his shoulder. “Of course, see ya later Bangaroo.”
Up in the stands Chan observes you as you take your positions on the starting block, he smiles to himself as he sees you wearing the goggles and swim cap, he had given you during your last birthday. He had saved for it the whole year to surprise you with your favorite swimming brand. You had teared up at the gift, before smacking him for the times he had complained every time you invited him to the parlor.
He had never seen you wear the cap and goggles at practice, you had told him you had to save the luck for competitions. He had asked you to explain though you brushed off the statement by pushing him into the pool.
“It’s nice to see you here, isn’t this your last swim meet?” Chan blinks in surprise as the older man takes a seat beside him joining him to observe his daughter.
“Coach (L/n)..” Chan greets, unsure of what to say. Since, the knowledge of his rough treatment of his best friend, he had preferred not to stay too close to the older man, aware of his dislike for him.
“She’s still as amazing as ever.” Your father whispers in awe more to himself rather than Chan. “I was surprised you know, at her growth and development since your arrival. You’ve been an amazing push to her capabilities as a swimmer, that I have to admit.”
The older man stands up all of a patting him on the shoulder, “Well good luck, and thank you for giving her that push. Hug her for me later.” Chan’s surprised by the time your father leaves is just in time you finish the swim, realizing you had already won.
28.08 He gasps as he sees the scoreboard alongside your name. 28.08 You had broken his 50M Free record by a second, after years of competing and ice cream trips, you’ve finally done it. He sees you shocked as well, he meets your eyes, throwing you a thumbs up from the stands, grin highlighted by his dimples.
You looked radiant, a small voice in his head reassures him that he made the right choice., that you’d be alright. He starts heading toward the locker rooms to prepare. He’s stunned by your father’s words, he knows in his heart he made the right decision, and he knows he shouldn’t let this bother him, especially when he’s about to compete.
He steps into the starting block, slipping on his goggles, snapping them against the back of his head to erase any of his worries. Lastly, he’s putting on his swim cap. Taking deep even breaths, it’s his last swim. Chan wants to make this as memorable as possible.
He closes his palm clenching it, testing to see how shaky and nervous he was, only to see that it wasn’t that bad. His heart rate isn’t so accelerated either. They’re given the signals to take their positions. And Chan is surprised there are no unpleasant jitters in his stomach.
Chan reacts with the beep, kicking off the starting block and then diving into the waters, he feels the pull of gravity just as he surfaces to take his first breath. Rotating from his shoulders, he paces his breathing for the first lap to maintain his stamina. Though once he approaches the end, he gives a powerful kick to the touchpad turning as he accelerates. In the last lap, he pushes himself to go faster, erasing all thoughts and worries. He reminds himself that this is his specialty, the one style in swimming you couldn’t beat him at. He’s slipping his goggles and swim cap before he even realizes he won.
Chris places gold. And it feels exhilarating, he feels so happy he could cry. He sees you in the stands, grinning and he’s sure he mirrors your grin.
You’re taking a few pictures, not missing the chance to take matching iconic pics biting gold medals. A small voice at the back of your head asks what the odds of would be you two doing these pictures at a larger scale.
After dinner, which his parents had invited you to, you’re both walking to that ice cream parlor two blocks from his house. You’re chuckling as Chan waves his wallet, a show that he would be paying for the first time.
You smile as he hands you, your usual cup of vanilla-flavored ice cream. You’re now walking back to his house, soaking up the comfortable atmosphere trying to let the events that happened today sink in. Chan would be leaving tomorrow morning, and you’d be leaving in a few weeks as well.
“So, mister idol, are you excited?” Deciding to break the silence, nudging at him as his ears turn pink.
“A bit, it’s a huge leap, you know, absolutely knowing no one, I still have an accent when I speak in Korean it might sound weird, gosh I have to make friends and all that. But oh god, what if I can’t make any? What if I don’t debut? What if I just don’t cut it? Oh god, you’re not going to be there to treat me to ice cream, to binge on anime, treat me to food and ice cream. I just-” Chan pauses as his voice cracks, footsteps coming to a halt, “I’m just going to miss Australia so so much.”
You find yourself gaping, as you see the taller boy crumble. Between the two of you, it had always been you to be the emotional one, the crybaby, on the other hand, Chan had always been your rock and your shoulder to cry on no matter the situation. Seeing him cry pulled at your heartstrings, soon enough you’re throwing your arms around him, rubbing circles into his back.
“You’re going to be fine, Chris, you’ll be amazing, and if any of them starts anything with you, I’m booking a flight to kick their arse.” Pulling away from the hug, you cup his cheeks, wiping his tears for the first time in your friendship.
Knowing how worried he was with all the changes, it was your turn to be his rock, after all the times he had been yours. Chris was amazing no matter what he was doing, whether it was sitting in class paying attention to a math problem, or asking for your opinion on his swimming, or just talking to you. He was meant to be amazing.
You don’t realize you’ve been staring at him until. “Are you going to miss me?”
You sigh at his red-rimmed eyes, endeared at his sniffles. “Of course, I am, I care about you a lot, what makes you think I wouldn’t, you better not forget me when you’re all famous. I’m just a bit disappointed we’re going our separate ways, we’ve been through a lot, you’ve been there for me no matter what, I’m grateful for meeting you, Chris.” It takes you a while to realize that you’re tearing up.
“I’m really really going to miss you, Chris. It’s going to be different not swimming with you anymore, not going to the parlor to get ice cream, teasing you for how much you eat, letting me win video games, who’s going to teach me math!? If I weren’t good at swimming the teachers wouldn’t be so patient with me!” You struggle to hold back your tears, deciding to reach up and hide your face in the crevice of his neck and shoulder, squeezing him in reassurance.
Chan fixes his arms around your waist, returning the hug, “We’re going to be fine, so long as that no matter what you do, make sure it comes from here, you’ll be alright, we’ll be alright, you’re stronger than ever. Don’t you ever let anyone take that from you, okay? I have something for you. Can you close your eyes?”
With your eyes shut, you can feel Chan’s hands around your neck, you can feel his soft breathing, and the soft click of a clasp. “You can open them.” You gasp at the sight of the pretty mermaid tail that sat on the crevice of your collar bones.
“You were meant for this Y/n. You radiate and glow when you swim, you’re going to do amazing.” Chan presses a soft kiss into your forehead, a reminder of how much taller he’s grown. “I have something else for you tomorrow, but that’s a surprise for you tomorrow, I’ll give it to you at the airport tomorrow, okay?” He presses another kiss into your cheek, wiping the few tears that had escaped.
Soon enough, you’re on your way back home, the previously comforting silence disrupted by distant yet ear-splitting sirens, you pay it no mind until you notice how it sounds closer as you near your house.
You’re gasping at the sight of the bright blue and red lights, frozen still as you see paramedics roll your mother out of the house. Everything blurs as you’re pushed and ushered here and there, calls of your name passing through the other ear.
As everything goes dark.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
“I’m sure it was just fatigue.” In and out of consciousness, you found it difficult to determine which parts of it were real, and which weren’t.
“Mom?” Fluttering your eyes open, you were surprised to see a bright white interior, contrasting the blue hues of your room in your house.
“Y/n?” Turning towards the voice, you’re met by your nanny’s worried eyes, as she hovers a damp towel to your forehead. “You’re in the hospital dear, you passed out after we fetched you last night, your mother I’m afraid, she doesn’t have much time left.”
“Where is she-” You’re rushing to stand, wincing in pain when you realize that you have an IV attached to you. “Bring me to her.”
The nanny struggles to aid you in your haste, pushing the IV behind your quick steps. Luckily your mother had been in the room next to you, had it been any further your legs would have given up.
The soft hum and consistent beeps of machines echoed throughout your mother’s room; the sharp scent of antiseptics clouded your thinking. Your father stands from the side of her bed, you’re surprised when he meets you at the door, softly telling the nanny to leave as he takes your hand in his, guiding your IV in the process.
He quietly helps you up into your mother’s bed, who’s surprisingly awake, and smiles at the sight of you. You can feel tears well up, your heart heavy as you take in her figure, engraving it to your heart. She still wears the blue and white scarf atop her head, something you had given her after receiving your first allowance as an athlete.
You don’t realize you’re shaking as you reach to caress her cheek, carefully avoiding the wires attached to her. She holds your hand to her cheek, appreciating the warmth you brought. “Hello love, I heard you passed out, are you doing alright?”
You could only nod in response, your chest heavy as tears began to drip into the white sheets of her bed. “Now listen to me love, you are the sun, you are my sun, and I know I haven’t been there that much to show you all the love you deserve, but I do love you. You are the sun that brought me warmth in that cold room of mine, you are the light that beams when you step into the room. Don’t you ever let anyone dim your light.”
She carefully pulls you into her chest, rubbing small patterns into your back, in an attempt to soothe the shaking of your chest. “You’re going to be alright, love, live the life you love, and everything will be alright. Mom loves you so much, you're so amazing you should know that. I might not be a part of your bigger achievements, your ups and downs in life, falling in love, and all that. Though I do hope you find someone, who’d be there until the end, someone to hold your hand in this dark and empty world. Though I want you to remember that you are beyond your medals, I will still love you no matter what you choose to do in life, alright? I will forever be proud to be your mother-” Her voice dwindles as she trails off, her arm dropping from behind your back, as her breath stills in the process.
The room goes up in flames as everything begins to beep loudly, you could do nothing but sob harder as you cling to your dying mother. The next few minutes are a blur, in the chaos, you feel someone pull you from your mother’s chest as the room floods with medical personnel.
It takes you a while to realize that it’s your father who holds you, turning you away from your mother’s figure as you continue to sob, unable to say anything but cry. The word I love you lingers on the tip of your tongue, regret weighing heavily on your chest.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
You hadn’t realized you had passed out once more, eyes adjusting to bright hospital lights as everything feels numb. You’re surprised to see your father passed out on the chair next to your bed, eyes swollen and sunken with everything that had happened.
Feeling a bit parched, you reach for the water bottle that had supposedly been there, but instead, you find a small iPod and some earphones. Chan’s unique penmanship on the iPod catches your eye, intrigued, you reach for it.
Another strike of guilt threatens to pull at your heartstrings, of the realization that you had missed his flight. “The Bangs came by the house to drop that off, they mentioned that Chris had wanted to give you this before his flight.” Your father blinks sleep out of his eyes, stretching before he leaves the room.
It takes you a while to untangle the earphones before you plug them in the iPod with a soft click before you wear them. The small square weighs heavy on your hand as you press play.
“Hello, Y/n!” You jump a bit at the loudness of Chan’s voice quickly adjusting the volume.
“Since that fateful day where you saved me from the bullies, I have forever been in your debt. Kidding! “You roll your eyes amused as he continues talking.
“Well not really, but honestly Y/n you have played a huge role not only in my development as a swimmer but as well as a friend. You had been someone I wanted to protect from all the cruel things in this world, had I not met you I wonder if I would’ve had any friends here.” Says the social butterfly, yeah right Christopher.
“I really wished it hadn’t been this way,” I wish it hadn’t been this way either.
“We had a good run Y/n, I am forever grateful to have met you. Now I don’t have much to say, but in a few minutes, a song will play. It’s a song I made. It's something your mom helped put together. I do hope you enjoy this little gift from us, and please do give her a hug in my stead. I do hope you like this song, and may you continue to shine as you take on the professional world of swimming! With love, Your Bangaroo” With everything that has happened, you don’t really feel disappointed or sad with your best friend’s decision, maybe a bit of regret from the lack of time, but all you could do is hope that time and faith would not be so cruel once more.
Chan’s voice fades out as a soft melody of piano notes begins to play, your heart warms as Chan’s voice begins to sing.
“And take, take her to the moon for me
Take her like you promised me
Say you love her every time like how you told me the last time”
You could understand why your mother had told you that Chan was like your guardian angel. Albeit a bit of an exaggeration for a boy your age, but his soft and giving nature had been your source of comfort and happiness throughout middle school and for that, you will forever be grateful.
“Someday I know we'll meet again
In heaven by the rainbow's end
And I only wish you happiness
Until we meet again”
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
41 notes · View notes
trashytummiez · 4 years
Pizza Pals
This is based off of a request from @horriblehooter to have Harley and Killer Croc eating together.  It sounds like a cute idea so I wanted to try it out. 
“And that’s another reason why I love workin’ with ya, Croc!  When I forget my baseball bat during a caper?  You just waltz in’n threaten to eat the bank manager!  Think the guy even peed himself a lil!”  Harley rambled happily at a job well done while skipping through a damp, underground living quarters.  It was dark and eerie, like a serial killers cavern.  It didn’t stop Harley from humming a chipper and off key tune.
That was because the chamber was home to one Killer Croc, who was slowly stomping heavily behind Harley with his thick, scaly arms carrying dozens of duffel bags full of cash.  The giant reptile dropped all of them onto the ground carelessly with a heavy thud then grunted contently.  He scratched at his muscular stomach from under his dirty tanktop when it grumbled loudly.  
“Should’a taken a bite outta the security guard.  I’m starvin’,” Croc growled in his deep beastly voice.
“Yeah, but guys taste yucky!  How do ya feel about pizza?”  Harley asked as if Killer Croc wanting to eat people was as normal as someone talking about the weather.
Croc shrugged.  “Pizza’s cool, I guess.”
“Yaaay!  Pizza Party!!”  Harley cheered which made Croc roll his eyes.
There wasn’t any good reception in Killer Croc’s lair, so the two decided to go order their food in-person.  Croc’s presence alone was enough to ensure the speediest service money could buy.  And money did actually buy the three dozen pizzas hastily cooked at Luigi’s Oven.  After all, it was Harley’s favorite pizza joint in all of Gotham City.  She couldn’t stand the idea of leaving such great chefs high and dry.  Not if she wanted to keep being a frequent customer.  Thankfully, they had quite a bit of spare change to satisfy Luigi and his crew, even if she had to remind Croc not to eat anyone while they were there.
They eventually returned to Croc’s lair and once again, Croc was left carrying every single pizza himself.  Some may have gotten a little messed up during the trip back, but he didn’t mind.  The reptile had an old couch in the middle of his compound which creaked under his enormously heavy frame.  Harley just plopped her butt happily onto the couch next to her huge friend and practically started drooling when she saw so many pizza boxes just staring her in the face.
“Ooooohhhh so much Luigi’s, so little time...” Harley said like she was in a trance.  
Killer Croc also licked his rows and rows of sharp fangs hungrily.  Then he tore a box open and grabbed the entire extra large pizza.  He folded the thing in half like a massive sandwich and shoved the whole thing right into his jaws.  Harley whistled when she watched Croc sloppily chew on an entire pizza and giggled when his scaly cheeks bulged a little.  Then, the reptile gulped heartily and sent that pizza rippling through his gullet.  Croc smacked his chops contently and grabbed another pizza.
Harley was no slouch either.  She cracked open her first box and greedily chomped into that extra cheesy, slightly messy slice of pizza with glee.  She always loved that first warm, gooey bite of Luigi’s pizza.  And even in a damp, underground cavern, today was no exception.  Once that bite slid down her throat, she got to work scarfing the rest of it down and got to work chomping away on more slices.
Croc looked down to see his friend stuffing her face more than any human he’d ever known and grinned.  It was just one of many reasons why he always enjoyed Harley Quinn’s company in ways few villains did.  It helped that she wasn’t getting grossed out by seeing Croc wolf down entire pizzas all at once, just like he was in the middle of doing.  Guess it was to be expected, she’d seen Killer Croc ravage a lot worse than pizza when on jobs together.  When Croc swallowed that second pizza, his neck expanded when that incredibly thick glob of food big enough to satisfy a dozen people pushed down his throat and into his stomach with a slick ripple.  Croc sighed and rubbed his stomach contently.  Because he was so abnormally big, two entire pizzas barely put a dent on his gut.
But by the time Harley was done with her first pizza, her own stomach was looking a little bloated.  She always wore a crop top under her leather costume, and that always showcased the extent her gorging impacted her constantly exposed midsection.  With so many pizzas around her at once, she got a little overwhelmed and eagerly started tearing through her next Italian Pie.  Harley was wolfing down one slice after another, taking impossibly big bites and swallowing sizable mouthfuls of pizza that her slender throat bobbed visibly with each gulp she took.
It was nothing compared to Killer Croc literally downing one entire pizza after another.  He already had a little stack of empty pizza boxes forming near his side of the couch.  And because he ate so many pizzas so quickly, it was starting to have an impact.  Those rock hard scaly abs Killer Croc had were softening into a bit of a scaly beer belly the more Croc stuffed himself.  He was eating so much that his scaly stomach was becoming visible from underneath his tanktop.  But because Croc was a carnivorous reptile, he kept going without slowing down at all.  
Harley kept eating too, even as her own belly grew larger and larger with every slice she horked down.  She was getting so full that her belly was starting to gurgle loud enough that Croc could hear it.  After swallowing another whole pizza, he slurped heavily and looked down at the bloated, petite young woman.  “Gettin’ full there, Quinn?”
Her cheeks were bulging with pizza.  She held up a finger and swallowed heavily, working a big mouthful down her slender throat and past her perky chest.  She leaned back against the couch and rubbed her bulging stomach as it grumbled deeply.  “Ungh, naw, just feels like I need to BUUUUUUUURRRRPPP!!!!”
Harley sat up suddenly when a large burp erupted from her unexpectedly.  Not only that, but she literally burped out the word ‘burp’ itself.
Croc laughed.  “Nice.”
Harley sighed with relief and pat her stomach before giggling.  “Thanks!  I can burp the alphabet too, if ya wanna see.”  She sat up with concentration and subtly gulped down some air, which made her throat bob until she opened her mouth to push the air back up.  “...AYY...b-BEEE......CEEEEE-URRRPP!!  Gah...”
Croc laughed again when Harley burped out the first three letters.  It was a gross but impressive stunt.  Harley huffed then said, “What comes after C again?”
“D fer dumbass,” Croc replied.
Harley pouted then punched Croc’s arm, not wanting to admit it hurt her a lot more than it did him.  “Jerk!  I’ll have ya know I have a Ph-DEEEEEE!!!!”
At that unexpected belch, Croc laughed even harder while Harley smacked her lips and giggled herself.  
She totally meant to do that.
The two continued stuffing their faces with pizza, steadily getting more and more bloated with every slice, or in Killer Croc’s case, every pizza pie.  Harley ate an impressive amount of pizza in such a short outing, but her little pot belly wasn’t so little after a while.  Even Croc’s own belly was getting so big that his shirt couldn’t even cover his scaly stomach anymore, now riding up around his belly button.  And if Harley’s stomach was getting noisy, then Croc’s bloated gut was twice as loud the way it intensely churned and bubbled from so much greasy pizza eaten all at once.  Like Harley, Killer Croc occasionally burped to ease some of the pressure in his gut; his being much louder than Harley’s, but with how much he was eating, it wasn’t doing a lot of good quieting his stomach down.
By the time they were done, both Harley and Croc were lazily slumped back against the couch, sporting enormously round bellies.  Harley looked as if she were almost pregnant with how utterly full of pizza she was.  And Killer Croc looked as if he had swallowed a giant medicine ball.  Their bellies gurgled and churned intensely, Croc’s stomach far more so than Harley’s.
“Unnngh, m’so full...” Harley groaned wearily while she rubbed her achingly bloated belly all over.
Killer Croc let out a huge burp that echoed all throughout the underground then sighed as he patted his belly.  “Guh, yer tellin’ me.  I ain’t been this full since that job we did at Falcone’s construction site.”
Harley couldn’t help but let out a massive, incredibly unladylike burp of her own that didn’t come close to Croc’s, but would’ve easily won any contests against normal humans.  She sighed with relief and patted her own round belly then hiccuped when the contents in her stomach sloshed from the pat.  “Oooh, needed that,” Harley moaned then grinned lazily back at Croc with a nod.  “I remember that one.  Ya ate the foreman, didn’tcha?”
Croc belched deeply again and nodded.  “Yup.  He was a fat one too.  Butterball took forever to digest properly.”
“Well, yer a growin’ lizard, ya need the calories!”
Killer Croc gave Harley a bored look then rolled his reptilian eyes.  “Least ya ain’t callin’ me a gator.”
He reached down and fumbled with his belt, but it was a little hard with his enormously round belly getting in the way.  But he eventually managed it and unbuckled the belt to his old pants.  As soon as he did, his engorged stomach expanded even more which made Croc slump back and moan heavily.  
“OoooooooOOOOooooh man, that’s better...” Killer Croc moaned in a near-daze.
“Smart thinkin’!”  Harley said, fumbling with her own leather pants.  She leaned back while her big belly stuck out even more, like a child fumbling to tie their shoelaces.  It was actually funny to watch her struggle, making Killer Croc snicker a little childishly at her efforts.  He was about to offer to help after a while, but she just barely managed to pull it off.
Like Croc, the second her belt and pants button were undone, her immensely bloated stomach expanded to fill the space, unzipping her pants in the process.  Harley went cross-eyed and groaned blissfully when she spilled into the couch with dazed relief.
“Holy crap, that’s like Christmas and Hanukkah got busy’n had a Holiday Baby...”
Both villains eased with relief, weighed down by their bloated guts.  And in unison, both Harley Quinn and Killer Croc threw their heads back and let out a pair of giant burps at the exact same time, with Croc’s easily dwarfing Harley’s and carrying on for even longer after hers ended.  Then they sighed heartily.
“Oooohhh Mama Mia...if Red could see me now...” Harley moaned, slowly running her hands up and down her rounded belly.  Croc raised a scaly brow and turned to his friend intrigued while massaging his own bloated belly lazily.  Harley giggled wearily and explained.  “She loves seein’ me get all super duper stuffed’n burpy, feeds me a bunch all the time.  I don’t mind though.  I love food and I love all the attention she gives my tummy.”
Croc snorted.  “Kinky weirdos.”
“Hey!  No kinkshamin’, ya big fat jerk!”  Harley replied, punching Croc right in his belly, which, yet again, hurt like hell, since he ate so much that it felt like punching solid rock.  But it was hard enough to make Croc burp loudly again in response.  
Croc smacked his lips afterwards and shrugged.  “So, how’re things goin’ fer you’n Ivy anyway?”
“They’ve been good!  She’s always been a buncha fun t’hang out with, she’s got great taste in TV shows and she’s just so honest.  Not like Mister Jay at all.  What’cha see with Red is what’cha get,” Harley explained with a fondness in her voice.
Killer Croc grinned when he saw how content she seemed to be with her new girlfriend.  He may have been a carnivorous reptilian monster, but when it came to his friends, he always wanted whatever was best for them; whatever made them genuinely happy.
Harley perked up and nudged Croc.  “Ooh!  How’ve things with blubber butt been goin’?”
Croc’s smile dropped instantly.  “A; only I get to call her that.  And B; they’re...they’re alright.”  The giant scaly monster looked away almost timidly as he scratched his bulging gut.  “Ain’t used to havin’ a girlfriend, but...she gets me.”
Harley beamed and hugged Croc’s arm.  “Eeeeeey!  That means we get to double date sometime!!”
Croc snorted.  “Quinn, between you, me’n Orca, if we ever went to a restaurant, someone might literally die tryin’ to make all that food.”
“Maybe he was a jerk!  And that way, you can eat him after fer dessert!”
Croc laughed and licked his lips.  “I knew there was a reason we were friends...”
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Survey #389
“i’m well aware i’m a danger to myself  /  are you aware i’m a danger to others?”
How much do you weigh? Yeah, we're starting off on a bad foot. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Putting Roman's used litter in the trash. Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? Hm... I guess you could love them, but it'd be a complicated situation. What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? If it's purely for sport, from the very bottom of my heart, fuck you. Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? I'd say it's decently fast. Have you ever been someplace tropical? Yeah, Florida. My grandma lived there. Are you sensitive to caffeine? No. It does like... nothing to me. How do you usually get around? My mom's car. Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? No actually, but I know I kinda am. What do you think about Kim Kardashian? I don't have an opinion of her. Can you speak any French? No. Favorite yogurt flavor? The only yogurt I've been liking lately is cookies and cream to add a different texture, because otherwise, I don't like its natural texture very much??? Idk man, my taste buds are wild. How much money do you have in your wallet right now? Just like $5. What bottled water brand do you like? Essentia. Your favorite way to eat chocolate? As chocolate bars, probably. How often do you listen to country music? Like, never. Linkin Park or Avenged Sevenfold? Linkin Park. Last surgery you had? Pilonidal cyst removal. Have you ever played guitar? I briefly took classes for it in high school, yes. Best I got to was playing some of the intro to "Crazy Train." I enjoyed it, but not enough to be consistent and really learn. Is there someone in your life whose career/life choices you find immoral/unethical? Have you ever told that person your views? Do you find it difficult to support them (emotionally or otherwise) because of their choices? I don't think so? What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? Independence and confidence would be nice... Have you ever considered writing your memoirs? No. Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? God no. I love my online friends. Half of 'em more than "irl" ones. Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? I have to be VERY invested in it to care THAT much. It happened most recently when Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty premiered. Do you have any stickers on your laptop? No. Would you rather have a job for which you had to go in early in the morning or one you had to stay late into the evening at? Early in the morning. I'm in a better mood in the morning. Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? I have a calorie-counting app, as well as one to track my period. Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? My mom's, best friend's, and psychiatrist's. If you could’ve been at any historical event, which would you have liked to witness firsthand? I don't really know. Maybe the very first Pride event? Is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of doing? If so, why are you afraid of doing it? Ride a rollercoaster, for one. I know I never will, though. I'm too afraid of throwing up, but even more realistically, I fear passing out before of the twisting and turning and just standing up makes me very dizzy. My blood pressure is STUPID low. What is something society “expects” you to do that you don’t want to do and/or don’t plan on doing? Have kids. That's a big 'ole fat no from me. Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever come to your door? Twice at least. Are you well-known by people in your area? No. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? No, thank Christ. It sounds terrifying. What's your favourite type of bird? Barn owls. Melanistic ones, to be exact. Stunning. What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? I'm only keeping up with Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. Have you ever dated a smoker? For less than a day. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yes. Have you ever been a member in a band? No. Besides the school band. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No. Do you have separate emails for personal and business? No. Have you ever missed a flight? Yes. Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? Multiple times. Have you ever taken a ride in a convertible? I think once with my brother. Why did you last need to use a band-aid? I'unno. What fruit do you eat most often? Apples. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? My ma. Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? A few times. I don't feel like thinking over this. Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? I've tried almond milk, and I hated it. If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? uhhhhhh idk When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? I'm essentially always in my room. If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? No. Do you find piercings attractive? Yep. Do you like potato chips? Loooove 'em. What’s the most stalker-like/creepy thing you’ve ever done? If you don’t think you’ve done anything like that, what’s the most stalker-like thing someone’s done to you? Nothing beyond checking Jason's Facebook sometimes after the breakup, I think. Even that though I wouldn't recommend doing. You're just going to get yourself hurt. Stay away from exes' profiles. Do you think it’s a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it’s assault? Yep. I don't give a fuck what's in your pants, you don't hit anybody unless you're fighting to defend yourself. What’s your favorite old Disney movie and favorite new Disney movie? I mean... define "old." I'll go with The Lion King for old, and for new, uh... Finding Dory, probs. Name something “trendy” or popular that you dislike. I don't really know what IS trendy right now... Is Snapchat still "in?" Because I've never gotten that. “Dirty talk” in the bedroom…love it, like it, don’t care, dislike it, or hate it? I think I'm kinda neutral about it? Like I mean it also depends on exactly what is said. I prefer more loving talk, though. What is/are your favorite type(s) of ethnic food, and what’s your favorite food within that type? I'm a basic fatass that likes American cuisine most, aha... Like give me a cheeseburger and I'm happy lmao. How would you describe your relationship with your hair over the years? I love it more now at a short length than I ever did long. When it was long and I was in my deepest depression, I was awful about brushing it. It would get so knotted. Like looking back, it nearly makes me shiver. I HIGHLY recommend cutting your hair for anyone who struggles with selfcare. How do you feel about your SO daily/regularly checking up on a couple of his exes on social media? I'm single, but hypothetically, if you're checking an ex's page nearly every day, I would not be okay with that. I'm totally fine with exes remaining friends and just cordially talking now and again, but that's it. It's a respect thing. Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? I personally like cologne if it's not overwhelming. I really don't care if you wear it or not, though. Ladies, how important is it to you that your SO wears/would wear a wedding ring? This survey is so heteronormative. But anyway, unless there was an issue like it not fitting, I'd want my spouse to wear their ring. What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? There are a lot of reasons I don't want kids. I'm too selfish with my "me" time, I stress out too easily, I don't want to dedicate my life to keeping another person alive and fed and happy, I have bad genes... I could go on and on. I just wouldn't be a good, "present" enough mom. I am much more interested in ensuring *I* am okay. Is having your “dream” wedding really that important to have? Not at all. I mean I want a smooth and memorable wedding, but I'm not obsessed with it being perfect. Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a strip club and then doesn’t tell you? That's certainly not cheating, but I wouldn't like it. Being secretive about anything in a relationship is unhealthy, imo. I'd be hurt and also very insecure because I wouldn't feel like "enough." How old is too old for trick-or-treating? Honestly? I don't think you ever are. Like come on, does it REALLY matter? Let people have fun. I don't do it because of societal standards, but I would if I didn't care about being judged. Do you sleep with your arms over or under the covers? It depends on the temperature, but I normally wake up with them under. Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band? I have an Ozzy one stored somewhere, but it doesn't fit me now. There was another I really liked too, but that one is WAY too small now. Fries or onion rings? Fries. I'm not a fan of onion rings. True/False: you’ve had an odd dream this week. Story of my life. I had one last night where I kept dying in different ways, and I actually felt the pain, like drowning in magma. Do you find tattoo sleeves attractive? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Do you like carving pumpkins? Yeah. What’s an animal you want to have as a pet but can’t? My mom has absolutely forbidden me to get a tarantula (uh, many tarantulas in my case) until I move out, lol. That doesn't stop me from checking Craigslist like every day. ;_; Have your parents ever caught you drinking? "Caught," no. Any time I've drunk, I've had permission or was a legal adult by then. How would you react if your celebrity crush came to your door? First be humiliated at my appearance and then absolutely pass out lmao. Has your mom/dad ever walked in on you kissing or anything more with someone? No, thank fuck. The person you have a crush on is drunk and goes to kiss you, you know they don’t realize what they’re doing, but do you kiss anyways? If I know it's something they wouldn't do sober, absolutely not. What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand written poem, a picture he drew of you or a nice night out? Any would be lovely, but the poem would appeal most to me because of the amount of thought that goes into poetry. Do you any shirts with any kind of images of food on them? What? I don't think so, no. Which holiday is the most fun to decorate for? Halloween. What was the first website you had an email account on? Yahoo. Have you ever written a fanfic? No. Tattoos or piercings? Both are grand, but tats win. What’s the last gross movie/show/video you saw? I saw this picture of a snake split open that had eaten another snake. Would you rather live in a huuuge house or a little cozy one? Lil cozy one! I don't want more space than is needed for cleaning reasons, as well as price. Do you have a tutor for anything? No. Who’s the best kisser you know? Jason was. Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? No. I'd like it to stay that way. (If you’re a girl) Has anyone ever called you "shortie" instead of girl? Ew, no. Do you have a deep voice? For a woman, yes. Do you play games with boys/girls, like 'hard to get’? Hi, I'm an adult. Is there a Sonic where you live? YES. It's my fave fast-food place. What do you like on your pizza? I have three go-tos depending on my mood: Pepperoni, jalapenos, or meat lovers.
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hplovefat · 3 years
Tracked down a classic
The Waist Lines
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
A Fattening Study
This one's inspired by a real-life actual overeating experiment.
However, I changed it up so that the participants had to gain way more weight in a longer period of time.
“First of all I want to thank you all for coming. We realize that we are asking for quite a bit of sacrifice on your part, but we want to ensure you that it’s going towards a great study. When I call your name please take your binder. It will contain nutrition guidelines and general information you need to follow for the next nine months.” Said a slender grad student in a lab coat. He’s trying to calm anyone down with cold feet meanwhile the only thing keeping me in this building is the money. “Get paid to eat” that was the subject line of the email my roommate sent me for the application to be apart of this study. Little did I know that it was a study on obesity and that applicants have to agree to gain weight every month in order to get the paycheck. Not only that but I have to be poked and prodded by doctors checking my overall health. But living in the city is expensive and working as a barista paid jack squat. “Thomas?” The grad student called my name. I walked up to the Doctor McDreamy wannabe and received a binder with my name on it. Inside were some general guidelines on nutrition so participants wouldn’t need a coronary bypass, a credit card with our monthly allowance for groceries, and also some rules for the study. For my body type I needed to eat at least 3000 calories a day, just to start off with! I skipped to the back of the binder and was horrified to see by month eight I wouldn’t be allowed to eat less than 9000 calories a day. “I’m going to have to buy maternity clothes.” I muttered under my breath. A man beside me laughed. He must have heard me. I tried not to blush with embarrassment as his name was being called, “Axl?”
“That’s me.” He lightly replied. Axl was slender, as were all the participants for the study. One of the requirements was to be no higher than 11% body fat if you were a man and no higher than 18% body fat if you were a woman. All twenty participants had the same slender frame, including myself. My beer loving roommate Joey wanted to earn some extra cash doing these crazy experiments, but his gut got him rejected from this one, so of course he sends it to me. I looked down at my flat stomach, “I’m going to get a gut like Joey’s aren’t I?” I thought to myself. It sent a shiver down my spine. Axl comes back with his binder, “Hey, I’m Axl. You look nervous.”
“Oh… maybe a little. I really need the money, but I’ve always watched what I’ve ate, y’know?” I replied.
Axl smiled, “It’s alright. The way I see it, even if they kick you out half way that’s still a lot of money. And how hard can it be to shed a few pounds?”
“So what’s your reason for doing this?” I asked.
“I’m a little short for cash too, but also I just broke up with my gym freak of a boyfriend. I need to let go a little. Despite what he thinks my life shouldn’t revolve around my six pack.”
The grad student gave out the last binder to a tiny woman with the narrowest face I have ever seen. “Alright that’s everyone! Thanks so much again. You’ll notice that your monthly allowance for food is probably higher than you expected, but trust me you will go through it quickly. I hope your appetites are good because your nine month journey starts now.” With that, the participants started leaving the building. Some lifted up their shirts, jokingly saying goodbye to their abs. Do people think this is funny? “I think you need to lighten up.” Axl said to me as we leave the building. “It’s going to be a little disturbing, but it’s just getting fat. Is that really a big deal?”
“I guess not.” I replied, unsure of myself.
“Let’s go grocery shopping together, shake off some of the nerves and I’ll give you a ride home.” Sure beats taking the bus, I thought.
“That actually sounds great. Thank you.”
That afternoon Axl and I got our own grocery carts and filled them to the brim with what we had to eat. Our guidelines suggested chicken breasts and coconut milk, but Axl filled his cart with donuts and pastries. I threw in some butter tarts into my cart too, a secret indulgence of mine, but now I was free to eat the entire box. Axl dropped me off in front of my apartment. My arms weighed down by the bags upon bags of high calorie food I needed to eat that week. I squeezed my way through to the front door, my roommate Joey waiting for me. “So how was your first day man?! You look fatter already.”
“I haven’t started yet you knob.” I laughed, “I have to eat all this by next Monday.” Joey took a glimpse upon the mountain of food I was storing away in our kitchen.
“Aw man, I can’t wait to compare beer guts with you!”
I made tortellini that night with the heaviest cream sauce I could find at the grocery store. I had to eat the entire pot to make my quota for that day. As I shoved the last morsel into my mouth I could see Joey staring at me with the utmost delight. He thought this was hilarious. His skinny roommate Thomas was going to get as fat he was. I put my hand over my bloated stomach and tried not to think too much of it.
One week into the experiment and I could feel a difference. I could not remember what it was like to not be bloated. In order to meet my daily calorie intake, I had to gorge myself with a huge breakfast of pancakes and sausage immediately followed by my shifts at the café. Joey all the while laughing everyday at the feasts I have to prepare for myself as he sits on the couch drinking beer. I know for a fact he’s sneaking into my groceries, picking out bacon and pastries for himself. After my shift at work I went down to the grocery store to restock. “Hi there stranger.” It was Axl. “Need to stock up again eh?”
“I do. I didn’t think it was possible, but I ate everything in my cart last week.” I looked up at Axl. His face was fuller. You could even see button down shirt straining on his build. “Wow you’re really taking this seriously, you’ve filled out a little since I last saw you.”
“Ha!” He replied, “Believe me it wasn’t easy. Listen, you don’t have to stock up at the grocery store every week, there’s more than enough money in our allowance to eat out.”
“Is it allowed?”
“Of course silly! Me and a few other participants from the study are getting pizza and beer tonight, you should join us. Getting down those last few bites is a lot easier with help.”
“That sounds amazing, I could really use a break from my roommate.”
That night I met Axl and few of the other participants at a bar downtown. Everyone seemed to have a story about their first week. One guy named Andrew said he ate so much the first day he puked. Another girl named Jessie was doing this to get back at her ex who said she wasn’t curvy enough. It seemed the one thing in common with everyone is that they were enjoying this gluttonous time. The beer felt bottomless and it felt like our group ordered one of everything off the menu. I scarfed down as much pizza as I could, but I was bloated beyond belief from the beer. Axl and Andrew looked at me and then looked at my final slice. They immediately ran over to me. Andrew held my bloated stomach and Axl lifted the pizza off the plate. “C’mon you can do it.” yelled Axl. “We believe in you!” joked Andrew. It might have been the fact I was piss drunk, but I was excited for this help. I slowly but surely swallowed bite by bite of the pizza Axl fed me as the rest of the group cheered on. After the last bite there was a loud “huzzah” from the group and I rest my hands on my stomach. My face was red and sweaty from the endeavor. I just ate an entire large pizza by myself. “Thomas just doubled his quota today everybody!” screamed a drunken Jessie. Another loud “huzzah” came from our group. Double? I thought. If I keep to my quota I should already be gaining quite of bit of weight. I unbuttoned my jeans and looked forward to the next month.
A month goes by and I meet up with the rest of the group at the research building to get our monthly checkup. Joey insisted he come with me to my first weigh in. Axl finally got to meet him today after a month of me ranting about my drunken roommate. I change into skintight boxer-briefs for the weigh in and body fat test. I walk into the room and Joey’s face lights up with a horrible grin. “What?” I ask.
“Dude look at that!” he points to my stomach. It had been protruding more and more over the past month, but I didn’t think it was that bad. I started to pat my newfound gut, shaking it up and down. “As least it’s not as big as yours.” I lifted up Joey’s shirt his furry beer belly flopped down over the waist of his jeans. “You’ve been stealing my food haven’t you? You’ve definitely gotten chubbier too.” Axl then walks in, just finished with his checkup. “Are we comparing bellies?” Axl lifted up the front his shirt revealing a soft paunch. The outlines of a six pack were faded and his pecs were softer too. “I gained 21 pounds this month. Doctor says that’s the highest of all the participants so far.”
“My god!” I exclaimed. “Is that normal?”
“The first month is supposed to be a little extreme. And it looks like you’re not far behind me buddy.” Axl patted the top of my belly and watched it jiggle. The doctor walked and Axl, Joey and I pull down our shirts. “Alright Thomas, first thing I’m going to do is weigh you. You’re friends can stay as long as you don’t mind the company.”
“No way I’m missing this.” Replied Joey. The doctor and I both look at him. “They can stay. I don’t mind.”
I hopped on the scale and I could sense the doctor observing my paunch and my ass for signs of weight distribution. “At the beginning of the experiment you were 160 pounds, today you are… 179. Very interesting.” Joey and Axl burst out laughing. “I’ve gained almost twenty pounds? In a month…” I responded. “Yes.” The doctor replied, “You and another young lad are tied for second for rapid weight gain.”
“Number one being me.” Axl boasted patting his stomach.
“You realize that you will have to increase your daily calorie intake…” The doctor exclaimed as he began to measure my waist, “both of you.” Pointing to me and Axl. “As for you.” Looking at Joey, “You should consider switching to light beer.”
The three of us walked to the lobby to pick up our paychecks. Joey left leaving Axl and I waiting in line with the other participants who had just gotten out of their examinations. “My boobs have gotten so big.” One girl exclaimed. “I can’t even button my slacks.” Said another guy. I picked up my check and I’m immediately bombarded with invites to go out and eat. I couldn’t resist the company of these people and Axl was buying.
For my second examination, I had to schedule the day after everyone else’s due to a work emergency. I didn’t get to see Axl or the rest of the expanding gang. This month I was forced to eat no less than 4000 calories a day. Apparently I had no trouble because I managed to get up to 193 pounds. I had gained over 30 pounds since the experiment started and I wasn’t even halfway done. A portion of this month’s paycheck had to go into buying new clothes. None of my pants could button and the black polo I wore to work was riding up. If I wasn’t wearing an apron people would see the underside of my gut. When it comes to any humiliating aspect of this process, naturally Joey wants to come along. Joey took the doctor’s advice to heart this month. He switched to light beer. He’s just as drunk, but not getting any fatter. Good for Joey… I guess. I squeezed my ass into a pair of 34’s lifting up my paunch in order to get better a view of the button. Joey waited outside the changing room with his devilish smirk, holding my bags of medium to large shirts and enjoying himself a little too much. “Did you say those are 34’s?” asked Joey.
“Yeah.” I replied, “But there a little snug, I think I’ll go up a size, maybe some room to grow.”
“That’s kinda funny.” Joey smirked, “Because 34’s are what I wear buddy. You’re just as big as me!”
“There’s no way.” I replied.
“Wanna bet?” Joey pulled me to the change room mirror. He lifted up his shirt and gestured for me to lift up mine. Low and behold, my gut was almost as big as Joey’s beer belly. His was remarkably more furry, but the size was undeniably close. “You’re still a little bigger.” I exclaimed.
“Yeah maybe, but you’re catching up pretty quick tubby.” He replied patting my gut.
After I got home, I quickly changed into my comfortable size clothes and headed to the grocery store. I found it harder and harder to follow the nutrition plan while still consuming enough calories. I had to resort to donuts and bacon and other super fatty, sugary goods on top of the chicken breasts and potatoes just to make the quota. I pushed my overloaded cart to the checkout aisle when a familiar face walked up to me. “Hey man I haven’t seen you in a couple weeks.” Axl was behind me with his cart. He gut protruded a little more, but he didn’t look much bigger. “How was your checkup? Any big changes?” I asked.
“I only gained 11 pounds this month. I had a little bit of a cold. Slowed down my eating. But look at you, you’ve got a proper gut there!”
I could feel myself blushing, “Yeah I know. I had to buy new clothes today.”
“Oh my god. I need to get some new jeans stat.” Axl lifted the front part of his shirt to reveal that his jeans were only done up to the second button. The rest strained to support his belly. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Listen, you should come by my place. I’ll cook dinner and we can catch up.”
I took up on Axl’s offer and went over to his apartment for what I imagine to be a feast of a dinner. The second I walked in the door he threw me a beer. Axl laid out a platter of meat and cheese and told me to dive in while he was cooking the pasta. I stuffed myself with almost every bite of the fettuccini. “I feel like I’m going to burst. I can’t possibly eat anymore.” I exclaimed. Axl, put down his fork finishing off his meal. Axl’s pants had become completely unbuttoned during the meal to make room for his bloated stomach. “C’mon, we’re almost at our quota. Here, let me help you.” Axl hoisted himself out of his seat and waddled towards me. He bent down and unbuttoned my new jeans. “There. Now you have some room.” I felt the zipper sliding down from the pressure of my bloated gut. Axl then grabbed the last forkful of pasta and lifted it up to my mouth. With a great amount of strength I swallowed the last morsel and sighed with relief. Axl and I sat on his couch watching TV burping and letting the meal settle. I headed home around midnight that night. When I got through the front door I turned on the light and to my surprise Joey was sitting on the couch. “Oh hey.” He says with a muffled tone, “I thought you were spending the night at Axl’s.” Joey was shirtless his mouth, chest, and beer gut covered in crumbs and smears of chocolate. “You’re eating my food? Joey, the reason I bought this stuff is because it’s all super high in calories in fat. I need it for my diet.”
“I dunno. It seems like you’re doing pretty well without it.” He responded pointing and my unbuttoned jeans.
“Yes. Axl stuffed me with pasta tonight. Now move over.” I collapsed on the couch beside Joey, my medium black t-shirt riding up over my navel. I took an éclair out of the box and started scarfing it down. “I thought you said you were stuffed?” asked Joey. “I said I was stuffed… about an hour ago. I’m hungry all the time now.” Joey looked at his gut and than looked at mine. For the first time since the experiment started, Joey’s smirk faded away. “Dang dude. You’re… you’re going to get fat.”
“I know.” I swallowed the last bite of the éclair and immediately grabbed another from the box, “believe me dude I know.”
Third month’s examination was more intense than the first two. Blood tests and fitness tests were included. I had to wear track shorts and an under armor shirt I hadn’t worn since the experiment began. I wheezed running on the treadmill as the doctor waited eagerly to check my vitals. He could not stop staring at my belly, which hung on my waist, the underside exposed by the tight shirt. After being poked and prodded I was given a towel and was told I could wait in the lobby for my paycheck. Joey was waiting outside wearing the same sweatpants for the past week. A lot of his pants barely close ever since I started letting him eat from my groceries. He handed me a hoodie to cover up my protruding belly, but it gets swiped away from Axl who just got out of his physical. “Hold on there buddy don’t cover up just yet, I haven’t got a chance to look at you yet!” Axl pushed my shirt up towards my softening pecs to expose my gut fully. He cupped the bottom and started chuckling. “Great process buddy! Where are you at now?”
“I broke 200. Doc says I’m overweight now.” I replied.
“Ha! I broke 200 last month, but good for you it means you’re still qualified for the money! A couple girls and one guy dropped out. Couldn’t handle embracing the lack of vanity I guess.” All the participants were getting just as fat as I was. Girls’ breasts and hips were bulging out of their sides, stomachs protruding out of their shirts, while the guys’ paunches were turning into solid beer guts. “Just gotta keep thinking about that paycheck I guess.” I exclaimed.
“Yeah the money’s great, but I’m loving this.” Axl lifted his sweatshirt to reveal his belly, pushing it out to emphasize its roundness. It hung over his the waistband of his tight sweatpants. This month I spent a lot of time with Axl. I would go over to his place for meals or he would come visit mine. We go out to eat with the other participants or sometimes just with each other. No matter what, however, Axl would always end up feeding me after I felt like I was going to pop. I never had to do the same for him. Axl had a ferocious appetite and it was rubbing off on me.
Two months later into the experiment and even though I had to buy bigger clothes again, I was really enjoying my time with Axl. My weight gain had steadied putting me at around 215 pounds at my last examination. Axl who was a couple inches taller than me weighed in at 234 pounds. No matter how many times we compared guts his was always bigger. It felt like I was never going to catch up. Joey and I got to the examination early. It was evident that we both had gotten noticeably bigger as we squeezed through the turnstile doors. I changed into my boxer briefs and waited for the doctor to arrive. I sat in the chair and let my belly sit on my lap. Joey sat across from me, eyes glaring. “See something you like?” I asked.
“Dude, you’re really fat now. Like… it’s not even the gut anymore. Your face is rounder and by God your thighs are getting enormous. I think you’re bigger than me now.”
“Joey, I let you eat my food. You must have gained 20 pounds since I started.” I got up and felt my gut shake. I pointed to my protruding belly. “This is a desperate attempt to get some cash. This however…” I lifted up Joey’s shirt. “This is from being a total pig.”
“Vent all you want dude.” Joey replied pulling his shirt down over his furry beer gut, “That’s not going to change the fact that we are the same height, but I weigh only 215 pounds when you clearly weight more than that.” The doctor walked in with his morning coffee. “Hello Thomas. You’re making quite some progress. It’s not a race you know.” I looked down and my swollen pudge hanging over the waistband of my boxerbriefs and laughed uncomfortably. Joey smirked as I got on the scale. “229 pounds.” Said the doctor. “Told ya you were bigger than me.” Joey exclaimed. I had gained almost 70 pounds since this experiment had started. I changed into my sweat pants and a large hoodie and was about to leave when Axl popped his head into the doctor’s office door, “Hey! Sorry are you done, I was little late to my physical today.” I smiled and nodded as I let Axl into the room.
“You can stay if you like.” Axl said as he started stripping into his underwear. “I’m not shy.” Axl stood in the doctor’s office with nothing but skin-tight boxer briefs. He must’ve had them when the experiment started because they barely covered his ass.. The doctor gestured him to hop on the scale. “230 pounds.” Everyone’s expression dropped. “I lost weight?” Axl asked.
“It appears so.” The Doctor replied, “Have you been consuming enough calories?”
“And then some.” Axl responded, “Just ask Thomas.”
“Believe me he’s been eating just as much as me.” I replied.
“This happens a lot, especially with young men. Your metabolism has kicked into overdrive and it makes it harder to put on weight. Unfortunately, this is an overeating and obesity experiment and it requires all participants to gain a steady amount of weight for nine months. If you plateau we’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“C’mon doc!”  I exclaimed. “Look at him. Feel the size of his gut, look how big his ass has gotten and his second chin is coming in. He’s gained a ton of weight and now you’re kicking him out ‘cause he had bad month?”
“Axl has been on our watch for the most rapid body fat percentage increase… If he gains weight this month… we can keep him in the experiment.” Axl and I sighed with relief. There’s no way I could continue on without my encourager. “Thanks buddy.” said Axl as he put his jeans and t-shirt on. “Don’t mention it. And don’t worry we’re going to help each other. I going to get you busting out of those jeans before this month is over.” That night Axl came over to my apartment. We ordered a mountain of thai food and then I stuffed him full of donuts that I swiped out of Joey’s hands. There was one more donut left. “Thanks Thomas, but I couldn’t possibly eat another bite.”
I bent down and unbuttoned Axl’s jeans and watched the force of his swollen gut push down the fly. “There. Now you have more room.” We both smiled as I lifted the last donut to his mouth. That night Joey, Axl and I passed out on my futon.
A month of almost daily encouragement later, I took Axl out for a large, heavy breakfast before our weigh in, just to be safe. The diner beside the research building had great pancakes and waffles. We ate like pigs, but I made a special effort to stuff Axl. The button on his jeans haven’t been able to close for the past week, as I had promised. As we were about to leave we bumped into Andrew and Jessie, “Hey guys! We haven’t seen you in a while. You got… big” They said as they were getting up from their table. They both had gotten noticeably fatter, Jessie with her wide hips and double chin and Andrew with his ball belly, but it was true, no one could compare to Axl and I. We walked into the research building together. Joey was waiting on bench outside the doctor’s office. “Where were you guys? I’ve been waiting.”
“Sorry Joey, we got breakfast for one final stuffing session.” I replied.
“And you didn’t invite me?” He asked.
“I don’t think you need any more big breakfasts pal.” I poked Joey’s beer belly that was pushing out of his extra large plaid shirt. “You’re not even getting paid.” Joey sucked in his gut the best he could and tried to adjust his shirt out of embarrassment. Andrew, Jessie, Axl, and I decided we would do our weigh ins together this time. Even Joey wanted in on the action. We walked into the doctor’s office and stripped. A big “woof” came from everyone when I took of my shirt. I did a quick truffle shuffle, my newest and now most common party trick. The doctor walked in slightly shocked by the small group of half naked fat people in his office. Axl was the first to get up on the scale. Everyone gave his gut a slap for good luck. “248 pounds.” Said the doctor. Axl cheered and immediately gave me a hug. I our bellies pressed together and I could feel my breakfast coming up so I pushed him aside so we could get to my turn. “251 pounds.” Said the doctor. For the first time in six months I was heavier than Axl..Joey walked over to me like a proud father. “Look at that monster! I remember when this one freaked out when we had the same size jeans. Now look.” He shoved his gut up against mine. Mine was definitely larger and I got love handles and a bigger ass to boot. After everyone was done getting examined – Joey weighed in at 230 pounds – I changed into my jeans. They were a stretched out size 38. I squeezed the button close and let my belly flop over the waist. I looked at myself in the mirror. I grabbed my gut and shook it up and down. I was able to lift the entire thing with my hands. I turned to look at my love handles that had become more prominent as well as my beefier thighs and ass. Axl stepped beside me and started to do similar things. “Yep, They’re real.” He joked. He gave my gut a good slap and left the doctor’s office. I put my sweater on and looked at myself in the mirror again. When I pictured myself fat and I imagined something more horrifying than what I saw in front of me. I thought it was going to be gross, but I liked my larger frame. I like how soft my man boobs felt, I liked the way my gut protruded out of everything I owned. I walked into the lobby letting my gut relax, showing off what I had accomplished in the past 6 months. I was surprised to see a mountain of pizza boxes. The researchers decided to give us a little extra thanks this month. For the next two hours I watched 15 overfed, overstuffed participants pig out on pizza. I was forced to unbutton my jeans and have everyone come up to me asking if they could feel my gut.
The final three months of the experiment were not easy. Axl and I had to eat up to 10,000 calories a day. Luckily we had each other to help. Joey grew out a scraggly beard, went back to regular beer and took up the same eating habits I had. He was constantly trying to best Axl in eating contests, but would always lose. The pigging out really impacted is waistline. Joey was fatter than ever and he didn’t even get paid for it. For the final examination the participants were encouraged to wear the clothes they wore on the first day. I waddled into the building jeans unbuttoned and below my ass. The shirt I wore on my first day barely covered my navel and would roll up underneath my supple man boobs. Joey was behind me wearing track pants and a t-shirt that barely covered his huge, furry gut. “Let me take a look you… one last time.” He told me.
“I’m not going to be able to lose the weight over night Joey. You’re going to be seeing this for quite a while.” Joey grabbed my gut and started rubbing it.
“I know dude, but I just feels like yesterday that this monster was just a little guy and now look at it!”
I lifted Joey’s shirt. “Yours isn’t bad either pal.” Joey looked down and started lifting his beer belly up and down, feeling the weight. Axl then walked in wearing the same jeans that were not completely unbuttoned and rided below his ass. He also wore a button down shirt that only buttoned in the middle exposing his massive gut. All the participants wore similar things, exposing all the places they gained weight. It was clear everyone was obese as the experiment entailed. Axl came up to me, gave me a kiss, and immediately started lifting my gut up and down. “You’re looking good Thomas. Still nervous?”
“Nah. You look good too buddy.”
“Hey lover boys!” yelled Joey from the doctor’s office. “Research guy is waiting for ya.” I hopped on the scale. While I waited for the numbers to adjust I noticed the grad student who handed me my binder on the first day was weighing me. His face was fuller though and he had a small gut protruding out of his button down shirt. “Gained a little weight too eh?” I asked jokingly.
“Yeah, a little. You folks have been rubbing off on me.” The numbers finally stopped.
“Thomas your final weight is, 304 pounds.”
“I broke 300?!”
“First one today. You proud of yourself?” The grad student asked.
I smiled and hopped off the scale. After some more tests I found out I had tripled my body fat percentage as well. I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled up my impossibly tight jeans. I had become a genuine fat ass. It was Axl’s turn to get on the scale.”Axl your final weight is 315 pounds.”
“I put on 150 pounds?”
“Yep. Heaviest so far.” Exclaimed the grad student.
Axl started to chuckle, his belly shaking simultaneously. Afterwards everyone moved into the lobby for a few photos. Everyone was laughing and comparing bellies. The grad student got up and started to make a speech. “I want to thank everyone here again. I’m so glad you were able to treat this entire process with a great sense of humor. And to show my support I will confess that I’ve gained 20 pounds as well.” The grad student lifted his shirt to show off his paunch and the entire group cheered. He pulled down his shirt and continued to speak. “I also have some good news for anyone who is interested. I know some of you are eager to hit the gym and to shed these extra pounds, but the lab is offering an extended research participant contract to anyone in this study who is obese, which luckily is all of you.” Everyone looked at each other puzzled. “You would continue to get paid and all you would have to do is maintain or gain weight for the next year. Any takers?” Axl’s hand shot straight up. Mine quickly followed.
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Progress Post: 10 Months Difference 
I feel like it’s time that I share a little of my story with you guys! This post takes a bit of bravery for me to post, because I still find some of these pics a little uncomfortable to look at but I want to put more of my experience on this blog in case it helps someone else. 💪 
PS- PLEASE don’t compare yourself to these pictures, my feelings about my body relate to me alone and are no statement about anyone else, bodies are beautiful at all sizes and my changes were to make me feel more comfortable and connected to my body. 
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(1st picture: August 2019) (2nd picture: April 2020)
This first picture is still hard for me to look at. I was on a quick weekend trip to see family and I had thrown on an old bikini to swim in the sea (one of my favourite things!) and had a great time. I didn’t realise this picture had been taken until afterwards, and when I saw it I felt so upset, so embarrassed that people had seen me this way. 
It is, in fairness, a terrible picture- I was shiny and pink from the sun, was still bloated from eating, the bikini no longer fit well and I wasn’t posed in any way. I wasn’t unhappy during this time, but my mental image of my body didn’t match what I saw in pictures, and it was jarring to see this. I had worked insanely hard for the past year, giving up all my time to my degree and then celebrating with all my friends and family afterwards. I was really proud of myself and I don’t regret putting all my energy into my work at all. 
However, my clothes no longer fit, I was in the habit of drinking far too much, and I had lost all connection with my body. I was terrified of going to appointments at doctors, so scared to be told that I was now ‘officially’ overweight, and most of all, convinced that my weight would continue to grow whatever I did. 
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(1st picture: November 2019) (2nd picture: May 2020)
When I first started losing weight, I was mostly just restricting calories as much as possible. I would eat between 1400-1800 calories per day, which left me fuzzy-brained, tired and constantly thinking about food. All day I would just be distracting myself from thoughts of food, whether I was hungry or not it became an obsession. 
I was just over 180lbs/13 stone when I started measuring, and the first 15lbs came off pretty quickly. I started doing HIIT workouts regularly, and started slowly getting a little stronger. As I began exercising more, I realised I couldn’t continue without eating more, and being more conscious of what I was eating beyond just calories. (Notes: I don’t track macros and currently don’t buy any protein products, but I eat lots of nuts/seeds and fortified vegetarian products to ensure I’m getting plenty of protein, iron and B12 in my diet!)
I then took up a super physically demanding temp job in December, and to survive I ended up eating so much more than I was used to (around/over 3000 calories/day). I was honestly surprised to find I kept losing weight during this, but it really taught me a valuable lesson about how there’s more than one way to lose weight, and that your body really needs to be fuelled right to function properly.
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(1st picture: November 2017) (2nd picture: May 2020)
These days, I eat 1900-2300 calories per day and am very, verrry slowly still losing weight. I alternate running training and HIIT workouts, with regular rest days when I want them. I love the variety in my workouts, I feel so connected to my body and I’m stronger than ever. 
As a little comparison, the first picture here was me at my lowest adult weight. I was working a job where I was always anxious, my shared house was impossible to cook in and I would run miles at the gym most days as a release. I remember only eating around 750 calories for days on end when I started that job. 
You might think I look the same or ‘better’ in the first picture, but I was so physically weak, self conscious and becoming obsessed with trying to appeal to all the wrong people. I’m so much stronger now, I love how my body moves and feels, I know how to fuel myself properly and I am so adaptable and forgiving toward myself. 
I’ve unlearnt a lot of dangerous myths about health, fitness and weight, gained a lot of perspective and am so excited to keep working on me, whatever that looks like!
I’m going to make a follow up post about what I’ve learnt, so stay tuned if you’re interested. If you have any questions or want any support with your own journey, come talk to me! I’m by no means an expert but I love sharing experiences and learning from all of you. 💕
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
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@silvermoon424​ I’m certainly happy to try! I’m going to guess you won’t enjoy the answer too much, though. I don’t have any secret or trick, you know? I WISH I DID. All I really have to share is what you’ve probably already heard: eat better, move more.
But I can break down a few things I’ve figured out, going through this. Things that you can do without a tiny furious lesbian nipping at your heels, insisting you Not Die. THOUGH IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THAT I DO RECOMMEND TAKING ADVANTAGE**
1. I think the most important first step is really commit to it. It sucks a lot, and it's not always easy, but if you don't sincerely want the results, you won't be able to power through the spots where it's hard.
2. You have to hold yourself accountable. A huge part of that is making yourself take note of and record what you're eating. It's one thing to grab a chocolate bar and eat it and forget about it, but it's another when you have to pull out your notebook and find the calories and factor in the serving size and write it down where you have to see it there looking back at you. We already know we shouldn't be doing it. Making it real and tangible in a way where you can't just put it out of mind can really hold your feet to the fire.
3. Don't have it around! Seriously, this one has helped me so much. Just don't have it! You know your weak spots (and if you don't, you'll soon discover them), you know the things you just want to grab out of the fridge or the cupboard. You can't do it if it's not there, bottom line. We don't keep jars of peanut butter in the house anymore (or at least not where I see them.) Hubby and I both cut out chips entirely. That isn't to say you can't ever have those things again, you just have to plan for them, and ensure you only have what you plan for. For example, the other night we were all on our own for dinner. I was deeply craving this particular brand of pretzel stick they have up here. So I saved my calories for the day, went to the store, bought the small bag, measured out and weighed the appropriate amount (turns out it was the whole bag, which was a pleasant delight, but if it hadn't been, I would've immediately given Doc what was over), and had those with some turkey. There wasn't anything about that meal that was HEALTHY, really, but because it's not my every day, and I planned it out and didn't exceed what I was allowed, it was completely fine. So if you have just a bone-deep craving for a doughnut, budget it in your calorie allotment for that day, and go get JUST what you're allowed. If you can only buy it in a quantity over what you’re allowed, buy the smallest you can and throw out or give away the rest. IMMEDIATELY, not the "I'll do it later" thing where it hangs around the house and then oops, it’s somehow magically gone. Set yourself up for success, not failure. Don't keep around what you know is a temptation.
4. Resolve with yourself that you'll be eating some stuff you don't much like. It sucks, but then, so does diabetes. In that vein though, you may find that after you've had it a few times, and your expectations realign, you like it more than you thought. You might even come to enjoy it! You have to persevere with it, though. Still, you may never like it! OH WELL. Consider how much more you'll like multiple daily injections of very expensive insulin and an even more restrictive diet which I guarantee will be full of shit you don't like. Eat the broccoli or die, right? Suddenly, broccoli doesn't seem so bad. (I actually really like broccoli, sorry, to pick on you, broccoli.) Honestly, many vegetables are pretty great, just most people don't prepare them right. Seasoning and roasting them is the way to go, which Holligay has repeatedly proven.
5. Portion control is a big factor. WEIGH AND MEASURE EVERYTHING. Don’t eyeball that shit, your senses are weak and will lie to you. Also -- and this may seem weird, but go with me -- check the size of your plates and bowls and shit. Again, our eyes are liars. The same amount of food looks very different depending on what size plate it’s on. The bigger stuff completely skews our perception of what a serving should look like. Get smaller plates.
6. This one may be a real toughie depending on your personal habits, but eating in front of screens is a path to madness. There's study after study after study showing that eating while watching TV or being on your computer takes you out of being mindful of what and how much you're eating. Sit at a table and focus on your meal! You’ll eat more slowly, and so recognize when you’re full. And the food tastes better when it’s your main focus, so you’ll be more satisfied, too. I’M NOT MAKING IT UP TRY IT
What you may notice here is an absence on the WHAT of what you should eat. That’s important too, to be sure, but I think that’s the part that’s a bit easier to start working in. There are tons of healthy, tasty recipes out there, but it’s the behavioural stuff that is, I think, the key to change.
And you can start today! Right now! Clearing your home of your temptations is a great huge first step. And don't do the "this bag is nearly full, what a waste, I'll just finish this up" thing. The money's spent, there's no reason to continue to do damage. (Or hide a reluctance to make the change under a convenient excuse.) It's garbage calories, it's deep fried air, it's frozen sugar, it tastes good but is killing you. Get rid of it.
If you’re of the snacking/grazing bent (I’m generally not, but I get those that are), buy snap peas, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes. Get some soy sauce. Dip and eat away! I think you'll soon find that if you're not hungry enough to snack on those? You weren't really all that hungry.
And combine all this with moving, too! Get yourself a step tracker. An ACTUAL step tracker, not your smart watch, which counts every twitch of your wrist as a step you most assuredly did not take. I’m currently using and recommend the FitBit Inspire, clipped to my bra. At my worst/highest points, I sometimes wouldn’t take more than about a thousand steps a day. SERIOUSLY. Again, having something to put these abstract ideas into harsh numbers is a great motivator. And you don’t even have to go outside! ON A HOT DAY I HAVE WALKED MILES IN A CIRCLE IN MY LIVING ROOM. I don’t look cool, but I DO meet my step goal for the day.
You may notice a numbers theme here, but weigh yourself. Keep track! I use a Renpho scale, which connects to an app on my phone and automatically logs my weight, AND I can sync it with my FitBit, so all my precious precious data is in one place. Now maybe you’re not such a nerd for data as I am (YOU’D HAVE TO BE REALLY REALLY NERDY), but again, it takes something abstract and nebulous and gives it to you in a way that our monkey brains understand. Making all this real to you is a huge part of putting the consideration for it in your brain. It’s not gonna be fun. There’s a lot of numbers you’re REALLY not going to like to see. But you have to know where you’re at to know where to go. And when those numbers turn into trends, and those trends start to show you real, concrete progress? Feels good. Feels real good.
Yeah, so! It’s a lot of words, and there’s a huge chance none of them are what you were hoping for. I wish I had something more neat and easy, but it’s just this. Commitment. Accountability. DATA SUCH HATEFUL WONDERFUL DATA
Best of luck!
(**) All joking aside, I’m incredibly fortunate to have Doc. As I think I’ve said before, when she heard about the pre-diabetes, she said “Okay, we’re done with this” and THAT VERY DAY laid out changes. She’s always ready with a foot in my ass. Also, as our family chef, she’s consistently in charge of my meals, which means I’m lucky enough to not need to think about it. MUCH LIKE A PUPPY I JUST EAT WHAT GOES IN MY BOWL. So if you have help and support available to you, take it.
The most important part, though, is you. However much help I have, I have to keep up my end, too. About eighteen months ago, I was SO CLOSE to a major goal, but ignored my depression and stopped caring and everything backslid terribly. I’m still working to regain all that lost ground. My point being, the number one vital element in making real change in you is YOU. Once you’re set there, the rest is details.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Why Use Buttermilk in Recipes: Benefits and Culinary Uses
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Hi there, I'm here to talk about why buttermilk is such an important ingredient in recipes. It's something that you may not have considered before, but once you learn the benefits of using it, you'll want to incorporate it into your cooking right away! Buttermilk has so many uses and can add a unique flavor to dishes like pancakes, biscuits, cakes and more. Not only does it give food a creamy texture, but it also helps tenderize ingredients while adding moisture. Plus, its tangy taste makes for some really delicious results! So let's dive deeper into all the great reasons why we should be using this wonderful product in our recipes. What Is Buttermilk? I'm sure many of us have heard of buttermilk before, but what is it exactly? Buttermilk is a dairy product that is cultured and fermented. It has a thick texture with an acidic taste due to its acidity levels. The fat content in buttermilk can vary from 0-4% depending on the type you buy. Buttermilk was originally created as a way to use the fatty liquid leftover after churning butter out of cream. Nowadays it's made more often by adding lactic acid bacteria to skimmed or low-fat milk, which then ferments and produces that signature sour flavor and creamy consistency. It's used most commonly in baking recipes like pancakes, muffins, biscuits, scones and cakes because of how it reacts with other ingredients such as baking soda or powder - creating bubbles so baked goods become light and fluffy when cooked! Benefits Of Using Buttermilk I left off talking about buttermilk and what it is. Now, let's cover the benefits of using this popular baking ingredient in recipes. First and foremost, buttermilk adds an incredibly smooth texture to baked goods that can't be achieved without its presence. And on top of that, it even helps make sure your cakes stay super moist by adding a bit more moisture than other dairy products would. This means you get the best of both worlds - light and airy cakes with just enough moisture to keep them from drying out too quickly. Another great thing about buttermilk is that if you're looking for dairy free options there are plenty available! There are lots of vegan-friendly brands out there which use plant based milks like almond or coconut milk instead of cows' milk as their base ingredients. Additionally, most store bought versions have reduced fat content compared to regular cow's milk so you don't need to worry about consuming extra calories when baking with it either. Buttermilk really does add something special to any recipe; its tartness gives baked goods an amazing flavour while also providing a unique texture that keeps treats soft and fluffy for days after they've been made. If you've ever wanted to try making perfect homemade biscuits or fluffy pancakes then I highly recommend giving buttermilk a go - you won't regret it! How To Store Buttermilk I usually store buttermilk in my fridge since it has a relatively short shelf life. It can last up to two weeks, if kept cold and unopened, or even longer when frozen. Be sure to check the expiration date on your container before using it in any recipes. When stored correctly, buttermilk will keep its flavor profiles intact. I like that it adds a subtle tangy taste to dishes without overpowering them; it's an essential ingredient for making delicious pancakes, biscuits and muffins! Plus, you can also use it as a marinade for meats - adding some zest without too much acidity. Overall, storing buttermilk is easy and helps ensure the best results with all of your recipes. Keep it refrigerated for the most flavorful results and make sure you always check the expiration date before cooking with it! Substitutions For Buttermilk I'm sure many of us have experienced the dilemma of realizing that we don't actually have buttermilk when a recipe calls for it. So what are our options? Thankfully, there are several dairy free substitutes and non-dairy options that can be used as an alternative to buttermilk in recipes. One easy substitution is to mix one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice or white vinegar with enough regular milk to make one cup. Let this mixture sit for about 10 minutes before using it in your recipe so that it has time to thicken and curdle. Another option is to use cultured yogurt such as Greek yogurt instead of buttermilk; simply thin out the yogurt until it reaches the desired consistency with some water if necessary. You could also create a vegan version by combining either almond or soy milk with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice—following the same instructions above—or by mixing plain unsweetened vegan yoghurt with water. Ultimately, these alternatives may not provide exactly the same texture or flavor profile you would get from actual buttermilk, however they do give you plenty of other great options should find yourself without any on hand! Recipes Featuring Buttermilk I'm a huge fan of buttermilk for its versatility and unique flavor. It's one of my favorite ingredients to use in baking and cooking because it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, adding depth to any recipe. Not only that, but there are also plenty of dairy free options available so everyone can enjoy the deliciousness that is buttermilk! One of my go-to recipes featuring buttermilk is a classic Southern-style fried chicken. This dish requires marinating the chicken overnight in buttermilk before it goes into the fryer, resulting in juicy flavorful pieces every time. Buttermilk adds an incredible amount of tanginess to this dish without being overpowering or too acidic. Another great example of how I like to use buttermilk comes from baked goods such as pancakes and muffins. The natural acidity helps activate the leaveners which will give you light fluffy results with a slight tangy aftertaste - perfect for breakfast or brunch! And if you're looking for something more savory than sweet, try incorporating it into your sauces or dressings; just whisk together some mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt and pepper with some buttermilk until it reaches your desired consistency and voila - a tasty accompaniment to all sorts of meals! Buttermilk is truly an amazing ingredient that should not be overlooked when experimenting in the kitchen; its creamy texture coupled with its signature taste makes it easy to create exciting new dishes every time. So get creative and have fun testing out different ways you can incorporate it into your own recipes! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Shelf Life Of Buttermilk? When it comes to substituting buttermilk, store-bought is the way to go. But how long does it last? The shelf life of store-bought buttermilk depends on when you opened the carton and if you've stored it in a refrigerator or not. It usually has an expiration date that's around 10 days after opening, so be sure to check before using! If stored in the fridge, unopened buttermilk can typically last up to two weeks beyond its expiration date. How Do I Know If My Buttermilk Has Gone Bad? Storing buttermilk correctly is key to knowing whether it has gone bad or not. To ensure the best shelf life and taste, keep your buttermilk in an airtight container in the refrigerator at all times. If you notice a sour smell or thick consistency, then it’s time to throw out what's left of the carton. You can also compare its taste with fresh buttermilk; if there's much of a difference, don't risk it! Is It Possible To Make Buttermilk At Home? Yes, it's totally possible to make buttermilk at home! All you need is some milk and either lemon juice or white vinegar. Simply combine a cup of the milk with one tablespoon of your chosen acidic ingredient - this will curdle the milk and give it that characteristic tangy flavor that buttermilk has. If you want to kick things up a notch, try adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice or ginger for even more flavor. How Do I Use Buttermilk In Baking? Using buttermilk in baking is a great way to add flavor and texture to your recipes! Not only does it have nutritional benefits such as being low fat, but it can also substitute for other ingredients like yogurt or sour cream. If you don't have buttermilk on hand, there are plenty of alternatives that work just as well like adding vinegar or lemon juice to milk. With its unique tangy taste, adding buttermilk to your baked goods will make them stand out from the rest! Is There A Difference Between Regular Milk And Buttermilk? Yes, there is a difference between regular milk and buttermilk! Buttermilk has more health benefits than regular milk. It's higher in calcium and vitamins A and D. Also, when baking, substituting buttermilk for regular milk gives baked goods a unique tangy flavor that can't be achieved with other milks. So if you're looking to add more nutrition or enhance the flavor of your recipes, give buttermilk a try! Conclusion In conclusion, buttermilk is a great addition to many recipes. It adds extra flavor and texture that regular milk just can't provide. Not only that, but it also extends the shelf life of baked goods because it has natural preservatives in it. The best way to know if your buttermilk is still good is by checking its expiration date or giving it a quick sniff – if it smells sour, you should discard it. If you're out of store-bought buttermilk, don't worry! You can easily make some at home with a few simple ingredients from your pantry. With all this information in mind, I'm sure you'll be able to make fantastic dishes with delicious results using buttermilk. Read the full article
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ketotrimplus · 3 years
Keto Trim Plus Reviews - What is Keto Trim Plus? | Is Keto Trim Plus safe to take?
Keto Trim Plus Review
Keto Trim Plus I needed to discover moment results from my best eating routine feast plan and exercise plans. At the point when I was unable to get any uncommon outcomes then I was informed that I'm missing something vital. What's more, that is a dietary weight loss support supplement. Many supplements are before you. Picking one of them is a troublesome errand. I can clarify what I have found from theKeto Trim Plus.
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What is Keto Trim Plus Supplement?
The Keto Trim Plus is a successful and safe ketosis activator supplement. For the most part, we as a whole have a superior ketosis metabolic rate. Assuming you're fat or have additional weight, there is an almost 100% possibility that you have a ketosis problem. Thus, this supplement will assist you with amending and increment the ketosis metabolic condition of your body.
Furthermore, the Keto Trim Plus eating routine pills will assist you with getting sound Fats. These fats will be scorched to help your body's energy levels. You likewise get sufficient proteins that will assist you with discovering your health and prosperity. Thus, you can comprehend that you will track down normal body weight, thin body, and better wellbeing as well.
How Does Keto Trim Plus Work?
You need to take a high-fat, low-calorie, and low-carb diet dinner plan. The working of the Keto Trim Plus Diet Pill depends on the component of a Keto Trim Plus. Both raise the ketone body's levels of a weight watcher. Indeed, the eating regimen pill helps the body to consume fats, rather than sugars. In the outcomes, the body begins to deliver fat put away. It is getting a thin and brilliant shape with better energy levels.
You're tracking down a sound body that assists you with carrying on with a solid way of life. These eating routine pills have brought down your food desires. You have now a further developed hunger framework. Your body has now "regular" stomach-related compounds. These proteins will assist you with processing without any problem. This won't allow your body to store additional weight once more. Thus, you generally have normal body weight, a thin body, and better wellbeing with the assistance of Keto Trim Plus.
Keto Trim Plus Ingredients
Raspberry Ketones: Raspberry ketones are synthetics gotten from raspberries, peaches, grapes, kiwifruit, apples, and certain vegetables. We tracked down no authoritative logical confirmation that raspberry ketones bring about weight loss.
Green Tea: Green tea has been utilized in Eastern medication for quite a long time. Like this distributed by Advances in Nutrition, there is additionally Keto Trim Plus present-day research that recommends green tea can assist healthy food nuts with getting more fit if they eat a balanced diet and practice consistently.
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Caffeine Anhydrous: Caffeine anhydrous is dried out by caffeine or caffeine powder. Caffeine has been related with further developed games execution, as partaken in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
Garcinia Cambogia: The concentrate has for quite some time been utilized for weight loss, however certain outcomes aren't constantly reproduced, as displayed in the Journal of Obesity. Though, Internal and Emergency Medicine shared research Keto Trim Plus that cautions of conceivable liver-related incidental effects related to garcinia.
Green Coffee Bean Extract: Green Coffee Beans are unroasted espresso beans. Exploration in gastroenterology Research and Practiceconsidered the consequences of a few not set in stone green espresso beans may cause weight loss.
What are the Advantages of Keto Trim Plus?
·         Assists the body with arriving at dynamic ketosis measures rapidly
·         You lose pounds and get a thin waistline with no incidental effects
·         The metabolic pace of the body gets raised
·         Results are noticeable following the pills consumption
·         Further develops the constitution solidarity to expand the exhibition
·         FDA endorsed and gives 100% safe weight loss results
Is Keto Trim Plus FDA endorsed?
The FDA doesn't ensure dietary supplement items, for example, Keto Trim Plus. Nonetheless, Keto Trim Plus is made in an FDA enlisted office that follows GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) rules. What's more, the Keto Trim Plus Manufactured in the USA.
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Is Keto Trim Plus a decent item?
Keto Trim Plus has been taken by a huge number of people with no revealed incidental effects. In contrast to harmful drugs, everything inside Keto Trim Plus is regular. You may encounter a few evenings where you would prefer not to rest when your energy levels take off through the rooftop! Furthermore, you may have companions bugging you and asking what you've been up to look so great… however we trust those are minor irritations.
Is Keto Trim Plus safe?
There are no regrettable incidental effects to stress over. Everything is 100% normal and safe.
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Is Keto Trim Plus GMP Certified?
Indeed, the Keto Trim Plus producers in an FDA enlisted office that follows GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) rules.
Would you be able to purchase Keto Trim Plus at Walmart or Amazon?
Not in the least and won't ever be accessible in their store. As of late, they were gotten with more than 4000 spoiled, hazardous Keto Trim Plus and modest supplements and nutrients. A large portion of them is from China. You merit better compared to that and why you can just get Keto Trim Plus here. It's the main way we can guarantee quality remaining parts as before all through the whole interaction.
What are the ingredients in Keto Trim Plus?
The Ingredients are 100% normal and Safe. What's more, perused the previously mentioned rundown of the ingredients remembered for this Keto Trim Plus supplement
Why is this Keto Trim Plus not accessible in stores?
According to Creator's severe quality norms, They can't guarantee item amounts requested by the Walmarts and Targets of the world. Indeed, we supply barely enough for our immediate clients ONLY. That's the reason it pays to choose the multi-bottle choices, so you never stress over running out.
Is everything made in the USA?
Indeed. Keto Trim Plus is planned and delivered to you inside the United States of America.
Keto Trim Plus Dosage:
You can only 2 cases every morning and your body retains it rapidly. The ingredients work normally with no incidental effects and cause you to feel great both truly and intellectually.
How would I utilize Keto Trim Plus?
Only 2 little cases in toward the beginning of the day and you're good to go.
Is Keto Trim Plus safe for diabetics?
Indeed, you can take this supplement consistently after the morning feast.
Consider the possibility that this doesn't work for me.
In a real sense billions of individuals in the world, there will be some this doesn't work for. That is even the situation with most physician-endorsed drugs. So if you do turn out to be in the minority on this and it doesn't work for you, recollect that, you're secured by an unshakable 180-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Simply hit us up or send us an email. Disclose to us it didn't work, send the containers back and you'll be ensured a brief discount. No inquiries and no issues. Peruse the Real Customer Feedback and tributes of Keto Trim Plus Here
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Keto Trim Plus delivers astounding medical advantages if you consider weight loss factors. It assists with lifting your digestion to secure the outcomes. It likewise assists with giving a high jolt of energy when you are at the exercise center meetings for an exercise.
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Furthermore, another thing…
You Keto Trim Plus have a stunning advantage to utilize this 100% unconditional promise for the initial 60 days of your buy. If you're not fulfilled or not benefited by the item, you can guarantee your 100% discount right away.
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MysMe reacts to MC having an eating disorder: Part 4-Jaehee
Part 4 of the reactions to MC with ED. For this one I emphasized exercise bulimia, the act of ensuring all calories taken into the body are lost through exercise for a 0 or negative calorie intake. I struggled with this one in the past, and it had started so normal like it was just trying to live a healthier lifestyle. It was insidious. What I’ve found after therapy and connecting with others who have lived through it is: if you are questioning whether the diet/exercise plan of you or someone you know is pushing into ED territory, there’s a good chance it is...seek help! (Notice that all my HCs have involved professional treatment...don’t try to fight this on your own!)
·         You need one of those fancy backless, strapless bras for the dress you got for the party…and of course you never bothered with those. So you borrow Jaehee’s. But you’re shocked to learn it doesn’t fit. Jaehee notes how it’s strange because you two have been the same size the entire year you’ve been together. You shrug and write it off as an unfortunate by-product of “shedding those extra pounds” and decide to jog to the store to buy one.
·         While you’re gone, Jaehee mulls it over. It started so innocently, you had wanted to eat healthier and work out. She had applauded your efforts. You were strong and glowing, like that radiance that had drawn her to you in the first place had somehow amplified. But somehow it had become distorted. You started obsessively tracking your calorie intake and calories burned when you exercise. Just like you started eating in private, if you ate at all. She had found a suspicious amount of food in the trash lately. And you don’t look so strong or so bright anymore. You look withered, defeated. It hurts her to look at you like that. She decides when you get home, she has to confront you.
·         When you get home, you drop your bag and stumble shaking onto the couch. She sighs. You really did jog all the way there and back. She gets you some water, but you can’t hold the glass steady.
·         She lifts up your legs and sits on the end of the couch, pulling your legs over hers and holding on to them. She bites her lip before she quietly admits “I think this has gone too far. I’m scared for you.” When you try to flash her that energetic smile of yours and ask what she’s talking about, she lists every one of her concerns in her soft voice. She doesn’t make eye contact until the end, but when she does, she looks so weary and so lost. She wraps her arms around your legs and rests her head on your knees. “Why?”
·         You sit up, wanting to do something to ease her concerns and get her energy back, but you can’t. You realize you did this to her. While you were trying to better yourself, she was worrying herself over you. You promise her you’ll push yourself harder, get even stronger and more perfect so she doesn’t have to worry about you anymore. You try to pat her head.
·         “No! Can’t you see this is exactly why I’m worried about you! What you’re doing to yourself, it isn’t making you stronger! It’s making you weak! Your body is eating its own muscles to stay alive! You’re always on the verge of fainting! You were strong before. You were the strongest person I knew. You were there for me during my weakest moments. You gave me the strength to live how I’d always wanted. I thought I could do anything with you by my side! But now…your light is going out and I’m terrified of losing you!
·         She looks down again, and this time she doesn’t stop you when you pull her close. You want to convince her that you’ll be okay, that you know what you’re doing. But a tiny part of you knows she’s right, that the thoughts you have been clinging to, that have kept you going, are unhealthy. It takes you every bit of courage you have to grip her hands and tell her “I…don’t think I can come out of this on my own…I…think I need to see someone.” You curl into a ball and break down crying admitting it.
·         She wraps her arms around the entire ball of you. She rubs your back and kisses the top of your head. She promises that after you’ve let all your tears out, the two of you will start looking for treatment options. You nod and continue crying.
·         After huddling together on the couch in front of her laptop, you find a clinic for eating disorder treatment and make an appointment for the following day. You collapse into her lap, shaking with fear. She strokes your hair and promises that she will see you through this.
·         “I wish I were as brave as you right now.”
·         “You already are, hon. You’re taking that first step, and I am so proud of you.”
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yournewapartment · 5 years
Any tips for a terrible terrible heat wave? I don't have air co. I have a shitty fan that helps,but still. It's sooooo hot. I'm dying.
Running your AC during the summer will end up costing you a fraction of a price that running your heating does in the winter. A fraction! I run the AC 24/7 and do not see that much of a difference during the summer months. I also am on a budget program with my electric company, which means that I pay a flat fee every month. At the end of the year, sometimes I owe them $200, sometimes they owe me money. Two years ago I got three months of electricity for free because I overpaid. Last year I owed them $250 because I said fuck it I’m freezing and turned the heat up in the winter. Worth it, in my opinion. 
If you’re not on a budget program with your electric company, call them ASAP and see what options are available. Ask them for any energy saving tips or programs that can help you cut down your electricity cost. AC is worth it.
Beat the Heat
Invest in good quality fans. This is a good fan and it’s $18 on Amazon. Buy two fans if you can!
Make yourself frozen treats. Fill ice cube trays with juice or buy a popsicle mold and enjoy inexpensive treats all summer long. Inexpensive in the sense that once you buy the tray or mold, all you have to do is spend $2 on juice or fruit.
Stay hydrated! Hydration is not just water. Hydration can be any diarrhetic drink! Iced tea, seltzer, water with fruit in it, etc. I personally hate the taste of water or plain seltzer, so I buy lemons and squeeze lemon wedges into my drinks to incentivize myself to drink more. You can buy zero calorie flavoring online to spice up water! 
Make sure any pets you have are never out of water! A friend of mine puts ice cubes in her cats water throughout the day for her cat to gnaw on and to cool the water down.
Similarly, if your pets are home by themselves, ensure that they have access to a cool space. I leave my AC on low all day for my cats, because they hang out upstairs in one room, and I sectioned off the space so that’s the only area getting the AC.
Try cool showers. Look, I myself personally love hot showers. But hot showers in the middle of summer SUCK. Start lowering your temperature until you get a temp that’s just slightly warm. Cool showers are so refreshing.
If you can afford it, buy yourself a cooling blanket for the night time.
Keep cooking to a minimum during the late afternoon hours (the hottest part of the day is generally around 3pm where I live, so I try not to be slaving over a hot stove then). 
If you’re home alone, lower the blinds and wear less clothes. Wear more breathable clothes. 
Make yourself a hand fan.
Lowering the blinds in rooms with lots of sun can drastically lower the temperature as well.
Most AC units have some sort of energy saver mode or low power mode.
Heat rises, so if you have multiple stories, spend time downstairs. 
Freeze wet hand towels in your freezer and use them as ice packs on unbearable days.
Speaking of unbearable days, if it’s just too hot and you’re stuck at home, go out and find a place with AC and wifi. A library, a mall, even a cafe. Get out of your home and spend a tiny bit of money to ensure that you’re not actively dying.
My final tip is one that several people I know do to stay cool during the summer. I don’t personally feel that I live in a safe enough neighborhood to actively do this, so I haven’t actually tried it. Do it at your own risk! At night, open all of your windows and leave them open overnight. In the morning, close all the windows right after you wake up. This should keep your home cool for several hours without needing AC or fans!
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