#I’m gonna miss u books. I’m gonna miss u sticky notes. I’m gonna miss u highlighters
stuckinapril · 8 months
Not me literally feeling sad bc I have to go somewhere for the next few hours but I wanna be home studying
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stardustbarbarians · 2 years
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I'll Just Wipe Off My Neck
Chapter 1 (ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4)
A Jake Kiszka/Daniel Wagner & Samuel Kiszka/Daniel Wagner Fic
Summary: Nothing can come between brothers. Except when your older brother steals the person he knows you have feelings for.
Tags: pining, unrequited love (maybe), angst
Words: 3.7 k
A/N: So, I kind of make Jake a dick in this fic, but I don't believe he is one in real life at all. I was inspired by Drop the Guillotine by Peach Pit and I needed a "villain" so please don't come for me for that. Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun with this fic and I hope you enjoy! (I'm working on that Josh fic you guys voted for, don't worry!)
The semester had ended yesterday, the excitement of freedom for a brief reprise of time was the buzz all throughout the campus for students and faculty alike. Many students were packing up their cars or rented U-Hauls and returning to their homes until the bell of academia chimed once more with the chill of autumn. But not Sam and Daniel. The two of them were perched on the balcony of their apartment and watching their peers flurry about while hauling box after box from their dorms. 
“I know I was against this apartment at first, but I’m glad we got it,” Danny admitted over the brim of his coffee mug, cringing in sympathy as a woman tripped over an uneven part of the sidewalk and sprawled her box of clothes all over the pavement. 
Sam looked up from his book to gaze at Daniel, a borderline smug smile on his lips. He was on the verge of saying “I told you so” when he stopped. The breeze decided to pick up at that moment, gently tussling Daniel’s raven curls and causing a few of them to halo around his head. Not for the first time since they had known one another, Sam was struck with just how gorgeous his roommate was. 
To say that Sam had feelings for his roommate was an understatement. He was absolutely and positively smitten for him. He had been for a while now, going on for nearly two and a half years. Sam had thought about telling him how he felt, but he didn’t want to ruin a good thing. 
“You’re not gonna say ‘I told you so’? Normally you jump at the chance,” Danny teased, one of his eyebrows quirking up at his roommate. 
“I don’t have to since you seem to know I’m right anyway.” Sammy cursed himself for getting lost in Danny’s beauty. He had to be more careful or else he’d get caught. 
Daniel just huffed out a laugh before turning back to people-watching. They sat there soaking up the warmth of the sun for a few more minutes, finishing up their coffee and book chapter, respectively. 
“Alright, we should start packing up. It’s starting to get less busy on the streets,” Sam prompted, placing the sticky note he was using as a bookmark into his book and setting it on the ground to stretch out his spine. The note was one Daniel had stuck onto Sam’s door that simply read “to do: shower” on it. 
“We’re staying here over the summer, Samuel,” Danny absentmindedly spoke, his attention on a family of birds nesting on the tree near their balcony. 
Sam halted his stretch, arms still hoisted above his head as he glanced over at his best friend. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot I invited you to my family’s lake house for this week, did you?” 
Danny froze momentarily, regaining his composure and setting his empty mug on the ground like Sam had with his book. 
“Oh my god, you did,” Sam stated, amusement seeping from his tone. 
Danny sighed deeply and stood from his chair. He stretched his arms up above his head, his shirt riding up just enough to reveal a strip of skin between the hem and the line of his pajama shorts. Sam traced the line of it, his gaze then flicking up to the muscles of Danny’s arms. The groan Danny let out made Sam blush despite how innocent it was. 
“I’ve been sitting in that chair for as long as I can remember,” Danny quoted in a supercilious accent, sending Sam a smirk over his shoulder. 
“Sorry to hear that, Miss Jordan Baker. I’d offer to take you golfing with me, but I don’t really like playing with cheaters,” Sam played along, a smile pulling at his lips on its own volition. 
“It’s fine, I’ll find some bond salesman to act as his beard even though he’s clearly infatuated with his neighbor,” he continued, his arms falling to his sides. 
“You’re still mad that Mr. Wallace wouldn’t let you argue that Nick Carroway was gay, huh?” Sammy already knew the answer to that, but he also enjoyed getting a rise out of Daniel. 
“Nick was clearly very gay! For god’s sake, he described Jordan - his supposed love interest - in a sentence or two. Do you know what the length was used to describe Gatsby’s smile alone?” 
“Fourteen lines.” Sam knew because this wasn’t the first time he’d had this discussion with his best friend. Yet despite the repetition of the debate, he was just as enamored and enraptured as the first time. 
“Fourteen lines!” Danny repeated, throwing his hands up in the air. It caused Sam to giggle like a schoolgirl, something that he was embarrassed over. 
“Go get packed, you maniac,” Sammy demanded through a laugh, his cheeks beginning to hurt from how hard and how much he was smiling. 
Danny did as he was told, but not before sticking his tongue out at Sam in a show of playful defiance. Sam was left alone on that balcony, a bittersweet ache in his chest at the interaction that slowly eroded into melancholy as the seconds ticked by. He just wanted more from Daniel, but he’d never ask. He knew that he had to take what he could get, but it also wasn’t enough. He just wanted to be able to show how much he loved him; to display the full extent of his adoration. 
With a bone deep and weary sigh, Sam got up from his chair to start packing himself, grabbing the mug that Daniel had left beside his chair. 
+++ “Wake up, Sam, we made it to a rest stop.” Danny gently shook Sam’s shoulder, rousing him from a dream about being Nick Carraway; standing by as the love of his life falls for someone that will be nothing but bad news for him. 
Rubbing at his eyes, Sammy winced at the bright sun as it streamed into his line of sight. Grumbling, he unfastened his seatbelt and yawned as he tumbled out of the passenger seat. 
“Where are we?” His voice sounded like he smoked ten packs a day, gravely and raspy. 
“We’re about half an hour out still,” Danny answered, leading the way to the doors of the rest stop.
This caused Sam to groan petulantly. He was so tired of being cooped up in that car that he was very close to just running the rest of the way to the lake house. The best part of road trips Sam wasn’t even experiencing because all the radio stations around the area played awful music. Normally his solution would be to use his radio transmitter, but he forgot to bring it with him. 
“Your turn to drive,” Danny told Sam over his shoulder. Sam could tell Danny was also irritated due to the speed of which he was walking. Sam and Daniel weren’t that different in height, but those extra few inches Daniel had really counted towards walking speed when he wanted them to. 
Cursing under his breath, Sam just let Daniel speed-walk away, putting his hair up in a bun as he walked at a normal pace. It was way too hot to have his hair down and the humidity was not helping in the slightest. 
Once Sam walked out of the bathrooms, he spotted Daniel waiting for him over by the vending machines. When he spotted Sammy walking towards him, he pushed off the wall he was leaning against. Sam did not notice how big Danny’s arms looked while they were crossed over his chest or how good they looked on full display with the tank top he was wearing. He also did not notice how a girl around their age was being very obvious with how much she was checking Daniel out, her face pulled into a mask of approval. There also was no deep-seeded jealousy flare up in his chest. 
“Sam,” Danny called, gaining his best friend’s attention and snapping him out of his poisonous train of thought. 
“You didn’t hear what I said, did you?” The tiredness was apparent in his voice. 
“Oh yeah, I did. But you should say it again just in case I heard you wrong,” Sam smoothly responded, flashing his charming smile to hopefully dispel Daniel’s annoyance. It worked. 
“Such a damn charmer, Kiszka,” Daniel muttered under his breath, a smile threatening to break out on his face. “I asked you if you wanted to grab snacks now or wait and stop at some place for food.” 
Sam didn’t need to think about it at all. “Stop somewhere. I’m starving and chips won’t be enough.” 
“Alright, then.” Daniel tossed Sam the keys and they walked towards the car. Conversation didn’t pick back up until they were back on the interstate.  
“Hey, Daniel, I should probably warn you. My older brother Jake is gonna be there and he’s a little mad that you’re coming. He’s not gonna do anything to you, but don’t expect him to be in the best mood.” 
“What? Why is he mad?” Sam didn’t need to see Danny’s face to know how perplexed he was. 
“Our lake house only has one extra spot for someone to sleep and usually Jake is the one to bring someone to fill it. It’s never been the same girl twice, either. Anyway, he’s mad because I called dibs before he could,” Sam explained, his eyes flicking away from the road momentarily to look at his best friend. 
“So he’s mad at the circumstances?” 
“Yep. Mostly at me, but I know how to handle him. I just thought I should warn you because he can be a real bitch when he’s pissed off. Just please don’t take it personally; he’s mad at me,” Sam continued, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel in place of the silence that had filled the air. 
“Alright, I’ll keep that in mind,” Danny assured, his hand momentarily gracing Sammy’s shoulder. It was only for a moment, but that was all it took for Sam’s heart to jump. 
God, he was stupidly in love with Daniel. 
Sam was so relieved to finally pull into the driveway of the lake house that he shouted in joy. “HA! Finally!” 
Danny, the poor bastard, jumped about a foot in the air. He was hardly ready for Sam’s screaming. Danny shot him a dirty look that dared Sammy to say anything; he had to purse his lips to keep from smiling or laughing. 
“Samuel! You made it!” 
Sam whipped his head away from his roommate to look over at where the familiar voice had come from. He was rushing to get out of the car, his seatbelt thrown off and the door being thrust open. He launched out of the car and towards her, his long legs taking him there within seconds.
“Mom, I missed you so much,” he admitted once he was captured into her embrace. He was easily half a foot taller than her so he had to hunch over to properly hug her, but he happily did so. 
Immediately Sam felt safe and warm, his mother’s embrace the safest place in the world as far as he’s concerned. They hugged each other for a long period of time, but Sam would’ve stayed there forever if he could’ve. It was so easy to forget about the stress of his school and future as well as the constant arduous thrum that resided in his heart over Daniel Wagner. 
The sound of the car door shutting reminded Sam that he couldn’t hug his mother until the end of time like he wanted to. Regretfully he pulled away and gave his mother a genuine smile. Just as he did so, he heard footsteps approach from behind him. 
“Oh, you must be Daniel!” his mother exclaimed, that huge and inviting smile on her face. 
“Hello, Mrs. Kiszka, it’s good to finally meet you,” Daniel greeted, a warm smile on his face that had Sam weak in the knees. 
“Sammy, you never told us how handsome he was,” Mrs. Kiszka playfully scolded, her gaze taking all of Daniel in. She looked over at her son, a knowing look in her eyes as she noticed the dusing of pink that colored her youngest’s cheeks. 
She knew. 
Sam went to start speaking, already knowing that he’d be a floundering mess when Danny spoke before him. 
“That’s very kind of you, Mrs. Kiszka,” he graciously thanked. Sammy looked at him like he was his guardian angel, but of course Danny couldn’t see that. 
“Oh, please, call me mom, or Karen if you’re more comfortable with that. Sam’s already told us so much about you I feel like I know you.” To the untrained eye, his mother’s smile looked warm and friendly. Sam recognized the mischievous glint in them and it made him nervous beyond belief. 
“Has he now?” Daniel turned towards his roommate of three years, a cheeky smile on his lips. If his mother embarrassing him wasn’t enough to make Samuel blush, Daniel’s smirk definitely was. 
“Uh- have Ronnie and the twins made it yet?” Sammy asked, very desperate to change the subject. 
“Yes, they have. You two were the last ones to arrive,” Mama K informed, a look on her face that said she knew what Sam was trying to do but was letting it happen anyway. 
“Daniel, would you like to meet my siblings?” 
“Sure, but we should probably take our stuff inside,” Danny posited, his hand pointing at the car to indicate said stuff needed to be taken inside. 
“Right, good idea,” Sam agreed, flashing his signature charming smile. 
“While you boys do that, I’ll make something for you guys to eat.” And with that, Karen turned onto her heel and walked into the house. 
It was under the burning orange sunset that Daniel and Samuel hauled their belongings into the Kiszka family lake house. They became lost in their own world momentarily as they cracked jokes and laughed over things only they would understand. The cooling air from the setting sun nestled onto their skin and nearly formed goosebumps had it not been so welcomed. The early summer air was far from blistering, but some extra movement was a surefire way to accumulate sweat across one’s skin. 
Finally, they had moved all their belongings into their respective room. It wasn’t the bedroom Sam had usually used, but since he had brought a guest this time around, he got to use the room that Jake usually occupied with whatever new girl he managed to bring with him. It had two twin beds in it, Daniel taking the one close to the window and Samuel taking the one near the door. 
The pair walked into the kitchen, their stomachs more than stoked at the promise of food. Sam noticed his three siblings and their father sitting at the table, a card game ongoing between the four of them. They were playing Euker, a game Sam was never good at and could barely remember the rules for. Josh was the first one to notice them enter. 
“Sammy!” he cried before getting up from his seat. He walked towards his little brother with his arms wide open and a smile just as wide. Sam met him halfway, a smile about as big as his brother’s on his face as well. 
“Josh, this is my best friend and roommate Daniel.” Don’t look at him any differently than you would your other friends, Samuel Francis. If you look at him even slightly differently they’ll know.
“Hey Daniel, I’m Josh, Sam’s oldest brother,” Josh introduced, extending his hand for Danny to shake. 
“By five minutes,” Jake called from his spot, making absolutely no move to get up from his spot. 
Sam looked over at his older brother, seeing the truly nasty look in his eye that didn’t show anywhere else on his face. It made his skin crawl the way Jake was able to hide it with his charming smirk that got him all the female attention he wanted; Sam hated even more that he was the one he learned that from. If Sam had looked over at his best friends, he would’ve seen the flush coloring Daniel’s cheeks as he looked at Jake. 
“And you’ll never live it down,” Ronnie pipped up, the teasing tone evident in her voice as she flipped her long hair and got up from her chair. She didn’t even look in Jake’s direction, but the smug look on her face told Sam she knew just how much she got under Jake’s skin. 
“Hi, I’m Ronnie, the best Kizska,” she introduced, going up to Danny and giving him a friendly hug. 
He let out a startled but delighted laugh and hugged her back. 
“Goddamn, you’re gorgeous,” she blurted out, speaking the exact words on Sammy’s mind. “You failed to mention that detail, Sam.” 
He couldn’t see his face, but Samuel bet that he was about as bright red as a stop light. If the look on Ronnie and Josh’s face were any indication, then Sam placed a pretty safe bet. 
“Leave your little brother alone, Ronnie. You know he’s as oblivious as they come,” Mr. Kiszka finally spoke, much to Sam’s chagrin. 
“Ah, you’re right. Sorry, Sammy, I forgot about your crippling obliviousness.” 
“And I forgot about your terminal annoyingness. I see it’s progressed,” Sam shot back, a fake sense of pity lacing his words. 
Ronnie bit her lip to keep from laughing. To change the subject, she looked over at her older brother. “Jake, aren’t you gonna say ‘hello’?” 
Jake briefly looked up from his phone only to say: “Hey, David.” 
Sam just scoffed and shook his head. Of course he didn’t care. 
“Jake, what the fuck was that?” Josh questioned, an incredulous look on his face as he faced his twin. 
“That’s enough, Joshua,” Mrs. Kiszka lightly scolded, plating the salmon she had been cooking. “Sit down, boys, food’s ready.” 
The two youngest of the group took their seats at the counter, Danny stealing one last look in Jake’s direction. Sam wasn’t so oblivious to notice that. 
Sam was the only one inside, the rest of his family and Daniel all sitting around the campfire that was adjacent to the beach. He had to get away. He couldn’t stand the knowing looks his family were throwing him every time he spoke to Daniel. Had he been that obvious? Was he so infatuated with Daniel that it had been so glaringly obvious with each look he gave his roommate? 
The only one who wasn’t making Sam sick to his stomach, strangely, was Jake. He was the only one who wasn’t giving him a look every time Sam talked to Danny. In fact, he wasn’t paying anyone any attention. He was moodily brooding into his beer bottle and barely engaging with everyone else. 
Sam was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice his big sister standing in the kitchen with him. In fact, he jumped about five feet in the air when she spoke to him. 
“Whatcha doin’ hiding in here?” 
Sam screamed like a horror movie protagonist, his heart rate jumping to at least 120. 
“Ronnie! Don’t sneak up on me!” 
“If walking normally into a room is your definition of ‘sneaking’, I think you need to brush up on your vocabulary,” she seamlessly replied, that same devious glint Sam saw in his mother’s eyes in his sister’s. 
Samuel just gave her a look, his hand over his heart, and turned towards the sink to fill up the glass he took out of the cupboard about five minutes ago. He took the opportunity to try and calm down his heartbeat. 
“You never answered me.”
“I don’t have to,” Sam petulantly responded, bringing the glass to his lips as he looked out the window above the sink to see the campfire flickering in the summer night air. 
The silence that laced the air was pressing and awkward, Ronnie’s anticipation and willingness to stay there until she got her answer annoying Sam to no end. But Sam was nothing if not stubborn. They waited in that kitchen in silence until Ronnie finally broke. 
“It’s Daniel, isn’t it?” 
“How obvious is it?” Sam desperately questioned, finally turning to face his older sister. 
“Well, it only took me about five seconds to figure it out, so…” At that point, she had taken a seat on one of the bar stools at the counter. Her long brown hair was spilling over her shoulders. 
“Ronnie, it’s so bad,” Sam lamented, a pain in his chest that was very familiar. 
“How long have you felt this way?” 
“About two and a half years, now.” 
Samuel watched his sister’s face morph into one of deep sympathy.
“Sam-” she began, being interrupted by her brother. He knew what she was going to say. 
“I should tell him, I know. But I don’t want to lose him, Ronnie. I love him too much and I can’t have him walk out of my life. I’d rather have him like this than not at all,” he admitted, choking up at the very thought of losing Daniel. 
Ronnie got up from her chair, pulling Sam into a hug. “It’s ok, Sammy.” 
They stood there for a moment as Sam choked back his tears. He never knew that being held by his sister would make him feel better, but he was glad that she was the one to check in on him. 
“Are you good to go back outside?” Ronnie asked after a moment. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” 
Sam grabbed two beers from the fridge, handing one off to his older sister. He was grateful that it was dark out so no one could see his red eyes from his crying. 
The two of them rejoined the group, Ronnie reclaiming her lawnchair and Sam taking the spot on the blanket next to the fire. He put his hair up so there was no chance of it catching on fire. Scanning his family surrounding the firepit, he noticed that Jake was nowhere to be seen. Part of him thought that was curious, but the other part of him just shrugged it off. It wasn’t like he was being the life of the party as it was. 
What Sam didn’t know was that the moment his older brother would return would be the beginning of the end. Everything would change. And it would all start with Jake sitting down next to Daniel. 
@doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @ageoferin @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @strugglingtodoshit @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @kdarling1 @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22
@doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @ageoferin @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @turtleskane @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @kdarling1 @capturethechaos @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22
@doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @ageoferin @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @honor-gvf @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @turtleskane @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @brokenbellsgvf @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @strugglingtodoshit @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @kdarling1 @capturethechaos @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22
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sexy-bee-juice · 4 years
“I love[d] you”
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Pairing: Tsukishima x reader
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Warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, light mentions of smut??(i am so sorry if its bad but i’ve never written it so-), fighting [karasuno throwin hands-]
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Summary: Tsukki cheats on reader, and the team finds out after you break down.
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heres a song to make it worse. Im sorry.
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“Hmm?” He said, looking up from his book.
You were both in bed, cuddling, you looking through your phone, with your boyfriend of only one year beside you. Sure, it’s only been a year, but you’ve been crushing on him since middle school. Feelings ran deep.
You smiled at him.
“I love you.” He stared at you for only a moment, then looked away blushing.
“I love you too.” Then he reached over and kissed you lightly on the forehead. “To the moon and back.”
It had been nearly four months since you had first said those words to Kei, and you were still head over heels for him.
You were the manager for the Karasuno Volleyball Club, and a third year. You were only making your way to the gym where they were practicing, skipping along, happy because the older third years were coming back to see the team.
Kageyama and Hinata were going to be ecstatic, especially Hinata. Suga, Azumane, and Sawamura were already on their way. Then your phone beeped with a message from Kei.
can’t make it to practice today, head hurts tell evryone else
You frowned. When you had left his house earlier he seemed fine... Oh well. Later you just needed to make him some of that tea you had at your house that your mother always made for you when you had a headache.
alrightyyyyy. see you after practice. i’ll tell the alums u cant make it bby! hope you feel better soon! :)
No reply. You brushed it off, as he usually did this to you. Plus his head hurt as well.
You checked the time, and jumped as you saw you were still ten minutes away from the gym, and you were supposed to be there fifteen minutes before everyone else. AHHHHHHH. Gotta rush, gotta rush, gotta rushhhhh. You thought as you ran as fast as you could to where practice was gonna be.
When you finally reached the school, you saw that Shoyo and Tobio were already there, with Shoyo bouncing around, singing whatever song he came up with, probably mere minutes before, and Tobio aggressively yelling at him, trying to pull him down.
“Hey guys! Stop that sorry Im late lets get inside and you two can start warming up before everyone else gets here oh my god I need water-” You said, out of breath and gasping, dripping in sweat.
Shoyo smiled and offered you his hand to the place where you had fallen on the ground.
“Hey! No worries y/n-Chan! I have some water for you here! Well, it was supposed to be for me, but you can have cuz I don't need it and I’m sure I can get someone else to share with me!” You smiled up gratefully at Shoyo, and took his extended hand, pulling yourself up.
An instant sense of cool relief flowed over you as you swallowed down the chilling water. God, you couldn’t have asked to be the manager for a better team.
Soon, the rest of the team began to minnow in, laughing and talking, carefree as usual, until (as expected) Shoyo nearly jumped on Tobio after giving the loudest screech ever.
“Jeez, what happened? GET OFF ME YOU RUNT! SCRUB! IDIOT! I SWEAR I’LL-” The words died in his throat as he saw who has just entered the gym.
“AH! SUGA-SAN! AZUMANE-SENPAI! CAPTAIN! NOYA-SANNNNNN! TANAKA-SENPAI!!!!” You smiled, looking back to the alums of Karasuno.
“AHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHOYOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Bellowed Noya as he jumped over to Shoyo, Tanaka at his heels.
“BROOOOOOOO WE MISSED YOU!” said Tanaka, tackling both Tobio and Shoyo in a hug, lifting them both off the floor.
“HEY GERROF!” said Tobio, muffled by his jacket.
You walked up to the older alums, smiling greetings and welcomes.
“So? How’s things with you all?” You asked.
“Ehhh, same old, same old. How you managing...as...manager-? I- wait-” stutters Azumane.
“No, no, its fine. These two still fight and bicker but they’re easy to manage nowadays.”
“oh? Jeez, y/n-Chan, you have it easy.” Said Suga. “When I was still here as a third-year, it was definitely harder to manage them, and the rest of the team...”
You smiled, happy to see them, and continued watching the four freaks reunite.
“I miss my children...” You heard Suga murmur, barely discernable from the now probably-not-human-noises the four were making. Daichi and Azumane were trying their best not to burst out laughing behind Suga, who was wistfully staring at his “children”.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Daichi-san asked you the one thing you forgot to tell them.
“So...where’s Tsukishima?” He asked, looking around as if your boyfriend were hiding. As if he would do something so childish.
“oh! Yeah, I forgot to tell you all. He said to tell you all. He said he had to skip today because his head was hurting.”
“Ah, yes. The head pain. An unfortunate enemy.” said Tanaka-san, looking up from the place he was wrestling with the team. You giggled.
“Well, when Kiyoko-senpai arrives i think i might leave for a bit to take care of Kei, then i’ll come back, just letting you guys know, so don’t-”
“SHIMIZU-SENPAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII” You heard Noya and Tanaka yell simultaneously.
“And that’s my cue-” You said swiveling to the door, and sprinting back to the Tsukishima residence.
As the door was always open for you, you didn’t even bother knocking, but entered right away. Nobody seemed to be home either.
As you silently made your way to your boyfriends room, you saw that you were pretty much already a significant part of their lives. They had pictures of you with them all, framed. Sticky notes with reminders for you on the fridge. You even had a spot at the table with them, for the nights you stayed for dinner.
Truly, this was your home.
https://youtu.be/Mhj15W23IjA        [more pain, you masochist’s]
You smiled softly as you made your way to his bedroom, humming along the way, so any other sound went unnoticed by you.
As you reached his door, you smiled at the little dino sticker he had stuck there at the beginning of your relationship. It was worn, but it still stuck there, serving as a reminder.
“It’s so you don’t get lost when you need to find me in the house. It shouldn’t be hard, but knowing you, you can go out for milk then buy a swimming pool.” You smiled as he smacked it on, and he turned the knob to his door, permitting you to enter.
You turned the knob.
“Tsukki? I know I should have come earlier or something but could you help me with-”
“Idiot. Just get in here. I couldn’t care less anyways, what? Can’t solve a simple question?”
“Tsukiiiiiiii, stop being so meaaaannnn.” he smirked at you.
“Don’t call me that.” you blinked up at him.
“uhhhh...call you what?”
“Tsukki. Don’t call me that.”
“oh. um. ok then.”
“call me Kei.”
you smiled up at him, tears swimming in your eyes.
You cracked open the door.
“Y/n?” He opened the door to his room, the dinosaur sticker still on it, only a couple months old.
“Yuppers.” he tilted your face up to him with his thumb and forefinger. “I-oh.”
Then he leaned down and kissed you ever so softly on your lips, eyes fluttering shut.
“I want you to stay with me forever...” He whispered.
“I will.” He smiled.
“Then I will too”
And you opened the door, smiling to yourself due to all the memories you made in this very spot.
Then your eyes widened.
It can’t be real...
Kei would never.
but he.... he did.
And he didn’t even notice you open the door, he didn’t even see you or hear the gasp you let out as you took in what you saw. He only looked up from the girl he was fucking in front of him, sweaty and panting, bites and scratches over his back and on his neck, when you slammed the door.
No tears ran down your face, like most people. You just ran back to the gym, not even really getting tired just...numb.
he promised. He promised to be yours forever.
but he must have crossed his fingers. done something stupid. because he lied. he wasn’t ever soley yours. he wasn’t, he couldn’t be.
But still. You couldn’t cry.
1) You don’t cry. You never cried.
2)You couldn’t let anyone see you weren’t ok.
Fake it ‘till you make it.
“WAIT. Y/N! WAIT, WAIT WAIT, DON’T GO!” But why would you listen?
Everything went by in a blur. you were minutes away from the gym.
Minutes away from safety.
Then you could hide behind a mask and never let anyone see.
“Oh, hey y/n-Chan! That was kinda quick.” Said Daichi. You inhaled, pushing everything away.
You giggled.
“Uh, yeah. Kei had his mom there so I left it up to her, plus he told me to get back to practice.” He smiled.
“Glad to hear he’s doing alright.” You smiled back.
“Yeah. Anyways. Anything happen while I was gone?” He shook his hed.
“Just the usual. Noya and Tanaka with the freak twins are in a two-on-two, trying to kill each other, and Suga and Asahi are kinda trying to stop the death part.”
“Ah. I see. The norm then.”
“Y/n!” You froze.
NO. nononono not now.
Why would he do this if he never really cared?
“Oh, hey look! Its Tsukishima!” Said Daichi, a smile still on his face.
But rather than running towards him, like you usually would, you ran away. Right into the gym, and...
Right into Suga’s arms.
“Hey, slow down a bit or you might be worse than Noya and knock me over!” He smiled at you. But he was just too intuitive for his own good, damn it, and his smile fell immediately.
“Is something the matter?” You composed your expression, smacking a smile back onto your face, and as you opened your mouth to say all was fine, you were cut off.
“Y/n! no no no I can explain!” You looked at Suga. Fear in your eyes. Did he figure it out? But you didn’t want to look at Kei right now. You couldn’t.
“y/n? What happened?” You looked back up at him.
“...Nothing. I’m fine.”
“No! Y/n! You don’t understand! I love you! And only you!”
Oh, he shouldn’t have said that.
Because that’s what broke you.
And soon you had squirmed out from Suga’s grasp and fallen onto the floor, sobbing. You never cried. But if you didn’t just this once, you might have exploded.
“Y/n?! What-?”
Then suddenly the whole team was surrounding. You, some of them kneeeling down to your height.
“...y/n? W-what happened?” Asked Yamaguchi. You looked up at him, tears still streaking down your face.
“I-It was...I don’t-”
“Y/n! Y/n, please listen! Please, please, please I’m begging you!” Called Kei as he finally reached the doors to the gym, panting and gasping.
“Why would I listen to you? H-How am I supposed to believe anything you say anymore?”
At this, he reeled back, your words finally hitting him.
But before anyone moved, Daichi looked between both of you, and crouched down beside you. And so softly, he whispered:
“Did he...Please don’t tell me he did...? He cheated...?” You nodded and started to sob harder, and soon you were wrapped up in his embrace, while he petted the back of your head, whispering consoltations into your ear.
Unfortunately for Kei, the whole team heard.
“He did what to you?” Asked Noya, staring right at you, a stone cold expression on his face.
“He cheated on her.” Said Daichi, looking between you and Tsukki. “Tsukishima cheated on y/n.”
“And in the next moment, before anyone could react, Suga was standing right in front of Tsukki, glaring at him with the most terrifying expression on his face anyone has ever seen.
“You did what?”
“I- I c-cheat-” But before Tsukki could finish sentence, Suga had punched him right in the face.
“HOW COULD YOU?!?! WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THAT TO ANYONE?!?” He screamed, tears now streaming down his face. “SHE LOVED YOU WITH ALL HER HEART AND LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER!” He pointed to you and Daichi.
“I-I didn’t m-mean to-” Stuttered Tsukki, eyes blown wide in fear, tears prickling in the corner, so close to spilling over.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!” It looked like he was ready to land another punch across his face before Noya and Tanaka were there holding him back, and began to bring him back to where you were, still screaming at Tsukishima, tears likewise streaming down his face.
“Hold her.” Ordered Daichi, looking at Suga, who nodded and cradled you, still shaking.
“Hey, hey, calm down, I’m here, i’m here...”
This time Noya and Hinata were standing right in front of the boy who so towered over them.
“I don’t want you to come near her for a while. I don’t want to look at you anymore.” Said Noya, serious as ever. Tsukishima nodded.
As he looked to Hinata, he realized that tears were pricking the corners of his eyes, and he looked mad. Really mad. Then suddenly, he was on the ground, a sharp pain in his back.
Hinata had pushed him. He looked down at him, and shook his head, as if saying no.
But he didn’t say anything, and just walked away.
But, why? Why didn’t he yell? Why didn’t he scream? Why was he so... SO DAMN QUIET?!
Before Noya could do anything, as he was expected to do, Tanaka was there, herding them both away, and completely ignoring Tsukishima. Whatever they were doing, it made it worse.
Azumane couldn’t even go near Tsukishima.
Not only because he didn’t want to be near him, but because he was afraid. Not afraid of Tsukishima, no.
He was afraid because he might lose control. He might hurt him.
Then Daichi was there.
“I don’t want you to even come near her until she’s ready to talk to you. Do you understand me?” He nodded. Daichi glared at him for a minute that could have been an hour, a moment completely suspended in time.
“Then get out of here.” And Tsukishima scrabbled to his feet, not once looking away from Daichi until he was completely up on his feet. Only then did he let the tears fall.
You were gone now. And look what he did.
As he ran away from the Gym, you thought it was laughter you heard coming from Tsukishima, when really, he was sobbing.
You kept listening even as his cries echoed through the clearing, and even when they were gone.
“I loved you, Tsukishima.” You whispered.
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a/n: Makin myself cry here
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106 notes · View notes
getsojaded · 4 years
chemistry || calum hood
word count: 3.8k+
warnings: mentions of weed, swear words, mention of injury, food & the slightest bit of sex talk
a/n: hey twt moots ;)) anyways, this is inspired by this post! i hope u all enjoy <3
It was about 11 pm, and I had just finished taking an unnecessarily large amount of notes for chemistry class. With a sore, shaky hand and a vision that was starting to go blurry, I had finally finished ten pages. Who knew that there was so much information about 5 organic compounds?
I yawned in my seat, stretching my arms out and removing my glasses. I was more than thankful that I can call it a night, and walked towards my bathroom to get ready for bed, which took a good 30 minutes. It usually doesn’t take me that long, but fuck, I was exhausted this whole day. After all my skincare was completed, I walked back to my bedroom and hopped into my bed, prepared for a well deserved rest. After slouching for a good three and a half hours, comforter and pillows had never felt so good against my body. 
Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a loud ding! from my phone and I opened my heavy eyes, which immediately annoyed me. I ignored the first one and tried to go back to sleep, but one ding turned into six and I couldn’t take it anymore. I angrily ripped the covers off my body, sitting up right after reaching for my phone on the nightstand beside my bed.
6 New Text Messages from: calum hood
hey wyd rn
can you do me a favour
i need your help
im at this party right now and i’m about to get high as fuck but i forgot about our homework for tomorrow and i was wondering if you could do them for me
you don’t even need to make them look pretty like how you do it just take down the important shit
“What the fuck?” I whsipered to myself as I looked at my phone. “Who does this bitch think he is?”
to: calum hood
are you fucking serious right now
from: calum hood
please i’m really sorry LOL i completely forgot about it
i know your smarty pants finished it the second you got home please
i’ll literally buy you starbucks tomorrow morning
As much as I hated to admit it, his last text message kind of convinced me. I was a sucker for coffee, and could really stop spending money on it every morning. But was I really about to lose some more sleep just to do the party boy’s notes? I barely know this kid anyways. How’d this guy even get into college? 
to: calum hood
is it gonna be a venti
from: calum hood:
if that’s what you want, sure
I knew I was going to regret this decision, but I threw on my glasses and put my hair up once again, walking towards my desk. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I sighed out, opening my laptop and gathering my supplies together. I unlocked my phone, seeing that the time was 12 am. Am I doing this for coffee or am I doing this because he’s attractive and I couldn’t really say no to him? I groaned and leaned my head on my desk, texting him back.
to: calum hood
i hate you so much
get me a venti iced white mocha no whip and an extra espresso shot
actually no make that two extra espresso shots cause bc of your dumbass im staying up 
from: calum hood
i gotchu angel
thank you so much, see you tomorrow :)
“Fuck off with the petname and the smiley face,” I angrily cursed at my phone, picking up my pencil and beginning to write another ten pages of notes. 
“I hate this bitch,” I said, throwing my pencil onto my desk and slamming my laptop shut. The time was now 3:45 am and tired was an understatement for me. I crawled into bed, falling asleep almost immediatly, hoping that these 5 hours of sleep will give me enough energy to get through class tomorrow.
“You have got to be fucking joking me,” I mumbled, reaching over for my phone to turn off the alarm. I was definitely not a morning person, and the fact that I didn’t get at least 7 hours of sleep meant that I was not going to be in a good mood today.
I slowly crawled out of bed and began trudging towards my bathroom, seeing I had gotten a text meesage from the man himself. I rolled my eyes seeing his name pop up, opening the conversation between him and I.
from: calum hood
to: calum hood
fuck off
I set my phone aside, getting ready for bed in the slowest way possible. I honestly could care less about what I looked like today, so I decided on a hoodie and sweatpants. I went back into my room and packed my bag with everything I needed, including Calum’s stupid study notes. I threw it over my shoulder, putting on my shoes and walking out the front door, into my car. Thankfully my college was not too far from my apartment, so it didn’t matter if I was running a couple of minutes late.
Parking my car and walking towards class, more and more annoyance filled my body, hoping that nobody would say a word to me, or even better, look in my direction. As I walked into the classroom, I walked towards the empty seats in the very back, choosing the one closest to the wall. I got settled into my seat, leaning the side of my head against the wall, hoping that I’d get the tiniest bit of extra rest.
“The last text message you sent to me wasn’t very nice.” I heard a voice beside me say. I opened my eyes and looked up, seeing the stupid Calum Hood. He was holding two cups of coffee - one for me, and one for him I’m assuming - and was wearing a maroon hoodie, which he actually looked really good in.
“I don’t think you deserve to have a nice goodmorning text, because you are the reason I’m in a pissy mood today, thank you very much.” I responded, taking my coffee from his hand and placing it on my desk. I reached into my bag and took the study notes I wrote for him, slapping it onto the desk beside me.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as our professor began to speak up, indicating that class had begun. “What can I do in order for you not to be mad at me?” I turned to look at him. He had the biggest pouty face I had ever seen, which was absolutely adorable. But I’d never tell him that.
“Just shut up.” I sighed, turning back towards the board, opening my notebook and beginning to take notes. 
Not even ten minutes later, a green sticky note caught my eye as I was writing. My eyes gazed towards the sticky note, scoffing at what was written on it.
Pls forgive me :(
I turned towards Calum, who was currently well focused on the board in front of us. I lightly chuckled, knowing he was more than pretending to actually pay attention in this class.
I thought I told you to shut up, I wrote underneath his writing and stuck it back onto his desk, and continued from where I left off. I got maybe 5 words in before I saw the neon green appear back onto my desk. I can’t shut up if I’m not talking.
I rolled my eyes before crumbling the paper in my hand, looking at Calum once again. “You’re distracting me. What do you want?” I asked him, the brunette boy turning his head to me once again. 
“For you not to be mad at me.” He responded. “What can I do for you to at least smile at me? Besides telling me to shut up.” 
I stared at him with the bitchiest face I could put on, then rolled my eyes and began to take down more notes in my book. First, he makes me write ten pages for him and now he’s distracting me in class. Can he leave me alone for at least five minutes? 
“And now you’re not gonna talk to me. Fine, be that way.” He grunted. The two of went back to what to we were doing for the remainder of class.
“That’s all for today folks, I hope you have a good rest of your day and don’t forget to read pages thirty to thirty-five and finish questions one to twenty-seven.” Our professor said to all of the class, which resulted in me grabbing my bag and standing up immediately, wanting nothing more than to just get the fuck out of this place.
Please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me-
“Hey wait,” Calum said and grabbed my hand. 
“Yes?” I asked him, turning my body towards him as he let go of my hand. 
“What’re you doing the rest of the day?” 
“Nothing, why..?”
I saw that Calum had the cheekiest grin on his face after I gave him my answer. “As an apology for making you write down my notes, thank you very much by the way, along with making you angry this whole morning, how about we go get breakfast on me, and we can do our homework together, except I will do all the work, and you just copy my answers? How does that sound?”
I thought about it. One part of me just wanted to flip him off, go back home and get the sleep I missed out on last night. The other part of me was actually kind of down for that idea. Free food, free homework answers and I get to hang out with pretty boy? I wasn’t really losing anything here, huh? 
“I mean, I would say yes, but I took my car here and also I’m dressed terribly right now, the last thing I need is for more people to see me looking like this..” I trailed off, looking down at my current outfit and laughing lightly. “Babe, you don’t even look bad whatsoever right now. However, if you insist, you can go home and change and I can come get you when you’re ready. Is that a plan?” He asked in response. First angel, now babe? What is this guy doing?
“I mean.. I could do that...but-” “Pleeaaasee?” Calum cut me off, pressing his hands together, acting as if he was praying. 
“Ugh, fine, I’ll go with you! I’ll go home and get ready, and I’ll text you when I’m done.” I responded as the both of us walked out of the classroom, towards the parking lot. 
“Pinky promise you won’t cancel on me last minute?” Calum asked, extending his arm and putting his pinky in front of me as we reached my car. I hadn’t even noticed that he walked me to my car, which honestly made my heart flutter when I realized. 
“Are you kidding me?” I laughed lightly, taking my pinky and sticking it out with his, interlocking it. “Pinky promises mean everything, sweetheart. I’ll see you later.” He responded, winking at me then walking away. Getting into my car, I hit my steering wheel, squealing while I repeatedly hit my head against my wheel. “Fuckin’ angel, babe and sweetheart?! What’s next?” I asked myself, driving back to my place to get ready for this little study.. session? Hang out? Date? 
I never noticed how nervous I was to hang out with Calum until four different outfits were placed on my bed, with no ability to choose which one looked best. “Fuck, these are all terrible.” I groaned, flopping onto my bed and closing my eyes. I was interrupted by my phone ringing, seeing that Calum was calling.
“I know you pinky promised that you wouldn’t cancel on me, but angel what is taking so long?” He asked, laughing into his question. “I’m so sorry,” I groaned, getting back up and looking at the outfits I planned on my bed. “I’m having a little wardrobe crisis. I have zero idea what to wear.”
“You could’ve showed up in the hoodie and sweatpants and I’d still find you gorgeous,” He responded, making my heart flutter for what felt like the hundreth time today. This man throws small compliments left and right and it’s kind of driving me crazy. “But lemme see what you got planned out. I’ll make it easier for you.” I responded with an okay, quickly snapping a photo of the clothes that were currently on my bed. 
“Okay first off, none of these are bad at all. I think you could’ve chose any of these and rocked all of ‘em. Second, little shirt big pants is always the way to go. I say the second one.” He told me, choosing a white long sleeved shirt and the baggiest light wash jeans I had in my closet. It might’ve been basic, but Calum was right - you really can’t go wrong with a little shirt big pants combination. 
“Okay, thank you.” I sighed in relief, taking the clothes into my hands and walking into the washroom to change. “You can come now, I’ll text you my address. I’ll probably be done by the time you get here.” 
“Now was that so hard?” He asked in response, causing the both of us to laugh. “I’ll see you in a bit. Bye bye!” 
“Bye Calum, see you later.” And with that the call ended. I quickly changed into my clothes, put my laptop in my bag - along with everything else I needed - and slipped my shoes on. Once I finished doing so, I heard a loud honk outside, indicating that he was outside. 
Walking out of my house I saw Calum exiting his seat, walking over to the other side and opening the door for me. “Wow, what a gentleman.” I laughed as he closed my door and got into the drivers’ side once again. “You look great.” He told me, his eyes focused on my outfit. “All thanks to you.” I said nervously, as he started the car. “Where are we going again?” I asked him. 
“You can never go wrong with IHOP,”  He said proudly, with a wide grin on his face. “How’d you know I loved going there?” I asked him, gaining a chuckle from him in response. “Not sure if you knew this, but I’m a mindreader.” He joked, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh in response. 
Arriving at the place and ordering our food, Calum and I began to have a little conversation. It started off with an are you still mad at me? which resulted into talks about other classes, finals and parties. 
“You’re telling me you’ve never been to a party?” He asked in shock, me shaking my head as I took a sip of the water that was given to me. “Are you kidding me? We’ve been in college for what, two years, and you’ve never been to one?!”
“Yeah, in case you didn’t notice, I go to school to learn and not to party. I don’t ask people to take ten pages of notes for me so I could blaze up, unlike somebody I know,” I responded, Calum looking at me in disbelief. “I cannot believe you just called me out like that. I said I was sorry!” 
“Yeah yeah, I know. You’re making up for it with free food and free homework answers, so I decided to get over it.” I responded, laughing. “Also, when are we gonna start doing the questions?” I asked as the waiter came with both of our plates of food, thanking them as we began to eat. 
“I mean, we could go back to my place and work on it, if that’s alright with you.” Calum said, his mouth full of pancakes. “Is that your way of trying to get in my pants?” I asked jokingly. 
“You’re a fiesty one aren’t you?” He asked, with a simple nod from me in response. “Well to answer your question, no that is not my way of doing such a thing, I’d be much more smooth about it.” 
“Oh, so you think you’re slick or something?” “Nah babe, I know I’m slick.” There’s the cocky party boy that I was much more familiar with. I rolled my eyes in response.
“I’m gonna ignore what you just said.. Anyways, I am fine with working on it at your place.” I told him, getting a nod in response. Throughout the whole breakfast, we got to know each other quite well. I learned that he played soccer in highschool, but due to a torn ACL he had to quit. But because of that, he got into music and started playing the guitar. I told him that if there’s enough free time when we finished, he should play me something. He happily agreed to it, saying that I will fall in love with him after I hear his singing. I just roll my eyes at his cocky compliments about himself. 
I also got to hear his totally wild college parties that he goes to, telling me about this one time one of his friends’ houses got shut down due to the various noise complaints from neighbours down the block. “you should come join me in one”, He offers, with a “fuck no” in response from me. 
“C’mon, they’re not that bad. They’re actually really fun, and everybody’s always so nice.” 
“I literally can’t tell you the last time I got high, and the last time I got drunk it was not pretty, I’m retired from that shit.” I said, as he paid for our food and began walking back to his car.
“Oh, so you used to be rowdy?” He asked, the two of us laughing in unison. “High school me was a different story, we don’t talk about that.” I responded. “The things I would do to see that side of you. You gotta go to at least one before you get outta this place. They take a lot of stress off your shoulders for the night.” He told me as we walked towards the front door to his place, which made me laugh at the fact that he tried to make parties seem like a really good thing. A simple Maybe, was all I responded with as we got settled into his apartment, which was fairly clean to my surprise. 
We were currently sitting across each other at his dining table, the both of us reading over the textbook and him answering the questions after every section. He worked effeciently, which also took me by surprise. I underestimated this guy a lot, didn’t I?
A good two hours later, Calum had finished all the questions for homework and I had finished copying them down, thanking him for doing such a thing.
“It’s no problem. I had no idea that the notes were ten fucking pages long, you deserve a break after that- wait, you wear glasses?” He asked me, analyzing them.
“Yeah, only at home though. I don’t really like how they look on me,” I replied, taking them off and rubbing my eyes. He took them in his hands and put them back on me, smiling. “They look really cute on you, I like them.” He said, causing me to blush. “What’re you so flirty for?” I asked. Keep these compliments up and I might just fall in love with you before you even sing, I thought to myself.
“Well, with somebody as pretty as you, I gotta slip in a flirty remark every chance I get, eh?” He smirked, taking my hand, and taking the both of upstairs. “Don’t take this the wrong way, my guitars in my room.” He reassured me as we walked inside his room. He took the guitar from the side of his room, and sat on the edge of his bed, gesturing me to sit down next to him.
“Ready to fall in love with me?”
“Try me, Hood.” 
He chuckled, playing the intro to Sam Smith’s Leave Your Lover. “Holy shit, I love this song,” I whispered, watching his hands strum the guitar.
He began to sing, immediately amazed by his voice. It was so soft and raspy, I literally could listen to it all day. I closed my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder. He laughed softly when he noticed, continuing on with the song. 
He finished playing the outro, which caused me to open my eyes and look up at him. “So, how was that?” 
“It was beautiful, your voice is so pretty.” I responded, smiling at him. “You should drop outta this whole college thing and just become famous.”
“Oh man I wish, but I think it’s too late for that.” He told me, now leaning on my shoulder, which made me want to scream and kiss him. “Did you fall in love with me yet?”
I patted his cheek with my hand lightly. “Not yet Cal, not yet. Stil kinda angry about that whole ten pages of notes thing.” 
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you?”
He laughed, then took my hand and intertwined it with his, rubbing circles on it with his thumb. “What if I told you I’d be down to do this again, minus the whole ‘let me do this for you today as an apology’ thing?” He questioned, lifting his head from my shoulder and looking at me.
“What do you mean, ‘this again’?”
“I mean picking you up with a coffee before class, bothering you the whole time, getting breakfast with you afterwards, studying together, and then playing a song for you once we get too lazy to finish our assignments.” He replied with a soft smile that made my heart warm and my cheeks red.
“And what if I told you that I’d be down to do those things aswell?” 
“Well then my love, I will pick you up on Wednesday at 8:15 with a venti iced white mocha with only one extra shot of espresso, because I won’t keep you up to write more notes. After class, I’ll take us to any place you wanna go. Denny’s? IHOP? Waffle House? You name it. Then, we can go back to my place, study our asses off and then I can play you as many songs as you’d like. How does that sound?” He offered, the biggest smile appearing on my face.
“That sounds perfect.”
“Now if we’re going to be doing this... does this mean I can finally take you to a damn party?”
“Fuck off, Hood.”
119 notes · View notes
bxthharmon · 4 years
Never Go Home Again, Pt. X || JJ Maybank x Reader
Words: 3186
Series Warnings: violence / talking about abuse / toxic relationships / talking about nudes sex tapes and sex tapes / drugs / underage drinking
Pt. Warnings: Breaking and entering / guns, being shot at / underage drinking
Series Summary: A new girl, a shoebox of old memories, a past she’s trying to forget coincide with a hotheaded, but selfless, boy.  teenagers getting in way over their heads
Pt. Summary: The hunt nears the end, while an argument with JJ forces Y/N to revisit her past.
A/N: bro this ones dramatic af, plus this is the first proper insight to Y/N’s life, but it’s still pretty vague. enjoy, lemme know abt being tagged, or if u wanna make friends :)
Chapters linked in my masterlist.
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You lowered slowly into the whole, letting your feet guide you down as you shone your torch around, listening to the grunts of the three boys. “Keep goin’!” you called, glancing down.
Then, you fell. A scream left your lips as you dropped down, feeling as if you left your heart in the air as you plunged. The fall came short. “Fuck you!” you yelled, “What happened to not dropping me?”
“You good, bro?” JJ fretted.
“What the hell was that?” you called.
“Little technical difficulties.” Pope sighed, looking down at the moving of your torch.
“Keep going, slow!” you responded, looking down at the blackness beneath you. They lowered you down, only stopping after a minute or so.
“Hey!” John B called, “We got 15 feet left.”
“Are you getting close to the bottom?” JJ asked.
“Can’t tell.” came your reply, searching the dark. They lowered you again. “Stop!” you looked down, feeling repulsed at the gunk below you. “I’m hanging over some sewage-water lookin’ shit.”
“You want back up?” Came JJ’s shout.
“Keep going, I guess.” The cold slime engulfed your foot, and you took a sharp intake of breath, the icy liquid consuming your shoe. You wanted to throw up. The gunk crept up your body, sticking to your legs and shorts, making your top sticky until you felt it accumulate on your bra. Your feet touched the bottom. “I’m at the bottom!” you yelled.
“How is it down there?” Pope asked.
“Worse than I thought.” You stared down at the brown grot that was consuming you. 
“Find any gold?” JJ asked.
“Nothing yet.” you closed your eyes, filling something touch your leg. “Wait,” you mustered, the thing touching your leg again, “Here goes nothin’.” you reached down, grasping the oddly shaped object on your leg. You took a breath in, ducking under so you could reach, feeling the slimy shit incorporate itself into your hair. You resurfaced, object in hand. You looked down at it.
The jaw bone was still, somehow, white, teeth crooked and joints broken. Mr Crain. “JJ!” you screamed, “Pull me up!” you dropped the jaw as you were tugged up, shocked, uneven breathing littering the air as they shouted. You screamed again, panic filling you. You hit your legs on the wall, anything to get you out of the water. As you pulled and panicked, a brick fell loose. Then another, and another, until you a hole opened up. You screamed for them to wait, hope gaining. The movement stopped. “I think I found something.” 
You shone the torch, the whole only just big enough for a body to crawl through. There was a murmur above you. “Give me a minute! I’m coming off the harness!”
You pulled your arms in first, the torch lighting the corridor up. You pulled into it, kicking the harness off as the wet earth filled clumped onto your clothes and hair, the smell of old stone filling the air. You pulled yourself forwards, heart in your throat, as JJ called again. In front or you, a chamber opened up, the floor dropping over a foot and the ceiling rising so you could stand. You swore as you stumbled in. You wiped your face, mud getting all over your forehead and cheeks. Looking around, you saw mounds. You reached forwards, feeling the top of one. The block came away. It was caked in the sticky black mess that you were covered in. you ran your thumb over its surface, creating a tide mark in the mud, smooth shiny yellow gleaming through the dirt and mess.
You sat down in the dirt, muttering some semblance of a thanks to John B’s dad. You reached out, wiping your hand over the mounds, the mud building up on your arms as you took in the sight of hundreds of bars of gold. 
“Y/N!” you heard a shout, “we gotta go!”
“Hold on Jay, I’m comin’!” you yelled back, grabbing a second bar and shimmying towards the well again. You could hear them shouting and screaming, but you were too excited to pay attention. “I found the gold!” you screamed. You didn’t hear a response. You shouted each of their names in turn, then could hear the commotion above you. You slipped your feet into the harness, settling in and yelling the go ahead. You jolted up. Their groans got louder.
Then, you heard a bang. You heard Kie scream, and everyone was shouting. What the fuck?
You dropped a few feet, screaming a string of curses at the boys. What the fuck was going on up there? They pulled you up, tying the rope so you were hanging level with the top of the well. There was another bang, a flash, and you heard Kie and Sarah screaming.
You reached over the floor, hauling yourself out to the sight of a blind old lady waving a shotgun about. Surprised, you almost loosened your grip, but felt a hand on your arm. JJ.
“JJ?” you hissed, “Run, you dingus!” he looked to the lady, but you shock him off, pushing him away. You heard him and Pope leave, and John B calling to them, already at the wall. You backed away, watching the lady fire another shot just inches away. You backed away, and saw her begin to relax. You continued backwards. Then, you kicked a bottle. The shotgun spun into your face as you dived away. There was a flash and a bang. You stumbled away, sprinting out of the house and took a running jump at the wall, hopping over with a well-practiced ease.  The car was rolling away, and you continued your race, practically diving into the car.
Your shoulders slumped with relief, and for the first time, you noticed that you were covered in mud. You looked dawn at the brown slop that covered your top and shorts, and then noticed your beanie was missing.
JJ turned to you, looking in panic from the driver’s seat. “Are you okay? Are you shot?”
“I’m good. But I smell like ass.” you groaned, hearing the complaints and disgust of your friends.
“All time Pogue Hall of Fame, baby!” JJ yelled.
“That bitch is possessed.” Kie groaned.
“That bitch can’t aim!” Sarah countered.
“I don’t know man, she only missed by a few inches.” you pointed out.
“What?!” JJ yelled from the front.
“How the hell does she move that fast?” Pope asked.
“She’s possessed.” Kie reiterated.
The conversation rambled on, and you remembered that held tight in your hand, was the gold. You looked down at the mud-coated bar, wiping it with your thumb.
“What is that?” John B asked.
“No you didn’t!” Sarah noticed it too.
“We did it, baby!” you yelled.
“No you didn’t!” Sarah said, shocked.
“She did it!” John B yelled.
“Oh my God!” JJ screamed.
“I did it!” you repeated, smiling so hard your cheeks hurt. The van filled with excited screams as it dawned - you were really fucking rich. “Guys, we’re gonna be rich!”
“Full kook!” John B yelled.
“Full kook!” You all screamed, over and over, adrenaline pumping, excitement building. This was it.
You were all still ecstatic, buzzing with excitement and anticipation. You showered at the Chateau, rejoining the fire John B had started. JJ pulled you into him, kissing your cheek. Everything was perfect. It was everything you’d ever been looking for, but even in your glee, you felt out of place. After twenty minutes, you went to grab fresh beers, excusing yourself. 
JJ joined you. 
“Hey.” he took a beer from the fridge. 
“Hi.” you smiled. A fake smile. Why were you so off? 
He seemed to catch on. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m great.” you dismissed, looking at the floor. As if on cue, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pulled it out, seeing your mom’s contact flash as you phone kept buzzing in your hand. You clicked it off, looking up to see JJ’s concerned face.
“Why’s your mom calling?” he asked. 
“Dunno.” you shrugged, exiting the Chateau.
“Oh my God,” he yelled, pulling your elbow back as he joined you on the porch, “stop bullshitting me! Why don’t you fucking talk to me?” he exploded, and you felt yourself panicking. You needed to escape. “I’ve given you time! I’ve given you space! I’ve given you everything I've got! And I don’t know you!”
“You know me.” you defended, noticing the shapes of your friends as they came to see the commotion, “Of course you know me.”
“No! Because you don’t tell us shit!” he screamed, and you looked to your other friends, none of them making any moves to help you. “Why did you move here? Why is your mom calling? What happened between you and Tyler?” 
You felt tears on your cheeks, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“You never do!” he kicked a chair over, “I’m sick of giving you my all when you won’t even open up to me!”
“It’s not like that.” you mumbled. “It’s not-”
“Then what is it like?” he shouted, stepping so that you were inches apart, “Huh? Care to explain?”
“You’re scaring me.” you mustered. Your tears were all down your neck and top now, and you wanted to throw up. He held his stare. You stepped back. “I can’t do this, I’m sorry.” you stepped away, bringing your hand over your mouth as you walked away, trying to keep your sobs at bay until you were out of sight. You heard JJ shouting, Kie and Sarah trying to calm him. You went home, knowing it wasn’t really home.
None of this was. 
The parties were all wrong, the people were too nice, the town too perfect. You needed to go home. Your real home. Before all this shit, before your life fell apart, before you met him. You packed a bag, wrote a note, booked a flight. You took the car, called a friend, caught the ferry. You drove through the night, watched the dawn from the airport carpark, boarded the plane. 
You were going home.
The City of Angels.
It had been months since you’d walked these streets, but they felt the same. With every step, every turn, every pause, you had a memory. You could almost see them, watching your memories play out in front of you like you had walked through a film screen and found yourself in the story. You remembered the way you had spent your summer evenings sitting on top of your car with your friends, listening to Lorde and drinking cheap spirits while you laughed, cried and danced. You passed the corner where you had dumped your first boyfriend in 8th Grade, and the corner shop where you and Cassie used to steal lighters and vodka and candy. Next came the park where you first got high, the corner where you brought weed in sketchy deals, and then the houses of half your friends. Some of the lights were on, others off. You’d snuck into most of their bedroom windows. You knew which pipes were strong enough to hold your body, which ledges to step on, where the catch in the windows were. You walked past the high school. 
You thought of the school dances, crying about boys in the toilets and ditching class to smoke in the field. You met some of the best and worst people in your life here. It was rundown, but always so full of life, the community having learned to make the best of the small budget. You looked at the empty, desolate building, lit up only by the street lights. Now, it was all a distant memory. You walked on. 
Next came your own house, modest, a little ugly, but home. There was a new car in the drive, a swing in the front garden, the garage had been painted. A tear slipped down your cheek.
“We need to paint the garage.” Lewis complained, ditching his bike on the floor next to yours and looking over your shoulder while you fixed up your skateboard on the worktop. The sun shone through the open space, illuminating everything in gold.
“I know, I keep telling Dad,” you agreed, dropping the tool you were using and testing your work by pushing the wheels. “He says he’s busy.”
“Mom got fired.” he sighed, glancing to the door in case your dad came through. “Last week.”
“Where does she go all day then?” you frowned, dropping your board to the floor and looking for your phone.
“Y/N,” he grabbed your elbow, forcing you to look back at him. “I think she’s cheating.”
You sighed, the thought making sense in your head. “I think so too.” 
You stared at each other for a second. He looked away.
“I’m going skating with Tyler. Let Dad know.” you turned away, pulling your bag over your shoulder and picking up the board.
“He’s bad for you.” Lewis called as you mounted the board, kicking out of the garage and turning onto the street. You flipped him off, but didn’t look back.
You thought about that night. You had fought with Tyler because he had been flirting with another girl, and it had all ended with mediocre sex and a spliff. You moved away from the house, conscious of the light that was shining through the curtains in the living room.
You got to Tyler’s house next, tears building again. 
You stood on the pavement in front of his house, arms crossed, as he stood in a mirrored position a few feet away. “What do you mean, you’re pressing charges?”
“I didn’t want to.” you cried, “It’s my dad, he’s like, furious.”
“It’s not even that big of a deal.” Tyler yelled, frustrated, pushing a hand through his brunette locks. You flinched, instinct prevailing as you thought he was going to hit you. Wouldn’t have been the first time. “It happens to, like, everyone.”
“Yeah, because of people like you.” you pointed out, “And it doesn’t happen to guys. Ever. it’s always guys doing it to girls. Like you did to me.”
“Yeah ‘cause you fucking deserved it!” he screamed, making you step back.
“‘Cause I broke up with you?” you frowned, wanting to laugh at the ridiculousness of his claims. “And what, you got butt hurt? Knew it wouldn’t hurt you if you fucked up my whole life? Fuck you.”
“It hardly ruined anything! You’re fine!” he exploded.
“All of my friends hate me! I might be moving to the other end of the fucking country! The whole fucking school thinks I’m a slut!”
“You are! You are a slut. You brought this on yourself.”
You were laughing, anger coursing your veins. “It was your fucking idea! I didn’t want to! I never did!”
Fuck him. 
You found Cassie’s house next, knocking lightly. You looked out at the dark street, and almost fell over as you were pulled into the tightest hug you’d ever experienced.
“Hey.” you laughed, hugging her back, nose tickling as her black curls brushed your face.
“Oh my God!” she sighed, “It’s been too long. You’re so glad parents are away this week, but Jesus, we would have welcomed you anyway.” 
She always spoke fast, you had had to train yourself to keep up. “Wanna go clubbing?” she offered.
She dressed you, her gorgeous fashion sense making you feel like a million dollars. The pair of you looked quite the pair,  dramatic makeup and bright dresses that contrasted your skin. You always admired the way all clothed seemed to compliment her dark, caramel complexion. You missed her. You spent the night consumed in reverberating bass beats, dizzying neon lights, and a haze of cigarette smoke. You felt at home for the first time in so long, moving with a mass of bodies, a force that couldn’t be separated from those around you. Drinking too much, taking a pill you didn’t know the name of, smoking a cigarette in the cold air in the alleyway by the fire exit. You didn’t remember the name of the boy you took home. 
You spent two days with Cassie, seeing old friends. You went to the summer fair, eating too much cotton candy and getting sick from the rides. You fell back into the rush of the city quickly, like second nature, hardly pausing to think about the boy you’d spent your last night in Carolina with. At the end of your last day in LA, you ran into Tyler.
He was taller, and he’d grown into his frame more. He’d cut his hair. He had a light blue top on, and jeans. He had his rucksack slung over his shoulder. You recognised every bit of clothing. You were in an oversized top and cycling shorts on. The top might have been JJ’s. You faced each other, lit up by the bright lights in the corner shop window. You were on your way out, he was on his way in.
“Hi.” he said, shock mutating into curiosity as he skimmed his eyes over the beer and phone you were holding. “I didn’t know you were back.”
You looked at the floor, all of the shitty feeling you felt when you were around him resurfacing. “Yeah well, I’m leaving in the morning.” you muttered, looking anywhere but him.
“How’s Carolina?” he asked, a pathetic attempt at trying to be casual.
“Different.” you shrugged.
“Good different?” he pushed. You knew he was trying to work out if you missed him. You shrugged again. “New top?”
You looked down. It was the ‘Coors Beer’ top that JJ had cut the sleeves off, faded and battered after years wearing and washing. “Yes and no. new to me, but it’s an old top.” he raised his eyebrows. “I stole it from a friend.” Was he a friend? 
“Boyfriend?” Tyler asked. You shook your head. You wanted to ask, but you were scared. 
“Why’d you do it?” 
He looked at the floor. You watched him watch you, wandering why everything went so sour.
You left his bed before he was even stirring, pulling your short and top in, guilt filling you as you thought about everything he’d done to you. Cassie drove you to the airport, and you cried as you hugged her. 
You cried because you’d miss her. Because you fucked it up with JJ. Because Tyler fucked it up with you. You cried because nothing lasted, and your blissful three days were ending, and you had a dad and friends and JJ to return to. 
You got a window seat on the plane, and an old lady with no spacial awareness sat next to you. You hardly moved through the whole flight, staring out the window until the plane touched down.
You picked your car up from short stay parking and drove to the ferry to the tune of a Nirvana album and the taste of soda that was too sugary. You caught the last ferry of the day.
You parked the car, deciding with a hazy determination that you were going to sort out whatever happened with JJ.
Tags: @tangledinsparkles​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @lolitstiana​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @teamnick​ @thoughtsofthestars​ @obxmxybxnk​ @jjmaybankswife​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @sxcretinhuman​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @angvelics​ @badwolf00593​ @coloradogirl07​ @mendesmaybank​ @jiaraendgame​ @5am-cigarette​ @emerald-xcd​
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bos-ingit · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
I have finally done it. I was tagged twice by @bookenders and now I have completed all 22 questions. So this will be a long post, you’ve been warned. Here’s a little insight of me.
Ask 11 questions, answer 11 questions (my case 22) and tag 11 people. I’m probably not going to tag 11 people.
First I’ll have my 11 question here:
Has writing always been your main interest or where you drawn to other paths?
What’s your favourite movie genre? Does it different from your reading taste?
What is your Hogwarts House?
If you could be any animal for a week what animal would you be and why?
How do you deal with writer’s block?
Do you use any tools to help you write, such as music, images ecetara?
What are you top recommended books?
Do you have any interests that most people don’t know about?
Which fictional world would you choose to live in if you could?
Where in the world would you most like to visit?
Do you share your writings with close friends and family?
Okay, I hope you enjoy me question. I couldn’t help adding in a Harry Potter related questions. Now for my answers!
What kind of stories always get you right in the feels? What makes u cri evrytiem?
Loss and self sacrifice. Anything where a character I have grown to love and am attached to dies I’m in tears. Sometimes I have to step away before I can return to that world.
Do you keep notes around for your stories? How do you organize them? Yes I do. I keep notebooks usually specific to what I’m working on. The notes I keep in them however mostly vary from WIP to WIP. I do outlines or beat sheets (if you know what those are) and keep them in labelled folders.
What’s the nerdiest trinket/swag/item you own?
I own a lot of nerdy stuff, tough choice for what’s the nerdiest. I’m gonna go with my Harry Potter collection. I have two different Hogwarts house robes (points if you can guess which ones), three house ties, a Hufflepuff scarf, Hermione’s wand and more. Extra points if anyone can guess what my House is!
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever written?                                    When I was in year 6 (age 9-10) I wrote two stories about a vampire called Bob for a school assignment. One set in a river and the other on a mountain. Bob is a strange vampire, for starters his coffin lay on the bottom of a river.
What was your favorite story/kids book when you were little? What do you think of it now?
I remember my favourite story being from this collection of bedtime stories and it was the wolf and the seven little goats. I don’t know why but I remember younger me asking for it to be read to me as my bedtime story. Well now I know the story is a little different than the children’s version, doesn’t mean I dislike it. However now that I’m older I have moved onto other stories.
Do you have a “writing outfit?”
I don’t have a specific outfit but anything comfortable qualifies as a writing outfit for me, mainly pyjamas.
What book (that you’ve read) would you say was your favorite to impress someone? What book would you say is your favorite to a young kid?
One thing I’d like to say is I’d never say a book is my favourite with the intention to impress someone. My favourite book at the moment is Northern Lights and not just cos I’ve read it recently. I’ve always felt this weird draw to Philip Pullman even before I read any of his writing. To a young kid I would say Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Have to contribute to the next generation of witches and wizards.
How do you bookmark pages in a physical book? Dog ear? Actual bookmark? Random nearby item?
I used to be someone who dogeared and then I read a post that changed my mind about that method. Now I prefer to use an actual bookmark. If there isn’t one about I’ll use a random bit of paper.
Do you reread your favorite books/stories?
I do when the mood hits me. The Harry Potter series is one I’ve been meaning to do. So far I’ve reread Philosopher's stone three times in the past year. I’m doing well as you can tell.
Do you read literary magazines?
I don’t but I know I should.
Do you like graphic novels/comics? Which ones?
Yes, although I haven’t read any recently. I’m a huge Harley Quinn and Batman in general fan, so I read her most recent series for awhile as well as Suicide Squad. I’ve also read two stand alone Joker graphic novels: The Killing Joke and Joker. Both amazing and would recommend, if you’re into that sort of thing.
What would you do for a Klondike bar?                                                     It’s probably because I’m British but I don’t know what I Klondike bar is. Would anybody like to tell me? Am I missing out on something?
When do you title your WIPs? It is the first thing you do? The last? Does it come to you during drafting?
On my screenwriting we were taught to always name our work, it is our baby it deserves a name. Most of the time that name changes during drafting but naming has become on of the first things I do.
How many inside jokes do you put in your WIP(s)?                                     I haven’t put any as of yet. The possibility for that happening in future is certain.
Your WIP’s antagonist is now The Riddler. How do your OCs handle that?
My WIP I’ll use for this is Welcome to Crestwood Moore. My protagonist Alice would love it, she’s sees herself as an amatuer detective. Being clever she’d bounce from one riddle to the next with ease. Her boyfriend Connor on the other hand would be more interested in watching her. Enjoying her delight in solving one riddle after another. Victoria, Alice’s best friend, would help but at the same time be trying to mislead her because she’s got secrets. And finally Alice’s brother Lewis would be kidnapped by now Riddler antagonist. Being in their company I’m pretty sure he’d rather they just end his misery rather then listen to the endless monologuing and boasting.
Do you use sticky notes?                                                                              I do not but I do believe they are useful.
Laptop or desktop?                                                                                       I tend to switch. Sometimes I’m in a laptop phase and then I go through a desktop phase. I guess it depends on where my desktop is located. At the moment I would choose my laptop.
Your OC is a wrestler. What’s their hype music?                                     Alice would be great as a wrestler, she does have superpowers though, so not so fun for her opponents. I’m honestly draw to Spice Girls Wannabe for her. She really wants to ziggy zig ahhh.
Do you own any craft books/books on writing?                                            I own Save the Cat. A screenwriting book I would recommend to anyone.
What’s your favorite book cover?                                                                A favourite book cover?! There are so many book covers out there. I couldn’t possibly choose just one.
How many unread books do you have sitting around right now? Which are you most excited to maybe get to eventually some time?
Quite a few. Exactly how many I don’t know. I’m most looking forward to The Interview with Vampire. It’s patiently waiting for me to finish His Dark Materials series.
How committed are you to your outline(s)?                                              Not very. With each new draft it drifts further and further away from the first finished outline anyway.
And there we go! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Thank you again @bookenders for tagging me.
The people I’m going to take are: @awritinglen @radiowrites @mouwwie @narwhal-writings @ladycravenheart
I’m sorry if I tag you when you don’t wished to be tagged but do have fun if you decide to tack part!
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Two Night Stand (Part 2)
Synopsis: (AU) You can’t wait for your contract to end and get that recommendation to get an actual job as a writer so you found yourself at a club drinking away to forget about the stress of your shitty job as the assistant of the biggest Editor in New York, you end up hooking up with the man of your dreams only to wake up to a nightmare when you find out he’s the son of your boss.
PART 1 | 2NS Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I never thought people would read the first one, I was really overwhelmed by the feedback bc I’m such a rookie at this, thank you! PS. If a username by @mawimey replies, that’s me lol hahaha its my personal acc thank u I’ll stop talking now.
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I need air. I gave Bucky, a quick smile, a really nervous smile as I then look outside the car window like I’m breaking the fourth wall. Can I open the windows? I need to open the windows, is the AC even on? Because I swear it’s not. Oh dear, there goes a drop of sweat on my forehead.
“Vis, do you mind turning the AC up?” I shakily say, at this rate they’d think I’m an old woman by the number of curves my voice did if they didn’t see who’s lips that inquiry came from.
“It’s on full blast, Miss Y/N.” it is? Which car company made this? Because it’s clearly not feeling like it’s on full blast. I put my hand on the window switch and I’m fidgeting.
“You don’t mind if I open one of the windows, right?” I look at Vision and then quickly at Bucky before returning my gaze to the rear view mirror.
“Uh Mr. Barnes, do you mind if Miss-“ Bucky shrugs, he’s clearly keeping a laugh in.
“He doesn’t!” I say louder than I intended and open the window halfway down.
“Oh, I guess I don’t,” he raises his eyebrows at me, amused and lets out a small chuckle.
I’m fanning myself vigorously with my hands and I slouch on the backseat. I’ve pulled my head pretty low it would look like Bucky’s sitting in the back of the car with a child. I don’t even care about what I look right now, I’m too overwhelmed with the situation I’m currently in. 30 over 30?! Why did I not think he’d be a perfect candidate for influential men under 30?! Of course, he is, he’s successful I mean look at him. He’s dressed in really expensive looking clothes, which I bet they are, he seems like a smart guy, he plays polo, he’s got a goddamn humanitarian trophy for Pete’s sake and that damn penthouse certainly spells successful. I didn’t realize I was making weird faces as I was mentally torturing myself when a voice breaks my internal loathing.
“Are you alright?” its Vis, peering through the mirror. I nod and breathe a quick “Yep!” holding a thumb up.
“She looked pretty okay last night to me at the-” that’s it. I pinch Bucky’s shoulder. “Ow!” The last thing I need is Vis knowing anything and eventually saying something to Winifred that will get me in trouble.
I place both of my hands on his shoulders patting it hard while I was smiling to keep Vision’s curiosity at a low. “Your shirt’s got dust in them, a lot of dust! They really need to clean the car seats every time someone uses it!”
I give him my best smile as I pretend to wipe something off his chest. An angelic one, the one that wins the miss congeniality award. Wrong move, I’m now looking at his eyes and him into mine. The events of last night flashing back, our faces are way too close, but I can’t seem to pull away. His eyes are amazingly steel blue, and I’m looking into them like they’re a rear gem. My hands stop and he looks down at my lips which suddenly part, he bites his lower lip and his face inches closer. The car pulls to a sudden halt and Vision apologizes, we’re at a red light. Bucky doesn’t flinch, but the red lights aren’t just on the street anymore, they are now tacked on my head. Bucky’s untouchable, don’t even think about it, I can’t lose my job, I can’t ruin the plan just because of a guy. I finally get my shit together and back away, my hands releasing themselves from the surface of his shirt. I sit upright at the far left of the vehicle. He looks crushed, and so am I.
The rest of the ride was silent. The tension inside the car is intense, I feel like a teenager with raging hormones. Both Bucky and I keep stealing glances at each other, like we’re cheating on a college midterm, with me quickly looking away whenever our eyes met.
“We’ve arrived” Vision sounds like the male version of Siri. He gets out and opens the car for me and then Bucky after. I’m quick to my feet as I follow behind him, we thank Vision who says he’ll be waiting for us outside. Okay, now Vision’s gone, silence is still laced around the two of us. Is it weird how I suddenly miss Bucky’s smart mouth? It’s awkward without anyone saying anything, it’s like white noise and I don’t know what’s gonna drive me insane, how much I actually crave attention from him or how I much I need to resist myself from getting myself fired.
Bucky and I walk to the lobby of the building where a tall porcelain skinned, statuesque receptionist speaks too slow, forcing her voice to sound husky and sultry for her own good. She sounds like Daffy Duck if you ask me. She’s ignores me when I ask about Bucky’s appointment and makes googly eyes with him. He’s not into it, but when he sees me annoyed he gives her a wink. A wink! Wow, really? Okay mister. He thanks her and he starts to walk towards the elevator, I shot the receptionist a quick stare that said this-snack-is-mine, we aren’t dating nor do I plan on it, damn you Winnie! But that gives me a lot of brownie points, he’s the top liner in the experiences bracket of my dating resume.
Great, another elevator ride. He presses floor twenty-two and we stand there in silence. I’m surprised at the next awkward thing I do- I whistle. What in the book of awkwardness did I learn that? Great it’s Britney Spears’ Criminal, great. I’m sinking into an invisible hole. My mouth has a mind of its own. Why isn’t anyone else getting on the elevator? He’s looking at me, of course he’s looking at me, I’m whistling Britney in the elevator like a pervert. I press my lips together to a tight line and smile at him as I look up and down. This elevator’s moving really slow, or so I think it is. There’s so much silence in the elevator. Where is the elevator music?! Should I talk to him about this morning? I feel like he’s already put two and two together on why I left without saying anything other than making a sticky note be my spokesperson. He smells so good; his scent is all over the lift. I should focus on something else other than him, I really should. I need to stop thinking about him and what happened last night, or this morning. Think of what will happen to you if Winnie finds out, Y/N! But then, I still want to at least apologize to him, that’s what a decent human being would do right? Or maybe engage in some small talk, after all we’ll be together the whole afternoon.
“You know,” he breaks the silence, shit! Here we go. I turn my head to face him, “that was a risky move.”
“What was?” of course I know what it was, why am I being an ass about it by asking him.
“Leaving a sticky note to defend you for your absence,” I knew he’ll bring that up again, he’s smiling. Why is he smiling? While I’m here feeling guilty as hell.
“I like to be mysterious,” I’m trying my best to ride the wave he’s putting through.
“It’s something I’ve come to notice,” a smile crosses my lips. He’s so nice, it feels so wrong for him to be after what I just did.
I manage to say nothing back. Nothing! Not even a long “Hmmm”. I just stood there, biting my lip contemplating, until the elevator opened to our floor. I walk out first and he puts his hand on the small of my back and in the quick second, it sent shivers up my spine. I’m going to faint, he probably did it on purpose. We enter a studio with racks of clothes lined up, a platform in the middle and mannequins lined up with various pieces of cloth and pins stuck to it.
“There he is, James Bucky Barnes,” an attractive blonde Calvin Klein looking model stands up from one of the velvet sofas and greets us as Bucky gives him a hug. I’m staring at two of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. These two-look ethereal.
“You left me last night, you know that?” Ken doll speaks, I’m calling him that until I know his name and maybe tell Wanda to stalk his Instagram later.
“I was occupied,” Bucky smirks as he walks a little back to stand next to me. I look down, is he talking about me? I need to smack myself, I’m too conceited for my own good. “Besides, you were having fun with the brunette, what’s her name again? Meggy?”
“It’s Peggy,” he laughs, “and I bet you were, who’s the unlucky girl?” Are they talking about me? Which me is it, last night or today? Because I’m playing the role of an assistant and apparently a part time runner. They walk towards the one of the racks and I follow as a small woman assists them, she’s probably the stylist. Should I even be following them? I’m here for the fitting I should go help the stylist so I do.
“I’m unlucky, she left before I even woke up,” Bucky gives Ken doll puppy dog eyes and his eyes travel in my way. He’s still guilt tripping me, isn’t he? I’m gonna feel this guilt until I apologize. I mentally put that on my imaginary checklist.
Ken doll pretends to look hurt as he grabs his left chest. “Ouch! I thought you knew your way around the ladies.”
I’m helping Helen, the stylist, carry the clothes she’s picked out. I’m still eavesdropping on their conversation. Helen apparently doesn’t give a damn.
“This one’s different, Steve,” so Ken doll’s name is Steve. When Bucky faces me this time, he doesn’t look away. I hide as I walk close to Helen who’s now pulled out an empty rack where I am to put all the things she’s chosen for the fitting. This one’s different? He’s probably kidding, I’m not different. He’s just saying that because I’m in the same room. I hate that I don’t even get a chance to date him being his mother’s slave, I mean - assistant and all. And I’ve run out of someone’s apartment before, but all I really wanted was to stay in bed with him this morning, I wished I hadn’t gone up and snooped around his things, but it would’ve only gotten worse from there. And I can think of so many ways how that option could’ve led me to more trouble. I keep an optimistic head and just think about how it’s a good thing I found out who he was before I could even say another word and left when I could. Ugh! I am never drinking again, it was supposed to be a good time, and look where it got me. I’m like a kid who wants a new toy that my mom doesn’t have cash for.
I finish arranging the clothes and Helen interrupts the boys to announce the agenda. She calls Bucky to check the pieces she’s chosen and I leave her to it. I walk to the buffet table where I help myself to some donuts. Thank god, they have food here. I’m looking at all the things served like I’m meeting my new best friends. They always know how to make me feel better.
“Too bad they don’t have alcohol here,” I look to see who it is and its Steve.
“Even if they did, I doubt my liver’s gonna be ready for another round,” I say as I bite into my donut. He flashes his bright white teeth at me as he laughed. For a second there, I thought I needed some sunglasses.
“Name’s Steve, by the way.” He offers his hand for me to shake and I do.
“Y/N,” I blush, he’s cute. He’s like your all-American boy next door that got buff over the summer, he was probably the prom king at his high school. He looks just like a Harvard hottie.
“What’s a beautiful dame doing working for Bucky? There’s got to be a lot of jobs out there better than being stuck with him,” you know it. I blush as I take another bite, hiding my chewing behind my half-eaten donut.
“I actually work for his mom.” I say shyly. Soon not to be! HA! Sooner if she finds out I slept with her son.
“So, babysitting momma’s little boy is on the job description too.” Oh I’ve done way more than babysitting. I raise my eyebrows and let quick laugh out. I can’t wait for this day to be over.
“I guess.”
“Who are you calling momma’s little boy, you punk?”, Bucky jokes around the corner. Steve raises his hands as if in defeat and laughs as he grabs a donut before walking away.
“See you around, Y/N!” he nods his head towards me and gives Bucky a playful salute before approaching another stylist who guides him into next room where they’re doing his fitting.
Well, at least Helen’s here, with nothing else for me left to do, I sit on the red velvet couch and watch her take Bucky’s measurements. The huge window is letting a handful of sunlight in to illuminate him as he stands on the platform with a certain pride. I lick my lip, as my eyes grow wide when I see him looking at me. I blush, I force myself not to, but all of a sudden, I feel the memory of his lips on my neck. I smooth my hands over where his lips have been, I feel a tingling sensation by the hickey he left me. He’s not even touching me and he’s already driving my body insane. He puts on suit after suit and I’m just watching in fascination, it’s ridiculous how I’ve come to meet him. Apart from the unexpected twist of him being my boss’ son, I can’t not think about how lucky I was to have at least spent a night with him.  Helen’s now picking up the outfit they’ve agreed on and is making her way out the room to start the alterations. My head now rests on top of my left palm, my eyes were too fixated on him I didn’t even hear Helen say good bye.
“Like what you see?” Bucky teases as he puts the suit he came here with. I immediately stand up and help him put his jacket on, an instinct I seem to have from doing everything for Winifred.
“As one should,” I say as I fix his collar. I should say it now, so I won’t have to deal with him anymore or my guilt. He looks like he was about to say something but I cut him off, “I uh, I’m sorry about this morning, I shouldn’t have left so soon.”
“I got a little sad waking up next to a bunch of pillows,” his eyes look up from my hands on his collar to meet mine.
“It’s a long story.”
“Well, we can go back to my place and you could tell me all about it“. He, grabs my hand and places as kiss just above the knuckle. I pull away, he’s confused.
“No, you don’t underst-, I mean I can’t. I’m sorry,” I give him a gentle smile. “You were really wonderful, I mean you are wonderful, it’s just that I-“
“Work for my mom.” He finishes the sentence for me.
“Yeah, if she ever finds out, I don’t think it’ll win me another day at the office,” I don’t want to tell him she’ll kill me if she finds out, I don’t think anyone would want to hear their mother being any less than the one woman who cares the most for them. Does he even know Winifred's a bitch? I doubt it.
“I could call her now and tell her about last night’s escapade.” He reaches for his phone in his pocket, my eyes grow wide.
“You wouldn’t do that,” he wouldn’t, right?
“I might even frame the sticky note you left me and place it on her table,” I smile, what a smart ass. “I bet she’ll love it”.
“I just don’t wanna lose my job, Bucky,” I sigh and hope for the best he quits trying, but the back of my mind says otherwise.
“Okay, maybe not at my place. I won’t tell her anything if you let me take you out to lunch, just you, me and good food, what do you say?” he gives me a genuine look, desperation obvious by his expression, I might just have to agree, but I have a plan I’ve invested in, and it’s going to take me places.
“That’s impossible.” I did it, I said it and he’s not gonna bug me ever again. He takes a moment to let my response sink in. He’s rejected, he looks like he’s never heard rejection before. But we’ve only met once, we both knew it’d be a one-time thing, I mean that’s how it should be. I never thought I’d make a vow of chastity, but he’s the forbidden fruit, and I don’t want to break the time and effort I’ve invested working for literal embodiment of the Prada wearing devil that has come to exist in my life.
“Alright, I guess I’ll go call her and tell her about last night then.” He’s now pulled out his phone and turns his back, is he serious?! Holy cow, wait.
“Where?” I hate him, and myself; but I hate him more.
“I’ll tell you on the way,” he turns back to me with a huge grin as he offers his arm for me to take. I take a moment to decide if I should take it, before he continues to say, “My mom doesn’t have eyes in this building, you can hold my arm, doll.” Oh boy I’m in for a disaster.
“So, brunch? You, me and some brunch” I say, an eyebrow raised as the waiter puts down two plates in front of us. I shake my head as I bite my lip to suppress a laugh. We’re at one of the local diners in New York serving breakfast 24/7, it was already two in the afternoon.
“Good brunch. I haven’t eaten since waking up, and you’ll be hitting two birds with one stone with this one, since you were such in a hurry to leave me.” I kick him under the table. “Hey! You are a very violent person.”
I laugh, “I am when I have to be. And I already said I’m sorry.”
“I’m just kidding,” he takes a bite out of his waffle. “So, how long have you been working for my mom?”
“About 6 months,” saying it out loud makes me realize how long I’ve put myself in this awful situation. “How about you, how long have you been her son? I haven’t seen you once in the building”
“I’ve been traveling, trying out new things, checking future investments.”
“Hmmm,” I eat, shutting him out and he notices how I’m intentionally trying to be a bad date so he’ll think that I’m boring and drop the pursuit.
“You know, I’ve realized my t-shirt wasn’t on the floor like the rest of my clothes.” I look up surprised.
“I might’ve worn it outside.” I smile a little embarrassed.
“Already developing a habit in wearing my shirts, I see.”
“Hey! I wore it when I woke up to use the bathroom, I wouldn’t wanna be caught in your penthouse naked.”
“Like I haven’t seen you naked,” my cheeks are burning.
“I was planning on going to the kitchen to make some pancakes before finding out you were none other than Winnie’s dearest James,” mimicking Winifred’s voice. He laughs, clearly amused at my humor.
“You were going to make me pancakes?”
“Yeah, I was. I even had plans for round 2 but I guess that’s out of the window,” I bite my lip, that was TMI. His eyes shot up.
He raised his eyebrow in amusement, “Round 2? I knew I should’ve insisted going back to my place!”
I’m now laughing louder than I should. The table beside us where an old man reading the paper gives us a look of judgement.
Minutes pass and he’s leading the conversation, I silently thank him for it. He’s got a great love for the environment, and he’s working hard to help clean oceans, developing new technologies for sustainable housing. He’s been best friends with Steve since he can remember and had each other’s backs through everything. The way he talks about Steve is like he’s talking about his brother, like they’ve been through so much together. I’m in awe at the things he’s telling me, but I bear no intention to think about it too much. One lunch and I’m out of here. The fear of risking my job has put so much weight on my shoulders, that I’m here enjoying his words, being a very good listener. I’m really sad about how I won’t be able to see him anymore. Career has always been a priority and I’m still at rock bottom, if we’d only met in a different time, place or maybe with me being employed somewhere else or him born to a different family, it would’ve been a green light. Winnifred’s powers are limitless, she’s basically the god of misfortune, in my case. I’ve let fear overcome my happiness. We finish eating and he pays for the food and we head out, he tells me he’s got an appointment for one of the campaigns he’s doing and if I’d want to join, I politely decline.
“I have to get back to the building, last time I checked, I worked for Winnifred Barnes, not a James Barnes” I say. He smiles, I’m so close to getting away.
“Okay, let me give you a lift”, he offers.
“It’s okay, I enjoy walking and the office is just six blocks away from here, I don’t mind.”
“It’s on the way, I’ll walk with you.”
“What about Vision?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Very well, just one more walk and I’m out of here. I keep telling myself this, but every time I get so close to making an escape he thinks of something else. I’m secretly enjoying the chase, what does he see in me?
We’re walking on the sidewalk as I try to keep a very friendly distance. He’s one of the most successful men under 30 so he probably has paparazzi hanging around. Explaining to Winnie how we weren’t being driven by Vision will get him and me in trouble.
“How did you end up working as an assistant?” I wish we had at least one conversation that doesn’t revolve around me working for his mother.
“I have no idea, really.” We both laugh at my honesty “I thought it would look good on my resume, working directly under Winifred herself might just give me the boost that I need, and I could finally work for a different company, start write about things that I like, put that degree to good use.”
“What’s so bad about working at the View?” your mom, that’s the only reason I can come up with.
“I don’t want to be stuck fetching coffee, answering phone calls, picking up clothes and managing schedules for somebody that I– “ shoot, what do I say that won’t offend him, “don’t necessarily relate to, I mean the View is a huge fashion powerhouse magazine, and I’m not exactly the type to write about the latest fall trends.” Great save, I pat myself on the shoulder. It’s true, I think. I don’t know if my heart is in the right place if I were to be writing about fashion, I don’t exactly have a target topic to write about but I’m definitely not a sure hit on that area. I like clothes and makeup sure, but there’s more to fashion than just that and I wouldn’t be able to keep up, it’s just not in my field of interest. It’s ironic how I ended up working at the View. A shit ton of women would kill to be working in my place and I’m here complaining about it. I remember the first time I went in, I came to the office not knowing what to expect as I held a manila folder with my resume in it, wearing an olive-green turtle neck sweater and a black leather skirt with some black leather loafers, I felt pretty out of place, everyone was eyeing me like I’m a lost child. I was up against a tall skinny blonde, who looked very much like the part with her seamless attitude and clean look. I was so sure I’d just wasted my time even trying to apply, but the moment Winnifred saw me, she asked my name, looked, more like scrutinized me from the feet up, my hands shaking not even knowing what the View was other than what I thought was just another fashion magazine, and then she told me to start the next day. I couldn’t believe it. From then on, I tried my best to keep up, the first three weeks were the worst, I was pretty much all over the place, Winnie kept nagging at me. It’s like she chose me because she loved how frantic I looked whenever she’d need me to do something. Nat saved my ass. When we met during one of the editorial shoots for the spring issue, we immediately bonded. She helped me through everything and even got me a makeover. I can never thank her enough, her little push helped me get used to the business. She even jokes at how much I dress better than her now, but she just thinks that, she’ll always be the fashionable one.
“How long?” he asks.
“How long, what?”
“How long ‘til I get to date you in public?” I almost trip. This makes me laugh, I hate that he does.
“You’re insane, I’ve got 4 more months to go, and I doubt you’ll be able to control yourself from meeting another woman in a week,” I raise my eyebrow at him, it’s true, with those looks and that personality? It won’t even take him a minute to make a girl start naming her babies with him.
“Talk about trust issues,” he smiles, it’s contagious.
“Just playing it safe”
“Too safe, that’s why you should probably let me kiss you right about now.”        
“What?” we both stop walking.
“We’re two blocks from your office and once we get any closer, I won’t be able to be near you, which to be honest, was all I’ve been thinking about since I saw that love bite on your neck.”
“That is really sexy and weird,” I’m biting my lip trying to resist a laugh.
“You don’t know the half of it”, his eyes now becoming serious as he takes a step closing the space between us. Fuck it, I put my hand on his shoulders and I kiss him. This takes him by surprise, but quickly recovers as he places his hand on the side of my face, the other on my waist. I’m going to need to start looking for a new job tomorrow.
PART 3 | Check my other stuff out too?   M A S T E R L I S T
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thank you guys for motivating me to write a second part! Hope u guys like it!!!!
668 notes · View notes
2elements-blog · 6 years
Summer Dates w/ NCT U (boss lineup)
//Authors note//
Hey Its me “the oldest,” We are finally done with exams and the summer here is very nice. So I decided to write a lil’ something something for you all to bring a summery spirit (?) Well hope you enjoy. And please send requests anytime uwu
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He doesn't have much time on his hands
but when he does he wants to spend it with you for sure!
The type to go out for a walk in the park
The man needs something to calm him from work
and what's better than a nice evening walk in the summer and you by his side?
answer: nothing
he cherishes these moments
you talk about everything and nothing
probably stops by a bench to watch the sunset and share a little kiss (MY HEART!)
he wants to stay for a long time but you have to go eventually becaouse you get cold
“you cold?”
“no or maybe a little… but this is nice..”
“y/n Let's go home, I don’t want you to get cold,”
“But… lets stay like this, just five more minutes?”
“I swear y/n you read my mind,”
lots of cuddles on that bench (agh so cute!)
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Likes little road trips 
would just drive with you with no destination 
just driving and singing to the radio (couple goals) 
discovering new places together and staying there taking a few selfies together 
totally sending them to the other members 
He would love to just drive and listen to music as the windows are down. (damn start playing Lana Del Rey already) 
You would scold him a lot for looking at you instead of the road. 
“Doyoung I swear if we crash because you keep looking at me, I wont talk to you in heaven,” 
“But y/n I can’t help it… you are so pretty,” 
“Stop being cheesy and look at the road,” 
Him needing to stop the car to kiss you because he can’t help himself
you just giggling at him for doing so
the kisses are so sweet and make you both want more
but you need to get going
Adventure awaits
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It’s summer
It’s very hot
where do you go?
the ocean of course 
you try and find a place where there aren’t alot of people 
So it's just gonna be you and him, all alone- (oh damn)
He loves looking at you in your bathing suit (or bikini whatever you prefer) 
But not in a lustful way
more in a “I love this human so much,” kind of way.
“why are you looking at me like that?” 
“I love you y/n” 
kinda shocking but you can’t help but smile 
lots of kissing 
he can’t help it, he always miss you when he is at work 
So being able to go on a simple date with you is the most amazing thing in the world 
Also if you like swimming he will swim around with you for hours
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Boy really likes spending time with you 
He legit asks you on dates, not just like “hey lets hang out,” 
he texts you the night before like, “Hey so uh… Wanna go on a date tomorrow,” 
He likes the word date alot, so he uses it alot 
“I can’t hang out, I’m going on a date with y/n”
“Hey guess what? I’m going on a date with y/n” 
It feels special to him
Probably just ends up at some cute cafe drinking milkshakes 
He can’t help but blush and smile like an idiot when you laugh at something he said
Likes those places where you sit face to face with each other, since he loves to look at you. 
but gets shy when you look back at him (I swear I am gonna die over this boy) 
“Don’t look at me like that y/n”
“You started dummy”
Likes to hold your hand when he gets courage enough 
ends the date with a sweet kiss that leaves butterflies in both of you
He keeps talking about the date to his members days after
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2 words
The boy loves sweet things, including you (okay that was cheesy I’m sorry) 
He is the kind of boy that invites you out to try out new Ice cream flavours 
will spend a lot of money so you can get just the perfect icecream 
always says its his treat
even when you complain about him using too much money on you 
When you then get your ice creams you’ll find somewhere nice to sit
Usually by a stone staircase 
You two giggle together as you just tell dumb jokes and look at the scenery 
Will very much take a lick at your icecream and giggle like insane afterwards. 
“Tastes sweet,  just like you,” 
“Jungwoo please that was mine! Now your saliva is all over it,” 
“Come on y/n its just an indirect kiss,”
“Can’t I get a real one instead?” 
He will immediately kiss you when you say that, no hesitation 
The kiss is sweet, sticky and cold 
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He’ll text you late at night, asking if you want to go for a walk 
You agree and find him already outside your door, waiting for you
The weather is nice and warm, you don't need jackets 
You two will just walk hand in hand in the dark
he’ll tell you about his day and all the dumb stuff he and the other members had been doing 
you would tell him about your day 
He listens and asks questions, making sure to let you know that he really care and listens to you
“I read this book today,” 
“Really? Whats it about??” 
“Love mostly,” 
“well.. I Love you,” (Lucas you damn.asdfghjkl)
You stop by a playground where you play around for a bit
just being two big kids and laughing like insane 
Its moments like these that he realises how much he loves you 
You’ll end up sitting by the swings and talking about the deep stuff 
opening up to each other and showing the more vulnerable sides 
He makes sure to walk you home again 
and ofcourse the goodnight kiss by the door
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After a long day he just needs two things 
and you 
so he calls you up and asks if you want to hang out, which you agree to and come right over to the dorm 
he is just dead, so tired 
But eventually you get him up and you take a walk to a nearby park 
you settle down in the grass 
some of the Dream members tagged along 
So they are playing soccer or something 
while you sit on the grass with Mark laying his head on your lap 
Just playing with his hair (*dead*)
he hums as you do, showing that he is enjoying it 
The dream members trying not to die laughing at their Hyung 
Mark would usually run after them 
but today he just wants to enjoy the moment with you 
“Ew look Mark Hyung and y/n being all cute,” 
“Haechan you’re just sad its not you,” 
holds your hand while he slowly drifts off to sleep on your lap
Hope you enjoyed <3 
Please send some requests uwu 
173 notes · View notes
Inveniam viam
Note: my first fanfic of Touken. sorry for the bad english and misuse of words. i write from touka’s perspective, first person view. thank u for reading. 
Sometimes I wondered if life was just a hallucination made of dream dust, occurring in an alternate inner timeline of my own universe. I dived down, coursing myself through all the patches and stitches of possible moiras; my story, my choice, and my characters blend in together in a nonchalant way, seamlessly, tonally, as if nonexistent.
But here I was, pouring each cup of coffee with a sense of dread that they could just barged in and caught us all off-guard, as I drip all the powerless potion into the grainy floor.
The CCG. They could come in any moment, and I was too aware of this that I felt like diving myself much further into the intoxicating train of thoughts of a poor high school girl- trapped between reality and her most feeble desire.
As visitors came and go, so did my conscience. As I got older and learn more about the world, as invigorating as the experience could be at times, but when it’s a Monday, the start of a hectic morning, I wonder if I could went through the same ordeal over and over again.
Two guys chimed in, ringing the door bell above the heavy wooden door, taking a seat near the centre of the room. I stood across them, over the kitchen-counter that visitors could freely roam across it if they were interested in the process of making their favorite sip of coffees. A young man who sat beneath the counter looked at me. I wanted to tell him off, but Yoshimura would not let me off the hook if I did it again, like yesterday.
The two guys seated on the centre exchanging conversation so playfully and freely that they bring me Yoriko to mind, the only classmate I had that coincidentally the only friend I have within the entire school. I hate to admit the fact that I almost rendered to a lethargic of social intercourse, but it was not always easy to start a brand new relationship with strangers. With Yoriko, our first meeting was coincidental, and if it were to be filmed, you would not really believe how fate could seem like making itself too clear that it triggered your soul because of the cliché it embarked on.
“So who’s da chick you want me to see, Kaneki?” The blondie guy who almost always had a smirk at the edge of his lip whispered to the black hair guy named Kaneki, who looked like an innocent high school boy my age.
“C-can’t you be louder than this? The entire people here could almost hear you!!” He whined, biting his lips with a panicked and embarrassed looked on his face.
“Well, whatever. Oh-“ The blond guy stopped as soon as I arrived on their table.
“Wow, Kaneki! What a shot! Is this the girl you’re aiming for?” He grabbed me by shoulder, bouncing it like it was his first gained trophy, exuberant and cheerful, while keep on knocking on my patient.
“What’s your name, Miss?” He suddenly turned to me again, just inches away from my face that I could feel his warmth and breath.
I became mortified at the intimate distance and his collective awareness of his excavating persona that I gasped and tried to fence off an answer, just to make myself more calm, if possible.
“Kirishima Touka.”
“Ah, Touka-chan the name! You’re cute! Kaneki does know his way, after all!” He widened his smirk, and he chuckled when Kaneki’s face was red from the ridiculous situation he must be in.
“Hide, stop it! Well, s-she’s cute, but not the one I’m talking about!”
I already ran off from their table, trying to camouflage myself with the metallic wall behind the kitchen counter, hoping they wouldn’t have to involve me in more languish interaction that took me off blushes and further embarrassment.
A defined body, like hourglass, of a glass-wearing girl, with her purple hair shied away from the stream of air conditioner, entered the coffee shop, carrying a book on her right hand.
Kaneki gasped, swallowed off his saliva, jaw-dropped.
Hide shook his head in a grim mood. “Oh no. No, Kaneki. Not her.”
Kaneki didn’t answer, his gleaming intensified as he followed her way through the seat in which she headed.
I sighed. Not her.
That was our first meeting. Me, and my… husband.
Sometimes I wish that we were not living for just everyone. This was my one sided wish. I once believed that I could live for myself and for whom I cherished, just for me and them. I really wanted to feed on this belief that I inherited from my uncle, Yomo. I remembered how compulsive and complicated I felt when Yomo revealed it to me, the fact he had always been my maternal uncle, trying to protect ourselves while distancing himself from us by pretending to be an outsider that we care about, because we’ve been through a lot, and mostly, facing it together. Ayato as usual, as jerky as he had ever been, gave him a menacing stare, trying to sustain the suppressed feeling he had contained for centuries, but he looked at me and gave a melancholy smile, without doubt, without being pretentious. He wouldn’t look at Yomo, but he let himself opened the tip of the mask he’s wearing, the fragile part of his rockabout façade to me.
I felt that by having a brother like Ayato, I also have learned bit by bit, the compelling layers of his personality, Kaneki.
I felt that with him, I had to be in the middle of anything. Not too dictating, but also not letting him decide everything on his own. Because he still had that bitter memories carved petulantly on his mind, without his will, affecting the way his thought progress, almost always self-inflicting.
I wanted to protect him. But in the middle of this red abyss, my mind withered away with the luscious amount of streaming red liquid down the dark tunnel in front of me.
What could’ve lie in there?
What if… Kaneki became them? What if he was back to the dark again? What if he followed my father’s footstep? He lied to himself. Or he became a new Yomo. He trying to protect his loved ones while ignoring his own needs of acknowledgement, affection that he never fully realized until late. And what if he became a complete version of Ayato? The one who showed his bitter stance against mostly everyone, and probably more, to his loved ones, as his means of protecting them at all cost.
I gasped. The sound was coming behind me. A big wave, again, in red, appeared before me crashing unto me.
My screams then reduced to a mute, as I drowned into the wave, all red, and I started to be blinded and retorted from all the unity of colors no matter how they differed from each other.
I let myself carried away by the stream of waves, when eventually it stopped. I found myself castaway on again a red path. I stood up.
I keep on calling him.
“Tell me, Kaneki! Where are you?”
All the pain started to ditch in like needles. I grasped my belly, trying to converge the pain inwards, like nothing had happened.
I dived into the endless dark tunnel, nothing seemed to change much, just blood and red flesh scattered everywhere, vanishing into the dark when my vision started to decrease.
I stopped right before what seem like a giant tangling of spiderwebs, and inside of it seemed like a bulk of dark stature.
“K-Kaneki!” I etched, trying to give a sense of confirmation from that shade lying on the spiderwebs.
No answer.
I tried to walk closer to the spiderwebs.
I tried to tear off all the webs that was crowded and latched into a spiraling conclusion. It was sticky, hot and clammy. I bashed away the thought of weird things, like it was a noodle or something, and quickly finished tearing it off and grab the dark stature.
“Kaneki!” I cried.
I hugged him. He was wet and warm. I clung to him and burying my face deep beneath his shoulder.
I soaked. “I-I thought I’m gonna lose you, you idiot!” Even at times as sparse like this, I couldn’t stop my habit of cursing him.
I studied his face. He was sleeping like baby. I could feel his belly churned up and down.
He’s alive. My husband is alive.
I couldn’t contain all the feelings and hugged him again. And this time, even tighter.
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shuakkinda-blog · 7 years
Wonwoo crushing on you !! // scenario
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a bullet-point scenario featuring our favorite wonton :D
request scenarios and reactions on my page if you’d like !!
- I’m just gonna put it out there:
- I don’t think Wonwoo is the type to actually fall for someone at first sight
- like, once in awhile, sure !! he would see a girl and think she looks cute or attractive
- but he’s not the type to chase after someone for looks
- he’d probably prefer waiting for the person to come into his life
- I have a feeling that he believes that his soulmate would cross paths with him if it were really meant to be
- but besides that
- he’d really want to know the person before falling head over heels for her
- he just wants to make sure the person he likes is someone he thinks is definitely worth his time and love <3
- bc believe me this boy could be doing a million other things besides falling in love
- like reading books
- or playing video games
- or hanging out with Mingyu
- him doing all of these other things doesn’t make him any less of a romantic though
- you’ll see what I mean later on ;)
- I’m using my default y/n background info (you’re an intern at pledis entertainment, assisting in the management of Seventeen !!)
- the first time you meet Wonwoo is when you’re retrieving files from a filing cabinet in a room that he so happened to be chilling at by himself #lone woo(lf)
- he’s reading a book at a table but he looks up to greet you with a tiny bow, which you gratefully return
- you just started working at the company and the only thing he knows about you is your name
- it’s also your first time opening that filing cabinet except
- it won’t open
- it’s locked?? or jammed? you really don’t know
- so you give it a few more tugs but it’s just not budging
- little did you know that Wonwoo was watching you from afar and had noticed you struggling to open the cabinet
- “hey, do you need help there?”
- you turn around to see Wonwoo looking at you and getting up from his chair to come over
- and you’re nervously laughing like “oh yeah, the cabinet isn’t exactly coOPERATING WITH ME AT THE MOMENT I-”
- “it needs a key,” he says in his low voice. he’s hovering over you as you crouch next to the cabinet drawer
- you kinda just look up and stare at him because you haven’t actually seen this guy up close before bUT TBH WHO WOULDN’T STARE?? THIS GUY IS SO CHARMING??:^&%&^
- and while you’re all caught up in staring, he continues to say “I’ll show you where the filing cabinet keys are. Follow me.”
- so you follow him to the room where the keys are
- you thank him afterwards as you walk back to the room you guys came from
- he’d be nice enough to wait for you to successfully open the drawer before returning to his seat
- and while you’re taking out the files you need from the drawer, you’d think Wonwoo is just reading his book again
- he’s thinking of how you blanked out/stared at him earlier when he came up to you
- thas right, this boy is more observant than you think he is
- he’d be staring at his book and you’d assume he’s reading, but he’s actually replaying the past few moments with you and thinking to himself:
- she’s... kinda cute.
- it wouldn’t be until later that you realize you might mean something to Wonwoo
- bc this boy is so damn good at hiding his feelings at first
- a few days later, you’d accidentally leave behind a few of your school books in the same room you first encountered Wonwoo
- one of these books would be a novel you just so happened to pick up from the library the other day
- while the books are left unattended, Wonwoo would walk into the room and spot them
- and after looking around to make sure no one was looking, he’d pick up the novel and read the summary on the back cover
- he knows it belongs to you because one of the other books is labeled with your name
- but guess who walks in while he’s tampering with your book?
- Y O U
- and when he notices you’ve just walked in, he’d drop the book and rub the back of his neck like oH I-I WASN’T JUST READING THAT BOOK PFF WHAT
- and you’d laugh at him
- “I’m s-sorry I... just” he’d stutter
- but being the nice person you are you’d say, “It’s okay, it’s okay! You wanna finish reading whatever it was on the book?”
- and he’d be shy while quietly asking “are you sure?”
- “yeah, go ahead! I’m in no rush.”
- so he’ll pick up the book and read the last of the summary before asking you
- “is the book good?”
- and you’d tell him “I haven’t gotten too far into the book because I just picked it up yesterday, but I’ll definitely tell you what I think of it afterwards.”
- he smiles and thanks you before he hands you back the novel along with your other books
- internally you’re screaming because his smile is the cutest thingggg
- but little did you know that he was smiling because you were smiling too jdsfgaljsdfakjsdfhaj
- it’s these small and subtle moments that slowly get Wonwoo interested in you
- eventually you guys start this whole system in which you pick up books from the library, read them, and if you like the books, you pass them onto Wonwoo to read before you return them.
- you basically have a tiny little book club with Wonwoo s’cute :’)
- he gets to know you better by the books you read and the little discussions you guys have about the books afterwards
- and slowly, but certainly, he falls for you
- and not just for your interest in books
- but the way you smile when you talk about something you guys are both interested just makes his heart flutter all over the place
- your kind nature also makes him feel so secure
- he’d much rather hang out with you than play some video game
- he’d also prefer reading books that the both of you know so he can talk to you about them
- Wonwoo wouldn’t be too into hinting at you about his crush on you on purpose
- but once in a blue moon, you would be discussing something with him and he’d just be staring at you for an extended period of time
- you’ll have to snap him out of his thoughts and he’d be like “oh what? I’m sorry, my bad.” *blushy wonw00*
- and funny thing is, a lot of the members won’t even know his crush on you exists
- except for Mingyu and Soonyoung maybe
- they’d probably catch Wonwoo staring at you and then ask him later on if he has a thing for you
- and since he’s close to these guys, he’d probably shrug and be like “I mean, I guess???”
- *cue the squealing soongyu duo*
- they’ll probably encourage him to go up to you and confess or something
- but tbh Wonwoo would probably respond “I don’t know yet,” because he wants a little bit more time to get to know you so he can confirm his feelings
- and once he’s accepted the fact that he really likes you
- he’ll start becoming a little more nervous around you
- you might be able to sense that something’s off when you guys talk
- like his comments and sentences would be shorter
- and instead of looking at you, he’d start staring elsewhere
- because he knows his heart is going to explode every time he looks at you for too long
- that’s when he’ll start plotting a way to confess to you
- because this boy knows damn well that he won’t be able to get any closure if he keeps it all to himself
- so one day, he finishes one of the books you lent him from the library and returns it to you when he sees you
- except he would scamper away after giving it back to you instead of sticking around to chat about the book
- and you’re like “well that’s weird.”
- so you just head on over to the library to give back the book
- you hand it to a librarian, who begins to inspect the book as you’re heading out
- but she calls you back
- “uh, excuse me, miss? I think you left a few bookmarks in here.”
- you don’t remember leaving any bookmarks in the book, so you figure it must be wonwoo’s bookmarks
- you turn around and pace back to the librarian, who hands you the book
- you quickly flip through the pages and notice pink sticky notes in a couple of them
- you read the sticky notes in page order:
- note 1: “Y/N”
- note 2: “If you’re reading this”
- note 3: “I want you to know”
- note 4: “that I think”
- note 5: “you’re beautiful”
- note 6: “and I’m pretty sure”
- note 7: “I’ve fallen hard for you”
- note 8: “- Jeon Wonwoo”
- You immediately blush at the cute sticky notes but realize you’re still in the presence of the librarian, so you snap out of your daze
- “Ah I-I’m sorry for the sticky notes. I’ll just take them out now-”
- the librarian just smiles at you and says
- “he sounds like a keeper.”
- and you get all red before breaking out in a huge smile
- “I think so too,” you reply
- so you head back to the company building to find Wonwoo
- and you look everywhere for him, but you can’t seem find him anywhere
- but just as you’re heading out of the building into the cool night, you bump into none other than
- him
- you blush at each other in awkwardness before you break the silence
- “Uh, I found your sticky notes and-”
- Wonwoo stops you mid-sentence with a really warm hug
- like the kind of hug where he’s rubbing your back and resting his head on your shoulder I’M DECEASED
- He talks right into your ear with his deep voice oh shit
- “I’m sorry if that was a really dumb way to tell you, but I just couldn’t force the words out in person.”
- “And even if you don’t feel the same way, I don’t want this to ruin our friendship, you know.”
- You smile, “Hmm... the librarian did tell me you seem like a keeper...”
- Wonwoo laughs softly into your hair, “she’s the one who found it?”
- “yeah, and I’m glad she did,” you reply as you release Wonwoo to look into his eyes. “You know why?”
- “Tell me why,” he says softly
- “Because if she didn’t find those notes, I wouldn’t have known you feel the same way I do.”
- he pulls you into his chest in relief
- I guess love isn’t just in fiction stories after all, he thinks to himself.
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amstcrdamarchived · 7 years
☁ riley ☁ delilah ☁ catalina ☁ sydney ☼brandon ☼hayden ☼layton ☼sawyer ☼lucas ☼ross (me?? going overboard w memes bc i wanna know how u see them ?? more likely than u think )
riley: oversized knit sweaters, the smell of a homecooked meal, sunday mornings laying in bed, the warmth of the sun at 2pm, odd socks, ribbon tied into bows, bubblegum chapstick, eating nutella on the kitchen counter, bear hugs, tear stained tissues, bubble baths, slow dancing in the moonlight, hidden notes, breakfast at tiffany’s, doe eyes, i’m gonna be okay texts, lingering hugs.
delilah (bear w me i haven’t interacted with her as much): living paycheck to paycheck, yesterday’s eyeliner, missed calls, messy buns, chockers, unanswered questions, miming a finger gun to her head, loud music, house parties, 2am walks down the street, rooftops, empty sighs, bright lights, vacant expressions, too many cups of coffee, gas stations, crying in the shower, empty bottles of vodka.
catalina (mainly just from the first thread): silk sheets, lollipops, (43) text messages, eye rolls, thick wallets, lip biting, towels wrapped around her body, short skirts, frat parties, teasing, roses, playing with the wind in a moving vehicle, expensive jewellery, macbooks, unopened text books, snapchat filters, sunbathing poolside, lingerie, middle finger raised, booty pics, red lipstick, hickeys, convenient stores, after parties, texting in class, pearly whites, late night drive thru, face masks.
sydney: unanswered texts, impromptu road trips, center of attention, high heels, “daddy’s girl”, pressed flowers, tequila shots, hangovers, tight dresses, movie references, collection of wine bottles, front row seats, designer bags, bar stools, hair flicking, painted nails, coming home to an empty bed, devil on your shoulder, skinny jeans, too much confidence, clean kitchen, turning your back on a loved one, heels on concrete, the one that got away.
brandon: cheeky grins, bookshelf of classics, non-prescription glasses, licking your lips, too much free time, random (useless) facts, button up shirts with rolled up sleeves, dress shoes, glasses of whiskey at eleven in the morning, getting up to no good, old movies, witty comebacks, secretly liking cats, sticky notes, fancy analog watches, rough make out sessions, pissing people off, sitting in the gutter at 3am, fingers gliding through curls, tapping a pen against the table.
hayden: rays of sunshine peaking through blinds, grandma’s recipe, family portraits, road trips back home, kisses from momma, accidental bruises, going the extra mile, helping a stranger carry their bags, laying in fields, trying too hard, sore muscles, giving little kids piggy backs, big happy dogs, breakfast in bed, bottled up feelings, quiet moments, lazy sundays, running in the morning, lake visits, “have you eaten today?” texts
layton: unidentifable contact numbers, 3am messages, earphones, sport bags, parted lips, shirtless just because, back of the class seats, baseball cups backwards, big jumpers, notification tones, charming smirks, head between your thighs, fingers around neck, calls from your little brother, eating out with the boys, the other room at a party, snapchat videos, short captions, hair gel, wearing the towel around your waist, hugging your mother tightly, sneaky snaps, same face selfies, working out to kendrick lamar. 
sawyer: cracked spines of paperback books, notes in the margins, eating apples, cheap vodka with lemonade, the same black clothes, walking in the rain, unfinished letters, unanswered phone calls, hanging up too quickly, pushing people away, vinyl records, “it was better in the 70s”, leaving parties early, walking home alone, unexplained cuts, wasted time, water dripping off of pipes.
lucas: heart on your sleeve, back massages, giving your their coat in the rain, worried faces, unanswered decisions, caring too much, helping you find your car, pushing the shopping cart, picnics at the park, bareback horse riding, unintentional plaid shirts, scruffy hair, homesick days, facetiming your folks, drive-in movies, hand holding, carrying you to bed, out the door the second you need them, stepping up to the bad guy, superhero movies.
ross: dinosaur figurines, textbooks on the shelves, lingering stares, chasing the wrong girl, falling asleep at the desk, pushing instead of pulling doors, half finished coffee cups, reading the newspaper in the morning, probably ugly sweaters, overanalysing anything, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, pens that don’t work, cheesy finger gun actions, waiting too long, missed opportunities, not saying what’s on the mind, stupid facts.
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What about the RFA and Unknown and V finding out that MC has a career in the arts (author, artist, actor or something like that?) @saeranlover
Lol it’s been like 5,000 years since I’ve done a request, here you go bbies
It was always a lingering thought in Yoosung’s mind
The thought always came randomly, but sometimes he swore that he  recognized your voice
Like the one time you yelled “Come at me!” at a friend who was teasing you and he just froze for a second to think about why it sounded familiar
It wasn’t until one day he was testing out a LOLOL character he’s never played before and she screamed out a line of dialogue before her attack
And suddenly he heard your voice behind him perfectly recreate the line
He turned around to see you cheekily grinning from your place on the bed
But it was wiped off your face soon enough because baby boi just pounced you into a big hug
You giggled as he rapidly asked you other things you voice acted in and gawked when he recognized the other characters you’ve voiced in games and cartoons
He’ll shyly ask you to reenact his favorite lines or scenes and his inner fanboy will show
Yoosung’s never really been into the behind the scenes stuff but he already somewhat was a fan of yours before so he’s basically dating his favorite VA
Silly lil’ peanut is gonna ask for your autograph on his merch of the characters you’ve voiced
She found out during one of your nights in
You were in the kitchen preparing the snacks while Jaehee sorted through the set of musicals the two of you had rented for tonight (you finally convinced her that watching ‘Promiscuous Jalapeno’ for the 8th time in a row was a little much)
Once that was all said and done, you cuddled up to Jaehee while the movie started as she fed you popcorn
Oh crap, you recognized this movie
You actually got the part of the main dancer in this film (it was your typical dance batte film)
You somewhat never wanted her to find out  that you were an actor/dancer in fear of always being compared to Zen
Once your character was introduced, Jaehee’s eyes squinted a little at the screen before gasping and shaking your shoulders
“U-uhm nooooo...?”
“Wait, why would you keep this secret from me?”
After explaining your reasoning as to why, she just pulled you into a tight hug
“I’d never compare you anyone else, I love you just the way you are, famous or not!”
After watching the movie, she put aside the time to scour the internet for every performance you’ve been in and is about to be the proud owner of all your merch
jaehee please no that was our grocery money
“lolol zen have you seen mc’s latest cover?”
“Cover? What’re you talking about?”
“the one on her youtube channel???”
“you do know what she does for a living, right??”
After Seven endlessly mocked Zen for not knowing what his own girlfriend did for a living, Seven graciously provided the link to your Youtube channel
Zen then proceeded to spend the next 3 hours of his life going through
your entire channel
He knew that you liked to sing and sounded like an angel but this
This is something extraordinary
You actually made a living doing this and he never even knew!
 He finally made his way up to your latest cover (which was uploaded about a week ago), and HO L Y  C R A P
It was the song he’s practiced at home for months on end for a musical he recently just starred in!
When you get home that night, you’re bombarded with compliments and questions (mostly compliments)
You explained that you never recorded around him because you were afraid that he might’ve thought you were going to use him for popularity
“Babe, I know you would never do that NOW WILL YOU PLEASE DUET WITH ME--”
Guess who has the best mashup cover of ‘Butterfly’ now
Coming home a few hours early was indeed a rare occurrence for Jumin
Usually when he came home, you were instantly there to greet him with a hug and kiss
He called your name, but there was no response, just a faint typing sound
After hanging his coat on the coat hanger, he began walking towards the noise, his hands already working on loosening his tie
“Ah, here you are, my love,” he said upon entering the officeroom
“Jumin, you’re home early,” you smiled, letting your husband wrap his arms around your shoulders and resting his chin atop your head
“The office had to close early for some renovations,” Jumin explained, “but I’m more interested in what you’re working on.”
“I’m working on my next book!”
The surprised look on his face made you remember that you never brought it up to him before, but now is as good as time as any to explain
Jumin seemed genuinely intrigued as he listened to your explanation on your book series, which was apparently very popular
When you finished, he asked if you could lend him the first addition, as he did enjoy reading in his spare time
And soon enough, he was hooked
He’d have long talks with you over dinner on how he wasn’t expecting a plot twist or how well you wrote your characters
Or about how you should hurry and finish the next book because you left him on a cliffhanger
He’s known since the background check that you had a job in digital art but he tucked that away in the back of his head because there were too many other things happening at the time (eg the hacker, your sudden appearance, his emotions and job...)
It isn’t until one day where he’s been able to work for a few hours straight without you lecturing him about how he should take a break
So he got up from his chair, slapped his right leg a few times to wake it up, and ventured outside his office to find you
To no surprise, you were huddled inside in the bedroom, but this time with your drawing tablet in hand
“Hey Saeyoung,” you tiredly muttered, eyes still glued to the laptop screen
His eyes trailed to where you were looking and a look of mock hurt morphed on his face, “MC, how dare you draw a picture of another man!”
You stifled a laugh at your boyfriend’s dramatic tone, “Zen just asked me to draw some things for his website so I’m--”
“You should me drawing me instead! Here, I’ll even pose for you!” 
You regret even looking behind you, because Saeyoung was already stripping down to his boxers, need I remind you the pair with cat faces on them
Usually you were making some sort of noise in the house, but today you were oddly quiet
“MC? Where are you?”
“I’m in the living room,” you hollered back as he started making his way over, “Be careful not to bump my arm though.”
“What’re you doing?” he asked, taking a seat on the floor next to you
You explained that you liked paint and used it as a way to make some extra pocket money
V was very happy and excited to hear that you had an artistic career just like him
You were always delighted to describe the paintings to him, and you always did it with such passion
After awhile, he started to miss photography and he so badly wanted to see your work for himself
So he decided to get the eye surgery
Once he did, he was shocked at how much he can see your heart poured onto the canvas
You often went out into nature together and sit there together for hours to photograph/paint and enjoy one another’s company
You also loved painting some of V’s older photographs and he loved it and every single one is framed in the house
The day you painted a picture of the sun and gave it to him, he cried
The first time Saeran ever walked into your room, his eyes immediately darted to the big, colorful collection of sticky note pads on your desk
He picked one up, noting that every one had a slightly different drawing than the others, “What’re these for?”
“Oh, I’m an animator! I like to use these sticky notes when I’m bored.”
He never got to watch cartoons as a child so this was all new to him
Watching you peacefully work is very, very soothing to him, to just watch the lines fill with color so smoothly
You even let him have some of your already drawn-on sticky note pads and he likes to flip through them when he’s nervous or needs to calm down when something’s bothering him
His favorite is the one you made for him where it goes “I love you, Saeran!” with a cute little doodle of a cartoony-looking you kissing his cheek on it
As mentioned before, he never got to watch cartoons or movies as a kid and he’s willing to watch the ones you’ve worked on
It always amazes him that you made what was on the screen and he loves it (he’s never said it out loud but it shows on his face)
He really enjoys the ones that are story-based rather than the nonsense slapstick ones (which is what Saeyoung enjoys, much to his dismay)
Seeing the childlike innocence in his eyes is heartwarming and you wouldn’t trade it for the world 
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m4rkshouse · 7 years
are we allowed to ask them in bulk? :-0 i wanna ask like 1-15 but if that's too much just those the ones you like! and also, 26 because it's my birth date lol i love u and have a good day!!
ahh happy birthday!!! i love you too and hope you have a good day (it’s actually night here but basically day bc ya girl is a night owl,,,) anyways i will try and answer as many of these as possible as quickly as i can without rambling but i’m already rambling so i’ve already failed whoops 
1. when you have cereal do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?uhh honestly i rarely eat cereal?? when i do more milk than cereal tho
2. do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?umm actually yes i adore winter most of the time tbh until it’s like /super/ cold then i’m out honestly what a fake canadian
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?i’m the devil himself and mostly fold the corners over lol i am the worst type of person,,, other than that i use sticky notes and sometimes bookmarks if i have them which is never bc i lose them
4. how do you take your coffee/tea? i actually drink neither coffee nor tea but i do adore hot chocolate and i rlly like it with whipped cream and marshmallows on top :’)
5. are you self conscious of your smile?umm no bc i paid a lot of money for it,,, aka i had braces in grade 8 and 9 and i actually really like my smile a lot more now
6. do you keep plants?NO BUT I WISH I DID MY MOM WONT LET ME :(( (i particularly want some succulents for in my room but alas i am not allowed)
7. do you name your plants?*refer to question 6*
8. what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?genuinely writing, i write poetry when i’m feeling it and then also my fics, depending on my mood a fic will be particularly angsty or fluff, etc. i honestly haven’t written a new poem in a while though and i rlly miss it 
9. do you like singing/humming to yourself?okay to answer this question i’m simply gonna say that i get yelled at by my family to stop singing bc i sing so much it’s really not okay
10. do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?usually my back but recently i haven’t been able to bc of breathing problems related to anxiety nbd so i’ve been forced to sleep on my side oh well 
11. what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?i honestly can’t think of any tbh, i don’t think we have any “jokes” but like one of my friends has been my “girlfriend” since grade 9 and has a boyfriend now and is “cheating on me” ?? i really can’t think of anything 
12. what’s your favourite planet?i would probably say saturn bc i like the rings but i also really like pluto despite it not being a planet anymore bc roman mythology and also i relate so
13. what’s something that made you smile today?astro’s comeback ofc!! seeing my boys having a good time and being their talented selves makes me happy 1000% of the time :’)
14. if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?this question is lowkey so hard?? i would say lots of house plants and probably throw pillows too,,, probably a lot of books too bc both of us like reading. the walls would likely be some kind of mixture of purple and green in some way bc that’s each of our favourite colours. also lots of food in the kitchen bc we both like eating, chocolate milk would be a necessity with the two of us tbh. (this isn’t really looks lol i suck idk what this is)
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is. i actually didn’t have to google this but did you know that uranus is blue bc the methane in it’s atmosphere filters out red light thus making it appear blue, fun facts there ya go 
26. what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every outfit?white converse bc they’re literally the only shoes i wear. i wear them with my school uniform, with jeans, with leggings, literally everything. 
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