#I’m hoping for a phone call tomorrow and an interview very soon following after <3
softforallofit · 1 year
alright besties <3 just applied for a job that I’m so excited for! I really hope I get it. 🤞🏻fingers crossed!
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mountswhore · 3 years
hey! see u were taking requests so i wanted one with mason related to "london boy" by taylor swift? maybe reader is a singer or something like that?
one of the best taylor swift songs imo, so of course!
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 — mason mount
summary: mason shows you around london during your break, and now you don't think you can ever go back
notes: requests are open again! my asks are open.
Leaving your hometown in New York to visit the world was one of the hardest things you had to do. But you had your dream job, now it was time to follow it. Your recent album was a success, pouring your heart into it as you recovered from your breakup. Your fans had watched your relationship build, and then break apart. Hearing your side of things through 14 songs. Awards, interviews, and traction had come from it, earning you a world tour. It was a scary thing to do, considering it was your first international tour.
“I just want to come back to New York already, I’ve not been on this tour long.” You complained to your sister, curled up in a hotel bed in London. Your first destination was the UK, and there was nothing worse than being homesick.
“Quit being a baby, the UK is so nice.” Your sister replied, chuckling shortly afterwards. “Me and dad visited Manchester, I think? Very nice looking, at least where we stayed.” You sighed, knowing that didn’t make it any easier. You loved your cosy apartment in New York, you were even starting to miss the constant traffic sounds and arguing in the early hours of the morning.
“I guess, and I know London is nice, at least. I think I’m gonna interact with some fans,” you decided, pulling the duvet further up your body, “speak tomorrow at sound check.” You ended the call, liking some tweets and replying to a few things, eventually tweeting something of your own.
“Happy to see a lot of my UK fans tomorrow, can’t wait to scream my feelings out with you,” Declan read out, giving Mason a cheeky look. The pair of them were in Mason’s living room, enjoying their evening of FIFA. The boys had spoken about you plenty of times, in interviews too, Mason declaring you as his celebrity crush.
“Shut up already, she probably doesn’t even know who I am.” Mason stated, resting his arm over his eyes to conceal the blush on his face. Him, Declan and a few other boys were going to your concert tomorrow night, some of the WAGs suggested it as they loved your music.
“You think she’s not going to notice a blue tick in her dm’s? It’s worth a shot.” Declan encouraged his friend to shoot his shot, close to grabbing his phone and doing it himself, but instead he was watching Mason bashfully scroll through your twitter replies. “Do it, or I will.”
Mason sighed, clicking the reply button and typing out a reply, handing the phone to Declan to review. ‘Can’t wait, wanna see you.’
“Perfect,” Declan mumbled, pressing the reply button for him. He knew Mason never would, he just saved him 20 minutes of back and forth debate. Handing Mason his phone back, Declan smirked as he watched his friend's face change from fairly embarrassed, to shocked.
“There’s no fucking way you sent that.” Mason remarked, refreshing his phone to see his tweet attract likes. “You dick.”
Declan just laughed as Mason had turned completely red, watching the likes and replies collect under his tweet. Moments later, you’d appeared in his dm’s.
‘I recognise you.’
It was an ominous message from you, one that had you pacing and replaying the creepy message over and over again. But Mason smiled at the message, all ounces of worry leaving his body as he replied to you.
‘Oh yeah? From where?’
‘Actually, I think I recognise your teammate, Pulisic. He’s all my brother talks about sometimes. But all I know is that he plays for a soccer team.’
He laughed at your reply, Declan watching over in pure disbelief.
‘You have a lot to learn about the UK, and luckily I know all about it.’
‘I’ll hold you to that, come backstage after the show, bring whoever you’re with. I’m in London for the next few days before my next show, maybe you can show me around.’
“There’s no way you’re flirting with Y/N Y/L/N within two minutes of replying to her tweet.” Declan stated, Mason smirking at his best friend before sending another reply.
Your show was now over and you were anxiously waiting for the boys to be escorted back stage. You didn't know much about football, especially over here, but you knew the boys that were coming back stage were professionals. You'd learnt their names, Declan, Jack, and Mason. Jack and Declan brought their girlfriends along, but Mason was 'painfully single', as he put it.
Finally, as you sat down in your chair to relax, you heard a knock at the door. It was them. They had all filed in, the two girls in shock that they were meeting you. You'd given them all a hug, and gotten to Mason. He looked down at you as you pulled him in, squeezing you tightly before letting you go again.
"Did you guys enjoy it?" You asked, ushering them to the couch for them to sit down. You wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible, rushing over to your dressing room fridge and pulling out some drinks.
"It was amazing," Sasha gawked, still in awe over seeing you for the first time, "we saw you have one in Birmingham in a few weeks, so we're going to that one too." You blushed, returning to your seat opposite the couch.
"That's so sweet! I'm sure I can get you some good tickets, I'll dm you on Instagram or something." You suggested to her, Sasha eagerly nodding her head. You conversed with the group of five, Mason giving you a particular look that you had mirrored back to him. You planned on getting his number, and making sure he showed you around London.
Soon enough, the group was heading back to wherever they were staying, as it was beginning to get quite late. "Thank you guys for coming, and I'm so glad I met you."
Mason stayed behind, folding his arms and sharing a smirk with you as his friends voices trailed down the hallway. "So, about this bet."
"Yeah," you replied casually, grabbing your water bottle from the table and taking a sip, being in the presence of an attractive man again was giving you quite the nerves, "I'll take your number, because I'd love to get to know London." He nodded, grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
"Perfect. See you."
You and Mason had planned your first meeting in a pub. It wasn't the classiest of places, but your plan was to get to know the UK. Mason had ordered you both a drink, guessing what you like and nailing it when you went in for a second sip and shoved a thumb up.
"So," he began, fiddling with the coaster his beer sat on, "how long are you in London for?"
"Just until Thursday, Friday morning I'm heading to Manchester." You stated, realising you only had four days with Mason, including today.
"Well, we better make the days count then." Mason declared. The pair of you spoke about his career as well as yours, talking about how different school was for the pair of you. Mason had stood up, holding his hand out for you to take, and you'd accepted it without complaint. He led you out of the pub and through the town center, gazing at the stalls set up around you. The weather wasn't so different to New York, both constantly dreary, but you were liking London so far.
On your second day together, you'd taken a cab to another town, this time to just experience the busy streets. To Mason, this was normal. For you, it was only familiar. New York was one of the busiest cities in the world, but London was different, better in every other way. You'd finished your day together, stomachs full of pub food, and in the back of a cab, rain pattering on the windows. You'd shuffled closer to Mason, placing your hand on his and squeezing. He looked at you briefly, smiling his usual smile, before quickly looking out at the street in an effort to hide his tinged cheeks.
Day three, the weather was too bad to do anything. But Mason kept you company in your hotel room. He'd taught you a bunch of British slang, laughing as your accent completely butchered them all. You'd shown him a snippet of your new song before room service had arrived. And the night ended with the pair of you collapsed in your bed, tv playing in the back ground, but your eyes on each other. It was like pure magic, the long-awaited feeling of his lips on yours. You'd been thinking about it all day, missing every opportunity until now.
Your final day was the worst. You both knew it was coming, you wouldn't see him until you had a break, and he had one too. You both had stupidly busy schedules, as well as living in different countries. Maybe one day you could bring him to New York, show him your side of life. And maybe one day you'll branch out and move here.
Mason had helped you carry your things out of your hotel room, which was taking you to Manchester. Your manager had texted you to be in the car before 3, which meant you had just 10 minutes until you had to say goodbye to Mason for a while.
You were stood in the foyer of the hotel, waiting for the car to arrive. You'd secretly hoped it didn't, you wanted to stay with Mason for a while longer, but you couldn't. Duty called.
"Thank you for showing me around London," you spoke, looking up at Mason, who was hiding his deflated feelings, "I really enjoyed it, I might even prefer it to New York."
"That's a given. I'm here." He joked, in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood. These four days had been immense fun for him, different to how he usually spent his days. Different than night at home alone, different than a night on the town. Was it too soon to say he missed you?
Mason looked down at you as you clung to his side, hoping he felt the same way you did. And he did, you just didn’t know that. His fingers slid across your jaw slowly, pulling your chin up to look at him. It was an intense moment, so many different emotions. He’d leaned in and kissed you, it was his parting gift. To say that he’d see you soon enough.
“Enjoy Manchester, I’m sure I can fit another show in somehow.” Mason spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” You spoke, the car pulling up outside. He’d dragged your suitcases out to the car, popping them in the boot for you. Finally, he stared at you through the window, which you quickly rolled down. “I fancy you, is that the right term?”
Mason laughed, head tipping back slightly. “Yeah, it is. And I fancy you too.”
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sunflowerandco · 4 years
After the Fact: Act III
Rating: T just ‘cause it is.
Act I
Act II
-3 years after Act II-
          Courtney arose to the sound of her persistent alarm. The morning sun poured all of it's essence into the city that morning. She stretched her legs under the covers, her thighs still sore from the night before. The alarm sound gave Duncan enough consciousness to drape an arm around her followed by his groggy words, leaving her trapped.
          "Good morning, Princess." He pulled her in closer and she felt her heart jump out of it's own slumber, causing her to smile instinctively.
          "Duncan... I need to start getting ready for class." She pulled on his arm enough to wake him, freeing her from his hold.
          She slowly trudged into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and soon she heard his own alarm go off for work. He appeared in the bathroom mirror and plopped the toothpaste filled brush in his mouth.
          Their conversations, while mostly unintelligible, were an occurrence whenever Courtney stood over at this place instead of her dorm room. They spoke over the toothbrushes in their mouth.
          "Sounds good to me."
          Their brushes were put back in the holders one after the other. Courtney made her way back into his bedroom, looking through his drawers, and Duncan sat on the foot of the bed.
          "Okay. Perfect. Now if I could just find a shirt so I don't have to walk around here naked."
          Duncan truly couldn't help what came out of his mouth after seeing his girlfriend in front of him in this state. "I wouldn't mind that at all."
          She turned back to see him gazing at her in amazement, and her cheeks began to glow in scarlet red. "It never turns off for you, does it?" She turned back before Duncan responded.
          "As long as you're around, no."
          Courtney scoffed at his comment. She found a shirt of his, and underneath it was a plain, black book with Duncan's name on it. She took it out along with the shirt and draped the shirt it over her body. She held it up when she questioned him. "What's this?" Duncan studied it before answering. "Oh... it's my sketchbook."
          "Your sketchbook? I haven't seen you draw in such a long time. Can I see?"
          "Yeah, go ahead. I, uh, just started seeing designs around town, on busses. I just got inspired to make some of my own."
          She flipped through a collection of completed sketches all equipped with detail and color. She had seen his notebook doodles, but they didn't compare to the amount of effort and skill these drawings took. She looked at him in awe for hiding such a gift. "Duncan, these are amazing. You have true talent."
          Duncan said nothing as Courtney flipped through each page.
          "Have you thought of becoming a tattoo artist? You love the shop right down the street, the artists even know you by name."
          "I always have, but I'm better off sticking to the repair shop." "Why not stick to something that I know can pay me?"
          She looked up at him, her hands firmly placed on her hips. "Duncan-"
          He took the book out of her hands and placed it on top of the drawer. "I'm gonna go start on breakfast."
          Courtney watched him walk out of the bedroom until one footstep grew fainter than the last. She couldn't help herself as she inched closer to the sketchbook. After eyeing her messenger bag at the foot of Duncan's bed, Courtney swiftly grabbed the sketchbook and wedged it in between her laptop and textbook before heading to the kitchen.
          "So, what are you in the mood for?" Duncan asked from the refrigerator door. "Omelet, scrambled?"
          "I think we can do omelets today. But, I have to go to the library as soon we're done. I barely had time to study last night thanks to you."
          Duncan closed the door and faced Courtney, ready to fire back. "Oh, I'm sorry. I could've sworn it was you begging for round two?"
          "Shut up!"
          "I will once you admit it!"
          Courtney grabbed the carton from him and started cracking eggs into a bowl. "No, you won't."
          "Very true." He smiled as he got started on greasing the pan. "What are you doing after class?"
          Courtney shuffled through a list of things she could tell him that were far from the truth. "I...have a...Debate Guild meeting after my classes."
          "Okay. As long as you come back here tonight."
          Courtney questioned Duncan as she got closer to him. "For what?"
          "I thought we could just have a night in?"
          "Just like last night?" Courtney asked, smirk on full display.
          "I've got a few ideas." He snaked an arm around her waist, and the gap between them diminished when he pulled her into a slow, drawn out kiss.
          Afterwards, she opened her eyes and Courtney swore she saw the sun shine brighter through the windows of his apartment.
          Courtney took a deep breath and eyed the sketchbook in her bag. She took a minute to button up her blazer and before walking into the tattoo parlor.
          You've got three years of pre-law under your belt, Courtney.
          She opened the door to see this open space of creatives in a room adorned with huge windows. She was thrust into an array of stations dedicated to each artist, some were occupied by clients and some empty. Her heels stood out as each step made its rounds on the wooden floors.
          She walked up to the front desk and approached a rather young guy. He didn't look old enough to work at the shop.
          "Good Afternoon. My name is Courtney Álvarez, and I'd like to speak with the owner of this establishment."
          Without saying a word, he got up and entered a room behind him. She turned away from the desk to take in the view from the outside, before hearing a voice from behind the desk.
          "Hey? We in trouble or something?" Courtney's attention diverted when her eyes met a petite woman covered in tattoos.
          "No, nothing like that." Courtney handed her a business card with her name and number on it. "I assume you're Anya Tremblay."
          "I've heard this name somewhere..." She looked up from the card and at Courtney. "Oh, you're Duncan's girl. He talks about you a lot. You are exactly like he described."
          Courtney decided to take that as a compliment before continuing her introduction.
          "Right now I'm not his girlfriend. I'm his... advocate." Courtney smiled before reaching a hand out to shake Anya's.
          Anya shook her hand with skepticism. "Advocate?"
          "Yes. I'm very passionate about cultivating his interests to render them beneficial to his life." She reached for the sketchbook in her bag with a few color coded sticky notes attached to certain pages.
          "Now, you may know Duncan as a regular to your shop. However, he's also your potential new artist." She held the book out on her arms facing Anya, opening to the first page she highlighted.
          "See here.” There pictured was a fully rendered sketch of a compass drawn in the usual Traditional fashion. “Duncan’s well versed in Traditional. I've witnessed him drawing in class since we were in junior high.”
          Anya looked pleasantly surprised as Courtney flipped through various pages. Some of the same style Courtney highlighted at the beginning of her presentation of Duncan’s work. Other drawings included skulls drawn in the style of realism. Courtney closed the book to begin her closing arguments.
          “To conclude, Duncan has immense potential. He’s passionate, young, and strong-willed. You’d be missing out on this city’s next best artist if you turn him away.” Courtney hoped Anya had questions, which was always a good sign.
          Anya’s stoic stance remained, but her voice seemed communicative. “Has he worked on skin before?”
          “No. That’s actually where you come in. Duncan’s a pretty fast learner. And, with your extensive knowledge and history in American Traditional he’ll do just fine.” Anya looked inquisitive after hearing Courtney's counterargument.
          “How do you know I do Traditional?”
          “Your Instagram profile is public, you’ve done some of Duncan’s sleeve, and I’m pre-law." She placed a hand on her chest, gesturing to herself proudly. "I do my research.”
          Anya's voice returned to a tone with incredulity. “How did you guys even manage to find each other?”
          “We’re more than just what’s on the surface. Any more questions?”
          "One more," Anya answered. "Why didn't Duncan apply for the apprenticeship himself‽"
          "Duncan's apprehensive at the thought of taking a chance on his dream job, but that doesn't mean he isn't capable-"
          “Alright, alright. Tell him to give us a call. Tomorrow. 10AM.” Anya made her way back into her office.
          Courtney triumphantly strutted her way out of the shop when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Duncan's name flashed on the screen. She answered, sounding more enthusiastic than she meant to. "Duncan! Hey!"
         Duncan caught on to her tone. "Hey, babe. You sound like you had a pretty good meeting."
         She quickly remembered what she told him that morning, and followed along. "Oh, yeah! I... won the practice rounds! So, anyway, what's up?" 
         "Think you could pick up the takeout I ordered from around the corner on your way back?"
         She looked to her right to see the restaurant right down the street. "I can do that. See you soon."
         His tone indicated he was smiling. "Okay. I love you."
         "I love you, too."
         Courtney called for her boyfriend as she closed the apartment door behind her. She was still undoubtedly giddy, and she couldn't wait to deliver the news about his interview. "I'm heeeere! They gave us an extra egg roll because-" She stopped in her tracks to see Duncan quietly standing in front of what used to be an empty corner of his apartment; now adorned with an ambient glow of warm fairy lights. She slowly placed the takeout on the table, gradually making her way toward him. "What is all this?"
         "This is for you." Duncan stepped out of the way and Courtney noticed a white desk decked with two bookshelves of the same height. Some of the books she'd leave at his place were on the shelves. Her voice grew soft as she struggled to find words. "Duncan..."
         "I thought you'd want a good place to study here for when... you move in with me?"
         She pulled him into a hug, burying her face in his chest with Duncan placing a hand through her hair. 
         "Duncan, I'd love to live with you, but I don't have job, I can't pay rent-"
         "It's not about rent, Princess. I can afford this place on my own. All you need to do is study your ass off." He lifted her head up by holding her face, possibly in the gentlest way he'd ever done. His fingers ran through her hair once more. "Move in with me?"
         Courtney took Duncan's arms to interlock her fingers with his, their hands turned down to the floor. She tilted her head up toward him and leaned in, their eyes closing slowly before Courtney lightly pressed her lips onto his, and slowly elongating with every draw of her lips. Duncan returned with warm and vehement intent while his hands broke free of their joining. His arms instinctively pulled her in by her waist; close enough to have their bodies one against the other. Courtney lost her breath at the pull, and her hands found their way around his neck. She felt a warm aura gleam to her core before slowing the pace enough to stop. She repeated herself one more, but with assurance in her words.
         "I'd love to with you, Duncan."
         Duncan felt lighter at her change of heart given his reassurance. He couldn't wait for days with her to be his new normal. He reveled in the idea of coming home to her sitting at this very desk, buried in her work. Or welcoming him into open arms on the couch. And dinners with her after such a long day. He quickly remembered the takeout on the table. He figured now's the time to start these memories. "Wanna eat some takeout?" Courtney nodded, just realizing how hungry she was. His hands dropped from her waist and she made her way back to their little round dining table just for the two of them, and he realized how formal she was dressed.
         "Do you always dress this fancy for meetings?" Courtney froze before she remembered how excited she was to tell him about his chance at his dream job. "Actually, no. I wasn't at a Debate Guild meeting today." Duncan walked closer to the table, still confused. She retrieved her bag to show him she had his sketchbook. She couldn't hide the elation in her voice even if she tried. "I went to Anya's shop, showed her your work, and she wants you to be her apprentice."
         Duncan truly couldn't believe her words. "What?"
         Courtney began to repeat. "I went to-"
         "No, no I heard you. I just- How?" When realization hit him, it grew harder to hide his grin.
         "I didn't do anything! It was your work that got you in. It wasn't hard to make a great case with strong evidence."
         "Courtney, you didn't have to do all that for me-"
         "Well, too bad you feel that way," Courtney countered as she wrapped her arms around his torso. "Because you have a girlfriend who loves and sees the best in you, and a phone call scheduled for 10AM tomorrow."
         Duncan looked down into her eyes with incredulity, and his arms made their way to her waist as well. He couldn't take moments like these and his girlfriend for granted. "You're unbelievable." 
         She smiled, still proud of the both of them. "I like to keep you surprised in more ways than one."
         "How can I ever repay you, Princess?"
         She teased him, recalling his words this morning. "I've got a few ideas." She giggled lightly.
         They parted, sitting in their respective seats at their table, in their commitment to making more memories together.
A/N: HI!!!! I hope you liked it if you made it this far! Let me know what you think. See you in act iv!
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cncoluv · 3 years
CNCO Sleep Over Spring Break
Warnings: Fluffy 
Setting: Four Seasons in Florida/Disney
Background: Thank goodness it is one day away from officially being spring break because I'm so sick of college right now. If I have to think about another advanced research methods class, my head will explode. It has been a crazy year and I have not talked to the boys that much between them being on tour and me having classes. I will call them after their shows and interviews every once in a while. But we all agreed that it has been forever since we have seen each other and that we need to spend time together since I have almost two weeks off of college and work. We all agreed that we should spend some time together during their tour in Florida since that was a place that I had not been to since I was young.
We all agreed that another sleepover was absolutely necessary so we could revert back to being children again to sing and dance all over again and not have a care in the world. It was refreshing because I have not had a break or a fun time in a long while, and I am sure they need one as well with the constant touring. While packing my clothes for tomorrow, I decided that we would go to a fancy restaurant and it would be my treat. I am sure I am going to have to fight them since they do not like me to pay for all of them at once because they are stubborn.  For the restaurant, I am bringing the most beautiful dress that I own, a deep purple dress with diamonds that gleam all over that in any light. The top of the dress has an off of the shoulder fit and it has leg slits on both sides that show your thighs, which is almost scandalous because it is very high up on the leg. It is a form-fitting dress so it shows off all of your curves in the correct way. You pick your 5-inch stiletto black heels to go with the outfit, and it matches perfectly, so you are super excited. You pick out your other outfits which are summer clothes mostly shorts and crop tops or tank tops with sandals or pretty dresses. You pick the first outfit that you were going to be wearing that next morning to see them which was a black and white checkered crop top with biker shorts and black converses.
When everything is packed and you wind down from the day you finally get to sleep, you get up early the following day, ready to go to the airport. You get up and get dressed to get on your flight, and you are wearing white shorts with a light and dark blue ombre crop top with white flip-flops. As you get on your flight, you are a little nervous, but you get over it pretty quickly because everything is going smoothly, and you are still excited to see the boys. You are slowly starting to come down off cloud nine by remembering you have feelings for one of the members, Zabdiel.
He was so shy and did not show his feelings that much to the rest of the world, but to you and his family. He was always bubbly and fun to be around; one of the last things you remember was the kiss he left you with. You thought about that kiss for a while after it happened because it was one of the softest kisses that you did not want to end. His lips felt like the light mist of cotton candy that touches your lips, leaving you wanting more. When you reminisce over the kiss and how he acted the last time you meet, you realize that Zab might have been slightly jealous. The kiss sealed the deal of how he felt about you and how you felt about him, and leaving so suddenly after might have changed that, so right now, there are more questions that you have to ask him.
(Richard POV)
I really wish (Y/N) would get here. I need to see her and miss her so much. I’m glad that she agreed to come and join us. We haven't talked as much this year but especially since the towel dropped. I am still super embarrassed about it, but we talked about it, and she seemed as if she was okay but I still do not fully know how she felt. I don't want to lose her as a friend because of it, so I want to make sure she is okay. But I know last time I tried to talk to her, Zab got upset because he has a crush on her. I don't want to get in the way that he is always so much happier when (Y/N) is around.
(Zabdiel POV)
I can't believe that (Y/N) will be here really soon. We have not seen her in almost one year. I missed (Y/N) so much, and I still have not forgotten about that kiss from last year; it was terrific. Her lips felt like smooth silk with just the slightest touch of soft and velvety flower petals, and I still remember the hint of strawberry that I tasted from her flavored lipstick. I still feel the same way about her and she makes me feel different than any other girl I have been with before. I just hope that she somewhat understands how I feel about her, if not then it will be hard to explain to her without embarrassing myself.
--- Skips to the next day---
I am driving to Florida so I packed everything and headed out at 1 a.m. since it is an 8-hour drive and we want to spend the whole day together. I wanna go to sleep after this drive because so many people do not know how to drive. Like did they get their license from a freaking cracker jack box? But besides that, I had a music playlist setup and CNCO was the most of the songs. I liked their renditions of other songs from the Déjà Vu album. So that whole album was played about 3 times on repeat.
Once I got kind of close I was going to call the boys and let them know that I was only 45 minutes away from the Four Seasons at Orlando. When Richard answered the phone I heard Christopher laughing in the background which made me laugh. Then I told Richard I was only about 40-45 minutes away and he said okay cool see you soon (Y/N). I found it strange because he would normally talk to me for about 5-10 minutes before getting off of the phone. But I kept driving wondering why he ended the call so abruptly was it something I had done?
When I got there I let them know that I was outside and about 2 minutes later I saw them come outside the building. I went to hug the first person I had seen which was Erick, he had this adorable smile he looked different from the last time. He seemed more confident in who he was which was radiating off of him. Then I saw Joel had changed and had gotten more buff and had grown out his facial hair. He said, "I missed you”. You smiled and hugged each other.
When you look over you see Christopher and you both immediately start laughing at each other for no reason like normal. He hasn't changed much since the last time I saw him. He is still goofy and adorable and you hug him laughing. After laughing with Chris you look over to see Richard he looks at you and then looks down for a moment, you ask him if he is okay. He says yeah and you give him a confused look but you still hug him. Then you see Zabdiel, he smiles at me and stretches out his arms, and blurts out "I love you". Dead silence fell between the six of you, you stared at him and were about to speak he quickly turned and ran into the hotel. You are about to go after him but they tell you to wait a few minutes. You reluctantly agree and grab your bags, they help out but you ask Richard to stay back real quick to chat.
The other boys look but don't say anything, you ask him what is going on because he has been acting differently recently. He said in a higher pitch than normal "everything is okay'' you step in front of him and tell him to stop lying to you. He sighs and lets you know that he was still thinking of what happened last time with the towel. I reassured him that it was okay and for him not to be embarrassed about it and let's have a fun trip.
He smiles and you both shake on it and pinky promises not to bring it up again. Both of us are back inside and y'all are both starting to get into the elevator and he is asking how college is going. You tell him why you needed a break and get out of the elevator and he says "That sounds like a lot to do dang" you laugh and said, "so do you and the other boys, another album videos and choreography." He smiles and when you arrive at the Presidential Suite he gets the key card and puts it in the door.
It looked stunning and you marvel at all of the stuff that was inside, you smile but then and see all of the boys except Zab. You ask where he went and they said the room right there and all point at it even though the room is supposed to fit 2 people we made accommodations. I walked back there and asked Zab if he was okay. He just stared at me for a moment. He got up and walked towards me and as he was walking I could see a smirk starting to form on his face. When he came up to me threw me against the wall and kissed me…
Stay tuned for part 3!
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Cutting Edge ~ Nathan MacKinnon Ch. 6
aHey everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy! I had fun writing this chapter, though it is kind of a filler to get the story where I want to go. I hope you all enjoy it! 
Also shout out to @avsfans95​, @pumpkinpatchmakar​, and @silkybiscuit​ for your kind words and tags when you reblog. I love reading them and I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the story! 
Let me know what you think and if you would like to be added to the tag list! Thanks!
Prologue Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 
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The Avs won the game against the Coyotes 3 to 1, with Nate scoring the final goal for the Avs. You had been standing on the bench between Tyson and J. T. when he scored and almost bounced right off of it in your excitement. Thankfully Tyson was mindful enough to grab your arm and then help you down before you twisted an ankle. When Nate got back to the bench, he gave you a huge smile that made butterflies erupt in your stomach once again. You wanted to run over to him but knew that would not look professional, so you settled on tapping his shoulder pads like you did earlier after Andre had scored. When the game ended, you waited outside the locker room while the team showered and changed. Coach Bednar stepped out of the room to find where you had gone off to, as he thought you would like to accompany him and a few of the players to their post-game interviews. “You did great today Y/N. Nice call with Burkakovsky’s goal,” he complimented you.
“Thanks Coach. I’m glad I was able to help,” you smiled. Bednar smiled and nodded, then looked at you thoughtfully for a minute.
           “Just do me a favor and be careful when you stand on the bench. I already have to worry about my players getting hurt, I don’t need to worry about you too,” he chuckled. You laughed and nodded back.
           “Of course. I’m sorry if I shouldn’t have done that…” you tried to apologize, but were cut off.
           “I didn’t say that. I’m just asking you to be careful is all.” Bednar clarified. “If that’s what you need to do to get your voice out there then go ahead. Gabe has already told the guys to look out for you. You have definitely won them over Coach Y/L/N.” You smiled, and then followed Bednar as he motioned for you to come along to the interviews. When you got there, you stood in the back with him watching Gabe, Andre, and Nate take their seats. They were the three that scored today, so you assumed that’s why they were being interviewed. The questions came at them, from how they thought their team was going to perform this year, how off-season training went, and what they were looking forward to this season. They all answered in a way that left you in awe of the three large men, Gabe obviously charming everyone in sight, both women and men. Then a question came up that you did not expect.
           “How is it having a figure skater as a coach?” a male reporter asked with a snicker. You could feel your face flush, slightly unnerved by his tone. You knew there were people opposed to the presence of figure skaters on the team as soon as the idea went public, but you weren’t thinking of the questions that would be asked to the players about it. You also did not miss the way Nate’s eyes shot straight back to you, his jaw becoming slightly tense at the question. Gabe was the first to answer.
           “Coach Y/L/N has been a great addition to our team. She is highly skilled and has an eye for details that I think as hockey players we don’t always notice. She is also the reason we first got on the scoreboard today, so we are very thankful to have her.” Gabe stated with no room for interpretation. You smiled thankfully at him and he nodded slightly. Nate relaxed a bit, not realizing how protective he felt over you until that question came up. He could hear Gabe’s words from the game in the back of his mind, and he knew he was screwed.
~ ~ ~
           Once back at the hotel, mostly everyone retired to their rooms as the team had an early flight to San Jose for a game the following day. You had showered and changed into a pair of leggings and your Team USA sweatshirt when you heard low voices and a knock on your door. Curious as to who it could be, you looked out the peep hole before swinging the door open laughing at the sight in front of you. Tyson and Cale were standing there with what looked like every potato chip bag they could get out of the vending machine and happy smiles. You looked at them suspiciously. “Can I help you guys?”
           “We’re trying to figure out what chips are the best and since there is only two of us we need another judge. And since you are a coach, we figured you might be impartial,” Tyson explained.
           “What if I pick a different flavor than either of you?” You asked, leaning on your doorframe.
           “Then we all argue but we get to eat the chips in the process,” Cale countered.
           “So?” Tyson asked, nodding toward your room. You huffed but giggled, opening your door for the both of them to walk through. Tyson dropped all the chips onto the bed, sitting on the edge while Cale pulled over the desk chair. You leaned against the head board, your knees to your chest and looked at everything they brought. “You know what would be fun, if we Instagram lived this,” Tyson said taking out his phone. You looked at Cale and laugh as he just stared at Tyson.
           “I just want to eat the chips,” Cale mumbled.
           “You are so weird,” you laughed.
           “Coach, be quiet so I can make introductions,” Tyson said back, and you threw a bag of chips at the back of his head as he started talking. “I’m with Cale and our coach, Y/N Y/L/N who is a rude person and just threw a bag of chips at me…Yes she is the Olympic figure skater. She’s not as nice as she seems people, she made Nate skate laps the other day,” he panned his phone toward you and you just shrugged. He kept asking you and Cale questions from the chat as you all passed the bags of chips around, voting on ones you liked better over the others. You were almost in hysterics at Cale throwing a few chips at Tyson over a disagreement on the better flavor when your phone chimed next to you. You opened it to see that Nate had text you.
Nate: Was I not invited? You laughed and went to text him back when another message came in from him. Don’t laugh at me! You looked up and saw that you were in the corner of Tyson’s live feed.
Y/N: Do you feel left out? You teased him.
           “Who are you texting Coach? You look all happy,” Tyson called you out.
           “It’s none of your business Tyson,” you said, then felt a new bag of chips hit you straight in the face. “You are such a pain in the ass!” you laughed as Tyson faked shock. Cale doubled over as Tyson turned back to his phone.
           “I told you people she’s not as nice as she seems!”
           “He’s not that great either!” you yelled from your spot on the bed, picking your phone back up.
Y/N: Come save me?
Nate: Burky and I are on our way. Want anything? You smiled again, thankful Tyson and Cale were distracted by the chips and answering random questions.
Y/N: I’m good. No more chips though lol
           Around 10 minutes later there was a knock on your door. Cale got up to answer it as he was the closest. You smiled as Nate and Andre walked in. Andre grabbed a bag of chips and sat on the floor while Nate made his way over to you, handing you a Minute Maid pink lemonade. “You remembered,” you said quietly, scooting over so Nate could sit next to you. He gave you a small smile. Of course he remembered you liked pink lemonade, beside water and orange juice it’s the only other thing to drink in your fridge at all times. The guys might give him crap for being unobservant, but he pays more attention to you than anyone knew.
More chips were passed around, no one agreeing on what was better. Eventually Tyson grew tired of Instagram Live and turned it off, but not before a few questions came in as to why you were sitting so close to Nate. You hadn’t thought about it. Sitting cross legged, your right knee was resting on the top of his thigh as his legs were stretched out on the bed. Both of you had grown use to some sort of physical contact when you were around each other that it simply didn’t phase you. Apparently though, some people were too observant for their own good. Knowing Nate was more of a private person though, and not really knowing himself what was going on between the two of you (though he did speculate there had to be something), Tyson fielded the questions by either laughing them off or not acknowledging them.
“You guys, I never want to see a potato chip again,” you whined, leaning into Nate an hour later. It was around midnight at this point and you were ready for bed. Nate chuckled and patted your leg.
“Yeah this wasn’t my smartest idea,” Tyson said, falling back onto the bed.
“Which idea has been?” Andre chirped him. Tyson reached up and grabbed a pillow, nailing Andre with it.
“Hey don’t throw my pillows,” you mumbled, grabbing another pillow and smacking Tyson with it. He went to throw it back at you, but Nate stuck his arm in front of you and got it away from Tyson. Half an hour later the guys all started gathering their trash, mostly because you threatened them with more laps if they left your room dirty. You said goodnight to Tyson, Cale and Andre, walking to the door with Nate following you. As the guys walked out, Nate hung back a second.  
“I’ll come by tomorrow morning. I think we’re getting the continental breakfast before heading to the airport,” he said in a low tone, mostly so the guys couldn’t eavesdrop in the hallway. You nodded, vaguely aware that he was taking too long in the room, but also not caring entirely. Would it really be that bad if the team knew something was going on? Nate leaned forward and kissed your cheek, causing your face to turn bright red. “Sleep well Y/N.”
“Goodnight Nate,” you whispered, closing the door behind him. Nate walked out into the hallway to find Tyson casually waiting a few feet away while Andre and Cale were walking. Tyson motioned to the now shut door.
“You and coach?” he asked. Nate kept a straight face and walked past him.
“It’s none of your business,” Nate said, and Tyson’s jaw dropped.
“She was texting you earlier! I thought there was something there. I mean you did bring her hiking with us…” Tyson rambled walking next to Nate.
“Again, it is none of your business,” Nate said, giving Tyson a look that quieted the younger man.
That next morning you had your bags all packed by the time Nate came knocking on your door. He grabbed your hand and you walked to the elevator. Dropping it again before you got out of the elevator, you had breakfast with the team. After eating, everyone loaded onto the bus and headed to the airport. Landing in San Jose that afternoon, the team checked in and everyone went about their own business, getting ready for the game later that night. A short while later you were standing in the tunnel with everyone about to take the ice when you heard a familiar voice. “Is that my little Y/N?” You turned around with a big smile.
“Brian!” You ran over to the bald older man and gave him a hug.
“What about me?” A female popped out from behind him.
“Kristie!” you gave her a hug also. The figure skating coaches for the Sharks started to tell you about their experiences. Yeah, you were good friends with Olympians Brian Boitano and Kristie Yamaguchi. “Wait so are you both coaching tonight? I thought you were taking turns with the team?” you asked them.
“I’m coaching tonight. Kristie is just here,” Brian said.
“Bret and I came to see the game because I wanted to see you,” Kristie filled you in. She was married to former pro hockey player Bret Hedican. “How is everything going for you though? Congrats on the win last night!” You smiled at them.
“Thank you. It’s been good! I’ve been enjoying working with them.”
“Is there a reason why number 29 keeps looking over here to check on you?” Brian asked in a lower tone with a chuckle. You turned around and caught Nate’s eyes, smiling softly and waving him over.
“No. I think they’re just becoming protective of me,” you said off handed. Kristie gave you a knowing look though. She was married to a hockey player after all. Nate walked up beside you, and you introduced him to the two figure skaters. He shook their hands and smiled as you said how much you admired them growing up. After that it was time to get ready to head out of the tunnel, and you said your goodbyes to your friends. But not before Brian turned to Kristie, telling her he needed to try something.
“You’re going down Y/L/N!” he shouted down the hallway. You turned around quickly.
“Bring it Boitano!” Brian laughed and ran back toward you, giving you a high five and running back off to his team. You laughed and turned back toward your team, a few of the guys staring at you.
“Please never do that again Coach. You need to learn how to chirp better,” Tyson teased you. You rolled your eyes dramatically and followed the guys out of the tunnel. It was fun being able to see Brian coach his team during the game. You also saw his horrified face after you stood on the bench for the first time that game. Nothing was wrong though, EJ had put his arm up behind you so you wouldn’t fall. The game ended, 2-1 Avs. During the last period you told Kadri how to switch up his footwork and he scored. You knew how Brian and Kristie skated, so you were able to modify and work around it. Also, the fact that the team trusted you enough to make the changes you suggested made you extremely happy.
After the interviews ended and you had said one last goodbye to Brian and Kristie, you boarded the bus with everyone and headed to the airport. Since the flight wasn’t too long, the team was scheduled for a red eye to get everyone back home to Denver before their home opener in four days. You had settled into your seat after takeoff, earbuds in listening to some music and staring out the window when you felt someone sit next to you. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Nate siting there with his own earbuds in. “It’s too crowded back there,” he said quietly when you took one of your earbuds out. You nodded, and threw the other half of your blanket over his lap. From years of traveling, you always brought a blanket with you. He smiled and grabbed your hand under the blanket, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he reclined the seat a bit and closed his eyes. You could only imagine how tired the team must be. You casually turned back to the window, relaxing into what was left of your two in a half hour flight.  
Tags: @bqstqnbruin​ @avsfans95​ @andreiaafaria​
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jeranasblog · 4 years
Caught in the Spider’s Web
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Rating: E
Pairing: Peter Parker/ Tony Stark
Summary: Omega Peter is obsessed with famous Alpha Tony Stark since he was a little kid and he does everything to get close to the billionaire. When he finally gets the opportunity to get to know Tony better, Peter starts his manipulation and seduces the Alpha into his bed. Thankfully, everyone around him thinks he's cute and innocent, so it's even easier to catch Tony in his web.
Line Prompt for @twokinkybeans​: "It only takes a blowjob to fall in love." This challenge is amazing, ty beans <3 
Warnings: Slight dubcon? Both of them want it, but Peter is still manipulating Tony. For further warnings (especially smut) check Ao3
Words: 7160
Read on Ao3
Peter Parker had admired Tony Stark since he was a little boy. In the beginning, it had been hero-worshipping. Iron Man was a legend, and the man behind the mask even more. Peter had bought little action figures, had decorated his walls with posters, and watched every single interview on TV. Tony Stark was an impressive Alpha, broad shoulders, protective aura and Peter had never understood why he had wasted his time with Pepper Potts, a plain and boring Beta.
But the older Pete got, the more obsessed he became. He spent his mornings looking at photos of Iron Man online, fingering himself while he pictured the Alpha’s muscular arms caging him in. The day Tony left Pepper was one of the best in Peter’s life and he had imagined for weeks how he would cheer the billionaire up, imagined that he could replace the empty space in Tony Stark’s heart.
During his first heat, Peter refused the help of an Alpha. He had plenty of options, eager young students that wanted to wreck such an innocent-looking Omega, but Peter wanted to save himself for Iron Man. No one else deserved his virginity, so he made do with his own fingers, thinking about himself bouncing on Tony Stark’s cock.
Years passed and Peter’s obsession only grew. He got older, became even more handsome, even more fragile looking and lots of Alphas tripped over their feet to woo Peter Parker, cutest Omega in Queens. But he turned all of them down. There was only one Alpha, only one person good enough for him.
Sadly, Peter had never met Tony Stark before. He had imagined how their first encounter would go, how easily he could enchant the Alpha with his soft looks and innocent eyes. He worked years to get finally close to the other man. Peter invested his entire energy into studying and became soon the best of his class. With fifteen, he graduated high school and applied to MIT. Three years later, he hadn’t only gotten his bachelor’s degree, he also held a letter of Stark Industries in his hands. Soon, he would be the youngest intern in the history of SI, soon he would be close to Mr. Stark.
Peter knew it was very unlikely he would meet the billionaire on his first day of work, but he was disappointed, nevertheless. A boring Alpha had shown him around, drooling over Peter and it took all his willpower to hold back his disdain. Instead, he had smiled sweetly and asked questions to appear interested. He needed a plan to get closer to Mr. Stark and before that, he shouldn’t do anything he could regret later.
His approach to get closer was based on his intelligence. Tony had once said during an interview that he preferred his partners smart and witty, and Peter planned to use the information. He stayed in the lab longer than everyone else, worked harder and harder to get the recognition he needed until one day, he finally got the opportunity he desperately needed.
Everything started when Pepper Potts, still Tony’s CEO, entered the lab, loudly arguing with an unimportant Alpha at her side. Peter had wanted to hate her first, but she was still one of Tony’s closest friends, and there was no way the Alpha would like him if Peter displeased her. After a while, he could even see that Pepper had no more romantic feelings for Tony, and his instincts to fight her were eased a little.
“We don’t need it in a week,” Pepper yelled and the pathetic excuse of an Alpha flinched. “We need it tomorrow. And there’s no way Tony can fix it until tomorrow. The investors are gonna pull back their offers.”
Peter pretended to be busy while he was actually eavesdropping. “I-I’m sorry, M-Mrs. Potts,” the Alpha’s voice was wavering, and Peter suppressed a snort. How could Pepper give responsibilities to such a weakling? “I told him a week ago, but he didn’t listen.”
Pepper was slowly losing her temper. “You told him once while he was tinkering. What did you expect? Him throwing everything aside to listen to you.”
“I’m sorry.” Peter wouldn’t wonder if the Alpha started to cry.
“You’re sorry? You're not the one explaining to the investors why the battery of the Stark Phone explodes occasionally. I have to live with the consequences.” Pepper fumed and Peter had to admit that she was feisty, for a Beta. “When the temperature is above ninety degrees, they sometimes blow up. Do you think the investors will like this?”
Peter froze. He didn’t focus on the Alpha flinching under her harsh words anymore, instead he thought about Pepper’s words. He knew about the problems with the Stark Phone, knew for a long time they would explode if they got too hot. Peter had assumed someone had already eliminated the mistake, but apparently, no one had. Suddenly, his entire body started buzzing. He knew how to get rid of the problem and this was his chance to get what he wanted.
“I know why they explode, and I could help eliminating the issue.” Pepper and the Alpha were staring at him, Pepper with curiosity and the Alpha with disgust.
“I don’t think an Omega could help,” the Alpha belittled him, and Peter clenched his hands to fist to stop his anger from spilling. He had to stay calm and play his cards right.
Thankfully, Pepper took over before Peter did anything he would regret later. “Since you’ve fucked up anyway, I’m willing to try everything to fix this thing.” Peter couldn’t stop himself from smirking at the Alpha. “What’s your name.”
“Peter Parker, Ma’am.”
“Peter, I’ll give you a few minutes with Tony. If you convince him you can fix the mistake, we’ll pay you a bonus.”
Oh, if she knew. A few minutes with Tony Stark were so much more valuable for him than any extra cash. This was everything he had ever dreamed of. Five minutes to convince Tony Stark that he was worth spending time with. Suddenly, Peter felt nervous. The direction of his entire life would depend on the encounter with the billionaire and he would do anything to make a good impression on the Alpha.
He smiled kindly at Pepper and followed her to the elevator. She was tense and stressed out, but he could also see the hope in her eyes. If he did everything right, she would be forever thankful and that’s exactly what he needed from her. Her first impression of him was important.
 Tony Stark’s lab was impressive. It was nothing compared to the intern lab Peter worked in, even though all of SI’s rooms were well equipped. The Omega swallowed when he entered the room and marveled at the expensive equipment that was scattered all over the floor. From a hidden spot in the corner, Peter could hear a loud crash followed by a few curse words.
“Tony, come out for a second,” Pepper called the genius and Peter held his breath when the Alpha approached them.
He was handsome, even more handsome than he was in the million pictures that were all over the internet. Tony was wearing jeans and a black tank top, his muscular arms on display. Peter could barely stop himself from purring and he ogled the oil strains on the billionaire’s forearms. Tony Stark looked like a model from the cover of “Alpha’s Health” and Peter wanted nothing more than to claim the man as his. But there was still a long way to go.
Suppressing his arousal, Peter smiled innocently at the Alpha and ducked his head. The gesture was a submissive one, giving Tony the illusion, he was in control. Peter watched in excitement that Tony was looking him up and down, his pupils dilating a little. He could see a faint gleam in the billionaire’s eyes, making it obvious that the man liked what he saw.
“As much as I like lovely company, Peps, why are you bringing me a young Omega? I have to work on the Stark Phone issue.” The words made Peter heat up in arousal and he covered his body reaction with an innocent blush. He wanted to jump the billionaire, wanted to ride him, claim him and bounce on his knot, but he would be nothing more than an easy fling if he misplayed the situation. Instead, he focused on looking bashfully.
“Tony, this is Peter Parker. He’s one of our new interns,” Pepper explained while she was already halfway leaving the room. “I’m sorry, but he claims he knows the source of the problem with the phones and at the moment, we need any help we could get.”
Before Tony could assume that he was a stupid Omega with attention issues, Peter took the lead. “It was very thoughtful of Miss Potts to bring me here. I’ve actually detected the mistake a few weeks ago and just assumed someone had already fixed it. My apologies.”
“That’s my cue,” Pepper barged in, giving the billionaire no time to complain. “I actually have a call scheduled with the investors. I’ll pick Mr. Parker up in an hour. Don’t kill him, Tony.”
The Alpha grumbled when she left, and Peter took a deep breath to get his nerves back under control. This was it. This was the moment he had always waited for. The Tony Stark stood in front of him and if he made a fool out of himself now, there was no chance for his plan to ever work out. He had to be clever, smart, and irresistible.
Peter gave him another sweet smile and the bobbing of Tony’s throat showed him that he should try the innocent approach further. The billionaire was certainly reacting to him acting bashfully.
“All right, Peter.” The Alpha didn’t even ask if he was allowed to use his first name. “I’m pretty busy, but I’ll give you a chance to show me where the problem is coming from.”
These words coming from any other Alpha would have offended Peter, but since he was talking to Tony Stark, he let the casual use of his first name slip. This was his chance to prove himself and he wouldn’t sabotage his goals because someone was underestimating him. He would show the billionaire what he had worked for.
“Do you have a Stark Phone here?” Tony nodded and led him to the other end of the lab where the billionaire had been before. Peter used the time to get a good look at his ass. It was muscular and round, perfect to dig his nails into when Stark was fucking him through the mattress. The thought made Peter shiver and he took a deep breath, containing himself and focused on the task on hand.
“The solution is pretty simple,” Peter explained while he stepped next to the Alpha in front of the workbench. He came a little too close, so Tony would pick up a hint of his scent. Peter knew Alpha’s went wild for his smell, he had tons of unworthy men going crazy for him, and he always knew how to use his assets right. Out of the corner of his eyes, Peter could see Tony’s nostrils flare, clearly not unaffected from the scent, but otherwise, the Alpha stayed calm.
Before he could lose himself further in the thought, Peter picked up the faulty Stark Phone and opened the case with a small screwdriver. He disconnected a few wires to take out the battery and laid the electronics of the phone open.
“I’ve actually detected it when I was working on increasing the storage capacity. Do you see the solder joint here? First of all, it’s too big and the material was a bad choice. When it gets hot, the solder joint will melt again and possibly cause a short circuit. That’s the reason why the battery can but doesn’t have to blow up when the phone gets too hot.”
Tony stared at him amazed before he threw back his head and started laughing. The sound was deep and full, rushing immediately into Peter’s cock and he had to bite his own lips to stop his hole from slicking up. There was no way the Alpha wouldn’t notice him getting wet and it wasn’t the time for his seduction plan yet.
“That’s pretty embarrassing,” the billionaire chuckled and grinned at him. “Such a rookie mistake. Whoever made the mistake should go back to school immediately.”
Peter swallowed and chose his next words wisely. He had certainly made an impression on the Alpha, but it wasn’t good enough to linger. “Mr. Stark, Sir. If I might suggest an improvement?”
He could see surprise in Tony’s gaze, but also curiosity. “Sure, go along.”
“What if you replace the battery in a few Stark Phones with your arc reactor technology? Obviously not for every model because the price would increase significantly, but there are a lot of rich people who want to contribute a part to the environment. Your clean energy in a phone is an amazing solution. And on top, the board would get accustomed to your invention, as well as the shareholders. It would be an easy possibility to establish the arc technology.”
The Alpha didn’t say anything. He stared at Peter and the Omega could see that he was pondering about it. He had done a lot of research about the billionaire and he knew Tony was fighting with the approval of the board since he had closed the weapon manufacture. Nothing was more important to him than to prove that SI was a valuable company even without the shady business, and Peter had given him a suggestion to strengthen the reputation of his arc technology.
“I’ll consider it,” Tony answered, and Peter smiled bashfully, pleased that he had played his cards right. He wouldn’t hear anything more than that today, but he had proven his first point: Peter was smart enough for Tony Stark. Now there was only one other goal: Show Tony Stark that he was irresistible.
Peter congratulated himself for his subtlety. After the billionaire had made a few calls and yelled at a few people to change the solder point of the phone, there was still half an hour left until Pepper would come back to pick him up. He spent the time chatting with Peter and showing him some of his inventions while the Omega could physically see that Tony reacted to him.
Every time he blushed and batted his eyelids, Stark’s eyes sparkled; every time he played with his curls, Stark’s expression was filled with hunger. Peter made a game out of it, acting all bashful and innocent while he bent over low to pick up the screwdriver he had accidentally dropped. He had years of experience, manipulating Alphas he didn’t even care about, but today was the day it had to work. Today was the day Tony Stark would be enchanted.
They talked about engineering and their studies at MIT. Tony had more experiences, but since Peter had done a ton of research on Tony Stark’s work, he could easily keep up. With each passing minute, the billionaire relaxed further and further in his company and when Pepper picked the Omega up again, Tony had even given him his private number, promising to call Peter when he needed his help again.
Peter felt like a spider and he would do anything to catch Tony Stark in his web. The Alpha was his.
 Now that Tony Stark knew who Peter was, things got easier. He didn’t need to make an effort for the man’s attention anymore since the Alpha was staring at him anyway when they saw each other fleetingly. Instead, Peter focused on riling the man up. He knew a few minutes every day would be enough if the impression lingered.
The most important step was to meet the billionaire overall. Peter worked in the intern lab on the second floor while Tony’s lab was right next to his penthouse, so they wouldn’t see each other accidentally. And since Peter wasn’t even allowed to enter the top floor, he had to think about a plan that forced the Alpha to come down. When he overheard one of the board members complaining about Tony’s mood because his coffee machine was broken, Peter got an idea.
The Omega came to work early, so no one had arrived yet. The lab was empty, the hallways were empty, and even more important, the kitchen was empty as well. He tiptoed to the coffee machine and exhaled relieved when no one was there yet. Quickly, Peter replaced the cheap beans with Hawaiian brew and from now on, he spent his breaks drinking expensive coffee in the kitchen, waiting until the rumors about the amazing coffee spread. Not even a day later, Peter saw Tony again.
“Peter, what are you doing here?” Everyone was looking at the Omega when the Tony Stark addressed him by his first name.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter gave him his sweetest smile that made all the Alphas swoon. “I’m working on this floor.”
Tony looked startled for a second, he had probably forgotten that Peter was only an intern. “Right. What are you working on?” Although the billionaire was talking to Peter, he eyed all the other Alphas in the room. A surge of hot arousal rushed through Peter’s body, but he pushed the feeling away before everyone could smell his slick. Seeing the Alpha already so possessive over him woke the urge to smirk and climb him like a tree.
“Still on the storage capacity of the Stark Phone. I’ve made progress, but it’s slow because I don’t have enough resources.” He batted his eyes innocently, acting as if he wasn’t following a goal. Say it, Alpha. Come on, offer it to me.
“You can use my lab if you want,” Tony offered, and Peter had to suppress a complacent smirk. It was so easy to manipulate Alphas as long as he acted sweet and innocent.
Peter opened his eyes widely and feigned shock. “But Mr. Stark, I can’t accept the offer. I would only distract you.” You want it too. Say it, Alpha.
“Nonsense, it’s spacious enough. Let’s go upstairs.”
Tony led him out of the room, his hand placed on Peter’s back. He could feel the heat through his shirt and enjoyed the first victory of the day, knowing that he had Tony Stark exactly where he wanted him. All eyes followed them, Alphas envious that Tony Stark had snatched the cute looking Omega away, and the rest envious that Peter could leave with Tony Stark. Peter felt euphoric, everything went according to plan and it was only a matter of days until the Alpha was his, until the country's most eligible bachelor was wrapped around his little finger.
 Although Peter wanted nothing more than to throw himself at the man, he took it slowly. Tony might show signs of arousal, ogling Peter, and his scent turned spicier, more masculine, but the time wasn’t right yet. Peter needed him crazy with arousal, so he kept acting innocent while he stepped up the game.
It started with his scent. Every morning Peter would finger himself, spread his slick between his thighs, and clean himself after, but a hint of his arousal was still lingering in his scent, driving the Alpha crazy with lust. Additionally, he changed his clothes, subtly of course. His jeans got tighter, his shirts shorter and he bent over the workbench more often, showing off his plump ass and a stripe of his bare back. He could feel Tony’s eyes on him, could feel that the Alpha got wound up, but he didn’t snap. Yet.
On top of showing off his assets, Peter also controlled their conversations carefully. He demonstrated subtly his intelligence, talked about topics he knew Tony was interested in, and lured the billionaire in by admiring him and his skills. He didn’t even have to act it because there was no one like Tony Stark out there, no other Alpha that clever and strong. Peter had long ago decided that the genius was his.
Every day they spent together in the lab, Tony loosened up more, until he was completely relaxed around Peter, defenseless against the Omega’s attack. He got trapped more and more in Peter’s web, caught in the seduction of his body and mind, until one day, the Omega made his move.
 It started with the first time Tony called him.
“Peter? I have a problem.” His voice was higher than usual, stressed out and Peter’s guts clenched with the thought that his Alpha felt bad. “I know you don’t work today, but I have a board meeting in an hour, and I can’t leave the palladium mixture alone. It has to keep its temperature. Could you help me out? Pretty please?”
No one could blame Peter, really, Tony gave him the perfect excuse. He didn’t need an hour to get there, but the billionaire didn’t have to know. “I’m on my way, but I don’t have time to change. Could you maybe let me in through the back door? I don’t want my colleagues to see me in my free time clothes.”
Either Tony was just naïve, or totally stressed out because he didn’t suspect anything, relieved Peter could jump in. “I owe you one, Peter. See you soon.”
After Tony had hung up, Peter changed into his nicest lingerie, put on his shortest booty shorts, and a tight crop top that showed a glimpse of his stomach below the hem. He was dressed decently enough that Tony wouldn’t get suspicious, but he revealed enough skin to drive the Alpha wild.
Before he left his apartment, Peter grabbed an oversized jean jacket to cover at least a little of his modesty. Then he took the subway to Stark Industries. He knew today was the day. Tony was exhausted and Peter would use it to make his first strike. If today worked out, Tony Stark was his.
 The elevator that brought him to Tony’s lab was at the backside of SI, so none of his co-workers got the chance to see him dressed like this. Peter smiled while JARVIS took him upstairs. Everything worked out exactly how he had planned it, now he only had to lure the billionaire in.
Tony’s gaze traveled immediately to Peter’s bare thighs when the Omega entered the lab. Raw hunger was written on his face, poorly concealed. It took Peter his entire willpower not to smirk, the Alpha was already yearning for him. He turned around, took off his jacket, and laid it folded on the floor in the corner of the lab, making sure to bend low and present his barely covered ass. He could hear the billionaire curse quietly, a sound of pent-up arousal and longing.
“I’m so sorry,” Peter whimpered when he faced the billionaire again, his eyes huge and innocent. “I know I’m not dressed appropriately, but I didn’t have time to change, or I couldn’t have been here on time.”
He could see how Tony swallowed, guilt about his inappropriate feelings bringing him back to reality. The billionaire’s guards were down, stress was taking its toll, and Peter knew persuading would be even easier when the billionaire came back since he was already on the verge of giving in now. And the best, Tony didn’t even know what Peter was doing.
“What can I do for you?” Peter asked a little breathless, but not too much to raise suspicion. He came closer, invading Tony’s personal space to lean over the workbench and inspect what the billionaire was experimenting on.
The Alpha cleared his throat, taking a few seconds to gain back his control. “I’m experimenting with the arch technology and I have to increase the temperature of the palladium by one degree every ten minutes until it starts to melt. If I heat it too fast, it could get brittle and I have to go to the meeting. Could you take care of it? Could you heat it slowly until it starts to melt and decant it into the intended test tube after?”
Peter smiled at him, genuine and stunning. “Of, course, Alpha- I mean, Mr. Stark, Sir.” The slip was intended, and Peter could see with giddy excitement what the word did to the genius. Tony’s pupils enlarged immediately, and a barely audible rumble left his chest.
“I count on you, Peter.” The billionaire gave him a smile, half predatory, and half ashamed while he walked towards the door. “I’m back in two hours.” When the door closed behind him, Peter could finally smirk.
 Taking care of Tony’s experiment didn’t take much effort. JARVIS was increasing the temperature on his own, and Peter only had to decant the palladium into the test tube once the palladium started to melt, so he was basically just sitting around, waiting for the billionaire to come back. As soon as Tony would enter the room, exhausted and relieved that Peter took care of his experiment, the Omega would make his final move. But before, he had to up his game one last time.
Peter walked over to a chair in the back of the lab, close enough to watch the palladium in case something went wrong, but hidden from the door, so Tony wouldn’t see him, even if he came back earlier. Carefully, he took out a towel he had brought from home and placed it on the chair, so he wouldn’t leave traces behind. Then he pulled down his shorts and panties and spread his legs to get better access.
The first finger was barely a tease, nudging his hole and playing with the muscle until it gave way, until it welcomed the intrusion. Peter moaned slightly when he felt the wet heat, slicking up for an Alpha that wasn’t even here. The underlying arousal he had felt for weeks around Tony was flaming up, rushing to the front of his mind, and forcing him to savor the feeling. His instincts were strong, overwhelming, fighting him to use a second finger, to spread himself for his Alpha. But that wasn’t Peter’s plan.
Although the anticipation hurt, although he wanted nothing more but to ride his fingers in Tony Stark’s lab, surrounded by the scent of his Alpha, Peter held back. He couldn’t come all over the floor, there was no way the Alpha wouldn’t notice the heavy smell, and he only wanted to tease. Begrudgingly, Peter pulled out his finger, leaving his hole empty and twitching, begging for an Alpha. A frustrated moan slipped from his lips, but he stood firm.
Carefully not to leave proof of what he had done, Peter opened his bag again and pulled out wet wipes and a plastic bag. He cleaned up all the slick that had leaked out and sealed the plastic bag after he had put the wipes and the towel inside. Now the only smell of his arousal was coming from him, faint enough that no one could suspect he did it on purpose, but strong enough for an Alpha to notice.
JARVIS’ voice interrupted his thoughts, announcing that the palladium had reached the melting point and Peter decanted it into the test tube, careful not to spill a drop. Everything was done and all Peter had left to do was wait. When he heard footsteps on the hallway, the Omega bent over the workbench, seemingly invested into his own notes while he presented his ass for his Alpha’s view. Let the game begin.
 Tony’s steps were heavy on the floor, a sign of his exhaustion, and Peter’s guts clenched in anticipation as he waited for the Alpha to notice him. He scribbled in his notebook; equations that looked difficult but were actually meaningless. Everything to appear busy.
“Peter.” Tony was only saying his name, but his voice was so full of suppressed emotions that it trembled a little. The Omega looked over his shoulder, seeing the Alpha standing behind him, his gaze glued to Peter’s barely covered ass. Desire was so clearly written on his face that Peter smiled in victory. He kept staring at the billionaire until Tony’s gaze wandered slowly up. He looked guilty.
“I’m sorry, that was inappropriate.” Tony still tried to hold himself back, but it got harder and harder the more effort Peter put into seducing him.
Deciding to step up his game even further, Peter propped himself onto his forearms, arching his back into the perfect curve. His expression changed, still innocent, but his eyes became darker, hungrier. He was sick of dancing around the billionaire by now. It was time to make a move.
Tony stepped to the workbench to take a look at the vibranium, but he made sure to keep an appropriate distance between them. Peter couldn’t tolerate this. He shuffled closer, masking his attempts by grabbing a pencil.
The moment Tony got a whiff of his scent was clearly visible. Peter could see his nostrils flare, his hands clenched to fists. Omega arousal took over the billionaire’s mind, his instinct screaming at him to take Peter, to mate and breed him. Tony’s morals crumbled, a fight between what was right and what he wanted, completely unaware that Peter controlled his inner turmoil.
“Are you okay, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked oblivious as he turned around, laying his hand on the billionaire’s biceps while his face was twisted in concern.
“I-I’m o-okay,” the Alpha was stuttering, so unlike the strong man he usually was, and in this moment, Peter realized, Tony was utterly at his mercy. The thought was heady, a surge of arousal rushing through his body and he felt new slick dripping out of him, wetting the panties he had carefully picked out.
The new smell broke the last resolve of the genius. With a roar, he grabbed Peter’s hip, pulling him close to his body until he could bury the nose against Peter’s neck, nipping on the mating glands where his scent was coming from. Peter shivered. He had wanted this for years, his Alpha crazy for him, losing his control for him and he took as much of Tony’s domination as he could get.
But as abruptly as the billionaire had snapped, as abruptly he pulled back as well. “I’m so sorry.” Horror was spread on his face, fear that he had taken advantage of the Omega that was too innocent to want this, too pure. Now it was Peter’s time to change his mind.
“Shh,” Peter calmed the Alpha down, placing his hand gently on the billionaire’s chest. “I want it, too. Just let go of the doubts. Let me take care of you, Alpha.”
The words were like magic and Tony relaxed in a heartbeat, allowing Peter to push him towards the couch in the back of the lab. He was mainly driven by instincts now, the scent of Peter’s slick enough to drive him crazy, and the Omega fully intended to use it.
Peter pressed the Alpha in the cushions and Tony spread his legs automatically, giving the Omega space between. It was too easy, and Peter settled between Tony’s legs, kneeling on the carpet in front of him. As much as he liked the game he was playing, his body still forced him to submit to his Alpha, to care for him, so he opened the zipper and pulled out the billionaire’s cock. There was no protest.
Tony was magnificent. He was big, even for Alpha standards, his cock angrily red and already leaking drops of pre-come. Peter’s mouth watered, he wanted to suck it, bounce on it and worship it, but even though the urge was overwhelming, he took his time to appreciate the view. This was his goal, the moment he had worked towards his entire life, and he would make it special. It only takes a blowjob to fall in love, and Tony Stark was already on the verge of falling for him.
Peter watched the Alpha closely when he tentatively touched the hot flesh for the first time. Tony dug his fingernails into the sofa, his entire body tensing with anticipation. He was gorgeous, a picture of barely restrained strength, someone who could protect Peter, who would kill for him. The reaction was fascinating. As strong as Alphas always seems to be, one Omega was enough to take them down.
His fingers danced over Tony’s cock, caressing him slightly without giving him enough friction to be satisfied. Peter needed him desperately to lose his control, until he would fuck Peter’s mouth and dominate him exactly how the Omega longed for. The thought made him feel powerful, the rush of influencing such a dominant Alpha was fueled his arousal.
Peter’s insides clenched in anticipation when Tony growled frustrated for the first time. “Suck me, Omega.” The Alpha’s voice was deep and firm, his morals crumbling with the need to claim, to dominate.
When Peter’s lips touched Tony’s cock for the first time, the Alpha moaned. He hadn’t even taken him in his mouth, just a slight caress of lips up and down, leaving traces on the thick vein that was pulsing with arousal. Pleasuring the Alpha was everything Peter had ever dreamed of. The smell was musky and addictive, clouding his mind and making him forget his plan. Peter whimpered, his lips still attached to the other man and he caught as much of the scent as possible. He felt calm between the Alpha’s legs, his body and mind in sync. 
It could only be described as a tease, Peter’s lips sucking and stroking him, coating him with salvia and making him shine. The anticipation built and built, Tony was barely holding himself back, his knuckles white from the attempts to keep his control, but Peter was on the verge of losing it himself. The billionaire’s cock was beautiful, every Omega’s dream and he had worked for this since he could remember. There was no way he could wait for even a second longer, driven by the need to be closer.
The moment Peter’s lips parted to engulf the billionaire’s cock, Tony lost it. He reached out, tangled his hands in the Omega’s hair, and forced him down, forced him to swallow the entire length without a break. Peter’s eyes rolled back. He loved the thought that he had riled Tony up enough to make him lose control, he loved the thick weight on his tongue and the huge tip prying open his throat. A moan rumbled through his chest, the vibrations turning on the billionaire even more. 
It was clearly Tony’s breaking point. “That’s it, Omega. Open up.” His voice was dark and gravely, demanding Peter’s obedience and ordering him however he pleased. “Let me in. You don’t know what a tease you are, staring at me with those innocent eyes, dressed in the shortest clothes you could find. Did you do this on purpose?”
Peter shook his head as much as possible, not willing to pull back even an inch. He bobbed his head, tears running down his cheeks while his throat clenched around the billionaire’s length. The cock in his mouth felt like a reward.
“God, so innocent, even with your mouth completely stuffed. Do you know that every Alpha is staring at you? They all want you, want to fuck you, but here you are, between my legs. I think that makes you mine, doesn’t it, sweetheart?”
The words were the last straw, everything he had ever wanted. He would have smirked if his mouth hadn’t been stuffed with the billionaire’s cock. He knew all the Alphas were staring at him, knew they wanted him exactly how Tony had him right now, but he had decided Tony Stark was the only one he wanted and he would do anything to keep him close. 
All the skills he had learned through training with a piece of plastic at home were finally useful and Peter took a deep breath before he started to fuck his throat on the billionaire’s cock. It was wet and messy, drool ran down Peter’s chin, mixing with his tears. He gagged around Tony’s length, savored every little noise the Alpha made. It was proof that he was doing it right and he wasn’t even sure anymore if the wetness in his pants was due to the accomplishment of his goal or the way his Alpha lost control. 
Tony wasn’t passive anymore. He fixated Peter’s face, one hand grabbing his chin while the other one was wrapped around his neck, and then he started to thrust. Peter’s eyes fell close in pleasure and he couldn’t hold back anymore, forced to take every inch however his Alpha wanted him to. His fingers wandered between his legs, pulling the fabric of his shorts and his panties to one side, and giving him room to sink one finger in his hole. The whimper he let out couldn’t even be muffled by the thick cock in his mouth.
“God, you’re needy, aren’t you?” Peter could only nod. “A cock in your mouth is making you so horny that you have to fill up your hole yourself? Are you a slut, baby? Tell me, how many Alpha’s have knotted you already?”
The billionaire pulled on Peter’s hair, his cock leaving the wet heat with a plop. Peter felt debauched, kneeling between Tony’s parted legs while drool was running down his chin. He whimpered, his mouth felt empty, hell, even his hole felt empty, but his Alpha needed him to answer a question. 
“No one, Alpha.”
The longing Peter had seen in Tony’s eyes couldn’t be compared to the hunger he was faced with now. “Are you a virgin?”
A bashful smile, a bat of his eyes, and a soft “yes” where enough to coax out the darkest side of Alpha instinct. Not even a second later, Peter’s mouth was stuffed again, and Tony went even deeper with every thrust, taking his throat like an animal. The Omega knew the rough behavior was caused by his teasing and the thought made him preen. His Alpha was losing it for him.
“Such a good Omega,” Tony growled while he was entering Peter’s throat again and again. “Still untouched for me, such a rare treat, such a treasure. I’ve planned to fuck you over the workbench, but we can’t do this now since your first time should be in a bed.” Peter whimpered in protest, he wanted to be filled, he wanted his first time with Tony, but when his Alpha insisted on waiting, the Omega could be content with this for now.
 Tony picked up his thrusts, his hand still holding Peter’s chin in a tight grip. Peter looked him in the eyes, the arousal clearly written all over his face. His mind was blank, shut down so he could just take his Alpha’s cock and he couldn’t even concentrate on the finger in his own hole. 
The closer Tony got to the edge, the louder he became. Obscene words left his mouth, urging Peter to take him deeper, to take him faster. His thighs shook and his cock became even harder until he finally came with a shout. 
Bitter cum was flooding Peter’s mouth and he moaned in pleasure. The taste was heavy, masculine, and although it was the first time the Omega had tasted it, he was already addicted. He made sure to swallow every drop, using his tongue to coax surge after surge out of the Alpha. It was so much more than Peter had ever released, a potent fluid, made to breed. 
Tony twitched in his mouth and Peter sucked him until he was empty, cleaning every inch before he pulled back with a plop. Sitting between the billionaire’s feet was amazing itself, but knowing he was the reason Tony had lost control was even better. Peter smiled dopily at his Alpha, content, although he hadn’t even come himself. 
The first thing Tony did when he got the control of his body back was pulling Peter in his lap. “Such a good Omega, so perfect for me.” His hand wandered down on Peter’s back until he touched his ass, kneading the globes and coaxing a moan out of Peter. The Omega hadn’t been focused on his own arousal, too caught up in fulfilling the urge to pleasure his Alpha, but now that Tony was already done, his own needs came back. 
Suddenly, Peter noticed the slick that drenched his shorts and thighs. He couldn’t remember ever being so wet before and he moaned obscenely when Tony pulled his panties aside to tease his entrance. New slick was dripping out of him, his body was preparing itself for an Alpha’s cock.
“So wet for me, Omega,” Tony cooed and pressed his first finger in the tight heat. Peter cried. He had never felt so good before, never had something else but his own fingers or plastic toys inside of him, but finally his Alpha would take care of his pleasure. The feelings were too much, and Peter knew he couldn’t drag this out, too riled up from the first cock in his mouth. 
Tony was barely moving his finger, only little thrusts that didn’t even require him to pull out more than an inch, but it was still enough for Peter to rush towards the edge. He was bouncing on his Alpha’s finger, taking everything Tony was giving him and wordlessly pleaded for more. The billionaire hit his sweet spot every time, so much more experienced than Peter and as soon as the second finger entered him, the Omega was lost.
His orgasm was overwhelming. It started with a buzzing in his stomach, growing larger and larger until it exploded, leaving him shaking and screaming in Tony’s lap. Wave after wave made him squirm, wetness gushing out of him, ruining the billionaire’s pants. He had never felt anything like this before. Here he was, his Alpha finally where he wanted him and while his mind was shattering under the sensations, Peter knew he had reached his goal. 
He came down slowly, nuzzled against the billionaire’s chest with strong arms that kept him upright. His Alpha pressed light kisses against his temples, told him how beautiful he was, how precious and obedient. Tony even apologized for being so rough, for taking his throat mercilessly during his first time. Peter smiled, too tired to protest while he enjoyed his Alpha’s content scent. 
This was what he had wanted, Tony Stark by his side, losing control in bed, but pampering him after. Saving himself had been worth it, all the struggle and all the work had been worth it because when Tony whispered in his ear that Peter was it, the Omega knew. 
He did it, he won. Tony Stark was his. Peter had caught him in his web. 
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In A Name: 4 - J. Toews
Chapter 4
Where we left off: Bekah joined the Lady Jackets with Brynn in Chicago and didn’t tell Jon but he found out.  After the game, he wrapped his arm around her at the arena to head back home making Bekah question things.
Warnings: smut, language
Word Count: 3,468
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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Brynn had nothing but questions from the time Bekah returned to the hotel the next morning until the two hit her couch the following weekend after Chicago. Why didn’t Bekah tell her? Why would she not call them dating? How often does he text? Is he good in bed? Most of the questions were met with an I don’t know or I’m not telling you. Bekah was a slightly open book with her best friend but telling her how Jon makes her melt into a puddle wasn’t something she wanted to devolve.
April hit and Jon’s texts became less frequent. The Blackhawks made the playoffs and Bekah found herself most evenings in her apartment watching the game. Wondering if this was the round they would get knocked out. She would text Brynn asking for clarification on a hockey related thing. A day after beating the Ducks in 7 games Bekah looks down to see Jon’s name flashing on her phone.
“Hey Beks.” She can tell he’s laying down and there is a strain in his voice.
“Hey Tae?” Bekah’s questioning reply was noticed. “Congrats on making the cup finals again!”
“Thanks. I was thinking...”. He paused and cleared his throat. “Could you come? I don’t know, maybe starting the June 13th? We will be either be playing game 6 or we will be out. If it goes to 7 games you have the choice of coming to Tampa with me or hanging out at my place?” There was a silence on the line. Jon waited. “Beks?”
“Uh, I was just thinking. Sorry. Yeah, that should be fine. It’s a little short notice for work but I’ll see what I can do.” Bekah started pacing her apartment.
“Awesome. I know I could have just texted you but I wanted to hear your voice it’s been sooo long.” Jon’s voice staggers.
“Oh? I’ve heard your voice a few times during interviews.” This makes Jon laugh.
“I’ll set up your flight and everything as soon as you tell me if you can get me off...I mean get off work...fuck...me. I’m just gonna stop talking.” He cusses to himself.
“The whole no sex during playoffs really messing with you huh?” Bekah bites her knuckle to hold back the laughter.
“Well it’s been a little longer than playoffs so yeah...you could say it’s messing with me a bit. I just keep thinking of you. Speaking of, if it goes to game 6 and 7 you will be staying in a guest room. Sleeping next to you would probably make me explode.” The admission made Bekah’s entire body jolt. They quickly said their goodbyes and she typed out an email requesting off for the week.
Bekah flew in the morning of the 12th. Jon explained that they would be passing ships essentially but wanted to make sure she was set up before he left for the game in Tampa. Jon told her a driver would be picking her up and when she saw Beks scribbled on a piece of paper and Jon’s face emerging from under the Cubs hat she jumped and picked up the pace to him stopping just short of running into his arms. “Can I touch you or no?” She jokes.
“C’mere.” Jon pulls Bekah in and kisses her. Her hand immediately grabs at his beard.
“What barn are you raising tonight, Tae?” Jon chuckles as the two walk to grab Bekah’s bags. “Seriously, I thought it was just the bad rink lighting from my television.”
“My genetics hates the no shave protocols what can I say.” Jon kisses her on the top of her hair. “I’ve missed you, Beks.” He breathes in.
“Same, now let’s get me back to your place so you can kick some Tampa ass.”
Jon left a ridiculously detailed note about how to operate everything in his home. The number for the team manager if he didn’t answer and his house cleaning service just in case. Bekah roamed the halls of the giant townhouse. Taking in the things she didn’t notice before or he added and she didn’t know. She felt tiny in his massive kitchen but realized it was perfect for him in the many conversations about cooking they had. She finally wandered into the room he mapped out as the guest room she would use. Laying on the bed she sees a box. Jon’s scribble on a card laying on top.
You don’t have to wear this but it will look better than the last sweater I saw on you. Always, Tae
Bekah pries open the box to reveal a Blackhawks home jersey. Pulling it out of the box she notices the C on the chest. Flipping it around, Bekah fingers graze over the letters in Toews embroidered across the top. Of course he got her his jersey and not just a blank one. She slipped it on over her tshirt and snapped a pic in the mirror. Typing out a how does this look message she tossed her phone on the bed not expecting the quick response.
Jon: holy fuck Beks. I’ve never seen anyone look so hot with my name on their back.
Bekah: I’m sure 🙄
Jon: I’m adjusting myself right now because that’s how turned on I am. I’ll send proof
Bekah: I believe you. Good luck tomorrow. I’m gonna snoop through all your stuff and then head to bed.
Jon: Knock yourself out! Nothing to hide. I’m gonna take a very very cold shower.
The next night Bekah curled up on the sofa to watch game 5. Win they would come back only needing one more game to win...lose they would hope to go into game 7. Bekah kept falling asleep but the phone call in period 3 woke her.
“Derek thinks you are gonna see them take the cup at home.” Brynn’s voice vibrates in Bekah’s ear.
“Oh?” Bekah rubs her eyes and realizes the Blackhawks just scored with a few minutes left.
“He’s very jealous. Actually stewing about it if I were to go that far.” Brynn giggles.
“I guess I should wear this jersey then?” Bekah yanks on the Blackhawks emblem.
“He got you a jersey? Please tell me it’s his!”
“Yes Rin, it’s his. Not his his because I’m sure that would be swimming on me his sweatshirts do and pads don’t go under them.”
“Friend, I don’t know what you two call whatever this is but men who are just using women for sex aren’t letting them stay in their mansions without them, borrow their sweatshirts, and wrapping their chiseled arms around someone in public they consider their fuck buddy.” Brynn huffed out. Bekah could feel that she’d been keeping that in for awhile. She heard a beep and pulled the phone to see.
“Oh, shit he’s calling.”
“And they definitely don’t call them as soon as they get off the damn ice. Love ya!” With that Brynn hangs up and Bekah answers Jon’s call.
“You won Tae!” She breathe out not realizing she was holding it taking in all what Brynn was saying.
“We did! And we were suppose to fly back tomorrow morning but something got messed up with the hotel and we are heading to the plane. I just didn’t want to freak you out when I came in super late.”
“Oh, cool. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll see you for breakfast then.”
“Bye Beks.” She hung up and headed upstairs.
The slight kiss on her forehead the next morning was the next thing she remembered. “Sleep well?” Jon was dressed in his team issued sweats.
“Good morning!” Bekah answers quietly. “Your guest bed is pretty comfy I might not move.”
“I made breakfast and then I gotta get to the rink.” Jon’s voice sounded deeper to Bekah.
“Oh! Oh!” She rubs her eyes taking in the playoff beard. “Sorry. I forgot about the beard. When does that come off?” She ran her finger down the hard line between his soft cheek and coarse beard.
“When we win it all...or lose but I’m hoping we can win the cup here for once. For the fans.” Jon stands up.
The two make their way up to the rooftop where Jon has bacon, toast, fruit, some drink concoction that is clearly meant for him and coffee for Bekah.
“You don’t eat bread.” She pulls the mug to her lips then sips.
“I don’t but you do. So I made sure to have some for this week.”
“Thanks.” The two fall into easy conversation before he leaves for practice.
Bekah wandered her way down to campus while he was gone and took in the changes in the years since she graduated. She saw Blackhawks gear everywhere. She wondered if she just never noticed or because they were playing for the cup the next day was the reason for the abundance of sightings. She realizes how many times she could have seen Jon play before she graduated. Her best friend, only college friend, was an avid hockey fan from Minnesota. She would try to convince Bekah to go with her all the time. Chances of them meeting back then we’re slim and Bekah was sure as she walked back into his home that there was no way he would have ever noticed her if they had.
Dinner that evening was on the rooftop too. The views were amazing especially at night.
“You okay?” Bekah took in Jon’s demeanor and if that didn’t give away that something was bothering him the clicking of his foot on his chair was hard to ignore.
“Maybe a little nervous about tomorrow. Maybe a little horny. Maybe...I don’t know.”
“Maybe what Jon?” Bekah pulls her knees up into her chest while she waits Jon out.
“You are sitting in the family section.” Bekah gulps but nods. “It was the only seats I could get.”
“Ok...wait seats?” Bekah raises her voice accidentally.
“Yeah,” Jon nervously rubs his neck. “My parents are here and you are sitting behind them.”
“Please say something else.” Jon squints.
“Fuck. Um. Yeah. That’s...fine. Have you told them about me? I mean why would you...but...fuck. Me in your jersey will look fantastic. Maybe I shouldn’t wear it. Hi, I’m Rebekah Pierce. I’ll be the one releasing your son of all his built up tension tonight if they win...nice to meet you.”
Jon start choking on the bite he just placed in his mouth and keeps coughing. “Shit! Babe!” Bekah rounds the table and pats him hard on the back. He finally stops and turns to pull her into his lap. “You cannot die tonight I would like to see you win this cup thing!” Jon smiles and kisses Bekah. “Oh Captain. That’s against the rules.” Bekah eyes down to where she can feel Jon hard as a rock.
“I’m fine. I’ll just take another ice bath. I’ve come accustom to them lately.” This makes Bekah giggle. “And my parents know I have someone here which is why they are not. They don’t know what we are because let’s be real...we don’t know. And please don’t talk about releasing anything to them. Fuck. I would like to pretend that my mother still thinks at 26 I’m saving myself.”
“Say what?” Bekah bats her eyes processing.
“They will be polite and I’m sure won’t ask too many questions.” Jon kisses her and she feels him jolt below her.
“I’m gonna get up now. I will not be to blame for a loss of anything.” Bekah kisses his forehead and starts to clear the table.
She felt her palms dripping with more and more sweat with each person being escorted to her section. Finally a Toews jersey on a lady that could easily be his mother comes into Bekah’s view followed by several others. Before Bekah can say anything the woman leading the group smiles at her. “You must be Beks.” Her arms come up to hug Bekah.
“Rebekah. Pierce. Yes. Nice to meet you Mrs. Toews.”
“Well...bonus points for the pronunciation.” Jon’s brother, David, laughs out. They made their introductions and sat down for warm ups. Jon skated a few time past them. Andrée turned around talking to Bekah more than paying attention to the ice. Bekah wondered if games ever got old for her. How many games has she gone to in his lifetime?
“I know a little about you. Just not super into hockey. You work in marketing in Columbus. Oh, and you keep my son on his toes. Which is what he needs.” She pats Bekah’s knee as she feels the heat in her face. Jon telling his mom about her added another layer to this whole thing. Thankfully the game started and the attention was drawn away from her and onto him. Bekah was on the edge of her seat. When the horn sounded and the Blackhawks won the stadium exploded. Without even realizing it Andrée had Bekah’s hand dragging her with the rest of the families to the ice.
Bekah leans into Andrée who is beaming since they left their seats. “I don’t belong here.” Bekah admits looking at the families waiting for the team.
“He said you would say that which is why I was told to drag you to the ice with me. He clearly knows you well.” She winked and then there he was. A hot smelly mess with a look on his face that made Bekah forget that she felt out of place. Andrée embraced her son pulling on the beard telling him it looked better every year. The rest of the family gave their hugs of congratulations and the Jon turns to Bekah.
His eyes soften as he pulled her in for a hug. Bekah feels his sweaty lips at her hairline and she laid her head on his chest. “I’m glad you didn’t fight my mom about this.” Bekah looks up and wraps her arms around his neck and he picks her up. “A little more celebrating here then home m’kay?” Jon kisses her temple then skates off to finish the victory celebration and interviews.
Jon busted through his Lincoln Park door with Bekah wrapped around his waist. The high from the Stanley Cup win adding to the need for each other. “Do you wanna head up?” Bekah tried to catch her breath as Jon unlatched her bra from under the jersey.
“Maybe later.” Jon eyes the couch and places Bekah down slowly. She goes take off the jersey and he stops her. “Keep that on. I’ve been dreaming about you in that for days.” Jon licks his lips and sucks his breath in hard.
“Oh. Okay Captain.” Bekah pulls her lip in between her teeth while she pulls off her pants and panties. Jon quickly removes his suit. “If ya want to bend me over the couch I’m already ridiculously wet.” Bekah stands on her tiptoes and presses her lips into Jon’s. The slew of French and English curse words mixed with grunts sent an unknown energy radiating through her body. Jon didn’t answer but spun Bekah around and she bent over the back of the couch. He tapped her inner thigh then moves the tail of her jersey up her back. Bekah looked up at Jon just as he slammed into her rocking both their bodies and the couch forward.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
“I’m not.” Bekah barked out feeling the familiar stretch of Jon’s length against her walls.
“I’m not gonna last long but I’ll make up for it.” Jon states before leaning over and hooking his finger onto Bekah’s clit.
“Jon. Fuck.” Bekah cried out feeling her orgasm flood her body and then his pulsating deep inside her. His tired body pulls hers up to his chest.
“Sorry for what?” Bekah turns around and leans against the couch.
“For the quickie. Not exactly my style. But damnit if you aren’t hot as hell in that sweater.” Jon traces her lips with his finger.
“Well, we have all week, right? I wasn’t expecting a marathon anyway plus watching you holding that cup up in the air was orgasm worthy.”
“Damnit Beks. You do things to me.” He dips down to kiss her lips.
“Now about this beard? Can we?” Bekah uses her fingers to illustrate cutting it off.
“Yes, let’s head upstairs.” Before she can move Jon hoists her over his shoulder and heads to his master bath. He places her gently on the sink’s countertop.
“I have legs damnit and I’m not a trophy.” Jon laughs and kisses her. “Plus how do you still have all that strength?”
“Adrenaline Beks. And you are better than any trophy.” Jon got the razor set, bowl of warm water, and towels out. He reaches for the razor and Bekah’s hand stops him.
“Do you trust me?” She pulls the razor from between his fingers and places it down. He just nods then stands between her legs. Bekah begins with the badger hair brush and cream. Lathering up his already damp beard. Jon’s eyes flash from her to the reflection in the mirror back to her. Using her thumbs she rubs down the bottom of his jawline causing a grunt to rumble deep in his chest. Finally grabbing the razor she whispers...”you trust me right?”
“Yes Beks. With everything.” His admission brought down the first stroke from the razor. She worked methodically down his face and then focused on his jawline making sure not to cut him. Jon groaned with every swipe of her thumb as she checks her work. Finally Bekah reaches for the warm, wet towel and gently wipes off the remaining cream and hair. Jon’s fresh clean face exposed. Bekah leans over to pull the moisturizing cream out from the tub but Jon catches her face and pulls her into his lips.
“That was so fucking sexy.” Jon whispers into her lips.
“Can I finish?” Bekah pulls away and runs the moisturizer down Jon’s face and neck and finally his shoulders. She feels him shutter under her grip. “Now I’m done.” She looked over her work then Jon captures her lips in his again. “I just realized you should be out partying with your teammates.” Bekah pulls away and places her hand on his chest to keep them apart. Jon shrugs. “You should go! The entire city is excited...I’m sure you won’t pay for a single drink Tae.” Jon’s strength over powers her and has Bekah’s body presssd tightly to his chest.
“Nah. I like this celebration better. The partying is more for the young guys and the ones who haven’t won it yet.” Jon’s muscles tighten around Bekah.
“Jon.” She squeaks out his name in protest.
“Beks, I have three cups now, two gold medals, and a world championship. I have partied plenty in my day with the winnings of each of them and I’m only 27. I just want to crawl into bed. Properly give you an orgasm and then do it again in the morning.”
“Damn.” Bekah whispers more for herself in realization that Jon wasn’t just a pro hockey player but would one day be in the hall of fame. Her face caught on fire when she realized that after winning the cup all he wanted to do is celebrate with her.
“You gotta talk to me Bekah.” Jon’s voice finally broke through her thought process. “Babe!” He swipes gently at the strands of hair that have fallen to her face. “Beks, talk to me.” Panic dripping from his voice.
“You called me Bekah.” She finally blurted out.
“And, it IS your name?”
“Yeah but you only ever call me Beks. Even your mother called me it which is conversation in itself later...but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call me Bekah before.” This makes Jon smile.
“I just gave you the expansive run down of my hockey winnings that had earned me a spot in the Triple Gold Club...and you focus on the nickname I use!” Jon laughs hard and stares deep into Bekah’s eyes.
“Triple Gold Club, what the...what is that?”
“Youngest member too but that’s not what we are talking about.” Jon runs his thumb tightly along Bekah’s jaw line then over her lips she pulls it in and sucks hard. “Fuck Beks... I’m already hard.” She looks down between their bodies to see for herself.
“I just don’t want to be the reason you are not celebrating with your team and fans Tae.” She slides her finger from his collarbone bone down his abs.
“There is exit interviews and a giant ass parade. Plus I prefer my day with the cup over most of the public celebrations.” Bekah hummed taking in this information. “Can we take this to the bed now?” With that Bekah nodded and Jon carried her to his bed.
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charspnp · 4 years
since we were kids
「 takami keigo x g/n! reader 」
warnings: slight angst with happy ending
your ring burned on your skin, the bright pink shining proudly as you got into position. you and your partner, hawks, were trying to get people out of a burning building. you were left to fight as hawks glee up and got people out.
"is that all you got?" you yelled at the villain.
his hands sparked before producing more flames, throwing them at you. you activated your quirk, trapping the flames in bubbles, then popping them, putting out the flames.
he laughed coldly, he was slowly losing and he realized he wasn't gonna win. a large crimson wing appeared behind your back almost protectively as your long time best friend appeared beside you. you flashed him a smile and he returned the favor before you both turned back to the fire criminal.
his eyes widened and his hands started shaking, throwing more fire at you two, the amount becoming less and less. hawks distracted him and got up close as you went behind him and trapped him in a large bubble, immediately subduing him.
hawks laughed and you two high-fived, capturing a criminal once again. firefighters successfully put out the fire and cops came to get the villain. the people who were previously in the fire thanked the both of you.
this is why you became a hero- seeing so many smiling faces, thanking you for something you could do so easily (only beside hawks, though. you'd never admit he made your fighting capabilities better due to his already huge ego).
before any interviewers could get close, hawks grabbed you and flew up. you yelped a little, still somehow not used to randomly getting picked up by him dispite knowing him all your life. he chuckled and held onto you tighter.
your hands rested on his arms that were around your waist and he put his chin on your shoulder. though always unexpected, you did love flying with hawks. it's always so calming and nice.
soon enough, the sun had started to set, which means that hawks had to land soon. he hated flying at night with you because he was afraid something and would happen. eventually, he got to your house and landed on the veranda outside of your bedroom. he set you down and you quickly turned to face him and threw your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close and squeezing him. he hesitated for a second, shocked, before wrapping his arms back around you, holding you. he looked down at his right hand, the bright pink color of his ring shining through his black glove, taunting him. he hated how he met his soulmate yet doesn't know who they are. he thinks about it constantly and who it might be, the thought always in the back of his mind.
you inhaled before letting him go, a goofy smile covering your face. hawks couldn't help but smile back at you. god, are you pretty. a faded pink rose on his cheeks, only getting deeper the longer he looked at you. after about a minute of just looking at each other, you pulled away, heart almost beating out of your chest and you hoped to god he couldn't hear it.
"so, uh... i'll.. get going now," you whispered, not being able to speak any louder.
"y-yeah. i-i had fun today. y'know, defeating the villain and all."
"me too.."
before you got entranced by his face again, you quickly turned around and opened your door, entering your bedroom.
"i'll see you tomorrow, kei."
"yeah! see ya!" he felt suddenly excited as you used his real name- a rare occurrence even after so many years of knowing each other.
"g'night, dove."
you closed the door and the curtain followed, enclosing you in darkness. you sighed, your heart hurting. why does he have to be so perfect?
you took a deep breath and changed out if your hero costume and into your pj's. you overdramatically threw yourself into your bed before actually settling in. you stared up at the ceiling, the only light in the room coming from your shining ring.
you lifted up your right hand and touched the ring, the material being unmovable. it just glowed at you mockingly.
"who are you?" you whispered to yourself.
your ring had been pink for as long as you could remember. see, almost everyone gets a ring on their right ring finger. if the ring doesn't appear by the age 20, you're deemed to not have a soulmate. yours appeared at age 6, only being pink as you grew up. the color of the ring depends on how your soulmate feels. for example, the ring will turn red if they're angry, green if they're happy, blue if they're sad, etc. it turns pink when you meet your soulmate and black when they die.
that's why you're so confused. your ring had always been pink. you already met your soulmate. with your luck, it was probably someone who had held the door for you or picked something of yours up when you dropped it, then disappeared never to be seen again. you probably already lost your chance to meet them and "fall in love" like all your friends have. every time someone asked you about your soulmate after seeing your ring, you just responded with the normal answer: "oh, i don't know who they are. it's been pink for as long as i can remember" and they always have you the same sympathetic smile and nod.
you sighed and let your hand fall back down on your stomach. you rolled over and closed your eyes as the day finally came down on you, sleep enveloping you.
you woke up in the middle of the night to your ring tone- it was chickens clucking, signifying that it was hawks calling you. you groaned and grabbed your phone off your nightstand, answering the call.
"what's up?" you asked, yawning.
"is this l/n y/n?" a female voice asked on the other line.
confused, you sat up, "yeah, who is this?"
"my name is jira tonori, im a nurse, and you're the only person on takami keigo's emergency contact list. im calling to inform you that he has been admitted into hosu general hospital."
"o-oh... um, i-i'm on my way." you responded, feeling awake all of a sudden.
"okay, see you soon."
you quickly hung up and jumped out of bed, not bothering to change (unless you have like,, no pants on-), putting on your shoes and running out of the house. you borderline sped to the hospital and ran out of your car to the entrance of the building.
you stopped at the front counter, getting a few weird looks from people in the waiting room, but you didn't care. your mind was flooded with what happened and what could happen.
out if breath, you quickly said, "i-i'm l/n y/n, here to see takami keigo."
the lady nodded and responded, "he's in room 23c."
you nodded and ran to the elevator, pressing the up button multiple times as your thoughts got worse. the door opened and you stepped into the surprisingly empty room, pressing the level 3 button. you ran your hands through your hair.
the door dinged and you once again ran down the hallway, the numbers of each room flying by until you got to 23. the door was already opened and you heard talking coming from inside. you jogged through the doorframe, your eyes locking on hawks' and you flung yourself toward him, ready to take him into a hug before you saw the bandage wrapped around his torso, some of it being spotted with red, and you stopped in front of his bed.
his heart swelled at the sight of you and you using his real name. his chest was filled with a strange warmth he only felt around you. you put your hands on his arm and looked at him, searching for something- what you were looking for was lost to him.
the nurse beside him spoke up, "um, takami-san, i think you need to calm down a bit," she chuckled nervously.
you both looked at her, suddenly hearing his heart beat going a mile a minute. hawks blushed and looked away. you smiled a bit, as did the nurse.
she noticed your pink rings and made her way out of the room, saying, "i'll leave you two alone, but be careful."
an unusual silence filled the room. it was awkward and foreign, as one of you was always talking when you were together.
"what... what happened?" you asked quietly, looking at his face, which now had cuts on his lip and eyebrow, as well as a slight black eye. you'd also previously noticed how his left wing was bandaged and his right was weakly spread beside him.
"someone jumped me on my way home," he spoke, looking down, "they pulled at my wings and beat me up before i even knew what was happening. they even stabbed me a few times." that explains the bandage.
his voice sounded unusually tired and weak. he didn't bother to make eye contact with you, hating how weak he already looked in front of you.
you sighed, "are you okay, though? is it anything, like, deathly?"
he shook his head, "no. their biggest concern is me bleeding out, but that's very unlikely."
you nodded before looking back at his face. you looked from the dry blood on his forehead to the dirt on his chin. you reached out and cupped his cheek. he immediately leaned into your soft and warm palm, loving the feeling (he had to stop himself from cooing at the simple sign of affection).
"im so happy you're okay," you told him.
"me too. i'd hate the thought of you being without me, dove."
whether it was stroke at his ego or genuine concern, you smiled at the sentence. you wiped a stray price of blonde hair from his face and he almost audibly coo'd at the action. you giggled under your breath, knowing how much he enjoyed your touch.
"you should get some sleep. im sorry for having to wake you up in the middle of the night." he said to you.
"it's okay, pretty bird," he blushed at the name, "im really just happy you're not dead. but, you should get sleep, too. i can't imagine what this did to you."
he chuckled softly and his face almost instantly turned to pain as he groaned and put his hand over his stomach. you caught a glimpse of his rig as he did so. your breath got caught in your throat as you saw the color of his ring.
pink? he found his soulmate? why didn't he ever tell me?
though you knew him for so long, and saw him close to every day, he never allowed you to see his ring. you never knew why, but now you see. he knows his soulmate. you just wondered why he never told you. did he not trust you? did he n-
your thoughts were interrupted by him speaking, "yeah, so, uh, you should go home now, i guess. you still have to work tomorrow."
you tore your eyes away from his hand, "home? work? oh please, im staying here with you for as long as it takes."
he shook his head, "no, y/n, it's okay, really, y-"
this time you cut him off, "im staying here whether you like it or not, keigo."
he immediately shut up at your use of his given name. you turned and sat in the chair behind you. you settled into the small chair and hawks smiled at your cute form. he then turned his head to look up at the ceiling. the room once again had a silence, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as earlier. the only sounds heard was his steady heartbeat shown on the monitor by his side, and your soft breathing. he knew as soon as you got comfortable, you passed out. he followed soon after, his body weak and in need of energy.
you were woken up more violently as you had been previously to a sharp 'beeeeep!' and rushed voices and yells. you weren't able to make out what was happening before you were escorted out of the room.
as you stood in the hallway, someone closed the door, blocking you out from your childhood friend once again. things started registering and you had realized what was happening. hawks' heartbeat monitor had suddenly gone flat.
hawks died.
hawks died and you were sleeping.
millions of thought ran through your head yet again. you covered your mouth with your shaky hands and slid down the wall behind you. you right hand reached your face and you jerked it back, feeling how dangerously cold the material of the ring was.
it turned black. your soulmate died.
millions of more thoughts ran through your head. you could feel your heartbeat in your ears and everything started getting blurry and you felt dizzy and nauseated.
hawks is your soulmate? was your soulmate? holy shit, how have you not noticed? you'd known him since you were kids- since before your ring appeared on your hand.
he'd been there through everything. every heartbreak you had, every obsession you had, hell, he was even there when you almost fucking died in a car crash. and now he's the one dying.
you felt like you were gonna pass out. all you could hear was the loud beep of his heartbeat monitor and the voices of the doctors in the room of the man you'd known for so long- had a crush on for so long- was your fucking soulmate.
you heard a final "clear!" before a faded beeping reached your ears. everything was eerily silent beside that beeping. your ring felt like fire on your finger, a terrible (yet amazing) contrast on how it previously felt.
you looked at it, the rig now shining brighter than it ever had. it was pink. you laughed, tears you didn't know were there rolling down your cheeks. to any passerby, you probably looked crazy, but you never felt better.
hawks was alive.
the door opened and a doctor stood there, looking at you on the floor, weak as ever. you made eye contact and he moved out of the doorframe, allowing you to go in the room. and you did. you sprinted into the room and to hawks' side. he looked at you and you hastily leaned down to press your lips to his.
surprised and clueless as to what was happening, hawks took a second before kissing you back with almost as much passion as you. you cupped his cheeks and he held your wrists tight, not wanting to let go of you, afraid he would almost lose you again. your rings burned against your skin and you smiled into the kiss. his lips felt like heaven on yours, they were slightly chapped but you didn't care. you had waited so long for this, wishing for so long he was your soulmate. and now your wish had come true. you had everything you wanted.
requests: open, 4-30-20
2.5k words! i know i could've ended/just in general written this better but my head is empty- anyway, i have two fics in the works and one finished :)
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Saturday night fever
I'm currently with a fever, and since I couldn't sleep I thought I'd write a story about Harry taking care of the reader to pass the time.
I hope you enjoy!
Ps. The title is trash I know.
Warnings: some swear words.
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Y/N was pretty excited to see Harry after so long. Both had been caught up with work lately and he went on a business trip to discuss tour dates, TV interviews, and who knows! Perhaps even a new album.
Y/N was going to surprise Harry after picking him up from the airport. She bought his favorites snacks, would prepare his favorite dish for dinner, got the TV room ready to watch a RomCom, and she even shaved. You know...just in case.
It was morning, his flight would land by 7 PM, so Y/N had plenty of time to get the things she needed, go to work, and then bring him home. Or so she thought...
Her phone starts ringing while she was getting dressed for work, the screen lights up with the words "H ❤" and she answers.
Y/N: "Hi, baby! How's it going?"
Harry: "Hi, love. I'm alright. What about you?"
Y/N: "Oh, you know, pretty good. Been jumping up and down, cheering silently since I woke up *giggles* No biggie. What's up? Is your flight about to take off?"
Harry: "Actually, I have some bad news, button. They needed me here one more day, to see some business men down in San Diego. Label says it's important."
She stops putting on her shoes for a second. Then replies with a fake, slightly cheery voice.
Y/N: "Oh, I see!"
Harry: "I know. Good news is I'll leave tomorrow at the same time, same flight, and we'll see each other then, yeah?"
Y/N normally wouldn't get upset over something like this. She was understanding and would always assure him everything was okay. However, it's been a whole month of not seeing her boyfriend, and that could upset anyone, if you ask me.
Y/N: "Define good "
Harry: *he sighs* "Okay, maybe not the greatest of news I could deliver, but it's just one more day, love."
Y/N: "Oh yay, one more day. Woo hoo!" She said sarcastically.
Harry: "What's gotten into you? It's literally 24 more hours, Y/N."
Y/N: "Too many for my taste, Harry. But, hey! Thanks for trying to cheer me up. Didn't work."
Harry: "Y/N—"
Y/N: "You know what? I'm done talking to you. Have fun in all those meetings. Bye."
Harry: "Wait, bab—"
Y/N hangs up the phone before she got to hear the rest of his speech. And boy, was she upset. She tapped her fingers on the kitchen counter while taking deep breaths to calm herself down. She could only think about the nerve he had trying to see the bright side of this. Sometimes there was no brightside.
She couldn't get her mind off the following night. Plans ruined, they'd get home to a reheated dinner, and she'd have stubbly legs and private parts from almost 3 days of not shaving. Let's face it, she was too mad at him for that last part.
Finally, she snapped her head upwards and said "Fuck this", grabbed her car keys and headed for the door. Next thing you know, she was furiously tapping her phone screen, texting her friends to meet later at the pub.
Afternoon came along and after several failed attempts of Harry calling Y/N, aswell as texting her, she finally replied with "going out tonight" and a do not disturb emoji for an extra touch. That sure looked menacing. But Harry got that, and only replied with an "Okay, take care, yeah? Love you xx". A thumbs up would be the perfect reply, she thought. She hit Send.
At the pub, Y/N and her friends were ordering pint after pint, and then some questionable chili cheese fries since she'd gotten hungry. Needless to say it was a poor choice of snack.
Through the evening, she'd gotten a couple of texts from Harry asking if she was okay, and one around 5 am letting her know that he was going to the airport soon. She didn't reply to any of them, of course.
Fast forward to the next morning, Y/N woke up to the sunlight hitting her right in the face, as if he'd never shown his face in London before, the bastard, and with a thumping headache. Yup, this was going to be fun.
She had felt like crap the entire day. Didn't try to have breakfast 'cause she was too tired and nauseous, so she went back to sleep. At noon, she tried to have some tea and a sandwich but that only made her sick to her stomach, and ended up throwing it all up. It tasted like chili cheese fries and regrets. Emphasis on the regrets part.
At last, when the vomiting ceased, she washed it down with some mouthwash and grabbed her cup of tea to not dehydrate, then proceeded to try and get some sleep. Completely oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend was getting home that evening.
Harry's plane landed on time, but got worried after his girlfriend didn't reply to him all day that day, not even when he texted he'd landed safely. He got a private ride to get him back home, since she wasn't there to pick him up. Oh, he was in trouble, alright.
The ride parks outside their home, and Harry notices Y/N's car. "Thank god she's home!" He thinks to himself. He gets his suitcases, walks in only to find darkness. He turns on the lights and calls out for his girlfriend: "Y/N? You home?"
He walks upstairs and through their bedroom door only to find what he could only think was his girlfriend but in the form of a shivering ball. A trashcan on the floor, a cold cup of chamomile tea on the nightstand, and lots of baby wipes laid around the floor.
Harry gets closer to Y/N and sees her small face pale, sweating, and her whole body slightly shivering.
Harry: "Y/N? What happened, love?"
He touches her forehead and she's burning hot. God knows how long she's been with a fever. He'd like to think that's why she didn't reply to his texts earlier, not 'cause she was mad at him. One can dream.
Just then, she comes back to a semi conscious state and replies in a weak voice. Blinking slowly, barely opening her eyes.
Y/N: "Harry?"
Harry: "Yeah, button. The one and only."
Y/N: "Y-You-You're h-home" stuttering through her words.
Harry: "I am, and you're burning. Come on, let's check up on you. Did you take anything for the fever?"
Y/N: "No, I did-d-didn't know I had one, until n-now."
Harry: "That's alright, I'll take care of you, yeah?"
She could only reply with a soft and weak "okay". Then, Harry proceeded to take her temperature, 38.5 °C. No wonder why she was shivering. He left her side only to fetch her medicine and some water. Then, he continued to get a small bowl with ice water in it and a small towel. He also noticed she was sweating profusely, got her shirt all wet. He fetched fresh PJ's for her, wanting to replace the ones drenched in sweat.
Harry: "Can you sit up, love? I'll help you out of these in a second."
Y/N: "You trying to get in my p-pants, Styles?"
Harry: *smirks* "Me? Nah."
Y/N: "Go-Good. 'Cause I'm still m-mad at you."
Harry: "I'm very much aware of that, honey. Come on, arms up."
He changes her into a fresh t-shirt and discards the old one in the laundry basket.
Harry: "Good as new! Now, let's get that fever down. Here"
Harry gives her the tylenol they had in their first aid bag, she chugged it down with water, and then continued to put her on her back again.
Harry: "Alright, could you lay down for me, please? This cold towel will help you. There you go." He places the wet and cold towel on her forehead. He hears a big sigh coming out of her. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing slow. She shivered every now and then, grabbing her hand hopefully would make her feel better. And it did.
Harry only left her side to get more cold water for the towel, and to make her some chicken soup. Thank god he knows how to cook. When the soup is ready he wakes her up by kissing the back of her hand and playing softly with her hair.
Harry: "Hey, babe."
Y/N: "hm?"
Harry: "Hi there, love. Fancy some dinner? Made your favorite soup"
Y/N: *wide eyed* "of course!" She says in a raspy voice.
Harry: *giggles* "Okay, sit up for me please."
Y/N sits up and lays against the headboard. Then Harry places the tray they use for breakfast in bed, with the most delicious smelling plate of soup you could ever imagine. Lots of veggies and chopped chicken breasts. And the best part, it was made with love.
He'd pulled a chair next to their bed to sit beside her if she needed anything. She grabs her spoon and tries the soup out. The only thing coming from her lips are happy sounds. She really needed that.
Y/N: "It's delicious, as always. Maybe even better than the last time you made it"
Harry: "Proud to hear that. Gordon Ramsay who?"
They both laugh at his comment. Then, after a moment, Harry speaks.
Harry: "I'm sorry I canceled on you."
Y/N: "Oh, that's okay. Actually, I overreacted, too. I, I know how hard you work and how much you care for what you do. I just felt... overwhelmed. Cause I had the entire day planned out for us and then they make you stay one more day, and then-"
Harry: "I know, love." He takes her free hand on his own and squeezes it tight.
Y/N: *sighs* "What I mean is...I'm sorry, honey. For everything.
Harry: "Apology accepted. But you'll have to make it up to me for not answering my calls or texts earlier today. Had me very worried back there." He pinches her nose lightly between his thumb and index finger, making her blush.
Y/N: "Oh, shit. Right. Again, I'm sorry. How was your flight back, by the way? You must be so tired"
Harry: "Eh, it was alright. I'm used to them now. I just wanted to get home ASAP."
Y/N: "and now here you are stuck with a sick girl next to you."
Harry: "Yeah, how did I get so lucky?" *giggles*
Y/N: "Life can be funny like that sometimes, even if we're not laughing with it"
Harry: "True, but there's no other place I'd rather be."
They both smile at each other.
Harry: "So what did you do or eat to get this sick?"
Y/N: "Ugh. It was the beer and the cheese fries I had last night. Ew" She gets goosebumps from thinking about the goddamned fries.
Harry: *giggles* "Not the best of ideas, yeah?"
Y/N: "Not at all"
She finishes her soup, Harry puts the tray and plate aside, only to make her lay down again, change her cold towel one more time and go put on some PJ's and go around their bed to sleep next to her, it was already pretty late.
She tries to find his hand, grabs it and squeezes tight.
Y/N: "Thank you."
Harry: "For what?"
Y/N: "For checking up and taking care of me. Even if we were mad at each other"
Harry: "Hey, c'mere." Harry gets closer to Y/N and wraps his arm around her shoulder only to let her rest her head on his chest. She was still pretty cold anyway.
Harry: "I love you, I like taking care of you, hun. I know you'd do the same for me" he says with a smile. "except for the soup" *giggles*
Y/N: "Well, it's nice to see we agree on something"
They both laugh, say their I-love-you's and wish each other good night, slowly drifting to sleep.
The next Morning (reference is the gif above)
Harry grunts and feels a little too light for his taste. He opens his eyes only to see Y/N missing from her usual spot. He jumps from bed and starts calling out her name, looking for her in the bathroom and walk-in closet. His heart starts to slow down once she replies with a "Down here, in the kitchen!"
He finds Y/N making two cups of tea and toast.
Y/N: "Good morning, love!" She plants a quick kiss on his lips.
Harry: "Morning! Um, how are you feeling, button?"
Y/N: "Oh, a lot better than yesterday, for sure. Still a little light headed, but no biggie. Nothing a good breakfast can't fix.
Harry: "Here, let me help"
They chat over breakfast. They talk about the meetings he had, when he'd have to travel again and that she could accompany him this time.
After they're done with their meal, Harry urges Y/N to go back to bed.
Y/N: "Honey, I'm fine now. I'm sure a shower and then watching something on tv will be an even better cure.
Harry: "Oh no, you're not getting your way this time. Medicine, water and rest, doctor's orders, Y/N."
Y/N: "oh really? Who's gonna make me"
Harry: "That's it!" He jumps toward her and lifts her in his arms, carrying her upstairs
Y/N: "Oh my lord, HARRY! PUT ME DOWN!" She said laughing.
Harry: "I said you should rest and REST you will, woman!" He said in a very superhero like voice.
And all you could hear after that were giggles and laughter, and they knew they were okay.
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sp00kworm · 5 years
April Rain (Chapter 2)
Ch 1     Ch 3    
Pairing: All Might x Female Reader
Chapter Summary:  A call on the number in the card leads to an appointment with the number one hero and a very surprising discovery... or three?
The sunflowers were still alive when you were released from the hospital. They were imported from somewhere, you knew that much, and someone with some sort of plant friendly quirk had even made it so they would last longer. The bright yellow petals were fully unfurled now, and they shone happily on the window ledge in the spring sun. The hospital had discharged you with a broken arm, casted to keep it straight, and had signed off your shock before referring you to a therapist to talk about the events that occurred in the park. You’d yet to make an appointment but it was something to investigate when you felt up to it. Thinking about the events made your heart clench and your head swim with paranoia, even though you’d watched the news. You had watched All Might and the police put him away the next morning as you tried to eat your hospital breakfast. It was maybe a week since the event. The sunflowers gleaned in the window as you gently stirred yourself a tea and eased your bowl of porridge onto the breakfast bar. The tea steamed next to you as you stirred the hot breakfast.
 You were determined to not rely on friends with your arm. It was alright having them bring extra dinners, but you wanted to get back to work as soon as possible. There were more projects coming up but mainly, you really needed the money from the cafe. It was all well and good going to get paid for restoration in the city, but you had to work part time around that as well, or full time when projects were few and far between. It wasn’t often but you still had to pay bills. You enjoyed it really. It was a nice contrast to have in your life. You spooned breakfast into your mouth and flexed your fingers in the cast gently before flicking the TV on. The news rolled across the screen as you watched boredly, spooning hot oats and sipping cooling tea as you watched hero fights play. There was a scientist awarded a prize. A new antiviral drug was being pumped out thanks to some chemical quirks. All amazing stuff but it was boring entirely to your tired brain. That was until a familiar blond appeared as a headline.
 ‘All Might saves cruise ship from sinking!’
Just another day for the hero. Another headline and another interview. The man was recorded shooting off into the ship, returning numerous times with people in his arms and on his back before he was shown lifting the ship from the sea with the help of water-based heroes. They had the remaining passengers in rescue ships as he held the pieces together on the water. Amazing. A hero. You smiled at the screen as you chewed your breakfast, wondering what feats the hero would get up to today. There were rumours of a press conference, but you doubted it. All Might was too busy every day, right? Still, people wanted to see the greatest hero on their screens. He was new, fresh faced and seemingly unstoppable. It had been this way for a few years. You eyed the cat card nearby and reached for your phone, ignoring the cooling porridge on the side in favour of opening the contact information.
 All Might Agency.
 Your finger hovered over the call symbol. With a sip of tea you steeled yourself and picked up your smart phone, sliding the call button before placing the phone to your ear. The first ring made you jump. It rang for a while before the receiver was picked up.
“All Might Agency. How can I help?” It was a polite woman, though she was probably frazzled.
You took a breath, “Hello. I was just ringing to see if I could arrange something.” It was probably an incredibly bad way of wording it.
“Press must go through another line. Only people with personal appointment are allowed on this line.”
“I’m not the press...I just want to talk to him. He saved me. I’m the woman in the park.” You offered lamely as she clicked away on her computer.
The receptionist sighed, “Mister All Might's schedule is full at the moment, but…” A rambunctious laugh sounded in the office and you heard the poor woman sigh again down the receiver.
“JOAN, WHO IS THAT ON THE PHONE? SURELY YOU CAN ARRANGE A SMALL MEETING?” The lady sighed again with irritation evident in her tone.
“Sir, your schedule is full at the moment. It’s the civilian from the park. She wants to meet you-"
 The phone crackled as it was snatched, and a desk groaned as, you assumed, All Might leaned over Joan’s desk to peer at his own schedule.
 “Hello, again, Miss.” He spoke softer, kinder in his tone as he hummed, “I can make a space for you tomorrow at around three o’clock? It’s not ideal but I have patrols and so on.” It was almost business like.
“Sir! You can’t cancel a photoshoot to simply meet a fan!” Joan scoffed.
“It’s only for a shampoo. Tell them I have a clashing time with the chief.” He offered diplomatically.
You felt a little put out, your mouth working as you clutched at your phone, “I can make three. But uh...”
“Perfect!” He poked Joan to stencil in the new time over his shoot, “I’ll see you then...” He took a breath, “You’re not obliged to come and scrape on the floor, you know, before you think I want a huge thank you, it’s all in the job.” Was he twisting the phone wire?
“Uh.” You heard him laugh at your dumb answer.
“See you then, Miss.”
The line went dead with a scoffing noise from Joan, and you were left looking at your flowers with a dumbfounded look.
 You had a meeting with All Might? You had a meeting with All Might! Your face went red with the realisation of what had just happened. You’d talked to the rising star of a hero directly again and hadn’t said anything cohesive. With a deep sigh you looked at the news again before pushing around your breakfast in your bowl. It wasn’t like you could simply turn up and cry again. You needed to have something for him. He was probably used to gifts, and he said not to come and scrape at his feet, but you felt bad enough having taken so much from the man already. There had to be something that the man would like from you. Sweet treats maybe? You looked at the cast on your arm and to the electric beaters in the corner of the little kitchen. You could make him cookies. Peanut butter cookies? Protein in a sweet disguise? You hoped he would be able to have them as you flicked up the recipe online and pondered what you would have to try and heft back from the shops.
 Peanut butter cookies in a box, you stared up at the huge structure that was All Might's hero agency. The tower was tall and ultimately intimidating as you gazed at the revolving doors, stood in the shadow of the tower. With a deep breath, you held the tin of cookies closer and took careful steps towards the doors. An employee was kind enough to open the disabled electric door for you, making sure to keep it open for you in consideration of your broken arm. The receptionists were busy on the phone as you walked up to them. One raised her eyes and nodded, pointing to the phone holding up a finger as she promised to tend to you after she finished her phone call. It didn’t take her long to finish the call with a quick ‘thank you’ and turn her gaze back to you. She had some eye quirk, her bright black eyes looking at you, zooming before she smiled.
“Ah…I have a meeting with All Might at three o’clock?” You asked quietly as she was quick to start typing, her fingers lightning fast over her keys as she nodded.
“You need to take the main lift to the eleventh floor. His personal assistant will be stationed there. She can take you through. First of all, pass the tin to my colleague, it needs to be checked.” The woman quickly passed the tin to her assistant and pulled out a lanyard, attached with a pass and passed you a clipboard, “Fill in your name next to pass thirteen. You will need to return it as you leave.” She informed, chirpy as she left you a pen to fill in the paperwork. Her assistant crunched on a cookie and you filled in the clipboard with a worried glance.
 With your pass around your neck, and one cookie down, you followed the workflow towards the lifts and pressed the button for the eleventh floor, cookies clutched to your chest. A few employees moved out of the way of your arm, filtering from the lift with strange glances back at you as you continued up to the higher floors. It reached the tenth floor before asking for your pass with a robotic voice. The pass swipe area glowed with a red light until you tapped it to the system. The green light shone, and the lift pinged before continuing upwards to the eleventh floor. The eleventh floor was entirely floor to ceiling windows apart from the office in the back. It was boxed in, but you had the idea that the window inside it was also floor to ceiling. There was one desk before the office with a single lady sat at it. She sighed as you took a step into the unfamiliar setting, clutching at your cookie tin as she peered up over her glasses. A dark glance froze you solid, her dark eyes feeling like they were piercing through you.
“Are you here for All Might’s three o’clock appointment?” She clacked away on her keyboard, double tapping on the slot to notify the man that you were there.
“Yes…Uhm a-are you Joan?” You asked as she snapped together some paperwork and brought out a tablet, looking at it as she pointed manicured and painted nails at you.
“Yes. This way. You have a short slot, so you best make the most of it.” She fixed you with another pissed off look.
 You scampered after Joan without anymore delay, peering at the door as she reached out to unlock All Might’s office with her own security pass. The frosted door slid open to reveal an office space that was cluttered, yet unlived in.  Awards and trophies lined the walls. Perfectly shined but not maintained outside of a cleaner probably polishing and dusting them all. The desk was covered with papers along with a few disposable cups. A tea ring sat on the glass with the latest one by the large quirk, leather chair. There was no one here. Joan tutted as she entered. Whether it was at the mess or the lack of hero inside the office, you didn’t know. Still, she cleared his empty teacups into the bin next to the desk and pointed to the soft chair across from the desk.
“Sit. He will not be long.” Her dark, sharp gaze fell on you again, “Do not touch anything. Any pictures you take will be removed from your phone before you leave. Otherwise, occupy yourself.” She slapped the next round of papers on the hero’s desk and walked out, heels clicking as the door slid shut behind her. You looked at your lap and sighed, looking at the perfect, carpeted floor, chewing your lip as nerves churned in your stomach. Your arm ached as you shifted it, the sling beginning to itch at the back of your neck. Wiggling your fingers, you pulled your phone from your little satchel bag and began a game of mindlessly scrolling until the man decided to show.
 All Might felt his phone ping with his calendar notification. The lady in the tea shop smiled, continuing to slowly make his teas as fans swarmed behind him. He waved as she put his teas in a paper bag and pulled his phone out as he posed for a photo with a fan. When they abated, he looked at the notification.
 The door to the office slid open twenty minutes later. The number one hero barrelled through it after, huffing softly as Joan gave him a glare. You caught sight of her as you turned in the chair, peering back at the door as All Might clicked the door closed, waving at her with an awkward smile, hulking body bend in a stoop. You felt your mouth go dry as he turned around, bright eyes turning on your form in the chair, swivelled backwards and gawking at him. He was dressed in blue pinstripes, the suit tailored specifically to his massive proportions. Awkwardly he turned to face you, red tie fluttering out of his undone jacket.
“I’m sorry for being so late.” All Might bent over, bowing deeply as he peered up at you, presenting a bag. There was a cute duck stamped by a logo, “I brought refreshments. It took them ten minutes to make them and I was already running late from the photoshoot. Accept my apologies.” He appeared weary as he picked at his desk, pushing paperwork aside to clear enough room for himself on the desk. The chair groaned as he sat down but showed no sign of breaking.
“Its not a problem. I know heroes can be busy.” You offered with a smile.
 All Might shook his head with a smile, “I have no excuse. I should have cancelled the shoot!” He reasoned before pushing the top of the bag open. He reached inside with a smile and pulled out two cups of labelled bubble tea.
“You were late for...bubble tea?” You looked at the cups before snickering.
His face went red, “It... Ah, yes. But it is the best, I promise!” The blond bangs of his unique hair flicked downwards with his lowered gaze, “Now that I think about it, it seems a little bit silly.” The seven-foot man placed a thumb and a finger over his chin and pushed one of the plastic containers over to you, “I didn’t know what flavour to get you, but the assistant said peach was popular. And a sweet one like you deserves a fitting drink.” He struggled with his own milky concoction as he offered you a thick straw to pierce the film lid with.
“I’m sure it tastes fine. Thank you.” You blushed and reached with your good arm to push the straw into the drink before remembering the cookie tin in your lap, “I made you these.” You smiled and placed the tin of cookies on the desk, “They insisted on taste testing one but I’m pretty sure they’re fine...unless you have a nut allergy?”
 All Might’s face went from serious to curious as you pushed the metal tin closer to him on the desk, “They really taste tested it?” He laughed, a boisterous sound, full of the sunshine you remembered. It made you smile yourself.
“I suppose they’re worried that someone might try and poison the number one hero.” You offered as his hand encompassed the lid and popped it free with a small twist of his wrist.
“That is probably why, yes.” He gave you a grin before pulling the tin closer with one finger, “Cookies?” He raised a single eyebrow, “What did I tell you about coming here to scrape?”
“I know, I know, but it was the one way I could think of as a ‘thank you’ without coming here to cry it to your face.” Your fingers laid over the cast on your broken arm.
“If anything.” The hero pulled a cookie free and looked at the nuts, “I should be apologising for allowing you to be injured.”
“Without you there, I would have died, and... I wanted you to know that you’re my hero, just like so many others.” It made you feel like cringing, but it was truthful, “Oh…Thank you for the flowers too, and the fruit, it was lovely.”
 A warm hand reached over the desk as your eyes burned.
“Thank you.” It was all he said as he squeezed your hand, but you knew he too was struggling for words, “How about you try these cookies with me?” He inquired as you looked upwards, “Oh!” The hero exclaimed before pointing to himself, “You can all me Yagi. Hearing All Might all day drives me nuts. Yagi Toshinori...But don’t go telling the media that.” All Might winked.
You felt your cheeks go hot, “Of course Toshinori-San.”
“Now that makes me feel old!” He choked on a cookie, sipping tea to try and stop himself from coughing biscuit crumbs everywhere.
“Ah! Sorry. Yagi, oh gosh!” You fretted as his chest shook, the tea not helping as he hacked up cookie and peanut into his desk bin, “Are you okay?”
Yagi coughed behind his fist, “Yes...I think so.” He moved back to face you with a smile, red in the cheeks from coughing so violently, “I’m sorry! They taste delicious but being referred to in such a way…I’m not that old.”
“I didn’t realise it would make you so upset. I’ll just call you Yagi from now on, I promise.”
 He reached into the cookies again, holding one between his thumb and finger before pushing the whole thing into his mouth, chewing before swallowing and slurping more tea. Evidently the man wasn’t concerned about a strict diet. It was quiet. Awkward almost. You searched for a way to fill the silence until Yagi chimed back in.
“While you’re here…Why don’t you tell me about yourself? I assume you have a licence to be able to use your quirk in public?” He slurped on the tea with pouted lips before removing his tie and leaning back in his chair. You didn’t expect for this to become a socialisation event.
“I work on restoration. I worked a long time to develop a speciality in the group. They let us use our quirks only for restoration purposes though. I work with stone items, fountains, sculptures, all that sort of stuff. The work comes and goes, but I work a café job otherwise…Its actually not too far from here.” You tried to think of anything else to add, “You should drop by sometime. I’m sure people would be ecstatic to see you out and about.”
He chewed his lip at the thought, stroking at his chiselled jaw again, “It would probably cause more problems for the café workers than benefits…”
 Yagi phrased it with longing. A man burdened by his fame and unable to appear without the adoration of fans stopping him going where he planned to. A hollow chuckle followed as he looked at the bright sky outside.
You watched his face and wished for the sunshine smile to appear again, “How about we go somewhere?”
His electric blue eyes snapped to you, the white widening as he dropped the straw from his lips, “…” He leaned over, the chair creaking as a bright, white smile covered his face again, “Like a date?”
“More like a friendly outing…It can’t be much fun being inside or rushing about doing hero stuff, right? Maybe a break will be good for you?” It felt like a lame excuse, but he laughed, brightly, his eyes crinkling in the corners as you smiled back at him.
Another cookie made its way into his hand as he swung his leather chair back around to face you, “At this café?” All Might asked, regarding you as he flicked at a tablet in the corner of his desk, his schedule flickering to life for the rest of the week. It was full.
“I know a little tea house…It might be less full? The lady doesn’t have many customers, and its very empty around two o’clock.” Playing with your fingers, you waited for him to flick through his schedule. The weekends appeared more promising, outside of his patrols it seemed like he didn’t have brand deals or big meetings to attend.
 Minutes ticked by as he flicked between the current week and the next.
 “Is next Saturday suitable?” He asked suddenly, breaking the uneasy silence you had settled into across from him.
You jumped a little in your seat, “Oh, yes! That’s fine. I won’t be back at work any time soon. Even with the healing quirks, the bone still needs to rest and stay in a cast for at least three weeks.”
All Might nodded before tapping at the day, filling his afternoon from two with a ‘business lunch’.
He felt his ears go red as you snickered, “A business lunch? Very under the radar.”
Yagi rubbed the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile, “If I don’t put anything in at all, Joan will fill it…and if I put…” He mumbled, “She will no doubt tell me how stupid I am.” He scoffed, “To think I’m thirty and she’s still treating me like a child.”
The idea of Joan looming over the seven-foot hero made you smile again, “She just wants what’s best, I’m sure.” You offered as he closed the applications on the tablets and turned off the screen, facing you again.
“More like what’s best for the brand.” He scoffed before peering out of the office. It was a one-way glass, but he swore Joan’s piercing eyes were glaring at him. Yagi shuddered in his seat and scooted to the side a little, avoiding her gaze by hiding behind your form.
 Your laugh made him smile. The hero watched you laugh, despite the injuries you had thanks to his carelessness, and felt his own smile grow again. The weights on his shoulders seemed to ease a little. He spent so much time around heroes that speaking to a normal person was enlightening.
“How about…” His phone on the table buzzed violently with urgency, his ringtone an embarrassing urgent voice. Yagi coughed and pulled the phone towards himself. Joan. He slid open the call and pressed the phone to his ear.
“If you are finished with your wooing, Mister Might, may I suggest you attend to your half past four appointment?” The line went dead as he opened his mouth. His grumbled, brows furrowed before he reached for his tie and pulled up his collar, sliding the red tie under the stiff material before swiftly doing it up in a knot messily, “I’m sorry to cut this short, but as Joan said, I have a meeting at half past with the chief of police.”
You raised a hand, “Don’t worry about it. I understand. You’re the number one hero.” He moved to put the lid back on the cookies, “Keep them. They’re for you. Share them with the Chief. Maybe it will win him over for you?” You teased before you moved to put your satchel back on your shoulder.
“Don’t forget your tea!” Yagi’s fingers brushed your own as he handed you the plastic cup, “Let me at least walk you to the door.”
 He led you to the sliding door, tie askew, and you laughed as he opened it up for you, “Thank you for meeting me…”
“Don’t start scraping again, I told you, its what I do…But I do appreciate the cookies. They’re delicious. It reminds me of the states.” He laughed, hand holding the sliding door open, stopping it moving back into place as you stood in the doorway.
“Goodbye Mister Might.” You spoke formally as you dipped at the waist, “Thank you again.”
“Thank you for coming.” He offered with a smile as you headed past Joan’s desk, tea in hand, back towards the lift.
 Yagi watched you leave with a smile, mulling over your words as his next appointment stood from the waiting area, briefcase in hand.
“All Might, its fabulous to finally meet in person.” He offered his hand to shake.
Yagi laughed, loud as always, before shaking the man’s hand, “The same goes to you. I hear you have a new pitch for patrol routes?” He let the man into his office with a sharp glare aimed at Joan as she squinted at his new schedule, rolling her eyes.
“Sir.” She quipped at his back, “Make sure you have those papers finished before I go home. They need them in finance.”
“Loud and clear, Joan.” All Might snarked as he slid the office door closed. His assistant smiled over her cup of coffee as she approved his new schedule.
“Who made the cookies?” The chief asked as he placed his brief case aside, fingers already in the cookie tin.
All Might smiled, “Just a friend.” Before sitting down, his arms pressed to the tabletop.
The chief of police scoffed, “A friend? Seems like something more to me, Toshinori.” The hero shook his head with a laugh at the man pulled out a map with the new route pencilled onto it.
 The subway was crowded. You peered down at your phone calendar and smiled at the appointment. Tea with All Might. You pulled open your internet browser and hummed as you started searching for teas that relieved stress for your next meeting. The tea in your grasp was delicious and you smiled as you gazed at the little duck logo and the pearls rattling around in the bottom of the cup. All Might liked bubble tea and peanut butter cookies.
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rhinoswriting · 4 years
A Life On The Road - Part 4 (A Luke Hemmings FanFic)
Overview: Elizabeth and Calum have been best friends since they were 15/14 respectively. Elizabeth is from and lives in the UK, but her family lived in Sydney for a brief 2 year period which is how the two met.
With 5SOS embarking on their biggest and most ambitious world tour to date, Cal has invited Elizabeth along to work as a photographer/content creator for their social media. This is in the hopes that travelling with them will help Elizabeth achieve her dream of becoming a full-time travel writer.
Elizabeth is acquainted with the rest of 5SOS but doesn’t know them tremendously well. Obviously that changes as they are all forced to be in one another’s company for the duration of the tour. As the tour progresses and new friendships blossom, Elizabeth feels the connection between her and Luke grow more and more.
A/N: Picking up in Paris. There’s drinking and swearing in this one.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
“That was genuinely one of the best meals I’ve ever had.” Michael announced as we exited the restaurant.
“It was incredible! I’m still so jealous of your main though, Mikey. Like, mine was good but I should have got the same as you.” I replied.
“So where to next? The night is still young and we have no obligations before tomorrow’s soundcheck.” Ashton asked the group.
A bar was obviously the unanimous decision. But I did convince them to walk aimlessly until we found a bar. That way we could see some of the landmarks lit up and I could get some content both for the band insta and to go alongside any Paris articles of mine that got picked up.
“I’m going to have my work cut out topping these,” I told the guys as I reviewed the short series of photos I had just taken of them by The Louvre, “So I think that counts as me done for the night. Time to find the nearest baaarrrr!”
It didn’t take long to find a bar. It also didn’t take long for us to all have a cocktail glass held in each hand. While the meal was excellent, it was quite a posh place, something none of us were exactly used to. This bar felt much more like our kind of place. It was time to really relax and have fun as nothing more than a group of friends.
In terms of music it was a bit hit and miss as to whether or not we knew the song playing. While that stopped us singing, it never stopped us from dancing. Also, not being familiar with a song was an excellent opportunity to get the next round of drinks in.
“Hurry up! I don’t have a good grip on these! Quick! Take your fucking drinks!” I yelled as I returned from the bar doing my very best to carry five glasses.
“Thanks, EP!” Cal shouted back as he took two glasses from me, passing one on to Michael.
“TO EP FOR ADDING MORE FUN, AND RIGHT NOW DRINKS, TO TOUR AND BEING A STEP CLOSER TO ACHEIVING HER DREAMS!” Ashton called as he raised his glass into the air for a toast.
“TO EP!” The four of them shouted as they clinked their glasses together.
“You guys are too much at times,” I laughed, “But thank you very much none the less.”
With that slightly embarrassing moment of attention out the way we got back to dancing and sipping on our drinks. After a few songs Cal excused himself to the smoking area. Not long after he’d gone Michael went up to the bar as it was his turn to buy the round, leaving just me, Luke and Ash dancing in a little triangle of space. That was until Live In The Moment by Portugal. The Man started playing. 
As soon as we recognised the song Luke gave me a knowing look as I exclaimed ‘As if!’ because only hours ago in that random little coffee shop had we bonded over our mutual current obsession with the song. From that point until the song faded into the next Luke and I were solely focussed on one another as we passionately sang the lyrics at each other and let the beat draw our drunk, dancing bodies closer together in the already small space. 
Without even realising it we became only inches apart, loudly singing into each other’s faces with our drink-free hands moving between air punches, waves and resting on each other (his hand on my waist, mine on his shoulder). And then far too soon the song was over.
“That’s officially made my night,” I declared as I took a step back and downed what remained of my drink, “That was the best coincidence ever.”
“I think that just became our song.” Luke smiled down at me while pushing a few curls back out of his face.
“Are you fucks going to take your drinks now? Because I’m 30 seconds away from drinking them.” Michael somewhat playfully asked, pulling the two of us out of our bubble.
It wasn’t long after taking our drinks from Michael that Mr. Brightside came on and the five of us went mad for it on the dancefloor. And it turned out that, just like a multitude of other clubs I’d been to, Mr Brightside was a subtle signal that closing time was fast approaching. After the two songs that followed, the music stopped and the house lights came on.
“Boooo!” We all declared, clearly not ready for the night to be over just yet.
We collected our jackets from the cloakroom as we were ushered out into the cold Parisian night air with the rest of the crowd. Once out on the street we checked the time for the first time in hours. Realising it was 3:05am and nowhere else was likely to still be open we began our walk back to the tour bus.
It may seem strange to say, but drunk walks home at the end of a night out are one of my favourite things in the world. I get such a feeling of togetherness when I’m laughing and slightly staggering down the street with friends. It always makes me feel like I belong. And semi-lost under the streetlights of Paris I had that feeling of belonging wash its warmth over me. I took two large steps to catch up with Cal and looped my arm through his, 
“I so fucking glad I’m here. Thank you so much for being my best friend. And thank you for having bandmates that are so easy to get along with.” I told Cal as I placed my drunk, sleepy head against his arm as I wasn’t quite tall enough to reach his shoulder.
As Cal and I continued our drunk heart-to-heart we absentmindedly followed the other three in what we hoped was the direction of the tour bus. Seeing as we hadn’t been paying much attention to them and their antics, it was a bit of a surprise to hear Ash shout “Smile!” at us. Thankfully we were quick enough to pose. 
The result was a pretty cool photo of us, arms still linked, pulling tongue-out faces while flipping the camera off. I asked Ash to send it to me, edited it a bit and kept it in my Insta drafts for review and posting in the morning. By the time I’d done this, we’d managed to find our way back to the bus. Once we all piled in we promptly collapsed in our bunks for what remained of the night.
The next day was actually quite a relaxed one for me by touring standards.
I was woken up by Michael repeatedly prodding my upper arm. Once I stirred and opened one eye to find him there, he let me know that Ashton had gone and done a coffee run and mine was waiting for me in the kitchen area. Begrudgingly I got up, because I knew the caffeine would do me good, and I also really needed painkillers for my head. As I padded into the bus’ kitchen area in my XXL tee I saw that the guys were looking just as rough as I felt and probably looked too.
“Thanks for the coffee, Ash.” I said as I picked up the cup with my name on, “I don’t suppose there’s any painkillers on this bus?”
“Got some on my coffee run. Here you go.” Ash responded handing me the small rectangular box.
“You lifesaver.” I said taking the box and settling down on the small sofa next to Luke who was barely awake.
As everyone was pretty hungover we didn’t talk much. We just sat in a comfortable silence while we waited for the caffeine to kick in. 
The silence was finally broken by Lou getting onto the bus and letting the four guys know it was soundcheck in 30 minutes. This prompted them to go and change out of their joggers and freshen up a bit. As they did so I dug out my laptop, charger and notebook from my bunk in order to set up a temporary desk at the kitchen booth’s table and get some work done.
After two hours I’d managed to finish, proof read and send off my article on Glasgow to ELLE; as well as flesh out two article ideas for Paris. Pleased with what I had achieved in that time, despite my headache only being dulled slightly by the painkillers, I took a break. 
Predictably, after making some instant mug ramen, I ended up on Instagram; which was when I remembered the photo in my drafts from last night. I clicked onto it and saw drunk me had gone a bit too far when altering the brightness and warmth of the photo. Once I had edited them down and was pleased with how it looked, I tapped out the caption “Two of a kind!” with the emoji of the two dancing girls at the end, tagged Cal and hit ‘Post’. Not quite ready to go back to work, I decided to get dressed and head into the venue to see what the guys were up to.
The guys were just finishing up the meet and greet, so I hopped round to the front of the venue and gave some of the roadies a hand with prepping the t-shirts and hoodies into piles by size at the merch booth. In between pile sorting, Lou appeared to let us know the boys were in Dressing Room 4 doing radio interviews over the phone and to avoid that area of the venue until they were done. Not knowing when exactly that would be, I headed back to the bus once the merch had been sorted and video called Drew.
“Work is so shit without you. Your replacement sucks too.” Drew complained.
“Aww I’m sorry, Drew! Have you heard back from the other firm you applied to?”
“No, not yet. But I should hopefully within the next week. I can’t survive much longer with these people. How’re you surviving on the road?”
“Really well actually! Not to rub it in or anything.” I laughed.
As I was divulging into some of the details and anecdotes I heard someone slapping their hands along the length of the bus as they approached the door.
“Oh. It sounds like I’m going to have to go.” I managed to say before the door opened and Luke stepped onto the bus, “Adios. I’ll call you again soon.”
“Oh shit, sorry, I didn’t realise you were on the phone.” Luke apologised as he caught the tail-end of my conversation, “We’re all just chilling in the main dressing room now, so I said I’d come and find you.”
“Let me grab my camera gear and I’ll be right with you.” I told him while shimmying out of the booth at the front of the bus.
After a few wrong turns backstage, which resulted in a game of Marco Polo between Luke and Michael as a way to guide us the right place, we were back into our comfortable evening routine. They got prepped and hyped up and I documented it with my camera. That evening I took each of them down the hall to a really cool, cobalt blue door I’d spotted for some solo shots. Luke, taking the longest to decide on his stage outfit for the night, was the last of the four I photographed.
“That red silk shirt was such a good choice.” I complemented him as I held my eye up to the viewfinder, “It contrasts this cobalt door so well. And the two together really bring out your eyes.”
“He doesn’t need a bigger head than he’s already got!” Cal called playfully down the corridor.
Luke let out his infectious giggle and I seized the opportunity to grab another photo while chuckling myself. It was a great photo. Such a pure moment captured. I almost didn’t want to share it on their social media, but I knew that was a foolish, and not to mention selfish, thought.
Not long after that the guys were called to the stage. I took my place side of stage and ritualistically fist bumped each of them as they took to the stage for another amazing show. I felt I had already got enough content while in Paris, so I chose to just enjoy the performance instead of worrying about shots and footage. It was the first time I had let myself do so on this tour and I had a blast.
“It looked like you were having a good time tonight.” Cal later remarked when we were all back on the bus and on the road to Brussels. 
“Don’t tell Lou, but I sort of let myself take tonight off shooting to enjoy the gig as I already have so much Paris content.” I confessed as I reclined on the sofa in the lounge at the back of the tour bus.
“Your secret is safe with us.” Cal reassured with a wink, before taking the final swig that remained in his beer bottle, “Right you fucks, I’m off to bed. See you in Brussels.”
Not long after, Mike and Ash made their way to their bunks as well. This left just Luke and I chilling in the back lounge. As he was scrolling through Netflix looking for a film to put on, I asked him, 
“Are you not shattered too?”
“Eh,” He shrugged, “A bit, yeah. But I always have trouble sleeping. Plus after our drunk chat the other night I’d like to hang out with you more, and I seem to only really get the chance at night.”
“I’m not going to argue with that.” I responded while draping a blanket over my shoulders as the opening credits to Groundhog Day began. After a pause I continued, “We can hang out during the day you know. Like take a break and grab lunch or something. Hey, why don’t we do the coffee run together tomorrow? That’ll be an opportunity to hang out.”
“I’d like that,” He smiled, and then tugged a little at the blanket, “Don’t go hogging all the blanket.”
I released my grip on the blanket, allowing Luke to drape it over himself as well. The added warmth of his body next to mine made me feel even cosier and it wasn’t long before I nodded off to sleep.
The tour bus abruptly coming to a stop a few hours later managed to rouse me from my slumber. As my eyes fluttered open, the rest of my body registered that I wasn’t in my bunk, or even laying down, and that the warm thing my head was on smelt very good. Once my eyes were open and no longer fuzzy with sleep I realised that I had fallen asleep during the film, as I was still sat on the lounge’s U-shaped sofa. Luke must have fallen asleep at some point during the film too, as the nice smelling thing my head was resting on was his shoulder, and I could feel his head resting gently on top of mine as he snored softly.
“Wake up. Hey, Luke. Wake up, “I prompted as I gently shook his thigh, “I think we’re in Brussels.”
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1dsongpreferencess · 4 years
"I told her that I loved her, just not sure if she heard The roof was pretty windy and she didn't say a word Party died downstairs, had nothing left to do Just me, her and the moon"
I was nervous because since I saw y/n coming into the party I knew today I was going to say to her how I feel about her and how much I've liked her since the day we met, it was now or never because the next week I was leaving for tour. We were all dancing in the living room and having a great time while having some shots. Suddenly I lost sight of her and her best friend told me she was upstairs on the terrace taking some air and I decided it was a perfect time. She was looking at the city while her hair was being flipped by the wind and it looked like she was thinking about something else, I hoped she was thinking about me because when she saw me next to her she smiled. "Hi" she said and I smiled replying "Hello there" We talked for a little while about her work, about my new music and about some people at the party who were really drunk. She was freezing so I gave her my jacket and it looked perfect on her. Now, both of us were looking at the stars when I felt like it was the perfect time to talk to her about my feelings. "Y/n?" I said nervously, "Yes, Harry?" she said. "I really like you. In fact, I might be a little in love with you" I said shyly. She looked at me shocked and went silent for a few seconds that felt like hours. Suddenly we heard the music downstairs stopped but she only kept looking at me and I thought I screwed up telling her how I felt. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you that" I said breaking the silence. "Harry, I really like you too! I just never thought you felt the same way. Sorry, I wasn't expecting this" she said smiling a little embarrassed. "Really?" I replied excitedly. "Yes! I thought it was obvious" "Oh I thought it was obvious how I felt too" you both smiled and I got closer to hug her and kissed her for the first but not last time.
"All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say And you'll follow your heart even though it'll break Sometimes"
It was hard for you to sleep tonight, and you tried to stay still to not wake up your boyfriend but he knew you very well. "Love, what's wrong? I know you're not asleep and if there's something worrying you let me help"  Niall said. But the truth was you didn't wanted to say it out loud, it was the second month your period was missing and you've never talked about being parents and you were scared because you did want to become a mother eventually but you weren't sure Niall felt the same way. You decided to be honest with him because he was a really supportive boyfriend and it affected him too. "Babe, don't be scared but the truth is I haven't gotten my period in two months and you know what that might mean..." you said. He woke up from the bed startled and said "You should have told me before! We are going to take care of this, I'm going to the drugstore to bring some tests and we'll see what happens. I love you no matter what" he said while he put on some jacket and some shoes. You agreed and waited for him scared. 20 minutes later you were at the bathroom doing the 3 tests he had brought and the funny thing he was getting a bit excited about the idea. "I would be a great dad, you know? And I think you'd a great mother" he said breaking the silence trying to make you smile and it worked. "I would love to have a family with you" you said and he got closer to kiss you. 5 minutes later the results were there, and the three of them were negative. You hugged each other and even though you felt a little bit of relieved you didn't hate the idea of being pregnant after seeing how Niall would take it. He even looked a little bit sad. "Babe, are you sad?" you said. "Maybe, I  mean I'm glad you're not pregnant because we weren't trying to do that but I guess if you were it wouldn't be the worst thing" he said nervously trying to keep it cool. You came closer knowing you felt the same way. "Maybe it was not the right time but we can try soon if you want" you said. He smiled at you and you went back to bed knowing you might be starting a family soon with the love of your life.
"If there's something I've learned from a million mistakes You're the one that I want at the end of the day"
I was an idiot. How could I possibly forget my date with y/n? I was so busy at the studio recording some new songs that I lost track of time and when I saw my phone 3 hours later I had more than 20 missed calls and a hundred texts from her I stopped everything I was doing and tried to remember when we were supposed to go and went there. She was really mad at me, she didn't picked up my calls and to make things worst I didn't know tonight she was planning on presenting me to her best friends that were like her sisters. I got there and when she saw me she didn't even look at me for more than 5 seconds and kept talking with her friends. "Y/n, I'm so sorry I lost track of time" she ignored me and didn't answer. "Can we talk at least? please" I said. Her friends make her signals to go talk to me and she agreed. "How could you forget you had a date with your girlfriend? I was worried and then I felt so sad to realize you didn't care about our planes" "Babe, I care I just go really concentrated on a new song. Forgive me, please. I'll make it up to you I swear" I said sounding really honest and I could see on her face she was a little less mad. "You can make it up to me, but how are you gonna win my friends? The first time you're meeting them and you don't show up" she said and I smiled. "To be fair I didn't know I was meeting them. But I will win them" I said trying to make her smile and it worked. Some hours later her friends loved me, I ordered some cocktails for them to forgive me and they appreciate it, when the night was over he already had plans all of us together and Y/n didn't hate me that much. It was 2 am in the morning and we were staying at my place and while she was putting on some pajamas, she said "I'm still a little bit mad but thank you, we had a great time and you are a good boyfriend " I went there and hugged her really tight. "I just want to be with you and I will keep working so you can completely forgive me." she smiled not knowing I was already thinking in the beautiful breakfast I would do for her tomorrow.
LOUIS: "I set you on fire babe And down came the lightning on me Love can be frightening for sure"
There was nothing that scared you the most that fall in love. You refused to be heartbroken again and that's why you were completely focused on yourself. And it seemed easy, you were loving yourself more than ever, you loved your work and to be honest you were having a great life. But it all changed after one of your friends invited you to a Louis Tomlinson concert. You loved him when he was with one direction but you grew a little bit apart from his solo music. You had the time of your life at that concert, his music was great and you felt bad for not appreciate it before. Since your friend was in the music industry at the end of the concert you would go backstage and make Louis something like an interview. He was really sweet and kind and you couldn't believe how handsome he was. He liked you and your friend a lot and you ended up having some drinks together in a pub close to the arena. A few weeks later you started to hang out frequently sometimes with your friend, sometimes without her. You would message all day and sometimes even call each other after you fell asleep. You weren't sure about what was happening but you keep on going until you realized you were falling in love with him and you didn't want that so you thought maybe the best was to slowly distance from him, but it was impossible because he figured out your plan and since he was in love with you too he did her best to keep you close and eventually you ended up together having the most amazing relationship, he was your best friend and boyfriend.
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talkfastromance4 · 5 years
5sos Christmas Playlist-- Day 4 ‘I’ll be Home for Christmas’ Ashton
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Day 4!!
Obviously had to end it with my man. If you’ve read any or all of these little one shots, thank you! and i hope you all have a wonderful christmas if you celebrate!!
Word Count: 1,988
Warnings: none just dad!ashton
Enjoy! :)
Day 1 Michael
Day 2 Luke
Day 3 Calum
Christmas Eve will find you where the love light gleams, I’ll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams
Christmas was always special for you and Ashton. It was when he proposed to you six years ago and when you’d first told him you were pregnant a year after being married. It was a time for family, love and memories. This year was a little different. 
You had decorated the house alone this year for what with Ashton flying from LA to New York to London since Thanksgiving. The band was doing promos, interviews, appearing on almost all the Late shows and performing at two Jingle Bell balls. 
You baked cookies with your three little ones and made sure to send their frosting-and-sprinkle covered faces to Ashton, with some videos. Fletcher, your oldest at four who was a mirror image of Ashton, was more than happy to help his younger brother and sister. Henry just turned three and Ivy will be turning one come January so you had to help her a little bit more but it was still fun with all three of your babies. 
All five of your stockings hung on the fireplace, the tree was adorned with soft white lights and red and green ornaments. A little village was set up in the main foyer which the kids loved to watch as the tiny figurines skated on the ice, or the train rolled in and out of a tunnel. 
The house was warm and full of holiday cheer but with Ashton being gone you felt his absence. 
“Mama, can we call Daddy?” Fletcher asks you as you place the plethora of sugar cookies into tins for later. 
“Sure baby, let’s see if we can get him on video,” you smile snapping the lid on one container and grabbing your phone. “Come on Henry, let’s call Daddy.”
“Dada!” he exclaims sliding off the kitchen chair. His blond curls bounce at the back of his neck as he follows you and Fletcher into the living room, Ivy on your hip. 
Your two boys huddle next to you while you reposition Ivy into your lap and you press the FaceTime button under his name. The mirrored versions of you and the kids reflect back at you before his smiling face appears. The boys shriek along with their father in excitement for finally seeing each other. You laugh as Ivy makes her own loud noises trying to get in on the fun. 
“Hi honey,” you smile once everyone has calmed down a little. 
“Hi babe,” he greets with a grin then looks at each child individually. “Hello my babies, what were you doing that made your faces all messy, hm?”
“We made cookies for Santa!” Fletcher exclaims. His dark blond curls frame his face making him look more and more like Ashton, dimples and all. 
“You did?! I hope you saved some for me,” Ashton smiles. 
“I helped Henny with his frosting,” Fletcher says proudly.
Hearing his nickname, Henry perks up and smiles at Ashton who coos back at him. 
“Hi buddy,” Ashton laughs happily at his shy boy. 
Fletcher is Ashton’s mini me and Henry is you to a T. He has your hair and eye color and the same soft, kind demeanor. He’s a little charmer though and you think he knows it because he smiles and giggles when he’s doing something he shouldn’t. 
“Did you like making cookies with mama and Fletch?”
“Yeah! I did the-the spinkles!” Henry responds joyously. 
“And he did a very good job,” you smile pressing a kiss to his head. 
“I can’t wait to eat them. How’d my little Ivy Rose do with the decorating?” Ashton turns his eyes to Ivy who is chewing on her fingers, her big hazel eyes staring at Ashton. She’s still only has soft little hairs on her head, their little bald baby but her features are pretty half and half of you and Ashton. 
She’s got Ashton wrapped around her tiny little fingers. 
“She ate it mostly,” you chuckle rubbing her soft head. “But I think she had fun.”
“When are you coming home, Daddy?” Fletcher asks leaning on your thighs. 
You can visibly see the change in Ashton’s features at your son’s question. You had a feeling this year would be a little different because of the release of the new album approaching, but you waited to let Ashton explain. 
“Hopefully soon, bub,” Ashton sighs, “there’s a lot of snowstorms and that doesn’t make it safe for flying. But you, mama, Henry and Ivy will have a great Christmas and you’ll show me everything you got from Santa, yeah?”
“What if Santa brought you on his sleigh!” Fletcher exclaims and Henry yells ‘Santa!’ in excitement. Ivy shrieks again with her brothers, her little hands waving in the air and almost knocking your phone from your hand. 
“Shh, shh, inside voices please, babies,” you hush them with a smile readjusting your grip on the phone. 
“I don’t think Santa has room for me,” Ashton laughs. “But I promise when I’m home we’ll have a second Christmas, okay? Can you go play with your brother while I talk with mama?”
“Okay, Daddy,” Fletcher says and kisses his hand in Ashton’s direction. “C’mon Henny.”
“Bye boys, I love you. Be good for mama,” he waves before kissing his hand as well. Henry tries to copy his father and older brother by kissing his fist. 
“Bye Dada!” Henry smiles then takes Fletcher’s hand letting him lead him upstairs to their room. 
You sigh sadly resting your chin on Ivy’s head. Ashton is sad as well. 
“I’m trying, angel, I really am. No flights are going out right now because of the weather,” he explains. 
“I know you are,” you nod, “and I’d rather you be safe on the ground. Christmas is going to be a little altered this year, that’s all.”
He stares at you and Ivy for a moment. “My beautiful girls,” he hums, “I miss you all so much. Maybe we can FaceTime tomorrow before the kids’ bedtime?”
“Of course we can,” you smile. “We miss you, too. How are the guys holding up being away from home?”
“Same as me, I guess. We’re all homesick. I’l be--” he stops mid-sentence looking up at someone behind his phone. “All right. Baby, I gotta go, the car’s here but I’ll call you tomorrow?”
“Okay,” you nod smiling softly. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Bye Princess, Dada loves you,” he kisses his hand waving his fingers to Ivy who coos at her dad. 
You hang up then sighed once more, rocking Ivy in your lap as you allow yourself to be sad at this moment. You had to keep a brave face on for the boys because they’ll be more upset if they see you upset. 
Like the rest of your and Ashton’s traditions, you held Christmas Eve dinner with the other wives and kids of the band. The newest addition to the 5sos family was baby Stella, Luke and Sierra’s adorable little girl. You all took tons of photos of all the kids together so the guys wouldn’t feel left out on tonight’s festivities. 
After dinner you all gathered in the living room with cups of hot cocoa and mini marshmallows while The Polar Express played on the large screen TV. Just after the hot chocolate song there’s a knock and ring at the door. 
“Who could that be?” Crystal asks fluffing the blanket over her and the twins. 
You get up from the couch with Fletcher hot on your heels. Ashton has told Fletcher that when Daddy’s away it’s Fletcher’s job to to protect his mama, brother and sister. Fletcher took that responsibility very seriously.
You push Fletcher behind her as she opens the door and sees Santa standing there.
“Santa!” Fletcher exclaims popping out from behind you.
“Ho, ho, ho!” Santa bellows heartily rubbing his belly.
“What are you doing here, Santa?” You ask narrowing your eyes. 
“I was informed that there are some good little girls and boys here without their Daddies for Christmas,” ‘Santa’ winks an all too familiar eye at you. You gasp quietly as he bends down to Fletcher’s height. “Can you go tell everyone to close their eyes for Santa’s surprise?”
“Okay, Santa!” Fletcher runs into the living room telling everyone to close their eyes. 
Behind ‘Santa,’ Luke, Calum and Michael appear with big grins mumbling ‘Merry Christmas’ happily to you as you step aside to let them in. They shuffle past you into the living room. You close the door and ‘Santa’ grabs hold of your waist just as Luke shouts “Open your eyes!” and shouts of happiness are heard.
“Santa has a special gift for you, Mrs. Irwin,” Ashton says in your ear. The fuzziness of his artificial beard tickles your ear. 
“Yeah?” you grin spinning in his arms then tugs his beard down so you can you see his face. “Am I on the nice list?”
“Gimme a kiss and I’ll let you know,” he smirks already leaning forward to give you a kiss. 
His arms tighten around your waist as the kiss deepens, his lips soft and cool. Regretfully, you pull away with a smile. 
“I’m so glad you’re home, but you have three little babies who want to see you, too,” you stroke his cheek gently. He squeezes your waist. 
“I’m dying to see them, too. We’ll continue this later, yeah?” he kisses you again, his tongue teasing yours deliciously. 
“Yes sir,” you say breathlessly watching him yank off the Santa suit. You raise your eyebrows at him in confusion. 
“Don’t want them catching Mommy kissing Santa Claus, right?” he grins tossing the outfit in the closet behind him. 
He kisses your cheek then grabs your hand moving into the living room. Hugs, kisses and chatter are still being exchanged then Calum says something to Fletcher who’s in his lap. 
Both boys leap off the couch and laps of uncles darting into Ashton’s outstretched arms. 
“My boys!” Ashton says giddily, hugging them close and kissing their heads. 
“Daddy, Santa was here!” Fletcher informs him.
“I know! He gave me and your uncles a ride here,” Ashton tells them brightly. 
“He did?!”
“Wow . . .” Henry sighs and you laugh at the wonder of your sons’ reactions. 
Ivy wails from her spot next to Sierra and Luke who’s cooing happily at Stella. You retrieve Ivy from the couch pointing to Ashton. 
“Look who’s here, baby. Is that Daddy?”
“There’s my princess!” Ashton smiles rising from his boys’ heights. He holds out his arms and Ivy wriggles in yours until Ashton has her. 
She hugs his neck tightly then lifts her head to look at him with a big smile as he murmurs, “hi” and she flings her arms around his neck again causing him to laugh. He rests his head on hers rubbing her back. 
“My sweet girl,” he hums kissing her peach fuzzed head. 
Eventually the movie resumes play and you’re seated next to Ashton with your boys between you and Ivy fast asleep on Ashton’s chest. Henry has his head in your lap, he’ll be dozing off soon as well since you’re playing with his hair. 
You feel Ashton pinch your ear lobe lightly, you turn to him and he mouths ‘I love you.’
“I love you, too,” you whisper.
His fingers rub the back of your head and you smile, your body filling with warmth and happiness that your family is together for Christmas. Your stomach does a little flip thinking of the small present that’s sitting under the tree for Ashton.
It’s a picture of you and the kids wearing special shirts. Fletcher has the number one, Henry with a number two, Ivy has the number three and on the belly of your shirt is the number four that you’re pointing at with a big smile on your face.
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always5hineee · 4 years
Depreciation- Chapter 3: Planning for Action
Chapter warnings: mild language
Word count: 1263
       "That's impossible." She finally stated as Kun began explaining his plan. "If they took you into custody, they obviously have some proof."
       "That's not necessarily true." He argued.
       "Even if they don't, they had an arrest warrant, so there's definitely adequate suspicion. It won't be long before they have a full search warrant and completely pick apart your base." Kun sighed.
       "I suppose you're right. If only we had someone on the outside who could do the things we needed done. I can't necessarily do anything from in prison." She knew what he was saying. Kun wanted her to follow his orders, insinuating that if she did so, WayV would walk free. Did she even want to do so, though? She had another chance. She could walk out of here right now and-
       "I'm on the outside." She found herself saying. His eyes glinted with a look she hadn't ever seen from him, a mix of mischief and malice? The corners of his mouth just barely upturned by a fraction of a millimeter, such that she almost thought she imagined it.
       "How convenient. Would you be willing to handle a few things for me?"
       "I just said I was out here, didn't I?"
       "I'd like verbal confirmation, if that's alright."
       "Okay, I'll do it."
       "Say, 'I agree to complete the tasks that you, Kun, assign, until a verdict is reached in regards to the cases of yourself and your colleagues'." She stared at him.
       "You're kidding."
       "You want to help, don't you?" Sighing, she tapped her foot in annoyance, repeating in a snarky tone.
       "I agree to complete the tasks that you, Kun, assign, until a verdict is reached in regards to the cases of yourself and your dumbass colleagues."
       "Good enough. Now, to start." Her glance shifted in surprise.
       "Right now?"
       "Time is money, and we're currently losing both. Now, to start, you need to clear out the facility, but not suspiciously so. Leave the bedrooms, board room, etcetera. We'll need quick, discreet, major renovations to the basement in order to hide the jail cells, so instead of going through the trouble, we'll put concrete into the doorway and create a fake room so that the elevator shaft doesn't seem suspicious."
       "Wait, you-" She started to ask, already overwhelmed, but he continued.
       "If you go into my bedroom, you'll find a removable area of carpet under the left side of the desk. Pull it up and press the panel underneath, it'll unlock one of my desk drawers. In the pile of business cards, you'll find a contractor listed. Call the number, explain what we need done. He doesn't ask questions, mention my name and he'll be cool. It should be done before tomorrow evening, make sure you have everything you need from there, it won't be accessible for a while."
       "Hold on!" She interrupted. "I can't remember all of this!"
       "Record it- delete it later, of course."
       "I can't, the police issued me this phone, it's definitely being monitored."
       "Get a new one as quickly as possible. We can't afford to have any information slip. If you fall under suspicion, we're dead in the water." Moving on, he started, "In that same drawer, you'll find the contact information for three separate lawyers. Again, call them, explain, see if they're willing to defend us. Then, pick up the yellow notepad. Skip to page 13, you'll find the PIN code for WinWin's safe. Take it to his bedroom, remove all his bank information. I need you to open new accounts, no more than 200k in each account. Make sure you open the accounts under different branching affiliates as well as buildings. Try not to be on tape too often, it's suspicious. If you can, use a fake name. If you don't have time, your real name is fine." This was becoming quite a lot to handle.
       "Past that, we need to agree on a backstory. Remember this very clearly, because if we get our wires crossed, we're screwed."
       "I already told them that I ran into you after I ran away from home." Brow furrowing, Kun sighed.
       "We can work with that. Here's the story: you go back to the interviewer crying, saying that you feel bad for lying and you want to come clean. He obviously thinks that you're willing to confess to our crimes, so he immediately sets up a meeting. You explain that you're actually a childhood friend of mine, and you were purposely running to us as a means of finding a place to stay. You quickly fall in love with Lucas and the two of you begin dating.
       Side note, you have a stalker of an ex-boyfriend. You don't know his real name, as you dated very briefly until you became suspicious of his motives and background. Once he began stalking you, he found out about your new relationship, and targeted Lucas. As he did so, he realized our identities, and began committing murders as a way of scaring you, hence the connections to our names and such. Hendery, unaware of the situation because of the speed of events, believed that you committed these actions and went out to confront you. He was armed only in self defense. From there, we were arrested. Understand?"
       Her head was spinning with the amount of information Kun expected her to recall. The contractors, the lawyers, the backstory, it was all so convoluted. She trusted his experience, but she was getting herself into some deep shit. In addition, the fact that she had to pretend to be dating a now dead man was sending her stomach into turns.
       "What about the boyfriend's details?"
       "Those are up to you. It's not suspicious that we don't know the details of your love life, you and I have been out of contact for a while. Just make sure you're consistent in regards to it. In addition, please relay this to all other members of the party, quickly- before the guard comes and escorts you out."
       "But I-"
       "No time for sentimentalities, go. We'll see you soon. In the meantime, I'll let them know that you've arranged for a lawyer. I trust you, okay?" She looked to him, and then to Ten, both staring at her intently with just a glimmer of hope. Sighing, she walked away, searching each cell for the others. They must have spread them out enough that someone could hear should they start conspiring.
       The first ones she came across were WinWin and YangYang. They were muttering to each other, clearly planning something that she couldn't quite make out. Coughing loudly, they turned to her, eyes widening twice as drastically as her first acquaintances. They both started talking at the same time, asking what she was doing there. She explained very briefly of her situation.
       "I was one hundred percent convinced we were done for." WinWin commented.
       "Thanks for your faith."
       "I mean we did kidnap you-"
       "Yes, I'm aware. Listen, I don't have much time." She explained to those two, recounting the story very briefly to be sure they were aware of the important details. They agreed quickly, begging her to do whatever Kun said. They were fully convinced in his ability. Once she was done with them, she said quick goodbyes. Looking around, she couldn't fund Xiaojun or Lucas. They had to be alive... they just had to. She couldn't live with herself if her naivety had gotten them killed. Unable to locate them, she assumed they were in a hospital somewhere.
       That only left one person to talk too...
Go to Chapter 4
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 7
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count:  3.7k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Helge woke up in a child’s themed room. It was blue with foxes and hedgehogs. A very weird chair sat in the middle. The young boy studied it as his ear bled. This was the memory old Helge woke up to that morning. It helped him remember everything.
Jonas woke up in an enclosed log deer stand. He checked to see if the letter was still with him before he climbed down and started on his journey to go find Mikkel. He first needed to start at the school. He saw a frizzy-haired brunette in the hall sitting by herself in the hall. He decided she was probably the best to ask, “What day is it today?”
“Pardon?” Regina pulled off her headphones.
Jonas repeated, “What day is it today?”
“November 9th,” She answered.
Jonas sighed and admitted, “I know this sounds crazy, but what year?”
“1986,” She shook her head in confusion. Jonas thanked her and started to walk away, but got called back by the girl, “Wait! Are you looking for someone?”
Jonas stared at the girl confused on how she would know this, “Yeah. A friend. Michael Kahnwald.”
Regina shook her head, “Never heard of him.”
“Ines Kahnwald’s son,” He tried to clarify.
“The nurse,” Regina asked. She shook her head, “She doesn’t have any children.”
Defeated, Jonas then asked, “Do you know where I can find Ines?”
Regina reached for her bag after hearing the bell, “The hospital probably.” She smiled at him, “Well, see you.” As she tried to leave, she got pushed and bullied.
Jonas stared. His heart went out to his friend’s mother. She, in some way, reminded him of his Annalise. She was kind, sweet, and would help out a random stranger. He wondered silently if that’s why his best friend was always giving Annalise a hard time. He shook his head, he couldn’t focus on that right now. He had to make it to find Mikkel then get home.
Egon sat in his office when he got the file from his superior about the power plant. He sat and silently wondered if Ulrich was involved at all in this.
In the present, Ulrich looked around in the files about Mads scattered in Mikkel’s room as if like a summoning circle that he could get all the information from some specter.
Woller, at the same time, walked into Charlotte’s office with the power plant search warrant. Charlotte quickly hung up the phone and grabbed it to head to the power plant.
At the same time 33 years ago, Egon drove to the power plant. He was greeted with the face of Helge. Just the man he wanted to see.
“Anything I can help you with,” Helge asked with a smile.
Egon shook his head, “It’s about the missing Nielsen boy. The night he disappeared, you were on your shift, right?”
Helge looked as if he needed to think back, but honestly, he was just confused and concerned that the man had found out about him, “Yes.”
“Martin wants to document and corroborate the routines and times of everyone who was near here that night,” Egon explained to the man.
Helge nodded in understanding. He checked his watch then told the police officer, “I have to do my rounds and check the blocks now.”
Egon nodded, “Okay, let’s arrange a time you can stop by the station then.”
Helge stared out into space for a moment then asked, “The day after tomorrow?”
“Is 10:30, okay?” Helge asked the man.
Egon nodded, “That works. Sorry for the trouble.”
Helge shook his head and chuckled, “It’s no trouble. I just didn’t see anything. What I mean is… Everything was totally normal.”
Egon nodded and asked, “Your shift ended at six?”
Helge nodded, “Yes, that’s when the night shift starts.”
“Did you take your car,” Egon asked.
Helge nodded, “I took the state road.”
Egon looked up confused, “Were you heading somewhere else? Because you took the state road instead. Isn’t the forest road shorter?”
“Yeah,” Helge conceded, “I just picked something up for my father.” Helge nodded towards the officer and said, “I’ll see you Tuesday.”
Egon interrupted the other man’s leaving and said, “One more question. Did you see his brother anywhere that day? The older Nielsen boy, Ulrich.”
Helge shook his head, “Nope. Til Tuesday.” He closed the gate. 
In 2019, Ulrich spotted this note in Egon’s day planner.
Aleksander walked out followed by a bunch of armed guards. Charlotte stared at him annoyed. She really did not enjoy this show of force. She held up the warrant for him to see. Aleksander, without a word, motioned for the guards to open the gates for her and her crew.
Hannah slowly pulled herself away from Annalise and out of bed. The rain and thunder had woken her up from her deep slumber.  She walked into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. She was happy that she hadn’t woken the girl up yet. And as much as she loved her son, she was glad to be able to talk to Annalise alone. The woman slowly brought breakfast to her bedside. Hannah sat on the edge of the bed and gently rubbed Annalise’s shoulder, “Hey. Annalise.”
Annalise shook herself awake. She looked at the woman smiling down at her. Annalise smiled, “Oh is Jonas home?” Annalise sat up and yawned.
“No,” she explained, “But I think he will be back very soon.” She cupped her cheek gently then pulled away to motion to the food, “I actually made you breakfast. To thank you for being in Jonas and I’s life.”
Annalise smiled gently. She gave the woman a hug. The girl asked, “Can I stay with you until he gets back...I…”
Hannah smiled, “If that’s what you want, but I don’t think Ulrich will come back to hurt me.” She pet the girl’s head and said, “You have a large heart. You remind me very much of my husband, because of this, I can tell you love my Jonas very much. Thank you so much. We both need someone like that in our lives again.”
Back in 1986, Jonas walked through the rain trying to get to the hospital. He was just following the road huddled beneath his yellow raincoat. He started to panic when the police car had noticed him.
Egon, seeing a boy walking through the rain, couldn’t just leave the boy there. He lowered his window and asked, “Can I help you?” He watched the boy shake his head. Then Egon asked, “Shouldn’t you be in school?”
Jonas tried to quickly come up with an excuse, “I’m sick.”
Egon nodded and said, “You look fine to me.”
“I hurt my arm,” Jonas tried to come up with a cover, “I’m headed to the hospital.”
Egon nodded and motioned to the boy, “Get in. I’ll drive you there.”
As Ulrich tried to investigate more in the 33-year-old files of Mads, he noticed that Helge had no statement about what had happened that night. He then called Charlotte and explained. “Did you know that in 1986 your father-in-law was to be interviewed in my brother’s case?”
“No,” Charlotte said tailing the canvassing team. 
Ulrich then told her, “I searched through all the files. Helge was supposed to be questioned on Tuesday, November 11, 1986. Exactly 33 years ago, from the day after tomorrow. But there is no statement. He didn’t show. There’s just a note. ‘Why not forest road?’”
“So you think Helge abducted Mads in 1986,” She asked the man, “And now Mikkel and the other boys 33 years later?”
“Where is he now,” Ulrich asked.
“In a nursing home Ulrich!” She sighed, “He’s 75 years old. He has dementia and the evening Mikkel disappeared, Helge was with me.”
Ulrich argued, “But the evening before Yasin vanished, Woller found Helge in the forest.”
“And took him back to the nursing home,” Charlotte cried, getting annoyed. He was sounding more and more paranoid with every passing day.
“Somehow this all has to do with Mads,” Ulrich claimed.
Charlotte shook her head, “You are barking up the wrong tree.”
“Maybe,” Ulrich admitted, “but maybe not.” He ended up hanging up on his boss.
Charlotte turned, noticing a route through the field that went into another part in the woods. She started to follow it to try and figure out more.
Jonas rode in the car with Egon. He was honestly just wondering how his mother and Annalise were holding up with him suddenly gone without much of a word. Did Lise think he was out with Martha right after having everything happened? Was she wondering when he was going to be home? Was she cry-
“What’s your name,” Egon asked, pulling the boy from his thoughts.
“Jonas,” he said without much thought as he turned to the man.
Egon then asked, “And why didn’t you have your parents drive you?”
Jonas shrugged, “My mom is at work. My dad’s dead.”
Egon then asked, “Where does your mother work?”
“At the power plant,” Jonas explained knowing that was an easy out for him.
Egon nodded, “The power plant has changed Winden. This place used to look different.” He looked towards the boy for a second, “What’s that there?”
Jonas pulled out his earbuds from out his pocket and showed it to him, “Earphones.”
Egon laughed, “Those aren’t earphones.”
“You just put them in your ears,” Jonas explained.
Egon shook his head, “Now I’ve seen it all.”
In 2019, Charlotte ended up following the path. She found the gated cavern that Claudia herself was once led to. She knew she had to talk to Aleksander about this.
Egon, soon, pulled up at the hospital just 33 years prior. He let Jonas out of the car, but not before asking, “Among you teenagers, Is Satanism a thing right now?”
Jonas laughed. “No idea,” He was so grateful for the laugh before he realized the officer was serious. He shook his head and replied, “No, I don’t know. I don’t think so.”
Egon then advised, “Call your mom to pick you up, it isn’t the best time to be walking through the woods alone right now.”
Jonas nodded. He exited the car thanking the officer. He slid his bag back on his back before walking into the hospital. He walked to one of the nurses and explained, “I am looking for Ines Kahnwald.”
“She was just outside with the boy,” She explained.
Jonas shook his head, “What boy?”
Her brows furrowed. She studied the boy, “What do you want Ines for?”
“I am visiting and I locked myself out,” He lied.
She shook her head, “Ines didn’t mention a visitor. Are you related?”
“Yes,” Jonas said, “You could say that.”
She motioned towards the back doors, “Maybe she’s still out back. Otherwise, I’ll tell her when I see her.”
Jonas shook his head, “No, I don’t want to be in any trouble.”
33 years after that encounter, Ulrich snuck into Helge’s room. He walked over to the man to whisper to try and wake up the older gentleman. When Helge woke up, Ulrich introduced himself, “My name is Ulrich Nielsen. I am a police officer. Don’t be scared. I just want to ask you a few questions.”
Helge started to panic seeing the man he had nightmares every night since he was a child. He started to shake his head terrified.
“In 1986, a boy from Winden Vanished,” Ulrich stated ignoring Helge’s reactions, “Mads Nielsen. Do you remember? You were summoned to the station for questioning but there’s no transcript. What does ‘Why not forest road’ mean?”
The heart monitor screamed out of control for a nurse to check in on the older man. A nurse finally burst in to see Ulrich leaning over the man repeating the question over and over while Helge just tried to communicate. She walked over to the man and asked, “What are you doing here?”
“It’s him,” cried Helge.
Ulrich tried to explain, “I am a cop. I want to ask a few questions.”
Helge struggled out the words, “I know you!”
“What did you say,” Ulrich asked as the nurse tried to pull him away from Helge.
“I can change it,” Helge mumbled, “I can change the past and the future.”
The nurse called out to try and get someone else to help her remove Ulrich from Helge’s room so that Helge could continue living in peace. 
“What did you say,” Ulrich asked as the nurses soon surrounded him and started to carry him out, “Where’s Mikkel? Where’s my son?! Where’s Mikkel?”
Meanwhile, in 1986, Jonas walked out the back trying to find Ines so that she could help clear everything up. That is when he spotted them, the younger version of his grandmother and there next to her sat Mikkel. Behind him, the older Jonas, scarred and rugged by his many adventures through time, stated, “How little we understand of the world.”
Jonas turned to him and asked, “Is this real? Or am I crazy, just like my father? Do you even exist? Or are you the hallucination of a lunatic?”
“You are not crazy,” the wiser Jonas stated, “Neither was your father. Sometimes it’s hard for us to grasp things that go against all that we are conditioned to believe. How do you think people felt the first time they were told that the Earth was round?”
Jonas swallowed, “Yes it is. It’s totally insane.”
“And if it’s not?” the older him refuted back.
“How can that be,” Jonas asked with an insane smile on his face, “Is there a breach in time in the cave? So Mikkel hangs out here until he becomes my father?” He must have hit his head in the caves.
The older Jonas, annoyed, replied, “Even if you don’t want to believe it, that is your father.”
Distraught, Jonas looked back at the younger boy and said, “That means...That Ulrich is my grandfather and…”
“Martha is your aunt,” the man who went through this before replied.
Jonas growled, “That’s bullshit.” He was growing more and more annoyed. None of this was right. He just wanted to go home and have everything go back to normal. Martha and he doing this weird dance along the edges. “I’m taking him back and putting this right,” Jonas spitefully spat at his older self.
Knowing exactly what his younger self was thinking, Stranger Jonas pushed Jonas against the back of the car, “Don’t you get it?! If you take Mikkel back, you’ll be meddling in the course of events. Your father will never meet your mother, they won’t fall in love or get married. And you won’t be born! If you take him back now, you’ll be erasing your own existence. The role you play in all of this is much bigger than you think.” He pulled away thinking of a moment that will come to pass for his younger self not too far into his future. His heart ached as he explained tearfully, “But every decision for something is a decision against something else.” He panted as the memory unfolded for him. He could tell his younger self wouldn’t understand but was still terrified at the implications. He further explained, “A life for a life.” He started to calm himself as he asked, “What will you decide?” He wished that the outcome would change, but he knew it wouldn’t. If it had, then he wouldn’t be here as he was with a memory that would haunt him forever and a necklace in his pocket to keep her close to him.
Jonas tearfully watched as the older version of himself walked away. He then turned to watch Mikkel continue eating the green jello Ines had gotten for him. 
Charlotte sat on her desk in 2019 as she scolded Ulrich. Ulrich only used this to explain his, correct, theory that the dead boy, Mikkel, and the other disappearances had something to do with Helge. Charlotte tried to sympathize with him, but there was no feasible way this had anything to do with her father-in-law. 
Back in 1986, Helge opened up his glove compartment and grabbed the raider bar out so he could eat it.
Mikkel, himself, got hungry around the same time, so he hobbled his way down the hall to the vending machine. 
Jonas quickly followed in toe to watch Mikkel. He wasn’t completely convinced not to do anything. He was just about to approach when he saw the younger version of his mother walking up to the boy. Jonas quickly stood back just out of sight to watch. He could see them talking. He wondered if anyone had come back to do the same for him. He pulled out the letter and stared at it. Jonas then decided that he knew what he had to do.
Helge walked to the bunker. He looked around to make sure no one followed him before going inside.
Jonas crawled his way through the caves back home. He, then, made his way into his home. He snuck in quietly without anyone noticing. He wanted to first visit his mother. He walked over to her bedroom to notice something strange. There was a smaller body on the side closer towards the door. There, fast asleep, lay Annalise. He blinked for a second before shaking his head and going to his mother’s side.
Hannah, feeling a dip in the bed, quickly jolted awake. She groaned a bit expecting it to be the girl, but instead saw her son sitting there. He was dirty and sweaty, but he was finally home. “Boy, you startled me,” Hannah complained in a hushed tone to make sure she didn’t wake Annalise, “Where were you?”
Jonas just stared at his mother. He didn’t know what to say, or do for that matter. 
“What’s wrong,” Hannah asked, sitting up more in her bed.
Jonas stared at her and asked, “Do you believe in fate?”
Hannah looked down thinking about how to best answer this question. She had never lied to Jonas before, so she really wasn’t going to start now, “I… I don’t know. Maybe it’s my fate that men leave me.”
Jonas stared at his mother in sorrow. He hated seeing his mother like this. He silently wondered if something had happened while he was gone. “I think Dad loved you very much,” Jonas told her.
Both of them stared at each other, tears filled their eyes as they thought back to Michael. Jonas slowly pulled his mother into a hug and held her as she started to sob. This woke up Annalise.
The girl was so excited to see Jonas back home that she nearly pounced to give him a hug, but then she heard it. Their soft weeping. She slowly sat onto her heels and waited for them to be done. When they pulled away, Jonas looked towards the girl. She gave him a warm, tender smile before motioning up to say she was going to head upstairs.
Jonas nodded and mouthed that he would see her there in a moment. First, he had something he needed to do. The boy shut himself in his father’s studio with a bucket in front of him. He pulled out the letter and a lighter. Jonas deliberately set it aflame and dropped it into the metal bucket. He started to cry knowing that he was just destroying one of the last offerings of his father. He felt his presence in his life start to fade as the letter burned.
Ulrich walked into Helge’s room to find him missing. He looked around hoping to find a clue to where he had gone. There on the table rested that clue. ‘The Journey Through Time’ by H.G. Tannhaus with a necklace made of a coin from 1986 tied with a red sting. He knew he was on the right path. Hearing someone close a car door far too easily, Ulrich checked the window. That was when he noticed the sliding door was open. He walked out to see Helge pacing his way to the caves. Ulrich quickly called Charlotte and updated her letting her know that Helge was a time traveller. He watched as Helge went to the crossing and followed him.
While 1986 Helge climbed out of the bunker with the poor boy’s body. He dragged the body to the caves while Noah cleaned the floor. His back tattooed with Sic Mundus’s mark. 
After he burned the letter, Jonas changed into his sleeping outfit. He looked to his bed. When he saw that Annalise wasn’t there, he crept down the hall to find her in her bedroom. The boy gently knocked on the door to let her know that he was there.
Annalise sat up more in the small bed. She watched him. Jonas didn’t have to say anything. She knew what he wanted, what he needed. She moved closer to the wall so that he could crawl in with her. When he didn’t quite move, Annalise tilted her head but moved more to the other side so he could have the wall side.
Jonas slowly made his way into the bed after she crawled to the side he wanted her on. Tears ran down his face. He adored that he didn’t have to talk with her. Somehow she just knew. He rest his head on her pillow and turned to his side so that he could hold her close to him. He pulled her to him leaving little space between them. As he clung onto her, he grieved and bawled into her pillow. 
Annalise stiffened up as she felt him pull her so close to him. Not that she didn’t want to spoon with him, she just didn’t expect him to do so. She reached behind her and stroked his head. She lowly started to shush him, her voice staying hushed and compassionate to help calm him. Annalise didn’t know how long it was, but she kept caressing him and calming him until he had fallen asleep. His whimpering slowly turned to tempoed breathing. His hold never let up though. It was as if he was clinging onto the last possible string of hope he had in the world.
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ @sasuhinabigflash2020​​ || Day Eighteen: Trust ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Fugaku ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Of Monsters and Men ] [ AO3 Link ] 
[ Previous ] [ Next ] [ This piece is a sequel to Day Fourteen ]
“I have an assignment for you.”
Having only just stepped into his father’s office, Sasuke pauses. That...wasn’t what he expected. “...what is it?”
“We’ve gotten a report of a possible target,” Fugaku begins, watching as his son takes a seat opposite him. “Same city you did your final trial in, actually.”
That earns a flicker of interest, sitting across from Fugaku. “Do we know what kind?”
“Werefox. Kitsune if you believe the old tales. Apparently it’s been running some kind of illegal gambling ring in the back alleys of the city, and it’s starting to attract attention. There’s worry of exposing the involved monsters to humans and causing an incident. Obviously...we don’t want that.”
“So, simple single-target elimination?”
“And any others you come across. If you’d like, we can provide a partner or more backup. But for now the main issue is the fox. The rest will likely disperse once it’s taken down, and we can pick them off as we go.”
In spite of himself, Sasuke does a mental check. The woman he met during his trial - the harpy he’d targeted, only to instead kill a vampire who attacked her...and who he then let go free - didn’t seem the type to play odds. Which is good. Less of a chance he’ll run into her, then. Her insistence that she “repay” him still has him worried. Partly because he cannot let anyone know he let a monster go free. And partly because - given his line of work - she’d probably just get hurt.
...not that he should care. He just can’t let that secret get out. He’d likely be renounced by his clan if it did.
All of that passing in a blink, he looks back to his father. “I’ll go solo. One fox shouldn’t be much of a hassle.”
“They’re just as wily as their natural counterparts,” Fugaku warns. “Be on your guard - it will likely try to outwit you rather than fight you.”
“Good thing I’m clever, then,” Sasuke counters with a smirk, relinquishing his seat. “I’ll call for backup if I need it.”
“Don’t mistake cleverness for cockiness,” is his father’s final quip as the door closes.
“Who says I can’t have both?” Sasuke then murmurs to himself, going to ready his gear before hopping on his motorcycle.
The ride to the designated city isn’t far, and once he arrives, Sasuke checks his phone. The intel team has sent him any additional details they could find, including a decent radius where the gambling seems to be taking place. Sadly there’s little info on the fox save for a very general description. Tanned, with blond hair and blue eyes…? Odd, but not entirely unheard of. Might be a foreigner. He’s not sure about their percentage rate of foreign-blooded or even immigrant Nightwalkers compared to those native to Japan. Might be an interesting subject to study.
But not tonight.
One thing that does catch his attention though...is how the harpy’s address falls into the very edges of the fox’s supposed territory. While again, he doubts she’d be involved...he has to wonder if the vampire who attacked her was. Crimes tend to go hand in hand, after all. Maybe he was only there because of this fox.
...not that he cares. But it’s a potential connection.
Maybe he’ll just...interview her. See if she’s heard anything. And maybe that intel can be enough for her to get that ridiculous idea of debt out of her head.
Then he won’t have to worry about it anymore.
Revving the engine again, he follows a still-familiar route, lingering in his mind from the time he spent for his Hunter trial. The Summer night, unfortunately, is failing to cool much due to the cloud cover, and once he stops his bike, the thick city air makes him sweat.
To his annoyance, the street makes him nervous. It was here, after all, he faced his first vampire, and without any warning. While he didn’t have to fight it alone...the memory still makes him antsy, much to his chagrin. But he steps past the gate to her building and...realizes he doesn’t know what number she’s in.
Subconsciously biting his lip in thought, he backs up a bit and stares at the windows. The building isn’t very big, but he really has no way to figure out which one she’s in without -
Stuttering for half a moment, he then turns to see none other than the harpy from before behind him, clearly making her way home. Her brow is wilted in concern, obviously not expecting to see him. “...er, yeah.”
“...are you…? Are you looking for me?”
Already the grating of interviewing and holding conversation flares up. “Yeah...I thought I’d try and ask you a few questions about a...case I’m working on.”
To his surprise, she brightens a hair. “Of course. Would you...like to come in?”
“No, I need to get going as soon as I can. It’s just a few questions.”
“All right…” Adjusting her posture in preparation to stand a while, she tilts her head. “W-what do you need to know?”
“Have you heard or seen anything about a gambling ring around here? My intel shows that your apartment building might be within the area the leader’s been seen in.”
“Gambling…” she muses quietly to herself. “Not, um...that I know of…?”
“Well, do you know anything about a werefox in the area? Blond, blue eyes…?”
She blinks. “...do you mean Naruto?”
Sasuke blinks back. “...Naruto?”
Immediately, Hinata balks slightly, realizing what she’s said. “...I-I mean...I do know a...a werefox. But, um…”
“He matches the description?”
She flinches. “Y...yes…”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“Look, he -! He’s not a bad person, he -”
“We got wind of him because he’s running illegal gambling,” Sasuke cuts in, arms folding. “Apparently his targets are both Nightwalkers and humans. He’s putting himself and others at major risk of being exposed and causing an incident.”
“...well, I…” She sighs. “....I did hear that...he was scolded by an Enforcer a few days ago.”
Sasuke’s eyes widen. “...an Enforcer…?”
Ohhh shit.
Hinata gives a worried nod. “Warnings aren’t, um...very common from them. I was hoping he would have listened…”
“When was this?”
“I think...two days ago?”
“Hm...well, maybe my intel is out of date, then,” Sasuke murmurs. “...but I’ve been given orders to eliminate him.”
At that, the Hyūga pales. “W...what? But he was just -?”
“If he’s given it up, then maybe I can...work something out. But his actions were, at the very least, running him along a very dangerous edge. Enforcers are to you guys as we Hunters are to humans: we protect our side from exposure. If they think he was screwing up, can you blame us? You know their next step would be execution. Like you said...they don’t usually do warnings.”
To his surprise, her expression starts to crumble toward tears. “...he’s an orphan,” she whispers. “He o-only got mixed up in that s-stuff to get by. Humans are easy targets for foxes - they’re clever enough to outsmart them, of course he’d be tempted…! But he’s not a bad person, Uchiha-san. Please don’t hurt him…!”
Sasuke grits his teeth, irritated to find himself unsettled by her blubbering. “...do you know where we can find him?”
“So I can try scaring some sense into the idiot. Maybe between me and that Enforcer, we can get him to actually straighten out,” he mutters. “I won’t kill him unless I absolutely have to, okay?”
She doesn’t look convinced.
“...don’t you trust me?”
At that, her expression slackens in surprise. And to his own...she gives a small nod.
“...look, you help me with this case, we’ll call ourselves even, all right?” Sasuke then offers. “No more of this...debt stuff, okay?”
“But -?”
“I told you, having that hanging over your head concerning someone like me is dangerous. I’d rather it go away sooner than later. Consider it your life for someone else’s.”
For a moment she looks ready to keep arguing, but then softens. “...all right. I’ll show you. Just...don’t hurt him.”
“I won’t so long as he doesn’t give me a reason to. And there better be no funny business - I know how foxes are.”
For a moment, her lips lift in a smile...but then fall as she remembers why they’re having this discussion. “...follow me.”
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     This is short and late but jkdfhjdg I’ve been busy and kinda down, my bad, guys. I wasn’t sure if I should do sequel pieces in this event but eventually just said screw it lol - and yes, I already have a day in mind for a followup, so this won’t be an eternal cliffhanger, I promise!      More role-swap monster verse...stuff lol - Sasuke’s sure dealing with this harpy more than he planned to ;3 But what’s this? Another monstie? And it’s Naruto, no less...interesting...:3c      Anyway, I’ve got a hellishly long day ahead of me tomorrow - no idea if I’ll get a piece done or not OTL As said before, I WILL finish this event one way or another, just...probably late. Hoping I’ll catch up but no holding my breath, lol - so for now, goodnight, and thanks for reading~
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