#I’m just a sinus mess
jemmo · 2 years
slight change of plan… my cold is coming back for an encore, not as bad but still a nightmare for my sinuses so my bad buddy rewatch posts aren’t gonna keep up with the schedule. i still really wanna write them bc i miss my dumb lil meta posts but i’ll take my time so I can actually concentrate and not just spew nonsense (no promises tho)
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floral-hex · 4 months
Hey, do you got doctors appointments you need to schedule but haven’t for whatever dumb reason (for me, laziness. probably. no no, complacency. That sounds better)? Well, go do it! Now! or soon! You need to just hurry up and schedule that shit! I’m sorry! Make the call! You gotta! You’re probably gonna have to wait multiple weeks for the appointment anyway, so if you wait until the problem is really bad, then you’re just condemning yourself to waiting extra long to get checked out. Jeez!
#this is mostly directed at me#still having breathing issues#it maaaaay be related to sinus issues. I don’t think that’s entirely it but it’s worth a shot#My sinuses have been messed up for so so long and it’s killing me and I just now set up an ENT appointment#so now. good job at making the appointment. but now you gotta wait 2.5 weeks just for the initial check-in#I just want someone to stick a lil camera up my nose and see why my lil holes always feel so swollen 🥺#my poor lil holes 🥺#but I’ll probably have the initial meeting and then if I can convince them to scope me out that’ll take a bit to schedule. probably.#been having breathing issues lately which you may have noticed if you skimmed any of my recent flood of text posts#went looking back through old head scan reports and and saw some mentions of nasal polyps and blockage#that of course no one ever mentioned at the time#and I’ve always suspected that my sinuses might be deviated or have growths or whatever bc breathing was never my strong suit#but maybe it’s nothing 🤷🏻‍♂️#but maybe it’s something. that’s the thing. I should have looked into this before it got bad#I have a real bad issue with complacency#life doesn’t even have to be GOOD. as long as I can live and not be stressed and be lazy I will 99% of the time just do nothing#hence… why my life is like… this. uneventful. sad. bare minimum of an existence.#this is getting too existential and self-deprecating#I don’t know what I’m going to do for 2.5 weeks. stressful.#I know it won’t fix all of my problems. not my MAIN issues. but doing SOMETHING is not nothing. especially if it takes the edge off#too many tags#you can ignore this#just go make that phone call!#I’d make it for you if I could!#text
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moonstruckme · 4 months
You asked for doctor remus request and here is am 😅 This is a fully self indulgent request as i’m sick rn and i’m all alone and i have to still do everything and take care of everything and i just want doctor remmy to put me on bed rest and just dote on me and make me soup and hug me when i cry like a baby because i always turn into such a mess and just want to be cared for??? Hope you have a great night/day lovely!! 💕
Hope you have a great day/night as well!
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 631 words
You’d both been sure your supply of cough drops would last you through the night, but Remus is beginning to lose faith. It breaks his heart hearing you try to quiet yourself, your back convulsing as you press your face into your pillow. You’d tried to sleep on the couch, then when that didn’t work tried to get him to sleep on the couch, but Remus won’t be separate from you. It doesn’t matter to him how late the both of you are kept awake. He’s already called in for tomorrow anyway, just like he did for today. 
“Do you want some tea?” he asks. 
“No, thanks,” you manage, coughing around every syllable. 
He hums his understanding and sets a hand on your back, moving it up and down your spine in a motion he hopes will console you. Heat radiates from your skin, still not enough to really worry him but enough that he’s sure you’re feeling muddled and exhausted. You hadn’t slept much last night either. 
At his touch you curl in on yourself as if pained, and the noise that escapes you sounds so broken Remus sits up. Though the light coming in through the window is dim, he can see the dejection etched into the lines of your expression and the shiny wetness of your eyes. 
A low sound slips from the back of his throat. Remus slides his hand up to your shoulder, drilling his thumb in small circles over your collarbone. “What is it, honey, is your head still bothering you?” 
His sympathy worsens your crying, which worsens the coughing. Remus waits for the fit to pass, thumb moving over your skin all the while. 
“Yeah,” you say once you can manage. “Everything hurts. I’m so tired of this, Rem. I want to sleep, and I just—” Furiously, you take a tissue from the nightstand, blowing your nose. “I just want my fucking ears to pop.” 
Remus could almost laugh at the way the curse hiccups out of you, if you didn’t sound so pitiful. 
“I know, sweetheart,” he murmurs. You turn over to face him, and he cups your face in the basin of his palm. When you close your eyes, he strokes the skin beneath with his thumb. His poor girl, so desperate for comfort. He wishes terribly this was one of the ailments he could just banish in a day. “You should start to feel better soon.” 
Remus realized your cold had turned into a sinus infection after it suddenly got worse when it was supposed to be getting better. He got you on antibiotics that same day, but unfortunately they don’t work quickly enough to save you the misery of the early stages. You’ve been plagued with the cough, a blocked up nose, and a relentless headache since yesterday morning. 
The good news is, sinus infections aren’t contagious. 
Remus gives you a kiss. Your lips are warm and slightly chapped, and you taste like the soup he’d made you for dinner. He knows he can’t convey all his love and caring through the press of his mouth, but he tries anyway. 
“Do you want me to warm up the flannel for your sinuses again?” he asks.
You sniffle, looking guilty. “I don’t want you to have to get up.” 
“I’m up,” Remus says, kissing a salty tear off your cheek before sitting upright. “Sure you don’t want some tea, dove? I’ll be in the kitchen anyways, and it can cool while you lay with the flannel.” 
“Yes, please,” you murmur. You reach up a hand out of the covers, and he takes it as he rounds the bed, squeezing obligingly. “Thank you, Rem.” 
“Don’t mention it,” he tells you. 
In the end, you’re not awake long enough to drink your tea. 
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wannaeatramyeon · 10 months
Jake Kim x Reader: Jealous
G/N. Silly + fluffy. Spawned from chatting with @steamedeggs, as always.
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"Who's that?"
Jake follows your eye line.
"Samuel Seo," He tells you with a sigh. Whether that's a result of their meeting on the Pier or something else you can't be sure.
"The famous Samuel Seo," you mutter.
You watch him gracefully fold his limbs into a fancy executive car and lament the shitbox Sinu has left Jake, "Oh damn, he's hot and loaded?"
Jake huffs a small exasperated laugh, curling his arm around your shoulders. "Some would consider him hot and loaded, yes."
You throw your boyfriend a cheeky grin, raking over his form with greedy eyes.
"Obviously not as hot as you, though."
Listen, Jake does not lack confidence. Jake is secure. With his appearance, his personality, his finances- no wait, scratch the last one.
Bottom line: Jake is perfectly fine with himself.
Lua has called him egotistical and conceited at times, but that's besides the point. Vivi has commented that he's ugly to his face and he couldn't care less. (All the girls throwing themselves at him in the club certainly showed otherwise.)
Sometimes even you think it is grossly unfair. Jake has won the lottery in the looks and personality department. He is beyond charming, winning hearts wherever he goes. Not even his battle scars dull his shine, adding only a sexy and bad boy air to this giant golden retriever of a man.
Anyway, the point is-
It's hard to phase Jake. It's nigh on impossible for his jealousy to flare up.
"What was that on his neck?"
"Samuel Seo's."
"You mean his tattoos?"
"Huh, neck tattoos? That's bold."
Jake watches you type in neck tattoos, and if he isn't mistaken, you look impressed.
'What's impressive about neck tattoos?' He wonders, leaning over to look at the designs on your phone.
"You want me to get a neck tattoo?" He angles his head to show off his throat and your phone no longer holds your attention. You're desperate to sink your teeth in. Add your own markings.
"Or what about a face tattoo?" Jake grins, "Tear drop under one eye? Writing on the other cheek? Some big letters? Big Deal?"
Picturing his suggestion, you wrinkle your nose. "Definitely not-"
"'Cos I guess these aren't enough for you, huh?"Jake raises an eyebrow, one corner of his lips pulled up and flexing his biceps.
It's obnoxious but goddamn this man. Enough of his charm shines through that it's sexy, a touch silly, and a lot endearing.
"Does your friend actually need glasses?"
Jake mentally flips through the list of people he knows. Friend? With glasses? "Samuel?"
You nod.
"Probably. Not sure. He never wore them in Big Deal."
"So they're just for show? He's a poser?"
Jake chuckles at your words and shrugs.
"Hmm," you tap your chin, "It does make him look smart-"
"Samuel is smart."
"-and sophisticated. You want a pair?"
"C’mon," Jake looks at you with mock hurt and clutching his heart, "I already am smart and sophisticated."
"Sure you are."
"And I look it!"
“You’re pretty tall, right?”
Jake blinks, because what a question. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes, except maybe professional basketball players.
“And Samuel is the same height as you?”
“I think so?”
“What do you mean huh?”
“Nothing. Just… huh.” You begin to walk away but Jake grabs onto your arm and yanks you back. You fall into his chest with an ‘oof’.
“I’m not tall enough for you?”
“7ft might be nice. Maybe 8ft. Why not double digits. 10ft!”
“Yeah,” he laughs and rolls his eyes, “I’ll get right on that.”
Jake is sulky and pouty.
He knows you’re teasing. Messing around, playing. Hell, he teases you enough. 
Despite this. He is sulky and he is pouty.
"Jake..." you plop yourself into his lap, "You know I'm only joking right?"
He gives you a sidelong glance even as he angles his cheek for a kiss.
"I think you're the best," You give him a smooch. "Your tattoos are hot," Another smooch. "You're very smart."
"And sophisticated," he grumbles, though he makes no attempt to hide the smile creeping over his face.
"The most sophisticated!" You kiss him loudly on the lips this time. "You should teach people how to be as sophisticated as you are. Charge them a billion won each to listen to you talk about sophistication. And you’re the tallest. A giant. The biggest man to have ever existed. I don’t know how you fit that massive head through doors,” You squeeze his shoulders, “How do you even get this huge body in a building.”
Jake bursts into laughter at your ridiculousness. 
“I even love your awful death-trap that you call a car. With no air conditioning and no airbags and seatbelts that jam when they shouldn’t."
Jake clicks his tongue at you, "Now I know you're lying. Even I hate that stupid car. And it’s not mine."
“Ok,” you give in, “I do hate it.”
Jake’s face turns soft and tender. He pulls you close, until your foreheads are touching and you can see the flecks of gold in his eyes. “I think you’re the best and hot and smart and sophisticated. You’re not that tall and you don’t have a car... But you are mine though.”
“Yeah,” you agree, melting into his arms, feeling his heart beating in time with your own. “I am yours.”
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hheaven-sentt · 2 months
willow and wisteria
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summary: he's the willow, you're the wisteria | leon kennedy x reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: movie title mentions (had to pull out the pop culture stops for this one), yearning, a certain nostalgia for Blockbuster and VHS rentals
notes: has this been sitting on my laptop for two weeks? yes. do I want to talk about that? no. also, i am battling a sinus infection that spread to my lungs? and let me just say: sinus infection's got hands | ao3
Shoulder to shoulder on the couch, you wonder how you got to this point. He’s stiff beside you as the credits roll on some old western movie you don’t remember the name of. You can see him in your peripheral, jaw clenched like he’s fighting to keep words in, skin naturally smoother than you could ever get it with products, staring straight ahead like he’s looking for his own name on the screen. He’s wearing a sweatshirt you’ve never seen before; it looks so soft, and you want nothing more than to crawl into it.
His voice pulls you from your thoughts. “How many is that?”
You turn your head a bit and blink at him. “Twelve, I think,”
“I think I’ve seen enough westerns to last me a lifetime,” he teases lightly. “I get to pick next time,”
This is what you do. It’s a moment of reprieve for each of you. In total, you’ve watched sixteen dramas, fourteen comedies, six romances, and twelve westerns. Movies are easy. There’s no expectations, not like there would be if you went out to dinner or to a bar. You’re not supposed to talk during movies, although you and Leon have never really been good about that. You don’t know his middle name or his favorite color, but you know that he hates Die Hard and he had a crush on Molly Ringwald as a kid. So, yes, you talk during the movies, but never about the things that would let you peel back the curtain.
You like it that way. There’s no fear of saying the wrong thing or unloading baggage that’s been packed away for decades. It’s easy this way, and you like easy.
“I’m sure the guy at Blockbuster is eagerly awaiting your decision,” you grin. Leon rolls his eyes.
“Are you going to bring that up every time I pick a movie?” he asks, looking at you finally. You see something in his eyes that you can’t quite place.
You shrug. “Probably. I’ve never seen a man more excited to talk about Alien,”
Leon cringes. “To be fair, it was a good movie,”
“I don’t know if it was ask-for-your-number-good, though,” you laugh. “Besides, I bring it up so that you don’t get any ideas about ditching me as your movie buddy,”
“I can’t imagine that we’d watch a ton of movies,” Leon says. Immediately, his cheeks go pink, and you can’t resist the laughter bubbling in your chest. It’s bright and wide, filling up the entire room. You’re wheezing before you know it.
“Hey, man, do whatever you want,” you say between giggles. “Just as long as you watch movies with me,”
Playfully, he knocks his shoulder into yours. “That’s not what I meant and you know it,”
You like when Leon grins. It’s more than a regular smile. It takes up most of his face, eating away at his cheeks and his sorrow, even if only for a moment. He carries something that he won’t share, and you like when he lets go of it for a while. There is peace in the way he laughs, and you prefer to savor it.
“Help me clean up before you head out?” you ask. Sometimes, you try to make him overstay his welcome. Sometimes, you never want him to leave. Sometimes, you try to con him into three or four movies in one night, hoping that he’ll choose to crash on your couch rather than brave the D.C traffic.
He nods, and begins to grab bowls and cups off your coffee table. There’s never much of a mess, but he always helps when you ask. Wordlessly, you file in and out of the kitchen until there’s no evidence that he was here at all. He gathers his things–his keys and geriatric phone–from the table next to the door and slips on his shoes. There’s a weight in your stomach that you wish would go away.
“Same time next week?” he asks. You smile.
“Don’t miss me too much,” you tease. “And don’t stop by the video store without me,”
“I can’t risk going back in there alone,” he says, feigning seriousness.
You can’t help but notice the way he lingers in the entry. You stare at him as you hear a crack of thunder rolling through the sky. You gnaw on your lower lip.
Before you can stop yourself, you say, “If you’d rather not face the storm, my couch is pretty comfy and I make a mean cup of coffee in the morning,”
He looks at you for a moment, like he didn’t fully understand what you said, and then he slips his shoes back off. Silently, he pulls his keys back out of his pocket and returns them to their place on the table.
“Just so you know,” he says. “I drink it black,”
You roll your eyes. “Of course you do,”
You half expect the next few minutes to be awkward, but they aren’t. Leon just settles back into his spot on the couch, leant back against the cushions behind him like he’s supposed to have been there all along. You have to fight the curl threatening to upturn your lips. You return to him, like you always do, settling down beside him with room to spare.
“What’s next on the list?” he asks. His hands are on his chest, just below his sternum, fingers interlaced. You notice that his eyes have slipped closed.
“I was thinking Titanic,” you muse, leaning your head against the cushions. You hadn’t realized how tired you really were. “It’s a classic,”
“Little boring for my taste,” he says. You smile.
“A whole boat sinks during the last, like, hour of the movie,” you tease, leaning over to shove him playfully. “How is that boring?”
He shrugs, smiling and opening one eye to peek at you. You feel a chill snake its way down your spine. “The other two thirds cancel out the boat sinking,”
“Fair,” you note. You can’t find anything else to say, even if you want to. He looks so peaceful there, loose on your couch and in your space. He chose to stay. He chose to be around you. Sometimes, it makes you nervous.
Silence stretches between you, but it doesn’t amplify the nerves. It settles them, honestly. You find yourself so comfortable here, an arm’s length away from him but somehow still wrapped in his warmth. He eases your tensions, dampens the sounds from outside. What a pleasant world it would be if he were here all the time. Your eyelids droop as you watch him. His breathing is so steady, you’d think he’d fallen asleep. But he twitches every now and then to tell you he’s still awake.
“You’re really gonna make me coffee tomorrow?” he asks. His voice is low and smooth. It makes you smile.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “It’s the least I can do for holding you captive,”
He laughs, weak and wonderful as if he’s on the edge of sleep. “You’re not holding me captive. There’s hurricane force winds out there,”
You grin, opening your eyes to look at him. You find him already watching you. Blush creeps over his features. You hold his stare, wondering what he’s thinking.
“You make me nervous,” you whisper. You’re not sure he even hears you. He seems to be calculating his words, or maybe his escape route.
Instead, he furrows his brow. “I hope it’s a good kind of nervous,” he whispers back. Your lips form a line as you nod.
The silence returns, but you keep watching him. He’s pretty like this, haloed by the lightning that flashes in the window every few seconds. You fight the urge to reach out and trace his features. You can imagine the way his skin would feel against yours, the sloped angle of his nose, the creases near his eyes.
You want to jump out of your skin when he turns to consider you more. There’s a half smile hung on his lips. Then, he’s reaching out to grab your hand. It’s tentative, like a young boy might slowly wrap his fingers around a girl’s for the very first time. It’s simple, it’s easy; you like easy. His hands are much warmer than yours, though you’re not sure how, considering you feel like every inch of you has been consumed by flames. You worry that he can see the sweat beginning to bead along your hairline. You swallow thickly, praying to whoever might listen that you don’t screw this up.
“What’s your favorite color?” you ask. Your voice is low, barely above a whisper like you’re children trading secrets when you’re meant to be asleep.
He smiles. “Green,” he says. “Like a forest just before dusk,”
Of course it would be green. You feel a flash of embarrassment for not having asked earlier. The amount of green things you could shower him would last a lifetime. You think back to every green item you’ve ever seen, every natural green you’ve had the pleasure of witnessing,  and wonder how you’d never thought of it before. Now, when the tree outside your window raps against the panes, you’ll think of him. You’ll think of him when you use the crockpot your mother gifted you when you moved out. You’ll see him in the murky depths of a lake, or the vibrant hue of your favorite pair of shoes.
“Mine’s purple,” you reply. “Like wisteria,”
His face sours for a moment. “The stuff that hangs off willow trees?”
You grin and nod. “Exactly like that,”
At this, he laces your fingers together with more confidence. You feel your heart stutter. You would be content to die like this. In this moment, you’d make him a hundred cups of coffee, give him a thousand green hued things, and look for willow trees where you can.
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Misery Loves Company // B. Wayne x f!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: mentions of menstruation
Summary: You have a sinus infection, period cramps, and it’s hot as balls. Bruce is a good husband.
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“I think I’m dying.”
Alfred tutted over you as you glared at the screen in front of you. Your eyes narrowed as you watched the camera from Bruce’s cowl rattle at bit when Killer Croc got in an easy hit. 
“I assure you, Mistress Wayne, that you are not dying. It’s just a small sinus infection.”
“Oh yeah, you call it small when you’re blowing out of one working nostril.” You scowled, your hands bumping into various buttons on the keys as you waved your hands, and then remembered who you were talking to. “Sorry, Alfred, I just feel miserable.”
“Quite alright, Miss. Master Tim has said far worse when I gave him his last flu shot.”
“That’s because Timmy is a wimp when it comes to needles,” Dick said over the comms.
“Names,” you and Bruce intoned at the same time.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I had the comms on,” you explained. “My brain is a mess today.”
Alfred cleared his throat and you avoided his gaze. You knew he wanted you to admit you were sick, but there was no way in hell. How could you complain about a little headache and period cramps when they were getting shot at and blown up? You especially couldn’t make them worry, namely your husband, when they needed to focus.
“I do remind you, miss, that I handled running the computers when Master Bruce first conceived this hairbrained idea,” Alfred said. “And it appears that you have the same propensity as Master Bruce as not understanding the need to rest.”
Your eyes narrowed and you slowly turned your chair to face him. “No, you wouldn’t.”
“Either get upstairs and into bed or I shall tell Master Bruce.”
“You’re an evil, evil man.”
Deciding rest didn’t sound like a terrible option, you dragged yourself upstairs to the bedroom you shared with Gotham’s resident vigilante. It was summer and living in a city built on a swamp and next to the ocean meant that humidity and heat clung to the air like a bad smell. You grunted once you left the cool air of the cave and into the damp atmosphere of the manor.
You were hot, your face felt more stuffed than a turkey on Thanksgiving day, and your uterus was trying to murder you.
Fuck this day.
After changing into pajamas, too tired to even bother with skincare, you laid on your side of the bed and realized that no sleep would be happening tonight. How the fuck were you able to sleep when one half of your face felt like it was packed full of cotton, your back ached from cramps, and the sheets plastered itself against you and clung to your skin in a way that overstimulated you?
This was the worst. Sitting up helped your sinus infection, but aggravated your back. Sweat dripped down your skin and you let out a pitiful whine. God, this sucked. Everything sucked.
You punched the pillow underneath your head in an attempt to make it more comfortable and then flipped it over to sink your cheek into the cooler side of the silken fabric. Your hand reached out and snatched up Bruce’s pillow, which you drew into your chest and cuddled. Even if it was hot, you would do anything to have your husband next to you right now, calloused hands rubbing into the sore muscles of your back. With his low, soothing voice and magic touch, you could be asleep in minutes.
Ah, shit. Here comes the water works. You pressed your face into the soft fabric of his pillow and immediately regretted it as the fabric dampened, saturating the scent of his cologne and body wash with the saltiness of your tears. You needed to get your shit together. What if someone came home injured today? They would need you to have your head on straight.
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of Bruce’s voice. When had he opened the door and walked in? Swiping the back of your hand across your cheeks, you sat up and quickly looked him over. No visible injuries.
“What happened? Why aren’t you on patrol?”
His large, calloused palm came up to cradle your jaw and you sank into the delicate yet strong touch he offered. Your eyes slid shut as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Alfred called me back in. Sorry, I’m a bit late. I swung by Leslie’s and picked up an antibiotic that will fix that sinus infection and then I had to run to CVS to get some things.”
You paused, your eyelids cracking open so you could stare up at him. “In the suit?”
If you didn’t know Bruce, you wouldn’t have picked up on the tiny twitch of his lips. “Maybe.”
The visual image was striking. Batman standing in line at CVS with a basket clenched in one of his leather gloves, filled with pads, snacks, and medicine. You could only picture the look on the cashier’s face as he swiped a box of tampons over the laser. Bruce liked to keep the house stocked at all times thanks to three women living there permanently and numerous others trickling in on the daily.
“You didn’t need to do that.”
He stooped down and wrapped his arms around you, lifting you as easily as you picked up Alfred the cat everyday to deposit kisses on the cat’s head. Your husband’s strength always surprised you, even after being with him for years.
“I did. You deserve it. Lukewarm shower and I’ll set up the netti pot. Leslie said you take the antibiotics twice a day for eight days. The whole time. No skimping. Take all sixteen.”
“I’m not an idiot,” you snorted. “I know how antibiotic resistance works.”
“I forget sometimes that I’m not dealing with the average human population.”
“Let me guess, someone else tried to take a selfie with Killer Croc tonight.”
“Had a selfie stick and everything.”
You snickered and settled in against his chest. You still felt like shit, but with Bruce here, it was starting to get better. Maybe you could convince him to give you that massage after your shower…
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @alexxavicry​ @havingarebelliousstage​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @cursedandromedablack​ 
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mermmarie · 2 years
Authors Note: I’m sick, so how about some headcanons about the (Bay) boys taking care of you when you’re not feeling well? 😘
No warnings. Rated E for everyone??
OVERALL: (General headcanons that apply to all the turtles) 
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Due to the boys genetic engineering, they wouldn’t be susceptible to most human illnesses (if any at all.) So, you wouldn’t have to worry about quarantining away from your mutant boyfriend.
One of my personal favorite headcanons for the Bay Boys (thanks to @dontlookatmytmntcollection) is that they run hot. Their warmth would be comforting and somewhat medicinal (depending on the type of aliment you have.) 
Looots of face kisses. Even though they can’t contract your illness, it doesn’t mean they’re down to play tonsil hockey while snot’s dripping from your nose to lips and you’re trying to hack up your lungs every minute. So, you settle with kisses on your cheeks, forehead and ears.
“Babe, I can’t come down to the sewers, I’m sick.” “... Aight. I’m coming to you then.” NOTHING, would stop these boys from coming to your aid when you’re not feeling well. I mean, it is their responsibility to take care of the citizens of New York. They’re definitely not using your illness as an excuse to get out the lair and cuddle with you till sunrise. 
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Mikey doesn’t like being contained to one spot or activity for too long, so he wants you to recover quickly which means: staying hydrated!! He’ll make sure you’re sipping water every quarter hour, and you’ll have consumed at least three liters worth of fluid each day you’re sick.
However, you being sick does make for a great excuse to stay in bed and play video games. He’s definitely busting out the handhelds, or he’s bringing in a bigger console for you two to start an action-adventure story game together!
If he’s not with you, he’s blowing up your phone with jokes, memes, and funny videos to make up for his absence. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right?
Makes you ‘Get well soon’ cards, and leaves them strewn about your place for you to find when he’s away. If you don’t already have a vase for flowers, he’s bought you one and filled it with your favorite kind. (If it’s allergies that’s got you down, he’ll make sure to get fake flowers because you still deserve them! Just ones that won’t kill you! Lol!)   
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Surprisingly, Raph is the only one out of his brothers who’d be fine with staying in bed with you all day. He hates it when you’re feeling bad, and just wants you to get well soon. So, if that means resting up and getting some good sleep then so be it. The man’s natural heat helps relieve sinus pressure and soothes you to sleep, so you’re grateful for his presence. (Even if he takes up most of the bed.)
The others don’t know this, but Raph is really good at mani-pedis. He’ll trim, file, and shape your nails, as well as pushing back and clipping your cuticles to remove any dead skin. Color is up to you, which he also does surprisingly well for how large his digits are.
Sews you a shawl every time you’re sick. Which hopefully, is not too often, but even so– Raph’s a pro at it, so it doesn’t take him long to whip something up. It’s unbelievably soft and retains heat like it’s him draping his arms over your shoulders instead of the cotton fabric.
He knows how important it is to maintain nutrients and keep your energy up when sick. To save you a mess of dishes and utensils, he puts together dump-n-go meals in a slow cooker! It ranges from soups, to stews, to pastas, and oatmeal. They’re all very tasty and there’s a good amount of leftovers for the next day!
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Remember how I mentioned that Leo would be good at massages? Well, you’d be getting a lot of facials when sick. He’s working on your sinuses to release pressure and unblock your nasal passages. He makes sure to do this before you lie down for bed, that way you’ll sleep easier. 
Cleans your whole damn room/house. A clean space makes for a clean mind; not to mention sanitization helps with a quicker recovery period. And since there’s not much else for the two of you to do when you’re down and out, he might as well tidy up. It’s nice to not have any cleaning to do once you’ve recovered.
Depending on the severity of your sickness, Leo will suggest a workout. Nothing too strenuous!! Just something light, like yoga or walking to get you active. You’ve most likely been stationary for most of your illness and your body could use stretching. (I personally should probably apply this practice to real life, hahaha…)
This may come as a surprise, but you watch a lot of trash TV together when you’re sick. Leo is one of those guys who thinks he has no interest and is above that kind of content, but snaps his head to attention when some drama goes down. And nothing makes you feel better than watching someone else’s crummy life play out on the big screen.  
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Has immediately placed a ‘clean bill of health’ order on a delivery app, and sent it to your residence. The order consists of: over the counter meds, neti pots, electrolyte-infused drinks, multiple humidifiers (if you don’t already have one), and a boat load of tissues. You think it’s too much tissue until you’ve gone through multiple boxes in just one day…
Like his orange-clad brother, he would propose playing some video games if you’re feeling up for it. Although, unlike Mikey, he’d suggest you play something competitive or involving horror. It’s to get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Of course, he’s creative in his remedies!
He draws up perfectly temperature baths for you with essential oils to ease your congestion and Epsom salt to relieve your muscle aches. He also throws in some bath bubbles cause it isn’t only about feeling better! He wants you to relax and have some fun too!
If you got homework that needs done, housework that requires fixing, or bills to be paid, Donnie’s got you covered. The last thing you need to do while recovering is stress over tasks that he can easily take care of while you’re sick. (Not to mention, he takes much pride in being your go-to man.) 
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perfectpaperbluebirds · 3 months
I was desperate for OC art and the wonderful @mimikusu agreed to an art trade. Here is the fic I wrote for Simon and Niko, based on this prompt they posted around Christmas last year. This was a treat to write and such a fun exchange. Thank you Mimi, and I hope you enjoy your fic!!
All The Way Home I'll Be Warm
“I don’t know why I put up with you, Nikolai,” Simon grumbled to himself as he threw his bags down in the hotel room he had just checked into. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth, I swear.” He huffed to the window and glared at the snowflakes drifting down, scrubbing angrily at his dripping nose. The town below was already bustling with life as the Christmas market prepared to open. Colored lights, pine boughs, red and green decorations, and what looked like hundreds of merchant stalls spread out as far as the eye could see. Simon rubbed his eye, behind which a headache was already forming. He groaned, coughed, and tried to blow his nose, but it was stopped tight with congestion. 
“I hate these damn festivals,” Simon growled. “Why the hell Niko loves them so much I’ll never know. God, I wish I could cancel. I already feel like shit. But he would think I’m just making excuses. Ugh.”
He let his head fall into his hand as he continued to glare out the window. He missed Niko so much, and that was the only reason he was here right now. Simon had been traveling for work nearly all of December, and it seemed like he had hardly seen his boyfriend. In a few days they would leave to see their families for the holidays, so this was their only chance to spend time together. Niko had been begging to go to this damn Christmas market for months, and Simon had finally caved and booked the hotel and flights, though he made sure to complain the whole time about the expense, and how foolish these markets were. It made Niko so unbelievably happy, though, and that was what Simon wanted in the end. 
However, Simon hadn’t accounted for catching a cold at the end of his last business trip. The weeks of travel and little sleep had caught up with him, and this was shaping up to be a monster of a cold. He already had a sinus headache and a nasty sore throat, and the buzzing high up in his nose told him he would be sneezing his brains out in no time. Walking around outside in the cold, surrounded by thousands of people and bright lights and smells sounded like absolute hell. Yet Niko would be arriving any moment, ready for a weekend of Christmas cheer, and Simon couldn’t bear to disappoint him now, though he would rather do just about anything else. 
“God, I’m so tired,” Simon yawned, thinking of the exhausting night ahead. “I could fall asleep here on the floor. I truly don’t know how I’m going to survive tonight.” 
Yet he knew he would have to find a way. If nothing else, he wouldn’t let the expense of this trip be wasted by getting sick. This was Niko’s Christmas present, and he would get his money’s worth, everything else be damned. With a heavy sigh, Simon went to change out of his traveling clothes and into warm things suitable for a night outside. When he bent over his suitcase, though, the itch in his nose flared up into the need to sneeze. He just barely had time to press a tissue to his nose before: “HA’ISSHIEW! Hihh–HIPSHH! hhe–ESHIEW!! Ugh, that’s disgusting,” Simon groaned, trying not to look at the mess in the tissue. His nose wanted to keep sneezing, but he roughly pinched and rubbed it until the urge subsided. Just as he threw away the used square, his phone dinged with a text from Niko saying he was waiting in the lobby. Simon quickly finished changing, then went down to meet him, fiercely scrubbing at his nose to quell the itch that was already building up again. 
Niko was practically dancing with excitement in the lobby, dressed in a gaudy Christmas sweater and ridiculous hat that made him look adorable. 
“Oh Simon, it's so beautiful outside! I can’t wait for you to see it. It’s just magical! Oh I’m so happy to be here with you! Come on let’s go, there’s so much we have to see!”
“Don’t you want to drop your bag off in the room first?” Simon grunted, trying to hide the congestion and hoarseness in his voice.
“Oh, right. I guess we can do that really quickly. But let’s not waste any time!” Niko ran back up the stairs that Simon had just come down, not even waiting to hear the room number. With a tired groan, Simon turned to follow. It was going to be a long night.
It was exactly as miserable as Simon predicted. The cold air made his nose start dripping immediately, and it didn’t stop the whole night, so he was perpetually wiping his nose every time Niko’s back was turned, and his upper lip was raw and stinging in no time. The cold air seemed to pierce through all his layers, and he found himself shivering right away, though he kept his arms locked by his sides so Niko wouldn’t notice. The noise of the crowds and cheering and music made him want to curl up on the ground and cover his ears. The flashing, twinkling, spinning lights reflecting off of everything felt like daggers going through his eyes straight to his brain. Worst of all were the smells, though. Food, perfume, smoke, pine, candles, feathers, dust, animals, incense– everywhere he turned, something else was assaulting his nose and making his breath hitch into almost-sneezes every other moment. Many times the irritation was too much, and he was forced to stifle the resulting expulsion into his scarf, hoping Niko didn’t notice. If his partner was far enough away, Simon would allow himself to sneeze messily into the sleeve of his coat, hoping for some small relief, but with each sneeze he felt worse, not better. 
Predictably, Niko wanted to stop at nearly every booth, even if it was exactly the same as the five booths they had just visited. The postman delighted over every trinket and costume and overpriced souvenir as if he had never seen one like it, and Simon had to refrain from rolling his eyes constantly, mainly because rolling his eyes made his headache worse. The only thing that helped was the mulled wine and hot spiked cider. These were the only stalls Simon asked to stop at, and from the beginning, Niko was puzzled. 
“You’re having wine? I thought you said it gives you a bad hangover?”
“I’m trying to get into the holiday spirit like you’ve been insisting, Niko!” he snapped. “Tonight I’d like a hot drink, and I think wine sounds nice. Do you have a problem with that?”
“Not at all. I just think you’re very confusing sometimes,” Niko said, shaking his head with a smile. 
As soon as he would finish one mug, Simon would order another, desperate for the warmth in his hands and stomach, and he quickly lost count of how much he drank. It helped the shivering though, and numbed some of the other miseries, and he was glad for it. By the middle of the evening the exhaustion from travel and illness finally faded into comfortable drunkenness. He was happy enough to watch Niko run around and exclaim and delight over everything, like a butterfly between flowers. The postman spent far too much money, and soon he was laden down with shopping bags, but he said again and again that this was the perfect night, so Simon let him have his fun, just happy to be with him. In spite of himself, Simon had to admit the night was pretty, with the snow gently falling and the tangible Christmas cheer. He could see why some people enjoyed such things. 
As the evening waned, Simon’s nose couldn’t take any more stifling, or else he was too drunk to care anymore, so he began to sneeze more openly. At first Niko laughed and thought it was cute. 
“hihhgg’KIHPTCHoo! Kih’IHT’CHOO!”
“Bless you, Simon! Are you feeling alright? That’s your third sneeze in as many minutes,” Niko chuckled, running a thumb under his partner’s eye to catch a stray tear. 
“I’mb fine,” Simon croaked. “It’s all the incense and cold air. And someone is smoking hookah nearby I think.” He coughed to accentuate his point. 
“If you’re sure. Then let’s go over to the figurines instead to get away from the incense.”
Soon, though, Niko began to realize something was amiss. 
“God, Simon, that sounded awful. Are you coming down with something? Your nose is as red as a Christmas bulb.”
“Maybe I’m allergic to Christmas. I told you coming here was a bad idea.”
“No one is allergic to Christmas, crabby grinch. There is a lot of smoke around here, though. Maybe that’s your trouble. Let’s go over here. I think you should eat something anyway, to go along with all the wine.” 
“If you insist, nurse,” Simon mumbled, unable to care about anything at this point. He allowed Niko to seat him at a filthy wooden table and place a huge plate of food in front of him, far more than he could ever eat even on his best day. He gamely munched on a few bites of everything, though he was the opposite of hungry. He was unable to taste anything, and had to take small bites because he couldn’t breathe through his nose, but seeing him eat made Niko smile, and that was all Simon cared about. 
While Simon was still “eating” (mostly just pushing the food around on his plate), Niko excused himself to the restroom. Simon immediately put down his fork and laid his head on his arms, telling himself he would rest for just a moment and give his aching eyes a break. 
He woke some time later to Niko shaking his shoulder. 
“Simon, dear, wake up. Poor thing, you really are exhausted aren’t you? Why didn’t you say something earlier? Come on, let’s go back to the hotel. We can always see more tomorrow.”
“If you’re sure,” Simon croaked. He wanted to tell Niko that they could stay out as long as he liked, but in truth he was near collapse and going back to the hotel to curl up in bed with his boyfriend was the only thing he wanted now. As they meandered their way back to the hotel through crowds of strangers, Niko slipped his hand into Simon’s. Because he needed the extra stability, and because no one was close enough to see them, for once Simon didn’t pull away. However, he was caught in an awkward situation, because just as their steps fell into sync, Simon knew he had to sneeze. His tissues were in the pocket of the hand holding Niko’s, so Simon was forced to press his palm to his nose to catch the messy fit that followed:
“Kihht’CHOO! Err’IZZSOO! hihh–HihhEHTCHOO! EHHTTCHOO!! Hhh– hehhh– HehhEHHTCHOOOO!!”
Simon hastily wiped his hand on his pants, thankful it was too dark to see much as he mumbled an apology to Niko. 
“Bless you, Simon! You need to get out of the night air, I think. I’m worried you’re coming down with something.” 
“I’ll be fine when we get back inside,” Simon said with a cough. His chest hurt from stifling so many sneezes all night, and coughing made it sear with pain, even though he hadn’t had a cigarette all night. 
“You’re taking a hot shower as well. I can feel you shivering,” Niko scolded. “You should have told me you were cold. You’re so stubborn.”
“Not as stubborn as you. Anyway, you were having fun. I didn’t want to spoil the evening.”
“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care what else we’re doing. So let’s get you warm and in bed where I can take care of you properly.”
“Is that a threat?” Simon asked, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. 
“Only if you want it to be,” Niko said with a wicked look of his own. 
As it turned out, Simon wasn’t up for anything after he took a shower. As soon as he stepped out of the hot water he started shivering and couldn’t stop, even when Niko wrapped him in a robe, then a blanket. He also had a splitting headache, no doubt the beginning of the wine hangover he sensed was coming. As he lay groaning in bed, with plenty of sniffling and coughing on top of it all, he felt Niko come to stand behind him and press a hand to his forehead. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a fever?” Niko tutted, placing a cold rag on Simon’s forehead before crawling in beside him and pulling the other man against his chest.
“I didn’t know I was,” Simon muttered. “It must have started recently. The cold from hell is turning into the flu I guess.” He felt warmer right away with Niko in the bed, and slowly his shivers subsided. He didn’t even realize he had accidentally admitted his illness until the other man replied: 
“I was a fool to let you stay out when I knew you were sick. You never sneeze so much unless you have a cold, and you were sneezing almost every minute. Not to mention all the wine. Though I think you’re already regretting that,” he added as Simon shifted the rag from his forehead to cover his eyes instead with a moan. 
“I was just trying to give you what you wanted. I don’t want to hear any more about it,” Simon snapped. “I’m only sorry this damn flu ruined our trip. All that time and money for nothing.” 
“Nothing is ruined,” Niko soothed, tucking the blanket closer around them both. “We’re still together aren’t we? All alone in a hotel room for three days. There’s nothing more I could hope for.”
“I’m going to get you sick for the holidays though,” Simon spat. “You’d be better off to leave now and save yourself.”
“I’m not going anywhere, crabby. Someone has to take care of you.” He began to run his fingers through Simon’s hair, and Simon relaxed, immediately forgetting what they were arguing about under the haze of fever, exhaustion and alcohol. His heavy eyes fell closed and in moments he was nearly asleep in Niko’s warm embrace. 
“That’s right, go to sleep. I’ll be right here,” Niko whispered. The last thing Simon felt before he slept was the press of gentle lips to his hair and a warm hand rubbing the aches from his chest. 
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djdangerlove · 2 years
Found this in the bottom of my drafts and thought why not...
Buck opens the passenger door and takes a moment to memorize the way amber rays of sunset fall across his best friend’s face, highlighting faint little marks and scars telling a story in smooth, tanned skin. Eddie is beautiful in the raw sense of the word, effortless on the surface and artfully sculpted by the world beneath.
Buck reaches out with slightly calloused fingers brushing against a stubbled jawline, thumb tracing the curve of a fever colored cheek. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty. You’re home,” Buck says with a gentle tap of his fingers. Eddie shivers into wakefulness, smearing drool down Buck’s open palm that he doesn’t retract fast enough. 
“I think,” the older man starts, but clears his throat when it comes out too close to a Kermit the Frog impersonation. “I think that doctor gave me a horse tranquilizer. I’m so tired.”
He blinks up at Buck, one eye a fraction of a second behind the other and makes no move to get out of the jeep so Buck reaches across his lap and unbuckles his seatbelt all while explaining with an amused chuckle, “They gave you a steroid shot and in case no one has ever told you before, you’re dramatic when you have a sinus infection.” 
More awake now, Eddie scowls at Buck while slowly sliding out of the car. “Yeah? Well, what’s your daily excuse then?” 
Buck shuts the door and falls into a snail’s pace shuffle towards the front porch of the house beside his best friend. “I guess you could say that a childhood with emotionally neglectful parents-“
“Cut it out,” the side of Eddie’s face struggles to choose between amusement or sympathy so it ripples adorably with both. “You’re not guilt tripping me into losing this…whatever this is.”
“I don’t have to,” Buck says, moving to unlock the door when they finally reach it. “You’re gonna fall asleep as soon as you lay down and probably forget this entire conversation.” 
“I’m not going to forget that I love a dramatic dork or that your parents are assholes who should have loved you better,” Eddie replies while dropping haphazardly onto the couch, coughing into the dead silence that suddenly fills the living room. 
Buck hovers between the back of the couch and the kitchen, unsure of what to say or how to say it so he drops the bag of supplies near Eddie’s hip and offers a quiet, “I’m going to go make some soup.”
“You’re doing a lot of talking for someone who wanted me to buy four packs of throat lozenges,” Buck stops in the entry way of the kitchen to offer a reassuring grin at Eddie peeking up over the back of the couch, nervous, fever-bright eyes blinking back at him under rumpled hair across his forehead. “I think I remember how Pepa made her famous soup for Chris last time so just rest while I fix it for us, okay?” 
Eddie rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, but nods all the same. 
“I may have put too much cumin. No, I definitely did, but with the way your nose is stuffed up it shouldn’t make a difference in taste for you,” Buck winces at him from across the table. “Please just don’t tell Pepa I messed up her recipe.” 
Eddie tilts his head, ignoring the painful pressure in his face to enjoy the way Buck tenses worriedly. “I won’t if you delete that picture you took of me asleep in the car.” 
“Wha-“ Buck starts around a slurp of soup and hurries to catch it with his napkin before it can drip onto his shirt. The liquid still manages to soak into the pink cotton threads and he blots at it with a frown. “How did you know about that? You were dead to the world!”
Eddie’s face oozes into a smile, relieved that they can fall back into easy banter as if he hadn’t overstepped before. “I didn’t. Not for sure, but I figured you were looking for blackmail because of the infamous collection I have of you. A crime of opportunity.”
Buck scoffs and pulls out his phone to set the picture as his lock screen before turning it around to show Eddie. “Pepa adores me. I’m not worried.”
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Buck,” Eddie warns even though both of them are grinning. “When I’m not two seconds away from falling asleep I’ll get you back for this. I have plenty of ammo.” 
“Okay, G.I. Joe,” Buck mocks with a salute before standing up from the table. “Let’s get you back to the couch before you fall asleep in the soup and another crime of opportunity happens.”
If Eddie minds the hovering, he doesn’t say as Buck walks with him to the couch and fluffs some of the pillows. Eddie leans his head against the back of the couch when he sits and closes his eyes, listening to Buck move around the house for a few minutes before he feels him hover once more. 
“You’re going to hurt your neck like that,” Buck says from where he’s standing behind the couch looking down at Eddie. 
“It’s helping with the sinus pressure, honestly.”
“I know of a better way, hang on.” 
Eddie hears Buck move away and down the hall towards the bathroom and pries his eyes back open when he feels his tall shadow cast over him once again. 
“Here,” Buck murmurs, holding up a warm, damp washcloth. “Close your eyes, okay? This will help.”
Eddie does so, trusting Buck with whatever he’s about to do and feels himself lower into the couch with relief as the heat from the washcloth fights against the tightness in his face when his friend gently drapes it across the bridge of his nose. 
“Wow, I almost feel bad for all the times I sent one of those photos of you drooling like a baby in the group chat now,” Eddie says, smiling up at Buck standing over him even if it’s obscured by the towel. 
“Uh huh. Sure.” Buck lifts the towel to refold it and place it across Eddie forehead. 
“I do,” the sick man says, grin slipping as his words begin to sound more serious. “But not as sorry as I am for…overstepping earlier. I-“
“Hey, no. Don’t do that,” Buck says as he moves around to stand between the coffee table and the couch to straighten up the medicine and tissues and make sure the tv remote is within reach. “You didn’t overstep.”
“Buck, I-“
Buck fumbles with the remote, thumbing over the buttons with an audible soft tap, voice barely carrying over it. “My parents are assholes and…I wish they had loved me better.” 
“They should have,” Eddie leaves no room for argument, picking his head up making the washcloth fall into his lap. 
Buck nods, agreement more so that they can move on rather than fully believing it. “And maybe…maybe I am a dramatic dork.”
“I said-“
“And if you… if you love me then… I’m okay with that,” Buck says, chancing a glance at Eddie and smiling when the other man grins back. “Really okay with it.” 
“Good,” Eddie nods and for a moment they are caught in a standstill of staring at each other as the axis of their friendship begins to shift towards something else. The moment however is broken by Eddie coughing into his elbow. “But maybe we wait until I’m feeling better?” 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Buck agrees, going back to straightening up and picking up Eddie’s discarded tissues. 
“You don’t have to do that,” Eddie scrunches his nose and holds his hand out like he has the energy to get up and throw them away himself. 
“I know I don’t,” Buck says, pausing just behind the couch to lean over and place his first kiss to the crown of Eddie’s head. “But I think it’s a thing people do when they love somebody.”
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 year
Extreme Watersports
After a particularly rough stunt, Bam decides to call Y/N for help
Bam Margera x Gn!reader
1.2k Words
Warnings: Whump, suggestive content, crude language
An: aaaaa my first fic!! credit to @peacelovemisdemeanors for the idea!!
“What is it now?” you sighed, rubbing your temple with one hand as you held your flip phone to your ear with your other. Bringing a knee up to your desk, you reclined in your rolley chair. It was late, and you couldn’t bring yourself to do the whole ‘pretending to be worried about your boyfriend’ routine you do every week.
“I’m sick.” He spat. You could practically hear him roll his eyes over the phone. “I did that waterskiing stunt with Knoxville and I got a brain eating amoeba now. I’m getting dumber by the second, Y/N!” You snickered at the dramatics he presented, “Really? Couldn’t even notice.” Even at that, Bam couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Ha ha. Very funny.”
Before you could continue, you were already getting up from your lamp-lit desk, walking over to your medicine cabinet in your cold, tile bathroom. “So, I bet you’re gonna want me to come over?” You grabbed a box of tissues and could hear pillows rustling on the other end of the line as you searched for Nyquill, Dayquill- really any quill. “I mean,” Your boyfriend feigned reluctance, “s’ not like I can’t take care of myself. But if you really want to…”
You opened the grand heartagram-emblazoned doors of Castle Bam, rushing in to get out of the cold- no surprise Bam got sick out there. Kicking off your shoes in the eerily quiet hallway, you made your way across the hardwood, plopping down on the couch, “Hey, Ryan! What’s up?”
“Y/N! Thank god you’re here.” You sunk into the plush sorta as Ryan sighed, not looking particularly alarmed or interested- but he never really was with anything. He jabbed a thumb towards Bam’s room, not really taking his eyes off of the tv, “Rapunzel hasn’t left his golden tower in two days.” He finally tore his eyes away from Pimp My Ride, his gaze landing on the plastic bag in your hands, “You got snacks? Or s’that all for bubble boy upstairs?”
“Mmhm!” You chuckled, dragging yourself away from the dangerously comfy couch. “Well, while you’re up there,” Ryan called to you as you bounded up the stairs, “tell him his ass is fine! And he should stop whining about it!” That did worry you a bit, but you just passed it off as another one of his sarcastic comments.
You creaked open the door, and the sight you stumbled onto was almost comical. Your boyfriend, Bam Margera, the biggest asshole loudmouth you knew, cuddled up in a mess of blankets and pillows, looking like a little kid amongst the abundance of plush in his room with the curtains drawn. He glanced up when he heard the door open, looking at you with flushed skin and wet, red eyes, “Y/n…”
You closed the door behind you, maneuvering over to his bed in the dark as he whined to you in that cute stuffy nose voice. “Oh…this sucks so fucking bad!! I totally ate shit on those waterskis- I sent you the footage, right?” Trouble, your boyfriend’s cat and maybe your best friend rubbed against your leg as you bent down to pet her. “Mmhm. You really ate shit, baby. Good footage! I think Jeff’s gonna love it.” He cracked a smile before he continued, not even noticing you removing the contents of the bag, “Yeah- I got water in every hole! My eyes, my nose- I got ass blasted with the coldest water imaginable- I have been shitting water for days!”
Yep, that’s what Ryan was talking about. While you were concerned with that, you were more worried with what sounded like a sinus infection to you. You jokingly replied to him, “I’m very sorry about that ass, Bam- it’s so cute!” You unscrewed the cap of the medicine bottle and Bam immediately smelled the sticky, bitter syrup, reacting accordingly.
“Seriously? Do I have to?” He groaned. God, he’s even more of a man child when he’s sick. “Yes, Bam. You do. Shouldn’t April be doing this anyways?” You always felt like his mother when you had to do this kinda stuff- like the time you had to ice his tailbone for three months after he broke it, or when you had to treat that infection he got from when he let Ryan brand him with a hot iron. You shivered remembering that last one, the image of that dick shaped burn literally burnt into your memory.
He readjusted himself in bed, sitting up, seemingly accepting his fate. “Fine…” You expected him to hold his hand out, but he surprised you, lazily tilting his head back and leaving his soft lips slightly agape. Taking a moment to savor this sight you shamelessly gawked- you boyfriend, shirtless, his mouth open like a baby bird. You giggled a little, getting an idea to make this a little more fun for the both of you.
You sat up a little bit on the pile of blankets and straddled his outstretched legs, leaning over his face and taking it in your free hand. Opening his icy blue eyes at this, Bam was caught by surprise as you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was short but gentle and sweet, and just as you pulled away you took the medicine in your other hand and poured the pre measured amount down his smirking gullet.
Bam swallowed hard, tasting the bitter honey flavor on his lips as he licked them, trying to taste you but only getting acridity. “Ugh.” He shivered, shrinking back in his black bed sheets that he camouflaged in. You placed a hand on his forehead, moving the sweaty dark curls that were plastered to his skin. He was burning up. “Hmm.” You said nothing, knowing it would only fuel his already mounting whininess. “Wanna popsicle?”
“Of course I wanna goddamn popsicle.” He coughed weakly, reaching a hand out of the blankets. You reached back in the bag, fishing out one of those two stick popsicles. Taking the wrapper off, you snapped it in half, handing him one while you took the other in your mouth.
You would spend the next few minutes making dirty jokes while sucking on the admittedly phallic fruity flavored ice pops before Bam patted the spot next to him in bed. You cracked a smile, teasingly asking him, “Oh? You wanna cuddle or somethin?” This would be totally out of left field for him- usually it was having sex or giving stitches for you two. “Shut up, just get in.”
You weren’t one to complain about cuddling your boyfriend, so with a goofy grin, you slipped in next to him, completely disregarding the possibility of catching whatever he may have. “Awww, ‘cmere!!” You giggled. He ignored you, laying his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist, snuggling in and quickly falling asleep next to you. After a few minutes, you too succumbed to sleep, falling into a deep, sweet slumber.
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snzluv3r · 1 year
self obs: embarrassing public allergy attack (cw: sneezing, some mess)
my allergies have been so bad this week (yeah i know, they always are) but today they were almost surprisingly bad oh my god.
i feel like lately i’m having at least one mini fit an hour and when i’m not sneezing i’m focusing half my energy on holding back More sneezes and trying to limit the desperate gasps and hitches.
i’m so itchy that i can’t even effectively mask my discomfort, and i just feel so obnoxious and a little gross. i had to run a couple errands today and although i let off a few sneezes while outside, my nose seemed to calm down a little once inside. the lingering need to sneeze actually felt manageable, until at one point it began to prickle throughout my entire nose and spread urgently throughout my sinuses.
i only had the chance to take one gasping breath before i let out a good ten consecutive stifles into my mask while i waited in line, which brought several stares from all directions. it was only another two inhales before i was snapping my head into my elbow and stifling another handful of rushed, itchy sneezes. i was so caught off guard that i almost forgot to stifle, used to feeling the more subtle signs of an allergic reaction and being able to predict an oncoming fit.
it was so embarrassing and it did not help at all that at some point the woman in front of me turned around and blessed me twice, once after each burst. i was even more embarrassed when she asked me if i was okay after i proceeded to sneeze four more rapid stifles less than a minute after the first fit (it was so sweet but i could literally feel my face and ears actively getting hotter at the unwanted attention)
to make it so much worse, i could barely even answer her to say that i was fine and apologize for being disruptive (and again, gross) because i was still fighting off the burning, allergic itch. i managed to nod, get out a squeaky and probably difficult to understand “th-hhank you, yeah sorry—just…heh…ahHlergies” before several more horribly unsatisfying stifled sneezes stumbled out.
i basically had to hold my breath until i was finished paying to avoid sneezing again and even then, a few rogue stifles managed to escape before i was finally outside. by that point the mess clinging to my mask and upper lip was only driving my nose crazier, and every slight brush of skin against the cool, damp fabric felt like ticklish torture. i didn’t even have time to take it off and relieve the itch before i was forcefully stifling more allergic sneezes into both the wet fabric and my elbow, still feeling obligated to cover despite the mask.
for some reason i kept trying to stifle for at least five minutes after i got outside which (shockingly) made the itching in my sinuses, ears, and throat worse, and at that point i hadn’t considered that to be possible.
i think i’m still sensitive from the bad cold and sinus infection i had a couple weeks ago because even once i physically couldn’t stifle anymore and finally got some relief from a proper release, the crawling itch continued to spread. i did my best to keep the sneezes that i couldn’t stifle as quiet as possible and gave in fully to the need to sneeze, launching into a series of fits so desperate that any buildups were more like sharp gasps. i didn’t stop sneezing for over ten minutes, leaning against the side of the closest building and releasing three or four rapid stifles at a time before being able to (try) to catch my breath. the entire time i sneezed i could see people and cars passing by in my periphery but the fit was so desperate that i rarely had more than seconds to blush before i was sneezing again.
when the sneezes finally did start coming further apart and i didn’t feel like every breath was a direct attempt to tease my itchy nose, i decided against taking public transportation home and begrudgingly got an uber. miraculously, i had an extra clean mask in my purse and was able to swap it with the original, which was now completely drenched. i managed to avoid sneezing for most of the short ride home but my allergy attack had left me congested, and i could feel the itch catch in my nose with every sniffle, eventually succumbing to two quiet, stifled triples.
i don’t even really know what set me off because i’ve been even sneezier than usual the past couple weeks that i’ve been with my friend and their four cats. it felt like my usual reactions to cats, but it came on so suddenly at a time when i was nowhere near any animals. the pollen has also been bothering my nose but only as much as it always does, and i usually don’t get that itchy from pollen that fast, so i’m stumped as to what set me off in that moment. i am still extremely embarrassed and blushed a little just typing this out but i thought i’d share so that at least something good can come out of my humiliation.
i hope someone enjoys <3
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ru-xia · 2 years
-gang shenanigans
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starring: big deal
genre: incorrect quotes
preview: pretty ooc, lighthearted bits to forget about the pain (and samuel's soon-to-be bald head)
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Jake: I trust Sinu.
Samuel: You think he knows what he's doing?
Jake: I wouldn't go that far.
Samuel: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Samuel: *upends the bottle*
Jake: I think we're missing something.
Jerry: Teamwork?
Brad: Cohesion?
Jason: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Sinu, going over Samuel's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative.
Samuel: Yes
Sinu: Okay... may I know what you create?
Samuel: Problems.
'Can I copy the homework?'
Jerry: I can help you with it!
Jake: Yeah, sure.
Brad: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Jason: lol nope.
Lineman: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Samuel: *Read 5:55pm*
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Lua: Thanks fam!
Jake: oh no
Sinu: who doesn't?
Samuel: Sounds fake but okay
Jerry: *A flustered mess*
Jason: can i get a refund
Samuel: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Jake: Language
Jerry: Yeah watch your fucking language
Brad: 'The fuck word'.
Jake: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Samuel: Oh my god he censored it
Lua: Say fuck, Jake.
Jason: Do it, Jake. Say fuck.
Sinu: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?'
Sinu: Doesn't work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way.
Jason: It’s dark in here
Brad: Don’t worry dude I got this
Brad: *Stomps their feet*
Brad: *Skechers light up*
Jake: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
Samuel: You people already know too much about me.
Jason: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Yeonhui: I know you snuck out last night, Sinu.
Jake: Play dumb!
Sinu: Who's Sinu?
*any big deal member really*: Hey, Sinu? Can I get some dating advice?
Sinu: Just because I’m with Yeonhui doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Yeonhui: I've only known Jerry for a day and a half but if anything were to happen to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Samuel: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Sinu: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Jake: ...I did. I broke it.
Sinu: No. No you didn't. Brad?
Brad: Don't look at me. Look at Samuel.
Samuel: What?! I didn't break it.
Brad: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Samuel: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Brad: Suspicious.
Samuel: No, it's not!
Jason: If it matters, probably not, but Lua was the last one to use it.
Lua: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Jason: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Lua: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Jason!
Jake: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Sinu.
Sinu: No! Who broke it!?
Jason: Sinu... Brad's been awfully quiet.
Brad: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Sinu, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Sinu: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Sinu: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
*The squad right before Yeonhui's wedding*
Samuel: Well I have to go, I have a wedding to attend.
Jake: Wait... Oh! I have a wedding to attend too!
Jerry: Oh, I have a wedding to attend as well
Sinu, panicked: I THINK IT'S MY WEDDING
Jerry, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Lua, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids
Jason: what the fuck are you guys doing?
Lua: playing systemic oppression
Brad: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Jason: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Brad: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING JERRY WITH ME
Jake, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Jason: Jerry isn’t answering his phone
Jake: I’ll call
Jason: Brad and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Jerry: Hello?
*Lineman, Jason, and Brad are sitting on a bench*
Jerry: Why do you guys look so sad?
Jason: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
*Jerry sits down*
Brad: The bench is freshly painted.
Jake: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Lua: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Jason: I got distracted about halfway through.
Samuel: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Samuel: Can I be frank with you guys?
Jerry: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Lineman: Can I still be Lineman?
Jake: Shh, let Frank speak.
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sneezydarliing · 1 year
hello!! i haven’t interacted with your blog much but i just rolled in from the last tigh//nari post you wrote (so good!) and saw you might be looking for requests? i’m still really nervous asking and not sure what i’m doing so no offense taken if you disregard!
anyway, i’d love to read some cy/no content? if you’re along w any ships (cynari, haino, etc) that’s totally cool. maybe like a [plant/flower] allergy situation when he visits the forest?
hope you’re well and thanks for sharing content <3
Thank you so much for the req!! I'm sorry for the wait, I really hope you enjoy!
reqs are open
Pairing: cynari
Words: 1044
CW/TW: sneezing content, mention of mess
Cyno had not anticipated anything special out of this trip to the forest. He was going only to see Tighnari- who had excitedly informed him of a new discovery made deep into the forest watcher’s patrolling area. The look on his friend’s face, combined with the eager swishing of his tail behind him, was more than enough convincing to get the mahamntra to venture into the greenery.
It’s quiet as he pads along the roughly and hastily made trail, leaving him with his own thoughts- excitement to see tighnari again, listen to him ramble on about whatever he had found, a slight apprehension at the possibility of this being dangerous- not that either of them could not hold their own, but tighnari was often so eager to research that he did not stop to think about any possible consequences to himself, and he hated seeing him in pain. Muddled in with these feelings, a slight but sudden itch in the back of his nose. He presses a knuckle against the side of it absentmindedly, just as a pair of ears perking up quickly catches his attention.
“You made it!” Tighnari calls out to him, tredging through ankle-deep tangles of weeds to meet him. There’s a smudge of dirt on his cheek, and a tangle in his usual well-kept tail. As Cyno nods his greeting, he cannot help but wonder how long he’s been out here. The other seems to be aware of it, occasionally flicking the appendage about in absent-minded frustration.
Tighnari leads him further into the forest, happily rambling on about the things they pass by and what his research has granted so far. Cyno can’t get himself to focus, the itch in his sinus suddenly alight, forcing his breath to hitch just once before calming again. He can almost feel Tighnari’s concerned frown, but he decides to keep quiet about it for now, to Cyno’s gratitude.
Suddenly, he’s stopped. Tighnari moves to the side, looking at Cyno with pride clear in his eyes. He’s meet with the sight of a large, blooming flower, encased in golden vines that seem almost-conscious, twitching at any movement around them. “I haven’t been able to touch it yet, and my elemental attacks have no effect. That’s why I brought you out here, I was hoping maybe electrical- Cyno?” His ramblings cease as he catches sight of him, hands cupped loosely in front of his face, usually serious expression crumpled into one of desperation as he fights off the need uselessly, breath stuttering until he can no longer fight it.
‘hEh-itSH! ‘tShi! hiH-” The third one is lost, leaving him sniffling, trying to rub the irritation out of his sinuses. “Archons, bless you! Are you feeling alright?” Cyno sniffles uselessly again, trying to will some of the congestion out of his voice before he speaks.
“I’m fine. You can romaine calm.” Tighnari groans in response. “You must be, if you’ve got the energy to make jokes. Anyways, can you try to hit ones of the vines with your elemental attack? Be gentle, please, and don’t damage the plant itself.” Cyno nods, saluting in a ‘yes sir’ gesture, as he prepares to follow instructions. He presses the back of his hand to his nose, scrunching up the appendage as he aims carefully. But he was unable to fight against his body and control it at once, sent foreward with another flurry of sneezes the moment he releases the energy, causing it to be sent foreward towards the flower. It’s reaction was instant, sending out a shower of pollen before curling into a ball, vines wound around it tightly. Cyno faintly hears a noise of frustration come from Tighnari, but he can’t focus, paralyzed with the awful tickle that came as the pollen surrounded him. He was in the direct line of fire, and he felt it, nostrils feeling alight as his eyes watered, he couldn’t even fight it, thrown into a desperate fit.
“haH’TSCHhi- KSHhiew! hih- hidT’SHHih! ‘idtSHhiew- sCHih!” They tore at his throat, raw and painful as his body tried desperately to release all of the pollen. He felt almost embarrassed, unable to do anything as Tighnari watched helplessly. “tignarihHh-tSHhi!” Even just his name seemed to break his stupor, the fox-tailed man rushing over and grabbing Cyno’s arm, bringing him somewhere- he could not even keep his eyes open long enough to tell, the lower half of his face buried in an arm he threw up to avoid spraying the other. He felt himself be gently led into a sitting position, half aware of the sun now beaming down on them.
His breath caught, leaving him helpless into a rough fit of coughing that didn’t seem to let him. He felt Tighnari’s hand on his back, rubbing comforting circles as he whispered encouraging phrases until the coughing finally let up. He leaned back against Tighnari, unable to resist the need to catch his breath. His face was wet with tears, nose running onto his upper lip. He roughly cleaned it up with the back of his wrist.
“There you go, you’re okay. Any trouble breathing?” Came the soft voice next to Cyno, reminding him suddenly of his blunder. Tighnari had been so eager to research, and he had messed it up. Guilt shot through him. “Sorry, ‘nari.” He pawed at his nose again while he spoke.
“It’s alright. I can bring somebody else another day.” Tighnari soothed, hands beginning to card through the others' hair. “Right now, we need to get you cleaned up. The pollen on your clothes won’t do you any good.” he stood quickly, reaching out a hand to Cyno, but he was distracted with the need to sneeze once again, raising a shaky hand in warning.
“hIh’tSChih!i’tsCHuh!” He sniffled once more as Tighnari waited patiently, before taking the hand offered to him, letting himself be pulled onto his feet.
“Hey, ‘Nari?” The forest watcher turned back to face him, “What is it?” “I’m very frond of you.” Tighnari huffed, turning back around and beginning to stalk off, stopping only a few paces in front of him. “I love you, too, Cyno.” Mahamatra grinned, catching up to his partner as they began the trek home, punctuated with the occasional sneezes.
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lovesosweeet · 1 year
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better left unsaid
chapter nine
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn't know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
july 26th, 2018 los angeles, california orion
Even though I don't want to, I feel myself pulling away from Calum. Of course, that’s not fully possible when we live together. I just know that the more we talk and are happy in each other’s company, the more I’ll want to talk about what’s actually happening, and I can’t do that. I can’t put him through that. I'm crying the minute I'm alone every time, whether it's while he's at rehearsal or when he takes Duke outside. He can tell I'm sad, surely, but I think he just thinks it's because he's leaving.
So instead of pulling away fully, I just find myself scrolling on my phone more often while he’s home. I don’t start as many conversations and I’m less likely to initiate any kind of physical contact. If he notices the small shifts in our dynamics, he doesn’t say anything.
My heart is torn between wanting to savor our time together, clinging to him like glue, or taking a step back so I don’t have to bring myself to painfully expand upon the lies I’m building as a wall between us. It’s hard to pretend like I’m okay and happy, but I have to. I can’t let him know things are going wrong, so when he asks if I want to come along for rehearsal today, I say yes.
I dread having to see Ashton. We haven't spoken since our interaction in the hospital parking lot, but he's texted me several times saying things like "I just want you to know I love you" and "please let me be there for you if you need someone." I just reply with hearts each time.
"Do you want to grab bagels on the way?" Cal asks me while I'm in the bathroom doing my makeup.
I nod, smiling slightly. "Yeah, sure. Rosie's? Or is there somewhere else on the way?"
"Nah, let's do Rosie's."
He doesn't leave the bathroom after that, just stands in the doorway, watching me in the mirror. I'm brushing some brow gel on when he speaks again.
"Are you feeling okay? Did the sinus infection come back?"
So he has noticed.
I clear my throat and nod. "Yeah, not feeling the best."
His eyes show some kind of emotion I can't place. "I'm sorry, do you want to stay home today? You can come to rehearsal another time. We've still got a few more."
"No, I'll come." I shake my head, offering him another small smile.
"Let me know if you want to leave, at any point. Okay?"
Once my makeup is finished, we head down to the lobby, hand in hand. I've always loved holding hands with Calum. Mine are small and always freezing, and his dwarf mine and are always so warm. His hand tattoos have also always been my favorite, mostly because I love the thought that his parents have a hand in everything he does. We're both close with our families, and I absolutely adore his family. We've not spent a ton of time together, but Joy, Mali, and I have a group chat that we talk in a few times a month.
When we get in the car, he doesn't let go of my hand while he drives, except when he needs to use a turn signal or something. Feeling tethered, grounded in the moment — it's a great feeling. It's helping to keep me sane this morning.
I wonder if he'd hold on tighter knowing that I'm dying.
I've placed on online order for Rosie's, so Cal just turns on his hazards in front of the shop while I run inside to grab our bagels and coffees. I always feel kind of rude hopping in front of the people in line, but it's not worth waiting when our food is already ready and waiting for us.
While Cal drives to rehearsal, I unwrap his sandwich in a way that makes it easier for him to eat while driving. He gives me authority over the aux chord, which he rarely does, so I try to make it worth my while. I play some Still Woozy, The Wldlfe, and Medium Build. Part of the reason I rarely get the power over our music is because I like to mess with him and play his own music. I can tell he appreciates today's choices.
We get to the rehearsal facility and are the last ones there, but we brought bagels for everyone, so they don't mind that we're slightly late. Luke lights up when he sees me, setting his guitar down quickly and runs over.
"Orion!" He practically squeals. "I've missed you!"
Laughing, I give him a hug, which leads to him lifting me off the ground and spinning us around. My mood is instantly lifted. "Hi Luke."
"Cal, you should bring her everyday, she's so fun to have with us."
I scoff. "Luke, I literally just sit on the couch and watch you."
"Yeah, but you actually sing along and you always bring snacks."
My feet are back on the ground, and I'm quickly met with hugs from Mike, Ash, and Matt. Ashton's hug lasts a little longer than everyone else's, and his face is sad in the midst of everyone else's grins. It doesn't seem like anyone else notices.
"Cal's the one behind today's snacks, don't give me the credit," I tell him, but he just shrugs and throws his arm over my shoulders.
"Still, you always sing along and dance sometimes. It's nice to have an adoring fan."
It is kind of funny that I wasn't a fan when I met Calum two years ago, and now I'd say they're my favorite band, and not just because I'm dating one of them. I truly just really love their music, and I love dancing, so it's not hard for me to want to dance when they're performing or rehearsing. It's not like they've been performing a ton in recent years, but that summer I remember quickly learning every song so I could sing along whenever I visited Calum across Europe.
"Wish you could come with us," Michael adds.
"Next time," I say, even though I don't know that that will be possible. I'd like to think it is.
"Can I get that in writing?" Cal chimes in.
I playfully stick my tongue out at him. "I'm gonna miss you guys." I look over at Ashton and meet his eyes instantly. He looks like he's trying not to cry, and I have to look away before I start to dwell on it.
Luke wraps me into another hug. "You're so tiny, we could just put you in a suitcase and sneak you on the tour. Your professors won't even know you're missing." When he lifts me up again, Matt decides to cut the conversation.
"All right, you've told Orion you love her. Let's get to work."
"Such a buzzkill, Matty," Michael whines, grabbing his water bottle off the ground and walking over to his guitar on its stand.
Luke still has me wrapped in his hug and awkwardly carries me over to the couch. I wish Sierra or Crystal or Kay were here to sit with me, but it's nice to be able to put my feet up on it. He ungracefully drops me onto the leather cushions before he heads back to his own guitar and mic stand.
I look over and catch Cal strumming a few random chords on his bass. At least, they seem random to me. I'm sure he's got some intention behind it. Everything music-related goes above my head.
It's nice to get to watch the set before they show the world. I've always loved the way they try to offer a different experience for their music when they perform it live. Of course, there aren't any lights or anything in this essentially empty building that's just a step above a warehouse, but that gives the music a chance to shine as what it is. Art.
Watching them do what they love reminds me that this time apart is necessary. This is what they love. This is why they do what they do. Performing, bringing their work to the people who make it all possible. I love that they get the chance to do this. I've never had resentment towards Calum for going on this tour, but still, watching them practice the set is giving the time apart an additional level of worthiness.
While I'm getting treatment, Calum will be doing what he loves most in this world with his favorite people. I'd feel so selfish taking him away from it.
I nearly start crying when Cal practices his speech for his talking break.
"Los Angeles, this next song is dedicated to my best friend, my partner in life, and my biggest fan. This is Better Man."
It's going to be fine. It has to be. He's going to go on this tour and then when he comes back he can be by my side as I continue to deal with whatever leukemia throws at me.
"Matty, we're gonna go to the beach after this, wanna join?" Michael calls across the room. He's the only one who calls Matt 'Matty' and naturally Matt hates it.
None of us have swimsuits, but we all agreed that the beach sounds like a good idea. It's still hot out, since it's the middle of summer, but it's not quite as hot and humid as it has been for the last few weeks. Rehearsal also didn't take too long today, so we have a lot of the day left.
"I'm tired of you guys and about to spend four months with you. I'll pass." Matt actually loves the guys, but he's a grumpy person in general, and he does have a point. "See you tomorrow." He walks off then, going through a door that leads somewhere that I've never been. I can understand finding them annoying. They can be a lot — but I love them and I love being part of their shenanigans.
We all head out, everyone hopping into Cal's Jeep to minimize beach parking chaos on a beautiful day. I offer to sit in the back since I'm the smallest and the guys are all very tall, but nobody lets me and the three of them cram in like sardines in the backseat. We drive with the windows down, and Cal even lets me control the aux again, so I just keep the playlist I'd had on earlier.
Once we get to the beach, as soon as the car's in park, Ashton opens his door and jumps out. "Last one in the water is a loser!" He screams, running full force down the wooden walkway and ripping his shirt off in the process.
Luke and Mike scramble out to follow him, also stripping their shirts and trying to kick their shoes off while they run. Luke trips, giving Mike a lead, but naturally Ashton gets to the water first. I have no hope of trying to beat them, so I've not even opened my door yet, and I'm surprised to see Calum still sitting in the driver's seat when I look over.
"You didn't want to race?"
"I know you're not feeling too great. I didn't want to leave you and make you the loser. That's not a fair fight," he explains. "C'mon, let's go after them."
I frown. "You could've gone."
"I'm about to leave you for four months. I don't need to leave you yet."
He makes my heart ache. Why is he so good to me? How can someone love me like that?
Instead of revealing how I feel, I plaster on my best fake smile, kick off my shoes, take off my shirt, and get out of the car. "Let's go!"
He follows suit, and then we walk hand in hand down the beach. The other three are already in the water, each trying to push the others to fall over, which ends up with all three of them falling over. When Cal and I reach them, they're all yelling, "LOSERS!"
"You are literal children," I tell them, wading into the water. I love the beach. Floating in the water, laying in the sun, looking for shells. All of it.
"You're younger than all of us," Ashton points out, laughing.
"Shut up," I say, leaning back so I can float in the water. I don't let go of Calum's hand, and he keeps me anchored so I don't drift off.
I can't get to a point of relaxation, because before I know it, Michael splashes water in my face, making me jump and turn upright. I splash him back, and when he splashes me again, it hits Cal. Once Cal's in on it, the other two join in, and we're all just splashing each other, squealing with laughter and squinting from saltwater hitting our eyes.
When I can't see because of all the water that's hit my eyes, I halt my splashing. While I rub at my burning eyeballs, someone must notice, because they stop.
"Man down!" Luke yells.
I feel Calum's hands grip my forearms, stopping my movements. "Stop rubbing and let your tears flush it out, babe," he says.
I do what he says, dropping my arms and trying to open my eyes, the sting making it impossible to try to look. "It burns!"
He laughs. Seconds later, I feel him pull me closer to him, hugging me against his damp torso while waves lap around us. I keep trying to blink and get the water out of my eyes, but it feels pretty futile so far.
It's kind of strange to think about this life. I'm just swimming in the ocean at a random beach access near LA with my boyfriend and his three best friends. Those four people happen to be internationally famous musicians who are about to embark upon a world tour. They're massively famous but so normal, just four more guys at a beach splashing water at each other.
And I'm just a random girl at a random beach access who happens to have leukemia. The odds that we're all here, right now, together, feels so special. The universe put us here for some reason, and I'm so happy I'm here with them. I'd say I feel lucky to have been handed this deal of fate, but I know that this blip of a moment pales in comparison to my recent diagnosis.
I try to soak in the feeling of the sun on my face and the weight of Cal's arms around me; the smell of salt and the coolness of the water. I even try to memorize the way my eyes burn. I just want to remember the way this feels forever.
We hang out in the water for an hour or so, then go back to the shore to lay out and relax. Luke and Michael are turning pink quickly, so we don't stay out too long. I make sure we get a selfie of all of us on the beach together before we pile back into the Jeep.
Calum drives everyone back to their cars, and we all get out to say goodbye. Everyone is damp and sandy, but I don't care. I give each of them a bear hug, squeezing them as tightly as I can. Luke picks me up and spins me around again, and Ashton's hug feels nearly bone crushing.
"See ya tomorrow, Cal!" Mike says, giving him a quick hug. "Bye, O. Thanks for coming along today!"
"Love you both," Luke adds in. "Have a nice night!"
"I love you guys. Let me know when you're home!" Ash calls.
Once everyone has given each other a hug and we're sick of feeling sticky, sweaty, damp, and sandy, we all clamber back into our own vehicles and head out.
"How ya feeling?" Cal asks once we're on the road.
"I'm okay," I tell him. It's not wrong. I'm okay right now, and I'm not feeling that sick. The beach was mostly a nice distraction from the heaviness that's been consuming me.
"Ice cream?"
I know he's just trying to make the last of our few days together as special as he can, but for some reason it almost makes me feel more sad. I'm lucky to have someone who makes such a big effort, but I feel bad. It's hard to put words to the idea.
"If you want ice cream, sure," I say. "But I think we have some at home, too."
He doesn't take his eyes off the road while he places his hand on my thigh. "Let's get ice cream and take a walk while the sun sets. We can get some golden hour selfies."
read next chapter
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I’m back and ready to disappear again after I post this
!tw: mess. Like heavy mess. Don’t read if easily grossed out!
Hello, I am back and I bring you a little imagine~
Imagine just sitting at home when your roommate comes back. Their nose is an irritated red, snot pooling under the nostrils. With a sniffle they walk over and join you on the couch. 
"I have hay fever and I hate me life." They whine as they curl up beside you. 
"I feel so icky and I’m not even sick. My immune system is just bullying me and getting worked up over flowers." They add. 
Your pitiful roommate looks up at you from their spot by your side. Then suddenly their chest starts to rise and fall frantically and they bring a hand up to their mouth. 
"Hurrshuu!" They sneeze primarily out of their mouth, making no dent in the mucus in their nasal cavity, only pushing more up out of their sinuses to reside in their nose, too thick to run out.
"Sorry." Your roommate croaks out.
You assure them their fine and ask how they got suck bad hay fever. Your roommate just shrugs their shoulders weakly. 
You pull them into your arms, soothing them gently. They bury their overflowing nose into you chest, getting snot on you in the process. 
They squirm, unable to get comfortable with the itch in their skin and in their nose. 
"Can I be disgusting?" Your roommate asks weakly, having no energy left to even try and be functional anymore.
You promise him you won’t judge And that it’s fine. 
With the green light, your roommate gives up on all attempts at being put together. They squirm, moan, and groan into you. They rub their overfilled nose in a circular motion against your chest, trying to relieve the itch in their sinuses but only succeeding in plastering snot on your clothes. They let out a whine as the tickle won’t leave them be.
Then you feel their chest rise and fall rapidly against you, pressing against your chest then releasing suddenly as their breath hitches with a building sneeze. Their head tips backwards, their jaw slacks, then their bright and abused nose flairs and they snap forward with a sneeze stifled into your chest.
 Stifling was a bad idea because immediately they snap forward with another half sneeze, and another, and another. They’ve gotten themselves stuck in a cycle of small rapid sneezes that bring them no relief and only push more snot into their nose. 
Knowing they need your help, you pinch their nose shut, forcing some snot out onto your fingers as you keep them from sneezing long enough for a full on sneeze to build.
"H-hii-hehh hehh… Hechiewww!" 
They sneeze as soon as you let go. They had clamped their hand so tightly over their mouth that it forced the sneeze to come out of their nose, forcing yellow snot out onto your chest and all over themselves. On their hand, on their sternum. They really did make a mess. 
They pull away from you, thinking the fit over but are immediately proven wrong as they duck back into you and release another gurgling sneeze into your collar bone.
Their mucus is sinus infection yellow, no wonder they feel so miserable.
"I-I’m sorry. That was gross of me-" your roommate starts but you stop them. Then you grab a handful of tissues and begin to clean them and yourself up. They had hay fever and a sinus infection, you couldn’t hold it against them. So instead you held them protectively to your chest. You scratch their itchy and irritated back as they rub their equally itchy and irritated nose against you, leaving snot damped spots on your clothes.
They continue to sneeze into you, soaking you with snot as they bury their feverish head into your chest with ever spasm. You wipe allergic tears from their eyes as they snuffle back mucus. Someone so allergic to flowers really shouldn’t be a florist.
This may be a little teaser to an oc I’m thinking of, but it puts you in the shoes of his roommate. Enjoy, sneeze fuckers and whumpies.
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larz-barz · 1 year
Ahem ahem…
Marimui and Tanmilo double date but it ends up with chaos (Both Milo and Mari getting distracted by something and ended up lost together.)
Also they were trying to go on an iceskating daateeee JAHAHSHSHSHD
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Double date
Kimetsu academy au
Milo Murphy’s Law states that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Milo and Tanjiro planned a double date with their best friends Mari and Muichiro.
They were walking to the lake to do some ice skating.
“So have you 2 ever ice skated before?” Muichiro asked Tanjiro and Milo.
“No, this’ll be the first time.” Milo said, with a shy smile.
Tanjiro nodded at her response.
The small group reached the frozen lake.
Mari pulled Muichiro to a log, giggling excitedly.
“C’mon Mui! Hurry up!!” The brunette exclaimed.
Tanjiro helped Milo lace up her ice skates.
She tried to stand up but then slipped and fell in the snow, becoming a giggling mess.
Tanjiro helped her stand. “Are you ok, angel?” He asked worriedly.
“Y-yes!!” Milo replied, still giggling.
Milo saw Mari walk off.
Tanjiro had already gone to put on his own skates so Milo thought it wouldn’t be a huge deal if she went to go follow Mari.
Milo ran off in the direction Mari had walked off in, nearly tripping in the process.
“Oh! Hey Milo!”
“Where are you going?”
“I saw something, I wanted to follow it so I could figure out what it was!”
“Well we should probably hurry, it’s getting away!”
They ran in the direction of what they were following, trying to keep from falling.
Milo stopped, panting. “I need to take these skates off so I won’t fall.”
Milo pulled off her skates and Mari did the same.
They left them laying on the snow covered ground.
“Hey Tanjiro?” Muichiro had a worried look on his face.
“Yes?” Tanjiro asked, mirroring his worry.
“Have you seen Mari? I can’t find her.” The ravenette boy asked.
“No, come to think of it I haven’t seen Milo either..” Tanjiro said, his expression morphing into one of pure worry.
The 2 boys ran off in different directions, hoping one of them would lead to their girlfriends.
Milo and Mari walked through the forest together, looking for the butterfly they had been following.
They had eventually somehow got separated.
Milo looked around the sunset lit forest, realizing that she and Mari had been separated.
“Mari..? Muichiro.? Tanji…???” She called out each of their names, her voice filled with fear.
Tanjiro tried to lock onto Milo’s scent as she was his first priority, but he was going through sinus issues so he couldn’t pinpoint her scent directly (fun fact: Milo smells like cinnamon rolls).
As he walked a familiar scent entered his senses. “Mari!” He exclaimed then ran in the direction of the scent.
He found the brunette girl crying due to being scared.
‘If Mari is crying like this I can’t imagine how scared Milo must be.. It’s getting really dark..’
Mari looked up and saw Tanjiro approaching her slowly.
“Oh! Tanjiro! I’m so glad you’re here!” The girl exclaimed.
“Do you know where Milo is???” He asked nervously and Mari shook her head no.
Tanjiro sighed, hoping nothing bad happened to her.
‘Where are you Milo..?? Please be ok…’
Muichiro walked around trying to find Mari.
“Mari?” He called out.
Milo heard the voice and gasped. “Muichiro?” She called out.
She walked ahead and saw the boy.
Muichiro sighed out of relief, glad to have founded at least one of the girls.
Muichiro’s phone dinged, signaling he had been texted.
He pulled it out to see it was from Tanjiro.
“Tanjiro found Mari.” He said, relief flooding from his body.
“Good, I was so worried something would happen to her.” Milo said, just as relieved.
Muichiro quickly texted Tanjiro back saying that he had found Milo.
“Milo, why didn’t you just text one of us when you and Mari got lost?” He asked curiously.
“…bad reception…”
Muichiro’s mouth formed into a cheeky grin.
“You and Mari didn’t even think about that, did y’all?” He said, giggling slightly and Milo pouted.
“We were panicking. We aren’t exactly the most rational people when panicking.”
Muichiro laughed. “That’s fair.”
The 4 of them got back to the ice covered lake within 10 minutes (they had gone pretty deep into the forest).
Muichiro scooped his girlfriend into a tight hug.
Milo teared up when she saw Tanjiro, immediately running into his tight, loving embrace.
Mari rubbed the back of Muichiro’s head and his back. “There there Mui, it’s ok.”
Tanjiro squeezed Milo tighter. “I may have to put a leash on you.”
“I don’t get lost that often..” She said through tears and giggles.
“Mhm.. sure you don’t, angel..”
Let’s just say that the 2 boys are gonna start puting a leash on Milo and Mari.
~the end~
A/n: I hope you like this Cloudy!!<333
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