#I’m just going to have to go cry into my piles of money
mr-dwight-dwicky · 1 year
Like your boyfriend?
Wow. How long did it take you to come up with such a clever retort. Guess I’ll consider myself defeated.
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itsthewritergal · 8 months
don't tell Bucky - B.Barnes x reader
Summary: Reader is broke and refuses to tell mob!bucky the extend of it
TW: fluff, happy ending, little swears, mention of money, getting fired, (think that's everything)
Y/N was used to the biting cold in her apartment, it had been a long few months with her hours being cut down and bills piling up she was in debt. Badly. She had started cutting costs where possible, heating was the first to go, she had opted for  not turning the heating on despite the freezing temperatures outside, food was the second thing to go, she had starting making meals stretch and eating less and slowly things seemed a little more manageable. The bills continued to pile up, yet things seemed a little easier. Every single penny was put to the side to clear her debt. She had been seeing Bucky as much as possible but she couldn’t talk to him about it, he would just offer to pay her debt off and then she’d owe him for almost the rest of her life. She couldn’t ask him. She wouldn’t. Bucky had picked her up from work, it was a surprise, and something Y/N was grateful for as she wouldn’t have to pay for the bus home. 
“Do you want to stay at mine tonight?” Bucky asked gently pressing a kiss to her cheek as they finished their heavy make-out session in the car 
“I’ve got work in the morning,” She said softly, breath slipping through her lips 
“Call in sick” Bucky said between kisses “You can go without one shift can’t you?” Bucky asked 
“We’re short staffed Buck, I need to be there” She lied easily, 
“Let me come in? I just want to hold you tonight” He said softly pressing another kiss to her lips. Y/N nodded in agreement, how could she ever say no to an offer like that? 
Bucky followed Y/N up the stairs to her apartment, she unlocked the door and was met by an icy breeze. Bucky shuddered. 
“Why is it so cold baby? Your heating broken?” He asked 
“Hmm?” Y/N asked turning around to face him 
“Your apartment Y/N, it’s cold” 
“Oh, sorry Buck I turned the heating off” 
“For good?” Bucky asked closing the door behind him “Or is it broken?” He asked
“Oh, no I just turned it off whilst I was at work” Y/N said softly, 
“Why would you do that?” Bucky asked again pulling Y/N into an embrace 
“It was just while I went to work Buck”
“That’s not safe doll, you should keep the heating on so you don’t get ill, even when you’re not home. You need to come into a warm house” Bucky said, Y/N resisted the urge to cry. 
“I usually do Bucky, it was just a one off” she said. 
Bucky didn’t mention the heating again that night. Y/N was grateful for that small mercy. What he did mention was the mountain of blankets that sat on her bed. 
“Doll?” He called from her bedroom 
“Yeah?” She replied coming into the bedroom, her eyes falling on Bucky’s metal hand clasping three blankets, 
“You coming down with something?” He asked “I can call Banner to come and check on you if you want?” 
“Oh Buck, no I’m ok. Just get cold when you’re not here” She said, it wasn’t a complete lie, just a small one. It made her feel a little better. 
“You know you could just move in with me?” Bucky offered 
“Don’t be silly Bucky, we’ve spoken about this” She said and Bucky stopped himself from starting an argument by pressing his lips to hers. 
— — — 
The next few weeks were tricky. Y/N had started picking up more shifts than she could count which lessened her time to do anything; most of all see Bucky. 
When one fateful day put Y/N’s life into a tailspin, 
“Y/N could you come into my office when you get a moment please?” Her boss’s voice cut through the noise, and Y/N felt a panic run through her body, 
“I’ll come now” She said quickly, hurrying behind the shorter lady, “is everything ok?” 
“Take a seat Y/N” She said, Y/N knew this wasn’t good, she never asked her to take a seat before, this had got to be bad news. 
“Have I done something wrong?” 
“No, Y/N you’re one of the best workers we have here” She said taking a deep breath “but we can’t afford to keep you on, with prices and wages going up we’re cutting down to less staff members and well it’s only fair that we let you go first. You’ve got enough experience to get another job quickly whereas the others don’t” 
“You mean the others are cheaper because they are younger?” Y/N said noticing the true meaning behind her words. 
“That isn’t what we are doing Y/N” her boss spoke halfheartedly 
“When do I leave?” Y/N asked dejectedly, knowing it was a loosing battle 
“Today’s your last shift, you are let go without holiday pay or leave notice” She said passing Y/N an envelope “All the necessary documents are in here, please hand your keys in at the end of the shift” 
“No need to wait” Y/N said, pulling her work keys out her bag and putting them on the desk. Picking up the envelope, Y/N walked out. 
The walk home was a cold one, not only because of the biting wind but Y/N felt empty, numb, like she’d just been caught in the rain. She wanted to call Bucky, but after her neglect of him she knew that he was probably mad at her and calling him to cry would not be the best way to go. However, her ringtone cut Y/N’s moping thoughts short, 
“Doll, oh thank god. Steve just told me he passed you on the street, he’s turning around to pick you up so don’t go anywhere. What’s happened?” Bucky asked 
“Nothing Buck, I’ll talk to you later, tell Steve not to worry” 
“No, he’s picking you up and you can come here or go home then come here, or just head home if that’s what you want but I’d rather Steve did it than you walk yourself doll okay?” He said 
“It’s going to happened whatever I say right?” Y/N chuckled halfheartedly, the lack of reply on Bucky’s end confirmed it “I’ll wait for Steve” 
“Good girl, I’ll see you soon” He said ending the call quickly. 
As if on cue Steve’s car pulled into view, 
“Hey Y/N, Buck’s waiting for you” He said opening the door for her, 
“Thanks Steve” 
After a few quiet minutes Y/N answered the question which was burning in Steve's mind, 
“I got fired” She said quietly, 
“They did what? Oh Buck won’t be happy, how dare they” Steve said forcefully, 
“They can’t afford me apparently” Y/N chuckled sadly 
“Promise you won’t tell Bucky?” She asked 
“I won’t lie to him if he asks” Steve said “But I’ll divert attention so he doesn’t ask” Steve agreed quietly 
— — — — — 
Y/N had avoided Bucky for another two weeks, she hadn’t meant to. But she had been sending CV’s, babysitting, dog walking and selling small handmade bits online. Anything possible to make some money, she was yet to receive an interview or even any interest. It seemed that everyone was full of employees or was hiring younger staff, there was no place for Y/N. 
She had been dodging her landlord phone calls, and the electricity company and even a few others who she knew were angry that she hadn’t paid. Stretching her legs out wide on the floor she took a minute away from her laptop screen and picked up her phone. 
“I’m on my way, be there in 15” Bucky had texted around 15 minutes ago, Y/N let out a panicked sigh and started picking up the mess around her to try and make herself look presentable for Bucky, she had to keep up appearances. 
“Doll?” Bucky called through her apartment, 
“In here” She replied quickly shoving some dirty clothes at the bottom of her wardrobe, 
“Hey doll” He said softly pulling her in for a kiss, not seeming to notice her dishevelled state. 
“Hey Bucky” she pressed a kiss to his lips, something she had missed dearly. 
“I need to talk to you” Bucky said pulling her down to sit on the bed, she sat down with his hands gripped in hers as if he was about to disappear. 
“I know I’ve been awful Buck, I haven’t spoken to you and I’ve avoided you, please don’t be mad, I’ve just been so stressed and—”
Bucky quickly cut her off “I’m not breaking up with you Y/N” 
“You’re not?” 
“No, doll I’m not” 
“I know what’s going on Y/N” he said sincerely 
“Nothing’s going on” 
“Doll I know” 
“Bucky nothing is going on”
“You got fired, you’ve been trying to find another job, you’ve been dog walking, which I’m not happy with because that’s dangerous when you don’t know the dog or the owner, and you’ve been selling your adorably little crochet animals online” Bucky said 
“You got someone to follow me” 
“You started shutting me out” Bucky justified 
“Fair enough” 
“Did I miss anything?” Bucky asked 
“No” Y/N said her eyes welling up with tears, she let go on Bucky’s hand to hide her face in them, 
“Oh doll, come here” Bucky said wrapping his arms around her, letting her cry all her stresses and troubles away onto his shirt, he knew once she had cried they would be able to talk through options properly. 
“I’m sorry” Y/N said with a sniffle 
“Can I finish what I was saying earlier?” Bucky asked, Y/N nodded silently “I’ve paid off all your debts, I did the landlord, electricity, water and that loan you took out, you can pay me back if you want to if you have the money, if not it’s my birthday present to you I know you won’t accept it any other way” He said 
“Bucky please”
“It’s already done” 
“I should be able to do this better,I  should be able to pay my fucking bills” 
“No” Bucky said calmly 
“No you’re not doing that. You are doing as best as you can. And I refuse to listen to that shit. Now put on a nice dress, we’re going out to eat” 
— — — — 
That night when Bucky and Y/N were laying in bed cuddled up to each other, Y/N decided to be brave 
“Yes doll?” 
“Do you think I could move in with you?” She asked pressing a kiss to his chest “I don’t think I want to do this alone anymore” 
“Doll, I’d be delighted” 
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gentaro-kinniecom · 8 months
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New Beginnings
Characters: Zayne/fem!reader
C/w: 1.4k! (Read at your own risk, meant for +18) mentions of breeding, married life, somewhat graphic descriptions of sex. Zayne wants to be a father although he doesn't admit it..he just wants to get you knocked up.
A/n: Finished writing this instead of my english essay because... There's also a Rafayel fanfic in the making so stay tuned for more <33
“Zayne? It’s 1am, you still haven’t come back to bed..” I said, leaning against the door frame as he sighed, typing away on his computer while passing a hand across his hair, trying to calm himself down. 
“I know. I’m sorry, I’ll be there”
“That’s what you said an hour ago..you’re tiring and exhausting yourself to the point of death at this point” Zayne sighed, closing his laptop and getting up from his desk chair, walking towards me with a soft grin trying to comfort me. 
“Are you satisfied now?” He asked, hugging my waist as we walked towards our shared bedroom. Ever since we got married, Zayne has gotten more work than usual piled up on his desk every time I go to visit him at work. It worries me that he’s overworking himself because of money, which hasn’t been an issue at all given he’s a doctor and works in a very respected hospital. But what other reason might it be? I laid in our shared bed, feeling myself drift away to sleep when suddenly, Zayne wrapped his arms around my waist. 
“Mhm, thank you” I replied, snuggling up to him while caressing his soft dark strands of hair that fell on his face, smiling. He muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t quite grasp as Zayne kissed me goodnight. I couldn’t help but stay awake for a few minutes, looking at the city lights by the window and back at Zayne’s sleeping form beside me.
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Woken up by the sound of something crashing from the kitchen, I got out of bed with a small yawn, walking down the corridor of our lovely home to see Zayne had a mess of pancake batter all over his “kiss the cook” apron while sighing in annoyance before turning towards me.
“There’s shards of glass on the floor..please, be careful” I nod, grabbing a broom from the closet room and coming back to see Zayne was picking up the broken pieces from the floor. I suddenly stepped in one while trying to hand him the broom which made him look at me with worry, I try not to cry as he can clearly see the tears pricking my eyes.
“I’m fine I swear..” Without a second thought, he quickly lifted me onto the kitchen counter, carefully yet skillfully removing the glass from my foot as Zayne chuckled.
“Having you like this, reminds me of our honeymoon. Remember when-” I stopped Zayne by placing a hand over his mouth, trying to not remember that day where he fucked me into oblivion in our hotel’s kitchen island, right before breakfeast too.
“Why must you always make me remember? It’s like you’re hinting at wanting kitchen sex right now..” A chuckle left his lips as Zayne’s body inched closer, his hands grabbing my waist gently, kissing my neck while whispering sweet words that had me falling into his desire.
“Because, shouldn’t being a husband imply taking care of his wife’s desires as their own? Is it too bad that I want to be greedy with you for a few moments?”His hands began to trail under my nightgown and towards my chest as he began to rub my nipples, making me whine while kissing him.
“Alright, fine. Just seeing you in this apron alone made me feel things, did you do it on purpose?” I asked half jokingly as Zayne kissed my shoulder before taking off my nightgown, leaving me naked on the counter while grinning ear to ear.
“Perhaps, although now I see what you’ve been meaning to hide all this time; you’re trying to rile me up, and it’s working” He then kissed me, taking his sweet time to stroke my clit, agonizingly slow, teasing me as I whined into his mouth. Zayne didn’t take this lightly and spread my legs apart in a second. 
“And to think this wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t break the glass measuring vase today” I added, gazing over at Zayne who kneeled towards my pussy, blowing on it gently before sucking on it. I gasped as his tongue did wonders, had I really forgotten of that day, or was I too fucked out of my brains to remember? Possibly the latter. He suddenly grabbed my thighs, massaging them in a way that made my cunt drip with more arousal than before. Of course, I was impatient, so I grabbed Zayne’s hair, pulling him upwards as he got the message.
“Maybe it was fate or clumsiness on my behalf, at least we’re making something out of this.” He spoke, yet I was too focused on how quickly he was to take off his pants, making me wonder why the hell was he wearing work pants so early in the morning. Nonetheless, all my thoughts vanished out the window as soon as I saw his cock. It wasn’t less than average or more, slightly curved and girthy, the type that never wants to let go once he’s had a taste..that..is the man I married, and the man he will always be. The small but noticeable vein on the side made me drool as he stroked himself a few times before prodding at my entrance. 
“Please, don’t make me wait longer, my love” 
“I thought, you weren’t the type to beg for something, it seems there’s a first for everything after all” Pushing my hips to meet his cock, Zayne grabbed them harshly, not enough to leave a bruise but enough to put me in my place as he smiled. The moment he thrusted inside, I threw my head back at the overwhelming pleasure Zayne was giving me at the moment. My hand found Zayne’s shoulder as he continued to pound at my dripping pussy. He let out a sharp groan as he finally reached my g-spot, making me let out a breathy moan while speeding up.
“Is this what you- hah wanted all along? For me to breed you? Make you carry our child? Answer me.” Zayne’s voice dropped to that soft and warm yet firm tone I always loved. Without any doubt, I answered almost eagerly.
“Y-yes..! Oh fuck~!” I sobbed due to the stimulation he gave me, in a hazy rush, Zayne grabbed my thighs, thrusting sharply yet deeply, enough to make me crave more.
“You’d be such a good mom, look at you, all needy and willing for me. I can’t wait to expand our family with you” He said, panting afterwards as he unexpectedly came inside rather quickly than normal. Pulling his cock away from my puffy cunt almost regretting his decision not long before seeing his cum leak down with a faint smile on his face.
“Stay here, I’ll go grab a towel.'' I nod, smiling at his gentleness as he comes back to clean me up. Zayne’s lips met mine as a ‘thank you’ from my behalf for being so kind and sweet as always. We eventually got dressed once again as I looked at my husband through the mirror of our bedroom, walking downstairs as I stared at the kitchen momentarily.
“So..what are we going to do about breakfast?” I asked, causing him to laugh while he grabbed both the house and car keys as we exited the front door.
“I know of a brunch place that just opened up nearby, perhaps we could give it a try today”
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Some weeks later, I started feeling sick and began vomiting sometimes during the morning. I had a feeling it was because I was pregnant, however, my husband wanted to run some tests for me in the clinic near the hospital he worked at, “just to be sure” his words not mine. At the end of the day, I returned home waiting for the results to come back as I heard the front door open. Zayne tried little to hide the smile on his face as he handed me the envelope from the clinic
“I don’t need to read the letter at this point with the way you’re smiling at me” I teased, opening it up to show that I was indeed 3 weeks pregnant with his child. Zayne hugged me briefly before kissing my lips ever so softly.
“I promise to be the best father for our child, thank you for allowing me to have the blessing to start a family the day we got married, I love you.” He spoke, tear-eyed as I hugged him back, crying happily onto his chest.
“I love you too..I’ll never regret marrying the man that treats me like a queen and makes sure I have everything I need.” 
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luludeluluramblings · 1 month
Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader x Yandere! Batfam
Part Six
Part One ☁️ Part Two ☁️ Part Three ☁️ Part Four ☁️ Part Five ☁️ Part Seven
A/N: Sorry it took so long. I just haven’t been satisfied with this, but I think I just need to bite the bullet and let it go. I’ve had this in the drafts for a while and have edited it three times.
A/N: I think I might focus on some blurbs. Or, if y’all want, y’all can submit ideas for what Smalltown is gonna be like. I gotta write down a general background for Reader’s childhood there. I have a plan, but wouldn’t mind y’all toss some ideas on to the pile.
A/N: Thank you 🐑 Anon for the happy birthday wishes!
Warning: Kidnapping, Hostage Situation for Reader, Guns, Violence, Death, Yandere Behavior and themes
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After the initially panic and dread of being kidnapped settles into Reader’s bones, they’re quickly brought to the Iceberg Lounge. Where a Penguin waits to discuss the details of their ransom with them. He’s kidnapped a Wayne or two over the years, but with how well hidden the family has kept their newest member he might as well scope them out and see if he can make a pretty penny from ransoming them. Give them a proper Gotham introduction.
When Penguin finally has Reader he wrongly expects typical Gotham high society behavior. Threats, insult, bargaining, begging, bribing, hell, even crying. But, Reader, even while terrified, keeps being polite. Referring to him as Mr. Penguin, Sir, and saying please and thank you, while doing exactly what they’re told. Honestly, Reader’s more polite and respectful than half his goons and his own goddamn children. Such a damn shame they couldn’t have been his brat.
So he chats with them. Just for a bit.
How does Reader like Gotham? Who’s their favorite bat brat? What’s their favorite food? How much money did your Momma and Daddy leave you? Just friendly get-to-know you questions to help with the nerves. No need to worry. Everyone’s a bit scared during their first kidnapping. But, do they usually live past the first one, sir? Oh, you’re a smart one, aren’t ya? You’ll have to be careful with that.
It’s all quite tense for Reader, just sitting in an empty club with a dangerous man. That is, until word comes in that Bruce Wayne is paying the ransom in full. Apparently, it made Gotham headlines. The newest Wayne kidnapped. It’s all over the News, nearly every channel. Yet, Reader notices something. Why don’t they show my face, sir? It’s because this isn’t going to be your last time getting kidnapped. You’re in Gotham, baby bird. We’re all hostages in this city. How sweet of them to try to protect you from it.
It isn’t long after that, when the lounge gets visitor before the ransom money could even be dropped off.
Red Hood.
One of the Bat Brats, as Penguin calls him. His arrival raising Cain. Rubber bullets and real ones flying everywhere. Penguin gets a hold of Reader, rest his umbrella gun to their temple. Come now, Red. Don’t make me blow their pretty little head off. I’m actually fond of this one. Best of the Wayne bunch, in my not-so-humble opinion.
And, in one of the few times since becoming Red Hood, Jason hesitates. Because if he fails, if Reader gets hurt like he did, he’ll probably burn Gotham to the ground. It’s not an option. He can’t, he won’t, and he will not allow it. And, that thought, is at the forefront of his mind as he looks at Reader’s terrified face with a gun pointed at their head.
The pause, however, is noticeable. Not just to Reader, but to Penguin as well. A sign of weakness or a sign of something more foreboding. It last for a brief moment. Then Red Hood is back in action. Only, in that single moment, a decision was made. A dark decision. Something that had been healed and supposedly buried.
Batman had always fostered the importance of preparedness in them. So, of course, Jason had a magazine of live bullets ready to go for an emergency. And, this was a fucking emergency. Who cares about a few goons? And Penguin fucking deserves it.
Bruce will understand this time. How sad is it that he does?
Penguin barely escapes, with only a handful of his men still breathing and a few bullets in his shoulder, but he lives. Along with the information that the newest Wayne brat is precious enough to a Bat Brat to break the no-kill code again. Though, that might in itself become a problem for Gotham. Once again, Gotham will baptized in blood. Only, the sins are still growing under the red water. Perhaps, this time Gotham will drown in it instead.
Jason grabs a shaking and terrified Reader while leaving the lounge filled with bodies. He’ll take care of it later. Right now he needs to get Reader back to the manor, or somewhere anywhere safe. Away from Gotham, away from its criminals, and, most of all, away from him.
For a moment he had been… enraptured when he saw how scared his precious Reader looked with a gun to their head. How they looked at him with such a pitiful pleading expression. The way the shook and quaked. How fucking big their eyes got in fear.
Reader kept looking at him with those same watery fearful eyes. Those shaking fingers. A tremble that they must be all the way down to their bones. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute.
He didn’t make it for before he snapped, grabbing Reader’s face to ask what they talked with Penguin about. What did he want from you? Why did you look so friendly with him? Don’t you know he’s a criminal. He’s dangerous. He just wants to see them cower like that again. Just once more.
It takes a long moment for him to calm down and pull himself away from terrifying Reader. Eventually, noticing an oncoming storm and realizing he had better get Reader somewhere safe and back to Bruce so he can go back and clean up the trash.
Jason leaves a throughly shaken and distraught Reader on the GCPD roof. Right next to a lit Bat Signal for a tired Jim Gordan to find.
Jim finds Reader in the storm, mildly despondent from the entire ordeal. After ushering them inside and trying to lightly question them, he makes a call to Bruce that Red Hood had rescued Reader and they the GCPD had them safe. Bruce, naturally , breaks all sorts of traffic laws to get to them when he hears the concerned tone in Jim’s voice.
Reader, exhausted from the days events and shock, falls asleep in one of the spare chairs in the GCPD building. Bruce practically melts in relief when he finds them, picking them up and gently loading them in his car. NOT A DAMN TRUCK. To take them back home. Most of the GCPD find the gesture touching. What a sweet father he is. How lucky Reader is to have such a loving father.
Arriving home, Bruce puts Reader to bed, and makes sure Alfred is on stand by to comfort them and see to their every need. Watch them. Let me know if there’s even the slightest sign of a nightmare.
After taking a moment to let his eyes linger on a sleeping Reader, he heads down into the Batcave. Calling the family together for a meeting.
Stephanie is distraught. It’s her fault Reader got taken, all her fault. She shouldn’t have left them alone. She should have been right there be their side the entire time. At every moment and got every second.
And, Bruce, with deceptively calm yet devastating words, confirms just as much.
Surprisingly, there’s no shouting. No disagreements. Not from Stephanie, and certainly not from any one else. Just the cold realization that it was her fault Reader was nearly hurt and the solemn acceptance of it. They were supposed to have a chance to get close. Stephane won’t ever let it happen again. She’ll always be close from now on. In every way she can. Even if she’s not worthy.
Jason having gone back to clean up his mess before reporting back to Bruce and the others had more startling news. No one mentions a thing when they see the blood on him. Nor the empty magazines. Nor that familiar look in his eyes that reminds them of when he first came back. Someone had torched the Iceberg Lounge before he got back. Penguin is still running free, but the lounge is up in fire and smoke.
He did manage to see a figure leaving when he finally saw past the flames.
A Talon.
The Court of the Owls was active once more.
With the whole Kidnapping thing and the Court being active again despite its previous destruction, Reader’s life went on completely lockdown. They aren’t allowed to go into Gotham at all. Not that they wanted to. The only reason Bruce didn’t just unenrolled them from Gotham Academy is because Damian, Cassandra, and Duke vow to watch them closely and report everything back to him.
Alfred, from then on, drives them all to and from school. Leading to quiet, bordering awkward, mornings and afternoons.
After the whole ordeal with Penguin and Red Hood, Reader is ninety percent certain the family is Gotham’s Bat vigilantes. Mainly due to the fact that Red Hood reminded Reader eerily of how Jason acted to be around them. Luckily, he barely managed to hold himself back. But, it was clear, enjoyed their fear and wanted to scare them. The whole situation resulted in Reader’s momentarily loss of control.
It also didn’t help that everyone seemed to disappear now.
Sure, Reader rides to school with Cassandra and Duke everyday. Damian is also there, but he just silently watches them with those poisonous green eyes of his. The three of them now hovering in the distance down the back of Reader’s neck. Nevertheless, as soon as they were all back in the Manor, the place becomes like a ghosttown. Even Alfred disappears for hours on end now.
Reader rightful assumes it’s more Bat work. But, there’s no one there to talk about how the incident made them feel. To help them verbally process the ordeal. It hurts.
What hurt the most, however, was Stephanie avoiding them.
Now, if Stephanie had just given them even an empty excuse and left the room it probably wouldn’t have hurt so much. But, to watch the blood drain from Stephanie’s face at the sight of Reader and then physically run away from them was offensive and down right painful.
Then there’s the additional fact that, coincidentally, Jason starts showing back up at the manor. Undoubtedly, helping the others with whatever they’re doing in the library. But, Reader sees him as more often as they pace the empty halls of the manor. And, that hysterical gleam in his eyes reminds them of that night they were rescued.
Tim has been like a ghost since the beginning of Reader’s stay. Every time Reader seems to make progress befriending him, he disappears. Only to reappear and act like nothing happened. Unnaturally, he acts like they’re somehow even closer than before. Each and every time. Like he’s never let Reader alone. Ever. Like he’s always been there watching. And, then he disappears, again and again. Only staying for brief moments.
Barbara is just a thought in Reader’s mind. Reader has seen more of Jim Gordon, her father, than Barbara in the recent weeks.
Mr. Gordon had been wanting to check in on them after the incident and ask them a few questions on what happened that night at the Iceberg Lounge. He was quite gentle in his interrogation, if you could call it that. Barbara had told him Reader wasn’t used to Gotham’s madness and must be treated gently.
Not to say Barbara isn’t checking on Reader. Tim’s not the only on constantly checking the manor cameras as Reader paces.
Dick was like a stray wind. Blowing through the manor, knocking Reader over with the shower of affection then disappearing again. To the library. To Buldhaven. To the ends of the world and back for all they knew. Unfortunately, Reader was growing desperate for any sense of comfort and would cling to him when he came. You have no idea how happy that made him. It was so cute how sad Reader was when he left now. How nice it felt to be needed.
Bruce was different, though. After the incident, he somehow managed to find a way to suffocate Reader with his presence without even being in it for long. Appearing at random to just watch them before disappearing again. Nothing was ever said. He just watched them then vanished.
Reader dreads having to bring up the whole incident with Penguin and Red Hood to Nana. They don’t want to cause anyone back home to worry. Besides, it’ll just remind everyone about that incident a few years back. The one that Reader does everything to forget about. The incident that would probably change a few things for better or for worse. For the family and for Gotham.
A/N: Yeah, Penguin lives. But, for a reason. Don’t get mad, please. (I did research and found out he was basically Yandere for his mother and killed his father and brothers to have all her attention for himself. And, he has children. 👀)
A/N: Also, reader’s getting some mild tragic backstory. It’s the DC universe. Everything’s gotta have a bit of bitterness. It’s all for the plot.
@starsdotalk @sleepyghoster @maicenitas @box-of-kinderjoy @yandereheros @skwunkler @cl0esblogg @delias-stuff @rosecentury
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bettyfrommars · 3 months
Birthday Boy
Just some Eddie and Wayne thoughts I had last night that made me cry, and I turned it into a longer thing. Mention of Al Munson being the worst.
18+Only wc: 440
Thinking about 8-year-old Eddie Munson being left in Wayne’s care during one of those periods of time when his father Al disappears for months.  It’s Eddie's birthday, and Wayne is working extra shifts, and can’t plan much, but he tells Eddie that he can have anything he wants, within reason, at the mini mart they pull into.
Eddie is so excited, he’s wiggling, can’t keep his hands still.  He picks up the first candy bar he sees and shows it to his uncle.  
“That’s all you want?” Wayne’s mouth lifts on one side in a curious grin.  “Why don’t you pick out a few more things.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide contemplating the possibilities.  
It doesn’t take long for him to load a small pile onto the countertop near the register.  Hostess snowballs, a wizard keychain, a tin of pretzels, laffy taffy, a lighter, more candy, a comic, and he says, “can I get a pack of cigarettes for you? For my birthday?”
“That’s generous kid, but I’m alright,” Wayne mumbles softly as the cashier rings them up.
“You’ll have to pay the outstanding tab first,” the woman—her name tag says Julie—snaps a big pink bubble with her gum.  
“Tab?” Wayne is confused.  He’s never bought a thing on credit in his life.  
She shows him an itemized list, including gallons of gas, beer, and magazines.  “Your brother racked up quite a bill in your name.”
“And you let him?” Wayne realizes Eddie is watching intently, and he doesn’t want to make the boy uncomfortable.  No need going to a different place, he’d just deal with this and get it over with.
He thumbs through the bills in his wallet, thinking.  
He pushes his breakfast sandwich and coffee aside.  “What if we take those off?  And I’ll get 3 gallons of gas instead of ten.” 
He’d be fine until payday.
Eddie claws a hand over his pile. “I’ll put these back.”
Wayne’s hand comes down to stop him with a reassuring pat. "No, I want you to have those.”
He knows his nephew is worrying.  The thought of Al ruining his son’s birthday by not being there in the first place, and then leaving him with this? Made Wayne want to put a fist through a wall.  
But he wasn’t a violent man.  
Julie amended the ticket and gave him the new total.  Wayne handed over all of the money he had for the next three days, and she bagged Eddie’s things up.  The young boy eagerly slings the plastic sack over his arm, but keeps the wizard keychain in his hand, examining the details as they walk out the door.
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cumikering · 2 months
F1 John Price x reader 2
3.1k | fluff, suggestive Nights in London were warmer with you (part 1) (part 3)
“I’m going back home Thursday,” John said after you placed your orders at another quiet restaurant.
“That’s nice. I’m going home closer to the holidays. Need to keep the shop open.” You beamed. “Apparently a few weeks ago, a racer posted the cookies on Instagram and people started piling up.”
His heart skipped a beat. It must have been Kyle. The lad couldn’t stay away from social media, always posting something - a far cry from him who only had an account strictly for business, as part of most brand deals.
Including McLaren. John was to post at least a photo every week. Unlike his teammate, his page consisted mostly of professional photos, usually taken from races, or the skyline of the cities where his races took place in.
Did you know who he was? “Who was it?”
“I don’t know. I probably should have asked. Christy - one of my girls - found out from a customer, but I’m just so, so grateful. We got so many orders for Christmas gift this year.”
“That’s wonderful, love.” He squeezed your hand. “Let me get a box to take home. My parents would love them. Can you squeeze me in?”
John pulled up at your apartment and brought your hand to his lips. “Hope I’m not too forward, love, but how soon can I see you again?”
You smiled. “Tomorrow? Dinner’s on me. You pick the place.”
The Japanese near your shop caught his eye (he loved his salmon teriyaki), and when he dropped you off the next night, again, he asked who was picking dinner the night after.
“My groceries aren’t going to last much longer, I’m afraid. I need to cook tomorrow.”
“Right,” he muttered.
He had pushed his luck. His cheeks heated from his presumption. He was seeing you too often at such an early stage even that it would have been his last night before leaving for three weeks.
“You’re welcome to join me.”
“I’d love that.”
John didn’t remember the last time anyone cooked for or with him like this. He didn’t realise how much he craved spending a quiet night in enjoying your company without having to worry about being conspicuous in the privacy of your own home.
He didn’t get to date much, but it was pathetic how none of the women he was seeing, not even the one he was with for a year, wanted to stay home much at all.
When he met her at a bar, he was an F1 rookie, an up and coming driver still struggling to establish his footing on the grid. Things kept going wrong, and he was constantly on edge about his contract being terminated, beating himself up over any mistake lest it costed him his career that had barely taken off.
She was a breath of fresh air. While he had been uptight, all up in his head, forgetting to be grateful of how far he’d gone, she was untroubled. He had the money, and she knew how to spend it. Overnight, his life swirled around luxury and status. She taught him how to live good, and he did.
The stunt she pulled boosted his career. Sponsors and deals poured in and he worried less. The cruelty of his mind mellowed and it allowed him to breathe. He finished 6th that season.
On your couch, John fumbled with his long-empty beer bottle. Despite not wanting the night to end yet, it had to as your bedtime inched closer.
“Thank you for dinner, love. It was grand.” He placed the bottle on the side table.
“We can do that again next time.”
He swallowed and looked up at you. “May I kiss you?”
A sweet smile bloomed on your pretty face and you scooted closer to him. He let out a shaky breath when your soft lips pressed against his. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you cupped his face. Your fingertips slid down his neck before you pulled away, much to his chagrin.
You looked away, biting your lip. “I’m sorry, this is such an odd thing to say, but you’ve got a really muscular neck.”
“Do you like it?” he asked, slightly breathless, his heart beating out of his chest.
You leaned back in. He almost whimpered at the way your kisses seared the sensitive skin of his neck, his grip tightening on your hips as he guided you over his lap.
When you pulled away again for a breath, you bit back a grin while John and his hooded eyes weren’t all there.
“You’re falling asleep.”
“No, I’m not.” He buried his face in the crook of your neck as the high coursed through his veins before chuckling to himself.
He needed a moment to recover from the heady fact that he’d just kissed you. That your hot, wet tongue swiped over his lower lip before brushing against his own as he held you flush to him with greedy hands.
You cradled his face. “Promise you’ll get home safe.”
John gave you another peck at the door. Despite the uncomfortable throb against his jeans, he left with a grin.
The next morning was freezing, but the comforting smell of coffee and cookies baking welcomed him into your warm shop as John wheeled his luggage behind him.
“Mornin’, love,” he greeted, making you look up from the register.
“Hi- Oh no, you’re early. The cookies are still cooling.” You glanced at the clock. “Have you got 15 minutes?”
“No worries. I’ve got time to kill.” He pulled out his phone. “Ring me up, love.”
“No, no. It’s on the house. My Christmas gift for the Sloanes.”
You were too beautiful smiling up at him with such bright eyes. “Thank you.”
“Why don’t you sit? I’ll make you a drink.”
Moments later, you set a paper cup in front of him.
“What’s this?” He chuckled at the doodle on the side, picking up the cup to inspect it closer. It was a man in a cap, a cookie on the side. “S’that me?”
You nodded with a small smile.
He wanted to kiss you right then, but reached for your hand instead. “That’s real sweet, love.”
When you disappeared into the kitchen, he took a picture of the cup, heart fluttering at the gesture. He knew just what to post that week.
“You have a safe trip, John. Enjoy your holiday.” You gave him a squeeze in front of his ride.
He couldn’t help pulling his mask down and leaning in for a peck, your gift with the large bow in hand. You smiled against his lips.
On the way to the train station, just minutes after he posted the photo, Gaz sent him the eyes emoji. He snickered. Kyle Garrick was chronically online.
He replied with a quick snap of the box of cookies.
Shite, should have got some for Birmingham too. Get me some when I’m back!
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John’s mum gave him a bear hug at the door of the house before announcing his arrival to his dad. He placed your gift on the coffee table and his mum poured them tea – she always had some ready whenever he visited.
He sat back on the couch, looking out the window at the backyard. It was bleak, barren from winter, but it made him fuzzy all the same. He’d missed home.
The next few days, you were busier than ever at work cranking out orders with your girls. You went home and slept straight away, and rinsed and repeated the next day. John, meanwhile, spent his time visiting cousins and relatives around the city.
That Sunday when you finally had some time off, he was out the whole day while the very thing he wanted to do was to talk to you. When he got back home and cleaned up, it was past your bedtime, but you’d insisted on waiting up for his call.
“John,” you muttered sleepily. It was the first time he heard you since he left.
The voice he’d missed so much send a shiver straight down his spine. “H- hi.”
“I don’t suppose you’ve got baby photos to show me?”
He chuckled. “We’ve got some in the living room, but it’s so bloody cold right now and I don’t want to leave my bed.”
“It’s freezing here too, but it must be even colder up there.”
Cuddling with you sounds perfect right now. “I might have other photos on my phone if you want to see?”
“Of course,” you said, but it sounded more like purring in his ears.
He bit his lip, going through his gallery before sending you a photo of him grinning ear to ear in a go-kart next to his parents in front of their house.
“Look at you,” you cooed. “You were so adorable.”
He smiled. “They got me my own kart for my 8th birthday. It was so early, I was still in my pyjamas.”
John Price didn’t come from money, nor did he have any speck of racing in his lineage, but when a friend of his celebrated his 7th birthday at a karting track, his life was forever changed. A lap in, and the adrenaline bug sank its fangs deep into his skin and never let go.
“Been into cars since a kid, huh?“
“Huge fan.”
For the next 5 years, his dad juggled multiple jobs, sometimes even 4 at a time, while his mum worked odd ones to get by between taking care of the house. Despite the efforts, they still needed to let go of the family house to support him.
Having to constantly move around from relative to relative, they had to drop most of their belongings, but never John’s hard-earned trophies even when it meant less living space.
“This was my first time in London.” He sent you another photo of his family, Big Ben in the background. “It was the best day ever.”
He didn’t understand why his parents sacrificed so much for him, put so much on the line. He didn’t know what they saw in him. But at 13, on that fateful day that altered the trajectory of his life, he was signed into the McLaren driver development programme. Sent to a boarding school, he called London home ever since.
“You had such chubby cheeks! I love it.”
“And this… I’m not there, but this is another one of my favourites.” It was his parents in front of their current home.
“The house got renovated?”
When John secured his F1 seat at 20, the first thing he did was buy the house back. Over the years, the previous owner had made many changes that left his childhood home barely recognisable, but his parents loved it all the same. It was where it all started after all.
“Yeah. The heater always works now.” He laughed. “Except tonight. Something is bloody wrong with the cold tonight. I’ve cranked the heat up but it’s still freezing.”
“When I was young, we had a dog called Rosie. She was my personal heater.”
“What was she like?”
“She was huge, an impossibly fluffy black Newfoundland. Loved to cuddle.”
He smiled. “That sounds wonderful. We never had a pet.”
“Would you want one?”
“A dog, yes, in the future.” His mind drifted to the family pets of his childhood friends. “I like knowing that as long as I love him, he’ll love me back. That I’ll always be enough.”
“That’s true. One of my favourite memories is coming home from school and having her accidentally smack me with her tail because she was so happy to see me.” You paused. “When she passed, I cried for days. My parents said she was from Canada, so I always said I wanted to go there and adopt one of her siblings.” You laughed. “Well, that never happened.”
“I’m sorry.” He could only imagine what it felt to lose your best friend and his heart ached for you. He wanted to wrap you in his arms.
“Have you been to Canada?”
“I have, for work. It’s beautiful there, gorgeous lakes. You’d love it.”
“Yeah? Maybe one day I’d get to see for myself.”
I’ll take you there, he almost promised out loud. He chewed on his lip. He’d love to take you to the next Canadian Grand Prix. In fact, he’d love it if you could come to each race, but it was something too distant in the future for him to even have the guts to picture.
You yawned. “I should sleep.”
No, no. He still missed you. “Can I stay a bit longer? I’ll hang up later.”
“Yeah, alright.”
There was rustling on your end, he imagined you tucked yourself under the covers and rolled over.
You let out a long, content sigh. “Goodnight, John.”
“Goodnight, love,” he muttered.
How was he going to survive the rest of his trip? His chest was going to explode.
It didn’t take long for your breathing to slow and eventually deepened. He swallowed, ashamed of the images your sleepy voice had roused that resulted in the situation in his sweats.
John never hung up because he fell asleep listening to you.
In the next three weeks, distance didn’t deter John from getting to know you. While you were busy at work during the day, you found the time to call every night, no matter how short. When you’ve gone back home, in turn, you showed him photos of your hometown and your family. But your selfies were his favourite. He loved looking at them throughout the day.
He counted down the days he’d be back in London. When initial connections were prone to fizzing out with space, it made each chance to see you even more precious to him. It was all he wanted to do.
That Saturday, once more, he headed straight to yours from the airport, always in a black mask and a cap.
“John!” You swung the door open in a cosy oversized shirt and pulled him for a hug.
He wrapped his arms tight around you, grinning into your hair. He didn’t realise he missed you this much, your warmth, your smell.
He followed you in, wheeling his luggage behind him. “I got you this,” he said, holding out a bag.
“What’s this?” You peeked into it.
“It’s my favourite blueberry loaf from the bakery we always went to, ever since I was a kid. Thought you’d like it too.”
“Thank you.” You squeezed his forearm.
With your eyes bright and smile sweet, he couldn’t help himself anymore. He yanked his mask down and pulled you in by the waist. Against his lips, you giggled, arms wrapping around his neck.
“Didn’t realise you’ve got a beard now.” You pulled away, giving it a once over. “It tickles, but I like it.”
During the season, he never grew out more than a stubble because of how uncomfortable it was under the balaclava and helmet, so he always liked to grow it out each chance he had. Especially now that he didn’t want to be recognised in public with you.
“I’m making you dinner.” You helped him take his coat off and hung it behind the door.
He blinked. “What?”
“You haven’t eaten, have you?”
Constantly out to expensive spots wearing designer brands, jetting all over the world with champagne in hand, John’s previous relationship was beautiful. On the outside at least.
As exhilarating as it all was, to him, it grew old and tiring too fast. While she thrived in the buzz of the media, always picture-perfect as the pretty girlfriend of a rising star, he was barely alive from his work commitments and catering to her whims.
She had been more interested in picking trending outfits to wear to the swanky restaurants regardless how tired he was at the end of the day. Countless arguments inevitably stemmed from him not bothering to wear anything more than a plain t-shirt for a weekday dinner. Still, he plastered a smile on as he was dragged to these places, too bright and loud. It was the woman he loved.
It was a fleeting thought at first, but he started missing the quiet life he had, when he didn’t have to be hounded by what people thought of him. About why he wasn’t at the grand opening of some bar with the foreign name, why he was still rocking a 4 year-old phone, if John Price wore the same hoodie two days in a row.
She was too eager to smile at the cameras, basking in the limelight. She wasn’t unkind or ill-meaning, but the affection that once drew him to her was long gone leaving him feeling alone and unwanted in his own relationship. It took him too long to accept she was there for John Price the F1 driver, not the bloke from Liverpool anymore, if she even ever was.
When he finally ended it, it barely took a month before she was on some footballer’s arm. Betrayal scorched his stomach. It hurt more than words, but perhaps it was the price to pay for being where he was. He never knew who to trust.
“It’s salmon with broccoli and rice. I don’t cook a lot of fish, but I tried this marinate I thought you’d like,” you rambled. “I hope it tastes alright even if I mess it up the temperature.”
“No, it would be perfect. Thank you so much.”
You cooking for him, his favourite food at that, meant so much more than you could imagine. You brought warmth to his chest.
After dinner, you snuggled with him on the couch. The chatter of the TV melted away. He let his longing for you dissipate as he inhaled the comforting scent of your hair as you traced his long fingers.
You turned to him, holding his gaze for a moment before you mumbled, “Would you like to stay the night?”
Was it not evident in the way he couldn’t let you out of his sight that he didn’t want to part?
John climbed in your bed and pressed his chest against your back, curling up around you, an arm around your waist. He let out a long, content sigh as he basked in the sensation of your soft body on him.
“You said Liverpool was bloody cold, but you run so warm.” You laughed. “That means I won’t even survive.”
He smiled into your hair. “You won’t have to worry about that when I’m around.”
He had two months before the next season started. If he was lucky – and he really wished he was, it meant more nights like this with you, many nights, he hoped. Just like this.
Masterlist Ex bf John Price
@tiredmetalenthusiast @le16erc @kyletogaz @kechiwrites @mikichko
@secretsynthetic @foo1ishs3renity @juicyjujuuu @ladydevilofhell @rowanyaboats
@hungrycrazy @readreblogfics @nocturnalreader106 @panda-b0s @stickerguts
@strong-bronze-or-regal-black @sadcowboyhours
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ryusuisloveinterest · 10 months
Hi! Since it's almost Christmas, could you write headcanons of how Ryusui, Senku, Stanley and Tsukasa would spend Christmas with their s/o (fem or gn reader) and their family (their children or the reader's family).
Bye and thank you for the 2 last requests !
This is so late I’m so sorry I’ve been very busy with finals! I tried to include reader’s family as best as I could do I hope you enjoy. If it’s not what you were looking for then you can always ask again. Thank you for your patience 💕💕
Ryusui, Senku, Stanley, and Tsukasa’s Christmas with their s/o🎄❤️
he probably thinks Christmas is all about the presents
So on Christmas Day there will probably be trucks full of gifts, all for you! Please there’s no reason for him to have that much money
You have to teach him that there are other things to enjoy other than just a pile of presents
The first time he watched a Christmas movie with you and your is DEFINITELY a core memory for him
Your matching pajamas, the way you snuggle into him and sharing the hot chocolate you prepared, the echo of your laugh filling his ears, and at the very end how you kiss him and thank him for spending Christmas with you
He completely melts
He’s so in love, he just wants moments with you like this all the time.
The only Christmases he remembers are just his dad and uncle basically throwing him into a room full of gifts and leaving for a Christmas vacation somewhere 
So having genuine time with you and your family and sharing your love with each other makes him so happy he might even tear up a bit my poor baby😭
Now it’s tradition for the both of  you to do something like that every year❤️
He spends it in the lab 💀 
You have to drag him out of there
You have to BEG him to back cookies with you
“Come on Senku! Please! It’s like chemistry, we have to mix a bunch of stuff together!”
After 30 minutes of begging he finally caved
Of course Senku knows all the perfect measurements to everything so the only thing you really had to do was mix the ingredients together
Your mom and dad did keep him busy with random conversations though
In the living room you can hear them whispering about something but you don’t know what
The cookies tasted great!
After you both said goodbye to your family and your mom hugged the crap outta him you both headed back home.
“You don’t have to stay, Senku. I’m ok with you going back to the lab. I just wanted to spend time with you…”
And with that he leaves-
You sit in the living room, bummed out that Senku left again
Senku comes back with a small box and a huge blush
You were super shocked when you opened it up 
“Senku…this ring, it’s platinum right? You didn’t really…”
“It’s what the old man would’ve wanted. And…it’s what I want too…” 
Was he really..?
You started to cry
Senku didn’t know what to do 
You just held each other and told each other how much you loved one another, excited about the future with each other 
Stanley was on a mission during Christmas
So, Xeno invited you and your family to a Christmas party he and his colleagues were hosting
You really didn’t want to go, especially since you wouldn’t know anyone and Stanley wasn’t with you
But Xeno was still your friend so you decided to show up for him
You and your relatives stand there awkwardly in one of the door frames as Xeno and his colleagues talk about whatever project they were working on
You dad and mom go find some of the snacks and your siblings (if you have any) go causing trouble somewhere
There you were by yourself in the corner
“You look lonely over here under the mistletoe Miss. May i accompany you?”
You knew that voice 
You look up to see your boyfriend 
You practically jump on him, wrapping your small arms around his much bigger body
He pets your hair, then lifts your  chin
“We’re still under the mistletoe.” 
You smile at his cheesy gesture something he doesn’t normally do 
You both lean closer together and kiss, desperately clinging to each other like you’re both afraid to let go
“Oh! Is this your boyfriend (y/n)?” 
Your lips immediately leave Stanley’s as you see your whole family just staring at you and Stanley under the mistletoe 
You face turns red instantly causing Stanley to laugh
He sticks his hand out for your family
“My name is Stanley Snyder. It’s an honor to finally meet you all.”
You had a gingerbread house competition 
Your mother was the judge
You and Mirai were a team 
Tsukasa and your dad were the other
Tsukasa was struggling making the designs in the roof
Your dad couldn’t get the gum drops to stick
But you and Mirai had a great time with the gumdrops and candy canes, sprinkling them everywhere!
After your major victory Mirai wanted to play with her dolls 
So you and Tsukasa sat on the couch, snuggling up next to each other while your mom kept Mirai entertained 
“Do you want kids?” 
Your head pops up with the sudden question
He locks his eyes with yours, patiently waiting for your response 
A soft smile grows on your face 
“Of course I do!” 
This leaves Tsukasa heart-struck
He kisses your forehead, his favorite way of showing his love for you
You can hear Mirai’s ewws, making both of you laugh
“No sex before marriage!” Your dad yells from the kitchen 
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doc-pickles · 10 months
voicemail | mat barzal
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summary: you’ve left mat many voicemails in the last few months, but he finally listens to them
warnings: mentions of pregnancy and childbirth
a/n: head empty no thoughts. enjoy!
xoxo nina
“Hey you’ve reached Mat. Leave a message after the beep.”
“Mat it’s me… I know we haven’t talked for few months but I would really appreciate it if you called me back.”
“Hey me again. Please call me back, I really need to talk to you.”
“Listen I know we broke up but… This is super important. I wouldn’t be calling if it wasn’t. Please Mat.”
“Since you won’t pick up the phone I’ll just say it. I’m pregnant, Mat. It’s yours. Please… Just let me know you’ve gotten my calls and texts.”
“I don’t want money or anything, I just want you to know about our son and have the chance to be there for him. Call me please.”
“Hey, me again… If you don’t want to be apart of this that’s fine I just… I need you to tell me so I’m not sitting around with this false hope that you’ll show up for us.”
“Mat my water broke and I’m so scared. All I want is you. If you were ever going to pick up the phone now would be the time. Please babe, I can’t do this without you.”
“Matty…. He looks just like you. Please… please pick up the phone.”
“Fuck… C’mon Grey,” you groaned quietly as you rocked your two week old son. He was crying loudly and nothing you’d done yet seemed to help. “Bubs please, mama is trying her best.”
His wails continued, your shoulders slumping in defeat as you rocked back and forth. You were seconds away from crying right alongside your little boy.
A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. Your brow furrowed but you moved toward it anyways. With a wince you glanced at your reflection in the hallway mirror. Your hair was messily piled on your head, the dark circles under your eyes were almost purple, and you had spit up on your shirt.
“Hold on Greyson, I’m just gonna answer the… door…,” your voice faltered as you pulled the door open to reveal Mat standing there. His hair was sticking up as if he’d been running his hands through it and his eyes were puffy. “Mat?”
Mat didn’t say anything as his eyes locked on Greyson who was still loudly wailing, unaware of the tension boiling between his parents. He blinked a few times before he looked up at you with watery eyes, “Is… Is that him? Is that our son?”
Your lip trembled as you looked up at Mat, heart aching in your chest as your eyes met, “You didn’t answer my calls.”
“I know.”
“You missed my whole pregnancy.”
“I know.”
“You weren’t there to hold my hand when he was born. I…,” tears welled in your eyes, quickly spilling over as you and Mat stood across from each other. “What- why now? What the hell are you doing here Mat?”
You fell into full on sobs as Mat stepped forward and pulled you into his arms, both you and Greyson crying against his chest. His arms held you close as he whispered apologies and sweet words to you.
“I’m so sorry baby, I’ll explain everything. Okay? I’ll tell you everything,” Mat whispered against your hair. You couldn’t do anything but cry along with your son, your shoulders deflating as Mat held you. “It’s okay, I got you. I got you both.”
When Mat gently grabbed Greyson from your arms you didn’t hesitate to hand him over. You’d been rocking him for close to two hours and you were delirious and exhausted from trying to calm your son.
“I’ll hold him while you take a nap,” Mat pressed a kiss to your forehead, holding you close for a moment. “I’m here baby, I got you.”
You laid in bed for a few minutes simply staring at the ceiling. You and Mat had gone through a civil breakup, ending things solely because you rarely saw each other. Between his job and yours your schedules were hard to coordinate and it had put unnecessary stress on both of you.
When you’d both decided to break off your relationship you spent the whole night in bed together. You couldn’t even begin to count how many times you and Mat had made love, chuckling as you realized that’s probably when Greyson was conceived.
With a sigh you laid down, your eyes immediately shutting as you drifted off to sleep thinking about you and Mat and your son.
Your body wakes you up, the breastmilk leaking through your top a sure sign that you’ve missed a feeding. With a groan you changed before going to hunt down Mat and Grey.
Stretched out across your couch is Mat, Greyson on his bare chest. His eyes scanned over every inch of your son as if he didn’t want to miss a single detail.
“Hi,” you whispered from the doorway, Mat’s eyes finally breaking away from Grey to meet your eyes. “I need to feed him, my boobs are killing me.”
Mat didn’t make any jokes, much to your surprise, as he sat up and handed Greyson over to you. You sat on the opposite end of the couch and quickly latched the baby onto your breast before you looked back over to Mat. His head was in his hands, bent over as he heaved a deep sigh.
“I’m so sorry,” he cut you off, eyes still locked on the floor. “I… Fuck… After we broke up I was a mess. I started- ah, hooking up with this girl Hayley. It was casual, I literally never saw her outside of our hookups but she clearly wanted more.”
Your heart clenched as Mat told you about this other woman, but you let him keep going. You knew he wouldn’t be telling you this if there wasn’t a point to it all.
“We started casually dating. Just dinner or a movie before we… You know… Anyways last night I woke up to her going through my phone,” Mat stopped, finally pulling his head away from his hands as he looked up at you. “She had been deleting all your messages. I kicked her out and they were all there so I… I listened to every single one and then I drove over here. As soon as I knew I was on your doorstep. I’m so sorry. If I’d known, if I’d heard that first message I would’ve been here for everything.”
You hadn’t even realized you were crying until Mat leaned over to brush the tears staining your cheeks. You met his eyes, hurt and sincerity floating in them.
“I can never stop apologizing for missing all of this but I swear I’ll be here for every moment from here on out,” Mat whispered as he caressed your cheek. “Okay?”
You nodded as Mat kissed your forehead just as Grey let out a whine in your arms. Mat chuckled as you gently patted his back and coaxed a burp out of the infant, “He didn’t wanna be ignored.”
“He’s an attention seeker, just like his dad,” you snorted and watched as Mat’s face lit up. You handed Grey back to him, smiling as your son curled right into him. “He also already looks just like you. Figures since he has your name.”
Mat’s brows furrowed as he looked from Greyson to you, “My name?”
“Greyson Mathew,” Mat’s eyes widened as you grinned. “I knew you wouldn’t have ignored me on purpose or out of spite. And I don’t know what stopped me from just marching down to your place with my huge belly and waiting until you talked to me. I think a part of me was scared that maybe you would reject me to my face. I don’t know but… I’m glad you’re here now.”
Mat pulled you into his side, cuddling you into him as he pressed a kiss to your hair. Grey squirmed around for a second but calmed as you put your hand over Mat’s on his back. The scene was sweet and intimate, what you’d been dreaming of since you found out you were pregnant.
Everything was perfect.
“Grey’s screaming,” you groaned as you cuddled into Mat’s chest. “It’s too early for screaming Mathew.”
Mat chuckled as he slowly extracted himself from your hold, “I’ll go get the gremlin. You just lay there and look pretty.”
You grinned up at Mat as he left the room, heading down the hall towards Greyson’s room. A harsh kick landed against your stomach and you groaned, settling your hand against the slight curve of your belly.
“Your brother is already causing a ruckus, I don’t need you too,” you chuckled as another kick hit your hand. “Calm down sweet girl or daddy is gonna come in here and rile you up.”
“My girl is awake?” Mat asked excitedly from the doorway, Greyson on his hip with an identical smile to Mat’s as you rolled your eyes. “Lemme feel her.”
Greyson plopped himself onto the bed and curled into your side, watching with wide eyes as Mat leaned down to whisper to your belly.
“Yup that’s your baby sister,” you giggled as Mat pressed a kiss to your belly. “Enough Mathew, you already know she’s gonna be a daddy’s girl.”
“I know,” Mat groaned as he looked up at you with a smirk. “But I didn’t get to experience this with Grey. I want to make the most of this.”
You smiled and ran a hand through Mathew’s curls, your wedding rings glinting in the morning light as his cheek pressed against your belly, “You’re an amazing dad Mat, have been from day one. We’re very lucky to have you.”
“I couldn’t imagine my life without you three,” Mat smirked at you before he leaned up and kissed you softly. “Thank you for giving us a family.”
“Thanks for listening to your voicemails,” you grinned as he leaned into your side.
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luffyvace · 4 months
I have been feed well by your small serie of saiki kusos x write reader 🤤
But may I request as saiki kusos w f!s/o who suddenly have makoto as a stalker?
(sorry if you don't understand this my first time requesting 😭😭)
that’s actually a great idea!! I’m super pumped to do this request! :)
Don’t worry I know just what ya mean!
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⚠️stalking warning,⚠️ before I start, if I may 😵‍💫
Saiki will know right away when he starts stalking you-
And ngl this is the perfect chance to get rid of him 😈🙏
just kidding! But seriously, he let go of all the times makoto’s annoyed him in the past, but now that’s he’s an issue with you? His girlfriend? The one girl he can actually tolerate, scratch that, loves??
yeah no buddy this one’s not gonna slide
unfortunately he cant punch him bc 1) Saiki’s too strong and 2) that’d draw a lot of attention to himself since Makoto is a celebrity
but what he can do?? Well, Plan A) pinch his cheeks till they hurt and threaten him, Upgraded Plan A) disguise himself then pinch his cheeks, Plan B) keep scaring the crap out of him every time he tries to follow you, Plan C) calmly talk it out with him that you two are an item, Plan D) tell Teruhashi and use her love for Saiki to his advantage, getting her to tell her parents and stop her brother, Plan E) Publicly expose that freak or Plan F) tell you you have a stalker if you haven’t noticed, and if you have, go to the police
wow! what well thought out plans! :) most of them won’t work
heres why!
upgraded plan A is better than just plan A but it will ultimately still draw attention
plan c is unlikely to work seeing as though how creepy that guy is, plus he doesn’t like Saiki
As of plan d Teruhashi can hardly stop him from being a creep to HER (😭⁉️) and i don’t know how well the parents will care, especially if he’s making them money..😟
plan e….seems like it would be successful..buuut i feel he would just use his celebrity status to will the evidence away, like speaking out about how he would “never” do that and doing charity 🙄 plus the fan girls probably won’t believe some rando who uploads that on the internet over they’re fav 😒
ngl plan F is really reasonable and has one of the highest chance of working, but yet again, the celebrity card will strike and he could pay off the police so they don’t do crap abt it 🤦‍♀️😑
therefore! Plan B it is! Seems the most likely to work + Saiki can get his revenge in a practically harmless way! :3
Thanks to his powers (for once 😭) no one is likely to believe even the Makoto when he says a flying guy dropped a pile of dog crap on him 😏🤷‍♀️
and even if they did when he tries to explain the full story he’ll have to keep lying to keep the lie of him not stalking you alive 👎
but he still will tell you if your unaware tho!
he’s likely gonna be hesitant if he knows you’ll freak about abt it but you deserve to know. And ofc he can always keep you safe (thanks magic powers, for being useful for once!) but he also would want your parents to know so if Makoto tries something they can have a lead.
so yes ultimately he tells you, likely at his house, in his room, and he tries to break it to you as gently as possible but…there’s no easy way to take that kind of info 😬😟
if you get scared or cry he’ll tell you his plan to make him leave you alone, and he tells you to tell your parents too. Essentially trying to console you
if you choose to trust him and react a bit calmer, maybe still worried, he’d ask if you still wanna go out in public knowing this, and if yes he’ll accompany whenever and wherever he can, especially since Makoto won’t wanna come up to you while he’s there, thinking Saiki’s your boyfriend
he is
Also If Makoto does anything perverted as far as taking sus pictures of you or imagining weird things with those photos he’ll rip them up and make the paper and random things fly around in his room, every time
He probably breaks his phones/cameras too, even if he buys knew ones, as punishment
onto the final battle!
let’s say your walking home from school and Makoto is following you, your boyfriend is close behind you both, monitoring the situation for a good chance to strike. First, you cross the railroad to get home, but Makoto has to fall back so you don’t see him, but when it’s his turn to go? Oh no! The trains coming! Where’d that even come from? there was no train?! CRAP!- huh? Wait..the trains gone..thank goodness?! 😭
oh wait! He needs to catch up to you! Well at least he knows where you live and what route you take through research! He needs to catch up! HOLY CRAP! What’s a mob doing here?! Did a fan see him?? How’d they find him..no way, don’t tell me they’re gonna find out what he’s doing..NO DONT COME ANY CLOSer…? They’re running past him? Well I guess he is in disguise..wait, they were running to this arch nemesis and top competition?! 😠 seriously?! That guy over him??
he proceeds to head over there to show the ladies who they should really be drooling over 😏 WAIT- HE CANT REVEAL HIMSELF RIGHT NOW?!- what?…where’d his wig go? THE WIND BLEW IT OFF?! HOLY- HE’S ABOUT TO GET FOUND OUT🫨 RUN 😭 🏃
aw man he’s outta breath, what are the odds the wind would blow his wig off near a mob of fans?! Now he’s gotta be extra careful following you! And it’s already late! Actually..it’s pretty darn dark….dang it! You’re probably in your house by now! Oh well…maybe you still have your window open and he can get some pictures that way! 👍
uh..is he starting to hear a second pair of footsteps..? But..no one’s around..why’s it getting louder..?! UH, it’s getting more aggressive now 😥….okay that’s it! he’s running..!
dang it! It’s chasing him! No way he can lead this creep to your house! (Ironic huh) he’s gotta take a wrong turn!
man! What time is it?! Midnight?! Has he really been running that long??? Why’s this freak still chasing him? And who is it?!?
alright! He’ll take a turn into that alley and lose ‘em! Then he’ll make a ‘U’ back to your house! Although there’s no way to be sure if your still up or not :/
hey! The footsteps are gone! Maybe think he lost him! Alright! He’ll take another turn and go back to your place!
right as he turns the corner?
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Jump scare!
he immediately calls his manager while running away, thinking he’s either a mass muderer, a demon or a stalker! 😱
and the best part is? Nobody will believe him 😊
ngl Saiki probably won’t let this slide even a couple days after he finds out Makoto’s stalking you, he’s quick to act and stop him bc no.
Super Saiki to your rescue! 🦸🤩😎
Ngl you’re beautiful so I see what Makoto sees in you but…..dude. Don’t stalk your crush.
hope you enjoyed your hcs! -Brook
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Aita for not getting my roommate a birthday gift and insulting them when they got mad about it?
I don’t really think I’m the asshole (or at least the only asshole) but it’s become such a Situation I need some outside input.
So I and my roommate Ollie (both 18, gender irrelevant) have been living together in a college dorm for a couple months now. We aren’t friends, but we’re friendly. We talk a little in passing but nothing more. We get along for the most part, but my main issue is that Ollie has so much stuff.
I’ve lived with it for months but it’s always a mild annoyance. There’s stuff on our bathroom counter, the kitchen counter, always dishes in the sink and their desk is always a mess. We have separate sides of the room and separate spaces for our food and dishes in the sink and for our shower stuff and bathroom stuff but it still drives me crazy because there’s always clutter around. I haven’t talked to them about it because I don’t want them to get mad at me for trying to micromanage them—I don’t know if they would’ve but now they definitely would.
Also, I think we have a pretty big gap in how much money we have. We both have a meal plan so we can eat at the cafeteria on campus but their part of the fridge is always overflowing. They have a ton of expensive and what look like kinda redundant products, like five bottles of perfume on their desk, and I even saw cotton candy grapes in the fridge?? I haven’t been to the store in a while but I don’t think those are cheap. There’s also a ton of Starbucks and takeout food in the trash too. I on the other hand have to save the money I have (a couple hundred) to put towards a summer class. Even if I wanted to get them a birthday gift, I think it would come down to that or, like, gas money to go home for a weekend
Ollie’s birthday was a little over a week ago. They spent the day out with their friends from what I could tell off social media and when they came back they had a few grocery bags and an Amazon box or two, and once they set them down they asked me what I’d gotten for them.
I asked what they were talking about, and they said for their birthday. I told them I didn’t get them anything and then they started mumbling about fake friends and how they were nothing but nice to me and I couldn’t even give them anything in return. I’m not great on social cues so they might have been joking or sarcastic here but I told them they were crazy if they thought I was gonna add to any of their piles of useless stuff around here and called them a hoarder (that may be too harsh but I mean, I saw a Wendy’s receipt from October on their desk last week. It’s February.) They got really pissed and started swearing at me and I forget most of what was said after that but it escalated, we ended up screaming, they left for the night, it was bad.
Since then their friend from high school, we’ll call her Ruby (21F I think) has been blowing up my phone. Telling me I have no right to talk to Ollie like that, that I’m a shitty friend and she ought to just block me (we aren’t friends so idk where this one came from), and told me that apparently Ollie’s mom was some kind of a reclusive hoarder and Ollie has been crying and worrying about becoming like her. I honestly don’t believe this last one because I met their mom when we moved in last September and she seemed like a completely nice person.
Ollie hasn’t been back here. I think they got their essentials while I was in class and is staying with Ruby now, she lives in a building just off campus. I reached out to make sure they were okay and, you know, alive, and they just said “don’t fucking text me I’m fine don’t worry about it.” I have pretty bad anxiety, it’s been six days and it’s still almost all I can think about. I feel like I should apologize but I’m honestly not sure if I’m in the wrong or not. So, aita?
What are these acronyms?
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34saveme34 · 7 months
Sever the Ties - another smg34 fic by yours truly
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[Very excited to post this !!
CW: obviously angst, self harm (mainly once), in general a lot of death mentions, no actual deaths though
word count: 11243
Although SMG3 didn't like it when 4 helped him, he convinced him through endless whining to help clean the cafe after the chaos his USB caused (Why does that sound familiar?).
It took the whole day, both were way too exhausted. 3 sat down on one of the chairs guests would usually sit on. A lot of emotions were boiling in him.
“Whew, we’re done, finally!” 4 exclaimed, stretching his arms after completing such a grueling task.
“You didn't need to help” 3 said, contempt dripping off his words. But he was still holding back.
“It's my fault so I kind of did”
3 just sighed and got up, not wanting to further engage in conversation.
4 looked confused, but also upset.
“Dude! Not even a thanks?” he pouted
3 looked back at him, a sort of coldness in his eyes 4 didn't like to be subjected to.
“Thanks for fixing your own mistake. Now scram” he didn't yell, but he wasn't exactly calm either.
“I’m sorry… it wasn't on purpose I promise I… I hope you can forgive me, 3” 4 pleaded, looking 3’s way, his big eyes reflecting off all the sorrow he was feeling about the situation. 3 looked away but that face already made an impression on his mind. It was hard to stay mad at him.
“I know…” his voice was so gentle “This is just how it is with you sometimes, isn't it?” 3 joked, looking back at 4. 4 frowned.
“But! It shouldn't be… I’ve gotta make it up for you somehow…”
“Please don't…” 3 whined.
“I promise it's gonna be good!” 4 gave him a double thumbs up, as he left with an excited grin. 3 could feel a plan cooking up in 4’s brain, there was no way to stop him.
He shook his head, chuckling to himself.
“What did I do to deserve this?” he spoke to himself, with a stupid grin he couldn't wipe off. As he was trying to cope with the idea that 4 could ruin him further, he felt his furry son greeting him by nuzzling his foot.
“Hey there, boy!” as if he was absolved of all worry, he lifted Eggdog in his arms, hugging him. He earned excited barks for it.
“At least I have you” he petted him then put him down. He still felt kind of bittersweet.
He left to his evil lair, and immediately hit the bed. He felt too emotionally unavailable for the shower right now. The bathroom in general. Walking by the mirror in there simply made him feel dread. He didn't think he could develop such a repulsion towards his own image. His whole living place kind of became hell for him for this reason.
He couldn't sleep, it just wasn't working. He got up. His clock read 2 AM. He sighed. Something was on his mind.
“I should get rid of them…” he stared at the statue of himself. Every second that passed as he stared at it, he felt he couldn't even get out of his own merch’s shadows. It all made him feel sick. He got up, and started throwing out everything that used his likeness. All the plushies, cardboard standees and other merch he still had on hand. Not the statue, not yet. He had something special for that.
He put all the merch in a pile and lit it all on fire. It was sad to see but he felt relieved in some way as well. They had been haunting him for weeks at that point. Although the amount of money he spent on these was kinda sad to see go. Just another financial mistake of his, these felt common for him at this point. And it started so well too, with how much he got his hopes up, he plummeted that hard. He barely even realised he started to cry. He wiped his eyes, trying to compose himself but he only started crying more, and not so softly anymore. His breathing wasn't calm either, his brain felt like melting. So much pain in him, trying to turn him into nothing. He looked up at the sky, wondering where he could have gone wrong.
It took him a bit to calm down. He was glad that everyone was probably asleep at this point. The sadness slowly turned into twisted anger. He got up, walking up and down beside his fucked up bonfire, trying to calm himself.
“What did I even do to deserve this? I’ve been trying so hard- I went through so much! I thought I worked enough on myself to have a good life now” he stared up at the sky, as if he expected the stars to have an answer. But they were deadly silent.
“GOD DAMN IT, GIVE ME A REASON” he screamed, still staring up, as if blaming some sort of god for the way he was now. He was once again crying. He harshly sat down. It hurt but at least he wasn't only feeling his emotions that way. The thought made him stop, as he slowly looked to the fire, perhaps bad things forming in his brain. The more he looked at it, the more the fire made an impression on his brain. The way it was so strong, going up but dissipating soon too. It kind of reminded him of himself. Would anyone miss him if he became one with the fire?... Or  was he too much of a coward? He pulled off one of his gloves, his expression still wore sadness. He pulled his sleeve slightly up, not wanting it to catch fire. He reached in. It was kind of overwhelming. His mind felt empty from the pain. He pulled back suddenly as the pain really settled in him,even if it hadn’t been there for that long, crying out again. He couldn't believe it, he was crying again… Why was he such a failure?
“...3?” he heard a soft voice come from behind him, all too familiar. His heart sank. He couldn't look.
“...3! What… What's wrong?” the voice came closer, it seemed he was not getting off the hook with this one.
“Why are you here?” 3 spoke, his voice was strained from the crying.
“I couldn't sleep because of our link… I could feel something was wrong…” 4 kneeled down beside 3, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. 3 wasn't sure how to feel. His hand was hurt. It hurt so fucking much. Why did he have to be so fucking stupid?
4 grabbed his burnt hand. But he didn't say a thing. He was gentle too, he could see how much it hurt. 4 sighed softly and pulled 3 up.
“Wait, what the hell are you doing??” 3 tried to get away, pulling himself from 4’s grip.
“I want to help. This can't continue”
3 stared at him, so many thoughts attacking him. He felt awful.
“Like you could do anything, dipshit!”
4 was about to look offended but visibly held back.
“If you let me, I can. Please, 3… You know I care about you, right? It's awful to see you like… like this” he grabbed 3’s shoulder firmly, once again beginning to pull him back.
3 sighed.
“You won't let me go, huh?”
“Never ever” 4 smiled at 3, trying to be hopeful. 3 cared too… He really did.
4 took him inside then searched around everywhere he could to find something to treat 3’s burns. As he looked around, that's when he realised all the merch was missing. Their absence made him feel kind of uneasy. He thought for a bit then called Meggy.
“It's 4 in the morning” she sounded upset.
4 went outside, leaving 3 alone inside the cafe. 3 looked his way, but he didn't feel like going after him.
He was on the phone for a bit, probably about a few minutes. 3 didn't go outside but still stared the entire time. 4 came back inside after putting his phone away.
“I called Meggy, she has stuff for your burns”
3 frowned.
“You didn't need to-”
“What were you doing anyways?”
3 looked down, not wanting to look at 4 as he said those next few words.
“Burning merch”
4 was shocked. That's when he put together that what he saw then was all the merch burning.
“What?... What for?” 4 sounded so sad. It killed 3. He wished he could smile at him again.
“No one wanted them anyways, and I hated staring at them only catch dust”
“Still… I… has it really been this bad?”
“I’m surprised you didn't notice…. Then again, you're not exactly best at catching on things”
“Hey I-...” 4 looked down “I guess you're right”
Neither looked at the other. The tension…
Meggy stepped inside the cafe, which got both out of their sudden silence.
“Hey, guys, I brought some burn ointments, I came as soon as I could!”
“Why do you have it anyways?” 3 asked.
“You never know when you might need it!... And my time in the kitchen often leaves me with burns-”
“Fair enough” 4 commented, nodding. It made sense, Meggy is a shitty ass cook. 
4 and Meggy treated 3. 3 was kind of glad they stopped questioning why this even happened. He really really didn't want to talk about it.
“So” 4 started. Oh no.
“What?” 3 didn't dare look at either of them, playing with the bandage they put on his hand.
“What's wrong, SMG3?” Meggy folded her arms, looking concerned. 
“He burnt his merch” 4 told Meggy since 3 was rather silent.
“What??” even she was shocked. 3 was starting to feel like an utter clown, this was torture.
“Yeah… and I feel like it's my fault…” 4’s voice was filled with sorrow. 3 perked up for that, staring at 4 with an expression that was hard to read. It slowly turned soft though.
“It's… not actually” 3 sighed. It was his own fault. 
“I-... I think I still want to help… especially because I think I found something that could help your business out”
3 looked at him confused and scared. Whatever was in this man’s mind could only lead to bad things.
4 took his phone out and showed a picture of a billboard. It had the number on it to call if you wanted to rent it.
3 looked at the picture. Back at 4. Back at the picture, back at 4. He tilted his head. Meggy looked confused as well.
“You could advertise like this!”
“4… I hate to break it to you but I don’t have that kind of money right now”
4 shook his head.
“I’ll pay for it!” 4 pumped a fist into the air cheerfully. He was serious about this.
3 went so wide eyed, not even sure what he was supposed to say.
“3’s right, 4… that’s a rather big commitment”
“I don’t mind it!”
“The fuck you mean you don’t mind it??” 3 was rather flustered now. The grand gesture proposed to him made him feel all sorts of things.
“I wanna make it up to you, 3… for all the times I had mistreated you” 4 put a hand on 3’s shoulder. 3 was so flustered he didn’t even know what to say anymore. He wasn’t used to being treated so special. 
“Damn, that’s so sweet of you 4, I wish you cared about me this much” Meggy teased 4, 4 didn’t seem to get what she was going for. She didn’t feel like elaborating. 
“Are you sure?” 3 finally got some words out. Didn’t mean he looked any less flustered though.
“Yeah! You deserve it, man!” he patted 3 on his back then pulled him close by the shoulder. It seemed 4 was rather touchy today. And Meggy started to feel awkward about third wheeling. 
“So, guys, I’m gonna go back to sleep now, you’re welcome for my help” she waved them goodbye quickly. It was so interesting to see the 2 get along in their own ways but she still felt like she was intruding on something she shouldn’t.
3 felt like he was left to succumb now that he was left alone with 4. He couldn’t believe that he wished for Meggy to stay longer.
It took everything in him but he just couldn’t… he couldn’t keep it in. He hugged 4. It took a bit but 4 hugged back. They were silent, the hug was long. He wasn’t exactly a fan of affection but 4 got the best of him. He couldn’t help it at this point. 
“You sure are affectionate today” 4 teased 3 softly.
“Not my fault”
“Heh… is it mine?” 4 grinned.
“Yeah yeah” 3 pulled 4 away gently “And now it’s over”
“Thanks, your hugs are nice”
“You do realise how that sounds, right?”
“Well… Sometimes you’re a little gay with the homies, right?” 4 joked. 3 facepalmed. 
They stood around for a bit before 4 spoke.
“Say… will you be able to sleep like this?”
3 didn’t even think of that. With the way he got, he almost thought today would be his last day.
“Uh… I don’t know, I probably just… won’t”
4 squinted at him, having none of his bad behaviour.
“No way”
The 2 stared at each other, 3 looking kind of angry, especially since 4 didn’t budge.
“What are you gonna do, beat me to sleep or some shit?” 
“No… That’s mean”
“It’s not like you would cuddle me to sleep-” 3 said. He already said it and he couldn’t take it back. The words he didn’t mean to just put out there but now 4 knew. He knew that 3 considered cuddling him to sleep.
“Not a bad idea… then in the morning we can start on preparing for that billboard!”
3 grew so red.
“Then why did you bring it up?”
“And why are you so for it?”
4 blushed himself, now that he thought about it further… It was a pretty weird idea.
“This once?” 4 pleaded, with those loser puppy dog eyes. 3 sighed.
“Though… you should shower first”
“Being picky now, aren’t we?”
“I can help you with that too” 4 smiled, feeling kind of powerful that he could tease 3. He got slapped. He realised it was kind of deserved.
“Fine, I'll shower. Very VERY far from you”
“I was just joking! I swear!”
3 sighed and shook his head. He couldn’t believe he could be this close to this idiot.
3 showered and came back to 4 by his bed. It was kind of weird but he also sort of looked forward to it. In like a weird, twisted and awful way. He looked away from 4 to the statue he had of himself. It filled him with dread.
“Hey, 4, before we sleep… can you help me bring this out of here?” he pointed at the statue.
“Is it really necessary right now?”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep with it around”
4 got up, guess there was no other way. They moved it out of the room together, although they had to take it apart a bit so they could fit it out of the door. For the night, they left it in the cafe lounge, he would worry about it later.
Now came the time to sleep. 3 got kind of flustered at 4 opening his arms for him to sleep there. He didn’t even let him go far away, keeping him close, as if he didn’t want to ever let him go… Only 4 knew that that thought was kind of accurate. It was so so uncomfortably comforting, 3 fell asleep pretty fast. If it wasn’t so weird, he’d ask to do this more.
Next day came by, 3 was slow to stir awake. He kind of didn’t feel like getting up. The warmth of 4 was a bit too nice… What the the fuck do you mean? Get yourself together! 3 wriggled himself out of 4’s hold and went to the bathroom to splash his face with water. He had to get himself together.
But man… He still missed it. How could he even cope with this?
He went back to his room and sat beside the still sleeping 4. He still couldn’t believe 4 just cuddled him last night. He thought he would never do something like that. It kind of intrigued him in a way. He wondered if he made this side of him trigger with what he did last night. He frowned, thinking of the possibility. He didn’t want to hurt 4. At least… he hoped he didn’t want to hurt 4. The idea made him kind of sick. 
He only realised how intensely he was staring at 4 when he woke up, his eyes meeting his own. He suddenly turned away, as if he hadn’t been looking at 4 for who knew how long at that point. 4 smiled about that, he was glad to see that 3 cared. Although he didn’t speak up about it… It was still too early for him. He lightly tugged on 3’s arm.
“What?” 3 looked at him unamused.
“Coffee?” 4 requested with one simple word.
3 just stared at him. 4 frowned.
“Pretty please”
3 rolled his eyes, he got up and went outside to make one for 4. 4 took that time to still relax in 3’s bed. He didn’t think it would be so nice sleeping beside 3. Although the idea was spontaneous and if the circumstances were different, he wouldn’t have done it… But his need to see 3 okay won him over like this. 
3 was brewing the coffee, while it was going, he phoned some dude up, apparently from the dark web. As soon as he put his phone down, a shady dude came out from the floor and took the disassembled statue, leaving a few coins behind for a fair trade. 3 picked them up. At least he could get a little money out of his sudden spring cleaning. 
3 went back down to 4 with the coffee, made to 4’s liking, he knew his taste pretty well at this point. Even if he didn’t have a lot of customers anymore, 4 would still come every once in a while. 
4 took the coffee, taking a sip, he hummed with delight.
“Great as always” 4 commented, drinking more of it. 3 was glad that even if his business was dying, he still managed to make banger coffee that 4 liked.
“No no, thank YOU”
“Whatever, you’re welcome” 3 smiled, folding his arms.
“Hey… don’t you wanna come beside me” the warmth radiating off of 4 was quite beckoning.
“What would I for? Not like I have business with you”
4 deflated.
“You kinda do, considering what we talked about yesterday…” 4 pulled out his laptop “I guess you don’t want to save your business?” 
3 went wide eyed. He accepted defeat and sat beside 4. 
“So… we should probably put together your ad!” 4 exclaimed “Now I uh… I had this idea for a while… and I made some mock ups!” 4 said and opened up a folder that held a few images.
They weren’t exactly well drawn and 4 didn’t have the most legible writing. 3 often had to lean in close to see them. After looking at them all, he looked at 4 and chuckled.
“I see graphic design is your passion” he teased.
“I did this for you!”
“They look like shit”
“What were you even trying to write here?” 3 opened one of the images back up.
“It’s-! I… I don’t remember? Ahaha” 4 laughed awkwardly. 3 rolled his eyes, somehow not believing this idiot could make himself look even less smart. 
“Let’s start this again…” 3 got up and brought back a pen tablet. 
“Didn’t know you had one of these”
“I got it not too long ago actually! It’s great to use” 3 took 4’s laptop in his own lap and plugged in his tablet.
“Uh-” 3 started “ do you mind if I download the software for it? It works better that way”
“Sure, go on… just don’t get me viruses!”
“I’m not as much of an idiot as you are!”
“You sure like grilling me today”
“It’s just what I do” 3 laughed. 
After he downloaded the software and set it up, he started to mock something up in ms paint, aka man’s best friend. Nobody does it like you, my dear, Microsoft paint!
It actually looked better than what 4 did, although the tablet definitely played a part in making it better. 4 noticed it was an advertisement for a job.
“You want to hire?” 4 pointed it out.
“Yeah… I think it would be the solution”
“Huh… wait” 4 inspected it more “That’s… not a lot of money for this kind of job”
3 frowned.
“I… I know but I can’t currently offer more”
“Man.. are you really that broke? You can come stay with me if you wa-”
“No way. Never”
“You’re really obsessed with me…”
“I… I’m just worried about you… yesterday made me realise how I could easily lose you if I didn’t well… yeah”
3 shut up for a bit.
“... I was afraid you’d say that”
The 2 stayed silent for a bit. Lots of feelings around the 2.
“I’m honest though, man, I care a lot”
“I know already ugh just… yeah… I’m sorry, I should be glad you’re helping me”
4 chuckled.
“I’ll still take constructive criticism, but ONLY if you’re not too mean”
“I can try” 3 laughed.
They continue to perfect the ad. It turned out pretty pathetic in the end but at least it got the message across.
It had been a while since they put the ad out. The more time that passed, the more it felt futile. 3 felt worse than ever, not only did he have a dying business, he also had 4 spending so much money on him and for what? He felt like shit. It was hard to force himself to keep the cafe at least a little clean. And keeping up with daily routines had never been so hard either, as much as it was then. It was killing him from the inside. He wondered if it was even a good idea for him to move there and start this.
However each time he was slowly succumbing to the dark, 4 pulled him out and helped him. He sort of became an unofficial worker in a way. 3 hated that. Not only did he spend so much money on him, he also helped him around without asking for compensation. It made him feel weak, as even this much help didn’t pull him out of it.
It was especially an awful day. He didn’t even try to open the cafe, he just stayed in his room with the lights off. It had been weeks at this point and there still wasn’t anybody coming to help him out… He wished he could’ve done better. But maybe he was just destined to be a miserable shadow of someone better… 4, he was… great. 3 wished he had half the success. The jealousy in his brain had only been growing. He always tried to push it to the back of his mind for the sake of 4, he didn’t want to hurt him. 4 was too great for something like that. He didn’t want to further bury him in his own burden. 
“3? Are you in here?” he heard 4 call out to him from the elevator. He just couldn’t stay away from 3, no matter how many times it seemed reaching out to him wouldn't work out further.
“I’m fine” 3’s voice was muffled by the fact that he was underneath the covers, his face smothered in his pillow.
4 frowned as he walked up to 3’s bed. He sat beside 3. He hesitated for a bit but leaned down to hug 3. 3 didn’t want this… He loved it.
“3, c’mon man I’m…. I’m sure someone will answer your ad soon enough! It’s too early to give up”
“4… listen” 3 sat up, pushing 4 off of himself “I’m… I’ve failed. I don’t get why… you just don’t give up on me at this point. What’s the point of helping me if it doesn’t lead anywhere?”
4 could only stare shocked, not wanting to admit that those words were just uttered to him.
“You can’t say that…”
“I’m right, 4… I think it’s too late for me… just… just let me rot here”
“But… I don’t want to”
“Why don’t you get it? It’s futile. I’m not worth it, 4. There’s so many better things and people you can put all this energy into”
“You’re.. you’re…” 4 was lightly shaking, he was really upset by that “You’re more…” tears slipped and streamed down his face.
“Look at you… I’m the reason you’re like this” 3 admitted “It.. genuinely might be better for you”
“WHY do you WANT ME TO STAY AWAY SO BADLY???” 4 got up, upset, crying, accusing, tired. Exhausted. 
“AND LET YOU ROT??” the tears wouldn’t stop coming, only becoming more intense.
“NO! NO! NO! NO IT’S NOT TRUE” he cried, not sure what to do or say anymore. 
“Just… leave… it will be better for the both of us. Make your funny videos”
4 felt almost betrayed, it seemed no matter how hard he pressed, he couldn’t get through 3 anymore. He left, feeling undone in a sense. Yes, the situation had been draining him quite a bit but he did it for his friend, his friend who he really really cared about! A friend he would give the whole world for if he could. And yet, here he was, leaving because he kept failing 3. He felt like shit. Of course when he wanted to be there for 3 fully and help him achieve his dreams, that’s when things would turn this sour. 
He might have gone back to his room now but the inspiration wouldn’t come. The thought that he failed 3 just occupied his mind too much. He knew how bad it was to miss uploads but he just… He couldn’t do this. He decided to release a community post, saying that there would be a bit of a hiatus until he was able to resolve something. He sighed, trying to look for a way to make things better. He wondered if he should really just stop. If 3 was right about the fact that he just needed to stop and leave 3. But the more he stayed away, the more it felt like the whole in his heart, the place 3 took for himself only got bigger. Like a fatal wound.
It had been days since he was told to leave 3 alone. He decided to check on him again, even if by force, he would make something happen. He entered 3’s lair, looking for him but finding nothing. His room looked as messy as ever, nothing was that out of the ordinary. Except for the fact that 3 wasn’t here. 4 started to grow more and more worried. 3 was gone. 3  WAS GONE. WHERE. IS. HE? 
He alerted his friends, who also came to help, though not everyone. Just Meggy, Tari, Saiko, Mario, Luigi and Melony when she wasn’t sleeping. They searched and searched, especially 4, it was almost like he never stopped searching. Day and night he would go to the cafe and look around, often he didn’t even sleep in his room if he would sleep at all. It was the only thing he had of 3 in that way, although it wasn’t as comforting as he wished it to be. But it was more than nothing and he should be grateful. Although it was kind of silly, he looked through the burnt merch, and while he found nothing in tact, he found a plush that was still recognisable. Just seeing it made him cry. He kept it. It turned into a charm for him, not his good luck charm, rather his charm of hope. Hope for the idea that 3 is still out there and that he would be able to find him.
He was reaching the end of his ropes, but then he realised. He could reach out to 1 and 2 for help! Yes, that’s it… He called the 2, scared, they could tell based on his voice that things were NOT good.
“So… you don’t know where he went?” 1 questioned.
“I… yeah… but I… I can still feel that he’s still alive… I know it”
“Alright, we’re gonna teach you a bit of a complex move to help you track down SMG3. You… really need to concentrate. And calm down” 2 looked concerned.
“Yeah, you look super tense” 1 commented, also concerned.
“Sorry sorry… I just really care about him”
“Yeah… He is your partner after all” 2 pat him on the shoulder “it’s only natural”
“He’s also… my friend” 4 could cry all over again. He didn’t think that one day he would be here, feeling dysfunctional at the thought of SMG3 of all people leaving him behind. And yet…
The 2 both grabbed 4’s hand, trying to channel for him. 4 tried to take a deep breath to concentrate. This was for 3… He would do anything for 3. He couldn’t fail him again. 
Suddenly, 4 felt sharp pain in his stomach, which made him fall to the ground.
“Are you okay??” 2 looked worried, 1 was too.
“I’ve never seen something like this happen…”
“Huh?” 4 looked up, shocked at the revelation.
“This shouldn’t be possible” 2 noted as well. This only made 4 more visibly worried.
“Not possible?” 
“Look… I think we should try again” 1 sighed, he knew it had to be done “As much as I’d rather not, I want to try and see… if we can figure it out”
4 nodded, not really fighting it. If it meant they could find 3…
They once again all held hands, and it happened again.
“Hmmm… he only wants you” 1 noted.
“How do you know that?” 2 looked at him, also puzzled.
“I was paying attention to the force stopping us. It was clearly pulling 4 away from us, not the other way around. It only wants you”
“But I- How do I do it on my own?”
“We’ll help from- from here” 2 tried to reassure 4.
“We can’t lose hope yet” 1 also tried.
4 had a headache coming on at this point but he persisted. He wanted to see 3 again and make sure he wouldn’t come to harm’s way ever again.
“Okay… yeah, you’re both right” 4 tried to concentrate. Linking his own hands kind of helped, almost like making a loop link. He closed his eyes. It felt like he was transported in a different place.
He couldn’t see anything much, beside a shadow resembling 3. The shadow knew he was there and that he wanted answers. It didn’t speak directly, only whispers but seemingly not coming from the shadow entity directly. The whispers were incomprehensible yet somehow 4 was still given an image in his head, it burned into his mind. The scenery of a castle that felt impossible. It felt familiar to him in a way. It bared resemblance to Peach’s castle that once stood proud and tall but missing important things, looking like an abandoned version of it. With dark energy emanating from inside.  But he could feel it… 3 was there. Waiting for him. He… He wanted him to come? But… Only him… nobody else… He would have to…
He sat up, he didn’t realise it before but he was put in a bed.
“Hey, you’re finally awake!” 2 said coming beside him.
“What… what happened?”
“The move drained you and you passed out” 1 said, also noticing that 4 woke up “What did you see?”
“It was a castle but… he wants me to go alone”
“What, alone?” 
“That’s just…”
“I have to” 4 stood up from bed “I think… I guess we have a score to settle”
“Are you sure about this?” 1 asked.
“I’m… I am, yeah. What’s the worst that could happen anyways?” 
“A lot can happen”
“At least I’ll see him again” 4 got up and left the 2 SMGs without another word. Both concluded that 4 truly grew desperate. 
4 left on his own, well… Not entirely. He had memes just in case something went wrong. Or if he had to escape a life or death situation. Anything felt possible at this point. He even started to make peace with the idea that he’d get badly hurt anyways. At least he’d be able to see 3 again… maybe with his last breath, he could hold him again… Although that might have sounded a bit too sad. His biggest wish was still to take 3 home and make everything work out again. Turn everything back to normal… What was normal anyways?
He arrived at the entrance of the castle. It was boarded up. He thought for a bit… How should he get through this? Although he didn’t like the trend, he summoned a tik tok, one of those where the food on a plate had bites taken out of it to the beat of a song and then the plate as well. The tiktok managed to chew off the boards to the beat. At least it was useful for once.
He went inside, it was oddly dark, though he could tell it was supposed to resemble Peach’s castle to an extent. but rooms seemed to be missing, which made the main hall even bigger than it was before. The emptiness of it was slowly making 4 anxious… No, he had to keep moving! 
He didn’t have a flashlight with him, which made it a bit hard to explore. But he moved along anyway, concentrating. He could feel 3. He knew he had to be there. He felt infinitely close. As he moved around, he noticed eyes. Eyes were staring at him and only him. More and more of them. Paying attention to every little movement he was making. Not only that, they felt uncomfortably familiar. He didn’t like thinking about it… He didn’t want to go back to the day he lost so much. He felt more and more anxious. 
But the eyes would only stare. But  even if they were only staring, they had him surrounded. It felt like that day, feeling so isolated against your will. Being forced into solitude, something you never wanted in the first place.
He sat down on the ground. He didn’t know what he should do.
“Are you here?” 4 called out softly, his voice shaky. He was way too nervous from this.
He didn’t get an answer back. Only eyes that came closer and closer to him, closing in… Until it was all dark.
It was all dark until a screen was put in front of him. It was bright from being all white, 4 took a bit to adjust to it. There was text on it in black.
“Scared?” it read “Don’t be. It’ll be over soon”
4 looked terrified. Over soon? Will he actually die here? Sure it was a thought that crossed his mind but- but he wasn’t ready for this!
“I just want him back…” 4 sobbed, tears rolling down his face.
“How selfish” the text read. 
“I want him back so I can fix things… make it up to him”
The screen went blank for a bit. It left 4 more nervous.
“3… I uh…” 4 panicked, not knowing what to say “You know- we need you, man. The crew isn’t the same without you! You’re important!”
The screen still did not show an answer. 
“What should I do…” 4 didn’t know anymore.
“Leave” the screen showed simply.
“No… That’s the one thing I can’t do. Not anymore” 4 grabbed the screen, finding something within himself to keep going “I can’t leave without him”
the screen shone bright, covering 4 in brightness, pulling him inside. 
After a whole black room, he was inside a whole white room. Somehow it still felt the exact same, even if he could see now. 
4 thought about what meme could help him in this situation. His mind drew a blank. What was he supposed to do in a blank room? He got up and walked around. Maybe he can find a weakness to this room. He pushed around, finding the edge of the room. He pushed with all his might. Although he wasn’t very strong. Then he got an idea.
He pulled out Beeg.
“Grow, boy!!” 4 commanded him with a big, determined smile.
Now usually Beeg wasn’t one to listen but knowing what was going on, he grew bigger and bigger, pushing at the room more than 4 could ever. 4 cheered him on. 
The room collapsed, they were… they were inside the same room where… Oh. Memories.
Beeg shrunk and went back to 4. 
He walked up to the table in the room. It felt just like the one in his old home. It was furnished similarly, even with the demonic keyboard. He resented looking at it. The fact that he got it made him feel awful all over again. Maybe it really would have been better if he just died there… But 3 saved him. Now it was time for payback. 
“So, what do you want me to do?” he called out. 
He looked around, seeing no one around. Or that was what he thought until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around but he saw no one. He felt confused… Then he could feel a poke at his side. He looked, nothing. Another poke coming from the other side. He looked, still nothing. And then another. Then another. Faster and faster until he was more annoyed than scared or confused and was also starting to feel a bit dizzy. He swore he could hear laughing.
“Hey! This isn’t funny!”
The poke attack suddenly stopped, as the monitor on the table turned on, which caught his attention. It had his editing program opened. The clips, pictures and sounds that were in the library were all too familiar to him.
“Is this some kind of sick joke? You know I couldn’t make that video by myself!” 4 was rather annoyed again. Why did he have to relive this again? He sat in front of the computer but didn’t touch the keyboard.
“And why is this thing here? Do you really expect me to work with it? I… I don’t want to go back to my lowest point”
The keyboard emanated an energy that made 4 feel so scared. He forgot how it can… manipulate you. He was about to reach for it but- he had to stay strong! This could not be the end of his story. Not the end of THEIR story. With 3. He knew… There had to be a way. If 3 saved him before, he had to pay back. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if it was his fault for 3 being gone. 
He grabbed the keyboard and broke it in half. It screamed in its eldritch ways, releasing black blood. There was a lot of it. The monitor turned off.
“You’re not getting me like this! I don’t want a perfect video, I want you!”
4 stopped for a second. Only after saying it did he realise how odd that sounded. But he meant it. No matter how uh… not so straight it sounded.
He got up, looking around the room. He couldn’t wait for whatever entity was around to mess around with him even more.
He noticed a camera following his movement. He got close to the camera, trying to see if he could find a source or reason for it. 
“You think I’m gonna feel shame for being broadcasted?” the camera turned around, instead showing footage it recorded. It had a lot of 3’s rants to himself. How many times he was stuck being the loser out of the 2 of them. How even when they turn out to be friends, he got the shorter end of it all. How everything around him only seemed to fall apart. Especially… when he and 4 got even closer. 4 felt shocked. He never knew he could feel this much emotional pain but… here he was… Being shown that he was only a source of failure for 3. 
The screen of the camera turned off after it finished showing everything.
4 didn’t know what to do with himself. He… He didn’t know he hurt 3 so much. He felt so miserable. And conflicted, would it really be best for them to… part ways? 
He stared at the turned off camera, trying to just… process everything.
The camera turned on again, although the screen was black but something seemed to move closer, like a dark shape, the dark shape reached out, in the form of a hand. 4 panicked and quickly backed away from the camera. The room went dark on the side of the camera, but the figure, although dark, was still noticeable through the dark. Especially for those red eyes. Those iconic red eyes… this was no doubt 3. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 4 cried. 
“I did now” 3 spoke, his voice echoey, coming from all directions.
“What… What happened to you?” 4 was so scared. So devastated.
“I embraced the shadows… If you don’t fit anywhere else, why leave?”
4 didn’t know what to say, all he could do was cry.
“I wish I could’ve been there for you more, 3”
“You only would’ve ruined things more”
“Now leave… or I’ll do something awful”
“You-” 4 was having none of that “I… I’m standing by what I said. I’m not leaving without you”
“Well, if you say so” 3 walked up to him, grabbing his hand. It was cold… It felt uncomfortable.
“Huh- What happened to you? Why… is your hand so cold?”
“What, you miss soft SMG3’s warm little hand or something? You miss when I held back?”
“What- What are you saying?”
“I’ve always felt miserable. This” he held his hand, intertwined with 4’s hand “Has made my life hell”
“Our… Guardian link?”
“Exactly” 3 squeezed 4’s hand but it wasn’t comfortable. Somehow there was still something behind it. Something that gave 4 hope.
“Well, it’s something we have to live with, of course it’s not gonna always be a great time! It doesn’t mean you need to destroy the world over it”
“It can be broken”
“Our link can be destroyed and I know how to do it”
“This link… This link gave me feelings I never wanted. I never wanted to feel nice about being close to you. It made me feel awful. Each fucking time. Yet I let you in, because this stupid fucking link made me weak about it. This stupid guardian link is at fault…”
3 gripped on 4’s hand even harder.
“3… no if- if you destroyed it- WE DON’T KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN, THIS IS SO SELFISH OF YOU”
Some sort of red-black energy appeared around the 2, and familiar marks appeared on 3. The energy 4 could feel was familiar too… and scary.
“Anti meme energy..? Where-”
“You’re right” 3 laughed “In the end it’s truly the answer to all my misery!”
“No! 3! This is too dangerous! What if you got hurt??”
“I’ll take the risk!”
slowly, the marks appeared on 4 too. 3 was too strong… holding him back took everything in 4 and it still wasn’t enough.
The moment the link between the 2 was severed. It felt like 4 died. He didn’t but it felt like he did. Something beautiful inside him was gone now. the marks turned black, his hand was too.
He could barely stand, falling on his ass.
3 didn’t seem better. Even if he had the power of whoever was on his side now, it still didn’t change the fact that he got rid of something in himself that was deeply inherent to him. 
The 2 just laid there, facing each other. The pain they felt made it too hard to move. 
The emptiness 4 felt was unbearable. Even if he was able to get up, he didn’t know what he would do. He really didn’t anymore. He wondered if this was meant to happen.
3 took a while himself, he was clearly hurt, even when he got up. He moved slowly, pain in every step he took. He didn’t dare look 4’s way. He was wondering if it was only the pain or if he actually began to regret what he had done. He didn’t feel like figuring it out, so he left the room, leaving 4 by himself. 
4 just laid there. Maybe he should just… not do anything… What was it worth anymore?
He closed his eyes, thinking about everything that happened in his life. All the memories, friends he made. All the time when he thought he made amends with 3, only seemingly repeatedly stabbing him in the back instead. Honestly, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself anyways knowing that he did that. Maybe he was being dramatic but… Whatever.
It felt like an eternity when he heard commotion from outside. He didn’t really care to check. He kind of embraced death at this point.
“4!! SMG4” he heard a voice he did not care to check.
“OH NO!” another voice came right beside him “I think he’s still alive- let’s take him back”
He was too tired to protest, even if he didn’t want to go.
The journey home felt kind of dull. Knowing what 3 did, it just… it broke him. He felt like it wasn’t only their link… that even disregarding that, in general the fact that 3 chose to depart from him hurt him in many other ways. He… really came to like him over the years. Seeing how he became so selfless, so helpful, so amazing too… 4 still kind of felt bad that 3 couldn’t see that about himself. He wished he was less stubborn and told him more. Though he was sure that wouldn’t have changed a thing anyways. But still, he wished he could tell 3 more that he found him so amazing in ways he never did with anyone else… he… he loved him.
4 suddenly shot up, the realisation hitting him like a truck.
“Woa-” Meggy was one of the ones who carried him, momentarily losing balance from 4’s sudden movement.
Mario was on his other side, he seemed to take 4’s stupidity better. One could say he was used to 4’s antics.
4 took a bit to catch his breath as they all stopped.
“Are you okay?” Tari came running to him.
“I think I love him” was all 4 could say before starting to cry. Truly, today wasn’t his day. Lots of tears.
“As in… SMG3?” Meggy asked.
“Yeah…” 4 looked down.
Mario patted him on the back.
“Mario knew you would realise at some point”
“About time, these last weeks have been ridiculous” Clench came out too. He was rather annoyed with the 2 at this point.
“It’s not that unexpected, yeah” Meggy chuckled.
A lot of the others held a similar reaction, no one seemed surprised.
4 didn’t look too happy though.
“He left… he left me there” 4 spoke again, looking up at the sky. He still felt way too empty.
“What happened anyways?” Tari asked.
“He…” 4 tried holding back the tears. Not very successfully at that. “I… I’ll need to discuss this later with SMG1 and 2…”
Everyone left him alone. The rest of the road back home was rather gloomy. 4 was starting to feel like it wasn’t only him who felt 3’s painful absence. 
They helped him in his room to rest for a bit. After a while, 1 and 2 came into his room.
“We heard you wanted to speak with us” 1 said.
“Yeah… It’s bad”
“We could tell based on your black scars” 2 commented, pointing at how bad his face looked.
“He… He broke our link”
They both looked at him shocked, then at each other. The reaction made 4 feel even worse.
“That’s… how did he…”
“With… anti meme energy… I don’t know how he got it but… I have a bad feeling about this in general”
“Tell us everything” 1 had a determined look. 
4 proceeded to tell them about everything. The way he was approached by 3, the weird dark change of his appearance, his comment of becoming one with the shadows. It seemed to leave both 1 and 2 speechless.
“Whoever is behind this” 1 spoke “They know enough to be clearly dangerous”
“Do you… Do you think I could mend my link with 3?” 4 looked up at the ceiling. He found that not looking at people made it easier to not cry.
“We… don’t know” 2 sighed. Neither of them had an idea.
“We’ve never seen anything like this happen before… we can try to look around for information to see if we can find something”
“It’s only natural… especially because the world is weaker without your link”
4 looked at them, smiling softly.
“Thanks, I really appreciate that”
“It is?”
“Everyone is able to feel it” 2 said.
“Yeah, it’s one of the pillars of a stable universe. Whoever told 3 how to break it must have done it to… oh no, 1, we should start searching right away!” the 2 ran out in a hurry. 
4 chuckled dryly at that. It really wasn’t funny to him, he just found it kind of ironic in a way. Destroying 3’s life meant he’d also destroy the world… It was kind of fitting how especially now, 3 felt like the whole world for him. He wished he knew earlier so at least he could’ve told him before they parted ways like that. 
4 didn’t do much for a few days. He spent the day coping. Healing. He could move around better after a while but his mental state didn’t get better. He couldn’t get 3 out of his mind. He thought that their link being gone meant that the opposite of this would happen but no. His friends tried to cheer him up with memes they would send him. Sure they got a chuckle out of him but these weren’t nearly enough to stop his sadness. 
He was watching his own videos where 3 appeared when 1 and 2 came in his room.
“WE FOUND SOMETHING” 2 jumped through the door.
“Yeah?” 4 asked, trying to put on a smile.
“Yes! Your connection isn’t necessarily lost forever!”
“R– Really??” 4 looked at them with colour appearing in his eyes. There’s a way after all!
“Yes- considering it’s still fresh, and you don’t seem to care any less, there could still be a way. But the catch… 3 has to want it too”
“Huh…” 4 thought out loud “I mean, that makes sense… I wonder if he would…”
“We’ll at least try our best to convince him”
“Right right! Even though I was told I ruined his life” 4 looked away. He still didn’t know what to do with all his feelings about that.
“Ruined his life?” 2 questioned.
“He said that… I only ever seemed to make his life worse… and that I only made things worse when I helped him”
The 2 looked at each other then back at 4.
“What do you exactly mean by this?”
“Uh… He said that his businesses always seemed to fail around me, no matter how much he tried, and that things that would ruin him further… connected right back to me”
The 2 shared another look.
“Now… don’t panic but” 1 started.
“Someone was disrupting your link!” 2 finished 1’s thought.
“It sounds like it. As we were looking at all the information we could find on links, we found that in certain ways, outside people can interact with links that are not theirs.That’s how we also tried to help you find 3 but we were blocked out by some force. And it’s not a meme guardian exclusive thing. So… Someone must have got in and… yeah”
4 looked shocked.
“So… It’s not my fault?”
“No, it’s not” they both comforted him.
This actually managed to make him feel better. Finally, something that could help him fix everything. Even if it will take a while.
“I was thinking… can you guys… still train me, even if alone? I… want to be stronger when I see him again. Because I’m sure I will… It can’t end like this”
Both nodded.
“We won’t go easy on you” 2 joked.
“Better not” 4 laughed.
The 3 of them left to train that day, 4 trained until he was exhausted. He was glad to push himself considering how he had been for the last few days. He felt a little more free now. Just you wait, 3…
It had been a week since he really started training again. It was actually something that managed to make him feel better. He was wondering where 3 was at this point. On what point of the World he could’ve been. When he wasn’t able to sleep, he would look at places where he could be in. Making a list…
His cafe - he wasn’t
Internet graveyard - he wasn’t 
That castle where he severed their link - he wasn’t
Peach’s castle - he wasn’t
Any of the Anti cast’s own living places - he wasn’t 
Right by his side  - 4 wished he was
His list only got longer with all the wrong answers. Just yesterday, they put out an announcement that if anyone sees any trace of 3, they should alert the crew. Though 4 thought of it as a bit hopeless. 
He could only take his mind off it all with training. His days would be spent either training or sleeping. He left very little time for anything else. It started to worry the others, he realised as well but he just couldn’t stop. Not being whole can feel so devastating.
And he didn’t take it well in a more and more unhealthy way. He didn’t show it to anyone else, but he kept the burnt SMG3 plushie he found from the fire incident. From a beacon of hope, it went to something he would sleep with. It was starting to feel like he would never be able to sleep without it. He didn’t feel much shame in it anymore but he treasured it too much to just show it to anyone else. He needed to protect it at all costs. Sometimes he would talk to it, pretending like it was 3. Telling it so much. Telling everything that was inside his heart, all he wished he could actually tell 3. He truly felt like he reached a new low.
If that wasn’t already bad enough, he started having nightmares too.
Nightmares where he’d follow 3 but kept losing him. Nightmares that seemed to have a different face appear inside them as well. One he did not recognise yet felt familiar… Having a familiar painful feeling. He hated seeing the face. He would many times try to kill the figure but it felt as though they could read his mind, as they dodged his every move with a wide grin. But each time.. He would get closer… Surroundings would become clearer.
One time, it got so clear… He got an insane idea.
He searched up the place he saw… It was a real place. An abandoned studio. Weirdly fitting in a way.
“So, you want to go there because you dreamed about it?” Meggy asked. Some of the gang was gathered there.
“This entity’s influence must be strong if you’re getting dreams like that” 1 believed him. He had really no reason to lie.
“Wait, you believe him?”
“Yes, it is plausible. We already established someone interfered with their connection”
“So it could be that guy! And now they’re taunting 4!” 2 excitedly finished the thought.
4 smiled at the 2 of them.
“Thanks, guys. But yes… I want to go there. I need to… figure out what’s exactly happening”
“And save 3” Tari came up to him as well, reassuring him.
“Especially save 3” 4 smiled at her.
With the newfound determination, the squad, even with 1 and 2 included, headed for the studio building.
The building itself felt more than abandoned in a way. It looked like something went down inside there, a struggle of shorts. Walking in, they noticed the walls covered in gunshots, the place more dusty than would be usual for a place like this. And in some places, a disturbing amount of dried blood was spilled. What must have happened to this place was definitely sudden, quick and gruesome. Just staying in there made them all feel bad for the ex workers. They split up, searching the rooms in smaller groups since it wasn’t exactly a small building. 
4 was searching with 1 and 2. 4 tried to push on even into darker rooms. Although he didn’t have the link to help anymore, he listened to  3… his words burned into his brain. So he paid attention to the darkest places, not letting the shadows go unaddressed, even if it got increasingly scary. 4 kind of didn’t care about that at this point. He had already lost too much to care, though he didn’t exactly tell this to his friends. It felt a bit selfish to him but it was genuinely feeling like there wasn’t much to live for without 3. 
It was starting to feel kind of hopeless until a shadow looked weird. He looked at it, suspicions forming in his brain. He reached out but the shadow grabbed him first.
Before 1 or 2 were able to react, 4 was already gone, being pulled into the shadows.
4 was thrown  back into a dark room that felt all too familiar at this point. In front of him was 3, still as shadowed as ever. At least they could see each other. They stared for a bit, both trying to see what the other one was feeling. 3 pulled 4 closer, in a kind of threatening way, which felt weird and sudden. Something in 4 made him wonder if he was perhaps influenced by something to do that.
“I told you to stay away”
4 sighed, a smile appearing on his face, which weirded 3 out.
“It’s impossible”
“No it’s not just-” he looked away, seemingly thinking but it felt more than that.
“...Let’s talk” 4 had a soft gaze on 3. If he had to die, he didn’t want to spend his last moments arguing with 3.
“We… We already had that… you should go… I did it for you as well”
4 still kept the calmness but the light eye twitch gave away that he didn’t like what he was hearing.
“It wasn’t our fault actually”
3 looked at him shocked. Then thought for a bit.
“I mean I… didn’t mean to make you feel like you… I know that you didn’t ACTUALLY mean to ruin me-”
“No no, you don’t understand, we basically got hacked”
“Hacked? What the hell you mean-” 3 questioned but got stopped by immense pain as he grabbed for his head groaning.
“Oh no, are you okay?” 4 immediately jumped beside him, with a hand on his upper back for support.
“How can I believe you?” 3 looked at him weakly.
“We… actually found out outside forces can… influence guardian links”
3 took a bit to take that in, looking away from 4, seemingly staring into the dark. Very intensely at that. He looked back at 4, pretty pissed.
“So someone framed you?” he looked like he was about to blow up.
“We think so…”
“So I… I” 3’s face softened. 
4 knew what he felt, he hugged 3. He didn’t resist. Slowly, 3 leaned into 4’s touch.
“You know… it’s funny” 3 spoke again “I thought without the link if you came after me again… that I could just end you as soon as I saw you… but I…” he once again felt pain so he had to stop.
“It’s… We… uh” 3 looked weak.
“We’ll help you, don’t worry! The others are here too… we… we will help, man!”
3 couldn’t help but smile at 4, even through the pain.
“But I already ruined it… I.. I did that to you… I was told how to do it and I…”
“I still care about you”
3 looked at him, something in him breaking with tears rolling down his face.
“How can you?”
“We… We’re friends… we’ve been through a lot… you think I’m gonna let you go when you once risked your life to save me? You didn’t need to. You could have left me to my perfect video but you didn’t. Didn’t it feel like I betrayed you? But you came back either way.”
“That… That’s true”
“It’s… just another thing I love about you, 3”
The word choice made 3 a little flustered. 4 chuckled at that.
“You can’t just say sappy shit like that”
“You think I don’t mean it or something?”
“No no… It’s obvious you do, don’t worry”
“But uhm genuinely I’ve… I’ve been thinking and-”
And just as soon as 4 thought maybe he could tell 3- 3 got grabbed by a hand before not seen. However at this point it was familiar to him. He stood up and went right after, it was no use though. 4 didn’t lose hope yet. He was more angry right now if anything.
The figure he had been seeing in his dreams came out of the shadows. Much clearer now, he could still see their wide, unfeeling smile. He didn’t know a TV screen headed guy could be such a piece of shit.
“You’re a feisty one”
“Ah, what, came back because you weren’t satisfied with the service? Sorry, no refunds!”
They started to walk away but 4 grabbed them.
“The keyboard”
4 stopped.
Then he realised.
“And it’s not like I even forced it on you” they laughed “You were the one who chose to buy it. Even with SMG3, I didn’t force him! HE joined me HIMSELF and-”
“You think I’m gonna let you go with what you did?” 
They laughed.
“No… And that’s what I want!” the words scared 4 “With even all your friends! Such a great deal”
“WHAT are you?”
“I’m… oh there’s no fun in that, I’m only here to make a great show!”
“I don’t know if you noticed but I’m the show runner here!”
“It looked like you needed some help”
4 tried to punch them but then he was gone from the dark, right back beside 1 and 2.
“4!!! 4, you’re back!!” both hurried there beside him.
“Yes… I am'' 4 didn’t lose his anger a single bit. Those were the words of someone who is truly despicable. He only wanted to kill them more now. 
They only got one more calm moment before the building shook beneath them. It was loud, almost like the building was alive. 
“Oh no! We need to get out of here” 1 panicked, 2 and 4 followed behind, although 4 did so reluctantly. He knew 3 was in here. He didn’t want him gone.
Everyone evacuated. 4 stared at the building going down, he couldn’t just stand there, he had to run back, even if it would take him away as well.
He searched everywhere. Maybe it was the TV guy letting their guard down, but he was actually able to spot 3 in the real world now. He was still covered in those shadows though.
“3!!!” he cried out, running for the other who only then noticed him.
“4, you should get out of here”
“Not without you”
“Then we might not be able to get out…”
“I’ll… rather be going away with you than live knowing you died”
“You know- you’re pretty attached as well, even without the…” 3 looked away then back 4. He couldn’t help but smile at 4. It felt kind of nice in the end. It was easier to admit now.
“That’s cuz I love you” 4 reciprocated the smile.
3 looked away again, rather flustered at the words. But there was still a smile visible on his face.
“Like um… as in? Like that? Fuck, I’m sounding so stupid right now” 3 laughed at his own incompetence.
“Yeah uh… are you okay with that?” 4 returned the awkward laugh.
3 chuckled before grabbing 4’s face.
“What do you think, stupid?”
“I’m… glad” 
They both leaned in, just about at the same time. The kiss came naturally. But it was so much more than that. They pulled each other close, it all just felt… perfect. Complete. So complete, as the scar on both of their faces started glowing. They didn’t know when they linked hands but with both hands held, they could see white strings appear, glowing with immense power, more and more appearing, connecting the 2.
The sight mesmerised both so much, they pulled in for another kiss, which only made the light stronger, ridding 3 fully of his corruption.
The light grew so big, like an explosion. An explosion of so much emotion before unspoken.
The light grew so big, the crew outside noticed.
“They did it!” 2 jumped up “That’s a lot of meme guardian energy”
“Right on” 1 laughed “You know, I’m proud of them… they came so far”
“They really did” Meggy joined the 2.
“Will they be able to get out though?” Tari was concerned.
But then the light only grew larger and faster at that, basically taking in the whole building. It was strong enough to knock everyone on their asses.
As the light dissipated, the 2 hovered up from all the debris. Both looked unharmed, their hands linked.
Everyone came up to hug them. It had been a while since they had such a big and emotional hug.
“We’re so glad you 2 are safe”
“I can’t believe you actually made it out”
“You guys better not do anything this reckless ever again”
These were some comments the 2 received. But they were happy they made it out, made it out alive and together. There were a lot of things unanswered but none of that mattered now. At least not for now.
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sakasamurai707 · 1 year
Oh boy I can’t sleep so here’s some Cyberpunk Relationship Headcanons!
Kerry x Male!V
-Kerry genuinely sung the ‘I love you, bitch. I’ll never stop loving you, bitch’ song to V on their three month anniversary, complete with the guitar. V had no idea what to say, and didn’t understand the reference.
-Kerry sleeps starfish style and with his mouth open. V has had to close his mouth because he drools in the night.
-Kerry swore he would never have an animal in his mansion before Nibbles came to be. After he met nibbles, Kerry bought him a throne style cat bed.
-Kerry doesn’t understand that not every kiss has to be with tongue. V has genuinely bitten his tongue because he just wanted a quick smooch before a gig.
Panam x Male! V
-Panam is allergic to pollen, but due to being in the badlands, she never knew until V brought her organic flowers. She sneezed for a week straight before realizing.
-V and Panam like racing, but V is terrible at driving. He once accidentally crashed her car into a pile of cacti.
-V and Saul sometimes have family dinner together, and Saul asks really personal questions about the relationship every time. (Example: ‘sooo…have you two screwed yet?’)
-when V can’t sleep, Panam takes him out to look at the stars. The first time she did, he cried, since he’d never seen them before due to the city lights.
….”if we don’t fix this chip thing, V, I’ll be looking up at those. You’ll be the prettiest star out there.”
Judy x Fem! V
-Judy loves telling V about her ocean and fish hyperfixation. Sometimes, she wishes she could afford to go to a real aquarium. V swears if she gets the money, she’ll take her on a date there.
-Judy and V have made braindances before, all to be kept in Judy’s “private folder.”
-V doesn’t understand why Judy is so emotional sometimes, but she’ll awkwardly hug her or kiss her when she starts crying.
-Judy’s favorite movie to watch with V is Ponyo. Judy knows the song by heart and sings it during the credits.
River x Fem! V
-Both River and V really want the other to quit their jobs, so sometimes they jokingly leave resignation papers on each other’s desks. V doesn’t really have a ‘boss,’ so River just leaves a sticky note that says “quit.”
-River really likes iguanas, so when V hatched hers, he cuddled with it more than her for a week straight. V had to deal with it being in between them in bed.
-Joss and V talk a lot, to the point where V will show up at his house just to completely ignore him and talk to his sister. River just ends up standing behind them awkwardly.
-River does the ‘broke boyfriend stance’ every time they’re in a store. Johnny makes fun of him for it.
-River and V are really cuddly, to the point River can’t fall asleep correctly without her beside them.
Bonus!!!! Johnny x GN! V
-Johnny has tried to convince V to kiss the mirror to see if it feels like an actual kiss. (It doesn’t.)
-V has a habit of telling Johnny ‘I love you’ out loud. They said it in front of Hanako right before the relic malfunction, and Hanako looked at them and said
-V eventually figures out how to get Johnny a new body and repair the chip. (In my heart I’m delusional.) Once they did, they didn’t let go of each other for weeks. They had the worst honeymoon phase.
-Johnny excessively jokes about soul killer. V does not find it amusing.
Bonus Bonus!!!! Takemura x GN! V
-Takemura cooks most of their meals after V revealed they mainly eat frozen tv dinners instead of real food. He’s Also really insistent that they drink water and shower.
-Takemura once brutally cried after seeing the full effects of the Relic Malfunctions, comparing it to when his Arasaka implants got revoked.
-Takemura didn’t know how to hug someone, so he accidentally nearly choked V.
-he also didn’t know how to kiss, so he just…opened his mouth.
-Takemura doesn’t understand sarcasm, so he takes whatever V says to its fullest meaning.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 10 months
windfall | (mechanic!harry part2)
summary: part 2 to this
word count: 2k
warnings: cursing
masterlist | ask box(requests are open!)
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As you walked away from the garage, frustration and annoyance built up within you. Harry's indifferent and grumpy attitude was not making this situation any easier. You considered finding another garage, but deep down, you knew that might not be a feasible option given the state of your car.
You didn’t even want to go to work today. Sleeping curled up in the backseat of the car had made your body sore, especially your back. But leaving work would mean staying at the garage all day, listening to scolds from Harry, and you didn’t want that either.
So, you decided to go to work.
Walking to the nearest bus stop, you managed to get a bus that dropped you off near your office, but you still would have to walk half a mile.
You reached the office after about an hour, completely disheveled and tired. You had gotten a bit sweaty too, that failed the purpose of taking a shower, and you were already in the need of another.
Walking in, the receptionist as well as the other few looked at you judgmentally, but you successfully managed to ignore them, too tired to start a conversation and explain your circumstances.
Walking to your worn-out leather chair, you threw your bag on the table, and slumped down on the chair. You looked at your computer, and then at the pile of files you had on your table, as well as the reports you had to finish working on, to get signed by Jake, your boss. You pouted; it was so much work for just one person. The worn-out chair creaked as you shifted, contemplating how to tackle the mountain of tasks in front of you.
Turning on the computer, you got up from your chair, and decided to go for a coffee run.
Turning the coffee machine on, and placing your cup below, you stared at the liquid pouring down as it gradually filled the cup. After a few moments, another person entered the room, and you looked over your shoulder.
Thankfully, it was your friend, Mia.
Mia was one of the very few girls in the office who worked at the same position as you, and you two had grown really close over the past  6 months, when she had driven you home one night from the bar, you had been really wasted and she was he only one sober. She had made you drink water, take a Tylenol, and tucked you in.  She was so caring.
She walked with a smile up to you, proceeding to retrieve her own cup. She then came and stood next to you, while the machine was still filling up your cup.
“Morning. You look tired. What happened?” she asked. You sighed and frowned, as all of the things that had happened in just the last 24 hours came rushing back, making you want to cry so bad.
“Yeah, I took the bus, and walked like, half a mile to reach here”
“Oh god. What about your car?”
“It totaled. And my apartment too, it’s gone. My landlord kicked me out.”
“Jesus, that’s awful. So you slept in your car?”
“Mhm” you removed your cup, and replaced it with hers. Taking a sip, you closed your eyes as it cascaded down your throat. You hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, and the coffee gave you some energy to finish some of your work, till the afternoon at least.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” she frowned too, feeling sorry for you.
“It’s alright. Should have seen that coming. I mean, I spent so much money on the concert tickets last month, I almost went broke. I couldn’t even pay rent, and it was due since so many months”
“Still. That’s so bad. If you want, you can stay at mine for a few days. My roommate has gone for a trip and I think she’ll come back next week”
Your eyes brightened. She was such a gem. You immediately put your cup down, and hugged her.
“Thank you so much. So so much”
Rest of the day went by great. You were able to submit 5 reports, and completed most of the files and cleared them off your desk. You had finally managed to find a place to live, at least for the next few days, and you were sure you could figure something out till then.
Walking back to the garage, you had a cute smile on your face. The prospect of having a place to stay for the next few days infused you with a sense of relief, and not having to see Harry everyday was an added advantage.
Reaching the garage, you spotted your car and walked to it. There was someone down below, working on it. You decided to sit by for a bit, to find Harry and tell him about the new conditions. Surely, he will be glad to see less of you throughout the week.
You knocked the hood of the car, hoping the person below would listen.
He came sliding out, but he wasn’t Harry.
And he was gorgeous. Bright blue eyes, with brunette hair. He was wearing a tank-top, the shirt tied around his waist. There was a bit of grease here and there, but you didn’t mind.
You blinked and shook your head, bringing your eyes back up to his face.
“Uh-yeah. I was just-I came to ask that-Oh-this-this is my car. I wanted to ask, is there any progress?” you stumbled a bit around your words, but managed to blurt out at least an understandable sentence.
“Oh, yeah. I checked the engine and it was…well, in a bad condition. I will have to replace the air filters, check the exhaust and combustion, and the fuel too. Will have to replace the battery too”
He got up, cleaning his hands on a stray cloth.
“Oh. It’s not totaled yet, is it?”
“No, lord no.  It’ll be much lower than that. How much did you buy this for?”
“About 35,000 dollars”
“Nope, this will be about 600 dollars.”
“Oh, thank god. I met, Harry? In the morning. And he scared me so bad. I felt that it was gone”
“No, he just likes to give hard time to everyone. I’m Niall, by the way” he extended his hand for a handshake, and you gladly did.
“Hi. I’m Y/N. And he really scared me so much.”
“Yeah, he just does that so people use their cars better. Or at least live in fear till the repair is done. “
You shook your head, and remembered that you had to pack up your stuff, since Mia, and the moving truck was going to be here soon.
“That’s so bad. Is he around?”
“Yeah, he’s in the back. I’ll call him.”
He went in and came back after a while, and Harry still had his nose scrunched up, and shoulders slumped, hands crossed in the front.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“Oh-I wanted to tell you that-my friend, she offered me her apartment for a while, so for a week, I will be living with her. So I’ll take my stuff away and you can take my number, call me if it’s done.”
“Cool. But I don’t do calls. You’ll have to be come and check yourself”
“Don’t be a dick” Niall interrupted, “I can take your number. I’ll call you if it’s done early”
You smiled, and gave him your number. He promised to call you, and reassured you that he’ll do his best work on it. It made you feel a bit relaxed, and at ease. At least, everyone was not as rude as Harry. Soon, Mia came with her car and a truck, so you could move your stuff from your old apartment as soon as possible. There wasn’t much: a couch, two almirahs, your bed which had been dissembled, the mattress a TV, a refrigerator, an oven, kitchen utensils and an induction. Some other small appliances too, like the iron, straightener, etc, but that could fit in your bag.
After everything was loaded and your car was empty, you gave the keys to Niall, and picked up your bag, walking to Mia’s car and keeping it in the backseat. You went around and sat in the front, as she drove away to her place, the truck following behind.
The night was dark as Mia's car cruised through the quiet streets. You sat in the front seat, staring out of the window as the city lights blurred and headlights blinked. The stress of your car and the situation of next week, when her roommate would be back, still lingered on your shoulders. But, you were glad to have found a temporary refuge at her place.
Upon reaching Mia's place, you stepped out of the car. The air inside was cozy and inviting. Mia led the way, and you followed suit, hauling your heavy back awkwardly.
After moving your stuff to a corner, you both slumped down on the couch. The day had been tiring, but the welcoming aroma of her home made you feel at ease.
With Mia's help, you settled into the spare room she had graciously offered. It wasn't much, but it was a haven compared to the uncertainty of your car. You thanked Mia again, overwhelmed by her kindness, and assured her that you would find a more permanent solution soon.
The night unfolded with shared laughter, stories, and a home-cooked meal. Mia was a great cook, and you hadn’t tasted her food in so many months. You talked and laughed, and having dinner with a friend was so comforting. As the clock ticked away, fatigue set in, and you found solace in the softness of the spare bed.
Morning light filtered through the curtains, gently waking you from a restful sleep. You opened your bag and took out your toiletries, and laid out the clothes for the day. Brushing your teeth, freshening up and taking a bath, you felt so much better than you did yesterday.
As you sat on the dining table drinking coffee with Mia, your phone buzzed.
It was an unknown number.
Hey, it’s Niall
Your heartbeat increased in your chest. The gorgeous brunette had messaged you?!
You put the cup down, taking the phone down. Opening his chat, you quickly typed out a reply:
Hi, good morning, Niall :)
You didn’t respond to texts from unknown mechanics with a good morning message and a smile usually, but he was different. He treated you with so much kindness, and to be honest, you had a little crush on him.
His response was quick,
Morning, love. How you been? Sleep well?
Your heart fluttered at the endearment in his message. It was unexpected, especially considering your recent interactions with mechanics, particularly the grumpy Harry. Niall's tone was a stark contrast, and you couldn't help but smile at the screen.
Yeah, slept better knowing my car is in good hands. Thanks again for your help. And you?
you replied, genuinely interested in how his night had been.
Niall's response was swift,
Glad to hear that! I slept like a log, thanks. You off to work? Yeah. You? Already there. Was working on your car just before I texted Oh. Well…good luck, I guess??? Lol. Yeah, it's all in a day's work. Don't worry; I've got it covered. Your car will be up and running smoothly in no time. Thanks, Niall. I appreciate it. No worries, love. Call me if you need anything. Sure, thanks
You closed your phone, throwing it inside your bag, you walked out to the door with a huge smile on your face.
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a/n: i tried writing it better!hoip
lovely divider by @cafekitsune
i hope you like this! please don't hate me
here's my ko-fi if you feel generous
requests and feedback is welcome and much appreciated!!
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@freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888
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taystarotoverload · 1 year
how to properly heal
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~ my comeback post !! please pick one pile :) ~
pile 1
the magician - queen of wands - the high priestess - 10 of wands - 9 of pentacles - 10 of cups - 4 of cups
really quickly my lights flickered extremely fast that may or may not be a sign? pile 1 you are a very resistant group at times. you WANT change you WANT to move on from this and get better but there’s fear. there’s a sense of anxiety when it finally comes to actually changing. you are a very strong pile mentally but your battle cry is terrifying. i see you may be someone who carry’s a lot of burdens and for a lot of you i’m seeing this being from family. lots and lots of family trauma in this pile. pile 1 you are a very psychic pile as well. speak to the universe. let them hear what you really want don’t hold back. you can receive anything you want. but? take that brick off your chest. untie those sandbags that weigh down your shoulders. you didn’t put them there in the first place so WHY should they stay? some of you may be sooo scared of spending too much money. go on a shopping spree. go crazy. text up an old friend. one you haven’t talked to in a while. text a grandparent of yours. they would love to hear from you right now. pile 1 you’re very resistant right now but you know if you move on your life will become better. so why are you holding back? don’t let this life changing moment go away. snatch it up. don’t let it go. it’s meant to be yours so let it be yours. if you look away from this you won’t see another just as amazing as this one. pile 1 you want to properly heal? change how you live. life feel like it’s repeating? don’t let that make you lose your sanity. one small thing you change day to day will make you feel human again. pile 1 i’m seeing that if you just change how you live for yourself and not for others you could heal. smoother and more balanced. you will come out of this feeling like you’ve accomplished more goals in your life then ever before.
(as i’m typing this i saw 222. this is a sign.)
pile 2
death - the emperor rev - 2 of pentacles - 3 of pentacles rev - the star rev - the chariot - 7 of swords - 10 of swords - queen of wands - 2 of wands - ace of wands - temperance - 2 of swords
getting rid of old habits. i heard old habits being people. getting rid of things that no longer serve you for good. finding balance in your day to day life with things you ACTUALLY enjoy. you’re too bored constantly. you feel so slumped and angry and bored because your environment is just one big dump. get out of there fast! go outside go see a friend go out to eat. do something other than being THERE. (this can also refer to thinking differently. get out of that gloomy mindset. think about things that actually matter.) you feel so tired right now. go get that rest. you’ve been sleeping too much? get up and do a walk around wherever you are. stretch your legs. pick up the things in your life that offer you a good future full of abundance and clarity. leave what DOESNT!!!!! oh wow some of you really need to kill of that old you. the death card and ten of swords are screaming START OVERRRR. really think this time. what do you want to do with your life and how do you want to live it? where do you want to go in the future and what will you do to reach those goals? the universe is offering you out a hand an offering. take this as a time to really sit and think. think about yourself. you’re mostly in a battle with yourself at this time. it doesn’t have to stay this way forever. start living a life where you’re in control and not living by others rules. you’re in control. take back the life you always deserved to live.
pile 3
4 of wands rev - 5 of swords - knight of swords rev - knight of wands rev - death - page of cups rev - 6 of cups rev - the moon rev - 6 of pentacles - 7 of wands rev - 8 of cups rev
soooo many reversals for this pile o.m.g. pile 3 not even a hug can fix your wounded heart. lol in all seriousness. pile 3 recently you’ve been in a LOT of conflict. and some of you hate to admit it… you’re the ones who start it a lot of the time. this doesn’t mean you WANT conflict hearsay. but you are someone who is a force to be reckoned with at times. take what i say personally because this is a biggggg wake up call to some of you. there are people in your life who love love love to see you fail. they crave the validation of watching you mess up in life. don’t believe me? how many so called friends actually are worried about how YOU feel? if you haven’t been able to open up with somebody due to fear or someone’s lack of interest they are NOT your friend. they’re an energy vampire. get rid of these people immediately. you may also experience a lack of focus recently followed with extreme frustrations. do some shadow work. why are you feeling these emotions? they’re not just showing up out of thin air. where are you when you feel these emotions? at home ? with a friend ? at work ? etc. what is happening in this setting that is making you feel such frustration? somebody talking too loud ? a loud chewer ? or just merely being there in the first place ? figure out what this reason is and try to understand it. maybe if your willing copy that thing. does it feel good to do? or does it only make you angrier? a lot of you cannot move on and properly heal because you’re stuck in the past. something has hurt you in your past badly but you can’t seem to let it go. you feel fearful? you’re very similar to pile 1. you’re afraid of change? some of you have become very very comfortable in this dark part of you. you’re afraid of leaving this headspace because you’ve lived in it for so long. start giving to others more? ask people how they’re feeling and about their day. soon enough you’ll see a change. more interactions less frustration. but don’t just ask other people, ask yourself. how are you feeling today? are you comfortable right now? what are you feeling is yummy for lunch/dinner? etc. do NOT by any means get up and walk away from this. you are capable of becoming that desired you. don’t let these thoughts interfere with your way of life; you are worth it.
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kedsandtubesocks · 8 months
AU where Gojo as the god of winter saves you during a blizzard because he admires your heart and now you’re stuck under his protection okay that’s all thank you bye!!!
- ₊˚。⋆❆⋆。˚₊ -
“You have to be careful, young one! The storm is dangerous! The god of winter will not be kind to you!”
The apothecary’s words haunt your very soul now as the wind now starts to blow harder. The blizzard is coming, but you will fight through it. You have to.
“Well now, aren’t you a stubborn one!” Out from the wind itself, a twinkling voice calls out to you.
Stopping mid step, you turn to the side.
A mysteriously cloaked man watches you as he leans casually against a tall tree. The robe he wears, thick and heavy, even has a hood fully covering his face.
“This storm is going to be getting worse soon. And yet…you’re out here?” The twinkling curious voice continues speaking to you.
“So are you.” You glare at the stranger who suddenly laughs so bright at your words.
“You’re right! But what’s a cute thing like you out in these wilds? And even without a horse!”
A horse would be too much. And the money you had needed to be spent on the medicine.
“Just a traveler on the road.” You mutter and continue on your journey. This discussion is slowing you down after all.
Instead of leaving you to your journey, the hooded figure stays in step with you.
“So what’s a cute traveler like yourself doing out here during this storm?” His words are curiously perked up.
“Are you going to rob me?” You now flat out ask.
“What?” The hooded figure stands up straighter, almost confused. “No.”
“Because if you are then I’m already warning you I barely have any money and I won’t be worth much.” You think about the hunting knife your father left you and how you might need to grab it soon.
“There must be something valuable in that bag. You’re clutching it as if it’s dear life.” The stranger comments rather intuitively and his words make your heart drop.
You clutch your satchel tighter and freeze mid step.
“It’s medicine.” You answer truthfully while a wave of fear chases into you. “I’m sure it won’t be valuable to you.”
You swallow hard. “Please, please just let me go.”
The stranger stops and a pause floats through the air.
“Who’s the medicine for?” The stranger asks.
You sigh shakily. “My sister.”
Suddenly the hooded figure nods slowly.
“So you’re out here…trying to bring her back medicine.” He comments gently.
You nod. You know it’s foolish. Everyone has told you so. Yet you would brave this storm a thousand times for her.
“Well then, I guess you better get back on your journey.” He says so brightly.
You simply nod and wish him a safe travels.
You walk a few steps, hear the crunch of the snow beneath you. Then when you turn around to check to see if the mysterious man is there - you find he isn’t. Fear fills your chest and you begin walking even faster now.
You hope to at least make it to the next town. You have to.
But the snow comes fast. The wind howls fiercely and you can’t fight against its strength. Your fingers burn. Your body aches. You trip over something in the road and collide into the piles of soft snow. You cry out.
No. No, you have to get up. You need to. You can’t let your body stop you. But the storm has other plans. Your vision becomes blurry and you think it’s because of the wind, but tears sting your eyes.
“You damn stubborn little thing!” The stranger.
His hooded figure comes before you, a striking blot of darkness against the whirling white. Your vision begins fading.
“Medicine...I gotta get home.” You sob out not even fully realizing what you’re saying.
Someone yells at you. You can’t fully process who. But when you blink up you find the hood of your mystery man is whipped off.
You spot hair so white it blends with the snow and the bluest eyes, like the clearest summer sky, stare down at you. He’s gorgeous. You don’t even know if he’s real, especially with how unearthly beautiful he is.
Then your vision goes dark. And the next time you open your eyes, you’re back in your cabin back home.
Who? How? Did that actually happen? And more importantly - the medicine.
Ignoring your grandmother’s yells about how you need to still rest, you instead scramble to your older sister’s room. Still on bed rest, there’s more color in her cheeks as she sleeps peacefully. The medicinal herbs sit on the small table and you fight back the tears.
What had happened?
Your grandmother tells you everything.
“You simply arrived at the door half frozen as if the wind itself carried you home! I still can’t believe it!”
Neither can you.
Later that night when you go to grab more firewood - you swear a hooded figure peeks out from one of the trees and you hear a twinkling pleased giggle that floats through the icy winter wind.
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citrusses · 5 months
day 7 of @microficmay, drarry, 365 words
It starts out as a straightforward errand. 
Malfoy has ordered more siren moss than they have in stock. They can’t grow it in the greenhouses, and, because it’s endangered, it requires a licence to gather, and a harvesting technique which promotes further growth instead of stifling it. 
“I was counting on the full delivery today.” There’s a note of hysteria creeping into Malfoy’s voice that’s making Harry uncomfortable. “My whole batch will be ruined if I don’t add the siren moss in the next twenty-four hours.” 
Harry’s first instinct is to say something rude about piss-poor business practices, but Malfoy hasn’t been so terrible the past few weeks. Harry can be patient. He points to the pile of moss sitting on a workstation. “That’s everything we have. Sorry.”
Patience is not, apparently, an effective tactic. Mortified, Harry watches as Malfoy’s face crumples. He looks like he might start crying. 
“Mal–Draco, what the hell?” 
Malfoy sniffs, hugely, his cheeks pulled tight with the effort of holding back tears. “It’s fine.” 
“You’re a shit liar. What is it?”
Quietly, he says, “I’m going to have to close down the shop.” 
“Because I’ve been operating at a loss for ages, and this potion took me half a year to brew. But now…” The danger of tears appears to have passed. Malfoy just looks tired.
“Couldn’t someone lend you the money?” 
“Who? My family’s money is gone.” 
And then Harry hears himself say, actually watches himself do it, as if the real Harry, the sensible, not-a-total-git-Harry, is floating outside his own body, “I could.” 
Malfoy stares at him. “I’m not… I don’t want your charity, Potter. I just want the goods I’m going to pay you for.” 
“I don’t have them!” 
“Then where do you get the moss?” Perhaps they aren’t fully out of the woods on the tears front. Malfoy’s voice has gone suspiciously shaky again. “I’ll go get some myself.” 
“You can’t harvest it. That would be illegal, not to mention horrible for the plants…” It’s happening again. Harry is hovering up near the ceiling, watching as some idiot wearing his glasses says, “If it’s so important, let’s go now, together, and I’ll get you more.”
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