#I’m just trying to get my ideas across and hopping it come off coherently
new-revenant · 2 years
DP AU idea
In this au instead of Danny as Phantom protecting his town from ghosts, we have Phantom as Danny protecting his town from hunters(and maybe some monsters). Probably not a completely original so far, but wait! There’s more.
He doesn’t live in a town full of ghosts-that’s too predictable. Make everyone different flavors of supernatural, that’s right, we’re Monster-Highing this shit up. Make Sam the psychic she was always meant to be. Make Vlad the vampire he was supposed to be. Make Val a cyborg or something-I’m leaning on the something but we’ll get to that later. The school’s still called Casper High, it’s a great name.
Now, how would Danny get to this point? Let’s say that the Fenton family lived somewhere else other than Amity Park, but they were still ghost hunters-hell, maybe just give them some relatives that are also some sort of monster-hunter. Maybe they live with Aunt Alicia or something. Give Danny curse of homeschool.
Then Danny fucking dies-ish. Same portal incident possibly. Perhaps the same half-ghost half-human boy. Maybe the Fentons think he’d just straight up died or something, but whatever happens, Danny runs away and ends up in Amity Park. Since the town is full of creatures that he would’ve definitely had tried to maim/kill/capture and then maim/kill, he adopts the ghostly persona of Phantom. Expect Phantom is just a sad wandering child spirt of a totally normal child. Definitely not a hunter.
It would also be nice for Phantom to get have normal ghost powers and not be op as fuck. Don’t get me wrong, Phantom is one of my favorite(if not the favorite)op characters. But it would be so much more interesting if  most of the ghosts were just normal ghosts, but they could still be different types of ghosts(ei. Phantom being a literal phantom like he can’t be seen by cameras and stuff). Or make some ghosts some other creatures idk. Maybe a few ghosts like Desiree or however you spell her name, she’s so effective as a ghost-genie and it could potentially ruin her whole appeal and story to make her a regular genie.
Speaking of the original ghosties, I’m going to talk about Spectra’s role for a bit because she’s the one I’ve been thinking about the most. Like, she’s a ghost who can take on a human form. Cue Danny having a crisis about what the hell he actually is, and as Spectra says in the actual show, “What are you, a ghost trying to fit in with humans, or a boy with freaky little powers?” then Danny says, “I’m-I don’t know okay?!” I will forever be disappointed that the show basically never built upon that.
Anyhow, how does Danny get to the point of trying to save the supernatural as a human? Simple, like I said earlier, he can’t do nothing cool in his ghost form(besides normal ghost stuff but whatever). So he’s like, “Well then, I want to help my new friends”-because guilt and/or just wanting to be a good person-“but how can I help them when I can barely push over a book? Wait a minute-I can turn into a human!”
I’ve got more things to say about this au-idea-thing, but this is getting pretty long already so :)
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wondernimbus · 4 years
two sworn enemies — draco malfoy
pairing: draco malfoy x female!reader
summary: there is only one thing worse than being hated by draco malfoy; it’s being fancied by him.
requests are closed for now! please refrain from plagiarizing my work.
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After being on the receiving end of Malfoy's torment for four whole years at Hogwarts—a place where she's supposed to be making friends and learning and making the most out of all her youthful years—[Y/N] is beginning to grow tired.
The last thing she’s supposed to be worrying about is a snarky Slytherin boy who always has some sort of rude remark resting on his lips every time he comes across her in the corridors. Or anywhere, for that matter—Draco Malfoy's incessant jest seems to stay within no boundaries.
Eleven-year-old [Y/N] used to be fazed by it; she used to cry herself to sleep every time the platinum blond would push past her in the hallway, yelling out something offensive on his way, usually to do with her friendship with blood-traitors and the "big-headed" Harry Potter (or so Malfoy referred to him). She used to feel angry—angry enough to want to whip her wand out at him and hex him into oblivion every time he'd even as much as lay eyes on her. But the more Malfoy tried to bother her, the more it didn't anymore.
Fourth year wasn't so bad. Malfoy had already called her about a hundred nasty names at that point and was running out of them—his creativity was dwindling and [Y/N]'s concern along with it. She'd even laughed at him, one time during Transfiguration class—genuinely laughed, not out of frustration or anger but because she found something that he said to her funny.
"How does it feel being surrounded by blood-traitors and Mudbloods, [Y/L/N]? Pity you chose the wrong crowd to hang around."
"How did it feel to get punched by a girl, Malfoy? I hear Hermione packs quite a punch."
Malfoy’s nose had wrinkled into his signature sneer before he scoffed. "Tell Granger she can improve her right hook." At which point [Y/N] had snorted out a laugh—and yes, it wasn't a full-blown burst of chortles, but it was a laugh nonetheless.
Fifth year rolls around and Draco Malfoy is the least of [Y/N]'s worries. She's gotten over his nagging at this point; all his jabs have lost a bit, if not all of their luster.
But then a week after classes have started, Malfoy starts acting—weird. Very weird. [Y/N] has no idea what's gotten into him, but Draco's cruel insults seem to have veered off course and taken a very dramatic turn. He still yells at her in the hallways, but not to make some harmful jibe [Y/N] has heard thousands of times before. Instead Draco—yes, Draco Malfoy, the same boy who has never once failed to torment her in the past years they've known each other—has now made it a habit to yell pick-up lines. At her. At [Y/N]. At the same girl he's been bad-mouthing for the past four years.
The first time it happens, [Y/N] can't believe her ears. She thinks he's yelling at someone else other than her, because there is no way bloody Draco Malfoy is shouting "DO YOU PLAY QUIDDITCH? BECAUSE YOU SEEM LIKE A KEEPER" at her from halfway across the Great Hall.
But he's definitely staring at her, grinning widely in that conceited sort of way that [Y/N] has always despised.
"Is he talking to me?" [Y/N] asks Hermione, bewildered.
"Looks like it." Hermione looks just as surprised as her. "Knowing Malfoy, he's not up to anything good. Ignore him, [Y/N]."
But ignoring Draco Malfoy is not something [Y/N] is capable of; the feistiness in her makes sure of that. So instead of moving on and turning a blind eye, she cups her hands over her mouth and yells, just as loud, "ARE YOU A BLUDGER? BECAUSE I'D LOVE TO BASH A BEATER'S BAT INTO YOUR—"
Whatever Malfoy is up to, [Y/N] isn't entirely sure she's enjoying it. The next afternoon—also in the Great Hall, while [Y/N] is doing her homework instead of eating lunch (because Snape apparently thinks it's a good idea to ask for a four-page essay when the school year has barely even started), there's a thump and [Y/N] looks up to see that there's a little red envelope sitting on her empty plate. Looking even further up, she sees an owl flying away from the table and out of the roof of the Great Hall, where the owls always come from to deliver letters—although that only happens at breakfast. Which means this is from someone else, likely another student.
[Y/N] stares.
"It's a Howler," Harry says from next to her, like she doesn't already know.
"I'm aware," she mutters, narrowing her eyes at it before she sets down her quill to grab it.
"Who would send you a Howler?" Ron has looked up from where he'd been shoveling beans into his plate. He crowds into her space, peering at the envelope she now holds in her hands; and she can't really answer him, because only her name is scribbled across the front in handwriting she doesn't recognize. Whoever sent it to her didn't bother with writing their own name.
She hesitates, brows furrowed as she, too, wonders where it's from. Her parents don't have a reason to send her a Howler—unless she's done something wrong that she isn't aware of. But it's only been a week since school has started and as far as she can tell, she hasn't done anything worthy of being sent a Howler. Or at least not yet.
"Might as well," she sighs—it's going to deliver its message one way or the other, anyway, and [Y/N] prefers to open it herself than have it burst into flames, rain ashes down upon her homework, and then start talking—so she opens the envelope.
The Howler jumps to life in front of her, hovering in front of her face, and [Y/N] has never seen a piece of stationery look so angry before. A forked tongue slips out of the envelope—[Y/N] braces herself for the worst, despite not knowing who on earth might have sent it—until a familiar voice booms around the Great Hall.
Ron's shoulders automatically start shaking with laughter. Most of the Great Hall—or at least the ones close enough to hear the Howler—have turned around to watch the spectacle unfold, giggling behind their palms and pointing at [Y/N] like she can't see them. [Y/N], in the meantime, stares, completely dead to the world and everything else around her, because she knows that voice.
The entire hall has fallen completely silent. [Y/N] feels her face burning up, but not with embarrassment—[Y/N] is angry. She feels it thrumming in her veins, curling around her lungs, clouding all of her senses.
With a single flick of [Y/N]'s wand, the Howler bursts into flames with a final feeble wheeze of I'm also a fairly good snogger. Ron is roaring with laughter and Harry has also joined in. Two-faced gits.
[Y/N] slams her palms down on the table and vaguely even registers the pain this gives her as she steps out from behind the bench and turns around to face the Slytherin table because of course she knows who sent the Howler. Of course she knows who would go out of his way to humiliate her in front of the entirety of Hogwarts, because that extremely irritating, maddeningly haughty voice can only belong to one person—and sure enough, the idiot in question is standing there on top of the benches, arms outstretched towards her and that proud, snooty look on his face like he expects her to actually be impressed.
Over Ron and Harry's laughter, [Y/N] shouts angrily, "Malfoy!"
Malfoy drops his arms to his sides, hops off the bench, and swaggers towards her. She meets him halfway—and when she does, she doesn't hesitate to shove him angrily by the shoulders. He stumbles back a little, but he's still grinning annoyingly wide. "Have you come to me bearing an answer?" he says, his tone mocking, and [Y/N] just barely suppresses herself from whipping out her wand and jabbing it somewhere she wouldn't want a wand anywhere near. They are still surrounded by teachers. "I imagine it's a yes—who would turn me down, after all—"
"Drop the fucking act," she hisses; all eyes are on them, because Hogwarts never passes up a chance for gossip, and this might be the most exciting one yet. Draco Malfoy publicly asking out the girl everyone knows he's hated, and has hated him, for a long time—what a spectacle. But [Y/N] knows that his intentions are far from genuine; this is just another way to humiliate her and get on her nerves. And as much as she hates to admit it, it's a pretty good fucking move, because she hasn't been this annoyed by him in a long time.
Her teeth are gritted together so hard her words barely come out coherent. "I don't know what you're playing at," she practically growls, taking a step closer to get in his face, "But I encourage you to get yourself together."
But Malfoy seems unaffected. "Pity you didn't let the Howler finish," he drawls, still with that same smirk on his lips as he wriggles his brows suggestively. "I could've told you more about my superior snogging skills."
"Which is exactly why I didn't," she fumes. "We're in the middle of lunch—any more of you talking about your 'superior snogging skills' and the entirety of this hall would've thrown up on themselves. I know I would've."
At this, the smile on Malfoy's face droops a little, a ghost of his familiar sneer seeping in. [Y/N] takes a step back away from him, because she can't stand being more than a few feet near the prat. "You've got a lot of nerve, pulling this," she scoffs. "Try it again and you'll regret it. Now excuse me while I go do my bloody homework."
And then she turns around, goes back to the Gryffindor table, and does her bloody homework.
But Malfoy, as it turns out, isn't as weak-willed as he lets on. She's started receiving Howlers every morning at breakfast, all of which burst into flames every time to rain ashes upon her innocent plate of eggs and toast, but only after loudly blurting out some ridiculously bad pick-up line. It's been four days since the first Howler and they've only gotten progressively worse ever since—"you must be a Boggart because I'm terrified of pretty women"—and [Y/N] is beginning to grow so very tired.
Today, she hexes him in the middle of the hallway just as he's coming out of Potions class. She had warned him, all those days ago, that he'd regret it if he didn't let up. So [Y/N] watches, terribly amused as Draco starts wailing in the corridor, his hands splayed over his face in a measly attempt to cover the sardines falling out of his nostrils. It's an irreversible hex—or at least for eight hours—but until then, Draco will have to deal with the tiny fishes that shoot out of his nose at random intervals. [Y/N] can't bring herself to feel bad, not when he's humiliated her time and time again in front of so many people.
No Howlers arrive the morning after. There's a sense of what feels like disappointment coming off of the Great Hall; some people have actually turned around in their seats to watch her in anticipation for an owl to come swooping down upon her bearing a red envelope. Unfortunately for them, it doesn't happen. [Y/N], meanwhile, is finally at peace.
Or at least until Ron jabs her in the side and goes, "So are you?" he's grinning. "A Boggart, I mean."
It's a reference to the Howler she received yesterday. Her movements are dangerously swift; immediately she smacks the back of his head, sending him into a complaining frenzy. She rolls her eyes. "Stupid Malfoy."
"As much as I hate to say this," Harry begins, "I kind of wish you hadn't hexed him into stopping. His pick-up lines were pretty funny."
"Ha!" [Y/N] points a finger at Harry and nods approvingly, laughing a little. "That's a good one, Harry."
Harry stares at her dead in the eye. "Oh, I wasn't joking."
Her face falls.
"I suppose being on the receiving end of Malfoy's affection isn't any better than being hated by him," says Hermione, offering [Y/N] a sympathetic smile. "It's a good thing you showed him not to mess with you any further, [Y/N]."
[Y/N] tries for a smile of her own, but it comes out all stiff and crooked. "I feel like the past few days have been a fever dream," she says, shuddering. "This new form of—bullying, I don't know—has just been so weird. The bad names I've gotten used to, but—the compliments? The pick-up lines?"
"D'you think he's gone off his rocker?" Ron suggests.
"Maybe he fancies you," says Hermione off-handedly.
The effect this has on the three is instantaneous; Ron, Harry, and [Y/N] simultaneously blanch as though they've all swallowed something sour at the same time. Ron is choking on a piece of toast and Harry has spit water everywhere.
"Absolutely not," [Y/N] is shaking her head, nose wrinkled in distaste. "He can't possibly—that's ridiculous. We've hated each other for years."
"Feelings do change," Hermione shrugs, rolling her eyes at Ron and Harry, who have yet to recover from their initial shock. "And besides, it was just a suggestion. Although I don't see why he'd go out of his way to send you Howlers repeatedly asking you out if he doesn't fancy you."
"Because he wants to humiliate me in front of everyone!"
"Oh, alright, alright," Hermione sighs, sensing her defeat. "But you never know."
Ron has gathered his bearings once more. He turns to Hermione, genuine concern flooding his features, and blubbers, "Did I hear you right? Malfoy—fancying [Y/N]?"
"Yes, Ronald." Another eye-roll. "It's not that outlandish. Boys are boys—even Malfoy."
"Merlin's beard," he slumps down in his seat, shaking his head. "I don't think I've ever been this surprised. Not since I heard that Percy managed to score himself a girlfriend, and that was three years ago."
A few days pass, and while no more Howlers arrive, Malfoy is still as insistent as ever in his attempts to "woo" her—or, well, whatever it is he's trying to do. [Y/N] doesn’t quite know what to call it anymore; for some reason, it no longer feels like an attempt to bully or humiliate her. It's not as though he's insulting her, and it's not like her reputation is in any way being lessened. In fact, most of Hogwarts, it seems, enjoys the so-called "love-hate relationship" they've got going on, and expects them to get together sometime in the near future.
[Y/N] learns all of this from Fred and George, who are always a good source of gossip.
"What better love story than two sworn enemies falling in love?" George gushes, clasping his hands together.
"So romantic," Fred sings, closing his eyes and swaying his hips as though listening to a sultry tune only he can hear. “Setting aside their differences to answer the call of their hearts."
"Oh, Malfoy's still an arse, of course."
"But it's still romantic."
Part of [Y/N] wishes that the twins hadn’t told her that, because it makes it all the more confusing on her part. If, by some miracle, Malfoy does fancy her—what is she supposed to do? Ride off with him into the sunset? They are enemies—they have been for four, supposedly five years now, except this year Malfoy is being an insufferable twat who won't stop yelling pick-up lines at her in the hallways.
[Y/N] decides to turn a blind eye on him. If she ignores him for long enough, he's bound to stop.
Despite being a close friend to the famous Harry Potter, [Y/N] can say she’s made a name for herself at school that stretches far beyond just that girl who hangs out with the Chosen One. She’s been playing for the Gryffindor Quidditch team for two years and has contributed to some of the house’s most fantastic wins as a Chaser, and she’s also a fairly good student. She may have a penchant for trouble-making, but she knows how to limit herself. She prides herself for her work ethic and thus her grades are above average—enough for her to earn the favor of most of her teachers and for eager first-years to sometimes come up to her asking for help doing homework.
But enough for those very same first-years to come up to her in the hallway ready to do all of her biddings for the day, practically demanding her to hand over her books so that they can carry them for her? No. Certainly not. [Y/N] may have made a name for herself, but definitely not one renowned enough to earn the eleven-year-olds now crowded around her moments after she steps out of potions class, telling her that, “We’re here at your disposal! If you need us to do anything, just say the word!”
[Y/N] stares at the three children clustered around her, all wide-eyed and for some reason incredibly eager for her to start bossing them around.
Taken aback, she ushers them into a corner; the hallway is busy and people will keep bumping into them if they stay in the middle of the hallway like that.
Once away from the bustling main corridor, she bends down a little so that she’s at eye-level with all of them. “At my disposal?” she repeats, eyes narrowing playfully. “What do you mean?”
“We’re here to carry your books for you or grab you snacks from the kitchens or tie your shoelaces if you need us to!” one of them exclaims, bouncing on his toes.
Alright—this is getting ridiculous. [Y/N] pauses, lips pressed together into a thin line as she stares at each one of the first-years in turn; all three of them are staring at her as though waiting for her to start asking them to do push-ups.
She inhales. Someone must have put them up to this, because there is no way these children woke up this morning and simultaneously decided to become her servants for the day.
“Well,” she begins, smiling at them—and good grief, did she really look that young when she was eleven? “Thank you for offering to help me. I appreciate it, really—but lucky for me I’ve got some very capable arms and I think I can handle tying my shoelaces and carrying my books around and whatnot. But again—thank you. You’re all very nice.”
She pauses to look at their reactions; the smiles on their faces have drooped a little as they turn to one another, seemingly at a loss for words. “But,” the one girl says, frowning, “We’re supposed to help you.”
[Y/N] raises her eyebrows. “Supposed to?”
Someone definitely put them up to this—[Y/N] is certain of it now. And she has a good guess as to who.
She starts by saying, tone gentle, “Did someone tell you to do this? Because that’s really kind, and I’d love to thank them.”
The girl bunches up her lips in thought, shuffling her feet against the ground. “We’re not supposed to say,” she mutters, glancing at the two boys next to her nervously.
[Y/N] inhales. She needs confirmation, so she crouches down so that she’s the same height as them, and offers them all the friendliest, most trustworthy smile she can muster. The kind that wins over eleven-year-olds. “You won’t get in trouble if you tell me,” she tells them gently, and waits for them to nod in understanding before she goes, “Was it Malfoy? Draco Malfoy?”
They don’t have to respond—the looks on their faces are enough confirmation. [Y/N] suppresses the urge to roll her eyes, because of course Malfoy is the kind of person to somehow get first-years to do something like this. And she’s pretty sure it has something to do with bribery.
“Did he promise to give you anything, maybe?” [Y/N] presses on patiently.
The girl leans in and cups her hand over her mouth to whisper excitedly, “Chocolate frogs. Five for each of us.”
Ah. Of course. [Y/N] sighs inwardly and nods, standing up properly to once more tower over the tiny first-years. As much as she would love to have her own personal butlers, there is absolutely no way she is agreeing to take any part in exploiting these young kids. So she ruffles all of their hair in turn and promises to give them much, much more chocolate frogs than Malfoy will ever be able to offer if they swear to ignore him for the rest of their lives.
So she stands there in the hallway, a minute late for Transfiguration, watching the three first-years skip down the hallway, grinning excitedly to themselves—no doubt because they’ve just been promised what could be an infinite supply of chocolate frogs.
Which [Y/N] will now have to spend a lump of her summer savings on. Great. Bloody fantastic.
She didn’t think she could hate Draco Malfoy even more than she already did, but now, with the burden of buying chocolate frogs resting on her shoulders, she realizes that anything is possible.
[Y/N] finds Draco later on in the day when she’s heading to the Great Hall for dinner; as she’s passing by a window that coincidentally overlooks the Quidditch pitch, she sees him zooming around the stadium by himself, no doubt practicing to better his (in [Y/N]’s opinion) ghastly Seeker skills.
So she trudges off to the pitch, arms folded over her chest as she yells, “Malfoy!”
He notices, stops in mid-air, and immediately flies down to land in front of her, one hand on his hip and the other resting on top of his broom. That signature smirk is already on his face, mirrored by [Y/N]'s angry scowl. “Here to take me up on my offer for a date?” he grins, shaking his (sweaty, wet) hair out of his eyes. [Y/N] watches the movement, unimpressed. “Or were you just planning to watch me practice?”
She scoffs, tearing her eyes away from the way he’s running a hand through his blond hair. “Neither. I thought you were bad enough, Malfoy, but bribing first-years into doing my bidding for me? In exchange for bloody chocolate frogs?”
Malfoy’s hand pauses in carding through his hair. He drops it back to his side. “So you figured it out.”
”Why else would first-years be so eager for me to boss them around?”
”Maybe because they find you just as beautiful as I do?” he suggests, eyes glinting, the smile on his face growing even wider. [Y/N] lets out a quick breath of incredulous laughter, because is he really still keeping this act up when no one is around to see? Is he that desperate to get on her nerves?
“Just stop it, Malfoy,” she says through gritted teeth, taking a step closer to him. At this, he whistles a little, eyebrows rising, and for some reason [Y/N] tries very, very hard not to look at the sweat trickling down his forehead, the pale pink hue of his cheeks from the strain of practicing—“Please for the love of Merlin can you just drop the whole I’m-in-love-with-you act? You got what you wanted. You’ve annoyed me enough.”
Draco's nose wrinkles. “Oh, but that’s not what I wanted,” the smile on his face falters a little. ”Did you really think I did all of this just to annoy you?”
[Y/N]’s eyebrows furrow—and is that her heart skipping a beat? No. No, definitely not. Falling quiet for a few moments, she finally sniffs and says, “Why else would you go out of your way to act absolutely smitten by me?”
An echo of Hermione's voice from several days ago reverberates through her head. Maybe he fancies you.
Malfoy shrugs, his smirk falling just the tiniest bit to be replaced by a semblance of sincerity. But that can’t be. And then he says, “Maybe I fancy you,” and [Y/N]’s eyes widen.
That can’t be right. Flabbergasted, she blinks, taking a step back. This has to be some sort of joke—no, yes, that’s exactly what this is: another way to crawl under her skin and annoy the daylights out of her. She has to applaud him for his creativity.
Pinching the space between her eyes in irritation, she looks up at Malfoy, inhales, and says, deadpan, “I’m being serious.”
“I am too,” Malfoy counters, eyebrows raised innocently, and [Y/N] has never wanted to smack him more than she does now.
She lets out another incredulous laugh, because this entire situation is just so bloody ridiculous that she can’t quite wrap her head around it. Throwing her hands up in the air in frustration, she turns to him and says, “Alright—okay. Let’s say you do fancy me. I’m going to pretend for a few seconds that you do—okay?”
Draco watches her, evidently amused judging by his grin, shrugs, and nods.
“Okay,” she huffs. “If you do fancy me—why on earth would you?”
Draco opens his mouth, but she cuts him off: “We hate each other, Malfoy. We’ve hated each other since the moment you laid eyes on me and I laid eyes on you. What could have possibly changed your rotten mind?”
He rolls his eyes at this, shifting a little on where he stands. “For starters,” he begins, like he’s talking to a five-year-old, “I didn’t hate you. I disliked the fact that you hung out with the wrong sort of people.”
”The wrong sort of people,” she repeats, deadpan.
“The Weasleys. Blood traitors. Mudbloods.”
She scowls at him, brain struggling to fathom what the bloody hell he’s trying to tell her. Managing to once more plow through her confusion, she says, “Your point is?”
“I’d have asked you out long ago if only you were smarter with who you chose to befriend,” and there it is—that familiar, distasteful sneer [Y/N] hasn’t seen in a long time. “Your family’s one of the oldest wizarding families around. It’s a shame.”
She lets out another scoff of disbelief, but the first few of Draco's words have something inside of her stirring. She refuses to address it and instead says, “So—and again, I’m pretending—you fancy me because of my family?”
He lets out a little sniff. “Not what I said.”
”What is it you’re trying to say, then?”
“Blimey, how long is it going to take you to realize that I actually bloody fancy you?”
Draco has dropped all pretense of nonchalant arrogance; he’s staring at her, obviously frustrated and a little annoyed. He stops leaning on his broom and lets it drop to the ground in favor of advancing towards her until he’s mere inches away from her face.
”I fancy you,” he repeats, and it’s funny, how he says it, because declarations of love are supposed to be sweet and gentle—not scathing and angry. He’s scowling down at her, lip curling, brows drawn in together in the middle in a tight frown. “I’ve decided that I don’t care who you hang around anymore because I fancy you. Do you get it now?”
[Y/N] swallows, staring at him, momentarily frozen. Malfoy doesn’t seem as though he’s joking—and now she doesn’t know what to say. She’s never been this close to him before—close enough to see herself in the reflection of his eyes, which are a striking grey and remind her of thunderstorms brewing behind dark clouds—
She takes in a deep breath and swivels around, turning away from him. “Stop sending children to be my servants,” she says, and starts to walk away—until Malfoy grabs her wrist and forces her to look at him again.
For a moment the look in his eyes convinces [Y/N] that he’s about to apologize, but then his lips are splitting into a wide grin again and he says, “What if I bribe a seventh year into doing your homework for you?”
Another scoff. She tears her wrist away from his grip and stalks off, in complete and utter disbelief.
”Or a house-elf to bring you food?” he calls after her. “Someone to do your hair for you in the morning? Or someone to yell at me for you?”
She halts at the last one, and for some odd, unknown reason, she feels like smiling. But she doesn’t, because that will open a door into something she isn’t sure she wants to explore. So she turns around, suppressing that mysterious little smile, already twenty feet away from Malfoy as she says, loudly, “I like doing that last one myself, thanks.”
From this distance, she thinks Malfoy might be smiling. But she doesn’t stay long enough to find out.
click here to read pt. 2!
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blackkatmagic · 3 years
Could I please request a drabble with Mace meeting Jaster? Time travel shenanigans would be loved and heart-eyed, but are not required.
“A Jedi is hiring a Mandalorian for a job?” Jaster asks, one brow raised, and can't help the thread of incredulity that creeps into his voice. “Perhaps you're confused, Jetii, but our people have been enemies for millennia.”
“I'm well aware,” the Jedi says, unmoving. Jaster has, admittedly, never been quite this close to a Jedi, and he can't help but be faintly impressed at the man’s stoneface, particularly given the bright-eyed Chalactan girl peering around his side. Her hands are hooked into his sash without any apparent fear of being shaken off, or any apparent concern for her Master’s dignity, and Jaster finds himself reluctantly amused despite the man’s temerity.
“Oh?” Jaster asks, leaning back in his chair. His blaster is within easy reach, and the Jedi is far enough away that Jaster has the advantage. “Bold of you to approach me with a job offer, then.”
“Is it?” the man asks, and reaches up, folding his hood back. Jaster stills, startled, because he hadn’t thought there were Korun Jedi—Myles has always been very insistent that the Korun people have their own Force traditions, and outsiders aren’t welcome to step into them. He’s a handsome one, too, tall and broad shouldered, with a lean strength to him that even the loose, comfortable robes can't hide. Steady, he meets Jaster's eyes, and says, low, “It seems to me, Mand’alor, that our status as enemies means no one will suspect me of having hired you.”
Ah, Jaster thinks, smiling. Like that, is it. He hums, then says, “Jango, who don’t you show this lovely padawan the gardens? I'm sure she would like to see them.”
“What?” Jango demands, outraged the way only a fourteen-year-old can be. “Buir, I'm not leaving—”
Jaster levels a pointed look at his son, and his mouth snaps shut. He scowls, deep and affronted, and crosses his arms over his chest. “You shouldn’t be meeting with a Jedi alone,” he says grumpily. “Myles is going to yell at you.”
“Myles will survive,” Jaster says, though it’s likely true. “Master Jedi, I hope you don’t object to speaking privately.”
“Of course not,” the Jedi says, perfectly calm, and glances down at his padawan. “Depa. Be polite.”
That is, Jaster reflects wryly, an incrediblyfamiliar tone of voice. He’s willing to bet the girl gets herself into almost as much trouble as Jango, given how practiced it sounds.
And, on cue, the girl beams up at her Master without hesitation. “I'm always polite, Master Mace,” she protests, perfectly, wickedly innocent. Mace doesn’t answer, just sighs, and Depa laughs, rising up on her tiptoes. She hauls him down, no thought given to dignity, and plants a loud, showy kiss on his cheek, then hops back two steps and turns that smile on Jango, who freezes like he was just dipped in carbonite, his eyes going wide.
She is, Jaster thinks with amusement, a very pretty girl. He wonders how quickly Jango will manage to stick his foot in his mouth this time. Within ten minutes, judging by last time. Jaster doesn’t precisely have high hopes for their interaction, but at least this isn't the daughter of a high-profile client that Jango is going to offend. The Jedi needs them, not the other way around, and given Jedi morals, he likely won't turn to the Death Watch the instant he’s insulted.
“Depa,” Mace says, a warning, but Depa ignores it, grinning at Jango and folding her hands behind her.
“I would love to see the garden,” she says cheerfully. “Jango, was it?”
“Jango Fett,” Jango says, only a little mulishly, and takes a careful step forward, like he’s worried she’s going to bite him. “It’s this way, I guess.”
He couldn’t sound less enthusiastic if he tried. Jaster rather suspects he is.
As the door slides shut behind their two witnesses, though, Jaster's amusement fades slightly, and he turns his gaze on Mace, narrow and thoughtful as he considers the man, his presence on Mandalore, the quiet, entirely understated way he arrived.
“This isn't a mission from the Jedi Order,” he says, weighing. “I might even go so far as to say they have no idea of your presence here.”
“They don’t,” Mace says bluntly. “I'm here on my own business, and acting on information the Jedi Council isn't privy to.” There's a pause, and then a rueful curve just touches one corner of his mouth. “Believe me, Mand’alor. I do not go behind the Council’s back easily. This is vital, and I'm willing to provide the funds to prove it.”
Jaster smiles, a little humorless, a little thin. He’s not fond of being played, and this sounds very much like Mace is trying. “I have plenty of credits, Master Jedi. Why should I find yours any more appealing than anyone else’s?”
Mace doesn’t hesitate this time, just raises his chin. “Because I have something that is far more valuable than credits,” he says calmly. “I can provide you with information.”
It is, Jaster will admit, a tempting prospect, but he’s still wary. “Jedi information? Access to the Archives, perhaps? If I wanted dry Jedi tomes on political law—”
“No,” Mace interrupts, flat, and takes two steps forward, until he’s right across Jaster's desk. “Far more important and immediate information. Such as the name of the traitor who will kill you. And the location of Jango Fett's older sister.”
Jaster freezes, hardly daring to breathe. Arla was gone by the time he’d made it back to the Fett homestead on Concord Dawn, and no trace of her has ever surfaced. Jaster has been looking, because Jango speaks of her endlessly, but—
“That,” he rasps, voice half-caught in his throat, “could be considered blackmail, Master Jedi.”
Mace tips his head. “Proof of my desperation,” he says, and there's no self-consciousness to it, just blunt honesty. A pause, and then he says, faintly rueful, “I’ll give you her location whether you take the job or not. The Death Watch has her.”
Jaster was afraid of that. He breathes out, slow, careful, and—the willingness to offer up half of his bargaining chips makes him more inclined to trust Mace, even if a flicker of wariness still remains. “And the job is?”
Mace doesn’t waver, doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t flinch. “I want you to assassinate the senior senator from Naboo. Sheev Palpatine. He’s a Sith apprentice.”
Of all the things that Jaster was expecting, that most certainly wasn’t among them.
It takes him a long moment to scrape together a coherent response, another still to get the words right. “Apprentice,” he echoes. “Usually, an apprentice follows a master. Who is the Sith Master, then?”
“A scientist and a banker,” Mace says coolly. “Palpatine is the more dangerous target, and a better duelist. I can handle the Master, but the apprentice I would leave to someone more adept at assassinations.”
It would hardly be the first time the Mandalorians have been hired for such a thing, and Jaster is more than willing to do it. Knowing that Mace will be fighting his own battle allays some of Jaster's fears as well, and he leans on one arm of his chair, considering the man.
“A fraught mission,” he says, “on both parts. You have a plan, I assume.”
If anything, Mace looks amused at that. “The Jedi do not plan,” he says, a trace of humor in the words. “I trust the Force to see me through, however. And as I am training Depa, I will have all the time I need to see things through.”
Jedi, Jaster thinks, and doesn’t roll his eyes. Quite. “And would you care to tell me where you got this information, Master Jedi? Particularly about a traitor within the ranks of the True Mandalorians. I must admit that one surprises me.”
Mace is silent for another moment. “From the future,” he finally offers. “I traveled back with the help of a Force nexus. In the time I came from, the True Mandalorians were wiped out, and the Sith won.”
Something cold slides down Jaster's spine, and he rises slowly, comes to his feet to face the Jedi. Mace meets his eyes, holds his gaze, and—
He looks tired, Jaster thinks, calculating, considering. Tired in a bone-deep, weary way that Jaster had managed to miss before, buried as it was by his determination. Traveled back from the future, through time itself, and Jaster didn’t know such a thing was possible.
Not possible for most people, he thinks, watching Mace. And not optimal even for this one.
“Very well,” he says after a long minute of silence. “But on the condition that you stay here and provide your information throughout the mission. I won't have a Sith kill my men because you think you have better things to do.”
The relief that slides over Mace's expression is subtle, but—Jaster catches it easily. “Agreed,” he says. “We will rely on your hospitality, Mand’alor.”
“Jaster, please,” Jaster says, and moves around the end of his desk, taking Mace's arm. Muscled, he thinks, and that’s likely a good sign. Not a useless Jedi, hopefully. Not if he’s certain he can take on a Sith. “I think the use of first names is allowable now that you're my guest.”
“You have a liberal interpretation of guest,” Mace says dryly, but he doesn’t pull away as Jaster leads him out of the office, and Jaster is willing to count it as a win.
[On AO3]
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hartigays · 3 years
I’m laughing thinking about Ward going through the 5 stages of grief after learning Rafe has a boyfriend
ward cameron when rafe tells him he’s a raging homosexual:
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fic under the cut!!
the dinner table is silent, save for the noises of forks and knives clinking against porcelain.
rafe stares down at his steak, mouth watering but refusing to eat it. he has plans later, after all, and steak is not kind to his bowels, despite how delicious it may be going down.
his bowels do not need to be in a twist for what’s in store for him later.
barry would probably murder him in the front yard of his trailer - it has been a week since they’ve been able to see each other, after all. and as barry had so eloquently put it on the phone earlier, rafe needs to be prepared to be “taken down to pound town, back around, and down again”.
not like anyone at the table needs to know this, but rafe imagines he’ll get questions soon enough about his lack of enthusiasm towards his meal.
almost as if she could read his mind, rose fixes rafe with a calculating look and asks, “rafe, why aren’t you eating? that’s a perfectly good steak, i don’t want it going to waste.”
going to waste, rafe thinks with an internal snort. everything in this house goes to waste - it’s just part of living on figure eight. everything is disposable, everything is replaceable.
“rafe, eat your steak,” ward insists with a sigh, not looking up from his plate. “i’m not in the mood tonight.”
in the mood for what, rafe has no idea. ward is acting like rafe is a fussy 4-year-old who he has to constantly battle with to eat his peas, when in reality ward couldn’t give less of a shit about what rafe does or says or eats on a daily basis, so long as it’s not making the family look bad.
the thought alone has rafe gritting his teeth, glaring across the table at his sorry excuse for a father.
“i’m not hungry,” rafe lies, folding his arms across his chest.
ward sighs again, like this 2-second conversation has pained him greatly, still not looking up. “i’m not arguing with you, rafe. eat the damn steak or leave the table. no one is in the mood for your sulking.”
rafe makes a face, then rolls his eyes. “i’m not sulking. but whatever, i have to be somewhere anyway.”
he scoots his chair back, ignoring sarah eyeing him warily from the seat adjacent to his.
“be somewhere? it’s almost nine,” rose questions. she raises her brows at rafe expectantly.
rose is looking at him like the stern stepmother she pretends to be, acting like she actually gives a shit where rafe is going, when the question was really only asked to ensure that whatever rafe is doing, it won’t reflect poorly on everyone else.
never mind that rafe is nearly 20 years old and can go wherever he pleases. he’s also gotten sick of this notion that every move he makes will somehow make them all look bad and tear the family apart. despite the fact that sarah is the one who’s openly dating a pogue, one who’s basically a walking red flag.
barry may live on the cut, but at least he doesn’t brand himself the king of pogueland.
rafe narrows his eyes at rose before making a split-second decision.
“well, my boyfriend gets off work late, so yeah. i have somewhere to be at nine,” rafe says offhandedly, like it’s no big deal, like everyone already knew he was a massive fruit who’s been on his knees for his local coke dealer for the past six months.
the sounds of silverware clattering onto plates fills the room, and rafe feels ridiculously satisfied with himself for getting a reaction. he loves to see these idiots squirm.
he’d rather see them all choke on rat poison, but barry is insistent that he won’t continue fucking rafe if he goes off and kills his whole family.
barry is lucky rafe loves him, because honestly, not being allowed to murder people who irritate him is kind of a buzzkill.
“you- who- your what?” ward sputters, the first to break the heavy silence.
“my boyfriend,” rafe repeats slowly, enunciating, treating ward like he’s the stupid, petulant child he constantly claims rafe is.
rafe watches ward’s face go from pale, to pink, to violently red. there’s a set to his jaw and rafe just knows ward would give anything to leap across the table and wring rafe’s neck right this very moment.
“no, nope, absolutely not,” ward snaps, furious in his denial. “not my son. no.”
“ward- ” rose starts, but ward cuts her off with a swift wave of his hand.
“do you realize how this will look for us if anyone finds out?” ward spits, holding his fork in a white-knuckle grip.
sarah actually speaks up on rafe’s behalf, which is probably the most shocking reaction rafe has gotten so far.
“dad, come on. it’s 2021,” she says with a sigh, shaking her head. “besides, rafe being gay is probably one of the only good things about him. or, wait, are you bi? or gay?”
sarah questions rafe casually, like this information doesn’t come as any kind of shock to her. rafe makes a mental note to revisit that later, along with her comment about it being one of his only good traits. she’s looking at him almost in earnest, and for a brief moment rafe is transported back to a time when he actually liked his sister.
“not that it’s any of your business,” rafe starts, glancing at her, “but i’m gay. thanks for asking. anyway, like i said, i have somewhere to be, so- ”
“not a big deal?” ward hisses, cutting him off, clearly still stuck on sarah’s surprising defense of rafe’s sexuality. “not a big deal? sarah, it’s- no, see? no. we aren’t talking about this.”
Despite his own declaration, Ward continues, “what about all those girls? all those girls you hung around with? the ones you brought around? you know you can still have them over from time to time. i know we talked about respect and responsibility, but i suppose a man does need to let loose every now and then, and if it’ll help- ”
this time, rafe is the one to cut ward off, not in the mood for his pathetic attempt at bargaining.
“dad. dad. i’m gay,” rafe says firmly. “forget about the girls. it wasn’t what you thought.”
ward opens and closes his mouth several times, trying to form some sort of coherent response. then, he buries his face in his hands, groaning.
“why is it always something with you, rafe?” ward mumbles through his hands, sounding defeated. “can we not just have one day? one day without your life overshadowing everything we’ve worked towards?”
rafe rolls his eyes at ward’s dramatics. “how does me liking dick ruin anything for this family?”
“rafe, wheezie is right here!” rose admonishes. wheezie just chokes on her water, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes.
“sorry, wheeze,” rafe tells her, feeling only a little bad. “but i’m just saying. half the guys on figure eight go both ways. it’s seriously not a big deal.”
ward finally looks up at rafe, crossing his arms before staring for a long stretch. long enough that rafe starts to turn to go, itching to get away and back to the one person who doesn’t make him want to rip his hair out.
“fine,” ward finally says just as rafe turns on his heel. “fine. but don’t- don’t expect me to meet him. or like him. and for the love of god, don’t bring him to important events. whoever he is, he’s bound to draw attention.”
that’s very, very true. and rafe has every intention of dragging barry to the next auction or gala or what the fuck ever, clad in one of his stupid sleeveless t-shirts and basketball shorts and his hair in a messy, tangled bun - the whole nine yards.
he’s dying to see the look on ward’s face when he shows up to some black-tie event with barry the cocaine king slash dirty mechanic slash army vet in tow.
“so is that it?” rafe asks, sounding bored even to his own ears. “can i go now?”
ward still looks like he wants to slam his head through the nearest window, but he nods. accepting the truth that rafe has forcibly laid out before him, albeit reluctantly.
rafe nods back, turning and walking away with his hands stuffed in his pockets, whistling a tune that’s far too cheerful given the looks on everyone’s faces as he exits the dining room.
his favorite is ward’s, still looking angry and defeated and resigned to his acceptance of rafe’s preferences all at once. rafe hops onto his motorbike, yanking on his helmet with a smile.
barry will be proud of him, he thinks. not only did he finally come out to his family, but he also didn’t feed them rat poison during the process.
baby steps. he’s taking them one at a time, very carefully, and he thinks that’s something at least.
maybe barry will reward him for his efforts, rafe wonders, just before revving his bike to life and speeding off the property.
rafe deserves a reward, in his own personal opinion. and after all, his opinion is the only one that matters, really.
maybe barry’s, too, but only when it suits rafe. if that happens to be more often than rafe would care to admit, well. that’s between him and Jesus.
the night air is cool as it whips around him, and rafe looks forward to the warmth of barry and his shitty little trailer, not sparing a single thought about the mess he just left in his wake.
rafe presses harder on the gas, heading towards home.
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vore-scientist · 3 years
Like A Good Neighbor (sfw safe vore)
[M/nb vore with fearplay. safe soft oral non-sexual]
A tale of the Mystic Woods! Featuring Yonah HaEsh and Myran the Dwarf Witch and many other fun characters!
A story of bad first impressions and making new friends! Lots of GT, and a cute little adventure at a magical farmer’s market!
Warning: Careful there are references to Fa.tal! An example would be “ogres are far more likely to eat smallfolk than giants!” (implying that said actions are deadly). That is the extent of such references!
Other warning: mild harm during the immediate post-vore scene. Yonah just goes a little too far in scaring Myran.
“Did you hear?”
“Have you been told?”
“A new resident!”
“I haven’t checked it out myself! But Ms Zukkar told me-”
“A wizard!”
“Didn’t there used to be an old sorcerer there?”
“-new guy’s a witch!”
“So, hear about that new giant!”
“A giant wouldn’t fit in that tower! And wizards is all human!”
“A criminal, on the run they say”
“Maybe a magician? They like towers sometimes!”
“His Majesty wouldn’t hire a criminal!”
“-supposed to be evil?”
There were so many rumors being flung around that the dwarf witch Myran Gamadin decided to see for themselves and set out to investigate. Undoubtedly there was a new resident. The story was that he was a Mage, and a criminal, but also just expelled from The Academy of Wizardry. And a giant? That was strange, the old tower was much too small for a giant! Even if it was magic it was only 10ft taller than your average giant in the first place. However… they did hear about the trial of a giant recently… stuff that happened in the civilized court didn’t really concern those in the Woods.
“Why would you go to see a villain? You’re not evil!”
The World’s Largest™ Maine Coon cat trotted alongside the handsome young dwarf, looking more like an oddly fluffy pony than a cat.
“It’s important to know your neighbors! Even the evil ones!”
Siv flicked his tail up into his witch’s face.
“And he’s got to be just a young man! So young and the expectations on evil mages is so high! He will appreciate a friendly face!” Myran had done the math. If this Mage hadn’t even graduated from The Academy, he was at most 23. Unless he started his education late. But they doubted this.
“Why are we walking! You have your broom!” the cat complained.
“That’s for the tower, Siv. It’s one of those designed by assholes who think it’s clever to have the only entrance be the window at the top.”
“Hrfff,” said Siv.
“Do you think he will appreciate the house-warming gift? I didn’t really spend much time on it…”
“Fresh fish would be better.”
“Maybe if he were a cat. This is for a Mage.”
“Clippings of magical plants? Maybe for another witch. This is someone who was studying Wizardry.”
“Wizards use magical plants too!”
“Yeah, they buy them from witches!”
As the pair stepped out of the trees, they froze.
“I think he’ll like the gift,” Siv admitted as he And Myran stood in awe at the largest magical garden either of them had ever seen.
It wasn’t even finished yet! Plots of earth were freshly turned, and piles of wood, half built into beds that lay in patterns across the clearing. And massively spread apart. At least 3 meters between plots. And the finished ones. Well. They already had some amazing specimens. Even if they were just sprouting. Myran noticed the Twisted WyrmFern and harpy’s breath; delicate, but common magical plants that were being used to test out the soil. It was working great.
The garden did make Myran worry a bit.
Maybe this wasn’t a wizard at all! It could be a witch. And he could be very evil indeed. Even evil witches treated their gardens with the utmost care and attention.
But they had come this far. And the tower that looked over the garden was calling to them. Well. Not really. The green-black thorny vines screamed “STAY AWAY!” But when one had a flying broomstick, one didn’t need to heed such warnings.
Flipping their broom around like a baton, they sat side saddle and Siv hopped on the end, somehow managing to balance his prodigious fluff. They took off. And flew into the window.
It was like hitting an unexpected and large wave on a boogie board, but a magical one that flowed through the body! And Myran had never been to the ocean, so it made their brain swim.
The room, which from the outside looked normal, was anything but. The rumors of this being a giant were not just rumors.
This place was HUGE!
And yet, it was much too small.
Growing up, Myran had visited some giant villages with their family. They hadn’t been THAT much smaller then, but the houses and items in the village were definitely much larger. While giant mages certainly existed, they had their own traditions and made their own supplies.
This looked exactly like the workshop for a young wizard, with additions for the wizard being a giant. It was wild to see some of the common arcane tools at such an immense scale.
Flying over, Myran saw that the resident Mage had an ancient book under a magnifying glass, and had been translating it, with notes and commentary. Spell equations and diagrams were additionally copied in a dedicated smaller notebook.
While it was surely a fascinating read, they could tell at a glance the notes were somewhere in the middle of an involved spell, and they didn’t want to be the reason the Mage lost his place. The workbench had plenty of other diverting materials.
Siv had no interest in such things and curled up against the base of the magnifying glass. The sun hit the metal through the window, making it quite warm.
Myran put their broom down and explored the desk. There were several magical tombs! Rare ones! They flipped through and saw fresh handwritten notes tucked inside. Smart, this mage did not want to tarnish the original pages. There was also an open notebook and a few spell components laid out.
They stepped carefully back onto the notebook to get a better idea of what this wizard was up to. The notebook was written in giant, which Myran wasn’t fluent in but got the gist of. So this was indeed a giant wizard. Fascinating.
That’s what they were thinking until...
Myran nearly jumped out of their boots.
No longer fascinating. Very bad. Very dangerous! They’d heard stories that quoted these lines, classic, even amusing. However, hearing them bellowed by an actual giant nearly stopped their heart. These words were so loud and so immediately panic-inducing, especially when accompanied by thundering footsteps.
There was a pause and maybe a stutter
The trap door off center in the room burst open and a giant with a mane of black hair, a trimmed goatee, and a wizard’s hat, climbed out. He was smiling, snarling, showing off impressive fangs.
Eat them!? Oh No. Myran scrambled to their feet as the giant advanced.
Siv had gone catatonic, or nearly, and fled behind the mirror. But Myran just stood there. The next thing they knew, they were in the giant's fist… AND THEN IN ITS MOUTH! There was a brief moment where they thought the giant was going to bite them in half… but no. Worse than that, the giant fulfilled his promise to make a meal of Myran by swallowing them whole.
Never had Myran imagined themselves in this predicament. Witches, as far as they knew, were not prone to being eaten by giants! Giants ate thieves, slayers, adventurers! Though... giants were known to occasionally eat random people that happened to be rude to them as they went about their business.
Myran had not been rude! They just hadn’t had a chance to be polite! This giant had no business eating them.
Not that any of this was actually going through Myran’s mind. Oh no. Myran’s thoughts were preoccupied with panicking about their impending doom!
First, they tried to stop the giant from swallowing. But the teeth threatened to crunch their limbs if they dared to try and find purchase! So, failing that, they tried to slow their progress down his esophagus.
The problem was the walls were too damn slippery! They knew that their slow progress was merely due to the tight fit, as they couldn’t stretch out. The flesh was too tough.
Right before they started to worry about suffocating, they were deposited into a large chamber, sliding into a puddle of nasty smelling fluid. They took a regretful breath of the rancid air.
Yonah sighed as the dwarf left his throat and settled into his stomach. Small yet still filling.
He patted his stomach lightly. “A bit disappointing. Dwarves don’t taste nearly as good as most other smallfolk, but I’m not complaining.” His prey thrashed and yelled but didn’t seem to be coherent.
Something bit his hand and he waved it violently. Whatever it was released and smacked into the wall that the desk was up against, crumpled into a motionless pile. Curious and momentarily forgetting his snack, Yonah investigated.
A cat!? And still alive but unconscious. Why had a cat attacked him? Then he saw the abandoned broom next to his notebook. And his stomach twisted.
“You’re— not a thief!” Technically, he could eat anyone he wanted, he wasn’t restricted to adventurers. He was still figuring out what kind of villain he wanted to be. Such self exploration would take time, time the person he ate didn’t have.
“I’m a witch!” He heard them squeak.
“A witch? Invading the lair of a wizard? Are you stupid!” He poked at them. They didn’t like that.
“Let me out!!”
So Yonah spat them up, sooner than he would have liked to, and leaned over them with a frown and glowing eyes.
The moment the witch hit the desk, the cat woke up and was between him and the witch as it hissed.
The witch was shaking and coughing, glancing at him with wide fearful eyes.
“If you’re a witch then what the fuck were you doing in my tower?” Yonah demanded.
The witch was still in shock but recovered enough to speak. “I’m… Myran! I wanted to introduce myself!”
“A likely story! Why would anyone want to introduce themselves to me?” Yonah wasn’t really in the mood for conversation, but figured he could use the practice at evil banter.
“You’re… new to the forest” they coughed.
“What’s it to you?”
“I’m your neighbor!” they said,
Yonah narrowed his eyes, “The forest is constantly moving, no such thing as neighbors.”
“I figured I’d try to be friendly!” they continued as if he hadn’t replied. “Everyone was talking about the new mage in the tower, but no one had any definitive stories.”
Another mistake. The giant snarled.
“You are a fool then! I don’t want any friends!” He hesitated briefly as he said it, not sure of the truth, but recovered fast. “But I don’t want you spreading rumors about my mercy either…” he picked them back up. Gripping them hard and getting their right arm between his teeth. He didn’t bite their arm off, but broke the skin with a fang and pinched their hand. They yelled.
“Stop! Stop! I won’t tell! I won’t tell!”
He dropped them and they sat, crying, holding their bleeding arm and hand which was turning a plum purple.
“Good,” he hissed steam in their face, scalding the skin red as his eyes glowed bright orange. “Now get the fuck out before I eat you for real!” He flicked the broom at them. “And if you ever show your face around here again, I will.”
Finally, they listened to him. They got onto the broom along with their cat and with a burst of magic kicked into the air and fled out the window. Yonah watched until they disappeared, then sat down. His hair hadn’t been smoking before but it was now. Additionally, his eyes still glowed.
His first visitor in months wasn't an adventurer and he’d eaten them without a second thought! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Maybe this was his destiny. For years he’d trained himself to be restrained. Keep his anger in check, Keep his half giant identity a secret and become a wizard. But that had all gone to shit when he’d been discovered not as just a half giant, but as a half fire witch. Chased out of the academy but captured by the authorities of Orr.
Forced to sign a contract with King Ben to become his new pet monster! So why not be a monster!?
But he still wanted friends… his friends from the academy weren’t allowed to visit him. His tower of magic and wonder was so empty. He put his elbows on his desk and buried his face in his hands.
~chink~ his elbow brushed against something.
He looked down and saw a broken clay pot, the soup spilling out and a seedling now helpless and exposed on the desk.
Quickly yonah dipped his fingers into a pouch at his side and licked it, saying a spell. With a puff of smoke he stood on his desk, a mere 8ft tall, and he knelt down.
With his more appropriately sized hands he gathered the soil and with a wave of his hand and another mutter the pieces of the pot shook and flew back into their original places. The pot was… functionally repaired. The proper repair spell required materials to fuse the pieces properly. So it wouldn’t hold water, but it could hold soil.
As he scooped it back in, a piece of paper fell from the loose soil. Curious he dug it back out of the pot and cleaned it off enough to read:
“Welcome to the Mystical Woodlands new neighbor! This seedling is from my own garden. A special cultivation of Frozen Thyme.”
The moment he read it he was instantly planning where this would go in his garden. But… this gift. Did he deserve it? He’d eaten the one who brought it. He chased them away!
He couldn’t accept this gift but he couldn’t just let the seedling wither and die. It didn’t deserve that. And thus, his brain rationalized a way for him to keep the gift. So now what?
Yonah’s brain was too full of rage to do any proper work, so he decided to take it out on the garden, which was still in a state of construction. He’d already torn up old dead pieces of the overgrown mess left behind by the predecessor. Now he was digging spots for flower beds and what would hopefully be an orchard. There was even a designated spot for herbs.
The reason this was slow going was he refused to use magic. For the most part. Thankfully, being giant made digging and construction easier. Now that he had the thyme, he prioritized the herb beds. It was with a sour pride that he completed one as the sun started to go down.
A large wooden box that curved in a lovely arc close to the tower. The wood was specially imported from his The Blue Sky Mountain Giants Tribe in the Implausible Mountains, the smell of it reminding him of home. The frozen thyme seedling was given enough space to grow. He even gave it some friends that he knew would be compatible.
With his mind a little more at ease, he managed to get himself to sleep.
And awoke the next morning with an ache in his heart and a new plan in his brain.
For the first time since he arrived in this prison of a forest, he ventured beyond the boundaries of his clearing. Yonah knew he was allowed, a certain distance from his tower, to walk the forest. It had just seemed pointless. Not wanting to draw too much attention, he wore his gardening outfit: a pink plaid button up and light blue overalls. He had a straw hat that he recently wove to be a wizard hat, as well as his wizard staff. He couldn’t really leave that behind.
The trees in the forest were shorter than back home, but still very large. Thankfully he didn't have to duck so much to avoid branches. In his mind was a list of ingredients he needed to find. Foraging in the forest might seem like a fruitless endeavor, but when you have the keen nose of a giant, tracking down wildberries was a simple feat.
What a bounty! A huge patch of bramble with perfectly ripe berries. He didn’t need a giant’s amount and they would just get squashed if he tried to pick them at his normal size so once again he shrank down. He retrieved a basket from his hat and started to pick berries.
About ten minutes in, the bush began to shift! A section opened up and out ran a gnome with a garden spade. It smacked into his hand mid berry pick.
“Stop! Thief!”
Yonah was so startled he backed away and returned to his normal size, the basket of berries spilling over.
The gnome yelped. “Giant!” They dropped the spade. “Don’t eat me! Take berries! Don’t eat me or family!”
There was something satisfying about the gnome’s fear and Yonah grinned, “While you would make for a nice little snack,” he said, “I’m not in the mood for gnome today.”
The gnome shook and took up the spade again, pointing it at him as if that would help. From inside the bushes, Yonah heard rustling, and smelled more gnomes. This must cover their burrow.
“Put that away, or I might change my mind!” Yonah growled, showing his fangs. The gnome complied, tossing it aside.
“But you are also in luck. I am not interested in being a berry thief. I have more honor than that. If you would permit me to buy some of your berries, at a discount for me not making a meal of you and your family, I will leave you in peace”
The gnome gulped and nodded, “Am… sure we can make a deal.”
“Pick up the ones I already picked, will you?” Yonah ordered.
The gnome scrambled. “You will need more?”
Yonah nodded. The gnome whistled. And a troupe of younger gnomes carefully came out of the bramble.
“Kind giant has offered to buy some berries. Exchange for not eating us!”
The kids looked nervous and their fear didn’t spark the same kind of joy as the adults. But Yonah had a reputation to build! And he had to admit, it was still a bit fun.
He watched as the gnomes gathered berries until the basket was full and the adult gnome put it down in front of where Yonah had sat down. He picked it up and took off his hat, dropping it in and noticed the gnome’s eyes get wide. Storage space items were not uncommon, but storage hats were tools of professional mages, not common folk.
“That all?” the gnome asked.
Yonah stroked his beard thoughtfully, “Yes. I think so.” He reached into this hat. While he didn’t have a lot of money, Ben had supplied him with funds should he need them, and he had distributed the rings between his various pocket spaces. He got out a large wooden dowel upon which hung many metal rings. Small ones and large ones. With a pair of tweezers, yonah removed a few silver rings and one gold ring and put them into his palm, placing it up in front of the gnome.
Who did not take it.
“Do not insult me by refusing my payment,” Yonah insisted but the gnome did not move.
“More than we charge normally… You wanted discount: berries, a silver a pound!”
Yonah blinked. He still wasn’t good with smallfolk money. When purchasing as a giant, you purchased such large amounts it always cost at least a gold.
“Oh? Er-” he didn’t want to actually exploit these gnomes. “I'm not taking it back! Take the money Or I’ll eat you!” his voice faltered and the gnomes looked a little confused, and a little more relaxed.
“Leave us alone then, yes?” The gnome reached out a hand. Yonah nodded. The gnome finally took the money, giving each of the kids a silver ring. Any fear the kids had was gone as soon as they studied their rings and looked at Yonah with excitement. It was hard not to let the warmth in his heart at their expressions show on his own face.
“Actually!” Yonah announced as the gnomes started to back away into their burrow.
The adult stopped and looked nervous again. Yonah huffed. “I’m not going to eat you, I never was. I just have a question.”
The gnome ushered the kids away, not trusting Yonah, before turning back to the giant. “And if don’t have a good answer, you won’t eat… right?”
With a sigh Yonah shook his head, “No. I won't.”
“Then ask.”
Yonah took a breath, “I am... looking to get some ingredients. I… lashed out at someone recently and I very much regret it, and want to make some amends. I have giant ones back home but… giant sized ingredients do not taste as strong as small ones. Do you know where, or who, I might be able to look for?”
The gnome smiles, “Yes! Mystical Market. Sell our berries there. Open today, also gnome holiday.” They gave Yonah the instructions on how to find the market.
“Thank you- er…” Yonah put a hand to his chest and bowed.
“Kalle” said Kalle.
“Yonah,” said Yonah. The gnome bowed as well, “Don’t be flaunting riches, mysterious half giant. Marketeers take advantage”
Riches!? He did not have endless funds. He would have to be more careful with his spending.
“I am also looking for… Er... Shit!” he exclaimed and was glad the kids were no longer outside, “I don't know their name. Dwarf witch.”
Kalle considered, “Know them. Likes almond cookies. Sorry. Market easier find than people. That all?”
From their tone of voice, Yonah knew the gnome desperately wanted to get back to their family. It was a holiday after all. Yonah stood up and nodded, leaving without subjecting them to any more conversation.
Almond cookies? That changed things. He had only made almond cookies once! He needed a little more help. However, he did not backtrack to the tower. He knew that if he went back, he would lose motivation. Locating the market was his current task.
Unfortunately, it took some luck. According to the gnome, it was a special place that one happened to come across, just by wanting to be there. The more familiar you were with it, the better chance there was of that happening. Yonah really really wanted to be there. So he gathered his will and set off in a random direction.
After an hour of walking yonah felt a weird tingle all over his arms and legs. Like his hair was standing on end and all pointing in the same direction. Had he entered some magical field? No matter, he was fairly immune to passive magic.
Then he took another step and a jolt of magic electricity surged through his body, causing him to freeze up. Before he could collapse, he felt as if a giant hook had caught around his middle. There was no physical hook, but it still yanked him back, pulling in through the forest.
Eventually it stopped and finally Yonah fell over, breathing shallowly as his heart raced. He rolled onto his back and stared up into the trees.
“What’s the big idea!?” Someone kicked him in the side and he sat up. “You’re blocking the way!”
An elf!
Yonah frowned. “You’re so bold for someone I could crush with a finger!” To tease the elf, he poked them in the chest.
For the second time that day, Yonah got bitten. This time, it was the elf who sank their fangs into his finger, letting go before Yonah pulled away.
“Don’t get sassy with me! Messing with smallfolk isn’t allowed in the market, you'll be banned!”
Yonah looked around “The market?”
He had assumed it was the Mystical Market because it was in the Mystical Woodlands. But now he realized that the name was rather accurate. An entire marketplace incorporated into the forest itself. Stalls and restaurants built into the trees, with carts parked in between. The trees here were also… there was no other word for it: majestic. Larger and older and, compared to the forest he had been exploring before, more deliberate spacing. He couldn’t even see all of it. The forest stretched on for a while, and thus was obscured by the very trees that made up the shops.
There were even buildings in the branches so that ogres, trolls, and giants did not have to bend down to make transactions. He even spotted a few trolls. Amazing! Trolls (and ogres) were much more likely than giants to eat smallfolk. Giants mostly threatened unless the person in question did something really, really stupid.
And yet, there was a troll, large with brown fur and green spots, purchasing a roll of fabric from the elevated section of a gnome shop.
“Yes you idiot, the market! And my cart won't fit through any other path! Move your giant ass or I’ll get the guard to move it for you!”
His elation at having found the market was in conflict with his pride that was being so insulted by this little creature.
“Apologize for biting me, and I’ll consider it!”
The elf looked indignant. “You threatened to squash me! MAGEN!!” they yelled.
Thunderous footsteps were heard and Yonah turned as a proper, full blooded giant, made her way through the shoppers, somehow avoiding stepping on anyone. She was maybe 17, but full grown and taller than Yonah by at least ten feet. Her skin was a light greyish pink and her eyes were a dark red. She wore a lovely headpiece of woven flowers and vines to look like hair, which full giants do not have.
She knelt “This man bothering you?”
The elf nodded. Yonah threw his hands up, “Hey! I don’t mean any trouble!”
“He threatened to squash me!”
The giant glared at Yonah, who glared back.
“How largefolk deal with smalls outside of the market is their own business,” she said. “But inside the market we do not even threaten to squash, or kick, or stomp, or eat!”
“I did not intend to and I did not know I was in the market! I have never been before!” Yonah stood up so that he was not at such an extreme height disadvantage. Magen was a rather short mountain giant, only 35ft tall.
She nodded, “I can believe that.” She stood up. “I would have remembered you for sure.” She sniffed and said in implausible Giant: “You are from the blue sky tribe?”
“Yes! I am.” he answered, also in Giant. “I just moved to the forest. I was looking for the market but… I must have… hit something magic. I sort of fell into here”.
The elf took the opportunity to weave their cart around the giants’ feet, disappearing into the market.
“Ah, the seller seems to no longer push this issue. My name is Magen.” she introduced, bowing.
“Yonah HaEsh,” Yonah answered in return.
“HaEsh! I know the name. Fire man who helped save the Implausible Mountains from the Society of Wizards!”
“That’s my dad,” Yonah said, a little embarrassed.
“Mom told me the story! How exciting!”
Yonah brushed himself off and glanced around, “So... What are the rules here, then?”
Magen shrugged, “Just don’t start fights, alright? All sales are final, so don't go making a fuss if you haggled wrong or think you got cheated unless you believe your items are defective. There are ways to deal with fraudulent goods, but we cannot risk collateral damage.”
“Does that happen often?” Yonah asked, “I only mean to buy food, I can tell if that’s fresh”
“Oh, you have a giant’s nose then. Good. It does not happen often. Makes my job easier. And I usually manage to break up confrontations before they get out of hand.”
Knowing he could likely sniff out the stalls he needed, Yonah asked if Magen could show him around and help him find all the items on his list. She happily agreed. He had to walk behind her as there wasn’t room for two giants to be side by side.
As she carefully led him, she took glances back and down Yonah who was getting a little nervous. It had been a while since he encountered other giants. He was watching his feet to make sure he didn’t hurt anyone, and he was stopping constantly to look into the shops and stalls and carts.
“What is it like, being half giant?” Magen asked, who somehow managed to walk without looking at her feet very often at all. Maybe Yonah was being too careful and people here knew to stay out of the way of largefolk's feet… Still, he didn't want to take chances.
“Er… I have hair, I guess?” he said.
“I was wondering if that was natural or a wig.” Magen brushed the vines spilling from her head.
“But mostly, things were just a bit inconveniently large for me. I still managed.” Then he countered. “What’s it like being a guard in the market?”
“The shopkeepers pool money to have me stand around, mostly. Smallfolk behave when an angry giant is within earshot.” She grinned with all her fangs.
“I thought you said giants couldnt mess with smallfolk here?” Yonah inquired.
“You can’t. It’s my job to interfere,” Magen retorted. “I haven't hurt anyone… badly. I’ve only worked here for a year. But I know everyone and everyone knows me!”
They stopped at a stand selling nuts and Yonah purchased the almonds he needed. The seller seemed a bit disappointed that he bought so few.
“Shopping for someone small?” Magen asked.
“Er- yeah.” Yonah said. They both had to back between trees to let a trio of trolls go by. One was only 10 feet tall and barely came up to Yonah’s waist, but another was nearly 20 feet! They carried baskets and bags on their furry backs, and even had some tied to their tusks!
Before they continued, two elves leapt from the tree nearby and onto Yonah’s shoulders! He was about to brush them off when Magen stopped him.
“Don’t! They are just hitching rides!” At that, he spotted more elves on her head. “You need honey, yes? I know the best shop!”
He followed Magen around the market, which was much larger than he had realized. The elves had no qualms about leaping on and off him and other largefolk shoppers and eventually he ignored them. Magen even helped him avoid making a bad deal for oat flour, saying she couldn’t believe the nerve of the shopkeeper trying to take advantage of a new resident.
Before Yonah left, he wanted to properly thank Magen. “If there is anything I can do to show thanks. Perhaps er-” he looked around.
“You know, the juice stand behind that tree has new flavors I’ve wanted to try. How about you buy me a drink? You should get one too. It’s very refreshing!”
“They make them giant sized?” Yonah asked.
“Oh, they are made by ogres!” Magen replied, rounding the indicated tree.
Ogres, kin of trolls and even more dangerous due to their magical powers. Typically smaller than trolls, but that was not the way to tell them apart.
An entire family of ogres were operating a massive open storefront. Jugs hung from branches or were strapped to the trunks of trees and fruit swung in baskets. Behind the counter was an elaborate prep station operated by two large ogres. Around the entire display were platforms sticking out from the nearby trees. Smallfolk sat on stools enjoying drinks and food at an elevation that made it easy to be served by the ogres. Magen walked up to the counter, which was not at an ideal height for her but was easily manageable. She spoke to an ogre with straw colored fur, blue spots, and large horns.
“Edna! I’d like two passion fruit smoothies please! One giant sized and one…” She glanced back at Yonah. “Full Troll sized!” She stepped aside and pointed at Yonah. “He’s paying”
Edna nodded and passed on the order.
Yonah stepped forward. Bowing “Yonah HaEsh”. She bowed back, “Edna Baneclaw. That will be a gold bracelet for the giant and half for the full troll”
Yonah’s heart nearly stopped. A gold bracelet and a half !? He looked at Magen who flashed her fangs mischievously then back at Enda.
Edna smiled as well. “We don’t have enlarged passion fruit, not in high demand by largefolk.”
With another glare at Magen, Yonah fished into his hat. He didn’t have gold bracelets but he had rings. 10 silver to a gold. Rings to Rings. Bracelets to Bracelets… 10 gold rings to a silver bracelet… 10 silver bracelets to a gold ring. That’s 100 gold rings to a gold bracelet (he had really overpaid the gnomes for the berries... A holiday gift he supposed), but this was not money to spend on frivolous fruit drinks!
Too late, however. The drinks were ready, and he carefully removed golden rings from silver bracelets. 50 gold rings and 10 silver bracelets exchanged for two smoothies. They came in wooden cups with bamboo straws.
This better be fucking worth it. Yonah took a sip.
His eyes widened as the cool icy tart concoction hit his taste buds and he took a long drink. Finally, he looked at Magen and then Edna. “This is incredible!” he exclaimed. Magen grinned and sipped hers as well. “Yeah. Too bad we’re the last two to have some for at least a month!”
“What do you mean?”
“That took all the passion fruit we had,” Edna informed. “Won't get more for a while”
“Worth it! Suck it smallfolk!” Magen teased the people on the platforms, a few looked a bit annoyed, but most didn't seem to care. She didn't seem to care either.
“Well it was nice meeting you, Yonah. I hope to see you again. Oh, and by the way, you can return your mug to the ogres for a silver bracelet, even if you take it home today!”
Yonah glanced at his drink. “Oh! Thanks for letting me know. But where are you going?”
Magen sipped at her smoothie loudly before answering. “This was my break, silly, I need to go back on proper duty now, and you have all your things.” Magen held out her free hand and Yonah shook it, bidding her goodbye. It was getting late in the day now and he wanted to get to work on the almond cookies.
Wait… which way was back to the tower? How could he be so stupid wandering off like this!? His mom taught him better than that. Forest ranger rule number 1: DON’T GET LOST. ...okay, so that wasn’t really a rule. It was supposed to imply that you paid attention to where you were going so you could get back. This was not so easy in the Mystic Woods.
The moment he had walked far enough away from the market, he turned forward and then back, and it was already gone. He had nowhere to go but forward.
It was to his great surprise that only a minute later, he exited the dense trees and found himself in the clearing. The tower was on the opposite side. While he was elated to have made it back safely before dark, there was a distinct absence of any gladness to be home. This was not his home, after all. It was his prison.
Yonah HaEsh climbed up the tower and back into his prison. He took off his hat and sat down at his desk in the workshop, staring into the reflection on the large, ornate mirror that rested upon it.
To do this right, he needed help. Professional help. So he activated his mirror. Or at least… tried. He stared at his own reflection, then spoke. “Mirror Mirror on the desk,” he faltered, “Could you please connect me to Shoshana at the academy?”
The mirror snorted. “You think politeness will work after all this time? I don’t make exceptions. This is why your friends think you’ve forgotten about them! Put in the effort! Ask me properly or don't at all.”
“They’ve called me!!” Yonah insisted, but the mirror said nothing in response. Just like he would do when he got calls from his friends. Yonah growled and snorted back at the mirror, fogging it up. “Mirror Mirror, oh magical vanity, I wish to call Shoshana, at the wizard academy”
There was a whistle from the mirror. “Now that’s how you do it!” it praised. The fog cleared and for a brief moment, he saw his own face again before the reflective surface turned grey. Another moment and the face of his friend Shoshana emerged.
“Yonah!!!” she exclaimed. “You called! I cannot believe it!”
Yonah’s face turned a bit red. “I’ve… been distracted.”
Shoshana waved her hand, stopping any further excuses. “You’ve been through so much! I was worried! Since we graduated, you haven't called at all!”
/I never called before either... / Yonah thought. /It was always you.../ When Grand Master Sean reinstated him as a wizardling student, his friends would call regularly to work on homework and their theses, as he wasn’t allowed to actually attend the school in person. And while he attended the graduation…
That wasn’t a happy memory at all and he didn’t want to think about how he sat behind all the students in the amphitheater in magic chains looking more like a beast one of the adventuring tract students had wrangled for their final than a student.
“I need a recipe!” he said.
Shoshana raised her brows “That’s it!? First call in over a month, and it’s to get a recipe! You don’t want to catch up at all?!” Yonah’s eyes flickered and Shoshana backed off. “Alright, I can see you’re not in the mood. But please, we’re all missing you so much. We’d assumed you embraced the evil hermit wizard life.”
“I… haven’t meant to. But it’s surprisingly easy,” he admitted, grinning awkwardly. “I’d rather not go full hermit, of course.”
“Well, then dont go a month without calling your friends!” Shoshana chided. “Or make some new friends! The forest is full of interesting people, right?”
Yonah looked away, but his eyes were probably glowing orange now.
“This… is for that.”
“Oh!” Shoshana exclaimed, “I should have figured! Of course, I will give you whatever recipe you’d like.”
Yonah got out his ingredients to show Shoshana and explained what he wanted to bake. She nodded and made some suggestions for ingredients and spices to really make these cookies great. He did not have all the supplies she suggested, which led to some back-and-forth as Shoshana pointed out some substitutions for what Yonah bought or already had in his tower.
“Got that all down?” she asked, as she watched Yonah scribble out the final lines to the recipe.
“Yes!” Yonah exhaled in relief. “Thank you so much, Shosh!”
“Next time, we will catch up properly, but I had fun designing this recipe!” Shoshana chirped. “What a challenge. I wish you had called first, before just buying random ingredients.”
“I was already in the forest, Shosh.”
“I know, I know.” Shoshana blew Yonah a kiss and the mirror flickered back to his reflection.
It was time to bake! Which he did after shrinking down.
By the time he was done baking his jam print almond cookies, it was past midnight. He needed sleep and didn't think finding the witch at night was a particularly wise idea, especially since he was getting tired. That meant he was extra likely to be grumpy and irritable. So he placed the cookies in a special cooling rack to keep them magically fresh, then went to bed.
It was right after breakfast that Yonah HaEsh left the tower and, for the second time, entered the forest.
Once again, he had no direction, not that one could in the Mystic Woods. It wasn't even possible to have a map unless it was incredibly magical. Still, he was determined and willing to wander the forest for days if he must! But he’d do so at his full size, which would allow him to cover more ground.
That’s… That’s a witch’s hut! He hoped it was the correct one. It was more of a mound than a hut, with one side covered in rocks and moss and the other a more sheer side with windows, plus a flatter side with a door.
As he approached, a garden came into view and he heard a yelp before watching a small figure dart into the hut and close the curtains. The door opened briefly and a hand hung a sign that read “NO SOLICITORS”
That was the evil giant! Why was he here!? Why did the forest let him find the hut!? Was he here to eat them?! To finish the job!? Could they take on a giant fire witch?! Myran was a damn skilled witch, and at least 15 years the giant’s senior by their estimate, but they were quaking in their boots.
A knock sounded at their door. It didn’t sound forceful enough to be a giant. Siv was in front of them, hissing at the door. Thinking it better to be safe, they peeked out the window, then ran to open the door. Just a crack.
Red faced and holding a basket was… the giant. Only he wasn’t giant. Not exactly. He now stood at about twice Myran’s height. A little less actually. Right. Wizard. Giant wizard.
“May I come in?”
“Depends… what’s in the basket?” They narrowed their eyes. “I don’t want any nasty surprises.”
The wizard’s face got redder as he removed the cover. They opened the door and stood aside. They took the basket with their right hand… Yonah hesitated. Their arm had a massive scar from shoulder to elbow, but the hand was unbroken. The Dwarf noticed and gave him a hard look as he crouched low to get through the dwarf sized door, Siv still hissing at him in warning.
Myran put the basket on the kitchen table and motioned to the couch. “Please, sit.” Yonah did. The couch was small for him but it took his weight. “I’m going to be honest.” Myran leaned against the kitchen table and crossed their arms. “This is quite the unexpected visit.”
“Oh?” Yonah said. Of course, it made sense. He chased them out. Why would he then try to find them again?
“You bit me!” Myran reminded him harshly. “You broke my hand, and you said if you saw me again, you would eat me. Again. And kill me.”
Yonah’s breath caught before managing to say. “I did… didn’t I?” He looked down at his feet.
Myran. sighed. “Yep. Though eating me at your current size would be an impressive feat. So... What the fuck are you doing here? Besides bringing me cookies to fatten me up.”
“I’m not-!” He looked back up to defend himself and saw their cheeky grin. “I didn’t come here to eat you…” They raised an eyebrow in sarcastic disbelief. “I want to apologize. For what I said… What I did. After I ate you. I was so angry. I still am, though mostly at myself. I shouldn't have hurt you. It wasn’t right.” He was almost crying. Dammit, he’d gone nearly a month without crying!
“And for eating me?”
“Huh?” Yonah was thoroughly confused.
“You’re sorry for what happened after you ate me, but what about eating me?”
Yonah bit his lip, “I’m… I’m not sorry about that.”
The witch raised both eyebrows now, genuinely curious as to the workings of this monster’s thoughts.
“I’m supposed to eat people! Especially those who enter my tower unannounced. It’s part of my job! And… And I like it!” He startled himself with that statement. He liked his job? He didn’t even want this job!! He was forcefully employed by the King under threat of death! Being evil had never been his plan and he didn’t want that. Did he?
The witch didn’t look completely satisfied with this answer. But they didn’t get to inquire further as Yonah’s curiosity got the better of him.
“Er- your hand…”
Myran smiled “It was rather mangled by your jaws yesterday. Luckily, I am a very good healer, and well-known in this forest. If you had killed me, you would have had a lot of angry forest residents after your head.” Myran began preparing a pot of tea as Yonah Processed that statement. “You’re a lucky giant aren’t you?”
“What?” Yonah voiced. “For not killing you and putting a target on my back?”
“Yes, exactly. And that was curious. It is rare that evil giants are merciful.”
Yonah looked away, “I’ve only been evil for a few months. I… you’re the third person I’ve eaten at all. And I dont… I haven’t yet… killed anyone.”
That surprised Myran. “I guess I do not know the frequency that giants normally encounter adventurers… but what I meant was you’re lucky that you even get to eat people. Most giants like the taste of smallfolk but they don't actually eat them. It’s rather rare.”
“You said it yourself. Evil Giants eat people,” Yonah pointed out. “Which I am one. I guess it’s… nice that I get to eat folks. But it comes with a cost… It’s only a matter of time before slayers come after me.”
“Most evil giants kill their victims, right?” Myran asked.
Yonah shrugged “I met another one once. Said it depended on his mood.”
“Fascinating… though if you keep up your more merciful streak, perhaps you are less likely to attract slayers?”
“Perhaps…” Yonah had not considered that. He just felt he wasn’t ready to kill anyone yet, but maybe there were other perks than just a clear conscience in continuing to let his snacks go.
“Cracked some sort of code then?” Myran inquired. “Getting to eat people without attracting too much attention? Not that this would stop all slayers,” they added. “I expect you would kill a slayer?”
Yonah nodded, sniffed, and wiped his nose. In that case… Guess he was lucky. Indeed, he’d gotten to taste plenty of smallfolk. Plenty of giants did. It was unique that he’d had his human dad while growing up. But all of the smallfolk in the village knew that when giants kissed their hands, the giants were getting little tastes. Sometimes giants would lick a friend playfully or freak someone out. He’d had a few elvish and human friends growing up, and they sometimes let him and the other giant kids lick them during games of Jacks and Giants. And his academy friends were quite amused by his affections. He very much missed them. It had not taken long for him to get used to living amongst human friends, not just because he got to taste them. And so quickly, that was taken away from him. Friends…
As tears welled in his eyes he couldn’t look at Myran any longer. He closed his eyes and turned his face away. Should he keep talking? Shit, how much of that had he said out loud!? The words continued to come out regardless.
“I know I said I didn’t want any friends. But I do! I need them. And I know I can’t be your friend. You came to me and I fucked it up. But I beseech you to not tell everyone else in the forest to avoid me. I already went to the mystical market and-“
“You… how did you find out that I liked almonds!”
Yonah looked up. They weren’t looking at him but reaching into the basket for another cookie. They munched on it thoughtfully, not a crumb falling into their beard. The tea was ready and Myran poured it with magic, leaving their hands free to hold more cookies. They walked over to Yonah, the tea cups floating with. He took the larger one out of mid air. It was very hot! And he drank. It was… It tasted like tea he’d had at home. His village had alway gotten various teas from the dwarves. New tears came to his eyes.
“You alright?” Myran asked, offering a handkerchief. “You’re a very emotional evil giant.”
Yonah took it and dried his eyes. “The tea is… really good.” That wasn’t the real reason but right now he couldn’t process all of his emotions.
“It’s my grandma’s blend,” Myran said. “I’ve tried to replicate it using my garden, but you just can’t replicate those tunnel grown fungi.”
They dipped one of the cookies into the tea. From their expression, it wasn’t really a mistake but likely didn’t improve the experience. Still they munched thoughtfully.
“I’ll be your friend.”
Yonah’s jaw nearly hit the floor and he almost dropped his tea. It was a few seconds before he managed to pick his jaw back up. Were they serious? They walked over to him, placing their much smaller hand over one of his. Then they smiled most disarmingly.
“Just don’t eat me again.”
Yonah smiled.
“I think I can manage that”
(You can imagine that Yonah got to hug Myran before he left, probably a little too tight but dwarves are tough!)
REBLOGS HELP SPREAD MY WORK! I also love knowing that people read my stories! My askbox and DMs are OPEN!!! let me know!!!
[Thanks for reading! please reblog! Or message me telling me what you think! I crave feedback! For more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’]
big thanks to my amazing editors @j0hnnymouse and @vixen525
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mrs-harkness · 4 years
Ocean Eyes (Part 1)
Pairing: Tammy x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.6K
Taglist: @peggycarter-steverogers @imgayandmymomdoesntknow 
A/n: Hey guys. Sorry for the wait. Life has been so busy as I just became a certified therapist and just life stuff in general. This is just going to be a mini fic for fun while I work on writing my next big one- which will be for Cordelia! Literally nothing like Run to Me, so I hope you don’t find it disappointing. Just a little filler while I work out the plot for my next story!
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You pulled out your phone, checking the time. 1:53 PM. Your interview was at 2 o'clock and if you didn't figure out where you were quickly, you were going to be late. You walked faster, panic dialing your best friend who had gotten you the interview.
"Hello?" the sweet voice chimed on the other end.
"Sarah! Help! I'm lost," you pleaded, looking at the address on the piece of paper in your hand and trying to match it to the towering houses around you.
"How did you get lost? I gave you the exact address. Did the driver put it in wrong?"
"No. I made the Uber drop me off at the entrance to the neighborhood because his car looked super sketch and I didn't want the mom to see me step out of a car that looks like it was used in a 70's porn film. I started walking and I got lost."
You heard Sarah shuffling around in the background, and what sounded like the tapping of keys.
"Okay, give me the address for the closest house," she said. Your best friend was a life saver.
"Uhhh... 768 Elm Street," you told her, trying not to look suspicious in this wealthy neighborhood.
"Hmmm. Okay you're literally two streets over. If you go to the end of this street, take a right and walk less than two blocks. You'll make it to maple from there. You somehow managed to be right behind her house. It will take you about ten minutes."
"No! There has got to be a quicker way! I am going to be late!" You whined, stomping your feet on the sidewalk in frustration.
"Yeah, Tammy is not going to like that. She is very patient but she's got three kids so she really only has enough patience for them. Well wait, hang on a second."
"What? Did you find a quicker route?"
"Sorta. You should have just stayed in the Uber."
"Sarah I did not want to pull up like Will Smith from the Fresh Prince of Belaire, now spit it out already!"
"Well that house you are standing in front of? Technically if you could find a way into their backyard and through the trees... you could get to Tammy's house in half the time."
You looked at the house in front of you. It looked more like a post office than a home. Large marble columns, real gas lamps framing a shiny oak door, and a second floor balcony that seemed larger than Sarah's whole apartment. This is not the type of property you just meandered around on, but this job was also not the type of opportunity you just let slip away by being two minutes late.
You walked a little to the side of the house, and there you found your favorite thing of the whole house: A gate to the backyard.
"I'm gonna do it," you say to Sarah, who had been quiet this entire time.
There was more silence, before you heard your best friend draw in a breath.
"Don't get arrested please. Call me when you're done, or in lock up. Either way, be safe."
Sarah had always been someone who just supported and loved you no matter what. Whether it was moving on a whim to another city and crashing on her couch indefinitely or trespassing through a rich family's yard to get the job that would help you get started on your dreams. She was that type of friend and you loved her for it.
You didn't even say goodbye as you hung up and checked the time again. 1:55 PM mocked you on the screen. You shoved the phone in your pocket before quickly looking around. No one was out and about thankfully probably due to the heat picking up, so you walked briskly over to the gate.
You said a prayer and begged the universe to be kind to you under your breath as you forced yourself to find the courage and flung open the lock to the gate, letting it swing open. You looked around the yard really quickly to find it empty as well. Maybe this wouldn't be hard at all.
You closed the gate behind you and you quickly jogged into the yard. There was a picnic table close to the other side of the fence and you would be able to hop right over! You breathed a sigh of relief because everything was going to plan, until the dog.
A ear piecing yap began sounding through the yard like an obnoxious security alarm. You turned and saw that the back of the home was basically one big window and there inside was the ugliest looking purse dog you had ever seen, notifying every living creature with working ears within a mile of your presence.
You watched horrified as the owner of said ugly dog appeared in the view of the window like some horror movie on a tv screen. An older woman, dressed as if she had been in the middle of a workout, was also now yapping at you angrily and  making her way to her giant window wall.
Your feet started moving before you realized what was happening and you bolted to the back of the yard and onto the picnic table, jumping and throwing one of your legs over the fence. The little old woman made it to a sliding glass door, releasing her dog and profanities towards you.
The dog tore across the lawn, but thankfully was no actual threat. You looked at the woman as you threw your other leg over the fence.
"I'm not a criminal! I'm sorry! I just got lost on the way to a job interview. You have a nice home!" you yelled, trying to prove to this stranger you were not bad, just had poor execution of your ideas. You dropped over the other side of the fence and into the wooded area behind the home, running as fast as your feet could carry you from the angry woman and her angrier dog.
It only took you about a minute of running full force to make it to another fence, a fence you were praying was Tammy's. You ran around the length of it, following it to the front of the house. You shakily pulled out the paper from your pocket and checked the address. You had made it. This was the house. You laughed, more relieved than anything, and jogged to the front door.
You knocked and weren't even able to take a full breath before the door opened.
There before you stood the most beautiful woman you had ever laid your eyes on. Her hair was the color of sand on the beaches of heaven its self and her eyes looked like brownies fresh from the over, and you had the strange thought of wanting to burn your mouth on them.
Y/n, that's weird. Stop it.
You stared at her, trying not to look to heavily at her gorgeous smile at the fear she may think you were looking at her lips. Even though you kind of were. You forced yourself to smile back.
"You must be Y/n," she said, looking at her watch, "and you are right on time. Let it be known I find that super attractive."
You chuckle nervously, unable to process a coherent thought. You really just hoped she couldn't tell you had just ran through the woods to stand stupid on her doorstep. Thankfully it didn't seem like she did and stepped aside, letting you in.
The home was gorgeous and lavish, but also homey and seemed lived in. You could hear the distant laughter of children somewhere in the house and portraits of what you could only assume were those children hung on the walls. You did notice though that there was a lack of family portraits probably due to the husband no longer being in the picture.
Sarah had filled you in a little bit about the family situation. She had worked with them over the summer and was working for them when they filed for divorce. Supposedly neither of them seemed upset by it, but he had still decided to move into another town. Tammy supposedly worked a very busy job and with three rambunctious kids, help was needed. Sarah had helped them occasionally, but Tammy needed something more permanent and hopefully that's where you would come in.
You followed Tammy into a big open kitchen and sat down with her at the kitchen table.
"Can I offer you some tea or water?" she said sweetly.
Even though you were parched from the mini marathon you had just ran, you politely declined. You pulled your resume out of your bag and put it on the table. Tammy reached over and took it, looking at it before smiling back up at you.
"I know Sarah said you had just moved here, so what brought you to town?" Tammy asked.
You hoped the look of confusion was not obvious on your face because you were expecting only questions about the job. You were unsure how useful you would be talking about yourself right now.
"Uh, well I came to town for a fresh start, and with Sarah here, it just seemed like the best place to restart."
"Running from something?" Tammy asked, putting down the resume and taking a sip of something in a mug that had been sitting on the table.
"N-no ma'am. Nothing illegal. I am not a criminal. I told the old lady the same thing," you stuttered.
Tammy raised her eyebrow at the last part, but you kept going to breeze over it hopefully.
"I just- I got my heartbroken and got kicked out of the apartment we shared. I didn't feel like I was making anything of my life where I was and I have such big dreams, but all I found there was pain and complacency, so I came here in hope to change that."
You voice sounded small and you ringed your hands in your lap, nervous that you may have said too much. Tammy's face softened even more somehow though and she smiled at you over the edge of her mug. She stared at you for a moment, her eyes seeming to sparkle. She nodded and looked down at your resume again.
"Well, you certainly have quite an impressive track record here. You seem like a kid expert. And because I already did a background check on you, I feel comfortable saying, if you would like the job its yours."
You sat there at the table, now not trying to hide the stunned look on your face. You had a harder time getting over the fence than getting employed by this woman.
"That's it? You don't need to ask me anything else? You're giving me the job?" you ask, stumbling over your words.
Tammy laughs and it feels like butterflies flutter in your belly. You like to make her laugh, but you aren't sure if she think's you're funny or stupid.
"With my life and my job, Y/n, the thing that is most important to me is being able to trust you. With my kids, my day to day life, and if I need your help with something. Trust and honesty go a long way with me, and you proved that with one question," she said, coming over to you with a glass of water.
You took it with a smile, forcing yourself to take a slow slip.
"Well, you can definitely trust me. And I'd be honored to by your nanny," you say, excitement and nervousness flowering inside your chest.
Tammy smiles sweetly at you.
"Consider yourself part of the family Y/n. Now you do know this is a live in position right? Sarah told you that?"
You nodded, that having been one of the main reasons you wanted the job. As much as you loved Sarah, you did not love sleeping on her couch. Being a live in nanny presented its own set of challenges, but it wouldn't be forever.
"Good. Can you move in today?"
You choked on your water, coughing and spitting it all over your shirt. Tammy laughed at you, and your cheeks burned red. Now you were embarrassed and Tammy sensed that.
"I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to shock you. I just really need your help around here as soon as possible. And it would be better if you just came on in and got to know me and the kids since you're going to be a big part of our lives."
She handed you a paper towel, looking down at you with a comforting expression. Your cheeks burned red again, but not from embarrassment. You looked away and cleared your throat, unsure why you were so flustered.
"Sure. Yeah, no problem. I just need to run home and grab my clothes and things, but I don't have any furniture so-"
"Oh don't worry. You'll have the whole attic. Its renovated and fully furnished and you'll have your own bathroom. You don't need to worry about buying anything."
That was a relief. It would have taken you a while to afford those things.
You got up and walked with Tammy to the front door, her opening it for you.
"Thank you Ms. Tammy for hiring me, you will not regret it. I will take good care of your kids and make your life as easy as I possibly can," you say, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, attempting to look confident and wanting to ensure Tammy she had made the right choice.
She chuckled again, putting a little hole in that confidence, but it was quickly repaired when she wrapped her arms around you. It shocked you and you stood there, frozen for a second before hugging her back.
"I know you will. You're going to be a wonderful addition to our lives, all of our lives," she said. Her voice had a hint of something in it, making it seem like silk, but then you felt her pulling on your hair a bit and you felt like your legs may fall out from under you. Who was this woman?
Before you could assume anything further though, she pulled back and revealed she had taken a small branch with green leaves from your hair. You laughed nervously. Tammy cocked an eyebrow at you and smiled cheekily, holding it up.
"That is a funny story... I can explain that. I promise I bathe."
It was Tammy who laughed this time thankfully. She nodded and played with the branch in between her long, manicured fingers.
"That's alright. You can tell me about it tonight over drinks once you are home. I'd like to get to know you better while we get you settled."
Something about the way she said it made your breath catch in your throat. She smiled at you and you two said your goodbyes. You would text her when you were on the way back home. How strange that felt.
You sat in a much cleaner Uber on the way back to Sarah's, your head pressed against the glass. You couldn't stop thinking about Tammy and it seemed like you also couldn't wipe the smile from your face either. It seemed almost like a dream.
Just then, your phone buzzed and you were pulled from the thoughts of the woman to see that her name was on your screen. You quickly held the phone up to unlock it, suddenly overcome with the need of answering her at a moments notice. Thankfully it was not a message of her changing her mind.
Btw, just call me Tammy. Ms. Tammy is a little formal ;)
You smiled and bit your lip, quickly responding.
Okay, Tammy :)
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imagine-this-fandom · 4 years
The Rescue: BNHA x Fem! Reader- Newfoundland Dog
She gently placed Izuku into a glass cage before pulling you to a back door labeled "Dogs," the Golden retriever slipping in behind you before you closed the door.
Upon entering, you were greeted by lots of barking, the dogs obviously not using their indoor voices. The wall of sound left you a bit dazed as you took in the activity in front of you.  You were actually surprised by the variety back here. There was a husky, Pitbull, and even a German Shepard. The room was rather large and open for them to interact with potential owners, various dog toys strewn across the floor with the dog kennels to the back.
The animals seemed to have an unspoken respect for Inko. They made sure to get out of the way as she walked or stop playing long enough for her to pass by before continuing their fun. It was amusing to watch. You followed her path with your eyes before she came to a stop next to two big dogs. You paled as she led the bigger animal over to you.
"Here he is, (y/n)! This is Taishiro!"
Inko looked absolutely tiny compared to the behemoth of a dog beside her.
"Are you sure that's a dog? I'm fairly certain that is, in fact, a bear."
You eyed the golden-brown dog cautiously a bit intimidated by his size and the fact that if he so chose, any walk would become a drag with no contest on who was stronger.
Inko laughed and ruffled the fur on his head.
"He's a dog, just a big one. This big boy is a Newfoundland. Sure he can have a bite if he's in danger, but he's really just a big teddy bear. He's a sweetheart."
Tai cocked his head to the side and looked you over as Inko continued to reassure you.  He was skeptical about this whole being adopted out thing but with no foreseeable human future for him, he would have to put his trust in Inko and Nezu. You were obviously a bit intimidated by him, but he hoped he could prove to you that you had nothing to worry about.
You offered him a shy smile that quickly grew as he wagged his tail.
"see! He likes you! I'll go get some gear for you and you can get to know him a bit." Inko patted you on the shoulder before leaving to get supplies from the main half of the store, not noticing or electing to ignore your panicked look.  
You swallowed nervously before looking back at Tai. He was waiting patiently for you to make the first move, not wanting to scare you off. You gave a nervous wave.
"Hey, Taishiro... I'm (y/n)."
He stepped forward and pushed his head into your offered hand, causing you to give a shaky laugh.
"Inko was right, you're not scary... sorry for misjudging you."
You began to pet him and were pleased when he stepped closer so you had easier access. He was so fluffy! He was a brown dog with golden tones in his fur and intense golden eyes. He was quite a big dog, big enough to bowl you over without much effort, but he was gentle with you.
Inko came back to find you sitting on the floor next to Tai, petting his stomach as he laid on his back for you. Your face was scrunched up in happiness as you talked to him, complimenting his behavior and telling him he was a good boy.  All too soon though, it was time to go. She made you promise to give updates over the phone before sending you on your way with the big dog.
Taishiro was very confused when he woke up the next morning. After the accident that transformed him into a dog, he was used to the hustle and bustle of a crowded dog kennel. He was not used to the peace and quiet of your apartment. Usually, he would have been woken up early by Kirishima to spar, or as close as they could come to sparring in these forms. Still, he much preferred your couch to the kennels that were in the pet store.
"Morning sleepy head"
He looked up as you walked into the room, your uniform from yesterday traded for black shorts, a tank top, and a suspiciously familiar-looking yellow hoodie.
You sat down on the couch next to him and ruffled the fur on the top of his head.
"good morning Taishiro! Thanks for being a good boy and letting me sleep in."
He watched you intently, trying to place what about your outfit stuck out to him. He almost fell off the couch when he realized. You were wearing his merch. His pro hero merch. You had a Fatgum hoodie.
"what's up, do I have something on my jacket? "
You quickly searched the yellow material, a concerned crease between your eyes.
"I better not, this is my favorite hoodie..." You sighed with relief upon finding nothing and smiled back at Tai.
"Good news bub, all is good and my hoodie is safe. "
Had he been human, Tai would have been smirking. You had absolutely no idea who you were talking to and he found that hilarious. He was quite flattered that of all heroes, you had chosen him as your favorite.
You turned on the tv and settled onto the couch, pulling the hoodie close, your hands vanishing in the oversized sleeves. It was a good replica, he had to admit, but his real costume was a lot bigger. He took a moment and imagined what you would look like in it. He snorted lightly in amusement. You would be swimming in it. It would be really cute, but it was just a passing thought, seeing as he was a dog now and couldn't give you that opportunity. The cheerful mood he was in before slipped from him as the thoughts of his new life set in. He sunk onto the couch next to you.
You weren't sure what had changed, but you noticed that he seemed sadder somehow. Now that just wouldn't do. You carefully pulled his head into your lap and focused on petting him while some baking competition played on tv. The day passed in much the same way. You watched tv and made a commentary for him, occasionally looking down at him with a tut and an explanation of how the contestant went wrong.  It was early evening when you decided it was time for your relaxation to come to an end.
Tai was content and on the verge of sleep before you moved to get up. He wasn't having it and moved so more of him was in your lap, effectively trapping you on the couch. He was comfy gosh darn it.
You laughed and started to playfully shove at the mass of fur on your lap.
"Tai, get off me, you big galoot! I wanted to take you on a walk before sunset."
He begrudgingly removed himself from your lap and you skipped to your bedroom to change. As comfy as the hoodie and shorts combo was, it was still snowy from the night before. Tai was surprised with how quickly you had warmed up to him. As anxious as you were yesterday, any doubts about keeping him seemed totally gone. He hopped off the couch and settled by the door to wait for you. You were sweet, and he could see himself enjoying his time with you. Not to mention you obviously had good taste based on your choice of hero.
You emerged wearing Red riot leggings and a Suneater beanie. Tai was in awe of you. Not only were you his fan, but you also supported his protegees. The more he got to know you, the more he liked what he was seeing.
You grinned as you noticed his tail going a mile a minute.
"Ready to go, big fella?"
You clipped the leash onto his collar and took him outside.
~~~~~~ Tai quickly fell into a routine with you. You took him on a walk in the morning before work, Next, you had breakfast and then got ready for work. Tai was quickly learning to hate the time left alone. Back at the store, he was able to talk to the others, especially because he was able to talk to everyone hit by the quirk regardless of species. Now that he was left to his own devices, he didn't have that much to do.
One day while you were gone, he decided to properly explore the apartment. The living room was where he was most familiar, seeing as that's where you had him sleep. He hadn't gone into your room yet because he wanted to give you privacy, but... He was curious. He decided he might as well check it out. He pushed the door open with his nose and looked around with interest. His heart warmed at your choice of decor. You had several Fat Gum posters hanging on your walls as well as a few of Suneater and Red Riot as well. There was a singular All Might poster as well. It was a small room, seeing as you couldn't afford a large apartment. It was cozy though. Your bed was pushed into the far corner away from the door. It had many pillows, some stuffed animals, and what seemed to be a weighted blanket. He hopped onto the bed to get a better view. Your room smelled strongly of your favorite perfume and had a very cozy feeling. He had come to associate the smell of you with relaxation and safety, so it wasn't long before his eyes drifted closed.
When you came home two hours later, you weren't expecting the empty living room. Your first instinct was to panic and you started a frantic search. You scolded yourself internally, walking through your day to make absolutely sure he didn't have a chance to run away. You quickly ran to your room to grab a better jacket to go look for him. As soon as you burst through the door, you froze. He was sleeping, in your room. You gave a tired sigh and smacked your head against the door frame lightly for jumping to conclusions.
"You are so lucky you're cute because you just gave me a heart attack." You muttered to yourself, adrenaline fading. Stepping further into the room you threw your jacket over your desk chair and slipped off your shoes. You faceplanted onto the bed beside your bed, tired from the scare on top of the shift you just worked. What you didn't expect was Tai to feel the shift on the bed and subsequently roll over to cuddle with you. You suddenly had a face full of fur and a near 200-pound dog smothering you. You laughed painfully and shoved him off you, waking him in the process.
"Hey silly, try not to squish me, I still have to get you dinner, you still need me. You can make me into a  pancake later."
He stared at you in sleepy surprise as he slowly woke up. His first coherent thought was that he liked waking up to such a pretty smiling face. And you were offering to feed him? Bonus. Dog food was not appetizing as he still regained his taste from being a human. Still, there wasn't much he could do about it besides stealing human food from you when he had the chance. You would scold him, but he could tell you weren't really mad at him.
You scratched behind his ears and sat up, scooting up further on the bed so you could pet him more easily.
"You had me worried carebear. You usually greet me at the door. I was so scared you'd gone and run away."
You squished his face between your hands and kissed the top of his nose.
"I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. You're really important to me, you know." You hugged his head to your chest and before peppering his ears and face with kisses.
Tai accepted the affection happily, but a part of him felt guilty for making you worry. Sure he was just your pet, but you really did love him at this point. He didn't like the spike of distress that coursed through him as you told him how upset you had been. He made a silent vow to himself not to make you worry again.
Little did he know that you would turn the tables on him later and he would be the worried one.
You had gotten sick. You weren't sure how, but you were fairly certain that a coworker had given you their cold. It wasn't that bad, but you were still fairly miserable. You woke up on your day off with a stuffy nose and throat feeling of sandpaper. It was far from pleasant.
You carefully slipped out of bed, careful to keep from waking Tai, who had taken to sleeping on your bed after you had invited him the first night when you thought he ran away.
While you would have liked nothing better than to lay in bed and wallow in how awful you felt, there were some errands that needed to be run. Sickness or not, you had to be up and moving today.
You got dressed in a simple Deku T-shirt and leggings before pulling on your fatgum hoodie, wanting to be comfy if you were going to face the masses. Pushing the sleeves up so they no longer covered your hands, you sat on your desk chair and mentally prepared yourself to leave the house. Just as you were putting on your shoes to leave, you heard Tai whine.
You gave him what you hoped was more smile than grimace and patted his head.
"Hey, bud. No walk until later. I don't feel too well. I'll make sure you get a short walk when I get back though. I have to go to the store first."
Tai was absolutely not having it. He could tell that you weren't feeling well by your miserable posture. Hunched in on yourself and wrapped in your comfort items with a red nose and bags under your eyes, you made for a pretty pitiful picture. He wasn't about to let you leave like that! You needed sleep. And soup. He wasn't sure how he would manage the second thing, but he was determined to make sure you took it easy today.
As soon as your hand reached the doorknob, you felt a warm body plant itself in front of you, effectively blocking the door.
"Carebear, I need to run errands. You've got to let me go out."
Tai made a disgruntled noise and stayed put, knowing that it would be a pain to move him and you currently did not have the strength.
You, of course, took his actions to mean something else.
"Are you sour because I said no walk till later? I promise as soon as I'm done with errands I'll be back and we can go for a short walk. If you're really upset about it we can go for a longer walk, but I still need to go run errands."
Tai just planted himself more firmly against the door and looked up at you with defiance shining in his eyes. He was not going to let you leave. Had he been human, he would have simply picked you up and brought you back to bed, but that wasn't an option. He would have to be creative.
Seeing as Tai didn't look like he was moving, you made a decision You stepped back and put your hands up in surrender. You turned around and started to make your way towards the couch.
"Fine, fine, I'll stay..."
Once you saw him trot back into the living room, you grabbed your stuff and booked it to the door, slamming it shut behind you before Tai could catch up. You grinned triumphantly at him through the living room window, cheeks glowing from exertion, but eyes bright with victory. Tai put his front paws against the window sill, staring at you with peeved disbelief. You had tricked him! He was just trying to look out for you. He gave you an unimpressed look before turning around and sitting with his back to the window, effectively giving you the cold shoulder.
You shook your head with a small smile before walking away, determined to go get your errands done quickly. You made a mental note to grab a treat for Tai to apologize for tricking him, he was still a good boy after all, albeit a salty one.
You returned that evening with several shopping bags, your energy all but spent. Slipping into the apartment, you had to take a moment to lean against the door for support. You frowned a little when Tai didn't greet you at the door but you didn't panic like last time. setting the groceries aside, you searched the apartment. Like last time, he was in your room. He wasn't asleep though. He sat in a corner of your room, lifting his head when you entered before standing and turning his back to you before sitting back down again.
"Awwww, still grumpy from this morning? I'm sorry carebear. I just had to get some things done I'm back now. I've got treats for you..."
You tried to coax him out of the corner, but he was resolute in his sulking. You pouted to yourself and headed back to the kitchen to work on dinner, deciding to give him his space.
As much as Tai wanted to be annoyed with you, he couldn't stay upset with you for long. Within ten minutes of your return, he was wandering out of the room to come see you. He told himself it was just to make sure you were alright, but really he admitted that he just missed you.
You hummed to yourself as best you could as you worked on dinner. It was supposed to be a really simple soup, but concentrating was becoming difficult with the headache that had made its presence know while you were out and about. That's why you weren't surprised when you cut yourself while chopping onions. You hissed in pain and instinctively shoved the offending digit into your mouth.
Tai was by your side in an instant, eyes wide with concern and body tensed.  You gave him a sympathetic look and removed the finger from your mouth to show him.
"It's okay boy, it wasn't a bad cut, it just startled me is all. I should have been paying more attention. I'll get it fixed up and finish dinner, then we can relax. Sound good?"
He relaxed a little bit, but you could tell he was still on edge. You quickly sanitized the cut and put a bandage on before finishing the soup and grabbing a bowl.
Once you sat down to eat, Tai was next to you, carefully examining your newly bandaged finger. Once he had deemed it worthy, he sat next to you, leaning against you.
After finishing your soup, you stretched and got up, sniffling pathetically as you started to get your jacket, preparing to take Tai on the walk you promised him.
He quickly hopped up and stopped you in your tracks, gaze fierce. You frowned in confusion and paused, not used to seeing him so intense.
" What's wrong buddy? I promised you a walk."
You were so oblivious sometimes and Tai was so done with being a dog. It was hard to properly convey his worry in this form. He decided since he couldn't outright tell you, he would have to show you. He stepped forward and snagged your sleeve cuff in his teeth before jerking it towards your room. You followed him with a puzzled expression, not quite sure what he was up to.
"Yes, this is my room. What did you want to show me? The bed? Why'd you bring me here?"
Tai released your sleeve and jumped onto the bed before grabbing the back of your shirt and tugging. You quickly lost your balance and toppled onto the plush surface with an undignified squeak of protest.
"Taishiro, what on Earth are you doing?"
He paid no mind to your question and instead grabbed your blanket. He dragged it over your protesting form before laying across your stomach so you couldn't get up. That ought to keep her, he grouched to himself.
You struggled for all of one minute before accepting your fate with a mumbled insult about him being a jerk.  It didn't take long for you to settle down though. Soon enough, you were petting Tai and drifting off. You leaned up and kissed his nose before giving him a mumbled goodnight followed by an "I love you"
Tai smiled tiredly and licked your hand in response before he too surrendered to sleep.
Taishiro was seriously starting to lose it. He had been your pet for five months now and it was starting to catch up to him. It was safe to say at this point that he adored you. He found himself looking forward to spending the day with you. He loved spending time with you, no matter what you were up to. He liked the way you talked to him like he was still human. You were so funny and kind and he was getting addicted to your laugh.
He wasn't foolish enough to mistake what he was feeling. He had fallen for you. Hard. This complicated things. He was a dog. He wasn't supposed to love you. Sure he had been human before and was still a human in his mind, but that didn't change the fact that the situation was messed up. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he knew things had to change.
He was startled out of his ramblings by you rattling his leash. You were wearing his favorite outfit on you since the weather had warmed up. You had on black shorts and a tank top accompanied by the too big fat gum hoodie.
"Hey carebear, up for a walk? The park is beautiful right now!"
He couldn't deny you anything if he tried. He bounded over to you, tail in overdrive. You snorted in amusement as he bumped his nose against your cheek when you clipped his leash on.
"Eager today?" You asked cheerfully, bumping his shoulder playfully with your hip.
The two of you were quickly out the door and on your way to the park. Once you reached it, you closed your eyes and tilted your face towards the sun as you enjoyed the fresh breeze that carried the scent of freshly mowed grass and the sound of happy chatter from the other park goers.
You beamed at Tai as you started along the trail. He was pleased you were so happy. Even though he loved how you looked, you were always a bit shy about how you looked when you went out to the park with him. You had confided in him that the joggers on the trail made you a bit self-conscious. He saw your outfit and attitude today as a step in the right direction. You were just enjoying the nice day and a nice walk, nothing else.
After about an hour of walking, you settled onto a shaded bench, hoodie now tied around your waist by the sleeves due to the heat. Fanning yourself lightly, You sighed in relief.
"We should head home soon buddy, you must be dying in this heat!"
Tai could only pant in agreement, the heat seeping through his fur. Apparently, this breed thrived in colder climates.  He perked up though when he saw an ice cream cart a few meters away. He grabbed the edge of your shirt and whined to get your attention.
You laughed and allowed him to lead you, confused but interested nonetheless. It quickly became apparent where he was taking you. You rolled your eyes and ruffled his fur on his head.
"You want a cold treat, huh bud? Fine. But only this once as a treat."
You smiled and walked over to the vendor and purchased a scoop of vanilla icecream for Tai and (Favorite flavor) for yourself. Content with your purchase, you hurried back to the bench. Tai was dancing from foot to foot, elated to be getting ice cream after such a long time without the frozen treat. It was just as heavenly as he remembered. Setting the paper bowl on the ground for him, you settled back on the bench and ate yours.
All was going fine until a jogger stopped in the shade nearby. You gave her a polite smile and she nodded in response. Her gaze was friendly enough until it drifted from your face to your frozen treat. She grimaced and looked you up and down before giving a disapproving tut and continuing on.
The sweet taste of the ice cream quickly began to become bitter in your mouth as her look of judgment flickered through your mind.  You bit your lip as tears began to sting the corners of your eyes. Setting the bowl aside, you unknotted the hoodie from your waist and zipped it up to your chin. Tai was surprised to see your transformation when he looked up from his clean bowl.
Giving a tight smile, you threw away both paper bowls.
"I think we should head home, carebear. It's been a long day."
Tai trailed after you with uncertainty, not liking this muted version of the (y/n) he loved. You were subdued, smile there, but clearly fake.  He quickly found the source of your discomfort when the original jogger passed with a friend, whispering about you and the ice cream. You wouldn't have been able to hear the cruel words, but being a dog did not afford Tai the same deafness. What he heard made him livid.
How dare they? How dare they talk about his gummy bear like that?! You were perfect to him and they were putting you down as if they had any right. He couldn't help the deep growl that left his throat as he bared his teeth at the two.
You whipped around at the sound, having never heard so much as a threatening whine from him before.
"Taishiro! What's gotten into you?" You worriedly tugged him away, hastily leading him back towards the apartment.
Once you reached home, you dropped to your knees in front of him, cupping his face with your hands as you looked him over.
"What happened there, bud? You doing okay?"
He was touched by your worry, but truly he was more worried about you. He knew you were never the most confident in yourself, so to see someone so cruelly tear that away from you made him angry. You deserved the world and he was not going to stand by while someone hurt you. He licked your cheek in an effort to calm you, reassuring you that he was alright now.
Throwing your arms around his neck, you happily buried your face in his shoulder, taking comfort in his soft warmth. After a few minutes of just snuggling against him, you stood and unclipped his leash.
"Go on bud, I'll be there in a sec."
You removed your shoes before heading to the kitchen. You fed Tai and hesitated in front of the fridge before going to your room. Tai was not going to let that slide. He quickly followed you and grabbed the edge of the hoodie to drag you back to the kitchen. Once you saw the destination, your face pinched in annoyance.
"it's okay Tai, I'm not hungry tonight. You eat up. I'm going to head for bed."
As you started to head for your room again, Tai once again snagged your jacket.
"Tai, I said drop it." Your tone was firm this time, not in the mood for his antics. He repeated it once more time, this time he growled to punctuate how serious he was taking this.
"Taishiro, let go. I am going to bed, and that's final."
When he held fast to the hoodie, you had had enough and unzipped the article of clothing. Letting it fall limp in his grip, you went to your room and closed the door, eliminating his chances of getting you out, what with the lack of thumbs.
Had you known how to speak dog, you would have heard some fairly colorful language on the other side of your door. You did your best to ignore it though and got ready for bed.
While Taishiro was impulsive and determined to solve problems, your stubbornness was easily a match for him. He paced anxiously in front of your door before he heard you rap your knuckles against your side. He waited for the telltale twist of the knob, but he was disappointed.
"Goodnight Carebear. I love you, be a good boy out there, alright?"
He was beyond frustrated now. You refused to listen to him and had isolated yourself with your thoughts and he couldn't get to you. He fumed silently, his heart breaking for you as he tried to come up with ways to encourage you to feel better about yourself. He eventually settled down with a discouraged huff and hoped he would have a clearer mind in the morning.
He did not end up sleeping until morning. In the late hours of the night, he woke to a strange feeling coursing through him. Tingles and warmth spread through his limbs like fire through his veins. He shut his eyes tightly as he weathered through the sensation. The last time he felt like this was when he was hit by that godforsaken animal quirk that got him into the whole mess.
Once it felt like it had reached its peak, it vanished altogether with a quiet pop. The relief was immediate. Tai carefully opened his eyes before pausing in confusion. The room looked completely different. He was seeing it from an all-new perspective. When he tried to move, he was stunned to discover the reason for his new line of sight. He was human again. He gasped and immediately pinched himself, pleased to find that this was not in fact a dream.
He was elated. However, something important had not come back with the transformation. His clothes were missing. He briefly considered waking you up to ask for help, but quickly vetoed that idea. That was a good way to traumatize you and get arrested. He decided his best choice was to call his agency. They had plenty of his spare costumes and clothes and were actually fairly close to your apartment.
He snagged your phone from where you had left it on the counter in your haste to escape to your room. He took a moment to marvel at the size difference between the two of you. Though he was in his skinny form, he had gotten to know you from the perspective of someone smaller than you so the shift in perspective was disconcerting.
The call to his agency took longer than he hoped it would. He had to give a short summary of what had happened before promising to give a full account the next day. It was tiring, but he was soon dressed and comfortable. He decided he would let you sleep and spring this whole thing on you at a much more decent hour.
Without any clue of the mess that was soon to be, you dragged yourself out of bed the next morning. You were decidedly crankier due to your favorite cuddle buddy being locked out of your room by yours truly. You were starting to regret your tantrum and resolved to yourself that you shouldn't have let the incident at the park get to you. Rubbing your eyes with a yawn, you stepped out into the living room only to freeze as a heavenly smell grabbed your senses. Picking up your hoodie from where Tai had left it by your door, you slipped it on and followed your nose to the kitchen.
You froze for the second time in the brief time you had been awake. There was a man in your kitchen. But not just any man, the man you had been crushing on since you had first seen him in action shortly after you had moved. Fat gum was in your kitchen, and... cooking breakfast?
You concluded that this was simply an elaborate dream and walked in to stand next to him.
"Whatever you're making smells amazing."
He turned around so quickly that you almost got whacked upside the head with a spatula.
"(y/n), gummy bear, you're awake!"
His smile was absolutely radiant and your cheeks quickly retaliated with a dusting of red.
"Y-yeah. Good morning. "
He pulled a chair out at the counter for you and you quickly complied, sitting and watching him with awe.
"I just made french toast. I hope you don't mind."
He placed a plate in front of you with the prettiest breakfast you had ever seen on it.
"Best dream ever," you mumbled to yourself before taking a bite, almost melting at the taste.
Tai grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"It's, uh, not a dream sugar. I'm actually here. Have been for a while actually. It's pretty hard to explain."
You listened patiently before shaking your head and pointing your fork at him.
"Yeah, no. There's no way this isn't a dream. There isn't a single realistic thing in this whole sequence. The man of my dreams makes me breakfast? Yeah, a nice domestic fantasy, but just that. A fantasy."
You made a vague gesture with the fork between the two of you.
"Besides, you are so far out of my league."
He frowned and stepped forward, flicking your forehead lightly.
"Now you cut that out. I am perfectly in your league. Don't you dare badmouth yourself again, honey."
You pouted and clutched your forehead in pain before realization started to dawn, pout fading into a look of pure shock.
"You can't feel pain in dreams..." you murmured absently.
"And I told you, it's not a dream. Now eat your breakfast and I'll explain."
You nodded dumbly and shoveled another forkful of the french toast into your mouth as Tai looked on encouragingly. He leaned on the counter.
"So, I was hit by a quirk roughly six months ago. This quirk was suped up on an experimental quirk enhancement drug. "
he frowned as he remembered getting caught in the blast of gas that had formed after the criminal's quirk went haywire.
"This quirk turned me and several others into animals. The pros tried everything and weren't able to reverse it. Those of us struck by it had to resolved ourselves to spending the rest of our lives as animals."
You nodded along, thoroughly invested in the story
"Eventually, we were relocated to a pet store for care from a trusted parent of one of the heroes hit by the quirk. You may know her as Inko Midoriya."
At this revelation, you nearly choked on your food.
"WAIT! YOU MEAN, ALL THIS TIME... you...My dog Tai, That was you?" Your voice rose in both pitch and volume as both horror and embarrassment took over.
Tai simply laughed and took your hands, rubbing soothing circles on the back of them.
"It's alright gummy bear, it all worked out. I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to have taken care of me in such a vulnerable state. Sorry if I scared you."
You looked from his hands holding yours to the yellow sleeves of your hoodie before you quickly snatched your hands back and buried your face into them.
Tai had the nerve to laugh.
"sorry to fluster you. But I'm glad I could finally tell you the truth."
He had to lean in close to hear your muffled response.
"My crush was my dog!" You wailed into your hands, face alight with a bright blush.
He carefully moved your hands away before tilting your chin up tenderly.
"We can talk about this later if you want, maybe over coffee?"
You looked at him in disbelief.
"Are, are you asking me on a date?"
He grinned and kissed your nose.
"I most certainly am. I'd be a fool to not after all the time I've spent falling in love with you."
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thatslikely · 3 years
Mill Boy - F.W.
Mill Boy- Fred Weasley x fem!reader [1800s muggle!au]
warnings: mentions of child labor
word count: 3.4k 
a/n: probably part one of a minseries? y/n and fred are about 10-11 in this so part ii could possibly be a timeskip
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“Mum, can I go play? Please?” you pleaded, doe eyes shiny and prominent. Your mother, a hard working housewife, was bent over the sturdy kitchen table, dousing dirty dishes in scalding water, preparing them to be piled with the beef warming in the flames of the stove across the airy kitchen.
“Fine, Y/N, just please don’t get your dress dirty. Your father worked hard to afford such a fine cotton. He wouldn’t be pleased to see it ruined, now would he?” You eagerly nodded in agreement, ready to go enjoy the meadows lying across the walls of your humble residence. It was a beautiful spring day, most enticing one yet. Birds fluttered through the lush, brilliant cedar trees, enjoying the tranquil air that comes with the season. Ox-eye daisies dotted the expansive hills, all the way down to the slowly trickling creek. 
You slipped your muddied boots over the clean, cotton socks adorning your feet, grabbing your hat to shield your youthful eyes from the golden star above right after. You slipped it over your locks, which were neatly tied into pig-tails with silky, baby pink ribbons Mother bought you for your birthday. 
You skipped through the propped back door, little giggles of delight humming through your throat. Any traces of the harsh winter that stormed the land only a few months prior were washed away with the glimmering sunlight, which coerced the wildflowers to bloom from buds to petaled cups of sweetness.
With a smile, you followed a path of vibrant, woolly blue violets, carefully plucking their stems for a nice arrangement to become the perfect centerpiece for dinner. The colour, in your opinion, complimented the pastel pinks of your dress perfectly, filling you with even more glee. How you wished that you could spend all your time out of the confines of buildings, having fun and being free of responsibility.
It was most unladylike to go splashing in the cool water of the stream, and you would surely be scolded for it if you chose to do so. You had attempted to conceal your submersion in the winding brook once before, but the liquidy footprints you left on the floors of your house quickly outed your escapade. Fearing another stern talk, which was not pleasant in the slightest, you simply skipped to its edge, astutely observing its reflective surface with admiration. 
The crystalline liquid glossed over smooth stones adorned with moss so peacefully, its pace never wavering, not even for a second. The mere idea of something perpetually in motion, never having to stop and take a break, as you did many times after a long day of running in the fields, chasing butterflies, astounded you. 
Everyone had to go to sleep, or stop for a breath every once in a while, right? Scampers, the stray which adored your family’s covered porch, went to bed at odd times, most often at noon. And yet, he still slept. The grocer down the lane kept his shop attended every time you’d visit, but the windows would soon be curtained and dim when the moon came out to rule the seemingly never ending sky.
You prodded the cool creek with your finger, letting the water continue to flow past it unbothered, as if it were nothing but another stray twig. The thirst for answers dripped down from your mind, enveloping your body in a sensation that couldn’t be mended by simply drinking the water. You were amazed, and you had to see more, know more. You followed the bends of the stream, far beyond the view of your house.
Nobody had ever outright stated that you shan’t see where it goes, where the water ends, so naturally you had to discover it yourself. Maybe you’d be met with a secret alcove, your own private pocket of the boundless world. Alternatively, maybe you would stumble across a small house entangled high up in the branches of a tree, and fly up to its entrance like a fairy from a tale recited before bed. Or even, most enticing of all, maybe there was a prince waiting for you where the water ends; a prince who’d sweep you off your feet, offering you a chance to live in a magnificent castle situated in a far away land. 
You hummed songs that your frilly-dressed peers would chime in unison during recess, filling the still air. The toes of your boots leaped from one large rock to another, balancing on their flat surfaces like a game of hopscotch. 
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The soft, sweet humming echoing through his cove from a ways down the creek instantly perked Fred’s curiosity, luring him in like a siren’s song. He halted his stick-poking of the ants inching up the burly trunk of the ancient tree, swinging his gingered-head down, so his vision lay unobscured by the low-hanging branches. 
No one ever came to visit Fred when he lay slouched in the safe, knotted branches of his tree; whether it was because his family couldn’t locate him or the fact that they were aware that he needed a break, he didn’t know. Days spent in the mill were painful and excruciatingly long, so during the few spare moments he had to himself, he’d spend it talking to the lush wildlife surrounding him. He’d never be talked over by the weeds or birds, they’d just sit and listen, exactly what he needed. 
He nearly fell to the grassy ground trying to find the source of the melodic songs, curious to see who dare disturb the previously hidden Fort Fred. He imagined himself as a skillful militiaman, like his brothers, ready to charge and overtake the enemy, even if the music-maker was nothing near a threat.
Just as he was about to jump down to investigate on his own two feet, the source was finally revealed. An absolutely beautiful girl- a princess, rather, approached the tree. She was dressed in a light pink gown, as if she had just come back from a royal ball. Her singing brought serenity all around, as if she were somehow communicating with the birds and butterflies, allowing them to chirp and flutter along. At the same time, however, her well-loved boots and hat altered her look to something of a daring adventurer, exploring the unknown paths of thicket.
“Hello,” you said angelically, clasping your hands together across your waist. You were completely surprised to meet a companion on your previously solo expedition, and a dashing, amiable one at that.
You’d never seen this particular boy at school before; he seemed different than all your icky male peers. The boys at school would tug on your pigtails during tests, claim you were infested with disgusting germs at recess, and chase you around the yard tauntingly. But this boy’s features resonated nothing but kindness: the crinkles around his eyes from smiling, light orange freckles all across his nose, his shaggy, fiery red hair topped with a patched-up flat cap.
Maybe there was a prince at the end of the brook after all.
The friendly-appearing boy hopped down from his perch in the tree, smoothing out the wrinkles and leaves in his suspendered trousers and white button up with a suspicious look. “And who would you be, miss?” 
“Erm- my name’s Y/N. What’s your’s?” You couldn’t help but smile, and your cheeks prickled as if a ladybug were crawling across them.
He stepped closer to you, his composure open and honest. “I’m Fred, Fred Weasley. I live down the way, near the mill.”
“Nice to meet you, Fred Weasley.” You did a proper courtesy, just as you had been taught so many times before, then adding, “what’s a mill?”
Fred’s jaw dropped, as if it had no hinges. “You’re joking, right? You don’t know about the mill? I work there just about every day of the week.” He pointed further down the creek, opposite the direction of your house, astonishment swimming in his mahogany brown eyes. 
“I’ve never heard anything of the sort. What do you do in a mill, exactly?” 
“Well, there’re these big, loud machines that're always moving. They get power from this huge wooden wheel upstream that’s always spinning. They make tons of pieces of fabric out of wool. Maybe I even weaved some of the cloth used to make that very dress you’re wearing right now.”
You marvelled at his descriptions, even the simple way he spoke, articulated his words. Those utterly despicable boys at school would’ve just stuck their tongues out at you disrespectfully, not giving you the time of day, but Fred couldn’t be more different. He spoke to you as if you two were something of equals.
“Oh wow.” You were barely able to suppress a flustered giggle. Why were you feeling so, mushy around Fred, the sensation comparable only to the consistency of porridge? “I didn’t know you were so talented to do that.”
“Aww,” -he blushed, scratching the nape of his neck- “I mean, it’s not too difficult, you could probably do it if you tried. After a while ‘course.”
“Nonsense.” You not-so-nonchalantly rubbed your palms up and down your dress, noticing beads of perspiration accumulating on them. While doing so, the bushel of hooded violets resting in your pocket became evident. You pulled one from your stash, saying, “do you want one of my flowers? I picked them down near my house.”
Fred swore at any moment, if anything were so much as to touch him, he would burst. He’d never experienced these, admittedly strange, feelings before. It felt like his last meal wouldn’t settle in his stomach, or as if he’d just run a horse’s distance by the way his heart was pounding out of his chest. Was he sick? Should he go tell mum?
“I, erm, of course,” he stuttered, barely capable of moving his lips to form coherent words. “You have e-excellent taste in flowers, miss Y/N.”
“Thanks. I picked plenty, for a nice centerpiece at home. Mum always loves flowers.” You fiddled with the frills and layers of your dress, doing something to occupy your energetic fingers. Fred studied the flower intently with his brows furrowed, tugging on its petals and anthers. 
After Fred was satisfied with his examination of the violet, he said, “you know, there’s some really pretty yellow flowers growing down by the mill. They’d go perfectly with these here.”
“Will you take me?” 
“Of course I will. We’d best get going, though. Don’t wanna miss dinner.” Fred gestured for you to follow his lead, walking through the knee-high blades of grass as if he were wading through a river. When he quickly noticed your look of apprehension, not wanting to dirty your dress or have an unwanted animal encounter, he grabbed your palm with a grin, forcing you to trail behind him.
You two distantly followed the path of the creek, adventure flowing through both of your veins. Fred’s grip on your hand was gentle, despite the calloused patches scattered over his skin, no doubt a result of the ‘large machines’ he described working on in the mill.  
After a while of giggling and jogging, the distant outline of a building across the stream was visible. Its four walls were composed of rough, grey stones used as bricks; it’s roof was sealed with jagged pieces of slate, some out of place. But the biggest surprise came not with the building itself, but to the right of it. A humongous, wooden wheel spun through the rill, rhythmically splashing the previously tranquil water as it continued flowing. It was as if everything today was out of a fairy tale, but this was the most outlandish of them all. A giant wheel, spinning in pace through the water? 
“Well, we’re here.” While Fred usually dreaded returning back to the mill, as his time within the confines were never pleasant, tolerable at best, he was glad to be here with company and a different mission. He wasn’t going to be making fabric today, no, he was on the search for bundles of corn-yellow flowers, with the prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on. True royalty, a princess through and through.
“Wow. That wheel’s ginormous! How does it work?” This time, it was your mind that curiosity flooded, and it ceased to relent. 
“Erm, I don’t exactly know. All I know is that the creek pushes the wheel, for some reason. I’ll ask Dad about it sometime, he’ll know.” You nodded appreciatively, satisfied at the promise of an answer. 
 “Now what do you say we go find some of those flowers?”
“Yes please!” You started peering around the water’s edge, attempting to spot any signs of cheerful, yellow flowers.
While you continued digging through ferns and bushes, searching for gold, Fred enchanted you from a distance across the shaded meadow. “I think my brother Percy said that the flowers are called Golden Alexanders. He’s one to always go a bit heavy on books during his breaks.” 
‘You’ll have to ask your brother how they got their name. The first part’s fairly obvious, the Alexander portion not so much.”
“I’m gonna have to ask everyone in my family questions if I keep showing you new things by the looks of it,” he giggled, walking around the grassy plateau with his hand shielding his eyes from the setting sun. 
“Teacher always tells me during lessons, ‘curiosity killed the cat’-” 
“Poor kitty,” Fred muttered.
“-But satisfaction brought it back. So you best bring me back some answers tomorrow, because I don’t exactly fancy dying.” Fred’s eyes widened with his new, highly-important mission. “I’d at least wish to go out in a heroic way, not at the hands of my own unquenched curiosity.”
“That’s quite the big word.”
“I know, I learned it the other day!” you giggled, covering your toothy grin with your hand. “Isn’t it cool?” Fred responded with a handsome, wide smile and concurring nod. His eyes were filled to the brim with joy; they reminded you of warm evenings sitting around the crackling fire charring logs and embers. 
You scourged through the brush for a while longer until the soothing trickling of water was interrupted by Fred’s distinct voice, shouting, “Oh, I think I found some o’er here!”
You skipped to Fred’s direction, the toes of your boots patting the grass lightly. Fred was leaning down over a small patch of Golden Alexanders, watching a few bumblebees buzz between the central stigmas protected in the wreaths of small petals.
Without thinking, you swiftly wrapped your arms around Fred, his back pressed to your chest tightly. “Thank you, Fred. These’ll look great. You’ve got quite the eagle eye.” Your cheeks burned, and your soft arms were swept with tiny goosebumps.
“It’s no problem, really. I’m just glad you’re happy.” You unleashed Fred from your grasp, nearly tumbling to the ground with flusteredness. The porridge-ish feeling was back, and your now-wobbly legs weren’t exempt. “Your smile’s contagious, you know.” 
Fred’s reaction to your hug was slightly different, but equal in magnitude. His chest puffed as if it were fluttering with butterflies that would glide low near the grass, his neck, which tingled after your every exhale, was burning like brush, and his breath all but stopped, which he paid no mind to. 
To distract himself from the foreign sensations racking his body, he pointed to the revolving wheel sputtering the crystalline, flowing water, saying, “Do you think it's possible for me to climb the wheel? I’d wager I could.”
“You’d be a madman if you did.” You daintily trailed behind him like a curious cat, spying on his actions from afar.
“Then I guess I’ve got to do it.” He stepped one foot on one of the damp wooden beams, which proved successful until the churning of the wheel shook off his balance. He stumped to the group with an ‘ow’, groaning, “Princess, you were supposed to catch me.”
“Sorry,” you cheekily giggled, suppressing your smile with your cupped palm. You looked in all directions but Fred’s to avoid an assumed scornful glare, but instead you were met with a chuckling redhead, his umber eyes screwed shut with laughter.
Childish titter occupied the still Spring air, blending in with the trickling water and occasional melody chirped by a lone sparrow or two. Your fingers intertwined with Fred’s to prevent you from falling backwards into the puddles of sludge strewn through the sunset-soaked blades of grass.
Eventually, Fred could be your stabilizing tether no longer, and you both fell backwards, hands still locked playfully. You started to get up from the soft cushion composed of a plethora of plants before the flat-capped ginger motioned for you to remain relaxed on the ground, the large tufts of your gown and all. 
You complied, and before you knew it, you were making out the shapes of pink-hued clouds, improvising tales and fables to enchant Fred with.
“That one looks like a rabbit, doesn’t it?” you would say, or “that one looks like a mule-”
“-riding on a carriage!” Fred finished, giggling in unison with you. As your throat erupted with chuckles, you and the prince beside you clutched your stomachs which were rattling with joy.
After a while of staring up at the deepening sky, you said, “I think I’ve got to go back for dinner, Mum’ll be expecting me.” Fred immediately stood up, quick as a soldier, and he outstretched his arm chivalrously to help you sit up as well.
“I’ll walk you back, don’t worry. Who would I be to let a princess such as yourself brave the wilderness alone?”
“How kind of you, good sir,” you replied with a joking curtsy and exaggerated accent dripping with poshness. Your fingers intertwined with Fred’s again for the second time that day, and this time they felt more familiar, as if you could pinpoint every sun-owing freckle or crease in his pale skin.
Your connected arms swung rhythmically as you both relaxedly walked towards the direction of your humble residence, careful to avoid stepping on dotted ladybugs that scurried through the grass. Occasionally, you or Fred would release a clever wisecrack or randomly twirl, basking in the pink rays of sunshine that gradually depleted, but for most of the trek home, you stayed quiet, simply enjoying each other’s company: a luxury that was hard to come by in Fred’s house of nine.
When your house was finally visible on the thin line of the horizon, Fred’s eyes couldn’t help but light up. Your home didn’t look much different than the Weasley’s, save for its size being half as big. Your chimney wasn’t as crooked and worn by the elements as the gingered clan’s was either, but the young boy didn’t seem to notice. All he could see was an elegant castle suited for no one but the best.
At long last, you arrived on your back porch. The door was wide open, where your mother leaned her aproned hips against the frame with a smile. Wonderful aromas wafted from the kitchen to you and Fred’s nostrils, beckoning you to take a seat at the dinner table and dig in. “Now who might this be, Y/N?”
“My name’s Fredrick Weasley ma’am.” Youthfulness glinted his eyes as he reached his hand to shake your mother’s. “I go by Fred.”
“You’ve got quite the firm shake,” she said, suppressing a chuckle, “I hope you and Y/N had fun today? By the look of her dress, she did.”
Your cheeks burned like a tin fresh out of the oven as you looked down in horror to see brown splotches of dirt strewn across the fluff and frills. “Mum, I-”
“Shh, Y/N, don’t worry about it,” you mother cooed in a whisper, eyeing the oblivious redheaded boy next to you, who was equally smudged with mud but complemented with a sweet, wide-mouthed smile.
“Well, Y/N dear, it’s dinner time. Does your guest Mister Weasley care to join us?”
“No thank you, Miss Y/L/N, I’ve got to be on my way back to my home as well.” Fred pulled you closer to him, so that your chest was mere inches away from his’. A sudden burst of confidence pumped through his veins, and with that, he gave a light pack to your cheek. 
Your eyes widened with shock; his lips left a tingly imprint on your nerves as he turned back around towards the creek. I’ll never wash my face again, you thought, cupping your cheek with your palm. 
“Bye princess, I’ll see you tomorrow, promise?” he shouted, giving you a final wave. 
“Promise. Bye, Mill Boy. See you then!” And with that, he was off following towards the water in which he came, the orange sunlight turning his figure into a fading silhouette. 
general taglist: 
@amourtentiaa @probably-peeves @anchoeritic   @theweasleytwinsgirl  
weasley twins taglist:
send me and ask or dm to be added!
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: First Date
A/n: this was such a cute idea! i hope you like it! (not thoroughly edited sry i cant spell and i type fast)
Requested by: @waningmoonbin​ ( thank you bb) feel free to request again!)
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @mini-meanhoe​ 
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Chan had been good friends with you for a very long time. You were quite honestly the nervous one when the night of your date finally came around. It was Chan. How could you not be nervous? You were still in utter shock he had asked you out in the first place. 
“Okay. It’s just Chan. It’s just Chan. Oh who am I kidding....it’s Chan.” You whispered to yourself. Your eyes raked over your outfit in the mirror. Before you could second guess yourself someone knocked on your door. You practically ran through your apartment. “Hi,” You said trying not to sound breathless.
“You look gorgeous,” Chan said leaning over and kissing your cheek. He left you no time to marvel at his actions because his hand enveloped yours and he led you out into the city. “I found this little restaurant the other day. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I wanted to bring you here.” 
You smiled seeing the little hole in the wall restaurant. It was dimly lit and very aesthetically pleasing to look at. Chan was a gentleman and pulled out your chair for you, his hand brushing over your shoulder as he rounded the table to his seat.
The two of you talked about literally everything, sharing tender looks from across the table. His laugh was probably the loudest in the small restaurant but neither of you cared. You loved making him laugh. He instantly made your nerves disappear. 
When the waiter placed the check on your table you immediately reached for it only to have Chan swat your hand away. “No. A lady does not pay on a date.” 
“Chan I can pick up the check I don’t mind.”
“No, let me pay, baby.” You blushed at the pet name and instantly let go of the check, Chan giving you a knowing smile. “Well...that’s a trick I’ll have to remember,” he muttered under his breath with the biggest grin, exposing his dimples. After he paid, Chan walked you to your door and left you with a kiss on the cheek, promising to take you out again very soon.
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Since both you and Minho had very busy schedules you decided to meet up at a cafe on a Sunday morning. Unfortunately, it was raining cats and dogs the morning you were planned to meet up. Throwing on a huge coat and pulling out your umbrella you ran to the nearby cafe and waited for Minho.
The warm air of the coffeehouse greeted you as found a booth open by the window. You watched the rain fall down onto the street as you waited for your date. “Are you ready to order?” A barista asked coming over.
“Uhh...no I’m waiting for someone.” She noticed the twinkle in your eye and gave you a knowing smile. 
“Ah! I’ll come back in a minute.” She said placing down two drink menus. You continued to watch the storm outside as you shed your coat. A flash of brown flew by your window. It backtracked and stood in front of you, a goofy wet smile on its face. Minho. He waved and tried to start a conversation with you through the window, most likely forgetting you couldn’t hear him and that he was standing in the pouring rain. 
You pointed to the front door of the cafe with a laugh hoping he would get the idea. He nodded, eyes turning to crescents and he rushed through the rain. The bell rang as he entered the shop. Minho took off his coat and slid into the other side of the booth. “Sorry, I’m late. The boys were being assholes.” He said shaking his wet hair. 
“It’s fine. I wasn’t waiting long.” 
Minho smiled at you from across the table and asked you about your week. The waitress soon returned and smiled at you before nodding at Minho and giving you a thumbs up. Thankfully he was too busy looking at the drink to see the exchange. 
“I’ll have an iced americano, and Y/n wants a chai tea latte with extra cream.” Minho handed the barista the menus and turned to find you looking at him weirdly. “What?” He asked unbothered by your stare.
“You know my drink order?” 
“Of course. Now let’s get this date started.”
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Changbin really wanted to impress you. He was surprised you even said ‘yes’ to going out with him. Maybe you were confused and thought you were going out as friends. That would be so embarrassing. He internally cringed as he walked up to your door, hoping that wasn’t the case.
He put on his brightest smile to hide his nerves as he heard you start to open the door. “Hi, Binnie!” He drunk you in. You looked breathtaking. Just for him. All doubts from before were thrown out the window. “Where are we going tonight?” You asked looping your arm with his.
Changbin subtly flexed his arm under your touch and led you to his car. “Just a restaurant uptown.” Little did you know this restaurant uptown was the highest rated restaurant in the city...not to mention very expensive. Your eyes widened when you pulled up and a valet parked Bin’s car. 
“Changbin...this is not just a ‘little’ restaurant.” You said in disbelief. He draped his arm around your waist and smirked as you walked up and asked for your reservation. 
“Only the best for my girl,” Changbin whispered into your ear.
The host led you to a secluded booth in the back and Changbin slipped her a twenty to make sure no photographers bothered you. He handed you a menu and you tried to keep your eyes from bulging out of your head. The salad cost $27! Changbin must have seen you panicking about the prices and laughed. “Order anything you want, Y/n. I’ll pay.” 
“I’ve never even heard of half of the things on this menu.” Even in this fancy place, Changbin made it easy for you to laugh. He shrugged and made a silly face at you. 
“You ready to order?” The waiter asked coming back.
You were about to say ‘no’, but Changbin interrupted you. “We’ll do the tasting menu tonight and can we get a bottle of Merlot for the table?” Changbin winked at you as he handed the menu to the waiter. “You said you didn’t know what you wanted, so why don’t we try a bunch of stuff?” Changbin said reaching for your hand across the table. The rest of the night was filled with amazing food and great conversation.
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Hyunjin wasn’t nervous one bit. He had confidence oozing out of him as he climbed the stairs to your studio apartment. He had waited all week for this. Felix helped him pick out the perfect clothes and Chan even gave him a pep talk before he left the dorm.
The sound of his knuckles tapping against the door filled the hallway. His fingers tapped nervously on the bouquet in his hands. “Hyunjin, hi-” You opened the door a beautiful smile on your face. Your eyes widened falling on the flowers in his hand. “Oh my gosh! Jinnie, these are gorgeous.” 
His fingers brushed yours as he handed them to you. “They are for you.” His heart was hammering against his chest seeing you inhale the flowers sweet aroma. “You ready to go?” You nodded and placed the flowers inside before linking your hand in his. The two of you hopped on a train to head to the amusement park.
The second you stepped into the park you ran straight for the cute little animal headbands and souvenirs. Hyunjin happily bought you two matching headbands and wore it around the park with you. His arms were around you the entire day, even on all the rides. 
While you waited in lines for the rides he stood behind you, arms wrapped around your waist and chin rested on your head. “Did you know turtles can breathe through their butts?” Hyunjin asked while you waited in line for the Ferris wheel. It was a particularly long line since the sun was beginning to set and everyone and their brother wanted a ride.
“Yeah,” He said as the two of you moved to the front of the line. “I saw it on a video Jisung was watching. Wouldn’t it be so cool if you could breathe out of your butt?” You laughed as an attendant let the two of you into a car and it lifted you into the air. Being the dramatic dork Hyunjin is, he insisted on kissing you at the very top. 
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Jisung was very nervous. He had been pining after you for so long, so when he finally got the courage to ask you out his whole body kind of stopped functioning when you said ‘yes’. Not really knowing what to do with himself, he shoved his hands in his pockets with a shy smile and said “Cool,” then ran away.
You found it quite precious. However, it was now the day of your date and Jisung had absolutely no plan whatsoever. He was walking up the stairs to your apartment trying to put together a last second nervous outline of what could happen.
All coherent thoughts went flying out of his brain when you opened the door. “Hi Ji!” You said waving and inviting him in. Just breathe. It’s fine. Everything is great. You aren’t going to have a panic attack, Jisung kept telling himself. You looked fantastic. You always did, but the fact that you put in a little extra effort just for him made his heart go crazy.
“So...I don’t really have a plan for today.” Jisung nervously stated, looking around the apartment he had been in many times. He watched you shrug and throw down the jacket you were holding onto the table.
“That’s fine. We can order in and hang out here if you want?”
 You smiled seeing Jisung’s body fully relax. His shoulders were obviously tense when he walked through the door. He nodded a timid smile on his lips. In all honesty, you were hoping to have some alone time with him rather than going out. “I can order some sushi or a pizza?” He said pulling out his phone.
You took the opportunity to grab his hand and drag him over to the couch. “That sounds perfect.” Jisung smiled when you sat so close to him, a hand on his knee. His nerves quickly went away as he talked with you, completely ignoring the horror film you had picked to watch. Every once in a while you would get scared and bury your head in his shoulder and Jisung would wrap his arm around you in a welcoming embrace.
“This wasn’t a bad date was it?” He asked hours later when he was leaving.
“No. It was perfect.” Jisung blushed feeling your lips press against his before you closed the door leaving him a red happy mess in the hallway. He would dance and jump down the hall back to his car.
“YES!” He said with a dramatic fist pump.
(my introverted bb omg)
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Felix was over the moon. He had your entire date planned before he even asked you out. He had been thinking about this for months. His logic was if he planned it out beforehand there was no way he could back out of asking you. He waltzed up to your door and waited for you to answer. 
“Hey Y/n,” Felix said in a singsong voice. He leaned down a pressed a kiss to your cheek making you blush. You wrapped your hand around his and grabbed the backpack he told you to bring. 
“Felix, where are we going? Why did you tell me to bring all this stuff?” 
He pressed his finger to his lips and dragged you to his car. “Shh! It’s a surprise.” About forty minutes later, he parked in front of a water park. “Here we are!” He said racing around to open your door. After Felix paid for your tickets and got a locker for your stuff the two of you changed into swimsuits and raced into the park. 
“Last one in is a rotten egg!” Felix shouted before cannonballing into the nearest pool only to be yelled at by the lifeguard. You laughed and helped him out, his hair shaking like a wet dog. The two of you spent the day going on all the rides, eating snow cones, and lounging in the lazy river. 
“You having fun?” Felix asked as the two of you lay on a pool float sailing down the lazy river. Felix was spread out and you lay between his legs and on his bare chest. You nodded hand dangling in the water and sun on your back. Felix tangled his hands in your semi-wet hair and wrapped an arm around your waist.
There was honestly nothing better than just laying with Felix and talking about nothing at all. Even if random kids splashed you occasionally when they passed by. Felix used his foot to push the float away from the corner wall making you giggle as the float sped up temporarily. 
“Can this be our second date too?” You asked. “And our third, and fourth, and fifth?” Felix laughed out loud and splashed you with a little water.
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Seungmin wasn’t nervous, but he was a little anxious. He wouldn’t let the other boys see how excited he was to see you though. Seungmin knew he didn’t want to take you on a cliche date. He wanted it to be fun and colorful and different. 
“You ready to go?” He asked when you answered the door. You grabbed your purse and nodded. Hesitantly he took your hand and held it in his. You could tell Seungmin was a little shy when it came to physical signs of affection so you confidently laced your fingers with his.
Seungmin brought you to the Trick Eye Museum in Seoul and bought your tickets before leading you inside. The two of you goofed around, nerves quickly leaving the both of you as you played around the 2-D paintings and murals. Seungmin brought his camera and took silly pictures of you with the illusion paintings. He even let you take weird pictures of him.
The two of you laughed and goofed around with the paintings before leaving the museum and going to a nearby restaurant for dinner. The two of you sat on the same side of the booth and scrolled through the pictures in his camera. “You looked really cute here,” Seungmin said showing you a photo of you in one of the illusion murals.
“No, that’s just your fantastic photography.” You said wrapping your arms around his waist. A few minutes later your food arrived and you talked about Seungmin’s rehearsals and how the boys were doing. He told you funny stories about Han and Felix getting into trouble that had you nearly choking on your food.
After dinner was finished, Seungmin walked you back to your apartment and stood outside your door with you, hands shoved in his pocket. “So...I had a really good time with you tonight.” He said, shyly looking between you and the floor.
“I did too.”
“Would you maybe wanna go out again this weekend?” He grinned seeing your smile. You nodded and started playing with your house keys. Seungmin didn’t really get the signal and just looked at you like a cute puppy. Knowing he wasn’t going to kiss you, you leaned up and pressed one onto his cheek. When you pulled away his ears were bright red.
“I’ll see you this weekend, Min.”
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Jeongin was very nervous. He had never really dated before since most of his teen life was spent as a trainee. Chan had helped him come up with idea for his date and Felix helped him pack the picnic dinner Jeongin was planning on bringing.
At about seven o’clock Jeongin arrived, picnic basket and blanket in hand. He was dressed in a nice button-up shirt and jeans, his hair was even styled. Thank goodness he found a stylist before they left the company today. “Hi, Innie!” You said giving him a hug. He wasn’t expecting such a happy reaction to seeing him, but it didn’t go without thanks.
He offered you his arm before the two of you hopped on a train down to the Han River. It was dark by the time you got to the Banpo Bridge, but you noticed many other couples were seated or lying on the grass. Jeongin laid out the blanket and you helped him unpack the incredible meal Felix prepared. 
Just as you were about to start eating, the fountain on the side of the bridge started spraying water down into the Han River. You jumped and then watched the water show in awe. “Jeongin, Jeongin, Jeongin! Look! Oh my gosh! It’s pink! Wow, it’s so pretty!” You exclaimed watching the pretty water. 
“Do you like it?” He asked shyly.
“Yes, I love it.” The two of you lounged on the blanket talking about random topics and watching the water show. When the fountain shut off you stayed and looked at the stars, being able to see them better here than deeper in the city. “Innie, I’m having so much fun!”
“Me too!” He said looking over at you. “I really don’t want this to end.” 
You smiled and stole a piece of food from his plate. “Do you want to do this again?” You asked. Jeongin nodded giving you a bright smile. He reached over and took your hand in his.
“Yeah, I would really really like that.”
Requests are open my lovelies! Just send an ask!
If you wanna be on the tag list just let me know!
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jean-kayak · 4 years
This is a weird idea I’ve had but can I request a smut drabble of Hawks crushing on a black!fem!reader who’s a twitch streamer/gamer (that’s a fan of his) and they start meeting up a lot until they start dating? He’s not bothered by the thirst comments she gets despite how open she is about being taken but Hawks is possessive (thanks to bird instincts) and he fucks her after her stream talking about how those horny bastards would never be with her cuz she’s his.
A/N: Anon, I love this idea! It’s not weird at all! Here it is, and I’m sorry it took so long, but I hope you like it!
Pairing: Hawks (Keigo Takami) x black!fem!gamer!reader
Word Count: 1,356
Warnings: possessive Hawks, (smut 18+!!), unprotected sex, fingering, ass slapping (once)
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Hawks doesn't really know how he managed to find your channel, let alone learn about Twitch, but once he found you, he couldn't find a good reason to not watch your streams.
He had the app downloaded on his phone so he would get notifications every time you went live. He decided to come up with some random username, opting to not use his real name, though he doubts you'd believe it was the real Hawks.
He was completely hooked, and he didn't even know it until he realized that he would be racing home to make sure he was on time to tune into your streams. He thought at first that maybe he just enjoyed the gaming content that you put out, but he slowly started to realized that he was quickly developing a crush on you.
He noticed that he would be engrossed in your stories about how your day went or stories from your past. He found himself smiling fondly at how happy you would get whenever you won a round of whatever game you were playing. Or how cute he thought you looked when you didn't put much effort into your appearance, especially when you were doing hour-long streams, a bonnet on your head, and a ratty old t-shirt covering your torso.
He really starts tuning in when he finds out that you're a huge fan of his after someone had asked you who you're favorite hero was. He couldn't help when his confidence rose when you excitedly talked about him.
It gave him enough confidence to try and actually contact you, hoping to eventually meet you in person. He messaged you on social media while you were on stream, and you just happen to glance at your phone, and he couldn't erase the smile on his face when he saw your reaction.
You both hit it off instantly, exchanging numbers which led to the both of you finally meeting each other in person, and you definitely look way better in person.
His crush only continued to grow bigger, and he'd never thought he'd actually have the chance to date you, but here you both are going three months strong.
Of course, your relationship was kept secret, for his sake, and mostly for yours mostly, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't get jealous by the thirst comments you constantly receive.
He knows you're beautiful, that's what drew him in besides your personality, but he can't help the feeling stirring at the pit of his stomach when he sees the comments on your social media. Especially on stream.
One day, he tuned in to one of your streams while he was at work, and that day, the comments seemed to be more forward than they usually were. You've mentioned that you were taken, but that only spurred some of them on, and Hawks couldn't ignore the anger rising inside of him.
You weren't wearing anything spectacular, just a simple tank top, but that appeared to be enough for all of the horny people in the chat. He wasn't even paying attention to your stream anymore, he was focused on the comments flooding in.
Some saying how hot you were, others saying that they could treat you way better than your boyfriend could, and for the rest of his shift, Hawks was a little bit tougher than necessary, needing to take out his frustration somehow before he could see you.
You've just finished your stream, massaging your ears once you take your headphones off before you hop into bed, scrolling aimlessly through your phone.
You jump out of your skin as you drop your phone when you hear something landing on your balcony. You physically relax as you sigh, putting a hand on your chest as you scoff lightly. "Keigo, oh my God, you scared the life out of me."
You don't even get a chance to move, Keigo already on top of you, his lips covering yours, his body encompassing yours. You easily accept his tongue, your mouth opening easily as you moan into the kiss.
You pull away, realizing that he's shirtless, the only clothes remaining are his pants. You look up at him to ask him what's gotten into him, but when your eyes meet his, the words seem to disappear.
His eyes are filled with lust and primal hunger, and you can't help the shiver that goes down your spine as you feel wetness pool at your core. "You're mine, right, kid?" he asks, not waiting for an answer as he attacks your neck, his hands trailing down to your shorts, ripping them off in a second.
His fingers are stimulating your bundle of nerves as soon as he gets them off, and the last thing you're thinking about it is answering. He bites down on your neck softly as he repeats himself. "Yes! Yes, I'm all yours," you sigh as he puts marks all over your neck that you know you're going to have a hard time covering up.
He's already able to slide in two fingers easily, your back arching off the bed as he curls his fingers, hitting your spot instantly. He works in a third as he thumbs at your clit, your hands gripping his shoulders as he smirks at how easy you become undone under him.
He can't help the sense of pride he feels as he watches you cum on his fingers, his name coming out of your mouth breathless as you gush all over his fingers.
You barely have enough time to come down from your high when you're flipped over on your stomach as he guides onto your knees, arching your back before getting rid of the rest of his clothes.
You try to turn your head, but you're stopped short when you feel him pushing into you, the stretch making your mouth drop open as you moan loudly. He's already pounding into you, your body still sensitive from your first orgasm as you cry out into the room, the noises you're making almost drowning out the sound of the bed frame creaking.
"Who's making you feel this good?" he growls, his grip on your hips tight, and you can already feel the bruises starting to form. You can hardly get out the words, the last thing on your mind is attempting to form a coherent sentence.
A smack vibrates through the room, the pain blooming on your ass making you whine. "Who's making you feel this good?!" he repeats as he picks up his pace, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as you grip the sheets underneath you.
"Fuck. You are, Kei," you manage, and you can hear his wings puff up, opening your eyes to see the shadow spread across the headboard.
He reaches around you to rub at your clit harshly, and you jolt, feeling that knot getting tighter. "Shit, who owns this tight cunt? Fuck," he swears, and you don't answer fast enough, and you let out a small scream when he pinches your clit. "Answer me," he demands.
"You do Kei. It's all yours," you sigh, and he doesn't even try to fight the satisfied smile that finds its way onto his face.
"Say my name, baby bird. Scream it." The only thing coming out of your mouth is chants of his name as you drool onto the pillow, and he fucks you faster as he thinks about all of those comments that he read, and how none of them could make you like this.
"Kei!" you shout, the knot snapping as you cum hard, your body going taut then limp, the only thing holding you up now is the rough fingers digging into your hips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he grits as he fucks you through your high, chasing his. He cums with a low growl before folding over you. You wince at the overstimulation when he pulls out, and you flop over on your side, your breathing ragged from exertion.
"You read the comments again, didn't you?" you ask with an airy chuckle as he looks at the bedsheets.
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feliix · 4 years
Plan B ✦ PJM (18+)
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✦ Pairing: Jimin x Reader ✦ Word count: 2.1k ✦ Rating: M 
✦  Genre: smut, crack, fluff, established relationship!au
✦  Summary: Acting up doesn’t get you very far when you’re boyfriend’s sole purpose in life is to get on your nerves, luckily this time he gets on the right one.
✦  Warnings: explicit smut, thigh riding, nipple play, dom(ish)!jimin, dirty talk, praise kink, y/n is an whiney spoiled brat, punishment
✦  Requested by this anon ‘For the drinks & drabbles, I’d like to have Jimin + Vodka please 🥺’ and sweet @bangtiddies​ ‘hello bby may i order a jimin + vodka pls thank you i lob you 🥺’
✦  A/N: no one @ me about Jimin’s hairy legs you can blame @hobiance​ she told me to also this as nothing to do with the oral contraceptive morning after pill I’m just bad at titling fics
✦ Written for the BHQ Drinks and Drabbles game hosted by @bangtan-dreamland​
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Your favorite time of night. Bedtime. Finally, you could enjoy the peace and quiet of temporary unconsciousness after an exhausting day. Maybe exhausting was the wrong word – but Jimin was in one of his ‘moods’ today and was being excessively annoying.
As the day went on his antics became more and more bothersome, doing things for the mere sake of pissing you off. It had become his only hobby, saying or doing things that bothered you just enough to warrant a dirty look but not enough for you to stay angry over. He was an instigator by nature and being cooped up in your apartment together only made it worse.
You thought that once you’d gotten into bed then his instigating antics would fade out, but he was really on another level tonight. You managed to escape him for a half-hour to shower, deciding to shave your legs just to give you something to do and kill time. Bad mistake.
Now he was brushing up against your smooth skin with his hairy legs, the texture causing a tickling sensation that you found rather annoying now that you were trying to get some shut-eye.
“Stop that,” you swat your hand back at him to get him to stop. He’s pressed up against your back, cradling you as he holds you in his arms. Because of your positioning, you’re unable to see the amused look spread across his face. Your annoyance only entices him to do it again, seeing how far he could get before you snap.
“Stop what?” He chokes back a laugh, fully aware of what he’s doing but still enjoying the smooth feel of your legs up against his.
“Stop tickling me with your leg hair,” you sigh as you shift your legs forward to escape him. Sleeping in a 90-degree angle wouldn’t be the most comfortable position, but at this point you were desperate. Thank god for your king-sized mattress.
“Hey,” he whines as a pout forms on his face at the loss of contact, “I just wanna cuddle.”
And then your comforter is being kicked up, his top leg wrapping over your body and pulling you back into him. He was really asking for it tonight.
Trapped between the tight grip of his thighs, you let out a forced sigh, biting your tongue to stop from lashing out. After living together this long he can tell the intentions behind the sounds of your breath, and now he was feeling kind of bad for bothering you. This sigh in particular was filled with annoyance, so much so that you weren’t able to respond to him with a coherent thought.
He does his best to make it up to you, kissing the nape of your neck sweetly before nuzzling into your back, loosening the grip of his legs around you to let you get comfortable again.
“I just miss you.”
“We’ve been together all day.”
“No no,” he says, kisses littering up your neck and to your cheek, “I miss you.”
His gravelly voice makes a knot tighten in your stomach, your core beginning to ache with the intentions behind his words. “I see,” you swallow thickly, eyes opening to stare at the wall in front of you as you wait for his next move.
“Do you miss me?” He asks as one hand fiddles with the hem of your shirt, lifting it slightly to slide underneath. Goosebumps prick at your skin as his fingertips graze against your stomach. His gentle ministrations have you chasing after your own breath, arousal growing between your thighs by the second.
“Yes,” you gulp, voice beginning to shake as his fingers make their way to one of your nipples. It begins to pebble as he rolls the bud between the tips of his fingers, your chest heaving in response to his ministrations.
“I see,” he counters slyly, squeezing your hardened nipple between his fingers. You keen at his touch as a light whimper leaves your mouth. You weren’t sure where this was going, but the pool of arousal forming between your thighs was doing wonders to make you forget about how much he’s been bothering you today.
“You’ve been very short with me lately, hm?” He whispers in your ear, shivers wracking your spine at the feeling of his hot breath.
“I-I’m sorry.”
What you didn’t realize is how short-tempered you had been with Jimin ever since you’d been stuck at home. Before he even began instigating you were already bickering with him. He had gone above and beyond with his antics to try to put you in place and teach you a lesson…One that hadn’t worked of course. So now it was time for plan B.
“Maybe you should learn your lesson, yeah?” He pinches your nipple harder this time, your back instinctively arching in pleasure as he soothes the area afterward.
“Mhm,” he confirms, grabbing you by the waist to flip you over. As your eyes meet his you notice the dark and lustful look that’s taken over him, a stark contrast to the playful grin you had seen not too long ago.
Your lips chase after his, begging for some type of stimulation as your desire runs wild. He kisses you back, his lips moving rhythmically against yours. You wanted more – needed more. The arousal beginning to soak through your underwear was getting rather uncomfortable, all you wanted was to satisfy your needs, no matter what you had to do to make things up to him.
Swiftly, his hands loop under the sides of your panties, ripping them off in one fell swoop and flinging them across the bedroom. When his fingers reach for your cunt a smug smile spreads across his face. Your legs aren’t the only cleanly shaved part of your body.
He’s pleased with how aroused you are already, just from him teasing your nipples for a few short minutes. “I know how you can make it up to me,” his eyebrow quirks pompously following his words. There was no time for questions now, you were ready and willing to do whatever it took to satisfy your growing needs.
“Okay,” you agree without knowing his intentions. It wasn’t a bad idea though. There was nothing wrong with a little bit of punishment.
Slowly, Jimin shifts up on the bed, propping himself up against the headboard and sitting upright. You give him a confused look before he responds with patting his thigh, telling you to hop on.
“You want me to..?”
“I want you to get yourself off on my thigh.”
Eyes widening at his statement you instinctively move onto his thigh, each of your own enclosing on either side of his leg. The hem of the large t-shirt you're wearing brushes against his skin as you perch yourself up on your knees. “Off,” he orders, motioning to the fabric covering your body.
Following his commands you grab the shirt from the bottom, crossing your arms as you pull it off and over your head seductively. The satisfied look on his face tells all, he's already enjoying the show before it's begun.
The cool air of the bedroom kisses your nude figure and sends a small chill down your spine while you adjust to the temperature of the room. Your nipples harden on contact, sensitive from the raging heat of your body met with the ice-cold air blowing out of the vent above you.
You sink down onto his thigh slowly, the short hairs on his legs brushing up against your core. The texture causes you to flinch, you smooth skin so delicate and responsive to each little touch. It tickles a bit, not enough to scare you off but enough for you to notice it’s there.
Your eyes lock with his before you make any more movements, waiting for him to give you the cue to go. His pupils are blown out and dark, filled with desire as he admires your naked form.
With one swift movement, his hands grip your hips, beginning to guide your actions. You instantly shudder at the feeling; the sensation was new, you had never done anything like this before. There was always a first time for everything.
“Just like this,” he coaxes as he sways you back and forth a few times.
His grip on your hips soon loosens – he wants you to do it on your own now. For more support you place your hands on his chest, grinding yourself on his thigh. A moan escapes your lips as your arousal begins coating his leg, the small hairs covering the surface underneath you beginning to stand up.
“Like this?” You ask as your pace picks up, rocking forward slightly to give extra stimulation to your clit. In the process your breasts are pushed closer to his chest, and he can’t help but reach out in front of you and knead them between his hands. His palms encase your breasts, his thumbs circling your nipples with every stroke.
Your head rolls back at the newfound pleasure, orgasm beginning to build with each rock of your hips. Slowly, his hands drag their way down your body, goosebumps trailing close behind as they settle on your hips. Your eyes screw shut in bliss as he flexes his thigh, the ridges of his muscles adding more friction underneath you.
His thigh only becomes more and more slippery as you continue to ride him, your slick coating every inch. The slick surface makes it easier for you to move against him; pleasure overtaking your senses as you grind harder into his tensed muscles.
“Doing so good princess,” his voice comes out in a whisper, so gentle and full of admiration. His words have you keening at his praise, only wanting to move faster to get yourself off.
As you open your mouth to speak a desperate whine escapes. It’s not what you intended to do but Jimin is still satisfied, smirking at your carnal shriek as you get yourself off on his leg.
Your eyes slam shut as you try to focus on your movements. The growing ache in your knees is slowly beginning to tire you out, but you can’t stop now. You’re so close.
“I’m tired,” you whine, frustration laced in every breath you exhale as your movements begin to slow. It felt like you had been at this forever, but whatever you were doing just wasn’t enough. Tears begin to prick at the corners of your eyes as you feel your high beginning to slip away. You’d already worked hard enough, it was agonizing not being able to just get yourself off.
“Just a little longer baby,” he coaxes you, his grip on your waist tightening as he begins to guide your movements once again. Relief sets in as Jimin takes control, finally getting your way.
He pushes and pulls your body over his toned muscles, your clit catching on each crease with every glide of your hips. As if his help wasn't enough, his body soon begins to lean forwards, pulling you towards him as he catches one of your nipples in his mouth.
A steep groan leaves your lips as he catches the bud between his teeth, teasing you with a little bit of pain to outlast the pleasure. The extra feeling of his lips on your body is all you needed to come undone above him. Your body sinks as a sharp moan catches in your throat. Bliss overtakes you as your body falls into him, his arms wrapping around you to catch you.
Your orgasm racks through your body, impulsively shaking with each spasm of your walls as you release. Jimin is there to usher you through your high, though. His strong arms hold your tired body while you recover and light kisses are placed along your jawline.
As your shaking begins to subside he helps you off his leg, widening his stance for you to sit in between. His arms cradle your aching body and you feel like you could fall asleep right there – your back pushed flush up against his chest as you relax into his warm frame
“You did so well Princess,”  he praises, a kiss landing on the top of your head. Your eyes shut gently, a satisfied smile growing on your lips as you nuzzle closer into him.
“I’m sorry for being a brat today.”
He smirks at your apology, knowing that plan B had done the trick. “I forgive you, Princess, you’ve earned it.”
And for the remainder of the night, he gets what he wants, to cuddle you as you both drift off to sleep.
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‘Plan B’ is copyright 2020 @parksfilter​, all rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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pinktwingirl · 3 years
Loki Series Rewrite (AKA Loki Series But With Squirrel Girl) Ep 3
Loki is attacking Sylvie. Suddenly, Doreen enters and rushes up to them.
Loki, catch!
She tosses him a prune stick. Loki takes it and he starts fighting Sylvie with her. During the battle, Doreen manages to overpower Sylvie and tackle her to the ground. Doreen holds her knuckle spikes to Sylvie's throat, but Sylvie twists her arm and kicks Loki's prune stick away. Sylvie then kicks Doreen's face and grabs Loki. Doreen freezes when she sees Sylvie is holding a dagger to Loki's throat. Just then, Ravonna and several other agents enter.
Come any closer, and I'll kill him.
Go for it.
Doreen glares at her. Before she can attack, Loki whips out his tem-pad, causing himself and Sylvie to disappear.
We cut to later, when Mobius, Ravonna, and Doreen are standing where Loki and Sylvie vanished.
(to Ravonna)
Thanks for nothing.
I called her bluff. I knew she wasn't going to do it.
Yeah. Sure.
Where the hell did they go?
You don't know?
Loki took the tem-pad with him. We can't find his location if we don't have it.
(He groans in frustration.)
That bastard! He directly disobeyed me! I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!
He probably just wanted to know what was going on! Look, I can find him with-
(She takes out her Loki locket, only to see that it is broken.)
This thing must've gotten damaged in the fight.
Can't you just fix it?
It's not that simple. Thor let me borrow parts of rare Asgardian technology to build this. They were some of the last parts they had, so I would have to go back in time to Asgard to get more. And... I have no idea where I would even begin to start looking there.
Mobius sighs.
Alright, look, I'll search through our files on Asgard to see what I can find. In the meantime, just try to salvage what you can, and don't dilly-dally. Every moment those variants are on the loose, we're all in danger.
Doreen is trying to work on the locket to no avail. She slams it down and sighs. Just then, her squirrel Monkey Joe hops up on the table, carrying spare parts. He sets them down and squeaks at her.
No... Those won't work, Monkey Joe. We need gear that can navigate through both space and time.
Looking dejected, Monkey Joe lets out a few sad squeaks. Doreen pets him and gives him an almond as consolation.
I know, buddy, you tried your best...
Doreen's other squirrels, Tippy-Toe and Mr. Lieberman join Monkey Joe to eat pieces of the almond. Just then, CASEY turns around and peers at the squirrels in horror.
What are those?
Um, almonds? Want some?
No, the... things eating them...
Doreen raises an eyebrow.
They're squirrels.
What, you've never seen a squirrel before?
No... I've spent my whole life here, so I've never seen any animals at all.
Doreen looks mortified.
That's the saddest thing I've ever heard in my life...
Mobius is looking through various old books on shelves. He pauses when he flips through a book that has Asgardian writing and a map of Asgard.
Doreen is showing Casey pictures of different types of squirrels on her phone as Casey looks on in wonder.
So, this here is a red squirrel. I just love their little pointy ears! Ooh, and these ones are extra rare: The Japanese flying squirrel! Look at their beady little eyes! And their fluffy tail! You can only find these in one island on all of Earth!
Wow... That's amazing!
Just then, Mobius walks in.
Doreen quickly slams her phone down.
Uhhh, yes, sir, we are hard at work!
She does an awkward salute. Mobius frowns at her.
I found this book in our library.
(He flips to a page that has a drawing of Odin's treasure room with a description written in Asgardian.)
This look familiar?
Doreen frowns as she peers at the book.
This is all in Asgardian. I can't read it.
Forget the text; look at the picture.
He points to a section of the drawing where several golden parts are stored in the treasure room. Doreen's eyes widen.
Oh my God... I think that's it!
Mobius grins.
Yeah? You think you could go get it if I sent you to Asgard, say, a couple decades in the past?
Sure, I mean... All I would have to do is find Odin's treasure room... wherever that is, somehow break in, get the parts, and then, by some miracle, get out undetected, and then we're home free!
(She pats him on the back.)
Good job, Moby! I might need a change of clothes, though.
What's wrong with your clothes?
I mean, I can't just walk into Asgard like this; I'd stick out like a sore thumb!
Mobius sighs.
Alright, I'll see if we have any old stuff from the Asgardian variants we've taken in. But study that book and maybe try to come up with a halfway coherent plan for sneaking in. I'll set the portal to send you back to the same moment in time once you're done, so you can take however long you need to look for the parts. But don't use that as an excuse to sight-see!
He chuckles under his breath as he walks away.
Loki and Sylvie are chatting on the train.
How about you? You're a prince! Must've been... would-be princesses. Or, perhaps, another prince?
A bit of both. I suspect, the same as you. But nothing ever...
What about your mortal girl? What was her name? Doreen?
Loki raises an eyebrow.
She seems nice.
Oh, I'm sure she'd appreciate that, coming from the person who practically kicked her face in.
Hey, when she's on the run, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.
And, no, she's... just an acquaintance. 
Sylvie raises an eyebrow and smirks.
Doreen enters the palace through a portal in a pretty, albeit slightly ill-fitting blue Asgardian dress, with her hair done up like all the other noble ladies. As she wanders around, she spots a crowd of noble ladies in ballgowns chatting and laughing while they walk. She tries to inconspicuously join the group, when a MAID calls out to her.
Um, pardon me, my lady?
Doreen freezes to see if the maid is talking to her.
Do you not have something to wear for tonight?
I... Um... Well, I was just going to wear this... very Asgardian dress...
Do you... have anything a little more formal? I trust you haven't forgotten that the ball is tonight?
Uh... Right... Yes... Of course... Um...
We have some spare dresses if you'd like to borrow one. I'm sure the queen wouldn't mind.
Doreen hesitates for a moment.
A-alright... Thank you.
She follows the maid into a corridor.
Doreen sits in front of a mirror while the maid styles her hair. She has a layer of light, pretty makeup on her face.
Have you decided which dress you'd like, my lady?
Oh... I liked the green one.
The maid raises an eyebrow.
Are we... hoping for something?
Wh-what do you mean?
Well, if you're wearing the colors of Prince Loki, some might think you were... trying to get his attention.
W-will he be there?
He should. I must warn you that he detests these types of social events, though. At last winter's ball, he projected an illusion of himself in the ballroom to make it seem like he was present when he was really in his room reading books the whole night.
Doreen grins.
Shall I help you put on your dress?
(Lost in thought)
(Her head shoots up as she comes back to her senses.)
U-uh, I mean, no! No, no, no! I... I can do it myself...
Loki is standing off to the side while Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three talk and drink. They are all dressed in their outfits from 2011 Thor. Thor downs a mug of ale.
He smashes his drink on the ground and Loki rolls his eyes. Thor approaches him and claps him on the back - a little too hard. Loki grunts and gives him an irritated look.
Come on, brother... You could at least try to have a little fun!
Loki scoffs.
Watching every maiden in the palace fawn over you and Fandral is not my idea of fun.
Thor laughs.
Loki... Must you be so down? You can't spend all your time shut up in your room reading all those books and doing your little magic spells.
Why not? I'd infinitely prefer it to this.
Before Thor can say another word, Loki walks off. A SERVANT approaches him, carrying a tray with a goblet of wine on it.
Some wine, your highness?
Loki eagerly takes the goblet and drinks it, nearly downing the entire thing in one swig. He freezes when he sees something in the distance.
We pan up the staircase as we see Doreen descending down it, wearing an elegant green and gold dress. Her hair is done up in an intricate braid, with golden ornaments adorning it. She looks around the ballroom nervously, peering at different corridors in an attempt to find the treasure room. Never taking his eyes off her, Loki sets the goblet down on a table nearby and walks off-screen.
As Doreen makes her way across the ballroom, Tippy-Toe suddenly scurries off to a table where grapes and nuts are laid out.
(She rushes after her.)
We're supposed to be keeping a low profile!
Tippy-Toe gives her a pleading look and a few squeaks. Doreen sighs.
Alright, fine. But just one.
She hands Tippy-Toe a macadamia nut. As the squirrel eats her treat, we suddenly hear Loki's voice behind them. Startled, Doreen whirls around.
As much as I'm sure your friend is pleasant company, the kitchen staff might not take kindly to seeing a rodent on the refreshment table.
Tippy-Toe cocks her head and gives him an inquisitive squeak. Loki smiles at her.
No offense.
Ah... Y-You're right, um... Tippy, why don't you go eat that outside? I'll catch up with you later.
Tippy-Toe squeaks and runs off with her nut. Nervously wringing her hands, Doreen glances back at Loki, who smiles at her.
So, um... Are you... actually here this time, or is this just another one of your creepy illusions?
Loki smiles and extends his hand to her.
Perhaps you should find out for yourself.
After hesitating for a moment, Doreen gingerly places her hand in his. Loki kisses the back of her hand, causing her to blush.
I'm terribly sorry; I don't believe I caught your name?
U-um... Doreen.
Well, Lady Doreen... Would you care for a dance?
Huh? O-oh, I, um... I-I don't... really know how...
It's easy! I'll teach you! Here...
(He leads her into the center of the ballroom, where other couples are dancing.)
Just step forward like this... Then back... Right... Left...
Doreen glances nervously around the room as he leads her into a waltz.
You don't have to watch what everyone else is doing; just follow my lead...
You're, um... You're stepping on my foot.
Oh, sorry!
They continue to chat as they dance.
You know, I'm surprised a noble lady like yourself never learned to dance.
Oh, well, um... I don't... really like going to parties very much.
Ah. I don't either, to be honest.
Then how'd you get to be so good at dancing? Are all the girls lining up to dance with the youngest prince of Asgard?
Loki laughs, embarrassed.
Ah.... N-no, not exactly... That's... more Thor's forte. I... mostly learned from dancing with my mother.
Doreen grins.
Loki laughs.
You're stepping on my foot again.
She takes her foot off of his.
You know, I'm starting to think you're doing this on purpose.
I'm not!
After a pause, she grins devilishly and stomps on his foot, causing him to yelp in surprise.
Okay, maybe that was on purpose.
They both laugh. Doreen glances at his helmet.
That helmet looks... comfortable.
Oh, it is.
Yeah, I don't believe you.
Well, it only weighs about 30 pounds, give or take. It's like wearing a feather.
They both snicker.
Doesn't it ever throw you off balance?
Not once you get used to it. You should try wearing it sometime. I'm sure you'd love it.
Doreen grins, laughing to herself.
Yeah, I'm sure...
I, um... I must ask... Did you... wear green tonight deliberately? It is my favorite color, after all.
Oh, really? I never would've been able to tell!
They both laugh.
No, it, um... It's actually my favorite color, too, so...
Is that, like, something people actually do? I mean... wearing certain colors to get people to notice them?
Well, sometimes, yes. I... admit, I... actually tried it once myself.
Oh yeah?
A few years ago, there was a prince visiting from Vanaheim that I was... rather taken with. It was known that he loved silver, so I thought if I wore silver armor, I might... endear myself to him.
Did it work?
Well... I think you look better in green, anyway.
We cut to Thor standing with ODIN and FRIGGA on the far side of the ballroom, watching Loki and Doreen.
Mother, who is that Loki is dancing with?
I'm not sure... I don't believe I've ever seen her around the palace before...
Neither have I. I would wager she's merely the daughter of a poor social climber trying to pass himself off as a noble. Nothing to concern yourself with.
Thor grins as Odin walks off-screen.
Well, Loki seems to be finally enjoying himself...
They watch Loki twirl Doreen around as she giggles, her face flushed red. Frigga laughs.
That's the first time I've seen him smile all day...
As they continue to dance, Doreen grows more nervous, suddenly unable to meet Loki's gaze, which never leaves her face. At one point, Loki places his hands around her waist and pulls her closer to him, causing her to tremble slightly. After hesitating, she gently places her hands on his shoulders. He smiles as the orchestra finishes playing.
How did I do?
You're a fast learner. I'm impressed.
They smile at each other.
Loki and Doreen chat as they walk through the garden in the palace courtyard, with Doreen drinking a cocktail in an elegant glass.
I apologize if I come off as um... well, stiff... I have to admit this sort of thing is... well, it's rather new for me. I was never really very social growing up... Everyone always admired Thor for his physical strength, and, well... My own talents of magic and intellect are far less revered. The only friends I ever had, I met through Thor.
If it makes you feel any better, I didn't have any friends as a kid.
Loki raises an eyebrow.
Not any?
Doreen shakes her head.
Well, I... certainly wish we'd met sooner, then.
Yeah, me too.
It's certainly never easy being an outcast... I've spent my whole life living in Thor's shadow... I know my father wishes I were more like him and his friends, but... All the brawn and muscle... It's just not who I am. I'm not like them.
Yeah, and, I mean, I'm sure being a frost giant and all must make you feel different, too...
Loki frowns.
I beg your pardon?
Doreen's eyes widen, and she almost chokes on her drink.
U-Uh... I-I mean, um... Hypothetically speaking, if someone were... secretly a frost giant living in Asgard, that would... make them feel different, but, you know, that... wouldn't happen... ever...
She lets out a nervous laugh and sets her drink down on a nearby table as Loki blinks in confusion.
Anyways... What are you plans for the future if you're not first in line for the throne?
I'm... not sure, to be honest. My parents thought I could gain some title of power by marrying me off to some other royal family, but I... don't think that's going to happen.
I guess it's too bad things didn't work out with that Vanaheim prince, then.
Well, actually, I'm... rather glad they didn't now.
Because now I've met you.
Doreen freezes and glances at him in surprise. He gives her a gentle smile in return. For a moment, she looks inexplicably happy, but once her senses return to her, her face falls and she backs away from him. Loki frowns.
Is... something wrong?
I... I have to go...
If... If I've said something wrong, I-
N-no! No, it's not... I... I'm sorry...
Before he can say another word, she runs away.
Doreen splashes her face with water from a fountain on the other side of the courtyard, trying to pull herself together. Suddenly, Tippy-Toe runs up to her and squeaks at her.
Right... Parts...
Sneaking around corridors, Doreen finally finds the entrance to Odin's treasure room, which is protected by two guards.
Okay, Tippy, you distract them while I sneak up on them from behind.
Tippy-Toe salutes, runs up to the guards, and starts playing with their armor while squeaking at them.
What the-?! What is that?!
It appears to be some type of squirrel...
Guard #1 tries flicking Tippy-Toe off his armor.
Shoo! Begone, creature!
(He turns to the other guard.)
Do you think it's Ratatoskr?
No, you fool! Ratatoskr has a horn!
Before they can say another word, Doreen strikes them both from behind. They try to attack her, but she expertly knocks them both out in one punch.
(to Tippy-Toe)
Let's go.
She and Tippy-Toe enter the treasure room, scanning the area for the parts. Doreen frowns in confusion when she sees Odin's fake infinity gauntlet, but is quickly distracted by the golden parts in a chest in the far end of the room.
Got it!
She tries picking up the parts, but as soon as she does, a shield of magic blocks the exit.
Oh, that's not good...
She hears footsteps and guards' voices rushing towards the treasure room. Moving quickly, she jumps up to the ceiling and kicks down the mechanism creating the shield.
Tippy, we gotta run!
Hiding in corridors, they slip past the guards and escape to the outside of the palace. Doreen grabs her tem-pad and opens a portal. Before she returns to the TVA, she catches a glimpse of Loki's silhouette in the distance walking around. For a moment, he seems to be looking for something, but he soon sits down on a bench, defeated, and looks at the other party guests in the distance. Squeezing her eyes shut, Doreen turns away and places a reset charge on the ground. As she and Tippy go through the portal, the reset charge disintegrates the area.
Doreen and Tippy-Toe rush through the portal, causing Doreen to nearly run into Mobius, who raises an eyebrow.
I got the parts.
I... can see that. Are you okay? What's with the getup?
I'm fine - There was a ball going on, so I just had to change to blend in...
I should... get started on fixing the locket.
Before Mobius can stop her, she rushes to another room.
Still in her ballgown, Doreen is busying inserting the parts into the locket. Mobius enters.
I, uh... saw the footage of Asgard...
Doreen grits her teeth and says nothing.
So... you... like Loki, huh? Gotta say, I wasn't expecting that...
I really don't want to talk about this.
Does he know?
Uh, no, he doesn't, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Well, I mean... I'd be lying if I said I thought you weren't an odd pair, but I guess I can see it...
Doreen clenches her jaw and ignores him.
I just don't see why you're all upset over it...
Doreen slams the locket down.
Because! I'm gonna live, what? 80, 90 years max? Maybe a hundred if I'm lucky? That's a fraction of Loki's life! Why would he ever pay any attention to me?! If that Loki from the past knew I was just a human, he wouldn't have taken a second glance at me!
Realizing she is losing her composure, she tries to focus back on fixing the locket. 
After a moment, Mobius sits down next to her.
You know, I've studied Loki's entire life. I thought I understood everything there was to know about him. But you... you stumped me. If Loki knew he was going to die at the hands of Thanos, why did he trust you to be the one to bring him back to life? And then, it hit me... It's because he knows you're different. He knows that you know what it's like to be an outcast. He could sense it, just from meeting you, that you would be the first stranger he ever met that wouldn't see him as an enemy.
After a pause, Doreen shakes her head.
Even if I could believe that... it wouldn't matter. I'm never going to live long enough to be a part of his life.
You know, when you've worked at the TVA for as long as I have, you tend to get a bit of a perspective on these types of things. Doreen... It's not about how much time we have... It's what we do with our time while we have it that matters. And you may not believe me, but I know you've made a difference in his life. You never doubted him, even when you had every right to. And that's always going to stick with him, even long after you're gone.
Doreen looks down and says nothing. After a moment, Mobius stands up.
Well... make of it what you will. I'm gonna go ask the other agents if they've found any leads-
Suddenly, the locket clicks open.
It's fixed!
(She hands it to Mobius.)
Here, let that charge at a good power source for a little bit. Once it's at 100%, you should be able to see where Loki is.
Okay, great. We'll get a task force ready to go get him.
Can I come?
Ravonna would rather you stay here. She doesn't want a non-variant being put at an unnecessary risk.
Doreen's face falls, but she nods. Mobius exits. Doreen sits back at a computer and starts to look through files. She comes across a tab that reads "AGENT PROFILES", but when she tries to access it, she gets a message that reads "ERROR: RESTRICTED". Glancing over her shoulder, she checks to make sure no one else is in the room and begins typing.
As Ravonna sits at her desk, she receives a holographic message that reads "WARNING: DATA BREACH DETECTED". She clenches her jaw.
Doreen is reading files on her computer. As she continues to read, her eyes widen, with her expression growing more and more horrified. Suddenly, she turns back to the door.
When there is no response, she tries to exit the room and follow after Mobius, but a gate of lasers suddenly blocks her path. As she glances at it, confused, Ravonna opens a portal into the room and strikes her from behind, knocking her out.
So yeah, I took a lot of inspiration for the ballroom scene from the Laendler scene from The Sound of Music. I imagined Loki and Doreen’s relationship being a lot like The Captain and Maria, ‘cause I’m a huge sucker for the hardened grouch going soft for the innocent, lighthearted dreamer trope lol :P
I also listened to the song “When the Night is Over” by Lord Huron a lot when writing that scene. It’s very sad and haunting if you think of it as Loki’s POV after Doreen runs away.
Finally, I am officially dubbing the Doreen x Loki pairing “Dorki”, and I shall henceforth be tagging these posts as such!
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Wisdom Tooth - Kiara Carrera
Request: hi there! can i request a kiara x reader where reader has to get her wisdom teeth taken out and she asks kiara to come along with her and the others come along too bc they know you like kiara. after it’s done you’re very clingy to kiara and keep complimenting her and confess that you like her ? thank you !
A/N: Fun fact, I have 3 out of 4 wisdom teeth still but I had to lose a molar when I got the one removed because it was impacted. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
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Your mom had scheduled your appointment for after school, it was a half day and she figured you could walk across campus to the dentist’s office to get your wisdom teeth pulled before winter break. The upper right tooth was impacted, evidenced by the increasing amount of pain you were constantly in and they had decided to go ahead and pull all of them while they were pulling that one.  
“Don’t they like, dose you up with painkillers?” John B asked as the four of you cut across the parking lot after school. The only disadvantage of Kiara not going to the same school as you anymore was that you always had to wait for her to drive down from the Eight. Even now as you walked with John B, JJ, and Pope (who had invited themselves along to your dentist’s appointment for some unknown reason) you were looking for Kiara’s subaru.  
“I wanna be dosed up with painkillers.” JJ said, followed almost immediately by a groan as Pope smacked him in the chest.  
“I seriously don’t think you guys are allowed in.” You said, stopping at the front door of the house that had been refashioned into a dentist’s practice.  
“Why? Kiara’s coming.” JJ argued, glancing over as the green subaru pulled into a parking spot, “why does she get to go in and not us?”
“Is it because you love her more than us?” Pope asked, grinning when you groaned and rolled your eyes.  
“It’s because she won’t be a total dick to me when I’m all doped up.” You replied.  
“We’ll be saints!” John B swore, placing a hand over his heart. Pope and JJ quickly mirrored his stance. “Honest, we’ll sit in the waiting room and be silent.”
“You’d better.”
“What are you guys doing?” Kiara asked, coming up the front steps behind the four of you.  
JJ turned around to face her, “going inside, what are you doing?”
You didn’t say anything, opening the door and going in, everyone else following behind you. The living room had been converted to a waiting area with a fish tank and a few different activities for kids to stay occupied. You went to the front desk window to check in while JJ, Pope, and John B went over to the coloring table, sitting around on kid sized chairs as they divided up coloring pages. Kiara grabbed a chair and sat down, away enough that she could pretend the people she just walked through the door with were complete strangers and not her actual friends.  
“Okay,” you fell into the seat next to her, knee bobbing as you took a deep breath. You hated needles and surgery and anything that meant a trip to the doctor. Especially when that doctor was a dentist. It didn’t matter that your tooth hurt so bad that even now you were holding an ice pack that you’d nabbed from the school nurse against your cheek. You hated dentists, “she said they’ll call me when it’s my turn.”
“Well we’re the only ones in here so I can’t imagine that’ll take too long.” Kiara replied, reaching over to put a hand on your knee, “it’ll be okay, I’m right here.”
“I’m just freaking out.” You replied, glancing over to JJ, Pope, and John B, all huddled over coloring pages with crayons spilled out in the middle of the table, “I wish I could be that chill.”
“How’s your tooth feeling?” She asked, glancing their way before turning to you again, sympathetic smile on her face. She’d been the first one to realize that there was something wrong with your tooth.  
“Like it’s trying to murder me.” You replied, slumping over slightly in the chair. Kiara pouted at you and put her hand on your back, rubbing in small circles.  
The door by the counter opened and a nurse came out, calling your name into the small waiting room that was empty aside from your friends. When all five of you looked up at the same time she looked a little startled.
“Can I bring someone back?” You asked, getting up.
“Only one person.” She replied, eyeing the three boys drawing at the table, “this isn’t an afterschool hang out.”  
“We’re here for moral support.” JJ said, winking at you.  
You glared at him in return. All three boys knew about your crush on Kiara and had tagged along with the intention of watching you hopped up on laughing gas and uninhibited. Even Pope had been joking about you being all crazy like people always seemed in videos on youtube.  
“That’s fine, just,” you pointed to Kiara and she got up, coming over to you.  
“Alright, follow me.”  
You walked back into the dentist’s exam room, Kiara slipping her hand into yours encouragingly and squeezing. You hated the dentist as it was and if your tooth wasn’t impacted you would have kept all your wisdom teeth in.  
You weren’t exactly sure what length of time actually passed between you being led back to get your wisdom teeth out and the dentist sending you back out, five teeth, because your molar had to come out too, in a tiny plastic container. Despite the anxiety you had before and the pain you were in, you came out smiling, Kiara’s hands on your waist as she walked behind you.  
“She almost walked into the bathroom door.” Kiara explained as John B, Pope, and JJ stood up to meet you both. “I’m gonna sign her out.”
You were passed from Kiara to John B, who wrapped his arm around your waist as you hugged him. “Hi!”
“Hey, how you feeling?”  
“Look,” you held the little plastic container up and rattled it around, bobbing your head as if there was some kind of beat to the sound.  
“She made her teeth into a maraca.” Kiara mentioned, looking back at the four of you as she signed you out.  
“That’s definitely some serial killer shit.” JJ replied, grabbing your bag off the floor and heading towards the door, John B maneuvering the two of you to follow him.  
“Where are we going?” You asked, suddenly concerned, twisting your body to see Kiara.
“We’re going outside.”
“What about Kie?”
“I’m right behind you, promise.” Kiara called, grabbing her stuff and following Pope out of the little house. “Are we headed back to the Chateau?” She asked as she walked around to the driver’s side of her suv.  
When John B tried to put you in the backseat with JJ and Pope you protested, calling out shotgun. “I wanna sit next to Kie.”
“Okay, okay, we’re sitting you up front.” He promised opening the door and helping you in.
You leaned against the seat, laying your head on the headrest and turning to look at Kiara as she started the car and backed up into the road. “You’re so pretty.” You mused, drugs in full effect, killing whatever filter you would have usually had.  
JJ leaned over enough to smack John B’s arm as Pope started filming the two of you.  
“Thanks.” Kiara laughed, “you’re pretty too.”
“Do you really mean it?” You asked, looking a little teary eyed.  
“Yeah of course, you’re super pretty.”  
You smiled, leaning a little closer to her and just watching her for a minute before opening your mouth again, more damning information coming out. “I like you.”
Kiara looked back at the three boys through the rearview mirror before glancing over at you, unsure exactly what was happening right now. “I like you too.”
“Really?” You seemed even more moved by the idea that she also liked you and Kiara nodded.  
“Yeah of course, you’re my best friend.”
You groaned, rolling your head against the headrest momentarily before turning back to her, “no, not like that. Not like friends. I like you so much, you’re so pretty and I just want to go on dates with you and kiss you and love you.” You confessed. “When we went swimming last week and you had the green bathing suit and you looked so pretty and I was just like...what if we were girlfriends.”  
“Uh...” Kiara stopped the car at a stop sign, idling for longer than necessary as she fought the urge to look over at you, no doubt smiling at her like you had been since you got doped up, trying to process exactly what you’d just said to her.
“Any response there Kie?” John B asked, trying not to laugh as he leaned toward the driver’s seat.
“I think we should talk about this when you’re feeling a little less foggy.” She finally said, chancing a look over at you. She had been thrilled when you asked her to go with you into the dentist’s, as crazy as that sounded. But she got excited whenever you relied on her for something or asked her opinion or included her in something personal. She knew you were friends but it was always easy to pretend that it was something a little more than that. Hearing you say that you wanted to be her girlfriend had erupted an entire colony of butterflies in her stomach though she hadn’t quite envisioned this as the venue where you confessed your feelings.  
“I’m not foggy...I’ve never been clearer.” You replied though she had trouble believing that considering your trouble walking down the stairs.
“She’s never been clearer.” JJ chimed in.  
Kiara twisted in her seat, ready to tell the three of them that they could walk back to the Chateau if they didn’t shut up when a car pulled up behind her and beeped.  
“Sorry dude, we’re having a friends to lovers moment!” JJ shouted out the window.  
“I will come back there!” Kiara threatened as you giggled. The car behind them pulled around, slamming on their horn the whole time before finally throwing back the middle finger as they sped off.  
“Some people man,” Pope muttered and Kiara glared at him as well.  
“Why don’t we talk when we get to John B’s?” She offered, looking over at you.
“Why?” You asked, “you don’t like me? Are you gonna break up with me?”
“We’re not dating yet.”
“She said yet.” John B pointed out, smacking your shoulder like you were even coherent enough to understand the implication.  
“Okay, I am driving this car the rest of the way and if any of you distracts me I will kick you out.” Kiara announced, turning back around to face the front and taking the car out of park to continue driving on. “We will talk at John B’s.”
“Okay.” You twisted in your seat, leaning against the backrest as smiling at her as you watched her drive.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts  @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @under-a-canyon-moon @calums-betch
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Push and Pull (Part 15)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OC
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Warnings: cursing, smut
It was bright and early when Daphne woke up the next morning. She had things to do and no time to waste. The sun was shining through her window, the weather finally starting to get warmer. She put on some leggings with a tank top and then her zip up hoodie over it. She groaned at her hair in the mirror as she dragged her brush through the unruly locks. So many times she considered cutting it so it wasn't so much work, but she knew she'd regret it. Instead, she settled on tossing it up into a high pony and ignoring it. Her trusty backpack was slung around her shoulder and she hopped around as she put her vans on before leaving the apartment. 
She squinted slightly at the light once she got out of the building but it didn't deter her. First stop. Coffee. One large latte to go later, she was on her way to see Brett to find out what news he might have. She tossed her now empty cup in the trash can beside the station before she jogged up the steps and inside. She never checked in with the desk, she was a ghost when she was here. That's how it worked. It wasn't such a secret anymore than she was on Brett's payroll which left her to come and go as she pleased, but officially, she was never there. When she walked into the office area, Brett was sitting at his desk just like the day before. He looked like he hadn't even gone home.
"You look like shit," she mused teasingly, putting down the other coffee she'd gotten for him. His eyes lit up at the sight of it and he gave her a tired smile. 
"You're an angel," he muttered with a long pull from his drink as she sat down. The coffee at the precinct was the worst and never really did its job. 
"Any news yet?" She tried to hide the impatience in her voice but she wasn't sure she succeeded.
"Actually, we do have something. Not quite sure the full details yet though," he murmured. She looked at him expectantly.
"The people we rescued, their fingertips were burnt right off just like the last time. We can't identify most of 'em until they're fully coherent. But they're doing alright. I just can't believe the Chinese were at it again right under our goddamn noses," he fumed, taking another slurp of his coffee.
"I'm not surprised. They probably picked it back up when the heat turned off them again," she sighed. She hoped that once the victims were in a better state they'd be able to get names from them. Some of them might have family that were looking for them.
"Anything from the device?" She asked hopefully
"Yeah, actually. The Chinese requested the meet. They were pretty vague about a lot of shit but they kept saying something about the Italians having a weapon and they wanted to use it. Seemed to be brokering a deal about it. I got no idea what the hell this weapon is, but the Chinese really fucking want it and the Italians already have it. And that makes me nervous as shit," he frowned. 
It made her nervous too. What did the Italians have that the Chinese couldn't get for themselves? And why did they want it? 
"Well that's unsettling," she huffed with a shake of her head.
"Tell me about it. Good news though, that device you planted must be well hidden. It’s still live and active," he flashed her a grin and she smiled herself as she gave herself a mental pat on the back.
"Do you think it'll be useful?" She inquired.
"No telling yet. I mean mostly it'll be the kitchen staff but it might pick up something. Any other meets we might not be aware of or anyone saying something. Even something small can lead to something big, right?" He smirked, practically quoting her. It made her chuckle. 
"At least that's something. If we can figure out what weapon the Italians have we can figure out how bad this all is," she said softly. It made her nervous and she had a feeling things would get messy soon in Hell's Kitchen. 
"Here's hoping. There ain't much for you to do with the case right now but I'll let you know when we get any more information. It's just a waiting game now," he replied.
"Ah, my favourite," she smirked sarcastically, causing him to snort. She wasn't known for having patience. She liked answers and she liked them immediately. But in this case, playing the long game would be the only option to getting to the bottom of it all.
She bid her goodbyes to him not long after that before making her way back out into the sunshine. Now it was her next pit stop. A short cab ride later and she was at a very fancy luxurious home. It was more like a mansion and was three stories high. It looked like it was right out of a movie with one of those grand entrances and a water feature out front. She was well out of place as dressed down as she was but she knocked on the door anyway. She wasn't even surprised when a butler answered the door.
"Can I help you, miss?" The older man asked softly. His black and white uniform was crisp and clean and it put her own rumpled clothes to shame.
"I'm here to see Mrs Grimes. I'm Daphne Weaver," she replied awkwardly. 
"One moment please," he shut the door and she quirked her brow at how formal all this was. This better pay well. Suddenly the door opened again and he smiled at her.
"This way please. She's been hoping you'd come," he seemed a little friendlier now. Maybe it was because his boss wanted her here so he wasn't all suspicious of what she wanted. Either way, she followed him inside. He led her up the huge ass staircase, the kind that split off at the middle. Everything looked like it cost a million dollars, from the art to all the rare looking things in cabinets. She didn't even feel worthy enough to touch the banister so she kept her hands in her hoodie pocket. 
The carpet was lush and a deep purple colour and she found her eyes wandering the hallway they walked down. How many rooms does someone need? No wonder she had staff, upkeep on this place would be a ball ache. They reached a room far down the left and he knocked on the heavy looking mahogany door.
"Enter," a female voice rang out. It was slightly accented but she couldn't place it. Jeeves opened the door and gestured for her to go inside. She glanced around the room curiously as she walked in. It was a living area with a grand fire. Heavy bookcases lined the walls of the room and were filled with what looked to be antique books that Daphne found herself wanting to look at. There was a giant fur rug in front of the fireplace with velvet looking sofas set in front of it. 
That's where Mrs Grimes was sitting, looking perfectly in place for where she was. She was wearing a long black dress, heels bigger than anything Daphne could ever walk in. Her greying blonde hair was neatly coiffed and pinned up and she was dripping in diamonds. Jesus. 
"Pleasure to meet you Ms Weaver, please sit," she smiled warmly at her, gesturing to the other sofa. Daphne was half worried her vans would dirty the goddamn carpet as she padded over and plonked down. Despite it being completely over the top and not really her taste, she did appreciate however how clean and neat everything was kept. A place like this could easily fall into being cluttered and dusty but it was pristine. She supposed the staff were to thank for that. Mrs Grimes' nails were so long she doubted she could do much cleaning herself. Daphne wasn't sure how she didn't accidentally gauge her own eyes out.
"Would you like something to drink?" She asked politely. Jeeves was still hovering near the door no doubt waiting for his command. She was tempted to say yes to see what kind of beverages the other side drank, but she didn't want to stay long.
"Uh… no thank you. I'm fine," she replied with an awkward smile.
"Very well. Hammond, leave us," she dismissed the man at the door. He gave a dramatic nod before he left and shut the door behind him. She idly wondered if he ever wanted to punch his bosses when they commanded him to do things like that. She'd never be able to hold a job like that down.
"I'm glad you came, I was worried you wouldn't," the older woman started, elegantly crossing one leg over the other.
"A job's a job," Daphne snorted lightly, her hands still stuffed in her pockets lest she touch something and ruin it. Mrs Grimes gave her a tense smile, looking like it was difficult to be polite. Maybe she wasn't used to the lower class being in her home. 
"Indeed it is. Will you take the case?" She asked hopefully. 
"Yeah, I'll be able to do it. As I tell all my clients, I don't give out time frames. I never know how long it'll take me to find what I need or what roadblocks might come up. I don't appreciate impatience and it doesn't make me work any faster," she said firmly. Establishing boundaries was the first thing she liked to do. It was important. Especially with the wealthy ones as in her experience they tended to be the impatient ones with their self importance.
"Very well. I accept your terms. And please, whatever you find, do tell me," she implored. Daphne nodded, she always did no matter how shitty the information she'd gained was. Mrs Grimes stood, walking somehow with grace and ease in those monster heels as she walked over to a cupboard near the wall. She opened a drawer and came back with some paper.
"Me and my husband used to be very much in love. And I'm afraid now that I'm older he's decided to find other companions. Call me paranoid but I'm sure you understand when to look into a gut feeling," she mused as she walked back over and sat down. Daphne nodded again. Her gut was rarely wrong and it was telling her that Mrs Grimes was right.
"I want confirmation. I want to know who with and how deep it runs. If it's just physical or something more. I want to prepare myself should he try to divorce me and take what I have. I need proof," she stated seriously. Daphne's eyes subconsciously swept across the room and all the fancy things in it.
"I know what you're thinking. And I was the one with money, not him. He makes a decent amount with his job but I was born with money. This house was passed through my family for generations. Everything in it I bought. But over the years I've had my eyes opened to how greedy my husband can be. I cannot trust if we separate that he won't try to take everything from me," she sounded bitter and Daphne wasn't surprised. They definitely sounded like they had issues and once trust was gone in a relationship, everything else had no foundation to stand on. It wouldn't last. She commended the woman for thinking ahead to make sure she was protected if it came down to it. This kind of bullshit was why relationships were too much work.
"I'll find out what I can. I'll be honest, some of my methods aren't quite… legal. But it gets the job done," Daphne muttered. Things like breaking and entering were definitely illegal and then there was hacking if she ever needed to do it, which in this case might prove useful.
"Good," Mrs Grimes smirked at her. She found herself smirking back at her. The rich typically didn't care too much about how she got the information, just that she got it. Mrs Grimes reached down to her Gucci purse, setting it on her lap and she grabbed something out of it. It was her wallet and Daphne was curious what her offer would be. She hadn't spoken to her about price points yet and when it came to her wealthier clients she made a point of waiting to see what their offer would be first. Usually she’d haggle a little just because she could. They'd have the money and they wanted the information. 
She watched with a keen eye as Mrs Grimes took a chunk of money out and handed it to her. A quick count told her it was $1000 and it took effort for her eyes to not bulge out as she kept a cool calm facade.
"That's the deposit. You'll get the rest when the work is complete. Another $1000. I may give you more depending on just how much you find out," she drawled. So she wouldn't need to haggle then, this price was insane and way more than what the job would entail, but like fuck she would tell her that. She also appreciated the incentive. She liked a challenge, something to work towards. The more she found out then the more she'd get paid. 
"Sounds good to me. I'll get started in the next few days," she replied, keeping her calm demeanour and not acting like she was thinking of what she would spend her money on once she got it all. She carefully stuffed it in her backpack before zipping it back up. She almost jumped when the older woman dinged a bell beside the table and it took all of her willpower not to roll her eyes as the butler walked in.
"Yes, Mrs Grimes?" He enquired politely. 
"Please see Ms Weaver out. Have one of our drivers drop her off to wherever she needs to go," she commanded softly. Part of her wanted to protest but the other wanted to pretend she lived the fancy life, even if just for a moment. 
They both stood and Mrs Grimes took her hand in one of those fancy people hand shakes that were flimsy and light. 
"It was a pleasure, Ms Weaver. I hope to hear from you soon," she smiled. 
"Likewise," she replied, not really knowing what to say. No matter how many well off clients she saw she always felt weird and out of place interacting with them.  She followed Jeeves out the hall and down the large stairs case. He stopped when he got by the front door and picked up a phone that was attached to the wall. She stood there looking around as the man spoke in hushed tones down the receiver before hanging up and then opening the grand front door. 
"Have a lovely day, Ms Weaver," he bowed politely.
"Uh… you too," she murmured as she stepped outside. 
The door shut with a clang behind her and she was suddenly on her own outside. It didn't last long though as a large black car pulled up right at the entryway.
"Ms Weaver?" A man called out after rolling the window down. She nodded and walked over. She was getting sick of being called that name. The man hopped out, jogging over to the back of the car and opening the door for her. This really was fancy service. She gave him an uncomfortable smile, not used to this level of service from anyone. It felt wrong almost. But she slipped inside and settled in the ridiculously comfy car seats. 
"Where to, Miss?" The man asked once he was situated behind the wheel again. 
"Um… Fogwell's gym please," she murmured in response. He punched in something on the phone he was using with the GPS and then he took off. There was a reason she was dressed the way she was after all. She didn't want to think of Matt being a weird asshole the day before. As much as part of her considered not going, she really needed to train and she knew he would be there. She was too stubborn to let Matt's weird PMSing get in the way of her learning to defend herself properly. 
The drive was uncomfortably silent and she clutched her backpack on her knees. She wondered what it was like to live this life full time. She was a bitch but she didn't feel right with commanding people to do shit, even if she was paying them. It just felt off to her. Before long, the car pulled up in front of the gym. She almost felt like she should pay him or something, totally not used to this kind of exchange. As she unbuckled her seat belt, the man got out and ran around to her door. He opened it and she slipped out, swinging her bag over her shoulder. She noticed the apprehensive look on his face as he looked at the rundown gym.
"Are you sure, Miss?" He asked quietly, like he was asking her to blink twice if she needed help. She almost snorted but gave him a polite smile. She guessed his boss wasn't used to being around places like this. She appreciated his sentiments all the same though.
"I'm sure," she said softly. He nodded, still looking unhappy about it but there was nothing he could do. With a nod, he was back in the car and taking off by the time she walked through the door.
She was quiet and heard loud grunting and the hits of a punching bag. As she came into view, she saw Matt beating the holy hell out of the bag. His fists were flying, grunts and pants leaving his lips with the flurry of punches. The graceful savagery was what always intrigued her about him. But then typically he'd open his mouth and ruin it. He hadn't seemed to notice her yet once again which honestly was perturbing since anyone could come in here and sneak up on him like that. She walked over to the bench, setting her backpack down with a thud. The grunts and punches stopped instantly and the only sound that echoed in the gym was Matts heavy breathing.
"Didn't think you'd show," he said carelessly. 
"I wasn't sure either honestly. But I need to train, even if I do have to put up with your bitch ass," she muttered as she started wrapping her hands. He scoffed as he came over, grabbing his water bottle and drinking a large pull from it. He tossed the bottle down again as he made his way to the ring.
"Alright, come on then," he demanded. 
"What? I don't get to warm up first?" She asked skeptically with a raised brow. He snorted coldly and shook his head.
"You wanna know how to defend yourself for real, there is no warming up. When you're out there in a situation like this, you don't get that luxury," he retorted. She rolled her eyes but honestly couldn't argue with sound logic.
Instead, she bit her tongue as she put on the gloves and climbed inside of the ring. Matt cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders as they squared off with one another. 
"Let's go," he smirked devilishly. He lunged at her but she moved just in time, twirling around as they practically traded places. They started trading blows, although his were very clearly intended not to hurt her, and she was pleased she got some good jabs in. She didn't slow down or stop this time when he deflected or managed a light shot to her side. She just came back twice as hard. She was proud of herself. Her heart was thumping away from the adrenaline and the exertion of the sparring after a while and she leaned against the ropes as they both caught their breath.
"You did good. You're getting better," he sounded reluctant to give her the praise and she rolled her eyes a little at him.
"I want you to teach me how to get out of the hold from last time," she said firmly. His head turned to her then, his hazel eyes not quite landing directly at her as he narrowed them.
"Daphne, I don't think-" he started, only to be promptly cut off.
"It's fine. I need to learn and I'll get over it. I think I'll be fine this time," she urged. She meant it too. She still had lingering effects of her attack but she was feeling a little better recently. And after her and Matt's partially regrettable night together, she hadn't had a nightmare for the first night since it happened. She knew the sex had helped. Whenever she needed to feel better and clear her head, she would have sex. It's why her sister was so worried it would become a crux for her. Her sex with Matt had done wonders for her stress and anxiety over the whole thing so she felt like now was the perfect time to try to learn it. 
He was quiet for a moment before heaving a heavy sigh. He yanked his gloves off and tossed them out of the ring and she followed suit before he changed his mind. Climbing to the floor, she lay on her back and bent her knees just like the last time. As he knelt down between her legs, it was hard not to think of the night they shared together and how similar it was. 
"Ready?" He asked reluctantly. She gave him a firm nod he couldn't see but could sense and he brought his hands to her throat. Once again, he applied very little pressure but she lay perfectly still. Her heart wasn't hammering like crazy, she wasn't seeing Keiran hovering over her. She was fine. Matt stayed still as he did his head tilt thing and it took her a moment to realise he was listening to her heartbeat to check if she was okay or not. It was kind of creepy but she let it go. 
He talked her through the steps of how to get out of that kind of hold. One at a time he'd tell her what to do and correct her if she got it wrong as they did a slow mo version one part at a time to ensure she knew each step. It was more complicated than the last one but after a few step by step tries she thought she had a good idea on what to do. Now it was time to get out of it for real. 
"3, 2 ,1," he counted, preparing her somewhat so she didn't lose her shit like last time. This time he applied some pressure around her throat but it was still practically nothing. She felt his weight bearing down on her and she grabbed his right forearm with her left and then used her right hand to grip his left shoulder in a cross grip. Using her left foot, she pushed off his hip, pivoting her pelvis to the right so he was no longer directly above her. She hooked her right leg high up on his back, right under his armpit and she kept a firm grip on him as her left leg moved to wrap around his shoulder too, locking it onto her other. She grabbed his wrist, the one that was in her grip that was now at her mercy on her chest. She knew if she thrust her pelvis upwards sharply she would break his arm at his elbow. 
It had happened so fast but she caught herself before completing the maneuver and felt pleased with herself. She let go of his arm and rolled them over so he was now under her. They were both panting and she laughed lightly, feeling good she actually did it. She was a little sweaty and she looked down at where he lay under her. His brow had a slight sheen to his and his hair was doing that thing where it went every which way. His eyes were wandering as he caught his breath with a grin. She wasn't the only one enjoying their session it seemed. 
She felt his hands glide up her thighs that were around him and she'd be a liar if she said it didn't make her tingle. His unseeing eyes were burning into her, pupils blown wide. She went to move off him but he held her in place, only now she was hovering right in front of his face. One of his hands rested on the base of her neck and he pulled her down a little. She stayed still though and resisted as her lips were a breath away from his.
"We're not on the same page, remember?" She teased him, enjoying seeing him this worked up. She squeaked when her back hit the mat when he rolled them over quickly. She hadn't expected it. 
"I'm over it," he smirked devilishly at her before his lips collided with hers. 
She should have really stopped to think about it. To assess the validity of his words. But sex with Matt was something else and it made her feel amazing. All her stress and worries melted away last time. And although she knew going down that rabbit hole wasn't good with her past of sometimes becoming dependant on sex for her own mental well being, she couldn't really help herself. She blamed Matt for being insufferable and ridiculously attractive. The kiss was rough and demanding and she gave into him, moaning as he pushed himself against her through the thin fabric of their pants. He knelt up, tugging at his vest and lifting it over his head. Something dawned on her then.
"We're gonna do this here? What if someone walks in?" She snorted amused. She wasn’t one to shy away from sex in weird places but she didn't want some old dude walking in and getting a free show. He tossed his vest on the floor as he chuckled, jumping to his feet and climbing out the ring. She sat up, watching him curiously as he went and locked the door from the inside. She couldn't take her eyes off him as he prowled back to her though. The predatory grace he held, the way his sculpted body moved. In her needy and horny haze she found herself impatient for him to return and she felt like he was taking his time to tease her if his smirk was anything to go by. She pulled her shirt off and then her bra, tossing them in a heap beside them as Matt toed off his shoes. 
He knelt back down then, his hands curling her ankles and yanking them lightly. Her back hit the mat with a light thud and she looked up at him shocked before laughing. With a wicked grin, he pulled her leggings and panties off together but painfully slow and her desire was increasing with every second he made her wait for it. She wouldn't beg though. She sat back up, tugging at his shorts and he bent down, kissing her roughly as she yanked them down with his boxers. She fisted him tightly and he moaned into her mouth, causing her to smirk into the kiss. Letting go, she pulled the shorts and boxers all the way off him before pushing him onto his back. 
It was his turn to look mildly shocked and she climbed on top of him, her slick heat trapping his cock against his belly. His eyes were darting around her face and she leant forward, catching his lower lip with her teeth. He let out a long groan, arching up at her as she tugged it before letting it go with a pop. She sat up, pushing up on her knees before she gripped him and lined herself up. Without a word she sank down onto him and the pair moaned in relief. It was instant for her, that feeling of him filling her up like that. Knowing her release would come soon. She rested her hands on his firm chest for leverage as she started moving her hips. His hands felt like they were all over her body at once. Not soft or sweet, but firm and demanding and he took in every detail of her body. 
The gym was filled with moans and gasps as she rode him hard, her anger at his behaviour and the thrill of fighting with him fuelling her pleasure. She almost found it ironic that they were fucking in a boxing ring with how often they fought. He pulled her down roughly, lips smashing against hers as he ravaged her mouth. She felt that euphoric feeling getting closer, her whole body tingling in anticipation. She got faster and harder, chasing the release she was after like her life depended on it. 
"Don't stop," Matt groaned against her lips, one hand gripping the back of her neck while the other was on her ass, fingers digging into her flesh. She had no plan on stopping though. Not when she was this close. She kept up the pace and then she moaned loudly, her body tensing lightly as she clamped down around him. 
He let out the hottest fucking noise she’d ever heard a human make and it only heightened her own pleasure as she rode the waves of her orgasm. He was clinging onto her tightly, rutting up into her as he panted and then groaned, spilling himself inside of her. He relaxed instantly. Hands falling to his sides. She sat there on top of him as she tried to catch her breath. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair had started falling out of her ponytail. She was thoroughly fucked and in the best way. That beautiful feeling was coursing through her veins as she let the hormones and endorphins flow though her. 
She climbed off him carefully before standing up and stretching.
"I'm gonna hit the shower," she hummed sounding blissful as she scooped up her clothes. She walked completely naked to the showers and got herself cleaned up and presentable. She didn't regret it, it was amazing and she felt good now. And from the sounds he made, he enjoyed himself too. She just hoped he meant it when he said they were on the same page. 
Matt stood in his own shower in the men’s changing rooms as he let the cold water pelt him. His brain was a fried mess and he leaned against the cool tiles as he tried to just think clearly. He wasn't sure why he'd done it again, not after last time. He couldn’t really say what had bothered him about the fact she left last time. He'd gotten out of the shower and went to his room and she was just gone. No words, no note, nothing. He knew it had been purely physical, they could barely tolerate each other. He wasn't stupid enough to think too deeply into it. Yet it left him feeling strangely hollow when she’d just left him like that.
And then when he had turned up to work, Foggy had been acting weird. After some pressure he'd told Matt about his conversation with Daphne. Matt was pretty sure he hadn't gotten the whole story from him but the gist of her saying it was just sex was clear. And he'd told Foggy she was right. It was a one time thing because of all their pent up anger and the adrenaline from the night they'd had. He told his best friend to stop thinking about it. Yet he hadn't been able to do the same. He'd ended up texting her using Foggy's phone to see if she would be home and then he went to see her. No rhyme or reason or idea why he was going there. All he knew was that it bothered him.
It wasn't like he’d never had casual sex before, although he couldn't say it happened much the last few years. And his inability to understand why he was feeling the way he was led to them fighting again. Because she was right. But he hadn't been able to let it go. So when he left, he told himself it wouldn't happen again. She was trouble and being around her wore him out. It wasn't worth it. So how did he end up here again? Oh that's right, apparently he'd turned into a horny teenager again. A bit of sparring, feeling her body against his and sensing how happy she was in the ring really fucked his hormones over. And now here he was again. Only this time it was his own fault. She’d actually turned him down and he'd been the one to push. He couldn't say he regretted it either. It was the best damn sex he’d ever had and it left him feeling more chilled out than he felt in a long time. He'd keep his mouth shut this time and not act like a teenage girl about it. He dug himself into this hole and now he had to climb his own way out. 
Daphne towel dried her hair as much as she could and it left it wavy. She scooped it up in a messy bun on top of her head, a few stands framing her face. The euphoric feeling she got after sex was easing but she still felt calm and settled. It was nice, she didn't get to experience it that much anymore. She really didn't want to have to face Matt, not knowing if he'd throw a tantrum like last time. She didn't want him to read into it again or act all weird about it. It really killed the vibe and ruined her good mood. She'd tried to stop it from happening, not wanting to deal with that again, but she hadn't been able to help herself when he'd wanted her so clearly. There was something addictive about it. But now she felt dread settle into her bones as she thought about how he would react. 
She took her sweet time getting dried and dressed simply to buy herself some time. But eventually she was done and she had to leave the changing room. As she walked out into the main part of the gym, Matt was sitting on the bench tying his laces. 
"Ready?" He asked softly. No awkward questions, no anger in his voice. Maybe he was on the same page now after all. She felt relief sweep through her, allowing her to enjoy the calmness that she'd been left with after their time together. 
"Yeah," she replied, grabbing her backpack and putting it over her shoulder. 
Matt grabbed his cane where it was leaning against the wall. He was now wearing a hoodie too and he grabbed his glasses out of the pocket as he slid them onto his face. She wondered if he ever got sick of having to act blind. He was blind but not like the average blind person. He didn't really need the stick and she'd seen him 'bumping' into things like he hadn't known they were there before. When they stepped out into the sunshine, she winced and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Jesus christ! I think I've joined the blind club," she grumbled, rubbing her poor eyes. The sun just burnt the shit out of her retinas. He let out a surprised laugh, the door shutting behind them.
"Here," he grinned. She cracked a wary eye open, seeing him holding out his glasses to her, but she didn't take them.
"It's not like I need them,” he teased. It helped. She felt a little better. She slid them onto her face and her eyeballs thanked her immediately. They started walking down the street together and she glanced into a window as they walked by, looking at her reflection. She snorted at herself. Her hair, despite being recently washed and put up, was a wavy mess. Her cheeks were still rosy pink and the glasses looked weird on her face.
"They suit you," he mused playfully. She shoved him lightly, causing him to laugh when an older woman gasped at her actions.
"Assaulting a blind man in public? It's like you want to get arrested," he smirked.
"Yeah well, Foggy will be my lawyer so I'll be good," she quipped back with a grin. Now they were on the same page they seemed to be amicable after venting their frustration on each other. 
"You really think my best friend would take your side over mine?" He asked, faking being hurt as he held his hand over his heart. She stopped walking and he did the same as she looked at him.
"I hate to say it but I think he prefers me now. Not that I can blame him. You are a bit of an asshole," she grinned mischievously. He gaped at her before his hand darted out and went to grab the glasses. She squeaked, holding them in place as he tried to steal them from her face.
"You don't deserve my glasses," he snorted.
"Come on! I need my eyes, I'm not like you!" She whined pitifully. 
"And what's this?! My two favourite people, getting along nicely? Is the world ending?" A dramatic voice sounded from next to them. Both she and Matt stilled completely in a comical way before they took a step away from each other. Both of them looked caught out as they looked at a very smug Foggy.
"This is great! Better than great! I love this," he beamed like a kid on Christmas. Daphne groaned and glared at him from the glasses still perched on her face.
"Foggy, I swear! You want us to not kill each other when we're in the same room? Don't make a big deal about it when it happens," she huffed. 
"It is a big deal. You're both laughing and smiling together. This is huge. It's like a rare solar event or something," he defended. 
She resisted the urge to throttle him as Matt rubbed his temples. 
"Foggy," Matt warned lightly.
"Okay! I get it, I'm making it weird. This whole thing is new to you both and I'm just making it awkward," he soothed, holding his hands up in surrender.
"There is no 'thing'. We can't just actually have a moment where we get on with each other before you start trying to marry us off again?" She whined. 
"Marry us off? What?" Matt asked quickly, his head whipping to his friend. She snorted as Foggy's cheeks went a little pink and he shot her a glare 
"Oh, he didn't tell you he's the captain of ship Maphne?" She laughed loudly. She didn't care if Matt knew. It was ridiculous to her and she was getting payback on Foggy for being a little shit. 
"Maphne? Do I even wanna know?" Matt asked exasperated. Foggy shot her another look before standing up straighter.
"You know what, Daph, mock me all you want but this is the hill I'm choosing to die on," he pointed at her. Matt still stood there unsure of what they were even talking about. She opened her mouth for another retort that would no doubt embarrass Foggy further and also maybe make Matt uncomfortable which was a bonus, but Foggy beat her to it. 
"Anyway! I'm glad I caught you two, I have great news!" He beamed excitedly. She quirked her brows perplexed as he led them to a table outside of the cafe nearby. The three of them sat around it, Matt and Daphne watching their friend expectantly. 
"I finally asked Karen on a date!" He practically squealed. A splitting grin graced Daphne's face, unable not to be happy for him. During their many talks, he'd spoken about his feelings for the blonde and Daphne had always told him to go for it. 
"Aw, Foggy! You're growing up, I'm so proud!" She cooed, reaching over and pinching his cheek. He was so happy he just let her.
"That's awesome, man. I'm happy for you," Matt smiled sincerely.
"I know, it's great right? I just finally bit the bullet. I just decided I need to stop being such a baby about it," he explained. He had a weird look on his face though, the same one that usually told her something going on.
"What is it?" Both she and Matt asked at the same time, him clearly picking up on Foggy's weirdness in his own way.
Foggy raised a brow at them both being in sync and she made a point to not even look at Matt so Foggy wouldn't go off on his Maphne tirade again.
"Well… I just… I panicked, okay? I set it all up and she knew I wanted to ask her something. But then I'm like, what if she says no? I mean it's just gonna be me and Karen. Alone. On a date," he uttered looking like a deer in the headlights.
"That's kinda the point, Foggy," Matt teased.
"I know it is. And I couldn't back out because she was just watching me, waiting for what I wanted to ask. I honestly felt like I was about to have a heart attack and I may have asked her on a date but told her it was a double date with you guys," he blurted, barely taking a breath as he did. 
Daphne blinked at him for a moment as her brain tried to digest his words.
"You did what?" Matt asked incredulously. Foggy made a pitiful noise and she took Matt’s glasses off and set them in the middle of the table, giving Foggy a look.
"A double date? Implying that me and Matt are actually also going to be on a date. Do you see the flaw in that plan?" She asked slowly, like she was talking to a child about why playing with matches was bad. 
"I know! Like I said, I panicked and that's just the first thing that came out of my mouth!" Foggy defended with a sigh.
"And Karen actually bought that?" Matt scoffed, gesturing with his hand to him and then Daphne.
"You're kidding right? She's all aboard this ship, she was actually excited about it," Foggy smirked. She kicked him under the table and he groaned. Matt's jaw ticked as he glared in his best friend's direction. 
"This isn't a joke, Fogg. All the shit you give me for keeping my secret from her and you're just lying right to her face about this?" Matt frowned. 
"That's completely different. Your secret is dangerous. This one isn't. For all she knows it's your first date too and after that it just didn't work out. Besides, it's not like you're not getting it on with each other, would it really be that hard to just pretend to be on one date?" He pleaded, looking from her to Matt.
"Yes," they both answered again.
"Please? I really need this. If I tell her you're not going she might cancel too. You two are like a buffer, help set the scene and put her at ease. I really like her, guys. I don't want to mess things up," he begged. 
"Foggy-" Matt started sternly, only to be cut off by Daphne. 
"Fine. But you're paying for dinner," she relented. 
Foggy smiled the widest grin she'd ever seen on a human and Matt turned to glare at her.
"You've got to be kidding me," he scoffed incredulously.
"What? Didn't you hear him? He's our friend, Matt. Let's just do this for him. Besides, free dinner," she shrugged. Matt looked pissed and honestly it was a reward she hadn't expected. She'd almost forgotten how nice it felt to push his buttons. 
"This is ridiculous. You really think she's not gonna notice we can't stand each other once she's sat at a table with us for a while?" Matt glowered. He had a point but they could just try to be civil for Foggy's sake.
"You know what, Matt, I really hate to play this card but you left me no choice. You lied to me for the longest time and now I have to keep your secret. I already have to start a potential relationship with lies for you. Can't you just do this one thing for me? I never ask you for anything," Foggy muttered with a frown. 
A sly grin spread on her face at how underhand it was of Foggy. She almost felt like a proud parent as she watched a million emotions pass over Matt's face before defeat was all that was left.
"Fine. But don't say I didn't want you when this all blows up in your face. And you're paying for my dinner too," he huffed. Foggy looked more than pleased with himself. 
"Thank you! You guys are awesome. I'll even pay for your drinks if you actually try and act like you like each other and not make it awkward," he shot them both a toothy grin. 
"Hey, let me drink as much as I want and I'll make it really look like we're on a date," she smirked devilishly, a wiggle of her eyebrows and Foggy burst out laughing.
"Jesus christ," Matt muttered quietly with a shake of his head. 
"Deal," Foggy nodded firmly, "tonight at 8. It's the Mexican place near the firm," he instructed before he stood.
"Alright. I'm heading out, you coming with, Matt?" He asked, shooting his annoyed friend a look.
"Yeah. You go on, I'll catch up in a sec," he bit out. Foggy gave her a look and a smirk before he started walking away. 
"Really?" Matt glared at her, swiping his glasses from the table and shoving them onto his face. 
"What? Free food and as much booze as we want? Plus doing your best friend a solid? I know you're an asshole, Matt, but I thought you weren't that much of an asshole," she quipped dryly. He clamped his mouth shut, jaw tense as he pursed his lips.
"Fine," he stood up abruptly, gripping his cane before holding it in front of him. 
"You're doing this for Foggy. Don't fuck it up for him just because you've got a stick up your ass," she huffed as she stood up too. 
He shot her what she presumed was a dirty look behind his glasses before he started walking away, his cane swinging in front of him. His irritation about the situation only made her want to do it more. It was his own fault really for acting like such a bitch about the whole thing. He was asking for her to make it worse for him. She started walking home as a plan formed in her mind. She'd get nice food and decent booze and she'd get to piss Matt off in a setting he had to behave in. She was actually looking forward to it. 
As soon as she got home, she called their firm, knowing Karen would be the one to answer.
"Nelson and Murdock, Karen speaking," came the voice down the phone. Daphne trapped the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she tugged off her hoodie and tossed it in the laundry basket.
"Hey Karen, it's Daphne," she said casually. 
"Oh! Hi!" She sounded genuinely happy to speak to her and she wondered why she'd never bothered to speak to Karen more since she was so close to Foggy and Matt.
"I know this is weird, we haven't really spoken much. But I wanted to ask a favour since we're going on a double date," she said carefully, flopping onto her sofa.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Don't tell the guys, it's kind of weird for me. It's just… this is mine and Matt's first date too and it's been so long. I was wondering if you'd help me get ready for the date? I wanna look really good. I mean I know he can't really see, but he just somehow knows these things, right?" She grinned, cringing at how hard she was going at this. She felt a tiny bit bad at lying to her but she ignored it. 
"Of course! I'd… I'd really love that. I'm nervous too and it'd be good to just have some girl time," Karen said softly. 
"Thank you, I really appreciate this. We could go to the restaurant together when we're done," Daphne smiled pleased with herself. After exchanging cell numbers and goodbyes, Daphne sat back on the couch with a smirk. She wanted to turn heads. Not only just to irritate Matt, using her knowledge of him finding her physically attractive against him, but it had been a while since she went out. Usually she did so with a goal in mind, to have sex. And she would turn heads, a lot of them. Tonight was different but it didn't mean her ego wouldn't enjoy being looked at. It certainly would be interesting. 
19 notes · View notes
Pairing: Nasty Suicide x Reader (Requested)
Author’s Note: I kinda really like this one so I hope you do too!
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Nasty stood in front of the dingy mirror in the backstage dressing room, running his fingers through is somewhat dirty locks of hair. Hanoi Rocks was set to take the stage in about a half an hour, so he and the rest of the band were currently preening and prepping for the show.
Andy and Michael were the only other two in the dressing room with Nasty. They too were busy adjusting scarves and jewelry and teasing their hair.
“Hey Nasse,” Andy called from across the tiny room, not bothering to turn his gaze away from his own reflection, “Did you hear (Y/N)’s coming tonight?”
Nasty dropped his hands from his head and turned to face Andy’s form. He frowned and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“No, why?” he asked.
Andy and Michael both looked away from what they were doing to share a smirk with the other. Nasty got the feeling they were up to something and did not like it one bit.
“What?” he pressed, now that both the other men were fully facing him with their stupid little smiles. “What is it?”
“Oh nothing,” Andy said, feigning innocence. “I just thought you’d like to know.” With that, he turned back to the mirror and began messing with the buttons of his blouse.
Now Nasty was even more confused. He turned to Michael who always seemed more reasonable than Andy in these types of situations.
“Mike,�� Nasty practically whined, “why is it so important that (Y/N)’s coming to our show?”
Michael must have felt some pity for the boy because he did supply a little bit more of an answer to his question than Andy had.
“It’s really not that important,” Mike said with a sympathetic smile. “We just thought maybe you’d want to know.”
“But why?” Nasty asked again, beginning to grow frustrated with all the secretive looks his mates were sharing and their avoidance of answering the question. “Just tell me,” he demanded, crossing his arms and setting his friends with a firm look.
“Oh my god,” Andy groaned. “It’s like everyone knows but you. I swear you and (Y/N) are the two most oblivious people I know.”
Nasty opened his mouth to ask even more questions, but Michael beat him to speaking.
“Look Nasty, we love you man, but are you really that daft? You and (Y/N) totally have the hots for each other,” Mike said whilst fixing Nasty with an exasperated look and turned away from his friend to reapply his lipstick.
Nasty, meanwhile, was having a mini aneurism. Him and (Y/N)? What? No, they were just friends. It wasn’t like that. Or was it? Suddenly, he was thinking back to all the times you and he had spent together. All those nights when you had come back to the house after a gig and stayed up with him and the guys all night. Those times where the two of you had gotten bored after everyone had gone to sleep or passed out and had gone out and rode the underground for hours, just talking and laughing. You hadn’t needed anything more than each other’s company. He thought back to the nights where the two of you got completely shit-faced after a night at the pub and danced and sang at the top of your lungs in the London streets until the neighbors threatened to call the cops. He remembered the night you came to him crying after your landlord had kicked you out. How he’d let you spend the night in his room with him. He remembered thinking how beautiful you looked, even when you were sleeping and hogging all the covers. He thought about all the hugs you had shared, all the smiles you had gifted him, and all the corny jokes you’d made him laugh with.
Oh shit. He was in love with you.
“Oh shit.”
Michael and Andy both broke out into cackling laughter at Nasty’s expense. The poor boy looked like he had come to the biggest realization of his life.
“You really didn’t know?” Andy asked through fits of laughter. “Everyone else did.”
If it was possible, Nasty’s eyes grew even wider. “What do you mean everyone else did? Does (Y/N) know?” he asked, panicking at the idea of you having realized he had feelings for you before even he did.
“Well,” Michael said, “everyone but (Y/N) knows.”
Nasty let out a small sigh of relief. Nervously, he reached up to tug at his hair. “What do I do now?” he asked his friends. “Should I say something? What if (Y/N) doesn’t like me back?” He was now stressing over how he was going to keep his cool when he saw you tonight.
Andy barked out another laugh and clapped Nasty on the shoulder. “Relax mate, (Y/N) likes you too.”
“They do?”
“Oh my god, that’s what we’ve been trying to tell you,” Michael said, resisting the urge to facepalm. “I think the two of you should talk after the show, get this all sorted out, because if this nonsense keeps going on for any much longer the rest of us are going to lose are minds.”
“Nonsense?” Nasty asked, but at this point in the conversation his mind was focused on a million different things. He liked (Y/N). (Y/N) liked him. Everyone knew. It was a lot for him to process in less than ten minutes.
“You two keep dancing around each other and the way you feel and it’s making me sick,” Andy responded. “So we’re gonna go play our show and afterwards when you see (Y/N), you are confessing your feelings,” Andy said. Nasty almost felt like he was being scolded.
“Or I’m telling (Y/N) how you feel,” Andy threatened. “Now let’s go. It’s almost time for us to take the stage.”
 The show went by in a haze for Nasty. He played fine, but his mind was entirely elsewhere. How was he supposed to confess his feelings for you, especially when he just realized them himself? He was so caught up in his own thoughts, he barely recognized that their set had ended. It wasn’t until Sami began nudging him offstage did he realize it was over.
He knew you would be backstage waiting for him and the rest of the band. You always were when you attended one of their gigs. The six of you would leave the venue shortly after and typically hit up a pub or two afterwards.
Nasty made a beeline for the dressing room the second he stepped foot off the stage. He didn’t lift his head up and look around for you. No, he was too terrified that he’d catch your eye and have to go over and talk to you. He wasn’t ready! All that time spent thinking on stage and he still had no idea how to tell you how he felt.
Looking in the mirror, he tried to hype himself up.
It’s just (Y/N). You’ve been friends for years. You can do this.
Nasty decided to change clothes before he went to speak with you. Not only because the hot lights of the stage had made him all sweaty and uncomfortable, but because he wanted to look a little more presentable for when he saw you.
He always brought a spare shirt with him to gigs since he normally sweated through his stage clothes. It wasn’t anything fancy, just some random t shirt thrown into his bag. Now, he was wishing he had thought out what he had brought a little more carefully. There was nothing inherently wrong with the spare shirt he had brought, it just didn’t do him any favors. What was once a plain black t shirt was now a thin, faded grey shirt with various stains of unknown origin on it. Not to mention, it was a size or two too small for him.
Not really having any other choice, he threw the shirt on and examined his reflection in the mirror. He looked like he normally would when he saw you, a little sweaty, hair all tangled up, mismatched clothes and accessories thrown on. How could Andy possibly think that you would like him back? You always looked so good, so effortlessly cool and he, well he looked like a sewer rat.
A knock at the door jolted him out of his pity party.
“Come in!” he called out, assuming it was just one of his bandmates checking to make sure he wasn’t naked before barging in.
To his surprise though, it was you who opened the door to the dressing room. At the sight of your face, Nasty swallowed thickly with nerves.
“Hey,” you greeted, smiling easily, “Andy told me I could find you in here.”
“Oh,” Nasty said, trying to muster up any coherent sentence to say to you. “Oh,” he said again. He cursed himself internally for not being able to come up with anything smooth or witty.
You didn’t seem to take any notice though. Instead, you hopped up onto the table sitting in the corner of the room and took a seat.
“Andy said you wanted to talk to me,” you said, tilting your head to the side and examining the man in front of you. Nasty seemed on edge, which was unusual for him. He was normally so carefree, the life of the party. He had even appeared to be a little nervous on stage too.
“He did?” Nasty asked, not meeting your eyes. His gaze focused on your feet instead, swinging back and forth as they hung off the edge of the table.
“Yeah,” you answered, perplexed by his shy behavior. “Is something wrong? You seem off,” you pointed out.
Finally, he lifted his head to meet your worried eyes. “Um, yeah, everything’s fine,” he stammered. “I just, um, well.”
“Just what?” you urged gently. Whatever it was that was bothering your friend, you wanted to be there to help him out with it.
Nasty cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “(Y/N), I um, well, I really like you. You’re one of my best friends.”
“I really like you too dumbass,” you said with a chuckle. “That’s what you had to tell me?”
In this moment, Nasty knew he had two options. He could agree with you, laugh it off, and pretend he had nothing more to say. He could do that, or he could continue. He could tell you how he really felt. He could take the risk of losing you or making things awkward by confessing his love. He thought back to Michael assuring him that you felt the same way and Andy threatening to tell you the truth if Nasty wouldn’t. He decided to take the risk.
“Well no. That’s not all,” he said.
Nasty’s voice got all quiet and serious. You had never really seen him like this before. You straightened your back and strained to listen to what he had to say.
“I don’t know how I didn’t realize it before. I guess I just never took a step back and looked at things,” he said, biting his lip. “I guess it’s been fairly obvious to other people though,” he said, huffing out a small laugh. “I think I’m in love with you (Y/N). I want to be more than just best friends with you.”
It was silent after his confession. All you could do was stare at him. His words were still ringing in your head. Nasty loved you? Nasty wanted to be more than just friends?
Nasty took your surprised expression as a bad sign. Clearly, you hadn’t seen this coming and were trying to process what he had just revealed to you. Clearly, you didn’t feel the same.
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. He swallowed the lump forming in the back of his throat and continued to apologize. “I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I’m so sorry (Y/N). Andy and Mike, they tried to tell me it was a good idea to let you know, but I shouldn’t have listened to them. God, I’ve ruined everything, haven’t I?”
His apologies shook you out of your state of shock. You hurriedly hopped off the table you were sitting on and rushed to the rambling boy who was now looking very distraught.
“No, no, Nasty, don’t apologize!” you said, grabbing onto his upper arms. “It’s okay, nothing’s ruined.”
“How is it not ruined?” Nasty said in a much louder voice now. He was obviously getting very worked up and upset. “How can we go back to being friends after what I just said?”
You soothingly ran your hands up and down his arms, trying to calm him. “I thought you said you wanted to be more than just friends?” you asked lightly, giving his biceps a gentle squeeze.
“I thought you wanted to be more than friends. So why does it matter if things can’t go back to the way they were before?”
Nasty looked deep into your eyes, searching for any form of deception. “What are you trying to say?” he asked.
“I’m trying to say that I think I love you too,” you said, moving your hands up to caress along his jawline. “I’m trying to say that I feel the same way.”
“Oh,” you mocked.
“So, it would be okay if I kissed you?” he asked, looking down longingly at your lips.
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lia-writes · 4 years
let it all go
pairing: jaskier x reader
summary: mostly sober reader keeps an eye on jaskier when he starts trying to challenge Geralt. 
a/n: this was fun to write - even though the first word document of this disappeared into the abyss. Hopefully it makes sense aha
; As soon as Jaskier started challenging Geralt, you knew you were in for a long night.
“I can definitely out drink you,” he aims at Geralt across the table. He elbows you in the hopes that perhaps you’d back him up.
There’s a pause and then, “Jaskier, no.” the two of you speak at the same time and Jaskier raises his eyebrows in offence. Geralt rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. 
“Ah ah, I believe that should be Jaskier, yes.” 
“Fine, but don’t forget that you asked for this,” Geralt shakes his head and he moves back toward the bar to order another drink.
You walk away without saying a word, leaving Jaskier with two jugs of ale in front of him and as predicted, it doesn’t take long for Jaskier’s hopes of victory to start sliding out from under his feet, almost literally. 
Jaskier has his arm around the waist of a young local following a few drinks, his lips at her cheek every so often. It’ll take many more for Geralt’s expression to lighten and his laugh to become a little more prominent. 
You choose to watch from a safe distance, with your back to the fire and a look of exasperation painted across your features.
The blonde giggles loudly then at something Jaskier says, her hand resting on his chest and your face falls. 
He hasn’t looked your way even once.
It shouldn’t hurt, but it does. 
It stings. 
Too many unspoken words and over felt feelings have your heart aching and your skin burning with longing. 
An hour passes and the drinks continue to flow freely. One eye kept on Jaskier, you’re focused on shrugging off the attention of another man, with sweet words and sour intentions. 
He leaves with a scowl and, always looking out for you, Geralt catches your eye across the room. His expression hardens and you give a dismissive wave to say, you’re okay. 
Eventually, Jaskier moves on from ale to spirits and you find yourself sitting at the end of the bar, hands clasped around a drink of your own. 
“Ready to call it?” it’s Geralt’s voice you hear over the hum of chatter. 
“Of course not, Geralt,” Jaskier moves to clap Geralt’s shoulder and misses, swaying off balance and spilling half his current drink, all over the blonde. You can’t help but laugh when she shrieks in response and runs off, followed by both Jaskier’s apologies and her friends. 
You’re a little surprised Jaskier’s still on his feet. He could hold his own against most men when it came to his tolerance for alcohol. But Geralt, definitely had the upper hand against the Bard in this… well most situations. 
The nights ticked into the early hours of the morning when the crowd suddenly breaks into unsynchronised song, led by Jaskier and your lips twitch up into an amused half smile.
Until, a young man who lacks Jaskier’s confidence and boyish charm, approaches you.
“Care ta’ dance?” he asks meekly, and you tilt your head back to finish off your drink.
“Not really,” you glance up at him and he sighs. There’re a few moments of silence, and you swear you can hear him thinking.  
“Or, I could buy y’ another drink?” He tries again, a hopeful smile on his face.
“You know, I was planning on leaving soon.” 
Its Geralt’s hand on the man’s shoulder that has him shutting his mouth and shrinking away from the Witcher’s grip. You can’t decide if it’s in fear or disgust.
 He’s quickly turned and given a shove toward the door. He scurries out with his tail between his legs and doesn’t look back even once.
“He was hardly a threat, Geralt,” you spin on your barstool and hop to your feet. 
“Hmm, I’m just looking out for you.” He moves to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and gives you a nudge. “Just the way you’re looking after him,” he jerks his chin in Jaskier’s direction. 
You exhale loudly as someone passes Jaskier yet another drink. Geralt reaches out to give your arm a gentle squeeze, “maybe not with quite the same intentions, though.” His eyes soften with an almost smile and a laugh bubbles up from your chest.
The two of you stand in each other’s company for a while before Geralt heads away with the mentioning of a game of Gwent he had to win.  
You turn back toward the bar, leaning on the bench with a tired sigh. The spontaneous singing finally seems to have died down to idle chatter and the odd jeer.
“Where’s ma’ girl?” Jaskier calls loudly and you pause, glancing over your shoulder in the hopes that he means you and not the blonde from earlier.
He slings his arms around you, pulling you against your chest and momentarily, you melt. 
“There she is,” his words are not as quiet as he seems to think and you spin on your heel to face him, taking in his flushed cheeks and the way his eyes light up when they drink you in.
“Love you,” he chides, and you bow your head, forehead resting against his chest. 
“You’re incredibly drunk.” You tell him and he tilts his head. 
“Still loooove ya’,” you ignore the fact that you’d been watching him draped around that other girl for most of the evening and sigh pointedly. 
“Okay tough guy, let’s just… Get you to bed.”
“I’m not even tired,” he pouts, eyebrows raising, and you sigh. 
“Well I am, and you’re supposed to be letting me take care of you tonight, so I say, we’re leaving.”
“You’re sweet annnnd bossy,” He pulls you close then, hands at the small of your back and plants a hot kiss on your lips. You can’t help but lean into it in a moment of needy weakness. 
“I kinda like it,” his fingertips graze your hip as he smirks, “like, a looot,” 
“Point taken,” you roll your eyes and he laughs at your expression. 
The one that simply screams both I love you and you’re a damn fool.
But he’s your fool and that kinda happens to make you one too.
“Where’s Geralt?” He asks as you begin tugging him over to the staircase in the corner of the room. 
“He left a while ago, I think,” you manage briefly, even though it was only moments ago that you’d caught sight of Geralt over Jaskier’s shoulder. The Witcher seemed entirely coherent and focused on his game of Gwent.
“I won,” he chides, “against bloody Geralt, can y’ believe it?” 
“You must be my good luck charm. That’s what being in love does for me – a gut of steel... Or would it be a liver of steel?”
Charming. He wasn’t going to remember any of this come morning. 
Eventually, he gives in to your grasp and follows you up the flight of stairs. 
You arrive at the door to his room and he sways on his feet, leaning back against it and blocking you from opening it.
“It also lets me share a room with a pretty girl,” he blinks at you, eyelashes fluttering flirtatiously, “a bed too, if I’m lucky?” 
He’s unbearably adorable when he looks at you like that, and you swallow down your feelings. 
They catch in your throat. 
With rosy cheeks, you point a finger at him, “don’t push it, sweetheart.”
You kiss him this time, like it’s the end of the world and all Jaskier can do in return is kiss you back and pray he remembers this in the morning. 
“Pleaseee don’t let me forget this,” he mumbles, struggling with the doorknob behind him. 
Hand grazing his waist, you reach around him to open it. 
He pulls you inside. 
“You’re welcome.” 
You kick the door shut with your heel. 
Unceremoniously, he drags you toward the bed and almost knocks you off balance as he flops onto his back with a loud exhale.  
He watches you for a moment as you help unlace and pull off his boots and he gives you an impressed grin, pipes up suddenly, “you called me sweetheart.” 
In the beginning, when you’d first started travelling with him and Geralt, it had been hard to accept that Jaskier would flirt with not just you, but everyone. 
So far, there hadn’t been anything that had particularly convinced you that he wanted you more than anyone else.
Not only did he claim to love you, but he also loved the brunette in Cintra, the red headed sisters from Rinde, and the blonde from only earlier that evening.
Honestly, it’d taken you a while to warm up to the idea of wanting someone else, especially when that someone was equally infuriating and easy to love. 
It frustrated you past the point of no return logical thought and rational action.
But now, in allowing yourself a smidge of weakness… He became all you wanted, hard and fast. 
& it didn’t hurt one single bit. 
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