#I’m slowly coming back to tumblr though too
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thank u everyone who followed me on instagram 🥰 and sorry for all the memes lol
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farmerstarter · 3 months
Hi!! Could you do Sam HCs? It can be literally anything. I just love him so much :)
ʚ🛹ɞ ˚ · . Random Sam Headcanons
Tags: Sam from SDV x gn! reader
Hi! I'm so sorry for the super super super late response. Life has been pretty busy for the past few months and I haven't had the time to get on Tumblr. But, I'm slowly coming back to it! Anyway, likes and reblogs are appreciated. Hope you enjoy, loves! 🌷🫶
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🎸 He was absolutely thrilled when you asked him to teach you how to skateboard. He immediately came knocking on your door the first thing in the morning the day after you brought it up, carrying his skateboard and some gear. You two spent the whole day going over the basics, with Sam holding your hands and trying not to laugh when you would scream over the tiniest things (“I’m going to die, Sam!” “It’s just a pebble!”). A cute add-on: Vincent and your pet would tag along sometimes, and they took it upon themselves to be your personal cheerleaders. After some time and a few bumps and bruises, you and Sam would often skateboard all around the town, trying to impress each other with tricks. Sam has your name etched on his skateboard, and you have his name on yours.
🎸 Personal HC where Sam and Vincent stumbled inside the fruit bat cave while they were visiting. Sam got bit by a bat, nothing too serious. Vincent is horrified, and Sam decided to mess with him by pretending to be a vampire. Suspiciously, you find yourself missing a jar of your homemade jam. Turns out, Sam “borrowed” it (And by that, I mean he scribbled a little note on the place where your jam used to be), and covered it all over his face pretending it’s blood. He got a big scolding from Jodi right after though.
🎸 Sam and Krobus friendship, Sam and Krobus friendship, Sam and Krobus friendship! It all started when Sam looked into the sewer to show Vincent that no, there is no monster in the sewage canal. He was soon face to face with a shadow man and it was over. Krobus has a knack for beating the hard levels on Sam's video game and their friendship budded from there. Sometimes, Sam would disguise Krobus with his clothes so they can watch movies in the cinema together. You found out about them when you walked in on Sam trying to teach Krobus how to play the drums in the greenhouse.
🎸 Sam asked Jodi to teach him how to bake after he had the bright idea to ask you out on a picnic when you two started dating. It all started when Penny showed him those fancy little cakes that she ordered from Zuzu City as a treat for Vincent after the kid passed his math exam. Penny mentioned how you saw those cakes when she bumped into you by the bus stop and thought they were cute. Cue a light bulb in Sam’s head. Sam’s not the best cook, but he’s got the enthusiasm. He ended up with a lopsided two-tier cake with a little blob of fondant on top of it (Vincent’s lips pursed, “What’s with the brown rock?” Sam sputtered while Jodi’s laughter chittered in the air close by. “It’s a chicken!”). Sam would make up for it years later when he would remake the same cake for your wedding anniversary.
🎸 Sam would randomly call you in the middle of a rainy day and just play guitar riffs. No words exchanged. When he’s done, he will just hang up.
🎸 Sam gives you pretty seashells that he and Vincent dig up on the beach (sometimes with a little help from Elliott and Willy) instead of flower bouquets. He doesn’t want to risk sneezing all over you when the pollen would inevitably make his nose red.
🎸 Sam had a whole phase of wearing a cowboy hat when he’s working on the farm for the first few months.
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literaila · 10 months
Ok it's headcanon time what do you think Peter's reaction would be when him and his friend who've been bffs for years and are very comfortable with physical touch suddenly starts to pull away from him cause she saw him flirting with another girl at thier college mixer and so she starts to pull away from his physical touches cause she feel like she should finally be able to move on from him and start her college life without pining after him all the time and slowly peter starts noticing that she always give him affection when he needs it on his tough days but refuses his touch even when he remotely comes near her
just so you know
tasm!peter x fem!reader
a/n: sorry this took ages, i forgot how to write (there was a more perfect gif but tumblr hates me)
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“what’s going on?”
you look up again, meeting uncertain eyes with a fake sense of amusement. you know what you’re doing, and so does peter.
“what?” you tease, running your hand over plastic price tags and years of dust, staring down at ceramic mugs and tiny scentless candles.
peter puts his hand on your back, walking with you, and as a subtle and graceful friend, you quickly move away from him, pretending to kneel down and look at a set of plates.
“that. this—this thing that your doing.” peter points to you like it’s a physical entity. some thing you’re holding just to hurt him. a handful of tricks.
“looking at cat mugs?” you ask, eyebrow raised.
“avoiding me. pretending like you haven’t been evading every question i’ve asked.”
you frown, but don’t look up. you finger a curved handle, swallow and let the lies slip from your mouth without any effort. if you’ve been distant from peter recently, it’s nothing but an accident. a practiced maneuver. “i’m not avoiding you.”
“you haven’t looked at me all day.”
“i’m looking at you right now, peter.” and so you do.
peter smiles, laughs a bit, his chest rising and falling, but it’s frustrated. he runs a hand through his hair, shakes his head. and then he bends down and wraps his hand around your arm, pulling you up before you get the chance to stop him.
and you would stop him, you know, if he hadn’t already pointed out that you’ve been doing it all day. for at least the past week.
his touch burns, like a singe on your already red wounds. and even though he’s smiling at you, being as gentle as peter always is, you can see your tension, can feel your own hesitation in his skin.
“did i hurt you, or something?” he asks, biting the inside of his cheek. “i know we—well, we’re not um, that hesitant with being close, touching and stuff, but if i did something accidentally—“
“you haven’t hurt me, peter.”
“okay… then what’s going on? do you need to discuss boundaries with me?”
“what?” you laugh.
“i’m not trying to make you uncomfortable,” peter says, softly, like you’re some breakable thing. “i just want to make sure that you—that we’re okay.”
“of course we’re okay, peter.”
and then, that’s not quite true.
when you look into peters eyes, it’s not an auburn storm that you see. it’s not even yourself being reflected in his irises.
it’s flashing lights and music that made your head pound. there’s sticky floors and too many people—so much air, and too much breathing in such a small room. you see people laughing and singing, hands and bodies intertwined like it would hurt to be apart.
and it’s all sort of beautiful and disturbing, all sort of a lot—but then, there’s familiar hands, running up an unfamiliar body. peter had asked you to dance, but you knew it was only so he could laugh because he knew that you couldn’t.
when you look into peters eyes you see her. and there’s such a strong fire ignited in your chest, such a vehement jealousy that you have to look away.
you have to physically pull yourself away from him just so you don’t feel like that. just so you can tell yourself that it’s not fair.
“we’re fine,” you repeat, softly, and you look away from him. turn away, so you can block yourself away from his all too knowing stare.
you don’t pull away from his hands, but god do you want to. you want to take a break from him, a break from all of this until you can promise yourself that you just don’t care.
that you don’t crave his side stepping and hand holding and resting your head on his shoulder or leaning against his chest. that isn’t fair.
you clear your throat; you can’t lie to him, and it’s not like peter is going to let you. “it’s just…” you start, stepping towards him and then away. “i don’t know if lindsay would be comfortable with it.”
peters face flinched, he tilts his head at you. “lindsay?”
“i don’t want to get in the way of anything…”
“get in the way of what?”
you meet his eyes and laugh. “c’mon, peter. you’re not as discreet as you think you are. there was that night at the club and then the “study” dates you’ve been going on.”
“that wasn’t anything—“ peter is quick to get out, but you shove his shoulder, pretending your laughter isn’t painful.
“save it, loverboy. if you want to hold someone’s hand,” you tease, “it should be your girlfriends. i was surprised you even asked me to come gift hunting today.”
peter swallows. “she’s not my girlfriend.”
you nod, turning away from him. “yeah, okay.”
“i’m serious. we’ve been working on a project for bio-chem, that’s all.”
“i’m not blind, peter.”
he walks when you do, leaning his head down until he can see your face. “don’t you think i’d tell you if started dating someone and it was serious?”
“um, no, not really. we don’t ever talk about that stuff.”
“yeah, because you get weird whenever i bring it up.”
“i don’t get weird—“ you say, turning to glare at him. he’s closer than you expected though so whatever you were about to say falls into the air. it blows away with the feel of peters breath on your cheek.
“i would tell you,” he says, “if i had a girlfriend.”
you lean away from him, taking a deep breath in. “okay, peter. but the point still stands. you shouldn’t be holding hands with me while you’ve got a girl who’s waiting for you to get your head out of your ass. or stop lying. whatever.”
“i don’t want to hold her hand.”
peters voice is soft, and his hand is gentle as it lands on your waist. he pulls you to him, like he’s sure that you’re going to run away.
“well now i know why you don’t have a girlfriend.”
peter chuckles, staring down at you with burning eyes. and this time, when you look at him, you see only a secret catching fire. “i don’t have a girlfriend because i want to hold your hand,” he whispers, a finger brushing up against your jaw.
you stare at him, unsure what else to say.
what other announcements need to be made, what other proclamations you should probably get in writing.
peter smiles again, wider. he lets go of you and turns so his shoulder is to you. and then he grabs your hand.
“just so you know,” he says, smirk far too much.
just so you know.
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monstersflashlight · 27 days
Umm... Do you think.. Maybe.. You could do a dragon and a male person? If not, I totally understand.
Hi! Thanks for the request, hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I know very little about temperature play apart from candles, but I’m setting this into a fantasy world where this is not as dangerous as it sounds.
Burn me down
Dragon x male!reader || temperature play, size difference, edging, lowkey orgasm denial
“Iwantyoutouseyourfireonme.” Your words mixed together because you told them so fast. You didn’t want him to think too much about it.
“What?” He asked, confused. Your dragon boyfriend was reading next to you on the couch as you scrolled Tumblr, in his humanoid form he was so handsome you almost lost yourself on him before asking what you wanted.
“I want you to use your fire on me.” You repeated, slower this time.
“No.” His response was instantaneous.
“But-” You tried to argue.
“No.” He repeated, not even looking at you, his eyes fixated on the pages, even though you knew he wasn’t reading shit.
“Come on, I trust you, I know you wouldn’t hurt me and I really want to know what it feels like.” You tried to let all your arguments out before he could deny you again.
“I need to be in full dragon form for that.” He told you like that made a big difference. He already knew you were a slut for all his forms, you loved how well his dragon dick stretched you, how his scales rubbed against your prostate in the most perfect way.
“I know.” You answered, trying to sound calm and collected, but fearing he was going to say no again. “So would you? Use your fire I mean…” You asked again, trying to use your puppy dog eyes on him. He was weak when it came to you, and you wanted to milk that fully.
He sighed heavily. “I’ll think about it.” You fist bumped the air as he tried to hide his smile.
It took him two weeks to give you an answer. “We can try.” He told you in the middle of breakfast. It was Sunday, so you had nothing else to do. “We can try the fire.” He clarified, as if you weren’t completely sure what he meant before. As if you hadn’t been expecting his answer for days.
“Really?” You asked, trying not to sound as hopeful as you felt. You couldn’t believe it took him only two weeks, you thought you would have to ask again after sucking his cock or something, to get him when he wasn’t expecting it.
“Yeah.” He leaned down and kissed your open mouth. You pulled back and started getting your clothes off. “Wait, right now?” He asked behind you as you rushed through the house to get to the only area in your house that could fit his dragon size: the big barn outside. You might or might not have bought the house just for that.
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” You chanted as you threw your clothes wherever and ran naked across the garden. He followed you, and when he caught up to you he was smiling. His expression was so loving that you felt a shiver down your spine.
You two entered and you positioned yourself in the bed you set there, he removed his clothes slowly. You laid on the bed and watched as he took out the restrains. You shivered, your dick filling rapidly as he approached you with a predatory gaze.
He tied you down to the bed frame and transformed. You looked at him amazed, you were fascinated by his full dragon form. He was so big, so imposing, so scary… But at the same time you could see in his eyes that your boyfriend was still there. “Feels good?” He asked, his voice in the dragon form so deep that made your body shudder. He proved your restrains with his claws to make sure they would hold, humming approvingly.
“Yes! Fuck yes. Come on, come on…” You urged, struggling in your restrains, trying to make him do something apart from looking at you.
“Calm down.” He didn’t move, he just kept looking at you intensely. “Be patient.”
He was drinking your naked body in, your dick was so hard, a shiny droplet of precum at the tip. He leaned down and licked it off, his dragon tongue textured and rough made you scream in pleasure. You whined as he did it again. Having his sharp teeth so close to your dick should be scary, but you were so fucking turned on.
“Please.” You knew he loved when you begged, he was a sucker for your pleas, and you were a sucker for him. Especially if you could take him down your throat.
He approached you, his big head was close to your stomach when he parted his lips and breathed fire over your tummy. The first flame hit you right on the belly button, making you scream and twitch against your restrains. The hot feeling making your whole body shiver as you moaned. He did it again, this time over your hip. The tiny flame held for a couple seconds, enough to make your skin tingle and your arousal grow. You moaned again as he did it again. And again. He kept sending little sparks of flame to your skin, alternating between your chest, your legs… Anywhere but your sensitive parts.
“More, please, please, please… More.” You were completely out of it, the mixture between the cold air and the hot flames was making your arousal get so high you feel like you could come with just a touch. But he didn’t give you that.
He kept sending tiny flames to parts of your body, you felt like you were on fire all over, the kind of fire that consumed you from the inside out and ended up with a big orgasm. You were distracted by the overwhelming heat sensation around your body that you weren’t expecting when he sent the flame to your nipples. You screamed loud. He chuckled over you, and you were about to speak and curse him when he sent another flame to your other nipple, making you scream again.
He tortured you slowly, so, so, so slowly. You were going out of your mind with need when he decided to touch your dick. He licked the copious amount of precum around your whole shaft, making you arch your back until it hurt, trying to get closer to him. He swallowed your erection once, twice… Bobbing his big head over you, being careful not to scratch you with his pointy fingers. You were so close. So, so close.
Then he pulled away and you cried out. Tears were running down your face as he kept teasing you, tiny flames around your body again. He was being mean and cruel about it, not letting you come, edging you to the point of madness. You lost track of time, of space. You lost track of your own body to get into a state of mind that made your head float as your body burned. You were never in danger of being hurt, he would never hurt you, but the tortuous edging he was inflicting was making you a mess.
He licked your tears as they fell. “You look so pretty, I wish you could see how handsome you look right now, all needy and panting. All messy and eager.” His words made you cry harder, precum leaking.
You thought he was going to tease you again, start your torture all over, but he lowered his head and breathed a tiny flame over your heated, oversensitive dick, making you cry out so hard you felt you throat tearing and your soul leave your body. You came so hard you passed out completely.
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cuckette · 5 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x reader x ashley graham
tags. p in v, threesome, president leon, daddy-daughter incest (ashley/leon not reader), voyeurism, oral
note. haiii :3 sorry for mistakes it’s unedited! not the proudest of this! got messy and clunky 😭 but rbs and feedback always so appreciated :3
tumblr has started to remove fics that for example use tw non-con and any nsfw tags in general from the tags. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.
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“No, babe, it’s online, you can watch it, and can you tell Chris to watch it? I’m excited, I know he’s not happy about it, but, I am,” Claire’s voice is obfuscated by the chatter in the background, “This is a big deal for me, I mean—“ She cuts herself off, voice distant, “Oh, yes— No, not at all, it’s lovely to meet you—“
You blink at your phone. She hung up on you. Granted, she’s been one busy bee so you let her off. For now. You shoot a message to Chris, tell him that as Claire said, this means a lot to her, and as tight as he is with the Kennedys, that she’s his sister, she should come first. You’re well aware that he knows that, that he wouldn’t dare put anyone above his sister, she’s at the centre of his world - it’s just for good measure.
The interview is lengthy, you suppress a groan because really you should very much be interested in the state of current affairs. And this is Claire’s line of work, and Claire is your girlfriend, and you should support her in her endeavours. Clicking on the link she’s forwarded opens up a grayscale website. The first video is President Kennedy in all his glory, which is not a lot of glory to be quite frank. He’s an eyesore to you. Like, that chin? Seriously? He should consider some sort of medical procedure, you don’t know if that’s a thing, but you know a girl who got her cleft lip fixed, so why not the chin?
Most of the video is full to the brim with political jargon that you fail to understand. Completely different language. Could understand Morse code better than this.
Skip, skip, skip.
“The issue with Penamstan? I hate to be rude, Mr. Kennedy,” No, she does not, Claire loves to be rude, “But do you know where that is on a map?” Claire, always straight to the point.
“I know all the stans,” President Kennedy smiles, charming and stupidly stupid all at once. He’s kind of cute when he smiles. It’s really just that chin. Very American though, you’ll give it to him. Named Kennedy too? America loves a Kennedy, he had it easy.
“What?” Not even an excuse me.
“Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Penamstan… The, uh, more forgettable stans,” He trails off, taken off guard by a woman in a pantsuit leaning down to talk to him, a hand cupped over her mouth, he blinks up at her slowly, “Uz-beki-stan,” President Kennedy sounds out as if the word is foreign on his tongue, and it is, so incredibly foreign, “Turk… Turkmenistan, and Penamstan, of course.”
That’s all you needed to know he has the brain density of a wafer. Was the most interesting part though. He would’ve made a good stripper or a boy-toy, you think. Instead, he’s being marketed as this all-encompassing package of a man, which he is not.
Skip, skip, skip.
Penamstan— Foreign Policy— Penamstan— Voting— Penamstan— Radicalisation— Terrorism— Your predecessor, Graham— Sexual relations— Gaffe—
You pause, rewind a minute or so back. Sexual relations. This is what you’re into. No idea who Monica Lewinsky is, know all about the dress though.
“You’ve heard of the accusations, yes?” Claire frowns so much like Chris you have to turn away.
President Kennedy’s lack of jaw tightens, and it’s the first time you’ve seen him behave so offstandish in the fourteen minutes you’ve ever seen of him. “Yes.”
“You didn’t like that,” Claire notes, her lip twitching upwards.
“Didn’t know we had a psychologist with us today,” His lips are stretched thin into a smile that resembles a grimace more than anything. There’s scattered laughter, and the lady beside him, poised as ever, taps him on the shoulder. “My apologies,” He straightens up immediately, “Ask away.”
“Thank you,” She responds coolly when she is anything but, “You- I mean you have to admit that it’s strange to behave that way with your daughter of all people, otherwise there wouldn’t be accusations in the first place,” Claire challenges him with a tilt of her head, he mirrors it.
The lady taps his shoulder once more, leans down once more, whispers conspicuously, they nod to each other. A gesture to someone behind the camera is made, and then, much to Claire’s clear dismay: “We’re sorry to cut this short—“
The video ends, and the opening frame pops up once more. Huh. So President Kennedy is tonguing his daughter on the side. Maybe you need to pay more attention to things that are actually important, or you need to listen to Claire more often unless she’s failed to mention the most interesting part of whatever case she’s building. As far as you’re concerned, if voting doesn’t go in the red, you’re fine. Claire says being a centrist is the worst thing you can be, it’s just that you’ve got your own shit to worry about. Work, college, Claire, family. It takes up your life. You pitch in to vote for whoever’s democratic, watch the descent into chaos and forget about it in a week as most do, an attempt to forget the state of the country.
You wonder what she looks like. His daughter. If it’s worth risking the presidency over incest she must be a cutie. And she is indeed, cute like a teacup terrier, you can see why he’d be balls deep— but that is purely because you’re a bit of a horndog. Harvard Law School, a privilege you’re sure, girl looks like a total ditz. Barbie doll legs, the palest of blondes, and her smile is adorable. Not like her father’s smarmy one in the slightest, sweet and genuine for a girl whose teeth look done. Braces? Veneers? Not a single gap between them, not a single one out of place, not a single one is coffee stained.
The headlines pretty much say the thing. Kennedy fucks his daughter. Kennedy said she reminds him of Marilyn, so what does that make him if he’s a Kennedy? Truly, they harp on about it with no proof, apart from that photo of them too close for comfort— And the other one where they’re too close for comfort— And the last one where they’re too close for comfort.
Claire returns in the early hours of the morning, her jacket squeaks when she takes it off, hanging it the back of the vanity chair. She gets into bed, touches your hand to check if you're awake, her eyes sparkle even in the dark when she asks, “Did you see it?”
“Mhm,” You pinch her doughy cheek when she grins, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Claire says, head dipping to rest in the hollow of your neck, “I got cut off at the last minute.”
“I saw… He got touchy about the daughter-fucker thing.”
“He always does,” She huffs out air through her nose, “Only people who fuck their daughters get defensive when people accuse them of fucking their daughters. Oh, and his wife, she doesn’t go to a single event, it’s always Ashley, Ashley, Ashley— it’s so fucking strange.”
“True,” Your fingers slip beneath the loops of her hair tie, loosening her ponytail, sometimes you fear it’ll come off clean with how tight she makes it. It’s like Claire’s intention is to recede her hairline on purpose. “What can you do though, right?”
Her lack of response is eerie, you pass it off as her falling asleep. She’s had a long day, an exciting one at that, Claire’s likely just crashing. So you kiss her head, let her nestle into your chest, the spot where she’s most comfortable.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Giving your girlfriend the benefit of the doubt when she’s putting you up to the most outrageous scheme quite possibly ever is hard. “I have work, Claire.”
“Work can wait, babe, this is seriously important, it means a lot for America’s future,” Ugh, you don’t like when she talks like that. Sounds like a propaganda poster come to life.
“I don’t care about America’s future, I care about mine, babe, I care about ours, I don’t think Kennedy fucking his kid has anything to do with America’s future.”
“Babe, America’s future is our future,” She insists, “I won’t ask of you ever again,” Claire clasps her hands together, kneels in front of you as if you’re in fresco on the ceiling of a half-painted chapel, as if Claire Redfield, famous and outspoken atheist activist is the most pious woman to set foot in the USA.
“I have work, I have to get ready, I don’t have time for this.”
“See, this is what I mean, you’re so—“ Before her frustration reaches its boiling point, you watch Claire mouth the words one, two, three and onwards to fifteen. “Baby, darling,” She cups your cheeks, “This would mean the world to me when I say I would never bother you again with my shit, I promise. Pinky swear.”
“Don’t call me darling,” You wriggle out of her grip, “I can’t risk another day off, Claire.”
“There’s an opening in the office,” She offers, “It’s not much, but it’s better than what you’re doing now.”
“How so?” Your interest is piqued.
“Desk job,” Claire shrugs, “It’s easy, babe, you’re smart, too smart for retail.”
“I am too smart for retail,” You agree with a sigh, it keeps you on your feet all day, then you end up blowing your paycheck on pedicures.
“You are,” She coos, kissing the back of your hand as if you’re the most delicate thing since butterflies, “And you’ll do so well, that’s why I want you to do it, babe, ‘cause I just know you’re the only one who could do it,” Flattery does get Claire somewhere, it gets her in your good books, “The, uh, you don’t mind the, uh, y’know, incest part.”
“He’s not my dad, she’s not my sister.” Detaching yourself from the incestuous element would be best, you don’t know if you have a strong enough stomach to handle it in any other way.
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“You can’t kiss me,” Claire frowns, her professional face on, “From now on, we can’t be seen with each other, okay?”
“Babe,” You pout, she scowls, “You look so good tonight, I don’t want to leave you.” The notched lapels of her suit make her shoulders look broader, you want to drag your nails over the cashmere, over her tender skin.
“Your name is on the guest list,” Your alias, she means, you don’t know how she did it, but Claire manages to manage, “Please…” Don’t fuck this up for me, you assume, “Good luck, okay?”
The security process is tedious, they drone on and on about a topic in which you have no knowledge, they pat you down— Should they be doing this to someone who might be an esteemed guest?
You pass through, the crowd is full of beautiful girls with made-up faces and dark ringlets and dresses like wedding cakes. There’s less than savoury men. She doesn’t stand out in a crowd like this, but you spot her anyway. Nobody in their right mind would wear that shade of orange. Ashley Kennedy, according to your girlfriend, is fucking her father, and so she is clinically and mentally and psychically and biologically and any other ally insane. So, yes, she would wear rust orange proudly, she would go out of her way to purchase a floor-length evening gown in that exact colour. Just to prove that, yes, she is indeed fucking her dad. Would calling it quits at this very moment be justifiable to Claire? Would your reasoning be enough to accuse a girl of fucking her father?
To your utter astonishment, both Mrs and Miss Kennedy approach you first, both as in Ashley. As she is both his wife and daughter if Claire’s deduction is correct.
“Hi,” Ashley’s smile is as perfect as it was in the tabloids, her skin is dewy, and her lashes light with no attempt to darken them. It would look unnatural.
“Hi,” You grin back at her, focus on the pendant that swings low, a silver eagle that sits cushdy between her perky tits.
“Daddy told me I had to—“ Her face drops for a split second, “Oops,” She covers her mouth, swallows back a nervous giggle, “Dad told me I had to socialise, make connections,” She imitates his formalities, “Oh, gosh, I am totally being so rude right now!” Ashley waves her hands at you, “My daddy- Dad is the president, sorry to come onto you like that like you were supposed to know, gosh, I’m Ashley by the way.”
“I know,” You take her hand in yours when she offers it, squeeze it warmly, “Don’t sweat it, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t know you.”
“Right, right, I guess that’s true,” She hiccups, “Sorry, god, champagne, I’m so new to drinking, I really don’t think it’s for me.” This girl is making it too easy for you.
“You just haven’t tried the right one, I love your dress by the way, colour brings out your eyes.” Like how grass brings out the pumpkins on a pumpkin patch.
“Oh my goodness, thank you!” Ashley follows after you, lost and clinging to the person she has deemed friendliest.
“Have you ever had a French martini?”
“Oh, no, what’s that? It sounds exotic.” She’s bubbly, excitable, so sweet you almost feel bad setting her up like this.
“Do you like pineapple?”
Ashley ponders, “Only juice, eating pineapple eats at my tongue, I totally know that’s what it does, but still it feels so weird.”
“You’ll like this then.” You assure her, and she bobs her head up and down in agreement, her trust for you is unconditional within five minutes flat. Claire deserved that spot at Harvard.
“There’s vodka in it,” She hums, “Daddy,” Her third slip-up of the night, “Dad doesn’t even let me near vodka.”
“Really?” You raise a brow, then your glass and she does the same.
“Never, he sucks when it comes to me doing, like, adult things,” Her nose twitches at the first sip, she reminds you of a bunny, an energiser bunny.
“Like what?”
“Drinking, driving, partying,” Ashley lists off, “He’s okay, but he’s protective, I know it comes with, like, president’s daughter territory, it just totally sucks!”
Drinking, driving, partying— Dad doesn’t mind when she’s doing adult things like sucking his dick though. That’s not a problem!
“I like you,” Ashley says, two French martinis and one cosmopolitan in, “You’re so fun, I don’t really get to meet people other than, like, the one daddy introduces me to. Don’t get me wrong, I get it, I’m privileged so I talk to privileged people, but they’re so…”
“Stuck up,” You finish for her, “I didn’t expect you to be so sweet.”
“Oh, I can see why, I get it, I’m not offended or anything,” She sighs softly, gazes at the chandelier as if she longs for more than ball gowns and Havard and spending her days shifting idly through the clothing racks at Dolce & Gabbana while her daddy lounges on the chaise chairs. “I just think you’re so down to earth,” Poor thing, it’s a shame she’s fucking her dad, you hope to uncover an entirely different truth, that they’re close and it’s nothing more, “Who did you come with by the way?”
“I’m a plus one,” You knock back your drink, grip tightening on the glass, “No one important, just lucky, I guess.”
“Huh,” Ashley takes in your words, she nods, another drink slips down easily, and by the end of it, she is clinging to your arm like you mean the world to her, “You should sooo come back to my room!” Her words slur until her sentence is more of a single word, “We could have fun,” Whether she’s soliciting sex or she wants your company, you don’t mind, “Me and daddy are staying here tonight.”
“Really?” You ask, as if Claire hadn’t briefed you on the room number prior to this, “Then I guess I wouldn’t mind coming.”
“Yay!” Her security detail emerge from the crowd, and you’re dumb for not having noticed them beforehand, but what Ashley says goes. “Gosh, you don’t have to tell, daddy, he’s busy right now. No, we’ll be fine, you can leave us to it, when daddy’s done then he’ll come up.”
An elevator ride up and up and up to the top floor, through the stretch of hall to the finest suite. Ashley is high energy, for a lack of better words, she is tiring. She kicks off her heels, still stands tall, modelesque in shape. Boyish hips jutting out of her square torso. The key card is left on the side when she’s not paying attention, which luckily for you is most of the time, you slide it beneath the door frame and shoot a text to Claire who is hovering nearby. A minute later, she confirms her success.
“Ugh, I was so over it,” Ashley groans, “Do you mind helping me out of this?”
“Of course not,” You say smoothly, wondering if this is an invitation to something more. The silk of her dress is made by the wealthiest of silkworms, just as you get your hands on her, the door unlocks.
“Ashley,” President Kennedy is panting like he ran up all twenty-nine flights of stairs at the Fairmont, “Princess, you worried me.”
“Daddy, you scared me, you scared us,” She gasps, he’s swift in his steps, tips her chin upwards as if he’s checking for damage on her angel face, he thumbs her smeared lipstick.
“Did you kiss… Did you?” Kennedy’s eyes flit from your lips to Ashley’s, you wonder why he’s so wound up about a kiss, must be the incest. Her lipstick is smeared on the rim of her martini glass, not your lips.
“What? Daddy, no, don’t be silly, not yet at least,” She makes her intentions clear, “I thought you were busy, daddy.”
“Ashley, I’m not too busy for you, I have things to oversee, but…”
As your father, I have to oversee your sex life, Ashley! I demand to watch!
“But, what?” Ashley cocks her head to the side, her hands running along the shape of his shoulders, then downwards over his chest.
“You’re more important, you know that.” Kennedy strokes her head, she bats her lashes at him, they’re barely visible so it’s more a flurry of blinks.
“Oh, daddy, you’re so sweet,” She giggles, puckers her lips and the sentiment is shared between them— They kiss like lovers do, dirtier than you and Claire. Unaffected, Ashley looks over his shoulder at you, “We can still have fun,” She promises, “Daddy can just watch, won’t you?”
Jesus Christ. Now that you’re actually faced with it. Incest in the flesh. It’s nerve-wracking. How is one meant to digest incest?
“Ashley, I don’t watch you catching anything nasty,” He tries to be discreet, you hear him loud and clear.
“Daddy,” She scolds, hitting his chest. He shucks off his suit jacket, laying it out on the back of the chair adjacent to the Alaskan king bed that could fit a family of five let alone the three of you. He sits, stares at you with his glassy eyes. President Kennedy is handsome in real life, you kind of get the appeal now, the camera does add ten pounds, ages him by ten years too apparently. There is something about him that is effortlessly masculine yet soft, sweet almost.
Ashley’s dress comes off next, she cares little for the way it is left wrinkled on the ground, her hand finds its way between your thighs. She’s not inexperienced. She knows her way around your body like she would her father’s. Her fingers are long and slim, nimble when the pads come to ghost your clit, lifting back the hood to press her thumb into it.
Instinctively, your hips buck into her hand, she kisses you, smiling into your mouth. Claire is at the forefront of your mind, she’d given you the permission to do this, but it feels wrong still. The incest feels even worse. You’ve been trying to ignore it so far, pretend it’s just Ashley here. Ashley’s lips on yours, her fingers in your cunt, her tits pressed flush to your chest— His eyes are so blue.
Ashley scissors you open with two fingers, you suck on her tit, both of you tangled up within each other. Pulling off with a pop, she takes out her fingers and you’re left empty. You taste yourself on her tongue, on her fingers and grow sick of it.
“C’mere,” You take the pillow that’s propped up against the headboard and slot it underneath her hips to keep ‘em raised. Ashley’s cunt is perfect like the rest of her. You wonder if there are procedures to get it this pink, her labia pokes out past her parted pussy lips as does her swollen clit, you give a tentative lick to her cunt, unsure of how she likes it. Claire likes it messy, but Ashley’s rich, she might like it classy. You could eat pussy classy if you tried hard enough.
She lies back, her head sunken into the mass of pillows - the one you had taken barely left a dent in the pile, her tits are small but round and her nipples are pointed and as pink as her pussy. Ashley takes initiative, daddy’s been giving it to her real sloppy it seems, ‘cause she pushes your face into it. Your nose bumps her clit and she sighs sweetly when your tongue works its merry way up her slit, from her slick hole to her twitching bud that you pay extra special attention to. It deserves it, pretty like a pearl, wrap your lips around it and suck till her thighs close around your head.
“Outta the way,” Mr. President, fully clothed, cock hard straining in his slacks, takes Ashley’s leg and spreads her further, “Keep it there for daddy, princess.”
When you lift your head out of pure curiosity, he kisses you, jams his tongue into your mouth to taste you like your tongue wasn’t just jammed in his daughter’s cunt. His daughter who is spread-eagle on the bed for The United States of America. Though, from the way they’re behaving, Ashley is a renowned patriot, this isn’t her first time confessing her love for all things red, white, and blue. And rust orange.
Dumbfounded by his takeover of the pussy you were having so much fun eating, you crawl back over to Ashley while daddy blows raspberries on her clit, spits on the First Daughter’s, his first daughter’s, cunt like she’s a corner whore.
“Daddy,” Ashley moans, she’s unabashed, grabs his hair and forces him deeper, she tells you to suck on her tits, she’s bossy when it comes to sex. Mastered the art of fucking.
“I’ve got you, princess,” Her daddy says, he can talk while he’s eating it, impressive if you do say so yourself. The most you can do is go down on Claire till you get lightheaded, breathing is out of the question.
She cums sweetly because there is no other way in which Ashley can behave. The blood that runs through her is inherently sweet unlike her father’s. Mr. Kennedy slurps away even as she jolts due to aftershocks, he’s intent on drying her out.
When he does decide to join the two of you above, it’s to press kisses into Ashley’s neck, to sniff her perfume, “Good girl,” He praises, “Daddy’s good girl.” Those lines sound like something out of a cheap porno. Hard to believe that it’s real. That you seriously just sat there and got cucked by Ashley’s father.
“Thank you, daddy,” Ashley giggles, stroking through his dark hair as he suckles on her nipple, spit stringy on his lips and her breast when he pulls back. “No, not me,” She refuses when he, with his slacks mid-thigh, presses his cock to her inner thigh, “I want to watch you, daddy.”
See, you’ve taken dick, you take Claire’s silicone dick often. Taking presidential dick, it’s new to you. Presidential dick that could’ve possibly at any time today been lodged inside his little girl, meaning you’re being double dicked not only by a presidential cock, but an incestuous one. It’s fat, browner than it is pink, uncut, the tip is leaky like nobody’s business.
“Aw, oh my gosh,” Ashley coos, “Don’t be scared, you’ve got this!” Your nerves don’t stem from taking his mediocre, prized dick, but from everything else about this situation. “Daddy’s good at it, it never hurts.” She holds your hand, brings it to her lips to kiss, fluffs the pillows and peppers kisses all over your face as President Kennedy, a man of assumed integrity pushes your legs to your chest.
His cock rubs up and down your cunt, catches on your clit, the fat tip is sucked into your stretched hole and inch by inch he forces his way into your hole. With each inch, not that there’s many, it gets thicker, till the base is engulfed into your greedy pussy. Ashley wipes the sweat from your brow, “Isn’t it good?” She gushes, “Daddy’s just the best, I don’t think I could ever be with anyone else, he’s just so good at it, isn’t he?” In response to her blabbing, you can only whimper, giving a quick bob of your head to satisfy her.
Inside of you, each vein embeds itself into your walls, the head jabs at your cervix painfully, and most of all it feels stupidly good. His cock is thick and sturdy like all good dicks should be. And he’s fucking you like he hates you. Which he does. Deep, hard, slow and nasty.
“Is it good, daddy?” Ashley asks innocently enough, her hand rests on your tummy, grows bored and trails lower to flick at your clit.
“Not as good as you, princess, never,” Comes his instant answer. You take offence to this and clench around him so tight he groans and his head drops to your neck, lips on your collarbone. There’s a sticky sound each time he draws his hips back and pushes in, you’re dripping for Ashley, for him— You don’t know anymore, head so clouded you’ve let the incest slip.
“Aw, daddy!” She places a hand over her heart, then she’s back to pinching your clit between her fingers, forcing you to unravel.
His thrusts are deliberate, mean, and he fucks you like it’s all your fault. As if he doesn’t get to hump Ashley at all times of the day. The squelch of your cunt is embarrassing enough for you to be over and done with, each stroke is a hit on your ego and on your cervix, the latter being a more delicious hit, but a hit nonetheless. When he cums, he does it on your stomach in white, watery ropes, and it pools in your belly button as you writhe with the immense pleasure he and his disgusting cock have bought you. Ashley’s bony fingers helped to some degree.
“Is it my turn now?” Ashley perks up when her dad kisses her all sloppy on the mouth, spit and drool included.
“Give daddy a minute, princess, I can’t keep up with you,” He chuckles, pats her head, they’ve started their incestuously affectionate display, so you cover yourself up and shoot Claire a second message while they begin to act lovey-dovey in bed. Let their guard down, and you hate to do this to such a lovely girl, but your girlfriend is an even lovelier girl.
Soon enough, she and the gaggle of reporters burst through the doors, flashing cameras in hand. Ashley was foolish for letting off her security detail for the night, President Kennedy is the bigger fool, and Claire, well, you’ve never seen her smile so big.
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233 notes · View notes
violettelueur · 1 year
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SUMMARY. alhaitham doesn't care about the roaming rumours about him at all. he would say the strength of his character is that he doesn't get affected by what people think about him, yet there are some things he does get worried about, especially when it came to be about you
CHARACTER(S). alhaitham
PRONOUNS. gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
TW/CONTEXT. mention of sensual activities, relationship worries, small tiny angst if you squint, grammar/spelling issues
AUTHOR NOTE. the ending feels a little incomplete to me but i really wanted to post this since it's been a while since i have written something. also, it's so weird to come back to tumblr and see a little drama going on...makes me want to back into hibernation. also this piece is for alhaitham coming home to me four times and a thank you for this weapon coming home as well ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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Alhaitham wasn’t the type to worry about mundane things. Rather, he would simply ignore them and go along with his day as if nothing happened, never letting it plague his mind or, he simply didn’t hear anything at all when he had his soundproof earpieces on. However, even though he says he doesn’t worry about anything at all as life already has many hardships, when it comes to comments about you…sometimes, he does tend to worry a little bit.
“Do you think I’m overwhelming?”
Upon hearing the deep voice, your eyes slowly began to open before blinking away the drowsiness that had nearly consumed you, noticing how you were currently relaxing on your boyfriend’s couch and that same boyfriend, who was currently seated beside your head, brushing away the straying strands of hair to make sure he didn’t accidentally sit on them.
“What do you mean by that?” you quietly asked, before ushering him to sit comfortably as you wanted to place your head upon his lap, to which Alhaitham happily obliged upon noticing how your smile brightened once you had found a suitable position to place your head on.
“Do you think I’m too much?” Alhaitham seriously queried, causing you to confusingly peek up at the Acting Grand Sage, who was currently running his fingers through your hair, as if to not only help you relax, but to also help calm himself down from the anticipation of your pending answer.
“I do not think you are overwhelming at all, matter of fact, I think you are comforting,” you answered with a small smile as you weaved your arms around his leg like it was some sort of pillow before closing your eyes again, thinking this section of the conversation was over.
“Are you sure?” Alhaitham questioned immediately after, as he began to trace the shape of your ear leading you to internally shiver at the feeling, “do I make you happy…am I the right partner for you?”
Perplexed at his sudden interrogation, you opened your eyes once again before slowly turning on to your back, peering up to notice how his face was still as stoic as ever, yet there was a glint of uncertainty in his beautiful eyes. His hand now gently stroking your cheek, tracing little letters upon the surface on your skin, as if he was trying to convey the thoughts in his mind to you before you placed your hand on top of his while nuzzling into his inner palm. “You always make me happy,” you responded earnestly. “Physically, emotionally, in every way you make me so happy.”
“Physically?” Alhaitham replied with a teasing tone.
“Oh? So, you’re going to act like we never slept together?” you shot back while glaring at him, “from what I recall, you are the one with the insatiable drive in this relationship.”
Quickly forgetting his worries from before, Alhaitham couldn’t help but recall the first time you both had met. You both were students enrolled in the Akademiya and both studying in the same darshan, yet looking back, he didn’t see you in class much - you would argue that was because he never really came to class. However, he does remember the first time you both bumped into each other in the House of Daena, when you were both looking for the same material needed for your research. You were pretty quiet and somewhat shy since you didn’t meet his gaze when you apologised. Although, as time went by, he immediately noticed how you were usually studying alone night after night and how much you hated group projects when he saw you surrounded by other students doing nothing but chatting while you were researching everything to make sure the project was successful. After noticing the annoyance on your face after the lecturer announced another group project he started coming into class to see you more, but he would never admit it due to his pride, he took it upon himself to become partners with you (much to your surprise) and since then, you never really paired up with anyone else.
When your relationship processed into something romantic, Alhaitham remembered how red-faced you got whenever he initiated a kiss behind the bookshelves or how you would turn away from his gaze when he would take hold of your hand behind his back, out of plain sight away from the other students. Now the Acting Grand Scribe didn’t have much to any experience when it came to romance, yet he didn’t think you would be as bashful as you were during the beginning stages. Yet, eventually, you became more confident in what you wanted. If you wanted a kiss, he would happily give you one, if you wanted to kiss him, you would find him anywhere in Sumeru to give him one. If you wanted a hug, Alhaitham would pull you onto his lap to let you indulge in his warmth and comfort however long you wanted. If you wanted to submit to your desires, Alhaitham would gladly give you the pleasure you had craved for and if he had to be honest, his appetite for you will probably never be satisfied and if he could, he would make you stay in bed forever, where the two of you would never be disturbed.
“What’s gotten into you, why are you asking all these questions?” you asked in concern, as you sat up to get a clearer view of your lover, who was disappointed in your sudden lack of touch, only to be delighted once again when you took a seat on his lap before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I just heard from some people that I might be ‘too much’ and that I’m suffocating you in this relationship,” Alhaitham explained while pulling you closer to him, as if he was trying to keep you from running away from him (as if you ever would). 
“When were you the type to worry about what people say about you?” you questioned before placing your hand on his cheek to comfort him to which he instantly nuzzled into your inner palm, while inhaling a faint scent he could get from your handcream.
“I don’t care about those who talk about me, what I do care if those concerns are to do with anything about you,” your lover responded.
“My love,” you softly called out before placing a kiss upon his other cheek, “I am and have been the happiest person in all of Teyvat ever since you came into my life.”
Alhaitham, who was used to conveying his feelings in a factual manner, was now comfortably silent as he tightened his hold on you once again, before hiding his face in your neck.
“You don’t know, do you? Do you know how much I love and adore you? Alhaitham, you are my heart. Archons, you are the most hardest and yet the most easiest person to love, because it’s impossible for me not to love you,” you proclaimed with glassy eyes, having no idea why you were getting so emotional. “I cherish you so much and that scares me because how am I supposed to properly function if you chose to leave?”
“By eating a balanced meal every day and keeping healthy,” Alhaitham answered softly, causing you to giggle at his reposone, while also shaking your head at the slight disbelief that he had the audacity to say that after your emotional confession. However, you understood that this was his way of going back to his rational mindset as you felt him smile upon your shoulder before he pressed a light kiss upon your cheek, kissing away the tear that somehow escaped.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the Scribe repeated as he slowly leaned back onto the couch, while comforting you in his tight embrace to gently calm you down from your sudden emotional state, allowing you to firmly hold onto him, as if he was going to let you go anytime soon.
Alhaitham wasn’t the type to worry about mundane things. As mentioned before he would rather simply ignore them and go along with his day as if nothing happened, never letting it plague his mind…well, that is no lie nor was it ultimately the truth. When it came to the simplest things about you, Alhaitham would be the first one to know and attentively listen to anything of concern when it came to you. Your happiness was his priority and the knowledge he had wished to gain can be an afterthought. Right now and maybe to the end of his time, you were also his heart.
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© violettelueur 2023 - all rights are reserved to violettelueur. Do not repost, copy, change/modify, plagiarise, translate or screenshot my work : this will also include other social media/writing platforms like AO3, Wattpad, TikTok and many more.
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1K notes · View notes
mattsboldyy · 4 months
till the stars burn blue | nico hischier
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summary: waking up late, chocolate chip pancakes, movies, matching, devs events; all with the love of your life, nico hischier.
words: 2.1k
authors note: it has quite literally been over a year since i’ve written + posted a fic on here. this one doesn’t really have a plot but, i just had the motivation to write something so i wrote this all in one night. i miss my tumblr friends. i’m so so happy to be back. love u so much! thank u for reading - enjoy enjoy enjoy! xoxo
warnings: fem!reader, i can’t really thing of anything else!
you opened your eyes to the bright, sunlit room, feel a pair of strong arms wrapped around you. you took a deep breath in before slowly turning and facing your boyfriend of two years, still sleeping. you closed your eyes, leaning into the crease of his neck. he smiles sleepily before putting his head on top of yours, tightening his grip on you.
you rarely have mornings like these with nico. most mornings are him being at practice before your feet even hit the floor. even thought it was an off day, there was still an event at the prudential center later that provided a chance for the devils players to get closer to the fans. you were still as thankful for today though. as the captains girlfriend, you always organized and planned a ton of charities for the players and fans to get involved in. it could be stressful at times but honestly, you didn’t mind. you always had a special place in your heart for the devils organization and their fans, and they had one for you too. you had been around for a while so mostly everyone knew of you. you really enjoyed going to devils events.
after twenty minutes of dozing in and out of sleep, you agreed to go make breakfast while nico took a shower. you started by putting on your “morning” playlist on the small speaker that sit atop the kitchen counter which consisted of a lot of ‘the lumineers’, ‘hozier’, and noah kahan and really anything else to that effect. you then got out the ingredients to make chocolate chip pancakes, requested by nico himself after coming to the conclusion that today is like a holiday, considering he rarely gets to sleep in. you were focused on mixing the batter when you felt strong arms wrap around you, pulling you deeper into his chest. “you’re so pretty” he said, as he kissed your cheek. you feel your cheeks heat up as you keep mixing the contents of the bowl. “i love you a lot.” he whispers in your ear as you drop the whisk gently, leaning in it on the side of the bowl before you turn around to face him, reaching up and snaking your arms around the back of his neck. “what do you want?” you ask looking up at him. “what? am i not allowed to be nice to my girl?” he asks with a laugh, looking over your shoulder to the bowl. he lets go of your waist and starts mixing the batter with your arms still wrapped around his neck. he starts humming along to the music before you move your hands to wrap around his body as you lay your head on his chest. you feel his heart beat speed up which makes you laugh lightly, “why’s your heart beating so fast?” “you still make me nervous.” he says, making you pull your head from his chest, “nuh uh” you say looking up at him with your head tilted to the side. “yeah huh” he says looking back down at you, making you laugh.
after eating the pancakes, the two of you make your way to the couch, nico sitting down first and opening his arms as you sit to the right of him, pulling your feet up and leaning your back to him, putting your head in his lap. “what do you wanna watch?” he asks, clicking the power button on the remote, pointing it at the tv. “hmm..” you pause, “mean girls!” nico goes quiet. “babe.” he says looking down, making you tilt your head up to look at him. “what! you asked what i wanted to watch!” you exclaimed, laughing. he rolled his eyes before pressing play. “i love you!” you say as you focus in on the movie. “you’re something else.” he says before moving his hands to your hair.
after laying around for the majority of the day, you decided to get up and take a shower while nico spent time watching highlights on the bedroom tv. coming out of the bathroom, you rummaged through nico’s t-shirt drawer, pulling out a devils development camp shirt back from the summer nico was drafted. you put it on before going back into the bathroom to brush out your hair. you sat down on the bed to watch nico go through his closet, pulling things out and asking if they match. “neeks, honey, black pants match with anything.” you say, trying not to laugh at your boyfriend. “oh. good to know..” he says before turning on his heels and going back into the closet. you got up and quickly picked out a red knit sweater from the hanger in your closet, then some loose fitting black leather pants. you sat there in your phone, listening to nico complain about apparently not having anything to wear even though you had to but more clothes hangars for him just a few weeks ago.
“is that what you’re wearing?” he asked after walking out of the closet for the millionth time in ten minutes. “yeah” you said, still looking down at your phone. he paused for a minute before speaking. “can we just match?” you perked up before smiling and jumping up. you squealed, “you wanna match with me?” he nodded before you ruffed his hair and ran into his closed, he turned toward his closet and smiled as he watched you search for his red sweater. “you know the boys are gonna give you a hard time, right?” you called from the closet. “i know, i don’t care.” he said, digging through his drawers, looking for a pair of black jeans.
you decided to curl your hair and do really neutral, soft makeup and put on plat formed black sneakers. you walked out of the shared bedroom to see nico leaned over the kitchen counter on his phone. he stood up when he saw you walk out. he whistled and walked over to you, meeting you halfway, “look at you,” he says grabbing your hand and spinning you. nico never failed to make you feel like the prettiest girl at all times. he always had your face turning red. “thank you for letting me match with you.” he said wrapping his arms around your waist and putting his chin on the top of your head. “thank me? this is like christmas morning for me. i always want to match with you.” you said, swaying back and forth in his arms. “i’d match with you any day schatzi. i’m a lucky man, not every guy gets to go out and match with the most gorgeous girl in the world.” he kissed your head then lifts your face and kisses your lips, “you ready baby?” he asked.
he gets in the drivers side and starts the drive to the home of the new jersey devils. the sun had gone down and the moon had come out. something about night drives in new jersey were so fun. nico had gotten ahold of your hand, leading them to rest in your lap. after the previous song had faded out, along with the radio hosts voice, desire by cannons had come on. nico looked over at you. “what?” you ask, looking at him as he looks away. “i’ve only heard this song a few times but whenever i hear it i think about you.” he said, taking your hand up to his mouth and kissing it repeatedly just as the chorus started.
“here’s the thing,
i can’t stop thinking about you
can’t stop thinking about you
here, just thinking about you
till the stars burn blue”
“i love you.” you whispered. “i love you more, beautiful.”
pulling into the prudential center, you saw fans all along the outside, waiting for their beloved devils players to appear. “you know, you should come with me to sign stuff. the fans would be happy to see you.” nico said, pulling into the parking spot and switching the car off. “you think so?” you ask, looking at him. he leans his head back on the headrest of the car before rubbing your knee. “of course schatzi, they love you.”
you walked along the line of fans, smiling at every fan that you made eye contact with. nico stopped at a pair of siblings: a younger brother and a older sister. the boy was calling nico’s name the whole way down the barrier. “nico i’m such a big fan! you don’t understand-“ the boy excitedly rambled. “how are you buddy?” nico said, signing his #13 jersey and a hat. you laughed, watching the little boy’s excitement. just as you had turned to walk away behind nico, the older sister spoke up, “oh, uh.. hey y/n?” you turned, “yeah?” you said with a smile, nico stopping and turning along with you. “do you think i can get a picture with you?” she asked looking down at her phone. your face lit up, “really?” you ask before correcting yourself, “i mean, of course you can!” you said while turning to look at nico. he had the biggest smile on his face and winked at you. you leaned in as she held her phone horizontally, snapping a few pictures. “thank you so much y/n. i means a lot!” the girl, no older than 13, smiled. “of course sweet girl! it was so good meeting you!” you wave before latching onto nico’s hand. nico continued signing and taking picture the whole way down the barrier.
ten minutes later and you two were at the entrance of the rink. “are you ready?” he asks, offering you his arm, which you take, “yep!” walking into the rink, nico starts introducing you to some people you’ve never met before that worked on the business side of the devils organization, nico starts talking very passionately about hockey, and his role on the team, squeezing your hand every now and then.
after talking with a lot of the “important people” - as you and nico called them - you two decided to go your separate ways. he went to talk to his teammates and you spotted some of the other wifes and girlfriends. “i see your matching with your lady,” jack teased, walking up to the group of devils players, “that’s cute.” jack finished, laughing. nico smiled, “where’s your girlfriend jack?” nico asked, looking around. “oh whoops. sorry bro. i know it’s a tough topic for ya.” he says, jokingly pushing jacks shoulder, laughing along with the other guys. “alright cap, i see how it is. just wait. my time is comin’.” jack joked before starting up a conversation about the curling activity that was set up in the middle of the room. you had been talking to your friends for a while before you noticed a few of them focus on someone behind you. before you could turn around, you felt familiar arms wrap around you that had done the same thing plenty times earlier that day. “hi. jack, luke, and me are wondering if you can join our curling team.” he asked. “yeah i can!” you smiled, “i’ll see you guys later.” saying bye to the group of girls.
you intertwined your left hand with his and wrapped your right hand around his upper arm as he lead you over to the group of people circling the ice. you reached down to your write to get a hair tie, quickly realizing you don’t have one. you turned around to nico, “i don’t have a hair tie and i wanna put my hair up.” “here ya go.” he says pulling the one that belonged to me off of his wrist and giving it to me with a smile. “thank you.”
you surprisingly did pretty well. after the game was over, nico reached up to give you a high five before lacing his fingers through yours. you and nico walked back to the combined group of wags and players, luke and jack following behind you two. you stood there in the circle of people, looking around before you gasped. “oh nico! there’s a photo booth! can we go?” you looked at him. “i was hoping you wouldn’t notice that.” he laughed a little before he was pulled toward the booth.
after the photo booth, you waited for the photos to come out of the slot. after they finally fell, nico immediately took his wallet out of his pocket before taking one of the four strips of paper and sticking it in the clear part.
he pulled you in for a hug, kissing your head. “thank you for being here, schatz. it means a lot. “always, neeks.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
hi! is this how u make requests? sorry, this is my first time requesting something on tumblr, i wanted to ask if i could request a kinda situationship/ friends with benefits with hobie bc he doesn’t believe in labels, but like something happening like the reader getting insecure or jealous so they become an actual couple with labels or something like that if that’s okay with you, i’m sorry if i said something wrong or you’re not comfortable with that!
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Hobie didn’t like labels. He made that known when this friends with benefits situation first started.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t like you at least a little bit though.
The late nights talking, kissing, and sleeping together, the quickies in HQ bathrooms. He loved them all, and he loved you. But he didn’t know what to do honestly.
He wanted to be more, but that would be a lot. Commitment, and consistency.
So, he just tried to hide his growing feelings, pretend they don’t exist, pretend you both were just friends.
But Hobie noticed something was off today, you didn’t sit with him, pavitr, and Gwen at lunch, in fact, he doesn’t even think he saw you at lunch.
You didn’t go up to him with a smile, asking to hang out later.
And you didn’t come back to his boat.
So, instead he opened a portal to your world. Hr swung around as Spider-Man until he stopped at your apartment. Opening the winodow, he looked around in your room.
You were sleeping, peacefully, unaware of him watching you. Which sounded creepy.
He took off his mask, and slowly approached your sleeping figure. He softly touched your shoulder, hoping to wake you up.
It took a little more shaking for you to wake, and you did.
You slowly opened your eyes, and furrowed your eyebrows.
Your eyes were red, almost as if you’ve cried yourself to sleep.
“Hobie?” You mumbled quietly.
“Yeah. It’s me.” He sat on the bed, next to your legs.
“What do you want?” You turned yourself the other way.
“Jus’ wanna talk. What’s wrong?” He asked, his hand on you arm.
“Nothing. I’m fine, why?”
“You didn’t talk today. Or come over.”
You sighed quietly and turned back to look into his eyes, he was frowning.
“Can I be honest, Hobie?”
“Of course.”
“I can’t keep doing this.”
“This.” You motioned to the both of you. “Look, I want more, and I can’t have more when your so set on not wanting more. So I’m gonna go find someone else, that does want more.”
He stayed silent for a while.
“God, Hobie, I’m… I’m in love with you, I can’t be.” You said quietly.
“You seriously think I don’t wanna date you?”
“You said so.”
“But do I actually think that?”
“I don’t know.. do you?”
“Of course I fucking don’t. Thought I was makin’ it obvious. And I thought that you wouldn’t want the same that’s why I didn’t say nothin’.”
You stayed silent now, not too sure what to say.
“I love you, Y/n.” He said quietly, and leaned in to kiss you.
You kissed him back and smiled softly.
“But I thought you didn’t believe in consistency either.”
“Bending the rules is okay innit? Isn’t breaking the rules the most punk thing?”
You laughed quietly and kissed him again, he took off his suit and got under the covers with you.
“I’m glad you came.” You mumbled quietly, you both now looking at each other.
“Me too.”
Tag list:
@enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh @freeingrebels @ken-zah @blustalker @cursedbitchboy @romanoffswoman
@chaoticevilbakugo @hobiebrainrot @anonima-2
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luveline · 2 years
hi hi honey! so i sent this request before but tumblrs been eating my asks so i’m gonna send it again,
i’m the person who asked about the kisses before dinner universe and so since u said u hadn’t gotten any requests for it i wanted to send u one! u mentioned that it was quite nerve wracking the first time reader got pregnant so maybe u could do a blurb where steve’s just comforting her and reassuring her during that time? if u want something more simple, it could just be a small blurb of how their night goes when reader comes home from work or something? ty and i hope tumblr actually ate my request and i’m not bombarding u with this again :(have a good day lovely ❤️
i love kisses before dinner i wanna write a thousand blurbs for them, thank you for requesting! here's steve and u when ur pregnant the first time with avery <3 fem!pregnant!reader
You're more young than you'd planned to be, the first time. Young and terrified.
Steve knows how scared you are, and though he hasn't suggested anything again since the first time you'd made up your mind, you know that any path you take is the one he wants to take with you. Having his support makes it easier, but it certainly doesn't make it easy.
Pregnancy is terrifying. It can make you so sick. It can kill you. So while it's beautiful, and Steve insists it's doing numbers for your complexion, it's gruelling.
You're not even that pregnant yet and still you're fucking tired.
"Stevie?" you call, or try to, voice hoarse with fatigue.
He emerges rather than answer, arms open wide and waiting. "Hey, sweetheart."
And that's new. Steve has always been a "babe" or "baby" kind of guy. Your pregnancy has made him soft.
He's careful not to press against your stomach though it doesn't hurt even slightly when he does, abdomen held away from the small swell of your bump as he gets his arms under your armpits, hands rubbing over your shoulder blades. "Hello," he says sweetly, kissing your cheeks, your chin. "I missed you so much." He hesitates for a second, and then he lets a hand slide between your bodies.
You lean back to let him know it's okay.
"And you," he adds, palm flat over your stomach, "I missed you, too."
"I don't feel very well."
He nods. "Alright. Come and sit down."
That's another one of his insistences. Total, awful honesty. Pregnancy is full of problems, like morning sickness and heartburn and back ache and nausea and headaches. It leaves you stressed and exhausted, and Steve had made it very clear that any complaining was welcomed.
You know, in your heart of hearts, that he's more excited for this baby than you are. He's terrified, too, but he's brimming with joy half the time, so eager to meet whoever it is that comes out on the other side. And you know he feels indebted to you, though he shouldn't. You want this baby a lot.
But Steve aches for them. He's gonna be a great dad.
Right now, he needs to be an amazing boyfriend almost husband.
I don't want a pregnancy proposal, you'd said.
His guilty smile had given him away fast. I want to marry you.
And I want to marry you, Stevie, I do. But not because we're having a baby.
In your mind, he's not your husband or your boyfriend, he's your Steve, as silly as it sounds. He's your everything. He's the only thing getting you through this.
Steve sits you down on a cushion in the kitchen and plants another kiss on top of your head. You haven't lost any mobility yet, but the pleasure of being cared for so deeply makes it hard to turn him down when he guides you around like this. Though, sometimes, when you're cranky, you complain about being babied. He takes it all in stride.
He cracks open a cold bottle of water and gives it to you. Then he turns back to the chopping board next to the stove and finishes what he'd been doing before you arrived, funnelling slices fruit into the colander. He rinses it, and then he pours it into a bowl and puts it in front of you.
"You want peanut butter?" he asks, wrapping his arms slowly and carefully across your shoulders, chin hooked over your shoulder. "Honey? I could melt down some chocolate?"
You pick up a shimmering slice of watermelon and tip your head back to feed him.
"Salted caramel?" he asks as he chews.
You smile softly at him and lift your chin until he gets the memo, leaning down enough for you to kiss the side of his mouth.
"Stevie," you say, because he's so fucking lovely and you love him and not everything hurts when he's around, "I love you. I hope you know how much."
He blinks at you, swallowing hurriedly. "I know," he says.
"Okay, good."
"You think I don't know? Sweetheart, you're carying our kid."
"But if I weren't, I'd still love you this much."
He softens like taffy in the sun, rubbing the tip of his nose into your cheek adoringly. "If you weren't, I'd still love this much, too."
You breathe him in, the wet crush of watermelon between you and his lingering aftershave.
"But you are," he says eventually, kissing your cheek again and then pulling back. "So you better tell me if you want peanut butter of chocolate."
You choose. Steve is delighted, spoiling you with fruits and toppings and asking about work as he starts to make dinner instead. That's another conversation you've already had — he's still working now, but when the baby comes, he's gonna stay home even after maternity leave ends. And if you change your mind and want to stay home instead, that'll be okay too. He's a dream like that. Accommodating your every want and wish.
And so, he's teaching himself how to cook. It's more hit than miss, shockingly, and almost always nutritionally golden.
"Broccoli again?" you ask, trying to hide your amusement.
"Our munchkin's gonna be the healthiest kid ever. TV dinners are for schmucks."
You aren't sure he'll be saying that when he actually has a kid. "She won't be able to eat broccoli for the first six months."
"She wont," he agrees, clearly overjoyed at the idea of a little girl, "but when she can, she's gonna love it."
The fruit is nice and then not. You might've overindulged, or maybe your stomach's being sensitive, but suddenly it smells very strong and you have to push it away, keeling in on yourself with a sigh.
Steve doesn't fuss dramatically, but he does fuss, hand hesitant behind your shoulders.
"You need a bucket, baby?"
"No, I-" Saliva pools in your mouth. "Maybe."
He's swift, kneeling in front of you with the bucket positioned at your feet, hand sliding between your legs to find your hand where it's kneeding your aching stomach.
"She's bullying you, huh?" he asks sympathetically.
"She's barely the size of an apple," you moan, sweat prickling across your brow. "How can she do this to me?"
He strokes the inside of your hand with both thumbs. "She doesn't mean to."
You know that.
Eventually the sickness subsides. You don't throw up. Steve seems as happy as you do about this, kissing your hand with a very apologetic expression.
"I'm sorry," he says.
You lean back in your chair, back already aching, and pull him up onto his feet. If he's surprised at your strength he doesn't say anything, only closes you in again with his arms over your shoulders and his cheek pressed to your warm forehead.
"Don't be. We knew-" You laugh. "I knew this would be hard. I knew it would suck. But I want to do this with you."
"Even though you're scared," he murmurs.
"Even though I'm scared."
His hugs are a balm, always. You melt with relief the longer he holds you, listening to the pot simmering on the stove, lid rattling, steam whistling out of the gap. There's a fondness in his hands you find difficult to describe, devotion or something similar, big palms roving the lengths and slopes of your arms and back like you're made of the most precious thing on earth.
"I won't let anything happen to you."
That's sobering. You suppose you can fall into dramatics about it. Pregnancy is solemn, but it's also completely normal. Millions of people are pregnant right this second. You smile into his jaw, breath hot as you laugh.
"I know, baby," you say, more cheerful than you've sounded all night. "Promise."
He laughs too.
"My girl," he says, too much like the song. You're worried he's gonna start singing. Actually, you might like it.
"Can we listen to the radio?"
"Depends. Will you dance with me?"
You dance with him. You suppose it's a good idea to get all your dancing out now while you can, because in a month or two you'll have cankles, and not long after that you'll have your arms full. He pulls you in and spins you out, brown eyes dancing with a brand new happiness, silky hair falling in perfect layers either side.
"I hope she has your eyes," you say. The shape of them.
"I hope she's your carbon copy," he says, twirling you around, radio hiding the clumsy patter of your socked feet. "A mini you. God, what will I do then? I can barely say no to you."
"You never say no to me."
He smiles so hard his lashes kiss in the corners, a pleased squinting grin. He can say what he likes. If she doesn't get his smile you'll riot.
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
Description: There are many things Aaron Hotchner is sure about in his life. One thing evades this sureness: you.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!Reader
Warnings: it’s like all fluff and pining idk
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: originally on tumblr. then camped out on ao3. now back on tumblr.
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Aaron Hotchner was sure of himself as he walked through the bullpen. He could walk with purpose as he greeted everyone on the way to his office. He was sure of his ability to lead his team through another day, and if a case popped up? He was sure he could lead them there, too.
He wasn’t one to get flustered, nervous, or fidgety in the face of danger. He knew the job, and most days he knew he could get it done.
One thing he was becoming increasingly less sure about was how to stay professional when you smiled at him like that.
“Come on, Hotch,” you whined, sitting across from him at the table. “We just got through a hard case. Loosen up a little.”
He fought a smile that was trying to force itself onto his face. He looked at you, though he couldn’t stop the amusement from showing in his eyes.
“I’m loose.”
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Rossi joked, a wide smile on his face.
“Okay, the sooner we finish this paperwork, the sooner we get back to the hotel,” Hotch said, playfully exasperated with his team.
A few of them grumbled, but they all got back to finishing the forms they needed to. One by one they started leaving the room, all ready to get some sleep after a very long day.
You had finished yours before the last couple of people left, but you weren’t willing to move quite yet. Mostly due to the fact that you knew Hotch had also been finished and wasn’t moving.
“We deal with too many crazy people,” you said with a sigh. “I hate to think that those people had to watch him swallow a bullet.”
“At least he let the rest of them live. It could have gone way worse,” Hotch said, not yet looking up.
“That’s true, but now we have to deal with the die-hards. And keep an eye on the other followers.”
“Let’s hope they won’t cause more problems for us and take this as a lesson,” he said with a sigh, pushing his papers away from him.
He stood, crossing his arms across his chest.
“It’s been a long week,” he said looking off towards the last few officers walking around outside of the office.
You watched him just long enough for him to notice. He looked back, raising a brow.
“What?” He asked quietly, leaning against the table.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. You look good today.”
You smiled innocently, unaware of the way his heart started beating wildly in his chest. He cleared his throat, looking away.
“Thank you,” he muttered.
“It’s nothing,” you shrugged, looking back out the windows. “Always fun seeing you in khakis, though.”
He chuckled. “Alright, you should really head to the hotel.”
“What? No way, cults are way more interesting than a stuffy hotel room.”
“Everyone else is gone.”
“You’re not.”
He fell quiet, knowing you’d checked him on that point.
“Can’t tell me to do something when you won’t. We’re done with the case, you can’t pull the angry boss card now.”
He smiled, looking away.
“See?” You exclaimed, pointing at him. “You’re smiling way more than normal. You must be exhausted.”
He opened his mouth in shock. “Hey!”
You shrugged. “I’m right.”
You started slowly walking towards the door. He watched you, a small smile on his face as you did. You raised your brows, nodding towards the exit. He sighed lightly, shaking his head as he started dragging his feet towards you, stopping just a couple feet in front of you.
“Ready, Chief?”
He chuckled, shaking his head again. “Chief?”
“I don’t know, it’s late.”
“Alright, let’s go, agent,” he said, pointing towards the door.
You walked out together, deciding that taking one car would do just as well. The ride back was quiet. You stared out the window at the lights that passed by, Hotch glancing at you out of the corner of his eyes.
“What are you thinking about?”
You sighed softly. “It’d be nice to come back and visit around here sometime. In better conditions. Seems like a nice place.”
You hummed. “I saw there was a little art museum here. Lots of parks. It’d be cool.”
“Maybe we can all take a team trip.”
You laughed. “Some non-violent team-building?”
“Exactly,” he agreed with a light laugh to match yours.
You smiled, breathing out. “That sounds nice.”
He quieted again, thinking about it. It would be nice to spend time out and about. Though, you were more on his mind than anyone else. He couldn’t help but picture you walking through a museum, pointing out every piece that caught your attention. Or walking a trail, admiring the views as you did. His thoughts were interrupted when he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.
“Alright, time for bed,” he mumbled, looking at you.
A small smile creeped onto his face when he did. Your head was lolled to the side, your breath coming soft and even. He reached out, just barely touching your shoulder.
“Hey, we’re here,” he said, rubbing your arm gently. “Y/N?”
You shifted, eyes slowly opening. “Oh. We’re here.”
He smiled. “That’s what I said.”
You yawned. “I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
You straighten in your seat, stretching your arms in front of you.
“I fell asleep.”
“That’s okay.”
You looked at him, giving him a soft smile. He kept your eye a moment, then felt the need to look away. He looked back towards the hotel.
“We should go. We’re going to have a long day tomorrow.”
You nodded, yawning once more with a hand over your mouth. You both got out of the car, walking into the hotel and heading up the elevator. He said a quiet goodnight as you reached your room, and you offered a wave back, stepping inside.
Hotch got into his room, stretching his arms above his head as he walked towards the bathroom. He took a shower, closing his eyes and thinking of you.
He was sure of himself as he got out, climbing into bed. He was sure he was going to dream of you that night.
One thing he most definitely wasn’t sure of was how long he could go on pretending like his feelings didn’t exist.
A week later he sat at your dining room table, a little surprised at how homey your place felt. Not that you weren’t inviting as a person, he’d just never been to an agents house that felt so… Lived in. It was warm and comforting.
Emily and Derek talked over one another, though they agreed at every point they spoke about. JJ, Spencer, and Rossi were involved in their own conversation. You watched it all happen, sipping at your glass. You turned to Hotch after a moment, noticing that he didn’t seem to be involved in the happenings at the table.
“You think they realize how loud they’re being?” You asked in a whisper, leaning close to him.
He smirked. “I don’t think they ever do. Have a bunch of federal agents let loose and this is what happens.”
You nodded, thoughtful. He glanced at you, though you’d barely moved from your position next to him. You turned your head, eyes on him once more.
“Well, then what happened to us? Are we normal or just boring?”
“Maybe just tired,” he chuckled.
“That’s why you’re the unit chief. Smart man.”
He laughed, looking at you. You smiled, then backed into your seat again. He caught Morgan’s eye at that, shaking his head when he received an eyebrow raise. He looked back to his now-empty plate, trying to reign it in before anyone else noticed how head-over-heels he was.
He got up, walking into the kitchen under the guise of needing more wine. Though he couldn’t deny it might be helpful.
He stood at the counter, needing time to himself. It was cut short very quickly when Morgan shuffled in, giving him a very obvious knowing look.
“Hi,” Hotch said.
“Hey,” Derek replied, sitting in a stool across from Hotch. “What’s the deal?”
“Don’t play around with me, Hotch. I see how you’ve been getting around that little ray of sunshine lately,” he said with the ghost of a smirk.
Hotch sighed. “It’s ridiculous.”
“What? Your attitude? Trust me, I know.”
He glared at that. “Morgan.”
“I say give it a shot. I can’t think of two people who deserve each other more,” he replied with a smile. “In the best way.”
Hotch chuckled. “I appreciate you saying that, but I think Y/N might be a bit out of my league.”
“Oh, no doubt about it,” Morgan said with a laugh. “Still, I think you’d be great together. Y/N’s totally into you anyways.”
Hotch furrowed his brow. “I really don’t think so.”
Derek looked at him with wide eyes. He laughed, shaking his head.
“Okay, clearly you are oblivious as hell.”
“I’m not.”
“That angel finds every chance to be around you. Looks at you the same way you look right back. Y/N’s just a lot better at hiding it.”
“Again, I appreciate that, but…”
“No ‘buts’ about it. You don’t have to try anything, but you can’t deny how you act around each other. Ain’t trying that stuff with pretty boy out there.”
Hotch leaned against the countertop, nodding slowly. He had never taken a moment to consider any of those things before, too blinded by how hard he was trying not to be obvious about his own feelings.
Derek walked up, a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey. Don’t think yourself into a hole.”
Hotch nodded his thanks, though before Derek could get another word out, you walked into the kitchen.
“Hey, you two. I was wondering where you guys ran off to,” you said with a smile.
“Just a little guy talk,” Derek state with a wink.
You put your hands up. “By all means, I can leave.”
“We’re done anyway,” Morgan shrugged. “I think Hotch could use some company, though.”
Hotch looked at him with wide eyes, receiving nothing more than a cocky smile as Morgan left the room. He straightened up as you turned to him, sipping at the last of the liquid in your glass. You set it on the counter.
“You could… Use company?”
He shook his head. “Morgan is just messing with me.”
“What about?”
“It’s nothing.”
You quirked a brow. “He seemed pretty happy with himself. Doesn’t seem like nothing.”
Hotch smirked, looking down. You circled around the counter, leaning against it next to him.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Hotch?”
He just looked at you, still not saying a word. You reached over, patting the top of his hand where it rested on the countertop.
“I’m pretty good at keeping secrets, you know?”
“You are, are you?” He asked with a smile, his dimples poking in his cheeks.
“Sure am.”
He took in a breath. “Where do you cap it at?”
“What, like how big of a secret I can keep?”
He nodded once. You crossed your arms, thinking for a moment.
“I still remember my middle school best friends biggest secret?”
“What was it?”
“I can’t tell you.”
He nodded. “In that case, you passed my test.”
You laughed, hopping up to sit on the counter. You looked at him as he stood, just looking at you like he was planning his next move.
You hummed. “You always seem so self-assured.”
“I do?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Like, you always have your next move planned. This time you don’t, though. I can see those gears turning in your brain.”
He smiled a little, nodding. “You’ve got me, there.”
“So, what is it?”
“What’s what?”
You raised a brow. “The secret.”
“You really won’t let that go?”
“Morgan was acting like he knew something. I want to know what’s causing his cocky little smile.”
Hotch cleared his throat. “It’s, uh… It’s you.”
You paused. “Okay, and what is that supposed to mean?”
He smiled again, looking away for a moment. You called his name gently, and his gaze set back on you. You gave him an assuring smile.
“It’s you,” he stated once again. “You say I’m self assured. Normally, I try to be. When it comes to you— I feel lost. I never know what to say to you.”
“Why not?”
He took in a breath. “I have a feeling you know.”
You nodded. “Yeah. I was just hoping you’d say it.”
He laughed quietly. “I don’t know that it’s a good idea. I don’t want to be responsible for the outcome.”
“You know a way to avoid that responsibility?” You questioned.
He looked at you curiously, shaking his head. You bit back a grin, holding out your hand for him. He took it, and you pulled him closer, his side against your knee. He watched you closely, and you leaned in closer.
“If you want, I could be the one taking responsibility,” you whispered.
He swallowed. “Really?”
“If you’d like,” you said with a nod.
He looked at you, unsure if you were really willing to make the next move. He nodded, finally feeling sure about it.
You leaned in, brushing your lips against his. It took him a moment before he was pushing back against you, lips locked with yours. You brought a hand up to caress his face, a thumb brushing against his cheek. He smiled at that, and you pulled back.
“See? You don’t have to take that responsibility. Easy enough.”
He chuckled. “Now who’s all self-assured?”
You paused, feigning a moment of though.
“Both of us,” you said with finality.
He nodded quickly. “I can agree to that.”
He leaned in again, a hand resting on your knee as your lips connected. You kissed a moment longer, enjoying the moment but knowing it couldn’t last. You rested your forehead against his.
“They’re going to get suspicious soon,” he said.
“Stupid profilers. They just have to be the best in the FBI,” you sighed, then laughed.
“Oh, they’re the worst,” he agreed in falsity.
You hopped down from the counter, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Maybe this can continue later over more wine and a movie?”
He nodded. “Is that a question or a statement?”
“Statement. You’re staying for a while tonight.”
He smiled. He was sure he wanted to be with you, and he was certainly sure he loved the way it felt to kiss you. He was sure about the butterflies he felt when you looked at him the way you did.
The only thing Aaron Hotchner was not fully sure of was how in the world he’d sneak it all past his coworkers.
aaron hotchner taglist:
@mrs-ssa-hotch @hyunjaebaby @ssamorganhotchner @criminalskies @simp4olderm3n @sbeno22 @a-cloud-for-dreams @igotbannedfromtheasylum @missabsey @mayhem2019
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
our beloved summer | jjk (bonus track)
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pairing: jungkook x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: established relationship, college au, need i remind you that most bonus tracks are flashbacks, fluff, smut; swearing, oral s*x (f. receiving, mentions of m. receiving), f*ngering, d*rty talk, public s*x, unprotected s*x (don't do it ffs), cre*mpie, i guess that's it, jesus christ why do i have to tag it like this god damn you tumblr
word count: 1.3k
series masterpost / main playlist ; moodboards ; taglist
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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“Do you have a kink for librarians?” you pant, giving his hair a sharp tug as he stuffs you full of his fingers, while his mouth alternates between kissing your clit and sucking it into his mouth. It’s like he’s trying to make out with you down there, for fuck’s sake.
“No,” you feel him smirk as he says this, his big doe eyes flitting up to your face to take in your blissfully fucked out expression, “just for you.” Then he closes his eyes again - as if that helps savor your taste better - and fully moans against your core like he’s the one on the receiving end of pleasure.
You arch against the bookshelf when Jungkook curls his fingers, bumping your g-spot with practiced precision as he tongues your clit. The sounds of him fingering you open, so goddamn wet, bounce off the walls and the books. You can’t believe you’re doing this in the fucking library! After hours, but still.
Oh, the both of you would be in so much trouble if anybody found out…
Then again, you’d be lying if you said the possibility of being caught didn’t make you just a tiny bit excited.
“Jungkook… nghhh, I’m gonna-”
“Yeah? Gonna make a mess?”
You nod fervently, bucking your hips against his face to chase your high. “Yes, yes, right ther–!”
You’re prepared for the wave to crash over you, to overwhelm your every sense, like lightning when it strikes.
But it never happens.
Jungkook pulls you back just as you’re about to tip over the edge, removing his fingers from you before he stands up with a cocky look on his face. The skirt you’re wearing falls down to cover your lower half again. Your mouth hangs open in shock, in frustration, and for a second there you burn with unfiltered hatred for him. You clench painfully around nothing, but before you can hiss at him, he’s crashing his lips against yours.
An involuntary moan slips from you when you taste yourself on his tongue. Jungkook works on undoing his belt as he kisses you, pulling down his boxers and trousers just enough to set his hard cock free. He breaks from the kiss to sneak his hands under your skirt, grabbing the back of your thighs and urging you to jump.
“Up,” he commands, and you obey. Your legs wrap around his waist, holding him closer until you feel the swollen head of his cock between your sodden folds. You whimper at the bare contact and so does he. “Put me in, baby,” he says huskily, squeezing your thighs while he leans forward to nibble on your earlobe.
You reach for his cock, giving it a few slow pumps and smearing his precum all over the length, before you guide it to your entrance. You let his tip tease you for a minute even though you were about to bite his head off only minutes ago from not letting you come, and your breath stutters when it kisses your clit deliciously.
“Oh god,” you pant when his cock finally makes its way into you. “Oh fuck, Jungkook…” He buries himself to the hilt, the base of his cock rubbing against your clit when he bottoms out, making the stretch feel infinitely better.
Your arms settle around his neck as he starts fucking you against the shelf, his hips rolling into you slowly at first, and then he’s picking up the pace, pounding you with purpose.
Forgive me, you think in apology to the books surrounding you, witnessing this unholy act unfold before them.
But it feels so good. It feels too good that you can’t help crying out his name with every thrust, his cock grazing your g-spot and pushing you toward the bliss that he previously denied you.
“Good girl,” he grunts, and the sound of his voice dropping low has you oozing with lust even more. The added slick allows him to fuck you better, his entire length pistoning into you, making the room echo with skin-slapping and your wet squelches. “Letting me do this to you in the fucking library. You like it, don’t you? You’re taking me so well, baby.”
“Shut up,” you manage to say while trying not to lose your goddamn mind over how wonderfully long and thick he feels inside of you. “S-stop running your mouth and make me come.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, but chuckles anyway. “Bossy,” he says, pecking your cheek sweetly like he isn’t about to make you cream all over him.
His hips momentarily pause so that he could adjust the grip he has on your thighs. He holds your body, firm against the shelf, and what happens next is anything but sweet.
When he moves again, he manages to be even faster than before somehow. His cock hits every single spot inside of you that paints stars behind your eyes, and the moon, and Saturn, and every glimmering indicator of light that adorns the galaxy.
His thrusts, deliberately hard, rattle the shelf for a second and it makes your heart fucking leap into your throat. You yelp, and hold him tighter, but he never falters. Jungkook fucks you like he’s got something to prove, and it’s not until the giant wooden structure you’re propped against stops protesting that you can calm down.
“I’m gonna come… Jungk–” you cry, your desperate cunt clenching around him. You actually do cry, but you don’t realize it until the single tear has already rolled down to your jaw and detaches itself from your skin.
“Yeah?” he asks, hopeful. “Look at me.”
You force your eyes open despite how difficult it is. You always try, for him.
Warmth spreads over your chest when you find him gazing at you with a tenderness that would make your knees wobble if you were standing. This time, you burn with unfiltered devotion.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got you,” he says. “I love you.”
You grip his shoulders but let yourself fall over the edge. You come hard around him as his name slips from your lips in a drawn-out moan. You feel your release soaking his cock as he fucks you through your orgasm, prolonging the bliss for you until he has to chase his own high too.
You pull him in for a kiss, mumbling against his mouth, “Love you. I love you. I love you.”
And then he’s coming, whining against your lips as his hips stutter. Hot ropes of his cum splatter across your walls endlessly, making you tingle all over.
He pulls out and sets you down on unsteady legs once he’s empty, and you immediately cringe from the feeling of your combined release dripping out of you. Jungkook goes to grab some tissues and your panties from the floor. With gentle hands, he helps clean up the both of you, and finishes you off with a soft kiss.
You look at each other when he pulls away, his hand lingering on your waist as you adjust your panties into place. Then you both burst out in a fit of giggles.
“I can’t believe we just did that!” you exclaim, pressing your body to his once again to hide your flushed face in the crook of his neck. “You seduced me,” you accuse with affection.
“You wore that skirt!” he says in defense, and you feel the rumble of laughter that reverberates from his chest. “Besides, don’t act like you weren’t getting all sloppy on me just a couple weeks ago, right by the philosophy shelves.”
You rear your head back to glare at him, punching him in the chest even as you say, “Fuck off.” But it’s light, and completely endeared. It’s uttered with a fondness that he knows how to translate.
Fuck off means I love you.
Shut up means I love you.
I hate you means I love you.
Jungkook shrugs, then squeezes you into his side. A bunny smile peaks through, giving way to shallow dimples that dig into his cheeks cutely. “Let’s go home,” he says. “I got you that tiramisu you like.”
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all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 17.05.2023]
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headfullofpresley · 10 months
Welcome back to tumblr, Tam! I wanted to see if you’re taking requests and if you are…could we see 50s!El giving the reader a facial and maybe he accidentally cums in her eye.
Idk that would be some funny shit…😂
hi nonnie, thank you so much! decided to make this into a blurb even though i never write blurbs (simply bc i always get carried away lol), but i love this idea! i'm a sucker for the funny, mundane shit. hope you like it! 💗
𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝
Word count: 858
Warning(s): strong language, handjob, facial, elvis cummin' in your eye.
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“Faster, faster, oh fuck- faster, baby..” Elvis grunted as he stood in front of you, feet planted firmly on the floor of his bedroom, head thrown back as his lips were parted. His chest was heaving up and down heavily, the muscles in his lower abdomen tightening letting you know he was close to falling apart. Usually, you knew that at this point, you’d have to put his cock in your mouth to let him paint the back of your tongue white.
You were a good girlfriend like that.
And you were an even better girlfriend for agreeing to his idea of having him cum on your face. After all, he just came back from his two year long stint in Germany and you had missed being intimate with him so much that you didn’t even protest to this naughty little fantasy of his.
You were completely focused on the task as your hand was moving faster and faster, ignoring the slight ache in your wrist. What was about to come made you determined and while this had been Elvis’ idea, you were curious about it too. He always brought out the naughty and wild side in you and every time you had sex with your boyfriend, you were completely swept up into the moment.
“Shit… Little, y-yes,” he grunted as he looked down at you, quickly replacing your hand with his own, continuing your work. You took it as a sign to get ready and sat there all pretty on your knees, hands placed on your thighs. He grunted as he panted heavily, mumbling something about you having to close your eyes but you were too eager and lost in the moment to register his words. You barely had time to register them to be quite frank, because in a matter of seconds, warm spurts of cum landed on your face and your eyelashes fluttered in a reflex.
You wanted to see the whole thing happening, but that probably wasn’t the best idea.
As some of it managed to creep into your left eye, you didn’t even have time to cuss at your boyfriend for having some of his cum land in your hair, because you felt as if your eye was on fire. Letting out a panicked shriek, you squeezed your eye shut and covered it with your hand. Elvis didn’t notice it at first, until he saw you sitting back on the floor and fanning your hand in front of your closed eye, too scared to open it.
Elvis, unfortunately, didn’t have the time to admire his creation on your face as he saw the state you were in. Kneeling down next to you, he gently grabbed your chin and looked at your face. “Baby, are you okay?”
You glared at him with one eye, grasping the tissues he held out to you he got from the box on the bedside table, shoving him away. “You came into my eye, you idiot!”
Elvis sat on his knees opposite you, putting his hands on your knees as he watched you rub your eye with the tissues for a second. He should be worried, and he really was worried, but he couldn’t help but to see the humor in it. You looked at him as he let out a roaring laugh, managing to slowly open your assaulted eye, which was red and teary.
“I t-told you.. told you to close your eyes!” Elvis stuttered as he laughed hysterically, and laughing even harder as you gave him another shove and he fell back on the floor. You wanted to be angry at him and give him a hard time, but it didn’t take you long to be laughing just as hard as he was.
“I’m never doing that again!” You told him after the two of you had calmed down a little and your eyes didn’t sting as much anymore after Elvis had inspected it and kept a damp washing cloth against it, while also cleaning the rest of your face.
“Don’t say that, baby,” He grinned as he smothered your face with kisses, ignoring how he could still taste himself on your skin a little. “’S not like you’ve gone blind, now did’ya?”
“Well, sure felt like it!”
He laughed his contagious belly-laugh again and wrapped his arms around you, getting off the floor and rolling in between the sheets on the bed with you. Before you knew it, he was already on top of you and in between your legs again, grinning down at you. “I’ll make it up to ya real good, Little,”
“You better,” You smiled at him as you trap him in your embrace by wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, keeping him close against you as he leaned down and kissed you.
For the rest of the night, he made it up to you.
Again, and again, and again.
And every time, he made sure to be mindful of your left eye, kissing your eyelid lovingly as he reminded you how much he missed you when he was away in Germany for those long two years.
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taglist: @powerofelvis @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @notstefaniepresley @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley @ccab @whatstruthgottodowithit @dkayfixates @livelaughelvis @lettersfromvenus @elvisalltheway101 @that-hotdog @robinismywife @jaqueline19997
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prismuffin · 1 year
how tim,damian,miles (separated) reacted to an unexpected date request from their crush
tim,damian,miles are just having a quiet conversation with the reader,while the reader is listening to them talking the reader is admiring their beauty then all of a sudden the reader lets out a "want to date me?"
Tim was just rambling to you about his new tech idea. He wasn’t exactly looking at you as he spoke, more so off to the side, his hands waving about. There was a pause in his talking as he sighed to catch his breath, “Go on a date with me.” He practically choked, his head snapping towards you. He had stopped to catch his breath and yet you somehow still knocked the breath out of him. “Wh-What?” “A date, with me, would you want to?” You asked again and he swallowed thickly. “U-uh you just asked- I mean yes I would but- I just wasn’t expecting-“ you laughed at his reddening face, “too forward?” He nodded sheepishly and you clapped your hands, a large smile still on your face.
Damian probably would’ve been just ranting to you about his dad and brothers. He’s glad you let him complain to you, it’s part of the reasons he likes you so much. “I could just really use a win right now,” he said, ending his rant temporarily, resting his head on his palm. “You could go on a date with me,” he blinked slowly then his eyes started widening. Suddenly he shot into the back of the chair, almost tipping over completely. “You just- what?!” “Well you said you could use a win,” you shrugged, “we could go somewhere fun.” He slowly returned to his previous position, though now he was sitting up straight, his expression dropping. “You don’t have to do that just because I’m upset,” he pouted and you chuckled. “I know, I want to though, come on it’ll be fun~” your teasing tone made him crack a smile and eventually he nodded, “alright alright, I’ll go” you smiled too as you noticed the small red tint in his cheeks.
You’re killing him, like Miles can’t right now with how you’re looking at him. His nerves are shot as he tries to ignore the cute little flirty smile you’re giving him as he tells you a story about him and his mom. He stutters slightly before deciding to just avoid your eye entirely. “But yeah then my dad had to come and get us cause there was no way to get home,” he finished the story and you laughed. There was a lull in the conversation as Miles turned to look at you again. “Why are you staring at me like that?” He asked, deciding to be bold. “I’m wondering if I should ask you out right now or later,” you said, your smirk growing as his eyes widened. He sheepishly smiled, “w-well didn’t you just kinda- ask?” You hummed as you thought it over before shrugging. “I guess, do you want to?” “Yes!” He said immediately before recoiling in embarrassment at his quickness. He cleared his throat, “uh- I mean, sure,” he shrugged cooly and you chuckled at his behavior.
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keikikait · 7 months
a slice of almond tofu [aged up!megumi x f!reader]
pairing: au!biker!megumi x barista!mechanicsdaughter!reader (both are early to mid 20s)
word count: 3k
summary: you're the head barista at your local cafe. you see people come and go regularly, customers and employees. recently, a spiky, dark-haired biker has been coming in every day, and you suspect he’s always there to see you.
warnings: slightly ooc megumi haha, my limited knowledge of motorcycles, smut [18+ ONLY!], dom!megumi, sub!reader, public sex? (it’s in an empty office), nickname use [baby, sweetheart, pretty girl], name calling [slut, fucktoy, whore], cunnilingus, porn with slight plot, mention of a blowjob, use of the words ‘cock’ and ‘cunt’, clit slapping (?), choking (slight), hair pulling (kind of?), mention of a breeding kink (sue me idc)
a note: this is my first fanfic on tumblr, please be understanding lol. i tried to write this as body type, skin tone, hair color, and hair texture neutral as possible. please let me know if there's something i should add or take away! also, sorry if there are any issues with tense, i flip-flopped between past & present for a while.
please reblog and comment, it means a lot! let me know what you think!
It was late at the cafe, the setting sun outside causing a wave of soft golden light that further added to the warm, comfy aesthetic.
Your back was turned to the front, wiping down one of the espresso machines to clean it. Your head spun around when you heard the low growl of a bike outside. 
He was here.
He came inside, pulling his helmet off as he shut the door. He smooths his dark hair with his hand and took a look at the menu on the wall briefly before approaching you behind the counter.
He clears his throat before speaking in a calm, quiet voice.
“A slice of almond tofu and a hot caramel latte, please.”
You smile, plugging it into the register before grabbing a ticket to write his order on. “For here?”
“And soy milk, right?”
He blushes slightly. You remember him. “Yes, soy milk.”
You chuckle, capping the pen and setting the ticket on the espresso machine. He moved to sit down at his usual spot, a large dark brown leather couch in the corner of the cafe by the only outlet. It was directly across from the pick up counter, and you used this to your advantage, slowly stealing glances at him while he typed away on his laptop or read whatever book he had that day.
You got to work on his order, picking a large slice of the almond tofu before putting more of the frangipane and almond slices on top. You know he always wanted more almond on top, and even though it was an extra 50 cents, you never charged him. You made his latte, paying extra attention to the latte art. A heart would be too forward, you thought, so you did a fern.
You plate his order before sliding it onto the pickup counter. “It’s Megumi, right?”
He looks up from his laptop, his lips slightly parted. “Yeah, do I really come in here that much?” He stands up and collects his order before sitting back down.
“Yeah, but I don’t mind.”
He smiles before taking a bite of the almond tofu. “I like this cafe. It’s so comfortable and calming…plus the coffee and food are really good.”
He glances out the window briefly before turning back to you. He clarifies your name, and to your own surprise, he said it correctly.
You smile. “That's me,” You point to your nametag which had “HEAD BARISTA” carved into it under your name.
He glances at it and smiles at you. “How long have you been working here?”
You grab a rag from the sanitizer bucket and begin wiping down the counter. “About three years.”
He whistles, “That’s a long time.” He takes a sip of the latte. “I assume I’m one of your regulars.”
You smile. “Yeah, it’s hard to forget that bike.” You put the rag back into the sanitizer bucket.
He smirks, scratching his jaw. “Ah, so I’m memorable?”
You smile again. “Very. Also, you’re one of the only customers that gets the almond tofu. The matcha is the most popular.” You lean across the counter, propped up on your elbows.
“It’s one of my favorite things here. I love how simple yet sweet it is.” He looks out the window again before looking back at you. “Can I ask you for some advice?”
You’re taken aback, but you say yes anyway.
Megumi sighs, facing you completely. “So, I just moved here, and I’ve been having some issues with my bike, with the engine and the exhaust…my friend and I have been trying to repair it but nothing is working. Do you know of any auto shops around?” He reaches up and scratches the back of his head, and you had to force yourself to ignore how his bicep moved under his shirt.
You smile. You had this in the bag. “Actually, funnily enough, my dad is a mechanic,” You reach over to the napkin holder and pull a pen out of your apron pocket, scribbling down the address. “You can come by tomorrow, if you want.” You slide it across the counter.
His eyes light up. “R-Really? That's so sweet of you, umm…” He pauses. “How much would it cost? I haven’t gotten paid yet.”
You wave away his worries. “It’ll be on the house. My dad does free repairs for my friends.”
Megumi’s eyebrows raise. “Are you sure?” 
You nod, smiling again. “Come by around noon.”
He smiles down at the napkin before folding it up and putting it in his pocket. “Thank you so much…you seriously don’t understand how much it means to me.”
You step back from the counter. “Don’t worry about it.”
Megumi shoves the remaining tofu in his mouth before gulping down the rest of the drink, sliding the dishes to you. “Thank you so much. I’ll see you at noon tomorrow.”
You pick up the dishes, setting them aside to wash. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Megumi.”
You watch as he leaves, putting his helmet back on and climbing onto his bike. He drives off, into the sunset, and you can’t wait for tomorrow.
It was a hot day in Tokyo.
You get up early, taking your time to thoroughly get ready. He had only ever seen you in your barista uniform, no makeup with your hair pulled back, and an ugly, bulky brown apron on. You want to impress him, you need to impress him.
You look in the mirror one last time, fixing your hair and tugging on your thin sundress. It’s one of your favorites, pretty short, just hitting the middle of your thigh, a soft lavender color, and fairly loose fitting. A slight breeze would cause it to float up, but if Megumi saw that you wouldn’t mind too much.
You head over to your dad’s workshop, pulling open the heavy gate and stepping inside. You had lied and said Megumi was a school friend to secure the free discount for him. You pace around, antsy, occasionally glancing at your phone. It was already 12:15, and worry that he wasn’t coming was eating you alive.
Megumi pulls up to the workshop on the edge of town, parking his bike in front of the garage door. He walks up and knocks, hoping you would answer and not your father.
You pull the door up, smiling. “Hey, Megumi!”
Megumi smiles, trying to not let his eyes wander over your body. “Hey, sorry I’m late…it nearly gave out on me on the ride over here.” He starts walking his motorcycle inside the garage.
“It’s okay,” You smile. “My dads in his office, I’ll go get him.”
You rush to your dad’s office, knocking on the door and peeking your head in. Megumi tries not to watch your ass move in your dress as you walked, but he can’t help himself. 
Your father exits his office, greeting Megumi with a smile. You stand behind your father and watch; watch the way Megumi’s eyes lit up when he was discussing his bike, how big his smile was when your father confirms, yes, the repairs would be free, and how his arms moved as he gestured.
You want him. Badly.
Your father squats down by the bike, examining the exhaust pipe. He unscrews the covers on the side to look at the engine, and whistles. 
He stands back up, looking at Megumi. “This might take a while. I gotta go across town to get some replacement parts.” Megumi’s eyes widen, and he fumbles for his wallet in his bag. He pulls it out and starts inquiring about the payment when your father shakes his head. “On the house, you’re a friend of my daughter. Don’t worry about it.”
Megumi gulps. “Are you sure, sir?” Your father nods before heading over to you and kissing you on the forehead. 
“I’ll leave right now. I’ll be back in maybe an hour or so.”
You both say your goodbyes and the garage door shut with a bang as your father leaves.
Now it’s just the two of you, alone.
You finally break the silence. “Do you want to sit in his office? It’s air conditioned.”
He smiles. “Yes, please. The heat is killing me.”
You chuckle before leading him into your father’s office, sitting down in his big office chair. Your thighs smush together when you sit down, and it make Megumi’s jaw tick. You grab the small hand fan your father kept on his desk and begin fanning yourself.
Megumi sits in the chair across the desk. “So, do you help out here, too? Or do you just work at the cafe?”
A droplet of sweat travels down your collarbone. “I help out here sometimes. Mostly I’m an errand girl.”
You keep fanning yourself, pulling the dress down your thighs. You’re already hot and sweaty, and being around Megumi definitely doesn’t help.
He crosses his legs, trying to hide the erection that was slowly forming. You look so adorable in your dress, and Megumi can’t help but imagine kissing your shoulders and chest as he slides the straps down-
No. He has to focus and hold out. At least for a little bit longer.
He leans his elbows on his knees, wiping his lip with his thumb. “That's nice of you, to help your father.”
You swallow hard, sitting up straight and squeezing your thighs together. He’s so effortlessly beautiful. “Yeah, I guess so. He fixes my car for free.”
You continue to fan yourself. It gets awkwardly quiet, the only sound being from the clock ticking on the wall above the door.
He looks at you, rubbing his thumb on his knee in a circular motion. “Do you think he’ll actually take an hour?”
You nod. “He gets distracted at the store, talking to his mechanic buddies. Honestly, he’ll probably take longer than that.”
Megumi grins. “Perfect. I want you all to myself for a while.”
You bite back a whine and squeeze your thighs together again, finally responding with “Mhm.”
He smirks. “You okay? A bit hot?”
You nod, sheepish. “Yeah…a bit.”
“Mhmm, I can tell. You keep squeezing your thighs together. It’s adorable.” Megumi says. 
You nearly faint. “It is?”
“It’s the cutest thing.” He stands up from the chair and walks around the desk, kneeling in front of you.
You let out a soft gasp, shutting the fan and setting it down on the desk.
He smirks, and reaches up to touch your thighs. “Is this okay?” You nod, sliding down further in the chair. He groans, spreading his hands over your thighs. “God, these are driving me crazy.”
He leans down and places a soft kiss on your thigh. “Yeah. Been wanting to sink my teeth into them. Been wanting you ever since yesterday.”
You gulp. “Since yesterday? Even when I’m in my uniform?”
He nods, squeezing your thighs with his hands. They’re rough and calloused and you nearly cum on the spot. “You looked so fucking innocent, it drove me crazy. I almost crashed on the way home because I was so goddamn hard and I couldn’t stop thinking about fucking that little mouth of yours.” 
Your mouth dropped open, almost instinctively. “Um, I mean-I wouldn’t mind that.”
He smirks again. “I know you wouldn’t, baby.”
Baby. You let out a shaky breath.
He pushes the hem of your dress around your hips, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head when he sees your panties. Black, relatively plain, but there’s a little purple bow on the front and it makes his head spin. “Can I take these off?”
Your face flushes. “I thought you wanted me to…you know-”
“Gag on my cock?” Megumi finishes your sentence for you. “I do. But, that can wait. I need to get my mouth on you or else I’m going to die.”
You nod. You aren’t complaining, not at all. “You can take ‘em off, then.”
Megumi slides your panties down, pocketing them for later, and spreads your legs wide. He moans when he sees your little cunt for the first time. He wraps his hands around your hips and pulls you to the edge of the chair. 
You feel anxious under his gaze. Does he not like it? Is it pretty? Before you can even think about asking, he leans forward and slots his mouth over you.
You gasp, immediately going to thread your fingers through his hair. It’s soft, despite the gel. Maybe you should ask him what kind he uses after.
Megumi moans when he tastes you, moving his tongue flat in small circles over your clit. He can’t get enough, the taste is driving him crazy. And you’re so sensitive too, squirming and moaning his name.
He moves his mouth away and slides two fingers inside you. You whine at the loss of contact and try to push his head down again. He chuckles. “Patience, pretty girl, patience.”
You shake your head. You can barely focus on anything other than his long fingers pumping in and out of you. They feel so much better than your own. “Can’t, Megs, I can’t. I need you.”
“I know you do,” He coos, thrusting even faster. His thumb takes the place of his tongue, rubbing your clit in small circles. “Your cute little clit is so swollen, just for me. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
You nod eagerly. “Yes! All for you, Megs!” Your hips buck a little when his thumb speeds up.
He fucking laughs at that. “Sensitive little slut, aren’t ya?”
You nod again, nearly cumming at his condescending laugh and the pet name. “Your…your slut, Megumi.”
He smirks. “All mine. You were practically made for me, baby. I can just tell this little cunt is gonna squeeze my cock so well.” His fingers speed up and he moves his thumb to replace it with his tongue. 
His fingers rub against that spongey spot inside you and you cum immediately, clenching around his fingers as you grind against his tongue.
Megumi pulls away, a triumphant smile on his face. “Fuck. Good girl.” He gives your clit a gentle slap before getting up from his knees. He pulls off his shirt and starts to unbuckle his belt. “Bend over the desk. Right now.”
You happily oblige, moving your father’s papers aside and bending over the desk, hiking your dress up around your hips.
He grabs your hips tight, pushing your thighs open with his knees. “Fuck, sweetheart, you look so good like this.”
You shake a little. “I do?”
Megumi groans, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down your folds. “So fucking good. Makes me wanna take you home and make you my personal little fucktoy.”
You let out a shaky moan. Holy shit. “I-I-I mean I wouldn’t mind.”
He groans again. “Goddamn, you’re perfect. Maybe I should make you mine. Take you home, treat you right, fuck your brains out every night…”
His voice trails off, and you go to respond with a pathetic ‘Please, Megumi!’ when you feel his cock push against your cunt and slowly start sliding in.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head and you moan.
He grabs your hair roughly, right at the root. “Fuck.” 
Megumi’s cock slides all the way in and you almost cum. You feel like your choking, like his cock is in your guts.
“So big…” You manage to say. 
He reaches his other hand around and wraps it around your throat, and this time you do cum.
Megumi groans loudly. “God, fuck, did you just cum?” You nod pathetically and he chuckles. “Fucking whore. I love it.”
His hips start moving, the pat pat pat filling your ears. You can hardly think, quickly being pushed past your second orgasm as the third one looms.
You swallow some drool before it escapes your lips. “Megumi…”
“Shhh, pretty girl,” Megumi coos. “Just relax. Let me take care of you.” He squeezes your neck a little.
Your mouth drops open as his hips speed up. His soft moans are right by your ear, and even though you’re getting fucked stupid, you can’t help but imagine what he sounds like when you’re between his thighs gagging on his stupidly big cock.
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan when he squeezes your neck again.
He moves his hand from your neck to your mouth, covering it. “Shhh, baby. We don’t want your neighbors to hear you, do we?” 
You nod, agreeing with him. You can’t let anything ruin this moment.
Megumi keeps his hand clamped over your mouth as his hips speed up. “Fuck, sweetheart, I wanted to hold out but I don’t think I can last. Your little cunt is so wet and perfect, fucking hell.”
He tugs your head back further and your eyes meet.
Tears well in your eyes and you mumble against his hand. “Please cum inside me, Megumi.”
His eyes darken. “Yeah? You want me to fill you up? Get you nice and pregnant?”
You’ve never even thought about having kids, but honestly you would do anything for him at this point. You nod pathetically. 
His smirk fades as he moans. “Fuck, sweetheart, you’re killing me.”
Megumi keeps a tight grip on your hair as his thrusts speed up. His orgasm sneaks up on him. “Fuck, fuck, shit-baby, fuck, ‘m cumming!” He cums loudly, letting go of your hair and gripping your hips with both hands to keep you from moving away.
You lay there on your father’s desk, drooling slightly.
He flips you onto your back and sits you upright. “You okay? Did I go too hard?”
You smile softly. “It was perfect.”
Megumi grins before looking down at your cunt as his cum drips out. “Fuck. Do you have a tissue or something?”
You blindly reach behind you and grab the box of tissues your father keeps on his desk. Megumi takes one and cleans you up gently. 
He kisses your clit before slapping it again. “You’re such a good girl.”
Your legs are still shaking. “Your good girl.”
His eyebrows raise. “Yeah? You wanna be mine?”
You nod. “Wanna be all yours, Megs.”
Megumi pulls you close, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I think we can arrange that.”
The floor shakes as the garage door opens, signaling your father’s return. 
His eyes flick to the clock. “Hey, you lied! He only took 45 minutes!”
ahhh sorry the ending is so shit lmao, i had no idea how to end it. anywayz, let me know what you think!
pt 2? maybe.
please do not translate or copy my work!
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airbendertendou · 11 months
EVERYDAY THING! ♥︎ sano manjiro
synopsis : bonten!mikey comes home to you, always.
gender neutral reader ; [name] / you in place of y/n ; reader sweats a lil in their sleep ; normal talk of bonten activities ; mikey undresses reader non-sexually
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You fell asleep listening to Sanzu ramble on and on again. Ran would add his input occasionally, Rindou saying a word or two. But, Mikey was usually quiet during these calls. He was fine with just hearing your breathing, reassuring him that you were safe. And, you were the same. Hearing his small hums of agreement brought a comfort to you that you couldn’t explain.
Mikey was away “for work” — really, he was, but the type of work he didn’t like to disclose with you. Phone calls and video messages became a staple in your relationship since he left two weeks ago.
Entering his room, Mikey was hit with a wave of heat. His eyebrows furrowed, mouth pulling into a frown at the unusual temperature. His room was usually the coldest, the frigid air keeping him awake and focused. When he caught sight of a figure curled up in his bed, though, his expression melted and softened immediately.
Sweat was forming on your forehead, the thick blanket crumpled and imprinted on your face. You let out a sigh, turning so a leg was thrown out of Mikey’s comforter — you were wearing pants, too, it seemed. No wonder you were sweating so much.
Mikey quickly adjusted the temperature, listening as the heat kicked off and the ceiling fan continued to whir. He changed out of his work clothes, mindlessly reminding himself to give the shirt to Kakucho. It was hopelessly bloodstained, but he hoped it could dry-cleaned anyways.
Walking closer to you, Mikey let a small, fragile smile hit his lips. He took the comforter off of you slowly, hoping he wouldn’t wake you. Ever so tenderly, Mikey grabbed your sleeping pants and began to tug. You let out another grumble, face scrunching in distaste. He smiled wider, still shuffling and shimmying your pants down so he could get them off.
You let out a small, sleepy huff. Prying tired eyes open, you could see a smiling, white haired boy peering over you. “‘Jiro?”
“Hi, baby.” He paused his actions, just staring down at you now. You let out a hum, rubbing your eyes lightly until he pulled your hand away.
You noticed the lack of heat, and your still-halfway-on pajama pants. “S’cold without you,” you explained quietly.
“I know,” he stooped down to place a kiss to the middle of your forehead. Standing back up, his hands trailed up your legs smoothly before stopping at the band of your pants. Mikey tapped the sides of your hips with his pointer fingers. “I’m here now, though. Gotta get these off, okay?”
“Mhm.” You nodded and lifted your hips briefly. Finally, Mikey managed to shuffle your pajama pants off, throwing them to the floor mindlessly. You instantly felt cooler, less sweaty. You looked at him longingly, “and now we can cuddle?”
“All you want.” He grinned before plopping on top of you. Letting out a sleepy laugh, you wrapped your arms around his torso as one crawled to the back of his head. Mikey shuffled his face into your neck, pressing kisses there every now and then. “We can cuddle today, tomorrow — forever, if you want. ‘M all yours for a while, sweet love.”
You let out a satisfied hum, eyes falling shut in comfort. Placing a kiss to Mikey’s cheek — and then every part of his face you could reach — you cuddled him closer. “That’s what I like to hear. ‘Night Manjiro, I love you.”
“I love you, [name]. More than you know.”
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 month
A familiar werewolf
Part 1
Werewolf!Kurapika x Witch!Fem!Reader
A/N: This is supposed to be an AO3 exclusive, but I decided to post the first part here in case y’all like it. I WILL ONLY CONTINUE TO POST THIS SERIES HERE IF THIS PART DOES WELL! If you want me to continue posting this on tumblr, COMMENT, LIKE, REBLOG!
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It was finally spring, a time where flowers bloomed and the snow melted away to reveal all kinds of herbs and plants for the little witch (Name) to gather.
Today she was doing just that, gathering herbs to begin making more potions. Through the winter, her stock of salves and potions had grown smaller and smaller, until she only had a few left.
(Name) had customers that would be coming by any day now to buy her goods, so she was determined to go out and hunt for all the ingredients she would need.
She was a good witch, focusing on healing salves and helping the villagers nearby. It was partially out of the goodness of her heart, and partly because she wanted to keep a good relationship with the townspeople so they didn’t grab their pitchforks and torches to chase her out of town with.
So (Name) grabbed her hat, wearing a thick pair of boots to protect her feet from the thorny vegetation. She was always careful when visiting the forest. After all, there were rumors that many magical beasts made it their home.
Along the path, she spotted small clusters of mint, frowning. “Mint is so invasive, I thought I told the villagers not to plant it in the ground…”
(Name) did her best to dig up and pick what she could, then moved on along the path. Mushrooms, herbs, and pretty rocks all found a new home in her basket. After searching for a while, she wiped the sweat from her brow. ‘Hmm… I should still have some time to go by the lake before I go home… I wonder if anything is growing near the water's edge..?’
(Name) stepped on a branch as she neared the lake, ready to search for aquatic plant life and maybe even find a good spot to go fishing!
But before she could get too close, (Name) heard a loud howl that made her freeze in her tracks. When she turned, she spotted it.
There was a large, golden wolf near the water’s edge, its ears pinned back and snarling. From the water dripping from its furry chin, the witch assumed it had just been drinking from the lake before she interrupted it by making noise.
She was quick to hold up her hands in a sign of surrender, talking in an even voice. “Easy, boy, I’ll go,”
Backing up slowly, (Name) made sure not to meet the wolf’s eyes, though she did notice they were a sparkling shade of scarlet she had never seen before.
The beast huffed, watching her for a moment longer before turning back to drink. Once it did, she broke out in a sprint, her basket held firmly against her chest. (Name) knew the forest wasn’t exactly safe, but she had never encountered a wild animal besides some chipmunks and bunnies.
‘I’ve never seen a wolf with that coloration before…’ (Name) thought, putting away her foraged goods once she arrived home. ‘Maybe it’s an albino or something? But wouldn’t it’s fur be more white then?’
Despite being a little afraid, (Name) couldn’t get her mind off of the wolf she had seen before. It was easily the top predator in the forest, yet it only gave her a warning growl before minding its business again. Was that normal wolf behavior? She had no idea.
‘I’m thinking too much…’ (Name) thought, changing into her pajamas. ‘I need to sleep, or I’ll be late to the coven meeting tomorrow…’
Turning over, (Name) wondered what exactly she would even speak about during the meeting. She wasn’t exactly the most confident witch, often being spoken over or ignored due to her shy nature. No one would think she was the very first apprentice Biscuit Krueger, the head of the very coven (Name) was a part of.
‘I may have been her first apprentice, but I’m definitely not her best. Gon and Killua have me beat for sure…’ she thought, rolling over onto her side to stare out of the window.
Through the gaps in the curtains, she could see the moon shining up above, big and full. It’s light bathed her in a soft glow, and made her feel both rejuvenated and relaxed.
‘It’ll be okay… after all, I have friends there. Everything should… be fine…’
(Name) drifted off to sleep, the last image on her mind before she was taken to slumberland being the golden wolf peering at her with those scarlet eyes.
(Name) packed a small basket full of jams and jellies, humming a tune as she carefully stacked a small jar of syrup on the top. “I know Menchi won’t be there to day, but Bisky loves my jams and jellies. Hopefully I’ll actually have a chance to speak with her…”
Bisky, being the head of the coven, was always busy. She was usually stuck talking with several other witches about various topics, or leaving early to conduct business with other covens. Getting the opportunity to talk to her was rare enough, but being able to sit down and have a conversation was nearly impossible, especially these days.
There had recently been several cases of witches and their familiars disappearing, or even familiars turning in their masters and killing then, so Bisky was especially busy dealing with the aftermath.
Each witch had a familiar bestowed upon them during a ceremony after becoming a full fledged witch. Some even had two or three, and witches with high status and great power possessed up to 10 familiars.
And there was (Name), with no familiar at all. At the ceremony, the wizard conducting it simply turned her away, saying she was not yet ready to become the master of familiar. Every other witch present had received their lifelong friend, while she went home empty handed.
It was lonely, all on her own. Watching the other witches go about their lives with the help and support of their familiars made her feel awfully… jealous. It wasn’t a feeling she enjoyed harboring, so (Name) tried her best to be positive!
Bisky herself had said that it wasn’t unheard of for a witch to not receive their familiar during the bonding ceremony.
“Some witches just haven’t found their match yet, or perhaps they haven’t really found their true selves,” Bisky had said after the ceremony, in hopes of comforting (Name).
(Name) huffed, loading her basket onto her broom. “So much for being a late bloomer. It’s been nearly five years since I became a full fledged witch, and still nothing! No familiar, not a cat or owl, not even a frog! Hell, I’d settle for a tarantula at this point!”
She flew over the forest, tilting her head when she spotted a spot of gold walking slowly near the lake. (Name) flew a bit lower, her eyes widening when she spotted the same wolf she’d seen the day before.
This time, it seemed to be walking with a bit of a limp, a small trail of blood behind it. Her heart ached to see an animal in such pain, so she landed a safe distance away from it.
“Hey there, pup.”
The wolf stiffened, quickly turning its head to growl lowly at her. (Name) held up her hands, her broom floating behind her in case she needed a quick escape.
“Woah, easy. You’re hurt, and I can help you if you’ll let me.”
She didn’t know why she was talking to it, but she kept it up. “There’s no need to be afraid, sweetheart. Shh…”
The wolf’s ears flattened against its head, and it began to bare its teeth. (Name) yelped when it began to approach her, jumping on her broom just in time to escape its jaws. It snapped at her broom bristles, but she was thankfully in the air by then and bar away enough from its jaws to not get hurt.
But… the wolf didn’t seem to be trying too hard to chase her. (Name) had a feeling it wasn’t actually attacking her, more so just trying to scare her away.
She frowned as the wolf became a small speck, her heart hurting for the poor thing. (Name) hoped that the poachers that her fellow witches had chased out from the forest years ago weren’t back.
‘I’ll have to talk to Bisky about it… if I can talk to her that is.’
(Name) landed in a vast meadow, wild flowers of various kinds softly swaying in the spring breeze. She took a moment to relax, bending down to pick a daily and place it in her basket.
‘Oh, I always forget where the doorway is…’ she thought to herself as she held out the stick end of her broom to feel around. When it bumped off of something solid, she grinned.
“There it is!”
(Name) reached forward and patted the surface until her hand landed on a doorknob. She turned it, and walked forward.
The empty flower field was replaced with a dark forested area, with lampposts leading down a snowy, worn down path. She could see the moon shining down through the canopy, filtered by the thick leaves until only small rays of light were visible.
‘I see the meeting is being hosted in the northern lands this time…’ she thought, pulling her cloak tighter around herself. The northern lands were often cold, even when spring came, snow still covered the land.
Each meeting was hosted in one of the four sectors of the world, North, South, East, and West. The north was her least favorite, due to the cold weather and people. The citizens of the north were often blunt and rude, having to time for warm pleasantries.
(Name) lived in the southern lands, where the weather was always warm and pleasant. Even the most severe winters in the south were not as cold as the northern spring.
She spotted the soft warm glow of a candle shining from a canon window. ‘There it is!’
(Name) opened the cabin door, revealing a bustling meeting hall. Witches all ages and genders walked around, speaking to one another and trading goods.
The woman yelped when she was tackled to the floor, knowing instantly who had done it.
“Gon, what did I tell you about jumping on her like some wild animal!?”
“Gon, Killua…” she smiled as she watched Killua drag his friend off of her, pinching his cheek.
“Hi, (Name)! It’s been so long since we’ve gotten to see you!”
She laughed, ruffling their hair. “Yeah, nearly three months. You weren’t able to attend the last few meetings due to Bisky’s training, right?”
The two shuddered. “Uh… we’d rather not talk about that.”
(Name) could remember her own training, which would have been way less intense than theirs due to her weaker body. Even so, she collapsed nearly every day from exhaustion, so she could only imagine the horrors they had endured.
“Ah… okay, how about you show me how your training has been coming along then?”
The three sat in an empty room as the two showed her new, complex spells they had learned. Killua was able to summon lightning and use it as a weapon, while Gon was able to harden his body. Both were spells even she couldn’t do.
“Oh wow, you’ve grown so much! Maybe that training was worth it then?”
Killua groaned. “Barely, I didn’t think we were going to survive another day of it.”
“Aww, it wasn’t that b- no, actually it was that bad. But I’m still grateful Bisky taught us so well!” Gon replied, giving her a smile.
She gave them both a hug. “I’m proud of you both. You should really come visit me sometime. Spring is here, so you can go play in the forest. There a lake~”
This excited the two, who both enjoyed swimming. “We'll definitely be coming by this summer!”
Before they could speak anymore, they heard a bell chiming. “Oh, we’ll talk later. The meeting is about to start!”
(Name) took her seat near Bisky. As her first apprentice, she had to be at Bisky’s side for every meeting. That didn’t mean she got Bisky’s attention, though. She couldn’t blame her mentor, for she was the leader of this coven.
“Hello, my friends. Our monthly meeting has begun, and I will announce any upcoming events before opening the floor for discussion.”
(Name) looked around the room, unsurprised when she saw multiple witches waiting impatiently for the floor to be open.
It was mostly the same elderly witches that always had some mundane problem… but what was surprising was Neon, one of the fledgling witches that hadn’t yet gotten her familiar, anxiously tapping her well manicured nails against the oak table.
“And with that, the floor is open to discussion.” Bisky said after finishing her announcements. Neon was quick to speak up, interrupting an elder.
“Some creature has been lurking in the south, killing my father’s livestock and scaring what it doesn’t eat half to death! It’s some kind of magical beast, I already did the identifying spell and it’s either some type of fae or a…”
She trailed off, her face going pale. Bisky raised an eyebrow, folding her arms. “A what, Neon?”
“A… a werewolf.”
The sound of gasps and whispered conversation filled the meeting hall, only silenced when Bisky held up her hand to motion for the noise to cease.
“And you’re sure that’s what the spell said?”
Neon nodded, standing up to offer her grimoire. Bisky’s eyes scanned it, then she sighed heavily. “I see…”
(Name) frowned deeply, glancing from Neon to Bisky. She knew that Neon lived only half a day’s walk from her home, meaning if there was a werewolf causing trouble for her, it could potentially move onto (Name).
“As we all know, magical beasts are drawn to witches due to their magical power. This is good when it comes to making friends or getting a familiar, but leads to some… detrimental outcomes when the wrong creature gets attracted. And with the recent uptick in werewolf based attacks, I wouldn’t doubt this has troubled you, Neon.”
Bisky stood, walking around the table. “But be that as it may, werewolves are not evil in nature. They are simply beings that are different from us, and can be reasoned with and befriended just like most magical beasts.”
One witch scoffed. “Miss Bisky, with all due respect, all witches know werewolves are dangerous beasts that deserve to be put down to keep ourselves safe. I mean, haven’t the last three witch deaths been caused by werewolves?”
Bisky scowled. “That’s the kind of attitude that causes entire species to go extinct. A few werewolves have done wrong, yes, but how many humans have killed each other or other creatures? Do we all deserve to die due to the actions of a few individuals?”
The witch who spoke up immediately shrunk into herself, grumbling under her breath. (Name) noticed that several other witches also looked displeased with Bisky’s words, but said nothing.
“Neon, I’ll send you home with a spell that will ward off any fae or werewolves. It’s easy, and very effective.”
“Thank you, Bisky!”
The woman turned to the rest of the coven. “Now, what else needs to be discussed?”
“I respect Miss Bisky’s opinion, but werwolves are dangerous beasts!”
“I know, right? My friend’s cousin’s aunt’s stepbrother was killed by a werewolf!”
“And I heard that once a werewolf has seen you, it’ll tell its whole pack to come and eat you!”
“Oh that’s not the half of it! I heard-“
(Name) rolled her eyes as she passed by a group of gossiping witches, ushering Killua and Gon away. “Don’t listen to them, I’m sure not a single one of them have ever even seen a werewolf in person.”
“Have you, (Name)?”
(Name) paused when Gon asked her that innocent question, sighing softly. “Yes, once before. It was only for a moment while Bisky went to meet with one for a trade. It gave her some of its fur for a potion in exchange for a protection spell.”
“So… it didn’t attack you or Bisky?”
“Nope, so don’t listen to those witches. Not one single creature is the exact same as its kin. Some are more peaceful, some are violent, just like with humans. Once people come to accept that, we could possibly form an alliance with the werewolves.”
Killua huffed, digging in her satchel. Once he found what he was looking for, a bag of handmade candy, he swiped it. “Hey, you remembered to bring it!”
“Of course I did, silly. It’s your favorite.”
Killua popped one of the candies into his mouth as they walked, humming in delight. Gon grabbed one too. “Did you get to talk to Bisky, (Name)?”
The woman sighed, handing out her jam and syrup to a few witches she traded with. “Not yet, but I hope I’ll be able to catch her before she leaves. You know Bisky, she’s always busy.”
“You’re not wrong, but today I have a little bit of time to spare.”
The three jumped when they heard Bisky’s voice from behind them. “Bisky!”
(Name) jumped into her arms, easily being held up by the seemingly young looking girl. Everyone in the coven knew that Bisky was much older than she seemed, but little knew of her immense physical strength.
“Oh, (Name) my dear, you’ve gotten a bit bigger haven't you? It feels like just yesterday I was carrying you home from the orphanage and giving you your first wand.”
“B-Bisky! That’s embarrassing…”
The woman laughed, setting (Name) down. “Alright, alright… what is it you wanted to talk about, dear?”
(Name) gave Bisky a shy smile, handing her the jams and jellies she brought for her. “I wanted to give your u these and ask how the situation with the rogue familiars has been going.”
Bisky stiffened, glancing to the two boys before digging. “Come, (Name). Let’s discuss things in private.”
With a wave of her wand, (Name) and Bisky were transported to a vacant room. Bisky made sure the door was closed before beginning to speak in a hushed voice.
“I didn’t want to scare anyone, so I’ve been keeping some of the information private. But…” she sighed, looking out the window, into the snow. “Every single familiar that attacked their witch was a werewolf.”
(Name)’s blood ran cold at the revelation, her eyes widening as Bisky turned to meet her gaze. “Every single one? That’s…”
“Unusual, I know. Werewolves in and of themselves are rare to have as a familiar because they’re reluctant to be bound to a witch… so the fact that each familiar was a werewolf is suspicious.”
“What could be the motive? I find it hard to believe a familiar would just kill its master like that! In all of witch history, I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
Bisky opened her own grimoire. “I agree with you, it is hard to believe. But the detection spell pointed to each familiar being a werewolf. We have yet to find and question any of the suspects due to them fleeing the scene once the bond to their master was broken…”
(Name) frowned deeply. “And with what Neon said today, if this news got out, the entire coven will be in hysterics. There will be werewolf hunts and-“
“That’s why they can’t find out. You are the only person outside of my trusted inner circle that knows of this, (Name).”
She looked at Bisky, confused. “But why would you tell me, Bisky? I’m not as strong or intelligent as others, so why would you give me this information and not someone more qualified?”
Bisky smiled at that, chuckling. “That, I cannot say my dear. You are destined for great things, and I just want you to be informed so when it’s time for you to make decisions… you’ll have all the information you need to make the right choice.”
“That’s really cryptic, Bisky.”
The older woman only smiled, beckoning her to follow. “Come, I must take my leave. Let’s walk and talk.”
The two continued to chat as they walked towards the entrance of the cabin. “I’ll send you home with a spell, dear. It is quite late in the southerners sector by now, hmm?”
(Name) nodded, grabbing hold of her broom.
“Oh, and (Name)?”
She looked up as Bisky raised her wand. “Yes?”
“Kindness and patience is always key.”
With that, she was sent home. She appeared in her cottage, the fire lighting the second she stepped close.
“I wonder what she meant by that…”
(Name) brushed off her dress, staring out into the forest. She really had to go back into the forest to gather supplies… but she was worried she would encounter that wolf again.
With a sigh, she pocketed her wand and carried her broom. They were just there in case she sensed any danger. Unfortunately, she wasn’t great with defensive or attack spells, it was why she took to healing magic and concoctions instead.
But she knew a few illusion spells that may buy her some time to escape… hopefully those would work.
(Name) walked along the work down path, much more alert than usual. She listened for the sounds of the forest, making sure to listen for any branches snapping or leaves rustling.
She was able to make it back to the lake with no problems, sighing in relief. There, she unloaded her jars from her basket and began placing shells, underwater plantlife, and some of the nutrient rich soil to add to her garden.
Unbeknownst to her, she was being watched from a distance, a pair of scarlet eyes following her as she walked along the lake’s edge.
Once she finished, (Name) was surprised to see the wolf with the golden coat standing only a few meters away from her. Although it growled when she moved, it made no other signs of aggression, only watching her… as if it was curious.
“Hello, again…” (Name) said softly, staying still as it approached. She kept her hand in her pocket on her wand, but began to relax. It only circled her, chuffing when it moved behind her.
She tensed, but relaxed again when it appeared on her left side. It was inspecting her, sniffing her… was that normal behavior for a wild animal?
Its scarlet eyes focused on her, and she noticed it still had that slight limp when it walked. “Are you… injured?”
As if it could understand her, the creature tensed, the fur on its back rising. “Oh, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to upset you…”
Taking a chance, she slowly reached out her hand to place it on its head. She had a connection with animals, having rehabilitated many woodland creatures. A wolf couldn’t be that different, right?
Well, she was wrong. The beast growled before snapping its jaws at her hand, barely missing her fingers. It then ran away, slower than it usually would be due to its injured paw.
Her heart hurt from the sight. Had it been trying to ask her for help? It was possible the poor thing was someone’s pet that had been let go after learning how hard it was to take care of a wolf. Maybe that’s why it was both comfortable around humans and also weary of them?
(Name) made a decision that day. She would gain that wolf’s trust, and maybe… even make it her familiar.
As the days turned into weeks, (Name) visited the forest every day she could. She saw the wolf often, sometimes from the corner of her eye, and sometimes it came in direct contact with her.
She always sat patiently, letting it come to her. (Name) had learned her lesson, and eventually she was able to sit in silence with the wolf by her side as she did mundane tasks like cleaning out her jars or sewing by the lake.
It had yet to let her touch it, but she didn’t mind. She would get it to trust her… it needed medical attention, more than she thought. It was scrawny, hungry looking, as if it was having trouble hunting by itself.
She started bringing out raw meat from the market and leaving it by the lake for it, and when its condition started to improve slowly, she knew that it was eating.
Once she started feeding it, the wolf began trusting her a great deal more. It now followed her down the pathway when she walked home, a slight sway in its tail.
She was making great progress, and the two seemed to have a mutual trust that neither would hurt the other. Every time she came to the lake, it was waiting there for her. It would eat, then sit nearby as she did what she needed to do, then walked her home. It had become her routine.
That’s why it surprised her when it wasn’t there when she came.
(Name) called for it, patting her thigh and whistling. Usually it would have come to greet her by now…
The silence in the forest was almost eerie, as if everything was holding its breath. There was no birdsong, no squirrels skittering from tree to tree… just silence.
“Something is wrong…”
It was growing dark, and she was hurrying back as quickly as she could. (Name) had heard from some other forest dwelling witches that when the sounds of the forest stopped, that meant there was a large predator around, something that made the squirrels and birds hide in fear.
Had the wolf gone into hiding too?
She didn’t have to wonder for long. As she neared her cottage, her eyes widened in horror. There were bloodied paw prints leading down the stone path to her front door, and laying on her doorstep was the golden wolf.
It panted loudly, its fur matted with blood. (Name) immediately kneeled at its side, trying to hold back tears. The injured paw was trapped in a bear trap, and it had gashed on its belly and back… as it had been attacked with a knife…
When it growled at her touch, she simply shushed it. “Shh, shh, I’m here. You came to my home for a reason, right? I can help you…”
Although it still snarled and yelped as she hoisted it into her home with great effort, it made no attempts to sink its teeth into her flesh.
As soon as it was inside, she summoned as many bandages as she could, along with a metal bar to help her pry the bear trap off.
“This is going to hurt, pup. Don’t bite me…”
The wolf laid its head down, as if telling her it trusted her to help. It growled and snarled in pain as she pried open the bear trap. Once its paw was free, she examined the damage.
His paw was barely hanging on… thankfully she focused on healing magic. She was able to reattach his paw and clean the wound, bandaging it before moving onto the gashed on his body.
(Name) collapsed in exhaustion after hours of working on the wolf. Her efforts had paid off, as it was now sleeping peacefully by the fire.
‘At least one of us is able to sleep…’ she thought, rising from the couch to wash the blood from her hands. She’s exhausted all of her magic saving the wolf’s life, which worried her slightly. That meant if it were to attack for any reason, she wouldn’t be able to defend herself.
After much thought, she realized that even if it wanted to hurt her, it would be unable. The thing couldn’t stand, much less leap out and attack her, so she decided to sleep next to it… just to watch over it, of course… the fact that it was so soft and warm had nothing to do with it…
(Name) woke up in the early hours of the morning, the sun not even up yet. She could have only been asleep for a few hours, as the fire was still going…
She sat up, yawning and rubbing her eyes… but paused when she took a second look at the fire.
She hasn’t remembered putting that second log in the fireplace… before she slept, she had even cursed herself for not doing so.
(Name) felt a chill run up her spine and immediately turned to see if the wolf was okay… but instead of seeing its beautiful golden fur and large form m, she was met with something much smaller hidden under the blanket…
Smaller, but still bigger than her, whatever it was wriggled the second she spoke. “U-um…”
She expected the wolf to perhaps be some kind of magical beast that turned into something smaller when injured to conserve power… and she wasn’t that far off.
When she pulled back the blanket, instead of a furred creature, she came face to face with a handsome… man?
“… hello…”
For finding a man in the place of the injured wolf she saved, (Name) took the situation well. And by well, she screamed and scooted away, wielding her wand.
“W-who are you and what did you do to that wolf!? Are you some kind of poacher? A pervert? A poaching pervert!?”
The person squinted at her, sighing. “No… I’m neither of those… I-“
He winced in pain, whimpering as the blanket fell around him. (Name)’s eyes went wide as she saw the bandages decorating his form, the same ones she had applied to the wolf last night…
The things that finally clued her in were the wolf ears perched atop of his blonde head, and tail limp on his back.
“A werewolf…” he muttered, his ears flattening against his head. “You… helped me, and… I understand if you no longer want to help now that you know what I am. I simply ask that… you let me recover until I am able to move…”
She swallowed, shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter what you are. You’re hurt, and I won’t let you suffer.”
The man looked on in mild shock as she helped him onto the couch. “This should be more comfortable… I’ll need to redo your bandages soon…”
The man watched her work silently. She redressed his wounds with a skill that was uncommon for women in their era. Once she was done, it was only then that her eyes trailed down his torso to look for anything else that she may have missed when his thick fur was in the way…
Her face warmed, her eyes going wide.
He was completely and utterly nude, barely covering his groin with the blanket. His wolf ear twitched as she turned away, flustered.
‘I forgot, werewolves lose their clothing when they turn…’
For now, she simply covered him with a blanket, too tired to do anything else. With that, she left him to sleep on the couch and headed to bed.
‘What am I going to do? There’s a werewolf on my couch, right after Neon mentioned one eating her livestock. Is it the same one..? Could it… be connected to the familiars going rogue?’
She sighed, pulling the blanket up to her chin. ‘Well, whatever the case is, it’s my responsibility now. I decided to save its life, and I don’t regret it. Once it’s back to full health, I’ll think of what to do…’
With that decided, she drifted off to sleep, exhausted from her long day.
In the living room, the werewolf stared up at the ceiling, his head filled with the images of the events he had been through.
‘I thought they lost my trail… those damn poachers will do anything to complete their collection…’
His heart ached to think of his clan, their coats skinned from their bodies after they were forced to transform and fight each other for their captors’ amusement. It made his blood boil to think of how scared the pups must have been, how the elders must have died comforting them with their final breaths, just for all of their words to mean nothing in the end.
He hated humans and their endless lust for money and power. For years he had avoided human contact, stued in his wolf form and attacked anyone that came near in fear of being hurt again…
That was until he met her.
Even before they officially met, he had been stalking her through the woods for months. At first, he had planned on killing her and taking over her cabin for himself. In his mind, it was only fair. Humans killed and stole from nature every single day, honestly he thought he was doing the world a favor taking one of them out.
But (Name) wasn’t like other humans. Every day, he watched her take only what she needed, and left behind gifts for the fairies and animals. She tended to the wounded creatures and made sure she never over stayed her welcome.
It would be dishonest to say he likes her, but she was the closest thing to tolerable a human could get in his eyes. So when he met her, he found himself unable to hurt her.
Though at first he kept his distance and attempted to bite her if she strayed too close, he never intended to actually hurt her. If he wanted to, he could have easily tore into her throat and feasted on her flesh… but he didn’t.
This human, this girl had become something akin to a friend to him. Despite his hatred for her kind, he couldn’t help following after her and staying by her side. It felt soothing, safe… almost familiar in a way. It reminded him of when he was just a pup and would follow behind his mother while she hunted or gathered ingredients for dinner.
So when he was attacked by the very poachers that killed his family, he escaped with only one thing in mind.
‘I have to find her!’
He followed her scent, barely dragging his wounded hide to her home and collapsing on the front step. He never would have thought that he would trust a human to help him, not after what he had been put through.
Even now, as he laid there powerless and unable to move, his mind was still conflicted. Was this really okay? Could he truly rely on this human to tend to him when he was utterly defenseless?
‘It doesn’t really look like I have much of a choice…’
Winning his trust would not be easy, but if she could… (Name) would gain a loyal companion.
Only time could tell what would become of these two…
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