#I’m so glad I’ve come back and still feel the same about him nearly 30 years later
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missnovelistic · 3 years
The One With A Kid Pt 2
Author: @missnovelistic
Words: 4.1K
Warnings: Maybe just a smidge of angst, a little fluff at the end :)
AN: Due to popular demand, I’m posting pt 2 early! I’ve gotten like four parts typed up already but I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock. I might crank out some shorter imagines and then get back to this! Enjoy :)
Requests are: Open
Summary: Part 2-- Y/N  has to confront Stiles for the first time since he’s found out she disappeared four years ago--pregnant with his child.
Masterlist  | Part 1
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It hadn’t been a full 24 hours before Y/N's phone lit up with a text message from an unfamiliar number.
She didn’t have to guess who it was from- She was fairly certain the “We need to talk” with a date, time, and place could only come from Stiles. She responded only with a simple “Okay.” before continuing folding the laundry. Her anxiety was through the roof, this trip had been derailed immensely. Y/N’s plan was to come back to town for the funeral, clear out the house, put it on the market, and then head back to North Carolina without even seeing any of her old friends. After Stiles and Scott had left, and Charlotte was distracted watching Finding Nemo, Lydia had confessed to telling Scott about her dad passing, thinking he would send his condolences VIA flowers to the funeral home. Scott, of course, being the most supportive friend Y/N couldn’t have wished for- spread the word among the pack who had all come to town at their chance to see Y/N for the first time in years. Y/N wasn’t upset with Lydia at all, she’d been there for Y/N more times than she could count. This whole secret was bound to come to a head eventually, and her father would be laughing in his grave that he’d been the domino that started Stiles finding out about his daughter. She was certain that Charlotte could feel how anxious Y/N was, she hadn’t put up a fight brushing her teeth or going to bed last night- one of her favorite nighttime activities.
The time to meet Stiles at the coffee shop came too soon for Y/N. The skies were still overcast, grey with the snow that was bound to fall.
She had wrapped up in a thick black parka, a simple black sweater and jeans adorning her body. She’d managed to fix her hair into tousled curls and even worn a bit of makeup-nothing too dramatic, but just enough to make her feel confident. She had arrived 30 minutes earlier than she was supposed to, ordering a coffee so she could keep watch for the familiar blue jeep at the nearly empty parking lot. Her empty coffee cup sat in front of her. Y/N debated getting another one, but her hands were already shaky from nerves. The bell over the door chimed and she glanced up to see Stiles walking in, his eyes scanning the tables before spotting her. She stood up and gave a little half wave before abruptly sitting back down with the thought that he was about to tear into her. She was still blown away by how different he appeared. He held himself taller, shoulders rolled back and his shoulders broad. He had grown into the man that Y/N had only caught glimpses of as teenagers. He nodded in acknowledgement, but moved first to the counter where a teenager was sat behind the register on his phone, his unenthusiastic stature at being at work on an early Thursday morning obvious. Y/N twiddled her thumbs while she waited for Stiles. He took his time at the counter for his drink, either to try and stretch out her anxiety or to give himself an extra minute of gathering his thoughts. When the cashier didn’t bother calling out Stiles’ name in favor of just passing him the plain black coffee, Stiles finally ambled to the small table she’d chosen to sit at, right next to the window where cold air was pulsing off of. She was glad for the cool air, it helped her overheated body, despite the only shirt she was wearing being thin. Stiles, on the other hand, wore a deep green Henley, a thick plaid jacket, and dark jeans with the same work boots from yesterday, but he still felt as though cold permeated every layer. Tension filled the space between, Stiles spinning his coffee cup in a circle while Y/N peered at him from under her lashes, trying to decipher his body language. Would he tell her that he was going to fight her for custody? Or would he ask that she pretend she never saw him? Despite having had years to prepare, and many conversations between her and Lydia, Y/N didn’t know which she would prefer, or which would hurt more. “How long are you in town for?” His voice was almost husky, like he either hadn’t used it at all. She swallowed before she answered, changing her gaze to the parking lot again so she wouldn’t have to keep staring at him. “Just long enough to get the house on the market, and then I’m getting back home.” He nodded and brought the cup to his lips, holding it there before setting it back down on the table, unsipped. He still hadn't looked Y/N in the eyes and she could feel her body twitch in anticipation. His eyes flicked up for just a moment,  finally catching hers before dropping back to his coffee. "You're looking at me the same way you did when you told me my dad had been taken by the Darach." Y/N's wall of fear cracked just bit, thinking back on how scared she had been telling Stiles. She'd thought he was going to be angry with her for not stopping it somehow-even though they hadn't even known what they'd been up against at that point. He'd done the opposite- taken her into his arms and kissing the top of her head and holding her tight. She ached to feel that reassurance now. "I'm sorry." She breathed out, intending on resting a hand either on his own or his arm-anything. But the moment her hand started to lift across the table he'd jerked his own back-Leaving her to settle it back in her lap awkwardly. She bit her lip and turned her attention back to the parking lot-it was easier to remember what she wanted to say when she wasn't looking at how her presence was effecting Stiles. "I know that what you think I did was… unforgivable." Stiles scoffed but she continued on. "Back when I first found out… We were just teenagers, and you had this whole plan for everything-" "That's not true!" Stiles interjected, one hand raised to stop her. She turned her gaze back to him, one eyebrow raised. "I mean… maybe I had a plan but it wasn't like it was set in stone." "Stiles- you had our first apartment when we could live off campus picked out-down to the floor we'd live on and the first dog breed we would get." Stiles scoffed again, his arm falling back to the table in resignation. "It was just a plan." He pouted, and Y/N recognized Charlotte in the motion. She had to look away again to continue on. "I just… couldn't bring myself to derail this whole perfect life you had planned." She told him quietly, thinking back to how isolated she'd felt trying to keep it a secret. Stiles felt anger overflowing once again. "It should have been a decision that we made together." He told her firmly, trying to focus on the burning of the coffee cup in his hands to distract himself. Since he'd found out about Charlotte- he'd gone through a myriad of emotions. Lots of shock, anger, heartbreak, the brief excitement that he'd get to meet this whole tiny human that was half him, fear that she would disappear without saying anything and he'd never see her again, circling back to anger that Y/N had hidden this. He was scared to be mad at Y/N, he didn't want to make her afraid with the knowledge that she could disappear. He'd let her go before- so heartbroken when she'd told him she'd cheated and didn't love him that he didn't try to find her. But now? Now there was a child she had hidden from him, not even given him the option of knowing about her. As he glared down at her, he recognized the pattern of someone making themselves smaller under scrutiny. She had dropped her shoulders and eyes, her hands lacing together in her lap. He knew the signs that she was scared already- but he was so angry. "I knew you'd drop everything to take care of her…" Y/N whispered out. "I would have done anything for you." He pleaded in a hushed tone. Another tactic he'd learned-mimicking their tone and body language so they'd feel more comfortable. He slid one of his hands halfway across the table, almost gripping the edge, not quite at Y/N but close enough that she'd see he was trying. "Stiles- you deserved everything that you had worked for- how could I be the one to take that away from you?" She implored, lifting her eyes to the ceiling before dropping to hold his gaze. He hated that after so long-after everything-even now, when she held eye contact with him he felt his anger and resolve melting. Her eyes had always been a window to her soul as he'd once told her. He could look in them and pick out every emotion she was feeling. Regret, fear- he could see that she was trying to urge him to understand her. "That wasn't your choice, Y/N- I deserved a say." Y/N shook her head- the eye contact broke. "Look at how far you've come!" She tried, waving a hand up and down him. "I wanted you to live a full, happy, successful life." He threw his hands up in exasperation, his patience growing short. "You decided that without me- we could have figured this out together. But now I'm just finding out purely on accident." He pointed an accusing finger. "If I hadn't come over-would you have ever told me?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she leaned back in her chair, caught off guard. Her mouth opened once, and then twice before stuttering out an answer. "I-I don't know." He smacked his hands on the table, startling her and the barista, who leaned up in his chair to stare over at them. Stiles took a breath to try and reign his anger in. "I have never in my life been so enraged and disappointed in someone e before." "It's not like I haven't thought about it!" She defended. "I look at Charlotte every day and wonder when she's going to ask about her dad. And I'm going to be the bad guy and tell her that I'm the reason she doesn't have one." "Stop it, Y/N!" Stiles' voice raised. "You keep saying that like I'm not alive or-or-or allowed to see her." Y/N straightened up, and he could see the wall building between them again- she was pulling back. "No, absolutely not. You do not get to take her away!" Y/N stood up abruptly. "You don't even know her." Stiles stood up as well, almost knocking back the chair. "Yeah well who's fault is that?" He spat out. She gave him a condemning look while gathering her bag and jacket off the back of the chair. "Hey man, do I need to the call the cops?" The guy behind the counter called out, both of their attention turning to him. "No!" They yelled at the same time. Their eyes flew back to each other, but Y/N fled from their alcove. Stiles watched her go, taking a long drink of coffee. When the front door had closed behind her, he turned back to the barista, who had stood up when Y/N stormed away. "Good coffee." Stiles mumbled to him. The kid, who had to be barely younger than himself, fixed him with a disdainful stare. Stiles nodded his head towards the direction Y/N had gone in. "She secretly had our baby. You know how it goes." He tossed his half empty cup in the trash before racing after Y/N.She'd made it to her car, dropping her keys in her hurry to get out of there. It was a mistake-it had all been a mistake. Stiles had brought to light the side that she didn't want to see. That she'd done the exactly wrong thing. And now he was going to take Charlotte away. Her sweet, smart daughter who she'd given up everything for. "Y/N- stop. Just wait." Stiles called from the door of the coffee shop. "Don't run away again!" She froze with her car door half open. It was freezing outside- she had rushed out the door so fast that she didn't put on her jacket. Stiles jogged to her, stopping at the rear of her car. "Please don't do this." She pleaded, and he'd barely heard her over the wind whistling through the parking lot. "Do what?" "Take her away from me, Stiles. She's my daughter, she's all that I have." Y/N wrapped her arms around herself, the cold seeping bone deep. "Are you all that she has?" He asked, shrugging his jacket off without thinking about it to wrap around her shoulders. He didn't care about the cold anymore, he just needed her to stay and listen. "What?" Y/N asked, adjusting the jacket to block the wind. "If something happens to you, who's going to take care of Charlotte?" Y/N's mouth formed an o. She couldn't exactly tell him that if she died, Lydia would take care of Charlotte. That would be the next betrayal on his list. Stiles continued on before she could come up with a suitable answer. "You said the reason you didn't tell me was because you knew I'd drop everything to help you raise her." He took a step closer. "And you think I won't still do that?" He prodded, lifting a hand to her shoulder. Y/N was biting her lip and staring at the coffee shop they'd just come from, burning tears in her eyes. "I don't want to take her away from you… I just want to be a part of her life. I'm her dad, for fucks sake." She raised her eyes to his face, analyzing him. He searched her eyes to try and read what she was feeling, but it was like they were made of brick instead of glass. She leaned away from him, resting her back against the closed car door. "Stiles, what if you decide that being a parent isn't for you? It's more than just cuddling on the couch, or going to school for the talent show, it's long nights of crying and cleaning up her puke and being stern when she needs me to be." "Oh there's puke involved? Yeah, that doesn't sound like something I'd be into." Stiles mumbled sarcastically, shooting a cheesy grin at Y/N as he felt her start to give in just a little bit. She shot him with a stern look, although there was a crack of a smile. "I'm being serious, Stiles. If you say you're in, it's for life. I don't want you to take this easily. I want you to really think about it." Stiles nodded quickly. He stepped closer to Y/N as though he were going to hug her, but she held a hand against his chest to  stop him just short of wrapping his arms around her. "Stiles, I mean it. This is her life. She is my daughter and I will do everything I can to protect her from heartbreak. This will change your entire life, and I'm trying to give you an out." Stiles dropped the excited act at her hand on his chest and the serious look she was giving him. "I don't want an out." He told her honestly. She pursed her lips and looked into her car, giving him a light push so she could open the back door. She shrugged off his jacket and passed it back to him, lifting her own from the back seat and pulling it on before digging around in the bag she'd brought and producing a plain manila folder. She bumped the door shut with her hip and held the folder out. "What's this?" He asked, one hand taking a corner gingerly as she eased it into his hands. Her eyes didn't leave the folder. "It's a termination of parental rights form." She explained. He flipped it open in disbelief, scanning the top lines before scoffing and holding it back to her, tilting his head towards the sky to will the tears that sprung to his eyes back down. "I'm not signing it." She took the folder from him but stepped closer to him. "Stiles. Hey, look at me." He didn't do as she asked, so she brought her hand to his face, cupping her hand around his cheek and tilting him to look her straight on. Y/N saw the tears gathering in his eyes and her heart broke. She didn't say anything for a moment, allowing herself to run her fingers along his jawline and to tuck a stray piece of hair behind his ear. She ghosted the palm of her hand to neck, resting it there while they held eye contact. "I don't want you to sign this. But I want you to be 100% sure. Not 75, not 99, 100. If you have any inkling of doubt, or that you want to forget this happened and walk away and have a happy life with-" She was going to say without us- but she couldn't bring the words to her mouth. "With Hannah, then sign the papers. No one will be upset with you." She trailed her hand from his neck to his cheek, tracing his jawline again- the beard was scratchy against her palm, but underneath it was the same Stiles she had fallen so deeply in love with that she'd let him go. “Don’t do this because you think we need you. We are fine. Charlotte has a happy life.” He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers, breathing in deeply. God, the words I still love you were on the tip of her tongue, but she bit her lip as hard as she could. Unbeknownst to her, Stiles was fighting the urge to say the same thing. How could he tell that to the person who had hidden such a huge thing from him? Who had betrayed him? She pressed the papers against his chest again, and he moved a hand to hold them there, burning against him. He would never sign the papers. But he did it to appease her, to assure her that he was taking this seriously. She pulled away from him, giving him one last sad look before swinging her car door open. He gave her space to back off, staring disdainfully at the folder in his hand while she drove off.
The Stilinski household was quiet when Stiles walked through the door. A quick peek around the living room revealed his dad sitting at the kitchen table, the lone swinging light above being the only thing illuminating the house. “Hey, Stiles.” His Dad called out without looking away from the papers. “How’d it go?” When Stiles had been practically carried through the door by Scott yesterday- after a long afternoon at the bar- Stiles had told his dad exactly what had happened. Noah was shocked, to say the least. Although, looking back at the last few times he'd seen Y/N's father, it was like the puzzle pieces were coming together. He thought the subtle "Y/N's going to be so alone when I'm gone… maybe you could reach out to her?" Had just seemed like the "I'm on the last legs of life will you please check on my daughter" requests-but knowing what he knew now…. Stiles ambled through his childhood home, the folder slightly wrinkled when he’d thrown it at his passenger door in frustration and then had to pick it up and shuffle the papers back in order. He dropped the folder in front of his dad on the table, collapsing into the chair next to him. Noah Stilinski raised an eyebrow at his son, flipping the folder open to read the first page. "Termination of Parental Rights" stared him in the face,  drawing a long sigh from his lips. “She wants you to sign this?” He asked, easing the folder closed again. Just leaving it open felt like speaking manifestation into the universe. Stiles groaned and flopped his head onto the kitchen table. “I don’t even know, Dad. I mean-she says she doesn’t want me to sign it but she’s acting like she doesn’t want me in her life either.” Noah pressed a hand to Stiles’ shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “What am I supposed to do, Dad?” Stiles pleaded. He brought his hands to rub at his face. He had a raging headache from yesterday, a mixture of dehydration from drinking too much, lack of sleep, stress, and several tears he’d shed when discussing it with his dad. “That’s a choice you have to make.” Stiles sat up, his shoulders still slouched. “You know what she said?” He asked rhetorically, giving his Dad a moment to look away from the folder to his eyes. “She said she did it because she didn’t want me to give everything up- like she didn’t do the exact same thing.” Noah’s posture melted as well. Never in his life did he think this would happen. Four years ago, he’d been so sure that Stiles and Y/N would end up together. And then that fateful summer night after graduation, Stiles had come home absolutely drunk and heartbroken, much like he had yesterday. Noah’s heart broke at Y/N’s excuse, and he brought his own hands up to steeple his forehead into. “Ohhh, Y/N.” He groaned. He was grateful to her, having a kid so young would have put his son in a completely different spot. But at the same time, he couldn’t imagine how he’d feel if Claudia had done the same thing. Stiles was his reason for living, he couldn’t imagine not having spent every moment possible with him growing up. “She was wrong, and I hate her.” Stiles made a fist and smacked it against the table, his anger coming back in another wave. “I should have known, I should have done something.” “Stiles-” His dad pulled his head from his hands to look at him. “I-God, I wish that Claudia were here. She’d know exactly what to say.” Stiles nodded, his hand bouncing off the table a few times in thought. “We both know what she’d want.” He slipped out before he could stop it. He set a hand on top of Stiles', keeping him from bouncing it again. “But this isn’t about what she’d want.” “I want to go back in time and do this all over again differently.” Stiles mumbled. “Is there any supernatural spell- that you can do? I mean-is time travel an option?” Noah asked earnestly, tilting his head and raising his eyebrows in a maybe that could work way. Stiles grinned but shook his head. “No, not that I’ve found.” “Then are you going to try making the best of it, or are you going to pretend you never found out and move on?” Stiles pursed his lips at his dad’s question. “We both know I won’t be able to just forget about it.” Noah nodded his head in understanding, secretly grateful. He didn’t know what he would have thought if Stiles had been leaning towards that. His son was the most caring, kind person he knew-though he’d never tell him that. Stiles would never let him live it down. “Then I think you’ve made your decision.” Stiles nodded, standing up from the table they only ever shared work at-rarely meals. A large smile shone on his face as he wrapped his arms around his Dad’s neck from behind, giving his head a teasing rub. “So, what do you want to be called, Pop-pop? Pappy? Maybe just stick with Grandpa?” Noah groaned, waving his hand at Stiles head to get him to stop messing up his hair. “When did I suddenly turn into an old man?” Stiles let go, practically skipping back towards his childhood room. “Exactly 2 days ago!” Stiles called out, the door slamming behind him. Jesus, when would he ever learn to stop doing that? “Pop-pop. Hmmmm.” He tested, rubbing his chin in contemplation. “Pop-pop it is!” “No, come on, there's gotta be a better one!"
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five hearts on the line | pjs
↬ series: tatts & cupcakes | chapter 14 ↬ pairing: park jongseong / jay x reader ft. all members + i-land k ↬ genre: enhypen single dad au | ceo!jay | single dad!jay | baker!reader | single mom!reader | fluff | slight angst ↬ navi: beginning | previous chapter | next | series masterlist ↬ warnings: some angst ↬ word count: 2.1k ↬ a/n (1/2):
i know that i said last chapter that this one wouldn’t be as angsty but then i started writing and it sorta just happened? so there’s some angst in this one (forgive me again my loves 🥺)
Hope was never a plan, only a direction. After all, you could hope for money and with that hope make a plan to get it. Or you could hope for your parent’s approval but actually getting it was a different process for everyone. Jay had hoped for a future with you and Ni-ki, he really did. It was the direction he saw the rest of his life going towards, you and him as the parents of three boys. He knew it was foolish of him to hope of such things when so much chaos had happened and it was still too early since you never actually put a label on the relationship, hence, why he was going to ask the “what are we?” question that night.
17 days, 20 hours, and 30 minutes was how long it had been since you last saw each other face to face. But who was counting? At this point, he was entering himself into self-given heartbreak and there was nothing he could do to stop it. The scent of your shampoo still lingered on the fibers of his pillowcase but he couldn’t bring himself to wash it away. When he closed his eyes he could still feel your head resting on his chest and your fingers trailing random patterns on his arms. Some days it seemed like he could still hear Ni-ki’s giggles mixed in with Sunoo and Jungwon’s. The boys were doing ok, they still talked to each other at school, and Jay would bring them to the bakery if they wanted something. But he no longer went inside. He’d tell his boys that he needed to take a call or send a quick email and instead would wait for them in the car but really, he was just too scared to see you because he knew that the second he saw you he’d fall back in love all over again. Or maybe that love never left and he’d instead be forced to acknowledge its existence. The door to his office opening brings Jay out of his thoughts, sounds of excitement from his sons greeting his ears.
“Thanks, man,” he said to Jake with a small smile. This situation felt familiar to him and it didn’t take long for him to realize that it was because the first time he heard about you was when Jake brought the boys to his office and you defended him against Minjoo’s grandmother.
“Can we sleepover at Ni-ki dongsaeng’s place tomorrow?” Jungwon asked. Tomorrow was Saturday meaning that he’d drop off the boys Saturday morning, see you, leave, pick up the boys Sunday morning, see you, and leave again.
“I’ll text his mom tonight.”
Later that night after the boys were put to bed and he was laying in his, he found himself constantly typing and deleting what he had initially written out. To his surprise, you had texted him first with a simple “hey” to which he responded the same. While sorting out the details of tomorrow, Jay couldn’t help the slight happiness filling him now having a reason to talk to you again.
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You couldn’t really place a name on the feelings coursing through your veins when you woke up on Saturday morning. Nerves, slight anxiousness, maybe even fear? While you were glad to be able to spend time with Sunoo and Jungwon, seeing Jay was a different story. The thought of seeing him again left you restless which led to constantly tossing and turning in bed, ultimately resulting in a sleepless night. When the morning came, you heard a knock on your door and upon opening it the boys greeted you before quickly rushing to Ni-ki’s room, leaving you alone with Jay. He looked like a mess, hair slightly messy, eyes somewhat bloodshot red, and lips chapped dry. You probably didn’t look any better either.
“Are you ok?” Upon saying it you realized what a dumb question it was. Only a little over two weeks had passed and two weeks wasn’t nearly enough to get over what happened. But if you were being honest with yourself, you weren’t sure if you’d ever get over it.
“Still processing, you?” Jay replied.
“Yeah, same here.” There was a sort of longing look in Jay’s eyes. That kind that told you he felt as if he wanted to say something but chose not to.
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” was all his reply before leaving.
Spending the day with three boys like Sunoo, Jungwon, and Ni-ki meant that they were eager to do whatever it was that you had planned for them. You had decided to try out new cake recipes and in the process using them as your little helpers and taste testers. While it did result in the boys getting cake mix all over their clothes and a little on their faces, their smiles of happiness and giggles of joy were well worth the cleanup after. When night came and you were tucking the boys into bed, you felt a hand grab yours. Seeing that it was Sunoo’s, you smiled,
“What’s up, bubs?”
“I don’t want Appa to pick us up tomorrow, I wanna stay with Eomma.”
“Eomma?” you asked. He nodded with a pout,
“Minjoo said that living together makes you a family and we lived together which makes you our Eomma, not our Noona! But because you and Ni-ki left he said you and Appa got divorced and you chose Ni-ki instead of me and Jungwon.” Tears started to fall from Sunoo’s eyes as he continued, “Wae, Eomma? Can’t you keep me and Jungwon-ah too?”
“Sunoo, I…” what were you even supposed to tell him? This was a conversation you shouldn’t be having with just the boys alone, after all, Jay needed to be here since they were his boys. Jungwon ended up waking up and crying too at the sight of his hyung crying which led to a confused Ni-ki. As you hugged the boys and rubbed their backs, your ears were met with blubbers of “Eomma” and “Eomma stay.” You didn’t know how long it took for them to calm down and finally head to sleep but once they did, you knew that you needed to talk to Jay now. Your hand trembled a little when holding your phone but as you heard Jay’s voice, you felt somewhat calmed.
“Everything ok?” he asked, sounding like he had just woken up. Letting out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding,
“Can you come over?” Hearing some shuffling from his side of the line,
“I’m on my way.”
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When Jay got to your apartment it was nearing midnight. Without thinking, your hand took his and you led him to your room so that the boys wouldn’t wake up. Looking up at him,
“We need to talk.” He brought a hand up and rubbed the back of his neck nervously,
“I figured.”
“Sunoo and Jungwon called me eomma.” Jay’s eyes went wide,
“They what?”
“Minjoo, remember the kid with the nosey grandma?” you looked at him and saw him nod then continued, “He told the boys that living together makes you a family. Since me and Ni-ki lived with you guys that led them to the conclusion that I shouldn’t be called Noona, I’m their Eomma. Because Ni-ki and I don’t live with you anymore they thought we got divorced and that I chose Ni-ki over them. Jay, what do we do?” Silence washed over the room as Jay furrowed his eyebrows until finally,
“I lied,” Jay said. Looking at him confused you wanted to ask what had he lied about but he continued, “the night that your mom called. I lied and I’ve been regretting it ever since,” he finished. You racked your mind trying to remember what went on before your mom called and then you remembered. It was the conversation you two had about “like-liking” each other. He had lied then?
“W-what?” you can’t stop the stutter that escapes you as your mind tries to process that Jay lied to you.
“I lied.”
“That night, you asked me if I like-like you and I said yes. But I didn’t because what is this, high school?”
“Oh.” It came out just barely above a whisper out of millions of words to exist in the world, “oh” was the only thing you could bring yourself to say.
Was it a lie every time he called you love?
Was it a lie whenever he’d hold your hand and give it a reassuring squeeze?
Was it a lie the nights he’d run his hands through your hair and talk about how happy he was you were with him?
Had you been led on this entire time?
Then you couldn’t but think that maybe it was karma.
You didn’t think about how Sunoo and Jungwon would be affected with your presence there only for it to be gone after a few weeks.
You didn’t think about how to explain to Ni-ki the whole situation with K and instead downplayed it.
You didn’t think at all because you were too damn caught up in feeling.
Maybe it was your fault for hoping.
Jay’s next words are enough to get you out of your thoughts and back to reality. As they make themselves known to your ears, your eyes are near to tears.
“I lied because how the hell was I supposed to tell you that I love you?”
“Jay, you can’t be serious? Y-you can’t just love me!”
“I didn’t,” he sighed and brought his hand up to rub his forehead, “I didn’t say it just to hear it back from you. But we both know there’s no damn way we’ll ever go back to being normal or just friends because we never were in the first place.” Jay was right and you knew it. If anything you wanted to laugh a little at how foolish it was for the two of you to just somehow develop feelings so early on after meeting each other. Though neither of you had actually said the l-word out loud until Jay did just now, you had felt it in so many ways. It was exchanged in all the stolen glances and late-night cuddles. It was there the mornings you and Jay rushed to get the boys to school and the nights they’d plead for “just one more” bedtime story. It lingered on through the hopes you had for what one day could be your future like surprise visiting Jay’s office during lunchtime and bringing food using the excuse of, “I tried some new recipes and wanted you to taste it before I sold it,” or even one day having the privilege of being called Sunoo and Jungwon’s mom. But those were fleeting moments and hope wasn’t a plan, it was merely a direction.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” you muttered.
“Give us a chance.”
“What happens if we break up, Jay? What happens if Won and Sunoo want to stop by the bakery for some cupcakes but they can’t because you and I can no longer face each other? What happens when it’s not just you and I heartbroken, it’s the kids too? There are five hearts on the line here.”
“And I’ll do everything in my power to protect each and every one of them.”
“What happens if you can’t?” You felt Jay hold your hand and after missing his touch for so long, you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away.
“What happens when I can? What happens when this lasts just like I believe it will? What happens when,” you feel his thumb rub your ring finger and hear him take in a deep breath as he continues, “I put a ring on this hand and the two of us are facing each other at the altar? What happens when the five of us are taking trips to Brunei and Japan in the summer and all the other places we wanna explore together?” You wanted to believe Jay, wanted to one day fulfill all of the things that he talked about. But you couldn’t put this want into words and instead chose to answer him through action. Bringing a hand up to his shirt collar you pulled him closer to you and met his lips with yours. Unlike your first kiss with Jay or the brief ones you exchanged from time to time that were filled with passion, this one was filled with possessiveness. You could feel it in how his arms wrapped around you, holding you close to his chest as if he were scared that you’d fall into a black hole if he let go. You displayed it in how one hand of yours clung onto his shirt while the other cupped his face in hopes of keeping him here. Hope was never a plan, only a direction. But as you close your eyes breathing in Jay’s scent and reveling in the taste of him, you were desperately wishing this would be the right direction.
↬ a/n (2/2):
the end. JKJK this chapter isn’t the finale it’s the next one & i have no clue how i’m gonna wrap this story up-
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stufftippywrote · 3 years
not an astronaut
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This is based off a personal experience. Tw for fat-shaming, homophobia, and general assholery from an asshole kid.
The bell rings cheerfully as Bitty steps through the doorway. This was one of his favorite places when he was younger. The eclectic curios, every shape and size and color, packing the shelves were an endless source of fascination for young Eric Bittle, and the owners were friends of the family, so they knew Bitty well and didn't freak out when he picked up a ceramic pepper shaker or glass figurine and held it in his hands like an ancient treasure.
He walks through the store with that same sense of wonder now, 30 years later, and brushes his hand reverently over the shelves. They’re not looking for anything in particular today, but Bitty has told Jack about this place so many times, he simply couldn’t help but visit. Besides, you never know when you might find the perfect accent piece for the new home.
Chicken-shaped serving bowls, a porcelain figurine of a girl dancing, a set of silverware in a dusty wooden case. Bitty is spoiled for choice. As he browses, there’s a movement at the back of the store, and he catches a glimpse of someone hauling boxes through a door. He wonders who runs the place now. The sign still says Thompson’s Antiques, but he knows Mrs. Thompson passed and Mr. Thompson is getting on in years. Could it be that…
A prickle of fear runs through him.
The figure in the back drags the box to a nearby aisle and starts unpacking it, placing items on a low shelf. Bitty’s curiosity overflows. He moseys into that aisle and begins to speak, but the man raises his head before he can get a word out. He has to catch his breath all over again.
The man’s face goes slack. “I know you,” he blurts.
Eric puts his hands on his hips and gives a bright smile. “Davey Thompson. So you’re here after all!”
“Davey, this is Eric. Eric, this is our little boy Davey.” Mrs. Thompson’s smile is bright as she urges her son forward. “Why don’t you two go play at the playground while Mommy and her friend talk?”
The kid is tough-looking, with ruddy cheeks and a thick build. Eric reaches out his hand to lead Davey along the way. The minute they’re out of earshot, Davey snatches his hand back like he’s just touched a hot stove. Eric turns, surprised.
“You’re fat,” Davey says.
Eric blinks.
“You look dumb,” Davey adds on. And thus a quote-unquote “friendship” was born.
Davey stands up. He still has the same tinted cheeks and stocky build that Bitty remembers, but his face is sunken somehow, and he’s built up muscle where baby fat used to linger on his arms and shoulders. He’s got a tattoo on one arm – a Japanese koi fish, mid-splash.
“Nice ink,” Bitty comments.
And Davey Thompson, for possibly the first time in his life, smiles at Bitty. “Thanks.”
“The shop looks nice,” Bitty says, surveying the shelf like it’s his domain. “Hasn’t changed much since I used to come here.”
“You’re – you’re Eric Bittle, right?” Davey says, sounding almost scared of the answer. “From school?”
“From way before school,” Bitty responds. “You’re looking good.”
“Uh. Thanks. Same to you.” Davey looks uncertain, almost sheepish. There’s a moment of awkward silence. Davey tries to break it. “Um. So. What are you –”
He doesn’t seem to have the strength, or the will, to come up with the rest of the sentence. Bitty picks it up. “I’m a pastry chef,” he says. “I have a bakery and I cater, and I’ve put out three cookbooks. Can you imagine that?”
Davey looks kind of stunned. “Wow,” he says slowly. “Good for you. Where’s the bakery?”
“Up in New England. Providence, Rhode Island, to be exact.”
Davey snaps his fingers. “That’s right, you went to college up there. For hockey, wasn’t it?”
Bitty takes a swing at the ball. He misses, and it goes tumbling behind him into the net.
“Hah, you’re the worst goalie,” Davey says.
Somehow, Bitty finds the courage to say, “Let me play forward.” But his words are swallowed by the passing of a car on the cross street.
“You be goalie.” Bitty gives the phrase all the menace he’s got in an eight-year-old body.
Davey laughs, a cruel laugh that sounds like ripping paper in Bitty’s ears. “Why? I can score on you all I want. That’s why we made you goalie.”
Resentment simmers like a low sun in Bitty’s gut. He wants to challenge Davey to play him on actual ice. He knows Davey can’t skate. As bad as he is, Bitty can’t possibly lose to him there. But the words stay stuck inside, plastered to the inside of his stomach, making him feel sick.
“Worst goalie ever,” Kevin chimes in.
“The worst, the wooooorst,” all four of them sing to him.
Bitty crouches low and is glad they can’t see much through the oversized goalie mask. Someday, he thinks, someday I’m gonna get them.
“Something like that,” Bitty answers easily. “And you’ve been here running the store?”
“Pretty much.” He doesn’t look very proud of that fact.
“I remember you used to say you were going to be an astronaut.”
“Ah, well –” The rose tint on Davey’s cheeks grows a shade deeper. “We were kids. I figure I missed my shot to make something of myself.”
All of Bitty’s nurturing instincts come alive. “Don’t say that. You’re doing well. Doing good, honest work. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Nah, man. It was just the easiest thing to do, once Mom got sick. I had to be here for her, and I … just stayed.”
Bitty gazes at him. This isn’t the attitude he expected from Davey Thompson, not in the slightest. He seems so defeated, as though Bitty’s arrival has reminded him of everything he isn’t. Bitty doesn’t want to be that for him, but he doesn’t think he has a choice in the matter. He quashes the small, self-satisfied demon that’s cackling in the back of his head. He’s not that kid anymore, either.
Just then, the chimes jingle at the front of the store. The babbling voice of a young child brightens the room. “Ah,” Bitty says, “there they are. He had to keep them outside a while before they calmed down. Little kids just work themselves up into a dither sometimes.” He offers an apologetic smile to Davey and retreats down the aisle toward the front of the store.
Suze is quiet, but it’s clear she was crying her eyes out earlier. She hangs on to her Papa with a fierce fist. Robby’s eyes are bugging out at the sight of the store. “What’s that?” he keeps asking, tugging on Jack’s slacks. Jack himself looks a little the worse for wear, but happy. That kind of tired-happy that they see in each other’s faces every night once the kids are in bed.
“Come on, Rob,” Bitty says, holding out his hands. “Want to see Daddy’s favorite store?”
Robby holds out his hands to be picked up. Bitty obliges, despite the warning creak of his back. He turns to take Robby further into the store and sees Davey standing there, staring them down.
He points. “I know you, too.”
“Ah, here we go,” Bitty says with a laugh.
“Were you in school with us? I don’t think that’s right, but—”
Jack holds out his hand for a shake. “Jack Zimmermann,” he says. “And you are?”
“My old friend Davey,” Bitty fills in. He can’t help but put a pointed emphasis on the friend part.
Davey clasps Jack’s hand but doesn’t seem to want to let go. “You’re Jack Zimmermann? The hockey player?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
Davey pumps Jack’s hand about four more times before finally letting go. “It’s – it’s good to meet you.” He looks at Suze, still curled up in Jack’s other arm. “And these are your kids? Or—” He turns to Bitty, face contorted in confusion. “Are they your kids?”
“Both,” Bitty answers cheerily. “Davey, meet my husband.”
Davey Thompson very nearly has a coronary right there.
“Hah, you’re just small all over, aren’t you?” Davey says with a pointed glance at Bitty’s crotch.
“You can’t help how you’re born,” Bitty retorts, but he pulls up his boxers right quick.
“Yeah, some people are just born stupid,” Davey agrees. Bitty instantly regrets replying at all.
Kyle whispers something in Davey’s ear. They both laugh.
“You’re right,” Davey says. He turns back to Bitty. “He’s right. They do say things about you.”
Bitty’s heart drops to his stomach. “W-what things?”
“You know! That you’re—” Davey flaps his wrist.
He doesn’t seem to have the nerve to say the word, but he doesn’t have to say it. The others in the locker room laugh.
For not the first time, Bitty is tempted to just ask, “So what if I am?” But he can’t. Not to these people. This isn’t how he wants his coming out to happen. So he just turns away and pulls on his sweatpants, ignoring the rills of laughter that echo against the lockers, and feels small. Small all over.
Davey recovers from his shock and nods his head rapidly. “Oh, I get it. Uh, congratulations. Uh, Bittle, could I talk to you a sec?”
He has that sheepish look again. Bitty watches as he retreats into one of the side aisles. “Gimme a sec,” he tells Jack, setting Robby down, and follows Davey.
When they're isolated, Davey turns to him sorrowfully. “I, uh—” Davey looks at the floor. “I was pretty mean to you in school.”
It isn’t what Bitty expected, not at all. To be honest, demons in the back of his head aside, this sort of thing doesn’t bother him so much anymore. Why should it? He’s married with two kids and a brand new home. He doesn’t spare a lot of time thinking about the distant past. “Um,” he starts, suddenly terribly embarrassed.
“No, let me—” Davey raises a hand. “Just let me. I said a lot of nasty things to you back then. I’m really sorry about it. I think about it a lot, and I’m just – I’m really sorry.”
There is a piece of Bitty that’s happy, even smug, at hearing this apology. But mostly he just pities Davey at this point. What a thing to carry around your whole life. “We were kids,” Bitty says. “Kids say dumb things. It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Still.” Davey says.
“I can’t say it didn’t hurt me,” Bitty goes on. “But I turned out okay, don’t you think?”
Davey laughs grimly “Yeah, look at you … and look at me.” He shrugs.
“You seem to be doing all right,” Bitty says charitably.
“I’m not an astronaut,” Davey says.
Bitty laughs. “Neither am I. We’re all good.” He pats Davey on the shoulder. A moment passes between them, silent, as they both listen to the sound of the past giving way to a new, kinder present.
After the moment passes, Bitty grins “Come on, I’m going to introduce you to my kids. Do you have kids?”
Davey flushes. “Yeah, I got a teenager. A real smartass. I wonder where he learned it.”
“Pictures!” Bitty declares. “Get that phone out, I demand pictures.”
Davey struggles to pull his phone out of his jeans pocket. This time, he flushes with pride. He narrates the story of each photo as they walk back toward the front.
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fanficbitch · 3 years
In Another Life // Jane Emily
A/N: The first child between Y/N and Hotch!
Aaron Hotchner x y/n
September 2013
The level of uncomfort I am feeling is indescribable. It hurts when I lay on my side, it hurts when I lay on my back, it hurts to sit. Just everything is painful. I don’t know how people do this multiple times. This might have to be my only pregnancy. 
Aaron has been out on a case for the last four days and I am practically useless. So Jess has been coming over to help and take care of Jack. I don’t know how we would survive without her.
Jess left me propped up against the headboard by at least four pillows. I am nearly sitting up. However, this just happens to be the best position that I have found. I glance at my clock and see that it is nearly 2 in the morning. I have to get some sleep, but I don’t feel that happening soon.
To my surprise, the door to my bedroom opens to reveal Aaron. “What are you still doing up?” he asks as he walks in.
“I can’t sleep. I’m too uncomfortable,” I whine. Aaron gives me a sympathetic look then begins to undress from his suit. “How was the case?”
“A little complicated. We were stumped for a while till Reid had a genius moment and figured it out.”
I chuckle slightly. “He’s quite good at that, isn’t he?”
Once Aaron has his pajamas on he gets into bed and properly greets me with a kiss. “Now, how have you been?”
“Honestly,” he confirms.
“I have just been miserable. I can’t sleep or sit properly,” I say then place my hands on my stomach. “I just need this baby out.”
“It should only be a few more days,” Aaron assures me.
“Your time off starts now right?” I ask and he nods. Although him and I both know that he could still be called in at any minute.
Aaron scoots closer to me so he can place his hand on my belly. Almost immediately, I feel kicks at the top of my stomach. Aaron smiles while I wince in pain. “I’m glad you’re enjoying this,” I mutter.
“You have to admit she knows her daddy,” Aaron smiles. A true smile from him. I am lucky and see them more than most people do, but every time I see one I am overjoyed.
I place my hand on his cheek and his eyes meet mine. “This baby has no idea just how lucky she is,” I say.
“I was thinking the same thing,” Aaron says. He leans in and kisses me slowly until the kicking starts again. I place my hand on top of his hand that rests on my belly.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” I whisper into his hair.
“Me too,” he smiles.
When I wake up, it’s to a jolt of pain. With my eyes closed, I reach my hand out and try to find my boyfriend’s hand. After a moment of searching, I open my eyes and see that no one is there.
I check my clock and see that it is almost 7 in the morning, which means Aaron is already knee deep in emails.
I hoist myself out of bed and waddle down the stairs. I find Aaron exactly where I expect to find him, in his office. I peek inside and see him intently staring at his computer with his glasses on. “Hey,” I whisper as I walk in the doorway.
“Hey,” he says and whips off his glasses. He quickly gets up and leads me out of the office and into the living room then onto the couch. Once I’m settled, Aaron takes the other side of the couch. “How was your night?” 
I sigh. “It was rough. I had contractions nearly the whole night, but they’re at least a half hour apart and not lasting very long.”
“Okay, well do you want me to make you some breakfast?”
“Always,” I smile.
“On it,” Aaron says and gives me a kiss before heading to the kitchen.
I manage to get a magazine off the coffee table and flip through it for a few minutes, then I get bored. I move to the dining room so I can overlook Aaron in the kitchen as he makes breakfast.
“So, how has work been today?” I ask.
“I’m on vacation,” Aaron tells me.
“Listen honey, we can do this whole thing where we both pretend you aren’t working, but know you are. Or we can just talk about it,” I say as he bites his bottom lip in thought. “I really don’t mind. I like hearing about work.”
“Well in that case, Morgan is taking over for me while I’m gone and he was just asking a few questions,” he says as he butters my toast. “He says he’s going to do his best not to bother us these next two weeks.”
“Hmm, okay,” I hum.
“What?” Aaron asks as he slides the toast in front of me then sits next to me.
“I just don’t think there is anyway you can stay away from work for that long,” I say. “If Morgan doesn’t call you I’m sure you’ll lend your services.”
“That is not true,” he fights back. I raise my eyebrows at him, but still continue to eat my toast. But halfway through my first piece, pain pierces through my stomach. I lean over and clutch my stomach with one hand while my other one finds Aaron’s hand. “Just breathe through it,” Aaron coos and I do. It’s over within 30 seconds, but it was still painful.
I look up and meet his eyes once it’s over. “Are you sure these aren’t braxton hicks?” Aaron asks.
“I’m sure. These are way stronger than ones I’ve gotten earlier,” I say and he nods.
Just then, a sleepy Jack turns into the dining room, still in his pajamas. “Hey buddy,” Aaron says.
“Hey,” Jack croaks then sits at his seat. “Could I have breakfast please?”
“Yes, I will get you some cereal,” Aaron says then runs off to the kitchen. Jack’s sleepy expression quickly turns to happy when he realizes what we’re getting close to.
“Could she come today?” Jack asks excitedly.
“She could,” I say with a nod.
“Can you please, please, please tell me her name?” he begs.
“We aren’t set on anything,” Aaron says as he returns to the dining room with the cereal. Jack looks back at me from his dad and I give him a wink. I’d say we’re pretty set on the name, Aaron just doesn’t completely know that yet. 
Jack quickly finishes his cereal then goes upstairs to get changed. Aaron slips on shoes even though he is still wearing his pajamas. “You’re taking him to school like that?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?”
“It’s just an interesting choice for someone who usually wears a suit everyday,” I say. “At least I won’t have to worry about any soccer moms hitting on you.”
“I think they’ve learned better by now,” Aaron says as Jack runs down the steps with his bag. “Okay, buddy let’s go,” Aaron says as he ushers him to the garage.
“Bye Jack!” I call.
“Bye Mom!” he calls back and then the door shuts. I’m still not completely used to Jack calling me mom, but I still love it.
I get myself out of the dining room chair then waddle towards the steps. Before I can even get up one step, a gush of water spreads down my legs. Oh no.
Luckily, it did not take Aaron long to get back. Once he got home, we both sprang into action and grabbed our things then got in the car. 
I got checked in relatively quickly and am currently sitting in my hospital bed. The contractions just keep getting closer and closer together. I know she’s coming soon.
“Aaron,” I say because he is across the room talking to the doctor. He quickly leaves the doctor and comes to my side. “Hold my hand,” I say, nearly begging.
“Of course,” he says and takes my hand. 
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“The doctor is going to check to see how far along you are,” he says and I nod.
Dr. Larson soon pops out from my lower parts with a smile. “Okay, Mama it’s time to push. Are you ready?”
I look to Aaron before responding. He gives me a reassuring nod which gives me more confidence then he’ll ever know. “Let’s do this,” I say.
I lightly coo to the new bundle of joy that rests in my arms. I try to be as quiet as possible because Y/N just fell asleep. 
I slowly rock my arms back and forth as my baby stares up at me. She’s calm and quiet, just like her dad. She let out a few cries the moment she was born, but since then she’s been quiet as a mouse. Her eyes flutter open and close, showing me her beautiful brown eyes. 
I glance up at my girlfriend again. I can’t believe we created something so precious. I forgot that feeling when you have a newborn, but it’s all coming back. The warmth, the wholeness, the pureness. I can’t believe I have gone eight years without this feeling.
There is a soft knock at the door, then Jessica pokes her head in. “Can you take a visitor?” she asks and I raise my eyebrow, unsure. She pushes the door open a little wider and Jack carefully steps into the room. Jessica closes the door again to give us some privacy. 
“Can I see her?” Jack asks softly and I nod. He comes the rest of the way over and stares down at her. “She’s really small.”
“You were this small once,” I whisper. We both stare down at her for a moment while she sleeps. 
“Can I have my baby back?” I hear from behind Jack. Y/N has woken up from her very short nap, but has her arms held out for a baby.
“I wanted you to sleep a little longer,” I say as I stand up slowly.
“I can’t,” Y/N says. “This bed is lumpy.”
Finally, Y/N notices Jack and shows a large smile. “Jack! Did you get to meet your sister yet?”
“Yeah, but she’s sleeping,” he says.
Y/N scoots over to make a small empty space on the bed. “Come up here,” Y/N says. Jack hops up on the bed so he is squeezed next to Y/N. “Do you want to hold her?”
Jack nods excitedly. “Okay,” I say as I place her in Jack’s arms. “Make sure you support her head,” I add. Once the nerves go away, I realize my heart is bursting. The three people I love most in the world all in one place.
“Can I know her name now please?” Jack begs.
I look down at Y/N and smile which is all the confirmation she needs. “Okay,” Y/N says. “Her name is-,”
“Hi!” I hear from the doorway. Garcia is standing with a large bouquet of balloons. “Can I come in?”
“Yes, come in,” I say and she does. Garcia sets the balloon holder on the ground then slowly walks up to the bed. She looks down at our baby for a moment, then covers her mouth. 
“Oh my gosh, she is just beautiful!” Garcia says.
“Well we think so,” I say as I stare down at her. She begins to fuss in her swaddle then lets out a loud wail. Y/N takes our baby from Jack then sighs.
“I think she’s hungry,” Y/N says. 
“Okay, we’ll give you guys a minute,” Garcia says then leads Jack out of the room. Before I know it, Y/N is already feeding our baby. I sit on the edge of the bed and place my hand Y/N’s leg.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/N chuckles.
I shake my head in disbelief. “I’m just so happy,” I say. “I am also so proud of you. I can’t believe you brought this beautiful, little girl into our lives.”
Y/N smiles down at her. “She is pretty perfect.”
I lean forward all the way and give her a kiss. “You’re perfect,” I whisper.
“Oh, Aaron,” Y/N laughs.
The more I think about it, the more I realize my whole life is perfect. I have a beautiful wife, two healthy children and a stable job. There is nothing more I could ever want.
I scoot closer to my daughter and my girlfriend. “Jane, how have we gone this long without you?” I ask.
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sunshineseung · 4 years
Paperwork // Hyunjin
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🍄 | genre: smut (18+ only) ☁️ | pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 5.1k 🌸 | includes: switch-dom!hyunjin, switch-sub!reader, oral (both receiving), PIV riding, pet names, begging, kinda goofy at first, cum swallowing, “sir”, a lil bit more but not too much
☀️ | synopsis: You’ve been working at this office for five painstakingly long years, but despite your best efforts, you never get a raise or promotion. When the CEO retires, his son takes his place, and seeing as you’re around the same age as his son, this could be your chance to get ahead. 
🌊 | If you want to skip to the smut, look for the [🔥] because there’s a lot of set up for this one, but I know some people just want to get off lol.
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He has finally stepped down. After 60 long, long years, the CEO of the company you work at has retired, as if he didn’t have enough money to retire 30 years ago.
The amount of times you’ve been told off by that man is practically uncountable. It felt like at one point you were going into his office every week to ask for any sort of promotion, raise, or even kudos, but every time, he turned up his nose and shooed you away like some kind of stray cat. You’ve worked too long and too hard to not be given proper treatment. Despite everything, you stay at the company, knowing no where else in the city will pay nearly as well.
The company now belongs to his oldest son, Hyunjin. He’s never worked in this office, yet the old man still thought it would be appropriate for him to run the entire company (supervised by a few HRs, of course). Hyunjin looked like a complete fool trying to command the floors of burnt out office workers just trying to pay next month’s rent and put food on their tables, not that he would know what it’s like to work for anything. The first job he’s ever had and it’s the CEO of a multi-million dollar enterprise, who would have thought?
This is your chance. He’s right around your age, give or take a few months, and he seems marginally more friendly than his father. If you were ever going to climb the corporate ladder to finally move out of your studio apartment, it was right now.
Wearing the tightest, shortest skirt you own with the perfect button up to match, you step into his office after scheduling a meeting with his temporary secretary. When you sit down in the chair across from him, he just sighs and waits for you to speak your piece so he can get back to his grueling job of signing documents that he never reads.
“Good morning, sir. I was just coming up here to compliment you on how well you’ve been running the place since your father stepped down. It seems like company morale is at an all time high, and I can’t imagine thanking anyone other than you.”
“So you want a promotion, right?” He scoffs, grabbing a pen to click repeatedly as you struggle coming up with a response. You weren’t expecting him to be so quick on his feet considering he would stutter over every word talking at meetings. “I assume you didn’t come in here just to kiss my ass.”
“Alright, you caught me, but can I at least make my case?” He looks up from the pen to wordlessly incite you to keep talking. “I’ve been working here since I got out of college. This is really my dream, and it would mean the world to me if I could get farther, work harder, and, if you’re feeling so inclined, get a bit of a paycheck raise.”
“Well, you caught me on the right day, miss...”
“L/n. But you can call me Y/n if you want.”
“Y/n.” Hyunjin puts the pen down and leans on his desk, elbows propping himself up. “If you’re up for the task, I am looking for a new secretary.”
“As I’ve heard.” The rumor has been going around that his father left his secretary for Hyunjin, but all they’ve been doing if fighting, so they had to bring in a temporary one, the one you spoke with, to hold him off until Hyunjin finds a secretary he likes. “Not to be rude, but wouldn’t you rather have a male secretary like your father had?”
“No, no. I know what I want.” He runs his hand through his black hair, slipping out the ponytail that was holding the long strands out of his face. “I want you to be my secretary. No one else.”
He drags his fingers through a stack of papers on his desk, stopping at a five page contract booklet. He slides you the papers and the pen he was just fiddling with.
“If you really want this promotion, you’ll sign on that dotted line right now.”
Working for Hyunjin wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Once he warms up to you, he’s actually really sweet. If you mess up his coffee or misscedule a meeting, he doesn’t fire you immediately, but rather just assures you that it’s okay and you’ll do better next time, a total 180 from what you saw that first time in his office. After a few weeks, you’re a dream to work with, and the job is a lot less stressful than you had assumed.
Hyunjin, on the other hand, was beyond stressed. Meeting after meeting, signature after signature, decision after decision: it was all too much. The only time he smiled was when you brought him coffee in the morning, or when he’d hear your voice through the phone. He always looked forward to seeing you, even if it was only for a brief minute. You were really the only thing keeping his sanity together.
“Here’s your coffee, sir.” You put the cup on his desk as he reads a random document. He thanks you, as usual, and takes a quick sip before immediately regretting his decision when he felt his tongue begin to burn. You quick go to his mini-fridge and pass him a water bottle, standing back as he gulps half of it down to relieve at least some of the pain. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for it to get that hot!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine! Don’t worry about it.” He sits back in his chair and slowly turns to you, meeting your eyes in a light-hearted stare. He laughs before finally speaking again. “You’re holding this company together, you know that?”
You laugh right with him, rolling your eyes at his statement. “Oh please, I just forward emails all day.”
“No, I mean it.” He holds his hands out and grabs yours, interlocking your hands in a soft grip. You could easily move back, but you don’t want to. “Without you, I’d be losing my mind.”
“Aw, you’re too kind.” You stand in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say next. The silence isn’t awkward by any means, but you can’t help but wonder why you’re holding the hands of your boss. “You’re doing very well, though. You have some big shoes to fill, and I feel like you’re doing the best you can.”
“Of course you’d say that. You work for me.” Hyunjin lets go of your hands and leans back in his chair again, crossing one of his legs over the other and lazily putting his hands behind his head, lounging back. “Y/n, can I say something crazy?”
“Say whatever’s on your mind, sir. I’m all ears.”
“Ugh, drop the formalities. Just call me Hyunjin, okay?” You nod, letting him continue with his speech. “I really appreciate you, Y/n, and it’s no secret that my family is loaded, so I want to ask if you’d come live with me downtown.”
“W-what?” Your eyes practically bulge out of your head. Living with your boss sounds absolutely insane, but any chance to get out of your shitty apartment is promising. This is the opportunity of a life time, no doubt, but is it worth taking? “Sir, I...”
“For fuck’s sake, call me Hyunjin.” You’ve never heard him curse before. “Listen, I live in a penthouse on the top story of a high-security luxury apartment complex. I’m all alone in a five bedroom apartment with a full view of the town. Going home alone every night is wearing on me, and it would mean a lot to have someone else there, even just to talk to.”
“I need time to think.” You look anywhere but his eyes as he leans forward and looks up at you from his chair.
“Take your time and think it over. I’ll give you until the end of the day.” Hyunjin turns back to his desk and looks at the paper he was reading before he burnt his tongue. “Go back to your office for now, but right after your shift, I want you here.”
“Yes, s-... okay, Hyunjin.”
Everyone is gone except you, finalizing one last email before heading up to Hyunjin’s office. An office with no workers is eerie to say the least, and as you take the elevator up to Hyunjin’s office, you can’t help but notice how nervous you feel inside.
This is the right decision. As difficult as it might be, you’re going to say no to his offer. It’s extremely unprofessional to have any sort of out-of-work relationship with your boss. Thinking back to the outfit you wore when you took the promotion, it’s no wonder you assume you’ve made Hyunjin think you want this. Your apartment may be shitty, but at least it’s yours. Living with Hyunjin would cause too many problems in your life, and the last thing you need right now is problems.
He was waiting for you. With his head in his hands as you walk through the door, he darts his attention to you as you sit across from him. While it was certainly a familiar sight by now, he was just glad you didn’t run away from him after such an intense morning.
“Hyunjin, I just want to-”
“Stop.” He holds his hand up, pausing you mid-sentence. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I’m just stressed, and I’m not thinking clearly. I shouldn’t have offered you to live with me. That’s not who I am, nor is that something I should have sprung on you like that.” He reverts back to his former position with his head in his hands, staring down at his desk. “I just... I’m so lonely.”
You feel for him, you really do. He’s been thrown into this situation obviously not by choice, and he knows absolutely no one he’s working with other than you. With a stressful job and no one to turn to, it was clear why he was acting so rashly.
You pull his hands away from his head, holding them in yours like you did this morning. Rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand, you give him a gentle smile as he meets your eyes. The bags under his eyes are present, and his tiredness is visible. He looks so worn out to you. You really do feel bad.
“I’m not asking you to move in, but would you like to come back to my penthouse? Just for tonight?” He returns a smile to you, lowering his gaze blankly. “We can have a few drinks and talk. I just need someone with me right now.”
“Only if you’re paying for the taxi.” You two laugh together, appreciating each other’s presence.
“I’ll have my chauffeur drive us back to my place, and afterwards, he can drive you home.”
Saying that Hyunjin’s apartment was massive would be an understatement. You felt like you walked into a penthouse from a dystopian future with shiny metal counter tops and black leather furniture. It didn’t look lived in, but to be fair, there was only one man living there. You felt cold even though it was room-temperature. 
“Follow me, doll.” Hyunjin takes your hand and leads you to the living room to sit on his L-shaped couch. If his pet name didn’t throw you off, you very well would have just walked there without his assistance, but you didn’t know how to react after being called ‘doll’ by your boss. “Want anything to drink? Wine? Vodka?”
“I’ll take wine, thank you.”
“Red or white?”
Hyunjin pours you both a glass and meets you back on the couch, lounging next to you, letting the soft silence fall over the room as you each take a sip of the expensive booze. As you drink a bit more, Hyunjin’s eyes are glued to you, and you start to break a sweat as the temperature in the room seems to rise. He’s just... staring at you. You feel uneasy, but this alcohol should help calm your nerves, right?
Hyunjin easily notices that you’re starting to slip into deeper thought, so he carefully puts his hand on your knee to bring you back into the moment. His gesture isn’t charged in anyway, but you still jolt at his touch. You dart your eyes towards his while looking like a deer in headlights. 
“Are you alright?” Hyunjin slides his hand up and down your leg only from your knee to mid-thigh. With his other hand, he puts his glass of wine on the coffee table in front of you so he can totally focus on your needs. Even though you hesitantly nod, he isn’t convinced in the slightest. “You want to know why I invited you here?”
“Sure, Hyunjin. Why did you invite me here?” The more he rambles on, the less you have to talk, so you gladly let him fill the silence. 
“Well, to put it simply, I’m interested in you.” You tilt your head in confusion. Was this a confession? “You’re a very intriguing person to me. When you walked into my office for the first time, you suffocated me with your aura. You truly do command a room, you know? That’s probably why you’ve gotten so far in your career.” His chuckle is awkward, and you don’t respond in any way to help his nerves. “You’re a woman that knows what she wants, and I admire that, especially since I don’t even know what I want.”
“How don’t you know what you want?” Your confidence was slowly coming back, although you weren’t sure if it was from the alcohol or your want to pick at Hyunjin’s brain. “You have everything anyone could ever want! Look at where you live!” You gesture to the room around you. The modern art-deco custom paintings, the abstract sculptures, the fake plants that looked too fake to even be considered plant-like. It was a dream, especially for those that lived in the city. “You have the perfect house and the job position people can only dream of.”
“I don’t want this, Y/n.” He stands from the couch, walking over to the wall of glass that separates the living room from the balcony. “This house means nothing. This job position means nothing.” He can’t face you, fearful that you’ll see how weak he is. “I want someone. I want you.”
Silence. You stare down at your legs, unable to even process what Hyunjin just said. Your thumbs rub against each other, fiddling so you can focus on anything else. Hyunjin sighs loudly and turns around, walking back over so he can tower over you. His shadow consumes you, shrouding your figure in slight darkness. A hand slips under your chin, pulling your face up to see him. His eyes sparkle when he looks at you as if he’s enamored by your existence. 
“What do I have to do?” Hyunjin ponders, leaning in closer to you. The scent of his cologne clogs your senses, and all you can think about is Hwang Hyunjin. “What do I have to do to have you?”
Your hand goes to his chest, grabbing his tie. You pull him into you, crashing your lips against his in a heated kiss. Hyunjin puts all of his emotion into this kiss, promising himself that he’ll show his love through his actions. 
Pulling away, you both catch your breath and enjoy the brief silence. For once, it isn’t awkward; the silence is welcomed. 
“Hyunjin,” you twirl his tie between your fingers, “if you want me, then prove it.” 
Hyunjin takes your hand in his, pulling you off the couch. He drags you up to his bedroom without saying a word, assuming you know what’s about to happen. His sheets are all black, neatly made without a stain in sight. Hyunjin sits on the edge of the bed, tapping on his lap to invite you to take a seat. 
You straddle him, feeling heated the second your thighs come in contact with his. It feels unreal, but you want this now more than ever. You didn’t drink even an entire glass of wine, so you can’t blame this decision on any ounce of alcohol. 
“Are you sure about this, sweetheart?” He wraps his long arms around your waist, pulling you into him so your body is pressed against his. “I need to hear you say you want this.”
“Yes, Hyunjin. I’m sure I want this.” You shoot him a smile that never fails to make his heart melt, and he can’t help but kiss you again, his lips perfectly fitting against yours. When you open your mouth to allow his tongue to slip in, he feels like he has reached nirvana. Hyunjin was been wanting this for so god damn long; he could bust in his pants just thinking about it. 
His mouth moves from your lips to your jawline, not leaving any hickeys because he knows you have work tomorrow. His kisses along your jaw and neck make you moan quietly, and your hands slip behind his head into his hair. You curl your fingers into his hair, pulling it ever so slightly. He grunts against your neck, sucking harder than before, accidentally leaving a red mark. 
He pulls off of your throat, breathing heavily, looking into your half-lidded eyes. Your hands rest on the back of his neck, holding him close to you. Hyunjin smiles lightly and pecks your cheek, making you both giggle from his cute gesture. 
“I know I told you not to call me sir, but... maybe just for tonight, you can call me that.” Oh, he’s like that? You kiss him for a moment before pushing him back, his body falling against the sheets. Your body hovers over his, and you roam your hands over his chest and abs, feeling him from over his shirt.
“Alright, sir.” You smile innocently, leaning down, kissing his neck to test his dominance. He doesn’t fuss at this. He accepts your kisses, throwing his head back to give you better access to kiss his neck. Your hands roam all over his body, paying special attention to his chest, or more specifically, his nipples. He groans quietly, biting his lips as your fingers rolls over his nipples. “Oh, you like this?”
“Sit up. Let me take your shirt off.” He laughs at your commands as he raises his body from the bed and unbuttons the top of his shirt before you step in and unbutton the rest. The slow reveal of his torso his haunting, causing your eyes to dart every which way across his body. He really looks like a Greek god. “This is what you’ve been hiding from me?” 
“Oh please, I’ve been wanting to fuck you since I first laid eyes on you, doll.” There it was again. That damn pet name. He really was going to be the death of you, so you might as well enjoy this. “I’ve had dreams of bending you over my desk and fucking you during work, but that wouldn’t be very appropriate, would it?” 
You gulp out of nervousness, unsure of where to go from here. You were in control for the moment, but now that Hyunjin was letting his emotions out, you keep getting flustered, wishing he would take the reigns over this situation. 
“Aw, is my little doll getting shy?” He brushes his hand across your hot cheek, making you stutter out nonsense. “You’re so cute, baby. I could flip you over and ruin you right now, but we should take our time, right?” 
You nod, tracing your hands on his chest again. Your thumb and pointer finger grip his nipples and twist, causing him to arch his back and fall against the bed once again. He’s putty in your hands again, so you up the ante by pressing your heat against his painfully large bulge in his tight work pants, teasing him just enough to make him weak. The sounds he’s making can only be described as sinful, and you love every minute of it.
You dive your head down to his chest, sucking hickeys into his defined pecs. Your tongue around his nipples makes him keen from pleasure, his hands petting your back up and down. When you lean up to look at all the marks you’ve made, he’s desperately trying to catch his breath. 
“I was supposed to be showing you how much I like you, not the other way around!” He giggles through deep breaths, running his hands down the sides of your body. “Lay back, baby. Let me take care of you, alright?”
You shrug in agreement, dramatically throwing your body back on the mattress for Hyunjin to pin you down under his lean figure. His gaze eats you alive, skimming over your skin like he was about to devour you. 
“You’re absolutely stunning, baby.” He kisses you on the lips, short and sweet, before unbuttoning your dress shirt and revealing your bra, feeling your tits over the fabric. His hands perfectly cup your tits, moving your bra down to play with your hardened nipples. You arch your back into his touch, relaxing and letting him worship your chest. He’s a master with his hands, making you moan and whine just enough for him to get even harder under his tight pants. “Can I take your bra off?”
“Of course, sir. Take it all off for me, alright?” You wink up at him, stirring a fire in his heart. He wants to take you, all of you, inciting him to rapidly strip you of your shirt and bra, tossing them to the side. His lips attach to one of your nipples while his hand goes to the other, playing with the bud between his fingers. His other hand snakes down your body and unbuttons your pants, sneaking down to play with your cunt over your panties. His middle finger pushes your panties into your pussy, saturating them with your wetness. “Please finger me, Hyunjin.”
“Oh, needy already?” He leans up from your chest, sitting between your spread legs as he unbuttons his own pants and pulls them down enough to see his bulge under his tight boxers. He looked so big, bigger than you’ve ever taken. Your cunt becomes drentched in a second of you imagining his cock going inside you. “Staring isn’t polite, you know?”
“S-sorry, sir.” He pulls your pants down your legs, leaving your panties to be the only thing covering you. His hands hug your hips, pulling you right up to him. You feel his bulge against your cunt, making you bite your lip.
One of Hyunjin’s big hands comes down to your cunt, a finger hooking around the bottom of your panties to move them to the side, allowing him to check out your sopping heat. His fingers feather through your folds, circling your needy hole just to tease you. He smiles as you whine and buck your hips up, physically begging him to fuck you dumb.
“My baby’s pussy looks so pretty. I can’t possibly fuck her before I get a taste.” You watch Hyunjin as he scoots down the bed and leans down to be eye-level with your cunt. He licks his lips before diving in, sucking on your clit and running his tongue through your pussy. One arm hooks around your leg while his other comes up to play with your pussy, his fingers teasing your hole before sliding in just enough to make you whine for more. “You’re so sweet, princess.”
“T-Thank you, sir.” You throw your head back when he bends his fingers inside you, curling into your g-spot. Hyunjin hums as you moan loudly, hinting to Hyunjin that you’re close. “C-cum, sir. Need to cum.”
“Aw, my baby’s ready to cum?” Hyunjin teases, going right back to sucking on your clit and mercilessly fingering your tight hole with two fingers. His tongue flicking over your clit is making you so close, your legs shaking as he continues to assault your cunt. “Cum on my fingers, babe.”
Your legs violently shake as you reach your orgasm, all your nerves on edge as waves of pleasure drown your brain. You moan Hyunjin’s name over and over, holding his hair in an iron grip. As you come down, his mouth slowly detaches from your pussy, fully lapping up all your juices.
“Open your mouth.” With your eyes still closed, you open your mouth wide open and let your tongue out, letting Hyunjin do whatever he wants to your mouth. His wet fingers dip into your mouth, pressing against your tongue to make you taste your cunt. You suck lightly on his fingers, tasting yourself before he slips his hand out of your mouth, separating his spit-coated fingers to admire your hard work. “Good girl.”
Your eyes goes back down, staring at the outline of his cock in his boxers. He notices your stare, pulling his waistband down to reveal his long, thick cock, leaking with precum, ready to be stuffed inside you. “W-wanna feel you inside me~”
“Aw, but baby, I’ve fucked you dumb just from my fingers. You think you can handle my cock?” He presses the tip of his cock against your hole, pushing it in just enough to make you whine loudly. He smiles, seeing how fucked out you are so easily. He leans down to your ear, holding your hips in his hands. “Do you really want it?”
His voice is so deep and quiet that it makes you shiver, biting your lips before you can even speak. You breath for a moment to collect yourself. “Yes, sir. I want it.”
“Alright, baby.” Hyunjin gives you a peck on your lips before laying next to you, putting his hands behind his head. You look over at him puzzled, still collecting your breath. “Ride me.”
Hyunjin takes a condom out of his nightstand while you whine and breath more, trying to bring back any feeling to your legs. You regain your strength as he rolls the comdom onto his thick shaft.
You huff and sit up, wobbling before getting balanced on the soft bed. You finally pull off your panties before straddling him. Hyunjin throws his head back as you start to jerk his cock, feeling him twitch in your palm. With your free hand, you pull his pants down more to let you comfortably straddle his hips. As you lower yourself into him, you both groan loudly, you from the stretch and him from the tightness.
Hyunjin’s hands hold tightly onto your waist as you fully lower onto him, halting your movements to allow your cunt to adjust to his size. He bites his lip and stares at your face, admiring your beauty despite your messy hair and sweaty forehead. You slowly raise your hips, gripping Hyunjin’s cock with your cunt as you lower back down.
“You’re so tight, baby- fuck.” Hyunjin’s groans are loud as hell, echoing through the bedroom as you ride him, establishing a slow pace. You feel so full, his tip reaching deep inside you, and you love it. The stretch doesn’t bother you anymore, speeding up slightly. He watches your tits bounce on your chest, teasing him with their perky nipples and forming hickeys.
“Is sir close?” You feel him switch inside you at your question, his eyes squeezing shut as he nods and whines. His grip on your waist looses before his hands fall next to his head. You lean down and pin his wrists to the bed with your hands. Having your tits right in his face makes it even harder to keep his cool.
Suddenly, Hyunjin’s hips buck into you, fucking up into your tight cunt while you force yourself to stay still so he can let out his energy... and your legs were getting tired. He hits your spot with every thrust, desperately fucking you so he can release into the condom. You feel him inside you, his cum ballooning the tip of the condom, making you moan as he whines, saying your name like a mantra. He looks so hot under you, you can’t help but lean down and kiss his pretty, plump lips while he sits inside you.
“I thought I could last longer.” Hyunjin wipes the sweat from his brow as he pulls out of you, pulling off the condom, tying it, and tossing it towards his trash can. “You really know how to break me.”
He doesn’t realize that you’re still on top of him, moving down the bed to take his cock into your mouth. He winces when your hot tongue hits the tip of his cock. You lick up his shaft before taking him into your mouth, testing your gag reflex as you take him down your throat, your nose hitting his pelvis. His hands find home in your hair, pulling tightly as you bob your head on his member.
He’s totally speechless, his brain empty as you suck his cock like a pro. Your tongue feels like heaven on Earth, quickly making him fully hard again and bringing him close to another orgasm. He’s never been over stimulated like this before, whining like a cat in heat as he watches his cock disappear down your throat. You stare up at him, keeping eye contact even if he doesn’t look at you.
He twitches in your mouth, his cock spawning against your tongue as you increase the pace. He bites his lip harsh enough to draw blood as he cums again, your head raising so only the tip is in your mouth while one hand jerks his cock, milking him dry. His vision is fuzzy, mind even foggier. He can’t believe you just did that without a word.
You swallow his cum, wiping the drool off of your chin as you hop up and lay next to him, nuzzling into his chest. He puts an arm around you while you two cuddle in silence.
“You’re really good at that, Y/n.” He huffs, smiling as he looks down at you who’s drifting off to sleep. “Are you gonna sleep over?”
“I was hoping I could. And who knows? Maybe we can fuck in the morning before going to work.”
“Fuck, work.” Hyunjin sighs loudly before groaning from the reminder of all of his stress. “This won’t change our relationship ship at the office, will it?”
“Not publicly, no, but if you ever need to releive some stress during the day, just invite me up to your office and I’d be happy to help you, sir.” You both laugh, finally at ease in each other’s arms. As you drift to sleep, you can’t help but be excited for the proceeding weeks at your work.
This is exactly the raise you needed.
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love-archon · 3 years
A Day With The Genshin Characters: Liyue Edition
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Today's going to be a busy day! Check your planner for who you'll be meeting with- as one of the esteemed members of the Liyue Qixing, you cannot afford to be late to any appointment. 
• 6:00, Ningguang: Morning Tea 
Although you say you love your job, waking up at un-archonly hours has to be the part you like the least. Even getting up at five in the morning, the hour when tigers prowl, is still not enough time to prepare for a meeting with the Tianquan. You rush around frantically choosing the best outfit, fragrance, and hair arrangement to present yourself to Lady Ningguang, and you're halfway out the door when it hits you- you forgot to bring a gift with you!
"Right on time," Ningguang says, pleased. You smile, hoping she won't hear your heart beating from anxiety. "And what a lovely present, too... is there any doubt you were appointed as one of the seven Qixing?" (You can't tell if it's her rare praise, or the sheer altitude you're at within the Jade Chamber, that's making your head spin).
• 7:00, Keqing: Business Meeting 
You barely have time to rest before Keqing whisks you away to Yuehai Pavilion. You're very close friends, and you admire the girl for her tenacity and diligence. The conversation flows easily as you walk to your destination under a cloudless sky. It's a wonderfully sunny moment, but the moment the doors lock, you mean business. In the next two hours, you conquer matters that would normally take days to resolve, and the two of you exchange grins. 
"There we go!" Keqing breathes a sigh of relief, pushing away the last stack of papers. She holds up her hand, and you high-five. "You know, I like how easily you keep up with me. You even caught mistakes I would have missed... things like this make me even more certain Liyue is better off in human hands."
• 9:00: Check In With Ganyu
With such a hectic schedule, Ganyu is your saving grace. It's always important to check in with her, just to make sure nothing you have planned catches you by surprise, and sometimes you wonder why others rarely do the same. She's quite lonely, and often mentions how nice it is that you speak with her every day and bring her gifts to help with work. It may be part of your job to be courteous, but... it does help her feel less lonely and conflicted with herself. 
"Qingxin flowers? Thank you so much." She accepts them gratefully, smiling at you with warm eyes. "I still have that new stationery you gave me, too. You're so kind for remembering the things I like!"
• 9:30: Talk to Beidou
The tea in the Jade Chamber was just a front for Ningguang to spring a request on you- meet with the captain of the Crux Fleet to discuss her... recent smuggling habits. But Beidou merely laughs heartily when you arrive. A crewmate tosses her a sack of Mora, and she slits it open, letting the payment shower over you in a spray of gold. And then, before you know what's happening, you're roped into helping them find a treasure rumored to be lost beneath the waves. 
"So, Ningguang though sending her star diplomat would get me to let up, huh!" You blush, wondering how you could be so easy to read under her ruby eye. "I was impressed by your words, and how well you fought by my side. But the annoyance of the Liyue Qixing is of no concern to me."
• 12:00, Tartaglia: TEACH HIM A LESSON!
As the member of the Qixing that oversees diplomacy and foreign relations, it's you that must meet with the Fatui Harbinger. He's quite good at playing pretend- all your underlings believed he was a naive, careless young man, and easily manipulated, too. And all of them ended up suppressing the urge to break something after they were done conversing with him. On your honor as one of Liyue's seven stars, you vow to not make their mistakes. 
"You're asking why I don't try to drive you mad?" he said, setting down his fork. You'd caved in and given him one after watching him struggle with chopsticks for far too long. "You're the only one who isn't a bore to talk to, that's all-" so this was on purpose?!- "and besides, I want to challenge you to a fight afterwards! Your vision's getting quite dusty from neglect, comrade. Let's fix that!"
• 2:00, Yanfei: Discussion of Legal Matters
Yanfei's counsel is an invaluable treasure. Especially when dealing with an opponent as vicious as Snezhnaya's Fatui, who deserve to have her wrath unleashed upon them. You walk to her office with a gleam in your eyes, and are delighted to see an equal fire already blazing in hers. For the next few hours, you two take the "suggestions" Tartaglia passed on from the Northland Bank and scheme on how to best tear them to shreds with the law.
"That man-childe's been giving you trouble again, huh," she giggles. "What did he come up with this time~? I've been waiting for an excuse to bring out the latest edition of my lawbook!" And with that, Yanfei slams it down, and the sheer weight of it nearly cracks her desk. "He won't know what hit him!"
• 4:00: Free Time
Of course, "free time" simply means that you have no meetings scheduled for this hour, which lets you adequately prepare for the next day's events. Tomorrow is your appointment with the Feiyun Commerce Guild, which you already know will require great patience and strength of mind. Because the head of the guild, and his eldest son, the future head, are- to put it mildly- not very bright... it's fortunate, then, that the second son Xingqiu has a good head on his shoulders.  
"Tomorrow, you should go straight to me instead," Xingqiu informs you cheerily, handing you a popsicle. Apparently, he keeps them around for his friend Chongyun, who's off to complete another exorcism. "I'll be sure to set everything in order." His eyes gleam. "And then, I can tell you the latest developments in 'A Legend of Sword'!"
• 5:00: Catch Xinyan's Concert!
Liyue's one and only rock musician isn't hard to find, thanks to the designated performance spots scattered around the city. You stop by at the raised platform where she's rocking out, where other people are listening as well. Xinyan strikes a peace sign in the air, and her vision glows with energy before the stage erupts with pillars of fire; her audience bursts into cheers and applause, and she's beaming as she leaps down to meet you. 
"Wait, seriously? You really changed up the rules a lil' so it'll be easier for me to hold concerts here?" Her eyes shine as they scan the papers- one of the many results of your work today in Yuehai. "Thank you so much! Wait-" she picks up her guitar again, giving it an experimental riff. "Let me think up a quick song for ya as thanks- I insist!"
• 6:00: Wangsheng Funeral Parlor 
Lately, you've been sent particularly determined requests from the other nations about allowing tourists to observe the ancient funeral rites. You already know the answer's gonna be a hard no, but the laws written by Rex Lapis state that you must check with the director anyway. She's not there when you arrive, so a consultant, Zhongli, brings you tea while you wait for her. You sit together in the fading sun, waiting for Hu Tao's familiar song to rise above the hill. 
Zhongli takes a quiet sip from his cup, closing his luminous eyes. "Although it was Rex Lapis who created the laws, they are not meant to be set in stone. Humans must revise the contract as they see fit, so that it will not erode with the passage of time." Something makes you feel as though it's more significant to him than you know. Then, he smiles slightly. "But, just looking at the people leading the way in his absence, like you... there's no need for me to worry."
• 8:00: Dinner; Request Chef Xiangling
The Wanmin Restaurant, run by Chef Mao and his daughter, is a breath of fresh air. While the rest of Liyue is divided between the "Li" and "Yue" styles of cooking, Xiangling pays the conflict no mind. Instead, she's not afraid to be daring and experiment, blazing ahead without worrying about what others think. You can see some similarities between her and Keqing, but it's best not to mention it after that disastrous banquet they organized together... 
"Had a rough day, didn't you?" Xiangling asks, her golden eyes twinkling as she hands you the steaming hot bowl. "Well, for you, I made sure to prepare your favorite dish! I hope you don't mind if I added a lizard or two this time- I'm kidding!" she adds quickly, upon seeing alarm flash across your face. 
• 9:00: Return Home
After everything that happened, you're eager to collect the reports from your subordinates and head home to draft new revisions for Tianquan Ningguang to look over (and then, hopefully, get some rest). But as you're walking on the path to your neighborhood, you spot a little girl sitting in the grass, clutching her head. Alarm rises in your chest as you rush over to see what's wrong, and why she's alone- only to realize with a start that she's the child that returned from the dead.  
"Thank you for taking Qiqi back to Bubu Pharmacy," she says, reading solemnly from her notebook (where the entire thank-you script is written). Even when you set her down, she's still reading the pieces of paper. "Will you tell Dr. Baizhu where I got lost? Please and thank you, again."
• 10:00: Sleep
In the end, you never did get to those revisions. You can hear your fellow Qixing scolding you in your head, but at least you got plenty of other things done; the well-oiled machine that is Liyue will still keep running on thanks to the tasks you accomplished today. Someday, even the adepti will have to acknowledge the ability of humans... you turn in your bed to feel the coolness of the other side. Speaking of adepti... the night air coming in... reminds you of... "Xiao..."
"I thought you were in danger," the adeptus huffs. The moment you said his name, you'd finally fallen asleep, but it still brought Xiao to you- balanced on the windowsill, hair waving in the breeze. "Still... I'm... glad that you're alright," he admits, glancing at you to make sure you're not awake to hear. "Rest well, bright star of Liyue." And then, with a sound like a sigh- or was it the wind?- he's gone.
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qslovebot · 3 years
Midnight Escapade: Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer Reid and the reader have been crushing on each other since they met, but neither of them cared to admit it. When doubled up in a hotel room for the night, reader tries to convince Spencer to go with her at 12:30am to get frozen yogurt to cheer him up and it turns into much more than a snack run.
Pairing: Spencer x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Includes: Swearing, mutual pining (a long time of pining leads up to this fic), food, mention of Sept 11, 2001, self-doubt, fluff, kissing
Word Count: 4533
The case was solved, closed, and finally, your eyes could rest. The case you had just finished was particularly stressful to not only you, but your fellow BAU members as well. You all hadn't slept for nearly twenty-nine hours and Hotch decided it was best you all got the rest you deserved at a nearby hotel.
The ride there, you struggled to keep your eyes open, but Spencer Reid was on another greatly interesting rant about a show he liked, so you figured you would try to stay awake to hear it. You always listened to him because a lot of the time, the rest of the team dismissed him and his oddly accurate monologues. They grew tired of Spencer talking so much about things they didn't understand but you were rather the opposite- and that's probably because you liked Spencer so much.
The two of you met when he was introduced to the BAU. Praised for his mind, he introduced himself to you with a shaky voice and a meek handshake. You instantly admired him from his geeky personality outwards to his tall, thin self with a face sculpted by artists. Little did you know he did the same, but immediately thought of you as out of his league, so he stayed quiet.
You had been friends since then, pairing up on cases as your minds seemed to work like a perfectly oiled machine when together. Like Penelope and Derek, you two were known for the science jokes no one understood and shared looks of adoration that the both of you somehow didn't recognize as romantic. But everyone else saw it.
Derek Morgan teased a lot. He talked to Reid about working with the 'pretty girl' every day, poking him in the side and messing with his hair. The geek and the girl who was smart as hell, but didn't make it her dominant trait.
A doctor and the outgoing agent who matched the loudness of Penelope Garcia at times at karaoke night. You brought more liveliness to the BAU- more music, more spinning, more levity in dark cases. Spencer was always trying to hide a smile when you walked in, trying to pretend he hadn't been waiting for you to bring him coffee each morning. You didn't need an eidetic memory to remember his order and that, for some reason, always sent him over the moon.
But you were here now, listening to him wrap up his story as you fought the sleep that was looming over you as the car came to a stop outside the hotel.
"-And that was the end of it all. I think it's so fascinating how they wrapped everything up into this intricate timeline of interactions and moments and backtracks. We should, uh, watch it sometime." He said as he hopped out of the back, holding his small bag and yours.
You sleepily hopped out after him, hoping you didn't look like you felt, because you truly felt like hell. "Yeah, I'd like that," was all you could really mumble out. He passed you your bag and you smiled your thank you.
Emily held you up by the shoulders as Hotch sent through the check-in information. "Some case, huh?" She laughed as you rubbed your left eye. "I suppose we can't make this a girl's night of post-case celebration if you're dead asleep."
You groaned, "You wanted to do that? Damn it, Em, I'm sorry-"
"You need beauty sleep, (Y/N). I'm not mad or anything, I'll just take a bath and pull out an adult romance novel." A smirk played on her lips as she raised her eyebrows. You chuckled tiredly. "Seriously, no worries."
"Did I hear talk of a romance novel?" Derek shuffled over. "Which one are we reading? 50 Shades of Grey?"
Spencer stepped in, "Did you know that 50 Shades of Grey is actually fanfiction written about Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga? If you go further back, Stephanie started Twilight as written alternate universe fanfiction where the emo-slash-hardcore band My Chemical Romance were all vampires. But My Chemical Romance was started by musician and comic book creator- who published a series of comics called The Umbrella Academy in 2008, unrelated, his name was - Gerard Way, who created the band to make music that expressed the trauma he was given from witnessing the twin towers falling on September 11th, 2001."
Emily looked at him, jaw open. "So Nine-Eleven essentially created a badly-written and toxic sex novel, years later?"
Spencer nodded, eyes flickering to you for a brief moment. Derek grinned at Emily, "So you have read 50 Shades of Grey, huh?" He teased. She swat at his wiggly fingers away as Hotch walked over, brow furrowed.
"Rooms need to be doubled up tonight. Morgan, you can come with me. As much as you may hate it, I feel like (Y/L/N) here might collapse on the spot, so we can't go anywhere else." He handed Spencer and Emily a key, expecting them to make their own choices. Of course, Emily knew exactly what she needed to do when Hotch walked off. You were about to turn and go with her, but she bolted off, reaching for JJ.
You looked up at Spencer Reid who had his mouth in a shy, straight-lipped smile. You both knew what this meant, but you were glad you'd get to crash somewhere, floor or not. The room was on the fifth floor, so you took the elevator with Spencer in silence that you were sure he was granting you until you reached the door of your room.
"I will... take the floor tonight," he said, sticking the key in the lock. "You're tired and I'm just going to get dinner and um... read."
His watch read 4:34 pm- it was so much earlier than you had thought, but you were almost collapsing. "I'm sorry," were the last words you could reply with before you walked into the room, got into the bed, and you were out, cold.
You had never had such a fulfilling sleep. You woke up feeling clean, fresh, renewed and restored. There was no groggy feeling that you had accidentally travelled to another dimension while asleep. The room was dim, except for the lamp that was on in the right corner.
When you peered over the edge of the bed, there was Spencer, laying on his stomach with few pillows under his chest and elbows, a book in his hands. He looked peaceful, quiet, calm. "Spence," you whispered. He practically jumped out of his skin and you couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." You grinned.
He smiled sheepishly, setting down his book. "You're awake."
You nodded back, "How long was I out?"
"Since 4:34, so... 8 hours and 20 minutes. It's only 12:22am." Spencer sat up and against the wall while you adjusted yourself to sit cross-legged. You were still in your clothes from earlier and it surprised you to see Spencer in less preppy clothing.
Well, less preppy for him. No cardigan, no dress shirt, just a t-shirt that read 'math is as easy as pi' with the pi symbol made of cherry pie and his regular khaki pants. "Aren't you tired?" you asked, smiling from his shirt, back to him.
"No, uh, I actually got about four hours in the middle of your eight. I usually don't dream anymore but I actually dreamt I was falling, which is a sign of..." he stopped himself, but he was with another profiler, what was the use, you could already fill in the blanks. He continued, "Which is a sign of insecurity and inferiority, but I don't believe in dream analysis..."
You furrowed your brow, watching his eyes look down at his hands. "Are you feeling insecure and inferior, Dr.Reid, because need I remind you that 99% of the time, it's your brain that leads us to solve the cases."
He shook his head, "Thinking myself over, I'd-I'd say it doesn't revolve around work." The stutter was back. He hadn't talked to you with a stutter in months, you'd assumed it was just because he wasn't as comfortable around you then, but now it was back. Spencer Reid needed to be cheered up, something was wrong.
"Well you know you can tell me anything, right? I've kept secrets about my friends since grade one, I can keep yours." You slipped off of the bed and walked to your bag on the table in the far corner. You could feel Spencer's eyes on you as you went, so you shot him a smile over your shoulder. He reverted back to looking at his hands.
Through situations and being friends, you knew Spencer was insecure. He was bullied constantly as a child, some going as far as to strip him down and beat him. Disgusting, self-esteem-ruining acts you wished you could remove from his eidetic memory.
You took off your button-up blouse to stay in your white t-shirt that lay underneath. You hadn't the time to remove it before falling asleep. Thinking about that- you probably had bedhead too. Your balled-up shirt was shoved into your bag and you pulled out a brush in exchange, to get the knots out of your hair.
"I could really go for frozen yogurt right now," you said, running the wooden brush through your hair. Spencer narrowed his eyes at you, a little confused. "I haven't eaten dinner."
"It's nearly 12:30 am..." Spencer said. It looked like he was running through his vast mind to find a scientific explanation as to why you might have wanted frozen yogurt at half-past midnight. You let him, a teasing smile on your lips as you pulled the top bit of your hair up. "Are you pregnant?" He asked, out of the blue, entirely serious. Seemed like the only logical explanation he could find. You nearly choked on the air.
"No, Spencer, I am not pregnant!" You laughed. His face tightened as he went back to searching his mind. "I just want frozen yogurt. Regular cravings, not... pregnancy cravings. Are you coming?"
He looked at you, oddly surprised he was invited. "Why?"
"Why not?" You picked up his jacket from the hook and tossed it to him. "Nobody has to see your cheesy math shirt."
He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, but went right back to being analytical, a mumbling rant with hand gestures.
"The average half-cup serving of frozen yogurt alone has about 17.3 grams of sugar and plus various toppings, the sugar is upped to at least 25 grams. But, versus a half-cup serving of vanilla ice cream, the sugar is only about 14 grams and with toppings can be upped to about 22. Fat-wise-"
You interrupted him because this was seemingly the only way to lift his mood and he was making excuses to stay here and wallow. "Come on, for once, let's be able to act like the youngest members of the team. Once, Spence. I don't need a play-by-play on how much sugar is in it- though I did find that interesting-I just want frozen yogurt and I would like you to come with me. I'll pay for yours if you want any, just... please?"
He met your eyes with a curl falling down his forehead and quickly looked back at his hands. You'd been friends for nearly a year and four months and he still couldn't look you in the eyes for long. He really wasn't good at refusing you at all, either.
Spencer nodded and you practically beamed. Maybe this would help to take his mind off of what was bothering him, even if the distraction was brief. You jumped on the spot and slipped on your own jacket and grabbed your wallet, ready to go and by the door.
He had a small smile when the two of you stepped out, his hands behind his back. You locked the door behind you and the two of you walked silently to the elevator, careful not to accidentally wake anyone else in case they decided to peer out into the hall.
In the elevator, you turned and looked up at Spencer who was fiddling with his hands. "You look nervous, Spence. It's frozen yogurt, not a pretty girl."
"Well I'm with-" he stopped himself again and actually started laughing his breathy laugh, squeezing his own hand so hard his knuckles turned white while his cheeks and nose went a little pink. "You..." He finished, rocking on his heels.
You scrunched your nose, shaking your head. Though you mentally disagreed with him sometimes on your appearance, you smiled and looked back up at him. "Thank you. You're pretty too."
He shrugged himself further into his jacket, hands still wildly fidgeting. "Thank you..."
You both stepped out of the elevator the moment it got to the ground floor, looking for air that wasn't filled with odd tension neither of you could explain. You two walked through the lobby and into the cool midnight air outside, where things were open, dark, and still.
You shut your eyes for a moment and opened your arms to face the gentle, cool wind that blew your hair and hit your face gently. Inhaling deeply, you opened your eyes again to Spencer in a similar state, but much less relaxed looking. Instead, it looked like he was trying to calm himself down.
"Spence, you look out of it," you said, folding your arms over your chest. You had gotten him outside, now maybe instead of distracting him from whatever it was, you could help him through it. It was part of being a friend- profiling wasn't needed to see he was thinking long and hard over something that bothered him. "You can tell me what's wrong."
He started walking down the street toward the neon lights that shone bright with the word 'fro-yo', you stepped quickly to follow. "If I like a girl.. h-how am I supposed to go about telling her?" He asked, not even looking at you. His forehead was creased and his hands in his jacket pockets.
So this was about a girl he liked. Spencer Reid had a crush. Of course, you were oblivious it was you, but Spencer Reid was romantically interested in someone!
An odd feeling of happiness came with finding this out and there was an uprising feeling within you like the first drop on a rollercoaster, but it lingered... and it was much less happy. You ignored it, of course, letting your outer emotions display themselves.
"Dr. Spencer Reid, the human encyclopedia- have you finally found a girl that puts you at a loss for words?" You teased, pressing the back of your hand to your head for dramatic effect, struggling to keep up with him.
His mouth twitched, "Maybe."
"Well, to be honest, Spence, just... tell her. Just go at it- ask to kiss her, maybe, then confess after. Or... or, you could confess, see how she takes it, then you can see if you should or shouldn't kiss her based off of if you get rejected or not." You told him, catching him by the shoulder to get him to slow down at the entrance of the frozen yogurt place.
He was much taller than you, so that came with him being that much faster, but that didn't matter now, he had stopped. Spencer looked at you, concern in his eyes, panic. You smiled kindly, "She won't reject you. I don't know any girl who would even think of it." Reassurance, because he needed it.
His eyes trailed to the ground and he ran a hand through his hair, opening the door for you. "And w-what do I say?" Spencer asked when you both went inside. You were the only two there and the cashier must have been in the back room.
You hopped over to the flavours, "I mean, whatever feels right, Spence. If you feel like going on a long, romantic, poet-written rant about how much you like her, do that. If you're afraid to bore her, you can wait for her to speak, but the truth is if she can't listen to you rant, she probably isn't worth going for."
He evaluated your words while you casually got yourself vanilla frozen yogurt. He also scanned the flavours, probably mentally shaming the company for marketing this as somewhat healthier. You giggled watching him try to figure out how to get the yogurt out of the machine as you put raspberries in yours.
"(Y/N), uh..." he said quietly, gesturing you over. The genius's mind was scrambled enough to miss the lever in front of him. You took his cup from him and pulled the lever, to which he made an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded comprehensively.
"Chocolate mocha," you smiled, handing it to him as he stood there sheepishly again. "Good choice."
You spun back to your yogurt, adding a bit of honey over the top of it all. He followed, choosing raspberries as well, silently adding them. He still didn't seem at rest with the girl thing, you noticed by the way he was failing to open the scoop-box of cookie crumbs. He had long fingers, usually nimble ones, but not so much right now. Spencer was too stressed to work properly. Error in the system, you may have joked if things weren't so bad with him.
When you were both finished, Spencer tapped the little service bell on the desk and a little woman, maybe mid-30s came out wearing the merchandise of the shop. You both placed your cups on the scale and she weighed them for the price, but both you and Spencer pulled out your wallets.
He put his card out faster, so you swat his hand with your card and paid while he mumbled "Ow..." Of course, you checked to see if he was really hurt, but he had his small, crooked smile back on his face. He was okay, maybe he was feeling better?
Saying good morning/night to the lady, you both stepped back into the midnight air, starting to walk, but not back toward the hotel. You'd think with what cases you two had worked on you'd be a little warier, but with each other, you both felt safe. You walked a few steps, eating your yogurt, before Spencer spoke up again. "Is it a bad thing I'm so clueless as to what women like? Everything I know about women is scientific. Chocolate releases endorphins, flowers are associated with beauty and love, but... other than that... I don't know anything."
You swallowed your bite as Reid took his, waiting on your answer. Just as you always listened to him, he always listened to you. He probably valued your opinion over Derek's at times. You waved your spoon in the air when you spoke, "I wouldn't say bad. Everyone starts somewhere for everything. If anything, a man who is willing to learn is more attractive than one who wings it and doesn't ask comprehensive questions to up the relationship quality."
"Asking questions, got it. Should my confession include a gesture, though?" He spoke with his mouth full. Spencer really wanted to get this right- it was admirable. But there came that uneasy feeling again. It was more like an ache this time. Perhaps it was the awkward hours of sleep throwing you off?
You sucked it up, shoved the feeling down. "Really, Spence, it depends on the woman. Do I know her? Maybe I can help- that is unless you want to profile her to get her interests? I can help with that too-"
"No, I-I don't want to profile her, I want to stay away from that, we do that on a near-daily basis."
"We?" You questioned. Reid froze, but kept walking, looking a little petrified. He put more frozen yogurt in his mouth, maybe to shut himself up. You grinned, "We as in you and her are both profilers or we as in you and I profile others together, so you don't want to profile her with me?"
"I don't want us... to profile her," he cleared his throat. "Yeah..."
You sighed with a breathy laugh, "Good, because I was starting to think you were after Emily."
He chuckled, "Oh, no, not Emily. She's too scary for me anyway. Uh..." He swallowed hard, the way he always did was he was anxious or nervous. I saw in his face he'd come to some sort of conclusion. "Don't... don't yell at me for this, alright?"
"Yell at you? Spence, I wouldn't..." You were confused. He set his frozen yogurt down on the bench he had stopped in front of and stood back in front of you, pushing his hair behind his ears. He looked at you with his doe eyes and the wind blew his curls back in front of his face, he looked to the ground. His forehead still creased between his brows, but his eyes were soft and sweet, his nose was slightly scrunched and his mouth was twisted to the side as if he was once again mentally calculating something. You granted him back the silence from earlier, wondering what was going on in that mind of his. That was... until his eyes met yours and he looked so desperately lost and longing and like he ached inside... and you no longer wondered.
You let out another long sigh. She was you.
This girl that he was trying to understand how to win over, she was you. He asked you because he needed to know what you wanted. He was nervous because he was practically confessing to you and you, a profiler, were too blind to see that.
He watched your face for your reaction, waiting for something good, but you were too shocked to react right. He unfroze, hands flying to the roots of his hair and he spun away from you. He started rambling, obviously thinking everything had gone wrong. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, (Y/N). That- that wasn't how I had things planned and I was so certain that maybe you-hm- liked me too."
His words made it true. This was, in fact, happening at 12:56am in the middle of a foreign city. Your words spilled out, stern, focused, serious. "Kiss me then."
He spun around again, "What?"
"Confess, then kiss, remember?" You recounted carefully, looking directly at him, stepping closer.
"But I didn't get to do my whole monologue thing-" He was grinning pretty hard now, all signs of stress removed from his face. He looked brighter than the neon froyo sign, in happiness and disbelief right down at you. You were pretty sure you looked similar as all the pieces fell in place in your mind. It all fit.
"I don't care." You beamed back. "Do it after."
So without wasting another second, he grabbed your face and kissed you. He kissed you with a year and four months' worth of frustration, lust, confusion and past jealousies. His hands holding your jaw, his fingertips in your hair and your hands on his chest, holding fast to jacket. The kiss was a little messy the first two seconds, but every second after it was enjoyable and sweet and oddly powerful. He also tasted rich, like chocolate mocha, but you knew where that came from.
He pulled away first, which surprised you, but he didn't move very far, in fact, he mumbled against your lips as he tucked your hair out of your face. "I think I've liked you since you and I first met. You didn't hate my science jokes and instead of being annoyed with my informational rants, you listened to me. I wasn't expecting you to be so involved with me since you're, well... you're you and you're loud and fun and sweet and beautiful, but we worked so well together how could I ignore what I felt?"
His hand was a little shaky still, but his fingertips on your cheek were gentle. He continued to quietly ramble, "I decided maybe I'd do something with myself that wasn't devoted to the BAU so I thought maybe I'd- I'd tell you this. That I think you're beautiful and smart and talented and maybe you'd understand and feel the same way and now that I know maybe you do, I feel oddly put back to how I'm supposed to be. And... I think I'm supposed to be with you. If this is too soon or... ruins our friendship, I'm sorry and I'll slow it down, but I won't stop liking you."
You couldn't believe that in a three-minute span you had gone from painfully oblivious to so extremely wide awake. But it was in the best way possible after a year and four months of you also being painfully crushed by your secret feelings for Dr.Reid.
"It's fine, Spence," you said quietly, smiling at him with the most happiness you had found in months. "More than fine, I can't believe this is real."
He tucked the other side of your hair behind your ear, "You might have DRC, then. It stands for dream-reality confusion and is a difficulty or inability to determine whether an event or experience occurred during the waking state or whether it was part of a dream. I can assure you that you aren't dreami-"
You reached up and pulled him onto your lips by the back of the neck, smiling into it. This would be the first time you've ever shut him up. He welcomed it by kissing you back again, softer this time. Now that he was sure you wouldn't hate him for it, it felt a lot more natural, a lot more at ease. His passion was still there, as was yours, but this was how things were supposed to be. There was no longer a rush.
The two of you started laughing after it all. Both of you laughed at how painfully oblivious you both were and he went on a small explanation as to why we don't see our own tells and how feelings of romantic relation cloud the judgement. You went over every time the rest of the team had made a comment you both secretly loved or some you dismissed because it was an ache to hear.
Spencer opened up about his fear of rejection and you did the same and that too resulted in more laughing because here you were, so afraid, but you had both been in it for so long. You deserved to have each other after all this time not only because you fit, but because everyone saw it too, far before either of you did.
An innocent, fun, midnight escapade to cheer Spencer up turned into him finding a truly happy state of mind. You took that as a win and success as you tossed frozen yogurt containers in the garbage and found your way back to your room where you told Spencer it was okay to sleep in the bed as long as he was nice.
So he let you turn out the lights and lay next to him, your head on his chest in the way you had done before when it was only an achingly platonic move. He played with your hair, stared at the green walls, ranted about the history of the colour green and soon after, the both of you went right back to sleep, entirely happy.
Tagged: @ellyhotchner @softhairedhotch
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Day 30: Likeness
Draco Malfoy had spent his entire life being shaped and molded into the image and likeness of Lucius Malfoy.
It had always been assumed that he would go into politics, that he would settle down with a nice pureblood girl and have a child. His life had always been laid out before him like it had already happened.
But the summer Draco turned 18 he left. He left his family, left his friends, left the wizarding world all together. Draco cut his hair short on the sides and let the top grow out and then he dyed it pink.
He got a muggle tattoo; bright, beautiful flowers to cover up the dark mark: new life conquering death.
And he got a job dancing at a strip club. He was good at it, he had the body for it, for the corsets and the tiny panties, for the heels that made his legs look miles long. The muggle glitter made his pale, muscular body shimmer under the lights. He had the face for it, his eyes mysterious and otherworldly enough that the make-up only enhanced it.
He was a very popular act and Draco enjoyed the whole affair. He enjoyed people watching him, desiring him. It wasn't a forever career but it served him well.
It continued to serve him well for four whole years, before one night when the lights came up and he strut out onto the stage, rolling his hips and letting his hands caress his body, and just as he was reaching for the pole his eyes snagged on a pair of eyes he would have recognized anywhere.
It felt like eternity passed in the beat of the song he missed as he found Harry Potter staring back at him from the audience. A jolt of something electric skittered down his spine and Draco forced himself to look away and start dancing.
(Read more below the cut)
He hooked his leg around the pole and began his routine, falling into the familiar motions, spinning, and rolling, and flipping, using every ounce of strength and control he possessed.
And he very intentionally did not allow his eyes to stray to Potter.
Even without looking, though, he knew that he had the other man's undivided attention. It had been so long since he'd felt the heat of Potter's gaze on him that he'd almost forgotten what it was like to be the center of his attention.
At the very end, as he was collecting the notes that had been thrown at him, he allowed himself one more look.
Potter had grown up. He'd grown taller and his body had filled out, it was almost hard to believe that he was the same boy who'd come to Hogwarts looking malnourished, weak, and filthy to fight the most dangerous wizard to ever live. His hair had grown out, too, it was pulled back into a messy bun, and he'd grown in a beard that he kept trimmed neatly.
He had the sudden urge to feel the scrape of his beard on all of the sensitive places on his body, to sink his fingers into Potter's curls as his mouth tasted Draco's skin.
He made eye contact, and his arousal spiked at the look of sheer want in the other man's eyes. In that moment, Draco felt like the most powerful man in the entire world.
The man sitting next to Potter, a muggle that Draco didn't recognize, punched him in the shoulder and the moment dissipated like smoke.
With a quick shake of the head, he finished collecting his money and disappeared back stage without looking at him again.
That night he wondered what would come of Potter seeing him, wondered if he'd find reporters from the Prophet at the show the next night, worried that his world was crashing down around him.
But he couldn't seem to stop wondering if he might see Potter again.
Potter returned the next night, and the next, and the next, and so on for the following month.
Every time Draco stepped onto the stage, Potter was there in the crowd watching. And he found himself watching Potter more and more, until one night he spent nearly his entire scene watching the other man, he might as well have used Potter as a spot to keep himself from getting dizzy.
It was that night that he decided enough was enough. He had to find out why Potter was here and what he wanted. After his performance he changed quickly, pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. He slipped into a pair of trainers and headed out of his dressing room and toward the door that led into the club.
Potter was no where to be seen when he came in so he went outside and saw him walking down the sidewalk. "Potter!" he shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth.
The other man froze before turning slowly to look at him.
Draco jogged to catch up to him but found that he wasn't quite sure what to say once he was standing in front of him.
"Uh," the other man said inelegantly, rubbing the back of his neck, "Hey."
"Hey?" Draco spluttered incredulously. "You show up to every single one of my performances for the past month and that is all you have to say? Hey?"
"You're very talented," Potter offered.
"Yes," he replied.
Potter snorted, "Humble as ever, I see."
"Why should I be humble? I am talented," he said, tilting his chin up defiantly. "I've worked hard to get where I am."
"Sorry," Potter said, trying to backpedal, "I didn't-" he shook his head. "I'm not sure what to say to you. I didn't mean to offend you."
"I'm not offended," Draco replied. He crossed his arms, wishing he'd brought a jacket, "Just," he huffed, "tell me why."
"Why what?"
"Why you keep coming to watch me dance!"
Potter looked at him for a long moment, "Are you cold?" he asked.
"Yes," he replied, because it was true. Potter started to shrug off his jacket, "You don't have to do th-" but his protest fell on deaf ears as he looped it over Draco's shoulders.
"I've asked myself that very same question a thousand times," Harry replied. "In part, I think it's because so many people just stayed the same. It's why I left the wizarding world for the most part, everyone wanted me to be who I'd always been and I didn't want that anymore. I wanted to be allowed to grow and change. And you've obviously done that, too."
"So, what you felt like we were kindred spirits or something?" he asked.
"Sort of," Potter replied, lazily lifting one shoulder, "But you're just nothing like what I imagined you turn out to be and it made me wonder what else I was wrong about when it came to you."
"And you thought the best way to figure it out was by watching me pole dance?"
Potter laughed and rubbed the back of his neck again, "I don't know. I couldn't figure out what to do," he confessed. "I didn't know how to talk to you."
"Still," Draco said, "there has to be more to it than that."
"You're also bloody gorgeous," Potter added, "when you dance. And I really like watching you."
He nodded, "I'd wondered a little bit before I saw you again if part of my obsession with you at Hogwarts was actually attraction that I just hadn't understood at the time."
"And?" he asked.
"Well, obviously seeing you again confirmed it." Potter looked down and scuffed his toe on the sidewalk.
In a moment of bravery that he'd never quite be able to understand later, Draco stepped forward, caught Potter's chin and pressed their lips together.
Potter took a surprised gasp, sucking a bit of Draco's air into his mouth before he started to kiss him back. His hands moved to cup Draco's face as he kissed him softly, gently like Draco was something precious, something treasured.
He'd been kissed a lot but he'd never been kissed like this. He'd never been kissed with such single-minded devotion, never been kissed like he was someone instead of something. Potter licked into his mouth, stroking his tongue over Draco's as one of his hands slid down to Draco's waist, drawing him a bit closer.
After a long moment, Potter pulled back first, "We should get off the sidewalk," he said.
"Logical," Draco replied.
"Could I take you to dinner?"
The corner of Draco's mouth tipped up, "I don't usually have dinner with my one night stands."
"Well, maybe I could not be a one night stand?" Potter said. "Not that I'm even remotely opposed to the idea of sex with you, I just can't imagine that one night could ever be enough."
"I might be able to be persuaded."
"Oh?" Potter asked, smiling wide enough that his dimples appeared. "How might I be able to persuade you?"
He smirked, "I'm not entirely sure yet but you're resourceful, you'll figure it out."
"Where would you like to go for dinner?" Potter asked.
"You flat," he replied. "I'm still in my stage make-up and it makes for some funny looks."
"Your make up is gorgeous," Potter protested, "But I'd be very glad for you to come back to my flat."
"Lead on, then," Draco replied, feeling a spark of anticipation.
This was just the first of many nights that Draco came to Harry's flat after the show. He came to his flat so often, in fact, that it eventually became their flat. And Harry had been right all along, one night (or one lifetime, for that matter) could never be enough.
You can read Day 107: Charge as a sequel to this ficlet. :)
Day 29: Punch | Day 31: Veritaserum
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
OH ANTONI 🥺🥺🥺 my poor baby. I hope he will find it within himself to come clean to Jake or SOMEONE about this :((((
One Two Three Four Five Six
CW: Wound cleaning, burns, touch aversion, aftermath of torture, BBU, conditioned fucky headspace
"Lift your chin for me," she commands, and he doesn't really remember that he could choose not to obey.
Antoni dutifully shifts, his eyes moving to roam over a line of framed photographs along the wall behind her. A wedding photo, faded with time, a much, much younger version of the woman currently dabbing a cotton ball dipped in something cold and stinging to the fresh burn on his throat with a man he's never seen. The two of them are smiling, holding hands, looking right into the camera.
Bright white wedding dress turned cream with yellowing paper, with time, covered in lace. Powder-blue tuxedo. Brilliant smiles.
She touches the cotton ball to his skin and he hisses, hands tightening where they grip the edges of the chair he's sitting on. The sting rockets through him, only a pale echo of the original pain, but it's enough.
It's enough.
Fuck, that's hot.
He catches the sob before it can leave his throat, forces the burn behind his eyes to stay there and not turn into tears. He will not cry over this again.
Not now.
"There we go, just a bit more," She says, her voice gruffly compassionate. She presses a small rounded bandage against his throat, her fingertips are warm against his neck.
His skin crawls at even this slight, indirect touch, but he doesn't protest.
He wouldn't dare.
"All done. That's not s'bad, I think with a good bandaging it won't scar half so bad as all its little friends down south," She mutters, more to herself than him, really.
Where her fingers touch, he feels the echoes of other hands around his throat. Thicker fingers, heavy with rings. Smiling down at him.
Beg for me, love.
"Please-" It's automatic. He's drifting, in and out of this old kitchen that still looks like it must have looked thirty years ago, when the man in the wedding photo would still be here maybe cooking or cleaning or chatting up a storm to anyone who popped by for a visit.
"Hm? You say something, sweetheart?" Miss Ruth looks at him, and those dark eyes are shrewd. They know more than anyone is supposed to, they know things Nat hasn't told her. Hasn't had to.
"Ah, no," He whispers. "Just. I am very tired."
"No doubt. I'll finish these up and you can get back to your own bed and no doubt you'll be glad to get there." She looks him over, and his eyes dance to hers and away again. Back to the photos.
He sees a family photo, the two people from before and a daughter and son. Everyone is smiling, looking carefully just off to the side. They wear matching outfits.
"Get a look at 'em?"
There's a 35th wedding anniversary picture with a big banner behind the happy couple. The two people, much older, stand in front a cake nearly as tall as they are, surrounded by others. Everyone in the photo smiles in sort of the same way.
The next photo is a birthday, he thinks. There's a boy and a young baby in the photo, and the man from wedding and anniversary photo isn't there. Miss Ruth, holding her grandbaby he thinks, is wearing all black. The photo was taken in a church, and there's a spray of white lilies just visible at the edge of the picture.
Another, with Jaden, who Chris plays basketball with. The kid who more or less effortlessly opened his life for Chris when Chris badly needed a friend his own age, or closer to it, to remember what being a kid was like.
He is reading, in images, the story of this woman's adult life. Marriage, and death, and birth. Children. Life going on.
A life he won't have, that he gave up every possibility of having, because of... of whatever is inside him that Mr. Davies knew about, that the people who just hurt him could see in him even though he cannot see it himself.
He must look like someone who deserves to be hurt.
"Young man." She taps on the back of his hand and he flinches, blinking at her, struggling to pull himself out of his reverie. Her words filter through his mind, shift into the language all his thoughts are moving in, come back out in hers. He swallows, feeling a lump in his throat that refuses to move.
"I'm... sorry," He says softly, with difficulty. "I did not hear."
"I can tell. I asked did you get a good look at whoever did this to you." Her eyes roam over his chest, his stomach. The circle of new burns, placed so carefully compared to the haphazard placement Mr. Davies had favored, no pattern at all. "Looks like they took their damn time, anyway, to get you so much."
"N-... no." Antoni's eyebrows furrow, and he tries to think, but all he can remember is their hands holding the lit cigarettes, the quiet one touching his face, ruffling his hair. He can't... he can't remember their faces at all. "I am sorry."
You're fucking gorgeous, buddy, you know that?
"Hm." If she's disappointed in him, nothing changes about her expression, still held in a kind of skeptical compassion as she wets a new cotton ball in liquid from a small frosted plastic bottle and touches it to each burn, one by one, in the circle. It's like a ritual, the sting, washing away a bit of sin with each hint of pain. He clothes his eyes and breathes carefully through it.
When he is done, each circle covered with a bandage that is shades darker than his skin, she steps back to look him over, critically. She steps away and he takes in deep breaths free of her air, the powdery scent of her. He breathes in her absence, no one nearby.
She returns with a washcloth and he takes it, scrubs at his face until his cheeks are red but clean, until you can't tell anymore that he cried while they burned him.
Good boy.
"You can stay here," She says, voice low now. "Sleep it off for a while. I've got a guest room."
"No. No, I will go home. Thank you. I will... I want to go home." He looks out the kitchen window right at Nat's house next door. No lights are on... yet. But there isn't much time before they will be.
"Fair enough. You plan to tell 'em what happened to you?"
He looks back at her, searches for the judgement, finds none.
"No," He says. Confesses, really, his sin. "I will not."
I will lie to them.
"That's your choice to make, I suppose." She lays a hand on his arm. He doesn't pull away from her. He wants to unzip himself from his skin and step out of it, let them all have what they seem to want to touch so much.
Instead, he holds himself perfectly still, until she pats him a few times and steps away again.
"I've done what I can do. You come back over here tomorrow or the day after and we'll look 'em over again and make sure they're healing up nice, you got me?"
"Yes," He says. He is good. He can be good.
"Right. Off you go, then, before your people wake up and you get to come up with a story about why you're in an old widow's house at 4:30 in the morning, hm? You're pretty enough, but you're no Wilbur." She laughs to herself, a dry and crackly sound, and he thinks that her laugh was the sort that could set a whole crowd to laughing, when she was young.
It still is.
The corners of his mouth twitch in an answering smile.
"Yes, ma'am," he says, and pushes himself off the edge, standing up again. No one has seen his scars, no one but this old neighbor woman who looks at them like they are simply part of living, not something to be pitied. "I go. S-... thank you."
"Paugh." She scoffs, waves a hand in dismissal. "Go on, now. You've thrown off my morning coffee time. Tell your young man that Jaden will be over this afternoon."
She all but shoos him out the door, and the air is clear and clean and quiet. The only dirty thing is Antoni himself, smudged and mussed, still feeling in his scalp the prickles of Quiet One's hands, still feeling on his arms the sharp pressure of the shirt tied around his wrists.
Still aware of every single burn under the slight pull of the bandages pressed over them, the gentle sting that feels like a return to how he was always meant to be.
Even the walk from one yard to another feels like too much. Antoni's eyes move over the empty darkened windows of the houses all around him. How obvious he must be, if three people saw him in the darkness and knew him for a pet pretending to be human.
He shouldn't have left, shouldn't have gone on those walks. He'd left himself open and vulnerable, hadn't he? His scars are deeper than skin, and they must shine like the streetlights to anyone who knows what to look for.
Antoni stops at the porch, where he carefully lifts a loose bit of board from the porch railing, finds the small box hidden inside. The slightest scrape of metal on metal as he pulls off the lid makes him freeze, but no one is awake to hear it. He takes the contents of the box, moves it quickly back to its hiding place, replaces the board.
Like nothing ever happened.
Everything can be made as good as new, as long as it isn't him.
He slips inside the safehouse, where everything is still quiet, in the silent inhale that comes before the exhalation of morning. The clock in the kitchen reads 4:45, fifteen minutes until Jake's alarm will go off, until he - and likely Chris - will stir.
Fifteen minutes for Antoni get upstairs and look so deeply asleep that no one will realize he was ever gone.
No time to shower.
He will have to sleep with the grime of their hands still ground deep into every single pore. He will sleep with Deep Voice's we know what you are in his ears, with Quiet One's fingers tangled in his hair, running over his skin. He will sleep with Lookout's eyes locked on his chest as he presses the cigarette in.
Antoni hasn't worn a collar in years now, but he buckles it on, just one notch too tight like Mr. Davies would have, and climbs under the covers, pulling them over his head.
He breathes in as deep as he can, to feel the constriction. Breathes out, and runs his hand up over his chest, over the bandages that cover his burns.
They knew what he was.
Everyone always will.
Good boy.
The ashtray falls asleep humming a lullaby, afraid that if he pulls the blankets back down he will see bars on the windows.
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sugar-quilled · 3 years
when stars align
a/n: this is fluff wrapped in unnecessary plot. my bad.
summary: star gazing date
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
pronouns: she/her
Spring came very suddenly this year. Many students had feared that there wouldn't be sunny weather to look forward to after exams ended, but the clouds parted on the last day, and there was a great hurrying to the castle grounds and enjoy a well deserved break. Quite a few students had taken to soaring around the Quidditch pitch, throwing around a Quaffle and chatting about summer plans. As you made your way out to the courtyard, absolutely determined to forget about the entirety of your Astrology exam, a very handsome owl came swooping down from a tree nearby to land on your shoulder. You quickly accepted the very small square of parchment clamped in its beak, and recognized it as Draco's eagle owl. You smiled at the bird, gave it a quick pet on the head, and turned the parchment piece around. In very tidy writing, it read:
Meet me at the courtyard? 8 pm. Send an answer back - Draco
"Date night?" a voice behind you said. You swung around to see Daphne Evergreen's eyes peering over your unoccupied shoulder and grinned.
"Seems like you know the answer to that question already, Daph."
"Sure do. Will you let me do your hair? I saw a Ravenclaw with a really beautiful half up half down kind of look and it'll really be gorgeous on you. Pity I could never pull it off."
"Don't lie to yourself," you said, swinging your bag off your shoulder, "bangs do grow out you know. And yes, absolutely." The owl readjusted its footing and tugged on your hair, as if telling you that it didn't have all day to listen to two girls talk. You walked quickly off the path, said goodbye to Daphne with the promise of meeting her in the dormitory in a few minutes, and dug around your school bag for a quill and ink. Unscrewing the bottle, you sat down on the grass and wrote back,
Answer is yes, pretty boy.
Draco's owl immediately snatched the parchment out of your hand, and took off towards the owlery.
time skip to 7:50
"Daphne you're brushing too hard," you muttered as she tugged forcefully on your hair. You two had been planning your outfit for about 4 hours now, taking a 30 minute break at 5 to shovel down perhaps the fastest dinner you had ever eaten and running right back up to the dormitory.
"I've never ever seen your hair with this many knots. Have you been crawling around some underbrush? There's a twig in here. How could you have possibly gotten a twig in your hair?"
"I don't know? Maybe it was Draco's ow- OW! Daphne, please, my head's attached to the other end of those strands! Couldn't you just use some Sleekeazy's? There should be a bottle in my drawer."
"NO! It'll ruin your natural waves!" she cried, frantic. "It's 7:52 already! You're due in 8 minutes! And we've still got earrings to choose and you didn't say which shoes yet!"
"I'll do without earrings! And I thought I said the oxfords were fine!" you answered, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes as Daphne tugged harder still.
"Hang on, just give me one second, I'm nearly there, you've just got this big lump that I've been trying to get through this past half hour."
With the hardest tug yet, Daphne undid the knot, pulling out quite a few hairs in the process, and let out a very tired cheer. You stood up straight and turned back at her.
"Okay, well you've got your top," she said, dropping the brush and moving forward to tuck the black scoop neck into your jeans, "jeans, necklace looks fine, hair looks gorgeous, and do you want to borrow my purse? It'll fit th-"
"Daphne I'm just going to the courtyard! What do I need a bloody purse for?" You half-yelled, massaging a very sore spot on the back of your head.
"You're right, you're right," Daphne said as you stepped into your oxfords, "well then off you go! It's 7:56, you've got plenty of time. Tell me all about it when you get back!"
"Yes, of course. Bye, Daphne!" You shouted, already half-way out the door.
The trip out to the courtyard seemingly took less than a minute, but in your hurried state, there was no way you counted the seconds properly. It was almost completely empty, with only two or three pairs of students still playing gobstones. You spotted Draco, and immediately felt a rosy color creep over your cheeks.
Draco was wearing a white button down and some neatly pressed black pants, an attire that looked suspiciously like his school uniform without a cloak. No complaints were had though, as he looked impossibly handsome.
A large, grayish green picnic blanket had been set down on the floor. Several puffy pillows had been layered down on top of it, alongside a very big, very fluffy blanket.
He turned around, a very expensive looking bouquet of flowers in hand, and gave you a quick smile before striding towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
You blushed and placed a kiss below his jawline before entwining your hand in his. He gestured towards the blanket—"after you, dear"—and the two of you sat down.
"This set up looks lovely, Draco" you said, readjusting to face him.
"I'm glad you're impressed by my effort" he replied, handing you the bouquet. It was a darling little thing of daisies, baby's breath, and lavender. Pixie dust sparkled on each flower. "I'm sure you want to know what I have planned for today?"
You leaned closer to him, and answered mockingly, "What is it dear Draco? Do tell me!"
"Star gazing."
You leaned back and and noticed a small telescope placed beside a pillow to your right. Knowing his absolute disdain for Astrology, you smiled. "Why the sudden change in interest?"
He rolled his eyes. "It's supposed to be romantic. And anyways, stars are pretty when they aren't for analyzing. Come here, the sun's about to set." He pulled you fully onto his lap, facing away from him, and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
The sky was indeed dimming, brilliant strokes of orange turned pink, then purple, and finally gave way to an inky night sky. You had settled very comfortably, head against his chest, as his chin rested on the top of your head. The big blanket covered you both, and as you sat up, reaching towards the telescope to get a closer look at what seemed to be Scorpius, a very sharp "Malfoy!" startled the both of you. Professor McGonagall was storming towards you.
"What do you two think you're doing? It's nearly a quarter past ten and I feel the need to remind you that that is past your curfew. 5 points from Slytherin, and you best both be hurrying back to your dormitories."
Completely abandoning the picnic things and apologizing briefly to McGonagall, you two ran back towards the Slytherin common room, slowing only when you reached a familiar stone wall.
"Serpentine," you muttered to the wall, which then rumbled and shifted so that a corridor that lead to the common room appeared. As you walked down the passage, you thanked Draco for the flowers and date.
"It did get cut short, but it was very enjoyable. Thank you for planning it." You gave him a smile, a peck on the cheek, and made to turn for the girls' dormitories, but Draco grabbed your hand and was dragging you towards the boys'.
"Dray, what are you doing?" You hissed, "Goyle, Crabbe, Theo, and Blaise are probably sleeping by now."
Draco looked back at you with a signature smirk and continued to drag you up the stairs, leaving you with no choice but to follow.
He opened the door to his dormitory to show it completely empty.
"They've got detention today. Convenient."
"Draco! You gave them detention?"
"Well, I didn't really give them detention, I just gave them the opportunity to be given det-"
"Alright, alright," you muttered, coming to the conclusion that one nights' worth of detention for the boys couldn't be that bad. You drew open the curtains next to Draco's bed, revealing a tall, arched window and the starry night sky, framed like a painting behind the glass.
"This view is incredible," you breathed, snuggling into Draco's bed, which smelt like cologne and mint, resting your head against the headboard, and watching Draco rest himself beside you and lay his head on your chest. He turned so that you both were facing the window, and then wrapped his arms securely around you. One hand tangled in his hair, the other resting on his lower back, you turned to look at the stars with him.
Each was dotted with precision into the inky background, looking nothing like a nature of the universe and everything like a craftsman's work of art. You'd heard so many people marvel at those that shone brighter, more captivating to the eye, but to you, it was the small little specks that were worth more. They filled the gaps that the larger ones couldn't, and made the skies irregular and breathtakingly beautiful. Stars move, so that no night sky is ever the same as the previous, and maybe it was that Draco was by your side, but no combination of stars had ever presented such a beautiful picture before.
"Draco, you see those four stars? How they're in a line?"
Draco looked up sleepily at the window, muttering "pretty" before slumping down again.
"Prettier than me?" You laughed, pushing a few strands of hair off his forehead.
"Nothing's prettier than you, baby, you know that." He muttered drowsily, rolling onto his back so that he could look straight up at you.
You leaned over and brushed the tip of your nose against his. He hummed softly in response and wrapped two arms around your neck, bringing you into a kiss.
"I love you," you whispered after breaking away, shifting yourself out from under Draco so that you two were now eye to eye.
He pulled you onto his chest. "I love you too baby. And I'll get you another bouquet tomorrow since todays' is probably wilting as we speak."
You giggled softly, and with the promise of, you both promptly fell asleep.
pov switch
When Goyle, Crabbe, Theo, and Blaise entered their dormitory after two hours worth of scrubbing the floor, they found Draco entwined with a certain girl, her hand in his hair, his wrapping her close and snug against his chest. The curtains next to Draco's bed were still drawn open, so that the uncountable stars winked down at the couple. The boys knew better than to wake them up, so Goyle drew the drapes around the four poster closed, and they headed off to bed.
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thelastdrop · 4 years
Festival 3: Past
Tumblr media
Blackpink Jisoo x Male Reader
5207 words
Categories: smut
Read on AFF
“… and that is why we would like to continue to aggressively pursue the use of your company’s electronics while we work to build more advanced models. Thank you.”
The words came into your right ear as your translator spoke into a small microphone they were given.
As the older Korean businessman finishes his presentation with a bow, you look over at Mr. Hegstad, the Vice President of your company, and see he’s begun to gather his belongings. You quickly followed his lead and gathered up all the papers that had been handed out during the meeting and tried to organize them quickly so you didn’t get left behind.
“Piglet don’t forget to take your earpiece out and give it back to our translator,” Mr. Hegstad said, “Having to replace those is a pain in the ass.”
“Yes, sir.” you replied.
‘Piglet’ a nickname that had been graciously given to you by Mr. Hegstad. Even though he was only five years older than you he was already VP of your company. Climbing the corporate ladder at such an astounding rate made him the envy of a lot of different corporations, who were seeking young executives they could start grooming to take over as the next CEO of their respective companies.
You took out your earpiece and placed it in the white bin labeled with some Korean characters and the word ‘EARPIECE’ below it in big black bold letters. As you looked up, you saw that Mr. Hegstad was already out the door of the conference room. Quickly shoving the documents inside your bag, you slung it across your body and squeezed your way through the crowd exiting the room.
Mr. Hegstad still had his head facing forward as you finally emerged on the other side of the door, giving you hope that he hadn't noticed your absence by his side yet. Sprinting after him, you brought yourself to a leisurely walk as you got closer.
“Glad you finally caught up Piglet,” he chuckles, “Thought I’d have to leave you behind.”
“Sorry for worrying you, Mr. Hegstad,” you sighed in defeat.
“Aw c'mon now you know I wouldn’t have actually left you alone in a country you don’t know, right? And for the love of god when it’s just you and me call me John,” he said, as he threw his arm over your shoulder. “I’m barely older than you and having you of all people call me Mr. Hegstad makes me feel way older than I am.”
“I’ll try my best,” you answered.
“That’s the spirit!” he exclaimed as he gave your chest a firm slap, “Now pleeeeeeease tell me we’re done for the day.”
You pulled out your phone and checked the detailed schedule Mr. Hegstad’s secretary gave to you before coming to South Korea.
When your boss called you into his office in the middle of the workday a few weeks ago you were worried you’d messed something up pretty bad. As he began to tell you of the opportunity you were being offered you weren’t sure if he was serious. You were chosen by the higher ups to accompany the VP of your company on a month long business trip to South Korea to act as his do-it-all man. It had only been six months since you started working here and you didn’t know what to say.
“But, why me? I don’t even speak Korean?” you asked dumbfounded.
“This is a position that’s given out every year.” your boss began, “Every year our company sends one of the executives to South Korea in order to talk about the following years business deals with the multiple companies we work with there.”
While you processed what he was saying to you, you couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not. As you tried to wrap your head around it, living in South Korea for a whole month seemed wild to you. You don’t know the first thing about South Korea: the food, the language, the culture. Just then you're brought back into the moment as your boss continues.
“Now this isn’t an easy job,” he waned in a serious tone, “but it can prove to be a great starting point for your future at the company. Those who do a good job and earn the respect of the executive they travel with swiftly rise the ranks here. Mr. Hegstad was given that opportunity 4 years ago and look at where he is now. It also didn’t hurt that he went with the current CEO of the company.”
“I’ll take it!” you blurted out.
“Oh ho ho, an eager one I see,” he laughed, “well I hope you don’t end up regretting it. People who don’t do a good job end up with a much harder battle when looking for promotions.” He gestured out to an older man in his late 30s early 40s with the same job title as you.
“I-I won’t,” you stuttered out.
Over the next several weeks you would meet with Mr. Hegstad’s secretary and learn as much as you could about him. What he liked to drink after a long day's work, what his favorite snack was, what he liked to do to relax, even which side of the car he prefered to sit on. Anything and everything you could try and memorize you did, you also took sometime to look up some basic things about South Korea so you wouldn’t make a complete fool of yourself when you got there.
The day before you leave you met one last time with his secretary who gave you the itinerary for your trip. Every day laid out with the meetings, lunches, and dinners Mr. Hegstad was going to have while you were there. As you turned away from her desk to leave for the day, she wished you good luck with a smile.
“So are we done?” Mr. Hegstad asked again as you approached the elevator doors.
You locked your phone and put it back into your pocket, turning to him you said the three words he wanted to hear more than any other three words right now, “Yes, we’re done.”
He collapsed to his knees and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Oh thank you, thank you sweet merciful god,” he said as he fake wept into your stomach.
“Si-Sir please get up, people are staring,” you said as you pull on the collar of his jacket to no avail. The elevator doors opened, luckily, with no one inside.
“Mr. Hegstad, please the elevator is here.” Once again you were only met with more fake weeping. You reached out and stuck your hand in the elevator to hold the doors open.
“JOHN!” you say loudly causing him to look up at you with puppy dog eyes. You motion toward the elevator, seeing that it had arrived he slowly rose to his feet giving you a pat on the shoulder as he entered the elevator. You rolled your eyes and then bowed to the crowd in an apologetic manner as you followed John onto the elevator.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,” John let out a sigh as he stretched his arms upwards, “So what are we doing tonight? This is the first night I've been free since we both got here so why don’t we go and do something fun?”
“I don’t know if I have it in me, s- I mean John.”
A grin spreads across his face as he heard you say his name, “Come on Piglet you spend most of your nights working so hard. Just take one night off and come drinking with me. I promise I won’t drag you to any clubs.”
You let out a long sigh knowing no matter how much you tried you weren’t getting out of this one. Looking at your watch and seeing that it was nearly 7 you knew you had to put your foot down.
“Fine, but only ONE beer then I have to get back to our hotel and get your documents in order for your day tomorrow.”
The doors to the elevator opened and you both began walking toward the entrance of the building where your car was waiting.
“Hey if that’s all I can get outta you Piglet then I’ll take it,” John said with a satisfied look on his face.
After returning to the hotel and getting changed you heard a knock on your door.
“Ohhhhh Piglet your best buddy is here to take you out for some fuuuuuun,” you heard John yelling behind the door to your room.
You opened the door and saw John in a very casual outfit. He was wearing a white shirt with a jean jacket over the top and a necklace with some kind of pendant on it hanging into his chest. That accompanied with the dark jeans he had on, gave you the sense that you were not dressed well enough to be seen with him.
“Heeeeyyyaaaah, what are you wearing?” he hasped with a horrified look on his face. “Nope nope nope you’re not going out like that. How are you going to end up with a girl tonight looking like that?”
“Ending up with a girl tonight?” you said confused as he brushed by you entering your room, “I thought I told you one beer and then I need to come back here and get ready for your day tomorrow.”
He started going through your closet and looking at the clothes you brought on the trip. “Yeah yeah, I know what you said,” he peeked his head out and looked at you, “but you need to learn how to live a little. You’re always so serious and I’m gonna make sure you get to unwind tonight.”
John dove back into your closet making various noises as he looked through your wardrobe. Some in disgust, some in indifference, and very few times in surprise at your choices, which you weren’t able to tell is a good or bad thing. Finally he came out with a handful of clothes and a pair of brown loafers.
He looked at you and then back at the clothes impatiently, “Well hurry up and change! Come on Piglet we’re losing time here!” He shouted at you.
You quickly picked up the clothes and headed into the bathroom. After you changed into your new outfit, you looked at yourself in the mirror. John had picked out a white short sleeve button up that had tiny dark blue dots on it and some dark gray pants. As you walked back out of the bathroom and into the room John gave you a curious look, like he was trying to understand a piece of artwork.
“Ah, I’ve got it,” he said as he rushed over to you. He then rolled your sleeves up until they were just below your shoulders and your pant legs up to show your ankles. He took a step back and looked upon his creation once more. He put all of his fingers to his mouth and gave a chef's kiss.
“Perfect, you’re definitely getting laid tonight,” he said with a wink as he walked beside you and put his arm on your shoulder, spinning you around so you were both linked up as you left your room.
Once you’re out of the hotel you both began walking, John vigilantly looked for a place where you two could have a good night. You passed a lot of places that seemed more than fitting for what you were looking to get out of the night.
“This is the place,” John blurted out, taking a hard left while he grabbed your sleeve and pulled you in with him. As you stepped into the bar, it looked like you stepped into another dimension.
Stepping off from the busy streets of Seoul, you were now in a quiet bar with light music playing. The all wooden interior gave you a very warm and comfortable feeling. The simplistic designs made into the woodwork on the ceiling and walls counteracted the curved support beams that sprang up from the floor and into the ceiling. There were two levels both with similar seating arrangements from what you could tell, a mixture of granite hightops and tables with the same red felt chairs at every location. The last thing that stood out was the long granite bar that stretched along the entire wall on the lower level.
John looked for some kind of staff and started talking to them in Korean.
“They said we can sit wherever we want and someone will come around to get our drink orders,” John relayed to you, “Let’s grab that open table right there.”
As you both sat down at the table you took a look around at the individuals in the bar. It seemed like a younger crowd, all of them around the same ages of you and John. John caught you looking and slapped you on the arm.
“See anyone you like Piglet?”
“Why do you call me that?”
“What? Piglet?” he teased before letting out a chuckle as you nodded back at him. “Well the first time I walked by where you work I saw you had a little Piglet plushie on your desk, and since I’m horrible at remembering new employees names I just called you Piglet and it stuck with me.”
“But can’t you just call me by my first name at this point,” you complained in an annoyed manner, “I mean, you’re making me call you by your first name.”
“No can do Piglet. You are locked in my brain as Piglet now and so shall you forever be called,” Josh said in a medieval-esque voice.
You let out a long sigh as a waitress approached your table. John took over and ordered both of your drinks. You both had small talk about what it had been like here so far, you asked John how about his experiences on this trip when he was where you were, and you both just passed the time having a good chat.
As you tipped your glass back for one final swig of the dark beer that was left in it you are stopped before the liquid can touch your lips. One of the most stunning women you had ever laid your eyes on had just walked into the bar. She had long black hair that fell down past her chest. She was wearing a slightly oversized all white button up with only her 3rd and 4th button being used revealing what looked to be a black crop top that stopped before her skirt began giving you a glimpse of her midriff. A black, dark gray and light gray plaid almost see through skirt was fashioned around her waist.
John seeing you stuck in place followed your line of sight and saw who you were staring at.
“Bingo,” he said as he rose from his seat making his way to where the woman was walking.
“Wait, John, no there’s no way I can talk to her,” you pleaded as you reached for his arm as he walked away, “I don’t even know Korean.”
“Stop worrying so much.” he teased, “It’s going to be a lot more embarrassing if I have to point you out to her than if you make the first move.” John said as he turned and continued walking toward the woman as she took a seat at the bar.
You debated whether you should just leave quickly and head back to the hotel or try and beat John to the woman. After only a couple seconds of deliberation, you quickly sprang out of your chair and rushed past John as you filled the seat next to the Korean woman.
“H-Hi,” you stuttered out. “Hello,” she responds with a Korean accent. Not knowing what to say you just sat there and stared at the beautiful woman in front of you. After a few moments that seemed like an eternity you felt something heavy crash around your shoulder. You looked over to see John standing above you, he gave you a wink before he talked with her in korean
You just sat there and smiled awkwardly while they talked. The only thing that you were able to pick out of the conversation is one word, Piglet. As soon as the word is mentioned you see her look at you and then back to John, she then pointed at you and said something you would think meant “Him?”. She then covered her mouth and began laughing while John did the same. Once the laughter died down and you sat there red in the face, John took his arm off your shoulder and leaned down into your ear.
“I’m leaving. Her name is Jisoo. Good luck Piglet.” he whispered and then rose back up and said goodbye to the two of you. As you watched him exit the bar you heard her sweet voice once more.
“So… Piglet.” she said.
“Well, um, you see he-” but your stammering is cut off by one word.
“Cute” she said with a smile as she looked you in the eyes.
All of the fear and embarrassment you had felt were washed away with one simple word that came out of this angel sitting before you. You felt as if all of the stress from the trip so far had melted away, leaving you in a complete state of relaxation.
“Yeah…,” you said, “cute.”
She nodded in affirmation.
“So… Jisoo, right?”
“Yes,” she answered back with a little bounce.
“Do you speak English a lot?” you asked.
“No… but I… learn for my job,” she said, proud of herself for finishing her sentence. “So we can… speak to make easier.”
“Okay.” you said as an uncontrollable grin wipes across your face causing Jisoo’s face to mimic your own.
For the next hour or longer you both sat together, talking as best you could about anything. You both began to get more comfortable around one another and finally Jisoo put her hand on top of yours and looked deep into your eyes.
“You… me… go to room together?”
As soon as you stepped through the threshold of your hotel room, you were both on top of each other. Jisoo had pushed you back against the door causing it to close with a loud clack. She pushed her soft lips on yours surprising you at first, but you quickly recovered matching her movements. As you moved your hands through her open shirt to her exposed lower back, you pulled her deeper into you as you kissed. The feeling of her lips moving against yours was nothing short of spectacular, but you craved more. You pushed your tongue against her lips, looking for permission to access the warm, wet area behind them. When her lips parted an equally enthusiastic tongue darted out and began massaging your own. Trying to taste as much of her as you could you forced your tongue into her mouth. After several minutes of this back and forth, you pulled away gasping for air. A single string of saliva kept you two connected.
Your hands swiftly came around and worked at the two buttons holding her loose shirt in place as you began to walk her out of the short entrance hallway and into your room. She then began frantically doing the same to you shirt trying to be careful while walking backwards. As you finished her second button you pushed her shirt down over her shoulders trapping her arms against her body. She strained against your hold wanting to continue her objective and remove your shirt, only making it about half way down before you took control. You stood there at the precipice of your room using all your strength to hold her arms at her sides while trying not to rip the thin shirt.
Staring into her eyes you could see only one thing in them, lust. Pure lust. A wanting for you, a needing for you to do whatever you wanted to her. She was totally and completely yours for however long you would have her. You dove back into her capturing her lips once more, releasing the hold you had on her arms in the process. She moved quickly, taking her wrinkled shirt off and throwing it across the room as it left her body. Once again your slow march toward the bed began as your tongues battled for dominance. Your attention turned to your own shirt undoing the remaining button’s Jisoo failed to reach. Jisoo suddenly broke the kiss as she fell backwards onto your bed, her limbs sprawled out across its surface. The picture of this gorgeous Korean woman laid out across your white sheets looked like something the gods had intended to make a reality the moment she was born.
You slowly began to crawl over the top of her body, moving your face closer and closer to her own until your lips were inches apart. Jisoo lunged forward taking your lips once again and throwing her arms around your back, lightly digging her nails into it. This embrace was short lived as you began to trail kisses down her neck to her shoulder. With one hand you grabbed the small black crop top that was the only thing between you and her breasts. Jisoo moved to help you arching her back off the bed giving you the access you required. Leaning back, you grabbed the shirt and pulled it over her head as she stretched her arms upwards along the bed.
With her back still arched you moved down and took her erect nipple into your mouth, eliciting a moan out of the woman beneath you. Swirling your tongue around it in circles you massaged it, as you moved your other hand up her body capturing the ample tit in your palm. You began working it, squeezing it trying to earn more moans and gasps out of Jisoo. Pinching her left nipple between your fingers and biting down on her earned a deep moan from her. Liking what you heard you switched positions and repeated the process.
Feeling satisfied with the work you had done you once again began training kisses down her tight stomach. Inching closer to the waist line of her skirt you reached and seized it with your hands and began pulling it down giving you even more skin to worship. The trail of kissing continued down her stomach stopping at her navel giving it a kiss, earning a small giggle out of Jisoo. Your fingers gripped her panties signaling you to bring yourself up. As you brought yourself up onto one knee on the edge of the bed Jisoo closed her legs together allowing you to remove her two remaining articles of clothing.
As they slid off you got a good view of just how thick and meaty her thighs actually were. Staring at them as they parted giving you a clear view of her clean shaven slit caused your dick to strain against its pants. You put your hands under those thick thighs and lifted her up off the bed and pushed her further back so you could lie down as you approached her wet lips. Without warning you dove deep into her wet cavern, your tongue exploring as far as it could go. Her hands instantaneously started running through your hair trying to grasp as much of it as she could letting out a pleasured moan.
“Feels… so good…” Jisoo moaned.
Your assault continues as Jisoo tries to pull you deeper into her, waking to feel herself more full. As you hear her breathing start becoming labored you latch onto her clit and suck on it harshly. Jisoo’s thighs clamp around your head as she curls up into a ball and rolls on her side.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she chanted before she rolled back to her previous position and went rigid.
Jisoo’s sweet honey leaked out of her and coated your chin. You hungrily began to lap up as much of the liquid as you could. As you lifted your face from between her legs you watched as Jisoo’s chest rose and fell in rhythm with her breathing. She extended her arms outwards towards you.
“Come here,” she gasped between breaths.
She embraced you with another sloppy kiss as she tried to lick up her juice that covered your face. As you move up, your erect cock, still trapped in your pants, rubbed up against Jisoo’s crotch. A hum escaped her lips and she pushed her hips against yours. You broke the kiss and matched her moan with a much lower one of your own as you started humping into her, soaking the outside of your pants.
You looked down her body and watched as her abs flexed and relaxed with each movement of her hips, sending even more blood to your throbbing member. Jisoo grabbed your chin and made you lock eyes.
“Want inside.”
“Me too,” you responded to her breathlessly.
Immediately you rose to your feet and pulled your pants and briefs off and tossed them to the side. At the sight of you dick standing proud before her Jisoo bit down on her index finger. You lined your cock up above her slit and slowly pushed it inside making the two of you groan and moan in unison. You were able to slide it with relative ease but her tightness around your cock made the pleasure rise to an entirely different level.
Her walls clamped around your shaft, gripping it tightly as you settled into the sensations that were flowing through you. Grabbing handfuls of her thighs you pushed deeper feeling that same incredible tightness as it engulfed your whole dick.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” you growled.
“Y-you are so big. Do not stop.” Jisoo moaned.
You drew your hips back and pushed them forward and a slow and steady pace, wanting Jisoo to get used to your size. She began moaning at your motions moving her body to match your movements.
“Harder,” she let out breathlessly as you looked at her.
You upped your pace and chased after the satisfaction that you both craved. Jisoo’s moans grew much louder as your dick continuously hit her g-spot. It wasn’t long before her legs started shaking from the intense pleasure she was feeling.
Liking the reaction you were getting you increased your pace again, pistoning your dick in and out of her wet pussy. Her warm walls contracted against you as you mercilessly pounded this woman into the bed. You leaned down placing your arms on the side of her head and captured her lips. She continued moaning into your mouth, but you felt safer knowing you that no one would come in and interrupt what you two were doing.
Jisoo moved her arms under yours and dug her nails into your back. Wincing at the pain, but loving the feeling you did not stop thrusting in and out of her cunt. Her legs snaked around you, keeping you in place and not allowing you to leave.
“Please… do not stop,” Jisoo whispered out to you between her moans.
Feeling her reaching another climax you reached your hand down and found her clit. Almost as soon as you put pressure on it Jisoo’s eyes rolled back into her head. More and more liquids seeped out of her as you slowed your strokes as she began coming down. Both of you breathing heavily for a couple of seconds trying to regain yourselves.
As Jisoo looked at you a very satisfied smile came across her face, causing you to do the same.
“We… switch?” she asked between her breaths still smiling at you.
As if on cue you flipped your positions, Jisoo now sitting on top of your groin, your dick still completely inside her. Without a moment of hesitation Jisoo placed her hands on your chest and began riding you almost animalistically. She knew what she wanted and how to get it and chased after it as hard as she possibly could.
“Holy shit Jisoo,” you groaned as your dick was experiencing what felt like an undiscovered pleasure.
All you could manage was to move your hands to her hips as she rode you violently. After a few minutes of this she finally began slowing down. Upon seeing this opening you planted your feet firmly into the mattress and fucked up into her.
“Oooh my GOD!” Jisoo yelled as she bounced on top of your relentless thrusts.
Watching her ample boobs bounce in front of you was something too enticing to ignore. You reached your hands up and grabbed them both roughly not slowing your thrusts down for a second. Another loud moan escaped Jisoo as she felt pleasure coming from multiple places on her body. The loud slaps of your groin meeting her thighs and plump ass filled the room.
You could sense that your end was quickly approaching and returned your hands to Jisoo’s hips. Sensing what was coming as your cock grew even bigger inside her, she leaned down to you and captured your lips. Wordlessly you knew what she wanted. You lasted only a few more thrust before you unloaded deep inside her. Thick ropes coated her walls as you threw her arms around her pulling her in for a deeper kiss.
This was not like the rest of the kisses you had experienced throughout the night. This was a deep and sensual kiss that had no tongue, or movement, just two pairs of lips firmly on one another. As you felt yourself soften and fall out Jisoo, she finally pulled away from you.
“That was amazing,” she said in almost perfect English.
“You were amazing.”
Jisoo smiled at you and gave you a quick peck on the lips before rolling out of bed and walking toward your bathroom.
“We clean now?” she asked you.
You quickly jumped out of bed and picked her up, making her smile and laugh, as you carried her into the bathroom.
You woke up the next morning to knocking on your door. You sat up quickly and looked at the watch on your nightstand. 7:41 it read. You jumped out of bed quickly and threw on some pants rushing to the door. As you undid the locks and opened it John stood before you dressed and ready for the day.
“Forget to set an alarm there Piglet,” he said looking you up and down.
“Well, uh,” was all you could let out before John looked deeper into your room and saw another figure laying on your bed still sleeping.
He chuckled to himself as he looked back at you, “Take the day off Piglet. We start again bright and early tomorrow,” he said with what you could only assume was a happy look on his face.
A/N Hope you guys liked this! After I saw Jisoo post this picture on insta I felt like I had to write something for her. This chapter is one that I feel most proud of for sure and I hope you all enjoy reading it. Like always leave a comment below with any feedback.
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debbiechanclub · 3 years
Know You Better Now (*new* BTOOT sequel), Part 1
The title is the same, but I assure you the content is all shiny and new! The revamped BTOOT sequel is here!
Thank you to everyone for your patience on this. I just lost interest/direction for the original sequel after Ethan all but disappeared off Dynamite, but I'm honestly kind of glad I did because I like this new version so. Much. More. And we have Kenny's facial hair to thank for it.
So enough talking - enjoy! And please let me know what you think!
Know You Better Now
Synopsis: Nearly nine months have passed since Alex's freak shoulder injury, and she's still not cleared for action. But while Kenny has been a source of strength for her throughout her recovery, all her other relationships are in shambles - and she's finding it harder and harder to reconcile the Kenny she knows behind closed doors with his persona as the "Belt Collector."
Part: 1/?
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x TBD 👀
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: Language, ANGST
Find more of my fics here.
Tag squad: @galacticstat @hotyeehawman @hdbngsprnva @heelchampbucks @kingswitchblade @bec0m @betsy-bradock @linziland13 @librathepheonix13 @gabbynorth98 @exe-babymox-exe @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @brokenglassslippers @rocca09 @meteora-fc @kawaiikels @adriii-omega @thatgirlforever5 @sugar-melts-mo-fo
May 30, 2021 AEW Double or Nothing
Surgery with six to twelve months’ recovery time. That was the prognosis Alex had received when she’d dislocated her shoulder in September. Now, nearly nine months later, everything had changed.
“Well, there’s good news and there’s not-as-good news,” Doc Sampson started. He’d just completed yet another check-up exam on her shoulder, and Alex could tell he was trying to keep up morale. But she already knew what he was going say. “The good news is you’ve gotten the full range of mobility back. The bad news is the strength isn’t quite there yet.”
She scoffed lightly to herself. It was exactly as she suspected. “So it’s no news, in other words,” she quipped.
“At least it’s not bad news?” Kenny hopefully offered.
Doc smiled sympathetically. “Just keep at it. Resistance bands, weights; you know the drill.”
Alex’s eyebrows arched. “Yeah, I do,” she returned. It seemed like weight training and physical therapy was all she did anymore.
“Just a few more weeks,” Doc said; but in medical-speak, time was relative. Alex knew all too well that weeks could easily mean months. “Good luck tonight, Kenny,” he added, and he went out the door.
Alex’s head fell back and she groaned in frustration. Kenny wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. “It won’t be much longer,” he assured with a kiss on the side of her head.
“It’s been almost nine months,” she muttered.
“I know. But you don’t want to rush your recovery, especially for something like a shoulder injury.”
She frowned. “At this rate Anna will be back from her shoulder injury before I am.”
“What?” Kenny laughed and hugged her tighter. “No, she won’t. I give it maybe another month and you’ll be back better than you were before. Which reminds me, you should probably have some new gear made. I bet your old stuff is too big on you now.”
The sound of her laugh was muffled by his shoulder. “Because you’ve been kicking my ass every week for the last six months,” she said. If there was a silver lining to her injury, it was that she’d gotten into the best shape of her life what with all the training she’d been doing—and it was all thanks to Kenny. Truth be told, Alex didn’t know what she would have done without him over the last nine months. He’d moved her into his house so she wouldn’t have to struggle through the weeks after surgery alone; he’d set her up with his doctors; he’d driven her to physical therapy appointments and trained with her every single week. He’d been there for her in ways she couldn’t even express, and she’d fallen even more in love with him for it.
It made it that much more difficult for her to admit that the Kenny she knew in private was a far cry from the one who called himself the “Belt Collector.”
“I wouldn’t push you if I didn’t think you could handle it,” he returned with a peck on her lips. “I don’t think anyone’s gonna recognize you out there tonight.”
Alex momentarily tensed in his arms, but she didn’t relax quick enough. Kenny felt it—and he knew exactly what it was about.
“You’re not having second thoughts about it, are you?”
She looked up at him. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t,” she admitted.
Kenny’s face fell. “Alex… we’ve talked about this.”
“I know,” she breathed. She stepped back from him, suddenly anxious. They had talked about it, at length. It was a big statement for her to accompany him for his match tonight, because she hadn’t been seen since her injury. In fact, she’d all but gone off-grid. She hadn’t been on television; she’d barely posted on social media; she hadn’t responded to any questions for comment about her recovery or her thoughts on Kenny’s pursuits. She’d just wanted to fly under the radar until she was back in that ring for good.
But then, two-and-a-half weeks ago, the match between PAC and Orange Cassidy for a shot at Kenny’s AEW World Championship had gone to a no contest. As a result, it was decided that Kenny would defend the title in a triple threat match against them both at Double or Nothing—tonight. And as soon as the match was booked, Alex knew—she knew—that Kenny would find a way to pull her into it.
But she didn’t know if she could—or should—go out there with him. Not with the way things currently were between her and the people she’d thought were her best friends.
Kenny reached out and took her hands in his, and she looked back up at him from the floor. His blue eyes were concerned. But she could tell he was frustrated.
“I want you out there with me, baby. And yeah… I’d be lying if I said Orange wasn’t part of the reason why.”
She frowned. “Kenny—”
“Just hear me out,” he gently cut her off, and she pursed her lips. But she let him continue. “Best Friends are actually supposed to be your best friends, right? But when was the last time any of them checked in on you? I know Chuck did for a while, but Trent? He’s been a complete asshole to you.”
Alex fidgeted, her chest tightening. His words were like salt in a wound—but he wasn’t wrong. At first, Chuck had checked in on her fairly regularly… but his texts and FaceTime calls had tapered off after the first couple months. At the time, she’d just chalked it up to circumstance. She was out of sight and out of mind, and he and Orange had been put through more than their fair share of bullshit by Miro, Kip, and Penelope after Trent had torn his pec muscle in December. She couldn’t really blame him for going quiet.
But then, two months ago, Trent had returned with Kris in tow—and Alex hadn’t been able to chalk it up to circumstance any longer. And when Kris seemingly became an official member of Best Friends, she couldn’t ignore the twinge of jealousy in her gut, either. She felt forgotten. Replaced in person just as much as she had been on the Best Friends t-shirt. And the thing of it was, none of them seemed to even miss her.
Least of all Trent.
Kenny squeezed her hands, redrawing her attention. “Look… I’m not trying to turn you against them. But I can see how hurt you are by how they’ve acted over the last couple months, and it kills me. And yeah, it pisses me off, too. So… why not come out there with me tonight, looking absolutely fucking fantastic, and show Best Friends just how good you’re doing without them?”
Alex’s brow furrowed. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, there was a petty part of her that wanted to do exactly that. But the softer side of her just wanted her friends back.
“I get what you’re saying, I just... I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.”
“I know you do,” he sympathetically returned. “But I’m not asking you to go out there and try to keep Orange from winning. I just want you in my corner. And maybe I want to show you off a little bit, too.”
He grinned and pulled her closer, and Alex couldn’t help the coy smile that pulled at her lips. Through all their ups and downs, Kenny had never failed to make her feel special; wanted. She didn’t take that for granted—especially not now.
“I did bring a really cute outfit to wear,” she said, sliding her hands up his arms. “It would be a shame if it went to waste.”
His smile widened. “Well then you gotta wear it.”
Alex bit her lip in thought. But she didn’t think for long. She put her hands on either side of his face and gave him a tender kiss. “You know I love you, right?”
Kenny gripped her waist. “Of course, I do. I love you, too,” he returned, and he kissed her again. “Come on, you should go get ready,” he said with a pat on her backside. And as they left the exam room, Alex knew that accompanying Kenny for his match was the right decision.
It was the potential consequences that worried her.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Holy shit, I almost didn’t recognize you!”
That was what Stella had proclaimed when Alex walked into hair and makeup. It was followed by a chorus of more of the same, a parade of hugs from everyone in the room—and dozens of questions.
“How are you? You look incredible!”
“Is your shoulder cleared?”
“So, are you officially living with Kenny now?”
“I’ve been dying to know how you feel about everything going on with him.”
And Alex had done her best to field each one of them.
“I’m doing pretty well, and thanks. It seems like I’ve been filling all my free time with working out.”
“No… not yet. But hopefully in the next few weeks.”
“I mean, not officially. I still have my house in Virginia—my cousin’s been renting it out. But I don’t know. It feels like I’ve officially moved in.”
“It is what it is. He’s just being Kenny Omega.”
Thankfully, no one pressed her on that last one.
Instead, Stella was all too happy to dish on all the latest and juiciest backstage news and gossip. Anna Jay and Jungle Boy were an item. Cody had estranged himself from nearly everyone. Callie had left AEW and pro wrestling altogether—and moved in with Cash. Alex had already known about that one, but it was still strange to hear. Looking back, it was hard to believe her friendship with Callie and relationship with Cash had ever even happened at all. It felt like another life; another time.
“You’re all done, my dear,” Stella said. She handed her a mirror—and Alex was taken aback by her own reflection. Long, sleek dark brown hair; glowing fair skin; pouty nude lips; a sexy reverse cat eye that made her hazel eyes pop. She sat up a little straighter. For perhaps the first time in months, she felt herself again.
She thanked Stella and hopped out of the chair, a pep in her step as she went out the door—
She halted in her tracks. Even though she hadn’t heard it in forever, she’d recognize that voice anywhere—Kris. She held her breath and turned around; but relaxed in relief. It was just her and Orange. At least she wouldn’t have to face them all at once.
“Holy shit!” She hurried over and wrapped her in a tight hug before she could even blink. Alex was stiff and awkward as she returned it. She hadn’t expected that reaction.
“Why didn’t you tell us you’d be here tonight?” Kris asked as she stepped back from her. Alex hesitated to answer.
“Um, I thought about it. But given why I’m here…”
She trailed off and looked awkwardly at Jim. He shrugged. “It’s business,” he returned. “So I guess this means you’ll be in Kenny’s corner tonight?”
Alex crossed an arm over herself and nervously fidgeted with the skin on her elbow. She nodded. Jim’s expression remained as indecipherable as ever.
“And you look hot as fuck,” Kris perceptively interjected. “Seriously, I think I might be questioning my sexuality.”
Alex breathed a laugh—
“You should come say hi to Chuck and Trent! Trent’s gonna shit himself.”
Just like that, her smile vanished. Her lips parted in silent question, uncertain if Kris was being serious. But she looked too genuinely excited not to be.
“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Alex said. “I mean, considering the last time I talked to Trent…”
She trailed off and looked down at her shoes. There had been things said by both her and Trent in the heat of the moment that had made an already uncomfortable situation worse. They hadn’t spoken in more than five months, since right before he’d gotten injured. She didn’t think now was the time to start.
“Trent has his head up his ass,” Jim said, and Alex flicked her eyes back up at him, surprised. “You know how he is with this stuff. You’ll probably have to be the bigger person.”
Alex sighed. He was probably right. But again—tonight wasn’t the night. “Now’s just not the time,” she remorsefully returned. “But I’ll see you out there. Good luck—really.”
And before either of them could say anything else, she turned and continued down the hall, digging her nails into the palms of her hands.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Maybe you shouldn’t come out there… you’re gonna distract me walking around like this.”
Alex looked at Kenny through the mirror as he sidled up behind her. He reached up and brushed her hair back from her neck, and she tilted her head so he could press his lips against her skin.
“It's too late,” she returned. “I’ve already gone through all the trouble of getting ready.”
Kenny hummed. “Well, I can take it all off for you, if you want.”
He nipped her neck, and she smirked and squirmed. Her mood had completely turned around from earlier in the night; it was amazing what a little hair and makeup and the right outfit could do. The white bustier-style crop top she wore wasn’t her usual style, but it showed off the hard work she’d put in at the gym—and it didn’t hurt that it made her boobs look amazing. And even though she’d made the outfit more “her” with a pair of distressed boyfriend jeans and her white low-top Chucks, Kenny was right—they probably wouldn’t recognize her out there.
But truth be told, she’d never felt more confident.
“You can later,” she smirked, and she felt a low growl rumble in his bare chest.
“Get a room!”
Alex rolled her eyes. Matt’s voice was an unwelcome interruption from across the locker room. She’d almost forgotten that he and Nick were there.
Kenny shot a glare over his shoulder. “Why are you looking?”
Matt opened his mouth, but two quick knocks on the door cut him off before he could make a smart-ass retort, and then Don Callis walked in.
“We’re up, Ken.”
Kenny smirked at Alex. “Let’s go give the people what they really want.”
He picked up his AEW World Championship, and she helped him secure it around his waist, followed by the Impact World Championship, which he strapped across his chest. Then, he picked up the AAA Mega Championship and old TNA World Heavyweight Championship and held them in each of his hands. And Alex had to admit—it was an impressive sight, Kenny draped in championship gold. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t turn her on.
“How do I look?” he asked her.
She bit her lip. “Good. Really good.”
He grinned, cocky.
They started for the door; but before Alex could follow Don and Kenny out, Matt stopped her. “Alex.” He pushed himself up from his chair and cast Nick a glance. He stood too. She rolled her eyes. They weren’t subtle at all.
Matt gave her a discerning look. “You are one-hundred percent in Kenny’s corner… right?”
Her brow lowered dangerously. Was he really questioning her loyalty now? “Are you serious?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “Well… I know Orange is one of your best friends—”
“Or he was,” Nick interjected.
“—and I just want to make sure that there aren’t any conflicts of interest.”
He smirked, obnoxiously smacking his gum between his teeth. Alex bit down on her jaw. She’d thought that maybe—maybe—Callie’s departure and her relationship with Kenny would have led her and Matt to at least be friendly with each other. But she’d thought wrong.
She gave him a tight smile. “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Matt. The only conflict going on here is the one between what you think that outfit looks like and what it actually looks like.”
He abruptly stopped chewing his gum. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
But Alex was already out the door. She caught up with Kenny and fell in step beside him. “Forget something?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No. Just got held up.”
They arrived at Gorilla, and Don went on and on talking Kenny up, boosting his confidence, assuring that neither Orange nor PAC stood a chance; but Alex tuned him out, nervously looking around. Waiting. And then she saw them: Orange, Chuck, Kris, and Trent.
Her heart jumped into her throat when her eyes met Chuck’s. He flashed her a smile; but it wasn’t as wide or as bright as she was used to.
“Hey. It’s good to see you,” he said, and he gave her arm a squeeze as he passed. She said nothing in response—just a tight grin of acknowledgement. Entirely impersonal compared to how they used to greet each other.
It’s the circumstances, she tried to tell herself.
Orange and Kris greeted her in much the same way, with awkward half-smiles as they walked by; Kris seemed apologetic, for some reason. And then, Trent reached her. His expression was cold, his eyes hard, and then he muttered underneath his breath, just loud enough for her to hear, “Thanks for telling us you’d be here.”
He kept walking, not waiting for her to even process what he’d said, and Alex’s heart sunk petrified into the pit of her stomach.
This was how things were now. She felt stupid for hoping for different.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex had known it would be difficult to be ringside for this match. But, sixteen minutes into it, she hadn’t realized it would be this difficult.
PAC laid on his back, staring up at the lights courtesy of a bridging deadlift suplex into a pin attempt from Kenny. So, with him taken care of for the moment, Kenny turned his attention to Orange. He pulled his right kneepad down, and Alex had to stop herself from watching through her fingers as he kneed Orange hard in the face, once, and then again. She could feel the eyes of the fans at ringside watching her with keen interest, trying to gauge her reactions. They’d been shocked to see her come out with Kenny, and now her presence provided them with an extra layer of entertainment. At least Chuck, Trent, and Kris weren’t at ringside, too; they’d walked Orange out and promptly disappeared backstage. Alex didn’t know what she would have done if they’d stayed.
Kenny backed toward the ropes, aiming to deliver a third and final V-Trigger. But before he could, Orange held up his hands as if to tell him “stop.” And then he plunged them into his pant pockets and fell facedown onto the mat.
Kenny laughed, but he couldn’t care less. He walked over and started to pick Orange up; but then a revived PAC grabbed him and hit him with a hard forearm. They traded blows and kicks in the middle of the ring until Orange suddenly intervened and hit Kenny with a Michinoku Driver. However, Kenny rolled away and PAC hit Orange with a brainbuster. He covered him, but Orange thankfully kicked out at two.
Alex put her hand on Kenny’s shoulder as he laid underneath the ropes, halfway out of the ring. “Are you alright?”
But he didn’t answer her question. Instead, he said, “Go get one of my belts.”
She looked back at him in confusion. “What?”
“Go get one of my belts in case.”
Alex blinked and shook her head. She could not believe what he was asking her to do. “What? No, Kenny, I’m not doing that. You don’t need—”
But he rolled away, back underneath the ropes into the ring. PAC and Orange were in a precarious position on the top turnbuckle closest to them. It looked like PAC was trying to execute a superplex—but Kenny jumped up and shoved PAC off-balance, causing Orange to tumble from his grip and bounce off the ring apron to the floor. Alex started to check on him—but then she remembered she wasn’t out there for him and stopped short. She ran her hands over her hair, helpless. Inwardly hoping that he was alright.
Meanwhile, PAC had reversed Kenny’s attempt at a One-Winged Angel from the top turnbuckle and sent him sailing across the ring via a sunset flip powerbomb. They stood atop the opposite turnbuckle now, and Alex’s eyes widened in horror when PAC delivered an avalanche Falcon Arrow. But then, Orange suddenly scrambled back into the ring, tossed PAC out, and hooked Kenny’s leg. Every single person packed into Daily’s Place jumped from their seats as Bryce Remsburg slid to the mat and started to count. Kenny barely kicked out before three. Alex leaned her elbows on the ring apron, her head in her hands. That had been way too close.
All around her the fans started chanting, “That was three!” booming in her ears, and she bit down on her jaw. Kenny rolled out of the ring and stumbled over to her. For some reason, she already knew what for.
“Alex, go get one of my belts,” he said again. It was an order, not a question. But she stood her ground.
“No! I’m not helping you win like that!”
He let out a frustrated huff. “Baby, now’s not the time to argue about this. Just go get—”
She cut him off with a gasp as PAC came flying over the top rope headed straight for them. Kenny shoved her out of the way at the last second, taking all the impact himself and getting knocked to the floor. PAC, meanwhile, sprung back up and to the top turnbuckle. He slowly stood—and when Alex saw him jump into the air and perform the Black Arrow, she knew she had just seconds to act. She jumped over Kenny and rounded the turnbuckle as PAC hooked Orange’s leg. And just before Bryce could count three, she grabbed Orange’s boot and put it on the bottom rope.
Bryce stopped the count and pointed at Orange’s foot, none the wiser to what had happened. The fans, on the other hand, showered Alex with thunderous boos. Realizing what she’d done, PAC turned and shot her a glower that seemed almost inhuman. But she just pursed her lips and raised her chin in defiance.
Kenny pulled himself up by the ropes and ducked back into the ring, grinning like the cat that caught the canary, and the match went on, back and forth between him and PAC—until Orange scored another near-fall after he hit Kenny with a frantic Beach Break. PAC then tried for a Liger Bomb on Orange, but he fought out of it and landed a hard Orange Punch across his jaw, dropping him to the mat. Then he gave one to Kenny, and the crowd came unglued.
Orange fed off their energy, pumping himself up as PAC staggered to his feet. He hit another Orange Punch and went for the pin. Time seemed to stop as Alex watched, her heart in her throat and her hands on her head. She didn’t want Kenny to lose at all, let alone like this. But just as Bryce started the count, Don appeared out of nowhere and pulled him from the ring by his ankles.
Alex stood frozen to her spot as Bryce and Don yelled at each other, and she fully expected the former to expel the latter from ringside—but he didn’t. He simply got back in the ring, and the match continued. Don walked toward Alex, straightening his suit jacket. “Good work putting Orange’s foot on the ropes,” he said to her.
She didn’t say anything in return. She didn’t want a compliment from the likes of him.
Back in the ring, Kenny had been knocked to the floor once again—and PAC had the Brutalizer locked on Orange. When Kenny finally made it back through the ropes, he kicked PAC in the face once, twice. But he didn’t let go of his hold on Orange. So instead, Kenny made the desperate decision to hit Bryce with a hard double axe handle to the back.
The crowd booed, and Alex hid her face in her hands. “Come on, Ken…” she breathed. Not like this.
Meanwhile, Don took the initiative to do what Kenny had been asking Alex to do all along. He grabbed the Impact Championship from the timekeeper’s area and tossed it to Kenny in the ring. Kenny caught it, and then he turned and clocked PAC over the head. He dropped like dead weight to the mat, and Kenny tossed the belt aside, the fans still booing all the while.
But apparently, one belt wasn’t enough.
Don tossed in the Triple A Mega Championship next, and as PAC staggered to his feet, Kenny hit him again. Then he threw in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Alex had to bite her lip to keep from shouting at Kenny to stop. She looked away just before he hit PAC a third time.
Finally, Don handed Kenny the AEW World Championship. He took it and held it high above his head, gloating, reveling in the crowd’s hatred. Somehow, PAC was still moving, trying to stay in the match. But just as he climbed to his feet for a third time, Kenny hit him again and knocked him down for good.
Kenny held the championship up again, parading around the ring. He didn’t notice Orange darting toward him until it was too late. He laid him out with another Orange Punch across the jaw.
Orange crawled toward Kenny, obviously going for the pin; but Bryce was still down from Kenny’s earlier attack. However, it didn’t matter. As soon as he draped himself across Kenny’s chest, Aubrey ran down to the ring. Alex grabbed her own throat as she counted.
But unexpectedly, Kenny reversed the pin and rolled Orange’s shoulders to the mat in a crucifix. Aubrey counted again.
That was it. The bell rung, and Kenny’s music started. Alex let out a breath. He’d won by the skin of his fucking teeth.
She and Don both rushed to Kenny’s side as Justin Roberts officially announced him the winner. He clutched his jaw, and somehow his left hand had been sliced open. “What happened?” she asked, looking over the blood on his fingers with concern. But he wasn’t able to answer her before they were suddenly swarmed by both the Young Bucks and the Good Brothers. Matt and Nick practically pushed her aside as they congratulated Kenny, and Nick and Karl Anderson put an arm each over their shoulders and helped him up the steps to the entrance ramp. And as they all celebrated, reveling in Kenny’s stolen victory, Alex felt a sourness curdle at the back of her throat.
She was in love with Kenny. He’d come to mean the world to her over the last nine months. But she hadn’t signed up for this world.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Secrets & Lies
Your brother's best friend has been asked to pick you up from college after your brother's car broke down - you've not met Jim before now, but you were keen to get to know him more.
Taglist: @queenshelby @margoo0 @cloudofdisney @peakyscillian @ntmynouis
Warnings - smut.. a lot.. outdoor sex.. virgin reader
A request from @noctvrnalmoth
"Thank you so much for the ride home, Jim, really appreciate it." You smiled at the driver as you pulled up outside your parents house.
"No problem at all y/n, it was nice to finally meet you, your brother has told me so much about you." You and Niall were really close, despite the 10year age gap. When you were younger you didn't get along at all, but when your parents divorced three years ago, shortly before your 15th birthday, you'd moved in with him and his girlfriend Ilona and become closer, finding you had more in common than you thought. Your mother and you never got along, your father couldn't take you in as he worked away so much, but your older brother welcomed you with open arms, without question.
"I don't understand why he's never introduced us before, I've met all his other friends?"
"Yeah, strange. But at least I've met you now." He smiled, making you blush. There was no mistaking he was very attractive, but he was your brother's friend - with those eyes and that floppy brown hair, he had the pick of anyone he wanted, what would he want with an inexperienced 17year old like you?
"I guess I'll see you at your birthday party, right?" You smiled again, your brother had arranged a house party for your 18th birthday this weekend. Your parents were no longer around - mum had packed up and gone to live with her toyboy in London, your father had turned to drink following the divorce and sadly passed away following a binge, driving his car into the wall of the local supermarket.
You nodded and got out of the car, feeling a little giddy but holding it together enough not to let it show.
The party was in full swing - your 18th, surrounded by those you loved the most. Only Niall was blood family, but you considered your combined group of friends to be your adopted family - you'd all known each other for years, and you adored them. Except Jim. You couldn't work out why your brother had never introduced you to him before, but you'd met now, and you were excited to get to know him better.
"Happy Birthday y/n," his thick Irish accent pulled you from your daydream as you turned to face him. He kissed your cheek and handed you a small gift bag. Thanking him, blushing, you placed it on the kitchen counter with the others and you each poured yourselves a drink from the punch bowl Ilona had made that afternoon.
"You didn't have to, thank you so much Jim."
"Can't let your 18th birthday go by without a gift now, can I? Enjoying the party?"
"It's amazing - I think a few of my friends are a touch worse for wear already!" You laughed watching your friend Becky try to walk to the bathroom - looking remarkably like a duck with a limp...
"Yep, she's not gonna feel good in the morning! You seem to be stone cold sober? It's your birthday!"
"I'm not a big drinker and I know my limits - slow and steady, wake up fresh as a daisy." You winked at him and his lips turned up slightly to smile at you.
"You like slow and steady then?" He leaned forwards to whisper in your ear and you felt an unrecognisable feeling in the pit of your stomach, it felt like a hot coil turning and you couldn't help but bite your lip. Jim smiled at the reaction he gave you, and winked. "I'll see you later, y/n." What the hell was that? Was that flirting? Was he coming on to you?
"Don't even think about it y/n..." You brothers voice suddenly snapped you out of your daydream. You took a deep breath and smiled.
"Think about what, Niall?"
"He's off limits. He's 29 in a few weeks y/n, waaay too old for you!!" You scoffed.
"How olds Ilona, Niall? Isn't she nearly 35?" You giggled.
"You're barely 18, y/n, he's pushing 30! No way am I letting him anywhere near my baby sister." You rolled your eyes.
"I'm not a baby anymore, I'm an adult now - a proper one! It's all official n shit.." you smirked. You'd been older than your years since the divorce, but you loved playing childish around your older brother.
"Y/n please - you deserve so much better than him okay? He's not worthy of you."
"And why not Niall? Huh? Give me one good reason why not."
"All he's after is a fuck, and a fuck off. He'll just break your heart, okay? He's never held down a serious relationship with anyone, he doesn't know how." He was whispering now, so no one else could hear him. "He's had more one night stands than I've had hot dinners, and I'm not prepared to let my sister become another of his conquests." You looked at Niall, he was serious. A look of worry etched all over his face.
"And this is why we've never met?"
"Exactly why. You're a young, impressionable, attractive girl y/n - you deserve the world on a plate. All he can offer you is likely to be something you'd need antibiotics to get rid of." You chuckled at his humour.
"Okay, okay... I'll keep my distance. I promise."
The party was drawing to a natural close, lots of drunk people but all in good spirits - dozens of cheek kisses, hugs, and happy birthday wishes later, it was you, Niall, and Ilona left at the end. Niall and Ilona were already snoring on the sofa. You sat in silence watching the movie Niall had chosen before they fell asleep drifting yourself, when the door suddenly knocked you awake. Groaning, you made your way to the door and were surprised to see Jim stood in the doorway.
"Sorry y/n.. left my phone!" You let him in to look for it.
"Want me to ring it?" You offered, taking your phone from your jeans pocket. He dialled his number and listened for the ring. Hearing it in the kitchen, he went to pick it up before coming back to you in the hallway.
"You're a star, thanks y/n! I'll see you soon, yeah?" He handed you your phone back and you couldn't help but feel the electricity surging through you when his fingers brushed yours.
"Get home safe, yeah?" You opened the door to let him out. He maintained eye contact with you as he walked out the door. "Player..." You mumbled. "Hot player... Damn fine, sexy player.. but still a player." You made a promise to your brother and you were determined to keep it.
Leaving college the following Monday, your phone pinged with a message.
"Hey, great party on Saturday - hope you weren't too hungover the next day! Jim xx" you heart lurched.. how did he - ah wait, the missing phone... Probably used that trick dozens of times. You deleted the message and put your phone back in your bag. You won't play me, Jim, you thought to yourself, suddenly smiling at the control you were taking in this situation. It was clear he was attracted to you, and you couldn't deny you were attracted to him too - but there was no way you were going to let him fuck and run with you. You'd never gone that far with anyone before, your first time wasn't going to be a one night stand.
3 years later....
"Niall!!" Your brother was waiting on the platform for you with Ilona and their newborn baby. You were so excited to see them - you'd been in England at university and you were finally home, your degree finished, and now meeting your niece for the first time. Your brother swept you up in a massive hug and Ilona held up baby Emily in her arms. You placed your bag on Niall's shoulder smirking, and took the tiny baby from Ilona, cooing over her.
"Oh she's beautiful... She's just perfect..." Choking back a sob as the little one gripped your little finger in her tiny hand. Ilona wiped a tear from her eye.
"So glad to have you home!! Come on, let's get back to the house and you can tell us all about it!"
"So how's things been here?" You asked once you'd settled back at home, your brother pouring you a glass of wine. Ilona feeding Emily in the armchair in the window.
"Same old same old - although it appears your old crush has settled down nicely now!" You choked on your wine as your brother smirked at you.
"What crush??"
"Oh come on y/n, everyone knew you fancied Jim, it was only because your brother put a veto on him that you didn't act on it!" Ilona chuckled. You felt your heart sink a little at the news.
"Settled down? I thought he was the biggest playboy in Dublin?"
"Apparently he's put it all behind him - been with Danielle for about 8 months now, seems to be going well." Niall eyed you, watching for a reaction. He knew the two of you had exchanged texts years ago, your better judgement getting away from you after your initial reluctance at first. Nothing more than a few flirty texts, as you'd left soon after to attend Leeds University studying Law. You'd bagged yourself a new job at a law firm back home in Dublin following your outstanding Degree results, and started the following week. The messages between you had dried up after you'd left home, clearly he'd lost interest now you weren't as physically accessible as before.
"Good for him. I'm glad he's sorted himself out." You smiled, hiding the sadness in your eyes as best you could. Regardless of the time that had passed and the certainty that he would have broken your heart had you let him, you still held a torch for him deep down inside.
Niall knew you better than to pry further, so he left it alone, and you spent the rest of the day chatting about your uni experience, and cuddling your baby niece. You'd be living back with Niall until you had enough saved to buy your own place - they'd left your room as it was before you'd left, but they'd need it for the baby before long.
Your girlfriends were so excited to finally have you home, they'd arranged drinks at Murphy's Bar in the city centre that evening to welcome you back. Walking in, they all screamed your name and you were suddenly drowning in hugs from all 4 of them. After settling in a booth, you were all catching up on the last 3 years - you hadn't come home much while you were away as in between classes you'd been working as a clerk at a law firm building your experience. Time off had been limited, but you were home now, looking forward to making up for lost time.
"Oh you will not believe who's just walked in here..." Your friend Kim nodded at the bar a few hours after you'd arrived. Stood at the bar, you noticed his dark hair first, then his eyes when he turned round to lean against the bar, his beer being poured. He didn't look happy, but you still felt a warm glow in your stomach as he suddenly caught you looking over. You saw him take a breath and smile warmly at you, and that glow burned a little brighter. You made your way over to him, smiling gingerly and he gave you a warm kiss on the cheek.
"Long time y/n, how've you been?" He smiled before asking the bartender to add your next drink to his tab.
"Busy, finished uni last week and I start my new job next week so catching up with everyone this weekend. How are you? I hear you're doing well, with Danielle now, right?" He looked to the floor.
"Yeah, I guess."
"You guess? Ilona said you guys were practically married!" You laughed, but he didn't.
"Yeah. So where are you working?" You chatted about your new job as a paralegal in Holland & Taylor's Law Firm on Dublin's high street, and he smiled, eyes never leaving yours. Suddenly, he ordered 2 shots for the pair of you, and raised a toast. "To you, y/n, and the success you absolutely deserve." You were already fairly tipsy, but you never refused a shot. You both knocked it back and he ordered another two.
"Jim I think I've had enough, but thank you..." Jim smiled at you.
"Still know your limits huh? Fair enough, I'll drink yours." You saw pain in his eyes again.
"Jim stop.. what's going on? Are you okay?" He knocked both shots back.
"Since when did you care? Fucked off to the UK, didn't even tell me you were going, just did one. I thought we were onto something, I wanted to get to know you better, then one morning poof! You were gone?"
"Jim come on, it was a few texts! We had a cheeky flirt - no doubt I was one of a dozen girls in your phone, it was years ago! Come on now?" He laughed, the drink taking a hold and he stumbled slightly. You turned and headed back to your friends at the booth.
"Girls, carry on without me, I'll catch up later. I need to make sure he gets home safe..." They knew better than to argue - you'd always had a soft spot for someone in need of help. They nodded and headed to the next bar, you'd catch them later once you'd got Jim home. "Come on," you said, hooking an arm under his and wrapping his arm over your shoulder.
As the air hit you both, you felt him stand next to you.
"I'm sorry I snapped... I didn't... I'm sorry." He sat on a bench by the taxi rank, sobering up.
"Hey it's me who should be sorry Jim. I should have stayed in touch, it was just so busy with uni and work.. but I'm home now yeah? We can catch up?" A taxi pulled up outside the bar and Jim stood, making his way to get in.
"My head's a fucking mess y/n.." He paused, standing in the open door of the cab.
"Jim? What's happened?" Without thinking, you found yourself getting in the car with him as Jim gave the driver his address.
"Found out she was fucking around with her colleague. She doesn't know I caught them. Went to her flat this afternoon, finished work early, and saw them upstairs through the window, all over each other, bending her over the bed I fucked her in last night." He grimaced at the memory of it. "This is karma, isn't it? For all those times I screwed around years ago... Fucking deserve it I guess." You noticed a tear falling down his cheek and you took his hand gently.
"Jim, no one deserves this.. yes you played around when you were younger but no more than any other single lad in Dublin!"
"Yeah I wasn't always single when it happened y/n. I was a dick, a complete dick. I'm not destined to be happy, and that's fine. I can live with it. Clearly better suited to being an eternal bachelor eh?" The taxi pulled up outside the flat he shared with another friend, and you helped him out the car and up the stairs, telling the taxi driver you'd be back in 2 minutes once you'd made sure Jim was inside safe.
His arm over your shoulder felt nice, you couldn't deny that, and you both staggered up the steps while he fumbled in his pocket for his keys.
"Thanks for taking me home y/n.. really appreciate it. I'm sorry I'm a wreck."
"Hey it's fine okay? Let's just get you inside, yeah? Get to bed and you'll be fine." He paused after opening the door and you felt your cheeks burn. He was definitely sober now, but his eyes were burning into yours. Without thinking, you leaned forwards and caught his lips in your own, before pulling back quickly. He caught your hips and pulled you back against him, pulling you inside as you kicked the door closed behind you. You tried to pull away, but your body was screaming for him - three long years of fantasising about this moment, you couldn't stop now even if you wanted to. Crashing onto the sofa, he pulled you into his lap, hands roaming up your back as he pulled away from the kiss quickly.
"Y/n, do you want me to stop?" You shook your head.
"Don't you dare.. but..." He held back slightly. But?
"You okay?"
"I've already sent her a text telling her to go to hell and her fuck buddy too. It's over, y/n." He ran his fingers through your hair.
"Okay.. but.. don't laugh okay?" He lifted you off his lap and sat you on the sofa next to him.
"I promise."
"I'm.. I've never.. I'm still a virgin Jim..." His eyes widened in shock.
"Wow.. really? But you're beautiful y/n... No one has ever.." you blushed, feeling embarrassed at his compliment.
"Just never got round to it I guess... Work and uni.. busy.. few dates here and there but I never really took a shine to anyone enough for them to be my first.."
"We should stop... It isn't that I don't want you, I do, but not like this.."
"I want you Jim... It's always been you.. since that day in the car? I've never wanted anyone else.. I sound like a crazy stalker don't I," you rolled your eyes and laughed, making your way to stand and leave. "I should get back, my friends are waiting. I'll see you soon yeah?" He watched you move to the door and pulled your hand so you fell back onto the sofa with him.
"Your brother will kill us both for this..." He moaned into your mouth as you kissed him, back in his lap, you could feel how hard he was under your legs.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?" He chuckled at your response. This was going to be fun. You teased, grinding your hips against his and stood up, leaving him speechless on the sofa. "My numbers the same - call me, yeah?" He nodded, watching your body sway out the door.
He picked you up from work Friday afternoon, around a week later. Your texts becoming increasingly heated over the last few days, you were excited to jump in the car. You felt like a giddy teenager again, sneaking round behind your brother's back.
"Where did you tell him you were going?" Jim asked as he pulled away, heading towards the hotel on the outskirts of Dublin.
"Said I was staying at a friend's house in Cork for the weekend - he doesn't have her number, it's a 'new' friend I've invented that I met at uni. We're safe for a couple of days." You felt nervous. Excited, but still nervous. The text exchanges between you making it clear exactly what you both wanted, and when he said he'd take you away for the weekend, you had been online and bought something especially for the occasion - wearing it underneath your smart work clothes.
"Sounds perfect - you okay? You're sure you wanna do this? It's not too late y/n.."
"Shut up and drive, Jim."
Pulling outside the hotel you gasped. It was beautiful.. out in the sticks, completely secluded, you couldn't wait to get inside. The room was laid out beautifully, and the view from the window went on for miles - green countryside, the flowers in the grounds blooming, farm animals off to the distance.. idyllic. He placed your bags in the corner and walked over to you, snaking his arms round your waist from behind.
"You look amazing..." He pressed his lips against your neck as you tilted your hair back, pushing your backside against his hardening erection. Considering your inexperience, you seemed to know exactly what you were doing - it's like your body was taking over. He pushed forwards against you, letting out a soft growl.
"I promise I'll take it slow y/n.. so gentle.. I've wanted you for years, I'm not gonna mess this up now.." you turned your body round to face him.
"I trust you - I do. I'm just nervous.." he kissed your worries away and pulled you down with him onto the chair into his lap. "I want to to have me, right here, right now... Please Jim..." You ground your hips against him, and he gasped at the friction. You stood up, and pulled the wrap-around dress you were wearing off, letting it fall to the floor. You smiled as his expression changed, seeing you stood in the lacy, navy blue lingerie, complete with thigh high stockings. He pulled you back into his lap and kissed you again, this time his hands roaming over your breasts slowly, moving down lower across your hips, and over your toned thighs. He looked up at you, before teasing his fingers over the lace thing covering your burning core.
"Can I?" He questioned, still in shock that you'd chosen him to do this. You nodded, lifting yourself up slightly to grant him easier access. He slipped a finger between your wet lips, bringing some moisture up to circle around a bundle of nerves at the top - you shuddered when he found it, and gasped when he put pressure on it.
"Relax.. this will feel good, I promise.." he noticed your tension and realised just how inexperienced you were - this was all new to you, all of it... He continued circling with his fingers as you rocked on his hand, his fingers driving you insane.
"This... Jim... Oh god that feels good... What... Oh...." You had no control now, his fingers circling a little harder as you threw your head backwards gasping for air.
"You're gonna cum y/n... Let it happen, just relax baby..." You gasped again, feeling an unfamiliar burning coil in the pit of your stomach. Rocking your hips involuntarily against his hand, you felt it. A white hot release, accompanied by a loud cry from your lips as your breath caught in your throat. You felt your core soak him, and blushed as he brought his now wet hand back up to lick the juices from them.
"You taste good baby.. I'm getting a first hand taste of this later.." your breath returning to normal now, you lifted your still pulsing body off his lap and sank to the floor between his knees.
"How about we take care of this first?" You pulled his jeans down, he lifted his body up to help and you bit your lip as his hard cock sprung out from them.
"It'll be fine y/n... Trust me?" You nodded, before he took your hand to wrap it around the base of his shaft, before moving it up and down slowly. You felt your core twitch again as he moaned gently, now releasing your hand to let you carry on.
"Do you want me to go faster?" He nodded down at you, and you tightened your grip slightly, moving your hand up and down a touch quicker. A flash of inspiration, and you suddenly moved your mouth over his cock taking him by surprise.
"Fuck y/n... Oh god..." You were doing something right... his balls twitched as you rolled them around your hand slowly, your mouth sucking lightly on his cock. "Harder, y/n..." You complied and took him down your throat a little further, sucking a little harder. His fingers in your hair now, guiding your head up and down. "That's it... This is so good but y/n.. if you carry on it ends here babe..." You smiled removing him from your mouth. He pulled you down on top of him again.
"I want you to control this - it's yours for the taking y/n... Reaching down to his jeans pocket, he grabbed a condom. Pulling it over his cock, he lifted your hips over him and eased you down slowly. "Go slow... Take your time okay.. stop when you need to.." you felt him enter you slowly as you gently brought your hips down. Pausing every few seconds as you adjusted to his size. You suddenly stopped, feeling a barrier...
"I need to break past this, okay? Relax for me..." Bringing a hand back to your clit, he rubbed gently as he spoke softly. "Relax... You feel so good y/n... Wrapped round me... I'm gonna make you feel so good..." Without warning he thrust his hips up taking your breath away, and you fell onto him taking him fully inside you. He held you close as you caught your breath, the pain beginning to subside, replaced by a full and pleasurable warmth inside you.
"Move those hips against me y/n... Like we're dancing..." You did as he asked and gasped at the feeling of pleasure coursing through you. Every movement of yours met by a gentle thrust up from him, making you moan against him.
"This... Fuck this feels good Jim..." Your hips moved faster now as he leaned forwards slightly to kiss the base of your throat, his hands roaming over your still-covered breasts under the lace bra.
"Need more of you..." He stood up, lifting you off him and carrying you to the bed, laying you down on your back and spreading your legs wide. "I'm gonna fuck you y/n.. just like you wanted..." Your core spasmed at his words, fuck this was turning you on... He moved over you and entered you again, this time harder. He brought one of your legs up against his chest and rocked his hips back and forth. You moaned loudly, hands gripping the headboard behind you as that feeling coiled up again inside. He could feel it too, and brought his thumb down to massage your clit hard. Stars now - shit you swore you even saw a fucking unicorn at one point - your orgasm washing over you as you came hard against him, his fingers and cock taking you to highs you'd never been to before but desperately wanted to see again.
"Fuck y/n...." He suddenly stilled, panting your name as his own climax overtook him, filling the condom inside you. Slipping out, disposing of it, he lay down next to you and pulled you close to him.
"That was amazing Jim.... Thank you..."
"It gets easier y/n.. next time will be better.." you smiled, better than that?? Now you were intrigued..
"I want to experience it ALL with you... Show me everything... Show me what I've been missing..." You looked up at him as you lay on his chest.
"Everything? You sure you can cope with that?" You nodded. "Buckle up baby, we're not leaving this room all weekend..."
He was bringing out a side of you you didn't know existed - and you loved it. The thrill of the secret, the excitement of the fact no one knew but the two of you.. it was a constant turn on for you. He'd taken you away for sex-filled weekends away, where he'd introduced you to different positions, different toys, bringing you both a new level of climax every time. He stunned you with his stamina, often making you cum at least three times before he did.
Your brother had invited him and a few others round for drinks and a games night one evening, the first time you'd been in each others company around other people since your first encounter six months ago. You'd spoken about making your relationship public a few times, but the opportunity never arose. You'd have to really hold back tonight if you were to keep your feelings for each other a secret.
After winning against him in Monopoly for the second time after he demanded a rematch, you headed to the kitchen to top your drink up. He followed a minute later.
"This is fucking impossible y/n... You know how many times I've wanted to bend you over that table?" He sneaked up from behind and breathed in your ear, pressing himself against your back. You bit your lip and pushed your hips against him, before turning to kiss him quickly before anyone saw you.
"You'll have to wait til this weekend Jim... Only another week..."
"I don't think I can wait much longer... Fuck I want you so bad..."
"Drink up. I've only had one. You're drunk, and you need a ride home, don't you now?" He smiled, getting the idea. He knocked his drink back and staggered into the living room
"I think I've had enough lads, beers gone straight to my head! Should've had food before coming over..." He was a cracking actor, you thought, almost convinced you!
"I'll drive him home, a taxi will cost a fortune and I've only had one. I'll be back soon okay?" Your brother eyed you suspiciously but you just smiled and guided a 'drunk' Jim out the house to your car.
"When are you moving out y/n? This sneaking around is getting really tricky...
"I get the keys next month, not long now and we'll have our own space to do as we please yeah?"
"Pull over..." He growled, and you pulled into a quiet side road leading to the beach in the distance. Leaning over to kiss you, he placed a hand over your thigh, parting it slightly before gripping you hard under your skirt between your legs causing you to gasp.
"No, keep driving until we're at the beach... About time we had sex in the dunes..."
"What? I'm not going there with you now, it's the middle of winter!!" Despite your protest, you still found yourself driving to the dunes anyway, his hand still between your legs, then pushing past your underwear to tease you as you drove. You tried to focus on the road ahead, but his fingers were making it difficult...
"Wanna make you scream my name on the sand baby..." Was the car getting hotter?
Rocking your hips against him as he thrust up to meet you, you found yourself riding him hard on the sand, gasping and moaning with each thrust.
"That's it... Ride it... Come on..." You paused for a second.
"What's wrong?" He held your legs and questioned softly.
"My legs are freezing!!!" You both laughed.
"Do you wanna stop?"
"God no..." Your hips moved again riding him faster this time - you needed this to end quickly before frostbite set in. "I'm gonna cum Jim.... Do it with me..."
"Cum on my cock y/n... Let me feel it..." Taking his hands in yours, you leaned back slightly and rode him hard, your organs flooding you as he came deep inside you. Condoms gone now you were on the pill. You felt him fill you up, before both of you started to laugh at what had just happened.
"Shit... Jim we've been gone an hour, my brother's gonna kill me!"
You both scrambled to get dressed, thinking up excuses as to why you were so late getting back.
"So you broke down..." Niall questioned when you finally made it home.
"Yep. Lucky he knows how to change a tyre eh!"
"And you broke down by the beach, did you?" You paused, what did he say? "You've got sand in your hair, and a dune reed too... Right - what's going on y/n?" You stumbled slightly.. shit - thought you'd brushed all that out...
"I um.. look it's not how it looks Niall..." Your brother's eyes flashed angrily.
"I fucking knew it... I'll kill him!" He flew out the door enraged, and you heard the car pull off the driveway. You followed, grabbing your keys, before Ilona stopped you.
"Let him go - Jim can look after himself y/n okay? Come on now..." You fell into Ilona's arms and sobbed. You knew this day was coming, but it was meant to be when on your terms, not like this.
"We didn't mean to hide it Ilona... We just knew what the reaction was going to be, and we were scared... I know he's got this playboy image, and he's a 'scumbag with women' but he's never been anything other than kind, wonderful, loving, and patient with me.. I've completely fallen for him Ilona..."
"And if he feels the same about you, he won't let your big brother get in the way now, will he?" Your phone suddenly rang. You answered, hearing Niall's voice on the other line.
"How long?" He asked, sternly.
"Six months. Give or take... Where are you?"
"I'm on the road outside the house y/n.. I've had too much to drink to drive..." You scoffed at your idiot brother and walked out the door to see him standing by his car on the pavement.
"The hell are you doing Niall? I'm a grown woman capable of making my own decisions!" You were shouting now, but you didn't care.
"He's only in it for the fuck Y/n, that's all!"
"For six months Niall? You think he'd be seeing me for six months if that's all it was about for him? It's more than that, he cares for me -"
"He doesn't care about anyone but himself! Even Danielle saw through his lies! I told you, you're too naive for this!"
"I'm 22 years old Niall, I'm not a child anymore!"
"Guys stop before you wake Emily!! Come inside and calm down yeah?" Ilona ushered you both inside, dying of embarrassment, hoping the neighbours hadn't heard you.
"Niall think about it - have you ever seen Jim as relaxed and happy as you have recently?" Ilona brought the three of you a coffee each and you sat round the table. Niall had to admit Ilona was right. He had noticed a change in Jim just lately. A positive one - he did seem happy..
"And have you ever seen y/n as happy as she has been just lately? How did you not see the connection?" Ilona smiled at you, almost smirking.
"You knew?" Niall gasped at her, stunned.
"Oh come on, you knew too... Those stolen glances when they thought we weren't looking? The weekends they were both away at the same time, but apparently not together? Are you really that blind Niall?"
Your phone ringing interrupted the silence in the room. Jim's number flashed on your phone on the table. Niall looked at you and took your phone into the kitchen. He wanted to talk to Jim away from you.
"He's gonna shout isn't he..." Your head fell into your hands, Ilona reaching a hand over to squeeze your shoulder.
"He's had his suspicions for a while y/n.. he won't shout. He doesn't want to wake Emily. He's disappointed you didn't tell him, that's all. You're still his little sister, and that's his best friend. He doesn't want him to hurt you."
"He hasn't hurt me, he's completed me... I haven't felt this way for anyone before.. I'm sorry we kept it from you.."
"Oh please, I've known something was going on for months and so has Niall, he's just refused to believe it." Ilona giggled. She thought it was brilliant - Jim needed someone like you to ground him, and it appeared to be working well for both of you.
"He's coming over tomorrow." Niall re-entered the room, sullen. "I can't stop the two of you seeing each other, as much as it pains me.. but I'd rather have a conversation with you both in person, together.. you okay with that y/n?" You nodded, smiling a little. No going back now.
The following day, Jim was sat next to you on the sofa, your brother sat opposite you on the armchair. Ilona watching from the dining room with Emily feeding her.
Silence.. for the longest time, before Jim broke it.
"This is silly.. you just gonna sit there looking at the floor making your sister nervous Niall?" You rested your hand on his knee.
"Niall... Please listen okay.. we didn't mean to go behind your back -" you started but Niall cut you off.
"It's okay. It's okay. I've had time to think about it all.. and.. it's okay."
"What??" Jim looked up at your brother, stunned. He was expecting a slanging match, not this..
"Ilona was right. You two have had a certain spring to your steps just lately, and it's clearly due to this 'thing' you have going on.. I'd be a fool to stand in the way of that.." you stood up, and pulled your brother to his feet to embrace him. He hugged you back, before pulling back to turn to Jim.
"You hurt her, and I'm coming for you, understand?" Jim gulped a little and nodded.
"Agreed - but it won't happen Niall. Your sister would rip my balls off before you even got close." He smiled, the tension now officially gone between them.
"Also agreed. Are we all good lads? Niall, you satisfied your alpha male complex?" Ilona came into the room laughing holding Emily, who was reaching out for you. You took your niece and blew a raspberry on her neck making her giggle. Jim watched you both, smiling.
"You are NOT knocking my sister up Jim, get that thought out your head right now!" Niall pointed at Jim's doe eyes and you laughed.
"Don't worry, we've had enough surprises to last a while, Niall."
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Our Song – Tsukishima Kei
Type: fluff (SFW)
Warnings: slight cursing, not eating, crying
Note: Guess you could say it’s a college au but I’ve been working at this for a while so I hope you like it.
Word Count: 3388
Hope you guys enjoy the story      
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Sunday [6:30 p.m.]
You were laying on your bed in your dorm running your fingers through Kei’s hair while he listened to music. This is how you spent most rainy weekends. He was quietly humming to his overly loud music but you were kind of in a daze looking at the wall but not quite. You did this a lot while staring off in your faraway land, thinking of a future with him but it’s not something you would tell him. You were too afraid he didn’t feel the same way. You knew he loved you, nearly two years into college and you both are still going strong but what if he never thought about it.
“Hey, shorty! Whatcha thinking about?” He looked up at you. “Oh, nothing really just some assignment my professor mentioned in class today,” you lied trying to brush it off quickly. He just shrugged and asked, “Ok...  Umm…Wanna listen to music with me? I’ll play my playlist you like.” You nodded, “I’ll get my Bluetooth headphone…” he pulled on your wrist. “I’ll share these with you,” he held up his regular earbuds and you agreed. If that’s what he wants, it was fine with you.
Tsukishima would never admit it but sharing his earbuds like this with you made him feel more connected like sharing your energy, a sort of bond, it was romantic for him. The thought of it always made the tips of his ears turn pink. He switched positions to have you lay next to him, your face buried in his chest. Silently, he prayed you couldn’t feel his heart quicken as he rested his head atop yours and hand on your waist. Headphones plugged on the playlist began. A few songs in a familiar song started to play, a love song, one of your favorites. “Babe? This song …” you started but he shushed you. “I know. I know. I added it because I knew you liked it ok now just listen ok. It’s no big deal,” his fingers played along your spine only making you feel more nervous. Your thoughts began to wander as more of your favorite romantic songs played. At this point, it was 7:30 PM and there was one thought that couldn’t leave your mind ‘What’s our song?’ and before you knew it you started talking, “Hey um Kei? What’s our song?” You regretted it as soon as you asked. “Huh? What do you mean our song?” he questioned his voice slightly drowsy and muffled by your hair. “It’s just… you know what it’s nothing,” you brushed it off and tried to continue listening to the music but he paused it.
“Spit it out y/n,” he said looking at you, it wasn’t meant to be rude, he just preferred you to be straightforward. You didn’t intend to make a mini-rant but it happened, “You know our song. It like a song for us that describes us and no matter where or who we’re with when it plays we think of each other. Or like if we are together and it’s just that knowing look that happens when it plays. Our song that’ll make it feel like it’s just us no matter who’s around. And it’s not just us you know its fits us, describes us like it was meant for us. Like it’s a song we can play to dance at our wedding, and again on our anniversary and relive the moment. Maybe even for our ki-,” you stopped in your tracks. You had caught yourself before you went too far. It was unbelievable you just brushed it off a while ago but it still managed to come out. Your most insecure thoughts were poking at you as Kei just kind of looked at you, lips parted. You’ve never seen that expression well except the time he’d see you naked for the first time but still, this was a bit different. He looked away scratching his neck and said, “Oh ok… Well, we can think about a song I guess but I’m kinda hungry and I told Tadashi I would go for pizza with him so I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Your face fell as he grabbed his stuff and walked out of your dorm. He just kind of brushed it off and you were terrified because he was supposed to stay the night. You knew Kei could be like this, he wasn’t the best with his emotions and you knew that. You even loved it but this time his lack of response just threw you into a blender of bad thoughts. Maybe you just made him nervous but what if he didn’t want that, what if you had scared him off your mind was racing. You went to bed without dinner and tried to fall asleep whilst listening to the playlist he had made for you whilst trying to hold back sobs. It’s a miracle you got any sleep that night, thoughts kept attacking you “What if he breaks up with me tomorrow? What if he doesn’t want that with me? Does he think I’m stupid for thinking so far? ”
-----Out for Pizza with Yamaguchi-----
“I thought you and y/n had plans?” he said sipping his drink.
“Hey … We did but um she started talking about this thing called ‘our song’,” he was hoping he could clear his head and talk about how he felt without messing things up. Tadashi was always good with words and being kind.
“But isn’t that like good?” He asked confused chewing his pizza. Unlike Tsukishima who hadn’t touched his food even a bit.
“I guess but she was talking about marriage and kids and I-,” he paused looking down whilst fiddling with the straw in his drink.
-----The Next Day-----
You put on some concealer to hide your eye bags and puffiness, some regular comfy clothes, and bought a whole lot of coffee, just something to get you through today but it didn’t help. You couldn’t focus and it was driving you mad. Your friends noticed your teachers and even the janitor. There was no doubt Kei wouldn’t notice but he wouldn’t let you just say “It’s nothing…” However, there was one problem you hadn’t seen him all day. It was the end of this achingly slow day and you bumped into Yamaguchi, “Hey have you seen Tsukishima?” He smiled and said, “No, I haven’t seen him since yesterday but I’m sure you could probably find him in his dorm later.” You wanted to ask him if Kei had said anything but in all honestly you were too scared to. You thanked him and quickly went on you way.
-----Next Week------
The entirety of last week had followed a similar cycle to the say after what you consider the “Great Tragedy”.  You’d barely eaten or slept, the dark circles were becoming more than obvious. You were convinced you guys were over and it was getting harder to bear. Sure you could have just seen him at his dorm and ended this prolonged misery much quicker but something always came up whether it be a problem, an assignment, or just your cowardly nature towards the situation. At this point, you were just torturing yourself. Tomorrow was your 2 year anniversary and you were more than afraid to face him. That’s if it wasn’t over already.
-----At Tsukshima’s Dorm-----
“You have to go see her,” Yamaguchi pleaded
“But what if she doesn’t want me anymore now? What if I messed up? Worse what if she thinks you hate her? I should have seen her even if I was busy.  I’m always such- such dammit I’m an asshole,” it was one of those rare moments in his life where he was having a breakdown and he didn’t know what to do.
“Tsukishima Kei! You better calm down right now!” Yamaguchi held on to Tsukishima shaking his shoulders. “You aren’t going to know unless you find out ok. I know you, even if you’re not good at expressing yourself but you always succeed in getting the point across plus just sleep tonight and execute the master plan tomorrow. And for the record she knew you were an asshole, strangely I think she likes that,” he patted Tsukishima on the back and left the dorm, giving him a small laugh and smile of reassurance.
The words master plan gave him some comfort but he wouldn’t really call it that. It was always the plan it just took longer than he expected. He’s kind of glad you never came to check on him but he knew you, even if it didn’t seem that way. He knew you were hurt and your habits would have taken a turn for the bad he just hoped that he didn’t mess up for good. Tomorrow was your anniversary so in a sense the timing was perfect. The only problem was he’d avoided you for so long he hadn’t even seen you, sure he asked around but his worries weren’t put to rest so easily. He’d never let you know how obsessive he could be.
It killed him to be away from you for so long, especially how your last encounter had ended.  He could only hope this would make you see, make you understand how he feels once and for all.
----- Anniversary----- 
He was hoping he could catch you around campus for lunch and maybe convince you to take a walk with him to the nearby coffee shop where both of you had your first date, but you weren’t anywhere to be seen. He remembered that date, no matter what snarky remark he made you’d laugh and giggle. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, but he wouldn’t show it, instead, he’d made a snarky remark towards you laugh which only made you laugh harder. He was intrigued, captured in a sort of way and he knew you’d keep him that way for a long time but now it was a bit different.
“Hey, Tsukki! I heard she’s in her dorm, she hadn’t gone to classes all day,” Yamaguchi ran up to him pulling him out of the memory.
“Thank you!” He ran quickly, practicing more often really paid of athletic-wise.
----- In Your Dorm -----
You hadn’t moved all day. No breakfast, lunch, snack not even water. Your body ached, your nose stuffed not only from crying but rather because you worried yourself sick, literally. His gift laid unwrapped on the floor, It was a box of various things you thought he might like, new kneepads with a cute little dino on the ends, a jacket with an embroidered moon on it, cute matching dino necklaces, and a plushy which was you guessed it a dinosaur. Now you were wondering if he’d even want anything from you.  
As the heaviness of your eyelids started to take over there was a sound of the door opening, you quickly pulled the blanket over your head. Kei was the only one with a key; you wouldn’t let him see you like this. You didn’t want this to be the last way he saw of you, pathetic, weak, and plain loser. You prepared yourself to be broken up with as he called out, “Y/n! Y/n! Shorty! Babe, I’m coming in!” ‘Babe ?” your thoughts lingered on the word, it gave you hope and a bit of courage to call back out quietly because you could barely raise your voice, “I’m in my bed.”
He peeked his head in and the sight made his heart crack, “You little dummy! You got yourself sick; I should have known this would happen. Umm, I’ll be right back.” He ran out and in about 15 minutes he had been back, and even then you were still shocked and confused. “I’m in your kitchen,” He called out.  All you could manage was to mumble a simple ‘ok.’ His plans had few out the window and in all honesty, he was panicking just a bit but he still had a backup plan though and he thinks it’ll work just fine. All he had to do was try his best to do what he came here for, he just wanted to make you see and hopefully he hadn’t ruined everything.
Tsukishima waltzed into your room carrying a bowl, “Ok, I’m no cook but I can make ramen. You better like it ok.” He helped you sit up and held the spoon to your mouth which kind of took you by surprise, “Come on open up or I’ll eat it myself. Unless you want me to do that airplane thing they do for babies you’re such a child anyways,” he joked earning a little giggle from you. You gladly took the mouthful and smiled, “Yummy. Thank you, babe,” a small smile quirked his lips to your response. This caused your cheeks to feel even warmer if that was even possible, the fever was already burning you alive. After you finished the ramen, he made you take some medicine and drink water. At this point, the fact that today was your anniversary was completely forgotten but you did the one thing that got you into this mess again. You blurted out, “So you’re not here to break up with me?” He looked sort of taken aback, had he really made you feel that way. He thought maybe his lack of response had made you sort of letting go of yourself but he didn’t think that this could happen. He hated that he couldn’t make you believe in his love, that he always came off as cold but it was time to execute the plan. He hoped this would show you.
“What? No, no I’m not here for that but um we can talk about this after you should get some rest,” He padded towards you and laid next to you wrapping his arms around you. “What if you get sick?” you questioned him quietly. “It’s whatever; you’re the dummy who didn’t take care of yourself so now I gotta do this. Plus maybe then you can take care of me, you owe me anyway because I made you my amazing ramen,” you chuckled at his response, leaning into his touch. “Wait I almost forgot,” he grabbed his earbuds and his phone. He readjusted and started the music, you were four songs in, all happened to be a mix of his and your favorites.
Tsukishima’s heart rate had quickened and his breathes were getting shallow, it was fast approaching and he was nervous. He couldn’t help but wonder ‘What if you hadn’t liked it?’ The song started and you knew immediately, you couldn’t face him your hand over your mouth, tears welled in your eyes it was beautiful, it was perfect. You could feel every emotion, every thought, you knew he loved you before but this was pure, it was his everything and he did it all for you.
The weight shifted on the bed as he came on the other side of the bed on one knee, he pulled your hand from your mouth and kissed your knuckles, “I’m sorry I left you waiting for so long, I’m sorry I made you feel lonely and hurt but most of all I’m sorry for making you didn’t think I loved you. I’m not the best with words so um I hope this comes out right. When I met you, I felt like I finally found my person, you loved my dry, snarky humor, weren’t easily fazed and most of all you never judged me. You made me feel accepted, loved and I could never ask for anything more. I- I- spent the last week thinking about what you said and well you know what else now, I’m sure you can tell. Anyway, umm I want to get married, I want cute kids that look like you and have your cute laugh, I want it all, I’m sorry I didn’t make it seem that way, I just never thought you could want that with me but I panicked though I was beyond happy. I can’t propose to you now but I want to promise myself to you with these,” he held out his other hand with two rings; they were dino rings which made it even cuter. You couldn’t help but giggle as you wiped the tear with your other hand. “That’s if you still want me and we can play this song, Our Song at our wedding, in the car, for our kids, whenever you want if that’s still what you want,” he broke, tears slid down his cheeks.
 He was never one to cry, and when he did it was genuine. You shifted your body, your legs off the side of the bed, and him now kneeling in between them. You raised his slightly bowed head, holding his face and wiping the stray tears on his cheeks, “Kei, you’ve never made me feel lonely, I just over thought and you know kind of thought maybe you didn’t want to have kids or get married or the whole shebang. I’m not the most optimistic person so I immediately assumed the worst. This isn’t your fault I’m just a big idiot and I love you so much. So yes I want all those things with you and no one else.”  He laughed a bit, “Yep you’re an idiot but you’re my big idiot and I love you too, shorty hmmm shortcake,” he placed a gentle kiss against your lips and slips on the funny little ring.
“Hey you were supposed to say I’m not an idiot but what did I expect, shortcake though I like that,” You leaned in as he hummed in response against your lips. He is incessantly kissing you but a question crossed your mind and you stopped him, “What’s wrong y/n?” He questioned a bit worried. “How did you make that song by yourself? Not to mention your voice is amazing babe. You should consider music as a career you know,” you looked waiting for a response. “Well you see, I had some of the lyrics written about half a year ago and what you said made me finish em. You made me really happy but also nervous and I was scared to mess up so I panicked. I thought maybe if I had finished the song I could get my feelings across so I met up with someone I knew from my time in high school and he helped me out. Semi Eita, the musician he helped me with the tune and the music in the background. I took a bit longer mainly because I needed it to be perfect and I was nervous.  So yeah but I’m gonna be a pro volleyball player babe, I didn’t know my voice was good until Semi suggested I sing it myself.”
“Wait like the Semi Eita,” your eyes sparkled, you loved his music, “You never told me you knew him. Wait sorry I’m off-topic, the song was perfect and you wrote these that long who knew you could be so romantic?” He looked at you slightly frowning, “Hey! I can be romantic ok. You try to top that. Humph!  I’m glad you like the song though. Oh also I’ll introduce you next week to Semi he’s been curious, something about someone who can handle the Tsukishima Kei. I don’t know what he’s talking about.” You jumped up, “I can’t wait. Yayyyy. Oh wait before I forget I didn’t wrap your gift but it’s over there, I kind of got necklaces, they match the rings.” You twirl around excitedly when suddenly he grabs you by the waist, “Well since your feeling so much better, maybe you can give me another gift,” he pulls you down to straddle his lap on the bed instantly attaching his lips to your neck.
You jokingly cough in his face and run as he chases you around the dorm shouting, “You damn pipsqueak when I catch you which you better hope I don’t, you’re so screwed.” He does eventually catch you but he drags you back to be for cuddles, kisses and a bit more. Needless to say, both of you did not attend classes tomorrow.
I always found it hard to be myself
But you made feel like no one else
A love like no other is what I really felt
So I’m in this in sickness and in health
So that’s what I thought the last verse could have been but I’m no song writer so I’m sorry if its horrible. On that note I hope you enjoyed the story. I encourage constructive criticism and I hope to see you again.
PS I am working on your requests I promise it’ll be here soon. 
If you liked my work, maybe you might want to buy me some coffee ☕️?
Question; Do you want what happened if Y/N decided not to be playful aka the NSFW?
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tatooedlaura-blog · 4 years
Done Pretending
Hi all,
I did a post-Per Manum ... I’ve had the quote ‘you and I are done pretending’ in my head for awhile and finally found a way to use it ... go me!
Anyways, enjoy :)
He hugged her for what felt like forever, the light fading in the room as he heard her heart break over and over, thudding erratically against his chest, body hitching as a poorly contained sob snuck through her cracking exterior.
She had come so close to kissing him at first, lips stopping at the corner of his mouth, before they traveled over cheek to ear, “I don’t know what to do.”
Whispering back as he tightened his hold on her, “we’ll figure it out tomorrow.”
So, there they stood, until finally, Scully moved her head back, sliding it along his shoulder, “how are you doing?”
“Crappy. You?”
Sad chuckle burbled from her chapping lips, “I meant your back. You’ve been hunched over for,” looking at the clock on the VCR, “a good half hour.”
“Back? What’s a back?”
Pulling away, she stayed connected through fisted bunches of his sweater, not willing to give up contact completely but knowing he needed to stand upright or he’d never do it again. He took this correctly as a hint to stop playing the Hunchback of Notre Dame and slowly, he straightened out. His face showed every damn cartilage crack and screaming muscle and Scully couldn’t help but give him a frowning smile in sympathy, “would you go sit down, please?”
Mulder continued his stretch beyond vertical, leaning back as far as he could. twisting side to side, “if you were just, maybe, four, five inches taller or we had a set of steps or something, this would be so much easier.”
“Yeah,” finally standing, wince clear on his face as his muscles finally began to calm, “I go down two steps, you stay at the top and I can hug you for a half-hour without dying.” Taking her by the hand, “come on. Let’s go find some stairs.”
“Mulder …”
“What? I’m not done with you yet. I need another hour at least.”
She loved him for trying, “how about we just order some pizza and sit down?”
Quickly taking her face in his hands, he kissed her forehead once again before she could swat his hands away, “make sure to order one of those useless veggie-tarian ones for yourself. I won’t say a word.”
Exhausted by her life, she gave him a sigh fitting someone much larger than her 5’ 3” stature, “screw vegetables. Tonight is extra cheese and as much sausage and pepperoni as they can pack on … and three-cheesy bread with at least four of those Ranch cups.”
Amused and terrified at the same time, “salad?”
“If you want me to throw bits of lettuce at you, sure, but otherwise I’m not touching it tonight.”
“You’re scary sometimes. I like it.”
Conversation gave her the distraction she needed to change into pajamas, toss Mulder some of his own from the stash she had managed to accumulate over the years, then listen to him order an obscene amount of greasy food. She made tea, a big kettle of it, knowing Mulder would consume at least half as well as all her ice cubes making it iced. She started a load of laundry and watered her last living plant. She calculated her half of the pizza bill and had a short argument with her partner when he refused to take her money.
Slow night for the pizza industry, their food arrived in under 30 minutes and once they were settled on the couch, steaming plates in hand, “are we taking tomorrow off?”
Mulder gave her a look, “this is food coma territory we are about to venture into. Just saying.”
And suddenly she started crying again, plate shaking in her hand, cheesy avalanche threating her lap. Taking the plate, Mulder set everything down on the coffee table and pulled her close once more, swiftly twisting so he was leaned against the arm of the sofa, Scully snuggled against his chest, sobbing into his t-shirt and kneading cotton between her fingers.
He didn’t know what to say so he cried with her, quiet but steady, until again, Scully was back down to random sniffles, "our pizza’s cold now.”
Mulder kissed the crown of her head, keeping his lips on her as he responded, “thank God you have an oven. Five minutes at 350 and we’ll never know it wasn’t fresh from Senor Jack’s House of Cheese.”
One long sniff later, Scully pushed herself up, using the back of her hand to wipe her nose, then, realizing what she’d done, “that was disgusting. Sorry.”
“Disgusting is what you did to my shirt.”
Glancing down at the large wet spot spread from collar to mid-chest, sternum to shoulder, “sorry.”
Tilting his head to look at her, wanting her to see the remnants of his own crying jag, tear streaks, bloodshot eyes, “don’t apologize. I’m not going to.”
She hadn’t realized he was crying as well and that filled her eyes once again, but blinking rapidly, she didn’t let the tears fall this time, “what was that about 350 degrees?”
He gave her possibly the saddest smile she’d ever seen, “are we going to talk about this at all? I’m not pushing, I swear, I just want to know.” Seeing her muscles tense to stand, he snagged the arm of her t-shirt, “It doesn’t have to be tonight but I’d like to at some point.”
“Can I maybe say tomorrow but reserve the right to change my mind?”
Still holding her in place, “for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
Her gaze drifted from enveloping green eyes to full mouth, before struggling north again, watching intently as he studied her, pupils expanding and contracting, trying to figure her out. She gave him a wannabe smile, corner of her mouth turning up a microscopic notch before she managed, “I’m sorry, too.”
Pizza re-heated, crust still crispy, cheese melty as ever, they ate while watching Jeopardy, then Wheel of Fortune. At eight, stuffed to the gills and both yawning, Mulder switched off the TV, asking into the darkness, “are we secure enough in our sense of self that we can go to sleep at 8pm and not feel really, really, and I mean, really old?”
“Well, I’m secure enough to know that we’re both going to need a handful of Tums before any kind of sleep can happen.”
“We are fucking old, Scully.” Standing up, “back in a minute.” He was indeed back in a minute, a little less, actually, pillow, comforter, and bottle of Tums in his hands, “catch.”
Snagging the bottle from the air, she chewed three before shaking the same amount out for him, holding them up to his now empty hands, “three for the old man.”
With a grin, glad some semblance of her sense of humor remained, “you should probably just leave the bottle on the table.”
She did, then stood, opting to clean up in the morning. Eyeing the bedding Mulder had dumped on the couch, she hesitated, her thoughts race-stumbling over one another, squishing their way to an undistinguishable mess. Fingered the corner of the deep-blue comforter, she had words fighting on the tip of her tongue, which she inexplicably ignored as she told him a soft ‘good night’ and skirted by him down the hall.
Mulder’s eyes shut, breath in, breath out, his own words fighting for freedom, to be called after her, to be spoken like they should have been hours, years, centuries, before. Instead, he waited, hearing her brush her teeth, wash something, face, hands, he wasn’t sure, then, not hearing the bedroom door shut, he instead heard the creak of her bed.
Finally opening his eyes again, he took in the shadowed living room, dimly lit kitchen, detritus of dinner for two, and turning on his heel, moved to walk down the hall. He made it three steps before he saw her come out of her bedroom door, stopping when she saw him.
He didn’t care anymore, “why do we keep doing this?”
The denial response automatic at this point, “doing what?”
Mulder took the deepest breath he could, holding it for a second before long, drawn-out exhale, “this. All of this. You there, me here, all of it.”
Her clenched fists fought down the denial this time, “it’s how we survive.”
“It’s shitty survival and getting shittier by the minute.” Tilting his head, he let his eyes bore into her, watching the flush on her skin crawl from small spots on her cheeks down her neck, and around past her ears, the hall nightlight providing everything he needed to read her clearly, “I’m done pretending, Scully. I don’t want to do it anymore.”
Her voice nearly failed her, she formed the words, which cracked as they came out, “what are we pretending?”
One pathetic chuckle later, head still shaking, “Pretending I don’t want to sleep next to you instead of on this couch. Pretending you don’t want me to sleep next to you instead of on this couch. Pretending that the only reason I’d like you to stand on some stairs is so I can hug you without dying. Pretending I haven’t wanted to be with you since three minutes after I met you. Pretending that I’m not dying just as much as you are about our child not being inside you right now. Take your damn pick.”
“Mulder …”
About to start bawling all over again, he bit his cheek, realizing his confessions had escaped the confines of his mind, “what?”
“Why are you still standing over there?”
His legs wouldn’t budge, rooting to the spot, needing a question answered before he moved his life forward, “are we done pretending?”
Eyebrows scrunching, lips a tight line of fear, she nodded, “I think we need to be.”
His muscles remember the act of walking and seven strides later, he was in front of her, “you need a place with steps in it.”
“How about we worry about steps later?” Smiling the smile of someone who’d been through the proverbial wringer several times in one day, she reached out, took his hand, “maybe we’ll start with forgetting about you sleeping on the couch.”
Because he was Mulder, he looked over his shoulder to do one last front door lock check before letting her lead him into her bedroom, “you got another non-crusty shirt for me?”
Ticking them off on her fingers, “I’ve got Power Puff girls, Brady Bunch, Tetris, or the one with the Easter Peeps.”
“This feels like a Tetris kinda night.”
“If that’s not a metaphor for our lives, I don’t know what is.”
“They get lined up eventually, Scully. I promise.”
Exhaustion hit her like a freight train and handing him the shirt, “I need some sleep, Mulder. Can we worry about our puzzling lives tomorrow?”
Exchanging one shirt for the other, he headed to the opposite side of the bed, pulling comforter back, “as long as we can order some more pizza while doing it.”
She gave him a curt nod that made him smile, then silence settled while they did, shifting, pulling covers, straightening pillows, giggling once on Scully’s part when Mulder’s cold feet hit hers. Once quiet, comfortable, Scully slowly reached across the expanse between, 14 inches feeling like a mile, stopping when her fingers reached his cheek, “I love that you wanted this child just as much as I did.”
His hand drifted across the same expanse, palm on her cheek, closing the circle between them, “I fell in love with the idea of him the moment you asked me.”
Fingers to his lips and endlessly tracing, “I fell in love with the idea of him three minutes after I met you.”
“I love you.”
Scooting forward, she breathed her ‘I love you’ back, running firmly into his chest, arm up and over his side in a hug.
Tetris, my ass. They’d fit together perfectly from the beginning.
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