#I’m sorry but this is a hilarious fun coincidence
You know, I love your blog and your funny/shady comments about 🐟 unable to handle her husband getting the attention and not her.
But I’ll admit, I always laughed it off because we can say that but nobody really knows what’s happening.
Until yesterday. LMAO. I know, I’m sorry for not really listening to some of y’all… but she needs some serious help and for once, to put down her goddamn phone.
I also realized that I knew she was going to try and do something to put the attention back on her and nothing she does on IG is ever a coincidence. This is the actions of a very manipulative but also very stupid individual with narcissistic tendencies. To her five asskissers, look away.
She follows that light and dwell designer the day after people made fun of her for showing her PT apt (btw, now I wonder if she was hoping people would think it was the house her husband was allegedly building for her in PT like some blogs believe)
When that didn’t work, follow this designer lady back after months (funny how she does this quite often when she’s not getting the attention she wants).
Follows some random directors. She still wants a job. That custom ugly furniture ain’t gunna pay for itself!
Posts a random photo dump of suggestive photos to indicate nothing but also making sure the ones who care will try and figure out if she’s in MA, NY, NYC, Canada, Wherever the narrative of where she lives fits.
meanwhile, her husband is in NYC filming with his attractive female costar who is much more well known than her (even if it’s the nepo baby comments) and has two films of her own coming out this month and her Madame web movie is still doing pretty well on Netflix.
Their pap photos are much better received by the general public and have comments shipping them and wishing they were together instead. Yikes!! Also…they actually do look good together. They fit.
Btw, I don’t think 🐟 is jealous of Dakota because of Chris. TBH, I don’t think she’s into her “husband” at all. From her actions, she doesn’t care about him or his well being. She cares about what his name can do for her. That’s it. And right now his name is being lumped with Dakota and not hers and I think it’s pissing her off. She needs to get those cheap outfits comped one way or another and her Liberia film isn’t cutting it. Miumiu not calling her back and nobody wants to see her in a solo pap walk….so.
Sorry to all the team asslickers on here but even you have to admit yesterday was a hilarious show your ass moment.
Sidenote: I like to think CE is putting on a bigger effort to look like he likes Dakota because Celine song is directing this film and he wants to do well for her. And also, he seems to simply just like Dakota. She’s pretty hilarious in her own right when she’s not being a flat actress 🤣 and maybe…just maybe, he wants to show you all whose watching that he does know how to act like he’s in love with someone. He just didn’t want to the last time he was in that park.
Yep, she doesn't care about him (and I don't think he cares about her). It's all about using his name to be mentioned in some gossip magazines. Otherwise these magazines wouldn't talk about her. And even the Portuguese magazines have to mention him when they talk about her. The Portuguese people don't care about her. I'm not even sure if they know her name.
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afraidparade · 4 months
Have you seen "The Chattering Lack Of Common Sense" by GHOST? Pazu has a doppelganger!
I don't know the story behind those OCS but I think it's hilarious that this happened years apart and yet they look so similar.
Are we sure pazu isn't real and trying to get us to draw him so we already adore hate him when he reveals himself? I know it's a coincidence but what are the chances lmao.
When I saw the oversized sweater I went "PAZU?! Is that you?! What are you doing here?!" The background of the video is even a city. Weird ass coincidence but a fun one.
Also is there any characters that inspired Pazu's design GHOST could have also been inspired by when they were like 16? (Apparently that's when they made the characters?)
I kind of hope you didn't have any inspiration for the design because that would make this coincidence even more entertaining (also I really hope I don't sound like the annoying people who are like tHiS chaRaCter loOks liKe x. I'm not asking (or worse telling you) you to change anything or something stupid/entitled like that! I just found the doppelganger situation very amusing and I thought you might as well!)
Also happy anniversary in advance! I hope you and your partner have a good one.
(again I'm so sorry I sound like those annoying people I just wouldn't stop thinking about it until I ran up to your ask box like a toddler pointing at two irl look alikes-)
ah no i hadn’t ever seen it before, i’ve never really liked ghost’s music so i never got into the MVs (nothing against them or their fans, just casual personal taste stuff). i can kinda see it though yeah
pazu’s design wasn’t inspired by anything in particular, he was originally supposed to be a temporary one-off character but he stuck around. i’m aware the “hair obscuring eyes” design is nothing new or groundbreaking so i get a lot of comparisons, it does kinda annoy me when it happens but you articulated your intentions well so you’re fine dw
also thanks for the anniversary well wishes :-]
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
The ask about reader asking their yandere if he’d love them if they were a worm is hilarious. Especially Acheron, since he literally gives the correct answer!
So that made me start thinking about his and reader’s story again…It’d be interesting to see a continuation of the story with reader changing over time
Initially tries to run away from Acheron, and takes advantage of the new “body hopping” skill since she’s now a parasite. Eventually she starts to embrace her new ability of body hopping, and likes to “play pretend” with Acheron taking over peoples’ lives. (It’s basically playing dress-up to her, by choosing a “new character,” new lifestyle, etc.)
It’d definitely be fun to see Acheron’s reactions to reader. After all, they’re in love, together forever!
And one more thought I had given the potential children issue/solution between Acheron and reader…Acheron easily extracts, freezes, and preserves reader’s original eggs. Overtime, Acheron finds a distant relative whose looks and intelligence are strikingly similar to his original body. A near exact copy. You know the drill…Acheron inhabits the distant relative’s body, and is then able to IVF reader’s eggs with his new body’s sperm. Reader goes through pregnancy, and now the children are successfully genetically reader’s and Acheron’s. Not children belonging genetically to the original owners of the random bodies they inhabit. Perhaps I’m overthinking this, but I think this’d ensure to Acheron and reader that their children will inherit their traits, and be more receptive to the whole parasite transformation thing once the children reach adulthood
It’s also so cute to think of Acheron nursing back reader in her parasite form if any accidents occur. Instead of just putting her in a jar, he has a little luxurious dollhouse for her to relax in. I don’t know how I can spin this body horror story into a fluffy cute thing. Something must be wrong with my brain. And sorry for this long post!
Thanks!!! 💝
Oh he will definitely have fun chasing you around. Hopping bodies one after another, always finding you as some sort of weird hivemind connection to him, the prime parasite. But, if you were willing and is actually just enjoying body hopping, he would also take part in the role plays both of you will get on to.
But of course, it was short lived. Both of you can't let the cops in on your case now. That would be a tragedy.
About the pregnancy. He will be opposed to the notion of hunting down a family member. Sure, it's YOUR eggs, but it's not his sperm. It's still another guy's sperm fertilizing yours and all hell will break loose if that will happen. Weirdly enough, he will be okay fathering a kid not born out of your original egg and sperm, but not your original, and his descendant's spunk. Definitely not.
A solution for this, is probably, in his first, original life, he stashed some of his dna, and that included his sperm. When he burnt his house down, he grabbed his original DNA samples also and ran off. Maybe for some experiment in the future? It would be a coincidence though that he met you, want to have a kid with you, remembering he still have his sperm, reinvigorated it to life, and birthed your child.
And the doll house is cute. He will find it childish for sure, but if you like it that way, who is he to judge?
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words-after-midnight · 6 months
Boy, @flashfictionfridayofficial, do I ever have a contribution to this one! I've been waiting for an opportunity to share this piece, which I wrote a while back as a warm-up for my wip The Dotted Line's narrator's voice. I polished it up to share. It's technically 123 words too long, so just think of it as 123 bonus words. 😅
For undisclosed reasons I suspect this may be of particular interest to Life in Black and White's beta readers. 😉 @sunset-a-story @joeys-piano @ananarchie @catchingbigfish
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Stream of consciousness | 1,123 words
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I’m told my friend is visiting today.
He visits once a month, on the dot. Tries to, at least. When my will and that of the swine overlords allow it; when boredom or restlessness or the fleeting desire to see a man who thinks I hung the stars coincide with his schedule. When all necessary factors align like celestial bodies in a ritual, I suppose. I see him then.
He visits more than anyone else. More than my father, my wannabe stepmother, my doting long-distance grandmother. Certainly more than the other losers on the outside who've long since abandoned their misguided notions of me. Don’t misunderstand me - I appreciate his dedication, foolish and perplexing though I may find it. Considering how little I offer in return, it’s impressive.
He loves me, you see.
We were close, once, in a sense. I’m sure he recalls it that way. I’m skilled in the art of beautiful illusions; I cannot provide “close,” but I can craft a convincing approximation, which can be useful. It can even be fun. With him, it was often fun. But it’s been years, now, and still he clings to me like a pathetic, starving puppy I cannot shake from my leg. I don't always want to, but sometimes, I do. I find myself of two minds today, like bouncing on a seesaw. Ambivalence declawed.
And so, shortly before the scheduled time, I’m led through the security checks. Clearance obtained, a C.O. takes me down to the basement floor, down a Silence of the Lambs-esque hallway, to the gray-walled room, seventh door on the right from the clanking, rusting metal staircase.
He’s already there when we walk in, as always, sitting stiffly at a table along the far wall, near the vending machines. The room isn’t busy, I note. The wall clock above his head reveals I’m here hours earlier than usual.
Today's escort, Stella, leads me directly to the table. She’s on a power trip, but she's not hard on the eyes - though the whole ‘glorified mall cop’ aspect ruins it. With a pointed glance she tells me, sternly, “You have an hour.”
“Yes, Mama,” I mutter - sardonically, under my breath - as she walks off. It’s doubtful she heard me, but I don’t particularly care either way.
My sorry bastard of a friend, on the other hand, definitely heard me. He chuckles as he stands. “Behave,” he says, in jest.
I grin, self-mocking. “You heard nothing.”
As always, I feign enthusiasm, pulling him into a brief, casual embrace. Yet his arms always hold me a little too long, and squeeze a little too tightly. He thinks I don’t know. It’s hilarious. It’s revolting. On occasion, I’ve begun to regret creating this monster, I think. I think perhaps that’s the expected response.
We sit across from each other at the little white table. He looks at me, smiling. I can tell he still tastes me when he swallows, a nagging aftertaste at the back of his throat.
“How are you?” he asks.
“Sleepy,” I reply, elbow on the table, chin resting in my open palm. “Why’d you come so early?”
He shrugs. “Sorry. Have to be in shape for work on Monday.”
“Still at the same place?”
“Yeah, same place.”
A loud pause that bounces off the walls. Around the room three other tables are occupied, out of about twelve. It’s quiet enough that I can overhear voices, but we’re spread out enough that I can’t make out words. For their sake, I hope their conversation partners are more interesting than mine. A shame, really. He once worked so hard for my attention, but I suppose he’s lost himself over time.
“What’s new?” he asks, breaking the silence. Squirming, though he tries to hide it. It’s like he scrambles to find words in a mess of strewn-about letters. What’s wrong, hm? They used to come so easily.
I lean back in my chair, draping an arm lazily about its back. “Oh, same old, same old.”
“Still working?” he asks.
“Yeah. They’ll throw me in the hole if I don’t.”
The inside of my brain feels like watching paint dry.
“How’s the wife?” I ask.
He smiles. “She’s good.”
“She know you’re here right now?”
His brow dips infinitesimally, like he caught himself a split-second too late. He’s so predictable. It bores me.
“Yeah,” he finally says. “Why wouldn’t she?”
I shrug. Smile. “Dunno. Just figured maybe you wanted it to be our little secret.”
Another pause, delectably tense. His flustered eyes shift downward; mine dart, furtively, to the wall clock to my left. It’s not that I mind the visits, necessarily. They occupy me for an hour - sometimes longer, depending on who’s watching the room - and add variety to a monotone routine too rarely peppered by fleeting chaos. Often, though, the journey to and from the visitation room ends up being the most interesting part. He was entertaining, once, in another time, but now, it’s like he restrains himself. Sometimes I really do wish he would leave for good. It’s not like he has much to offer me now, especially as it seems even our conversations have turned grayscale.
“The table isn’t level,” he comments suddenly.
I force a dry laugh. “No shit. We’re lucky if they stand up at all.”
I glance at the clock again, wanting fleetingly to call the officer over so I can leave - if only so that the walk back upstairs might provide a moment’s respite from the unrelenting, creepy-crawling boredom. It doesn’t bother me that much, to tell you the truth. It isn’t uncomfortable, per se. It’s just always there, near the lower end of my awareness threshold - a low hum, a background conversation that you overhear, but that doesn’t quite capture you.
With an hour spent in mostly dull, meaningless chatter, he finally rises to leave. We hug again - briefly, ceremoniously. He says ‘bye,’ I say ‘see you next time.’
As I’m led from the room, back up the metal stairs and toward a different flavor of boredom, I wonder, bemused, if the expected response might be to take pity on my friend. But why should I? Why should he take it so personally? Why is that my problem? It's not like I get off on being cruel. It's not that I want to not care. I just don’t. Perhaps things would have worked out for him if I were naïve, if I did not know to be ruthless in taking what I want because it’s the only way I will ever get it.
It’s a shame, for him, sure. It's just no one’s fault, but the way of the world. Only the strong survive.
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nicholsroy · 5 months
Stream of consciousness | 1,123 words
Originally shared on my main blog on 22-03-24.
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I'm told my friend is visiting today.
He visits once a month, on the dot. Tries to, at least. When my will and that of the swine overlords allow it; when boredom or restlessness or the fleeting desire to see a man who thinks I hung the stars coincide with his schedule. When all necessary factors align like celestial bodies in a ritual, I suppose. I see him then.
He visits more than anyone else. More than my father, my wannabe stepmother, my doting long-distance grandmother. Certainly more than the other losers on the outside who've long since abandoned their misguided notions of me. Don’t misunderstand me - I appreciate his dedication, foolish and perplexing though I may find it. Considering how little I offer in return, it’s impressive.
He loves me, you see.
We were close, once, in a sense. I’m sure he recalls it that way. I’m skilled in the art of beautiful illusions; I cannot provide “close,” but I can craft a convincing approximation, which can be useful. It can even be fun. With him, it was often fun. But it’s been years, now, and still he clings to me like a pathetic, starving puppy I cannot shake from my leg. I don't always want to, but sometimes, I do. I find myself of two minds today, like bouncing on a seesaw. Ambivalence declawed.
And so, shortly before the scheduled time, I’m led through the security checks. Clearance obtained, a C.O. takes me down to the basement floor, down a Silence of the Lambs-esque hallway, to the gray-walled room, seventh door on the right from the clanking, rusting metal staircase.
He’s already there when we walk in, as always, sitting stiffly at a table along the far wall, near the vending machines. The room isn’t busy, I note. The wall clock above his head reveals I’m here hours earlier than usual.
Today's escort, Stella, leads me directly to the table. She’s on a power trip, but she's not hard on the eyes - though the whole ‘glorified mall cop’ aspect ruins it. With a pointed glance she tells me, sternly, “You have an hour.”
“Yes, Mama,” I mutter - sardonically, under my breath - as she walks off. It’s doubtful she heard me, but I don’t particularly care either way.
My sorry bastard of a friend, on the other hand, definitely heard me. He chuckles as he stands. “Behave,” he says, in jest.
I grin, self-mocking. "You heard nothing."
As always, I feign enthusiasm, pulling him into a brief, casual embrace. Yet his arms always hold me a little too long, and squeeze a little too tightly. He thinks I don’t know. It’s hilarious. It’s revolting. On occasion, I’ve begun to regret creating this monster, I think. I think perhaps that’s the expected response.
We sit across from each other at the little white table. He looks at me, smiling. I can tell he still tastes me when he swallows, a nagging aftertaste at the back of his throat.
"How are you?" he asks.
“Sleepy,” I reply, elbow on the table, chin resting in my open palm. “Why’d you come so early?”
He shrugs. “Sorry. Have to be in shape for work on Monday.”
"Still at the same place?"
"Yeah, same place."
A loud pause that bounces off the walls. Around the room three other tables are occupied, out of about twelve. It’s quiet enough that I can overhear voices, but we’re spread out enough that I can’t make out words. For their sake, I hope their conversation partners are more interesting than mine. A shame, really. He once worked so hard for my attention, but I suppose he’s lost himself over time.
“What’s new?” he asks, breaking the silence. Squirming, though he tries to hide it. It’s like he scrambles to find words in a mess of strewn-about letters. What’s wrong, hm? They used to come so easily.
I lean back in my chair, draping an arm lazily about its back. “Oh, same old, same old.”
"Still working?" he asks.
“Yeah. They’ll throw me in the hole if I don’t.”
The inside of my brain feels like watching paint dry.
"How's the wife?" I ask.
He smiles. “She’s good.”
“She know you're here right now?"
His brow dips infinitesimally, like he caught himself a split-second too late. He’s so predictable. It bores me.
“Yeah,” he finally says. “Why wouldn’t she?”
I shrug. Smile. “Dunno. Just figured maybe you wanted it to be our little secret.”
Another pause, delectably tense. His flustered eyes shift downward; mine dart, furtively, to the wall clock to my left. It’s not that I mind the visits, necessarily. They occupy me for an hour - sometimes longer, depending on who’s watching the room - and add variety to a monotone routine too rarely peppered by fleeting chaos. Often, though, the journey to and from the visitation room ends up being the most interesting part. He was entertaining, once, in another time, but now, it’s like he restrains himself. Sometimes I really do wish he would leave for good. It’s not like he has much to offer me now, especially as it seems even our conversations have turned grayscale.
“The table isn’t level,” he comments suddenly.
I force a dry laugh. “No shit. We’re lucky if they stand up at all.”
I glance at the clock again, wanting fleetingly to call the officer over so I can leave - if only so that the walk back upstairs might provide a moment’s respite from the unrelenting, creepy-crawling boredom. It doesn’t bother me that much, to tell you the truth. It isn’t uncomfortable, per se. It’s just always there, near the lower end of my awareness threshold - a low hum, a background conversation that you overhear, but that doesn’t quite capture you.
With an hour spent in mostly dull, meaningless chatter, he finally rises to leave. We hug again - briefly, ceremoniously. He says ‘bye,’ I say ‘see you next time.’
As I’m led from the room, back up the metal stairs and toward a different flavor of boredom, I wonder, bemused, if the expected response might be to take pity on my friend. But why should I? Why should he take it so personally? Why is that my problem? It's not like I get off on being cruel. It's not that I want to not care. I just don’t. Perhaps things would have worked out for him if I were naïve, if I did not know to be ruthless in taking what I want because it’s the only way I will ever get it.
It’s a shame, for him, sure. It's just no one’s fault, but the way of the world. Only the strong survive.
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goryhorroor · 11 months
It's so interesting how people--even some horror fans--can be so weird about slasher movies. They absolutely have stories and people write analytical essays and books about them. They reflect many anxieties and tumultuous times in history and society like other movies do. They coincided with so many fun innovations in practical effects involving gore and the body and how at the end of the day we are meat and that's scary. Every slasher stands as their own unique figure. Sorry for dumping all this in your inbox, it's just been on my mind lately and I saw you post about it recently.
i hate to say this but I think it’s this righteous crusade against horror movies people have been doing in the past few years; they believe horror movies need to have a deeper meaning to be considered good. people nowadays love to diss slasher horror to put elevated horror on a pedestal which is hilarious because elevated horror has a tendency to come off as pretentious, while slasher is just fun to watch (now I’m not dissing elevated horror but I’m dissing the way it’s used to put down other horror sub-genres)
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justalildumpling · 1 year
moots as nct members
I'm not sure if uve already done this sorry if u have/ don't want to do this
ahh i love love love moot games like this hehe ty for sending this in💗
(i’m realising that a lot of my moots that i mostly interact with are from deobiblr😭 i’ve only tagged ppl who i am certain they stan nct but if i forgot i’m sorry!! this was written at like 3am delusion)
@sungbeam - mark
miss ma’am works herself as much as sm overworks the shit out of mark lee istg😭 TAKE A BREAK MA'AM IT'S OKAY. ok besides from that, i feel like mark is universally a comfort person for everyone in the nct community and beam is literally MY comfort person, my soulmate, my best friend (yes, she's mine. no buts😤) she's so talented at what she does, an absolute sweetheart, she cares so so much about her peers and i rlly just admire her as a person outside of tumblr. i could literally write an essay about how much i love her but i'll save everyone the read😭
@jaeminvore - jaemin
chaos. the both of them. OK BUT besides from that, nics gives off like hot girl energy like jaemin. he's is like woah he's so sexy and he knows it type vibe and nics is the same! i remember first seeing her blog/works and being like girl. im such a fan (and i still am, she's fucking hilarious and amazing) i folded for nics as much as i did for jaemin fr. it's always so fun talking to nics about literally anything from plain old thirsting over korean men to throwing irl ppl off a cliff and like jaemin she makes any scenario so much more enjoyable!!
@polarisjisung - jisung
LOOKLOOKLOOK yes he is her bias BUT the amount of rizz the both of has😭 UHM HELLO ALSO BOTH MAIN DANCER ENERGY nah i folded fr😩 ok but besides that, we all know jisung is the most wholesome bean ever and I JUST WANT TO PROTECT HUA YK?? idk she's such a cool person to talk to and i feel like we just clicked from the first time we met. jisung gives off like ride or die energy and i can def say that hua is the same💗
@winterchimez - xiaojun
THIS ISNT CHEATING ISTG ITS A COINCIDENCE THAT HER BIAS HAPPENS TO BE HIM AS WELL OK????? Both ally and xiaojun are literally the biggest sweethearts and can get along with everybody!! I always thought that xiaojun would be such a great conversationalist and no joke, ally and I got along so well as soon as we met and now we're forever emotional support buddies🥹🤞
@sehunniepot - jungwoo
literal golden retriever energy, like ball of sunshine. the most sociable and friendliest person i’ve met. i literally fell in love with nikki’s personality as soon as we met just like I did for mr kim jungwoo😔😔 I just feel like if I were to be in a room with her, she would be the lighting everyone up like idk how to describe it. She’s just someone that I feel like everyone couldn’t help but adore.
@jaehunnyy - taeyong
I LOVE THESE TWO PPL SO MUCH ALSNFOAFEI ok. i've calmed down. but fr tho like u CANNOT hate both taeyong and chip. LIKE she's literally a beam of positivity and she cares so much for her peers and always checks up on everyone when she can🥺 our bubu is a great leader and residential cutie and i feel like chip fits that to a tea
@wuahae - haechan
something about cat always screamed haechan to me idk why. just her mannerism/texting/talking style. as soon i started talking to her on the deoboyznet chat like i knew she and i were on the same wavelength just like i felt with haechan LMAO cat may seem playful and fun all the time but she's firm when she wants to be and she knows her boundaries/morals/values which is very admirable.
@mosviqu - ten
for some reason bar and ten just makes sense. both insanely talented, sarcastic and has strong opinions which they’re not afraid of expressing. lowkey intimidating to approach at first due to how highly i thought of her work, but was literally the most down to earth, loveliest person ever. I always love when she talks about the process behind her pics because they blow me away every time just like ten’s dancing.
@daegall - renjun
yes. I know it’s literally illegal for me to put anyone else other than lee donghyuck for sunny BUT IDK MAN SHE JUST GIVES OFF RENJUN VIBES!! we all know renjun is like the cutest little ball of sweetness ever and sunny is always so lovely and whenever she gets giddy like i get giddy too😭 and her expression of emotions towards haechan is portrayed thru capitalisations, keyboard smashes and typos which reminded me of renjun's little spits of anger yk??
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Happy Sundaaaaaaay
Anonymous asked:
i just re-entered my danganronpa phase with some friends, like, last week. And I hop on tumblr AND YOU DREW KOMAHINA?? Scary coincidence but amazing art as always 😭
SURPRISE, I’m watching you! Wink.
Jokes aside, Danganronpa is great, and it’s one of those titles that we randomly remember sometimes and instantly want to revisit (or at least to sketch something, if we’re not ready for the deep dive…). Especially KomaHina, thinking about these two always makes us smile…
So I get it! And I hope you and your friends enjoy your danganronpa phase.
Also, thank you so much!<3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Since you know of the school arc of Black Butler, what's your take of the Circus arc? Like what do you think of the boys?
Book of Circus is good, I really like how it shows how unapologetically dark Kuroshitsuji can get. I feel like it sets the standard for how the rest of the manga will go (even though it gradually becomes darker overtime…). It also has a lot of our favourite moments: the whole Sebastian/William thing, Sebastian being an absolute idiot and enjoying the circus life like the clown that he is, Ciel being forced to smile, Ciel having an asthma attack, Ciel freaking out and ordering Sebastian to kill everyone—
But you asked about the boys, and to be honest, while we generally liked the circus troupe and their story, there isn’t anyone we’re like super into and think about a lot, other than Snake of course. Doll is also great! Out of the rest of the crew, Dagger was probably my most favourite one.
But my favourite character from this book is the mob-looking old man who had a crush on Ciel and his dad and got a little bit too into them and spiraled out of control. Completely devastated and ruined by pretty faces of pretty boys…… Sorry, this whole story was so messed up and hilarious at the same time, I yell every time we rewatch/reread it and get to this flashback.
Fun fact: I really hated this season when we first watched it like 10 years ago. But I hated a lot of things about Kuroshitsuji back then, and a lot of it was that I just really wanted to hate it because I was annoyed by Sebastian lol
Anonymous asked:
You might enjoy this Trey mouth fetish fic… I can’t add the link but it’s called “ Open your Mouth” by pissboyciel
Thank you for the recommendation, Anon! I don’t really read fanfics, but I appreciate it nonetheless, maybe I’ll check it out… the author’s username is piece of art…
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welcometololaland · 1 year
Because I suck at originality, I’m going to ask you your top 5 Disney movies in exchange for you making me suffer and pick books! You’re lucky ily 💜💜
oh no i'm sorry for causing you pain lmao! love you!! thanks for the ask!
so i don't watch disney that often, and i need to caveat this by saying i have not yet seen the new little mermaid and i desperately want to! so i'm going to answer this ask with my favourite 5 disney movies from childhood (because it's more unhinged). also, i haven't seen so many of the new disney movies incl. moana, frozen, encanto etc. i know i'm behind! i hope you don't mind!
1. the lion king 2: simba's pride (1998) - it's no coincidence that my favourite animal is a lion, and it wasn't until the lion king sequel that my obsession with big cats became fully realised. now, i hear you ask: 'lola? why would your favourite movie be a direct to video sequel?' WELL. my parents didn't watch a lot of tv when i was young, and we didn't get a vcr player until dvd's were just about to make them obsolete. but the one vcr i had was lion king 2 and i used to take it to my grandparents house like once a week and watch it. i watched it so many times the tape went funny. i could literally recite this movie, and i haven't watched it in YEARS. ALSO it doesn't have an elton john slapper but it does have: he lives in you, not one of us and that zira's lullaby which i can't get out of my head now. certified bangers. don't knock it 'til you try it.
2. the lion king (1994) - i don't know if i even have to explain this. the first seventeen times (approx.) i watched this movie i had to hide in the scary parts because it's so good but also i was probably like 4 and didn't understand that movies are the same every time you watch them. kickstarted the obsession with lions. scar's be prepared song is liked on my spotify.
[interlude for a controversial opinion: i don't like toy story. don't come for me.]
3. lady and the tramp (1955) - a classic movie for a dog lover (not JUST a cat lover, turns out i just love animals). i used to be completely obsessed with how cute lady was and i wanted a dog called lady SO BAD. the spaghetti scene is so iconic. lady's sidekicks are so funny. the pound puppies make me cry SOMEONE ADOPT THEM!!! this movie made my parents regret ever letting me borrow something from the video store because i wouldn't stop harassing them for a dog.
4. the incredibles (2004) - still fucking pissing myself at this movie like why did they make the mom have such a dump truck booty??? the dad is hilarious. the kids are lowkey annoying but i do like them. frozone is my favourite character: 'HONEY, WHERE IS MY SUPERSUIT??!'
5. the parent trap (1998) - lindsay fucking lohan made me want to get my ears pierced so bad and i only chickened out like five times before i finally got them done. this movie made me wanna be a twin. i kept giving my sister sideways looks and questioning whether we could pull it off (spoiler: we couldn't).
thanks for the ask, this was fun!!!
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enneamage · 2 years
Sorry to the other anon but the live show wasn't the best. And he didn't even write it himself. (If you look at ash's vlog from the time he shows the dude who was helping behind the scenes.) Was a little sad when I found out and I expected way more tommy in the show but it just wasn't there. There was a distinct lack of tommyness - sure there was a lot of flavor and it was popular with the audience live but it really didn't feel that funny watching it. And as for your comment- if tommy becomes more 'authentic' in his content I'll be sad and uninterested. I don't watch him to get parasocially attached I watch him because he can at his best be hilarious and Act a character that's so engaging. But it feels like we've seen him at his best less and less over the past 2 years. I wish he'd stop worrying about passifing his fans, keeping 'in' with other ccs, (looks at dream and wilbur) and just go ham with his vid ideas. I remember he said himself he loves going live to put on a show. I'd hate to see him give up on that for audience appeal.
In order to be able to talk about a part of this ask that I wanted to focus on, I needed to try and sit through the live show in order to be sure I wasn’t mistaken about the format of the show. I struggle with watching live studio audience footage in general, so this one was an uphill battle.
When I think about how to translate a YouTube or Twitch talent to a live show my mind honestly goes blank. I know people are doing it and have done it, there’s tours like crazy out there and they’re constantly being refined, but I wouldn’t know how to break down the formula of how to get one energy into a different context, or if doing a live show means finding a similar but distinct vibe to bring into a room. It’s probably different for every performer so I wouldn’t be able to say what I would want changed about the show, but I do get not being wild about it. The show itself did feel like a test run, in a way that seemed endearing to the people who could go.
If I’m not mistaken he floated the Muppet theme as a song for the show, but it was shot down. I think he is broadly inspired by the red curtains and brass section “variety show” that the Muppets went for, though. An interesting fact about that is the non-puppet version of these live shows tended to be saucy adult-oriented evening theatre like Cabaret and Burlesque, where the variety acts got shocking and flirty to keep people entertained. This is a complete coincidence, but his “Lets see what I can get away with” bits weirdly gave me these vibes. Him taking on the saucy cabaret stage host persona is not destined for this lifetime, but it’s… a powerful image that I have been burdened with since watching.   
I don’t think that Tommy is ever going to drop out of his persona completely, because his persona is part of him. That sounds like a paradox, but he is authentically a performer, him living his best life involves being able to put on his big persona and have fun in that space. Making sure that he isn’t being crushed underneath it is one thing, but it doesn’t involve doing away with it entirely. He’s made of too many different parts to just collapse into one thing, especially in front of a camera, so I don’t think there’s risk of him sacrificing that aspect of himself completely.
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project1939 · 3 months
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200 Films of 1952
Film number 185: She's Working Her Way Through College
Release date: July 12th, 1952 
Studio: Warner Bros 
Genre: musical 
Director: H. Bruce Humberstone 
Producer: William Jacobs 
Actors: Virginia Mayo, Gene Nelson, Ronald Reagan 
Plot Summary: Angela has been saving up for college by working as a Burlesque Queen named Hot Garters Gertie. She is accepted to Midwest State where she hopes to learn to be a playwright and impress a professor she loves. Immediately popular on campus because of her beauty, she fears what might happen if anyone discovers her salacious past. 
My Rating (out of 5 stars): **¾  
So here we have our second Warner Brothers musical in as many days, and god do I have feelings. It was certainly better than About Face- it had more life and sparkle to it, and it had the breathtaking dancing talent of Gene Nelson. It was a bit infuriating, however, because of its political blind spots- made exponentially worse by the fact that Ronald Reagan had a prominent role in the cast! I was intrigued by the premise, having just watched real burlesque, but virtually everything about the plot of this film and the character of Angela was a letdown.  
The Good: 
Gene Nelson was the shining light of the whole film for me. He had heaps of charisma and an ability to act with a naturalism and effortless style... but it was his dancing that stole the show. He reminded me a lot of Gene Kelly- he was extremely athletic, able to make lightning fast moves with fluidity, and he had the same low center of gravity that Kelly did. His solo dance number where he moved from piece to piece of gym equipment was literally jaw dropping- I wrote that actual phrase out in my notes, along with “Jeeezus!” 
The Technicolor looked great. 
There was some good energy to the musical numbers, and there were a lot of them. It kept the film lively and bright. 
The dancing all around was really good. 
The premise was fun, even if the follow through wasn’t. 
The Bad: 
Virginia Mayo. I’m sorry to say I just didn’t succumb to her charms. She was pretty, yes, but I found her acting to be a little too dry and restrained. Her dancing was nice, though. 
Ronald Reagan. The dude was never known for being an especially good actor, and if you want proof, here it is. 
There was a painfully long drunk scene with Reagan, putting his lack of skill front and center. 
The coincidence of both Professor Palmer and Fred Copeland being at Angela’s New York show on the same night unbeknownst to one another when they lived hundreds of miles away was silly. 
Angela the character was probably the most disappointing part of the movie for me. On paper, she was supposed to be a scrappy girl who longed for a college education, worked hard in a sexually liberated job to earn the money for it, and in her free time wrote plays. But the Angela in the film was no different than any bland Hollywood beauty batting her eyes at boys. 
The side plot with Professor Palmer and his wife was needless and sleep inducing. 
The music wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t exactly memorable either. 
The college campus set was so obviously a set it was hilarious. You could see the painted backdrop and even the places where it looked like there was some glass matte painting. The trees looked fake and carefully placed, and the “grass” was the turfiest stuff you could find. 
Angela had a black theater assistant who was a pretty racist stereotype, speaking in a Mammy dialect and constantly telling jokes that only she laughed at. 
The idea that college should be an inalienable right for everyone was reiterated multiple times, which was very ironic when the entire student body of this college was white. When Reagan gave a speech at the end warning about colleges barring students who “go to the wrong church, come from the wrong side of the tracks, or were born in the wrong country,” any explicit mention of race was removed. And again, he gave this speech in an auditorium filled with only white faces. I agree 100% that college should be an inalienable right, but how can you be serious about it while being this dishonest? 
This was based on a 1942 film called The Male Animal, which had a strong political message about free speech, civil liberties, and prejudice. That had to be completely gutted here, because those things were too dangerous to portray in the HUAC Red Scare days of 1952. Ah yes, right wing America. 
I know this was an early 1950s musical, but the sanitization of the subject matter, especially the portrayal of burlesque, was laughable. But of course, they could never even hint that Mayo got down to her pasties!
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Faux Innocence
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having the reputation of the innocent angel in the group, one could never imagine Y/N being such a badass impostor and expert liar but here they have found themselves fooled by the angel who wears that halo just for show.
Requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt Hello hun! Here’s the other request you sent me, I’m really sorry it’s been so long and you’ve had to endure such a long wait until it’s posted but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
“They’ll be done for in no time! Right, babe?“ I stick my foot out to the side, nudging Corpse’s leg.
There most certainly are pros and cons when it comes to sharing a gaming/streaming/recording room with me, and the whether the constant pestering is a good or a bad thing is still up in the air. I mean, yeah Corpse rolls his eyes every now when I do it, but I’ve also caught him smiling about it out of the corner of my eye. Bottom line, I do it to invite that almost childishly mischievous smirk on his face. That’s the ultimate reward.
And ok, yes, I’m also the one trying to peek over the barrier separating out computers to peek at his screen to see if he’s impostor or not, but he tolerates that bad habit of mine. Well, he sprays water my way or gently whacks me with a pillow, but I consider that toleration. It’s a playful little dynamic we have going on, one we don’t have to perform today since we’re impostors together.
I cannot recall a time that has happened before. In fact, I can say I’ve been paired up as impostors with everyone but Corpse. I personally think it’s a practical joke the game’s algorithm is pulling on us, seeing as how we’ve been dating for quite some time now. I mean, that’s the only way to explain this coincidence of never being impostors together.
Looking at the subject now, it may be hella beneficial for us considering no one would suspect us both to be impostors together. Everyone is in on this ‘misfortune’ of ours and it’s honestly hilarious but Corpse and I are about to rip them a new one, I just know it.
“Oh, definitely! I’m the risky half, but they’ll never suspect you so we’re 100% winning this.“ He replies, sending a wink my way. He’s vaguely surprised when I return it with a narrow-eyed look.
“What’s that supposed to mean ‘they’ll never suspect you‘? I’m a great impostor! Is that you questioning my skills I’m hearing?“ I raise an eyebrow, turning my attention back to the screen which displays Corpse and I alone in Electrical, pretending to be doing tasks and waiting on our first victims.
“No! No, not at all. Far from it. It’s just that you are...well, you know...you are you. No one would think you’re the one dishing out all these tactical kills. You always seem relatively interested in the game only to have fun and not to win and....“
“Look sweet and innocent.“ I cut him off, finishing his sentence, “Yeah, yeah, I get your theory.“ Suddenly, I hear Rae’s chipper voice approaching, talking to her chat, I’m assuming. This gives me a rather...interesting idea. With that in mind, I give Corpse a side-glance and a devilish smirk that’s promising trouble, “Let’s test it out, shall we?“
“Wha-?!“ Before Corpse can even say his question fully, Rae wanders into the room, cutting him off with a question of her own.
“Test what out?“ She asks, coming to stand between us, doing her own task.
I’m so sorry, Rae
Before anyone could fathom it, I swiftly kill Rae and report her body, all seemingly in the blink of an eye. Corpse hasn’t even fathomed half of this insanity when he hears an accusation being thrown right at him.
“Corpse, how could you?!“ I cry out, and damn - not to toot my own horn or anything - but I’m pulling off the ‘distressed friend-witness‘ act quite well. I bet Corpse would give me an impressed look or mouth ‘minx’ at me if he wasn’t staring at his screen with his mouth agape. “You were planning to blame it on me weren’t you?!“
“Wait...no! That’s not-It wasn’t me! I swear it wasn’t me!“ He finally finds his voice, croaking out desperate defenses, each cut off by a wheeze of something alike shocked laughter that almost gets me to break out in a fit of my own.
“Very convincing, buddy. He’s definitely innocent, you guys...“ Toast comments just as the ‘VOTED‘ sticker pops up above the icon of his avatar in the meeting.
“Right? How could you even think otherwise?“ Leslie backs him up, the sticker appearing on her icon as well.
“Guys! No, for real, it’s Y/N! I swear on Bingus it’s Y/N!“ He probably should’ve used something more convincing, not that it would’ve worked either way. I’m a ‘trustworthy‘, ‘innocent‘ and ‘honest‘ person, just like Corpse said. Aren’t I?
Mere seconds later, he’s shot off the ship, the screen confirming he indeed was an impostor, automatically getting the blame off me cause no impostor would be dumb enough to out their partner like that, lowering their chances at victory. I don’t consider that a dumb move though - I think it’s rather genius, actually. 
“Don’t worry, Corpsie.“ I give him a wink in return to his death glare, his arms crossed over his chest, looking quite unamused. “I’m winning this one for you.“
We both know I can and I will. Of course I can when I’m given the advantage of faux innocence everyone falls for - in more ways than one, if you know what I’m saying *wink* *wink*
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sokkastyles · 4 years
Abused kids are often not aware of or have trouble regulating their own emotions but tend to, conversely, be hyper aware of and tapped into the emotions of others. This is a survival mechanism in people who grow up with an abusive parent, because any sudden changes in the mood of the parent could indicate danger. See the scenes of Zuko when he is with Ozai, particularly in "The Awakening" and in the flashback to the war meeting in "The Phoenix King," when Zuko carefully measures his responses to his father's praise, because even accepting praise is dangerous and could be a trap.
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Although Zuko is often oblivious in social interactions, he actually shows a pretty keen insight when it comes to mediating and understanding what the others need once he joins the gaang. He figures out that the loss of his firebending is connected to his change of coat, he helps Aang overcome his fear of fire at the same time he overcomes his own mental blocks with regard to his element, and he realizes that Sokka will go on a foolhardy mission to rescue his father no matter how much Zuko warns him that it's dangerous, so he resolves to go with him. Particularly in "The Southern Raiders" he pretty astutely figures out that the source of Katara's anger was her unresolved feelings about her mother's murder, and knew how to help her. He also shows keen insight into what Katara needs. Aang, though he means well, responds to Katara with moralizing that just makes her angrier and more determined to go her own way. Zuko offers her the means and lets her lead the way, and defends her to Aang after Katara had made it clear she did not agree with Aang. Zuko, in fact, gets angry at Aang on Katara's behalf, and interestingly, Katara, the person who regularly told off anyone who ever said a bad word to Aang and who, a few episodes ago, threatened to kill Zuko himself if he ever hurt Aang, says nothing in response to Zuko’s sarcastic words to Aang, only thanks Aang for understanding in a tone that implies that she doesn’t think Aang understands at all.
Zuko also seems to be aware of the tension between Katara and Aang at the end of the episode, as he purposefully leaves Katara on Ember Island and goes to speak to Aang himself about what happened when they confronted Yon Rha. This implies not only that Zuko knew Katara needed space to process her feelings, but that he knew that Aang and Katara would need time away from each other after the angry way they parted, and it also implies that Zuko wanted to explain Katara's perspective to Aang, fearing that Aang would misunderstand. Aang actually misunderstands anyway, wrongly assuming that Katara had forgiven Yon Rha, and Katara angrily tells him that she will never forgive her mother's murderer, but does forgive Zuko.
Zuko tells Aang that he was right about Katara, although that is contradicted by what Katara just said and the events of the episode. I know some people theorize that this was a result of a lack of unity in the writing, but I also don't think it's out of character for Zuko to say this, even though he also ultimately disagrees with Aang's stance on violence. Zuko is again playing a mediator role and playing both sides a bit, because the episode positions him between Aang and Katara, but he also leaves Aang with a challenge to his moral absolutism.
So I don't think it's a stretch to assume that in the very next episode, Zuko was also picking up on some tension between Aang and Katara when he sat between them. I'm not sure he knows about Aang's romantic feelings for Katara - although he would when he hears his actor on stage call Katara "the Avatar's girl" and sees Aang nod. But he does seem to pick up on Aang's irritation being about more than just a taken seat, as he responds with unprompted anger. Zuko also takes note of Aang’s increasing anger throughout the play, with a concerned expression on his face. 
Remember what I said about abused kids being hypersensitive to the changing moods of others? It might be that, or Zuko might be feeling anxious about his role in the play and feeling like he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, or it might be that Zuko is hyper aware of the conflict between Katara and Aang carried over from the last episode to this one.
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Actually, this shot is particularly interesting because the rest of the gaang is laughing at the portrayal of Toph, including Katara, until Toph shows that she’s pleased by the play’s portrayal of her. Then we see Katara frown, her attention shifting to Aang. 
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Katara is unhappy that her attempt to get even with Toph backfired, then when she notices Aang as the camera pans to her left, she looks even more unhappy. Then we see the shot above of Zuko looking at Aang with clear concern over the situation. I’m pretty sure that Zuko is aware that something is going on between Katara and Aang at this point. Especially since Aang’s anger at being played by a girl (which is made worse by Toph’s happiness at being played by a boy) is linked to his insecurity about his relationship with Katara, and the play keeps making jokes about it, meant for us to feel sorry for Aang for being put in the “little brother” zone.
I think Zuko was generally anxious going into the play. You can see when they walk in that he has his hood pulled up, to hide his face, because he's aware there's a chance someone will recognize him. So even before the play starts, with its incriminating and humiliating portrayal of him, he is probably already on alert and wants to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Aang's outburst is the kind of thing that would draw attention, and Zuko tries to minimize the attention by insisting that Aang just sit next to him. Zuko also reacts with defensive anger, as he is wont to do when he is anxious or upset, which of course would have the opposite effect from drawing attention away from them. But Aang acquiesces in frustration, and Katara, interestingly, notices the dispute, but just like when Zuko defended her to Aang in "The Southern Raiders," says nothing. Katara also is facing away, fidgety, and looks unhappy while the confrontation is going on. This is also consistent with (and probably contributed to) the way Katara reacts to Aang’s pushiness and accusations later on.
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Zuko spends much of the back part of season three physically close to Katara, which is a visual way for the animators to show how close they have grown. It’s not necessarily an indication of romantic Zutara, although there is nothing wrong with interpreting it that way, and I find it hilarious how threatened some people are by shippers gushing over the idea that he wanted to sit next to her, particularly in this episode because this episode actually intentionally plays up the “love triangle” for the purposes of getting the audience to sympathize with Aang and root for him to “get the girl.” Regardless of whether we interpret it in a romantic context, I think it is a good indication of how Zuko feels about Katara once he has gotten her forgiveness. Given Zuko’s social ineptitude, it would make sense that he would be likely to want to stick close to the people he felt closest to, especially in situations where he is surrounded by potentially hostile strangers. Witness his behavior in “The Beach,” where he spent most of the time awkwardly glued to Mai’s side and it was when he was separated from Mai at the party that he ran into trouble with the other partygoers, who make fun of him. That might explain why Zuko, although he comes from the opposite direction when they enter the theater as everyone else does, walks all the way down the end of the aisle to sit next to Katara. 
It might also explain why he wants to sit in between Katara and Aang, as these are the two people who he now feels closest to. It also is very likely that he is subconsciously picking up on the tension between Katara and Aang, which comes to a head later in this very episode. It’s worth noting that Zuko is often positioned physically between Katara and Aang throughout this episode, which is meant to communicate to the audience Aang’s anxiety over Katara not returning his feelings (and Zuko plays an indirect part in that, or at least, his stage actor does).
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Zuko is also positioned narratively between Aang and Katara as a mediator and comfort to Katara after her fight with Aang in the very next episode, “The Phoenix King,” in which Zuko tells Katara to let Aang figure things out for himself when he runs away after yelling at Katara.
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So no, I don’t think the deliberate positioning of Zuko in between Aang and Katara is a coincidence, nor is it “lol Zuko is clueless!” I’m actually very tired of seeing people talk about how clueless Zuko is, especially since a lot of his reactions come from trauma. Even if Zuko didn’t pick up on Aang’s romantic feelings towards Katara he very obviously picks up on and reacts to and interacts with the dynamic between them. And it’s very telling that certain fans will complain about the “infantilization” of Zuko when it’s traits that make him seem sympathetic, but then talk about a traumatized abuse survivor as if they’re completely incompetent.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
🅁🄴🅀🅄🄴🅂🅃: (ANON) hi! can you do a bucky x reader where they’re at a gala and the team has a mini after party (like AoU) and they’re playing cards against humanity or something dumb like that and bucky can’t keep his hands off of Y/n? maybe a lil smut if you’re up for it hehe. you’re the best !
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂: Smut 18+ (duh lol), Bathroom sex, horny Bucky, slight dacryphilia, Cw: light asphyxiation (in case anyone gets triggered here’s a small content warning) 
🄰🅄🅃🄷🄾🅁'🅂 🄽🄾🅃🄴: dude I looove this omgg thanks for the request babes ;)
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“Alright, alright! Settle down, guys,” Nat shouted over the laughter.
“Ok next card. ‘Blank’: kid-tested, mother-approved,” she read off a black card.
“Which one, babe?” You and Bucky were a team; you sat on his lap insisted by the man himself.
“That one,” he pointed to the card you also had your eye on. You placed in the pile face down and waited for the other who snickered and giggled under their breaths believing they had the funniest card.
“Ok ready?”
“Whoo!” everyone cheered.
“Ok, we have Dead parents: kid-tested, mother-approved; oh my god,” Nat laughed, as did others.
“This groovy new thing called LSD: kid-tested, mother-approved,” everyone laughed out loud with that one.
“A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis: kid-tested, mother-approved!” 
“Water: kid-tested, mother-approved.” 
“That one’s boring!” Sam shouted.
“Hey, be nice; that might be Steve’s. He still doesn’t understand the game,” you joked, making Steve rolling his eyes; it was in fact his card.
“And lastly, My inner demons: kid-tested, mother-approved, I just know this one’s Tony’s,” Nat read off the last card, making Tony get really defensive because it was his. 
“Hmm, this is a good one,” she thought. 
“I think I’m gonna go with the LSD,” Nat said, making you and Bucky cheer.
“Awe man, you guys are good,” Sam threw his cards. 
“Alright! I’m dealing now,” you said grabbing the deck of white cards. While you distributed the white cards again to the rest of the players, Bucky couldn’t keep his hands off you. Having you sit on his lap let him get away with a lot of things you two should be doing in private.
Ever since you two had gotten together, he was absolutely addicted to you. He wasn’t a sex addict, especially before your relationship; he hardly ever gotten intamite before. But with you he needed you in some way almost everyday. he addicted to you.
When you two had sex for the first time, Bucky couldn’t stop cuddling you afterwards. You tried to shower and Bucky followed you in and washed your body for you. You went to put some clothes but he just pulled you in bed, kissing your neck with arms wrapped around you tightly. 
Since then he practically couldn’t keep his hands off you. This had been the most sexually active you’d ever been in a relationship. And you didn’t mind too much if you were being honest. He was insatiable and you were more than willing to feed his desperate appetite; it made you feel desired.
“Get a room you two,” Tony mocked.
“I would if my girl didn’t keep insisting on playing with you buffoons,” Bucky growled.
“Baby, be nice,” you warned. 
You pulled a black card and hesitantly everyone put a white card in a pile for you to read. These particular answers got really dark and really funny to the point where you were squirming in Bucky’s lap but he too was laughing so hard.
“Oh my god! You guys I have pee,” you squealed.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” you jumped from Bucky’s lap.
You made your way to the guest bathroom since it was the closest. When you finished washing your hands but in between that you heard the door open ever so quietly, but your instincts alerted you. 
You turned to the small halfway that led into the stall and waited for what could possibly be Wanda or Nat. You waited longer than you’d accept and ultimately turned back the mirror immediately startled by a large figure standing beside you. 
“Bucky!” you shrieked.
“Sorry, doll,” he gave you a toothy grin. 
“What are you doing in the ladies’ room?” you turned to face him fully.
“Got a couple minutes? They won’t suspect a thing,” bucky leaned down to kiss your neck.
“Are you serious?” you laughed.
“Come on, baby. Please,” BUcky’s hips pressed into yours and you could feel his hard cock poking through his pants. 
“Bucky, you’re addicted.”
“With an ass like that, how can resist. You’re perfect,” Bucky said cheekily.
He held your jaw and kissed you quite messily, urgency not forgotten. Your hands snaked up to curl into his long beautiful locks. He spun you around and your hands hit the mirror in front of you. 
Your hips dug into the marble counter of the bathroom as Bucky’s hands trailed up and under your shirt; rubbing your bare skin. He quickly unzipped his pants pulling and stroking his cock.
“Can’t fucking stay away from you, babygirl,” Bucky moaned in your ear. 
He pulled your pants down along with your panties and used his metal fingers to rub against your pussy, moving around the wetness that is coming out of you quickly. 
“Bucky please,” you whined.
“What baby? What is it?” he cooed.
“Bucky, fuck me,” you whimpered, moving your hips back to grind against his cock.
“You got it, my love,” he whispered.
 Bucky thrusted hard into you making your body repel forward. You were sure there’d be bruises from the hard marble table digging into your hips. You looked in the mirror to see Bucky’s stern expression as he thrusted in and out of you relentlessly.
You tried to moan quietly but the pleasure building up inside was getting overwhelming. Bucky moved his arm to cover your mouth and pulled against his chest.
Your breathing became heavy, going in and out through your nose sharply trying to keep your moans muffled behind Bucky’s hand. Bucky kept his eye trained on you still bucking his hips repeatedly. 
“Fuck, doll. You always feel so warm wrapped around my cock. I can never get enough of this perfect little pussy; squeezing me all tight and shit, god, I’m gonna cum,” Bucky moaned.
With your mouth covered, all you could do was whimper and moan as best as you could. Your eyes filled with tears of pleasure and spilled down your face beautifully. Bucky almost came from the sight of you crying in pleasure alone; but he kept his composure, not for long of course.
“You gonna cum? I can feel you squeezing me,” Bucky slid his hand down your front to rub your clit and your entire body jerked against him, making Bucky chuckled mockingly. 
You orgasmed violently against Bucky and he too reached his climax biting your shoulder to muffle his own loud moans and grunts. You leaned forward to catch yourself after Bucky released his firm hold on you.
“Fuck that was hot. Seeing you cry like that. Did I hurt you?” Bucky asked gently, helping you clean up. 
“No that was awesome!” you giggled. 
“What if someone came in?” you said once you felt decent.
“Just adds to the fun,” Bucky smirked.
“You’re crazy,” you pushed him lightly. 
You two went back to the group hearing laughter from still playing the insanely hilarious card game.
“Finally you two! What’s the point in calling it a quickie if you guys are gonna take twenty minutes,” Nat mocked.
“Was it really that long?” you asked, shocked; no shame in trying to pretend like you both leaving after Bucky’s hands were all over was a ‘coincident’.
“Yeah kinda,” Tony spoke up.
“Damn, we’ll have to practice,” Bucky smacked your ass, making you roll your eyes.
“Damn, Buck you’re addicted to her,” Nat chuckled.
“Of course I am, look at her,” Bucky flaunted you, making you feel slightly shy under the attention. 
“Come on guys let’s keep playing!” Wanda shouted, clearly tipsy.
You sat down next to Nat and Bucky sat at your side still holding your waist lovingly.
“You know,” Nat whispered to you, “As much of a sex addict you turned him into, he’s so in love with you. Head over his fucking heels, babe.”
“I know, and I love him too,” you smiled looking at Bucky.
if you want to be added for all my upcoming works and series or just one specific person send me an ask!! or message me! 🥰
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
this is such a general thing but defiant villain whumpee slowly breaking pls :)
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this is slow enough. It's not exactly the traditional whumpee breaking, but I hope it's interesting nonetheless! Feel free to send in another ask if you want something different ^^
CW//Talk of mass destruction, sleep deprivation torture, brief pet whump mention, forced to eat gross food
"It's over."
There was a weariness to the newscaster's voice-- the kind that those in the profession were never meant to display. The sheer essence of bone-deep exhaustion. A body squeezed dry of adrenaline, until fight or flight turned to fatigue.
But, the fight was won.
"For the last three days, we have been running twenty four hour coverage of the battle occurring downtown. The battle began when Villain's forces attempted to overrun an R&D lab, following the occupation of their original headquarters by our city's heroes.
The destruction has been uncountable. But, it's over.
After a final assault at three in the morning, today, the last of Villain's personal guard fled the stronghold, and were taken into captivity. An hour later, the menace themself was captured.
It's over.
What exactly will be done with Villain is unclear, but Leader has assured us that appropriate measures have been prepared for their secure containment.
As for us? At long last, goodnight Metropolis."
"And good morning, sleepyhead."
Villain could not help but wince as light washed over them in a boiling wave-- the warmth of darkness torn away from them-- as the back doors of the truck were swung open.
"You're making the biggest mistake of your life." They snapped back, hoping the venom in their voice reached its recipient, standing at the truck's mouth.
Of course, of all people, their welcoming committee had to be fucking Hero. The biggest asshat Metropolis had to offer. The worst, most stupidly noble, stupidly loyal, stupidly-
Their fury reached a boiling point to which enraged thoughts turned incoherent. It did not matter why they hated the idiot standing before them. It mattered only that anger alone made their veins feel as though they were overflowing with magma.
"Am I?" The noble fool cocked their head to the side, mocking and arrogant. "Or are you just upset that you've lost?"
"You think I've lost?" Villain let out a hearty chuckle. "All this effort, and you've caused me a minor setback, at most."
"Well, which one of us in the cage?"
They narrowed their eyes to slits. Hero was right. They were both staring through the bars of a cage, but Villain was very much the one contained. It was a tiny, steel construction. Large enough to stand up in, and take one step in each direction, but such was all.
Loaded into the back of a truck like some kind of zoo animal. They wanted to scream!
But, unlike the heroes, they could hold back.
"Me staying here to amuse you does not equate to defeat, Hero."
"Is that all you're doing? Humoring me?"
"Do you have any reason to believe otherwise?"
"Plenty." They smirked. "For one, sitting in the back of a truck for fourteen hours doesn't exactly seem like something you'd do to humor me."
Fourteen hours...
"Have you considered that I'm simply playing a long game?"
"It'll be the longest game of your life, then. Don't plan on getting out of here anytime soon. Or, y'know, ever. That's kind of the whole point."
"You really think you can hold me forever?"
"Oh, I know so. If you knew what was coming for you, you wouldn't be taking this so lightly."
"Oh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do, give me a donut and tell me to hug this whole thing out?"
Hero chuckled, at that.
"Why don't you come and see for yourself?"
"You're sure this will work?" Leader cocked a brow, hoping that the teeth marks in their lower lip weren't visible. It was a nervous habit, chewing like that.
"Certain." Scientist had a chipper tone to them-- a student having solved a math problem. "We've been developing this method for months. Trust me, they have no chance."
"None. Even better, this technique is more than a simple containment method. It has a progressive weakening effect. Within a few months, they'll be like putty in your hand."
"You know we're talking about Villain here, right?"
Villain had expected high security.
Of course they had. They'd quite frankly expected something ridiculous. A cell suspended over a pit of lava. Or a shark-infested pool. Or maybe they'd simply contain them through the power of sedatives.
None of the options sounded particularly enjoyable. But, all three sounded better than the room they stood in front of at that moment.
Six guards stood around them, each heavily armed, and not afraid to display this fact. Two stood on either side of them, each holding a chain attached to one of the twin manacles that adorned both their wrists-- they'd expected handcuffs, but two shackles per wrist seemed a little excessive. The two remaining guards stood with one in front and one behind. Their chains were those connected to Villain's feet. One tug, and they'd be face-first on the tile.
The restraints didn't make them want to flee any less. Not when they saw that room. Even chained as they were, they squirmed at the very sight of what stood before them.
It was rather large, though not ostentatiously so. Though, its size was accentuated by the complete lack of furniture lining the walls.
No. There were only two things inside the chamber.
The first stood at the center. A massive, metal ring, perhaps ten feet in height and the same in width. Four cylinders of the same material extended into the circle's center, looking terribly like hungry mouths.
One for each wrist, one for each ankle.
They were going to be splayed out like a bearskin carpet. Not to mention the vulnerability... With their limbs spread in every which direction, everything would be exposed. Their stomach, their back, their head. And they would be without a hope of retaliation.
It was a terrifying thought, but the elaborate restraint was nothing compared to the other thing inside the chamber.
There must have been a thousand of them. Shimmering, dazzling lights. On the ceiling, on the walls, some even on the floor.
It had not been since Villain's childhood that light had truly affected them. The manifestation of their abilities had coincided with the appearance of their acute sensitivity to the sun. Such was to be expected' a supernatural ability to move through places dark and shadowed, to control the shroud as though it were a thing rather than an absence did not exactly leave one looking forward to the sunrise.
Yet, they were not a vampire. Through gradual acclimation, they had learned to become comfortable with normal levels of light exposure. Spending a few hours under the sun's rays was not a problem, nor was existing within an indoor space, dominated by artificial lamps and LEDs.
But that room...
Villain could not take it. In desperation, they pulled, tugging on the restraints that dangled around them like tails. But, even they were no match for six men.
And, thus, they entered.
"Now, I can see you weren't lying!"
The voice startled Villain, sent a jolt through their chest, but it did nothing to raise their head or open their eyes. Not immediately. Lifting their gaze was a task accomplished with a considerable amount of effort, and unveiling their eyes from their lids made their corneas feel to have been pierced by searing blades.
They could hardly see Hero, through the blazing lights.
"You really were trying to humor me. This is hilarious!"
It was with a terribly uncomfortable feeling that they felt fury overtake their fatigue.
"It's only been six days. I can play the long game."
"Is that why you've been hanging around?"
Though they tried, in their manacles, it proved impossible to ball their fists. The metal fit too closely around their fingers, contoured to not allow the slightest shadow of movement.
"Maybe it is, Hero. Maybe it is."
"Maybe." The Hero took a step forth, then another, until they were mere inches from their captive nemesis. "They've really done something here, huh? Ya' can hardly move an inch."
"There's a difference between not being able to and not wanting to."
"Is that so?"
Hero placed a chilled hand on their nemesis' side-- just above their hip, where their range of movement was the most limited by their splayed limbs.
Villain's heart leapt as they felt a tiny spark, jolting through their chest.
Suffering a direct blow from their nemesis was a fate they had only endured a handful of times. Now, there was nothing to protect them from it. Not even the adrenaline of battle.
"They say you're gonna give up, y'know." Hero trailed their hand, up and down Villain's taut skin. "I think they're betting on it, up in HQ. It's only a matter of time. We can all see you're getting weaker. Tired. You aren't great at hiding it."
"What I'm good at is acting."
"You're saying this is all an act? So you won't mind if I do... this?"
That time, the feeling was more of a spark.
Villain's scream echoed throughout the chamber, but there was no one to hear them but the light.
"Hey! Get up. Can't you hear me?"
Of course Villain could hear Hero. They'd been hearing their stupid voice every single one of these last...
How many days had it been?
They couldn't remember. Too many.
"There's a difference between hearing and listening."
"I thought this whole breaking you thing would be more fun."
"I'm sorry that I'm not entertaining you."
"Nah, I don't think seeing you strung up like this will ever get old." Like a child, Hero laughed. "Anyways, I brought you some food. It's fish!"
Villain hated fish.
But, struggling would mean opening their eyes. Looking at the light.
And, thus, they ate.
"Come on."
A sharp vibration rattled through the restraint frame, and, consequently, to the cores of Villain's bones. But, they did not move.
"I know you can hear me. So get up!"
Hero kicked the frame again, but received the same reaction.
"I thought you were playing the long game. I'm looking for some payoff, here. This new Villain is boring."
Maybe they were boring.
But they didn't have the energy to be anything else. Not anymore.
"What did I tell you?" Scientist smirked. "Like putty in your hand!"
"I still don't understand how you did it." Leader shook their head. "The biggest threat to the city..."
"Oh, it was easy. They've got those weird dark powers, yeah? So they aren't hurt by the light. Not exactly. But, when there's lights on, they can't sleep! Not a wink. You could leave 'em outside and give 'em the keys to your own car, and they still wouldn't be able to escape."
"You really think so?"
"I know so. By the way, who won the betting pool?"
"Engineering department. They said three months, they were the closest. You're saying they haven't slept in three months?"
"Yep! There's not much left of the old Villain anymore, though. So... I mean, now, they can be whatever you want them to be. Do you have any ideas?"
"Hm..." Leader drummed their fingers against the wall. "I have always wanted a bodyguard."
"I thought you always wanted a dog."
"True, true."
"So... why not both?"
"You have a technique for that too?"
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alltoosam · 2 years
DID YOU LIKE MY COUNTDOWN!? That was fun! I had fun. That was actually more fun than I thought it would be! There were too many good posts to name. It was very fun reading all your comments and theories.  Though side note: animal anon has no problem with people joining her BUT it must be animals and it must not mess with my countdown. No statues! Animal anon does animals, not statues. Side side note: can someone settle the debate of if that emoji is a hedgehog or a porcupine? Because I have no idea. Side note side note side note: sorry if you got multiple asks in a day...my system isn't perfected yet so sometimes I send two (or three) because I forgot I sent one and didn't want to accidently miss anyone (also sorry if i did miss you, still perfecting the system, no one has been animal anon blacklisted, i promise!)
Anyway, GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 It's been one year since I started animal anon! How exciting is that?! Phew, what a year we've had together! I mean what better way to start this second year than some chaos since that's how animal anon started to begin with! I will admit, it was slightly stressful coming up with something to meet the occasion of this event. I hope the countdown and this post live up to it. No, I'm not going to reveal myself just yet.. maybe that will be for year 2...😏😏. BUT I will give you some fun facts about me! So let's see; first, I'm from the Midwest (so not Canadian, but close so I do have a slight accent), but I currently live in the TriState area. Second, I am a MASSIVE theater nerd. No, seriously I have been to 21 shows since Broadway reopened in September and I'm actually going to my 22nd tonight. I don't know if this makes that fact better or worse, but I've really only been to about 12 different show because out of those 22, 10 of those are one specific show. Third, I am fluent in German and English. Though, I suck at writing in German, I never learned how to, so don't ask me to do that please. Fourth, my favorite color is red, so you can guess my favorite Taylor album (and coincidently also the show I've been to see 10 times on Broadway...). Fifth, I love to talk A LOT if you couldn't tell by the essays I send yall. And lastly, I can also confirm I am not Taylor...but I will say that I do share something very important with her... tell me your guesses down below as to what very important thing you think Taylor and I have in common, and I'll send some extra animals to whomever I see gets it right first!
So contuining on with my dissertation here, this week I have been trying to figure out a prompt to live up to this occasion. As I already mentioned, my system isn't perfect! And I've been thinking a lot about community lately and how that's been lacking for so many because of Covid. So what I want yall to do is if you get this dissertation of mine, please send a message, post, anon, whatever you want to at least 1 other blog (though you can do more), telling them something you like about them and giving them an animal emoji! That way we can keep spreading the love all day long to as many as possible! 🥰
As always, you are all brilliant, kind, worthy, beautiful and as this past week has shown, hilarious and unique human beings. No seriously, some of your posts had me kneeling over in laughter. If you would so like, you can tag #animalanon so I and everyone can read all your lovely posts! IM STARTING EARLY TODAY SO WE CAN PARTY ALL DAY LONG BECAUSE I LOVE YALL SO MUCH 🎊 🦥🦁🐯
aw animal anon hello!!! i’m sorry I haven’t been able to participate much with the fun this week work has been so crazy for me, but I really appreciate your asks and still being included in the fun! happy anniversary! 🐹🐷🐙🐬
it’s been so great talking to you and getting to know you. I love receiving your asks, thank you so much for thinking of me and creating such a fun and supportive environment in our little community here. As far as what you share with Taylor hmmm maybe your birthday?! are you a fellow december baby as well? I’m on the 21st😊
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