#I’m sorry this is so long this fully took an hour to write oops
youbutstupid · 4 months
What d’you think is the “best” trait the main bau team members have?
OH I love this question thank you so much. There’s a lot so bear with me
Hotch: his compassion for his team. He’s an extremely compassionate and empathetic leader, constantly allowing for his team to leave work if they need to and following them on their hunches, even if they seem unlikely, purely because he loves and respects each of them. Quite often Hotch is portrayed as stone faced but I’ve honestly never seen a male leading character be so openly loving to their team.
Gideon: how much he cares for the victims in his cases. Gideon is often characterised as being a bit clueless to the feelings of his team, yet he never is to the people he is trying to save because he puts his everything into it. He has always been so open and accepting in cases which was rare for a 51 year old man in 2005; he was very willing to let go of his old ways and what he used to know so that he could evolve with the changes in society in order to best help the people he was saving. We also got to see his book of the people he saved. It was amazing.
Rossi: his ability to read and help the people on the team when no one else does. I wholeheartedly believe that if Rossi was present during the Hankel case, Reid would not have gone through his addiction alone. Rossi is always the one to call out people who try to hide their problems and he puts in so much effort to help them, even using his hours outside of work to do so. We see him waking up early to help Hotch coach Jack’s football matches, him inviting Penelope over for scotch so that she can finally disconnect from technology and him hosting the cooking class, the wedding and Strauss’ funeral dinner ar his house. His character development from being weary about the team to adoring them all individually was amazing.
Reid: I love how despite him admitting that he has trouble with emotions, he is always the one doing everything he can to be an emotional support when people around him are struggling. We see him try and comfort Elle when everyone else disconnected from her, he stayed with Garcia the entire time when she was shot, he is the one to call Emily to ask if she wants to hang out when she started disconnecting due to the Doyle situation, he is the one to try and help JJ with her PTSD in season 10 and so on. He doesn’t like the idea of the people around him going through things alone despite the fact that he often tries to go through things alone and he is extremely selfless in this sense.
JJ: I am constantly inspired by how throughout the show, she is repeatedly putting in effort to try and improve herself as a person and as an agent. We never see her get cocky, even when she deserves to be like she was in the FBI from a very young age, she had one of the most challenging jobs as the press liaison and then she was able to work herself up to profiler where she was one of the most formidable people on the field. Despite how impressive she really is, the audience are never given a chance to consider it because she never boasts about it and instead spends everyday striving to be better.
Morgan: he is always willing to take on a leadership role when he has to, yet he is always willing to give it back to Hotch when he doesn’t need to take it on anymore. I’m not just referring to season 5 either, I’m talking about any time when Hotch is unable to take on his role. Morgan respects Hotch a lot and is always willing to support him by taking on the role of team leader when Hotch can’t anymore, yet he never tries to take the role permanently for himself, despite being told he could by Strauss. Despite his years of experience and his leadership skills, he is willing to give up the role because he sees it as what is best for the team and he respects Hotch too much to keep it.
Elle: her protection of women. Elle was, in my opinion, ahead of her time. She previously worked in the sex crimes division and in season 1, she was the only female profiler and she did not step away from her previous role as an advocate for women in sex crimes just so she could better ‘fit in with the men’ of the BAU; she instead brought her perspective with her and implemented it in her cases. She was the only one in episode 3 to look at the woman who was assaulted and realise how uncomfortable she must have been surrounded by men. She ended her career in the BAU fighting for women and it hurts me that the BAU lost her.
Garcia: she never, ever stops being herself, even when people question her or bring her down for it. Sadly, because Garcia is the brightest person in the room, she is quite often the one who the profilers take their frustrations out on; we have seen JJ, Morgan, Hotch, Rossi and Emily all do this. Despite this, she doesn’t waver, she doesn’t stop being the brightest person in the room just because someone is simply not in the mood for her to be because she knows that she does not need to apologise for simply existing as her authentic self. In the episode The Black Queen, 9x12, her ex tells her that they both used to make fun of girls like her, and she corrects him saying that he made fun of girls like her, this was who she always wanted to be. This is so empowering to me.
Prentiss: my love, she was so unbelievably loyal to those around her and this was clear from the beginning. She was the only one to question Reid’s suffering in season 2, she literally uprooted her life and faked her death so that her team’s lives could be protected in season 6. When she found out JJ was in danger in season 9, she was so quick to jump on a plane back to help her. When the team calls for favours whilst she is in London, she always answers to help them. When Reid got arrested and imprisoned in season 12, she didn’t once believe that he committed the crime of which he was accused and even risked her entire career tampering with possible evidence so that it couldn’t be used against him. She is loyal to a fault and so many don’t acknowledge that.
Todd: we only got Todd for 9 episodes but I loved how human she was. She was the first character to make the audience realise that none of what we were looking at was normal. By season 4, the audience became very desensitised to the crimes that we were looking at and Todd broke us out of that and she also was not afraid to call out the fact that it wasn’t normal that the profilers were desensitised either. I respect how in the end she would rather admit that she couldn’t do the job anymore than lose that human side of her. I also loved how she made sure Hotch never took JJ for granted.
Seaver: we never got to see much of Seaver’s development because of the writers, but I loved her willingness to learn. Seaver hadn’t even graduated from the academy when she joined the team, she was not a profiler, she wasn’t even a qualified FBI agent. Watching her learn and grow in such a traumatising field and take it all in her stride was so incredibly interesting to watch. I also loved watching her friendship grow with the team; going to the cinema with Reid, Morgan and Garcia, gaming night with Rossi and going out for curry with Reid. 
Blake: Blake was so incredibly talented and so unbelievably smart but instead of using it as a way to get ahead of her team, she used it as a way to relate to them and bond with them. She almost became a protective figure over them and she took that role very seriously too. It was honestly amazing watching her mind work and how easily she was able to take on her role as a profiler because of it. I know I just named multiple good qualities but it is incredible to me how much her character was able to grow and be adored in just two seasons, she had no idea what dynamic she was getting into when she joined the team yet she fit in perfectly and adapted to it so quickly in order to help them and gain their trust.
Callahan: her confidence. She went into that bullpen being unapologetically herself from the beginning and she fit herself into that team without an ounce of apprehension. She made so much effort to establish herself and she was not shy about it which I adored; she had banter with Rossi, she opened up to Reid, she carpooled with JJ, she became a close friend for Garcia and she gained Morgan’s trust all within a few episodes; the last two being hard to do as a new member of the team. I love how she didn’t question where she belonged, she knew she belonged.
Simmons: to me, Simmons was just so incredibly sweet. When he first joined and I saw that he was buff and conventionally attractive, I was weary that he was just going to be another jock detective that we see in other shows, but he wasn’t. He, again, was an incredibly strong and skilled agent yet when he arrived on the team he took everyone for who they were and never once acted like he was in any way better than them because he had skills that they did not have. He was just a nice person and that may sound like a basic description but to me, it’s the best description to give a person. I felt genuinely safe with Matt’s character on the screen because it was just lovely to see a man on the screen who was just good.
Lewis: OH I love this woman. Tara brought a new element of self assurance to the screen and also humour. She, again, was very unapologetically herself and she knew her worth, as we saw when she went through her breakup, which was so refreshing to see because it is rare you see a woman know her value and not be portrayed as cocky for doing so. She is also a character that marked her place on the team and I also love how unafraid she was to come out and say that she was dating a woman, which was a risk in itself because the BAU had never had an openly LGBTQ+ profiler before. I also loved how she brought ‘your mum’ jokes to the show because watching a 50 year old woman with a doctorate make multiple ‘your mum’ jokes is all I needed from the show if I’m honest.
Alvez: I don’t want to repeat things too much but I also love Luke’s loyalty, which is something we also saw from very early on in his time in the show. Bear in mind when Reid was in prison, Luke was only on the team for a very short period of time, yet he believed wholeheartedly that Reid was innocent and even made threats for his safety. I also love how he took Garcia’s original dislike of him in his stride and honestly embraced everything about her, whether it was her distrust in him or her ‘quirkiness’ as the team would dub it, he took it all in and loved her because of it all, not in spite of it.
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good7luck · 1 year
VNC non-animated manga latest chapter 58 spoilers
* my personal, negative vent
as the continuation of my previous vent against some fan reactions: “Noe is terrible because he cares about Tarte Tatin more than Domi”.
* but I ended up talking about Jeanne a lot lol
(more under the cut)
* I’m sorry I might be overreacting to some very small minority in the fandom, and also sorry I couldn’t write things nicely and shorter in general.
* I myself sincerely hope this would be my last petty complaints in regards to this (Noe/Domi) matter, for real OTL
Ch 55(.5): *shows Noe/Vani (the main protagonists) reconciliation in detail*
Ch 56-57: *shows Noe/Vani conversation, including Tarte Tatin*
Some people about ch 56-57: Noe himself witnessed his childhood friend Domi jumping to die, and yet now he’s smiling at Tarte Tatin, not actively trying to go talk to Domi right away! Is Vani / Tarte Tatin thaaaaat important? Besides, why does Noe not demand an apology from Vani for insulting suicidal Domi?? What a biased selfish jerk, he doesn’t really love her!! Poor Domi deserves better!!!
Jeanne in ch 56-57: *herself witnessed her love interest Vani getting badly injured by Noe, and yet now she’s talking to Domi forever, not taking care of the physically wounded weak human patient Vani*
Jeanne in ch 58: *smiles at Domi and/or Vani and just leaves right away, not actively trying to go talk to Vani, not demanding an explanation or apology from Noe for hurting her beloved Vani*
Me: Ummm ~~according to their logic uwu~~, I guess now Jeanne is a biased selfish jerk who cares about Domi more than her intense love Vani? Is Domi thaaaaat important?? Jeanne is so terrible, she doesn’t really love him!! Poor Vani deserves better??? Can I say these now--
The SAME people about ch 58: Wow, why does MJ-sensei hate Jeanne so much? Why no long romantic Vani/Jeanne reunion scene?? Why not showing Domi/Jeanne conversation in detail??? Terrible writing choices! I’m sorry Jeanne, the author hates you T^T Jeanne did nothing wrong, I love you no matter how badly (mis)treated by the author!!
Me: So...it’s just that, they love Jeanne and Domi more than Noe and Vani (which is not wrong itself, but), and they simply decided to fully blame and demonize Noe at first (and only him, somehow lol) for the lack(?) of Domi and Jeanne? idk lol ://
Them, possibly: M-Maybe Jeanne already talked to Vani before the Noe/Vani roof scene! Unlike Noe!!
Me: In ch 58, when Domi finally came out of the room, Vani immediately became a blushing mess and tried to run away from Jeanne (who wasn’t actually there XD), remembering some sweet moments of her. No offence but...I believe SUCH dramatic reactions from him highly imply that Vani/Jeanne have never properly talked yet since Vani/Noe got attacked by Shapeless One, oops ^^;;; Vani is feeling awkward and acting awkward (similar to that day when he asked Roland/Olivier for some love advice) because...he still doesn’t really know how to be around Jeanne...because they haven’t seriously interacted yet, much less two of them...I think?
to be petty, not pretty lol,
it seems they don’t believe Noe worried about Domi even in his mind off-screen because there was no(?) such explicit panel of Noe screaming, crying, throwing up for Domi after he woke up at the hotel. Then, ~~similarly~~, no reason to blindly believe Jeanne in fact earnestly took care of Vani, much less for hours, before Domi/Jeanne secret conversation started, either lol :/ Come to think of it...there was no panel of Jeanne screaming, crying, throwing up for severely injured Vani at the hotel, so it must be that she doesn’t worry about his wounds anymore now, even if Vani is supposed to be her important person uwu!! ://
Noe: *gets distracted by Tarte Tatin made by Vani, staying near Domi’s location*
Them: How dare he allows himself to get excited, when Domi is suicidal right there. He should’ve only think about Domi now, no one else, nothing else! No more stupid Tarte Tatin!!! He loves Vani, sure, but it shows he totally forgot about Domi and doesn’t take her seriously. How insensitive he is, ugh.
Noe: *gets distracted by JJ/Chloe guided by Dante, getting far away from Domi’s location*
Them: JJ!!! Chloe!!! Wait, why must JJ/Chloe leave now??? They should’ve stayed longer! They should’ve seen Jeanne, too!! Why does MJ-sensei not allow them to meet now?? Poor Jeanne, poor Chloe... We need more of JJ/Chloe!!! We need more of Dante as well!!! There’re still not enough of them!!! Did Chloe meet some other Archiviste person before? It’s a shame JJ/Chloe already left, and Noe missed them ;_; And...oh well, Noe got distracted by cursed Tarte Tatin again, ew. God forbid Tarte Tatin,.plz...
Sorry to repeat, but this will never not funny to me lol I guess this contradiction happened because they love JJ/Chloe/Dante/Jeanne more than Domi/Noe/Vani? idk uwu ://
I don’t necessarily mind seeing people complain about MJ-sensei’s writings or her characters in various ways. But it still depends, within limits.
In this case, I thought Noe was getting falsely accused too much in malice (before ch 58). Now ch 58 is out, and apparently the same people wouldn’t apply their ~~strict~~ standard(s) to Jeanne at all, rather quickly blaming that MJ-sensei must’ve abandoned(??) Jeanne... It’s not that I can’t understand character W fans would always crave for character W related canon contents, but...asdfghjkl
I suppose they forgot that the entire Amusement Park arc was never Jeanne-centric in the first place, and that MJ-sensei still gave Jeanne the MVP hero role who directly and indirectly saved everyone from the hopeless mess...
Not to mention Jeanne already has gotten a LOT of screentime and backstories so far, maybe even the most, except the main protagonists Vani/Noe. Domi’s backstories got revealed firstly thanks to Noe remembering his past in the early Bal Masque arc, and just recently in the Amusement Park arc.
Jeanne has appeared in almost every arc, compared to Luca, Ruthven, Loki, Dante, Amelia, Murr, and so on ^^;;; Even between the Jeanne/Chloe/JJ-centric Gevaudan arc and the Domi/Misha-centric Amusement Park arc, Jeanne still got her long, solid screentime (in regards to her Vani love).
Luca appeared very early, together with Jeanne, but he’s still forever waiting for his own (long) screentime XD In addition, the new arc started with “Archiviste” and “Chasseur”, sure, but I believe Luca’s ceremony is coming soon, too. More Luca inevitably means more Jeanne as well...so, no, Jeanne won’t be ignored! Also, the royal knight Domi would definitely appear, too!
I get that the hiatus was painfully long and recent chapters had been so short, but please don’t be too pessimistic XD
At first, I didn’t mean to write about Jeanne this much at all tbh when this post was originally about the Noe/Domi matter, but it happened XD Not that I’m complaining, it was surprisingly a good chance for me to think about her in detail, kinda :P
I was happy to see Noe hugging Domi tight and both being adorable cute in ch 58 ;w; The panels deserved to be much bigger ;v; It’s so beautiful that I could watch it for 5 hours uwu [insert the meme] XD
However, I was also sad and annoyed to unconsciously think “Now those people will finally stop accusing Noe and be quiet, hopefully” and feel “relieved” :((( *sighs* I really hope my fun and my Noe/Domi wouldn’t get ruined next time...OTL
I sincerely wouldn’t have minded seeing a lot of Noe/Domi/Jeanne/Vani scenes and conversations in detail, as the fandom wanted. But MJ-sensei didn’t show them so much, and I know many people don’t like it (and I don’t particularly blame them ^^;).
I personally don’t have a problem with the lack(?) of their intimate moments, maybe because my top fear had always been “Domi having to leave super quickly asap (again), like a gag” and the fandom exploding in anger XD Even other than this, I just didn’t expect to see “many” interactions of them...because MJ-sensei didn’t make such scenes before the long hiatus and she already published volume 10 at that time, wrapping up the Amusement Park arc “cleanly” that way.
I mean, I personally feel if MJ-sensei genuinely intended to put them there, she would’ve already included them within volume 10...but she didn’t. Vol 10 ends with chapter 56 (except the bonus pages), and the next vol 11 will start from ch 57. Ch 57 has JJ/Noe conversation about Archiviste AND the new Archiviste girl first appearance. So I suppose MJ-sensei really really wanted to make sure vol 11 clearly starts with Archiviste topic, more than anything else.
In any case, I guess I was quite lucky to have had low expectations on detailed “afterwards” scenes of the four haha Of course, I’d gladly enjoy them if MJ-sensei decides to show them at some point in the future :D
Will we...get to see Noe actually eating Vani’s Tarte Tatin on-screen...? I mean...he didn’t eat any of it yet, cuz Domi was out and Noe immediately stopped caring about Tarte Tatin, unlike those accusations lol Somehow, I...don’t have “high” hopes on this, either, even if I ship Noe/Vani, ooops...XDDD If we don’t get the scene for real, then I sure hope those people (who accused Noe) would apologize to Noe and Noe/Vani shippers in some form (of Tarte Tatin? XDD) lol uwu :’)))))
Thank you for reading my long, incoherent ramblings and personal opinions!
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
Villain X Hero Writing Prompt- Today is the Villain's birthday but due to a bad memory accosiated with it (and because the villain is kinda lonely) they dont celebrate. The villain has a battle with the hero with the hero merging victorious, kidnapping the villain. The villain thinks they've been kidnapped for information however the hero made made dinner and got a meaningful gift for the villain. Have fun with this prompt!
I love this concept. Villains being surprised with pleasantries is everything♡ I know I didn't quite get to the present part, but it felt like the right place to cut it off. I also just realized I kinda forgot about the "for information" part, oops. also I'm so sorry this took so long!
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As if their day couldn't suck any more than it already did, the villain had to go and top it off with losing in a fight with the city's hero.
Could this day get *any* worse?
They were handcuffed in the back of the hero's police car, driving through the city, towards the city jail, just like they had so many times before.
The villain had escaped jail multiple times, so this wasn't much more than a large inconvenience for them, at least it would have been, had it happened on *any* other day.
The criminal in question had gone out to avoid sitting at home alone with their thoughts today. Having to sit alone with their thoughts in a jail cell was an even worse option.
Letting out a deep sigh, they flopped back against the seat. Miserable. They just felt miserable. It felt like they couldn't even see colour in the world around them anymore.
"You're much quieter than usual," the hero commented as they drove, "Is something wrong?
"Excuse me‽"
"You're usually more talkative. These drives have never been this quiet before,"
"What do you care?" The villain muttered as they turned to look out the window.
That's when the villain suddenly realized something.
"Wait, we aren't going the right way," the villain blurted out, sitting up straighter suddenly.
The hero in the front seat gave a laugh under their breath, "you only just noticed?"
"This isn't the way to the station or city jail,"
"That would be because we aren't going to the station or city jail,"
The villain felt their throat tighten.
"Where are we going?" The villain asked, trying and failing to sound demanding. There were notes of slight fear. Nerves.
In the rearview mirror, the villain saw the hero glance at them, before their gaze fell back to the road ahead.
They didn't say anything.
"Hero..." the villain tried, "Where are you taking me...?"
"You'll see," was the hummed response.
A feeling of dread settled in their stomach.
Looking out the window, the car was already on the outskirts of the city.
Suddenly the radio was flicked on.
The villain swallowed nervously.
What a day to go out on, of all the 365 to choose from in a year.
After driving for close to half an hour, they were well outside the city and into the surrounding woods, pulling up to what looked like a small cabin.
It wasn't that the villain exactly *blamed* the hero for what they were about to do. Clearly, they'd pushed the other too far, or maybe the hero had finally grown tired of their game of cat and mouse.
This just wasn't how the villain imagined themselves leaving this mortal coil. It was always in a blaze of glory, last stand type of thing.
Still, they couldn't find it in themselves to fight back. Not today. Perhaps it was fate, to be taken out on the same day it all began. Poetic, if not ironic.
The hero got out of the car, straightening themselves and stretching for a moment before turning and opening the back door.
"Are you coming?" The hero asked, before surprisingly taking a step back away from the door so the villain could get out on their own. Not like it mattered, the hero probably knew there was nowhere to run out here now.
"Do I have a choice?" The villain muttered under their breath, looking at the ground.
The hero had the *audacity* to look *surprised* at that. As if they were shocked the villain wasn't jumping with excitement to get this over with.
"Well, I mean... no... I guess... I'd like to think I'm not forcing you but..."
The villain sighed, before swinging their feet out and standing up. Luckily, they'd been cuffed in the front this time, which- now that they thought about it, was also abnormal- but it made it easier to get out of the car on their own.
Still, they felt the hero put a hand under their arm to help steady them -as if polite bedside manner would change anything, only for the villain to shrug them off.
"I'm assuming there's nothing I can say to talk you *out* of doing this, is there?"
"What?" The hero asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
"Ya know, pull the whole 'you don't have to do this, I'll be better, I swear' kind of thing?"
"Excuse me-?"
"I mean-" the villain continued. They were rambling now. Maybe the fear was finally fully starting to kick in. The desperation, because they really *didn't* want this. There was no way they'd allow themselves to beg, but- "it would be a lie either way, I guess, despite the fact I probably shouldn't have said that I'm assuming you'd already know anyway, so-"
"Whoa, whoa, slow down," the hero said, placing a hand on the villain's shoulder gently, snapping them out of their spiralling thoughts, "What in the world do you think I brought you out here for?"
The villain rolled their eyes, "At least make it quick, will you? And stop acting oblivious or like I forced your hand. At least own up to what your about to do,"
The other's eyes widened as the final piece clicked into place, "You think-! I'm not gonna kill you-!" They cried in what could have been mistaken for horror.
The criminal furrowed their brows.
"I brought you here to *show* you something, silly!" The hero explained, before stepping forward and unclipping the handcuffs off the villain's wrists.
Said villain's eyes widened, "what‽"
The hero nodded, smiling, "I have a surprise for you,"
"What?!" They asked again.
The hero only nodded excitedly before turning the villain by the shoulders and giving them a gentle push towards the door, "Go on! Look inside!"
The villain glanced at the hero uncertainty before stepping forward toward the cabin.
When they opened the door, they froze on the spot.
It wasn't anything crazy.... the inside looked like any other cabin. Table, chairs, small kitchen and living area with a couch and tv. Warm glowing lights and-
A banner hung from the ceiling that read in large letters "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
The villain spun around so fast they nearly gave themself whiplash, turning to the hero that had sense come up behind them.
They jumped back slightly, words and air catching in their throat as they gawked at the hero like they'd grown 3 more heads.
Said hero laughed lightheartedly, "Surprise!"
It was like that had become the only word in their vocabulary.
"I know it isn't decorated much, but I didn't think you'd like the cliche ribbons and streamers and party hats," they made some jazzhand-like gesture, "I was also going to blindfold you but I didn't think you'd let me do that either,"
The villain could only stare, like their brain couldn't process the words they were hearing.
"I also made dinner, and a cake! Oh! I also have a gift for you too!"
The villain didn't move.
"Oh, and one last thing, I gave up and the fun cliche stuff just for you so I'm gonna make you suck it up and accept a birthday hug,"
"Why..." the villain managed, "why would you..."
"Why not?"
"I don't deserve this, I don't-" their voice cracked.
"Hey," the hero said softly, taking a step forward, "I heard you didn't celebrate, and I couldn't just let that happen. Everyone deserves to have a good birthday,"
The villain couldn't find any words, but the single tear that managed to quickly slip out and down their cheek did all the speaking for them.
The hero gave a small, sympathetic smile before opening their arms.
Nobody moved for a moment, before the villain caved, stepping forward and looking at the ground. They didn't reciprocate, keeping their own arms close to their chest, but allowed the hero to wrap theirs around them.
They'd never realized just how much taller the hero was until they were basically burying their face into the heros collar.
The villain couldn't even bring themselves to care at the moment, because they suddenly felt so safe, which was bizarre, considering how they felt on the way, but here they were.
"I still don't think I deserve this. Especially from you," the villain muttered from where their head was still tucked down against the hero's chest.
"I don't think your qualified for that kind of thinking, considering what you thought you deserved on the way here, which I'm almost offended by, by the way,"
The hero was rewarded with a small laugh.
"So, come on," the hero said before suddenly pulling back. They reached up, gently using their thumb to brush away the tear track on the villains face, "no tears," They reached down, grabbing the villains hand to gently tug them further inside "let's make some better birthday memories,"
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joansiefics · 3 years
Hey!! I just saw your prompt post and I was wondering if I could request prompts 2 and 4 from the angst section with Steve Rogers? Fluffy ending? I'm just really in the Steve mood rn. Thanks❤️😘
No Bed Of Roses
Prompt 2: "don't you hurt a single hair on her head"
Prompt 4: "I don't know where I am... please help"
SUMMARY: You get kidnapped on your way home from running errands and Steve comes to save you.
WARNINGS: Explicit  Descriptions of Torturing (Cutting, Dislocations...), Kidnapping, Chloroform, Blood, Mentions of Death, Guns
A/N: The expression "no bed of roses" means not pleasant at all. And seeing that this fic is about an anniversary I accentuated and incorporated flowers in the fic. I'm sorry it took so long to write your request, but I hope you like the final product.
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~Flower #1: Peony - means Marriage~
You just finished decorating - roses strewn over the tablecloth accompanied by lit candles and fairy lights hanging by the entrance. It was your first marriage anniversary and you wanted it to be special. There were still three hours left before Steve would be home and you were almost done, you just needed to make your famous pumpkin pie. "Dang it!" you spoke aloud when you noticed your flour wasn't enough for the recipe. You rushed to the door and grabbed your keys on the way out.
You payed for the flour, thanked the cashier and rushed back to your car. A few meters away from your car, you searched your purse for your keys and unfortunately didn't notice the two men creeping up on you.
~Flower #2: Aconite - means Be Cautious~
A calloused hand enclosed around your mouth, muffling your cries for help, as the other arm snaked around your waist, preventing you from escaping. Another man's hand came into your peripheral vision, a torn rag in his hand. You struggled against the arm around your waist, screaming against his filthy, sour tasting hand and kicking your legs wildly. The rag was forced into your face, even though you twisted your head from left to right, holding your breath and doing everything in your power to escape the drowsiness. After about five minutes of useless struggling, black spots started to cloud your vision, the fight fully escaped from your body and you fell numb into your attacker's arms.
~Flower #3: White Rose - means Silence~
When you opened your eyes, the dark was exchanged for more darkness. You relied on your hearing to inform you of your surroundings - a dripping faucet, the roof's thermal expansion and contraction and silence. The sudden presence of a fluorescent light directed directly into your eyes had you squinting. "Sleeping Beauty finally awakes" a loud voice booms from somewhere in front of you. You try opening your eyes against the bright light to find the source of the goosebump-eliciting voice. "Who are you and what do you what from me?" you strenuously ask. A dry cough threatens to escape your parched throat and makes you gag, before you collect the most possible saliva to swallow. "We'll leave our identity a riddle for you to figure out while we wait for your Captain to show up"
'No, no, no, no...HYDRA...Steve fought so hard against them, he'll be devastated' you think "Well, then I'll have all the time in the world, he's not coming to save me" you say, hoping that it came across more convincing than it felt "We both know you're lying princess" "Don't call me princess" you seethe. "We need to do something about your snarky remarks, princess." he tuts as he walks to the corner of the room and for the first time you see the trolley decorated with tools. "With what do you want to start?" he asks fake politely. "You choose" you say with fake bravery masking your utter terror. "Let's see if we can shut your pretty mouth up first." He picks up a knife and slowly stalks towards you.
~Flower #4: Marigold - means Pain~
When he gets to you, he forces your mouth open - his long fingernails digging into your soft, rosy cheeks. He musters up all his saliva, stores it at the tip of his tongue and spits the ball of slime into the back of your throat. You choke on the warm liquid, traveling down your throat as he shakes your head to ensure that you swallowed all the given saliva. Once you swallowed everything you look your kidnapper in the eyes "thank you so much, I was so thirsty" "Let's see if you'll be so outspoken when I cut your tongue" he digs his nails deeper, drawing blood as you try to close your mouth. He forces the knife's blade into your mouth.
The cut is made at the tip of your tongue - not deep enough to cut the tip off, but just deep enough to let it bleed profusely. A scream escapes your lungs and the tears sting behind your eyes. "Not so brave now sweetheart, huh?" he mocks. He takes a phone out of his pocket and clicks on a number. The phone rings once and then the other person picks up "Hello?" the person, you recognize as Steve, unsurely greets. "Captain, we have your pretty little wife over here" "Don't you hurt a single hair on her head!!" Steve yells fumingly. "Oops, too late" "let me talk to her" Steve urgently orders, hands clenched into fists. "No, no, no captain...why don't I show you" your kidnapper switches the call over to video call and focuses the camera on you. He grabs your cheeks again, forcing your mouth open. Then he grabs a pair of pliers and pull at the tip of your tongue, to show Steve the damage that has been done.
You don't know when your tears started falling - maybe when you saw Steve or maybe when your tongue was cut into, but they were now flowing down your cheeks, stinging in the crescent shaped cuts of your kidnapper's nails. "Just hold on sweetheart, I'm going to get you out of there okay?" 'He is probably still at work... how long have I been here? Less than three hours?' You attempted to speak but you rather hissed at the pain when your tongue touched your upper palate. Steve's heart clenched at the sight of your fear stricken face, contorting in pain. "Here's the deal, we let your pretty princess go free when you hand yourself in" the kidnapper speaks up. "Deal, but I swear if you hurt her even more I won't hesitate to kill you" and with that Steve hangs up.
~Flower #5: Balsamine - means Impatient~
"I think he forgot about you princess" the kidnapper says, impatiently looking at his watch and walking the room up and down. When nearly twenty minutes have passed since the phone call, your kidnapper lost patience. He harshly yanked you up, by your hair, from the chair and pulled you after him - your feet sweeping the floor clean. At the other side of the room he let go of your hair and kicked you over onto your stomach. He gripped your tied up wrists and cut the rope loose, only to secure your wrists with a much stronger and longer rope. You could feel the sisal rubbing over your already lacerated wrists and feel the blood trickling down your fingers.
When your kidnapper was sure that you could not escape the bonds, he hauled you up by holding the other side of the rope. He lead you to a contraption where he made you climb the three stairs upwards. He positioned you that your back was to the pole-like-contraption and then tied the longer end of the rope (behind your back) to it. He quickly got off and pulled the handle which made the platform disappear from your under your feet and you fell with a big force to the ground, being pulled back by the rope just before your feet could touch the ground. You screamed as you felt your shoulder pop out of its socket - the pain electrifying every cell in your body.
~Flower #6: Iris - means Faith & Hope~
You have no idea how long you've been hanging from a rope - a shoulder dislocated, probably a broken rib, lacerated wrists and a slit tongue. The distant sound of gunshots alert your kidnapper, but you hang numbly and exhausted. 'Where's Steve? I know he'll come for me, it's just a matter of time' you try to talk some sense into yourself, before you completely think that Steve has abandoned you. "Don't let them get the girl, she's our only leverage!!" your kidnapper yells through his comms to the soldiers, but he is met with static. "Your captain has come to rescue you... and now we have him right where we want him. He'll pay for all the destruction he caused." he has a disgusting smirk on his face, eyes glowing with evilness. "Sir, we need you on the field, all our backup is dead!" a panicked voice makes its way through the static and over the comms. "Stay right here you filthy female and don't make a sound or I won't hesitate to cut out your entire tongue out when I get back" he snarls before running out to the battlefield.
'If I yell someone might hear me and save me, or that freak will come back and cut out my tongue. Maybe I'll die when he does that, then I won't have to suffer anymore... it's worth a try' and then you start yelling with every ounce of energy and air left in your lungs. "Heeeeelp!!!" you cry out. The sound of your cries echoes through the room and into the hallway just outside the room. "Y/N?!" it takes a moment before you realize that it's not your echo boomeranging but someone calling out to you. "I don't know where I am...please help me!!!" you yell.
Steve follows your voice as the other Avengers fight of more HYDRA agents. When he enters the room and sees your hanging figure his heart breaks into pieces, shattering on the floor. "Y/N?" he carefully asks, to make his presence known. He slowly walks closer to you, purposely making his steps louder for you to hear and not to startle you. You lift your head up a bit, seeing Steve, before your head falls back down, your chin touching your collar bone. Steve assesses the entire contraption as he takes a few more steps closer to you.
~Flower #7: Gladiolus - means Heroism~
When Steve is standing in front of you, he carefully lifts your chin to make you look him in the eyes. "Steve" you whisper, throat dry, lips sticking together and tongue aching. "I'm here sweetheart" he comforts you, because he knows you'll need it to pull the next part off. "Sweetheart, I need you to listen to me" "hmn" you acknowledge him. "I'm going to cut the rope from this contraption and I'm going to hold you so you don't fall, I just need you to trust me and work with me" "okay" your small voice, make tears burn at the back of Steve's eyes and he has to fight hard to suppress them. He snakes an arm around your waist and cuts the rope, making you fall over his broad shoulders (fireman style carrying). A disgruntled sound leaves your throat when your shoulder flops around limply. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Steve apologizes.
He carries you to the middle of the room and lays you down. He takes of his jacket, folds it and put it under your head as a pillow. "Sweetheart?" he lightly shakes your uninjured shoulder to get your attention. "Can you tell me where it hurts?" you nod your head 'no' before closing your eyes again. "I know you're tired, but you gotta stay awake just a little while longer okay?" You open your eyes again and Steve asks the same question "can you tell me where it hurts, sweetheart?" "my tongue" Steve knows about your tongue, but he lets you finish. "my shoulder" he saw your shoulder was out out of place when he cut the rope loose. "my ribs and my wrists" "Is that all?" Steve asks, and you just give him a simple nod, too tired and sore to talk.
"I'm going to first take a look at your shoulder" Steve says. He quickly informs the team of your whereabouts and then focuses all his attention back to you. He lifts your arm up, supports your shoulder with his one hand and pulls as hard as he can towards him. A high pitched scream leaves you, once again. "It's done, it's done" Steve cooes as he rubs his hands over your arms.
Just them Bucky and Natasha arrives at the scene. "It's all clear" Bucky relays to Steve. "Thanks guys" Steve thanks, gently picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the Quinjet.
At the compound you were professionally taken care of. And later that night, you woke up to the soft 40's music playing in the background, Steve holding your hand and flowers next to your bed, with a note attached to it - "I love you so much Y/N, and nothing will ever take you away from me" You lightly tugged at Steve's hands and he woke up, but before he could speak you put your finger over his lips. "Just lie with me, please"
TAGLIST: (if your name is crossed out, I couldn't tag you)
@buckyzzrogers @buckyandstevesbitch @ooopsthiswasnotsupposedtohappen @marvelouslyriddikulus
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jenoismydad · 4 years
Netflix and Fuck
pairing: Jeno & Jaemin x Reader 
genre: smut, threesome, fingering, slight voyeurism, male receiving, protected sex, also a bit of dom!jaemin and jeno
summary: Jaemin walks in on you and Jeno hooking up during movie night and doesn’t mind joining you
note: I hit 2k followers while writing this smut so consider it as a gift! thank you guys so much for all the love and support you give me!
requested by @norenminhyuckchenji
part 1 || part 2 
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“Where am I supposed to sit?”, you asked with a pout on your face as you scanned the room for a vacant and comfortable spot to claim. “On my lap of course.”, Jeno announced with a smirk. You narrowed your eyes at him, flipping him off. “In your dreams boy.” Jeno frowned and held his heart in feigned pain. 
You stood behind Jaemin and rocked his shoulder gently. “Jaemin...can I please sit here.”, you asked in the most sincere way you could. Jaemin looked up at you, mouth full of chips, with an unamused expression. “And where exactly do you expect me to sit?” You gave his question some thought. “Next to Mark?”
Jaemin shook his head disapprovingly and continued snacking on his chips. The only spot left was Haechan’s. You knew it would be a total waste asking Haechan to let you take his place, but you really didn’t want to sit on the cold, hard wooden floor in your skirt. “Haechan...”, you started. All it took was a strong glare from the boy and you immediately gave up. There was just no winning with him. You hung your head and slumped away, ready to join Renjun and Mark on the floor. 
“Just sit here.” Jeno grabbed your arm and tugged you towards him. He patted his lap and looked up at you intently. Compared to the floor, Jeno looked pretty warm and inviting. Besides, he was the one who was insisting that you sit on his lap, so he probably didn’t mind. But still, the movie was probably going to be at least 2 hours long and you weren’t exactly the lightest of people. “Come on y/n, it’ll be fine.”, Jeno assured you, having picked up on your mental debate with yourself. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable ”, you stated, shifting closer to him. “And I don’t want you to be either.”, Jeno said with a smile. You nodded reluctantly and carefully sat down on his lap. 
Jeno let you settle yourself, one hand laying on the armrest and the other delicately draped over your thigh, almost like it was a seatbelt. You didn’t mind it though, instead sitting back and watching the movie that had just begun.
After what seemed to be and hour, maybe only half, your legs started hurting slightly. Jeno’s thighs were more firm than squishy, so it was kind of hard to stay put in one position without feeling sore. That’s why, not too long after you started moving around, Jeno’s eyes widened drastically. His body tensed up, which made you shift about more than before. It was only until his large hand gave your thigh a harsh squeeze, that you halted your movements. “Don’t move.”, Jeno breathed, slowly relaxing his body. “Oops sorry.”, you whispered, letting all your weight down again and leaning you're back against his chest. Jeno groaned and lurched forward, his head right next to yours. He held both your arms tightly now, letting his knees spread apart just a bit, only to have you sink deeper onto his thighs. “Fuck.”, Jeno cursed into your ear, sending chills down your body. He quickly sat back, wiping his forehead and awkwardly placing his hands on his knees. 
“You good bro?”, Jaemin asked from beside you, offering you some chips. “Yeah.”, Jeno answered weakly, making Jaemin chuckle. “Y/n didn’t give you a boner or something right?”, he asked jokingly. You gasped and slapped his arm, glaring at him playfully. “No she did not.”, Jeno spoke, slightly agitated. You and Jaemin both shrugged but said nothing further, returning to the movie.
You wanted to focus on the film, but something kept poking your butt. It was hard, so you assumed it was Jeno’s belt buckle or jeans button. Subconsciously, your hand flew behind you in order to move whatever it was, but the sound that left Jeno’s mouth as soon as your hand came in contact with his crotch had you realising that you had just fucked up.
Jeno had moaned. Straight out, uncensored, not so quietly, moaned. That too, right into your back, so you were the only one who heard it. Jeno rested his forehead on your back, sucking in deep breaths. He held your waist and pulled you back, placing his lips to your ear. “Five minutes, my room, otherwise don’t come at all.”, he commanded, his assertive voice making your insides tingle. He pushed you off of his lap and stormed off to his room muttering ‘bathroom’ just for the other guys knowledge. You watched him disappear down the hall, gulping nervously. You weren’t that dumb to realise that you had indeed given Jeno a boner. His words replayed in your head and heat rushed straight to your core. You were definitely turned on to say the least and the more you thought of Jeno, the wetter you got. Although, somewhere in the back of your head you knew that you and Jeno were just friends and that it should stay that way, you hadn’t had sex in ages. So maybe that, plus the added bonus that you really curious to know what Jeno had in plan for you, was the reason why you found yourself getting up and walking in the same direction you had seen Jeno go.
You walked down the hall, stopping in front of his bedroom door. You knew this was a bad idea, but you were really turned and all that wetness wasn’t just going to go away. The boys were all still sitting outside, too invested in the movie to notice your absence and you hoped it would stay that way. Knocking on the door timidly, you mentally prepared yourself for whatever was going to happen. Jeno opened the door and smirked at you, clearly pleased that you had decided to join him. He stepped aside to let you enter and quietly shut the door behind you. He then walked up to you and pushed you down on his bed, hovering over you. 
“First of all, fuck you for giving me a boner. I was actually looking forward to watching that movie but now all I can think about is how I’m going to literally fuck you for giving me a boner.”
Jeno’s face was serious, but you couldn’t help but let a small giggle slip. Jeno raised his brow at you and grinned. “Laugh all you want to now. You’re gonna have a hard time trying to be quiet later.”, he spoke, tracing his thumb across your lips. You licked your lips and pulled him down, crashing his lips onto yours. Jeno groaned and placed a hand next your head to keep himself steady. Your hands threaded through the hair at the back of his head, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Jeno let you take control, his other hand running up and down the side of your body.
You raised your leg and brought it to Jeno’s waist, pushing his hips down onto your core. You both moaned, the bulge in Jeno’s pants grown as it came in contact with your clothed core. Jeno ground his hips into yours, biting down on your lip when you moaned breathily. He left small open mouthed kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin, while his hand moved down to hold your thigh. You whimpered when slid his fingers over your pussy, smirking against your neck as he felt how wet you were. “Fuck our friends are sitting outside and you’re in here being such a whore. You’re definitely not as innocent as you pretend to be.”, Jeno said, rubbing small circles into your clit. “You’re one to talk.”, you mumbled, gasping when he pushed your panties to the side. “I can’t believe it took you two seconds to pop a boner.”
Jeno scowled at you and shoved his fingers into your pussy. You threw your head back and moaned loudly. “Well if you hadn’t been giving me a lap dance, this wouldn’t be happening right now.”, he said, fingering you with a sharp pace. You spread your thighs apart, allowing Jeno’s fingers to pump further into you. He covered your mouth with his other hand, completely engulfing your moans. His long slender fingers curled up to hit your g-spot perfectly, making you arch your back off the bed. You felt a familiar knot in your stomach but you didn’t want to cum just yet and neither did Jeno. He removed his fingers from your wet hole and fumbled with his belt.
Once it was off, he kicked his pants off and pointed to the table next to your head. “Get a condom.”, he instructed, peeling his now tight boxers off of his body. You opened the drawer and took a packet from the box of condoms. You sat up just in time to see his cock spring free, slapping up against his abdomen. Jeno took his shirt off and pumped his cock, telling your to come closer. You sat up on your knees and shifted towards him, opening your mouth involuntarily to take his cock. Jeno slapped hit against your tongue before pushing your head down on him. He hummed and let you set your own pace, only holding your hair out of the way. You didn’t suck him off for too long, only enough to get him fully hard. You let his cock go with a pop and scooted further up the bed. Jeno pushed your leg up and dragged his cock along your slit, coating it in your juices. “Fuck me already Jeno.”, you whined, walls clenching around nothing. Jeno chuckled at your neediness and positioned himself before slowly pushing into you. Your mouth fell open as Jeno’s cock stretched you out. He hadn’t even gone in all the way, but your eyes were already fluttering shut. Eyes barely open, you let your head fall to the side as Jeno completely bottomed out. Just as he started grinding his hips slowly into yours, something caught your eye.
Your eyes widened in panic when you realised that it wasn’t something, but a someone. And that someone’s eyes were boring right into yours. Jeno noticed your inattentiveness and bucked his hips into yours, earning a sensual moan from you. Your eyes flickered to his briefly before returning back to the one’s  you had previously been looking at. You had tensed up a bit and you wanted to tell Jeno to stop because you two weren’t alone, but with the way that Jaemin was staring at you, all you could do was moan louder. 
You hadn’t missed his hand which he was using to not so subtly palm himself, and you didn’t want to deny him of any pleasure, which was surprising to you. Although the bathroom light was still turned off, you could tell that Jaemin’s eyes were full of lust. He gripped the doorframe, biting down on his lip harshly.
And that’s when the lights turned on. Jeno’s head whipped behind to see his best friend, getting off to him fucking his other friend. “What the heck are you doing over there?”, Jeno asked the other boy, surprisingly calm with the situation. “I needed to piss but then I walked in on this. Hehe, that rhymed.”
Jeno shook his head and rolled his eyes. He was still buried deep inside you and he was still hard. It only made you wonder how many times he had been in this situation before. Jaemin flicked the bathroom light off and walked towards you two as if y’all were just playing a board game. He sat at the edge of the bed, staring you up and down. “Care if I join?”, he asked casually. He looked between you and Jeno. Jeno shrugged. “Only if she’s okay with it.”, he said, pulling out and sitting back. Now all the eyes were on you. 
“Of course she’s okay with it.”, Jaemin said, “She was practically putting on a show for me when I was standing back there.” You didn’t know what to say. Yeah, your were a bit skeptical at first, but with the way Jaemin had been eye fucking you, you could only wonder what it would feel like if he actually fucked you. At this point, the fact that these two men were your friends had been pushed back into the deep depths of your mind, and all you could think of was how good they could make you feel. That’s why, you said nothing, but nodded timidly, giving the two boys your affirmation.
Jaemin beamed excitedly and began ridding himself of his clothes. Once he was done with that, he took your hand in his and moved you to the edge of the bed. Gesturing for you to stand up on your knees, Jaemin trailed his finger down your still clothed body. He hooked his finger under your shirt and slid it off with one swift movement, leaving you in your bra. You felt another pair of hands, Jeno’s, unclip the garment and slide it off, tossing it somewhere in the room. He pressed small kisses on your shoulder, his hands holding your waist. 
Jaemin turned your chin towards him, pulling your forward to join his lips to yours. His lips were soft and the kiss was delicate, different from how aggressively Jeno had kissed you before. Jeno’s lips were still on your shoulder, he was now sucking small marks into your skin. Jaemin pulled away and cupped your breast. Your lips parted as he softly pinched your nipple, letting out a silent moan. You tilted your head to the side when Jeno’s lips tugged at your neck. “Do you like that?”, Jaemin asked you, his voice was sweet, but there was a slight adjuring tone to it. You hummed in response and Jaemin wasn’t pleased by it. “Say it out loud.”, he ordered assertively. “Yes.”, you said, moaning when Jeno started rubbing your other nipple. “Good girl.”, Jeno spoke into your ear. 
“Get on all fours.”, Jaemin instructed. You did as he said and felt Jeno push your skirt up, you ass now on display for them both. “Now be an angel and take us both well, okay?”, Jaemin said, bringing your mouth closer to his cock. “Okay.”, you breathed, wrapping your lips around Jaemin’s dick while Jeno lined himself at your entrance. 
It was as if the two boys had done a mental countdown of some sort as they both pushed into you, one in your mouth and the other in your pussy. You moaned at the stretch Jeno’s length gave you, but it was muffled by Jaemin’s dick. 
It was a perfect harmony. When Jeno would pull out of you, Jaemin would thrust his dick in your mouth, never leaving you to feel empty. It only made you wonder how frequently they had done this before. The room had become unbearably hot, but with the amount of pleasure soaring through you, you could care less. Jaemin was fucking your mouth so harshly that you couldn’t feel your jaw anymore. He skilfully managed to fit all of his length in your mouth without making you gag. Jeno, on the other hand, was ruthlessly pounding into your pussy, the sound of your skin slapping echoing throughout the room. 
Jaemin was the first to come undone. He cursed and pushed your head down on him so far that your nose was touching his abdomen. Your muffled moans sending vibrations through his body had his cock twitching in your mouth and hot cum spurting down your throat. You grimaced at the bitter taste but swallowed it like a champ. When he finally pulled out you realised how sore your throat had gotten. “Such a good girl.”, Jaemin cooed, “You took me so well baby.” 
Now that Jaemin was out of your mouth, you could moan freely. Your moans tore through your throat, the tightness in your stomach increasing with every strong thrust from Jeno. Jeno pulled your hair making you stand on your knees. You pressed your back to his chest, resting your head on his shoulder, strings of curses pouring through your mouth as he brought you closer and closer to your orgasm. “You’ve got such a dirty mouth baby. Who’s ruining you like this?”, Jaemin asked, pressing his thumb down on your clit. “Jeno is.”, you mumbled incoherently, so lost in your own bliss that you were starting to see stars. “That’s right. Who’s fucking you dumb?”, he asked once again, attaching his lips too your nipple as he began drawing small circles into your clit. “Jeno is!”, you shouted, eyes reeling to the back of your head, with the extra stimulation. 
You gripped Jaemin hair harshly, making him clamp his mouth on you nipple. He squeezed your other breast and rubbed your clit intensely. Your walls clenched around Jeno’s cock, your orgasm crashing down on you like a wave. You practically screamed as if the rest of your friends were not still sitting outside in the living room. oblivious to how the two boys were playing with you. You heard Jaemin chuckle underneath you, he looked up at you, caressing your stomach comfortingly, as you came down from your high. Jeno was still pounding into you, chasing his high desperately. You clenched your walls around him again and that seemed to do the trick. Pulling your hips down on him, he emptied himself into the condom, biting down on your neck as he did so. He rode out his high a bit before falling back on the bed and leaning against the headboard. You yelped as you fell with him, ending up on his lap. Jeno laughed and rested his head on your shoulder, regaining his breath. “Looks like we’re back to square one.” All of your laughed tiredly, wafting in post orgasm feels. 
“How was it?”, Jaemin asked, cupping your cheek. “Really fucking good.”, you huffed and leaned into Jeno’s chest, suddenly feeling really lethargic. Jaemin laid down across the bed, his legs dangling off the bed, and pulled Jeno’s blanket over himself. 
All three of your heads turned to the door when it shot open with no warning. Renjun and Haechan stood in the doorway, Mark joining them shortly after. They both stared at the three of you, eyes narrowed and arms folded. “I can’t believe y'all had a fuck fest without inviting us!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hey, you can ignore this if you want. But, just a thought, hybrid Izuku? Like maybe he has a kinda bad past too, just because I live for the angst beginning to fluffy end.
Sorry it took me a couple of days to answer! I wanted to switch it up and I mainly had to think a way to make Izu work as a hybrid, so I decided to make him be a bunny hybrid [ blame his cute hero costume, srsly ] I ended up writing the small amount of 3.7k words somehow— [ listen, i get emotionally involved, ok??? 😭 ] I genuinely hope you like it! 💕
[ Masterlist ]
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Hybrid!AU Bunny!Midoriya Izuku
× you looked at the man sitting in the corner of the cell, both petrified staring at each other
× his bunny ears were lowered, his green eyes widened in your direction
× all you could do was to stand still, shocked and without being able to even mask it
× he looked awful to say at least
× meanwhile the reception guy that accompanied you for a tour of the shelter whispered in your direction; "This one is in really bad shape. Very traumatized, poor soul..." he clicked his tongue before continuing "He's been sent here from another shelter cities away, I don't know much about him and he won't talk."
× you could not look away even if you tried
× the reason why you decided to pass by the shelter was because you offered to help voluntarily in the weekends as you had some free time
× you did read and hear horror stories about the shelters and the hybrids thrown in them, how underfunded they were, how bad the conditions there were and how little help they had but—
× even if you came prepared for the worst you got surprised with the state some of the hybrids were in
× specially this one; his name was on a plaque by his prison like cell— Midoriya Izuku
× he had bruises, cuts, his hands looked specially beaten up and scarred, his behavior was erratic, nervous, just a disaster...
× something deep inside told you to smile and show him you're no threat, so you did
× you introduced yourself and nodded your head, really trying to keep a calm composture but your heart hurt seeing him like that
× much to your surprise, he nodded back, still uncertain but didn't move from his place, far back in the cell
× you've been gently pushed away to continue the tour and to establish your tasks, all while being thanked for your kindness; you didn't know why you felt like throwing up at the indifference in the man's voice...
× there weren't many hybrids in the shelter anyway, yet you've gotten your scheduled hours in which you'd help clean and cook and as you left for the day after some introduction to those tasks; your mind still lingered on Midoriya Izuku even through the night, as his terrified eyes stole the sleep from you that same night
× the following two days you began your volunteering hours and always kept an eye for the hybrid; he was skittish and asocial even at lunch and dinner times, did not talk to any other hybrid and specially not to any worker there
× he caught your eyes multiple times whenever you'd be in his general proximity, yet you'd see him scurrying away instantly, which made you feel unease; you weren't any threat, really, so maybe with time...
× it's when you brought your own cleaning supplies [ because there were little to none ] and decided to help clean their "rooms", so called by the staff, when you firstly got to talk to him
× you reached his cell and he was reading an old book, probably borrowed from the small library they had; he snapped his eyes up when he heard you approach
× "Hello, Midoriya" you'd say gently, heart in your throat, really scared you'd frighten him
× he just nodded and looked away, not before giving your cleaning supplies a long look, knowing what's to come
× with his permission, he let you go inside as you started preparing everything to swipe the floors, putting the broom in a corner as you leaned down to pick some other stuff; what you didn't notice was how the broom was gently falling, almost about to hit you on the head
× the green-haired hybrid was on your side instantly, catching it; it would've been a small tap on your head and most out of the situation would've been you looking ridiculous but you chuckled at the scene and thanked him wholeheartedly
× smol bean blushed so hard you almost dropped everything in your hands at the sight; "N-no problem—" he stuttered, his voice sweet and shy 🥺
× he stood there fidgeting with the book in his hands watching you move around until you heard an unsure "Can I help you?" 🥺🥺
× you told him sure, if he'd like to, mainly worried he really didn't want you in his "territory" but the man took it as an invitation and—
× it didn't stop at his cell? he helped you all day???? you cleaned around together but not without an awkward air around both; which ngl it's funny bc he's staring whenever you talk to everyone, clean, help, so on; big round eyes are always on you;;; IF YOU LOOK THO, oops— "what an interesting wall right there!" - Midoriya, probably.
× it's from then that you notice a switch; whenever you're at the canteen, he's there offering to help, looking just as skittish as always but a small blush always on his face
× whenever you'd be playing with the younger hybrids he'd watch in awe bc you treat them so well
× exactly when he actually starts talking to you more too! he's in the impromptu playground with you and the few little ones when he suddently drops your name in a stutter and says you're kind-hearted
× you almost drop dead in the spot bc his look, man; you haven't seen him so sure of something until now and it did something to you
× it's been a month and hybrids came and got adopted, yet your new friend wasn't really getting any attention; he really acted terrified and you of course questioned his behavior; you knew nothing of his past but seeing the way he acted it could've been just awful
× as you started to slowly engage in larger conversations with Izuku, it's at the canteen that this time you've been caught staring; at his hands in particular
× he was helping you cook, which he really didn't know how to do but tried nonetheless just because he really enjoyed being around you [ or so you assumed, hopeful ]
× when he realizes where you're looking at, you almost dreaded him retracting from the situation like he used to do but he just looks down at them too and sighs
× "I was at a fighting ring—" he said, pursing his lips "—but I'm a rabbit hybrid... a prey... they used me as a punching bag."
× your heart rips in two as you're speechless; even if you tried to be careful with your movements not to spook the man, you could not help yourself by putting your hand on his
× and that's how Midoriya Izuku died, end of HCs 💀
× just kidding; he almost fainted, face fully red as his ears perked up, staring at you with big eyes yet did not move an inch
× and even if his face would've been adorable in any other situation, his words remained imprinted in your mind as you squeezed his hand in yours
× "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Izuku" you whispered back at him; he just nodded and blabbered something before continuing with the task clumsily
× boy is broken for the rest of the day, that's what I'm implying
× bad news got to you when you found out you couldn't go to the shelter anymore to help; your hours got increased at work and your shift was all over the place and even if you really did talk with your boss, it was decided that for now you had to adapt
× dread filled your gut when you realized you couldn't see Izuku anymore and with that you noticed how fond you grew of him, that's why you loathed the next visit there
× but— you really wanted to see him more; getting to spend time with him and helping around was what got you through the week...
× you told him slowly that same Saturday and it visibly broke him
× he tears up and tries to mask it as best as he can, yet he nods understanding
× "Will— Will I ever see you again?" the soft tremble in his voice shook you to the core
× "Of course. Every day, if you'd like." you blurted;;;;; he blinks at you, tears stopping just to have his head tilted to the side, ears flopping with the movement. "Would you like to come home with me?" you say, idea just popping in your head and balling it;
× he cries harder then he nods
× everything about your volunteering ceasing for the time was already filled in, you guys just needed to fill some paperwork for him, grab his little to no belongings and get the hell out
× small gym-bag in hand, i sweat to god, this man is overwhelmed with being outside
× stays glued to your side all the time, specially on busy streets towards your home
× once you feel him grab on your shirt just for precaution and you melt?? but let him have it
× once you arrived, you see tension leave his body as he smells his surroundings; mf drops a "It smells like you here" through a smile before realizing what he said and getting all flustered 💀
× sooo you move past that as you can and show him around, a spare bedroom not long ago used by your old roommate offered to him
× you only see his surprisingly muscled back as he enters the room and drops the gym-bag on the floor
× he slowly turns around to look at your face and fat ass tears run down his cheeks, not being able to say a word even if he tried
× hands-down the scene almost gives you a panic attack; he then asks if it's all for him and you assure him that indeed it is when he cries harder...
× ok, that again shreds your heart but it wouldn't be the last time
× like for example the moment of utter disbelief he threw at you when you asked him what he wanted to eat that night and he didn't know how to respond because nobody, ever, asked him; you got that as a response after asking if you said something wrong
× or the following Monday, when you suggested you went to do some shopping for him in the morning, since there wouldn't be many people and it would be calmer
× the look of awe in his face, istg...
× from then on he opens up pretty nicely too; it's such a refreshing sight to see him tell you about how he learned to use the computer, TV, phone— the sparks in his eyes whenever he talks of something new he learned? imagine it and now you've gained 20 more years of lifespan, you're very welcome
× such a soft cutie, i swear 🥺 always asks things about you and gives you the same sparkly eyes when he learns more about you
× it does take him some time to come out if his shell though
× you fastly realize he's a nerd; oops, but it's true, and definitely isn't a bad thing! he just really likes to learn about everything and anything and I feel he genuinely likes to tell you about those new facts
× i hope you like them bc when he learned new cool stuff he made a note to tell you about them bc he thought you'd find them cool too and—
× is very tidy and helps around the house, but when it comes to being social he just freezes
× you ask him if he'd like to go for walks and you see him itching to go out for some fresh air, although the thought of other people...
× with time and small walks around the neighborhood, he overcomes the fear as long as you're by his side
× will definitely want to go back to the shelter to volunteer even if you can't, but the fear of walking there just overtakes him again since he'd have to do it alone
× mentions it though
× his expression is so uneasy bc he feels like a burden
× maybe you could work around your schedule to take him there and pick him up? he genuinely loved giving a hand at the shelter so if you do, Izu would be so thankful
× in a few weeks he'd gain the confidence to walk alone
× one 💕adorable💕 thing he does without even thinking is jumping around you, or just in place
× "Today little Miya got adopted!" he'd say, hopping slightly in place "I could tell they were good people too! They had good intentions... just like when I saw you for the first tim—"
× so he mumbles without thinking;; and sometimes blurts out cute stuff like that but when he realizes what he's saying he gets very shy 🤭
× he has this fluff smol tail but we don't talk about it;;; no, no, it's too much for us, I promise you it's the cutest fucking thing you've seen in your whole existence and it moves a little bit and we all die here???? he hides it though, pft
× so fluffy we gonna dieeeee
× he steals your blankets
× hear me out, omg! he does!! if you have small blankets you just throw over yourself to stay on the couch or anything, sometimes they'd dissappear only to be found in his room; he's very sneaky about it but cracks under [the zero] pressure you put on him, leading him to say "It's because whenever you're not around, I like to have something close to me that smells like yOu! it makes me feel sAfe—" his voice cracks "BUT IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO, I'LL STOP, I JUST—" he'd placate his hands instantly, apologizing
× tell him it's okay and now your hoodies are gone too lmfao
× he's a muscular guy too so consider buying really big ones just for him to wear;;; after you wore them;;;;;;
× says sorry a lot and that's a thing you have to work with a lot
× if he messes up something, he will apologize instantly; if you tell him to stop bc you don't mind he forgot to put the washing machine as he promised he will act like he's the worst
× as if he feared you'd get angry...
× i know it's a recurring topic but give him time
× whenever you both have free time and hang around the house, he'll be on the couch reading near you
× eyes you constantly and he's so obvious about it it's ridiculous; you can see him from the corner of your vision when he turns his head to check on you so through a smile you have to ask him if he needs anything
× what's fantastic is that he's getting over the point of being scared to speak out around you YET he stutters, blushing
× "N-no, nothing!" but he's observing your comfortable form with much interest
× "Wanna... cuddle with me?" [ 's not like you read about bunny hybrids and how they need skin contact which definitely didn't make you uwu and die in the spot bc that's so 🤧💕😭💘🥺 but you waited for him to show any signs that he'd want that; we're respectful like that, mhm ]
× his fluffy ear twitches
× shock, disbelief, blush
× it twitches again
× blushes harder then nods
× sksjdkdjd he's by your side instantly though with no idea of what to do
× good lord, he's so stiff; why don't you grab a blanket to throw it over both of you, hmm?
× he'd bury himself into it then into your arms and soon he'll find out being there is his favorite place in the galaxy
× since his mind drifted to galaxies, Izu then starts talking about constellations bc he's nervous
× so when you rub his back he melts into you with a happy sigh yet when your hand reaches his hair, almost about to touch the top of his head mindlessly as you hum at his words
× he flinches— then you stop to look down at him, catching him wide eyed staring into nothing
× you don't even know why you apologize; maybe his horrified face?
× but before you can form a full sentence he interrupts you
× "Don't apologize. It's not your fault—" he'd glue his eyes on you "I— I used to get bullied a lot back then... they'd pull my ears..."
× without any other explanation you take your hand away, placing it on his shoulders, mainly feeling out of place again; every time he speaks of his past, it just gets worse...
× "But! But I trust you, [Y/N]. I really do." and he leads your hand back to his head
× 🥺💕💕💕💕💕
× then, with convinced features, he drops his head on your chest and snuggles for some good seconds before it clicked to him
× now he's apologizing
× until you ruffle his hair and he just experiences bliss in real life
× massage his scalp and say goodbye to ever leaving his side, you're now in his firm grip until the end of time but who's complaining
× like he has no shame anymore, it feels that good
× he can hear your heartbeat, as fast as it is, and he snuggles further into you; it's his lullaby
× now let's get to business
× look: he's adorable, sweet, doting, cares about you and about hybrids, he's actively trying to get out of his shell, he's built but tender, couldn't hurt a fly;
× don't lie to yourself, you've got a big fat crush
× little did you know this guy right here liked you from the moment you introduced yourself to him, months prior
× the issue is Izuku is really insecure; after hearing his whole life that he's inferior to both humans and some hybrids, he started believing it
× and comments whenever you're outside with him do not help
× he has a spectacular hearing
× doesn't miss how people whisper about you two, even if you mind your own business doing whatever
× it's mostly older people, judgemental and disgusted with hybrids that call you a freak for having one, that call him an abomination
× he tries so hard to ignore them but his behavior changes back to his silent old self, yet this time he doesn't cower anymore although grips his pants until his scarred hands are white, not answering back to you if you talk
× you have to assume he's again uncomfortable outside so you suggest leaving, not sure how to behave
× he kinda snaps on your way back home when there's nobody around
× stops in the middle of the road, looking down, brow furrowed and trembling lips
× "Am I never going to be good enough for you?" he'd clench his teeth
× "Izu—, what...?"
× the determined glare he sends you stops you in your tracks
× "Because I want to be. I want to be better for you."
× 😳
× basically confesses in a dramatic way as he's overtaken with emotions then screeches bc oh no what if you don't feel the same so "I-It's okay if you don't feel the same! If you're uncomfortable I can move back to the shelter!! I'm so sorr—"
× smooch him pls????
× and share your feelings just to give him a stroke lmfao
× he'll take the initiative to grab your hand and walk home like that, the other on his face covering it
× peck his lips and he malfunctions every time
× but loves it
× be sure of this: after that night, he's so soft for you and won't hide it
× he's a creature of contact, meaning his fingers will linger on your form, he will seek your form, he will want to snuggle his face in your neck, he definitely will stare at your lips for too long bc he's still shy and embarrassed by his confession to make a move; smooch him pt. 2
× he's so— adorable; he finds himself in front of your bedroom door with your blanket in his arms and has an existential crisis
× you see his shadow at the small creak under the door and akfjaksj
× open the door and let him sleep with you ffs I'm having a stroke for him
× can he be the little spoon? or can you two hug face to face? it's just that 🥺 he feels safe with you like that, a feeling he's been always missing
× any time you're in his arms or vice-versa he breathes out as tension leaves his body; best place in the whole universe, no hesitation.
× he's a petty lil shit, let me tell you that, ok??
× someone flirts with you? lol k he's behind looking not intimidating at all but he's frowning, his ears are twitching and chest puffed
× takes your hand just to prove a point
× talking about his hands
× kiss them, caress them, anything
× he just... yes, pls, do that
× whenever you're not looking he's giving you the gentlest smile and even if you notice, his lips will curl even more before he throws a compliment at you
× pretty much likes your reactions bc he's always the one that's flustered the most between the two [ genuinely doesn't matter if you get flustered or not, he just tops that energy 100x more ]
× likes to know he has the same effect you have on him on a daily basis
× will try to find a job at something he's interested in and i definitely see him finding one at a library or something like that
× he enjoys the silence, completely different from his old loud and over the place life, and also loves books
× unrelated hc but i just imagined Izu whispering the words out loud whenever he reads without noticing it; his green eyes focused in the book, face concentrated and ears low to not get in his field of vision; want to make him happy? listen to him and when he finally notices you, tell him to go on~
× he's the embodiment of akfwpdkslfjjwj 💕
× honestly your life with him is peaceful
× the way he loves is gentle, really sweet and it all revolves about peace in your household
× he adores you to no end and thanks you for helping him improve himself
× and getting him out of a life without a goal or purpose
× gets out of his way to help you, always you and wants to prove he's good enough
× he already is and you better tell him
× give this baby all the love he deserves and you'll get just as much in return
× I'm soft for him oml 💘
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Singing in the Shower (Ragnarssons x Reader)
This is just a silly little one-shot that came to mind that I could not stop thinking about. It got a bit deeper than I planned but oops?
Also my first time writing a Ragnarssons x reader! Please let me know if I did all the brothers justice. Except Bjorn isn’t in here. So its just the sons of Aslaug. Sorry, Bjorn.  
Warnings: some brief mentions of abusive/unhealthy past relationships, reader has some insecurities, the brothers being the best roomies ever but also creepers, like one or two swear words, FLUFFY GOODNESS!!! 
Words: 3700
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
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 (picture is from Pinterest. Not mine.)
The sound of laughter echoed around you even before leaving your bedroom. It was a Sunday night so that meant the Lothbrok brothers were all over. A tradition Ubbe started some months ago to make sure the four brothers stayed connected in each other's lives. Every Sunday evening, all of them would congregate in the three bedroom flat you shared with Ubbe and Hvitserk. They would order a stack of pizzas and enough beer to put a pub crawl to shame, and watch movies or play video games until the early morning hours. Only twice had fist fights broken out between Sigurd and Ivar with just a table and a lamp damaged in the process, so Ubbe called it a win. 
 It had only been about a year that you lived with Ubbe and Hvitserk. Sigurd chose to move in with a couple members of the band he played in. Aslaug vehemently refused to let Ivar move out due to his many medical needs that she claimed he could only receive proper attention for at home. In equal parts rebellion and to escape his mother’s suffocating attention, Ivar spent the majority of his free time and nights crashing on the couch at your shared flat. 
 At first, you were hesitant about living with the two brothers, having only known them through friends, but you decided to give it a chance. Within a couple of months, you found the strange dynamics of your shared space and your vastly different relationships with each of the brothers to feel eerily familiar….like being home. 
 Standing at your door, you listened to the brothers for a few moments, smiling broadly as you heard Hvitserk taunting Sigurd about how he was going to beat his ass if he threw another blue shell at him. Meanwhile Ivar was yelling something about the undeniable magic of Yoshi and his winning streak. They must be playing Mario Kart again. 
 It was nice to hear them all getting along. Normally Sunday nights you hung out with your boyfriend to give the brothers privacy, even though all of them repeatedly told you it was unnecessary. That was until last week. You had taken a selfie on your boyfriend's phone and went to set it as his background to surprise him….and found nude pictures of other girls and the dick pics he sent them back. Before you stormed out of his flat, you may have thrown his phone against the wall, pleased when the screen shattered just like your trust. Then you came home and cried to Hvitserk about how you were swearing off men and just wanted to be a spinster for the rest of your life. 
 Word must have spread between the brothers. For the rest of the week, they all offered their support in various ways. Sigurd texted you a few times to check on you and remind you that clearly you were better off without your ex. Ubbe gave you long hugs as if trying to soak the pain out of you, and made sure you were eating and getting out of bed. Hvitserk surprised you with a new sugary treat every day ranging from Oreos to ice cream to chocolate muffins; then you two would cuddle on the couch indulging yourselves while watching movies. Ivar threatened to beat up your now ex-boyfriend for making you cry and take pictures to send to those girls your ex had been texting. You made sure to shut Ivar's idea down quickly but pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and thanked him for offering. You hated your ex, that did not mean you wanted him dead. 
 You pushed away from your door and down the hallway. Popping your head around the corner, you saw the brothers in various positions in the living room, eyes all glued to the TV and the race happening on-screen. 
 "I'm gonna shower." You announced, receiving grunts of affirmations as they were too focused to fully acknowledge you. Smiling at their antics, you headed into the bathroom, shutting the door and starting the shower up. Once the water was at the perfect temperature, you stripped and jumped in. Of course, once the mixture of hot water and steam helped you relax, you started singing to yourself, letting the worries of the day fade away for just a moment as the words flowed from your lips and echoed off the shower stall walls like your own little stage. 
 Unbeknownst to you, as soon as the bathroom door shut and the sound of water running could be heard, the volume on the TV was muted. 
 Ivar, surprisingly, was the first one to overhear your singing. He had come over to crash for a few hours after his latest doctor appointment and to work on an assignment for a University class. The bathroom door somehow had not fully latched when you closed it, cracking open while you were in the shower….and you started singing. Ivar sat stunned on the couch at the voice slipping out of the bathroom like a siren's song. He remained there, transfixed as you sang some song he had never heard but he could feel in his chest. Once you stopped singing and the shower turned off, he quickly jumped up and hobbled over to silently shut the door, slightly embarrassed by the idea of you catching him listening in to your shower singing. 
 Later that day after you headed out to work, Ivar asked Ubbe and Hvitserk if they had heard you sing yet. Both of them denied ever hearing you sing. When asked if he knew anything, Sigurd was upset, having asked you on multiple nights to go to a karaoke bar with him and some friends. You always refused by saying you sounded Iike a beached whale. 
 Ubbe was next to overhear. He was walking by the bathroom on the way to the kitchen when he heard your voice drifting from underneath the bathroom door. Feeling like a creeper but curiosity winning out, he pressed his ear to the bathroom door to listen better. To say he had been shocked was an understatement. Sure, he had heard Ivar praise your voice, but he figured his youngest brother was exaggerating. It made him wonder why you never sang in front of others. 
 A silent pact was made between the brothers that they would never share the information of your singing with anyone outside the four of them….and whenever you jumped in the shower, whoever was the closest would go and crack the bathroom door open so they could hear you better. 
 This time was no different. 
 Sigurd was closest, so after Ubbe paused the game, he jumped up and silently cracked open the door so your beautiful voice could flow out. The game picked back up but remained on mute so they could hear you. The first song you serenaded them with was Walk Me Home by Pink. Apparently, one of your new favorites since you sang it so often. Next was Someone Like You by Adele. By the third song, the brothers had abandoned the game and were solely focused on you and the raw emotion bleeding from your voice. This time you started to sing Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi.  
 Ubbe spoke up, keeping his voice quiet just in case you could hear them, however unlikely. "Has she said anything about her ex lately?"
 "Not to me." Hvitserk answered first. "I thought she was doing fine."
 "Just because she's not crying all the time doesn't mean she's fine." Ivar retorted harshly, never removing his eyes from the direction of the bathroom. After a moment, he got up and hobbled towards the bathroom. 
 "Ivar…. Ivar, what are you doing?" Ubbe hissed but was ignored. 
 As quiet as possible, Ivar walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet lid; your singing managed to cover the sounds of his movement. As he rolled his head to the side, it was to find his brothers had followed him with varying expressions ranging from concern to amusement. 
 Normally you did not spend so long in the shower but today you decided to spoil yourself. You had been doing well all week but this morning you were scrolling through your Instagram and happened to stumble upon a picture of your ex with a new girl, smiling happily and kissing at a restaurant…. the day after you broke up. And seeing them together felt like it ripped a tear into the slowly healing pieces of your heart. 
 Instead of going out like you planned to do, you laid in bed all-day binge-watching movies and feeling like an idiot. So in the shower you took extra time pampering yourself, using a deep conditioner in your hair, shaving everywhere and just letting the hot water cascade down your skin and loosen the tense muscles. 
 At this point you were feeling a little better and decided it was best not to waste any more water. You turned the water off, running your hands down your body to get as much excess water off, before you reached for your towel. Grabbing the plush towel hanging on the rack, you quickly dried your hair and wrapped the towel around your body before pulling the curtain back….
 Only to shriek as you realized you were not alone in the bathroom. 
 "What? What are you guys doing?" You demanded, eyes frantically darting between the four brothers.
 Ivar sat on the toilet lid; head tilted as he watched you with a peculiar expression on his face. Hvitserk leaned against the sink, eyes darting from your towel-clad body to the floor then back up. Ubbe and Sigurd stood in the doorway, both looking the least comfortable but still not moving. 
 "We, ah, we were…. well, we are concerned for you." Ubbe said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
 "Concerned?" You asked incredulously. 
 Ivar ignored your question. "Is this about your ex? Want me to pay him a visit?"
 "What are you talking about?"
 "Your singing. They were sad songs." Sigurd answered, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. 
 Heat flooded your face. You dropped your head, staring at the bathroom floor as you clutched the towel closer to your body. Honestly, the idea of them hearing your singing was far more humiliating than them seeing you naked at this point. "You…. you heard me…. singing?"
 "Y/n, are you OK? You know you can tell us anything." Hvitserk said, trying to meet your eye. 
 "Um, can…. can we talk about this when…. when I'm not naked?" 
 "Of course. Come on, brothers." Ubbe quickly agreed, tapping the door as if to signal. He and Sigurd walked away first. Only when you finally met Hvitserk's eye did he push off the sink and head out but not before giving you a flirty wink. 
 He slouched back, folding his hands behind his head. "I'm quite comfortable here."
 "Oh gods, please, Ivar." You begged, almost on the verge of tears. 
 He stared at you a long moment before pushing himself to his feet. "Don't think you're getting out of this."
 Appeased, he made his way out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
 Once alone, you stepped out of the shower only to drop onto the toilet lid and place your head in your hands. Your chest heaved and your eyes stung as you fought back the tears that threatened to fall. Today was bad enough and now this. It had to be something out of a nightmare. Your own personal hell. 
 When you finally composed yourself, you quickly changed into your comfiest sweats and tank top. You wished you could make a run for your room, anything to avoid the impending conversation but you knew the brothers would follow, they were all stubborn and persistent when they wanted to be. 
 With a deep breath, you stepped out of the bathroom and towards the living room. What hushed disagreement the brothers were clearly having abruptly ended when they noticed you. Awkwardly you remained standing, unsure where to sit. The only open spots were on the couch between Hvitserk and Ivar or one of the recliners as Ubbe sat in the other one. Sigurd reclined on the rocker gaming chair on the floor. 
 Averting your eyes, you started towards the open recliner only to have a strong arm snake around your waist as you passed by and pulled you onto the couch. You squeaked as you suddenly found yourself perched on Ivar's lap. Somewhere you had certainly never been before. 
 "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, a cocky grin spread across his face. 
 "Um, over there." You nodded your head towards the other open spot. 
 "No, you're sitting here now."
 "Stop hogging her, brother." Hvitserk reached over and dragged you off Ivar. Somehow you ended up with your back against Hvitserk's side, his arm slung around you and your legs across Ivar's lap, him slowly running his hand up and down them. 
 Ubbe raised an eyebrow at the three of you. "Are you done yet?"
 "I thought we were just fine but I guess Hvitty had other plans." Ivar snarked, rolling his eyes. 
 "We're good now." Hvitserk said with a cheesy smile, making you giggle. 
 "So how are you really doing, y/n?" Ubbe asked, staring at you with those knowing blue eyes. 
 "Um, I'm alright. Today was just…. rough." At the four questioning looks, you quickly explained about what you found this morning on Instagram. 
 Ivar slapped the armrest of the couch. "I'm beating his ass now and nothing you say can stop me."
 You snagged his other hand that was still on your leg and clasped it, as if that alone could diminish his deadly intent. "Please don't. He's not worth it. I just…. I just want to move on. Ok?"
 He grumbled, but eventually gripped your hand and gave it a single squeeze in acknowledgement. 
 Now here was the part that petrified you; but you needed to know. 
 "Um, how…. how long have…. was this your first time?" Your words stumbled out, making you cringe at how ineloquent it was. 
 "What are you talking about?" Sigurd drawled; one foot propped up so he slowly rocked in the gaming chair.  
 You licked your lips, your mouth suddenly dry. You dropped your gaze, as you whispered your answer. "My….my singing."
 "What? You sound bloody brilliant! The others have heard you more than me but you always sound amazing!" Sigurd exclaimed, a beaming smile on his face. "I don't know why you haven't gone out with me before! Oh! I'd love for you to try and sing in my band, we could use an amazing vocalist like you! Gods, we could get way more gigs with a beautiful woman like you upfront singing."
 Soon as Sigurd started talking, you covered your face with your hands. The tears you managed to repress earlier flooded back. Your shoulders hunched over, cowering into yourself at the revelation. They had all heard you. Apparently more than just this one time. It was mortifying. Long ago you stopped singing in front of others, no longer able to face the ridicule, the degrading comments always thrown your way. And now, these brothers that you had become so close to…. if they said anything negative towards you right now, you were sure your heart would fully break and no lyric would ever pass your lips again. 
 Hvitserk shifted behind you, turning you so he could wrap both arms around your waist and place his cheek against the side of your head. "Y/n, talk to us." 
 You shook your head, the barely suppressed tears and poisoned words clogging your throat. 
 Abruptly, a pair of calloused hands grabbed yours, forcing them away from your face. You were immediately met by a pair of piercing blue eyes, only inches from your face. 
 "Whose ass am I killing now? Huh?" Ivar demanded in a low, menacing tone. Between his tone and the fury burning in his eyes, you knew he meant his question, and that sent a nervous chill down your spine. 
 "It's not…. it’s nothing."
 "Bullshit." Ivar spat. 
 Hvitserk nuzzled your temple, his voice lighter but still with an edge of steel in it. "I agree with Ivar. Something happened."
 Biting your bottom lip, you closed your eyes. There were a few things that were just too painful to talk about and this one, they had unknowingly stumbled upon. 
 "Was it your mother?"
 Your eyes flew open, your head snapped over to stare at Ubbe in shock. He met your gaze unflinchingly, and somehow you knew he already figured at least part of it out. He accidentally overheard a phone conversation between you and your mother one time and once you got off the phone, he immediately pulled you into a bone-crushing hug and promised you never had to see her again if you never wanted to, that they would take care of you. Of course, you cried all over him after he promised that. 
 Ubbe leaned forward in the recliner, placing his elbows on his knees, gaze still intent on you. "What did she do?"
 "She…. she hated when I sang. Said I was just desperate for attention. That I needed to just shut up. That no one would want to listen to me anyway. If she ever caught me singing…. once she duct-taped my mouth shut."
 You could hear the gasps at your confession, followed by a round of curses. Hvitserk pressed a kiss to your temple, tightening his hold on you. Ivar squeezed your hands, still holding them within his own. 
 Ubbe nodded as if not surprised. He ran a hand down his face and sighed before stealing your gaze once again. "I have a feeling she wasn't the only one to hurt you."
 At this point, a silent tear trekked down your cheek. You sniffled, dropping your gaze down. "I had an ex who used to make fun of my singing. He used to say 'at least you're pretty'. When we would ride together listening to music, he would tell me to stop singing and 'leave it to the professionals'. At some point, it just….it was better to not sing in front of anyone. So I only sang in the shower cause I thought no one would hear me."
 Hvitserk turned your head, looking into your eyes. "Baby, listen to me. Your singing is incredible. We all love listening to you sing. Please don't be embarrassed about this with us."
 "I'd love for you to walk around the house singing, I could happily listen to that all day." Ubbe said, a tender smile on his lips. 
 "I second that!" 
 "Sig, you're only here on Sundays." Ubbe glanced over at his brother. 
 Sigurd shrugged. "So? I could listen to her sing all day. Maybe she should move in with me and actually be appreciated."
 "No! You're not stealing her from us!" Hvitserk said, practically cradling you against him, like a puppy afraid to lose its favorite toy.
 "It's not stealing if she wants to go!" 
 Ivar butted in. "I am more interested in this other shitty ex and mother...can I find them?"
 "No, Ivar. You have to stop threatening people."
 "Why?" He whined at you, tugged on your hands, your legs still across his lap. "You won't let me teach them a lesson so all I can do is threaten."
 "Also sounds like you have terrible taste in guys. Anymore shitty exes we should know about?" Sigurd asked, rocking his chair. 
 You figured at this point you were spilling all your dirty secrets so what was one more. "Um, I was talking to this one guy but when he found out I moved in here, he called me a whore for moving in with two brothers and told me I was a waste of his time." You softly admitted, having made sure none of them ever heard about that after it happened. 
 For a moment there was dead silence then….
 "I'm going to need his name right now." Ubbe said, malice dripping off every word. 
 "Yeah! Let's cut his tongue out! See what he says about that!" Ivar cheered. 
 You could not stop the laughter that came out. The idea that these brothers got so worked up over anyone that ever insulted or hurt you was both sweet and slightly infuriating, but mostly sweet. No one had ever cared about you as strongly as these four brothers. 
 "It's fine now. How about this? Next guy to hurt me, I promise I'll give you his name."
 "No! I want to cut this asshole's tongue out. Maybe slap him with it after!" Ivar smiled with a pure predatory look. 
 "I think you should just date one of us." Sigurd shrugged, watching everyone with a smirk. "Then you know he'd treat you right."
 "I like this idea." Hvitserk smiled, squeezing you lightly. "We would romance the hell out of you."
 "You guys are being silly. I don't even know what romance would look like." You giggled at the absurd idea. All the brothers were gorgeous in their own ways and could pick up any girl they wanted, why would they want you? Besides, your relationships were just platonic. "Is the interrogation over now? Want me to leave so you can get back to your game?"
 "Nope, you're stuck here." Ivar said, leaning on you now so you were sandwiched between the two brothers. 
 Ubbe chuckled. "We've told you before, you are welcome to hang out with us. Why don't we put in a movie?"
 After many arguments and some mild threats, a movie was finally chosen. You settled against Hvitserk, facing the TV, as you played with Ivar's hair, his head now in your lap. 
 As you watched the movie, you missed the silent conversation between the brothers happening around you. It was decided that your next boyfriend would certainly be one of them and in the meantime, they were all going to romance the hell out of you and make sure you understood how important and incredible you are. 
 Starting with making sure you sang whenever you wanted. 
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queerlykat · 3 years
for the bnha prompts, could I ask for bakukami with 27 (did you just say you love me?), 28 (I didn’t know you could be romantic), 29 (you’ve never kissed anyone before?), or 30 (I notice when you stare at my lips) thanks!
Ahhhh yes!!!! Sorry it took so long to get to but holy fuck was this fun to write, though I may have gone a little overboard considering the other ones have all been under 1k words so... oops.
I hope you like it!
Anyway, here it is! And I'll be posting it to AO3 soon as well.
Word Count: 1,703
Genre: Fluff
Prompts: 28. "Wow, I didn't know you could be so romantic." | 29. "You've seriously never kissed anyone before?" | 30. "I notice when you stare at my lips, you know."
"Oi, dunceface, I'm not an idiot, you know - I fuckin' notice when you're just starin' at my lips and not actually paying attention and if you're not gonna take this seriously, I -"
"Sorry!" Denki interrupted in a squeak, a red flush spreading across his face. "I - uh - Fuck, sorry," he repeated when Katsuki set him with a murderous glare.
That glare softened and shifted to something not quite as furious after a moment, more contemplative than anything. A few long seconds passed before Katsuki sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "You didn't take your Adderall today, did you?"
"Heh - it's that obvious?" Denki asked sheepishly, grimacing as he looked down to stare at the corner of his textbook.
"Well you sure as shit ain't paying attention to the stuff you're supposed to be," Katsuki scoffed, reaching over Denki to slam the book closed. "We'll study tomorrow when you can actually fucking focus."
"Sorry, man, I was trying - really," Denki rushed to say, but only got a disbelieving look in reply as Katsuki grabbed the pen and notebook that belonged to him and stuffed them in his bag. "No, seriously, dude. It's just hard to when my brain won't slow down and let me process shit and then I guess I just kinda... check out? 'Cause I know I won't understand it anyways and then when you were leaning over you got really close and I noticed that you actually have really nice lips which... sounds really creepy now that I've said it out loud. Fuck. I didn't - uh - mean it like that. 'S not like I want to kiss you or anything. Er, well, not that I wouldn't or don't want to but I uh -" Denki swallowed hard as he realized just how deep of a hole he had talked himself into, face burning red as he buried his face in his hands, "I'm shutting up now."
Katsuki huffed wordlessly and Denki heard him zipping up his bag. The lack of response quickly ate away at Denki's nerves and he was lifting his head to start speaking again when Katsuki cut him off.
"So? Which one is it?"
Denki tilted his head at his friend, "What...?"
Red eyes pinned Denki to the spot with the sort of intense shine to them that was usually reserved for extreme challenges; the same faux-confident look Katsuki wore before taking on something he wasn't actually sure he'd succeed at.
Katsuki took in a deep breath, rolling his eyes and glancing away as he let that breath out in an annoyed huff. "You keep givin' mixed fucking signals, dumbass. So I'm asking, do wanna fucking kiss me or not?"
Denki felt his jaw drop open at the sudden blunt question, eyes going wide as his ever-racing thoughts screeched to a halt and all he could think about suddenly was how adorable Katsuki looked in the moment. Anyone else would think he looked pissed, but Denki knew Katsuki well enough to know that the particular scowl on his face was one of uncertainty and not anger. Not to mention the red flush across his cheeks and how he was glaring directly at a spot on the table, refusing to look at Denki.
He was nervous and that was just,
"So cute."
The words tumbled out of Denki's mouth in an awed whisper and he didn't even realize he had said them out loud until those red eyes flicked towards him, going wide for a moment before narrowing back into a seemingly angry glare.
"That's not an answer, you idiot!" Katsuki shouted, that red flush on his cheeks spreading over the rest of his features all the way down his neck and up to his ears. "And I ain't askin' again, so -"
"Yes!" Denki blurted out as his mind caught up to the situation all at once - along with the added urgency that this may be his only chance.
There was a split-second hesitation that seemed to last for hours, freezing Denki to the spot before a hand was grabbing the front of his shirt and yanking him forward.
Flailing for balance, Denki barely managed to grab onto Katsuki as their lips collided with bruising force and ow, that actually hurt.
A small whimper came from Denki at the rough treatment, followed closely by a muffled shout of surprise when he felt Katsuki's tongue soothe over the sore spot on his lip. Katsuki took that as an invitation to slip his tongue into Denki's mouth, momentarily sliding over Denki's before pulling away completely.
"Fuck," Denki mumbled in a shaky exhale, still gripping onto Katsuki's biceps and staring dazedly at the spit-slick lips he'd just been kissing. "That was... wow. Um," he cleared his throat, head still spinning, "Didn't - uh - didn't expect my first kiss to be like that. Guess I should've since it's - it was y'know, with you and -"
"Wait," Katsuki interrupted roughly, "You've seriously never kissed anyone before? The fuck?"
Denki felt his face go hot, undoubtedly a bright shade of red, and he couldn't help but drop his forehead against Katsuki's shoulder to hide. "Y-yeah," he mumbled, face burning even hotter when he heard Katsuki laugh. "Shut up!" he whined.
"Nah, don't think I'm gonna," Katsuki teased, though Denki couldn't help but relax a little when he felt a pair of warm hands land on the curve of his waist and pull him closer. "Wish I woulda known, though, wouldn't have done it like that if I knew it was gonna be your first kiss," he snorted.
At first, Denki couldn't help but grumble in protest at the continued teasing before an absolutely genius idea lit up his brain. "Well, uh, what - what would've you done if - if you knew?" he asked, tilting his head to look shyly up at Katsuki even as a small, mischievous smile tugged at his lips. "You could... show me, if you want," he suggested, idly tracing patterns against one of Katsuki's arms.
A soft, albeit amused scoff came from Katsuki as he rolled his eyes. "Well I woulda taken you out first," he said before pausing a moment, glancing off to the side again, "If you - uh - if you'd want that."
There was no way Denki could stop the grin that spread across his face at the implication that Katsuki actually wanted to date him. "Yes!" he gasped excitedly. "I mean - um - yeah. Yeah, I'd... I think I'd like that," he added with a sheepish chuckle when he realized how desperate he must've sounded.
The warm, soft laugh that came from Katsuki flooded Denki's stomach with butterflies, chest swelling with pride at managing to get such a genuine laugh from the other. "Yeah. Well. I'd do that."
"And then?" Denki prodded.
"What'd'ya think, dunceface?" Katsuki snorted, "I'd walk ya to your door 'nd kiss you there. Y'know. All proper and shit."
"Hmm," Denki hummed thoughtfully, tilting his head so he could look at Katsuki better, "Okay, but that still doesn't tell me how you'd kiss me. Just... when and where. And I dunno about you, but I really think a demonstration would be the best way to explain it."
"Of course you do," Katsuki scoffed, but Denki didn't miss the way Katsuki's cheeks flushed a little.
"Well?" Denki asked, lifting his head from Katsuki's shoulder, "Are you gonna or not?"
He got another eyeroll in response, before those red eyes focused on him again all sharp and intense in a way that never failed to make it hard for Denki to breathe. He felt one of Katsuki's hands trail up his side and over his shoulder before the backs of Katsuki's knuckles were lightly brushing over his cheek.
As if Denki wasn't already struggling to breathe, the way those gorgeous red eyes softened their gaze and dropped to stare at his lips made him completely forget how to breathe at all. He found himself leaning in, guided by the hand now cupping his cheek, until he was close enough for their noses to brush.
"Can I kiss you?" Katsuki asked, all soft with only a hint of his usual gruffness.
If it weren't for how hard Denki's heart was pounding, he would've worried that it may have already melted into nothing more than a pile of goo. The same couldn't be said for his brain, though, which Denki was almost certain had long since turned to soup.
Which made it rather difficult for Denki to formulate any coherent words, let alone verbalize them so, instead, he nodded his consent.
A small smile graced Katsuki's lips for a mere second before he was tilting his head and pressing their lips together with a gentleness that Denki didn't think Katsuki was even capable of.
"Wow," Denki breathed shakily when Katsuki pulled away, feeling even more dazed than after the first kiss. "I didn't know you could be so romantic," he mumbled, barely even realizing he had said that out loud.
"Hah?!" Katsuki huffed offendedly, "The fuck is that supposed to mean? Didn't think I'd be a good boyfriend or somethin'?"
"What?" Denki gasped, eyes going wide at Katsuki. "No, I - w-wait. Wait, did - does - are we - boyfriends?" he stammered when he fully realized what Katsuki said.
"You agreed to go on a date with me, dumbass, so yeah," Katsuki scoffed even as he shoved Denki away - much more gently than normal, Denki noticed. "Meet me in front of the dorms Friday night at 6 'nd I'll take you to the carnival or something," Katsuki said, walking to the door. "And don't be late!" he added roughly as he left, slamming the door shut behind him.
Still trying to get his brain to catch up with everything that just happened, Denki found himself staring blankly at the door for several long moments before it finally, fully sunk in.
He had a boyfriend.
And that boyfriend was Katsuki.
"Holy shit," Denki whispered to himself, a grin slowly spreading across his face as giddy excitement bubbled up inside of him and spilled over in the form of incredulous laughter.
For the rest of the day, Denki couldn't stop smiling even when it started to hurt and he's never looked forward to a Friday more in his life.
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peggyrose19 · 4 years
Wonderful Unknown
O’Knutzy AU where Lo and Finn don’t kiss in college, but still become teammates on the Lion, where they still meet Leo Knut and all fall for each other. They become close, Logan actually moves in with them, and they decide to have a late-night skate one night when Logan can’t sleep. There’s mutual pining and mild angst, and it’s possible there’s some romance as well. Did I proofread this? Not really. Do I have any idea how to write a poly relationship? No. Did I try anyway? Hell yes. 
So apparently I wrote this in September? And then never posted it? It could be why I don’t remember it. I titled it and everything, damn. But uh, here it is now I guess? Characters from @lumosinlove <333
Logan was on the couch in the living room, the light dim as he scrolled through his phone. It was late, past midnight. Finn and Leo were both awake, Leo puttering about in the kitchen despite the late hour and Finn with a book open on his chest on the other end of the couch. Logan’s phone buzzed just then, a notification from his mom.
He opened at it quickly, a little surprised to hear from her so late, but pleased all the same. But he froze when he read the contents of the message, his mind going suddenly quiet. 
“Logan? Are you okay?” He blinked and found Finn looking at him concernedly, green eyes wide. Leo stood still in the kitchen, watching them carefully. 
“My sister’s in the hospital,” was all he said. 
“Sydney, she’s hurt. It was a hit.” 
“Well, is she gonna be okay?”
Logan shook his head helplessly. “I don’t know.” His voice broke and Finn knelt in front of him, setting a comforting on his knee. Leo came fully into the room and crouched by Finn’s side. “Mom said it’s her ankle. The doctors are with her now.” 
Finn rubbed soothing circles on his knee. “Okay. Well that’s good, it means she’s going to be okay. Ankle isn’t life-threatening.”
“Yeah, but what if she can’t skate anymore?” Logan looked down at the boys, his eyes wide and frantic. “That would kill her.” 
“Tremz.” Finn pressed a gentle hand to his cheek, pretending it was purely platonic and comforting and not at all romantic. “It’s going to be okay, yeah? You said the doctors are with her, right?” Logan nodded mutely. “Then she’s in good hands. She’s stubborn, your sister, like you, right? She’ll make it through this, I know it.” 
“My mom said not to come. That I have to stay here, focus on the game.” 
“And she’s right,” Leo piped in. “You won’t do her any good pacing the hospital. Sydney isn’t going anywhere, she’ll still be there in three days. But we need you on Tuesday, d’accord? We need you.” 
“Oui, I know. I’m staying. I just...I feel so helpless just sitting here.” 
Leo and Finn swapped a glance before looking back to Logan.
“Why don’t we go skating?” Finn suggested after a moment. “We’d always do that in college, remember?”
Logan smiled a little at the memory. “Yeah. That sounds good.” 
And so, that was how the three of them found themselves at the rink a little past one in the morning, ice still roughed up from practice, lacing their skates in silence. 
Logan was the first on the ice, heading aimlessly in circles. The only sound was his skates gliding over the ice. Leo and Finn glanced at each other, something unsaid passing between them, before they too stepped onto the rink. 
“Wanna race?” Finn asked Logan, who just shrugged aimlessly in response. “Nut?” he asked instead. Leo gave him a tired smile.
They headed to one end of the rink, Logan watching quietly as Finn counted down to one and they both took off towards the opposite side. 
Finn was clumsy on the ice, his feet dragging slowly. Leo didn’t look much better off as he stifled a yawn behind his hand, trying to keep his focus. 
“Yes!” Finn crowed as he reached the other side first, slamming into the boards. Leo reached him a moment later.
“I’m sorry guys, you must be exhausted,” Logan said suddenly. They turned and looked at him, hovering a few feet away. 
“It’s okay, Tremz.” Leo smiled softly. 
“Yeah, but-”
“Lo,” Finn interrupted him. “We’re here for you, okay? Even if we’re a bit sleep deprived.” Leo nodded his agreement, even as he yawned again. 
A moment later, Finn and Logan both yawned as well.
“Dammit Nut.” Leo grinned guiltily. 
“What? It’s past my bedtime.”
 Finn pushed him. “It is not!” 
“What? I was up early this morning! All of us were. I am entitled to feel a bit tired.” 
“Fine, fine. I suppose we did get up rather early this morning,” Finn allowed. 
“Fucking morning skate,” Logan grumbled. Leo rolled his eyes before skating over to him and grabbing his arm, pulling him forwards. 
“C’mon Logan!” he called, letting go of him and gliding ahead. “You’re the one that wanted a distraction!”
“Fine,” Logan muttered and followed Leo. Finn followed and soon they were all laughing, chasing each other around the ice and making up silly games. 
After a while, Leo stopped them with a laugh and stepped off the ice, going in search of some water bottles. Finn followed Logan around the rink, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Logan was skating backwards, watching him with a soft smile. 
“You’re cute,” he murmured under his breath. 
Finn froze, only his previous momentum keeping him moving. Logan’s eyes were wide. 
“Sorry,” he stammered. 
Finn tilted his head, considering him, his sluggish brain desperately trying to keep up. While he looked at him, Logan came to a stop against the boards and Finn stopped in front of him. 
“Did you just call me cute?” A small smirk played at Finn’s lips. 
“No!” Logan replied quickly. He blushed and ducked his head. “Maybe.” 
With shaking hands, Finn leaned out and rested a gloved hand on Logan’s cheek, his other hand settling on his waist. Logan leaned into him just a bit, his warmth seeping through the thin fabric. Finn swallowed hard. He could feel Logan’s breath hot on his face. His brown eyes were wide, uncertain and afraid, but longing lay there too. 
Without thinking, without giving himself time to shy away, Finn leaned forward and pressed his lips to Logan’s. 
 He had intended it to be quick, just a simple peck. But Logan, after a moment of complete stillness, had gasped into Finn’s mouth and wrapped his arms around his neck. Finn’s fingers dug into Logan’s hip and pulled him closer. 
“Uh, guys?” a timid voice asked. They jumped apart and whipped around to see Leo staring at them, cheeks flushed and eyes wide. “Sorry. Do you want me to go?” His voice was shaking a bit.
“Knutty,” Finn breathed. His lips were pink and his hair was mussed from Logan’s fingers. But his face fell as he stared at the younger boy, with this head ducked and devastation in his eyes, and something cracked in his heart. “C’mere.” 
Hesitantly, Leo skated over to them, looking apprehensive. As soon as he was within reach, Finn grabbed his hand and pulled him in. This of course only lead to them bumping right into each other.
“Oop, sorry,” Finn said quietly. He made to move to distance himself from Leo though, staying pressed flush against him. 
Leo stared up at him, shocked, but he didn’t move either. Logan didn’t say a word, watching them with his mouth slightly open. 
“Finn?” Leo asked finally.
“Yeah, Nut?”
“Are you going to kiss me?” 
Finn looked at him with wide eyes, before glancing over at Logan. He had a strange expression on his face that, for once, Finn couldn’t read.
“Um…” Instead of finishing, Finn lunged forward and pressed his lips to Leo. Leo kissed him back, soft and sweet. 
Only a moment later, Finn jumped back, wide eyes finding Logan, who had begun nuzzling at his neck and pressing soft kisses to his skin. 
“Logan, what-” 
Logan huffed, but didn’t say anything. 
Leo was staring at the two of them, eyes wide. “I-” he stuttered and both looked over at him. “I need to go.” With that, he hurried off the ice and disappeared into the locker room, leaving Logan and Finn in stunned silence. 
“Finn?” Logan asked finally, breaking the silence. 
“Why did you kiss me? Why did you kiss Leo?”
Finn ran a hand roughly through his hair. “Dammit, Lo. I don’t know. I mean, how could I do this? How could I like both of you? At the same time? It’s all a mess, I don’t- I don’t know.” 
“You like me-”
“I love you.”
“-and Leo? Wait, you love me?” 
Finn sighed. “Of course I do, Lo. I always have. How could I not? It just took me a long time to realize it. And an even longer time to do something about it.”
“I- yes.” 
Finn frowned. “Yes what?”
“Yes, I love you too, you idiot.” Logan rolled his eyes. “And Leo,” he added, brow furrowing a bit. 
“You- you like Leo, too?” 
“Yeah. I thought it made a terrible person for so long. I mean, how could I like both of you? Who does that?” 
“We do.” Finn pressed their foreheads together, looking down into Logan’s bambi brown eyes. 
“I want you, both of you,” Logan admitted quietly.
“So do I,” Finn breathed. Logan looked up at him trustingly, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. His mind was on Leo the whole time, imagining what it would be like if he was there, if he even wanted them at all. Logan pulled away. 
“Is he okay?”
“I don’t know.” 
Together, they headed off the ice and into the locker room Leo had disappeared into. They found him hunched over in his stall, head in his hands, shoulder’s shaking with silent sobs.
“Nut?” Finn asked, rushing over to him. “Hey, don’t cry sweetheart.” 
Leo sniffed and looked down at him where he was crouched by his knee. “Hey, Fish.” He gave him a watery smile. 
“Leo?” Logan asked timidly, coming to crouch beside him. “We need to tell you something. We-” he stopped, glanced at Finn- “Well, I can’t speak for Finn, but I’ve been in love with him for almost eight years. But…” 
When he didn’t say anything else, Finn continued, “We-we talked, and realized that… that we both really like you too, Nut.” 
Leo looked up sharply, gaze darting between them. “You- what?”
“We want you. If you’ll have us.” 
“You’re serious? You’re not joking.” 
“Oh my god.” Leo stared at them, openmouthed. He said again, “Oh my god.” Then he lunged forward and pulled both of them close, his lips finding Logan’s for the first time. 
Logan kissed him fiercely, a hand on his jaw and the other tangled in his hair. After a moment, Finn began pressing kisses to Leo’s neck, and then to Logan’s, hands roaming over both of them. Blindly, Leo reached out and grabbed onto Logan’s sweater. 
Leo groaned when Finn’s hand pressed to his stomach, lips attached to his collarbone. Logan pulled away from him and Finn immediately took his place, Logan watching them for a moment, his cheeks flushing brighter. 
“God,” he whispered. His eyes were bright with desire. Leo and Finn parted and looked at him, all three of them panting hard. 
They stayed that way, looking at each other, with their red kissed lips and mussed up hair, hearts beating fast and breaths coming in gasps.
“We should head home,” Finn said eventually. “It’s getting pretty late.” Leo and Logan both glanced at the clock in the corner. It was almost three. 
“Wow. We’ve been here a while.” 
“Tremz, your mom say anything about Sydney?” Leo asked. 
“Oh! I dunno.” He hurried over and grabbed his phone from his bag. He flicked through the messages before sighing in relief. “She’s gonna be okay. It’s a bad break, but the doctors think she’ll be able to make a full recovery.” 
Finn grinned. “Oh, good. That’s great.” 
“See? We told you she’d be fine.” 
Logan smiled at them. “C’mon. Let’s head home.” 
“Can… can we really do this?” Logan asked timidly on the drive home. “Be together?” Leo grabbed his hand. 
“Yes,” Finn replied firmly. “It’s us. We’ll make it work.” 
And Logan’s responding smile was enough to light up the world. 
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not-all-dead · 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to drop by and say how much I’m enjoying your writing, it’s amazing 💜
Can I ask for something between Lin and Opal? I’ve always though that chief crankypants has a soft spot for her niece 🥰
prompt #82 - “Just breathe, okay?”
ahh thank you so much!! I completely agree, I think she was probably very grumpy about it at first but definitely cares about opal a lot. This ended up way angstier (?) than I planned, but uh... explosions! aha oops
The blast was huge. Lin rushed behind a building for shelter, though it nearly collapsed on her anyway. She bent the concrete away from her and ran back into the street where everything was in chaos. rubble was everywhere and the ground still shook slightly. There was a minute purple glow to the air, and dust was everywhere. Lin coughed and waved her hand in front of her face in a feeble attempt to breathe clean air.
She stood there for a moment, letting the dust settle around her. The ground stilled and she spun in a slow circle, taking in the extent of the damage. She scanned the small crowd of people beginning to gather near one of the still upright buildings, looking for anyone she knew. She spotted all of the Krew helping one another around, and saw Jinora and the other airkids as well. Tenzin and all the other adults seemed to be present as well, doing their best to aid the civilians hurt in the explosion.
There was someone missing, though. Her niece.
She ran over to the group and pulled Jinora aside, assuming she’d have been with Opal just before the blast. Jinora looked up at her and answered before the question left her lips.
“She flew in right before the explosion. She thought she could contain it, or at least direct it up. I tried to stop her, and I have no idea where she is now…” Jinora had tears streaming down her face as she shook her head.
Lin pulled the girl into a short hug before turning back to the centre of destruction. She glanced back at Jinora.
“I’ll find her. She’ll be alright,” She gave a sad but reassuring smile to the air bender before stalking into the rubble.
Once she was a reasonable distance in, Lin bent the metal from her foot and brought it down hard on the concrete slab she stood on. She focused on the vibrations leaving her foot and dancing out across the earthen materials, searching for any sign of Opal. There was nothing. She bent her shoe back on and walked further into the rubble, the jagged rocks becoming increasingly difficult to navigate. Almost to the centre of the explosion now, she repeated her earlier attempt.
This time, she felt a form on top of a cluster of rocks nearby. She ran towards it, feeling for a heartbeat as she did. She reached the spot she’d sensed the body at and started frantically searching again, looking for signs of the red and yellow uniform Opal wore. She brought her foot down again to get a more accurate picture of where she was.
Lin pinpointed her niece among the rubble and began bending concrete away from her, desperately trying to get her out. She spotted a hint of red and redoubled her efforts, clearing everything from on top of the young girl quickly. She fell to her knees at Opal’s side, gently bringing her head into her lap.
“Please, please be alright,” Lin whispered to herself, panting with her efforts.
She held herself as still as she could, watching her niece for signs of life. She let out a huge sigh when Opal stirred under her, a gasp and small cough escaping her throat. Lin brushed the hair out of her face and she groaned.
“Opal, it’s Lin. Can you hear me?” Opal furrowed her brow and tried to open her eyes, but groaned again and let them fall closed when the effort was too much.
“Shh, it’s alright. I’ve got you,” Lin stroked her niece’s hair and glanced around her. “Just breathe, okay?”
Opal nodded weakly at her aunt, eyes remaining closed. Lin continued to pet Opal’s hair as she looked for someone to help. She saw several people beginning to comb through the rubble for any trapped survivors, though none of them were close enough to hear her yet. Instead of trying to call out to any of them, she focused everything she had on hurling a nearby slab into the air and suspending it. She could only hope someone noticed it and knew it was a signal for help.
Lin didn’t know how long it was before help came. It felt like hours of sitting there, checking every few minutes that Opal was still breathing while straining to keep the slab in the air. It was Korra who finally came to their aid, first helping Lin lower the slab and then turning her attention to Opal.
There wasn’t any water nearby, at least none that Korra had access to without hurting another person, so she couldn’t heal her on the spot. Instead, she helped Lin pick up a sleeping Opal as delicately as they could. Lin held Opal under her shoulders, her head resting on Lin's chest, while Korra supported her legs. They carried her slowly back to the darkening area where a small camp had been set up for the injured, the only sounds being those of their heavy breathing and an occasional whimper of pain from Opal.
They set her down on one of the makeshift beds that had been bent out of rock by Bolin and the other earthbenders, each looking around for either some water or another healer. Korra found a bowl of water a few beds over, but was shooed away by Kya.
“They need you out there, looking for people. I’ve got the healing station covered,” Kya insisted, to which Korra nodded.
Kya made her way over to Opal’s bed with the water and kneeled on her left. She glanced up at Lin, who was fidgeting and looking around nervously.
“Lin, sit. I know she’d appreciate you being with her when she wakes up,” Kya turned her attention back to Opal, bringing the water to her.
Lin took Kya’s advice and sat opposite the waterbender, taking Opal’s hand in her own. She stayed as Kya worked her way down Opal’s body, healing each broken bone, ripped tissue, burst blood vessel, and any other physical injury she found. It took longer than Lin had expected, and she fell asleep twice at Opal’s side. Kya took a few breaks too, exhaustion from focus overwhelming her and forcing her to stop to maintain the quality of her healing. It was almost morning when she’d finished.
Opal’s eyelids fluttered not long after Kya had taken off for the night. Her hand tightened almost imperceptibly around Lin’s, but it was enough for the earthbender to become alert again. She watched silently as Opal opened her eyes fully and sat up, twisting to stretch out her sore back. Once she was comfortable and less stiff, she looked at her aunt sitting on the ground below her.
“Thank you,” Opal said, voice raspy with dust and dryness.
She tried to clear her throat and started coughing, to which Lin untangled their hands and patted harshly on Opal’s back. The coughing fit lasted for a solid few minutes, and Opal had tears in her eyes when she calmed down and could breathe again. Lin switched to rubbing her back more gently, watching every twist of her niece’s face for signs of pain or anything of the sort.
“What happened back there?” Lin asked when it seemed Opal was doing alright.
Opal shook her head and let a tear trace slowly down her cheek before answering.
“I just…” She took in a deep but shaky breath. “I wanted to protect you, and my siblings, and Jinora and Ikki and… I thought I could do it, I really did.”
Lin got up from the ground and sat next to Opal on the cot. She let Opal sink into her arms, hugging her tightly as she cried.
“I’m sorry, Aunt Lin, I’m so sorry,” Opal sobbed against Lin’s metal armour, not bothered by the cold, hard material in the least.
Lin said nothing, deeming it best to simply hold her niece and listen to her, a solid support rather than a coach or teacher. Opal didn’t say it, but she was intensely glad Lin was there, and played the role she did. Lin was, in that moment, exactly who she needed, and something in her told her that in some way Lin needed that too. She made a vow in her mind to seek out her aunt more often, even if all they did was sit silently with tea at a cafe together. Lin would like that, she thought, simple company if nothing else. When the time came later and she followed through on her vow, she found that her assumptions had been correct. Lin found herself caring more for her niece than she had planned to, though she grew less and less opposed to the idea of it as time went on.
list of prompts
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alice-dont-break · 4 years
hello this is shameless smut pls enjoy!! kinda fluffy and oops sorry idk how to write smut for them without giving ant a little bit of top energy
cw: post-pregnancy body insecurity at first and then just filth
Every Inch | Janthony Smut
When Anthony got home from work, he first found his 6-week old baby sound asleep in the bassinet in the living room. He smiled, but tiptoed upstairs immediately because despite wanting to stare at her cute little face, waking her would be disturbing the rare peace and quiet his wife was surely savoring. When he got upstairs and entered the bedroom, he found a pile of Jasmine’s clothes on the floor and a light on in the bathroom. Intrigued, he peeked his head past the door and laid eyes on the most stunning silhouette he’d ever seen.
Jasmine was standing in front of the mirror, fully undressed, looking over her shoulder at her reflection.
“Wow,” he breathed, getting her attention.
“Oh, hey sorry,” she said. She hugged herself and reached past him for the robe hanging off the door, but he gently caught her wrist. He stepped her away from the door, and took in the delicious sight in front of him.
“Damn, baby, why would you ever say sorry for giving me a look at this work of art. You admiring yourself... can I join?”
“You can stay but I’m not admiring,” she mumbled, rolling her eyes. She tried to twist away, but Anthony grasped her other hand.
“Hm?” He didn’t want to push her, but he couldn’t ignore the sadness in her eyes.
“I’m just... I don’t feel sexy anymore. Ever. This is so stupid but I literally made my mom watch bubba for an hour today so I could go to Victoria’s Secret and even with brand new sexy lingerie I felt disgusting. Do I even turn you on anymore? We haven’t done anything since...” Her voice was weak and shaky, and her lips were tightly pursed.
“Baby... baby girl you turn me on like crazy. God, look at you... you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he crooned. “I just didn’t wanna rush or hurt you, but I hate that you aren’t seeing what I see. Can I show you babe?”
Jasmine furrowed her brow, but reluctantly nodded. Anthony then led her by the hand back to the mirror, where he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. He nuzzled up to her shoulder as they both looked at her reflection. As Anthony looked her up and down, his eyes smouldered with lust.
“God, where do I even begin,” he groaned. “I mean, the easiest is your face. Your eyes just stun me, whether they’re soft and you’re laughin’ or looking at our baby, or piercing like your mad or tryna rile me up.”
Jasmine’s cheeks had flushed red and she tried to look away, only to be brought back to center by Anthony’s thumb on her chin.
“Your skin,” he continued while caressing her cheek with the back of his hand, “just flawless.”
She leaned into his touch and let a weak smile escape.
“Mmm and your lips, baby,” he smiled. He cupped her chin with his fingers and brushed over her supple lips with his thumb. He was dying to kiss her, but knew once he started he’d never stop, and there was too much more he wanted to say.
“Your hair, your curls... gorgeous through every state of being.” He smiled into the side of her head, inhaling the scent of her shampoo, then nipped at her ear and trailed kisses down her jaw and neck.
“And your neck,” he whispered, sending chills down her spine, “because it lets me get the sexiest moans from you.” Proving his point, he sunk his teeth into the tender flesh, hard enough to melt her without really hurting, and she threw her head back against his shoulder as a soft gasp escaped her parted lips.
He chuckled into her collarbone, and continued exploring her skin with his mouth and hands, covering every inch of her upper back, shoulders, and chest with attention. Jasmine was fully flushed with a little bit of self consciousness, but also awareness of the heat growing between her legs. His hand wandered back down from her shoulders to her waist to pull her back flush against his chest, before roaming back up to cup her breasts.
“God, and these... Jas you know I’ve always been an ass guy, and trust me we’ll get to that, but I’ve never seen anything sexier than these tits ever since you were pregnant. They’re so big... huge... and I love how just a little attention like this,” he mumbled as he circled his fingers around her nipples with a slight pinch, “gets such a reaction... god Jasmine I could spend all day just working your tits.”
As he talked, he was kneading the tender flesh with the palms of his hands and kissing her shoulders, and Jasmine could have sworn she was going to start dripping down her inner thigh. Her buds were pebbled and she writhed under his touch as he brushed over them.
“And baby, I know you’ve been self conscious about this area,” he said more softly, letting his hands slide down her waist and hips to land just where her baby bump had been only a month ago. He peppered kisses to the seam of her neck and shoulder as he rubbed his thumbs over her hip bones. “These curves are a work of art. Your shape is stunning, Jas, it’s so sexy whether you’re a million months pregnant, one week post-baby, or whatever else. I like having something to grab, too, but don’t think I haven’t noticed your abs comin’ back.” he winked with another soft bite to her earlobe and a squeeze around her hips.
Jasmine was leaning against him now with her head thrown back on his shoulder, as his mouth, his raspy voice, his touch all left her trembling. He took his chance to turn her sideways to face him and reached down to grab her ass with both hands.
“God, this ass, baby... ugh it’s just so fucking sexy. The way it’s so perfectly tight and round, especially when you wear them jeans I like, but then bounces when I’m fuckin’ up into you... or when I’m taking you from behind with my fiery handprints all over...”
Anthony was testing his own patience now, and cut himself off with another bite to her shoulder. He gestured for her to jump up and hoisted her so her legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands were gripping her thighs.
“Your legs baby, they’re so strong and toned, and even though you’re short enough to tuck right into my side, they look long and sexy and I just want to mark em all up your inner thighs... show anyone who dares to look at you in a tight lil skirt that you’re mine.”
While he spoke, he carried her slowly out of the bathroom and over to the bed. The whole way, she could feel his hardened bulge pressing against her, and was sure there would be a wet patch where her core met his waist.
When he reached the bed, he dropped her down and hovered overtop so he could whisper in her ear. “Now can I show you the next part of you I think is sexy?” He rasped. Jasmine was breathless, and could only nod eagerly. After a chaste peck to her lips, Anthony sank down to rest between her thighs, which he spread open with his hands splayed across her caramel skin.
“Mmm, this pussy,” he growled against the meeting of her leg and her mound, letting the vibration of his words send shockwaves through her already electrified body. “Always so wet and needy for me. God look at you baby, you’re fucking soaked already, hm? All for me?”
Jasmine nodded and moaned a “yes”, as Anthony chuckled.
Slowly, he prodded his tongue to part her folds, and licked a slow stripe all the way up. The sound she made was slow, husky and pained. She was already aching for more. “Your taste, babe, your juices are the sweetest damn taste in the world.”
He continued to take his time, drawing long strokes and tasting every inch of her core, until his tongue started circling her entrance. As soon as it poked inside, her hips bucked, begging for more, though a whimper was all she could muster. He used one finger to gather her juices, then slowly pressed inside.
“So fucking tight, soft walls squeeze me so tight, even when you’re nearly screamin’ and you’re asking if it’s too much, you take me so, so good baby.”
“Another,” she moaned loudly, “please.” Anthony smirked and happily obeyed, adding a second finger to her wetness.
He thrust slowly in and out, before pausing to scissor his digits and feel the stretch of her velvet insides. Her breath hitched with every movement and he wondered how much longer she could last.
“Baby hold it together, I haven’t even gotten to the best part. The sexiest part of this perfect pussy is this adorable little bud,” he grinned, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to her clit.
“Ant,” she breathed desperately.
“So sweet, so sexy the sounds I can get out of you with just the slightest touch,” he said. Anthony pointed his tongue and started flicking the sensitive area, as his fingers continued to probe deep inside. “Seriously the cutest little thing I’ve ever played with.”
“Anthony,” she moaned again, her voice growing more ragged and hungry with his every move.
“Mhmm baby... and the sexiest thing of all, my love, is how you look when you come undone.”
He heard the faintest gasp escape her lips, so with a final smirk he wrapped his lips around her swollen bud and suckled lightly as he curled his fingers deep inside her. With his free hand, he reached up and rolled her hard nipple between his fingers, as her moans became more like screams. Within seconds he felt her soft walls tighten around his fingers, and her thighs lift up off the bed.
“Ant I’m gonna... I’m gonna...”
“I’ve got you,” he purred, “come for me, princess. I’ve got you.”
Jasmine fell apart. Every sliver of tension that had been building for the past two months came undone as a wave of fire ravaged her senses. Her back arched and her head flopped back with a loud and luscious sigh, as her pussy fluttered around Anthony’s fingers. He continued gentle kitten licks to her most sensitive area as his fingers lazily moved to ride her through her high. Suddenly, Jasmine felt a massive release and Anthony felt a flood wash over his fingers and chin. He was entranced by the effect he had on her body, continuing to press with his fingers, and let his tongue roam downward to taste her juices, until Jasmine was fully limp beneath him.
When he was certain there were no more aftershocks to rock her, he pressed a final kiss to her warmth and climbed back up to hover over her face. With both hands cupping her cheeks, he leaned down to kiss her forehead tenderly.
“Did I...” she asked timidly between heavy pants. Her cheeks were flushed red, and Anthony added to their warmth with soft, wet kisses.
“Squirt? Yep,” he smirked, obviously proud of the new level of pleasure he’d unlocked for her. “That was new... and maybe the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed.”
“Ant that... that was... oh my god.... i need to...” As she struggled to form sentences, she seemed to be making a move to repay the favor, but Anthony just put a firm hand on her shoulder.
“You aren’t going anywhere, babe,” he teased. “You look so utterly fucked out that I’m genuinely worried you may have trouble walking all week despite not actually having had a cock inside you.”
Jasmine’s eyes were still slightly rolling to the back of her head, so Anthony just chuckled at her grumbles and gave her a chaste kiss. “Stay here, love, gonna get you a cloth. You’re literally soaked in your own cum.”
“Later... show you lingerie... s’new,” she murmured.
“Whenever you’re ready love, but not before a nap. Besides, as excited as I am to see it, I don’t know how you could possibly get any sexier.”
Instead of protesting as she did earlier, she looked up at Anthony with a faint, adorable little smile that warmed his heart.
When he got back from the bathroom only twenty seconds later, Jasmine’s eyes were closed with her mouth hanging open just slightly. He couldn’t help but chuckle at how absolutely worn out she was, so he just let her sleep. As the mother of a six-week old baby, she needed it with or without a mind-blowing orgasm. After using the warm cloth to wipe down her thighs and through her folds, he grabbed a blanket to drape over them as he laid on his side and pulled her close. With a quick glance at the baby monitor to ensure the little one was continuing to cooperate with his unplanned mission, he leaned his forehead against her temple and peppered little kisses to her cheeks as her heavy breath lulled him into a trance. He rubbed the soft skin at her waist as he kept pulling her tighter into his side, and focused on giving her all his warmth, comfort and attention, with the hope that she’d be at least slightly coherent again when she woke up.
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Quest! For alone time - Barley Lightfoot x reader
*Fandom- Pixar’s Onward
*Pairings- Barley Lightfoot x F reader/you
*Warnings- NSFW - Smut Oral, fingering, safe sex, Fluff, constant cock blocking, Barley’s a good boy. Pre-established relationship. 2nd person pov
*Summary* You and Barley recently made the jump into the world of relationships but have found it infuriatingly hard to get any time alone together. 
**A/N** So I haven’t really found many reader insert fanfics with Barley and only 2 that had smut, I think... so I decided If I want it I aught to write it... 
**A/N 2**So I’m super positive Barley has to be at least 19 So you’re both ‘adults’ and your family treat you that way… the interruptions aren’t them intentionally trying to prevent your relationship or the more physical aspects of it. They’re more rooted in those people not being used to you being in a relationship… they never had to worry about walking in on something when you and Barley were only friends so it’s a bit of a transition for everyone. They’re also kinda oblivious to how annoying it is. 
* ❀✦ Master List✦❀
You and Barley had been dating for a little while now, but had been friends for much longer before that.
So now that you were transitioning from friends to couples it was often hard to find times and places to be alone, as the people in both your lives would often disturb you. Thinking nothing about walking in on you whenever it pleased them. 
You were both adults, and generally treated as such so the interruptions weren’t exactly intentional. Your parents weren’t trying to stop you from being affectionate with each other, but it was becoming increasingly more frustrating as time went on. 
“Sorry dear I forgot” 
“Oops i’m not looking- ignore me… just gotta get the laundry” 
“Hey do you know where my- ahh Barley! Hang a sock!” 
Going out on dates was fine. Unless friends decided to interrupt and make it a ‘friend thing’… twice! 
Kisses good night- they were lovely. But did often result in “ohhs” and “ahhs” from nosy parents (and their cop boyfriends). 
There were good morning texts, and phone calls late into the night. You’d often fall asleep talking to each other. 
If ever one of you had a bad day the other was always a phone call away, and would often show up with cuddles and favorite snacks. 
You let him rant to you about his mom’s boyfriend, and he held you whenever you had an argument with your mother. 
All in all the relationship thing was working out nicely. You and Barley clicked really well and were able to help with whatever problems or insecurities arose in your lives. 
There was just one problem… 
That couldn’t be helped...
It had been about a month now since you two decided to become intimate but, due to circumstances, that was still a thing you’d been unable to achieve. Barely having enough alone time to make out let alone anything more than that, was starting to get frustrating. 
He was really good about it though. Patient and understanding. Maybe he assumed you were nervous and didn’t want to push you into anything you weren’t ready for. He definitely didn’t want to mess up what you had, nor did he want to risk hurting you. 
You weren’t nervous though, well maybe a little, but it wasn’t about that. You’ve loved him for years, wanted him for years. Ever since the day he found you walking to school, crying about some fight you had with your mother before leaving the house that morning. 
He drove up beside you and offered you a ride. Despite knowing it wasn’t a good idea to hop into a stranger’s van something about him told you it was okay. 
He listened to you, and made you laugh. Took your mind off your problems and reminded you of the good in the world. 
You skipped school, driving to some secluded place with him, and talking for hours. By the time he dropped you at home you simply couldn’t imagine life without him. Even if you didn’t know it at the time, you fell in love with him that day.
Tonight though, tonight it was happening! Come hell or high water you were getting that boy in bed! 
<How fair you, my lovely maiden?>  your phone dings with a text from Barley
<Feeling kinda lonely> you respond, biting your lip awaiting his response. 
<Is there anything I can do?> 
<There are several things you can do… things that are lonely...> 
<What about your parents?> He asks. 
<On a date <3 <3 <3> 
<On my way!!> He responds quickly, causing a smile to stretch across your face.
You quickly make sure everything is ready, your hair, your make-up, you wanted to look extra special for him tonight. 
You’re just finishing as you hear Guinevere 2 pull up, and great Barley at the door with a kiss. 
“Hey” He smiles down at you, hands planted on your hips. 
“We got lucky” you take him by the hand and lead him through your house.
He follows you obediently, cheeks flushed. “When are your parents coming home?”
“Not for hours” You tell him, pulling him onto the couch. You wanted to take this a little slow, ignore how ‘booty call’ it really was. “They’re going to that restaurant they like” 
He pulls you to sit in his lap, “That’s good” he strokes your thighs. 
You lean in for a kiss, no matter how long you were together this never got old. The kiss was soft and loving, during which you clung to his jacket keeping him close.  
“How was your day?” you ask between kisses. 
“Better now, yours?” he chases your lips. 
“Okay, I missed you a lot though” you nuzzle into his neck, kissing him again and again. 
“Missed you too” Barley pulls you closer to him, inhaling your scent, using it to erase the stress of the day.  
With the house empty for hours there was no reason to rush, and you wanted to enjoy all the alone time.
That was until the door opened, your parents entering in a hurry. 
“Hey honey- you’re dad’s got an upset tummy so we had to come home early” your mom explains as your father rushes past her towards the bathroom. She pauses when she sees you, on the couch, on Barley, frown on your face. “Oh sorry, we’ll stay upstairs and out of your hair, just let me make some soup for your father… do you want anything?” she asks without really offering. 
You sigh and fall forward slightly, your head resting on Barley’s shoulder. “No, don’t worry mom we should be heading out anyway” 
“Oh… you seeing that new movie?” She asks, “the one with the space thing?” she tried
“Uh… yeah…” you force a smile before getting up, pulling Barley with you.  
Every time… 
Once outside you and Barley sigh, “so what do you wanna do?” he asks, brushing a piece of hair out of your face. 
“You” you grin. 
Barley laughs, “Okay, but… Oh! I think mom’s out with Corie tonight” 
Your eyes light up, “Why didn’t you say so” you tug him towards Guinevere 2. 
Soon you were on his bed, music blasting, fully wrapped up in a heavy make-out session. 
“You locked the door right?” you lean back, pulling off your shirt. 
“Lemme check” he pulls away from you, eyes never really leaving your form. This causes him to stumble over something. 
“Careful” you chide playfully tossing your shirt at him. 
He catches it with a grin before the door suddenly slams open. 
Standing there with wide eyes is a very pink Ian. 
“Did you need something?” Barley steps between his brother and a half naked you. 
“Oh uh… mom wanted to make sure you took out the trash…”   
“Okay- thank you,” Barley shuffles Ian out of the room. 
He turns to you and ruffles his hair with a sigh. 
“Now what?” he groans flopping back on the bed, arm thrown over his eyes. 
You recover your shirt, pulling it back on, before you remember an obvious solution. 
Crawling on the bed, getting closer to him, you ghost your fingers over his chest. 
“Baby” you coo. 
“Hmm?” he raises his arm to look at you. 
“Guinevere” you smile at him. 
“Um… okay? You want me to take you home?” 
“No,” you pull him up, “You have a van” 
You tilt your head. 
“Oh!” he grins, “good idea!” 
You preen at the praise. 
He suddenly jumps out of bed, grabs a few things, and is pulling you along behind him. 
Taking the trash out on the way- cause he’s a good boy. 
Barley drives around for a little while before finding a secluded spot, on the side of the road, to park.
 Putting on some music he pulls you into a kiss before you scamper away towards the back. 
Flopping down, you smile up at him doing grabby hands. 
With a laugh Barley lunges towards you, instantly attacking you with kisses. His hand moves up your shirt while you giggle about his cold fingers. 
Pushing him back you demand he removes his shirt while you do the same tossing them together in a pile. 
He returns to you as soon as possible, taking his time worshiping your body. Kissing down from your jaw to your chest, he runs his hands over your soft flesh before you pull him back up for a fiery kiss. 
“I can’t believe we waited so long” you sigh as he pulls down your leggings. 
“I didn’t want to pressure you” he runs his hands up your legs to grip your thighs, encouraging you to spread them. 
“Our families didn’t help…” you gasp as he leans forward placing a kiss on your warmth, still covered by panties in his favorite color. 
He ‘hmms’ before pulling the fabric aside and smirking up at you. Leaning forward he kisses your pussy once before diving in. 
His tongue, his lips, he was amazing and you couldn’t understand how anything could feel so good. Hands tangling in his hair you quickly lose yourself to the pleasure, gasping his name again and again. 
You were almost there, nearly at the edge, legs wrapped around his shoulders when a heavy knock sounds on the drivers window. 
“Son of a!” You hiss, only now seeing the police lights. 
“This isn’t possible!” Barley groans, pulling on his shirt and wiping his face, causing you to blush. 
Covering yourself with a convenient blanket, you stay out of sight while Barley goes to the driver's seat to deal with the cop. Who, unsurprisingly, also doubles as his mom’s boyfriend. 
“Yes Colt?” he sighs. 
“Barley, what are you doing out here?!” the centaur questions, trying to look into the van, his tone accusing.  
 “Just thought i’d sit here for a bit, listen to some music,” the elf half grins. It wasn’t a full lie… 
The centaur officer begins lecturing Barley on safety and rules and such. How it wasn’t smart to park on the side of the road at night, no matter the reason. 
You’re not really happy with the way he talks to the man who one day might be his step son but keep your mouth shut wiggling into your pants instead. 
“Alright, alright I’m leaving” the elf gives in with an irritated groan, putting Guinevere in ‘O’ he pulls out and drives away. 
By this time you’re, once again, redressed and you join him up front with a frown. 
“It’s okay Barley baby, we can try this again tomorrow” you offer and are surprised when he grins at you in response. Raising an eyebrow you question him. 
“I have one last idea” he winks, driving down the dark road for a short while before taking a barely visible side path that leads up a hill to a cliff overlooking the city. 
“I found this place after a particularly bad day” he tells you, before ordering your eyes closed. 
“Barley” you whine but have to give in when you see the starry eyed way he looked at you. 
Holding his hand for guidance you step out of the van. 
You open your eyes at his instruction and are amazed at the sight before you. The bright lights of the city below contrast with the glittering stars in the dark sky above. The moons are large and bright as fireflies dance around you. 
Once again you find yourself amazed and totally enamored with this sweet sensitive elf. 
Ever since you were younger he was constantly showing you how lovely he was. This was the place he took you that day so many years ago, and several emotions grip your heart all at once. 
“Barley...” you coo in a small voice. 
Arms wrap around you from behind, and he presses a kiss to your hair. Leaning back into his chest you find yourself content to stay like this forever. 
“I love you, you know that right” you purr up at him. 
Blinking down at you in surprise Barley looks almost in tears. Surprised and worried you turn in his embrace grasping his face gently. 
“Barley?” you question but soon let out a sound of surprise as he scoops you up, hands on your ass holding you tightly to him. He promptly pulls you into a needy kiss to which you happily respond wondering why he was reacting this way. 
Then you realize this might have been the first time you had actually said it, even if you felt it for so long. 
“I love you too!” He tells you, once he pulls away enough to do so. 
“You’re amazing” you nuzzle him, legs wrapping around him for support. 
He kisses you again, this time softer and more romantic. 
You pull back before he was ready, “Barley baby-”
“I remember something mentioned earlier... about you... doing me…” you nip his jaw playfully trying to get him back on track. 
With another laugh - music to your ears -  Barley walks back over to the van.
Never letting you down, he reaches into the back and pulls out the blanket you used earlier to cover yourself. He lays it on the ground before placing you on top. 
Looking down at you with heart eyes he once again removes your pants. He blushes before catching your eye. 
“Oh no… looks like I left my panties in your car, must not have put them back on before” you shrug trying to appear innocent. 
“I never took them off you” he chuckles, brushing a finger over your folds. 
“oh-Ohhhh” you begin with a teasing tone which quickly becomes a needy moan as he gives your clit a little flick. 
“Bad girl” he chides.  
You only grin and pull him down into another kiss, during which he slowly begins undoing his shorts just enough to pull his elfhood out, hissing as it’s exposed to the cooler air. 
Leaning back a bit, Barley teases your pussy with his cock. Wetting it with your juices, and finding himself thoroughly entranced by sight of you spread before him. Open and eager for what was to come. He’d seen your pussy several times before but it was always like the first time. 
“Please baby,” you gently encourage him, lifting your hips slightly, needing to be closer. 
He smirks down at you, dragging his tip against your clit all the while applying more pressure. 
“Oh!” he stops suddenly, and for a moment you swore if you were being interrupted again you’d jump off this cliff. Instead he reaches into his pocket pulling out a little plastic square. Aww, Good boy…
You watch with a smile as he quickly pulls the condom on and returns to teasing your entrance. 
“Barley” you huff in half annoyance. Having been teased all night, you were eager to get on with it. You needed him inside you and were getting tired of waiting. 
With a smirk he suddenly pushes into your opening, slowly sinking all the way in; shuddering with the pleasure of being fully sheathed in your warmth.
 Your eyes widen with surprise at how complete you felt with him inside. He was so thick and filled you completely. 
“You feel so good,” he tells you, his ears flushed, eyes glued to your face. “Warm, soft” he sighs softly. 
You wrap your legs around him in an attempt to pull him closer to you, and encourage him to begin moving. 
Taking the hint, Barley buries his face in your neck, inhaling your scent deeply as he adjusts to being inside you. He kisses your neck and smiles at your soft moans. 
Slowly at first but soon picking up speed he begins thrusting into you. Before long a pace is set and you’re letting out needy little sounds, not even sure what you were saying anymore, or if it was comprehensive at all. 
“Don’t you dare stop” you whine, once again so close to your release as your arms wrap around him tightly. 
“What was that?” he teases pulling back to watch your face. 
“Barley I swear” you growl quickly transitioning to a whine when he reaches down and begins rubbing tight circles into your sensitive clit. 
“‘You almost there?” He asks, eyes showing both amusement and reverence at the same time. Which shouldn’t be possible. Why is he so flippin’ cute?! 
You whine. 
“Hmm?” he smirks. 
“Yes, yes! Barley I’m almost there pleease” you cling to his arms and try to remember to get revenge later. 
“Ugh- me too” he huffs out and begins fucking into you harder. 
He’s so deep and manages to hit every sensitive part inside you. It was as if you’d been having sex for years, and he had long since memorized everything about you. Everything you liked and everywhere inside you that made you cry out his name. 
“Oh cum with me baby, Barley cum with me” you babble, too lost in your pleasure. 
Your nails dig into his arms slightly as your eyes close, you’re almost there...
With a sharp cry your eyes open wide as you cum. They’re fixed on his face and you watch the man above you come undone, brow furrowed, jaw clenched, he’s so, so handsome; and you’re so in love. 
Pulling out of you with a sigh, Barley collapses next to you on the blanket. 
“Why did we wait so long?” he pants, eyes closed. 
You smile and shake your head turning towards him, “You were playing hard to get.” 
He lets out a breathy laugh, “Sorry it won't happen again” 
“Better not” you move, suddenly, leaning over him. 
“What ‘chu doing?” he asks, opening one eye to watch you curiously. 
With gentle fingers you reach for his cock, brushing down his length softly. 
“Hold on baby i’m not-” he tries to sit up.
You shush him, and encourage him to lean back with a gentle push. 
“Just,” you pull the condom off, tying it and leaving it aside, “Trust me” 
“Oh” he blushes. 
You lean down and lovingly clean his cock with your tongue, before tucking him away and refastening his pants. Not before making a mental note to repay his teasing in the future. 
You quickly pull your leggings back on before rejoining him on the blanket, resting your head on his chest. 
“Worth the wait?” He asks wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him. 
“Oh, definitely” you nuzzle into him, content and happy. “I love you” You remind him. 
“Love you too” his smile was bright and that alone was worth the wait.
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
To Call Forth Love- Chapter 8
Guys, I’m so sorry this chapter has taken me so long to get out. My family was sick for awhile (nasty stomach bug) so i barely had any time to write, and then this chapter took me forever to edit. Plus this chapter just kept getting longer and longer…oops?
Also, writing sexual tension is my jam but writing actually smut terrifies me. There is a bit of mild smut in here (spoiler) so feedback is always appreciated!
Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone specifically who has commented! I cannot tell you how much your encouragement means to me!
Warnings: mild smut, swearing, Ivar being Ivar, fluff
Words: 12,000 (omg, what??? why didn’t someone stop me?)
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​ @heavenly1927​ @zuxiezendler​ @punkrocknpearls​ @love-all-things-writing​ @southernbe​
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Kari blearily reached over to turn off the alarm on her phone. It blared from the small table she used as a nightstand. Though she considered herself a morning person, there was something about waking to an alarm, forcing you to jolt to wakefulness, that was never easy to do. Laying on her back, she rubbed a hand down her face, eyes still closed. At least she was not opening the studio this morning. Sasha was back so most of the openings did not fall on Kari anymore. She would never tell her boss but those two weeks were rough. 
 "Fuck. What time is it?"
 Immediately, her eyes flew open. In the next second, she shrieked and thrashed in the bed, not expecting a deep, gravelly voice coming from her bed. Why was someone in her bed? She definitely went to be alone last night. She always went to be alone. Panic surged through her as she spun around to put space between herself and her unexpected companion. Although the rapid movement, and still only being half awake, caused her to almost fall off the side of her bed. She just managed to catch herself, leaving her half sitting, half crouched like some gargoyle at the end of her full-size bed, clutching the pale lavender comforter and white sheet gathered precariously around her. 
 "What the fuck was that for?" Her visitor growled as he laid on his back, an arm thrown over his face. 
 "Ivar?" Her panic was slowly abating as she realized it was not some stranger in her bed. Though her mind still felt muddled as to how he ended up here.  "What…. what are you doing in my bed?"
 "I told you last night. Fuck. Did you forget already?"
 "I…. I thought I dreamt that."
 That got his attention. His arm moved to his side so he could stare at her with those intense blue eyes and a naughty smirk on his lips. "Do you dream of me often?"
 She ignored his question, thinking back to the conversation they had during the night. Even though it was hazy and felt more like a dream than any real conversation. Then it hit her. She was not wearing a bra. 
 "Oh my gods, don't look!" Without hesitation, she rolled off the bed and dashed to her closet.
 "Don't look!! Ivar, please!"
 "Why? Fuck. Stop shouting too."
 "Because...because I don't have a bra on!"
 He chuckled, folding his arms behind his head to shamelessly watch her. "Mmmm…. I noticed last night."
 She grabbed a cute sports bra, feeling beyond self-conscious in her gray, cotton sleep shorts and matching thin, cotton t-shirt. Ignoring the man in her bed, she rushed to her attached bathroom. As she quickly donned her leopard print, strappy sports bra, her mind tried to remember last night. All her mind could recall was waking up with him behind her, they talked…. she questioned him…. he said something about missing her and he had a key. That made her groan softly. Why did he have a key? How did he get a key? Looking into the mirror, she quickly fixed her messy hair, throwing it into a quick bun. So many questions swarmed her mind, all dealing with how to best handle this newfound situation she found herself in. Why could things with Ivar never be simple?
 Once ready, well as ready as she was going to be for being startled awake, she stepped out of the bathroom and moved to stand at the end of the bed, hands on her hips. "You have a key."
 Ivar had rolled onto his side, eyes closed. "Can we talk about this later? What fucking time is it? Why are we fucking awake?" He grumbled, not even looking at her. 
 It was now that Kari finally noticed that her bed's current occupant was shirtless. A handsomely toned chest and back were impossible to ignore, making her mouth suddenly feel dry.... and those tattoos.... She rigorously shook her bed, dispelling the distracting thoughts. Now was not the time for ogling. As calmly as possible, she answered Ivar, dropping her gaze to the rumpled sheets. "It's seven and I have to get ready for work."
 "Call in."
 Her head jerked up to stare at him. "What?"
 "Call in to work. Don't go in." He repeated firmly. 
 "Ivar, I can't just do that. I have to be there in two hours."
 He finally shifted and opened his eyes to look at her. It was unfair how handsome he looked lying in her bed with the morning sunlight peeking through the curtains over her window. Now was not the time to think about that. Mentally, she prepared a rebuttal for whatever scathing thing he was going to say, only for it to die dramatically on her tongue. 
 "Whoa, your eyes…." Subconsciously, she took a step closer as if physically drawn to him. Now with the haze of sleep and panic gone from her mind, she was able to fully see how the typical blue seemed to leak into the whites of his eyes. It was disconcerting to say the least. His intense eyes were now even more extreme. 
 "I know." He snapped, turning away from her and rolling back to his side. 
 "No, no, no. You don't get to do that. You already owe me so many answers." She crawled onto the bed and over to him. Although frustrated with him, the way he tried to ignore her and hide his face away made her worried. Gently, she brushed the few loose strands of hair off his cheek. When that did not even get a reaction, she gripped his chin and turned his head. "What's going on?" She asked softly.
 "Ivar, you answer me honestly or I'm going to walk out of this room right now and start getting ready for work."
 In an instant she watched as the pain and fear in his eyes morph into anger. His gaze hardened and his lips pressed together as if sealing in the venom-laced words just waiting to come out. 
 "Ivar? Talk to me." She tried again, but at his furious look, she pulled her hand back. 
 Silently, he rolled over to the side of the bed. She watched as he reached down and began strapping his leg braces on over a pair of black sweatpants. 
 "It doesn't fucking matter."
 "Yes, it does, whatever it is."
 With his braces on, he pushed off the bed, stumbling for a moment before catching himself. His back still turned to her, he hobbled over to where his t-shirt, shoes and cane were. 
 "Please…." Tears welled up in her eyes. It was stupid to be getting so emotional over this. But never before had he shut her out like this. She hated how much it hurt. And it shouldn't hurt this much. Since the beginning she reminded herself frequently she needed space from him. But now that he was pushing her away, giving her that space…. she hated it. She wanted him back, teasing and smiling. "Did I do something wrong?"
 "Fuck. Fine!" He spun around, shirt in his hands and flames in his frenzied gaze. "Every few months, my eyes look like this, and it means I'm more likely to break a bone. It happened more often when I was a child. Now I know to just lay around in bed otherwise dumb fucking things happen and my shitty bones break. There. Fucking happy now?"
 "Thank you for telling me. And I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but I'm sorry."
 At her apology, he yelled and threw his shirt across the room. The shirt slammed into her closed bedroom door. "Fuck your pity! I don't fucking want it!" 
 The echoes of his shout hung in the air. He stood there with fists clenched and chest heaving, glaring daggers at her. A tendril of fear snaked itself up her spine. A brief memory of Hvitserk warning her came to mind and she wondered if this was what he meant. She remained frozen, sitting on her bed, concerned if she moved it would set him off. 
 After an excruciatingly long minute, Ivar closed his eyes and roughly ran his hand through his loose hair. 
 "Ivar, why did you come here last night? Why not go home?" She quietly asked, twisting and untwisting the sheet around her hands. 
 "Seems I made a mistake." He scoffed, staring towards the window. "I'll leave so you get on with your day."
 "Gods, that's not what I'm saying! Ivar, please! I'm just trying to understand. Please just…. just talk to me."
 "It doesn't fucking matter anymore." He snarled. 
 "You said you didn't want to be alone…. last night….at least, I think so." She said hesitantly, more to herself, recalling their conversation, than actually speaking to him. To her surprise, after a moment, he seemed to deflate right before her. His shoulders slumped, head tilted forward to stare at the floor. In the blink of an eye, he changed from a cornered, snarling wolf to looking like a kicked puppy. Cautiously, she crawled off the bed and slowly approached him. The whole time he never moved but neither did he raise his head to acknowledge her. After taking a deep breath, she tenderly cupped his face. Her words were just above a whisper. "Push me away if you want to…. I’m just…. I’m just trying to help. What can I do? Please?"
 After a second, he leaned forward, pressing his forehead to hers and placing his hands on her hips. They stayed there for several seconds, neither saying a word. Though she could almost feel the internal war being waged within him. His thumbs rubbed back and forth on her sleep shorts. Her hands slipped from his face to the back of his neck, one carding through his hair gently as she gave him time to think. 
 Finally, he breathed out. "Stay with me…. please."
 Her heart fractured at the quiet brokenness in his voice, the masked pleading in his tone. How often was he forced to be alone throughout his life, lacking connection and attention that he so desperately wanted.
 "Ok, I'll try and call in. If not, I'll…. we’ll figure something out, alright?"
 He nodded, turning his head to nuzzle her temple. She giggled at the sensation and tried to escape but he only pulled her closer. After a couple more moments of teasing, he allowed her to guide him back to the bed, a smile on both of their faces. He sat down on the bed, forearms on his legs as he watched her. 
 Trying to ignore his focus, which she was positive was not on her face, she grabbed her phone and called the studio. She paced nervously, tugging slightly on her sleep shorts in a vain attempt to cover the amount of her thighs showing, as the phone rang. Thankfully her boss was the one to answer. 
 "Hi, Lydia. Something has come up. Is there any way someone can cover my classes today?"
 "Are you alright?" Her boss asked, immediately going into concerned mom-mode. 
 "Yeah, I'm fine….um, it's, um…." 
 The phone was abruptly snatched from her hand. She spun to see Ivar talking on it, an amused smirk on his face. How he had managed to sneak up behind her unawares, she could not figure out. 
 "Hello, Lydia, yes? You are Kari's boss?" Ivar questioned, taking the couple steps and dropping back onto the bed. "I apologize for inconveniencing you by taking Kari's time. My ride to my doctor's appointment fell through at the last minute, and I have a rare condition which forces me to go get checked often. Kari was kind enough to…. hmmm? Yes."
 There was a long pause from Ivar's speech, clearly listening to whatever her boss was saying. Kari was unsure if she wanted to throw something at Ivar or die from embarrassment. As she started to walk past him, still pacing due to nerves eating at her, Ivar grabbed her arm. Next thing she knew, she was bodily yanked onto the bed. Before she could squirm away, he snatched her feet, forcing them into his lap. Pressing the phone against his ear with his shoulder, he began to massage the bottom of her feet. She should be mad at him, she really should but suddenly she felt relaxed and blissed out. His touch was the perfect amount of rough and gentle, kneading and rubbing like it was his profession. A moan accidentally escaped her and she covered her face with her hands, barely hearing the chuckle come from him. 
 He finally spoke into the phone again. "I understand. Yes, I promise…. that sounds like her. Yeah, I plan on changing that soon…. bye."
 He set her phone down on the bed, and continued his ministrations, never ceasing his relaxing touch. 
 "What, ah, what did she say?"
 "She said you've never taken a day off or had a sick day, so you are overdue for one. She hopes I feel better and that you do a good job of taking care of me." He answered then turned his head to look at her with a mixture of shock and bemusement. "You really haven't taken a day off?"
 "I didn't have a reason to."
 "No reason? I don't know, how about to do something fun? Spend time with friends? Day drinking? Watch movies? Not deal with people? Fuck, there are plenty of reasons to skip work."
 "I don't have friends to skip with." She mumbled to herself, her eyes having drifted shut on their own accord. It was a truth she had realized and sort of come to terms with.  
 He must have heard it though. "You do now." He said with something like a promise in his tone. 
 She opened her eyes to look at him, his face turned downward to focus on her feet. Now she was able to really look at his tattoos and his broad, sculpted back. The sweeping lines of ink seemed to emphasize the strength apparent in his muscles. It was truly a masterpiece. Her eyes greedily sketched over his bare skin, wondering what it would feel like under her fingers. 
 "Like what you see?" 
 A blush warmed her cheeks at having been caught staring. "They're beautiful. What are they?"
 "The tattoos? Mostly Nordic tribal designs, some are specifics from the Sagas."
 Curiosity burning, she pushed herself up, almost leaning against him with her chest barely touching his shoulder. With one finger, she started tracing one of the designs which began on his back and moved over his shoulder to end on his chest. "Did they hurt?"
 He scoffed, head slightly tilted to watch her. "I've been in pain most of my fucking life. This was nothing."
 They sat in silence for several minutes, him still rubbing her feet and her tracing his back and shoulder. It felt strangely domestic and intimate, but more importantly, it seemed natural for them to be in this position, relaxed and at ease with one another. 
 "What do you want to do today?" She asked in a hushed tone, peering up at him. 
 With a wicked smirk, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
 "No! Not that!" She swatted his arm lightly, yet she could not help but laugh as he pouted adorably. "What do you normally do on these days?"
 That quieted him. His body tensed slightly under her and he pointedly returned his gaze to her feet. She switched from tracing his tattoos to just running her hand up and down his bare back soothingly. 
 After a couple of seconds, he answered, his voice resigned and frustrated. "Movies, TV shows, video games, reading. Anything that will keep me in bed and resting. Sometimes my mother or Floki will come play chess with me."
 "But you're usually alone?"
 His lack of response was telling enough.  
 "Well on the days I don't work, I always lay around in bed for as long as possible then make a full English breakfast. Should we start with that?" She proposed, hoping that would cheer him up. Honestly, she had no idea what to do for him today, but feeding him seemed like a good start. Besides, her stomach was beginning to rumble. 
 "Yes, but first…." In an instant, he wrapped his arms around her and tackled her to the bed. She shrieked as her back suddenly hit the bed again which promptly turned into giggles at the silliness of it. A sharp inhale escaped him, silencing her. She watched a pained expression swiftly cross over his face before it vanished, only the lingering hints of pain in his eyes. After a moment, he shifted them so they laid facing one another. 
 Feeling bold, she touched his cheekbone, gazing into his vivid blue eyes. "I don't know why, but your eyes like this remind me of a crystal ball. Think you can see my future?" She teased.  
 His hand landed on her hip once again as he grinned. "I can. Want to know what I see?"
 "You’re going to kiss me."
 She giggled. "I do? You sure that's not just your imagination?"
 "I am no mere mortal. These eyes prove my divinity and with that I can see into the future." He leaned closer, his breath fanning across her mouth tantalizingly. "And I see you, with those pretty pink lips, kissing me right now."
 Her breath hitched in her throat at his close proximity and the way her mind easily recalled what kissing him felt like. "And what would happen if I do?"
 "You'll have to find out. I can't give away everything about the future…. unless you choose to worship me as your god. I can make you my favored priestess and bestow favors on you."
 "Favored priestess?"
 "It's a highly coveted job." 
 "I'm sure it is." She deadpanned but unable to keep the amusement from her voice. Overly aware of her actions, she ran a hand down his chest, feeling the muscles twitch under her palm. 
 The increasingly blurry line between friendship and something more screamed at her. Even just the way they were laying on her bed, the memories from her upbringing reprimanded her actions. Her grandmother telling her chastity was a virtue and to not let a man touch her. How God would frown upon anything remotely sexual outside of marriage. Yet her lips tingled at the memory of his kisses. She could not deny to herself how much she enjoyed them. How sometimes she found herself fantasizing about kissing him and letting him pleasure her again. Which was wrong. They were just friends. Even if the alluring draw to him was irrefutable. A single kiss would not hurt though. Maybe that would be enough to satisfy the heat currently curling in her belly. Hopefully. 
 "One kiss." She murmured, nervous excitement heating her blood. 
 Immediately, he leaned closer, his lips just skimming over hers teasingly. Gently, he tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth, drawing a needy whine from her. His hand on her hip tightened as he released her lip, only to press a lazy kiss to her mouth that spoke of contentment and familiarity. Their mouths moved languidly, lips barely parting as if they had all morning to just enjoy the feeling and taste of one another. All too soon, in her opinion, yet not soon enough for now she desired more, he pulled back but just enough to brush the end of his nose against hers. 
 "I told you, you'd kiss me." He playfully said. 
 "You're unbelievable."
 "I am your god now. You can't speak to me that way."
 "Uh huh." She rolled her eyes, then gently pushed on his chest. Following her movement, he allowed himself to be pushed onto his back with a smug look the whole time. "Come on, your priestess is making us breakfast before our stomachs rumble anymore."
 "I like this. I could easily get used to this arrangement."
 "Sure. You alright going down the stairs?"
 "I'm not that incapacitated." He snarked, a flash of anger passing through his gaze. 
 She chose to ignore that. "Alright, I'll meet you down there."
 Slipping off the bed, she headed downstairs to the kitchen. Thankfully her roommate was not at home this morning, otherwise she was baffled how she would explain Ivar's presence to Alana. Soon she needed to figure out what to do in regards to that. Ivar clearly had no intentions of leaving her alone. Plus, the more time she spent with the youngest Lothbrok, the more she found herself becoming distraught at the idea of him no longer in her life. This morning, she chose to ignore that predicament, content with enjoying making breakfast for them. 
 Humming softly to herself, she pulled the necessary items out for their breakfast. Soon bacon lay on the cast iron pan, the first hints of sizzling filling the air. Eggs and sausage waited for their turn next. The sounds of the coffee pot percolating made her smile as she danced around the kitchen. Distantly the sounds of Ivar moving around upstairs could be heard. 
 A sudden knock on her door caused her to freeze as she pulled some bread out for toast. Her mind scrambled to try and think of why someone would be at her door this early. Then she remembered. 
 "Shit! Erik!"
 Racing as if on fire, she turned the stove off and hurried to the front door. Yanking the door open, she was met with the sight of Erik standing there in his business casual trousers and a button-down long sleeve shirt. 
 "Erik, hi. I'm so sorry." She gasped out, holding the door open. 
 His green eyes swept over her body rapidly before meeting hers. "Um," he cleared his throat, "I thought you wanted a ride today?"
 "I do, sorry, did. Ah, something came up. I'm so sorry, I should have text you."
 "Ok, is your phone off? I texted you about fifteen minutes ago."
 She lied, tugging on her ear nervously. "Yeah, I forgot to charge it overnight. I'm so sorry for making you wait around for me. It's my fault you'll be late to work."
 He shrugged, rocking back on his heels, a small smile on his face. "It's fine. My boss is lenient as long as we get our work done and don't miss any appointments."
 "Oh good." She smiled in return; happy he would not get reprimanded because of her. He already did so much to help her out. As they spoke, it did not go unnoticed how his eyes continuously drifted down to the large amount of skin exposed by her sleep shorts. Self-conscious, she spoke again, hoping to distract from her body, even as his clear interest made a blush rise to her cheeks. "Is there something I can do to make this up to you?"
 "I still haven't thought of how you can pay me back for gas money."
 She chuckled at his shy look as he confessed. "We can put this on my tab too. Maybe I'll make you dinner or something?"
 Erik opened his mouth to respond when a shout caused his mouth to snap shut. 
 Closing her eyes for a moment, Kari silently prayed to whoever was listening for patience to deal with what she knew was about to occur. 
 The tapping of his cane and loud footfalls were enough for her to know Ivar was approaching. She turned to look at him and immediately wanted to smack her forehead against the doorframe. Of course, he had decided to forgo his shirt. 
 "Who the fuck is this?" He growled low once he was close, the predatory look in his eyes undeniable. In this moment he resembled a snake ready to strike without hesitation, more than someone who was in chronic pain. Standing there next to her, only wearing sweatpants and the braces over his legs, he was the one who seemed more runway ready than Erik in his business casual outfit. 
 "Ah, hi, I'm Erik Redsen." He said skeptically, eyeing the dark-haired man like he was unsure if he needed to grab Kari and make a run for it or talk to him about taxes. "I live next door. I was supposed to give Kari a ride to work this morning."
 "Well, she won't be needing one anymore." Ivar snapped harshly. 
 "I can see that….and you are?"
 "Ivar. Ivar Lothbrok." 
 Erik's eyes widened comically as he scanned Ivar with new eyes. "Right. Are you two…. friends?"
 Before Kari could explain, Ivar beat her to answering. He shifted behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her flush against him. "You could say that. We have a very…. satisfying relationship. Don't you agree, kitten?" 
 At this point, Kari was positive her face most likely resembled a tomato. She tried to push his arm off her, but he only tightened it in response. "Ivar." She hissed. 
 "Mmmm? I'll wait for you in the kitchen. You did promise me breakfast after such a vigorous morning." He planted a hot, open-mouth kiss on her neck before he looked up at Erik with a disarming smirk. "I'm sure we'll see each other again; I plan on being here more often."
 "Ah, sure. Nice to meet you." Although Erik sounded anything but pleased as he stuck his hands in his pockets. 
 Leaning heavily on his cane, Ivar slowly walked towards the kitchen area; though it did nothing to negate the aura of danger surrounding him. 
 Once he disappeared from view, she let out a sigh before turning back to Erik. "He's just a friend. It's complicated. We don't….um, yeah. He's a friend." She tried to smooth over but even to her ears it sounded weak. 
 "It's alright. Um, I need to get going. I'll…. I’ll see you around."
 "Ok. Hey, think you're free to shop this week?"
 He smiled shyly, walking backwards down the short driveway. "I'll check my schedule and text you." 
 "Thanks. Bye, Erik!"
 She closed the door after he saluted her, making sure to lock it. Taking a deep breath, she mentally girded herself for the inquisition that was about to happen once she entered the kitchen. She had to stick to her guns in this. It was OK for her to have other guy friends, there was no rule that said Ivar had to be the only one. Besides, she had known Erik longer anyway, so he would have priority. She doubted Ivar would appreciate that sentiment though. 
 In the pause before returning to the kitchen, she also tried to use that time to douse her libido. She was upset with Ivar for the clearly possessive action towards her; while simultaneously, between the tight hold against firm body and that salacious kiss, arousal coursed through her body. It was infuriating how her body reacted to even the simplest touch from him. If he knew how much she was puddy in his hands….
 Once she felt in control of herself again, she headed towards the kitchen. Ignoring what just occurred seemed to be the best way of handling that awkward interaction. Erik was her friend and that was none of Ivar's business. 
 The dark-haired Lothbrok sat on a bar stool, leaning on the island that faced into the kitchen. Though his face remained impassive, his gaze was hard as stone, silently demanding her to explain. 
 Wordlessly, she returned to preparing their breakfast. Turning the stove on again, the bacon started to sizzle. Thankfully, the coffee had finished brewing so she poured herself and her brooding companion a mug each. A little milk and sugar went into hers, and she made sure to leave them in reach so Ivar could fix his own coffee. 
 Attempting to ignore the obvious tension swallowing the air in the small kitchen, she focused on making their food. Sausages were cooked, along with eggs, toast and tomatoes. She would have loved some black pudding but her roommate refused to let her keep some in the fridge, so Kari was forced to stop buying it. As she silently moved about the tiny kitchen, her mind worked on cataloging what she had potentially for them to eat for lunch and dinner. Which did not consist of much. She could try and make something but cooking was not her forte. Ordering out seemed the best idea. Although she did have popcorn so they were set for watching movies. 
 Suddenly Ivar's smug tone broke through her thoughts. "Erik Michael Redsen. Twenty-eight years old. Works as a personal banker downtown. Went to school for art history. Well that was fucking stupid."
 "Gods, Ivar!" She turned on him, horrified. "Did you just do a background check on him?" 
 "How much do you really fucking know about this guy?" He demanded with a threatening undertone. 
 She sighed, trying to decipher if he was coming from a place of possessiveness or actual concern for her safety. With him, it could go either way. Returning her attention to making their breakfast, she put the salt and pepper away as she answered. "Honestly, not much. We don't really hang out. We carpool to the grocery store and sometimes he gives me rides to work so I don't have to take the bus. That's it."
 "Take the bus." He mouthed as if it was a foreign concept. He then slammed his hand on the countertop, making her jump at the unexpected noise. “Hell no, you aren't riding no fucking bus. I'll have my driver take you to work."
 "No? No, what?"
 "I'm not using your driver."
 "Fine. I'll buy you a car!"
 "No! I can't…." She turned to really look at him, pushing her ego aside to be transparent. "I can't afford a car right now. We also don't have space for me to have one here. Besides, I don't mind taking the bus."
 "I'll pay for everything with your car."
 "Ivar, you're not listening! I don't want one! Thank you for offering but I'm OK. I like riding with you in your car but I don't need my own right now. I wouldn't have anywhere to park it anyway."
 He tilted his head to the side, looking at her with a peculiar expression. 
 "What?" She sharply said. 
 "You don't…." He stopped himself, rubbing a hand over his mouth, as if choosing his words carefully, before continuing. "You really don't care about my money, do you?"
 "No, why should I?" She chuckled, putting their food on the two ceramic plates she pulled out. "Honestly, it's kind of intimidating."
 He barked a laugh, as he seemed to stare off into space. 
 A flashback hit her to her conversation with Gyda a couple days ago. She peeked over at Ivar, wondering what Pandora's box she was accidently going to open with her question. "Your ex?" She asked softly. 
 He tensed for a moment, staring into his coffee mug. For a moment, she thought he would ignore her question or rebuke her for asking. Instead, he silently gave a single nod, not meeting her eyes. 
 How many times was she going to feel her heart break for this man? How many times did he feel used? Abandoned? Unwanted? At what point did the aloof and cruel mask he wore become a permanent fixture to protect his heart?
 Wiping her hands off on a towel, she walked around the counter to come up behind him and wrap her arms around his shoulders. "I promise I don't like you just for your money or name or whatever other stupid thing people have done to you. I like you. For some unexplainable reason, I like you, though you do have the habit of pissing me off."
 "You like me, huh?" He teased, relaxing into her embrace. 
 "Don't let it get to your head. You won't fit through doors anymore."
 He laughed loudly at that. "You sound like Floki."
 After giving him a gentle squeeze, carefully of his fragile state, she walked back around to finish up the last touches of their food. "I kind of want to meet him but I'm also scared, you know?"
 "He's harmless since he doesn't carry around his axe anymore."
 "That's…. what? That's not reassuring."
 He just smiled…. and somehow, she was less comforted than before. 
 She finished up their plates, setting Ivar's in front of him on the island, and placing hers in front of the other bar stool next to him. They both began eating, drawing a pleased grunt of approval from her companion. 
 "I don't trust him."
 "Who?" The brunette covered her mouth, having taken a bite of eggs. The last thing she wanted was to spew food all over Ivar. There was no way he would ever let her forget that. 
 He narrowed his eyes at her as if her question was redundant. "That Erik guy. He wants to fuck you."
 "Well, he isn't going to since I'm not interested in him." He grumbled, but before he could speak up, she cut him off. "You, sir, still owe me an explanation of how you got a key to my townhouse."
 "Hmmm…. Let's say your property management didn't need much…. persuasion….to hand over a spare they kept on hand."
 "I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not."
 He winked at her as he bit into a piece of bacon. 
 Pointing her fork at him, she hoped he understood how crucial this next statement was. "You can't just show up here whenever you want."
 Chewing on a piece of toast, he just stared ahead with a cool expression.
 "Ivar, I'm serious. We're lucky Alana isn't here this morning."
 "I noticed that, where is she?"
 "She has an early day at work today."
 He hummed, digging into his food. 
 She opened her mouth to further press on the importance of her statement but changed her mind and sipped on her coffee. He was already moody enough, if she continued to pester him about this, his mood would only darken. Later, she could reiterate her stance. There was no way he was going to give up the key he had. However much she thought it was weird and unfounded for him to have a key, it was just so…. Ivar to think it necessary. That did not seem a battle worth fighting over. Him just randomly showing up, that was something they needed to set rules on. 
 They finished eating their food and decided to watch a movie next, both keen on the idea of laying around in bed. When Kari reminded him that they would have to use her laptop to watch a movie if they went back upstairs, he grumbled loudly, saying something about fixing that but she paid no mind. After cleaning up, they headed back up to her room. When she went to argue it would be better to watch a movie downstairs on the TV there, she noted how he slowly ascended the stairs, holding onto the handrail with a tight grip, and how he gritted his teeth. Biting her tongue, she kept her comment to herself, instead rushing up the stairs to grab her laptop and set up her bed for his arrival. 
 He made it to her room but instead of coming to the bed right away, he hobbled over to where his shirt lay. She watched, curious, but also admiring his body. A heat curled low in her belly as she watched his muscles tense and the ink dance across his skin. He was truly a beautiful specimen of masculinity. 
 With something in hand, he came over and sat on the edge of the bed. "Here."
 She took it from his outstretched hand, seeing it was the newest iPhone, which wasn't even supposed to be released until that Friday. "How? Wait…. why?"
 He unstrapped his braces, setting them on the ground. "I told you I was getting you a new phone."
 "You didn't have to; my phone is just fine."
 "It's a piece of shit." He grunted as he dragged himself to lean against the wall, in lieu of a headboard. "Besides, this one had better security features. I already programmed some of them and I can show you the rest later. I'll switch your Sim card for you too."
 "Ivar…." She started to argue but was cut off when he snaked an arm around her waist and tugged her against him. 
 "Just say 'thank you, Ivar' and shut up. I want to watch a movie."
 "Thank you, oh gracious, benevolent god." She said in a sickly, sweet voice as she batted her eyelashes at him. 
 "Cheeky." He nipped at her earlobe, causing her to squirm. Pinning her against his side once more, he pressed his mouth to her ear and he whispered in a husky tone. "You can call me that whenever you want."
 A bolt of desire shot through her at his voice and the wicked images it painted in her mind. Her traitorous heart began to beat a rapid tattoo in her chest in excitement. Shifting the laptop in her lap to distract herself from her body's unconscious reactions, she teasingly answered. "I'm sure your brothers would love that."
 "Fuck them. They know I'm better than they are anyway."
 She rolled her eyes at his cocky comment. "What movie are we watching?"
 "None of your shit." He snatched the laptop from her, scanning the streaming service. "I'm buying you a TV for your room next."
 "No, you aren't." She mumbled, as she shifted to lay down. 
 Her bedroom was by no means Spartan but it certainly was on the sparser side. Her bed took up most of the space, the only other furniture was the two small tables, one holding her jewelry box and her plants and the other she used as a nightstand. All of her clothes and shoes she kept in the closet, some hanging and some in plastic drawers. Besides the pile of clean clothes in the laundry basket she needed to fold and put away, but she ignored that. Her beloved books were lined up neatly on the windowsill or a couple stacked on the nightstand. The only decoration she had on her walls was a stick-on wall decal that was the quote 'not all who wander are lost' in a flowy script. Even her suitcases and yoga mat were shoved under her thin metal-frame mattress. 
 There were a couple other knick-knacks around but she had purposefully kept her space simple. Just for the fact if she needed to suddenly pack up and move….it would not be difficult. However depressing of a thought that was. 
 Her eyes fluttered shut as she laid her head on her pillow, listening to Ivar mutter about the lack of good choices. Eventually he picked out some movie she had never heard of before. He stayed reclined against the wall with her laptop in his lap, a pillow against his lower back. From where she laid next to him, Kari could see the screen but found her eyelids staying closed. To the sounds of gunfire, swearing and some man yelling "motherfucker" often, she dozed off. 
 When she cracked her eyes open, it was to be met with a pair of captivating eyes already staring at her from the pillow next to her.  
 "You know you drool when you sleep?"
 Absent-mindedly she wiped a hand over her mouth and sure enough found the traces of drool there. "Sorry." She said, voice still coated in sleep. "How long was I asleep?"
 Ivar laid on his side facing her, arm tucked under his head and the laptop nowhere in sight. "Almost two hours."
 "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how tired I was."
 "I ordered us lunch. It should be here soon."
 They laid there facing one another. From this angle she was able to admire the tattoos across his chest and the Thor's hammer necklace hanging from his neck. Gingerly, she reached over and touched one of the tattoos on his chest, only for it to jump under her finger and make her squeak in surprise. He laughed as she mock-glared at him, then rolled onto his back. When she made no further movement, he snatched her hand and laid it upon his chest, silently giving her permission to continue her exploration. He placed both of his hands behind his head, eyes intent on her the whole time. With that, she shifted closer, to sit up and gaze down at him. Her hand returned its tracing of his decorated skin, admiring the lines of both color and his sculpted body. 
 "I always wanted to get a tattoo." She quietly confessed, watching her hand trace the colored lines on his skin. 
 "Why haven't you?"
 She shrugged. "My mother would've been livid. Plus, I could never fully decide on what I'd get. I want something that…. means something…. not just a cute design."
 "I'll take you if you want."
 "To get a tattoo?"
 "Why not?" He sounded almost offended, but the upward tilt of his lips betrayed his amusement. 
 She giggled. "Ok, when I decide what I want, you can take me."
 He hummed his agreement. Her attention returned back to his magnificent body, dragging her finger from his chest up his shoulder, following one of the tattoo's lines. She wondered what kind of tattoo she would get. Part of the reason she never got one was she did not want to go alone and if Ivar was offering to take her, maybe it was meant for her to get one. Something small, probably. She liked the look of minimalist tattoos. Perhaps on the inside of her wrist or her ankle? The idea made her smile. This could be another step for her to choose her own future, to solidify her own identity. Even it felt strongly rebellious compared to the values of her family. She was forging her own path, without their influence any longer. 
 Ivar abruptly sat up, startling her from her inner musings. In one swift movement, their faces were close enough she could feel his breath on her lips. She sat spellbound, unable to pull away, causing her heart to race. His eyes landed on her lips, eyeing them like a choice morsel to be consumed. His smoldering gaze made her mouth go dry. The tension, the desire, heated the air between them until she wondered if it alone could burn them. 
 That craving she fought so ardently threatened to overwhelm her. The yearning for his touch, for his lips on hers, to show her what only he could give her. Never before had she been so consumed by someone, to desire them so much she struggled to maintain her vow. It was infuriating, the constant battle. Wanting to draw closer, to give in and allow him to sweep her away. Yet her mind screamed at her to pull away, to maintain the status quo, to only allow friendship between them. Even if that line was blurry at best. It was something at least. A line she needed, to protect both of them.
 Forcing herself to pull back, she witnessed a flash of hurt and anger cross his eyes before her gaze dropped to her hand still on his chest. Her breathing felt erratic, matching her heartbeat. They stayed there, caught in a stalemate, neither drawing closer or further away. A dance they subjected themselves to on more than one occasion, each time still as tangible and dangerous as the last.
 Luckily, a loud knock on the front door echoed up the stairs, breaking the spell over them. 
 "I bet that's the food, I'll go…. I’ll get it."
 Wordlessly, he dropped back onto the bed, jaw tensed and eyes made of ice. 
 She quickly retrieved the food from the delivery, surprised to see it was sandwiches, chips and drinks from a local favorite of hers she had mentioned once in passing. She carried the bag and cups upstairs, worried how Ivar's mood would be now. Would the rest of the day be awkward and tense? On numerous occasions, she reminded him they were just friends, even if he seemed to hate that notion….and her heart begged for more. It could not happen. 
 Entering her bedroom, surprise filled her to see him sitting up in the bed, the laptop next to him queued up to Netflix. 
 "What do you want to watch?" He asked casually as if nothing had happened. 
 "Um...have you heard of The Last Kingdom? Some of my coworkers said it's really good." She slipped back into her spot and handed him his drink cup. 
 "It's alright."
 "Would you want to watch it with me?"
 "Sure." He turned to slyly grin at her. "Hopefully you don't fall asleep this time."
 "I'll try my hardest." She quipped. 
 They sat up against the wall, eating the food with the laptop near their knees. What potential strain she worried would exist never occurred. A part of her wondered what that meant while another part chucked it up to Ivar's mood swings. Either way, she was grateful.
 By the second episode, the trash was disposed of and the laptop moved to the side table. Kari lay back against the pillows bunched behind her, half sitting up, half laying down. Ivar had his head on her stomach, an arm slung over her hips, fingers caressing the exposed skin of her thighs. She ran her fingers through his unbound hair mindlessly as she watched the tv show. 
 Eventually his arm over her withdrew, his hand drawing random patterns on the strip of skin exposed between her sleep shorts and shirt. Too absorbed in the show and in a comfortable position, she did not pay much attention to his actions. It did not take long for her core to subconsciously start to clench as his fingers slipped past the waistband of her shorts. She tried to ignore it, figuring he was trying to get a reaction out of her. Even if her attention was now split between the show and his provocative touch. His fingers traced her skin just under the waistband of her shorts. After several minutes where she started to relax, his fingers inched a little lower, toying with the top of her underwear. 
 She knew she should say something, to stop him from touching her but a flood of new sensations prevented her. Never before had anyone touched her like this. Her ex had tried but she refused to let him. Now though, it was as if invisible cords held her down, forcing her compliance. Her body possessed by his simple touch and curious about what he would do next. Her hand stilled in his hair, using it to anchor herself. His hand creeped lower. His fingers lightly grazing her outer folds. Her hips jerked instinctually. His head on her stomach prevented her from moving away. Pressing a soft kiss to her exposed skin, he chuckled lowly. A stirring sensation swirled between legs, something she had only felt one other time. Then with a barely-there touch, his finger traced her womanhood. 
 "Ivar…." She whined, though if it was encouragement or reprimand, it was unclear.
 He lifted his head to look at her as his fingers continued to gentle caress her sex. "Has anyone touched you?"
 She shook her head, mouth suddenly dry and words unable to escape.  
 Staring at her, he slipped a single, thick finger into her sex. 
 Her eyes slammed shut, a gasp falling from her lips at the foreign sensation. Her back arched slightly as her body made to accommodate the pleasurable intrusion. 
 "Look at me, Kari. I want to watch you." He commanded,  
 Her eyes snapped open, meeting his starved gaze. The naked desire in them sent a chill down her spine. Under his gaze, she was paralyzed. Slowly, his finger slid in and out of her. The heat in her belly steadily grew between his actions and his hungry eyes that seemed to feast on her pleasure. 
 After a few passes, he surprised her by sliding in a second thick finger. Her gasp transformed into a moan at the strange feeling of being full. The lewd sounds of his fingers easing in and out of her and her wetness overshadowed the TV show still playing but ignored by both. Her body began to feel hot all over, sweat forming on her skin. Without her conscious permission, her hips started to rock with his fingers, desperate for more friction, chasing a release only he could give her. 
 "That's it, kitten, good girl." He praised. His thumb rubbed a circle over her clit, making her body try to shoot off the bed at the sensation though he held her down easily. Whimpers slipped from her lips. Completely pliant under his touch, she made no attempt to escape. The fire coursing through her veins deterred her, the need for more overshadowed her own fears. 
 Still gazing at her hungrily, he leaned forward and licked her breast over her t-shirt. Her breath stuttered, chest heaving at the jolt of electricity that scorched her. It was all becoming too much and yet not enough. Her hips ground against his hand unashamedly. Lips parted as she panted for air. His hand played her like an instrument, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. This time when he licked her breast with one long swipe, he rubbed her clit at the same time. The sensation was devastating, pushing her over the edge. With a cry of his name, a wave of pleasure overwhelmed her. His fingers continued to pump into her, helping her ride out her orgasm. 
 Finally she laid there, unable to move, unable to even think. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as her lungs fought for air. He chuckled at her, making her flush even more. Agonizingly slow, he dragged his hand out from between her folds, only to pop the two fingers that had brought her to completion into his mouth and loudly suck on them. 
 "Fuck, you taste amazing." He groaned, still eyeing her with a purely predatory look. Leaning over, he nipped at her breast, then laid on his side next to her. 
 "What…. what about you?" She managed to ask, the delirium of bliss dwindling. 
 He raised an eyebrow.
 She pointedly looked at the obvious bulge in his crotch and back up at him. 
 "Have you ever….?" His question trailed off while a crooked smile lit up his face. 
 She blushed, tugging on her earlobe. "I've...um, never actually seen one in real life."
 "Gods, you're so innocent." He chuckled, shaking his head amused. A second later, he rolled onto his back and folded his hands behind his head. When she made no move towards him, he rolled his eyes and taunted her. "Well? Or do I need to pull it out for you too?"
 Biting her bottom lip, her eyes darted back and forth between his face and his obvious erection. What was she doing? Her grandmother would be horrified. Yet her curiosity reared its head, encouraging her onward. Somehow, she knew with Ivar, she was safe. Not just physically but safe to explore her sexuality, something previously forbidden. He may be irritating at times and possessive at others but she knew he liked her innocence. And with him, touching him and letting him touch her...it did not feel wrong like when her ex tried. No, it felt like being home. 
 Before she could sike herself out with her frenzied nerves, she reached over and unbuttoned his jeans then slowly drew the zipper down. "Can…. can we take your pants off?"
 His sharp retort had her whipping her head to look at him. Instead of meeting her eyes, he stared up at the ceiling like it personally offended him. 
 "Um, ok." She licked her lips, debating as what to do next. She tried to imagine what Alana would advise or even Gyda. Carefully and nervously, she guided her hand into his pants and boxers. Her hand wrapped around him and she found herself swallowing dryly. It was at this moment she was unsure what to do. He must have seen the hesitation on her face. Without a word, he wrapped his hand around hers and pulled his cock out, fully exposing it. Her eyes darted to his face and back down to his member. 
 "Um…. are they always...this…. this big?"
 He smirked. "You're good for my ego, kitten."
 That did not really answer her question but she doubted now was the time to probe further. She made a mental note to ask Alana…. hypothetically of course. 
 Her hand was unable to wrap all the way around his cock. Even though having nothing to compare it to, she was positive this was an impressive specimen. Holding her breath, she gently slid her hand from the base to the tip and back down. His cock twitched against her hand, making her giggle but she kept her focus on it. Slowly she repeated the movement a couple more times. With each pass she began to feel more confident. When noticing wetness gathering at the tip, she ran her thumb over it, smoothing it around and found it helped glide her hand along. 
 She glanced up at him, since he had not said anything either in encouragement or redirection, only to see a pained expression on his face. Immediately she yanked her hand away from him, terrified she was hurting him. "Are you OK? Am I doing it wrong? Does it hurt? I'm so sorry."
 "No, fuck." He grunted then inhaled sharply. "No…. it’s just been awhile."
 "Oh." She was not sure what to do with that information, so she focused back on her task. Memories of listening to Alana and some of her friends talk, plus a few movies she had seen, gave her some inspiration as she continued stroking him. Before she could talk herself out of it, she leaned over and gave a little lick to the tip of his cock. 
 "Fuck!" He shouted, hips jumping, hands gripping the sheets tightly.  
 Seeing his reaction, she felt powerful, bringing this strong man under her control like this. It was alluring to know with just her hand, he was utterly at her mercy. The sweat beading on his forehead, his chest heaving with his fervid, shallow breaths, mouth slightly open. He was always handsome in her mind but seeing him like this, it was captivating. She continued guiding her hand up and down his member, swiping her thumb along the top frequently to spread his precum. 
 "Fuckkkk, Kari." He groaned out, hands fisted in the sheets now. "I can't…. ah, fuck!"
 Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and aimed towards his stomach. In the next second, his cum shot over his bare skin. Thinking how he continued his ministrations after she finished, she pumped him a few more times until he swatted her hand away. His chest heaved as he panted, one arm thrown over his face. 
 Silently, she got up and went to the bathroom to grab a towel and clean him up. Making a mental note to throw it in the wash before Alana could smell it and know what happened. 
 She returned and wiped him up, marveling at what just occurred. In comparison to others, she knew this experience was minor but to her…. she felt so wanton, so scandalous. She could not help the silly grin on her face, even as her stomach turned in knots. It went against everything her grandmother taught her, but she could not regret it. Even if it could never happen again. 
 Once done, she set the towel on the ground. The youngest Lothbrok silently laid there the whole time, arm over his face. The longer his silence endured, the more confusion and apprehension dispelled her confidence. 
 Finally, she could not take it any longer. "Did I…. was it ok?"
 In the next instant, his arms snaked around her and yanked her back onto the bed. Her squeak of surprise was cut off when his mouth descended on her possessively, as if attempting to steal the very air from her lungs. His body hovered over hers, pinning her to the bed as he claimed her lips completely. The way his mouth dominated hers, forcing her tongue to fight with his, the fire that shot through her body at his touch, was intoxicating. She willingly surrendered to him. Her hands tangled in his hair, keeping his mouth on hers. A needy whine slipped from her when their mouths unlocked, only to become a moan when he trailed his tongue over her neck. 
 "I want to taste every inch of you," he breathed against her skin, pressing open-mouth kisses that were sure to leave marks on her. "I want to corrupt you in every way imaginable."
 Her body arched into his touch, weak and throbbing for more. Even his words shot desire coursing through her. Air seemed unnecessary, only his mouth was a requirement to continue breathing. 
 "Ivar," she whispered in a slow, shaky breath. 
 That seemed to clear his lust-fueled haze. He shifted to press his forehead to hers, both panting and lips swollen, evidence of their raging desire. After a moment, he rolled over onto his back, pulling her to lay partially on his chest. His hand glided up and down her back soothingly. 
 As they lay there, Kari knew they crossed a line. Even if she could not make herself regret it, things had shifted between them. At least for her. They were at a crossroads. The entire time she knew Ivar, they had been toeing the line of friendship but this…. for her, this crossed it. And she was not sure what to think about it. Her mind continued to berate her, reminding her that they could only be friends. And not friends with benefits. She made her vow and no matter what, she promised herself to keep it. Even if it meant losing him. That realization felt like a stab in the heart.
 "Ivar, what are we?"
 "What do you mean?"
 She bit her bottom lip. This was not a conversation she wanted to have, but this limbo, this stalemate they resided in...it ate away at her psyche. Her head told her that friendship was the line they could not pass; meanwhile her heart longed for his affection that he so easily bestowed upon her. Tipping her head up so her chin rested on his chest, she watched him as he stared up at the ceiling, an arm behind his head and the other caressing her back. "We're not a couple…. but we aren't just friends either, I think."
 "Who the fuck cares what we are!" He snapped harshly. "I'm Ivar and you're Kari. Anyone with a problem with that can go fuck themselves!"
 It sounded so simple coming from him, but she knew whatever was between them was far from simple. He knew her choice of remaining friends. Then a thought crossed her mind that seemed to steal her breath away.  "Are there….do you do this with other…. friends?"
 "Do you?" Those mesmerizing eyes moved to her, staring at her as seeking to penetrate her mind and witness all her secrets. 
 "If I said yes, what would you do?" She meant the question to be teasing, to add a lightness to the conversation. Yet soon as the question slipped from her, she knew it was the wrong thing to say. 
 Instantaneously, a menacing glint entered his eyes and tension coated the air like oil. His body slowly moved, forcing her onto her back and leaving him hovering over her like an angel of death. 
 "I'd fucking kill them." He declared in a terrifyingly calm tone. His eyes were cold as ice as he stared down at her, his lips pulled back in a snarl. All she could do was stare up at him, scared to move. One of his hands grabbed a fistful of her hair, forcing her head to tip upward and bare her throat. Her breath froze in her chest, unable to pull away, unable to escape his hold on her. "You are mine. Do you understand?"
 Tears sprang to her eyes unbidden with how tightly he gripped her. This side of him, this cold fury was more frightening than his fiery anger. 
 "Yes…" she choked out, as he continued to glare down at her. 
 After a moment, he let go of her hair, smoothing it down. Then he dropped his face into the crook of her neck, laying on top of her. She could feel his labored breath on her skin. 
 "I can't…." He slowly inhaled, after he pressed his lips to her neck as if in apology. "I don't share. And the idea of you with someone else…."
 Her heart hammered in her chest, the residual fear still oozing like molasses in her veins. His hands held her firmly, like that would be enough to keep her. She stared up at the ceiling, unblinking. They laid there for several minutes, both caught up in their own thoughts. Sometimes she forgot how dangerous he was. Why everyone was so concerned for her safety. But this….it frightened her. This side of him that could so easily switch from fiery wrath to frigid terror. She was unsure what to do. 
 "Kari, I…." His voice trailed off but she could hear the apology in his voice, even if words failed him. "I'm a selfish bastard."
 "Mmmm…." She hummed, lips twitching. Her hand ran through his hair. After a long moment, she quietly asked, "Just Ivar and Kari?"
 He pressed another soft kiss to her neck, his other hand seeking hers to entwine their fingers. "Unless you've changed your mind?"
 She knew what he meant, and to hear the faint traces of hope in his voice made her words feel like lead as they rolled off her tongue. "I'm sorry."
 "Why won't you tell me?"
 "It's not…. it’s not worth it."
 "Then why do you let it affect us?"
 She sighed, knowing there was no way to win this conversation without spilling all of her secrets. "Please, Ivar."
 "Fine." He grumbled, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. 
 Eventually, he started caressing her skin with feather-light kisses as if worshipping her. His lips started on her neck, an occasional nip only to be soothed by his tongue after. Torturously slow, those kisses reached her ear to continue their journey along her jawline. Once he found her chin, his hand left hers to tug on her chin, tilting her face downward to meet his. His mouth hovered overs hers for an agonizing moment before sealing a gentle, sensual kiss to her lips. Their lips moved as if time itself stopped for this moment. No rush, just a silent conveying of emotions that could never fully translate to words. Her mouth and tongue danced a waltz with his, a willing partner even if she knew it was better to leave the dance floor. It called to her, summoned her, and like a spell cast over her, she allowed him to lead. 
 When he finally released her, lips swollen deliciously, he leaned up slightly to gaze down at her with something akin to devotion. The look made her squirm self-consciously because she wondered if her face mirrored his. 
 "We probably….um, not…." She stuttered out, dropping her gaze to his chest. Her thoughts swarmed about like a beehive kicked over. 
 "No." He chuckled in a low and husky tone. "I'm kissing you and touching you. Fucking try and stop me now."
 His mouth descended on hers in a harsh kiss this time, swallowing her feeble protests. 
 "Ivar, you can't…." She tried to reason, only to be silenced once again by his possessive mouth, claiming hers. 
 She yanked her mouth away. "Stop." 
 This time he nibbled down her neck while his hand squeezed her thigh, rising higher and higher towards her sex. Although she tried to wiggle away, it was impossible. She was no match for his physical strength, nor was her willpower resolute enough to keep her from thoroughly enjoying his seductive touch. 
 "Stop, stop. Fine. A quota." She gasped out, her body beginning to burn under his assault. 
 "You can…. this is so weird...a kiss quota."
 He lifted up to stare at her like she was insane. "You're serious?"
 She nodded. 
 "Twenty kisses per day and they roll over if unused."
 She laughed. "No way."
 "Too low?" An arrogant smirk played across his mouth. "I know you love these lips. Thirty kisses."
 "No! I was thinking like three."
 "Three? Fuck that."
 "Ivar, that's too many. We might as well be in a relationship." She giggled. Never before would she ever have guessed she would be arguing over a daily kiss quota, but here she was. 
 "I don't see a problem with that."
 "But we're not."
 "Fuck." He nuzzled her temple, letting out a long sigh. "We're just Ivar and Kari remember? Who gives a fuck what others think."
 "Five." She amended her number. 
 He pressed a greedy kiss to her lips as if sealing their agreement. "Eight."
 "No roll over."
 "Argh!" He finally rolled off of her and laid on his back beside her. "Today's kisses start now."
 They rested next to one another, staring up at the ceiling. Kari had a stupid smile on her face and wondered if Ivar did too. 
 "How are you feeling?" She quietly asked. 
 "Fine." He huffed but after a second, entwined their fingers and brought it up to his lips. "Today was more fun than going to work, right?"
 He growled. 
 "Yes, it was. I never just lay around in bed, but this has been…. nice."
 "Mmmm. Better."
 She giggled at the pure smugness in his voice. "Should we keep watching our show?"
 "Unless there is something else…."
 After an apparently necessary kiss from their quota, they started the show back up on her laptop. Her head was on his shoulder and their fingers still entangled. For a second, she wondered if she should be concerned with how completely normal this felt. There was no denying this connection they seemed to have. Cuddled up to him, she relished in the sensation, for who knew how long it would last. 
 Ivar squeezed her hand. "Did I mention your ass and legs look fucking amazing in this shorts yet?"
 "Shut up." He buried her face against his shoulder, flushed with embarrassment. 
 "You don't believe me?" He snickered, fingers skimming her bare skin tantalizingly.  "I can't keep my hands off them, fucking amazing."
 "Gods, Ivar, stop!" 
 Thankfully, he did but only after receiving a kiss in recompense. 
 A couple of episodes later, and four kisses from the quota, Kari was still cuddled up against Ivar, her head on his chest this time. They had taken a break to make popcorn after they restarted the last episode. Yet, like their bodies were magnetized to the other, they subconsciously drifted back to cuddling once the popcorn was gone. With his hand rubbing up and down her back and his rhythmic heartbeat beneath her ear, sleep waited just on the outskirts of her mind to pull her under. Because of this, she barely registered a knock on her door until it suddenly opened. 
 "Hey, Kari, I think this Friday we…." Alana's blue eyes widened like saucers when she fully registered the scene before her. She blinked owlishly for a long second before clearing her throat. "Hi, um, Kari, can we talk privately please?"
 "Sure." Kari pulled away from Ivar with dread filling her. She had not realized what time it was and now that Alana had seen Ivar…. her mind fumbled to come up with a decent excuse, even though she knew it was fruitless. Each step feeling like she was walking to the gallows, she followed her roommate down the stairs and to the small living room. 
 "Alana, it's not…." She started, hoping to start the conversation off but was cut off. 
 "What the hell is going on?" Alana rounded on her, lips pursed and hands on her hips. "I come home and Ivar Lothbrok is lying in your bed, under your covers, shirtless and you're clinging to him like a koala. Tell me it's not what I think it is."
 "We're just friends…"
 The blonde interrupted again. "Bullshit. Are you two fucking? Tell me right now!"
 "No, we aren't. I swear."
 "We told you to stay away from him. What's going on?"
 "It's...it's a long story."
 "I don't want him here."
 "Why not? You bring guys here?" Kari asked defensively. Never before had she had a guy over, the whole year and a half they were roommates. 
 "Because he's a Lothbrok!" Alana sighed, after a quick glance up the stairs to confirm they were still alone, she continued. "You don't…. I don't want you caught up in that world. You deserve someone sweet, and kind…. and who treats you like a princess."
 "Weren't you telling me the other day to get out there? Go on a date with Erik?"
 "Because Erik is a gentleman. He'd treat you well. He'd probably propose after a month of dating you. He's been smitten with you since last year."
 The brunette rolled her eyes but smiled at the sentiment. She may disagree with Alana's viewpoint of Erik's level of attraction to her, but she knew her roommate meant well. The blonde had been pressing her lately to ask him out herself. 
 Before Alana could say something else, they both heard footsteps coming down the stairs. After a moment, Ivar appeared with his t-shirt on over his sweatpants, shoes on, cane in hand and hair pulled back in a man bun. 
 "You leaving?" Kari questioned, desperate to hide the disappointment in her voice. 
 "Yeah, there's something for work I need to do before going into the office tomorrow." 
 She moved to stand before him, gaze sweeping over his body as if she could read his pain level with just a look. Meeting his eyes, she quietly asked. "You'll be alright?"
 He snorted, rolling the cane in his hand. "You sound like my family now."
 "Probably because they care about you."
 He hummed, ignoring her comment. "You should be getting a box in the mail tomorrow."
 "I ordered you some clothes."
 "My priestess needs to wear more than just yoga clothes." He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Though, I do love how tight they are on your ass."
 She laughed, pressing a hand to his, unfortunately, covered chest and carefully pushing him back. "Unbelievable."
 Instead of shifting away from her, he used her hand on his chest to pull her against him. His lips crashed against hers like he needed her to breathe. She clung to his t-shirt as her legs trembled under the reckless abandon of his mouth. Only when she felt boneless did he finally allow her to pull away, desperate for air. With short pants, she gazed up at him wondering where that came from. 
 "I'll text you tomorrow."
 "Oh ok." Was all she could say, her brain still fogged up by the insatiable kiss. 
 He cupped her cheek, looking at her with something like adoration if seen in anyone else, before glancing over her shoulder at Alana. "Nice seeing you again." Without waiting for a response, he walked to the front door and out of it. 
 The sound of the door closing seemed to lift the haze over her mind. She turned around to see her roommate glaring at her with arms crossed over her chest. 
 "Just friends, huh?" She scoffed with a dramatic roll of her eyes. "I don't know what game you're playing with him but I don't want anything to do with it. Apparently, you're not quite the woman I thought you were."
 "Save it." She stormed past Kari and up the stairs to her bedroom. 
 With a sigh, Kari trudged over and locked the front door. She wondered how true Alana's words were. After everything that happened today with Ivar, was she even the woman she thought she was? Or was he changing her? And was it for better or worse?
 She honestly was not sure….and it scared her a little. 
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misscorn · 4 years
Day 3
"Anchan's birthday is in a week." Onodera Youko said, currently sitting at the dinner table across from her son, her husband absent.
Ritsu nodded as he pushed his food around on his plate. He was fully aware that March 14th, An's birthday, was fast approaching, but not for the reasons his mother was hoping. No, it was because March 14th was also White Day. Ritsu was both severely stressed and excited about it.
Ritsu planned on going on an aquarium date with his Senpai after school, thinking it'd be a little more special than their typical bookstore-pandaway combo. Not that Ritsu disliked this pattern at all! He just wanted to do something different for the holiday.
Then, they'd go back to Ritsu's house where the brunette would prepare dinner. His parents weren't going to be home since his dad always took his mother on a trip for White Day from the 14th to the 17th, so he figured it was the perfect time to finally invite Saga Senpai to his house! He had already started practicing cooking and baking the day after Valentine's Day. He figured he'd need as much practice as he could get, seeing as he had never done either of them before, but he was definitely improving!
Ritsu intended on making white chocolate chip cookies as a gift. Although his Senpai didn't particularly like sweets, it was tradition to give something white. So, he'd give the cookies in addition to some bitter dark chocolates that Saga was more likely to enjoy. Additionally, he'd give a white rose, since his Senpai had given him a red one and he thought it would be a sweet gesture to mirror. And...perhaps the most embarrassing and overkill gift idea of all: a jar full of paper origami stars that, when unfolded, have reasons he loves Saga written on them. His Senpai had asked him once before why he loved him and Ritsu simply didn't have the time or the courage to say all the reasons to his face, but he could definitely write them down!
"What do you plan on doing for her birthday?" Youko asked, interrupting Ritsu's thoughts about his string of plans.
"Oh, well, since it lands on a school day we were going to hangout over the weekend instead." Ritsu said. "But, I'm not really sure what to get her..." He admitted.
"Why don't you just spend time with her after school? It's not as special if you celebrate after her birthday's already passed. Plus, it's White Day. She did give you something on Valentine's day, didn't she?" Youko said. She recalled Ritsu coming home on Valentine's day, giddy and flushed as he held tupperware full of homemade chocolates. An was really such a sweet girl, going through the trouble of making the chocolates herself.
Ritsu felt a swirl of dread start to form in his stomach, recognizing his mother's tone. "Yes, but mother-"
"Its the polite and gentlemanly thing to do. Imagine; not spending White Day with your fiancée and to make matters worse, blowing off her birthday as well!" Youko said.
"And as for what you can get her, I have a great idea." Youko smiled brightly. "Promise rings! Such a cute and meaningful gift, she'd love it." Youko continued.
"Anchan and I aren't a couple!" Ritsu did not mean to raise his voice, but his frustrations of being talked over got the best of him.
Youko's cheerful demeanor left her. "Don't be ridiculous, Ritsu. You and Anchan are a perfect match. She is a lovely, intelligent, kind girl from a fine background and she undoubtedly adores you. What more could you ask for?"
"Mother, I..." Ritsu trailed off and frowned. "I just-I don't like her that way!"
"You won't even give it a chance! Who could possibly be a better fit for you than Anchan?"
"I'm only fifteen, why do we have to start talking about marriage now?" Ritsu desperately wished his mother would let this go, but his mother was just as stubborn as he was.
"Because your future is important and should matter to you, Ritsu." Youko said. "You are spending White Day with Anchan and that's final. If you'd like, I can help you pick out a pair of promise rings." She offered, the happy tilt in her voice returning as she tried to force the conversation back on track.
Ritsu just mumbled something in assent in order to stop this awful conversation, fully intending on avoiding that little ring shopping trip. Let his mother believe that he would spend White Day with Anchan. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
Ritsu tried to act normal around his Senpai for the rest of the week, (well, his version of normal, which was already a certain level of nervousness) but he could hardly contain himself.
"You're being weird." Saga commented on March 12th. Exactly 1 day, 8 hours, 14 minutes and 25 seconds before 12 A.M. on White Day. Yes, Ritsu was counting.
"S-S-Sorry, I just-um-I-I had something I wanted to ask you." Okay, this was it, deep breaths Onodera, deep breaths. "I was wondering if you w-wanted to...spendWhiteDaywithme?" Ritsu squeezed his eyes shut tight as he waited for an answer.
"...What the hell?"
Well, that wasn't a good sign.
"I thought we were already spending White Day together." Saga said. "Or did you forget what you said?"
"N-n-no, of course not, the opposite actually, I've been thinking about White Day nonstop and what I should do, what would be a fun date, what sort of presents I should get you-"
Saga glanced around the library to make sure they were alone as Ritsu rambled before he cut him off with a gentle kiss.
Ritsu blinked a few times, dazed and completely embarrassed, but undeniably happy.
"So, tell me these ideas you've been thinking about 'nonstop'." Saga echoed.
"Well, I want some of it to be a surprise." Ritsu said after he managed to get his thoughts back in order. "But I thought it'd be fun if after school we went to an aquarium together and then...my house for dinner."
"Your house?" Saga was surprised to say the least, his normally stoic face for once betraying him.
"U-Unless that's not okay?" Ritsu said, automatically assuming the worst, as he typically did. "We don't have to go to my house, we can do something else-"
"No, you can't take back the offer now. I'm coming to your house." Saga said quickly. He was endlessly curious about Ritsu's home and more specifically Ritsu's room, so he'd be damned if he let this opportunity slip by him.
Ritsu smiled a little and nodded before he became shy. "And um...my parents won't be home...s-so..."
"Ahhhhh, I see. Who knew you were such a pervert?" Saga teased, but his straight face and serious tone gave no hint to his playfulness.
If it were possible for humans to combust into flames on the spot, Ritsu would have done so. The younger teen shook his head vehemently as he made frantic and wild hand gestures. "No! I-I didn't mean it like-I'm not-!"
"I was just messing with you." Saga smirked a little bit. Normally he didn't really joke around like this, but Ritsu's reactions were priceless. Even in the beginning of their relationship Saga would never say something like that, but Ritsu managed to get deeper and deeper into his heart every day and break down more and more walls.
Ritsu's whole face was red, including the very tips of his ears. He looked away out of embarrassment, not knowing what to say.
Ritsu swore his body somehow heated up even more after Saga leaned forward to press a kiss on the back of his head.
"I'm looking forward to White Day. It'll be fun." Saga said. "I'm expecting to be impressed."
"Y-You're teasing me again." Ritsu complained.
'It's not my fault you make it so easy.' Saga thought.
White Day was sure to be fun this year and hopefully for many years to come.
...Or maybe not.
The day had started off fine, completely normal in fact. When Ritsu woke up his parents were already gone. They always left early in the morning.
Ritsu was completely exhausted. He had stayed up all night, excited and anxious about White Day, but Ritsu's exhaustion caused him to miss the small box and a note left for him in the kitchen.
It was such an innocent item with good intentions behind it.
It was a thoughtful gift that would surely be cherished.
It was going to ruin everything.
Ritsu had already made the cookies last night and had the dark chocolate, keeping both of them stored in his kitchen. He'd also purchased a white rose the previous day, telling his mother it was for Anchan when she asked about it. It probably didn't help to feed into the insane fantasy his mother had, but he didn't have any other excuses. The jar of stars was also hidden in his room underneath his bed. He'd spent at least 4 or 5 days making them all. He planned on giving Saga these gifts in privacy later today.
As the day went on, Ritsu started to think that maybe it would have been better for him just to cut class since he wasn't able to focus at ALL! An agonizing 7 hours later and he was released from his class, hurrying out front where he and Saga had agreed to meet after school.
Ritsu beat the older teen to the entrance, waiting for him as patiently as he could, unable to contain his bright smile once he saw him
'Damn it, why does he have to smile at me like that? I don't know if I'm going to survive today.' Saga thought as he walked over. "Hey."
"Hi, Senpai! H-Happy White Day..." Ritsu said, the latter half coming out a little quieter so no passing students would hear.
"No gift?" Saga didn't actually care about a present, excited to just spend the afternoon with Ritsu, but he couldn't pass the opportunity to mess with him.
"S-Senpai, don't tease me!" Ritsu complained with a pout. Shit, that expression wasn't good for Saga's heart. "They're at my house. But come on, let's go!" Ritsu's excitement returned to him quickly as he set off. Saga followed.
The aquarium was a little busy, so it didn't give Saga many opportunities to sneak attack Ritsu with PDA, but he still enjoyed himself. Of course, he watched Ritsu more than he watched the actual animals, but it was still a good choice for a date spot.
When they finally did have a moment alone, Saga reached out, gently taking Ritsu's hand into his. "Thanks for bringing me here."
Ritsu blushed, but felt electrified by the touch. "Of course, Senpai. I'm glad you're having fun." He smiled.
Saga couldn't deny he was enjoying himself, but what he was REALLY looking forward to was finally being in Ritsu's house! He had his own preconceived notions about Ritsu and how he lived, so he was curious about how right or wrong he was. And the hormonal teenager in him wanted to do it in Ritsu's bed.
But, when they finally left the aquarium and arrived at Ritsu's home, Saga wished that he had jumped into a damn fish tank instead.
Sitting on his Kouhai's porch was the girl who had given Ritsu chocolate on Valentine's day.
"Richan!" She stood when spotting them, looking angry. "Where have you been?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"A-Anchan? What are you doing here?" Ritsu asked, genuinely confused.
"Didn't your mother talk to you? She called my mother and set up for us to spend the day together! For my birthday! We were supposed to meet after school, but you never showed so I came here, but you obviously weren't home." She frowned and crossed her arms.
"No! My mother didn't tell me anything about this." Ritsu said, going up to the front door and taking out his house key to unlock it.
Saga cleared his throat.
"Oh-uh-Anchan, this is Saga Masamune, Saga Senpai, this is Kohinata An." Ritsu hastily introduced them. Crap, this was bad, this was so bad!
"I think I recognize you...you and Richan hang out together at the library, right?" An said.
"Hai." Saga responded blandly.
"Well, it's nice to meet you." An said politely.
"Same." Saga looked away from her and An decided to ignore his rudely aloof nature. A friend of Richan's was a friend of hers, after all.
"Um, well, come in I guess..." Ritsu said before going inside, Anchan following.
What. The. Fuck. This girl already had her chance on Valentine's Day and, according to Ritsu, was rejected. Now she was going to interrupt White Day too? Saga was absolutely pissed, though he tried not to let it show as he walked inside.
"Um, I was going to make dinner, if you want to sit in the living room and relax..." Ritsu said awkwardly. He was with his two favorite people, so this shouldn't have been as bad as it was, but oh boy was it terrible.
"I'll help!" An offered with a smile.
Ritsu tried to insist that it was okay and that she was a guest and that she didn't have to, but An ignored him and marched into the kitchen. Ritsu couldn't do much other than shoot Saga an apologetic look before following her. Saga decided to trail behind him, not wanting the girl to have even a moment of alone time with HIS boyfriend.
"Hey, Richan, what's this?" An said, regarding the box on the table.
"Oh, I don't know. I guess my parents left it this morning before they left." Ritsu picked up the note and started to read it. His mother detailed the plans she had set up for An and Ritsu today in the note and also explained that inside the box was...
"Rings? Are these what I think they are Richan?" An asked after opening the box, her curiosity having gotten the better of her. She plucked the note out of Ritsu's hands, the boy frozen in terror as he realized what was happening. "They are! Promise rings! I'll have to thank your mother for getting them for us, they're so cute! Let's put them on!" An beamed.
Saga turned and stormed out of the kitchen, Ritsu breaking out of his shock when he heard the front door open and slam shut.
Ritsu quickly ran after Saga, ignoring An's concern as she followed him out. "Senpai, wait!" He called after him, somehow managing to catch up.
"What the fuck, Ritsu?!" Saga whipped around to face him. Oh God, Ritsu had never seen him so angry. "You told me she was just a friend, that you rejected her!"
"She is! I did!" Ritsu insisted. "She's just a friend!"
"Then why the hell is your mom buying the two of you fucking promise rings?! On fucking White Day too!"
Ritsu started to tear up, but he couldn't cry. He needed to explain everything before he lost the person he loved. If he started crying then he wouldn't be able to get a word out.
"W-We're in an arranged marriage." He admitted, feeling so ashamed for not telling his Senpai the truth earlier. "But I don't like An like that! Its a fantasy created by our parents and I've told my mother over and over again that I won't go through with it! A-An and I are not a couple and we're not getting married!" Ritsu insisted.
'Please, please, please believe me, he has to believe me, please.' Ritsu silently begged.
Saga looked between Ritsu and An, who was standing on the porch. He clenched his jaw, shaking his head and refusing to meet Ritsu's eyes. "Looks like you're the only one who thinks that way." He turned and walked off again, Ritsu staring helplessly as he did. The image of his Senpai blurred with tears before they finally started to fall.
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r3almellow · 4 years
Gavin and Victor Getting Head From Their S/o For The First Time
Thanks for the request!! Since your favs are Gavin and Victor I figured I’d take the time to focus on them! But if you guys want the others or a specific person let me know!  
This is my second time writing about this, but my first time kinda going in depth about it. So I’m sorry if its not too detailed.
This somehow turned into a mini fics and not reactions. OOPS! I’m not sorry. 
Also not sorry about the title. I have no filter so this shouldn’t be surprising. 
Warnings: Oral Sex
You’ve toyed with the idea of giving him a blowjob for a while. Its something you’ve never done before and you were more than nervous to try it out on him. You consulted your more experienced friends on the matter and walked away with way more information than you bargained for. What did hollowing your cheeks mean?!
You knew if you brought it to his attention, he’ll tell you not to worry about it because Gavin would rather pamper you. 
He prefers to make you feel special in every way possible. Giving you the pleasure you desire is all he wants to do. And boooy does he love to give. The way his tongue swiveled and darted in and out of your pussy or the way he teased your clit with a flick of his tongue turned you into a complete mess. Where he learned to eat a woman out like that you had no idea. 
You understood his need to please you, but you wanted to make your man feel good too! You can’t be the only one on the receiving end of such a euphoric experience. 
So, what do you do? Catch him off guard!
You got your chance when you suggested that the two of you shower together before he left on a week long mission. This wasn’t an unusual request since you’ve showered together countless times with only a handful of those times leading to sex. 
Gavin was halfway through washing your hair when you leaned back against his chest, sighing softly. 
“Kind of hard to finish up with you like this.” You only hummed as a response as his fingers expertly massaged your scalp almost putting you in a dreamlike trance. ALMOST. Don’t forget why you’re here!
You purposely pressed your lower half against him, feeling his semi-hard erection against your bare ass.
“Babe...” He warned, taking a small step back to create some distance in the already small space. 
You turned slightly to give him an impish grin then reached behind you, grasping Gavin’s now hardened length, giving it a few light strokes. You heard his breath hitch.
“Something wrong, Gav?”
You asked a question you didn’t wait for a response for. You turned to face Gavin fully and quickly knelt in front of him, your hand still firmly wrapped around him. You ignored the warm water pelting against the back of your head as you continued to stroke him.
You weren’t sure if it was the steam from the shower or lust clouding your head, but the way Gavin looked down at you with red dusted cheeks and slightly parted lips had you feeling dizzy. 
“I’ve never done this before.” You admitted shyly focusing your attention to what was in your hand. Gavin was above average in terms of length and girth and you loved how well he fit inside you, but your mouth was another story. Could it even fit?!
“You don’t have to...hgn...” Before he could finish his sentence you teasingly licked the head of his cock causing it to twitch in response. You watched in wonder as pre-cum oozed from the tip. He was always sensitive to your touch...
His Reaction
There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t think about what it would feel like having your mouth wrapped around him. He pushed such fantasies out of his mind so he could focus on you. He was content with just making you happy, but now...
Feeling your tongue dance along his shaft had his knees weak! It took everything he had not to collapse in front of you. And when you slowly slid him into your mouth, your teeth grazing his thick member he was almost done for.
Gavin could tell you were testing the waters using agonizingly slow movements only going halfway, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t wish to see you take all of him in his mouth.
Nothing beats having his cock buried deep inside you, but your mouth is definitely a close second for him. 
Gavin isn’t the most vocal during sex, but expect heavy pants and low groans from your man.
Out of habit Gavin won’t verbally tell you what he doesn’t like so you have to rely on his body language. 
You’re able to learn a lot about Gavin from this. Like whenever your teeth graze a certain spot along his shaft his lips quiver and how there’s a twinkle in his eyes when you pull away and he sees a trail of your saliva that connects you to him.
When he cums, he’ll try to pull away not wanting to get you messy. Sir I got your dick in my mouth, I think we’re way passed being clean.  Don’t let him get away!
You’re caught off guard and gag a little at the sudden intrusion and unsuspecting taste. 
He’ll be so apologetic and it takes you like a minute or two to convince him that you’re fine. 
Want to get him going again? Take some of his cum dribbling from your chin and bring it between your legs. 
P.S. Do this again on a softer surface! Hard surfaces create sore knees!
You’ve been dating Victor for almost three months and you’ve been intimate with him for two of those months. 
Sex with Victor has been all about him getting to know your body. If there was something you didn’t like he wanted you to tell him so he could fix it.
He wanted all intimate experiences with him to be all that you wanted and more. 
You loved how well he paid attention to your body, but sex was a two way street. The way he went the extra mile to ensure that you felt cherished, you wanted to do the same for him. 
The idea of oral sex came to you when you were out drinking with your friends and of course they probed you about your sex life. They offered their advice on what you could do to spice things up and blowjobs just happened to be the lesser of all the crazy things they came up with.
Its safe to say, you were nervous about even attempting such a thing. Mainly because Victor was such a perfectionist!
Victor was good at finding faults in the things people did and while he has softened his critiques when it came to you, you didn’t want to risk it. 
It would be so embarrassing to have him belittle you over something like this. You can already here the sharp and forthright tone in his voice. 
“Your stroke motions are off. Its up/down not down/up.” 
 Okay...he wasn’t that bad, but you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself.
You honestly weren’t going to say anything and figure it out on your own, but the one thing you learned through your time with Victor was that communication was key. 
Victor is all for teaching you such an intimate art and while he won’t say it out loud, he’s touched that you’re willing to do something like this for him.
The practice run ends up happening while you were both in a heated make out session while in his couch. 
When you decided to kneel before him and pulled down the zipper of his slacks you knew there was no going back.
Victor made sure to let you know doing this wasn’t necessary as way to give you an out, but you were determined.
Sure, you were afraid of not being able to satisfy your boyfriend, but that wasn’t going to stop you! 
You fished around his boxer-briefs pulling out his fully erected shaft. You blushed slightly as it throbbed in your hand and gave him a few gentle pumps. 
Victor had never seen you look so determined before. He wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or turned on. 
You leaned in giving his cock a small kiss and looked up at him.
“Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” 
His Reaction
Victor always knew you were a fast learner and eager to do things right, but you definitely exceeded his expectations. 
What exactly did he expect? For this to be an okay experience because this was your first time in a position like this. There was always room for growth whenever you started something new, but this...you were something dangerous.
He barely has to say anything and you were doing your own thing. Tongue swiveling around him and head bobbing up and down without any signs of slowing down. 
He loves the light humming sounds you make whenever he reaches out to brush strands of your hair out of you face.
Expect so much praise! It takes a lot for the CEO of LFG to give ANYONE praise, but your boyfriend will be throwing compliments at you left and right. 
Aside from praising you, Victor isn’t very vocal during sex, but the sound of his heavy erratic breathing is music to your ears.  
If you massage his balls that man is a goner! Triple points if you take one of them into your mouth and massage it with your tongue. Where did you learn to do that?! Google does wonders. 
He’ll let you know when he’s about to cum so you’re prepared. Pull away with your mouth open, tongue out and the speed of your strokes quickening. The sight of you looking so desperate to taste him will send him over the edge!
You’ll let him cum all over your face and neck, catching some of it in your mouth. 
Smear his cum on your chest and Victor will feel a sense of pride. He’ll compare it to a significant other wearing something of their lover’s. And in a weird way it makes sense.
He’ll also feel his dick grow hard all over again, so get ready for a round two! 
Victor was a little tricky because I had so many ideas as to where this would take place. In a Mercedes, Souvenir after hours, ect. The possibilities were endless. 
Like what you read? Be sure to check out more of my stuff here! Send me requests if you have any! 
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hiii💕💕 could you do New Year’s Eve kiss with Tom ? 💕💕 Im desperately in need of fluff right now and I’m ObSeSsEd with your writing 💕
Thank you!
New Years Eve
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
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You arrived to the party a little late and greeted all your old friends. It was your first time in LA and you hadn’t seen them since you moved to New York to become an author.
“Y/n, I want you to meet my friend.” Your old school friend pulled you by the hand into his living room.
“Well look at that.” Tom Holland stood in front of you in a cranberry button down and tight black pants. You weren’t sure if the arrogant smirk we wore was a part of the outfit. “We match.” He smirked as he looked you up and down in your short cranberry dress. You rolled your eyes and gave him a once over as well.
“Of all the colors you could’ve shown up in, you pick cranberry? Come on. You did that on purpose.” You accused and Tom shrugged as he took a sip of his drink.
“Oh, have you two met?” Your friend asked upon witnessing your banter. 
“We went to school each other growing up.” Tom told him.
“So you’re friends?” Your friend asked.
“I don’t remember Tom having any friends.” You said innocently, igniting the devilish flame behind Toms eyes.
“We used to get in trouble for fighting In class. Y/n didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. I’m assuming you’ve learned since then?” Tom dished it right back to you and you narrowed your eyes.
“Can’t say I have.” You shrugged.
“Okay. I’m gonna go.” Your friend said awkwardly. “Enjoy the party!”
Tom stepped closer to you, backing you against a wall and giving you another unapologetic once over. You scoffed and took his drink from his hand, sipping whatever he had in his cup before handing it back to him.
“That’s a nice dress, love. Where’s the rest of it?” He asked as he drank from right where your lipstick stain was on his red solo cup. You knew what you were doing, but so did he.
“Funny. I’m pretty sure button up shirts are meant to be buttoned all the way up.” You pointed to the three he had undone, exposing quite a lot of chest.
“I like it like this. Keeps me cool.” Tom told you and he began to twirl a strand of your hair around his finger, something he used to do as a kid.
“You’ve never been cool, Tommy.” You taunted and he let out a chuckle.
“No one calls me that anymore.” He said as he stared into your eyes.
“Maybe someone should.” You shrugged and took his cup again.
He looked at you insanely for a moment. You folded your arms and stared back. You could smell his cologne from how close you were and saw sweat glistening on his chest.
He cracked first.
“I’ve missed you.” He broke into a smile and scooped you up into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck and lifted your legs off the floor.
“Missed you too, Tommy.” You said into his ear. “It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah.” He said, a little sadly as he set you down. “Sorry about that. My career took off and I didn’t keep in touch with everyone I would’ve liked too.”
“You kept Harrison around.” You commented. You were a little hurt you hadn’t heard from him after moving. You didn’t always get along, but you thought you’d at least stay in touch.
“Harrison’s my best mate.” Tom gave you his excuse. “And I always thought you didn’t like me.” He said as he stared into his cup.
“I liked you. I just hope it’s still you in there. Hollywood hasn’t changed you too much, has it?” You smiled, changing the subject to a happier one.
“No. Gave me more confidence and I’m bald now, but I’m still me.” Tom promised you. His smile hadn’t changed, and you appreciated that.
“You sure?” You teased.
“Positive. I’m still better at you at maths and still don’t know how to write in cursive.” Tom sighed dramatically and looked away.
“And just when I thought you were perfect.” You said sarcastically.
“Come here.” Tom pulled you into another hug, this one lingering for a longer time. He didn’t pick you up this time, just held you against his body and swayed a little. You squeezed him tightly, having missed your old friend.
“All right. That’s all the affection you’re getting from me tonight.” You said as you fixed your hair and adjusted your dress.
“I don’t know about that, pretty girl.” Tom helped in fixing your hair. “Don’t you know what happens at midnight?”
“What happens at midnight?” You asked curiously.
Tom smirked before leaning in and placing a kiss on your cheek, dangerously close to your mouth.
“You’ll see. See you then.” He said before leaving you alone with your cheek burning.
“Oops.” You sighed as your scrunchie hit the floor. You were about to pick it up when someone beat you to it.
“I’ll be taking that, darling. It think it looks a little better on my wrist anyway.” Tom smirked as he slid your scrunchie onto his wrist. He had seemingly come out of nowhere, but had been keeping an eye on you since you parted. He had planned on giving you some space, but after seeing a boy talk to you for nearly an hour, he decided you’d had enough space.
“You’re gonna start a rumor but doing that. It matches my dress. Everyone’s gonna know it’s mine.” You warned him, thankful he had come back for you. You had been getting unwanted attention from a boy you didn’t know.
Tom stepped closer to you so he was speaking directly into your ear. You shivered as his minty breath hit your face.
“That’s the point, love.” He whispered in your ear.
“You want people to know it’s mine?” You asked as he backed away a little, but not fully. He didn’t look the way you remembered. He’d gotten his chin mole taken off and had fully grown into his features, especially his ears. You smiled shyly at how attractive your old friend had become.
“No.” Tom said as he snapped the scrunchie against his wrist. “I want people to know you’re mine.”
You didn’t say anything, just nodded in understanding from being too stunned to speak. Tom smirked at your reaction and took a step back.
“See you at midnight.” He winked and waltzed out of the room.
“Here, allow me.” A blonde haired boy began to pour your drink for you and you smiled politely. You didn’t need him, or ask him to do it. You didn’t even know the boy. He handed you your drink and you thanked him.
“No need to thank me. I’m Andy. And you are?” He asked. He seemed a little tipsy and you glanced at the kitchen door, not wanting to entertain this stranger.
“Y/n.” You told him and looked to the side for someone to save you from the conversation.
“How come I haven’t seen you around before?” He asked, stepping a little too close for your liking.
“I’m not from LA. I’m from New York.” You answered and he tucked your hair behind your ear. You shrugged away from his touch in the nicest way you could.
“Sorry. Your hair was covering your pretty face.” Andy slurred.
“Sorry, could you just give me some room?” You said and tried to back away from him but he moved in when you did.
“I don’t think I want to.” He smiled and stepped closer, thinking you were playing around. You were about to tell him to back off again when you felt an arm around your waist as your back hit something firm.
“She said give her some room.” Tom said sternly and Andy took a step back.
“Sorry, Tom. I didn’t realize she was with you.” Andy said and left the kitchen. You turned around just in time for Tom to take the drink from your hand.
“Give me that. Never drink anything you didn’t pour.” Tom said as he dumped your drink down the sink. You nodded and gave him a grateful smile and he handed you a new cup. He didn’t warm up to your smile and still looked angry. You poured some Sprite into a cup and took a sip.
“Thanks for that.” You said sheepishly, placing a hand on his arm that you hoped would calm him down.
“I hate that guy. He’s only here because this is his cousins party. If he comes near you again, tell me.” Tom told you and you agreed.
“Are you okay?” You asked and he let out a sigh.
“Don’t worry about me. Are you okay?” He asked and you realized you weren’t. It was getting hot in the house and you were getting uncomfortable.
“I’m fine. I’m just gonna get some air.” You told him and left the room.
“Oh? What do we have here? Enjoying the view, darling? I know I am.” Tom said without ever taking his eyes off you. You had been getting some air on the balcony when he joined you.
“I was until you got here. Don’t you have a missing bike to return or a dog to find?” You teased him before turning your attention back to the city lights.
“So you’ve seen my movies.” Tom smiled proudly. “That’s all pretend, sweetheart. But I can assure you, the abs are real.” He joked and you let out a loud groan.
“I think I like you better with the American accent.” You retorted with a roll of your eyes. He stood next to you on the balcony, elbows touching as you watched the cars below.
“That’s not a problem for me. I’m very flexible.” Tom answered in an American accent.
“I’m teasing.” You pushed him slightly with your right hand. He caught your hand when it hit his chest and held it there, against his heartbeat. You looked at him expectingly as he rubbed his thumb back and forth on your hand.
“I really am flexible. I can fly to New York from California anytime I want. And I can fly other people as well.” He said softly and you knew what he was implying.
“I’ve always hated long distance.” You said, keeping your eyes ahead.
“They have authors in California, don’t they?” Tom asked with hopeful eyes.
You nodded as he turned to you and took your hands.
“Then why don’t you stay?” He asked as you finally met his eyes. They pleaded with you but you couldn’t quiet give in.
“I don’t know. I don’t think I’d fit in in California.” You answered and heard Tom sigh.
“Darling, I’m asking you to stay.” He said again and you saw something you’d never seen before in his eyes. “Please.” He whispered.
“I haven’t seen you in five years since you left for Hollywood. No calls, no texts, no letters. Now you want me to move to California for you? How am I supposed to feel about that Tom?” You asked as you felt yourself get emotional. He had left you behind and it stung. Tom looked down at your intertwined hands and shook his head.
“You changed your name.” He mumbled.
“What?” You didn’t hear it.
“You got a new phone when you moved to New York. I spent five years trying to find out where in New York you’d moved to but you never posted about it online. I had my entire mangenmet team trying to figure out your new number, your address, your job, anything that might help me contact you, but no one could find you. It was like Y/n L/n didn’t exist. Then I find out from Harrison you’re a published author going by Y/n Dutch and you’re gonna be at a New Year’s Eve party tonight.” Tom explained and you realized he was right. He took a step closer to you and gave you an apologetic smile. “I did try to find you. I promise I did. You just weren’t you anymore. Why’d you change your name anyway?”
“The name Y/n L/n was already taken.” You told him.
“But why Dutch?” He wondered. You smiled a little.
“Dutch.” You pointed to yourself. “Holland.” You pointed to him shyly.
“It was an homage to me?” He asked with hope.
“I never disliked you as a kid. It was the opposite. I had the biggest crush on you but I didn’t know how to tell you, so I teased you and argued with you everyday. You know how people say there’s a fine line between love and hate? Well…” You trailed off.
“You loved me.” Tom realized and you nodded. In the distance, you heard the people inside starting to countdown.
“For what I knew love to be as a kid.” You confirmed.
“Kids? That was five years ago.” Tom reminded you and you blushed.
“A lot can change in five years. I’m afraid we’re different people.” You said.
“No matter who I am or who I’ve become, I’m always gonna love you.” Tom promised.
“You don’t know me anymore.” You whispered.
“Happy New Year!”
“I know a good place to start.” Tom said before cupping your face and pulling you into a kiss. Fireworks shot into the sky as the world rang in the new year. You were feeling your own fireworks on the balcony.
“This is what happens at midnight.” He smiled against your lips before kissing you again.
Tag List 🏷
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