#I’m thinking of naming him Ozzie or Art or something.
1percentcharge · 1 year
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slightly crappy drawing of all the horror high guys if I decide to keep that guy at the end and if I don’t change clay’s design again
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hey! i’m an INFP bisexual transman here for a matchup:) i can be kind of awkward at first, but after a bit i love opening up and talking about my special interests and getting to know people; talking about music and media, showing them my art or writings, and just sharing a space. i like to make people laugh and am down to hit the club or just chill with a comfortable night in. i have my own share of trauma and anxieties that im trying to work through. i’d say i have a grunge aesthetic but im also definitely a nerd, too. just a dude who’s vibin’ and trying to get by. thanks for doing these matchups, they’re so fun!
I pair you with…
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~ I’m glad you like these matchups!! They’re feeding my hyperfixation and I reallyyy missed writing!! Anyway!
~ Okay, I can see you and Ozzie being so compatible.
~ Firstly, he really appreciates art. The best person to be a proofreader, or see a finished art piece. He’s not only so appreciative, he’ll give specifics on what he likes. “This was super successful here,” is a common phrase he’ll use before going on to elaborate. Anyway, he doesn’t just say he likes something, he says what he likes and why in great detail.
~ Ozzie helps you navigate your traumas and anxieties healthily. He really puts work into understanding this part of you, removing all triggers as best he can, and he’s super open to listening to you vent.
~ You understand his energy. You’re seen going to clubs and public outings with him, while also domestic enough to appreciate simple dates at home, like making a nice dinner and starting a new tv series. Ozzie just digs that you’re able to understand both sides of him; his party side, and his domestic side.
~ This all makes me think you guys would make a great friends to lovers trope. You understand Ozzie, and he shows that he understands you.
I pair you with…
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~ I’m not sure why. But you know that one trope where’s there’s a dude whose special interest is their partner?? Cherri Bomb to you. I won’t elaborate on this, because I don’t know how, but I’m confident in this trope here. I’m not sure how but I am.
~ I feel like Cherri’s one of those people to be really into like having art in her apartment. You make anything? It’s on her fridge or wall. She loves everything you make.
~ Loves hearing about your special interests, and will get into them too so she understands you better. You mention a fandom? She’s googling ships while you talk. “Ohhh these ones look hot, who are these two?”
~ I feel like while she’s definitely a partier, I’ve said this before, she loves being all domestic and winding down at the end of the night. Cuddle pile with a blanket and pillow nest!!
~ Loves taking you out so she can show you off.
~ Definitely someone who appreciates music and media. Keeps up to date with popular things and her own niches. Cherri would love not only hearing you talk about your interests, but bring her own into play and be just super excited to talk about music. She’s someone who loves not only music and media, but appreciates the artists behind it, I bet she’s the type to have notifications set for news outlets that regularly cover updates on her favourites.
I pair you with…
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~ Introvert adopted by extrovert trope!!
~ Vortex loves awkward. Will listen to you talk about your hyper fixations and be genuinely invested. Will also hit you with questions to elaborate so he can really get an idea of what you’re putting out. Pleasantly surprised when you begin to open up.
~ Will take you to parties, outings with friends, etc. He’s more a casual boyfriend, less sweep you off your feet and more peaceful coexistence. Love language is definitely quality time.
~ Regarding traumas and anxieties, Vortex is the best person to help you practically forget about them. If he notices you’re having a bad day and need a pick me up, he effortlessly cheers you up so well it’s hard to even realize he’s doing it. Distracts you with all of your favourite things, drinks, snacks, movies or shows, you name it.
~ Vortex lets you choose when you’re ready to vent or need to share, but until then, he effortlessly ensures that you’re always happy. Despite his casual demeanour, he’s always someone who just takes to people really well, especially you.
Alternate pairing…
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rinnysega · 1 year
Smell of Smoke - An Elena and Ozzy Drabble
In all her years performing in barrooms and nightclubs, Elena Ruiz never did get used to the smell of cigars. Some of her favorite garments were ruined in her eyes when she was unable to get the stench out of them. The stench from gentlemen who somehow made it past Hugo to talk to her backstage, the air around them thick in burnt smoke and chauvinism.
One night in particular, Elena found herself in her dressing room, already in pre-mourning over one of her favorite gowns. She sat in her undergarments at her vanity and stared at it as it hung and glistened from the lightbulbs along the mirror. Carlos would be there tonight, and at the last minute he invited several of his friends who were notorious for their chain smoking. Another beautiful gown gone to rest too soon…
A soft knock didn’t even so much turn her head when her door opened and an unfamiliar voice stuttered out, “Oh, my apologies, señorita.”
Elena looked over to see a gentleman she hadn’t seen before, which was odd considering she must have seen almost every man in the country and perhaps a few in west Venezuela. He was a baby-faced man older than her, with a beautiful complexion of dark skin without blemishes or wrinkles or any other signs of sinful vices of drinking or fighting. If Elena didn’t know better by the modest way he dressed, she would mistake him for a man her age.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, to make sure she got the message. “I was looking for the restrooms.”
“They’re down the next hall over.” Elena stood up and noticed something quite different about him. He wasn’t staring her up and down. He wasn’t trying to force himself into her dressing room. If anything he gave a simple, shy wave of apology again before attempting to close the door and leave.
“Oh, wait a moment,” she said to him.
The man stopped as she came closer and opened the door a little further to talk to him. “You’re here a little early for the show. If you have good seats up front, I’d love to know your name if I see you on stage.”
Those baby cheeks lifted in another shy smile as he replied, “Oswaldo, but I go by Ozzy.”
“Elena Ruiz.” She held her hand to his to shake. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
“Sounds about right. My partner brought me out to help carry his things. He’s got a meeting to go over his art portfolio to make some posters for the nightclub. If you’re the only Elena Ruiz here, you may be the subject of one of them.”
Oh, so that’s why Carlos had friends with him...He must have gotten word about this and wanted to boast. Once again, Elena oh so loved being kept in the dark when it came to anything relating to her.
“Sounds exciting.” She gave him a genuine smile despite her annoyances toward Carlos - and hell, even Hugo now if he knew about this. “I’ve never posed for an artist's poster before.”
“Well my Nairo is the best!” Ozzy exclaimed. “He’ll make you feel right at home and make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable. He’s quite the professional.”
“He must be a sweet guy to have a gentleman such as yourself as his partner.”
Ozzy didn’t react much to her words except to give a soft shrug and change the subject. “We’ll be sitting front row center. Nairo may be sketching while you sing, but I’ll be watching.”
“And I’ll be singing,” she joked.
They both shared a small chuckle and Ozzy then excused himself to go search for the restroom.
When Elena shut the door, she sat back down at her vanity and took a breath to start her pre-show routines.
Look on the bright side, she told herself. If you have to say goodbye to such a beautiful gown, at least it’ll be immortalized in art forever...
Gift for @prophetic-hijinks and @thebiggestnope
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lilithisamess · 2 years
Man Meets Legend
Fandom: Stranger Things // Pairing: Byler // Words: 586
So!! @tsugarubecker organized this really cool event (QHAC, which is the best name ever actually) last week, but I couldn’t participate bc school sucks. BUT this fandom has helped me through a lot, so I thought I’d help keep it entertained. This is just a little something about Eddie meeting Will for the first time that I managed, but I hope you guys like it!
Mike’s so relieved to see the familiar faces swarming out of Eddie’s trailer he completely forgets to be nervous. And there are reasons to be nervous, many of them. It only hits him that this'll be the first time Will meets Eddie when Argyle parks his stupid pizza van, hitting the breaks like a total madman. It provides just the appropriate amount of adrenaline for the scene.
“Mike!” Nancy crushes him, holding Mike like she’d do when he was no older than six. He sees the others greet Will with just as much enthusiasm, like he wishes he could let himself do.
Nancy stops hugging him in favor of looking all awkward at Jonathan. They just hover around each other, waving hesitantly as Mike greets his friends, making sure they’re all still mostly intact. It’s embarrassing and sad and familiar, but Mike has more pressing matters to worry about.
“Will Byers,” Eddie says, approaching the boy himself. Will looks a bit confused, and Eddie looks like he’s coming up to Ozzy Osbourne or something; It’s weird. It’s two worlds colliding. “The man! The legend!” He grins and gestures widely at Will, who looks even more confused, somehow.
“Man is it good to put a face to the name.” Eddie bows, very low and very ridiculously. “I’m Eddie Munsum. Little Wheeler told me so much about you, Will the Wise. It is truly an honor.”
And there it is. Disaster.
Everyone turns to look at him, like in one of those naked-at-school-nightmares. The metaphor works well because Mike’s eyes widen, also conspiring to bare his soul.
“No, I haven’t! I just... mentioned him once. Or twice.”
“My boy says you draw, and your art’s brilliant. That true? He refuses to let me sample.” Eddie pays no mind to Mike’s desperation. “You like The Shining, right? All that Stephen King shit?”
“Uh—I guess, yeah.”
“Mike would be like ‘will this, will that’ and I’d just wonder how the hell he got himself a friend this cool.”
“I’m not—I’m not that cool,” Will says, almost as red in the face as Mike is. Could Eddie be doing this on purpose? Is he just that evil?
“So you and Wheeler might just have to disagree on this one then.” He nudges Mike’s shoulder, winking at him in a most definitely purposeful way. He’s thankful when Nancy intervenes—there are more important things to worry about, after all—, until he remembers what exactly it is she’s pulling their attention towards. It makes his emotions seem so insignificant, the imminent danger. They might just die. How could Mike worry about whether Will realizes how much he gushes over him to any half-willing listener?
Suddenly, his longing for boys doesn’t sound like the strangest thing in this world or the next. How fucked up does one have to be to feel at ease with that notion? To be at home mid-tragedy? Boys like Mike don’t fit into normal, happy lives, that’s for sure.
“Brilliant and cool? I kinda thought those were mutually exclusive,” Will whispers to him, smirking as they get in Eddie’s trailer behind the others. Mike blushes, a little bashful, but there’s no shame there; no feeling of overwhelming guilt to be spoken of.
“Nobody’s ever thought that,” Mike says, and Will smiles again, less smug and more gentle.
The way his cheeks move with that smile, narrowing his eyes just a bit... it takes Mike’s breath away. He thinks, just for a moment, that there’s nothing more normal than that.
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Nicknames To Call The Royalty And Nobility Of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss & Theories And Other Stuff To Talk About...
 first I want to say that it was too bad I didn’t get to post any “Halloween Fanart” like either a video game character or cartoon character or both on Halloween...
I did get to watch a movie during that time, a DVD of Nightmare before Christmas.....I was going to start with Corpse Bride first and then go to watching Nightmare Before Christmas, but at some point in the movie where Victor was in that netherworld....?
well I think there is something wrong with the DVD and no matter how many times I stop the movie, and then go back to the chapter it had stop on...well it kept freezing up, so might have to try to fix it sometime...
I know we have one of those items that is suppose to help fix a disc when that kind of thing happens, or if it is dirty.
also even though it was Halloween, it just didn’t....feel much like it to me during that day, I guess it was one of those days maybe...?
where you might feel in a little in a “Meh” mood...
anyway we know that Asmodeus, Mr. Playboy Heart-Breaker of Lust....
is also known by his nickname Ozzie...
one of the nicknames I would like for Charlie’s Dad,
would be Eon-Boomer, and  Sugar Apple Papa...
 I did do a drawing of Charlie’s Dad wearing a shirt with the words “Sugar Apple Papa”....
and I know that Mammon hasn’t appeared yet in Helluva Boss,
but I still want to call him by the nickname Manny, and even Mona...
but Manny seems to fit the most...
besides messing with Lucifer by giving him a shirt that reads Sugar Apple Papa.
messing with Mammon by giving him a shirt with a arrow pointed up at his face that reads This Dork For Rent, was the best idea I ever had when drawing a fan art of the Mammon from Helluva Boss, even if we don’t know what he will officially look like yet, and only know a little bit of how he looks from his picture on the money....
but once we do see him appear in a episode, I’m still gonna call him “Manny”
and if some theories about Beelzebub is true, I know I had watched a theory video that has to with the Hellhounds that had to do with her...
I forgot the name of the video but if I find it again, I will re-watch it...
and well we know that Asmodeus’s canon nickname is Ozzie, and Mammon’s fanon nickname is Manny (because I started to call him by the nickname Manny, I would like to tease him with that nickname. XP )
but as for Beezlebub, well I can’t help but have a certain nickname in mind for her even if it might never be canon...
and well it’s a nickname that I’m gonna kind of censor in this....
so yeah, anyway....her nickname would be Beezleb*tch.
not sure what her official appearance will be or when she will be in a episode, but in my fan headcanon, her nickname is Beezleb**ch.....
I do have a theory that the episode was suppose to be in Season 1 of Helluva Boss, where Blitz and Loona go to some party...?
that has that Male Hellhound that was being friendly with Loona that showed in a preview clip...
my guess is that it is possible that episode might end up being part of Season 2, because of certain reasons...
I don’t mind waiting for that episode, and I’m sure the Team that works on the show are doing there best and hope they are making sure to take some breaks, like for food, sleep and well, maybe even watching a movie or playing a video game...
anyway back to the whole nicknames....
Belphegor, would be called Bell or Belph....? the Prince of Envy, could be called Levy... and well as for Satan, I am still sticking with Stan as a nickname...
I know that Moxxie and Millie live in the Wrath Ring, which is suppose to be ruled by him....
well, I guess we might end up seeing him in a future episode, don’t know when or what season...
and is it weird to have thoughts of me wanting to flip him the double bird...?
well at least the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss version of him, didn’t end up having some Toxic Followers that harmed one of my past life selves...
yeah, I’m so going to hope that in my next reincarnations, I never end up being reborn in to a Toxic-Satanist Family, there should be some kind of freaking rule that forbids Earth Angels, even Defective ones like myself, from having their soul placed in a body, that is just gonna be used in one of those rituals.
and yeah, Toxic-Satanist are but only one of the names of the Toxic-Religious people on my list....like those disgusting Toxic-Priests and Toxic-Nuns who did some pretty messed up stuff and crossed a line that should never be crossed...
I think it is possible that while maybe some people are Satanist, I think some have some sense not to cross a certain line....
and it might be for the best that past life memories, are only remembered in a bits and pieces and not the full picture, because for some who had something really bad happen to them in one of their past lives....sometimes it is best to NEVER remember it, because it could be bad.
but with luck, some memories you have will just be copy memories from your soul parent or parents that your soul was born from...
you will still have your own memories, but it is likely some copy memories from your soul parents or soul parents, will be stuck to your soul’s memory.
also after thinking about the episode that Striker appears in,
I got to say that it was awesome for not ending up like certain shows that portray those who live in a place where everyone is viewed as a “hillbilly”
still, jokes on some people, I might technically be a Hillbilly...
but my parents weren’t, because they were born elsewhere.
I mean, the whole “backwards hillbilly” trope could still be used in some shows and movies, but some humans should have common sense to know that not everyone who is a hillbilly, will be like that.
and there can be other reasons why some might end up missing some teeth, which by the way, wouldn’t be for whatever reason that is shown in the backwards trope...
don’t know how many go through it, and plus some who aren’t even living in the places where they are called hillbillies...
there could be different reasons why it can happen, but even if it does happen, don’t give some the right to just assume whatever it is they are thinking, no matter if it is “hillbilly stereotyping” or something else...  
 anyway, we know that Blitz did give a stereotypical comment about Imps from the Wrath Ring, but it’s possible that he knows that some of the stereotyping of the Imps from the Wrath Ring, is not 100% true.
it could be possible that some Imps from each ring, will marry other Imps from other rings, and if Striker is a hybrid type Imp...
then it could be possible that at some point in the past, Imps started to marry or had some kind of affair with other non-Imps, and ended up having Imp Hybrid offspring together.
also one of my Helluva Boss theories, is that a Female Imp’s horns are made out of some type of obsidian, well that is a weird theory but not all theories have to be correct...
it could be possible that we wont see the other princes right away in Helluva Boss, but we might end up seeing Stella’s brother and even Mammon next at some point in the future.
a weird thought pop into my head just now, picturing Stella’s brother doing that whole hand to the wall and leaning to a person who’s back is to the wall trope...
and the one he is doing that to is Collin....
that ship might only stay in the fanon, but I guess I would be surprised if that ship ended up becoming popular, but how many would end up shipping Collin x Andrealphus together...?    
just picture Stella screaming at Andrealphus “Not You Too?!”
all while he is hugging Collin, who is trying very hard to escape but can’t because of how tightly Andrealphus has a hold on him.
one of the nicknames for Stella’s brother, can be Andy and Andrea.
also I have tried to look up some form of info that has to do with the info I read before that has to do with Jesus purposely causing some kind of bad stuff, but with any luck that information is just not true and is myth...
but if he so much as does try to actually try to cause a war between some nations, that would pretty much peeve me off...
there is still no proof that he would technically be my ancestor, because even if his blood type is different from O RH D Negative and well, even if someone’s blood type is different they could still have genetic of some blood types that come from their different families either on their father or mother’s side...
but yeah I know that he is suppose to be a descendant of King David, like me...
so the only proof that makes us technically family, is that and making us distant cousins.....and I guess being a Earth Angel, I guess there can be other relations as well....
I still don’t think I would be allowed to grab him by his ear if he ends up trying to cross a line, even if I still want to grab the Antichrist by the ear and show no mercy to the said ear....cause I ain’t having none of that mess.
 it might be a good thing that the Feminine energy is getting back into balance, not counting the Toxic-Feminine energy.
it is possible that Mary Magdalene was the Feminine Messiah, but just because I and others might believe it could be true, doesn’t mean that everyone will.
I also think it is good that Helluva Boss and maybe even Hazbin Hotel, have a slightly different history from the canon stuff that is wrote about the angels, fallen angels and demons that is wrote in myths and religion...
although it can suck to know how the daughters of Eve and Adam are possibly not given enough respect....
also if Lilith was Adam’s first wife, he should of left her alone so she could heal properly, and Adam trying to force her to come back to him and not telling God the full reason why she left in the first place...
it just doesn’t seem right, plus after thinking about yesterday....
I came to the theory that when Lilith left Adam, she was pregnant with his unborn child or children....
and it might of been a good thing she left, because the bad stress wouldn’t of been good for the baby or babies if she was going to have twins.
and if Lilith had 100 children, the ones that she had with Adam, would be the eldest....
not everyone has to agree to that theory, but I think it could be possible that Lilith was pregnant when she left Adam.
also the weirdest theory I have is that Fizzarolli and Blitzo had ended up switching bodies, before the whole Stolas x Blitz affair and before Fizzarolli started to work with Ozzie and before he got those robotic limbs.
which if that theory were true, that would mean that the Blitz we know, was originally Fizzarolli and the Fizzarolli we know was originally Blitzo.
both could love horses, even if their friendship fell apart.
Fizzarolli, who now goes by Blitz and doesn’t want to go by the “o” because it is silent now....could of had two reasons to want to use Stolas’s book.
one, to go to Earth and see the horses there and two, to find a way to switch himself and Blitzo who is now called Fizzarolli, back to normal.
anyway I don’t think I have much else to say for this....
I mean there was the nicknames, and some other stuff....
I think in my next post after this, I will talk about a FNAF theory....
I also want to say that even if the nickname might be a bit rude,
the nickname Beelzeb*tch had pop into my head.....
I think it first pop into my head when watching a Helluva Boss Theory video...
I loved the two episodes of Season 2 of Helluva Boss.
and my thoughts about Loona and Octavia are this...
I sib it, because once again not all “Ships” will be romantic, and you ONLY use the “I ship it” if it is gonna be the romantic type.
if it’s a sibling type thing, where it’s platonic and not romantic...
you use “I sib it.” and for family either adoptive or step-family...
you use “I fam it.”.....and for friendships, there is “I bud it.”
I think that Loona will be like a big sister and friend to Octavia, which would be both a I sib it and I bud it type.
anyway I’m gonna go watch a movie first, before I talk about a FNAF theory...
and maybe I will talk about a Undertale and Deltarune theory after that....
and maybe I will think about other nicknames for the royalty and nobility from Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel.
I’m still gonna call Mammon from Helluva Boss, by the nickname Manny.
maybe I will do another drawing of him wearing a shirt that says This Dork For Rent.....I think I might be really weird to come up with that idea...
it would of still been nice if I had did a drawing for Halloween but I didn’t get to, I did kind of sleep half through it, and only was able to wake up for the few hours left of Halloween, and I got to watch a movie during that time.
it just didn’t feel much like Halloween, I guess some might of felt this way before for some days, not just for Halloween.
hopefully when it does get to Christmas, it will feel like Christmas.
one of the things I can look forward to this month, before the next month where Christmas will be starting on....
is that on November, there will be a Season 3 of the Cuphead Show.
oh and this month I saw some new trailer for the Bendy and the Dark Revival, so it disproves any assumptions about that game being canceled.
just got to wait a few more days for Season 3 of the Cuphead Show. 
also want to add that in theory, that Lucifer and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, might either be very affectionate with each other and are very much in love which is how some fans write fan fic or fan art about them...
or they could be on the rocks and could be having a on-and-off type of thing going on....so there are two theories, one is that those two are madly and silly in love or two, they are having a little bit of a separation and coming close to a divorce but still see each other because they are on that “on-and-off” type of love....one of those two theories might be true...                      
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
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⤷ CHAPTER SUMMARY: convinced by eijiro to tell hawks how you truly feel, you decide to give him a call  and let it all out.
author’s note(s): ok so this chapter i thought would be hard to convey just over text so i decided to do it as both, however tumblr is poopy so the confession is split between part seventeen.five and part eighteen ! nonetheless please let me know how if you liked it turned out :(( ily !! ALSO IM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY
previous | part eighteen - keigo takami | next
word count: 1.2K.
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with shaky breaths, your tongue darts out to wet the dry planes of your lips— nervous building up as the pressure your teeth use to sink into the swell of your bottom lip. you shouldn’t be nervous. this is keigo, kei, the guy who sung songs about chicken wings and moved so fast his brain couldn’t catch up with his words. the guy who held you tight in his arms while you shook with fear, who stared at you warmly to calm your nerves on set.
keigo takami was the guy you’d fallen head over heels for.
you shift from under the blankets, the sight of your phone screen lighting up pulling you from your flurry of thoughts. the darkness of your room is brightened by keigo’s contact photo flashing before your eyes. 
it was a picture of him that you’d taken on a lunch date one day— his golden avian eyes that held nothing but the sun were focused on the delicious meal in front of him, a small, earth shattering smile painting his sweet lips. you could look at the photo for hours; but choose to answer the call before your mind can get away from you.
“kei,” his name falls easily from your tongue, tasting of familiarity and comfort, as if it were the only name you were made to say. you could never get tired of saying it, hearing it. “i missed you...”
keigo chuckles from over the line, the sweet melody reminding you of the songbirds that play their tune for you every morning. sinking into your oversized sweater, you suppress the urge to squeal like a school girl and roll over into your sheets— even the simplest things about him have you reeling from the other end of the phone. “missed me? baby bird it’s only been a few hours since you last saw me,” his timbre voice fills the air in your room, resting in every inch and every corner— surrounding you as if he was right there with you. “what is it about me that you miss baby? is it my eyes? my voice? my touch? my...”
which each suggestion, his voice drops an octave, making your heart thump louder in your chest to the point that you’re afraid he might hear it. an embarrassed heat burns at the tips of your ears, flustered without him even being there with you. “keigo takami,” you scold him gently, knowing that if he could see, the smile that spreads across your lips would betray you. “don’t you dare go making me flustered, i’m trying to tell you something important!”
“i’m all ears baby bird.”
he falls quiet, nothing but the sound of ruffling sheets and static between you. you know what you want to say, you’d practiced every word for hours with eiji over the phone before; but now that you were face to face or rather— voice to voice— you couldn’t even think straight. your palms are sweating, heart rattling against your rib cage and now your throat is dry. 
what can you say? what can you do? you don’t want to leave him hanging but you don’t know if you can form a proper sentence but it seems your mouth has a mind of its own; speaking before your thoughts can catch up with it.
“yn? baby?”
“keigo takami, i think i have feelings for you.”
you smack a hand over your mouth, just hard enough to send you flying back into your bed sheets and pillows. you had a whole speech prepared, a confession that could win oscars if you really wanted it to but of course, you’d gone and messed that up too. 
the silence that crackles in the air causes your mind to race with anxiety, how much of a fool you’d look if keigo didn’t feel the same. after all, he was the hawks, a pro hero who was just as good as anyone out there. number two on the ranks and at the top of the game, he could have any girl, any guy, any person he desired. so why on earth would he choose you?
“you think, or you know?” the pro whispers into his device and you could almost hear the smirk entangled with his very tone. he’s teasing you. hawks was always one for jokes and humour; one thing you loved about him was his ability to keep any situation light hearted— but for a second you wished that he took the situation seriously.  fumbling with your fingers, you debate on whether or not you should ask keigo to forget you ever said anything, you could deal with the repercussions after drowning yourself in mina’s ice cream later, but keigo seems to have other plans. “i like you too baby bird, i know i do.” he mumbles as if he’s gone shy, now he’s the one waiting anxiously for your response.
you release a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding, clutching at your chest as fresh air fills your lungs. “that makes two of us then,” you hum warmly, feeling your body warm up at the idea of your favourite pro liking you back.
but keigo doesn’t stop there, it’s almost as if he’s gripping the phone tighter— desperate to convince you that you’re everything that he needs. “i have for some time now yn, i don’t know when or how it happened, but i’m glad it was you. your heart and your soul are kind, half of me doesn’t want to taint it but the other half of me is a selfish bastard,” the hero you’ve come to care for pauses, mulling over his next words in a way that has you sitting up to prepare yourself. “that selfish side of me, that half of me needs you, wants to make you happy. that’s if you’ll let me, songbird...”
you find yourself nodding over the phone and it takes a second for you to realise that keigo can’t see you. desperately you wipe at your eyes, cheeks stained with tears you hadn’t noticed were falling and heart feeling more full than it’s ever been. 
you feel set free, cut from the restraints of your past love for bakugou— ready to make new ties with keigo.
“i want you too kei, more than anything.”
hawks lets out a contented sigh from his end, mumbling sweet words to you not long after. “then you can bet your ass i’m taking you on a date as soon as we’re both free, i’m gonna show you how much i care about you. how much i desire you, baby bird.”
the rest of the night is spent full of giggles and blushes and teases, keigo’s words burning a smile into your cheeks. eventually, he sends you to bed with the promise of a kiss as soon as he sees you next, hanging up the phone shortly after. 
plugging in your phone, you situate yourself amongst your pillows, ready to sleep with a smile on your face— when your phone lights up with a tweet notification from none other than the bird man himself.
‘sleep well, my baby bird, dream of me.’
it reads and despite the likes and retweet that flood the poor tweet, you know keigo wrote it especially for you. adding it to your bookmarks, before sending one of your own and drifting off to sleep.
‘goodnight bird boy, see you in my dreams.’
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@underratedmage @darlingstudies @iambashfulperson @jqnposts @ih8beefnoodles @miniatureland @ozzy-bozzy @someweirdshitman @bro-vocaine @air-wreckaaa @xxangelofpunkrockxx @hyperkaiperrose @sailor-moons-butt @montechristos  @semiathleticnerdykid @headfirst-halo @sasukelore @patricia-ceballos @jadenyukis-bodypillow​ @leel-lol @bokutosuwus @moonlightaangel @atsumumu @cathy8taffy @sya-arts-blog @rosa-gamer @yuesphere @ela-ena @d3ad-b3at-b1tch @starry-yui @cowward @actuallyazriel @bunny-on-crack @yourlocalbabybird @moon-spirit-yue @chaichai-the-weeb @tuddles-on-ice @tamaki-amajiki-anon @loser-keiji @witcherydotcom @s4kurajima @nishinoya-is-baby @astroninaaa @witches-brewe @skyrina @underoosjae @darlingely @mirukosyn​ @peachpetalhoney @kayisweird
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gretavanfleetposts · 3 years
Can I get a ship 🥺🥺
I’m 5’5 Virgo sun, Sagittarius Moon Sagittarius rising, I’m a little tiddy goth witch gf with a dump truck to haul around 🤣 my hair never stays one color but I am a natural blonde which I’m rocking currently (usually it’s pink or black or every other color at once) I have my labret, both nostrils, and my smiley pierced as well as a huge spider tat on my thigh with several small stick and pokes on my left wrist.
My favorite things to do are reading while jamming to music (of any kind really, except rap) I draw fashion designs but I don’t have the energy to actually make them lol. I love going for walks in nature and finding a spot to do yoga while connecting with the earth. I really love road trips and going on random spontaneous adventures with my friend or sometimes alone. I very much enjoy doing psychedelics and having very personal spiritual experiences on them. I have many other hobbies bc my ADHD likes to switch it up but my interest in music, art, and the meaning of life never fade. My favorite books are the twilight saga but that’s just bc I’m a nerd, but my go to favorite is actually the Ozzy Osborne Autobiography. Mans has had a crazy life 😮‍💨
My go to outfits are crop tops or tied band tees with bell bottoms bc they make my legs look 🤌🏻*chefs kiss* or skinny jeans but mostly I opt for a skirt or a dress bc I like to show off my spider tattoo and my thighs lol. I tend do go for a style that I would call fairy goth.
I have 2 cats, a small calico and a large black cat. They’re named October (tobi) and Dave respectively.
My go to song to make me feel better is either Cool With You by Her’s or Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. I have an extremely vast music taste, there’s not a lot that I don’t listen to. I tend to avoid modern music genres like rap and hyper pop type stuff just bc I prefer music made with instruments instead of computers and I’m not at all a fan of auto tune lol. My go to genres are metal, 60s-70s rock, indie and psychedelic rock, sometimes folk too if it’s not too twangy or country lol. I listen to certain pop artists but I tend to find songs I like rather than albums or artists.
There’s nothing I want more in life than to travel the world and just experience life from everyone’s perspective. I want to visit Japan and Europe the most. I’ve been trapped in a small town my whole life so all I wanna do is explore. I have no interest in being famous or rich, I just would like to be free to do what I want with people I love without having to worry about poverty anymore. When I’m old and withered I wanna be the lady in the woods that everyone in the town has different myths and legends about and every time someone stumbles across my cottage they’re greeted with tea and crystals 😋
Hey there, lovely!
❤: Little tiddy goth witch gf with a dump truck. Say no more, I ship you with me. No but really, you sound insanely cool. You clearly have great style, great taste in music, and great taste in books (I'm looking at you, Twilight saga). If you're looking for more friends, I volunteer.
Ship: Josh
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Because: I think little tiddy goth girlfriend is exactly what Josh wants, to be honest. He would be obsessed with your witchy aesthetic. He would invite you on tour with the band so that you would be able to travel the way you have always wanted to. And he would love seeing you in the audience cheering him on wearing bell bottoms and a Greta Van Fleet t-shirt.
You weren't sure what had overcome you when you agreed to let Josh give you a tattoo but nonetheless, there you were, sitting on the table in front of him, needle in his hand, as Danny and Sam observed from a distance
It was just a simple stick and poke but something about Josh's excitement and Danny's nerves made you silently question the decision for a brief moment
Josh stretched out your leg with his hand, splaying it out in front of him
"Where do you want it, mama?" he asked, his grip tightening on your calf
You gestured to an empty spot on your ankle
He smiled and began filling the needle with ink
"You're really letting him do this?" Jake asked, having entered the room with a jack and coke in hand
Josh scoffed in front of you, as if to say 'Of course she's letting me do this' as Jake passed his drink to you for you to sip on
To Jake's amusement, Danny shut his eyes and winced as Josh moved to stick the needle against your ankle
It was a familiar pain, one that you had grown used to during your many tattoo sessions. But the weight of Josh's hand holding your calf steady dulled the pain
It warmed you. Kept you calm
Danny peeked out from behind his fingers at Josh's handiwork as he continued poking at your skin, occasionally re-filling the needle with ink as needed
Everyone other than Josh seemed to be holding in a collective sigh as he worked
You couldn't help but laugh at the tension and the nerves in the room
It was over almost as soon as it had started
Before you knew it, Josh was leaning back in his seat with a wide grin on his face
You met his eyes briefly then peered down at your newly exposed ankle, gazing down at a small heart etched freshly etched into your skin
Your heart practically did a somersault in your chest
You took a moment to file the feeling away as you returned your gaze to your boyfriend's face
He was beaming, of course
"Do you like it, mama?"
You practically jumped off the table and into his arms. You loved it
I hope you liked it! Thank you for the request!
ships are currently closed
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Survey #467
“oh, mary, mary, ain’t this fun?  /  mary, mary, i’ve got a gun”
If the last person you kissed asked you to marry them, what would you do? Pray to god it wasn't in public and tell him it's waaaay too soon for that one. Does your favorite uncle have any children? Yeah, a son and daughter. Name all the members (first, middle and last names) from your favorite band. Ha, it's funny how once upon a time, I could do this. All I've got now is John Michael Osbourne. Have you ever heard a young child swear? Maybe? Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo?: Yes to both. Has a taste of something ever made you smile? Boy meet me at The Cheesecake Factory and see what my face does lmaooo As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a paleontologist sooo badly. I wanted to discover new dinosaurs, put a shitload of work into unearthing fossils and being so proud to see the final results... Even now as an adult, if I could handle the heat, traveling, and hardcore school, I'd still love to do that. Would you cuss the person you hate the most out to their face? No. My hatred for her is unjustified and I'd rather just not say anything to her. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? No. Where do you see your closest friend in ten years? As one of the strongest people around. I imagine her with a job in medical coding, while also pursuing the hobbies of ball python breeding and writing. I'm sure she'll have loads of pets to love, too! Do you like Florence + The Machine? I've never listened to them. Did you watch the presidential debates? No. Do you ever watch Dr. Phil? No. Are you typically unattracted to people outside of your race? No; I can be attracted to any race. Have you ever ridden any animal other than a horse? No. Do you brush your hair when it’s wet? Yes. Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Yeah, I always have. Have you ever flown a kite? Yeah! At my childhood home, there was a tobacco field directly across the street, and when they weren't in season so the field was flat, Dad would help us with getting kites set up and in the air. Those are good memories. How are you for money? I don't make any money. Mom is struggling. Do you think you are more intelligent than the average person? Ha, no. Do you ever think about why we are here? Does it matter? We're here, so make the most of it. Do you like cherries? I fucking hate cherries. Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to: Jeffree Star, probs. Can you use a yoyo? Not well, but yeah. Do you think Jenna Marbles’ videos are funny? I've actually never watched her. Do you like folk music? NOOOOOOOOO Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex? Yes. Do you know any lesbians? Yep. Favourite member of your favourite band: I'm unfamiliar with all but Ozzy himself. And Ozzy is rad. Who’s your favourite female rapper? I don't have one. When you were younger, were you ever in a relationship with someone you now realize was way too old for you? No. Have you ever had a seizure? No. I sometimes have very, very quick spasms when I'm falling asleep that feel like what I assume a seizure would, but they barely last a second. They seriously jerk me awake, though, and are very startling. What’s the oldest man-made object you own? I dunno. Is there anything you feel like you need a break from? Not really, no. What do you hate to hear people joke about? I will actually and remorselessly deck you in the jaw if you make a joke about rape. There are other things that are absolutely forbidden joking matters for me, too. What’s the largest animal you’ve seen in the wild? Hmmm... Nothing that big, really. Maybe a whitetail deer buck? Do any of your friends or family members have strange occupations? Not to my knowledge. Have you ever been in weather so severe that you feared for your safety? Oh yeah. We've had some savage thunderstorms. What political issues are the most important to you personally? LGBTQ+ rights and just equality in general, the pro-choice movement, environmental conservation, gun control, the abolishment of poverty and homelessness... There is honestly a lot. I could keep going. Do you know anyone who doesn’t know how to cook even just simple recipes? ... Me. :x Especially now that I'm in a relationship, I really want to make a greater effort to learn. I want to prove to him I give a damn about the success of our relationship and that I'm capable of being an adult that can take part in general adult responsibilities. ^What’s stopping them from learning this basic life skill? Laziness. Forgetfulness. The fear of getting burned. What small thing makes you automatically distrust someone? I can pick up on sketchy body language from a mile away. I'm too paranoid not to. Of all the states/provinces in your country, which one is your favorite? At least from photographs I've seen, Utah appears BEAUTIFUL. That whole region of the U.S. in general. Are there any obscure foods you’ve eaten that most people have never tried? That's very unlikely. I'm far from explorative with food. When you travel to other countries, do you always try the local cuisine? I've never been outside the U.S. I would probably do that, though. I'd really want to experience the culture as thoroughly as I could. What did you do for your 19th birthday? Hell if I remember. What’s the kindest thing a total stranger has done for you? I remember as a young kid, my parents, two sisters, and I were getting food at McDonald's, and whoever was in front of us paid for our meals. Such a sweet gesture for a larger family. Have you ever used a meal kit delivery service? No, but there actually is one that I can't recall the name of that I'd like to try when I cook myself, especially getting started learning, but yeah, subscription fees. You see a lot of YouTubers get sponsored by them, if that rings a bell. Do you have any psychological issues rooted in events from your childhood? Possibly my fear of men, with my dad having been an alcoholic that had a 50/50 chance of being very angry when drunk. How organized are the files on your computer? Pretty organized, I'd say. I put stuff into folders. Would you date someone with braces? Yes? Do you ever rehearse conversations before you have them? Only always. Do you get angry at yourself or at others more often? Myself, for sure. When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? I've never even taken a cab. Who or what greets you at the door every time you come home? Nobody, really. My cat is occasionally in the living room to see who's home, but not always because he's a lazy cat, ha ha. Do you ever chat about your favourite video games with your friends? Not really, no. I wish. Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? No, bc I'm poor. Are you currently studying a language? If so, which one? No. Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? Yeah. Do you carry pepper spray? No, but I want some 'cuz I'm paranoid as hell. Are you waiting on anything right now? No. Have you ever been described as shy? Is it true? Oh, always. It's absolutely true. Name something you’re a complete sucker for? Baby animals, to name one thing. Do you remember when you first went on the internet? Nope. What is one way someone could completely put you off on a first date? Arrogance/over-confidence. What about a way someone could make you like them more on a first date? Make me genuinely laugh a lot, to name one way. Are you in love right now? Not yet. I love him with our decade of history, but I need more experience as a couple before I've got the confidence to say that. Do you wanna get married anytime soon? It wouldn't be smart to. I want to be in a strong relationship for quite a few years before I want that. Have you ever kissed someone in a band? No. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No but oh my fucking god I wish!!!!!! Did your mom or dad ever put soap in your mouth? No, but Mom would threaten to. What was the last fruit you ate? Well, I had strawberry yogurt earlier today. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Girt. He is very, very good at that. Have you ever dated someone with more piercings than you? No. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Hell yeah man. Is there one night of your life you wish had never happened? I wish it hadn't happened the way it did. Do you have a close relationship with your sibling(s)? No. What was the last thing that you shared? Some watermelon Sour Patch Kids with my mom. Do you think people talk behind your back? You couldn't get me to believe my mom doesn't at least sometimes to my sisters even if you tried your absolute damnedest. In real life do you laugh like ‘haha,’ 'hehe’ or something else? It depends on what I'm laughing at/at what intensity. Do you have any unusual skills? Nah. Who’s your favourite person? I don't have a sole favorite person. I love many people in different ways for varying reasons. Are there any chores you actually enjoy doing? No. When did you last have an "Oh, I get it now!" moment? Watching Attack on Titan yesterday w/ Girt. Have your parents ever suspected something untrue about you? My mom HAD to have suspected I was doing something FAR worse than innocent meerkat RP to have borderline fucking traumatized me invading my privacy and forcing shit out of me regarding what I was always doing on the computer so secretively. Like I get it, she was a concerned mother, but I was a fucking WRECK because I found it so embarrassing. It was insulting that she didn't trust her well-behaved daughter. What do you think about video games? They're great for both the creators and consumers. They're wonderful expressions of creativity, and so much fun to experience as a player, delving into a new world and getting engrossed in the story. I could go onnnn and onnnnn about what video games mean to me. I've gone my whole life as a loyal gamer. Are there any forms of Art you personally find pointless? I really, really don't get a lot of abstract art that's worth fucking thousands, BUT, I absolutely disagree that they are without purpose. The artist created what they did for SOME reason. As a distraction, a method of expressing emotion, to convey an idea... Are you tired right now? I have been SO ridiculously tired today. Like it's unreal. I've taken I wanna say three naps and I'm still sleepy. What’s something you do a lot? Drink something. I'm not talking about alcohol; just in general, I ALWAYS need some kind of drink by me, and I go through drinks pretty quickly. Are you currently on any other websites? Yeah, I'm watching YouTube. Are you good at using Photoshop? I'm decent, I guess. Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way? Yes, actually, at least by my mom, and she's right. My head tends to tilt VERY slightly to the right, and I can tell by how easy it is to bend my head that way as opposed to left. I'll feel a biiiit more strain.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter eighteen: narcissus staring at his reflection
Another few weeks and another few weeks worth of having her ears blown out by the sheer amount of shows that took place before her, and Sam truly felt herself to be part of the music world as well as the art world. Every night, all the way until the final date in San Antonio, about a week before they had to prepare for the flight up to Oulu, in Finland, Charlie asked her to make a little sketch for him before he went up to the stage as sort of a good luck charm. He lent her a little blank notepad which he had found from the glove box in Anthrax's van, and he always made it specific, as well: they had to be in a sketchy style with strictly a black ink pen.
“Why exactly that?” she asked him one evening while the Cherry Suicides were setting up for their opening gig, and he gestured for her to move in closer to him.
“A little bird told me that Louie got one before I did,” he replied in a low voice.
“Zelda!” she hissed.
“Nah, not Zelda,” he assured her. “I did see it in the front window of Testament's van, though.”
“Oh, I see. Propped it up within their sight so everyone could see it.”
“Exactly! I'll get you more paper, too.”
“Yeah, I'm kind of starting to run low on this notebook paper, if I'm honest.”
But nevertheless, she sprung right to it: a little scratchy drawing of Charlie upon the lined paper, complete with the black curls all around his head. Sometimes, she drew a little drum kit before him to make it look as though it was in fact Charlie there: this was one of those times. Within a few minutes flat, she finished it and signed her initials at the bottom of the page, and then she handed it to him for good luck.
“You ought to compile all of those together in a collection of sorts,” she suggested.
“Like a little book!” He then snapped his fingers; from underneath his bangs, Sam made out the twinkle in his dark eyes. “There's an idea for you.”
“An art book?”
“Yeah! Something to do some day when you're out of school and you've made it big at some point.” He flicked his bangs back and he flashed her a little wink.
“Not soon? While you guys are over in Scandinavia with the girls and with Metal Church?”
“Nah, it'll take too much of your time, if I'm honest. Even I can tell you that. By the way—you heard this from me—” He glanced around him before he returned to her. “—we're gonna be with Ozzy, too.”
“No way!” Her face lit up at the sound of that.
“Yes way! But—” He leaned in closer to her again and he lowered his voice a bit. “—please don't tell Zelda, though. Scott and I want it to be a surprise for her. We got her and Minerva both into Ozzy and Randy Rhoads shortly after the announcement was made that we would be going to Finland. As far as the two of them know, it's just gonna be us with them and Metal Church.”
“Okay—” Sam was cut off by Frank and Dan skirting past her with their guitars in hand. She then glanced down at the notepad in her hands: two pages left, and of course not nearly enough to tithe her over until they left for England at the end of August.
“Also, Zelda wants to talk to you,” Charlie picked up again, that time with a slight clearing of his throat.
“About what?” she asked him.
He shook his head. “Dunno,” he confessed. “She just told me earlier over breakfast that she wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Well, where is she?” Sam wondered about that especially since she had bunked with the Cherry Suicides every night on this stint of the tour. She could have easily spoken to her about it at some point during one of those nights.
“She and Morgan are both signing autographs right now, believe it or not. I guess those girls are getting quite the fan base now. You know it's only a matter of time before they go Testament's route and start their own fan club. Morgan and I were talking about that just this morning over breakfast and I was like 'yes! You totally should at some point. Eric'll probably help you out with that, too, because he's the driving force behind that.'”
“What they get for thrashing all around,” Sam chuckled.
“Right! In fact, I've been seeing a lot more women in our crowds now because of them. Definitely more of the punky type of women given their music—lots of dyed mohawks and black leather and studs, but women nonetheless. From a mile away, I can tell they're all women. Not only do I have to owe it to the four of them, but I want to hand it to you and—” He cleared his throat. “—Marla and Belinda especially. Our first real big female fans.” Without a moment's hesitation, he put his arms around her and Sam returned the favor.
She then tucked the notepad into her pocket and before she could step away, Charlie spoke again.
“Did—Marla move into her new place by chance? I know it's been a while. I'm just—you know, just kinda curious.”
“I think she did?” Sam recalled: every night seemed to melt into itself, despite the new surroundings each and every time. “I'll have to ask her when I see her tonight, because I'm not too sure if I'm honest. I called her from the room last night and she told me that she's waiting for a direct deposit from me. And I promised her I'll get it once you guys run off to Finland, 'cause that's when I get the money from Jon.”
“I see. You know, I, um—” He cleared his throat again. “I still think about her from time to time.”
Sam squinted her eyes at him, and she flashed back on the night in which Marla came with her and Joey to her parents' house.
“She told me—you guys broke up because you have feelings about someone else.”
“And I do,” he answered, frank.
“Do you mind me asking?” She lowered her voice enough to where only he could hear her over the commotion around them. He nibbled on his bottom lip and he gazed off to the side.
“I won't tell anyone,” she vowed. “I promise. I'm not like Belinda—I'll keep a secret.”
He chuckled at that, but then his expression turned serious once again.
“Rosita,” he replied through gritted teeth.
“Yeah.” He nodded at her. “She's just—she's a babe. She rocks, too. Just the way she plays bass, man, it just—it kind of reminds me of the way Frankie plays bass and the way Cliff used to play bass, too.”
Her heart skpped a few beats at the sound of Cliff's name.
“Real friendly and just—” He shook his head again. “I've tried to ask her out but I just never got the courage to do so yet.”
“You ought to,” Sam told him. “Cliff did and we just clicked from that point on. For all you know, she might be the one for you.”
Charlie sighed through his nose and he nibbled on his bottom lip again.
“It's a long flight up to Helsinki from here,” he said. “That's a long time to think of the right words. I just don't really like being put on the spot like that. When I asked Marla out, she and I were all alone. It's just—finding that solitary moment, you know?”
“Yeah. 'Cause we're surrounded by people constantly.”
“Right. Exactly, yeah! I can always pull her aside—like when people are getting off of the plane. I'll ask her right there.”
“You should.”
“I don't wanna make any promises, though, 'cause something always come up. Things always come up, especially while on tour.”
“But I'll give it a shot, though,” he told her. “That's the only promise I can genuinely make is that.” He sighed through his nose and he glanced down to his hands. “And thank you for this, by the way.” He flashed the little sketch to her.
“Just—an artist to another artist.”
“Exactly!” Charlie peered over his shoulder to the other side of the room to the front doors and he knitted his eyebrows together. “Time is it?”
“I think it's almost noon?”
“I think Zelda might be on break. Why don't you go talk to her?”
Sam then nodded her head and once she tucked the notepad into her purse, she ambled over to the stairs at the edge of the stage; she padded across the narrow strip of carpet before the stage and then she made her way up one of the two aisles that split the rows of seats into neat thirds. She reached the double doors at the top there and she pushed open the one on the right: indeed, right in the front lobby of the theater was Zelda and Morgan seated at a low white table with felt tip pens in hand. The former had combed her back into a slick pompadour upon her head while the latter had on a bright red cowgirl hat and red lace gloves on her hands, complete with a red and black lace brassiere under a red lace bolero.
Zelda then turned her head and her face lit up at the sight of Sam.
“Hey, there she is!” she declared. “We were just discussing special outfits for tonight's show, given we're in Texas and whatnot.”
“Kinda makes me wish I had my black hat with me,” Sam confessed with a pat of her own head.
“We could be dead cowgirls,” Morgan said with a smirk on her face. “With nooses around our necks and splatters all over our hats.”
“Dead punk cowgirls,” Zelda corrected her with a nod. She then returned to Sam. “So what's up?”
“You wanted to talk to me about something?”
She hesitated and then she gasped and raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, that!” Her expression then turned serious. “Been meaning to tell you this for a couple of days now, and it just keeps slipping from memory. Just because I have other, important things to worry about and remember.”
Sam lingered next to her, and the edge of the table.
“Another reason to be nicer to Alex the next time you see him,” Zelda started again as she held the pen in between two fingers.
“What's that?” Sam asked her, and she hesitated once more.
“Do you ever notice how bullies tend to travel in packs,” she pointed out, and Sam stopped right in her tracks.
“What do you mean?”
“They travel in packs and the ones getting picked on are usually solitary.” She turned to Morgan. “Wouldn't you agree, Mo? That bullies travel in packs and their prey often stands alone?”
“Oh, yeah. And it's always a sign of vulnerability, too. They won't admit it, though. But why do you think—cowgirls—punks—metalheads—all travel in packs? Same mindset. Bullies have a similar mindset, but they refuse to admit it.”
Sam frowned at that as Zelda returned her attention to her.
“They travel in packs because they know they're weak on their own. So—my suggestion, Sam.” Zelda twirled the pen in between her fingers. “The next time you see him, like when we're out in California when we get home from Finland—talk to him. And really talk to him, too. That boy deserves it. He just looks—lonely to me. I don't really know his full story, other than what Louie, Zetro, and Greg have all told me about him, but I feel like he's an easy target. So—the little blow up you guys had makes me wonder if he sees you in a shitty light, and I know you're not like that at all. But he needs to know that. He needs to know that you're of good stature. I know it's gonna be hard, given he's so hard himself but—he's still just a young buck, though. We've met a few teenagers signing autographs in here—and it's just so cool to see. These young girls—a lot of boys, too—”
“The girls come for the music, the boys come for something else,” Morgan joked.
“Right!” Zelda burst out laughing, and then she straightened herself out. “But—we've been seeing these kids coming through here in Texas—and there were those kids in Portland, too. And I think it was that bunch—in Tacoma and also in Portland, that got me thinking about Alex again, because he's still just a kid and we haven't seen him in a few weeks 'cause they're with Overkill right now. And I just think—he's legally an adult, but he's still just a boy, though. So—try to talk to him if you can. Let him know that he belongs with the whole gang and everything.”
“It's a little bit hard for us,” Morgan filled in, “because we're punks. We're a punk band. A punk band opening for a metal band, so it just feels a little weird with us and whatnot.”
“But we think that,” Zelda continued, “—since you and him actually have a little bit of history with Cliff especially—you could do it better with him than any of us can.”
“Why us, though? Don't you think one of the guys from Testament could try and talk with him?”
“Because they're dudes,” Zelda replied with a flutter of her eyelashes, “they're not good with feelings like us. I actually tried doing that with Louie once and he was struggling with it, I could tell. One of the things that drove me nuts about him was how it almost felt like I couldn't talk to him about anything on an emotional level.”
Sam thought about that night in Boston, where Louie confessed that Zelda was his affair, and she tightened her lips at the very thought of that. Yet another secret to keep under wraps.
“Anyways—if you could do that, he could probably be a little more—present, I'd say? I was actually talking to Louie just last night and I guess they've been struggling lately.”
“Why's that?” Sam asked her.
“I guess they've been kicking serious ass with the music lately but—they're sorta lacking with the presence. Alex moves around a little bit but he's like stilted, though.”
“They're getting accused of being too much like Metallica, too,” Morgan added.
“Yeah, that's another thing! Chuck apparently sounds way too much like James which is horse shit to me. There's a little parallel there given they're all from the San Francisco Bay Area, but I don't really see it to be honest.”
A knock on the glass door to up the lobby from them caught their attention. Sam recognized that head of fiery red hair in the midday sun outside as she peered in through the smoked glass pane. Fiery dyed red hair coupled with large brown sunglasses, a white camisole over a matching long skirt, and a big shabby hand bag.
“Hey, it's Marla!” Sam called out; she padded over to the doors but before she reached Marla there, she returned to Zelda and wagged a finger at her.
“I'll remember that,” she vowed, and Zelda nodded her head at her. Sam then opened the door and she was greeted by a blast of hot humid air in stark contrast to the air conditioner around her.
“Hey, you!” Marla greeted her and she stepped inside the lobby and shut the door behind her.
“I was wondering when you'd get here,” Sam replied and they embraced one another.
“So Bel and Aurora helped me move my things into the new place in Hell's Kitchen,” Marla started again as she took off her sunglasses, “I just need the other side of the first month's rent and the deposit, too.”
“Well, this is the last date of the tour before they—” Sam gestured back to Zelda and Morgan at the table. “—head up to Helsinki next week. That's when I get paid.”
“Okay, good!” Marla then reached into her hand bag for something and she took out her big Polaroid camera.
“Hey, I remember that.”
“Oh, yeah, we got together at L'Amour—many moons ago, and you made that drawing of me and Charlie. And you used that Polaroid, too. I decided, eh, why not have it again?”
She turned back to Sam again.
“You wanna get something to drink? I'm like dying of thirst right now.”
“I'd love to.”
“You ladies wanna join us?” Marla called to Zelda and Morgan.
“We're shooting the rock star bullshit and signing autographs,” Zelda replied. “We should be seeing more people coming through here in about ten minutes.”
“Yeah, I saw a bunch of people standing out in the shade around the corner here. I thought maybe they showed up early for will call.”
“Nah, it's for them,” Sam told her. “They're actually starting to make serious headway in the music world now.”
“Right on! Anyways, there's a juice bar right up the street here. We can sit in the shade, too, and I just heard that we're not too far from the River Walk and the Alamo, either.”
“So you can literally call me Sam Houston now!”
Zelda and Morgan laughed out loud at that.
“Right!” Marla chuckled. “But anyways, it's actually not bad out—it's just the sun is hotter than holy fuck is all.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Sam returned to Zelda and Morgan. “I'll see you girls later—”
The two of them stepped outside to the sun as it hung high in the clear blue sky over their heads. Indeed, it wasn't that hot out, but the contrast of the air conditioner and the sunlight on their heads and the sidewalk around them made Sam wish for one of those large oak trees to cover their heads all the way up the block to the corner.
“So we've got a nice view of the water,” Marla told her.
“And it's close to school, too, I remember you telling me that.”
“Yeah, it is! No more taking the stinkin' subways so much. And by the way, Bel told me to tell you that, yes—we will help you. We kinda have to help you.”
“I moved cross country,” Sam recalled, “with the help of my parents, and almost by sheer luck, I met Frankie and Joey, but yeah—I could definitely use a little help.”
They reached the juice bar in question and Sam took to the table right before the front door, right underneath an oak tree and a pair of short stubby palmetto trees, and she set her purse down before her. Marla offered to buy up for her given she hadn't a lot of money on her at the moment.
“I'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick, though,” she told her as she set her purse down on the table before her. Sam nodded her head as she watched Marla head inside of there: that cherry red hair as bright as the very sun itself. Sam gave her hair a toss back and a light breeze came up from behind her. Still not enough to beat the intense summer sun, and she reached into her purse for a ponytail holder.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something by the corner to her left. As she tied up her hair, she looked over and spotted Joey at the corner of the building. He was looking at something, but she couldn't tell as to what he looked at there.
She set her hands down on her lap and she watched him. He stood before the glass and he leaned back a bit. He was looking at his own reflection.
She had an idea.
That in and of itself could act as her newest painting, and she would put more thought into it this time around. She knew he would move at some point. He turned his back to her right then. She had nothing with her but the little notepad and the ink pen in her purse.
But then again, Marla's camera stood right there on the table next to her. Without a second thought, she picked up the camera and she pointed it in Joey's direction. All the times she thought of making a stained glass window about his likeness.
Slim and delicate, almost elegant in fact. The black curls sprawled down his back towards his thin waist. The white shirt he wore only accentuated the thinness of his body and the richness of his curls.
She took out the camera and she took the cover off of the lens. She peered in through the aperture and there he was, right within her line of sight.
“C'mon, Joey, turn to the side again,” she muttered to herself; she rested her finger on the bottom on top. For a second, she felt like a genuine photographer. “The other side. C'mon, Marla's gonna be back soon.”
Like magic, he turned to the right side. She pressed the button and the flash dissipated with the midday sun so he couldn't see it. The camera spat out the Polaroid and she took it before anyone could see it for themselves. She waved it about so the ink would settle in on the paper.
His slim body was as flat as a washboard, and his curls sprawled down towards his waist like tentacles. He had slightly bent his legs at the knees all the while, but she knew she had the perfect subject to work with no one was looking. The decision now was between acrylic paints on canvas once again, or to go forth with the stained glass idea. If she carried out the latter, she would have to take a better shot of him, or he would have to sit still for her again, and she had no idea as to when he would do that again for her.
But she chuckled to herself as she looked on at the photograph in hand. She glanced up and she recognized Marla's head of cherry red hair on the other side of the glass, thus she quickly slipped the camera back into Marla's hand bag and she stashed the Polaroid into her own. Joey then strode away from the glass reflection and towards the front door of the juice bar for himself.
Some day, she would carry out that stained glass idea with him. It was a matter of when and how. Add to this, as she peered into her purse once again, she spotted that little plastic bag at the bottom there. A little more inspiration was all she needed, courtesy of Joey himself. But she had no lighter to do that just yet.
She took another glimpse up to the front door of the bar, and Joey had made his way inside; Marla then doubled back outside, right past him and towards the table once again. She squinted her eyes against the hot summer sun.
“So they've got all manner of smoothies and good stuff for us.”
“I'll take blueberry if they have it,” Sam told her.
“The special for today is blueberry pomegranate.”
“I'll have that then!”
Marla opened her bag for her wallet and frowned at what she saw before her.
“What happened here?” she wondered aloud.
“What do you mean?”
She picked up her camera and she delved about the bottom of the hand bag for something.
“The cover came off of the lens.” And Sam shook her head at that given she merely tossed the lid in there. Marla stuck the cover back on and then she returned for her wallet.
“It is getting kind of long in tooth, though. I've had it a long time... anyways, I'll be right back. And Joey's in there, by the way!”
“Oh, boy!” Sam felt her face grow warm at the sound of that, and Marla returned to the front door once again. The sight of Marla putting the cover back onto the lens made her think of Zelda's words to her. She could keep a secret, and yet she needed to heed by that promise as well. She reached into her purse again, and that time for the notepad and the pen.
The last night of the North American stint for the time being and she could fill in the next two pages there with some other things. She lifted the penultimate page and then she set the pad down on the table before her.
“'Talk to Alex,'” she muttered to herself as she wrote the words down on that final page of the notepad. Now she had something else to live to, especially since Marla knew nothing about what had happened that morning in her own city.
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rae-arts777 · 3 years
Who are you?
Summary: welcome, meet ultimate despair Dorothy and Makoto
Notes: what’s this? Rae wrote her Danganronpa X GrePre crossover that’s not as dark as the last one that will never see the light of day? :000
TW: death/blood/world destruction
Again it’s Danganronpa inspire.
Makoto stop mid monologue about how TC were hypocrites. His expression went from a face full of anger, to boredom.
Lowering the sword he yawned and looked up at the ceiling, “Jesus Christ I told you this be boring. Let’s just get on with it already. Their expressions are so plain.”
Everyone in the room looked confused. Akemi looked at Laurent thinking this was part of TC’s plan, Laurent looking at the director thinking it was some act she made Makoto do.
“Hey, bitch I know you can hear me” Makoto continued “Get on with it, or I might just throw myself out the window from boredom”
Familiar laugh to half of TC echo through the room. Laurent’s eye widen, scanning the area fractionally looking. It wasn’t in his head, everyone heard it, even Oz was looking.
The doors swung open and out she step. Flipping her white hair over her shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkling, her iconic pink lip stick vibrante as ever. But something was off. The way she smiled didnt set off any brightness or joy, it sent a chilling feeling down everyone’s spine.
“Gheez Makoto! Did you have to stop half way? I was actually enjoying your performance!!” Dorothy walked to him and threw her arms around the Japanese man smiling “ah! I could just tell every word you spoke plunge even more despair into all their hearts!! You’re such a good actor! Oh you’ve come such a long way from that kid I found on the streets!” She pulled at his cheeks cooing him.
Annoyed, Makoto pushed her off “It was boring. Their reactions were so predictable.”
Everyone stared in confusion. No one knew what was going on, how did they know each other? Dorothy was alive?
Laurent took a step towards her “Dorothy.? Is it really you?”
“Yup! In the flesh Laurie!” She smiled and grabbed Makoto’s shoulder “and you’ve all meet my little successor Makoto Edamura. Such a talented young man, is he not?”
Oz looked at his son “so this whole time...you-“
“Yes I knew.” Makoto cut him off “I’ve worked under her since you left”
“That long?!” Oz spoke in shock
“Better to teach them when they’re young right?” Dorothy laughed “again, such a talented young man. You have to admit, his performance was phenomenal!!”
Akemi spoke up “I do not understand. Who are you? What is going on?”
The one thing Laurent could agree on with this woman “what is going on.? How do you two know each other.?”
“Right I should probably reintroduce myself” Dorothy pulled out little hair pin, it was the head of a cartoon bear, the left white and the right black. She pinned it in her hair and took a bow
“Dorothy, I’m the ultimate despair. And this!” She gestured to Makoto “it’s Makoto Edmaura, my partner, and the second ultimate despair.” She patted his cheek smiling proudly.
Makoto’s expression remain blank. Everyone looking at the two like they’ve lost their minds.
Abby growled “ok virgin, enough with the games. Did you hit your head or something? Stop this.”
“You’re annoying.” Makoto snapped at her “when you were a suicidal manic you didn’t fear death. So boring. You couldn’t even appreciate the despair that came with death. People like you annoy me”
“I’m going to knock the sense into you!” Abby tried to get up was was still restrain.
However someone did take action.
“ENOUGH OF THIS.” Yao grabbed Makoto by the collar raising his fist “I don’t know what game you’re playing but I have enough.”
Makoto remained unpashed, sighing “shame, you would have been a good blacken for the game”
Dorothy nodded in agreement “well, looks like nothing can be done now.” She pulled out a remote and pressed a button.
A loud buzz was heard through the room. Before anyone knew it, spears came flying, shooting into Yao. He let go of Makoto who step back, a slight smile dancing upon his face.
Everyone looked in horror, as blood ran down the spears, Yao’s body twitching.
“T-the hell...?” He muttered “I don’t....how did you even....? You....damn....bastards...” The spears retracted, and Yao fell to the floor dead.
Ishigami let out of blood curling scream and threw an arm up to shield Akemi, who had her mouth covered in horror.
Laurent knelt down and checked for a pulse, praying this was some elaborate con Makoto set up to get even. There was no pulse. Yao was dead.
Laurent looked up at Dorothy with a pain expression “but...we don’t-“
“We don’t kill people? Old news. Old life. I can’t believe I stuck to those morals, how boring, death is so wonderful” an insane smile danced upon her lips “did you see it Laurie? That expression before he died? Such despair...ahhh!” She hugged herself laughing “such a wonderful feeling! I remember how amazing it felt when I thought I was going to die! The thrill! The excitement! Despair is truly such a wonderful thing!”
Liu step forward, his face stonecold “tell me what is your motivate here? What do you two so call ultimate despairs want?”
“It’s simple really” Makoto explained “as we speak right now, the whole world is falling apart.” He took the remote Dorothy had, making a TV appear. Switching on the channel, everyone’s face snuck into deeper despair.
The world was literally burning. People were rioting, there was death on every corner.
“No that’s not real...” Cythina spoke “there’s no way that’s real.”
“But it is.” Makoto said. “Of course we didn’t do it alone. We had some help.” He switch the board cast again.
Salazar walked away from Casano’s burning mansion, the sounds of gunfire behind him, people of LA rushing to kill each other for the name of despair.
Clark stood in front of his people giving a speech. The crowd erupted of cheers, as everyone took to the city. Fire roar, soaring as high as the planes that flew overhead dropping bombs. Clark watched with a smile as his kingdom fell into despair.
Thomas walked through an art gallery, covered in blood. He walked over to a painting, and smeared the blood on him onto the painting. He smiled recreating the painting in his image. Smiling at his proud work, he took the painting down, and walked out of the gallery. He sat on the bench waiting, and watch as the gallery exploded. People on fire running screaming. He pulled out his paintbrush and started to paint the beautiful despair that London had caught.
Cythina cried and shook her head “no! That can’t be real! Thomas would never do that! Never!”
“But Cythina” Dorothy grabbed her chin smiling “he did. Everything you see is live.”
“We almost forgot” makoto switched the channel “are special little warriors of hope”
Cohen along with the others who were sold the trading company, sat on top of piled of rumble, smiling and watching the adults demise. From their safe haven, they threw water balloons full of gasoline to spread fire below.
“If it was true why hasn’t someone come up to warn us?” Akemi said “I think we hear everything going on, and-“
“That’s cause you’re on an island.” Makoto pulled back the shades to reveal the ocean “that’s a whole other thing but it’s too boring to explain”
Akemi’s face dropped again. She covered her mouth thinking of her son back in Japan. Was he alive?
Oz growled, snatching the sword from Makoto; and pointed it to Dorothy.
“Enough! I don’t know what you’re playing but this is enough!”
“Careful Ozzy” Dorothy’s voice dropped “you don’t want to end up like Yao do you?” She gestured to his dead body.
Oz shook at the venom that dropped from her lips. Slowly lowering the sword he tried to keep a stonecold face.
“Please this isn’t real..” Laurent said stepping towards Makoto “edamame please. You got me ok? We’re even. You can drop the act.”
“If only it was an act” Makoto said “I assure you, this is all true, Laurie.” Makoto pulled out a picture and showed Laurent.
Dorothy with one hand upon a teen Makoto shoulder, and another on Miki Edmaura’s back, they were in the hospital. All of them smiling. There was a get well soon ballon along with flowers by Miki’s bedside.
Laurent wanted to believe it was photoshopped, but, something told him it was very much real.
“She was so nice” Makoto said “the one person I really cared for. But I knew in order for thing to move along, she had to go”
Everyone felt another harsh chill run through their bodies.
“Makoto....” Oz spoke “did you.....kill your mother...?”
“In a way I guess I did. The despair finished the job really. When you’re only child gets taken away to prison while you’re bedridden, it must leave a big empty hole in your heart. I think the despair killed her, not the sickness”
Abby felt herself shaking, in fear, this was not their Makoto.
“Who are you?!” Abby yelled “who the hell are you?!”
Makoto looked at her “My name is Makoto Edmaura, ultimate despair, successor of ultimate despair Dorothy.” A big smile spread across his face.
The first time they seen a smile on this despair Makoto. Makoto’s smile use to bring such brightness, and now...such darkness.
“Welcome contests!!!!” Dorothy spread out her arms smiling “to the very first killing game!!!! Broadcast live across the world!!”
Makoto laughed smiling “will you find that shining hope you think still exist? Or shall you plunge into the claws of despair?”
Anguished filled the room. Everyone stared hopelessly, their lives at the mercy of the ultimate despairs.
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zoocross0vers · 4 years
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Sorry for not posting this sooner, I had some problems with scanning and lighting but I’m glad that is finally done. Here are some doodles of Sonic/Zootopia crossover from my 2 favourite movies. Those two movies are complimenting each other. Remember when I told you how Tom👦 and Maddie👩🏾 (these are names of those characters from Sonic movie) remind me a lot of Nick🦊 and Judy🐰? Well, after I watched the movie (10 times in cinema, 15 times at home after pandemy, don’t judge me!), it turns out that they have lot in common indeed that I thought. Those are my favourite moments from movie with Nick and Judy as Tom and Maddie and so does other characters from Zootopia (I really enjoy also that scene akward conversation about shooting Sonic with tranq-gun, that is hilarious for me). Wish I could include more but unfortunately after I drew I realized that my paper is not big enough, dang it! Thankfully I was able for example including at least 3 important moments like Sonic looking at happy couple behind window wishing been part of company, because of fear of him all alone forever, which it saddening him (😢 „sniff“ can someone please give that kid a hug?!😭), Ozzy licking Sonic’s face (awwwwww :3) and of course “THE FINAL BATTLE WITH ROBOTNIK” (at least the confrontation). The only thing I didn’t include was Longclaw and echidna tribe, since they had small screen and I small space (dang it!). Which is bummer because I really like Longclaw, she is really interesting character and wish we could see more. There were only two scenes of her, the one from begging of the movie and the deleted where she end up in earth with Sonic for some time but died from s-sicknes-ss “sniff”😢 (I’m sorry for that but this moment always makes cry every-time I watching it😭, it’s just really personal for me for certain reasons.). I guess you questioning the Ozzy licking Sonic’s face scene considering there are no domestic animal, including dogs and Zootopia is world of anthromorphic mammals, so I thought I would use Yoshi as Ozzy as a cameo from Mario (you know because of friendly rivalry between Sonic and Mario) and also as a gift for Yoshifan, especially after seen many pictures of Nick and Yoshi who’s calling him “Mama Nick” and I found it pretty funny. After I started drawing I realized there are some obstacles that would be problem like (aside from Ozzy) raccoons, bear-head from Piston Pit, chilli-dogs (considering what meat they put on these things if, IF it is a meat), the Sonic’s shoes (the old and new ones) and of course Robotnik himself considering I don’t want to change him into some mammal. Like I said before Robotnik works better as human and he doesn’t need to change to an animal considering he put animals from Sonic’s world, anthromorphic and normal, always in danger or abuse (like making them into badniks, or robotized them). So, how are gonna fix it you ask? Well I have some idea. Like I said before for Ozzy I choose Yoshi for that role (and honestly I don’t have any other options, heheh. BUT you must admit that it is adorable 🥰), raccoons were a challenge so I came multiple ideas for example:
Instead of raccoons we use gerbil jerks from Zistopia concept art
Raccoons will be anthromorphic teens who like mess with Nick while eating from trashcans (like Mr. Big said, evolved but deep down still animals)
Since mammals are sentient how about use non-mammal “trash pandas”(lol, I like that nickname) like birds as ravens, crows or pigeons (pigeons are also known as “flying rats” – thank you Spies in Disguise)
Those are mine options, if you have other in mind I’m listening.
Then there’s taxidermy bear-head. Considering that pouching would classified as not just illegal but also as psycho (still not get over that taxidermy Moose-head from Sly 2. Yeah I know that was part of mission to blend in to not rise a suspicion but seriously, WHY those Moose have that head, did they just-…you know what let’s not think about it😖) I came up with idea instead of taxidermy bear-head how about some mask of unusual mascot like the manticore from Onward, eh eehh? (Or it can some dino but I rather prefer manticore). As for those motorbike gang at first I want to suggest those Ranger Scouts. That would be delightful punishing them that way (evil chuckle😈). But then I remembered the trash gang from Zootopia comic “A hard day’s work” and to be honest those characters are ideal for those roles: wildebeest could the black cowboy, elephant as the belly guy (oh come on, like you didn’t think same nickname after seen Sonic sprung out of his belly) and hyena with green Mohawk as of course the Bear-head jerk. But if you want combine them be my guest.😁
As for chilli-dogs since are Sonic’s favourite we cannot left them behind. Thankfully I was watching on YouTube where there mentioned Tails been vegetarian and one comment that said “Chilli-dog: Am I joke to you?” that made conversation about mobians been vegetarians. So in that case since Zootopia is filled birds (and sometimes bugs), and synthetic meat, proteins, probably tofu, we can assume that there are Chilli-dogs made especially in Zootopia universe (and honestly we do not really know, what exactly hot-dogs are truly made of).🌭
👟The shoes were honestly a very hard obstacle for me considering mammals don’t wear shoes since they are still animals, like our directors said, BUT that doesn’t mean they don’t exist in Zootopia.
Evidence 1: Gazelle – she’s wearing high heels from Preyda
Evidence 2: Poster of (parody) movie Cinderellephant, with elephant-size glass slipper
Evidence 3: Judy Hopps – she wears half-sockets in her police uniform (that still does count as a foot-wear)
So I came with headcanon that only celebrities and patients with sensitive feet wear shoes as a luxury or medical protection (I mean we have a lot of animals that can’t live on different area with their conditions, come on have someone of you seen a polar bear live in Sahara Square?) and in this case it’s the latter (plus there is in this story a human character that needs his own footwear) since Sonic is wearing his running shoes considering that his speed is high enough to burn his feet (ouch🤕).
And finally with Robotnik, we use that orphan idea and certain headcanon from Sonic X about planets that once were one until they divided and made their own time and space alterations, prof. Gerald Robotnik (Eggman’s grand-father) could study Mobius for finding cure for Maria, creating Shadow, G.U.N. etc. It could be three worlds (Sonic’s world/Mobius, Robotnik’s world/our world, and Zootopian’s world) or just two (Mobius and Zootopia), what works better.
As you can see there are some characters I included in in certain scene (aside from Yoshi), I present to you Judy’s niece named Cotton and one of Judy’s (many) sisters Violet Hopps. No, those are not an OC from any fandom, those are official characters from Zootopia universe. You already actually know Cotton but for those who don’t know who is Violet, she was introduced in Zootopia Graphic Novel in comic named “Brothers & Sisters” and considering how she is very overprotective of Judy (like any other Hopps) I thought she would fit perfectly for Rachel role (I don’t think she’s Cotton’s mother so don’t ask), and also she’s the only official Hopps sibling with name we know. I wanted also include another characters into this doodles but I like I said before I didn’t have enough space on one paper. So here are my character ideas: Clawhauser as Wade, Bogo as Major Bennington, Mayor Lionheart as Commander Walters (no surprise). For others like Crazy Carl and Agent Stone I had some problems.
For Crazy Carl I first thought about who would fit perfectly and I came up with a lot of ideas: first I thought about Duke Weaselton, since he has face for that crazyness but then I declined since he doesn’t fit on the character, then I thought about Pop-Pop Hopps but that was questionable considering in movie he had a huge aversion of foxes (red as devil) and comic he’s not biased but then I thought who could describe Crazy Carl better than well-known concept crazy theorist Honey Badger am I right?
As for agent Stone I had no idea what to do with him. I could let him stay as but that would make questions of humans and I didn’t want to put Bellwether into this position. If she was unhappy of been unappreciated and humiliated by predators then I don’t think she would really want to work with someone who is full of himself more than her and only see humanity as an excuse of stupidity and “herd of useless sheep (get it?)” and only relay on machines. And characters from Zootopia Crimes was not an option and Jack Savage was out of question no in my point. Not saying that Jack Savage could be a great option but I don’t think fans would appreciate another bad guy role for Jack and I already have something different for him in my mind. Then it came another that would fit for Stone and that is a certain platypus Dr. Starline from Sonic The Hedgehog IDW comics. He admires Eggman and his evil genius (questionable) and in comics he’s working as partner/assistant for him. But since he is mobian as Sonic we could use idea that government knows about it (partially) but does not tell and he thinks that he is an unusual zootopian platypus (after all he does wear clothes and looks “more” normal unlike Sonic) and we could do the same with Robotnik considering his past about grand-father and project Shadow if Jeff Fowler would follow some headcanons (I wouldn’t surprised if some government keeping some secrets even from employers). But then again we could use also Tony, a bunny from Zootopia Crime Files since he is shady and bland at once and already wear a suit, like agent Stone (great, now I don’t know which one to choose again).
You know what, I’ll give you an option who would fit for role of Agent Stone:
1. Dr. Starline, a platypus from Sonic The Hedgehog IDW comics
2. Tony, a bunny from Zootopia Crime Files
3. Jack Savage, a jackrabbit from Zootopia concept art/Savage Seas (you don’t have to take that third one too seriously, but just in case)
DONE (pass out from exhaustion). Haahhh so much work, editing fixing hands, oohh boyyy. You have no idea how hard this was for me to finally made it. I wish I could do more. But for now I’m so glad that I was able to draw at least some of my favourite moments because I feel they’re important for storytelling: first the introduction of main characters, their struggles, interactions and how they greatly compliment to each other (both Sonic and Zootopia). I mean you can’t just see Judy call Nick and Sonic cute and not imagine that, or there was also moment where Sonic dry like dog so his fur and quills(?) go puffy and Nick would look mesmerized by fluffiness. Come to think of it Sonic has lot in common with Nick and Judy that he would actually fit for the role as their son. You’re not believe? Well here are some examples.
Similarities between Sonic and-
1. heroes in blue (get it?)🌀
2. pretty fast (Sonic more faster than Judy but still…)
3. impatient😤
4. first act then think (always put themselves into danger)
5. thing for get into trouble
6. sense for justice
7. never give up
8. preys but not rodents (that’s right hedgehogs are not rodents)
9. became a friend with fox (their natural predator, that was bullied in past, huh strange, just as strange as hedgehog be taken care of by owl that is also his natural predator)
1. sly smile😏
2. mischievous trickster
3. green eyes
4. omnivores (hedgehogs eat melons, watermelons(what’s the difference?), berries (blueberries headcanon!) and insects, snails, frogs snakes🤢- uhhh I think chilli-dogs works better thank you)
5. cringy sense of humor😒
6. thing for nicknames (by Nick: Carrots, Buffalo Butt, Yakity yak, Flash Hundred Yard Dash, by Sonic: Donut Lord, Pretzel Lady, Eggman, Knucklehead, Super Observant Carl)
7. loyalty (they never left their friends behind)
8. never let them see they get to you (despite suffering a lot of emotional damage, thanks a lot SEGA)
9. smooth talker with heart of gold
-both🐰 🦊:
1. traumatic past
2. sacrifices for others
3. fight for what is right
See they had a lot in common. Anyway I am still glad I was finally able to finish this. It wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
But I guess, that I made it hard for you with those moments so how about this we use the final moments like in your fanfic Carcass Bride: FINAL BOSS BATTLE SONIC VS. ROBOTNIK because honestly this moment is epic (wish I could make it bigger), it would start Sonic running from Robotnik, like we’ve seen in beginning of the movie, get shot retelling in short whole story, like in movie only less detailed and faster the confrontation between Nick and Robotnik (Sonic would unconscious but still hear them and had a self-doubt like Naruto in first chapter/episode if you what mean until he hear the important words that’ll give him boost), the final battle and then epilogue (Sonic with his new family) with open ending (you know the Eggman in Mushroom planet and then Tails’s introuction). As for what kind of universe all of them would be I have another suggestions:
1. Sonic movie universe in Zootopia (but still happening in Green Hills only Zootopia would be San Francisco and Transamerica could be Palm Hotel like in Zistopia storyboard) and Night Howler Case never happened.
2. Night Howler case happened Nick and Judy are still cops, but later decided to live in Green Hills
3. Night Howler case happened but was solved instead of Judy and Nick by Jack and Skye who later became agents and don’t like Robotnik for his ego:
a) Nick come from Green Hills (Wachowskis live as police in GH for 50 years), but suffered from Ranger Scouts move to Zootopia became “shifty fox” until he’s saved by childhood friend Judy from Bunnyburrow (from wrong decision and targeting to become savage) and the return to Green Hills become sheriff along with his new wife.
b) Both Nick and Judy just heard about it in Green Hills.
I guess the first and third are more interesting.
Okaayy now I realized that this became more ambitious that I planned but I guess that happens when you try balancing two franchises so it can make sense (enough for headcanons). But I’m not saying that I’m proud of myself. So I’ll leave you the rest (the options and writing) so I can’t wait for one-shot fanfic good luck. And also (even though it’s late but still better than never) Happy birthday Sonic, this is for you! GOTTA GO FAST!🐰🦊🦔💨
#AlwaysRemember (this is for late actreesses that they will alway be remembered and in our hearts❤️)
Oh wow! This is really great! You put a lot of scenes from the film, this is awesome!I also see that you gave Yoshi a cameo, lol! @yoshifan30​ will definitely love that, lol! I like the collage look you gave the whole thing. Also, I just realized, is that supposed to be Cotton? Judy’s niece? Thank you so much for this! I will reblog this soon so I can read it more thoroughly and discuss anything I may have missed :) And once again, this...is...INCREDIBLE!!! <3 Fantastic Job Guest! You’re really talented! :D
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vmfx · 3 years
I just disclosed to all of my co-workers that I have a radio show. They all seem very enthusiastic and extremely positive about it. For that I am very lucky because every day I work with them they usually have nothing good to say. They are the 17 to 25 crowd running on alcoholic fumes, weekend bars, Androids, Yankee games, hanging with “the guys”, and typical basic girls. So it comes as no surprise as to what their mentality is.
When I say they’re enthusiastic, I mean that they light up. They light up with an obvious hard-on because at first they think I’m on a big-name radio station and I play the hottest in Top 40 and pop. “It’s not like that. I dee-jay for a college station” I tell them. But that’s OK. They still think it’s awesome that I play music over the air and emanate their rooms, car stereos, and laptops. Then come the same questions I get asked every week because either someone new discovers what I do or they easily forget and we needlessly re-start the same conversation all over again. Or they’re trolling.
“What time do you go on?” “What music do you play?” “Are you on every week?” “Where is the radio station you DJ at?” “Do you go on the mic and talk?” “How long are you on for?” “Do you take requests?” “Do you do shout-outs?” These are valueless questions I normally don’t answer to because I can’t be bothered with them; questions asked in an obvious kindergarten fascination that I rather not waste my time with and would rather move on without having to focus on such intellectual mediocrity. In fact, the answers to all of these questions can be answered by simply listening to my show. There.
One of my co-workers decides he wants to be funny and impress his friends. He asks me if I ever do my “radio” voice on the air, and then proceeds give it his best attempt at it:
“This…is…Dee Jay _______…on 107.5…FM…WQXZ, New York! Playing…the…hottest hits. Ten. In a row. Non-stop!”
Heads up to no one in particular: it’s nice for people and friends to approach me and be interested in what I do, and I appreciate it. I really do. And then there are those who are into it but then proceed to define me by impersonating their best stereotypical zesty action-packed radio voice, complete with man-made astro-blaster laser sound effects from an action-figure maturity.
Please stop. It’s not funny, you’re not funny, and no one is laughing. That’s not what happens on my show. All I do is play music and be myself as usual. That’s all. It’s not WBLI, Z100, or Now FM if that’s what you were thinking. And since it’s not right to try and define who you think I am to satisfy your piss-poor expectations, I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if I defined your life by pointing out your poor choice of clothing, your lack of real understanding, your never-ending stupidity, why your parents still make your bed, or why you have been dateless all your life.
Another pointless obstacle course I had to go through was that another co-worker tried guessing what music I play on my show in the form of a yes-or-no question-and-answer session. My previous answer of “a lot of music you wouldn’t like or tolerate” and “anything that’s not mainstream” wasn’t good enough for him to comprehend to avoid this altogether. So our little elfin pretend game-show host, who is 23 but looks like he is 11, plays this game with me.
“Now, I’m going to tell you an artist or band name and you tell me if you would play it. Ready?”
“Sure.” I say with some hesitation and an exasperated breath, knowing exactly how this is going to go. Lord help me.
“Bon Jovi.”
“Kid Cudi?”
“Whitney Houston?”
“Justin Beiber?”
“Taylor Swift?”
“David Bowie?”
“Ahhh! There’s a maybe! “Linkin Park?”
“Chris Brown?”
“Rick Astley?”
“NO. Stop.”
This was what I went through a couple of days ago. He was fully aware what I play on-air not only because I told him before but also I sent him the link to my show. But when you’re the department comedian, you need to depend on your co-workers for everyone’s amusement. So you blow right through convenience and force uncomfortable interactions for laughs at someone’s expense. He instead ended up giving me a list of artists I wouldn’t dare touch or even infect our studio’s CD drives, turntables, or computers with. And he knows this.
My show states what I play: “punk, hardcore, female, grrl, electronics, hip-hop, hipster, trendy, art, industrial, breakbeats, experimental, techno, spoken word, rare Seventies, drum and bass, reggae, lo-fi, and even noise”. It also says “no Top 40, no Billboard, no pop, no American Idol, no Nielsen Ratings, no Clear Channel.” Why would I waste my time playing artists that are already being played ad nauseum on pop stations, car commercials, malls, restaurants, movies, and soda ads millions of times over? And why would I have to explain myself to people who clearly don’t deserve it?
It’s simple. On my show I play everything other stations and outlets won’t. Being it’s a college radio station, we don’t get money from corporate sponsors but instead grass-roots community members, students, administration, and other people listening in around the world to donate money to us. That means we are not told what to play, rather we play whatever we want, artists who otherwise have almost zero chance of getting airplay. I can actually educate my listeners by playing Merzbow, Einsturzende Neubauten, Sonic Youth, or Aphex Twin instead of brainwashing them. So, why would I waste valuable airtime on artists who already have endless amounts of it?
Another thing: requests. I don’t ask for them and I won’t play them. Why would I jeopardize the show’s good looks if someone asks me to play Nickelback when I play music like Crystal Castles, Cold Cave, The Dead Boys, and Death Grips? Where does some sappy commercial band that millions of people have on their death list have its place on my show? I want my listeners to enjoy my show and support me, not blacklist it and send me death threats.
Even more ridiculous are the dedications. Please. I prevent this from happening. I don’t want my show responsible for some trailer-park love-in somewhere in Alabama which produces five awkward results. Having me to say their subtle Valentine’s messages on-air with “cute” pet names is not cute at all. It makes my show turn into the Ryan Seacrest Hour. When that happens, I’ll fold this show and deny it ever existed.
Yes, I do understand that artists eat and need to keep on going to make a living. Once in a while I get unsolicited messages from bands that have absolutely nothing to do with the music I play. Just pass “GO” and collect your $200. Just because I play “everything” doesn’t mean I will since there are specifics. Even worse, a Dave Matthews’ cover band somewhere in the middle of Long Island, that aspires to be something else they’ll never be and tries to ride (no, suck it like a leach) the wave of popularity by holding actual music instruments while being incapable of writing original material will never make the cut. On another note…
“Check us out! We’re a four-piece homegrown funk-soul-band from somewhere in New Jersey and we’ve been compared to 311 and Smashmouth…”
...and that is where I hit the delete button. I don’t like it when music comes to me, I like it when I come to music unless I ask for it. I don’t like to feel obligated in having to play your music or worse having it forced down my throat Linda Lovelace-style. I don’t want your obsolete already-done jam-funk music and double that if it’s from the late 90’s (because who here thinks the late 90’s was the worst time for new music ever?) I don’t ever want your low-resolution color-copy pixilated artwork with your homemade CD-R with paper decal. In fact, why am I still on MySpace? That was so 2006.
It’s been a month since the start of my on-going show and my co-workers are getting very tiresome. The same questions over and over again and not once has anyone tuned in. Not that I don’t want them to tune in or even care if they listen, but what’s the point in wasting time if people who are interested in something don’t do it? That’s why I decided to no longer talk to them about my show. I’m only wasting my breath, time, and energy. You can’t declare to do something and not do it. That’s how people take points away from you.
And as always, the instant I declare that I will no longer bother in discussing my show anymore, another moron standing right next to me starts asking questions again. “What is your show called?” “What time is it on?” “What number is it?” Perhaps it is best not to have certain people listening in. Even better, it’s best not to converse with them.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LXIX
3501. Is 'no glove, no love' your STRICT policy? >> I don’t have policies for activities I don’t participate in in the first place.
3502. What is the best Epic movie (examples of epics: ben-her, gone with the wind, last temptation of christ)? >> I don’t know what else falls into the category of “epic movie”, so... can’t really answer. 3503. Finish the sentance. Hey, Hey we're the: Monkees People say we:  But we're too busy:  The time to hesitate is: now You're too: physical It's a nice day to: start again 3504. Have you ever had 'missing time'? >> Only in the context of being intoxicated (and that one botched suicide attempt). 3505. Have you ever sent an electronic greeting? >> Maybe a long time ago.
3506. If you could send anonymous tips to people you knew who would never ever find out who sent them who would you send the following tips to? doesn't know when to leave: poor crotch hygenie: talks to much: band/art/dream is going nowehere: most likely to get arrestted: needs to get their life together: bad taste in clothes: bad taste in music: needs a hobby: 3507. Are you more likely to download porn or disney movies? >> I don’t download much of anything, really. Streaming has become my default mode of consumption. 3508. What is it with people? >> ??? 3509. Do you eat too much sugar? >> I can assure you that I do not. 3510 Imagine you have aband. Let's name your band. Adjective: Animal(plural): Your band name is (adjective) (animals) Under Glass! Could be better? Let's try again. Adjective: Noun (plural): Your band is (adjective) (nouns) With Puppets 3511. Are you desperate but not serious? >> I have no idea what this means. 3512. Was there a time when you were younger and it took less to get you excited? What did it take then? What does it take now? >> Honestly, I have no recollection of excitement experiences as a child. I do know that excitement is difficult for me nowadays because 1) I’m still pretty emotionally blunted, particularly for positive emotions and 2) I automatically attribute all physical feelings that could suggest excitement to anxiety instead (because I’m still learning the difference). 3513. Remember learning to write in elementary school? We spend 2 years learning to print..then they throw that out the window and teach kids cursive. Why? If cursive is so important and easy to read then why aren't books printed in cursive? Why aren't cursive computer fonts more popular? Why do buisness forms always say 'please print'? Schools are so preoccupied with teaching kids the complicated but traditional skill of cursive writing that more emphasis is put on that than on teaching kids how to clearly express their ideas through writing. I move that cursive writing become a jr. high school elective instead of a grammer school priority. Who's with me? >> This seems like a personal rant based on your own experiences and I have no dog in this fight, dude. I think of penmanship like art -- script writing is an art form and being adept at it can lead to some pretty results. Just don’t use it if you don’t care for it. Also, I’m pretty sure very few (public) schools care about cursive writing in this era, lmao, so this is also an outdated rant. 3514. Can you think of anything else (besides cursive writing) that is unhelpful, or unuseful, yet traditional and unquestioned? What? >> Whatever. 3515. Name one female celebrity who you would guess wears size ___ clothing: 0? 5? 12? 16? 20? 3516. Have you ever been to a place where the restrooms were named in a clever way rather than just saying men's and woman's? I've seen Hens and Roosters, Bart and Lisa, Dudes and Babes...what have you seen? >> Yeah, I saw “Pirates” and “Wenches” once. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen others but I can’t remember what they were now. 3517. What is the 'message' or 'point behind': Fight Club? Donnie Darko? AI? Minority Report? Solaris? A Walk to Remember? You've Got Mail? 3518. have you seen, and what are your thoughts about these movies: Drumline? >> Now this is a question block I can actually answer. I did see Drumline, but I was 13 at the time so I have no real recollection of my feelings about it. The Hot Chick? >> Nope. Maid in Manhattan? >> Nope. Star Trek: Nemesis? >> Nope. About Schmidt? >> Nope. Okay, maybe I can’t answer this question block after all. What are most of these movies...? Evelyn? >> --- The Guys? >> --- Intacto? >> --- The Jimmy Show? >> ---
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers? >> I did see this, but I don’t remember much of it either because it was at least half a decade ago. I do assume I enjoyed it. Gangs of New York? >> --- Two Weeks Notice? >> --- The Wild Thornberrys Movie? >> --- Smokers Only? >> --- Treasure Planet? >> --- The Santa Clause 2? >> --- 3519. START this sentance: ....and I think to myself, what a wonderful world." >> ---
3520. What is: insanity? normal? farenheit? 3521. Tell us about yourself in the third person for a bit: >> I’d really rather not attempt that. 3522. If someone breaks a law, should they be punished if they did not know it was a law? >> Oh, I don’t know. This is a concept that can get real thorny real fast. 3523. If it's so much easier to learn languages when we are very young (and it is, something to do with the developing brain) why do they wait until jr high and high school to teach them? >> I don’t know anything about the justifications behind public-school curricula, dude. 3524. Name a band you sort of like: Dream Theater. You are wearing that band's t-shirt in a store. SUDDENLY some guy you don't know comes up to you and goes, "Hey! You like (insert name of the band here)??!!" This is obviously a really stupid question because if you didn't like them you wouldn't be wearing the t-shirt. Your witty reply is: >> It’s not a really stupid question, first of all, because it’s a conversation starter as opposed to a straightforward inquiry. I’d assume he’s excited that someone else seems to be a fan of a band he likes, and is opening the floor to talking about it. Which is great! Let’s talk about prog metal! Now, on the other hand, if the tone of “hey, you like Dream Theater?” is skeptical, like he’s assuming I’m just blithely wearing the shirt without actually liking the band or whatever, then I’d probably just give him a simple “yep” and see what happened after that. I’m not going to immediately be sarcastic or “witty” until I am positive about what kind of interaction is happening. 3525. If you were organizing cd's in a music store what section would you put each of the following in (don't forget the 'bargain bin' section!): Blink182 Depech Mode Weezer Led Zeppelin The Doors Avril Lavigne Nelly Manfred Mann Iggy Pop Pink Floyd Guns N Roses Shakira Britny Spears Tool Ozzy Osbourne Madonna The Rolling Stones The Beatles Motley Crue Bon Jovi 3526. Does coffee stimulate your mind or body more? >> It stimulates my anxiety drive, is what it does. 3527. Can you do 'six degrees of seperation' to anyone famous? >> I assume not. 3528. What's the oddest thing in your home? >> Me. 3529. Do you find it odd when people who are not handicapped use the handicapped stall: in the bathroom? >> No, I’ve used it because the close quarters of the other stalls wig me out sometimes. Or I’ve used it because the other ones were disaster zones. Or I’ve used it because I was also getting changed in the stall, or something, and needed the room. in the parking lot? >> You need a whole placard (or handicapped license plate) for those, so there are obvious rules. 3530. Do you sometimes find yourself talking to yourself? Do you answer yourself back? >> No, I talk to the Inworlders, not “myself”. 3531. In your head do you call yourself 'I' or 'you' or both? >> Er... “I”? 3532. What is the best excuse for why you haven't done your homework? >> --- 3533. Someone tells you 'well there are black people, and then there are n*ggers'. What do you think? >> I think that person’s an out-and-out bona-fide bigot, obviously? What the fuck else am I going to think (besides “I have to leave immediately”)??? 3534. Does culture shape behavior or does behavior shape culture? >> Yes. 3535. What determines whether a person will be: intelligent? pretty? happy? sucessful? 3536. What is social loafing? What is groupthink? >> ??? 3537. I have an idea. let's change the english language by making the words fewer, shorter and more concise. What do ya think? >> No. 3538. What are the physical symptoms of: joy? fear? shame? 3539. Here's the scenerio...your little eight year old brother is hangin out in the house when you come in..and catch him watching the playboy channel! What do you do/say? He says, "Why can't I watch this?" What is your response? Why do you respond that way? >> I don’t have an eight-year-old brother and I don’t know anything about how I would respond in a sibling-dynamic situation because I’ve never been in one. 3540. Who REALLY has a higher sex drive, girls or guys? How can you tell? >> --- 3541. are you usually carefree? >> No. 3542. Do you generally prefer reading to meeting people? >> This is an odd comparison to make. 3543. Do you often long for excitement? >> No. 3544. Are you mostly quiet when you are with others? >> It depends on what kind of situation I’m in and what kind of day I’m having. And who the others are. And where we are. Context, people. Details. Please. 3545. Do you often do things spur of the moment? >> No. 3546. Are you slow an unhurried in the way you move? >> Sometimes. If I’m doing something I hate or that triggers me, then I tend to be a lot more hurried. 3547. Would you do almost anything for a dare? >> I wouldn’t do anything on a dare. 3548. Do you hate being in a crowd who plays jokes on one another? >> Er... 3549. Do you enjoy wild parties? >> No. 3550. Have you ever paid for something priced more than $5.00 in only change? >> No, but I was with someone that did. We had to scrounge for change in her car so we could buy enough gas to get us the rest of the way home, lol.
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 44
King Ozzie And Princess Sabi
Summary: In which one of my oldest OCs becomes next year’s new student. Word Count: 1,778 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
Apparently, being a Dandelion meant that you had to greet future students when they were scheduled to come outside of an open house night. Yes, Ventus had to help. All five of the Dandelions were expected to help. The young boy gave a small groan to himself as he thought the whole ordeal over; how does he continuously find himself roped in this kind of stuff?
“Are we clear on the plan?” Brain asked Ven and Lauriam five minutes before they were meant to start the tour.
“I believe so.” the oldest of the boys agreed. “Ventus is to remain with the prospective student and her guardian for the entirety of the escort. You are going to start out with the group, giving them the school's history while leading them to the main building. Once they reach the main building, I'll replace you and guide them to the dorms. On the way, we'll discuss the house system.”
Lauriam paused for a moment before looking over at Brain.
“Who did you say the legal guardian was?”
Brain smirked. “Get this, you hear of one Mickey Mouse?”
“Apparently it’s his brother. Estranged, of course, but the resemblance is still there. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit they call him.”
A small jolt of realization hit Ven. He looked from Lauriam to Brain in confusion. “So does that mean the new student isn't human?”
Brain and Lauriam then looked at Ventus as if he had grown a second head. The youngest of them shrunk a little in embarrassment.
“Daybreak doesn't even accept non-human students, Ven.” Brain told him- his voice holding a hint of mirth.
“Not yet.” Lauriam interjected.
Brain shrugged. “True enough. But we still gotta be on our best behavior. Right Ven?”
“R-right!” the boy stammered. “The very best!”
. . .
Sabrina was a very impatient kid. Bouncing on her toes, she looked everywhere around the front gates for something to do. Oswald, on the other hand, was admiring the school's architecture, mumbling something to himself that it seemed similar to another school they'd looked at. But Sabrina wasn't listening.
“Look alive, princess,” Oswald told her, using a firmer voice to get her attention, “I think our escorts are heading this way.”
Sabrina jumped a little and turned her attention to the two boys approaching them. One of the boys was dressed in nothing but black, accentuated with a fedora with a single red feather poking out. The other was much smaller than the first -maybe even about her height- with golden blonde hair that stuck out in various directions. Sabrina's eyes widened at this boy. Timid as he was, Sabrina knew that she was going to meet a new friend today.
Likewise, once he had gotten a good view of this new girl, Ventus couldn't stop himself from gawking at her. Her raven black hair laid neatly against her shoulders, her chocolate brown eyes twinkled as she thoughtfully studied him. The girl's light skin only seemed to glow under the sunlight, making her stand out to Ven even more.
“Welcome to Daybreak Academy!” Brain happily greeted the rabbit and the girl, snapping Ven out of his thoughts. “It's a pleasure to meet you!”
“The pleasure is ours.” the rabbit smiled. “I assume that you are our escorts for today?”
“You bet!” Brain grinned. “My name is Brain, and my friend here is Ventus.”
Sabrina looked at Brain for a moment before turning her attention to Ven. The boy froze as she headed toward him. Now much closer to him, Ven could barely smell vanilla perfume coming from her. It made his head spin and his heart beat faster than it had been.
“Hi,” she greeted, offering her hand out to him, “My name is Sabrina. Despite what the bunny says, I am not a princess.”
“You should be.” Ven sighed without considering his words. When he did realize what he had said, he quickly shook his head and took her hand. “My name is Ventus.” he then told her, a bit too quickly. “But you can call me Ven if you want. Most people do.”
Sabrina gave him a warm smile as she shook his hand. “The pleasure is mine, Ven.”
“Now Ven,” Brain teased, “I told you to be on your best behavior- which meant not flirting with our guests.”
“Flirting?!” Ven sputtered, jumping away from Sabrina in fright. “I-I wasn't…!”
Everyone started to laugh at him. Ventus could feel himself shrink. This already wasn't going in his favor- why did he decided to be a Dandelion again? These people were ruthless.
. . .
Oswald was the only one who listened to Brain give the school's history. Sabrina instead decided to walk right beside Ventus the entire time. She kept looking at him as if she wanted to say something, but she never did. It made Ven incredibly nervous, to say the least. It was a small miracle when they reached the main building. Brain bid them all farewell before smoothly introducing (and ditching them with) Lauriam.
“You'll have to forgive me if I say anything out of place.” Lauriam told Oswald with a respectful bow. “It's not every day you see someone...” (he paused for a moment, lulling on the correct term) “Not human.”
“It's fine.” the rabbit claimed with a roll of his shoulder. “You'd be amazed of the discrimination some of us face even when we look the same.”
“Oh, really?” Lauriam quite genuinely marveled. “Well, I can assure you that we do our best to combat such issues. Our house system here at Daybreak Academy is meant to bring out the best in students, not to separate them.”
And with that, the second leg of the tour began. Lauriam went on about the houses and how students were sorted- making sure to mention that it was common for siblings to not make it into the same house. All the while, Sabrina continued to make odd faces at Ventus.
“What house are you in, Ven?”
Ventus jumped a little at Sabrina's voice. It was the first time she had spoken to him since their first meeting. She was even giving him a curious little tilt of her head. Oswald and Lauriam didn't seem to be listening; instead going over how the dorms were segregated.
“Leopardus.” he carefully admitted.
“Do you like it?”
Ven absently scratched the back of his head. “Y-yeah, I guess so.” he decided in a wary tone. “Almost all of my friends are in Leopardus. And… and once a month our whole house sets up an art gallery filled with art made by every student. It's pretty cool.”
“Is it hard making friends outside of your house?”
“Um… No? I don't think so. I mean, Lauriam and Brain are in a different house than I'm in, but we all get along pretty well, I think.”
Sabrina studied him for a moment. “Do you think we could be friends?” she casually inquired. “Even if we weren’t in the same house?”
A sudden shock ran up Ven's spine- which he almost snapped as he turned to gawk at her.
“I...” he started to sputtered. “I would...”
“If you do not mind me asking,” Lauriam then curiously brought up- perfectly stopped Ven from finishing his thought. “Would you mind sharing how you two ended up as family? It's not everyday that a rabbit adopts a human.”
A fond smile crossed the rabbit's face, but the girl groaned.
“No…” she whined. “Don't get him started...”
Despite her protest, Oswald could not be stopped at the request.
“It was a few years after my wife Ortensia and I were married.” the rabbit told Lauriam, a fond grin etched on his face. “She and I tried to have kids, but it just wasn't working no matter how we tried. So we decided, 'maybe we should adopt' and went to several orphanages that spring. Then along comes Sabrina, such a sweet little thing, all alone and wearing this real ugly glare on her face as she watched Ortensia and I talk to the other kids. She refused to talk to Orentsia. But for me...”
“I told him his ears looked stupid...” Sabrina grumbled under her breath. “And he laughed.”
“I did.” Oswald confirmed- his grin growing wider. “While Ortensia talked to the other kids, I just sat with Sabrina. We didn't say anything to each other- I wanted her to make the first move, so to speak. By the time Ortensia and I had to go, all the kids Ortensia talked to were begging for her to take them home with her. But when I got up to leave, Sabrina took my hand, looked me dead in the eye with this really blank stare, and said 'Are you going to come back?' And at that moment, I knew she was meant to be ours.”
“So gross.” Sabrina retorted as she pretended to gag.
“It sounds like a lovely story.” Lauriam noted, a small smile appearing on his lips.
“Isn't it?” Oswald hummed. “It's one of my favorites.”
Sabrina let out another groan of annoyance that lead the old rabbit and oldest student into a hearty laughter. He didn't mean to, but Ven also started to chuckle a bit. The girl pouted, less than pleased that everyone was pretty much making fun of her, but she let it slide with a small smile. She wasn't going to admit it anytime soon, but it was one of her favorite stories as well.
. . .
“Thank you for showing us around today, Ven.” Oswald smiled as he shook the boy's hand. “We'll keep Daybreak Academy in mind come late July.”
For what seemed like the millionth time that day, Ven gave a sheepish smile as he nervously scratched the back of his head. “Great to hear.” he said, sounding even less confident than he looked.
“Promise you'll see me at new student orientations in August?” Sabrina curiously asked, looking up at Ven with wide, pleading eyes. He gulped at her. For a fleeting moment, the words 'how cute' floated in his head before he quickly shook them away. But he looked back at her and found he couldn't resist that curious tilt of her head.
“I wouldn't miss it for the world.” he admitted, a small grin making its way onto his lips. Sabrina let out a happy little gasp before letting her own bright smile appear. Ven's heart started to beat faster when he saw it. If she came back, he'd be able to see that smile every day. He liked that thought. He might have even blushed at the thought.
So… how long was summer vacation, again?
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blooeyedtroll · 4 years
Get To Know Me(me)
Got tagged by the lovely @rose0jam and @zult-of-zephyr (Omg you guyz! You got crushes on me?! *anime blushes* lolz)
Nickname: Around the internet: Bloo. Real life: My Da calls me "Little One". My partner calls me a bunch of nicknames, "Goddess " "Mothra""Shug" and"Hunny" are my favs lol. Most other Nicknames I get are, "Ash" or "Ashy".
Real name: Ashlyn Kate Barcomb
Zodiac sign: Taurus. With big Taurus energy. Lol. My Celtic sign is also the Bull. (I'm seeing a pattern here...) Chinese Zodiac is year of the Rooster.
Height: 5’5”
What time it is: It is currently 7:07 PM
Favourite musician(s): Too many to choose!!! But here are some: Gorillaz, Jeffree Star, David Bowie, Tenacious D, Kerli, HIM, Ozzy Osbourne, Bear Ghost, Freak Kitchen, Falling in Reverse....
Favourite sports team: None.
Other blogs: @bloosblog . My personal blog where I post most stuff about myself and reblog awesome art and stuff I come across.
Do I get asks: Yup. If I can I draw responses to them, just to be cute and quirky. ^_^
How many blogs do I follow: I'm guestimatiiiiiiing something like 300+? Been a while since I've checked. Lolz.
Any Tumblr crushes: I got tagged by 2 of them, here are the others: @greatgooglymooglybobert @sadttitude @sas-phat @messybitch802 @nightowl-16 @hawkguyhasstarbucks @thestrangemirror a bunch of others!!! I'd name more but it's hard to remember these off the dome-piece. That and there are some I'd be too flustered to tag. Lol
Lucky number: 4
What I’m wearing right now: Getting my butt outta be for work so currently: Maroon oversized, slouchy, sweater and Harry Potter Torrid panties. That's how I roll.
Dream vacation: Scottland, New Zealand, or Japan. Very out of my league but those have always been my top 3. However a current and more attainable Dream Vacation I am saving up for is going to visit the lovely @rose0jam and finally go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
Dream car: Black Bentley
Favourite food: Japanese food! To. Die. For.
Drink of choice: Iced coffee! Always my go to. Cuz I love and neeeeeeeeed caffeine and you can flavor it a zillion ways!
Languages: English. That's about it. Although I can technically sing and speak in a bunch of others. Only cuz I'm good at learning things phonetically but have such a hard time retaining meanings.
Instruments: I've tried learning a bunch and can never wrap my head around it. However I like to think i have a decent singing voice!
Celebrity crushes: Ron Perlman, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Richard Armitage, Dean O'Gorman, Aiden Turner, (the whole cast of the Critical Hit Podcast), there are surprisingly a few more than I thought 0.o....
Random fact: In high school I was a Varsity Cheerleader and even made it to be Captain later on. Though, I hated my school with every fiber of my being and had no school spirit. @messybitch802 and I were SUPER goth aesthetic and anarchy driven so we mostly did it to fuck with everyone but ended up staying cuz it turns out we kicked ass at it. Lolz
I tag… anyone who wants to join in! Would love to hear more about you all! ;-D
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The one with new pens and phone numbers
June 29, 1986.
Yesterday, I shared the lyrics I had written with Ceecee, who looked at them with this look of excitement on her face as if I had just penned the next "Blackbird". She took the lyrics and began strumming her guitar, and within time, she invented a riff for this song, this new untitled song, solely driven by her playing. I figured she's the maestro for this song whereas I'm basically just following her along. After a couple of takes, we decided that I sing on the second bar leading in.
We practiced it all day in her bedroom until we knew the words and music by heart. It took me a while to realize I had penned the song after the two of us meeting and then living near a place where that murder went down. It was particularly obvious in the chorus:
"don't wash it away, don't wish it away. Two shadows wondering in the dark, with the words unspoken and the cold of death. We are alive in the flesh light."
Since it was just us there at her house, we decided we would save this song for a rainy day, whenever that may be in the future.
Today, meanwhile was a normal day wherein Ceecee, Clara, and I met up with the boys again, all of them, at about eleven-thirty in the morning. The paranoia was hanging over us, the heavy feeling as we drove on past the house, the site of the murder scene. But the feeling soon waned away once we passed through the neighborhood and made our way out of Burien and into town.
This time around, we were outside of the venue that Metallica was supposed to play at the other day, but as it turned out, the show had been postponed for about a week. We met up at the Coliseum, a tall ivory white building of cinder block and pale brick lined with pitch black trimming, done such that it resembled an old fashioned casino. Metallica's drummer Lars, this cute short boy with long shaggy, disheveled hair and bright green eyes, and an odd accent that I knew from the get-go wasn't American, met up with us there at will call from all the way down the far side of the building. He invited us back there, mainly to get us out of the crowd, but partially to find the guys all congregated in the alleyway there behind the venue. There's a low brick wall there holding back a row of little ornamental cherry blossom trees, where they all congregated at for about half an hour, and I knew why because the trees cast enough shade since, at that point, the sun rose higher into the sky and everything began to warm up.
Lars assured the three of us that they hadn't been waiting for us for very long, given the main reason for them showing up was to find out details on the show. Apparently the delay was par in thanks to the promoters scrambling to find more money to promote the whole date with them and Ozzy.
Today's the eve of my birthday and when I told that to Joey and James, the reactions I got from both men varied from each other so much that I can't hardly seem to put my head around it.
Joey removed his mirrored sunglasses and coaxed me in closer to his body for a hug. I have given Ceecee plenty of hugs, and my parents both plenty of hugs, but he had to have been the best, given he held me so close. He rested his hand on the back of my head to hold me right up against his chest. His long spidery fingers entwined their way through my hair; and even though his body is so slim and slender in its build, he felt strangely silky, a feeling of which I can only describe as something akin to holding a teddy bear.
I gazed up at him and the late morning sun bathing over the back of his head, like he was wearing a crown, like an Indian prince. He showed me that little Mona Lisa smile once again and said, "happy birthday" in that suave voice laced with that Italian influenced upstate New York accent.
But on the other hand, James seemed less than enthusiastic about it. He sat there on the low brick wall with a thoughtful look upon his already stern face, and his bright eyes shaded from the sun by the prominence of his brow, and his hands resting upon his knees. A man of few words, but he could've at least given me a smile or blew me a kiss like what Metallica's guitarist Kirk did for me. He was such a far cry from what I witnessed the couple of days before at the restaurant. So closed off now, a stretch of unknown territory.
I asked Clara about it earlier after we came home and she told me it could've been from the fact he and I opened up to each other too soon, and he was retracting a bit. But there's something about him, like how there's something about Joey. Something that's calling me back to him anyway.
(Charlotte's note: perhaps it could be left over from the fact that a rather brutal murder happened awfully close by and Chris is wanting to uncover some emotions? I know I would.)
Either way, the bunch of us chatted for a bit there outside of the venue. Next to James, Metallica are these four guys from San Francisco, originally Los Angeles but relocated to be closer to their bassist Cliff. The exception was Lars, whom I found out hailed all the way from Denmark. Meanwhile, Anthrax kept up their friendly New Yorker demeanor toward the three of us. Just a bunch of guys, a bunch of guys willing to chat with three girls who happened to stumble upon their music by accident and then were whisked into their little circle all because of Clara.
At around three o'clock, or around the time in which they all had to file inside for sound check, Scott declared we do the honors before the show and exchange numbers with each other. Clara, who explained to Anthrax's bassist and drummer Frank and Charlie how she made her art in that she uses nothing more than the feeling of her hands and arms over paper, had brought a brand new pen in which she would do some abstract work with later this summer, so the nine of them were careful to use it on the pad of paper Frankie had taken out of his pocket.
He was all too kind towards Clara, saying she could shatter some glass ceilings with her art given she lacked sight. I could see it between the two of them, just the way he was gentle in guiding her closer to him and Charlie, and the way he let her caress his lanky arms, his shoulders, and his toned chest.
"I can tell you're handsome," she remarked, showing him a grin from behind her pitch-dark shades. "Handsome in a big way."
Joey then made a joke about starting a cover band of his own if and when he got the chance and calling it Chief Big Way, which got a laugh out of both her and Ceecee.
Ceecee, meanwhile, took attention to Kirk and Cliff, the former this slender dark skinned guy, about the same height as Joey, and with a lot more rich black curls about the crown of his head. Where Joey's toned, slender, and solemn, Kirk has a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a little baby face that makes me think of high school age. Cliff, on the other hand, towers over us with long straight locks of light brown hair and kind of a deep, serious look in his eye. Ceecee describes him as the tower of power.
And then there's Danny of Anthrax and Lars of Metallica, two guys who helped out the three of us with their intelligence and their quick wit. They all seemed to twin each other, these nine men hailing from opposite ends of the country--and in Lars' case, the other side of the world. And yet, they all had one thing in mind and that was to treat the three of us well.
After Mom had once again advised the three of us to stay safe, we were willing to take any chance whatsoever to connect with these men. Even after we headed into the venue to oversee sound check, one of the Coliseum's stagehands strolled on over to us to tell us that the show had been cancelled given the lack of money to handle all of the dirty work, we still walked out of there with the golden tickets, their numbers, to give them a ring whenever either of us had a moment.
But I think what's interesting is even after the bunch of us were told that the show was cancelled, Lars suggested Ceecee and I give a show.
The two of us. Play a show for these guys as Black Moon in the midst of the hot summer day.
Granted, we had to hustle on back home to fetch our guitars, but we did it. And we returned with the cases on our backs to find they had congregated behind the venue with a couple of the stagehands close by as security guards. I should mention Ozzy's dressing room was right upstairs, right up above our heads.
But Ceecee and I set up there on the sidewalk, under the rich golden light of this summer day with nothing more than our acoustic guitars slung over our shoulders. No fancy amps, no microphones, nothing fancy to help us out. Just the two of us while Clara behaved as usher using her cane.
I served the duty as singer as we covered Heart.
I'll admit that it was a bit nerve-racking since up to that point, Clara had acted as our audience. But there was a point in which I gazed on right at Joey, right into his deep brown eyes and the pensive look on his face. At one point, he gazed on at me as if he had been touched by the sound of my voice. And I hadn't heard him sing before, either.
At another point, I glanced over at James, who still had the same stoic look upon his face. But I could see it in his eye. I was tapping into the minds of these two men by merely singing and doing a halfhearted way of playing guitar. Ceecee is the guitar player: I'm just the girl filling in for her. The highlight was that Scott described us as "Paul Simon and Joan Jett had a love child together."
Soon, as the sun began to sink behind the brick building next door, we decided today was the rainy day. We played the song I had penned two nights ago, one that we hadn't given a name yet. But when I said this was a song that I had wrote, and Danny asked me what it was called, Ceecee filled in, declaring that it's coincidentally called "Black Moon."
She led the way and then I followed suit. I started singing on the second bar, just how we practiced it.
Joey's face softened even more. James even tilted his head to the side as if trying to figure us out.
Soon they figured out the chorus, and Frank and Charlie began chanting "don't wish it away" with me. Kirk and Lars followed suit. Soon we were all singing "don't wish it away" together like a whole gaggle of friends doing karaoke. And at that point, I had completely forgotten the show was cancelled, especially once Joey showed me that Mona Lisa smile again.
And this happened all because I wrote a song about my best friends living near a murder scene... and yet none of them knew about it.
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