#I’m trying to clean my bathroom but now I’m doing it far more aggressively than necessary bc what the FUCK-
locallyloathed · 1 year
Because @sol-draws-sometimes requested an update, Zero Hour sure is an episode with an ending huh
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daisiescomelate · 6 months
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Bad bad wolf
Prompt: Gojo accidentally scared you during a mission and now he's begging you to open the bathroom door and let him talk to you.
Content: Gojo/Reader, angst, cursing, ooc.
div. plutism - masterlist
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It was an accident. You knew that. A curse got too close to harm you and he snapped for a second, letting go of his goofy attitude and showing you a side of him that you had yet to meet. He checked in with you, he double checked, and then he triple checked, worried about you being injured or scared of the situation or... him.
You told him you were fine, that it was all good, you were just in shock still —about the curse, of course. You just needed a shower. So he cared your cheek and kissed your palm and drove you home so you could take your bath.
But now you couldn't bring yourself to open the bathroom door.
You rubbed your face and tried to stop your mind from derailing.
I mean, c'mon!
Gojo Satoru was a prophecy made flesh, he was the most powerful sorcerer in Japan, maybe the world. Of course that meant he was dangerous, that he was lethal. I mean hell, you were lethal and your curse technique wasn't even that good.
And you knew Satoru was an asshole with a loose moral compass, and that his silliness was more of a tool of provocation and manipulation than anything else.
But it was different— to actually see it.
Raw power.
Cold blood murder in his eyes and a maniac smile.
A snap of his fingers and life just... vanished as far as the eye could see.
The joy he got from it.
But for God’s sake! It was Satoru. Kisses on your forehead Satoru. Fart jokes Satoru. Pouty lips for cuddles Satoru.
The meaner thing he had ever done to you was putting salt on your coffee as a prank because you weren't the first person to wish him happy birthday! He had never lifted a finger against you. Then why were you so scared?!
The doorbell rang and you heard the front door opening and closing. Satoru began singing some made up lyrics about chinese food that included a falsetto. You heard him walk up to the bathroom door and knock on it, a smile on his voice.
"Babe, food is here!" he said.
You were wrapped on a towel, damped, looking straight into the mirror and trying to calm yourself down. Satoru, it's just Satoru. What's your problem?
His voice echoed on the tile of the room and on your temples. You were suddenly too aware of the water drops falling from the shower head and the cold, wet floor under your feet.
"You have been there forever, babe. Everything alright?"
I'm not ready.
Just breath.
You walked to the door, counting to ten in your head. Just go and open it, you will be fine. He will hug you and everything will be fine.
I want Satoru.
As you extended your hand to the handle, it shaked slightly, catching you off guard. You inhaled sharply and quickly moved to hold it in place.
"I'm alright", you said quickly, a little bit too aggressive even— maybe? Shit, it was an accident, I’m sorry. "I'm fine," you added, trying to be softer this time, "just give me a minute, love. I'll be right out."
"Mmm? Of course, baby."
You heard his footsteps getting away from the door and the clatter of the dishes as he probably set the table for you two. He continued to talk to you through the door.
“Ijichi is already messaging me about another assignment.” He sighed dramatically. “I never get a break, what would these people do without me?”
You heard him turn on the TV and lower the volume to keep it in the background as you liked it.
“One of these days we should ditch them and go on a vacation. What do you think? Fall off the map for a month or two, that would do wonders for my back! We could go to the beach~” Satoru kept walking around, you heard the rustling of clothes as he took off his uniform and put on something clean. “Drink cocktails under the sunset~”, he continued, his voice fading as he left to another room and increasing back again when he returned to the living room area.
“I’ll ask Nanamin to take care of my assignments, he still owes me a favor or two.” You heard the sound of Satoru opening one of his wine bottles.
His voice, that you often found so silly and even sweet, suddenly felt as if it carried a layer of an uncovered threat.
You noticed that you were shaking slightly.
You tried to repress it, sing to yourself, and tell yourself a joke, but nothing had any effect and your legs became weak; you sat on the toilet to prevent yourself from falling.
Time passed, maybe ten minutes, maybe an hour. Satoru had run out of conversation and had fallen into silence. The wait must have been long enough, since the next thing you heard was Satoru right behind the door again.
“Pumpkin pie, I don’t mean to hurry you but dinner is going to get cold!”
You stayed still, hugging yourself to try and find some comfort. Your whole body felt like freezing, and you pinched your skin in a nervous tic without realizing.
"Do you need help with anything? Is it your hair? Do you want me to help you dry it, love?"
Your breathing picked up, an anxious feeling kept bubbling under your skin, making your body suddenly uncomfortable. There was a hint of something in his voice but because of your now rising panic it was hard for you to decipher what it was.
Wasn't the bathroom a little bit too small? Is there really no other way out of here other than that stupid door? Do people hate proper windows on bathrooms that much?
You turned around and glanced at the mirror.
Why are you freaking out?
You heard the doorknob again and the bathroom door unlocking.
Out of reflex, you slammed it close again.
The longest minute.
"Do you need a towel?” Satoru’s voice was oddly cheerful in an awkward attempt to ignore what you just did. “Is that why you don't want me to come in?", he asked, even if he had walked on you naked several times already and that had never been a problem between you two.
Your tongue was too heavy to speak.
"I'm going to go fetch you a towel, okay baby? Be right back."
You felt like crap. You felt like shit. You felt like you couldn't breathe.
Were you really making that big of a deal out of this?
You were embarrassed. You were scared. You wanted to leave. Open the door, push Satoru to one side and bolt. Leave this house.
"I'm back with the towel!" Satoru sang.
It was hard for you to stay quiet, it was hard for you to keep your lungs filled with air, your breathing should be audible now even at the other side of the door.
Your eyes were tearing up.
Satoru paused waiting for an answer but you couldn't mutter any.
"Baby, I'm going in." His tone deeper, not wanting to play his usual façade anymore. He tried pushing the door open again. You pushed your whole weight against it to keep it close.
A hiccup.
No, no, no. Be quiet.
You bit your lip.
Love, please just give me a moment. You prayed to yourself.
A ruffling sound, then he knocked twice.
"Baby, what's wrong, would you let me in, please?", he asked softly.
Please, just wait. Why can’t you wait until I’m ready?
"I'm okay!" You repeated. "Just give me a second."
On the other side Satoru heard your voice tremble.
He buried his hands on his hair and pulled.
He knew he should have kept bothering you about it. You still looked like you were in shock, you were still clearly processing what had happened.
Earlier that day he was told about a case he had to look into. It was a silly little curse, they said, but because there was no one else available they asked Satoru to go, and because he wanted to take you out on a whim, he called you to come along with him.
He was so busy playing around with the weird looking thing, putting on a show for you, that he didn’t notice anything odd about it until later on.
It had the general shape of a human except with longer arms and legs. It moved slowly so as not to lose its balance because of its long limbs. In a rush of excitement as your eyes were glued to him, he moved around it and used his flashiest kicks and punches. He was usually childish for the fun of it, but knowing how much it made you laugh, sometimes it got to his head and turned him actually stupid.
He was more aware of where you were and where you were looking at than he was aware of the curse. He noticed that something was about to go wrong from your expression first rather than by seeing it by himself.
When he turned his head around to look back at the curse it had doubled in size. He was in a jump midair and trying to process what was happening, it took him a second longer to realize that it had suddenly launched at you two with greater strength. At that moment, he was in an awkward position to stop it and whatever move he made would be delayed by a fraction.
He saw it as it happened in slow motion.
It was something outside of your league.
It was suddenly so much faster and wilder, nothing like the slow guy he had been dancing around a second ago.
It noticed the difference in power and you being the most vulnerable of the two.
You and Satoru were separated by a considerable distance. Its form morphed once again. It moved forward, opening a mouth full of raiser teeth, and splitted into two. One half moved in Satoru’s direction and tried to corner him, and the other— jumped aiming at your throat.
Satoru saw red.
When he came back to himself, the woods burned and there was a gaping hole on the earth where the curse had been. He turned around to ask you if you were okay, and as soon as he did his blood went cold. Your eyes were wide open, one hand covering your mouth, the other holding your stomach. Horror.
He was no stranger to that look. Many people looked at him as if he were a monster after they realized what he could do with so little effort. He enjoyed it, sometimes. He didn’t care most of the time. But now he realized he had made a terrible mistake.
Truth be told, when you came about he started to be a little wary of it. He wasn’t hiding it, his reputation preceded him, you were meant to find out about it sooner or later. He was just more cautious. He tried to not overdo it anymore, especially in front of you; he would make up excuses so you couldn’t come with him to certain missions and he would keep a close eye on the noisiest pair of elders so they wouldn’t run their mouths in front of you.
After you came into his life, the title of the strongest was more annoying than ever. Hunting, even. It caught your interest, it always caught everyone’s interest, but how many could look at him the same before and after witnessing what it actually meant?
His heart beated heavily on his chest.
He untangled his fingers from his hair, clearing the lump on his throat, making sure to keep his tone non-threatening.
“I’m not going to open it, baby. You can come out when you’re ready. I will sit right here, yeah?”
Satoru pressed his eyes closed, thinking full speed what he should do next. He was surprised by the rush of adrenaline that embedded his system. His body was instinctively ready to kick the door open but he held himself back. He had to keep a cool head, he needed to avoid scaring you further.
A sob came out from the bathroom.
No. No, please, don’t cry.
“Love, please. Let me give you a hug. Open the door for me.”
He had been too careless. He needed to apologize properly. He needed to see you and reassure you that he loved you more than anything and he would never hurt you. But at the same time –he realized– he was scared to see that same expression on your face again.
He held both hands to each side of the door frame, letting his head fall. What you two had was still fragile, it was still too early for a problem this size.
He was scared.
He had no right to try to hold you back just yet when this didn't even have a name. He was sure he wanted to keep you with him, he had known for a long time before he approached you to ask for a first date.
It was delicate.
Gojo Satoru was a god, they named him that and so stripped him away from his humanity; like so, he grew up empty. He was scared you could see that, how far away he was from human.
It was dangerous, for you and for him since no matter how many people talked about the lengths of his powers he came to know by experience that there were many things he could still not reach nor control. So many people wanted so much from him, and he attracted so many others with ill intents. On his darkest night he felt the strings that picked at his skin, holding to his limbs. An all powerful puppet.
But he met you and he was fool enough to think he could try.
He placed his hand against the door and called your name in a whisper.
“Please, please, open the door, love.”
But could he really let you go without giving a fight if you rejected him?
“I'm sorry. Please give me another chance. Please talk to me.”
Could he fight this greed that grew on his chest everytime he was around you?
“I would never, ever hurt you–”
His voice cracked.
He felt pathetic.
The reporter talking on TV warned the public of intense rains to come, and the most powerful sorcerer felt his eyes prickling and gritted his teeth.
Around you he didn't feel like the titan that people talked about and recoiled from. He was the Satoru that had been lost along the halls of the Gojo estate as a little kid, and the Satoru that was healed and held before he lost half of his soul later on. He felt complete again. Person again.
But what if he lost all of it. Again. Because of all his power. Again.
His head fell forward as the door opened, just an inch, taking him by surprise. Your eye picked through the crack, your cheek was covered in tears.
He blinked and stared, feeling his heart break by seeing you like this.
“Hello.” He said, a lame attempt to break the silence.
“I'm fine, I promise.” Your voice trembled on every word.
He sighed painfully.
Satoru straightened his posture and held a hand to the door. You visibly trembled and gave a step back, you looked like you wanted to protest but didn't say anything.
He opened the door completely and stepped into the bathroom. You followed his every move with your eyes, you tried to fight back the worst of your instincts, the ones that told you that this man could always do as he wished with you and you wouldn't be able to escape it.
He moved his arms up and you guessed he was going to go for a hug. It was hard for you to reciprocate just now, so instead you closed your eyes and nodded, to let him know it was okay.
But you didn't expect to be hugged by the waist, his head on your stomach.
You opened your eyes with confusion. Satoru was kneeling over the bathroom floor, hugging your legs with his head buried on your towel.
“I swear” he said in all seriousness, “I will never hurt you.”
He squished a little bit more, almost making you fall out of balance.
“I swear”, he repeated.
You felt his desperate grip, and as his fear sinked in, your's wavered, and you could finally feel how truly wrong you were about fearing this man.
“Satoru…” you called.
“Mhmm?” He said but didn't look up the way you wanted to so you could see his dazzling eyes.
You buried one hand in his silk hair and carefully ran your fingers through it. “Love, look at me.”
He refused, pressing his face harder against you.
You kneeled instead. There were you, with your face covered in tears with nothing but a towel, and Satoru with wet sweatpants on the damped floor and refusing to let you see him. You hugged him and felt his heart beating fast against his chest matching your's.
“I am the one who is sorry.” You whispered.
He held you with all his strength, almost leaving you out of air.
“I believe you. I don't know why I reacted that way. But I promise I believe you and that won't happen again.”
His breath shook against the skin of your neck. You run your fingers along his nape, reassuring him. He nodded and kissed your neck before ultimately raising his head and looking at you.
There were no tears but his eyes shined brighter. You held his face with both hands and brought him down so your noses would touch. The way he looked at you with those eyes, as if you were the most precious thing he had ever seen. You saw it clear as day, you had nothing to fear.
You moved closer so your lips would touch just slightly, “I love you, Satoru”, you said.
“I love you too”, he whispered.
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mymoodwriting · 12 days
Omega!Reader x Werewolf!NCT
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Magic, Blood Magic, Knives, Incantations, Nomad Travel, Fire, Kidnapping, Soul Damage, Amnesia
Words: 3.3K
Chapter Seven
(Prev//Next) (@peanutpinet @starillusion13)
Prompt: By removing the weakest link, werewolves were able to grow far more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. They lived in peace knowing they were top of the food chain. That is until a certain pack made an unbelievable discovery, causing them to question their past, present, and future. Omegas aren’t supposed to exist anymore, but they couldn’t deny the fact they had found one.
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“Y/n, snap out of it!”
    Yuta was shaking you, trying not to be so aggressive. He was terrified, and the bond wasn’t providing much comfort. Besides the physical pain he couldn’t feel much else from you, as if you weren’t truly awake. If that was the case then he needed to try something else. Without hesitation Yuta leaned in for a kiss, holding you close and hoping such an intimate action could bring you back to him. For a moment he could forget why he was kissing you, that is until you shoved him away.
“Yuta, what are you-”
    Your own words were cut short as you felt this pain in your arms, becoming aware of all the blood on you. Panic started to overtake you, but Yuta was trying to calm you. He took your head in his hands.
“Look at me, look at me, you’re okay, you’re okay, let’s go clean you up.”
    You could only offer a subtle nod, still paralyzed in fear. You could tell Yuta was trying to be calm for the both of you, but this whole situation was worrisome. As you tried to stand you wound up slipping, the floor wet with your blood and muddy. Now that you were face to face with the symbols on the ground you knew what they were, and what had happened. You didn’t voice your revelation, unable at the moment. Yuta got you back on your feet and took you into the house. By now others had woken up, the smell of blood now very prevalent in the house.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know.”
    Yuta had taken you into one of the bathrooms on the first floor, getting you in the tub and starting to wash the blood off of you. Of course he didn’t have answers, and all the stares turned to you. This whole time you had been quiet but you had to speak up.
“I… my master possessed me…”
“Excuse me?” Johnny questioned. “He did what!?”
“I was asleep so it wasn’t… bad… but-”
“Does that mean they found us?” Jungwoo suddenly asked. “We should be getting out of here.”
“No, no, possession is different. He doesn’t need to know my location, just have a strong connection with me, or use objects that are meaningful to me in order to inhabit my body.”
“The protective barrier is still up.” Taeyong mentioned. “And it’s dark out, so possessing you doesn’t give him any information about our location.”
“Which is why he was trying to break it… through me…”
“He didn’t manage though.”
“But he might have done something else… I don’t know how long he had control of me.”
“Then it’s best we leave this place.” Kun stated. “One way or another, we’ve likely been compromised.”
“I’m compromised.” You admitted. “I didn’t think he’d go as far as possessing me to find me…”
“Are you alright?” Doyoung asked. “I can’t imagine doing such a thing wouldn’t leave discomfort.”
“I’m okay… but he could do it… and I don’t think I could fight him…”
“There should be a spell in my book that can prevent that.” Taeyong said. “So it shouldn’t be a problem. Although I’ll need to cast another cloaking spell to-”
“Taeyong, you need to stop.” You cut in. “You’re not a witch, you can’t keep doing magic. I don’t even know where you got a spell book from, but you keep hurting yourself. The barrier spell you cast made you extremely ill.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not. Witches have magic in their veins, they draw power from the world around them, you only draw from yourself. As a werewolf you have power, but it’s not enough for such spells, you’re practically drawing from your own life force, you could get yourself killed!”
“And what would the alternative be? You think we could outrun witches on our own?”
“You could ask for help… the more who participate in a spell… the less of a burden you’d take on… that’s why covens are so powerful, the witches share power and protect one another. Just cause you’re the pack leader doesn’t mean you should take on all the responsibility… doing magic like that will only get you killed.”
Taeyong sighed. “And what would you suggest since you’re clearly an expert on witches and magic.”
“Uh… well, I can show you how to include others when you do magic… and I think there’s a different cloaking spell we could try… as for me… I need to cast my own anti-possession spell.”
“You can’t-”
“It doesn’t really work any other way.”
“Fine. Just clean yourself up, we’ll get back to this subject later.”
    The others left, leaving you alone with Yuta once more. You had certainly been brave to talk back to Taeyong in such a manner, and now the nerves were hitting you. Speaking to your alpha like that could lead to trouble.
“You’re alright.” Yuta chuckled, sensing your distress. “You said what we were all thinking.”
“Did I?”
“We’re werewolves, yet he’s over here doing magic like some witch. It has helped us in the past, but it clearly hasn’t been good for him, especially that barrier spell. I guess he needed to hear it from our omega to listen, so thanks.”
“I guess…”
“So you learned all that stuff about magic from your coven, right?”
“Yeah, we’re taught young and learn alongside our master. Understanding the fundamentals of magic is important, as a familiar we’re a source of power for them too, so we should know what our title entails.”
“Did they ever hurt you?”
“Uh… well the branding mark from our master tends to hurt at first, but other than that, not really. Drawing magic from a familiar is a rather painless process.”
“I suppose that’s good. I don’t want to know they hurt you.”
    Yuta finished cleaning you up, noting that you were healing, so you’d be alright. He went off to get you some clean clothes, wanting you to stay close. Everyone was awake and moving around the house, packing up their things and getting ready to move. You wanted to find Taeyong and get this spell book from him. He seemed a bit reluctant to hand it to you, but you were just trying to help. While everyone else was busy you skimmed through the book, looking for an anti-possession spell, as well as a cloaking one. You looked around the kitchen for ingredients, gathering everything you needed.
“Okay, since we’re gonna travel, it’s best to do an individual cloaking spell on everyone.”
“That sounds complicated.” Jaemin said.
“It’s actually not. I just need everyone to put some of their blood in the bowl, and we can all do the spell. We’ll all probably feel weird for a moment but that’s normal.”
    The others followed your instructions, cutting their palms and placing some drops of blood into the bowl you had set out. You went over the spell with them, and then you began the incantation. Taeyong had wanted to take the lead but you told him you’d need him strong for something else. You set the bowl on fire, adding in a few items and everyone held hands, following you through the spell. When it ended the flames dispersed, cinching some clothes, but everyone was okay. To test things out you did a little locator spell with a map, trying to track a few of the boys but you got no results.
“You really are a witches’ familia.” Jaehyun commented. “Good job.”
“Thanks. Now for the hard part…”
“Show me the anti-possession spell.” Taeyong ordered.
“I still have to do it myself.” You turned the page. “It can’t be casted on me.”
“Why not?”
“Cause whoever casts it is unaffected. You could cast it but still be able to possess me. By doing it myself it guarantees no one else can possess me.”
“How do you-”
“Don’t you think witches cast anti-possession spells on their familiars?”
“Ah, right…”
“I’ll be fine. I just… I’m gonna be out for a while…”
“How long?”
“Just a few hours.”
“And you’ll be okay?”
“I’ll carry you.” Yuta assured. “So don’t worry.”
“I know.”
    You gathered a few more things and did a new spell. You certainly felt a bit off given the previous incantation, but you needed to do this one too. It was a little more complicated as you had to burn some herbs and then eat them, but you assured the others you were okay. You cut your hand once more and spilled your blood and then began the spell. It created some discomfort, but it was a sensation you were familiar with. When you finished you collapsed, Yuta catching you in his arms.
“… thanks…”
    At least you had the strength to do one more thing before passing out. Everyone was a bit confused, but Yuta could understand your intentions. You had shifted, making yourself smaller and easier to carry. He picked you up, pretty much swinging you across his shoulders and carrying you like a scarf. It was kinda cute, but they didn’t have time to go around and pet you, they had to move.
“Where are we even going?”
“I’m not sure.” Taeyong admitted. “But as long as we stick together I’m certain we’ll be alright.”
    You remained unconscious until sunrise, a bit startled by your position but Yuta let you get down with ease. You ran around a bit and stretched before shifting back, joining the others. You insisted on carrying your own items, but Yuta refused to hand them over.
“Come on, you were also carrying me, you must be exhausted.”
“I’m fine.”
“Give it.”
“Ugh, fine. Hand it over when you’re tired.”
    You all stuck to the forest for most of the morning, making a few stops here and there. It was like a nice little trip, but no destination in mind. There were some things to scavenge for food, but also some nearby civilizations to get food from. You spent a whole day on the move before it was decided to set up camp for the night. It was nice to sleep under the stars all together. Although it wasn’t easy for you to just fall asleep. Your sleeping bag had been set out next to Yuta, but once you were sure he was asleep you carefully got up, going over to Taeyong.
“… hey… are you awake?”
    Taeyong smiled and let out a low chuckle, opening his eyes and giving you a questioning look. He knew you wanted to talk so he got up, the two of you stepping away from the group for a little bit.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
“What is it?”
“I know we’re kinda just on the move here but I know of this place… it’s where witches gather when they don’t have a coven, or were cast out from their home.”
“That sounds dangerous.”
“I know, but they might be able to help us, or at least give us real options here. Wolves aren’t really meant to travel around, but have their own territories.”
“And their own cubs to protect.”
“Taeyong.” You hissed, feeling your face burn. “I’m being serious here.”
“Me too, but I understand what you’re talking about. I’m sure the cloaking spell isn’t forever, and it’s only right for us to have a place to call home.” Taeyong sighed. “We can talk about this with the others in the morning, but we both need to get some sleep. Come on, let’s go back.”
    In the morning you made a note of the location for Taeyong. It wasn’t exact, but he understood. Exiled witches certainly had to be careful when meeting, but there were places that existed for them to congregate. You were on the move again as soon as the sun peeked over the horizon, but Taeyong wanted everyone to eat before talking about this possible trip. You walked side by side with Yuta, holding hands and trying not to think about everything else going on. If you stayed in the moment, it was easier to get by. That is until you suddenly felt dizzy, stumbling in your steps.
“Woah, woah, I got you.” Yuta sat you down by a tree. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know…”
“It was the magic.” Renjun commented. “You did a lot of spells the other day.”
“If it was that this should have hit me sooner…”
“Hm, you’re not sick.” Yuta checked your temperature. “Did you sleep okay last night?”
“Kinda… but-”
    Your words were cut short as a ringing sound filled your head. You reached up to cover your ears, but that did little to help you. When you glanced at the others you could see they were also in a similar position as you. Then you watched as the area around you became engulfed in flames. Panic started to build, and then you felt a hand on your shoulder, providing you with clarity. You slowly looked over, seeing Seungcheol kneeling down at your side.
“… master… how did you… find us…”
“My magic is in your veins, you think I wouldn’t be able to track it once it was used? You can’t really cloak that.”
“I’m sorry I let you get taken from me. It won’t-”
“No, no, stop it! This isn’t what you think!”
“What are you-”
    Seungcheol couldn’t understand your pleas, but then he saw it. He reached over and pulled your shirt collar aside, revealing the bite mark. You tried to hide it but he wouldn’t let you, anger starting to appear in his eyes.
“Who did this to you?”
    You couldn’t look him in the eyes, and that just aggravated him all the more. Instead he attacked the nearest wolf with fire, causing you to scream.
“Don’t hurt them!”
“They hurt you!”
    A loud voice filled the air, seeming to silence everything and everyone. The boys began to regain their sense as the ringing sound ceased, but they were still majorly disoriented. You looked around for the source, although you noticed four silhouettes beyond the fire, probably witches maintaining the flames. Then you saw three figures walking towards you and Seungcheol, stepping through the fire without issue. Your eyes went wide when you recognized the elders, quickly falling to your knees and lowering your head. You of all people had no business facing the elders, and you were certainly afraid.
“What seems to be the problem?” Onew asked. 
“They… one of them marked her.” Seungcheol responded. “She won’t tell me who.”
“There are other means of discovering that.”
    You suddenly felt a pain in your chest, screaming and curling up on the ground. Seungcheol was about to ask why such a thing was necessary but then he noticed Yuta screaming as well. Magic was used to bring over the boy, having him kneel down before the trio. The pain stopped and you could breath, Seungcheol tending to you for a moment.
“The guilty party.” Key scoffed. “I’m rather amazed the bite took. You don’t see something like that anymore.”
“What do we do now?” Seungcheol asked. “They’re bonded and-”
“Simple. We break it.”
“What!? Won’t-”
“It’s fine. Neither will have any recollection of such a thing.”
“… no…” You cried weakly. “… please… please…”
“It’s okay.” Seungcheol assured. “Everything is going to be alright.”
    You were pulled up onto your knees, trying not to let the tears flow. You felt someone grab your chin, forced to meet the gaze of one of the elders.
“It’s alright little one, this will only hurt for a moment.”
“… please… don’t… I don’t…”
“Sh, just relax.”
    The hand on your chin moved over to your shoulder, right over your mark. You felt a small tingling sensation, and then it grew in a burning pain. A scream was ripped from your throat, but you couldn’t get away, paralyzed in agony. Tears blurred your vision, and you found it difficult to breathe. You couldn’t describe the ache you felt in your chest, and you could barely make out the screams of the boy next to you. When it ended you couldn’t tell, the visceral pain lingering as you floated through it. You collapsed into Seungcheol’s arms, breathless sobs being choked out.
    Seungcheol examined your shoulder, seeing that the bite mark was gone, but the area seemed darker than before. Still, he knew you were suffering, and he couldn’t let it go on. He placed a kiss on your head and then put you to sleep, using his magic to ease your pain. While he was at it he turned you into a cub and held you closely in his arms, worried about what the future would hold. Of course it was hard for the wolves to ignore the suffering of their own. Hearing you and Yuta screaming snapped them out of their daze. Now they were all growling at the witches, a few trying to get close to Yuta. One of the elders tossed him closer to his packmates, letting them tend to their injured.
“You won’t get away with this.” Taeyong snarled. “I’m going to kill all of you!”
“I doubt that given you won’t remember any grievances.” Minho stated. “I’d prefer to kill you, but as a favor for an old friend we’ll show mercy.”
“You won’t get any in return.”
“If you say so. While on the subject you should also be informed that your previous pack has chosen to cast you out for your actions. You can remain as nomads and find a new place to call home, all on your own. I’m sure you’ll be happy to start over.”
“Fuck you!”
“Let’s not meet again.”
    You inhaled sharply as you regained consciousness, snuggling against your pillow and blanket before opening your eyes. You were met with a familiar room, a sense of calm and peace spreading throughout.
“Are you finally awake?”
    You glanced over to see Seungcheol entering the room with a tray of food. You happily sat up, although he told you to take it easy.
“How long was I out for?”
“Quite a while, you had me worried.”
“There’s no need to apologize. I’m sure I worried you too, but I assure you I’m fine.”
“I should have done better to protect you…”
“Dealing with hunters is always complicated, you know that.”
“What matters is that we’re both home, safe and sound. Someone has been waiting for you to wake up too.”
    Seungcheol gestured to the other side of the bed. You leaned over and glanced down, seeing a very familiar wolf curled up on the floor, sleeping peacefully. 
“He’s been by your side since you got here. He’s a very good mate.”
“You should eat and gather your strength. The others have been waiting to see you too.”
    You weren’t all that hungry, but knew you still needed to eat. Apparently you had been too loud as you suddenly heard some whimpers and looked over to see Seokmin up on his hind legs, trying to steal some of your food. You giggled and pet his head, letting him have the rest. You looked yourself over real quick, not seeing any major injuries, before shifting and following Seokmin outside. The fresh air and sunlight were very comforting. This was home, and you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
    You went along with Seokmin to find the other familiars, wanting to say hello and catch up on what you’ve missed. You were happy to see them all, but deep in your chest you felt something off, something wrong. It’s like there was this pit in your chest and you didn’t know why. It kinda hurt, and you hadn’t noticed any tears until Seokmin was whimpering and licking at your face. There was no reason to be sad, you had to remind yourself of that. It was probably just some lingering feelings of inadequacy from not being able to protect your master. The feeling would likely pass, so for now you should just focus on the good things before you. This was where you belonged, and where you were happy to be.
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maybeimamuppet · 2 years
35 w chansaw
chansaw, 35- kissing their bruises and scars
tw for death, mentioned violence, mentioned blood/gore
“Damn, Sawyer, what the hell happened to you?” Heather asks. Veronica glares down her ghostly form, but she knows it’s withering at best and downright pitiful at worst.
“Can it, Chandler.”
“Well, now, what did I ever do to you?”
Heather clearly isn’t expecting Veronica to break down in tears. She freezes, floating aimlessly a few inches off the ground while Veronica practically rips her clothes off and throws them as far away as she can get with a shriek before stalking off to the bathroom.
“Jesus, Veronica, you’re gonna scrub your skin off,” Heather says when she sees how aggressively Veronica is trying to wash her face.
“Good,” Veronica growls, scrubbing even harder. Heather watches in concerned silence as more tears stream down her face in rivers to replace the ones she’s trying so desperately to wash away.
“Veronica, seriously, what happened?” she asks, using what little ghost strength she has to shut off the tap.
Veronica is forced to look up. She’s violently confronted with her own reflection. Ash and blood and gore in her tangled, messy hair. More on her ears that she didn’t manage to wash off. It coats her neck and her arms and legs and everything everything. The hollow, empty, dead look in her eyes.
“He’s dead,” she sobs.
“What? Who’s dead?” Heather asks quietly. “Ronnie. What happened?”
“JD. JD’s dead,” Veronica chokes. It’s the first time she’s said the words since… it happened. She was fine helping the police look for everything that remained of her former boyfriend. Was fine filling out a witness report. Was fine watching the police tell Bud Dean. Was fine when Mac tackled her in a hug and cried in relief that she was okay. But now, all alone in her bathroom, is when Veronica Sawyer shatters.
“Jesus,” Heather whispers. “Sit down.”
“I can’t-”
“I said sit down, pillowcase,” Heather insists. Veronica is still probably too afraid of Heather even with her being dead. She obediently sits on the closed toilet and watches as Heather struggles her way through wetting and applying cleanser to a washcloth.
Her touch is cold, when she gently tips up Veronica’s chin and ghosts (so to speak) her fingers across her cheek to tuck some hair behind her ear.
She gently scrubs away the dirt and muck, occasionally folding or bunching up the cloth when part of it gets too dirty to actually clean anymore.
“Why aren’t you mad at me?” Veronica says, a disgustingly pitiful waver in her voice as she looks up at the ghost in red.
“Because you are,” Heather says. “There are things you come to understand when you die, Veronica. As tempting as it is to be a bitch and fuck up your life, you’re already doing plenty of that to yourself. And you’re not the one who killed me.”
“I gave you that drink! I knew he wasn’t messing around, I didn’t even look inside it-”
“Because you didn’t think you needed to,” Heather says calmly as she wrings out the cloth and leaves it to dry. “You might have known he wasn’t totally joking, but you also thought you could trust him.”
“Aren’t you mad at me for… for…”
“Grieving my murderer?” Heather says bluntly. “Kinda, yeah.”
“What-what are you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna put you in the fucking shower, dumbass.”
“And kill me?”
“No! I can barely wash your face, Sawyer, there’s no chance in hell I’m strong enough to kill you,” Heather scoffs. “You’re gonna clean all that… ick out of your hair.”
“But you just-”
“I’m upset that you’re grieving for him more than you did for me,” Heather says in a single… breath? “Okay? That’s it. But you loved him, a lot, Veronica. Even if he killed me, even if he treated you like shit, even if he was a terrible person. You saw something there that nobody else did, Sawyer. And it might’ve ruined you, but it clearly did you some good for a while. You loved each other. You’re allowed to mourn that even with everything that happened.”
“You… you…” Veronica stutters. “Huh?”
“I love you, dipshit,” Heather says succinctly. “I just was too caught up in my bitchitude to show it while I was still alive.”
Veronica just blinks. Heather flutters over and crouches in front of her. Once again, she tips up Veronica’s chin. Veronica inhales sharply when she faintly feels a kiss on her eyebrow. Another on her cheekbone. Another beneath her ear. One on her closed eye.
Heather coaxes her to extend her arm and gently presses her lips to each bruise and gash peppering Veronica’s pale skin. Veronica cries again as she feels just how faint they are. She’s watching them happen, but it feels like Heather is somehow kissing her from a thousand miles away. Like they’re coming from a fog, still able to be felt, to be seen, but obscured so much they’re barely there.
“You’re gonna shower,” Heather whispers. “And then you’re gonna buy us some corn nuts, and invite Martha over. And we’re all gonna watch The Princess Bride and try to forget what happened today. And then, someday, when you’re not so… raw, we’re gonna fucking work through everything that happened to us. Okay?”
“But I don’t like corn nuts,” Veronica mumbles.
“Oh, you monster.”
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sad-baddie001 · 3 years
Rough- Nicolas Brown
Not going to lie this was completely self indulgent and I made this in like January but my life is crumbling so why not post it and give my tumblr some love. Anyways please enjoy.
   I was sitting on floor doing my yoga stretches as soft music played in the background. I heard keys in the front before it opened and an exhausted Warren and Nicolas walk in. Nicolas was hunched over stumbling and barely able to walk. Warren had his arm around his torso holding up his partner.
   "Really Nicolas, again?" We layed him down into the couch.
   "I'm sorry" he signed. I sighed and turned to Warren. "Let me look at you." He swiftly tried to walk out of the apartment. I grabbed him by the half ponytail and he turned around.
   "I'm fine, all good."
   "Sit down and let me bandage your side" I said as I pointed to the blood and gash on his arm. He sighed in defeat and closed the door before having a seat next to Nic on the couch.
   "Okay fine." I went to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit and water for both men. I walked back into the living room and kneeled down next to the couch to tend to Nic first. I handed Warren gauze to apply pressure to his would as I helped nic with a cup of water and examined his wounds.
   "So who's going to tell me what happened?" I glanced at the cuts on Nic's arms, face and deep purple bruises on his torso. When no one spoke I stood and motioned for Warren to stand. He stood as I grabbed what I needed to bandage him up.
   "Nicolas, you're pretty quiet." I glanced over at my 'drowsy' boyfriend of 2 years waiting for his to sign to me. He gave a small grunt before sitting his cup down and rolling onto his back. I looked up at Warren as he tried desperately to avoid looking at me.
   "Okay, that's fine. No one wants to tell me what happened. I'll just bandage you guys up like the on call nurse I am." I rolled my eyes as I began to bandage up Warren. When I finished I checked to make sure it was secure.
   "Here, take these twice a day for a week and you should be fine. Don't miss any or you'll get an infection." I handed Warren the antibiotics and kneeled on the floor next to try couch to give Nic my attention.
   "Okay, thanks Yn." I gave a nod as I began to clean and bandage Nic's cuts. "See you tomorrow Nic, you owe me a new shirt." Nic gave a grunt before signing "whatever fucker." Warren chuckled before leaving and closing the door.
   "Why do you keep doing this? I hate when you do this." Neither of us bothered to make eye contact. He gave me a grunt in response to my question.
   "You always take way too many. You're doing damage to your body. You were doing so good. Is this about us?"
   He turned his head as he usually did when he wanted to avoid conversation when I cornered him. It's been about a month of Nic not abusing his meds and he was doing so well, earlier this week he and I had a conversation. Nic is such a sweet man and it definitely shows when it's sexy fun time. Looking at the tall and broad man you wouldn't expect him to be such a softie, but he is. During love making he always made sure I was okay and took his sweet time with me.
   Earlier this week we sat down to talk and I told him I wanted to try something different in the bedroom. His curiosity was peaked until I told him I wanted him to destroy my insides. I didn't phrase it like that of course but that's the best way to summarize it. His face dropped as if he wasn't interested in talking about it anymore. I tried to convince him that it was okay to be rough with me and it could help with his pint up frustration. He convinced me to drop it and we would talk about it later, but later never came. Ever since that conversation he's been a more irritable than usual. I'm not sure what exactly made him so upset about the conversation but it needed to be resolved before he goes too far.
I huffed as I moved onto his torso to bandage his midsection. He sat up and I placed my hand on his knee as I sat the bandages down to sign.
   "Theses nothing wrong with being rough with me. I can take it." He let out a grunt.
   "I don't want to have this conversation right now."
   "Then when? You said we would talk about it and every time I try you avoid it."
   "Yn were not going to have this damn conversation right now." His hands moved in an aggressive way showing he was serious.
   "Fine" I said aloud. I slid his button up down his toned and muscular arms before sitting the stained garment down next to me.  I picked the bandages up again as Nic leaned forward for me to bandage him. I began to wipe him down and bandage up his torso. After I finished I looked up at him and began to sign.
   "Look, I don't want to upset you while you're like this but I just want to try something new. I know you won't actually hurt me I just want you to meet me halfway Nicolas, that's it. Take your antibiotics." I picked up the bloody shirt and walked into our shared bedroom. I put the shirt in the bin for me to wash and repair later. I layed on the bed and rolled up under the cover. My eyes began to get heavy causing me to slip off into slumber.
I felt the bed dip in next to me causing me to stir in my half awake state. I felt eyes on me and a hand on my arm. I open my eyes to see Nic staring at me.
"Take a shower with me." I had no chance to respond as he unwrapped me from the blanket and picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and stood me up as he turned on the shower. The bathroom began to fill with steam as I watched Nic undo his belt and pants. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt pulling it above my head. He dropped his pants as they pooled at his ankles. He stepped out before I stood up. He grabbed onto the waistband of my bottoms and pulled them off of me. My leggings and underwear pooled at my ankles. I stepped out and into the shower; Nic stepped in behind me. The hot water hit my chest and shoulders causing me to awaken. I turned my back to the water facing Nicolas.
   "How's the water?" He signed.
   "Amazing" I said as I ran my hands over my arms.
   "Tell me your boundaries." I looked at him in confusion. "If you really want me to be rough with you then I need to know your boundaries."
"I'm yours for the taking. Do whatever you want to me." I placed my hands on his chest as I saw a glint of something new in his eyes. He turned us around before signing again. "On your knees now, and keep those beautiful eyes on me."
I dropped to my knees ready to obey his every command. My head was tilted upward looking at him as he stepped closer. His large hand landed on the top of my head before sliding to the back. I looked down as his hand began to stroke himself. His hand gripped my hair as he tugged making me meet his gaze again. I placed my hands on his thighs as I began to move then upward. I felt his tip meet my lips causing me to open my mouth. I stuck out my tongue as he tapped his dick on my tongue a few times before hitting the back of my throat. I kept my eyes on him as I began to use both hands to stroke while I suck.
Deep groans left his mouth as He began to fuck my face. He held a firm grip on my hair as he moved his hips. I relaxed my throat allowing him to fuck my face however he wanted. Removing my hands I pulled his hips forward and took his full length into my mouth. His head went back as I watched him begin to unravel. Seeing the water cascading over his chest and shoulders as he let out moans of pleasure was all the motivation I needed. I slowed down teasing him causing him to look back down at me but something was different. There was this dark look in his eyes that I'd never seen before.
He readjusted his grip on my head before stepping closer causing me to lean back against the wall. He stood over me as he ruthlessly fucked my mouth. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took his length the best I could. Animalistic groans and moans left his parted lips I began to play with his balls. I felt his dick twitch in my mouth as I pushed it as far down my throat as possible. A loud groan left his lips as he came down my throat. I swallowed as he continued to move his hips. He pulled his wet dick out of my mouth as he released his grip on my hair. His hand slid down to my mouth as he wiped dripping saliva and cum from my bottom lip.
"You look like such a slut with my cum falling from your lips. Stand."
I did as told rising to my feet only to be turned to face the shower wall. Nic began to kiss on my shoulder and neck leaving bites and hickies in his wake. I moaned from the painful pleasures he granted me. He placed one hand around my neck as the other traveled to my clit. He began to rub in circular motions causing me to moan. His grip around my throat tightened as he pulled me back into him and kissed me. He slid his large fingers inside me mid-kiss causing me to release a loud moan. He took his opportunity and pulled my head back further. His large tongue entered my mouth as he kissed me roughly. He pulled my hips back while pushing my torso forward making me bend over and breaking the kiss. He removed his fingers making me miss his touch immediately.
His warm tongue came into contact with my clit as he began to eat me out from the back. I let out a loud moan as my legs buckled slightly. His thumbs spread my lips apart as he devoured my hot sex. His large tongue worked wonders as moans escaped from my mouth. Feeling myself coming closer to my release I began to try and grip the wall. My eyes began to flutter close as my eyes rolled back a little. Feeling my release so near I tried to find something to hold onto. I clawed at the wall in a deseparate attempt to stabilize myself but just before I was able to cum he removed his mouth. He gave my ass a rough slap causing it to sting in pleasure. He turned me back around to face him.
"I want to see the look in your face while you unravel in front of me. Show me you're my slut. My personal little prostitute."
   Nic POV 
   I gripped her thighs firmly before placing them over my shoulders. I placed my hands on her ass and lower back as I swiftly lifter her up. I pushed her hips forward as I nuzzled my face into her sweet wet center like a feral animal. I swirled my tongue on her clit as she kept eye contact with me. My eyes traveled back and fourth between her eyes and mouth as she moaned. Seeing her mouth move and not being able to hear her moan was such a tease. It's so tantalizing, sure I've got a pretty good idea of what she sounds like but I want to know for sure. I nuzzled my face deeper into her wetness as I continued to swirl suck and lick on her clit. Our eyes locked in a deep gaze as she began to grind her hips against my face.
   "Right there" I saw her lips move. I sped up as I felt her clit swell against my tongue. Her body began to jerk as she grabbed fistfuls of my hair. I pulled her as close as possible, gripping her waist to keep her close as she came. I lapped up her sweet cream moaning from the beautiful sight unfolding above me. Her body shook as her eyes rolled back. Her beautiful hair framed her face as her beautiful breast bounced. I stopped cutting her orgasm short. I turned off the shower and carried her to our bedroom. I tossed her on the bed before walking over to my katana picking it up. I leaned it again the bed as I watched her pant trying to catch her breath. What a beautiful sight.
   "I told you to keep your eyes on me and you didn't so now I'm gonna have to punish you."
   He picked up his sword and unsheathed it. He held it to my throat causing my cheeks to go red. A chilling sensation ran through me as I felt myself getting wetter with every moment he held his blade to my neck. It was thrilling in the most arousing way possible. My clit began to throb causing me to squeeze my legs closed tightly leaning my head back and breaking eye contact. Shit.
Nic's rough calloused hand came into contact with my throat squeezing. My head snapped back to it's original position causing me to make eye contact once again. Leaning on my elbows I felt something cold and slightly ridged on my thighs pushing one leg away from the other. Nic stared daggers into my eyes. Never breaking eye contact, he spit. I felt the cool ridged object on my clit causing me to release a moan. He released a grunt before pointing to my eyes and down to my vagina. His hand returned to my throat as I looked down.
   His large hand gripped the blade as he slowly pushed the handle of his Katana into me. I moaned as I saw blood begin to trickle down the sharp blade. The muscles in his hand tightening as his veins in his hand began to protrude. He started movement angling upward to hit my g spot. My legs jerked, one quickly coming into contact with his elbow and the other being gripped firmly by the hand previously around my throat. He pushed my leg down against the bed roughly and adjusted his grip on the blade. Grunts left his mouth as he facial expression twinged in the slightest way.
Before I was even able to notice his movement his hand was gripping my throat harder than before. A mix of emotions rushed over me as my body shivered. He started his movement again hitting my g spot like a target. Lewd sounds filled the room as I dripped down the handle of his katana. He left bites on my shoulders along with rough kisses. I kept my eyes on the thrilling object entering me not daring to look anywhere else. I bit down on his shoulder trying not to shake too much as my orgasm creeped up on me. Nic began to suck on my breast sending me over the edge. Every muscle in my body tensed as a hit rush flowed through me. I squirted on his weapon as his movement never stopped. I grinder my hips upward riding out my orgasm. He dropped the wet and bloody weapon to the fool.
Not missing a beat a mischievous grin painted his face. His hand left my neck as he began to stroke himself. He ran his bloody hand down my face before grabbing me by the jaw and squeezing to open my mouth. He opened his mouth allowing saliva to slowly drip from his tongue as his eased his way into me. I moaned from the pleasure as I impatiently awaited his dripping saliva. It dripped closer and closer to my open mouth as he thrusted into my roughly. The moment it touched my tongue nix pushed my hips down and thrusted upwards into me as he played with my clit.
I trailed off not being able to finish my sentence as I clawed at his chest and shoulders. My eyes rolled back as he leaned down to bite and kiss on my ear. He quickened his pace on my clit as he returned to towering over me. The pleasure along with the powerful aura surrounding him sent me into a wonderful bliss as my orgasm washed over me again. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as animalistic sounds escaped both of our mouths. His hot seed filled my insides as every muscle in our bodies tensed. Nic continued to thrust riding out our orgasms.
"I love seeing you drip like this."
He pulled out and went to the bathroom coming back with two rags. He used one for my face and the other to wipe the rest of my body. I struggled to catch my breath and keep my eyes open as I sat up. Nic returned from the bathroom again and met my gaze. I signed to him "let me see your hand." He walked over to me and I grabbed his hand looking at the large gash on his hand. It was larger than expected and beyond my skills. As I looked at the gash I took a moment to think back. He kept me still so I wouldn't hurt myself and didn't stop until I came. I smiled up at him softly and planted a kiss on his lips. "Let's get you to the doc." I wrapped his hand and we threw on clothes before heading out the door.
—time skip—
"You idiot, what the hell even happened?" The doc asked as he unwrapped the bandages and took a look at Nic's hand. Nic sat in silence as he usually does whenever the doc talks shit. The bandages I had put on him were gone showing the previously covered wounds. The doc looked over Nic's injuries before stopping and turning his head around slowly toward me. He glanced at me causing me to get a little nervous. I pulled up my turtle neck a little and readjusted my stance. It was like a light bulb went off above his head. He sighed and turned back to Nic looking at his injuries again.
"I don't even want to know." My gaze met Nic's as he gave me a small smirk. He's such a softie.
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Hey dear! I hope that you have a good time! I want to make a request, but please delete it if you don't feel like doing it.
I saved that request in the notes and been waiting for you to open them 😊
For request
First fight with brother (any of your choice) and one of them (I mean MC or that brother) thinks that it's end of relationship (because never had anything serious), but they reconciled in the end. I want some heavy angst with happy ending. MC can be GN if that is OK.
If you don't mind you can do for Mammon, but feel free to choose another one if you don't feel like write for him. Or if that would be better to write as headcanons for all the brothers. That's up to you!
I haven't been doing requests for ages. Please don't hate me if there is something wrong! I've read the rules, and I hope I haven't missed anything.
Anyway, sorry for long ask. And thank you for your writings!
(I forgot to look if you did anything similar, and remembered it at the end of writing that ask. Sorry if you already did something like that!)
Hey babes ❤ I did end up doing HCs for all of them because I thought it would be cooler (or more like I know someone is gonna request separate fics for all of them if I dont and I'm saving myself that trouble lol) I still hope you like it ! ❤ also this got SUPER LONG so its under a cut
Warning: angst -> happy ending-ish
THE BROTHERS in a fight with MC and thinking that they’re over (yikes)
Everyone always says Lucifer is quick to lose his cool but he’s honestly been nothing but patient with you. He may have hinted at several things he doesn’t condone and he definitely has that ‘look’, you know the disappointed dad look, but he has held back a lot so as to not ruin the beautiful relationship you have with him. Everyone snaps, though, and when he finally did, it was ugly. He did NOT call you names, but oh he didn’t. He went straight for your feelings and pointed out every mistake you ever made for as long as he’s known you. Ouch. In his defense, you weren’t nice either. The argument ended nasty and ‘I hate you’s!’ were definitely thrown around, but none of them were meant, right? Goodness, he doesn’t know. After you left, he threw himself on his bed, literally, and just stared at the ceiling. His anger slowly fled away and he began to feel… guilty. Not necessarily because of the argument itself, but because he delivered some low blows and he knows that. Are you over? Done with him? You haven’t texted or called or talked… you’ve been actively avoiding him and he doesn’t like that, but his pride is such an issue, goodness. He can’t straight up apologize, that dickhead, but he’s sending you flowers and standing in front of your door with a sad face that says it all. 
“Forgive me? I made reservations at your favorite’s? We can talk over a nice dinner?” 
Mammon is known to get mildly agitated over the silliest things, let’s be real. He’s also quick to revert to the “are you dumb?!” argument, which is never effective. But he loves you and he would do anything for you so even if you do do something that he deems ‘dumb’, he usually bites his tongue. Doesn’t mean that doesn’t get on his nerves, though, and he definitely has a short temper, although people tend to overlook that. You just managed to push his buttons today and he used the “are ya stupid?!” argument, to which you obviously defended yourself, and rightfully so. This ended in a massive screaming match and him saying “Then leave! Ain’t nobody keepin’ ya with me!” He regretted it the minute those words left his mouth and you could see his eyes grow wide in shock at his own words, but that didn’t mean you stayed. “MC!” he tried running after you immediately but you were faster and honestly, who can blame you? He fucked up, and he knows it, and he feels terrible about it. Honestly, he’s crying just at the mere thought of you taking his words seriously and he can’t… he can’t bear to lose you, you know? What’s he gonna do? You’re the light of his life, as pathetic as that may sound to some…. So he won’t let you run away. Homie will hunt you down and beg for forgiveness. 
“Please, MC! Forgive me! I’m dumb, not you!!! Don’t leave me…” Don’t leave him. He will continue crying. 
His constant need to put himself down is frankly, quite annoying. To you anyway. But you put up with it and just reassure him that, at least to you, he’s the most amazing demon that ever existed. It’s just facts. But a person only has so much patience, right? You can’t always spend your days trying to lift him up when all he does is dig himself a bigger hole. Who has the emotional time for that? You sure don’t. “Oh my God, Levi! Shut up! I can’t take it anymore!” Followed by “See! You’re just like everyone else! Leaving me!” and then you slamming the door to his room shut. It’s frustrating and understandably so. It makes you feel awful that you can’t even make your own boyfriend feel good about himself and get at least a little bit of self confidence and it’s so, so, so very draining to have to constantly listen to that. At this point, it’s affecting your own mental health and you just… you just can’t…. But Levi can’t lose you because he knows you’re right. He has to work on himself if he wants to keep someone as amazing as you with him and that’s why he’s crawling back to you now. 
“Look I… I know you’re right… I’m sorry. I promise I’ll … I’ll try. For you.”
For being the Avatar of Wrath, you always admired Satan for his ability to keep cool. He prefers the relaxed and easy going life much more than the type of life people expect him to live, and you respect that. That doesn’t mean his constant need to one up Lucifer, through whatever means necessary, didn’t bother the hell out of you, though. You tried talking to him about it once or twice in a calm manner, but you always got the same answer “Pfft.. it’s Lucifer. Who cares?” And it never sat right with you. Just today he decided to pull a prank on the eldest and you had enough, standing in front of Lucifer and letting the bucket of cursed green slime land on you instead, to everyone’s shock. “What are you doing?!” Now that you’re thoroughly green from head to toe, you were also beyond pissed. “What am I doing?! What are YOU doing?!” But Satan matched your anger tenfold, accusing you of favoring Lucifer over him and oh! “You probably got an affair with him, too!” Which was a stupid thing on his part, but it looked like it the way you defended him. Anger doesn’t even begin to describe the emotion you felt running through you and had it not been for Lucifer, you probably would’ve physically fought Satan for such a dumb accusation. Lucifer took you to get cleaned up and lifted the course, giving you your natural skin and hair color back within a few days and plenty of scrubbing, and Satan felt like shit. You’ve always been there for him and, rationally speaking, he didn’t have a reason to doubt your loyalty to him, but he just can’t help but feel insecure beside Lucifer…. He decides to come apologize anyway, a deep blush on his face and guilt in his eyes 
“I’m… sorry for accusing you. It wasn’t my right to speak out of anger and jealousy…” 
How can anyone fight with the Avatar of Lust? Seriously, the guy is super easy going and he loves pretty much everyone. Not as much as himself, but almost. You on the other hand… you didn’t. Well you didn’t NOT love him or yourself, but you were just… you. You didn’t spend 4+ hours in the bathroom trying to get ready when you knew you were only going to the kitchen down the stairs. Like?? Although you never brought it up to Asmodeus, he constantly bothered you about skincare and what foods to eat and what not to eat, etc… It’s quite annoying, honestly, and at some point you just gave him a passive aggressive “Okay, whatever. Can we move on now?” To which he didn’t take lightly. He was still nice and sweet, trying to convince you that at least one of these things will make your skin glow brighter than a unicorn’s ass but you just had enough. “Can you stop?! You’re indirectly saying I’m ugly without that shit ton of product in my face and a diet that would make me starve before it helped me! If you want a skinny VS angel that barely holds onto their skeleton, get one!” It was more hurt and frustration speaking than anything, but your outburst still shocked him and he was taken aback for a moment. And then you ignored him for a week straight and as someone who thrives off of attention, especially the kind he gets from you, he can’t handle that! So he showed up in your room in sweats and a tshirt and messy hair and no product on his skin. 
“You’re right… we’re all naturally beautiful…. Wow that… that really hurts to say MC but can you forgive me?” 
Oh the sweet, sweet angel. He’s far from innocent and you know that. We all know that. But for this story, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. His reliance on Belphegor is just really… annoying. Belphegor this, Belphegor that. “Belphie used to…” or “Belphie said….” or “one day when Belphie and I….” Like why does everything have to include his twin? It’s so annoying and so rude when your significant other is right here !!! and planning their own future with you, Beel, thanks. It makes you feel less than and like Belphegor will always come before you. It makes you feel like shit, quite frankly, and who is to blame you? “Hey MC did I tell you what Belphie---!” “No! Shut up! I don’t care! It’s always about Belphie! The day you come to me and don’t let that name drip from your tongue is the day Jesus comes back to save me and we both know that will be never! I’m tired of always being stuck with Belphegor! We are not equals!” Granted, you shouldn’t have yelled and Beel was more than confused at your outburst, but you wouldn’t talk to him anymore after that so he left you alone. He thought you may need an hour or two, maybe a day tops, but that day turned into a full week and he even lost his appetite just because he knows you’re angry with him. It’s been a week, does that mean you’re over? His heart aches just at the thought… 
“I’m sorry for bringing Belphie up… I don’t want you to feel less than, MC. You mean a lot to me and so does Belphie, but you’re not Belphie and I need to learn that…”
Honestly it’s a miracle he hasn’t lost his temper at you yet. Well, he partially blames it on his own laziness because if being angry or getting upset didn’t take so much energy out of him, maybe he would’ve snapped by now lol, but he tries really hard not to because he thinks your relationship with him after everything is pretty good, considering yall kiss and snuggle and fuck on a regular basis. But anyway, that’s exactly the issue. Considering everything, you’re still holding *that* against him. It’s never direct either, which makes it worse. It’s always said in a joking manner and something like “haha look it’s just like that one time you killed me” or “Beel’s grabbing that ham like you grabbed my throat” or “I remember seeing jesus for a moment there” and it agitates him. It makes him so angry, and he finally snapped. “I know I fucked up MC! Stop holding it against me! What do you want? A medal of honor? A survivor's certificate? Maybe a pat on the back for developing some sort of Stockholm syndrome that made you come back to your abuser?!” And then he left. And you may have cried both from confusion and your own anger, he isn’t quite sure. It’s just so…. Aggravating. He can’t deal with it. He knows it was a mistake spurted by his own insecurities and survivor’s guilt which ultimately led to his hatred but please, stop holding it against him.. He can’t keep putting up with it from the person he’s grown to love. He’s the one ignoring you and he won’t budge either because he’s a stubborn ass, but maybe if you come up first… 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you… I’m just so tired for it being held against me… I love you, and you should know that, and I do feel guilty about what happened.” 
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
In the Prefect’s Bathroom // Draco Malfoy
Request @bii-aan-ckaa​ : Hi there! I hope you are well. I just have a request for Draco Malfoy x Y/N. You’re dating Harry Potter but you hate Draco and one day in class you’re paired with Draco and he starts tracing his fingers up your thigh and whispering naughty things in your ear like how he would fuck you so hard and rough like you want it and how he’s seen how you look at him in class and how you turn him on and y/n gets flustered and goes to the prefects bathroom and Draco comes after and she just kisses him hard and they have rough hate sex and he makes her say how he’s better than her boyfriend and how he’s going to fuck her whenever he wants to
A/N: Tbh I procrastinated this request for a long time, but once I sat down to write it, everything came easily and I’m very pleased with how it turned out. Hope you enjoy! P.S Sorry about Harry :(
Summary: Y/N and her boyfriend, Harry, hate Draco. But what happens when Y/N gets paired up with him for a potions assignment?
Warning(s): SMUT!!! Unprotected sex, fingering, hickies, dirty talk, hate fucking, possessiveness, cheating
Word Count: 3.2k
Masterlist Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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{Not my gif}
“Harry, wait up!” Y/N called after her boyfriend. He was running a few paces ahead of her. The two of them were about to be late for Potions. Harry turned his head briefly and smiled brightly at Y/N. She rolled her eyes and sped up so that she was nearly beside Harry now. They sprinted down the dungeon steps and burst through the archway into Snape’s classroom just as the bell rang. Everyone’s eyes shifted to the pair, who were huffing and puffing. 
“Today’s lesson will be on Felix Felicis. You will each be paired up with a fellow student. No, you may not pick your partner. I will do that for you,” Snape said coldly. His eyes shifted to Harry and Y/N. “Mr. Potter, you’ll be working with Mr. Goyle. You, Ms. Y/L/N, will be with Mr. Malfoy. Perhaps with him, you’ll be able to actually brew an accurate potion.”
Y/N glared at the blonde-haired boy by the name of Draco. It was well known throughout Hogwarts that Harry and Draco didn’t get on, but their hateful relationship was nothing compared to his with Y/N. The two of them were prefects, Y/N being a Gryffindor and Draco being a Slytherin. This meant they saw each other at prefect meetings and at other school functions. Y/N despised him for multiple reasons. He was an absolute prick to her boyfriend, which obviously didn’t sit well with her. Not to mention Draco would tease Y/N about everything, no matter if it were her shoes or her nose. If Draco noticed anything out of sorts, he would poke and prod at it. And on top of Draco’s constant rude remarks and banter, Y/N couldn’t deny the fact that to put it bluntly, he was hot. She felt utterly horrible for thinking this about him, but Draco was, in Y/N’s mind, the most attractive boy she’d ever laid eyes on...aside from Harry, of course. 
Reluctantly, she walked over to the empty stool beside Draco and took a seat. The boy smirked at her and held eye contact for just a couple seconds too long before turning his attention to Snape, who was going over instructions. Y/N’s heart was pounding in her chest, and not from the running. The class had hardly started, and she was already distracted. She blinked rapidly, trying to snap out of her thoughts. Her eyes landed on the spread in front of her. Y/N knew Felix Felicis to be a difficult potion to brew because of its intricacy, and if she remembered correctly, it took many months to complete. However, it looked as though they were going to start from the beginning today. Y/N nervously picked at the skin around her nails as she scanned the ingredients. She recognized most of them: Occamy Eggshells, Murtlap Tentacles, Common Rue, and Thyme. But there were a couple other items she was unfamiliar with. 
“I will only help you with the first few steps, then you will have to go by your textbooks. We’ll start with the Ashwinder egg. Add it to your cauldrons,” Snape instructed. Y/N’s hand hovered over the various items. She was about to grab what looked like an egg, but a hand on her wrist stopped her. “It’s not that one,” a haughty voice said. Y/N turned to glare at Draco, who kept his hand on her while using his other to grab an orange-reddish colored egg. He tossed it into the air, caught it, and slid it into their shared cauldron. Y/N wrenched her wrist from his grip. Draco chuckled at this. “Not my fault you didn’t know what an egg looked like,” he retorted. Y/N huffed angrily. “Eggs can come in many different shapes and sizes. Forgive me for being cautious.” Draco raised an eyebrow as he turned up the heat of the fire beneath the pewter cauldron. He appeared unimpressed.
“Now for the Squill Bulb. Stir vigorously after adding it in,” Snape muttered as he slowly circled the classroom. Y/N groaned quietly. She wasn’t familiar with this ingredient, either. While she frantically scanned the table, she felt a hot breath on her neck. “You look pretty when you’re scared,” Draco whispered into her ear. A shudder ran down her spine, and she shifted in her seat while she pressed her thighs together. Her eyes flickered to Draco. He was gazing at her intently, his eyes running up and down her body. “Shut up, Malfoy. I'm not scared, I'm just unsure,” Y/N snapped, but she knew her words weren’t convincing. Draco leaned over her and snatched the brown bulb at the far end of the table. He lingered there for a moment, his body close to Y/N’s. Then he sat back, plopped the item into the cauldron, and began to stir swiftly. His eyes didn’t meet Y/N’s, but she couldn’t take hers off of his. Fortunately, she was snapped out of her trance by Snape slamming a textbook onto the table. Y/N bit her lip, preventing a curse word from flying, as she turned around to see her professor behind her. He sneered down at her and aggressively turned the book's pages until landing on the relevant section. 
“Follow instructions, Y/L/N. Just because you’re paired with Malfoy doesn’t mean you can slack off,” he scolded. Once again, all eyes turned to Y/N, whose face was burning crimson. She blocked out the shame surging in her stomach and pulled the textbook close to her so she could identify the next step in the potion. It called for Murtlap Tentacles. But first, they must be cleaned and chopped up. Y/N grasped the worm-like strands and laid them on her cutting board. 
She had just begun to chop them up when she felt a hand on her thigh. It was evident that the hand belonged to Draco. She glanced to the side, her eyes meeting his. He raised an eyebrow to ask silent permission. Y/N knew better, but she was curious and gave him a short nod. His fingers then traced lines up and down her leg, making her squirm. At that very moment, Harry decided to look over at his girlfriend. He gave her a soft, sympathetic smile to which she hurriedly returned as she tried to ignore what was happening underneath the table. But what Draco did next was not something she could put out of mind. His hand slid underneath her skirt, and she felt his finger brush over her clothed and slightly excited pussy. Y/N stifled a gasp and whipped her head towards Draco, shooting a nasty glare. He smirked at her and whispered, “Are you aroused, Y/N? Your panties are wet. Is it for me?”
Y/N felt her heart skip a beat. How was it that even his voice was sexy? She luckily got ahold of herself and promptly slapped his hand away. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she seethed. But Draco was unfazed. He added more ingredients to the potion-in-progress and stirred it absentmindedly. “You know, Y/N, I notice your stares. I see how you look at me. You don’t look at Harry like that, do you? Does he make you happy?” he questioned. Y/N straightened her spine, trying to appear unaffected by his inquiries. “He does make me happy, for your information,” she replied coldly. Draco’s focus remained on the potion as he asked another question, one that made Y/N falter. “But does he make you happy in bed, Y/N?” Suddenly, she couldn’t breathe. How dare he ask such a thing. Y/N opened her mouth to reply but found that no words came to her aid. Harry was the best boyfriend she could ask for. But truthfully, he wasn’t the most skilled in the bedroom. He gave it his all, but it wasn’t quite enough for Y/N. However, it wasn’t a big deal; Y/N didn’t really mind having to finish the job with her hand after the deed. Sure, it wasn’t the most ideal situation, but it definitely wasn’t something to break up over, not in her mind. 
“No answer, huh? Seems my suspicions were right. He’s not satisfying you,” Draco whispered. Y/N shifted her eyes to her textbook, trying to reassert her concentration onto her schoolwork. But then Draco’s hand returned to her thigh, and he leaned in closer. “I could do better. God, I’d fuck you so hard and so much better than he ever could. I’d fuck you until you’d have to beg me to stop,” he muttered while slipping his index finger past her underwear and starting to stroke her. Y/N tried to close her thighs, but Draco’s thumb and pinky held them open as his finger found her clit and swirled around it lightly. “You turn me on, Y/N. And I know you want this. You can’t fool me.”
Y/N’s chest was heaving, she could feel her underwear growing wetter and her desire for the Slytherin increasing. It was getting to be too much; she didn’t think she could handle any more. Her hand pushed his away, and she stood up abruptly, sending her stool backward. The screeching of its feet on the floor got the attention of the class. “May I use the bathroom, Professor?” she asked. Snape leered at her but waved her off. Without hesitation, Y/N ran out of the classroom and sprinted for the Prefect’s bathroom. It was much farther than the regular toilets, but Y/N wanted extra security. She climbed many flights of stairs before arriving outside the door. Y/N spoke the password and rushed inside, not stopping to admire the chandelier or the freshly cleaned marble floors. She made a beeline for the enormous bath, kicking off her shoes and robe as she went. When she got to the bath, she sat down beside it and slid off her socks along with her skirt and underwear. Slowly, Y/N slipped her foot into the water. It was the perfect temperature. Eagerly, she yanked off her grey sweater and button-down shirt, leaving her in just her lacey bralette; it was red to match her house colors.
Y/N scooted towards the edge of the bath and carefully slid herself inside, submerging her body from her stomach down. The steam from the hot water instantly calmed her racing heart. She crossed her arms on the edge of the pool. This prevented her from sliding all the way under. Gently, she rested her head on top of them. But before allowing herself to relax, Y/N quickly scanned the bathroom. When she determined nobody was present, she closed her eyes and let her body soften. But her craved peace of mind didn’t come. The events of a few minutes prior were still swirling around in her head. Did he really touch me, or am I just imagining it? No, I can't be imagining it, not when my goddamn clit is still tingling from his finger. Y/N knew the cat was out of the bag. She thought she’d been doing an excellent job of hiding her attraction to Draco, but he said it himself; he’d seen the way she'd looked at him. He knew she liked him. Y/N felt terrible. How would Harry feel if he knew his girlfriend had a thing for the boy who made his school days hell? He certainly wouldn’t be pleased, that’s for sure.
Y/N’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a soft chuckle. She opened her eyes to see none other than Draco, kneeling right in front of her. She screamed and instinctively crossed her arms over her chest; she almost lost her grip on the edge of the bath by doing this. But at the last second, she regained her grasp and this time opted to press her chest against the side of the pool to shield herself from Draco’s view. 
“What are you doing here?” she yelled angrily, refusing to look at the boy. “I’m simply finishing what I started,” he said. Y/N’s eyebrows knit together. “Wha—” She was cut off by Draco smashing his lips against hers. At first, Y/N wanted to push him away, and she tried. She pressed her hands against his chest and started to shove him, but then he slipped his tongue inside her mouth, and her arms weakened. She melted into the kiss, all thoughts of Harry leaving her mind. Draco swirled his tongue around hers, causing her skin to prickle with arousal. Y/N sighed deeply and leaned in closer. She squealed when Draco began to suck her tongue before he abruptly pulled away. The pair gazed at each other, pure lust in their eyes. Draco suddenly grabbed her arms and hoisted her out of the bath. Once her feet touched the floor, his fingers immediately found her pussy and began rubbing. Y/N’s legs shook, and she grabbed onto Draco’s shoulders as he slid a finger inside her. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Draco muttered. Y/N whimpered and clenched her walls around his digit. “Don’t worry, you’ll be full soon enough,” he stated while sliding in another finger. Y/N was desperate at this point. She hadn’t touched herself in a few weeks, and Draco’s fingers were skilled. They were bringing her to her peak before Draco had even undressed. Not only was he skilled, but he was also experienced and thus noticed Y/N’s body language. He knew she was close, so he removed his fingers. Y/N cried out as she felt her climax fade away. “What the hell?” she growled while pressing her thighs together, trying to imitate the friction he'd provided. Draco said nothing as he slid down his pants and underwear,  smiling at her neediness. She glared at him, furious that he had denied her her orgasm, but he paid her no mind. When his clothes were shed, he roughly grabbed Y/N’s waist and steered her to the nearest wall. Without warning, he slammed her up against it and forcefully thrusted his cock inside her. The combined feeling of being full and the shock of the cold marble against her skin caused Y/N to let out a guttural moan. She dug her fingernails into Draco’s back, through his shirt as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to adjust. His hips remained still, prompting Y/N to clench around him.
“You’re so tight, fuck,” he grunted. Y/N whined when he still didn’t move and bucked her hips. “Oh, you want me to fuck you? Is that it?” he teased. Y/N narrowed her eyes. “I hate you,” she muttered. Draco winked at her and pulled out, she was frustrated initially, but then he thrusted back inside, roughly, making her scream. His hips snapped back and forth at a rapid pace. Y/N moaned loudly as her eyes fell shut. Her voice hitched every time his cock touched that spot deep inside her. “Tell me I’m better than him, Y/N. Tell me that I’m better than Harry, that I fuck you harder than him,” he growled. Y/N couldn’t form a coherent thought; there was no way she’d be able to speak a proper sentence. Draco gripped her arms tight and pounded her hard before ceasing his movements. Y/N opened her eyes; she was confused as to why he had stopped. “Say it,” he demanded. Y/N felt her body shudder and sweat slide down her neck. Draco slammed inside her again, startling her.
“You’re better! You fuck me better than Harry,” she sputtered. Draco smirked. “That’s right, princess. And don’t worry, I’ll be fucking you frequently. Whenever I want, I’ll sneak off to your common room, crawl into your bed, and fuck you until you see stars. I don’t even care if someone sees or hears. You’re mine now, understand? You’re my little fuck toy,” he husked. Y/N whimpered at his words. She’d never been more aroused than she was right then. He began to regain his fast pace, and Y/N cried out in pleasure. “Fuck, Draco!” she shouted. This seemed to egg Draco on as he thrusted into her even harder, making her tits bounce. “Draco, Draco, Draco,” Y/N moaned. The Slytherin grunted, leaned his head towards her neck, and latched his lips onto her soft skin. He took her skin in between his teeth and sucked forcefully. “That’s gonna leave a mark, Draco, stop,” she whined. Draco pulled away and snickered. “I know, that’s the point.” Y/N rolled her eyes. Bastard. 
Suddenly, Draco paused his movements and carefully pulled himself out. Before Y/N could speak, he spun her around so that her front was pressed up against the wall. He shoved his cock back inside her and resumed thrusting. “God, you’re so good. I’m gonna fuck you all the fucking time. And you’re going to let me, aren’t you, princess? You’re gonna let me pound that pussy whenever the fuck I want, right?” Y/N groaned, the sound of her voice and the slapping of skin reverberating off the bathroom walls. She was so close to her peak; she just needed a little more. “Answer me, slut,” Draco growled. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut as he roughly snapped his hips. “Yes. Shit, yes, I’ll let you fuck me whenever. Fuck, fuck! Draco, I’m gonna cum,” she squeaked. Draco gripped her hips tighter. “Then cum. Cum on my cock, you filthy little slut.”
That was all Y/N needed. She felt her orgasm pulse through her; it was as if her bloodstream was filled with electricity. Her body jerked with shocks of pleasure, and her vision turned white. Draco’s pace had never slowed throughout her high. In fact, it had sped up as he was nearing his own climax. With a few more thrusts, he came inside her with a loud moan. Y/N squeezed him tight, stimulating him through his orgasm. 
When he finished, he remained inside her as they both tried to catch their breaths. Y/N was utterly dazed. “I’ve never cummed that hard. Holy shit, Draco.”
“You said it yourself, I’m better,” he said with a smirk. 
Gently, he pulled out of her. Y/N turned around and leaned against the wall; her legs were trembling too much to stand without support. “I still don’t like you,” she stated. Draco cocked an eyebrow. “You sure bout that? You were just screaming my name about,” he raised his wrist to his face, pretending to check an invisible watch, “two minutes ago.” Y/N crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to look intimidating. 
“Because of you, we missed the rest of Potions and are likely going to be late to our next class, you moron,” Y/N complained while walking over to her pile of clothes by the still-hot bath. Draco was already dressed, considering he had only taken off his lower layer of clothing. He was readjusting his tie in the mirror while Y/N scrambled for a towel to clean herself up with. Draco cleared his throat. Y/N glanced over to see him lifting up a washcloth. She grumbled to herself as she stomped over to him. The Gryffindor snatched the cloth from his hand. “Thanks,” she said shortly. Draco shook his head and laughed. “You’ll warm up to me yet, Y/L/N.”
Y/N flipped him off, not bothering to look behind her. She knew he could see her in the mirror. “Fuck off, Draco, I still hate your guts even though you’ve just rearranged mine,” she called out, making Draco laugh again. Y/N sighed softly in disappointment. Not even her humor could distract her from the thought in her mind. How were things ever going to be normal with Harry again?
Taglist: @beiahadid​ @pastelpuffbar
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uniquevocashark · 3 years
A Good Servant Part 4
Content warnings:
Graphic depictions of gore, blood, smoking, lady dimitrescu washes the readers mouth out with soap and a horse brush so watch out for that, mentions of taxidermy, mentions of meat preparation (skinning), mentions of murder, aftermath of murder
“How dare I?” Lady Dimitrescu said, then her face split open in a wide smile and she threw her head back and laughed. It was light and hysterical, and she covered her mouth softly with one hand. Her bedroom was lit only with candlelight, her pet cowering on the other side of the room by her bed.
You glared at her and she met your eyes gleefully, striding over and grabbing your face in one hand. She squeezed your jaw and forced your mouth open, then rubbed your teeth through your cheeks. You grabbed her wrist and dug your nails in, but she didn’t so much as flinch, smiling at you with all the grace of a lion with an antelope in its mouth.
“Pet,” She called, and you glared, “Go fetch some soap and water, separate bucket for each.”
You glimpsed at her, at her smirk and her pose, the way it accentuated her perfect posture and the perfect way her hair fell and curled. The sleek stitch work of her hat, her cream dress, the strokes of her makeup brush that painted her white. Perfect, down to the last cell.
Lady Dimitrescu walked with you struggling against her, dragging your feet over the well-polished floor and well-appointed carpet to her bed. She sat down and pulled you forward with a quick yank, forcing your stomach against her knee. She reached over you to her bedside table, where she kept a specially designed toothbrush for her horse, Matthias.
“This is such a lovely little knick-knack,” She said pleasantly, twisting the dark wooden brush to catch the light, “It’s a shame I barely use it, don’t you agree?”
You grabbed her wrist in both hands and clawed and, though she swayed slightly, she manhandled you right back where she wanted you with ease. You grunted and she tapped your lips with the brush.
“Now, now, Wesker, no need to act an animal,” Her pet came back with a bucket of soap and a bucket of water, “Excellent choice, pet.”
Last year Lady Dimitrescu had taken to the scent of vanilla, and the smell was thick and syrupy the moment it was set down near you. She used a soft soap that gouged, somewhere between sloid and liquid, and pungent enough to drown your nose already. She scooped some onto her fingers, smiling, then looked at you with a grin crawling up her cheeks. “Try not to swallow.”
You took a quick breath, and she shoved her fingers into your mouth. The soap taste was unbearable, and she took obvious pleasure while she rubbed the soap onto your tongue. The taste filled your mouth, your nose, and no matter how hard you bit her hand she never wavered. She hummed a pleasant tune, tapping her feet beneath you while you struggled against her. When Lady Dimitrescu pulled away to grab the brush, you pulled in a breath and gagged.
She looked down at you, trapped against her and gasping between your violent gags, and smiled.
She tapped your cheek with the brush, and you flinched away from it.
“What a shame,” Lady Dimitrescu mused and tilted your chin up to watch the soap foam drip down your chin. She smiled slowly, her eyes widened softly, and she pushed the brush into your mouth. She scrubbed your teeth harshly, then your gums, your tongue and as far down your throat as she could push you before you were clawing desperately at her hand. She scrapped the brush against the inside of your mouth until you bled, until you had clawed holes in the skirt of her dress, until tears rolled down your face flatly and all you could smell, or taste was iron and rosemary.
By the time she had deemed your mouth clean, suds and spit covered your chin and her skirt. She released your jaw and let you sink to the floor and pushed the bucket of water over to you with her foot.
“All this, because you can’t listen,” She mused, taking her quellazaire from her pet. She turned to the tongueless woman and said, “Inside the bathroom, pet.”
You spat out a mouthful of blood and bristles, your hand shaking, running your tongue over your teeth and finding a few loose. Lady Dimitrescu was never gentle with her punishments to her staff, only her daughters were ever treated gently. She had told you not to cuss once before, in passing.
You wiped the spit off your chin and threw it into the bucket, your hands shaking, and your breath laboured. Rosemary tinted your every breath in when you heard the bathroom door shut.
“I would do that to Mother Miranda,” She said wistfully, relighting her cigarette, “if I could get away with it.”
“She’d kill you,” You choked out, coughing up a chunk of soap, “Speaking to her might help.”
“Mother Miranda doesn’t listen to me,” Lady Dimitrescu took a drag from her cigarette, “not anymore, at least.” She smiled at you, small and bitter, then turned her attention to the bathroom door and frowned.
You stared at her, and the bloody bristles covering your palm. “I know she doesn’t.”
“She speaks to you, a human—”
“Not a human.”
“A mortal,” She corrected absently, moving your chin towards her with the tip of her shoe, “is told over me. Does that seem… fair to you?”
You didn’t answer and she tilted her head as she took another drag from her quellazaire. Then she laughed, soft hiccup like chuckles more bitter than the taste in your mouth, smoke leaking from her ruby red lips.
“I’m obsolete.” She said, turning her eyes to the ceiling and then she laughed again.
“You are not,” You said, the words spilling blood from your mouth onto her shoe, “You have some uses.”
“Oh, thank you for the assessment,” Alcina crooned sarcastically, “It is ever so helpful.”
“I’m not good at this. And you scrubbed my mouth out with a horse brush.”
She pushed the tip of her shoe into your neck, just above the skin that hid your oesophagus. Her golden eyes glowed, “And you were just commenting on my daring, were you not?”
You glowered, then lowered your eyes to your murky reflection. “Yes, Madame.”
“By all means,” Lady Dimitrescu said, flicking ash onto the floor, “Speak.”
You picked up the still glowing end of her cigarette with a handkerchief and spat a glob of blood to smother it with. It was too late, predictably. The carpet was already ruined, “You are a hypocrite.”
“Hm? Did I not scrub hard enough?”
You pulled another bristle out from between your teeth.
“You never told me you had children.”
You dabbed the inside of your cheek with another handkerchief, pulling out a loose tooth as you did so. “I only had one.”
“You lied to me.”
You looked at her and shrugged, “I lie about a lot more than that.”
“Yes,” Her fingers tightened around her quellazaire, “I am aware of that.”
You looked away, into the bucket, then at the door. “It isn’t any of your business.”
"The lives of all my staff are my business."
“But I am not just yours.”
She leaned back a little, cocking her head to the side and smiling, “Yet.”
You glimpsed at her, at her smirk and her pose, the way it accentuated her perfect posture and the perfect way her hair fell and curled. The sleek stitchwork of her hat, her cream dress, the strokes of her makeup brush that painted her white. Perfect, down to the last cell.
“I know plenty about you,” She said, “A Frenchmen, a biologist, a test subject.”
“Easy things to learn from a file.”
“You hate the smell of brandy,” She continued in a dreamy sort of tone, “and acorns, whatever those are. You hate kidney beans and men who smoke. But you like cooking and you like me.”
You wobbled to your feet and took a few shaky steps away from her. She watched you and the blood that dripped down your chin with razor focus.
“I will likely be leaving.” You said, though it was much quieter than you would have preferred.
Lady Dimitrescu saw through your basic attempt and hummed, the sound reverberating through your bones. Then, mockingly, “Oh, are you afraid of dying?”
You looked at the draping on her bed, “You aren’t?”
“I am immortal,” She said, taking a drag from her cigarette then cocked her head, “Get out.”
You didn’t sleep that night.
So, after a few hours of soothing the pain in your mouth, you redressed and went into the kitchen. Alex was there, skinning whatever the Lady had deemed to her palate, so you moved to help with the vegetables. You didn’t speak for three hours, not until the prep work was done and the silverware was shining bright enough to blind.
You nodded as the other kitchen staff entered, “Ensure everything is perfect.”
And then you went to start your day.
You put your room to rights, cleaned the table, fixed the bedding and refolded any loose clothing. Then you moved into the dorm rooms for the other maids and roused them up fifteen minutes before six. You cleaned away the last remains of the five that had been eaten last night and dictated tasks down to the rest. Once the dorms had been cleaned to standard, and new bedding was placed on the once used beds, you moved to meet Mihaela at twenty past six and handed off the schedule for Lady Dimitrescu’s morning before Vanessa arrived.
Afterwards you sought out the three Dimitrescu daughters, who slept until half past seven before they deigned to rise. They kept their rooms warm as melted butter, with enough blankets to burn the scales off a rattlesnake, and you took a breath before entering. They were, as ever, aggressive but for Daniela who practically jumped into your arms. She smiled her wide smile and, after a little prompting, began talking excitedly about the necklaces she had made using your teeth.
You brushed their hair, first Daniela, then a yawning Bela and finally Cassandra who flopped half off the bed and snored while you fixed her hair. Once they were dressed, and their necklaces comfortably on their necks, you opened the doors and had breakfast brought in. The ate the dog meat with friendly chatter and warm tea. They weren’t as picky as their mother, nor as reliant on human flesh, and enjoyed tasting different meats when the opportunity presented itself.
But always you knew that they would bounce back onto human flesh. Such was their nature.
You took extra time to clean up their room as quickly and quietly as possible while they talked amongst themselves. Cassandra had disappeared immediately after breakfast, as she always did before you were finished cleaning and never returning until well after dinner. She was, as the other maids had told you, doing something in the opera hall and had barred all entrance into it while she was working.
Lady Dimitrescu always came to say good morning to her children, just after she had finished balancing her accounts and fielding any emergency phone calls. They calmed her considerably, and they talked while you cleaned around them in a flurry of movement. You did catch her eye one time, just as she was leaving, and she smiled at you with more mania than you had seen from her in a while.
At twenty-three past eleven, you went to clean the lower bedroom that Lady Dimitrescu worked in and found her pet hanging on the hooks with her chest broken open. Her ribs had been removed and you could clearly see her lungs inflating and deflating while she noisily took in breath. She would not live another minute, not with the glaze in her eyes as she reacted to your footsteps, especially not with the flies that buzzed out of your skirts and onto her neck. You watched her breath once and then turned your attention to the mess that was Lady Dimitrescu’s desk.
She had small roses made of glass, stuffed rodents that Daniela had made for her, flowers that Cassandra picked for her each morning from her private garden and small statues made of clay that Bela had made for her. And all of it was covered in blood which you would need to scrub and bleach from it all.
“At least you don’t have to deal with this.” You said to the hanging corpse and got to work.
When Vanessa did finally arrive, at one in the afternoon, you had been so thoroughly distracted by your work that you had run your fingers until they were bright red and throbbing. Lady Dimitrescu had watched you from her couch, tilting her head this way and that with feline laziness to track your every move.
Vanessa took tea with Lady Dimitrescu when she arrived, drinking the blood infused blend with a brave face and healthy smile. She always did have a stunning smile, matching to the Lady’s that you now worked under. The business they discussed, and discuss they did, loudly and bordering on obnoxious, was you. And Lady Dimitrescu twisted it into your past with almost reverent ease.
She was always too good at getting information from people.
“Cryogenically frozen?” Lady Dimitrescu asked, her smile stretching a tad too wide, “My, my. I had no idea.”
Vanessa smiled, and you could see the ticking of her brain as she tried to worm her way out of the current conversation, “Yes, it’s a fascinating process.”
“That sounds like quite the ordeal.” Lady Dimitrescu leaned forward, resting her head on her chin and you dug your nails into the platter you were holding.
“It was,” Vanessa said, “There are so many components that can go wrong.”
“Do tell.”
And so, it went on and on and on for two hours. By three in the afternoon, Lady Dimitrescu had weaseled herself into your personal life with as much finesse and subtlety as a charging rhinoceros, not that either you or Vanessa could divert her interest away from the topic. So when she left for work, brushing her hand under your chin as she went.
You watched her go for a moment too long, before Vanessa threw her arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek.
“That is quite enough.” You said and shook her off.
Vanessa laughed and you went over to the dirty table and began stacking the dishes away. “Oh, come now, I haven’t seen you in twenty years!”
“That was on purpose.”
She sat back down while you cleaned, tossing her dark hair so that it caught the light brilliantly. She didn’t wear perfume, which made the room seem empty now that Lady Dimitrescu had left, and she seemed cold compared to the Lady. “Are you still mad at me?”
“I hope you’re quite finished.”
“You talk like that giant bioweapon.”
“She is,” You said severely, picking up the full tray and wiping down the table, “by definition, not a bioweapon.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Be more precise with your language.”
“Now you’re nit-picking.”
“Please, stop talking.” She smiled gently and you relented. “Fine. I missed you.”
Vanessa threw her arm around your shoulders again and gave you another kiss on the cheek. Daniela appeared before you and placed her sickle against Vanessa’s temple.
She scrunched her nose and her tone was soft and confused, “Why are you touching our things?”
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Hi Hi!!!! So I've been following your account for a little while now and I love every single comedy bomb you drop on what you write so I was wondering....
How would the boys react to their S/O who is usually reserved when at the lair, doing a full 180 when at April's? Like they could be April's roommate or something?....
Like crackhead energy, dishing out memes and vines and literally having a duel with Casey about leftovers in the fridge?... Yeah I know it's very specific 💀
I don't know.....the idea just popped into my head but I lack the creativity and comedy skills for that...so I was wondering if you could do something with this?.....
It's totally fine, if not 😁😁
This is... 100% me. I love this and I'm gonna pour my soul into it. Also I have started mentally referring to these as comedy bombs and I refuse to stop.
Also, I hope you don't mind that I wrote these in oneshot form instead of bullet points. It just made more sense for my brain.
TMNT Oneshots
The boys with a partner whose reserved at the lair but an absolute crack gremlin at home 🤣
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Donnie may have been a man of science, all logic and facts and numbers and things. But he absolutely believed that everyone had three separate faces, you were direct proof of that theory. While the purple terrapin had known you for nearly a year you’d only started dating a month ago and it shocked him that he was still uncovering new things about you. He loved it, sure, but it had a tendency to give him figurative whiplash.
He’d always known you to be calm and collected, maybe even a bit shy. He swore you’d explode if more than one person tried to talk to you at the same time. So it wasn’t an over exaggeration for him to say that your behavior at home nearly made him break his neck.
He was only there to help April fix a bug in her laptop and to confirm your next date, he was excited to see you since you’d had no contact in person for a week because of your schedules. Just lots of phone calls and exchanged text messages. You both missed each other like crazy and your roommate had neglected to inform you that your boyfriend was coming over.
Hers was already there and he was driving you up the wall, you’d never actually thought about committing a murder but Casey was pushing you very close to the edge of snapping. And he might as well have crane-kicked you off your cliff of patience and into the rushing river of “you little fucking shit I’m gonna piss on your grave” below. You hadn’t even heard Donnie come in through the window much less his conversation with April over her computer.
All you knew was that Casey had come parading into your room like a tyrant eating the leftovers in the fridge that you had specifically put your name on. That did it. Your eyes had skimmed over the top of your textbook to meet the asshole in front of you.
He couldn’t speak through the mouthful he was trying to chew and grunted in pathetic response.
“Is that my cheeseburger?”
You’d never seen a living person imitate a pug’s facial structure so well, the man’s eyes bugged out of his head and he tossed the takeout box on your desk before turning and bolting out of your room. You followed about two steps behind with a bottle of shampoo in your hand. No, you weren’t entirely sure where you’d grabbed it from, all you knew was that it was your weapon. And it quickly became a very messy problem when it missed your target (Casey’s head) and slammed into the wall, exploding on impact.
You didn’t think you’d thrown it that hard.
“April April help help help helpppppppppppppp-'' The two on the couch had looked up during the chase throughout the apartment, Donnie was mostly curious at what Casey was screaming about. Not a lot usually made the guy make that noise. He was then distracted by April grabbing the laptop and passing it to him, she then clambered over his legs to sit behind him.
Your boyfriend almost went vertical upon watching you tackle Casey to the floor and knee him in the groin. You shook the terrified man under you and slammed him a little harder into the rug.
“Touch my shit again and I’m gonna make the beaches of Normandy look like a goddamn family vacation.”
Then you climbed off of him and stood, brushing your disheveled t-shirt off with a huff. Donnie caught your attention and you raised your head to grin excitedly at him.
“Hi Dove! April didn’t tell me you were coming over,” you practically skipped over to the couch to peck him on the cheek, “I missed ya, are we still on for Saturday?”
He nodded in complete shock, his gaze flitting from you to Casey, who was still wheezing on the floor and clutching his dick.
“Uhhh yeah! Yeah, yep, Still good for Saturday. Uhm, completely unrelated question, where the hell did you learn to grapple like that?”
You shrugged absentmindedly, already walking to the hall closet to grab cleaning supplies for the puddle of shampoo in the walkway.
“Just kinda picked it up I guess? I’ve watched you guys train enough.”
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See, Leo had always known that you were hiding something from him. Be it your true personality or some deep dark secret. He wasn’t really in a rush to find out, you’d tell him when you were ready. The leader enjoyed your quiet disposition anyways, you gave good advice and liked to meditate with him, what more could he ask for? What more could he want?
Well, maybe if you got along better with his family, although he supposed that wasn’t your fault, you always had been a bit shy. Even six months into your relationship with him, Leo only hoped that you’d warm up to his brothers eventually. You seemed to do alright with Splinter, that was a plus for the situation. It wasn’t that you were mean or impolite to the others, you were just… avoidant. Distant, quiet, whatever word you wanted to use. You just didn’t seem comfortable at the lair.
He was excited that April had asked to host a game night though, maybe you’d come out of your shell (haha, see what I did there?) and socialize, even for a little bit. They’d all shown up a few minutes early to make sure April didn’t need help with anything, she’d assured them that everything was handled and made sure to inform Leo that you would be back shortly with Casey from your snack run. Mikey had joked that you’d ditched the get together to avoid them but they all knew it ran the possibility of not being a joke.
You unlocked the door and held it open so Casey could get inside without tripping himself before entering yourself and kicking your shoes off. Leo looked up to meet your eyes and you sent him a wild grin, your entire face lit up with amusement.
“Hi babes! Are you ready to get your ass kicked at Monopoly?”
All the poor turtle could do was nod.
“Good. I did grab drinks by the way, April there should be a mixer in the cooler bag, Donnie there’s some of that lemon lime stuff that you said you wanted to try, Mikey, orange crush as usual, Raph I tried to go for Dr. Pepper but they were out so I figured that root beer was a safe second. And Leo they had a new boba flavor that you haven’t had yet so I grabbed one. If you don’t like it then you can have mine, I just have the peach royal.”
Beverages were tossed and they were lucky that their surprise didn’t throw off their catching skills. You and April shared a quick word in the kitchen as you took your coat off and ran a hand through your hair.
After some arguments team captains were decided and Donnie nearly had a heart attack when you picked him instead of Leo or either of your friends. He even went so far as to point at himself to make sure you weren’t joking. You declared that while you loved your boyfriend his morals were too strong to be competitive, Donnie’s were not, he said so himself.
They were all surprised that you’d remembered that conversation.
It wasn’t until halfway through the game that things started getting heated, you and Mikey were nearly jumping across the table at each other. And it visibly took all of your strength to not burst out laughing when he started yelling.
April and Casey were snorting into their arms as you got to your feet and walked towards the kitchen, making a poor attempt at climbing the appliance.
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Raph had always been under the impression that you were never really 100% yourself around him, he knew for a fact that you weren’t when you stayed over. He’d never seen someone so aggressively avoid someone, except himself of course. You were his partner of almost a year and it seemed like you were never going to let your true self shine. However you did seem to lighten up when you were alone with him, he supposed that was normal, but you may as well have been a pair of old earbuds that only work when you held them a certain way at the lair.
He honestly hadn’t expected that to change tonight, not given the text that Casey had sent him informing him of April’s recent breakup with whatever guy she’d been dating. So when he climbed in through the window and saw both you and Casey sitting on the floor in front of the bathroom he really didn’t think that the words out of your mouth would be-
“April you’ve got another twenty minutes of this then I’m ripping the door off the hinges!”
Casey shot you a look and you shrugged nonchalantly before getting to your feet and walking over to your confused boyfriend.
“Hey, sorry about this. Casey only texted you as a last resort if he needed someone to stop me from tearing the door off.”
Raph found that peculiar, “Uh, couldn’t he do it himself?”
The man in question looked up from his spot on the floor.
“Nah dude, they’re crazy. Last time I tried stopping them from doing something they nearly knocked my damn tooth out while screaming, and I quote, “If you put your hands on me I’m gonna fucking rip your face off” and quite frankly I don’t have the balls to test that.”
“No no dude, that’s valid. I wouldn’t either. Babe, why are you so-”
You raised an eyebrow at him over a glass of water, “Violent? I’m not Raph. These two just have little bitch feelings.”
He found it hard not to laugh at that and fifteen minutes later when you left his side to approach the door again it sent him reeling.
“This shit’s temporary April. You’ve got nice teeth and a fat ass, stuff your feelings down!”
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There would never be a time where Mikey wasn’t a prankster with you, it was just simply non-negotiable. You were cool with that and he was aware, he was also aware that no pranks were to be pulled at the lair. So he’d reign it in while you visited, just for a short while. But you’d never said anything about the apartment and Mikey was a creature of opportunity.
Unfortunately Leo talked him out of it and forced him not to pull anything while they visited. The leader was already on edge so when he walked in with the others following closely behind you were the first person to see him. Your eyes caught Mikey’s instantly and you might as well have been telepathic at that moment. But you took one look at Leo’s solid, angry face and seized your moment.
They weren’t at all ready for the scream.
And they also weren’t ready for Mikey’s response of, “It don’t bite.”
And Leo was not ready for the pillow that got whipped at his face at incredibly high speed.
So when Leo finally realized that they were yelling at him his mood did not improve at all and in fact declined sharply into a pit of “oh fuck”. And that was how you ended up on Mikey’s shoulder getting dragged away from any sort of repercussion for your actions.
These got a little short near the end but I hope you like 'em and I hope I was able to capture what you had in mind! 😁
-Mars 🌠
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So yeah, here we go again, a highly slightly revised version of Splits' Chapter 1
It's set in some kinda AU where you're a saiyan and there are other saiyans alive and on earth, as if more than just Gokus parents sent them off to earth as babies to start a better life not just to destroy it. Perhaps part of the resistance against Frieza?
I'm expecting this to top out at like 10 ish chapters, if anything probably less, i don't want it to stray to far from the plot or spend another 6 months on it lmao
Warnings include: violence, emotional abuse, very dark Vegeta, sexual themes, choking but not in a good way
Word count: ~1,600
                      Chapter 1                      
You’re sitting in the living room, bored, surfing the channels on the TV when you hear the front door click. Your face lights up at the sound that you know means your boyfriend is home, and you run to the hallway to greet him. 
“Hey 'Geta,” you say with a smile as you plant a kiss on his cheek. You know he hates it when you’re cutesy like that, but you like riling him up. Little did you know, today was not the day for it.
“Get off of me, woman.” Vegeta shoved you away from him harshly and made his way to the bathroom after taking off his shoes at the door, he didn’t even look at you as he barged his way down the hall. There was definitely something wrong, even if he didn’t like kisses he never reacted like that. Something was up, and today you were feeling especially brave so you decided to follow him down the hall and grab his tail. Bad move. He swung around in an instant pinning you by your throat to the wall.
“Don’t. Touch me.” he said with a growl in his voice before throwing you to the ground and continuing down the hall. 
“'Geta that hurt, what’s the deal with you today Mr. grumpy pants?” you said in a huff as you picked yourself up from the ground, patting down your jeans. “I thought we talked about this; no aggressive wall pinning unless I ask for it.” He didn't stop or turn around to look at you. “Oh, so you're just going to ignore me then, that's great, I guess I'll just go back to watching TV since you’re being a big grump.” you waited a second longer to see if you'd get a reaction, but no, he just kept walking and eventually made his way to the bathroom, locking himself inside as you walked back to the living room.
You wondered what could've happened today to make him so irritable. When he left this morning he wasn't mad, so something must've happened while he was out training with Goku. Maybe Goku reached a new form and Vegeta was jealous? No, that's happened before and all he did was rant about how it should be him who gets to unlock new forms, not that stupid, low class, pathetic excuse of a Saiyan, Kakarot. He was the prince of all Saiyans after all, and he should be the one with all the power. No, this was something else entirely, and you were starting to worry what could have made the mighty Vegeta so angry. 
Against your better judgement, you decide to go knock on the bathroom door. “Vegeta! Open up! What's the matter?” you shout through the door, hoping he can hear you over the running water of the shower.
“Go away! Go make yourself useful and cook me something, woman” of course that's all he would say. Damn these Saiyans and their insatiable appetites. 
“No, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why you’re mad.” you plant your feet outside the door as you hear the water shut off. After a moment he unlocks and opens the door with a towel around his waist. He always looked so good right after a shower, silky hair wet, tangles framing his face, water droplets glistening across his gorgeously broad Saiyan chest. He truly was a sight to behold. 
“Get out of my way” he said to you as he tried to emerge from the bathroom, you were blocking his way and he really didn't like that. “Move now, or I’ll move you myself.”
“And what if I don't, what’re you going to do to me?” you said with a smirk on your lips as you stared seductively into his eyes. Usually when he was mad you could make him forget about it for a while with sex. Today was different however, and instead of pinning you to the wall and devouring your mouth with his, he gave a blow straight to your stomach, instantly knocking the wind out of you and making you crumple to the floor. He stepped over you and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. 
“Food woman. Now. Don’t give me more reason to be mad at you.” he called over his shoulder as he entered the bedroom. As you were curled up on the floor, clutching your stomach and gasping for air to finally reach your lungs, you couldn’t help the thought that maybe he didn’t love you anymore from crossing your mind. A thought that threatened to bring tears to your eyes. But you were stronger than that. You stood up shakily clutching your stomach for a moment before straightening up and walking after him into the bedroom.
“What the fuck 'Geta!? What's wrong with you? Why’d you punch me in the gut like that!?” you yell at him with an anger that made the air crackle with energy. “I thought you loved me 'Geta! How could you hurt me like that? What did I ever do to you?” You hated to admit it, but you're an angry crier, and the hot tears came spilling from your eyes as your hair flickered flecks of blond. Even though you had reached Super Saiyan form yourself, Vegeta was still 100x stronger than you on a good day, let alone when he was angry.
He ignored you completely, dropping his towel and putting on a fresh pair of briefs. He acted like you weren’t even there at all actually as he picked out some clothes to wear. Taking his time to sift through his messy chest of drawers to find his favourite shirt. Black and skin tight with Shenron and the DragonBalls printed on the back, it hugged his muscles in all the right places. It was your favourite on him too and for a split second you forgot your anger and stared at how the fabric clung to his still dewy skin. It all came flooding back when he turned to face you.
“Did you not hear me? I said food. Now.” he snarled through gritted teeth. He hated it when you didn't follow his commands, but right now he wasn't your master, and it was so not sexy of him to treat you like this. 
“If you want food you'll have to make it yourself. I'm not cooking for you until you tell me what's wrong.” you say back to him, with the same amount of force, trying to make your voice sound as demanding as his to no avail. No matter how hard you try, you'll never get his aggressive tone of voice down pat, you just sound like a pissed off chew toy and it makes you even angrier. 
“Whatever.” He grumbles just loud enough for you to hear as he continued to search for some pants. 
“Whatever?! That's all you're going to say?” you yell as you stare at him in disbelief, one more dismissive or demanding word from him and you were going to snap. “What about an apology? For shoving me, then throwing me, then straight up punching me!? Are you even listening to me, Vegeta?” You pause for a long second to see if he’ll say anything, and when he pulls up his pants and heads for the door, that's it. You power up to Super Saiyan and block the doorway, glaring at Vegeta, daring him to step closer. 
“Silly woman. You think that just because you're a Super Saiyan, you can stop me? How pathetic.” he said, his voice hollow and cold as he goes Super Saiyan Blue and picks you up with one hand by the throat and holds you off the ground. “You couldn't stop me with both my hands tied behind my back,” he sneered at you before throwing you into the wall outside the bedroom door, almost knocking you unconscious as your head hit the wall at full force, leaving the plaster cracked. Your energy faded and your hair returned to its regular dark colour as your vision blurred and your ears rang from the impact. 
He walked over to stand above you, laughing menacingly. “You're weak and pathetic. The only reason I kept you around was so that you'd cook and clean for me. Oh, and so that I can fuck that tight little pussy of yours.” The edges of your vision started to go dark as he picked you up against the wall by your throat again. “You are nothing but a toy for me, a sorry excuse for a Saiyan. So low class I wouldn't let you shine my shoes with your spit. But you cook good and don’t complain whenever I want to fuck, so you’re not completely useless.” he squeezed your throat tighter, “I want you to know that I don’t want you anymore. I never loved you, not one bit. I was only using you for my own satisfaction. And now that I don’t want you, there's no reason for you to keep breathing.” as he said this, he was gradually squeezing your throat tighter in his grip. You didn't understand what was going on, Vegeta had never been what you'd call affectionate, but he was never so mean. The Vegeta you love would never say such harsh things to you, or hurt you in any way what so ever unless you were fucking and asked for it. In fact, he put several higher ranking Saiyan's in the med pods because they were antagonizing you for being the weakest Super Saiyan. The sudden change in him had tears pouring from your eyes as you tried harder to keep from passing out. “Now be a good little weakling and go to sleep for me.”
“'Geta… p-please… d-don’t… hurt… m-m…” You managed to spit out between desperate gasps as you faded from consciousness. 
So whatcha think? Please leave comments and likes, I'll also be posting this over on my AO3 when i can figure that out haha
Always remember, reblogs>likes <3
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horney-anime-nsfwm · 4 years
All Mine
Possessive Oikawa x F!Reader CW: Edging, slight choking
 Oikawa had waited all day to get home with you. Boys had been staring at you and your body all day and he had to hold himself back from claiming you right then and there multiple times. To your credit, you handled each situation perfectly and beautifully. Still, his protective boyfriend instincts were still raging when you were walking home together and you could tell. Oh god, you could tell. He kept one hand on your waist, the other in his pocket. He stood straight, holding you as close as he could while walking, and hardly ever looked at you, instead he was giving death glares to the boys around you.
 "Hey, look! Flattykawa actually got someone!" One of them jeered. You felt anger bubble up at the nickname. How dare they talk to him that way! You didn't say anything when you heard your boyfriend laugh. Not a friendly laugh. A laugh that made you feel a bit scared.
 "And you're still fucking your hand." He spat out venomously, his grip on your waist tightening. "Look at them again and I'll personally make sure I'm the last thing you see." He gave the boy a smile and continued to walk to your house. Your parents were out for the weekend, so he knew what he was doing. Once you were home, Oikawa's mood only seemed to worsen. He was twitchy, closed off, trying his damndest not to touch you for too long. It made you wonder what he had in mind and why he wouldn't speak to you. "Oikawa." He inhaled sharply. "Either tell me what I did wrong, tell me what I can do to help you, or go home." You crossed your arms, letting him know how serious you were.
 "Fuck." He cursed softly and ran a hand through his hair. "Well. Ever since this morning when someone tried to slap your ass I've been trying my hardest not to take you any chance I got. I want to mark you up enough to show them all that you belong to me. You're my partner, my love, my trustworthy person. Not there's. I want to be the only person who can touch you and see you as vulnerable as I do. I'm your boyfriend and you're my everything." His speech would have been sweet had he not been looking at you like he was mentally already fucking you. "Can I?" He asked suddenly, breaking your thoughts.
 "Wh-what?" You blushed a bit. What was he asking you? To fuck you? You had only done it two or three times previously and he was never aggressive, though you knew he could've been if you weren't so scared of it...
 "Can I claim you? Will you let me show everyone that I'm the only one who can do anything like that with you?" As he spoke, he approached you, putting his hands on the wall behind you. You swallowed thickly, feeling yourself start to get a bit wet from the idea. You nodded a bit eagerly and he shook his head. "I need a verbal answer. Please."
 "Y-yes." You choked out. "Yes, claim me." What was happening to you? He never usually had this effect on you. Maybe it was the way he'd spoken earlier, or the feeling of his already hard cock pressed against your thigh, or his words, so full of honey and spice, that soaked your brain and addled your movement. He picked you up in strong, caring hands and pinned you to the wall. Your legs wrapped around him for support and he smiled.
 "Thank you." He whispered. He nibbled on your earlobe, then your chin then went to your neck and started to make multiple hickeys and bruises, biting a few places as well. While he marked up your neck, you undid the buttons of his cardigan and shirt, loosening his tie with expert fingers and helping him shrug off the upper body portion of his uniform.  Without having to speak, the two of you collaborated to remove your cardigan and button-up. He kept your tie on, which you didn't mind, and cupped your breasts in his hands, massaging them before moving his hands to your back and, surprisingly, unclasping it. You bit your lip. When did he learn how to work your bras? Was this something he had planned out? It wouldn't be below the setter to do so. He planned everything.
 "Y/N." He whispered, catching your attention. "Let's go to the bedroom." You nodded and he set you down, letting you walk while you still could as you picked up your shirts and cardigans, along with his tie, and followed your tall boyfriend to your bedroom. He had clothes here, courtesy of your love of his scent, so you weren't too worried about that.
 You set the uniform clothes down and sat on your bed. He took his belt off and set it with the rest of your uniforms, undoing his jeans and letting them follow. His socks were long gone, leaving him in his boxers. You ran your hands up his thighs, making small noises issue from his throat as you touched the sensitive skin, and watched the tent in his boxers grow larger.
 "Y-Y/N." He moaned, petting your hair. "Let me fuck you." He looked down at you, lust filling his eyes, clouding his reason. You swallowed again and nodded, laying back on the bed. He helped you situate and removed your panties, hiking your skirt up to give himself more access to your now dripping cunt. "Fuck you look so good like this." He groaned, eyes raking up and down your body. You blushed and shut your legs, looking away. "No, no don't hide it!" He whined, stroking your thigh. "Please?" You spread your legs again and yelped as he threw them over his shoulders.
 "Tooru what are you d- aAh~" You cut off into a moan as he licked your throbbing pussy, flicking his tongue over your clit. A hand shot up to cover your mouth and he cooed, kissing your thigh. "B-be careful." You warned, and let him attach his lips to your throbbing core, running your fingers through his hair. He'd given you head before, and you gave him the same, but never like he was doing now. Now, he acted as if you were the first meal he'd had after weeks of starving on a deserted island and it was hot.
 His tongue dug into your hole, occasionally coming back out to flick over your clit before returning to its job. You moaned his name, letting your thighs squeeze around his head, knowing he could handle it. Oikawa took the squeeze as encouragement and redoubled his efforts, wet noises emitting from his actions and making you turn bright red. You felt a heated sensation build in your gut and you moaned out a warning. He pulled back just as you were about to cum, denying your orgasm. He smirked and waited a moment, then returned to his actions. Eventually, you warned him again, and again he stopped. He licked his lips and cleaned his face off on a rag you kept for messy nights on your own.
 "You taste amazing." He commented, bringing bright red color to your cheeks. "Can I fuck you?" He asked, already knowing the answer. You whimpered out a hurried 'yes' and he smirked. "I knew you'd say that~." He reached in his pants pocket and pulled a condom out, rolling it on and pressing his tip to your entrance. "Ready?"
 You nodded and he started slow, groaning at the feeling of your tight walls spreading and stretching to accommodate his size and girth. He wasn't large, but he was far from small. You cried out in pleasure and reached up, scraping his back with your nails. He groaned and grabbed your tie. You'd forgotten he didn't remove it. A sharp tug and it tightened around your throat, making you gasp and quiet yourself.
 "Good little pet~" He praised, stroking your cheek. "Be quiet now, someone might hear you~" His voice was husky with lust, teasing you. Your hands gripped his shoulders but you kept quiet as he started at a decent pace. You couldn't help but let small moans escape, though he didn't mind and seemed to be encouraging the small noises. It didn't take him long to have you pressed between him and the mattress, fucking you hard.
 "T-toor-ru I'm g-gon-na cum!" You moaned out, scratching long red lines into his back. Suddenly, it was gone. All the friction, the movement, just stopped. You whimpered and looked up at him, pleading with him to let you cum. You'd already been denied an orgasm twice, now being three times. "Tooru." You begged. "Please, no more. I need to cum." You begged him.
 "I'm not convinced." That was all he said before resuming his previous pace of pounding you into the sheets. You cried out his name and felt your tie tighten once again, but you didn't care. You wanted to cum, needed to cum, and he knew it. The bastard knew it and he was keeping it from you, dangling it at arm's reach.
 It took a lot longer than he'd originally thought, but eventually, you were exactly as he'd been wanting, needing to see all day. A moaning mess, begging for his permission to cum. It made his cock twitch. He smiled and kissed you, slamming into you harder as a yes. It only took a few thrusts for you to clench around his cock and cum, and that one orgasm beat every orgasm before it nearly ten-fold. He slowed down gradually, having filled the condom, and pulled out.
 He removed and disposed of the condom, cleaned up and cleaned the sheets, then carried you to the bathroom. He started a bath, filling the tub with warm water and your favorite scented bubbles. You smiled at him, leaning into his chest as he lowered the two of you into the tub.
 "I love you, Tooru." You mumbled tiredly, voice hoarse from your noises.
 "I love you too, Y/N." He kissed your forehead and cleaned you up. Once you were both cleaned and dressed, he made you some tea with honey and curled up with you, peppering your face with kisses and rubbing at whatever sores and bruises you said hurt. The Grand King was good at much more than volleyball, naturally, and you considered him to be a true monarch when it came to aftercare.
 Eventually, you fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe and protected. He tried his best to stay awake but it didn't take long for him, too, to fall into a nap. The day's stress had melted into a loving cuddle with his partner, and it couldn't have been more perfect. 
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azucanela · 4 years
idk if u take jjk requests but
yuji itadori - wounded
if you don’t or if requests are closed pls ignore this 😔
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ITADORI YUUJI + WOUNDED [mentions of violence and death, injuries, blood]
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Itadori can’t help that he rambles as he pulls off his shirt, wincing at the sight of his own injury and the spike of pain as he moves his limbs despite the exhaustion that plagues him. The blood had seeped through the gauze Y/N had placed on it during the midst of their last battle when he had wounded himself. 
It’s just in his nature to talk and talk in moments like these. Especially since Y/N hadn’t spoken to him since he’d stepped in front of them and taken the brunt of said hit. Now they’re before him once more, just as silent as they examine the wound, hands gently reaching the edge of the gauze they’d wrapped around his torso earlier. 
“Maybe we can order take out? I’m kind of hungry I don’t know about you.” He pauses, eyes on them as they finally come to a full stand and bring a hand behind him to grasp the edge of the gauze.
Y/N’s eyes meet his as they say, “let me know if it hurts.” 
It’s the first thing they’ve said to him in days, and Itadori finds himself nodding rapidly, almost bumping Y/N in the face as he replies, “sure, sure.” He clears his throat, a desperate attempt to clear the tension in the air. 
Y/N is upset with him. 
He raises his arms, and Y/N begins to unwrap the gauze, standing between Itadori’s legs as he remains seated on the bathroom counter. Beside them is Y/N’s tools for things like this. It isn’t until the final piece of gauze is coming off his wound that Itadori exhales deeply, it sticks to the wound and peels off slowly. 
“Cool.” Itadori mumbles, watching as Y/N moves to grab fresh gauze, a towel, some alcohol, and some water. Likely to clean and redress the injury. “Cool.” He repeats. “Maybe we could try that place downtown? The new one you were talking about—”
“You could have died, Yuuji.” 
His mouth gapes open at Y/N’s sudden words, but Itadori quickly recovers as he shakes his head, “I’m fine.” He assures, offering them a smile. “It’s just a small cut, no big deal.”
“Take this more seriously.” Y/N says, glaring at him. “You shouldn’t have gotten in the way, I can take care of myself.” 
He shrugs, nonchalantly, and it irritates Y/N endlessly. How calm he can be about the fact that he just died. Although it wouldn’t be the first time something like this had happened. “I would do it again.” Is all he says. Only serving to anger Y/N more. 
How can someone be so careless with their life?
Y/N has filled up a small bowl with water, dipping the towel into before cleaning around his wound with more aggression than necessary, “don’t say that.” She looks to him once more, “I’m replaceable, you’re not.”
It’s an undeniable truth, he’s a vessel to some ancient being that could mean the death and destruction of them all, a one in a million chance. And for that, dozens of people want him dead. But Y/N didn’t intend to let that happen. Because even if Itadori Yuuji wasn’t one in a million, they wouldn’t hesitate to lay down their life for his.
Something in his eyes seems to change at their words, but that same smile of his stays on his face as he brings a hand to Y/N’s face and says, “you aren’t replaceable.” Shaking his head slightly, “not to me.”
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Send a Character + a Word/Phrase and I’ll Write Something
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NOTE: thank you for BLESSING me with a jjk request im on like ep 14 i think and i love it, by far one of my favorite shows. anyways everyone tell me how bad this is pls and thank. 
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thran-duils · 3 years
Was Ich Liebe (P.2)
Title: Was Ich Liebe (Part Two) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Tony Stark.  Tony becomes enamored with a stripper at a club his hedonistic friend Thor owns. A casual sexual relationship quickly becomes possessive and the reader sees more of the underground mafia life than she would like to. The cherry on top is that Tony is married and so is she. Him to a woman who has no intention of losing her throne at any cost and the reader to a deadbeat alcoholic. Feeling trapped by both her previous life and the suffocating hold Tony is trying to put on her, the reader steals away in the night, which is not going to go over well. Words: 3,461 Warnings (for whole fic, more may be added): Dub-con, smut, infidelity, stripping, vaginal fingering, public sex, possessive behavior, angst, degradation kink, violence, physical abuse, domestic violence, language, drug use, alcoholism, death Author’s Note: As usual, this is 18+.
Part One || Part Three || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
You struggled against Tony’s hold, both your hands coming to grasp at his hand that was around your throat.
“Let me go!” you gasped, kicking at him.
He looked serious, his face close.
“Are you going to behave? I don’t need you freaking the fuck out,” Tony asked.
You nodded, “Yes. Yes! I’ll behave!”
Tony’s grip loosened on your throat, and you took the opportunity to shove him away. You bolted towards the front door aiming to get outside and back down the stairs. You got the door open a few inches before large hands closed down on your arms and yanked you back away from the doorframe. Tony wheeled you around and threw himself against the front door, using his momentum to slam it closed with his body weight.
“Let me go!” you protested again, trying to desperately get out of his grasp. “Let me go, you fucking bastard!”
You yanked again and suddenly Tony let go of you and with your own thrust you fell down onto the ground, barely catching yourself from hitting your face.
“Oops,” he told you coolly.
You heard the front door lock as you began to push yourself up again. You saw boots in your sights and craned your neck to look up. Carol was standing there, her arms crossed, ready to intercept you.
Tony began as he stalked around you, “No one is going to miss Michael. No one is going to come looking for him. He had no real friends, and he didn’t work. So who really gives a shit if he’s dead? You?”
His tone was challenging, as if he was hoping you would say yes. Argue with him. Admit to him that you had affection for any man besides him just to give him an excuse. He was riled up and he wanted even more reason to unleash his wrath.
Instead, you stayed quiet, still.
“Okay, so no one cares about him. Who is grateful that he’s gone? Is my perfect angel happy about it?”
Still, you were silent, your fingers digging into the hardwood.
Tony chuckled at your defiance. “Baby, don’t make me work for it. I’ve already used a lot of energy tonight. And on far less precious things than you.”
You sat up quickly, pushing yourself back up onto your knees to face him. The three of them – him, Rhodes, and Carol – were alert, watching you, ready to tackle you back down. You huffed, brushing off your dress. You had merely thrown it on after work to get home in. Tony relaxed ever so slightly seeing you were staying still.
“Are you going to kill me too?” you sneered at him, meeting his gaze. “Is that what this is?”
Tony’s expression darkened.
He was on you in a second, wrenching you off the ground by the back of your dress, his hand wound up in the fabric. You floundered, trying to get traction with your feet, your hands grabbing at the wall to steady yourself. Tony half dragged you down the hallway and tossed you into the bathroom. You stumbled, catching yourself on the sink. In the mirror, you caught sight of Michael finally; where he really was. His body mangled and bleeding in your tub. A strangled cry left your throat as Tony slammed the bathroom door closed behind him. He grabbed the back of your neck and forced you in a 180 closer to where Michael was unnaturally lying in the tub. He would not let you look away.
“Look at that. All your troubles gone. Thanks to me. And you are not being appreciative.”
All you could muster was gasped breaths.
“I have done so much for you, and you are just so ungrateful. What do you have to say for yourself? Apart from being a defiant little slut?”
“I…I…” you were paralyzed by a combination of fear and revulsion at the sight of the blood.
Tony snorted in disgust before you were bent over the counter again, his hand at the small of your back. He kicked one of your legs out, forcing himself in between your legs. The sound of his zipper coming down was deafening and the head of his cock rested on the top of your ass.
“You’ve always got me so hard, sweetheart,” he husked.
He tore your underwear down and drove up into you. You whined at the intrusion and he just shoved deeper. Without a condom.
“Tony! I’m not on the pill!”
“I know you aren’t,” he husked. “That’s perfectly okay, baby, isn’t it? I would be such a good father, wouldn’t I?”
His hand snaked around your throat, holding tight, choking off your protest as he pumped. Your hips dug into the counter painfully. He was as aggressive as ever, riding you raw.
Tony’s breath was hot on your ear. “I’m never letting you go.”
“Mad” by PRINCESSBRI ended as you spread your legs, lying on your back on the stage.
You heard cheers as “Bitch” by Allie X started and knew Kiara was coming out to do a double feature with you. She straddled you starting off the song, dancing down your body to slide off and go to the pole. The tips were good and the two of you laughed in the back room, throwing the wads onto the vanity.
“Daddy is here,” one of the girls whispered in your ear quickly. You turned to meet her gaze and she told you, “I tried to take him, but he asked for you.”
Sighing, you pushed away from the vanity.
Tony had only given you a handful of days alone and now he was right back at it. They had cleaned up the body from your apartment and when you had sat on the couch, holding yourself close when they removed it, Tony informed you he was going to find you a place to live. You could only assume he was here now to tell you where that was going to be.
Sliding into the booth, you were stiff. Your coworker had followed you, waiting to take an order for drinks and Tony had ordered for the two of you, not asking you what you wanted.
He nipped at your ear, “Baby, I don’t like you being off standish with me.”
“How can I not be?” you asked.
“Don’t be afraid of me,” he murmured against your skin, his lips trailing softly along your shoulder. “I would never hurt you. Never you. I got rid of him for you. And now you are free. And free means going on vacation with me.”
“Yes. I already bought the tickets for us.” You pulled away and furrowed your brow. He smiled and kissed you. “Seychelles.”
Tony smirked, his hand reaching out to grab his drink. His arm tightened around you, and he said, “Seychelles. Fregate specifically. It’s a group of islands in east Africa.”
“I know that, Tony. But you bought me tickets? You do know I have to request time off work right?”
He downed the remainder of his drink, knowing another one was on its way. He laughed at your response, condescending. “You know I have sway with Thor, right? There will be a private villa… a private infinity pool in that villa… a very… very, very big bed.” He laid another kiss. “A hammock on the property for you to relax in.”
“I’m not sure.”
“You’re not sure about what?” he asked, his voice dangerous.
“I just wanna be at home.”
“It’s not going to be home after this weekend.” You snapped your head towards him, and he smiled. “Oh, that got your attention… no, it’s not yours anymore. You know, love, I wanted you to be enjoying the beach with me as your things were moved out of that shit hole of a place. You wouldn’t even have to worry about it. You could be naked on the sand, my lips blessing you while your clothes were moved.”
“I hope a thank you is following that.”
You bit your tongue. He had already told you he was not going to let you go. And he was already forcing your hand to move, he had killed your husband.
A soft “Thank you” fell from your lips.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he whispered, resting his chin on your shoulder. He pulled a key out of his pocket and waved it in front of you as the shots came to the table. “Here, perfect. Celebratory shots. Just in time for your new apartment key. And baby, I’m gonna make sure we christen that new bed of yours.”
The room was foreign, the bed not broken in. And yet Tony made you feel like you should be on your back on the bed, like you belonged in the room to please him. He straddled you, holding you down, your arms pinned, his cock in your face. He was stroking himself quickly, readying to empty all over your face.
“Say it. Say it, baby,” he demanded in a strained tone.
Knowing better than to disobey by now, you looked up at him, your lashes heavy with the sultry look you were giving him. “I’m yours. I belong to you.”
His hand stroked faster, his hips jolting with the movement, moving you in turn with you trapped beneath him.
“Take it like the little whore you are.” His cum was warm, coating your face. You closed your eyes and still he strung all over your cheeks. “Yeah, you love being covered in my cum…”
Tony pressed his cock back past your lips, your eyes opening again at the intrusion. He encouraged in a husk, “Suck it. Gently now. Good girl. Show me how happy you are to be here safe in this new apartment.”
You did as he asked, your lips wrapped tight. He pushed his cum from your cheeks into your mouth and you swallowed, wanting to just bite his fingers in protest as he pressed them in. But you were playing the long game.
You thumbed the coat Tony had told you to wear. He had bought it specifically for the party. Just long enough to cover the curve of your ass. Along with the bondage type lingerie you were wearing underneath, pasties and all. He had invited you to a private sex party and he was ready to take you in a room where people could pop in and watch him having his way with you.
At the door, your coat was taken, and you were just in the lingerie which was no different to you than being at the club. But you had a mask on now as did Tony. And to your immense shock, he undressed right then and there, already hard, adding his clothes to your coat check, mind the small baggy he took out of the pocket which was not missed by you. He pulled you along with him as you walked past people engaging in foreplay and socializing with each other.
He led you upstairs and into a private room marked 4. The bed was large, and he pulled you onto it with him.
Holding up the small baggy he smiled, “You ready to roll?” Without waiting for your response, he took one out of the bag. Tony popped the pill and held out his opposite hand with one for you.
“Is this molly?”
“Mhm… MDMA.”
“That’s what I meant.”
“I know. And you’re gonna be so fucking wet,” Tony told you, sucking at your neck. His lips dominated yours, pressing his tongue past your lips, swirling around yours. The kiss was deep, powerful. He bit at your lip as he pulled away. “That’s why I have this private room.” He noticed your expression and he ran his thumb over your plump lips. “Just behave, baby, and I won’t punish you by sending you out for a time out.”
“Well, people are going to be coming in here so…”
“You’re used to that, right?”
“I’m used to dancing for entertainment. Not getting railed for the entertainment.”
“I’ll be happy to pop that cherry for you… let them see how trained you are for me. How many times you’ll come undone around me.” He inhaled deeply and traced along your side, dipping in with the curves, in and out. “I love showing you off as mine. My wife is very jealous of you.”
“That makes me feel comfortable,” you mumbled sarcastically, grabbing a pill out of his open hand, and popping it in your mouth.
Tony chortled pleased seeing you bend to his will and take the drug, nuzzling his mouth into your neck, leaving rough bites.
“She’s just jealous because she has responsibilities and your only one is to please me.” Tony’s hand slipped up between your legs, forcing between your thighs. “She’s dealing with the matriarch role… mothering our child… working out… sweettalking the cops whenever they decide to show their ass. She’s really good at that.”
“Will I have to do that? Talk to cops, I mean?” That was a legit concern.
Tony hummed against you, “Maybe.” You stiffened and he ran his hands down your sides. “Oh, shh, sweetheart. I trust you. You won’t betray me. You just keep that beautiful mouth of yours closed and brush them off, giving them your beautiful doe eyes, and it’ll be just fine. No one can be mean to you when you look at them like the little sweet, innocent thing you are. I could just devour you.”
“Well, just make sure you don’t lose me when we both start rolling.”
“That’s what Carol is for. She won’t let you wander off on me. She’s gonna be right outside.. She’ll keep us both in check. It’s gonna feel so fucking good to take you. Every brush of your soft skin against me, knowing all the people that could be watching from the doorway. Those perfect holes of yours allowing me in…” Tony had started to grind, hungry. “Every hole… mine to use.”
His thumb slipped up towards your tight ring and he smiled against your lips. “I should get that lube, shouldn’t I?”
You nodded. “Yes. Please.”
Even if you fell completely under the drug, you knew you would feel it in the morning. So, precaution and prevention was important.
He pecked your nose, “Mhm, just for you, baby. Just keeping you safe always. I don’t wanna hurt my favorite.”
The lube was cold as he pushed his thumb in and your breath hitched. He was watching your expression closely.
“Relax,” he purred. “Let me in, sweetheart. I’ve got a nice toy to gape you out.” You shifted a little at that and his free hand came to hold you in place, his eyes flashing. “I’m gonna be moving in between those holes however I see fit. Be grateful I’m prepping.” He smacked you across the ass and said, “Just behave like the good girl I know you can be, and this will be enjoyable for everyone.”
“I’m being perfectly fucking civil,” Tony spat.
He had been anything but civil since the group of you had come into the meeting room. You had arrived there first, waiting for the other people to arrive. Tony had mumbled something about having to be in charge and be an example as he pulled you down at the table next to him.
Natasha snorted and he shot her an annoyed look. “Tony, I would call this whole attitude you’re having anything but civil.��
Tony’s attention was on you, and he said strained, “Y/N, dear. Can you be a doll and make me another drink?” You nodded, standing up and grabbing his glass. His hand traced your thigh as you walked away, squeezing as it was about to drop away. You went to the counter quickly where there was the bottle he had brought.
When you sat back down, he took the glass from you and kissed you on the nose. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you,” you said back. It was a lie. But you passed it off with as much sincerity as you could muster, and it seemed to pay off. You hated him. You hated what he had done and how he kept you under his thumb.
He gripped your chin, giving you a little shake with an amused smirk.
“Glad you’ve got some type of deterrent from completely snapping during this meeting, Tony,” Barnes muttered unamused from the side of the table.
“Y/N has seen me completely snap, Barnes. So, she’s not here to stop it. She’s here to help me find my humanity afterward. How could I not be drawn in by her to ground me again?” Tony retorted. You bit your cheeks and he chucked you underneath your chin, taking a deep drink. “You’re always going to be my favorite, sweetheart. My favorite toy.”
His appreciation was cut short as the door opened and men started filing in. But his grip only tightened around your waist, yanking you closer to him.
Carol exhaled her smoke, staring across the table at the men. They actually looked afraid of her.
“You had to bring the weapon of mass destruction?” one of the men joked darkly.
“What kind of party would it be without me, Fredrick?’ Carol asked.
The man – Fredrick – shook his head and he looked back at Tony. “So, right to business. Our shipment went through to you. So I’m not sure why this meeting is being called?”
Tony took another long swig and he pushed you away from him on the bench you were sitting on. You frowned deeply but Steve grabbed your arm, pulling you off the bench, completely away from Tony. You stared up at him in confusion.
“Oh, we both know why this meeting was called,” Tony said in a dangerously calm voice.
“Care to enlighten me?”
Fredrick was trying to keep his voice calm, but you could detect the nervousness.
Tony’s hand flew under the table, unholstering a gun. Guns were pointed at the two men Fredrick had brought with him and you froze to the spot, terrified. Carol was the most steady, looking happy to be pointing the gun.
Seeing the worry on Fredrick’s face, Tony smirked. But he did not relent on his aim. “Now, I know I got screwed on that last shipment. There were two kilos missing. And that is a lot to be missing considering I fucking paid for it! And it’s not fucking cheap!”
He unloaded some bullets into the man. You yelped, covering you mouth as blood splattered the wall behind him as he fell out of his chair. Steve held you close, making sure you did not bolt.
Tony pointed his gun at the man standing directly behind Fredrick’s corpse, and he stiffened up even more seeing the gun pointed at him. “You. What’s your name?”
“F-Fernandez,” Tony replied mockingly. “You work for him for a while?” The man nodded quickly. “Perfect. You’re in charge now. Now go back and tell your operation that they better find my two fucking missing kilos or I’m gonna put a bullet between your eyes next!”
“What the fuck are you still doing sitting there?” Carol demanded.
The men all scrambled up from their chairs and made a beeline out of the room. As soon as they were gone, and Tony lowered his gun, Steve let you go.
Tony took notice of you and smiled, “Oh, sweetheart. When they find that missing money, I’m going to put a down payment on a new car just for you.”
You forced a smile, making him think you were happy about the idea. Little did he know, you were already planning your escape.
You left not only the keys to the new Tesla but also to the apartment on the kitchen counter.
Storming away from the kitchen, Tony went to your bedroom. He went right to the top left drawer of your dresser, where he knew you kept all your jewelry. He found it empty.
Tony slammed the drawer closed, laughing darkly to himself.
Little bitch had not forgotten all the jewelry he had bought her. Of course not. She was a spoiled little brat.
Furiously, he stormed across the hallway, ignoring the looks from Carol, Steve, and Rhodes down the hallway by the kitchen. He went into the bathroom and slammed the door closed. He needed to go to the bathroom.
Just go to the bathroom and relax just a little.
Releasing himself from his slacks, he sighed in contentment as he began to go to the bathroom.
As he finished though, he opened his eyes and caught sight of something.
He spotted the positive pregnancy test on top of the trash.
Song list to set the mood for me while writing:
Mad -- PRINCESSBRI Bitch -- Allie X
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
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That's on Me | Revised Fic Pt. I
based on the thirst about Izuku wanting to beat the pussy because it's too good up by @awilddreamerwrites
cw// everyone is aged up to third years, quirk use during sex, innocence kink, m/m, anal play, d/s dynamic, creampies, sloppy seconds, threeway, group sex, Bakugo x Reader in an established relationship, queer reader who uses feminine descriptors (Bakugou calls you his girl/woman in intimate scenes where there's already pre-established consent to do so, pussy, tits, etc) but he/him pronouns, BakuDeku Poly dynamic w/ reader endgame
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There was always tension in the air when the three of you were in the same room, different than the preceding energy of one of your boyfriend's explosive outbursts. More like the smell of a storm in the air, like lightening followed by earthshaking thunder.
Deku would look at Kacchan, and Kat would look at Deku, and Deku would look at you and Kat didn't really mind and why didn't he mind?!
If anyone came in he would start barking at Deku to 'get his eyes off his boyfriend before he blows his face off,' but if you happened to time it perfectly and you three were the only ones in the common room..
Your boyfriend didn't growl at you to cover up if you were wearing his boxers that molded indecently to your ass beneath his shirt, in fact he groped at your curves possesively- delighting in the way Deku watched every movement of his hand on your ass while you cuddled into him.
So when Deku burst into Kat's dorm room while you were face down, ass up and getting absolutely railed-- it seemed like the final straw snapped in all three of you.
"Get in here and shut the fucking door nerd." Your boyfriend growled at Deku who was already doing so without having to be asked. He came closer to the bed, entranced by the filthy squelching of the blond's cock in your soaking wet pussy.
"You've always got an eye on my- ngh- fucking girl, Deku. Imagined him like this didn't you?" Even though his words should've been angry, it sounded more like the dirty words he growled at you that lit your pussy on fire. Your boyfriend was fucking you stupid but you tried your best to call out to the greenet, wanting him to know that you wanted him here (as much as Kat did if he let himself admit it.)
"'Zuku," you couldn't help the way your voice came out fucked and whimpering when Kat was rearranging your guts with a vengance.
"Fucking slut, why is your cunt getting tighter on my cock when you say his name?" His accusing tone was rendered meaningless because his cum started filling your cunt as he hammered into you, making you cum around him to milk every drop of seed from his balls as they smacked against your ass.
"Because he wants me to take a turn at his pussy." The utter confidence in Izuku's earnest voice made your pussy clench around Kat's slowly softening girth. He pulled out of your pussy and let you collapse tiredly on the bed, sprawled out like the perfect little whore you were tempting them both to ruin you. He kissed your temple and grumbled a 'traitor' under his breath before turning to face Deku.
The greenet had his dick out and a scarred hand wrapped around it, and it made Kat's cheeks dark to see that he didn't try to hide himself. He keep stroking a cock that made both of you revel in your inner size queens, and the little sound he made when he grabbed his own heavy balls made Kat sport a half chub quick enough to make him dizzy from the blood loss.
But he had to pull himself together, if he was going to make this work with his heart and dignity in tact.
"And why the fuck do you think I'd let you?" He challenged, green eyes clashing with red as the two stood too close for their posture to be aggressive.
It was intimate, like they shared a center of gravity and couldn't help but be drawn together.
"Please, Katsu, Zuku.." You whimpered, your eyes heavy lidded and pleading as you rolled onto your back- pulling one knee up so that they could both see Kat's cum leaking out of your hole. "Stop fighting. I want all of us to fuck in as many permutations as possible before I can't take anymore. Got it?" Your demand was spoken with only a few moans and whimpers as you fingered your stretched pussy, knowing one of them would break and you'd get what you needed.
"Do you have a condom or.. can you swear to me that you're clean?" Kat looked at Deku seriously, and Deku's breathed hitched by the intensity of those red eyes on him. His rhythm with his hand stuttered before he was able to nod with honesty ringing in his voice as he answered,
"I'm clean, Kacchan. I swear. I wouldn't put him.. or you at risk like that. And.. no one compared to you two. I haven't had sex in months." The admission made you whine- you were going to be at the mercy of hasn't-had-his-dick-wet-in-months Izuku? You prayed that you'd be able to walk tomorrow.
"Then go for it. But I'll be watching you. Do a good job and make him cum or you'll never get to fuck his pussy again." The threat made Deku's thick cock spurt more precum as he nodded and made his way to the center of the bed to push both your thighs to your chest. There was no way you'd be able to escape the mating press he put you in, so your pussy gushed realizing you wouldn't really have a choice about being impaled on his cock-which was well over your boyfriends already intimidating 8 inches.
"You think you can be a good girl for me and take it all?" The tip of his cock kiss your cum filled hole, and he looked at you so sweetly when you nodded you could almost forget he was about to split you in half.
You could hear Kat cursing under his breath to the side of you as he pulled up a chair to watch, but you could also hear the shameless sound of spit hitting his hand so he could jack off to the sight of Izuku's muscled form pinning you to the bed. The greenet had grown over his three years at UA, and he was a few inches taller than Kat now, and a lot broader.
His large scarred hands gripped your hips as he started pushing into you, inch by inch until he was buried as far inside you as he could reach- pressing snugly against your cervix and his heavy balls resting against the luscious fat of your ass.
And it was like he saw the face of god. Your dripping, clenching, fluttering heat was the best thing he had ever felt on his dick. Even if he got to put his dick in Kacchan's equally fuckable ass like he dearly wanted to, he didn't think even then it would beat this. This, the perfect and maddening pussy that belonged to Kacchan's beloved boyfriend. His girl.
The pleasure of it, hot as the sun and tinged with something dark and hungry and wild, grabbed him by the base of the spine and infected him with the almost painful craving to rut into you as hard and deep as possible.
"He's so fucking tight," Izuku's filthy moan wasn't even addressed to you, but it made your pussy clench further around his thick girth as he fucked you. There was green lightening crackling around him and his gaze on your was determined as he fucked into you harder- wanting to get as deep into your insatiable, hungry little pussy as he could. He could think of nothing else. Not even Kacchan watching him fuck you, not what this all meant.
Your moans had long since gone past embarrassing but your boyfriend only continued to watch as his childhood best friend fucked orgasm after orgasm out of you, not put off in the slightest by the growing mess off fluids between your lush thighs caused by his generous attention to your throbbing clit.
At some point there was a loud CRACK and the headboard fell to pieces where Izuku had been trying to hold himself up. He had let go of your hips at some point, but the sharp smack of his hips against your ass was a testament to how determined he was to imprint the shape of his dick into you.
"He has the best pussy I've ever fucked. Doesn't it feel like he's trying to milk your load right out of you?" Katsuki grinned ferally with pride at being blessed with such an irresistible partner.
"He's going to," Izuku's bright green eyes meet yours intensely, and you shivered under his gaze as he continued to fuck your overstimulated pussy. Your legs shook around his waist but all he did was fuck you deeper so you couldn't run from it.
"Ah ah ah, don't run, sweetness. Even if I have to break the bed too, I'm making sure all my cum ends up in your tummy.."
Your cervix was hammered so persistently you were sure Izuku's plan was to shoot his cum directly into your womb. By the time he let out the filthiest groan of "ngh- fucking, take it-" all you can get out is a garbled mess of
"yes!" and "'Zuku!" and "baby.."
Katsuki was laying beside you now, watching Deku fight to control his strength as your pussy threatened to undo himcompletely by fluttering and milking him until he was gritting his teeth from the overstimulation. Kat had cum twice all over his own fingers watching Deku being bested by you. He was so high on the thought that his girl could do this to Izuku. Make him look all fucked out, flushed tits heaving as he kneeled over your well fucked form, desperate..
"You look like a fucking slut, Deku." Why did that come out sounding like he was flirting? "You owe me a fucking headboard too dumbass." You watched your boyfriend growl the threat as an after thought, smirking at the blush on his cheeks. When Izuku came back to bed after putting the washcloths he used to clean you both in the bathroom, his eyes trailed over Katsuki's bare chest and low slung basketball shorts with a slight wet spot- his fourth erection of the night making the greenet's mouth water.
"I think I can find a way to make it up to you."
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hitoshisbabygirl · 3 years
Keys hit the table and the usual grunt of cuss words fill the living room of the shared apartment of Bakugou and his roommate [ ]. Hearing the angry blonde enter [ ] felt herself getting up as she entered into the shared living room of them “Bad day?” She asked as vermillion eyes glanced towards her concerned [ ] ones. “ ‘M fine'' The usual grunt filled the room as he pushed back past the worried girl. Frowning and used to this curt greeting of his from the last few days [ ] sighed and went back to their kitchen yelling to the blonde that she started a shower for him, getting no real response from him.
Bakugou and [ ] had an odd relationship. They started to live together because of the boys burning his kitchen on their day off when they all lived together. He told the others ‘She was the only smart one out of his dumbass friends and the only one he could trust to not burn his place down’ and with that the usual group of Sero, Denki and Kirishima moved out of his place and to the place beside him ,the group wanting to still be around the grumpy blonde. [ ] was used to coming over with Mina and the group being around before Bakugou asked her, quite aggressively one day ( Oi you're moving in with me, i'm tired of these dumbasses destroying my place on their days off of patrol) which is how they ended in this arrangement
Even with Bakugou being a handsome and very popular hero with ladies, he never had anyone over, no awkward run-ins with [ ] staying there, nothing at all. He rarely even left the house to visit the others unless he knew he had the time for it. Bakugou was dedicated , being the #2 hero he had little time for much outside of work. He refused to take brakes, no matter how much [ ] and the others tried to get him out hed huff and puff about work until he actually had fun at whatever function it was that he was dragged to so he could get fresh air
He'd been like this since highschool when she met him. Angry , confidence that was more like cockyness, a temper to be messed with, prideful and not afraid to speak his mind, good or bad. [ ] could remember from when she used to get paired with him how smart he actually was, but how he could also belittle you if you didn't realize he gave you backward compliments. She owns him over with taking him head to head on, in practice battles and in the work behind the scenes. Bakugou wouldn't admit it but [ ] kept him together, more than he let show on the outside. From bandaging him up after an intense fight, to letting him vent when he was angry ; [ ] was there for everything, his good , bad and ugly.
Hearing the showeer turn off [ ] continued to find them something to eat as the silence in the room was comforting. As dinner started she took his hero clothes to the washer, starting the load so he'd have a fresh outfit, even with him having multiples of the hero costume, he was quite fawn of the one that he had gotten during highschool, the measurements needing to be increased heavily for his now large size but that was nothing for [ ]. As a gift once he got his own agency she had repaired the old threads, even going far enough to bulking them up so they'd be less prone to ripping or shrinking. That was the one time [ ] had seen emotion flash through the stoic blonde before he thanked her, genuinely with a rare smile that blessed his face.
Soon though, she felt a presence in the room. Turing around she was met with those same vermillion eyes, this time the look in them unreadable as he stared his friend down “Yes Kasuki?” [ ] said as she turned back to the boiling pot of rice on the stove “What Are cooking?” He asked as he stood over the aisle to see what she was stirring. “Rice so far, do you want chicken, fish or beef to go with it?” She asked as she turned to the still staring blonde, his eyes wavering as she stared back at him “Are you okay Suki?” [ ] said again as he pushed himself up , crossing around the aisle before going to her side “You don't have to do this for me” He said as she ignored him “ So Chicken is fine?” “[ ], i'm not a child you don't have to keep treating me like one” Sighing the girl turned to him, seeing that he was hunched over the counter, stretching his back as she could see the pained expression as he pulled out the muscle “Sit down yeah? Consider this an early birthday present to you” [ ] said as he gave her a glare “That doesn't mean you have to constantly cook and do shit like this for me, I have two weeks before it anyway” “Katsuki, sit down and take the kindness i'm giving you and hush” Pointing with her stirring spoon [ ] shooed the now grumbling and fussing blonde away. Just a usual day in the apartment
Hearing a loud cuss from the living room [ ] got up to see her roommate slump against the door, face tensed in apin as he ganced to the concerned girl “Shit, fix your face princess ‘m fine, just a bit of - fuck…- jsut soem pain is all” Reaching for the blonde [ ] helped him in, the larger male trying to hold up his weight as much as he could as she helped him to their bigger bathroom, sitting him on the toilet “Do you have any cuts or anything? Should we go to the doctor?” [ ] asked as a large hand sat over hers that went for his shirt “Im okay [ ], just some bruising and some little cuts here and there okay? Don't worry your pretty head about me” Feeling her face heat up she ignored what he said and started to help him out of his clothes, showing her a dark and slightly bloody mess of his rib cage. Wincing from the sight alone she started to lightly clean around the open wounds and surface scrapes around them. As she did he told her about the recent building that was destroyed from him using his blast too intense in one area like the villains he fought wanted him to. Another bad habit of BAkugous was beating himself up when he felt like he did poorly, which took a lot of trying to get him to let out. He would just overwork himself instead of relaxing and taking time to cool off and realize he wasn't the issue. “Any pain when I push here?” with a slight push bakugou hissed, eyes closing as she pressed deeper on his rib cage “Sorry sorry” Wrapping him up as tight as he could take [ ] stooped to look over his injuries, a frown on her lips “Stop it” Bakugou said, causing the girl to blink at him “ Stop what?” She asked as he met her eyes in the mirror “You're pouting. I'm a big boy thats what me being a hero is for i can take it , don't baby me” Her frown now deeping [ ] pushed his shoulder “Well you need a break , last week you were babying your shoulder now your ribs, im calling you in sick” Growling Bakugou went to sat something until he saw her face ; fear. She was afraid one night he wouldn't come home, that it would be the others telling her he was gone permanently. With a deep sigh he reached for her hand, pulling her back to him as he gave her a hug. Concerned and trying to come to her racing heart she looked up to those deep eyes of his, the same concert starting to fill them “ [ ]...i'll take the week off it makes you happy and rest, I’ll be okay alright? Just...please..I dont want to disappoint the one person who helps me even when im stupid and tells me what i need to hear without just agreeing with me” Shocked at his words all [ ] could do was rub his arm and bury her face in his warm chest, inhaling the smell of smoke and burnt caramel from his skin “Oi princess..” He rasped out as she just hummed , not moving from her spot. With ease the still injured blonde picked her up effortlessly and placed her on the sink, causing her to cry out. Slowly he let his hands trace her face, their eyes studying the other as he pressed his forehead to hers “Thank you..for dealing with me” He whispered against her lips as they slowly closed the gap between them, lips sealing in a soft peck. As soon as it happened it was over, Bakugou pulled away before he got too invested. Biting his bottom lip he gave her a lopsided smile, heading to his bedroom
4/20, The day of the birthday boy Katsuki rolled in a lot faster than he thought it would. Sitting up slowly he looked around his dark room, the bright light of 2:00 am mocking him as he got up to go to his kitchen. Seeing [ ] humped over at the computer sparked the explosion heros curiosity. Finishing his glass of water she came over to her, seeing that she had one last piece of paper in her hands that strangely looked like….
“Are those my reports?” a deep voice rumbled out. Letting out a screech [ ] jumped, turning in the swiveling chair to an almost adorable sight. A shirtless and sleepy Bakugou was rubbing his eyes as he let himself focus on her “Uhm...well yeah they are. They're all done now!” [ ] said as she gave him a wide smile whined the blondes' frowns deeped “You did all of my paperwork?” He said in disbelief as she looked at her hands , picking at her hand “Well yeah...I wanted you to have a non stressful birthday” She admitted as he scoffed , getting closer to her as he wrapped his arms around her neck and the top of the chair “You're so sweet...too good for me….” He grumbled as he hid his face in the nervous girl's neck. Gasping as she felt his hot lips kiss the junction of her neck she couldn't help but lean over more . letting him absentmindedly kiss her all over her shoulder and neck, little ‘Thank yous’ spilling from the tired man's lips. Still following his same path he worked his way up to her cheek, basking in the little laugh she let out as he nuzzled under her chin. Slowly what happened a few days ago repeated itself, they were face to face as his still sleep swarming eyes stared back at her curious ones. Tapping her bare leg from her seat she moved as he took her by the arm to his room. Hearing her heart in her ears [ ] sucked in a breath as he flopped on his luxury bed, making grabby hands at the standing girl. Giggling [ ] crawled in the bed with him as he pulled her on top of him “[ ]....” He groaned as she looked at him. Licking his lips as whispering Bakugou spoke “ I really like you...You and shitty hair dont have to do much for me all i want is you…” He said as she gave him a wide eyed look, not sure she heard him right “Yeah im finally admitting it...ive had a crush on you for a while...i never noticed it until Shitty hair called me out for having a worse mood when that good for nothing vibrating little shit tried to steal you from me at the banquet” As the comfortable silence filled the room he spoke up again “ And i really...wanna kiss you….but im scared you wouldn't like me back...after all these years of dealing with my shit and how i can be...your like a godsend to me..” As he opened his eyes to her he was surprised to feel her lips press against his , full and warm. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her in his lap as they kissed more and more, the kiss becoming deeper as she pulled away, whispering a soft ‘ I love you’ as he kissed her again until they drifted to sleep in eachothers arms.
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karmelek-writes · 3 years
comfort zone I part 3
Harrison Osterfield x fem!reader, Tom Holland x fem!reader
Synopsis: What do you do when you love them but want someone else?
Word count: 4,5k
Warnings: angst, swearing, suggestive comments, mentions of sex, smut, adult themes
A/N: Hey guys! This is part three of the "comfort zone". I wanted to thank you all again for supporting me and commenting, reblogging, and liking the series! Also, sorry for the delay. The next part will come out on Friday, as usual. Let me know what you think of this part! (sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language plus this part wasn't proofreaded)
Love, W 🖤
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When you entered Tom's bedroom you immediately felt your tensed body softening as the smell of Tom intoxicated your senses. There wasn't another place on this earth you felt more comfortable in than his room. It wasn't big but the cream-painted walls and huge mirror in the middle made it seem vaster. There wasn't much furniture, just all the necessities, but you had to admit that Tom had been keeping his room clean and fresh. It was typical, yet lego Death Star set and spiderman figures arranged neatly on a bedside table screamed Tom. You kept teasing him about this but in reality, you found it endearing. The souvenirs he brought home from the places he had visited were dusting on the shelf, reminding him of good old days having fun on set and hanging out with the cast after work. What always got your attention was his cartoon figure leaning on the wall next to his bed. He got it for his birthday after landing the role of spiderman as a joke from Harrison, his brothers, and you. Even when Tom was younger everyone knew he was born to act. His family and friends would tease him about it calling him a movie star which always made him fuss around. When he finally made it to Hollywood, you all knew what you had to do. You told him that you all had a surprise purposely hyping it up. Judging by his reaction you expected him to throw it out but he kept it. At times Tom was a nerd but it made you like him even more because despite becoming a literal movie star, he never stopped being this little cute boy who still slept in spiderman pj's he was gifted on his 19th birthday.
The cartoon figure was what you were looking at when Tom cleared his throat and locked the door. The action made you turn around to glance at him with confusion written all over your face. His focused gaze and sudden shift of behaviour confirmed your suspicion that it was going to be a serious conversation.
"So… Are we going to talk about what happened?" Tom's nervous voice rang in your ears making your heart rate speed up. You knew that was the moment you had to confront him about your feelings. “Because for the last couple of days I’ve been thinking about everything. I would hate to leave like that.”
“I know,” you sighed mentally preparing yourself to recite the speech you’ve created in your mind in advance. “Look, ever since I met you I feel like my life has gotten better. I never thought I would have such an amazing person in my life,” in the corner of your eye you saw Tom smiling excitedly at your compliment. His honey-brown eyes were sparkling and you had to stop yourself from hugging him and running your hand through his messy curls. “What happened between us was sudden and I’ve said it already, I don’t regret it. Actually, I’m quite happy with how things turned out,” you chucked at the end hoping it would relieve the stress and hesitation in your voice. Your words were all that brunette needed to confirm that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. In the room illuminated by the moonlight, Tom’s silhouette moved closer to you. Having approached you, he touched your exposed arm and traced his fingers up so gently as if he was scared he would break you if he pushed harder. His hand on your body caused shivers to appear and a slight flush crept into your cheeks. You hated and loved the contact silently hoping he would give you more. It seemed like your thoughts were heard as Tom slowly but confidently started to walk you backwards until you fell on his unmade bed. He leaned as close as he could, placing both arms on the sides of your head making it impossible for you to escape.
"I don't want to leave you here," he fussed, highly aware that the next few weeks were going to be hell without you lulling him to sleep, inquisitively going on and on about your day. Resisting the urge to pout you tried to overcome the feeling of sadness slowly accumulating in your chest.
"And I don't want you to leave," a deep sigh escaped your lips, pushing back the thought of him flying away the following day. "But we are here now, so what are you going to do about it?" you extended your arm to grasp Tom's messy curls, daring him to cross the boundary unconsciously set up the moment you've become friends to dive in the pleasure. Tom didn't give you a verbal answer, but knowing that actions speak louder than words, he lowered himself to place a soft kiss on the crook of your neck. The cracked lips caused a wave of shivers to run down your spine, your stomach dropping as you felt sudden wetness between your legs. Mixed with the wet marks left by Tom's tongue, the sensation made your eyes shut, spots emerging in front of them. All your senses were keen, escalating the intensity of the experience.
Tom was determined to work you up as he unhurriedly worshiped your body. A deep moan followed by a throaty “fuck” were the sounds at which you opened your eyes. Your longing stare met Tom’s one and you could swear right then, right there you had never seen a more mesmerising sight. Brunette’s once soft strands now had stuck to his forehead glistening from the sweat. His usually pale cheeks were now painted deep pink - a result of his unholy thoughts combined with the sight of your perfectly shaped body. Eyes dark with desire, hungry to capture every inch of your figure. You noticed beads of sweat dripping on your already wet chest, your shirt clinging to your torso enhancing curves you’d work so hard on at the gym. Lifting yourself on your elbows you signed to Tom to help you strip. You weren’t a self-conscious person, nor were you hesitant to show your figure, but you didn’t like to preen yourself on it. However, you felt the rush of confidence wash over as you caught Tom lustful ogling and wanted to take control of the situation. Shifting from underneath you poked Tom’s chest and pushed him to lay down. Foggy mind and the burn you’d felt on the skin still were dislimning your senses causing you to clumsily collapse at the top of Tom in your attempt to straddle him. Silent ouchs followed by a breathy laugh falling from the boy’s lips made your heart clunch in embarrassment. Much to your surprise, he kissed you as if he wanted to assure you that he didn’t find your awkwardness unnerving. In the few seconds of your make-out session, you recomposed yourself and broke the kiss wanting more as the throbbing between your legs became unbearable.
In the heat of a moment, you took off your bra leaving your breasts exposed for Tom to admire. You didn’t miss how his pupils dilated and his mouth went dry just by gaping at you. This fueled up your nerve leaving no place for doubt and hesitation in your mind. Shamelessly, you rocked your hips against his own at a slow pace. Grunts and scratchy moans could be heard, falling from Tom’s lips like prayers begging for your pleasure. With his eyes shut and fists clenched, he couldn’t look more beautiful, more vulnerable, falling into pieces for you. Finding pleasure in the position and the power you hold over him, you let yourself get lost in the bliss of his hard cock sliding through your folds, the tip teasing your sensitive clit in a steady motion. Wrapping his arm around your waist, Tom lifted himself until he was on an eye level with your chest, his mouth immediately clinging to your breasts, tongue swirling around your hardened nipple. Slowing down your pace, you cupped Tom's face and connected your lips in an aggressive kiss, teeth brushing and tongues intertwined. Fighting for dominance, Tom flipped you so that he was on top. Groaning, you brought him impossibly close leaving no space between your sweaty and hot bodies. Tom's little whimpers were more often now that he was thrusting into your hips, trying to bring himself closer to the limit. Knowing you couldn't last much longer you moved your hand to slip it into your undergarment only for Tom to stop you to do it himself. He licked his fingertips and shoved it into your panties, rubbing your clit in circles.
“That’s okay, cum for me baby,” Tom muttered, trying hard to catch his breath. Completely lost in the moment, you obeyed his command and let go of the tight knot that formed in your stomach. The sensation of Tom’s body pressing against you and his fingers playing with the heart of your femininity caused you to almost black out, starts appearing in front of your eyes. Letting out a pornographic moan, you tried to arch your back gripping the sheets so hard your skin turned white. You couldn’t tell for how long you were wiggling under your best friend’s body but it felt like hours until you were able to get back to reality.
Coming down from your high you took notice of a wet stain on Tom’s trousers. You opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off offering you some fresh clothes and a glass of water. Not thinking much, you accepted his little acts of care and walked past him to change in the bathroom.
Having closed the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and tried to calm your racing heart. While you were getting dressed Tom was silently freaking out. He could’t believe that you went this far. It still felt like a dream to him. At that moment he hated his lifestyle, he hated his profession that required him to fly away the following morning, splitting you up in the worst time. Maybe he could convince you to go with him? No, it was crazy. You had your life here, it wouldn’t be fair to take it away.
Tom’s running thoughts were cut off by the click of the door followed by your silhouette emerging from the room with a small smile. Tom returned the gesture and nodded at the bed, silently asking if you wanted to lay down with him. Getting back on the soft mattres, you let out a sigh contemplating if you should bring up your feelings. Truthfully speaking, you didn’t know how to act and it seemed like so did Tom. He sat down at the foot of the bed, facing away from you. He was scratching the nape of his neck - a habit that always betrayed his nervosity. He then suddenly stopped and it seemed like he came to terms with himself as he turned around to look at you with tears threatening to fall from his eyes and imperceptibly bleeding lip. He had to bite it to prevent it from trembling but the pressure was hard enough to rip the fragile skin of an organ. You couldn’t read anything from the look on his face and it scared you. Not thinking much you embraced him from behind placing your forehead against the side of his face. You wanted him to feel you, to detect that you were there for him.
“I-I don’t want to l-leave,” a broken stutter left his lips, repeating the words he had used before.
“I know, but people expect you to go,” you whispered to him, slowly rocking you two from side to side to the sound of the clock tickling and driving cars coming from outside the window.
“Tell me something that will make me stay,” his words echoed in the quiet room, so desperate and calling for help. Not thinking much you blurred out the first thing that came to your mind.
“I think I’m falling in love with you and that scares me but I don’t want you to go either,” before you got a chance to register your confession, Tom wrenched himself away from you to see if you were serious. He definitely wasn’t in the mood for jokes so when he identified your stoned expression he knew you meant every single word. Suddenly, a way of regret and pity washed over him, not being sure how to tell you the truth without breaking your heart.
“I… That’s… Um…” he tried to initiate the conversation but his mind was so fogged from regret and miscomprehension.
“You don’t feel the same?” you more of stated with so much heartbreak in your voice it took everything in Tom not to lie and tell you he’s always loved you to fix his mistakes. He stopped himself from it because you deserved something better than that. On the spur of the moment, he cupped your face hoping it would help him get to you easier.
“I love you, I really do but…” he couldn’t finish the sentence. It would kill him to watch your face fall with disappointment and sorrow, let down by the only guy who promised to cherish you forever.
“You don’t have to say anything more. I understand,” pushing Tom away from you, you got up making your way to the door wishing to get away from him as soon as possible. You were hurt beyond your expectations. All of the little moments you shared, the kiss, tonight, it meant nothing. You were livid at yourself, you didn’t know for what more - being so stupid to believe that he could ever love you or that he would ever want you for something more than just an easy fuck. Fueled by the sudden anger you turned to Tom with disgust painted all over your face. “Was I just a girl you wanted to try for a day and dump? Was I just good fun for you? Did you have fun playing with me?”
“God, no! I didn’t mean it to happen! I just did and I’m sorry, okay? Just please sit down and let me explain,” you were extremely angry but you needed answers so you stayed in your place, waiting for Tom to continue. “I tried so hard to love you. It just never felt right like there was something missing and I-I don’t k-know what it is but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you. I do love you, can’t you see that?” you didn’t reply for a few seconds and Tom started to get nervous. “Please, say something.”
“Can you try again?” you asked in a small voice. You kept your arms around yourself feeling uncomfortable out of the blue, your black socks suddenly becoming amusing sight to look at.
“Can I try what again?” confusion was evident in Tom’s tone. He knew he was losing you and he needed to do everything to keep you by his side.
“Try to love me.” silence filled the room as you asked the unfortunate question hoping for the answer you already knew you couldn’t get. But it was worth trying, wasn’t it?
“I’m sorry but I don’t think I can,” the words were hard for Tom to get out, a lump forming in his throat.
“Okay,” was all you muttered and at that moment Tom realised he fucked up. “I should go already, it’s late and you have to catch an early plane so…” you trailed hoping that he will get a hint.
“Please, wait!” he ran up to you as you were to exit his bedroom to wrap his arms around you in one last hug before he would leave. “I will keep calling every day, I don’t care if you don’t pick up or block my number. I will always try to get to you. You’re my oxygen, I need you,” if you were in a different situation Tom’s deep sobs would make your heart ache and feel sorry for him, rushing to lighten up his mood but now you didn’t have any of those thoughts. You just felt numb at his praying, a strange feeling settling in your stomach feeling his touch.
“Please, don’t become a stranger,” Was Tom selfish? Yes, but desperate situations require desperate attempts.
Freeing yourself from the brunette's tight embrace, you looked him in the eye for the last time and left the room wishing him good luck at his new job. He didn’t try and call for you, nor did he run after you. He stared at you silently tiptoeing downstairs avoiding contact with other people. You needed to talk about everything like adults but he knew you needed time and he was willing to give you that. He just wished he wasn’t leaving.
“Okay so… do you think we have all the stuff we need?” Harrison looked at you, having put your bag in the backseat.
“Yeah, granted that you didn’t forget to bring your big ego” you tried to joke and lift the mood but you knew it didn’t work when Harrison made a face at you. Since your not-so-nice exchange with Tom, you haven’t been in a pleasant mood. You knew that what he did wasn’t cool, but that didn’t stop you from missing him. You took off your phone, glancing at it for the twentieth time in the past thirty minutes only to see that you haven’t gotten any notifications. He said he would call. You felt stupid waiting for the guy who clearly didn’t want you and didn’t even bother to talk things out with you. You must have stared at your phone for a little too long because you heard Harrison clear his throat and saw him giving you a knowing look. You only rolled your eyes and put your phone back in your pocket.
“You can’t keep doing this, you know?” the blonde tried to take up a conversation with you. He knew something was up between you and Tom. He knew when you would stop smiling at him when he cracked jokes or when you stopped mentioning Tom in your conversations, or when he noticed Tom tensing at every mention of your name. He tried to get any pieces of information from his best friend but the brunette would always say that you were busy and that it wasn’t his business. Maybe it wasn’t Harrison’s place to be noisy but he had to admit that your careless aura was making him worry. Even when you were upset you acted more lively than now. He was aware that the matter was serious, he just didn’t know how to make it better… and he wanted to make it better for you.
During the last few weeks, your relationship progressed. Since Tom was constantly working, he didn’t have much time to call or text. And even if he did it seemed as if he wanted to spend it with other people. You couldn’t make out what went wrong in your relationship but you knew it was serious when Tom stopped making any effort. You’ve never seen him acting so indifferent towards you and it scared you. However, the lack of interaction between you two brought you closer to Harrison. You almost forgot how significant part of your life he was. Despite your sour mood, you enjoyed the time spent with him. He always made you laugh and feel needed. Your banter didn’t stop but it has changed into something softer and domestic. You found out that you didn’t mind it at all. Harrison still would do little things to drive you insane like casually tracing his fingers along your neck while putting a loose strain of your hair behind your ear or lowering his hand a bit too much than necessary while hugging you but it didn’t seem so unfamiliar and strange anymore. Talking to him almost daily, you learned to be more comfortable around him. To the point where you would hold his hand sometimes and stay over at his apartment after a long session of studying. That, however, didn’t mean that you couldn’t be playful. You knew that Harrison was as invested in your little game as you were. The rules may have changed a bit but it was still on. You had no idea what it meant for your friendship but it was too intoxicating to stop. Now that Tom was not there you could let yourself fully focus on it. You loved the feeling of uncertainty and on the other hand, you wanted to see how far you could push Harrison’s buttons. You were curious how much of it he could handle and if he would snap at some point. You couldn’t help yourself but subtly torture him with your slight touches during movie nights or walking around without a bra. You liked how worked up he always got. He would try to keep it together and act classy in front of you but eventually, you would catch him checking you out. In a way, it all felt wrong but all his attention was on you and you couldn’t help but feel good having this power over him.
When you got in the car you put on some music and looked outside the window. You didn’t want to talk to Harrison about your issues, especially not your issues with Tom so you tried to ignore his questions. Harrison, on the other hand, couldn’t find a way to make you open up to him. You two talked but he also wanted to support you when you weren’t feeling like you could handle things yourself. He remembered how Tom would complain about you being too secretive, even though you’ve known each other for years. That’s how he knew he would have to work hard for you to warm up to him. But that was the effort he wanted to put in. In the blonde’s eyes, you were the most intriguing person he has ever met. You two first came across in the cafe he worked at. You used to go there for some tea every day after classes during your first year. He’s been watching you for some time before trying to talk to you. One day his colleague dared him to get your number after he caught Harrison drooling over you during his break. So he gathered the courage and shot his shot. You two talked until the end of his break. He tried to get your number but you gave him your Instagram account instead. Soon you started to text each other and became really good friends. He would ask for your number a few more times but you always rejected him telling him to work for it. Harrison laughed to himself and shook his head. Even at the beginning of your friendship, you bossed him around.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, a bit confused by his sudden outburst.
“I just remembered how you used to reject me when we first met.” he turned to give you a small smile and started the engine.
“Oh yeah… You were desperate,” you smirked at him, knowing it would cause a good reaction and you weren’t wrong. Harrison gasped, abruptly turning to face you with fake hurt painted on his face.
“I wasn’t desperate! I just saw a pretty girl and wanted to take her out on a date but you were playing hard to get so you lost your chance,” he said it so casually you thought you didn’t hear him right.
“You evidently hadn’t worked hard enough,” you shrugged as if you didn’t care but in reality, your heart rate has sped up. You hoped that Harrison couldn’t hear your shallow breath. You never knew he wanted to take you out on a date and you didn’t know how you felt about it. The thought of him liking you more than just a friend brought butterflies in your stomach to life, making your whole body shiver. Maybe he wanted to take you on a date before. That doesn’t mean he’s still into you.
“So what should I do to get you to agree to go on a date with me?” the knot in your stomach tightened as his voice dropped down an octave. Was it possible he was still interested after all this time?
“I thought I lost my chance,” trying to keep it cool you exhaled softly hoping that the blonde didn’t notice how you squirmed lightly in your seat.
“Well… It depends,” he moved a little bit closer to you catching eye contact.
“On what?” you whispered gently trying not to raise your voice in fear that you would interrupt the moment.
Harrison’s voice matched yours as he whispered “How hard you can work after,” Noticing your disgusted look, he started to laugh deeply.
“Oh God, your jokes are so poor,” you shook your head at him, not finding his joke amusing.
“Oh come on, I know you’ve been dreaming about it,” he wiggled his eyebrows at you. Maybe, just maybe you have thought of it once or twice but you’d rather die than admit it to him. "Besides my jokes aren't half as bad as yours"
“Whatever, Osterfield,” you tried to turn around and fasten your seat belt not in the mood to argue but he stopped your actions again.
“Hey look... I want you to have fun today, okay?” his voice softened as he took your hand in his and started to caress your palm. “I know we joke a lot and stuff.. But I really want to give you something to remember, a memory you would always smile at when thinking of it… or when thinking of me,” he chuckled as if he thought he was never on your mind. Oh, how wrong was he. “Just forget about everything and enjoy the moment. Can you do that for me?” you thought you would melt under his gaze. He was looking at you so lovingly with a dazzling smile that couldn’t make you disagree with him. You felt like his ocean blue eyes were piercing your soul, taking your breath away. After a moment you realised that you could look into them for hours memorising the way his pupils dilated when he was looking at you.
“A-alright, I will.” you stuttered but still smiled at him and held eye contact. You didn’t know it was possible but his grin got even bigger causing you to do the same.
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise,” he smiled at you for the last time and turned around to start driving. Harrison said he planned something special for you. You didn’t know what the evening was about to bring but you knew you were screwed.
Taglist: @osterfieldshollandgirl, @tom-holland-is-spiderman-archive, @harryhollandsgirlfriend, @peachyafshawn
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