#I’m usually asleep 😖
vergilthelibrarian · 1 year
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I find it hard to breathe.
I swear I hear something in my closet.
No… I think it’s someone, it has to be.
Someone has been leaving me love letters.
At first it gave me chills simply how poetically he would write his yearn for me.
Then it started giving me chills for weirdly needy he was becoming for me.
Then finally it would fill me dread without unabashedly obsessive he became for me.
Right now, I’m laying down in my bed trying to calm my breathing.
I’ve been having some issues with them as of late and I would hear them scattering around but recently they would sometimes become silent.
Usually I fall asleep pretty fast and once I’m sleep, it’s hard for me to wake but I’ve been dealing with a bout of insomnia, mostly from stressed and anxiety.
Both from college and from the love letters.
At first I thought I was being paranoid about someone being in my home, most people are but when I noticed the mice’s movements cease and whatever video I had playing stop and the room silent… I noticed that the room wasn’t completely silent.
I heard breathing.
Light and soft, like as if someone was trying to not be noticed.
The first night I noticed this, I pretended to wake up and ran to my bathroom to take some NyQuil to force myself asleep.
I know that was really stupid but the police never take stalking cases seriously until it’s too late and even then they still don’t…
Anyway, whosever been in my room, in my closet watching me sleep sent me a letter this morning before school telling me that everything will make sense tonight.
My breathing is erratic as I hear my closet door creak open and I shut my eyes immediately, squeezing them so hard.
I need someone to help me, to save me from whoever this is.
My eyes open quickly, widen as I come face to face with-
“Don’t shout, you know your neighbors are elderly.” Mark quietly said in a chastising tone.
My heart sunk and my body turned cold.
How could my own best friend do this?
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taeyeonschild · 1 year
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《sleeping apart, after a fight || Hyung line ver.》
pairing: hyung line (separate) x reader
genre: fluff, angst. (i think… i don’t actually know what i’m talking about)
contains: literally a copy of the last one 🥶
warnings: uhhhh i don’t think any?
A/N: i feel like i used all my decent ideas on the maknae version. but i’m trying…. OKAY??? 😖
what do i write after this???? this was my only idea 😭😭 oh no.
hyung line | maknae line
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“I’m gonna spend the night at the dorms tonight. Sleep well, darling.” He grabs his keys and leaves your apartment without another word..
You hadn’t expected this argument to become as large as it had.
All you had wanted was to communicate your needs. you have been feeling neglected recently, as he has spent so much time working, way more than usual. You understand his commitment to his work, to stay, and to the kids, but you just wish he could try to make time for you too.
You didn’t mean for this to become such a huge fight.. But it did, and now you have the apartment to yourself for the night..
It is lonely.
You sob on the living room couch for a while, but eventually, you drag yourself to bed.
Chan’s night isn’t much better than yours…
He spent the whole evening locked in his bedroom at the dorms, ignoring when the kids questioned his sudden arrival. The guilt of the fight eats him away, and he stays up the whole night, regretting the fight.
If he’d have just stopped arguing, and taken taken a deep breath, to try consider your side of the argument, he’d have realized that he has been neglecting you.
Just because it wasn’t intentional doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening…
You have one of the worst sleeps of your life, rolling back and forth, unable to get comfortable in the big, empty, cold bed. You can’t help but feel lonely, and guilty.
Ugh, you’re so sensitive… If you hadn’t have complained about this one little issue, then everything would’ve been fine… why did you do that.
You wake up the next morning, with the same empty, lonely, feeling. You miss your boyfriend even more than you miss him when he’s off at work..
You pick up your phone, and see three missed calls, and a series of texts… all from….. Chan.
“Hey Y/n.”
“I’m sorry about our fight.”
“I wasn’t listening to you at all, and now I’ve thought about your side, and I’ve realized that you are completely correct. I have been distant recently, it’s just been very difficult for me to balance everything in my life, and it’s not fair of me to take that out on you. I really do love you, and I know that I need to do better, to make sure that you know that.”
“You’re not replying, so your probably asleep still.”
“Or you’ve turned your phone off..”
“I’m gonna take the day off, to talk this through with you. I want to fix things”
“Let me know when you wake up, and I’ll come back. I want you to rest as much as you can, so I can come whenever you’re ready.”
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“Oh my god i need to get away from you! I’m spending the night at Hana’s.”
You grab your keys and rush out of the apartment towards your best friend’s place. You just need space, even if it’s only for one night. You need time to arrange your thoughts, and decide what you really want out of this argument.
Minho understands, he knows that you need space, and he will gladly give it to you. But that doesn’t mean he is happy to spend the night alone.
He sits on the couch for a few minutes, unsure of what to do after you’ve left. He sighs, then picks up his phone, and dials your best friend Hana.
You have texted Hana from his phone before, when yours has died, so he has her number saved.
“Hey Hana. Could you let me know when Y/n gets there? I just wanna make sure she’s safe.”
Hana agrees, like the best friend that she is.
He hangs up the phone, and stares up at the ceiling. Even though he misses you already, he is glad to have a moment apart.
This gives you both time to process your thoughts, and next time, you can presume this maturely, and talk it through.
You both have faith that this will be over in the next 24 hours.
He gets a call from Hana a while later.
“Great. I’m glad she’s okay. Tell her I love her for me… and Goodnight. Sleep well, both of you.”
Hana tells you the news, she’d never be one to keep anything from you.
You are thankful to have a boyfriend who, even through his anger, still cares enough to make sure you got to your destination safely.
After a few hours apart, you manage to process this battle, and you put your stubbornness asside, to text him.
“I’m sorry about our fight.”
“I forgive you, I hope you can forgive me.”
“We can talk about the issue later, and resolve it together, if you are ready.”
“I love you too”
By the time you get back home in the morning, he is already sitting at the dining table, ready to talk with you, and ready to fix everything that you had both screwed up the night before.
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“Sleep on the couch. I want you away from me” you say, spitting venom from your teeth. You throw a pillow and blanket at him, before you turn around and poop yourself down on the bed, and turn away from him.
“Uh, but I-“
You turn to see him again, the blades shooting from your eyes shut him up easily, and he nods, before leaving you alone in the bedroom.
You are mad, but not only at him. You’re whole day has been pretty bad, and you just need a break. It’s been one of those days, when you wake up sweaty, you’re out of shampoo, you stub your toe on the coffee table, you drop your breakfast, and all of your coworkers are angry. Your argument with Changbin didn’t make any of this better.
He understands that you need a moment to breathe, but he also doesn’t want to go to sleep like this.
He takes a seat on the couch, but doesn’t bother to set up a bed there. He knows that he’s not actually gonna be spending the night on the couch.
You regret snapping, but you’re stuck sitting on the edge of the bed. Apologizing is too much for you, in your current state.
When enough time has passed, Changbin decides you’ve probably cooled down, he walks back into the bedroom.
Immediately, he is spotted by the door, but the look on your face isn’t nearly as harsh as before. Maybe there’s even a tinge of regret in your gaze.
“Hi jagi. I know you’re mad at me. I’m a little mad too.. But I think, we can solve this in a better way.”
“Can we talk this out? If not, we can just take opposite sides of the bed, and we can discuss this in the morning? What would you rather jagiya?”
His face instantly turns to that of concern and worry when he notices a tear falling down your cheek. He understands.
You spend the rest of the night cuddling in bed, ranting about your whole day, and you both completely forget about the entire argument.
The only reminder in the morning, is the pillow and blanket on the floor beside the couch, which tells you that Changbin never intended on listening to you in the first place.
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You are tired. It is late. Way to late to be arguing about something so trivial.
You quietly pick up your pillow, and make your way into the living room with no other words.
Hyunjin watches as you leave, stunned by your sudden action, but also saddened. He takes a deep breath before calling after you.
He calls, in his whiny voice, which usually you find cute, but now it only irks you further.
He sits in silence for a moment, considering his next move, before slowly getting off the bed, and walking to the living room.
“Y/n… I’m- I’m sorry… please, I don’t want to fight with you. Can we talk this out?”
It is way too late to talk. You are tired, and all you have the energy for, is sleep. You ignore his begging, and close your eyes.
He crouched infront of you, and gently strokes your hair.
“Y/n… please look at me darling. I’m sorry… I never meant to hurt you. I don’t want this argument to end with you sleeping on the couch. Can we talk this out?”
Tears fall down his cheeks, he’s always had a flare for the dramatics.
“I’m tired Jinnie.” you put all of your energy into three words.
“Y/n, I know you’re tired… I know I messed up… and I know this isn’t easy for us. but… can we please not go to sleep like this? please… I don’t want us to end the day like this…”
You roll over to face him, your heart breaks at the sight of him. He’s clearly messed up about this.
“I don’t have the energy to figure this out right now” You speak gently, trying your hardest not to upset the poor boy any further.
You carefully move your fingers up his cheeks, and wipe away the tears, pretending that you don’t also have tears soaking onto your pillow.
“that’s okay… we don’t have to. But the thought of you sleeping in the living room breaks my heart… can we just… I don’t know… hold onto eachother tonight?”
That’s exactly what you do… you climb off of the couch, as he leads you back to bed. You spend the night with your limbs tangled together, as if you hadn’t been in a yelling match just an hour beforehand.
But one thing about being in a relationship with Hyunjin, is that he is impossible to stay angry at.
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animeomegas · 7 months
Hi monarch! I’m so glad your wrist is better!!❤️❤️
I’ve been wondering how would the Naruto boys react if an alpha that is consistently trying to court them suddenly doesn’t show up one day?👀 like what if they’re used to the alpha coming around in the evening to recite poetry for them, bring them flowers, food, just any courting item tbh and then one day they don’t show? Maybe because of an unplanned mission they didn’t have time to warn him about, or a cold that resulted in them falling asleep
I’ve been thinking about this mainly with Sasuke of course😫😩 he keeps turning the other cheek everytime the alpha comes but he suddenly finds himself well groomed and ready waiting for them to show at the time they usually do, checking the clock constantly wondering what’s taking so long 😖
What do you think👀
Thank you, queen! It's still a bit sore, but I'm exercising it gently now :D
Sasuke was actually the first one to come to my mind too!! He's like a cat that pretends he doesn't like the human, but when they're a second late for feeding time, he's like ??? Where are they??? They have five seconds to arrive before I find them.
I think most of them would notice. Although, I can see it taking Naruto an extra day to notice. Maybe Kankuro too.
Some of them, the more... normal of them... just figure the alpha was busy and don't panic too much. This includes Chouji, Iruka, all the slightly more adjusted ones.
Some of them are immediately like... I must stalk them to see if they're okay. Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sasuke. They need to know straight away. What if they were dying and needed help? Best check up on them. And when they find the alpha, you'd best believe they don't talk to them. They notice they're still alive, then they go back home to sulk about being forgotten for the day lol.
(Side note, I love the idea of Sasuke getting ready for the alpha's arrival. He's so cute, no matter how much he tries not to be haha.)
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cupidjyu · 1 year
hey pookie, could i request an angst/fluff kind of reaction. if you don't mind, can i req it for 98 line, with what they would do after a moderate argument which lead to you not speaking to them for a whole day? thank you in advance, if you do decide on doing this req! 😖🩷
already missing you
(98 line) what they do after an argument
genre: mild argument (topic not specified), making up, hugs, comfort, apologies, all good endings, slight crying notes: the way i spent like a good week with this already written i just forgot to post it SORRYYy thank u for requesting!! word count: 1.5k
When you awoke on a cloudy day, you already knew something was off.
It did take you a while to understand what exactly, but when your hands ran through the sheets, you realized that these weren’t the usual ones that you slept under. And when your other hand reached out to the other side of the bed, there was no one else sleeping beside you to keep you warm.
You sighed. This was your doing after all.
After the argument, you stormed off into the guest bedroom to sleep on your own. It was fine. You just needed to clear your thoughts. 
You were about to fall back asleep when you were interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Blinking your eyes back open, you saw Juyeon’s head peek in. Usually, you would giggle at the sight, but today, your eyes were only dimly lit. 
“Can I come in?” He spoke with a timid voice.
You nodded slowly. You couldn’t even take a glance at his face with how low he had hung his head. Silently, he approached the bed and sat on the edge. His back was facing you, his shoulders hunched slightly.
You watched him quietly. That was when you heard a sniffle. One that came from him.
Immediately, you were sitting up because frankly, Juyeon never cried. Your hand gently came up to his shoulder and you turned him around. Your eyes softened. The man had tears welling in his eyes, and it seemed that he had already cried previously with how puffy they were.
“Oh, Juyeon,” You whispered. You leaned forward and pulled him into your chest, hugging him closely.
“I’m sorry,” He mumbles against you. “For everything. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His large hands came up to your shirt, gripping the fabric tightly as if to silently ask you to never leave him.
You shushed him starting to feel emotional yourself. “It’s okay,” You muttered back. “I’m sorry too. My words were harsh before.”
He hummed and you could see a small smile on your lips when you looked down. His grip on you only tightened. You found this sight a little bit amusing actually: the way someone so tall could just fold into your arms so easily.
“Want to stay here?” You asked. Instantly, he nodded, looking up at you like a sad cat. You cooed, teasingly poking the tip of his nose. “You’re like a cat. Stuck in the rain.”
“I come here to apologize and of course, you compare me to a cat,” He grumbled, though you could see the tug of his lips. Without a warning, he pulled you back down into bed, his arms immediately wrapping around you in a tight hold. He snuggled into the back of your neck. “I missed you last night. The bed felt so cold, you know.”
You smiled. “I missed you too. And your warmth.” He grinned against your neck.
The doorbell ringing scared you so much that you flinched. Because of the argument, you had become so jumpy all of a sudden. Shuffling to the door, you took a deep breath. You knew who was on the other side and you weren’t sure if you wanted to see him just yet.
But still, you turned the knob and opened it. You were met with the sight of your boyfriend, Kevin, holding a bag filled with your belongings. Inside were some clothes–not all of them–and other belongings that you used in your normal routine.
You looked up at him, terrified. “Are you–” 
He gave you a shaky smile. “I’m not breaking up with you.”
“Oh,” You breathed out. “I thought you were kicking me out.”
“Me? No, never.” He huffed out a bitter laugh. “I just… I don’t want you to feel pressured to see me right now. I thought that you would want some space so I brought you the things that you need.”
You stared at him, speechless.
“And I want to apologize. I was wrong and I shouldn’t have said those things.” He furrowed his eyebrows.
There was a moment of silence. You stared down at the bag that was still in his hand, thoughts rushing through your mind like leaves in a breeze. And then you looked back up at him, unsurely.
“Do you want space?” You asked softly.
He widened his eyes and he immediately shook his head. “No, god no. I miss you so much. But, if you want space then I–”
You stepped forward and threw your arms around his neck, making him let out a shaky breath.
“I don’t want space,” You muttered. “If you miss me then I’ll stay there with you. I’m sorry too.”
He pulled away with a smile of relief. “I’m glad you want to stay. I don’t know what I would do without you,” He whined adorably. “I actually would have gone insane.”
You giggled. “You really didn’t think this plan through did you?”
“Nope. But I really did miss you.”
A knock sounded on your front door. Quickly, you rushed to the mirror to make sure you didn’t look too disheveled. There was no use. Your eyes were already swollen and red.
With a low sigh, you opened the door, expecting maybe the delivery man. Instead, it was Chanhee. He was standing, his eyes squeezed shut as his hands held up a bouquet of flowers. You could see that it was shaking slightly with how tightly he was gripping it.
“Chanhee?” You gazed at him with shock.
“I know that you’re upset and I understand if you don’t want these,” He rambled. He paused for a second, peeking an eye open as he bit his lip nervously. He then shoved the flowers closer to you in a plea. “But just know that I always will love you and I’m sorry.”
You sniffled, bringing your palms to your face to hide your tears.
“Why’re you crying?”
“No, I–” You gently took the bouquet from his hands, studying the beautiful flowers. “These are really pretty…”
He smiled, stepping forward to wipe the tears off your cheeks with his sleeve. “So I’m guessing that you do want the bouquet?”
You nodded, smiling through your tears. “Definitely.” You paused. “Though I think I’m still upset, I think we should talk about it more.” You took his hand in yours and led him in before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
“I agree. I didn’t think you would love the flowers so much,” He whispered.
“Of course, I would love them.” You laughed with a sniffle. “They’re so pretty.”
“Well, you look very pretty holding them.” He returned the kiss, but this time on your forehead.
You blushed. “I should be apologizing, not you flattering me.”
He shrugged with a small smile. “I can’t help it. You’re too pretty for me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Let me say sorry first.”
With a sigh, you pulled open the door. Dreadfully, you had the worst clothes on but you couldn’t care less. You just needed to stop by the convenience store to buy your favorite snack. Best way to not feel horrible after an argument. 
Just as you stepped out, you felt a piece of paper crinkle under your shoe. You tilted your head and looked down.
It was a small letter. Your name was written on the front in familiar handwriting. Changmin’s handwriting.
With a confused hum, you picked it up and opened it.
Dear the love of my life,
I’m sorry for everything. I want you to know I love you so much and I dreamt of you today when you weren’t with me.
P.S. I’m too ashamed to meet you and say this in person, sory sorry baby 
You laughed at the letter, tears springing up to your eyes. You could even see the signature drawing that he would add. It was of a squirrel, holding a small heart aimed at you. You leaned against the closed door, wondering where Changmin would be at this time.
The park, you figured. He always went there when he needed to clear his mind.
Instead of going to the store, you walked all the way to the park. Sure enough, he was sitting on the bench, twirling a flower pitifully between his fingers. You took a seat next to him, watching him with a smile.
He glanced at you and looked back down at his lap with guilt. 
“Hi,” He muttered quietly.
“Hi,” You replied with a half smile.
He turned to you with a small frown. “Did you read it?”
You nodded. “I did.”
He sighed with a pout. “I knew you would find me here.”
You snorted, “You wanted me to find you.” 
He blushed at that. “I– maybe I did.” He looked away briefly. “I just missed you. I’m too ashamed to tell you that.”
You smirked. “You just did.”
“Right,” He whispered. Then, he reached over and took your hand in his. “I’m sorry though. Truly.”
You smiled. “I’m sorry too. Now we’re even. So we can hug.”
“How does that make sen– oomph.” You surged forward, pulling him into a tight hug. Immediately, he melted into your arms, returning the hug as he held you closer.
“I don’t ever want to lose you,” He muttered. “I love you. And I’ll tell you that all the time without a letter.”
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okkalo · 1 year
Hey hey!! First of all how are you doing? I hope you are doing great. But I'm here to put my request in, you don't have to do it if you don't feel like it btw.
Anyways can I request a itoshi bros, Nagi and chigiri in a love at first sight drabble with a stoic reader. I'm sorry if it's too much😅 feel free to decline and thank you for your time!!
hi anon! i’m doing okay, i hope you are too! thank you for the request and your kindness <3
since the prompt was love at first sight i didn’t go too far with it(rip nagi),, i also hope u didn’t mean like all one drabble…so i’m sorry if i misunderstood 😖
second part here!
characters: sae, rin, nagi, chigiri
feel a type of way
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it was a foggy day in spain when sae first set his eyes on you. he had decided to go to a nearby cafe in hopes to pick up a muffin and maybe even a warm tea. as soon as he entered the cafe he was met with your friend’s gasps, followed by excited whispers. he was used to the sound. sae itoshi the famous athlete, walking into a normal cafe. he expects it every time. he’s gotten used to avoiding it, which is exactly what he does this time as well, going up and ordering his muffin and tea. once finished he felt a small tug on his jacket, sighing as he heard the question for an autograph. he spun, ready to give his usual “buzz off” reply, though stopping when he saw the whole table. his breathe caught in his throat as his eyes met your empty ones.
“do you think we can have your autograph?” your friend asked once more, not paying any mind to where his eyes fell. he cleared his throat, thinking quickly on his feet.
“sure,” he answered, obliging in the weird requests for an autograph. he rolled his eyes at the head he was asked to sign. he finally got to you, to which you shook your head.
“i don’t need—,” you started, though immediately stopping once he started writing on a napkin in front of you. your face remained blank as you watched him. his hand covered his writing before sliding it over to you, still concealing his phone number. yes, he gave you his phone number. how could he not? he couldn’t let you slip away so easily. you didn’t get to question it, however, seeing how he had already left with his food and drink.
it was a one-sided meeting. shidou had somehow gotten his phone after a pxg practice and started showing everyone random pictures. you had happened to be in one, being an old classmate of his. rin wasn’t even paying attention to what shidou was showing, his eye just happened to catch onto the picture of you. he, however, did not have an excuse for his staring. unluckily for him, it didn’t go unnoticed by his teammates.
“what’s this? is rin interested in what he sees?” karasu had interrupted his daze with a rough nudge on the shoulder. rin immediately scoffed, throwing a glare to the side—avoiding karasu’s perceptive gaze. though his blush still did show.
“gee, leave him alone karasu. ya don’t want shidou hearing about this,” nanase whispered, throwing a worried gaze karasu’s way.
“want me to know what? whatcha hiding from me, rin-chan?” yeah, he wasn’t going to hear the end of this anytime soon.
it was the year before blue lock when nagi saw you for the first time. you had been a new student, being introduced in front of the class. nagi actually hadn’t looked up at first, too busy with trying to fall asleep. “they’re good-lookin’,” reo’s whisper is what prompted nagi to finally look up at you, eyes immediately widening. reo was right, you certainly were breathtaking. heart stopping even. yeah, he’s internally cringing at himself. that doesn’t stop his heart from skipping a beat. his eyes were locked on you. he noticed your lack of expression at the class greeting—it was a thing that usually embarrassed the new classmate. if anything, that made him more intrigued with you. you seemed quiet, a perfect pair for him. maybe even a perfect shoulder to rest on. yeah, he was gonna try to get your interest…somehow.
you two had met through his sister. she had pulled you to her house to watch a movie with her, she wouldn’t stop talking about it for weeks so you decided to oblige. your arrival, however, came as a surprise for chigiri. he was getting a bottle of tea from the fridge when he heard his sister rushing you in. confused and curious, he turned around, eyes immediately hooking onto your figure.
“oh hey, hyoma. we’re gonna watch a movie so don’t mind us!” his sister sang, not giving you any time to offer a small wave before she dragged you away.
“wait!” her movements paused at chigiri’s panicked yell. he immediately offered an awkward cough, looking away in embarrassment at his sudden outburst. “what movie you watching?” he asked, eyes hesitatingly looking back up. no matter his attempt not to, his eyes met yours.
his sister offered a small hum at the scene in front of her, quickly picking up on her brother’s emotions. “the one i’ve been talking about recently. wanna join?” she offered, giving him an obvious wink. he nodded, letting out a small sigh. he could only hope his sister wasn’t going to give his crush away during the movie.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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shinycupcakebaker · 10 months
So, I usually fall asleep to my TV. Usually it’s a movie from Paramount+ or Disney+. Lately it’s been Top Gun Maverick. I set a sleep timer on my TV and usually fall asleep within the first 20 minutes or so, and I’m asleep for most of the night.
So, why is it that last night I wake up right as the bird strike was happening in TGM and all I heard was Bob’s panicked yelling as I’m trying to fall bask to sleep ☹️😖
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
mommy 🥺🩷 after our call i felt so much better thanks to you 🥺 i was so worried but getting to talk to my favorite person made it better my love 🥺🥺
getting to see you in such a pretty outfit felt like a dream it was so surreal 😖😳🩷🩷 i know i was blushing lots and i feel so blessed because you’re literally my dream person 🥺🥺🩷 the outfit suited you so much and i still think about how you felt 🥺🥺 idk how to explain but i felt like you were here even though i could just see you in a screen and that already felt comforting but it also made me yearn your presence even more darling 🥺🥺🩷
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a little pj themed tyunning moodboard since our video call was very cozy especially towards the end 🥺🩷
i hope you’re sleeping well my love >\\\< and that when you wake up you won’t have to eat any baked potato or anything~ i ate a whole pint of ben and jerry’s cookie dough flavored for breakfast fhsjfndnf 🥹 i love you so much mommy 🥺🥺🩷 i feel so happy with you mommy and i never wanna be apart from you my crystal gem 🥺💎🩷🩵 mwah mwah <3
my sweet baby 🥺🥺 i was more than happy to stick around for you my love anything for my favorite person 🥺🩵🩵
you looked so amazing in your little outfit baby 🥺🥺🩵 i couldn’t stop looking you just looked sooo gorgeous 😳 my dream woman all dressed up >///< you look so good in many colors but red really is your color~ just thinking about how good you looked gives me butterflies 😳😳 i know exactly what you mean!! it felt like you were in my room with me i can’t stop thinking about it 🥺🩵🩵 i’m always yearning for your presence baby i need you by my side 🥺
the moodboard is so cuuute 🥺🥺🩵🩵 our call was so cozy i love that we can drift off to sleep together bc i usually get too nervous to fall asleep in front of people 🥺🥺🩵 i wanted to snuggle up with you so badly 🥺
i slept so well my love i thought about you as i fell asleep 🥺 mmmm cookie dough ben & jerry’s 😩😩😩 omg i would love that right now i want to eat ice cream with you in the morning baby 🥺 i’m the happiest when i’m with you my love you make me so warm i want to be with you and by your side always 🥺🩵🩵 i love you so much my sweet girl >3< mwah mwah 🩵
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larcenywrites · 1 year
How would young!Tony and regular Tony react if you're in the mood for sex but he really isn't (maybe he's too exhausted and has no energy for it)? How does he turn you down while still reassuring you because he's scared you'll feel insecure and like he doesn't desire you anymore 😔?
Awww no 🥺🥺🥺
Especially early on, he’s never said no before 😬😬😬😬😬😬 will it look like he’s losing interest????? He’s always there when you need him (in many ways), maybe he should just suck it up and surely he’ll manage???? Not to mention that sex might be a pretty, uh, big part of the relationship…
Young!Tony has major highs and major lows probably like, throughout every day, but he’s usually not so tired that he can barely even muster the strength to make out with you 😫😫😫😫 maybe he’s already been running on little to no sleep, and had classes today, and struggled to do something in his dads lab and got frustrated, maybe also got yelled at by his dad… some days are just exhausting! But maybe you don’t know about all of that, and to you it’s like wow! He’s finally in bed!! At a decent time!! Before you’re asleep/too tired 😏 or he might even be in bed before you get there! So, naturally, you slide across the bed, pretty normally tbh as you usually snuggle up to him for a while, and he’s immediately about to fall asleep because now he’s all warm and comfy 😌😌😌 but then the pecks in his hair are suddenly on his neck… and while mentally it’s pretty nice… he doesn’t even wanna open his eyes rn :( mentally he has a boner, but not necessarily physically, ya know 😖 and his silence didn’t help because now you’re probably sucking at his skin and scratching over his chest. And when you get on top of him, you can probably tell somethings up. He’s not really reacting, he’s hardly looking up at you… and when you change tune and ask him if everything’s alright, he panics a little because what does he say??? Is it a lame excuse??? You’ve said you were too tired before and it was fine… “I uh,” he starts, obviously very nervous. And now you’re nervous! He stutters, and then he just ends up spilling everything that’s happened today, from not sleeping in the last 38 hours, to fighting with his dad, as if he needs to explain every detail of why he should be tired and needs an excuse to say no ☹️ and maybe he’s ranting so much because he’s tired and a little weepy 🥺 just patiently let him rant, and lovingly pet his hair and cheeks while you do 🥺🥺 whether it’s because he’s done or now he’s sleepy again, he’ll eventually trail off and stop and just blink up at you, and in response to your silence he just goes “I’m sorry, are you mad at me?” even though you’re literally pampering him as he was ranting 😭😭😭😭 “No, you goof,” you say quietly, giving him a quick kiss on his head before falling back in beside him. “You’re allowed to be tired, Tony, I promise.” He can probably only muster a meek “okay” when you plant another kiss on his cheek, right before probably passing out after that sudden surge of adrenaline and whatever energy he had left 🤧
The same might happen to older Tony, but he’s much more willing to be like “I’m really tired tonight, sweetheart”, but he’ll probably try to cuddle up to you and all still. What might happen kinda often, especially in the following weeks after events like Afghanistan or New York, he probably just has no sex drive :( which happens to everyone who’s been stressed the fuck out and isn’t getting proper sleep and stuff and may or may not also be a little bit depressed and anxious :( its already embarrassing and one of the the worst feelings ever, and Tony already hates letting you know that anything is wrong. As per usual, he’s too busy anyway, so that buys him some time and gives him an excuse to avoid the topic. But he can’t stay away from the bed forever, or from you! So when he inevitably wants to be back up there, and is also just tired, and maybe also has plenty of text messages from you, he does end up in bed at a reasonable time. So he can talk to you for a bit, before he gone again. And you can probably tell somethings kinda off, but that’s not an odd occurrence considering recent events and your own experience with his mental health… but you probably don’t really know the full extent. He still hides it pretty well, but when his already small smile from your nose kisses fades as soon as your hand starts drifting down his chest, and his jaw tenses, obviously whatever is wrong is a little worse than you figured. When you ask, he just glances down and fidgets a little, maybe to get you to take your hand away ☹️☹️ tuck at his hair and let him brood for a minute. He won’t say what’s wrong, but you can probably guess. He’s obviously not mad at you, he was just talking and smiling! All he’ll ever say is an “I’m sorry” and and might take your hand from his hair so he can hold it or anxiously play with it 🥺 all you need to say is that it’s okay, and let him know that it actually is by cuddling him into your chest and continue on with whatever you were talking about. He doesn’t really wanna think about it, or want you dwelling on it, so it’s best to move on. Usually these occurrences don’t last long, but if it continues and he starts getting real reclusive, there may need to be some other intervention :(
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
hello my love~ happy first day of july!! :3
believe it or not i have even less to report to you today lol so much nothing happened 😭😭 but i’m thinking about getting back into some of my other hobbies! i found a miniature kit in my closet that’s a diorama of a little café and it’s so cute i wanna start on it soon and send you progress pics 🥺🥺 and after our recent convo i might get back into video editing too!! i still need to buy a new switch charger so we can play pokemon together i get so excited every time i think about it 🥺🥺🩵
ever since you pointed out that i tend to like slower songs i’ve been noticing them everywhere in my likes and every playlist i’ve made 😭😭😭 my favorite fast, more exciting pop songs are in my workout playlist, my middle school playlist, and my btxt streaming playlist hehe listening to hurricane has gotten me back in my pop girly bag though and i love it 🥹🥹 i wanna listen to them and dance around my room with you 🥺🥺🩵🩵
can you believe this is considered a short ask from me lmao i always tell myself i’ll try to keep the next one short and i never do 😭 i always find something to talk to you about no matter what 🤭🩵
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(sleepy sleepover aesthetic for the moodboard today bc i wanna have a sleepover with you hehe 🤭🤭🩵🩵)
i hope my pretty flower slept well 🥺🌸🩷 i can’t stop thinking about falling asleep with you in my arms or you teaching me how to cuddle properly hehe >///< i bet you give amazing hugs~ 🥺🩵 i’m always thinking about you baby i hope you have a wonderful day 🥺🥺🩵🩵 i love you so much 😚💎🩵
my love 🥺🩷 thank you happy first day of july to you too!! 🥺🥺🩷
it’s okay if there’s nothing much to report mommy~ like you said sometimes uneventful is best 🤭 that’s so cute and so you actually to do diorama 🥺🥺 i’ll be looking forward to the progress pictures you’ll send me 🥹🥹🩷 you can do it, i feel like it must be pretty calming to do such activity… 🥺 i’d like to try with you and we could just take our time 👉👈🩷🥺 video editing yayyy!! i wanna get into it again but i’m also lazy 😭 i drew a little while ago and i need to continue 🥺 SWITCH CHARGER ON ITS WAY YAYYY we need to meet rika together 😌✊🩷 i’m so excited playing my favorite games with my favorite person has always been a dream of mine 🥹🥹🩷 thank you so much mommy 👉👈🥺🩷
yes!! when you recommend me songs they’re usually slower songs and i feel like it’s so funny that when i recommend you songs they’re upbeat >\\\< like the contrast is so cute and funny 🥹 workout playlist with fast songs is a great idea for the motivation and energy!! 😌🩷 hehehe hurricane are main slayers, we would need to dance to their songs all the time when we feel like partying 🥺🩷 (in our little room because i don’t like actual parties… ew people)
it’s such a cute ask tho 🥺🥺🩷 whatever you say i love getting to read it 🥺 i wanna make sure i respond to everything even if i don’t have much else to add to what you said cause you usually say everything i think hehe 🤭🩷 i hope mommy likes my asks too 🥹🥹🩷
the sleepover moodboard 🥺🥺 this is another one of my favorite tyunning concepts actually mommy 🥺🥺 they’re so cute and baby there… like awwww smol babies who need to sleep 😭😖 a sleepover with my mommy? 😳 i wonder what we could do..~ 👉👈🩷
i love that so much mommy 🥹🥹🩷 i can’t stop thinking about you teaching me how to kiss 😳🩷🩷 i’ll make sure you get the best cuddles ever!! i think i’ve told you already that to me you look like you give amazing hugs 🥹🩷 and i think you would be so soft to cuddle with~ 😚🩷🩷 i want that my love 🥺🥺 i love you so much mommy 🥺🥺🩷
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2 March 2023 Thursday 9:44 am pdt
incubus wants me to believe that Jaycee dugard wasn’t ready raped. Know what incubus? You want me to believe it I’m your wife & we have children but I don’t have any memories or proof. If she has children w/ him & she says she was I’m going to air on the side of caution & believe what she said & what she wrote & that manipulated everyone’s minds to make them robots w/o memories to make people believe you when you probably lied. Bcz the pain & suffering you caused me is not a lie. The destruction you did to my body was not a lie. So how can I believe anything you say? She said the tazer didnt hurt but the raping did? I’m going to air on the side of caution Bcz children were probably starving during COVID from empty hot pockets. 9:50 am pdt hot pockets that were given to schools for children who needed free lunch & breakfast. 9:51 am pdt
incubus wants me to believe I place money above people, even when it comes to family & friends. 😞😤🥵😤😖😭9:52 am pdt I will evaluate myself about this concern. I cannot say I’ve been 100% not condescending. Maybe 🤔 there were a few times. Bcz not a lot of people liked my dad. Maybe 🤔 it’s passed down genetically? 😞 two things I remember my dad saying, if I omit my dads speculation about my mom, we’re: if you eat vegetables you won’t be fat - the people he said this to got very upset 😠 ; & he yelled at an Asian family saying “you’re greedy!” Bcz they did not wait to let him out of parallel parking first but I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if they realized he was ready to leave & if he left first it would have made it easy 4 them to leave. 9:58 am pdt my dad was thrifty but splurged on some things. My dad only physically hit me once but seemed regretful afterwards. 9:59 am pdt & never did it again. 10 am pdt
10:10 am pdt incubus is heating up my back. Last night incubus made it even more difficult to breathe after giving me more heart ♥️ pain when I was finally able to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ & almost fall asleep 😴. This was very late at night or after midnight 🕛? Before 2 am pdt. For many minutes I couldn’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ & head more head/top of head skull 💀 pain. I think 🤔 he’s changing my head shape? 10:13 am pdt agonizing. Still coughing a lot, my mom said she can hear me down the hall of the hotel 🏨. We left more than a day ago. Bcz my aunt & cousin don’t want us around. 10:15 am pdt b4 we left my aunt said we’re not family. My aunt usually says things to people in the family a lot of comments on Facebook, too. She has many Facebooks I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ why. My mom has told me she usually says stuff like that to everyone. Many of the siblings don’t want to talk to her, my mom said. & also my mom says she is different. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if everyone is overly sensitive but she gave me a hard time for barricading the door 🚪 w/ a big fan & 3 step folding ladder 🪜 Bcz of fear that someone might force their way in who wants to hurt us, & she called me crazy Bcz of this & gave me a hard time no matter what explanation I gave. 10:21 am I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if this is karma for something I did, but incubus made me lose my drivers license probably Bcz I didn’t let my sister borrow it for a 21+ years old event. 10:22 am pdt so I have to question incubus’ motives & dealings of karma. 10:23 am pdt b4 my aunt met her ex-husband she was convinced she was destined to have a daughter. & then she met him, married him, & only gave birth to one daughter. I p <- incubus did that 10:25 am pdt I recently gave more thoughts 💭 to this, how incubus is able to promise someone a daughter or son. Then it occurred to me Bcz man has 2 testicles, that one was for making daughters & the other sons. Last year I saw 10:26 am pdt gotta go 10:27 am pdt
10:46 am pdt...
5:45 pmpdt incubus has been attacking me with a lot of acid. Chuncks of tongue 👅 have been destroyed. Makes me think about that incubus also did many acid attacks in my throat, vag, then this evening my left eyeball 👁😒😖😭😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😤😰🥺 5:48 pmpdt I feel not very confident about myself. I fear who I really am. I have had to fight against a lot of my own feelings a lot that it’s exhausting. 5:50 pmpdt I guess I have more confessions that I have to think about. 😵5:51 pmpdt
something that I was going to write ✍️ earlier b4 I was interrupted by my needs, I’m watching news 📰 secret 🤐 room in Giza pyramid found, tamron hall earlier said something about there are less men in college now? Trying to remember. I think I remember seeing news 📰 that many men, probably in age teens thru early 30s died of heart ♥️ complications? During COVID. Also a young male pharmacist 👨‍⚕️. That’s why I said that incubus was probably killing off good men, if he’s really a cheater/adultery/polygamist/wife beater & now we see Nick carter is suspected of being a rapist. In autocorrect I saw “fake” “rape.” Autocorrect: I Brendan A . Virgin lot very. Vertical vertical. Jv iheartradio Lyme disease. If he’s gone without notice & people close to him don’t know where he is I would be concerned. 6:02 pmpdt. I don’t want to assume that the Nick carter rape is fake. I don’t think that would be nice to an actual victim. 6:04 pmpdt
so, I am having a lot of difficulty breathing. Still. 6:06 pmpdt
6:27 pmpdt turkey found a live dog 🐶 from the earthquake ... earlier when I wrote I was watching news 📰 maybe 🤔 he wasn’t really in the original earthquake? & was wandering? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️
6:30 🕡 pmpdt Jewish officials in Michigan.. incubus is burning 🔥 me again. I only think my death ☠️ is coming. 6:32 pmpdt
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milkybonya · 2 years
So I’m pretty awful at requests but could I maybe request something with BM involving cuddles and some soft moments? Hopefully that’s not too vague 😖 Thank you so much!
🥛: i'm so sorry this has taken me way too long :( i hope you'll forgive me and i hope this fic is okay! and your request is perfect~
cuddle with me
♡ for BM from kard
#: boyfriend!idol!Matthew, established relationship, domestic-type fluff, cuddles!
[💌: wahhhh my last year of college starts in a week. also... i see seventeen on saturday with my best friends. :O]
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you're surprised to wake up with Matthew beside you. usually, he's left early for dance practice or a schedule, or sometimes he's just not there because he's on tour.
you take time to peek at him from under the sheets. his smooth skin, his pouty lips, his sharp nose and jawline, his eyelids that flutter and his soft, messy hair all make you realize he's real. he's here.
you don't realized you've moved so close to him that he can feel you breathing on his face. he opens his eyes and smiles as soon as he sees you.
"y/nnnnn," he calls out, his voice raspy.
he wraps his arms around you and pulls you on top of him, ignoring your yells of protest.
"did you sleep well?" he asks, moving stray hairs out of your face.
you nod, holding onto his shoulders for support.
"did you?"
he hums in reply, burying his face into your neck.
"i missed you," he mumbles against your skin.
you stroke his hair and tell him that you missed him too, and he sighs.
"i wish we could wake up like this every day," you say.
"i know, baby, but since we're able to now, why don't we just enjoy it?" he suggests.
"cuddle with me, baby," Matthew says.
you rest your head on his chest and he wraps his arms around you again, pulling you close to him. one of his hands come up to stroke your hair.
"are you still sleepy? should we go back to sleep?" Matthew asks.
"let's stay up... i wanna talk with you," you say.
you ask your boyfriend about work, and he explains his past week to you in detail.
somewhere along the way, your eyelids grow heavy again and start closing. you can't help it! Matthew's chest is just too comfy, and his voice is so soothing.
"and then i got home at like.. 2am last night? and now here we are," Matthew finishes before peeking at you.
seeing your closed eyes, he asks, "are you asleep, y/n?"
no reply.
he snuggles into you and decides to join you for an extra hour or two of sleep.
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floralcyanide · 2 years
Firsts (first kiss, date) with Austin??? I’m craving it 🥲😖
Austin Butler “Firsts” Headcanons
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>> I feel like this got super long oops!! but I hope you guys enjoy it <3 I enjoyed writing it ngl
❁ I feel like the first time meeting would be the first date, maybe you had a mutual friend who thought you two would be cute together!!
❁ the first date would be somewhere intimate like a small local coffee shop where the two of you could sit together and talk about everything that comes to mind
❁ and on the first date, you two sit and talk for hours, quite literally until the shop closes and the employees have to usher you out
❁ it’s getting late so Austin offers to meet with you for another date, possibly drinks that next night
❁ your first kiss happens on the third date when he takes you home from dinner
❁ you’re right outside your front door and he’s walked you up to it because he’s a gentleman, of course
❁ the two of you are standing in front of each other, Austin has his hands in his pockets and he’s visibly nervous. he’s never nervous so you know he really likes you!!
❁ Austin says good night but doesn’t leave, instead, he starts leaning in slowly and so do you
❁ you two finally kiss and it’s soft and slow and you swear you feel sparks 
❁ when Austin does eventually leave, you go inside and you can’t stop your face from burning until you fall asleep because you can’t stop thinking about it
❁ the first time one of you says “I love you” is a few months down the road
❁ it’s also the first time the two of you are becoming super intimate because Austin has been busy with his role as Elvis, and it hasn’t allowed the two of you much alone time when he is free
❁ it’s your birthday so Austin has to go all out like usual. he books a hotel room on the ocean so the two of you can spend a few days there away from everything and everyone
❁ you’re in bed getting hot and heavy and it sort of slips from Austin’s lips as he’s caressing you
❁ you weren’t expecting it at all and it takes a second for you to process it, but you do say it back
❁ your first time with him is perfect, not in every way of course, but to you it’s everything. even with bumping noses and clashing teeth, it’s the best birthday gift you’ve ever gotten
❁ the first place the two of you live at together is a spacious apartment in L.A. and it’s where you spend a few years living
❁ your first major argument where one of you leaves the apartment is not long after you move in together. you find out Austin has reconnected with an ex and take it out of context at first, and you ask him if the two of you really should’ve moved in together. 
❁ you stay the night at a friend’s house, and your friend tells you to go back and talk to Austin about the argument. much to your reluctance, you do. turns out he and his ex only reconnected because of something super minor, and it wasn’t anything to worry about. Austin reassures you that you’re the only one for him
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babyjakes · 2 years
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | whumptember 2022
prompt | tummy ache
pairing | daddy!andy barber x reader
warnings | sfw regression (SOFT!!!!!!daddy!andy), fear of throwing up (not graphic/no details/reader does not actually throw up), andy being the king of boundaries and consent in all contexts, use of the word "belly" one (1) time :-/ i hate that word it gives me the ick but there it is on my screen lol
word count | 296
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thinking about how soooofffttt daddy!andy is like remember him in refrigerator rules?? this is the same daddy!andy okay 🥺🥺
so reader’s got a tummy ache and she gets nervous whenever she has one because she hates throwing up 😖 it’s always easy for andy to tell when she’s got an upset stomach because she withdraws, doesn’t want to play, doesn’t usually want to be held.
“sweetheart, can you tell me what’s goin’ on? you not feelin’ good, pumpkin?” andy sits gently on the bed beside her, not wanting to get too close without her permission. earlier when he tried to go in for a cuddle she pulled back harshly, so he’s aware she’s feeling extra sensitive.
“tummy hurts, daddy” andy gives a knowing nod, he hates to see his baby in pain and just wants to do whatever he can to help her feel most comfortable 💖
“i’m sorry baby, that’s no fun. you wanna stay in bed today? daddy can bring you some soup and toast, it’ll be gentle on your tummy. can have snuggles too if you want, lovebug. but it’s okay if you’re not feeling up for that”
“want snuggles please… maybe can watch movies?” andy smiles at her suggestion and of course agrees. when he’s brought back a nice tray of noodle soup, toast, and some ginger soda, he gently climbs in bed and snuggles his baby. being extra careful to not move her around too much or put her in any position that feels bad
reader falls asleep pretty early on into the first movie, andy gently rubbing soothing circles over her tummy 🥺 with a tummy ache, she’d normally never let anyone within ten feet of her stomach, but andy’s somehow made her feel safe enough for belly rubs 😭💖🫶
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
Concept: You've moved to LA with Charlie but you don't have the means to dress like the girls in his peer group
They make fun of you and Charlie finds out
So he picks some pretty little outfits for you
I'd love to imagine what he'd choose
cewt. you give the best concepts 😫😌 but sorry this took a little bit 😬 tw: crying, being upset in general, nudity (not graphic), a bit of smut at the end, and spiders. 😖
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“Baby, I wanna go home.”
Your words thudded like bricks into your unsuspecting boyfriend’s ears.
“Why do you want to go home, love?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “What happened?”
He had just emerged from the bathroom and been bombed with your request, catching him a little off guard.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you answered carefully, feeling tears creep into your eyes.
“Are you sick?”
“No, Char. I just wanna go home.”
Though confused, Charlie agreed and called an Uber to pick you both up and bring you home. After he’d done that, he walked in the room to say goodbye to the friends that had invited him there.
You insisted on staying outside and waiting for the car to come, but in truth you’d just rather be anywhere else.
You stood outside, leaning against the metal railing, staring blankly at the ground until you felt yourself slipping easily into Charlie’s arms.
He burrowed his face in your hair before asking, “What happened in there, sweet girl?”
You didn’t turn around to face him. You couldn’t. You simply stared ahead before saying, “Nothing. I’m just tired. And maybe I don’t feel well.” This wasn’t a lie, of course. The comments had made you sick to your stomach, frankly.
Charlie didn’t push it. He just stood there, silently holding you, until the Uber arrived.
He helped you in before climbing in himself, and the Uber began driving you home in silence.
You spent the ride playing with your hands, picking at your grown-out nails, trying not to bite them while Charlie sat silently beside you.
He didn’t say anything until you got home, but you knew it was coming.
“If you’re sick, baby girl, you can go lie down for a few minutes. I’ll start a bath for us.”
You knew you weren’t sick in the sense he was expecting, but you did as he said anyway. You didn’t bother pulling back the covers, laying on top of them was enough. They were so soft and they smelled like Charlie.
Charlie rustled around in the bathroom as he made the water nice and warm for you. You could almost hear him adding your favorite bubbles to the water to cheer you up.
He called you, but you pretended to be fast asleep so that he would carry you into the water instead, but your plan nearly backfired.
He poked his head into the room from the connected bathroom to see you curled up in the middle of the expansive bed. “Baby, if you’re sleeping, I’m gonna tuck you in and take a bath without you.”
Moments later, you found yourself scurrying to his side, begging for him to pick you up and carry you into the water.
He just gave you a soft smile and pulled you into the bathroom, where he undressed you and sat you down on the toilet so he could undress.
You watched him in awe, feeling more than usual. Usually, you felt lust upon seeing him, and pride that he was yours, but right now you felt unworthy. And it stung.
“What’s that, darling?”
“What’s what?”
“On your face.”
“What’s wrong with my face?” Your hand reaches up to touch your face. Was your makeup smudged? Was there a spider?
“You look sad, princess,” he explained as he scooped you up and lowered you into the water. “Can you please tell me what’s wrong?”
You repeated every word that had been spoken to you while he had ducked into the bathroom for a couple of minutes, and you felt him growing tense beneath you.
“Who said that?”
You repeated the names tearfully, not wanting to upset him further because he was already boiling under the surface.
“Y/N, I can’t believe it. Well, I believe you, but…” he trailed off for a moment to collect himself before restarting. “I—why wouldn’t you tell me? I could have taken them aside and”
“That’s the problem, Char,” you said, your voice giving away your emotional state. “You’re too confrontational sometimes. I just want you to… I don’t know.”
“Babyyyy,” Charlie drawled. “Tell me, please? I want to make it better.”
“I just want you, assuming you even still want me. I don’t want drama. I just want my Charlie.”
“I only want my Y/N,” Charlie said, willing himself not to cry. The tears falling down her cheeks mad him just as emotional. “Fuck all of them. If they don’t want to accept my baby, they don’t accept me either. Easy as that.”
- - -
“Turn around for me, baby. Wanna see that pretty little ass. Make sure it’s covered and perfectly modest, you know.”
“Charlie, since when have you ever wanted me to be modest?” you asked, tipping your head to the side a bit. “Thought you liked seeing my ass.”
“Attention whore,” Charlie cursed. “Turn around, lemme see.”
You turned around, making sure to dance a little bit in front of him. You were wearing a red bikini that he had selected just for you. It fit perfectly. It covered your boobs in all the right places and lifted them up**. Your entire middle was bare, showing off the skin Charlie loved so dearly. On the bottom you wore a matching red piece that didn’t cover anything in the back. Good thing you were going to an adults-only beach.
“Sexy girl,” Charlie murmured as he pressed his finger to his bottom lip. “Try the coverup on.”
You slipped into your sheer black coverup and Charlie gave a satisfied smirk. “That’s my girl.” He watched as you disappeared back into the bathroom to put on another outfit.
He was planning on taking a beach trip with you, and only you, and he had gifted you some outfits to bring along.
They were cute and trendy, but above all sexy, just for him.
The outfit that you were putting on was what you’d wear on the ride and checking into the hotel. It was comfortable and light, but also… sexy. (It was Charlie, what do you expect?)
You emerged wearing a tight white crop top that hugged your chest perfectly, and a pair of patterned pants that accentuated your butt perfectly**.
Charlie broke into a fond smile upon seeing you. “It’s perfect,” he said as he ran a finger across his lips. “Just how I imagined it looking on you. But I have one last thing.” He handed you a small package which he had wrapped in a plastic bag. “Go try it on for me? Please?”
You gave him a confused look, but returned obediently to the bathroom where you opened it in awe. Inside was the most beautiful lingerie set you’d ever laid your eyes on**. You almost didn’t want to put it on, but you did.
Charlie was too big a temptation.
A sheer white fabric covered a thicker bra and panties, and lacy coral trim bordered the seams. There were lacy hearts strewn around the fabric, and your breath caught when you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your first thought was, “I look so sexy.”
Your second thought was, “Charlie’s about to go insane.”
Taglist: @wayfcharlie @fishingirl12
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genshinlover101 · 3 years
Hi Hi! I hope you’re having a wonderful day. May I request Eula, Keqing, Kujou Sara, Ganyu, Kokomi, and Ayaka (separate!) reacting to their usually overworked lover in their shared bedroom, with the record player playing some old songs and reader just dances to Fontainese Waltz very late at night? Also, female reader if you could!
Thanks so much! :3
An Overworked S/O Dancing to a Fontainese Waltz with Her
Characters: Eula, Keqing, Sara, Ganyu, Kokomi x fem!reader
Warnings: none
A/n: Ah please forgive me but for the sake of fairness towards every anon I can only do five characters so I decided to do the first five mentioned 😖
I’m also not very knowledgeable on the waltz? and I assume Fontainese means originated from Fontaine if I’m not mistaken? So I hope I am following the request correctly :,)
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• Eula being very accustomed to aristocracy, knew almost every step to dances the rich would perform to flaunt their nobility. Even if she had abandoned her old life as an aristocrat, she still knew every dance like the back of her hand. 
• Eula had noticed you getting home all grumpy and tired. She might occasionally have time to arrive early and cook you some sweets to cheer you up. Although that was quite rare. So instead thought it would be nice to unwind with you via dancing, one of her personal favorite pastimes. 
You came home practically limping, you were so tired all you planned to do was mope to your room and once your head hit the pillow you were out like a light. You didn’t even notice Eula standing hopefully holding a tray of steaming homemade desserts just for you. She watched helplessly as you treaded to the bedroom.
Sadly setting down her food she looked at it trying to muster up an idea to cheer you up. Normally just the smell of her baking was enough to make you smile and giggle with glee. She bit her thumbnail under stress, trailing behind you to the bedroom.
You barely noticed Eula, your eyes half shut as you were a second from falling asleep. That was until you heard a record player and the sound of smooth violins playing in sync. Your headshot up a the unfamiliar sound. Eula looking at you with soft eyes. “Come, dance with me,” she held her hand out to you.
You took her hand, readily getting out of the sheets. The sound of the music practically makes you forget about your fatigue and your duties. She took you by the waist, your hand floating to your side as you stared into her amber-colored eyes. “Step one-two-three-four,” she guided you. “One-two-three-four.”
Eventually, you got the hang of it without Eula having to correct your timing, you both swaying together in your small room. This was exactly what you had needed. “I made your favorite cookies downstairs fresh, if you don’t have some I might have to take vengeance on you for wasting my precious time,” Eula whispered in your ear.
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• Liyue was further in culture from Fontaine so she probably didn’t know how to do any sort of dance, however, she knew your particular fondness of their music and traditions. The waltz in particular, was very popular and seemed easy enough to perform.
• Keqing was by no means a dancer, but she was willing to try new things for your sake when she saw you down in the dumps. Once she put her mind to learning something she would surely go through with it even if her presentation was subpar. 
Keqing and you had just gotten done with a long day, both of you brushing your teeth and washing your faces. Keqing being particularly concerned about her appearance always finished later, leaving you to deal with your migraine as you waited for her to join you in bed.
You sat on the edge, your head burrowed into your hands as you applied pressure to soothe the pain. This cursed headache felt as if you were being split open. Keqing must’ve noticed from seeing you in the reflection of the mirror, her facial expressions softening at the sight of you in such pain.
She took a deep breath, making her way to your record player. It had collected a fair amount of dust from not being used so frequently. You were too absorbed in your own world to notice. That was until you heard the smooth sound of violins and piano.
Looking upwards you saw Keqing give you a stubborn look, turning her head away to hide her blush. “Hmph, Take my hand before I change my mind,” she said sternly. You took hold of it as she hoisted you upwards.
She swayed with you left and right in basic movements, nothing too fancy like twirling or too elegant. But the simple motion and effort she put into it touched your heart, making you momentarily forget your stress and worries. “I noticed you were offset the past couple of days. I’ll improve myself so you may enjoy yourself more frequently.”
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• Sara was as stiff as wood when it came to dancing no matter if it pertained to her culture or not. She was only a witness when it came to dancing, she would sometimes watch street shows of Inazuman dancing. When it came to foreign traditions she would struggle to grasp the concept.
• Sara noticed you were overworking yourself, she thought maybe just sitting down and listening to a disc of Fontainese music would cheer you up enough. When you asked her to dance with you she almost froze up, but your persistent nagging would eventually convince her.
The clock only struck 5 pm, it was evening but she had already completed all her duties for the day which was extraordinarily rare. Instead of taking overtime however, she decided to go home to you.
As she opened the door to your bedroom, she looked for you. You had to be in here, after all, you were nowhere else in the household. That was until she saw your resting body covered by blankets. She tried shaking you awake, she wanted attention surprisingly enough. “Wake up, it is only noon,” she whispered to you.
When you didn’t reply she knew one thing would work for certain. She knew how much you adored Fontaine’s culture, going to the corner of the room to the abandoned record player. With some small tweaking she managed to operate the machine, an acoustic-sounding guitar made your eyes burst open in surprise.
As your figure rose from the sheets you saw Sara stand before you, her arms crossed. “Awake now? I assumed you’d be after I played this record. It’s only afternoon let us go do something together,” you knew she didn’t mean dance. But waking up to such a greeting of music made you want to do nothing but dance.
Grabbing her hand with one, and her waist with the other you spun her around. Twirling around the room as Sara got easily dizzy. She gasped at your sudden jolt of energy from just a record player. “Woah, do not underestimate me. I did not intend for such an activity,” she tried to interject, but you ignored her pleas. You found her stiff movements where she almost tripped over herself quite entertaining.
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• Ganyu struggled to fit in even in Liyue, so when it came to traditional dancing and opera from Yunjin, she was only an observer. However, the Adeptus training was somewhat close to dancing, it was a step-by-step process, so it must’ve been somewhat easy. 
• She would notice you would come home, your bags drooping further and further every day. Poor Ganyu tried desperately to cheer you up, even if you might’ve given her the cold shoulder once or twice. She knew you were struggling so she tried to prepare a surprise for you.
You walked through the door trudging yourself through the house. You didn’t even want to eat dinner, it was straight to bed for you tonight. This had in fact been a trend the past week, you’d go to work, return for sleep, and repeat. Ganyu knew that struggle of overworking herself all too well.
She watched you repeat it over and over again, her shy figure always standing in the background as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t. Today was different however, she was going to say something, make you eat dinner, relax with her instead of immediately hitting the hay.
She shyly made her way behind you to the bedroom, her hands curled up in a ball holding themselves as a nervous habit. You had already tucked yourself in for the night. That was until you heard the sweet melodies of violins clashing with pianos reverberate through your bedroom, your headshot up in attention. 
Ganyu stood in the corner of the dimly lit room, looking at you with her head hung low. With an urge of mental confidence, Ganyu approached you with her hand out, pulling yourself out of the bed hesitantly. She was like a fairy, the light source igniting her figure and her motherly glow and warm hand exciting you to the core. “M-may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?” Ganyu asked.
You took her hand, her face and movements tensed up as she tried to remember what she had recited. You flowed together, awkward at first, but after a couple of swaying it felt natural. Your eyes calm as your bodies relax together. She rested on your chest as you two swayed left and right. “Being together like this is nice, if only it could be like this forever.”
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• Kokomi being the divine priestess has probably performed a couple of traditional dances to the people of Watatsumi. Her introverted nature and devotion to Watatsumi often got in her way from exploring other cultures. However, she was very poise and lucid with her movements. Learning the waltz for her was a walk in the park.
• Kokomi would sympathize with you, seeing you be like a robot waking up for a 9-5 and coming home just to repeat. She would want to prepare something special for you even if she was busy herself. She’ll even learn how to dance to your favorite genre of music for you.
The door to your home felt heavier as you opened it, your eyes barely open as your plan was just to go to bed and wake up for the next working day. You couldn’t remember when the last time you had a break from your busy season. Kokomi looked at you with her soothing eyes, she had seen this scene far too many times within her army.
She was fully capable of telling the difference between temporary exhaustion and permanent fatigue. You were even further gone, you didn’t even notice Kokomi watching your pathetic state as you shut the door behind you, not even undressing into more comfortable clothes for sleep.
Kokomi followed lightly behind you, her small frame curiously opening the door to find you had just plopped down on the bed without tucking yourself in. She had recently been trying to get into your hobbies, flipping through your records as she picked up books from the library about Fontaine and its dances. You heard a loud screeching sound before the record player began playing a smooth sound of pianos.
Your head jolted upwards, looking around the room to find the culprit to find Kokomi approaching you, her hand reaching for your cheek as she stroked your hair gently. She looked at you with empathetic eyes, she felt so pitiful that you were having a rough time, if only she could not only heal physically but mentally too. “Let’s dance shall we?” she said.
She grabbed both your hands, springing you up from your laying position as you both excitingly twirled around the room. Nothing fancy or too formal that she’s read about, just the idea of relaxing and taking life not seriously was enough to destress you even if it was momentarily. Her hands on your hips as she nuzzled her head into your chest, yours wrapped around her neck as you lie your cheek on her head. “I’ve practiced a bit through books, it’s strangely similar to strategizing. Can you tell?”
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
I've decided to distract myself from myself by spamming differenr mutuals with asks...hi my friend 👀
Imagine waking up beside Dazai. Sunshine streaming over his face like liquid gold. His face is peaceful, no shadows of pain and sorrow. Imagine him waking up and smiling softly when you're the first thing he sees, in a way you have never seen him smile before. Imagine how he presses your face against his shoulder and how he nuzzles his face into your hair, mumbling sweet things you can't quite make out. Imagine how his hands wander over your back, legs firmly entangled with yours. Just imagine that he's content and he's deeply lost in this new feeling.
Waking Up Next to Dazai
Summary: For the first time, you wake up before Dazai
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A/N: JADE OMG PLEASE IT DOESN'T HELP THAT I JUST WOKE UP WHEN I FIRST SAW THIS😩😖 you planned this didn't you👀😩 But ahhh I love this so much😭😭💕 It makes me feel so at peace and it is so comforting honestly🥺 I died of softness😭 I know this isn’t a request but you literally gave me a brainrot which led me to write a whole fic about this (yes I know, kinda ridiculous haha), I hope you don’t mind😶 Also this is the first time I’m writing in 3rd person in a while so bear with me. But my heart is now content😌
Pairing: Dazai x reader
Genre: Fluff Drabble
Warnings: None just a soft Dazai🥰
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My Masterlist
As the bright morning Sun shone through the crevices of the curtains, you found yourself awakening from the bright light that landed on your eyes. Blinking to adjust your eyes to the light and awake yourself from your slumber, you are faced with the ethereal sight of Dazai fast asleep with the sunlight streaming just over his face softly. The sunlight painted his face in liquid gold, highlighting the small smile that dawned his face in his sleep, and the lack of tension on his features.
At this very moment, you knew you've seen something rare as you found yourself studying the present look on his face, trying to commit it to memory. There was something almost otherworldly about Dazai's current expression, you could recall the different faces Dazai have put on, from his usual melodramatic self, which sometimes contains a flash of something darker in his eyes; to the almost empty look on his face that sometimes appear whenever Dazai felt no one was looking. And yet at this very moment, there was no hint of pain, not shadow of sorrow as you gazed at the serenity he displayed before you. Noticing this small change in him, you couldn’t help but smile at the sight and wonder when you will be able to see such a relaxed expression on him once again.
Resisting the urge to brush the bangs from his face as they fall atop of his closed eyes, you continued to observe this sight before you with a warm heart, knowing fully well how much Dazai needed the sleep he was getting at the moment. And at the same time knowing how much this sense of vulnerability meant to him caused your heart to swell with a certain lightness in the enlightening of how much you could possibly mean to him.
“You do know it’s rude to stare,” you heard the familiar voice of your significant other remark in a voice that is so soft it could rival a feather as you saw his eyes flutter open, his lips breaking out into a smile. 
Though it held a similar teasing tone to his usual antics, there was something undeniably gentle about this present moment, perhaps it was the almost lively glint that you saw in his eyes the moment his gaze met your being, or it was the uncharacteristically soft tone of his statement. But perhaps it was the smile that had slipped onto his face just moments ago that held a certain balminess that could rival every bright smile you’ve ever seen that made your heart race yet fill with tranquility.
“I-” met with this unexpected statement and act from Dazai, lost in thought, you paused in your sentence momentarily attempting to figure out what to say.
“I’m only teasing, my love,” Dazai let out a small chuckle before reaching out and wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace. 
Your legs tangled together firmly as he reached almost carefully for your back and pulled your into a cuddle, it almost felt as though if he touched you too hard you would disappear. Then like he finally convinced himself that you are there with him, you felt him nuzzle into your neck softly, breathing in as if he were taking in this moment with contentment. At this, you felt him mumbling something incoherent into your hair, his breath tickling the side of your neck in a feathery touch. 
“Dazai, did you say something?” you asked, mimicking the tone he used when he first spoke, fearing that if you spoke too loud it would be like a pin popping the balloon of tranquillity that enveloped the two of you.
“Hmm?” Dazai hummed, pulling away from you for a short second, gazing into your eyes you could see the spark in his eyes more clearly now. It felt as though his aura has shifted slightly, and perhaps it was an illusion, but it felt lighter.
“Just how much I love you.”
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Tag list @requiem626k @shadyteacup @alittlesimp @greenshirtimagines @jadegreenimmortality​ @sakikoshi  @kenmasbbygrl @dazaisusedbandages  @jessbeinme15 @mikasa-stan-account @missrown @ginswife @tender-rosiey @bsdparadise @internetkilledtheroxstar @n1kolaiz if you would like to be added, interact with my tag list post (preferably a comment) or send an ask! <3
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