#I’ve been high and dehydrated the entire day
milo-is-rambling · 11 months
thinking about growing up,, quick open Pinterest and Spotify at the same time
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
So I’ve been in love with your sheriff reader but what if another sheriff came to town and saw how everyone loves reader and wanted that for themselves like they don’t really care about anything or the bandits they just want everyone to love them an not reader so they try an take over an og sheriff reader sees this as in a relaxing opportunity (sorry if it’s long)
Tw: reference violence, bullying
Cracked ice settles at the bottom of a glass as dark liquid fills it to brim. The sheriff's weighted head pivots to an upright angle as the drink is brought to lips posed in a crude smile; a blemish compared to the cloyingly sweet expression they wore days prior. They can barely process their surroundings; blurry shapes crowded around them and suffocating them more than the tight robes that binding them to their seat. A sharp jab from behind brings them to attention; the shrill laughter that follows corrected by a whistle.
"Now, folks. I know we agreed to a collaboration, but don't think that means you have the right to rough up our friend here more than needed."
Dryness coats the temporary sheriff's throat as they croak. "M...mayor?"
"Guilty as charged." The mayor bends to their level. They take one long sip from the glass in hand before shaking it in their direction. "Thirsty?"
The sheriff becomes painfully aware of their dehydration as the condensation from the glass wets their cracked lips. How long had they been out? Pushing the question to the back of their mind, they part their lips and allow the cool liquid to hit their tongue. It burns as swashes against their spilt cheek, but they gup it down with no other option. Their head returns to its orginal option as the mayor retracts their hand; hat dipping down their face. The mayor's calm expression wilts into annoyance.
"Ugh.. Take that shit off them already. Don't know why you haven't by now. Need to get it cleaned before Y/n gets back."
Hands grip their battered form; tearing the sheriff's hat from head and badge from coat. Still dressed otherwise- they've never felt more exposed.
"I don't understand. What's.. what's going on?"
"What's going on indeed.." The mayor stands up; a hand tangled in their hair keeping the sheriff's eye on them as they return to their desk. "From how I see it, some big city hot shot though they could weasel their way into our town and replace the one thing that keeps this place running. Our sheriff."
The sheriff swallows the blood clinging to the sides their mouth; a delicacy compared to the bitter truth that follows. Back home, they had it good, but it wasn't perfect. High paying gig, the love and respect of their community, but they still yearned for more. They longed for the homemade pies and the comforting familiarity of everyone worshiping them, while still valuing the face behind the mask. The unwavering trust. All tokens of which you had.
It was easy to get you to agree. Chased after by those you were meant to pursue; longed for unknowing by the person who wrote your checks. All they had to do was slip a few highlights of the city into your brain, and you were packed and ready to go. The mayor orginally protested your departure, but couldn't say no to their dear sheriff. You did deserved a little break after all you've been though - long as you had a few uninvited visitors making sure you were safe.
The temporary sheriff had it good for the first week. The finest room in the local motel. A different meat brought to them every other day. Someone must've been sewing near the pot during the making of one meal, but fortunately they spotted the needle before wolfing down the entire stew. Their dream life came crumbling down the day they decided to put in a payment for a recently vacated home, and everyone caught onto their plans before they'd even reached mid stage.
"I'm.... sorry."
"Sorry-" The mayor's eyes roll so far they appeared as if they'd pop right out of their skull. They lurch forward, sinking their digits into the delicate flesh of the sheriff's jaw; teeth clenched as all kindness is forgotten. "Don't you fucking lie to me, you hear? I know, you know, they know you aren't sorry. The only thing you're sorry about is that you got caught."
The sheriff whimpers as they're let go; nail markers and shame branding their skin. An arm props up on their shoulder, elbow dug right into the center of the torn muscle. The bandit leader flicks their ear as they tip your hat on their head; proudly dawning your badge without a lick of guilt.
"Eazy now. You call us the bad guys yet you're the one being mean. Here, lemme give them something to wear better than the sheriff's stuff real quick."
A round of cheers and soft snickering rings throughout the small room as a wad of spit connects with the sheriff's cheek. The bandit wipes their mouth with their sleeve
"Thought you were slick, huh?" Sack of shit like you, comparing yourself to a prize like our sheriff. You should be thanking the corrupt bastard in front of you. If they hadn't called us in, we would've strung you up by your ankles and dragged you through the streets like the filth you are. Speaking of which, what are we gonna do with this thing, boss."
The mayor ignores their mockery to allow a soft smile to form over their lips. "We have about half a week before our loved one returns so only time will tell, friends. Only time will tell."
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scoonsalicious · 30 days
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Pocket MCU - Iron Man 3/?
In Which Pocket Travels to Afghanistan.
Word Count: 245
Scene In-Movie @ ~35:00
Afghanistan was fucking hot. You’d anticipated high temperatures– it was the desert, after all, but this was obscene. All you could think about was Tony, wandering through the sand dunes, sunburned and dehydrated, and your resolve to find him harded.
“Anything?” you’d asked Rhodey when you landed at the base, not even bothering with pleasantries at seeing your old friend.
Rhodey shook his head. “Nothing, which, trust me, (Y/N), is a good sign.”
You looked at him in surprise. “How can no sign of him be a good sign?”
“It means that he probably wasn’t a casualty of the convoy attack. If we’re lucky, it means the insurgents took him, are holding him for ransom.”
“Or they’re slowly torturing him to death while trying to extract information out of him,” you said. “If they were going to hold him for ransom, wouldn’t they have sent out a demand by now? It’s been days.”
Rhodey shook his head. “It’s possible they realize who they have and don’t know how much to ask for yet.”
“Okay,” you said. “So, what do we do while we wait?”
“There’s not much we can do, unfortunately,” Rhodey told you dejectedly. “The Colonel can’t go forward with an extensive rescue operation without approval from the President.”
“Let me guess,” you sighed. “Funding?”
Rhodey nodded.
“Then it’s a good thing I’m here,” you told him. “I’ve got authorization from the Stark Industries’ Board– we’ll fund the entire operation, whatever it takes.”
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moroser · 1 year
[incoming long and personal and dark post]
it dawned on me that it’s april and that means it’s been 6 years since i stopped doing drugs. big achievement. i did weed the whole time, thinking i needed it to keep away from the worse stuff, but i stopped that too, almost 2 months ago now. everything i’m about to talk about i did without anyone in my life (offline) noticing and all by myself.
my entire life has been unstable and so difficult. and i mean difficult and sad. i used to drink pretty heavily, but i stopped when i found pills. i was taking pretty much any opioid i could find, i even stole them. i was text book addict with pills. i had every excuse to keep going with it, it made sense to me at the time. i was in so much pain mentally, emotionally, and eventually, physically. taking them was reprieve. 
eventually, i was taking so many a day, quite honestly i should have died. my brain was blank, i lost my creativity and i stopped drawing, which is the one thing i love the most to do. create. even though i did not stop, the fact i felt nothing in that realm anymore was heartbreaking. i’d spent several nights staring at the ceiling practically waiting to die. i had one dream that i can remember while on drugs and it was of me staring at myself opened-eyed and dead on my bed. it shook me.
the drugs affected my ability to think, cry and feel, then one day on my way to work, after taking so many, i got so sick on the side of the road on the freeway several times. eventually i pulled off into a town i didn’t know and passed out in the parking lot of a gas station for who knows how long. i woke up dazed with the taste of puke in my mouth, and totally dehydrated. i missed work, i was embarrassed with myself. i have no idea how long i sat there for before getting out of the car to walk around. eventually i made it home but i felt like i wasn’t the same after that. 
decided to detox (after trying before, and failing), which was the worst events i’ve been through in my life. took days, nearly a week to get over the worst of the symptoms. i don’t think i slept at all. i was so sick, shakes and chills, vomiting, etc. i let spongebob play for the entire time, that sponge grounded me lol. i’d made it through that time. and i stuck too it, using my desire to feel my creativity again and wanting to be better to my body to stay away from relapse. 
2017 i cleared my system of alcohol, pills, energy drinks, pop, and the only thing i’d let myself use was weed because i felt it would stop me from everything else. and technically, it did. it aided me for a long time. but the passed ~3 years i’ve been so ill with stomach issues and nausea and throwing up that i decided to stop that too. 
so now i’ve been completely sober for 1 month and 21 days. for the first time since high school i have nothing in my system that is altering me the way substance abuse has. it’s been a major adjustment. my focus is shit, my sleeping is difficult and my dreams are insanity. it literally feels like i’m sleeping just to wake up somewhere else because my dreams are so vivid and clear. i wake up every four hours having to adjust and remember i actually live here, not in dreamland. i didn’t dream at all while on drugs or weed, so in a way, i welcome the vibrancy of them. 
looking back, none of those things helped me. they only broke and shrouded my spirit with a darkness i don’t want to feel ever again. i want to be healthy and i want to give my body the chances that it deserves. i want to heal properly. i want to live so much. i want to find someone to be with that will understand me and accept me even with my flaws and history. i feel better already, but i know there’s still a long journey ahead and i can only hope it gets better. i deserve better. i know i’m a good person. i know i have so much creative potential in me and it’s what i want to give my energy and soul to.  
thanks for listening, if you read this. i am proud of myself for getting as far as i have but the support from my friends and strangers online has been a colossal sense of communal help i’ve never had offline. sharing my art has been a big help and just people enjoying it means so much to me. thank you.  
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spooniechef · 1 year
The Spoonie Garden
I’ve mentioned this in a couple of posts, and now it’s probably time for the full post about it. A little while after I got officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I decided to start trying a little herb garden. It started just in propagator boxes on my windowsill, but soon moved to pots hanging on the balcony rail. I have no idea what possessed me to try gardening right when I’d been diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, but I think it had something to do with wanting something nice, and also wanting something to nurture and care for in the hopes that doing so would motivate me to do the same for myself. Either way, I never looked back, and I’m even trying flowers this year, because having herbs is nice but I wanted something that was just pretty.
Now, a lot of people think they can’t have a window or balcony garden. I was one of them until I decided to try it anyway. One of the things I found was that a lot of the things people worry about aren’t that big a deal. Light levels, for instance. My flat faces northwest, and it doesn’t get a lot of sun; I was always told that this would make it very hard to keep a garden. But honestly, there’s been light enough for most of the herbs I’ve wanted to grow, and even enough for tomatoes. Space isn’t so much of an issue either; most of the herbs I grow are pretty self-contained, and I could move them all indoors if I had to for the winter. Thing is, even that’s not a necessity for most of them; I had a lot of my herbs outside and while they seemed to die over the winter months, the spring brought them right back. It’s really a matter of remembering to water them daily (not even that in the winter months when they’re mostly hibernating), maybe treat them to some plant food once a week, and cutting them back when winter’s coming to dry the herbs for use in the winter months. (Another reason that a dehydrator is such a good investment.) Plus it makes a lot of recipes a bit more budget-friendly, having your own fresh herbs on demand. The problem with recipes that only call for a couple of sprigs of a certain herb is that supermarkets never sell them in “just a couple of sprigs”, so you end up paying above the odds for a bunch of herbs knowing that you’ll throw away half of them.
Here’s my list of must-have herbs for the window or balcony, with pictures:
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Parsley sees use in a lot of different recipes, and it’s sturdier than you’d think. At the time this was taken, the tallest stalks were waist-high on me. I haven’t used it much, but my mother dropped by for a few stalks the other day, and I’ve been thinking of trying parsley sauce, so it’s good to have.
Sage and Rosemary
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These both survived the winter outdoors, even during a cold snap, with no trouble at all. Sage and rosemary are wonderful in stews, to stuff a whole chicken, all sorts of things. Plus, of course, my recent lemon and rosemary steak recipe needs the rosemary, so it came in very handy today.
Oregano and Thyme
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These two looked like they died over the winter. I cut back the oregano but didn’t bother with the thyme. I don’t know why I left the pots out there, but when I saw new green growth in and amongst the dead-looking stalks, I just watered them and waited to see what would happen. This is the end result; since that picture was taken, the oregano has only got bigger, and the thyme is almost entirely green and is flowering. I’m a big fan of oregano, especially in pasta sauces, and it’s so much better fresh. Thyme’s also good in stews and in whole roast chicken, and at least one recipe I’ve made recently called for it, so both have been worth it.
Mint, Coriander / Cilantro, and Dill
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The mint is another one I cut back over the winter and watched it resurrect come spring. I have plans for mint sauce, and I stick the leaves in the dehydrator and have an endless source of mint tea. I also have plans towards learning how to make my own mint extract. As for the coriander / cilantro ... well, that I did have to replant this year, but it’s come along nicely. One of the dill plants (the one in the grey pot) is also one I planted this spring, but the other is actually a rescue plant - I got one of those pots of live dill from the supermarket for my refrigerator dill pickle recipe, and decided to repot it to see if it would thrive. Looks like it did. Now I’m never short of dill for my refrigerator dill pickles; I don’t have to buy £1 worth of dill to use maybe eight sprigs and throw the rest away, and all it costs me is some time watering them in the morning.
(Not pictured - basil, which I recently repotted and moved outside but isn’t quite impressive enough to take pictures of yet. Another one that’s good for pasta sauces, though I forgot my resolution to grow enough for pesto sauce this year.)
It’s an investment of time and spoons, but it’s got serious benefits. Watching something you planted grow is kind of miraculous, in its way, and I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me at least, it helps my mental state. I have moments of feeling pretty helpless and trapped and useless with the fibromyalgia. I mean, I can’t go to half the places I used to, I walk with a cane, and there are so many doors closed to me because of all of this. But my little balcony garden shows me that I can still do things, even if it’s only watering the plants once a day and remembering to throw in some plant food once a week. There’s tangible proof that I am accomplishing something in spite of how much I hurt.
Also, again, fresh herbs are vastly superior to dried herbs, and picking them fresh off the plant is better still. A non-starter in winter, admittedly, but when most of your herbs will actually benefit from being cut down in winter and the ones that don’t won’t take long to replant, at least being able to dry your own herbs for winter use saves money in the long run.
It’s not something that everyone can do, having a little garden, but more people can do it than think they can. If you don’t have a balcony, a windowsill will do. A lot of plants will be okay with whatever light you can give them. Also, when you’ve watched something go from a tiny shoot to a foot-high explosion of aromatic greenery, it’s pretty easy to remember to water them. Just remember to always use a bigger pot than you think they’re going to need when repotting. Roots need room to breathe, and if there’s not enough soil to absorb water, the water you give it will just drain out and your plant will wilt no matter how much you water it.
Fresh herbs are a joy in the kitchen, and they don’t take as much space, or as many spoons, to maintain as you’d think. Maybe give it a try with just one if you’re a little nervous about it - pick your favourite herb and get some seeds and soil, and try it at home. Therapeutic and tasty.
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rotten-whispers · 2 years
Odd things happen in the desert
A creepypasta based on the mysteries of the Desert Southwest. Tales of death and uncanniness follow.
Those long, hot days really get to you after a while.
I’ve lived in the desert all my life.
Usually, when people think of the desert, they imagine rocky cliffs, sand, saguaros, lizards, and the worst sunburn that you can imagine. Those are all true.
Other people think of sudden, violent storms; strange howling in the darkness; or maniacal people driven mad by the heat. Those are also true. But the everyday lies somewhere in between.
Let me start by saying that I’ve moved around the Southwestern United States for a few years, but it is generally the same everywhere. Occasionally, the lizards change. The saguaros disappear. The temperatures peak at 108F instead of 125F. But the general aesthetic of each area does not differ.
Nor do the warnings.
I love hiking – I have always been a huge fan of the woods. On my visits to the Pacific Northwest, you couldn’t get me out of them. But hiking in the desert is obviously very different.
For example, no amount of water that you bring is ever enough. If you go hiking at sunrise, you will have drained your canteen within a few hours. Hiking around noon is enough to leave you with heatstroke if you visit the trails during the wrong time of year.
The wrong time of year, unfortunately, coincides with most people’s time off from work, or school. Plenty of people visit the Southwest believing that they know what they are getting into. Believing that they have enough water, and that the temperatures are not too high.
Every year, dozens of people from other habitats brave the hiking trails and never return. They die of heatstroke, or dehydration, or fall from a cliff after a mistimed step. Occasionally, their bodies are recovered by helicopters, search parties, other hikers. Generally, they are never found. Picked apart by wild animals and bleached by the sweltering sun.
Even the locals underestimate the violent environment and meet their demise.
I knew a young couple who were experienced hikers. They had gone on the same hiking trail dozens of times before. The day wasn’t that hot, they knew what they were doing. But somehow, during the two-hour hike, they both succumbed to heatstroke and were found dead.
Nobody quite knows how it could have happened. But this hiking path was famous for catching people off guard. You see, the desert isn’t always hot. Often, it will be quite cold here, especially if you head out early enough in the morning. The official story was that the young couple set out early enough in the day that it was still cold enough to hike. But the trail veered into higher altitudes, away from shade entirely. Leaving them exposed to the bare sky overhead, the sweltering sun that came out of nowhere, rising the temperature to the late 90’s before their hike had even finished.
And they were gone. Just like that.
It happens often in the desert. We go hiking, go to a carnival, walk to the store – and overlook the sun.
Heatstroke is a funny little thing. Just as dehydration is at its highest, your body will force itself to throw up, further ridding yourself of necessary liquids. I never quite understood the point of it.
It isn’t uncommon to find dead animals, either, even in the middle of the city. I have walked over dead cats, dead rodents, and dead birds on my way to class. However, the worst corpses to find are the ones that are in pieces.
Yesterday, on a hike, I stumbled across the intestines, kidneys, and liver of a small creature. The parts had been perfectly removed, and were still assembled as though inside the animal’s body. They were cleanly set on the dirt, and there were no tufts of fur, flesh, or even blood beside the entrails. It was as though the creature’s insides had been transported outside of its body without damage.
It never feels normal running into these corpses. You learn to ignore them, to turn aside and keep hiking higher into the hills. Closer to the ever-burning sun overhead. But you have to ignore them.
We never talk about these things, either. They are a part of everyday life that everyone quickly gets used to.
The majority of people, however, just don’t notice. And the darker areas of our world remain hidden.
But once you begin to notice, you can never go back.
While I was hiking yesterday, I had the sensation that I was being watched. It isn’t uncommon to run into wildlife in the mountains that I was walking across. I try to remain vigilant and scan the outcrop of rocks for the head of a cougar, or the snout of a distant coyote, but it really is hopeless. The camouflage of wildlife in the desert is outstanding – you will not notice them until you have wandered directly into their path.
But they will notice you. As I made my way higher and higher into the mountain, I had the sensation that every living creature in this park knew exactly where I was, although I would never even know that they were there.
It is difficult to keep an eye out for everything that could endanger you. My eyes rarely strayed from the trail, to avoid stepping on a rattlesnake, or turning my ankle on a rock. Stumbling could lead to ripped pants or a pitch over the side of a cliff – the gamble was far too great.
So you are in the mountains, and you are watching where you step. You are keeping track of your water, you are ensuring that you have enough to last the journey back. The mountains know that you are there, but they are leaving you alone, and you are lucky enough not to have run into another person. People are often more unpredictable in the desert than anywhere else, especially after they have been fried a little by the sun.
But then you get lost. All the rocks look the same, and there aren’t any trail markers to keep track of.
I tried not to panic. After all, I still had enough water for a little while longer. And my phone battery wasn’t dead. There wasn’t a signal, but at the absolute worst, I could just scurry in a straight line until I met back with the road.
Then I made the one mistake you are always told never, ever to do – I left the trail.
It was an accident – my feet wandered from the path, thinking that I found a shortcut, and then I was gone. Lost off-trail, my feet being tangled by cactus pods, which have an uncanny ability to claw through your shoes.
If you have never seen a jackrabbit up close, they look like otherworldly creatures. These are skeletal, elongated beasts – far from the round, fuzzy bunnies that most people are accustomed to seeing in pet stores. A large jackrabbit can be taller than your knees, with piercing eyes that seem much too human.
I startled a jackrabbit, and it scared the living hell out of me. One second the ground was a settlement of rocks, and the next, it was escaping into the distance like an apparition.
But I didn’t start to panic until my water dropped below the halfway mark. This is the time that you are told to turn back, to always leave yourself enough hydration to make your way home. I felt the flutterings of panic, then. Just barely beginning to build in my chest.
Because it is all too easy to make a simple mistake – one misplaced step, one wrong turn – and end up as another missing person.
There was the distant sound of a donkey braying, which momentarily distracted me from my fear. Feral donkeys live in our national parks, they are often seen wandering into town or standing outlined against the horizon. But I had never heard one bray before.
Fascinated, I remember tracing the rocks for the donkey. However, the curiosity quickly gave away to confusion as I realized that I could not tell where the sounds were coming from.
The braying began on my left, but sounded a second later from my right – close enough that the animal should have been visible. Yet, it simply wasn’t. There was nothing at all surrounding me on the mountains.
And there was no noise, either. No birdsong, or wind, or even the rushing of cars in the distance. Only the mournful cry of a donkey, twisted as though in pain.
As soon as I stumbled away from the noises, I found the trail again. It just appeared out of nowhere, but I was too grateful to question my good fortune.
I didn’t hear the donkey at all on the way back home.
Occasionally, I will talk to my other friends who enjoy hiking, and we will exchange stories of our encounters. It isn’t uncommon to find yourself completely lost, but there are other, more interesting tales of the rocky outcrops.
You will find lizards in the desert. They are everywhere – some with long, blue tails; others with blue throats; or shimmering scales in a multitude of colors. But one of my hiking friends, a graduate student named Laura, told me about her strange experience with lizards.
She was an amateur wildlife photographer on a stroll through a hiking path, when she also found herself completely lost.
“It was the weirdest thing,” Laura told me. “One minute, I could see the parking lot in the distance, the next there was nothing but rocks.”
As she wandered through the mountain, searching for the trail, she wandered by the same lizards that all desert dwellers are accustomed to. But the deeper that she went, the larger they started to become.
“I saw a Sceloporus that was larger than my torso,” Laura said. There was an otherworldly expression on her face, halfway between curiosity and fear. “I never saw anything like it before… But when I pulled out my camera, it disappeared into the rocks.”
She eventually returned to the same hiking path, but could never find the same trail that she had wandered onto. And she never saw the gigantic lizards again.
I had a similar experience myself – of straying too deep into the mountains and finding that the local lizards were steadily increasing in size. But I never followed them off the trail.
My other friends have withdrawn from hiking altogether, but they have sobering tales of the city. Stories about days spent in the sweltering heat, melting asphalt that stuck to their shoes, and birds that were falling dead from the sky.
“It was horrible,” One of my friends told me. He was a quiet man named Skylar who couldn’t afford a car, so he used the local buses to get around. This was especially difficult during the summer, when the short walk to a bus station could end up dehydrating you severely.
“I heard something hit the ground behind me,” Skylar said. “I thought that it was a piece of trash at first, that somebody had thrown something at me from their car. It wouldn’t be the first time. But then I realized that it had feathers.”
He pursed his lip.
“Sick bird, you know, you don’t think much of it. Until the second one fell. And the next. They were falling from the sky like hail, littering the ground with unmoving bodies.”
Skylar lowered his voice, nearly turning away from me. “The asphalt was so hot. Sticky. For a moment, I thought that it moved beneath my feet. I thought that my mind was playing tricks on me – you know, from the birds. But when I turned around again, all of the birds were gone. There was this sucking noise, and all the bodies were gone.”
He stared into the distance, with a little shrug. “Take from that what you will. But I haven’t left the sidewalk since then.”
My friend Elena told me to always lock my doors.
“I know that it’s common sense, but you have no idea how many people leave their front doors unlocked during the day. You don’t want to be visited by the Meat Man.”
I immediately asked her what she was talking about.
“You’re looking for unusual stories, right?” Elena lowered her tone to a secret, conspiratory whisper. But there was something serious about her expression.
“My mom leaves the front door open during the day sometimes, but only when we’re home. She told me that she was making dinner, when she noticed a strange man in our doorway. Apparently, he let himself in through the open door.”
Elena shakes her head. “Didn’t knock, or ring the bell, or anything. And he asked her if she was interested in buying meat.”
“Meat?” I asked.
“Yeah, like fresh meat that he had to sell. He just kept staring at her, asking if she was interested in buying meat. Fresh meat, whatever you want. Allllll kinds of meat.”
“What kind of meat?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t say, and my mom didn’t ask. She was really freaked out – she demanded that he leave, or she was going to call the police. He left quietly after that, but she noticed that he had this weird cart outside. It was full of red, raw pieces of meat. He was going door to door, trying to sell people meat. It was the weirdest thing that I ever encountered.”
“He was probably just crazy,” I offered, but Elena didn’t seem convinced.
“Maybe. But after he came by, my neighborhood started complaining about strange noises at night. Scratching at the doors and windows, weird markings in the dirt outside. The man continuously coming back, ringing the doorbell and trying to get inside. And you know, the weirdest thing is that my mom swears that she did lock the door on the first day that the man came inside our house.”
My friends’ stories unsettled me, but I heard many similar ones through the grapevine. From a friend of a friend of an acquaintance. About the strange things that happen here, that we all overlook and ignore.
When I told my friend CJ about the giant lizards, they twisted their expression in disgust.
“Giant ants. I’ve seen the world’s largest ants building colonies on the side walk. They are the biggest ants that I have ever seen, I swear that they could carry off a hamster. But I’ve… I’ve had more trouble with the little ones.”
The Southwestern United States has several species of fire-ants that found their way here from Africa, as well as many other insects that can make your time here very painful. We tend to be very careful about insects. But sometimes it’s impossible to keep them out.
CJ looked very uncomfortable. “I’ve always had trouble with bugs,” They tell me. “I feel like I’m cursed. When I go outside, they fly at me, drowning themselves in my water, or pitching straight down my throat while I am walking. But the worst experience was last week. I woke up to a strange, itching feeling, like something was walking on me. When I turned on the light, I realized that I was covered in ants. Entirely covered in ants, from my toes to my head. They were all over my sheets, all over my skin. I don’t think that I’ve ever felt that itchy in my life. But they weren’t anywhere else in my room. Not on the floor, not even on the food that I left on my desk. Just my bed, just on me. And I never figured out how they got inside.”
After shuddering, CJ began to scratch themselves, flicking a small insect from their skin with a horrified, disgusted expression.
“Always,” They said, hollowly. “No matter how many times I get rid of them, they always come back.”
The last story was from my friend Tim. It was about Dust Devils – those random dust storms that appear out of nowhere, like miniature tornadoes. They can cause zero visibility while driving and are actually quite dangerous, but they are generally accepted as a factor of life. But my friend Tim told me that he was trapped inside one once.
“It was a normal day, there wasn’t a whisk of wind or a cloud in the sky. I was just walking around the block. And you know that I live in the city, right, not near the foothills or anywhere rural. Just in the middle of the city, walking around the block, and I notice that it’s starting to get a little bit windy. Before I even have the chance to think any more than that, I am suddenly trapped in a whirling column of sand. Tiny rocks and sticks are hitting me, my hat is clamped tight in my fist so it doesn’t fly off. And I’m thinking, Oh my god, I’m inside a Haboob.”
His eyes widened with the memory. “I was scared shitless, I had no idea if I was going to be carried off, or hit by something really heavy. And you know you can get Valley Fever from those things. But before I have the chance to fully panic, the damn thing passes over me, and I see it turning around the corner. Craziest shit that I ever experienced.”
When I first listened to the stories from my peers, I didn’t know what to make of them. I knew my own experiences in the desert were strange at best – otherworldly at worst. But I didn’t realize how much of our everyday lives were overlooked as being mundane occurrences.
I don’t know what I seek by compiling this list, but I suppose just to let the world know what happens beneath their noses. That the dark, endless woods can be frightening, but there is an uncanniness to the sweltering cliffs of the desert Southwest that you cannot find anywhere else on earth.
That while you are here, the desert knows who you are, and it is watching you.
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dontkaraabit · 2 years
Days on ambilify
I started ambilify Oct 30. I’m gonna document how it helps or if it helps my mental health on here. I have ocd, generalized anxiety, and bipolar 2.
Heads up it’s a lot of complaining from here on out
Oct 31–The first day my eyes really hurt and my anxiety was really bad but I think it was because I was scared to start a new med.
November 1- On the second day my eyes still hurt and when it kicked in and when I woke up it kinda felt like my entire field of vision was a lava lamp (it was really bad when I closed my eyes); I was anxious but in terms of my bipolar cycle I wasn’t at a high and I wasn’t quite at a low, but I was moving closer to a low.
I think it’s way too soon to discuss if it’s helping the bipolar situation, and will be too soon to discuss for a few weeks. I’m also not manic or depressed, I just recently was manic and was cycling really quickly (like every few days); because I was on the wrong meds. (When I come out of a low or high, I’m fine for a bit before the next up or down.) But like I said I felt like before I started this med, I was moving towards a low. I would describe my overall mood as anxious because I’m sensitive to medications and I was worried about the eye thing.
November 2- I was super productive. I woke up early and got all my work done and painted my nails by 9a. (Side note I paint my nails and cut them once a week because my self harm is scratching and short painted nails make it harder to scratch). I also started a new mood blanket.* I figured because I’m starting a new chapter in my mental health journey I should start a new blanket. I also let my cats hang on the patio all day which is big for me bc the OCD. They get dry bathes whenever they come in but it also means I’m basically outside all day because they aren’t allowed outside unsupervised. (I live in az it’s 70 degrees so it’s basically spring).
I would describe my overall mood as anxious, I put myself in an uncomfortable space (which I do believe is necessary for growth particularly for OCD) but the resulting emotion was anxiety, I’ve also been trying to be more active on the internet which is hard because I’m an introvert and have a hard time reaching out to people.
*a mood blanket is basically a temperature blanket (every mood is a different color—when I’m low on cash similar emotions are the same color). I use them to recognize my emotions instead of journaling but I think I’m going to try both hence this.
November 3- I didn’t sleep last night. Which makes me worry because I wouldn’t consider myself an insomniac but not sleeping is becoming my norm…
Today felt relatively normal besides that I didn’t have any anxiety until about 10, but my anxiety was caused by chest pain or vis versa. My mom/nurse/person I call when anything I very wrong said a big medical word I don’t understand, but my chest muscle is sore. So I would say my feeling/mood for the day is fine.
November 4- today sucked. I was so sick all day and I have no idea if it’s a side effect or if I just ate something bad. Like I’ve been nauseous on this med after I eat pretty consistently but today was next level. I was doubled over in pain from my stomach, it felt like I had the flu. Let me go back a second when I started today I was fine, then I got a “you haven’t had enough water signal” from the toperimate (my hands start to tingle then go numb) so I knew I was dehydrated and there was a big thing about drinking water on the papers that came w the med (perks for having a nurse in the fam you read those things so you can answer questions lmao). So I do think not having enough water was a main factor in why I felt bad today. But why I think it could be a side effect or food related is because I get nauseous after I eat. Side note: my therapist missed our appointment and I really need to go to therapy do to the the mass amounts of anxiety I’m having. Overall mood: sick.
November 5- OCD day.
November 6- I don’t feel comfortable in my body, like I’m not comfortable sitting, standing, laying down, walking, nothing. Red thinks I’m manic and so does my mom. I haven’t slept in days; all I want to do is crotchet because I can count. I think I’m just tired and having OCD overload.* I started taking the med in the morning today and half of it. I messaged my doctor two days ago about doing this because of the whole not sleeping thing, I’ll probably hear back on Monday. My overall all mood is anxiety because while tired is a feeling, I don’t think tired is a mood but anxiety over not being able to sleep is. Why isn’t it OCD you ask? It is but I’m also exhausted because of the OCD. I just need sleep.
*all ocd terminally is extremely unoffical. It’s just how I describe my ocd to my doctors. (Psy/ therapist)
November 7- today is my last day on ambilify lol. I told my psy how I was vibing and she was like lol no that’s not okay (my therapist said the same thing). So we no longer are taking it lol. But it won’t be out of my system for three days. Overall mood anxiety
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purplesurveys · 2 years
If you had the last person you kissed’s Facebook password, would you go snooping through their stuff? Why or why not? Yeah, that’s a no can do. No reason other than they’re simply not in my life anymore.
Have you ever fainted? If so, when was the last time? If not have you ever come close? Yeah it’s been a while since it last happened, but I’ve definitely fainted more frequently than most people. I don’t do well with dehydration and heat. 
Do you trick or treat? If so, how old will you be when you stopped? If not, how old were you when you stopped? I haven’t done it since high school but I have a very “never say never” approach when it comes to things like trick or treating, if that makes sense? Like if a group of friends would make plans to do it, I’d always be on board.
Ever take a keyboarding class? Do you type using the skills you learned in class, or how you used to before you took the class? Yeah we had typing lessons in the earlier years of grade school; during exams, we were even required to bring handkerchiefs to cover our hands so that we could be checked on whether we’ve memorized the QWERTY format or not. But after those classes I never really used the ‘correct way’ and I’ve always typed with only my index and middle fingers.
What did the last umbrella you used look like? There’s nothing remarkable about it other than it being black.
How many pairs of boots do you own? I don’t own any pair of boots. Ever cut your hair (the entire thing - not just the bangs or a little part) yourself? Nah, my hands are too clumsy. I’d wreck my hair in minutes.
Do you find your best friend’s significant other/crush attractive? He’s fairly good-looking but I’m not personally attracted to him.
What do you do with your clothes that don’t fit anymore or just don’t want? I turn them over to my mom, who decides if she’ll donate them or give them as hand-me-downs to relatives.
Do you cut out coupons? That’s not a thing here.
Does anyone in your house play Xbox Live? You’re talking to a Playstation household, buddy.
What was the last school you attended (if you’re still in school, put the name of the school you attended before you came to that school) I went to UP for college.
Would you ever date a co-worker? No. Besides my last relationship rendering me emotionless (lol), that set-up could also be potentially damaging to my day-to-day work.
Did you ever breathe in helium and talk funny afterwards? I haven’t had the chance but I’ve always wanted to try.
Would you ever open your own business? If so, what kind of business could you imagine yourself having? You know, this thought has crossed my mind recently. It’d be cool to open some sort of Namjooning-themed café where people can go for rest or co-working or catching up with friends. It could be a family business if my family would be interested, given my parents’ background in hotel and restaurant management, and then my sister and I would tag team on the creative and marketing aspects...
Given my completely non-existent knowledge on business management, though, this would 100% remain a dream. It’s just a nice little happy thought that I like to think about sometimes.
When shopping, do you ever head straight for the clearance or sales rack? Nah I kind of just follow the route of the store and see if I find some pieces that I like along the way.
What’s your biggest pet peeve at your job? I hate the client servicing part of it which should technically serve as the biggest red flag for me now, given that I work in an AGENCY lmao. I’m already scouring new opportunities - for real now - and actually had a call with an e-commerce brand today since they have an opening for a PR position. I’m stressed and exhausted and burned the fuck out and I just need a way out before I work myself to literal death in this job.
How old do you want to be when you move out? Late 20s would be ideal for me. I have a bit of time left before my personal deadline haha.
Ever meet or talk to someone from an online dating site? Not my thing, never will be my thing. Last type of candy you ate? I think it was that gummy candy my mom bought last week.
Have you ever had egg drop soup? Yeah my grandmother made it for us a couple of weeks ago when we visited.
How many tattoos do you want in the future? Anywhere between 3-5 tiny ones would be fine, but this is only if I get to get over my fear of needles and getting pricked hah.
How soon do you start planning your Halloween costume each year? I only do it like 1-2 days before and it simply boils down to having bigger priorities. I’d love to plan my costumes out at least a week ahead but work always has me swamped. Last time you had Chinese food? I’m literally having it right now, haha. Mom got Chinese food tonight - I have fried rice and siomai.
Are you any good at dying hair? You mean dyeing? No not at all - I prefer to get any and every hair stuff done professionally.
What brand of shampoo did you last use? Dove.
Did you decorate your house for Halloween? If so, how many decorations? Did you go all out, or just put up a few things? We never decorate for Halloween.
Last person to hang up on you? I haven’t been hung up on in a while. Maybe my mom?
Are you excited for winter? Or are you dreading it? We don’t get winter.
Do you still own a VCR? How about VHSes? I think my parents threw ours out years ago.
What’s your favorite scary movie? Carrie.
How do you plan on spending your Halloween this year? Idk, probably at a workplace Halloween party since those are a thing.
Which type of Halloween Costumes do you prefer? Sexy ones or scary ones? Or maybe funny ones? Funny ones.
What was the most boring costume you ever had? Probably that time I went as a pirate like, three or four years ago. It was a Halloween party that a distant relative was holding, and I couldn’t care less.
Do you like cranberry sauce? I’ve never had it but I can tell you I probably won’t like it.
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tekanparadiae · 1 year
Getting smacked high in the snow at night is entirely different, it’s almost magical sort of fairy stale like with gingerbread houses and slenderman. There’s always a cycled disorientating pattern. It’s as if I���ve been here and never there. It’s pretty sensational. My skin is burning while my soul is freezing. It’s a sick balance.
I took an hour and a half to write whatever I was trying to say I keep forgetting whatever I was mentioning or thinking
It’s even happening now
I’m dehydrated as fuck
Harry new day
Happy new year
would do again
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I wish there was an easy way to increase my appetite cause then I’d be able to get out of this place and go back home.
Things I usually wanna eat just don’t seem appetising to me at all and I just don’t want anything, despite the fact I’m hungry, and I’m not entirely sure what’s causing the low appetite.
It could be stress, anxiety, or depression. If it’s one of those I need some way to reduce them so I can increase my appetite again and get back home. Problem is it’s easier said than done, cause I’m anxious about the fact I’m not really eating and don’t want anything. I’m stressed that I can’t seem to find anything I want to eat and that I therefore can’t go home yet. And I’m depressed that I’m still stuck in hospital and have been for so many weeks out of the year because I’ve been in and out all year.
It could also be my low magnesium levels. I know they’re low and according to a quick Google search that can cause lack of appetite, so I’m kinda hoping it’s just that so that I can have that medication and be back to wanting stuff to eat again.
At least all the other times this year there was an actual problem that landed me in the hospital and was fixable, even if it didn’t feel like it at the time. Multiple courses of antibiotics finally got rid of the infection that was causing me problems.
This time around it was that, and there were no other infections present, so I don’t know what cause my stoma output to turn to water again and cause my dip in eating and drinking that cause my dehydration and trip to a&e. It’s harder when there’s nothing to treat with medication because you’re left not really knowing what to do. Part of me wonders if something went wrong over the weekend. After a couple of days in I’d been rehydrated and was eating like normal again, but then suddenly on Sunday night I had a massive dip again and was ill, and had to have a cannula put in late at night and anti sickness through it. I don’t know what cause that but since that one, even after being rehydrated again, I still have no appetite which is normally up after rehydration. Maybe I’m not hydrated enough. Maybe it’s the magnesium levels. Maybe it’s because I seem to have picked up something else because I developed a cough yesterday and they’re testing me for covid just in case, though they’re not concerned about the fact I’ve felt like I’ve had a temperature and I know the feeling all too well, I know when it’s too high even if it’s still in the green on their system because it’s naturally fairly low. I asked for a paracetamol at like half 5 this morning after observations and the HCA said the nurse would be doing med rounds soon and I could ask for it then, which was a straight up lie and I knew it cause med rounds don’t come until like half 7 gone after the shift change, but I was too tired to argue. I figured I’d just deal with it and push off my covers and stick with shivering so I didn’t make it any worse and possibly get no more sleep until med rounds. Then they went round with meds and missed me out entirely. This keeps happening; they seem to keep skipping over me even though I should be having regular anti sickness. All the meds I’m supposed to be having I have to keep buzzing and asking for because they’re skipping over me and I don’t know why. So I’m asking my dad to bring meds from home instead at visiting and I’m going to self medicate so at least I can actually have what I need when I need it. Sorry for the rant and long post guys, it didn’t start with the intention of a rant, just turned into one lol.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
物の哀れ ( ‘the sadness of things’.)
Characters : Alpha! Jungkook x Omega ! OC.
Genre : Arranged Marriage / Temporary contractual Marriage.
Warnings : Non- Con/ Extremely Dubious Consent . High functioning alcoholism. Genre related consent issues. Implied suicidal thoughts.
Summary : A recently widowed Jungkook agrees to a contract marriage to keep his company afloat. His grief overwhelms him and it is hard to look at his new wife as anything other than an intruder .
[  Author’s Note :  物の哀れ ~ Mono no aware can be translated as ‘the sadness of things’. It comes from the words 物 (mono – thing) and 哀れ (aware – poignancy or pathos). The ‘sadness’ in question comes from an awareness of the transience of things, as taught by Zen Buddhism. When we view something exceptionally beautiful, we might feel sad because we know it won’t stay so beautiful forever – but appreciation only heightens the pleasure we take in the beautiful thing in that moment. ]
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3
“Yoongi left a bunch of painkillers for you. He said you can take up to three per day.” Jin said calmly , carefully slipping the sleeves of my t shirt over my wrist as i held my arms out for him. He slipped the shirt over my head gently but his arms hit my shoulders, jostling me.   I swallowed the whimper of pain that shot through me at the movement. Mina was now awake, happily wiggling around on her rocker. 
It was a little past seven in the evening and Jungkook wasn’t due to arrive for another hour . 
“I could sleep on a bed of rusty nails right now. I’m so tired and i don’t know why. “ I whispered, staying still as he carefully drew the fabric down over my ribs, before stepping back. 
“I’ll sleep in the nursery with her. You should take the bed. You’re in no shape to be up and taking care of her when she wakes up. Jungkook’s asked me to stay here during the day because I’m not going to be performing for a couple months anyway and I’ve been losing my mind, rattling around that huge ass mansion all by myself. ” 
The phone rang, startling both of us. 
I groaned before moving to get up but Jin oppa held a hand up.
“Stay in bed. I’ll go see who it is.” 
I watched him disappear out of the room, settling back against the pillows and reaching for the ice pack in the small cooler by the bed. I had to ice my ribs every hour or so and while it didn’t seem to be helping much, I definitely appreciated the temporary numbness it offered. 
Jungkook’s guilt had driven a new wedge between us and he hadn’t so much as looked at me in three days. 
I wasn’t sure entirely if this was a good or bad thing. The fact that he seemed to be considering that he had to get his emotions under control to stop hurting the people around him was a welcome change. But the idea of going back to being ignored and treated like furniture , wasn’t really all that appealing. 
“Jungkook’s parents are on the way.” Jin’s voice broke through my reverie and i jumped. 
I resisted the urge to sob out loud . 
Mr and Mrs. Jeon were on the opposite side of the grief spectrum and just as annoying. 
Where Sooah’s parents were intent on making Jungkook remember their daughter as often as possible, Jungkook’s parents were intent on making him forget her. 
The only thing the two of them had in common was a burning hatred for me. 
Jungkook’s parents had wanted him to quit the company and sell it when it went into loss but Jungkook had categorically refused because that would result in all of his employees getting laid off, and back then Jungkook had been nothing if not ridiculously compassionate. Jungkook’s parents firmly believed that if it hadn’t been for me, their son would be back in Busan, letting them raise their granddaughter. 
“Great, that’s great. Did you tell them their son is not around?” I grimaced. I’d only met them three times in total and the last time was in the hospital two months ago when Jungkook had crashed in the middle of a board meeting, weeks of starving and dehydration catching up to him. It hadn’t been a pleasant experience, getting cursed out in front of the doctors and nurses and it probably won’t be any fun in the privacy of my home either. 
Jin gave me a sympathetic smile. 
“He’s already told them he’s on the way. I’m going to take Mina out on a walk. Give you guys some privacy. Shoot me a text when they leave.” he said gently. 
“Can’t I come with?” I begged and he laughed. 
“That would be a bad idea, even if it weren’t for the cracked rib. Just relax. Smile and nod and let them spew whatever nonsense they want and then they’ll leave. ” 
I opened my mouth to tell him how many flaws there were in his plan when the doorbell rang. 
“And that’s my cue. Text me, yeah?” Jin moved to pick Mina up from the rocker before reaching for the baby carrier on the table. 
I debated the pros and cons of staying in bed and finally decided against it, gently throwing my legs off the edge and raising myself up to a sitting position. I heard vague voices by the front door, Jin’s sweet tones mingling with Jungkook’s slightly gruffer ones. 
I heard the door close and the stillness of the apartment was as oppressing as ever. I could hear him quite clearly though. The clink of the keys as they hit the bowl, the small click of the door as he locked it. 
i could imagine him, exhausted from the day’s work, briefcase held in one hand while the other tugged on the knot of his tie. 
I imagined for a second, what it must have been like for him with Sooah. She was a bright , incredibly cheerful person. Everyone kind of faded into the background when she was around. Sooah had always been the first to smile at a stranger, the first to laugh even if the joke wasn’t funny. The first one to stand up to help someone in need. 
I swallowed, clutching the sheets to ground myself. 
I guessed that she must’ve always rushed to greet him at the door. I could imagine him wrapping both arms around her waist, drawing her into a hug or even a kiss. 
 How was your day, Kookie?  (I’d heard her call him that, once when they had been at my father’s house for a charity dinner. )
I wondered if perhaps the very sight of her would have taken away all of the day’s exhaustion from him. Perhaps, he would forget all the ways his company had been failing back then at the sight of her beautiful laughing face. Perhaps losing his company hadn’t been as terrifying as losing his job.  
And perhaps once he lost her, he just couldn’t bear the thought of losing his life’s work too. And so he’d agreed to meet my father’s demands. 
My fingers began trembling a bit .
I could imagine her moving around the house, pregnant and glowing, laughing as he nuzzled into the curve of her belly. Had he perhaps pressed his lips to her skin, whispered sweet endearments to his daughter through the fabric of his wife’s clothes? Had he perhaps loved Mina, deeply? WAs it just his grief that made it hard to be near his wife. Or was it perhaps me? Me holding the baby that should have been in his beautiful wife’s arms. 
The wife he had been so madly, deeply in love with. 
Love, I thought vacantly.
It wasn’t something I had ever felt, for anyone until I’d began caring for Mina.
But what Jungkook had with his wife was something different wasn’t it? 
The love a man had for a woman. Laced with desire, longing and passion. A love that made you put their happiness over your own.  
Love like that had never been in the cards for me. 
I was an Omega. Rare and hated and known for being selfish and greedy. People didn’t love my kind. They avoided me. They always assumed I would take advantage of them. My peers growing up had treated me with so much contempt. 
 The girls would whisper how I was trying to seduce their boyfriends. The boys would call me a tease, even when I stayed far away and did nothing to attract their attention. I’d gotten used to it. It didn’t bother me. it was the way of the world for me. Ad it wasn’t like I could honestly deny some of it. 
I looked at handsome alphas and wanted them. I wanted to be held and cherished. To be bought pretty things and cared for. It had taken decades for me to beat that part of mine into submission. To remind myself that if I ever let that part of me out, it would destroy me. 
But love? Being in love with someone? 
I didn’t know what that could have been like for Jungkook. 
Or maybe I had but I couldn’t recognize it because I’d never received it myself. Whatever the cause, it was for me, a fairytale. It was hard to imagine people loving each other so much, to the extent that they would die for each other. ( Jungkook’s words still hung in the back of my mind : that he had wanted to follow her even in death ) 
Jungkook was right.
I could never know what his loss was like. 
Because I would never know what he had lost. 
It felt a little like being dipped in an ice cold lake in the middle of winter. My skin broke out in shivers, hair standing on end and I felt my throat go dry so swiftly. I’d never wanted to run away so much. I wrapped a hand sound myself, scooting back on the bed again. I reached for the blanket, wanting to pull it over my head and curl into a ball. 
Shut out the world and all the things that didn’t make sense. 
“Are you alright?” Jungkook’s voice broke through the haze in my head and I swallowed. He had an alpha’s voice and my body responded even if my mind resisted. It didn’t happen all the time. Jungkook couldn’t control me. But sometimes when I was feeling vulnerable, instincts took over . I was already dropping the blanket and smiling softly.
“Mina’s out for a walk.” I croaked out, surprised at how awful my voice sounded. 
I felt the press of something against my fingers and I blinked, staring at the glass of water Jungkook was pressing into my hand.
“Don’t worry, I called them and told them not to come over.” He said quietly , watching me drink with still trembling fingers. 
I swallowed and stared at him. 
“I... Thank you. “ I said fervently, feeling a few knots come undone in my gut. I couldn’t really stand up to Jungkook’s parents the way I did with Sooah’s parents. Because Jungkook loved them deeply and hurting them would be the same as hurting him. 
“There’s a party in a couple of days. It’s my birthday. I’m turning 34.  Yugyeom’s organizing the whole thing, so I’m going to hire a babysitter for Mina, because Jin hyung will be there too and you need help caring for her anyway. You can stay home and rest. ” he said . 
I scoffed. 
“I’m going to come with you.” I said firmly. 
Jungkook frowned. 
I glared at him. 
“I’m not letting you go to a party organized by your shit for brains friend, Jungkook. You’ll probably end up getting drunk out of your mind and killing someone and I’m not going to hang around to clean that up. I’m coming to that party and I’m making sure you don’t have more than one drink.  “
Jungkook’s frown deepened into a scowl. 
Did you ever look at your wife , like this? With so much loathing? I thought stupidly. Or did she only ever get to see the sweet and wonderful side of you? Did she ever annoy you the way i seem to every second of the damn day ? Did you hate certain things about her too? Or was she so perfect that you could only feel love ? 
“ I can take care of myself. Its my birthday , I can do whatever the fuck I want.“ He snapped. 
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 
“Not unless you’re a five year old kid in the sandpit, which you’re not. You’re an adult and when you make stupid decisions as an adult, very real people end up paying for it. You’re old enough to know this Jungkook and for once, just listen to me. You can drink, fine. But I’m going to be there and if I see that you’re getting drunk, I’m going to bring you home. You either agree or I’m going to call Yoongi oppa .” 
That made him pause. 
“Fine. Fuck you.” He snapped, turning on his heel and stalking out of the room. A few seconds later I heard the door to the shower slam shut.  
 I wanted to follow him and shake some sense into him but before I could decide if it was worth jostling my body, when another sharp pain lanced through my ribs.
Oh great. 
I took deep breaths the way Yoongi had taught me. Apparently, pneumonia was a thing that could happen, so i had to breath carefully to reduce the risk of that happening. 
The birthday party organized by Yugyeom was going to be a whole entire migraine inducing disaster. I could already feel the headache come on. It still amazed me that Jungkook was friends with him and his cronies. 
Yugyeom and his friends were the typical; brain dead alphas who thought themselves superior to all other ranks. Even worse, they viewed omegas as objects: fucktoys to be more precise and I bristled when i remembered the way he had always stared at me. 
Well, if he stepped anywhere near me, I would kick him in the teeth. 
When Jungkook’s mother turned up at home the next day, I wasn’t entirely surprised. I wasn’t surprised but it didn’t make things any more pleasant. 
“We’re willing to take Mina for a couple of days if you would both need time to prepare for the party. This is the first big event Jungkook’s holding after Sooah’s passing and we want it to be perfect. As his wife, i hope you’ll do your part.” 
Mrs Jeon’s pinched face did nothing for my already frayed temper. 
“There’s not much i can do with a cracked rib, mother.” I said politely. It stung, having to call this bitter, cruel woman mother but then, such was life. It was late afternoon and Jungkook was probably sitting in the comfort of his air conditioned office, being flattered and doted on by his smitten secretary while I sat here entertaining his vicious mother. 
“Nonsense, you’ve probably just scratched it. I know how you omegas like to exaggerate. “ she waved off my injury easily. “ There are so many details that need to be decided on and its unfair to drop all of those responsibilities on poor yugyeom’s head. Why don’t you go with him and help out a bit?” 
The idea of going anywhere with Kim Yugeom was easily the most repugnant thing to me. 
“I’m sure he knows Jungkook much better than I do. If i interfered, I’d only be getting in his way.” I said politely. 
Mrs. Jeon hummed.
“Well, its good that he’s agreed to the party at least. That woman never let him meet with Yugyeom or his friends when she was around.”
That woman being Jungkook’s late wife. 
I felt a sudden fondness for her. Clearly she had also recognized Yugyeom for the absolute pig that he was and kept her husband away from his rotten influence . But unlike with her, Jungkook didn’t actually care about me. So I had no way of stopping him from meeting the idiots. Yugyeom’s family was rich and reputed and it was clear that the Jeons wanted the friendship and the connection. Why else would they keep pushing for it so much?
“Is there any particular reason you’re here, mother?” I said finally, after hearing her babble on and on about caterers and invitations and what not. 
“I was hoping to meet Mina...why isn’t she here?” 
“I’m not able to care for her well, what with the rib. The doctor has advised me to rest so Jin oppa takes care of her during the day. Jungkook picks her back up on his way back from office. I can send her over to your place with him this weekend.” 
“That would be fine i suppose. Have you spoken to the decorators about changing the portraits put up in the house?”
I blinked.
“The penthouse, we’ve got it back now right? why don’t you move there. We have a cook and a housekeeper .”]
“this is closer to Jungkook’s office.” I had no idea where the penthouse was and could only hope it was farther way. 
Mrs. Jeon frowned. 
“This apartment is too small. Not to mention, you still have Sooah’s photos everywhere in this place. Surely that’s not healthy. Get rid of them and put up pictures of you and Jungkook.” 
Jungkook’s parents didn’t know that our marriage had an expiry date. i wasn’t sure if this was a good or bad thing. But they saw me as nothing more than a way to get rid of Sooah from the deepest recesses of Jungkook’s mind. 
“I’m sure, with time...Jungkook can make that decision by himself. When he’s ready for it.” I said gently, beginning the fresh throb of pain near my temple. 
“Nonsense, Heejin. Men won’t ever move on until you force them. Have you considered getting  pregnant?” 
I jumped about a foot into the air.
“I...what.” I croaked out. 
“You need a child too. He mated you. He owes you that. I’m going to tell him that he better do his duty by you.” She said firmly. 
“Please don’t.” I shouted, stunned out of my mind. Was this woman even sane?
“Why not?” She frowned looking at me like i was the one being unreasonable. 
 Why not? Because its barely been four months since he lost his wife of seven years to childbirth. Surely, you don’t think the remedy to that is to have him go through it all over again. 
 “ Mina is still small, mother. I’m sure we can wait a while. Maybe after she’s one or two.” 
 Jungkook would probably move on by then. Of course he would. Grief was overwhelming but it was also finite. It did get smaller over time. Easier to cope with. Jungkook would eventually be able to navigate his life around his grief. He would learn to make new connections and who was to say one of those wouldn’t be a compatible match? 
So two years from now, there was no reason Jungkook shouldn’t meet another lovely woman, a beta maybe and eventually expand his family. Of course i would be nowhere in the picture at the time. But that was fine. 
I remembered something I’d read somewhere, a while back. 
 If two people are like ships that pass in the night, they meet by chance for a short time , then do not see each other ever again. 
Like ships passing by each other in the night,  I reminded myself. That's what Jungkook and I were. 
“Well, if you think that’s wise.... fine. But now that Jungkook’s doing well, why don’t you entertain people more often? You haven’t had a dinner party here yet, have you?”
And so it went on, over an over for a whole two hours until I was wrung out from sheer exhaustion, my head throbbing and nails having dug half moon indents into my palms from fisting my hands too hard. 
By the time i finally closed the door on her face, I couldn’t help but sag against the door, sinking to the floor in a heap, cracked rib be damned. 
I glanced up at the solo portrait on the wall. The one my mother in law had wanted gone. 
“She must’ve really hated you, huh?” I said casually pulling myself up to my feet and moving to the dining space to stare at her face more closely. 
She was dressed in her wedding gown, a fitted mermaid dress with lace and satin detailing. She had a bouquet of white lilies in one hand, elbows bent and the blooms resting on her shoulder while her other hand curved around her slender waist. 
Beautiful was an understatement, I thought vacantly. 
“ You look like you didn’t put up with people’s bullshit. That’s cool I guess.” I smiled a little. “ You know in another world, we may have been friends.” 
I bit my lips.
“Yugyeom was shitty to you too huh? He seems the type. i’m glad you kept Jungkook away from him. I wish you’d somehow help get him away again. He doesn’t listen to me. Thinks I’m trying to control him or something. ”
It was ridiculous. What was i doing.. Why was i talking to a framed picture on the wall. God.
But now that I’d started, I couldn’t quite stop.
“About what happened with Jungkook... I don’t want you to think i was seducing him or anything. And when i said that I hated him calling your name when we... well you know why i said it right? It wasn’t anything personal...i was just pissed. I don’t enjoy the sex by the way... I don’t think he does either but he’s an alpha and you know how it is…they need that release or they kind of lose their mind .. So trust me we both hate the principle of it.... but at least he cums and well I don’t. He’s never made me cum. That should say something about how we feel about each other.......”
“Uh.. Should I come back later?” The voice near the doorway was so unexpected my heart jumped right to my throat and I screamed, stumbling a bit to the side.
Min Yoongi stood framed by the door, one hand wrapped around a bouquet of flowers and the other clutching his bag and stethoscope. He still had his white coat on over his shirt and slacks, hair mussed like he’d run his finger through it.
It took me a second to remember that Yoongi had a key to the house.
Another second to remember exactly what I’d been doing when he came inside.
Good God.
Had he heard the part where I’d talked about Jungkook not making me cum? Surely not? Oh Please no. 
“Jungkook told me to check on you. That you couldn’t sleep last night? Are you in a lot of pain?” 
Jungkook and I had shared the bed in his room last night and I had apparently, tossed and turned and whimpered through the night in pain. Or so Jungkook claimed. 
“Uh... I’m not sure. He said so... so..” 
“you guys sleep together right?” Yoongi asked casually, taking his coat off. I stared at the way the material of the shirt strained over his shoulders, my throat just a little dry. 
Yoongi smelled so ridiculously good. He was a doctor and he was so handsome and kind to me. The attraction would have been there even if i had been a beta but as an omega, the urge to just fling myself at him and beg him to make me his, it was kind of horrifying. 
Tamping down that part of me, I gave him a casual shrug, heart still pounding. 
“Yeah. There’s just two bedrooms here and one is Mina’s nursery. So ...” I finished awkwardly, watching him move around and place his bag on the table before unwinding the stethoscope, placing it around his collar. 
He gave me a small smile. 
“I’ll just take a quick look and check how your breathing sounds. that okay?” He asked gently. 
“Oh... sure. You need me to take my shirt off?” I asked curiously. 
He gave me a quick little smirk. 
“Not for medical reasons no.” He winked. 
I felt blood rush to my face along with guilt. What was I doing? This was Jungkook’s best friend!! His hyung. Someone he trusted and I was his....
His what? 
Nothing. I was Jungkook’s nothing. When was the last time someone had flirted with me . Someone who wasn’t a grade A creep. 
Yoongi moved closer, sitting down on the kitchen stool and beckoned me to come stand between his thighs. i moved, achingly aware of how much more potent his scent was up close. He looked up at me through sooty black lashes, a small smirk on his lips, feline eyes warm and open . 
“Put your hands on my shoulders, yeah?” He prompted. 
I hesitated, fingers shaking just a little before reaching out to rest on this shirt. I kept the touch feather light , the softness of his shirt the only thing I could feel.
He hummed and bending  down to lightly tug the hem of my shirt out of the waistline of my jeans. I bit my lips to stop myself from squirming. 
He glanced up , eyes meeting mine and holding my gaze. 
“You good?” 
“Uhuhbuh.” I stuttered and he grinned wider, pulling the fabric up to the curve of my breasts. He lightly ran his finger tips over the bruised skin , humming thoughtfully .
“You’ll be fine in a few weeks. Hang on.” He pulled back, plugging the steth in his hear before holding the other end up to my chest. He pressed it against my skin, just before the underwire of my bra and it was unexpectedly cold .
I jumped, fingers curling on his shoulder and squeezing down. 
“Hey.. what’s wrong?” Yoongi whispered, hands reaching for my waist, gently holding me steady and I flushed. He looked genuinely worried , lips turned down and brows furrowed and i felt absolutely stupid. 
“Sorry. Sorry.... It’s nothing.. i just.. it’s a little cold.” I laughed nervously and his gaze softened. 
One hand still curved around my waist, he brought the diaphragm up to his mouth, holding my gaze as he gently breathed warm air all over it. 
My throat went instantly dry and i had to swallow. He pressed it against my chest again and this time it was so much warmer. .
“Better?” He prompted and i nodded, guilt and discomfort churning in my stomach. What was i doing? I had no business indulging him. i had no business indulging any man. Ever.
 I looked away, pulling my hands up off his shoulder, pushing his hand off my hip as well . He didn’t say anything his shoulders stiffened at the subtle rejection. 
A mantle of awkward tension settled over us, a small thundercloud of regret and that threatened to rain misery all over us. I wanted to kick myself.  He was older than Jungkook by four years. Thirty eight years old. 
Did he have a girlfriend? Oh god, what if he was martried?
Nausea threatened. 
“Your breathing sounds fine. Are you practicing those breathing exercises , I taught you?” He asked casually and I nodded . I couldn’t trust myself to speak. 
“Hey...” He said gently and I flinched. 
“I’m sorry.” I blurted out. “ I didn’t mean to lead you on or tease you in any way and I’m sorry if i came on to you ...”
“What?! Heejin, stop. That’s bullshit. You never did any such thing. This was all me.” He said firmly. 
I stared at him.
“I know you’re married but... your marriage, its going to end right? Eventually.” 
I made to step back but he grabbed my waist again, this time a few inches over my jean and his fingers on the bare skin of my midriff made me want to melt. He had long slender fingers, a surgeons hands, and the press of it on my skin felt so foreign and gentle and different and good. 
“We don’t have to do anything. I just... I thought we could get to know each other. Over coffee or dinner.”
I wanted to sob at the unfairness of it all.
Because Yoongi was beautiful and handsome and so good and so much more than I could ever even dream of,  but he was and would always be so intricately woven with Jungkook and with Jungkook’s life. And I couldn’t imagine anything more messy than sticking around and watching Jungkook and his daughter forget me and move on.
“It’s.... probably a terrible idea. “ I said roughly, shaking my head. “ Its the kind of idea that would never end well.” 
“Are you sure? Because unlike Jungkook, i could probably make you cum.” He winked and I felt my face flame red. 
“Oh God...” I hissed, stumbling back. This time he let me move away, merely chuckling and reaching for his coat and bag . 
“I won’t bother you again. But the offer’s always open, yeah?” He smiled again. “ You need me to send over more pain meds?”
I shook my head mutely, begging him to just leave already. 
He nodded and held his hand up in a casual wave before walking out of the door. I collapsed on the stool and dropped my head into my arms , groaning. 
What had i gotten myself into. 
I didn’t actually see Jungkook for a couple of days. The meds knocked me out and he worked overtime, only arriving after I’d slept off and leaving before i woke up. Jin brought Mina around everyday and there was something absolutely exhilarating about watching her clutch at her little teething toys and rattles, gummy smile peeking out every few minutes. 
On a whim, i told Jin what had happened with Yoongi and much to my surprise he actually laughed. 
“About time . He’s been pining for what three years now?” 
I gaped at him, completely thrown.
“I..he.. what.” I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around what I had heard. 
“He saw you at that art exhibition you put up in the Hyatt . By the way, don’t you paint anymore?”
I flushed. 
I had no proper response to that. What could i say? That my painting had just been yet another way to control me, only appreciated by father when he could use it to make more money. And that part of my marriage contract included that I wouldn’t paint or make any money off my art for the duration that I stayed with Jungkook. 
It was just yet another way my father reminded me that he controlled him. I didn’t fight him because he would win anyway. And the only thing he loved more than controlling people was winning battles that were always rigged in his favor. i wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. I would soldier through this awful marriage and at the end of it , i would disappear without a trace. 
I shook my head vaguely and Jin hummed. 
“Yoongi doesn’t understand art but he hung around the entire nine hours , morning to night . Three whole days of him just pretending to look at the artwork while secretly making moon eyes at you.”
I could only stare in sheer disbelief. 
“i... i never knew.” 
“How could you? Yoongi’s idea of courting is pretending he doesn’t exist and fading into the background. “ Jin rolled his eyes. “ He tried approaching your father to officially court you but your old man shut that down rather brutally.” 
I swallowed . 
“I... I’m sorry.” i said feeling foolish. Three years...what? I couldn’t think beyond the shock of the information. 
“Does Jungkook know?” I asked , scared. 
Jin shook his head.
“Like I said Yoongi never made it known . He was afraid it would make life difficult for you. He didn’t want any rumors around because everyone knew your father was looking to offer you to someone rich and young. Yoongi was what , fifteen years older? That’s quite a difference.”
“Thirty eight isn’t old.” I said sharply and Jin’s brow went up. 
“Oh?” He questioned teasingly and I flushed. 
“Jungkook is eleven years older. What’s another four more years?” I shrugged.
“You’re interested then.” Jin said thoughtfully. I recoiled, shaking my head quickly.
“I...what? No. No I’m not. “ 
“Why not? If it isn’t the age, then there’s no reason  to say no. Yoongi is handsome , settled and a great guy all around and besides,  your time with Jungkook is finite right?” 
“I... I won’t cheat on him.” I said firmly. “ i can’t... I... besides, Jungkook and I... we’re... we have sex.” My ears turned red, “ I can’t do that with two guys... I’m not like that. “ 
Jin nodded.
“Its alright.. Heejinah ...I’m sorry if i pressured you or anything. You don’t have to do anything. I know you have a lot on your plate right now. Yoongi probably got carried away . More than likely he’s going to panic and avoid you for a year just to recover.” He laughed and I smiled reluctantly. 
“He’s nice I don’t want to hurt him. “ I said softly. 
“ Sometimes that’s just inevitable . People get hurt no matter what we choose.” Jin gave me a sad little smile. “ Jungkook is just as nice a gy as Yoongi. If not better. He’s just...not in the right headspace to show that side of himself to you. I wish you’d known him before Sooah. He used to be this...playful and funny kid. We all went out of our way to keep him safe. Sooah was just as amazing. Usually , we try to find flaws in people our friends  date right? Well trust me Sooah was hard to dislike .” He laughed, eyes misting over as his gaze landed on her  portrait over the mantle. 
I followed his gaze and swallowed. 
“Do you think Jungkook will ever get over her?” I asked simply. 
Jin hesitated. 
“Someday? Probably yes. But it won’t be easy. He’s ... He feels things deeply. He always has. He loved her deeply, he cared for her deeply and so its only obvious that he’s going to feel the loss of her presence very deeply too.” 
I nodded. 
“Its his birthday tomorrow.” I said softly. “ I have a gift for him. Well its not a gift from me, but a gift nonetheless.  But I’m not sure if I should give it to him.” 
Jin gave me a surprised look. 
“What do you mean?” 
I smiled bitterly.
“Just that sometimes fate can be very cruel when it chooses its players. I’m forever wondering if he would be better off or worse without me in the picture and I just can’t decide.” 
“Different. He would just be different.” Jin said calmly. 
There was nothing else i could say to that. 
Yugyeom had rented out the rooftop restaurant in one of the poshest Hotels in Seoul and although the party was a pool party, I hadn’t bothered dressing for it. I wore a plain sequined top and burgundy skirt that fanned out around me knees. 
The place was teeming with people his age , friends acquaintances and business partners. The women had changed into bright , skimpy bikinis and lounged about in the brightly lit pool tossing a ball around .
The older people were being hosted by the Jeons on the lower level of the restaurant in a posh ballroom. Jungkook and i would have to visit them later but for now I was content sipping a mocktail, leaning against the bar while Hoseok and Lisa flanked me on either side, pointing out who was sleeping with who. 
Jungkook was in the pool with Yugyeom and Jimin and it was impossible to tear my eyes away from him. He looked happy almost, laughing and shaking water out of his hair as he moved around with the strength and agility of an Olympic athlete. Yoongi was in the pool as well and on the opposite team with Jin and Namjoon....and it was increasingly obvious that the half a dozen bikini clad women were there simply for an excuse to touch the handsome alphas as they worked up a sweat. 
“Jungkook is such a competitive bastard.” Hoseok laughed. “But I don’t know what’s gotten into Yoongi today. i can’t believe he’s in the pool. “
“Of his own volition. “ Lisa added. “ usually someone has to strip him and toss him in. 
Yoongi kept glancing at me every few minutes. It was impossible to miss. It was also impossible to miss that at least three of the six women in the pool were trying to get into his pants. 
I sighed and turned back to the bartender asking for a refill. when i turned back around, Jungkook and Yugyeom were climbing out of the pool and Jin was moving to the opposite side to take their place with Jimin. 
“Jungkook and i are going to go get a drink. Anything for you , beautiful?” Yugyeom reached out to touch me and I almost fell in my haste to get away from him. 
“Keep your hands off me.” I snapped . Jungkook frowned. 
“No need to be rude, Heejin , he was just being polite.” He said softly and i smelt the alcohol on his breath.
“Don’t drink too much Jungkook.”
“Oh come on, beautiful., Its his birthday let him live a little...” Yugyeom laughed and I glared at him.
“I’d rather have him live longer “ I snapped. “ And that can’t happen if you keep trying to give him alcohol poisoning.” 
Yugyeom rolled his eyes. 
“Is she always this dramatic, Jungkook-ah.” Yugyeom laughed. Jungkook didn’t laugh but he gave me a look that said, ‘ please don’t make a scene’ and I bit my lips. 
I didn’t want to ruin his night. He looked ....so close to a normal person tonight and whether I liked it or not Yugyeom had contributed to that. The music was apparently Jungkook’s favorites only, the pool because he loved volleyball in the water and the buffet had all his favorite foods. Yugyeom had gone out of his way to make the party perfect and i suddenly felt like the troll stomping on Jungkook’s happiness. 
Swallowing my own instinct to drag my husband away from the alpha who had his arms around him, I turned away and walked off to the pool. Yoongi’s face lit up when he saw me.
“Hey there, angel. Here to watch me kick some ass? “ He cupped his hands in the water, before tossing a handful of water at me. I blinked in surprise, laughing a little. 
“I’m just here to cheer Jin oppa. “ I said impishly, moving over to the lounge chair near his side of the pool. Yoongi’s pout was adorable and I couldn’t help but laugh. 
Maybe I could stop worrying about Jungkook for a while. Yugyeom wasn’t dangerous. Even if he got a little drunk, I was still here. So were all of our friends. 
It would be fine. 
it wasn’t fine. 
An hour later, I found Jungkook in a room filled with cigarette smoke and light music, yugeyom and his friends scattered around the place with a few beautiful women lounging about on their laps. 
“You said one drink Yugyeom...he’s completely out of his mind.” I said shrilly staring at where Jungkook sat on the couch , shirtless and laughing as some girl in a bikini ran her fingers up and down his arm. She had one leg draped over his thigh.  I felt sick at the very sight of it. 
its because he’s drunk ,  I told myself.  He’s drunk and can’t consent, that’s why you feel sick, nothing else.  
Yugyeom gave me an easy smile. 
“Guy just wants to have some fun. Reina’s a friend of mine. She’ll take good care of him don’t worry. She’s the birthday gift i got him. “ He leered. 
I resisted the urge to punch him in the face. 
Glaring at him, 
“Jungkook, we’re leaving. Come on.” I made to move towards him but a hand shot out, gripping my wrist like a vice. 
“Not so fast baby.... I already paid for her. You can’t just waltz in here and take away her livelihood.” He sneered. “ Unless you want to take her place. This is a special bar you know. All these lovelies, they have something in common with you.” 
I stared at him frowning.
“What does that mean?” 
“I hired them from an omega escort agency...you know because that’s all you omegas are useful for anyway.” 
I rolled my eyes, yanking on my wrist. 
“You and your medieval ideals can go to hell. I’m going home. Jungkook!!” I yelled again and this time Jungkook turned eyes landing on me. 
“Heejin?” He slurred. 
“We need to go home, Jungkook.” I said firmly. 
“Now?” He blinked. I nodded. 
“Yes now.” I made to move away but this time Yugyeom wrapped both arms around my waist, pinning me to his body. Pain , sharp and unbearable shot up my ribs and I whimpered. He was squeezing too hard and God what if the cracked rib just snapped? 
Panic began setting in and I yelped.
“Let me go you bastard.” I struggled to get away, staring in disbelief at my husband . 
Jungkook was standing but he swayed dangerously. There was no clarity there and his eyes were hooded. He was drunk. Really, really drunk. 
“Jungkook tell him to let me go!!” I yelled , trying to tamp down the panic that was rising up my throat. 
“Don’t worry Kook. Just gonna ask her to wait outside for a while. Why don’t you finish your conversation with Reina.. i’ll entertain your wife for a while.” He drawled and i felt my entire body go ice cold at that. 
Jungkook was blinking rapidly, the words clearly not registering and genuine terror began to bleed into my veins. Jungkook couldn’t even fathom that i was in genuine danger here, let alone help me. Oh God, why had i come alone? Where were the others??
Yugyeom held me tighter and i swallowed a groan . My ribs felt like they were on fire. 
“Let’s take this somewhere private, Heejin?” He whispered into my neck and i couldn’t believe it. Yugyeom was drunk yes, but was this idiot also insane? 
“Wait...no.. Yugeyom don’t be a fucking idiot. If you touch me, that’s fucking rape...You can go to prison for that .” I shouted, trying to drill some sense into his head. He wasn’t going to risk prison to make a point was he?? 
“Not if you seduce me angel...and you’re going to... Or I’ll just tell people you did...same difference , right?” he whispered. 
And then he began dragging me off to the corner and my eyes fell on a side door leading out of the room . 
 If you let him take you there this is going to become frighteningly real,  a voice screamed in my head and I inhale deeply, ready to scream loud enough to get the attention of everyone in the damned building. 
The door opened just as I opened my mouth and I froze, watching Mrs Jeon walk into the lounge, looking lost.
“What is this place?” She muttered out loud looking around and the arms around me fell away so fast, I crashed to the floor. 
“Heejin-ah!” Yoongi’s voice came from right behind her and I flinched, willing my shaking legs to stop trembling. 
“Mrs. Jeon...” I muttered, voice strained and ribs throbbing. 
“Heejin? What is going on here? Where’s my son?” 
“Fuck... Jungkook-ah...” Yoongi moved to get him and I took a deep steadying breath. 
Years ago , I’d taken a self defence class and one thing i’d definitely enjoyed learning was how to throw a punch. And It wasn’t something i’d forgotten. 
Planting my feet firmly , i lightly rotated my hips, a subtle shift, before engaging my core , drawing all the fury and helpless rage inside me into my fist. I pulled my shoulders in and took a deep breath. Punch past your target , i told myself. You’re not just going to break his jaw you’re going to put him in the hospital tonight. 
“Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook had a great time toni-” His voice was all i needed to hear  to know exactly where his mouth was behind me. 
i relaxed my muscles as i threw the punch, contracting them just as my fist landed on Kim Yugyeom’s face.  
The satisfying sound of flesh on bone felt like music to my ears and Yugyeom’s sharp cry of sheer agonizing pain even sweeter. 
He crashed to the floor in a heap and I could feel my fist throb like hell. I was going to bruise so badly. But it was worth it. 
“That was for telling me that you were going to rape me and tell everyone that i seduced you.” I said calmly. 
Yoongi let out a noise of disbelief. 
“What the actual fuck.....” He shouted. 
“Yugyeom what the fuck man? Are you out of your damned mind?” One of his friends yelled. Yugyeom merely groaned. 
He couldn’t answer, blood trickling down his chin and hands cradling his jaw, whimpers falling out of his  mouth. My own fist throbbed like hell so the damage had to be significant. 
Mrs Jeon looked horrified and when she opened her mouth i quickly held a hand up.
“I’m not doing this. Not tonight. “ I said calmly. Jungkook was quiet, the way he always got when he was drunk and I groaned. 
It was going to be a long night. 
“We need to talk.” I said calmly and Jungkook swallowed. 
“Heejin, I’m -”
“Hear me out first Jungkook.” I said sharply. “ I don’t need your apology, it means nothing to me because it means nothing to you. You’re not sorry that you didn’t help me last night. You’re just angry that you had to help at all. You don’t give a fuck about me. I know that and I’m okay with that. What I’m not okay with is you getting drunk to the point that you don’t even recognize that someone’s in need of help. “ 
I took a deep breath. 
“If you did it to me, you’ll do it to your daughter too. Yugyeom is going to get you drunk someday when you’re taking care of Mina by yourself and then when she needs you, what are you going to do?” 
“You’re right... I shouldn’t have gotten that drunk -”
“I’m only here , talking to you , because of your daughter. If it was just you, I wouldn’t give a damn because you’re an adult and if you make your bed , you can just lie on it. It wouldn’t bother me. But Mina...she’s not capable of making the right choices. She need a father who can make the right choices, because whatever shitty choice you make, your daughter is going to be there along for the ride whether she wants to or not. You drive your car off a cliff tomorrow , she’s going to be there in the car seat laughing because she doesn’t know the consequences of your choices. “ 
I clenched my fists to keep my voice even. To stop myself from yelling. 
“I have something for you. “ 
I grabbed the brown paper wrapped canvas from under the table. 
“It’s a painting . Your wife commissioned me to make this a year ago when she got pregnant.” 
He froze so eerily still that it made me nervous.
“At first , i wasn’t sure if i should be giving it to you because well... because i was marrying you ... I wasn’t sure that it would be right, coming from me ...because I was taking your wife’s place after all...”
i laughed. 
“Now I know that's just bullshit. I don’t have a place in your life. I’m a nobody. This isn’t about me. This is about you. She told me back then that you were nervous about being a father. That was all she said. And she wanted me to pain this. “ I held the canvas out to him. 
“You can see it. I’m going to go stay with Jin oppa for a few days. I want you to see it. It shows how your wife saw you. The kind of father she hoped you would be. I want you to see it and make a choice. You can either get the help you need. “ i took a deep breath, “ Or I’m going to tell Yoongi that you’re incompetent to be a father. He’ll file charges , “ I had to close my eyes to get the next words out, “ and you will lose custody of your daughter.” 
Jungkook inhaled sharply, hands curling into fists on his knees. 
“i hope you make the right choice.” 
I wrapped both my arms around myself and walked out. 
Author’s note. :
I’m so exhausted I’ll tag people tomorrow! 
.@girlinthemikrokosmos  @xius-exos  @sugainfireslex  @yunkichiee@kpopstudybee @ephyraaaa  @peachoney9795 @ggukkieland  @veronawrites  @blr1004   @tinyhoagiepartylover @btsis7okay@squishyjk  @itsdingdong @emmmui  @honeeybunneey  @yeonkiminnie
@just-me-and-myselfs  @delicate-snow-flake  @kpop-lore  @beautifulvirgobutterfly @sumzysworld  @btsmylife21  @teresaisla
.@melrosaeparker @taestannie @dchimminie  @ meraki--life   @somewhereinthestarss  @mawwnsterr  @kookiesbreaky  @chimchoom 
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mythicamagic · 3 years
“Call it a truce”
(For the prompt if you’d like)
They'd crossed paths eight times now inside the godforsaken maze. Naraku had placed them under some sort of spell- Kagome wasn’t totally sure if her friends were also somewhere inside. It had all happened way too quickly. One second she’d been fighting alongside her comrades- the next, waking up inside a bizarre hellscape.
Sadly the only person she’d seen thus far was Sesshoumaru of all demons. When they’d first bumped into each other- blue and gold had narrowed- both quickly turning in the opposite directions.
Gradually, however, time wore on. A continuous mist obscured every corner of the black maze, its towering walls strangled by twisting, thorny vines. Red skies hung overhead, a barrier likely preventing Sesshoumaru from flying upwards, otherwise he would've escaped by now.
Kagome had just one arrow and one weathered bow. No food, and no water. Just the clothes on her back and strung out nerves, wits starting to fray at the edges. Her footsteps sounded too loud in the empty space. The mist kept rolling, making her paranoid- imagining salivating demons and evil spirits haunting her steps.
Am I going to die in here?
Gritting blunt teeth, Kagome let out a frustrated noise- wrapping her hands around the nearest thorny vines and letting reiki burst free from her fingertips. Maybe she could just blast her way through the wall. Pink light glowed like a signal flare, shimmering and giving her a brief taste of renewed hope.
“It will not work.”
She frowned, registering Sesshoumaru’s acerbic tone. Just as he’d said, when her holy light died, the thorns remained.
Kagome glanced over her shoulder, finding him closer than expected. She shifted warily to maintain some distance. They’d refrained from talking so far during their encounters in the maze. This was unexpected. And worrying. If Sesshoumaru was out of options, things were dire.
“Flying is a no go, I’m guessing?"
He stiffly nodded in response, head tilting back to gaze hatefully at the high walls. Kagome shivered, wrapping both arms around herself. “Damn it. I have no idea what to do. I can sense Naraku’s youki but it's everywhere so there's no chance of pinpointing him. It’s soaked into the air like gasoline."
"I am also unable to locate the wretch."
Kagome blinked, glad he was reciprocating conversation.
"We're locked in a spell or under a curse, I’ve got no doubt about that. I just don’t know if these are our real bodies or not…”
Were they trapped somewhere mentally? Caged like birds?
Sesshoumaru levelled a look down to her hands, gesturing with a claw. “The cuts do not hurt?”
Kagome blinked, flexing her fingers. She hadn’t even realised they’d been pricked by the thorns. “N-no.”
“Then it appears he has either somehow trapped us within a space that has absorbed our conscious minds or put us in an area that dulls the senses. Perhaps a keeper box of some kind," Sesshoumaru said easily, as though he did this all the time.
Kagome’s heart pumped at a dizzying speed. Keeper box. She'd been in one of those before. The face of sage Tokajin came to mind. “Crap,” she whispered.
"Unpleasant memories, miko?" a lofty, entertained tone brushed her hearing.
Kagome sneered half-heartedly, "it's nothing."
Sesshoumaru's eyes glowed, smiling. As if he could see right through her. "Hn."
“We gotta get out of here," she said dismissively. "Since this is Naraku we’re dealing with- I doubt just finding the centre of this maze will let us get outta here and break the curse, and knowing him there’s no exit.”
“Hn, and yet I can think of nothing else after trying everything."
Kagome gave him a sweeping glance over, swallowing. She hadn’t seen him since he’d nearly killed Kohaku- still thankful he’d released the mind controlled boy.
They were still technically enemies despite a shared goal of killing Naraku.
Steeling herself, Kagome took a breath. She then boldly stuck a hand out towards him. “Let’s work together. We haven’t got much choice. Call it a truce.”
Kagome chanced a look at his face.
Sesshoumaru merely stared at the offered hand unblinkingly. Kagome giggled weakly. “A-ah, you shake it. It’s an ‘across the seas’ type of gesture to show we’re sealing a deal.”
Interest livened his animalistic gaze. He briefly seemed considering, perhaps wondering about her origins. Long fingers unfurled from his palm, clasping her hand strongly. The shock of skin to skin contact and sharp claws nearly jerked Kagome enough to rip her hand free. She forced herself to stay still, feeling a surge of something shoot down to her toes.
He was warmer than expected. It surprised her that callouses roughened his palm, likely from years of swordplay. She'd always figured he was too inhumanly perfect to have such a thing. Sesshoumaru blinked slowly, remaining locked in a stare. For a moment, Kagome dumbly admired his pretty white lashes.
She caught herself staring and briskly shook his hand, prying her fingers free before gesturing to several pathways, cheeks red. “S-so which way?”
Mokomoko’s soft fur caressed the bare flesh of her lower thigh in passing as Sesshoumaru stepped towards one. “I have yet to take this path. Stay close, troublesome miko," he threw over one shoulder. "I will not slow down for you.”
“Please don’t. You walk slow enough as it is,” Kagome griped, following.
Demons began littering the narrow, claustrophobic spaces within the maze. Kagome had to duck and weave around Sesshoumaru as he killed them with acid or fierce swipes of his claws. It forced them to get up close and personal, occasionally plastering miko and Daiyoukai together.
His scent wafted into her unwilling nose more than once- masculine and sharp, reminding her of thunderstorms. Since she couldn’t use her reiki with much finesse yet and the close quarters put her archery skills at a disadvantage, Kagome tried her best to be helpful.
“Behind you!” she’d yell, ducking under his arm before grasping his sleeve. “On your right!”
Sesshoumaru dispatched enemies without argument or complaint, calmly moving on once they lay dead.
As time dragged on, Kagome’s legs began to ache from the endless walking. Her stomach grumbled near constantly. Her limbs and body were becoming weak.
She didn’t breathe a word about it- though noticed Sesshoumaru’s lingering attention. Turning a corner, she stumbled, an arm catching her around the waist, steadying.
Kagome’s belly fluttered, and she quickly straightened. “Thanks.”
They book occasional breaks, but respite was near impossible with the continued droves of enemies. After what she could only guess to be at least 17 hours- though it felt like days, they finally arrived at the centre of the maze. Exhausted, Kagome kept a hand buried within mokomoko to keep her upright, leaning against the stability he offered. They’d shed a lot of restraint about touch around hour 9 of their journey.
As first suspected however, there was nothing in the middle of the maze. Just a plain space with a single fountain. They hadn’t come across a single exit either.
Kagome’s knees quivered a little, “d-do you have a plan B?” she rasped, throat dry. What she wouldn’t give for some water.
Sesshoumaru stared grimly ahead, slowly lowering his calm attention to her. If she could hazard a guess, he was likely thinking he could survive. He’d weather the storm of hunger and dehydration much longer than she.
“I suspect the reason Naraku lingers is because he predicted I would kill you,” his velvety voice was completely at odds with his words.
Kagome stiffened, leaning slightly away from the warmth of luxurious furs. “...That would make sense,” the admission slipped out, “he’s a sadistic prick. He’s probably watching us right now, getting his kicks from seeing us struggle.”
Sesshoumaru turned to her, lifting a clawed hand. The sharp points gleamed. They could tear through her supple flesh and bones with ease. Kagome had witnessed it enough times to know.
Rendered completely exhausted though, she had little room left for fear. She stared at him blandly, falling quiet.
He arched a brow, resting those deadly claws against her flushed skin, gradually unfurling to hold her neck. “You will not resist?”
“I’ve never taken you to be the kinda guy who would take the easy way out,” Kagome muttered, raising her chin. “Am I wrong?”
Was it her imagination or did his pupils dilate a touch?
She shivered, feeling the pads of his fingers drag against the nape of her delicate neck, thumb resting at her throat.
“No,” he rumbled softly, gripping tighter and drawing her in closer. “But since we have an audience, miko,” his voice lowered, “let us give him a show.”
Blue eyes widened- seconds before lips crashed to hers. Kagome gasped- and a sinuous tongue took advantage, shoving inside to plunder her mouth. Sensation slammed into her gut. Suddenly she was immediately aware of everything. The warmth of his palm, the dry rub of his callouses along her neck. The goosebumps rising on her flesh. How his tongue skilfully played, twined and slid against her own- and she found herself responding.
His lips were hot and quick across her own, firm and yielding and then parting to meet her tongue with his anew. Kagome’s breath shuddered. Her entire body thrummed. She found herself touching the fine, soft locks of silver hair behind his ear, strands running through her fingers like water. Their mouths broke apart, and Kagome could only give a breathy gasp as he sucked along the bent arch of her throat.
“Behind me, to the left,” he whispered, kissing her flesh bruisingly hard.
“I know,” she panted.
It happened quickly. They moved in sync- Kagome reaching for her bow and nocking her single arrow while Sesshoumaru turned, angling her to fire at the faint ripple in the sky they’d both sensed the second they’d kissed.
While the blazing firework of pure holy energy streaked into the air, the Daiyoukai followed its progress, flying with Kagome in tow. She held on around his shoulders, praying with all her might it would break through.
Her arrow pierced the demonic barrier- shattering the weak spot immediately. Sesshoumaru broke through, leaving the world of red skies and unsolvable mazes behind.
Kagome sucked in a gasping, strangled breath, shooting upright.
“Kagome! She’s awake, guys!”
Putting a hand to her head, she looked to her side- only to be greeted with the sight of Sesshoumaru sitting up from the ground, both of them having been sprawled out. Around them, battle raged. Inuyasha was fighting diligently, swiping madly at continuous rounds of regenerating tentacles.
Miroku and Sango seemed to be on guard duty, having been defending their unconscious bodies. Shippo immediately buried his face in Kagome’s arm, holding onto her. “You’ve been asleep for a good hour after you were both hit by that attack! Naraku kept trying to kill you! Ah- I’m so glad you’re safe!”
Kagome comforted him with a few gentle pats upon his head, murmuring softly. The shifting of weight caught her attention, and she watched as Sesshoumaru stood. He sneered softly to himself, “I do not know why you saw fit to protect this one, but I did not need your aid, humans.”
“I told ya!” Inuyasha shouted from somewhere in the distance.
“We couldn’t let you be absorbed by Naraku or he’d be even more formidable,” Sango griped.
“What my friends mean to say is- you’re welcome, Lord Sesshoumaru,” Miroku amiably smoothed over the situation.
Sesshoumaru grunted, securing his swords in place. Then, slowly, his eyes lowered.
Kagome exhaled a shuddering breath. Her heart slammed against her ribcage, cheeks burning with all the voracity of a fever, chest light and heavy all at once. Sesshoumaru’s gaze fell to the subtle parting of her mouth, before looking her in the eye for just one more lingering moment. He then moved out from behind the protection Sango and Miroku offered, racing headfirst into battle.
He just did it to break the spell, that’s all.
He’d kissed her to help flush out a weak spot from their enemy, which had opened from Naraku's shock- having lost brief control of the spell. Thinking about it as anything more than that would be foolish.
Shaking herself, Kagome followed suit. She grabbed her bow and nocked an arrow, pushing down all confused thoughts and sensations that Sesshoumaru’s wicked mouth had elicited- entering the fray alongside her friends.
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starryeyedweeb · 3 years
Valentine’s Day with BNHA
A/N: I know it’s late for Valentine’s Day, but this is about the fifth time I’ve tried posting this because every other time it never got a single note even though all of my other stuff does pretty well??? So not to be that person, but if you see this I’m begging you to give it some love because it’s one of my favorites!
*DISCLAIMER*: As I’m over eighteen, I write all underaged characters aged up to be eighteen or older.
Contains: As always, sickly-sweet fluff; gender-neutral
Characters Included: Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, Yaoyorozu Momo, Shigaraki Tomura, Dabi/Todoroki Touya, Aizawa Shota
Valentine’s Day with...
Bakugou Katsuki
As expected, Bakugou thinks that Valentine’s Day is kind of ridiculous and isn’t too keen on celebrating
When his friends ask him what he’s planned for the holiday, it results in a bit of a rant
“Valentine’s is a shitty holiday for shitty partners to try and make up for being shitty. I take them on dates and spoil them all the time, so why should I make a big deal about a random day in February?”
But because he wasn’t a shitty partner, he knows he has to do something for you
“Oi, do you want to go hiking?” he asks shortly on Valentine’s morning, already dressed for the occasion. “We can go to that spot you’ve wanted see for a while.”
You agree- eagerly.
You honestly weren’t the biggest fan of hiking until you started dating Bakugou, who’s obsessed with it
It’s like meditation to him- one of the best ways for him to find a calm and clear mindset- and the two of you always have your best conversations when you’re out on a hike
Plus he looks amazing in his hiking clothes
The trail in question is further outside the city than most, and when you arrive, it’s pleasantly deserted
With backpacks swung over your shoulders, the two of you start down the rough path, which cuts through a thick forest
When you first started hiking, you could barely keep up with Bakugou, but you had gotten much better at it over time and are now able to comfortably keep pace with him, even holding his hand part of the time
The trail is mainly uphill, though, and periodically he will all but force a water bottle into your hands
“Get a drink. I don’t want you getting all dehydrated on me.”
When you reach the peak of the trail, which is a flat clearing overlooking the city below, Bakugou indicates for you to sit down and pulls out two bento boxes that he had packed prior to the event
Though there’s nothing heart-shaped nor unnaturally red or pink inside, the box is sweetly filled with all of your favorite bento foods
And of course, they all taste amazing
“Katsuki, this is so good!”
“I know.”
“Come on.” You playfully push his arm, feeling his muscles rippling beneath his jacket. “Seriously, though, thank you. Life has been so crazy lately, and this little break was perfect.”
“So you’re not upset we didn’t do anything more, I don’t know...” he trails off, furrowing his brow and running a hand through his hair, “...on theme?”
“Of course not. Stuff like that is for shitty partners who use a holiday as an excuse to make up for being shitty. They’ll go right back to their behavior the moment the day is over.” You interlace your fingers in his and hold his arm with your free hand. “This was perfect.”
Bakugou can’t resist a smirk and short chuckle at your sentiment, realizing exactly why he’s with you
“Hey, what’s that look for?”
“Nothing.” He shakes his head. “Kiss.”
You reach up and press your lips to his, and his arms wrap around your body, holding you close
When you pull away, you cast a glance out at the tranquil cityscape below and reluctantly check the time.
“Do you think we should head back down?” you ask.
“No. I want to stay here a little while longer.”
Todoroki Shoto
As one of the top heroes, Todoroki Shoto is a hard man to get alone, but you have high hopes for Valentine’s Day.
On the morning of February 14, the two of you check into the luxury hotel he had booked for a romantic staycation, awaiting an entire day of activities planned around the resort: lunch and dinner reservations, a couple’s massage, seeing the hotel’s nightly show...
Only for it to all be completely foiled before it even starts when Shoto gets an urgent call about a villain incident gone badly wrong, with as many heroes as possible desperately needed to help.
“Go ahead and do everything we had planned,” he urges as he’s leaving, rushing through a parting kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
But you know that it’s not going to be as simple as “I’ll be right back.”
The moment the door shuts behind him, you can’t help but turn on the TV and flip to the news, trying to find out just what Shoto had gotten himself into
The danger of the situation makes you sick with anxiety, and you have to turn it off almost immediately for the sake of your own sanity
Trying to follow his wishes, you go through the motions of the day you had planned, but instead of reaping the intended benefits of rest and relaxation, your brain is completely clouded with worry for Shoto’s safety
Which is only amplified when the hotel lobby has the news on with a crowd of people clumped together before it to see what’s going on, and the receptionist approaches you to ask if you’re alright
Dark falls with no sign of Shoto, but your heart leaps when you get the news notification that the battle is over
You turn the news back on for live coverage of the heroes that participated being interviewed about the events, but your stomach knots once again when you see no sign of Shoto
They haven’t mentioned any casualties, you wonder, but have they missed him or something?
When a knock echoes throughout the room, a cold feeling of dread washes over your body
You freeze and merely stare at the door, sure you’re about to receive the news that’s the worst nightmare of any partner of a hero
Until the door opens, and reveals Shoto holding a bouquet the size of his torso, looking a bit battered but otherwise alright
You launch yourself across the room, and he drops the flowers to engulf you in his arms
“God, Shoto,” you sob. “No matter how long I’ve been with you, waiting and worrying never gets any easier.”
“I know, I know,” he murmurs back, stroking your hair. “But I’m here now. I’m fine. I ran here the moment I could get away.”
When you finally allow him to pull away, he hands you the flowers, and you call room service for a vase and a first-aid kit
You sit Shoto on the bed and tend to his minor wounds, then order some of your favorite comfort foods for a very late dinner
Shoto is never one to discuss his missions right after the fact, so instead you just talk about nonsense things, like the most recent episode of your favorite show to watch together, and where the two of you wanted to go on your next vacation
Afterward, the two of you lay in the dark, so tangled together that it’s nearly impossible to tell who’s whom
Neither of you are tired at all, realizing fully that the privilege of getting to hold each other like you are was almost taken away that day
You feel your eyes start to well up at just how much you love the man next to you, realizing how much you need him
Shoto seems to sense that you’re going to a dark place, so he traces his fingers lightly against your cheek and breaks the silence.
“I forgot to tell you. I extended our stay here so we can still celebrate like we were planning to. I’m sorry I had to go today.”
“Shoto, you don’t have to be sorry.” You cup his cheek back, a few tears spilling out of your eyes as they meet his. “I’m just so glad you’re safe and that you’re here with me.”
Yaoyorozu Momo
Recently, an adorable little paint-your-own-pottery studio had opened on yours and Momo’s route home
You two had always meant to go for a fun date, but never really had the time, so when a Valentine’s event is announced, you both leap at the opportunity and reserve your spots right away
When Valentine’s Day arrives, you and Momo show up half an hour early for the event, wearing coordinating shades of red and pink
Laughing at your accidental matching, the two of you kill the time until the event begins by taking a million photos together
When the doors to the shop open and you’re finally allowed in, Momo’s eyes nearly pop out of her head in excitement, and you just know it’s going to become a regular date spot for the two of you
The shop is decorated like a romantic tea shop straight out of a cheesy movie, with lace doilies marking work stations, faux roses as centerpieces, and red, white, and pink balloons covering the ceiling
The special event involves painting spindly teacups with handles shaped like hearts, the workstations supplied with punch and sweets, all colored and shaped for the holiday
“Look at these!” She exclaims, picking up the ceramic cup at her workstation. “What should we paint on them?”
“Why don’t we do a matching design?” you suggest. “That way we can remember this even better.”
“Yes, let’s do that!” she agrees. “What design should we do, then?”
You two decide to keep it simple: paint the mugs solid baby pink, stamp tiny red hearts all around, and then Momo would use her elegant handwriting and paint both of your initials in calligraphy on one of the faces.
You ready your stations and sit shoulder-to-shoulder as you work, chatting and giggling the entire time, occasionally nudging each other playfully with your legs
“Could you hold the cup at this angle for me while I do the calligraphy?” she requests, which gives you an excuse to sit even closer to her, the scent of her rosy perfume engulfing you
“I wish I had handwriting like that,” you whine, watching her paint the graceful swirls of your initials, followed by the date below.
“I can teach you,” she offers, coming to stand behind you. “Here.”
She puts her hand over yours, and guides it along in the shape of the letters, her free arm looping around the front of your shoulders in a casual hug
“See? You’ve done it!”
“It still doesn’t look nearly as good as yours.”
“Well, my heart stamps don’t look nearly as good as yours. I don’t think I applied enough pressure.” She returns to her own seat, stares at you for a few moments, then giggles. “Speaking of, you’ve got paint on your face. Come here.”
You lean forward so she can wipe off the paint with a gentle touch, and she places a kiss on the now-clean spot.
“There. All better.”
When the two of you finish painting the mugs, you turn them into the counter so they can be finished in the kiln, then sit by the window of the shop to enjoy your sweets while you wait
“I’m very excited about these cups,” Momo says, reaching out for your hand. “They’ll be a lovely little keepsake.”
“Me, too,” you agree, resting your head on her shoulder. “It’ll be nice to have tea in them every evening.”
“Exactly. And if there’s ever a time when we have to be separated, whether it be for hero work or some other reason, we can bring our cups with us to remember that the other is always there, waiting to come have tea together.”
Shigaraki Tomura:
Despite his villainous ideals, in romance, Shiggy is actually quite sweet, if not a little clumsy
When you first became close to him, his unhealthy lifestyle and lack of self-care worried you, so you made a habit of cooking for Shigaraki, and leaving a week’s worth of nutritious meals in the League’s fridge for him
He had never revealed this to you, but he appreciated it so much, and wanted to return the favor
When Toga mentioned something about Valentine’s Day, he knew that it was his perfect opportunity, and made his plans by ordering everyone of the League to get out and stay out for the night
He then did some research about something good to make you, wracking his brain to try and remember what you’ve mentioned liking, until he remembers a very important fact:
He can’t cook.
At all.
Has never even once tried.
Which poses an obvious problem.
He panicked for a few moments, until he landed on a new, and possibly better, idea
When you arrive for the date, dressed comfortably (because, as much as you love Shigaraki, you know that there’s no way you’ll be going out for Valentine’s Day), you’re a little bit surprised to find him standing in the kitchen
“Shiggy?” You approach the counter warily. “What are we doing tonight?”
“I can’t cook. I want to know how.”
“You want me to teach you how to cook?”
“Yes. I want to know how to make your favorite meal.”
“Okay. That’s simple enough.” You make to join him in the kitchen, but he blocks your path.
“No. I want to make this for you. Just sit down and...tell me what to do.”
That proves to be quite a bit more difficult, as you never truly understood just how hard it would be to explain cooking to someone that has never used more than a microwave before
The music you had put on in the background was quickly drowned out by his frustrated swears, and you can tell that there are times when he almost loses his temper, but holds it together for the sake of your Valentine’s gift
A couple of utensils do fall victim to his decay, though, and he subtly tries to sweep the remains away in embarrassment.
At one point, his poor knife technique leaves a decently sized cut on his finger, and you jump into action, running for a First-Aid kit
“I’m not a child,” he mutters as you clean the small wound, avoiding your eyes.
“I know,” you reply lightly, pressing a playful kiss to the bandage you had just secured.
As Shigaraki comes close to finishing the meal, you raid Kurogiri’s stores for your favorite bottle of wine, pouring two glasses and setting them out on the table.
“Does this look right?” Shigaraki asks once the final timer goes off, warily holding out his creation.
“You tell me,” you answer. “I’ve made this for you before. It looks the same to me.”
When the two of you sit down and portion out the meal, Shigarki neglects his own plate as he watches you take your first bite
You fight to keep your face neutral, because honestly, it’s god awful, even though you had been right there the whole time, telling him exactly what to do
But you really didn’t expect anything more from a first time-cook, and even though the flavor is completely wrong, you still enjoy it, because you can practically taste how much this prickly mass-murderer actually cares for you
And as twisted as your situation is, you wouldn’t change it for the world
“Is it good?” Shigaraki mumbles from across the table, pulling you from your thoughts.
You take a sip of your wine. “Thank you so much, Tomura. This was such a thoughtful gift. I really appreciate it.”
“I knew it. It’s shit.” He pushes his own plate away in frustration. “I just wanted to pay back a favor and I can’t even do that right.”
“Shig, what did I just say? I appreciate this so much.” You round the table to his seat, rubbing his shoulders and planting a kiss on the top of his head. “Of course your first attempt doesn’t work. But that gives us something new to do together. For tonight, we’ll order some takeout, but starting tomorrow, I’ll give you another cooking lesson, and then another, and another, and another... as many as it takes until you can make a whole meal for me by yourself. Deal?”
He meets your gaze with a puppy-dog expression, placing his palms over where your hands rested on his chest.
Dabi/Todoroki Touya:
Let’s just say that Dabi isn’t one to ignore traditions.
He’s one to very openly and dramatically oppose them.
You were anxious if not a little worried to see what he was going to have planned for Valentine’s Day- but, honestly, as his partner, you’re equally as unconventional in your own ideals
And he doesn’t disappoint, coming home with tickets to a ghost tour at the most haunted spot in town.
“Do they even do these on Valentine’s Day?”
“Obviously. That’s when I got the tickets for.” He shrugs. “Apparently it’s a thing that people do.”
“Hopefully not very many people. You know how we hate crowds.”
“And hopefully it’s not overtly themed for this asinine holiday.” He takes your waist and whispers the next words in your ear. “The idea of a dark room and an invisible audience is romantic enough.”
“Oh, stop it.”
“I just made you more excited, didn’t I?”
“You’ll have to wait until the day to find out.”
When Valentine’s Day arrives, you dress for the occasion and meet Dabi at a glamorous hotel in an older part of town
Before the tour begins, the guide allows the guests to go to the bar for some drinks, and begin to tell the story of the hotel and the paranormal activity that had sparked the attraction
Dabi seems uninterested, taking in the architecture of the historic buidling and peering down random hallways
“I’m getting bored of this,” he mutters in your ear. “I’m ready to see something interesting.”
“Shh, Dabi, I’m trying to listen,” you whisper back.
He responds by pinching your ass. “So, are you in a naughty mood tonight? Noted.”
“Stop it,” you mutter, lightly pushing him away, but your flushed skin is a dead giveaway to how you truly feel about the situation.
When the tour actually starts, you and Dabi round out the end of the group as it descends into a long, dark hallway.
Eventually, you feel Dabi’s hand leave its spot around your waist, but you’re so distracted listening the tour guide tell stories at the front to even notice.
Until cold hands grab you from you behind and give you a violent shake, growling animalistically in your ear
You let out a terrified scream, but the laugh that comes after is all-too-familiar
“Dammit, Dabi!” you gasp, doubling over to your breath and quiet your heartbeat.
“Aha.” His hands trail down your sides and squeeze your waist. “Gotcha.”
You eventually reach the main event of the tour, which is an old storeroom that had been unused for years due to the intense paranormal activity
Dabi actually stood still next to you with his arm slung around your shoulders, interested for the first time that night as the guide used the ghost box and actually got answers from the spirits that occupied the room.
Though there are a few times when you have to stop him from pulling some prank to scare the other people taking the tour, trying to convince them that they’re actually in immediate danger of possession
When the event is over, however, and the guide is ushering people back down the hallway, Dabi pulls you into a closet, igniting a small flame on his palm and pressing a finger to his lips
When the noise of the crowd filing out is gone, he presses forward forcefully and starts to bury you in deep, passionate kisses
“Wait, wait.” You pull back once you realize what his idea is. “Isn’t this a little...scary?”
“Isn’t that what makes it fun?”
Aizawa Shota
Valentine’s Day happened to fall around one of Aizawa’s busiest times at UA, and he was so tied up and tired that you had barely seen one another lately.
So, when he remembers what’s coming up and drowsily asks you what you want to do for Valentine’s Day, you surprise him.
“I’ve already made plans for us,” you reveal, handing him a printed itinerary. “I booked us a spot at a day spa. Those are all the treatments we’ll be doing.”
“Why’d you choose this? I’m curious.”
“You need some time to relax, and I want to spend time with you when your mind is on something other than which one of your students is going to get broken next.”
“Fair enough.”
On the morning of, the two of you check into the spa, and are instructed to go change into the fluffy bathrobes they provided
“Do I really have to put this on?” he complains, holding it as one might hold a dirty diaper.
“What’s wrong with it?” you ask, already changed into yours.
“I don’t know how I feel about my chest being out on display like this.”
“Well, I’ll like it.” You snake your hand up his shirt and rake your nails down his skin. “C’mon. We’re going to be late for our couple’s massage.”
Once Aizawa has reluctantly changed, the two of you start off your day with massages and facials
You had arranged for him to get a special eye treatment, and the small sounds of relief from his table reveals that your gift is very much appreciated.
“Are you relaxed?” you inquire as you move on from the massage room to your next destination.
“More relaxed I’ve been since I stepped through the doors of UA for the first time.”
“Well, are you relaxed enough to get a hair treatment?”
“Honestly? Bring it on.”
When Aizawa is laying back in a chair, a towel wrapped around his head and a styling cape draped over his robe, you can’t help but snap photos of the slightly comical scene
“Are you taking pictures?” he grumbles.
“Do you mind that I am?”
“Just as long as my students never see it.”
“Noted,” you reply, adding the photo to an album of embarrassing pictures you planned to show them at the end of the term.
After finishing the hair treatment- Aizawa’s hair looking better than you could ever dream yours would- and moving on to a high-tech infrared light treatment, you finished out the day with a soak in the spa’s top-rate onsen, reserved for just the two of you
You sit in comfortable silence in the hot water, bodies pressed close to each other
Shota’s arm was draped around your shoulder, and you loosely held the hand that fell across your body
When you lay your ear on his chest, you notice that his heartbeat is the calmest you’ve ever heard it
“So, did the spa serve its purpose?” you ask, tilting your head up to gaze at him.
“It did. Though I think it was less the spa’s doing, and more the fact that I spent an entire day with you.”
You hum happily, reaching up and tapping his chin. “Nice and well rested now, are you? You sure look pretty.”
He chuckles lightly, running a hand through your hair. “So do you.”
“Well, there’s still about an hour left until our dinner reservation,” you observe, noticing the clock on the wall. “Is there anything you want to do to kill the time before then?”
“We’re both sitting in hot water, naked,” he replies matter-of-factly. “The answer should be obvious.”
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beskarberry · 3 years
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Bargaining with Beskar (The Mandalorian x f!reader)
“Alright, space cowboy, your turn.” You nodded towards the bulge that had made his baggy canvas pants grow tight, and he followed your gaze with what you guessed was surprise. “Let’s see what you’ve got in there, hmm?”
Rating : Explicit
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: canon-typical violence (bounty capture) smut: captured bounty sex, rough play (soft choke), fingering, pent up sex.
Summary: You’re an ex bounty hunter just trying to escape the guilds radar long enough to spend a hefty reward, but a another bounty hunter has other plans for you. Can you convince him to let you go with only your charm, or will you find yourself in carbonite?
Authors note: I wrote this in a fury in the middle of the night so it’s messy and very very self indulgent. It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything so if I need to tag something tell me!
Edit: This fic started on another blog of mine but I moved it here to keep it consistent for when I add more chapters.
You'd had a good run.
It was a hard opportunity to pass up, the high profile bounty you had been charged to bring in had been able to contact their family shortly before you had captured them and the family offered to pay you handsomely for their return, easily triple what the guild was going to pay for this bail jumper. You’d taken the deal, but that meant you would be returning to the guild empty handed. Maybe if you laid low for a while they'd forget.
Of course that was a stupid thought, within weeks you had noticed rookie hunters on your tail.  Word had gotten out that the bounty was walking free and a sloppy bounty hunter was a liability to the guild. After evading all of the green-horns for a time the more experienced hunters began tracking you, and your only choice with them was kill or be killed. They should have known you wouldn't go down quietly.
Months passed before you saw another hunter, hoping against hope that they had given up. It wasn't until you had gotten somewhat comfortable on Tatooine that the last one came.
You were far outside of Mos Eisly, the sandy city was barely a smudge on the horizon from where you were laying low doing repair work on a moisture extractor when he arrived. The machines engine was so loud in your ear you never heard him coming up over the dune, though through the scope of the pulse riffle he carried you wouldn't have heard him anyway. You cranked a ratchet against a stubborn bolt,
-crank.... crank.... c-CRZZT-!
Electricity coursed through you,  your first thought was that somehow you had made a connection with a loose wire and shocked yourself, but it was soon obvious that whatever had electrified you was strong enough to paralyze you, causing you to drop down onto the ground. Your fingers were still twitching when you heard bootsteps coming over the sand, but you were unable to stand, instead you worked to shake the electricity running through you.
"Th-thi-think I hit a whi-wh-wire there, I- I- I- I'll get it fi- fixed." you stuttered through clenched teeth, thinking it was the moisture farmer that had hired you coming to see if you were ok. The pulse was wearing off quickly, and you were able to jerk your head enough to make visual contact with the boot of the man approaching you, but these were not the boots of a farmer, they were the boots of a bounty hunter.
"Oh fuck" you tried to scramble to your feet, but you were still jarred from the pulse bolt that had hit you. The man above you wasn't going to wait for you to get your footing, and kicked you over onto your back with one bandoliered boot, then kneeled into your gut with the other, knocking the wind out of you. Still twitching with electricity he snapped a pair of binders on your wrist before hauling you to your feet. You struggled in his grasp, a combination of convulsion and fear made you squirm like a womp rat in a trap, but his grasp was too strong. Suddenly there was cold metal pressed against your side, the barrel of a blaster digging into your ribs.
"Move it." A man of little words but quick and to the point, the blaster barrel forced harder into your side to accentuate his point. He ripped your supply bag off of your shoulders and stuffed a leather clad hand into the belt of your canvas pants to fish out your hidden blaster. Rude. He shoved you toward the barren wasteland of the dune sea, unable to argue with the barrel digging into your ribs you both set off in a brisk pace across sands.
"Whose p- paying you?" You sputtered, still feeling the after effects of the pulse bolt. "I can pay you m- more. I made three ti- times the bounty the guild would pay and I would g- gladly split it with you." Bargaining was your only option at the moment, arms and legs like jelly and unable to put up a good fight. The hunter said nothing, continuing to half march half drag you over the sands. "I bet half is still more than double what they're paying you now, so whad’dya say? Wanna go splitsies?" Still nothing. You huffed, dragging your legs in the sand as best you could to slow him down, but a quick jab with the blaster barrel had you singing a different tune.
The pair of you marched on for a couple hours through the dunes towards a rocky outcropping, you continued making offers of credits and services but never once did he respond, choosing instead to shank you with the blaster or shove a hand into your back to remind you of your current position as his prisoner, without letting you get so much as a peek at your captor. Before long you both had made it to the rocks, and hidden behind them was the saddest looking star ship you had ever seen. It was pre-Imperial you were sure, standing dusty and dented in the fading double sunset. The fact that it had survived atmospheric reentry was a surprise in itself. Like hell you were getting on that thing. The bounty hunter shoved you forward towards the ugly ship, letting go of you just long enough to press a couple buttons on his vambrace to open the entry ramp. It was now or never.
Tired and dehydrated as you were from your trek across the dunes you knew this might be your only chance. You tucked in your bound wrists and made a run for it, kicking up sand in your escape. You were fast but he was faster.
-fwip!- SNAP! Something had caught your leg, yanking your feet out from under you and forcing you to do a faceplant in the rocky sand with a thud. You whipped around to find that he had shot you with some kind of grapple, hauling you back towards him by your ankle you were finally able to see who had caught you.
Is that the Mandalorian? From Karga’s cantina? Of all the hunters you had seen in your travels, Mandalorians were a breed all their own. The stoic hunters had frequented the ramshackle cantina on Navarro that you had visited a handful of times in your earlier days of hunting. You’d started to recognize one in particular that frequented the guild post often. His beskar helmet was shiny unpainted silver, but the last time you had seen him the rest of his armor was a dingy reddish brown. The thought was fleeting as you struggled to escape being dragged by the grapple but once he had you back in his grasp there was no denying it was the same man. He was covered almost head to toe in bullets and beskar, all the way up to the familiar shiny dome of it that covered his entire head. You were able to get an excellent view of its craftsmanship as he pulled you back up to your feet and marched you backwards into the old ship, the black shimmer of his visor never leaving your face. You stumbled over your own feet, fighting with the last bit of your strength for one last chance at escape.
“Mando! Remember me? From Kargas? On Navarro? Yeah yeah heya buddy! Hey hunter to hunter you don’t actually want to bring me in, I just know how much you ~looove~ talking with that old cantina crook and the, uh, paper work! Yeah paper work is suuuch a headache! I’ll just slip on out of here and we can both avoid a bad time, sound good?” Though you knew who he was you’d never spoken to this man in your life, and he of course wasn’t going to entertain your pleas, but it was the best you had. You were pushed backwards through the ship, past supply crates and what looked like the guts of a protocol droid towards what you could only guess was a carbonite chamber. He tossed your supply pack somewhere into the bowels of the ship without ever taking his gaze off you. Panic found a few last drops of adrenaline to pump through your veins as you neared your impending doom. Your silent captor backed you into the chamber, puffs of fog billowing out from behind you as the machine fired up. You had to get out, thrashing in his grasp and kicking against the walls of the chamber with every last bit of strength you had, but just like the armor he wore, he himself was unbreakable.
The bigger hunter was becoming fed up, frustrated with your squirming and never ending bargaining; he needed you to hold still long enough for him to hit the activation sequence so this hunt would be over. He let go of your bound wrists and pushed a leather clad hand up against your throat.
The noise that escaped your mouth made you both freeze, you just as shocked as he was. Your cheeks flushed with heat, embarrassed that in your current state of capture such a filthy noise had been coaxed from you. You squeezed your eyes shut, just waiting for it to be over and let the carbonite freeze you into oblivion, but its chill never came. You slowly opened one eye to glance at the armored man, but he looked like he was the one that had been frozen.
“What was that?” His voice was like gravel coming through the modulator of his helmet, and you flushed red again at his question, looking between the corners of his visor where you thought his eyes might be.
“Don’t worry about it, tin man.” you croaked, “Just hurry up and let’s get this over with.” You squeezed your eyes shut again, hoping that the darkness behind your eyelids was enough for you to vanish into. But you felt the hand leave your neck, coasting down to your bound wrists and tugging you out of the carbonite freezer. Unable to really argue with him you followed his pull on shaky legs, looking at the unreadable face for a sign of his intentions. Once you were free of the chamber he pushed you up against the nearby wall and held you in front of him, completely motionless.
You were confused, embarrassed, and now suddenly frustrated. Was he really going to drag this out for stupid questions? He stood like a statue, the visor of his helmet felt like its gaze was trying to bore a hole through your skull. You stared at him, then to his hands, and last down to his blaster before looking back up to his visor. You watched as one leather gloved hand slowly made its way back up to your neck, giving it a firm squeeze like he had done before, but you wouldn’t fall for that trick a second time.
“Do it again.” came a rumbling voice from deep inside the beskar, but this time it was lower, more measured and full of something that made your heart do flip-flops in your chest. A sinful thought came to you, maybe you would be able to escape after all.
“You’re going to have to work for it, no more freebies” a sly smile crept over your face, earning a tilt of the helmet that made you feel like you were being inspected by a large bird. Your hands were still locked together, but you brought them both up anyway to wrap your fingers around the armored wrist that still leaned against your throat. Immediately his other hand went for the blaster and its barrel was trained on you in a heartbeat. “Easy...” you whispered  showing both of your raised palms in a sign of peace. He kept the blaster trained on you as you gently grabbed his wrist with both hands, pulling on it to guide it down the front of your shirt. When his hand reached your breast, you pushed his palm into the supple mound, rewarding him with another breathy sigh.
Something like a huff whispered out though his modulator, so quiet you almost didn’t hear it over the whirring of the ships innards, but you knew what you heard. The blaster in his other hand dipped away from you slowly before finding its spot back in its holster. Once it was safely away his free hand came up to grab at your other breast, earning him another encouraging sigh. Without letting go of the front of your shirt he carefully spun you away from the carbonite freezer and walked you backwards towards one of the supply crates that littered the hull until it bumped up against the back of your knees; prompting you to plop down on it. You leaned back, arching your bound arms over your head to give you some kind of leverage while he toyed with your breasts.
“Y’know they’re even more fun without the shirt.” you chided. The mandalorian took the hint and ghosted down to the hem of the tunic you had worn to blend in with the other farmers. It was thin and yielded easily as he pushed it up over your breasts, the flesh of your nipple puckering in the cool air of the ship. The shiny black of his visor never left your chest, only tilting side to side as he took both of them in. His leather gloves were soft and warm on your skin, gently pinching at your nipple and pulling on them just enough to cause your breast to bounce when he let go. He grabbed at the pillowy flesh, groping and rolling your sensitive buds between the knuckles of his pointer and middle fingers. All the while you made good on your word, making soft sighs to edge him on. Though you knew this was supposed to be your escape plan, you couldn’t help the way heated pooled in your belly, making you squeeze your thighs together and rock your hips. The armored man noticed the way you were squirming and let his hands wander down from your breasts to the hem of your canvas pants.
“Well? Don’t leave a girl waiting.” You rocked your hips up at his hands, trying to get him to take the hint. His expert hands that had wielded fierce weaponry so well now seemed to falter at what he was supposed to do next. His fingers were slow undoing the button and zipper as if he'd never taking someone else's clothes off before, before pushing them down until they were around your knees. The sudden hit of cool air made you instantly aware of just how hot you had become under his groping. You used your knees and heels to push your pants all the way off, kicking your muckboots off with them and opening yourself up for him to get a good look at you.
His body was stiff, the visor of his helmet staring down at your heat, he was so still you could swear he was holding his breath. Suddenly his gaze made you feel vulnerable, as if he didn’t like your display. You moved to start closing your legs when a strong hand shot out to grab your knee and hold it in place while he continued to gawk at you. He likes what he sees you realized, heat flushing to your face and your cunt. Again you rolled your hips from side to side, trying to entice him. What’s he waiting for?
“Please...” you gave him your best impression of a needy virgin and saw his shoulders immediately go even stiffer, the black visor snapping up to meet your eyes. “Take your gloves off.”
He cocked his helmet at you, and you were starting to get the hang of reading an unreadable face. “Just trust me, we’ll both enjoy it more.” At that he tugged the glove off of one hand and tossed it somewhere behind him in the ship, exposing bronze skin of a, thankfully, human hand. He reached down between your legs at the hot core of your body, slowly moving his fingers down your slit. You sighed and arched into his touch, begging with your body for something more tangible. His other hand came up to grab your thigh and steady you, but the hand tracing your heat was shy and ghostlike, almost like he wasn’t touching you at all. “Please Mando...” you begged again, hoping he would get the damn hint.
He pushed one finger experimentally into your folds, dragging the wetness that had accumulated there over your opening and making you hum for him. He moved from the bottom up until his calloused hand found the sensitive little nub you had been waiting for him to find. The roughness of his skin caused you to convulse and cry out, making him tear his hand away as if he’d been burned.
“It’s alright! Please touch me there.” Who is this guy? What’s he never seen a pussy before? You thought to yourself, surprised that such a big scary man would be so jumpy. You arched your back and was rewarded with his hands back where they belonged. He pushed his thumb up against your aching clit, drawing lazy circles with it while another finger began pushing its way inside you. This time you let out a ragged and dirty moan to let him know he was doing a good job. He pulled his thumb away from your engorged nub to push a second finger up in you, making you whine. He found a spot in you quickly that was starting to make you shake again, but this time he knew not to foolishly let go. Your legs were quaking, head lolling to the side and making those sinful sighs that you could tell he liked. He was getting you close, your muscles squeezing around his rough fingers as he worked you to your climax. When his thumb found your clit again you came undone, your cunt fluttering around his fingers with your orgasm. He rode it out with you, pushing up against the coiled muscle to milk every ounce of pleasure from you that you could give on his hands alone. You could feel your own cum leaking down your thighs and around his hand, now realizing how pent up you actually were. What a mess you would be.
You were nearly gasping but you knew you were far from spent. He pulled his hand from your dripping cunt and you watched him stare at the slick on his hands, sticking and unsticking his fingers just to watch the glimmering trails. Cute, you mused to yourself, he really might not have seen a pussy before.
“Alright, space cowboy, your turn.” You nodded towards the bulge that had made his baggy canvas pants grow tight, and he followed your gaze with what you guessed was surprise. “Let’s see what you’ve got in there, hmm?” With one last glance at the prize on his fingers, he took a moment to reach them up underneath the edge of his helmet, greedily getting a taste of you, before straightening up and undoing his own buttons. You were not prepared for the monster that flopped out of his pants, his cock full and engorged all the way to its hot red tip. Thick veins wound their way up its length and you swore you could see them pulse even from your vantage point on the crate. A soft drop of precum was already forming at the tip and you licked your lips involuntarily, feeling a fresh rush of heat pooling between your legs. “I’m all yours.”
The hunter grasped his aching cock and used his thumb to glide the precum up and down it’s length before he angled himself between your legs. You arched your hips to give him the best angle but he wanted to take his time. He dragged the head of his cock up and down the length of your slick opening, gathering the cum he had earned for himself. When he bumped up against your clit you moaned a breathy and sinful sound that made him shiver. He slid back down again and you pushed your hip towards him, forcing his tip to notch and he almost doubled over from the sensation, giving you a ragged groan in response.
“Did that feel good?” you asked, biting your lip with a devious sneer. “It’ll feel even better inside.” His gaze was fixed on where the two of you were connected, his hands like steel on your thighs. Another tilt of your hips was enough to turn the cogwheels of the metal man and he pushed his length into you with a shuddering gasp. Your own breath caught in your throat at the size of him breaking you open. He pulled himself back out achingly slow before thrusting into you again and earning himself another round of pleasured cries. It took him only a couple more thrusts to find his rhythm, bottoming out against your cervix with every thrust. Your head was cloudy and a fearsome heat was building in your belly, threatening to burst every time he pounded into you. You could hear him now, the once silent bounty hunter was panting ragged puffs of air and if it had been any cooler in the ship you swore you would have seen steam coming out of the helmets vents.
He slowed his feverish pounding just long enough to release one of your captured thighs and bring a thumb down to your clit, pushing against it in a way that was rougher than what you would have liked but nevertheless sent your head spiraling and forcing a pitiful mewl to escape your throat. It wasn’t long before another round of lightning crackled through your body and sent another orgasm crashing through you. The force of it made him choke and stuttered his perfect rhythm hard enough that he fell forward onto you. Your hands were still locked together but you wrapped them around his broad armored back as best you could, pulling him close enough that you could feel the heat of his breath coming out of the bottom of the helmet. He groaned and pushed his head into the crook of your neck before finding his filthy cadence again. He was close enough now that you could catch the scent of him, a mix of sweat and metal and gunpowder and something so primal it made your eyes flutter.
“Let me feel that again.” His ragged voice in your ear sent you spinning, and you could only answer with choked cries. The hand he had used to work you into a frenzy before now snaked it’s way up to your throat, giving it the exact gentle squeeze he had earlier that started this whole twisted tango. This time you gave him precisely what he was asking for, your tongue peeking ever so slightly past wet lips in between soft choked gasps. His pace quickened by your edging and his grasp tightened on your neck, drawing an ugly -urk- noise that had you patting his back in protest. To your relief he respected your gesture and let go of your neck entirely. Interesting...what a sweet, thoughtful murder machine he is. He grabbed ahold of the abused crate that held you both up and ground his hips into you, fucking you so hard you swore it would break. It wasn’t long before your overstimulated cunt gave him exactly what he asked for, crying out into the silence of the hull and clamping down around his cock.
That was the last thing he needed to push him over the edge. A few more messy thrusts and a modulated roar accompanied his climax while he pumped you full of cum. He pushed himself as deep as he could go and you felt his cum start to pour out of you, mixing with your own as it trailed down from the intersection of your bodies and onto the cold metal of the ships floor. You were both panting, his weight on you making it almost hard to breathe. With great difficulty you pulled your bound arms over top of him and dropped them back behind your head so he could get up, but he just laid on top of you while his cock slowly softened and released itself from you, sending a fresh wave of cum flooding down your legs.
Carefully he pushed himself up, grunting and groaning the whole way. He stumbled to his feet, resting an arm on one of the crates next to you to steady himself and the other on your quaking knee. You glanced down at him and was bemused to see his glossy black visor staring down at your dripping cunt. His hands made their way back to you, gently pushing at your folds to watch the delicious mess he had made trickle from you. You couldn’t hear much over the blood pounding in your ears, but you could have sworn he said something with fondness in a language you didn’t know.
Releasing you from his grasp he walked up your side, dragging his ungloved hand over your disheveled body, devouring your naked form with his visor like a starving man watches a feast. It was now that you remembered why you had let him fuck you in the first place, but your body was limp and your legs shaky. He ran his hands up your chest and over your exposed breasts, then up your arms, grabbing the magnetic cuffs he had put there. Great. Back to the carbonite chamber for me.
But instead your ears were graced with the metallic click of the unlocking mechanism and the restrictive cuffs clattered to the floor. You sat up immediately, rubbing at the bruises on your wrists and staring at your captor with mix of bliss and confusion.
“You’re letting me go?”
Mando was working to put his clothes back in order, the sound of belts and snaps shuffling into place echoed in the ships hull. “Last I heard you had fallen into a sarlacc pit on Tatooine. Can’t collect a bounty on the dead. Pity too, I’d heard you were such a great hunter.” The man who had been your captor was now leaning against the hull wall, his visor still locked on your mostly naked form. “You can go back to doing repairs on moisture farm equipment, or...” he tilted his helmet towards the back of the ship “You’re welcome to use the fresher.”
You blinked at his uncharacteristic generosity, though you supposed you didn’t actually know anything about him. Shifting off of the crate sent another gooey wave of cum dribbling down your legs and flushed your cheeks red. Maybe the fresher wasn’t a bad idea. The metallic man turned on his heel towards what you could only guess was the cockpit.
“Alright, but no peeking.” Like I could stop him. The thought made you laugh, it was his ship after all. You tossed what was left of your clothing onto the floor and made for the tiny alcove that passed as a bathroom and the even tinier shower; but the water was hot and that was enough. It had been so long since you had felt running water on your skin that you didn’t even hear the engines firing up and the rickety ship begin to take off. There was a bar of military grade soap on the ledge that you decided to help yourself to, it smelled surprisingly nice for something so plain. It smells like he does. You shook your head at the intrusive thought. It was just soap.
When you had finished your wash you stood in the fresher trying to squeegie water from your hair, now noticing the rumbling of the ship under your feet. Well, goodbye Tatooine I guess. The ugly dust ball had done you no favors, but this wasn’t exactly the way you had guessed you were getting off of it. He had set out to capture me, and he succeeded. He’ll probably grow tired of me and throw me in the carbonite anyway, so one way or another I would have ended up on this ship. You opened the shower door and saw something on the counter that hadn’t been there when you got in.
Two gray-brown towels were folded neatly on the fresher sink, as well as your clothing and something that looked like a black knit sweater. You hadn’t even heard the door to the fresher open, let alone him coming in to drop the items off.
“Sneaky Mando!” You hollered out into the darkness of the ship, though you guessed he probably couldn’t hear you from where he was at. The idea of him creeping in the bathroom to bring you a towel made you chuckle. “I told you not to peek!”
“I didn’t.” A modulated voice right in your ear made you jump backwards into the safety of the fresher.
“Fucksake man! Scare a girl to death why don’tcha?” You wrapped your towel tighter in indignation, surprised that your nudity would make you embarrassed after what had just happened between the two of you.
He sighed a long, exhausted sigh. “After you went rouge you took out three top tier bounty hunters and not once did you try to beg the guild to stop hunting you. There’s a pretty hefty price on your head, but I think your skills could be put to better use.” The Mandalorian cocked his head at you, “Think you can do that again?”
The audacity... You huffed and put your hands on your hips in a stance of mock fury. “So you kidnap me and now you’re going to put me to work? Great. Thanks pal. Really know how to take a girl out on a date, huh?”
He shrugged. “Do you want to go back to the carbonite freezer? I’m sure Karga would love to part with all those credits for your capture.”
No... No you did not want to go back to the freezer. You glared down at the floor with raised eyebrows, pretending like you were mulling over the idea like it was a job offer and not literally your only option.
“Alright... fine fine you talked me into it. Let’s go hunting, captain.” You snapped a damp hand out for him to shake, but he just shook his shiny metal dome in what you might have guessed was a laugh. He pushed himself away from the wall and climbed back up the ladder to the cockpit without a single word.
You watched as his boots disappeared into the ceiling and shook your head, wondering now if when you woke up this morning you had any idea that the day would take you on some wild bantha hunt though space with a well-hung mystery man. You tightened your towel and tucked back into the still steamy fresher to put on the clothes he had left you. The farming tunic was in a sad state, but the knit sweater looked snug and inviting. Pulling it over your damp hair your nose was flooded with that same delectable scent that you had gotten to indulge in earlier. When he was pressed into you.
“Hoo boy...” You finished getting dressed, rubbing your hair with one of the towels Mr. Mystery had left for you. I hope he’s got travel scrabble somewhere in this rust bucket, or you’re going to have to find some more... physical... activities to pass the time. Your lips turned up in a mischievous grin at the idea.
What a strange trip this will be.
Next ->
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Janus and Logan attempt cooking vintage recipes with Patton’s help (incorrect quotes). This is all just slightly altered quotes from bdylanhollis baking tiktoks.
-Logan, to himself, “What are you doing with that tuna, Logan? Oh, you know, making JELLO,”
-Janus, to Patton after tasting the tuna jello, “That’s not food, it’s a war crime,”
-Logan, reading the directions, then Janus saying, “It wants me to plumpen my prunes in water. I’m not plumping my prunes in anything.”
-Logan, after a bit, “Is ‘plumpen’ even a verb?”
-Logan, ”It’s ten PM and I’m boiling prunes in the kitchen,”
-Janus, ”Walnuts aren’t going to save this recipe, sweetie,”
-Logan, “It’s not bad it just vaguely tastes like a felony,”
-Janus, “Of course it uses lard. WHY NOT?!?”
-*cabinet clunks* Janus, “I think I’ve summoned something,”
-Logan, ”Can you make a pie with only 4 ingredients? Yes! I could also eat my mattress,”
-Logan, reading the instructions, “Add three gils of water,” 
Janus, “This written for a fish?”
- *Janus dances to jazz music while waiting for a pie to bake*
-Janus,  “Do I call the police or a priest?” *oven beeps* “A priest,”
-Logan, “Now I know this is going to be awful because it calls for soured milk. Not buttermilk, not milk and vinegar, no honey, sOURED BAD MILK!” *Janus retches*
- *Janus adds sour cream to the pie* “Call the U.N.”
- *Janus plays the accordion on the kitchen floor while waiting for a pie to bake*
-Logan, “sift your flour three times. Lady, your cake has tomato soup in it this is the leAST OF YOUR WORRIES!”
- *Janus, to himself* “911 what’s your emergency? Yeah, that lady CAROL is at the barbeque again,”
- Patton, “Careful not to overmix,” Janus, “Sorry, I’m just trying to kill it”
-Janus, “I bet this recipe is just all the wrong answers on a baking test,”
- *Janus laughs after taking a bite of cake* “You’re not supposed to WORK!” *Logan nods* “It’s incredible, and I’m mad about it,”
- *Patton cracks an egg and gets shell in the baking mix* “No officer, there’s no shell in here,”
-Logan, “Bake to your liking. Sweetie, none of this is to my liking,”
-Logan, “A spam pie from the 1960s. It’s a little late in the century for war crimes,”
- *Logan opens a can of spam with a look of disgust* “You know, I’ve never been religious, but today might be the day,”
-Logan, “I feel like if I do this correctly, I’ll invoke the spirit of Richard Nixon,”
-Janus “This isn’t food, honey. This is a bioweapon,”
- Logan, “Don’t say it, Patton,” 
Patton, “CIMMINIMM!”
-Patton, “Bake for two and a half hours!”
 Janus, “Suppose any less and it might gain consciousness,”
-Logan, “This was still the cold war, after all,”
 Janus, “Fear of communist bananas were at an all time high,”
-Logan, “The 70s! Sponsored by the color beige,”
-Patton, “Optional walnuts,” *Dumps an entire bag of walnuts in the salad* “WALNUTS ARE NEVER OPTIONAL!”
- *Logan throws the dough at the counter* “NYGEH,”
- *Beans boil over as Patton rushes to the pot* “BEAN REBELLION!”
-Patton, “Eggy!”
 Janus, “How many?” 
Patton, “I don’t know, it just says eggs,”
- *blender breaks* *Logan grumbles as he pours the mixture into a bowl to mix it* “Oh, this is PERSONAL now,”
- *Logan yelling at the bean pie he, Janus, and Patton made* “WHY ARE YOU GOOD?!? YOU HAVE A BAG OF BEANS IN YOU!”
-Janus, “Mayonnaise! And it’s not just a little bit. It’s a severe unauthorized CUP of mayonnaise!”
-Janus, “Cup of water. Honey, you can’t dilute a war crime,”
-Patton, “Y’know, it’s horrible now, but I hope it turns out okay!”
Janus, “Like children,”
-Janus, “I’m sending you to summer camp,” *laughs as he puts the pan of cake batter in the oven*
-Logan, “For the frosting, we boil milk, sugar, cocoa, and margarine,” *Janus turns on the stove* “FIYAA!”
- *mumbles* “Chop up your dehydrated cow,”
- “It tastes like it’s insulting me,”
-Patton, “Half a cup of mayo!” 
Janus, “This went downhill pretty quick,”
-Patton, “Lime jello. More like CRIME jello!”
-Logan, “It’s like reading directions to purgatory,”
-Patton, “Now we have CARBONATED mayonnaise lime water!”
- *Janus is stirring* “Don’t ask me how it smells,”
-Patton, “Marshmallows! With the mayo?!”
- *Patton wiggles jello and laughs hysterically*
-Janus, “A carrot pie from 1919. Before pumpkin pie became king they ate this. They’re dead now,”
- *Patton holds dough in his hands* “Welcome to the world!” 
Logan, “It’s awful,” *Janus nods*
-  *Logan, to the pie crust* “Get in the pan, please,” “Get in.” “GET IN!”
-Logan, “Combine all ingredients except for pie shell,” 
Janus, “They were really worried we’d mix in a fULLY CONSTRUCTED PIE SHELL INTO THIS?!? I’m a fool, not an idiot,”
-Janus,  *Cuts of ends of pie crust* “Any big plans for the weekend?”
- *Logan, to the recipe paper that has a baby printed on it* “Stop looking at me,” *slams post-it not on the baby’s face*
-Patton, “DEMON BABY!”
-Logan,  “Thought this was a joke. Turns out I’m the joke,”
- *Logan mixes cake batter manually* *to Patton and Janus* “You can use a mixer, I’m just doing this to feel something,”
-Janus,  “Fold in sauerkraut carefully. Or what? I’m going to ruin your disaster?”
- *Logan pours batter into pan* “Can a cake be tried for treason?”
- *Patton goes to put cake into the oven* “In she go-” *oven beeps* “I KNOW IT’S OPEN!”
- *Logan tries a bite of sauerkraut cake* “No. It’s incredible. It feels like coconut! I don’t taste sauerkraut. Either chocolate fixes everything or this is alchemy,”
- *Janus in a happy tone to the pie crust* “You’re gonna die here! Yes!”
-Patton, “Add in one very lonely, very dead EGGY!”
-Janus, “What is with dead people and their obsession with LARD,”
-Patton, “Now we mix baking soda into SOUR CREAM,”
- *Patton opens oven to check if the cake has risen* 
Janus, “Has it unionized?”
-Logan, “Supposed I’d enjoy this coal miner cake in a coal mine, but in a coal mine I am not,”
-Janus “I just love it when my salad comes in a brick,”
-Patton, “Bake in oven!”
Logan, “At least the recipe specified the appliance, yeah I was going to bake this in the dishwasher,”
-Patton, “Add eight to ten cups of powdered sugar. Cups? CUPS? Eight is the low end?!?”
-Logan, “Magic ice cream from the Great Depression! Now in my personal experience, depression and ice cream are a match made in heaven, so I have high hopes for this,”
- *Janus tries to get bowl from a high shelf, but everything just ends up falling*
-Logan, “Now, if it’s not folding in properly like mine, you can go and cry. Or put it back in the fridge,”
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
Just Like You (Carlisle x Reader)
I haven’t written for Carlisle in such a long time, I am so excited for this concept, also if you wanna get in the vibe I wrote this while listening just the two of us by Grover Washington Jr. Also this is for my girl @little-diable​. Enjoy!
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Teaching was something (y/n) wanted to do since she was a little girl, at the time of course she was not aware of the responsibility however she loved the idea of what a teacher was, a kind and clever individual that spend their time trying to educate and help the younger ones. 
Certainly teaching in history in high school was a whole different roster though she never complained, she had this charismatic way of commanding the crowd and luring them in to listen to her and pay attention to what she was hear to do, teach. She loved her work so much she neglected herself and scoffed at her body’s needs, that as anyone can presume did not end well, by not ending well meaning she passed out from dehydration in the middle of the class. 
“Miss (y/l/n), can you hear me?”
She had slowly started to open her eyes when she was met with one of the what anyone would assume was an angel, how else could you justify the porcelain white poreless skin, the blonde hair and those enchanting eyes. 
“What happened?”
“I’m afraid you fainted, dehydration was the cause”
“It’s in our nature to need water miss (y/l/n), you haven’t been really kind to your body”
She felt like such an idiot, she was laying there in front of the most handsome man because she forgot to drink water. Perfect introduction, just what she needed
“Well at least I finally got to meet the infamous history teacher”
“Of course, everyone has been talking about the young, beautiful and smart history teacher. My son Emmett told me you are the only teacher that made history interesting”
“Your son is Emmett? What type of Botox do you do?”
As he laughed she felt her heart skip, how could someone’s laugh be so melodic? She never cared for men, from her point of view most of them had no substance and seemed completely incompetent without having anything to add in her life. Still here she was, swooning over a mans laugh
“I had adopted him, also you will be surprised what a healthy lifestyle can do. Let’s start by making sure you drink your water, we can’t risk your gorgeous facial bone structure to be overshadowed by dry skin now can we?”
Carlisle had asked her on a date a few days after she had left the hospital, he had used the excuse of coming to school to ask for his adopted kids and walked in her break to purpose dinner.
It was the first time (y/n) felt comfortable with a man, he was everything she wanted in a man, kind, gracious, smart, self made and also left her alone when she needed some quiet me time, she felt like no one was leading the relationship it just flowed. They actually hadn’t even talked about “being official”, they were just together, enjoying each other and being at each other’s life effortlessly.
“Tell me about your family, you rarely speak about them”
The shock of finding out his... nature was gigantic, it almost costed the entire relationship, she was blindsided and baffled by the new concept of a mythical creature being a factual thing and also the man she had feelings for. When she finally got to understand and respect it she got in contact with him, he was more than delighted to hear from her, he didn’t even care she had almost disappeared for so long.
Now she laid next to him, her head on his cold chest as the sheets covered her naked body, their legs intertwined while his one hand went touched her hair, carefully to not cause any discomfort.
“My mother unfortunately passed away while giving birth to me, from what I was told my father changed after that incident, the gain of a child was not enough to make up for the loss of a spouse”
“I bet she was beautiful, just like you”
His chest slightly vibrated as he let out a soft cackle. He adored her soft side that rarely made an appearance and it was only when they were intimate and alone, it was a reminder that he didn’t really know her unless she allowed him to.
“He was a pastor, however I don’t believe the world of the lord is to kill the supposed minorities in His name”
“Another reason why I don’t believe in God”
“He called it getting rid of evil and sin, for most of them he had little to no proof of being witches or werewolves or vampires, it was usually the outcasts that happened to aggravate the wrong people”
She could feel that he wasn’t really fond of those memories, she felt guilty of bring up his past, even though she blamed it at him being an alive Wikipedia. Her favorite time with him was when they would lounge like this, flesh touching flesh and he would talk about all his travels and historical events, this to a history teacher was the equivalent to a kid that went to Disneyland.
She lifted her head and now allowed her chin to rest on his chest, her eyes catching his, a soft and tired smile played on her soft pink lips, he knew she was tired and sleepy, she always was after and yet she would never admit it, she claimed the stories are the icing on the cake.
“Do you think the corsets would look good on me?”
“I think everything looks good on you, let alone a corset. A nice little tuck that would make that lovely cleavage of yours the star of the night.”
It was her turn to giggle at his cheeky commenting on her breasts. He took it as an opportunity to flip over and lay on top of her, a little squeak that was followed by a laugh was heard in the dimly lit room, it was just enough for her to admire that gorgeous face of his. She reached with her palm to touch his cheek, giving him a gentle little caress 
“I think you would love the 20s”
“You mean before during or after the market crash and the Jim crow laws?”
“I meant seen you dance to jazz music in my arms”
“I suppose that could occur as well”
That’s when he leaned in to place a kiss on her lips he so much adored. He had hoped to find his mate for so long, now here she was, standing proudly and showing him what love really means. Acceptance, she accepted his kind and he accepted her independent and introverted nature, no one tried nor needed to change anything to the other, they accepted and respected each other to a sacred level.
“You are an amazing woman”
“So I’ve been told”
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