viesanterieures · 6 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆
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Robert Fischer (Inception) x female Reader
summary: The reader works as an artist who has never had a breakthrough until she decides to paint Robert.
warnings: this is a kinda cute and funny story so… no warnings :)
word count: 2500+
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The air was warm as Robert turned into the familiar driveway. It was late October in Sydney, summer was just around the corner and the driveway was full of flowers and other plants. Today was Sunday, one of the few days he had to himself and his friends. During the week, he worked from early morning until late at night, as befits the future CEO of a multi-million dollar empire. Before he had even rung the bell, the door opened and a woman with shoulder-length brown hair pulled him into her arms. "Robert, how nice of you to come. We haven't seen each other in at least two months."
He laughed a little and patted his best friend on the shoulder. "I've had a lot on my mind, I'm sorry, Rebecca." Robert had known her since they were children. They had gone to kindergarten together and Rebecca was two years younger than him. All the friendships of his childhood, youth and university days had not lasted because many people thought he was arrogant, but Rebecca had always been there for him. As a child, as a teenager, as a student, at his wedding... and also at his divorce three years ago.
"How is your father, Robbie?" she wanted to know. Suddenly the smile on his face faded. "It doesn't look so good. He'll probably have to go back into hospital next month for a surgery." Rebecca looked at him compassionately and nodded silently as she took his jacket. "I'm so sorry."
I'm glad I can at least visit you," he quickly changed the subject.
"I'm glad too, Robbie," she said with a bright smile again.
"YN is also here, I hope you don't mind."
"No Becca, that‘s cool," Robert said, following her into the living room.
YN was Rebecca's younger sister and Robert quite liked her. She was one of those people who believed in destiny, the supernatural, spiritual things and tarot cards, which Robert didn't think much of. But she had always been very warm and kind to him and Robert was sure that there wasn't a single bad bone in this woman's body. She was just the way she was. As far as Robert knew, she worked full time in a perfumery and in her free time as an artist, but she remained rather unsuccessful. Her face immediately lit up when she saw him and gave him a friendly wave. She was wearing a pink dress, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, gold earrings and red lipstick. She was really pretty.
"Robert, how nice to see you! I brought some cupcakes, would you like one? They're homemade." She held out a bowl of pink muffins with strawberries and sprinkles to him. Robert gratefully took one and sat down on the couch next to the two women.
"It‘s really good," Robert praised YN's baking skills after taking a bite.
"Thank you, Robert. I baked them at 3 o'clock in the night because I couldn't sleep... It was another full moon. And my moon calender says that I should concentrate more on housework now, especially cooking and baking“.
He tried to hide his surprised expression and took another bite. Rebecca didn't seem confused by the explanation, she knew her sister well enough. Finally, YN slowly bent down towards them. "And do you know what my horoscope said?" Robert and Rebecca shook their heads.
"That I'm going to have my breakthrough this month," she finally said excitedly.
"You mean with your art?" Rebecca wanted to know.
"Yes! I'm going to have a huge success. But I don't know what motif to choose." YN picked at her dress thoughtfully. "A portrait or a landscape... I'm not sure. I need a subject to practise on first. Just to get back into it. I haven't painted for months.
"You've painted me so many times," Rebecca said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "How about you painting Robert?"
YN's face lit up at the words. "That's a wonderful idea! Robert, you have such a beautiful face... Like an angel!"
Robert almost choked on his cupcake. "Please what?"
"Oh come on Robbie, she just wants to practise," Rebecca interjected.
Sighing, he looked into YN's bright eyes and shrugged. "Yes, why not..."
YN cheered immediately and hugged Robert happily. "But I can't sit still for like eight hours," Robert replied quickly.
"You don't have to do that," YN said. "You can come with me to my studio, I'll draw the outlines and a sketch, then I'll take a photo of you to paint the details later. If you like and have the time, we can start right away. It would mean so much to me, Robert, really!" He smiled and nodded again. He just couldn't look away from YN's eyes.
"Nice studio," Robert said, breaking the awkward silence. He looked around curiously. YN's studio was a bright room with large windows letting in the daylight. There were easels full of canvases and tubes of paint everywhere and the smell of fresh paint was in the air.
"Robert, I told you not to move," laughed YN, who sat behind a canvas. The two had left for YN's that afternoon. Now the sun was already setting outside and Robert felt as if he had been sitting on the floor in front of her for ages.
"I'll be done with the outlines in a minute."
"Good, because my butt is already hurting," Robert grumbled.
A short moment later, YN put the brush down, clapped her hands and grabbed a camera lying on a chair next to her. "Well, I'm done for today. Let's take the photo quickly."
Robert moved back into position and looked a little tiredly at the camera. A few seconds after YN had taken the picture, he collapsed. "My God, this is more exhausting than I thought."
YN laughed. "I believe you. I've been a model too."
"Can I have a look?" Robert asked curiously, sitting up with a groan.
"Sure, come here." YN turned the canvas a little.
"Oh, this is definitely... Art." If Robert was honest, he couldn't really make out much on the canvas. It looked more like a wild doodle of a man who, with a lot of imagination, could look like him. And for this he had been sitting in an uncomfortable position on the cold floor for almost two hours?
"I'll start working on the details tomorrow. I'll let you know when it's ready."
Robert forced a friendly smile, YN pulled him into a tight hug to say goodbye and he left the house, a little disappointed.
Days and weeks passed without Robert hearing a word from YN. He didn't know how far she'd got with the painting, or if she'd even thrown it away. But then, one Saturday evening, she finally called him to say that she had finished the painting and that he could come and see it tomorrow. Of course Robert couldn't resist the opportunity, as he was actually quite curious to see how the painting would look now, although he had little hope that it would be any better than the last time.
He finally arrived at YN's door at 10am the next morning. She immediately greeted him friendly and offered him a cup of tea, which Robert gratefully accepted.
"Nice of you to come," she said and excitedly pulled him by the sleeve into her studio. "Close your eyes."
Robert did as she asked, although he was a little confused by her instructions. YN carefully led him to the easel in the middle of the room.
"And open your eyes."
Robert looked curiously at the painting in front of him, but then his jaw dropped and he couldn't get a word out.
"I've thrown away the old painting and made a new one. Isn't it gorgeous?"
He couldn't believe his eyes. The painting was insanely beautiful. It must have taken an eternity to work out all the details. He'd never seen so much care in YN's work, who usually painted in a rather chaotic way. Every single strand of Robert's dark hair was painted perfectly and precisely, and you could almost count every single eyelash. But most striking of all were the eyes, which stood out almost ghostly from the rest of the rather dark picture.
"It's so beautiful," he marvelled, running his finger carefully over the dry canvas. "But why am I wearing a sheer white shirt? I wore a normal black shirt that day. And my eyes look almost inhuman."
"Artistic freedom," YN quickly replied. "I wanted you to look a bit ethereal in the painting."
Robert nodded slowly with a raised eyebrow, then smiled again. "It‘s still so beautiful."
"You can have it if you want," YN offered.
He shook his head immediately. "No, no, keep it. It must have been so time-consuming that I don't want to take it away from you. I'm sure it's better off in your studio than in my house. But... promise me you won't sell it, okay?"
She nodded quickly and looked Robert straight in the eye. "No, I won't. I've made another artwork that I'm going to submit to the art competition."
Robert looked at her, confused. "To what?"
"Oh, I haven't told you yet. The art museum is running a competition this month. If I win, my painting will be on display there, isn't that great? Mrs Buchanan from the museum is coming to see the painting tomorrow. She's a good friend of my aunt's."
"That's great. Then I'll be rooting for you to win!"
Eventhough Robert had recently doubted YN's talent, he'd wished her all the best, especially now that he'd seen the beautiful portrait.
"And here it is," she joyfully pulled a cloth from a easel beside her.
"Oh, um... what is it exactly?" Robert asked, a little embarrassed as he couldn't make out more than a few patches of dark green on a grey background.
"The painting is called 'The Fog Forest'. The theme of the competition is 'Between reality and fiction: a journey into imagination'," explained YN. "The green stands for the trees of the forest and the grey is the fog and shadows, where you can easily get lost and dream.
"Oh, um, very nice." Robert forced a smile. "I'm sure Mrs Buchanan will recognise it immediately, also the deeper meaning, unlike me. You know I don't know much about art."
"I know that, Robert. But it's so kind of you to support me," she said softly, taking his hand and squeezing it gently.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go now, I have another appointment. Busy schedule as a future CEO... you know," he replied quickly, then looked at her pretty face and felt his heart beating in his chest.
"Becc, when I tell you! I've never seen such a beautiful painting." It was just after half past seven the next evening and Robert was glad to be off work. He stood in his kitchen, his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear as he chopped vegetables into small cubes.
"Are you sure, Robert? I've known YN long enough and she's never painted anything else than a few dots and lines," Rebecca's voice came over the loudspeaker. Robert thoughtfully placed the pieces of vegetable in a pot.
"I've seen it with my own eyes. Maybe she was possessed by the ghost of Leonardo Davinci that night or something." At this moment Robert's doorbell rang. "I have to hang up, Becc, I'm sorry. I'll call you tomorrow again." Confused, Robert wiped his hands on a towel and hurried to the front door. Who the hell was that? As he opened the front door, he saw a familiar face but also an unfamiliar one. In front of him stood YN, as always in one of her summer dresses and her big earrings, and next to her a tall, slim older lady with a tight bun and a blazer, looking at him curiously.
"Hey YN... what are you doing here? And who are you?" Robert wanted to know, frowning in confusion.
"Oh, it's him! I recognise him," the unknown lady said excitedly as she looked at him more closely.
YN tapped nervously with one foot and took a deep breath. "Robert, this is Mrs Buchanan from the art museum, she wants to have you."
"Wait, what? She wants to have me?" Robert laughed confused.
"Not you. The painting of you." The lady quickly clarified. "It's really gorgeous. What a work of art. It perfectly reflects our theme for this month. Between reality and fiction... Almost like a modern version of the Dorian Gray's portrait," she enthused.
Robert's jaw dropped and he looked at YN, stunned. "But... but you submitted a completely different painting to the competition. The one with the forest."
"Oh, please, sir, you couldn't even see any trees, forest or anything in the picture," she replied sharply, and Robert didn't miss YN's sad face. "I saw this masterpiece in the corner of her studio and asked her if she wanted to submit this instead of that… Fog-Forest... thing."
"This is not possible, I‘m sorry," Robert replied firmly.
"Why not?" Mrs Buchanan asked.
"I am a serious businessman, madam, about to take over a company worth millions. What would my employees and clients think of me if they saw the painting of me as an…an…ethereal creature? I have to maintain a certain respectability." Robert bit his lower lip as soon as he said these words. He realised that this was YN's last chance and that she might have to give up her dream of becoming a painter.
"It's okay, Robert“, YN said quietly. "I understand." Forcing a smile, she turned around together with Mrs Buchanan.
For Robert, the world seemed to stand still at that moment. He didn't want YN's dream to be shattered like his own. He had always aspired to become a professional musician and study music, but his father had always stopped him because he wanted him to take over the company one day. Even though Robert didn't even think he was the right person for this huge job.
"Wait, YN." The echo of his voice sounded down the driveway, the two women, who were about to get back into the car, immediately turned around.
"Let‘s do this, YN."
"A glass of champagne, sir?" asked an elegantly dressed lady next to him, balancing a small tray in front of her.
"No, thank you, madam. I don't drink alcohol at the moment," Robert declined her offer in a friendly voice.
"And for our winner? On the house, of course," she asked YN, who was standing next to him. She gratefully accepted a glass. The exhibition was in full swing. Many different artists were exhibiting that day, but no artwork attracted as many glances as YN's. Rebecca joined them and patted her sister on the shoulder. "I looked at it again, it really is amazing. How did you do it?"
"I don't even know it myself. It's as if my hands painted it themselves," YN replied, taking a sip from her glass.
"That supports Robert's Davinci theory," Rebecca chuckled.
YN looked at her, confused. "What?"
"Nothing," Rebecca replied quickly, pointing to the glass in her sister's hand. "Hey, where did you get the champagne?" she wanted to know.
"From that lady over there," YN replied with a grin and immediately Rebecca was gone in the crowd.
"I'm so sorry," Robert said quietly. "For what?" she wanted to know in surprise.
"For underestimating you... You and your art... You‘re such a wonderful, strong and unique woman."
YN bit her lip and Robert felt that she was about to cry. "Thank you, Robert." They remained silent as they watched the visitors pass by the artworks.
"So my horoscope was right after all," YN told Robert. "I really had my breakthrough. Do you believe in them now?" she wanted to know.
"Maybe," Robert replied thoughtfully.
"Do you know what else he said besides success?", she asked him.
Robert shook his head and smiled curiously.
"That I will also find love this month," she said quietly, putting her glass down on a small table beside her. "Maybe it was the love I felt for you when I painted that picture that made it so beautiful. Maybe that was the reason for all the success.“
Robert looked into her eyes and gently stroked her soft hair. Finally, he slowly pulled her into his arms and their lips touched immediately.
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- 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
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evesaintyves · 11 months
Trick or treat! 🍭
thank you @annabtg !!
i know you like jily so im writing you a @jilymicrofics i guess? i've never really written these two characters before except as guest appearances but here goes
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(863 words)
Scouring charms were invented by a man, it's obvious, because it takes about nine passes to get the dried-up spat-out Pablum off the wall. James thinks the mess is cute and she should leave it—it's almost like art, he said once, the spatter-pattern of flecks on the wallpaper. He was raised with house-elves and never learned to clean. Right, our little Jackson Pollock, Lily muttered, and James didn't know what she was talking about.
Every day he disappears into the box room and polishes a broom he hasn't ridden in months. Sometimes the two of them duel in the back garden, with Harry in his highchair behind an iridescent bubble of defensive spells. James rarely gets a shot past Lily, but when he does, Harry cackles in his strangely bawdy toddler way and smacks the biscuit crumbs around on his tray. It can feel a bit like they're ganging up on her. James swaggers up, clears up her boils or whatever else he's hexed her with, and then murmurs in her ear, why don't we put him in his cot and have a lie down?
It wasn't so long ago that she'd have giggled and dragged him upstairs by the hand. Now she says I really ought to degnome the garden, they're digging up all our leeks, and for just a second there's a look on his face like he might suggest they just do it right here in the garden, but he doesn't. He doesn't offer to help, either. He scoops Harry up, takes him off to build a castle with the blocks she's always somehow stepping on. She zaps the gnomes with disproportionate venom and spends most of the afternoon outside.
This life looks so much like what she'd imagined, little cottage, ivy climbing round the door, kitten and baby and husband cuddled up in the big downy bed, but it feels so different—like when you look at a photograph and your face is asymmetrical and weird, different from the mirror, familiar but wrong. These curtain-twitching, lay-low, you're joking me Mad-Eye he's been a mate since forever days of known unknowns and unknown unknowns and nightmares, constantly, of being chased; worse, almost, this ennui of stuffing nappies down the overflowing bin and picking up the hundred socks James somehow peels off daily.
When she was a girl, the morning glory on the chain-link fence used to turn their purple faces to follow her. She still remembers, and sometimes recites in her head, the fussy formulas for wolfsbane, veritaserum, the little trick for making a paste of aconite with the side of her knife.
Even Petunia, these days, is leaving her boy with a sitter and going to cocktail parties, holidays by the sea—that's what Mum said in her very last letter, anyway. She sounded so proud. Lily used to think she'd done well for herself, pulled off quite a trick, married for love and got money in the bargain, but now she might as well be in some pebbledash in Cokeworth, sweeping the kitchen lino. At least she'd get to go out to the shops.
Ten scouring charms later, she can still feel the grit of cereal bits when she runs her nails over the wall. The wallpaper's going discoloured, there, and it's hard to tell anymore what's paisley and what's Pablum. Lily half-remembers a story she read, or maybe heard about, where a woman falls ill and goes spare looking at the wallpaper in her sickroom. The thing is, Lily can't imagine being bedridden, going mad. Who has the time? Who would do the laundry?
I feel like a waste of talent, she whispers to James that night, in that shifting awkwardness before sleep, when she's wondering if he'll reach for her and trying to decide if she wants him to. This time he does: slides his hand down her arm and interlocks his fingers with hers.
You're not a waste of anything, he tells her. He presses a kiss to her neck and then buries his nose in the hair behind her ear. After a minute: This isn't a waste. It's like school. Like detention. We just have to get through it so we can go on with life.
I never got detention, she says.
Well, I'm sorry. You missed a lot of fun.
Lily snorts.
Seriously, James says. Maybe I'm just stir-crazy, but I actually miss it.
You just miss chatting shit with Sirius.
Well yeah, all right? But I miss those times. Even the boring, shitty times. One of these days—
Lily rolls her eyes. Oh, stop.
—No, let me finish, one of these days Harry will be off at school and we'll be moaning, oh, I miss when he was just little, getting peas in the carpet—
You're not the one cleaning up the peas.
Well, you're better at that sort of thing. But I do about three-quarters of the nappies.
Lily sucks her teeth. That's true.
See, he says, sounding delighted. We agree!
Harry and the kitten are both snoring, and five minutes later, James is too. When Lily finally closes her eyes, the paisley-swirls and speckles are there inside her eyelids.
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autobot2001 · 11 months
Day 27.2; Love At First Sight
Fadnom; transformers Characters: Crosshairs, Drift, Jamie (OC), Bumblebee, Hound, Jayce (OC), J.R. (OC) Rating: T
OC-tober; meeting someone important for the first time Flufftober; swoon ( for my story that takes place between the third and fourth transformers live-action movie.)
The five Autobots couldn't believe what happened. To four of them, this was their first impression of humans. Even if many Autobots have been on Earth for three to five years. Being one of the first on Earth, Bumblebee can't believe the events, but he doesn't want to say all humans are bad. "Seriously?!" Crosshairs argues, "how stupid are you?!" "Really? Because I've - been on - Earth - longer than you." "You played into their lies!" "You dare- disrespect our leader?" "Well, considering we're all targets, don't know who's alive or has been killed; yeah, I'll disrespect Prime for being so stupid!" Drift stops the argument before it turns into a physical altercation. Bumblebee walks away from the group.
Bumblebee: hey, I have bad news. There's a situation here that we need your help with. Jamie: we'll be there in five. Bumblebee sends Jamie coordinates and the group's specific location.
"Something is going on for Bumblebee to tell us to meet outside the city," Jayce comments.
"Get lost before a kill you!" Hound demands. "Too late, they know where we are!" Crosshairs argues. "Stop!" The two hear and realize it's an audio clip from Bumble, "they are - our friends. We can - trust them." The three can't believe what Bumblebee is telling them. "We should have returned sooner," Jayce sighs. "Even I could have —" Jamie comments. "No- you wouldn't have been able to do anything. This happened - during - holidays." "Less soldiers at the base to take down," J.R. points out, "the six months delay after what Sentinel did seems suspicious. There's more going on." "What do you care?!" Crosshairs argues, "you're a human!"
Time skip since this isn't for the story
Crosshairs and Hound still don't trust the three femmes, but the three are allowed to stay. No one questioned why Drift hadn't said anything during the discussion/ argument. The three new Autobots learn how the three femmes are not 100% human as they watch the three fly to get firewood, and Jamie uses powers to light the fire. Drift watches Jamie, feeling something in his spark. He thought it was fear that humans can't be trusted, yet he feels relaxed. The feeling doesn't fade the longer he watches her. Drift thinks about possible times he felt this way. "Drift?" Bumblebee asks, "you haven't - said anything about - them." "You trust them, there's no reason I shouldn't." Drift doesn't want to tell Bumblebee about this feeling.
"I can try to find them," Jamie tells the four Autobots. "Come on - guys - we can save - our friends," Bumblebee insists. "Fine,' Crosshairs and Hound both answer and head off to find places to recharge. Jayce and J.R. do the same. "I can't believe this is happening, Bee. I should have stayed." "You can't - blame yourself." Bumblebee activates his holoform to hug Jamie. Drift watches, feeling as if he's known Jamie for a long time and hates the guilt she feels. Both Bumblebee and Drift worry Jamie will not be sleeping. Drift wonders how not sleeping now affects Jamie and her friends.
The second Drift sees Jamie, the feeling returns. At this point, he's thinking he's being cliché. He fell in love with Jamie, though he met her last night. "What's with you?"Crosshairs asks. Drift says nothing, "you don't trust them? Seems unusual for you." "No, we can trust them." "What's with you then?" "I…" Drift doesn't know what to say. He'll be pissed if I tell him. Drift thinks. And I know I shouldn't be in love with Jamie. She's human. Even if she wasn't, we just met not even a day ago. Crosshairs worries about not knowing if there are any other Autobots alive is starting to affect Drift. He hates he can't say anything to help his worried friend. If this doesn't stop in six months, then I can say something. Drift decides as he continues to watch Jamie, feeling that feeling in his spark.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
Series Snippet (Unrelated Scene?): Keizo Arashi x Fem!Reader
Let me preface this with the following statement: This is "not in any way related" to a series I'm putting to task for Keizo based on a request I got a looonnngg time ago. (Okay, FINE, it is very much related to a series I'm working on, but I have yet to put it to post). I've been thinking about this series for almost two months, so just... read it if you want. Don't read if you don't.
wc: 393
tw: fluff
You're roused from your deepest sleep with a gentle whisper, a kiss on the lips, and two hands holding your shoulders.
"...wake up, y/n..."
Your eyelashes flutter in the moonlight spilling from the open window, and you see your husband hovering over you, his eyes filled with some emotion you can't recognize yet.
"Keizo," you breathe, and he looks to the door behind him, mutters something to the person standing there, torch in hand, and then turns back to you. "Is..."
"We need to leave," he breathes, and it's only then that you recognize the armor, the sound of running feet, and the sweat dotting his forehead. "Now."
"What's going on?" you wonder, slipping out of bed and pulling your robe off the chair. "What--"
"Can't say right now," Keizo says, his eyes flicking from the door to you again. "But we need to get you somewhere safe for now."
"Brief me along the way," you command, and he nods, walking ahead as you gather your shoes. You follow your armored husband out of the room and into the kitchen below, eyes finally adjusting to the lit torches.
"Horses are readied downstairs," Keizo tosses over his shoulder, and you try to keep up with his long strides, each one two of your own strides. "You'll ride--"
"Inland," you finish for him, standing in the chilly kitchen. Keizo turns to you and nods once, his face stern.
"Your uncle's allies are riding here from the coast. Not sure what they want since he's no longer alive, but this is no fortress to keep you safe."
"There's no fortress for seven cities," you breathe. "This is your territory. Where will I--"
"There's a village just north of here. Aynor. Tell the woman in the city hall who you are; they will hide you." You perk up at his language.
"You're not coming with me." Keizo shakes his head. "You can't stay behind; what if..."
"You forget the stock I come from," Keizo murmurs, smiling. He approaches you slowly, placing your hips between his hands. "I can handle myself."
"Come with me," you whisper sadly, knowing he'll refuse you. "Please." Keizo's face remains unmoved.
"You come before me, remember?" You nod, and he presses a slow, tender kiss to your forehead, holding the back of your head gingerly. "Let's get you out of here."
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nsk96 · 1 year
Personal rant:
I know I've been doing quite a bit of these rants often, but I can't keep a physical diary and doing these rants here will allow me to easily send these to my future therapist (about that, my mom doesn't want me seeing one until I get a job, as if they will have access to my personal medical records just like that. Even if they manage to access them, all they are gonna see is how effed up my dad and mom are...maybe that's why she doesn't want me to see one. She was opposed to the idea since the first time I brought it up. She agreed to let me see one a few months ago but I didn't get a chance to arrange an appointment because of my hospital IPPE rotation. Now she is opposed to it again and I have to wonder why I have to keep explaining to her how it's not going to affect my future jobs)
Anyways, back to the actual rant. Every time I decide to stay home to study on the weekend, I regret it. I focus so much better at the school library in the study rooms. The problem is that the school is at least 30 minutes away, which means with a good amount of traffic, it can take me 40 minutes or even nearly an hour to get there. But honestly, I feel like it's worth it. My mom keeps trying to convince me to stay home, saying that the drive is a waste of time. If I can't focus at home, aren't I wasting even more time then?
Today, my dad is pretending to be pissed and that my mom has to buy a new toaster oven because ours has become a fire hazard after using it for about 5 years (maybe more I don't recall when we bought it). Anyways, he's always blaming her for spending too much money. My mom often says, "I have to buy stuff for the house" which translates to "food, snacks, juice/water, paper plates (because my dad complains about having to do dishes even though it's the only household chore he's responsible for), napkins, toilet paper, paper towel, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, etc." Literally things we need. This is what happens when one person in the marriage is responsible for all of the grocery shopping for 30+ years. The other person in the marriage forgets how expensive it is to live and only sees what's coming in. They don't see how much things actually cost.
Either that, or he's just using this as a thing to complain to his family about to turn them against my mom, like he always does. It is very apparent that he talks shit about her to them, because my aunt (his sister) when she came to visit had to audacity to tell my mom that she should be doing everything in the house because she was the one who wanted this house. My mom corrected her and said, "I wanted to move into a retirement home." My aunt was shocked and said, "then who wanted this house?" My mom gestured at my dad and said, "him."
Because he's pissed off today, he's slamming doors as he goes in and out of the house. He's turning on the water really hard while he washes his turkey-frying pot, and he's clanking dishes. He's definitely doing all this on purpose, he knows I'm trying to study and that I need quite to do so. How I know he's doing this on purpose? I've seen him do these things much quieter when I wasn't studying.
Just about 30 minutes ago, I put a couple of Jamaican chicken patties to bake, one for him and one for me. I got mine when it was done and told him the second one was for him. He ignored me (he was less than 3 feet away. There's no way he didn't hear me). I repeated myself and even said, "Did you hear me?". He ignored me again. He does this to my mom all the time. I scoffed and said as a joke, "I guess it's mine now." I still left it in there because I know he'll complain or talk shit to his family or our neighbor, Otto (and I know he talks shit to him because Otto had the audacity the other day to tell me "help your dad" and said "don't tell [my mom] that I said that, she might make me do the dishes".
Realistically, I shouldn't be eating both if I intend on keep up my weight loss progress anyways. I don't know if he will eat it, because he likes to put on these tantrums so he can get away with watching tv all day or literally doing nothing all day. But I do know, that once I leave it out there with him, I won't be able to eat it later without running the risk of getting horribly sick from it (because you know what he likes to do to our food). Just watch, later he will be like, "I don't feel like eating it. You can have it." It's happened many times before.
Honestly, I'm tired. I can't study, I'm nearly failing my classes because of it. He's still out there making noise on purpose. I hate this shit. I want to move out but now I know I don't have my mom's support and she expressed that she doesn't want me to move out. And now she's holding on even tighter. The other day after my health fair I wanted to stay at school to study but my mom begged me that morning to come home after the health fair all because she "dreamt that trouble was coming". Turns out the trouble was actually at the health fair, and I missed out on time to study because once again, I can't focus at home. I'm pretty sure now, that I have ADHD and being home makes things worse. It's been like this my whole life and I feel like it's gotten worse as I get older. I'm tired
Update: My mom came home after spending hours outside trying to find a toaster oven. They didn't have any suitable ones at our usual store so she went to another store. By suitable, I mean they were either too small or too big, or the type that overheats on the outside making it a potential fire hazard. She settled on one that is both a toaster oven and air fryer that costed a little over $100. My dad now wants to be upset that she spent that much on a toaster oven. I asked, "then why didn't you go with her?" His response "it doesn't matter what I say, she won't listen to me." Maybe if you spoke to her like she is a human being, she would listen to you. Maybe if you didn't ignore her all the time or talk down to her with disrespect, maybe she'd value your opinion. He's now looking online for a toaster oven and going, "look this one is just $88." Dude! Why didn't you look this shit up before she left? You knew since last night, approximately 17 hours ago that we needed a new toaster oven. But no, you want to b*tch about the purchase to make her feel like shit while you get to enjoy using the product right? Because you can't give her credit for anything...like usual. This is what happens when she lets you take credit for things she does just to boost you up in front of other people. Now you weaponize everything against her and use it as fuel to turn your family against her, our neighbors against her, and your coworkers against her (you don't want to know how he talks to her in front of his coworkers).
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sweetmaririn · 7 years
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Shoutarou, Tori and Kensuke went to see Tsuwamonodomo ga yume no ato!
(x), (171109), (x), (x)
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atsuwiee · 3 years
when you tell them to leave you during an argument (enhypen).
i honestly don't know how to construct the title but here it is:,)
warnings: angst, having an argument, swearing/cursing. this is pretty long so get ready i guess lol
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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"are we really doing this again?" he asks. you averted your eyes when he spoke. "look at me, y/n" there was a sudden raise in his voice- but not too loud. you stood up from your seat leaving the untouched food. "i'm tired, heeseung, please let's call it a night" you say with your back facing him. "what's with you all of a sudden?! just a while ago you were doing fine now you've completely shut down, i just can't understand you–!" the loudness of his voice made you flinch, it was rare for you both to have a heavy argument. "just– please leave– leave me alone" you say. heeseung could hear your voice breaking and he knows he shouldn't have lashed out like that. he hears the room of your door shut, leaving him with guilt.
"so you hear me when i call you for diner, but can't hear me when i ask you to take a day off work?" he says. "i can't just do that, my job isn't that easy" you said, and he knew that. jay's point was is he wanted you to take a day off so he could spend time with you now that he's on break for a while. "you even did the same to me. you even missed a date–" "i almost missed it, but i arrived, didn't i?" he shot back, you already sensed where this conversation was going. "i have a career, y/n– and it's different from your job" jay said and something in that sentence just offended you. "my job is a career too, jongseong, it doesn't make it different from you being an idol" you already lost your appetite to eat so you stood up from the table. "you know what– if you're just going to make a big fuss about this then it's better that you leave me" "then i am" he said standing up from his seat, furiously heading to the door. now there's him outside guilt filling in him and you staring at the door wondering if he'll step in back again.
the air in your shared room with jake was tense. both of you were at the verge of screaming at each other because of a reason jake has mistook. "how can helping a friend take that fucking long! you were more than late, y/n!" jake said with his voice gradually getting louder. "well it's better than ditching you!" you shot back. yes, you were late for a date because you stayed at your workplace to help a friend out with the files on her computer. "look- i said my reason, jaeyun. if you don't want to believe me then so be it" you say and jake was left silent. "it's better for you to leave me alone if we'll be like this the entire night" you say. jake's feet suddenly felt like they were glued onto the floor, you walk pass by him out of your shared room and he couldn't seem to move anymore. once your door shut, jake let out all his emotions. "what the hell did i just do?" he asks the air, while the dim light surrounded him, with guilt slowly eating him up.
"you didn't do the dishes... again" you say as you approach sunghoon who was sitting on his couch. "y/n i just got home from work, i'm tired alright-" "sunghoon i'm tired too- so could you at least can clean the shit you used after eating so things would much be easier" you said, cutting him off. you do understand that he's tired considering a hectic schedule at work, but it didn't sit right with you when he couldn't do basic cleaning. "it's just the dishes, y/n- are we going to have to argue about this?" he said standing up and facing you, clearly irritated "i get that you're tired from work- but shit- what about me? i take care of this fucking apartment when you're gone for weeks or even months, just because of your work! and you can't even consider that maybe i'm tired too and doing something simple would be nice?!" you lashed out on him. sunghoon still kept a calm expression and it pisses you off even more that he looks like he doesn't care. "if you don't care about it at all, then it's best you leave me now" you say. "y/n wait-" but too late, your bedroom door is now shut closed. sunghoon was now left with the dirty dishes to be cleaned "i hope y/n comes out once i finish" sunghoon said with his hopes high up.
you were greeted by sunoo at the door, it was an ungodly hour for him to be at your home. his reason? sunoo was very worried to why you weren't answering or calling him, to later find out that you had forgotten to tell him you were out with your friends. "sunoo you're acting like a child- i'm a busy person and wanted to go get some time off with my friends, so of course it slipped out of my mind!" you explain, with a very frustrating tone. "y/n- it's two in the fucking morning! of course i'm more than worried" sunoo said, worry still evident in his tone. "i said what i said, okay?! now stop acting like that! it won't happen again, alright?!" you realized that you were now raising your voice at your boyfriend who was just worried about you. "i'm sorry... go leave now and go back home, we still have school later on" you say. "make sure this doesn't happen again, you know how i can be a little too worried" sunoo said with a soft tone now and headed out the door. you started to regret having to act that way "he was just concerned why did i even lash out?" you say. "did i overreact?" sunoo asks the air, both of you slowly consuming guilt.
"you never listen to me, y/n!" jungwon said, raising his voice. it was only once in a blue moon to see jungwon like this- the reason why it's because of your friends. "who are you to judge them?" you shot back. "you really are blind- don't you see they treat you like a doormat- and all they do is step on you" jungwon was all doing this out of concern. after telling him countless of stories of how your friends treated you and you'd let it slide- he just had enough this time. "it's just them being them, jungwon!" you say with your voice gradually getting louder. "no it's not- y/n don't you see how this affects you as well? you've been coming to me crying and it's always about them" you denied all of what he was saying since you were friends with these "people" for so long now. "you're starting to— break!" "yeah i am starting to break! but what can i do? i've been with them for ages how can i let them go?" your tears started to fall and jungwon was left speechless. "yeah you're right- now leave me alone" you say. "y/n i didn't mean to-" "i said leave" jungwon sighs and exits your room, gently closing your door. jungwon was just looking out for you, but he got a little out of control— too out of control.
it wasn't like him to get jealous, it was very rare. but now it was this particular day that just made him really jealous about you spending time with his hyungs. "where have you been?" he asked, and you already noticed his tone was different. "out with heeseung, is there something wrong?" you asked, and all he does is turn his back on you and stay silent. "riki talk to me- is there something bothering you?" "yeah, it's you being with heeseung hyung for half of the day!" the sudden raise of his voice made you flinch a bit. "i literally see nothing wrong with it riki, you're being petty" you say trying to 'reason' with him. "it just- doesn't sit right with me, alright? you didn't even bother to spend a day with me" he said. "if that's what you wanted why didn't you say so?!" you raised your voice as well. "you know- i hate where this conversation is leading us, so please leave me alone for now- i think i need a cool down" you say and walk pass him. riki just looked at you with sad eyes now, he knew he was being petty about it- but what could he do? sometimes he wanted to be selfish and sometimes he just wants time with you.
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the fact is • jeon jeongguk
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plot – you're a waitress that gets stuck serving jeon jeongguk, who can't make his mind up on what to eat.
words – 6.4K
"Indecisive snot, aren't you?"
The words are out before you could stop them. Your natural instinct is to take it back and apologize, but this idiot has pushed you over the edge. He has changed his order six times and that was after adding sides and removing this or that. The customer - the arrogant brat of a chaebol, you thought to yourself - looking at his menu snapped his gaze to you, eyes widening in surprise, disbelief and was that intrigue? Nope. Probably just a trick of the light.
"Excuse me?" He says, eyebrows still raised to high heaven.
You weigh your options silently for a few moments. You could try and kiss his ass and loose your job. Or you could finish what you started and loose your job. Because there was no question, you were loosing your job. Speaking to a customer like that, in a restaurant as high end as this? The ultimate no-no.
The choice was a no brainer.
You give him a flat look, "Are you deaf?"
A surprised scoff leaves him and for a moment he stares at you, and then a smirk pulls at the corners of his mouth. "Do you not know who I am?"
"Of course I know who you are, Jeon Jeongguk, I don't live under a rock." You roll your eyes at him.
"Huh." He frowns at you.
You frown back, "What?"
"I've never met someone so . . . outspoken before. Normally people are all compliments and well wishes." Jeongguk doesn't say how delightfully refreshing it is. Like a spring breeze, spreading through his veins and breathing colour into his monotonous life. This is the most excitement he's had since he went parachuting eight months ago. That is a sad thought, but unfortunately a true one.
"Yeah, well," You shrug, tapping your pen against your notebook. "Kissing ass and lying are two things that didn't make it onto my list of qualities."
"Speaking your mind, obviously did." He notes, still smirking.
"Excellent observational skills there, Sherlock." You deadpan.
Jeongguk laughs and you don't like the way it makes warmth simmer in your belly. He looks up at you with dark eyes and you privately think for all that the media gets wrong, they have one thing right. Jeon Jeongguk is ridiculously attractive. "What's your name?"
"Are you blind or illiterate?" You raise a brow down at him. He looks caught off guard for a moment.
"Um...neither?" It comes out unsure, hesitant.
"Then what exactly is stopping you from reading my name badge?" You ask, tapping the badge on your chest with your pen. You were already losing your job, so you might as well make the best of it.
He looks embarrassed for a second, eyes dropping to the table, cheeks dusting the faintest shade of pink.
You raise a brow, "So, are you going to order or are you going to complain to my manager and get me fired?"
"Fired for what?" He asks.
You want to snap at him, but the genuine confusion in his eyes made you hold your tongue. For once. In a 'duh' tone, you tell him. "Speaking my mind."
"Ah. Right." Realisation lights up in his eyes. "I could have you fired for speaking to me like that." He says, like the thought never occurred to him.
"I'll go get my manager then." You say and turn on your heel, not at all surprised.
Jeongguk's mind goes into an epic panic as you turn your back on him and he blurts a quick, "Wait."
"What?" You ask, turning back to him with an uninterested look.
"I said that I could. Not that I would." He tells you and it makes your speechless for about five seconds.
Then you squint at him with a slight glare, "What do you want?"
"Excuse me?"
"You obviously want something in exchange for keeping quiet. What is it?" You speak matter-of-factly. After a moment you add, "Just know, if it's something sexual or in that direction, I'd rather loose my job."
Jeongguk gapes at you, looking stunned. "I don't know whether to be insulted by the insinuation that I need to blackmail someone into sleeping with me or that you'd rather loose your job than sleeping with me."
"So sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities." You drawled sarcastically. "You still haven't told me what you want."
"Well, I like coming here often and when I do and you're my server, I'd like you to always speak your mind around me." He said, with the smallest of shrugs, looking down at the silverware on the table instead of at you.
Confusion sweeps through you, his request catching you off guard. "Really? That's it?"
"Yes." He nods stiffly.
"I don't understand." You admit.
"You don't have to. You asked me what I want, this is it." He looks at you again, eyes still dark and piercing and you can't understand what he's thinking.
"Fine, okay, yeah, I can do that." You nods eventually, noticing how his shoulders untense just a bit. You look at him, curious and full of questions, but cautious enough to not actually ask. "Are you gonna order now?"
"Why don't you surprise me? I can't decide what I want to eat." He says, handing you the menu.
"I'm shocked." You deadpan with a faux smile, before looking at him seriously. "Are you allergic to anything?"
"No." He shakes his head, lacing his fingers together and resting his hands on the table.
Your mind races for a few moments before settling on a dish. You nod at Jeongguk. "Okay, I'll be back with your food in a while then."
Three weeks later, you haven't served Jeongguk again. It's not that he hasn't been in, oh no, he has. You've seen him, caught him staring and then looking away quickly. He just hasn't sat at one of your tables again. Each week, the tables get rotated and there is four rotations, so you'll only be on Jeongguk's usual table next week.
You walked into the kitchen, just coming off your lunch break when Lee stops you and says, "Table 12 for you."
You look at Jae, who was on table 12 this week and got a hostile glare. You ignore her and look at Lee with confusion, "But I'm not on table 12 today."
"You were requested and customers here get what they want." Lee shrugs, giving you a 'it is what it is' look.
"By who?" You ask, having some idea of the answer. There is only one customer you know that would request you. You are always polite to the other customers but with an air of detachment, that keeps them from prying and you from getting into trouble. Until three weeks ago, that is.
"Jeon Jeongguk." Lee says, confirming your suspicions.
"Motherfucker." You swear.
Jae looks down her nose from you, "Don't he used to it. It won't last. He'll get bored of you soon enough."
"I hope so." You huff, as Jae walks away with a less than pleased expression.
"What?" Lee asks, her shock obvious.
"You heard me."
Lee tilts her head at you in disbelief and curiousity, "So, you're not trying to get into his pants?"
"Uh, no." You frown at her. Sure, he's hot but you know your place. You also need money than you need to get laid. "Why?"
"Most girls try when they work here, but everytime they try something, Mr. Jeon complains and they get fired." Lee explains.
Something suddenly made sense to you, "Is that what Jae's trying to do?"
"No one will say it to her face, but yeah, it is." Lee nods, shrugging a little. "She's jealous that he requested you, when you've worked here just over a month, served him once, and she's worked here for almost two years and he hasn't blinked in her direction."
"Huh," You frown, lost in your thoughts. "I wonder why he didn't get me fired then."
"Why? What did you say to him?" Lee eyes you curiously.
"Called him an indecisive snot." You smirk gleefully, happy that you got away with talking to him like you want and not getting fired because of it.
"Right." Lee says in a tone that made it clear she doesn't believe you.
"I did." You insist.
Lee waves you off, and you exit the kitchen, walking into the dining room, heading over to Jeongguk's regular table.
You look at him as he comes into your line of direct sight. His one leg was shaking, eyes shifting around the room, fingers tapping the table restlessly. When he spots you walking over to him, he stills completely. A smile - a cute one, you admit to yourself and no one else - spreads on his lips as he breathes your name, "Y/N."
You give him a look, "Did you miss me or something?"
"What? No." Jeongguk scoffs quickly. "I was bored. And you cure my boredom."
You raise your eyebrows at him, head going forward a little, "I cure your boredom?" You repeat, slowly. Maybe he's kidding.
But Jeongguk just nods at you as if it makes all the sense in the world, "Yeah. It's like live entertainment while I eat."
You scowl at him, "I'm not a circus clown."
"That's not what I meant!" He exclaims, voice a little too loud, causing heads to swivel in your direction. He takes a breath and speaks again, softer this time. "I just meant that it's nice. Or it was nice, the one time I actually got to talk to you."
"So, you did miss me." You tease good naturedly. Jeongguk doesn't answer, just stares resolutely down at the table. You sigh, feeling fond instead of annoyed. You hide a smile as you ask, "What will it be today?"
Jeongguk looks at you again, hesitantly at first, then fully when he sees your expectant gaze, "Surprise me."
Now you were surprised, "Again?"
"I liked what you ordered last time." He does that small shrug again. Actually, it's less of a shrug, and more a slight lift of the shoulders. You notice that he has broad shoulders, and the suit he's wearing only makes them look better. You push those thoughts away, focusing on the conversation.
"And if you don't like it this time?" You challenge.
"I did say surprise me, and surprises can be positive or negative." Jeongguk decides not to tell her that this is his favorite restaurant and he knows the menu by heart. He knows and likes every dish, so there was no way he wouldn't like something she serves him. And he's curious as to what she'll decide this time.
You snort, laughing lightly, "You know, you're not as bad as I thought you were."
Jeongguk looks mildly offended, "I'll have you know, I'm a catch."
"I'm sure." You nod, hiding a grin.
"I am." He insists and you had to admit, he is attractive.
"Yes, right up until the moment you open your mouth." You say honestly, writing down one of the dishes on the menu.
"Rude." He pouts a little and you suppress the urge to giggle, of all things.
"Maybe," You concede. "But it's the truth." You picked up his menu, turning on your heel to go to the kitchen.
"So, how do I . . . improve?" Jeongguk asks when you come back with his food, continuing with the conversation where you left off.
"Do I look like a life coach to you?" You set down the food. "Enjoy."
"Thanks." Jeongguk grins at her. "And, no, but if I went to one they'd tell me what they think I want to hear, not what I need to hear."
You stare at him for a few seconds and he looks back unflinchingly. "Well," You press your lips together. "I guess you should start with why you want to change."
That makes Jeongguk falter. He can't very well say, 'so I can impress you, since my money doesn't seem too' and he thinks for a bit. "I have come to realise that maybe I treat people unfairly based on how much money they have. I would like to change that."
Your eyebrows goes up, "That's surprisingly deep, coming from you."
"I'm not swallow." He defends himself.
You nod complacently, "Right, well, the answer is easy but actually doing it, will all depend on you."
"What do I do?"
"Just, think before you say something. Ask yourself, can my words hurt this person?"
"And if they deserve it?" Jeongguk wonders.
"The right answer would be to still be considerate, because two wrongs don't make a right, but I hate being a hypocrite, so go for it, if they deserve it. I mean, it's not like I held back when you annoyed me." You gave a shrug. "I should go. We're not allowed to loiter at the tables."
Jeongguk wants to ask her to sit with him and keep him company some more, but he knows he would be setting himself up for rejection. Instead, he just looks at her with a half smile. "Just when I think I have you all figured out, you do or say something that proves me wrong."
"My mom always used to say, you can spend a lifetime with someone and still learn something new about them every day. People evolve everyday and you'll never be who you are right now, tomorrow again."
"She sounds like a wise woman." Jeongguk remarks.
You smile, nostalgia making your heart warm, "Yeah, she was."
"I'm sorry." Jeongguk says, catching onto the past tense. A lump forms in your throat out of nowhere.
"Thank you." You swallowed thickly, clearing your throat. You gave him a shaky smile, hoping he wouldn't notice. "See, you're doing better already."
Jeongguk did notice but decided not to call her out on it. He just smiled up at her softly, watching after her figure when she walks away.
"You know, if I didn't know that you come here everyday, I'd say you that you are stalking me." You teased Jeongguk when you go to take his order for the fifth time in a row. You've had a day off, inbetween, but when you showed up for your next shift, Jeongguk was there and everytime he's requested you. By now, whoever was on rotation for his table, just lets you know whenever he shows up.
"And how do you know that?" Jeongguk raises a curious eyebrow at you.
"I complained to Lee about you and she told me." You explain to him, mentally running over the menu in your head. Jeongguk told you on the third day to just order for him everytime. So, when you walk to his table under the guise of taking his order, the two of you just talk.
"Lee?" He inquires.
"She's my friend and another server here."
"Ah." Jeongguk nods in realisation. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"You can ask, but that doesn't guarantee I'll answer." You say, giving him a cheeky smile.
She has a beautiful smile, Jeongguk thinks to himself. He shakes himself out of his thoughts and looks her in the eyes, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
You frown down at him, finding the question odd. He's never asked anything too personal. Just normal things, what you're studying, what you do when you're not working. Sometimes you'll tell him a story of something dumb you did as a kid, but he'll never outright ask. "No."
A thought suddenly occurs to Jeongguk and he doesn't really want to ask because that'll destroy every hope he has but he needs to know. He quirks a brow at her, "Girlfriend?"
You snort at the question, "No, I'm straight. My cousin swings both ways though. Nearly gave his mom a stroke when he came out at our annual Christmas family dinner two years ago."
"Oh." Jeongguk wants to sag in relief, wants to let out a thankful cheer, but settles for just a small smile and letting out a breath of relief.
"Why are you asking?"
He does that little shrug that isn't really a shrug thing. "I was just wondering. You never really talk about one, or even someone you're interested in."
"Okay, if there was someone, why would I tell you?" You are teasing, but he doesn't know as you look at him blankly.
"I was just curious." Jeongguk huffs defensively.
"Yeah, yeah, settle down." You snicker. After a moment you say, "I guess I don't talk about it because there hasn't been anyone to talk about."
"Really?" Jeongguk beams up at you hopefully, eyes glittering.
"Really." You roll your eyes, but there was a slight warmth in your cheeks that wasn't there before.
Seven months and many short conversations later – in which you learnt many things about Jeongguk and vica versa – you walk up to his table with a smile, genuinely excited to see your sort of friend. The smile fades from your face when you lay eyes on him – his whole body was tense, you could tell even from a distance, he was glaring out the window, clenched fists laying on the table. Something wasn't right. You quicken your pace, concern swirling in your belly. You stop at his table, feeling your heartbeat quicken. "What's wrong?"
"None of your fucking business." He snaps at you, words so venomous it makes you take a step back in shock, but mostly hurt.
Jeongguk regrets the words the moment they're out because he didn't mean them. He doesn't want to fight or argue. He came to see her to feel better. Now he snapped at her. He waits, for whatever tongue lashing she is about to give him. He'd deserve it and he'll take it. But she says nothing. Somehow her silence was much worse than any insult she can hurl at him. Her face closes off, he watches it happen as her fingers tighten around the pen and notepad she uses to take orders, and panic sparks beneath his skin, overriding all the anger he feels.
No. His mind rebels against the thought immediately.
"What can I get for you today, Sir?" Her voice is perfectly polite as she asks the question, like it was the first time he met her. Until he made her snap after changing his order for a sixth time.
No, no, no, no, no! Not this. Anything but this. His heartbeat quickens.
Jeongguk was quickly turning frantic, "Y/N, please, I-"
"We have a lovely special today." She goes on as if he didn't speak, eyes void of the usual fire when she'd argue with him or the gentle warmth when she sometimes smiled at him and called him an idiot. It was the only times he ever liked being called an idiot.
He listens to her droning on about he specials, explaining them. Jeongguk's heart drops all the way down to his feet. It feels like someone pulled a rug from beneath his feet, and he is thrown off balance from the how utterly wrong it feels, how much it bothers him, hurts him, that she is talking to him like he is just another random customer. Like she hasn't told him how she got stuck in a tree, climbing after the neighbors cat. Playing with their cat because her parents never allowed pets.
A cold feeling of dread washes over him because Jeongguk has no idea to fix whatever he just fucked up.
You very almost cry when Jeongguk snaps at you, feeling irrationally hurt by his words. You shove it all down as you pull up your walls and shut him out to protect yourself. You serve him as quickly as possible, walking away without a friendly word.
"Trouble in paradise?" Jae smirks at you when you come back from serving Jeongguk.
You glare at her, not in the mood for dealing with her jealousy today. "No, just looking at your face is enough to put anyone in a bad mood."
Jae's eyes widened, fury spreading on her face. "You bitch!" She yells, raising a hand to slap you.
You smirk, catching her wrist easily. "Careful, just now you break a nail."
You let her go, walking away. You wait until you're in the bathroom, safely away from prying eyes in a locked stall, before letting you face crumple, only letting one tear escape before getting yourself under control.
You finish your shift, completely exhausted by the end of it – emotionally and physically. The last thing you have the energy for, is Jeongguk, so of course he's waiting for you at the personnel entrance and exit when you step outside. Intent on ignoring him, you pretend that you don't see him and you start walking in the direction of the train station.
Jeongguk follows you, apparently not easily deterred. "Will you just talk to me please?"
"What would you like me to say, Sir?" You ask in your most professional voice, looking ahead and not glancing at him.
"I'd like you to talk to me and stop treating me like I'm a customer." He says, sounding frustrated and desperate.
"You are a customer, Sir." You answer, still not looking at him.
"For fuck sakes, will you stop with the 'sir' already and talk to me like you used to?" Jeongguk all but explodes, stepping infront of you, and looking down at you for a change. It's startling, for a moment. You always look down at him when he sits at the table and it never occured to you that he's taller than you. He sets his hands on your shoulders (they're big and warm and you feel surprisingly safe, even when he squeezes slightly), frantic and desperate eyes looking into yours. "You don't even have to talk, you can yell or scream or shout for all I care, just please stop."
"You want me to talk? Fine." You glare up at him, shrugging out of his hold and taking a step back. He's way to close for comfort. "Look, I get I'm not exactly from the same side of town as you are, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of empathy. I'd bet that I have more empathy than most people you know. So, when someone I see as a kind of friend, snaps at me when I ask them what's wrong out of concern, when they could have said they don't want to talk about it, it hurts." You rant, a little out of breath. "Do you understand that? You hurt me."
"I'm sorry. Fuck, I am so sorry, you have no idea. I shouldn't have snapped at you and I regretted it the moment I did it. I was angry, and I know it isn't an excuse but it's the truth."
"Sorry isn't going to fix it," You say, voice edging on being too sharp. Your heart twists when his face falls. You soften a bit. "But it is a step in the right direction."
Jeongguk perks up, "What's another?"
"For starters, next time you don't want to talk about me, tell me instead of snapping at me." You give him a pointed glare, crossing your arms over your chest.
Jeongguk gives you an apologetic look, "Again, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to snap at you. I came to talk to you, hoping I'd calm down a bit. I had an ugly fight some dumbass that tried to sell low quality material to us and I took it out of you."
You are reminded of the fact that he is the heir to his father's multi-billion won international conglomerate and for some reason, it makes you sad. You smile at him, ignoring the sadness. "Well, you're forgiven but I'm not forgotting."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He grins cheekily. He paused for a moment, then smirks at you. "So, we're friends now?"
You groan, "I should have known that would come back to bit me I'm the ass."
A large bouquet of pink tulips is delivered to you the next morning. Inside is a card that reads:
Thank you for never giving up on me. -JJK
Lee whistles loudly when she sees them and your cheek burn. "Someone must really like you."
"It's from a friend." You say, ignoring the fluttering in your belly.
"My point still stands. Those are out of season, you know." She remarks.
You nod, "I know. They're my favourite."
You finish your shift with a smile on your face. Until your boss calls you into his office.
"Yes, Sir?" You ask, still smiling and the bouquet of flowers in your one hand, backpack up on your shoulders and ready to go home.
"Y/N. I'll get right to the point. There's been a complaint that you've been too friendly with one of our customers." He says bluntly.
You almost drop your flowers in shock, "What?"
"I'm sorry to do this, Y/N, but it is a direct violation of the contract you signed when you started here. Professionalism is our top priority. I have no choice but to fire you." He says, and he does look sorry as he holds out an envelope to you. "This is the week's wages. Again, I'm sorry. You are a good worker."
"You're firing me because of something someone accused me off?" You ask, indignant and a little angry. "You're not even going to ask me if I did it? And if I did it, why I didn't stop?"
"The accusation came from a very trustworthy customer that was concerned that our reputation might be damaged." Your manager says. "If it gets to the owner and he finds out I did nothing, I could loose my job."
You scoff, taking the envelope. If you didn't need the money, you'd have thrown it back in his face. "So, it's okay for me to loose mine?"
"I'm sorry."
"So am I." You say before turning around and leaving.
The first day she's not there, Jeongguk brushes it off, thinking she has the day off and forgot to tell him. The second day, he starts to worry, just a little. The third day, he almost thinks himself into a mental breakdown. The fourth day, he demands to see the manager.
"Mr. Jeon." The manager greets with a smile that was clearly fake. Jeongguk thought back to Y/N, who never smiled much but when she did, it was honest and pure and breathtaking. He misses it and would do whatever it takes to get it back.
"Where is Y/N?" He demands, voice and gaze equally cold and intimidating. It's a side of him that she broke through within minutes, digging up the real Jeongguk and pulling him to the surface. The past months, he's been able to breathe again, live instead of just existing, waiting for the next person that wants his money. But that cold and calculating side of him is still there.
The manager pales and Jeongguk's worry increases. Did something happen to her? The manager shifts on his feet but still doesn't answer. "If you don't answer me within the next five seconds, I will call the owner and ask him to answer me."
"S-she was fired." The man stutters out.
Jeongguk feels his stomach drop. She never outright said it but he knows she depends heavily on the income from this job. It worries him, because he has this urge to take care of her. He wants to give her as much money as she needs, for her to live comfortably, but he knows she wouldn't take it. He glares at the manager, "Why?"
"Someone filed a complaint against her. She was getting to friendly with y-you." The manager says, looking a little terrified.
Jeongguk clenches his jaw, "And instead of asking me if I have a problem with it, you fired her?"
"Her contract says-"
Jeongguk stands up, towering over the man in height and size. "I don't give a shit what her contract says. How many times have I filed a complaint when the servers made me inappropriate offers and crude suggestions? I never once complained about her."
Jeongguk doesn't give the manager anymore time to do anything other than letting out a squeak before turning around and leaving the restaurant.
Five days after you were fired, you started too feel it. The absence of Jeongguk's presence. At first, you didn't notice it. To wrapped up in finding another job, worried about money and going to classes to think about it. But today is Sunday and the diner you found a temporary job at two days ago, is closed on Sundays. It's crappy pay and not alot of hours either but it was something and it'll help until you could get something else.
You lay on your bed, listening to your mom vacuuming the living room. University housing was expensive and you'd rather live at home and save the money than having even more debt. You laze the day away, knowing that none of the projects you have, is due that Monday. Your thoughts drift back to Jeongguk, like it always does. You honestly didn't think you'd end up missing him this much.
You like him, so fucking much. You figured it out a long time ago. You also know that you come from two different worlds. You are fine with that, you accepted it and you were content to be his friend.
Now he's completely gone from your life. Ripped out of it without warning.
You go to your classes the next day. In your last one, you doodle absentmindedly on the corner of your notebook, only half listening to the Professor. When the class is over, you look at what you drew and then groan out loud. Jeongguk's initials. Of fucking course. You scoff to yourself, leaving the class and then the building. You want to go home and sulk in privacy.
Outside, the sun was shining and you stood still for a moment, soaking in the warmth.
"Y/N!" A voice yelled your name and your head whips in the direction because you know that voice. You look, eyes searching desperately because you are so sure it was his voice. You're not hallucinating and- and there he is, running over to you.
"Jeongguk? What are you doing here?" You ask when he stops infront of you, completely bewildered.
He looks panicked and frantic. Like that day he snapped at you. He grips your shoulders, the hold almost painful. "You weren't there. I went to the restaurant and you weren't there and the manager told me you were fired and-"
"Jeongguk, stop. Breathe." You say, reaching up to hold onto his wrists, lightly rubbing your thumbs over the inside of his wrists. You wait until his grip loosens, until he was holding instead of gripping. "How did you find me?"
"You told me where you go to school one day." He answers off handedly, eyes scanning over your face, almost as if memorising the little details. Guilt flashes on his face, "I'm sorry you were fired."
You laugh at his words, removing his hands from your shoulders because it was getting a little too intimate, your heartbeat speeding up. "You know, half the time I see you, you end up apologizing to me."
"Hey, it's weird for me too." Jeongguk pouts and you have this urge to rise on your tiptoes and kiss it. "I'm not used to apologizing."
"Don't worry about it, I'm not angry." You wave him off.
"Can we talk?" He pleads and you agree immediately because you missed him so much.
"Yeah, there's a park nearby."
"Scared to be seen with me?" He teases with a smirk, and for a moment it's like nothing has changed.
You snort, "Don't you know? The walls has ears and Twitter accounts."
Jeongguk laughs, loud and unrestrained, throwing his head back. You couldn't help but smile. "This way."
You guide him to the park. It wasn't very big, and not a lot of people came here either, so it was perfect to talk. You each sit down on a swing.
"What are you gonna do now?" Jeongguk asks.
You shrug, "No clue, but I'll figure something out."
A guilty look spreads on his face again, "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have-"
You cut him off, "Shouldn't have what? Let a server talk back to you? Yeah, probably not but we both enjoyed it, so it's on you as much it is on you. More on me though, because it was my responsibility as an employee to treat you with respect."
"You did," Jeongguk says immediately, sincerely. "Even when you were at your most brutally honest moments."
You give him a slight smile. "Well, fun as it was, it seems our path has come to an end."
"Why?" Jeongguk frowns heavily at you.
Jeongguk looks you in the eye, gaze piercing. "Why does it have to end?"
You snorted, thinking he was messing with you but his eyes were completely serious. You answer in a matter-of-fact tone, "Because you're you and I'm me. Besides, most of the time we argued."
"Y/N." He says your name like it is his greatest wish. He stands up from his swing, making his way infront of you and pulled you to your feet. He looks at you, eyes impossibly fond, "That wasn't arguing. It was banter. If you think that's arguing, you probably think my parents goes to war every now and again." He smiles, a little nervous. "And foe the record, I would rather argue with you for the rest of my life than ever kiss another girl again."
Your mouth drops open in shock, and you really don't know what the fuck to make of that. "I-"
He cuts you off, "And I don't want this to be over."
Silence falls between you two. You stare at him, he stares back. Until, finally, you blurt, "I don't know what to say."
Jeongguk is a little bit disappointed, but not surprised in the slightest. At least it isn't an outright rejection. "You don't have to say anything. Just answer one question."
"Would you want to date me?" You choke on thin air from shock. That means that he feels the same way as you do, right? Happiness makes your blood sing. Then it sinks in and reality comes back to you. Your happiness evaporates and you swallow thickly. You open your mouth to tell him 'no', but once again Jeongguk cuts you off before you could say something. "Forget about our social status, forget about what people would say and think about me and you. Together. Really think about it. I have, and I think we could work, if you gave it a chance."
"And if it doesn't work?" You ask softly, vulnerable in a way you've never been before. Distantly you wonder how he knew what you were thinking.
"Then at least we can say we tried." He shrugs.
You look down at the ground, wanting to think without looking at him, into those mesmerizing eyes of his. He could ask you to commit murder, and chances are that you'll do it if he looks at you long enough. When did you become so completely gone for him? You think about it, but there was never a moment where you realised, this is the person I like. Maybe . . . maybe it's because you've always liked him. Right from the start, even when he was infuriating. The thought is startling, but you aren't scared by it. It's more like another piece of the puzzle between you and Jeongguk has fallen into place. But there is the problem of your different social statuses. Yeah, Jeongguk said forget about it, but for how long? If you try and this does work out, then eventually you'll have to face the reality of everything that comes with being together. Somehow that scares you more than if it doesn't work.
You look back up at him, and you know – despite all your worries and doubts – it was never really a choice because you choose Jeongguk the moment you chose to accept his offer of being honest all those months ago. "Okay."
Jeongguk looks like he's ready to argue, "I-" You watch as your answer sinks in. The stunned expression almost makes you laugh, "What?"
"Did you want me to say no?" You give him an amused look, smile curling the corners of your lips upwards.
His eyes widens and he shakes his head frantically, "No, no, no, I just wasn't expecting you to say yes to quickly."
"That makes two of us." You admit. Jeongguk is right though, better to try and either fail or succeed, or never try and forever wonder what if. You smile up at him, heart soaring happily. "You make a good case. You should have become a lawyer."
Jeongguk's eyes light up, "Just wait until you hear the case I have to make on why we should kiss."
"Tell you what, if you kiss me within the next three seconds, you don't have to make a case at all." You bargained with a grin.
Jeongguk didn't need to be told twice. He leaned close and kissed you, slow and deep, one hand slipping into your hair and the other curling around your waist, pulling you close to him. He breaks the kiss, licking his lips and your eyes are drawn to the action. You lick your own lips, liking the taste of him. His voice is deep and rough, his cheeks flushed, when he asks, "Want to go get something to drink?"
"Yeah," You nod with a goofy smile, your own cheeks also flushed, feeling like you might float away at any second. "I could go for a smoothie."
"I love smoothies." Jeongguk grins back at you, taking your hand, lacing your fingers. His other hand was still wrapped around your waist and hold you close.
An old question flashes across your mind as you run your hands up his chest, liking the strong, study feel of it, until you can lock your arms around his neck. "You know, I've been meaning to ask."
"Mmm?" Jeongguk hummed in acknowledgement, showing that he was listening.
"Why didn't you get me fired that first day?" You ask, aware that you are suppose to be getting smoothies but it could wait for a bit.
Jeongguk had been expecting this question for a while, and had come up with an answer a long time ago. He looks down at her with all he feels for her, a content smile on his lips.
"Because you were the first honest person I have met in years. Because you put me in my place without thinking twice. Because when you glared down at me after I changed my order for the sixth time, there was a fire in your eyes that woke something inside of me that I couldn't control. Not then and not now." He leaned down, rubbing his nose against hers, the gesture shy and intimate. "Because the fact is, you had me at 'indecisive snot'."
the end.
A/N: Tumblr and it's 250 box limit will be the death of me, I swear. I get it, I do. But come on! This very almost didn't fit, I had to edit and mush several chapters into one. Eventually it fit, but NEVER AGAIN! It was exhausting and time consuming. I'll rather split it again, like I did with two of my other fics. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. This took me a while with all the editing. Purple hearts for all of you!! -Kayla.
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multifandom-girlie · 3 years
𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐦
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Imagine: He's your son's bestfriend and your having a small gathering on his family's boat to celebrate his 18th.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x BestfriendsMom!Reader
Warnings: smut
Words: 2993
It's been difficult for me to acknowledge that I miss my pre-child life since my son was born. Would I return it if I had the option? Definitely not. Do I have any regrets about having a child so young? Maybe. Am I relieved that he won't need me any longer now that he'll be 18 in a few months? No. I'm too old for that crazy, carefree 20s lifestyle, and he's only reminding me of it now. When he handed me his acceptance letter to college. This ends an era.  I'm not sure what I'm doing here. Sure, I'll be there for him whenever he needs a hand. My only child is leaving the house. All of my other friends had younger children to look after, while I am far too old to do anything more with my life.
I'm too old to return to school and pursue what I wanted all those years ago. I'm too old to go out on the town with my younger friends all the time. I'm too old to have another child to keep me occupied. I'm far too old to go out looking for the man of my dreams. Some could argue that 34 isn't that old, but having an 18-year-old child certainly makes you feel that way. Although I suppose it's my own responsibility for getting pregnant as a teenager.
I'm startled out of my reverie when Steve dashes down the stairs, wondering if I'm ready yet because we're going to be late for Bucky's party. Bucky, of course. Another person who makes me feel uncomfortably old while remaining youthful. How does he do it? 'Miss Rogers,' he'll call me, despite the fact that I've essentially mothered him since he was a child when his own parents couldn't. However, as he's grown into a young man, he talks to me as if I'm just another lady his age, which is lovely. That's why, among all Steve's buddies, he's always been my favourite.
"Go ahead and get ready, Mom. Mr Barnes will be getting us  in five minutes."
"Oh, honey, everything is fine. We're practically family, so if we're a few minutes late, he'll understand."
"I know, Mom, but you know how I feel about taking advantage of people."
"That's what I admire about you, Steve. You're so compassionate and loving. Honey, I love you. When you're gone, I'm going to miss you."
"Mom, I'm going to miss you more than you realise."
I smiled up at him, softly holding his head in one hand and gently pulling it down to my shoulder to soothe him before ruffling his already unkempt hair, kissing him on the cheek, and moving upstairs. As soon as I enter my bedroom, I grab my tv remote and turn to the weather channel to make sure I dress appropriately today.
"Hello, this is Jane, reporting from Santa Monica Pier in California. And wow, folks, it is hot out here! As you can see, I’m certainly dressed for this weather. Right now, the temperature is 81 F. Looking up, I can see that there is not a cloud in sight, which is of course making it warmer outside. We haven't had a lot of rain today, as you can see behind me. It doesn't feel very windy today. The wind speed is actually 23.45mph. This weather will stay the same for the rest of the day. This evening, expect temperatures to fall with no precipitation. To prepare for this weather, be sure to grab your hats and your sandals. You also won’t want to forget your sunglasses! Thanks so much for joining me for the weather report. This has been Jane reporting from Santa Monica Pier. Remember, stay cool out there! Back to you at the studio."
That's a pleasure. Finally, I can wear a dress without worrying about giving everyone and eyeful.  Fortunately, I ordered several dresses a few months ago that would be ideal for today.
The first is a sage green fabric with coral flowers scattered throughout, as well as a gently puffed sleeve.
A sky blue fabric with patterned perforations around the waist and legs and a sweetheart neckline, is the second.
The third choice is a knee-length white halter neck dress with a plunging neckline.
A short yellow ruffle dress with a slightly plunging neckline is the final option.
With Steve's permission and hustling me out the door, I swiftly opted on the yellow one. I threw my hair up in a haphazard ponytail, as I did every day. I ran out of the Barnes' condo that they were letting us stay in whilst here for Bucky's birthday, spritzed some perfume, and rushed out to George who was waiting for us outside. I sat in the front with him, catching up on what we hadn't talked about since before he and Winnifred left for their cruise a week ago. Steve sat in the back of the car, most likely messaging Bucky.  The frequent dings are enough to suggest as much.
As I walk up the ramp to the boat, I can see that the party has already begun, because, as Steve had been reminding me, we were a little late. I spotted Winnifred on the other side and dashed over to say hello. We hugged, and then I heard Bucky, who was standing with his friends, call my name. While walking over, I turned my head and smiled broadly at him. My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him down for a hug and exclaimed 'Happy Birthday' as soon as I arrived.
“Happy Birthday James, sweetie.”
“James, really?! Just call me Bucky but thankyou though Miss Rogers.”
“I will stop calling you James just as soon as you stop calling me Miss Rogers.”
“Deal. Thankyou Y/N.”
“Admittedly that’s gonna take some getting used too.”
He shared my laughter and ran his fingers through his hair once again. His companions all came to a halt and peered at me. Bucky chugged his drink before speaking up again after I coughed a little.
“So, Y/N, do you want me to get you anything to drink?”
“I would, but I'd like to follow you, but I'd also like something sturdy.”
“What’s got you all riled up?”
“Steve going to college.”
“I don’t know why your gonna miss the son of a bitch.”
“James Buchanan! He may be 18 and I may like you a lot but he is still my son.”
“Understandable but doesn’t change fact.”
“Your not half a little prick sometimes Buck.”
“I accept the compliment.”
When we go to the bar, I look at him and shake my head. I quickly see the bourbon and grab the bottle; I take a gulp without even trying to pour it. Bucky smiled as he lifted his eyebrows at me. I take another swig.
“You know what, maybe you should just take that bottle.”
“Really? Thanks Bucky.”
“Yeah, no problem. Well, my friends are calling me so i’m gonna get back. Enjoy yourself Miss Ro-Y/N.”
“I’ll try, thankyou Bucky.”
I returned to Winnifred and George's table, which was two tables away from Bucky's. I listened in on the not-so-quiet whispering on the guys' table as my table talked about Bucky's childhood stories, which I'd already heard.
“Yo Steve, your mom looks so hot.”
“Yeah. Steve, bro you definitely have the hottest mom out all of us.”
“I have a feeling she’s a milf.”
“Nah. Clint, bro she’s too hot.”
“How can you be too hot to be a milf Sam?”
“Guys can you please stop talking about my mom, it’s weird.”
“Although it may be true, her boyfriend will kick our asses if he heard us saying shit like that.”
“No, that’s actually something you don’t have to worry about anymore they broke up just after you went on that cruise.”
“Oh shit. Well, he was a prick anyway.”
“Couldn’t of said it any better.”
“What happened anyway?”
I stood up, picked up my bottle of bourbon, and excused myself before strolling over to the boys' table and taking a seat.
“He cheated on me with a college student since I'm not young enough and have lost my sex appeal.”
“Yeah, mom do you think maybe you should stop drinking now?!”
“Steve, relax i’m fine.”
“Uh Miss Rogers, how did you hear what we were talking about anyway?”
“Tables are close together, and it may surprise you, but I have good hearing, and you guys aren't great at being quiet.”
“So you heard everything?”
“Oh yeah. Or atleast from when Clint said I was a milf.”
From that point on, the table was surrounded by an uneasy quiet. As I sipped another swallow of bourbon, I smiled toward the boys.
“Y/N, why don’t we go talk somewhere else yeah ? So you don’t do something you’ll regret.”
“Can I have another drink?”
“Is it really necessary?”
“Fine, if you must.”
He takes my waist and leads me over to the yacht's cabin, where the lounge, kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms are located. However, as he was closing the front door behind him, a certain door piqued my interest, and I dashed towards it. Bucky warned me not to open the door as quickly as I did, but what could be so bad?
“Chill out Bucky, it’s just a room.”
“Yeah, that's my room. I'm a bit ocd, so don't make a mess anywhere.”
“I’ve known you since the womb Bucky, I already know that. I didn’t come in here to make a mess, I just wanted to sit down.”
“Ah, fine. What do you want to drink?”
“Do you have any wine?”
“Yeah but only red and I know your not a massive fan.”
“There’s one red wine I will drink. Do you have any Ferragu Amarone?”
“We do in fact, keep quiet about it though it’s my moms. She’ll go nuts if she finds us drinking it.”
I smiled at him and removed my shoes before sitting on the bed with my legs crossed and my hands on my thighs, looking around. However, something piqued my interest: a tissue protruding from his bedside's top drawer. I opened it to discover a photo of me and him from my birthday laying beneath a massive quantity of suspicious tissues and a bottle of lube, which could not have been an innocent placement of goods. However, I smirked to myself, amused by how clear his crush on me has grown over the years. As he stepped back in with my wine, I closed the drawer and walked over to his mirror to straighten myself out.
“Bucky? Do you think i’m attractive?”
“Um, i’m sorry?”
“Sorry that was inappropriate, I won’t ask that.”
“NO! Uh, I mean no, it’s fine. Of course your attractive.”
“How come he left me? Steve's father left because he didn't want a child, which I don't understand. Howard dumped me because I'm too old and sexless. I’m not sure what I'm doing incorrectly.”
“Well, you're obviously attractive, and you're a wonderful person, so it can't be them.” I can't speak about your sex appeal because I've never had anything slightly similar with you. I get the child situation, but he was still an asshole for doing it.”
“If you had the chance would you?”
“Would I what?”
“Have sex with me?”
“Well, I mean i’d been lying if I said no but it would never happen so this conversation is useless.”
“You don’t know that?”
I sipped my wine again and set the glass on the dresser before seducingly approaching him. I took his glass and set it on the bedside table. I took a step back and closed the door. He visibly gulped and sat man spread on the edge of his bed. I walked over with a smile on my face. When I got there, I put my hands on my high thighs and leaned down to give him a good look at my cleavage. I grinned as I leaned my mouth to his ear and ran my fingers through his hair as he began to breathe more heavily.
“I saw your drawer James.”
“I don’t know what your talking about.”
“I think you know exactly what i’m talking about.”
I straightened up and carefully unzipped my dress, slipping it over my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. I chuckled as his jaw dropped.
“Better than the picture?”
He leapt to his feet and grabbed my face, pulling me up to kiss him. For a few minutes, our lips were locked, and his hands wandered over my back until he gained the confidence I craved, and he placed one hand on my bum and the other on my clit, rubbing through the lace fabric. My back smacked the door as he walked us back to it, and we both laughed before continuing.
I pulled him closer to me by tugging at his belt loops. Allowing me to rip his belt off in a matter of seconds. He let his pants pool at his ankles with ease. He’d become exposed.
I slid my right hand down between his groin and mine. I curled my fingers softly round his extraordinary bristling item. Drawing my fingers across its underside, I arrived at the base of his penis, which I held with extreme care, for I had no idea how sensitive it was. I trailed my fingers along its length, noting with interest it’s silky texture, right to the tip, which I lightly stroked; and then, amazed by my boldness, I moved back down a little, to take his penis firmly, about a halfway along, and pulled it downward, a slight adjustment, until I felt it touching my labia.
His cock is inside me with so little inconvenience that I must have been wet without knowing it. He begins with fast, rough thrusts which although incredible I stopped him from doing. He had a confused look on his face and I smiled.
“Slow down James. We have all the time in the world.”
“Yeah, sure. Unless my parents come in or even worse Steve.”
“Why would they just walk in Bucky?”
He groaned and roughly kissed me, circling my tongue with his own and painting my mouth with him. I pulled my hips away from his and jumped down from the wall before pushing him over to the bed and laying him down. I gently tousled my hair and then straddled him comfortably, grinding our sexes against each other. He bucked his hips up and a point and I decided not to tease. We continue slowly.
I lightly bit his shoulder. I was lowering myself more. I was brushing my breasts across his face. I straddled him. My hair was loose. It was hanging forward, hiding my face, except for my eyes, which I was holding shut tight. I bounced on top of his muscular thighs as I rode him. My own juices have already been flowing down. The adrenaline filling my body was wild considering who it was that I was enjoying to fuck so tenderly.
My clit rubbed against his freshly shaven pelvis and added more tingling to my already tightening stomach. His long and hard cock slipping in and out as I continued to ride him to a finish. I ride up over him, his throbbing cock adding an intense amount of pleasure that I don’t think I’ve felt before. Not forgetting, his beautiful length was the biggest i’d ever had and not to sound like a whore but i’ve had a few. Especially considering his age compared to the 35 years old and older than that i’ve previously been with.
“You make me feel so young James, I love it.”
“Fuck, come on me baby.”
I begin to roll my hips, to cry out. My eyelids fluttered. A responsiveness entered his body, a flex of abdomen in rhythm with mine, our heads thrown back to offer up our throats.
“I think i’m gonna come Y/N, come on baby go faster for me.”
“Oh god.”
My fists coming down hard on his chest. Suddenly I came and had the orgasm which, in all those months, dozens, no, hundreds of men had failed to give me. I huffed out a breath of air and suddenly thanked the heaven’s for putting me and this god of a man into this situation.
It may have been wrong considering the age difference and the fact i’m in his best friends mom or he was my best friends son, sure. Apart from that it felt right in every other way. I couldn’t count the number of times i’d felt as good as when I was having sex with James. By far, he was the best easily of all the lays i’ve had. I wouldn’t really mind it happen don’t again either.
I let my head fall on his chest and I smiled in ecstasy. He chuckled a little whilst rubbing my back lightly.
“I really hope that was okay for you because it was more than ok for me.”
I giggled and sat back up.
“Of course it was. That was the best orgasm i’ve had since Steve’s dad, although it was still better than that.��
“Don’t be too chuffed, it can’t be a regular thing James.”
“Why can’t it be?”
“Well, Steve- “
“-Is going to college. Next.”
“Your parents w-“
“-won’t find out because it’ll be at your place. Next.”
“I don’t have anymore really.”
“Exactly come on, nothing more. Just sex.”
“I’ve always hated how easily you can persuade me Barnes.”
“Fine, just call before hand.”
And so for the next few months everything was perfect. Being there for each other whenever we needed some sort of release and it was good. Until Steve came home early from college and saw at us on the island in the kitchen and let me tell you, it did not go down well.
@mrs-salvawhore @hapzhoe
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pheita · 2 years
Dimensional Tides Part 37
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Past the point of no return, no backward glances... Yeah, I am so not sorry for the little song lyrics. My mind is a weird thing. Anyway, we arrive at the deciding moment: Miada and the others step into a different dimension.
Tagging @ashen-crest @adie-dee @contes-de-rheio @cometkov @chris-the-dragonslayer @kainablue @viskafrer
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Once in the lab, they were surprised. Casimerin, Cindarin and Tahyrell were already waiting for them and were preparing the portal. "What?" it burst out of Bayeen. She stopped as if she had run into a wall. "We saw it, too. It was clear to me what must be done now." Casimerin sounded tense. Miada saw the memory crystals scattered around him. "What are you doing?" Gavani had approached him. "I'm gathering all the important data. You're supposed to take the crystals there. The others are for me." "And then what?" Fenor began to take said crystals. Casimerin's expression turned grim. Miada saw the same expressions on Cindarin and Tahyrell. "They will destroy it before Zefika can use it." How she knew, she could not tell. "He'll chalk it up as a victory for himself, you know that?" With a hand on Casimerin's arm, Gavani looked "That way he feels safe, and we have an advantage." Sykova looked at the portal as he spoke. "Won't he assume there will be copies of the data?" Tahyrell's uncertainty was something Miada could understand. Questioningly, she looked at Casimerin, who smirked a little.
"Everything that is happening right now is not being logged by the system. If they check everything, it will look like everything was off since yesterday. That was a safety mechanism that Miada's parents had built in." Casimerin's wide, self-satisfied grin was not something Miada ever expected to see, just as she never expected her father to have installed such a thing. Either he was a smart man, paranoid, or already knew where this was going. Whatever it was, it would save everyone now. While Gavani set to work helping the others open the portal, Miada went to her locker and retrieved everything she had stashed there for just this moment. By the time she was back at the portal, the others had also retrieved everything. Her gaze went over all of them and lingered on Sykova. It was clear that he was thinking hard. "Syo?" "What's changed?" he whispered thoughtfully. "Changed?" Fenor had spoken only softly, but in the almost eerie silence even that had been easy to hear. "For decades, I've seen this moment. This wasn't it." Miada heard Gavani sigh heavily behind her. "I know. This wasn't supposed to be it." Slowly, Miada understood what his problem was. She knew from Lavynara that it had been imperative that Sykova's siblings be taken out of the family. She knew this moment here and now was fixed. There was nothing that could have prevented it. Around her, the devices began to come to life. Bayeen checked her paramedic bag one last time. Fenor went through everything else, while Sykova looked steadfastly at the portal. "We...," Miada spoke after minutes of silence. All eyes went to her. "What do you mean, little one?" Miada almost wanted to laugh. "What has changed? It's us. Sykova's siblings separating from the family was a fixed point, as was our transition. Until a few months ago, Sykova let everything happen..." "But you stubborn one started changing things because you wanted security."
Sykova sounded close to a nervous breakdown. "Is that good or bad?" It was a wonder Tahyrell still understood what she was talking about. "Good for now, because it gives us an advantage," Gavani explained hastily, "No seer is so powerful to perceive this change in such a short time. Even Sykova is surprised." "And the ripple effect? If this is already changing so much, what about the future?" With a questioning look, Bayeen looked back and forth between Gavani and Sykova. "That's exactly our advantage," Gavani chuckled, "The conspirators will act on what the seers have seen for decades." Casimerin pulled the last memory crystal out of the slot and looked around. "You're telling me that Miada has triggered a butterfly effect that will benefit us now because the future is uncertain again?" "That's exactly what they're saying." Fenor smirked with a shake of his head as Miada looked to him. "Has anything like this ever happened before?" Questioningly, she looked to Gavani, who looked up, thinking. "It happens all the time, but not on such a large scale, but that one is now because a huge number of people have been working toward the same goal....... Wait." Gavani's gaze went to Sykova, who just looked at her with wide eyes. "That's why they want us gone and have been working towards this moment to keep us together." "Does anyone else understand what's going on?" Bayeen had straightened up and looked around the room. The hum of the machines grew louder. Soon they were ready to use the portal. "Miada is an unstable variable. There are always people like that, but because of her proximity to the councils due to her family, that makes her a disruptive factor in the conspirators' plans. Because she is unpredictable, everything related to her eventually becomes unpredictable as well." "Then I should stay." Hands on hips, Miada stood there. Gavani just looked at her pleadingly. "Please, little one, not now. Even though right now it seems, and I do say seems, that's what our enemies want, it's also our only chance. You heard your grandfather." Fenor, Sykova and Bayeen hugged her from the side. "She's right. We are more help in the other dimension." Slowly, she turned to Sykova. "The moment we are back, whenever that will be, I will hunt down anyone involved in this knowingly." Sykova's look was as serious, grim, and cold as it looked inside her. "I will gladly help you in this, sinda." "All right, you four. We can." The way Casimerin looked at them, you would have thought they were his children, not his colleagues. "All right, then. Everyone, take your bags. Check again that everything is there and properly seated." Fenor had taken command without thinking about it. As the portal went into the final stages of preparation, everyone checked their backpacks and bags. Dressed in the most practical clothing they could find, they all stood there, ready to cross over into another dimension. Bayeen silently distributed the chains with the translator crystals. The soft sound of the portal sounded amplified many times in the silence. "Take care of yourselves," Gavani smiled. Then they stepped through.
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mimisempai · 3 years
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you 2/3
Loki would like to express his feelings to Mobius but doesn’t know how to do it, he finds a sympathetic ear in Miss Minutes, without knowing that Mobius is suffering from the same problem…
Chapitre 1/3 - Chapter 2/3 - Chapitre 3/3
A little story, of love, of friendship, of two idiots in love…
3804 words - Rating G
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"Good job Loki!" Mobius smiled at Loki before continuing, "I'm really going to believe you're trying to steal my job," and then he headed for his office.
On the way, he thought about the weeks that had passed since they had taken over the TVA and completely restructured it. Loki had settled in incredibly well and was completely invested in his job as a TVA agent. Mobius wanted to tell him more often how proud he was of him, but he didn't want to sound condescending.
What amazed him even more was how well they had both fitted in with each other. For two beings as different as they were, the life together was going pretty well.
Mobius found it quite amusing, even touching, every time Loki was confronted with ordinary things, such as doing the dishes or putting away the laundry. Loki, god of mischief, adapting to a domestic life, what an incredible concept! Moreover, although Loki was now allowed to use magic without restriction, he preferred to do without.
When Mobius decided to use Loki to catch Sylvie a few months ago, he never thought they would get that far, and yet here they were. Loki had managed to get into his heart, without even having to use one of his tricks. But what Mobius never expected was that his affection would be returned.
Loki seemed to be very fond of him, but Mobius always feared the day when he would realize that he could do better, much better. That's why Mobius hadn't told him. Loki deserved to be free, and Mobius didn't want to be the ball and chain that held him back.
Sitting at his desk, he let out a sigh and shook his head as if to chase away his gloomy thoughts.
"What a sigh! It looks like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders!"
"Sylvie!" The young woman was leaning in the doorway.
"Tired of married life already?" asked Sylvie impishly.  She stepped forward and sat down on one of the armchairs opposite Mobius.
This had been the second surprise, the friendship he had formed with the one who had been his nemesis for years, when he had been a pawn on Ravonna's chessboard.  Loki had told him that there was nothing surprising about it, because not only did Mobius' caring nature make him capable of forming bonds with anyone, but since Sylvie was theoretically another Loki, it was only natural that some of their common traits would have allowed Mobius and the young woman to form this bond.
"Tired of married life? It would be quite the opposite."
"That's perfect then!"
"It'll only be harder when he leaves." muttered Mobius softly.
"Don't play dumb, you heard me just fine."
Sylvie leaned forward and replied genuinely surprised, "Oh I heard you very well, but I'd like to know what makes you think Loki is going to leave?"
"Everything! Look at me and look at him! What do I have that would hold someone like Loki back? I'm just a plain person, nothing extraordinary. "
Sylvie pretended to tear her hair out, "No, but really, you are the dumbest couple of idiots in the universe! Loki doesn't care about any of this, do you realize that the day you first told Loki that you didn't see him as a villain, you tied him to you for life?!"
Mobius protested, "That's gratitude, not am-"
"Shut up you idiot! You know what Loki once told me? That the day you asked him to help you catch me, he was ready to follow you, and you know why? Because it was the first time he had the possibility of a relationship not based on lies. You knew everything about him and you didn't lie to him about what you wanted. For Loki, that's extremely precious. You didn't see him after you were pruned, I did. He was devastated, Mobius! Devastated! I really thought I couldn't reach him. You don't feel that kind of emotion for someone you want to leave!"
Mobius protested again, more weakly, "but that was different, the context was different, he didn't have enough perspective to assess the situation objectively. Now that he has time to think, he'll quickly realize that he could have someone better."
Sylvie interrupted him again, "You're just a moron. You're not going to be like everyone else before you, deciding what's best for him, are you? You freed him from his destiny, so let him make his own choices!"
Mobius muttered, "But what if that choice isn't me?"
"I wonder why I'm wasting my time, it's not even me you should be talking to about this!"
She stood up abruptly, "Come on, come with me! And no discussion!"
"No discussion I said!"
He surrendered and followed her. Seeing that they were coming near Loki's office, he stopped and said, "No Sylvie!"
"Shut up and follow me!"
He reluctantly followed her, not being at all ready for this kind of conversation. They arrived at the half-open door, she turned and motioned for him to be quiet. Loki's voice reached his ears.
"But it's true! I swear! It makes me want to take off those jeans every time!"
"Lokiiii! That's enough!" Miss Minutes gave him a little kick and Loki laughed out loud.
Mobius behind Sylvie could not see them well, but he heard perfectly what Miss Minutes said, "Loki, tell Mobius, tell him everything you just told me, I don't know any person in the world who wouldn't like to hear everything you just told me."
His lover's voice sounded sad as he said, "But what do I have to offer him? I am not a good person for him. And I'm still waiting for the day when he can't stand my kind anymore and tells me I have to leave."
"A couple of idiots, that's what I'm saying." said Sylvie loudly before Mobius could stop her.
Loki shouted, "Sylvie?!" then turned around and shocked, shouted again, "Mobius?"
Sylvie opened the door fully, pushed Mobius into the office and with her hands on her hips said curtly, "I've done my part of the job, come on Mimi, we'll let those two idiots talk.Two true kings of communication."
"I'm coming." The little clock jumped toward her.
Sylvie closed the door saying, "Lock up behind you guys, wouldn't want anyone to stumble upon you in a compromising situation!"
Both she and Miss Minutes laughed as they heard the outraged shouting of the two men behind the door followed by the unmistakable sound of a lock being closed.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
heaven knows
fem!reader x finn balor
(requested by anonymous) “Reader and Finn have been best friends ever since they were at NXT.  Reader have a crush on Finn but never express their feelings because she feels Finn only thinks of her as a friend.  Until finally the reader dating Dolph and Finn began to realize his feelings. Reader first moved to RAW and started dating Dolph, 3 months later Finn also got a shake up to RAW.  Dolph had to move to Smack Down and the reader and Dolph relationship ended because of that.”
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word count: 4.1k+
warnings: smutty (that’s about it for warnings ig)
— thank you to anonymous for this request. i had a lot of fun writing it ... this imagine is based on the song “Lost in You” by Westlife —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
*** 3 months ago ***
“Finny!” you shout, running up to your best friend. Finn Balor turns around and looks at you.
He smiles and says, “Hey. What’s up? How’d the meeting go?”
You basically shout, “I’m moving to the Raw roster!”
Finn’s smile drops a bit but you don’t notice it. “Raw?” he asks. “I thought ya like it here on NXT.”
You look up at Finn and say, “Ya know that I’ve wanted to go to Raw for a while.”
“I know,” he says. “Ya haven’t been on NXT for that long and I thought ya liked it here.”
You say, “I can talk to Regal and to Vince to get ya moved to Raw with me.”
Finn shakes his head and says, “I’m staying here for a while. I had my time on Raw and they never used me right.”
You pout and say, “I’ll still come visit when I’m home. I’ll be home all the time, I promise.”
He smiles at you and says, “I’m proud of ya for being moved to Raw. Ya will be the best damn announcer that the red brand has ever seen.”
“And I better be the first person ya call after ya win the NXT title,” you say.”
You smile at your best friend and he says, “Of course. Ya will be the first person I call after I win the title.”
“I better be,” you say. “Maybe I’ll come back to NXT eventually but I’ll make sure to watch every week.”
You smile and hug Finn.
When you were told that you were being promoted to Raw, it was a bittersweet moment. You love NXT and you love the roster. Not to mention you don’t want to leave Finn, your best friend and crush since day one in NXT. You’re both from Ireland and have always stuck together. It’s how you became such close friends.
Now you’re leaving and you hate that you are.
*** present day - november 2019 ***
You sit in your dressing room, brushing out your long brunette hair. You hum quietly to yourself as you brush your hair.
There’s a soft knock on your door so you get up to answer it. You open the door, revealing your boyfriend Dolph Ziggler. “Hey,” you say, smiling. “I was just about to come see you.”
You have Dolph have been together since you moved to Raw three weeks ago. He asked you out the day you arrived and have been together since.
He kisses your cheek before walking into your dressing room. Dolph says, “The shake up is today and I was just told that I’m moving to the Smackdown roster.”
You look at Dolph and say, “I thought ya told them that ya wanted to stay on Raw.”
“I did tell them but they’re moving Bobby and I to Smackdown,” he says as you approach him. He looks down at you. “We’re going to be on different brands, Y/N.”
You hug him and say, “We’ll make it work, Dolph. We have to.”
He runs his fingers through your hair and say, “I would love to make it work, Y/N. I would love to, but you know what it’s like when couples work on different brands. It rarely ever works out.”
You look up at Dolph and ask, “What are ya saying, Dolph?”
Dolph says, “You know how much I like you and how much I like being with you, but we can’t be together if we’re on different brands. It never works out in the long run.”
“So you’re saying we should break up?” you ask.
He nods in response. “Maybe one day we can reconnect but right now, we can’t be together,” Dolph says.
For some reason, you’re not disappointed by this news. You like Dolph but you’ve always thought that there was someone better for you out there.
Someone like Finn Balor.
You miss Finn. You haven’t spoken in a month because of your schedules. He's been busy defending his title on NXT and you've been busy with being an announcer. You've tried to find time to talk to Finn but either he's busy or you're busy.
Dolph says, "I'll, uh, see you around, Y/N."
"Ya too, Dolph," you say. Dolph leaves your dressing room and you sigh. You go grab your phone and try calling Finn.
Finn doesn't answer, leaving you upset.
There's another knock on your door and you answer it. Triple H stands at your door. "Hi," you say, surprised. "Can I help ya with something?"
Triple H says, "Just coming by to drop off the card for tonight. Pierce is sick."
That's when it hits you. Triple H usually runs things surrounding the NXT brand. You ask, "Is NXT involved in something tonight?"
"Possibly," he says. "If I can get Vince's approval. This is the card with the matches on with that NXT is involved in."
You nod and take the card, reading over it.
Adam Cole versus Drew McIntyre. Lana and Dana Brooke versus Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler. Seth Rollins versus a mystery opponent is slated to be the main event tonight. "Who's Seth's opponent?" you ask.
Triple H says, "I don't know. He's issuing an open challenge tonight. That's all I know."
You nod and say, "Well, thank you for the card." He gives you a kind smile before walking off. You close the door and sigh.
NXT is getting involved and you can't help but wonder if one Irishman is going to be making an appearance.
To distract yourself, you get into the attire that was left in here for you. A lacey black dress that sparkles. Your shoulders and arms are the only parts of your body that can be seen under the dress because the lace is sheer. The dress falls to just above your knees.
A third person knocks on your door as you're about to do your makeup. You answer it, revealing your best friend, Becky Lynch. She smiles and says, "Look at ya. Looking all snazzy. I like the dress."
You smile and let her in. "Thank you," you say. "But I have no control over my wardrobe. The dress is kinda cute though."
Becky kind of laughs and sits down. You do your makeup as Becky says, "I heard Dolph's moving to Smackdown."
"Yeah, he is," you say. "He came in here and said that relationships don't really last when the couple is on two different rosters. Well, he said that it usually doesn't work out, so he ended it." You shrug.
Your best friend squints her eyes at you and says, "Ya don't seem that upset about it."
You do your eyeshadow and say, "I liked Dolph, but I always thought that there could be someone out there that's better for me."
As you speak, your mind wanders to Finn. You wonder how he's doing. You hope that maybe you'll catch a glimpse of him tonight. Maybe he'll be Seth's mystery opponent. You don't know.
Becky says, "Someone like Finn Balor? Because he's calling ya."
Quickly, you grab your phone that you threw on the couch and you answer the phone. "Finn?" you say as soon as you answer it."
"Hey," he says. "There's my favorite announcer. How ya doing?"
You smile and say, "Fine. I'm doing okay. How are ya doing?"
Finn says, "I've been better. I saw ya called and I wanted to see if something was wrong."
Becky points at you and mouths, "I knew it." You wave her off and say into the phone, "Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about ya earlier so I thought I'd ring ya to see if ya were busy."
He says, "I'm a little busy but I have a second to talk."
"I was just getting ready for Raw but I can stop for a second," you say.
Finn laughs softly and says, "So, tell me about Dolph. Everything okay there? Ya seemed happy the last time we talked."
You say, "I, um, we kinda broke up. He's being moved to Smackdown because of the shakeup tonight."
He's quiet before he says, "Oh, that's terrible. I'm sorry."
You shrug and say, "It's fine. I know there's someone better for me out there." You glance at the time. "I have to go now but can I call ya later?"
"Yeah," he says. "Call me after Raw is over and we'll actually talk for more than a few minutes."
You smile and say, "Okay. I'll talk to ya later then."
You both say your goodbyes and you hang up the phone.
Becky says, "Tell me how long ya have had a thing for Finn Balor. I don't blame ya, by the way. That man is very attractive. Maybe not as attractive as Seth but still attractive."
You laugh and say, "I've had a thing for him since our NXT days. Basically since day one." You rub the back of your neck. "I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way about me though so I never said anything to him about it."
She laughs and says, "Tell him. You're single now and ya said that there was someone better than Dolph Ziggler out there for ya. What if that person is Finn?"
"He's not on this brand either," you say. "He's NXT champion so he wouldn't have time for me anyway."
Becky says, "Well, that's not true. When Seth was Universal Champion, he still had time for me."
You blink at her and say, "You and Seth were champions at the same time, Becky. You traveled together for press and everything."
She thinks for a second and says, "Yeah. That's very true. Okay, anyway. I have a match tonight against Asuka so Imma go get ready for that. I'll see ya out there."
You nod and finish getting ready for the show tonight.
There are five matches on the card tonight, plus the main event. The first match was Dana Brooke and Lana versus Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax. Shayna and Nia won.
The next match was Becky versus Asuka for the title. Asuka retained, which left Becky mad.
The third match was a six-man tag match, with three teams of two. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston are a team against the teams of my now ex-boyfriend Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode and two members of the Undisputed Era, Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong. It's basically a mini Survivor Series match, minus the eliminations. The stipulation is if the Undisputed Era loses, they stay on NXT. If they win, they get moved up to Raw.
The Undisputed Era wins the match and all four of them are now members of the Raw roster.
The fourth match is Keith Lee versus Braun Strowman. Keith wins.
The fifth match is Drew McIntyre versus Adam Cole. Randy Orton interferes and costs Drew the match.
It's main event time. Seth's music hits and you say into your microphone, "Making his way down to the ring, he is the Monday Night Messiah, Seth Rollins."
Seth gets into the ring. He doesn't have his disciple, Murphy, with him as he's handed a microphone. "So, as you can see, my disciple Murphy isn't here with me tonight. That's because he's a traitor and left me. So, I'm issuing an open challenge for anyone to come out here and prove to me that they have what it takes to be my disciple. Come on, anyone. From Raw or Smackdown, or even NXT. Come on out."
Everyone looks at the stage to wait and see who comes out. Everyone in the arena waits.
And that's when Finn Balor's music hits. Your jaw almost drops, happy and excited to see Finn with his title. The crowd jumps up and cheers. You smile in the timekeeper's area as Finn makes his way down to the ring. He's handed a mic on the way down.
Seth has a smile on his lips as he looks at that title around Finn's waist, who's dressed and ready for a match in his white ring gear and a matching white leather jacket. This is the gear he wore in his last main roster match at Summerslam in 2019 before he went back to NXT in October. The NXT title is now over his shoulder as he steps into the ring.
Finn is looking at Seth. His music fades and he says, "Hi, Seth. So, I heard ya are looking for a match tonight. How's this? Ya and I in the ring right now. If ya win, then ya get my title and I'll be your new whatever ya call it. If I win, I keep my title and ya never can challenge for this title, or any title that I hold, whether it's the WWE Championship or the United States Champion. I think ya get the point."
You look over at Seth and he says, "You're on Balor. Let's get a referee out here and get this started."
The crowd cheers and you're handed a card with something to read on it. You nod and as the guys get ready in the ring. You look up and say, "This match has just been made official by WWE officials. The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the NXT Championship. Introducing first the challenger, weighing in at 217 pounds, from Davenport, Iowa. He is the Monday Night Messiah, Seth Rollins."
You listen as the crowd boos Seth. You forgot how much the WWE Universe loves Finn Balor.
Once the crowd dies down, you talk into the microphone again. "Weighing in at 190 pounds, from Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland, he is NXT Champion. Finn Balor," you say, smiling as the name Finn Balor leaves your lips. The crowd cheers. Finn looks at you and points at you, making your face heat up.
The ref takes the belt and holds it above his head. Someone runs over and grabs it, bringing the belt back to the little area. You look at the gold belt. It looks so pretty with Finn's side plates on it.
The bell rings and the match is underway. Your eyes are on Finn the whole time.
It takes 20 minutes but Finn hits the Coup de Grace and pins Seth, retaining his title. You take the belt and run to the ring, not being able to hold in your excitement. You bring your microphone with you because you have one more thing left to say.
Once you're in the ring, you almost tackle Finn with a hug. He hugs you back and you hand him his title.
"And still NXT Champion, Finn Balor," you say as Finn's music blares in the arena.
He looks down at you and takes your microphone. You stare up at him as he says, "I, uh, I need to say something really quick."
The crowd dies down and you stare up at your best friend. He looks at his title and he says, "This title isn't mine anymore. This title isn't mine anymore because as of this moment, I am on the Raw roster. As a full-time Raw superstar, I cannot hold the NXT title." He puts the title down on the ground before looking at you. "But as a full-time Raw superstar, I can spend all the time in the world with ya. Travel with ya, talk to ya whenever I want. And most importantly, take ya on a date or two whenever we want."
Your eyes widen as you stare up at Finn, realizing that he has feelings for you too.
"If ya would like, of course," Finn finishes with. The crowd collectively gasps as they wait for your answers.
Finn's arm is still around your waist and you're still standing close to him. So, you give your answer in the one way you've been wanting to. You put your hands on Finn's face and pull his face down to yours. Your lips crash to his and immediately begin moving against them.
He smiles into the kiss and drops the microphone, wrapping both your arms around his neck as his arms wrap around your waist.
The crowd cheers loudly as you kiss Finn in the ring.
Eventually, you and Finn make your way back to your hotel room. He tells you about what he had to do to get to Raw.
Since NXT was part of the shakeup this year, there was a chance that he could get sent to Raw. It was small because he held the NXT title. So after some negotiations with William Regal, Triple H, and Vince McMahon, he would voluntarily relinquish his title after a match tonight. So that's what he did. He voluntarily relinquished his title and is now apart of the Raw roster.
He also told Vince that he wants a run or two at the WWE Championship, which is held by Drew McIntyre. Vince agreed because he knows the fans love Finn versus Drew. Add a title in there and it makes for a few good championship matches.
Once back at the hotel room, Finn says, "I need to shower really quick then we can watch movies or something for a bit."
You nod and watch as Finn disappears into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The water starts and you sigh.
It would be really bad if you just walked into the bathroom and told him everything that you've been feeling, especially tonight.
When Finn walked out in the white gear, a little ache formed in your core and you tried what you could to stop it.
Your feet are carrying you to the bathroom before you can do anything. You shed the dress and your shoes before walking into the bathroom.
The shower in the bathroom is a glass stand up shower. Most of the glass is distorted but the top maybe 16 inches aren't so you can see from Finn's chest up. His eyes are closed as he rinses his hair.
Quickly, you take off the bra and panties you're wearing before you open the door to the shower. Finn looks down at you and asks, "Y/N, what are ya doing?"
"Saving water," you say. "Kinda."
He smiles down at you as you close the glass door. You stare up at him and he asks, "Now what are ya really doing?"
You say, "Seeing ya in the white gear tonight made me feel things, Finn. I know I shouldn't just get in the shower with ya, but-" You're interrupted by Finn's lips coming down to yours. You gasp, surprised by the kiss.
His lips move against yours before he pulls back and says, "Ya are telling me ya want me to, what?"
You stare up at him and say, "Whatever ya want, Finn. I just need ya to do something to me."
Finn smirks a bit and his hands come down to your waist. He guides you so your back is against the wall. You stare up at Finn and he says, "Is this what ya really want? I want to make sure it's what ya want one hundred percent."
Your hands rest on his chest and you nod. "It's what I want, Finn," you say. "I've wanted this for a while."
He smiles and kisses you. The kiss is rougher than the kiss in the ring and his hands start to roam. Soft sighs leave your lips. As the two of you share the kiss, Finn moves and presses you against the cold wall of the shower. Your hands are on Finn's cheeks, slipping your tongue into his mouth. Finn smirks against your lips.
The kiss continues for a second before Finn leans down and picks you up by your thighs. You wrap your legs around his waist as Finn pulls back from your lips and he starts to kiss your neck.
A soft moan escapes your lips as your hands slide into Finn's short wet hair. You smile and say, "This has gotten longer since we last saw each other."
Finn smirks and looks up at you, detaching his lips from your neck. He says, "I'm guessing ya like it."
You giggle and nod, saying, "It gives me something to hold onto." He laughs and kisses you again.
He reaches to the side and turns the water off. Carefully and slowly, Finn leaves the shower with you wrapped around him. He's careful not to slip on the tile floor of the bathroom as he leaves the room.
Finn walks out to one of the beds, laying you on your back. The kiss breaks as he looks down at you, eyes wandering all over your body.
"I've imagined how ya looked for weeks and this exceeded all of my expectations," he says, smiling down at you.
You giggle and stare up at him, saying, "I could say the exact same thing." You glance down at his semi-erect member that's poking at your thigh.
He starts to kiss your jaw and he says, "You're so beautiful. I can't believe that maybe you'll be mine after this."
Sighing, you say, "I've been yours this entire time, Finn."
Finn smirks against your neck. You slide your hands down his sides and use one of your hands to stroke Finn's member. He gasps a bit against the skin against your neck. You feel him begin to harden as you stroke him.
"Keep going like that and I won't last as long as ya probably want me to," he gasps.
You leave kisses to his head and say, "We have all night, Finn. And all day tomorrow."
He looks up at you and says, "Good, because I won't be able to stop once I've started."
You reach up, pecking his lips before you say, "Then start."
Finn smirks a bit before he kisses you harder than he ever has before. You sigh softly against his lips as he runs his tip through your already soaked folds. "Finn," you mumble against his lips. "Please. Tease me another time. I need ya right now."
Slowly, Finn begins to push himself into you. You gasp into the passionate kiss.
You're not a virgin but you're not really that experienced in bed. Finn knows this so he's making sure he's careful with you. On the other hand, you know how experienced Finn is in bed. He's never had to tell you. You used to travel with him when you worked for the NXT brand and stayed in the hotel room next to him sometimes. He's not really that quiet, and neither is whoever he's with.
He moves slowly and shallowly at first, making sure that he's not hurting you. The little bit of pain that you feel slowly melts away to pleasure, and you're a little bit of a moaning mess underneath Finn's body. You drag your fingers down Finn's back as he moves.
Every few minutes, Finn picks up speed and thrusts deeper into you. You wrap your legs around Finn's waist again. Your back arches off the bed ooccationally and chase Finn's hips. He slips deeper into you, making you moan and gasp under Finn.
A wave of confidence overtakes you a couple minutes later. You roll so you're straddling Finn's waist with him still inside you.
Finn stares up at you as you begin to move your hips, riding him. Finn intertwines his fingers with yours and helps hold you up. You throw your head back as you bounce up and down on Finn's now rock hard member. Moans escape your lips and Finn grunts and growns beneath you.
Your walls begin to clench around Finn and you moan, "Finn, baby. I'm about to come."
"Come, princess," he gasps, thrusting up into you as you move your hips.
Your eyes are squeezed shut and you release around Finn as he quickly pulls out of you and comes all over your stomach. You collapse onto Finn, your sweaty chests sticking together as you come down off your high.
Finn wraps his arms around your shoulders and you sigh, your ear pressed against his chest. His heart is beating quickly. You feel him leave kisses on your forehead. You smile and look up at him, resting your chin on his chest. Finn smiles down at you.
"So what do ya say?" he asks. "Will ya officially be mine?"
You giggle and nod, leaning up and pecking his lips. "Yes."
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jumoonjae · 4 years
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Pairings: Reader x Hyunjae x Q
Genre: Angst x Fluff
Warnings: None
Summary: A story of a love triangle (not really)
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Having a guy as your best friend can really be tricky sometimes because when you're both single, you spent almost every time together and you somehow unconsciously developing feeling for him. It get worst when you enrolled to the same college right after high school. It was okay at the first two or three semester, you had each other by your side through thick and thin, knowing more every little thing about each other just like the back of your hand which resulting you to fell harder for him. Your biggest mistake was you were sure he'll never slip off from your finger.
But he did.
And you let him.
You felt the painful prick inside in every flesh of your heart just by the sight of his beautiful glimmering eyes every single time she walks by. You swallowed the pain that is in the form of a thorn and pretend you're not affected by it at all, and you thanked heaven for blessing you with the art of hiding your true feeling for him. You even encourage him to make a move on her just to make you facade more believable.
What a fool.
Because it was the only way for you to keep him as your best friend at least, just to keep him close to you even if he doesn't like you the way you like him. But how wrong you are.
He made a move to talk to her and she seems to be interested too. But then again who doesn't, Changmin is one of the most talented and charming person in the campus, everyone loves him even the lecturer. In no time, they were together, they were lover and you had to watch every single day he hold her like the way you always crave for, the affection, the looks and the kiss. But you smiled anyway, each time you met his eyes, or hers. She became your friend too, you couldn't hate her at all.
“I’m fine.” You lied one day when he hesitated to run straight to her or stay with you by the time she came into the view at the cafeteria.
“Go ahead spend time with your girlfriend.” You said nudging him with a smile.
“I’ll call you tonight.” He ruffles your hair with an apologetic frown which you shake your head to and he run to her while she waved at you so innocently and you waved back with the sincerest smile you could pull even when your heart dropped down to your stomach leaving it's place painfully empty.
He didn't call that night. Or texted. The frequent chatting and long conversation between you two started to die down until he barely contact you anymore. You missed him, but there's nothing you could do to have him back. There is nothing you can do.
Each day he spend his free time with her and barely had any time with you anymore. but you didn't want him to feel bad so you started to hang out with other people even if its never the same like when you're with him, it will never be the same. but you need to accept the fact that you couldn't keep him for yourself anymore, you want him to be happy even if its not with you, even if his happiness breaks your heart.
You need to let go because all those late night conversation that you both been sharing, all his problems that you can't fix for him, all his inner battle that never seems to settled. You think maybe she could help to put it to ease because you know you can't. if you could, you wouldn't have heard the same ranting every night. So you keep your distance with him just so you wont break his relationship, so you wont take away their happiness.
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“That’s nice.” You heard someone spoke from your back as you done putting up the pictures you took as told by your mentor at the bulletin board where all the art student displayed their work. You look back and saw a tall guy admiring your work and you step back a little to stand next doing the same thing. It was the picture you took at the Han river during your night walk alone.
“Is this yours?” he asked pointing to the picture glancing at you then back to it.
“yeah.” You answered simply, looking at the still picture of the city lights taken by the bridge with blurry passer by.
“It feels so lonely, but peaceful at the same time.” He spoke and you smiled looking down, it was true what he said, you felt so lonely but is somehow made you feel calm that you thought maybe letting him go was the right thing. He's never been yours from the start.
“I'm Hyunjae by the way.” He held out his hand and you look up to his face which had the sweetest smile on that made you smile back and took his hand.
“I’m Y/N.”
Hyunjae took no time to be your friend, he was easy to talk to and you love his company. Slowly, you manage to bury your feeling for Changmin deeper day by day and Hyunjae did so much to replace him. Somehow he did it, he didn't have anything in common with Changmin but you like the challenge of knowing him anyway, it was always new thing every day, a pleasant surprise.
“Y/N.” Hyunjae chirped startling you in the process and he laugh at the way you flustered making you hit his shoulder lightly.
“What are you doing?” He asked taking a seat next to you at the cafeteria.
“Nothing, just editing these.” You pull the side of your laptop a little to show him your work and he lean over to take a closer look.
“You really are a talented photographer.” He complimented making you pushed his shoulder bashfully.
“hey i was wondering.” He leaned back to his seat pondering with his words, looking down to his hands while you paid full attention to him.
“I've got ticket for next week music festival.”
“Really? I didn't manage to get mine though, they've sold out weeks ago.” You frowned
“I got two ticket you know. So.. maybe.. you want to come with me?” you laughed at the way he adorably dragging his words and he grinned sheepishly.
“I’d love to.” You smiled and he did too staring into your eyes for a while before looking away bashfully. He had completely filled the void and help you put back you heart into its place, ready to love again. But you wait. You wait for it to heal perfectly so you can love Hyunjae with all of it without having Changmin ever crossing your mind anymore.
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“You’re going with who?” 
Changmin voice raised a little when you told him you're going to the music festival with Hyunjae. Its been a while since you both get to spend time with each other, you were finally feeling genuinely fine by it now that you have Hyunjae by your side. Its already the music festival week and Changmin probably didn’t want you to feel left out so he ask you to come along with his girlfriend. But when you said you already have a date, he was a little mad making you wondering, giving the sparks of feeling for him that you buried deep down a light. A dim light, but enough for it to slowly crawling back to the surface, but you ignore it.
“Why?” You asked, still walking a step ahead from him to the cafeteria.
“Since when do you became close with him?”
“Just recently, wait. It think its been two months.” You shrugged and he exhaled.
“Do you like him?” He asked suddenly making you stop on your track stepping a little to the side before turning back to look at him questioningly. You were actually asking him mentally ‘Are you jealous?’ but another word came out instead.
“He's a nice guy and what's wrong with that?”
“Be honest, you hang out with him just because i started dating aren't you?” you were taken aback a little by his words. It was true at first, you were hanging out with Hyunjae so you didn't feel empty anymore. But when time passed, he's been growing so much in you and you're started to fall for him. 
“What? No Ji Changmin, as far as I could remember I have the right to date anyone I want my friend.”
“What?” He raised his voice again and you hissed at him playfully rolling your eyes.
“Hey.” You heard Hyunjae from the back snaking his hands around your waist pulling you close to him until your back touches his front and you look up to him instantly with a big smile.
“Hey you.” You coos ignoring Changmin who was crossing his arms on his chest in annoyance by the sight of Hyunjae hands casually touch you.
“I’ll pick you up tonight at eight okay.” He smiled sweetly making the butterflies inside you to rise full with pride.
“Alright I see you tonight.” You touch his shoulder trailing your hand down to his chest as he peck your cheek before letting him run to his friends. You look back to Changmin who was raising his eyebrow.
“What?” you chuckle continue walking to the cafeteria.
“I don't like him.” He stated
“that’s not nice Changmin, you barely know the guy.”
“its just been two month and he already being touchy with you and you let him kiss you.”
“It just a peck Changmin. Stop being over protective.” You shake your head trying to laugh him off.
“And besides, two month is enough even for us to sleep together.” You shrugged making his eyes widen in pure shock at your words.
“You what?!”
“I was just kidding you idiot.”
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It has been full three month since Hyunjae first talked to you and you decided to confess to him. Your feeling for him was crystal clear and you had no doubt about his feeling for you. He had untie the tight knot that was constantly pulled every time you saw Changmin with his girlfriend until you felt nothing but happy for them. 
In those three months, Changmin had slowly fades from you even when he was right in front of you or when they were standing in the same room, the first who catches you attention was no longer Changmin, it was Hyunjae. You were lying if the feeling for him had completely gone, but your feeling for Hyunjae were much more prominent and you were happy
“Are you going to the trip to see the cherry blossom?” Hyunjae asked when you both were having lunch at your usual spot at the cafeteria.
“I think so.” You answered still checking the picture you took leaving your food untouched.
“Yah, enough with the camera.” He whined attempting to take the camera away from your hand but you saw what he was going to do and turn your back on him with a giggle.
“Wait, I need to delete some picture first or else I’m going to forget which one to delete.” You reason out stopping him from taking it away.
“let me see then.” He leaned his chin on your shoulder and you showed it to him one by one.
“No don’t delete that, its beautiful.” He pointed out at the picture of the blurry crowd you took while you both was walking down the Itaewon streets and you looked to your side until your lips almost brushed his cheek, but he backed away just enough to give you space to turn your body.
“Its kind a blurry don't you think?” You showed a few picture with the same scenery until your head bumped into each other when you lean in trying to show him and you both laughed. his hand caressed the spot where his head had bumped.
“You always took a blurry picture and its nice, its your style, or signature.” He said while patting your head and you smile at him, thanking him for his sweet words.
“You want to go with me?” He asked again since you didn’t answer him yet, and you chuckle looking up to him, he was smiling like an angel waiting for you to answer.
“Who else am i going with.” You smiled and he smile back giddily crushing you with his bear hug.
“But why did you sounds like i am the only option? What about your friends?” he asked pulling his body away for a little with a frown.
“If you want me to go with them, then i’ll go with them.” You shrugged making him whined.
“no. I was just asking.” He pulled you back to his hug and you giggled ruffling his hair.
“I’m planning to take my mom’s car so we wont have to rush the bus and trains.” He let you go, pulling your food closer to you gesturing you to start eating and you complied by placing your camera on the table.
“What? Its going to more exciting taking trains and bus with other students don’t you think?” you suggested, imagining you taking picture of people having fun in the train.
“Hadong is a huge place, the last bus going to leave at six. You think its enough time? Besides i want to watch the stars from there, they said the sky is the prettiest there during the night.”
“We can spend the night there and catch the bus next morning.” You suggested making him stop mixing his rice looking at you all flustered.
“What?” you teased bumping your shoulder into his.
“If you okay with it then why not.” He scratch the back of his head nervously and a big smile creep on your face just by the sight of his giddiness. You turn back to your food and ate in silence with him doing the same. He really had been growing so much in you.
Far back from the corner of the cafeteria, there stood Changmin witnessing everything that tug something painful inside of him. He shake the feeling away and walked to the opposite side of your spot sitting with his back facing you and Hyunjae trying so hard to ignore the growing pain inside of him.
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The long ride to Hadong was fun just like you imagined, all the students starts singing out of no where using anything as an instrument and you had a good laugh when some of then cracking the most stupid joke. You took some picture here and there and the result came out well. You and Hyunjae took extra clothes just as planned to spend the night and you really excited to see the whole thing.
It was beautiful, the place was filled with pink cherry blossom blooming beautifully and the way the flower flew when the wind blow just like a snow. Cherry blossom snow. It really felt like a movie with you standing under a cherry blossom tree with Hyunjae holding your waist while you taking picture. He will rest his chin on your shoulder everytime you show the result to him. If you had to describe how your feeling for Hyunjae, you will call it a blooming cheery blossoms. 
“watch your step, there’s plenty of rocks and pebbles along the way.” He said handing you your twisted potato after helping you settles on the bench not far from where you both were standing.
You both walked until the end of the cherry blossom path where you saw a river and there's a kayak booth which you pull Hyunjae sleeves running a little in excitement, wanting to give it a try with Hyunjae giggling while being dragged by you.
But a voice stopped you from running, it was a familiar voice. You look back to see Changmin and his girlfriend rushing to both of you.
“What in the hell are you doing?” he huffed annoyingly at you not even sparing any look to your boyfriend and you were offended by the way he spoke.
“What does that supposed to mean?”
“you missed the bus.”
“And you're not?” You spat back annoyingly taking a step forward, your eyebrow twitched and he scoffed at your response thickening the tension between both of you.
He was beginning to get into your nerve since you started to date Hyunjae. 
“We were there at the bus but he insisted waiting for both of you.” His girlfriend explained and you couldn't help to feel bad for her.
“We were planning to stay the night.” Hyunjae stepped forward pulling you back closer to him and you noticed the frown on Changmin's face when he did that. Was that jealousy? Had he figured that he had feelings for you too? But Hyunjae's grip on your arm pulled you out from that thoughts and you look back to him pressing your lips into a thin line, forming a smile.
“We will take the first bus tomorrow morning.” You said to Changmin's girlfriend trying to assure her by rubbing her arm and she nod with a smile.
“Okay where are you going to crash for tonight?” changmin spat with his annoying tone that really got into your nerve.
“I’ve booked a place for us, but i'm sure they have more place.”
“We should stick together.”
For the first time in your life, you feel annoyed by Changmin's presence where he constantly interfere any attempted affection that you and Hyunjae trying to make while he trying to show off his own with his girlfriend which end up annoying her too.
“We should stop by the store first.” Hyunjae suggested and you nod while waiting for the bus to the motel.
“I'm tired, can we just go straight to the motel.” Changmin whined and you rolled your eyes shooting him an annoyed look and he just shrugged.
“you two can check in first, they had some place for barbeque at the garden by the hotel and we were planning to have one while watching the stars.” You told his girlfriend and she looked excited.
“So romantic.” she coos and you lean your shoulder to Hyunjae who was smiling at you.
“They said the night sky are the best here.” He throw his hand on your shoulder pulling you closer to him letting you snuggles to his chest.
“You can join us if you want.” he suggested to Changmin and his girlfriend which you shot him a look with a frown.
“What? Its going to be fun and i can get to know your best friend more.” He whispered and you melted at the way how hard he tried to get close to your best friend.
“Thank you.” You caress his hands with your thumb smiling up to him and he smiles back like he always did. 
The night went well, but the conversation was mainly between you and Hyunjae while Changmin and his girlfriend seems to fall into silence only talk when being asked. You stop Hyunjae from trying to get close to Changmin by snuggling with him under the blanket where you brought just for the occasion while watching the stars.
You admired him while he was admiring the scattered stars up in the sky, looking at it like he was in love with it just like you're in love with him.
“Y/N can you walk me to my room for a while?” Changmin snaps you away from the most beautiful view and you sighed. He was tipsy from drinking a little too much and you could tell.
“Its okay, I'll clean this up and meet you at the room right after.” Hyunjae said helping you getting up and you nod letting him peck your forehead before leading Changmin into the building.
“Are you going to sleep with him?” Changmin asked suddenly after you both were inside the building.
“Yes.” You answered in a heartbeat even if you don't know whether Hyunjae is having the same idea with you, but you admit it anyway just so Changmin will stop bothering you.
“If i told you not to would you listen to me?” he stop walking making you stop turning your body fully to face him.
“Because I love you.” He said, petrifying you with his words, it was the word you had been waiting for years, a words that you always pray for so he will uttered it to you one day. a word that you’ve been dying to hear. 
But that was before, that was you dream before Hyunjae and you were glad that it doesn't affect you like the way you thought it will be.
“I know you love me too. I know you love me since so long and i'm sorry for pretending that i didn't see it.” He took a few step closer to you but you didn't flinch. There were disappointment, but it doesn’t matter to you anymore. you didn’t care why he didn't do anything about it and keep it to himself. but you were curious.
“Why did you date her if you knew?”
“Because i thought i didn't feel the same way.” You exhaled at his answer looking down not knowing what to say or what to do with that information. But then he lift your chin with his index finger and leaned closer to kiss you.
You let him kiss you not knowing there's a pair of eyes that has been witnessing everything. When you kissed Changmin back, he shut his eyes only to see you smile to the kiss the moment he open his eyes. Couldn’t bear the pain in his chest anymore, he walked away from the scene.
“Changmin we had our chance.” You slowly push his body away from you, pulling yourself away from the dizzying kiss. It put your mind into a great mess, that your mind keeps buzzing like a static radio. but when other thing was blurry and hazy, one thing that stood out so clear, just like the picture you always took. it was your feeling for Hyunjae.
“Y/N please.” He took your hand placing it on his chest.
“You had your chance in all those years to confess but you didn't.” You let go of his hands holding your own.
“I'm not blaming you entirely because its my fault too for being a coward. But we had our chance Changmin, and we blew it.”
“and i'm in love with somebody else.”
“i’m in love with Hyunjae.”
“He saw us kissed.”
“He just left.”
“You asshole. It was intentional wasn't it?”
“I just had to.”
“Hyunjae.” You called softly after entering the room that you both shared. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down to his hands. Nervousness starting to creep inside you by the sight and the silence from him. You stood there by the door looking down at your feet, hands fidgeting with the rim of your dress.
“You should sleep, we need to catch the first bus in the morning.” He said standing up with blanket on his hands walking to the couch just right next to the bed without looking at you. But you didn’t budge, still looking down like a kid getting scolded by their parents for causing a big trouble.
You bit your lips hard when tears starts to brimmed in your eyes. You didn’t even dare to blink, not wanting the tears to fall.
“I’m tired, can you turn off the light please.” He said and you look up to where he already lay down, covering his body using the blanket, his back facing you. You hold your sniffles and do as told leaving the room in pitch black.
“Hyunjae.” Your voice cracked and you swallow hard to make it easier your you to speak.
“I-I am so-”
“I’m tired Y/N. Please, let me rest. Its been a long day.” He cut your words, but not sharp enough. But it still hurts you. It hurts you because you hurt him and you didn’t even know how to explain.
With the help of the lights peeking through the window, you slowly walked to your bag and take your clean clothes and toiletries.
You turn on the shower letting the warm water run down your skin while you stood there looking into spaces not long before you break down, covering your mouth not wanting to be heard by him. It was the longest you ever cried, longer than the day Changmin asked his girlfriend out. It was even longer than when you bid your goodbye to your parents at the airport.
God, how much you love him, and now you’re losing him.
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Hyunjae haven't spoke a word to you since the bus ride back to the city and you didn't dare to speak to him either. The ride was awfully silent and you could hear Changmin and his girlfriend giggled from the back seat. You couldn't help to think that they were mocking you both but you know they weren't. You suddenly feels empty without Hyunjae's constantly touching you like he always did when he's being excited over something or just feeling like touching you, or teasing you. He didn't even whined when you too immersed into the picture you took with your camera. You felt emptier than the time Changmin left you.
You didn't blame him for cutting every connection between you two after breaking up with you over a text and let you fall back to the loneliness. You didn't blame Changmin for not even consoling you after he heard the news of your break up with Hyunjae. You blame yourself for being you, you blame yourself for existing, for hurting people who had no other intention but to love you and you deserve the resentment that you get from him. You blame yourself for not figuring out your feelings for Hyunjae and didn't try hard enough to make him stay.
You were back to zero, alone at the cafeteria watching people and love birds walking around then get back to your pictures on your laptop ignoring the painful void inside of your heart.
You bumped into him the day after the break up, you didn't look away when you both walk past each other at the hall, neither did him. But he seems to had those indifferent look as soon as his eyes laid on you and you try hard not to show too much emotion when he's around. But it was hard, because you always saw him even when you’re not looking.
“Y/N, the portfolio that you emailed me. It was perfect. The four season portfolio.” Your mentor spoke when he saw you just about started to pack your things while your other class mate had already left. Its your routine since the break up, so you wont bumping into Hyunjae because your afternoon class always ends at the same time as his.
“It wasn't complete yet Mr Yoon. I was waiting for your feedback for anything that i should fix or re-edit.” You look up to him slinging your bag on your shoulder.
“I’ll send you my feedback later.” He said and you give him a bow. 
“Y/N, I was wondering.” Mr. Yoon voice stopped you from turning on your heels and you look at him. waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“have you been fine these day?” He asked leaning his back on the desk, crossing his arm on his chest.
“Yes. Why do you ask Mr.Yoon?”
“I knew you're running a photography blog for a long time, i have to admit it was wonderful and i even think that some of the photo you posted there should have come in with the portfolio. But you recent photo, they seems lonely.” He stop when you looked down. He must have seen your blog update, but you didn't know that it was obvious. He's your mentor and also one of the psychology professor that taught about behavior, of course he could see it.
“I’m fine Mr.Yoon.” you finally look up to him with a forced smile. “Its just life-” your breath hitched and you swallowed hard trying not to choke on your own words.
“Its just life, those ups and down.” You inhaled looking back down avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t let yourself dwell too long in it Y/N. Its okay to look back sometimes, it hard. Even if our shoes don't fit, we had our own obstacle in life, we have our own way to move on. But i hope you'll cope.” You smile to his words before bowing to him as he bid you goodbye.
You went to Itaewon alone that night taking the path that both of you and Hyunjae had been taking, tracing back all the fond memories that you shared. You even went back to Hadong alone on the weekend doing the same thing you did with him, taking picture of empty spot where it used to be filled by him. It was sad. But you need to cope. Once you had your best friend, then you have Hyunjae. But when they both left, you had nothing. Only their memories. But the most prominent one is Hyunjae's. You want to relive them for the last time before moving on.
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Its the hardest every time he saw you smiling and laughing at your friend's joke. He missed that and he still want to be the one who make you laugh. He hate you for being happy right after the break up, did you really moved on that fast? Did you really don't have any feeling for him? Or did you really using him to get back to Changmin?
But there were also time when he saw you sitting alone at the cafeteria, watching people walks by with sad eyes before going back to your laptop or your camera leaving your food untouched and it made his stomach sinks in guilt. The sight take him back to the night where he heard your sniffles echoes inside the bathroom that the sound of the shower couldn’t hide.
You loved someone else and its no point to keep you if your heart is unobtainable from the start.
“Hyung, why did you break up with Y/N?” Juyeon asked when he saw you walk into the cafeteria alone with your hands full with books and headphones on. He didn't want to answer that question. He's been dreading to answer when everyone asked, he's tired of hearing people saying that you both look good together and all.
“We're taking a break.”
Its the only thing he could came up with without humiliating you or him. Its sounds like he was expecting you to come back to him, it was an open answer, it was a message for you maybe one day when you heard what he said regarding your relationship, maybe. Just maybe you change your mind and come back to him.
It was pathetic and he know it, but the romance was short, so short that he wanted more. While he was trying to look away from staring at you, he saw Changmin seated a few table away from where he was and he was expecting Changmin to get up and help you with the pile of books on your hand.
But instead, Changmin didn't even look up from his phone and you didn't even spare him a glance, just walking straight to the far corner of the cafeteria settling your stuff on the table, sitting down and played with your phone without looking around.
“Hyung?” Juyeon snaps him away from staring at you and stammered at the younger guy.
“Get back with her if you want to keep looking at her like that.” He stated and Hyunjae just shrugged him off.
‘Weird' he thought, he swears he saw you kissed Changmin back that night. You even smiled to the kiss, but why are you both giving each other a cold shoulder. Why aren't you both together when Changmin said he loves you and he said you love him too. It hurt him when you didn't even denied it, he hate you for kissing him when you were his girlfriend.
He heard your voice in the art studio after helping a random girl who was carrying too much of a canvas for painting she said. He stood there just like the other day when you were talking to your professor.
“Is it true that everybody dies alone?” You asked, you sounded so weak, the light in your eyes faded by each passing day. At first he thought you were still saddened by the way Changmin still with his girlfriend but when he confront Changmin one day.
“We had our chance but I blew it. She's in love with someone else.” -changmin
But that is all what he get from the guy, Changmin still didn't want to talk to him. He started to think that you love him, not Changmin. But he wasn't really sure either, if your relationships mattered to you, you should have talk him out not ignoring him, so he did the same. Ignoring you even how painful it was knowing the truth that you love him.
“Does that scares you?” Kevin asks taking your attention away from the window where you both propped your chin on your palm on one of the table nearest to the window while sitting down watching the sun sets.
“I don't want to be alone.” You whispered under your breath but it was clear, so clear that it hurts Hyunjae at your words.
“You missed him?”
“I do. So much that it hurts.”
“Why didn't you tell him the truth?”
“He saw me kissed Changmin back. If you're at his place would you listen to me when I try to explain?”
“I’ve made myself a fool enough by kissing Changmin back.”
“Why did you kiss him back?”
“You know how I feel about him before. It was a dream to kiss him.” you chuckle while Kevin scoffed at your words.
“But the thing is, when i kissed him, i was thinking about Hyunjae as soon as i closed my eyes.” You smiled.
“Its just that, i finally know that love doesn't feel the same way with each person.”
“What do you mean”
“when i was in love with changmin it felt like home every time im with him. Maybe Its because he provides me one when i move back here during high school, he gave me something to rely on when i had no one, or when my brother was too occupied by his baseball. Then Hyunjae came when there’s a hole in my chest, my heart that once there was gone when Changmin left, Hyunjae starts to fill it again, slowly but in a beautiful way. He made me feel alive again. At first i thought it wasn't love because it felt so different from Changmin’s. But i get it now, love doesn't come with one specific shape or sizes.” You sit straight stretching your limbs leaning back to the chair to ease your back.
“Love is an abstract, you can't see it, you can't feel it but you know its there, you know it exist. it changes through times. Its like painting, you put down whenever comes through your mind freely on the canvas, sometimes it look nice and sometimes it doesn't. people might don't understands what we're trying to convey but it doesn't matter, as long as we knew what is it, what it means to us.” You smiled looking down staring at you clasped cold hand before glancing to your friend next to you and he looked disgusted, making you giggled at his expression.
“You are disgustingly in love. Tell him you idiot.” Kevin throw his head back with a grunt and you laugh him off.
“I don't know Kev, I’m just scared. I'm afraid because what I did was wrong. Its wrong kissing someone else just to figure out who do you love. Its pathetic. Stupid.” You exhaled looking back to the dark outside world, wondering what is he doing right now. Who is he with, did he replace you yet, or did he suffers just like how you did. You chuckled to the last thought thinking why would he suffers for the one who treated him just like you did.
“He probably don't like me anymore.” You wanted to say hate, but 'like' probably could hurt less when you said it out loud.
“I never said that.” You and Kevin eyes snaps wide open when you heard another voice instead of both of you echoes from the silence. You know that voice and when you saw Kevin eyes were fixed to someone at your back, you didn't dare to look back.
“Okay imma go.” Kevin took his bag and phone, standing up and was about to leave you, but you manage to get a grip on his wrist.
“Don’t you dare.” You warned but he just smile and wiggled his wrist away from your strong grip and when you let go, he pat your head with an assuring smile.
“This is your chance, don't waste it.” He stroke your hair softly, smiling to Hyunjae with a curt nod before walking to the exit leaving you both in the studio in silence.
“Sorry i didn't mean to eavesdrop.” He said voice coming closer with his footsteps and you still didn't dare to look back. Your body numbed while your heart pounded so hard that you were sure your chest could explode anytime.
“Y/N.” He called softly when he appeared in you peripheral view, kneeling right next to where you were seated, you shut your eyes tight not dare to look at him.
“Sorry I didn't give you any chance to explain.”
“Sorry.” He repeated again but you still too scared to look at him.
“would you please look at me.” You felt his touch on your cold hand and you turn your head slowly, meeting his beautiful gaze. It was different from the past few week where they were cold and uninviting. But right now, his gaze was soft, warm and pleading.
“Hyunjae.” You whispered, holding his hand and he hold yours tighter.
“Can we please start over again?” he said, almost pleading melting you
“Even after what I’ve done?” you tilt your head to the side and he smiles wider bringing his one hand to your cheek, caressing it slowly with his thumb.
“As long as you love me.” He said and if your muscle wasn't strong enough, your heart could probably explode from the happiness.
“I do.” You crashed your body into him so hard that he almost stumbled back but manage to balance his body.
“I love you so much Hyunjae and I'm sorry for being an idiot. You can kiss other girl once and i dont mind.” You pull away, with your hand still rested on his shoulder, kneeling in front of him.
“Why would i want to kiss other girl?” he frowned and you stuttered.
“Just so we can even out or-“ he didn't let you finish by capturing your lips into his own and you kiss him back in a heartbeat feeling his lips moulded perfectly into your own into a long kiss.
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“Let me kiss that pretty lips everyday and we're even.” He said after pulling away to catch his breath and rest his forehead on yours and you smiled breathlessly.
"Anything for my amazing boyfriend."
A/N: This was written before ‘Kevin Moon’ and it was meant for Changmin baby but I just cant hurt my Hyunjae, I’m so sorry. Things really had been hard on me lately (mentally) but i’m trying to get back on track (writing). This is not my best work and i am not in the best shape but i hope you enjoyed this one. thank you. 
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"the angels never arrived"
Kai Parker x OC!Mack Grace
Series synopsis: "We're both cursed, in a way."
We all know the story of Kai Parker, but he once lived in a very different life. Do you ever wonder what that life looked like?
Chapter summary: Christmas get a little...deadly
Warnings: violence, death
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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VIOLENTLY bright and tacky lights were strung through the halls, spare corners and classrooms decorated with paper snowflakes and plastic Christmas trees and the general spirits of student was lifted at least thirty percent by the approaching break. Mack sighed and closed her locker, turning to face Jo as she filled her in on everything that happened when she was away.
"So who's this mystery guy that keeps coming up then?" Jo urged with a raised brown, poking Mack in the side playfully with her elbow.
"Just that. A mystery." Mack retorted, scoffing and rolling her eyes at the overly invested girl.
"A mystery, huh? Well I do love a good problem to solve." Jo teased. "If I can't know who he is, at least tell me what happened." No suggested. After a long pause to mill it over, Mack finally caved.
"Okay, so - don't freak out, but I may have slept with him." Mack all but whispered. Jo cupped her ear with her hand and said:
"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Mack chewed her bottom lips before repeating.
"I slept with him. Twice." Jo's eyes went wide.
"Twice?!" Mack but her lips and nodded. Suddenly an arm was thrown over her shoulder and Mack turned to see a grinning Kai.
"So what's this?" He asked, mock shock on his face.
"Mack finally found a way to forget Ben." Jo stated.
"Ooooo, so Kenz's finally getting some?" Mack rolled her eyes. "It's about time really, I was getting fed up with her cranking attitude and-" he cut off when Mack hit him in the shoulder and he retracted his arm, shooting her a knowing look.
"It's not like that. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, I doubt it will happen again." She dismissed, giving Kai a warning look.
"If you say so. Hey, this is me. Catch you guys later!" Jo said as they reached her class.
"Won't happen again, huh?" Kai husked lowly in Mack's ear once Jo was gone.
"Yes. So don't try anything." Kai's mischievous grin worried Mack and before she knew it he had grabbed her hand and pulled her into Janitor's closet and pressed her against the closed door.
"Like this?" He whispered, nibbling softly at her earlobe. She put her hands on his chest and pushed Kai back slightly.
"Yes, like this."
"We have a free period, may as well use it." He shot back with arched brows. He stepped closer to her again. "I know you want to." His minty breath fanned over her face, intoxicating her further. Mack looked away, and before he could get another word in she smashed her lips to his, her arms wrapping around his neck.
Kai was taken back at first but he quickly melted into the kiss, bracing a hand on the door beside Mack and his other settled on her hip after running over her curves.
"This is the last time this happens." Mack mumbled against his lips, gasping as Kai picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist before crashing her back to the door again.
"Okay." He murmured back, knowing full-well it wouldn't be.
"So what are you guys doing for Christmas?" Mack wondered aloud as Kai drove her and Jo home.
"Yeah, our family is going to San Francisco to see our cousins." Jo explained. "Well Kai isn't, as usual." she added almost accusingly.
"So you're gonna be on your own for Christmas?" Mack's question was directed at Kai now. he scoffed.
"So?" he seemed completely disinterested. Mack's eyes were wide.
"So?! What are you on about? It's Christmas!" Mack exclaimed, shocked. After a moment of thinking she came up with a solution. "Why don't you join my family for Christmas? It's only my dad, my sister and me but it's normally quite funny and we could always use some extra company." she quickly added, "and you can probably cook better than any of us."
After a moment of no answer Mack spoke again.
"You don't have to, I just didn't think you'd want to be alone. Think about it." She said as Kai pulled up to he house. "Thank you for the lift, bye!" and with that she climbed out Kai's car, slinging her bag over her shoulder and opening her front door.
"Hey dad." she said, dumping her bag on the table and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowel.
"Hey sweetheart." he chimed back, focus still on his notepad in front of him. "have a good day at school? How's Kai?" Mack took a bite of her apple.
"School's..." she trailed off, thinking about the Janator's closet, "fine, I guess. And Kai's good too. Speaking of Kai, can he spend Christmas with us? His family is going away and he'll be alone." Mack put her pleading face on.
"Of course he can, that boy has been a great help to you these past few months and I'd love to finally meet him. Do you want to give him a call?" he suggested, finally looking up from his work.
"I'll call him later. I've got homework to do, so I'll just be up in my room if you need me." Mack said, walking towards the stairs.
"Oh honey," her dad started. she turned back to face him.
"Yeah, dad?"
"Kim's boyfriend is also joining us this year."
"Yeah, they started going out recently. I think he's younger than her - maybe your age. I am yet to meet him, so she thought Christmas would be the perfect opportunity."
"Okay." Mack walked up the stairs, the cogs of her mind churning, trying to figure out who her sister was dating.
"Kai! Finally, I thought you'd never come." Mack greeted cheerfully, smiling widely at Kai would held a few stacked trays covered with tea-towels in his hands.
"And miss seeing you in this little get-up?" He gestured to her red dress and Santa hat, "not a chance in the world, sweetheart." Kai grinned back, placing a quick kiss on her cheek as he walked into the house.
"You must be Kai!" Her Dad said as he saw Kai, Kim taking the plates from him as he mouthed a thank you before returning to her dad.
"Correct. You must be Mr Grace." Kai mentioned, shaking his hand firmly.
"Oh, please call me Ian." Ian waved off, releasing Kai's hand.
"Well, it's good to meet you, Ian. Thank you so much for having me." Kai thanked.
"Oh, it's no big deal. It's nice to have some more company for a change." Ian smiled. Kai turned to Kim.
"Ah, the sister." He said with a tight smile.
"Ah, the boyfriend." She mimicked. Kai had an amused smile at that.
"Not quite, just the best friend for now. I don't think she's quite over-" he was cut off when he heard Mack's horror filled voice whisper.
"Ben." She stood completely frozen, the door wide open and a smirking Ben stood on the other side, a small box tucked under his arm.
"Hey doll, how are you?" He said with a sickeningly cheery smile that made Kai clench his fists. After the moment of awkward silence, Kim walked over, pecking Ben on the lips and taking his hand, leading him into the house.
"So, everyone. Ben is my boyfriend, we started talking a few months ago. And we're really happy." Kim announced, standing hand-in-hand with a grinning Ben. Kai put his hands on Mack's shoulders, looking into her eyes with concern.
"You gonna be okay?" He whispered, thumbs stroking her shoulder soothingly. She swallowed thickly before nodding, still looking straight ahead with a look of emptiness in her eyes. She closed the door, sticky heading towards the sofa and pulling Kai down to sit next to her.
They zoned out the interaction currently happening, Mack's body slumping against Kai until she laid down, her head in his lap. He played with her hair, trying to quell the building anger inside him.
"So, Ben - long time no see?" Ian said with a bright smile and mockingly-sad tone. Ben smiled at the man from where he sat beside Kim, his arm slung over her shoulder.
"Yeah, well, after me and Mack decided to end things, it got lonely for me. Then I bumped into Kim at the diner down the road and we just got to...talking." Ben mused, but Mack could tell by the mischievous glint in his eye they did something, but talking was not it. "And ever since then, we've been practically inseparable." He finished, entwining his hand with Kim's and smiling down at her with warmth, but a dark undertone still lingered in his gaze.
"Well, I hope it isn't awkward between you kids." Ian joked, gesturing from Ben to Mack with his hand, which had a bottle of beer comfortably settled in it. Ben chuckled and Mack forced a smile, but Kai was practically seething, it glare emitting nothing but anger as he shot an icy stare at Ben. Mack noticed this and gently tugged him away.
"We'll go get dinner ready." She said with a small smile as she pulled Kai into the kitchen, slamming the door behind him and looking into his eyes - which remained fixed on the door as his nostrils flared and his face burned crimson. "Hey, hey. Look at me." Mack soothed as she placed her hands on the sides of Kai's face, stroking his cheekbones softly with her thumbs. His gaze broke and he looked down at her, his expression softening at the sight of Mack.
"I'm sorry, Kenz. I just- I can't stand him." Kai seethed and Mack shushed him gently.
"I know, but I need you to stay calm for me." She whispered and he nodded slowly. "Now, how 'bout we get this food ready?" Mack suggested and Kai's anger seemed to melt away at the mention of food, his shoulders relaxing and a wide smile replacing his frown. He leant down, kissing Mack languidly before pulling away and walking over to the oven.
"You do the veg and I'll handle the Turkey?" Kai grinned and Mack smiled warmly.
"This is delicious, Kai. Thank you so much for bringing it." Ian commented, mouthful of food as he eagerly wolfed down the plate of Christmas dinner Mack had served him.
"Yeah, I guess you can cook much better than you can throw a punch, huh?" Ben jeered with an amused grin. Mack and Kim grimaced and Kai had to stop himself from dropping his fork. Or stabbing it into Ben's hand, for that matter. Kai looked up at Ben with a fake smile.
"I guess so." He chuckled and Ben followed, the tension melting as they all continued to eat. "But, you know, just for the record." Kai started and Mack put her knife and fork down, burying her face in her hands as Ben raised a brow and Ian looked between the two boys. "I think you're a much better conversationalist than boyfriend." Kai mused.
"And what makes you say that?" Ben prompted.
"Well, from what I  can tell you can make it through a whole conversation with out hitting someone, unlike your relationships." Kai snapped and Ian's eyes widened, Ben's jaw ticked and he gripped his fork tightly. "Notting to say to that, sick bastard?" Kai taunted and Ben's jaw clenched and he abruptly stood.
Kai followed soon after. Mack reached out for him, placing a hand on Kai's arm but he shrugged her off. Kim seemed to be frozen and their dad looked completely lost. Ben made the first move, stepping around the table. Kai was soon to copy him but as Ben threw his fist Kai caught it with ease. He smirked at Ben.
"Still wanna tell me I can't throw a punch?" Kai asked with raised brows and Ben's angered face melted into one of fear and he coward away from Kai. "Didn't think so." Kai muttered before twisting Ben's arm round and holding it against his back as Ben cried out in pain. "Now, why don't you leave and stay the fuck away from Kenz, huh? I know how much you like to lay your hands on her.." Kai trailed off and let Ben go, who stumble forward and practically bolted from the house, the door slamming with a bang behind him the reverberated from the walls like thunder.
"Get. Your. Fuck-buddy. Under. Control." Kim spat at Mack before storming off, the sound of the legs of her chair scraping bitterly against the floor was punctuated awkwardly but the slam of the door behind her. A thick tension rose, thick enough that a knife could slice straight through it like it was cutting cheesecake.
"Well.." Ian began but Mack was gone, the last thud of the door causing both Kai and Ian to flinch as the wood smashed against the battered frame.
"I'm sorry-" Kai tried to apologise, turning to face the man but Ian held up a hand, halting Kai's words.
"No. You did the right thing, boy. I can't believe I let that boy in my home - near my daughters!" Ian gritted out and Kai's jaw clenched. "I should have been a better father..."  he murmured.
"No." Kai said harshly, making Ian's head snap up to look at him. "You are not at fault. Ben is a vile creature who deserves to rot in hell." Kai spat and Ian nodded. "And if you think you're a bad father, you are strongly mistaken. If you knew how much Kenz appreciates you,     you'd-" Kai's little sprang was cut off when a violent buzzing echoed from his pocket. Kai pulled out his pager to see Mack's number and instantly rushed to the phone.
"Kenz? Oh my god, Kenz! You had us worried sick! Where are you? I'll come pick you up-"
"I killed him, Kai. He's - he's dead."
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mikkomacko · 4 years
Dear Daisy 5
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Daisy never realized how big the house is until Harry's not there. Without his large personality sitting at the table, or his lanky legs kicked up on the coffee table while he works, or his broad body moving around the kitchen, Daisy feels like she's living in an empty palace. It's gotten to the point that she hates being at the house, but going to visit her family is just as depressing with them now crying over Sterling's departure. Her father's taken up more work with Thomas, hoping to make up for the usual revenue Sterling brings into the family. It's not much seeing as most of her brother's earnings goes into his personal savings so he can afford to marry Stella and take care of her. Daisy tried spending time with her future sister too, but that ended up being even more depressing then staring at Harry's empty couch cushion. So she goes on walks now. She's been putting off walking through the park because it reminds her of Harry now, and she stays as far away from the beach as possible. That really only leaves the town for her to walk through, but she likes the shops so she doesn't mind. She hardly buys anything, but the browsing keeps her mind off of Harry and how much she misses him and if he's okay. Her favorite shop to go in is the local bakery, owned a ran by a man named Robin and his kids. It's nice to sit at one of the tables, picking at a scone or mini pie and watch Robin teach his son's to roll out dough correctly and cut shapes into the pies. The three men are always so happy and carefree, and the feeling rubs off on her after sitting there for a bit.
Today, however, is different.
The bell above the door chimes as she pushes it open, stepping into the little shop and expecting a smile from Richard who's usually behind the counter. He's not there today, and walking up to the counter she realizes that Sam isn't either. It's just Robin, lips drooping down in the corners as he dusts some flower onto his apron. Daisy's smile falls, confused by the unusual gloomy mood in the bakery.
"Oh, hello Daisy." Robin greets when he notices her, offering her a pathetic smile. Daisy rests her elbows on the counter, holding her chin up.
"Is everything okay Robin?"
The man shrugs, shaking his head with a sad chuckle. "My boys left today," he mumbles, "one of them to the Poland, the other Germany."
Her heart falls to her stomach, and she thinks of Harry again. She's so worried knowing he's in France, she can't imagine how upsetting it'd be if he were sent to the front lines. "I'm sorry," she sympathizes, pausing a brief second before deciding what the hell, "my fiance shipped out a few weeks ago."
Robin looks up, a bit surprised as he moves to stand across from her. "Mr. Styles was called out?"
She shifts uncomfortably, scratching her fingernail across the wooden counter to keep her mind off of the war as much as possible. "To France for training and then assignment. I haven't gotten a letter yet informing me of where he's heading afterwards."
One of Robin's hands move over the counter, patting the top of Daisy's comfortingly. "It's tough, but I can't think of a greater man than Harry Styles fighting."
Daisy pauses, looking up at him curiously. She's never heard anyone say anything remotely kind about Harry before. He's always whispered about, gossiped about, but they're all tells of his rudeness or his harsh words. Daisy, having been privy to both, never really questioned anyone's dislike for Harry. But she'll definitely question their compliments for him.
"You know Harry really well?"
Robin nods, moving to untie his apron. "Grew up with his father. When he passed away I tried to keep an eye on Harryand Gemma. Of course that uncle of his stepped in, tried to raise Harry to be a prick like him-" Daisy giggles, never having heard Robin curse, "but good always beats bad."
He hangs his apron up, reaching under the counter for a small basket of oatmeal cookies. He places them on the counter in front of Daisy. "Free of charge, for Harry." He says, smiling softly. Daisy watches him for a moment, thinking that Robin must be a great father. He's kind, compassionate, but also tough. And judging by the two boys she's met in here before, he knows how to raise a good son. It's then that she realizes he's the only one running the bakery now, and while rations for the war have started, bread is always in demand. He'll be getting busy, busier than usual, and he might need help.
"Mr. Robin," she murmurs carefully, waiting for him to look at her expectantly, "if you'd like company or help around the shop while you're boys are away, I'd be happy to do so. Don't have to pay me or anything, I'd just like to get out of the empty house."
Robin's smile is warm and grateful, and he looks around the kitchen as if trying to picture Daisy back there helping him. Finally, he nods. "I'd love to have you Daisy, and I'd be happy to let you take home the tips for the day."
"No that's-"
"It's the least I could do," Robin interrupts, "owe it to Harry and his father."
She knows by the firmness of his voice that there's no room for arguing, and she knows tips aren't very much right now anyway so she won't feel bad for taking money from him. Plus the holidays are coming up, and she'd really like to get gifts from everyone without having to use Harry's money. It doesn't feel right to use it without him there, but then again, nothing really feels right while he's gone anyway.
Dear Daisy,
My training has been completed and I've received my assignment. Luckily for us, I'm staying in France, patrolling Paris in case Germany attacks. I'm sorry I didn't write sooner, it was difficult to find time during the first couple weeks, but you should know that not a day has gone by where I haven't thought of you. I ache for you, long for you so much it makes me dizzy. Patrolling Paris is wonderful, I've been here a few times, but I can't help but find you on ever corner. In the flower shops, laying among the soft petals. In the warmth of the bakeries and restaurant, beckoning me. Swirling in the air around me, shining in the stars above me. It's not the first city I've found you in and I'm certain it won't be the last.
I know I have so much to say to you. Secrets and truths that have been on the tip of my tongue since the night we met, pleading to be told. Oh how desperate I was on our last night together, aching to tell you everything. Again, I'm sorry, for I'm making you wait. I know you hate me, enough to cry for me, enough to marry me. I was once told my parents hated each other as well, and I had never seen love like theirs.
I hope you're staying warm as the days get colder, maybe planting vegetables in your garden in the back. Pumpkins grow well against the wall of the house and my mum has a wonderful pumpkin soup recipe. I'll dream of you tonight, and maybe every night, in our kitchen with the pretty blue apron around your hips, filling our house with a warmth only you could bring. My radio playing in the background, I'll wish to be sat there with you, argue over how you under-cooked the pumpkin just because I like the color of your pink cheeks when we fight.
Stay safe for me Daisy for I need a home to come home to.
-The Harry Styles x
Cold winds come with fall, blowing into the bakery every time the door is even slightly cracked. Daisy's lucky enough to be on oven duty, staying warm in the back while Robin works the counter. She's been working with him for almost a month now, finally skilled enough to help decorate the Halloween cookies and package them. Robin does most of the baking, but she always helps, and every time she finds a recipe of interest he goes out of his way to teach her to make it. Daisy finds working at the bakery to be quite wonderful. It's a good way to spend her time and she's never been good at cooking despite her mother's hard efforts to teach her. Meredith isn't much of a baker either so Daisy never learned that growing up either. It's exciting, working here. Like she's got a new hidden talent or secret that only her and Robin know.
It's only a matter of time before her mother or Summer starts questioning what she's been doing during the days, and she's dreading having to answer. Some may it find it silly but if she tells them about her new hobby she's afraid it'll lose its appeal. When she's here, everything is simple. She bakes and laughs with Robin, forgetting that men are fighting a few countries over. And if she's feeling particularly lonely, she can imagine that Harry's just at work, that she'll finish her goodies for the day and take them home in a box wrapped with pretty ribbon, body flushing when her husband praises her.
Even if it makes going home even more disappointing, Daisy will enjoy her time in the bakery. She's nearly curling the ribbon on a package of croissants for the girl on the other side of the counter when Robin says he's going to take the trash out back real quick. They were starting to close up when the lady came in, a Mrs. Weathers as Robin had greeted her, and he instructed y/n to quickly wrap her order. She carries the package over, smiling politely at Mrs. Weathers and charging her.
"You're Mr. Styles' fiancee aren't you?" She asks, counting out the coins in her purse. Her green eyes look Daisy up and down (as much as possible with the counter between them) but she looks more curious than judging.
"Yes ma'am."
Mrs. Weathers hums, accepting her change from Daisy. "Never thought I'd see the day he'd find a wife." Her tone is amused, mixed with a little bit of surprise, and her eyes shine at Daisy with a newfound respect.
"Why's that?" Daisy questions. She knows Harry's not well liked. He's not really liked at all, but everyone has their person. Maybe she's not Harry's person but her family made it so she is. And it turned out to be better than expected. So maybe she actually is his person and she never knew.
"I had a bit of a crush on him myself a few years ago." Mrs. Weathers admits, looking sheepish. "Tried to talk to him on the beach once, maybe get him to take me on a date in that pretty car of his. Barely spoke to me though. Ignored my flirting, even went as far as telling me I was desperate." Daisy cringes at the word. Harry used to hint at her being desperate too, but he never outright said it to her. If he had she thinks she would've hit him.
"I'm sorry," she apologizes, feeling the need to make up for Harry's rudeness. "He's got a sharp tongue and an ego big enough to keep his mouth flapping."
Mrs. Weathers laughs, waving her hand. "Don't apologize! It hurt at the time but I'm grateful he's the way he is. I probably would've married him and that would be awful. My husband Terry is the greatest love I've ever known."
Daisy smiles at the dreamy look in Mrs. Weathers eyes, but her chest aches for Harry. He may be rough on the edges, but she knows deep down he's sweet. He has a reason for all his actions, and maybe that's why he's terrible to everyone. A sort of test, wanting to see who cares enough to stick around. Or it could just be him knowing what he wants and being careless. Either way she's proud, knowing she was the one to turn him.
"It just takes him a bit to warm up." Daisy defends, "But I'm the lucky one that stuck around, I suppose."
Mrs. Weathers chuckles, picking up the package and nestling it in the crook of her elbow. "If you say so." She hums, adjusting her scarf and then she's heading out into the chilly air. Daisy stares at the door for a moment, thinking that Harry's actually a lot kinder than Mrs. Weathers and any other person that something bad to say about him.
Daisy's crouched on the lowest porch step, fingers begin to burn as she lights the last of the Jack-O-lanters her and Summer had carved yesterday. Harry had been right about the pumpkins, she grew so many that they were able to save two for soup, leave three on the steps here, and take two back to Summer's house.
Tossing the match to the side, Daisy watches the candle flicker through it's smile. She can't help but notice that this particular face has the same little bunny teeth as Harry, even if it's big smile is nothing like Harry's. Her heart sinks, eyes stinging as she pathetically imagines him. Not exactly sure how long she watches the flame dance, wishing it were Harry's eyes in front of her, she practically jumps out of skin when two hands jab her shoulders. "Boo!"
She almost falls off the porch steps as she leaps to her full height, the hands of Gemma being the one thing to steady her. "You scared me." Daisy says sheepishly, holding a hand to her racing heart.
"That was the point," Gemma teases, "it's Halloween." Her eyes look over Daisy, smiling falling. "And you're not dressed up at all."
Blushing, Daisy picks at the bow around her waist. "I was gonna be a kitten but I haven't had time to draw my nose and whiskers on. What are you?"
Gemma adjust the sleeves of the button up, tugging down the too-small sweater vest and holding her arms open. Her hip pops out sassily, "I'm Harry!" Daisy examines her again, realizing she's wearing her version of the outfit they mocked Harry about when wedding shopping. "I figured you could use a little Harry today, and I'm as close as it gets right now."
Daisy's glad she hadn't done her makeup yet, because Gemma's words send her to tears.
Dear Harry,
I've never been to Paris but I can't help but find comfort in the city knowing you're there. I'm sure it's not exactly what you were expecting for assignment; you've always been a front line man, but I'm grateful the universe is on my side this time.
I grew pumpkins like you suggested and your mother made the best soup for us after Halloween. I wish you could have been at the house with me. A girl came dressed up as a fighter pilot and I thought of how much you'd enjoy that. Gemma came over to hand out candy and stay the night, which was nice. The house is to big without you in it, but for some reason it made me miss you more.
While your secrets make me nervous, I respect your choice to wait to spill them. At first it drove me mad and I spent days like a tornado in the house. I've found a distraction though, one I think you'll be proud of. An old friend of you father's, Robin, has been teaching me to bake. His son's shipped out as well and we've found company in each other's presence. I don't like cooking, as you very much know, but I really enjoy baking. Maybe one day that'll be our routine. You'll come back from the war, safe and sound, and I'll bake lots of desserts for us to devour while you cook our meals. And of course your radio will be on, and maybe I'll make you dance with me. I happen to be a very good dancer when you're my partner, and no matter how much I try to fight it, you'll always be my greatest partner.
Stay safe for me Harry or I'll have no husband to bake for. With all my heart, Daisy o
Rain pelts against her umbrella, ice cold in the November air. It far too late for her to be out here, but at least it's a nice neighborhood. Not as nice as Harry's or Thomas', but still better than the one she grew up in. She doesn't dwell on that thought too long though, because she's still trying to figure out why she came here. Shivering, the red door stares back at her tear filled eyes, daring her to step forward and knock. She wants to, she really does. Wants to go inside, sit next to the wood burning stove she'd sat by with Harry that one time he brought her here. Maybe drink some tea. Maybe wrap a blanket around her frame and cry. It felt too empty to cry in their house. Her sobs echoed and rattled, reminding her she was alone.
Still in her pajamas, she'd thrown on one of Harry's peacoats and grabbed the umbrella from the coat closet, running through two streets worth of puddles. Her soaked socks remind her of that.
Sniffling, Daisy wipes her eyes with the cuffs of the coat, finally stepping onto the welcome mat. Inhaling shakily, she knocks before she can duck out and spend all night crying in the street. Harry would be so upset with her if he found out she was even out right now. He told her not to worry, yet here she was.
It takes minute for the door to be answered, lights flicking on upstairs, and then on the staircase, and then in the living room. Daisy wills herself to calm down, bouncing anxiously as the door swings open.
Anne has wrapped her robe around her nightgown, rollers mussed in her hair, and eyes bleary but her eyes widen when she meets Daisy's red rimmed ones. "Oh dear, come in! Get out of the rain!"
She waves her in, Daisy's umbrella dripping water on the rug as she closes it and places it in the rack. Anne shuts and locks the door behind her, immediately reaching to help Daisy out of her son's coat. "I'm sorry," Daisy mumbles, shaking off the damp fabric. Helpless, she watches Anne hang it by the door, bottom lip trembling with surpressed cries.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" Anne coos gently, reaching forward to push back her wet hair. Daisy crumbles under the affection, chest aching so bad she thinks it might crack open to reveal her longing heart to the cruel world. "Are you hurt?"
She shakes her head, finally breaking down. Her body shakes against Anne, shoulders hunching as her mother-in-law wraps her arms around Daisy. Anne shushes her, rubbing her hand in soothing circles over her back. "It's okay darling. You can talk to me."
Somehow, Daisy manages to choke out the one thought swirling through her brain. "I miss him so much." It's simple, but the words make her cry even more after finally admitting it. She didn't realize how much she enjoyed being around Harry, how much better he made her days. Being without him is like missing the broth in the soup, the flour in a loaf of bread, the roots of a plant. Nothing feels right and she hates it.
"Oh darling, I know." Anne coos, stroking her soggy hair tenderly. Daisy feels small in her arms, cradled like a girl as small as Kitty even though her feet are on the ground and not around Anne's waist. She thinks back on when she wishes she were as tiny as her sister, innocent to this kind of hurt, and she can't help but think this night was born out of that wish. Maybe the universe started a war, drafted the one boy she may one day love, just because she was being sad and petty. It's stupid, Hitler's not invading previous German land because she wished to be little again. But it does feel nice to have Anne hold her, tell her she understands. All Meredith’s ever done is tell her to grow up, act her age, learn to cook, get married, have kids. Everything she always felt like she could never do.
“He’s really irritating but I want him back.” Daisy murmurs around trembling breaths, beginning to calm down. Anne laughs, whispering an agreement before pulling back enough to see her face. She strokes her cheeks tenderly, motherly.
“Let’s her you dry clothes and a cup of tea, yeah?” Daisy nods shyly, letting Anne guide her up the stairs and into a random bedroom. She digs through the dresser, pulling out a cotton tee and striped pajama bottoms. The same pajama bottoms Harry owns multiple pairs of. “These were his favorites as a boy. Don’t fit him now but I can’t get rid of them.”
Daisy changes into them in the bathroom, recognizing the scent of Harry immediate. He still smells the same today but more manly. Maybe it's that nice cologne he wears that makes him smell older, more mature. But his teen scent is comforting too. The two of them, feeling small but together. It makes her ache a bit more, but she smiles at it. Maybe Harry's thinking about her, smirking as he fall asleep and imagining her crying. Soulmates maybe, reaching out to jab at her throbbing heart. It's a very Harry thing to do, she thinks.
And she continues to think of him when she crawls into his childhood bed, an old record player playing an album he loved as a kid, with her mug of tea on his old nightstand. Buried in his sheets, it almost feels like he's there too. That's how it should be, husband and wife, buried next to each other forever.
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Six: The Key
JJ x Original Character
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you guys are really gonna like this one...
You've ever had that moment in life where you've forgotten something so important that you feel physical pain once you've remembered? If you have, you know exactly what I mean.
A couple months ago, Sarah and I were planning to hang out and I wanted to sleep over. I had packed everything the night before to make sure I didn't forget anything. I had made a list for the first time in forever and I double checked before I left. Yet, once I got to Sarah's house I remembered one thing I forgot. Something I didn't even think to put on the list. Pads. I had gotten my period that night and I had to go looking through Sarah's bathroom cabinet to find a pad like a raccoon. Once I realize I had forgotten it, this awful feeling of dread came over me because I knew I messed up.
I hate that feeling.
When we get to the dock, I got that same feeling. I realized we forgot something; the key. Like idiots, we forgot the thing that starts the damm boat. I swear to god sometimes I think we all share one brain cell.
Although I remember this key piece of information, I don't let them know until the boat is in the water. Once the boat is in the water, I finally decide to break the news to them.
"Wow, guys," Pope chuckled, looking at all of us. "With twenty minutes to spare."
JJ and Kiara are smiling with Pope and I'm expecting a group hug but I know I'm gonna have to rain on their parade.
"Um, guys," I clear my throat. They're all joking around and fist bumping each other and I'm just watching. I kinda feel bad. "There's one problem."
They all look to me, waiting for me to be a little more precise. They all move closer to me and I look to JJ, who is as clueless as a snail.
"What?" He asks me, clearly being able to see that I'm pissed.
"How the hell is John B. gonna be able to start the car without the key?"
I don't think I've seen Kiara get so mad at JJ so quickly. They always have their mini fights here and there but this time she's pissed. "You forgot the key?!"
JJ rolls his eyes. "Sorry Kie, I was a bit distracted by the crazy Kooks trying to kill us all day!"
I want to step in and try to mediate since the both have reasons to be upset but I look to Pope for reassurance and he looks to me and shakes his head. Apparently getting between Kiara and JJ was a bad idea. So, I stay silent along with Pope as Kiara and JJ battle it out.
"I gave you two small tasks. I even wrote them down!" Kiara raises her voice, her hands coming up to her face to rub her temples.
JJ smirks. "Chill Kie, I gotta plan."
Kiara rolls her eyes. "Great. You've got a plan. Ya hear that guys, JJ has a plan. Well, that makes me feel better." Kiara's voice is filled with sarcasm and JJ knows it.
JJ let's out a loud sigh before turning to me. "Callie, you're gonna help me."
I frown. "Why do you always pick me when we have to get in trouble?"
"Because he -" Pope begins to say before Kiara elbows him.
JJ glares at Pope for a second before looking back at me. "Who says we're doing anything dangerous?"
I roll my eyes. "Fine, then what are we doing?"
JJ scratches his head. "We're gonna..." He looks to his house for a moment then back to me.
Then, it clicks. "No." I glare at JJ. "I'm not gonna steal the key from your dad."
"Yeah. If he wakes up, he'll kill you guys." Kiara pipes in, patting my shoulder.
JJ shook his head quickly. "Callie." Once he says my name, my eyes instantly meet his. He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me closer to him. "Nothing will happen to you. I promise."
He's so serious and calm as he says this I can't help but believe him. Last week I wouldn't have trusted JJ with anything, let alone my life but now it's different. I feel something for JJ. Something I don't have time to figure out just yet.
I nod. "Okay. What's the plan?"
"You're a psycho." I angrily whisper to JJ. I can't speak normally because I'm in his house and of I talk normally, his dad will wake up.
He's just told me his plan to get the key and now I'm sure we'll die. The key is on a chain hanging around his father's neck and the only way JJ can think of to get it off is to cut the chain. Not only is this a bad idea, it will get us killed. If either of us makes one wrong move, then JJ's dad will wake up and see what we're doing. Then I can only imagine the suffering I'll endure.
"My dad can sleep through a tornado. He won't even know we're here." JJ shrugs, totally nonchalant about the hibernating bear on his couch.
I take a deep breath. "Fine. Let's just do this."
I tiptoe behind JJ as we make our to the couch where his dad is sleeping. As I move around his cluttered house, I'm surprised. Of course, I never expected his living quarters to be four stars, but at least one would make me happy. No wonder JJ rarely goes home. Not the mention the mean man waiting for him each time he gets home.
The house is a complete mess and from what I can tell, it's mostly at the fault of his father, not JJ. There's empty beer bottles and spare parts. Two things JJ would never bring home, let alone scatter all over his house. It's obvious his dad has never cleaned up after himself which just angers me. Not only does he beat his son, he is beyond ok with letting his son live in these conditions. Maybe I do want him to wake up, so I can beat the shit out of him.
Once we get close enough to JJ's dad, JJ looks to me and extends his hand outward. I take the scissors that I found on the boat from my pocket and give them to JJ. He slowly reaches for them, careful not to even make a creak. I can't even tell if JJ and I are breathing because that's how quiet we are trying to be.
Once JJ grabs ahold of the scissors, he moves closer to his dad's face. This time I'm sure JJ and I aren't breathing. The only loud thing I can hear is my heartbeat which is beating so loud I'm sure it's gonna wake up JJ's dad any minute. I try to take small breaths through my nose and try to stay calm but that proves to be difficult because I watch JJ pick the chain with the key up with his index finger and slowly bring the scissors to the chain.
He slowly but surely slides the blades down on the chain and they make a small sound, definitely not loud enough for his dad to hear. JJ tries again. He reopens the blades and then closes them again, this time they sound even louder. Yet again, the scissors aren't strong enough to cut the chain.
JJ slowly places the chain back on his father's chest and turns to me, scissors still in hand. His brows are scrunched together and I know this means he has an idea. And if I know JJ, it's a stupid idea.
I raise my eyebrows at him. What is he planning. He shifts a little to the right and places the scissors on the table in front of the couch where his father sleeps. There's barely any room on the table with all the junk but he makes room. He then looks back to me and smirks.
I have no idea what he's about to do. Then, he turns back to his dad and does it. He grabs onto the chain with his entire hand and rips it off his dad's neck in a second, breaking the clasp.
I wanna scream at him. I'm wanna punch him. Although I want to, I can't because JJ's dad grumbles, waking up from his deep sleep.
JJ grabs my hand and quickly pushes me into his kitchen and under the table, away from his dad's eyeline. We're both so damn quiet, I'm sure we're not breathing again.
Since we're under the table, we can't see JJ's dad but we can hear him. He wakes up and gets up from the couch. He stretches and wakes closer to the kitchen.
JJ squeezes onto my hand. I forgot that we're still holding hands. I squeeze back and look at him. He gives me a half smile but I know he's terrified.
Just as I think JJ's dad is gonna walk into the kitchen, he passes it completely and makes his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
I let out a sigh. "Holy shit."
JJ let's go of my hand. "I thought we were dead."
I scowled. "Yeah we almost did, you ass. Why'd you do that?"
JJ shrugged, smiling at me in a way I can't explain. "I got the key, didn't I?"
I smirked, not being able to contain my happiness. "Sure. But seriously, next time I'm planning -"
I can't even reprimand JJ anymore because he's cuped my face in his hands and is kissing me. JJ is kissing me. It takes me a moment to realize what's going on and at first I'm not kissing him back. My body is limp because I'm in total shock.
I think he gets scared of my reaction because he let's me go and starts apologizing. "Callie, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm really -"
And now im kissing him. Both of my arms wrap around his neck and I dive forward to kiss him. These emotions have been building up since last night and now I'm finally expressing them. Once JJ reacts to me kissing him, he's kissing me back fiercely. His hands are my waist, pulling my upper body closer to him. We're crouched down under this stupid table but I'm having the time of my life. I've never kissed anyone like this.
He tastes like mint gum which I didn't think he would taste like, especially since I haven't seen him chew any gum since I met him. I wonder what I taste like to him.
We hear the toilet flush. This is what makes us pull apart. JJ's dad will be out any second and we haven't left yet.
We scurry out from under the table and JJ helps me up from the ground.
With his hand in mine, we run out of his dad's front door. We cut across the side of his house and run across his backyard. We pass the jacuzzi which is now drained. I can't believe that not even 24 hours ago I was having my first real conversation with JJ and now I'm running hand in hand with him. A lot can change in one day.
Once we make it to the dock, we see Kiara and Pope sitting on the ledge waiting for us. Once our steps are heard on the dock, Kiara looks up at us and smiles.
"You got it?"
Kiara and Pope both stand up once we get closer to them. JJ takes the key, still dangling on the chain, and holds it in front of Kiara and Pope.
"Told you I got it." He hands it to Kiara.
Kiara has the biggest grin on her face. "I always believed in you man."
"Bullshit." JJ laughs, looking to me.
That's when I realize our hands are still interlocked. Embarrassed, I let go and move slightly away from JJ, giving him space. He frowns at me and suppress a smile. Everything he does makes me laugh. If this is what liking someone feels like then I don't think I ever liked Rafe.
Once Kiara puts the key I'm her pocket, she extends her arms, ready for a group hug. We all extend our arms with her and all hug. We're yelling and screaming, joking about how crazy this day has been. I've never felt so appreciated, so loved by anyone in my entire life.
I understand why being a Pogue is so awesome. Being a Kook, there's not much room for community and family but here, I feel like we're our own little family. A week ago I would've never understood why Sarah loved hanging out with John B. and his friends but now I do.
Now I do.
I look up from our group hug and JJ is watching me. I smile at him and he winks at me.
I want to roll my eyes but I don't. I just watch him as he watches me. We're in the moment and I don't think I've ever felt as alive as I do now.
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