banannabethchase · 10 months
My current project led to my discovery of the term "consentacles" and I haven't stopped laughing in 5 minutes.
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forgettable-au · 2 months
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No context little thing that is based on an actual scene I have in mind for the main comic
I wonder if some of you guys will catch the reference (not that hard I think) and connect the dots to where this whole story is going
This is important believe it or not
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aashimaar · 21 days
kacchan of the bakugous' no good very bad year*
*(Its actually just over a year but sshhh!)
a non-exhaustive (and yet I am exhausted) timeline that asks the question: what if you got your world view rocked so hard and so frequently that it made you a better person?
Prologue: April
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The Sludge Villain Incident: All the pro's compliment his bravery and invite him to be a sidekick for them someday but look at his face. He was rescued by quirkless Deku and All Might and he Can't. Accept it. ("Don't look down on me!!") Also his first real brush with death. Happy birthday! Somehow I don't think this was how he wanted to meet All Might, either.
And so one year later:
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So we start with Deku vs Kacchan, wherein Kacchan has his mental rocked on the very first day of class when, even though he scored first in the entrance exam, his classmates are stronger than him and point out his mistakes, and he vows that this is the last time he'll be defeated.
Next is the USJ attack and oh shit's real now, this is the second time in two years he's been attacked by actual villains trying to kill him
Happy birthday!
Sports Festival, and he wins but it isn't a total victory like he wanted. He didn't win the race, or the calvary battle, and How can he prove to himself Deku All Might everyone that he's the best if his opponents refuse to go all out? Why did Todoroki only do that for Deku? Why wasn't he good enough to get his best effort??
Final exams and he gets the snot (and worse) beat out of him by All Might and Deku actually yells at him because for the first (and last) time in his life Katsuki says this:
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Two Heroes, fighting villains again, what's going on with All Might?
and then...
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Training camp/ getting kidnapped by the LOV, and if only he'd been stronger they wouldn't have taken him, and why the fuck does everyone think he should be a villain?!
Kamino Ward and All Might losing his powers and no, he would have gotten out on his own, Deku and Kirishima and Iida just happened to have been the best option at the time...
Failing the provisional license exam (falling behind his classmates again!)
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Deku vs Kacchan 2: AKA “Don’t you dare worry about me! Attack me! Why won’t you fight back!? Why did I end up having to chase after someone who was always so far behind me!? Why did a damn small fry like you get strong, and become the number one hero’s sidekick – his favorite!? You got so much better! And I destroyed All Might! I admired him so much…but it’s because of me that he ended up losing his power! If I had been stronger…if I hadn’t been kidnapped by villains, then it never would have happened. All Might knows it was my fault but hasn’t said anything. Everyone has to know though! I can’t get it out of my head! It’s like it’s constantly playing on loop, so what the hell am I supposed to DO!?”
He and Izuku are proper rivals now. He learns the truth about One For All and starts helping Izuku to train his power. They get put on house arrest but it's worth it (right?)
Izuku and his other classmates take part in a raid of Shie Hassaikai (gotta catch up, can't fall behind). Katsuki starts remedial classes.
School festival. He overhears general studies students complaining about the hero course, is reluctant to join the band because it'll seem like a slap in the face from the hero course who caused their stress. "Stop trying to get on their good side! We're not here to make friends! We're here to fight! If we're gonna put on a show then we can't hold anything back! Let's murder everyone at UA with killer music!" Katsuki joins the band. (AKA Katsuki's survivor's guilt about Kamino is redirected through the power of friendship.)
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Heroes Rising- accepting OFA even though it means Izuku loses his power that he's worked to hard to make his own because they need to win to save, right? Waking up in the hospital with his arms broken, no memory of how they did it (unless....?)
Finaallly getting his provisional license and feeling like he can catch up; actually achieving a perfect victory in hero training; and then Izuku gets another quirk.
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Learning about the Todoroki's; Izuku projecting hard onto Icy Hot about forgiveness right in front of his mapo tofu
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World Heroes Mission, getting stabbed a whole lot; Deku saves the world with someone else by his side this time (seriously what's with Izuku's ability to turn everyone around him into a hero?! Also why are Izuku and Roddy like that?)
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War with the Paranormal Liberation Front, he's the only one who can support Izuku when Shigaraki is looking for One For All because he's the only one who knows. His body moves on its own; he gets stabbed AGAIN. (He finally gets it now, what Izuku had meant when he saved him from the sludge villain a year ago.)
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Waking up in the hospital and Izuku is in a coma, then he disappears before Katsuki gets to say what he's been wanting to say to him for a while now.
((Release the letter Hori (-_-))
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Finally apologizing and bringing Izuku back, (and somewhere along the way "Don't look down on me!" turned into "Stop trying to win this on your own!" and "You've made every right choice as OFA's successor, but I can see that you're lost right now.")
My Hero Academia: You're Next- Whatever the FUCK is about to happen during the new movie (if he gets impaled AGAIN, istg.)
Happy birthday you crazy kid.
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The war. "Can I still catch up to you, Izuku?" Also: This is probably when he remembers that he once held One for All
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Defeating All for One, declaring himself the final boss; saving All Might, and: "I'm the guy who steps in when the nerd can't handle it all on his own." and: "[Izuku] ...feels like I could even surpass you right now!" and "Izuku, I'll no longer get in your way." AND: "I'm Kacchan of the Bakugous, you dumbass!"
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"Do your best, Izuku!" "Don't you dare let me surpass you, Izuku!"
And Izuku wins with a punch that he propelled him through that literally changes the weather. They win. ("This is... our story!!" oh my god he literally has done such a 180.)
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And now Izuku doesn't have his quirk anymore.
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"I guess I thought... we'd be competing... and I'd be on your heels... for the rest... of our.. lives..."
In summary: Kacchan of the Bakugou's had such a no-good-very-bad-year wherein he got his shit rocked so hard and so frequently that he became a better person through the power of letting go and living well jk pulling his head out of his ass, learning to rely on other people, and, honestly, after putting this whole thing together, probably definitely also falling in love.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk!
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always thought it would be
but it’s gonna be no illusion
Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always dreamt about it
but it’s gonna be really happenin’ to ya
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#this is one of my favorite pokémon of ALL time. this is one of those pokémon that#when it first came out‚ i had such a Visceral reaction to. i couldn't get over this fucking dog. and i still can't#THEY CAN'T FUCKING SEE!!!!!! AHJGSAKDGASJGDSKCGAJVCKABCKB#i love it SO much it's so fucking. cute. it's so fucking cute. so happy to see that blue haired bitch in the sv dlc having one#DAS IST MEIN BABY. I LOVE IT. lord this is the best. gushing over this dog#while also listening to discO-zone for the first time in a Long time#which is one of my favorite albums of all time. right next to probably vylet pony's cutiemarks and the things that bind us#and burn pygmalion from the scary jokes#there you go. there's my music taste lain out flat. kinda all over the place but discO-zone is one of those that i've loved since i was#a real youngin. and i just rediscovered it last night and UUUUUUUGGHHHH IT'S SO GOOD#MUSIC!!!! AND DOGS. feeling GOOD this morning#by the time this posts‚ it'll be like. two weeks later. but past me was feeling great when she posted this#about to start shiny hunting pawniard for a friend's birthday. technically getting eggs as i write this#wish me luuuuck..! it'll probably be his birthday by the time this posts. lemme check#oh yeah this is gonna post two days After his birthday. hopefully by the time this goes up i've already got the pawniard#HI FORGOT TO TAG THIS ONE#hisuian growlithe#hi from the future again lol his birthday was like a month ago by this point because i ended up queueing up this guy before all the gmax#forms. i totally forgot them. and this whole time i've been queuing them up and shoving them Above this guy. so it was even longer ago#that i queued this guy up at this point. teehee!
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bestagons · 30 days
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What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 4 + Familect (article)
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lizethdraws · 3 months
Lize, i might have an idea for a shitpost, draw rook but with the miette monologue
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windupiceheart · 2 years
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A Knight to Remember
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paimonial-rage · 4 months
otome isekai snippets - geo boys
synopsis: in which your favorite characters get dropped into a random stereotypical isekai plot of the author's choosing characters: albedo, gorou, itto, zhongli notes: title, synopsis, then snippet
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Albedo - Protecting the Hero With Love
The hero’s journey was met with betrayal from every end, the first of which from his adoptive guardian, Duke Kreideprinz, who experimented on him endlessly as a child in an attempt to use his unique mana to defy the gods. Reborn as the hero’s sibling, there was no way you would be letting your brother go down such a harsh path! First obstacle? You would stop the duke from ever taking notice of your brother! Wait, what do you mean marriage!?
“Goodnight!” You exclaimed as you slammed your bedroom door shut.
You ignored the heat that flooded your cheeks as you fled to the comforting embrace of your bed. Your hands shook as you took your fluffiest pillow, buried your face into it…
And screamed.
Something was wrong. Something was very very wrong. Why in the world was he doing things like… that!? Dining with you every evening, placing his hand upon your waist in public, walking to your room at night and taking your hand to kiss while he looks up at you with those piercing blue–
You screamed into your pillow again. 
What in the world was going on!? He wasn’t supposed to be like this! By saving his sister from her terrible fate, you planned to prevent him from even taking interest in your brother’s mana. He was supposed to thank you with a sum of money and then send you on your way. His offer of a marriage contract as a form of protection for you and your brother came as a surprise, but when he simply stated it would be a benefit to him as well, you agreed. Since it was a mutually beneficial arrangement, he certainly had no reason to take interest in you.
So why in the world was he–
You slammed your fist into the pillow.
You knew the duke! Not only did you know him from the book, but you even heard rumors of him before you even met him in this world! He was supposed to be a loner! He was dismissive of most of his peers! He preferred the company of beakers and potions to actual people! The only person he truly cared about was his sister! So what in the world was that!? Just as his lips brushed against your fingers, he gazed up at you with those seafoam eyes and–
“So you don’t mind if I pursue you seriously then?”
You flopped forward onto your pillow and buried your face into it. Your heart couldn’t take this. Especially not when he looked at you like that. 
gorou, itto, and zhongli under the cut!
Gorou - I’m Not the Villainess Anymore!
It was the classic tale told many times past of a beautiful, yet pitiful woman that was saved by a handsome man. Together they overcame jealous villainesses, corrupt politicians, and jealous older siblings to live happily ever after. But that was not your story. You, as the jealous ultimate villainess, were exiled to a lonely monastery at the edge of the kingdom. But you know what? It was about time! Finally, you can live your life unfettered by the chains of the novel! But if that was the case, why does the head knight keep bothering you!? Your job as the villainess is done! It’s about time he left you alone!
You bit your lip as you scrubbed that light spot in the corridor for the fiftieth time. Who would have thought that after months of getting General Gorou to leave, the moment your wish came true you wanted nothing more than to keep him here with you. You knew his strengths and accomplishments. You knew he wouldn’t be taken down easily. But the thought that he’d be going up against the Shogunate…
You gritted your teeth and pressed your scrubber even harder into the spot. 
Who cared? Regardless of what happened, Sangonomiya Kingdom had nothing to do with you. Your job there was done. And once General Gorou left, you’d finally be free. You’d finally be able to live your life the way you wanted to. You would be able to leave the monastery behind, jump on a ship to a land far away, and restart your life there. And–
You froze when you heard the sound of hooves accompanied with a familiar voice. 
“Woah there! Jeez, I know you’re happy to go running again, but this won’t be for fun, boy.”
General Gorou? Was he leaving already?
Your heart caught in your throat as you tossed everything to the side and dashed toward the front doors. Throwing them open, you froze upon seeing the general securing the last of his luggage to his trusted steed. And when his eyes fell upon you, he froze in return. Was he at a loss of what to say just like you? But by the steely expression that soon overtook his face, it seemed he found his words first.
“I’ll return safely to you, I promise.”
You wanted to laugh in response. He’ll return safely? How could he promise such a thing so easily? The Shogun’s army was mighty and the Sangonomiya Kingdom was so small. Sure, he was a mighty warrior. Sure, he proved himself in battle many times over, but that didn’t mean–
He took your hands and squeezed them tightly.
“I’ll come back to you safely. I promise. So…” He then cupped your cheek and smiled that adorable smile of his. “Don’t worry too much, okay? Make sure to eat your vegetables. And don’t get into fights with the priest. Oh! And the children adore you, so I’ll check to see you set a good example for them when I return.”
Disbelief exploded from your chest in the form of a bark of laughter. 
“Don’t scold me right before you march to your death! Don’t worry about me! Just…” You turned away as tears filled your eyes. “Just come back alive.”
Itto - My Seventh Round of Life
You lived six lives before this one, each ending in failure. Murder, sickness, betrayal—the list goes on. You did everything right. You fulfilled all the duties of each life, and still each time ended in your early demise. So when you woke up for the seventh time, you decided you had enough. You’ll give life one last chance. This time you’ll make your own decisions! Although… getting caught by a gang of bandits certainly was not one of them!!!
“You can’t just… do this!!! They’re not going to allow it!” You exclaimed as you tried to pull the big burly oni back. 
You had no clue what in the world made him think it was okay to simply set up a stage in the middle of such an illustrious city, but here was this big dope doing so! Didn’t he know what could happen? What if permits were needed? What if everybody was arrested for the fifth time this month!? But much to your dismay, Itto erupted in a big belly laughter at your despair.
“C’mon, First! Why are you getting your obi all tied in a knot? It’s not a big deal. We've done this maaaany times and it always turned out fine. Just trust me! It’s gonna be a riot!”
You wanted to scream. Of course, he wouldn’t see anything wrong with this. Didn’t this guy have any sense of self-preservation? But when you turned to Shinobu for assistance, there she was supervising the setup of the stage. Was literally everyone in this accursed gang insane?
Upon noticing your distressed expression, Itto let out a sigh. Soon you were wincing as a huge hand ruffled your carefully styled hair. 
“Don’t worry, I get it! You’re standing here brought to tears over worrying about your great boss. It’ll be fine!” But when your expression didn’t change, his turned stern. “Look, if you spend all your time racking your brain over hows-its and whats-its, you’ll get all old and pruney before you know it. You only live once. Might as well make it worth it, right?”
You wanted to laugh. If only he knew this was your seventh life. You got killed for less. But… unlike your previous lives, it wasn’t as if the Arataki Gang was involved in anything illegal. Their antics only incurred, not the threat of bows and spears, but the rolling of eyes. You left your old life away too. They didn’t want you anymore. So… perhaps… Perhaps it couldn’t be that bad?
Your shoulders dropped.
So when he jumped in front of the crowd with fireflies strapped to his horns and the rest of the gang jumping and dancing around him, the audience hooted and hollered with glee. With the music twanging high in the air and the children of the city rushing around you, somewhere along the line you found yourself laughing along too. It felt odd. Weird. Like there was a lightness in your chest you never felt before. 
Was this what it felt like to live?
Zhongli - I Didn’t Mean to Sleep With the Celestial Emperor
Every century, the celestial emperor came down to the Kingdom of Liyue to grace his people with the divine knowledge needed to flourish until his return. After enjoying the week-long festival in the harbor to your heart’s content, you were excited for the main event. But as the celestial emperor descended from the heavens, what filled your chest was not awe, but confusion. Wasn’t he the guy you slept with last night?
“It has been said that while the Harbor represents the will of Liyue, Qingce Village represents its heart. It is a joy to see that it has remained just as I remembered.” 
“O-Oh, is that so?” You asked as the corner of your smile twitched slightly.
You didn’t know how it came to this, bringing the celestial emperor around Liyue, that is. When you first saw his face, you nervously assumed you were mistaken. You clearly saw him descend from the heavens, after all. The man you spent a passionate evening with the night before certainly could not be him. But when he locked eyes with you from the parapet, dread filled your stomach. 
You tried. You really did. The moment the procession was over, you upped and headed straight to the inn to pack your belongings to leave and leave to anywhere out of Liyue Harbor. But that would’ve been too easy. No, the moment you rushed downstairs and paid your bill, you turned to run straight into a young adeptus and was therefore whisked over to the man himself. 
Though it would have been weird, you would have been fine if he simply wished to thank you for the evening, but things were never that simple, were they? No, when you were brought before him, he said that you promised to show him the delights of Liyue. You said he could take it as a verbal contract between you both and he wished to cash in on it.
Now, let it be said that you didn’t mean it. After having had a few drinks last night, you were in the mood to flirt and really, could you be held accountable for what came out of your mouth? You didn’t think he’d hold you to it! But at the same time, how could you refuse!? Only a fool would invalidate a contract made with the very being of contracts! 
So here you were bringing the celestial emperor around as if he were some random normal traveler from a foreign land trying to hide from the common folk the divinity that oozed off of him in waves. It certainly did not help that he was handsome to boot and could steal hearts with a simple smile. And when he directed all that at you…?
“To be able to share this view with you…” His amber eyes glowed with warmth. “Your presence makes this trip even more of a delight.”
You couldn’t think straight.
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sysig · 1 month
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An eye for a life, unquestionably worth it (Patreon)
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twilight-trackss · 9 months
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meatballsander · 1 year
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Decided to get silly and draw the inverse of the iconic "Victory Soldier" poster. And make it Heavymedic, of course.
Inspiration, progress pics, and alt versions under the cut
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This poster! Always been a fan.
Initially I was gonna keep the same setting & color scheme, but the original poster distinctly has the top two thirds warm tones/bottom third cool tones. If I wanted to keep the piece cohesive it'd have to be RED Heavymedic vs BLU Soldier. And the more I thought about that the less it felt explicitly like Heavymedic fanart and more like propaganda for the RED team.
So I set it on Snowycoast! Its sky box and layout let me have cool top thirds/warm bottom third. Also it's one of the most beautiful maps in the game and I love drawing night scenes. Literally no downsides.
Progress pics!
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Textless version, and an alt text version I made at the request of a friend:
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And finally, since you've reached the bottom, some memes I made while working on it.
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eddis-not-eeddis · 7 months
I need some prayers. My health is really bad right now, and i might lose my job.
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add1ctedt0you · 10 months
An interesting theme, imo, in mdzs is the sheer tiredness you must feel when dealing with someone who, having been dead for more than a decade, is still the same person as before, while you aren't anymore.
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atti-rambles · 29 days
i can't BELIEVE dungeon meshi is making me think about a divorced man... what fiction does to a lesbian with father issues... i need to go to a bar with that guy, i NEED to call his ass old as hell okay
he is the older coworker like 2 times older than me i bitch about customers with okay. i literally thrive in those relationships. i NEED to get advice from him while i slowly decrypt his vague mentions of his live.
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mirnightghost · 2 months
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In general, these two are associated with stars and for me they are in the star spectrum, so yeah, we call this otp/duo starfalls. Because both are fallen stars-
This artwork took me a lot of time and concentration, but I’m glad that I finished it :")
Oh, by the way- It's not visible here, but I see Bucky with a blue star on his arm, since red stars never meant anything good...maybe one day I'll draw designs to show it better
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