#I'd love to talk to my followers but it seems that nobody really wants to interact with me
jasonsthunderthighs · 2 years
Hi, I'm a mod for the Sandman Big Bang @sandmanbigbang. We're just about to kickstart the event! Our interest checks open February 6, and sign ups open March 6! If you can't participate can you signal boost the event? Our FAQ and schedule are up on the blog, and our askbox is always open for questions, so feel free to ask -Mod Guess
Just got back from my small little break, I guess.
Mate, if you read my latest post, you'd see that I've been goin through shit, and this event ISN'T a good way to help what I'm goin through.
I've got two jobs to keep myself alive and not homeless.
I barely sleep as is and don't even have the mental capacity to come back on here to post every day. (Hence why I spam then leave for a few days, or if I DO feel like it, I'll post twice or thrice in a row.)
My close friend that I considered a brother died last month and I'm still figurin out how to fuckin deal with that shit.
As much as I love The Sandman and writin, I can't.
And I wouldn't anyways. Too much work for me to do.
Just at least read someone's blog to see what they're doin or whatever instead of copy and pastin spam message everybody for this.
If you want a story of The Sandman that I wrote, go to the “The Sandman” tag and scroll down to read what I wrote Sandman related.
Other than that and bein an annoyance to my already dried up and dyin ask box that's been abused for months,
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
I saw your requests say open, but I know you're struggling with motivation to get content out so absolutely no pressure for you to do this.
I'd really love a Wanda x diabetic!reader shot where reader isn't looking after themselves very well and isn't checking their blood sugar. They've been feeling bad the last couple of days and keep trying to sleep it off. They end up having a seizure due to their bloods being so low and Wanda gives a stern but needed talking to.
Again, no pressure for you to write this but it'd be strongly appreciated. Thank you :)
Feeling Low
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Diabetic! Avenger! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: After having a seizure due to ignoring your low blood sugar, Wanda gives you a much needed talking to. 
Angst, Comfort.
Warnings: Mentions of Low Blood levels, Reader has a Seizure| 0.8K
AC: Thank you for sending this, please note that I am not diabetic, so I only write this based off research. If I have said anything wrong, please don’t hesitate to let me know so I can come back and fix it. I hope you enjoy this x 
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Since the last mission was a bust, you swore to better yourself for the team. You worked harder in the gym, harder in training, longer making sure that mission reports had every single detail you could remember. On top of all of that, you’ve had little to no time for yourself. If you weren’t working on yourself, you were helping the young avengers with training and any other things they asked for. 
All this overworking yourself caught the eye of everybody in the team but especially Wanda. She’s your closest friend, how could she not notice the signs before anybody else? She has always kept an eye on you because you have always been there for her when nobody else was and being an Avenger has its risks. 
During the week, you started to feel unwell. You thought it was just all the extra work you’d been giving your body but the more you tried to sleep it off, you never felt better. You made your way downstairs to get yourself a bottle of water when it hit you. Your seizure took over and you fell to the cold floor. Your body moved uncontrollably, Wanda rushed to your aid, yelling out for help as she gently moved you, so you were laying on your side. Natasha called for medical who wasted no time rushing to help. 
Your eyes fluttered open slowly, you were tired, and your body ached. Wanda was sitting beside your bed in the medical bay reading a book you could barely read the title of. “What happened?” You asked in a soft mutter, your mouth felt dry. Wanda looked up at you, placing her book down after placing her bookmark on her current page. 
“You had a diabetic seizure” she replied. 
“W-what? No, I couldn’t have” you frowned, “I always check my levels” you added. 
“It seems like you haven’t been checking them for the last few days” Wanda lent forward, placing her hand on top of yours, “you’ve been working yourself to the ground to prove yourself when you don’t need too” she added. 
You shook your head, wanting nothing more than to avoid the conversation, “I must have just gotten busy and forgot” you argued, beating yourself up on the inside for letting this to happen. Wanda sensed that you weren’t in the mood to talk about your health right now and she didn’t want to push you. “Get some rest, you need it” she smiled softly reminding you just how tired you were. 
The next day, after you were discharged from the medical bay, you found Wanda waiting by your room. “Is everything okay?” You asked, opening the door to your room.
“We need to talk” Wanda replied, following after you and closing your door behind her. “Wands, you don’t need to give me the talk” you sighed. 
“I do” Wanda said sternly, “I need you to understand how important this is. This isn’t just another seizure or a mistake, Y/n” she added. You could hear the concern and worry in her tone as you turned to face her. 
“You’re my closest friend. I can’t lose you, okay? I’ve seen a lot of things but seeing you like that and there was nothing I could do? It broke me. I know you have this need to prove to us that you didn’t mean for that mission to go bust but ignoring your health and blood levels isn’t going to do that. We all love you; we know that what happened wasn’t your fault. Nobody is beating you up about it but yourself and I won’t allow you to do this to yourself. 
I will help you with whatever you need, you know I will. But I need you to promise me that you’ll take better care of your health. I don’t mind if you need me to remind you to check your levels or take your insulin, damn I will even follow you around with a stash of bananas if I need too” she added. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her last comment, your smile also bringing a smile to her lips. “I’m sorry I worried you” you replied, “I guess you’re right. I got carried away with work that I didn’t stop to think about myself, and I promise from now on I won’t let my levels get so low again” you added before embracing Wanda into a tight hug. You she needed it just as much as you did, she hugged you back just as tight. 
“I love you, please don’t forget that either” she said softly. 
“You literally just threatened to follow me around with a stash of banana’s, how could I not love you?” You replied as you both pulled away, causing you both to chuckle. “Have you checked your levels today?” She asked. 
“Yep! Wasn’t allowed to leave medical unless I had” you smiled. 
“Good, so they did listen to me” Wanda smirked.
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Taglist:  @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @karmasgxrl | @milkeeteaa | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @mostlymarvelsstuff | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @caporal-nino | @natashamaximoff-69 | @evilcr0ne | @boredandneedfanfics | @teganmiller | @ihavezeroclue13 | @tobiaslut | @anonwhowrites | @itsmelulu | @koinsss | @cigarsandscotchallday | @nuianced-tck-enby | @springsheep | @prentgarcialuvr | @stayevildarling | @mommysgoodlittlebrat | 
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genericpuff · 4 months
Ive read a few of your LO esaays (all of which are really well written!) But I was wondering something.
Many people talk about how Rachel loves the story Lolita, and has talked about it before, but nobody has ever shown screenshots. I was wondering if you had any or knew where to find any. This is just being curious, not doubting your statements
Ah so I actually responded to a comment just like this a while back on reddit with all the receipts (it was particularly someone who was claiming it was all "made up" because like you, they couldn't seem to get any proof of it, which is totally valid) so I just had to go and dig those back up haha
DISCLAIMER: I want to make it clear that a lot of people tend to run amok with these suspicious pieces of evidence towards Rachel either "thinking Lolita was a romance" or being a pedophile. I want to make it clear that I do not think any of this is proof towards either of these claims. I do not think that she blatantly thinks Lolita is a romance, or that she was trying to perpetuate pedophilia in any sort of way, just that she may have wanted to have her cake and eat it too by acknowledging the age gap but embracing it anyways as she does throughout LO. I think, at best, she's a terrible writer who's still using the things she liked when she was a teenager / young adult as inspiration without actually going back and re-analyzing those things with an updated 38-year-old viewpoint (as she does this with a lot of things, not just Lolita). Claiming that the following receipts is 'proof' of Rachel being some kind of sex pest / pedophile is at best not constructive at all for the real discussions to be had concerning LO's subtext, and at worst, a serious claim that can ruin someone's life if thrown around without cause. Let's please be responsible and level-headed in how we approach this topic.
Old MySpace + DeviantArt bios with her interests listed:
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Her old art site where she labels herself as a "lolita vamp" artist:
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Her intro post from a lolita-themed forum she ran:
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She does express that it's not THAT kind of lolita, which I'd like to think she never intended in the first place, but it's really telling that LO still manages to be that kind of lolita in a lot of ways, to the point that there are many scenes in LO that feel a little too similar to scenes from the 1990's Jeremy Irons adaptation, such as seen here.
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(the above image are song lyrics written about the book, Lolita)
Also despite Rachel saying it wasn't "that kind" of lolita, she still made it clear back in the 2017/2018 run of the comic on Tumblr that Hades is, indeed, a "grown ass man", and that Persephone is a teenager.
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And of course the proof is in the pudding, the comic itself is well aware of Persephone's age:
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(either Rachel has been using Apollo as a mouthpiece for criticism for years, or she seriously thought this was supposed to make Hades look like the better partner for Persephone because "look at how mean Apollo is" when... he's deadass spitting facts LOL)
As I mentioned in my disclaimer, I don't think Rachel herself is in any way a sex pest or a pedo or whatever you might jump to assuming. Rachel has a history of being inspired by things she watched when she was a child without ever actually going back to re-analyze it or ask herself if what she read was credible or real-
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(this isn't the only proof there is of her behaving this way, there's also the fact that she was clearly a huge Disney fan as a child but never asked herself why those movies worked as a piece of written media).
So again, I think at best she's just sort of dated herself by not going to the effort of researching the things she was into when she was a child, she tends to just throw things in that she likes haphazardly without a single thought as to why they worked in the first place or whether or not they would work in LO. Though this is a bit of a saltier opinion, I think when it comes to the Lolita thing specifically, I have a feeling she never actually read the book, just sorta did that thing where she watched the movie adaptation from the 90's and assumed that counted as reading the book and so she put it down as her favorite book / Nabokov as her favorite writer.
But none of that speculation really makes much difference because the evidence is 20+ years old. What does matter is that despite her tastes being what they were 20+ years ago, they're still present in LO and it's not even subtle, there are so many times Rachel has outright said both within the comic and outside of it that Hades is a "grown ass man" and Persephone is a literal teenager. Her fans, of course, will still go to the effort of explaining it on her behalf ("they're gods! ageing isn't a thing for them!" "how old you are doesn't matter when you can be immortal!" "well she probably doesn't mean LITERALLY 19, just like, the god version of it..."), but you can't deny what's coming from the horse's mouth - Hades and Persephone are in a relationship based on an intentionally massive age gap. Regardless of what completely speculative parallels we can draw between H x P and that of Lolita's Humbert Humbert and Dolores using 20 year old MySpace bios as evidence, Hades and Persephone having a massive and intentional age gap is undeniable fact made canon by the creator herself, no matter how you try and slice it.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 1 year
With the last breath IV
Word count: 1500+
Warnings: mentions of eating disorder
Part III || Part V
This week was a real rollercoaster full of bad luck. But since this chapter is ready I can post it. I'm working on the next one and I'd love to cut it somewhere to make it into two chapters, but can't find good place so it may come out as one really long one.
I'm sorry for any mistakes. English isn't my first language 😅
Several days passed since you woke up in Azriel's bed. You hid the dress soaked in his scent to the bottom of the wardrobe, often sitting down and burying face into the fabric. His scent helped you calm down and scare away bad dreams.
Since that day quite a lot had changed.
At first you thought you were crazy. Things were moving around or suddenly appearing in front of you. Repeatedly you saw movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turned around, nobody was there. It took you some time to figure it out. But once you found out there were Azriel's shadows following you around, it didn't scare you anymore. They were quite handy especially when you needed to find something.
As it made you incredibly happy that he cared enough to keep an eye on you, it was also a reminder of the biggest mistake you'd ever done, making you feel down and your stomach twist at times.
The shadows followed you literally everywhere which was sometimes really uncomfortable. You were sure they informed him about everything you did on that particular day, but how much exactly did they tell him? It was nerve wrenching. You could only hope they would keep sensitive information to themselves.
Another big change was the shadowsinger himself. As soon as you entered the library he was there. No matter where you worked or how many times you had to move to another floor during the day, you always spotted him somewhere nearby reading book or doing some paperwork.
The first few days it made you nervous and you couldn't really concentrate on work. Even if you tried you wouldn't be able to count how many times you caught yourself staring at him, admiring his beautiful face, strong body, big hands.. and daydreaming. Then somehow you got used to his silent presence. It always made your day seeing him there, making you grin even while aligning and dusting the books.
And that wasn't everything. He often came to you to talk with you. At those moments your heart always started to beat much faster, mouth went dry and your palms started to sweat. It didn't give much sense because after the decades you could hardly call each other acquaintance, strangers more likely, but it was happening. You weren't in position to ask why suddenly he changed his mind so radically, nor you didn't even want to complain. You were happy for this change, giving you a faint hope that maybe.. someday.. you could be at least friends.
When it happened for the first time, you were so shocked you turned red like tomato to the roots of the hair and ran away. Next time you were mentally ready and managed to stutter few words. But you weren't the only one struggling. Azriel seemed to be just as nervous as you. Nevertheless he kept coming even several times a day for word or two. After few days both of you got used to it and were able to talk normally.
First, he would talk to you just about such ordinary things like weather or ask about your wellbeing, but soon enough he started to ask about your current life, past or likes and dislikes.
Lately you spent a lot of time discussing about the books you were reading. You were surprised to find out he read novels and often the ones you liked. He even gave you some recommendations for interesting ones.
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You got up early as every morning and prepared for the day. Before leaving the room you checked out the weather and time. 'Should be okay now,' you thought to yourself and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast with few shadows at your heels.
Of course you could eat with other priestesses at dining hall the meal House served you, but there was something relaxing about making your own meal. That's why you always used inner circle's kitchen. But it wasn't the only reason. You didn't like people watching or commenting on how much you put on your plate. You even minded being watched while eating.
During the years living with Mor and Illyrian males here, you figured out their morning routines and knew when no one would be in the kitchen.
What a shock it was when you found out that the kitchen always empty at this time, was occupied. By Azriel!
He was standing behind the kitchen island putting scrambled eggs on the plate. There were already several other plates with toasts, bacon, cut fruits and vegetables set on the table.
He hadn't notice you yet, so there was still chance to get away and let him have his breakfast. You turned around, planing to try your luck later, but the shadows had an idea of their own. They slowly floated around you towards their master.
"Good morning," Azriel said while washing the pan in the sink, back turned to you. His voice was still raspy and that sound made your heart stutter and the heat spread in your lower belly.
"Good morning," you answered, taking a step into the kitchen from you hideaway. You frowned at traitorous shadows, but they just danced around calling you closer. "I'm sorry. I don't want to disturb you. I'll go." You wanted to leave quickly, but he stopped you.
"Would you join me for breakfast?" back still turned to you, he asked. Eyes widening you shifted nervously on your feet. It was too tempting, but it would be just the two of you. You really didn't want to have his full attention while eating. You bit your lower lip, fighting with yourself.
You looked at his strong form still washing already clean pan. You could read the tension in his posture, but you weren't sure what caused it. In the end the heart won the fight and you accepted the invitation. His tense shoulders visibly relaxed.
Azriel put the pan away and took two plates and glasses. As he turned to the table his lightly flushed cheeks came into view. With shiny eyes of hazel colour with golden flecks he smiled shyly at you which you returned. This side of him was new to you and you were more than eager to learn more. You'd never seen him behave like this with other females. A small flame of hope lit up in your chest.
Your heart was beating faster with each step you took towards the table. You halted before sitting down, examining food on plates. Suddenly you became nauseous. The food looked yummy and smelled amazing, but there was too much. Much more than two people could possibly eat.
"Is something wrong?" Azriel asked noticing your pale face. His eyes slightly narrowed.
"It looks amazing," you tried to smile. "Is Cassian coming too?"
"He's training with priestesses right now," Azriel tilted his head to the side with unreadable expression, few strands of dark hair falling into his eyes. "Do you want him to come?"
"No," you said quickly. "It's just.. there's so much food.." You felt the heat burning your cheeks.
"It should be enough for two of us," he said, a smirk tugged corners of his mouth upward. You had nothing to say to that, so you just swallowed hard and sat down. Azriel handed you plate and started filling his own. Following his example you took a piece of bacon and a bit of scrambled eggs.
"Would you like some freshly baked bread? It's from that new bakery on the bank of Sidra that opened last week," Azriel offered you. With nervous smirk you took small piece.
You started to eat. Taking the first bite of eggs you blinked in surprise, nervousness forgotten for awhile.
"It's so delicious. I didn't know you can cook so good,"you looked at him grinning. He blushed, but grinned too.
"I'm glad if you like it."
"I love it." You took another bite and then another. While you were eating Azriel kept offering you different goodies he'd prepared until you tried at least a piece of everything on the table. By the time you finished you were so full you thought you were going to burst. It was the most delicious food you'd ever eaten, but you were sure you won't be able to eat anything till next morning.
Azriel finished last bits and together you cleaned the table and washed dishes.
"Thank you for amazing meal," you said as you put last plate to its place.
"Thank you for keeping me company," he leaned against the counter putting his hands into the pockets of trousers. "Are you going to the library?"
"No, it's still too early. I thought I would return to my room and read for awhile."
"I see." His smile faded for a second, but it was back in a blink of eye. "So.. I guess I'll see you later."
With that you returned to your room thinking about his unusual behaviour and about the huge change that happened since he saved you. Even though it was still new to you and hard to believe, you liked it and hoped it's real. With every second you spent with him your heart swelled with love and you fell harder for him.
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sirenlulls · 1 year
call it what you want → r. valdovinos
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pairing — richie valdovinos x fem!reader
summary — after a cold night and shared secret insecurities, something as simple as your outfit puts richie's mind at ease.
written for this request
i want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck. not because he owns me, but 'cause he really knows me...
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you were beautiful, richie knew that. in fact, most of the rydell student body, and anybody else with eyes, knew that. your eyes were downcast, bashfully following the cracks in the pavement of your driveway as he walked you to the door, his jacket wrapped tightly around your shoulders.
when you got to the door, you seemed to finally notice his staring, and richie felt his heart stop when you laughed at his lovestruck face. he almost didn't care that you were laughing at him. you looked at each other for a few beats more, not daring to break the sweet silence that hung between you.
but the fall chill was starting to seep into your bones, and you found yourself twisting the doorknob, snapping richie out of his daze. "i guess i should get going then." his words were hesitant as he scratched the back of his neck.
"yeah." you nodded before casting your eyes inside, seeing the lights off and realising your parents were asleep. "unless..." your words made richie spin back around to face you so fast you wouldn't be surprised if he had whiplash. "unless you want to come inside for a bit?"
"yes. mhm. absolutely." he nodded, jogging back up to the door where you stood giggling, quietly closing the door behind him and taking his hand and leading him to your room.
you kicked off your shoes and fell onto your bed, richie following suit. staring at the ceiling in comfortable quiet, your hand found his, and with a tight squeeze they rested intertwined between you both.
richie looked around your room, eyes casting over the pink ladies jacket hanging over the chair by your desk, the full bookshelves lined around the walls, the pile of books you had no other space for beside them, and finally the pinboard by your vanity and the pictures that decorated it.
it was moments like that, no matter how few and far between they were, where richie realised just how different the two of you were, and why nobody else knew about your relationship. you were popular, loved, adored, despite your proud pink lady alignments. he wasn't. it wasn't that you were ashamed of him, you don't think you ever could be, but richie knew how important your future was and hell would freeze over before he let himself be the reason you fall from grace.
"what's goin' on in that head of yours?" you asked softly, lying on your side and looking at him with a fond smile. he shook his head. "it's nothin'" you sat up straight, suddenly more concerned. "that means it's definitely something." richie sighed, sitting beside you. "c'mon, rich, talk to me." he looked at you, brows furrowed in desperation and hand gently cupping his face.
"are you really sure i'm the one you want?"
"excuse me?"
"it's just- i don't know, you could have lot more than i can give you. 'ts all i'm saying." he raised his hands in defense at your raised brows and dropped jaw.
"richie valdovinos, listen to what i'm about to say, and listen real good. i wouldn't care if elvis presley himself was knocking at my door, ready to take me to graceland, i'd still choose you. i will always choose you. i don't care what else you think i could have because i already have everything i want — everything i need. i love you, don't ever forget that."
"you really mean that?" he looked away, suddenly overwhelmed by the tenderness of your stare, you guided him to face you again. "i mean it with everything in me."
you kissed him then, slow and heartfelt, and he only wished that you could feel every sentiment he couldn't yet put into words. how, no matter how much you say you love him, he'll always insist he loves you more. and he does. ever since the day he met you, richie's heart wasn't his own, it sat locked away in your pretty ballerina jewelry box, and it would stay there forevermore.
he pulled away only when his lungs burned and he felt as if he'd die, forehead resting against yours. "i should be getting back home." you rolled your lips. "call me when you get there so i know you're okay." "of course." with one fleeting kiss and a cheeky smile, richie crept down the stairs and out the door. you flopped back into your pillows, dumb smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach.
it wasn't until long after he was gone, when he'd hung up the phone and probably gone to sleep, that you realised his t-birds jacket lay on your floor. you picked it up and set it over your vanity chair, and, with a light bulb over your head, you knew what you'd do tomorrow.
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"y/n, bust a move, we're gonna be late!" cynthia yelled from outside. you stuck your head out your bedroom window, smiling at your friend, "one minute!" you looked in the mirror, tightening your ponytail and fixing your lipstick, spinning around and admiring your outfit, grinning proudly and the t-bird logo staring back at you. you practically ran down the stairs towards cynthia who wolf-whistled at richie's jacket. "when can i get me one of those?" she joked, handing you a spare helmet as you hopped onto her bike. "i'll put in a good word for you." you winked back.
when you got to the school, you could feel eyes burning into your sides and whispers buzzing through your ears. jane and olivia walked up to you two, matching smirks on their faces and excited gleams in their eyes. "so that's why he didn't have the jacket this morning." olivia mused, nudging you with her elbow as you all walked to your locker.
"does this mean you guys are, like, official official now? like, public official?" jane asked, squealing and grabbing your arm when you nodded.
"what is this?" nancy demanded, suddenly appearing at the locker beside yours. "where's the pink lady represention? there's enough t-birds to carry their own weight, they don't need to steal you too." you laughed, throwing your arm around her shoulder. "nobody's stealing me, nance. still a pink lady through and through. if it makes you feel any better, i can try get richie to wear my jacket next time."
"i'd like that!" cynthia interruped, making you all laugh. nancy failed to hide her smile. "i guess it's sort of cute." the five of you started to walk to class, gossiping and giggling over the incredulous looks you got.
"didn't know you were a thief, l/n." someone teased from behind you, you turned around to see richie smiling at you. "it's for a good cause." you turned and nodded your head slightly to the girls, telling them to go ahead and you'd catch up. "oh yeah? what would that cause be?" "fashion," you leaned closer to whisper to him, "and to show everyone i have a very handsome, very amazing boyfriend." he smiled, biting the inside of his cheek. "well, who would i be to stop such a noble mission? keep it for now. it looks good on you." you beamed and kissed his cheek, laughing at the slight stain it left behind.
"you'll look even better in mine." you winked before turning on your heel and running to catch up with the girls. "wait, what?!" he responded. "you have to return the favour yet, valdovinos!" you called over your shoulder, throwing your head back in a laugh.
richie shook his head fondly as gil came up beside him, clapping a hand down on his shoulder. "am i looking at the latest pink lady?" he teased. "shut up, man." richie laughed, shoving him off, looking down the hallway to see you laughing with Nancy once more before going to your class.
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sunny-ssunset · 15 days
Pretty in Pink!
South park x girly popular reader
Chapter 3
The chapter no one asked for 😍✌️ Lmao sorry Im writing another bc i love it, sorry for not posting much i have been so busy 😭 tbh Y/n reminds me of the queen of hearts AGED UP!
"Kenny you have such pretty eyes!!" Y/n cooed, brushing his hair out of his face. "I know, I could be a model" He joked, giving in to the affection. Wendy watched the scene play out, Jealous of all the attention she gets. Poor Y/n must hate all the attention, she'd need someone to take her place one day, Someone who can handle the pressure of being perfect.... Someone like Wendy. I mean it would take a while for Wendy to get to Y/n's standards, plus Y/n might not want to be replaced just yet. Even if its for the best to protect precious Y/n.
"Wendy? Hun you okay? You have been so quiet today-" "Stan wants to break up." Wendy interupted, Y/n looking taken a back. "Oh girl, I'm so sorry, He's a douche, We dont need him right? How about a girls night? No silly party or anything, just us?" Y/n cooed, Wendy taking notice on how she said 'We' like it was also her problem, how considerate of her. "Yayyy Can i come?" Kenny grinned playing with a strand of Y/n's hair. "NO!" Bebe choked, suddenly clinging on to Y/n's arm, "Ahem- No, its a girls night"Bebe corrected herself as Y/n smiled, looking at Kenny.
"Wendy? Wendy please I really need to talk to you" Stan appeared, Literally scaring the shit out of everyone. Y/n frowned, "Stan she doesn't want to talk to you right no-" Stan looking a bit shocked by Y/n's reaction, Wendy interupting her, "Y/n I think I need to sort this out now." She smiled apologeticly at Y/n, before leaving with Stan.
"I always try help that girl and it gets me nowhere. Ugh im just so sick of doing everything for everyone. You know how much I do for people Kenny, And all i get is an awkward smile now and again." Y/n pouts laying into him, "Y/n If you were mine I'd treat you well" Kenny flirts, brushing her hair out of her face, as Bebe fake gags "Eww guys get a room!!!!" Bebe whines stomping her feet. "Bebe you are so cute, guys come on lets go to class" Y/n laughs as she gets up from Kenny's warm embrace, the others following on behind her.
"KYLE!!!! I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN AGES OH MY GODDD" Y/n beams, running up to sit by Kyle, "You saw me yesterday." He shifts away from her, voice laced with a slight anger. Y/n frowns "Kyle baby!!! Are you okay whats the matter??" She clings onto his arm "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Y/N LEAVE ME ALONE!" Kyle shouts at her, banging his fists on the table and moving to sit futher away from Y/n, Her eyes pounding with anger, How dare he? Who the fuck does he think he is. Someone has to teach him a lesson, Nobody treats Y/n like that absolutely no one-
"Hey guys I'm back" Wendy chirps, seeming to be in a better mood, Stan standing at the doorway sending Y/n a sweet smile and a 'can we pleaseeee talk' look. Her giving a fowl one back. "Wendy I missed you!!! Come sit by meeee" "Hey wait i wanna sit buy you" "No i do!!!!" Complaints from both Kenny and Bebe were heard, "Guys Wendys just been through a breakup, let her sit by me!" Y/n smirked, as if sitting with her were a reward. They both accepted and sat down behind Y/n, "Anything happen while I were gone?" Wendy smiled, Y/n, Kenny and Bebe shot glares at Wendy, her not knowing what she did wrong, Bebe and Kenny a bit too scared to mention what happened before with Kyle, Wendy taking the hint by their scared looks.
"Nothing happened Wendy." Said Y/n, a blank tone and expression on her face, That quickly changing while she spoke again, "Enough of that, boring stuff. What happened with you!!" Y/n beamed, leaning into Wendy more, "Well, Me and Stan have decided to be friends, I think we both have our eye on someone else at the minute!" Wendy smiled, now she was finally able to have Y/n to herself. No fighting with her boyfriend over her anymore!
"Yayyyy girls night!!!!" Bebe cheered, "No actually I'm thinking we throw a party, show everyone your available plus Kenny can come then!!" Y/n chirped, Bebe looking a bit disappointed. I mean little did Wendy know it would take alot more than breaking up with Stan for her to have Y/n, Bebe also had her eye on her, What does Wendy expect Y/n Is Perfect.
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
And so, the last Bad Batch Eve falls upon us.
It is surreal to think that a show that has meant so much to me for three years will come to an end. I've talked about how meaningful TBB is to me many times, and I most certainly will in the future, but I didn't want to pass on the opportunity to do it on the last Bad Batch Eve we'll officially have.
The night before Aftermath premiered, I'd struggled with some pretty bad anxiety. In the weeks following after that and throughout the first season, I dealt with depression and anxiety being diagnosed as well as an ear infection the doctor attributed to said mental illnesses. I went through a pretty bad breakup. The lockdowns were at their peak where I was. But despite that being a rough time, I also vividly remember being in my room at home, my favorite place in the world, eating my favorite food and drinking my favorite relaxing tea, hearing it rain outside, wearing my favorite hoodie and my PJs, watching/rewatching those season 1 episodes. Seeing Crosshair deal with the inhibitor chip seemed to echo some of what I was going through, i.e. having something in your head you couldn't really control. I wondered how afraid he must have felt, and I sympathized with him.
During S2, as Crosshair was off with the Empire, I was off living in my hometown the first time, away from my true home and my family, and I have to admit I was very lost during that time. I did make mistakes. I did return home, and I left it again, albeit now more ready, more prepared, more stable. But it was still a second time leaving home.
S3 Crosshair has all but solidified my intent in going back home and not freaking leaving and I really hope the day in which I can return home to my family the way he did is sooner rather than later. Seeing him grow, own up to his mistakes, forgive and be forgiven, learn to control what's in his head, and heal, feels like a very fitting peak to a journey, a journey that had and still has its ups and downs.
And let's not forget the writing and the fandom. I have written things I didn't think I'd write, things I've loved so much that part of me wants to go back in time and rewrite to experience the joy of doing it all over again (looking at Moonlight here lol). I have also made gifs, which I didn't ever imagine doing! I edited music videos and crack meme compilations, which I had wanted to do for years. Fear not, I'll keep doing all of that - slowly, yes, but not with any less love. Y'all are stuck with me. 😁🩷
And as if all I've mentioned wasn't already very valuable, I cannot forget all the beautiful, wonderful, amazing people I've met because of this show. People who I've learned from, laughed with, cried with, fangirled with, gamed with... every single one of you has been the icing on the cake, the lattice on the pie, the parmesan on the pasta. You have all truly made this worth it and make me love being in the fandom. You give what I do a greater purpose, and you have become people I am happy to call moots and friends. I am over the moon that this show allowed me to cross paths with you. @photogirl894 @rebekadjarin @darthzero22 @arctrooper69 @jedi-hawkins @stardustbee @s-pirth-lemonade @eloquentmoon @sageislostinspring @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @kimageddon @emperor-palpaminty @rainydaydream-gal18 @imabeautifulbutterfly @paperback-rascal @pankeki-25 @dragonrebelrose @dragonrider9905 @questforgalas @lightwise @zoruui @nunanuggets @misogirl828 and everyone else 🩵
I love The Bad Batch and what it's done for my life in so many aspects. I love these characters for their growth and because they were there for me when nobody was, and because they brought me to so many amazing people. I am grateful that this show exists and I cannot wait to keep creating all the stuff I have planned, writing or otherwise.
Thank you, Clone Force 99, and thank you everyone for being a part of this journey!
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mythserene · 11 months
I'll Follow the Sun's 15 words in Tune In
Following along with AKOM I was struck by this page as I was passing it, so just out of curiosity I googled to see what I could find out about "I'll Follow the Sun" that would have been available before Lewisohn wrote Tune In, and what could Lewisohn have done with his prose for this song?
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From Beatles Music History website:
"I wrote that in my front parlour in Forthlin Road. I was about 16," McCartney stated in an interview. This would date the song as being written as far back as 1958. He continues, "So, 'I'll Follow The Sun' was one of those very early ones. I seem to remember writing it just after I'd had the flu...I remember standing in the parlour looking out through lace curtains of the window and writing that one."
There is a recording in existence (available on bootlegs) of the early Beatles, known then as The Quarrymen, performing the song. The electric guitar arrangement features Paul, John and George on guitar with Stuart Sutcliffe on bass and presumably Tommy Moore on drums. According to McCartney, who purchased the tape from Peter Hodgson in 1995, the recording dates back to April of 1960 and was made in the bathroom of his home at 20 Forthlin Road during a school holiday. McCartney's recollection of the "middle eight" being re-written before they recorded it professionally is confirmed by this early rough recording, because the lyrics of this middle section appears to say "Well, don't leave me alone, I need you/ Now hurry and follow me, my dear." 
Tune In:
“I’ll Follow the Sun.” Paul came up with this rhythmic ballad alone, words and music, on his Zenith guitar.
There's a very good story and all we get is "rhythmic ballad on his Zenith guitar"? But all that about a John song that doesn't even really seem like a John song? 
It does get a bit more ink in Chapter 15 when Lewisohn talks about the bootleg, but I can't see anyone who loves writing about where songs come from as much as Lewisohn does passing up all the history of one of their most beloved songs that a bootleg even exists for. A bootleg with different lyrics, that he never mentions! There's just a lot on this song that he could've done so much with, and although I wrote before that I don't think Lewisohn is actually trying to settle scores, I am now genuinely starting to wonder.
Lewisohn on "I'll Follow the Sun" in the bootleg:
There’s also the earliest-available recordings of “One After 909,” “I’ll Follow the Sun” and “Hello Little Girl.” “One After 909” is clearly a diamond in the rough, polished by John and Paul’s attractive harmonizing. “I’ll Follow the Sun” is Paul alone, guitar and voice, save for someone (probably John) slapping a guitar case.
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I'll say this, once you start noticing the attention to detail and real estate, you really start noticing. I had focused on the jealousy footnotes early on in my reading because it stood out to me so much, and once I realized how few were supported I was awestruck and started digging more, but I hadn't given thought or attention to the broader comparisons. 
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Absolutely blown away, tbh. I am less enamored of the space comparisons in general because they're more subjective than just the, "What, he's saying Paul was jealous because he wanted to be out front and he hated Stu from a quote saying 'I was playing the drums with a broomstick between my legs and it wasn't easy"??" But although they're harder to point out, they are most certainly there, and there to a truly unpardonable extent. This one blew my ass away.
Honestly, WTF?
Since I referenced it, the "Paul's jealousy was stoked because he was unhappy because he liked exhibiting versitility and nobody looked at the drummer and did I mention he was jealous?" pages below.
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natashasbitxh · 5 months
Okay so for people in diff timezones, it's around 4am on the 13th April for me, so the 11th was about two days ago
But I've been meaning to make a little post
Thursday marked the year anniversary of Smosh's tntl with Starkid. Now I know to some that means absolutely nothing, but to me it's a little special because this means I've now been a proper smosh fan and on smoshblr for around a year now☹️
I would say I REALLY became apart of smoshblr around November when I became shaynse anon and I don't want to sound cringey but I actually believe that I have changed quite a bit since then blogwise and even personalitywise even though its been a couple of months
I guess I just wanted to make a post to say from the bottom of my heart thank you, the mutuals and anons I've gained the past couple of months is a lot compared to me pre shaynse anon. I really found my footing on tumblr and gained a lot more confidence all thanks to this little community 🙂
I will never forget shaynse day, its still CRAZY to me that even one person thought of me, never mind multiple. I remember when that happened (people reaching out to me), I was giddy for days and I was ready to explode because I had nobody in real life to talk to it about😭 So thank you SO much
To anybody that has even liked or reblogged a post of mine, thank you. To anybody that has clicked on my blog and had a little look around, thank you. To anybody that has given me a follow or sent in an ask, THANK YOU. I know it seems small, but even a little interaction truly makes my day. I love this little corner of the internet☹️🫶
Theres a few mutual that I absolutely HAVE to thank, because you guys truly are such a big part of tumblr for me.
(Now, please understand that these are people specific to SMOSHBLR🙏)
@jovenshires, hi bestie🙂 you've genuinely done SO much for me since I sent that silly little ask to you, indirectly or not. I definitely don't think I'd have my little place on smoshblr without you, shaynse anon was A MOMENT. I still think about the Christmas gift you gave to me daily, it genuinely warms my heart sm that you'd think to create something for me☹️ AND YOU THOUGHT OF IT WHILE I WAS STILL ONLY A LITTLE ANON☹️ Thank you SO much for helping me be welcomed into this space🫶
@lilac-hecox, I don't think we've directly spoken a lot? But we interact with eachother quite a bit, and ur blog?? OBSESSED. Anyway recent memory on April 1st I just remember booping the HELL out of ur page and u booping just as much back😭🫶
@wallpaper-inside-my-heart, I genuinely think about the smoshblr december asks SO MUCH. That was such a sweet thing for you to do and I rlly think it brought the fandom sm closer, and it was so kind how you acknowledged like almost everybody's posts almost EVERYDAY. It was so fun talking to you abt our interests🫶
@ancientvamp, hello to my shaynse SOLDIER OMG🫶 We both fill up the shaynse tag SM and I LOVE IT😭 Ur like my no.1 shaynse blog probably, like sometimes I feel we are SO on the same wavelength. I just think ur rlly neat!! 🫶
@bomikalover, HELLO TO ANOTHER SHAYNSE SOLDIER!!! My shaynse bestie!! Your edits are SOOO iconic, and I'm so happy to have been able to let you know chanse saw ur edit, that was literally insane and I was so happy for u☹️ ur just so 🫶🫶🫶
now there are SO MANY PEOPLE I'd LOVE to tag, but I thought I'd narrow it down to just a few that I've properly interacted with. To any mutuals that see this, please don't take offense, not my intention AT ALL!!! In fact, HI HI HI!!! If you'd like, PLEASE reach out or interact with me!! I'd always love to communicate, whether that's in reblogs, comments etc!!
I do actually have a project I want to do as an almost celebration, but I kinda had to scrap and restart my whole idea because it wasn't going how I wanted😭 so bear with! And also I'll probably do something for the anniversary of shaynse day, cause why not🤷‍♀️
ANYWAY, long story short THANK YOU to all and to smoshblr for being such a welcoming and sweet area on the Internet when everywhere else is often not🫶
-love, shaynse anon
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persephonememes · 1 year
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ i was bored out my mind ❜
❛ you're the worst of my crimes ❜
❛ i never was the best to you ❜
❛ i used to lie to your face twenty times in a day ❜
❛ it was my little strange addiction ❜
❛ i destroyed every silver lining you had in your head ❜
❛ we were too different ❜
❛ you were so sensitive ❜
❛ now i feel terrible about how i handled it ❜
❛ now i bet you resent all of me ❜
❛ i don't forget all of my fault in this ❜
❛ i deserve it though ❜
❛ you were there all the time ❜
❛ how am i supposed to put that gently? ❜
❛ down the road you will love me until you resent me ❜
❛ what if i'm not worth the time and breath i know you're saving? ❜
❛ the whole facade seemed to fall apart ❜
❛ part of me wants to walk away till you really listen ❜
❛ i hate to look at your face and know that we're feeling different ❜
❛ cause part of me wants you back, but i know it won't work like that, huh? ❜
❛ why won't you try moving on for once? ❜
❛ i know we cut all the ties but you're never really leaving ❜
❛ i'm thinking everything you wish i wasn't ❜
❛ the call was tough but you're better off ❜
❛ so won't you stop holding out for me when i don't want it ❜
❛ won't you stay for a while ❜
❛ i wish that you'd never leave ❜
❛ i know i know better ❜
❛ if you asked me to run away i'd go easily ❜
❛ i'm codependent but trying hard not to be ❜
❛ do you think we could talk? ❜
❛ yes, i know that he's my ex. but can't two people reconnect? ❜
❛ i'll always choose you ❜
❛ where do we go now? ❜
❛ there's nothing left here ❜
❛ i wasted my breath when i tried to console you, didn't i? ❜
❛ i know that i should hate you ❜
❛ i pulled the knife out my back, it was right where you left it ❜
❛ i just drank something strong to try to forget, but it wasn't right ❜
❛ i almost crashed my car ❜
❛ all i ever think about is where the hell you even are ❜
❛ i swear to god i'd kill you if i loved you less hard ❜
❛ after all of this time, i still get disappointed ❜
❛ it's kinda funny when it goes from all to nothing ❜
❛ you have to laugh before you start to cry ❜
❛ now i stop myself from holding on to something that makes me feel a little less alive ❜
❛ i see through you ❜
❛ where did you go? ❜
❛ why'd it feel louder when all of it went unspoken? ❜
❛ all i can do is hope that this will go away ❜
❛ she doesn't know i'd let her ruin all my days ❜
❛ i'm just scared of that commitment ❜
❛ i really think sometimes there's something that i'm missing ❜
❛ i should probably go back home ❜
❛ i hope i wake up invisible ❜
❛ i guess i'm just difficult ❜
❛ you were everything to me ❜
❛ i've been drinking and staying up too late reliving bad decisions ❜
❛ what am i supposed to do when you used to be my lifeline? ❜
❛ i've counted all the days since you walked away ❜
❛ i never could've seen you coming ❜
❛ i think you're everything i've wanted ❜
❛ you make me really nervous ❜
❛ i've never felt this close to someone ❜
❛ what if you're my weakness? ❜
❛ i feel homesick ❜
❛ i'll say whatever you want, but i've become such a liar ❜
❛ i used to follow my gut, but now i'm just getting higher ❜
❛ i've been thinking way too loud ❜
❛ i wish that i could block me out ❜
❛ i think i'm burning alive, but nobody sees the fire ❜
❛ 'cause when i open my mouth, i seem to be stuck in silence ❜
❛ i thought of leaving tonight, but i couldn't drive this tired ❜
❛ plus after all of this time, i should be a pretty crier ❜
❛ in my head, i make a mess of it ❜
❛ i'm getting tired of feeling delicate ❜
❛ i used to try, but nothing's helping it ❜
❛ it's not their fault, but i've found that none of my friends will call me ❜
❛ every voice in my head is trying its best to haunt me ❜
❛ i should be cool but i panic ❜
❛ words seem to cut so much deeper right to the bone ❜
❛ it's a sort of funny quiet feeling ❜
❛ lately i don't know what to believe in ❜
❛ i drove 100 miles an hour to forget you ❜
❛  how'd you walk away so easy? ❜
❛ you won't even look at me ❜
❛ i hate the fact that i miss you around ❜
❛ why's it feel like you don't even know me? ❜
❛ how are you looking at me like a stranger? ❜
❛ i took up walking to turn it all off ❜
❛ it doesn't feel bearable guess i thought when i left it would all stop ❜
❛ did i fall out of line when i called you? ❜
❛ when i told you i'm fine you were lied to ❜
❛ how could i think that all that i gave you was enough? ❜
❛ cause every time i get too close i just go mess it up ❜
❛ i heard that you're happier ❜
❛ i hope that you're sleeping well, knowing i'm not ❜
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jessoloslemons · 8 months
I found a song that just reminds me of john dory-
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John Dory seems to be most stuck in the past out of all his brothers.
Ex: keeping memorabilia inside Rhonda, still having this perfectionist mindset (although it's slowly getting broken - when they rescued floyd singing better place)
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C'mon man, C'MON!! when you have grown up with a set mindset, it's almost impossible to unlearn it and learn a new one. John being a perfectionist clearly is very toxic, and had led to the disbandment of Brozone, and has hurt his brothers the most, even if he didnt mean to. Clearly, this mindset of his needs to be changed, but it's what he has grown to have, it's probably all he knows. :(
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Pride. Refusing to humble himself and listen. Too proud to admit he was at fault (at least in the scene where they disband. He says "this is what happens when YOU guys dont follow MY lead." Puts the blame on others. But it's too late to apologize now, so he gives in)
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The past just catching up, years has passed, and yet all his regrets just keep on coming back. (20 years is a long time, and a LOT of time. Imagine the thoughts he must've had, especially when he probably believed all his brothers were dead)
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Him feeling like nobody's gonna save him, because who'd want to save him? a troll who abandons his brothers for 20 years and has been horrible to them when they were still kids? A troll who fucked up as a brother so badly?
AAA i've been wanting to talk about this song for so long now 😭 i've wanted to make a short comic, or an animation short regarding this but..bro im no artist ;-; and so here i present it on tumblr HAHAHA
I love John Dory as a character, and would just really wanna see him fleshed out more! And since the 4th movie would probably take years (sobs), it's enough time for us fans to do the job
Thoughts? I'd love to hear them!! Check this song and artists! The best <3
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Day Two
Mush For Breakfast—Honesty’s Job Goes Terribly Wrong—The City Has A Worse Day—Camilla-And-Palamedes—“Keep Her Home Tonight”—Four Days Until The Tomb Opens.
Four days.
Starting to understand the format of this book: A "dream" about John, about Alecto, followed by a Day in Nona's life. Who's keeping track? Who knows when the tomb opens?
Either that, or Nona is being watched by someone else.
Either way; One day down, four more to go. Let's get started.
Second skull. (Judith? The Cohort?)
Nona’s dream cut off abruptly. [...] “It’s the sitting part. My feet are in the nice water, the safe water. The water’s in my boots. My socks are full of it. I’m talking to her but I can’t see her face. I tried to, Cam, but it’s what always happens, I don’t manage to look at it, it just doesn’t work.”
Nona isn't dreaming about John; she's dreaming about someone else. The picture face, she called it the day before; we still don't know whose picture, do we?
“I’m touching her hands. She’s touching my hands. But in the dream it’s always my hands, remember, Cam, I’m touching my own hands but they’re not mine.”
I'm counting this as evidence that Nona is Alecto. Her hands but her hands are Nona's, she is Nona.
“There’s eyes all around us, red eyes. In the darkness. I remember this time, they’re red.” “Do you have any thoughts?” “Yes,” said Nona. “I’m hungry. In the dream. Really hungry.” The pencil stilled. “You’re hungry?” “I’m so hungry,” said Nona.
Welp, this isn't alarming or ominous at all. Red eyes? So hungry?
“Who do they feel like they belong to? Do you like them?” Nona chortled. “Not one bit.” Nona hated having hands.
That's interesting. Nona loves every part of her body. But not her hands? Or at least, not the hands in her dream?
I really wanna know more about this.
“Pyrrha—why does We Suffer hate you?” “Because I remind her that her God was just a human being who could get tired and fuck up,” said Pyrrha instantly. That was the wonderful thing about Pyrrha: she didn’t waste time saying things like “What made you think of that?” or “Why?” She went ahead and answered. In a way though, it was also a bad thing about Pyrrha, because she lied and told the truth at exactly equal top speeds.
So Pyrrha does lie, and could be lying about any number of things, including this.
Interesting that We Suffer considers Wake her God. I assume that's what this means.
“If you’re that charming,” said Nona, “how come you’re single?”
Oooooohhhhhh, sick burn. Careful Nona. Though if I were to guess, I'd say the answer is "because she's busy keeping you safe, Nona".
Pyrrha had used to be like Camilla and Palamedes and now her equivalent of Palamedes was gone—really dead—killed by a terrible monster that nobody would describe to her.
Yeah no it seems basically impossible to even describe the resurrection beasts. And also, yeah Gideon is dead - but that's most likely only part of why Pyrrha is heartbroken. She's lost all her old friends - all the first Lyctors are dead! - she's lost her necromancer, she's lost Wake as well, who she had a passionate affair with. Pyrrha is unspeakably old and everyone she used to know is dead. She must be so lonely.
“Who, and whyfor, did you bribe?” “Some guys. Site C,” said Pyrrha succinctly. “For God’s sake, Pyrrha, if it’s that hard to access I’ll swap you Site B, Cam and I have ways and means of accessing—” “I would pay any amount of money to stop you taking that risk you take,” said Pyrrha,
Palamedes and Pyrrha bickering is almost cute. But also what the fuck are they investigating? And why won't they tell Nona anything?
Oh -!!! They're talking about some kind of trial, which makes it very likely that Pyrrha helped Camilla and Palamedes achieve Lyctorhood. And they can both be present at the same time, only it puts a massive amount of strain on Camilla's body. Interesting.
“What d’you want from the cheap-jacks, No-No?” “Oh, nothing—except it is my six-monther soon,” she reminded Pyrrha. Camilla said, “You can get a present once it’s been a year.”
Is this what we're leading up to? Nona's six-month anniversary of being alive? Is this what her "birthday" is going to be?
I was wondering about that, and about how they'd know it was her birthday if she wasn't remembering anything, so that might explain it.
But Pyrrha said, “God, you think she’s ever gotten presents? I visited her hometown back before Anastasia got settled, and it was grim as fuck then. Just spooky caves all the way down…”
Damn, good point. I think the closest to a present Gideon ever got was that two-hander - and Harrow, that lollipop when she was like three. Fuck man, these girls have led extremely depressing lives so far.
Nona goes to school, Honesty has a black eye, and when he tells the story of what happened -
“Said the eyes was all white. But he said he was moving quietly, real quietly, and these guys—they’re all just sitting around—they all look up … they all look at him … with these white-out eyes … they all look up at the same time. They look at him. He kept saying that,” he said suddenly, breaking off. He said, “Kept saying, they saw me, they saw me, oh my God.”
What the fuuuuuuuck. Who are those guys? Eyeless creeps? Necromantic puppets? Pupilless necromancers? Victims of some kind? More experiments?
But then … then the driver said we were being followed … and the guy goes crazy sobbing and apologising, saying he fucked up, he got us in trouble, and then one of the old chicks is like, get the kid out, and … and they stop the car and there’s another two big trucks pulling up behind us, militia trucks with guys, and…”
Militia trucks? Jeeeeeeeeeez...
“I know what it was. I hang out with you lot. I know the deal. Nobody ever asks poor old Honesty … Honesty could’ve told him not to try and knock off the goddamned Convoy.”
The CONVOY????
The Convoy was mentioned in one of the previous chapters - the rumbling, earthquake-like transport that nobody quite knew what it was.
THIS is what it is????
I have so many questions but mostly I'm just fucking baffled that the petty criminals Honesty was working with don't know about the Convoy. It must be somewhat common knowledge where they live, right?
... Yikes.
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
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1,000 Follower Party 🥹
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when i came back to tumblr, i never expected to have the experience i’ve had or make the connections & friend’s i’ve made - friends that i consider some of my best friends now.
i also didn’t expect the love i’ve received for my writing, it has been truly overwhelming (in a good way obv) - my numbers aren’t the highest but i am so grateful for my time here & the people i’ve met - thank you for all the laughs, cries, screams lol they make me so happy. you all have shown me a kindness that is such a bold reflection of elvis 🥺 it’s so beautiful & it just makes me wanna pay it forward
and thank you for accepting me & letting me take up some space here 💗
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**since i do get quite overwhelmed easily with asks (bc my adhd) i can’t guarantee that i’ll be able to do all of them or that they’ll be done quickly but i will try my best to do most!**
(this is long bc i’ve never done a follower celebration before so i’m making up for lost time lol prob nobody cares & this is prob lame but 😭 idk)
anyway send me an ask w one of these if u want ☺️💘
🍉 - About me / Commentary / Opinion
-tell me about yourself / introduce yourself to me if you haven’t already or ask me anything about myself that you’re curious about or just rant about anything!
-idk people come to me for advice often about random stuff ? could be anything you want or writing related! or ask my opinion on anything fandom related or not
👻 - Title Game
-send in a made up fic title and I'lI tell you what I'd write for it 💓
🤗 - Thoughts on you!
- self explanatory - if you wanna hear my thoughts about you💕
📝 - Quotes (specify which you’d prefer)
- random quotes from WIPs
- or fav quote from existing works
💿 - Playlists
2 options for this one:
Send me A or B & i’ll make/write a short 3-6 song playlist for you 💗
A - send me either austin or elvis + a fav trope / vibe / mini fic idea OR any of my fics regarding a certain scene or dynamic
B - send me either austin or elvis + your personal typa vibe/aesthetic/etc
(perhaps also include like what kinda music u listen to / any specific artist you like so i can include some if they overlap w my library ?)
ALSO - specify if you have spotify or not!
🦋 - Moodboards
similar to ^ playlists
send me A or B [+ the respective details] & i’ll make a 3-6 pic mini moodboard for you 💓
👀 - My fics
-ask me about any of my fics! send me one of my fics & talk/ask me anything about them like how i got the idea / ideas for certain plots or scenes or my writing process or my fav lines/plots/scenes or anything really idk
- or hints out of context 🤭 i love doing those
👽 - Head Cannons
-ask me about a specific fic of mine OR elvis/austin under a certain setting / trope / plot / pairing & i’ll share/make some head cannons for it
🌸 - Recommendations
-recommend some things for me! movies, shows, music, makeup!!/skincare!, tarot decks, books, anything & i’ll answer w some of my own 💓
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since my writing process is rather lengthy & intricate i don’t like to write blurbs or take requests etc. so unfortunately i can’t be like y’all that can write/post a million lil stories effortlessly ☹️ i so wish i could, i’m just not built like that 😭
HOWEVER it seems just wrong for me to not include some sort of fic component in my celebration since i am mainly a fic blog SO
i decided i wanted to do a lil contest ??? idk lol
🦋winner will receive a imagine/one shot with the plot request of their choosing🦋
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- make sure you are following me lol
- like & reblog this post
- comment 🍉🥀 on this post
- comment something that made you happy today 💓
- bonus entry: reblog this w proof that you took a drink of water when you read this 💗 (empty water bottle/cup or something!)
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that’s it!
💗whenever the winner is chosen i will convene with them directly on what sort of fic they want & i will write one for them (tho it may take some time lol) 💗
✨contest will be open for the next 2 weeks & the winner will be chosen at random around then! [04.07.23]✨
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tagging some of my fav people i’ve met through this blog/fandom 🥰
@cryingabtab @lllsaslll @presleysdarling @loving-elvis @samfangirls @bisexualwvtson @troubleinapinksuit @karamelcoveredolicity @lindszeppelin @succsessions @steph-speaks @luluthesandgoose @ab4eva @softsatnin @elvisfatass @homerow99 @michellelv @flwrs4aust @powerofelvis @elvisabutler @sournatromanoff @jelliedonut @sagesolsticewrites @fangirlwithasweettooth @thatbanditqueen @purejasmine @slowsweetlove @areacodefan @generoustreemystic @golden-kiwis
and so many more 😭 anyone whom i’ve inevitably missed due to my overly medicated rotting brain 😭
again i love you all so much 🥺 thank you for letting me be a part of this beautiful little family 🥺💗
-mel xx
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viperwhispered · 4 months
Hi! Good luck with your new job! Here's whats been cooking in my brain for now:
Ever heard of code switching? Its essentially when you change the way to talk depending on who you're interacting with. For example, using slang and swear words with friends but speaking very formally with a teacher.
What about Scarabia doing some dynamic switching? Just being able to instantly change how they interact depending on who's around.
When with they're with the Asims or in the Scalding Sands in public, the switch to the master Kalim and servant Jamil dynamic.
When they're at NRC and doing dorm duties, they switch to the dorm leader Jamil and vice leader Kalim dynamic.
When its just the two of them or they're with close friends or in class, they switch to the sunshine-grumpy friend dynamic.
I feel like it would be a major mark for their character development. They're truly equals in the sense that they both have times where one is in charge and moments where they're not bound by expected social conventions. For Jamil, it'd mean moving on from years of psychological conditioning. For Kalim it'd mean moving on from his forced obliviousness and actually stepping up as a proud Scarabian. For both it means forming a genuine friendship outside of the expectations of their society.
Also I feel like Kalim having to be the vice-dorm leader in general would do wonders for his independance. Mostly cause the vice-dorm leader duties seem to have more to do with physical dorm management such as dealing with chores and similar short term problems. Having to learn how to do chores properly so he can support his dorm (he can do it we've SEEN him do it on Bean's Day he can follow instructions just fine) and having to actively be considerate since he's now interacting much more directly with the rest of Scarabia.
Meanwhile Jamil can finally reach his full potential as a dorm-leader as he works through his issues. He'll be forced to delegate and how to balance keeping the dorm running efficiently and the endless parties. I can see him set up a once a week party schedule with special dinners in between.
I'd love to see their dynamic evolve into something like Yzma and Kronk from Emperor's New Groove. Like we got Jamil all serious and scheming while Kalim is in the background just trying to support his bestie and being a sunshine. Kalim may not be the smartest, but is observant when he wants to be and I bet its his "stupid questions" that lead to Jamil noticing any holes in his plans.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love sassy Kalim because I really love sassy Kalim. Just Jamil being snarky as usual while Kalim unexpectadly claps back.
Jamil: I always wonder how a monkey like you survived natural selecton
Kalim: Big talk for a zookeeper locked in a monkey cage
Bonus: Should I also mention that I love evil minion!Kalim and villain!Jamil? Again its the Yzma and Kronk vibes for me.
Kalim: *giggling* Funny cause last time he said that you ended up loosing.
Jamil: It's called a cruel irony Kalim. Like my dependance on you.
Kalim: The fact that there's nobody else says a lot more about you than me.
Bonus bonus: Kalim attending the secret vice-dorm leader meetings at the Monstro Lounge where they just drink and complain about the dorm leaders.
Kalim: I'm happy that I'm finally getting to know the real Jamil, but I never expected him to be so . . .
Jade: Murderous?
Kalim: Exactly! Just this afternoon I had to convince him that strangling Ace would be a bad idea, not because murder is bad mind you, but because he'd have no way from getting rid of all the evidence before somebody else found out. When I think of arguing, I imagine great negotiations with other merchant families or debates in class. Not trying to stop my friend from commiting murder cause his morality is so skewed!
Lilia: You get used to it eventually.
Trey: What usually helps is reminding them of the law and the fact that Rook will always find out at some point.
Rook: It's true, I will.
Ty! New job has been draining my brain (as you’ve seen), but that’s what it is when everything’s new. So far I’m reasonably optimistic about the job, tho, but we’ll see how things’ll go.
I do feel like Jamil absolutely very consciously code switches (and probably unconsciously too, because that’s how it works, but still). Kinda part of the whole servant role and carefully keeping up appearances, you know. Makes me wonder how much Kalim does it at the moment, though. 🤔 Like I don't remember seeing him have much of a "formal" register, for example, if that makes sense.
Hadsfhs that minion!Kalim and villain!Jamil dynamic is quite something tho. Quite upends the usual dynamic, but I can definitely see it being in character for them, with the right circumstances. Like, we’ve seen how supportive Kalim wants to be, but he is also capable of sticking to his guns sometimes.
Ah the things Jamil could pull out of him (with Kalim's willing co-operation, too), if he really wanted to.
Makes me wonder just what the journey would be for them to make it all the way there from the current dynamic, tho. All those little changes to upend the situation.
Also ngl I really wanna be a fly on the wall in the vice leader tea time and get all the juicy gossip.
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onelungmcclung · 5 months
mota for the meme!
the first character i ever fell in love with: I liked DeMarco early on but I was sort of predisposed to (supporting character, was already familiar with Adam Long, I root for little known actors). however, he does suffer from a severe shortage of dialogue. I found myself warming to Kidd early on, too. Crosby & Bubbles's friendship is a highlight of the early episodes. in the opening scene I wanted more of Crank and Blakely.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Brady gets an enjoyable introduction but not much else. (not quite in the spirit of the question – this isn't me going off the character – I just want some good, economic characterisation stuff in later episodes too. some follow-through! but if we're going to talk about lack of follow-through we really need to talk about Westgate)
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I'm still working out if I have any ships, and the show hasn't been around long enough for me to go off anything
my ultimate favourite character™: I like Crank, Blakely, Doug, DeMarco, Bubbles, Kidd, Hambone, Macon, Crosby, Brady and Rosie (and Claytor and Biddick, brief acquaintances both). if I were to pick one, it would be Kidd – but, as I have said, he is the only supporting character I have a really strong sense of, so it doesn't feel like a fair contest.
prettiest character: Peggy is very beautiful. throw over your man, I say. Paulina, I'm available.
my most hated character: I hate nobody, but I wish the series weren't told from a small number of POVs. BoB manages its large cast better. I would like fewer scenes with Egan &/or Cleven and more scenes centring other characters/dynamics/friendships. (I like the Tuskegee Airmen scenes for this reason; no single POV is centred. also the lack of narration.) I do have sympathy for every character who gets annoyed with Bucky – not because I'm disposed against him, I just think, in context, they're right 🤷‍♀️ (I did want to see him wearing a narwhal horn, though)
my OTP: possiblyyy Kidd/Rosie. possibly. thinking it over. in terms of canon, Helen/Nash had some of the best chemistry in any of the three shows. in terms of friendship possibilities, I want to see more of everyone and everything. and as I think I have made abundantly clear by now, my favourite among the crews we get to see is the Blakely, Kidd, Doug & Crosby lineup of ep 3.
my NOTP: I don't get that invested and I don't read much. the mainpairs, as usual, don't really appeal.
favourite episode: maybe episode 7 or 8
saddest death: I was genuinely upset by Hambone's 'death' (which seemed both horrifying and terrifying) except he turned out not to be dead. probably Bubbles.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I'm relatively uninterested in Buck and Bucky; I blame the script; I've glanced through Miller's book and find the real guys more compelling. I'm rather indifferent to Lemmons, although I'd like to like him more. (also I like Crosby but I dislike narration unless absolutely necessary and a lot of it wasn't. and he's not a cinnamon roll, he's an everyman, come on now.)
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: I think these shows are fundamentally quite optimistic about people. but I think MotA does a slight injustice to the British forces. and I have already defended Huglin.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: that's the nature of the genre / this is a woobification-free zone. but the Tuskegee Airmen got short-changed. so did Westgate and the Allied intelligence subplot (at least include a glimpse of her in ep 9 so we know she's still alive? during the 'war is over' announcement mayhap? if u really don't have time for more actual subplot, which is just bad planning). a little bit more of Solly would have been nice (maybe a Solly & Rosie scene?).
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I am a fine upstanding citizen (has anyone considered Biddick/Bryan... not that I consider it wrong and nasty, I just think they could work out their differences/competitiveness some other way... but I am aware the answer is 'no') (this is merely a fleeting thought)
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: could have probably got into Alex/Buck or DeMarco/Macon if they'd had another scene or two. I do not put it past myself to mildly ship Marge/Peggy. I don't really ship it but I think Chick and Red have good chemistry considering their lack of conversations – they seem very used to each other; not sure if JM and SCM had worked together before but their characters genuinely come across like two people with a close longterm working relationship. (I could believe they're together.) Biddick/Snyder deserves a little attention even though I don't have anything to contribute.
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feuqueerfire · 6 months
DFF Characters That Compel Me
Hard for me to say I like these characters but there are a few who I'm fascinated by and think about them often and apparently wanted to write a long post about it.
I'd love to hear if you have any characters that gave you brain rot and want to write about, especially because idk if most people have a favourite character in here? Or if they love the character? I'm curious to know how people interact with the characters in this show.
I'll talk about 3: New-Tan, Tee, and Fluke.
Of my top 3, the most obvious and popular one is New-Tan. I will always love a sibling bond in stories and what's better than sibling revenge? Especially delicious because New was a shit Phi to Non while they were living in the same house, didn't care about anything Non said or showed him, and probably did nothing to comfort Non when their parents looked at New more favourably. And yet, he gives up his entire self for Non: He gives up his scholarship and his education, he lies to his parents, and he constantly smokes drugs to get to see Non. He gives up his entire identity when he assumes the new role of Tan and becomes someone whose existence and purpose is to avenge Non. I liked the twist that it was actually New who was the driver behind the revenge, it felt so much more desperate. The revenge and killing also take so much patience and intelligence, whether it be the drugs or the traps or making Top the faux killer for a bit. In the end, he follows his brother's script and makes sure that they all die and nobody leaves that house.
I think a lot of love and support for New came from people's love and pity for Non because they wanted New to avenge Non. Non wasn't really a character that I felt much for, to be honest; like obviously his situation was sad but I never really thought about him when he wasn't on-screen, so I think my view of New is more about what doing all this means to New himself rather than what it means for Non.
I loved the ending for him too. As I said, he gave everything up and had nothing waiting for him out there, so it feels narratively fitting that he dies in that house with them. Before, New used to see Non tell him to take revenge and accuse him of abondoning him but here, he sees Non thank him for avenging him in his hallucinations. Then, he immediately thinks about using Uncle Dang and White as collateral, the innocents that he had to use and discard (the same way Non was), to gain that gratitude. Doesn't have much time to duel on it though because he's helpless again when he sees Non hang himself. I'm glad that the last thing New sees is Non emerging from the light to thank him before returning to the light.
Love him <3 Also look at his cute, mass-murdering face here (when Fluke shoots Top I think)
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Seems like I have a lot to say, so I'll put Tee and Fluke under Read More.
In the earlier episodes, Tee was irritating as he and Top kept trying to destroy the footage, fucking ran off with the motorcycle, and were just being overall selfish and hiding things. In the past, I was softening up to Tee when we discovered that he, as a teenager, works doing shady shit for his uncle to buy meds for his father but he was still a POS.
I can't believe he covered for Top and made Non not only take the blame for it but also dragged him into the stupid gang mafia horse account shit with him. He brought Non into this world that had no way of escape, like if Non couldn't get the money, interest would continue accruing and he'd be trapped in the cycle while after he did get the money, Non was beaten and kidnapped. Non literally died in the stupid room.
Yet Tee claimed he didn't think that his uncle would truly kill Non or whatever, how stupid, how can you think that after you've worked under him? His naiveté confused me and I still wonder if it wasn't purposeful ignorance. If Tee convinces himself that he truly never guessed what could happen to Non, maybe he'll feel less guilt about what ended up happening. Selfish, selfish.
Tee felt so alone, even if he was in the group it's not like he could tell them about his side hustle (except fuckass Top). When he was consumed by guilt after Non's death, he still couldn't tell anybody what truly happened. He didn't have family to rely on, either. His scene with his father was so sad as he cried that his father was supposed to be the one taking care of him but his dad was laughing about how Tee has gray hairs now. Ah, sad.
Then, of course, he meets the only good thing in his life, White. He's such a bastard to White too, like getting his high school bf who is 2-years younger into pot lol (White was probably 15 there?), fucking leaving White to get on that bike with Top, and also his apparently uncontrollable jealousy. It seemed like such an over-the-top reaction when he reacts badly to White and Jin's acting scene in ep 1 and the fact that White's hallucination fear at the end involved Tee breaking up with him with accusations of being unfaithful? Bro, Tee, while White was brining light into your life, what the hell were you doing for White? And then of course the end, where he stabbed White... I don't even have words.
I like Tee but I'm influenced by Tee/White, sue me. I've been watching edits and been in a state of disarray because I'm so sad about this. Fucking fuck fuck. I watch series and sometimes I love a pairing and that manifests into me thinking up scenarios of them post-canon or in a missing scene in the show. Can't do that here, can I? Fuck, I was prepared for Tee to die. I needed Tee to die, I wanted him dead dead dead. I was not prepared for what the fuck they gave me, I can't believe Tee stabbed White.
Love him <3 selfish, lonely fucker who was trapped but dragged Non and White into his hell with him.
Also have this TeeWhite edit to White Ferrari by Frank Ocean. "You say we're taller in another dimension" is truly ending me fuck
Personally, I haven't heard much discussion about Fluke but he was the first character who I got really into because we started to get to know his personality in the earlier eps while he was alone in the house with White and taking care of Por.
I got into watching shows/series through Squid Game lol and the character that most compelled me there was Sangwoo, truly another dickhead and although they're not the same at all, I still found some similarities, such as their career-related status (Sangwoo being an SNU-graduate with a great job unlike most others there and Fluke's obsession with having a clean record to become a doctor), throwing their weight around (tricking Ali and being mean/scary to White), and just their selfish tendencies in general.
Fluke was overly concerned with his reputation and didn't want the new kids to know what happened 3 years ago with Non, which is what I first picked up on about his character before we got to the flashbacks. It was so selfish; people were worried about a life-and-death situation, but Fluke could only think about his future ambitions. I remember being extremely baffled at the end of episode 4 (I believe) when he points the gun at Tee, tells the walkie-talkie to not come, and then DESTROYS it, severing their connection to the outside world and leaving them trapped with a murderer/ghost/whatever. Just so that they don't become murder suspects for Por's death? girl, I don't understand your plan but you were clearly blinded by your greed for the future.
I love seeing selfish, cowardly characters, and Fluke certainly is one. He witnessed such crucial wrongs and misdoings against Non (Top breaking the camera which started the whole damn thing and Non recording the video which broke the camel's back) but never once spoke up. He said he didn't want to become "like [Non]" meaning he was protecting his own hide by making sure there was someone more bullyable present so that they didn't turn on him. A coward and a dick. In the end, I found it fitting that he had to gouge his eyes out.
Fluke didn't ever stand up to his friends or oppose them, but his cowardly ass was ordering White around while they were alone. Also, the bravado with which he wielded the gun in the later episodes, even taking White hostage and shooting Top, but once somebody else like Tee or Phee had the gun, he was cowering, rolled into a ball with his knees to his chest. Ah, the different ways he behaves when he thinks he has the upper hand vs when he's at somebody else's mercy!
Love him, what a useless character <3 Also, if you ever need to tell your secret but don't want it to get out, just tell Fluke to get it off your chest, that man is never saying a damn thing (even if it would save someone's life).
Anyway, that's that I guess. So many words here and none of it new but I needed to write all these words out, they were haunting me.
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