#I'll add to this periodically
traybakedtoffee · 1 month
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my little goober I did to add to my carrd. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!
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burning-academia-if · 9 months
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All choice indicators are in, I just need to finish the stat pages and then I can release Chapter 1-
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amphiptere-art · 3 months
List of little things I believe in/prefer for the daycare attendant mostly but also just security breach.
I prefer to imagine security breach as the cut version then the final version.
I enjoy soft moon. Still a gremlin with the virus. But normal moon is just soft boy.
I enjoy sassy Sun. But I believe he was the once childish artistic fella before he got burnt out.
I do like the idea of Sun and Moon being one personality. At least before the virus. Then they become too. And there was no reverse.
I like the idea that Vanessa and vanny have a reflection in sun and moon.
I believe Jack-o-moon is the base daycare attendant. And is super old. He's hiding somewhere in the back of their code, or was deleted so Sun and Moon could have the body.
I think Moon came first in some way or fashion. Either because jack-o-moon was a moon first. Or that moon is sort of the older brother in coding.
I like to imagine that the eclipse in the arcade machine. Is either Jack or some outdated code of the daycare attendant. I usually imagine it as the theater attendant code.
I used to imagine the arcade Eclipse as the security code. But that has shifted.
I like to think that the daycare attendant was infected through the arcade machine somehow instead of through the security protocols.
I've always liked the thought that the daycare attendant was first. That they were infected first. And that they fell from grace first due to the strain of their job/life.
I believe that for the most part. The security protocols are what was infected. DJ being an exception because of his different bouncer protocol.
I like to use the old maps of security breach instead of the current one. Meaning that there is a lot more connecting hallways and less elevators.
I like to believe that the daycare was once more themed as a shoreline than what is today. I believe there was a lot more pirate theming before the jester and Castle came in.
I don't think foxy was ever built. But I do think there was a plan to have him. And that he was just throwing around attractions so fucking hard He never actually got past the idea.
I enjoy foxy Dad, DCA attendant son stories.
I enjoy Roxy X DCA more than glitter golf. I think it's the same personality, Just a less proximity sort of thing.
I like the thought that the endo daycare hallways. Is a place that a DCAs frequent. A sort of second home. Mostly for moon.
I like to imagine that at some point. Sun and Moon did perform in a theater like environment. Whether it was small time for testing. Or big time.
I enjoy having Suns rays as an expression. I think Moon uses them somewhat too. But to a different degree.
I believe Gregory is a true evil gremlin.
Since I go off of the cut versions of security breach. It means there's a lot more Vanessa and less Vanny. Plus Vanessa is a lot nicer. Vanny or control struggling Vanessa, typically takes the traits of the current game Vanessa.
Since I go off of the cut versions of security breach. Burn trap is allowed to crawl a little further. I mostly imagined him in unutilized parts of the Plex or the utility tunnels.
The clicking that sun and moon do. Especially the extreme that moon does. I like to imagine is there parts being broken. Or over exerted in some way. With moon especially. With him contorting and shit. I think he's pushing his mechanisms.
I've always liked to think that the daycare attendant and the DJ weren't made by fazbear. Or at least we're made by an extension company owned by fazbear. They just always seemed far too different than the rest.
I like to go for a mid level of Monty guilty. I think Monty definitely attacked Bonnie. But I don't think he was planning on replacing them. A slash of rage that went too far. Probably the virus. Desperately covered up in a panic. Although I do believe in Canon. It was with purpose.
I think that the nightmare plush. Is some sort of ghost of Plex. Sort of like an extension of the blob. Next up with much more thought.
I believe the nightmare plush is doing something to the characters of the Plex. Particularly with the daycare attendant Moon. Mostly because of their closeness with kids.
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larsnicklas · 10 months
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TOM WILSON completes his first career hat trick in his 700th game. His third goal was the game winner as the Capitals defeated the Ducks by a final score of 5-4.
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cultofsappho · 9 months
Sneak Peak Sunday
tysm for the tags everyoneee @kiwiana-writes @14carrotghoul @heybuddy-drabbles @happiness-of-the-pursuit !!!!!
although I only post for about 1/4 of the wednesdays and sundays here, i am actually working on things! just at a comparatively very very slow pace.
I have (very recently, be nice) been diagnosed as autistic and am working through it my favorite way: writing fanfiction and projecting my issues on fictional characters. So, have the first few lines written for my So Far Untitled Late Diagnosed Autistic Henry fic with a dash of internalized ableism that he's really gonna need to work through
It's not a problem, it's just that sometimes Henry thinks if anyone speaks to him he’ll spontaneously combust. It’s fine, really, but if one more person looks at him like he’s a fish out of water, he might just believe it. He’s okay, but he also occasionally thinks about ripping his own skin off.  It’s fine. He’s fine.  It’s depression. It’s anxiety, or grief, or this is just what it’s like for all queer people trying to exist within a heterosexual world. Or... it’s any number of his other plentiful issues. Surely, there can’t be another thing wrong with him. 
there can be actually :) and it's not something wrong but its there buddy :) you just learned to mask through posture coaching and oppressive royal formality sweetheart :)
as usual, no pressure tags (and some who probably already posted, i'm constantly behind sorry): @affectionatelyrs @inexplicablymine @daisymae-12 @cha-melodius @ships-to-sail @sherryvalli @myheartalivewrites @cosmicalart and open tag to anyone looking to share what they've been working on!!
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byanyan · 5 months
just a head's up: while I hesitate to call hiatus of any kind bc I want to give myself the freedom to write when I have the energy/focus/etc., I will just note that I'm gonna be even slower than usual around here for... idk, probably for a bit. I'm in the worst state mentally that I think I've ever actually been in and it's uhhhh. it's not great lmao. writing is my main escape & distraction so I don't want to step away from it but doing anything is hard as fuck rn so I'm really not interested in pressuring myself to get shit done when it comes to the hobby I'm supposed to be having fun with. I'll be slow, I'll be selective, and it's possible I'll be dropping a lot of drafts?? maybe?? OR at least like. temporarily removing a bunch from my drafts (to be added back later) just so the number is less big & overwhelming lmao.
thank u guys for ur patience w me & for writing w my glittery lil creature, I appreciate u all sm 💜
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popcorn-plots · 3 months
who you say you are
i feel like shit so here we are
possible TW for discussions of periods and everything that happens during them, like bleeding through three layers of clothing (that was a wonderful night)
Stephen hated his periods. He hated the general feeling of unwellness during that week, and he hated having to clean blood out of everything after he inevitably bled through.. everything. The worst part about it, however, wasn't even the blood. It was the dysphoria. It was the fact that every month, his period would bring the lies of his mind, telling him that he wasn't a real man and never would be. That he was weak for whining about it.
That he was never Stephen and he never would be. That he was too feminine, or that he was never 'good enough' to pass as a man. The worst was his mind telling him that he'd always be a girl, that deep down... he was never Stephen in the first place. He was just little Lucy, trying on her dad's shirt.
On those days, Stephen would curl up on his bed, clutching a hot water bottle. Cloak would hold him as he sobbed, telling himself over and over again, like a mantra, that his name was Stephen Strange. On those days, he would ask Wong not to bother him, despite every fiber of his being yearning to be held, begging for someone to call him handsome and take away the pain.
He didn't think that Wong knew. He was near-positive that Wong had no idea that Stephen was trans. As far as the other sorcerer knew, Stephen was just another man. A man with a broken soul to match his broken hands and scarred chest.
It was one of those days (Dark Days, Stephen called them) when Stephen was in his room, clutching a pillow to his chest. A second was between his legs, pressed to his crotch. It was surprisingly helpful when dealing with cramps, the pressure on his lower abdomen easing the discomfort. Unfortunately, he had forgotten his heading pad in the library from when he last used it and when he finally needed it again, he was too comfortable to get it.
Magic was out of the option as well considering just how horrible he felt between the pain, dysphoria, and his hands. It was a bad hand day, because of course, and he really didn't want to move. Which, unfortunately, meant breathing through the pain and trying not to cry.
Eventually, he managed to fall into a light sleep, nodding off then jolting awake again. He woke up in a way that jarred his hands and he groaned. It might be time to sacrifice his comfort for some much-desired relief.
He was mentally preparing himself to climb out of bed when there was a knock at the door. "Stephen?"
Stephen blinked. "..Wong..?"
"You left your heating pad in the library." Wong announced.
Stephen sighed. "I know. Leave me alone."
"I warmed it up for you. I thought you might need it. May I come in?" Stephen didn't respond. Wong had found his heating pad and warmed it up for him. For a second, Stephen wondered if Wong knew, but he had hidden it so well-- "Stephen?"
"...yeah. you can come in."
There was a click as the doorknob turned, then Wong was walking across the room in brisk strides, stopping in front of the nest of blankets that was Stephen Strange. "Here." he set the heating pad down near Stephen's hands. "I also have tea and some of your painkillers. It's raining today."
Stephen let out a shaky breath. Maybe Wong was just looking out for his hands. That would explain it, right? But Wong was never so... caring. Aside from his the week after Everest and his usual quiet help when Stephen needed to handle large stacks of books.
"You're paler than usual. If you turned yourself into a vampire on accident, I will kill you again." Stephen huffed.
"I'm not a vampire."
Wong reached out a hand and felt Stephen's forehead. Stephen nearly froze at the contact, but didn't say anything. He tried to look anywhere but Wong until the hand was gone. "You're not running a temperature."
"I'm trans." Stephen found himself blurting out.
Wong looked at him. Blinked. "Do you need any supplies?"
"Pads, tampons? You disappear in your room once every four weeks, only coming out for food and when you do, you look horrible. Deathly pale, hunched over as if in pain, it wasn't hard to figure out."
Stephen looked up at his friend. Wong had taken a seat in the armchair next to Stephen's bed -- one of the large library chairs that had found itself in Stephen's room after a few too many vigils of Wong's when Stephen found himself injured.
"You... you never said anything."
"If you wanted me to know, you would have told me when the time was right."
"You... always made my favorite meals."
Wong huffed a rare smile. "I have never menstruated, but I can sympathy. I have a sister. She was always... vocal with.. everything. I did what I could to make her feel better."
Stephen smiled. "It sounds like you love her."
"Very much." Wong was smiling ever so slightly. Stephen found that watching Wong smile seemed to take the pain away.
"What's her name?"
"Li." It was soft, spoken just above a whisper. "You'd like her."
"Li. Pretty name." Stephen sighed. "Mine was-- is--"
Stephen paused. He stared at Wong. Wong stared back. "Your name is Stephen. You are Stephen Strange. Do not give me your dead name. It is dead for a reason. You are who you say you are, not what someone else wants you to be. You told me on your very first day that your name is Stephen Strange. That is who you are. If you wish for me to use a different name, then I will. I respect you, and I will respect you, whoever you decide to be."
Stephen swallowed, tears pricking his eyes. He refused to let himself cry in front of Wong, of all people. Wong looked at him again and nodded. "You are Stephen Strange. Remember that."
Before he knew it, Wong had closed the door behind him and Stephen was sobbing into his pillow.
A few hours later, Stephen woke up feeling a hundred times better than before. He decided to find his way to the kitchen for dinner, now that the cramps had disappeared.
He found Wong at the stove, making friend rice. Wong's go-to comfort food that had quickly become Stephen's as well."
"Thank you." Stephen whispered. Wong responded by dishing Stephen and himself a large helping of rice.
"Of course, Stephen."
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orcelito · 22 hours
Actually, on the topic of the baby fever. God it's so frustrating. Bc when I was like 14 ish I was Adamant that I never ever wanted kids. And my dad said smth around the lines of "that'll likely change" (probably from his own experience with this) and I was like NO. it WONT.
And then eventually, age 21-22 ish, I admitted that Okay, I still don't want to have my own kids, but someday maybe I'll adopt...
And Now, 27 years old, I got the general baby fever on occasion. It Did fucking change. And I don't know if I actually WILL bother with having my own kid (I still don't want to go through the hassle and massive body changes). But god. I do see a fucking baby and feel that stab of longing. It's almost like my damned hormones betrayed me or smth. Maddening!
I shall simply write fanfic about it.
#speculation nation#pregnancy ment/#honestly though i hadnt felt the wish to have my own until after my dad died#and i realized just how small our family is getting. and just felt this stab of NEED. to continue the line. continue the family.#my family's fucking dying around me i need to add to it. need more family. yknow?#so i dont actually know if this is. because of hormones or because of grief or What#but it was enough for me to put the hysterectomy idea on hold. bc id been genuinely considering it back in like. april? or so.#but then this happened and now im like. fuck dude. i dont know. but the uncertainty's enough to keep me from doing it.#yeah i dont wanna deal with periods anymore. but also. i need more time to decide.#i think no matter what i do want to raise kids someday. once im more stable (financially and emotionally)#but whether thats adoption or putting myself thru fuckin body torture. well i'll just have to decide. later.#maybe the deciding factor will be my own body aging lol. if i wait too long. my body will decide for me. who knows!#i Have thought about what id do if i got accidentally pregnant. especially relevant back when i was sleeping with a trans woman#and used to be id abort no hesitation. but well. i mean abortions illegal here anyways rn so id have to go to another state#but if i decided it i could make it work. it's not That far of a trip.#but. when i thought about it. the concern was less about the theoretical baby. and more about finishing school.#thinking 'man itd be fucking awful to finish school if i got pregnant right now'. but not. hesitating over the baby.#if i was out of school and relatively stable and i got accidentally pregnant. then. well. Maybe.#so me doing my dad vash au where he gets accidentally pregnant and goes all in with it#thats me. sorting out my feelings on it i guess. putting them somewhere.#idk. it's a lot to think about. i dont want to condemn a child to my genetic problems. but at the same time...#i dont know. To Be Decided Later.
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kumakuma-circus · 1 day
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compilation of dumb shit from my various incomplete p4 fanfics that i will probably maybe actually finish and post on ao3 at somepoint-
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lalalaugenbrot · 8 months
I'm the last person on earth who would want to compare Spatort to S******k, least of all content-wise, but it's still one of the funniest things to me that they share as much as at least 6 major formal aspects (public tv show, 1 year hiatus, very limited number of episodes, 90 mins episodes, 3-letter-acronymable episode titles, airs/aired in january) which maybe isn't much but you know... it's also weird that it's as much as 6
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tiffanybluesclues · 4 months
Every week someone makes a post about how annoying it is that Dick Grayson fans don't acknowledge his flaws, and every week someone replies with an explanation that the flaws OP listed are entirely fanon and inconsistent with canon as it actually happened and at this point I have to assume that none of those explanations are ever going to stick because clearly some people just want the fanon to be true.
Anyway, I'm just putting this here for me to edit and add relevant-to-the-topic links later so I'll have them nicely at hand to read and sooth my frustrations when it gets real bad out there. (Echo chambers are good when we use them to drown out character mischaracterizing fanon.)
#dick grayson#canon vs fanon#yes this is about 'dick was a bad brother to jason' yet again#😮‍💨#super problematic how dick didn't pack up his life & become a devoted big brother to the new son of a man who had already disowned dick#like in-universe he is respectfully supportive of the kid who's wearing his name and uniform#but he was also a 19 year old living in a different city and not given any indication that he was a member of bruce's family so...?#dc comics#this fanon tendency to try to cram nuclear family dynamics and angst onto relationships that do not fit that mold arghhh#add to that how real-world knowledge makes it extra ridiculous to act as if 'omg dick was such a jerk for not being there for jason!!!'#yes their interactions were minimal - I'm pretty sure that keeping dick as a titans character was the entire reason jason existed!#let's be real about jason: his character & what led to him being robin were completely different pre-crisis + his post-crisis run was brief#understandably there are 'flashback' stories to flesh out his time as robin. the worst of these disregard characterization from that time#but even with flashbacks the worst that canon actually shows would be that they weren't close? which...okay?#idk what kind of expectations some people have for the former-ward so sort of foster kid who was explicitly kicked out of bruce wayne's lif#apparently he should've 1) begged his former guardian to acknowledge him as family & 2) assumed the role of bestest big brother either way#i'd ask people to stop and really think about the 'family' structure that existed in this time period where they insist dick was the bad gu#but at this point it's clear that people who want him to be the bad guy truly don't care about why we think it's absurd#anyway i'll end this with a reminder of what I'm pretty sure were the ages etc of the parties involved:#jason (12) gotham. adopted son of bruce.#dick (19) nyc. former ward of bruce. fired from role as partner to batman.#bruce (30+) gotham. raised dick as his ward → fired dick as a partner → never indicated dick still had any place in his life → adopted jaso#oh so my tags just cutting off the final letter like that? i will not be correcting them 😡
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thefaeriefeatherdark · 9 months
I do think the wildest part of the Skyrocket/Connie concept is that Visaggio seemed to legitimately believe that Kon-El is like... a D-List superhero. Which is just like, a wild thing to believe considering the Comic Kon won in a fan poll hadn't even finished coming out at the time she pitched her idea.
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unopenablebox · 6 months
came home at 8:45 from work and 🌸 was already fast asleep fully dressed on the bed phone in hand completely unresponsive to sound including name-calling and loud floor creaks
probably they were planning to get more work done this evening but i'm going to sabotage that by turning their light off and ordering takeout so i don't make any cooking noises to wake them up, hopefully causing them to get up to a full 12 hours of sleep for what i think would be the first time in two and a half years
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months
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someone in the makeup department playing "how much bigger can I make Daryl's scar each episode until someone notices"
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dcawritings · 10 months
As a trans man testosterone is good and great and miraculous until you're an absolute peanut and forget to take it for a few.... weeks...
Then Mother Nature, whom has been hanging out watching tiktoks or something I dunno what they do in their spare time, is just like 'Oh! Yes, suppose its time for me to show up, I see you didn't lock the door this time.'
Cramps and fatigue, my belothed old friends
The only good thing about this is that it makes me want to write some comfort content, especially given that there's already a surprising amount of trans male content in this community!
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letoscrawls · 1 year
I had an okay day, i was excited for the barbie movie and also made pretty decent money this week, then i opened instagram and saw another of my classmates graduated....... Now i feel terrible lol
I wonder when will it be my turn?? I've had three exams left since february and i can't seem to see the end of this constant struggle. I have to balance uni, work with kids and a not-so-great situation at home with my family. I gave up so much of my personal time, gave up all the time i dedicated to drawing, i've become numb to so many things and it's still not enough. These three projects + my thesis just keep taking everything from me and i'm so tired. I've been living this non-life since the pandemic, i see all my friends either graduate or work successful jobs, going abroad, doing something valuable with their life while i'm stuck here. It's like things never get better for me and it's so unfair?? All i ask from life is to leave this place and have my own money and time to heal from all of this and i keep telling myself my time is coming but when is it coming exactly??? I'M TIRED DAMN 😭
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