#I'll give you three guesses what game I was playing all night
Month 3, day 17, got a couple more frames done on the face, but I had to stop because a) am sleeby tired, and b) the cat is so upset that I'm not settled down for bed, and therefor snuggles, that he's dropping gnarly cat farts at me. So, gonna go to bed and fix both issues XD
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
By the grace of Robin Buckley, Steve gets into college.
She's his first real friend and it's because he knows her, loves her, learned to be a better person from her, that he's able to smile politely and take the hand of his new roommate. His long-haired, tattooed, dressed in all black roommate, who has already put up dark and menacing posters of bands Steve has never heard of and a bedsheet banner with the words "Corroded Coffin" painted on the fabric.
"Eddie Munson," his roommate says.
"Steve Harrington."
"Good to meet you, roomie." Eddie smiles so big it makes dimples pop. It's a good look. "Parents on the way with the rest of your stuff?"
"Oh, er--just me, actually."
Eddie's smile doesn't waiver. "Need some help?"
Normally, Steve would say no, but he just spent the last hour unloading Robin's stuff. "That would be great, thanks."
So, they work together to get Steve moved in, and as they work, he learns more about his roommate. He is a weirdo, an oddball, fundamentally strange, but Steve can't help but be charmed.
Eddie puts on music, something aggressive with loud guitars and drums, and Steve unpacks. He pulls out a picture of himself with the kids during one of their game nights, displaying it carefully on his desk.
"Wait," his new roommate says. "You? And the dnd children?"
Steve laughs. "They're the kids I babysit. You play that nerd game?"
Eddie's nose wrinkles. Something in the back of Steve's mind notes that it's cute. "Nerd game? Dnd is So. Much. More. It's--it's storytelling and strategy and--" Eddie stops, blinking at Steve. "You're fucking with me, aren't you?"
"Little bit," Steve smiles.
"I can't believe you know dnd. That you babysit nerds. You look like such a jock," Eddie shakes his head in disbelief.
"I am a jock," Steve agrees. "And I love those dorky little shitheads. I tolerate the game."
"Steve Harrington. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
"Guess so." The smiles they share are wide and sweet, bringing out Eddie's dimples in way that makes Steve long to touch.
After that, they're inseparable. Robin and Eddie and Steve. They study, eat, go to parties, hangout; anything, as long as they're together.
Three weeks into the semester, as Steve gets dressed after swim practice, he pulls a shirt out of his bag that doesn't belong to him. It's a black tee, Metallica logo front and center. He chuckles, puts it on. It's soft from wear and smells of laundry detergent and Eddie--cigarettes and leather and some kind of sweet musk. The scent puts him at immediate ease.
He meets Robin and Eddie for lunch. They were early, already have their food and seats, so he walks over to drop off his backpack. Eddie gives him a bright, dimpled smile, but within seconds his mouth is falling open a little, the tips of his ears turning bright red.
"You alright, man?" Steve asks.
Eddie startles, grabs his cup, jamming the straw into his mouth to chew at the plastic."You're--my shirt?" he says.
"Oh, shit. Sorry. Grabbed it by accident. I'll wash it for you."
His roommate flushes pink. "N--no, you don't have to worry about it."
He wants to question Eddie further--he's being so weird--but Robin interrupts. "Dingus! Go get food. Hurry up!"
He does as he's told, but when he comes back, Eddie is even redder than before, and Robin has a wide smirk across her face.
"What is going on with you two?" He asks as he puts his tray down.
Neither of them answer, andEddie launches into a passionate re-telling of some music student drama, so Steve let's himself be distracted.
It's mid-October and Steve's coming home from the gym, the one place that Robin and Eddie refuse to accompany him. As he nears his room, he hears music. It's not heavy metal, but something soft and slow and acoustic.
He tries to be quiet as he unlocks the door and enters, doesn't want to disturb Eddie, doesn't want him to stop playing. He never practices when Steve is home, says he doesn't want to be a bother with the noise.
Eddie's sitting on his bed, guitar in hand. There's a battered notebook open next to him, a pencil held between his teeth. He hums a bit, pauses to jot something down, and goes back to playing.
He looks beautiful, Steve thinks, bent over his guitar.
Steve is just about to announce himself when Eddie stops playing again. He writes something in the notebook before resting his head in his head. "Pathetic, Munson. Get it together," he mutters.
"Hi!" Steve says. It startles Eddie, who jumps and almost drops the guitar.
"Stevie!" Eddie stumbles to his feet. "I--uh--you're home!" His face is crimson.
"You're really good, man," Steve says. "I'd love to hear more sometime."
"Uh-huh, uh-huh," Eddie nods his head, grabbing for the notebook and slamming it closed. "Sure thing." He stuffs his feet into his Reeboks. "I gotta--I gotta go. Back soon."
Eddie stumbles out their door, notebook clenched firmly in hand.
He is so weird.
In mid-November, Robin gets invited to a party by a cute girl. They all go.
Steve isn't trying to hook up. He hasn't slept with anyone since they started school, too caught up with Robin and Eddie. But there's a girl, wavy brown curls and wide green eyes (he has the fleeting thought that they should be deep brown, that it's wrong that they aren't), and she's smiling at him.
Flirting with her is easy.
He doesn't know what breaks his concentration, but he turns to face the rest of the room, eyes falling on Eddie. Eddie who is watching him, his deep brown eyes swimming with hurt, with anger.
It sends a shock of pure panic up his spine. "Eddie!"
Eddie turns on his heel, disappearing in the crowd. Steve follows, but by the time he navigates through the partygoers, his roommate is nowhere to be found. He hurries back to their dorm, heart pounding in his ears, mouth dry.
It's dark in the room, though, and for a second he thinks Eddie isn't home, after all. But he turns on the light, illuminates the rigid lump under Eddie's quilt.
"Eddie?" Steve says, voice soft.
He doesn't respond, though Steve can tell he's awake. He tries again, but Eddie curls deeper under his covers.
Steve spends the night wondering what he did to hurt Eddie so bad.
They're back to normal after Thanksgiving. Steve is so relieved he doesn't even ask.
They stay up all night every night studying for finals. By the time Steve's last test rolls around, he's giddy and frantic. He grabs his textbook, shoves a notebook into his backpack, gets to the English building with just enough time to take a last look at his notes.
Only, he flips the notebook open and it's not his English notes. It's song lyrics.
Steve should close it. Put it back in his backpack. It's private. But he's already reading the lyrics written there. They're sexy. The song's about a guy, one Eddie seems to be totally gone for.
A line catches his eye, "need you on every surface in our room." He reads it again and again until the only thing he can see is the phrase, "our room." His whole body is warm, heat pooling, and he's chubbing up in his jeans in the middle of his English class.
Steve flips the pages, anything to get his mind off of that song, and that's when it hits him like a ton of bricks. All those weird moments--the t-shirt, the song, Steve flirting with a girl-- Eddie likes him.
Steve wants to rush to the dorm, wants to confess everything, even starts to stand, but--he has a final to take.
He makes himself close the notebook, but catches sight of another song as he does. It's a love song. It's plaintive and yearning and wanting. And every lyric is for him, about him, about things they did together. It's also unfinished, breaking off mid-way through the second verse.
He doesn't know how he missed it before, but as the professor hands out the test paper, Eddie is all he can think of.
When he finally gets back to the room, he finds Eddie's frantic, hair frizzed around his skull. All his bedding is on the floor, the drawers of his wardrobe pulled open.
"Eddie?" Steve asks.
"Have you seen my notebook?"
"What?" Steve's heart drops.
"The black one? It's kind of beaten up?"
"I--uh, yeah. Sorry, Eds. Accidentally grabbed it on my way to class." He pulls his backpack from his shoulder, unzipping it.
"Did you--did you read it?" Eddie's voice shakes, his face painfully red.
Steve doesn't know what to say, what to do. He wants Eddie. Has for a long time, just hadn't been able to put it together. And he doesn't know how to fix what's spiraling out between them.
"Eddie," he says. Can think of nothing else, hopes his desperation is clear in his voice. "Please." He closes the distance between them, slowly, carefully. Cups Eddie's chin in his hand.
They stare at each other, Eddie's eyes wide with shock. Steve can feel the other man's breath on his face, smell the tobacco and sweet musk scent of him.
"Every surface of our room, huh?" Steve asks.
Eddie's cheeks flush. He turns away, bashful. "Something like that."
"And if I want it too?" Steve whispers.
The words hang between them for several beats, before they both move to close the lingering distance between them. Their mouths slip together, like it's nothing, like they do this all the time. Steve grasps at Eddie's curls, fists a hand into his t-shirt, totally lost to the rhythm of the kiss, the easy slip of Eddie's tongue in his mouth.
Eventually, the come up for air, both pink cheeked and panting.
"You're full of surprises, Steve Harrington." Eddie breathes.
"Just wait," Steve smirks, moves in to nip at Eddie's bottom lip. "We have so many surfaces."
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bluelockmaniac · 5 months
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౨ৎ how to play: 1. there will be three characters (multifandom). simply choose one you'd want to sleep with, one you'd want to marry, and one you'd... well, kill. 2. each character will have a comment based on your decision, read it!
ೀ warning: characters may have some harsh or suggestive replies, so proceed with caution !
౨ৎ characters from the following fandoms: BLUE LOCK, genshin impact, honkai star rail, JJK
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1. 彡 who would you sleep with, marry, kill?
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⤑ what he'd say if you chose to sleep with him
𝐃𝐑. 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎: "oh? you want to sleep with me? i'm afraid i'd rather watch paint dry."
𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐀: "haha! not surprised. i'll make it worth your while, y/n."
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈: "y/n, i believe it is best to refrain from such... engagements. i must respectfully decline."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to marry him
𝐃𝐑. 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎: "hm, i can hardly contain my enthusiasm. it seems you've also been infected by the disease named stupidity." (translation: "i'll consider it,")
𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐀: "what's the hurry? just kidding, this seems like the beginning of our grand adventure, my love."
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈: "...what? y/n, marriage is a serious commitment... it requires careful consideration— i apologize, i seem to have forgotten this was a game."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to kill him
𝐃𝐑. 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎: "you know y/n, sometimes it's better to keep your lips sealed and give the impression that you're stupid, rather than to open your mouth and remove all the doubt they might have had?"
𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐀: "damn it, y/nnn! so easy to love yet so hard to hate..."
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈: "...i won't hold it against you."
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2. 彡 who would you sleep with, marry, kill?
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⤑ what he'd say if you chose to sleep with him
𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐄: "eww... but i suppose i could lower my standards for one night..."
𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄: "oho? fascinating. we can use each other for tonight, just make sure you don't disappoint me, friend."
𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑: "fine, but only because i pity you. it's the closest you'll ever get to perfection, anyway."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to marry him
𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐄: "w-what? me, marry you? pathetic..."
𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄: "love is a gamble, but with you it seems like it's a guaranteed win..."
𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑: "Marry me? That's laughable— and what makes you so special, hm?"
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to kill him
𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐄: "i'd like to see you try, you insignificant... human."
𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄: "hmm, y/n, i didn't know you were one to pull risky moves. i'll let fate decide my outcome, let's see if luck is on my side."
𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑: "tch, likewise."
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3. 彡 who would you sleep with, marry, kill?
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⤑ what he'd say if you chose to sleep with him
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎: "hell yeah, i love sleepovers! i'll bring suguru and shoko— wait whaaat?"
𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄: "...my apologies. while i am honoured by your proposal, i must politely decline as it is not my intention to take advantage of your precious body."
𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋: "y'wanna fuck? no need t'ask twice, pretty thing."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to marry him
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎: "haha, of course. after all, the question is: who wouldn't choose to marry me?"
𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄: "it would be a privilege to marry you, y/n... but perhaps we should start slow and take it one step at a time."
𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋: "say less, darlin'. i'll give ya the best life y'could ask for."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to kill him
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎: "haha! not if i kill you first! :)"
𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄: "ah, i apologize. it's raining again in fontaine."
𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋: "mm' pretty, don't know what i did but, y'know what they say? hate sex is the best sex." (a/n: sorry)
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4. 彡 who would you sleep with, marry, kill?
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⤑ what he'd say if you chose to sleep with him
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘: "oh? guess i've got a different purpose for using my handcuffs now."
𝐒𝐀𝐄: "yuck... whoever is willing to sleep with you is just too lazy to jerk off..." (ouch)
𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈: "hmm? how much are ya willing to pay?"
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to marry him
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘: "...let us sit down and discuss this, perhaps over a cup of tea."
𝐒𝐀𝐄: "ugh... i have no interest in someone as lukewarm as you. i have better things to do than waste my time with you."
𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈: "pftt, nah."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to kill him
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘: "careful now, y/n. i won't be able to reduce your prison sentence if you were to commit murder."
𝐒𝐀𝐄: "i don't give a shit. this game is such a waste of my time."
𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈: "oh, are you flirting with me?"
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5. 彡 who would you sleep with, marry, kill?
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⤑ what he'd say if you chose to sleep with him
𝐊𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐇: "well i certainly am looking forward to decorating you with love bites... you'll look like a gorgeous piece of art by the time i'm done with you."
𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎: "uhh... like innocently sleeping beside each other or— oh. fuck yes, come here."
𝐀𝐋𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌: "i'll consider it if it's a one-time thing, but later... this book is quite intriguing."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to marry him
𝐊𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐇: "seriously? there is no time to waste then. i'll build us the grandest mansion ever known in sumeru!"
𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎: "you... what? but i guess the idea of having a family with you does sound exciting..."
𝐀𝐋𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌: "i apologize, but getting married seems like a hassle. i'd rather live a comfortable life on my own."
⤑ what he'd say if you chose to kill him
𝐊𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐇: "mhmm, such a pretty liar."
𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎: "don't say that. shut up and kiss me."
𝐀𝐋𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌: "well, what can i say? you're as smart as you look."
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★ 𝑮𝑨𝑴𝑬 𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹 . . .
★彡 feel free to share the characters you chose in the comments ! ⤷ the artists for the fanarts used are credited in image desc ! ⤷ reblogs, comments, and likes appreciated !
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© 2024 bluelockmaniac — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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wettvagina · 9 months
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description: like we all know geto & gojo are just the infamous duo that everybody and they mama wannna fuck , what happens when you get stuck with the both of them after a stupid dare at a college party?
warnings: threesome , p in v , blowjob ,
You took another sip of tequila as you had lost the second time that night to whatever stupid drinking game your friends were playing at this lame ass party, "Okay, maybe we should stop, I really do not wanna black out." you sighed, crossing your legs as you sat back, "This is so boring, I thought college parties were supposed to be fun." Shoko groaned, "Let's go home." Nanami grunted, his low deep voice barely audiable.
"What? We can't go home now, it's only 10!" you stand up, coming closer to both Shoko and Nanami who were leaning on a nearby counter, "And?" Nanami questioned, "We'll look super lame!" you said, "Well this party is lame anyways." Nanami scoffed, "Listen, this is our first college party, you should be grateful I even scored an invite." you protested, "Let's look around and get the hang of things." you offered.
You and your pair of friends were freshmen in Jujustu College, trying to break out of the boring nerd characters you three had caged yourself in, you presented the idea of a party. The week had just ended, and this whimsical Friday you wore your sexiest dress, and painted on your boldest eyeshadow. Geared up to conquer your first college party.
"Hey! You three down for spin the bottle?" a tall man with piercing blue eyes and white hair asked, "Uhm-" Nanami looked with a face of disgust, "Sure!" you cheered, "Perfect! Follow me." the white haired man's hand found your shoulder as he ushered you to a room.
Upon entering, you noticed that this was someone's bedroom, the music was relatively louder in this room, you assumed it was due to the speaker being in this room. The room was lit by a pair of LED strips parallel to eachother, there were about ten people in this room, two of the ten were gulping down a bottle of beer to use as the bottle in, 'spin the bottle'.
"Shoko?" you whispered, the white haired, pale man barely paying attention to you, walked ahead as you looked back, seeing Shoko and Nanami give you a look. You lightly smiled at them before sitting down, "Alright, finally. Let's start." a blue haired woman begun. "Now, this isn't normal spin the bottle, who ever the bottle lands on has to do a dare, you sure you still up for this?" the white haired man asked, you nodded excessively as you observed the white haired man looking at you up and down.
"Well, I'll let you spin first. And your friend can give you a dare." the white haired man explained, taking a seat next to a larger man with long black hair, and a pair of black circular earrings, you felt yourself blush when the man looked at you, whispering something into the white haired man's ear before giggling.
You wiped your sweaty hand onto your dress before spinning the bottle, sounds of people talking paired with the booming music in the room bombarded your hearing as the bottle spinned, it felt like forever as the neck of the bottle spun in circles, eventually landing between the white haired man and the black haired man.
"Looks like you got both of us." the black haired man snickered, "How lucky, Suguru." the white haired man spoke, three pairs of eyes darted towards Shoko, as she composed a dare in her head. "Uhhh." her brain looked like it had went blank, "Uh, I dunno' go to the bathroom for five minutes.'' she said with a shrug, your eyes widened and your face scrunched, 'oh shit' you cursed to yourself, maybe you really should've just went home when Nanami said to, this is going to be the most awkward five minutes of your life. Thanks so much Shoko!
You bit your lip before standing, "Satoru." you heared the black haired man say as he grabbed something from his pocket and discretely passed it to the white haired man, which you guessed was named Satoru. A puzzled look was displayed on your face, but it was quickly wiped off when the entire room begun talking, you could barely make out the conversation since everyone's voices were layered but by the looks of Shoko's and Nanami's face you knew it wasn't something good.
You watched as Nanami quickly arose, before a door was shut in your face, you didn't even notice that you had already entered the bathroom along with two georgous looking men, the room smelled like vanilla, the room was simple, a toilet there, a sink here and a shower in the corner. You nodded to yourself before facing the two men infront of you.
"Uhm, nice house." you muster up some sort of courage to say, "Oh." the dark haired man said as he looked at Satoru, "This isn't our house." he mentioned, "I'm Geto Suguru." he said with a generous hand out to shake, you quickly took his hand, his warm skin felt somewhat comforting as his eyes raked your body.
"And I'm his way better looking ,best friend, Gojo Satoru." Gojo said with his eblow resting on Geto's shoulder, you giggled as the white haired man introduced himself, "But I suppose you already know who we are." Gojo said with a wide grin, "Uhm, no actually, I'm a freshman here." you inform them, "Ah- makes sense." Gojo mentioned, "If you weren't I would've noticed you way earlier. Your face is just..." Gojo explained, "Eye catching." he continued.
"Oh, thank you." you smiled, blush heating your face. "You're quite the looker as well." you began, "You both are." you say, and now both of them looked at you smiling before looking at one another. "This your first party?" Suguru asks, leaning on the sink, "Yeah, well my first college party." you announce with a soft smile, "Oh, I see." Geto nods to himself while Gojo looks a bit hyper as he leans on the door behind you.
"Say, you wanna try something?" Gojo asks while his hands ghost over your waist, "Huh?" your eyes widen and your heartbeat fastens.
And there you were, getting your pussy pounded from the back, and taking dick down your throat. You decided five minutes ago that this topped every single highschool party and every future party to come.
Gojo stood behind you, hips rutting into you at a brisk pace, as he held onto your waist, Satoru stood infront of you, hand grabbing at your hair as he fucked your throat, your moans clogged with his cock, "Suguru, I want to hear her scream my name." Gojo groans as his cock slides in and out of your welcoming pussy, Geto's cock slides out of your throat, and you watch as he palms himself in front of you.
You pant before you began moaning in pleasure, you batted Geto's hand away from his own cock as you stroked it yourself, groaning and whining as Gojo slapped your ass, "Shit!" Gojo grunted as his hands dug deeper into the flesh of your hips, you felt Geto's hand hover over your head, before grabbing onto it, shoving his cock down your mouth.
Tears began forming in your eyes, you felt like if you were seeing stars by the stomach folding strokes Gojo was thrusting into you, you almost had asked him to take off the condom so you could feel his dick raw. "Feel good?" you hear Gojo say from behind you, you could only murmur onto Geto's cock as it occupied your mouth, Gojo pulled out his cock from your pussy, then re-entered with one hard thrust, causing you to jolt forward, slipping Geto's cock deeper into your throat.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you heard Geto groan, Gojo continued to ram his cock into your weeping pussy at an astonishing pace, Geto pulled his cock out, leaving the tip resting on your lips, your hand circled Geto's length as you pumped his cock, "Gonna' come all over your fuckin' face." he groaned and you begun stroking his cock faster.
"Oh- fuck! Right there." you whined out when Gojo bullied his cock into your g-spot, hitting all the right places, earning sweet noises from your mouth, to shut yourself up, you took Geto's cock back into your mouth, tongue swirling around the tip as you looked up at him.
Gojo pressed down onto your back, causing you to arch as his cock moved in and out your pussy, "Gonna- come! Fuck!" Geto says and you feel his cock tensed as thick, white ropes of his come sprays onto your tongue, you look up at him with his eyebrows scrunched as his mouth made an 'o' shape, he panted heavily as you continued to stroke him while he was coming.
You moaned as you felt Gojo's dick tensed inside of you, Gojo buried his cock deep into your pussy with one final thrust as he came, groaning and grunting and the hold he hand on your hips intensified. "Shit." he panted, drawing his dick out of your pussy, removing the condom and discarding it in a nearby bin.
"You've been a good girl, you'll get to come." Geto coos as he gets on his knees, pinning you against the counter before swiping his tongue on your pussy, licking your puffy clit while his fingers prod at your tired hole. "Oh shit- I'm close." you whine, you hear Geto moan into your pussy as his tongue circles your clit, his lips press onto your sensitive nub and once you feel that you swore you saw stars, coming all over his face as you reached your climax, "Fuck, oh shit!" you cursed as you grabbed onto his hair, "Mhm, good job, princess." he praises as he watches your juices drip down your thigh.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 10 months
Am I Acting Weird?
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Walking home, I just can't shake the feeling that something is off, but I can't figure out what! I asked Coach about it before leaving practice, but he just laughed. He said I was weird not to appreciate the effort I've put into football lately.
He's right. I've been busting my ass, but that's exactly what I'm talking about!
I've never given a damn about improving my rank or even showing up to conditioning! I just wanted to hang out with my buds and mess around with the cheerleaders.
But now, it's like none of that matters! I've skipped the last three parties to bulk up at the gym! I haven't been able to drink anything other than protein shakes, and my meals are always loaded with meat. It's like I can't control myself anymore! Why can't I just take a night off and drink beers with the rest of the boys?
I let out a long groan of frustration and trudge upstairs. My younger sibling Max laying on the couch while the TV blares his favorite show.
Max is the weird one! He's like 18, and all he does is play videogames and sit around all day.
I quickly strip off my sweaty football uniform and toss it into the corner of my bedroom. My muscles are already tired and aching from yesterday's practice, so I can't imagine how sore I'll be feeling when I wake up for tomorrow's early morning workout; something I only recently started doing everyday.
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Like every other night, I pull my usual at-home clothes on; a stiff white shirt, black apron, and bowtie. This outfit might seem weird, but it feels nice, especially when I tie everything up extra tight. Max showed me how. Sure, it's not comfortable at all, and I look like a waiter more than anything, but that doesn't bother me.
My little brother is annoying as hell, but he's usually right. Me and dad used to tease him all the time, but we've come around since then.
Now that I'm finally at home and suited up, I can feel my shoulders relax. Whatever was bothering me before can wait. I pull some shiny black shoes on, slip a pair of white gloves over my hands, and carefully step back downstairs. It's important that I make as little noise as possible when I'm home. I wouldn't want to disturb anybody.
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"Hey, big bro," Max calls from the couch, "Your home."
"Yes, Max," I answer, taking my usual position next to the couch.
This is where I stand when I'm in the living room anymore. It's just where I feel most comfortable, and it's right next to a little cart of useful supplies. I grab a towel and sling it over my shoulder. It's always a good idea to have one on me when I'm at home. Never know when I'm going to need it.
"My shoes could use a polish while we chat," Max adds, flipping through the channels.
"You got it, Max."
See, the towel does come in handy. I quickly fetch a container of shoe polish on my little cart and kneel by his feet. I've been polishing Max's shoes for a few weeks now, so I've gotten pretty good at it. He doesn't really appreciate the art of it, but I guess it's just something that I'm into.
"How's football? You the best player yet?" Max asks nonchalantly from above.
"No, Max. I've gotten a lot bigger lately, but the quarterback is still a lot more muscular and skilled."
He rolls his eyes and adds, "Give it time I guess. You're going to keep at it until your a professional player like the ones on TV."
I stop buffing his sneaker for a second and glance up at him. His attention is now completely fixated on an NFL videogame.
"Max, that's just it," I admit, "Lately I've been working out and bulking up like I'm some pro-athlete, but I'm not. I don't think I even want to be! That life just seems so grueling."
Max pauses his game and looks down at me solemnly.
I avert my gaze and add, "It's just weird that lately I've put so much work into something I don't want."
"You think that's weird?" he dryly raises an eyebrow.
I just shake my head and turn my attention back to my brother's sneaker. It's going to need a lot more polish before it shines.
The door opens and our father arrives home.
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"Hey, boy," he dismissively calls when he sees me on the floor. Then he notices my brother lounging on the couch.
"Max," he says with a bit more emphasis, dipping his head a little.
"Dad, I'm really hungry right now, so could you get a move on with dinner?" Max answers.
"Of course, Max."
Our father immediately drops his keys and briefcase and shuffles into the kitchen. I've always admired him. He played football in college too, so we've always bonded over sports.
But lately, he only seems interested in his work. I rarely see him because he always stays late and picks up night shifts at the office. It's done wonders for his career, so I guess that's good. He's been given a few raises recently for all the extra effort he's put in, but I can tell it's taking a bit of a toll on the guy.
"Big bro, just look at Dad," Max explains to me, "He doesn't complain about anything being weird, does he? He just keeps his mouth shut and goes to work. Be more like him."
I don't speak as I switch to shining his other sneaker. Max is probably right. If Dad can power through long hours in the office to bring home a decent salary, then I can surely shut up and dedicate myself to a career in football.
It doesn't take long for our father to return to the living room.
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"The food is almost ready, but here are some drinks while you wait, Max," he says.
Our dad seems minorly annoyed by the starched clothing he has on, but that suit is his typical home outfit. It looks even more stiff and uncomfortable than my get up, but I guess he's willing to put up with it.
Max stands before I can finish at his feet and grabs a glass from our father.
"Whoops, here you can finish them," he says after a swig of wine, kicking the shoes off in my direction, "And then take care of the laundry in my room."
"Sure thing, Max," I answer, but he's already turned his attention to dad.
"Is your wallet in your briefcase?" he asks, "I'm taking a few friends out tonight."
"It is, Max, and the car keys are next to it. The car is low on gas. Should I take it to a station before you go out?"
"Yeah," Max adds between sips, "Take care of that while I eat."
"Of course, Max."
"Oh, and Dad."
"Yes, Max?"
"Start making double portions for big bro's meals. He needs to bulk up faster if he's going to usurp the current quarterback."
I pretend not to hear, and finish up my work with Max's shoes. Maybe my new focus on football hasn't been that strange after all. It's not really the life I thought I'd be pursuing, but it's kind of nice being bigger and more athletic than I used to be. It's not really weird if I think about it. Maybe I can even get a few more reps in after I finish Max's laundry.
I hope he has a good time out with his friends tonight. It's weird, but I don't really know what else I'd spend my time doing.
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roosterforme · 2 years
Batting Practice Part 3 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley realizes why you started running hot and then cold with him. He makes sure he remedies the situation with you. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing (eventually 18+)
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley was counting down the minutes until he could leave work on Monday. The sporadic, slightly flirtatious texts between you and him Saturday night and all day Sunday were driving him wild. 
He couldn't fucking wait to see you. He kept imagining how you would react to him in person now, especially after what you texted him this morning.
You should wear your hat backwards later today. That looked good on you.
Really, nothing about that was dirty, but it seemed to have that type of effect on him. Plus it meant that you were thinking about him, which left him grinning.  
"Rooster, look alive, man," Jake told him, slapping him in the chest with a copy of the newest F/A-18 flight manual. Bradley grunted as the massive book made contact, and he glared at Jake. "What's got you distracted? Excited about all the MILFs you're going to see later? I wish Bob had asked me to coach with him."
Bradley just shook his head. "Moms aren't my type. Too complicated." He just wished he still believed himself when he said it.
Then he settled into the seat next to Nat, ready for a long lecture about his aircraft, his imagination drifted to you. He imagined the three of you at the Phillies game, all in matching backwards hats. There was no doubt in his mind that he'd like the way you looked with a hat that way, too.
Maverick's voice droned on in the background, and Bradley was pretty sure the information he was giving would be useful to know, so he forced his mind back to the present.
Once they were all dismissed, Bradley headed to the locker room to change out of his khaki uniform. When he glanced over at Bob, he chuckled. 
"You know, we could wear our uniforms to practice one day. Drive the moms wild," Bradley said as he unbuttoned his shirt. 
Bob just shook his head. "None of them know I'm in the Navy, and I don't plan on telling them."
"Oh," Bradley said as he unzipped his pants. "I did tell one of them that we're aviators."
Bob laughed lightly. "Let me guess, Everett's mom?"
Bradley decided not to reply. He just shrugged and pulled on his Tiny Eagles tee shirt and gym shorts. Then he pulled his worn out Phillies cap onto his head. Backwards. 
"I'll see you over at the ballfield," he told Bob as he exited the locker room and headed for the Bronco. 
There was just something about you. Yeah, you were pretty. But lots of women were pretty. Yeah, he liked the way your body looked. But the female form was something that never failed to get him going. 
He wanted to flirt with you. He wanted to make you warm. He wanted to wear his ratty, old Phillies hat the way you liked it. Which was just a terrible idea, since dating a mom was not on his agenda. Even sleeping with someone who came with baggage was something he avoided at all costs, whenever he could. 
Bradley mentally scolded himself for even briefly believing that a sweet kid like Everett could be considered baggage. He wasn't quite that shallow. But he liked his life simple. 
Perhaps he should have kept the phone number of that woman from the bar. 
He coasted into his usual parking spot and made his way toward the ballfield. He stretched and ran the bases a few times, basking in the early evening sunlight. When Bob arrived, they tossed a ball back and forth for a few minutes until the kids started to arrive.
"You miss playing," Bob said with a smile. "Why don't you play with the officers rec league?"
Bradley shrugged after he threw the ball to Bob one last time and removed his glove. "Because, no offense, but they suck."
Bob laughed loudly. "I resent that! I play center field!" 
Bradley just grinned. "I know you do. Listen, I wanted to play pro ball until I was twenty-one years old. And while I love being an aviator, I am still good at baseball."
"Coach Bradley!" called Everett as he came streaking across the field. 
"Hey, kiddo. You get lots of rest over the weekend? Ready to play?" he asked the kid, tugging down the bill of his cap and making him laugh.
But then Bradley saw you.
Okay, this was a problem. The whole text thread between the two of you was playing in his mind now as he watched you walk across the grass, hopping on one foot as you changed out of your high heels as you went. You were wearing a plain gray suit and trying to talk on the phone while you juggled your shoes and Everett's gear bag.
You looked complicated as hell at the moment. This was a problem, because Bradley's mind was telling him he suddenly liked complicated. 
"Start warming up with Coach Bob," Bradley told Everett as he patted him on the head. That same warm sunlight that had felt so perfect on Bradley's skin was illuminating your face and hair, and he was already looking at you when he saw your eyes catch on him.
"I need to go, Frank. We can figure it out later," you said, pulling your phone away from your ear and ending the call.
"Hi." Bradley's voice was laced with everything he really wanted to say to you in person but didn't think he should.
"Coach," you replied softly, your long lashes fluttering against your cheeks as you closed your eyes for a beat.
"You give any more thought to the merits of sitting behind home plate versus sitting in the outfield?" Bradley asked softly, just for you to hear. 
The way your lips parted wordlessly as you played with your hair had him grinning. You crinkled up your nose in that way he already loved as you looked down at the field. "Are you really serious about going to the game with Ev and I?"
He wasn't actually completely sure before this moment, but now he was. "Yeah. Of course I'm serious. Should I ask Everett where he wants to sit? Since you don't seem to care? And since I'll have an equally good view of you from any seat?"
This time when you raised your eyes to meet his, he could feel them examine every inch of his chest and arms and the scars along his neck. Your gaze didn't move from his mouth as you whispered, "You're making me flustered." Then your eyes met his, and Bradley could feel your hesitation that wasn't evident through texting. 
"I'd love to be responsible for that. You look cute when you're flustered."
Your eyes went wide as you muttered, "And you look cute with your hat like that."
The sound of Bob's whistle had both of you jumping so that you almost collided. Bradley could hear you mutter, "Oh shit," as you pressed your hand to your forehead and turned away from him to find a seat on the bleachers. And try as he may, he couldn't seem to catch your eye at all during practice. 
You were embarrassed. Coach Bradley and all of his flirty text messages were making you silly. 
He really seemed to want to take you and Ev to a baseball game. He had told you twice that the best seat in the house would be one where he was looking at you. 
Nothing was ever going to be that easy for you though. As soon as Everett spent a Sunday afternoon watching baseball and eating ice cream with his coach, he was going to want that to happen all the time. 
You were afraid you were going to want it all the time too. You were so attracted to Bradley. The way he flirted with you was subtle and yet intentional, and it left you craving more from him already. 
How much was he willing to give? How available was he? How available were you? Frank wanted to get together with you again this week, but you didn't know if you'd be able to get a sitter for Everett. You didn't know if you wanted to see Frank outside of work anymore either. 
But you could imagine sitting at Petco Park eating nachos and drinking a beer with Bradley while Ev ate ice cream out of a tiny plastic helmet.
"Fuck," you groaned, forcing your attention to remain on Everett even though you could practically feel Bradley's eyes on you. 
Everett was better at tee ball than you had expected him to be. He managed to hit the ball over Bob's head pretty consistently, and you cheered for him when he turned and looked toward you. This is what he needed; an outlet for all of this energy and some male role models. 
When practice ended and Bob announced that each child could come up and get their jersey for Saturday's game against the Tiny Hawks, Everett was practically vibrating with excitement. 
"Mommy, I get a jersey just like the ones the coaches wear!"
You chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You sure do. Listen for your name."
When Bradley called his name, Everett went sprinting up to get his jersey, and you watched Bradley help him put it on over his shirt. Then he sprinted back to you and hugged you around your middle.
"Let's get going, sweetie. You must be hungry," you said, tossing his equipment into the bag, trying to make a hasty exit. You didn't want to continue your conversation with Bradley, because you were so mixed up at the moment. 
And that's when you heard him talking to Henry's mom. 
"Coach Bradley. I was hoping we could exchange phone numbers, just in case you ever needed any extra help with anything."
"Uh, sure, Sandra. Our Team Mom probably has everything under control, but what's your number?"
You shoved Everett's cleats into the bag and rushed him through getting his sneakers on. And all the while you heard Sandra offering her help with anything he might need. The worst part was the way she was rubbing Bradley's arm when you decided to glance in their direction. 
"Let's go," you told Everett, ready to make a run for your car. How embarrassing! You'd flirted with your kid's tee ball coach over text all weekend, and now he was lining up Sandra, who was of course fucking gorgeous.
Gross. You felt jealous. You never felt jealous. Danny had been cheating on you for the last year or so of your marriage, and you'd never felt this way! You'd been mostly content knowing that you had Everett to make it all worth it. 
So this felt wrong. The cold envious feeling seeping under your skin. Just wrong.
The two of you almost made it to your car, and of course, like an idiot, you had parked next to the Bronco again.
"Hey!" Bradley called, closing the distance as he jogged up. "I didn't get to say goodbye." He high fived Everett next to your car, and then you ushered Ev into the backseat. 
"So, I'll see you on Thursday?" Bradley asked, ducking his head a little bit, trying to get you to meet his eyes. 
"Yes," you told him, grasping your door handle. But he only let it swing open a few inches before he caught it in his massive hand.
"What's wrong?" he asked you softly. 
You sighed and met his eyes. "I thought we originally exchanged numbers just to talk about team business."
Bradley cocked his head to the side. "Yeah... we can make it just team business, if you want. But I obviously wanted you to be the Team Mom. And I was kind of enjoying the more...personal chit chat."
You scoffed. "I get it. I do. But if you want to exchange numbers and have personal chit chat with all of the moms who are clearly interested in you, then maybe you and I should keep it businesslike." 
When you wrenched the door open another foot, he didn't stop you this time. But he still gently closed it for you.
The next morning, you felt a lot better. Bradley hadn't texted you, and you weren't about to text him. It was honestly better this way. He could flirt with Sandra as much as he wanted to, and now you didn't have to worry about anything except whatever was strictly required of the Team Mom.
When Frank knocked on your door at lunchtime, you had just finished up a project. So you let him come in, and soon he was kissing you. It felt pretty good, so you let him unbutton your shirt as well. 
"Baby, how about a quickie?" he whispered next to your ear before kissing your neck. 
That didn't sound too bad. Now that you had rid your system of yearning for Coach Bradley.
"Okay," you whispered when he started kissing the tops of your breasts and caressing your sides. You unzipped your suit pants and slid them down your hips along with your underwear while Frank pulled a condom out of his wallet and locked your door.
Bent over your desk with your cheek pressed to the smooth wood surface, you let your eyes drift closed. And that was a big mistake. Because it was too easy to imagine a backward cap, a mustache and a deep, raspy voice in your ear. 
You felt him slide inside you, stretching your pussy in the process. It felt so much better than it usually did, you had to bite your lip to suppress a moan. Then he was moving, and you could practically smell sweat, spicy deodorant, and the freshly watered grass of the infield. Is this how it would feel to be bent over the wooden bleachers and fucked by Bradley? His mustache grazing the back of your neck as he whispered those flirtatious text messages to you? 
Hands gripped your hips, squeezing you tight as your pussy was filled over and over. He would love taking you from the back like this, quick and dirty. Unrelenting. 
You were gasping now, your lungs tight with each breath as you imagined his voice. You look cute when you're flustered.
"Oh," you groaned, and the pressure increased bit by bit. "Oh!"
He'd fuck you so good. He'd take care of everything you wanted. He'd press his mustache to your pussy, rubbing you until you cried. He'd finger you while he drove you around in his Bronco. You could picture it all so clearly. Feel it seamlessly.
Legs shaking, you fucked yourself back against him, wanting as much pressure as you could get. Then you felt it, and you knew it was going to be good. Your orgasm washed over you quickly, and you lifted your head off your desk, suddenly alert. 
You were with Frank. You were coming so fucking hard on Frank's dick while you thought about another man. 
"Oh! Fuck! Ohhhh," you moaned, completely shocked, totally stunned. It felt like you had been with Bradley. And now you were conscious of all the noises Frank was making as he blew his load into the condom. 
You stood with your back to him and quickly started to get your clothes in order with shaking hands. 
"Sounded like you really enjoyed that, baby," Frank said, and you could hear the smug smile in his voice.
Hell yes, you had enjoyed it, but not because of him.
"I have a lot of work to do," you muttered, rubbing your hands along your burning hot neck. 
"Let's do this again later this week," Frank told you, kissing your cheek before he left.
You dropped into your seat and spent the entire afternoon thinking about what you had done.
It took Bradley until Tuesday to realize what he had done wrong. You must have heard or seen Sandra with him. Fuck. He was just trying to be as accommodating as he could without telling Henry's mom to back off; he'd have to see her multiple times per week for eight more weeks!
But you'd gone from a simmering warmth with him to frosty cold on a dime. And that must have been why.
He didn't know how to make it up to you, and he didn't want to text you since you'd told him no more personal talk.
So he waited until Thursday at practice. When you pulled into the parking lot, you avoided the spot next to his Bronco. And you and Everett stayed in your car until practice was about to start, hustling across the grass at the last possible minute. 
You were not going to make this easy for him.
Everett came running over to join the rest of the team just as Bob was dividing the kids into two groups. But Bradley could only focus on you. Your hair was swept up today, exposing your graceful neck, and you were wearing a black pencil skirt with a tight blouse tucked into it. You seem to have forgotten your beat up sneakers today, because you were walking around the field on tiptoes so your heels wouldn't get ruined. 
You looked smoking hot, and you were not sparing a single glance in his direction. 
"Bradley!" Bob called. "Focus."
"Right, sorry," Bradley replied, reluctantly taking his spot behind home plate where he couldn't spend the next hour looking at you. 
He watched the kids go through the batting order, and then had them start practicing in the field. They were actually pretty good, and Bob was always such a calm presence that they responded really well to him. Bradley thought they would do well against the Tiny Hawks in two days. 
Once the kids were dismissed, Bradley followed Everett to the bleachers, and on the way he asked, "Is it cool if I walk you and your mom to the car again, kiddo?"
"Yeah! My mom would like that too!"
Bradley wasn't so sure, but now at least he had his in with you. 
"Hi," you said as Bradley approached, and he watched you kneel down in that tight skirt, his mind going to the filthiest places imaginable. If you turned and looked at him over his shoulder, he would probably end up embarrassing himself. 
"Hi," he rasped, pressing his lips together as you helped your son change his shoes. "Everett said it would be cool if I walked with you two up to the parking lot."
"Whatever," you said without looking at him. So Bradley walked up with Everett between you and him as usual. 
"What do you do in the Navy?" the kid asked him. 
"I fly airplanes," Bradley told him. "And I wear all these cool pins so people know I'm a Lieutenant."
"What's a loo-tent?" Everett asked, and Bradley saw you trying to hide your grin.
"Nothing, really. It's just a fancy word for someone who still has to salute to pretty much everybody else." 
Now you were biting your lip as Everett tried to pronounce Bradley's rank over and over again until the three of you reached your car. Bradley opened the back door and placed the gear back on the floor as Everett scampered in, but then he put a firm hand against the driver's door so you couldn't open it. 
"Hear me out?" Bradley asked, and your eyes finally met his. Your eye makeup made them look impossibly big, and he could feel the saliva pooling at the back of his tongue. 
"About what?" you asked softly, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I think I gave you the wrong impression about who I have and have not been talking to in my free time. Sandra did give me her number, but I will only text her back if she needs information directly related to the Tiny Eagles." 
Your lips parted, but you didn't say anything so he continued.
"And yeah, as soon as you volunteered to be Team Mom, I was jumping at the chance to get your number. But can you blame me?"
"You were?" you asked, a look of disbelief on your face. But when he ducked down to meet your eyes and nodded, you ducked to the side and crinkled your nose.
"Yeah, Kitten. I was. So you can put your claws away now."
You sucked in a breath, and your arms fell loosely to your sides as you looked at him. All embarrassment was gone as your expression softened and your pupils went wide. "Did you just call me Kitten?"
"Mmhmm. You've got some claws on you, yeah? And you scrunch your nose up like a cat. Cutest thing I've ever seen."
Bradley's body was humming, and the look of pure desire on your face as you inched closer to him had him aching.
"Are you going to keep calling me Kitten?" you whispered, your eyes lazily taking in his lips and mustache.
"You liked that." He was telling you, not asking. 
You were the one nodding this time, and Bradley bit back a groan as your fingers teased the back of his hand. "And which would you prefer I call you? Coach Bradley or Lieutenant Bradshaw?"
Bradley did audibly groan this time. "You're trouble, Kitten."
"You didn't answer my question." You were smirking now, desire mixing with boldness in your eyes. 
"You can call me anything you want."
You nodded up at him, such a smug look on your face as you reached behind you and opened your car door. Bradley watched you gracefully ease yourself onto your seat. 
"I'll see you on Saturday," he whispered, and then he cleared his throat. "Can't wait for our first game, kiddo," he added a bit louder, smiling at Everett in the backseat.
"Bye, coach!" he called to Bradley.
"Yeah, bye, coach," you added, and Bradley closed your door softly. 
As you pulled away, he started to make the long walk back to the bleachers to grab his own gear with a smile on his face.
Coach and Kitten! Ahhh! Big thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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Could you do more nefero and F!Reader?
Hallo! yes ofc love these two
Male nefera x fem! Reader
Using [Name] as substitute for y/n
Fluff/Simp Nefero/sensual insinuations (hope that's alright it's not that strong but it implied they sleep together)
Headcanons! ( I liked the headcanon I made for clawdeen x reader requests so I'm making it for this couple. I hope you like it!!)
This is the present 18/19 pair (guess who's older hehe)
(If it's not what you wanted and you wanted just Fluff headcanon or short fluffy story,please request it again with a promt that can help me and I'll write the fluffy story for you, I don't like the thought that it's not what you wanted and I like to correct if the sensual insinuations made you uncomfortable )
(I'll only make changes if anyone just wanted Fluff and didnt seem to specify, only time I'll change something but you'll have to request again)
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-Nefero is the type of boyfriend to buy you anything you tell him you want but it's not In a "buy me this that i told you" it's a "i'm thinking about buying this book/eyeshadow palette"t and you want his opinion and a day later he's got it for you
"Nefie you really didn't have to-" you were interrupted "Nonese my jewel I wanted too plus I have to say that this pallet will look amazing with your makeup"
- he loves to be chest to chest with you hugging, seeing your gorgeous face/eyes and soft lip gloss covered lips makes him go crazy, so he'll end up kissing you and your neck while you giggle and put your hands through his hair sometimes tugging at the root cause that makes him melt.
- cuddling you is his hobby, you as the little spoon as he holds your waist his head in the crock of your neck inhaling your vanilla perfume, his hands will then go to your hip dips and he'll just have them there squeezing them at times while your busy playing a silly phone game.
"Yeah Nefie?" You ask "Nothing my jewel just wanted to squish you hehe" he giggles his voice vibrating at the back of your neck making you blush cause wow is he fine especially with his morning voice! Just thinking about it makes you melt
-speaking of squeezing your hip dips he'll squeeze them if your sitting on his lap facing him while you prep his face with kisses or when watching drama shows you turned around, he love your thighs looking at them, sitting on the floor in between them and if your wearing shorts he'll kiss the inner part of your thighs, he knows it's one of your favorite things you let him do.
-Nefero always goes with what you want and wants him to do with you. He's your personal sugar daddy but he's your actual boyfriend that NEEDS to spoil you rotten but you always stay humble.
-bless the undead soul of any manster that tries to flirt with you. He's towering over them like it's nobody's business. The same goes for you to any ghoul you are also tall so you can bring a ghoul down especially with your glare. It's not like they can steal him from you he's practically one step closer to tattooing your hickeys you give him
-he'll take you on dates every Saturday night to you guys favorite restaurants yes restaurants he'll tell his servants to make a wheel with all the options and you spin it, he loves how you light up and clap your hands in excitement
- when you and him go out on theses dates he'll wait outside sitting at the edge of your bed holding one of your plushies on his lap,as you get change you'll then model for him in three dresses and he decides which one goes well with his and you give your take,it's a nice conversation of just fashion coordination.
-Nefero can't deny the way you make him feel 24/7,365 so he's giving you mountains of gifts books,flowers, perfumes, clothes anything he thinks you'll like and they he just KNOWS you'll love
-Nefero loves your feminine style the skirts and dresses, jumpers with embroidery, bell bottoms with a cute top,he's on his knees
-His favorite thing you do is when you wear a red lipstick and kiss his face and neck letting every jealous ghoul know that he's yours.
-another last thing for now is that you lay on his body when sleeping over and just be calm as he strokes your hair happy to have you with him,he thinks great fully that you actually gave him a chance even after hearing all his dumb stuff he did he's just so thankful for having his jewel, his queen the goddess sent from heaven be his one and only love.
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milksuu · 7 months
Hii! This is my first time sending a request haha! Well, could you Heartsteel Aphelios with Reader who’s a hardcore Gamer?
(I mean, like ungodly amounts of hours on a multitude of games. Always hitting new high scores. And the classic, eyebags from lack of sleep.)
⌜heartsteel!aphelios x fem!reader⌟ ╰ ❝ YOU CAN'T WIN A GIRLFRIEND IN A 1 V 1 ! ❞
❥ prompt: Aphelios thought there wasn't a single soul in the entire universe stupid enough to challenge him to a 1v1. But apparently, the 'God of Gaming' thought to use their last brain cell to bet their final testament. Little did you know, you'd fall from grace, then forced to play in some idols sick twisted game of pay-back. ❥ content/warnings: enemies to lovers vibe, affectionate bullying, name calling, teasing, fake relationship, fluff (?), 100% emotional dmg ( + crit. bonus on reader)
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░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ 'GOD OF GAMING'....that's what they call you. An immortal being born to play and dominate the realm of video games in all facets. Sleep's inevitably for the weak and uncommitted. It's a mark of honor to wield dark, heavy under bags beneath your eyes, so long as it meant keeping your rightful place on the throne.
Even in the realm of FPS, no one dares contest your dominance on top of the leaderboard. It's impossible for anyone who even thinks to get more than three hours of daily sleep. Until this night, at the deathly hour of 3 A.M on a Tuesday, an unknown player sweeps in announced. First round on top was a newby flook. You were busy taking a few breaks in game to sip on your energy drink. Second time, the damn bastard is kill stealing from even your weakest team mates. Third time he makes top of the leaderboards...now that's a personal attack on your reputation.
It's not long till various social tweets race like wildfire across all media platforms. Nothing more than constant jabs and reminders of how fickle your place is in this revolving door of a world. It makes you crinkle your fifth can of gamer fuel. There's only one way to respond to this usurper trying to contest your territory.
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░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ APHELIOS sits back in his chair, tapping a finger on his desk. He narrows his eyes against a blaring screen. Who even was this? He had no clue. All he can recall is playing some random game out of boredom, then a monsoon of social tweets pestering him and some other guy who likes gaming. Maybe a little too much, he suspects.
He does his own social media rummaging, scuffing at his findings. You practically live inside your room, dedicating your whole life to playing video games. Apparently, it's your entire livelihood. He doesn't envy you one bit; pity is the better word that comes to mind. Your entire aesthetic is wearing an oversized hoodie that covers everything (probably your man boobs), and even your face. Except for your eyes. Holy hell, those eyebags were heavier than Sett's banana hammock on a hot summer's day.
Lazily, he opens up his calendar; checking event dates, rehearsal dates, fan meet dates. Tomorrow's his only free day for the week. Luckily for you, that's the one day you demanded from him. And of course some holed-up undesirable would ask another guy to challenge him at a internet cafe. No big deal. He'd set aside a few minutes to put you in your place. Then, completely forget about your entire existence the next day.
Aphelios accepts the challenge and locks in the date. When the day of divine retribution comes, he shows up twenty-minutes before hand. He purposely waits in front of the internet cafe you chose. Only to enjoy the sight of watching some idiot (you) sweating in a hoodie, barely able to catch your breath before you stood at his feet. Oddly enough, something different turns the corner. Eye-catching, even.
"Hey. Looks like you didn't chicken out on me," you comment, brushing away your done up hair from your shoulder. "Guess I'll give you kudos for that."
Aphelios does a double-take, trying to process the image of you online to what's standing in front of him. From his perspective, you look every bit of a model that just stepped out of a photo shoot. Where did those bags go? Man boobs? No, girl boobs? Was being reversed cat-fished a thing?
(Imagine the power of a whole eight hours of sleep and wardrobe change)
You quirk a brow at his silent, mile-long stare. "Um, yeah. Let's make this quick. I have plans to go shopping after this. So I want to get this over with so I can get on with my day. Sound good to you?"
Before he can respond, you brush pass him, slipping through the doors behind. Blinking away his sense of whiplash, Aphelios follows. It's not surprising to find a group of fans swarming and buzzing around the entire place. He's still stun-locked by your unexpected appearance. Observing as you go about in graceful fashion, greeting and hugging those in support of you.
"How about we make a deal before we start," you approach him again, placing your hands hotly on your hips. "I win, and you announce on all your social media platforms that I'm the better player. And your terms?"
Aphelios pauses. He made a hasty assumption. Thinking you were some guy living like a wall rat inside his own apartment. The slight margin of error has his lips curling in the most sadistic fashion. This was going to work out much more in his favor. And there's no intention of letting you off so easily. Being an attractive girl was never a default for mercy. He pulled out his cell, and typed the following:
If I win, you have to be my girlfriend for a month.
░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ YOU READ the words out loud, and the whole atmosphere cuts to silence. Your mouth trembles, before you burst with laughter as does the rest of the room. Clutching your cramping stomach, you swat the air in frantic motions. "Y-You can't be serious," you say with attempts to catch your breath. "You think you're going to win? That's so funny. How embarrassing for you. To think you'd even have a single chance to date me." Calming your breaths, you send him one final death glare and spit out the word. "Delusional."
Walking to take your seat, you ignore his unfaltering gaze trailing you. There's a glint in his eyes that tells you he's enjoying whatever hamster wheel is spinning inside his head. You need to add the poor hamster is obviously sick, forced into labour and probably part of a lab experiment.
When the match starts, no one feels the need to invest too much into the game. You were, after all, the 'God of Gaming'. It wasn't going to be a fair match to begin with. Until the game ends before anyone can blink twice; especially you.
The rule to win the round was simple; land the first headshot. Needles to say, you didn't.
Your eyes widen against the screen. Your death screen pops, and your lifeless body collapses. Adding unnecessary amounts of salt in the wound, your scumbag of an opponent crouches over your head. Repeatedly. Your trembling vision shifts away, past your monitor to the opposite side. Slowly, Aphelios leans casually into view, a cocky eyebrow cinched high into his forehead.
You grit your teeth, hand tightening into fists that would mark the inside of you palms. Pestering whispers and scandalous talk rise and echo around you. There's no way to escape the shame. You bow your head in defeat. What else can you do? There wasn't any use in fighting. You have to save whatever drop of class and honor you have left. Anything out of pocket, and your whole reputation could crumble. You push yourself away from the desk, pacing to meet your bastard of an opponent on the other side.
"Good...good game," your voice strangles to leave your tight lips. You try hard not to ruin your face with a scowl. Especially when Aphelios stands pretty damn tall, staring down at you like a child that just had good a spanking. Taking out his phone, he shows you some text:
Sure. Guess you would call it a good game. And now that you're my girlfriend, it's only reasonable to go on a date with me. As my reward and all. Those were the terms. Right?
The blood inside your veins boil. You want nothing more than to slap that phone out of his hands, and crush it beneath your heels. You reserve to grinding your teeth. Aphelios merely smiles through a devilish crinkle in his blood moon eyes. And it's now dawning on you; he's made a full-proof plan to make you suffer.
From what I know, girlfriend's hold onto their boyfriends hands. And also call them 'babe' as a loving pet name. Right?
You want to scream at the top of your lungs right now. Holding your breath, you withhold it from your surrounding scrutiny. When he reaches out his hand, you take it tensely. He chuckles when your manicured nails dig aggressively into the skin of his hand.
It’s cute how badly my girlfriend wants to hold my hand. I’d be careful, though. The harder she squeezes, the more I kind of like it.
You gulp and loosen your grip. Honestly, where the hell does he get off saying stuff like that so casually? How humiliating. And it was just the start of your month of impending doom.
Like any ‘proper’ date, he drags you to one of his usual spots in town for a meal. It's odd to witness him take the lead so naturally; as if you really were his damn girlfriend. When he offers to order and pay for the both of you, you almost hesitate. However, you weren't going to turn down a free meal. Even if it came from your current worst enemy.
“Oh. Um…then I’ll have the burger. No pickles.” Aphelios sends you a yard long stare, and you know he's siphoning you for more. You blush, turning a cheek. “Please, b-babe?”
You can tell he leers underneath his mask, like a cat whose gotten his cream. He leaves you briefly, before returning and setting a tray of food in front of you. For a moment, you stare at the hamburger with warranted skepticism. You raise your pair of squinting eyes at Aphelios, whose already pulled down his mask to quietly enjoy his meal. After a beat, you lower your restraints, and slowly take a bite. You immediately stiffen and gag, spitting up into a napkin. There's definitely pickles—loads of them.
Aphelios almost chokes on his own laugher at your award winning expression of disgust. He slides his phone across the table:
Oh. Sorry. I thought you said extra pickles. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Freaking bastard! Before you can smack his phone off the table, he snatches it back to the safety of his pocket. With a growl, you slough off the heaps and slices of fermented food. You're able to de-pickle the patty, but there's little joy in eating something with the faint essence of the nastiest condiment.
And after a not-so-enjoyable lunch, he takes you to a nearby pâtisserie for dessert. While waiting, and you have a half a mind to run out. Or call the local circus so they can come get their evil clown back. You're terrified to see what he's planning to bring you. And when he does, your mouth instantly waters. You stare down at a cute, decorative dessert parfait. It looks perfect with no hidden pickles (don't put it past him though). Your eyes glisten at the extravagant layers of yogurt, fruit compote, and whipped cream. Not to mention, the glazed whole strawberries on top, glittering with snow powder sugar. Giddy with excitement, you almost forget the silent devil sitting next to you. Before you can take the first bite, Aphelios intercepts your hand, brings it to his lips, and claims it for himself.
There's only one spoon, you know. And like any good girlfriend, it only makes sense to hand feed her boyfriend. Down to the very. last. bite.
There's a twitch in your face. You really want to dump the whole dessert pile onto his head. Unfortunately, that would be a major insult to the parfait. Exhaling your fury through your nostrils, you belly the desire to murder him with a plastic spoon. Grumbling, you perform your embarrassing 'girlfriend' duty. Nearing the end of this round of torture, he smiles—all at your expense, of course.
Wow. Am I full. Thanks for that. I'm actually feeling kind of generous from all your devoted attention. Tell you what. I'll let you have the last bite.
"Yeah, right," you snort. "Like I would ever share the same spoon with you, let alone anything you've touched on this Earth—hmph!" Before you can finish your berating monologue, Aphelios flips your hand around and slips the spoon inside your mouth.
ㅉㅉ You shouldn't talk with your mouth full. Silly. You might choke. And I rather not have that on my conscious.
You whine, trying to swallow your way through a verbal tantrum. Who knew it'd be so difficult to argue with delicious yogurt in your mouth? Still, reality settles shortly after the sweetness melts from your tongue. A certain thought springs a bitter aftertaste. For all intents and purposes, you both just shared an indirect kiss.
You smack the spoon on the table, feeling your face heat up. Yet, he's just sitting there, sly with composure. Not bothered by any of it—this sick 'fake dating' sims game. It wasn't fair. Nothing about this was fair! How many times did you have such an experience through your dating visual novel games? Too many to count. Yet, despite all those perfect moments with your various 2-D boyfriends, this fake 3-D imposter, just ruined the whole trope experience for you. There was no way you could replay those scenes and not think about your suffering today. You would damn this man to Hell again, but obviously, he enjoys vacationing there.
It was funny when you thought your gruelling date would conclude after dessert. Aphelios made sure to think of various, and random places to drag you to for no good reason. He's perfecting the art of physically and mentally exhausting you. Stroll in the park? He may or may not have put a caterpillar on your head. Watch you freak out about it, and then relish in having you beg him to help you. Lovely time window shopping at an outdoor mall? He makes sure to slip away and watch you panic trying to find him in the mass of busy bodies. Before you know where your head's at, you blink up against lit downtown buildings, store fronts and street lights.
Well, today's been fun. Just one last thing to make this date perfect. Something my girlfriend will definitely love.
An all too knowing smile creases his mask again. Taking your hand, he leads you away to the next destination in mind. With your eyes half-lidded with fatigue and feet already beaten to a pulp by your heels, you force yourself to stop caring. Like everything else, you'll just go along with it and pray it's over soon.
Your mouth drops at the sight of a pink and flickering neon sign a few steps away. Did he really just drag you to a Love Hotel!? You swallow hard. Nevermind, you did care. You cared a lot! "This has to be a joke, right? You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to let you take me inside—"
You're cut short as you're tugged forward. Nearing the entrance, your heart pounds louder than the surrounding nightlife. Your thoughts are racing. And watching another couple walk out looking rather satisfied with their stay doesn't help your emotions at all. That is, until he casually leads you past the hotel and around the corner, where there's vending machine against the wall. He releases his hold and gestures to it.
What are you talking about? Take you inside where? And no. There's no joke about this being the best vending machine in town for canned coffee. ㅎ_ㅎ
You stare with dumbfounded horror as he purchases two cans, and places one in your stiff hands. You look down at your coffee and contemplate just about everything up till this point. How big of a mistake it was to meet someone like him. Worse yet, be at his mercy over a stupid bet you set in place...and actually lost. How did your life turn out this way? Regret and humiliation well up as tears against your eyes. You pinch your bottom lip between your teeth. With the last of your dignity on the line; you'd rather die at this point than cry in front of him.
░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ APHELIOS lowers his drink from his lips, watching you from the side of his lashes. Looks like you were at your limit. Maybe he went a little too far. But every bit of his ego wants to rationalize it was well deserved. A pestering knot tightens like a fist at the base of his sternum. It bothers him enough to turn his neutral expression into a frown. His gaze catches your trembling legs, and traces them all the way down to your heels. His eyes widen by a margin; it's insane to think you hadn't complained about your feet hours ago. Looks like that knot wasn't going away anytime soon.
He tosses away your cans and raises his phone:
Take off your heels.
"What?" You're at a complete loss for words. Was he now going to force you to walk barefoot on the gross streets? You shake your head. "No way. Forget it. If you want me to take them off so bad, then do it yourself—Jerk!"
Aphelios flutters his eyelids in annoyance. More so that, for a split moment, he found himself not entirely hating the insult used against him. Forgetting the stupid interruption of his brain, he bends down and starts unlacing your straps. "H-Hey, wait a second you freaking weirdo. I didn't actually mean it literally."
It doesn't take much effort to hoist you onto his back, wrap your arms around his neck, and press your thighs snug against his waist. He anticipates a spit fire reaction. To his surprise, you simply huff and puff out your cheeks, muttering another possible insult. Honestly, he was sure you would've taken this opportunity to choke him out in a headlock. (He would've done it, but glad you didn't).
With a final adjustment, he hands you his cell phone, open with the map application. It seems it takes you a moment to realize he wants you to put your address so that he can dump you back wherever you live.
"You really plan on carrying me all the way to my house?" He can't see your expression, but by delivery alone, he can hear the blush in your cheeks. After a few taps and a mutter, he gets his phone back. "You better delete my address later. Or your new name's going be 'Stalker'."
Aphelios can't help but scuff. Like he would waste any more of his free time on inflating your already big head. He wonders how you even manage to fit your head through any shirt holes.
For a short while, you don't speak. As he walks through more quieter neighborhood streets, he feels your body condense further into his back.
"Mm, you know, for a being a cold jerk...somehow, you feel super warm," you breathe sleepily against his earlobe.
After a mumble or two, you commit to a terribly sleepy idea. Closing your eyes, you place your lips against his neck. Lingering, your mouth is soft and warm against his skin. Slightly sticky from whatever lip gloss you still have left. After the longest moment of his life, you abandon your spot. But he can feel your sleep drunk smile from how close your lips still are.
"Heh, there..I already kissed you, so...now you can't make me do it later....jerk."
When you finally doze off with light breathes and snores, Aphelios comes to a complete halt. It takes a moment to process. Then, without his consent, his neutral complexion flushes bright pink. The spot where you kissed him feels like it's burning a hole straight through him, down to his thumping pulse. He exhales a hot and heavy breath. It's warm enough to puff in the night air. With a shake of his head, he finds his walking pace, continuing towards your apartment.
He refuses to let you sway him with whatever tricks and flirts you have up your sleeve. He wasn't a swoonful idiot like most. And Aphelios knows he has a whole month worth of you still left. He'd make sure you always knew who you were dealing with. And by the end of it all, he'd make sure you'd never be able to get him off your mind.
A brewing smirk lifts one corner of his lips. This game was going to be more fun than he expected. And just like every other game, he would ultimately win.
Too bad for you, he mused to himself.
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an;; ahhh thank you all for all your sweet messages i've been receiving through my hiatus. really appreciate it. trying to get back in the swing of things of answering anon. reqs. and working on my cleaning lady fic as well.
ngl, i swear, i hc so hard the phel can be such a sadistic/vengful bitch hell bent ruining anyone's life. like hes so unbothered by things and keeps to himself, that the minute you try to test him in that department, yeah no, you're officially on his shit list for life. how sweet how my man can hold grudge. <3
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one-piece-aus · 1 year
Whumptober Day 5
Sabo x Reader
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TW: Home invasion
[y/c] = your city
"Weakness." You punched Sabo into the lava and watched him burn to death.
"[Y/n] I was in the middle of collecting quartz," Sabo whined and respawned back at his base.
"Karma's a bitch," you laughed.
You were playing Minecraft with your online friend Sabo, who you've been playing online games with for the past 10 years. Started ever since you got Minecraft as a kid and played on servers, after playing a few mini-games you friended him, and eventually, you exchanged Discord users (when it became a thing). Yeah, yeah, the internet is a dangerous place, blah blah blah, Sabo was cool though, you trusted him, you've already done video calls with him, and honestly he's been there for you more than anyone else.
There were countless late nights where you two stayed up, gaming while discussing some deep topics. Sometimes they were philosophical nonsense, other times they were about struggles going on in life, you both cried over call during those kinds of nights. Safe to say you and Sabo's friendship was real, you just wished he lived near you so he could visit-
"Oh now I'm not going to share the surprise I was going to tell you," Sabo said when he teleported back to the nether.
"Surprise? What surprise?" You crouched your Minecraft character in front of him.
"Nooooo, I'm not going to say." Sabo walked around you and begun mining quartz once again.
"Come onnnnn, Sabo."
"Surprises are for nice spouses."
Ah, that's right, I forgot to mention your married Sabo in Minecraft, for "XP benefits" of course.
"I'll give you golden apples."
"And... a three stacks of cookies."
"Well why didn't you just say so!" Sabo spun around and picked up the items you dropped for him before going on his merry way.
"Okay, now tell me," you said following after him.
"So you remember how I said my brothers and I planning to go on a trip over Christmas?" Sabo asked as he started to build a bridge over lava.
"Yeah, kinda sucks since that means you won't be able to play online," you grumble as you slowly crept behind him as he placed blocks. Playing with Sabo was all you looked forward to these days so him reminding you that you wouldn't be able to play with him during that time, you felt your mood deflate.
"Well guess where we're going."
"Uhhhh Tim Buck Two."
"No, we're going to [y/c]."
"Really!?" Your demeanour spun a 180, your excitement pulled a shiny smile across your face.
"I knew you'd be happy but I didn't think you'd get the same energy when you see your favourite blorbos on screen," Sabo laughed as the two of you were now bridging over a group of piglins on the ground.
"Because you are one of my little blorbo husbandos," you cooed knowing it'd fluster him.
"...I'd like to see you say that to me in person."
"You say that like I won't."
"[Y/n], you can barely ask an employee for help at the grocery store."
"Shush." You hit Sabo off the bridge and watched him fall to his doom, or so you thought. He placed a water block on the ground, in the nether. "Are you using your hacks again!?"
"You better move before I get back up and knock you off," Sabo warned.
"You won't dare."
"Or I would-" Sabo cut himself off when he heard something loud thud over on your end. "What was that?"
"Hm?" You were playing music in the background, talking to Sabo, and listening to Minecraft sounds with your noise-cancelling headphones so you didn't hear it.
"Something heavy fell over on your end."
"You're not messing with me are you?"
"Ace does that trick, not me."
"I wouldn't put it past you to use one of your brother's tricks."
"Okay, I'll stop building up-" Sabo ceased stacking blocks and looked up at your character. "You pause your game and check what fell over."
"Fine." You pause your game and start to take your headphones off.
"Turn your camera on."
"It's... I just got a bad feeling."
"Okay..." You shrugged off Sabo's uneasiness and turned on your camera before taking off your headphones and started looking around your room to see what fell.
"Must've fell outside," you muttered heading toward your bedroom door and opening it.
Sabo couldn't see what was outside your door, whatever stood out there made you slam your shut and scramble to push your dresser in front of the door. Goosebumps crawled over his skin as realization hit him that shit is hitting the fan. He fumbled on his end to grab his phone and rapidly tapped buttons.
"Sabo..." You were now back in front of the computer, the dresser completely blocking the door. "Call the cops."
"Way ahead of you," Sabo said as the phone began ringing. "What's going on?"
"There's...there's a guy in...in my house." You could hardly pull your words together since your brain is currently spinning around to find the way for you to survive. "He...he's throwing things around... I think...I think he saw me." You started typing your address to Sabo so he could tell the cops where to go, you sent it before but it'd take too long for him to scroll up to find it. 
Sabo muted himself, probably so he wouldn't be heard talking to the cops. You backed away from the computer again, this time grabbing your bookshelf full of manga and pushing it in front of your door. Once that also blocked the door, you glanced around for more things to push in front of the door but the only heavy stuff left was your bed and desk which could be hiding places that the intruder could look around, and any few seconds he wasn't finding you was a second more of survival.
You picked up your headset and put it back on, Sabo was still muted. You clicked on the Minecraft tab so it'd cover your screen and he- if the invader came into your room- wouldn't know your camera was on with a witness. You took your phone just in case, making sure it was on silent and hid in the closet, making sure no sound came when you closed the door. You climbed into your laundry basket, burying yourself under your dirty clothes, for once grateful you forgot to do laundry.
"Okay, the cops are on their way- [Y/N]?? Where are you [Y/n]???" Sabo felt his heart drop.
"i'm in the closet," you whispered.
"Why didn't you climb out your window?"
"don't you remember that i told you the lock is broken? i live on the 10th, that's suicide," you whisper-shouted.
"Just stay on call, okay, police will be there soon."
Your meek voice squeezed Sabo's heart, his wish he was there to deal with the guy himself, or at this to be there to reassure you everything is going to be okay. Alas, all he could do was sit there on the other end of the screen, helpless as you both listened to something banging on your door.
Tag: @bookandyarndragon @roseoftrafalgar
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homestuckreplay · 2 months
Sburb Cat Necromancy DLC Unlocked
(page 441-442)
8/5/2009 wheel spin: Parent Bad :( verdict: INCORRECT
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This was only a two page sequence but a LOT happened, so I gotta get into it.
Rose's house covered in snow is a BEAUTIFUL panel, lots of detail for such a low contrast color scheme. I am convinced that half the reason for Hussie making Rose live in a house Like That was so they could draw cool art of the house, and I'm not complaining. It's August and I'm sweating and looking at this gif still makes me feel like frosty nights and holidays are on the way.
WE GOT A ROSE AND GG CONVERSATION. FINALLY THE SET IS COMPLETE. I guess I don't need to write a sequel to this now, and I was laughably wrong about a couple of things - I had Rose giving GG information on Sburb when in fact it's the other way around, and I had Rose being a lot more skeptical of GG's mysterious knowledge than she actually is. [But I was totally right about them talking about pets and about GG mentioning that they're not as good at games as John and Dave, so I'll take a C on this.]
Some key facts we learn from the real Rose-GG Pesterlog: Rose's birthday is in winter, she lives in a place where it snows (possibly New England), John is the person who got her into knitting (just a few months ago), and she was knitting something for him as a gift, but didn't finish in time (the contents of the purple box on p.218). This is so cute. It felt when we met her like knitting was the most 'normal' of Rose's hobbies, and this explains why. It also shows that John knows her really well, given that he knew she'd enjoy it, despite it being nothing like her other interests. Rose has clearly thrown herself into it, completing the princess doll reconstruction, the laptop cozy, and assorted clothing items in just a few months, but she still hasn't finished John's present, probably because she struggles more when there's 'strong sentimental value' to her creation.
I think Rose is the best at banter of all four characters. Dave is not good at banter, he's responding to his own brain more than to his conversation partner sometimes, but Rose has shown the ability to bounce off all three of the others in a witty back and forth (see p.187 and 333), which is cool of her. And Rose and GG are both associated with being, honestly, smartass know-it-alls who at least believe they have more knowledge than others, although they do this in very different ways, so it makes sense they would try to outwit each other.
But it's really hard to get a read on how much they like each other. GG seems so nice and earnest even when they say things like 'you see not everybody always means the opposite of what they say the way you and dave always do' which from most people would be a jab but here feels like a patient explanation. Yet they didn't get Rose a birthday present despite working on one for John for 'years', and their 'tip' for Rose, while interesting, is explicitly something she should 'talk to john and dave about' instead of an offer for Rose and GG to do something together.
On the other hand, Rose has some expectation of a gift, and clearly puts value in GG's esoteric knowledge, given that she's far more open to believing a scientifically improbable prediction when it comes from GG. It might be that they both see the relationship differently - GG doesn't consider Rose a close friend but is still very nice to her because of their general demeanor and people skills, while Rose who is only nice to a few people interprets GG's kindness as the two of them being closer than they really are.
So, despite asking 'whats sburb??' on p.169, GG was the person who tipped Rose off to its release. This clears up some stuff on Rose's end, but only adds more suspicion and question marks to GG's whole deal. With Rose, it clears up why she was so fixated on sprite prototyping, what she meant on p.440 about this whole mess being Jaspers' fault - as he was Rose's first motivation to play Sburb - and her focus on necromancy, as this concept was specifically how the game was introduced to her. To be fair, 'childhood cat necromancy' fits her whole deal a lot more than 'immersive building simulator' does, and I like the idea that Rose - and by extension, John and Dave - got into Sburb through a secondary mechanic and not through the game's main purpose. It really makes it feel like they all stumbled backwards into this story.
It also explains why Rose is playing this game inside the mausoleum, right where Jaspers' corpse is. If she's planning to prototype him with a sprite, as the text is strongly suggesting, it makes sense to keep him by her side. 'I would describe my feelings toward the animal as lukewarm.' you absolute liar, you are braving a forest fire for the chance to see this cat again you big softie.
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mageofseven · 1 year
MC's Bra Game: The UnDateables
I still don't know what I'm supposed to call these guys 😅
I mean, I've seen some people use the term side characters, but that's including the three characters I can't write for yet because I've never gotten to read the story when they were added (Raph, Thirteen, Mephisto). So I guess I'll just stick to this name until I learn a better one.
But anyway! Time for Dia, Barb, Soli, and Simeon to play the Bra Game~ 😁
And honestly, I think this came out better than the Brothers' did~
Oh how this man loves this game!
Not in any pervy way; MC only plays it with their boyfriend when he's buried under work and super stressed
And unlike Lucifer, this prince welcomes the distraction graciously
Or like, any distraction from his work, if he's honest.
Unfortunately, that meant the game would end too quickly for the couple so MC had to add extra rules.
The human would sit on their boyfriend's lap and have him close his eyes.
Sometimes MC would bring items with them and other times, they would just take things off the prince's desk.
Eyes still closed, Dia would feel for the object and guess what his Queen nestled between their boobs.
The demon would purposely give incorrect answers just to make the human laugh
And of course, the game would be paused every now and then between kisses.
Barb always has to stop in and gently, but firmly remind his master about his deadlines
Causing the game to die down a bit till the couple gives each other just one last kiss and MC leaves their now less stressed boyfriend to his work.
It's hard to get Barb to play with them 😔
But this man has a bountiful amount of patience with his Dear so he never gets frustrated with them.
MC will show up out of no where while he's working with the same smirk on their face; Barb always knows they want to play when they have that smirk.
No matter what object the human would stick in their bra, the butler always had a spare, and I mean always.
Like, how many feather dusters do you have, man???
AND THE PENS!!! MC could steal 20 off this man and he's suddenly have 50 more to use.
Like dear devil! Did you steal all the pens from Walmart's shelves before you started work this morning???
It's funny how this starts because MC wants to play their own game but then unknowingly starts playing one of Barb's.
Once the human's mood changes from amazement to discouragement though, that's when the man calls it quits.
"I'm sorry, my Pet, but I really need to trouble with some other business." He'd lean in and kiss them before whispering in their ear. "I'll see you later to night."
And with that, the butler would walk away.
It takes a moment for MC to realize that whatever they stuck in their bra is now gone and in the hands of the walking figure in front of them.
Now grinning, the human can't wait for later that night~
This was a game that Soli was all too comfortable playing.
Like, MC started it because they wanted to see their boyfriend blush, but in truth, the man was as composed as ever.
No red face, no sign of being uncomfortable.
He just slid his wand out of their partner's bra as if he was releasing it from it's usual holder.
Suddenly, the sorcerer noticed MC deflate. That silly mood they were just in took a 180.
"Am I not playing this right? What's wrong?" He frowned
"You're not reacting..." They mumbled. "Most guys blush or get embarrassed, but you treat this like I asked you to clean up your room..."
The non-immortal just felt...so unattractive. Is their body really so boring to him?
Soli raised an eyebrow.
"Little Minx, why should I be embarrassed to touch what's mine?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.
"You freely give yourself me. So if you ask me to touch your chest, I will." He raised his hand up to their hair. "If you ask me to stroke your hair, I will."
The wizard took a finger and traced down their head, passed their shoulder, down their arm, to their waist, and curved in towards their inner thigh.
"And if you ask me to give your attention else where, I will." He said with his usually smirk. "Why should I be uncomfortable with what you give me? Especially when I love every inch of it. Every inch of you."
Now it was MC who was blushing. They went to cover their face with their hands, but Solomon took them both and held them between his own.
"Now that's what I like to see. Are you feeling better now, Little Minx?"
MC gave a shy nod.
Soli chuckled before leaning into them, resting his head against theirs.
Simeon ft. Luke:
This is not a game the two can play often.
I mean, their relationship is suppose to be a secret
And people would definitely start asking questions if they saw the angel's hand over the human's boobs.
The couple can't even imagine how they'd talk themselves out of that one.
Luckily, MC is allowed to have sleepovers at Purgatory Hall occasionally.
The human joins the three guys for dinner, plays board games with them, bakes, those sort of things.
The brothers think MC does this for Luke and in truth, they do somewhat.
During the evening, MC is at this sweet boy's beck and call; whatever he wants to play, they're down for.
But once the sun goes down and the clock strikes 9:30pm (21:30), the little boy is led to bed by Simeon (his bedtime is usually 9pm (21:00), but Simeon let's him stay up just a little longer when MC sleeps over).
That's when Solomon retreats into his room with that all knowing look in his eye and tell MC that he hopes 'you two have fun'.
Sometimes though, Luke will fight going to sleep so he could spend more time with MC.
To make it easier on their boyfriend and the younger angel, MC will join them to get Luke tucked in, make sure theres a glass of water by his bed, and even tell him a story if he asks for one.
Any outsider would see this scene as two parents cajoling their child to sleep
...If only that could be true.
On a more positive note, when the small angel falls asleep, the couple will tiptoe out of his room and head back to the living room to enjoy their alone time, something very rare and precious to them.
In the other timelines where they date the other Boys, I see their MCs as this chaotic and loving force, one who would definitely do this bra game with their guys.
It's harder for me to imagine Simeon's MC trying to play this game though. Maybe it's because of how their relationship is, but I see his MC as a very gentle, more subdued sort of person.
Still, if they did somehow wanna play...
"M-My feather..." Simeon stuttered, face red.
And no, this was not said as his usual endearment to the love of his life
But was referring to his actual feather
Which MC nestled between their boobs.
Simeon occasionally loses feathers when in his celestial form.
MC has made a habit of collecting them when they fall.
They've said they find it comforting to have a piece of him with them, even when Simeon cannot.
The angel found these words very sweet and keep them close to his heart
But he never imagined his Feather would put one of his feathers...so close their heart. Literally.
"Want...want it back?" MC asked softly, a blushing forming on their cheeks.
"That's--no, I'm fine, my Lamb." Simeon gave an awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck.
MC leaned in closer to their boyfriend.
With their cute face pleading him, the angel struggled to refuse.
It's just like he's always said: he wants to give them everything and deny them nothing
And these words rang in his head as he slowly reached in to pull out the feather, careful not to touch their boobs
Which in truth, the human found funny. After all, his lips had no issues being there last weekend, but now suddenly he feels that his hand grazing their boob would be the ultimate taboo?
Still, they kept in their laughter, even as the feather gently tickled their boobs as the angel pulled it out.
Once out, MC couldn't help laughing at the red-faced man.
A small smile broke out on his face as well.
"You never fail to surprise me, my Feather."
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dustylogicalityrat · 2 months
hello, everyone! sometime this year, i started writing this silly idea. basically, since i can remember, i've been such a huge fan of time loops in film. so, i wanted to write some slice-of-life Sides stuck in a time loop. not exactly sure what their statuses are at this point, honestly. maybe some ambiguous LAMP. possibly won't focus too much on labels, and more on their relationships with each other if i do write more of this.
this really is just a test run. if any folks want a continuation, i might make this have multiple chapters! who knows? uh- enjoy!
Time Loop AU
Today, they were playing charades in the living room.
"Uh- Giraffe!"
"No, Patton, you're not-" Roman laughed. "You're not the one guessing."
"Thanks for the help, though, padre," Virgil added. "Hey, Logan, is it a giraffe?"
The one reaching his arms up stiffly to impersonate the word on his piece of paper sighed out of relief. "God, finally. But does that count?" He pulled out his phone to make an internet search. "What were the rules, again?"
"Nah, we can let it slide. Right, Patton?" Virgil lightheartedly jeered, nudging him with his elbow.
Patton snorted. "I guess that's fair."
Roman gasped. "Patton, no! Now they're gaining on us! How could you do this to me? The betrayal! Oh, Patton, the agony!" He laid across Patton's lap as his legs dangled off the end of the sofa.
"Oh, calm down, Princey. You always win," Virgil huffed.
"But this is charades! A game in which one performs! A talented, esteemed actor such as myself shan't lose even one round, or I'll be stripped of my honor and dignity!" Roman raised an arm to his forehead in a distraught manner.
Logan slid his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Aha! Apparently, Patton giving the answer to Virgil is- uh- 'fair game', as this website put it."
"Okie dokes! Thanks, Logan!"
"I believe that makes the score seven to six, with 'Team Pizza' in the lead," Logan declared.
Even though the princely figure was still brooding, Roman and Patton high-fived each other.
"Come on, Logan. We gotta lock in. Team Lo Mein has to win. I don't think I can stomach another pizza night this month."
The four played three more rounds and resulted in a tie. It was nearly six, and they were getting hungry. There was time for one more round.
"I believe it is my turn. Best of luck, dear Patton, for if we lose," Roman narrowed his eyes with a threatening smile, "everyone will live to rue this day." He drew his paper from a "borrowed" bowler hat, and smiled. He was ready. Three, two, one... action—
The group jumped as Patton's phone rang. Roman sighed. "Who in the whole new world would be so rude as to interrupt my performance?"
"Some person called, 'Potential Spam'. Funny name," Patton claimed after picking up his phone. "Do we know a 'Potential'? Do I answer?"
"No, Pat-"
A voice came through. "Hello—"
"Whoops. Butterfingers, am I right?" Patton laughed.
The other three sighed.
Virgil grew anxious. "Patton, just hang up."
The voice became louder. "This is—"
"See- Patton- What you've done there is you've pressed the 'speaker' button," Logan said with a slightly annoyed tone. "Perhaps you could just hand the phone to one of us—"
"—you are in grave danger. You must listen."
"Uh- Sorry, kiddo. I missed that," Patton apologized to the phone, snatching it away from the several hands trying to take it.
"If you are receiving this message, it means you have thirty seconds to evacuate before—"
Patton hung up with a sour expression. "I hate those manipulative attention tactics."
The others screamed and yelled at him in horror.
"Shit shit shit shit."
"Patton, why would you- Oh my God-"
"We're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're-"
"Calm down, everyone! It was just some oddly named stranger trying to get a reaction! We'll be just fine—"
An extremely high pitch shot through everyone's ears, knocking them out. They all hit the floor, unconcious.
Today, they were playing charades in the living room.
"Wait, what happened? Ugh, my ears are ringing."
"Virgil, could you shut up? My mind is doing somersaults," Roman complained.
"What time is it?" Patton whined.
Logan shakily got his phone out of his pocket. "It's—" He squinted his eyes in confusion. "Here, Patton. I can't be reading it correctly. Most likely due to this disorientation I'm experiencing. It couldn't possibly still be five fifty-seven"
Patton reached out his arm and squinted too. "No, Logan, it— You read it right."
"Check the date, Pat. Maybe we slept 'till the next day?" Virgil groaned, pulling his hood over his head to avoid the seemingly blinding light in the living room.
"No, I don't think that's it, son. It's... still the sixth," Patton said, confused.
Roman grunted as he picked himself up and off the desperately-needed-to-be-vacuumed carpet. "Well, I'm not going to leave this game at a draw. Patton, I need you at your most focused right now."
"Bud, I'm seein' double right now, and I think we should find out what's going on-"
"No! We are finishing this game! The right way! I have to win this." He cleared his throat and began to pose before noticing the others staring at him in horror. He sniffed, wiping his nose with his sleeve. Then he saw it. The red. He never got nosebleeds. How did this happen? "What's going on?"
"Roman, are you alright?" Logan stumbled toward him in case he was in need of support.
Patton raced to get tissues.
Virgil remained wide-eyed and shaken, sitting on the floor. "Roman, that's- I'm freakin' the fuck out, man- That's a lot of blood." He felt the tremor in his hands that he'd had since he was little. He didn't handle these kinds of situations well. "These kinds"? As if there was a way to categorize what the actual fuck was happening.
Patton came back with the tissues and a clean shirt for Roman, which he was thankful for. The blood had gotten on his collar before Logan had made the wise decision of tilting his head back to stop the bleed-out. "Do you think this was 'cause of...?" Patton stopped. He didn't really know what had happened, but he was making vague connections.
"Whatever knocked us out?" Logan suggested, taking Roman's bloody shirt and sitting it down on the coffee table. He held his forehead in his hands, groaning from the aching sensation. "It'd make sense."
"What did knock us out?" Roman questioned, holding the tissues to his nose after changing into the not-bloody shirt.
"How the hell would we know, Roman-? Sorry. I'm just- more stressed than usual, and my 'usual' is pretty fuckin' stressed." Virgil tugged on his sleeves, occupying his hands with something other than shaking.
"The best way to solve this is to recount the events that occurred before this happened," Logan supplied. "It could potentially help us remember."
"Well," Patton started, "today, we were arguing over what we wanted for dinner, and so-"
"We landed on a game of charades to decide for us," Roman added.
"It was a pretty close game, and the last person to go up was Roman," Virgil said.
Roman grumbled, "I didn't even get to start."
"Because Patton's phone went off," Logan answered.
"The phone! I got a weird call from someone named Potential! That was when it happ-"
The phone rang.
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thesimulationswarm · 1 year
Double Shot, Part 3
Joel Miller x f!reader x Tommy Miller
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Pairing: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!AFAB!reader x Tommy Miller Rating: explicit, 18+ MDNI Summary: A gorgeous man walks into your coffee shop and introduces himself as Tommy Miller. Then his equally gorgeous brother shows up. You can't decide which you like better... but maybe you don't have to. A/N: This will be in four parts, building up to the smut. Hopefully released daily. It's dumb filthy shit I couldn't get out of my head, okay? Then I'll be back to my ongoing serious series. Word count: 2k warnings/tags: drinking, dancing, insecure!Joel followed by dom!Joel, threesome, shameless flirting, sibling rivalry, pwp
This is Part 3 of Double Shot; here are Part 1, Part 2, and Part 4.
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Your thigh was pressed tight against Joel’s. It was tantalizing, nearly naked below the hem of your very short dress, rubbing on the denim of his jeans. He would’ve loved to slide his hand along that silky expanse of skin.
But he was sitting in the passenger side of the cab of Tommy’s truck, and your other thigh was pressed just as tightly against Tommy’s.
And the whole situation was fucking weird.
He clearly hadn’t thought things through very carefully when he’d invited himself along on this night out. At the time, his first priority had been screwing with Tommy, throwing him off his game— which he had been quite successful at, he had to say.
His second priority had been getting you into his arms, preferably during a slow song when he could hold you close against his body.
It was only after you’d said yes and he was driving home with an apoplectic Tommy that he started to wonder what the fuck they were doing. Had you really thought this was a neighborly get-together? And how the hell would this three-legged date play out?
He knew it would’ve been a kinder thing if either Tommy or he had brought a date. It would’ve balanced things out, given you a woman to talk to and probably set you at ease. But he damn sure wasn’t going to give in and ask someone else along, and Tommy wasn’t about to either. So here they were, two guys on a date with one girl.
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to the Broken Spoke.” Tommy shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips as he spun the steering wheel lightly. “It’s a bonafide Austin institution.”
You laughed lightly. “I know, I know. I guess I’ve never really been a country kind of gal. But maybe I just needed the right guide.” You turned to look at Tommy as you spoke, your voice husky and playful.
Joel worked his jaw back and forth. He was only too aware of the effect his little brother could have on women. All boyish, easygoing charm. The kind of guy you wanted to just have fun with. And he’d been laying it on thick tonight, goddamnit.
He knew he was being unfair, but he couldn’t help himself— he wanted Tommy to back the fuck off. His brother had no real responsibilities, nothing holding him down. He had every night of the week to hit the town, get plastered, and pick up some pretty young thing. And he did. He didn’t need this the way Joel did.
How long had it been since he’d gotten laid? Too fucking long, he knew that. When you needed to hire a babysitter for every hook-up, sometimes it just didn’t seem worth the trouble.
He knew he should try and jump into the conversation, steer things his way. But he couldn’t bring himself to. He stayed silent, brooding. Watching you smile at Tommy. Watching your beautiful thighs bouncing between the two of them as Tommy took the curves a little too fast.
He was fucking pissed off.
But he was afraid it wasn’t stopping him from getting hard right now. If anything, it was making it worse. He looked out the window, took some deep breaths, and willed his body to behave itself. Last thing he needed was for you to notice the growing bulge in his jeans— or worse, for Tommy to notice.
When Tommy pulled into the parking lot, Joel jumped out of the door and held out a hand to help you down. He was secretly pleased when your high heels wobbled on the crushed granite and you had to grab his arm for balance.
You paused a second, standing with him, and he paused, too. He allowed himself a quick glance, up and down your figure. You were a vision there in the hot Texas night, lit up by sodium lights and red neon, in that slinky little nothing of a dress.
He wanted to strip it off you right there, back you against the truck and tell you exactly what he thought about all your shameless flirting.
But instead he swallowed and laid a steadying hand on the small of your back. “Y’alright there, darlin’?”
You nodded and he guided you into the building, Tommy on your heels.
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Joel pushed his way up to the bar. He leaned in front an older guy in fancy cowboy boots and signaled the bartender impatiently. He knew he was probably coming off like an asshole, but he didn’t care. He needed a drink.
What the fuck was going on?
The evening had actually been going pretty good, all things considered. They’d set up at a table and Tommy had fetched everybody beers, and they’d sat watching the dancers and shooting the shit. After a few drinks, Joel felt himself loosening up. Breathing easier, laughing easier. Less worried about this dumb pissing contest with Tommy.
It was strange, but he’d started to actually enjoy himself. He liked hanging out with Tommy, at least most of the time. And he liked hanging out with you, he was learning. You were telling them your best horror stories about trying to get your business off the ground— the rat infestation when you’d first moved into the place, your business partner who never showed up on time for her shifts, the good ol’ boy landlord who doubted two “little ladies” could run a shop without a man around.
Joel joined in with some crazy tales of his own from the contractor world. His story of the time a commune of nudists hired him to build a fenced-in porch had you doubled over in laughter, tears squeezing out of the corners of your eyes.
Then the music had picked up, and Tommy’d asked you for a dance. Joel had sat at the table, nursing another beer, as you whirled in and out of view. You’d warned them you had no idea what you were doing, but Tommy was a strong lead and he was handling you just fine. Joel told himself he didn’t mind, but he was counting down the minutes until he’d get his turn to twirl you around out there.
A few songs later, the two of you stumbled back to take a breather. You all had another round of drinks, and Joel’d had a nice buzz going when he’d pulled you back out on the dance floor. The first song was lively and he made you laugh as he spun you in fast circles. Then the next song was nice and slow, and he slotted you tightly into his arms at last.
Your arms reached up to drape around his neck, the brush of your skin against his electric, and he held his hands against the small of your back. You arched under his touch, closing what little space was left between the two of you and pressing your hips forward into him. Jesus, you were practically grinding on him. He looked down at you, your face flushed from the exertion and the alcohol, chest rising and falling against his.
He leaned his head toward yours, ducking to whisper into your ear. “I can’t stop looking at you, darlin.’ You’re driving me wild.” As the words registered he felt a shiver go through your body. 
“Is that right?” You murmured, voice low and sultry. You laid your head against him, resting your cheek on the soft flannel of his shirt, and he closed his eyes for a minute. He inhaled the delicious scent of your hair.
Then Joel’s eyes drifted open, and he saw something. 
You were still leaning against him, still pressing every inch of your body into his. But you were looking somewhere else, off of the dance floor to where the tables were clustered.
You were staring at Tommy, who was locking eyes with you. 
Tommy was watching you intently, one corner of his mouth curled up suggestively, practically undressing you with his eyes. And you weren’t looking away— not at all.
Joel felt his blood run cold and his body stiffen. When the song ended, he tugged you roughly to the edge of the dance floor, depositing you at the table with Tommy. If he wanted you, he could have you. 
Then he’d stalked off to the bar.
He finally got his whiskey, and threw a handful of bills down for the bartender. He’d already downed half before making it back to the table, finding it empty— you and Tommy no doubt back out dancing. Christ.
He slumped against the hard wood chair, looking down at his hands. In quick succession, he’d felt shocked, humiliated, then angry. And now the wind seemed to have gone out of him. It was what it was, he supposed— he couldn’t control who you liked. But he’d thought for sure there was something going on between him and you…
He sipped at the rest of his whiskey, eyes scanning the honky tonk. There were plenty of other pretty girls in the place tonight, although none caught his attention in quite the same way you did. Against his better judgement, he found himself searching the crowd for you again.
There you were. Dancing with Tommy, just as he’d thought. You were angled away from Joel so that he couldn’t see your face, but he could see Tommy looking down at you, that damn smirk on his face. He could see Tommy’s arms on your back, and he watched as one hand slid down along the silky fabric of your dress, until it rested across the curve of your ass. That cheeky fucking bastard.
You didn’t pull away. In fact, you gave your hips an extra little swish along with the beat, pressing your flesh harder against Tommy’s grasp.
Then you turned your head, craning your neck as though looking for something. Your eyes scanned the tables, and Joel looked up, heart in his throat. He met your eyes, as you swayed there with Tommy’s hands all over you. You looked right at him— and you winked. 
You fucking winked.
Joel felt a deep flush rising and blooming across his face, his chest. He could hear blood rushing in his ears.
He stood, setting his glass down on the table. Barely aware of what he was doing, as he strode resolutely onto the dance floor. As he walked right over to where you stood with Tommy, and laid a firm hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“We gotta problem, Tommy.”
Tommy turned his head to look at Joel, but kept his hands on you. Annoyance flickered across his face. “What’s your problem, Joel?” He snapped back.
“This slutty little thing here,” Joel growled, “was rubbin’ all over me just a few minutes ago. And then I realized, the whole time she was doing it, she’s makin’ eyes at you.” Joel stared at you, his eyes dark and flinty. “And now I see her out here, lettin’ you put your hands all over her body. And you know what she’s doin’? She’s winking at me.”
Tommy’s eyes widened as Joel’s words sunk in. His stare cut from you to Joel and back again, as you looked up at him through your eyelashes, all faux-innocence.
“You know what I think?” Joel still had one hand on Tommy; now he reached down and cupped your face with the other, tilting your jaw upward.
“What’s that, Joel?” Tommy’s voice was low and rough.
“I think you and I are gonna need to teach this naughty girl a lesson.”
A slow smile spread across Tommy’s face. “I think you’re right.” His hands, still wrapped around your body, pulled you even more tightly against him. “As a matter of fact, I think we better get this little freak outta here. Take her someplace we can really get to the bottom of this.”
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coffeecat1983 · 3 months
Drabble request #20 "Don't try to fix me"
Features a scene from Mario/Felix: What I would do for you.
TW: Hint of domestic abuse.
Our scene. Mario, having gotten parts of the truth from Mary and then from Ralph, asks Felix what really happened with the other Mario...
"I didn't get to know him very well. But Luigi, we became good friends." Felix admitted. "He was shy, golly he was shy, way more than your Luigi's ever been. But he loved what he did." Felix let out a soft laugh at the memory. "He once told me his favorite thing was when gamers came in and it would be a big sibling and a younger one."
His tone grew wistful. "Said seeing them learn the game and then get to play felt so special. He didn't even mind the game overs." Felix removed the golden hammer, turning it slowly. "After Mario did what he did, Luigi came to my game, begging me for help…"
"Your hammer, i-it can fix things, right?" Luigi said with a nervous excitement, hat in his hands. "M-Maybe you could try it, fix my bro? Please, Felix, he's just not the same and I, I'm scared."
Felix considered it. "I, I guess I could try. Never thought about fixin' a clipped code before. He might not agree-" "We could sneak in tonight!" Luigi blurted out, "When he's asleep! Meet me in the station after three. See you then!" he took off, not even giving Felix the chance to object. "I felt like I couldn't refuse, so three came around and I met Luigi at the tram." Felix held back as his heart began to pound at the memory. "Felix, you don't have to-" Mario said gently but the other shook his head. "No, you deserve to know what happened. The whole story." he insisted.
Felix and Luigi climbed out of the tram and quietly made their way into one of the little fortresses that had been converted inside to a small home. The atmosphere was heavy, a feeling of fear draped over both as they climbed the brick stairs to the bedroom. Luigi carefully opened the wooden door so it wouldn't creak and Felix crept in. Mario was sleeping on top of his bed, not even changing his clothes. Creeping over, Felix raised the hammer, aiming for Mario's heart. His arm swung down and a hand shot up, grabbing his wrist with such force he cried out and dropped the tool. Mario sat up, glaring at him. "What do you think you're doing?" he snarled. Gathering his nerves, Felix yanked his hand away and snatched the hammer from the floor. "You need my help, M-Mario, and now if you don't mind staying still I'll fix-" He backed up as Mario stood, his fists clenched. "I'm not broken! Don't try to fix me!" Mario turned to Luigi. "You! You brought him here, didn't you?" "Please, big bro, you need help!" Luigi pleaded. "Your code needs to be fixed or we're gonna get in trouble!" Mario stormed across the floor. "I'm not broken!" he repeated. "I got rid of what was getting in my way of having a perfect game. I guess I should have gotten rid of you, too." He raised his fist to strike. Felix darted past and grabbing Luigi's hand, the two ran out and down the stairs. Reaching the tram station, Felix nearly fell as Luigi skidded to a halt and pulled his hand away. "Luigi, we gotta get out of here!" Luigi looked back towards the fortress. "I, I can't leave him. He's all I have." "You saw what happened, he's going to hurt you!" Felix insisted. "At least come with me, you can stay safe in my game." He held his hand out, but Luigi stepped back. "I, I can't. My bro, he needs me."
Tears began to drip down as Felix finished his story. "It was the next night the game was unplugged."
(Thanks for the request, my friend!)
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t0omuch4you · 1 year
You Could Start A Cult | Luke Hughes
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"I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow" inspired by Niall Horan's song You Could Start A Cult
Hailey wasn’t a huge sports fan, she watched a couple of games with her roommate Allie, but that was it. That being said, it was odd that she was headed to Yost for the hockey game, one Allie had invited her because she had free tickets as the team’s social media manager. The problem was that her roommate was already in her seat, but since Hailey had schoolwork to finish, she decided to stay a little longer in her room not realizing that she was already late.
She was about to reach the arena when she felt a body collide with her, bringing her and the other person to the ground.
“Shit! Sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t see you there and I was running late to-“ the boy ranted nervously to Hailey when he stopped abruptly.
“Oh, hey! I know you, you’re Allie’s roommate, Hailey” he recognized her.
“Uhm…yes, Do I know you?” she replied confused as to why the curly-haired boy knew who she was.
“Yeah sorry. I’m Luke, I play for the hockey team. Allie mentions you all the time” he said standing up and offering Hailey a hand.
“Oh, right. Allie has mentioned you a couple of times too” she said taking his hand and standing up, brushing aside the feeling she felt the moment their hands connected. “And I guess you’re running late to your game, so I’ll see you around,” she said ushering him.
After their encounter, Luke had asked Allie for Hailey's phone number since she had caught his attention, and after a few days of texting he decided to invite her on a date. When he arrived at her dorm room he couldn’t contain his nervousness.
“You...uhm, you look really beautiful,” he said while his breath hitched and his heart made a flip, not knowing how to properly tell her that she looked mesmerizing.
“You look not so bad yourself,” she said while blushing because of his compliment.
For the rest of their date, he couldn't stop his gaze from always coming back to her, not even when they were admiring the stars in the back of his truck. How could he when she was so much more than beautiful to him? After that night, going on a couple more dates, and Hailey getting to befriend the rest of the team, Luke finally decided to ask her to be his girlfriend.
In the first year of their relationship, there were a couple of fights, them being due to the time apart during the constant away games that the team went on. Because of this, Luke had suggested leaving the hockey team but Hailey had instantly shut down the idea, not wanting him to give up everything just because he didn’t want it to affect their relationship. She didn’t realize that Luke had considered it because she was the girl he loved, the girl who made him who he was and who he was gonna be, and without a doubt, Hailey could have it all.
They were about to be two years together now, and things couldn’t get any better, or so they thought. They were about to board the team’s plane to go to the Frozen Four game against Quinnipiac. Luke had been a nervous wreck for the past few days, all thanks to the game but also because New Jersey wanted him to sign as soon as possible, what worried him was having to tell Hailey and upsetting her.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked him while softly squeezing his hand three times, a gesture they did every time they wanted to say I love you.
“Yeah, everything is fine. Just nervous for the game” he lied, not wanting to ruin the mood for the weekend too soon.
When they arrived at the hotel they met with Jim and Ellen and decided to eat the four of them before Luke had to practice before the next day’s game.
 “So Luke, excited to finally sign with the devils after the weekend?” Jim asked his son as they waited for their food, not knowing that Hailey didn’t have a single clue about this.
“Uhm... yeah, it’s all I’ve ever wanted,” he said while trying to reach for his girlfriend’s hand under the table but she quickly moved it away.
The meal went on smoothly and without Jim and Ellen realizing the tension that could be cut with a knife between the young couple. They soon said their goodbyes and went back to their respective rooms.
“Were you planning on telling me before or after you went to New Jersey?” she asked disguising her sadness with anger towards Luke.
“Look, baby. I didn’t want to ruin the weekend-“he was interrupted by a sob that came out of Hailey's mouth.
“You wouldn’t ruin it, I would’ve wanted to know! I am happy and proud of you!” she said while the tears ran down her cheeks.
“I-I don’t-“ he tried to explain but he was once again interrupted by her.
“No Luke, just leave it. You need to rest for tomorrow's game” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
To say that the next day was worse than the previous day was an understatement, Michigan had lost 2-5 and now Luke was leaving. He met with his parents and girlfriend at the end of the game, ready to sign those papers.
Things between him and Hailey weren't the best but that didn't stop her from feeling beyond proud of him, of course, there was still a part of her that was sad to see him leave, so she contacted Jack, the one person who could help her get things done without Luke knowing before transferring to Princeton. Luke’s parents and hers had told her it was a bold and risky thing to move to New Jersey with her boyfriend but they agreed after they had seen how in love the two of them were with each other. 
When Hailey arrived in New Jersey it was almost nighttime, Jack would be the one picking her up since Luke still had no idea that his girlfriend would be living with them.
“Well, everything is in the trunk. Ready to go?” Jack asked her after loading everything in the car.
“Yes, thank you so much for helping me. It means a lot Jack” she said sincerely.
“No worries, you know I would do anything to see you and Luke happy,” he said while wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a protective way.
When they arrived at the apartment Hailey couldn’t contain the joy she felt as she was about to reunite with her boyfriend. And this time nothing would separate them, well aside from the away games, but that had been sorted out a long time ago.
“Lukey! I’ve got a surprise for ya. Come here!” Jack shouted while entering the apartment.
“I’m really tired Jack, it better be-“ he stopped talking as he saw his girlfriend at the entrance.
“Surprise,” she said sheepishly while walking towards him and connecting her lips with his in a much-needed kiss.
“And that’s my cue to leave,” Jack said while walking to his room, leaving them alone.
“I can't believe you’re here,” Luke said in disbelief “I’m starting to think if I were to start a cult you’d follow me” he joked while wrapping his arms around her in a bone-crushing hug.
“Is there even a doubt? Anywhere you go, I’ll be” 
A few hours and coffees later, they were done unpacking everything, and now the two of them were ready to sleep in their bed.
“Thank you for following me and not giving up on us,” he said resting his hand on his girlfriend’s hip.
“Anytime Lukey. I love you” she said snuggling in her boyfriend’s neck before closing her eyes to finally rest after a day of traveling and moving in.
“I love you more” he murmured planting a kiss on top of her head before falling asleep.
The next morning Luke woke up with a weight on his right side, when he turned to see what it was or who it was, he was more than happy to see Hailey sleeping peacefully. There weren’t enough words to describe the feeling of waking up by Hailey’s side.
“Stop staring you creep,” she said while turning her back to him.
“I didn’t know I couldn’t admire my beautiful girlfriend,” he said while wrapping his arms from behind her and kissing the side of her neck softly. She turned her head to give him access to her lips and hummed as she felt his lips on hers. There was no better feeling than that and they both knew it.
All they wanted to do was to wake up beside each other, what Hailey didn’t know was that in a few years, they would probably have that for the rest of their lives, all because of a little velvet box that was on Luke’s nightstand waiting a couple more years for the right moment to appear.
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clovermarigold · 5 days
Late Night Snack pt.2
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Gekko, Skye, Chamber x Reader
Series masterlist - Pt.1
Somewhat of a prequal for most of the pairings.
Thank you to @rowanyte for requesting this sequel.
*Disclaimer* alcohol
as someone who doesn't drink by choice, just imagine I understood anything I wrote.
Gekko- Doritos
10... 10 to fucking 0. How? How was that even possible. You were the one to introduce him to this game. You spent more time learning all of its characters than you did outside. How the hell did he manage to beat you ten times!
"I think it's official, Angel. I'm better than you at every game we own" you turned sharply to glare at him, "Absolutely not! Rematch".
"Yeah, it's like three in the morning, I'll pass" he said turning off his controller and standing to stretch. "Oh, ok. No that makes sense... So, I guess that means I win" you mutter just loud enough for him to make out, "What was that?", the corners of your lips turning up.
"Oh nothing, it's just that it sounds like you're forfeiting" He groaned looking at the roof, "Please don't do your whole super competitive thing now ".
"Hey!" you bristle at the unsavory accusation, "We don't have to do anything besides going to bed and cuddling.... if you admit you're giving up" he rubbed a hand down his face.
A sinister giggle left you as you watched him flop down into is spot on the couch. "You're grabbing snacks!" a fair enough deal if it meant you had your chance at revenge.
You were quick to run to the kitchen and raid the pantry. It was a good thing some of the other agents had gone shopping recently, they wouldn't mind you 'borrowing' some, surely!
Skye's kale chips? Gross. Neon's energy drinks? Would be perfect if you and Matteo actually liked energy drinks. Jett's tteobokki? Eh, you were looking for something that was ready to go. Oh! There it is!
"I got the goods!" you held up the bag of Doritos, no doubt phoenix's. To your surprise he didn't react. "Geks?" walking around to the front of the couch you were met with your boyfriend who was passed out, head resting on his hand.
Gently, you take your spot next to him, curling into his side, carefully pressing on his arm. "We still playing?" he stirred, drowsiness apparent. "No. we can go to bed" you smile lightly. "hmm... You sure?".
"Yeah. I'm sure" As much as you loved winning, it wasn't worth it if he would be stuck suffering sleep deprivation. His hand wrapped around yours, rubbing light circles on your palm, "Thanks."
The sweet moment, however, was completely destroyed when he decided to open his stupid mouth. "Got it. You forfeit. I win" this little shit!
Apparently, your face must have been as shocked and irritated as you felt, because he broke out laughing. "You asshole! You weren't even sleeping!" he made a move to grab the bag of chips from you.
"uh uh! Doritos are for good boyfriends who don't pull shit like this!" you pulled the bag away, knocking him on his arm. "Hey, tranquilo!".
You stood, "I am going to give these to someone who deserves them! Wings!!!!".
He lunged at you, lifting you in the air, "Gimme the bag and I'll put you down". "Gek- Matteo! Put me down" the both of you froze when the door slammed open.
"It is 3 in the damn morning" Brimstone.... parties over. "Go to bed. Now" abruptly he put you down, the two of you marching to your rooms under Brim's watchful eye, making sure you actually went to bed.
"well that was embarrassing" you said, flopping onto your bed. A notification went off on your phone
Geks <3 : So I won right?
This man
Skye- Fruit Salad
43 minutes, you had cut down your run time by 7 minutes. It wasn't quite your goal, but it was progress. you usually preferred to do your morning run at around 5. But you had a mission briefing at 6:30. A 4 o'clock run wasn't too terrible.
Damn you were tired, hungry too. taking out your earbuds and resting your phone on the table and walking over to the fridge.
Pork Cutlet? Too heavy, besides, heating it up would stink up the kitchen with pork. The last thing you needed was to wake someone up. You had already been yelled at by viper for interrupting her during your workout.
Adobo was immediately out of the question. Neon was scary when it came to people eating her food. Gekko had eaten it once when it was in an unmarked container, labeling it up for grabs....
Not even wingman could save him
"Pesto? No. Curry? Nice, but I'm not in the mood for spicy. Aha, there we go" reaching into the back, you found your prize. You had honestly thought someone would have eaten it by now.
Your perfect way to start the day. A nice cold, untouched fruit salad. Mind you, it did have more melons than you'd liked, but it was to be expected. Had to cut down on the price somehow.
"Bugger. I was looking forward to that" a familiar voice came from behind you. You turned, holding the bowl in one hand, and a single, half bitten strawberry in the other.
"Good morning, Skye" you took in her appearance, she was dressed in sportswear, and she had an arm band holding her music player firm to her arm, "You going on a run?".
"Yeah, Brims got another thing coming if he thinks I'm skipping my run for a brief on a mission two days from now" she reached over, grabbing a grape from the bowl in your hand.
"A little late to ask, but did you want to share?"
"All right" she says smiling as she popped another grape into her mouth. You felt your knees wobble a little. For a moment you actually take in her appearance. Her skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat, cheeks still rosy from exercise, biceps taut, and teeth practically blinding you.
"Looking good, mate! Nice to see some people here exercise in their free time" oh shit, was she checking you out too? No! You were gross and sweaty. Hell, probably pink in the face from exercise... and other reasons. Oh, you were not gonna last long this close to her before you made a fool of yourself.
It's not your fault, she's just too cool. Ripped, clever, sharp tongued, and an absolute tank on the field.
"You can have the rest!" you wince at how stupid you sound. Great going idiot, now she thinks you're weird...er?
carefully (and fully aware of your embarrassed blunder) Skye pulls the bowl from your hand with a laugh, "Cheers, love". She gives you a nod and exits the kitchen.
she called you love
Chamber- Wine
You swear sometimes the thought that your job wasn't worth all the paperwork was truer than you would like to admit. Reyna may be the sword and face of the sanctuary but in reality, it would not be able to function without you.
After all, managing to make people disappear from one of the most powerful companies in the world, as well as balancing defending the earth from multiverse invaders was no easy task.
But you suppose being able to help protect your fellow Radiants was more than worth the grueling hours of organizing fake passports and ids as well as schedule meetings with possible sponsors of.... less than legal repertoires.
Such was tonight, another headache alone in your office. Reyna may be ecstatic at the increasing number of radiants surfacing, but you weren't. Damn you needed a drink.
A knock catches you off guard as you reach for a new stack of papers you were loath to sort through.
"Ah, it seems I have caught you at a bad time" shit. Right, you had a meeting. God, why did you even think to schedule him this late? And how did he look so calm and well rested?
"No, no, take a seat. I always have time for the sanctuary's number one donor" you plastered on your business chic facade. It was the reason you handled people instead of Reyna. You understood people, altering your facade to fit whoever you did business with.
Chamber was a special case, a break from the usual ass kissing and baby doll voice face you would force yourself to do with other sponsors.
Chamber's facade was tailored differently, teasing but not outright flirting, sarcastic in the way two gossiping women would be, and a hint of theatrics. Easily one of your favorites. It felt more like a game than business when you worked together.
"You seem energetic, Monsieur Fabron" a small chuckle leaves him as he takes a seat across your desk. "I slept on the plane; Jet lag can be so inconvenient ".
"Ah, your trip, I nearly forgot" a lie, no doubt one he could tell, but work is so boring without play. "But of course, lionne. A truly wonderful experience, though not one to beat my time with you" you gasp in mock flattery.
Pausing momentarily before laying a tall silvery bag on the desk, Chamber looked at you expectantly, "A gift".
for a fraction of a second your facade dropped, intrigued by the pristine and obviously expensive gift laid out by your guest. Before promptly putting on your teasing smile reaching into the bag, "Chamber, you spoil me".
"But of course, what are friends for" looking into the silvery packaging and secondary protection you swear you could cry. "You do still prefer your wines sweet, correct?" you take back any regret you had for scheduling this meeting, alcoholism for the win!
"I doubt anything could be as sweet as you, my friend" he huffed a laugh as you poured the both of you a glass. "To friends" he offered, holding out his glass. With a smirk you knocked yours against his.
God your job was worth it
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