#I'll hide and continue to be a couch potato
owl127 · 2 years
... I want to be mishevious and ask you A-Z, but ill just ask:
C, L, E, X, and A lol
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
I know what you did here, but you forgot to add the fic. Ha. \o/
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Anything harrianthe is always tricky. Because they are so dysfunctional, but also good for each other?
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
Lexa in "Yours" is me before therapy.
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between? Not voracious for fics, though, I read more published books lately. I'm picky after years and years of tolerating bad quality fics. Searching based on kudos makes me nauseous. When I find a decent writer, I read everything they have to offer and I hope they have a good selection of bookmarks, and that's kinda how I find fics lately. Unless you all have good fic recs?
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
Oooof, that's a hard one, and it shifts over time. Right now "Coffee & Scones" have a special spot in my heart, but Clexa fics are always nostalgic to write.
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potatoqueenpal · 21 days
In hate fueled motivation, your favorite potato has made a Colm Greer gets Karma because he's a fuckass deadbeat dad and a shitty husband motherfucking skid mark leaving ass bitch fanfic.
I'm planning to make this a series AND it will be uploaded to Ao3 (when I remember)
This is my first time writing a fic please be nice to me!
That's all... enjoy!
Wilted Roses
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As long as he has lived, Colm had never faced consequences. It wasn't surprising, a quip from his silver tongue and a wink of his eye, and you were hooked. How else had Marie been able to stick with him through the fights and the gambling? How else had Lil Milo believe his false promises? Yes, life for Colm Greer was good. But Fate is funny in that way, isn't it? Just when you have everything built perfectly, it falls apart, and the people you hurt might just fall with it.
(This is the cracking point in Marie and Colm's relationship and when Milo is still little. I'll try my best to explain what timepoint these chapters take place in. Lol. Have a good read!)
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"Toots! I'm back!" The man called. As much as Colm tried, his silver tongue couldn't hide the irritation from another failed gamble, much less the reek of whiskey from his lips as he stumbled, trying to take off his shoes, muttering a curse as he nearly tripped over one.
It was late as the grandfather clock on the wall hit 10. The soft chimes seemed loud as if even the clock was irritated by his late arrival. "Listen, I know what you said about gambling with your money, but I had a good feeling this time and, well, I haven't been paid yet, so.." Colm drawled off his eyes widening as the whiskey clouding his vision let up just enough to see the living room. Balloons and ribbons laid across the floor, and wrapping paper was balled up into trash bags. A single slice of cake sat on the table next to the wall that held a banner, 'Happy 8th birthday, Milo!'
"Kiddo?" Colm called panicked before being interrupted by Marie stepping out of the kitchen and leaning on the counter. Arms crossed as her hazel eyes glared daggers, her auburn hair tied neatly, well, was tied neatly as strands of hair stuck out, flour and egg stuck to her apron and the sound of the dishwasher was faint.
"Where. Were. You."
"Toots I-"
Marie held up a hand, interrupting him. "Before you bullshit me, 500 dollars are missing from my saving jar, and I smell the alcohol on your breath."
Marie paused for a few seconds, almost daring the man to think of a lie before making a 'continue' gesture.
"Toots, I'm sorry. I needed some extra cash and-"
"So you stole from me?"
"I'll pay you back!"
"With who's money?!"
"No! Just, no."
Marie took a deep breath.
"I can take the gambling, and the alcohol, and the lies but what I will not do to MY son is let you lie to him about being there over your job or gambling. Over, and over again. I will not let you lie to my baby like that. Do you hear me?"
Marie's nose flared like a bull as she scolded him like a child, Colm couldn't even speak up about the irony with how small he felt.
"You wanna be out so late? This isn't a hotel. So I suggest you find somewhere else."
"Marie, you can't kick ne out this is my house-"
"The house you're barely in? The house I can barely pay for because you spend every cent you get?!"
"That's not fair, I'm busy with-"
"I don't care what you're busy with, it shouldn't stop you from seeing your son!"
Colm sighed, the silence echoing in the room. With no other choice, he pulled his last card.
"You're really going to keep me away from my son?"
If Marie was younger, she would've apologized, saying it's not what she wanted and insisted he sleep on the couch and they talk in the morning. But years upon years of the love and family, she worked so hard for being ignored for the sake of work. Marie could find nothing more than: "Goodnight, Colm."
And with that, Marie left. Her bedroom door slammed behind her as Colm was left in the living room alone. He didn't waste much time sulking as he shook it off as a bad day and too much tension as he trudged back outside, car keys in hand. And the cake slice left uneaten.
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Woo! That took a while! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed Marie snapping at Colm and I look foward to seeing you in the next one!
Love you!
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Supernatural X Twilight~ pt. 4
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Outside of training for battle with Jasper and sometimes the major, I also stopped going to school. Unless Jasper dragged me out of the motel or Esme kicked me out of her house, then I went to school. Where the Cullens had no reason to talk to me and I had no reason to talk to them.
Sometimes Jasper would brush against me in the hall or stare at me during lunch. Little things to be affectionate.
Balla found out about the Cullens little secret and then her and Edward went public. She was surprised to see me the first time she went to the Cullen home.
// I was laying over the couch while I played Mario cart against Emmet. He had challenged me to an all out war over the game and I decided I would put him in his place. If that involves cheats then so be it.
"Oh come on!" Emmet whined as he was once again taken out by a turtle shell.
Even when Jasper moved to sit beside my upside down form I didn't tear my eyes away from the game until I passed the finish line. "Need something."
"Bella's coming over." Jasper said like it solved everything.
"Awww big scawy soldier don't wanna eat the humie." I tease. I turn until I'm sitting upright and then jaspers hand goes around my back to my waist. His other hand lifts my legs to lay over his. "If worse comes to worse I'll restrain you and major." I say patting his hand on my knee.
"You know about major?!" Emmet asks in surprise as he falls off the couch.
I glare at Jasper from the corner of my eye and snort. "Fucker is clingy and needy as all hell. Like a fucking cat." I joke. If Jasper could blush he would be as he hides his face in my hair. I pat his shoulder as I smile at his embarrassment. // flashback end.
Then there was a baseball game. Unlike Bella, I could play and keep up with the Cullens.
I planted my feet into the ground as I held the bat securely in my grip. Jasper was pitching and I watched as he raised his arm to throw and I flexed my fingers before hitting the ball. It left the bat with a sharp crack and began to smoke as it caught fire mid air.
"Hot potato!" Emmet yelled as he avoided the ball. It zoomed into the surrounding forest before hitting a tree making another crackle sound.
Alice gasps and informs everyone that the nomads in the area heard us and are coming.
Edward rushed to Bella's side and tries to lead her to the car. "They're traveling so quickly" Alice continues.
"You said they left the county" Rosalie says bluntly.
I sigh and lean against the bat as I wait.
"They did, but then they heard us and changed their minds." Alice defends herself.
The family goes silent with tension as the three nomads approach from the woods. Two blondes and an African male. All with striking red eyes that alerts me to their diet. I tip my head in amusement and excitement.
The African male holds up the scorched ball by two fingers. "I believe this belongs to you." He then tosses the ball with blinding speed toward doctor c. Who catches it easily. "Could you use three more players?"
"Of course." Carlisle says cordially.
"I'm Laurent and this is Victoria and James." The male introduces himself and the blondes.
I lick my lips at the information. Grace burning under my skin in excitement. "I'm on their team." I say kicking the bat under my arm and twirling it in my hand before it rests on my shoulder. Either the Cullens are too shocked or they hide it well as no one stops my movement. "Would you like to bat first?" I ask while I walk toward them.
"Thank you, and if I may ask who hit the last ball?" Laurent asks in curiosity. He's not very good at hiding it.
I'm giddy as I skip toward him and twirl the bat for emphasis. "Guilty."
"I'm impressed, not many could catch a ball on fire like that. Are you a pyromancer?" Victoria asks as she approaches me.
"Oh hunny buns I'll be whatever you need me to be." I say flirtatiously.
She's surprised before she leans closer with a smile. "Is that a promise?" She teases.
Behind us two vampires growl. James and Jasper. I turn to Jasper with a glare and when I meet his eyes their flashing between golden and black. I roll my own eyes with a sigh. "Yer never any fun." I whine. Me and Victoria stoped flirting but casually her hand brushed my skin as she passed me and she recoiled in fear before playing it off with confidence. No one else saw the interaction.
The game was played until James catches Bella's scent. "You brought A snack."
"Told ya the humie smelled." I chirp after the interaction. When the Cullens spilt I go with Jasper and Alice. I didn't have much choice because they thought I was at risk as well.
The hotel had a stocked mini fridge at least and while Bella moped in the bed room I sat in the living room drinking the mini bottles.
I know when Bella leaves and follow only steps behind her where I'm led to a ballet studio. James waits and before he can pounce on her I get to him first. Hand on his arm.
"Hiya! While Bella may be clumsy and dating a loser she doesn't deserve whatever torture your gonna put her through." I chirp as the dark beast rears its head. My stomach is tight with excitement and ideas of violence. My fingers clench tighter over the vampires arm as I tilt my head and lean toward his face. He's stock still in shock but it only last a second.
"She said your dangerous. That I should watch out for you." James murmurs under his breath.
My smile stretches almost psychotically. "Bel—la why don't you run along now. Me an Jamie wanna play." I say liltingly as my voice rises with my excitement.
This time I do turn my eyes from James. I stare Bella down and she flinches back a step. "Hell's bells child! Get out." I demand before turning back to the vampire.
Lightning fast he puts his hand on my throat and I chuckle despite the tightness. "Always the throat." I say unflinching as I pry his fingers from my neck and begin breaking them. My free hand goes to his shoulder to hold him down as I rip his hand and some of his forearm. "Need a Hand?" I say waving the appendage before throwing it behind me.
He crumples holding his handless arm in pain before rushing for me.
A fight ensues and I begin to dance around him while throwing taunts between laughter. When I felt like it's been long enough for bella to get away I begin to strike back. A hit to his leg or arm and he slows considerably as it takes time to heal the cracks. I mostly aim for joints so that the appendages will be easier to tear.
In a Lucky Shot he throws me at a mirror and it shatters against my back. The pain is numb and easily ignored as I stand up again and begin laughing and dissolve into giggles while holding my arm. I rip the largest piece of glass out and it scrapes the wound wider but I only chuckle. "Your so cute when your angry! Just wait I'm gonna break down your ego bit by itty bit, boy." I stand straight and walk toward him while he watches me with apprehension. "Awe is the wittle hunter scawed?" I pout. I jump in excitement. "I know!" In a second I'm beside him. My hand on his good arm and the other on his neck. "Your gonna kneel, or your going to die. Isn't this fun?"
A noise escapes his throat. Maybe it's whimper or a growl but I don't care enough and push him forward. He tries to vamp-speed away but I hold him down on his stomach and step on his back as I rip his leg clean off. "Oopsies! I was gonna leave you at least a knee but you know how these things are—" I press my own knee deeper in his back. My hand on the back of his head. I put my other hand on his good arm and begin pulling it from his shoulder. "— don't know my own strength!" I grunt ripping the arm from his shoulder. Bones exposed and visible. "Oh look here, that's your collarbone poking out isn't it?" The vampire whimpers and tries to wiggle away but I slam his head into the wooden flood. "Sit still. I wanna see all your pretty insides." I cheer as I examine the limbless shoulder. The muscle and tissues are solidified into a strong marble like material. Small veins run throughout, but no longer transport life force.
I grab the heavy body by the back of his neck and drag him to a chair in the middle of the room that I materialized. James's body is dropped on the chair and he makes no move to get up.
I slap his face lightly. "Where's that big ego? You were going to kill a measly human for a little bit of pleasure, not out of necessity or anything but for your own amusement. See, I don't like monsters like you. Killing for sport." I walk around the chair as I talk. "I don't like the girl much but someone would miss her. Her daddy is the chief of police. If you killed her, I'd be the top suspect or the Cullens." I grab James hair harshly and pull his head over the backing of the chair. Small spiderweb cracks run along his neck from the pressure. "We can't have that James. I've already sent Laurent on his way, he can make it up to me in the future. But you and your lady bird..." I suck my tongue in a tutting noise and release his hair harshly. "And she was so pretty too!" I whine.
At this point the vampire is whimpering with the use of torture. "I won't get her today or tomorrow. But soon. And I promise to be the one to put her down. You understand? Don't you?" I tilt his head up gently with my finger under his chin. "She'll want her revenge won't she? An eye for an eye." I snicker. "But she'd need an army to take me down." I shrug my shoulders apathetically. "I always liked a challenge. Let's say, little under a year." I let my head dip backwards as my eyes lazily find Victoria hiding behind a curtain. Hands over her mouth to hide her pain. "Whatdya say sweetheart?"
She throws her arms back and screams as she moves to vamp speed toward me. "Tch, bad kitty." I say waggling my finger. "If you want a fighting chance, you need an army."
James head snaps to the side. "Victoria! Run, run! Don't come back for me. Get out of here!!" James says rapidly.
The blonde vampire looks around and then begins backing away before running off.
"Thought she'd never leave." I huff turning back to James. "Where were we?"
When the Cullens do arrive, Jasper is the one to open the door. What greets them is the sight of a heavily mutilated body sitting upright in a chair while Marcella sits in front of it on her own chair, holding a dismembered head that can only manage to whine and whimper. Blood litters the far corner near a broken mirror and Marcella herself is covered in blood around her back and arm.
Marcella drops the head carelessly and stands to greet them. But something is off. This isn't happy go lucky. Her head is tilted just slightly and she moves too quietly. Like a predator prowling in the jungle. Her heartbeat doesn't fluctuate at all other then a rapid beat every couple few. "Oopsie! He was supposed to last much longer." She speaks like she's telling a funny joke. But no one laughs. She nods with what she said and turns back to the head on the floor and crouches beside it. "This is all your fault, dummy." She shrugs dropping the head in the lap of the body and they're set on fire before anyone can blink. "Mhhm marshmallows would be nice." She continues. Carlisle is the first to notice the signs and gently pulls his children back out the building.
"This must be what she was talking about when she mentioned going dark. I didn't expect it to be this—" Carlisle pauses for the right word.
"Unhinged?" Rosalie offers.
Carlisle sends her a disproving look but doesn't correct her wording.
"This is way worse than anything major has done." Alice interjects. "She explained it so plainly.—"
"I can handle this."
"Son," Carlisle is cut off before he can protest.
"I can manipulate her emotions or at least calm her down. She's my mate."
Jasper enters the building again to find Marcella is looking at herself in the mirror. She's looking this way and that as if she's never seen herself before. Then her eyes meet his in the reflection. "Hello cowboy. Here to reel me in?"
"We need Marcella back." Jasper speaks plainly.
"No no no! You see while major may be a separate personality that you can just push and pull around. I'm not!" She doesn't shout but it still rings loudly around the room. "I am not some change in personality I'm—pure, angelic. I am warrior over death. I am a fraction of the seal that holds back the darkness. Nasty thing really. Wouldn't want any of that here." She ends her sentence jokingly before becoming silent. "Why am I explaining this to you. It all goes over that nice pretty head of yours. Marcella never left." Marcella turns away from the mirror to fully address the vampire. "Right now we need a little chat. In under a year the war will start. Victoria and at least Half that army is mine to slaughter. The puppies on the reservation need to stay out of it. In the original timeline they did help but with me here they will become." She clicked her teeth as if searching for the right word. "Ah, redundant." She tilts her head downward to look at Jasper through her lashes. "So let's keep them out of this. Okay." She perks up smiling.
"Can Marcella come back yet?"
Marcella stomped her foot. "I am Marcella." She turned away again and her face turned sad as she continued on in a quieter more somber tone. "Why does no one ever listen to me? I didn't ask for any of this. I want to be home. I want dean. I want to watch movies with him. I want to go on car rides. I want to make breakfast with them and crack jokes. I want to read with Sam. I want to listen to Cas tell stories about the beginning. I want my brothers. I want— I want! I just want to go home!" She threw her fist into the mirror and it shattered leaving a red trail down her arm. "All this time and I'm no closer to going home." She whispered and began to collapse. Before she could slam her knees into the pile of glass, Jasper grabbed her and held her up.
Marcella clung to him as she sniffled. She did not wail like she did the first time the rift closed but it was not a soft cry either. Jasper swooped down to pick her up completely in a princess carry as it was the only way to hold her and keep her restrained. Each exhale she shook so violently with silent sobs as she clung to him tight enough to almost crack his marble like skin.
Jasper exited the ballet studio and when his family saw the sight of the shaking girl they all felt remorse. While being a vampire is no walk in the park, none could imagine how it felt to have fractions of an angels grace in their very soul. She described it like it was tidlewaves of emotion that threaten to swallow you in sadness or kill you in anger. Was that anger in the studio? Was this sadness?
None of them could understand or imagine a fraction of the emotions the girl was feeling. Except Jasper. The skin to skin contact only made his gift stronger and while he couldn't shed a tear to match her pain he could feel his chest clenching for needed breath he would never require. His whole body felt weightless in a sense that every joint was burning so hot it felt cold. Even his face felt like it was on fire as he tried to contain screams of pure agony. The pain was almost blinding and he nearly stumbled as he walked.
"Are you okay Jasper?" Edward asked after hearing his brothers thoughts.
For a moment jasper's eyes appeared dead, lifeless and Edward flinched. Jaspers only response was to look back down at Marcella and hold her closer in hopes that the physical contact would help some with her painful feelings.
Marcella was quiet for most the ride, her shaking stilled to only small tremors. She refused to release herself from Jasper and sat in his lap the whole ride. While Jasper could feel nothing but pain from his mate, he still took pride that she clung to him and not anyone else. He let himself breathe in her smell and hold her closer. He used his gift to send calm waves every few minutes.
Marcella moved for the first time in what was probably hours and buried her head under jaspers chin. Her warm nose nudged the hollow of his throat and he tilted his neck further back in curiosity. Her lips brushed his collarbone as she spoke her first words in a quiet voice. "Thank you, cowboy."
Jasper didn't verbally respond, all the response he could say would not amount for the emotions he felt. "I love you, I'll always care for you. This and what you are could not make me love you any less, only more." Instead he settled for hugging her tighter. He could never tell her those words. She made it clear that romance was out of the question and he would respect her wishes. But he couldn't help himself from loving the feel of her lips on his skin. He wouldn't stop his affection unless she said so. And if she asked him to, he would die a little inside without her. But he would respect it.
Soon Marcella fell asleep for the rest of the drive home. And even after, there was no way he would wake her. He carried her into the Cullen home and up the steps to his room where he tried to set her on the couch. In the end he had to lay down with her still clutching him. Anytime her emotions took a dark turn, he used his gift to give her a peaceful slumber.
Marcella woke up from her slumber, cold but not unwelcomed. Strong marble like arms held her close to a still chest. Breath fanned against her neck as whoever was holding her breathed her in like a bouquet of flowers. "Cowboy?" Came her strangled whisper.
"I'm here, Darlin." He whispered back, accent thick. "I'm not leaving you for a second." He said possessively. 
She didn't respond verbally but curled further into him, hands balling themselves in his shirt while one cupped his face. As the thought occurred she pulled the hand on his face away. "I didn't hurt you or anyone else, right?"
"You killed James. You said there would be a war. Threatened that half the newborns were yours to kill." Jasper grew a teasing smirk. "The major found your 'dark side' irrevocably enticing. Said he wanted to lick the blood of you and shower you in compliments. To worship you." He leaned down and nosed my jaw. "I would worship you if you asked." His voice turning pleading and my chest clenched to hear such a sad tone.
"Can we stay like this a little longer. There is a war going on in my head and until my situation is clear, I can't give you an answer that doesn't hurt us both." For emphasis I let my hand cup his face so he could feel my emotions. By the grimace on his face he was experiencing my pain, fear, longing, homesickness and resentment.
He clasped his hand over mine, "I understand. But I won't stop. I will do everything I can to court you properly until you provide an answer."
"I expect no less." I respond not taking my hand from his face I move back into his chest and burry my head under his chin. "Just another hour before I have to socialize?"
When the hour was up Jasper was reluctant to pull himself away from his mate. To relinquish her from his arms. But the time came anyway as Marcella stretched and yawned. Marcella turned to move out of his arms but he tightened his grip.
"Uh uh. Nope. I can smell your moms cooking from here, you are not keeping me away from her food." I easily pried his arms off me with his compliance and left the room jumping over the banister. Only this time Jasper had gotten to the bottom before me and caught me. "Spoilsport!" Regardless, I let jasper carry me to the kitchen and set me on a stool. A large plate of pasta and salad is placed in front of me and I dig in with gusto. "Oh my gods! Miss Cullen this is so good!" I say around a mouth full of food. I finish the plate and look up to see the rest of the Cullens had gathered.
"So—" Marcella draws her words trying to start conversation. "I went a little killer on him. And may have threatened Victoria. But like I lived!" The say nothing for a moment until Alice speaks up.
"Are you okay now?" She asks in worry.
"Oh yeah! I'm great. Something aches but it will pass." I clench my chest.
"While you were out I did scans on you just to be sure. There's multiple fractures and tears in your body. The newest ones are around your heart." Carlisle states. "But you don't seem surprised?"
"Stress fractures. It's ironic really. If Lucifer didn't imbue me with grace while he tortured me; I would've died a most painful death as my heart would explode in my chest. Because of his grace I was healed or am healing. Using grace makes me heal faster. But if I put too much stress on my heart while using grace then..." I tilt my head.
"You'd die?"
"Ha! No. I just fall into a mildly inconvenient comma until the damage is partially restored."
"Sleeping beauty much." Emmet teases.
"I'll break your arm again." I threaten and he booms with laughter.
~~Bella's birthday party.
While I didn't particularly want to attend the event, Jasper was still a very real threat to Bella.
Bella and Edward came down the stairs, she had gotten her boot taken off sometime in the months before. She was now a year older than Edward in physical age and even I could see how it worried her. Alice bounced around with Bella's camera in hand as she took many photos of the happy couple.
Problems only arose when Bella began opening gifts. From Rosalie a necklace Alice had picked out. Emmet had gotten her new speakers for her truck but not before dissing it. The real problem came before we knew it, clumsy Bella had cut herself on the envelope from Carlisle and Esme.
I saw the minuscule moment as he flexed his jaw but before he could lunge I had an arm around his throat and the other around his hands as I kicked his leg making him kneel. He struggled in the kneel so I moved my head closer, bowing it beside his. My hair draped around him and he began to calm at my scent being close to him.
I looked up through my eye lashes to see Edward holding Bella back to protect her if need be while both Emmet and Carlisle watched Jasper with apprehension. Shocked gasps and the way Jaspers posture changed showed his change in personality.
I smirked into his curls. "Major." I said releasing my hand holding his back but not letting up my arm around his throat. Instead of fighting to break out the Major began to cradle my arm around his throat and a soft purr left him as I tightened that arm. A dopey smile flooded his face. "Bella, me and Jasper will be going on a walk. Please see that your cut is taken care of by the good doctor." I inform her before dragging Jasper up and then holding him by his neck as I marched him out the house. Before I left the house entirely the last things the Cullens heard was "you clingy fucking cat."
Getting outside and further from the house the more major whined as he tried to touch me but my hand on his neck only let him get so far. "Please. Need to know your okay." He said.
I let my fingers up one by one until my hand was off his throat then he zoomed toward me and began furiously sniffing me and running his hands over my body. When he was done he sank to the forest floor and rested his head on my stomach, arms around my waist keeping me trapped. My hands ran through his curls as I let his mind wander. "Calm yet?"
His response was to grip me tighter.
“Edward sees himself as a threat. He loves Bella and he will ask you all to move away. Forget forks.” Major growls and I grow a teasing smirk. My nails rake through his hair before pulling his head back from my stomach. He groans in pleasure from the tight grip, he elongated the noise to make me react. But ignore it in favor of continuing to talk. “The Cullens will leave. I don’t suppose you want me to leave with you. I’d rather not stick around while Bella becomes depressed.“
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Happy Christmas Eve. We are in the car on the way home. I am really tired but we should be back by 8. There's not many people on the road tonight.
Today was a really good day. Me and James did not sleep well last night. That bed is just a little to narrow and because James can't sleep on their side right now it was a little bit of a struggle. But it wasn't horrible. I just laid half on them. The problems came when I had to roll over. I kept losing my blanket. When James got up they covered me up and I was able to sleep a little longer.
James went to Philly to drop off gifts. And they would go get bagels for everyone for breakfast.
I was going to get washed and dressed when they got back. I had slept weird on my neck and it was very painful all day. But I loved my outfit so much. I didn't know I was going to wear this sweater under my dress but I absolutely love how it looks and I was super cozy all day. I just felt really nice about myself.
And it was a fun day. The bagels were really good. James got a special ginger snap cream cheese. And I enjoyed my breakfast.
We all are together. And would soon start building the Lego project we brought with us. We had lots of chatting and laughing and building. It was a lot of fun. We got about a quarter of it done and we have that to work on next time we are there.
It was a really nice day. It was cold outside but we were cozy inside. Me and James would go outside to take pictures. And that was fun but also very brisk! I was surprised how much the dogs wanted to go out.
Molly, the oldest of the three, lost a pound and she looks great. She seems more comfortable. Gracie was a princess like always. Sophie continues to be a bad girl when the others get attention but on her own is still sweet.
James made me a grilled cheese. And we opened gifts. I love the ring my parents got me. And this neat fabric bowl. James got me a new wallet that I love. It looks like a book, specifically the velveteen rabbit. I'm thrilled. I also got a hair pin and a few pairs of socks. And a very large/long demon cat plushie.
Mom liked her frog plushie and hair clip. Dad liked his car cane. James liked the Pokemon figures and books I got for them. It was a sweet little exchange. I loved that my mom wrapped on big box and that was filled with a bunch of small wrapped gifts. I just like unwrapping things. Though the bows were very difficult to get off. Stupid painful fingers.
We would chill on the couch for a while. A neighbor came over to talk. And my mom would lay down for a bit. Me and James went to the basement to look for a glue gun to fix my lipgloss that split and I got to show them a bunch of toys and art and things from my youth. It was just really a lovely day.
We made dinner for 4. Mac and cheese. Crab cakes. Stuffing. My special mashed potatoes. It was very Carby but really really good.
I honestly just had a lovely day. I'm a little sad my brother wasn't there. But I understand. And I love him very much. Things change when you get older. I understand. We didn't go out for dinner this year. And we didn't have a live nativity. And that is okay. We did get a little snow and we got to be together and I loved that.
After dinner we did some family pictures. I used dad's new prosthetic leg as a tripod to hold my phone. We used a poinsettia to hide his leg. And I think it was very sweet. The whole day. I felt warm inside. Very loved. It was a good Christmas Eve.
And then it was time to go home. James packed up the car. Hugs all around. And we are on our way home.
If I could have anything I would have a peppermint milkshake. But I care more about getting home then stopping for a snack. Plus I don't like going to businesses on holidays. I try to avoid it if possible. Maybe when we go home I'll have a snack. Maybe I'll just unpack and get myself ready for tomorrow.
Tomorrow the Fulwilers are coming to our apartment for presents and breakfast. And then we will get together with the Changs' to go to the Fulwilers for dinner. I think that is the best way. I hope it's just a lovely day. I am looking forward to giving gifts.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Take care of each other. Try to stay warm. Goodnight my friends. Until next time.
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baekhansol · 3 years
relief & reassurance
Tumblr media
pairing: san x reader, wooyoung x reader (both san & wooyoung are doms, reader is sub)
genres: comfort, angst-ish, smut, completely self indulgence | rating: mature ! do not interact if a minor
word count: 3812
plot: you're feeling down, and your boyfriends try to make you feel better
warnings: depression, self hatred, skin picking disorder, body weight insecurity, polyamourous relationship, nipple/ breast play, fingering, sex toy usage, oral, bdsm themes, doms/sub relationships, orgasm denial & control, squirting, spanking, choking, biting/marking/slight scratching, a bit of hair pulling, slight teasing, use of pet names (princess, good girl), bulge kink, creampie, unprotected sex (please be safe!!), doggystyle, praise kink, multiple orgasm, pain kink(?), threesome, use of the color light system (just check-ins, no safe word use), subspace, and sweet sweet aftercare - as usual, let me know if I missed anything!
a/n: this is a very very self indulgent fic. a very special thanks to @sugasbabiie for beta reading this for me and pointing out some things that I needed to change 💜💜💜
You felt disgusting, broken, and just downright depressed. You were supposed to hang out with San for the night, but he was running late. So you went ahead and ordered takeout, getting his favorite. Ever since you started dating him and Wooyoung, you would take time to have a date night with them separately and together. That way, you wouldn't always be the victim of their teasing.
You hear San unlocking the door, so you do your best to act fine as you go over to greet him.
"I'm glad you're finally here!" You say, pulling him into a hug.
"Hi baby," he says, his dimples appearing as he hugs you back. "It smells delightful," San adds, pulling back and looking at you. His eyebrow twitches, and you're afraid he is going to ask what was wrong, but instead, he takes off his shoes.
"I'm glad! I bought your favorite barbecue, and I think it might still be warm," you tell him, clapping your hands once as you go to check, San trailing behind.
"Did you already eat?" He checks, looking at you sternly as he breaks the wooden chopsticks.
"Yes, and if you want proof, it's in the trash can," you say, looking down and away.
"Alright," he says, his voice softening immediately. "Go turn something you like on, okay? I'll eat and then clean up."
You nod and kiss his cheek, going back and turning on the show you've been marathoning. San comes and sits next to you, eating and half-heartedly paying attention.
You lean against his shoulder and curl up into your blanket, trying to relax. Your insecurities were getting the better of you.
When San finishes his food, he kisses your cheek. "I'll be back in a few," he says, and you know he is going to shower.
"Make sure to brush your teeth!"
"I will," San responds with a chuckle.
When San returns from cleaning up, you hadn't realized you zoned out from the show and started crying. He turns off the TV and pulls you into his lap slowly, giving you the opportunity to pull away.
You don't, so you end up letting out a soft sob against his chest. San soothingly plays with your hair and rubs your back, letting you cry while saying soothing words in your ear.
"It's okay baby, let it out. I'm here for you, don't worry. You can tell me anything; you know that, right?"
When you’ve calmed down enough, and you blow your nose, San finally asks, "What has you so worked up, Y/N?"
You sigh, looking away and shaking your head.
"I just want to help," he assures you, "So please, tell me."
He wipes your tears away with his thumb, his own eyes full of concern.
"I've just been… feeling really insecure and hating my body," you murmur, looking away. "I hate that I have a stupid skin picking disorder. I hate how fat I am. I hate my stretch marks and my stupid eyes. I hate that I have two incredibly attractive boyfriends, and I'm just a potato," you rant, getting overly worked up to the point you start crying again.
"No, no, no, no, precious no," San says, his heart breaking as he sends a quick text to Wooyoung (get your ass over here asap).
"You're so beautiful, okay? We are all humans with flaws. Woo and I are idols, so that's why you think that. Remember my high school and middle school photos? I'd probably look worse than that now if I weren't an idol and could spend lots of money on skincare," he says with a slight giggle, handing you tissues again.
You take it and blow your nose again, groaning slightly. He just had to be logical.
"And I love all of you. I love your sexy body. I love your personality. I love the way you think and talk; how you see the world. I love your pretty eyes. They can see, you know? So you can see me," he giggles at that a little, gently kissing each of your eyelids.
"I love your pretty lips," he says, running a thumb over them. "I love your body. There's so much to cuddle, and you're soft and even better to cuddle than shiber, but don't tell them." At this, San gently starts caressing your body.
"And you know, your sweet tummy isn't going to be flat like mine. It's hard work to keep abs, and I generally don't eat before we perform to keep them there. Because when I eat, bye bye abs," he tells you, pulling his shirt up to show you how his stomach was just smooth and soft.
"And for your tummy," San begins, laying you down on the couch and pulling your shirt up to kiss it. "Your pretty tummy holds your uterus and the most precious parts of the entire female reproductive system, your ovaries and eggs. And right here," he kisses under your belly button, getting closer to over your pubic bone, a very sensitive spot for you, "right here is where all the magic happens."
You quirk an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain as you feel your cheeks heating up.
"It's where a baby will grow, if we decide to have one, and it's where your body let's you know it's reproductively healthy," he starts, kissing lower and lower each time, until you're biting your tongue to hold back a moan. San picks up the change in your state, swallowing the need to smirk.
"And your legs, your beautiful legs," he murmurs, massaging your feet and up your calves. "They carry you around all day and are so pretty." San kisses your shins, then slowly up your inner thighs, making you squirm.
His strong hands hold you in place as he continues worshiping your body. "You're beautiful thighs," he murmurs, nipping them. "They hide something beautiful between them, but even on their own…" San tries not to groan, as he can tell he is growing hard by your soft gasps. "They're soft and lovely to rest my head on, like your breasts, and I could spend all day marking them up. I love the way they jiggle like your ass does when spanked," he adds, looking you in your eye as he rubs your thigh, what he normally would do before spanking you.
When you nod, he gives them a resounding smack. This time, you don't hold back your moan.
He takes your hands in his, kissing your palms. "Your beautiful hands are perfect to hold, and your arms giving the best hugs, but don't tell Wooyoung or really anyone I said that," San giggles a little again, kissing up your arms, nipping here and there on the soft flesh.
"I know you hate how you pick at your arms, and I know how hard it is for you to control that impulse. But I want to help you, and I assure you Wooyoung feels the same way, okay?" he assures you.
You look away, more embarrassed than aroused now. "Precious, I asked you a question," he says, turning your chin to make you look at him, his dominance coming out.
"Yes sir," you say, biting your lip.
"You don't have to call me sir right now. This is about you. Now, can I make you feel good?" He whispers, his thumb ghosting over your lip as his knee ruts into your core.
"Please," you sigh, wondering if he would ask first or if he would make you beg.
Your word pleased him, as he immediately picks you up and kisses you deeply, carrying you to your bed.
“I love you so much; you know that, right?” San asks as he sets you down on the bed, helping you out of your shirt.
“I do,” you say softly, looking down as your face heats up.
San plants another sweet kiss on your lips, then slowly down your neck.
“Your soft skin is so kissable,” he says with a little giggle, nipping and sucking lightly, just enough to leave slight marks for the day. He undoes your bra, laying you back on the bed as his mouth travels down your decolletage, his hands caressing your breasts.
“You’re so precious to me, and I love all of you,” San assures you. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ll say yellow if you’re uncomfortable? Red if you want to stop?” he adds.
“I love you too,” you whisper, looking down at him lovingly. “And I always will,” you assure him.
He immediately takes one of your breasts in his mouth, his teeth lightly grazing your nipple, causing you to moan out his name.
He smiles against your skin, giving the same attention to the other breast. San begins to kiss down your stomach, humming while he does.
“I love your soft tummy,” he murmurs, looking up at you with utmost sincerity in his eyes. “It makes you extra cuddly,” he giggles.
You blush, not sure how to respond until he hooks his fingers beneath the waistband of your shorts.
“May I?” San asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes please,” you say, raising your hips to help him. He ends up taking your underwear off as well, a somewhat sheepish smirk on his face.
“Sorry,” he says, his tone rather unconvincing.
You roll your eyes as he spreads your legs, his eyes going face to face with your heat.
“Can I eat you out?” he bluntly asks, his warm fingers opening your folds.
“Please,” you say, letting him position your legs better as he immediately licks your folds, kissing your clit.
You let out a soft whine of pleasure, falling back onto your bed and allowing yourself to relax. San continues to suck on your clit, feeling your arousal start to drip onto his chin as you clench around nothing. Before you could beg for more, San’s tongue enters you, lapping up your arousal and easily hitting the spots that make your orgasm begin to quickly grow. San’s nose rubs against your clit, and he smirks as you grind against his face.
“San~ Sannie~ ah~” you moan, causing him to chuckle softly. The vibrations make your toes curl, and you gasp and grab the sheets.
San reaches up and takes one of your hands in his, gently squeezing it in reassurance as he continues his ministrations.
As you start feeling closer to your orgasm, San stops. He stands up, causing you to whine.
“Don’t worry, I’m not done yet,” he says with a gentle laugh. San opens the drawer where you kept your sex toys and lube, and he takes something out you can’t quite see.
“What color are you?” he asks.
“Still green,” you assure him, trying to smile for him.
San kisses your forehead before going back down on you, this time putting his fingers inside of you. He turns on the bullet vibrator he took on a low setting and presses it against your clit, smirking when you groan his name and buck your hips.
“God, you’re so sexy like this,” he murmurs, kissing your thigh.
You whimper in response, boosting his ego. San turns up the setting on the vibrator, relishing in the power he had over you. He was glad he could help you feel better, even if it was only temporary. Which he hoped it wouldn’t. He wanted his words to have comforted you.
“I’m close-” you begin, your toes curling and thighs shaking.
San immediately pulls his fingers out of you and turns off the vibrator.
“San, what the fuck?” you whine. You weren’t being bratty; you were just confused.
“I promise I am still doing this to make you feel good,” he assures you, setting down the vibrator. “What color are you?” San asks.
“Green,” you admit, causing him to smirk and go back down on you.
After being denied twice, the coil built into a strong pressure, causing you to furrow your brows and whine out his name, being more vocal than usual. You almost feel overstimulated, but he holds your hips in place with firm hands so you can’t escape.
“San, fuck, I’m gonna- fuck!” you nearly sob, suddenly orgasming harder than you have in the past.
He lets you ride his tongue through your orgasm before he pulls up, a confident smirk on his now rather wet face. “I made you squirt,” he says proudly.
“Squirted, yeah,” San smugly confirms, standing up and sauntering to the bathroom. You’re not sure what he is doing in there, but he soon comes back with a dried face and a damp washcloth.
“I want to keep going,” you sheepishly admit.
He nods and cleans off some of the mess, tossing the washcloth into the hamper. “Let's take off the blankets then, yeah?” San says, helping you stand as he strips off the blanket.
You sit back down and look up at him, pulling him in for a kiss when he comes back. “I want you inside me,” you say softly, tugging at his pants.
“Be patient, you will,” he assures you, pulling away to undress himself.
His self-control never failed to surprise you because as soon as he got rid of his clothes, his hard length stood erect.
He hovers back over you, laying you down and kissing you sweetly. San grinds against you to test how sensitive you were. When you shivered, he stopped, continuing to gently kiss you.
San pulls away after a moment in order to align himself with your entrance. “I love you so much,” he tells you, sliding his tip in.
“I love you too, San,” you assure him, gasping as he continues to enter you, stilling only when he was fully seated inside.
“See, your tummy is even bigger now,” San giggles, rubbing your tummy.
“Are you trying to get me to say you have a big cock?” you giggle.
“No, but I wouldn’t be offended if you did say that,” he responds with a giggle of his own.
“San, please move your big cock,” you tease a little, laughing softly.
“As you wish, princess,” San teases right back, beginning to move at a comfortable, intimate pace.
You move your hips in tandem to his thrusts, gasping softly as he brushes your g spot.
“I’m so lucky to have you in my life,” San says, praising you sweetly. “You’re an amazing person, and I can’t believe you love me back.”
You feel yourself blushing, unable to say anything besides soft moans and whines.
“You’re so beautiful. Like this and any other time. You’re always beautiful,” he assures you, reaching down to start rubbing your clit.
You grab onto his bicep that was holding him up, whimpering his name.
“Good girl,” San groans, reaching down to capture your lips in a kiss. “Go ahead and cum when you need to, don’t hold back,” he adds, picking up his pace ever so slightly, knowing you were growing close.
“I- oh, fuck,” you whine, your nails digging into his bicep as you orgasm.
He continues to thrust through yours, and San soon releases inside of you.
“You couldn’t wait for me to get here?” You hear Wooyoung cry indignantly.
“How long have you been there?” San asks, pulling out of you and cupping your cheek before rolling onto the bed next to you, giving you a view of a very irritated and flustered Wooyoung.
“Long enough to start getting hard,” Wooyoung complains. You glance down to his crotch, and there was a definite tent in his pants.
“Well, this wasn’t the original plan,” San begins, and you are quick to look at the floor, taking great interest in the carpet suddenly. “Y/N was feeling depressed and very insecure about her body, and it just happened to lead to this,” San explains, leaning back and crossing his arms.
“You did?” Wooyoung asks, his eyes snapping to you.
You don’t look up at him or say anything, but you nod a little.
Wooyoung doesn’t say anything, but you know he walks over in front of you. His fingers grip your chin and tilt your head up. “I asked you a question,” he says, his eyes hard.
“I… yes…” you say, sounding uncertain of yourself.
Wooyoung raises an eyebrow, waiting expectantly.
“I… don’t like myself?” you tell him, your words coming out as more of a question than a statement.
“Y/N,” Wooyoung says, trying his best not to sound disappointed. “You’re an amazing person. The best partner we could ask for. I don’t know what exactly is wrong, and I would love to talk about that later if you want. But I love you so fucking much, okay?” Wooyoung’s eyes were a little glossy, and you could tell how much he meant his words. He wanted you to feel better.
“I know… I love you both too…” You say, holding onto his arm before leaning up to give him a gentle kiss.
Wooyoung holds you close, deepening the kiss. “Is it okay if I have a turn?” he asks you, his hand resting on your hip.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you whisper, rubbing your noses together.
“I love you so much,” Wooyoung says, mostly to himself. He then asks, “Can I be rough?”
“Yes, I’ll say if it’s too much,” you assure him, Wooyoung and San both nodding.
Wooyoung is quick to undress and is soon guiding you onto all fours. He spreads open your legs and cheeks, watching San’s cum drip out of you. “You didn’t use a condom with San?” he leans forward and whispers into your ear.
San shrugs, knowing it didn’t matter since you were all clean and you were not likely to get pregnant.
Wooyoung pulls back and smacks your ass. “I love the sight,” he groans to himself, teasing your entrance as he smacks your other cheek. “I love how your body reacts to me,” Wooyoung says, grinning as you arch your back up, trying to get him inside of you.
“You had San, and you need more?” Wooyoung teases, slowly entering you.
“Yes, I need you too,” you gasp out, getting fistfuls of the sheets as you hold them to keep yourself up.
“Good,” Wooyoung grunts, beginning to harshly thrust into you.
“You’re making such a mess with your pretty cunt,” Wooyoung laughs a bit sadistically.
“Just for you, just for you both,” you manage to get out, angling your hips so he would hit your g spot.
“You’re such a good girl for us both, and you’re so fucking perfect,” Wooyoung groans.
San scoots up closer to your face, tilting up your chin to look at you. “You okay?” he whispers. “Color?” He knows Wooyoung could get a bit carried away at times, so he wanted to check.
“Green,” you choke out, your arms giving in on a particularly strong thrust.
Wooyoung slows his thrusts and grabs your hair, pulling you up and moving his hand to your throat. “You’re beautiful, Y/N. We are so lucky to have you,” he whispers, rolling his hips into yours.
You nod a little, your orgasm building again. Wooyoung hums softly and starts thrusting faster, grunting softly in your ear before he decides to suck colorful marks onto your neck and shoulder.
“That’s our girl,” he murmurs, reaching down to rub your clit as he squeezes your neck.
You gasp, your thoughts going blank from the slight lack of oxygen to your brain.
“Go on and cum on my cock, princess,” Wooyoung urges you, biting down on your shoulder as he squeezes your neck a little more, searching for his release.
At the slight increase in pressure, your body explodes, and you cum, your fluttering walls encouraging Wooyoung’s orgasm.
He lets up on your throat and clit, thrusting a few more times to ride out your highs. Wooyoung pulls out of you and helps you lay down, cupping your cheeks.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Wooyoung asks, cupping your cheeks.
You’re zoned out, blissed expression was a dead giveaway of your state, as you felt high and floaty.
“Damn, if I had known you were going to come and fuck her like that, I wouldn’t have made her squirt,” San says with a sigh, getting up.
“You did? Without me here to watch?” Wooyoung groans.
San shrugs, heading into the bathroom and drawing a bath.
You watched the two, not quite able to make out their conversation.
When Wooyoung picks you up, you gladly lean against his chest and gently hold him. He leads you into the bathroom and sets you in the tub, which San had filled with a bubble bath. Wooyoung kisses your forehead, and San squeezes your hand, saying something.
San stands up and sighs, looking at Wooyoung. “Don’t leave her alone like this. I’ll wash the sheets,” he tells him.”
Wooyoung lets you play with the bubbles and soon gently washes your hair. “You’re doing so good,” he says, rinsing out your shampoo. “Our pretty girl,” Wooyoung adds, smiling. “Turn a little to face me, and I will wash off your makeup~” he says, putting the cleanser oil on his hands.
“Okay!” you giggle, turning and closing your eyes.
Wooyoung is gentle as he massages the oil into your skin, singing to you softly. You hum along with the tune, letting him rinse off the oil and use your regular cleanser.
“Are you ready to cuddle?” San asks, coming back into the bathroom and now fully dressed.
“Cuddles~!” you say, nodding immediately.
Wooyoung giggles and unplugs the drain, readying a towel.
“I have your favorite pajamas ready for you,” San says, smiling.
You let out an excited squeak, reaching out to Wooyoung to help you up. He gently grabs your arms, helping you find your footing before beginning to dry you off.
“Will you finish her up?” Wooyoung softly asks San, wrapping you in the towel before picking you up.
“Yeah, go clean yourself up,” San says.
Wooyoung kisses your temple and goes to the bathroom, and San helps you into your pajamas.
“You pretty princess,” he says, pulling on your pink pajamas.
“Mhm, your princess!!” you confirm, nodding.
San smiles, plugging in your hairdryer.
“You are the prettiest princess I have ever seen,” he assures you, brushing your hair before adding essence to it.
“Then you’re my… prince?” you ask, glancing up at San as he picks up the hairdryer.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” San assures you, turning on the hairdryer and drying your hair.
Before San finishes drying your hair, Wooyoung returns and lays on the bed next to you, rubbing your back.
Once finished, San unplugs the hairdryer and turns off the light. Wooyoung pulls you under the covers, holding you in his arms. San joins you, kissing your cheek.
“I love you,” Wooyoung murmurs.
“We love you,” San corrects him, smiling.
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ambersky0319 · 5 years
Dumb idea from a tired Rayne: Logan, who doesn't want to date Roman, keeps telling him "___ and then maybe I'll date you" so later you have Roman looking practically like a fucking clown as he tries to recite Shakespeare in full garbwhile also trying to speak in a perfect accents with the mind palace looking like a galaxy, only for Roman to find out after while he was practicing his brother and Deceit asked Logan out and he said yes, and he tried to tell Roman but he refused to listen.
This doesn’t have a happy ending, but it’s also not a bad ending?
Ships : One-sided Logince, Platonic Logince, Romantic Intruloceit
Warnings : Leading people on, miscommunication, let me know if there's anything else that I should add!
It wasn't that Logan didn't like Roman. He did, in complete honesty, Logan loved spending time with Roman, he loved being Roman's friend. But that's where it ended.
Being Roman's friend.
So when Roman confessed that he had feelings for Logan, he didn't know what to do. How do you reject someone, and then say it's because he just got into a relationship with said someone's brother and his partner?
But that's the thing. Logan tried to say that. But every time he got near the answer 'no' Roman would fall into another round of rambling that lasted anywhere between five to twenty minutes. It got to the point that Logan just... Gave up on trying to outright reject him.
Instead, he started giving Roman impossible tasks to do.
He didn't expect it to backfire so terribly on him though.
Logan sighed loudly as he collapsed onto the couch within the dark commons, right by Deceit who set his book down to console his annoyed boyfriend. Remus was nowhere to be found, probably in the Imagination. Logan just wished he could cuddle them both right now, that would surely cheer him up.
Deceit gently pulled him into his arms, pressing soft kisses to his temple as he started to massage Logan, slowly drawing circles on his back. Logan made a soft, strangled noise as he curled closer to Deceit.
"What's happened now?" Deceit hummed. He and Remus knew of Logan's predicament, and both knowing how well Roman took rejection, weren't able to give Logan any ideas on how to tell Roman that he wasn't interested, not without letting their own relationship slip.
"He- He actually learned Latin and performed not five, but ten original poems! And! He actually changed his sash to that awful gray that he hates!" Logan let his head fall into Deceit's neck, huffing and shaking his head.
"I told him that he needs to perform an entire Shakespeare play all by himself looking like Pennywise using time-accurate accents and in garb and that the entire mind palace must look like a galaxy."
Deceit began threading his fingers through Logan's hair. "What are you going to do if he actually succeeds in this one?"
"Honestly?" Deceit hummed in confirmation. "I have no fucking clue."
Silence filled the dark commons for a long while. Logan was far less tense now but refused to move out of Deceit's lap. Not that Deceit minded. But then Deceit broke the comforting quiet.
"Remus and I were talking earlier, about maybe to put a stop to this we just... All come out."
Logan shifted only slightly, frowning against Deceit's neck. "I thought that's what we were trying to avoid?"
"Well, we've been dating for what, four months now? And Roman has been doing this for about three. No matter how the others react, we'll stay together, and Roman can work on moving on and accepting that you aren't interested." Deceit continued to run his fingers through Logan's hair, no knots remained but he knew it was helping Logan relax. "We're ready to come out. If you aren't though, that's fine, and Remus and I can always help you come up with something-"
Before Deceit could finish, there was a crash as the Imagination door slammed open, and Remus came stumbling down the stairs cursing up a storm.
"Remus?" Logan asked hesitantly when Remus started to tug at his hair and pace. Remus barely glanced at them.
"I fucked up, guys I fucked up royally- Roman's pissed, he's so incredibly pissed oh my god, guys-"
"Hey, hey, Remus," Logan shifted out of Deceit's arms a bit for the first time in quite a while. "Come sit down, and maybe explain what happened?"
Remus did, settling down on Deceit's other side and welcoming the embrace from both Logan and Deceit. He then went on to explain how Roman had unconsciously wandered into Remus's part of the Imagination, where Remus had been talking with Hope about Deceit and Logan, getting suggestions from Hope on how to handle the situation if Logan didn't want to tell anyone yet. He described how Roman now knew that they were all together, and how he looked so incredibly heartbroken but also so pissed, and Remus wasn't able to tell if it was at Remus and Deceit, or Logan.
Once he was done, Logan groaned loudly, head falling back to hide in Deceit's shoulder. He said something, but it was muffled by Deceit's shirt. Remus clung to Logan, burrowing his face in Logan's hair. "Maybe we can just give Roman amnesia, y'know, and no one will know!"
"I don't think giving your brother a concussion is a good idea, Remus."
"At least it's an idea!"
Logan shook his head, taking a deep breath. "No, I'm going to have to talk with him. But... but I think I'll talk to Roman tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be willing to listen, I doubt he will be right now."
"You sure, Lo?"
Logan nodded, moving so he could press a light kiss to Remus's cheek. "I just really want to spend time with you both. And maybe this'll be safer."
The next morning, Logan rose up in front of Roman's room. It was too early for Patton or Virgil to be awake, but Roman often got up around the same time as Logan. He knocked lightly on the door, and it took a minute and Logan was just about to knock again when he heard a lock click and the door slowly opened. Logan bit his lip as he felt his heart figuratively break at the sight before him, Roman with irritated eyes and hair so tangled one brush would never be able to help tame it. He looked so pale, too, and he wobbled slightly in place as he processed just who was at his door.
When it finally caught up to him that it was Logan, Roman attempted to shut the door. But Logan stuck his foot out to stop it. "We really need to talk-"
"I don't want to see you, Logan."
"Please, Roman?"
". . ."
"I just want to explain things. You don't need to actually respond, but you need to hear me out. And then, if you no longer want to be friends, then I'll just leave you alone from now on. I won't even take long, I just need five minutes."
Roman hesitated, before sighing in defeat and he sulked back into his room, letting Logan enter. He sat on the bed and just stared at Logan. "Five minutes. Go."
Logan took a deep breath. "First, I wanted to apologize. It was wrong of me to lead you on like I did, getting your hopes up that I might reciprocate your feelings when in fact I wasn't only not interested, but was seeing other sides.
"Next, the only reason why I kept doing that is because any time I tried to tell you no, or that I wasn't interested, you would cut me off, or refuse to listen. I tried each and every time to get you to listen and I failed, so I gave you more and more ridiculous tasks thinking you would eventually give up. And then you didn't. And I just had no idea what to do, because I still wanted to be frends, I love being friends with you, but I don't like you how you like me and I just- I'm um, I'm just really sorry, Roman."
Logan held his breath as he watched Roman for any reaction, holding Roman's gaze. Roman took in a shuddering breath, before glancing to the side, frown tugging at his lips.
"And you were with my brother and Deceit the entire time...?"
"... Yes."
Roman closed his eyes for a moment, processing everything that Logan had said. When it seemed that he finally did, he exhaled slowly, still not looking at Logan.
"I'm still mad, Logan, I'm still hurt. But... But I don't want to not have you in my life. I still want you around. It wouldn't be the same with you gone- and I- fuck, Logan, I'm sorry for not listening... I should have, this all could've been avoided." Roman held his head in his hands. "Just... can, can we come back to this in a few days?"
Logan nodded hastily. Roman glanced at him for a moment before looking back down at the floor. "I'll see you later, Logan."
Logan hugged himself as he left Roman's room, summoning a water bottle for him before he left. God, this wasn't how he wanted things to turn out...
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lyssismagical · 5 years
I'll be your optimistic black hole, full of love I can't control
Parkner Febufluff Day 13 & 14 – Bouquet of Roses & Valentine’s Day
Read on AO3
Back in Tennessee, Harley was used to being one of the smartest kids in town. Rose Hill was a small place filled with people who would end up going nowhere. Everyone in his class would end up taking after their parents, working as teachers of Rose Hill High or at the corner store or in the little pubs around town.
Harley, on the other hand, had Tony Stark on speed dial. He had a garage filled with Stark-approved technologies. He used to build pop can robots and potato guns using the junk he took from his mom’s work at one of the pubs. And then he started building real technologies using the things that Tony bought for him.
He was used to be being the smartest. He was happy being top of the ranks, the one voted for The Person To Go The Farthest at the award ceremonies. He had never been anywhere but comfortably a genius compared to the other kids at his skills.
And then he arrived to Midtown High, in the middle of junior year.
He went from being the smartest kid in Rose Hill, to being the stupidest kid in Midtown.
He was supposed to be Stark’s kid, the smart kid, the one everyone went to for homework help. It shouldn’t be hard for him to pass his classes.
But fuck was he ever wrong.
His grades were slipping through his fingers, his nights were spent crying out of frustration at his desk when he just didn’t get it. He couldn’t understand the numbers and words floating around his pages.
And exams were rolling around soon. Only a couple weeks until then and if Harley fails his exams, he’ll fail his classes, he’ll fail the semester. He’ll end up back in Rose Hill, back to pretending to be the smartest kid like he isn’t struggling to understand everything.
He was going to fail.
* He’s half-asleep in English class, somehow the only class he’s passing decently, when somebody sits in the vacant seat beside him, the seat that’s been empty for the past two months that he’s been in New York.
He didn’t have any friends, but he knew the boy beside him.
Peter Parker was the kid that got pushed into lockers, punched behind the school, lunch money stolen, teased and tripped and tortured by Flash and his group of dumbasses.
Peter was also well-known as the smartest kid in school, acing all his classes despite his less-than-perfect attendance record. He wore thick glasses and button-ups under his sweaters, wide bambi-brown eyes filled with a sort of childish innocence.
“Hi,” Harley says dumbly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Normally, Peter sits front and center just like he does in all the classes they share.
Peter smiles brightly, eyes crinkling behind his glasses. “Hi. I’m Peter. Peter Parker.”
“Harley. No offense, of course, but why are talking to me?”
“Yeah, I, uh, I don’t wanna overstep or anything, but I heard from my not-quite-friend that you were having some trouble in Chem and I was wondering if you wanted any help?”
It’s said with such ease, such carelessness, like it isn’t the thing that Harley’s been beating himself up over for months. Like this hasn’t caused tears, hiding his tests with failing grades from Tony and hoping to god he can make those marks back later.
“The exam’s coming up,” Peter continues, blushing under Harley’s gaze and averting his eyes to the floor. “And I don’t wanna be that guy but I’m a tutor for the school, so if you needed some help, I just wanted to let you know I’m always available.”
Tears fill his eyes as the embarrassment, the shame, burns his chest, hands shaking under the desk.
He’s supposed to be smart. He’s supposed to be able to understand this stuff without a fucking tutor.
But he can’t do it.
He feels so fucking stupid all the time, going from The Genius of Rose Hill all the way down to The Stupid Kid Who Needs a Tutor at Midtown.
“Just let me know, yeah? I’m always around.” Peter moves to stand up, offering another timid smile.
Just as he’s about to turn away, to leave Harley who’s barely said a word, Harley grabs his wrist. He’s weak. He’s so fucking weak, but he needs this. He needs help. He needs to get his head above water before he fails his exams.
“I, uh, I kinda need a tutor, yeah,” Harley says, shoving down the burning shame.
Peter’s quick to sit back down, a gentle smile gracing his features. “Yeah, of course, I’m happy to help.”
“I’m failing my classes,” Harley admits because he’s been holding that secret in his chest for two of the longest months in his life. “Almost all of them. I just- I can’t fail my exams too. I just- I don’t get it. I feel so fucking stupid.”
Somehow, someway, there’s no disgust in Peter’s expression, no confusion, no hatred, no judgement. Just the same bright kindness that he manages to constantly radiate.
“That’s okay, everyone gets a little in over the head sometimes. You’re smart, Harley, I’m in your Tech class, I would know,” Peter says, smile never fading. “Just because you’re having trouble with memorizing the concepts or getting a hang of the ideas, doesn’t mean you’re stupid.”
It’s such a simple, casual thing for Peter to say, but it loosens something in Harley’s chest, makes the insecurities quiet just a little bit.
“So you’ll help me?” Harley asks quietly.
And Peter smiles, bright and incomparably. “Course I will, Harley.”
* There are only three weeks left until his exams, so Peter decides to devote all of his free time to Harley like he has nothing better to do.
It starts with just a few lunches and a couple after-school tutor sessions at the school’s library, but by the second week, Peter’s decided he wants Harley to absolutely ace his tests, so they start spending every lunch and afternoon together, pouring over Harley’s textbooks.
And on Friday of the second week, Peter invites Harley back to his place for a few extra hours of studying.
Peter’s a genius. He knows everything, it feels like. Harley believes Peter’s IQ could even rival Tony’s, though he’d never admit that to his mentor.
He lives in an old, small apartment in Queens with his aunt, a wonderful woman and Harley immediately understands where Peter got his unconditional kindness.
May left for work while they were studying on Friday and they lose track of time.
(Harley gets caught up in the way Peter laughs and smiles, so open and bright, and the way he teaches, devoted and thorough, and the way he’s so wonderful with every question Harley has, every complaint about he feels stupid not getting their classwork.)
And eventually, they realize it’s gotten pretty late and Harley has a dozen or so missed calls from Tony.
“Oh shit, I should probably-” Harley says, preparing to stand and leave, despite wanting to stay.
“If you’re allowed to, you can stay the night,” Peter offers shyly, a soft blush filling his cheeks. “We can study for a little longer, I think we have some leftover takeout.”
Harley can’t help the smile that stretches over his face, ignoring the warmth that soothes all of his worries.
“Lemme call Tony and ask.”
* Tony said yes, along with a lot of teasing about staying the night with another boy, but after that Friday night, they hang out for most of the day on Saturday, and again on Sunday.
Though, they spend Sunday watching movies and hanging out as friends more than they really get any homework done. Peter claims that Star Wars is educational too, and it’ll help Harley with his classwork, but Harley knows better.
The next week, the two boys are practically inseparable.  
Peter claims he’s only sitting beside Harley in all his classes to help him with the work, and Harley says he only walks Peter from class to class to protect him from Flash because he needs to make sure his tutor is in perfect shape for exams.
They hang out at the library or Peter’s apartment after school every day, and they spend lunches together, and the weekend before exams, Peter comes to the tower and they spend all three days cooped up in Harley’s room (which he actually cleaned before Peter came over) to make sure Harley was absolutely prepared for his exams.
Even Tony gives them space, which is crazy considering it’s Tony. But all he does is knock on their door every few hours, offering snacks or meals or asking if they need any help. Otherwise, he doesn’t bother them.
* And then, before Harley knows it, exams are over.
He did it and he did them with confidence.
They get their grades back the second week of February, but Harley doesn’t care anymore because Peter’s back to sitting in the front of the classrooms, back to just offering polite smiles when they see each other in the hallways, back to not hanging out with Harley.
He doesn’t know what he expected, but he didn’t think Peter would go back to not talking to Harley. He didn’t think Peter would just leave him as soon as Harley stopped needing him.
But it’s fine.
Harley doesn’t care.
Or at least that’s what he tells himself when he watches Peter sit across the room with his stupid, beautiful smile and messy curls and adorable skip in his step.
He doesn’t care.
* Grade Average of Eighty-Eight Percent.
Holy fucking shit.
The report card is shaking in his grip, page crinkling in his sweaty hands.
Peter managed to get his grades up from failing, up to high 80s. How? Harley doesn’t know, but the numbers stare back up at him from the page, real and right in front of him.
“You should get your study-buddy a gift,” Tony says.
He found out about Harley’s grades when he found his progress report hidden under the couch a few days prior. He wasn’t happy, not that Harley was failing, but because Harley didn’t feel like he could go to Tony for help.
After a long discussion about intelligence and about asking for help and about how Tony will be proud of him for whatever grades he gets as long as he’s trying his best, things went back to normal.
“He isn’t talking to me anymore,” Harley admits quietly.
Tony lets out a little laugh, quickly stifling it when he sees Harley’s sour expression. “Just talk to him. I saw the way he looked at you, kiddo. From what you’ve told me, he probably just doesn’t know how to be your friend.”
“So… what? What am I supposed to do?”
Tony shrugs, leaning back against the counter and offering a smile. It makes Harley miss Peter’s smiles. “It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow, kid. Get him some flowers or something, let him know you did well on your Exams and then ask to hang out sometime. Stop overthinking this.”
“And what if he says no?”
“Then he’s missing out. And you can play it off as just wanting to say thank you, nothing more. No harm done.”
That’s how Harley ends up walking down the hall with faux-confidence, bouquet of roses clutched in one hand, his report card in the other.
Peter’s at his locker, a heavy book in his hands. He looks pretty, like he always does, cheeks flushed a light pink, bambi-brown eyes scanning the pages, a soft smile gracing his face.
“Peter!” Harley calls out.
The boy looks up, pushing his book into his locker to focus his whole attention on Harley. He’s already grinning, eyes light and sparkling.
“Harley,” Peter greets, smile unfaltering, even as he takes in the roses.
“I wanted to get you a thank you gift for helping me out this past month,” Harley says, his mouth is suddenly dry and his heart is pounding in his chest. “Guess who has an eighty-eight average?”
Peter’s jaw drops and his eyes got wide, and then his arms are around Harley’s neck, face against his shoulder.
“Holy shit, that’s incredible!”
Harley’s quick to catch the younger boy, sliding his arm around Peter’s waist, careful not to disturb the flowers.
Peter pulls away, just enough to look up at Harley, face beaming with pride. “I knew you could do it. I told you, you were smart, didn’t I?”
With Peter’s face just inches from Harley’s, beautiful and bright with that wonderful kindness, arms already around Harley, nobody can really blame him for crossing the few inches of distance and pressing their lips together.
Another wonderful turn of events, and Peter’s kissing him back, arms tightening around Harley’s shoulders, drawing them closer together.
When they’re eventually pulling away, Peter smiling shyly, blushing and obviously flustered.
“I, uh, I-” Peter stutters, eyes wide. But he looks happy.
“You wanna go out sometime?” Harley asks. “Not school-related.”
Peter’s face lights up in another one of his beautiful smile. “I’d love to.”
Peter kisses his again, leaning up on his toes to reach Harley’s mouth.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Peter.”
“You too, Harley.”
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16 - 20 for ANYONE you'd like!
I'll answer these questions for SUE
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16. Sue's never really been the athletic type other than joining Torrance Academy's Swim Team in Grade 10. So, she's more of a couch potato lol.
17. Sue does want to marry Ekant (I'm not giving any spoilers on what happens next, though.) She only wants one child, which she is almost 2 month pregnant with.
18. Although Sue was raised in the Newcrest Imperial Palace, she's been in hiding in Oasis Springs for the last 5 years. If she doesn't tell Ekant the truth about her identity, soon, she'll probably continue to live in Oasis Springs while Ekant is stationed in another part of New Nagara.
19. Sometimes, Sue has Katrina's temperament, who got into a few physical fight. And with Ben teaching her some self-defense moves, Sue may just beat the fuck outta some people.
20. Sue has her cat, Ajisai, whom she adores. Other than that, her favorite animal is the dolphin. Because Whitney taught her about mythological creatures, she loves mythological creatures from the sea (Mermaid, Siren, Kraken, etc.)
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