#I'm a big fan of this ship actually
misswoozi · 5 months
also can you do soogyu plzzz
3 SFW headcanons:
Beomgyu likes stealing Soobin's clothes because they're too big and it makes him feel small and cozy
Soobin secretly wants Beomgyu to dye his hair pink (he saw an edit on WeVerse and thought he looked really handsome)
Soobin was never the "take cheesy photobooth pictures, keep love letters in a box, have each other as your lock screen" kind of boyfriend... but then he started dating Beomgyu and it just kinda happened naturally??
2 NSFW headcanons:
Beomgyu never liked bottoming until he started bottoming for Soobin
When they're out in the world (whether that's shopping or prompting or getting dinner, whatever), Beomgyu will lean in and whisper something filthy to Soobin with a completely straight face and fuck his whole day up lmao
1 AU that suits them:
Celebrity/Journalist AU definitely. Soobin is a celebrity of some kind (idk why but this kid was destined for fame) and he gets into some kind of trouble/scandal. Whatever happens, he's been falsely accused/framed/the story is a lie and Beomgyu is the journalist assigned to cover it. Beomgyu figures out pretty quickly that the story is bullshit and he offers to help Soobin get the truth out and clear his name.
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bixels · 4 months
I feel like I've seen most of what interests me in FiMFiction for the time being, so I read through some good ol' reliable Stardew Valley fanfics last night, only to realize.
Haley x Female Farmer is basically Rarijack. Rarijack adjacent.
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circuitcircus · 7 days
Unfortunately I really think early kabumisu fanartists really did mithrun the biggest disservice by defaulting to drawing kabru doing things like brushing his hair/teeth for him and dressing him and stuff instead of focusing on their dynamic and doing something with that instead (this sounds judgmental but I don't actually have a problem with that stuff..,I think it's cute)
Kabru never even does that in canon but now so many people misunderstand them to the point where they think mithrun needs someone to lift his hands up for him and insist him just being around kabru would be "a burden on him"…. wow…..yikes. I've already talked about the ableism in this ideology but ya
Someone who doesn't like the pairing claimed "the main appeal of them is the caretaker aspect" but that's not really it for me? I can see how it's just easy to come up with for fanart especially if the idea comes from someone else's stuff though
While I do think the moments in the comic where kabru makes food and helps mithrun are cute as fuck, kabru doesn't do all that and too many fans forget that mithrun does so much on his own and is a fighter and strategist, and is also really funny? He kills it with the deadpan humor like that dullahan comic??? Gut busting
It doesn't even have to be a ship for their dynamic to be interesting honestly like there are so many things to play around with from their canon dynamic and interactions like the raceswaps (changelings), the tragic difference in the way their races age, how they influenced each other while they were together, how mithrun is the one who gives kabru information about the dungeon that he'd ALWAYS been wanting, etc. and, yeah, helping each other out :\ Also the detail of how similar they were to each other before mithrun met the demon, and how being with mithrun made kabru more honest because mithrun is so candid and nonjudgemental that kabru doesn't feel the need to mask around him…I could keep going!
There's nothing wrong with needing a caretaker, but that's not even the best thing about their relationship and it's way over exaggerated, too. Mithrun did just as much for kabru as kabru did for him in those 6 days and no one remembers that whyy 😱😭
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pharawee · 30 days
Remember when I said that I was fine watching My Stand-In last week? I almost didn't survive this episode. I'm genuinely so upset 🥴
Please someone tell me that was the worst of Ming's controlling stalker behaviour because I really want to like and watch this show but I don't think I can really enjoy myself if it goes on or gets even worse than this. 😭
In other news, at least I got two (2) blurry frames of Winner out of this:
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(I can't even tell if that's really him. I only *think*t it might be Winner because why else show Joe's reflection like this 🤣)
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weltato · 2 months
y'know the sad thing about writing for a small/niche fandom? the thing you wrote doesn't get much interaction and in this economy and societal norm that means I don't get a nice hit of the happy chemicals
it's been three days since I last checked my most recent fic and the hits has gone up by like...2
kudos hasn't changed for a week :(
this is the existence I lead and I've made peace with it
(it's because I didn't tag it as rimster, isn't it?)
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shitpostingkats · 7 months
What ships do you have for Yu-Gi-Oh! male leads and the Yu-Gi-Oh! series you have seen?
For most of the main characters, I don't really have any ships! Not opposed to an idea of any of them in relationships, but one of the reasons I got into yugioh was the lack of romantic subplots. This being said, I am an utter fiend for starshipping (Jaden x Yusei)
They're two of the most ace aro idiots of all time how are they dating no one knows it doesn't even look like a relationship to most people, but they know each others demons they are foils they are soulmates.... I will yell about this to my dying day. I have an entire aspec romance novel sitting uncompleted in my drafts about this. They just get eachother despite being completely different breeds of people.
Also Jesse having a crush on Jaden and having to get over it and settle into this completely anormative chaos relationship where they're soulmates who aren't dating but are each others' Most Important Person.... Yubel accepting and loving Jaden just the way they are now regardless of promises made in the past.... I see a queerplatonic ship and I go "Mh yes delicious."
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bookwormstarwarsfan · 11 months
I never understood the gay Luke Skywalker concept
This sounds strange, I know, but I'm not talking about Luke simply being gay in people's headcanons. That's totally okay (if his characterisation is still on point and he is not some stereotypical soft gay femboy uwu without any other character trait than that), after all, in the movies we don't get to know his sexual orientation (besides that little crush on Leia) and the new Canon is also not clear, so it's excepted that there will be many different kind of interpretations.
What I don't understand is the common, really popular 'Just look at him, he is sooo gay' fandom thing.
Because, and maybe it's just my observation, but he behaves in the most avarage, (stereo)typical heterosexual way.
Of course just because somebody behaves the typical heterosexual way, he can still be gay, almost every gay man I know are like that. But avarage, typical heterosexual looking/behaving people aren't called gay by tons of people normally. There is nothing on them that can be the base to 'he is so gay'.
So back to Luke, and don't forget, as I said, this is just my observation! He is the most avarage 19 years old straight boy to me, at least his behaviour, he still could be gay unrelated to those. He lives at a farm, where he does the usual farm works, he likes to do mechanic stuff as a hobby, he also shoots womprats in his free time and goes on speeding races with his friends. His biggest dream is to go to the Imperial Academy to became a pilot. He can't stop thinking about his father, he wants to be just like him. The moment he sees Leia, he is mesmerized by her beauty and imediately wants to save her. Later it's more clear that he has a little crush on her. Then he joins the Rebellion and becames a good freedom fighter soldier, leading his squadron, going on mission, being an ace pilot etc. He wears the typical farmer clothes and then he wears standard issue soldier clothes and then he wears basic jedi clothes. His gesture, his posture etc. are Mark Hamill's, who IS the avarage straight guy.
(Don't get me started on his relationship with Han, Biggs or Wedge! I mean, you can ship them, I don't like these, but don't have problem with other people shipping it. Just please, don't forget that MEN CAN ALSO HAVE PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY AFFECTIONATE PLATONIC FRIENDSHIPS! Don't be a neighbourhood in the 50s seeing the two boys, who are good friends, smiling at each other and going feral that they must be a couple; even though yours and the neighbourhoods's feelings about this relationship are obviously the complete opposite.)
So shortly, as I already said, I understand why such a big part of fandom headcanons Luke Skywalker gay (the lack of clear sexual orientation in the movies and/or Canon), but I absolutely don't see why such a big part of fandom says 'Just look at him, he MUST be gay'.
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Okay but why are we letting some disgusting simpy vivziepaparazzi gamer bro of questionably indeterminate age who had Octavia as his "channel mascot" for years before switching to Velvette (which.. ew, by the way, make your own damn O.C like everyone else or fuck off) get to decide who the "hottest hazbin hotel character" is when he clearly has no bitches of his own and is probably already on some sort of watch list?
Oh, and it's funny how all the characters he chose are men because you know if he was doing the hottest female vivziepop characters he'd be compelled to put Octavia on there, which is why he knew he could only focus on the men of Hazbin...
Also, it's obvious this skeevey arsehole has absolutely no taste because the pictures he chose are not only terrible but show obvious bias (which, what else do you expect from a covert neo nazi supporter? 💀 Of course the only one with the halfway decent picture is the blonde one.. 💀 ) and Alastor would obviously win if he was at a better angle anyway, but this poll was rigged to begin with like, where the fuck are Husk and Valentino? 💀
Anyway, I copied and pasted this screenshot from someone else just to remind everyone how ayylmao.tv is a shit arse who's got big through monopolizing this fandom via his own brand of vivziepaparazzi click bait and content farming just as much as he accuses that other shit arse nstg or whoever the fuck and vivziepopclub of doing and if I ever see anyone reposting his "content" in the main tags uncritically from now on, I'm blocking them on sight. 💀
For the record, petitprincess1 is obviously another big name vivziepaparazzi content farm masquerading as a fan too but she's not as bad. Just a very annoying block evader and a stalker who can't comprehend when and why people don't like her and then likes to run her mouth about "rudeness" once people decide to talk about disliking her in public.
So our biggest names/sources of informaton in the fandom who aren't artists, are one pewdiepie/logan paul simp of indeterminate age who wants to fuck Octavia... I mean Velvette--- And one annoying stalker bitch who's so entitled to have access to others social media and personal photos and is so detached from reality that she might as well think she is Velvette... 💀
But yeah guys' the queer woman in the wheelchair is the one with the "worsening reputation" in this fandom because some y'all just think I'm mentally retar---I mean I'm ... "mentally disabled" to some of you. But, "not that you 'really know that'" and "nor do you care" in your own words.
And oh honey, I know you don't care. 💀
You cared a lot when me and my friends blocked you though. 💀
And you're still blocked, and you shouldn't be able to see this, so you shouldn't care that I'm still complaining about you now.
Because both you and shamrockshakefootlettice are so goddamn fucking inescapable and annoying. 💀 And it's not only me complaining about it. 💀
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coffinliqueur · 1 year
hot diggity being an Ibuki Mioda fave-r makes Danganronpa fandom such a minefield even more than it already is because 9/10 of people either wholeheartedly ship one of my two NoTPs or unironically view the character as UWU Baby and Totally Not a Gremlin Woman Dick At All -
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blackhazefanblog · 10 months
Black Haze ships: Symbolic names
Blow x Iel = Yin Yang
Tessiana x Shicmuon = Frozen Fire
Lin x Dio = Damsel & Dragon
Ibriel x Lidusis = Sun & Moon
Rubymonter x Meredith = Mustard salad
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musical-chick-13 · 4 months
I bring a real "Doctor x River OTP" vibe that a bunch of the DW fandom doesn't really like.
#the ONE good thing about college is that most of the fans I met there really did love her and this ship#but I think that might be because we were all mentally ill and Going Through It™#not that like. shipping this is a symptom of mental illness I just mean that this relationship was...honestly kind of unlike anything#else that was onscreen at the time?#she got to be MESSY. she was incredibly extra and emotional and vulnerable and she got to MESS UP SOMETIMES. IN REALLY BIG WAYS EVEN.#she was a genuinely MORALLY GREY character and all of these were seen not as things that made her inherently harmful or#someone the protagonist should At All Costs Stay Away From#but as someone uniquely equipped to understand him and STILL WORTH CARING FOR#there were so many like. BIG emotions and she was allowed to have PROBLEMS and be a lot of things that were considered#'unpalatable' for women to be and their whole thing was that he forgave her for EVERYTHING. even with all of her flaws she was the one#who 'always knew' and the one he listened to#...you can see how that might speak to a bunch of angry lonely mentally ill people#like this relationship isn't perfectly written. and I'm not trying to say that this era of the show was a grand feminist masterpiece lol#but...again. it really was a lot different than anything else that was on tv at the time#and she wasn't rail-thin and 23!!!! do you know how RARE it was for us to see a love interest outside of that!!!!!!!!!#(ESPECIALLY given. you know. the HORRIBLE toxic beauty standard culture that comes with. studying to be/actually being a performer.)#the only other like...significant female character I can think of from this tv era who was generally 'unpalatable' was...rachel from glee#and eventually they...idk what they did but she definitely became more in line with 'typical' protagonist fare#(and of course there was also the fact that THAT show--at least for a while--was ostensibly grounded in reality. and she was still#a certain age and body type)#(so I think my original point still stands)
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maddy-ferguson · 6 months
not many fans of a ship can say they've been serviced like stydia fans were serviced
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I think what is by far the funniest part of MBD is the fact that ART literally just... pretends to be a bot pilot and lets Murderbot in because it's curious about it, then waits until it's essentially locked in to threaten to squash its brain. Like, Assigned Emotional Support SecUnit at spacedock. AND THEN the next time we see ART it literally goes "I've only had SecUnit for one trip but if anything happens to it I will kill everyone in this colony." Absolutely unparalleled.
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sm-baby · 6 months
omg hi I’m like such a big fan of your art and u actually inspired me to get back into drawing!! Your au is so amazing and I’m honestly addicted.
I was wondering if there are any like side characters in the au like for example Gloink queen or just minor characters?
thanks anyways (showtime best ship)
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hehe, Zooble was always meant to have the gloinks as minions, but now I'm following @rabid-mercenary15 's suggestion cuz I thought they were really smart :3
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lizkreates · 10 months
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Reflection ~A Trigun fan comic~ (Comic Script in the Keep Reading)
Context note: This takes place just after the events of TriMax Vol 10 on Brad’s ship going to December. I’m giving them more time on the trip because Livio grew a full-ass beard between pickup and drop-off (prob because of his healing factor, who knows.) Enjoy!
Vash's coffee is a reference to my first comic Black Coffee & Donuts!
Comic Script for Reflection: A Trigun Fan Comic
Panel 1: Vash, with his hair down and dressed in his black undersuit, wakes up startled in a cold sweat. He clearly slept poorly bags under his eyes. It’s only been a day or two since he laid Wolfwood to rest.
Panel 2: A full body shot of him stepping out of the bed, his Colt weight down his hip, face obscured.
Panel 3: He leans over the counter in front of a mirror, shoulders hunched, head hanging.
Panel 4: He looks up, hand covering the remaining blonde of his hair so it appears full black. Large pale portraits of Rem and Wolfwood flank Vash on each side in the background.
Vash: Rem, Wolfwood, you both sacrificed everything. Funny isn’t it that I’m beginning to look more like you?
Panel 1: Vash flashes back to a moment when he and Wolfwood walked side by side in the arid desert of No Man’s Land.
Vash: Wolfwood, you were there every day by my side, now I'm alone again. 
Panel 2: Another flashback to a moment Vash and Wolfwood sat on the edge of a rooftop and looked out over the cityscape to the stars pricking the sky.
Vash: There was so much unsaid between us.
Panel 3: A fresh flashback to the couch, where Vash held Wolfwood's hand in his final moments.
Vash: I wish I had known how to tell you that I loved you before it was too late.
Panel 4: A dramatic crop of half of Vash’s lower face, tears streaming down his cheeks as he cries out.
Panel 1: Livio, a tall, tan, broad-shoulder, white-haired man with a tribal tattoo over his left eye, dressed in a white shirt and black pants, bursts through the bedroom door concerned.
Livio: Mr. Vash, I heard crying, are you okay?!
Panel 2: Vash looks over, a little comically rattled and surprised
Vash: Livio?
Panel 3: Close-up of Vash’s lower face smiling, a tear rolling down his face.
Vash: I’m alright.
Panel 4: A blank Panel, filled with still air
Vash: Actually.
Panel 5: Big Panel, Vash crying into the crook of his arm.
Vash: I'm not... I miss him. I can’t stop missing him.
Panel 1: Vash rubs the tears from his eyes, Livio grabs his arm shamefully, his body language clearly showing regret and discomfort.
Livio: I’ll uh, leave you to it, and see myself out.
Vash: It’s okay, I just didn’t want anyone to see me like this.
Panel 2: Close-up of Livio looking down.
Livio: It’s better to let yer feelin’s out than to hide ‘em and let ‘em fester, I should know.
Panel 3: Livio turns to the side and a sad snot stream runs down his nose he was trying to keep in. Livio is very much struggling allowing himself to miss Wolfwood. He doesn’t feel like, he should even though he desperately does.
Sounds effects: sniff
Vash: Now who’s keeping in their feelings? Let it out! He was your friend too, wasn’t he? You deserve to cry too.
Panel 4: Livio smiles sheepishly. He wants to make Wolfwood proud of him first.
Livio: Yeah, I suppose he was, all this time. But I don’t think I’ve earned that right yet.
Panel 5: Livio’s stomach growls LOUDLY. Draw in a chibi style, breaking the tension.
Sound effects: grumble
Panel 6: Drawn in chibi style, Vash waves around his noddle arms and Livio’s mood brightens, grinning with excitement.
Vash: Oh, are you hungry?
Livio: Hell yeah, I am!
Vash: What would you like?
Livio: Uh, pancakes!
Vash: Alright, pancakes it is!
Panel 1: They sit down and eat at a retro 50s-style diner booth in a small nook of the ship. Livio swirls the last of his pancake in syrup on the plate. Vash cradles a black coffee with both hands looking at Livio.
Vash: Hey, Livio, what do you want to do when this is all over?
Livio: Dunno, maybe wander around for a while or return to the orphanage to help make up for what I and the other guy did.
Panel 2: Livio hangs his head, eyebrows worried.
Livio: If I can be honest with ya, I'm scared to face them.
Panel 3: Zoomed out drawn in chibi style to break the tension. Livio shivers.
Vash: Is that scarier than Elendira?
Sound effects: shivers
Panel 4: They laugh.
Livio: Well, when ya put it like, hell no!
Vash: Haha!
Panel 5: Extreme close-up of Livio’s eyes softening as he remembers back to his time at the orphanage.
Livio: I think he’d like that. They were my first real family.
Panel 6: Vash is hit with a sudden realization, Livio has no one right now. In a misty background, he remembers when Razlo cried out after Wolfwood did in Master Chapel.
Vash (internal): Wolfwood, you left Livio in my care... so we wouldn’t be alone.
Razlo (background): ...I’m all alone again!
Panel 1: Close-up of Vash with the sincerest smile.
Vash: I hope you know you’re not alone. You have me now.
Panel 2: Livio’s face contorts sorrowfully.
Livio/Razlo (internal): I don’t deserve this.
Livio: Mr. Vash I --
Vash: Wait, before you say anything...
Panel 3: Zoom out so we can see both of them and the table. Vash extends his leg as he digs deep into his pants pocket. Livio leans on the table watching him.
Vash: I know that we don’t know each other well yet, but he trusted you with me and I trusted him, wholly and completely, so…
Panel 4: Extreme close-up, Vash pulls out 2 black leather wristbands with silver latches.
Panel 1: Vash offers Livio a wristband while holding one for himself in the same hand.
Vash: Here. One for you, one for me. I used a strap from his cross to make it, so part of him will always be with us.
Panel 2: Livio puts the wristband on his left hand.
Livio: Thank you.
Panel 3: Extreme close-up of Livio’s non-tattooed eye, tears pricking his lashes.
Livio: I hope one day I can repay yer kindness.
Panel 4: They fist bump wristbands in view.
Vash: Welcome to the family, Livio.
Panel 1: A large portrait of Wolfwood with his sunglasses and back turned, fills the background, smiling as he holds his cigarette in his hand.
Livio: Hey, Mr. Vash?
Vash: Mm?
Livio: Would you mind tellin’ me a lil more about him… Wolfwood? Ya see, we were close at the orphanage as kids, but I don’t know who he became. I’ll understand if you don’t want to, you owe me absolutely nothin’.
Panel 2: A close-up of Vash’s coffee, Wolfwood’s staple morning drink, Vash’s reflection smiles back, tears in his eyes.
Vash: I’d love to.
Panel 1: Bonus! Sometime later.  Drawn in chibi style.
Livio: Can I hug ya?
Vash: Sure, buddy!
Panel 2: They hug, Vash smiles, and Livio whimpers as he lets out the waterworks. He’s thankful for Vash’s kindness.
Panel 3: This sets Vash off, who also sobs. They cry in each other’s arms.
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theghostofashton · 2 years
#didnt wanna rant in my meta post so im just gonna do it here#if you don't wanna see me being angry about 6x04 and 6x05 don't read lol#but god i hate the hurt locker#and not only bc it's making fun of a section of fans#that's fucked and gross and idc i just find it so cruel to use sue in all of this#and turn everything into a joke that shames fans and makes them seem obsessive in a bad way#the optics of that absolutely suck esp when it's a queer ship that was so important to so many people#it's cheap and unnecessary and just......i hate it i'm sorry#but also my other big issue is that all this feels manufactured#especially knowing how they do 6x08#it feels so lazy of the writers#they wanted to do a second breakup a huge blowout break off the engagement#they wanted the dramatics of that#but they didn't want to commit to it and actually see the story through oh no#we can't do that that actually requires work lmfao#instead we're gonna call the fans out through sue and make people feel bad for being invested#that's what this is#it's lumping all the klaine fans together and making a joke about their investment in the ship#and it's just cruel lol#from writers that spent six seasons exploiting actors' insecurities to insult their characters or creating insecurities for the actors#i see this as nothing but cruelty#and it really rubs me wrong and i am very glad these eps are over lmfao#also in regards to this but also so many people on here lol i am so tired of people using 'it's just a joke'!! to invalidate people#'it's just a joke i found it funny it's not that deep' okay......to you? other people may not find it funny lmfao#so many people use that as a justification to be downright cruel bc ofc it's not cruel if they're just 'joking'#and i hate it#it is genuinely not that hard to respect people who have different perspectives than you at least i thought it wasn't#but being online makes me wonder if that's actually true#delete later
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