#I'm already kind of fat though so I don't really care
squidcaster · 8 months
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Liminal space-ish photos I took with good colours that I took last year
I have more pictures of the pool but I haven't uploaded them to my computer yet
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pomefioredove · 5 months
only one bed room
summary: it's the sdc and everyone's staying over at ramshackle but, oh no! you're one room and one bed short. being the generous (or gullible) soul that you are, you agree to share characters: all sdc competitors, separate additional info: fair warning I have no replayed book 5 in a while, reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, rook is rook, most scenarios end in cuddles. can be interpreted as romantic or platonic (nix vil and rook's part)
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Deuce Spade
"I don't mind sleeping on the floor!"
it's a big fat no from Vil. waking up sore and tired is unacceptable, and will affect his performance during practice. he will use the bed, end of story.
you offer to take the floor or one of the many stiff and uncomfortable couches in Ramshackle, but he refuses
what kind of aspiring honor student would he be if he kicked you out of your own room?
so, yes, you end up sharing the bed
he's a perfect gentleman about it
he insists on sleeping on the complete opposite end of the bed
to give you your space, of course
not because he's nervous
obviously it doesn't pan out- he's kind of a messy sleeper, and on the first night you wake up with him sprawled on top of you
you decide not to wake him up
you'd been thinking about saving for a weighted blanket, anyway
Ace Trappola
"you better not hog the blankets,"
takes it like a champ, though he might be screaming internally
he already sleeps in a dorm with three other guys- this can't be any different, right?
it totally is
sharing a bed with someone? someone he likes, who he isn't just forced to live with for convenience?
he's not sure how to tease you about this one without coming off as nervous himself
so he just shuts his trap about it (for once) and accepts his fate
in the end, it's no big deal for a player like him
he ends up hogging the blankets, though. hypocrite.
Kalim al-Asim
he means exactly what he says
not a care in the world
all he's thinking about is how fun this is going to be! just him and his favorite Ramshackle prefect (Grim heard the news and will be staying in deuce's room to avoid any cracker mishaps)
Kalim, admittedly, is not a creature of great thought. he tends to be dictated by his feelings, and he can be a little selfish sometimes
so when Jamil pulled him aside and asked him to just buy another bed for ramshackle, he ignored him entirely
why would he do that? the situation is resolved, and everyone's happy!
well... not everyone, but Kalim's happy!
he stocks up on Vil-approved snacks, insists you two braid each other's hair and stay up late into the night talking with no one to remind you to go to sleep
(he tried to invite Jamil and got the door slammed in his face)
this arrangement lasts approximately one night
when Vil sees the dark circles under your eyes, it's over
you are confined to the couch, and Kalim is forced to sleep alone
Jamil Viper
really. he's totally fine with it.
besides the fact that he doesn't want to cause any more trouble, he's shared beds with his siblings before. no big deal
he just wasn't expecting to wake up with you snuggled against him
but this is fine
totally fine
he's barely conscious and it's early morning, still dark, the time he's used to getting up at
Vil has things covered, right? he can stay here for a little while longer. it would be awkward trying to get up without waking you
it feels nice having something all to himself for once
he smirks, imagining how jealous everyone else would be:
the beautiful, kind, intelligent ramshackle prefect in his arms? oh, the looks on their faces would almost make this whole thing worth it!
but in the end, he decides to say nothing
he wants to keep you all to himself, after all
for just a little while longer
Epel Felmier
"ain't no way I'm sharing!"
that's what he says in his head, anyway. but it's late and he's worn out from practice (and being shouted at) so he just sighs and accepts his fate
of course Vil would make him do it. it's probably because he's the smallest, isn't it?
you can tell he's unhappy with the arrangement (not that he's making much of a secret of it- he's grumbling under his breath all evening)
he starts coming around to the idea when he wakes up holding something warm
his heart jumpstarts and he nearly panics before remembering where he is
and then he realizes the thing he's holding is... you. somehow the two of you had ended up spooning during the night
but, more importantly... he's the big spoon!
he's almost tempted to wake you to announce that he, in all his manly glory, had naturally assumed the most masculine cuddling position!
(yes he sounds ridiculous. just let him have this one)
he lets you sleep, though. just a little more won't hurt anyone, right?
he's okay with the arrangement after that
Rook Hunt
"I will do it!"
Vil isn't even able to finish his sentence before the vice housewarden is practically jumping up and down
pretty much everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief; a volunteer! thank the sevens. otherwise, this could get awkward...
of course, he quite intentionally ends up with you in his arms
but not for any nefarious purpose, he insists!
he's a light sleeper, and can be stirred by any sudden noise or movement
you appeared to be having some kind of nightmare
it reminds him of a small animal caught in a trap, struggling for its life. he can't bear to see it- it's cruel to let a poor creature go on suffering before you can make the kill
of course, instead of killing you (thank the sevens), he decides to comfort you
he presses your head against his chest so you can hear his heartbeat, and he runs his fingers through your hair until you calm down.
then he keeps you there, just to be sure you don't have another bad dream
if you gave him permission, he would gladly be all over you in seconds. kissing up and down your shoulders, caressing every perfect inch of your body, whispering words of admiration
but he's perfectly content just cradling you for now
hopefully, you will continue to have these nightmares and give him excuses to do this again
Vil Schoenheit
"don't argue with me,"
initially, you just gave him the bed
maybe you were afraid of him; maybe you like him; maybe you just wanted to avoid a conflict altogether
either way, you spent the first night on the terribly uncomfortable floor, and trudged through Ramshackle like a zombie the next morning
Vil was feeling guilty watching you
what? he's not a monster
and he's a leader, which means he has a responsibility. and you had so graciously invited them all into your home...
fine! he'll share. he insists, even
when you try to argue, he shuts you down, repeating all that stuff about responsibility and hospitality, blah blah
and he doesn't want the team manager dead on their feet
arguing with him is pointless, so you just agree
he wakes up with you against him, sleeping peacefully
now, if it were you clinging to him- he might have had a good chuckle. can't keep your hands to yourself, prefect? I'm just that irresistible?
but the way he's holding you, the way his arms are so tightly wrapped around your waist, the way he's so clearly pressing you against him...
he hates to admit it, but you're an elegant sleeper. it's almost cute
the tension is relieved from your face, your breathing graceful and steady, and your perfect lips open just a sliver...
he is a perfect gentleman, and would never dream of doing anything without your explicit permission, but for one shameful second he thinks about how easy it would be to kiss you
... and then he quickly puts those thoughts aside and tries to get back to sleep
he doesn't want any dark circles, after all
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violet-butterflies · 1 year
❥︎ yandere! Dilf
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ drugging, stalking, delusional, doing things without consent ( male yandere! oc x female reader ) Click to see part 2 !
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It was a sunny afternoon when yandere! dilf finally finished unloading his and his son's stuff into their new home. Due to work and terrible memories from his past marriage, he moved into a different town with his son to start a new life. He was just beginning to unpack everything when someone knocked on his door.
"Hi! I'm your neighbor! I noticed that you were spending the whole day just unloading stuff so I decided to make you and your son some lemonade!"
The voice came from a woman who had a jug of lemonade on a tray with a couple of glass cups to pour the citrus drink into. Yandere! dilf couldn't help but smile at the offer as his muscular hands take the tray from your hands as he sent a pearly white smile their way.
"Thanks! I really appreciate it. I'm yandere! dilf by the way," he introduced himself while his son hides behind his leg "and this is my son."
"I'm (y/n)! Well then, I'll see you around neighbor!" (y/n) then disappeared back into their house which was right beside his. At first, yandere! dilf thought that he liked them because of their kind gift but it was only going to escalate from there.
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It really surprised yandere! dilf a few days when he met (y/n) again only in the most unexpected place. He was picking his son up from kindergarten when he realized that you were there, playing with his son.
"(y/n)? What are you doing here?"
"Oh! This is really such a coincidence! I happen to be your son's kindergarten teacher!" she explained with a bright smile on her face as his son came rushing to hug him.
"I was only playing with him since all the kids left already and I didn't want him to be alone for too long"
Yandere! dilf felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"I'm really sorry about that. I've just been swamped with work and before I knew it, I was 2 hours late to pick him up."
You sent the muscular man a sympathetic smile.
"No, I completely understand... Does this mean that he's with babysitters most of the time?"
"That's what My plan is but well... it seems like I'm finding difficulty finding any babysitters in this neighborhood"
"If you'd like, I can babysit your son on the weekends? I happen to need some extra money but, don't worry, I won't charge a crazy amount. We're neighbors after all," she offered.
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Ever since (y/n) offered yandere! dilf to be his son's babysitter, he only began seeing more and more of you inside his house. Yandere! dilf only expected you to take care of his son but you always seemed to go above and beyond. Sometimes, if the house was messy you'd try to clean it as best you could. Or maybe when you knew that he'll be home late, you'd prepare a simple dinner for both his son and him.
"Don't worry about it! Being a single parent must be really hard so I'll try to help you as best as I can!" That was always the kind of answer you would give when yandere! dilf feels bad for having you do all the housework.
Slowly though, yandere! dilf can't help but feel like (y/n) was acting just like a stay-at-home wife for him and he liked it. He can't help but daydream of situations where you were actually his wife. Situations where he was sharing a bed with you or taking you out on dates or sometimes to the extent of either their marriage or what their future children would look like.
Yandere! dilf might not look like it but, he was completely smitten. He was scared however of you finding out that he had a fat massive crush on you since he was at least 7 years older than you. This crush caused him to be obsessive and overprotective of you.
"What if she finds someone better? What if she is seeing someone?" Those were the questions that always made him have a small panic attack. He can't afford to lose someone so perfect; someone, who proved herself to be the perfect wife for him.
So, yandere! dilf would set up cameras in his house and ask you to babysit all the time. This would mean that he could always see you playing with his son through his phone and it always makes his heart swell with joy. He loved seeing how well you were getting along with the most precious little human in his world which only boosts the idea of how you were the only perfect person to be his son's mother and his wife. Not only that, but to take it one step further, he loved to buy you some treats or drinks when he gets back from work. The only catch is that they were drugged so you'd always end up falling asleep in yandere! dilf's house. (Y/n) never found it too odd though since you always connected it to you being too exhausted by playing with yandere! dilf's son all day.
(Y/n) falling asleep in his house was a big win for yandere! dilf too. The drugs that he used would make (y/n) fall into such a deep sleep it would actually be impossible to wake you up. This would mean that he can take as many pictures as he can and make you sleep on the bed with him before he has to move you to a spare room before you wake up to avoid suspicion. He loves it when he gets to snuggle your smaller body on his bed; a bigger plus if his son decides to join in. It was as if you three were already a picture-perfect family that yandere!dilf always dreamed of. His phone gallery is now filled to the brim with pictures of his son and you. His phone wallpaper is (y/n), there was a group picture of (y/n), his son and him set as his computer wallpaper, and there was a picture of (y/n) and his son in his wallet; acting like the perfect family he always dreamed of.
"Oh, good morning (y/n)! You fell asleep here again. Don't worry about it though! Here I made us all breakfast!"
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kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
Oh, Baby!
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This chapter contains a tiny bit of SMUT.
Hugh and I were expecting our first child, not something he'd planned at the age of 40 or me at the age of 26, but one thing led to another and we ended up finding out we were expecting. Though, that's the kind of thing that happens when you aren't exactly careful, if you know what I mean. Of course you do. Besides that, things were well, we'd just celebrated our second year of marriage, our third year together and he was just nominated People's Sexiest Man Alive.
Flashback to the night of conception:
I laid beneath him as he gazed down into my eyes, his tan skin glistening in the dimly lit room. His thrusts slow, steady and full of passion. With one hand, he was cupping my cheek as my soft moans filled our bedroom. His other hand keeping him atop of me without bearing too much of his weight on me. I could see his facial expressions through the dim lighting, he was letting out soft moans while continuing to make love to me. I could tell he was getting close by the expression on his face.
As he leaned down to kiss me softly, he mumbled against my lips, "I love you, gorgeous." as his thrusts continued. As I reached my orgasm, he climaxed with me, not pulling out as he pressed his forehead against mine, continuing to kiss me with so much emotion, so much love. He collapsed alongside me, pulling me into his embrace, pressing another kiss on my forehead as we slowly drifted off to sleep.
Present Day:
Hugh and I did not know the gender. After suffering a miscarriage last year, we didn't care about a gender, we cared about a healthy baby. However, we did have our names picked out. If Baby Jackman were a girl, her name would be Paisley Grace Jackman, if Baby Jackman were a boy, his name would be Christopher Michael Jackman, which was a nod to Hugh's father, Chris and Michael since it was Hugh's middle name. Grace came from Hugh's rekindled relationship with his mother, Grace.
I was 38 weeks pregnant and my baby bump has already made me double in size. Whenever Hugh wasn't filming, he'd sing, read or even talk to the bump. The baby always kicked at the sound of Hugh's voice, regardless of what he was doing. Hugh was ecstatic to be a father, he even cried when he found out we would be having a child. I spent most of the time wondering what our precious gift would look like, if they'd take Hugh's Australian accent or take on more of my Southern accent.
"Here Beautiful, I made you a brekkie. Pancakes don't cause your morning sickness anymore, right?" He asked with a soft gentle voice, bringing me a plate of the pancakes he'd made from scratch.
I smiled, "No, pancakes are fine now. I've been craving pancakes. Thank you, love." I said, grabbing the plate, devouring the food he'd brought me as he sat beside me.
He started caressing my upper thigh, "How're you feeling today, love?"
I yawned, "I'm okay today, but I've really got to pee. I'm so fat now, I can hardly waddle at this point." I snickered while struggling to get up.
He quickly stood up, taking both of my hands in his, helping me to my feet. "You're not fat, stop that. You're beautiful and you can tell by how much sex we have that I'm still very much attracted to you, bump and all." He chuckled.
I playfully rolled my eyes, heading in the direction of our bathroom to pee for the 50th time that morning. As I stepped into the doorway, I had this immediate urge and quickly realized I did not have to pee. In fact, my water had broken. All over the floor and all over the clothes I had on. The doctor had previously told us once I hit 38 weeks that Baby Jackman could come at any time, so knowing this, we'd planned ahead and had a bag packed just in case. Thank god.
I yelled for Hugh as I waddled my way into the bedroom to quickly change pants. He came rushing into our bedroom, "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked, his voice dripping with concern as he stepped close towards me.
"I um, my water... My water broke. It's happening." I stammered, a panicked look spread across my face. He quickly grabbed the bag we'd packed in one hand, and used his other to carefully usher me to the car outside. He threw the bag in the backseat before carefully helping me into the front seat, leaning down pulling my seatbelt across me. I could feel the contractions beginning at this point. The sharp waves of pain leaving me quivering, eager to get to the hospital to get relief.
He held my hand as he drove us towards the nearest hospital, bringing my hand up to his lips, letting them brush lightly across my knuckles, "We're about to see our baby. I can't wait." He spoke softly.
I wrapped my arm around my stomach as I felt another wave of pain getting ready to rush through my abdomen, "Holy shit, this is fucking painful." I winced.
He caressed my arm, "I know love, it'll be over soon. We're almost there, just hang on."
As we arrived at the hospital, he helped me out of the car, grabbing the bag and slinging it over his shoulder, using his other arm to steady me as my contractions grew stronger. Once he got me inside and I was rushed back by medical staff, he ran out to park the car before coming back up to the room I was being wheeled to, in a wheelchair. Upon arriving to room 232, I was helped out of my clothes and into a hospital gown. The nurses came in with friendly, welcoming personalities and smile plastered their faces to get me prepped and check my dilation before allowing me to have my privacy.
I could feel the tears coming. I was now alone in the room, I was about to push my first kid out, I'm in pain. I'm terrified. I know he's just parking the car, but I'm petrified.
The door to my room swung open and in ran a panicked Hugh as he noticed the tears spilling down my cheeks. "Baby girl, are you okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked frantically, grabbing my face gently.
I nodded, "I'm scared." I swallowed the hard lump that felt stuck in my throat.
He began caressing my face, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead, "It's okay, my love. I'm here. There's nothing to be afraid of. Soon, we'll be holding the baby. Our baby." He said reassuringly as he wiped his fingers over the tears streaming my face.
I grimaced as that now familiar wave of contraction pain made its way through my insides. The feeling was getting more painful with each wave that hit.
Hours had went by. My dilation slowly, but surely getting closer. The discomfort and pain I felt has me second guessing if getting pregnant was the right choice. I just wanted the pain to stop. As a nurse walked in, Hugh stood up, standing beside me, holding my hand tightly.
"Mrs. Jackman, it's time to check your dilation. Hopefully we're at the point we can begin pushing." The nurse, who'd introduced herself as Nurse Jackie informed us as she moved the blanket, leaving me exposed to check my dilation. "I'm calling your obstetrician to come down. We'll be ready to begin pushing once he gets here, Mrs. Jackman." She said, removing her rubber gloves and discarding them, washing her hands then walking out of the room.
I looked over at Hugh, running my fingers down my pregnant belly. "I don't think I can do this..." I expressed, my voice laced with fear and doubt. "This pain is fucking unbearable." I shouted while clenching my fists as my body stiffened from another contraction.
He ran his fingers through my hair, "You've got this, love. It'll be all over soon. I promise."
I nodded at his words, slowly closing my eyes waiting for the obstetrician to enter the room. I'd already been given an epidural, but surprisingly, it didn't seem to numb the pain much. Neither did anything else the nurses offered me. About 3 minutes later, the obstetrician entered the room and I immediately felt as if I were going to be sick.
He walked over to me, "Alright Mrs. Jackman, you'll slip your feet in these stirrups here on the bed and we'll start pushing."
I nodded as he guided my feet into the stirrups and got into position to help me deliver my baby. I quickly looked at Hugh, who was standing beside me, at my head with a tight grip on my hand.
Dr. Whitin looked at me, "On the count of 3, I want you to push for me, okay?" He instructed me.
I nodded, closing my eyes as he began to count. Once he hit 3, I pushed hard, praying for relief. Praying for this pain to subside. He did another three count and a nod for me to push again. Still nothing.
After the third attempt at pushing, I looked at Hugh, completely out of breath, tears pouring down my face, "I can't do this. It hurts too bad."
He quickly grabbed both of my cheeks, looking me in the eyes, "You can do this, baby. You can do this. Just keep going."
I exhaled sharply as Dr. Whitin did another 3 count for me to push. I pushed, but nothing was happening. I felt myself slipping into a panic attack as the pain was at an all time high and nothing seemed to be working. Hugh continued running his fingers through my hair, his other hand holding mine. I'm sure I'd damn near been his hand during pushes.
"If the next push doesn't get the baby, we'll need to take you for an emergency c-section. Listen to me, I need you to push as hard as you can. I know it hurts, but we have to do this as quickly as possible, alright?" Dr. Whitin said, sounding a bit concerned.
He held his hand up and began another three count, "Push!" I heard him, the nurses and Hugh yell. I pushed as hard as my body would possibly let me, screaming at the top of my lungs.
I felt light headed. I didn't know if I were going to vomit or pass out at this point. I hear cries filling the room, but I'm too exhausted to move or try to look. Hugh looks at me with tears pooling in his eyes, as he leaned down kissing my head.
"Looks like it's a little girl!" Dr. Whitin exclaimed, holding the baby up  and allowing Hugh to cut the cord before the nurses rushed our baby girl to be cleaned up.
"You did it, mama. She's here." Hugh cried, seeing the sight of his beautiful little girl.
Before I could react, Nurse Jackie came and laid her on my chest. "Look at that beautiful baby. She has a head full of hair!"
I wrapped my arms around the baby that was swaddled in a blanket and looked down at her. She had a head full of dark brown hair. She was the perfect mix of Hugh and I. Perfect in every way. I heard him sniffle beside me, looking down at her.
"She's perfect." He cooed, "Hi Paisley, it's your daddy." His smile was the biggest I'd ever seen it.
I looked up to him, "Hold her." I said, passing her towards him. As he grabbed her from me, his eyes had a glimmer in them that I'd never seen before. Not even from his films. 
He peered down at the small 5lb newborn in his arms, smiling down at her. "She's so perfect." He looked back up at me, "Thank you." He said softly. 
I cocked my head to the side, "For what?" I asked, furrowing my brows. 
He sniffled, looking down at Paisley, "For her. She's everything I imagined she would be." He said softly as she looked up at him cooeing. 
I closed my eyes, resting my back against the pillow. Paisley was perfect. He was the perfect husband, who I'd always known would be the perfect father. I'd fallen into a peaceful slumber overhearing him singing to our daughter as he cradled her.  
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luvyeni · 2 years
Hellow. I was wondering if you can write this silly thing in my mind, Jay with a Chubby girlfriend, he's experienced and basically all the college girls recognize him as a sex God until he met her, she's virgin and insecure, like it actually took Jay a long time to gain her trust because she was thinking that it was impossible someone so popular and handsome like him liked some like her.
Here's my plot: all the girls have been talking about her and how fat and ugly she's making her even more insecure to the point that she push away Jay when he touched her like he usually does even just holding hands, especially when he holds her waist. But he's so in love with her that he just adores every single inch of her, reassuring her that no one is as beautiful as her, so he just kiss every inch of her making her first time so special and full of love and tears because I'm a cry insecure baby
Sorry for the long ask, literally i dreamed about this 🥺
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pairings. boyfriend!jeongseong x fem!reader
wc. 1.9k
warnings. talks of weight, fatshaming, insecurities, oral (f. reader), unprotected sex, overstimulation, reader cries.
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i hope it's like you dreamed💓! the bullying kind of made me sad since im a big girly myself, so i didn't add too much.
after finding out people have been saying horrible things about you, he's determined to show you how much he loves you.
"she's so shameless, if i was that fat i wouldn't wear such things." you frowned, looking down at the message wishing jay would hurry up. "yeah, jay is such a cute guy, he could get anyone he wants, i don't understand why he would date someone like her."
"it's probably a joke, it has to be."
you could hear them laughing at you , and they knew you could hear them. they knew because it was something you heard on a daily occurrence by people just like them.
"baby." jay ran over to you, kissing your cheek, noticing how you moved your face, but deciding to ignore it. "hey jay." the girls giggled flirtatiously. "hi." he turned back to smiling.
"my class got held up, im sorry, you ready to go home?" he went to grab your hand, something he always did when you'd walked back to your shared apartment near campus, so you could imagine his surprise when you brushed it away. "yeah, let's go."
jay was confused, it's been a while since you avoided his affection. when you started dated, jay had a reputation , that forbid you to trust him , being really standoffish , jay was much more experienced than you , actually you had no experience due to your insecurities. jay was aware of this , so he actually took the time to get to know you , and form a relationship with you , a year later and he didn't even care that you haven't had sex , he just wants to be around you all the time.
"let's stop and get some food to take home." he pointed to your favorite store. "i'm not hungry." jay was serious when it came to food though. "well then put in the fridge and eat it later, let's just get it now." he held the door open, letting you walk in.
"do you want the regular?" he stood behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist, kissing you lovingly. you felt eyes on you, and the chuckles, pushing his arm away. "get whatever jay." you went to go wait by the door, you didn't mean to sound so rude, but you really just wanted to go home.
jay couldn't even ask you what was wrong because he was next in line, and you had already put your headphone on, spaced out.
you walked the rest of the way in silence, headphones on as you finally made it to your apartment, taking your shoes off , making your way to your room, undressing out of your day clothes.
"wait, are we just not gonna talk about it." jay followed behind. "what are you talking about?" you searched through the drawer in your underwear and a tank top, looking for a pair of sweats.
"you've been acting weird the entire walk home, you've avoided my affection multiple times, you keep looking around to see if people are looking, what is it? what's wrong." you turned to him. "why are you still here?" he took a step back. "what."
"you can have anybody you want, there are girls lining up to have sex with you, they do it right in front of me so know, why are you here? what do you want from me? am i just a joke that you're stringing along for a laugh with your friends?" jay was stunned, even on your worst days, you've never snapped at him, and he could tell you didn't mean it either cause of the widening of your eyes.
"im so sorry, i didn't mean it." he was silent, just pulling you into a hug. "i'm sorry." he rubbed up and down your back. "it's okay." he whispered. "i know you didn't mean it." he could feel your shoulders shaking as you sniffled into his neck, your tears warm. "they're so mean." jay finally got what was bothering you , and he was pissed. how dare they make you feel like this, after everything he's done to make you feel secure, how dare they treat you like this.
"listen to me, there is no one as beautiful as you are, you understand me?" he looked at you with a serious face. "i don't want anyone else but you, and i will spend as long as i need to, to prove it to you love." he held your cheek in his hand, wiping the tears. "i love you okay?" you sniffled, nodding. "i love you too."
he kissed the apples of your cheeks. "my fools made my pretty baby feel bad about herself, they'll pay for this i swear." he kissed your lips. "my baby doesn't see how beautiful she is, but i do, she is the most beautiful person in the whole world." he kissed your neck. "i just love her so much." he said in between kissed. "j..jay." he shushed you. "let me show you baby just how beautiful i think you are." he backed you up against the bed, pushing you down softly.
"so so pretty." he climbed on top of you, continuing his assault on your neck. "j..jay, feels so good." you moaned. "yeah? does it?" he kissed down to your chest. "im gonna make you feel so good princess." his hand came up to grope your tits. "been waiting so long to feel these in my hand baby, so soft." you're back arched off the bed at the sensation. "so sensitive."
"t..they're too big." he lifted your shirt off your body, going back to squeezing them. "they're fucking perfect baby, i can't wait to fuck them, paint them with my cum." he licked a nipple. "jay f..fuck." you sighed, as he licked and sucked on your nipples, showing them each the same amount of love and affection, before he continued down to your tummy.
"your pretty tummy, love to touch. " his kisses were hot on your stomach. "made me feel really bad earlier, my pretty baby wouldn't let me touch her pretty tummy like i always do, it's my favorite thing, but she denied me." he was getting dangerously close to your underwear. "m..m'sorry." he gave your stomach one more kiss. "i know baby, you're gonna repay me by letting me eat your pretty pussy aren't you?" his words made your hips involuntarily buck up.
"y..yes." he slowly slid your panties down your legs, kissing up your legs, until he was face to face with your heat. "s.stop staring." you tried to close your legs, but he held them open. "sorry love, i can't help it, you're so pretty, everything about you is so pretty." he kissed the inside of your thighs. "i really want you to sit on my face." you whined, he looked up at you. "not right now." he nodded. "okay princess we don't have to, it's all about you." he gave your thighs a few more kisses, you could feel his breathing on your heat.
"jay please." you mewled trying to move your hips. "do something." he kissed your thighs one more time, before giving your cunt a surprise lick. "jay." your hands gripped the bedsheet. "taste so good baby." he gave your cunt a few kitten licks before eating you out like a starved man.
you've never felt something like this, the way he would switch between long stripes up your wet cunt, to little kitten licks, it had your head spinning. one particular lick had you grabbing his hair, grinding your cunt against his face. he moaned right into your heat, allowing you to use him to get yourself off.
"jay i feel- shit it feels so good." he could feel you gripping his hair a little harder, you about to cum. "go a head and cum pretty girl." you felt something build up in your abdomen, then snap. "im cumming!" jay continued licking your mess, riding out your high, until he felt your hips jerk from overstimulation. "j..jay."
"okay princess im done." he gave your clit one more kiss, before coming up, his lips glossed from your essence and spit. "you taste so good, i couldn't help it." his hand came down to his crotch, palming his hard on. "jay- we don't have to do anything right now, i just wanted to show you how much i love you."
you ignored him, replacing his hand with yours, rubbing him. "i want to, i'm ready." he groaned, hips bucking into your touch. "fuck- fine princess, i'll be gentle i swear." you trusted jay, you knew he wouldn't harm you. "i know you will." he climbed off of you, getting rid of all his clothes.
you never seen a cock before beside the videos, but his was probably the prettiest you've ever seen, he wasn't intimidatingly big; thick enough to make you feel good, veins decorated the sides all the way up to his dark red tip that had precum bubbling at the top, it made your mouth water.
"princess why are you staring so much?" he smirked, his thumb coming up to rub your clit. "p..pretty." he chuckled. "thank you love." he teased your hole with a finger. "so wet princess." he slowly slid his finger in. "gotta stretch you out a bit pretty, so it won't hurt as much." he slowly fingered you before pulling out.
"you ready beautiful?" you nodded. "please put it in jay." he bent down, kissing your lips, distracting you as he slowly pushed himself inside your hole. "j..jay." you moaned in pain and pleasure at the stretch. "i know love, i know." he slowly bottomed out inside you, letting out a low moan as you successfully took him hole. "pretty girl, you took all of me."
you were so tight, the way you clenched around him so tightly he knew he wasn't gonna last long, it had been a year since he had sex with anyone, forced to use his hand. "fuck baby, if i don't move now, im gonna cum just from your pretty pussing clenching around me." you moaned. "y..you can move." he pulled out, pushing himself inside you all at once this time. "f..fuck jay!" he began to thrust himself in and out of you.
"shit! princess you're so tight, so fucking wet."
his eyes were glued to your tits, the way they bounced along with every thrust. "so pretty baby, you're so fucking pretty— shit- i hate when you talk bad about yourself." you were a moaning mess. "you're so beautiful, you mean so much to me, you understand me." you nodded, but jay wanted to hear you.
"i said do *thrust* you *thrust* under *thrust* stand *thrust* me?" you felt the build up in your abdomen. "i..i understand." he kissed your lips. "i love you so much, don't forget that." you couldn't understand why, but you started to cry. "i..i love you too." he kissed your cheeks. "j..jay i'm gonna cum." he reached in between your bodies rubbing your clit. "cum for me pretty, go a head." you were a crying fucked out mess as you came on his cock. "shit!" he pulled out, fisting his cock before spilling all over your abused twitching hole.
you were still crying, overwhelmed by everything, jay pulled you into a hug, not caring about the sweat, or the smell of sex in the air, he only cared about you. "it's okay love, im right here." he rocked your body. "let it out."
he let you get yourself together before he helped you clean up, bringing you back to the bed. "don't go." he smiled, caressing your face. "i'll be right back." he said exiting the room. he returned back with the food you bought. "let's just eat in here tonight, i'll clean everything else later." you smiled as your boyfriend set everything up. "what is it?" he laughed. "i just love you so much." he kissed your lips, pulling away smiling.
"i told you, i'll always be here for you, i love you too, forever and always."
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beatrixstonehill2 · 1 month
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"Hello, my beautiful people, it's your girl Samantha out here enjoying the sun as I look forward to having my own place and being super independent! Don't get me wrong, I love living with my parents but it's a little embarrassing bringing guys home, getting fucked, and moaning with your parents trying to sleep in the next room. The amount of times they've barged in on me totally naked, riding some cute guy with my fake boobs bouncing, my cock in his hand getting jerked off is more than I care to count! Now I can have all the sex I want and put my cute body to the test for real! Soooo happy I stuff with it and transitioned, I turned out gorgeous and compliments to my surgeon, my boobs don't look all that natural or believable but he managed to pump me with so much saline! Three sizes bigger than we discussed, he said he wanted to make them extra large because it would really compliment my figure! I'm glad he went and made them so huge! Men love them, and I love showing them off for them.....
Well, since I have my Associate's and my streaming career really took off, I'm making more than enough money to support the kind of lifestyle I've always dreamed of. No parents to hold me back or tell me how many men or women I can bring home, what to wear, what to eat, I'm just gonna go nuts and do everything I've always wanted. My move in day is next week and you better believe I'm gonna have a housewarming party! I'm going to get passed around and fucked soooo good. I might get really kinky and just drink so much I black out, and when I wake up my friends can tell me just how many guys had their way with me, that sounds fun!
Then I'll be back to streaming, which of course will be way raunchier. I'll stream topless and aim my cam so you can see my erections stick up my skirt or the bulge in my shorts. It'll be fun getting to jerk off whenever I want, especially for you guys if you donate generously. And I know some of you have wanted me to eat my meals on cam, but my parents make me eat with them in the dining room, so I'll be sure to order out and do some mukbang content since I know it's really in demand with pretty streamers, especially ones with big bouncy fake boobs.
Oh well, I'm gonna find a group of cute guys to have some fun with, I see a few who keep looking over at me like they want to squeeze my tits until they pop. Hope they don't mind my seven-inch cock! Bye guys! ❤️"
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"Oof..... well, this is what two years of independence can do to a girl, I guess. 😅 Fuckkkk my hot little body is gone. I can't believe how fat I've gotten. I'm close to 500lbs and my weight gain isn't slowing in the least! I guess I didn't realize how much my parents were controlling my portions and appetite.... Ever since I got this apartment I've just been eating nonstop, whether I'm streaming or not. And it doesn't help that I learned overeating makes my cock super hard. So I went from a hot, busty streamer girl to a fat slob stuffing her face nonstop. You can't even tell my boobs are fake anymore. My implants are buried under all the fat in my tits.
I can't believe how bad it's gotten. My apartment is covered in trash and food bags, there are flies and bugs everywhere. I haven't bathed in over a month, I probably smell so bad but I don't care, I just want to eat more. I don't care how fat I get I just want to keep eating and eating. I mean I'm already diabetic, I have super high blood pressure and cholesterol. My doctor told me I can probably expect my first heart attack this year, but he said it shouldn't be a huge one quite yet, so that's a relief. I kinda can't wait until it happens, I hope I'm streaming when it does, I'm going to try my hardest to jerk off when it happens!
On the subject of my cock it's almost a foot long now, since I'm so lazy I've been 'forgetting' to take my hrt and as a result my cock is way bigger, I'm way hornier, even though I guess it means I'm partially detransing? I don't mind as long as it means my cock is bigger, I think my voice got deeper but I still live as a girl so that's all that matters! Although once I'm 800lbs you probably won't be able to tell I'm supposed to be a girl. But who cares? I'm so addicted to overeating I can't possibly stop now. You've all seen the streams where I eat so much I puke all over myself, then pick right back up eating, covered in my puke. I kind of like being filthy, in a weird way, like it's so embarrassing that I've let myself become this it makes me rock hard.
I sit around on stream eating for almost ten hours a day. Half the time I don't get up to use the bathroom even, I'm such a hot mess. But if you sift through Twitch girls who've gotten fat a lot of them are trans and used to be super hot like me and now they're massively fat, and most of them are sitting in a pile of their own shit, happily adding to it as they stuff their faces and flirt with chat. So it's not like I'm the only girl who let herself go on this platform, there's a lot of us! So it's fine if I keep getting fatter and unhealthier. You guys seem to like watching me ruin my sexy body and turn into a morbidly obese slob! I'm just pleasing my fans! Which reminds me, once I'm immobile I might need some caretakers to keep me fed and help me get off once I'm too fat to jerk off. It's already such a struggle with this big fat gut in the way. If you're interested DM me! ❤️"
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britany1997 · 1 year
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Pool Boy! Michael x Fem! Rich! Reader
Hope y’all enjoy this collab @misslavenderlady and I did based off a poll she did about a pool boy fic:) we did equal work on this fic so please interact with both posts equally!!! Writing with Lave is so much fun! She’s kind and encouraging and they deserve the love!!!
Warnings: SMUT minors DNI, brat/brat tamer, soft dom, thigh fucking, praise kink, don/sub dynamics, massage, nipple play, semi public sex, cum marking, aftercare
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Working during the summertime wasn't something that bothered Michael. He wasn't really the type of guy to waste the days sleeping in or going to bonfire parties. There was an itch within him to keep moving, get some work done, tackle some chores or pick up an odd job. He simply couldn't keep still for long. 
So in between his beach cleaning gig, he managed to find some clients who would pay him as a pool cleaner. People in Santa Carla who had their own private pools were quite generous with money, and that certainly motivated Michael to take on the jobs. 
Being that he was an incredibly handsome young man with a hardworking, polite personality, he gained quite a bit of popularity amongst the ladies of Santa Carla. He paid them no mind though. He just wanted to get his work done.
Your parents had hired him to take care of the pool while they were in Aruba for the summer. Though he couldn’t deny that the vision of your bikini-clad, sunbathing form was a beautiful sight, he’d figured you’d be no different from any of the other girls that threw themselves at him.
He looked over subtly to see your nimble fingers flipping through the pages of Cosmopolitan while sipping a smoothie. He rolled his eyes to himself. Yeah, you weren’t any different. Michael unclipped his sunglasses from his shirt and slid them on before taking out a net to skim leaves and debris off the surface of the pool.
Little did Michael know that your eyes weren't on the magazine in your hands. Hidden behind your designer sunglasses, your gaze was right on the handsome guy. You used to think that girls crushing on pool boys was a laughable cliche. After all, your family has previously hired the most dimwitted guys who half-assed their work. Such a turn-off. 
But Michael wasn't like that at all. He was actually a hard worker and put some real muscle into the tasks he was given. And he looked DAMN good doing it. 
That perfect, glowing skin, those strong arms, and those eyes that were bluer than the water in the pool. You had a big, fat crush on the guy, and you were going to milk this for all it was worth. 
"Hey Mikey!" you called out to him in between sips of your drink. "You missed a spot by the steps!" 
A nonexistent spot that was chosen in an area where you could get a better view of his back muscles, of course. 
Michael cringed at the nickname, but still headed over to clean the imaginary grime from the spot to humor you. 
Your lips turned up into a satisfied smile as you watched his muscles ripple. You sucked down the last of your smoothie as you imagined what it would be like to suck on something else.
As Michael finished amusing you, the sound of your fingers snapping garnered his attention. He watched as a suit-clad man rushed towards you so that you could set your empty smoothie glass on his silver tray. 
“Strawberry banana this time,” you ordered the man, “and no chunks, you know I hate that.” Your nose crinkled in disgust at the thought of a non-smooth smoothie.
Michael quirked an eyebrow, watching your little display while cleaning the sediment from the pool walls. 
"You know, it's already unfair enough that he has to wait on you like you're a little princess. Do you really have to make him do it in that monkey suit?" Michael quipped. 
Your pretty, red lips pulled up into a smirk. You angled your sunglasses downward to watch him more carefully. 
"I'm not the one who assigned the uniform, honey. But by all means, don't feel pressured to do the same. You can wear whatever you want around here~"
All you could think about was getting him from a bathing suit to a birthday suit. You’d spent many days by the pool imagining that hunk finally showing you all of what he was blessed with. You had to find a good way to thank your parents for hiring him.
Michael pursed his lips, but before he could reply, your butler returned with your smoothie. 
You took the cup from the tray, wrapping your full lips around the pink, swirly straw and sucking a bit to make sure it was to your liking, smiling as the flavors hit your tongue. 
“Thanks, Jeeves, that’s all for now,” you dismissed him with a flick of your wrist.
The man gave a little bow before heading back into the house, you presumed to go and dust some of your mother’s beloved antiques. 
Michael shook his head. “Is that even his name?” he asked.
“Dunno,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders, “not my job to know it.”
Michael crossed his arms over his chest. You pouted as your view was obscured. 
“You’re a real spoiled brat you know?” 
Your jaw dropped at his boldness, but you quickly regained your composure. “Didn’t know you had that in ya Mikey,” you teased. “Whatcha gonna do about it, spank me?”
The Emerson boy was no dummy. He knew exactly what you were trying to do. You liked playing around with boy toys without any consequences. Well, that would never fly in everyday life. All the struggle and humbleness his family experienced helped him realize that. 
He was going to make certain you learned a lesson about the real world. 
Michael let the net fall from his hand, the cleaning device splashing loudly into the water below. Curiosity rose within you as he stepped closer to your spot. Soon enough Michael was hovering over you, seeing you down while he slipped his glasses down and gazed at you with those piercing baby blues. 
"No. You're gonna apologize for being a little brat."
You nearly choked on that last sip of smoothie you had. Your head was spinning at that statement. 
"Excuse me?? Who the fuck do you think you're talking t-"
"Stop that!" 
Your words were cut down with a mere raise of his voice. To your own surprise, you felt yourself tremble beneath him. Between his height over you and the booming sound of his words, you were suddenly feeling quite small compared to him.
"Bad girls don't get what they want. Only good girls do. So," Michael began. In one swift motion, he grabbed the glass in your hand and effortlessly plucked it out of your grasp. "you're gonna be a good little lady and apologize for your behavior. It's the only way you're getting this back."
You sat up on your lawn chair in shock. Your mouth opened, then closed, then opened, then closed again. It felt like one of those novelty-singing fish your dad had hanging over the fireplace at your winter chalet.
While you didn’t want to give in, you also wanted your smoothie back…and despite yourself, Michael kind of made you want to be a good girl. You cleared your throat before speaking. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Michael scoffed and leaned forward. “What was that?” he teased.
You huffed at him. “I said, I’m sorry… Michael, I’m very sorry.” 
He smiled and handed you your cup. “Good girl, I knew you could do it,” he leaned forward to kiss your cheek and pat your head softly. 
You gasped as your cheeks turned bright pink at his touch.
If Michael had noticed your embarrassment, he didn’t let on. When he pulled away from your cheek, he picked up his net as if nothing had happened and returned to his work. 
You laid back in shock, that was not how you’d expected the day to go. Your blush deepened as you realized your bikini bottoms had dampened and not from the pool water. You liked being Michael’s good girl.
Lost in your own thoughts, you missed Michael’s smirking face as he shot you subtle glances. He could tell you’d never had anyone tell you what to do your entire life. He’d enjoy being the first. Hmm, maybe you were different.
Although your mind was swimming with confusion and flirtatious thoughts of Michael, you still had enough focus to go about your routine. Every day the sun was out you got some tanning done before doing laps in the pool. By the time Michael was finished, it would be perfect for your swim. 
Until then, you were going to get that gorgeous summer glow that would be the envy of all your other rich friends. 
With a deep breath and a shake of your head, you reached under your chair to grab hold of the trusty bottle of tanning oil you preferred. You gave it a hefty shake before holding out your palm to take some in.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Michael's voice stopped you in your tracks. If the smoothie stealing hadn't shocked you before, this certainly did. 
The curly-haired boy tsked while shaking his head in sheer disappointment. He crossed his arms over his strong chest as he eyed you once again. 
"You're going to get skin cancer with the stuff. You better put on sunblock or you're gonna turn into a raisin, little lady."
You pouted and whimpered without even thinking, the pink tinge returning to your cheeks. “But I don’t have any sunblock,” you admitted.
Michael sighed overdramatically, “what am I gonna do with you?” he lightly scolded before running to his bag.
“We can share mine,” he told you. “Lay down for me.”
You scrambled to do as he asked, laying out on your stomach on the lawn chair. Though you couldn’t see him from your position, his lips were curled up at your obedience. You were a quick learner. 
“That’s my good girl,” he purred as his hands skimmed the small of your back teasingly.
You could only bury your face deep against the chair so he wouldn't catch the deeper shade of blush on your face. He was already making you feel so flustered, yet his fingers were only touching a small part of you. 
"Better get rid of this so I don't make a mess."
Before you could even think to ask what he meant, your ears were greeted by the sound of fabric being scrunched before something was tossed to the side of your lounge chair. A tiny squeak fell from your lips as you caught sight of Michael's shirt on the ground.
There was no way this was happening. Your pool boy was going to rub sunblock on you while half-naked. The more you thought about it, the wetter your bikini bottoms got. 
"Gotta get a good, thick layer of this on ya, okay?" Michael spoke, slathering the cream onto his palm. He rubbed his hands together to warm it up some. "Don't worry. I'll be gentle."
“You don’t have to be…” you whispered to yourself more than anyone, but he smirked all the same.
Michael began to knead the sunscreen into your shoulders and back softly. He was almost as good as your massage therapist. You made a mental note to offer him that position when his pool cleaning gig was up. You wanted to keep him around for as long as possible, no matter what. 
When Michael finished with your upper half, he moved to your legs, running his fingers up and down your calves, coating your skin. As his hands began to drag up your thighs, you felt yourself grow warmer and it wasn’t from the sun. It took everything in you not to moan at his gentle caresses.
You knew Michael’s hands were likely calloused from all the hard work he did, but his feather-light touches felt so soft. His fingers skimmed the hem of your bikini bottoms as he continued to rub the sunscreen into your skin. Though you hadn’t thought it was possible, you could feel your face burn even hotter. 
You moved to flip onto your back, but Michael splayed a hand on your back, keeping you pressed into the chair. “Be good and still for me. Okay, honey?”
God, he really was a dream. The way Michael was on top of you and giving orders was driving you wild. You couldn't stop yourself from nibbling just a bit on your bottom lip. 
"O-Okay," you stuttered. When he decided he was ready, he flipped you onto your back, causing a gasp to leave your lips. You didn’t dare to say anything, you still wanted to be his good girl. 
The way the rays of the sun shined down on his sculpted body looked too perfect. Your eyes watched carefully as he spread another coat of sunblock onto his hands. He started with your stomach, massaging the area as he had done with your back. Once again, the lulling comfort of relaxation fell over you thanks to his touch. 
You didn't have a worry or care being like this with Michael. He was so firm, yet so gentle with you. Now that he could see your face, that was far more clear to him. 
The moment of peace was only interrupted when Michael took hold of your thighs.
"Wh-What're yo-"
"Shh shhhh, don't be scared, honey," Michael cooed, his soft words contrasting with how he threw your ankles onto his shoulder. "I gotta get all of those special spots on your skin~"
You followed Michael's orders and kept still and silent. While you were internally freaking out, he was casually rubbing sunblock along the length of your perfect legs. He pushed himself closer to you, his hips grazing the special spot where your bikini bottoms were. 
When he finished with your legs, he leaned over you, his brown curls falling around his face like a halo. 
He moved even closer, the curve of your ass rested on his thighs while your legs were still slung over his shoulder. You opened your mouth to speak but he shushed you. 
Michael glanced down at your right hand, resting by the side of your head, and moved to lace his fingers with yours. Your heart warmed at the feeling of your hands pressed together. There was something so sweet and intimate about how he held your hand. 
His other hand fiddled with your bikini top, pulling gently at the strings. “Now that I’ve done your back…” he traced a finger over your collarbone, “do you want me to do your front?”
You almost couldn't believe this was happening. Not too long ago Michael was rolling his eyes at you while scooping leaves out of your pool. Now he was offering to strip you down and get extra handsy with the sunblock. 
All those times you acted like a spoiled princess seemed so stupid now. Why would you keep misbehaving when you could give in and let Michael treat you like a good girl? Like HIS good girl. 
"Yes, Michael," you whispered. 
With his striking baby blues focused on you, he pulled the string of your top. The fabric slipped off with ease, revealing your breasts to him. Even with just a glance at your body, you could see the hazed look of lust take over on his face. It made your skin burn hotter than ever. 
"Perky little thing, aren't you?" He cooed. His fingers glided down your chest and over the nipples presented before him. The heat of his body contrasted with the coldness of the lotion, toying with your sensitive spots quite a bit. 
If that didn't make you whimper with lust, the feeling of his erection poking your thigh certainly did. 
You shouldn't have been surprised, given he was a hot-blooded man enjoying a shirtless lady underneath him. Then again, you were more than happy to find out he had an impressive size. You couldn’t remember the last time you enjoyed yourself with a guy.
“Hmm,” Michael hummed, faking concern.
“What is it?” you asked with a pout, worried you’d done something wrong.
“The sunscreen, it’s not gonna stay on here,” he said as his fingers skimmed over your nipples once more. “Too wet.”
“What?” your brow furrowed in confusion, “How are they-” 
You couldn’t finish your sentence when Michael’s mouth sealed around your breast. You gasped and arched your back into his mouth, loving the feeling of his tongue swirling around your nipple. The hand that wasn’t clasping his found its place in his perfect brown curls. When he’d finished toying with you he pulled back. 
“See? Way too wet,” he told you with a wink. You could only mutter a flustered ‘mhmm’ in response.
Not wanting to keep you waiting, Michael dove right back in, continuing his work with your other nipple. He let out a soft groan around the flesh, clearly aroused by how you felt in his mouth. Instead of swirling his tongue again, he sucked gently, stimulating you quite a bit. 
"Ooooh god~" you sighed. The grip of your fingers in his hair grew tighter as your arousal got stronger. You were dripping wet for Michael at this point. Your brain was completely clouded while your body took in all of the pleasure. 
"You taste so good, honey. Makes me want you even more than I already do."
Now you were REALLY hot and bothered. Michael's voice sounded so husky and hungry to you. The more he toyed with you, the stronger your need for him got. 
"Michael," you whimpered out. 
"Hmm? What's going on, honey?" he smirked, playing dumb with you. It only made you even whinier. 
"I need more! Please….please don't tease me…."
Michael laughed softly to himself. He dragged a finger down your abdomen, making your stomach muscles clench. “You wanna feel me in here?” he stroked his finger over your clothed pussy lightly.
You had never had to beg for anything in your life, and Michael could tell. Tears started to well in your eyes and your lip popped out as you nodded.
He pretended to consider your request, “I don’t know honey, do you think you’ve earned it?”
Now the tears had started to roll down your cheeks as you knew the answer to that question, maybe you could convince him otherwise?
“Yes…yes Michael I’ve earned it,” you swore.
Michael sighed. “You were mean to your butler, you teased me…doesn’t sound like good girl behavior to me.”
“But- but I apologized! And I was so good just now! I- please Michael,” you begged for the second time in your life.
“Don’t talk back baby,” Michael scolded and your lips immediately clamped shut. “Still,” he considered, “you have a point, I guess you have tried to be good for me today…maybe I can give you something.”
You would have done anything for him. “Thank you, Michael! I’ll be so good, I promise!”
“Yeah? You gonna be good and take what you’re given,” he smirked.
“Yes! Yes, Michael! Whatever you want.”
He loved the sound of that. Even if Michael was acting stern with you, he was still a very giving and kind lover. He wouldn't let your pleading fall on deaf ears. 
His hands moved gracefully, taking hold of each side of your bikini. You softly mewled from the sensation of a nearby breeze on your exposed bottom half once the last piece of clothing was discarded. Michael was left positively ravenous at the sight of such a wet, glistening pussy. 
"Holy shit," he sighed, running his tongue over his lips. "God, I gotta show you what you're doing to me, baby." 
It didn't take long for you to figure out what that meant. Far less gentle with himself than with you, Michael practically tore off his swim trunks. In mere seconds, his cock sprang out, thick and twitching with arousal. 
Your mouth fell open and your eyes shimmered at such a sight. He was so impressive. 
"Oooh my~" you said. "How'd you hide a big thing like that all this time?" 
"I dunno. But I guess I can't help how it shows when I got you under me, honey~"
Michael took hold of your thighs again, gently touching them as he pushed his body close to you. Your perfect breasts pushed up against his toned chest while he pressed his forehead against yours. You could smell the gum on his breath and it made you feel positively desperate to kiss him. 
"Listen closely," Michael whispered to you. "If you want to stop at any time, please don't be afraid to say so. I'll take care of you, but I need to keep you safe. Do you understand?"
Your heart raced from his words. Even when he was teasing, he was still so sweet with you. Michael sure beat all the arrogant trust fund assholes you’d messed around with in the past. He was a special guy.
“I understand, and I’ll tell you if I need to stop,” you promised.
Michael smiled down at you, “That’s my good girl,” he cupped your cheek before his hands gripped your thighs once more.
You bit your lip, “Michael?”
“Mhmm,” he stopped what he was doing and met your gaze. His lips pulled up into a smile at your blushing face. 
“Can I have a kiss before you start? Please?” you asked.
Michael’s smile grew even wider at such a cute request. He was proud of himself for seemingly taming you into his perfect, good girl in less than a day. “Since you asked so nicely…”
He pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose before beginning to grind against your thighs softly. You gasped at the friction, he was barely touching you and you already felt like you could come apart on your lawn chair.
Before you could whine for a proper kiss, Michael ceased any teasing and went right in. His lips were perfect in every way. Warm, soft, and fit so well with your own. Never before had a boy made you positively melt from just a first kiss. 
But Michael wasn't going to stop the passion there. He was a romantic at heart and wanted to keep you happy. With one hand caressing your cheek and the other grazing over one of your legs, he moved his body with yours some more. 
"My good girl~" he groaned. The tip of his cock was pushed past your thighs, so achingly close to your cunt. He let each inch of his length through as well. The two of you each let out a moan as his cock brushed over your pussy lips, getting soaked with just a small touch. 
"Keep your legs nice and tight for me, okay? I'm gonna fuck your pretty thighs like this~"
You nodded furiously and whimpered at his words. He smiled down at you. “You’re so cute like this, such a pretty girl for me.”
You beamed at his praise as you clenched your thighs tightly around him. His head fell to the crook of your neck and he moaned as you squeezed him. Your arms immediately gripped the lawn chair as your body felt overcome by the feeling of his cock brushing up against you.
“Do you hear how good you’re making me feel, baby?” he asked. “You’re being such an angel right now, holding me so tight. That’s my girl.” 
You sighed blissfully, ‘his girl.’ He had you wrapped around his finger and you didn’t even care.
Michael rolled his hips into your thighs at a slow and steady rhythm, occasionally brushing against your pussy and making you see stars.
"Mmmh! M-Michael~" you sighed out for him. You hadn't expected this to feel so amazing. He didn't even need to penetrate you to get your body going. The way his cock pushed against your thighs and clit was just so perfect. Even if you couldn't have more, you still loved what it was now. 
"Pretty little princess, arentcha~?" he cooed in your ear. Michael grabbed your hips tighter and thrust his hips at a faster pace. He tugged you upward a bit, letting your lower half lift from the chair. 
He brought his mouth to yours again, kissing you deeply while he fucked you. The precum dripping from the tip of his cock made your thighs and pussy so very slippery. He just made you so warm all over, and you didn't want it to stop for even a moment.
You wanted to touch him so badly, to wrap your fingers in his brown curls and pull, or to grip his toned shoulders as he fucked you, not so gently. But you knew better than to do anything without permission.
You managed to let out a breathy, “Michael…” between whimpers and moans. “Mhmm?” his tone has an almost condescending tinge to it, but you didn’t care. Maybe you didn’t mind being put in your place a little.
“Let me touch you? Please?” you begged.
Michael’s lips parted in shock. He had to hold back a snide remark about how the brat had already been fucked out of you, and he wasn’t even in you. Oh, but you were so vulnerable like this with your eyes glassed over and your supple lips pressed into the prettiest pout. Michael was a lot of things, but he wasn’t cruel.
He smirked down at you, not letting up from his pace, but moving closer to your clit with each thrust, a little reward for asking for what you wanted. “Where do you wanna touch me honey?”
He shifted his weight to support himself with one hand, while he grasped your hand sweetly with the other. 
"I won't lie, I've been wanting to touch this body of yours all summer," you admitted. 
Michael seemed to enjoy that statement quite a bit. He was a humble guy, but it was still nice to get his ego fluffed up a bit with compliments. 
"Then, by all means, enjoy yourself~"
He kept up the motions of his rocking while he allowed you to do as you wished with his body. Your manicured fingers traced over the dips and curves of his muscles. You couldn't help but squeeze his pecs and abs. It turned you on seeing someone so perfectly sculpted and toned above your writhing body. 
There was no hiding the fact that he felt the same way about you. Even when you were acting like a spoiled brat, you were a very SEXY spoiled brat. One with a gorgeous figure to caress and cherish as he pleased
His heart swelled with pride as you touched him softly, your eyes always searching his face to ensure you weren’t taking too much or being too greedy. 
He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “You’re being so good for me, sweetheart. Think you deserve a reward~”
You gasped as his thumb brushed across your clit. You could have cum right then and there. He began to move his thumb in soft circles, pulling gasps and moans from your perfect lips. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
“Love how you touch me, baby,” Michael purred into your ear, “Needed to return the favor.”
You whimpered beneath him, totally intoxicated by the pleasure he was giving you. “I’m close,” you admitted, blushing.
He sighed happily, your words music to his ears. “Then be a good girl and cum for me ok?” Michael patronized, feeling how much you enjoyed his tone.
God, there was no holding back when he talked to you like that. The jolts of pleasure were rushing through your body, charging you up like electricity. With your hand gripping him tightly and your legs locking more firmly, you felt yourself get closer and closer with every second. 
Michael wasn't far behind you. It was quite easy to catch up with how much you had stimulated him. He grunted and moaned as he fucked your thighs and toyed with your clit at a faster pace. He was dying to see that beautiful face make an expression of truly amazing pleasure.
"FUCK!! Fuck, Michael!!! Yes!! Aaah~" you cried out. Your voice echoed out into the California air as the orgasm hit your body with full force. If Michael's cock and fingers weren't soaked already, they certainly were now. 
The sound of your pleasured screams triggered his own release mere moments later. Thick, white shots of cum splashed onto your soft thighs and stomach, properly marking you as Michael's girl. 
He stared down at you and smiled to himself, God you were a pretty sight. He bent down from his arms to his elbows and laid on your chest, arms wrapping around you in a sweet embrace. Now you were covered with him in more ways than one.
Instinctively, your arms snaked around him and your fingers began to draw circles on his back. Michael smiled softly, enjoying the lovely sensation as he pressed wet kisses on your cheeks, your jawline, and your neck. 
“You with me baby?” he asked as he tucked sweaty strands of hair behind your ear. 
You sighed happily, “Yeah.” Your cheeks were a pretty shade of pink as you smiled at him. “I like when you call me baby.”
He laughed softly. “Can I tell you a secret?”
You nodded enthusiastically.
“I like when you call me Mikey.”
You could have melted right there.
Michael grinned as he began to push up from the chair, but your sudden, tight grip on his waist stopped him. He looked down at your pitiful pout. 
“Gotta clean you up sweet girl,” he said as he stroked your cheek.
“Later, I promise,” you bargained. “For now can you just…hold me?”
His lips pulled up into a bright smile before he settled on top of you, laying his head on your chest. “For as long as you want, baby.” Your mom and dad may have been in Aruba, but you were in heaven.
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@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @crustyboypix @ghoulgeousimmaculate @anna1306 @consuming-karma @bloodywickedvamp @warrior-616 @ria-coolgirl @lostboys1987girl @chiefdirector @mickkmaiden333 @solobagginses @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @flower-crowned-lady @vampirefilmlover @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @arbesa-mind @its-freaking-bats @metal4horses @rynsfandomsfun @f4iryfxies @memphiscity69
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drill-teeth-art · 8 days
A late night, slight retrospective on the tiny amount of Tumblr fame I've gathered that also might be slightly annoying for my audience to read so feel free to skip it if you want.
I started sharing Transformers fanart on here back in 2022, around October. I had been posting art on here for a while before actually but people really started following me and asking about my work and actually reblogging my stuff when I started posting Transformers fanart in 2022. I was in a really low place then, and I really welcomed the attention. My art was and still is something I take a lot of pride in. It's my own. There's quite a few years of my life where the fact I could still draw was the only thing stopping me from attempting suicide. It's something that has always meant a lot to me, so the attention on one of the only things I really liked about myself was nice. It was nice for a while.
But I've gotta say the slight Tumblr fame (and I do mean slight, I've only got around 3k followers which is a lot of people and more than I ever thought I'd have following me and more than a lot of folks will ever have but not like A Ton Of Fame) has wreaked havoc on my mental health. Which is already pretty rough as is. Suddenly I wasn't just some guy making Transformers fanart while desperately saving up to get out of my parents' house. Suddenly I was some people's FAVORITE Transformers artist. Suddenly I was a role model to people and I had people in my DMs clambering for my attention and I had an audience that would cheer or boo or go awkwardly silent at my every post depending on how much they liked it. And it was Not Good For Me. I had and still do have people all over my inbox, excited about how I drew fat and disabled and trans characters asking me over and over to draw some specific representation that I don't want to draw right away. I had and still have people begging me to draw their favorite Transformers character who I happen to not really care about and not want to draw at all. And I am painfully aware how often people take personal offense to my polite "no I'm not drawing that unless it's a commission" and my not answering their ask because I'm not in the mood. I've had people send in asks asking for a specific drawing and then follow up asks when I don't answer in a timely manner. And it's really uncomfortable! And it's almost more uncomfortable that it feels like a lot of people don't even notice that they're making me uncomfortable.
And I like learning how to draw bodies I've never drawn before. I like looking at a character who I think is meh and being like "well actually how can I make them interesting to me...". But it really felt and still feels like my art was getting away from me, like I was drawing more what people were asking me to make instead of what I wanted to because people would take it so badly when I'd say no. I was getting commissions though and I was saving up money to move out so I ignored that bad feeling of getting distanced from my own craft because I was trying so hard to save money and I was actually making some. And I still wanted the attention. Plenty of people were still kind to me despite everything.
Things got weirder for me after I released my Good Bi Gender comic. Which I do still recommend people read I think it's some of my best work. But that comic became a huge hit. And it made things really complicated for a while. I got anon hate. I was told to kill myself by strangers online more than once while I was already deeply suicidal. Something I thought I stated very clearly in the comic itself, that I didn't want strangers calling me "she" though I did and do let my close trusted people call me "she", was immediately ignored by my regular audience and people reading the comic. I got a lot of "you go girl!" kind of messages in response to my comic, and I didn't say anything at the time but it made me deeply uncomfortable. The comic was partly about how the she/her part of my identity is off limits to strangers. How I don't let just anyone she/her me because I work so hard to have the he/him aspect identity acknowledged at all. And it was like what Tumblr decided for me was to go against my wishes. Was to be like "we'll accept your identity for you!" when that's not what I wanted. I did NOT want to be she/her'd by thousands of strangers at the time. And though I'm grateful to have heard the understanding stories of other folks with nonbinary gender identities in the notes, it was deeply humiliating and invalidating to watch as others decided for me to accept the Girl part of my identity. The opening lines of the comic are explicitly a plea to the reader to listen and understand why they're not allowed to use she/her for me even though I'm opening up about the complexities of my identity.
And like. I don't care anymore if people online she/her me. At least I don't care right now that's why she/her is in my bio right now maybe I'll change that. But at the time it was awful. It was something I asked people not to do. And between that and the constant clambering for my attention from people I didn't want to talk to (because I was severely depressed and wasn't looking to make a ton of new friends) and the alienation from my own work I felt like shit. I felt like garbage. I still do. I hate my art sometimes. I really hate it. And for a while, I considered breaking my own fingers just so people would stop acting so entitled to my art and I would have a reason not to post. And honestly the only thing that stopped me was just trying to get by financially. Just watching my follower count and regular notes steadily trend upward so I could do more commissions so I could move out.
And doing things for the numbers, even for a relatively short time, only made things worse. It sounds a little silly even to me, but I get so stressed out when my posts flop, especially if it's art I was really proud of. I'm struggling to detangle my sense of worth in my art from the online numbers game. And I'm proud of the progress I'm making, but it does really suck and it's really hard. And I really wish I was still the same person back in early 2022 who could say "I don't care about the numbers!" and actually mean it because god I WISH I didn't care about the numbers now. Especially now. I dunno if it's me posting more art people don't wanna see or people leaving Tumblr or a shift in the culture of Tumblr but fewer and fewer people interact with my posts despite my follower count ticking up slowly but surely and it kind of bums me the fuck out. But. I am very proud of myself for still drawing the ocs that I want to draw even if they get less notes every time. And even if I'm slightly frustrated they get less notes every time.
I don't really have a neat bow to tie on my personal story right now. I'm still healing and sometimes I backslide and it's hard and it sucks. I don't want to sound ungrateful or to sound like I'm trying to shoo people off my blog because I'm not. I'm really grateful for the attention and interest and I'm not trying to turn people off my art blog. But it's been a rough few years on here. And don't be surprised if you see me take more and more breaks from this website. I do sincerely hope y'all will stick around and watch me continue to post whatever art and say kind things because I do appreciate that a lot. I'm trying really hard to mend my relationship with my own art. To not be so hard on myself. And for the record I don't want any asks telling me to take breaks when necessary or reminding me to draw for me. I appreciate the sentiment, but I already know all that and I personally don't find it helpful to be reminded of things I already know. But anyway. I hope that I will draw more and more of whatever I want to, even if that means I fade back into obscurity.
If you stuck around to read me reflect on the stresses and occasional humiliation of my small amount of online notoriety, then thank you. I appreciate that. And really I do like people looking at my art on here and sharing it and sending asks about my work. And the person I expect to be responsible for my mental health and how much social media is impacting it is Me first and foremost. But sometimes I think that it's important to remember there's a person behind your favorite art blog. And sometimes when you get swept up in parasocial attachment and hype, you kind of treat that person really fucking weirdly. And no that doesn't make you a bad person or a monster. But it does mean you have to learn to deal with it when someone who you might even idolize is like "back off me you're making me uncomfortable".
Anyway. I shouldn't be up as late as I am. A headache has been keeping me up all night. I'm gonna try to rest though. Goodnight.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Can i request jeff romantic hcs with a very caring and kind male reader but with other people he’ll be cold and stoic?
Thats actually so him as cliche as it is to say it 💀
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Jeff x double bladed!male!reader
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It threw everyone for a whirl in the beginning
Including jeff
He really liked you because he knew you werent afraid to stand up for yourself, and he'd be lying if he didn't fall for the whole "stoic mysterious boy" thing
You being so kind and caring to him, even doting on him at times was unexpected to him
Not that he didn't like it, because he very much did
It was just so unexpected of you
Nowadays he uses it to his advantage when partaking in being an asshole and starting shit around the manor
He'll test his luck by rudly shoving someone like Brian, then seeing how fast he can get to you
"You're so dead, jeff!"
"Get the fuck away from him" you say coldly, narrowing your eyes and stepping in front of jeff
Jeff grins and sticks out his tongue like the little shit he is
He loves this little game of his, he really does
Also, with your personality this drives his already intense love for pda up the wall
Say you were out training with another creep, he'll walk up to you all sweet and press his forehead to yours, you smile and mutter something about how pretty his hair looks today and then he'll walk off like nothing happened
Don't think he's going soft now, because he isn't
Instances where he's actively sweet to you in public like the one mentioned previously are very rare
Usually his affection in public consists of him groping you, making out with you, biting you, etc
And you do the same, both of you share the same nasty grin when doing it too
But in private, you are oh so sweet to each other
Gentle fingers carefully gliding across each other's skin, warm kisses being pressed to your faces, etc
Occassionally creeps will ask something of you through jeff
Because they no if they asked, you would say no
But if jeff asks, you will always say yes
"Hey y/n can i borrow ten dollars? I'll pay you back tomorrow"
"Baby can i please have ten dollars?"
"Of course, my love. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and give you an extra five <333"
The messages do tend to get twisted though...
"Jeff please go ask y/n if they can teach me his workout routine"
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kamimarroco · 3 months
Basically, a fanfic where Ren loves a MILF
Not very explicit, in my opinion, but yeah, manipulation, kidnapping, mommy kink and horny
It's strange, and even funny. You really didn't plan this.
Lying on the couch, scratching your captor's furry, fluffy ears above you. He purred, like a cat does when its owner pets it. Except this situation is the opposite.
He's so small, and his fluffy tail makes you want to stay a little longer, even if your stomach is growling.
Right, your stomach. You haven't eaten since you left the bar, or since you woke up in this weird house. Even though Ren offered you food, you had the strange intuition that you shouldn't eat anything he offered you. It could be anything, poison, drugs, or something else.
“Are you sure you don't want to eat something?" His voice, sweet, lively, energetic, resonates through your ears, through your mind. He is being kind, generous. A mercy for you to take.
“Do not worry about me" A lie, you just don't want to get involved further. You would rather starve than accept your defeat. 
He snorts, clearly annoyed, his claws tracing lines across your chest. His tail begins to move methodically.
“You should stop being stubborn. You know you can't escape from here"
You must NOT accept this fate. It's wrong, clearly wrong. You have a family to take care of at the end of the day, and he shall not keep you forever.
You're sure they'll start looking for you soon.
He rolls his eyes, adjusting his position to sit on your lap, hands glued to your belly, caressing, massaging.
“They won't miss you. In fact, they'll be glad you're gone" His sweet words enter your ears once again. “They don't deserve you, none of them. They don't see you the same way I do”
Manipulation, distortion of reality. He wants to make you think that they don't want you, that you have no value to them. He wants you to stay here, forever, and ever, and ever.
A person, or something close to it. A pet, someone for him to care for and love. An object, easy to discard if he gets tired of you.
Bullshit, nothing he says makes sense. Your children love you, your husband adores you, you have the job of your dreams, a nice house to live in, parents and–
They won't look for you... right?
Why would they do that, after all? You are disposable, a woman at the mercy of society. You are nothing, nothing at all.
Ren runs his hands under your shirt, sharp claws being (not very) careful not to hurt you. You ended up gaining a few pounds after your last pregnancy.
“Don't worry, I'll take great care of you" His toothy smile tries to comfort you, but fails. You can see the excitement in his eyes. 
“Why me?" You ask, a single tear running down your left cheek. You don't deserve this, you need to go home.
“Your body... is perfect" Ren takes a deep breath at the sight of your exposed belly, his erection trapped in his pants, screaming to be freed. When did he…?
This is a first. You never felt the same after giving birth three times, you never felt desired by any man. Which is good, because you are a married woman, and should be devoted to your only husband.
“Ren... stop” You ask shyly, your hands taking his to make him stop touching you. “I'm not going to do this”
He is taken by surprise, but his expression is replaced by a bizarre smile. He won't stop just because you want him to.
“Honey, I'm just doing you a favor. How long has it been since you got fucked the way you want?”
Dirty words trying to deceive you. He wants you to stop fighting, to stop resisting the repressed desire so much.
Why don't you give up already? Won't he make you feel good?
You loosen your grip on his hands, allowing him to touch your belly again. And he smiles, staring hungrily at the abundant meat there.
These eyes, you never saw them again. Eyes of desire, eyes of hunger, eyes of lust. Does he really have no problem with your extra fat?
If it were another man, he would certainly have discarded you by now. 
You feel dizzy, the heat consuming your entire body, making you feel weak. Weak from hunger, too weak to fight back. 
Your cheeks are burning.
Ren moves one of his hands to your thigh, making circular movements while looking directly at your horny face. He starts to pant, starts to feel like he's going to explode at any moment.
But he can't, he shouldn't. Not with a woman as pure as you. 
You are a mother, after all. And mothers are precious, sensitive, warm and their bodies are the most beautiful thing there is.
It must be some kind of fetish of his. Older woman, experienced mother, calm and sweet because that's how you should be. This is how society sees you and only sees you.
“It's beautiful..." Ren speaks as he begins to slowly take off your shirt, exposing your large, voluminous breasts. Ready to give milk, ready to be sucked.
He gently picks them up with both hands, making gentle movements, testing their softness. 
They are so soft, so soft. The thought crosses your mind, and fills you with joy. 
He licks them, both of them, his teeth being careful not to hurt you. You must be sensitive to being touched like this after so long.
“Precious, just precious" He whispers to you, praising you, applauding you for the natural beauty of your body. Kind, careful, sweet.
Not that your husband isn't like that, but... it's different when it's another man telling you that. It's invigorating, pleasurable, comforting. It makes you think you're still beautiful after all these years.
“What a good mother you are, so calm, so obedient" He purrs, his tail moving from side to side. “Good mothers deserve a break, don't you think?” Ren asks rhetorically, already aware of your answer. “So please, just relax. I'll make you feel really, really good”
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try to understand {m.m}
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plot: he hates the way you feel about yourself
character: matt murdock x plus size female reader
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He's known you for a long time, longer than Karen, longer than Foggy; you're his oldest friend. Matt knows you really well, probably better than you know yourself, he knows what you like, what annoys you; he knows exactly how to push your buttons to make you snap. He knows you so well. He understands you better than anyone has ever done before. He understands your somewhat silly fear of clowns that you've had ever since you were 7, he understands the stupid joy of watching Die Hard at Christmas brings you... He understands you.
There's just one thing he doesn't understand though.
The one and only thing he doesn't understand about you is the way you treat yourself.
For years, Matt had been trying to understand why you treat yourself the way that you do. When you're so impossibly kind to others and try your hardest to not be judgemental and yet, when it comes to yourself you're as harsh and judgemental as you like. For seemingly no reason at all, you would be cruel to yourself, constantly saying some sort of self-deprecating 'joke' or an insult to yourself.
Matt didn't like it.
He wanted to change the way that you saw yourself. He wanted to make you see yourself the way that he sees you. To you, you're the butt of the joke but to him, my god, to Matt... you're everything.
You and Matt have always only just been friends. Neither of you had ever stepped over that line as much as you'd like to. Matt knew you liked him; his enhanced abilities were a massive advantage. He heard the quickening of your pulse every time he said your name; the beating of your heart when he was near you; the small nervous catch of your breath before you spoke to him. He also noticed other things like the fact that you always wore the same perfume around him after he told you he liked it. Also, after you asked him one day what his favourite colour was and he answered red because it was a colour that he could still partially see, he noticed you would wear more reds around him. Matt noticed everything.
Matt knew that you cared about him, Foggy and Karen knew it too, but he never acted upon it despite feeling the same. Foggy was always pushing him to tell you but he never did. He wanted to keep you safe and he knew that if he became involved with you then he would risk your safety too much so no matter how desperately he wanted to be with you, he wouldn't let himself be.
That was until he snapped.
After one too many jokes about your weight said by you, Matt snapped.
"Why do you do that?" He asked, slamming his beer bottle down. You and Matt were sitting in his apartment having a drink after work.
The sudden change shocked you, "Do what?"
"The constant putting yourself down, making yourself the butt of the joke."
You didn't really know how to answer, "I-I don't know-"
"(y/n)." The way he said your name, sternly and yet somehow softly and full of care made you release a long breath, "Why do you constantly put yourself down? It's horrible."
You swallowed, fingers fidgeting with the loose threads on your jumper sleeves, "Because if I do it... no one else will." Matt frowned, cocking his head in a silent gesture of go on, "Something I learned back in high school... Some bunch of kids were ragging on me for being fat like it's not a secret, you know it and you're blind for god's sake, but they were making fun of me and I realised that I could cry and let them win or I could join in and make it seem like it didn't bother me. I joined in, I made fun of myself and then their jokes seemed to stop because instead of them saying them... it was me. If I say it first, if I start a conversation and put a joke at my expense in there then... then the person I'm talking to will be less likely to make them since I've already done it."
Your eyes watered, sniffling slightly, "It was easier for me to do it so that other people wouldn't-"
You hadn't realised Matt walking across the room to you until he was taking your hand and pulling you upwards. You asked him what he was doing and he shushed you, "Stop doing that," he whispered. A gentle hand swept your cheek and Matt smirked slightly at the dramatic increase in the pace of your heart, "Do you truly believe those things about yourself?"
"Generally, yeah..."
He shook his head, "Sometimes I don't understand you, (y/n)." You asked what he meant, "How can you say all of these things? These horrible, awful things about yourself? Don't you see how good you are?" You blinked, surprised at the turn this was taking, "You're so good and so kind and so what if you're plus size? You know how I know you're beautiful? You want to know exactly how I see you?"
"Yes." Your voice was a whisper, a wobbly emotional whisper.
"I hear the beauty in your laughter, the way your laughter brings a smile to my face, the way it fills the air like song. I hear the beauty in the way you speak to people, going out of your way to make sure that they're okay; never once judging them for how they look or their situations. I hear the beauty in the way you tell a story, breathless from laughing and you haven't even reached the punchline. I feel the beauty when you hug me. You're warm and soft and you're beautiful. Why don't you see that?"
"Matt..." He hears the emotion in your voice, he knows what you want to tell him. He hears the thud of your heart, the nervous fidgeting of your hands.
"All these years and you remain the one person that I truly want. The one person who makes everything worth it. The one person who makes me smile and takes away my worries so easily. You're it. You're that person for me. So all your stupid jokes about you not being good enough or being ugly or not being worth anything because of your weight, you're damn wrong because you mean everything to me."
He doesn't expect you to throw yourself around him, arms tight around his neck, but he catches you and balances himself easily. Your body shakes as you weep into his shoulder.
"You joke that you're unlovable and every time you do it, I bite my tongue but I've had enough... I love you, (y/n). I love your body, I love the way you feel, I love you and that is enough... You are enough." He breathes in deeply, relishing in the way your breath tickles his neck, "Do you understand now?"
You nod against him and begin to pull away when he catches your chin between his thumb and finger. You can't believe any of this is happening but as you stare to Matt your eyes flutter shut and let him kiss you, kissing those jokes and false statements away.
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himbochub · 1 month
I'm only a small fat so ymmv, but some size/fat related things I experienced regarding top surgery:
If you're someone whose belly gets in the way as you're moving from lying to sitting or sitting to standing, it can be helpful to have either more core strength so you don't have to use your arms to help move your torso, or have your post-surgery support carer/s there to help give you a boost when sitting up. (I guess that applies to everybody but still..)
If reaching while toileting and showering can be difficult before surgery, the difficulty defo multiplies during recovery (especially showering), so it's super helpful to plan ahead with any equipment like long-handled scrubbers and a shower bench, as well as making a plan with your support system for any hands-on assistance they can provide.
I didn't think about this ahead of time, but I used a friend's mastectomy pillow during recovery which was WAY more helpful than I thought it was going to be, however, the part of the pillow that goes under the arms didn't really make it all the way under my arms as much as it's supposed to because I'm wider than the pillow was made for. I don't even know if they make plus-size mastectomy pillows honestly, but if you're thinking of getting one, in my experience it would be worth trying to find a wider option than the standard size!
My nurse also told me a hot tip for if the lower band your compression binder bites into your upper belly: if it's the kind with an elastic band around your ribcage area, you can take off the binder, fold the band hot-dog style, and take some scissors and snip a little half-inch hole in the middle of the band (i.e., not cutting through the bottom or top of the elastic, just putting a hole in it basically). You can add more than one hole, too. Gives the band some much-needed slack without taking the compression off your chest!
If you're not going to have someone to cook for you, prep ahead as much as you can with microwavable foods that don't require you to hold something while you're eating or keep lifting a utensil a lot (like soup was a no for me for both these reasons even though I thought it was going to be like the go-to option!) Planning ahead means you don't have to think about food when your mind and body are both, in my case anyway, completely obliterated.
I sweat A LOT and after surgery it was even more so because no deoderant. If sweat/moisture management and roll care are part of your current hygiene needs/routine, might be worth practicing through the motions as if you've just had surgery ahead of time to try to anticipate what parts of that routine you may need help with. If you use hygiene products for roll care in the area getting surgery it might also be worth consulting with your surgeon about if/when you can resume using those or alternative products.
And lastly, another thing I didn't think about ahead of time is that side rolls/side boob fat are in the Surgery Zone, so they factor into your surgery results and goals, too. I was lucky that even though my surgeon and I didn't talk about it, she left me a nice portion of side chest roll, but I imagine that there are surgeons out there who may just assume you want the side fat gone. Could be good to make sure you and your surgeon are on the same page about what you want, whatever that might look like!
And unrelated but I skipped getting bendy straws because I was like "whatever, I have regular straws at home already, it's fine" - get the bendy straws, SO much easier, give yourself that gift
Good luck!!
THANK YOUUU omg! posting again for those who might need it but will def be referencing!!
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gtzel · 4 months
Without the Sun- a Nico Di Angelo GT Fanfiction
I. Undead Mice Bring Me Kit-Kats
It's just a crush, how bad could it be? This was my mindset before everything went wrong. If you think this book will be some kind of sweet sappy romance novel, then by all means close it and go back to whatever you were doing before you decided to read it. Mine is a story that you probably don't want to read. Honestly I wouldn't even be writing it if it wasn't that i felt it was absolutely necessary to inform the young of my kind of the woes they will endure. You may be thinking "Oh please, you cant have it all that bad, your just a kid" and only the ladder would be correct. You see, I'm not just any kid, oh no, I'm worse, and I've gone through things I can guarantee that you've never even imagined. So turn back, look away, unless you want to go through the rollercoaster of emotions that is my life.
    My name is Nico Di Angelo, and this is the story of how I lived, when everyone I loved died. It all started about two weeks ago. The people previously living in my house decided to move out suddenly for no apparent reason.
    My mom later found out that they had been evicted which, basically means that they weren't paying to stay there anymore and had to be kicked out. I had asked my mom why we weren't evicted. You see, we don't technically pay to live in this house. In fact, the owners don't even know we exist. No, we aren't ghosts, though those also live here, we are Borrowers.
    Let me explain, we Borrowers are tiny people about as tall as your finger, we live in the walls and borrow things you won't miss. And yes, I already asked my mom if it was counted as stealing. The answer is no because its so small you won't even notice, so don't get petty.
    Anyway, I had been out playing with my sister Bianca while my mom was out gathering supplies. We were playing that we had seen the human kids playing when we heard the sound of a car rolling up the driveway.
    "Nico, we have to go" my sister whispered as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the nearby brush.
    "Wait Bianca, I want to see what it is." I said breaking from her grasp as I ran to see what was happening.
    I ran over to the corner of the massive house and peeked over the side to try and catch a glimpse of who was coming. A red '78 Camaro was parked in the driveway. There was an awful stench emitting from the car, like gasoline and burnt cigars. A fat man who honestly looked- and smelled- like someone who hadn't bathed in years, he had maybe three hairs on his head that were slicked to the side with globs of hair gel. I already didn't like him.
    "hey sally, you and the kid unpack while I get the guys over to play poker, and don't be loud!" The ugly man snarled as he lumbered into the house.
    after seeing the man, I dreaded what the others looked like, but to my surprise, the woman who emerged from the passengers side was actually really pretty. She had golden brown hair and eyes that sparkled with kindness. She reminded me a lot of my own mom, but bigger. For a human she actually seemed decent. Sally- I recall that was her name- walked to the trunk of the car and began to open it.
    Then the third began to emerge from the car, I had only caught a glimpse of his jet black hair when I was suddenly. Tugged back by my arm.
    "Nico, you cant just run for like that, what if someone saw you?" My big sisters panicked but stern expression made me drop my gaze.
    "Sorry, I was just curious" I muttered guiltily.
    "it's okay, but you have to be more careful next time." She looked back to where I had been "common, we need to get home before mom gets too worried" she said gesturing to the entrance near the sewage drain.
    We walked to the entrance and bianca went in first, but before I entered I looked back and gasped. There all the way on the other side of the house, peeking out from behind the corner wall, was a little boy. The human child had the most piercing sea green eyes, he looked about thirteen and his skin was a beautiful hue of olive. He was staring right at me, his eyes wide as saucers, and mouth agape in shock.
    Startled, I broke the gaze and quickly darted into the entrance. Bianca was not too far away from me and walking with her back to me. I shook my head and tried to act normal as I ran up to meet her, but I couldn't get that boys face out of my head.
    "What took you so long?" She inquired as I caught up with her out of breath.
    "Thought I-" I huffed "saw something" I took in a sharp breath "gods, why are you so fast?"
    My sister laughed "its only because your so little, don't worry, when your big like me you'll be the fastest borrower ever" she patted my head lightly ruffling my hair in the process.
    "even faster then you?" I asked eagerly, filled with a new desire to run.
    "maybe~" she said before yelling "tag!" And racing off.
    "hey that not fair" but all she did was keep running and giggling.
    Once I finally got home Bianca was sitting at our dinner table happily slurping up soup my mom had made. My mom was working in the kitchen and she smiled when she saw me.
    "Nico darling, could you pass me the Basel leave please?" She said, and her eyes crinkled in a warm comforting way when she smiled. I reached over to our pantry box and sorted through it until I found the Basel, then i handed it to my mom "Thank you dear, why don't you go join your sister at the table, your dinner will be ready soon"
    I walked over and sat down next to my sister "why'd you ditch elite that?" I scowled at her.
    "it was just a joke" she giggled "but I'm sorry or ditching you, I just wanted to show you that you're not faster then me yet" she smiled sweetly and I sighed in defeat.
    "it's okay,just don't do it again k?"
    "okay," she said.
    My mom brought the food to the table and sat down, we all ate together. And for that moment everything was perfect. After I went to bed though I just couldn't get those eyes out of my head, something about them. They were striking like they knew things, so many things, yet still so innocent.
    I tossed and turned for a few hours but just couldn't get to sleep. It had always been something I struggled with. Finally I gave up on sleep and walked out to get some fresh air. If I couldn't sleep i could at least practice.
    The night air was risk and chilly, but not uncomfortably so. I stood on the space between thee entrance of our house and the grass of the side yard. I exhaled a focused breath and held out my hand palm down and focused on the dark aura coming from the ground.
    Then it began to happen, a light rumbling coming from the ground. Small bones began to emerge and collect themselves together until they finally created a complete skeletal mouse, with glowing orbs where the eye sockets were.
    "Welcome Prince of Darkness, how can we serve your highness?" They both spoke in complete unison which, yeah I get it, a little creepy, but thats just my life.
    "I need you take me inside the house, I trust you know a way" I spoke with complete confidence. Now that I think about it, I was a freaky eleven year old, raising the dead and all. The mice nodded then let me mount one of their skeletal backs.
    We set off, the mice were quite happy to be able to run again. That's one thing I've found about the dead, they are usually pretty cool with helping you out as long as they get to be sort-of-alive again. Though there was this one guy who kept talking about getting revenge on some Di-noi-ssi-us guy, I didn't really understand him all that much so I just. Buried him again.
    We hadn't been going very far when I spotted my target, a Kit-Kat bar that had been dropped beneath the counter. I ordered the other undead mouse to carry it and they obliged, then we continued on. I really wanted to see that boy again when he couldn't see me. We searched around the whole house and finally found him in the room to the far right of the front door.
    The mice helped me get unto a nearby empty bookshelf that had been recently moved. I looked down to the corner of the rom where the boy's cot lay, with him sleeping in it. It's not stalking if it's for research right? I watched his relaxed breaths as he dreamed peacefully. I opened the kit-kat bar as quietly as i could and began munching on it as I observed the boy.
    In the moonlight his lips looked soft and his hair lightly brushed across his face. I sighed longingly, I wondered what it would be like to be his size, or even better, his friend. I began to zone out but snapped back to reality when I heard a sharp intake of breath from the human boy. I looked to see what he was looking at. Crap.
    One of the mice was skittering around not a foot away from his face. I observed as he carefully snatched up the undead mouse, and examined it as it crawled around his hand. He giggled quietly as he tiny mouse touched noses with him. The sound was like the freshness o a morning breeze. A quiet sigh escape my lips, he was perfect. I wished that I could be in the mouses place.
    "Hey there little guy" he spoke softly, and his voice was so beautiful. "Where'd you come from, and how are you moving?" The mouse didn't reply, simply sniffing his hands instead.
    I rested my hand behind me but froze when I heard a crinkle behind me.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 10 months
Tumblr media
Christine knelt, posing for her audience. "Enjoying one last night of clubbing as a 'girl' before tomorrow. It's almost a shame, I think I make a pretty sexy girl and not very many guys mind my cock, a lot of them get excited when we dance and they feel it against them..... Guys love to jerk me off as we grind together on the dance floor. And let's be honest, most men are so obsessed with porn they prefer anal anyway they days. And estrogen gave me such a plump, sexy ass! Which is to say nothing about these giant breasts I developed..... gosh, this body is SO dreamy. I almost don't want to say goodbye.
I had a good run, better than a lot of fakegirls. Eight whole years living as a girl, pumping my poor male body with estrogen, trying to make it look feminine.... mostly succeeding, kind of. Not surprised so many people still clock me, guess it's pretty obvious I'm just a perverted dude playing dress-up." Christine giggled, bouncing her fat, estrogen-pumped tits, causing them to spill out of her dress. "God, I look so ridiculous. These breasts are such an embarrassment. So happy I'm coming to my senses!
I live with my parents, and they're pretty sick of my partying lifestyle. Bringing home new guys every other night, having to listen to their son get railed, and moan in my boyish voice like some ditzy porn star. They sat me down one morning this week, as I lay naked, covered in cum, having brought four guys over, my ass and boobs had bruises. My cock was rock hard. I instinctively stroked it and licked the cum off me as they talked to me..... They said when they let me go on blockers in junior high they thought they were helping me, but they apparently started falling down a heavy pipeline of parents who decide to detransition their trans sons and daughters....
I was shocked to hear them candidly call me a boy, by he-him pronouns, and use my deadname! (Christopher!) It was pretty humiliating, even more than being naked, bruised and covered in cum in front of them, which has become a bit of a norm, I suppose. They told me they want me to detrans immediately. They even contacted my doctor and voiced their 'concerns' about me. So we threw out my estrogen, and tomorrow I'll be getting my first round of testosterone. I mean, you guys have been urging me to detrans for a while now and misgendering me all over social media, so you must be happy. I do find those detrans vids you send me kind of hot, though. Sexy, big-breasted, curvy girls like me becoming big muscular or fat guys. Love it!
I told my parents I have no job, I just party and jerk off on cam. I asked them what I'd do as a man and they said pretty openly they don't care. They told me I'm already a total perv so I'll probably become a porn addict. I was floored to hear them say that, so I said, 'You'd really rather me sit home all day jerking off to porn, becoming a gross, fat slob instead of looking like this?' My parents both said yes, and now that I mentioned getting fat, they're acting like it's part of my detransition. They're teasing me about how they're going to fatten me up into a 'tub of lard'. Well.... great. At least my orgasms should be way better, guess I'll have to get used to just gooning all day and not being a cute party girl getting ass fucked all I want. Oh well, my silly dress-up days couldn't last forever. And it will be a relief to lose these giant udders....."
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magnoliacharmed · 9 months
18+, CM Punk x Randy Orton one shot
[Also available on Archive of Our Own!]
Tags: mutual masturbation, porn video, porn with feelings
Word count: 2909
Randy invites Punk over to his hotel room, then gets more than he bargained for.
Punk shoved his raggedy old duffle bag into Randy's arms and walked into the hotel room like he owned it. It was one thing Randy respected about him; he didn't act confident, he was confident. Sometimes, too much for his own good. But Randy was sure someone had said that about him in the past. 
"Did you really need to bring all this shit with you?"
Randy stared down at the duffle bag while he kicked the door to the room shut. Punk sat down on the couch, sinking into it without a care in the world. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table in front of it and rested his hands on his chest, blinking pretty eyes at Randy's prone figure still standing at the entrance. 
"This is a nice room, a lot nicer than anything they've given me. What do I gotta do to get a suite this nice?"
"Be me."
Punk huffed out his breath dramatically, then rolled his eyes. Randy was such a buzzkill sometimes. 
"Or, fuck me. Then you get to stay for a night. Depending on how I feel after, at least."
"Oh come on, Randy. We both know you'll let me stay."
"Don't be so sure."
Randy threw the bag onto the couch beside Punk and walked back into the room. The sun was setting relatively quickly, no doubt because of fat clouds rolling in. They were tinted a pleasant shade of pink and purple and orange on their bottoms, with a threatening deep gray painting the top of them. As hot as it was outside, rain would soon come pouring down. Randy let himself stare out into the distance for a few seconds, tilting his head at the droplets that were already beginning to appear on the window pane, then shut the curtains. 
Punk watched the whole thing quietly. Sometimes there were those little moments where he so desperately wanted to know what the hell was on Randy's mind. He wasn't sure he had the balls to ask him though, so he never reached out. The prospect of bothering him with an inane question, breaking whatever this little thing they shared together some nights… Well, Punk had come to enjoy it. So it was best to keep his mouth shut.
"You haven't even asked what's in the bag." Punk's voice held a hint of teasing in it.
"Probably something weird."
Yes, the stuff was weird. But he didn't need to say it like that, in that deadpan no-joke unreadable way that made Punk twist up inside.
"Lucky for you, weird is what I'm in the mood for tonight. Open it up."
Randy made his way back over to the couch as Punk unzipped the bag slowly. He wanted to shock Randy, in fact he kind of needed to. The shock was what made it especially fun. There was only so many times Randy could call him a bitch or fuck him in some sort of semi-public space before it started to bore Punk.
"Tsk, tsk," Randy shook his head as he rifled through the bag. A red and white striped cheerleader's skirt, a cock ring, various dildos of different colors and sizes… the only thing that caught the barest semblance of his interest were a few DVDs.
"Not weird enough, Punk. Or maybe, predictably weird."
Punk felt like his chest was going to cave in very suddenly. Not weird enough? What the fuck?
"Uh… predictably weird?"
"Yeah, man. I knew you were into this kinda stuff already." Randy threw a transparent purple dildo into Punk's lap as he hit the bottom of the bag. He picked up the DVD cases and fanned them out in his hands. Two were about what Randy expected-- one held a perfect shot of a woman with her mouth wide open and come covering her lips, the other a barrage of stills of a man being fucked in a few different positions.
"Kinda looks like us." Randy turned the case around to Punk and smiled. Thank God. Punk was starting to think he fucked up.
The last case was strangely not of the dirty variety. It advertised some low budget action movie, the kind where every element on it looked poorly photoshopped on. A ripped white sheet of paper was slotted in the plastic covering that covered the actor's body. Randy popped open the case to find an unmarked disc where the movie should have been. He was stumped.
"And what's this supposed to be?"
The little gap in Punk's front teeth was cute. It gave him an air of innocence he most certainly didn't actually possess. Randy couldn't help but to let his cock stiffen slightly at seeing Punk beam up at him while it showed. 
"A surprise."
Randy paused at how playful Punk had gotten. He knew to be cautious when he started acting like that. It was best to ignore it for the time being. Soon enough, Punk would spill his own secret. Whether that was because he couldn't contain it or because Randy would get it out of him one way or another was to be seen. 
"A surprise? I don't know if I like your surprises."
"You'll like that one. But for now, it waits. Choose one of those other videos."
Randy sat the mystery movie down on the coffee table. He tried to figure out what kind of mood he was in as he looked at the other two videos. Watching Punk squirm while he took his time deciding made it all the more fun.
"Hm, okay. I think I know what I want. Close your eyes."
Punk shut his eyelids and crossed his arms over his chest. Randy turned on the TV and immediately muted it as he pressed a few buttons on the remote to switch the input to the DVD player. The plastic case snapped and popped when Randy removed the disc from it. Very shortly after he let the player take it, the menu queued itself up in all of its bright, naughty glory. Randy let the production logos start, then skipped past all of the scenery set up. Finally, he turned the sound back up just a little. 
Punk was being a lot more patient than he expected. It turned Randy on more than he thought it would, so he hurried to remove his clothes. He lowered himself onto the couch, only inches away from Punk's figure.
Punk wasn't sure what to look at. Randy sat beside him completely naked, eyes on higher alert than usual, stroking himself slowly for Punk's benefit. He felt his cheeks get hot as he looked up towards the video, the woman with her mouth agape on the DVD cover getting ready to take a large cock into her mouth.
"Undress for me. Then, press play and sit back down."
Punk was off of the couch before Randy could finish. He fumbled to get his jeans and t-shirt off, then rushed over to press play. When he returned to sit by Randy, he made sure their bodies were touching.
"You must have seen the case for this one at my house, huh?" Randy's breath hitched as he twisted around himself. The video wasn't new to him by any means, but it was good every time. He'd shot off to it more than a few times, imagining the dark-haired woman as Punk each time. She even had a lip ring just like his. He wondered if he should do a better job hiding his stash as he recalled Batista coming across it once while visiting and making the connection between the woman and Punk very quickly.
"Maybe," Punk didn't take a second glance at the TV. His gaze fell fully on Randy's body, on the way his chest rose and fell while he stroked away. His head was thrown back while he continued on, feeling the way Punk stared a hole through him. Punk grabbed on to his own dick roughly, applying lots of pressure while he watched Randy. It'd been some time since they'd done this together. 
Randy's eyes, as blue as ever, shot open to return a look at Punk. The flush of his cheeks had spread across his cheeks, adding ever so sweetly to that innocent look he loved to put on. Punk felt especially seen, an overwhelming sense of pleasure washing over him. 
"Don't you look pretty," Randy smiled at Punk like he was going to eat him up. It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Punk did look pretty coming undone just thinking about Randy.
"Just for you, Randy." Punk pressed his thumb hard at the base of himself. The woman's moans felt much louder in Punk's ear than they actually were. Randy could barely even hear them with the blood rushing in his ears.
"Just for me, fuck." 
Randy groaned and took a deep breath. He let go of himself, to Punk's immense disappointment. Punk continued to stroke at the sight of Randy's wet cock bobbing in the air. Punk didn't know where he got the discipline from to just stop at a moment's notice. He certainly wasn't going to stop on Randy's accord. It was selfish, but Randy had come to expect it. He'd even started to get a thrill out of how much Punk couldn't contain himself.
"You can keep going, but I want you to come while I fuck you. So you'd better slow it down."
Punk made a tortured noise that was a cross between annoyance and restraint. He pouted and let his hand flop onto the couch.
"I think it's time for that other video now. This time, you go stand over there and close your eyes."
Randy sighed at the request, but obeyed. It only took a couple of minutes for Punk to swap out the DVDs and position himself on the bed. He arched himself up, shaking his hair out to get it nice and big, and turned his head his neck quickly to peek at Randy still standing in the corner. The remote rested right in front of him, ready for the final step.
"Alright, open."
There was a long, expected silence in the room. Punk kept his ass in the air and wished he could see Randy's expression. If he wasn't angry, he could bet he was surprised.
"What… the fuck?"
Randy could not take his eyes off the image of Punk's fucked out face filling the TV screen. He had a wild look in his eyes as he bit at the bottom of his smiling lip and looked right into the lens of the camera. Randy was right behind him, or at least the blurred movement of his legs were.
"I look hot, huh?"
Randy was too pissed to admit that he looked perfect. 
"When did you do this?" Randy's voice was dangerously low. 
"Does it matter?" Punk readjusted his arms. They were starting to cramp up.
"No, I guess it fucking doesn't." 
The weight of the bed dipped when Randy climbed onto it. He grabbed at Punk's neck hard and forced him to look into his face.
"Are you mad at me?" Punk tried to reach up to give Randy a kiss, but couldn't move a muscle.
Randy took a second to answer. He was mad. Not because he'd been filmed without permission, he didn't care about that. He was mad because Punk had done it first, the sneaky bastard. He'd been planning on asking him if he could have a camera going for a while now. Now he had to come up with some new idea to keep Punk interested.
"I bet you wish I was, I know you like it when I'm angry. No, I'm not mad. I think it's sexy."
Punk almost let the wind get taken out of his sails before hearing that Randy said he thought it was sexy. He pushed his body back into Randy eagerly and inched his way to the remote's play button.
The volume had been turned up significantly from the sudden sound of Punk laughing ringing in Randy's ears as the video started. Randy watched himself pull Punk across-- his own bed? He filmed this at his house? He'd know those dark sheets anywhere. Video Randy grabbed at Punk's waist and pulled them chest to chest together, almost out of frame. He leaned into suck at the flesh of Punk's neck hard, making Punk moan as they both fell back fully on the bed. 
It was all coming back to Randy. That session between them had been a particularly good one. Better than usual, and that was saying a lot. Seeing the video now, it all clicked in Randy's head. Punk put on an extra special show just for him. 
Punk felt the slicked up head of Randy's cock press at his hole. While he thought they were both watching the video in a daze, Randy had reached over to the bedside table to rub lube onto himself. 
Punk was on his back now in the video with Randy still incessantly kissing and sucking at his neck. Those bruises took forever to heal, he remembered. He sported them proudly around the locker room and let the other guys take a guess at which Diva had given them to him. With every new name that came out of their mouths, Punk laughed. Video Punk looked up into the camera when Randy entered him. 
Punk of real life's mouth fell open when Randy took the opportunity to slot himself inside of him. He pushed back onto his dick and fucked back while watched the video play. It was unfortunate that the hidden positioning of the camcorder had muffled its microphone. Punk caught a few snippets of whatever Randy had been whispering to him that night and felt his cock twitch below him. He always knew the perfect thing to say. Randy continued to grasp at Punk's hips while he watched the video. What had made him so passionate that night, he couldn't remember. He was at Punk's neck like a vampire, moving from side to side then reaching up to say something obscene in his ear.
Punk moaned a beat off of his moans from the video, filling the room with a loud cacophony of his own voice. He was never not selling it. The smooth, tanned, tattooed skin of Video Randy's back had a bit of a sheen covering it from sweating. Video Punk licked the sweat that dripped down onto his neck as he looked back into the camera, then quickly pulled Randy in for a messy kiss when he began to look up in the direction of the lens.
"Very sneaky of you," Randy growled above him. He was sort of embarrassed at how ready he was to come this soon. 
Punk was jumping out of his skin from Randy's pace. His cock swung around heavily below him, begging to be touched. He wanted to save it for right at the end, right at the perfect moment. Randy's legs shook as he continued to fuck Punk hard and the video played on. Not only did Punk look good, but he himself looked good. He always looked good, but seeing himself on video in the middle of sex really did something else for him. At least he knew if wrestling didn't work out, he could always be a pornstar.  
Punk angled up to reach at his cock at the impending finale. He just knew it would catch Randy off guard. He of course knew it was coming up. He'd watched the video about a million times before finally debuting it to Randy. 
Video Randy slowed down and grinded slowly into Punk, a lewd movement that made Video Punk's eyes shut. They were both about to come. 
"God, you look so good, baby." 
Randy delicately smoothed Punk's sweaty hair out of his face. In a moment that Punk was sure had to be a slice of heaven, Randy's lessened pace and loving expression sent him careening out to space. He returned the look back to him, his eyes saucer plate huge and adoringly staring at Randy. Together they both groaned in ecstasy, their orgasms wracking their bodies at the same time.
Punk's moan was guttural as he latched onto his dick and stroked. His come shot out on the comforter with rushed spurts that made his legs wobble. Randy followed suit shortly after, breathing heavily. It took him a long time to actually pull out of Punk. He waited for his blurred, wet vision to clear up while he watched the last minutes of the video. He had collapsed on top of Punk, whispering little inside jokes as they both tried not to pass out. Finally, Randy of real life pulled out and fell back on to the bed, his arms spread out while he stared up at the ceiling. Punk climbed off of the bed and headed to the bathroom to clean himself up. Randy hadn't moved an inch when he returned to lie down next to him.
"So, you gonna kick me out?"
Punk framed the question as a joke. Deep down he wasn't sure if Randy was going to send him packing, especially after his little videotape stunt.
"No, Punk. I want you to stay."
Punk didn't press his luck as he moved in closer to Randy's body and the video quietly stopped playing.
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coffeerant · 3 months
I barely use this secondary blog. I thought I would come on here and write something personal though, because it's been on my mind for a while.
I considered sending an ask to prominent fatphobia/fat positivity blogs to talk about this and draw attention to it, but I am kind of too shy to do that so I'm just going to make my own post.
I would really like to see more discussions about how fatphobia affects people with somatic symptom disorder/health anxiety, people who have panic attacks and anxiety from forms of thantophobia.
I developed cardiophobia a while ago, a fear of cardiac arrests/heart attacks/anything related to serious cardiac events. It has taken on a form of OCD with how I obsess over my pulse rate, and it affects my everyday life, makes me avoid important things. It is a horrible experience, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
You know what doesn't help?
The vicious, malicious fear-mongering of an early death due to a heart attack if you are fat. The chanting of how your arteries are going to be stuffed with cholesterol because you don't diet and because you are oooh so daring enough to not constantly monitor what you eat. How dare you?
This is going to already negatively affect people who don't suffer from a form of Health anxiety! So, the people do who? It is an all encompassing fear that triggers painful panic attacks for me. It doesn't matter if, rationally I know that body's are more complicated than diet industry and fear mongering fatphobia would have you believe because- I suffer from the -irrational- fears. The lies I've been told my whole life still affect me.
These people don't care though. They don't care if it causes you mental and physical harm. They don't care if you are disabled (either or both physically and mentally. Health anxiety can be very disabling and disruptive.) They will say on their dying breath that they just care about health and not appearance, but that's not true or they wouldn't be doing this. They just want to see you skinny, no matter how much pain or negative effects that has.
And you know what? I want to see more fat representation of older people, here and everywhere.
I want to see people in their 40s, 50s 60s and so on who are fat and don't care. I want the notion that fat people die an early death from just being fat to be shoved away, because it's not true.
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