#I'm always down for talking about my projects
ihopeiexplode ยท 3 days
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๐Ÿ“ฑ โ€œDesperate lover boyโ€ [โ†Previous]
it's been a week. and your back to acting dryly with him and constantly avoiding him,
every time he tries approaching you you're always running away from him, seriously why are you even ignoring him? he didn't do anything wrong this time, right?
the deadline for your project is fast approaching and yet you still refuse to go see him despite that, you still wrote, and so did he
Eventually, the deadline came along, meaning you get to submit all your daily documentaries and after that, both of you would read what you two had to say about each other for the past month
You'd walk into your professor's office taking a seat right next to Sukuna while you avoided eye contact, he did the same with him clenching the armrest
"ahem, I finished reading both of your works and I must be quite surprised about what you two have written down"
"Especially with how you two are acting when your papers say the complete opposite, but either way you both passed, you can read each other's papers now"
With that you both looked at each other before grabbing the folders with both of your names, you grabbed the folder under Sukunas name while he grabbed the folder under your name
If anything you were curious on what he wrote, after all what does your professors even mean by 'when your papers say the complete opposite'?
as you read through Sukunas paper, each paper you read through your eyes widen in disbelief there's no way he really feels this way right?
However once you read through the last one your jaw immediately dropped...
โ€œDay 30โ€
y/n's still ignoring me. I hate it not to mention every time she's finally alone I just have to get approached I don't want her getting the wrong idea but with how girls keep throwing themselves at me for the past week? I doubt it.
fuck this. After this whole project bullshit if she won't talk to me I'll make her, one way or another
Maybe I'll evenโ€”
Right when you were about to read the last line suddenly sukuna snatched the paper out of your hand as he stormed out of the office
"right when you were about to get to the good part too,"
Your professor would suddenly say as he let out a chuckle causing you to turn your head back to look at him in confusion
"the last part said he's planning on asking you out today but is scared you'll reject him, but after he finished reading your paper I'm pretty sure he has nothing to worry about"
"I'm just surprised how oblivious you two are... Anywho, you should go talk things out with your soon-to-be boyfriend Hm?"
That's what you did, afterall you wanted to confront him about it all, you practically asked everyone he knew! Yet none of them seen him,
Well, there's one person you haven't asked yet...
You grabbed your phone and dialed yujis number waiting for him to pick up
"yuji have you seen Sukuna...? I asked everyone..."
"hiii y/n!! Anyways, that kinda depends, whats the situation?"
"the project wereโ€”"
"the park, the one with the lake"
"are you sure?..."
"duhhh, that's where he always goes to when he can't get you out of his head, last time I asked he said: 'Because y/n and I would always hang out here back when we were friends....' I'm surprised he even told me that"
"I see, thx Yuji,"
Eventually, once you reached it you found Sukuna sitting down on a Bench while reading through your paper, even from afar you could see how red his face was as he read through word by word,
You'd slowly approach him tapping on his shoulder, If you were anyone else he would've pushed you into the lake, but it's you so...
"were you really serious about asking me out?"
"well? Aren't you gonna do it now?"
"wait what....?"
"don't tell me you think im still gonna reject you after reading my paper..."
"I mean.... Well... I planned on doing it somewhere else.."
"I see, so just a kiss then? I don't think I did it right at the first time"
He'd just stare at you dumbfounded, he knew you were forward with your words but not that much...
"so? Yes or no?"
Without any hesitation, he immediately cupped your face before pulling you forward and crushing his lips into yours, this time you returned the kiss, unlike last time...
After that he'd pull away with his face still red,
"taking that as a yes then?"
"So.. what are we?"
"what do you think??"
"fuck you."
"love you too"
"you're annoying...love you too..."
[โ›ฉ๏ธ] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: woohoo the end guys wowoeowowow what do ygs think!!!
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0ssunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb @cadibearrr @sukunaspillow @dervngedgf @rayrayline
126 notes ยท View notes
rimmir9 ยท 2 days
Can I have a taste?
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Synopsis: Unexpected romance develops between co-workers, going on dates, drinking some coffee and alcohol.
Genre: co-workers, slow development, fluff, smut
Warnings: 18+, social anxiety, one shot
Wordcount: 9.9k
second warning: might not make perfect sense, not really proofread, I've just started writing recently... soooo thank you for reading, and if you have suggestions, I am here.
You know that moment when life seems to make so much sense, like everything is perfectly aligned, but actually if you look further and deeper you wonder how the pieces came together?
Well, working on international projects was something indeed interesting. From your coworkers perspective, the best part was meeting new people and making new friends. You being introverted, that seem like the worst part of it. Most of the people you met were nice or at least interesting, and finding differences and similarities between cultures was also entertaining.
It wasn't the best always working at your company, but it had it's perks. Like in this moment, being at a full table with laughing people, good food and great atmosphere after the end of a successful project. Everyone was making cute promises of new meetings and new ideas to put into practice. The overall effervescence of some wine and excitement was intoxicating.
You were sitting next to the only other girl from the big team and one of your coworker, being guarded and trying to interact as least as possible. It wasn't that you didn't like them, but it was a giving you a lot of anxiety being in a group, trying to throw in some ideas in the discussion. Being around some many passionate people about their field was a bit overwhelming. You were quite good at what you were doing, and you enjoyed it but it seemed like never enough to get on into this talks. Following all the ideas of all the people at the table was getting exhausting.
At the right moment you get a message from your boss asking you for some documents as urgent as possible. You're getting so caught up into finding what he asks that you don't even hear that someone asked you a question. But you heard silence, some laughter and raised your head from the phone to look around. Of course half of the people are looking at you, your coworker Hoseok comes at your rescue, making a small joke about the fault in being a workaholic and repeating the question for you.
"How it is to work in a project just with men?" You're looking to your left for the other girl and she is nowhere to be seen.
"Where is Sara?" you ask.
"I think she went for a smoke" another guy at the table answers.
"Hmm. Fine, I guess. We delivered what we had to deliver, so great." you answer and want to go back to your business. The idea for a distraction for them appears "You could ask my coworkers how was for them, because they mostly work in teams mostly formed by women, being more old in the company, I'm sure they have better insights on that. Guys?! you inquire and as soon as the conversation gets lively again you get to your phone, sipping on the water with lemon you had on the table.
As it gets noisier you get up to find a place a bit less agitated for you to focus. You know this place quite well so you identify quickly your spot, next to a staircase with a comfy chair and take a sit. But it doesn't take long until you get interrupted again. This time by one of the members from another country.
"Hei! What you doing down there?"
"I just need to solve some things urgently and I can't find this thing." you answer as politely as possible, because this was Yoongi. He was one of the first people you worked with outside your company. He was really nice, always helpful and seemed like a good person. And you wanted to be nice to him.
"How are you?" you ask seeing him still there, not quite ready to leave.
"Good. I really like this city, and the food is great."
"Yeah, it has his qualities." you didn't like your city, but you tried your best not to show that.
As you started getting more pings from your boss, you feel the need to hurry and ask Yoongi if he needs anything.
"I was looking for the toilet actually."
"Aah. I see. Well, it's right ahead, then you do a left next to the bar and then right and then you'll see the doors." you answer looking at Yoongi, seeing him now better, red in the cheeks, glassy eyes and leaning against the wall. He was a bit too drunk, and you chuckle to yourself at this tall, dizzy guy, looking for the bathroom.
You get up and start walking towards the restrooms. "Come after me." you say with your eyes still glued to your phone. He follows and enters the room after saying a shy thank you. With your eyes still looking for the files, you walk slowly towards your comfy hidden chair. But after a few minutes, Yoongi's back and seems a bit more fresh, with some droplets hanging at the ends of his hair, probably splashed some water on his face.
"Thank you, you're really good at giving direction. You could be a great guide." says he and then slowly goes back to the other people.
You wonder what is it with these people and their weird statements, but get over this thought quickly as you found the files you were looking for. You send them and dread the moment because now you have to get back to the table with the others.
As you get closer, you notice Yoongi took the seat next to your now empty one and you think to yourself that this should definitely get into some conversation, you have no escape at this point. Somehow, you don't despise the thought. You appreciated him, even though you have never seen each other until this week. You always talked through the phone, e-mails or online calls. Now you could also appreciate how handsome he looked, but you needed to stay as professional as you could and as you should.
You take your sit, trying to get into some small talk with the girl next to you, starting with complimenting her hair. You don't really know Sara, and try to ask some question to keep the conversation going. How did she start working with her team, what did she study, how the week felt like for her. The conversation runs smooth and you praise yourself for that.
After some time you feel a poke on your shoulder, and turn around not realising until now that you've almost turned with your back towards the people on your right. And you see Yoongi asking for the bottle of sparkling wine next to you.
"You're sure you want this? Maybe this?" pushing some water towards him.
He takes the water, pours some in his glass and some in your glass. Then asking again for the wine. You comply giving him the wine, and he firstly pours in your wine glass that still had some on the bottom, then going for his glass, followed by Hoseok glass. He asks the girl next to you if she wants some and pours the rest of the bottle into her glass.
At this point you expect some kind of toast, it seems like he has something on his mind to say. He raises his glass, demanding the others to follow in his movement and says: "This city is amazing, I like it so much and I am impressed by all the good work you people have put in." then he looks at you briefly "I want to see more of it. Towards more interesting projects and new friends. Cheers!" finishing the short toast with the clinks of the glasses.
You don't know why, but you felt some goosebumps when Yoongi looked at you. But this means nothing, he will go back to his country, his life and you should get your mind out of the scenarios that start forming in your head.
As time passes, you start getting more immersed in the conversation you had with the people at the table, especially with Yoongi, realising you have so many interests in common. You feel more comfortable now and the wine definitely made it a bit easier to get through the night. Hoseok turns his head towards you asking if you're going to stay any longer, because he wants to get home. You shake your head, looking at the time and seeing it was past 11 pm. You turn your head to Yoongi with inquiring eyes. He looks at you a bit lost, but answers after sighing, that he is ready to leave.
The three of you got up, said your see you tomorrows and goodbyes, and headed towards the exit. You feel the dizziness from the alcohol getting stronger, but the cold autumn air makes it a bit easier.
"I think I'll walk for a bit before calling for a taxi."
Hoseok already called his taxi and tries to convince you to call quickly for one because it's late, you have work tomorrow and so on. He is a good friend, but sometimes he is too much of a control freak. So you say "I'll just walk Yoongi to his hotel and then get it from there." knowing it will be a ten minute walk, enough for you the feel better. Hoseok seems pleased with your solution, and Yoongi is looking stoic without saying anything.
"Only if that's alright with you, Yoongi!"
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Of course it is!" says him as fast as possible.
Both of you walk in silence. You enjoy the cold breeze of the night and the rustling of leaves from the nearby trees and it feels quite peaceful. You hear a chuckle and look up towards Yoongi.
"What's funny?"
"How are you walking so fast? I was told I walk fast, but I feel I am putting some effort to keep up with you." Yoongi answers with another chuckle at the end.
"Ah, sorry! I think it's the wine for my speed and probably for you being a little more slow than the usual."
"Haha, maybe." followed by a long hmmm from him. You wonder what that sound was supposed to mean. "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"That hmmmm?!"
"Aaaah. I think I make this sound involuntarily when I'm thinking."
"Hmmm, I see. Hmmmmmm." You slightly mock the sound he made.
"Want to know what I am thinking about?"
You feel a trap, but you answer with "sure" anyways.
"I'm thinkingโ€ฆ" he takes a moment before continuing "we definitely need to drink more water."
You agree, and as you see the hotel getting closer you get your phone and type in your address, ready to call for an uber. As you reach the hotel, you panic a little bit as no uber accepts your order. Yoongi stops next to you and asks if everything is alright.
"Yeah, but I think it takes a bit longer to get an uber at this hour."
"Hmm. I'll wait with you then."
"Don't worry, Yoongi. We have a long day tomorrow, I'll be fine. I'm sure someone will accept eventually."
"Don't say nonsense, I can't leave you by yourself. I would actually suggest to get into to lobby, drink something until your ride arrives."
You don't argue with that and feel a bit softer on the inside hearing that from him. You wonder why did you expect him to be less friendly. So you get inside, ask for some water at the still open bar and sit with Yoongi, talking about some of the countries he visited, and checking from time to time your phone.
15 minutes later a driver finally accepts your order, he is 3 minutes away. You let Yoongi know, and stand up, grabbing your bag. He follows you towards the exit and as you sit next to each other, he puts a hand on your shoulder, leaving it there for a bit too long, but you think about all the alcohol that was in his organism and try to not pay it attention. But the next thing surprises you, as the car stops in front of you, Yoongi closes the distance between you two with a small kiss on your cheek. "See you tomorrow! Yeah?"
"Mhm. See you tomorrow!" and you rush to the car. Was that something? It couldn't be. Your heart beats fast as you make comfortable in your sit. Maybe that's how he is with other people, friendly, french people always kiss each other on both cheeks when meeting. You try your best for the next 20 minutes to bring some sense to yourself and stop building expectations. As you get into your apartment, you check your phone one more time, and you have 3 new messages. One from Hoseok, one from your sister and one from Yoongi. All of them asking the same thing: "Have you arrived home?" you quickly send a Yes to all of them, and place your phone down trying to stop thinking about Yoongi.
"Shower and water, now." you say to yourself focusing on the moment.
The next morning brings a new sense of relief as it would have been the last day of work activities. Most important it will be just half of day, the rest being for the other people to visit your city on their own before leaving.
You get ready, read some e-mails on your way towards your first stop of the day, the coffee shop. This day required your favourite beverage, Iced Americano, before meeting with the others. After sipping the cold drink, you feel more ready to tackle this day, more prepared to block any Yoongi related thoughts.
At the office, everyone seemed to have the same need for coffee as you, as you found almost all of them around the coffee machine. Good thinking in getting your drink from another place. You greet everyone and try to wiggle your way to your place in the meeting room through the crowd. Not even placing your stuff on the table, you hear Hoseok asking you:
"It's october, I can't believe you bought an Iced Americano again. How could you drink that even now?"
"Hoseok, I already told you. This Iced Americano is the only coffee that I enjoy, so leave me alone and drink your bitter double espresso." You say in a jokingly manner, not realising Yoongi was behind you.
"Where did you get that?" he asks.
Startled, you give your answer, telling him about the coffee shop 10 minutes away from there. He looks at his watch and groans as you were supposed to start in just a few minutes the meeting. Yoongi takes the sit next to you and turns to face you: "Could you give me just one sip, I really don't like this coffee." whispers he pointing to the small cup in front of him.
You take your place and confused at his request you push your cold cup towards him. As he takes it from your hand, his fingers brush slightly over yours which brings some goosebumps up your arms. As fast as possible you start pulling out your stuff from your bag, looking down on your notebooks, sure that your cheeks were more rosy than the usual.
Yoongi groans a little after tasting the coffee "This is so good! You need to show me this place, Y/N?"
"I know, they have the best coffee. I'll give you the address later if you want to get one in our break."
He answers just with a mumble that you don't understand, getting another sip before giving your drink back.
For the next two hours of the workshop, Yoongi keeps on brushing in unintentional ways his arm against yours. You try to move yourself to give him more space to move when he explains his ideas, but somehow, each time he requires more space. By the end of the meeting you realise that you closed the distance between your chair and the empty one on your left. You sigh and think that these touchy people will drive you nuts one day. You don't enjoy being touched, you could even say you despised it. Not really, you like hugs from your favourite people and even cuddling. But with people close to you, not everyone. And this thing with Yoongi, it just fuels something that shouldn't be fueled.
The coffee break starts, you grab what is left of your iced drink and go to grab a mini croissant looking at the other people talking, forming small groups. You see Hoseok, Yoongi and other two people talking, and notice how Yoongi kind of retreats each time one of the other guys tries to touch him on his arm. You chuckle to yourself and wonder if he realises that he did the same to you. Your thoughts are interrupted by Hoseok who makes a gesture to join them. As you reach them he grabs your hand, telling the others how you don't like being touched by people, only if you know them for some time.
Once again you wonder what is with all these strange conversations these people have. You care a lot about Hoseok, but sometimes you want to punch him because making people aware of your quirks it's not on his employee responsibilities. But you knew him for such a long time, him actually being the one who recommended you for an interview at your actual company, soโ€ฆ you had enough time to get used to him.
"I am the same." answers Yoongi and it surprises you and start thinking if you should deconspire him or not. You decide not, but comment "Well, some people are more used to this and others are not. I think it's related a bit if you are in a relationship or not. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, it's probably more comfortable to be so touchy." You look at Hoseok, him being the first example for your statement. He nods and continues the talk, giving it a new twist. You've been always impressed with his way of making the conversation go into the whatever direction he wanted.
In your mind though, the thing Yoongi said about not liking being touched took a sit. The internal debate starting. He was so touchy, but he doesn't like being touched. Probably just lied, you think to yourself.
The rest of the programme passes smoothly, and at the end of it Hoseok asks how long everyone is going to be in the city. Most of them answer that they'll be leaving in a few hours or tonight.
"What about you, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks seeing he was the only one not answering.
"Actually, I'll be staying for a few more days to visit. If you have recommendation or want to plan anything, let me know."
"Oh, cool. For sure we'll plan something, I promised to show you to that Korean bbq place."
You follow the exchange in silence, until you hear your name called by Hoseok once again. "Y/N, let's organise with our team to see who would want to get together these days."
Nodding, you sigh at another event you need to be in charge of. It might be something informal, but you're so tired of so much socialisation. You just want a cozy night, some music and silence.
Maybe Yoongi felt your resentment that he announces that it could be the smaller team, no need in putting any effort into it. You look at him, smiling, grateful for his suggestion.
After all the other details have been discussed and all being done, almost all the guests left. You gather your notebook and laptop, getting ready to leave to your desk. By the door there is a small group of people still talking, as you pass by them you feel your elbow softly grabbed by someone, expecting to be Hoseok, you put your bored face: "What is it?"
Before you get to turn to look at him, you realise by the sound that is Yoongi, but the feeling stays the same.
"I was wondering if you could show me that coffee shop, maybe eat something there if they have any food?" asks him. You were hungry and the rumble in your stomach definitely approves his idea at the thought of those tasty sandwiches.
Your other coworkers get behind him: "What a great idea, Yoongi! We need to get some food, we're so hungry."
You follow the group who comes with new ideas for where to get lunch, finally deciding on another place.
"Hmmmm. Still, I think I want to get to that coffee shop. What about you Y/N?" "Yeah. I was kind of set on a sandwich from there and another coffee is more than welcome." you answer.
"Alright, then we'll meet back at the office. Yoongi, you're free to come also, if you don't have any other plans yet." says one in the group.
"Thanks, I'll think about it."
Now, with just the two of you, the conversation flows smoothly, with Yoongi asking about what he should visit next, where should he eat and what other activities you recommend until you reach the coffee shop.
He orders first "Two iced americano and two sandwiches!"
"Hei, I can order on my own." you pout.
"Well, I drank at least half of your morning coffee, so at least let me get that for you."
You try to convince him that isn't necessary, but he does not listen. Eventually, you give up, getting your food and drink and placing them on the small table next to the window. Yoongi follows you, sitting next to you.
"Why don't you sit in front of me? It's more spaceโ€ฆ" you ask, at which he just shrugs not bothering to answer and taking a bite.
"You were right Y/N, this place has great sandwiches and the best iced americano I've drank in this city.
You wonder "Have you been here before, in our city, I mean?" โ€จ"Yeah, a few times."
"Then why ask for places to visit. There not that much to see here."
"Hmmm." again that hmm, which you need to recognise, you were getting quite addicted to it.
"I wanted to hear about the places you like, soโ€ฆ yeah." follows Yoongi looking into your eyes. Your heart skips a beat and your cheeks are definitely red. Not knowing what to answer, you mumble a yeah and sip from your coffee.
Almost done with your meal you ask: "So Yoongi, you're coming to the office after we finish here?"
"You want me to come?" you almost choke at his come at his question, wondering if you're insane or if he is indeed in a flirty mood. You feel the need to step back a bit and tell him that is his choice, not yours.
"Alright, but I'll see you this evening. We are meeting at that restaurant Hoseok was telling us about. Yeah?"
"I'll think about it, I still need to catch up with some work."
"Hmmm. Y/Nโ€ฆ. " mumbles he disapproving.
"Alright, alright. Let's get going now and I'll think about it."
He pulls a large smile, and slightly nudges you with his shoulder. "Good."
The day passes fast, still wondering if you should meet with the other for dinner. Noticing your excitement to meet Yoongi, you wonder if that's a good thing or not. He is just a friendly person, and the attention he's giving you makes you overthink this situation. But by the end of the work day, Hoseok and the others just assume you're coming, taking you with them and it's too late to back off now.
Arriving at the restaurant, Yoongi was already waiting for all of you sited at a table of six. Why does he look even more handsome and at the same time cute in this dimmed light. You place yourself strategically on the diagonal side of him so you could focus more on your discussion started with your friends from the office. This dinner not being a project meeting, your favourite coworkers could join. You are feeling more comfortable in this environment, with people you knew for a long time, so you laugh, and you drink, bottling up the small crush that was unfolding in the afternoon. But from time to time you throw a glance at Yoongi, and all you could think is how adorable he looks laughing and enjoying himself.
Around 9 pm you decide it's time to wrap up and go home, this was wholesome and fun, but tomorrow is Friday, another work day. You announce the others and grab your bag to leave, taking a last look at Yoongi, knowing you might not see him in person for a while.
"I'm really glad you came after all, Y/N!" said Yoongi as he gets up to give you a hug.
"Me too, Yoongi! Enjoy your stay here and have a safe trip." he squeezes you once more before letting you leave.
Why do even his hugs feel great, you think to yourself while getting into the uber.
Your phone pings noticing you got a message, it's Hoseok. The text is stupid, just a line of question marks and you think he might had a drink or two too much and ignore him for now. But five pings later you check the chat again to see what does he want.
Hoseokeeee: ????????? It's something going on? You and Yoongi? What is going on? Y/N? ????????
You: ???????????? What are you even saying????
Hoseokeeee: The hug????
You: What about it? He was just saying goodbye?!
Hoseokeeee: Y/N????? I know him for more than 3 years. He never hugs anyone, he barely shakes hands with us
You: ????? whaaaat??? Maybe he just felt friendly tonight, will probably hug you too
Hoseokeeee: We left! NOOO HUUUG he did gave us a handshake, but yet I am really suspicious! (detective emoji)
You: Ok. Maybe if you didn't leave all at the same time, he would have hugged you
Hoseokeeee: I don't want him to hug me
You: Yeah, sure (heart emoji) But honestly, don't overthink it. Nothing it's going on
Now you are the one who overthinks it. Is something really going on?
Barely getting any sleep, the morning arrives and you're tired and groggy and in desperate need of coffee. A large Iced Americano for you today.
At the office you are glad everyone seems to be on occupied with their own business, not even Hoseok tries to open the last night discussion, not even at lunch. At least there's that, and you think to yourself that everything is fine and nothing is going on actually. But the universe has a funny way of blowing up your life conclusion, as a message from Yoongi appears on your screen.
Min Yoongi: Hi! Tonight there's a opening of this gallery, and has some paintings by O'Keeffe exposed. Would you like to go?
First you wonder how did he recall about O'Keeffe, you don't even remember mentioning this artists name ever. Second you panic and your mind runs at full speed. Thirdly you wonder if he invited other people and you glance at Hoseok's desks.
You breath in, get up and go to your friend, your always and forever adviser in this matters. You don't say anything, but show him the message. He looks confused at you, then checks his phone, refreshing the chat app.
He gets up and you take his place. "Hoseok, what is going on?!"
"You tell me Y/N?!"
"Does it seem I know. You two are friends, I am just the new confused girl. Did he ever told you anything? Please, think carefully."
"Well, it was this timeโ€ฆ but no, I don't think it's related. Or that timeโ€ฆ" he keeps mumbling things like that until it annoys you.
"Hoseok!!!!" It gets him out of the memory digging. "I don't even know what to answer."
"If you ask me, it's just a gallery visit. It's not anything to worry about, maybe he just thought you would be the only interested and that's why you're the only one that he asked."
"Okay, that makes me feel a little bit better." you answer going back to your desk. "I'll think about it then."
Hoseok leans back in his chair, studying you carefully. "You like him, don't you?"
You blink, caught off guard by his directness. "Iโ€ฆ I don't know. I mean, he's nice and we get along, butโ€ฆ"
"But?" Hoseok presses gently.
"But he's from another country, and it's complicated," you finish, feeling a bit flustered.
Hoseok chuckles. "Complicated is your middle name, Y/N. Look, if you want my advice, just go. Enjoy the evening. If nothing else, you get to see some great art. And if something more happens, well, you can deal with it then."
You nod, feeling a bit more settled. "Okay, I'll go."
"You do that, Y/N." said Hoseok with a grin, but try to not pry into that. Hoseok was always a step ahead of you, having the overview of every situation. So if he thinks it's not a big deal, then probably isn't.
You: Hi! Sure, sounds nice. Meet you there at 8?
Min Yoongi: Awesome!
Your focus for the day was gone, your mind going at full speed about your outfit, hair and make up, how to get to the gallery and counting the minutes until the end of the work day. You felt excited, the only thing that kept you relatively grounded were Hoseok's words: "Don't overthink it." You opt for a black simple yet elegant outfit, something that strikes the right balance between professional and casual.
Arriving at the gallery, you spot Yoongi waiting near the entrance, looking effortlessly stylish. As you approach, he greets you with a warm smile.
"Hi, Y/N. You look great."
"Thanks, Yoongi. You too," you reply, feeling a slight blush rise to your cheeks.
The gallery is buzzing with people, all eager to see the new exhibit. Yoongi leads you through the crowd, guiding you to the section featuring Marino's paintings.
As you stand side by side, admiring the artwork, you find yourself relaxing and enjoying the moment. Yoongi's presence is comforting, and the conversation flows easily as you discuss the various pieces and their interpretations.
"Thank you for inviting me," you say after a while. "I really enjoyed this and the wine is good."
Yoongi turns to you, his eyes softening. "I'm glad you came. I knew you'd like it."
Baffled by his assured statement you ask: "How could you know?"
He doesn't answer, but comes closer to you, slowly placing his hand on your waist to turn you around to face a blue and green painting. You get a bit closer to read the name, with Yoongi's hand still on your waist.
"It's called Blue and green music, it reminded me of you."
You scrunch your nose, you like the painting, you like everything done by O'Keefe, but this is dark, complicated and being called that felt a bit weird. "How so?"
"Well, it shows passion, strength, vibrant vulnerability, all in harmony. I feel that's you." said Yoongi, looking ahead at the painting.
Feeling the warmth of Yoongi's hand on your waist, you take a deep breath, absorbing his words. The painting indeed captures a depth that resonates with you. "Passion and strength", you murmur, with your gaze fixated on the painting. "I never thought of myself that way."
Yoongi's eyes finally meet yours, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Well, you are. Y/N. More than you know."
"Thank you" you whisper, your voice barely audible above the hum of the gallery crowd. "That means a lot."
His smile widens, eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's just the truth." He takes a step back, his hand slipping from your waist but leaving behind a trail of warmth. "Come on, there's more I want to show you."
As you walk side by side, the conversation flows naturally, each painting sparking new topics and reflections. His knowledge of art and every other subject that comes up, fascinates you. You even forgot about your thoughts about this not being a date, you really hope it is now.
Yoongi leads you to a quieter corner a small table is set up with some desserts and more wine. Grabs two glasses, giving one to you with a soft smile on his face. "Have you ever been on this building rooftop?"
"Yeah, a long time ago. Have you?" and he shakes his head. He takes your hand, leading you through the crowd and corridors until you reach a staircase that leads up to the roof.
The night air is cool and refreshing as you step out onto the rooftop. The city sprawls out before you, lights looking mesmerizing. You walk to the edge, letting this moment bring a sense of peace to you.
"It's beautiful." he says softly, his hand brushing against yours.
"It is, and the company makes it even better." you turn to look at him and notice a tenderness in his eyes that makes your heart beat fast.
He places a hand on your shoulder, bringing you closer to him. You raise a bit on your heels, but you stumble as someone yells in the distance that you're not allowed on the rooftop. You laugh and place a hand on Yoongi's chest. "You heard him, we need to leave."
As you step back into the gallery, both of you laugh about the interruption. The energy from earlier dissipated. You and Yoongi share a comfortable silence as you make your way through the nearly empty space. "Looks like we're some of the last ones here."
"Hmmm. It's been so nice. Thank you for joining me." mentions Yoongi as both of you step out of the building.
"Thank you for inviting me. I had a great time." You smile, feeling warmth engulfing you once again this night.
Yoongi hesitates for a moment "I don't want this night to end, but it's late and I don't want to ruin your sleep more as it's already 2 pm. But can I see you tomorrow too?"
Your heart skips a beat at his words and a big smile crosses your face. "I'd like that."
He waits with you until your ride home arrives. When he sees the car pulling in front of you, he leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek. He closes the door of the car behind you, waving as he watches it departing. You watch him until he's out of sight, your heart still racing.
The next morning you wake up with a sense of anticipation and excitement. It doesn't take long as a sense of reality crashes over you, realising what are you actually doing. He is someone you work with, he leaves in a few days. The best you could figure it out is seeing each other a few times a year. Everything feels kind of hopeless. As you go on with your morning, this feeling doesn't disappear whatever spin you try on the matter. You even try to think about what would Hoseok would say. Probably "Don't complicate it and don't overthink it." It was a bit too late for that.
Last night was so amazing, it felt so good, you felt so connected to him, so interesting and appreciated. But now, the practicalities loom large, casting a shadow over the happiness.
Your phones pings and the screen lights up. Min Yoongi: Good morning. Want to grab lunch together later?
You: Yeah
Min Yoongi: Awesome!
You: There's a nice place in the city center. I'm sending you the address.
Min Yoongi: Great! See you there.
You don't text back, still with some remnants of anxiety. You decide to let it happen, not think about the future and to enjoy as much as you can this moment the universe placed in front of you.
Another ping on the phone follows.
Min Yoongi: Can't wait to see you again. (star emoji)
Why is he so cute, you sigh and smile, sending back the same text.
You hide your doubts, and cover them with a cute outfit in light colours. "You can do this, Y/N, you can do it!" you say encouraging yourself before leaving for the restaurant.
Yoongi was already there, waiting inside. His smile brightens as he sees you, welcoming you with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey" you reply, feeling again that flutter in your chest, now more sure than ever that you are able to enjoy this.
The restaurant is charming, with a warm and inviting atmosphere. As you look over the menu together, Yoongi leans in and says: "You look amazing. Last night a black cat and now a white cat."
You laugh at his statement, you always thought he resembled a cat with his sharp eyes. "You look great too. And I think you're actually the cat here."
He chuckles at your response.
As you order your food, the conversation flows easily. You talk about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other's company. Yoongi shares stories from his travels, and you tell him about your latest project at work. The doubts you had earlier seem to fade away, replaced by the warmth of the moment.
After lunch you suggest, "How about we go for walk in the park, I think there is some immersive art installation in the nearby one." He agrees, seeming excited about the idea. The walk through the park is pleasant and as you reach the art installation you both start to fool around, feeling like children.
The first one you try is this huge piano that you can walk on. You jump first on it trying to play Twinkle Twinkle Little star, being the only song you know the key notes too. Yoongi follows you trying to help you with your song, but ends up crashing into you. You try to gain your balance, but he has other plans wrapping his arms around you before he falls.
"Yoongi, what are you doing?"
"What were you trying to play?"
"Twinkle Twinkle"
"That was definitely not it" he laughs brushing your hair of your face as you try to get up. You extend an arm to help him up too, he grabs it and doesn't let go, having you follow him in his steps trying to play the correct version of the song.
"Is this what were you trying to play, Y/N?" you nod, following his steps carefully.
"Now I know how to properly play this" you laugh as Yoongi pulls you into a side hug, leading you to check the other installations.
You find an installation that is called Dark Matter, and described as dark room, with meticulously composed soundtracks, fusing with gleaming shapes and colours. "This might take a while, but would you like to try it?" you ask Yoongi.
Both of you find seats in the dimly lit first room. It's pitch dark, and you can't see anyone else, but the rustling of clothes and whispers around you assure you that you're not alone. The anticipation builds as the music starts, and the play of lights begins to dance around the room. You're immediately drawn into the immersive experience, completely forgetting everything else around you.
Amidst the sensory overload of sound and light, you suddenly feel a gentle movement on your pinky finger. It's Yoongi's finger, lightly playing with yours in a tender gesture. He then wraps his finger around yours, intertwining them gently. Your heart starts beating fast at the small gesture and you stay like this until the end of the show.
Stepping outside the building you notice that the night was closing in, typical for mid autumn when the sun sets earlier. You take a look at Yoongi and hear his thinking sound "Hmmmm. I think I know how to solve our problem from yesterday."
"What problem?"
"The rooftop problem. There's a bar nearby on a rooftop, great atmosphere. Want to go there?"
"Sure, lead the way. You're quite the local. You know that?"
Yoongi laughs. "Not really, but I know some good places around." He gently takes your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, making you blush at his newfound assertiveness over the past few hours. As you walk through the busy streets, Yoongi's hand in yours feels warm and reassuring. You contemplate how in his presence, everything seems to slow down and becomes more manageable. You steal glances at him from time to time, admiring his calm demeanor contrasting with the urban chaos around. Finally, you arrive at the bar. The entrance is tucked away in a quieter corner, yet the rooftop promises a good view. Yoongi lets you first climb the stairs, following closely behind. As you reach the top, you take a sit at a table next to the edge, giving you the best view. Mesmerized by the view, you affirm it "The view is amazing."
"I thought you'd enjoy it" Yoongi replies, a soft smile playing on his lips as he pulls out a chair for you. "What would you like to drink?"
"I think I might need something different than wine" you ponder. The waiter comes before you could decide so you let Yoongi order first, he gets some red wine.
"I see you have Hibiki, could I get some with a large ice cube?" this drink always made you feel a more confident in yourself and sweeps away a big part of your insecurities.
Yoongi looks at you with big eyes and a huge grin on his face, which makes you feel self-conscious about your drink choice. You recall how people often comment or poke fun at your preference, and now you feel the need fort that drink more than ever. You look at the city unraveling before your eyes to clear your head, letting some silence sit between you and Yoongi.
As the drinks arrive, you feel a surge of enthusiasm as you take your first sip. The fiery warmth of the liquied plays with the coolness of the ice, creating a unique sensation that you like. For you it's not so much about the taste as it is about that intriguing combination. Feeling satisfied with your drink and the courage it brought, you glance at Yoongi. He still gazes at you with those dark wide eyes, prompting you to say "Go ahead, you can judge me all you want, but I enjoy what I enjoy."
"I'm not judging you, I liked your choice." takes a sip of his wine, licking his lips. "Can I have a taste?"
"Sure" you push your glass towards him. He moves his chair closer to yours and settles down, placing his hand over yours, which is still wrapped around the cold glass. "Can I have a taste" he asks again, now a bit more clear, looking into your eyes and then down to your lips.
You feel flustered, goosebumps rising all over your body. Raising the glass to your lips, you try to mantain eye contact as you take another sip, letting the liquid slide down your throat. Everything seems to move in slow motion.
Setting your glass down, you feel Yoongi closing the distance between you. He hovers with his lips just above yours for a moment before pressing them gently against yours. The kiss is slow and tender, sending a wave of warmth through your body. His hand reaches your neck as he deepens the kiss. Your hand goes up to caress his face as you give access to his tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. It gets more passionate by the second, with the other hand of Yoongi going to your hip, making you slip a moan into his mouth. Getting a low groan out of him. You slowly start to feel out of air and as much as you don't want to, you interrupt the kiss.
Refiling your lungs with air, you look at Yoongi who appears still focused on your lips. Bringing his hand up your neck, you let his thumb gently play with your bottom lip. "Tasty"
You chuckle at his assessment, giving him another taste. This time, the kiss is more eager, both of you, trying to get as much as you can out of each other.
"I've wanted to do that, since I first saw you on Monday, you know?!"
Completely shocked by his words, you pull back slightly. "Don't look at me like that." he continues "I've been flirting with you for months, but you've been so dismissive that I thought it was a lost cause. Until I saw you in person. After talking with Hoseok about you, giving me some insights, I knew I had to keep trying. I am convinced now it was a good decisionโ€ฆ"
"Wait, wait. What do you mean months? What about Hoseok? What are you even saying now?" you stop him from his rambling to bring you some clarity.
Yoongi takes a deep breath, rubbing his thumb over your hand gently. "We've been working together online for a while, and I've always admired you from a distance. I tried to drop hints, little comments here and there, but you never seemed to notice."
"What about Hoseok?"
"He and I talked about it, and he encouraged me to be more direct. He mentioned that you tend to not notice when someone likes you. He thought we'd be a good match."
You blink in surprise, processing his words. "Hoseok said that?"
"Yeah," Yoongi nods. "He said you were amazing and worth the effort. So, when this trip came up, I saw it as my chance."
In your mind all the mixed messages that Hoseok gave you regarding Yoongi started to make sense. He wanted to push you to try this thing, but not be too direct because he knew you'd get scared and run from it.
A mix of emotions swirls within you "I had no idea."
Yoongi smiles, and his eyes do too. "Well, now you do." He cups your face with both his hands placing a loud kiss on your lips.
The evening goes on, filled with laughter and tender moments. You both share stories of Yoongi's past attempts at flirting. He recalls a particular video call where he complimented your hairstyle, only for you to brush it off.
"Not going to lie, I was so frustrated," he admits, laughing. " I thought I was so obvious."
"Well, I guess I'm just oblivious," you reply. "I'm glad you didn't give up."
As the night goes on, the atmosphere becomes more intimate. You find yourselves sitting closer, holding hands, and stealing kisses between sips of your drinks. Yoongi leans in to whisper something in your ear, and his breath sends shivers down your spine.
"Do you remember the first project we worked on together?" he asks.
"Yeah, you were so serious and focused." you reply.
"And you were so passionate and creative," he says, his voice soft. "I knew then that I wanted to get to know you better."
After finishing your drinks, Yoongi suggests taking a walk. The night is cool, and the streets are quiet now, creating a nice atmosphere. As you reach his hotel, he says between kisses, "I want to see where this can go."
You look up at him, your heart racing, "Agree."
He smiles, leaning down to kiss you one more time before calling an uber for you. This kiss is slow and sweet. As a driver accepts your ride, being a few minutes away, Yoongi places a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering "Goodnight"
"Goodnight" you answer walking towards the spot where the car should arrive, with your eyes still on Yoongi. He starts walking towards the hotel entrance. In that moment something clicks inside you and press cancel on the ride, striding behind Yoongi.
"Wait", you call out, your voice trembling with nervousness.
He turns around, surprise and hope flickering in his eyes. "Y/N?"
You catch up to him, "I don't want to say goodnight just yet. Can I come up with you?"
Yoongi's smile broadens, and he takes your hand, intertwining your fingers. "I'd like that very much."
Together, you enter the hotel and make your way to his room. The elevator ride is filled with charged silence, both of you stealing glances at each other. When you reach his floor, Yoongi leads you down the hallway to his room. Once inside, you explore his room, passing through straight to the window. His room was situated on the topmost floor of the hotel, you knew it had to be a good view from up there. And you were right, the view was breathtaking presenting the city skyline twinkling under the night sky.
You notice the strategically placed couch in front of the large window, casting a gentle glow from the city lights. "Almost everywhere you took me this week, had a great view of this city that you might not know, I don't quite like. Was this planned?" you ask playfully, turning to Yoongi.
"No plan. I just enjoy a good view and I had a hunch you would do too." he replies casually, moving towards a small bar and pouring some sparkling wine "Feeling festive?"
You laugh, feeling at ease as you take a seat on the couch and wait for Yoongi to join you. The room is dimly lit as he settles next to you, handing you the glass. "From this spot you can see the Orion constellation, it's a bit cloudy, but you can identify the stars and connect them."
You smile, watching Yoongi's eyes fixated on the nightsky, makes you feel warm inside. Leaning in, you place a small kiss on the corner of his lips, catching him by surprise. He gaze shifts from the stars to you. Without hesitation, he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Both of you place your glasses on the small table in front of you. He gently caresses your chin, raising it just slightly towards his. You feel you could get lost into his dark eyes. Yoongi's lips brush against yours in a gentle, exploratory kiss, sending small electric waves in your body.
Wrapped in each other's embrace, you deepen the kiss. Drunk on his touches, you get more courageous, exploring with your hands as much as you could. And he does the same, caressing your waist, while he peppers small kisses on your jaw, going down your neck. You let out a small moan when he bites into your collarbone. Seems like he enjoyed the sound you made, biting the spot again harder this time. โ€จ"Ah, Yoongi." The sound snaps something in Yoongi, making him grab and move you to sit on top of him. "I love when you moan my name like that." not leaving time for you to answer kissing your lips eagerly. His hands slowly pull your shirt to sneak beneath it, to touch your skin. A shiver runs down your back feeling his big hand holding you so close to him. His hand guides you to sit more comfortably in his lap and too properly feel how hard he is through your clothes. Another moan gets out of you at the sensation. Hearing him chuckle, you pull at his hair, putting some distance between you two. Allowing yourself for a moment to gain control of the situation, to kiss his jaw and lick at his neck, but it doesn't take long. His fingers start unbuttoning your shirt, getting quickly rid of it. His lips tracing lines along your chest and above your lacy bra.
Feeling on clouds with all the sensations Yoongi brings, you roll your hips onto his to get more out of him. You adore how his voice vibrates on your skin at his small moans and groans.
With a swift movement, he turns both of you around so he could be on top of you. You wonder how can he be so gentle and strong at the same time in his touches.
Before he can go back at licking and sucking on your skin, you try to pull his shirt over. He takes it off fast, allowing you to finally see him. His skins looks so pretty in the dimmed lights, and you can't stop to run your fingers on it, mesmerized by the view.
His attention goes back to your lips, kissing you with such fervor, leaving you breathless. His hand travels down, starting to unbutton your pants. Gaining access, his fingers starts rubbing over your clothed pussy. "You're so wet." he whispers against your lips. "I want to taste you, will you allow me?"
Nodding in approval, too afraid your voice will crack, you wonder how this soft person could be so assertive in this moment. But you can't ponder too much as his lips starts licking at your chest, then going lower. He pulls your pants and panties down in one movement, looking lustfully in your eyes. Without any hesitation he bites onto your thigh, licking and kissing the spot immediately after. Choosing several points to do the same thing, transforming you into jelly under his touches. Finally reaching your pussy, it slowly licks at first, but as your moans get more frequent and louder, he becomes more fast in his treatment.
Once again you find yourself moved by him, bringing your ass the edge of the couch, your back against the backrest. He kneels before you, rubbing your entrance with his fingers then bringing them to your lips to suck on them. " I want the have the best view when I look up from this beautiful pussy."
The sudden confession brings heat to your cheeks, bringing your hands to cover them. Yoongi groans in annoyance, as he pushes his first finger inside you, making you throw your head back at the sensation, forgetting everything about shame.
As he pushes another finger, you moan his name "Yoongi, fuck", and in your desperate need to ground yourself you run your fingers through his dark locks, holding onto them. Yoongi seems pleased, moaning into your cont, sending the vibrations through your whole core.
He spends the following minutes sucking your clit, alternating with biting it softly and with his fingers wrecking your hole. Your hips lift higher and higher to give him the best access, your moans getting louder until you finally come in his mouth, closing your thighs around his head. But it seems Yoongi doesn't mind it as he says "You're such a good girl, coming all over my face."
You're such a mess and you can't believe how those words turned you on so bad. Slowly Yoongi gets up, sitting next to you placing soft kisses on your face as you gather your breath. "You feeling good?"
"Fuck, yeah." you answer in between loud breaths.
He laughs at your response, pulling you into a deep kiss. "I'm feeling good too."
After finally recovering your breath, you slowly get up, wanting to return the favor, going for his pants, unzipping them. But Yoongi allows you just to undress him, before grabbing you into his arms and lifting you up. He places you gently over the soft covers of the bed, then disappears for a second, coming back with a condom in his hand.
"But I want to taste you, Yoongi" you pout, getting another laugh from him. "Not now, you don't want to upset me. Don't you?"
His demeanor in this situation makes you feel so hot on the inside, that you can't contradict anything he says. "Of course not."
"Then be a good girl and spread it for me"
You follow his instruction ready to feel his length inside you.
He pulls you closer to him, pressing his fingers hard into the skin of your ass, making your back arch at the sensation. Bringing your chest back into his attention he places soft kisses on them, before getting one of your buds into his mouth, sucking it.
You feel him pressing the tip inside, not realising until now how big he was. You wince a bit at the discomfort. He pushes in slowly. "Fuck, you're so tight"
"You're so big" you barely breath out the words.
He places soft kisses on your neck until you feel him completely inside you. Letting you get accustomed for a minute. You feel yourself pulsating around him, and wrap your arms around his neck. He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, before starting to move. It feels so good, despite the slight discomfort. But the pain dissipates, replaced by the pleasure. As he starts moving a little faster, you find his lips to signal you're feeling good.
That is all he needs before he thrusts deep, shaking you to your core. Your loud moan is followed by another deep thrust into you, and another, and another, and another until it becomes a rhythm of fucking you relentlessly. This feels so much better than everything you have experienced until now. Your mind goes blank, being able to focus just on his movement and his hands on your waist. A stupid smile crosses your face at the overwhelming sensation.
Once again you're being moved by him, turning both of you around so you're sitting on him. You thought he was deep inside you until now, but you were so wrong. The need to get accustomed to his size appears again, placing a hand on his abdomen to stop him from moving. "You're so fucking big, give me a second".
He plays with your ass, pressing his fingers into your skin and running them along your thighs, until you feel ready to move. You go up and down his cock, feeling your boobs bounce at the movement. Yoongi is looking completely hypnotized. "Touch yourself for me, baby."
Following his instruction, your left hand travels down from your boob to your clit, rubbing it slowly. And your right hand goes to his mouth, asking for some saliva from him. He sucks on your fingers, wrapping his tongue around them.
You pull them out just to touch your tits with them, pinching hard one of the nipples. Yoongi's hands guide your hips in your movements, pushing his cock deep inside you, establishing an insane rhythm.
Sounds from both of you fill the air, moans, groans and whispered obscenities.
"Yoongi, I'm so close."
"Yeah? Then be a good girl and come for me."
Yoongi grips your hips even tighter, thrusting hard, feeling him whole. You fall onto him, unable to keep your balance anymore, giving him access to suck on your nipples. Already lost in all the pleasure waves, you shiver hard when his hand finds your clit and plays with it.
"You're doing so good, baby" whispers into your ear and that was all you needed to come.
"Yeah" you cry out at how good all he says to you makes you feel. You start pulsating hard on his cock, feeling him coming inside with loud moans into your ear.
You take a moment to catch your breath before sliding next to him. He takes you into his arms, placing sweet kisses to your cheeks. You laugh softly, "It felt good"
He doesn't answer but catches your lips into a kiss so deep, and possessive, hinting at how good it felt for him also.
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i-have-a-lot-of-ocs ยท 1 day
Tempted to write a replaced au twst fic where Yuu (or alternatively, I'll use my Yuu, Riyuu, who is basically who I'm writing this for) used to be the cutest girl around, the cheery one who's always around everyone, the one you can't seem to dislike even if your crush falls for her because she earnestly says sorry (even though it's not her fault) and will always help you out if you need her back in her old school. But one day, a new girl comes around and her whole reputation got destroyed. She helps the new girl adjust, tells her all the rumours and introduces her to all the popular kids. But the girl ends up backstabbing her, telling the popular girls rumours about how she intentionally plays up the act to steal their crushes to her, and lies to the boys, telling them she's just playing with their hearts and that she's a horrible person.
Yuu ends up alone and excluded, being seen as "annoying" and only having a few close friends who doesn't really interact with her in public in fear of their reputation being ruined. She ends up miserable at school, and wishes to not go anymore. But one day comes a saving grace, she gets whisked by a mysterious black carriage into Twisted Wonderland, or more specifically, Night Raven College. She doesn't mind working if it meant she doesn't have to deal with her old school, there was still 1 and a half years left of school and she doesn't want to deal with all ghe group projects to be assigned that will inevitably end with everyone not wanting to team up with her. Plus, as annoying Grim is, he's like the animal friend all of the anime and storybook protagonists she knows has, and she doesn't mind him too much.
Some things did change after she and Grim got officially enrolled, but she had no problem adapting to the social expectations of the world, part time jobs with Sam -- and occasionally the canteen -- paid enough to get her tools for cooking basic but delicious food, and new friends without the weight of her past helped her get settled comfortably.
The existence of Overblots stunned her for a bit, but a peek into Riddle and Leona's memories helped her understand the concept, even if just a little. However, things began to change eerily simlarly to her old school when a new girl comes, also in a similar position to her, getting transported to a new, unfamilliar world, and seemingly hailing from a similar world to the Earth she knows. She warmly welcomes her, eager to finally befriend another girl, but it seems that the girl does not share the same enthusiasm.
The girl only barely responds to Yuu's attempts at forming a friendship, and always seems to talk her in a condescending way, and often dismisses her, and especially so whenever there are any boys around.
Yuu will not deny any statements claiming she's an attention seeker or that she plays up her sweet innocent girl act, but she knows to never, ever sacrifice a bystander for it. But if someone insists on war with her... well that's another, different story. She's learnt her lesson of being overly optimistic, and she will not make the same mistake twice. She will not let her make her life a living hell more than it already is with Crowley's irresponsibleness.
Aaand thus begins the story. Or well, however you wanna continue it. I'm honestly in favour of most Housewardens (Kalim, Vil, and Idia in particular. I'll put my reasoning in a few paragraphs down) Adeuce, Tweels, and Ortho for team Yuu. Why?
Well, first of all, Adeuce. This is mostly because the duo is like. with Yuu since Day 1, as much of a bitch as Ace is, I think those two are the most likely to trust and know Yuu well enough to not believe the lies R (< Replacer) tells. Especially Deuce, he doesn't want to betray a friend he knew for quite a while, that would not be very honor student-like of him!! And she helped him out in a lot of situations too! He doesn't want to hurt you after all the trouble you go through to help him, and also knowing how horrible your living conditions are. Ace would most likely give in to peer pressure if the student body is overwhelmingly in favour of R, but as of now, he maybe enjoys your company just a bit more than R. Just a bit, promise.
Tweels I feel like is self-explanatory. Those two are perceptive as fuck istg it scares me. Jade especially. I feel like the two would just toy with R for a bit despite her facade and lies before dropping her after she bothers them for attention and favours one too many times.
(Ortho ties in with Idia so I'll explain him in Idia's paragraph)
Kalim is actually very emotionally intelligent. He can come off annoying and stupid, but from all the scenes I see of him, he's actually really good at dealing with people. Have you seen how he deals with the Scarabia residents after Jamil's OB??? The way he phrases his sentences?? He didn't force or even plead with them to forgive Jamil, he simply asks them to wait before making permanent judgements, and I think he's gonna be uncomfy with how condescendingly R talks to Yuu, and even if he's used to people going after him for money, I feel like R mostly eyeing him for money and how she "secretly" sighs in annoyance everytime she goes out of the party for a "bathroom break" will only solidify his dislike/discomfort, even if he doesn't show it.
Vil is also kind of self-explanatory if you read into his character and not just the shell the official English localization makes for him. (I could rant for hours about how the official tl portrays his character istg. He's hardworking and he actually didn't attempt to poison Neige out of pure jealousy, he did it because he felt like all his efforts to be beautiful will never be able to surpass Neige, who, in his eyes, always seemed to be innocent and naturally beautiful. He feels like the villain in Neige's story. He feels like he is reduced to what he often plays as, a snobbish, overconfident villain obsessed with overthrowing the hero. And because of it, it became a twisted self-fulfilling prophecy, pushing him to, in a fit of despair, be that same villain everyone sees him as.) I really don't think he will take well to R's condescension to Yuu, who genuinely wants to befriend R. (I actually have a whole thing in my head where Yuu and Vil occasionally have sleepovers where they do skincare together after the whole VDC thing happened. I feel like this is also a "vent sesh" of sorts for the both of them, just to air out their grievances without much seriousness, and I think Yuu would admit to wanting a fellow girl in the school that she could befriend, since no matter what, being the only girl can be exhausting.) Ik Vil's not a girl but he is such a girls' girl istg.
Idia... this mostly ties into Ortho and The STYX Incident, but like,, I think we can all agree on this one,, Idia is smart and capital V Very pessimistic. Would you rather trust the girl you've known for a while, who saw your memories, who helped you in awkward social situations when she can and is besties with your brother or some random new girl who trash talks said girl behind her back? The former, right? Plus, even if Yuu did only hang out with him and his brother because she likes to secretly laugh at him behind his back, there's mo guarantee R wouldn't do the same, given his experience. And he would rather have someone who actively helps him and his brother out than someone who wouldn't.
I didn't put Malleus in because of how canon him actually treats Yuu. I feel like the fandom kind of put on rose-tinted glasses on with his character, and kind of ignored some things like, idk... him just leaving them to fend for themselves homeless during Octavinelle... maybe he thought Crowley would offer them a place to stay but like... I'm still bothered by how didn't atleast offer a spare room in Diasomnia. He's a housewarden goddamnit. He's not as distant or scary as the rumours say but like. still rubbed me the wrong way.
Anyways I don't think my attention span will let me write it to completion so if anyone likes this and wants to write it feel free. Pls tag me if you do tho. I would love to read it :3
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lucky-clover-gazette ยท 2 days
prince's gambit highlights & annotations
chapter 19
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indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
He found he had put himself bodily in Guymarโ€™s way. โ€˜No. No one goes in.โ€™ Anger, irrationally, blossomed. Behind him was the closed door to the tower rooms, a barrier to disaster. Guymar should know better than to barge in and make Laurentโ€™s mood worse. Guymar should have known better than to cause Laurentโ€™s mood in the first place.
one kiss and heโ€™s fully down bad. like these are max levels of damen down bad-ness. it took one kiss. holy shit dude. we went from โ€œlaurent knows everything and is always planning something terribleโ€ to โ€œyou will NOT bother my poor little meow meow while he does his silent soliloquyโ€
โ€˜This time, I want it actually kept clear. I donโ€™t care who is about to get molested. No one is to come here. Is that understood?โ€™ โ€˜Yes, Captain.โ€™ Guymar bowed and retreated. Damen found himself with his hands braced on the stone crenellation, in unconscious echoing of Laurentโ€™s pose, the line of Laurentโ€™s back the last thing he had seen before he had put the heel of his palm to the door. His heart was pounding. He wanted to make a barrier that protected Laurent from anyone who would intrude on him. Heโ€™d keep that perimeter clear, if it meant stalking these battlements and patrolling it himself. He knew this about Laurent. That once he gave himself time alone to think, the control returned, reason won out. The part of him that didnโ€™t want to drop Aimeric with a punch recognised that both Jord and Aimeric had just been put through the wringer. It was a mess that neednโ€™t have happened. If theyโ€™d justโ€”steered clear. Friends, Laurent had said, high on the battlements. Is that what we are? Damenโ€™s hands drew into fists. Aimeric was an inveterate troublemaker with terrible timing.
this is so ridiculous damen you have laurent brainrot it is so funny how this has unlocked primal rage and determination in you that literal flogging couldnโ€™t
but keep your head up king, this is the chapter where you get to smash
The idea of stopping, allowing himself a moment to think, was terrible. Outside, there was nothing, just the last hours of darkness, and the long ride in the dawn.
and no more laurent to smooch >:(
โ€˜Watch over the Prince,โ€™ he heard himself say. โ€˜Anything he needs, make certain he has it. Take care of him.โ€™ He was aware of the incongruity of the words, of his hard grip on the soldierโ€™s arm. When he tried to stop, his grip only tightened. โ€˜He deserves your loyalty.โ€™
damen said โ€œitโ€™s MY turn on the projectionโ€
His time as Laurentโ€™s Captain had been short-lived. An afternoon. An evening. In that time theyโ€™d won a battle and taken a fort. It seemed wild and improbable, a hard-edged golden piece of metal in his hand.
also theyโ€™d kissed on the mouth. leaving out a pretty essential detail there damen
โ€˜Iโ€™m sorry,โ€™ he said. โ€˜Your servants brought me to the wrong rooms.โ€™ โ€˜No, they didnโ€™t,โ€™ said Laurent.
pffft did they just know? iโ€™m not sure when laurent could have asked them to do it. so they must have just assumed laurent wanted him there
โ€˜I donโ€™t want to talk about Aimeric,โ€™ said Laurent. โ€˜Or my uncle.โ€™ Laurent began to come forward.
uh laurent i donโ€™t think damen mentioned the regent at all. i think youโ€™re telling yourself to stop thinking about your uncle because you would like to fuck damen without ptsd making it weird
Laurent said, โ€˜I know youโ€™re planning to leave tomorrow. Youโ€™re going to cross the border, and youโ€™re not going to come back. Say it.โ€™ โ€˜Iโ€”โ€™ โ€˜Say it.โ€™ โ€˜Iโ€™m going to leave tomorrow,โ€™ said Damen, as steadily as he could. โ€˜Iโ€™m not going to come back.โ€™ He drew in a breath that hurt his chest. โ€˜Laurentโ€”โ€™ โ€˜No, I donโ€™t care. Tomorrow you leave. But youโ€™re mine now. Youโ€™re still my slave tonight.โ€™ Damen felt the words hit, but that was subsumed in the shock of Laurentโ€™s hand on him, a push backwards. His legs hit the bed. The world tilted, bed silks and roseate light. He felt Laurentโ€™s knee alongside his thigh, Laurentโ€™s hand on his chest. โ€˜Iโ€”donโ€™tโ€”โ€™ โ€˜I think you do,โ€™ said Laurent.
laurent listened to โ€œdead girl walkingโ€ from heathers musical on the way up to the rooms in preparation for this. also i love the mixed feelings hereโ€”on one hand, hell yeah laurent, let yourself have this, but also this is fucked up for you both, and you really should talk it out, and the fact that youโ€™re demanding his abandonment before fucking him is concerning, like you only want to fuck if you know heโ€™s leaving anyway, but i mean why not then, if heโ€™s leaving, and you know he wants you, and this is the last night to do itโ€ฆ
also laurent knows damen wants this, and heโ€™s not actually using the slave thing here. the only way heโ€™s using it, is calling damen on what he said earlier that evening before the kissing. cashing in on it, in a way. itโ€™s not exactly healthy but i wouldnโ€™t say itโ€™s like non-consensual or anything
โ€˜What am I doing? You are not very observant.โ€™ โ€˜Youโ€™re not yourself,โ€™ said Damen. โ€˜And even if you were, you donโ€™t do anything without a dozen motives.โ€™ Laurent went very still, the soft words half bitter. โ€˜Donโ€™t I? I must want something.โ€™
ooof that hit a sore spot, i think. laurent very badly wants to both lose and take control right now, and sex is a way heโ€™s both lost and had control in the pastโ€”lost control to the regent, and had it over damen back in arles. heโ€™s trying not to think about that, about the reasons, and damen is trying to make him think about it, and also implying that laurent canโ€™t just do anything because itโ€™s what he wants or feels.
โ€˜Laurent,โ€™ he said. โ€˜You take liberties,โ€™ said Laurent. โ€˜I never gave you permission to call me by my name.โ€™ โ€˜Your Highness,โ€™ said Damen, and the words twisted, wrong in his mouth. He needed to say, Donโ€™t do this. But he couldnโ€™t think past Laurent, improbably close. He felt each shifting inch that divided their bodies with a fluttering, illicit sensation at Laurentโ€™s proximity. He closed his eyes against it, felt his bodyโ€™s painful yearning. โ€˜I donโ€™t think you want me. I think you just want me to feel this.โ€™ โ€˜Then, feel it,โ€™ said Laurent.
โ€œi donโ€™t think you want me, i think you just want me to feel thisโ€ is an INSANE and deeply true line. but also, i think laurent does want damenโ€”HIS damen, not damianos. and this is the last night he can have his damen.
and maybe laurent enjoys your reactions, damen. ever think about that?
โ€˜You liked this too, with Ancel.โ€™ โ€˜That wasnโ€™t Ancel,โ€™ said Damen, the words coming out, raw and honest. โ€˜That was all you, and you know it.โ€™
The rise and fall of Laurentโ€™s hand was like the slide of Laurentโ€™s words, like every frustrating argument that theyโ€™d ever had, stymied, tangled up in Laurentโ€™s voice.
great line. love how it ties the sex act to something deeper between them
Laurent held his former mood within him, constrained, and converted into something else.
horny and angry is not the ideal way for them to fuck for the first time, and for laurent to fuck for the first time since [redacted], but since when has anything been ideal for laurent (or damen, as of book 1)
He felt Laurent pulling back, pulling away, shuttering himself, trying but not quite able to manage a cool snap withdrawal. Laurent said, โ€˜Adequate.โ€™
book 1: โ€œLaurent turned to Damen. โ€˜Well?โ€™ Laurent said. โ€˜Can you couple adequately, or do you just kill things?โ€
Heโ€™d caught Laurentโ€™s wrist before, to hold him back from a blow, a knife strike. He held him now. He could feel the desperate urge for retreat. He could feel something else too, Laurent keeping himself apart, as though, this act being finished, he had no template for what to do. โ€˜Kiss me,โ€™ he said again.
this is so good. itโ€™s good for all the things damen knows, and all the things he doesnโ€™t know. because heโ€™s doing good here, even without the truth about the regent clicking. heโ€™s helping laurent figure this out, confidently and compassionately, and showing him that he doesnโ€™t need to retreat.
Dark-eyed, Laurent was holding himself in place as though pushing himself past a barrier, the tension in Laurentโ€™s body still telegraphing flight, and Damen felt the shock with his whole body when Laurentโ€™s gaze dropped to his mouth. His own eyes fell closed as he realised that Laurent was going to do this, and he held himself very still. Laurent kissed with a slight parting of his lips, as though he was unconscious of what he was asking for, and Damen kissed him back carefully, dizzy with the idea that the kiss would deepen.
see my previous comments about trauma and my appreciation for laurent as a romantic interest/lead
For a moment, looking felt like kissing, an exchange in which the distinctions of intimacy blurred.
"distinctions of intimacy blurred" is such a succinct way to summarize the way pacat writes the overall romantic arc. they do not need to be fucking to be fucking, and when they are fucking, they're doing other stuff too
It was not what Laurent had expected. He felt the slight shock of Laurentโ€™s surprise, and the way Laurent held himself, as though confused as to why Damen wished to do this, but he felt the moment when surprise turned to something else.
โ€œconfused as to why damen wanted to do thisโ€ yeah thatโ€™s pretty typical for laurent
Damen allowed himself the minor delight of nuzzling.
fantastic line
He lifted his fingers to the tie that closed Laurentโ€™s collar. He had been trained to do this, he knew every intricate fastening.
talk about setup and payoff...
Exposed, Laurentโ€™s nipples were hard and puckered, the first tangible evidence of desire, and Damen felt a wild surge of gratification. His eyes lifted to Laurentโ€™s. Laurent said, โ€˜Did you think I was made of stone?โ€™ He couldnโ€™t stop the rush of pleasure he felt at that, said, โ€˜Nothing you donโ€™t want.โ€™ โ€˜You think I donโ€™t want it?โ€™ Seeing the look in Laurentโ€™s eyes, Damen deliberately pushed him back onto the sheets.
okay big turning point! probably the first major tell weโ€™ve gotten of laurent being out of control of his reactions, AND he isnโ€™t ashamed of it and asks for more!!! massive laurent (and damen) w!!!
Lifting a hand idly to the exact place above his head where Damen might have pressed it, Laurent gazed back at him through veiled lashes. โ€˜Like being on top, do you?โ€™ โ€˜Yes.โ€™ Never more so than at this moment. To have Laurent beneath him was heady.
theyโ€™re both having so much fun in different but complimentary ways. laurent enjoys what heโ€™s doing to damen, damen enjoys what laurent is doing to him. theyโ€™re both getting something out of it, which i donโ€™t think damen fully understood what he said that thing about laurent not wanting him, but wanting to make him feel. he wants it because itโ€™s you specifically, dummy.
Despite the cool tone, he was aware of the extent to which Laurent was holding himself in place, allowing himself to be touched. Tension still glinted in Laurentโ€™s body, like the shine on a blade edge that would slice you open at the wrong touch.
Damen let himself experience dizzily just how much he liked the idea of controlled Laurent betraying himself in salt flavoured need into his mouth. He touched it with his hand and encountered a texture like hot silk.
i like how pacat finds these ways to say whatโ€™s going on, but in a much more compelling and beautiful way than just โ€œdamen wanted to blow himโ€ and โ€œhis dick was niceโ€
โ€˜I am not going to reciprocate.โ€™ Damen looked up. โ€˜What?โ€™ Laurent said, โ€˜I am not going to do that to you.โ€™ โ€˜And so?โ€™ โ€˜Do you want me to suck your cock?โ€™ said Laurent, precisely. โ€˜Because I donโ€™t plan to. If you are proceeding on the expectation of reciprocity, then you had best be forewarned thatโ€”โ€™ This was too convoluted for bed play. Damen listened, satisfied himself that in all of this talking there was no actual objection, then simply applied his mouth.
LOVE THIS. how complicated traumatized laurent trying to deflect is just washing over damen, he doesnโ€™t care if itโ€™s not reciprocal, he just wants to make laurent feel good. something laurent doesnโ€™t understand or expect because sex for him has always been about making [redacted] feel good and thatโ€™s it. and laurentโ€™s bitchiness here is so tenderly and funny and in character. he delivered a โ€œprecise treatise on cocksuckingโ€ in book 1, of course heโ€™d regard this like a business negotiation
For all his seeming experience, Laurent reacted like an innocent to this pleasure. He let out a soft shocked sound, and his body re-formed around the place where Damen was giving his attention. Damen held Laurent in place, hands to hips, and allowed himself to enjoy Laurentโ€™s slight, helpless shifts and pushes, the quality of his surprise, and the hard act of repression that followed, as Laurent tried to even out his breathing.
damen associates sex with happily giving and receiving pleasure, so heโ€™s confused/surprised by laurentโ€™s unfamiliarity with actually getting attention and enjoying himself
Laurent was, by far, the most controlled lover Damen had ever taken to bed.
damen a lot of them were slaves. coached to make you feel like a god. just saying
And felt it stymied. As rhythm built, Laurentโ€™s body locked down, his responses repressed. Looking up, he saw that Laurentโ€™s hands were fists in the sheets, his eyes closed, his head turned to one side. Laurent, out on the shattered edge of pleasure, was holding himself back from climax by sheer force of his impossible will.
again i say, iโ€™m so glad to see someone like laurent as the love interest in a romance novel, holy shit
After a long moment Laurent said, with painful honesty, โ€˜Iย .ย .ย . find it difficult to let go of control.โ€™ โ€˜No kidding,โ€™ said Damen.
:) a really nice tension-breaking way to find a little humor in it all, made even lighter by damenโ€™s lack of awareness re: [redacted]
โ€˜You want to take me, as a man takes a boy.โ€™
this is the first moment where iโ€™m just like DAMEN. truly. how are you not guessing this. i get that itโ€™s consistent with his character to not assume the worst, but oh my god
โ€˜You make it sound simple.โ€™ โ€˜It is simple.โ€™
The words fell into a stillness between them. Laurentโ€™s breathing was shallow, and his cheeks were flushed as he closed his eyes, as though he wanted to block out the world. โ€˜I want,โ€™ said Laurent, โ€˜I want it to be simple.โ€™
โ€˜Yes,โ€™ said Laurent. โ€˜Butโ€”wasnโ€™t itโ€”โ€™ โ€˜Will you stop talking about it.โ€™ The words were ground out.
oh heโ€™s trying so hard to let himself have this. probably before he feels really ready but itโ€™s his last night with damen so!!
For all his bizarre nervy tension, Laurent was indisputably eager, physically. Damen searched his blue eyes. โ€˜Contrary, arenโ€™t you,โ€™ said Damen softly, thumbing over Laurentโ€™s cheek. โ€˜Fuck me,โ€™ said Laurent. โ€˜I want to,โ€™ said Damen. โ€˜Can you let me?โ€™ He said it quietly, and waited, as Laurentโ€™s eyes closed again, a muscle sliding in his jaw. The idea of being fucked very clearly had Laurent out of his mind, as desire competed with some sort of convoluted mental objection that really needed, Damen thought, to be dispensed with. โ€˜I am letting you,โ€™ said Laurent, the terse words pushing out. โ€˜Will you get on with it?โ€™
this is so well-written, both whatโ€™s in the lines and whatโ€™s in between them. itโ€™s a sex scene but itโ€™s also a masterful scene of dramatic irony and characterization for them both
He watched Laurentโ€™s face, the slight flush, the fractional changes of his expression, his eyes wide and dark. It was intensely private.
of course he's in his own head. that's laurent, for better or for worse
He felt some sense that he needed to hold onto this, to hold it tight and never let it out of his grip. Youโ€™re mine, he wanted to say, and couldnโ€™t. Laurent didnโ€™t belong to him; this was something he could have only once. His chest hurt.
To get what you want, you have to know exactly how much you are willing to give up. Never had he wanted something this badly, and held it in his hands knowing that tomorrow it would be gone, traded for the high cliffs of Ios, and the uncertain future across the border, the chance to stand before his brother, to ask him for all the answers that no longer seemed so important. A kingdom, or this.
i donโ€™t have much to add here. itโ€™s being explained perfectly in the text. it's nice to be at this point of understanding with the characters and plot that things can come together like this, thematically, on the page.
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local-lover-boy ยท 3 days
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I just did Arlecchino's story quest and got this amazing photo where it looks like she's gonna kill Paimon
The motif of a spider throughout it? Badass and unnerving
The scene where Lynette just APPEARS and Lyney questioning her? Hilarious
Fremienet? Adorable as always
Childe showing up, dropping some fauti lore, talking about his siblings for hours, begging for fights with everyone and then leaving and doesn't come back? Iconic
All of the build up about the new project/plan the fauti is working on has me excited for what's coming in future updates. And Pantalone is gonna be there? HELL yeah
Sooooo much background information was given to us about the House of the Hearth and has established that Dottore is old as fuck
Arle's voice is so beautiful, I didn't skip a single line
Chervie and Arle's story growing up? Heart wrenching. The assisted suicide, having to tell Chervie's ghost, mixed with Chervie's realization that she doesn't get to grow up? I'm cryign on the floor
When Chervie talked about wanting to be a bard?! My heart broke. My heart crumbled when she said she would keep playing even if no one listened
THE FREAKING FIGHT SCENE?!!!!? It was so cool my guy. Her second phase was terrifying and she looked so beautiful and deadly during it. And her balancing on strings to glare down at you?! IN HEELS? Hot. And the trios attempt to fight her? Bitchin'. When Fremienet held off her syth all on his own? My heart soared with pride. And when she took us to the crimson moon dimension I was enchanted, it was beautiful and she was terrifying and I was swooning
Neuvillette showing up for a hot sec? I was thrilled
Arle's confession that she already knew what the kids were up to? Incredibly sexy. Love a bitch who knows how to make a power move
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introspectivememories ยท 4 months
too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
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cyrsed ยท 8 months
i hate enjoying popular female artists sometimes bc it feels like the way people talk about them has literally not changed since 2008 except now people use the word flop constantly
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chrisrin ยท 2 years
hello homestuck liker. i am suggesting meraki-sunset's crow strider au if you have feelings about Anyone in the webcomic. its done super well imo
i've seen the crow strider stuff around and i've yet to poke my head in... maybe this will be the final push for me!
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mobscribbles ยท 2 years
People go, "Mob is autistic and Reigen has adhd" and while that isn't wrong, I think both of them have adhd/autism combo just in different ways
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shikai-the-storyteller ยท 2 months
I'm so burnt out and stressed about a variety of things lately, but a funny / sweet coincidence recently happened that I wanted to share:
Last week, I had a university student reach out to me (via my work email) asking for resources / advice on their research paper because I've written a lot of articles about the thing they're writing about. (I just got back to them today and they were real sweet, I'm excited to see how their paper turns out)
A week or two ago, I had someone reach out to me on RA asking for some specific clip info / date info because they were doing a research paper about Pac, and today I saw that they published their paper and put a special thanks to RA in the notes :')
I just think it's very sweet and a funny coincidence that my work (professional and fandom work) is getting cited in research papers. It made me smile a lot, I genuinely love that.
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opia-jpg ยท 1 year
#i have a light feeling that my mom might be hinting at something#with the whole. mentioning my mood swings and sensory issues and poor social skills and such#i say i'm unsure because she's not one to be subtle in situations like this? so i feel like i'm projecting#but she did suggest (partially related) going to a psychologist#and the thing about me is that i'm very self aware about my many flaws and therefore have decided#that i can't fix them or that it's not that bad as long as *i know* the issue is there#which is starting to sound like an issue in itself? but i feel like im being way too dramatic every time#i know i'm just in a stressful spot in my life and that it will pass in a few months#but i am starting to seriously consider getting an outsider's perspective. just in case#im feeling down *all* the time lately but there's always a reason to blame so i feel like it's just rotten luck and not something within me#there's not enough time but also too much of it for me to make excuses for not being able to do Anything at all and i feel paralyzed#but isn't it just the everyday terror of being in charge of yourself#i wish i could come up with a definite answer but there isn't one and the childish part of me is so frustrated with it#i have a fantasy of violently breaking my arms that doesn't lead anywhere i just feel the urge consistently enough that it's a pattern#(ive never self harmed i know i won't that's why it's just a fantasy)#i crave complete anonymity i crave deep genuine human connection and i don't want to talk to anyone. ever again.#ive talked with at least three different people partially about those thoughts#but talking about it is difficult and like pulling teeth#im clumsy with my words. can't quite find the precise meaning i want. i stutter and hum and mumble#i hate talking but if i don't i will explode#i want to be taken seriously but saying things outloud makes them sound so harsh and i don't know if it is that serious#but it's a pebble of thought that i can't stop turning around in my head over and over and over until im sick#never! ending! story! jesus christ#vent post#โ† tagging just in case#pretend you've never read it
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mothslimes ยท 3 months
tgere is something evil in my heart and it's growing. this entirely overblown hatred for humanity and all weakness. a disdain for softness. i wasn't like this before university. lesson learned: studying media makes you fffffucked up. in the head
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sastiel-is-my-serotonin ยท 10 months
Trying to remember your skills you've accidentally picked up through fandoms and hobbies is difficult when you don't think they're actual skills because you're self taught in them all is so fun.
#I know they're skills that can help me but their origins are what make me think eh I don't need to put that down#Yes you do bitch - if you want a job you better but down that skill or so help me#Anyway I also forget that because I was always so indecisive about what career I wanted I tried out a lot of things to see if I'd like it#I technically have experience in teaching - had my own class despite being in eighth grade - but didn't like it#I designed games levels through a website where they give you the basic tools bc I was bored#And had my family try and test them as a way to revise if they were too difficult or confusing#I've made several websites that I completely forgot about bc they were for school projects lol#And I always forget that I used to design clothes for years and would make those designs on a small scale for dolls#I also had to remind myself that I can use my experience in writing - which can extend to editing#And I always forget I know how to draw#Like am I am expert at any of these? No#But can I do these things? Yes#And that's a good starting point#And I'm sure there's other things I'm forgetting because I don't deem them as an important skill I have#Like the fact that I helped run a suicide prevention through my church in eighth grade#Where I was a spokesperson - I was in charge of advertising it - created posters fliers and had to talk to multiple people#I had to update my school on it bc it was a heavy project for school that they weren't sure if I could handle#I was in all the meetings with my church and would bring their ideas to spread the word to life#We raised money mostly through food sales - I would prep the food and there I helped with concessions#Fuck I forgot how much I did for that project#Because we sorted through a lot of donations - and had to organize by sizes#Like how did I forget about all that#I remember the project bc it's something really close to home but it didn't feel like enough so when I think about it#I don't remember how much work I genuinely put into it bc of how much the church held us back bc it was ''too much work' '#Anyway I do have valuable skills but I feel like an impostor in all of them so I forget I can put all of those down
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DPXDC prompt. Nanny Wilson
Little Danny is almost lost in the mall when his parents suddenly run too fast in an attempt to catch up a ghost that their equipment has detected. Young Fenton is not a crybaby at all, but being alone without daddy and mommy is a little scary, so he begins to whimper and run around, trying to find familiar features in the blurry figures around him. Finally, he bumps into the thigh with a gun. It doesn't look much like an ectoblast, but dad is always inventing something new, so Danny quickly hugs this leg as hard as he can and begs loudly.
Danny: Daddy! Don't leave me! Slade: What the hellโ€ฆ Boy, I'm not your dad.
Danny blinks a few times and realizes that this man really doesn't look like Jack.
Danny: Oh. I'm sowwy. Can you help me find my daddy?
Slade: What makes you think I'm going to do this?
Danny: You have a gun and dad has a gun, so you're good. Are you here to hunt too? Slade: Something like that...What's your father's name, kid?
Jack: Danny! There you are!
A huge figure in a hazmat suit rushes towards them and Danny notices that his new friend is hastily hiding the weapon. To cheer up the man who is obviously meeting Jack Fenton for the first time, Danny smiles broadly. Dad may look scary, but he doesn't steal other people's toys.
Jack: Oh, thanks for looking after him. Our goal turned out to be too fast and we didn't even notice when our boy started to fall behind. Slade: No problem, colleague. Maddie: ? Danny: Kind uncle is also a hunter. Maddie: Oh, that's great! Em, sorry, but is there any chance that you have a time to look after our boy for a few days? We'll pay you well. You see, he rarely trusts people so quickly, and we absolutely do not have time to look for a replacement for our old nanny, and we really need to complete the last project as soon as possible.
Looking at the giggling boy trying to see if there are any other interesting things on him, Wilson decides that this will not be a bad experience in case he decides to establish a relationship with his found daughter.
Slade: All right, I'll take your order.
~~~About ten years later~~~
Danny, who is much more familiar with death than in canon, after being freshly ghosted: Damn, nanny will be so mad at me.
~~~~~ Danny: Hey, Slade. Do you want me to show you something cool? Slade: Not now, kid, nanny is cleaning up. Danny: Yeah, about that. *makes a corpse go through the ground* Ta-da! Can we talk now? Slade at the first second: *Surprised Pikachu face*. Slade when he notices a strange glow around Danny, like from ectoplasm in the lab of the boy's parents: >:( โ€ฆ >:( โ€ฆ >:( Danny: S-stop it!
~~~~~ Slade: And take out the bloodstains from those shirts too, they're my favorites. Danny: Oh dude, have you heard that child labor is illegal? Slade: Whoever doesn't help uncle Slade doesn't get a new knife for Christmas. Danny: Pfffโ€ฆNow I'm my own weapon, come up with something new or I'll find myself a cooler mentor. Slade: Jackanapes!
When Wilson stumbles upon a distraught runaway Robin, he sincerely tries to take care of him as well as he took care of Danny. Deathstroke is an experienced babysitter, so there shouldn't be any problems with vigilante child being around on his missions. All children love knives, workouts and guns, right? Plus, staying alone when they are upset, as Jazz says, is unhealthy.
~~~~A few days later~~~~
Dick's thoughts: He wants to make me his evil sidekick, oh no! Wilson's thoughts: What's wrong with this kid? Batman so fucked up? Wayne needs to be stripped of his parental rights. I'm calling Jazz.
Wilson, who does not understand that he has been hanging out with Fentons too long, looks with perplexity at Grayson, who's running away from flying pieces of Maddie's pizza, then shoots some pepperoni and sits down at the table. It's going to be a long way. Poor boy.
Meanwhile, Fenton family is visiting Masters for the first time. Vlad tries to flirt with Maddie and then pretends to be good-natured while getting to know Danny.
Danny: I know 54 ways to kill you with this fork. If I were you I think I'd watch my mouth. Jack: He's joking, V-man. Danny: I'm not. Jack: He's just like his babysitter. They have such an unusual sense of humor. I think our boy really likes you! Usually Danny is too shy to talk like this with strangers. Vlad: Babysitter? Maddie: Yes, Mr. Wilson helped us out a lot and often did not even take payment. He's an angel. Vlad: I think I've heard that name somewhere before... Jack: Ugh, I want to introduce you anyway! Danny: Me too. Jack: Great. What about Wednesday? Danny: Dad, uncle might be busy. Let me ask him when he has time to, um, pay your old friend a visit.
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orphicosmo ยท 15 days
โ˜ ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ ๐€๐’๐“๐‘๐Ž๐‹๐Ž๐†๐˜ ๐Ž๐๐’๐„๐‘๐•๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐’ โ˜ ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ
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Posted on :10 june , 2024
Divider credits : animatedglittergraphics-n-more
By รฆngel๐Ÿ’„
Disclaimer: mature content // dont fight with me if you disagree
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Moon square lilith - a lot of people be underestimating them, don't , they are the perfect epitom of 'you should be afraid of little me ' these people know your secrets , a lot of people try overpower of them by spilling their secrets , they'll seriously fuck you up , do not touch their wounds , they are going easy on you , these people are good debaters they have no mercy imo .
โ Jupiter square/trine asc - i know you all are tired of taking on unnecessary drama for others , somehow people always involve you in their shit , a lot of people be trauma dumping on them for no reason , run you'll are not therapists .
โ We dont talk about 12h sun's charm enough - you'll be making us crazy, these people are so emphathetic , sensual , and magnetic , literally oozes sex appeal
โ Saggitarius dominants give off golden retriever vibes as well as "i'm better than you vibes" - because these people are big achievers , they dont stop at nothing, a lot of people think they are two faced but they be just projecting, also why you all friends with everyone? Stop rn
โ Sagittarius moon attract people who want something out of them , they want them to do most of the work , sagii moon are really smart people tho , they know what you are plotting against them and they're usually aware, YOU just dont know it ,sag doms will never break their connections , they play you , you dont play them , nah .
โ 7h suns - you all be attracting jealously by just being yourselves, a lot of people literally try to bring them down and its mostly their own family and friends, you guys are drop dead gorgeous tho its hard to tie them down , gives me butterfly vibes .
โ Saturn + jupiter dom childerens are trophy kids sadly , how does it feel to parent yourself?
โ 12h saturn - first of all you guys are intimidating second you'll be looking edgy in a sexy way , third it's not your fault you all be triggering lack of accountability in authority figures , literally the most empathetic people ever .
โ Libra chiron & lilith Libra- my gosh the beauty they have is UNMATCHED , these people will always be famous for their looks more than their personality, i said what i said .
โ Did anyone noticed how aqua sun/ rising people are internet gorgeous? Nobody stands a chance against them
โ Scorpio moons - have clout , a lot of people are curious about them , the reasons you all are misunderstood is because YOU GUYS DO NOT OPEN UP, stop internalizing your trauma
โ Anything that touches cancer degree or cancer house /4h out of the world , unattainable beauty and intelligence, these people are overachievers , you don't know shit about them , they are analytical and good at reading you
โ Lilith in sixth house - being sexualised for your body , i have seen a lot of people be simping over them like its not okay its kinda creepy how others be fantasizing about them .
โ Jupiter in 11th house - people thinking they have everything THEY need in their life
โ Pluto in 8th house - fuck boy /girl energy , dont quote me ...its just you guys look like you have so many options
โ Uranus mc - found in most online famous people, their persona is relatable, someone who rightfully critise others , someone who's def gonna speak to any injustices , gives off warrior vibes
โ Lots of Libra retrograde houses - princess+ victim syndrome , confused energy
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โ Moon in 6th house - gives off saviour vibes , if you are a man with this placement you won . These people have masculine energy & they look like everything is under their control.
โ Mars in 4th house - control freaks , home was literally a war zone , was and is right about most of the things , gives off daddy vibes, probably has a sharp tongue , intimidating at first glance , very overprotective and possessive of their things & people.
โ Libra placements and their never ending obsessions with collecting creepy stuff ๐Ÿ˜ญ you guys are prone to get sick easily because they attract attention easily .
โ N. North in 5th house- stop being chronically online 24/7 , we know you have a secret account, you guys do shit talk in a sarcastic way
โ Aries sun's and their sexual appeal is too high , you all can arouse others easily also they have good teeth & their facial structure is attractive i dont know but something about their smirk .
โ Mercury in 8th house - friends who casually make sun of their trauma , dark jokes , can charm others pant off .
โ Mars 8h + jupiter 8h - stalkers , literally will find out your life history , they go all in or none at all . Super intriguing.
โ Venus dom ๐Ÿค others mistaking your kindness for flirting, people hitting up on you even if you are married, others having no sense of boundaries, criticise for your natural talents, discouraging behaviours from others , others using you for their own gain.
โ Pluto 12th - has known every dark things that happens behind close doors , they have natural fbi talent, they have tons of secret account for sure , doesn't post easily, do not overshare easily , randomly waking up fron nightmares , have to tolerate others stalking them and obsessing over them and their achievements
โ Scorpio 11th house - let me tell you a secret , your friends do compete with you , they are insecure and knows you are gonna get far .
โ Sun sextile mc /conjuct ascendant - you all have notice how people be staring at you its cause they admire you and has heard about you from someone.
โ Venus trine Lilith - people want you ,they masturbate to you , sorry
โ Venus trine mars - androgyn beauty , delicate movements, attractive eyes ,soft body , sensitive skin
โ Moon square pluto - you all be saying they dont have control over their emotions? Have they ever even showed emotions ? These people get wrongly accused the most , they are either " i heal others because i have been hurt " or " i fuck others because i have been hurt " - nothing. In. Between.
โ Cancer /pisces /Virgo moon - give them space ? You all be all up in their space its disgusting how people are like leeches with them , you guys should be rude and bold , set those boundaries bae
โ Leo placements - pissing people off because you guys are irreplaceable, they will always leave their footprint, they take up all the attention and are literally accused of being a pick me or an attention seeker most of the times , unforgettable people .
โ Capricorn moons get attached to their lovers easily , its hard for them to forget those people who once were close to them or those who wronged them ,they get revenge by being the best version of themselves.
โ Mercury 12h - accidentally being a motivational speaker lmfao ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Literally validating people's emotions
โ Mars in 12h men ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ are the best in bed , unforgettable experience , they know how to pleasure you , their sensuality speaks for itself, very forward , you are lucky if you have them .
โ Taurus Lilith/2nd house - their rights are violated by their family , they were sexualised as a child , they attract all the genders easily ,its disgusting how some of them has faced s/a at an young age , they were probably the most physically beautiful childeren .
โScorpio Lilith/9h - not feeling safe around people, being on guard , feeling paranoid, attracting aggresive obsessive people , people thinking they own you .
โScorpio moons make good chef
Cancer moons are so nice & understanding
โEarth moons are sensitive to light and loud noises
2nd house is your childhood and how you were as a child
โ Aqua 2h - may not remember a lot about their childhood , they have friends from other countries online the most , they are very smart with technology , others trusted you easily , prob adopted pets , they were disciplined children's ,they were mature than most adults , they have calming voice .
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โ Capricorn/Scorpios have the best dark themed aesthetic.
โ Fire signs ๐Ÿค lots of childhood friends
โ Neptune 1h people are idealised a lot .
โ 29 degree people are others favourite , has mental maturity, good at many things , insecure , constantly looking for self development , is good at grooming themselves , glowy dry skin .
โ Mars in taurus/ gemini people be giving passive aggressive energy lol
โ 10 degree on venus - you all are not gonna have an easy love life ,your lovers will teach you a lot in this lifetime,you guys will be unforgettable to your lovers , you give off " i'm high maintenance vibe" .
โ toppers have gemini , libra and virgo placement full stop .
โ N.node in saggitarius gives off - your best friend vibe , its like these people are so chill ,they'll vibe with you , they have the worst road rage tho , can't underestimate their power over others .
โ Aries moon - do one thing right ๐Ÿ˜ญ they be too bossy .
โ Cancer placements - others be putting unrealistic expectations and beauty standards on them , just stop , they are traumatised by your projections , they are not dumbo cutie cry babies who cant do shit for themselves its embarassing how others be describing cancer placements as sensitive creatures the way people talk about cancer placements reminds me of renainnance period where everyone just thought women was dumb creatures who dont stand up for themselves. Yikes .
โ Libra moon unhealed ๐Ÿค victimisation , bitcy ass , jealousy , unsolicited advice , making people uncomfortable, literally pick me's .
Scorpio moons be romanticing their anti social behaviour too much .
10h saturn - your dad is socially influencial
Venus dom- look like they are from well off family , artistic people , revellious , entertainer's.
Water + fire placements unhealed = victimisation at its core , attachment issues .
Leo sun's being people's friend crush . You all are too cool fr
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๐Ÿ’‹thank you for reading bae
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arminsumi ยท 5 months
โ™ก ๐๐จ๐›๐จ๐๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž๐ฌ ๐š ๐›๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ!
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๐Ÿ”ž mdni / 18+ content
Pairings : fem reader / bully!Gojo Satoru / bully!Geto Suguru
Synopsis : college boy Satoru bullying you around with his best friend
Warnings : bullying kink, degradation, dacryphilia, dirty talk, bl*wjob, p*ssyjob, semi-public s*x, rough s*x, perv behaviors, namecalling (wh*re, sl*t, b*tch), getting caught, threesome, +++
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Bully!Gojo who asks Suguru to trip you down the corridors as you walk past them, so that you can fall right into his arms.
"Oopsie..." Suguru says, grinning like a jackass and sticking his leg out. Your face plants into the muscular chest of that white-haired freak, and then he pulls out one of his awful pick-up lines on you; "Fallin' for me, sweetheart? I knew you would eventually." he blatantly stares straight down at your cleavage. "What!" you give them a repulsed look and pull back. Your reaction elicits giggles from your two bullies, and they check out your ass as you walk away in a fit of anger. "... I'd give her backshots 'till dawn." Satoru says, and Suguru shakes his head at his best friend, "You're insane." he says, but Satoru says, "She looks like she needs to get fucked hard."
Bully!Gojo who grumbles and folds his arms, sat in the principle's office after pulling a water-dumping stunt on you just to see your nipples go hard.
He glares at his spiralbound notebook. Instead of writing an apology letter like the principle instructed him to do within an hour, he ends up writing your name over and over and drawing hearts around it, filling the page with little doodles of you as if he's some obsessed high school boy.
Bully!Gojo who loves the squeaks he elicits out of you when he slams and pins you against the wall.
"I bet you get so wet for me when I do this." he taunts, whispering lowly into your ear. "No I don't!" you lie, glaring up at him. He arches his back and bends his knees to level himself with your face, "Liar." he says, lips grazing your cheek. "Fโ€”feel for yourself, freak. You'll see I'm not wet..." you bluff. He arches a brow and dips his fingers between your thighs, making you gasp as he presses against your hole through your panties. He just grins, backs away, cockily lifts his chin, and leaves you standing there embarrassed.
Bully!Gojo who muffles your moans on his big hand while caging you with his body in the cramped closet at a college party.
He grinds his crotch against you, making you aware of the size difference between your bodies as his big, heavy cock divides your tiny pussy lips. "I know you need me, baby." he lowers his voice, cautious about getting caught with you in here, "Just say the word and I'll take you to heaven, I promise." he murmurs almost romantically, but before he can fully cast his spell over you, your classmate Nanami Kento draws back the closet door. "Wow. We're at a party, what's wrong with you two?" he scolds. Satoru chuckles guiltily while you just crumble in embarrassment, "Out, out! Stop fucking in my damn closet...!"
Bully!Gojo who loves it when you try to retaliate by spitting on his uniform. It gives him a brilliant idea for the next time you visit his dorm room for a class project.
"Spit on it. Make it sloppier. Good... now choke on me." he shoves your head down on his cock, big hand firmly holding the back of your hair. He makes you take as much of his meaty cock as your tiny mouth can handle. He groans and cums so hard after just a few shallow thrusts into your mouth. "Hey, don't let it fucking spill out, you whore. I want to see you swallowing every. fucking. drop." and damn, his cum is so thick and so much that you nearly choke on it. But that just makes his ego swell.
Bully!Gojo who stalks you like a cat in school, following you down corridors, cornering you in quiet classrooms, getting up in your face.
He doesn't let you breathe, he always closes the spaces and gaps between you and him. He'll be chewing you out for something, calling you a dumb slut while grazing his lips over yours. Arguments always lead to him growling "Shut up..." before slamming his lips onto yours. And when Satoru kisses you? He starts moaning real quick, something about you just makes him weak. Next thing you know, his fingertips are rising up your thighs and daring under your skirt, and your fingers are exploring under his shirt, feeling over his muscles.
Bully!Gojo who fingers you into ecstasy... in the middle of class.
He'll sit himself next to you, and you'll squirm uncomfortably under the scowls you receive from jealous girls. Thirty minutes into the lecture, you whisper-shout under your breath, "Satoru, you're embarrassing me!" and he murmurs back, "No, baby, you're embarrassing yourself with how fucking wet you are. Just listen to that pussy..." he goes harder, the sounds get louder and you can hardly think with how his fingers rub in and out of you. Satoru makes you orgasm on his fingers right there, grinning like a bastard at the feeling. You bet he taunts you afterwards, "I can't believe how slutty you are... you'd be a slutty girlfriend, huh?"
Bully!Gojo who has Suguru apologizing on his behalf all the time.
"I'm so sorry... I swear Satoru's not usually this much of a menace. He's just got a thing for you, haha..." it hurts his lil' heart to see you getting pushed around... sike. Lots of Gojo's gutsy plans originate from his nasty best friend. Satoru can only come up with the most basic shit; stealing your lunch, tickling your back, pinning you to the wall, bluffing how he'll "ruin your life". But Suguru? He's the one with the good ideas; dumping water on you from the balcony to see your cloths sticking to your body, persuading explicit pics out of you, and smirkingly staring at them with a wide-eyed Satoru... who thanks him.
Bully!Gojo who's got the most foul, nasty dirty talk.
"I'm gonna cum, don't stop!" you squeal in the backseat of his car, feeling him pound into you from the back. "Of course you are..." he humiliates you, pounding you harder and harder into your orgasm, "... tell me you're my little whore." he grunts. "I'm your whore!" you squeal, "Again..." he smiles sadistically, "I'm your whooore!" you reply weakly. He pulls you to his chest and grinds deeper inside, "Yeah that's right. You're just my little cock whore."
Bully!Gojo who gets off to you crying.
Tears streak your cheeks and your body shakes; trying to adjust to his size is impossible. He's always too deep, too thick, stretching you out and fucking up your guts like a pornstar. "Aw, can't take it? What a fucking crybaby." Satoru groans, slapping his hips into you back and forth like an animal. He hears you sniffling and moaning for more, "Keep crying; it's gonna make me cum so hard..."
Bully!Gojo who bets your pussy on a basketball game with Suguru and makes you sit and watch.
"Aw... princess, 'guess it's a draw. You don't mind if we share you, right? After all, sharing is caring. And we all care about each other, don't we?" Satoru smiles. They're sweaty and exhausted, but still have enough stamina in them to pound you. "Come on, show Suguru how sweet your holes feel."
Bully!Gojo and bully!Geto who literally bully their cocks into your pussy one after another, taking turns and telling you how good you feel and how good of a slut you are for them.
"Whose do you like better...?" Suguru asks, but you're too dumbed out, "I dunno! Both!" you squeal. He gives you a dangerous smile, "Aw... well, let's go another round and see." he says, making Satoru laugh, "Oh, I don't think she can handle another round. She's too weak."
Suguru just pushes your legs back, slides too deep inside, and coos, "You're right, Satoru. She takes cock like a bitch... we should train her into the perfect cockslut. Aw, look... she's smiling."
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ยฉ arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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