#I'm doing a rewatch and
I've watched a lot of bl, and so far no one has come even close to emiting the sheer amount of horny energy the main ship in SCOY had
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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twyllodrus · 10 months
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bright young things (2003) / good omens parallels
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aimeegbbs · 1 year
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#me at job interviews
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cockworkangels · 10 months
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hey what if i just lost my mind right here right now
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masonjarart · 1 month
absolutely adored dead boy detectives but god did it make me miss when we got more than 8 ep long shows like i love what we got and they did the best with the time they were given but there are so many things that could have been explored if the show had more time to breath
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weaponizedducks · 3 months
jesus fucking christ they were really writing that subtext with a neon pink highlighter weren't they
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mossflower · 1 month
do you guys ever think about raine whispers. five foot nothing insanely competent bard with stage fright. divorced nonbinary wifeguy lesbian committing treason against the throne. they even had a gay little earring
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vcrnons · 2 months
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dandylovesturtles · 10 months
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"Oooh, I'd love to do my lab in this style."
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fuckingguide · 2 years
we don’t talk enough about how great a job parisa fakhri is doing playing marwa, especially considering the restraints of the role. the way her mannerisms and tone of voice get more and more “cutesy” as the episodes go by and her true personality is altered by the djinn’s magic is honestly horror movie material, and she does it really subtly and gradually. i didn’t even notice at first but if you compare her speech in 4x02 to when she asks nandor about the flowers or her parents in 4x06, the change is noticeable, her voice is much more high-pitched. even in the wedding itself, her voice only lowers in register when she mentions she has had doubts about the wedding - the only moment where her real thoughts are coming through. as soon as she starts talking about how a feeling came over her and now she wants what nandor wants, her voice gets higher again. i may be wrong but i get the feeling that’s an acting choice on her part, and it really adds a new layer of depth to her moments on the show
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bloodfreak-boyking · 5 months
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i...i feel like i'm going insane. the parallels, THE PARALLELS. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS PARALLEL THEM WITH ROMANTIC COUPLES IF NOT-
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themarsbar · 5 months
Let me tell you how - as clumsy and awkward as it was - Wille's first conversation with Simon went like it was specifically designed to make Simon fall for him. Like straight to the heart and deadly. Non-survivable event.
Simon is eating alone, no-one's sitting next to him to his right, to his left and in front of him, like people are at best not acknowledging him and at worst actively avoiding him, which they probably are. Wille comes in, sees him and purposefully seeks him out. He wants to sit close to him and talk to him. This is new to Simon and not at all something he'd have expected from "Ers Majestät".
W: "[you don't belong with Forest Ridge] but you're eating with us?" S: "We non-residents have to eat somewhere". Oh, you know Simon was just waiting to sink his teeth into Wille (metaphorically ...for now) and he savors Wille's faux-pas. You can just tell how much he enjoys delivering that comeback.
Wille's counterattack? Deadly. He introduces himself. He's like "I haven't introduced myself, I'm Wilhelm." He's humble, he doesn't assume people know him just because he's a member of the royal family and had a whole welcome party organized just for him like, yesterday. He's just a newcomer and his name is Wilhelm.
"I liked what you said in there, Simon." Simon had the whole class against him right then, teacher included, but Wille appreciates his opinion, he likes that Simon spoke up, even and especially against him. Bonus point, he adds Simon's name at the end of the compliment, because it matters. See, we know Wille was being sincere but Simon regains his footing here because this could potentially sound like a dig, and he's prepared for those so he remarks along the lines of "Oh yeah? So why didn't you say anything?", which brings us to:
"I'm not allowed to talk politics." And it's the way Wille says this, hesitantly, like he's painfully aware of the hypocrisy and he's ashamed of it. It rearranges Simon's view of him because it seems like Wille knows he's part of a bullshit establishment and he's not blissfully partaking of its privileges with no awareness or care. Wille is very much not like Simon had imagined he would be.
And then! Wille goes to leave and he almost drops his fork. Final dart, straight to the heart, Simon's fate is sealed: this guy's goofy.
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And that, my friends, is how you go from Simon's mortal enemy to Simon's crush in the span of less than 2 minutes.
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nimrism · 3 months
constantly thinking about the PERFECT setup supergirl season 1 had to make kara queer;
"oh my god, you're a lesbian" – winn to kara, in the very FIRST episode.
"hell, i wanna date her" – kara, about lucy lane.
"she does kinda give off a sapphic vibe, with that big old butch S chestplate" – leslie willis (livewire) about supergirl.
there were so many other instances in s1 alone, let alone in later seasons when lena showed up (recounting every queer-coded supercorp interaction would require a whole podcast). it was the PERFECT pretext to make her even just a little bit fruity, but the cw just couldn't handle it i guess
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smile-files · 3 months
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not gonna go in depth on my feelings about the finale right now... i'm just so happy for cabby!! :)
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thebroccolination · 5 months
Promare's one of my favorite movies because of character-driven scenes like this.
It just drives home why I find Galo a remarkably fun protagonist to root for, because he's willing to challenge himself and his firmly held beliefs when he has good cause. He's a rescue worker, not a cop, so his core motivation is in helping people, not punitive justice.
I mean, Galo's first confrontation with the cops is more hostile than his confrontation with Lio, the "terrorist" he's there to stop.
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I even love how the two face-offs are animated: the open sky and bright colors on the left and the darker contrast and Galo's shadowed eyes on the right.
And when Galo scoffs at the idea of Burnish needing to eat, Lio just…educates him. (After calmly and reasonably throwing fire in his face.) And Galo apologizes. And that changes things between them.
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I've seen a ton of meta for Promare over the years, so I'm not adding anything new. I just love the character work in this story so much, I always come back to it when I'm designing my own characters.
At the start of the scene, Galo believes unquestioningly in Kray and sees Lio as his enemy.
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But once Lio makes him realize that there are cracks in his understanding of the world, he goes looking for answers.
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Literally in the next scene!
Galo's fucking great. He's an active protagonist who completely changes his worldview by the end of the movie. He's just a model protagonist in that sense, and I love him. <3
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