#I'm fighting for my life rn oml
iwanttobepersephone · 5 months
Just suddenly got hit with the memories of all the times I tried to interact with people and got absolutely and utterly ignored and its so awkward I'm FIGHTING the urge to dissappear for a week
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tulipe-rose · 4 months
In celebration, I screenshotted every single line that caught my attention in 'Dazai's entrance exam', and wrote down notes of my thoughts on it. (This might turn into a series because damn I think too much (it's a blessing lol))
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It's so interesting to see Kunikida's take on Abilities, it's very nicely phrased— important questions that definitely came to mind are mentioned here, only to hit us with the reality that no one has a theoretical explanation on it. Even the way Abilities manifest is a mystery. Some theorize it might be due to a traumatic experience, but no one truly knows.
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OOO Martial arts trivia with Doppo-kun!! (Yeah I can't with myself rn, it's one am, and I decided that since Doppo is the narrator of this LN, I'll bully him a little lot; he made it super easy lmao.)
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Seriously though, imagine the golden age agency members as a whole, (Kunikida, Rampo, Katai, and Yōsano) being fresh, and young adults, but also terrible at handling their funds to the point of losing all of their money every month somehow, and waiting for payday like it's their one lifeline while fighting off loansharks. Fukuzawa decided that it was about time Yōsano, and Rampo handled themselves independently, only to regret it later. Kunikida doesn't know just how his savings just disappear (ehem Rampo ehem), and Katai gets the hang of it sooner rather than later. He was just so used to having Kunikida being the one to manage the money, but once Kunikida started getting busy, he tried to be a little confident, and independent. (Epic fail)
Also justice for the law office, imagine them having to deal with all of the Mafia vs Agency crap to this day. Istg, these people have seen it all
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“ blasphemous book ”
Couldn't agree more omfg– ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
“ perfume of beautiful women! ”
No words. If I start questioning where that came from, I'm afraid it'll spiral into something unpleasant–
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Dazai is as high as the statue of liberty, and it's entertaining oml–
Like, yes Dazai, the anemone is definitely eating the banana, want to have some? I could ask it for you.
We're naked? Whatever floats your titanic, dear. Our approval ratings? Well, I suppose the agency is the best of the best. Oh? I suppose it can never be that simple, but I suppose tights can be a little uncomfortable depending on the material. The bank didn't see it coming, nope, the reaction was worth the uncomfort; I did mess up on the hopak steps a little though, but non of us are perfect, don't you agree?
I'm having too much fun–
Just gotta love how Doppo is just going about his day like Dazai doesn't even exist. Like:
“ That? Figment of your imagination, dear reader; I insist that there definitely isn't a high employee here. Moving on– ”
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“ Why it's a little old pops! He's whispering to me, he's saying ‘Go to Tokyo; in Tokyo they make food with Miso which tastes different, and you need to try i–... ’”
Far fetched, LIKE SUPER DUPER FAR FETCHED, but could this be foreshadowing Dazai's backstory? Hear me out on this!! He's talk about an old pops, which could be referring to someone he viewed as an important, figure in his life; I think it could be an elderly man that came to Dazai's acquaintance before being found by Mōri. The old pops could've been telling Dazai all sorts of stories, and Dazai obviously memorized them all. One of the stories could be about one of pops' travels to Tokyo, where he tried Miso for the first time, and being so infatuated by it, encouraged Dazai to go try it one day. What makes me dead set on this is how Kunikida interrupted Dazai during his drunken speech, which is Asagiri's most common way of revealing/hinting at things.
I should go to sleep (neh.)
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FOUL. DOPPO, THAT WAS FOUL. (But honestly... keep going. He's been so irritating to you, you're rightfully angry)
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Shout out to our part timer Doppo!! Having multiple jobs is such burden, I salute you for your survival, Doppo. I bet most of the kids loved you (some didn't, but you can't have them all)
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Graceful, huh? I don't see it.
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OOO, I didn't see this ever being mentioned!! Like no one talks about it (as far as I've seen)!
I'm nearly certain it was at bar lupin.
I'm making a part two, dw.
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twosomeofcuteness · 3 months
DW Season Finale Thoughts! (Spoilers below the cut)
Sorry, Mrs. Flood is dead???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? She was teased the entire season and now she's just dead? WTF
Kate noooooo I miss you come back
Hey wait a second, where's rose?
Please don't nickname the god of death
What's this weirdo ship. Oh. Thx doc. Aw Mel hugging the tie
"We're on fire" gives me the same vibe as "I'm in danger" and I can't explain why
Great work gang.
Now wait a second cause I thought everyone was supposed to be dead except Ruby (based on the episode description)
goddamn it's 73 yards again
Okay this sutekh stuff is fun and all but can we get to the part where River Song is Ruby's mom and also please can River Song be Ruby's mom and also not dead and please can River come back I miss her
Welp. Everyone's dead ig 'cept these three.
Hey wait if everyone everywhere you landed is dying wouldn't that kill the Vashta Nerada on the library planet? Cause that'd be pretty cool actually
Aw nice the motherfuckers (daleks) are dead. A win.
Hey wait a second, why haven't we seen the daleks this season I kinda miss the mfs
oml doctor stop with the pity party it's gonna be okay
okay actually nvm gimme more of the feral screaming cause that's real as hell
Okay but also where is the fun in everything and everyone being dead? What are you gonna do with the rest of your life now Sutekh???? HUH?? Did you think of that???
Okay okay so Ruby is greater than the doctor that's interesting to know... Maybe cause her mom is River Song child of the TARDIS????? (Guys I really want River to come back, I can't help it)
doc if everyone is dead how are you talking to someone? I am confusion
Oh she dead now.
Ruby answer the time window sweetie
oh damn even the god of death wanna know who Ruby's mom is
NO don't tell her she's human please I need her to be River's kid.
"Love a whistle" is holding hands with "love a tomb" gimme my wife back please
hey guys maybe pay attention cause Mel's not okay rn
no. leave Mel on the tardis please
this is the doctor who show. they can't kill doctor who. not permanently
nope nope, turn that screen around doc don't let me see
yessss send her to keep watch good job
poor mel. Sutekh don't hurt my babyyyy
Mel sweetie you're so strong you can fight him please sweetie
don't give him the name Rubes okay you can do it
literally an empty empire sounds so boring like wtf
Doc keep your mouth shut cause baby you ain't helping
is ruby ruby's mom?
shut up scooby doo
hey it's that guy who died behind the tardis last episode. he's okay now
alright so mrs flood who tf are you?
yes welcome back the ood!!!!!
welome back random woman and her child glad you're okay
yo is doc gonna kill sutekh???
ah lit death is dead... Can River come back now??????
doctor sweetie it's gonna be okay
oh neat Susan Triad you doing great proud of you. lmaooo not with the tea then
hey wait a damn minute give ruby the credit she deserves for saving the world
I'm sure louise is great but I wish she was River.
Nah that signpost thing was silly
lmao mel just pats his arm and walks away that's hilarious
Doc you idiot you can't take the girl to her mom and then expect her not to go in and see her mom
stop my adopted ass can't take this and neither can the doctor's cause he is not doing well.
imagine if that wasn't her though cause that'd be real funny
awkward for that store employee too
oh thank fuck I thought he was gonna abandon her
River didn't come back AND he said goodbye to Ruby wtf is this.
Oml mrs flood who even are you leave me alone already.
In conclusion this is how I currently feel:
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ghost-maya · 2 months
surprising absolutely no one by asking for straw hat vampires BUT ALSO the ghost hunting au!
Posted about Straw Hat Vampires here 🧛 vehehe | (WIP List Ask Game | My Asks)
Ghost Hunting AU is one I really want to get back to but oml I put so much lore into it. I don't have any prose rn so I'll just infodump-
The premise is that Sanji, raised mostly by the Vinsmokes until he was 18, finally manages to escape (with the help of Luffy - that's a whole other thing), bumming it out in the Vinsmoke summer estate they abandoned years ago. Hilariously, people start to think the place is haunted, and call in the local ghost hunters (Goth Fam) to investigate.
One thing leads to another and, because of Sanji's unique abilities, he ends up becoming Zoro's new ghost-hunting partner. Mihawk wants him to help them bring down the Vinsmoke empire because of their terrible experiments on both ghosts and humans, which Sanji is more than happy to agree to.
(My favourite part of the AU so far is that Sanji has to wear iron boots from the castle armoury until they get him fitted with something better to fight ghosts with, so he's like clunkily walking around for a good 2 weeks.)
This is lore I came up with for an original story which I'm self-plagiarizing, but the way to gain "powers" is to have a near-death experience. Judge has been experimenting with this, and has essentially killed and brought his children back to life over and over to the point that 124ji lost their humanity and heavily traumatizing Sanji. Fun stuff!
This AU got way out of hand and there's like several other pirate crews involved so if I do get around to it it'll be a BIG project and have other characters and lots of logistics. We shall see if I have the stamina for it one day 🥲
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whimsywit · 4 years
Hey, it's me again! ^.^ I was wondering if I could order a red velvet truffle this time. As a reminder, here's the info from the previous request (with new info that I forgot to mention on the other one 😅):
I'm a 5'4" tall, straight Virgo girl with brown eyes, glasses (I only need them for distance since my eyes can't focus all too well). My hair color is currently blonde, but I'm dying it platinum blonde (dying it from dark auburn so the color rn is kinda a caramel color). I'm pretty chubby, but I guess not that chubby since I'm not obese but not exactly healthy either....
Let's see... I'm pretty shy at first when meeting knew people, and tend to talk so fast I trip over my words from time to time and get tongue tied (This gets worse around a guy I like and it frustrates me). The more someone gets to know me, the more talkative I become (which doesn't mean I wanna talk all the time, I'd be happy listening to him talk more than me, but I do tend to go into an excited rant like Midoriya if someone brings up something I really like [aka MHA 🤣]). I'm sweet, caring, loyal to a fault but I can be stubborn when I wanna be and insecure (boy with me must have extreme patience)...
I love listening to music, singing (I haven't sang in front of a huge crowd before), reading, writing (though my brain jumps back and forth between ideas, so I haven't exactly finished writing a fanfic yet 😅). I get flustered easily when complimented, so....
Dislikes include bullies (I was bullied myself, so I hate it when other people do it) cheaters (been cheated on in a relationship, no way do I wanna go through it again), alcoholics and drug addicts (I would explain why but I don't wanna get into something that might trigger someone, so I won't get into the details, just know that my biological Dad was one and I've seen what alchohol and drugs can do to someone... It's not pretty)
Talents: I know for sure that singing is one of them (which is one of my hobbies XD) and I'm told I'm a talented writer (writing is also one of my hobbies :3), but given the fact that I have a brain that keeps switching focus on ideas for different fandoms I haven't finished anything yet 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Fears: The list could go on forever.... I have a slight stage fright (I shake a bit until I start singing, but I don't freeze up, never ask me to public speak thou...). I'm insecure as well, so my biggest fear is not being good enough (I can't remember if I already told you if I'm insecure and the boy paired with me is gonne have to be super duper patient 😅)
Aspirations: I really wanna be a singer one day (I'm actually doing voice lessons so I'm on my way there! ^.^) I'm good at writing lyrics but composing music? Not so much XD Oh, I do eventually wanna have a family, just later down the road with the right guy ^.^
I admire someone who is brave, compassionate, loyal to a fault (as loyal as I am ^.^ and I don't mind if he gets a bit protective of me XD)...
But, since I got dragged into too much drama during high school, I hate people who spread rumors for attention, players (people who date multiple people), and I usually stay away from people who are arrogant beyond belief (believing in urself is important, but it becomes a problem if you're over confident, know what I mean?) and people who are conceited (not to say that loving yourself isn't important, it is! I just don't like it when people are obsessed with themselves.... If that made any sense XD)
Anyways, thank you for even reading this and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
OKAY GIRL FIRST OF ALLLLL tysm for all the likes on my stuff, it means so much that you like and support my blog even tho this took forever for me to get to (i really appreciate you for waiting so long btw) 🥺💖💗 Now, for your patiently awaited matchup, I thought you’d be best with...
Izuku Midoriya!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
OOH back to back protag boyfriends, lucky you ;0 It actually took me a while to land on him but I have no idea why, you guys are so similar it hurts in the best way possible oml—
First off, he’s ecstatic to find someone that doesn’t mind his muttering and rambling, even more so when he discovers you do it too! You’re both naturally shy and easily flustered (which makes for some very entertaining scenes when you’re both pining for each other and get all stuttery and flushed, people have full on brought out snacks and watched 👀👀) but it also means you understand one another well, able to comfort and assure the other with ease.
In more ways than one, if you really think about it. Both of you have a history of bullying, a tendency for low self-esteem, daddy issues, gosh your relationship is so mutualistic both of you always know what to say to lift the other up 🥺 On top of all that you also greatly admire each other—Izuku’s the bravest and sweetest guy you know by far, while he thinks you’re incredibly talented in turn. You constantly support each other with your goals, heroism and stardom respectively, fighting back whenever insecurities and doubts start to bleed through because you just care for the other so so deeply, and I’m def starting to sound like a broken record so lemme move onto the zodiac portion asjfakshswajdb
Izuku is a Cancer, a bit more of an emotional sign than Virgos tend to be, but that doesn’t make you guys any less close! The relationship is a very sincere, secure, and down-to-earth one, as along with everything else you have near-identical beliefs and domestic desires (which will make his mom very happy, she’s always wanted grandkids ûwû) so no matter what hiccups you may face, you guys always power through it ^w^
There’s not much else to say lmao, you guys are practically inseparable. All your nights are spent reading together and discussing your writings, yours being stories while his were hero notes, listening to music all the while, until it gets turned down in favor of your voice that sings him to sleep. He much prefers it anyway, and will for the rest of his life〜
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jjuzoir · 5 years
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A/N: damn you really making my heart go monika huh??? ily sm you’re so nice i- 🥺🥺💖💖 i’m all emo now brb gonna cry
To Date Banri Settsu:
- You mean trash man? (I’m so sorry I’m a Juza stan-)
- You guys started dating after you rejected him at least 4 times.
- And I mean reject him, no small giggles like “uwu maybe~” I’m talking; “Lmao no eat a dick”
- He’ll 100% come off as an arrogant little shit who thinks he’s the best thing ever and totally reminds you how lucky you are you’re dating him.
- (Totally says it to discredit the fact he’s head over heels for you, he would absolutely beat anyone up for you if you asked but that’s for another troupe).
- Dating Banri would lowkey be the best and worst thing ever;
- He can be extremely thoughtful and nice, he obviously cares about you to death...
- But you’re also going to be having to babysit him,,, like… literal babysitting.
- You’ll have to get used to having a backpack filled with snacks and first-aid kits, have your phone filled with games for him too.
- This boy does not know how to NOT get into fights, especially when you’re around or when the challenger somehow shoves you into the fight (catcalling, bothering you, etc).
- He has such a short temper it’s legitimately annoying to deal with him outside of the dorm because there Sakyo or Izumi keep him in check.
- He’ll win, the only person who can beat his ass is Juza, but that doesn’t mean he won’t get hurt. He’s strong not made out of iron.
- Get ready to sit him down on a park bench while he eats a popsicle you bought him so he’d shut up while you patch him up.
- “Come on, he had it coming plus I beat his ass real nice-! Aw, shit [Name] stop rubbing the cut so much! You tryin’ to patch me up or kill me?”
- You know how he and Itaru are basically shut in gamer boys? Now you’ve got to deal with Banri and his stinky smelling ass when he shuts himself off playing video games.
- Get ready to get Sakyo and Omi to drag his ass to get a shower.
- You bet your ass he will make you wash his hair, but in return you make him wear boxers with some floaters and now he feels like a toddler.
- Bonus points if you fill up the tub with bubbles and kid toys, that’ll make him extra embarrassed and you bet your ass Tenma and Juza will pay you to let them in.
- “I’m 17, [Name], you don’t have to treat me like a kid!”
- “Maybe stop acting like one??”
- “Can’t believe you’re dating your babysitter Settsu.”
- “Hyodo shut the fuck up before I throw Mr. Duck at you!”
- Juza and you will eventually bond and become best friends, much to Settsu’s distaste, probably over having to deal with his bullshit.
- He’s his roommate and you’re his girlfriend; you’re both basically babysitters (that is until Juza and Banri start fighting and now you’re dealing with two 4 year olds going at it).
- Your relationship is actually a secret to people at both schools you guys attend to; hell, even your family doesn’t know.
- He is known as a delinquent after all…
- You kind of forget that, since he acts so nice and sweet with you; it’s sometimes shocking hearing rumors of your boyfriend almost hospitalizing someone.
- You guys had dinner at your place so he’d meet your parents, classic bad boy meets s/o’s parents for the first time;
- It actually went surprisingly bad at first, he couldn’t stop looking kind of scary and he had a hard time getting along with your folks but eventually you made it out alive and with arrangements for teatime next weekend.
- Would 100% expect you to watch him practice solely for you to praise him over Juza (one time you didn’t and actually congratulated Juza and he went into a whole ass rant that only stopped after you kissed him and dragged him by his hair).
- (Oh please bully his haircut for me! He looks like a mushroom, a stinky geasy mushroom.)
- Everyday activities are now couple activities; especially gaming.
- Washing dishes? It’s a completion and whoever wins chooses the movie you’ll watch later. Helping him do the laundry? Whoever finishes first gets to eat the biggest piece of the desserts Omi made.
- You play multiplayer online games and join his guild and now that’s all you do on weekdays. Except you actually shower, he doesn’t. Disgusting pig.
- You actually spend a lot of time in his room with Juza, and Juza actually enjoys having you over, and even if in the surface he’s annoyed as hell that he steals you away sometimes he’s also realized that you can act as a mediator for their fights and get along with his members.
- “For once Settsu isn’t such a damn bother…”
- You two sleep in the same bed and Juza always keeps in check you don’t act out.
- He doesn’t want to wake up to anything weird, capiche?
- Banri truly does his best to make you happy and you do too, and that’s kind of all he needs in life. Especially since he’s still young, barely 17 with a delinquent image, people forget he’s also human and that he loves and needs love.
- Even if it’s hard sometimes, especially since he’s always claiming to live life in ultra-easy mode; he truly does love you a lot.
- And he reminds you everyday however he can; texts, calls, and dates.
- Sending you flowers, cards; he’s so cheesy sometimes it’s shocking such sweet things come out of such a rough looking fellow.
- He loves taking you out on mall-dates and walks on the park (don’t tell anyone he’s soft like that, he will tickle you until your cry), and his favorite; arcade dates where he’ll be banned because he wins you everything.
-You have to take a 45 minute bus ride to the mall because he’s banned for life because he wins everything, they’ve had to shut down stalls because he got you everything.
- Sure he’s a pain in the ass most of the time, but he’s never bored with you.
- For some reason, he’s more than happy to go into ultra-hard mode for you.
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Cat: Lil floof and if you squint, angst
Agender! Reader was nervous about their internship with Thirteen already, but throw in the sparky porcupine? Anxiety maxed out. But surprisingly, he just isn’t as explosive as usual. (Reader has a fire related quirk)
Y/N remembered when they first decided to try out for cross country.
It was the summer before 8th grade when they vowed to make themself into a person they could like. Their sister had given them a ride to the school, they’d retied their sneakers about fifteen times on the way, and they’d practically had a death grip on that poor plastic water bottle.
They’d been so nervous that they refused to get out of the car. They remembered knowing absolutely nobody on the team, feeling so socially inept because they hadn't talked to anybody all summer. It wasn't until their sister reassured them that they finally found themself unlocking the door.
That's what they thought internships were gonna be like.
But rather than the hellish experience their middle school self endured, it was quite different.
They chose to intern with Thirteen to learn how to use their quirk in rescue scenarios. Thirteen, who they’d recently learned went by xe/xyr pronouns, was a pretty nice person, who took their wall of awkwardness and formality into consideration.
Y/N was finally letting the wall drip down a bit, allowing Thirteen to see their real personality. And the acceptance was nice.
That's why they didn't really mind it when Thirteen said xe needed to drop by Best Jeanist's agency. Something to do with the author and plot lines.
So they followed Thirteen through the building, politely smiling at the passersby they happened to make eye contact with. The two stopped at a door in the building, pushing it open, and just like that feeling of finding someone you know in your home town, Y/N felt like they’d been smacked with frying pan.
Bakugo and Y/N made eye contact from both sides of the room, a silence as his hair sprung back to its normal state.
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If the rest of the Bakusqud were here, Y/N probably would've been able to sneak in a laugh under Mina, Sero, and Kaminari’s cackling, but alas that was not the case. And despite the self destructive ramblings of Y/N’s rather common mental breakdowns, they valued their life.
Best Jeanist sighed as though this weren't the first time this occurred, flicking his comb into his pocket. "Thirteen." He said in greeting. "What brings you here?"
"I just need to do some touch ups on the paperwork for the collab takedown we did last week. Turns out the villains quirk wasn't energy mutation." Xe replied, while Y/N suddenly begun to wish they had Hagakure's quirk instead as Bakugo’s eyes burned into their skull.
"Is that your intern?"
Uh oh.
"Yep," Thirteen said, pushing Y/N forward much to their dismay. "They’ve got quite the quirk."
Best Jeanist hummed in response, having been there in the stadium. He remembered sending them an invite to intern with him after the festival, but he supposed they were searching for something specific.
"You two are in the same class right?" Best Jeanist asked. Y/N stiffened as he acknowledged Bakugo's presence. Without waiting for a response, he carried on, "You two stay here. Thirteen, the reports in my office."
And despite every cell in their body yelling at the two to stay, the door closed behind the two leaving both Bakugo and Y/N in immediate discomfort.
Y/N looked around the room at anything and everything except for Bakugo. They spotted a chair, the only other one in the room placed right across from the blonde porcupine.
With an internal groan, they shuffled over to the chair, sitting uncomfortably still as they pulled out their phone. They stared at the screen, pretending to be doing something while attempting to negotiate a ceasefire with the whatever deity above was listening.
Whatever I did to deserve this, I am so sorry. It'll never happen again, bro, just get me tf outta here rn before my soul skrrt skrrts from my body-
Oh no, now their nose was itchy. The temptation was there, but the risk of drawing attention was even greater. Were they gonna sneeze? Were there tissues in here? Jeez did hearts always beat so loudly? And what is up with the whole breathing thing? It sounds like there's gonna be a whole goddamn tornado-
"Hey. Depressed Flambé."
Y/N hesitantly looked up from their screen, wondering if they placed their funeral plans in an obvious enough location. Top left drawer of their dresser, beneath their will. Dang they forgot to write if they wanted red camellias or white camellias. Surely class 1-A would know they were a red camellias type of lad. And they had to change the song from "Thriller" to "E-Girls Are Ruining My Life", ya know, get with the times-
"I know you're avoiding me. Your damn phone isn't even on." Bakugo's brash voice said, and they suddenly felt like dropping an anvil on their head.
Y/N gave a smile that may as well have said, "I've been caught" and tucked the phone into their pockets where their hands could fidget out of view.
Depressed Flambé, Y/N pondered.
They hadn't thought they had a nickname, they figured since they had barely interacted with him all year that they were in the clear.
Guess not.
Their thoughts and the room stayed radio silent for a bit before they hesitantly spoke up, "Trying out a new hair style?"
"Mention it to the rest of 1-A and I’ll kill you!" He barked defensively, huffing when he saw them flinch almost unnoticeably. "He won't let me patrol with him until I 'reform my appearance' or some bullshit like that."
Y/N nodded, though they didn't really see much difference. He was intimidating either way, one just made him look a little more idiotic. "Some bullshit sounds about right." Y/N replied, trying to let themself relax.
Bakugo seemed content with their response, and once again the two fell into silence. And just like a hand reaching out, they felt their voice wanting to come out, to keep talking, but maybe he didn't want to. Maybe it'd be better to take the chance and have no regrets later? But what if he just told them to shut up? They probably would never get over that. It was probably best if they-
"How's your internship?" Bakugo asked, clearly uncomfortable with asking the question. He wasn't even making eye contact which was supposed to be Y/N’s thing.
By the author's grace, was this the power of those behind the divine fourth wall?
"It's good!" Y/N said, a little too quickly for their liking.
Stupid social anxiety.
"Um, Thirteen's trying to teach me how to use my quirk in rescues." They added slowing their words, before their voice lowered into a murmur. "I just kind of wish I knew that they don't really teach fighting techniques."
"Well why don't you teach yourself?" He asked.
Why do you have such good hearing, they thought. "I mean I tried a while ago, but I wouldn’t know where to start."
"Is the phone you were using to avoid me just for show or can you actually use it? Just look some up or walk yourself to a library."
They really thought it would be like that first day at cross country. Like everyone would be looking at them, judging them, ostracizing them. But it was all their head, just as it was then, just as it was now.
There was a gap of (you guessed it) silence, but this time it was less awkward, more...comfortable.
"It's too bad, Best Jeanist, isn't what you thought he would be." Y/N said.
He hummed in response.
"It seems more like he's trying to change you than train you." They thought aloud.
"It's annoying. I wish he'd finish this damn haircut, so I can skip to the fun part, and kick somebody’s ass."
Y/N snorted audibly. "If it's about getting it to stay, I think I can help."
Bakugo raised an eyebrow, which before may have had them thinking they were on his kill list, but now not so much. "You do hair?"
"I mean, I take care of mine almost every morning, and I'm pretty good with gel at this point so why not?" They shrugged.
"Hurry up then, I don't want to have to do this for any longer than I have to."
"Your hair is surprisingly soft."
"Shut up, Flambé!"
"Seriously, what conditioner do you use?"
"Thanks for stopping by Thirteen, it's been nice." Best Jeanist said, as the two stepped out of his office.
Thirteen replied. "No problem. See you around."
The two turned to the other duo and though neither visibly shown it, the surprise remained present.
"Did you do his hair?" Thirteen asked in mild confusion.
Best Jeanist was past the point of mere confusion, he was borderline baffled. "You fixed it?!"
Y/N tucked away a comb granted by the author, "Magic."
"Are we gonna patrol now or what?" Bakugo asked, a grin tugging at his lips.
Even though it looked borderline evil, Y/N was still pretty proud they made him smile. Even if he looked like he was about commit a homicide.
A/N Feel free to hit me up via anything if you have any requests. Whether it’s headcanons, scenarios, or different pronouns lemme know! I really like writing these and wanna make everybody feel ✨comfy✨💕
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dystovian · 7 years
can u do headcanons for how you think the paladins would "get along" with lotor as an ally?? (that's honestly what i'm most excited for in the next season lol!)
here u go! If there’s anything you don’t like let me know and I’ll be glad to fix it!
•definitely one of the most scared and suspicious of him•but, he’s much more open to accepting him as an ally, considering how smart and how strong he is it could be greatly helpful•silently grateful to him though, Shiro knew exactly what Keith was willing/going to do and Lotor saved him•BUT, doesn’t let anything slide just because of what he did—“look, I’m glad that you saved Keith but that doesn’t mean you can go about doing things and be forgiven for them right away.”
•the two would work absolutely WONDERFUL together, not in terms of friendship but definitely in terms of strategy and combat.•be the first to ask why he’s alone btw•Lotor would get a little ticked but he knows how and when to control his anger—“they are…not with me at the moment. I don’t think they will be ever.”—Lotor is mad butthurt over Acxa and Zethrid and Ezor—I wouldn’t be surprised if the only reason he’s joining their side is because they left, and he wants to be the one to defeat them
•what kind of bs •this boy would genuinely hate him and wouldn’t care that he shows it•would NEVER warm up to Lotor unless he saved his life or something, even then he’d still be insanely cautious•probably be the one to give him dirty looks when handing him/the others their food.—this is so funny to me I can see it rn— just placing bowls of goo in front of everyone and as he is he’s just squinting at Lotor with a straight face—and then when he gives him his bow he does it super slow and just, slides it closer with two of his fingers—“you’re welcome.”
•I think that Lotor would greatly respect Hunk tbh•not right away but once he sees him fighting and what he can do he’d probably use him more to do things•would include him in things that fit his strong suit, the boyo is incredibly strong and smart and isn’t included in much •Lotor would notice that fast•In terms of size and strength Hunk probably reminds him of Zethrid
•don’t think the two of them would ever grow to properly get along•I really can’t see that happening whatsoever •they’d be nice sometimes but Hunk isn’t afraid to speak his mind
•I think we all saw the Voltron Guidebook•jealous of his hair and skin•BUT, once he finds out he’s part Altean he’ll probably say things like:—“lol you’re just shapeshifting to look pretty, that’s called CHEATING, buddy.”
•would stay by Allura even if it meant certain death—would do it because he doesn’t like Lotor and doesn’t want him to do anything to her—but also does it because Lotor is Galra and incredibly evil, so she’s most definitely feeling all kinds of emotions and Lance can’t even imagine how she feels
•I can actually see him getting along with Lotor at some point, I’m not talking BFFs or whatever because Lotor doesn’t seem the type to act like that but—the two would work well together—not 100% compatible but they can definitely grow to agree on plenty of things
•greatly miserable•if I were to recommend something to Team Voltron it’s probably to keep her away from him at all times•just about anything too risky that is said by him could mean murder, but knowing Lotor he might not be the one to die•if he were to LEGITIMATELY switch to the good side and stay there, I feel as though her and his relationship could be improved at some point in time•I mean, considering they’re both Altean, they’ll eventually find this out,—Lotor KNOWS his mother was Honerva, so he had to have been born before the war and before Honerva went wild.—I can guarantee that Lotor met Allura once or twice so once Allura finds that out she’ll be so- man idek how to describe what she’d feel
•besides that, they’d clash a lot, especially during battles (mostly mid battle)—but I think that they could work well together before missions, making up plans and such.—the two can definitely work well together when it comes to combat
•hates him with every single fiber of their being•the type to flame him in their head •wouldn’t work well with him when it came to combat but definitely would when it came to technology —“I say we do this.” Says Lotor“Yeah? Well I say we do this so we don’t DIE, Lotor.”
•”who is this sassy, lost child?”•dislikes Pidge at first definitely, thinks Pidge is pretty annoying and small•but seeing them in battle and being their incredibly intelligent self he’d grow to respect them—doesn’t think Pidge is weak at all. he understands what can happen when you underestimate somebody and it usually never ends well, and he’s wonderful at analyzing people
•respect would (MAYBE) rise once he finds out how long it took for Pidge to find Matt, and their resilience and determination through the whole thing•deems that a wonderful quality, especially considering everyone is currently in a war
•very very cautious at all times•will eventually personally thank him for saving his life, and no doubt would owe him—I can see the scene already in my head oml—Lotor does something that’s very risky and probably could get him killed—and whatever happens and he’s about to die Keith would save him—“thank you.”“I owe you for what you did for me anyway.”—I can’t be the only one who thinks this, the BoM risk their lives for each other all the time and I think that life-saving is greatly respected amongst them
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